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Frank Casio
03-30-11, 02:52
Dear Frank!

Hope everything is fine with you, and that you have found a good paisa that you like.

I'm in Rio right now, and wanted to send you this personal message as you where talking about wanting to go to Rio and visiting (before closing) the Help disco.

I hold no stakes in any corner, and as things have change since my last visit to Rio in 2004, things have all changed for much the worse down here.

There is the neverending rambling on the forum regarding Rio vs Medellin.

That was a legit question a couple years ago, but after Help has closed and the political aims to make Rio a family destination, it has now come to one simple outcome in practical means:

Rio is over.

For the first time, newbee traveller, they might still find some things of intrest, but for a experienced guy like you, you would be deeply dissapointed, and probably think the whole hype was a big joke.

WHat you showed me in Medellin outdo the scene in Rio, by a big margin.

Maybe Medellin in not eather the same it was some 5 years ago, but the scene is at least alive. For example, you can't find a place like fase2 in Rio. It doesn't exist. The best stripjoint, barbarella is second even to Luna-luneras. And now we are talking about the best Rio offers these days.

For the non pro and pro girls, situation is the same. And prices are so high I find better prices even in Germany and Spain. (heck, even Brzilians in Panama City offers better rates)

Whap happened, If I make a guess, was the internet revolution. Not only for guys to learn where to hunt, but the girls also learned from their forums and friends where they could get the most money out of it.

Thats why you these days can find a lot of Brazilian girls working in Italy, Spain, Germany and even small countries like Sweden and Denmark.

Maybe the same thing happened in Medellin, that the girls started travelling the world as well (Panama, Equador, Peru and other destinations)

Heck, I even met Colombian girls in Bangkok in April, so It truly is a true, global world. For good and worse, it's just the way it is, and supply (girls) will always find demand (guy$) so maybe thats why the lack of stunners and easy pickup girl is hard to find these days. The girls also do travel (not to count those getting married abroad on top of that.)

So if you got a friend thinking about going to Rio, make him a favor by telling that if he goes for the girls, he better bring the big, deep wallet, and really downplay his expectations on quality.

To finish this personal letter, I bring you this little gift, so that you can say that you where here.

A short Photo-note:

I wasn't around when Studio54 was the center of gravity in the world of Disco early 80's, but the studio, the vibe, the people is gone now. And so is help, and so is Rio.

So this picture is actually the best to do from current state.

Have a good health, enjoy life, and best greetings,

Your friend, K.

My Place aka Frank's Place!

03-30-11, 03:01
Black Hawk69,

1. Where can a guy go and get non-pros in Medellin?

Right now one of the best places is called La Strada which is 2 floors of mini bars and two discos and a a large Martini bar on the second floor. It is right around the corner from Casa Blanca 1 (which I will detail later).Gents,

Since I answered this question (albeit from a farce post) , I stand by what I said. I NEVER said La Strada was like HELP in Rio. I stated it is a place to get non-pros (BTW-I should have said "gorgeous" non-pros). Now whether or not YOU have the ABILITY to get these type of (upper class) non-pros is the KEY to the equation.



Aussie Greg
03-30-11, 15:19
Guy's, don't worry about La Strada, your to low end for these girls and you will only make a fool of your selves and give gringos more of a bad name here in Medellin.

Aussie Greg.


Since I answered this question (albeit from a farce post) , I stand by what I said. I NEVER said La Strada was like HELP in Rio. I stated it is a place to get non-pros (BTW-I should have said "gorgeous" non-pros). Now whether or not YOU have the ABILITY to get these type of (upper class) non-pros is the KEY to the equation.



03-30-11, 18:24
Guy's, don't worry about La Strada, your to low end for these girls and you will only make a fool of your selves and give gringos more of a bad name here in Medellin.

Aussie Greg. If you are referring to most of your guests. Then yes it can give gringos a bad name. Keep in mind, most of Colombia does not speak English. If the only words you know are "cuanto cuestas?"."how much?", you shouldn't try to embarrass yourself and gringos with a non-pro!

John Gault
03-30-11, 18:54
Guy's, don't worry about La Strada, your to low end for these girls and you will only make a fool of your selves and give gringos more of a bad name here in Medellin.

Aussie Greg. Your right, we would most likely make fools of ourselfs and give Gringos more of a bad name in such a high end establishment in sacred Polblado. You yourself set such a good example of being low key and have no police or any other problems in your fine place of business.

Sorry, but you left yourself wide open, and I could not resist.

Aussie Greg
03-30-11, 20:38
Hi John,

Just stating a fact mate, very class structured here in Medellin.

As far as our fine business goes, where just ploddoing along nicely, don't have any problems with the police, they just called in one day and said "cool it" which we are, well, when I'm here anyway.

The same thing I guess, high society don't want low end putas here in Poblado, they have enough with the low class construction works here stealing every thing in sight.

A. G.

Your right, we would most likely make fools of ourselfs and give Gringos more of a bad name in such a high end establishment in sacred Polblado. You yourself set such a good example of being low key and have no police or any other problems in your fine place of business.

Sorry, but you left yourself wide open, and I could not resist.

03-30-11, 22:56
Might as well try again w / some questions.

I read the going rate for CB chicas is 150/200k but there is no more info than that. Is that for 1 hr. 2 hrs. That`s about right. The exact amount of time with them and money exchanged depends on if they like you, negotiating skills, etc.

With Mansion girls, it`s best just to tell them what you`re looking for. It all works itself out.

At the casas, do these casa babes expect tips. What is the correct amount?

I read some casas offer drinks, do these casas have actual bars in them, or do they hand you a brew while you sit on some funky couch? I guess you can just hang around and drink or not? The chicas appreciate tips (claro!) , they normally don`t ask, it`s up to you if you thinks she deserves one.

Any amount is appreciated really, but 10K pesos is cool if ya liked her.

A couple of the casas have little bars in them, others get ya a drink or refresco from the back.

You can hang and have a drink if ya like while contemplating your next move.

What are the good reasonably priced escorts services that are reliable and deliver decent quality. In case I come home empty handed, I can still get a chica delivered to my room?I don`t know, cause I don`t mess with escort services.
You`ll find something out there that suits ya. IMHO no need for these escort services delivering chicas sight unseen. Always nice to see them, meet them, chat èm up and feel the chemestry, best done at a club, etc.
That`s just me.

Where is a fitness center near the CBNearby. Ask when you get to the CB.

I like this board, but it is no fun sometimes being on the outside of the insiders. I found a way to get the info I needed, to feel confident enough to visit Medellin. I inboxed a couple guys and they were generous w / the info and I would do the same for any respectful mongerer. As for things getting worse as the op rants about, I say come on up to California, it's so pleasant!Yep those damn insiders! I hate èm! Hahaha.

You`re right though, lately there`s been more than several self important, self absorbed, new posters, as well as lots of repetetive questions, so guys (the old timers) get tired and weary of it.

One last IMPORTANT ISSUE. BH, please don't put panty collectors in the same boat as shit eaters. That's not right.

I hear they have 'used panty dispenser' machines in Japan. Appreciate any info always. Later. Funny, I had a Brazillian girl hand me her pantys the other day as I was leaving for the States. Said she wanted me to remeber her.

I`m not a collector per se, but I accpepted them.

03-30-11, 23:03
Funny, I had a Brazillian girl hand me her pantys the other day as I was leaving for the States. Said she wanted me to remeber her.

I`m not a collector per se, but I accpepted them. Yeah right, LOL. I would love to see the look on your face when Colombian customs pulls the dirty Kuko's out of your toiletries bag. Better yet USA Customs! Priceless! LOL! 5 more posts bro! Common you can do it!!

03-31-11, 02:22
Black Hawk69,

1. Where can a guy go and get non-pros in Medellin?

Right now one of the best places is called La Strada which is 2 floors of mini bars and two discos and a a large Martini bar on the second floor. It is right around the corner from Casa Blanca 1 (which I will detail later).Cuba totally agree. Another great place for Non pros is OZ Discoteque right near Hooters. Both tremendous places to meet non pros. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

Happy Huntung

03-31-11, 02:25
I've been to La Strada many times to eat. I'm not old but probably getting too old for this place. I doubt you are too "Low End" for these people though being that it is Colombia and the average salary is about $15 a day. I know one thing for sure. Because I have met him. Cuba Nut couldn't even get a job there sweeping the floor much less take a girl home from any of the bars in La Strada.I know Cuba Nut too, and based on your posts, especially your last one quoted above, I`m sure he`s got more class in his pinky than you`ll ever have, even though I`m sure you believe yourself some stud.

What a dick post, putting down a good dude like Cuba Nut who is cool with everyone, posts great info and fotos, and has a good heart.

Don't bother commenting to me, you are now on my ignorant ignore list.

03-31-11, 02:31
. There is the neverending rambling on the forum regarding Rio vs Medellin.

That was a legit question a couple years ago, but after Help has closed and the political aims to make Rio a family destination, it has now come to one simple outcome in practical means:

Rio is over.

WHat you showed me in Medellin outdo the scene in Rio, by a big margin.

Maybe Medellin in not eather the same it was some 5 years ago, but the scene is at least alive. For example, you can't find a place like fase2 in Rio. It doesn't exist. The best stripjoint, barbarella is second even to Luna-luneras. And now we are talking about the best Rio offers these days. Whatever. Forget Rio.

Brazil has much more to offer than Rio and Copa.

I dig Medellin too Frank, however, I`ll give Brazil my number one pick, and I`m not talking Copa in Rio.

03-31-11, 02:54
I know one thing for sure. Because I have met him. Cuba Nut couldn't even get a job there sweeping the floor much less take a girl home from any of the bars in La Strada.Why Not? I don't know him personally but he MUST be a hottie the way he get putas to pay HIS lunches and their own taxis when they come to see him. .

Brother P
03-31-11, 02:56

I will be back in MDE for my second trip on the dates above (I posted a report on my first trip). My question is, has anyone taken a chica toda la noche from Face dos, and if so what was the cost? Thanks in advance.

03-31-11, 03:33
I've been to La Strada many times to eat. I'm not old but probably getting too old for this place. I doubt you are too "Low End" for these people though being that it is Colombia and the average salary is about $15 a day. I know one thing for sure. Because I have met him. Cuba Nut couldn't even get a job there sweeping the floor much less take a girl home from any of the bars in La Strada.Dude you don't know what the fuck you are talking about, I bet you haven't even met Cubanut because if you did you wouldn't be saying shit like that. [Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely antagonistic. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Member #4688
03-31-11, 04:00
How is Medellin weather in June. Thanks guys

03-31-11, 06:18

Fascinating what you can find on Google, huh?


How is Medellin weather in June. Thanks guys

03-31-11, 13:39

By Scopolamine or some other shit!

You carry on like a careless carefree gringo with nasty lleras prepagos. This is bound to happen to you sooner or later for they all have agendas.

There was a story either here or a few other groups recalling this same story a while back. At least now we know who it was.

Best example of "SPANGLISH" though. LOL

03-31-11, 16:48
That`s about right. The exact amount of time with them and money exchanged depends on if they like you, negotiating skills, etc.

With Mansion girls, it`s best just to tell them what you`re looking for. It all works itself out.

The chicas appreciate tips (claro!) , they normally don`t ask, it`s up to you if you thinks she deserves one.

Any amount is appreciated really, but 10K pesos is cool if ay liked her.

A couple of the casas have little bars in them, others get ay a drink or refresco from the back.

You can hang and have a drink if ay like while contemplating your next move.

I don`t know, cause I don`t mess with escort services.

You`ll find something out there that suits ay. IMHO no need for these escort services delivering chicas sight unseen. Always nice to see them, meet them, chat them up and feel the chemistry, best done at a club, etc.

That`s just me.

Nearby. Ask when you get to the CB.

Yep those damn insiders! I hate them! Hahaha.

You`re right though, lately there`s been more than several self important, self absorbed, new posters, as well as lots of repetitive questions, so guys (the old timers) get tired and weary of it.

Funny, I had a Brazilian girl hand me her pantys the other day as I was leaving for the States. Said she wanted me to remeber her.

I`m not a collector per se, but I accpepted them. Nice soft cotton panties that have been slightly worn are a gourmet item. The neanderthals here and about haven't evolved far enough to appreciate them yet. That's probably a good thing.

I will be there Sunday night Ricker, thanks for the info here. Es muy grande! Brews, laughs and good pussy will the order of the week. I will pm you Monday. Thanks again.

El Bacano
03-31-11, 21:05
I'm allways on alert, if theres an open drink or bottle I refuse to drink it, its risk gentlemen we don't need to take, safety comes down to your instincts, better to live another day than risk your wallet or your life.

So men be carefull, happy hunting.

04-01-11, 01:35
Anyone catch the show Divorce Wars on cnbc? Try to catch the rerun if you can. These guys lose millions of dollars to these gold diggers that contributed nothing to the estate. Would any guys here ever stop banging colombian women to get married? Is the risk of losing half just to much to risk.

04-01-11, 02:01
I'm allways on alert, if theres an open drink or bottle I refuse to drink it, its risk gentlemen we don't need to take, safety comes down to your instincts, better to live another day than risk your wallet or your life.

So men be carefull, happy hunting.That is right. I can't agree more with El Bacano. Don't drink cocktails. When you drink a beer, ask to bring unopened bottle if can. You never know what is inside. Your life can not be risk. But still enjoy being there.

04-01-11, 15:53
Gave a tour on Tuesday with another mid twenties guy from California. The casa's that were loaded were in Prado. If your looking for female attention and being surrounded by late 20's to late 30's women who just want to have a beer and look at you like your a rock star that's the place. If you want one, you go with her, but if not, no problem. My client felt like he was in the lions den! A little too much attention for the young buck!

Colombia JakeWow, GRINGOS or ANYBODY! Getting lot's of "attention" in a CASA of all places? I got to check that one out and see if it works for me! Thanks for the tip!

04-01-11, 16:42
Anyone catch the show Divorce Wars on cnbc? Try to catch the rerun if you can. These guys lose millions of dollars to these gold diggers that contributed nothing to the estate. Would any guys here ever stop banging colombian women to get married? Is the risk of losing half just to much to risk.The story of my life. I would be one miserable MF'er if I hadn't found Colombia after losing what I lost, but I did and now I am happier than I have ever been in my life, period.

Frank Casio
04-01-11, 17:55
First of all, it's probably La Estrada, unless it's owned by some dum foreigner who can't spell Spanish, but I'm guessing it's just this dashing tennis stud the one who can't spell. You guys really sound ignorant with all this La Strada bullshit. At the very least, you sound lacking in knowledge of all the hot spots in Medellin. Sounds like you guys never heard of Sabaneta, Barrio Colombia, Envigado, Ruta 13, Clle. 33 and so on. There are myriads of clubs in all these areas, with thousands of drop dead gorgeous women. So whooppi doo doo to La Strada.

The whole subject is entirely rediculous since Parque Lleras is within a few blocks from La Strada where the high end crowd and some of the most beautiful women in Medellin hang out. And everybody knows about Parque Lleras. So it follows that if Walmart gringos like me were going to embarass you dashing tennis players, what a joke, we've been doing it for almost a decade since every gringo I know ends up in Parque Lleras at some time or another.

I can tell this Runner Up guy is a newbie just from the ignorance that comes out of his mouth. But I'm surprised that Ricker or Aussie Greg would give this kind of non-sense the time of day. But what do I know, I've only visited just about every possible entertainment spot in Medellin for the last 6 years as a Walmart gringo. Possibly bringing embarrassment to all of you dashing tennis players and mates from the "outback" down yonder, ha, ha.

Frank Casio!

Trust me, I met Cuba Nut back when the Medellin Mansion was just a penthouse is some random building. No offense but the dude ain't pulling arse in the USA and he aint pulling any in Colombia! This is why he has to pay for pros in a 3rd world environment. Anyone that pays for sex in Colombia has to question his manlihood. I don't along with all of my friends here. My tennis buddy works at the courts; he is there to hit with anyone and is good. I make money with my raquet and just can't hit with any old pablo. I'm not a pro but we gamble when we play. My tennis buddy also helps me out with amigas why more. Thanks for researching me though. I'm mad that Cuba Nut even mentioned La Strada to the people on this site.

04-01-11, 18:17
Funny, I had a Brazillian girl hand me her pantys the other day as I was leaving for the States. Said she wanted me to remeber her.

I`m not a collector per se, but I accpepted them.Ricker,

Funny thing, a gal I was dating in Brazil a few years ago sent me a pair of panties last Christmas to remind me of her.

What a cool thing to get out of the blue.


Last weekend, I had my friend's 18 year old daughter come over to do some light office work for me. She brought one of her friends to help. Both are seniors in high school. Both are stunningly beautiful. They worked for 3 hours and then I took them to lunch then they worked another 3 hours. During this time they engaged me in talking about their lives and future plans. They talked about their boyfriends and to my surprise, they even talked about their thoughts on sexual matters. I was amazed at how open, honest and confident they were. Both are still virgins. We talked about so many other things as well that no one thing seemed overly important or out of place. Two well rounded young ladies. These girls are what I consider to be non-pros. Just like their counterparts all over the world, they are NOT going to hop in bed with some charmer that buys them dinners or takes them dancing a few nights.

So I get a chuckle out of the guys who talk about how they bed down with only "non-pros". I especially get a kick out of how they constantly profess their "non-pro-ness" on monger boards like this. And that's why I can't take anything that any of them say seriously regardless of if I have met them or not.

As for me, I'll stick to the Pros.




Frank Casio
04-01-11, 18:24
Sorry Runner Up if I misunderstood what you said in my last post or confused you with someone else. This quote of yours sounds a far cry different to the one I just responded to. I don't have it in front of me right now, but I thought it was from you. If it was, it's clearly a contradiction, or you must have multiple personalities, ha, ha!

Oh, and you guys, please leave good old Cuba Nut alone. I don't think I've met him, but I feel bad everybody keeps ganging up on him considering he does bring some knowledge and experience to this board. Thanks for the OZ tip Cuba Nut, I'll have to check it out, never been there.

Frank Casio!

I've been to La Strada many times to eat. I'm not old but probably getting too old for this place. I doubt you are too "Low End" for these people though being that it is Colombia and the average salary is about $15 a day. I know one thing for sure. Because I have met him. Cuba Nut couldn't even get a job there sweeping the floor much less take a girl home from any of the bars in La Strada.

Frank Casio
04-01-11, 18:38
Cudos to you Mr. John Gault. When I read Aussie's statement I didn't even know how to respond to it, it was so stupid. Some guy from "down yonder","outback" calling gringos low class, what a joke. And Aussie, you ought to be ashame indeed for the hypocricy. Your the "king of low" bringing hookers-pros to an area like El Poblado where there isn't even a "casa". At least I keep mine, so to speak, in their home turf. I bring the gringos to them. Cudos again to you Mr. John Gault for your brilliant and concise response to such blatent hipocricy.

Frank Casio!

Your right, we would most likely make fools of ourselfs and give Gringos more of a bad name in such a high end establishment in sacred Polblado. You yourself set such a good example of being low key and have no police or any other problems in your fine place of business.

Sorry, but you left yourself wide open, and I could not resist.

John Gault
04-02-11, 01:34

Funny thing, a gal I was dating in Brazil a few years ago sent me a pair of panties last Christmas to remind me of her.

What a cool thing to get out of the blue.


Last weekend, I had my friend's 18 year old daughter come over to do some light office work for me. She brought one of her friends to help. Both are seniors in high school. Both are stunningly beautiful. They worked for 3 hours and then I took them to lunch then they worked another 3 hours. During this time they engaged me in talking about their lives and future plans. They talked about their boyfriends and to my surprise, they even talked about their thoughts on sexual matters. I was amazed at how open, honest and confident they were. Both are still virgins. We talked about so many other things as well that no one thing seemed overly important or out of place. Two well rounded young ladies. These girls are what I consider to be non-pros. Just like their counterparts all over the world, they are NOT going to hop in bed with some charmer that buys them dinners or takes them dancing a few nights.

So I get a chuckle out of the guys who talk about how they bed down with only "non-pros". I especially get a kick out of how they constantly profess their "non-pro-ness" on monger boards like this. And that's why I can't take anything that any of them say seriously regardless of if I have met them or not.

As for me, I'll stick to the Pros.



148883You do this to me all the time. Here I am back from Latin America for 5 days now and am getting back into the routine of no pussy for me, and you go and post a photo of a stunner. WTF man, have a heart.

BTW, yes this is a monger board the last time I looked. I for one am proud to bang Pro's and even my new Novia is a former Pro.

Que Rico
04-02-11, 13:38
Anybody got reports on Medellin?

04-02-11, 14:37
. Oh, and you guys, please leave good old Cuba Nut alone. I don't think I've met him, but I feel bad everybody keeps ganging up on him considering he does bring some knowledge and experience to this board. Thanks for the OZ tip Cuba Nut, I'll have to check it out, never been there.

Frank Casio! Hello, Frank, despiertate pofavor, there was only one guy doggin' the Cuba Nut and the rest of us defending him. Nobody's ganging up on him.

See ya soon hangin out in Oviedo amigo.

04-02-11, 18:18
There must be a hidden circuit there! Any comments Frank (Casio)?

Member #4394
04-02-11, 19:07
Hi Ricker, Congratulations on the 2000 reports!

Hello, Frank, despiertate pofavor, there was only one guy doggin' the Cuba Nut and the rest of us defending him. Nobody's ganging up on him.

See ya soon hangin out in Oviedo amigo.

04-02-11, 20:19
There must be a hidden circuit there! Any comments Frank (Casio)?Where there is a supply. There is a demand.

Mr Gogo
04-02-11, 22:38
Congrats on 2k, you are much appreciated. Stay you.

Frank Casio
04-03-11, 01:16
Hi Menteng,

Already addressed that issue a while back. The newspapers were trying to blame all of Medellin's 20 years of open prostitution on foreigners. As I pointed out for every 1 gringo I see at a striptease bar there are 100 paisas. Thye've had ten thousands of prostitutes here in Medellin before any foreigner knew they existed. If Medellin was Disney World it would not have sex tourism. Any place in the world is responsible for what it attracts based on what it has to offer. Same old, same old, blame the gringo. Get read of the working girls and I guarantee you they will have no sex tourism.

Frank Casio!

There must be a hidden circuit there! Any comments Frank (Casio)?

Frank Casio
04-03-11, 01:39
Hi Runner Up,

I don't make mongers and I don't make pros, I just help them find each other. If you don't need pros you are a lucky man, but you have no need to insult or denigrade those that do. They have needs also and for whatever reason they might not be as dashingly handsome or charasmatic as you. So let them have a little fun also "a su manera". Like the song says,"I did it my way"."Judge not others, so that you not be judge yourself". I'm dark, something and handsome also, but I like to mix it in with the pros a bit, lately more into massages, full body ones. Just don't like to always be depandant on others for my needs. I have beautiful non-pro girlfriends, if you have taken the time to look at my webpage you would know, but I love my little pros on the side to spice it up a little. But then, that's just me!

