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Member #4394
07-26-11, 17:40
I saw that many or even a majority of gringos visiting Mayorista immediately agree with the girls for 50K if they like the girls. In Mayorista, being such a small market, it is not difficult to see that these easy gringos inflate prices. I do not mean to criticize them though.

I have seen a few post lately about 25K being the standard price in Mayorista.

That may be true for Colombian hombres, but it is not the the case for Gringos. Of the countless girls I have delt with in that area, only twice was 25K offered to me. Please check my older posts (some under vics picks) if you question my knowledge of this fabled monger area. If anything 50K is starting to be asked by some of the hotter girls.

You may say why bring up a issue concerning 5K? Well to 99% of the mongers 5K is of no big deal, but to these poor hard woking girls 5K means something to them. So to sum it up while I am a champion concerning keeping inflation from this area, lets not think 25K is the price. Really gentlemen 30K makes most everyone happy.

How sad to have to state after all these years I feel I'm a Champ in a monger area. LOL.

I guess worse things could be on a fellow's tombstone. Yes Virgina, I'm a sick pup.

07-26-11, 17:50
I saw that many or even a majority of gringos visiting Mayorista immediately agree with the girls for 50K if they like the girls. In Mayorista, being such a small market, it is not difficult to see that these easy gringos inflate prices. I do not mean to criticize them though.In all my years of visiting the Mayorista, I've never paid more than the standard 25-30K pesos, unless I stayed with her for an extended period.

Matter of fact, not one chica there has ever asked me to pay more than that.

These chicas are not stupid, but savy street smart, they can tell who to play and who not.

07-26-11, 18:50
In all my years of visiting the Mayorista, I've never paid more than the standard 25-30K pesos, unless I stayed with her for an extended period.

Matter of fact, not one chica there has ever asked me to pay more than that.

These chicas are not stupid, but savy street smart, they can tell who to play and who not.I don't see the Colombians actually allowing Mayorista going above the 30k. If a girl asks you for 50k you must have "try to sucker or gingo newbie" written all over your face. Either THAT or they're starting to get it from Gringos now and it will become the norm.

07-26-11, 19:19
I don't see the Colombians actually allowing Mayorista going above the 30k. If a girl asks you for 50k you must have "try to sucker or gingo newbie" written all over your face. Either THAT or they're starting to get it from Gringos now and it will become the norm.Colombians always pay less. The asking price is not necessarily the going price. Like anywhere in the world. The girls will start off high and hope for a sucker. Last time I was in Mayo, there was this chica (that actually spoke some English). Asked for 50k. Wouldn't budge. When I was willing to walk away she countered with 40k. Without boards like this, I might actually pay the 50k just because I don't know any better. I can bet that happens a lot. I laugh when people come back and then report the rate is 50k. Even in expensive cities like Panama and Cartagena (where I'll be in a couple of months and report back). I usually divide by 2 when I hear rates from most people.

John Gault
07-26-11, 21:17
I don't see the Colombians actually allowing Mayorista going above the 30k. If a girl asks you for 50k you must have "try to sucker or gingo newbie" written all over your face. Either THAT or they're starting to get it from Gringos now and it will become the norm.As usual you have hit the nail on the head. A fellow I met on my last trip was sitting at my table when he called a hot chica over. She asked for 50k. I told him in a low voice to offer her 30K. He looked at me and smirked [ Hey fuck it I'm on vacation ]

Sometimes I feel my advice is like giving pearls to swine. I guess I continue to try to crack some intel in a lot of the thick headed new mongers flocking to Colombia, because once in a while it works. Funny when I had a job I did not work as hard as I do now trying to help people (and myself).

Reminds me years ago when I saw a guy throwing away money at the race track. I asked my father (I was a pup then) why a guy would do that. His answer was { Some people hate money } I think we have a lot of mongers like that. Newbes say they read the board, and then in their first trip report they quote the overboard prices they paid. Well at least they did post a report.
P.S. For my 700th post I will actually do a trip report from where I am now. Hint it is not Colombia. No Ricker it will not be from my secret spot. LOL.

07-26-11, 21:32
Newbes say they read the board, and then in their first trip report they quote the overboard prices they paid. Well at least they did post a report.

P. S. For my 700th post I will actually do a trip report from where I am now. Hint it is not Colombia. No Ricker it will not be from my secret spot. LOL."Secret spots" New Countries, locations within Colombia and Medellin will become more of the norm, as some rookies and newbie mongers refuse to take some time to become "educated consumers" or have the "fuck it, it's my money and I'm on vacation attitude"= KISS OF DEATH for ANY spot. Think about, how many "Old School" posters have disappeared or actually take the time to write any NEW reports anymore? I'm sure some are afraid of exploitation from newbies and sex forums. All that's passed around these days in the forums is generic information, same casas and locations redux and that my friend will be more of the norm!

07-26-11, 22:24
"Secret spots" New Countries, locations within Colombia and Medellin will become more of the norm, as some rookies and newbie mongers refuse to take some time to become "educated consumers" or have the "fuck it, it's my money and I'm on vacation attitude"= KISS OF DEATH for ANY spot. Think about, how many "Old School" posters have disappeared or actually take the time to write any NEW reports anymore? I'm sure some are afraid of exploitation from newbies and sex forums. All that's passed around these days in the forums is generic information, same casas and locations redux and that my friend will be more of the norm!
As usual you have hit the nail on the head. A fellow I met on my last trip was sitting at my table when he called a hot chica over. She asked for 50k. I told him in a low voice to offer her 30K. He looked at me and smirked [ Hey fuck it I'm on vacation ]

Sometimes I feel my advice is like giving pearls to swine. I guess I continue to try to crack some intel in a lot of the thick headed new mongers flocking to Colombia, because once in a while it works. Funny when I had a job I did not work as hard as I do now trying to help people (and myself).

Reminds me years ago when I saw a guy throwing away money at the race track. I asked my father (I was a pup then) why a guy would do that. His answer was { Some people hate money } I think we have a lot of mongers like that. Newbes say they read the board, and then in their first trip report they quote the overboard prices they paid. Well at least they did post a report.

P. S. For my 700th post I will actually do a trip report from where I am now. Hint it is not Colombia. No Ricker it will not be from my secret spot. LOL.Hey, I'm all for guys having a great vacation and fun, as long as it's away from where I'm at. Hahaha.

I'm with you guys, but really, once the cat is out of the bag, there will always be guys, and more and more of them, throwing their "hard earned" bling bling around.

It's their money, whatever, you're just not going to stop 'them.

The good news is, If you're cool and speak the lingo and know how to jive with the chicas, good bargains can always be had.

If a chica is being hardcore, over-charging, not budging, best advice, walk away, she'll most likely suck (in a bad way) anyway.

Thank the Lord, there's always more where that came from in S. America.

Also, if you head to places where other gringos ain't, well that's even better. Sorry Sr Gault, got to keep this Top Secret or next thing I know Franky will have an apartment there and the whole Jersey Shore will be there, and we can't have that. Hahaha.

07-26-11, 22:35
Also, if you head to places where other gringos ain't, well that's even better. Sorry Sr Gault, got to keep this Top Secret or next thing I know Franky will have an apartment there and the whole Jersey Shore will be there, and we can't have that. Hahaha.SOOOO? When should I be expecting that pm. If you feel that the PM system is monitored like I do, send it to my Email. You have it. LOL!

07-26-11, 23:01
Stopped in at New Life around 2 pm Apprx. 20 girls working. 5 caught my eye. The girls sure aren't missing any meals. There were 4 guys including myself there during the introductions. The attitudes of the girls have become unattractive, of the 5 that caught my eye their attitudes eliminated their chances of me selecting one. Just too risky! The other guys didn't seem to care about the lack of enthusiasm. Don't the girls know if the pretend to want my money, they will have more $ in their pocket at the end of the day. I finished my beer and left.


07-27-11, 16:38
Stopped in at New Life around 2 pm Apprx. 20 girls working. 5 caught my eye. The girls sure aren't missing any meals. There were 4 guys including myself there during the introductions. The attitudes of the girls have become unattractive, of the 5 that caught my eye their attitudes eliminated their chances of me selecting one. Just too risky! The other guys didn't seem to care about the lack of enthusiasm. Don't the girls know if the pretend to want my money, they will have more $ in their pocket at the end of the day. I finished my beer and left.

Enjoy!I feel ya amigo, I felt the same way on my last swing by there.

I know that New Life has become pretty popular, by both the locals and gringos, and that the chicas must make lots of presentations during the day, but like you, I just couldn't get into their bored look. I'm spoiled I guess, but I at least like to feel special haha.

07-27-11, 16:39
Let's see what's going on in a few strip clubs. Hmmmm!

First stop:Las Americas CL 53 #49-50. Real weak, the dancers were not much to look at. There were about 7 girls sitting around but nothing to talk about. I had 1/2 a Pepsi and adios.

Second Stop:Club Maracaibo CL 53 #49-30 usually a spot I can usually find something in. Passable dancers on the stage with about 8 girls available in the audience. Three of the girls were doable but it's too early to make a selection. Downed one beer and on to the next.

Third Stop:Ejecutivo CL 53 #48-20. Definitley a better dancer lineup and about 15 girls in the audience. Six of the girls sitting got my attention but tonight was not a night to pull the trigger. I just chilled and watched the dancers, one of which was tall with some lovely long legs. I will be back here and maybe bang a dancer.


07-28-11, 06:21
Last year, at a hotel in Bogota, I paid for the hotel guest fee with a 50k note. I had just withdrawn it from the ATM a few hours earlier. The two hotel clerks did the usual examination and concluded that it was fake. I explained to them that it couldn't be fake because I just got it from an ATM and both clerks as well as the girl just turned around and looked at me like I had just grown a second head."This is Colombia", they said,"ATM's dispense fake bills all the time." After further, more thorough analysis they finally did conclude it was not fake. But it was certainly my impression that this is not uncommon at all in Colombia.I had one fake $50K note in my possession given to me, I believed, by the casa de cambio at the airport. There are two such stores there and I am sure I used the one sort of facing the Copa Airline Check-in counter. I did not find out until I took my Colombiana novia to a restaurant in Poblado and used it to pay la cuenta. Then later I figured it would not be wise to go to the airport and asked that office to exchange it to a good one (I still had the receipt) , and I also doubted that they would do that and also it costs $52K for the taxi ride, I instead went to the hotel reception area and asked the clerk to change the fake note to something smaller. The girl at the reception did not even check to see if it's fake or real. I think that she trusted me because I am a tourist. Or maybe I just got lucky. Anyway, lesson was learned. Even from Casa de Cambio, $50K bills should always be thoroughly examined, a few or a lot. A little story to share.

Good days gents.


07-28-11, 14:59
I don't know what is going on in Chicas Lindas formerly" Casa De Piedra "in el Prado centro. When I used to go there, it used to be an excellent place with a knock out young college students. I went there last night, Nance only had about 6 ugly chicas that they looked so bored. I told Nancy to call more chicas and she did call only one who did not interest me either. I finally decided to go with the 18 year old from santander who I will give her 10 on personality and sweetness, and 8 on looks. Nance actually overcharged me for the room and for the half bottle of rum that I purchased along with the first 3 rum and coke drinks that I consumed upon arrival. She quoted me 200, 000 pesos. I negotiated with the chica to go to the room upstairs for 2 hours and the cost was 200, 000 pesos including drinks excluding chica fee. Chica told me that they work independent and their fee is separate. I finally reached a deal with her for 100, 000 pesos for 2 hours including besos en la boca and sucking her pussy, but she insisted on putting the condom that was not negotiable. We spend about an hour in the room drinking rum and she dancing Reggeton for me with her little round ass inside my face, I went down on her, sucked her little pussy and pounded her like it was my first time with a woman. It was a total girlfriend sex. We took a little break, and she asked me to please let her bring her friend to the room to have a threesom. I refused, but she begged me and she offered to pay the girl from her own fee which by the way was 100, 000 pesos for 2 hours. I finally let her do it, but the catch was that Nancy charges another 50, 000 for the chica to get in the room. I thought I was being taken for a sucker, but what the heck, that little angel made up for it. I had the best besos in la boca any man can dream of. I felt like a high school senior kissing and sucking that little beauty. I was not thrilled with the threesom, I did that to only please her. As a matter of fact, it could've been a scam to generate more revenue for Nancy with 50, 000 extra. Her friend just sat there watching me fuck her. After all, I found that I had indeed over payed for the night, but I had a great quality time.

