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Param Ahmad
03-09-24, 22:56
Oasis Massein
Tv Calle 42 (second letter of the alphabet) # 63 (third letter of the alphabet ) 45
Neighborhood Conquistadores, Medelln

+ 57 323 285-57-62.

Sensual massage.

Up to 285,000 Colombian pesos (2024).

11 am to 7 pm (last appointment 6:00 pm).

Saturday 11 am to 5 pm (last appointment 4?

Closed Sunday.

By appointment.

The web site describes tantalizing options if you do not insist on a "full menu". Calling, I heard a repeating recording.

Has anybody been to this place?

03-10-24, 05:00
How in the world did a taxi driver give you a 50,000 (50 mil) note? What did you give him? The 100 mil note didn't come out until 2016. No one in their right mind should give a taxi driver a 100 mil note. They are odds on to not have change. Common sense applies. Always have a range of small bills in order to pay the taxi driver without needing to get big bills in change. Not so much because of getting fake bills, but because they usually don't have a lot of big bills to give you back. Last thing you want is to have to pull in to some all night cafe to try to get change to pay your driver.I'm willing to bet (correct me if I am wrong knowledge) that the taxista pulled the old cambiazo or switcheroo trick on him. Basically you hand your authentic 50 mil note to the taxi driver to pay your fare and the taxi driver grabs it from you and quickly switches it with a fake 50 mil while you aren't looking (he has it in his sleeve or something). He then hands you back the fake one as if it was your real one and says something along the lines of "amigo este billete parece falso, no tiene otro billete?

Especially if you are a foreigner visiting Medellin for the first time and haven't been in this situation or have limited español nor know how to tell the difference between a fake note and a real note, this will catch the person off guard and make you think you had gotten the counterfeit from somewhere else. Then the person after receiving the fake 50 mil will then pay with another bill and the taxista may or may not short change them to steal even more money.

I literally almost got into a fight with a taxista in May 2022 when he tried to pull that shit on me. I handed a 20 mil to the dude to pay a 16 mil fare and the idiot handed me back a fake 20 mil saying it was falso and asked me for another one. I quickly replied "ese billete no es mio. Usted lo cambió" then the girls and I got out of the taxi and I slammed his car door so hard that it probably damaged something and then the dude sped off. He only got me for 4 mil pesos, my vuelta that I didn't get back.

This is one of the reasons why I don't take taxis anymore. I'd honestly rather fucking walk than take a taxi. But I do like using the metro / metro cable and busses and occasionally picap. I have never met a dishonest bus driver, in fact if you pay for a bus with a 50 mil they will give you back a whole bunch of 2 mil bills.


03-10-24, 14:55
Went to la isla last night. Stuck around for 2 hours looking for my 10 but couldn't find anything. Not even a 9. There were a few 8's but none of them tickled my fancy. I know I know, beauty is subjective. Just unimpressed overall is the point I want to make. Now that the clubs in cartagena closed down, where are all the 9's and 10's going? They are not in la isla. They can't ALL have gone abroad. Did they go to Bogota? Someone lead me on the path to 10's please, money is not an issue.

03-10-24, 15:03
This is yet another reason to only engage them via ride share apps. If they deviate from an approved route you can dispute it. Taxistas will intentionally drive into traffic jams so they can relax while the meter runs and lines their pockets.I have used Indriver (especially from the upper level of the Bogota airport) where it will actually be a yellow taxi that is using the indriver app. As much as I don't like using taxis I will use these indriver taxis thru the app and I have noticed that these taxistas working through the indriver app tend to always be on their P's and Q's.

03-10-24, 15:54
Went to la isla last night. Stuck around for 2 hours looking for my 10 but couldn't find anything. Not even a 9. There were a few 8's but none of them tickled my fancy. I know I know, beauty is subjective. Just unimpressed overall is the point I want to make. Now that the clubs in cartagena closed down, where are all the 9's and 10's going? They are not in la isla. They can't ALL have gone abroad. Did they go to Bogota? Someone lead me on the path to 10's please, money is not an issue.As you noted, beauty is subjected and what is a 9 or 10 to one man is a 7 to another. I recall talking to a guy who was talking about all the 9's and 10's he was seeing and paying a lot of money for and when he showed me the pictures, I didn't think they were 9's and 10's at all. You can't have an objective ratings system when men are looking for different things from girls. Most guys like slim petite girls but some guys like thicker curvier girls. Well a so-called slim petite girl who is a 10 would not be of interest to a guy who likes curvier thick girls. The guy who thinks a particular curvier thick girl is a 10, for a guy who likes slim petite girls only, he would not be interested in that girl at all.

In addition, in terms of facial features, makeup makes a big difference. The same girl who you think is a 7 may be a 9 with the right makeup and also the right outfit. And that 9 or 10 you saw it last night may be a 7 when you wake up in the morning and her makeup is off.

If you ever watch a beauty pageant like Miss Universe, you can easily see the disagreements on who is beautiful. Many times the girls that I think are gorgeous don't make the cut and the girls in the top three, I think may be only sevens.

03-10-24, 16:06
There was a recent YouTube video about a young guy who got robbed and beaten at 2 am in Laureles. He was walking back from La 70 to his Abnb apartment on 72, just a few blocks away. He was approached by a robber and he successfully fought him off. But then four of the robber's friends came over and beat him into unconsciousness. He woke up somewhere in El Centro. For some reason they moved him and dumped him there. I would have thought that they would kidnap him and make him withdraw money but they didn't. The YouTuber is still alive and has a few bruises but otherwise will recover.

In his video he showed where he was and where he was going. Well because I have a death wish, last night, Saturday night, at 11:00 pm, I took that route from the bar to his apartment to check it out. At 11:00 pm On Saturday, they were still a lot of people in restaurants and cafes scattered throughout that street. I still felt relatively safe walking that route. But I can see at 2:00 am On a weekday, the places would be closed and they would be no one else around on the streets. That is the point when it can get dangerous.

Now I was walking around without my phone and I just had $20 in my wallet so I had not much to lose. Another point that some would say is that you should not resist the robbery attempt. But for most people who work hard for a living, it is difficult to just hand over your money to someone who doesn't deserve it. Still, the best course of action is to not carry so much money and leave your good phone in your apartment. So when I was walking late at night as mentioned, the most I would have lost is $20 US.

I can also see that happening to people who live in Airbnbs in Poblado a few quiet blocks away from the bars. One solution of course especially late at night so just take an Uber to get back to your place even if it is just a short distance.

We all go to Medellin to have some fun and being robbed and beaten is not something we want on a trip. So you do have to take precautions and not act as if you are just back home because you're not. Medellin can be at dangerous place if you are not careful.

World Travel 69
03-10-24, 16:17
Oasis Massein (03-09-2024).

Transversal 42 b #63 c-45, Conquistadores. Chicas: _ Prices: 285 p.

Hours: Monday to Friday 11 am to 7 pm, Saturdays 11 am to 5 pm, Closed Sundays.

Tel: + 57 323xxxx7-62.

Oasis Massein
Tv Calle 42 (second letter of the alphabet) # 63 (third letter of the alphabet ) 45
Neighborhood Conquistadores, Medelln

03-10-24, 17:28
As you noted, beauty is subjected and what is a 9 or 10 to one man is a 7 to another. I recall talking to a guy who was talking about all the 9's and 10's he was seeing and paying a lot of money for and when he showed me the pictures, I didn't think they were 9's and 10's at all. You can't have an objective ratings system when men are looking for different things from girls. Most guys like slim petite girls but some guys like thicker curvier girls. Well a so-called slim petite girl who is a 10 would not be of interest to a guy who likes curvier thick girls. The guy who thinks a particular curvier thick girl is a 10, for a guy who likes slim petite girls only, he would not be interested in that girl at all.

In addition, in terms of facial features, makeup makes a big difference. The same girl who you think is a 7 may be a 9 with the right makeup and also the right outfit. And that 9 or 10 you saw it last night may be a 7 when you wake up in the morning and her makeup is off.

If you ever watch a beauty pageant like Miss Universe, you can easily see the disagreements on who is beautiful. Many times the girls that I think are gorgeous don't make the cut and the girls in the top three, I think may be only sevens.This is so true. I showed a buddy a recent video of Parque Lleras on YouTube and his first impression was that there are so many 'hogs' (in his words). Imagine if I showed him a video of the Centro girls. But then again even though we don't see it on video, some of the Centro girls, even the bigger ones, get some business maybe from locals. I would think that if any of these girls did not get even one customer over time, they wouldn't last very long out there just standing around for hours and days for nothing.

03-10-24, 18:05
This is so true. I showed a buddy a recent video of Parque Lleras on YouTube and his first impression was that there are so many 'hogs' (in his words). Imagine if I showed him a video of the Centro girls. But then again even though we don't see it on video, some of the Centro girls, even the bigger ones, get some business maybe from locals. I would think that if any of these girls did not get even one customer over time, they wouldn't last very long out there just standing around for hours and days for nothing.I have wondered the same thing. Who is taking these chubby unattractive older women hanging out in El Centro? There are so many other women who are younger, relatively more attractive or in better shape. It may be the case that they are providing good service to clients and are friendly and kind and the men appreciate the good service that they are providing. Clearly given that they are unattractive or older, they have to be good in bed otherwise I can't see how they are getting any business. As for the thicker girls, there is a market for that physical type and perhaps some of the local men prefer the meatier girls.

03-10-24, 22:06
I meant a 20,000 peso note. Different denomination, same scam. I agree about late night stops to get change. They usually pull up next to another taxista or go to a gas station. Long story short, I hate taxis.

How in the world did a taxi driver give you a 50,000 (50 mil) note? What did you give him? The 100 mil note didn't come out until 2016. No one in their right mind should give a taxi driver a 100 mil note. They are odds on to not have change. Common sense applies. Always have a range of small bills in order to pay the taxi driver without needing to get big bills in change. Not so much because of getting fake bills, but because they usually don't have a lot of big bills to give you back. Last thing you want is to have to pull in to some all night cafe to try to get change to pay your driver.

03-10-24, 22:18
The most dangerous thing in Medellin Colombia.


Follow Along.

03-10-24, 22:27
You may not like Colombian food but Medellin has a lot of good places to eat. Especially in Poblado there is a wide variety of food choices that are global in nature such as Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Peruvian, American, and Japanese. For Americans, there are a lot of very good hamburger, hot dog, fried chicken and pizza. Places. You may not like Colombian food but you don't have to eat Colombian food. I enjoy eating here. There is also a lot of bakeries.

The number one cheap snack I would recommend are the empanadas. Tasty and under a dollar.

Of course a lot guys here are more interested in eating something else but outside of the bedroom, there are some decent places to eat.I eat out every lunch and dinner when in MDE and I never eat Colombian food. Tried it a few times, don't like it. Yes there are many good restaurants in Poblado and you eat at 50-60% of the cost for the same in the USA. The Peruvian food is especially good.

03-10-24, 22:48
I'm willing to bet (correct me if I am wrong knowledge) that the taxista pulled the old cambiazo or switcheroo trick on him. Basically you hand your authentic 50 mil note to the taxi driver to pay your fare and the taxi driver grabs it from you and quickly switches it with a fake 50 mil while you aren't looking (he has it in his sleeve or something). He then hands you back the fake one as if it was your real one and says something along the lines of "amigo este billete parece falso, no tiene otro billete?

Especially if you are a foreigner visiting Medellin for the first time and haven't been in this situation or have limited espaol nor know how to tell the difference between a fake note and a real note, this will catch the person off guard and make you think you had gotten the counterfeit from somewhere else. Then the person after receiving the fake 50 mil will then pay with another bill and the taxista may or may not short change them to steal even more money.

I literally almost got into a fight with a taxista in May 2022 when he tried to pull that shit on me. I handed a 20 mil to the dude to pay a 16 mil fare and the idiot handed me back a fake 20 mil saying it was falso and asked me for another one. I quickly replied "ese billete no es mio. Usted lo cambi" then the girls and I got out of the taxi and I slammed his car door so hard that it probably damaged something and then the dude sped off. He only got me for 4 mil pesos, my vuelta that I didn't get back.
I can hardly imagine paying a taxi driver with a 50 mil bill either. If you go from Nequi in Bello to La Estrella, I doubt you would get a fare up to 50 mil. Not really the point though. People with a lick of common sense keep some 20's 10's 5's and 2's to pay a taxi driver without trying to break a large bill.

Now if you want to say that you prefer one of the services, that is just fine. I like DiDi myself. The advantages are you can see how far off the pickup driver is. The cars are newer and much cleaner and you get an automatic fare set by distance which you can lower if you think you can get it for less.

But just to balance your opinion. I've lived here 5 years, speak Spanish but used to be called "Casper" in the service, so I am an obvious gringo. I have not had a driver try to rip me off in the manner you described. Quite the contrary, I've had drivers accept less when neither of us had change. Some taxis use their phone for GPS others don't. The worse thing I've seen is a driver going off on a non-optimal route and I am happy to speak up. Now I have heard some people here say that getting a cab in Poblado near Parque Lleras is a different animal and that may well be true but I don't fish in those waters.

The ex-pats that I hang with have likewise never mentioned a problem with taxis. One is pretty lazy and speaks less Spanish than a 6 year old. He hands the taxi a card with the address where he wants to go. Even he hasn't ever mentioned a problem.

03-10-24, 22:49
I eat out every lunch and dinner when in MDE and I never eat Colombian food. Tried it a few times, don't like it. Yes there are many good restaurants in Poblado and you eat at 50-60% of the cost for the same in the USA. The Peruvian food is especially good.To each his own, but I for one enjoy comida colombiana.

Black Page
03-10-24, 23:08
She mentioned trying to get a threesome in MDE. I don't think she know is top sex tourism spotAhahahah! You sure? :-D She does not know Google, right?
You might get the (good) surprise of your life.

Black Page
03-10-24, 23:18
Has anyone checked out the streetwalker scene in Mayorista by Itagui? I read there is (or maybe was years ago) a streetwalker scene out there.This year I will be finally back to Medellin, after 5 years I could not enjoy it. I really did ANYTHING at night there, if someone remembers my 10 y old posts. I know my question will sound naif to everyone, but now in 2024 what are major changes after COVID? I am worried to go back and find nothing of the world I was used to know so well.

OK, I read about barricades and their removal in Centro. What is there now? The population of young and old girls at day and night changed a lot? Is the night there still a zoo of glue sniffers? Clubs in Plaza Botero, 53th, etc. Are still the same good ones?

Is Mayorista still active?

I will be grateful to any old reg who will want to share candid impressions. Thanks!

03-10-24, 23:32
As you noted, beauty is subjected and what is a 9 or 10 to one man is a 7 to another. I recall talking to a guy who was talking about all the 9's and 10's he was seeing and paying a lot of money for and when he showed me the pictures, I didn't think they were 9's and 10's at all. You can't have an objective ratings system when men are looking for different things from girls. Most guys like slim petite girls but some guys like thicker curvier girls. Well a so-called slim petite girl who is a 10 would not be of interest to a guy who likes curvier thick girls. The guy who thinks a particular curvier thick girl is a 10, for a guy who likes slim petite girls only, he would not be interested in that girl at all.

In addition, in terms of facial features, makeup makes a big difference. The same girl who you think is a 7 may be a 9 with the right makeup and also the right outfit. And that 9 or 10 you saw it last night may be a 7 when you wake up in the morning and her makeup is off.

If you ever watch a beauty pageant like Miss Universe, you can easily see the disagreements on who is beautiful. Many times the girls that I think are gorgeous don't make the cut and the girls in the top three, I think may be only sevens.While I agree that some discrepancies do exist, the scale itself is intended to be objective. You should be able to rate a girl regardless of your interest in her. I have a friend dating a national beauty contest winner, and even though she is not my type at all, and I have zero interest in her (if she was single), I still would rate her high number, simply because I understand she looks beautiful to many guys. She is fit, takes care of herself, has beautiful face and smile, etc. An ugly chick would never win the contest of that level. Same thing with cars. The fact that you can't afford a Ferrari doesn't make it a shitty car. Or if you can afford it, but just don't like supercars and prefer a respectable Rolls Royce. Ferrari is still a great car desirable by many regardless of what you think about it or what you rate it. The vast majority of people would rate it a very high number. Also, in order to use the scale properly, one has to have experience with hot women, have a good taste in women. If a guy fucks 5's and 6's, or average looking girls, all his life he has no clue of what a true 9 or 10 is. Anyone above a 6 or 7 would be considered HOT by him and the difference between a 7 and 8 for example, would be blurred. I can guarantee, that if you take a newbie from Oklahoma who has been married to an ugly or average chick all his life and bring him to La Isla, he will rate everyone 8's, 9's and 10's.

Param Ahmad
03-11-24, 01:12
Oasis Massein (03-09-2024).

Transversal 42 b #63 c-45, Conquistadores. Chicas: _ Prices: 285 p.

Hours: Monday to Friday 11 am to 7 pm, Saturdays 11 am to 5 pm, Closed Sundays.

Tel: + 57 323xxxx7-62.Please tell us how you prevent this web site's auto correction software from changing the second letter of the alphabet into the word "be" and the third letter of the alphabet into the word "see".

I found a 2 year old Google Earth photo of the address showing FOR LEASE (arrendia) signs, using the address on the Oasis Massein Web site.

Let us know if you find it and what you think of the place.

Fun Luvr
03-11-24, 03:35
Please tell us how you prevent this web site's auto correction software from changing the second letter of the alphabet into the word "be" and the third letter of the alphabet into the word "see".Edit it after you post it. The auto-correct software doesn't change an edited report.

03-11-24, 03:36
I remember you well. LOts has changed. A lot more ballers, weekend warriors and idiots visit than ever before. Prices have been driven up, whether you are talking Mansion, Parque Lleras, Centro, Seeing or whatever. Good deals can still be found, but not as easy as before. I used to go out to eat a lot more and would got to a bar or club to listen to music. I would still do that (although exercising more caution), but don't very much. Happy with my chicas in my apartment with the jacuzzi. I rely a lot more on friends and relatives of girls I know or seeing girls I saw years back who are not actively in the game, but who will still bang you because of the pre-existing "friendship. " Cost of apartments are up (at least in Poblado and Laureles), but you can still find good deals on food, fresh fruit, etc. I used to use taxis, but now exclusively use Ubers or my driver. Scop has been around for decades, but it's use to commit crimes against gringos has escalated quite a bit. The exchange rate, once close to 6,000 is now back to about 4,800. Still good compared to the 2200 rate when I started going 18 years ago and the 1750 low during the GFC.

Good question about Mayorista. I have not been there in probably 10 years or more. At one time, it was a great and inexpensive place to go. Last time I went, not as many chicas and many who may have been less than the age required. Lost interest. But if someone says it's made a revival, I'd love to go back and remember all times.

This year I will be finally back to Medellin, after 5 years I could not enjoy it. I really did ANYTHING at night there, if someone remembers my 10 y old posts. I know my question will sound naif to everyone, but now in 2024 what are major changes after COVID? I am worried to go back and find nothing of the world I was used to know so well.

OK, I read about barricades and their removal in Centro. What is there now? The population of young and old girls at day and night changed a lot? Is the night there still a zoo of glue sniffers? Clubs in Plaza Botero, 53th, etc. Are still the same good ones?

Is Mayorista still active?

I will be grateful to any old reg who will want to share candid impressions. Thanks!

Mr Enternational
03-11-24, 03:39
I have a friend dating a national beauty contest winner, and even though she is not my type at all, and I have zero interest in her (if she was single), I still would rate her high number, simply because I understand she looks beautiful to many guys. She is fit, takes care of herself, has beautiful face and smile, etc. An ugly chick would never win the contest of that level.1 depends on what region and who is hosting the contest. 2. You are trying to make objective your interpretation of what you think other guys find beautiful. Other guys from where, that look how, that have traditionally dated women that look like what?

The winner of Donald Trump's beauty pageant probably will not look the same as the winner of Dr. Umar Johnson's beauty pageant, probably will not look the same as George Lopez's beauty pageant, probably won't look the same as Joe Koy's beauty pageant, probably won't look the same as Russell Peter's beauty pageant. Beauty pageants are not created equal. They are based on a particular proprietor and audience.