Frank Casio!

I have never been to mayorista, San Diego. Haha. I wanted to list more places that cater to guys paying for ass in Colombia but that is all I can come up with! Jeeze. I really must be a newbie. If you have been in Medellin for six years then we showed up at the same time. The difference between you and I? Well, I have never paid for ass in Colombia or any other Latin country for that matter. I am truly a virgin when it comes to pros so I don't even know if I'm a newbie.

I'm scared of herpes and other nasties getting on me.

One last thing. I'm done with Colombia. It is boring for me. I need more than just ass when I get off a plane and to get to El Estadio in taxi is always a 15 minute drive to play tennis. I just got back from Nicaragua. Dry, hot, uglies. But I did catch a lot of waves. I think I should be able to get everything I need in Mexico. Mexico is next for me.

PS. I think in about 5 years I might start paying for BBBJ from pros along with full body deep tissue massages!

I was a bit of an ass to CUBANUT and for that. I'm sorry.

I'm really not an ass in real life. Sometimes I just like to play the antagonist.

04-03-11, 01:43
Boy, this board has really been lickin' ass lately.

I had two great sessions back to back, two days in a row at New Life this week, with the same Chica. I've been with her now maybe 10 times in the past 6 months or so, but it had been a few months since the last time. She's now working at New Life since about a month or so ago. I know her from a different place obvio. Outrageous time. Kudos to the guy who posted that he once spent the afternoon in a room with a chica and ordered beers and lunch. I was tempted myself it was so relaxing, good and fun. I instead just went back the next day and let her do her thing again. It was also the first time I had ever been in the downstairs rooms. Nice.

I also was across the street from La Strada a few nights ago. I chuckled a little bit out loud when I thought of the post advising guys to just stay away. So true.

I was in Loutron a couple of times in the past 10 days. Once with a buddy of mine who was visiting from Panama. We didn't partake, so we both paid 10k for the viewing. I returned another day and went with a Chica I had lost touch with. 210k + discretionary. Ouch!

I was on Carrera 47 recently so I hit the casa's on that street.

Sexy fantasias 2 had about 10 girls. Some were nice. A really cute one showed up, apparently a college student with her school books in hand. She was very nice looking. I didn't session because I was a few hours removed from my NL Chica. I was well satisfied, but enjoying the beautiful day, El Centro and the recon.

Paris Club is open. The entry way was renovated and that's why it must have been closed the last time I stopped by. It had 6 girls.

Also hit Zandaly, which also had about 5 or 6. And finally I hit Angeles De Fuego before heading home. They had a complete turnover. I didn't recognize one girl. Ok lineup.

Fase Dos has been dead and no new girls to speak of. I can tell you guys about awesome 'happenings' between me and a Fase Dos Chica, but that is a long story and will probably remain private, between myself and my buddies that saw it all go down over a few days. It's the kind of shit that can only happen to ya if you live here anyway, are super cool, know a cupla people and know how to 'get around'.

Many people have commented in the past that Medellin can be boring. The town has a very slow pace. I truly love that sometimes, but not always. The town is slow right now it appears.

Today I went back to Sexy fantasias 2. I was looking for a girl I saw yesterday or the college student even. No Luck.

I then proceeded to Sexy Fantasias 1, piso 3. Not a bad, selection. Don't go here unless you can get around in Medellin or other similar city without problem or fear. It's not that it is dangerous, it may be, I don't know but I doubt it, it's just very local. I happen to like that.

I then hit Barcelona, nothing for me. Cost me 3k for a view of 5 chicas. Who said Prado was stocked? That must be one bullshit tour guide.

I ended up at Sexy 45d. This place does not have a good lineup right now. I have seen it much better. However it only takes one, and I found her looking smoking hot, like she was going out on the town at night. Picture a hot paisa with the jeans, the shoes, the hair, the cleavage, and a banging ass. I've been with her before and today it was very good with her, better than the first time as it usually is.

After leaving sexy 45d, I ate at the little restaurant 'virtually' next door to Sexy 45d. See photos. It was the first time for me. I usually go to another awesome typico place a few blocks away which I love for Arepas de Queso, and Empanadas and beers. The best I've found in Medellin. Awesome. I'd be found to easily if I gave out the name and address. This place however is bangin' also. They had these things called Panzeroti's, which are Italian but apparently common around town. I have never seen them though. Stuffed with queso, and pollo, or queso and Maicitos and tocineta. I attached some photos. Muy muy rico.

I have a plea for gringos. Gringos please: Do not dance unless you know how to, and by now in your life you should clearly know if you can or not. And please do not where sunglasses at night, or indoors. It should go without saying of course to especially not do both at the same time! I could add singing when you don't know the words while doing the other two.

Hasta luego!





04-03-11, 01:47
Thanks for the fotos. Is that like a trap or joke or something?

Boy, this board has really been lickin' ass lately.

I had two great sessions back to back, two days in a row at New Life this week, with the same Chica. I've been with her now maybe 10 times in the past 6 months or so, but it had been a few months since the last time. She's now working at New Life since about a month or so ago. I know her from a different place obvio. Outrageous time. Kudos to the guy who posted that he once spent the afternoon in a room with a chica and ordered beers and lunch. I was tempted myself it was so relaxing, good and fun. I instead just went back the next day and let her do her thing again. It was also the first time I had ever been in the downstairs rooms. Nice.

I also was across the street from La Strada a few nights ago. I chuckled a little bit out loud when I thought of the post advising guys to just stay away. So true.

I was in Loutron a couple of times in the past 10 days. Once with a buddy of mine who was visiting from Panama. We didn't partake, so we both paid 10k for the viewing. I returned another day and went with a Chica I had lost touch with. 210k + discretionary. Ouch!

I was on Carrera 47 recently so I hit the casa's on that street.

Sexy fantasias 2 had about 10 girls. Some were nice. A really cute one showed up, apparently a college student with her school books in hand. She was very nice looking. I didn't session because I was a few hours removed from my NL Chica. I was well satisfied, but enjoying the beautiful day, El Centro and the recon.

Paris Club is open. The entry way was renovated and that's why it must have been closed the last time I stopped by. It had 6 girls.

Also hit Zandaly, which also had about 5 or 6. And finally I hit Angeles De Fuego before heading home. They had a complete turnover. I didn't recognize one girl. Ok lineup.

Fase Dos has been dead and no new girls to speak of. I can tell you guys about awesome 'happenings' between me and a Fase Dos Chica, but that is a long story and will probably remain private, between myself and my buddies that saw it all go down over a few days. It's the kind of shit that can only happen to ya if you live here anyway, are super cool, know a cupla people and know how to 'get around'.

Many people have commented in the past that Medellin can be boring. The town has a very slow pace. I truly love that sometimes, but not always. The town is slow right now it appears.

Today I went back to Sexy fantasias 2. I was looking for a girl I saw yesterday or the college student even. No Luck.

I then proceeded to Sexy Fantasias 1, piso 3. Not a bad, selection. Don't go here unless you can get around in Medellin or other similar city without problem or fear. It's not that it is dangerous, it may be, I don't know but I doubt it, it's just very local. I happen to like that.

I then hit Barcelona, nothing for me. Cost me 3k for a view of 5 chicas. Who said Prado was stocked? That must be one bullshit tour guide.

I ended up at Sexy 45d. This place does not have a good lineup right now. I have seen it much better. However it only takes one, and I found her looking smoking hot, like she was going out on the town at night. Picture a hot paisa with the jeans, the shoes, the hair, the cleavage, and a banging ass. I've been with her before and today it was very good with her, better than the first time as it usually is.

After leaving sexy 45d, I ate at the little restaurant 'virtually' next door to Sexy 45d. See photos. It was the first time for me. I usually go to another awesome typico place a few blocks away which I love for Arepas de Queso, and Empanadas and beers. The best I've found in Medellin. Awesome. I'd be found to easily if I gave out the name and address. This place however is bangin' also. They had these things called Panzeroti's, which are Italian but apparently common around town. I have never seen them though. Stuffed with queso, and pollo, or queso and Maicitos and tocineta. I attached some photos. Muy muy rico.

I have a plea for gringos. Gringos please: Do not dance unless you know how to, and by now in your life you should clearly know if you can or not. And please do not where sunglasses at night, or indoors. It should go without saying of course to especially not do both at the same time! I could add singing when you don't know the words while doing the other two.

Hasta luego!





Frank Casio
04-03-11, 02:25
Hi again,

I forgot to tell you that I met one of those foreigners. I had a guy call me and meet me at La Mayorista, I felt sorry for him. As it turns out he was staying in El Poblado and was looking for pros in Parque Lleras and all over El Poblado for almost a week and couldn't find any, ha, ha. Can you imagine being in Medellin for a week and not being laid even by a pro. Poor guy probably thought they could be found anywhere in Medellin. He was probably one of the guys the police was following around in "Parque Lleras aka la zona rosa", ha, ha!

There must be a hidden circuit there! Any comments Frank (Casio)?

Tom Power
04-03-11, 04:12
[Link to Photo(s) deleted by Admin]

Love it.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The link(s) originally included with this report was to a photo on another website, and thus it was deleted in accordance with the Forum's Photo Guidelines.

If you have photos you wish to share with the Forum Members, then please post them here. Please read the Forum's Photo Guidelines for further information.Thank You.

04-03-11, 06:43
All I can say is wow! More video to share: [Link to Photo(s) deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: The link(s) originally included with this report was to a photo on another website, and thus it was deleted in accordance with the Forum's Photo Guidelines.

If you have photos you wish to share with the Forum Members, then please post them here. Please read the Forum's Photo Guidelines for further information.Thank You.

04-03-11, 17:40
there must be a hidden circuit there!menteng,

i am curious to see what the article said in regards to the headline. i think a bit of sensationalism to sell the paper is in order here. must have been a slow news week in medellin.

i mean it's like if i am a paisa that frequents lleras, i'd probably dispute the accusation or at least say it's inaccurate.

sure i have seen dozens of gringos at parque lleras, but usually, if not always, when they are with girls, these are girls they brought there themselves.

parque lleras has never been touted as a pick up place although, as of recent, girls have been approaching guys there with ill will intentions (drug, rob them).

i am sure that many paisas do not like seeing so many gringos with their "prepagos" eating at their favorite places. they do tend to stick out and be very noticeable. but then there are others who don't give a crap.

however, some major restaurants in lleras try to keep their place "gringo / prepago combo free" during peek hours. i've seen it first hand. these restaurants gladly welcome gringos and their "dates" during the week when it's slow. however, i have seen the same restaurants turn away gringos and their "dates" on the usual busy friday and saturday nights. they do this by putting "reserved" cards on all the tables. then they can decide who to let in.



ps. i guess it's just a matter of time before we see this headline appear (see photo).


Cocr Brotheler
04-03-11, 22:40
I went to Lima 7 times before I even thought about Colombia. I always had a good time in Lima. Trouble started with me with the terrible pollution in the city. Then the Soles (money) became more expensive on each trip. Airfare also was more expensive as Spirit cut back on service on the months that Lima is pleasent (Nov. To April ). The girls are good, but except for one real low end place they were more expensive than Colombia. I don't count CTG in the mix as it is the most expensive city in Colombia for P4P.

To sum it up Colombia is closer and cheaper than Lima. If there was no Colombia then I would glady return to Peru. Yeah. I can't imagine the 5 hr. Or more flight to Lima on any bird other than a wide body. Those rat trap A320s Spirit runs down there way to cramped. Even the 3 hrs. To MDE from FLL the A320 too cramped.

Hanshin Baka
04-03-11, 23:03

Have you seen little Dulce Maria and her sister\cousin\frie the from Santo Domingo lately?


Frank Casio
04-04-11, 00:26
Hi HB, I'm in Tampa, FL right now and won't be back to my beloved Medellin until early May. So I havn't seen those girls, and I have never met any Dominicans in La Mayorista. That would be a new one for me.

Frank Casio!


Have you seen little Dulce Maria and her sister\cousin\frie the from Santo Domingo lately?


04-04-11, 01:31

I will be in Medellin April 4 for about a week. If you're in town and want to share notes, go chica hunting, PM me.


Where is the latest hot spot for getting good TLN? It's been a few years since I was in MDE.

04-04-11, 04:32
Yeah. I can't imagine the 5 hr. Or more flight to Lima on any bird other than a wide body. Those rat trap A320s Spirit runs down there way to cramped. Even the 3 hrs. To MDE from FLL the A320 too cramped.It really depends how tall / big you are and the size of the people sitting around you. Sitting between two slim chicas is the best =)

04-04-11, 04:39

I will be in Medellin April 4 for about a week. If you're in town and want to share notes, go chica hunting, PM me.


Where is the latest hot spot for getting good TLN? It's been a few years since I was in MDE.Sounds like you've got solid experience, answer? Same as a few years ago. You will be fine.

Mr Gogo
04-04-11, 05:09
As we break in the New Year I can't help but notice the new dynamic. The top of the mongering food chain is no longer, Brazil (Rio) is going through a transition as a new economic power and the fuck fest is over. For ex Brazil guys, the stories are legendary and if you were there to experience it be gratefull. The problem is that no where except maybe Pattaya (the new no1 spot) can compare. But most guys don't want a 19 hour flight.

So as we lower level feeders share our prized spots, we open ourselves up. But first lets state the obvious. No one fucks like the Brazilians as a group. Help, termas, and 4x4 are history. Brazil is toned down as they prepare for the World cup in 2014, and the 2016 Olympics. Nothing good lasts forever.

So I say in 2011 as we except the new transplants, except that we are NOT Brazil. Please tone down your expectations and accept "Brazil Light'. We all know and have heard the Brazil stories a hundred times. But in the later part of 2011 please don't complain that everywhere else wasnt like Brazil (we know that). Also Brazil was set up for straight fucking. Now you might need to brush up on your Spanish and rap game, no excuses up your game. Don't go to Medellin expecting a fuck fest without some suave.

As Brazil blew up for fucking so did the porn industry. Anyone with a half hard dick and wanted the "in spot" was there. I've seen my boys videos of the orgys. Medellin, the DR and other spots won't allow this open city exploitation. Low key is the vibe. Flying under the radar and getting pussy like you like is the recipe. Point blank, I don't want yall fucking up my spots.

04-04-11, 07:40
Hi HB, I'm in Tampa, FL right now and won't be back to my beloved Medellin until early May. So I havn't seen those girls, and I have never met any Dominicans in La Mayorista. That would be a new one for me.

Frank Casio! I will be in Medellin in May. Staying in San Fernando Plaza. I'm a newbie for Medellin but, lived in Brazil and Thailand for 13 yrs. Maybe we can me up for drinks and the HUNT!

Goga Fung
04-04-11, 14:25
Is there a place in Medellin similar to the old "HELP" disco in Rio de Janiero?I don't think there is one in Medellin. But LDV in Cartagena is kinda similar to HELP.

04-04-11, 16:27

i am curious to see what the article said in regards to the headline. i think a bit of sensationalism to sell the paper is in order here. must have been a slow news week in medellin.

i mean it's like if i am a paisa that frequents lleras, i'd probably dispute the accusation or at least say it's inaccurate.

sure i have seen dozens of gringos at parque lleras, but usually, if not always, when they are with girls, these are girls they brought there themselves.

parque lleras has never been touted as a pick up place although, as of recent, girls have been approaching guys there with ill will intentions (drug, rob them).

i am sure that many paisas do not like seeing so many gringos with their "prepagos" eating at their favorite places. they do tend to stick out and be very noticeable. but then there are others who don't give a crap.

however, some major restaurants in lleras try to keep their place "gringo / prepago combo free" during peek hours. i've seen it first hand. these restaurants gladly welcome gringos and their "dates" during the week when it's slow. however, i have seen the same restaurants turn away gringos and their "dates" on the usual busy friday and saturday nights. they do this by putting "reserved" cards on all the tables. then they can decide who to let in.



ps. i guess it's just a matter of time before we see this headline appear (see photo).

149023nice attachment. reading the postings in this thread lately, it might happen.

the paper is adn from last friday. 1st april. so it might have been an "april fool" thing. but i don't know if that's also a tradition in colombia.

the article quotes some young (!) women, saying that on saturdays they wait to be picked up by : argentinos, gringos o israelies. those extranjeros will pay the bill and invite them to an "otra parte". sounds innocent to me.

but, according to the subsectretario de orden civil there is some talk about pimps operating there. so photo's have been taken of them and those who were with the "menores" (!). and the police will act in accordance.

04-04-11, 16:51
Saw working girls there in August and in October but I spend wayyyyyyy too much time there in Lleras.

There was the same 3 chicas sitting on the park corner across from Juan Valdez day in day out, staring at every car that came by like it was an atm machine. One was really hot.

Then I was walking towards Tropical Cocktails during the day and I walked by this smoking hot chic and a gringo was talking to her and he said," The guy backed out on me at the last minute." The girl was staring hard at me and I walked another 50 feet before I relized what was going on, LOL, I am a little slow! I turned around and they were both gone-fuck a lost opputunity, it wasn't Robert from girlfriend for a week I have met him before.

October trip I spent some time around the Alamo bar across from Juan Valdez and low and behold there is the old Mansion security guard alot thinner than he used to be but gives me fistbop I ask where the prepagos are and he takes me inside and introduces me to a few, one was really cute but I had other plans, he also said more later and there is alot out on Calle 10 a block over.

I don't recommend patrolling there looking for working girls, it certainly isn't point and click that is for sure!

04-04-11, 17:01
Has the owner of LDV in Cartegena ever considered opening up a LDV in Medellin. Any rumors of that ever happening. Thailand will never be a number 1 spot. I have never been there, but having sex with a country full of no ass flat chested girls that all look alike is not my idea of a number one spot. No offense to the guys that like that, but it's just not for me. Brazil is still good if money is no object. Going to Brazil will soon be like asking "How much is the Ferrari". If you have to ask, than you can't afford it. I see a day when the exchange rate there is 1 to 1. That means 350 dollars for one girl and entrance at the termas. That's if the termas don't raise their rates. We could see 450 reals at a terma and a 1 to 1 rate in a year. I might go back one last time later in the year before it really gets bad.

04-04-11, 17:13
Is there a place in Medellin similar to the old "HELP" disco in Rio de Janiero?Hmmm, great question!

Tell ya what. Let me do some research and I'll get right back to ya.

04-04-11, 17:18
... Low key is the vibe. Flying under the radar and getting pussy like you like is the recipe. Point blank, I don't want yall fucking up my spots.Actually the best 'recipe' is not posting to the public the best new places you find, otherwise they will disappear too.

Sad and selfish? Maybe, but that's just the way it is.

Telling other guys to chill out and go low key is good advice, but there are plenty who will never heed good advice and will do what they like.

Good luck amigo, oh and PS, at least for me, Brazil is much more than the CopaCabana, Rio. Like you say, nothing like a Basileira :)

Colombia Jake
04-04-11, 19:27
Following up to my last report. There are two casa's in Prado that have a different style than the rest of the normal sit down see the line up and pick one or leave. These two have the girls out sitting in a open room and guys just sit down and hang out, drink a beer and shoot the shit with the girls until you decide to take one or not. Tours by.

Colombia Jake

Frank Casio
04-04-11, 21:12
Hi Arjay,

My veteran guests at My Place ussually do all the touring guide for my newbies at My Place. They love breaking in newbies and taking them around. I used to do that but I don't have that much time anymore. I only do "casa" runs when I have only newbies and no vets. Staying at My Place. But all my guys get an automatic tour of La Mayorista area the minute they arrive by my Keymaster. Gabriela shows them the restaurants, banks, supermarkets, pharmacies, Laundry, Metro and last but not least, where all the cuties hang out.

Frank Casio!

I will be in Medellin in May. Staying in San Fernando Plaza. I'm a newbie for Medellin but, lived in Brazil and Thailand for 13 yrs. Maybe we can me up for drinks and the HUNT!

04-04-11, 21:54
Actually the best 'recipe' is not posting to the public the best new places you find, otherwise they will disappear too.

Sad and selfish? Maybe, but that's just the way it is.

Telling other guys to chill out and go low key is good advice, but there are plenty who will never heed good advice and will do what they like. Best advice out there yet, Travel out of the south? Find something nice and special. Don't see any gringos and know that most gingos won't even think of venturing there? Keep your mouth shut! SOME of us have already been doing this for a few years now. Also have you noticed A LOT of past quality posters have "disappeared?". They have stopped posting completely. This guy TOMTOM33 comes to mind.

04-04-11, 22:42

Have you seen little Dulce Maria and her sister\cousin\frie the from Santo Domingo lately?

HBThink he means the comuna, Santo Domingo- not the D. R.

04-04-11, 23:51
I am planning a trip in June for 2 weeks. I am looking for a one bedroom apt or hotel within walking distance of the best casas or discos. Any suggestions friends?

Hanshin Baka
04-05-11, 01:38
Hi HB, I'm in Tampa, FL right now and won't be back to my beloved Medellin until early May. So I havn't seen those girls, and I have never met any Dominicans in La Mayorista. That would be a new one for me.

Frank Casio! Frank:

I was talking about the barrio in the hills. Your apprentice who was watching your place for a while knew them.


04-05-11, 06:40
LOL! Where is the best place I can get todo noche, and is it easy to get the girls to do this? Where is the best place to get nonpros?

We will probably see these questions again very soon, along with HELP question. It is as certain as death and taxes. "mama said life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what your going to get" or even why for that matter? Sometimes the stars align, I; ve had girls stay all nite without ever even discussing it or negotiating price, One was from luna another from girlfriend for a week who I met at a party, another I pulled out of a downtown strip bar, other times girls are a bit more hit and run, Is it chemistry, are they too tired to get a cab, are they simply enjoying my company? I have no fucking Idea! And no one here does either, I always stay at nice places with plenty of hot water, clean towels and plenty of alcohol, this might factor into the equation, There is no best place

Pana Nyc
04-05-11, 07:17
Thailand blows Medellin away mongering wise with a nuclear bomb no competition any body who wants to debate me I'm ready. I have been to both places and with your comment you DO NOT know what you are talking about because you have never been there. Yes Latinas have better bodies than Asians we know this and there is more variety in in Latin nations we know this (I'm Latino by the way) compared to Asian nations. Do not sleep on Thailand and the propaganda you are feed that Asian females over there have no ass and are flat chested until I made a trip to Thailand I believed that until I finally saw 1st hand fine sexy women out there, if you can't find someone you like out 100, 000 females they have out there than something is wrong with you. Back on Medellin Paisas, Thai females service blows them away no competition in my opinion. If you like the Hedonistic feeling than Pattaya reminds you more of Rio than Medellin does. I have been to Medellin many of times the last couple of years and made my 1st trip to Thailand this year and just being in Pattaya for 24 hours I said to myself this place is better than Rio, and Medellin is not even in Pattaya's league. If anyone wants to come up to Mount Everest of mongering book a trip to LOS! The majority of guys on here will never make it out to LOS because of the distance from USA to Thailand 20+ hours, and flight price 1000US+ which is a good thing...LOL.