07-28-11, 23:38
I feel ya amigo, I felt the same way on my last swing by there.

I know that New Life has become pretty popular, by both the locals and gringos, and that the chicas must make lots of presentations during the day, but like you, I just couldn't get into their bored look. I'm spoiled I guess, but I at least like to feel special haha.It's been this way for a year or more. The place is over exposed and usually crowded. Like all the other places, gems appear from time to time. The difference at New Life is the girls are overworked and the waiting room is crowded. Think about how often you are alone or with one or two other guys looking at lineups at other places and how often the New Life waiting rooms are packed with a beer soaked sausage party. Not fun in my opinion.

07-30-11, 03:23
It's been this way for a year or more. The place is over exposed and usually crowded. Like all the other places, gems appear from time to time. The difference at New Life is the girls are overworked and the waiting room is crowded. Think about how often you are alone or with one or two other guys looking at lineups at other places and how often the New Life waiting rooms are packed with a beer soaked sausage party. Not fun in my opinion.Looks like I am going to skip New Life on my next trip. I am glad we still have 49 other casas to go to, and within walking distance. LOL. And when all else fails, La Mayorista to fall back on if not just to enjoy a $2K COP cerveza and watching las chicas parade before our eyes.

Good days gents.


07-30-11, 03:33
Will pay NewLife a visit and see what all the fuss is about. Iv'e been going there since 05' without a problem and always found more than a few to bang in the lineup. They are just more keen to gringos and all types of foreigners. They are probably sick and tired of having to get up and present themselves 50 times a day, especially if its during their meals or novelas. LOL

07-30-11, 16:24
It's been this way for a year or more. The place is over exposed and usually crowded. Like all the other places, gems appear from time to time. The difference at New Life is the girls are overworked and the waiting room is crowded. Think about how often you are alone or with one or two other guys looking at lineups at other places and how often the New Life waiting rooms are packed with a beer soaked sausage party. Not fun in my opinion.It depends on the time of day you go. If you go after 5. It's usually packed with locals. Earlier than that and it's OK. However I haven't found any new gems the last couple of trips. I see the same girls there from the previous time.

El Bacano
07-30-11, 20:15
An occasional diamond, seems to have more quantity. I don't think more quality than the others, I actually don't like new life because the management treats you as a full client and is penny pinching. They time you to the second, seems to programmed to me almost too well run, I prefer a new un organized place with a less trained staff, I can allways train the girl myself, I'm not sayin its bad just I don't feel a great experience because of the business like atmosphere. Just a thought.

07-30-11, 22:23
I don't know what is going on in Chicas Lindas formerly" Casa De Piedra "in el Prado centro. When I used to go there, it used to be an excellent place with a knock out young college students.Yup place has gone downhill. Don't think it is Nancee's fault per se, but the girls just seem to have become mercenary. I was here not too long ago and had to send two girls back because they were just acting up. Never had that problem before. Nancee actually owes me a multa LOL.

I do have to say La Mayorista was jumpin on the Saturday night I was there. Between 2-4a, it was pretty fun. Probably be / see I was quite blitzed as well.

The clubs were crazy. Picked up at least a couple girls each time, got numbers, etc. That seemed to be easier than ever.

The local guys seems to have an influx of spending money, either that or they aren't afraid to spend the money anymore. Saw more high-end cars than ever before (R8's, Benz G55 trucks, Porches, etc.). Tons of guys riding with R1's, CBR's, Harley's, etc.

Dinner at La Strada every night.
Good times.

Member #4244
07-31-11, 02:24
An occasional diamond, seems to have more quantity. I don't think more quality than the others, I actually don't like new life because the management treats you as a full client and is penny pinching. They time you to the second, seems to programmed to me almost too well run, I prefer a new un organized place with a less trained staff, I can allways train the girl myself, I'm not sayin its bad just I don't feel a great experience because of the business like atmosphere. Just a thought.New Life I like, business like, yes, but straightforward, reasonable and lots of selection. Most of the time I just walked in for a look but I found some great ones in there, namely this 18 year old who gave fabulous head and basically would do whatever for a little extra cash ultimately. She was maybe the most beautiful girl I have ever banged. Pro or otherwise, and that is really saying something. She didn't last long there though, none of them do. Honestly though, when I see these slags who hang on for ten years in some San Jose MP, me the asco, I mean think about it, how many dudes have run through that rundown love tunnel? That could be said of most pros but in an MP? Magnify it, it's a volume business.

07-31-11, 14:55
An occasional diamond, seems to have more quantity. I don't think more quality than the others, I actually don't like new life because the management treats you as a full client and is penny pinching. They time you to the second, seems to programmed to me almost too well run, I prefer a new un organized place with a less trained staff, I can allways train the girl myself, I'm not sayin its bad just I don't feel a great experience because of the business like atmosphere. Just a thought.They time you to the second because there a bunch of guys waiting who will leave if they let you take any longer than they have to. My motto is "once bitten, twice shy." There are too many other options to put up with their crap.

I had a hard time understanding the popularity but I think I get it now. Somebody mentioned the quantity vs. Quality. Quantity is the attraction at New Life, now I get it. Have fun.

07-31-11, 20:33
I went to the famous Mayorista last night for the first time. I won't recommend it. These are hard core cold putas you will be dealing with. They demand payments up front, and won't let you finish. You will end up jerking off while the puta runs out the door and leave you in the room jerking off. I did not see any pleasure at all from my experience with Mayorista. I prefer to spend more money and go to high end places, at least I will have the time of my life with a classy educated pro or semi pro. Will not do it often, but the quality time that I have with one of them will hands down beat of the Mayorista chicas combined. So folks, save your money and go get laid in any high end place and don't bother with this shitty joint. The only positive I see in Mayorista is the price of drinks, and hopefully they are not altered liquor.

My dos centavos.

08-01-11, 00:51
Can anyone recommend a nice hotel or an apartment rental service near la mayorista?

Is the area safe?


Frank Casio
08-01-11, 02:45
Hi guys,

Yup, Citibank finally got it's ass in La Mayorista, or close enough. When you get off Metro Ayura in La Mayorista you will see a big Supermarket to your right,"Carrefour". Right in there, when you go up the escalator you will find a Citibank Mac Machine next to all the other Mac's.

Also,"Dulce Jesus Mio" opened it's fourth Hot spot right next to Mangos. I was there at 10:30 PM last night and there were no tables left. I always used to go to one of their two branches in "Sabaneta". They also opened another branch near Palmitas. The food and show were great in the one in Sabaneta, but I don't know if this one is exactly the same. I'm assuming it has to be just as good since it was all booked by 10PM last night.

On other news, I finally got my permanent Visa in Colombia,"Residente Calificado". This is the final one which means I don't have to renew it every year like I used to. And it also means that I can stay out of the Country for as long as 2 years without any problems. So now I will most likely stay in Tampa, Florida for 4-5 months at a time and come and stay at My Place for 1-2 months. But don't worry, my keymaster lady and her taxi driver husband will always be here to help you, give you the usual tour of the area, and pick you up at Airport. They live right above My Place and will always be close at hand. Plus I have a "Vonage" phone system now, and call My Place everyday when necessary to assist my guests and answer all their questions, even when I'm in Tampa. Sometimes the guys just want me to live them alone, ha, ha.

I also have a good Paisa friend "Danilo", he's some kind of a computer annalyst, he's offered to take my guests out on tours of el centro "casas" and el centro "Striptease Bars", also San Diego and Fase ll. He's a hard core San Diego Fan. He's the only Paisa I've ever let come up to My Place, very humble and friendly guy. He wants to Polish his English skills while showing you guys and himself a good time. He won't charge you anything, but needless to say you would at least have to cover the cost.

Frank Casio!

08-01-11, 03:41
Ok, first post here so don't be too harsh. I have been reading posts and searching between here, another forum and a little bit on ****. Been on another forum for about 6 years under different user name though def not a regular to mongering boards in general.

I was in Sousa for about 3 days in January but I was a complete newbie, stayed at the new garden and spent about 1500 pesos ($40) per girl, I think someone got shot in the main area but overall I felt generally safe.

I only know what little spanish remnants are in my brain from 3 years in high school.

I am deciding on a last minute trip 3rd week this month (aug). About 8 days.

I want a combination of pro / non-pro and a little beach which I realize Medellin lacks. I am somewhat frugal so money is an issue, I want a cheap girl friendly hotel or possibly condo / apt.

So I am debating between Medellin / cartegena or sousa / puerto plata. Of course if I choose Colombia I have to consider getting between mde and ctg, which I am thinking of buying a flight one way when I am there. I read in a tripadvisor thread that this can be done cheaper than online in advance. Though of course there are no guarantees.

I can't decide between going back to sousa or Columbia, my mind keeps changing but I have to book the flight in the next day or two.

Logic is telling me to just do DR but my instinct (and my research) is telling me to do Columbia spending a few days in MDE and then heading to CTG, enjoying the beach and mongering quite a bit too.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

08-01-11, 04:23
Well, my first post here, and was curious to know if any on the board have any experience with the girl the following profile. Thanks in advance for your assistance! http://www.romancelatina.com/en/member/profile.php?profile_id=2002020

John Gault
08-01-11, 05:57
I went to the famous Mayorista last night for the first time. I won't recommend it. These are hard core cold putas you will be dealing with. They demand payments up front, and won't let you finish. You will end up jerking off while the puta runs out the door and leave you in the room jerking off. I did not see any pleasure at all from my experience with Mayorista. I prefer to spend more money and go to high end places, at least I will have the time of my life with a classy educated pro or semi pro. Will not do it often, but the quality time that I have with one of them will hands down beat of the Mayorista chicas combined. So folks, save your money and go get laid in any high end place and don't bother with this shitty joint. The only positive I see in Mayorista is the price of drinks, and hopefully they are not altered liquor.

My dos centavos.I wish more guys felt as you do. I feel there have been way to many Gringos driving up prices.

08-01-11, 06:55
Hey Frank. You talking about the Carrefour on Las Vegas? The one up the alley and left past the car dealer if you are coming from the Metro? I think you mentioned it in one of your reports before. That ATM has been there for a little while I think. At least a year I believe. I have used it since I am usually in an apartment close by in Envigado. Glad they put it in since the next closest I knew of was in Poblado not far from CB1. I usually stock up there and check out the eye candy that is ever present in the supermarkets and all purpose stores like the Carrefour! Good to know about the restaurant near Mangos. I have been to their Sabaneta spot and it was nice. I will have to check it out later this month.

Viajero, you are not the first to have that experience and will not be the last. I love the area and spend a lot of time there. I mean all hours of the day and night I enjoy it but I go for more than the action and have cultivated some good relationships with some of the people in the area. As far as the action goes, it it a true YMMV type of place. Guys either don't like it or love it. Not sure what the exact reason for such varied experiences (I know some reasons but not all) but it is sufficient to say it is not for everyone. I know a fair number of the girls now or they know me and steer me away from some of the hardened or trouble girls but even some of them I have had fun with and yet would not repeat with some of the girls I have known since I started visiting a few years ago. Not that I wouldn't talk or have a drink with them but I know I do not like the service they provide but we are cool. I am headed down the end of this month. I am staying cheap and I will be immersed in the Mayorista experience which I enjoy for some trips. I will report what I see but as always YMMV.


08-01-11, 07:54
I went to the famous Mayorista last night for the first time. I won't recommend it. These are hard core cold putas you will be dealing with. They demand payments up front, and won't let you finish. You will end up jerking off while the puta runs out the door and leave you in the room jerking off. I did not see any pleasure at all from my experience with Mayorista. I prefer to spend more money and go to high end places, at least I will have the time of my life with a classy educated pro or semi pro. Will not do it often, but the quality time that I have with one of them will hands down beat of the Mayorista chicas combined. So folks, save your money and go get laid in any high end place and don't bother with this shitty joint. The only positive I see in Mayorista is the price of drinks, and hopefully they are not altered liquor.

My dos centavos.There are many, many different types of mongers. Mayorista mongers are more hunters. They like the thrill of the hunt and negotiations. There are the casa mongers. They want to fuck as many chicas as they can with no worry about negotiations and the possibility of bad service (controlled environment). There are the dating mongers. They like to wine and dine chicas. Some don't have time for it. They might only be in town for a week or less. Anyways, there tons of other types of mongers. Stripclub mongers. Massage mongers. The list is endless.

Different strokes for different folks!