03-11-24, 04:22
I can hardly imagine paying a taxi driver with a 50 mil bill either. If you go from Nequi in Bello to La Estrella, I doubt you would get a fare up to 50 mil. Not really the point though. People with a lick of common sense keep some 20's 10's 5's and 2's to pay a taxi driver without trying to break a large bill.

Now if you want to say that you prefer one of the services, that is just fine. I like DiDi myself. The advantages are you can see how far off the pickup driver is. The cars are newer and much cleaner and you get an automatic fare set by distance which you can lower if you think you can get it for less.

But just to balance your opinion. I've lived here 5 years, speak Spanish but used to be called "Casper" in the service, so I am an obvious gringo. I have not had a driver try to rip me off in the manner you described. Quite the contrary, I've had drivers accept less when neither of us had change. Some taxis use their phone for GPS others don't. The worse thing I've seen is a driver going off on a non-optimal route and I am happy to speak up. Now I have heard some people here say that getting a cab in Poblado near Parque Lleras is a different animal and that may well be true but I don't fish in those waters.

The ex-pats that I hang with have likewise never mentioned a problem with taxis. One is pretty lazy and speaks less Spanish than a 6 year old. He hands the taxi a card with the address where he wants to go. Even he hasn't ever mentioned a problem.It happened to me once in Bogota years ago when grabbing a taxi leaving from Montserrate back to Santa Fe and then in Medellin the failed attempt at it which was in 2022. Since then I try to avoid regular non-app taxis.

I said 50mil bcuz knowledge had originally said he got got for a 50mil.. It can be a 20mil or whatever. I assure you though there are taxistas doing that with fake notes..

03-11-24, 06:35
I can hardly imagine paying a taxi driver with a 50 mil bill either. If you go from Nequi in Bello to La Estrella, I doubt you would get a fare up to 50 mil. Not really the point though. People with a lick of common sense keep some 20's 10's 5's and 2's to pay a taxi driver without trying to break a large bill.

Now if you want to say that you prefer one of the services, that is just fine. I like DiDi myself. The advantages are you can see how far off the pickup driver is. The cars are newer and much cleaner and you get an automatic fare set by distance which you can lower if you think you can get it for less.

But just to balance your opinion. I've lived here 5 years, speak Spanish but used to be called "Casper" in the service, so I am an obvious gringo. I have not had a driver try to rip me off in the manner you described. Quite the contrary, I've had drivers accept less when neither of us had change. Some taxis use their phone for GPS others don't. The worse thing I've seen is a driver going off on a non-optimal route and I am happy to speak up. Now I have heard some people here say that getting a cab in Poblado near Parque Lleras is a different animal and that may well be true but I don't fish in those waters.

The ex-pats that I hang with have likewise never mentioned a problem with taxis. One is pretty lazy and speaks less Spanish than a 6 year old. He hands the taxi a card with the address where he wants to go. Even he hasn't ever mentioned a problem.From Parque Lleras I always walked to Parque Poblado to the line of taxis waiting there. I've had a few taxis that hadn't reset the meter, 1 was over 15 k. Had another with a doctored meter. My normal trip cost 6500, but same route was at almost 10 k. Definitely, the Parque Lleras area is the place to be careful with taxis.

Knowing where you're going, the most direct route and having a rough idea of a cost, and having as near as possible exact change.

03-11-24, 06:38
To each his own, but I for one enjoy comida colombiana.Even at home I'm eating Colombian food, cooked by real Colombians, at least once per week. The meat here is better though.

03-11-24, 08:22
Assuming flights wouldn't get canceled, do you think traveling to Medellin when the entire week is filled with Thunderstorms and 60% chance of rain is worth it? Seems like the parque lleras is the main attraction and I'm not sure if it would dead during rain, or perhaps better deals are to be made if not many people are out. What would other options be in this case? Thanks.

Black Page
03-11-24, 13:53
Please tell us how you prevent this web site's auto correction software from changing the second letter of the alphabet into the word "be" and the third letter of the alphabet into the word "see".It's SOOO annoying!

Workaround: upload your report, then spot the auto-correction edits, re-open your report with the edit function, make all changes. The damned auto-correction does not happen on edited text.

Black Page
03-11-24, 14:05
I remember you well. LOts has changed.Thanks for your detailed response.

Indeed, I have no doubt that you do the optimum (enjoy in your jacuzzi with girls you know or their relatives), but that's not achievable by poor me, who I will jump in town for one week, work at day, have only the night to roam around. I hope the Greiff, Berrio and Prado area have been not completely sanitized, LOL.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that most likely I will have a couple of naif colleagues to babysit, that is to take them out only to safe places, because they are really not into seedy environments as me. I should probably take them to CTG and tell them to go bed early in MDE. What would be the best safe night club in MDE? A place for no-brainers?

03-11-24, 14:21
It's not hard to see who takes which girls in the plaza. Anyone interested can watch the girls talk to punters and watch them pair off and head to the hotels. I'm selfish, I focus on me and girls who interest me.

I have wondered the same thing. Who is taking these chubby unattractive older women hanging out in El Centro? There are so many other women who are younger, relatively more attractive or in better shape. It may be the case that they are providing good service to clients and are friendly and kind and the men appreciate the good service that they are providing. Clearly given that they are unattractive or older, they have to be good in bed otherwise I can't see how they are getting any business. As for the thicker girls, there is a market for that physical type and perhaps some of the local men prefer the meatier girls.

03-11-24, 15:15
Welcome back, Plaza Botero / Parque Berrio are pretty much back to pre-pandemic conditions with a few changes. There are a couple of tourist oriented restaurant / cafes with a third due to open soon. The third one is The Social, a popular Provenza bar that serves Colombian pub grub. I believe they are going to take over the restaurant space in the museum. It will be interesting to hear your perspective.

Thanks for your detailed response.

Indeed, I have no doubt that you do the optimum (enjoy in your jacuzzi with girls you know or their relatives), but that's not achievable by poor me, who I will jump in town for one week, work at day, have only the night to roam around. I hope the Greiff, Berrio and Prado area have been not completely sanitized, LOL.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that most likely I will have a couple of naif colleagues to babysit, that is to take them out only to safe places, because they are really not into seedy environments as me. I should probably take them to CTG and tell them to go bed early in MDE. What would be the best safe night club in MDE? A place for no-brainers?

03-11-24, 16:00
It's not hard to see who takes which girls in the plaza. Anyone interested can watch the girls talk to punters and watch them pair off and head to the hotels. I'm selfish, I focus on me and girls who interest me.Well yes and no. It would require that you stand around in that area for a while because the girls can stand around for a while before anyone talks to them. I'm not going to waste my time doing that.

03-11-24, 16:38
The exchange rate, once close to 6,000 is now back to about 4,800. If you're talking about Colombia, the exchange rate is currently 3,911. The exchange rate hasn't been over 4,000 in awhile. When the rate went up to 4,500 a while back, prices were increased accordingly. Prices don't come down though so while they were adjusted up the value of the dollar against the peso has weakened significantly since then while the prices remain higher.

03-11-24, 16:41
Welcome back, Plaza Botero / Parque Berrio are pretty much back to pre-pandemic conditions with a few changes. El Centro is garbage compared to what it was before C19 and much worse compared to several years ago.

03-11-24, 17:14
El Centro is garbage compared to what it was before C19 and much worse compared to several years ago.While I had been to Bogota pre-pandemic I unfortunately didn't discover Medellin until 2020. However I do agree that Centro was much better at the end of 2020 when Colombia first opened back up to international flights and in 2021 as well. 2022 was still better but starting to go downhill. But when those stupid barriers went up in 2023 that's when Centro took a turn for the worst. Hopefully now that the barriers are gone it will be returning to how it used to be. It's only been a few months so it's still evolving but it does feel more open and free like how it used to. Now we just need the quality of the women to go back to where it used to be and we will be all set.

03-11-24, 17:34
If you're talking about Colombia, the exchange rate is currently 3,911. The exchange rate hasn't been over 4,000 in awhile. When the rate went up to 4,500 a while back, prices were increased accordingly. Prices don't come down though so while they were adjusted up the value of the dollar against the peso has weakened significantly since then while the prices remain higher.I was going to call him out on the 6000 and 4800 too but then I reread his post and didn't see where he said dollar anywhere he just said exchange rate, so I deduced that he must be talking about Great British Pounds instead of dollars and a quick Google search confirmed this. Just last week the GBP to COP was in the lower 4900's and it's currently in the low 5000's.

So I'm pretty sure he was referring to GBP to COP when he mentioned 6000 and 4800.

03-11-24, 19:11
Our good friend and underground reporter Osteoknot shared an idea that hasn't been mentioned. If you book your hotels or apartments with booking.com and have some level of history with them you can get a private car from the airport to your residence free of charge. You will of course tip the driver but there is no fee and you don't pay the airport exit fee or tunnel fee either.

The driver will be outside of customs as you go through and will have your name on a sign.

03-11-24, 20:48
Our good friend and underground reporter Osteoknot shared an idea that hasn't been mentioned. If you book your hotels or apartments with booking.com and have some level of history with them you can get a private car from the airport to your residence free of charge. You will of course tip the driver but there is no fee and you don't pay the airport exit fee or tunnel fee either.

The driver will be outside of customs as you go through and will have your name on a sign.I speak for everyone here on the Medellin thread in saying that we miss reading Osteoknot's informative posts and we hope that he is doing well. I have seen those dudes with the signs with names standing by the lower level door that exits out to the bus and taxi area. I always thought it was some expensive shit for rich people LOL.

Husker Dude
03-11-24, 21:08
Just got back last night after 10 day stay. Airport is 3460/$ exchange. Exchanges places around Poblado & Oviedo & Sante Fe malls are 3660/$ and I got 3920 using Davienda ATM declining conversion rate & I'll get the fee back using Schwab card. , so actually 3920+.

03-11-24, 21:17
Just got back last night after 10 day stay. Airport is 3460/$ exchange. Exchanges places around Poblado & Oviedo & Sante Fe malls are 3660/$ and I got 3920 using Davienda ATM declining conversion rate & I'll get the fee back using Schwab card. , so actually 3920+.Davivienda is the only way anyone should be getting money. The rest of the other options are all ripoff plain and simple.

03-11-24, 22:29
I was going to call him out on the 6000 and 4800 too but then I reread his post and didn't see where he said dollar anywhere he just said exchange rate, so I deduced that he must be talking about Great British Pounds instead of dollars and a quick Google search confirmed this. Just last week the GBP to COP was in the lower 4900's and it's currently in the low 5000's.

So I'm pretty sure he was referring to GBP to COP when he mentioned 6000 and 4800.Good catch, if that is the case. As far as the dollar, we have been getting hit since the high around 4,500 as I mentioned. Prices got pegged to that amount and were never recalibrated as the value of the dollar declined. IMO. This has affected everything from real estate to groceries.

03-12-24, 00:10
Good catch, if that is the case. As far as the dollar, we have been getting hit since the high around 4,500 as I mentioned. Prices got pegged to that amount and were never recalibrated as the value of the dollar declined. IMO. This has affected everything from real estate to groceries.Actually the dollar went as high as 5000 cop back in 2022 around the time I got my apartment and was buying furniture and shit. I want to say mid to late summer of 2022 thru beginning of 2023 the dollar was between 4900 and 5100 during that time like Q3 2022 until Q1 2023.

03-12-24, 03:17
The new mayor Fico Gutiérrez is now going after Airbnb and according to this story short-term rentals in residential areas are going to be prohibited within the city of Medellin.


Follow Along.

03-12-24, 03:48
My bad. I hit the wrong keys and failed to proof. Hi was around 5,000 and current is in the high 3000's. But still a great rate compared to when I start going 18 years ago (about 2200-2400) and the all-time low of around 1700-1750. The only good thing about the low rate of 1700-1750 due to the GFC was that a lot of guys could no longer afford to go and the girls were desperate. It was a good time to be a gringo who could pay with the crappy exchange rate. While the higher exchange rate is good in some ways, it's also bad because it's attracted guys who would have never gone otherwise.

Good catch, if that is the case. As far as the dollar, we have been getting hit since the high around 4,500 as I mentioned. Prices got pegged to that amount and were never recalibrated as the value of the dollar declined. IMO. This has affected everything from real estate to groceries.

03-12-24, 04:01
My bad. I hit the wrong keys and failed to proof. Hi was around 5,000 and current is in the high 3000's. But still a great rate compared to when I start going 18 years ago (about 2200-2400) and the all-time low of around 1700-1750. The only good thing about the low rate of 1700-1750 due to the GFC was that a lot of guys could no longer afford to go and the girls were desperate. It was a good time to be a gringo who could pay with the crappy exchange rate. While the higher exchange rate is good in some ways, it's also bad because it's attracted guys who would have never gone otherwise.I guess my critical thinking was wrong then. But as you can see from this chart here the GBP did hit 6000 COP as a high point and recently was around 4800 so you could see how one could think that.

It would be nice to be a British digital nomad getting paid a nice salary in GBP while working from home living in Colombia.

03-12-24, 04:07
The new mayor Fico Gutirrez is now going after Airbnb and according to this story short-term rentals in residential areas are going to be prohibited within the city of Medellin.


Follow Along.Is El Poblado part of Medellin so no more Air bnbs?

Fun Luvr
03-12-24, 04:33
I speak for everyone here on the Medellin thread in saying that we miss reading Osteoknot's informative posts and we hope that he is doing well.You don't speak for me. I'm glad there are no more of his posts.

Param Ahmad
03-12-24, 04:37
Oasis Massein (03-09-2024).

Transversal 42 b #63 c-45, Conquistadores. Chicas: _ Prices: 285 p.

Hours: Monday to Friday 11 am to 7 pm, Saturdays 11 am to 5 pm, Closed Sundays.

Tel: + 57 323xxxx7-62.I walked there using a maps app that shows it on Transversal 42B (I'm not sure about Calle versus Transversal; they seem to be the same) between Carrera 66B & Diagonal 65D.

Mr Enternational
03-12-24, 06:23
The new mayor Fico Gutirrez is now going after Airbnb and according to this story short-term rentals in residential areas are going to be prohibited within the city of Medellin.


Follow Along.One more pitfall in investing in another country. You can not predict when laws will change and you are stuck with your dick in your hand. Wasn't someone the other day talking about how they are about to buy a place to fix up for an airbnb? If this news had come out in another week or 2 then they would have been fucked.

03-12-24, 11:55
Ahahahah! You sure? :-D She does not know Google, right?
You might get the (good) surprise of your life.Nah she's not the type to do that.

Yea anyone can find out MDE is top mongering spot in seconds, but how many casual females travelers are likely to run into that fact on their own. Idk?

03-12-24, 13:20
The new mayor Fico Gutirrez is now going after Airbnb and according to this story short-term rentals in residential areas are going to be prohibited within the city of Medellin.


Follow Along.Little alarmist. I bet the definition of "residential areas" is rather specific and many areas do not qualify as not residential (where the first floors are commercial).

03-12-24, 13:36
Would love to hear from anyone here that has visited and spent some time in Itagui.

It seems to be pretty close to El Poblado, maybe an hour drive?

I am meeting many beautiful chicas on Facebook who are from there. Many will travel to Poblado some won't.

Might be a nice change for a day or so to visit?

03-12-24, 14:54
The licensing rules are not changing. I think the mayor is referring to stronger selected enforcement in response to citizen complaints about high rental rates. Fico is a skillful politician. He keeps up with the opposition and the liberal opposition is behind a campaign that promotes the idea that Airbnb investors are pricing low income residents out of neighborhoods.

Little alarmist. I bet the definition of "residential areas" is rather specific and many areas do not qualify as not residential (where the first floors are commercial).

03-12-24, 15:11
The barriers were 100% the low point since the pandemic. I say this from the perspective of someone who was in Plaza Botero most days during the pandemic, because we weren't allowed to be many other places. Since the barriers were removed, I notice steady improvement. It's not where it used to be yet but the trend is encouraging. Before the barrier I took being able to circulate from behind the church to the front of the plaza for granted. It makes a big difference that all the girls are no longer squeezed into a two street dog leg along the side of and behind the church.

While I had been to Bogota pre-pandemic I unfortunately didn't discover Medellin until 2020. However I do agree that Centro was much better at the end of 2020 when Colombia first opened back up to international flights and in 2021 as well. 2022 was still better but starting to go downhill. But when those stupid barriers went up in 2023 that's when Centro took a turn for the worst. Hopefully now that the barriers are gone it will be returning to how it used to be. It's only been a few months so it's still evolving but it does feel more open and free like how it used to. Now we just need the quality of the women to go back to where it used to be and we will be all set.

03-12-24, 16:28
One more pitfall in investing in another country. You can not predict when laws will change and you are stuck with your dick in your hand. Wasn't someone the other day talking about how they are about to buy a place to fix up for an airbnb? If this news had come out in another week or 2 then they would have been fucked.Exactly. I was going to buy a 3 bedroom apartment / condo in El Poblado. But the property was in probate and one of the 30 heirs would not agree to sell. So I passed. Now I am not going to. My real estate agent says they apartments can be rented by the month. Maybe by the week. But daily rental is out.

03-12-24, 16:47
I believe there are a a couple of reports of how a typical threesome unfolds here. In general, if the girls don't like each other or if there is no genuine chemistry then its sex with one while the other Chica is waiting and then vice versa. At most you can find them rubbing boobs of each other while you are having sex with one of them.

The only time I have had a great threesome was with a chica who is so in love with her female friend Diana. Diana is a typical barrio chica who goes out with foreigners and for 200 each they showed me a good time but it was very fun watching them have sex with each other. Overall, Its certainly is far from how a typical threesome is shown in porn.

I have a different situation. A early fifties woman is traveling for a weekend are and are. I am playing wingman. Showing her around the city. Restaurants, parklleras, tourists spots etc. While I am a certified pussy hound, in this case, I am neither interested in a threesome nor want to be involved in a swinger type of environment with my female friend.

I do want to arrange / offer a male prepago or a young guy who can show her a good time. I know the city very well and I know all types of paisa chicas, different body types to different skills in bed. I just don't know any male gigolos. Only guys I know here are other mongers or local friends who are professionals (lawyers, taxi guys or remote IT guys etc) and other expats. I know this is not Jamaica, which is a known monger destination for older women, but I am sure there is a dick somewhere in MDE doing this work. Jejeje.

I've been to MDE several times using SA, Tinder, FB, and always have an amazing time!

I got married not to long ago and my wife knows I like to travel and knows I have been to Colombia and has always wanted to go too.

Of course she doesn't know I monger. Shhh.

We have had threesomes in sex prison America before, very rarely, never pay for play. My wife is younger attractive and is open minded, that's only why I could get married with her.

She mentioned trying to get a threesome in MDE. I don't think she know is top sex tourism spot, I will be hiding her from all the obvious Lleras working girls as best a possible LOL.

I much rather go to MDE alone but since I am going there with my wife.

03-12-24, 17:03
My bad. I hit the wrong keys and failed to proof. Hi was around 5,000 and current is in the high 3000's. But still a great rate compared to when I start going 18 years ago (about 2200-2400) and the all-time low of around 1700-1750. The only good thing about the low rate of 1700-1750 due to the GFC was that a lot of guys could no longer afford to go and the girls were desperate. It was a good time to be a gringo who could pay with the crappy exchange rate. While the higher exchange rate is good in some ways, it's also bad because it's attracted guys who would have never gone otherwise.The rate went as high as 5,100, but that was very very short lived. It seemed to be 4,500 or slightly north most of the time. However, local prices were increased to offset the devaluation of the peso since many things are imported and paid for in dollars. So, the net effect wasn't really an increase in purchasing power.

El Centro casas, for example, prices were 35,000-40,000 a few years ago for a half hour and some casas had specials were you could get 2 chicas for around that price. Now the casas average around 65,000 for a half hour and that is only for one chica.

03-12-24, 18:41
Would love to hear from anyone here that has visited and spent some time in Itagui.

It seems to be pretty close to El Poblado, maybe an hour drive?

I am meeting many beautiful chicas on Facebook who are from there. Many will travel to Poblado some won't.

Might be a nice change for a day or so to visit?Way less than an hour drive. It's part of the metro area just South and West of Medellin (and Poblado is in the South of Medellin).

Itagui has bad areas and some good areas also. The better areas will be on the Eastern side (bordering Envigado).