Has the owner of LDV in Cartegena ever considered opening up a LDV in Medellin. Any rumors of that ever happening. Thailand will never be a number 1 spot. I have never been there, but having sex with a country full of no ass flat chested girls that all look alike is not my idea of a number one spot.

04-05-11, 10:15
Thailand blows Medellin away mongering wise with a nuclear bomb no competition any body who wants to debate me I'm ready. I have been to both places and with your comment you DO NOT know what you are talking about because you have never been there. Yes Latinas have better bodies than Asians we know this and there is more variety in in Latin nations we know this (I'm Latino by the way) compared to Asian nations. Do not sleep on Thailand and the propaganda you are feed that Asian females over there have no ass and are flat chested until I made a trip to Thailand I believed that until I finally saw 1st hand fine sexy women out there, if you can't find someone you like out 100, 000 females they have out there than something is wrong with you. Back on Medellin Paisas, Thai females service blows them away no competition in my opinion. If you like the Hedonistic feeling than Pattaya reminds you more of Rio than Medellin does. I have been to Medellin many of times the last couple of years and made my 1st trip to Thailand this year and just being in Pattaya for 24 hours I said to myself this place is better than Rio, and Medellin is not even in Pattaya's league. If anyone wants to come up to Mount Everest of mongering book a trip to LOS! The majority of guys on here will never make it out to LOS because of the distance from USA to Thailand 20+ hours, and flight price 1000US+ which is a good thing...LOL.I think I agree with you in a few points that Pattaya has much more variety and girls are pretty much available 24/7. Service quality of Thai Women could be argued. Service quality in my opinion always depends on chemistry between two individuals. IMHO though, Latinas are much more prettier on average compared to most women in Thailand. We can argue about this till the Cows come home but again beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I personally much rather prefer the beautiful Paisas of Medellin over the Thai girls. Some of the better looking working girls in Colombia are just drop dead gorgeous and that I can not buy in Thailand. No matter the price. I have been to both Pattaya and Medellin several times and I think if I was watching my wallet then I would go to Thailand but if I was looking for top notch beautiful girls then I would much rather prefer Medellin. Let's face it. It is expensive to monger in Medellin for the most part compared to Thailand. Yes Medellin has it's Casa scene and you could get lucky and hit a diamond in the rough at the Casas in that case you just get the best of both worlds (Great looking girl at Very good price).



El Bacano
04-05-11, 11:58
If you like Thailand so much GTFO and go there. This is for Medellin lovers, which I agree with the last post. Our Medellin Ladies are much more beautiful then the tahi girls.

04-05-11, 12:55

04-05-11, 14:01
http://colombiareports.com/colombia-news/sports/15350-weekends-soccer-games-marred-by-violence.htmlI've been to a few of these soccer games with me lady friend including some playoff games and even a championship. If you value your life best to wear the colors of everybody around you where you are sitting. Pay extra for the the nicer reserved seats. Do NOT sit in the general admission section. Did I read that the robbed the players as well? Crazy.

I've never seen more childish, primitive behavior in my life and NO you can't compare drunkeness idiots in a REDSOX / YANKEES game or a GIANTS / DODGERS game. There are no REGULAR stabbings or killings where the riot police are readily available. So people who say "these sorts of hooligans are at every American sporting event" have no f-ing clue WTF they are talking about.

04-05-11, 15:39
Whoever's visiting or already lives in MDE & would like to have a brew, check out casas / stripclubs, etc.

Please send me a PM. I'll be in town from April 7th thru the 18th.

Plenty of CR experience. Spanish is ok. Been waiting for this trip for a long time, so I'm game for whatever! !

Let's do this! ! !

Member #4394
04-05-11, 16:18
I have never been there, but having sex with a country full of no ass flat chested girls that all look alike is not my idea of a number one spot. .It is only true in the extent to which everything in Texas is big. In the other thread, WT69 mentioned Philippines. My question is that which, Thailand or Philippines, offer cheaper girls. Which girls have lite skin? My understanding is that Thailand, specially Bangkok, is "not" cheaper than Medellin.

Sky Ryder
04-05-11, 21:06
If you like Thailand so much GTFO and go there. This is for Medellin lovers, which I agree with the last post. Our Medellin Ladies are much more beautiful then the tahi girls.Bacano,

Amigo, while I think that within reason one should be able to share your opinions on this site, but don't forget that they are just that, your opinions.

To make a blanket statement that "your" Medellin ladies are more beautiful than Thai girls, is just asinine, IMHO.

I've spent time in both places and will attest to the fact that there are beautiful ladies in Medellin, but thankfully what determines feminine beauty in one man's eyes is different for the next man. I have found some stunningly beautiful ladies in the LOS, that I suspect would hold up well in most beauty contests in any location. It is a matter of taste.

If you want to see what I am talking about, take a look at the Thai forum and look at some of the pictures posted by a member handle Fon Tok, these are "normal" girls doing "normal" things, not WG's and maybe you will find some of them attractive.

I don't think that one lady being attractive takes away from another. Heck they can both be attractive, as I am unaware of a "limit" on the number of attractive, hot women.

I feel very fortunate to travel to both locales and have had unforgettable experiences in both places, with VERY hot women, never really worried about "who was better looking". As I said this is just MY opinion and I fully recognize I could be wrong.


04-05-11, 21:23
Hey John. I think we discussed this same topic one day poolside at the mansion.

Me, I love ALL types of women; Asian, Latina, white, black, Indian, even some Arab girls. I'd heartily recommend that everyone experience Thailand one time for themselves just to see the sheer scale of it all. Imagine a thousand Mayoristas and you're getting close.

One thing I miss though is a good old Thai soapy (complete with fishbowl). If a smart Colombian ever opened one up in Medellin he'd make a fortune.


I think I agree with you in a few points that Pattaya has much more variety and girls are pretty much available 24/7. Service quality of Thai Women could be argued. Service quality in my opinion always depends on chemistry between two individuals. IMHO though, Latinas are much more prettier on average compared to most women in Thailand. We can argue about this till the Cows come home but again beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I personally much rather prefer the beautiful Paisas of Medellin over the Thai girls. Some of the better looking working girls in Colombia are just drop dead gorgeous and that I can not buy in Thailand. No matter the price. I have been to both Pattaya and Medellin several times and I think if I was watching my wallet then I would go to Thailand but if I was looking for top notch beautiful girls then I would much rather prefer Medellin. Let's face it. It is expensive to monger in Medellin for the most part compared to Thailand. Yes Medellin has it's Casa scene and you could get lucky and hit a diamond in the rough at the Casas in that case you just get the best of both worlds (Great looking girl at Very good price).



Legal Tender
04-05-11, 21:46
Me, I love ALL types of women; Asian, Latina, white, black, Indian, even some Arab girls. I'd heartily recommend that everyone experience Thailand one time for themselves just to see the sheer scale of it all.Now, that says it all!

Only good energy.

04-05-11, 23:47
Thailand blows Medellin away mongering wise with a nuclear bomb no competition any body who wants to debate me I'm ready. I have been to both places and with your comment you DO NOT know what you are talking about because you have never been there. Yes Latinas have better bodies than Asians we know this and there is more variety in in Latin nations we know this (I'm Latino by the way) compared to Asian nations. Do not sleep on Thailand and the propaganda you are feed that Asian females over there have no ass and are flat chested until I made a trip to Thailand I believed that until I finally saw 1st hand fine sexy women out there, if you can't find someone you like out 100, 000 females they have out there than something is wrong with you. Back on Medellin Paisas, Thai females service blows them away no competition in my opinion. If you like the Hedonistic feeling than Pattaya reminds you more of Rio than Medellin does. I have been to Medellin many of times the last couple of years and made my 1st trip to Thailand this year and just being in Pattaya for 24 hours I said to myself this place is better than Rio, and Medellin is not even in Pattaya's league. If anyone wants to come up to Mount Everest of mongering book a trip to LOS! The majority of guys on here will never make it out to LOS because of the distance from USA to Thailand 20+ hours, and flight price 1000US+ which is a good thing...LOL.Living here in Medellin I have met some serious hardcore mongers. Guys who have written the book. They are constantly telling me I need to go to Thailand.

I have heard only great things about Thailand from a fair amount of different types of mongers.

Thing is I'm afraid I'll never come back if I go.

Here is a photo comparison but with the Philippines.


04-06-11, 04:09
Living here in Medellin I have met some serious hardcore mongers. Guys who have written the book. They are constantly telling me I need to go to Thailand.

I have heard only great things about Thailand from a fair amount of different types of mongers.

Thing is I'm afraid I'll never come back if I go.

Here is a photo comparison but with the Philippines.

http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?583-Medellin-Reports&p=1072941&viewfull=1#post1072941Their you go the photo comparison clearly shows that Philippines or even Thailand for that matter has many more working girls compared to Medellin. I visited Philippines in March 2011 and it is my opinion that prices are comparably 2 for 1. That is in Philippines you can get 2 girls for approx $100 / night where as comparatively you would have to spend minimum of $ 125 in Medellin to spend the night with 1 girl.

Sheer Volume of girls in Philippines is just amazing. It all depends on each individuals taste. I would rather spend the night with 1 Paisa then with 2 girls from Philippines.



John Gault
04-06-11, 04:30
Hey John. I think we discussed this same topic one day poolside at the mansion.

Me, I love ALL types of women; Asian, Latina, white, black, Indian, even some Arab girls. I'd heartily recommend that everyone experience Thailand one time for themselves just to see the sheer scale of it all. Imagine a thousand Mayoristas and you're getting close.

One thing I miss though is a good old Thai soapy (complete with fishbowl). If a smart Colombian ever opened one up in Medellin he'd make a fortune.

Reef. A few years ago I had a ticket to Thailand all paid for with a departure date of 4 or 5 months in the future. I went to Peru first and liked it so much that I was able to cancel my Thai ticket and go again to Lima instead.

One of my main reasons for the trip to Thailand was the allure of The Soapy's. Now you mention how it would be a good idea for a Soapy establishment in MDE. Hey, Why not do that with a night Club like LDV attached. Since everyone is asking about places like Help, I think this idea would be a sure winner.

I know some guys think I joke a little on this board, but this time I am serious. Really.

Member #4394
04-06-11, 05:45
I know I should not talk about Philippines too much on Colombia Forum, but which city in Phil. Would you recommend? Among Cebu, Manila, and A city, which is cheapest? Which city has beautiful girls? Thanks a lot.

Their you go the photo comparison clearly shows that Philippines or even Thailand for that matter has many more working girls compared to Medellin. I visited Philippines in March 2011 and it is my opinion that prices are comparably 2 for 1. That is in Philippines you can get 2 girls for approx $100 / night where as comparatively you would have to spend minimum of $ 125 in Medellin to spend the night with 1 girl.

Sheer Volume of girls in Philippines is just amazing. It all depends on each individuals taste. I would rather spend the night with 1 Paisa then with 2 girls from Philippines.



04-06-11, 17:19
I haven't been to Thailand yet, but it's on my list.

I don't think that any country can blow any other country out of the water. From the surface, there are pluses and minuses to both (to any destination for that matter). It all comes down to personal preferences and your unique situation whether the pluses outweighs the minuses.

John Gault
04-06-11, 22:08
What cities in Colombia have beautiful women among Barranquilla, Bogota, Cali, Cartagena, Bogota, Medellin, Santa Marta, Valledupar, or Villavicencio? What is the cheapest city?

Thank you for answering this intelligent posting of mine! By the way, do they have soapy establishments in Medellin? Sure wish they would open up a LDV in Medellin, as I use to love the now closed HELP disco in Rio de Janiero. By the way, do they have something similar to this in Barranquilla, Bogota, Cali, Cartagena, Bogota, Medellin, Santa Marta, Valledupar, or Villavicencio? Try Caracas

04-06-11, 23:17
What cities in Colombia have beautiful women among Barranquilla, Bogota, Cali, Cartagena, Bogota, Medellin, Santa Marta, Valledupar, or Villavicencio? What is the cheapest city?

Thank you for answering this intelligent posting of mine! By the way, do they have soapy establishments in Medellin? Sure wish they would open up a LDV in Medellin, as I use to love the now closed HELP disco in Rio de Janiero. By the way, do they have something similar to this in Barranquilla, Bogota, Cali, Cartagena, Bogota, Medellin, Santa Marta, Valledupar, or Villavicencio? I heard SURINAME is coming up now!

Aussie Greg
04-07-11, 01:24
What about Caracas or Colon here in Panama, beautifull women!

Aussie Greg.

I heard SURINAME is coming up now!

04-07-11, 02:18
Matt. If you want cheap, go to Cambodia. The Vietnamese imports there are prettier than the local Khmer girls.

If you want to stay in the Philippines, then Angeles City is the cheapest.


PS: Just to keep this relevant to the MDE thread, here's a pic of a Paisa I had a couple of weeks ago.

I know I should not talk about Philippines too much on Colombia Forum, but which city in Phil. Would you recommend? Among Cebu, Manila, and A city, which is cheapest? Which city has beautiful girls? Thanks a lot.

Member #4394
04-07-11, 02:42
Great pic w / gorgeous girl. The pic justified the post enough!

Matt. If you want cheap, go to Cambodia. The Vietnamese imports there are prettier than the local Khmer girls.

If you want to stay in the Philippines, then Angeles City is the cheapest.


PS: Just to keep this relevant to the MDE thread, here's a pic of a Paisa I had a couple of weeks ago.

Member #4394
04-07-11, 03:05
If my question is politically wrong or just stupid, my apology. But, are the characteristics / intensiveness / quality of sex provided by pros and non-pros different based on the clolor of skin of the girls? I had games with all the girls with light skin, morena (sic?) , and very dark / black skin. My gut assessment is that race has no impact on the characteristics of sex. If there is a slight impact, in contrast to a stereotype, dark girls may have given less intensive sex. Of course, these things are influenced by personalities, economic status, and the price paid. But these factors are influenced by race.

John Gault
04-07-11, 08:24
Jesus Chryst Jump up Johnny, I asked a legitimate question just like Matty did in the post below mine, and you respond with Caracas. You stupid ignorant fuk, that is in Venezuela, and my post is referring to Columbia! I know you are fucking almost 80 years old, and still mongering like a youngster, but jesus chryst it is time you take a refresher course in history, or has that dreaded disease called mind deteriation / old age caught up to you? I find this happening alot with eastcoast guys, you have youcan, artistyyp, jumpup johnny gault, and the list goes on, fucking must be something in the water on that side of the fucking world, when a guy cannot tell a sagging ass from a firm one?

By the way, is Cartagena close to Medellin? Is there lots of beautiful women in these two cities, and I am talking 10's, as that is all I mess around with. Me being Lebanese, will they cater to me, or do they just prefer gringos?

Hey MiamiHeatLuver, Ricker, and Cubanut, are you guys rock stars, actors? Just asking because when I was reviewing the forum, you guys seem to spend alot of time in Colombia, and post the best pics of anyone. The girls in your pics are the type of girls I like, but they only like me because I have a airplane, a hatteras 60' boat, and many other toys, not to mention deep pockets, thanks to a trust fund I was provided. The one thing I do not like is girls with a sagging ass, like that guy posted in the photo gallery, then claims she is perfect. The guy must still be high, or has not sobered up yet. What the fuck is this world coming to?

Happy mongering to you all, and I hope someone answers my other posts, and my question above, and again, PLEASE Johnny, do yourself a favor and buy a fucking map, so you know where cities are located in the world, before making a fool out of yourself with your stupid ass answer / post of Caracas. What a dipshit. At least he is not posting about eating and being shit and pissed on, or getting fingers and dildos in his ass, or collecting womens panties so he can sniff them later on, or posting about jacking off up to 8 times a day, like another poster recently did, the sick fucks, Johnny just has the old age disease. Try to say Caracas phonetically for example- crack ass.

To answer another of your questions Caracas is closer to CTG than MDE is. Caraces has better looking women than CTG has. You should go there, I'm sure some of your new friends from ISG will wish you a safe trip.

04-07-11, 15:06
Is Aussie Greg giving spelling lessons to posters on this board?

04-07-11, 15:17
... If there is a slight impact, in contrast to a stereotype, dark girls may have given less intensive sex. Of course, these things are influenced by personalities, economic status, and the price paid. But these factors are influenced by race.'Dark girls given less intensive sex'? . Definitely NOT in my experience!

Matter of fact, IMO, the morenas, las chocolates are the best!

I dig 'them, whether they be Colombianas, Venezolanas, Brasileiras and yes, even the Norte Americanas.

John Gault
04-07-11, 17:46
'Dark girls given less intensive sex'? . Definitely NOT in my experience!

Matter of fact, IMO, the morenas, las chocolates are the best!

I dig 'them, whether they be Colombianas, Venezolanas, Brasileiras and yes, even the Norte Americanas. Norte Americanas. I don't think so. They may be almost as bad as the white Gringas. (and that is saying something.)

Of course it seems that your are talking about sexo, so you may have a point, but please it pains me to see any kind of Gringa mentioned in the same sentence as a Latina.

04-07-11, 19:56
Norte Americanas. I don't think so. They may be almost as bad as the white Gringas. (and that is saying something.)

Of course it seems that your are talking about sexo, so you may have a point, but please it pains me to see any kind of Gringa mentioned in the same sentence as a Latina. Hahaha. You make a good point amigo, I guess I should have been more specific, I was referring to a group of black Norte Americana strippers I've met; cool, fun, and know how to please.

Good to have friends in the US when I have to be in country.

Robby Burns
04-07-11, 20:35
Yes, I know, I know. WTF are you posting this here on the Medellin board?

Well, it is because I want to pass along this valuable information to those of you who may be in need of dental work, and who also have the option of going to Costa Rica. I have previously received advise from some fellow members, and I want to give the "final story" on how my dental work went.

I did, previously, have some very good dental work done at Sonria Clinic in Medellin, but the most recent work I had done was more extensive. And it cost even less (per tooth).

So, if Jackson allows it, I will repeat the same report that I have already posted on the San Jose General Information Board. And hope that I will not be attacked by too many of you for posting this here:

After some "semi-extensive" research (including some advice from fellow ISG members) I decided upon High Tech Dental Clinic (in San Jose, CR) for my dental work.

I am very pleased with the way the entire "process" went. It started out with the fact that my plane into San Jose was delayed for two hours-arriving at almost 5:00 PM- but the entire staff waited for me.

Dr. Coto did not go home until after 7:00 pm on that first day, when he did his preliminary examination. He told me exactly the same thing that my USA dentist told me. The next day was a five-hour "prep" session. I had a total of ten crowns and / or veneers. Including a 4-tooth bridge in the front. The prep session included digital x-rays, numbing medication, extraction of one root, prepping the posts for the crowns, etc.

I returned 6 days later for all the crowns, and the bridge, to be put in.

You don't have to wait that long. I have a friend with a house in Costa Rica (about two hours outside of San Jose) , so I was not in a big rush. Even with 10 teeth being worked on, Dr. Coto told me I could have all of them ready 3 or 4 days after my initial visit.

In the USA, I was quoted more than $13, 000. High Tech Dental did all the work for only $2, 800. With an additional 5% discount for paying in cash.

This is not a "fancy" USA-style dental office, but they have all the modern equipment, including the digital x-ray unit.

They make the crowns right in their own lab, and when Dr. Coto was not quite happy with the shading on the 4-tooth bridge, he told me that he would make another one.

In the USA, I have previously gotten answers like,"That's the best that the lab can do."

I have never had a dentist who worked with such care and precision. And I have always had top-quality dentists here in the USA.

The clinic has a driver, Olger, who picks you up at the airport, takes you to the clinic, takes you to your hotel, recommends restaurants. All included in the service. (However, you really should give Olger a tip for driving you all around. I gave him $80. Because he helped me out with some "personal" stuff as well-including translating for me and my new novia, who I met while I was there). He also has a friend who runs a boarding house that has 6 or 7 rooms. She is a great cook, and you get dinner, breakfast, and the room-for only about $30-$35. However, I don't think it is chica-friendly. You'd have to ask Olger about that, because, unfortunately, she was all booked up when I was there.

I would highly recommend this clinic. You can contact me (PM) if you would like to ask me more questions. If I refer you to Dr. Coto, it will help me to fulfill my promise to him. That I would definitely send him business.

(BTW, if Jackson does allow this to be posted on the Medellin board, the over / under for hostile responses is 4 1/2) LOL

Tequila Tim
04-08-11, 01:42
Yes, I know, I know. WTF are you posting this here on the Medellin board?

Well, it is because I want to pass along this valuable information to those of you who may be in need of dental work, and who also have the option of going to Costa Rica. I have previously received advise from some fellow members, and I want to give the "final story" on how my dental work went.

I did, previously, have some very good dental work done at Sonria Clinic in Medellin, but the most recent work I had done was more extensive. And it cost even less (per tooth).

So, if Jackson allows it, I will repeat the same report that I have already posted on the San Jose General Information Board. And hope that I will not be attacked by too many of you for posting this here:

After some "semi-extensive" research (including some advice from fellow ISG members) I decided upon High Tech Dental Clinic (in San Jose, CR) for my dental work.

I am very pleased with the way the entire "process" went. It started out with the fact that my plane into San Jose was delayed for two hours-arriving at almost 5:00 PM- but the entire staff waited for me.

Dr. Coto did not go home until after 7:00 pm on that first day, when he did his preliminary examination. He told me exactly the same thing that my USA dentist told me. The next day was a five-hour "prep" session. I had a total of ten crowns and / or veneers. Including a 4-tooth bridge in the front. The prep session included digital x-rays, numbing medication, extraction of one root, prepping the posts for the crowns, etc.

I returned 6 days later for all the crowns, and the bridge, to be put in.

You don't have to wait that long. I have a friend with a house in Costa Rica (about two hours outside of San Jose) , so I was not in a big rush. Even with 10 teeth being worked on, Dr. Coto told me I could have all of them ready 3 or 4 days after my initial visit.

In the USA, I was quoted more than $13, 000. High Tech Dental did all the work for only $2, 800. With an additional 5% discount for paying in cash.

This is not a "fancy" USA-style dental office, but they have all the modern equipment, including the digital x-ray unit.

They make the crowns right in their own lab, and when Dr. Coto was not quite happy with the shading on the 4-tooth bridge, he told me that he would make another one.

In the USA, I have previously gotten answers like,"That's the best that the lab can do."

I have never had a dentist who worked with such care and precision. And I have always had top-quality dentists here in the USA.

The clinic has a driver, Olger, who picks you up at the airport, takes you to the clinic, takes you to your hotel, recommends restaurants. All included in the service. (However, you really should give Olger a tip for driving you all around. I gave him $80. Because he helped me out with some "personal" stuff as well-including translating for me and my new novia, who I met while I was there). He also has a friend who runs a boarding house that has 6 or 7 rooms. She is a great cook, and you get dinner, breakfast, and the room-for only about $30-$35. However, I don't think it is chica-friendly. You'd have to ask Olger about that, because, unfortunately, she was all booked up when I was there.