08-01-11, 10:37
Well, my first post here, and was curious to know if any on the board have any experience with the girl the following profile. Thanks in advance for your assistance!

http://www.romancelatina.com/en/member/profile.php?profile_id=2002020Nice girl. But do you really believe that a 19 years old girl who can afford a stay at a nice costal apartment with jacuzzi be it in Cartagena or elsewhere (either through her own income or through her family`s income) will advertise in romancelatina? Not excluded that she does, but most probably she is at least a semi-pro. Thus depending what you are looking for it can be a lot of fun. Just do not expect that it may be a good idea to become her "novio".

08-01-11, 14:23
I am by no means an expert on Medellin as I will be making my first trip in September. CB1 &2 in Medellin seem to be the best bet in Medellin for gringos with limited Spanish. You can also hire a guide like Medellin Paisa that can show you around.

As an intermediate, you should consider Costa Rica, as you can always find english speakers and many hotels that cater to the gringo monger-tourist.

Ok, first post here so don't be too harsh. I have been reading posts and searching between here, another forum and a little bit on. Been on another forum for about 6 years under different user name though def not a regular to mongering boards in general.

I was in Sousa for about 3 days in January but I was a complete newbie, stayed at the new garden and spent about 1500 pesos ($40) per girl, I think someone got shot in the main area but overall I felt generally safe.

I only know what little spanish remnants are in my brain from 3 years in high school.

I am deciding on a last minute trip 3rd week this month (aug). About 8 days.

I want a combination of pro / non-pro and a little beach which I realize Medellin lacks. I am somewhat frugal so money is an issue, I want a cheap girl friendly hotel or possibly condo / apt.

So I am debating between Medellin / cartegena or sousa / puerto plata. Of course if I choose Colombia I have to consider getting between mde and ctg, which I am thinking of buying a flight one way when I am there. I read in a tripadvisor thread that this can be done cheaper than online in advance. Though of course there are no guarantees.

I can't decide between going back to sousa or Columbia, my mind keeps changing but I have to book the flight in the next day or two.

Logic is telling me to just do DR but my instinct (and my research) is telling me to do Columbia spending a few days in MDE and then heading to CTG, enjoying the beach and mongering quite a bit too.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

08-01-11, 15:56
Hey Frank. You talking about the Carrefour on Las Vegas? The one up the alley and left past the car dealer if you are coming from the Metro? I think you mentioned it in one of your reports before. That ATM has been there for a little while I think. At least a year I believe. I have used it since I am usually in an apartment close by in Envigado. Glad they put it in since the next closest I knew of was in Poblado not far from CB1.

DPThere is an ATM near the entrance of Mangos, in the parking lot.

08-01-11, 16:01
Just spent 4 days ay Casa Blanca 1, my first trip to MDE. I thought I was a PRO, turns out I am still a squire, not a full fledged knight. Good times in MDE at CB1. Very laid back."Wendy" is attached, a wonderful fuck. She gets my premium rating a 10/10. All the right stuff. BTW all woman are 150K (80$ US) for 1 hr at CB. For a GFE it's still a bargain.

It seems we are all seeking perfection, the perfect woman, the perfect place, all for basically no money. Good luck. I think that for all the convenience of Costa Rica you end up paying for it. I could not believe the line up at "New Life" MP in MDE. All for 50k (30-40$ US). CRAZY!

Regarding CB1- no matter what anyone may say, for me it was great meeting and hanging out with fellow mongerers. There is always someone to drink a beer with, get lunch, or go to a strip club. We hit Luna Lunera twice, and me and one of my new friends went to New Life MP. FUN.

I like girls with braces, so I was in Heaven in MDE.

Don't think too much, just GO. Try to loosen up your anal sphincter a few PSI please. Relax have a beer, get your dick sucked.


08-01-11, 16:10
I wish more guys felt as you do. I feel there have been way to many Gringos driving up prices.Don't worry my friend, I won't make the prices go up, she offered 40000 pesos and I countered right away with 20, finally we settled on 25000.

John Gault
08-01-11, 16:33
Ok, first post here so don't be too harsh. I have been reading posts and searching between here, another forum and a little bit on. Been on another forum for about 6 years under different user name though def not a regular to mongering boards in general.

I was in Sousa for about 3 days in January but I was a complete newbie, stayed at the new garden and spent about 1500 pesos ($40) per girl, I think someone got shot in the main area but overall I felt generally safe.

I only know what little spanish remnants are in my brain from 3 years in high school.

I am deciding on a last minute trip 3rd week this month (aug). About 8 days.

I want a combination of pro / non-pro and a little beach which I realize Medellin lacks. I am somewhat frugal so money is an issue, I want a cheap girl friendly hotel or possibly condo / apt.

So I am debating between Medellin / cartegena or sousa / puerto plata. Of course if I choose Colombia I have to consider getting between mde and ctg, which I am thinking of buying a flight one way when I am there. I read in a tripadvisor thread that this can be done cheaper than online in advance. Though of course there are no guarantees.

I can't decide between going back to sousa or Columbia, my mind keeps changing but I have to book the flight in the next day or two.

Logic is telling me to just do DR but my instinct (and my research) is telling me to do Columbia spending a few days in MDE and then heading to CTG, enjoying the beach and mongering quite a bit too.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.Since you mentioned money is a problem, then it is easy to answer your question. In CTG you will see high prices plus the airfare to MDE, and back.

$40 per session in the DR is a good price. Also you know your way around a little better, so the DR is an easy choice.

08-01-11, 16:54
Ok, first post here so don't be too harsh. I have been reading posts and searching between here, another forum and a little bit on. Been on another forum for about 6 years under different user name though def not a regular to mongering boards in general.

I was in Sousa for about 3 days in January but I was a complete newbie, stayed at the new garden and spent about 1500 pesos ($40) per girl, I think someone got shot in the main area but overall I felt generally safe.

I only know what little spanish remnants are in my brain from 3 years in high school.

I am deciding on a last minute trip 3rd week this month (aug). About 8 days.

I want a combination of pro / non-pro and a little beach which I realize Medellin lacks. I am somewhat frugal so money is an issue, I want a cheap girl friendly hotel or possibly condo / apt.

So I am debating between Medellin / cartegena or sousa / puerto plata. Of course if I choose Colombia I have to consider getting between mde and ctg, which I am thinking of buying a flight one way when I am there. I read in a tripadvisor thread that this can be done cheaper than online in advance. Though of course there are no guarantees.

I can't decide between going back to sousa or Columbia, my mind keeps changing but I have to book the flight in the next day or two.

Logic is telling me to just do DR but my instinct (and my research) is telling me to do Columbia spending a few days in MDE and then heading to CTG, enjoying the beach and mongering quite a bit too.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.If money is an issue, don't even consider CTG. Without Spanish, you won't get good rates. If you go to Colombia, stick to Medellin. Stay at Frank's. Between the Mayorista chicas and the casas. You will have a blast spending between $17-$25 for a session. If you need the beach there isn't one but there is El Penol. A lake outside of town. Also there are water parks.

08-01-11, 16:56
Ok, first post here so don't be too harsh. I have been reading posts and searching between here, another forum and a little bit on. Been on another forum for about 6 years under different user name though def not a regular to mongering boards in general.

I was in Sousa for about 3 days in January but I was a complete newbie, stayed at the new garden and spent about 1500 pesos ($40) per girl, I think someone got shot in the main area but overall I felt generally safe.

I only know what little spanish remnants are in my brain from 3 years in high school.

I am deciding on a last minute trip 3rd week this month (aug). About 8 days.

I want a combination of pro / non-pro and a little beach which I realize Medellin lacks. I am somewhat frugal so money is an issue, I want a cheap girl friendly hotel or possibly condo / apt.

So I am debating between Medellin / cartegena or sousa / puerto plata. Of course if I choose Colombia I have to consider getting between mde and ctg, which I am thinking of buying a flight one way when I am there. I read in a tripadvisor thread that this can be done cheaper than online in advance. Though of course there are no guarantees.

I can't decide between going back to sousa or Columbia, my mind keeps changing but I have to book the flight in the next day or two.

Logic is telling me to just do DR but my instinct (and my research) is telling me to do Columbia spending a few days in MDE and then heading to CTG, enjoying the beach and mongering quite a bit too.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I am by no means an expert on Medellin as I will be making my first trip in September. CB1 &2 in Medellin seem to be the best bet in Medellin for gringos with limited Spanish. You can also hire a guide like Medellin Paisa that can show you around.

As an intermediate, you should consider Costa Rica, as you can always find english speakers and many hotels that cater to the gringo monger-tourist.Yes true, the CB1 and 2 are great for gringos, newbies, old hats, etc, not necesarily great, however, for "frugals" as Scotto described himself.

I'd recommend Frank's Place for the frugal; inexpensive lodging and mujeres, the Metro and gringo tours.

If ya want the beach though, I'd say go back to the DR.

Cartagena is not your place if you're looking for frugal, especially if you're espanol handicapped.

Good luck!

Since you mentioned money is a problem, then it is easy to answer your question. In CTG you will see high prices plus the airfare to MDE, and back.

$40 per session in the DR is a good price. Also you know your way around a little better, so the DR is an easy choice.I agree.

08-01-11, 16:58
Just spent 4 days ay Casa Blanca 1, my first trip to MDE. I thought I was a PRO, turns out I am still a squire, not a full fledged knight. Good times in MDE at CB1. Very laid back."Wendy" is attached, a wonderful fuck. She gets my premium rating a 10/10. All the right stuff. BTW all woman are 150K (80$ US) for 1 hr at CB. For a GFE it's still a bargain.

It seems we are all seeking perfection, the perfect woman, the perfect place, all for basically no money. Good luck. I think that for all the convenience of Costa Rica you end up paying for it. I could not believe the line up at "New Life" MP in MDE. All for 50k (30-40$ US). CRAZY!

Regarding CB1- no matter what anyone may say, for me it was great meeting and hanging out with fellow mongerers. There is always someone to drink a beer with, get lunch, or go to a strip club. We hit Luna Lunera twice, and me and one of my new friends went to New Life MP. FUN.

I like girls with braces, so I was in Heaven in MDE.

Don't think too much, just GO. Try to loosen up your anal sphincter a few PSI please. Relax have a beer, get your dick sucked.

PeaceNice report and foto, thanks, and PS, I'm also an americano muito safado, hehe

08-01-11, 16:58
Can anyone recommend a nice hotel or an apartment rental service near la mayorista?

Is the area safe?

ThanksYou might try this one. http://www.booking.com/hotel/co/alcaravan.en-us.html?sid=a47fa0ce4c891bc1661e0c031c137e57; checkin=2011-08-11; checkout=2011-08-17; srfid=ac9d2084ffe2845bfc62e6e8f9eb6e78X3.

Yes. The area is safe.

Enjoy Medellin.


08-01-11, 17:02
Nice girl. But do you really believe that a 19 years old girl who can afford a stay at a nice costal apartment with jacuzzi be it in Cartagena or elsewhere (either through her own income or through her family`s income) will advertise in romancelatina? Not excluded that she does, but most probably she is at least a semi-pro. Thus depending what you are looking for it can be a lot of fun. Just do not expect that it may be a good idea to become her "novio".Excuse my sarcasm, and I do appreciate the response. Yeah, no illusions on my end, just curious if anyone had any feedback.

Thanks again.

08-01-11, 17:10
a 19 years old girl who can afford a stay at a nice costal apartment with jacuzzi be it in Cartagena or elsewhere (either through her own income or through her family`s income)Is that what she told you? I chatted with her a few times. A newbie on RL, I agree she's definitely a semi-pro. I got her number, intend to try her on my next trip. She told me she lives in MDE.

Good days gents.


08-01-11, 17:24
Can anyone recommend a nice hotel or an apartment rental service near la mayorista?

Is the area safe?

ThanksI don't think that area of ITAGUI is safe at all. Especially at night. At night have you ever walked a few blocks east or west of Mayorista? I wouldn't at night. I'm not even sure I would do it in the day. LOL

08-01-11, 17:34
I'd recommend Frank's Place for the frugal; inexpensive lodging and mujeres, the Metro and gringo tours.Do you have an email or a link for " Frank's Place "?


08-01-11, 18:06
Do you have an email or a link for " Frank's Place "?

ThanksI think everyone should have this list (most of us do) , especially the newbies. May not be accurate as things are constantly changing. Last updated 12-09-2010. Frank's Place is on top of the list. Would appreciate any new info.

Good days gents.