03-12-24, 18:52
Way less than an hour drive. It's part of the metro area just South and West of Medellin (and Poblado is in the South of Medellin).

Itagui has bad areas and some good areas also. The better areas will be on the Eastern side (bordering Envigado).Lmao isn't it just like a cpl metro stations past Poblado station? It's literally like 5 min.

03-12-24, 19:21
The rate went as high as 5,100, but that was very very short lived. It seemed to be 4,500 or slightly north most of the time. However, local prices were increased to offset the devaluation of the peso since many things are imported and paid for in dollars. So, the net effect wasn't really an increase in purchasing power.

El Centro casas, for example, prices were 35,000-40,000 a few years ago for a half hour and some casas had specials were you could get 2 chicas for around that price. Now the casas average around 65,000 for a half hour and that is only for one chica.AHh don't remind me, I was in CO the first day of lockdown during pandemic. I remember having smoking dime hotties coming to the crib, staying overnight with BB and facaisl for like $38. I knew at the time I was having super rare era and never again. I used to have one BJ queen come once a week that was like maybe $22 bucks. Ahh the Golden era. I was smashing a new chick 3 x a week for better part of almost a year.

There was alos this weird moment where the prices didn't adjust so I had all this US dollar Buying power and everything was on sale for me. Its weird to think it was like 4 years now however I will always cherish that time.

03-12-24, 19:50
The rate went as high as 5,100, but that was very very short lived. It seemed to be 4,500 or slightly north most of the time. However, local prices were increased to offset the devaluation of the peso since many things are imported and paid for in dollars. So, the net effect wasn't really an increase in purchasing power.

El Centro casas, for example, prices were 35,000-40,000 a few years ago for a half hour and some casas had specials were you could get 2 chicas for around that price. Now the casas average around 65,000 for a half hour and that is only for one chica.After Trump gets reelected it's going to be heading back towards 5100.

03-12-24, 19:51
The barriers were 100% the low point since the pandemic. I say this from the perspective of someone who was in Plaza Botero most days during the pandemic, because we weren't allowed to be many other places. Since the barriers were removed, I notice steady improvement. It's not where it used to be yet but the trend is encouraging. Before the barrier I took being able to circulate from behind the church to the front of the plaza for granted. It makes a big difference that all the girls are no longer squeezed into a two street dog leg along the side of and behind the church.I saw a video of Plaza Botero shot at night when the barriers were up and was kind of shocked on how clean and spacious it was. The people who were there were definitely mostly tourists taking photos with the sculptures without any worries. There were no vendors or other usual centro locals anywhere within the plaza until once outside the barriers. From a tourist point of view, I kind of liked the atmosphere knowing that this was at night time and I would be safe taking photos but I suppose from a local's point of view, it was like being discriminated against from a public space. So I could see both sides here.

03-12-24, 20:20
AHh don't remind me, I was in CO the first day of lockdown during pandemic. I remember having smoking dime hotties coming to the crib, staying overnight with BB and facaisl for like $38. I knew at the time I was having super rare era and never again. I used to have one BJ queen come once a week that was like maybe $22 bucks. Ahh the Golden era. I was smashing a new chick 3 x a week for better part of almost a year.

There was alos this weird moment where the prices didn't adjust so I had all this US dollar Buying power and everything was on sale for me. Its weird to think it was like 4 years now however I will always cherish that time.I've lived full-time in Medellin for almost 7 years now so I remember how things were before, during and after C19.

03-12-24, 20:53
I've lived full-time in Medellin for almost 7 years now so I remember how things were before, during and after C19.Remember pico why cedula where they wouldn't let us into banks or even D1 depending on what day of the week it was and what number your passport or cedula ended in?

Luckily I had my passport book and passport card and one was even and one was odd so I would just switch off depending on what day it was if I needed to go to D1.

03-12-24, 22:32
I believe there are a a couple of reports of how a typical threesome unfolds here. In general, if the girls don't like each other or if there is no genuine chemistry then its sex with one while the other Chica is waiting and then vice versa. At most you can find them rubbing boobs of each other while you are having sex with one of them.

The only time I have had a great threesome was with a chica who is so in love with her female friend Diana. Diana is a typical barrio chica who goes out with foreigners and for 200 each they showed me a good time but it was very fun watching them have sex with each other. Overall, Its certainly is far from how a typical threesome is shown in porn.

I have a different situation. A early fifties woman is traveling for a weekend are and are. I am playing wingman. Showing her around the city. Restaurants, parklleras, tourists spots etc. While I am a certified pussy hound, in this case, I am neither interested in a threesome nor want to be involved in a swinger type of environment with my female friend.

I do want to arrange / offer a male prepago or a young guy who can show her a good time. I know the city very well and I know all types of paisa chicas, different body types to different skills in bed. I just don't know any male gigolos. Only guys I know here are other mongers or local friends who are professionals (lawyers, taxi guys or remote IT guys etc) and other expats. I know this is not Jamaica, which is a known monger destination for older women, but I am sure there is a dick somewhere in MDE doing this work. Jejeje.If you ask any of your female friends they'll more than likely know guys. It's usually young pretty boy gay guys who provide older ladies a service.

03-13-24, 00:32
I've been very pleasantly surprised that the police have kept the roving cart vendors and their blaring speakers out of the plaza. They used to make the area so unpleasant.

I saw a video of Plaza Botero shot at night when the barriers were up and was kind of shocked on how clean and spacious it was. The people who were there were definitely mostly tourists taking photos with the sculptures without any worries. There were no vendors or other usual centro locals anywhere within the plaza until once outside the barriers. From a tourist point of view, I kind of liked the atmosphere knowing that this was at night time and I would be safe taking photos but I suppose from a local's point of view, it was like being discriminated against from a public space. So I could see both sides here.

03-13-24, 01:05
Would love to hear from anyone here that has visited and spent some time in Itagui.

It seems to be pretty close to El Poblado, maybe an hour drive?

I am meeting many beautiful chicas on Facebook who are from there. Many will travel to Poblado some won't.

Might be a nice change for a day or so to visit?Hmmm. Lots of parts of Medellin, and of connected cities such as Itagui. Not sure what you would do there though. Guess you could wander around a bit. The old stroll area in the Mayorista is not much to see, but at night might be interesting still. Not sure. As someone posted it is only a couple of metro stops past Poblado and that would be the fastest way of getting there.

03-13-24, 06:02
I speak for everyone here on the Medellin thread in saying that we miss reading Osteoknot's informative posts and we hope that he is doing well. I have seen those dudes with the signs with names standing by the lower level door that exits out to the bus and taxi area. I always thought it was some expensive shit for rich people LOL.NOOO way pal. Gone & good riddance to Osteo, he took over the forum & most of the board is enslaved to his adventures. Kinda like being enslaved to DJT.

03-13-24, 07:06
Would love to hear from anyone here that has visited and spent some time in Itagui.

It seems to be pretty close to El Poblado, maybe an hour drive?

I am meeting many beautiful chicas on Facebook who are from there. Many will travel to Poblado some won't.

Might be a nice change for a day or so to visit?You could walk to Itagui from Poblado in an hour, on crutches. It's literally on the other side of the river. I used to walk there a few times a week, from Poblado.

Except you're moving from an upscale neighborhood to a much less affluent neighborhood It's no change at all. If a girl won't come to Poblado, a 5-10 minute taxi ride, when traffic isn't bad, you're wasting your time talking to her.

03-13-24, 07:12
I saw a video of Plaza Botero shot at night when the barriers were up and was kind of shocked on how clean and spacious it was. The people who were there were definitely mostly tourists taking photos with the sculptures without any worries. There were no vendors or other usual centro locals anywhere within the plaza until once outside the barriers. From a tourist point of view, I kind of liked the atmosphere knowing that this was at night time and I would be safe taking photos but I suppose from a local's point of view, it was like being discriminated against from a public space. So I could see both sides here.Sunset in Medellin is around 6 pm, year round. There's a huge difference in the area between night at 7 pm and night at 10 pm.

03-13-24, 09:53
Hmmm. Lots of parts of Medellin, and of connected cities such as Itagui. Not sure what you would do there though. Guess you could wander around a bit. The old stroll area in the Mayorista is not much to see, but at night might be interesting still.Wow, that's a place haven't heard about in a along time. That was the place to go or one of the main places to go way back. Plenty of girls were there and you could get them for practically nothing. Now it's like you get what you pay for. You dont pay much you don’t get much. But that's a good question, I wonder how it is there now at night.

03-13-24, 15:16
I got caught doing that by a policeman when he remembered I had been shopping at a Justo & Bueno (remember them?) the day before. I used to alternate my cedula with foreign IDs with even numbers. He let me in but told me not to come back for a week.

Remember pico why cedula where they wouldn't let us into banks or even D1 depending on what day of the week it was and what number your passport or cedula ended in?

Luckily I had my passport book and passport card and one was even and one was odd so I would just switch off depending on what day it was if I needed to go to D1.

Black Page
03-13-24, 16:02
One more pitfall in investing in another country. You can not predict when laws will change and you are stuck with your dick in your hand.This is valid for ANY country, including your (and my, different one) country.

03-13-24, 16:41
I've been very pleasantly surprised that the police have kept the roving cart vendors and their blaring speakers out of the plaza. They used to make the area so unpleasant.I don't mind vendors especially the food ones since it's always interesting for tourists to sample local eats. It's the 'dangerous' folks (pickpocketers, robbers, etc) I hoped they kept away.

03-13-24, 22:52
Remember pico why cedula where they wouldn't let us into banks or even D1 depending on what day of the week it was and what number your passport or cedula ended in?

Luckily I had my passport book and passport card and one was even and one was odd so I would just switch off depending on what day it was if I needed to go to D1.Of course I remember that BS. I hated that. My people back in Florida were talking about some restrictions and I used to tell them they had it easy and didn't know what a real lockdown was because we had it in Colombia. The whole thing was stupid because initially people with dogs could go out everyday but everyone else had to stay indoors. Also, they started letting people go out on certain days to exercise and that was a joke also. The pico thing didn't bother me because I live near 2 supermarkets and was able to stock up but in the beginning just not being able to go out was weird. I'm sure there were people that were still walking around and risking it, but I did read about some tourists that got deported during that time for not following the rules.

Of course in El Centro it was harder to enforce rules because there are so many homeless people and drug addicts. I think this was also the case in many of the barrios where the police don't go anyway.

We also had the Facemask thing longer than some other places and they were still doing it at the airport long after things had died down.

03-15-24, 06:02
Went to la isla last night. Stuck around for 2 hours looking for my 10 but couldn't find anything. Not even a 9. There were a few 8's but none of them tickled my fancy. I know I know, beauty is subjective. Just unimpressed overall is the point I want to make. Now that the clubs in cartagena closed down, where are all the 9's and 10's going? They are not in la isla. They can't ALL have gone abroad. Did they go to Bogota? Someone lead me on the path to 10's please, money is not an issue.In my opinion, They are on webcam, onlyfans etc. Seems there are enough guys to pay them without having to touch them is keeping them out of view (digital accepted). Why don't you pay a gopher to get you the inaccessible 10's? Befriend taxi drivers or some people in gyms. See what they say if they do any or are open to "matchmaking". Of course it is riskier as you are going to have to trust strangers who could easily rob you in the future. As I said, webcam and onlyfans is probably the main culprit why you don't see these hotties out and about. Maybe the gophers have access to some but either way good luck.

If you are still having no luck, Try meeting one of these webcam chicks outside of work since money is not an issue as you say. Use a VPN in Colombia to have full access, and have a go. Aside from the fraud (fake whatsapps, a monitor pretending to respond to WhatsApp messages whilst you think the model is responding) there are models who do meet up if they like you or want your money. There are no guarantees. Definitely, limit how much you tip as you do realize it's their job to suck you dry.

03-15-24, 06:10
I've been to MDE several times using SA, Tinder, FB, and always have an amazing time!

I got married not to long ago and my wife knows I like to travel and knows I have been to Colombia and has always wanted to go too.

Of course she doesn't know I monger. Shhh.

We have had threesomes in sex prison America before, very rarely, never pay for play. My wife is younger attractive and is open minded, that's only why I could get married with her.

She mentioned trying to get a threesome in MDE. I don't think she know is top sex tourism spot, I will be hiding her from all the obvious Lleras working girls as best a possible LOL.

I much rather go to MDE alone but since I am going there with my wife.

Does anyone have experience with threesomes that you bring the girl or would straight girls be down to just my wife fuck them?You don't want your wife catching something from the Lleras chicks. I certainly hope she realizes that they are all working girls. If she's fine with it, and knows the risks great, your conscience won't take a hit if she did. Not sure about lesbian or bi tinder profiles which are not P4P, give it a go. Lastly, hit a lesbian bar with her if the P4P route and tinder etc is dry. Lots of girls in those bars are bi. Good luck! Please do share your experience!

03-15-24, 06:19
I think her jugs, not breasts, may be naturales. Based on those stats alone, I'd retire from the hobby and earn a high paying job at Mcdonalds in the US and have her raise my nepo babies locally.

Back to SA, as far as scams go, are there specific and safe restaurants or places to take these women on the Meet / Greet date, and is it protocol to only send her way the Uber / Taxi itself if necessary, rather than me ever sending her money online to get the ride herself?

Also based on your experiences, what have been the minimum and maximum COP to offer the SA girls? If I wanted a few hours or overnight, or she happens to be extremely attractive etc. It's around 3-500 USD Minimum in the USA on SA unfortunately for a few hours or even less time. Thinking I'd always negotiate online beforehand rather than waiting until meeting in person to discuss payments. But I do like to at least mention upfront I'd give them X amount to reel them in and see what they're looking for.Sweet chick! I'm not on SA, but good luck with her!

03-15-24, 17:26
To pay the fee 3 to 4 times in a year is a bit too much. Has anyone found a better solution like having a multi year visitor visa?

03-16-24, 02:19
I don't mind the vendors themselves. It's their dueling loudspeakers that used to make the plaza a living hell in the late afternoon.

I don't mind vendors especially the food ones since it's always interesting for tourists to sample local eats. It's the 'dangerous' folks (pickpocketers, robbers, etc) I hoped they kept away.

03-16-24, 11:47
To pay the fee 3 to 4 times in a year is a bit too much. Has anyone found a better solution like having a multi year visitor visa?Nope, there is no such visa. Your only solution is to go there less, or go fewer times but stay longer.

03-16-24, 12:39
I don't mind the vendors themselves. It's their dueling loudspeakers that used to make the plaza a living hell in the late afternoon.Those vendors ruin the tour guides jobs because the tourists can not hear the tour guide over the vendor's speakers. Also, it ruins the businesses of the new restaurants and their outside eating. No fun eating a meal next to blaring noise.

Thieves use the vendors to hide behind and to hide the stolen item as they run past. Then if caught they have no stolen item on them. Then 20 minutes later they go find their vendor friend and get their stolen item. Even if the vendor is not their friend they will probably to do so as not to have problems with the groups of thief thugs.

03-16-24, 16:00
Maybe a visa would exempt you from the fee. The thing about visas is they become invalid if you stay out of the country six months or more at a time.

To pay the fee 3 to 4 times in a year is a bit too much. Has anyone found a better solution like having a multi year visitor visa?

03-16-24, 16:12
You don't want your wife catching something from the Lleras chicks. I certainly hope she realizes that they are all working girls. If she's fine with it, and knows the risks great, your conscience won't take a hit if she did. Not sure about lesbian or bi tinder profiles which are not P4P, give it a go. Lastly, hit a lesbian bar with her if the P4P route and tinder etc is dry. Lots of girls in those bars are bi. Good luck! Please do share your experience!I have done Lleras chicks, only with condom, in fact I never do BBFS with any girl not my wife, I don't get y'all who do with these highway mile girls. But to each his own.

Anyone in Lleras would know they are working, we will not be going there at night LOL.

Lesbian bar is not a bad idea, I don't know where to begin, but will look.

03-16-24, 16:15
Is there a consensus on which bank or ATM is the best way to get COP out?

I get all fees reimbursed but the exchange rate on some ATMs suck bad, its better maybe even to take USD and exchange it?

ATMs in Poblado have horrible rates, are there decent ones in the airport? I've seen tons of variation.

03-16-24, 17:02
Nope, there is no such visa. Your only solution is to go there less, or go fewer times but stay longer.This is not true Zeos.

There are several different visas he could get that would grant him access to Colombia for up to 3 years at a time without having to pay the entry fee. Such as the digital nomad visa, the student visa if he enrolls in Spanish classes at an accredited school in Colombia, the pensioners visa if he receives social security or any Canadian equivalent of which is $1000 usd per month or more, etc.

Granted they are not called a "visitor's visa" and maybe that's why you said that one doesn't exist but any of these 3 visas I mentioned can essentially function as a visitors visa because they allow multiple entries per year and they allow you to be outside of Colombia up to 6 months per year, so if he was a frequent traveler going back and forth each month for example, it may save him some money to get o digital nomad visa, for example instead of paying the entry fee every single month that he comes down.

03-16-24, 18:38
Here's some more details on the evolving situation with the Airbnb rentals in Medellin:


Follow Along.

03-16-24, 18:43
Yes, it is true. I visited Medellin for 9 days and was not drugged or robbed or kidnapped. My wallet and phone is still with me here at home. Now, I will say that I stayed in a hotel with security and did not walk around late at night drunk.

Attractive girls visited my hotel room, had sex with me and did not drug me but they did take away precious fluids from my body when they left. No one turned out to be a ladyboy. I enjoyed my sessions with all the girls but this was my sixth trip in the past year and a half so I have been learning from my mistakes.

I withdrew money from the ATMs and had no problems. The food was generally acceptable and I did not have food poisoning.

All in all, it was a good trip. No real complaints.

03-16-24, 19:45
To pay the fee 3 to 4 times in a year is a bit too much. Has anyone found a better solution like having a multi year visitor visa?Get an European passport. It's easy for Canadians. Look into your ancestry. That's how I got my Italian passport.

03-16-24, 21:33
In recent years, this has come to define a "good trip" for me too. In the day, I used to go out to bars, particularly Lleras. No more. I stay in the apartment, enjoy my chicas and the jacuzzi, watch Netflix, read. Occasionally I uber out to eat or to the mall, otherwise Rappi. I see 2-3 girls a day, so that keeps me pretty busy enough. Knock on wood, I've never been robbed or drugged or had my stuff stolen. I have always been careful in MDE, but now much more so, unless perhaps I am out with a local girl I trust.

If you want to a hang out in the street all night, go to the wrong barrio alone or with other gringos, flash your jewelry and money, be loud and obnoxious, pick up girls on the street at night, get drunk or high in public. More power to you, but good luck. Try not to get killed.

Yes, it is true. I visited Medellin for 9 days and was not drugged or robbed or kidnapped. My wallet and phone is still with me here at home. Now, I will say that I stayed in a hotel with security and did not walk around late at night drunk.

Attractive girls visited my hotel room, had sex with me and did not drug me but they did take away precious fluids from my body when they left. No one turned out to be a ladyboy. I enjoyed my sessions with all the girls but this was my sixth trip in the past year and a half so I have been learning from my mistakes.

I withdrew money from the ATMs and had no problems. The food was generally acceptable and I did not have food poisoning.

All in all, it was a good trip. No real complaints.

03-16-24, 22:14
Yes, it is true. I visited Medellin for 9 days and was not drugged or robbed or kidnapped. My wallet and phone is still with me here at home. Now, I will say that I stayed in a hotel with security and did not walk around late at night drunk.

Attractive girls visited my hotel room, had sex with me and did not drug me but they did take away precious fluids from my body when they left. No one turned out to be a ladyboy. I enjoyed my sessions with all the girls but this was my sixth trip in the past year and a half so I have been learning from my mistakes.

If you bareback like some of these dudes, might want to hold off the celebration until you get your blood work done.

Husker Dude
03-16-24, 22:27
Is there a consensus on which bank or ATM is the best way to get COP out?

I get all fees reimbursed but the exchange rate on some ATMs suck bad, its better maybe even to take USD and exchange it?

ATMs in Poblado have horrible rates, are there decent ones in the airport? I've seen tons of variation.I was just in Poblado last week and got 3900+ before refunded fees from Schwab at Davienda. They let you draw 2 million too. Cash exchange places only giving 3660.