I would highly recommend this clinic. You can contact me (PM) if you would like to ask me more questions. If I refer you to Dr. Coto, it will help me to fulfill my promise to him. That I would definitely send him business.

(BTW, if Jackson does allow this to be posted on the Medellin board, the over / under for hostile responses is 4 1/2) LOLOne of the nice things about this site is that one can gain info like this, I welcome your input regardless of the where the thread is placed. The thing I object to is the ridiculous cost of dental work in the US. I too have had quality dental work done abroad (in my cae in Argentina) for 1/4 of the price quoted in the states. More power to free information exchange!

John Gault
04-08-11, 02:00
Yes, I know, I know. WTF are you posting this here on the Medellin board?

Well, it is because I want to pass along this valuable information to those of you who may be in need of dental work, and who also have the option of going to Costa Rica. I have previously received advise from some fellow members, and I want to give the "final story" on how my dental work went.

I did, previously, have some very good dental work done at Sonria Clinic in Medellin, but the most recent work I had done was more extensive. And it cost even less (per tooth).

So, if Jackson allows it, I will repeat the same report that I have already posted on the San Jose General Information Board. And hope that I will not be attacked by too many of you for posting this here:

After some "semi-extensive" research (including some advice from fellow ISG members) I decided upon High Tech Dental Clinic (in San Jose, CR) for my dental work.

I am very pleased with the way the entire "process" went. It started out with the fact that my plane into San Jose was delayed for two hours-arriving at almost 5:00 PM- but the entire staff waited for me.

Dr. Coto did not go home until after 7:00 pm on that first day, when he did his preliminary examination. He told me exactly the same thing that my USA dentist told me. The next day was a five-hour "prep" session. I had a total of ten crowns and / or veneers. Including a 4-tooth bridge in the front. The prep session included digital x-rays, numbing medication, extraction of one root, prepping the posts for the crowns, etc.

I returned 6 days later for all the crowns, and the bridge, to be put in.

You don't have to wait that long. I have a friend with a house in Costa Rica (about two hours outside of San Jose) , so I was not in a big rush. Even with 10 teeth being worked on, Dr. Coto told me I could have all of them ready 3 or 4 days after my initial visit.

In the USA, I was quoted more than $13, 000. High Tech Dental did all the work for only $2, 800. With an additional 5% discount for paying in cash.

This is not a "fancy" USA-style dental office, but they have all the modern equipment, including the digital x-ray unit.

They make the crowns right in their own lab, and when Dr. Coto was not quite happy with the shading on the 4-tooth bridge, he told me that he would make another one.

In the USA, I have previously gotten answers like,"That's the best that the lab can do."

I have never had a dentist who worked with such care and precision. And I have always had top-quality dentists here in the USA.

The clinic has a driver, Olger, who picks you up at the airport, takes you to the clinic, takes you to your hotel, recommends restaurants. All included in the service. (However, you really should give Olger a tip for driving you all around. I gave him $80. Because he helped me out with some "personal" stuff as well-including translating for me and my new novia, who I met while I was there). He also has a friend who runs a boarding house that has 6 or 7 rooms. She is a great cook, and you get dinner, breakfast, and the room-for only about $30-$35. However, I don't think it is chica-friendly. You'd have to ask Olger about that, because, unfortunately, she was all booked up when I was there.

I would highly recommend this clinic. You can contact me (PM) if you would like to ask me more questions. If I refer you to Dr. Coto, it will help me to fulfill my promise to him. That I would definitely send him business.

(BTW, if Jackson does allow this to be posted on the Medellin board, the over / under for hostile responses is 4 1/2) LOLI had a similar experence with a dentist in Lima. Always good to know this kind of info.

04-08-11, 03:44
Yes, I know, I know. WTF are you posting this here on the Medellin board?

Well, it is because I want to pass along this valuable information to those of you who may be in need of dental work, and who also have the option of going to Costa Rica. I have previously received advise from some fellow members, and I want to give the "final story" on how my dental work went. I'm happy for ya!

I have a great and caring dentist in Medellin.

Near Oviedo.

04-08-11, 17:03
Yes, I know, I know. WTF are you posting this here on the Medellin board?

Well, it is because I want to pass along this valuable information to those of you who may be in need of dental work, and who also have the option of going to Costa Rica. I have previously received advise from some fellow members, and I want to give the "final story" on how my dental work went.

I did, previously, have some very good dental work done at Sonria Clinic in Medellin, but the most recent work I had done was more extensive. And it cost even less (per tooth).

So, if Jackson allows it, I will repeat the same report that I have already posted on the San Jose General Information Board. And hope that I will not be attacked by too many of you for posting this here:

After some "semi-extensive" research (including some advice from fellow ISG members) I decided upon High Tech Dental Clinic (in San Jose, CR) for my dental work.

I am very pleased with the way the entire "process" went. It started out with the fact that my plane into San Jose was delayed for two hours-arriving at almost 5:00 PM- but the entire staff waited for me.

Dr. Coto did not go home until after 7:00 pm on that first day, when he did his preliminary examination. He told me exactly the same thing that my USA dentist told me. The next day was a five-hour "prep" session. I had a total of ten crowns and / or veneers. Including a 4-tooth bridge in the front. The prep session included digital x-rays, numbing medication, extraction of one root, prepping the posts for the crowns, etc.

I returned 6 days later for all the crowns, and the bridge, to be put in.

You don't have to wait that long. I have a friend with a house in Costa Rica (about two hours outside of San Jose) , so I was not in a big rush. Even with 10 teeth being worked on, Dr. Coto told me I could have all of them ready 3 or 4 days after my initial visit.

In the USA, I was quoted more than $13, 000. High Tech Dental did all the work for only $2, 800. With an additional 5% discount for paying in cash.

This is not a "fancy" USA-style dental office, but they have all the modern equipment, including the digital x-ray unit.

They make the crowns right in their own lab, and when Dr. Coto was not quite happy with the shading on the 4-tooth bridge, he told me that he would make another one.

In the USA, I have previously gotten answers like,"That's the best that the lab can do."

I have never had a dentist who worked with such care and precision. And I have always had top-quality dentists here in the USA.

The clinic has a driver, Olger, who picks you up at the airport, takes you to the clinic, takes you to your hotel, recommends restaurants. All included in the service. (However, you really should give Olger a tip for driving you all around. I gave him $80. Because he helped me out with some "personal" stuff as well-including translating for me and my new novia, who I met while I was there). He also has a friend who runs a boarding house that has 6 or 7 rooms. She is a great cook, and you get dinner, breakfast, and the room-for only about $30-$35. However, I don't think it is chica-friendly. You'd have to ask Olger about that, because, unfortunately, she was all booked up when I was there.

I would highly recommend this clinic. You can contact me (PM) if you would like to ask me more questions. If I refer you to Dr. Coto, it will help me to fulfill my promise to him. That I would definitely send him business.

(BTW, if Jackson does allow this to be posted on the Medellin board, the over / under for hostile responses is 4 1/2) LOLI thought the post was good. I learned something from it and appreciated it.

It is most certainly better than reading:

Is it safe to move during the night? Are any suggest taxi?

I will visit Zona Rosa, if I had enough time.

On top, to have an easy choice, any of you have phone and. Of some good chica?

If yes, please PM me.

I will be also 2 nights in Bucaramanga. It looks like that the action is quite good.



Alvaro 30
04-08-11, 20:52
Whoever's visiting or already lives in MDE & would like to have a brew, check out casas / stripclubs, etc.

Please send me a PM. I'll be in town from April 7th thru the 18th.

Plenty of CR experience. Spanish is ok. Been waiting for this trip for a long time, so I'm game for whatever! !

Let's do this!I can not send you a PM I'll be in town from April 13th thru the 23th, and also been waiting for this trip for a long time I speak spanish 100%

Sean EZ
04-09-11, 22:32
BlackHawk: I have been to Cartagena several times, Bogota and Medellin, and Barranquilla. Last trip several years ago. I would avoid Barranquilla at all costs, there is not much to do and it's an ugly sprawling city with one story buildings. For me personally a girl has come in a nice package, high hill shoes, nice modern club and good music. I'm not into girls wearing sandals with sandy feet even if they look pretty naked.

Girls in Cartagena tend to be on the darker side, but the nightlife is lively and you have a beach (the sand is dark also) but you can take a boat to islands. I would go to Cartagena during festivals, then a lot of girls from Medellin visit there and many make $$ on the side to cover expenses. However there are several convinient central locations with pretty prepagas like tu candela, electra club, etc. Things might have changed over time, check recent postings. I would go to both, both cities are great, and the flight is short (under an hour if I am not mistaken)

Medellin has prettiest girls, and decent nightlife. I thought it was hard to find P4P places compared to Bogota. Bogota has one bad part of town with several *****houses where you could get very pretty girls for 25 bucks. But in general I found girls in Bogota not as pretty compared to Medellin, but more educated and smarter. In Bogota it's always about 60 degrees and gloomy and in Medellin it rained the whole week I was there, so check the weather.

I wouldn't go to Caracas for obvious reasons. For truly 10s and availability I thought Brazil was at the top of my list, but took that trip many years ago (back when real was 4:1). And if you have money to spend go to Moscow, plenty of $1000 18 yo model looking gucci clad hoes pedicured and pampered to perfection.

Finally, somebody compared Asian girls to latinas, and I'd like to add my two cents. I also find latinas having better bodies in general, but last time I went to Bangkok I was surprised to see tall asian girls with big boobs and fine asses in some of the finer establishments; I was told they are mixed Thai girls with laos, China, etc. Some very exotic mixes. Also the nightlife in Thailand is great, modern malls and restaurants, just wish it weren't so far away. Definitely not a weekend trip. Hope this helps.

Jesus Chryst Jump up Johnny, I asked a legitimate question just like Matty did in the post below mine, and you respond with Caracas. You stupid ignorant fuk, that is in Venezuela, and my post is referring to Columbia! I know you are fucking almost 80 years old, and still mongering like a youngster, but jesus chryst it is time you take a refresher course in history, or has that dreaded disease called mind deteriation / old age caught up to you? I find this happening alot with eastcoast guys, you have youcan, artistyyp, jumpup johnny gault, and the list goes on, fucking must be something in the water on that side of the fucking world, when a guy cannot tell a sagging ass from a firm one?

By the way, is Cartagena close to Medellin? Is there lots of beautiful women in these two cities, and I am talking 10's, as that is all I mess around with. Me being Lebanese, will they cater to me, or do they just prefer gringos?

Hey MiamiHeatLuver, Ricker, and Cubanut, are you guys rock stars, actors? Just asking because when I was reviewing the forum, you guys seem to spend alot of time in Colombia, and post the best pics of anyone. The girls in your pics are the type of girls I like, but they only like me because I have a airplane, a hatteras 60' boat, and many other toys, not to mention deep pockets, thanks to a trust fund I was provided. The one thing I do not like is girls with a sagging ass, like that guy posted in the photo gallery, then claims she is perfect. The guy must still be high, or has not sobered up yet. What the fuck is this world coming to?

Happy mongering to you all, and I hope someone answers my other posts, and my question above, and again, PLEASE Johnny, do yourself a favor and buy a fucking map, so you know where cities are located in the world, before making a fool out of yourself with your stupid ass answer / post of Caracas. What a dipshit. At least he is not posting about eating and being shit and pissed on, or getting fingers and dildos in his ass, or collecting womens panties so he can sniff them later on, or posting about jacking off up to 8 times a day, like another poster recently did, the sick fucks, Johnny just has the old age disease.

The Tall Man
04-10-11, 00:05
BlackHawk: I have been to Cartagena several times, Bogota and Medellin, and Barranquilla. Last trip several years ago. I would avoid Barranquilla at all costs, there is not much to do and it's an ugly sprawling city with one story buildings. For me personally a girl has come in a nice package, high hill shoes, nice modern club and good music. I'm not into girls wearing sandals with sandy feet even if they look pretty naked.

Girls in Cartagena tend to be on the darker side, but the nightlife is lively and you have a beach (the sand is dark also) but you can take a boat to islands. I would go to Cartagena during festivals, then a lot of girls from Medellin visit there and many make $$ on the side to cover expenses. However there are several convinient central locations with pretty prepagas like tu candela, electra club, etc. Things might have changed over time, check recent postings. I would go to both, both cities are great, and the flight is short (under an hour if I am not mistaken)

Medellin has prettiest girls, and decent nightlife. I thought it was hard to find P4P places compared to Bogota. Bogota has one bad part of town with several *houses where you could get very pretty girls for 25 bucks. But in general I found girls in Bogota not as pretty compared to Medellin, but more educated and smarter. In Bogota it's always about 60 degrees and gloomy and in Medellin it rained the whole week I was there, so check the weather.

I wouldn't go to Caracas for obvious reasons. For truly 10s and availability I thought Brazil was at the top of my list, but took that trip many years ago (back when real was 4:1). And if you have money to spend go to Moscow, plenty of $1000 18 yo model looking gucci clad hoes pedicured and pampered to perfection.

Finally, somebody compared Asian girls to latinas, and I'd like to add my two cents. I also find latinas having better bodies in general, but last time I went to Bangkok I was surprised to see tall asian girls with big boobs and fine asses in some of the finer establishments; I was told they are mixed Thai girls with laos, China, etc. Some very exotic mixes. Also the nightlife in Thailand is great, modern malls and restaurants, just wish it weren't so far away. Definitely not a weekend trip. Hope this helps. Sean EZ, Great overview!

The Tall Man

Travel Spirit
04-10-11, 09:55
I visited this casa on Tuesday, early in the morning. I was maybe the first customer of the day but sure the first one for the girl I choosed. The shop had a good selection of chicas. The music was loud and I could hear the names of the beauties with difficulty as they were parading through the hallway. The room was very small, well equipped and very clean. I took the one hour session, thirty minutes good massage and the rest ones fucking in many positions. Everything was covered, the kisses reached only up to the neck and fingering was not allowed. Anyway I enjoyed the screw and the damage was only 24 euros.

04-10-11, 21:46
Great pic Reef.

That ass looks vaguely familiar.

Might it belong to a sweet thing named Viviana?

Or did you find another jewel?


PS: Just to keep this relevant to the MDE thread, here's a pic of a Paisa I had a couple of weeks ago. [/QUOTE]

Frank Casio
04-11-11, 01:48
Hi JG, I guess you havn't tried Lina's Massage Place in La Mayorista, right by Del Tio Restaurant on the back street. Lina is Wilson's wife from Del Tio. You'll get a full "soapy" massage, they'll clean your balls alright, but with oil. They also have the Sauna and shower room if you want to spend the hour there for the full body massage. Read my earlier posts on it. That's where I go there now most of the time for my sexual needs, ha, ha!

Frank Casio!

A few years ago I had a ticket to Thailand all paid for with a departure date of 4 or 5 months in the future. I went to Peru first and liked it so much that I was able to cancel my Thai ticket and go again to Lima instead.

One of my main reasons for the trip to Thailand was the allure of The Soapy's. Now you mention how it would be a good idea for a Soapy establishment in MDE. Hey, Why not do that with a night Club like LDV attached. Since everyone is asking about places like Help, I think this idea would be a sure winner.

I know some guys think I joke a little on this board, but this time I am serious. Really.

El Bacano
04-11-11, 04:09
We need to know where the casa was, name some of the lineup, was the host nice, doent help sayin I was in a casa, WHICh 1?

Men to help others try for more details in your reports please, Stay kool

John Gault
04-11-11, 14:54
Hi JG, I guess you havn't tried Lina's Massage Place in La Mayorista, right by Del Tio Restaurant on the back street. Lina is Wilson's wife from Del Tio. You'll get a full "soapy" massage, they'll clean your balls alright, but with oil. They also have the Sauna and shower room if you want to spend the hour there for the full body massage. Read my earlier posts on it. That's where I go there now most of the time for my sexual needs, ha, ha!

Frank Casio! I was there for a haircut and they showed me the massage area. I did not know they gave soapys. Damm it, I would have went for that. BTW 70K for completo. At the time I was there they had two young girls avaiable to give the treatments. Both were 7's.

Frank Casio
04-11-11, 16:07
Hi JG,

They were 60k the last time I was there, unless they raced them since. If they start raising their price I'm going to have to talk to Wilson. That would be the typical paisa kicking in, can't live well enough alone without raising prices right away. I hope you are wrong. I've kept my prices at My Place the same going on 4 years now. I'm not of the mentality that you have to try to take as much as you can from people, but rather establish a fair price and hold it as long as costs support it.

The girls might look like 7's from the outside, but when they take their clothes off and start giving you the oily massage they might as well be 15's, specially the dark one, didn't have time to try the other one before I left. But I hope you are wrong about the price because that would [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off and most likely ruin another venue for me unless he agrees to keep the old price the same for me and my guests. There is no reason for a price increase so quickly.

Frank Casio!

I was there for a haircut and they showed me the massage area. I did not know they gave soapys. Damm it, I would have went for that. BTW 70K for completo. At the time I was there they had two young girls avaiable to give the treatments. Both were 7's.

Frank Casio
04-11-11, 16:21
Are you talking to me? Ha, ha. You are funny El Bacano. Try finding the hidden meaning in my post, like "read my other posts". Since you are in the critic business now, try to press "reply" when you make a comment so that the "quote" in question appears and we know what you are talking about.

The line-up was 2 girls, per JG, believe me that's all you need. I think you should take the time to do more research on ISG, that would be very helpfull. If you want to read a person's other reports click on their name and it will give you that option. The number by their name tells you how many reports they've posted. Good luck guy!

Frank Casio!

We need to know where the casa was, name some of the lineup, was the host nice, doent help sayin I was in a casa, WHICh 1?

Men to help others try for more details in your reports please, Stay kool

John Gault
04-12-11, 00:59
Hi JG,

They were 60k the last time I was there, unless they raced them since. If they start raising their price I'm going to have to talk to Wilson. That would be the typical paisa kicking in, can't live well enough alone without raising prices right away. I hope you are wrong. I've kept my prices at My Place the same going on 4 years now. I'm not of the mentality that you have to try to take as much as you can from people, but rather establish a fair price and hold it as long as costs support it.

The girls might look like 7's from the outside, but when they take their clothes off and start giving you the oily massage they might as well be 15's, specially the dark one, didn't have time to try the other one before I left. But I hope you are wrong about the price because that would [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off and most likely ruin another venue for me unless he agrees to keep the old price the same for me and my guests. There is no reason for a price increase so quickly.

Frank Casio! Frank I am sure it was 70K since right away I did the math and it came to $35. I always figure at 2, 000 to one dollar. Makes it easier, but if the dollar keeps dropping then I will have to figure different.

Maybe she will give you and your guests a better price, but I have been been a customer of her's for quite a while now and I joke with her and as far as her other prices on hair cuts, dye jobs, etc, She never charges me a Gringo tax.

Next time in MDE I will try it out and report back on the price and service.

El Bacano
04-12-11, 09:45
I actually wasnt talking to you. I'm not familiar with this site yet, I am kinda new. I didn't mean to offend you, I'm just here for imformation and fun, but you win the quantity of post ribbon this week, I win the quality, haha. Happy hunting and relax and quit trying to compete here, we are all in this together. My only enemy is the American woman that breaks my heart.

John Gault
04-12-11, 20:55
I actually wasnt talking to you. I'm not familiar with this site yet, I am kinda new. I didn't mean to offend you, I'm just here for imformation and fun, but you win the quantity of post ribbon this week, I win the quality, haha. Happy hunting and relax and quit trying to compete here, we are all in this together. My only enemy is the American woman that breaks my heart.First thing you need to do is completly forget about American Women. No need for them to break your heart anymore. Do not think of them as an enemy, but as a non being. I travel at least every other month to Latin America, but when I am in the USA I try to not even look at a stinking Gringa.

It works for me.

El Bacano
04-13-11, 10:58
It really amazes me the difference in the cultures. I will erase any thoughts of American women from my head, Luckily ill be going to Medellin soon. I Want lots of reports men, This helps us Gringos keep are minds off the stupid GgRINGAS.

HOWS the talent at mayorista if anyones been around there lately?

04-14-11, 05:15
On another subject, I was speaking to another board member earlier today, and he told me that the guy that owns LDV in Cartagena is going to be opening up a similar place in Medellin for gringos only, which excludes me, since I am Lebanese, and is thinking of calling the place "THE HELP LDV CONNECTION". Fucking discriminating bastard. I hate racist motherfuckers. Anyone else hear about this? This would be so cool for you gringos, having your own exclusive spot. Do you guys think they would have good looking girls at this place if it opened?Who said "Gringos" is referred to WHITE AMERICANS ONLY? Am I missing something here?

Member #4176
04-14-11, 05:20
I was there for a haircut and they showed me the massage area. I did not know they gave soapys. Damm it, I would have went for that. BTW 70K for completo. At the time I was there they had two young girls avaiable to give the treatments. Both were 7's.I haven't been to a message place there. Didn't know they had real ones there. I did try this women named olga. She was recommended. I will try this place next time.

04-14-11, 15:45
It really amazes me the difference in the cultures. I will erase any thoughts of American women from my head, Luckily ill be going to Medellin soon. I Want lots of reports men, This helps us Gringos keep are minds off the stupid GgRINGAS.

HOWS the talent at mayorista if anyones been around there lately? Good thinking Senor Bacano!

I like your handle too, nice choice!

04-14-11, 18:23
Hi JG, I guess you havn't tried Lina's Massage Place in La Mayorista, right by Del Tio Restaurant on the back street. Lina is Wilson's wife from Del Tio. You'll get a full "soapy" massage, they'll clean your balls alright, but with oil. They also have the Sauna and shower room if you want to spend the hour there for the full body massage. Read my earlier posts on it. That's where I go there now most of the time for my sexual needs, ha, ha!

Frank Casio! Frank awesome intel, I get a lot of guys asking me if I know a asian Massage, most just want a handjob. I didn't know of anything like this. Now I got a spot to send people. But I'm going to have to try 7 or 8 times just to make sure. LOL Again thank you.

Aussie Greg
04-15-11, 01:32
One for you "Gringos"

I think it was started by the Mexicains, reffering to the white north Americans!"I think""

Captain Cook curtainly wasnt called that when he sailed in Botany Bay! All those years ago.

Aussie Greg.

Who said "Gringos" is referred to WHITE AMERICANS ONLY? Am I missing something here?

04-15-11, 05:29
Just a quick tr for the guys that never do anything and stay at home all the time. Spent one week at CB 2 where everything is quite nice and fun. I thoroughly liked the setup there and both owners were giving of their time and took good care of their customers. The earthly delights showed up everyday in the afternoon usually at CB1 and were top tier ladies. I enjoyed the camaraderie of the other guest and the nightly gatherings were a lot of fun. After that you finished the evening in a nice rm. Usually equipped w / large mirrors. The women were good partiers as well and could drink with the best of them.