Frank Casio
08-01-11, 18:28
Ok, wow dude, I had the same thing happen to me at Fase ll. I took this gorgeous silicon beauty, back then they were 150k pesos (now they're 175k pesos) , and once in the room she wouldn't let me touch her boobs and didn't want to touch my dick unless I had the condom on, it was terrible. She turned me off so much I could barely get it up. I told her, well just let me look at your beautiful body and I'll play with myself. Well, she was all fidgety and uninterested, so after half an hour I just said, the hell with this, let's just leave it at that. Needless to say I didn't tip her.

So now, my guests and I just go to Fase ll to get a hard on from looking at the stunning beauties strut their "hot naked" bodies on stage, and then we go back to La Mayorista and get phucked for 30k pesos, at least my guests do, I personally don't monger that much anymore. And for 30k pesos, if it doesn't work, your only out $15USA instead of the almost $90US at Fase ll. Some of my guests just try a couple more "cuties" at 30k pesos until it works out for them.

Frank Casio!

I went to the famous Mayorista last night for the first time. I won't recommend it. These are hard core cold putas you will be dealing with. They demand payments up front, and won't let you finish. You will end up jerking off while the puta runs out the door and leave you in the room jerking off. I did not see any pleasure at all from my experience with Mayorista. I prefer to spend more money and go to high end places, at least I will have the time of my life with a classy educated pro or semi pro. Will not do it often, but the quality time that I have with one of them will hands down beat of the Mayorista chicas combined. So folks, save your money and go get laid in any high end place and don't bother with this shitty joint. The only positive I see in Mayorista is the price of drinks, and hopefully they are not altered liquor.

My dos centavos.

Frank Casio
08-01-11, 18:43
Hi Dip,

Yeah, I guess I hadn't been there in a while, or must have missed it, but that's the one I'm talking about. But since you stay in Envigado, they did open a Citibank branch in Envigado near the park where "Exito" supermarket is, formerly "Ley" supermarket. Keep enjoying Medellin, I'm heading back to Tampa in a week.

Frank Casio!

Hey Frank. You talking about the Carrefour on Las Vegas? The one up the alley and left past the car dealer if you are coming from the Metro? I think you mentioned it in one of your reports before. That ATM has been there for a little while I think. At least a year I believe. I have used it since I am usually in an apartment close by in Envigado. Glad they put it in since the next closest I knew of was in Poblado not far from CB1. I usually stock up there and check out the eye candy that is ever present in the supermarkets and all purpose stores like the Carrefour! Good to know about the restaurant near Mangos. I have been to their Sabaneta spot and it was nice. I will have to check it out later this month.

Viajero, you are not the first to have that experience and will not be the last. I love the area and spend a lot of time there. I mean all hours of the day and night I enjoy it but I go for more than the action and have cultivated some good relationships with some of the people in the area. As far as the action goes, it it a true YMMV type of place. Guys either don't like it or love it. Not sure what the exact reason for such varied experiences (I know some reasons but not all) but it is sufficient to say it is not for everyone. I know a fair number of the girls now or they know me and steer me away from some of the hardened or trouble girls but even some of them I have had fun with and yet would not repeat with some of the girls I have known since I started visiting a few years ago. Not that I wouldn't talk or have a drink with them but I know I do not like the service they provide but we are cool. I am headed down the end of this month. I am staying cheap and I will be immersed in the Mayorista experience which I enjoy for some trips. I will report what I see but as always YMMV.


08-01-11, 19:47
What are the hottest clubs these days in Medellin? Unfortunately the only clubs I checked out during my previous trips were Palmas or Palmahia and Dollhouse, and wasn't a fan or either. I'm trying to find the equivalent of a meatpacking-esque club in Medellin, where people go hard every night. I've heard of Agua in La Strada, any reviews?

08-01-11, 19:57
What are the hottest clubs these days in Medellin? Unfortunately the only clubs I checked out during my previous trips were Palmas or Palmahia and Dollhouse, and wasn't a fan or either. I'm trying to find the equivalent of a meatpacking-esque club in Medellin, where people go hard every night. I've heard of Agua in La Strada, any reviews?Here is complete list with websites and pics.


08-01-11, 21:00
Here is complete list with websites and pics.

http://medellinliving.com/nightlife/That's a great "starter" list for any newbie. Many more to add, thanks for that Hill, I'm going to print one up just to have because I always forget a good spot on any particular day.

Dad Fun 555
08-01-11, 21:31
I like girls with braces, so I was in Heaven in MDE.Oh yeah. Any more info? You've just convinced me to book a trip out there just off this one sentence. I haven't been to MDE in years, but get to Bogota somewhat regularly, where the local iron industry is really booming. How does MDE stack up for the metal scene these days? I've also been told Cali was even better than either one, though my personal observation was that it was not.

My handle "Dad Fun" is Thai for "tooth braces".

I can no longer even look at a girl who doesn't have them. Maybe we should hang out.

08-01-11, 21:41
Frank I know exactly where you speak of but only by sight. Never ventured in that market before but I will now. Have a safe trip to Tampa. Depending on when you return I may see you since my good friend is staying at your place for a few weeks.

Ricker thanks for the info. That is a citibank ATM that you speak of? I know there are plenty ATMs around but did not know a citibank one was near the club. Truth is, I have never been to that club. I know, I know! What kind of MDE monger would not stop there but I just never have. Planned to for the sake of saying I checked it out but always got sidetracked. I have heard much about it but not enough to make it a must see for me. Maybe this trip I will check it out so I can be a more well rounded monger. LOL.


Frank Casio
08-01-11, 23:35
Hi guys,

Only in Medellin Paradise can a 52 year old guy going on 53 have such a life, so much fortune. And I'ts not just me, take a look at the other guy. He seems to be doing all right, considering he's no Brad Pitt.

Frank Casio!

08-02-11, 00:33
Does anyone know if B-lounge in Medellin is still open? I tried to get there once on a previous trip, but the cab couldn't find it / said it was closed.

Also, any other suggestions for good clubs or recommendations from HillBilly's list?

08-02-11, 01:01
Does anyone know if B-lounge in Medellin is still open?It isn't far from Bbrocs Lleras apartment. It is still open as far as its facebook page said there was a party ther 2 days ago.

http://www.facebook.com/search.php?q&init=quick&tas=search_preload&search_first_focus=1312242956599#/profile. Php? I'd=100000034392122

08-02-11, 01:06
Does anyone know if B-lounge in Medellin is still open? I tried to get there once on a previous trip, but the cab couldn't find it / said it was closed.

Also, any other suggestions for good clubs or recommendations from HillBilly's list?I like BEEF on the Octava in lleras. No cover, hot chicks, alcohol bottles are reasonable and best of all you get a FREE picada with every bottle. Got to keep the ladies well feed and keep them happy or they get grumpy and leave early. LOL

08-02-11, 06:12
Just spent 4 days ay Casa Blanca 1, my first trip to MDE. I thought I was a PRO, turns out I am still a squire, not a full fledged knight. Good times in MDE at CB1. Very laid back."Wendy" is attached, a wonderful fuck. She gets my premium rating a 10/10. All the right stuff. BTW all woman are 150K (80$ US) for 1 hr at CB. For a GFE it's still a bargain.


I must visit Colombia soon.

Gary Groundwork
08-02-11, 11:14
Only in Medellin Paradise can a 52 year old guy going on 53 have such a life, so much fortune.Wrong, it can be done in loads of places. However I don't see it as being fortune running around with a false sense of security thinking the girls want to be there. More a case of delusional.

The older you get the sadder it becomes but if it makes one happy all the power to them.

08-02-11, 13:03
Just spent 4 days ay Casa Blanca 1, my first trip to MDE. I thought I was a PRO, turns out I am still a squire, not a full fledged knight. Good times in MDE at CB1. Very laid back."Wendy" is attached, a wonderful fuck. She gets my premium rating a 10/10. All the right stuff. BTW all woman are 150K (80$ US) for 1 hr at CB. For a GFE it's still a bargain.

It seems we are all seeking perfection, the perfect woman, the perfect place, all for basically no money. Good luck. I think that for all the convenience of Costa Rica you end up paying for it. I could not believe the line up at "New Life" MP in MDE. All for 50k (30-40$ US). CRAZY!Was in New Life yesterday and the lineup was above and beyond. Took Tatyana, highly recommended.

A lot going on in the ity these days with FIFA SUB20, LA Feria and Colombia Moda just ended a few days ago. A lot of women who really work only sporadically are working now, due to the influx of so many visitors.

By the way, awesome chica bro.

08-02-11, 13:50
I went to the famous Mayorista last night for the first time. I won't recommend it. These are hard core cold putas you will be dealing with. They demand payments up front, and won't let you finish. You will end up jerking off while the puta runs out the door and leave you in the room jerking off. I did not see any pleasure at all from my experience with Mayorista. I prefer to spend more money and go to high end places, at least I will have the time of my life with a classy educated pro or semi pro. Will not do it often, but the quality time that I have with one of them will hands down beat of the Mayorista chicas combined. So folks, save your money and go get laid in any high end place and don't bother with this shitty joint. The only positive I see in Mayorista is the price of drinks, and hopefully they are not altered liquor.

My dos centavos.A lot of guys have a problem travelling all that distance and having to settle for the la mayorista girls. Main reason is that you really neeed to be patient there in order to find that one sweetie. It can be a huge wsaste of time. IMHO many guys go, check it out, don't care for it and don't report here about it.

I was there a few days ago sat down next to a chica and said Hello. It was just us and her friend near by. She blew me off. I felt like I was at a film opening party in Beverly Hills and I was not the director nor part of the cast.

In her defense she was going to hook up with her dealer. What I am concerned about is why not put that on hold, go up to the room and make some quick money with a customer and then get back to the drugs?

There are bozos in every venue. I have had crap in San Diego and some real keepers. I never got laid in Fase II and don't plan on it. It all depends and as usual YMMV. You can't say ALL New Life girls are this or ALL San Diego girls are that. I know a lot of guys who have great sex in Fase II and keep going back and back. I go once or twice a year.

Hasideas Tao
08-02-11, 15:17
150, 000 for 1 hour? Isn't this just another example of driving the prices up? Sure, it's a bargain compared to the states. First time I visited CB1 150, 000 got me much more than an hour. More than a few times it has gotten me a whole evening and a couple of times a whole day!

Just spent 4 days ay Casa Blanca 1, my first trip to MDE. I thought I was a PRO, turns out I am still a squire, not a full fledged knight. Good times in MDE at CB1. Very laid back."Wendy" is attached, a wonderful fuck. She gets my premium rating a 10/10. All the right stuff. BTW all woman are 150K (80$ US) for 1 hr at CB. For a GFE it's still a bargain.

It seems we are all seeking perfection, the perfect woman, the perfect place, all for basically no money. Good luck. I think that for all the convenience of Costa Rica you end up paying for it. I could not believe the line up at "New Life" MP in MDE. All for 50k (30-40$ US). CRAZY!

Regarding CB1- no matter what anyone may say, for me it was great meeting and hanging out with fellow mongerers. There is always someone to drink a beer with, get lunch, or go to a strip club. We hit Luna Lunera twice, and me and one of my new friends went to New Life MP. FUN.

I like girls with braces, so I was in Heaven in MDE.

Don't think too much, just GO. Try to loosen up your anal sphincter a few PSI please. Relax have a beer, get your dick sucked.


08-02-11, 15:20
Citibank charges like 5. 000 per transaction for foreign ATM Withdrawls. Davivienda charges $0, high max per withdrawl (800K?) plus they had the best commercials during the World Cup:



08-02-11, 15:31
150, 000 for 1 hour? Isn't this just another example of driving the prices up? Sure, it's a bargain compared to the states. First time I visited CB1 150, 000 got me much more than an hour. More than a few times it has gotten me a whole evening and a couple of times a whole day!Seems like non-existent. Are we not allowed to do so at CB1 or what? This is getting way out of control. I never ask the chicas how much it costs me for whatever I want. I usually offer them how much I am willing to pay. Seems to work every time in an effort to keep the cost down and enjoy sex for less because we are in for a long haul. LOL.

Good days gents.


08-02-11, 16:24
150, 000 for 1 hour? Isn't this just another example of driving the prices up? Sure, it's a bargain compared to the states. First time I visited CB1 150, 000 got me much more than an hour. More than a few times it has gotten me a whole evening and a couple of times a whole day!CB is a gringo hotel. For many it's their first time and don't know prices outside. 150k is not a set price. It's the "going rate. ' Some guys don't want to seem cheap and just pay the going rate. Some don't even know that you can negotiate the time for the price. There are no set prices! I'm probably going to get blasted for saying it. Here's a tip. At the end of the day, if there is someone you like that didn't get picked yet. Make her an offer. It will surely be less than 150k!