03-16-24, 23:23
Is there a consensus on which bank or ATM is the best way to get COP out?

I get all fees reimbursed but the exchange rate on some ATMs suck bad, its better maybe even to take USD and exchange it?

ATMs in Poblado have horrible rates, are there decent ones in the airport? I've seen tons of variation.Did you try western union or remitly? For example, remitly charges $3. 99 anything under $500. Anything over $500 to Colombia is $0. As of 6:21 pm EST, March 16,2024 the rate is 3,883 to $1 USD if using remitly.

03-17-24, 01:01
Eros / Castellana in Laureles, is this place closed? I went there today and the portero stopped me, when I told him where I was going, he said no esta aqui? Have they moved to a new place?

03-17-24, 01:03
If you bareback like some of these dudes, might want to hold off the celebration until you get your blood work done.I've barebacked many Paisas clean bill of health I get std tests every 4 mos just to show girls I'm clean so I can bareback more.

03-17-24, 01:09
Now that the clubs in cartagena closed down, where are all the 9's and 10's going? They are not in la isla. They can't ALL have gone abroad. Did they go to Bogota? Someone lead me on the path to 10's please, money is not an issue.Few go to dudes like me that give them a weekly allowance for in my 4 girl rotation of GFE baddies. I know a few 9's 1 or 2 10's I've haven't gotten to, that do get flown to European countries by old rich men and a few that make 2-3 trips to Dubai a year. But to answer your question they definitely aren't going to your Spirit Air weekend warrior broke lleras mongers. Theyre using instagram and dating apps to net their sugar daddies because it def pays more in the long run.

03-17-24, 02:05
In general, I enjoy the atmosphere of strip clubs. What are some recommendations on places that are enjoyable and have good looking ladies with some good prices.

03-17-24, 12:42
Thanks both of you for sharing the details of alternative visas. I was hoping to find a simple multi year multi entry tourist visa but obviously it does not exist.

I had some idea about the three other visas mentioned by Gabaho but can't stay in Colombia for 6 months. My Amigas in other countries will miss me. I mean my $$.

Sucks to be a Canadian.

Nope, there is no such visa. Your only solution is to go there less, or go fewer times but stay longer.

This is not true Zeos.

There are several different visas he could get that would grant him access to Colombia for up to 3 years at a time without having to pay the entry fee. Such as the digital nomad visa, the student visa if he enrolls in Spanish classes at an accredited school in Colombia, the pensioners visa if he receives social security or any Canadian equivalent of which is $1000 usd per month or more, etc.

Granted they are not called a "visitor's visa" and maybe that's why you said that one doesn't exist but any of these 3 visas I mentioned can essentially function as a visitors visa because they allow multiple entries per year and they allow you to be outside of Colombia up to 6 months per year, so if he was a frequent traveler going back and forth each month for example, it may save him some money to get o digital nomad visa, for example instead of paying the entry fee every single month that he comes down.

03-17-24, 15:29
Thanks both of you for sharing the details of alternative visas. I was hoping to find a simple multi year multi entry tourist visa but obviously it does not exist.

I had some idea about the three other visas mentioned by Gabaho but can't stay in Colombia for 6 months. My Amigas in other countries will miss me. I mean my $$.

Sucks to be a Canadian.It would be interesting to know if they do or do not charge the reciprocity fee to Canadians who have some sort of residency visa such as those you describe. One would still be entering on a Canadian passport, however as a legal resident. So I don't know. When you are in line to enter the country you are sent to the other line if you have a Canadian passport. An interesting question.

03-17-24, 18:41
In general, I enjoy the atmosphere of strip clubs. What are some recommendations on places that are enjoyable and have good looking ladies with some good prices.Strip clubs in Colombia are an entirely different animal then those of the states.

It's basically a bordello that has a stage show. But check out.

La Isle which is like upscale, big, lots of room, lots of girls, stage shows, lights, rooms etc.

Other one is fase dos, a bit down tier but just as good.

03-17-24, 19:36
I've barebacked many Paisas clean bill of health I get std tests every 4 mos just to show girls I'm clean so I can bareback more.It's probably more of a risk if you are barebacking Venezolanas. For the most part Paisas are clean.

03-17-24, 22:45
It would be interesting to know if they do or do not charge the reciprocity fee to Canadians who have some sort of residency visa such as those you describe. One would still be entering on a Canadian passport, however as a legal resident. So I don't know. When you are in line to enter the country you are sent to the other line if you have a Canadian passport. An interesting question.Well seeing as you have to pay a fee in order to get the visa and the visa grants you unlimited entries and exits during the validity period of the visa it wouldn't make sense to also charge him the reciprocity fee since he already paid for the visa. I think the reciprocity fee is specifically for tourists entering on a 90 day tourist stamp with a Canadian passport.

03-18-24, 01:20
Thanks for the tips, I'll check them out. Do you happen to know what prices to expect at those two?

Strip clubs in Colombia are an entirely different animal then those of the states.

It's bascially a bordello that has a stage show. But check out.

La Isle which is like upscale, big, lots of room, lots of girls, stage shows, lights, rooms etc.

Other one is fase dos, a bit down tier but just as good.

03-18-24, 02:01
My trip is finally coming up at the end of the week so I thought I'd hit up the group to see if anyone had any advice for me on Sunday? I arrive early Saturday morning and I leave midday on Tuesday. Trying to maximize my time and with one of those days being a Sunday I'd like to do what I can (even though I know it won't be the typical mongering day). Also, if anyone is around and wants to grab a drink or hit up some spots let me know.

Unfortunately for me I am deadlocked into being in Medellin on Sunday and would still like to monger as much as possible. Does anyone have any recommendations on where to go or how to find some decent quality?

03-18-24, 02:44
Major nightclub was shut down last night in Lleras. Airbnb updates, DCBornRob, Medellin Tourism etc.


Timestamp: 10:10. Video footage of nightclub and lleras getting shutdown (Credits to Passport Dog)

03-18-24, 04:09
Major nightclub was shut down last night in Lleras. Airbnb updates, DCBornRob, Medellin Tourism etc.


Timestamp: 10:10. Video footage of nightclub and lleras getting shutdown (Credits to Passport Dog)Sounds like a lot of misinformation here. Until there is something official from a credible news source such as Minuto30, El Colombiano, or BluRadio then we can't just jump to conclusions.

I'm not saying the footage isn't real or it's AI like how they were saying in the video, but it may just be shut down for a day or two for some fixable violations they need to fix and then reopen again. To say that it's permanently shut down just based off this video footage is premature.

I don't frequent Poblado or Parque Lleras but I know there's a lot of money involved in those businesses down there and I'd assume they aren't going to just shut it down permanently without a lot of push back from the business owners.

03-18-24, 06:04
Thanks both of you for sharing the details of alternative visas. I was hoping to find a simple multi year multi entry tourist visa but obviously it does not exist.

I had some idea about the three other visas mentioned by Gabaho but can't stay in Colombia for 6 months. My Amigas in other countries will miss me. I mean my $$.

Sucks to be a Canadian.Unless it has changed, you can get a 6 month student visa by prepaying for 3 months of classes. You can take the classes anytime in the 6 month period.

For example, you can sign up for 3 months of Spanish classes at EAFIT. The intense classes only last 2 weeks, 4 hours per day. You can do 2 weeks, leave, return later, take another 2 weeks, etc. Before the 6 months is up, sign up for 3 more. You can do that for as long as you want.

03-18-24, 08:11
Sounds like a lot of misinformation here.Must be a market for people that get their information from a DC Bama on Youtube instead of reading or watching the primary sources of information in Colombia.

03-18-24, 13:44
To pay the fee 3 to 4 times in a year is a bit too much. Has anyone found a better solution like having a multi year visitor visa?Write to your representative? Ask them to drop the fee they charge colombians to visit Canada. Canada started the fee war first, Colombia is just retaliating to encourage Canada to drop their fee.

03-18-24, 15:51
Write to your representative? Ask them to drop the fee they charge colombians to visit Canada. Canada started the fee war first, Colombia is just retaliating to encourage Canada to drop their fee.The issue is that Colombians need a visitor visa to Canada. Same as for the US. But Colombia charges Canadians a fee to be somewhat equivalent to what a visitor visa would cost a Colombian. They don't do that for US passport holders because they could not get away with it. And Canada is not in a position to waive the requirement for a visa as we did that for a while for Mexico and the US objected to it.

Mr Enternational
03-18-24, 16:31
But Colombia charges Canadians a fee to be somewhat equivalent to what a visitor visa would cost a Colombian. They don't do that for US passport holders because they could not get away with it.How could they not get away with it when there are already many other countries that do? I recently had to purchase one for Ethiopia, Seychelles, and Kenya, along with a visa for Brazil. Seems other places are getting away with it just fine to me.

03-18-24, 18:18
How could they not get away with it when there are already many other countries that do? I recently had to purchase one for Ethiopia, Seychelles, and Kenya, along with a visa for Brazil. Seems other places are getting away with it just fine to me.If I'm not mistaken Colombia receives millions if not billions of dollars from the US government every year in the form of defense funding, weapons, munitions, and even military training to help combat the guerilla fighters such as the FARC disidents and EZN as well as to eradicate coca farms.

Perhaps the US threatened to stop the funding if they were to impose reciprocity fees on us.

03-18-24, 18:51
This was reported today on the news and is very disheartening.

Makes you wonder how many incidents of violence and robberies of foreigners are actually happening in Medellin.

Probably in the hundreds thus far in Medellin this year not including unreported incidents as well.

I hope this doesn't become a new stigma for the City if it continues unchecked.

Maybe it already has.

03-18-24, 19:00
How could they not get away with it when there are already many other countries that do? I recently had to purchase one for Ethiopia, Seychelles, and Kenya, along with a visa for Brazil. Seems other places are getting away with it just fine to me.This is from nearly 20 years ago so I'm sure the numbers are much larger now but look at the amount of money Colombia receives (Andean Region) versus the amount of money Brazil receives from the US government.

This most likely plays a role in why Brazil would be more willing to charge US citizens a reciprocity fee and Colombia wouldn't want to. Colombia has a lot more to lose if they piss off the US.

I fact I think Colombia is the largest recipient of US foreign aid in all of Latin America. Behind only a few other countries such as Isreal and some others in the middle east.

03-19-24, 08:55
How could they not get away with it when there are already many other countries that do? I recently had to purchase one for Ethiopia, Seychelles, and Kenya, along with a visa for Brazil. Seems other places are getting away with it just fine to me.All I am saying is that the country Colombia does not charge Americans a reciprocity fee on entry even though the process a Colombian needs to use to get a US visitor visa is no easier or cheaper than that for entering Canada. So they have chosen to not treat Americans in the same way. I only speculate on why. And perhaps it is because the cost to their economy or to their tourism industry might be too high if they did. So that is all I am saying. I don't have any inside information on it. Just an opinion or a guess on that part.

03-19-24, 13:46
This is from nearly 20 years ago so I'm sure the numbers are much larger now but look at the amount of money Colombia receives (Andean Region) versus the amount of money Brazil receives from the US government.

This most likely plays a role in why Brazil would be more willing to charge US citizens a reciprocity fee and Colombia wouldn't want to. Colombia has a lot more to lose if they piss off the US.

I fact I think Colombia is the largest recipient of US foreign aid in all of Latin America. Behind only a few other countries such as Isreal and some others in the middle east.I found the up to date numbers specifically for Colombia. So for Fiscal year 2024 the Biden administration is giving Colombia $444 Million USD however this is less than they have given Colombia in previous years, due to the Petro government's decision to shift away from coca farm eradication.

I highly doubt Canada is sending Colombia $444 million USD per year. That's probably like Canada's whole GDP LOL.

So anyways this is most likely a determining factor in why the Colombian government would treat Canadians and Americans differently and why a country like Brazil wouldn't care since they don't receive much money anyways.

An unrelated question in all of this would be why is the US sending all this money to foreign governments while at the same time running a $34 trillion USD national debt that keeps growing each year?

03-19-24, 18:28
An unrelated question in all of this would be why is the US sending all this money to foreign governments while at the same time running a $34 trillion USD national debt that keeps growing each year?Foreign aid is a drop in the bucket of the federal budget and arguably provides the best bang for the buck. Aid does many things; Direct projection of power and influence, improves national security, fosters diplomatic relationships, promotes economic interest (e. G. Money comes back to us in trade deals), and other things. America's global hegemony is bolstered and secured by minuscule (to the American budget) investments in other countries that reaps benefits in terms of trade deals and influence.

For more information, see China's Belt and Road initiative for a much more explicit example of how foreign investment is used to prop up one's own interests. Also, see China's foreign investment to understand why America's aid in integral to ensuring America's hegemony and status as global leader and why America would choose to do it. But, I guess some would debate would why America should be the global hegemon as opposed to regimes in China or Russia.

03-19-24, 19:50
Foreign aid is a drop in the bucket of the federal budget and arguably provides the best bang for the buck. Aid does many things; Direct projection of power and influence, improves national security, fosters diplomatic relationships, promotes economic interest (e. G. Money comes back to us in trade deals), and other things. America's global hegemony is bolstered and secured by minuscule (to the American budget) investments in other countries that reaps benefits in terms of trade deals and influence.

For more information, see China's Belt and Road initiative for a much more explicit example of how foreign investment is used to prop up one's own interests. Also, see China's foreign investment to understand why America's aid in integral to ensuring America's hegemony and status as global leader and why America would choose to do it. But, I guess some would debate would why America should be the global hegemon as opposed to regimes in China or Russia.The US gets back ten fold the money it gives in 'aid' mostly in trade deals and access to resources.

03-19-24, 20:20
Went to la isla last night. Stuck around for 2 hours looking for my 10 but couldn't find anything. Not even a 9. There were a few 8's but none of them tickled my fancy. I know I know, beauty is subjective. Just unimpressed overall is the point I want to make. Now that the clubs in cartagena closed down, where are all the 9's and 10's going? They are not in la isla. They can't ALL have gone abroad. Did they go to Bogota? Someone lead me on the path to 10's please, money is not an issue.Went last Saturday night, it was pretty much the same thing. Also I was a bit disappointed by the amount of ladies working on Saturday night, the club was not even half full. Also there were not that many visitors, I do think that the room charge to 600 k has not been a smart move, the place seems more quite ever since. Then again, I also went yesterday (Monday) and I actually felt there were a few more hotties. Went with a girl I had went with a few times, she's one of the older ones I guess, I'd say about 40, her ass is a bit saggy but she has very horny eyes, strokes my cock inside the club, so she's hard to resist in combination with those horny eyes LOL. Sex was quite good, but when I came, she also pretended to come, at least so I thought, she really overdid it in my experience which I felt is a turnoff, nobody screams that hard and intense when they come so it felt like she was really overdoing it, trying to fake an orgasm. However then I saw that she actually had squirted all over me, she looked at me all embarassed and apologized, haha, so that was fun. So, still a great night but yeah I do feel La Isla used to be better.

03-19-24, 23:46
Went last Saturday night, it was pretty much the same thing. Also I was a bit disappointed by the amount of ladies working on Saturday night, the club was not even half full. Also there were not that many visitors, I do think that the room charge to 600 k has not been a smart move, the place seems more quite ever since. Then again, I also went yesterday (Monday) and I actually felt there were a few more hotties. Went with a girl I had went with a few times, she's one of the older ones I guess, I'd say about 40, her ass is a bit saggy but she has very horny eyes, strokes my cock inside the club, so she's hard to resist in combination with those horny eyes LOL. Sex was quite good, but when I came, she also pretended to come, at least so I thought, she really overdid it in my experience which I felt is a turnoff, nobody screams that hard and intense when they come so it felt like she was really overdoing it, trying to fake an orgasm. However then I saw that she actually had squirted all over me, she looked at me all embarassed and apologized, haha, so that was fun. So, still a great night but yeah I do feel La Isla used to be better.Thanks for your feedback on La Isla. Just to confirm, was the $600 K just for the room or was this inclusive with the girl? If not, how much was the girl?

03-20-24, 01:15
Thanks for your feedback on La Isla. Just to confirm, was the $600 K just for the room or was this inclusive with the girl? If not, how much was the girl?Room + girl. Then add drinks + tipping of the girl and yeah, it's become expensive for sure. I actually talked about this with the girl I was yesterday, she said the same thing, that the move to 600 k hasn't been a good decision. Less visitors since and even less sex so less income for the club and the girls.

03-20-24, 01:36
All I am saying is that the country Colombia does not charge Americans a reciprocity fee on entry even though the process a Colombian needs to use to get a US visitor visa is no easier or cheaper than that for entering Canada. So they have chosen to not treat Americans in the same way. I only speculate on why. And perhaps it is because the cost to their economy or to their tourism industry might be too high if they did. So that is all I am saying. I don't have any inside information on it. Just an opinion or a guess on that part.https://unidad-administrativa-especial-migracion-colombia.micolombiadigital.gov.co/sites/unidad-administrativa-especial-migracion-colombia/content/files/000145/7242_resolucion-2676-de-2023.pdf

BTW there is evidence that Colombian Immigration has certain autonomy in its decisions from the government.


03-20-24, 03:06
Where are the best places to get uncovered BJ's and what's the cost? Looking for as many places as you can think of.

03-20-24, 05:22
Room + girl. Then add drinks + tipping of the girl and yeah, it's become expensive for sure. I actually talked about this with the girl I was yesterday, she said the same thing, that the move to 600 k hasn't been a good decision. Less visitors since and even less sex so less income for the club and the girls.So La Isla is more expensive than Loutron at $400 K and probably a lot noisier too given the strip club environment. Wonder how the rates at Fase Dos compare?

Mr Enternational
03-20-24, 05:35
Room + girl. Then add drinks + tipping of the girl and yeah, it's become expensive for sure. I actually talked about this with the girl I was yesterday, she said the same thing, that the move to 600 k hasn't been a good decision. Less visitors since and even less sex so less income for the club and the girls.Damn. What happened to the mongers whose time is worth more than the 600 K? Maybe their time was only worth the 400 K that it was before. Cheap Charlies.

03-20-24, 15:33
Where are the best places to get uncovered BJ's and what's the cost? Looking for as many places as you can think of.It's luck of the draw in a casa you are better off with an independant from photoprepago or milerotics. However if you go to Energy for instance you will see prices between 50 K-100 K (more girls charrging 100 K now which I think is too much) BUT with casa you can't negotitate until you are in the room with them.

Better off looking for oral naturale on the sites with with indepdnats.

Nil Admirari
03-20-24, 19:07
It's luck of the draw in a casa you are better off with an independant from photoprepago or milerotics. However if you go to Energy for instance you will see prices between 50 K-100 K (more girls charrging 100 K now which I think is too much) BUT with casa you can't negotitate until you are in the room with them.
Better off looking for oral naturale on the sites with with indepdnats.

Not true. As I've mentioned on this thread several times, in the casas I always ask the mamasan in charge if I can talk to the chica of my choice in private before committing and going to the room--and have never been turned down. Usually find a quite spot in the waiting room and negotiate extras like mamada natural (BBBJ) and besos con la lengua (DFK) in advance.

Also, since I usually am only visiting casas in search of a "hidden gem" to audition for a longer term relationship, before going to the room I'll often confirm that, if we have good chemistry in the sack, they will share their WHATSAPP contact and be available to visit me in my apartment--and have an ID that meets my building's strict requirements.

If, after this interview, we don't agree--or I don't get a good vibe (sense of her personality), I say thanks, pay the viewing fee, and move on.

03-20-24, 19:24
Where are the best places to get uncovered BJ's and what's the cost? Looking for as many places as you can think of.There are no "places" and no standard cost. Its something you will have to negotiate or find out with each chica.

03-20-24, 21:26
Where are the best places to get uncovered BJ's and what's the cost? Looking for as many places as you can think of.As far as the regular casa's the standard going is rate is 50 k. Of course you don't out right give them that you ask for sin condom and maybe you can get it gratis as part as the initial fee or a lot less than 50 k. With my experience you don't go above the standard price because usually, if not always, its a shitty BBBJ most likely because they don't like doing it or they have a problem with they do it only for a minute or whatever. But as far as the standard for SW's (el Centro) maybe someone else can comment on that but it's probably around the same price. Higher end casa's like energy I been quoted 150 k or 200 k and of course I opt out. Not taking that risk, especially when its more than the actual service. The best BBBJ I received at these places was either part of the service or I got for practically nothing, so its true the best things in life are free at least in this case.