As far as the quality of the women and experience of being w / them. Both were overwhelming. I feel so lucky to have experienced the women of Colombia I am still in disbelief of their beauty and charm. Casa Blanca 1 & 2 made it all possible. I liked everything about the place and the neighborhood is awesome as well. I will return to that place and those beauties again and again. I am so happy now. FUCK!

I did venture into El Centro w / the help of CB Boyd and it was an eye opener. Fantastic casas there (a bit factory like) but never the less entertaining as hell. In the afternoon, a beer and a beautiful women for $18 is really refreshing after a tough morning. After that stop by a cafe or what have you w / a big smile on your face.

I did not get to La Mayorista so that is first and foremost next trip. Right now I am intently studying and practicing my espanol so I can enjoy the women much more and the culture in general, no it's the women. I am so happy I pulled the trigger and am thankful to basically 2 guys on this board who had the time and kindness to give me info and advice I needed. Thanks John and Ricker.



04-15-11, 16:13
... I did not get to La Mayorista so that is first and foremost next trip. Right now I am intently studying and practicing my espanol so I can enjoy the women much more and the culture in general, no it's the women. I am so happy I pulled the trigger and am thankful to basically 2 guys on this board who had the time and kindness to give me info and advice I needed. Thanks John and Ricker.Glad you had fun amigo! You're right too, the more spanish skills the better. y de nada :)

04-15-11, 20:08
Glad you had fun amigo! You're right too, the more spanish skills the better. y de nada :)Cash doesn't hurt either

04-15-11, 22:27
Cash doesn't hurt eitherWell of course.

You can try and pay your way to GFE or you can learn how to actually mix it up a bit, besides just saying 'cuanto cuesta' and 'vamos'.

Cash will always get ya layed, the espanol will get ya laid with mucho gusto.

04-15-11, 23:38
Great Boobs on that girl. Wow

El Bacano
04-17-11, 02:41
JG, Frank and Ricker and Aussie, You Men have lots of knowledge I really appreciate and use your wisdom, it helps immensely. Keep up the good work guys, I hope to send good reports soon. Can any one give a general report on the busy and slow seasons of this Great city for say tourism?

04-17-11, 15:32
One for you "Gringos"

I think it was started by the Mexicains, reffering to the white north Americans!"I think""

Captain Cook curtainly wasnt called that when he sailed in Botany Bay! All those years ago.

Aussie Greg. Oh, see'mon! Is that "gringo" topic to be repeated again?

El Bacano
04-17-11, 20:50
I'm interested if a colombian girl actually arent too predjudice to really like a gringo, or is there a general stigma, I like this topic even though someone doesn't think its so interesting.

04-17-11, 21:20
Gringo refers to Americans. It comes from a song that the American soldiers sang during the American war with Mex.,"Green grows the grass", is the song. After hereing the Amer. S sing this song upon arriving for the war they began to refer to Americans as "Gringos". Just for those that do not know African decendants in the US are also


How do we know? There is a definate distiction between African decendants in the US, and the rest of the Americas. Many of the Blacks outside of the US do not consider themselves African American or akin to Blacks in the United States. They identify very strongly with to the latin heritage, and in many cases the even deny the affects of the slave trade on them. Some even go so far as to say the they are Indian, and they are black as the ace of spades.

Aussie Greg
04-17-11, 22:21
I find the whole issue quiet interesting.

Aussie Greg.

Gringo refers to Americans. It comes from a song that the American soldiers sang during the American war with Mex,"Green grows the grass", is the song. After hereing the Amer. S sing this song upon arriving for the war they began to refer to Americans as "Gringos". Just for those that do not know African decendants in the US are also


How do we know? There is a definate distiction between African decendants in the US, and the rest of the Americas. Many of the Blacks outside of the US do not consider themselves African American or akin to Blacks in the United States. They identify very strongly with to the latin heritage, and in many cases the even deny the affects of the slave trade on them. Some even go so far as to say the they are Indian, and they are black as the ace of spades.

04-18-11, 02:55
Well of course.

You can try and pay your way to GFE or you can learn how to actually mix it up a bit, besides just saying 'cuanto cuesta' and 'vamos'.

Cash will always get ya layed, the espanol will get ya laid with mucho gusto. Never ask 'cuanto cuesta' I simply sat "nunca pago mas de cien mil"

Black Shirt
04-18-11, 04:20
Can someone comment on the rainy weather going on right now, to the extent that if affects your comings and goings daily. I will be in Medellin and Bogota for the nextt 9 days. In Bangkok where I live, it can be major hindrance during the rainy season.

04-18-11, 04:27
Can someone comment on the rainy weather going on right now, to the extent that if affects your comings and goings daily. I will be in Medellin and Bogota for the nextt 9 days. In Bangkok where I live, it can be major hindrance during the rainy season.You're flying from Bangkok to Medellin? How many hours it that FLIGHT? WOW!

The rain in Medellin can be heavy for an hour or steady all day. So the answer is. Good Luck to you sir!

Santiaghero 75
04-18-11, 14:23
Trip report guys, get out of the * houses guys and see the country.

Medellin to Quibdo (Choco) on ADA Airlines from the local airport in Medellin. 147, 000p one way "30 minutes".


One night in Hotel Los Robles. 80, 000p single. 129, 000p double. Calle 28 # 1. 88, Quibdo, Choco. Tel 713712.

Fast boat taxi service Quibdo 7. 00am to Turbo 4. 00pm on the Rio Atrato 150, 000p (9 hours) stopping at small villages along the way. 150, 000p.


2 nights at the Hotel Castillo de Oro.

Calle 100 # 14 – 07. Tel 827 2185 just up from the wharf.

Room. 80, 000 pesos per night.

Fast boat tickets Turbo to Capurgana 50, 000 pesos per person, leaves at 8. 30am.


Many hotel optioms.

I stay at Hotel Bahia Pinorroa Lodge, Calle 101 # 17. 12. Tel 827 2340 or cel 314 605 5541. 1 night 150, 000 pesos (very nice hotel with 3 meals per day)

Boat taxi Capurgana to Sapzurro 6, 000 pesos.

Boat taxi, Capurgana to Puerto Oblaldia in Panama. 24, 000 pesos.

Exit stamp in passport, leaving Colombia in Capurgana.

Sail boat, Sapzurro to Portobello on aussie Captian Mikes "WINDSEEKER" $360, 00 USD (many other boats to this leg also)

Leaving Sapzurro at first light, arriving after about 30 hours sailing to islas San Blas. 2 nights "isla Coco Banderas".

Sailing isla Coco Banderas to isla Holandes 4-5 hours. 1 night isla Holandes.

Sailing isla Holandes to isla Chichime 2 hours. 1 night isla Chichime.

Full days sailing Chichime to Portobello, last night sleeping on the boat at Portobello.

Entry stamp in passport for Panama in Portobello.

Taxi Portobello to Panama City $80. 00 USD.

I have many fotos.

Aussie GregDear AG.

In my next holiday through Colombia June 011, I'd like to repeat the same trip tou described from quidbo' to turbo via Rio atrato.

Could you specify better where to find out and negotiate the trip quidbo-turbo? Are these trips scheduled daily or only when there are some customers?

Other question: do you think turbo is worth a 2 days? Or is it better supzurro for beach and relax?

Thanks in advance

Aussie Greg
04-18-11, 14:42
BS, great name mate.

Medellin has two rainy and two dry seasons.

Jan, Feb, March, July, Aug and Sept are dry seasons, Ap, May, June, Oct, Nov and Dec are rainy seasons.

Both seasons can cross over into other months.

Usually in the wet months, its sunny during the morning and then about 2. 00pm it comes down, can rain for a few days stait though, but usually every afternoon.

Aussie Gregs weather forcast for Medellin during this time of the year.

"Sunny in the mornings, rain most probely around 2. 00pm" tempreture high around 25-28-30 deg cel during the day, low of 15 - 18 deg cel at night.

Carry an embrelar and rubber boots, ask your puta girlfreind to wear high heels shoes "white ones"so she stands out in a crowd and keep her ankels out of the streems running down the streets"

Weather man Aussie Greg.

A. G.

Can someone comment on the rainy weather going on right now, to the extent that if affects your comings and goings daily. I will be in Medellin and Bogota for the nextt 9 days. In Bangkok where I live, it can be major hindrance during the rainy season.

John Gault
04-18-11, 15:12
BS, great name mate.

Medellin has two rainy and two dry seasons.

Jan, Feb, March, July, Aug and Sept are dry seasons, Ap, May, June, Oct, Nov and Dec are rainy seasons.

Both seasons can cross over into other months.

Usually in the wet months, its sunny during the morning and then about 2. 00pm it comes down, can rain for a few days stait though, but usually every afternoon.

Aussie Gregs weather forcast for Medellin during this time of the year.

"Sunny in the mornings, rain most probely around 2. 00pm" tempreture high around 25-28-30 deg cel during the day, low of 15. 18 deg cel at night.

Carry an embrelar and rubber boots, ask your puta girlfreind to wear high heels shoes "white ones"so she stands out in a crowd and keep her ankels out of the streems running down the streets"

Weather man Aussie Greg.

A. G. It is also good if with the white high heel shoes she wears white bra and pantys. That does the trick for me during a BBBJ.

BTW in my hotel it does not rain much inside.

Aussie Greg
04-18-11, 17:34

The white high heels really stand out, but hey, there feet are dry.

I like it when the working girls go to Parque Lleres and the high class Poblado paisa girls look at the putas with a shock and horror thinking (why are these dirty low life in my suburb!) the putas try to dress up but just have no fashion sence and after a few drinks the putas start yelling and swearing in the restuarant, just like there in the low end barrios.

Yep, high heels during a good blow job, does it for me too.

I watch the porno channel, I don't have to pay the 15, 000p taxi fee for my girlfriend to come over so I get out of it quiet cheep!

A. G.

It is also good if with the white high heel shoes she wears white bra and pantys. That does the trick for me during a BBBJ.

BTW in my hotel it does not rain much inside.

04-18-11, 18:38
Hey guys its been a while since I posted but I'm a little bit worried. I'm pretty young and have just learned that you can

Have an std without even knowing about it? I've never seen anyone here post about this kind of stuff so I'm wondering do I

Have anything to worry about?

I've never had sex with any girl without a condom on and have never recieved oral at any casa without a condom either.

Do these girls get checked regularly? I've been pretty much allover Medellin. Never any street walkers though. I'm guessing.

Its pretty safe since some guys on here get head bareback? I don't have any symptoms and its been about 9 months since I was there. I'm just worried thinking about all the guys they go threw and how they give guys bareback blowjobs :l

Brother P
04-18-11, 21:44
Quick trip report! I decided to change my flight to avoid Semana Santa. Got to MDE Friday around 1:45, a little late due to an delay in FLL. Grabbed a cab to the VIP, checked in, showered, immed caught a cab to Loutrons. Somehow I expected more girls, but the six who were there were all hot! I had a hard time choosing between a morena and a equally hot negrita. I chose the morena. Started with a massage, she insisted! CBJ, all positions, unhurried, a good way to start the trip. Worth 220000. She volunteered to come to my casa for 40 american. I didn't call because while the session was good, the chemistry wasnt quite right. She was the first colombian chica to ask for dollars. This is only my second trip, so I'm far from a expert. Leaving Loutrons there was a long wait for the cab. Another american came out, he lives in MDE. He and I ended up drinking in LLeres the rest of the day, then going to Face Dos that night. We got a bottle and had a good time. The chica I wanted left with someone else! LOL I negotioated with a different chica for dos horas a mi casa for 200000. Pero, she was late arriving and my drunk ass fell asleep!

Day two. Had breakfast, and then hit Abydos. Wow! Just as good as Loutrons for half the price. Another tough choice between two chicas (I luv this game!) choose a morena. Started with a massage, then she says now you do me. So I did. Then we had a good session. I tipped her 40000 pesos and arranged a date for that night. Spent the day relaxing at the hotel, then over to LLeres, drinking beer all day. Hit San Diego around 730. I thought there would be a line up, but there wasnt. Did the 3 cervezas for 30000 thing. A couple of hot chicas. 1 who was fun to talk too. However my "date" was hot so I resisted temptation.

Called my date at 930 as arranged, she showed up at 1030 prompt looking good. Went to Lleres, had comida why a botela aguardiente. It was a fun evening, I was able to keep the conversation going, we had some laughs! I was surprised at the progress in my espanol, that studying is paying off even though I don't get much practice. Anyway, back to the hotel. We had another good session! We doze off. At 5 she wakes up and says she's leaving. I'm thinking " is this toda la noche"? But I didn't argue. I get dressed to call a cab and walk her out. I had her 250000 pesos, the agreed upon amount. She says no 250000 dolares. She mentioned during the evening she had spent two months in Panama, I guess she forgot she came back to Colombia! I have NEVER paid that much! I said no amiga 250000 pesos. I handed them to her, she kinda of sighed and accepted it. She left with no problem. Kinda of a sour ending to a good day.

Sunday no chicas, breakfast and the airport. I'm in my only pics so I can't post. But MDE is great! Peace brethren!

Brother P
04-18-11, 21:48
Oy yeah! I forgot to add that I got questioned and a body scan on the way out of MDE. I guess two trips in two months looks suspicious! I still might do 3 days in May! I'm not breaking any laws so why should I worry right? I wonder if I'm being flagged as a "sex tourist"? Any thoughts?

04-18-11, 21:57
Quick trip report! I decided to change my flight to avoid Semana Santa. Got to MDE Friday around 1:45, a little late due to an delay in FLL. Grabbed a cab to the VIP, checked in, showered, immed caught a cab to Loutrons. Somehow I expected more girls, but the six who were there were all hot! I had a hard time choosing between a morena and a equally hot negrita. I chose the morena. Started with a massage, she insisted! CBJ, all positions, unhurried, a good way to start the trip. Worth 220000. She volunteered to come to my casa for 40 american. I didn't call because while the session was good, the chemistry wasnt quite right. She was the first colombian chica to ask for dollars. This is only my second trip, so I'm far from a expert. Leaving Loutrons there was a long wait for the cab. Another american came out, he lives in MDE. He and I ended up drinking in LLeres the rest of the day, then going to Face Dos that night. We got a bottle and had a good time. The chica I wanted left with someone else! LOL I negotioated with a different chica for dos horas a mi casa for 200000. Pero, she was late arriving and my drunk ass fell asleep!

Day two. Had breakfast, and then hit Abydos. Wow! Just as good as Loutrons for half the price. Another tough choice between two chicas (I luv this game!) choose a morena. Started with a massage, then she says now you do me. So I did. Then we had a good session. I tipped her 40000 pesos and arranged a date for that night. Spent the day relaxing at the hotel, then over to LLeres, drinking beer all day. Hit San Diego around 730. I thought there would be a line up, but there wasnt. Did the 3 cervezas for 30000 thing. A couple of hot chicas. 1 who was fun to talk too. However my "date" was hot so I resisted temptation.

Called my date at 930 as arranged, she showed up at 1030 prompt looking good. Went to Lleres, had comida why a botela aguardiente. It was a fun evening, I was able to keep the conversation going, we had some laughs! I was surprised at the progress in my espanol, that studying is paying off even though I don't get much practice. Anyway, back to the hotel. We had another good session! We doze off. At 5 she wakes up and says she's leaving. I'm thinking " is this toda la noche"? But I didn't argue. I get dressed to call a cab and walk her out. I had her 250000 pesos, the agreed upon amount. She says no 250000 dolares. She mentioned during the evening she had spent two months in Panama, I guess she forgot she came back to Colombia! I have NEVER paid that much! I said no amiga 250000 pesos. I handed them to her, she kinda of sighed and accepted it. She left with no problem. Kinda of a sour ending to a good day.

Sunday no chicas, breakfast and the airport. I'm in my only pics so I can't post. But MDE is great! Peace brethren! Thanks for the post Brother P. It sounds like you had fun. I was starting to think no one had any sex in Medellin this weekend or last week even. Well I had a little, but besides me. I'm surprised there was only 6 girls at Loutron, particularly at the time that you went. It sounds like you were there in the afternoon. I've seen like 12 girls on average lately, and nice lineup. Abydos is great, but the quality is higher at Loutron IMO no doubt. It's a unique price point though considering the quality. They are smart people. I had a little fun at Fase also, maybe even the same night you were there. It's also great to hear about your spanish and how it helped you out. Isn't it great? It's so important to be able to speak some Spanish here and as previously posted a cupla hundred times, it really enhances the times with the girls. Thanks again.

04-18-11, 23:29
Oy yeah! I forgot to add that I got questioned and a body scan on the way out of MDE. I guess two trips in two months looks suspicious! I still might do 3 days in May! I'm not breaking any laws so why should I worry right? I wonder if I'm being flagged as a "sex tourist"? Any thoughts?I've gone 5 times in the last 2 years and was questioned and scanned my last 2 trips. I was traveling not as frequently as some guys here. However, I was traveling solo. Not sure if that had anything to do with it.

John Gault
04-19-11, 02:50
Oy yeah! I forgot to add that I got questioned and a body scan on the way out of MDE. I guess two trips in two months looks suspicious! I still might do 3 days in May! I'm not breaking any laws so why should I worry right? I wonder if I'm being flagged as a "sex tourist"? Any thoughts?In FLL I get the full body scan every time. I think it may have something to do with my appearance. If I am not running late I refuse the scan and get a pat down instead. This seems to surprise them that I would not go along with the program like the rest of the other people. I think most people don't know they can refuse the scan. BTW if you refuse the scan it is sort of a pain in the ass. You are held up a while and you do lose sight of your carry on for a short while.

Yes I look suspicious, with my tan and beard, but I am not shaving, so I will put up with the BS.

John Gault
04-19-11, 16:58
In FLL I get the full body scan every time. I think it may have something to do with my appearance. If I am not running late I refuse the scan and get a pat down instead. This seems to surprise them that I would not go along with the program like the rest of the other people. I think most people don't know they can refuse the scan. BTW if you refuse the scan it is sort of a pain in the ass. You are held up a while and you do lose sight of your carry on for a short while.

Yes I look suspicious, with my tan and beard, but I am not shaving, so I will put up with the BS. Scientists from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) have echoed these concerns. Because the radiation beam from the scanners concentrates on your skin, researchers believe the dose may be up to 20 times higher than is being estimated.

04-19-11, 22:26
Hey guys its been a while since I posted but I'm a little bit worried. I'm pretty young and have just learned that you can Have an std without even knowing about it? I've never seen anyone here post about this kind of stuff so I'm wondering do I Have anything to worry about? I've never had sex with any girl without a condom on and have never recieved oral at any casa without a condom either. Do these girls get checked regularly? I've been pretty much allover Medellin. Never any street walkers though. I'm guessing. Its pretty safe since some guys on here get head bareback? I don't have any symptoms and its been about 9 months since I was there. I'm just worried thinking about all the guys they go threw and how they give guys bareback blowjobs :lKind of a strange post. Perfect for me to answer. If you aren't willing to take the risk and rest easy you shouldn't have done what you did. Just get tested man. MY GOD!

I'll tell you this, NONE of the girls I've been with have even mentioned a condom to me. I use them and they're OK with it but I've also had them rip them off. I've talked very candidly with a couple and they tell me it's pretty normal not to use a condom. You'd also be surprised how liberal their views are about swinging, multiple partners, and lot's of sex in general.

I'm surprised there's not more STD's there, but apparently it's better than most places. All I know is, the last girl I was with that pulled off the condom (and I allowed it) ran to the living room afterwards and put her legs on the back of the couch and lay upside down to get the cum all the way up in her. She left no doubt her intention was to get pregnant. I shoot blanks.

Aussie Greg
04-19-11, 22:54
I have been told AIDS is rampant here.

Aussie Greg.

Kind of a strange post. Perfect for me to answer. If you aren't willing to take the risk and rest easy you shouldn't have done what you did. Just get tested man. MY GOD!

I'll tell you this, NONE of the girls I've been with have even mentioned a condom to me. I use them and they're OK with it but I've also had them rip them off. I've talked very candidly with a couple and they tell me it's pretty normal not to use a condom. You'd also be surprised how liberal their views are about swinging, multiple partners, and lot's of sex in general.

I'm surprised there's not more STD's there, but apparently it's better than most places. All I know is, the last girl I was with that pulled off the condom (and I allowed it) ran to the living room afterwards and put her legs on the back of the couch and lay upside down to get the cum all the way up in her. She left no doubt her intention was to get pregnant. I shoot blanks.

Chocha Monger
04-19-11, 23:34
I have been told AIDS is rampant here.

Aussie Greg. Aussie Greg,

That's correct. The overall trend of el SIDA is upwards. It might have something to do with the increasing numbers of barebacking sex tourists in the region. A lot guys who like their puss raw are going to get sorted out.

04-20-11, 08:07
i don't want to be that asshole that brings it up but fuck. no girls ever offered a condom? where the fuck did you go? that scares the shit out of me. in total i smashed 10 prostitues. 2 in 2009 and 8 my last trip in august. every time was with a glove but i got head one time bareback in 2009. i was scared but i didn't have any signs. yeah it was dumb. wow dude each time they were the ones that supplied the condom. i mean am i a dumbass for being worried. aids is rampant, dudes getting head and bragging about bbbjs and saying ohh shit these girls fucks bareback check her out. lol wtf. i don't know. what is kind of a relief is that i googled it and they say the girls at casas get tested once a week or else they can't work. (i was told this over there but had second thoughts. didint stop me though) and each time the chicks were strapped with a glove so i'm hoping they were all clean. i don't know. does anyone want to talk about this or am i just ruining everyones fun. becasue i know for a fact when i was down there i didn't give a fuck lol. it was awesome but in the back of my head i would rap my shit nooo mattter whaaaaat. i kissed a few of them drunk drunk and was sketchin out but its been 8 motnhs and no signs of anything and i feel strong and normal. fuck sorry guys for being such an asshole i just came to a realization that these chiks see more dick than the horse urinals at mangos.

i'm just interested. i was raped up each time minus the one fuck up and am scared shitless now (thank you agaurdiente, fake boobs, and raging hormones). what do you guys think of this? are you guys like fuck it condoms will protect me, and these girls get tested so i'm safer fucking a hooker than a random at a club? this is what i thought when i was down there.

what about the dudes that get bbbjs and fuck raw. lol all you guys are probly like fuck it then eh? i'm not hating lol just shining some light on this issue caaman i'm sure you've all thought of it.

anywyas i'm going to get tested for piece of mind.

sorry for being the asshole. jsut want to look out for myself and everyone.

Aussie Greg
04-20-11, 15:33
CM, one of my girlfriends is at nursing university so she has the stats. I also spend alot of time out in the coutry side and have friends that work in the hospital field and friends that are gay too.

Most tourists don't realize that all Colombian women have boyfriends and have unprotected sex with them and we all know what Colombian guys are like, they fuck another 3 or 4 other girlfriends as well "a la natural" with no condom.