08-02-11, 18:36
Citibank charges like 5. 000 per transaction for foreign ATM Withdrawls. Davivienda charges $0, high max per withdrawl (800K?) plus they had the best commercials during the World Cup:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGh9gBRHu00&feature=relatedDavivienda is the one with the little house logo right? If yes then we are in agreement. I found they tax me the least (only on my banks end) and have higher with drawl limits ($7K)

08-02-11, 19:07
Was in New Life yesterday and the lineup was above and beyond. Took Tatyana, highly recommended.

A lot going on in the ity these days with FIFA SUB20, LA Feria and Colombia Moda just ended a few days ago. A lot of women who really work only sporadically are working now, due to the influx of so many visitors.

By the way, awesome chica bro.That's why I always schedule AFTER the feria. No price gouging, less gringos, less drunken tourists, more leverage in haggling, Though LLeras is still packed with all kinds of desirables and UNdesirables. Take the bad with the lousy..he he

Aussie Greg
08-02-11, 20:52
Gidday guys,

With all what happening on in Medellin, I thought a week and a half in Pereira and Manizales was just for me and also having Australia playing three matches in the U20 soccer world cup in Manizales, it was for me.

Plus I didn't have a room at either CB 1 or CB 2, fully booked.

First game Australia 1. Ecuador 1.

I'm not really into working girl puta houses like Boyd, I've just been walking the streets saying high to every body, I guess walking around with a blow up kangaroo does bring attention like Carocol T. V.

As for the women, its not like Medellin but if your like me and enjoy the ¨hunt¨ then theres plenty to do, been with a different girl every night, I guess I've still got it.

Back to poor old Medellin next week.

Aussie Greg

08-02-11, 22:02
Good day Gents,

I have 2 questions regarding my upcoming trip to MDE.

I found a nice place to stay little bit north of Prado metro, not far from main casa's area.

Calle 61, (Sorry, CB1 or CB2 are a little too expansive for my budget).

Is this area safe?

I've been checking the schedule information regarding the casa's and La Mayorista

And It's seems that the casa's are active during the day and Mayorista is active mostly at night.

Is this true?


Member #4394
08-02-11, 23:18

For a Sunday picnic, which place would be better Guatape or (Reserva Natural Canon del) Rio Claro?


08-03-11, 02:08

For a Sunday picnic, which place would be better Guatape or (Reserva Natural Canon del) Rio Claro?

Thanks, I've been to both places a couple of times. Guatape is a small village with a lake. Kind of a laid back friendly town. But to picnic, I guess you could go the town square in the center of town.

Rio Claro is a nature reserve with a swift river flowing through. An outdoorsy setting with alot of hiking paths. In my opinion its a better setting for a picnic, much more country-fied.

If you're taking the bus from the Caribe station it takes about 3 hours.

Hasideas Tao
08-03-11, 02:48
Agreed. Lets spread the word. There is the "going rate" which we should just pretend we didn't know or hear. And what it really costs. Let's not forget, it is we who have theupper hand in this game. Stop giving it away.

I'm no Don Juan but this is how I "negotiated" in many instances. I would meet a nice young lady with whom I had decent communication. When I'm ready to make my move, I might say," I love your city. I want to go see the Botanical Gardens and take photos. With that gorgeous hair, you must love to take pictures right? OR. I want to go to a dance club, which one is the most fun? And if we have been smiling all the way until this moment. Bingo. I have a personal tour guide. I take that as an agreement for having a good time with an indefinite ending and I start moving and they start following. I mean, damn, take her to the supermarket and let her pick out some stuff, including the booze. I have found Paisas can be super cool, they will watch your back and also know how to get the best deals and they usually have two good arms for carrying groceries. Not forgetting to mention they can be more resourceful than Ricardo Montalban on Fantasy Island. Hmmmm. In Medellin I think anything is possible as long as I can keep my cool.

CB is a gringo hotel. For many it's their first time and don't know prices outside. 150k is not a set price. It's the "going rate. ' Some guys don't want to seem cheap and just pay the going rate. Some don't even know that you can negotiate the time for the price. There are no set prices! I'm probably going to get blasted for saying it. Here's a tip. At the end of the day, if there is someone you like that didn't get picked yet. Make her an offer. It will surely be less than 150k!

08-03-11, 17:46
Good day Gents,

I have 2 questions regarding my upcoming trip to MDE.

I found a nice place to stay little bit north of Prado metro, not far from main casa's area.

Calle 61, (Sorry, CB1 or CB2 are a little too expansive for my budget).

Is this area safe?

I've been checking the schedule information regarding the casa's and La Mayorista

And It's seems that the casa's are active during the day and Mayorista is active mostly at night.

Is this true?

ThanksI too am visiting Medellin soon. I will be staying at CB2 for a few days and then onto some other hotels. I have been speaking with Noah at Medellin Paisa tours (medellinpaisatours. Com) He has a little guide service that he runs. He can set you up in some very nice hotels at very low prices. What I like about Noah is that he can provide you with low cost tours of anything you want and will work within your budget. He can set you up with girls too. You might give him a call.

When will you be in town? I will be there Sept 6-17th.

08-04-11, 05:11
I too am visiting Medellin soon. I will be staying at CB2 for a few days and then onto some other hotels. I have been speaking with Noah at Medellin Paisa tours (medellinpaisatours. Com) He has a little guide service that he runs. He can set you up in some very nice hotels at very low prices. What I like about Noah is that he can provide you with low cost tours of anything you want and will work within your budget. He can set you up with girls too. You might give him a call.

When will you be in town? I will be there Sept 6-17th.Are you kidding me? Unless he he has changed his money making strategy, these "nice hotels" are even MORE expensive than if you walked up to the hotel and got the room yourself.

Ciao Ciao
08-04-11, 16:15
Citibank charges like 5. 000 per transaction for foreign ATM Withdrawls. Davivienda charges $0, high max per withdrawl (800K?) plus they had the best commercials during the World Cup:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGh9gBRHu00&feature=relatedI don't know about Davivienda, but Citibank generally allows me to withdraw $1000 USD at a time. Occasionally they will limit me to $800, 000 pesos because the machine is short on 50k notes.


08-04-11, 16:30
I don't know about Davivienda, but Citibank generally allows me to withdraw $1000 USD at a time. Occasionally they will limit me to $800, 000 pesos because the machine is short on 50k notes.

CiaociaoThis topic has been done to death and would be better off in the currency and transaction thread but Citibank definitely let you take out the most money I took out 1. 6 mil at one time about 4 years ago when you could take out money free and easy with a Citibank debit card. Now I still use Citibank to take money out but with a "No Fee" card because I can take the most out at one time. Citibank has now gotten greedy by charging 2 fees. A foreign transaction fee and % transaction fee. The more you took out the higher percentage kickback Citibank kept.

08-04-11, 22:07
Hello everyone,

Is it easy to find REAL sex pills (viagra, ect) in Medellin? Where do I go to get some?

Member #4176
08-04-11, 22:41
I too am visiting Medellin soon. I will be staying at CB2 for a few days and then onto some other hotels. I have been speaking with Noah at Medellin Paisa tours (medellinpaisatours. Com) He has a little guide service that he runs. He can set you up in some very nice hotels at very low prices. What I like about Noah is that he can provide you with low cost tours of anything you want and will work within your budget. He can set you up with girls too. You might give him a call.

When will you be in town? I will be there Sept 6-17th.I will also be in town. Sept 12. 21st. What I do is go to the casas in to morning and set up a contract with the girls for them to come over that night. You can go to mayoristas or the strip clubs. I usually bang like crazy during the day and hit the clubs at night with a nonpro. Sometimes for a nightcap I go to mayoristas.

Member #4176
08-04-11, 23:31
Ok, wow dude, I had the same thing happen to me at Fase ll. I took this gorgeous silicon beauty, back then they were 150k pesos (now they're 175k pesos) , and once in the room she wouldn't let me touch her boobs and didn't want to touch my dick unless I had the condom on, it was terrible. She turned me off so much I could barely get it up. I told her, well just let me look at your beautiful body and I'll play with myself. Well, she was all fidgety and uninterested, so after half an hour I just said, the hell with this, let's just leave it at that. Needless to say I didn't tip her.

So now, my guests and I just go to Fase ll to get a hard on from looking at the stunning beauties strut their "hot naked" bodies on stage, and then we go back to La Mayorista and get phucked for 30k pesos, at least my guests do, I personally don't monger that much anymore. And for 30k pesos, if it doesn't work, your only out $15USA instead of the almost $90US at Fase ll. Some of my guests just try a couple more "cuties" at 30k pesos until it works out for them.

Frank Casio!When I go to Fase II or any other places I try to have some type of conversation / negotiation. To see if she has a stank attitude and to see what I can / can not do. If she doesn't what to take negosio I just tell them its so that we both are not confused with what is expected. I have weeded out alot of possible fustrating nights.

Member #4394
08-04-11, 23:38
Arrived at the airport around 1pm yesterday. As usual, went to the taxi ride area to pick a cab. However, there was a collectivo, small bus, near the cabs, and the guy told me it costs only 7mil peso for San Diego. I said to my self, OK let me try, and rode the bus. Surprisingly, the bus was not that slow and arrived at San Diego in appro. 40-45 minutes. Picked a cab there and arrived my hotel in La Mayorista in less than hh.

Mayorista. 9pm. There were about 40-50chicas. 20% doable and 4-5 chicas attractive. Here is a never-ending issue about advance payment in Mayo. Natalia, a gorgeous girl, talked to me and offered 30mil / hh. She agreed for photos, chupa con condon, and sexo. After I finished my beer, I took her to my hotel. In the room I placed 30mil on the table, but she told me to hand the money to her. I said 'no' and 'you can take this money after the service. ' She insisted that I give the money to her, and we kept talking about it for about 10minutes. Finally, she agreed that she would take the money after sexo, and she asked me for a condom. I said that I want to take pics first, but she said she did not want it. Reasonably or unreasonably, I got tired of her. So I told her that I did not want to deal w / her, and I opened the door and she left.

I came back to the street, sat at a table, and had a beer. I talked to local guys, and they told me that paying in advance is a norm here and that the usual rate is about 25-30mil / hh. I saw these guys and other guys doing coke at their tables, BTW. Eventually I saw a tall, thin, and very white chica, Carolina. I took her to my hotel, and this time I gave her 30mil in advance. Average sex, though she looked great. Overall chica quality in Mayo is neither better nor worse than the casa girls in El Centro IMHO. I just like drinking beer and watching girls walking around. I will check Mayo tonight too. My question to kind readers here: if I see Natalia tonight, should I invite her to my hotel and pay her in advance or put money in the table? I like the way she looks. Thanks a lot.

Member #4394
08-05-11, 00:18
I left Ayura station on Metro around 1pm and arrived at Prado station in 20minutes. Took a walk for 10minutes to Zandaly, my first casa today. Appro. 10 girls were presented. They all were doable and a few are attractive. I told mamasan that I would come back, and left. Mamasan was very nice when I was leaving. Zandaly was never my favorite last year, but its quality improved a lot.

Next, stopped by Massajes Sexi, on Crra 45D. Appro. 10girls. One girl was attractive, but others are mediocre. This casa used to be my favorite, but the quality declined a lot. Next, Atenea. About 10 girls were presented, but none of them looked good. This place used to have a few good looking chicas. The guy at Atenea gave me a card of another casa, Juliana (clle 55, n43-72). So, I stoped by Juliana. Mamasan asked me for 2mil to see chicas. I asked her how many chicas would be presented, and she responds 'quatro. ' I left. Stopped at New Life. A lot of girls there. Perhaps about 30 chicas. All of them are doable and decent looking but I did not find any single chica I liked. So I left.

I came back to Zandaly and Mamasan welcomed me. I asked for Tatiana, a blonde w / nice body. In the room, she kissed all over my body, and gave me a french kiss as well. She put lotion on my dxxx and axx and massaged them. After that, we had a very good sex. 30mil for hh. I will go back to Zandaly to try other girls perhaps tomorrow. The addresses and the prices of these casas are on WT69's list and on my Casa Map. Thanks.

John Gault
08-05-11, 02:09
Arrived at the airport around 1pm yesterday. As usual, went to the taxi ride area to pick a cab. However, there was a collectivo, small bus, near the cabs, and the guy told me it costs only 7mil peso for San Diego. I said to my self, OK let me try, and rode the bus. Surprisingly, the bus was not that slow and arrived at San Diego in appro. 40-45 minutes. Picked a cab there and arrived my hotel in La Mayorista in less than hh.