03-20-24, 23:39
So La Isla is more expensive than Loutron at $400 K and probably a lot noisier too given the strip club environment. Wonder how the rates at Fase Dos compare?Loutron used to be about the same price as La Isla, maybe a little more. Both were under 300 K FaseII was about half of that. The price changed because they now attract different customers.

Iguana Six
03-21-24, 01:16
If I'm not mistaken Colombia receives millions if not billions of dollars from the US government every year in the form of defense funding, weapons, munitions, and even military training to help combat the guerilla fighters such as the FARC disidents and EZN as well as to eradicate coca farms.

Perhaps the US threatened to stop the funding if they were to impose reciprocity fees on us.Colombia has been down-sizing its military over the last 7-8 years. The government decided that once most of the country was pacified, the FARC-the issue would become more of a law enforcement problem, and less of a military problem. After 2016, most of the Colombian military officers I spoke to were worried about being prematurely retired, as the government was considering cutting about 1/3 of them, mostly from that huge cohort that was commissioned about 20 years ago to implement Plan Colombia.

The Colombian military responded to the cut-backs by trying to remain relevant by exporting their combat expertise. For example, they trained the Panamanian coast guard-equivalent's Naval Infantry battalion. (Yes, a country without a military has a coast guard with its own "Marine Corps. " Strange, but true.).

03-21-24, 14:54
I just returned from a 3 week trip to Pattaya last night (my usual mongering destination simply for the fact that there are literally thousands of reasonably priced beautiful girls and Thailand is very safe).

During my trip I met some German and Dutch guys that told me a few things about Colombia and Mexico and I must admit that got me really excited.

I did some basic research here in the forums as well as some market analysis on miloseroticos and pasionprepagos for example to get an understanding on pricing and also the fact that Medellin is far from "safe" by any reasonable standards but I am willing to take the risk and plan a 2 week trip.

I have previously been to Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and never had any issues there (also in some seedier areas) because I look quite mediterranian (Arab / German mix, late 30's) but I do not speak ANY spanish at all. I will try to prepare by learning some basic spanish words but that will have to suffice.

I skimmed through the last 15-20 pages here and could not find reliable info on some topics therefore asking here, I would appreciate your feedback and help and would be happy to repay you with a drink or two once I touch ground in Medellin / Bogota.

1. Prices:

Before I get started with prices, I usually aim for younger girls between 18-23, I do not have any crazy requirements when it comes to the body, only one important requirement, her face should be attractive / pretty / cute and at least a 7. Everything else less important as long as the girl is not obese.

Now based on miloseroticos and pasionprepagos the norm for reasonably attractive young girls is somewhere in the ballpark of 100-200 k per hour. Obviously there are significantly pricier and also prettier options but since my main requirement really is *age* and pretty face there seem to be quite a few options in that price range.

There is however very little information on the offline girls (be it streetwalkers or girls working in brothels massage parlors and whatnot) so I am very curious to find out about those prices. Ideally I would like to have 1-2 girls per day either from Centro or Poblado or any other location that you can recommend.

2. Condoms / STIs: Now I realize that I am probably very spoilt from Thailand where I usually do not even mention the word condom and easily have 2 girls per day raw without protection, I realize this might be quite different in Colombia. Do girls usually heavily insist on condoms or is this an afterthought? Online girls seem to only do covered sex. If its a question of price is additional 20-25% sufficient?

3. Best Hotel locations when it comes to easy acces and variety / quantity of girls: As this will be my first trip, security and ease of access to girls will be my main priorities when it comes to hotel / neighborhood choice. As long as the rooms are modern and clean I am okay with it. Any recommendations?

I realize that is quite the wall of text but I prefer to put down all my questions in one post instead of posting 20 times. Would appreciate your feedback and help and if you are there in May / June, drinks on me!

03-21-24, 15:04
Now I realize that I am probably very spoilt from Thailand where I usually do not even mention the word condom and easily have 2 girls per day raw without protection, I realize this might be quite different in Colombia. I don't get why anyone would be talking about Colombia when you're getting this type of service LOL.

03-21-24, 15:18
My plan is to go General Santos City (it's about a $100 round trip plane ride from Manila) after setting up some dates in advance through Filipino Cupid. I've already rented an apparently nice airbnb.


I think that I can get a beautiful 20 year old to stay with me for about $50 per day. (And "beauty" is subjective. I mean that in my personal opinion she is beautiful.) That's compared to about $65 per hour in Medellin. However of course the proof is in the pudding. I've can't definitely know until I actually go there and see what the reality is on the ground.
My plan is to go General Santos City (it's about a $100 round trip plane ride from Manila) after setting up some dates in advance through Filipino Cupid. I've already rented an apparently nice Airbnb.


I think that I can get a beautiful 20 year old to stay with me for about $50 per day. (And "beauty" is subjective. I mean that in my personal opinion she is beautiful.) That's compared to about $65 per hour in Medellin. However of course the proof is in the pudding. I've can't definitely know until I actually go there and see what the reality is on the ground.I went to Medellin twice in 2020 before the pandemic changed things, during March 2020 prior to days before the closing of borders and quarantine and again for Nov 2020 when the country had opened again. Fase Dos was 200 K, Isla was 300 K back then, instead of 300 K and 500-600 K. Just to give context.

I went to Phils my first time this November thru December 24 for 30 days, did Angeles City for 9 days + Makati Manila 5 the + Quezon city 5 the + return to AC for 10 days as finale before returning to USA.

Overall it was nearly 3 x more cheaper in the value I got vs Medellin. The equiavent of 350 K in filipino pesos was 4500 for a Long Time 9-Hour barfine with GFE and multiple pops. My god the service was literally 3 x better and the chicas were much tighter. Those complaining about Phils not having attractive women are dead wrong in my experience. Tons looked like latinas, from morenas to light skin mestiza lookers. I loved it, and to the person who said 100 K equivalent for FS is not possible in Phils, you are wrong. I was getting amazing 18 yo morena cutie, who looked 100% like the petite tanned skin paisas, except she was from Mabalacat near AC, I saw her 3 times first time with her friend in 3 sum. 1500 p every time, that's just 27 usd and just above 100 K, and without a doubt you will not find one so pretty and tight in MDE for 100 k, the quality at that rate is lower in Colombia.

I always thought Colombia was the best but a month in Phils has seriously contested this in my mind. The options are endless in Phils, from value long time 9 hour barfines with 18 yo cuties, to freelancers as low as 1000 k or 19 $, norm was 2 k, just above 37 $. The food was cheaper too and everything was lower cost than Medellin by far. In Makati the barfines are double than AC, so if people are basing the value in Phils from Makati barfines they are way off. The freelancers in Makati P Burgos were 2 k also, so cheaper than Parque Lleras, and my god I saw one in the chicken place Andoks in p Burgos that was hotter than any I have seen in MDE, long legs, silky morena skin, tall, cute face, I said to myself "wow if she was in Colombia people would think she is a 10" and that was just a chicken place LOL. Pina Luv in Makati I met a 18 yo who quoted 3500 and she came over, it was amazing and the value is similar to what paisas ask in Poblado, 250 k. But this one was much tighter.

Phils really did a number on me and I am Latino and fluent Spanish speaker, and literally I am still confused which is better, since I have not returned to MDE since 2020 and realistically I agree with a previous poster, Phils is the new Colombia. I just need to return to MDE to confirm how it is now, but from my perspective and research it seems MDE and Colombia are just getting worst not better. I definitely recommend Phils for those who love Colombia, but it needs more time and planning than a Colombia trip.

Salutes to everyone.

03-21-24, 15:30
I don't get why anyone would be talking about Colombia when you're getting this type of service LOL.I was just in AC Phils and even at the lower level bars where barfine is 1500 or 27 usd all I had to say was I didn't have a rubber, and the session turned into GFE BBFS with multiple pops and multiple positions. Her name was Jade mid20's. Saw her first time with CFS then when I was leaving I went again and I didn't have rubber so It was bare session. You are not getting that in MDE LOL. And the BBFS I have had with SGs in MDE in centro was subpar and almost as expensive and much more rushed and definitely no multiple pops. MDE now seems like a bad value but with good looks is all its good for.

03-21-24, 15:31
I don't get why anyone would be talking about Colombia when you're getting this type of service LOL.It is super achievable in Colombia. I haven't been to Thailand so can't compare. It does sound easier though in Thailand from what I have read.

I could budget 300 mil per day in Colombia 100 for a casa girl and 200 for a 2 to 3 hour session at a motel, hotel, or apartment. Or 200 mil for 2 x casa girls.

If you like different girls every day you would have to walk around to different casas and would get turned down sometimes. If you are ok with some regulars, than it would decrease the time required. You can just Whatsapp to make sure they are there. So the part of walking around and finding is where it could require some effort / time.

I will note, this is aproach is more realistic when you have the hang of it. Maybe that would be another difference if you can just show up and just walk into bbfs.

03-21-24, 16:57
File under be careful what you wish / look for.

It is super achievable in Colombia. I haven't been to Thailand so can't compare. It does sound easier though in Thailand from what I have read.

I could budget 300 mil per day in Colombia 100 for a casa girl and 200 for a 2 to 3 hour session at a motel, hotel, or apartment. Or 200 mil for 2 x casa girls.

If you like different girls every day you would have to walk around to different casas and would get turned down sometimes. If you are ok with some regulars, than it would decrease the time required. You can just Whatsapp to make sure they are there. So the part of walking around and finding is where it could require some effort / time.

I will note, this is aproach is more realistic when you have the hang of it. Maybe that would be another difference if you can just show up and just walk into bbfs.

03-21-24, 17:51
30 K on top of the base fee at casas.

Where are the best places to get uncovered BJ's and what's the cost? Looking for as many places as you can think of.

03-21-24, 21:38
During Christmas 2022 la isla was charging 50 k entrance and 350 to bang. July 2023 same place charged 50 k entrance and 500 to bang. Side note a bucket 6 beers were 180 k in Dec. 2022 210 k in July 2023.

Loutron in July 2023 was 20 k entrance and 350 to bang.

So La Isla is more expensive than Loutron at $400 K and probably a lot noisier too given the strip club environment. Wonder how the rates at Fase Dos compare?

03-22-24, 01:33
I just returned from a 3 week trip to Pattaya last night (my usual mongering destination simply for the fact that there are literally thousands of reasonably priced beautiful girls and Thailand is very safe).

During my trip I met some German and Dutch guys that told me a few things about Colombia and Mexico and I must admit that got me really excited.

I did some basic research here in the forums as well as some market analysis on miloseroticos and pasionprepagos for example to get an understanding on pricing and also the fact that Medellin is far from "safe" by any reasonable standards but I am willing to take the risk and plan a 2 week trip.

I have previously been to Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and never had any issues there (also in some seedier areas) because I look quite mediterranian (Arab / German mix, late 30's) but I do not speak ANY spanish at all. I will try to prepare by learning some basic spanish words but that will have to suffice.

I skimmed through the last 15-20 pages here and could not find reliable info on some topics therefore asking here, I would appreciate your feedback and help and would be happy to repay you with a drink or two once I touch ground in Medellin / Bogota.

1. Prices:

Before I get started with prices, I usually aim for younger girls between 18-23, I do not have any crazy requirements when it comes to the body, only one important requirement, her face should be attractive / pretty / cute and at least a 7. Everything else less important as long as the girl is not obese.

Now based on miloseroticos and pasionprepagos the norm for reasonably attractive young girls is somewhere in the ballpark of 100-200 k per hour. Obviously there are significantly pricier and also prettier options but since my main requirement really is *age* and pretty face there seem to be quite a few options in that price range.

There is however very little information on the offline girls (be it streetwalkers or girls working in brothels massage parlors and whatnot) so I am very curious to find out about those prices. Ideally I would like to have 1-2 girls per day either from Centro or Poblado or any other location that you can recommend.

2. Condoms / STIs: Now I realize that I am probably very spoilt from Thailand where I usually do not even mention the word condom and easily have 2 girls per day raw without protection, I realize this might be quite different in Colombia. Do girls usually heavily insist on condoms or is this an afterthought? Online girls seem to only do covered sex. If its a question of price is additional 20-25% sufficient?

3. Best Hotel locations when it comes to easy acces and variety / quantity of girls: As this will be my first trip, security and ease of access to girls will be my main priorities when it comes to hotel / neighborhood choice. As long as the rooms are modern and clean I am okay with it. Any recommendations?

I realize that is quite the wall of text but I prefer to put down all my questions in one post instead of posting 20 times. Would appreciate your feedback and help and if you are there in May / June, drinks on me!Maybe to add to my original post. Main reason is I want to try something new and when I look at some of the youtube videos of the girls in Medellin I think I just prefer latinas over asians taste wise. Thats why I want to risk this trip.

And as for Filippinas. NOT my type at all. I have scoured Tinder in Manila and AC for a couple days and also used filipinacupid. 90% of the girls I find significantly below my standards where as in Pattaya it was more like 50/50.

So to get back to my original question about pricing. JackTaggart mentions 100 mil for casa girls. Is that full service 1 h? And how are the street walkers around centro?

03-22-24, 07:38
I remember CR had a reputation as very dangerous back in the Day, Medellin -just check out Telegram https://t.me/chismefrescomedallo. crazy place, Being fluent in Spanish might help, I'm not 😏.

Have to stick to Gringo hangouts, few chicas with any English, most are girl next door types or average anymore IMO, Gringo backlash in the 🌆 kills the vibe. Colombian Chicas can be found around the 🌎 best I meet were in Costa Rica. But I'll give MDE another shot before heading to Asia and Germany 🇩🇪

03-22-24, 14:46
My trip is finally here. I leave later today and arrive early Saturday morning. Already arranged with the AirBNB to check in early. Plan is to drop my bags, shower, quick nap then hit somewhere up. Should be around 9/10 am. Any recommendations on where I should go and the associated cost? And is anyone else around? Be cool to meetup with some of you guys.

03-22-24, 15:34
So La Isla is more expensive than Loutron at $400 K and probably a lot noisier too given the strip club environment. Wonder how the rates at Fase Dos compare?Fase Dos was 300 mil to go to the room when I was there last Nov, and this held true in 2022, and 2021 as well best I remember. The same was 180 in 2019.

03-22-24, 15:52
Shit happens for sure. I don't usually think about it much beyond maintaining my own personal safety practices. The past six months or so it's been harder to ignore because there is so much reporting across global media that I am getting proof of life and welfare check calls from family and friends, pretty much anyone who knows I live in Colombia. It really picks up when there is a fresh report. Other than that, when I'm in Poblado it's very noticeable that there are more North American tourists than ever during recent years. I suspect at least part of the uptick in tourist crime has to do with the tourism increase. It may be a case of criminals being presented with more opportunities.

This was reported today on the news and is very disheartening.

Makes you wonder how many incidents of violence and robberies of foreigners are actually happening in Medellin.

Probably in the hundreds thus far in Medellin this year not including unreported incidents as well.

I hope this doesn't become a new stigma for the City if it continues unchecked.

Maybe it already has.

03-22-24, 16:30
I practise only BBFS in Colombia. No problem with that! But 90% of the girls I fuck bareback, I meet them on facebook! They all accept, they just ask me usually 100 000 pesos more to fuck them bareback!

File under be careful what you wish / look for.

03-22-24, 18:15
Hi all. I will be back in Medellíand for the first time in almost 10 years. Crazy it doesn't seem that long ago. A lot has changed, vinnies were not a thing back then. How can you tell a Venezuela girl from a paisa? Whats the difference, whos better in bed. I'm looking for vinnies this trip. Whats the best place to find them? I hear el centro has them, or borteo park? Also and chica friendly centro hotels? Thanks.

03-22-24, 21:14
Hi all. I will be back in Medelland for the first time in almost 10 years. Crazy it doesn't seem that long ago. A lot has changed, vinnies were not a thing back then. How can you tell a Venezuela girl from a paisa? Whats the difference, whos better in bed. I'm looking for vinnies this trip. Whats the best place to find them? I hear el centro has them, or borteo park? Also and chica friendly centro hotels? Thanks.Vinnies in CO are different then the ones you would see in Caracas. They but the main difference I found is that they are taller, mostly more light carmel color and have nose that are more like tringle like.

Performance wise its about the same as Paisa girls but they are more desperate for cash so are a bit more open. That said they are all over from centro to Lleras and everywhere in between. You can also hear the way they talk Spanish is different.

You will find plenty in Centro for sure.

I hope Vnz gets it's economic act together sometime this decade because the girls inside Caracas and Maracaibo are on next level looks. They all get surgeries but are much taller and model like. But those chicks stay in vnz and don't leave or if they do leave some Dubai millionaire dude snatches them up or they live in like Spain in high end places.

03-23-24, 04:46
So is Medellin the best place in Colombia for watching girls be lesbian and for threesomes? I love seeing girls be lesbian before getting in between myself. But good lesbianism. Like not girls barely touching each other because they're not really bi. Love me some bi girls. I will only have 2 weeks or so in Colombia so I want to go to the city where I am most likely to find it.

Also to me, looks matter. I won't do street girls. Good clubs are my preference, then escort sites. Which ones are best? Won't overpay market price, but won't go cheap for two girls who are 6's. Me likes the higher-mid to higher-end.

03-23-24, 05:32
So is Medellin the best place in Colombia for watching girls be lesbian and for threesomes? I love seeing girls be lesbian before getting in between myself. But good lesbianism. Like not girls barely touching each other because they're not really bi. Love me some bi girls. I will only have 2 weeks or so in Colombia so I want to go to the city where I am most likely to find it.

Also to me, looks matter. I won't do street girls. Good clubs are my preference, then escort sites. Which ones are best? Won't overpay market price, but won't go cheap for two girls who are 6's. Me likes the higher-mid to higher-end.Fase 2. It may turn out to be a trial and error thing.

03-23-24, 06:45
Fase 2. It may turn out to be a trial and error thing.Big thanks. And sites where they may be found?

My goal in Medellin would be to find two bi girls like this:


If I can get that, it would be a mega score. Fase 2 is plan number 1. Any other places I may score such broads? And typical prices? Don't mind spending money but don't want to spend higher than market price either.

03-23-24, 11:21
Hello fellow Mongers and Senior Member.

I have been following pages of this report and others as well. So many senior hobbyists with delightful and useful information.

If I can get a few more tips and information on seeking arrangement (SA) as I am searching for stunners. Especially at Elvis! If you can provide a few points that would be great.

- I am planning to invite girl to my hotel room for drink and food, I hope should be okay?

- Do I need to bring money factor by my own or it will be kicked off by the girl before we decide to meet?

- How to ask and check for bb service?

- Is it easy to find 18-22 age range girls?

P.S.: I Haven't used SA before, pardon me if I am asking stupid questions.


03-23-24, 13:37
So is Medellin the best place in Colombia for watching girls be lesbian and for threesomes? I love seeing girls be lesbian before getting in between myself. But good lesbianism. Like not girls barely touching each other because they're not really bi. Love me some bi girls. I will only have 2 weeks or so in Colombia so I want to go to the city where I am most likely to find it.

Also to me, looks matter. I won't do street girls. Good clubs are my preference, then escort sites. Which ones are best? Won't overpay market price, but won't go cheap for two girls who are 6's. Me likes the higher-mid to higher-end.Most threesomes will be two girls having sex with you and two girls giving you a blowjob at the same time. That is sometimes you can easily find because girls don't mind helping their friends make money and it is more fun for the girl with a friend and less work. However, most girls are not bi-sexual. They may play with their friend for your amusement but it is just an act and not like the porn videos. More experienced girls may be your best bet for lesbian shows because they usually have a friend that they are comfortable with and they know what guys want. Medellin is the city most likely to find these girls.

As to where to find them, it is hit and miss and they could be anywhere from clubs to online. You just have to ask and to gauge their responses. Most of the girls will say that they will do the things you want but whether or not it actually happens is another question.

I have had a number of threesomes here in Medellin and there has been minimal lesbian action but the girls have been relatively young, usually 18-20 years old and that may be a factor.