Guys, dont let it get you down, life is good.

A. G.

Aussie Greg,

That's correct. The overall trend of el SIDA is upwards. It might have something to do with the increasing numbers of barebacking sex tourists in the region. A lot guys who like their puss raw are going to get sorted out.

Hanshin Baka
04-20-11, 16:43
Aussie Greg:

How will the next week be in Medellin with Easter? Are all the bars open?


04-20-11, 20:44
I don't want to be that asshole that brings it up but fuck ...We're all big boys. We've been over and over this many times.

Discuss this on the "safe sex forum" please.

We get it already.

Aussie Greg
04-21-11, 00:19

Next week, its tomorrow, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, bars nightclubs closed and quiet a few resturants.

Medellin usually closes down from the previous Saturday 16th Apri till the Monday the 25th April "Australias ANZAC DAY"

One issue can be sure, there will be girls at CB 1.

A. G.
"RICKER" keep wearing protection mate !!


Aussie Greg:

How will the next week be in Medellin with Easter? Are all the bars open?


Chocha Monger
04-21-11, 05:10
CM, one of my girlfriends is at nursing university so she has the stats. I also spend alot of time out in the coutry side and have friends that work in the hospital field and friends that are gay too.

Most tourists don't realize that all Colombian women have boyfriends and have unprotected sex with them and we all know what Colombian guys are like, they fuck another 3 or 4 other girlfriends as well "a la natural" with no condom.

Guys, don't let it get you down, life is good.

A. G. Aussie,

Good to see you're schooling these Medellin mongers on the risks. With all the cheap coke, rum and street meat in Medellin mongers can lose their minds and get a bit reckless to the point of barebacking perras calleras. Keep putting out the word and let your next move be your best move.

Keep it real,


Black Shirt
04-21-11, 15:48
You're flying from Bangkok to Medellin? How many hours it that FLIGHT? WOW!

The rain in Medellin can be heavy for an hour or steady all day. So the answer is. Good Luck to you sir! Thanks for your information, I just got into Medellin last night from Los Angeles. As far as flying, I left Bangkok on March 26, too many time zones and too many hours, but I did spread it over 3 weeks.

John Gault
04-21-11, 16:43
Thanks for your information, I just got into Medellin last night from Los Angeles. As far as flying, I left Bangkok on March 26, too many time zones and too many hours, but I did spread it over 3 weeks.Please Sir, A report on how MDE compares to you with Bangkok would be greatly welcomed.

Aussie Greg
04-21-11, 20:28

schooling no, i couldn't give a rats ars what people do, as long as it doesn't affect me. when it affects me then i have my say.
yes, keep it real.

for anybody who's interested, a small snipett from my film scrip.

one of the jersey cows clarabelle looks at her friend buttercup and says.
una de las vacas jersey clarabella mira a su amigo buttercup why dice.

hey buttercup, i hope they are not from the national australia bank!
hey buttersup, espero que no son del banco nacional de australia!

if they are clarabelle, we will be mcdonald hamburgers soon.
si son clarabella, pronto seremos hamburguesas de mcdonald.

"and another scene"
later that night aussie greg is having an outside shower with a bucket hanging from a tree, monica walks up to him. aussie greg turns around and watches her approach, she approaches within a couple of meters and stops. she slowly slides the cotton string of her silk dress sideways of her shoulders, her dress falls and stops at her large breasts, she lifts her cotton dress over her large nipple and lets it slowly drop the rest of the way to the grown.
she takes one step to step out of her dress and joins aussie greg in the shower sliding her arms around his waist, she starts soaping his shoulders and the lower part of his body.
más tarde esa noche greg va a tomar una ducha al aire libre, mónica se acerca a él.
greg mira a su alrededor why ve a mónica acercarse.
poco a poco se desliza el hilo de algodóand de su vestido de seda hacia los lados de sus hombros, su vestido se cae why se detiene en sus grandes pechos, ella levanta su vestido de algodóand sobre sus grandes pechos why se deja caerlo un poco.
ella the un paso why deja caer su vestido why se une a greg, en la ducha desliza sus brazos alrededor de su cintura. ella comienza a enjabonar sus hombros why la parte inferior de su cuerpo.

another scene guys, the last one.
jefe de la guerrilla.
australiano greg, hijo de puta, nos encontramos nuevamente.
gerrilla boss
aussie greg, you mother fucker, we meet again.

australiano greg
ay hijueputa, lo siento poopie.
aussie greg
son of a *****, sorry poopie.

04-22-11, 18:10
Can someone comment on the rainy weather going on right now, to the extent that if affects your comings and goings daily. I will be in Medellin and Bogota for the nextt 9 days. In Bangkok where I live, it can be major hindrance during the rainy season.It has been raining steadily since March of 2010. 13 months. The drier months never really got that dry. Mid December to mid January had a good spell of about 6 weeks of not much rain. But that was about it. It even rained during the Feria de las Flores and it has not rained during that (coincidentally) in 20 years. So they say. I can attest to 9 of those years. Everyone is blaming La Niña.

Tit Fest
04-22-11, 19:28
Am in Panama now. I just want to clarify this. Medellin will be shut down till Monday 4-25-11?

Would appreciate any plan B advise for Medellin as I am in Panama City Panama currently and have just booked flight to Medellin with return fliht to Panama City on Wed. 4-27.

Should I cancel this Medellin flight and stay here in Panama if its going to be dead in Medellin?

04-22-11, 22:29
Am in Panama now. I just want to clarify this. Medellin will be shut down till Monday 4-25-11?

Would appreciate any plan B advise for Medellin as I am in Panama City Panama currently and have just booked flight to Medellin with return fliht to Panama City on Wed. 4-27.

Should I cancel this Medellin flight and stay here in Panama if its going to be dead in Medellin? Yeah sure, stay in Panama! But really what are you going to Medellin for? If its Bars and clubs, its pretty dead, If you want to look at the Art of Botero, As far as I know the park is still open!

Black Shirt
04-22-11, 22:45
It has been raining steadily since March of 2010. 13 months. The drier months never really got that dry. Mid December to mid January had a good spell of about 6 weeks of not much rain. But that was about it. It even rained during the Feria de las Flores and it has not rained during that (coincidentally) in 20 years. So they say. I can attest to 9 of those years. Everyone is blaming La Niña.What I have been experiencing here the last 2 days is ok, except it could ruin your walk in the park. In Bangkok, when it pours, it is heavy with lightning & thunder, and the streets get flooded. It's hell if you have to commute to your job. Myself, since I am safe and sound, I kind of enjoy the rainy season over the hot dry season.

Member #4394
04-22-11, 23:36
I was in Medellin from mid December to early January. I remember that it rained almost or literaly every day."Eternal spring" is a joke.

It has been raining steadily since March of 2010. 13 months. The drier months never really got that dry. Mid December to mid January had a good spell of about 6 weeks of not much rain. But that was about it. It even rained during the Feria de las Flores and it has not rained during that (coincidentally) in 20 years. So they say. I can attest to 9 of those years. Everyone is blaming La Niña.

04-23-11, 13:03
I am here in Medellin now and have been for 5 weeks. As far as the taxis go I take 3 or 4 a day right off the street and have never had a problem. Over my years here have taken hundreds, never a problem. Once or twice I have felt that they were taking the long way to run up the meter, but usually they drive like madmen to wherever you are going.

04-23-11, 13:04
Only problem I've had with MDE taxistas is many of them don't know their city. They get lost. They don't know how to get from point A to point B even when they know where they are going.

Aussie Greg
04-23-11, 19:23

Always girls at the Mansion.

Aussie Greg.

Am in Panama now. I just want to clarify this. Medellin will be shut down till Monday 4-25-11?

Would appreciate any plan B advise for Medellin as I am in Panama City Panama currently and have just booked flight to Medellin with return fliht to Panama City on Wed. 4-27.

Should I cancel this Medellin flight and stay here in Panama if its going to be dead in Medellin?

El Bacano
04-27-11, 12:04
Lets get back to this discussion.

Frank Casio
04-27-11, 17:02
A couple of girls a guest and I picked up in Envigado Ley Supermarket. They claimed to be Giovany Ayala's sisters and certainly knew a lot about him. One was also a MoviStar model and was avoiding the camera a little bit. I won't say what happenned behind closed doors, ha, ha, but my guest can. He was a newbie then, but he's famous now.

Stay tuned for what will be a ton of files that will be released from My Place Archives, enjoy!

Frank Casio!

Frank Casio
04-27-11, 17:24
paula, massage therapist and school teacher by day, stripper by night! used to work in "conejitas", last seen working in san diego grill. pics from oct. 2009!

frank casio!

Mr Gogo
04-27-11, 19:46
paula, massage therapist and school teacher by day, stripper by night! used to work in "conejitas", last seen working in san diego grill. pics from oct. 2009!

frank casio! great pics frank, thanks for sharing. see you soon.

04-27-11, 20:15
Only problem I've had with MDE taxistas is many of them don't know their city. They get lost. They don't know how to get from point A to point B even when they know where they are going.Medellin is a pretty big city. If they have to go more than 10-15 minutes away, odds are they know where the general area is, but not exactly where. Just like anywhere in the world. Taxi drivers don't know everywhere! They know where they frequent the most. That usually means the immediate area where you found them.

El Bacano
04-27-11, 20:50
I am a very visual Guy like most. Pictures are allways appreciated. Can you post some photos of Mayo girls?

04-27-11, 23:40
paula, massage therapist and school teacher by day, stripper by night! used to work in "conejitas", last seen working in san diego grill. pics from oct. 2009!

frank casio! wow, i think i'm in love. . . if you ever find her current whereabouts, please post an update. that's one girl i'd like to meet.

thanks for sharing the photos!

Frank Casio
04-27-11, 23:59
A few "cuties" from La Mayorista at My Place. Tatiana and Charma April 2009!

Frank Casio!

Frank Casio
04-28-11, 00:07
Hi guy, I saw her last working at San Diego Grill about 3-4 months ago accross from San Diego Mall.

Frank Casio!

WOW, I think I'm in love. . . If you ever find her current whereabouts, please post an update. That's one girl I'd like to meet.

Thanks for sharing the photos!

Frank Casio
04-28-11, 00:14
Partying with a "cutie" and My Place guest at Luna Lunera on Clle. 33, May 2009!

Frank Casio!

John Gault
04-28-11, 04:16
A couple of girls a guest and I picked up in Envigado Ley Supermarket. They claimed to be Giovany Ayala's sisters and certainly knew a lot about him. One was also a MoviStar model and was avoiding the camera a little bit. I won't say what happenned behind closed doors, ha, ha, but my guest can. He was a newbie then, but he's famous now.

Stay tuned for what will be a ton of files that will be released from My Place Archives, enjoy!

Frank Casio! Ah Frank, You bring back some good times again. I was so surprised that you were able to pull those two out of the supermarket. That was my first mongering trip to MDE, and I was hooked before I went home.

After further review they should be looked up again. The problem is there are so many fine girls that when you move on to the next ones you tend to forget what you have left behind.

Frank Casio
04-28-11, 04:51
Yeah, I was bold and relentless back then. I really don't know what happenned, either I got older or just feel that the "paisas" have changed towards gringos with all the bad publicity in El Colombiano about "sex tourism". I don't find normal girls to be as easy as before, when that's mostly whom I dated. It could also be that I got used to the mongering scene and just paying for what I want, and lost my drive for the conquest. That sucks, oh well,"cet la vit"!

Frank Casio!

Ah Frank, You bring back some good times again. I was so surprised that you were able to pull those two out of the supermarket. That was my first mongering trip to MDE, and I was hooked before I went home.

After further review they should be looked up again. The problem is there are so many fine girls that when you move on to the next ones you tend to forget what you have left behind.

Frank Casio
04-28-11, 04:57
Sorry guys, this was at Barra Ejecutiva in El Centro, but I will be posting one soon in Luna Lunera!

Frank Casio!

Partying with a "cutie" and My Place guest at Luna Lunera on Clle. 33, May 2009!

Frank Casio!

Frank Casio
04-28-11, 05:04
Hi guy, you'll be getting a bunch of those soon enough, there are already a couple on my 3rd posting and if you go to the Medellin Apartments and Hotels thread I just put some up that were partying at My Place!

Frank Casio!

I am a very visual Guy like most. Pictures are allways appreciated. Can you post some photos of Mayo girls?

Frank Casio
04-28-11, 05:09
She is nice and wild, I think she even gave me extra time, but I think she only came once for me. I must be loosing my touch, ha, ha!

Frank Casio!

Very nice pics Frankie! . Super nice infact! I know of another guy who was with her, and he said she was pretty wild, and he actually made her cum 6 times in one session with her!

04-28-11, 07:57
Partying with a "cutie" and My Place guest at Luna Lunera on Clle. 33, May 2009!


Frank Casio! I am always wondering how it is like being a guy doing tattoos when I see some as such in here.

And what the girl think and feels when the guy is working on her.

04-28-11, 09:03
paula, massage therapist and school teacher by day, stripper by night! used to work in "conejitas", last seen working in san diego grill. pics from oct. 2009!

frank casio! she doesn't need hands to massage! .

Member #1088
04-28-11, 12:01
wow what a set, would love to see movies of her in action.

paula, massage therapist and school teacher by day, stripper by night! used to work in "conejitas", last seen working in san diego grill. pics from oct. 2009!

frank casio!

Frank Casio
04-28-11, 15:48
I'm sure I know what he is thinking and feeling, but for her is just "pain", very painfull!

Frank Casio!

I am always wondering how it is like being a guy doing tattoos when I see some as such in here.

And what the girl think and feels when the guy is working on her.

Frank Casio
04-28-11, 22:03
Valentina at My Place Part l, Nov. 2008

Frank Casio!

Frank Casio
04-28-11, 22:08
Valentina at My Place Part ll, Nov. 2008!

Frank Casio!

Frank Casio
04-28-11, 22:14
Valentina at my Place Part lll, Nov. 2008!

Frank Casio!

Member #4176
04-28-11, 23:37
Hi guy, you'll be getting a bunch of those soon enough, there are already a couple on my 3rd posting and if you go to the Medellin Apartments and Hotels thread I just put some up that were partying at My Place!

Frank Casio! Frank you the man. You know all the ladies.

Member #4176
04-28-11, 23:46
paula, massage therapist and school teacher by day, stripper by night! used to work in "conejitas", last seen working in san diego grill. pics from oct. 2009!

frank casio! frank, does she give a good massage, i hooked up with a massage therapist name olga. she gave a great massage but wasn't as hot as paula. if she is still giving massages i would like to give her a try. like me know.

Frank Casio
04-28-11, 23:58
Hi PH, that's nothing you'll see a lot more comming, but if you click my name on the side and click "view forum posts" I have maybe hundreds of pictures in 15 pages of posts. I think in pages 9, 10, 11 you'll be able to see a lot of the Mayorista "cuties". Some of the titles will say "La Mayorista cuties" and then just pull up anything with pics. If you go to my webpage you'll be able to see my real non-pro friends, and if you email me you will get more goodies also, parties at My Place, etc. You must send me a message to get webpage and Email.

Frank Casio!

Frank you the man. You know all the ladies.

El Bacano
04-29-11, 20:16
Thanks Frank, it was very kool of you to post the pics, I hope fully will be goin to Medellin in may, I hope theres some new talent at the Mayo. I would like to have a beer with you.

04-30-11, 03:37
Coming to Medellin may 26th for four nights. CB1 &2 are full and am solo so lookin for a wingman who wants to go in on an apartment. Hit me up if you game. Spanish is gringo spanish but like to hit the clubs late night. Didn't make Mayorista last trip so want to do that too. Jerry Hit me on private or email detectivehorn@yahoo.com

04-30-11, 05:38
I heard a joke how the word gringos came in to.

When Mexicans came to America in a bus, they check them for the valid papers. Then the officer says Green. Go. They saw he always says Green Go. They started calling Americans as Gringos.

Gringo refers to Americans. It comes from a song that the American soldiers sang during the American war with Mex,"Green grows the grass", is the song. After hereing the Amer. S sing this song upon arriving for the war they began to refer to Americans as "Gringos". Just for those that do not know African decendants in the US are also


How do we know? There is a definate distiction between African decendants in the US, and the rest of the Americas. Many of the Blacks outside of the US do not consider themselves African American or akin to Blacks in the United States. They identify very strongly with to the latin heritage, and in many cases the even deny the affects of the slave trade on them. Some even go so far as to say the they are Indian, and they are black as the ace of spades.

John Gault
04-30-11, 14:34
I heard a joke how the word gringos came in to.

When Mexicans came to America in a bus, they check them for the valid papers. Then the officer says Green. Go. They saw he always says Green Go. They started calling Americans as Gringos. Please, this whole Gringo issue has been hashed over to many times already. Yes I know it was a joke, but lets let it die.

Frank Casio
04-30-11, 19:47
I won this "cutie" and a half bottle of Medellin rum in a raffle at a Nightclub in Itagui. I payed $1. 50 for the raffle ticket, June 2008. As if I didn't have enough lucK in life just by finding "Medellin Paradise". When it rains it pours in Medellin, ha, ha!

Frank Casio!

Frank Casio
04-30-11, 19:53
With a "cutie" at Luna Lunera on Clle. 33, March 2009!

Frank Casio!

El Bacano
05-01-11, 11:53
Most of us are gringos. Untill we are satisfied as to the meaning of who we our, during the slow times, doesn't hurt to talk about it. I the like to vary it a little though, why do the gringas hate the gringos?

I love colombianas, still hurting from the evil gringa. But they will be erased from my mind. Thanks men, JG, Ricker, Frank, and Aussie, if he's rational. Haha. You men are keepin me going and gaining a little self respect.

05-01-11, 14:17
Coming to Medellin may 26th for four nights. CB1 &2 are full and am solo so lookin for a wingman who wants to go in on an apartment. Hit me up if you game. Spanish is gringo spanish but like to hit the clubs late night. Didn't make Mayorista last trip so want to do that too. Jerry Hit me on private or email detectivehorn@yahoo.comMy buddy and I are staying In Mayorista on May 26th for four nights. It is possible that there may be another room available. Email me [Email address deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

Frank Casio
05-02-11, 05:38
i feel for you guy, it's a cruel world out there, and women can be brutal. so learn to play or get played. becareful with all women though, it's not just gringas. they just have more experience at screwing men over because they have been doing it longer. but it's being exported everywhere at lightning speeds. paisas are learning quick!

frank casio!

most of us are gringos. untill we are satisfied as to the meaning of who we our, during the slow times, doesn't hurt to talk about it. i the like to vary it a little though, why do the gringas hate the gringos?

i love colombianas, still hurting from the evil gringa. but they will be erased from my mind. thanks men, jg, ricker, frank, and aussie, if he's rational. haha. you men are keepin me going and gaining a little self respect.

Travel Spirit
05-02-11, 18:34
I wasn't at all impressed by the looks of the ladies at Energy. Abydos, in my opinion, is far better.

Lumps in Energy, models in Abydos. Even madam was far more sexy and helpful.

05-03-11, 02:27
There is not such a big price difference between Energy and Abydos, is there? It's crazy to think you can go for 2 half sessions in the Centro for less than the cost of a half hour at Abydos.

I wasn't at all impressed by the looks of the ladies at Energy. Abydos, in my opinion, is far better.

Lumps in Energy, models in Abydos. Even madam was far more sexy and helpful.

Genghis Khan
05-03-11, 07:27

I have normally mongered in Europe (where I live) or preferably in Brazil. The prices in Brazil now have made me look elsewhere for a good time. The reason I have my eye on Colombia is simple. The Colombian pornstar Esperanza Gomez has cought my eye. She is without a doubt one of the hottest women I have seen.

My question to you is if that kind of quality is available among the working girls in Cartagena or Medellin or anywhere else in Colombia for that matter?


05-04-11, 15:53

I have normally mongered in Europe (where I live) or preferably in Brazil. The prices in Brazil now have made me look elsewhere for a good time. The reason I have my eye on Colombia is simple. The Colombian pornstar Esperanza Gomez has cought my eye. She is without a doubt one of the hottest women I have seen.

My question to you is if that kind of quality is available among the working girls in Cartagena or Medellin or anywhere else in Colombia for that matter?

GKCartagena hands down. So many lovelies from all over the country all concentrated in one area. You will not be disapointed.

05-04-11, 19:57
My buddy and I are staying In Mayorista on May 26th for four nights. It is possible that there may be another room available. Email me [Email address deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks! Hey flipsey where are you guys staying and do you have room for one more. I dint get your email but mine is listed.

Aussie Greg
05-05-11, 18:20

Bogota and cheeper to.

Aussie Greg.

Cartagena hands down. So many lovelies from all over the country all concentrated in one area. You will not be disapointed.

05-05-11, 18:33
. Do not even consider Cartagena.Hahaaa LOL

05-05-11, 18:41

Bogota and cheeper to.

Aussie Greg. Greg just wanted make it public here. I had great stay at your place! Your insight and knowledge was extremely helpful. You are a true gentlemen and a straight player. Kudos to your staff also. I highly.

Recommend to all considering a stay@The Mansion. I still here up the road and hope that we can get together again

Before I depart. Ron from Thailand

05-05-11, 18:51
Definitely Medellin. The paises are the most beautiful of all Colombianas. Without a doubt go to Medellin, plus everything in Cartagena is twice as expensive, as it is in Medellin, from lodging to food, to partying, to the girls. Read the prices just for the girls on the Cartagena thread. Do not even consider Cartagena.All the best looking women from Medellin, Cali and Bogotá are in Cartagena, away from their families more relaxed and everything is all in one concentrated area. There is no fear being spotted by an uncle or cousin plus their kids are in another city. They have no need to leave at 2AM to go tend to thheir sick chile back in Bogotá.

High end women in all of these cities pretty much cost the same.

He wants Espereranza Gomez. Not Medellin Centro skank. He can get a 60K skank and 3$ hotdog in Cartagena but that is not what he is looking for.

In Medellin El Cielo restuarant is 125, 000 per person not including anything but food, fixed price and the top rooms at Hotel Intercontinental is 1, 500, 000 a night. Throw in a "girlfriend for a week" at a million COP a day and you are looking at over at USD $1, 300 a day.

Now if I look at the cheapest empanada joint and dive hostal and street skank in Cartagena the numbers will show I can do Cartagena for USD$120 a day.

A foolish comparison, yes?

Sailor Jim
05-05-11, 20:45

Bogota and cheeper to.

Aussie GregI don't think Bogota has better looking women than Cartagena plus the weather is crappy. I did a Medellin Bogota Cartagena tour recently and the hottest women and best time was easily Cartagena. Cartagena has a variety of everything in close proximity (BIKINIS BABY!) I liked Medellin but I would never return to Bogota even if you paid me.