Mayorista. 9pm. There were about 40-50chicas. 20% doable and 4-5 chicas attractive. Here is a never-ending issue about advance payment in Mayo. Natalia, a gorgeous girl, talked to me and offered 30mil / hh. She agreed for photos, chupa con condon, and sexo. After I finished my beer, I took her to my hotel. In the room I placed 30mil on the table, but she told me to hand the money to her. I said 'no' and 'you can take this money after the service. ' She insisted that I give the money to her, and we kept talking about it for about 10minutes. Finally, she agreed that she would take the money after sexo, and she asked me for a condom. I said that I want to take pics first, but she said she did not want it. Reasonably or unreasonably, I got tired of her. So I told her that I did not want to deal w / her, and I opened the door and she left.

I came back to the street, sat at a table, and had a beer. I talked to local guys, and they told me that paying in advance is a norm here and that the usual rate is about 25-30mil / hh. I saw these guys and other guys doing coke at their tables, BTW. Eventually I saw a tall, thin, and very white chica, Carolina. I took her to my hotel, and this time I gave her 30mil in advance. Average sex, though she looked great. Overall chica quality in Mayo is neither better nor worse than the casa girls in El Centro IMHO. I just like drinking beer and watching girls walking around. I will check Mayo tonight too. My question to kind readers here: if I see Natalia tonight, should I invite her to my hotel and pay her in advance or put money in the table? I like the way she looks. Thanks a lot.Put the money on the table, and say nothing about it. If she takes it right away or not, you are done with that part of it. I say this since you have had enough drama with this girl. You want the girl so why punish yourself with rules you read on a monger board.

08-05-11, 02:12
Sheraton, Intercontinental, Dann Carlton, Royal, Estelar Hotels, chica friendly in Medellin? Guest fee? Names of chicas required at check-in, for them to be allowed to the room.

Thanks for any information.

08-05-11, 02:35
However, there was a collectivo, small bus, near the cabs, and the guy told me it costs only 7mil peso for San Diego. I said to my self, OK let me try, and rode the bus. Surprisingly, the bus was not that slow and arrived at San Diego in appro. 40-45 minutes.Thanks Matt. I will try when I arrive next week,

She agreed for photos, chupa con condon, and sexo.I said that I want to take pics first, but she said she did not want it.She did not hold up her end of the deal. I would be upset and tired of the arguments too. If you see her again tonight or later, make sure you have a foto of her taken before or after sexo. I'd love to see it of this chica.

Eventually I saw a tall, thin, and very white chica, Carolina. I took her to my hotel, and this time I gave her 30mil in advance. Average sex, though she looked great.Could this be the same Carolina with braces from Rionegro?

if I see Natalia tonight, should I invite her to my hotel and pay her in advance or put money in the table? I like the way she looks. Thanks a lot.Go for it and give it to her but make sure you take one or two fotos.

Enjoy Mayorista!


08-05-11, 03:09
Arrived at the airport around 1pm yesterday. As usual, went to the taxi ride area to pick a cab. However, there was a collectivo, small bus, near the cabs, and the guy told me it costs only 7mil peso for San Diego. I said to my self, OK let me try, and rode the bus. Surprisingly, the bus was not that slow and arrived at San Diego in appro. 40-45 minutes. Picked a cab there and arrived my hotel in La Mayorista in less than hh.

Mayorista. 9pm. There were about 40-50chicas. 20% doable and 4-5 chicas attractive. Here is a never-ending issue about advance payment in Mayo. Natalia, a gorgeous girl, talked to me and offered 30mil / hh. She agreed for photos, chupa con condon, and sexo. After I finished my beer, I took her to my hotel. In the room I placed 30mil on the table, but she told me to hand the money to her. I said 'no' and 'you can take this money after the service. ' She insisted that I give the money to her, and we kept talking about it for about 10minutes. Finally, she agreed that she would take the money after sexo, and she asked me for a condom. I said that I want to take pics first, but she said she did not want it. Reasonably or unreasonably, I got tired of her. So I told her that I did not want to deal w / her, and I opened the door and she left.

I came back to the street, sat at a table, and had a beer. I talked to local guys, and they told me that paying in advance is a norm here and that the usual rate is about 25-30mil / hh. I saw these guys and other guys doing coke at their tables, BTW. Eventually I saw a tall, thin, and very white chica, Carolina. I took her to my hotel, and this time I gave her 30mil in advance. Average sex, though she looked great. Overall chica quality in Mayo is neither better nor worse than the casa girls in El Centro IMHO. I just like drinking beer and watching girls walking around. I will check Mayo tonight too. My question to kind readers here: if I see Natalia tonight, should I invite her to my hotel and pay her in advance or put money in the table? I like the way she looks. Thanks a lot.Thanks to Matt Psyche for the great trip reports (Mayo+casa's).

Mayorista does sounds like a challenge.

I would defiantly give Natalia another chance, but that is just me.

Worst case scenario you lost 30K COP.

Where are you staying at Mayorista?

08-05-11, 10:58
I contacted an independent chica from Medellin to go with me on a week vacation, we agreed on a price in advance. She requested that I pay her half the amount in advance and the other half when we return. What if she splits on me after taking the money! Any suggestions from the veterans on how to go about it?

08-05-11, 20:42
Just got back from a 5-day trip to Medellin, and the information on this site proved to be invaluable. Wanted to give back to the community, so here's my story:

I flew American Airlines from Canada via Miami and landed late at night. As a first-time visitor to the city, I decided to stay in Poblado at the Travelers Apartment Suites (highly recommended!) within walking distance to Parque Lleras. Travel from the airport was arranged through the hotel at a cost of 55k each way, as nothing beats getting greeted in a foreign place by a guy holding a sign with your name on it. Upon my arrival to the apartment, I wasted no time in showering, suiting-up, and hitting the streets. Being a Wednesday night, I didn't expect to see much action, but the bars surrounding Parque Llleras were chockfull of talent. Now I'm a decent looking guy in my 30's, very limited conversational Spanish, but my game is tight and I have no problem approaching women and starting convos. After walking the blocks and getting my bearings, I opened up a set with a gorgeous 26yr old spinner (she couldn't have weighed more than 95lbs). After a bit of chitchat in broken Spanish, and a lot of hand gestures, she agreed to give me a personalised tour of the local club scene. After more broken Spanish, and a lot of Aguardiente, Erica agreed to come back to my apartment. Once I got her out of her jeans I realized just how tight that body was. DATY was heaven because of her buttery-smooth camel toe, and the fact that she was a squirter! Despite being exhausted from a full day of traveling, I managed to bust 2 leches before collapsing in pure satisfaction. As the sun started to rise, I ushered her out the door, but not before giving her 8k for the cab ride home. 'What a great way to start a trip', I thought to myself as I enjoyed a smoke on the balcony overlooking the city skyline.

Note: the hotel charges 44k for all overnight guests as of 10pm.

The next day I hit the ground running in anticipation of experiencing more Paisa pussy, but this time I decided to sample some Pro talent. Heeding the warnings of many locals to keep my eyes and ears open while in the Centro, I hailed a cab, sat back and enjoyed the ride. El Centro is bustling with all kinds of life, some good, some not so good. The trick is to blend in as much as possible I. E. No bling bling, no bermudas, and for god sakes no socks & sandals. Upon my arrival, I realized I was very close to Angeles de Fuego (special thanks to Matt Psyche for the Google map of Centro Casas). Inside I enjoyed a Pilsen while watching a parade of beauties. I took a 45 min session with Alejandra, a 19yr old tiny little chica with braces. She told me it was her first day on the job, and with the lackluster performance I received, I could believe it. Apart from the fact that she was tighter than a nun's ass, my experience was mediocre. I paid my 45k + 3k for the beer and left.

The following day I decided to try New Life. The line up was amazing. I zeroed in on an 18 year old beauty named Sofia. Feeling pretty saucy, I told her to run off and pick a friend to join us. She came back with a 22yr old stunner named Luna. The next 60 min were heaven beginning with a double BBBJ. I banged both equally, but blew my load in Sofia. After a sensual massage, I was still good to go, so I focused my attention on Luna. After my 2nd leche, I showered up, gave them 10k each for an amazing performance and GFE, paid my tab and left. Total: 140k including propina. Viva Colombia!

The following afternoon, I picked up a 30yr old nurse with big naturals while shopping in the Oviedo mall. We made plans for dinner, after which I brought her back to my place for an incredible night of hide the chorizo. She left early AM to catch her shift at the clinic, and I was lucky to avoid the 44k guest fee because the guard on duty was really cool with me (I had given him some beers the night before).

One day left, so I decided to go back to New Life and try out some more talent. But when I got there I was really disappointed with the line up. I like my chicas tiny, but the only one who fit that description was Sofia, whom I had already banged. I figured that the 2nd time around would be even better since we had already established rapport, so I picked her for a 45min session. I was right, she seemed very happy to see me again, and it showed through her BBBJ, GFE, and overall excellent performance. I tipped her 10k, paid my tab and left happy.


5 days.

5 chicas (3 Pros – 2 Non-Pros)

Total money spent on mongering: 240k.

As a side note: I had a chance to experience the strip-club scene at both Fase Dos and Club Maracaibo. The two are totally different both in atmosphere and chicas. Fase II prices are ridiculously expensive (20k for a rum & coke!) but the talent there is truly out of this world. Talent in Centro is still very good, YMMV, but IMHO you get more bang for your buck at a Centro strip join. Just my $0. 02

Member #4394
08-05-11, 22:09
I am staying at Macedonia Plaza Hotel. It is a good hotel with reasonable rates and WIFI. As for the two questions you previously posted, Prado is one of the worse, if not worst, areas. However, if you are careful, you should be OK in daytime. Do not walk around Prado and El Centro in the night. Centro casas in days and Mayo in nights are my routine. Good luck.

Thanks to Matt Psyche for the great trip reports (Mayo+casa's).

Mayorista does sounds like a challenge.

I would defiantly give Natalia another chance, but that is just me.

Worst case scenario you lost 30K COP.

Where are you staying at Mayorista?

Member #4394
08-05-11, 22:13
Bell Suite is open. The owner told me that it was never closed. Apprx 7 girls. Not a strong line-up.

08-05-11, 22:20
Bell Suite is open. The owner told me that it was never closed. Apprx 7 girls. Not a strong ine-up.One of my fav places because the owner is laid back an lets the girls off easy with little or no multa if they are late or have to take care of business, school, kids etc. So the girls are more relaxed here. IMHO.

08-05-11, 22:30
I contacted an independent chica from Medellin to go with me on a week vacation, we agreed on a price in advance. She requested that I pay her half the amount in advance and the other half when we return. What if she splits on me after taking the money! Any suggestions from the veterans on how to go about it?No offense but this is just super risky for you. You are going to commit a whole week with one girl you don't even know if you click with? A huge risk to be taking, no?

Yeah you could give her half before you even show up and she could split. Also what if you split on her?

Howabout: Divide by 7 and tell her you will pay her every day. Either way if this chick is a dud and you are on San Andres or Santa Marta what are you going to do? Unless your vacation is in Cartagena where you can ditch her and have other options.

I did this years ago and asked 4 girls if they would be game for vacation but I couldn't be certain if it was going to happen. When I got down I saw each of the four in the first two days and picked the winner. We packed our bags and bought tickets to San Andres right at the airport. I paid her every day. 5 days.

En pocas palabras I would not submit to a week vacation with a stranger. JMHO. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Brother P
08-05-11, 22:36
Nice trip report, and great pics! Glad you enjoyed yourself!

Just got back from a 5-day trip to Medellin, and the information on this site proved to be invaluable. Wanted to give back to the community, so here's my story:

I flew American Airlines from Canada via Miami and landed late at night. As a first-time visitor to the city, I decided to stay in Poblado at the Travelers Apartment Suites (highly recommended!) within walking distance to Parque Lleras. Travel from the airport was arranged through the hotel at a cost of 55k each way, as nothing beats getting greeted in a foreign place by a guy holding a sign with your name on it. Upon my arrival to the apartment, I wasted no time in showering, suiting-up, and hitting the streets. Being a Wednesday night, I didn't expect to see much action, but the bars surrounding Parque Llleras were chockfull of talent. Now I'm a decent looking guy in my 30's, very limited conversational Spanish, but my game is tight and I have no problem approaching women and starting convos. After walking the blocks and getting my bearings, I opened up a set with a gorgeous 26yr old spinner (she couldn't have weighed more than 95lbs). After a bit of chitchat in broken Spanish, and a lot of hand gestures, she agreed to give me a personalised tour of the local club scene. After more broken Spanish, and a lot of Aguardiente, Erica agreed to come back to my apartment. Once I got her out of her jeans I realized just how tight that body was. DATY was heaven because of her buttery-smooth camel toe, and the fact that she was a squirter! Despite being exhausted from a full day of traveling, I managed to bust 2 leches before collapsing in pure satisfaction. As the sun started to rise, I ushered her out the door, but not before giving her 8k for the cab ride home. 'What a great way to start a trip', I thought to myself as I enjoyed a smoke on the balcony overlooking the city skyline.