03-23-24, 14:55
So is Medellin the best place in Colombia for watching girls be lesbian and for threesomes? I love seeing girls be lesbian before getting in between myself. But good lesbianism. Like not girls barely touching each other because they're not really bi. Love me some bi girls. I will only have 2 weeks or so in Colombia so I want to go to the city where I am most likely to find it.

Also to me, looks matter. I won't do street girls. Good clubs are my preference, then escort sites. Which ones are best? Won't overpay market price, but won't go cheap for two girls who are 6's. Me likes the higher-mid to higher-end.You will get what they call a show. A lesbian show. Real lesbian action is not likely. At least not with whoever they are performing with.

03-23-24, 15:09
Where is the best place to find a girl to bring back to my Airbnb during the day? Like noon to 4:00 or so.

03-23-24, 15:38
Shit happens for sure. I don't usually think about it much beyond maintaining my own personal safety practices. The past six months or so it's been harder to ignore because there is so much reporting across global media that I am getting proof of life and welfare check calls from family and friends, pretty much anyone who knows I live in Colombia. It really picks up when there is a fresh report. Other than that, when I'm in Poblado it's very noticeable that there are more North American tourists than ever during recent years. I suspect at least part of the uptick in tourist crime has to do with the tourism increase. It may be a case of criminals being presented with more opportunities.When your walking around some of the barrios in Poblado, like Manila, which has lots of places to eat there are lots of tourists walking around, eating, and speaking English just like in and around Lleras and Provenza.

In the past five years many younger people have been coming here because it can be fun and inexpensive compared to many other places in the world, and tourism crime as you mention has increased.

However I believe the majority of the killings of tourists to date have involved sex tourists and drugs versus just "normal tourists".

This is what I find disheartening for Medellin as a mongering destination versus other mongering destinations.

I believe Tinder posted warnings about getting drugged here, so with that, and all the killings, the place is getting a bad rap again after the Escobar era.

The reality though is that it has always been dangerous here, with the difference being that the crimes are being widely reported now.

I hope things get turned around.

03-23-24, 16:02
I practise only BBFS in Colombia. No problem with that! But 90% of the girls I fuck bareback, I meet them on facebook! They all accept, they just ask me usually 100 000 pesos more to fuck them bareback!You need to branch out "LOL", instead of paying 100 K more to bareback Fayboo girls, guys I know in Centro are paying as little as 50 to 100 k to bareback and cream pie SW's in Centro. Granted they are not the cream of the crop, but there are some very desperate SW's there.

And during the Pandemic, I remember a Vennie telling me it would be an "expensive upcharge" for BBFS, all of 5 K.

I was curious and asked, but didn't partake.

A couple of guys I know here have been frequenting Occidental Club lately in Centro and have been paying 100 K including the room for BBFS there, albeit I don't know if that included a cream pie finish or leche afuera. LOL.

03-23-24, 18:34
I assume you are a short term visitor. Your two quick options are Plaza Botero / Centro and the section of la 10 from Parque Lleras up to carrera 37 or so approaching Provenza. Both areas are more active beginning late afternoon when the sun is lower but you can make it happen earlier. As you may know, there are many online options for outcall. I recommend you take normal personal security measures (I. E. Secure valuables, don't leave drinks unattended, etc.) Online sources include mileroticos, photoprepagos. I look forward to hearing how you make out.

Where is the best place to find a girl to bring back to my Airbnb during the day? Like noon to 4:00 or so.

03-23-24, 18:35
My trip is finally here. I leave later today and arrive early Saturday morning. Already arranged with the AirBNB to check in early. Plan is to drop my bags, shower, quick nap then hit somewhere up. Should be around 9/10 am. Any recommendations on where I should go and the associated cost? And is anyone else around? Be cool to meetup with some of you guys.Arriving into Medellin for the first time today, don't speak a word of Spanish and not picked a place to stay yet! Lmk if you wana meet up at al will be here 3-4 days.

Offer open to anyone else aswell! Thanks.

03-23-24, 21:57
Where is the best place to find a girl to bring back to my Airbnb during the day? Like noon to 4:00 or so.I'm here wondering the same thing LOL.

03-23-24, 22:40
Where is the best place to find a girl to bring back to my Airbnb during the day? Like noon to 4:00 or so.Medellin isn't set up like that, as is San Jose, Costa Rica where girls hang out in certain hotels starting in the morning. You can set appointments off Facebook, have girls come to you, though no shows or late arrivals are common enough. Or you can answer some Mileroticos ads, which often will lead you to some casas in Laureles or Belen. If you go there and want to take a girl out, that's very possible, but expect to pay a premium over in house service, and to pay in advance.

03-24-24, 00:37
So is Medellin the best place in Colombia for watching girls be lesbian and for threesomes? I love seeing girls be lesbian before getting in between myself. But good lesbianism. Like not girls barely touching each other because they're not really bi. Love me some bi girls. I will only have 2 weeks or so in Colombia so I want to go to the city where I am most likely to find it.

Also to me, looks matter. I won't do street girls. Good clubs are my preference, then escort sites. Which ones are best? Won't overpay market price, but won't go cheap for two girls who are 6's. Me likes the higher-mid to higher-end.Not sure one particular city in Colombia is better for that than any other.

Two pieces of advice. First, do a threesome with girls you've been with before separately. At least one of the girls and preferably both. You want to know that you get along sexually with them before doing two together. And the two girls should be familiar with each other.

Second, go to Brasil. I've done lots of menage a trois in both Brasil and Colombia. The ones in Brasil have been almost universally better. Brasilian women just tend to be wilder in anything sexually oriented.

03-24-24, 01:14
Where is the best place to find a girl to bring back to my Airbnb during the day? Like noon to 4:00 or so.If you aren't looking online I would think that El Centro would be the best place.

03-24-24, 02:18
Anyone around to grab a beer?

Here for the first time for a few days, 29 from UK don't speak a word of Spanish LOL.

Got an airbnb in el poblado.

03-24-24, 03:33
Anyone around to grab a beer?

Here for the first time for a few days, 29 from UK don't speak a word of Spanish LOL.

Got an airbnb in el poblado.I'm in Lleras now.

Lucky Nuts
03-24-24, 16:01
I'm in Lleras now.How's things at Lleras? Everything normal with lots of chicas standing around? Any clubs shut down?

03-24-24, 17:57
How's things at Lleras? Everything normal with lots of chicas standing around? Any clubs shut down?It's been pretty good. Friday was really full of girls. I don't go to any clubs but they all seemed open. Chica prices varied from 200 k to 600 k cop.

03-24-24, 22:02
I read about a raid that happened this weekend. This one seems to have been like the others, more of a show for the cameras than anything else and little or no impact on the scene.

It's been pretty good. Friday was really full of girls. I don't go to any clubs but they all seemed open. Chica prices varied from 200 k to 600 k cop.

03-25-24, 12:11
200 K to 600 K - .

It's been pretty good. Friday was really full of girls. I don't go to any clubs but they all seemed open. Chica prices varied from 200 k to 600 k cop.

03-25-24, 18:30
200 K to 600 K - .It's crazy how Botero is like 40 k to 50 k but yet Lleras is so much more. If we all got together and striked and nobody went to Lleras for a week I bet they would have to come down on price since the local parceros aren't going to be paying no 600 mil.

03-25-24, 20:25
It's crazy how Botero is like 40 k to 50 k but yet Lleras is so much more. If we all got together and striked and nobody went to Lleras for a week I bet they would have to come down on price since the local parceros aren't going to be paying no 600 mil.Agree. We should all refuse to pay such ridiculous higher rates. We can all fuck the same type of Colombians at rates well under 400,000 in much safer destinations like Costa Rica and Panama (not to mention even Canada) without risking our safety in Colombia. Just learn to say NO!

03-25-24, 20:30
Agree. We should all refuse to pay such ridiculous higher rates. We can all fuck the same type of Colombians at rates well under 400,000 in much safer destinations like Costa Rica and Panama (not to mention even Canada) without risking our safety in Colombia. Just learn to say NO!I'm not saying that, I'm saying just don't go to lleras go to Botero or the casas in Centro instead.

03-25-24, 20:32
Agree. We should all refuse to pay such ridiculous higher rates. We can all fuck the same type of Colombians at rates well under 400,000 in much safer destinations like Costa Rica and Panama (not to mention even Canada) without risking our safety in Colombia. Just learn to say NO!Also I'd say like 90% of them are Venezuelans not Colombianas.

Captain Solo
03-25-24, 20:58
Anybody knows this guy? Another fool who thinks he can play with the devil and win.

He was wandering the mall so his brain was not functioning.

He was lucky not OD and died.


A LOS Angeles DJ was found at the San Lucas Mall in Medellíand on Sunday morning after he was allegedly drugged and robbed.

The man, who identified himself as John, told a Good Samaritan that his cell phone, laptop and money had been stolen.


UPDATED: 12:03 EDT, 25 March 2024.

An American man was rescued by a woman after he was seen wandering at a Medellíand mall after he was allegedly drugged and robbed.

The victim was seen asking shoppers at the San Lucas Mall on Sunday morning to assist him in contacting his mother back home when a Good Samaritan obliged, El Colombiano newspaper reported.

The man, who identified as John and a LOS Angeles resident, told the woman he had been robbed of his cell phone, laptop and an undisclosed amount of money.

The Good Samaritan, who declined to be named in the report, recalled John telling her, 'I am going to tell all my friends not to come to Medellíand. '.

An American man, who identified himself as John who works as DJ from LOS Angeles, was found allegedly drugged and robbed of him laptop, cell phone and money, and found wandering at a mall in Medellíand, Colombia, on Sunday.

Police arrived on the scene and registered an incident report and claimed the only friend John had in the area was a tattoo artist in Envigado, six miles southeast of Medellíand.

Before placing him in an Uber to take him to the friend's home, the woman advised him, 'Please tell everyone, all your friends who come looking for prostitution and drugs, please don't come. '.

DailyMail.com reached out to the Aburrá Valley Metropolitan Police for comment.

The alleged robbery is the latest incident in which tourists in Medellíand have fallen victims to crimes in which they were drugged before they were either robbed or killed.

At least 13 foreigners have died in Medellíand in the first two months of 2024 after 30 deaths were reported in all of last year. Eight Americans in Medellíand between November 1 and December 31,2023.

Community activist and comedian Tou Ger Xiong is one of eight Americans died from alleged drug overdoses or were killed after they were lured by people they met on dating apps in Medellíand, Colombia between November 1 and December 31,2023. The 50-year-old was found dead December 11, after going out with a 19-year-old woman he previously met on an app.


View gallery.

Community activist and comedian Tou Ger Xiong is one of eight Americans died from alleged drug overdoses or were killed after they were lured by people they met on dating apps in Medellíand, Colombia between November 1 and December 31,2023. The 50-year-old was found dead December 11, after going out with a 19-year-old woman he previously met on an app.

In January, Medellíand cops arrested Sharit Mejía and two men for the December murder of American community activist and comedian Tou Ger Xiong.

In response, the United States Embassy in Colombia warned travelers about the use of dating apps.

The embassy indicated that several of the deaths pointed to 'possible drugging, robbery, and overdose and several involve the use of online dating applications. '.

The embassy advised also American visitors that they should 'strongly consider meeting only in public places and avoiding isolated locations, such as residences or hotel rooms, where crimes are most likely to occur. '.

'It is also recommended that if Americans decide to invite a person they met to a home or hotel, they speak to the 'attendant / concierge beforehand and establish a policy as to what information your new visitor should provide before being authorized entry (photo of identification, etc.) and what process should be followed when your visitor departs,' the mission said.

03-26-24, 00:03
Another American was scoped in Medellin. Luckily he didn't die though he just woke up in the street without any money or his cell phone.


Follow Along.

03-26-24, 01:13
Even though I am a Centro rat I am not necessarily against paying a premium for someone special or for some sort of special convenience. I avoid subjective assessments of girls because there is too much variety in what we prefer to have productive conversations about it. I think most of us will agree there is little convenience in hunting Lleras. So the long and short of it is it's highly unlikely I'm going to be supporting what goes on in Lleras any time soon.

Agree. We should all refuse to pay such ridiculous higher rates. We can all fuck the same type of Colombians at rates well under 400,000 in much safer destinations like Costa Rica and Panama (not to mention even Canada) without risking our safety in Colombia. Just learn to say NO!

03-26-24, 02:05
You need to branch out "LOL", instead of paying 100 K more to bareback Fayboo girls, guys I know in Centro are paying as little as 50 to 100 k to bareback and cream pie SW's in Centro. Granted they are not the cream of the crop, but there are some very desperate SW's there.

And during the Pandemic, I remember a Vennie telling me it would be an "expensive upcharge" for BBFS, all of 5 K.

I was curious and asked, but didn't partake.

A couple of guys I know here have been frequenting Occidental Club lately in Centro and have been paying 100 K including the room for BBFS there, albeit I don't know if that included a cream pie finish or leche afuera. LOL.You guys don't worry about STD's?

I'm thinking about mobbing to Columbia, is it relatively safe? I don't speak Spanish.

03-26-24, 05:57
Agree. We should all refuse to pay such ridiculous higher rates. We can all fuck the same type of Colombians at rates well under 400,000 in much safer destinations like Costa Rica and Panama (not to mention even Canada) without risking our safety in Colombia. Just learn to say NO!Of course 75-80% or more of the foreigners going to Colombia for the girls aren't on here and consider $100-$150 incredibly cheap. While I don't encourage anyone to pay more than they're comfortable with, your boycott will have absolutely no effect on prices in Parque Lleras.

Also the price difference isn't as great as it seems. 40-50 k in El Centro gets you 15-30 minutes in a rather low budget room. Many guys report minimal service. However, the quick lay in that environment is exactly what many guys want. And yes, I understand that some guys are getting only 9's and 10's who do everything for much longer, without ever paying for extras.

Depending on who and where you pull in Lleras, 1 hour or more is typical, services vary. Accommodations are usually wherever you are staying, almost certainly better than the typical El Centro room. This is exactly what some guys want.

There are also other options, with a wide range of prices. Find your comfort zone and work to literally get the most bang for your buck.

03-26-24, 13:52
Agree. We should all refuse to pay such ridiculous higher rates. We can all fuck the same type of Colombians at rates well under 400,000 in much safer destinations like Costa Rica and Panama (not to mention even Canada) without risking our safety in Colombia. Just learn to say NO!Currently with all the dumb money crypto fags there is bound to be a ton of dudes riding the high of having more than 20-30 k in savings for the first time in their lives and throwing it out the window for working girls.

It is unfortunate that some few bad apples can fuck up the entire ecosystem but it is what it is. As prices increase in Colombia or Thailand for example, hopefully we will find new 3rd world or developing countries to conduct our business for the price of a sandwich xD (I was kinda hoping that would be some African countries, not opposed to pounding some 18 year old chocolate but those countries seem fucked up as well and very scammy).

03-26-24, 14:00
Agree. We should all refuse to pay such ridiculous higher rates. We can all fuck the same type of Colombians at rates well under 400,000 in much safer destinations like Costa Rica and Panama (not to mention even Canada) without risking our safety in Colombia. Just learn to say NO!100%, If you are a foreigner, then add to the price of a pusy the price of hotel, air tickets and other expenses. And you will get that you pay much more than in your country for the same staff.

03-26-24, 14:43
I have never been to Medellin. But I have been to Bogota many times. And Bogota is super nice for hobbying.

That said, I always assumed Medellin is better. But after RTFFing Medellin posts, it seems like that is not the case. Medellin posts seem to indicate dissatisfaction.

Also, I have been to Ecuador several times, including clubs like 155, Mosq, etc. And like many have said in these forums, there are Colombians (mostly from Medellin, Armenia, etc.) everywhere. And when I talk to them, they are like, they couldn't wait to get out of Medellin and that there is no money in Medellin.

This leaves me very confused. How good is Medellin for hobbying?

Also, are there any good agencies in Medellin? For example, Bogota has several stellar agencies that have dozens of part timers who are awesome!

I apologize if this is a sensitive topic.

03-26-24, 18:43
Except with pros, I only do BBFS as well. It's usually with girls I have known, non-pros, or referrals (sisters, cousins, friends). I primarily use Facebook (other than referrals) But the difference is that I have never paid a cent extra for BBFS (and trust me, I'm not paying 250,300 or more). In fact, I can't remember the last time any chica asked me for more for BBFS. Interesting.

I practise only BBFS in Colombia. No problem with that! But 90% of the girls I fuck bareback, I meet them on facebook! They all accept, they just ask me usually 100 000 pesos more to fuck them bareback!

03-26-24, 18:52
Well, they say "don't shit where you eat" and I apply that to mongering. Was once married to a chica from Bogota. My daughter was born there. And still have a lot of former in-laws there. So it's been many moons since I mongered there. I hear Santa Fe is still good. There are other places, but the cost is generally higher than "other places" in Medellin, so it seems. The nice thing about Bogota is that you get girls from all over Colombia.

That said, I still love Medellin. Granted it's not the same as it was 18 years agon on my first trip or even five years ago. Not quite as easy and girls demanding too much because dummies pay it. I primarily use FB, but it takes work. Because of the amount of time I have been going, I have managed to leverage past relationships into new girls. Friends, family members. So I always have a small stock of non-pros at my disposal or girls who work only occasionally. I don't do lleras. I don't do the high end MPs or strips clubs. I don't do Centro. I am happy with my mix of repeats and new girls. I am not dissatisfied at all, other than with the stupid prices some girls try to pass off on me. I ask up front so as not to waste time.

If girls in MDE are complaining about not making money, it's probably a combination of lots of competition, the cost they have to pay to stay there if they are from someone else, and poor marketing on their part (hitting the streets of centro, working in a casa, trolling Lleras as opposed to using social media effectively).

Other observations:

Weather. Medellin, to me, crushes Bogota. Bogota is too cold.

Traffic. Not great in Medellin but certainly not nearly as bad as Bogota.

Nightlife. More options in Bogota.

Food. Better restaurants in Bogota.

People. Generally more pleasant in Medellin.

I have never been to Medellin. But I have been to Bogota many times. And Bogota is super nice for hobbying.

That said, I always assumed Medellin is better. But after RTFFing Medellin posts, it seems like that is not the case. Medellin posts seem to indicate dissatisfaction.

Also, I have been to Ecuador several times, including clubs like 155, Mosq, etc. And like many have said in these forums, there are Colombians (mostly from Medellin, Armenia, etc.) everywhere. And when I talk to them, they are like, they couldn't wait to get out of Medellin and that there is no money in Medellin.

This leaves me very confused. How good is Medellin for hobbying?

Also, are there any good agencies in Medellin? For example, Bogota has several stellar agencies that have dozens of part timers who are awesome!

I apologize if this is a sensitive topic.

03-26-24, 19:17
I have never been to Medellin. But I have been to Bogota many times. And Bogota is super nice for hobbying.

That said, I always assumed Medellin is better. But after RTFFing Medellin posts, it seems like that is not the case. Medellin posts seem to indicate dissatisfaction.

Also, I have been to Ecuador several times, including clubs like 155, Mosq, etc. And like many have said in these forums, there are Colombians (mostly from Medellin, Armenia, etc.) everywhere. And when I talk to them, they are like, they couldn't wait to get out of Medellin and that there is no money in Medellin.

This leaves me very confused. How good is Medellin for hobbying?

Also, are there any good agencies in Medellin? For example, Bogota has several stellar agencies that have dozens of part timers who are awesome!

I apologize if this is a sensitive topic.Medellin is better if you are looking for high quality pros or semi-pros you can meet in person at a club or a bar. The downside to Medellin is that the prices have increased so much in the past year or so that there are very few deals to be found in places that your average tourist wanders. Your "average" girl will now ask 350-400 k and will settle on 300 k. Your real lookers in places like La Isla Club will ask 550-600 k and settle for 450-500 k.

I don't mind paying 300 k for a tried and proven girl that I know I'll have a good time with. But I don't feel like I'm getting a great deal and it doesn't motivate me to come running back. It is also too high of a price for me to be throwing darts at girls who may or may not work out. So Medellin is not my favorite place to go for an economical lay. Bogota has the advantage there.

On the other hand, if it's a special occasion or you are looking to splurge a bit, Medellin is probably the spot for you. Because if you show up at the right time and look hard enough, you will find girls that are straight up 9's or higher. And when you do, money will suddenly seem like it's no object to you.