El Bacano
05-05-11, 21:11
Stick with Medellin, Cart is for your Costa rica type experience. Bogata is too Jazzy, Med is where its at. Down t earth beauty and sweetness, Wake up guys,

Pana Nyc
05-06-11, 05:19
Your best bet to get this type of looking female is to head to the high end establishments in Medellin (Fase Dos) , Cali (Flores Fresca) , Cartagena (Pley Club, Isis). I know these destinations very well in Colombia be prepared to pay, you are a Brasilian monger so money should not be a problem to you. My advice would be to head to Buenos Aires I have not been there yet but a friend who went to Buenos Aires and he told me he saw more stunning looking women in Argentina than he did in Colombia.


I have normally mongered in Europe (where I live) or preferably in Brazil. The prices in Brazil now have made me look elsewhere for a good time. The reason I have my eye on Colombia is simple. The Colombian pornstar Esperanza Gomez has cought my eye. She is without a doubt one of the hottest women I have seen.

My question to you is if that kind of quality is available among the working girls in Cartagena or Medellin or anywhere else in Colombia for that matter?


05-06-11, 14:43
... My advice would be to head to Buenos Aires I have not been there yet but a friend who went to Buenos Aires and he told me he saw more stunning looking women in Argentina than he did in Colombia.The top end mujeres (ladies) in Argentina are stunning, and the Argentine peso is still weak, however, apart from the high end ladies, the majority of the rest are average, especially compared to Colombia.

Also, the general culture and feeling in Argentina, IMO is not as carinoso (affectionate) as in Colombia, and Brazil for that matter.

Buenos Aires is a cool city though, with lots to do and see, great restaurants and good fun can be had. Colombia is just a different flavor.

05-06-11, 14:49
Stick with Medellin, Cart is for your Costa rica type experience. Bogata is too Jazzy, Med is where its at. Down t earth beauty and sweetness, Wake up guys,Heya Bacano, Medellin is quickly and unfortunately becoming, if not already, a 'Costa Rica experience' also.

Just the way things go.

In this day and age, hard to hide a good thing, especially with all the blabbing on the internet.

I have to admit, I keep my new secrets to myself, selfish as it may be, I'd like to delay it's demise til I'm too old and senile to care hahaha :)

05-06-11, 15:05
Stick with Medellin, Cart is for your Costa rica type experience. Bogata is too Jazzy, Med is where its at. Down t earth beauty and sweetness, Wake up guys,Men He asked Where can he meet a women who looks like Esperanza Gomez in Colombia. Not about flights, not about beaches, not about the jazzy vibe in the city or the price of an empanada, which places are not like Costa Rica (He's coming from Rio. I believe he has sex tourism experience) , etc.

With all due respect people on this board need to brush up on reading comprehension skills.

The Colombian pornstar Esperanza Gomez has cought my eye. She is without a doubt one of the hottest women I have seen.

My question to you is if that kind of quality is available among the working girls in Cartagena or Medellin or anywhere else in Colombia for that matter?

GKGrnkis Khan, what El Bacano really means to say is you will not meet your Esperanza Gomez in Cartagena because of the touts on the beach, and surely not in Bogotá because of the smog and saxophone players on the streets, with all their jazz and stuff.

But seriously,

A quarter of the putas in CTG are ALREADY from Medellin and a huge chunk are from Cali and are Costeñsas and from Bogotá and Manizales.

The talent at LDV, Pley, ISIS and the amt of women in each of these places combined is in the hundreds. He will find his Esperanza Gomez here in one of these three places on the first night or second night. Who's kidding who?

In Medellin he's got Fase II, which still can be hit or miss.

I would love for him to come to Medellin and spend his money and help the city's economy but I have no hidden agenda. Just trying to give a guy an honest answer to his pointed question.

05-06-11, 15:05
Your best bet to get this type of looking female is to head to the high end establishments in Medellin (Fase Dos) , Cali (Flores Fresca) , Cartagena (Pley Club, Isis). I know these destinations very well in Colombia be prepared to pay ...All the debate on where this guy should go for high end, Esperanza Gomez type chicas.

Pana NYC is right, Lucky Eddie is right, we're all right.

Go to any of these Colombian cities and hit the higer end, higher cost clubs, you'll find hot chicas.

As Lucky Eddie summarized, and I agree, Cartagena is the place where the PFP chicas in Colombia travel to make the tourist money, therefore it naturally attracts some hot chicas.

If you dig the beach casual scene, try Cartagena.

If you're more or less a spring weather, green rolling hills guy, try Medellin.

By the way, in my experiences in both Colombia and Brazil (Sao Paulo) , after all is said and done, I find chicas for roughly the same amount of $$. I have though gotten pretty good at weeding out the good from the bad quickly, and manage to keep the payout reasonable for both of us (la muchacha and I).

Though you're right, if you just simply pay asking price, Brazil will undoubtedly cost more.

05-06-11, 15:14

I am taking exception to your comment in the heading of the below post,"What is it with you trying to keep everyone out of Cartagena?"

Please tell me with facts what you are talking about, as I Honestly do not have a clue! Sorry you don't have a clue (hehehe sorry I couldn't resist). Anyone in the CTG thread is constantly greeted with your posts about how you need over $USD500 a day just to get by. How they will never score a LDV girl for free after he shift, and how they should not even think of coming to CTG.

TarHeel Bred got conflicting information from other posters who said he didn't need 500 bucks a day and that he could score a pro for free and he did. He went on his $USD600 / WEEK budget, he loved it and is going back. I hope with more money because I think he slept in a dumpster a cupla nights, hehehehe.

Either way don't make me dig up posts where you constantly are making CTG seem like a bad choice when ever someone posts on a Colombia thread asking where to go in Colombia. They may already be set on Cartagena and you are there immediately to talk them out of it.

"I only told Genghis Khan to go to Medellin, because most people say that the most beautiful looking girls in Colombia come from there"RUFKM? This sounds like the playing dumb act. You have probably more Colombia experience than I or anyone on this board for that matter and "most people say"?

Either way there are more women from Medellin working in CTG's Isis, Pley and LDV than in MDE's Fase II. How could you not know that?

"I know in the past I have told a member or to (sic) not to come to Cartagena if they are on a tight budget, as it is not a place to be when you have little or no money, and that is just keeping things real."You tell everyone they need $500 USD a day. All big cities down here can cost a lot or a little depending on how one wishes to spend. There are 30K skanks and 500K models available in every city here, as well as shithole 10K restuarants vs 200K fine dining.

Can this guy find his Esperanza Gomez in Barranquilla? Cali? Medellin? Bogotá, Cartagena? Manizales? Of course, in cities that number in the 2-9 million people this type of women probably exists a couple hundred times in each.

But I didn't hear him mention that he was willing to go on a 1 month hunt to find this woman nor propose marriage and waste time looking for a long term relationship.

Bottom line is his best bet in fuking a women like EG, I don't care what cities have the best looking women, is.

#1 Cartagena.

Just by the sheer number of putas all in one place from all over Colombia Cartagena can't be beat.

05-06-11, 15:25

I am taking exception to your comment in the heading of the below post,"What is it with you trying to keep everyone out of Cartagena?"

Please tell me with facts what you are talking about, as I honestly do not have a clue! If I remember right, I only told Genghis Khan to go to Medellin, because most people say that the most beautiful looking girls in Colombia come from there. I know in the past I have told a member or to not to come to Cartagena if they are on a tight budget, as it is not a place to be when you have little or no money, and that is just keeping things real.I thought the same thing. I've been following the Cartagena thread too and seems like you frequent there a lot. I am not sure about Medellin. You write as if you are talking about facts (based upon personal experience). Now you say that "most people say." Don't tell people to do something based on heresy that just makes it seem self serving IMHO.

BTW, I'm not a budget monger but I'm not a high end monger either. I'll be making a stop in Cartagena on my way to Medellin on my next trip. From everything I've read (include the recent report about Cartagena by a budget monger) , I am confident that an experienced monger will still be able to make a cost effective trip in Cartagena.

05-06-11, 15:40
Heya Bacano, Medellin is quickly and unfortunately becoming, if not already, a 'Costa Rica experience' also.

Just the way things go.

In this day and age, hard to hide a good thing, especially with all the blabbing on the internet.

I have to admit, I keep my new secrets to myself, selfish as it may be, I'd like to delay it's demise til I'm too old and senile to care hahaha.Medellin still has a ways to go. It still lacks a big freelance venue and you really need Spanish to enjoy the experience. That will keep a lot away except for those that visit the Casa Blancas to get a taste.

05-06-11, 15:45
The top end mujeres (ladies) in Argentina are stunning, and the Argentine peso is still weak, however, apart from the high end ladies, the majority of the rest are average, especially compared to Colombia.

Also, the general culture and feeling in Argentina, IMO is not as carinoso (affectionate) as in Colombia, and Brazil for that matter.

Buenos Aires is a cool city though, with lots to do and see, great restaurants and good fun can be had. Colombia is just a different flavor.Bloods and Crips, Celtics and Lakers, Packers and Vikings, Duke and NC, Great Taste and Less Filling.

Argentina vs Colombia (or would Brazil vs Colombia or Argentina vs Brazil be a bigger rival? Any way.)

I've spent time a good chunk of time in both on multiple trips so here is my. 2 cent:

ARGENTINA SYNOPSIS: Like Ricker said, Weak Peso so there you have a great value. Good range of places to visit from free lancer clubs, bars, and restaurants, privados, great and IMO accurate internet sights, and awesome high end clubs. For variety of Mongering spots I'd say Argentina. I like the free lancer bars, fun to hunt the chica you want and chat them up and some internet home services better. Oh and IME better service in Argentina. A CBJ is almost unheard of in BA and "Servico Completo" in BA mean Booty Sex from what I have been told by the girls. Where in Bog and Mede the girls always ask for "Propina" or flat our refuse for these things. The Anal I can understand but I hate CBJ!

Amazing Women, world class asses! Very Very Pretty and lady like. POINTS to Ricker he is correct again in that they are less affectionate and that the Top Girls in Arg are just as hot and sexy as the top girls in Colombia, but the middle and bottom are much better in Colombia IMO. A higher hit-ability-factor as a friend of mine likes to say about the Philippine vs other SEA Countries. ALso less plastic then in Colombia, big fake boobies are the standing order for Chicas in Colombia. Also a bit lighter skin as I think they have more European blood.

Buenos Aires is a world class city, where as Bogota & Medellin (don't' know Cali or Cartagena) are just cities IMO. If it wasn't for my Novia and a group of friends I'd be board out of my mind. Tons of cultural things to do, you can pop over to Uruguay, Great museums, open air markets selling fun cool stuff and not junk like cell phone covers and strange shit you see in open air markets in Colombia, WAY better Metro, the food and restaurants is about 4000% better and very affordable. The STEAK and WINE. If you've been then you know what I mean. Words fall short of how amazing it is. Even the football is better, I hate the football but it sparks an amazing party atmosphere! Boca or River play. It's on at every bar and place that has a TV. It's a dope city; Top Shelf!

COLOMBIA SYNOPSIS: Seeing as how this is the Colombia board I'll be brief. From A-Z, top to bottom you'll find some of the hottest P4P in Colombia, all price ranges, all types of quality. Closer to USA by some 5-7 hours too. Don't get me wrong there are a ton of other great things about Colombia. Mostly the women.

CLOSING: Colombia has a higher hit-ability-factor than Argentina but I feel Argentina has more to offer as a whole. I'd like to go into further detail about both but I'm just too lazy.

Good luck and report back!

05-06-11, 23:19
I thought the same thing. I've been following the Cartagena thread too and seems like you [Blackhawk69] frequent there a lot. I am not sure about Medellin. You write as if you are talking about facts (based upon personal experience). Now you say that "most people say." Don't tell people to do something based on heresy that just makes it seem self serving IMHO.Blackhawk69 is constantly steering people away from Cartagena and Rodadero for whatever reason. Perhaps he wants no more competition? Whenever I see someone on this forum constantly guarding a particular place I immediately think,"this guy is guarding a goldmine". He is probably actually steering more astute readers to the very place he is trying to keep low.

BTW, I'm not a budget monger but I'm not a high end monger either. I'll be making a stop in Cartagena on my way to Medellin on my next trip. From everything I've read (include the recent report about Cartagena by a budget monger) , I am confident that an experienced monger will still be able to make a cost effective trip in Cartagena.You can spend a ton in any city and be equally frugal. Every post is backhandedly bashing Cartagena as costing more than Beverly Hills, having ugly women and now read the link below, he is spreading AIDS rumors in Cartagena.


05-06-11, 23:24
"The Santa Marta and El Rodadero area is probably the filthiest area in all of Colombia. The girls are all fat and ugly and many do not even have teeth. Must be something in the water. Speaking of the water, this area of Colombia also has the dirtiest water around, and the beaches are litered with trash, dead fish, and all kinds of bugs. I advise everyone to save there money, and go to places like Medellin or Cali. Stay the hell out of this garbage pit called Santa Marta and El Rodadero. This area is also much more expensive than say Medellin or Cali. I might add that it is also not very safe. I heard the other day that kidnappings of westerners, and robberies are really on the up in this area. Also, there might be a heavy police presence, but the police are known for shaking down westerners, and it also has been reported that several westerners have came up missing. I am not sure why anyone would want to visit this area when Medellin is much nicer and has eternal spring, and if you elect to go to Santa Marta or El Rodadero you are putting your life in danger."


He copied and pasted into another Colombian Forum.


And look 2 weeks earlier El Rodadero is a great place:

"I spend most of my time in Colombia these days in the El Rodadero area. It is much more appealing area to me for many reasons."


Black Shirt
05-07-11, 01:13
Please Sir, A report on how MDE compares to you with Bangkok would be greatly welcomed.Despite my rookie mistake of coming during the Santa Semana, and not being able to fully enjoyed the array of pussy delights, I was very impressed with Medellin for mongering. On the low end. 30K / 50k in the casas cannot be beat, just make sure you are early and not the #3 or #10 john of the day. There is always a nice shapely young pretty girl who still enjoys her work.

I dd not have any high end experiences, and that is by choice.

So, for the gringos coming from the US, Medellin and Colombia would be the better choice than Bangkok in terms of airline prices, flying time, and chica prices. Especially if you are a young monger, and need multiple shots daily and dream to be a porno star.

That said, in general, the Bangkok and Pattaya scenes are the best in the world But like all commodities, pussy prices are rising with services not necessarily corresponding as the girls get more savvy and have more options with the improved Asian economies.

05-07-11, 09:56
Has anyone met this extraordinary female?


Aussie Greg
05-07-11, 15:35
What places did you visit in Bogota SJ? And what prices did you pay?

Only imports in Cartagena, well the pretty ones anyway but hey, you might like your girls short, fat and ugly mate.

A. G.

I don't think Bogota has better looking women than Cartagena plus the weather is crappy. I did a Medellin Bogota Cartagena tour recently and the hottest women and best time was easily Cartagena. Cartagena has a variety of everything in close proximity (BIKINIS BABY!) I liked Medellin but I would never return to Bogota even if you paid me.

Sailor Jim
05-07-11, 16:54
What places did you visit in Bogota SJ? And what prices did you pay?

Only imports in Cartagena, well the pretty ones anyway but hey, you might like your girls short, fat and ugly mate.

A. G.Sorry you missed the topic there mate, this is about what colombian city's brothels would be the most likely to find p4p girls that look like Esperanza Gomez the stunning 10 colombian porn star. You are right, the imports from other areas are in Cartagena and that is the choices available. Every good looking girl there was from somewhere else in the country and it was easy to get to all of the top places by car or taxi. I went to LDV, ISIS and pley. You can get caught in a traffic jam in Bogota for 3 hours just getting across town and there are plenty of short fat ugly girls in bogots if that is your thing. The best looking botoga women I ever met were in Cartagena. You can keep Bogota.

Member #4394
05-07-11, 17:22
Just like you guys, I like both Medellin and BA. This August I am going to BA from Medellin. Could any of you please suggest any cheap airlines? I checked Aero Republica, which charges US$1k for MD-BA. I am lookiing for a little cheaper fare. Thanks a lot.

Frank Casio
05-07-11, 20:39
Hi guys,

I know some of you guys are going to think I'm densed, but after 6 years I finally discovered the key to "aguardiente". Last night I went out to celebrate one of my lawyer friend's (I have about five) B-day, Saraii. At first it was 5 "hot chicas" and another law student guy friend. First we went to "Aqua Club" in La Estrada, then to "Club Luxury" where we met up with 2 other guy friends. Thank god, since it was getting expensive. Then we ended up at "Club Mantra" till 4AM. They then wanted to go to "Blim Blim" in Palmahia till 7-8AM, I don't like staying out that late, but they wouldn't let me go, so I had to sneak away.

Going back to the original subject of "aguardiente", I finally realized that if you drink it in smaller shot glasses and just take a sip and put the rest down, you can hang out all night with the best of them. I used to drink the full shot glass and hated it. By taking just a "sip" you don't even taste it that much, and just finish it by taking another sip after a little bit. I finally was able to fit in and saved some money, since I always used to buy some other stuff, end up spending more, and feeling like the odd man out. I'm back in Medellin Paradise and it was a "great night". I had a gorgeous "hottie" dance all night on my "winnie", not "tiny winnie", ha, ha,"big winnie", ha, ha. Actually more than one, and got some major "smooshing" at the end, tongue and all, by a 19 yr. Old super "hottie". It was a good good night!

Frank Casio!

Aussie Greg
05-07-11, 23:31

You just quoted the most expensive working girl houses and pickup places in all of Colombia ie LDV, ISIS in Cartagena.

Have you been to Barrio Santa Fee in el central Bogota?

3 blocks wide both ways of working girl houses, some of the most beautiful women on this planet.

I only travel between the hours of 10. 00am and 3. 00pm and 8. 00pm and 5. 00am in Bogota because of the traffic.

Another big talker who thinks he's knows every thing, it amuses me when people say they have been to Colombia and all they have seen is Cartagena. Its only good as a tourist destination and then only for no more than 3 days.

Aussie Greg.

Sorry you missed the topic there mate, this is about what colombian city's brothels would be the most likely to find p4p girls that look like Esperanza Gomez the stunning 10 colombian porn star. You are right, the imports from other areas are in Cartagena and that is the choices available. Every good looking girl there was from somewhere else in the country and it was easy to get to all of the top places by car or taxi. I went to LDV, ISIS and pley. You can get caught in a traffic jam in Bogota for 3 hours just getting across town and there are plenty of short fat ugly girls in bogots if that is your thing. The best looking botoga women I ever met were in Cartagena. You can keep Bogota.

El Bacano
05-08-11, 03:35
Lets not quarrel between eachother, only experts like Ricker, frank and Aussie and Me can verify the facts, every one is entitle to there opinion, even if us experts don't agree. Cart sucks for some of us experts, pure and simple.

, its too much about the money for sex, theres no love there,

05-08-11, 05:42

You just quoted the most expensive working girl houses and pickup places in all of Colombia ie LDV, ISIS in Cartagena.

Have you been to Barrio Santa Fee in el central Bogota?

3 blocks wide both ways of working girl houses, some of the most beautiful women on this planet.

I only travel between the hours of 10. 00am and 3. 00pm and 8. 00pm and 5. 00am in Bogota because of the traffic.

Another big talker who thinks he's knows every thing, it amuses me when people say they have been to Colombia and all they have seen is Cartagena. Its only good as a tourist destination and then only for no more than 3 days.

Aussie Greg. Yep! Preach on AG! Bogota traffic sucks-balls! I got trapped in almost 2 hours of traffic when I arrived from the airport. The worst thing, the thing that kills me is that 50% of it wouldn't happen if Colombians didn't drive like ass holes! I don't mean ass holes like drivers from Massachusetts, I mean like TOTAL STUPIDITY por ejemplo: Let's all cut around this guy trying to taking a left, in front of him, in back of him, do loopdy-loops around him how ever "I" can get 2 feet further instead of letting him take the left and letting traffic flow naturally.

Santa Fe? That would require Spanish Speaking Skills and some Adventurous Spirit / Balls. I went two trips ago and didn't like it. I like the "buffet" you get at a Casa and then if me and the chica click,"Cita Privados"

Member #4394
05-08-11, 22:57
I prefer Colombian (?) brandy, Domecque, to Ron or Guero.

Going back to the original subject of "aguardiente", I finally realized that if you drink it in smaller shot glasses and just take a sip and put the rest down, you can hang out all night with the best of them. I used to drink the full shot glass and hated it. By taking just a "sip" you don't even taste it that much, and just finish it by taking another sip after a little bit. I finally was able to fit in and saved some money, since I always used to buy some other stuff, end up spending more, and feeling like the odd man out. I'm back in Medellin Paradise and it was a "great night". I had a gorgeous "hottie" dance all night on my "winnie", not "tiny winnie", ha, ha,"big winnie", ha, ha. Actually more than one, and got some major "smooshing" at the end, tongue and all, by a 19 yr. Old super "hottie". It was a good good night!

Frank Casio!

Sailor Jim
05-09-11, 02:04

Santa Fe and all of Bogota you can have. I was over Bogota in 1993 the yaer I got married in Cali. I have been all over the country every year except one. I only go to Bogota a few times a year because I have a cousin who lives there. My ex wife and 16 year old son live in Cali. Otherwise the airport in Bogota is as far as I care to go. I have nothing againt internet tough guys who think they know everything, obviously lacking in other areas. A dime a dozen mate. I quoted high end places, so what? Please don't be offended.

I am not a big talker you have mitaken me for someone else, sorry fella. This is about meeting a p4p girl who looks like Esperanza Gomez. Nothing to do about cost, sorry you got confused. The poster I was responding to, is going to Cali because of a website. He will pay 300-500K to be with one of those girls. This is not about couting pennies for some of us. Even those of us going to Colombia since the 90's. It's a pitty to have to meet angry tourists on the web too, not only in Colombia.

Keep up the good work

Sailor Jim
05-09-11, 02:34
Belle Suite is reportedly closed down. Cops came mid day. Anyone with the 411 please chime in. Maybe Tax problems? It was an illegal

05-09-11, 03:23
Hi guys,

I know some of you guys are going to think I'm densed, but after 6 years I finally discovered the key to "aguardiente". Last night I went out to celebrate one of my lawyer friend's (I have about five) B-day, Saraii. At first it was 5 "hot chicas" and another law student guy friend. First we went to "Aqua Club" in La Estrada, then to "Club Luxury" where we met up with 2 other guy friends. Thank god, since it was getting expensive. Then we ended up at "Club Mantra" till 4AM. They then wanted to go to "Blim Blim" in Palmahia till 7-8AM, I don't like staying out that late, but they wouldn't let me go, so I had to sneak away.

Going back to the original subject of "aguardiente", I finally realized that if you drink it in smaller shot glasses and just take a sip and put the rest down, you can hang out all night with the best of them. I used to drink the full shot glass and hated it. By taking just a "sip" you don't even taste it that much, and just finish it by taking another sip after a little bit. I finally was able to fit in and saved some money, since I always used to buy some other stuff, end up spending more, and feeling like the odd man out. I'm back in Medellin Paradise and it was a "great night". I had a gorgeous "hottie" dance all night on my "winnie", not "tiny winnie", ha, ha,"big winnie", ha, ha. Actually more than one, and got some major "smooshing" at the end, tongue and all, by a 19 yr. Old super "hottie". It was a good good night!