Note: the hotel charges 44k for all overnight guests as of 10pm.

The next day I hit the ground running in anticipation of experiencing more Paisa pussy, but this time I decided to sample some Pro talent. Heeding the warnings of many locals to keep my eyes and ears open while in the Centro, I hailed a cab, sat back and enjoyed the ride. El Centro is bustling with all kinds of life, some good, some not so good. The trick is to blend in as much as possible I. E. No bling bling, no bermudas, and for god sakes no socks & sandals. Upon my arrival, I realized I was very close to Angeles de Fuego (special thanks to Matt Psyche for the Google map of Centro Casas). Inside I enjoyed a Pilsen while watching a parade of beauties. I took a 45 min session with Alejandra, a 19yr old tiny little chica with braces. She told me it was her first day on the job, and with the lackluster performance I received, I could believe it. Apart from the fact that she was tighter than a nun's ass, my experience was mediocre. I paid my 45k + 3k for the beer and left.

The following day I decided to try New Life. The line up was amazing. I zeroed in on an 18 year old beauty named Sofia. Feeling pretty saucy, I told her to run off and pick a friend to join us. She came back with a 22yr old stunner named Luna. The next 60 min were heaven beginning with a double BBBJ. I banged both equally, but blew my load in Sofia. After a sensual massage, I was still good to go, so I focused my attention on Luna. After my 2nd leche, I showered up, gave them 10k each for an amazing performance and GFE, paid my tab and left. Total: 140k including propina. Viva Colombia!

The following afternoon, I picked up a 30yr old nurse with big naturals while shopping in the Oviedo mall. We made plans for dinner, after which I brought her back to my place for an incredible night of hide the chorizo. She left early AM to catch her shift at the clinic, and I was lucky to avoid the 44k guest fee because the guard on duty was really cool with me (I had given him some beers the night before).

One day left, so I decided to go back to New Life and try out some more talent. But when I got there I was really disappointed with the line up. I like my chicas tiny, but the only one who fit that description was Sofia, whom I had already banged. I figured that the 2nd time around would be even better since we had already established rapport, so I picked her for a 45min session. I was right, she seemed very happy to see me again, and it showed through her BBBJ, GFE, and overall excellent performance. I tipped her 10k, paid my tab and left happy.


5 days.

5 chicas (3 Pros – 2 Non-Pros)

Total money spent on mongering: 240k.

As a side note: I had a chance to experience the strip-club scene at both Fase Dos and Club Maracaibo. The two are totally different both in atmosphere and chicas. Fase II prices are ridiculously expensive (20k for a rum & coke!) but the talent there is truly out of this world. Talent in Centro is still very good, YMMV, but IMHO you get more bang for your buck at a Centro strip join. Just my $0. 02

El Vagabundo
08-05-11, 23:58
It was a great time!

How come there are not more trip reports about more than who banged whom and how much it cost? Doesn't anyone get out and see the country?



08-06-11, 00:40
Hello, everyone,

Is it easy to find REAL sex pills (viagra, ect) in Medellin? Where do I go to get some?Check it RRalf. One of the huge advantages from being on the monger prowl in a 3rd world country like Colombia, is the easy access to the OTC prescription drugs. Stuff you just can't get in the US, you can easily get at any Farmacia (Pharmacy) at ridiculously cheap prices. There are many Farmacias in Medellin / Colombia / etc. Some of them may look like Mom and Pop stores, others like small supermarkets. They all have different hours (ie DROGAS LA REBAJA). You can ask any taxi driver to take you to the nearest one. When you're there, you can buy the blue pill (Viagra) at US prices or the generic at drastically reduced prices (+-$20 in USD / VIAGRA / 1 PILL VS. $1. 50. $2 Package of 2 (50 Mg). If you want to buy Viagra, just say Viagra to the store clerk; if you want the generic pill which IMHO is worthy of trying, it is sold by the active ingredient SILDENAFIL, so you would just say SILDENAFIL to the clerk. I recommend the generic but get the higher dosage (100 mg). Happy Trails.

Errol Flynn
08-06-11, 01:22
I contacted an independent chica from Medellin to go with me on a week vacation, we agreed on a price in advance. She requested that I pay her half the amount in advance and the other half when we return. What if she splits on me after taking the money! Any suggestions from the veterans on how to go about it?Are you saying you've arranged to spend a week with a girl you've never met? That I would strongly advise against. 24 hours could be too much!

If you have met her, then paying half up front shouldn't be required in my experience. You need to front all of her expenses and demonstrate that you are good for the money, but the money should come at the end. The longest I've taken a (pro) Paisa for was 2 days (and it was great). We didn't discuss money until we returned to MDE. I then asked her what she wanted, she told me to give her what I thought was fair and we parted very amicably. That's what I love about MDE, it would never go down that way in Thailand (or the US).

08-06-11, 01:29
I contacted an independent chica from Medellin to go with me on a week vacation, we agreed on a price in advance. She requested that I pay her half the amount in advance and the other half when we return. What if she splits on me after taking the money! Any suggestions from the veterans on how to go about it?My advise is tell her to forget it, she'll probably change her mind, if she doesn't she was probably planning on fucking you and not in a good way. If you are taking her on a week long vacation why does she need any money upfront, she sure as hell isn't planning on spending any of it while she is with you. Besides, there are thousands of girls in Medellin that would LOVE to go on a weeks vacation with you and be fine with getting paid at the end.

08-06-11, 03:14
That's total BS! Pay her only after the trip is finished. The trip itself should be proof that you are serious about taking care of her at least during the trip. If she does not understand that, find someone else. If you are fixating on just this one chick then you might have to take a chance, but pay only an amount you wouldn't care to lose. If I were you I would find someone, IMHO. She does not trust you.

I contacted an independent chica from Medellin to go with me on a week vacation, we agreed on a price in advance. She requested that I pay her half the amount in advance and the other half when we return. What if she splits on me after taking the money! Any suggestions from the veterans on how to go about it?

08-06-11, 04:21
I contacted an independent chica from Medellin to go with me on a week vacation, we agreed on a price in advance. She requested that I pay her half the amount in advance and the other half when we return. What if she splits on me after taking the money! Any suggestions from the veterans on how to go about it?I can not believe you are going to spend a week with the same chica. I got bored quickly after spending just two hours with just one (or two for 3-some). Let's see. You are going to be in Medellin for a week. At the very least, you should have sex with 6 or 7 chicas. Believe me that once you are in Medellin, you are like a kid in a candy store. I'd say if you really really want to go on with this as arranged, then at least have a contingency plan just in case. But still honestly, I hate to pay for something I have not seen, touched, or in this 'fucked'. Never did, never will.

Enjoy Medellin as I always do.

Good days.


08-06-11, 11:46
That's total BS! Pay her only after the trip is finished. The trip itself should be proof that you are serious about taking care of her at least during the trip. If she does not understand that, find someone else. If you are fixating on just this one chick then you might have to take a chance, but pay only an amount you wouldn't care to lose. If I were you I would find someone, IMHO. She does not trust you.Thank all of you for contributing, that was awsome! All the answers were right on the money, however I like this the most :

"That's total BS! Pay her only after the trip is finished. The trip itself should be proof that you are serious about taking care of her at least during the trip. If she does not understand that, find someone else. If you are fixating on just this one chick then you might have to take a chance, but pay only an amount you wouldn't care to lose. If I were you I would find someone, IMHO. She does not trust you."

Voyajer1, I am sure you are talking from experience I can tell by your answer. This girl is only 19 and she is a Non Pro, and yes I am really fixated on just this one, I might take a chance, but when I think with the bigger head, the answer is always no. She said she needed the money to pay some bills and buy some stuff before the trip. The main issue here is the trust factor, I don't trust her and obviously either she doesn't trust me or she is trying to pull a fast one by taking the money and disappearing. I understand that there are many girls who will be willing to have a vacation and get paid, but I am not into Pros, I got tired of the Pro seen and at this point I am concentrating on just Non Pros.

08-06-11, 14:12
I can not believe you are going to spend a week with the same chica. I got bored quickly after spending just two hours with just one (or two for 3-some). Let's see. You are going to be in Medellin for a week. At the very least, you should have sex with 6 or 7 chicas. Believe me that once you are in Medellin, you are like a kid in a candy store. I'd say if you really really want to go on with this as arranged, then at least have a contingency plan just in case. But still honestly, I hate to pay for something I have not seen, touched, or in this 'fucked'. Never did, never will.

Enjoy Medellin as I always do.

Good days.

EZWhile I would not arrange for a week away with a Paisa I had never met or been with before, I have done that numerous times (4-5 trips) in MDE and see nothing wrong with spending a week with one. Doing this with someone you have not met before and have no idea of compatibility of seems like an unwise commitment. With that being said, find the right Paisa, as I did, and you will experience MDE in a way you cannot when you are rotating between 2-3 Paisas a day! I had a favorite I spent my entire trips with, while working in something different when the opportunity presented itself. She allowed me to experience a side of MDE that most visitors rarely see and was exactly what I was looking for. Aside from an awesome time en la cama, she served as my personal tour guide! I never gave her anything up-front. But a time or two I did give her some of it, which she ended-up using to do something nice for me. But my girl knew me and knew I was good for it so it was never even a discussion, pre or post. That arrangement is now over and I am back to sampling the best that MDE has to offer. Be careful with this arrangement. You may not end up getting what you expect unless you manage it correctly from the beginning.

08-06-11, 18:33
Voyajer1, I am sure you are talking from experience I can tell by your answer. This girl is only 19 and she is a Non Pro, and yes I am really fixated on just this one, I might take a chance, but when I think with the bigger head, the answer is always no. She said she needed the money to pay some bills and buy some stuff before the trip. The main issue here is the trust factor, I don't trust her and obviously either she doesn't trust me or she is trying to pull a fast one by taking the money and disappearing. I understand that there are many girls who will be willing to have a vacation and get paid, but I am not into Pros, I got tired of the Pro seen and at this point I am concentrating on just Non Pros.Your definition of PRO and NON PRO is distorted. What do you think this girl who you are paying for a week of her service is? She's a "PRO". Taking money for sex is a pro in my book. Whether or not she does it from time to time, she's new, she only does it when she needs money, she hardly ever does it, she's a student, blah blah blah. Its just semantics. You may or may not be her first John, but I will bet you, you wont be her last.

08-06-11, 20:46
She said she needed the money to pay some bills and buy some stuff before the trip. The main issue here is the trust factor, I don't trust her and obviously either she doesn't trust me or she is trying to pull a fast one by taking the money and disappearing. I understand that there are many girls who will be willing to have a vacation and get paid, but I am not into Pros, I got tired of the Pro seen and at this point I am concentrating on just Non Pros.Let me guess she needs a new suitcase and a swimsuit, and your meeting her in Cartagena? Colombian girls have a fetish with new suitcases they think they need one no matter what. If this is the case buy her ticket yourself send her couple hundred US at the most and about 5 days ahead of time and no more or she will be broke and not have cab fare to the airport. Whether or not she is Pro or not post her pic, if noone here has fucked her we will give you non pro status. Worst case senario she doesn't show up in Cartagena and your out 400 dollars more or less which you probably don't care and you can salvage your trip by the 50 percent you didn't pay her and spend on other chics.

Member #4244
08-07-11, 01:43
Your definition of PRO and NON PRO is distorted. What do you think this girl who you are paying for a week of her service is? She's a "PRO". Taking money for sex is a pro in my book. Whether or not she does it from time to time, she's new, she only does it when she needs money, she hardly ever does it, she's a student, blah blah blah. Its just semantics. You may or may not be her first John, but I will bet you, you wont be her last.EXACTLY, I don't understand why so many of who are clearly comfortable paying for sex want to assuage ourselves somehow by saying "she isn't a pro" or "she is a part timer" or some bullshit like that. You're paying her for her company are you not? Sex is an expectation, right? OK, then she is a pro, period. Just like basketball players, one guy might have just been drafted, the other guy might be Robert Parish. They're both pros.