If you are lucky, she will start off by offering 200 USD. Which at current exchange rates is approaching 800 k. And suddenly, getting her down to 500 k (which she likely will accept) will feel like a bargain to you.

I'm about as tight as they come, but there are a few women in Medellin that I will gladly pay 500 k to sleep with. And yes, it's worth the flight and hotel to get to them. The one thing Medellin has going for it is that the price for the average street girl has risen so much that you are better off hunting the top of the line for just 200 k more. If guys refused to pay street girls more than 200 k, you'd see prices fall across the board.

So Medellin is the place I'm going when I am willing to fork out 500 k for the best semi-pro I can find lingering around a bar in Colombia. But I'm sure as hell not negotiating with anyone in US dollars. Any gringo who pulls out a US bill in anything but the most desperate circumstances is only contributing to the problem. If the girl of my dreams is going to turn down 500 k, then she's not the girl of my dreams. The 500 k threshold is my ceiling for even the most beautiful women out there.

But at 500 k, you have to ask yourself if it's even worth it for multiple reasons. Let's say the girl is everything you hoped for and more and you can't wait to see her again. Now you are faced with shelling out 500 k a pop, because I guarantee you the price isn't going to go down. The alternative is trying to find a cheaper girl, who is now sure to disappoint you after what you just had. So before you agree to the 500 k, think about whether it will really just be a one time thing. Are you really going to be able to resist shelling out 500 k again the next time you are in town? Or the next? And once she has a few guys who will regularly pay that price, I guarantee she won't agree to less than 600 k for the next guy, and her opening offer will be 250 USD. Because she already has plenty of steady income coming in. And then one day, she tells you the new price is 600 k. Or 700 k.

This is how prices start to spiral. That's why you won't see me pay 500 k for any girl anytime soon. It's just not worth opening that door unless you are prepared to close it. And it is much easier to walk away from the first negotiation than once a beautiful vixen already has her hooks in you. So, if you have to swallow hard before accepting the offer, it's probably better to walk away. Easier said than done, sure. But that is the only way we are going to get prices to drop or at least stabilize. That's my take on Medellin.

In the meantime, you will find me sprawled on a hotel bed in Bogota, where I am probably being attentively serviced by a young college coed for little more than I planned to spend on dinner that night.

03-26-24, 20:25
...and trust me, I'm not paying 250,300 or more.How much are you paying?

03-27-24, 00:37
Except with pros, I only do BBFS as well. It's usually with girls I have known, non-pros, or referrals (sisters, cousins, friends). I primarily use Facebook (other than referrals) But the difference is that I have never paid a cent extra for BBFS (and trust me, I'm not paying 250,300 or more). In fact, I can't remember the last time any chica asked me for more for BBFS. Interesting.Newbie here headed down next month. How does one find them on Facebook?

Mr Enternational
03-27-24, 03:23
100%, If you are a foreigner, then add to the price of a pusy the price of hotel, air tickets and other expenses. And you will get that you pay much more than in your country for the same staff.But you may live in a country where it is illegal. Also there is more to it than sticking your dick into a hole. The same as it comes out much cheaper to buy the alcohol at the store and drink it at home. Yet people go out to bars and clubs where it costs much more. It is about the total experience, not just the act.

Mr Enternational
03-27-24, 03:31
But the difference is that I have never paid a cent extra for BBFS (and trust me, I'm not paying 250,300 or more). In fact, I can't remember the last time any chica asked me for more for BBFS. Interesting.I think that trend starts with guys offering chicks more to do certain things. Eventually chicks realize they can make more money for something they would otherwise have done at no extra charge. It is like guys start mongering in Tijuana where shit is known to be a la carte. Then as they travel they take those a la carte habits and fuck up the places that things have always been all inclusive. Again guys are their own worst enemy.

03-27-24, 04:20
Unless you have a COVID-like situation or a complete economic implosion, you will never see prices drop so it's not worth holding out that hope. Prices are related to a confluence of factors; inflation, global markets, greater education, etc. You can't go back to the pre-internet days where ladies didn't have online suitors, cheap flights, drug war instability, etc. Truthfully, it shouldn't go back to that just so a bunch of old foreigners on fixed income can get their nut off by taking advantage of arbitrage on poor girls from the barrios.

I know it sucks to hear, but getting priced out of a market has nothing to do with "girls making up numbers" and has much more to do with the individuals being priced out of a broader increase in global incomes. In the end, western workers have watched their incomes go up far more than the going rate for the working girls in Medellin which has led to a proliferation in "weekend warriors" and other mongers who have cash to spend.

03-27-24, 05:06
...So, if you have to swallow hard before accepting the offer, it's probably better to walk away. Easier said than done, sure. But that is the only way we are going to get prices to drop or at least stabilize. That's my take on Medellin....The problem is many people who come 1 or 2 weeks occasionally won't walk away because time is not on their side.

03-27-24, 05:49
Five-six years ago 150-250 was average, and the chics were much more Friendly.

Recently one ask 150 COP. And another 600 COP!

We travel, paying for Room, Flights food etc. This is why prices should stay down.

I believe pandemic is mostly the cause, Onlyfans, content sellers, scammers with fake FB profiles etc.

Some of the poor 'models' are taking Advantage.

The Bello and some other areas are much better than some know.

Mr Enternational
03-27-24, 07:54
Five-six years ago 150-250 was average, and the chics were much more Friendly. Recently one ask 150 COP. And another 600 COP! We travel, paying for Room, Flights food etc. This is why prices should stay down. I believe pandemic is mostly the cause, Onlyfans, content sellers, scammers with fake FB profiles etc.

Some of the poor 'models' are taking Advantage.It has nothing to do with the pandemic and everything to do with guys believing they should be paying according to how many instagram followers the "model" has.

03-27-24, 09:45
Newbie here headed down next month. How does one find them on Facebook?I am also curious about this. Is there a FB group? Or any individual profile that you guys can refer to? I want to prep 2-3 girls a week in advance about upcoming trip.

03-27-24, 12:47
Five-six years ago 150-250 was average, and the chics were much more Friendly.

Recently one ask 150 COP. And another 600 COP!

We travel, paying for Room, Flights food etc. This is why prices should stay down.

I believe pandemic is mostly the cause, Onlyfans, content sellers, scammers with fake FB profiles etc.

Some of the poor 'models' are taking Advantage.

The Bello and some other areas are much better than some know.It doesn't make any sense that just because you pay for an airline flight and hotel rooms, that prices should stay down. Prices are determined by supply and demand. While there is plenty of supply, there is plenty of demand. Supply is broken down by types of girls. While there may be plenty of girls available, the type of girls that are most desired in terms of attractiveness is more limited but the men who desire them is large. So these types of girls can ask for more money and there will be takers. Girls who are less attractive have less demand and so they don't have much pricing power and so they tend to be cheaper.

I wouldn't say that the girls are taken advantage. I would say that the smarter younger attractive girls are trying to maximize their earnings which is something people around the world try to do in a capitalist country.

03-27-24, 12:54
I am also curious about this. Is there a FB group? Or any individual profile that you guys can refer to? I want to prep 2-3 girls a week in advance about upcoming trip.There is no FB group of young attractive girls in Medellin who want to meet foreigners. You have to search for them individually.

03-27-24, 12:57
Unless you have a COVID-like situation or a complete economic implosion, you will never see prices drop so it's not worth holding out that hope. Prices are related to a confluence of factors; inflation, global markets, greater education, etc. You can't go back to the pre-internet days where ladies didn't have online suitors, cheap flights, drug war instability, etc. Truthfully, it shouldn't go back to that just so a bunch of old foreigners on fixed income can get their nut off by taking advantage of arbitrage on poor girls from the barrios.

I know it sucks to hear, but getting priced out of a market has nothing to do with "girls making up numbers" and has much more to do with the individuals being priced out of a broader increase in global incomes. In the end, western workers have watched their incomes go up far more than the going rate for the working girls in Medellin which has led to a proliferation in "weekend warriors" and other mongers who have cash to spend.There is some notion that if all guys hold firm, they can hold prices down. A massive conspiracy among mongers will never happen. It is a pipedream. Also if it is successful and prices are held down to very low prices, then the outflow of young pretty girls will increase because there is such a price disparity in how much they can earn overseas. You can already see large numbers of Colombian girls in Costa Rica and Mexico charging more.

03-27-24, 13:25
I am also curious about this. Is there a FB group? Or any individual profile that you guys can refer to? I want to prep 2-3 girls a week in advance about upcoming trip.Browse my post history, I posted it probably 3 times this year. You an easily add hundreds if not a thousand from that info if it has not been screwed up.

03-27-24, 13:56
Newbie here headed down next month. How does one find them on Facebook?It took me 2 years to get 300+ facebook girls has friends, out of that I date only 10 of them regularly, normal girl that have good family and boyfriend never ask more than 300 mil for a few hours most of them never talk about using condoms, just keed in mind that they are always late or sometime cancelling, the best advise that I can give you is to play their game and overbook dates so your turn to cancel at any time and make sure that you are not ending with no date at all.

03-27-24, 14:57
It has nothing to do with the pandemic and everything to do with guys believing they should be paying according to how many instagram followers the "model" has.I had her in the club for 250. She speaks Spanish, a little Portuguese because she is new from another country to the north. She did not understand my intention. I actually wanted her to come twice a day and maybe everyday. I am willing to pay accordingly but she gave me an hourly rate so quickly that ruins it. This is before that I understood what was going on overall.

The ones that I had all go to the club at night to charge 500 and up. I was wondering why they all dressed so formally in a daytime club. The mystery solved because they go to the club at night time after. I asked one girl I like if she lives alone. She said she lives with her sister and told me you went out with her. Haha.

03-27-24, 16:21
Newbie here headed down next month. How does one find them on Facebook?Here is what worked for me:

Step 1: Set up a new FB page just for Medellin. I didn't want to combine my "real" FB page with my Medellin FB page. I added a couple real pictures of myself, but I didn't use my real name and didn't use my real location. I don't need my neighbor finding my Medellin FB page.

Step 2: Next, I found the FB page for the Mansion. There is an unofficial page. Just search for "Hotel Medelland la Mansiand".

Step 3: I checked the profiles of people who have posted on the Mansion FB page. For some of them, their friend list is visible to the public.

Step 4: Scroll through the friend lists and add as a friend anyone who lives in Medellin and looks appealing. As you are looking through friend lists, you'll also see profiles of other mongers. See if their friend list is visible. If it is, scroll through the lists and add away.

Step 5: Let the magical FB algorithm do its work. Once you start friending females in Medellin, FB will start suggesting others. The "People You May Know" on my FB page now recommends, almost exclusively, females in their 20's in Medellin.

In addition to the Mansion page, I also looked at the FB pages for a few trendy restaurants and clubs in Medellin, and the strip clubs, and found girls to friend and girls who had visible friend lists.

I have a hazy memory of reading somewhere in the forum that you should only add a few friends a day, as FB's algorithm will potentially kill any profile that is adding excessive amounts of friends. That wasn't the case with me. I had hundreds of pending friend requests at a time, and no problems. Maybe I got lucky.

Be selective in who you friend. Avoid profiles that: have no history; have few friends (like less than 300); have only male friends; or have no photos.

Naked Gunz
03-27-24, 18:00
It took me 2 years to get 300+ facebook girls has friends, out of that I date only 10 of them regularly, There is an app called"Glambu" that I also use with very good success.

03-27-24, 18:31
I know less than most about sourcing girls on facebook. From my outsider's perspective, I don't understand why it would take years to find a dozen attractive girls you enjoying spending time with who are willing to accept 300 K. It confuses the hell out of me but again, I know les about facebook sourcing than most guys.

It took me 2 years to get 300+ facebook girls has friends, out of that I date only 10 of them regularly, normal girl that have good family and boyfriend never ask more than 300 mil for a few hours most of them never talk about using condoms, just keed in mind that they are always late or sometime cancelling, the best advise that I can give you is to play their game and overbook dates so your turn to cancel at any time and make sure that you are not ending with no date at all.

Flawless Zeal
03-27-24, 18:57
Just go to the Reports of Distinction thread: http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?2016-Links-to-Reports-of-Distinction.

And search for "Facebook" within that thread.

03-28-24, 23:01
I am visiting Medellin in a few weeks. Can anyone recommend any agencies here?

I am a veteran of Bogota and I have sampled nearly the entire lineup from several agencies there and I have to say that it has been amazing (except for the fact that some girls have literally DOUBLED their rates).

I am hoping Medelling has something similar.

03-28-24, 23:23
I pay 150 or 200, typically. I have a couple of non-pros / normal girls who I throw 100 to for their "cosas" and maybe we get some Rappi. On rare occasion, I might splurge at 250. But I've kind of stopped that because the service is really no better (often worse) and these girls are regular pros. I won't pay 300 or more for girls that have been used and abused, who only look good because of all their surgeries and who think they are the shit. No need for them, but some guys like that kind of girl.

P.S. - keep in mind that I am grandfathered with some. And sometimes girls try to raise the price a bit. If I don't like the increase, I just stop seeing them. Sometimes they come back after they realize they are not as good (or popular) as they thought and sometimes they don't.

How much are you paying?

03-29-24, 02:51
A US citizen and retired police officer has died after falling from the balcony of the third floor of the ibis hotel in Medellin.


Follow Along.

03-29-24, 19:39
Can you help with agencies from Bogota? I been to Medellin and not aware of any agencies except some high end strip clubs like La Isla.

I am visiting Medellin in a few weeks. Can anyone recommend any agencies here?

I am a veteran of Bogota and I have sampled nearly the entire lineup from several agencies there and I have to say that it has been amazing (except for the fact that some girls have literally DOUBLED their rates).

I am hoping Medelling has something similar.

03-29-24, 23:32
I'm using binance, is the cost really $60!

I see minimum is. 0005 which is about $35 plus transaction fee of $25!

Is there a way to pay something closer to the sub fee of $25?

Can I move my crypto from binance so the fee is not so outrageous?

Any help appreciated.

03-29-24, 23:35
A US citizen and retired police officer has died after falling from the balcony of the third floor of the ibis hotel in Medellin.


Follow Along.Been hearing a lot about people "falling off" balconies in their hotels. Might be the new way how they dispose bodies idk. It's getting out of hand. There's no way this is accident.

Nil Admirari
03-30-24, 00:08
Been hearing a lot about people "falling off" balconies in their hotels. Might be the new way how they dispose bodies idk. It's getting out of hand. There's no way this is accident.
There's actually a colorful word for it: "Defenestration" (from the Neo-Latin de fenestra) defined as the act of throwing someone or something out of a window. The term supposedly dates back to the "Defenestrations of Prague", when two Imperial governors and their secretary were tossed from the Prague Castle, thereby sparking the Thirty Years' War.

03-30-24, 03:26
Been hearing a lot about people "falling off" balconies in their hotels. Might be the new way how they dispose bodies idk. It's getting out of hand. There's no way this is accident.Let's be real here; is it more likely that a drunk dude, high on painkillers fell out of an apartment or that it was some elaborate murder by a jilted paisa? Is it so outlandish to think to that another old guy partied too hard and couldn't accept the fact he wasn't 25 anymore? I understand the worry about getting scoped or robbed on a dark road, but this is a major stretch and it only downplays the real dangers of the area by sensationalizing every random story of old guys not understanding their limits and trying to feel young again.

Either way, let's wait for the full story to come out.

Mr Enternational
03-30-24, 06:25
Let's be real here; is it more likely that a drunk dude, high on painkillers fell out of an apartment or that it was some elaborate murder by a jilted paisa?Met a guy here in Thailand a couple of weeks ago. He said when he was in Medellin he took some of that tussi. He felt invincible and on top of the world and was out on the balcony acting out. It took the chick that was with him to calm him down and get him back inside. He could have made himself a statistic.

03-30-24, 12:40
When pulling girls from inside a strip club or casa, it's usually quite straight forward since everyone knows why you and they are there. But when pulling from the street whether at El Centro or Parque Lleras, it might be a bit different. So it would be interesting to get a sample from the MDE vets here on what their usual opening dialogue lines in Spanish are when pulling from the streets. After the usual 'Hola, como estas?' openings, do you get right into business to ask if they are available and rates or do you start off with more general small talk chit chat? Do you initiate questions on business already confirming they are working girls or do you wait for them to bring up business?

And since each country even in Latin America might have their own unique phrases in Spanish to start business conversations, it would be interesting to see if MDE has any specific phrases unique to this area. For example, in Tijuana, Mexico, they all understand the English phrase 'fucky sucky'. What about here?

03-30-24, 14:42
When pulling girls from inside a strip club or casa, it's usually quite straight forward since everyone knows why you and they are there. But when pulling from the street whether at El Centro or Parque Lleras, it might be a bit different. So it would be interesting to get a sample from the MDE vets here on what their usual opening dialogue lines in Spanish are when pulling from the streets. After the usual 'Hola, como estas?' openings, do you get right into business to ask if they are available and rates or do you start off with more general small talk chit chat? Do you initiate questions on business already confirming they are working girls or do you wait for them to bring up business?

And since each country even in Latin America might have their own unique phrases in Spanish to start business conversations, it would be interesting to see if MDE has any specific phrases unique to this area. For example, in Tijuana, Mexico, they all understand the English phrase 'fucky sucky'. What about here?Cuanto cuesta?

03-30-24, 14:49
When pulling girls from inside a strip club or casa, it's usually quite straight forward since everyone knows why you and they are there. But when pulling from the street whether at El Centro or Parque Lleras, it might be a bit different. So it would be interesting to get a sample from the MDE vets here on what their usual opening dialogue lines in Spanish are when pulling from the streets. After the usual 'Hola, como estas?' openings, do you get right into business to ask if they are available and rates or do you start off with more general small talk chit chat? Do you initiate questions on business already confirming they are working girls or do you wait for them to bring up business?

And since each country even in Latin America might have their own unique phrases in Spanish to start business conversations, it would be interesting to see if MDE has any specific phrases unique to this area. For example, in Tijuana, Mexico, they all understand the English phrase 'fucky sucky'. What about here?Usually I will say "Hola amor, estas trabajando?" if they say yes that will confirm that they are working girls.

Then I will say "cuanto vale el rato?" this is the Colombian equivalent of 'cuanto cobras' that you may have learned in Tijuana. Basically just asking how much she charges or what is the value of a short time session. If she responds 40 mil then you know she is being honest, but if she says 70 mil then you know she is trying to hit you with gringo tax so politely say "no gracias, usted sabe que acá el rato vale 40 mil' and move on to the next one. If they say 50 mil that is still close enough to the normal range and some girls are actually charging that now but you can counter offer with "amor es que solo tengo 40 mil why para la pieza" (you only have 40 k and enough for the room). That will usually work to lower a 50 k girl to 40 k, but if not then just move on again to the next one unless if it's a girl you absolutely must have.

Also after finding one that accept 40 mil you can ask about extras such as BBBJ or even BBFS but I personally like to ask that in the room after smelling and tasting their vaginas to see if they at lesst have decent hygiene and I can also show them my dick and show them that I am not currently having any symptoms of any STDs. I will often put my dick in their faces and say something like "mire revisame el guebo, estoy sano why limpio" you can't exactly do that in the street LOL.

However some guys insist on negotiating extras before hand but I find that I have a better success rate asking inside the room and if they decline the extras then I still fuck them with a condom and I keep the extra money that I would have given them for the extras.

This applies to El Centro by the way.

Obviously dealing with Facebook girls or barrio chicas I do usually negotiate all the extras beforehand especially if I am paying like 150 mil.

Hope this helps.


03-30-24, 14:54
Can you help with agencies from Bogota? I been to Medellin and not aware of any agencies except some high end strip clubs like La Isla.Agencies in my order of preference in Bogota.

1. Eroticas Bogota.

2. Encounters VIP.

3. La Celestina.

All 3 use WhatsApp and Telegram. Girls are usually on time. The lineup was waaayyy better during Covid but it it still not too bad.

Do not ask the agency for recommendations. Just pick a girl based on your liking. Agency tends to recommend the girls that are most convenient for them.

Mr Enternational
03-30-24, 15:21
When pulling girls from inside a strip club or casa, it's usually quite straight forward since everyone knows why you and they are there. But when pulling from the street whether at El Centro or Parque Lleras, it might be a bit different.Are you really pulling if she is a hooker? I just walk up and say cuanto cobras? How much do you charge? No need for small talk. Like you said, everyone knows why everyone is in those places.