Frank Casio! Frank, That's the key to any hard liquor! Or. Instead of sipping, you can do the "pour it on the floor instead of in your mouth trick" LOL

05-09-11, 13:47
Hey El Bacano,

Why the fuck are you claiming you are an expert with your 29 posts of stupid ass questions and comments when you have never made it off your couch, moreless been to Colombia? (all anyone has to do to verify my comment is look at your posting history) You are a fucking joke dude. Go back to your computer screen and beat your meat to the pics others have posted, and live in the viruality of the posts of others, because that is all you are doing. I am just keeping it real. Aww shit, you mean I should throw out this whole list of questions I wrote up last night? I was quite stumped and was getting ready to ask the self proclaimed Colombian "Expert" jajaaaa LOL

Aussie Greg
05-09-11, 21:45

As for Cartagena, your a long way off SJ and in fact a guy with your so called traveling experiance, you should know better.

Aussie Greg.


Santa Fe and all of Bogota you can have. I was over Bogota in 1993 the yaer I got married in Cali. I have been all over the country every year except one. I only go to Bogota a few times a year because I have a cousin who lives there. My ex wife and 16 year old son live in Cali. Otherwise the airport in Bogota is as far as I care to go. I have nothing againt internet tough guys who think they know everything, obviously lacking in other areas. A dime a dozen mate. I quoted high end places, so what? Please don't be offended.

I am not a big talker you have mitaken me for someone else, sorry fella. This is about meeting a p4p girl who looks like Esperanza Gomez. Nothing to do about cost, sorry you got confused. The poster I was responding to, is going to Cali because of a website. He will pay 300-500K to be with one of those girls. This is not about couting pennies for some of us. Even those of us going to Colombia since the 90's. It's a pitty to have to meet angry tourists on the web too, not only in Colombia.

Keep up the good work

Member #4176
05-09-11, 22:19
Frank, That's the key to any hard liquor! Or. Instead of sipping, you can do the "pour it on the floor instead of in your mouth trick" LOLDude. I don't even try to keep up with colombians when I come to drinking aguardiente. I drink one shot to there 4 And remember if your drink you can't bang. No good.

Frank Casio
05-10-11, 22:55
Well, I kept up all night and didn't even have much of a hang over since there was no "fizz". Even though I had started earlier than they did with 3 beers, I had some food with that. I almost missed up because I bought one of my friends one of those explosive shots, it screwed her up, I just took a little sip and I still felt it in my stomach. Sipping work guys, I didn't have to turn any down, just smaller shots and do it in a couple sips. I see paisas and the girls get screwed up all the time with aguardiente for drinking too fast, although some can drink up a storm. I guess you don't play that hard, Play Hard68, ha, ha!

Frank Casio!

Dude. I don't even try to keep up with colombians when I come to drinking aguardiente. I drink one shot to there 4 And remember if your drink you can't bang. No good.

Frank Casio
05-10-11, 23:13
Yup, Aussie is right, Bogota is hot-and- cheap (not talking about the weather) if you know where to go. Plus a lot of the "paisas" from Medellin rotate down there. I ran into a few my girls down there. Below is a report I submitted a while back. If I weren't so lazy I would be down there more often. They do some wild stuff down there and on the cheap side, beautiful girls!

Bogota at a Glance!

Hi guys,

In Bogota for a couple of days checking out some intel from one of my girls. All you need to know in Bogota is "Discoteca Troya" and "Fiebre Sex" on Crra. 16A Nº.23-50, Barrio Santa Fe. Taxi Drivers will try to take you to "Zona Rosa,"Plaza Las Americas"."1ro de Mayo", etc. High end places, and expensive. Some of the girls that work at those high end places also work at the 2 places I mentioned.

The girls at Discoteca Troya were anywhwere between a 7-10. The one I took for 50, 000cop had all the goods. Beautiful face. 6 million pesos silicon "boobs" and even the supplemmented "ass". I was not in the mood, but just had to take her to see what the "whole works" looked like. Just stuck my dick in her, didn`t do much, just contemplated that beautiful body and caressed her "38" size boobs. Kissed her lightly, and just let her go. I just wanted to taste her so ever lightly. I have 4 girlfriends in Medellin which give me all the works, all night, without any condoms, but I just had to be inside this gorgeous woman for at least a few minutes. She was sweet, just a bit shy and just went through the motions.

Most of the girls there were pretty hot. The only foreigner I met was from Europe and he said you don`t get too many tourist in that area, he had it all to himself. This area is considered El Centro (Santa Fe). Taxi Drivers will try to scare you and tell you that it is a very bad and dangerous area, not true. The area looked a lot better than El Centro in Medellin. The clubs were filled with executive looking type Bogoteños. There are like 6-7 clubs in this area, which is closed in like they do in La Mayorista, in Medellin, on the weekend. The European guy told me that "Fiebre Sex" and "Discoteca Troya" have older more executive type clientele and that the other clubs have a younger crowd.

Girls will ask for 60cp for 15-20 minutes, I told her for 20 minutes I`ll give you 50cp and she agreed. But we were in there for half an hour, we left before anybody even knocked on the door. The guy told me that outside the club, the same girls will ask 25-30cop.

You can take the "Transmillenium", Metro Bus going South on Avenida Caracas and get off at clle. 22 (Barrio Santa Fe). You`ll see "La Piscina" immediately to your right, just make a right on the first street after La Piscina and walk down about 3 blocks. Ask for Discoteca La Troya and anybody should be able to tell you. There are a lot of other clubs on the way down, but they are not as good. Don`t need to go and spend "big bucks" anywhere else. You`ll be more than satisfied there, and safe tons of money.

I will, however stick to my "Medellin Paradise" as the weather in Bogota is miserable, not only rainy, but cold as hell. You`ll freeze in the hotels. I stayed under the blankets most of the day, not much in the mood for touring. Make sure you have a good warm jacket to walk around. Good Luck!

P. S. Excuse the typos, as I`m writing from an Internet Cafe in Bogota and will not have time to review. I`m afraid of loosing what I have written.

Frank Casio!


You just quoted the most expensive working girl houses and pickup places in all of Colombia ie LDV, ISIS in Cartagena.

Have you been to Barrio Santa Fee in el central Bogota?

3 blocks wide both ways of working girl houses, some of the most beautiful women on this planet.

I only travel between the hours of 10. 00am and 3. 00pm and 8. 00pm and 5. 00am in Bogota because of the traffic.

Another big talker who thinks he's knows every thing, it amuses me when people say they have been to Colombia and all they have seen is Cartagena. Its only good as a tourist destination and then only for no more than 3 days.

Aussie Greg

Mr Gogo
05-11-11, 08:35
Yup, Aussie is right, Bogota is hot-and- cheap (not talking about the weather) if you know where to go. Plus a lot of the "paisas" from Medellin rotate down there. I ran into a few my girls down there. Below is a report I submitted a while back. If I weren't so lazy I would be down there more often. They do some wild stuff down there and on the cheap side, beautiful girls!

Bogota at a Glance!

Hi guys,

In Bogota for a couple of days checking out some intel from one of my girls. All you need to know in Bogota is "Discoteca Troya" and "Fiebre Sex" on Crra. 16A Nº.23-50, Barrio Santa Fe. Taxi Drivers will try to take you to "Zona Rosa,"Plaza Las Americas"."1ro de Mayo", etc. High end places, and expensive. Some of the girls that work at those high end places also work at the 2 places I mentioned.

The girls at Discoteca Troya were anywhwere between a 7-10. The one I took for 50, 000cop had all the goods. Beautiful face. 6 million pesos silicon "boobs" and even the supplemmented "ass". I was not in the mood, but just had to take her to see what the "whole works" looked like. Just stuck my dick in her, didn`t do much, just contemplated that beautiful body and caressed her "38" size boobs. Kissed her lightly, and just let her go. I just wanted to taste her so ever lightly. I have 4 girlfriends in Medellin which give me all the works, all night, without any condoms, but I just had to be inside this gorgeous woman for at least a few minutes. She was sweet, just a bit shy and just went through the motions.

Most of the girls there were pretty hot. The only foreigner I met was from Europe and he said you don`t get too many tourist in that area, he had it all to himself. This area is considered El Centro (Santa Fe). Taxi Drivers will try to scare you and tell you that it is a very bad and dangerous area, not true. The area looked a lot better than El Centro in Medellin. The clubs were filled with executive looking type Bogoteños. There are like 6-7 clubs in this area, which is closed in like they do in La Mayorista, in Medellin, on the weekend. The European guy told me that "Fiebre Sex" and "Discoteca Troya" have older more executive type clientele and that the other clubs have a younger crowd.

Girls will ask for 60cp for 15-20 minutes, I told her for 20 minutes I`ll give you 50cp and she agreed. But we were in there for half an hour, we left before anybody even knocked on the door. The guy told me that outside the club, the same girls will ask 25-30cop.

You can take the "Transmillenium", Metro Bus going South on Avenida Caracas and get off at clle. 22 (Barrio Santa Fe). You`ll see "La Piscina" immediately to your right, just make a right on the first street after La Piscina and walk down about 3 blocks. Ask for Discoteca La Troya and anybody should be able to tell you. There are a lot of other clubs on the way down, but they are not as good. Don`t need to go and spend "big bucks" anywhere else. You`ll be more than satisfied there, and safe tons of money.

I will, however stick to my "Medellin Paradise" as the weather in Bogota is miserable, not only rainy, but cold as hell. You`ll freeze in the hotels. I stayed under the blankets most of the day, not much in the mood for touring. Make sure you have a good warm jacket to walk around. Good Luck!

P. S. Excuse the typos, as I`m writing from an Internet Cafe in Bogota and will not have time to review. I`m afraid of loosing what I have written.

Frank Casio!Frank even your older posts are exciting. Keep them coming your reports are the best on this board. Can't wait to hang with you one day.

05-11-11, 14:29
Dude. I don't even try to keep up with colombians when I come to drinking aguardiente. I drink one shot to there 4 And remember if your drink you can't bang. No good.Aguardiente is like drinking water when compared to vodka!

El Bacano
05-11-11, 21:00
Keep up the good reports Frank, Aussie and Ricker. There Seems to be a couple of Small pecker guys with a little animosity towards us experts. I will be reporting from Medellin soon, I used to fly there weekly Just haven't been there for a while, I was just inquiring on my old stomping grounds for intel.

Kute Guy
05-12-11, 00:10
Just back from a few days in Medellin. Its a gorgeous city and the women are truly stunning. Truly.

Initially stayed at the Mansion. It was good to have a hand on the shoulder for a few days. The girls at the mansion were stunning and there were loads of them in the afternoon.

Most of the action I had was in the Casas in centro. It was too easy. The girls are VERY friendly. Altogether I think I had five. One each from Geisha, New Life, Barcelona, Sexi, and Bell Suite.

Sexi and Geisha have moved. Sexi is a couple of doors further away if you are walking from Prado; and Geisha is a little closer to Prado metro than before (there is a youtube video on it).

I am pretty much into vanilla stuff. So went for 30 mins each time. Prices ranged from 30-35k COP. I only had one girl with whom I just could not get it on. She was too mechanical with no interest at in giving good service.

Definitely the best mongering location I have been too. Just wish there was more reasonably priced casa action in El Poblado. Also I found there isn't much to do in Medellin after a couple of days. It can get quite boring.

Frank Casio
05-12-11, 06:04
Thanks Mr. Gogo, sorry I missed you. Actually my old reports were the best, when I was wild. Now I've mellowed down after 4 years of hard mongering and a little older, ha, ha.

Frank Casio!

Frank even your older posts are exciting. Keep them coming your reports are the best on this board. Can't wait to hang with you one day.

Aussie Greg
05-12-11, 17:03
Guys, Medellin Bob has a new baby! not the screaming and shitty pants type.

He's starting up a new bar here in Medellin and it's going to be in the garage at Hotel Casa Blanca Medellin 1.
He's working on the paper work now, designs and if Marcy takes up the position, she will be the bar manager.
We hope that the bar will be able to extend out the front of the garage a few meters and out one side and even maybe through the back wall to the swimming pool.
The hours of operation will probley be 2. 00pm to 11. 00pm and be open to all persons, not only the guests of CB 1 and 2, even Colombians.
Features of the bar.
* All sports recieved here in Colombia will be on show.
* Hooters type waitresses but a little in tune with a different theme and decor!
* Aussie Gregs famous "aussie meat pies" and Aunty Kates famous "apple pies with vanilla ice cream" and "aussie steak with peas, gravy and mashed potatoes, also food from over the world, maybe even Big Bad Boyds "chicken fajitas".
Medellin Bob has asked me to start a compertion for the name of the new bar so we are starting with the following.
How about a week's free accommodation for the winner?

Aussie Greg "The Slaughter House" "El Matadero"
D Bandy "Private Paradise" "Paraiso Privado"
Hector the driver "The Cave" "La Cueva"

You don't have to be a guests of CB to enter the compertion, I carnt win but I'm still putting my name forward.

Aussie Greg.

Frank Casio
05-12-11, 18:24
Hi Aussie,

I'll stick to my corny tittle,"Medellin Paraiso Encuentro" or "Medellin Paradise Encuentro" or any derivative therof, ha, ha!

Frank Casio!

Guys, Medellin Bob has a new baby! Not the screaming and shitty pants type.

He's starting up a new bar here in Medellin and it's going to be in the garage at Hotel Casa Blanca Medellin 1.

He's working on the paper work now, designs and if Marcy takes up the position, she will be the bar manager.

We hope that the bar will be able to extend out the front of the garage a few meters and out one side and even maybe through the back wall to the swimming pool.

The hours of operation will probley be 2. 00pm to 11. 00pm and be open to all persons, not only the guests of CB 1 and 2, even Colombians.

Features of the bar.

* All sports recieved here in Colombia will be on show.

* Hooters type waitresses but a little in tune with a different theme and decor!

* Aussie Gregs famous "aussie meat pies" and Aunty Kates famous "apple pies with vanilla ice cream" and "aussie steak with peas, gravy and mashed potatoes, also food from over the world, maybe even Big Bad Boyds "chicken fajitas".

Medellin Bob has asked me to start a compertion for the name of the new bar so we are starting with the following.

How about a week's free accommodation for the winner?

Aussie Greg "The Slaughter House" "El Matadero"

D Bandy "Private Paradise" "Paraiso Privado"

Hector the driver "The Cave" "La Cueva"

You don't have to be a guests of CB to enter the compertion, I carnt win but I'm still putting my name forward.

Aussie Greg.

05-12-11, 19:55
Guys, Medellin Bob has a new baby! Not the screaming and shitty pants type.

He's starting up a new bar here in Medellin and it's going to be in the garage at Hotel Casa Blanca Medellin 1.

He's working on the paper work now, designs and if Marcy takes up the position, she will be the bar manager.

We hope that the bar will be able to extend out the front of the garage a few meters and out one side and even maybe through the back wall to the swimming pool.

The hours of operation will probley be 2. 00pm to 11. 00pm and be open to all persons, not only the guests of CB 1 and 2, even Colombians.

Features of the bar.

* All sports recieved here in Colombia will be on show.

* Hooters type waitresses but a little in tune with a different theme and decor!

* Aussie Gregs famous "aussie meat pies" and Aunty Kates famous "apple pies with vanilla ice cream" and "aussie steak with peas, gravy and mashed potatoes, also food from over the world, maybe even Big Bad Boyds "chicken fajitas".

Medellin Bob has asked me to start a compertion for the name of the new bar so we are starting with the following.

How about a week's free accommodation for the winner?

Aussie Greg "The Slaughter House" "El Matadero"

D Bandy "Private Paradise" "Paraiso Privado"

Hector the driver "The Cave" "La Cueva"

You don't have to be a guests of CB to enter the compertion, I carnt win but I'm still putting my name forward.

Aussie Greg. Good to see you guys maintaining a low profile! You got a projected opening date? I think you should call it "The Firehouse" cause I'm sure somebody is going to get hosed.

Aussie Greg
05-13-11, 00:17
A babies play pen or cattle stock yard "El Corral"

and or a dairy !! "La Lecheria"

Mr Gogo
05-13-11, 08:36
Just back from a few days in Medellin. Its a gorgeous city and the women are truly stunning. Truly.

Initially stayed at the Mansion. It was good to have a hand on the shoulder for a few days. The girls at the mansion were stunning and there were loads of them in the afternoon.

Most of the action I had was in the Casas in centro. It was too easy. The girls are VERY friendly. Altogether I think I had five. One each from Geisha, New Life, Barcelona, Sexi, and Bell Suite.

Sexi and Geisha have moved. Sexi is a couple of doors further away if you are walking from Prado; and Geisha is a little closer to Prado metro than before (there is a youtube video on it).

I am pretty much into vanilla stuff. So went for 30 mins each time. Prices ranged from 30-35k COP. I only had one girl with whom I just could not get it on. She was too mechanical with no interest at in giving good service.

Definitely the best mongering location I have been too. Just wish there was more reasonably priced casa action in El Poblado. Also I found there isn't much to do in Medellin after a couple of days. It can get quite boring.Good report, thanks for posting. As far as your comment about Medellin being boring after a couple days I don't concur. If you just do the mansion and casas you have limited yourself. My Spanish is pretty good (good vocab but working on structure) and I've learned that there are alot of venues during the day if you don't take the mongerers approach.

Medellin is not a city where you make eye contact and you're fucking thirty minutes later. You have to be more coy and respect you're surroundings. What I mean is go to Sante Fe Mall, shop, eat and hang out. You can also ride the Metro to San Antonio and walk around the bazarr (its like a big flee market). But its best to act like a normal tourist not looking for pussy. But please try to blend in, no flip flops and tank tops.

One time I was eating at the food court (Sante Fee mall) by myself, enjoying the views of the city. Pussy was the furthest thing from my mind. There were these two ladies one older, one younger, both gorgeous sitting in front of me. They didn't care about me and I didn't care about them. Thats how lost I was in the scenery. Well they were taking pictures of each other which made me pay attention. I asked if they would like me to take pictures with their camera of them. That was my in. The Daughter was visiting the mother from NY and spoke great English. I played the first time tourist role and we hit it off. They gave me their number and invited me for a Colombian dinner. My stupid ass didn't call because I was hooked on this chick that worked at San Diego Grill.

My point is you have to drop the mongerer, I'm at the mansion, I don't need to know Spanish attitude, and venture out as a normal tourist to enjoy the non sexual benefits of Medellin.

Good luck.

05-13-11, 18:01
Guys, Medellin Bob has a new baby! .

He's starting up a new bar here in Medellin and it's going to be in the garage at Hotel Casa Blanca Medellin 1.

Medellin Bob has asked me to start a compertion for the name of the new bar so we are starting with the following.

How about a week's free accommodation for the winner?

Aussie Greg "The Slaughter House" "El Matadero"

D Bandy "Private Paradise" "Paraiso Privado"

Hector the driver "The Cave" "La Cueva"

Aussie Greg. Well, IMO your suggested name "Slaughter House" may sub-consciously bring back too many bad memories of the Medellin of old,

"Private Paradise" may suggest the place is private and not open to the general public.

"The Cave" by Hector sounds cool, but maybe personalize it to fit more with where it is housed (beneath the CB1) , perhaps:

1."la Cueva Blanca"

2."la Cuevita Blanca"

3."tu Cueva Blanca"

3."la Casita Blanca"

Anyway, got to give kudos to Hector for the "Cueva" idea in the first place, I kind of like it, just spice it up a bit maybe.

John Gault
05-13-11, 18:02
Field of dreams

05-13-11, 18:26
Field of dreamsIf we're going non-original, how about "Blackbeard's"?

Does well enough in Costambar, D. R.

05-13-11, 18:53
Cerbasa ee Tetas.

Cerbasa ee Puta.

Bob's barber Shop and Spa [ to keep up with the boutique thing! LOL]

Gringo con Dinero.

Montanas ee Tetas.

Tetas ee Gringos

05-13-11, 19:08
Esta medio gordita pero chupa chevere eso en 4 no se ve!

Nice name for a bar!

05-13-11, 19:12
I have too much time on my hands.

The Back Door garage.


Hard Cock Cafe. With a Rooster as a Logo LOL.

El Perdido Gringo

05-13-11, 20:10
I have too much time on my hands.

The Back Door garage.


Hard Cock Cafe. With a Rooster as a Logo LOL.

El Perdido GringoSomething with "gallo" meaning rooster but play-on-words for "cock":

"Pico de Gallo"- LOL.

"La Fonda (or Rancho) del Gallo"

"El Gallo (or Pollo) Loco"

How about "Listo el Pollo"? An reference to P4P to that saying. IMO.

Here's a good one (and accurate) : "El Pátio"

05-13-11, 20:12
Guys, Medellin Bob has a new baby! Not the screaming and shitty pants type.

He's starting up a new bar here in Medellin and it's going to be in the garage at Hotel Casa Blanca Medellin 1.

He's working on the paper work now, designs and if Marcy takes up the position, she will be the bar manager.

We hope that the bar will be able to extend out the front of the garage a few meters and out one side and even maybe through the back wall to the swimming pool.

The hours of operation will probley be 2. 00pm to 11. 00pm and be open to all persons, not only the guests of CB 1 and 2, even Colombians.

Features of the bar.

* All sports recieved here in Colombia will be on show.

* Hooters type waitresses but a little in tune with a different theme and decor!

* Aussie Gregs famous "aussie meat pies" and Aunty Kates famous "apple pies with vanilla ice cream" and "aussie steak with peas, gravy and mashed potatoes, also food from over the world, maybe even Big Bad Boyds "chicken fajitas".

Medellin Bob has asked me to start a compertion for the name of the new bar so we are starting with the following.

How about a week's free accommodation for the winner?

Aussie Greg "The Slaughter House" "El Matadero"

D Bandy "Private Paradise" "Paraiso Privado"

Hector the driver "The Cave" "La Cueva"

You don't have to be a guests of CB to enter the compertion, I carnt win but I'm still putting my name forward.

Aussie Greg. Well I'm just off the phone with Medellin Bob, here's the scoop from his what he tells me.

The new litle club will be meant to be a place to come pick up freelancers, like a mini-LDV, just with earlier operating hours, and will feature a bar and a place to get some light meals.

He tells me the place will not be for Colombianos per se, but for gringos really and Colombianos that pay the admission can of course enter.

Gringos staying at the CB1 and 2 admission free and the general public will pay an admission to keep out the gawkers who come only to nurture a beer for 4 hours and watch the chicas only.

He's thinking 40-50K peso entrance for general public, but undecided still.

Still waiting for word for the license, maybe opening in a couple or few weeks.

05-13-11, 23:06
CLUB MED. Wooooo.