03-30-24, 15:25
A US citizen and retired police officer has died after falling from the balcony of the third floor of the ibis hotel in Medellin.


Follow Along.Now guys, let's just calm down. Why would whoever choose to kill the guy by throwing him off the third floor balcony? Why not just commit the crime in the room rather than bring so much attention to the act?

03-30-24, 17:32
You guys got balls for looking for girls in Medelin imo, its pretty shady out there.

03-30-24, 19:58
Cuanto cuesta?This is what I use to do in Tijuana with both the club girls and the streetwalkers outside (so we definitely know they are working girls and no risk of offending a non-pro). I would just say 'cuanto cuesta sucky fucky 30 minutos?' or 'una hora?' and that was sufficient. I would think that these would work in any Latin America destination but wanted to find out about the MDE specific phrases if any.

03-30-24, 20:03
Usually I will say "Hola amor, estas trabajando?" if they say yes that will confirm that they are working girls.

Then I will say "cuanto vale el rato?" this is the Colombian equivalent of 'cuanto cobras' that you may have learned in Tijuana. Basically just asking how much she charges or what is the value of a short time session. If she responds 40 mil then you know she is being honest, but if she says 70 mil then you know she is trying to hit you with gringo tax so politely say "no gracias, usted sabe que ac el rato vale 40 mil' and move on to the next one. If they say 50 mil that is still close enough to the normal range and some girls are actually charging that now but you can counter offer with "amor es que solo tengo 40 mil why para la pieza" (you only have 40 k and enough for the room). That will usually work to lower a 50 k girl to 40 k, but if not then just move on again to the next one unless if it's a girl you absolutely must have.

Also after finding one that accept 40 mil you can ask about extras such as BBBJ or even BBFS but I personally like to ask that in the room after smelling and tasting their vaginas to see if they at lesst have decent hygiene and I can also show them my dick and show them that I am not currently having any symptoms of any STDs. I will often put my dick in their faces and say something like "mire revisame el guebo, estoy sano why limpio" you can't exactly do that in the street LOL.

However some guys insist on negotiating extras before hand but I find that I have a better success rate asking inside the room and if they decline the extras then I still fuck them with a condom and I keep the extra money that I would have given them for the extras.

This applies to El Centro by the way.

Obviously dealing with Facebook girls or barrio chicas I do usually negotiate all the extras beforehand especially if I am paying like 150 mil.

Hope this helps.

Gabacho.Thanks for your negotiation dialogue. I suppose this would be similar for Parqu Lleras of Mansion girls but switching out the 40 mil to say 250 mil or so.

03-30-24, 21:46
This is what I use to do in Tijuana with both the club girls and the streetwalkers outside (so we definitely know they are working girls and no risk of offending a non-pro). I would just say 'cuanto cuesta sucky fucky 30 minutos?' or 'una hora?' and that was sufficient. I would think that these would work in any Latin America destination but wanted to find out about the MDE specific phrases if any.I think just hitting up a girl for price really can decrease odds of having a good session--Slow Down-- You have to romances these hoes -- Create chemistry. Also you can detect bad attitudes and dodge a bullet-- I like to see what happens if you grab her ass or tweak her boob a little-.

All the price talk will come up -- Talking to hoes has increased my skill and decreased my fear of talking to regular girls-- Good Luck.

03-30-24, 21:59
Thanks for your negotiation dialogue. I suppose this would be similar for Parqu Lleras of Mansion girls but switching out the 40 mil to say 250 mil or so.Exactly just change it to 250 mil for lleras since that is the going rate there.

03-31-24, 00:12
...Is there a way to pay something closer to the sub fee of $25?...I think there is an option mail cash.

03-31-24, 00:31
I'm using binance, is the cost really $60!

I see minimum is. 0005 which is about $35 plus transaction fee of $25!

Is there a way to pay something closer to the sub fee of $25?

Can I move my crypto from binance so the fee is not so outrageous?

Any help appreciated.If you are in the us look for rocketcoin. Or look for something similar. Rocketcoin is in tons of gas stations and was easy to create a wallet. I funded it with cash into the ATM and haven't had any problems with minimums.

03-31-24, 01:22
This is what I use to do in Tijuana with both the club girls and the streetwalkers outside (so we definitely know they are working girls and no risk of offending a non-pro). I would just say 'cuanto cuesta sucky fucky 30 minutos?' or 'una hora?' and that was sufficient. I would think that these would work in any Latin America destination but wanted to find out about the MDE specific phrases if any.I must say that I have never heard any of the girls in Medellin ever say "sucky fucky". Usually they would say the Spanish slang or wording for the acts. They might understand it but I don't think the terminology is used that often with the girls. It does sound a bit crude though.

Mr Enternational
03-31-24, 06:34
I must say that I have never heard any of the girls in Medellin ever say "sucky fucky". Only place I have heard that is Sosua. Sucky, fucky, freaky, freaky. Reminds me of the first time a buddy came to Thailand and he wanted to exchange money so he kept telling people changee. I was like man why do you keep saying that. Just say it regular. They understand. He was like well that is what they say in Korea.

Mr Enternational
03-31-24, 06:48
I think just hitting up a girl for price really can decrease odds of having a good session--Slow Down-- You have to romances these hoes -- Create chemistry. Also you can detect bad attitudes and dodge a bullet-- I like to see what happens if you grab her ass or tweak her boob a little-.

All the price talk will come up -- Talking to hoes has increased my skill and decreased my fear of talking to regular girls-- Good Luck.I do not call up Pizza Hut and make small talk in hopes they will make and deliver my pizza right. It is the same when I am shopping for hookers online. I ask if they are available. If they say yes then I ask how much they charge. Then if the price is right I ask for the location. No need in taking up a hooker's or pizza hut cashier's time by asking where they are from and what they did last night.

All that odds of a good session stuff is in your mind. People fuck how they fuck. I have gotten to know normal chicks for months before having sex yet the sex was still horrible. There is nobody saying I will not fuck well because he did not ask about my kids. People just have different skill levels with different things. I would not be able to work on your jet engine no matter how much small talk you made because I am simply not good at working on jet engines. All hookers are not good at sex. They do it for thr money, not for the love of the game.

Talking to normal chicks has never been a problem for me. When we were 12 and 13 we would go to places like Six Flags and the mall and have contests to see who gets the most phone numbers.

03-31-24, 10:09
I think just hitting up a girl for price really can decrease odds of having a good session--Slow Down-- You have to romances these hoes -- Create chemistry. Also you can detect bad attitudes and dodge a bullet-- I like to see what happens if you grab her ass or tweak her boob a little-.

All the price talk will come up -- Talking to hoes has increased my skill and decreased my fear of talking to regular girls-- Good Luck.This applies to most anywhere but more specific to Colombia example wise.

Anybody remember the saying "When in Rome"? Seems like so many guys want to try to bring Rome to Colombia. I say this because in Botero I watch so many gringos try to talk the poor girls to death. Then I watch the Colombian guys chat for 5-10 minutes maximum and start walking to the hotel. Do what the locals do! The more time you want to spend with the girl, the more time you should use to vet the girl. She does not want her time wasted. Buy her a drink and a simple 15 minute chat should give you a 80-90% success rate of determination if she is good or bad. If she is all talk her attitude will appear at about the 10 minute mark. You will see the "hurry up" attitude which is what she will do to you in the bed. But I would start with ST trial test first. If chemistry is there it should be fairly easy to transition it to LT. Going straight up to even a street girl and asking how much is a bit rude. But 80%+ already have BFs so the romance stuff is largely BS. But always be nice and treat her as a regular girl, not a pro, and act appreciative that she is willing to go with you. I see very few Colombian guys grabbing asses and tits or even hugging the Botero street girls because they are in public, and hardly consider that romancing.

I forgot what words the girls used but "fucky sucky" was not it. Please do not start that. Such a horrible expression.

03-31-24, 12:45
I must say that I have never heard any of the girls in Medellin ever say "sucky fucky". Usually they would say the Spanish slang or wording for the acts. They might understand it but I don't think the terminology is used that often with the girls. It does sound a bit crude though.Just I suppose 'fucky sucky' is a bit crude but it is quite prevalent in Asia (Thailand, Philippines) and I definitely heard it being used in Tijuana as well. Another term widely used in Thailand is 'boom boom' for full service and this is has been limited to that region only. I don't recall what was used in Costa Rica where there are many Colombians but these terms probably not needed as much since vast majority of girls there are in the hotel bars known for picking up working girls and their versions of casas.

03-31-24, 15:26
Just I suppose 'fucky sucky' is a bit crude but it is quite prevalent in Asia (Thailand, Philippines) and I definitely heard it being used in Tijuana as well. Another term widely used in Thailand is 'boom boom' for full service and this is has been limited to that region only. I don't recall what was used in Costa Rica where there are many Colombians but these terms probably not needed as much since vast majority of girls there are in the hotel bars known for picking up working girls and their versions of casas.Sex in Spanish is sexo. How else in the world would someone ask the price other than Quanto Cuesta? You guys over think it.

03-31-24, 16:07
...How else in the world would someone ask the price other than Quanto Cuesta? ....If you read the previous answers from Spanish speakers here. This is not what they use but the girl will understand it.

03-31-24, 17:29
If you read the previous answers from Spanish speakers here. This is not what they use but the girl will understand it.Of course she will understand it. I have to use the Spanish I know. I learn Spanish and I use it. It isn't that mysterious. These guys will totally forget that sexo means sex. How hard is that one to remember or know?

03-31-24, 19:59
Of course she will understand it. I have to use the Spanish I know. I learn Spanish and I use it. It isn't that mysterious. These guys will totally forget that sexo means sex. How hard is that one to remember or know?You original post implied that is the only way or the best way. I merely pointed out politely for other members that may not be the case.

I learned from Mr E. He actually explained the difference before. Then I observed how the girls responded which matched what Mr E was suggesting

I learned what Gabacho said from another member Pollo Negro if any one still remember him.

I think if you are not sure a girl is a working girl on Calle 10, then use what Gabacho suggested. You can also use what Mr E suggested afterward because it is simpler.

There are different degrees of questioning you can ask, depending on where you meet the girl from. I am lucky enough to know some very experienced members that gave help generously. I am grateful for that. Many do not post here anymore. I was talking to girl currently and wasn't sure if she wanted to be paid for something or not because there was an ambiguity of the word used. A word can have two different meanings depending on if the girl is working girl or not. A conversation with a friend and he taught me how to phrase the whole thing solved the issue. I even got an response right away which normally would take a while. It's an art to me when you are not sure who you are talking to.

03-31-24, 21:31
Only place I have heard that is Sosua. Sucky, fucky, freaky, freaky. Reminds me of the first time a buddy came to Thailand and he wanted to exchange money so he kept telling people changee. I was like man why do you keep saying that. Just say it regular. They understand. He was like well that is what they say in Korea.What did 'freaky freaky' imply?

03-31-24, 21:50
You original post implied that is the only way or the best way. I merely pointed out politely for other members that may not be the case.

I learned from Mr E. He actually explained the difference before. Then I observed how the girls responded which matched what Mr E was suggesting

I learned what Gabacho said from another member Pollo Negro if any one still remember him.

I think if you are not sure a girl is a working girl on Calle 10, then use what Gabacho suggested. You can also use what Mr E suggested afterward because it is simpler.

There are different degrees of questioning you can ask, depending on where you meet the girl from. I am lucky enough to know some very experienced members that gave help generously. I am grateful for that. Many do not post here anymore. I was talking to girl currently and wasn't sure if she wanted to be paid for something or not because there was an ambiguity of the word used. A word can have two different meanings depending on if the girl is working girl or not. A conversation with a friend and he taught me how to phrase the whole thing solved the issue. I even got an response right away which normally would take a while. It's an art to me when you are not sure who you are talking to.When you have two people who want something to happen, they will understand enough to make it happen. You want sex. She wants money. If that is what the two people want, they can usually figure things out using basic Google Translate. It's not rocket science. You can just ask how much she wants and she will tell you. You can agree or counteroffer. You can show a number on your cellphone to make it easier and indicate mil to avoid understanding as to pesos versus dollars. You don't really need to say "fucky sucky" because it is understood that you want sex. Now you may want to discuss how long you expect the girl to stay or to discuss two shots or more if that is what you want. Now I had girls say polvo as busting a nut so maybe dos polvos as two shots, perhaps? But I have limited Spanish.

04-01-24, 03:15
So much of what is simple appears to be complicated on this website. How many times, for example, do the subjects of facebook tactics and ATM procedures come up?

When you have two people who want something to happen, they will understand enough to make it happen. You want sex. She wants money. If that is what the two people want, they can usually figure things out using basic Google Translate. It's not rocket science. You can just ask how much she wants and she will tell you. You can agree or counteroffer. You can show a number on your cellphone to make it easier and indicate mil to avoid understanding as to pesos versus dollars. You don't really need to say "fucky sucky" because it is understood that you want sex. Now you may want to discuss how long you expect the girl to stay or to discuss two shots or more if that is what you want. Now I had girls say polvo as busting a nut so maybe dos polvos as two shots, perhaps? But I have limited Spanish.

04-01-24, 03:44
When you have two people who want something to happen, they will understand enough to make it happen. ....This is for who are like me and want to learn about the subtlety of what has been mentioned.

If you are not sure who is a working girl on Calle 10, one polite way to tell them apart is to ask "Estas trabajando" as Gobacho posted. This applies to Centro as well. Of course one can do it anyway you want. I am more timid so I prefer not to go up to a girl and ask price directly when I can't tell if she is a working girl or not. You can use the same principle on Facebook, except for me I don't use the same phrase or words suggested here when I don't know if the girl is a working girl or not. There are many ways to say the same thing but imaging the consequence when everyone ask any random FB girls "cuanto cuesta"?

04-01-24, 10:06
Means "how's business?" or "what's the deal?".

04-01-24, 11:54
Now I had girls say polvo as busting a nut so maybe dos polvos as two shots, perhaps? But I have limited Spanish.I recall in the Dominican Republic (and I think in Tijuana as well), the girls referred busting a nut as 'leche' which is like milk I suppose. Has this term been used in Colombia?

04-01-24, 12:54
I recall in the Dominican Republic (and I think in Tijuana as well), the girls referred busting a nut as 'leche' which is like milk I suppose. Has this term been used in Colombia?I knew leche as "semen", "cum". The busting of a nut would be "una corrida" (verb = correrse).

04-01-24, 13:13
I recall in the Dominican Republic (and I think in Tijuana as well), the girls referred busting a nut as 'leche' which is like milk I suppose. Has this term been used in Colombia?All the girls I have seen have understood or use the term "leche" which is milk to refer to cum or coming. So sometimes when you are pumping away and then you pause, they will ask you "leche?

04-01-24, 13:21
This is for who are like me and want to learn about the subtlety of what has been mentioned.

If you are not sure who is a working girl on Calle 10, one polite way to tell them apart is to ask "Estas trabajando" as Gobacho posted. This applies to Centro as well. Of course one can do it anyway you want. I am more timid so I prefer not to go up to a girl and ask price directly when I can't tell if she is a working girl or not. You can use the same principle on Facebook, except for me I don't use the same phrase or words suggested here when I don't know if the girl is a working girl or not. There are many ways to say the same thing but imaging the consequence when everyone ask any random FB girls "cuanto cuesta"?On Facebook, it is a bit tricky with semi-pros because many tend not to mention money. Instead, they will message you about how much they want to meet with you and how handsome you are. Now, if you are an average guy or much older than the girl and the girl is young and pretty, you have to assume that she is eager to meet with you to make money even if she doesn't mention money. On my first trip, I meet with a young attractive girl without any discussion about money and it was very awkward after the sex when she asked me for money and we didn't have an agreement. As a result, now, when a girl wants to meet me and there is no discussion about money, I bring up the subject of money. Some would say you might offend the girl because she may not be a prostitute but so far, no one has been offended and the response has usually been a number or the Spanish for "how much will you give me? Usually I say "how much would you expect if we meet, my love?" in spanish using Google Translate.

Every once in a while, I do get the response that the girl does not want any money. Most guys would jump at this and want to meet a young attractive girl without payment but for me, if it is too good to be true, you have to be suspicious and so I have never meet any of the young attractive girls who say that they don't want any money from me.

Fun Luvr
04-01-24, 13:59
I recall in the Dominican Republic (and I think in Tijuana as well), the girls referred busting a nut as 'leche' which is like milk I suppose. Has this term been used in Colombia?Yes, it is commonly used in Medellin for a man's orgasm.

04-01-24, 15:59
I knew leche as "semen", "cum". The busting of a nut would be "una corrida" (verb = correrse).Also "un polvo" is used in Medellin to refer to an orgasm or a round.

Un polvo = one nut or one round.

Dos polvos = two nuts or two rounds.

Tres polvos = three nuts or three rounds, etc.

04-01-24, 16:08
"un polvo," as in "echar un polvo".

I knew leche as "semen", "cum". The busting of a nut would be "una corrida" (verb = correrse).

04-01-24, 16:13
Yes, it is commonly used in Medellin for a man's orgasm.I despise the word 'leche' in that context. I like it when the girl says 'rrrico' which Colombian chicas say sometimes during sex. I also love to hear the Filipinas say boom boom. Way back in the early 2000's I was in a bar in Angeles city when a group of girls went on stage and sang a Boom Boom song in Tagalog. The crotch area of my pants came under great stress during the singing of that song although the only words I understood were 'Boom Boom'. LOL.

Black Page
04-01-24, 16:33
I knew leche as "semen", "cum". Exactly. It is not just a Colombian thing! Try to search porn videos for "milking" (beware).

04-01-24, 16:38
The subtext of what a girl is getting at when she says "leche" is "hurry the fuck up and get off of me. ".

I despise the word 'leche' in that context. I like it when the girl says 'rrrico' which Colombian chicas say sometimes during sex. I also love to hear the Filipinas say boom boom. Way back in the early 2000's I was in a bar in Angeles city when a group of girls went on stage and sang a Boom Boom song in Tagalog. The crotch area of my pants came under great stress during the singing of that song although the only words I understood were 'Boom Boom'. LOL.

04-01-24, 19:04

For those of you who can't read Spanish, this article says that Mayor Fico Gutiérrez just signed some new decretos prohibiting prostitution in and around Parque Lleras, parque el poblado, Provenza and the surrounding areas starting now and for a period of 6 months.

It also says that bars and establishments that serve alcohol will be ordered to close at 1 am instead of the current 2 am or 4 am time that they currently close.

As soon as there is a new episode from DC Rob covering this story I will post a link so you guys can follow along in English.

04-01-24, 21:55
I can't post an image right now but a buddy sent this to me. I am hoping this means more Centro action and might keep prices down.

What do you guys think?

Nil Admirari
04-01-24, 22:49
I can't post an image right now but a buddy sent this to me. I am hoping this means more Centro action and might keep prices down.What do you guys think?Here's a Google translate of the front page report in today's newspaper (El Colombiano):

Medellin's Mayor's Office prohibits supply and demand of sexual services in El Poblado and premises will have to close at 1:00 am.

The two measures, which include the prohibition of the practice of prostitution for the next six months, aim to counteract the sexual exploitation of girls, boys and adolescents after finding a foreigner with two girls in a hotel in that area of Medellin.

As promised during a press conference held last Sunday, March 31, the mayor of Medellin Federico Gutirrez announced this Monday drastic measures to counteract the sexual exploitation of girls, boys and adolescents in the city.

This Monday, the local president announced that his office decided to prohibit "the demand or request for sexual services or related activities" in commune 14, El Poblado, for six months.

Specifically, Gutirrez ordered the temporary suspension of the demand or request for sexual services and related activities as well as their promotion and advertising in any format in the public space of the area.

The measure taken by the Mayor's Office of Medellin covers a polygon that extends to the surroundings of El Poblado Park, Provenza, Lleras Park, La Presidenta linear park and surrounding residential areas.

04-01-24, 23:31
I can't post an image right now but a buddy sent this to me. I am hoping this means more Centro action and might keep prices down.

What do you guys think?That's great news! Sick and tired of the shit show around Lleras. The park used to be a great place to hang out, look at it now, so disgusting. Centro hoes should stay in Centro where they belong.