As for your arrangement, I wouldn't give her anything up front that you're not comfortable losing. Tell her you'll get her the bathing suit on the coast, buy it with her. Tell her you want to help pick it out and see how sexy she looks in different ones. See if she has ANY suitcase, tell her to take that and you'll get her a new one there. Bills? Who HAS to pay bills before they leave somewhere? That's common BS that has burned many a mongerer. The only time I did that I did it with a girl, an ACTUAL non-pro that I was with for six months and guess what? Burnt like toast! Since then I have a strict policy of doing everything in person, one I recommend everyone adopt. I've heard numerous other stories that kept me from doing it prior to that, should have stuck to it.

Think about this, you have never met this girl, she has poured time into this weird online romance. Would it be beyond her to stick you for whatever you send? And don't think she gives a shit about blowing the plane reservation either. Buy her ticket, send her some cabfare for the airport and handle everything else face to face. You won't regret taking this advice.

Legal Tender
08-07-11, 01:54
Your definition of PRO and NON PRO is distorted. What do you think this girl who you are paying for a week of her service is? She's a "PRO". Taking money for sex is a pro in my book. Whether or not she does it from time to time, she's new, she only does it when she needs money, she hardly ever does it, she's a student, blah blah blah. Its just semantics. You may or may not be her first John, but I will bet you, you wont be her last.Women use sex. Period. The "payment" may be by the hour or just betting on an expectation. Show me some broke dick dude, with no reasonable expectation of future success, and you'll see one that is getting no sex. Women want security and protection. It's biological. No scratch means no snatch. And, these women will "trade up" in a heart beat, given the opportunity. Every one of them will. They just have to analyze the opportunity cost.

08-07-11, 02:37
Your definition of PRO and NON PRO is distorted. What do you think this girl who you are paying for a week of her service is? She's a "PRO". Taking money for sex is a pro in my book. Whether or not she does it from time to time, she's new, she only does it when she needs money, she hardly ever does it, she's a student, blah blah blah. Its just semantics. You may or may not be her first John, but I will bet you, you wont be her last.You're jaded Heat. I'm sure she's non-pro. Lots of regular girls leave on vacatiom with guys they've never met in person, and charge for their company, and ask for money úp front, etc, etc.

I'd give her all the money up front plus more.

Yeah right! Just like sending money for those African banking scams. Are you nuts?

Viajero, you're obviously all worked up over this girl, however, take a deep breath, cancel the trip with her, and just go to Colombia and meet her in persona and see if she's real, cool, if you guys jive togerher, etc and meet and play with other chicas too.

Then plan a trip with her maybe, if you still dig her.

Trust me, there are plenty of chicas who will be glad to go on a jaunt with you. Ya might as well pick one that you've met and like and got to know and not just from some chat room and fotos.

This is obvious sruff, freshman class, Colombia 101.

Good luck.

08-07-11, 02:49
. Show me some broke dick dude, with no reasonable expectation of future success, and you'll see one that is getting no sex. Women want security and protection. It's biological. No scratch means no snatch. And, these women will "trade up" in a heart beat, given the opportunity. Every one of them will. They just have to analyze the opportunity cost.Not exactly true really.

You're talking about girls that have been burned already, and have learned.

Plenty of young chicas, infatuated and íand love with their loser boyfriends, until they finally grow up and discover, hey my boyfriend's a big loser, then they look for a guy with something to actually offer.

Just go to any strip club in the US for example, plenty of young hotties givin up the snatch to their loser men, and the same goes down in Colombia.

El Bacano
08-07-11, 03:03
Women use sex. Period. The "payment" may be by the hour or just betting on an expectation. Show me some broke dick dude, with no reasonable expectation of future success, and you'll see one that is getting no sex. Women want security and protection. It's biological. No scratch means no snatch. And, these women will "trade up" in a heart beat, given the opportunity. Every one of them will. They just have to analyze the opportunity cost.Not all women, otherwise you would find most 18 yearolds with a 70 year old man with a pension. I personally find the Colombiana is concerned solely with the night at hand, hell thats giving them credit its usually the next 2 hours, They actually analyze you in a lot of ways starting with appearance, security and protection are part of it, but if you are talking about a gf, then if you don't get past the first test you don't even get the other test. Just keepin it real.

08-07-11, 03:06
You're jaded Heat. I'm sure she's non-pro. Lots of regular girls leave on vacatiom with guys they've never met in person, and charge for their company, and ask for money úp front, etc, etc.

I'd give her all the money up front plus more.

Yeah right! Just like sending money for those African banking scams. Are you nuts?

Viajero, you're obviously all worked up over this girl, however, take a deep breath, cancel the trip with her, and just go to Colombia and meet her in persona and see if she's real, cool, if you guys jive togerher, etc and meet and play with other chicas too.

Then plan a trip with her maybe, if you still dig her.

Trust me, there are plenty of chicas who will be glad to go on a jaunt with you. Ya might as well pick one that you've met and like and got to know and not just from some chat room and fotos.

This is obvious sruff, freshman class, Colombia 101.

Good luck.Better yet just leave your debit card. Je je LOL.

LEGAL TENDER: I didn't sense any "GOOD ENERGY" with that last comment. Ricker speaks with a voice of reason. See if you meld together and then plan a trip together. I guarantee you'll have a much better GFE. Just don't fall in love with her like the dudes who feel in love with ANGIE LORENA. Jajajajaja!

08-07-11, 03:23
Thank all of you for contributing, that was awsome! All the answers were right on the money, however I like this the most :

"That's total BS! Pay her only after the trip is finished. The trip itself should be proof that you are serious about taking care of her at least during the trip. If she does not understand that, find someone else. If you are fixating on just this one chick then you might have to take a chance, but pay only an amount you wouldn't care to lose. If I were you I would find someone, IMHO. She does not trust you."

Voyajer1, I am sure you are talking from experience I can tell by your answer. This girl is only 19 and she is a Non Pro, and yes I am really fixated on just this one, I might take a chance, but when I think with the bigger head, the answer is always no. She said she needed the money to pay some bills and buy some stuff before the trip. The main issue here is the trust factor, I don't trust her and obviously either she doesn't trust me or she is trying to pull a fast one by taking the money and disappearing. I understand that there are many girls who will be willing to have a vacation and get paid, but I am not into Pros, I got tired of the Pro seen and at this point I am concentrating on just Non Pros.Your definition of "non pro" is off as some has said. IMO, there is actually 3 categories. Pro (all the time) , non pro (occasional when they need money or in exchange for gifts) , and civilian (won't accept money / gifts for sex. Believe or not they exist!). However when you date, you give gifts and stuff too. So it's all grey. Now some guys (including myself) interchange civilian and non pro.

Anyways, what is your infatuation with her? What has this chick done that no other chick was able to do?

Online Dating 101.

1. Don't EVER buy or give anyone anything you have never met. You do know a guy can easily steal a girls pics and try to extract money from some dumb idiot.

2. Don't EVER plan a trip with someone you have never met. If you expect sex the whole time, you might be sorely disappointed.

3. Don't EVER buy plane tickets for someone you have never met. I heard of cases where guys bought plane tickets and she never showed up (probably got there ran for a free vacation).

Meet the girl first. Stop with the infatuation! There are billions of fish out there.

08-07-11, 04:07
Sheraton, Intercontinental, Dann Carlton, Royal, Estelar Hotels, chica friendly in Medellin? Guest fee? Names of chicas required at check-in, for them to be allowed to the room.

Thanks for any information.Sheraton OK.

Intercontinental: Not OK.


Estelars: Milla de Oro OK

08-07-11, 04:32
Sheraton OK.

Intercontinental: Not OK.


Estelars: Milla de Oro OKIf it is the Medellin Royal next to centro comercial Santa Fe, then it is a very chica-friendly hotel, quite expensive though. Chicas need cedulas to register only after 9PM or 10PM for overnight stay I believe. No chica fee if you book your room for 2. Does it cost something like $130 USD a night there, mas o menos? But it is a very nice hotel with modern amenities.



08-07-11, 05:52
Sheraton OK.

Intercontinental: Not OK.


Estelars: Milla de Oro OKThank you.

I was looking at the three Estelar properties; Hotel Estelar Blue ($75US per night, free wifi, free breakfast buffet) , Estelar Hotel Milla de Oro ($82US, free wifi, free breakfast buffet) and the Estelar Apartamentos Medellin ($75US, free wifi, free breakfast buffet). http://www.hotelesestelar.com/es/

The Porton Medellin Hotel ($95US, free wifi, free breakfast buffet) and supposedly has some arrangement with the best gym in Medellin. http://www.hotelportonmedellin.com/

Good to know about the Sheraton, thanks again.

08-07-11, 06:18
If it is the Medellin Royal next to centro comercial Santa Fe, then it is a very chica-friendly hotel, quite expensive though. Chicas need cedulas to register only after 9PM or 10PM for overnight stay I believe. No chica fee if you book your room for 2. Does it cost something like $130 USD a night there, mas o menos? But it is a very nice hotel with modern amenities.


EZMedellin Royal Hotel, Carrera 42 No 5 Sur 130 El Poblado Medellin (close to Santa Fe and Oviedo Shopping malls) http://www.hotelesroyal.com/

Weekend rates around $120US (orbitz, expedia) , looks like a nice, modern hotel with a pool, free wifi and free breakfast buffet.

Thanks for the info.

08-07-11, 18:16
Good day Gent's,

I have few questions regarding my upcoming trip to MDE.

I am trying to understand how things work in the casa's.

1. Do you negotiate with the girls or the prices are set by the "mamasun" and it's nonnegotiable?

2. Do you have to pay for the room or is it included in the price?

Some general questions;

3. Is there another place besides Mayorista that one can find "street pro girls"?

4. Where are the best places one can pick up non pro girls?

5. Can I find good quality condoms in Colombia or should I bring it from home?

6. Any other monger accessories I should bring from home for a successful vacation?


Member #4244
08-07-11, 22:02
Good day Gent's,

I have few questions regarding my upcoming trip to MDE.

I am trying to understand how things work in the casa's.

1. Do you negotiate with the girls or the prices are set by the "mamasun" and it's nonnegotiable?

2. Do you have to pay for the room or is it included in the price?

Some general questions;

3. Is there another place besides Mayorista that one can find "street pro girls"?

4. Where are the best places one can pick up non pro girls?

5. Can I find good quality condoms in Colombia or should I bring it from home?

6. Any other monger accessories I should bring from home for a successful vacation?

ThanksThese are all answers you can find by probing this thread. Generally MPs and strip clubs have set fees ranging from as low as 20K COP (about $10 USD) to 200K COP (about $100 USD). That prices includes anywhere from a half hour to 90 min of full service. Any extras have to be negotiated with the girl. BBBJ is often standard but ask. Kissing sometimes standard but ask. Anal occasionally standard but usually more money (sometimes just a tip does it, sometimes they say no unless you offer more than it's worth).

Paying for the room is variable, in most cases it is included in the fee though.

You can find street girls in many places, personally I have never been much for that.

Picking up regular girls, I would say avoid the ritzy titzy places (parque lleras, nightclubs with $10 drinks, etc). Go into the strata 1, 2.3 neighborhoods and just strike up conversation, exchange numbers. Wherever works, parks, college campuses, grocery stores.

Condoms are abundant, they are OK, just like anywhere else in Latin America. Good selection of Durex brand stuff, some stuff for bigger guys. If you're some sort of finicky fucker who just needs his brand or style or whatever, bring them, same thing if you have some special needs (latex allergy, donkey dick, whatever).

Monger accessories? Yes, bring Barbie's Beach House and convertible. Same thing here as anywhere else, little ticky tack gifts, KY warming lube, all that kind of shit will help in any country. There is no specific Colombian thing if that is what you mean.


Legal Tender
08-07-11, 22:29
Better yet just leave your debit card. Je je LOL.

LEGAL TENDER: I didn't sense any "GOOD ENERGY" with that last comment. Ricker speaks with a voice of reason. See if you meld together and then plan a trip together. I guarantee you'll have a much better GFE. Just don't fall in love with her like the dudes who feel in love with ANGIE LORENA. Jajajajaja!Have to admit, my last post didn't give off much good energy. My Paisa novia is giving me all that I can handle, so I have no present complaints. But, past experiences sometime creep in to color reality. As usual, Ricker comes through with some common sense and perspective. I didn't mean to write negatively. No excuse for not projecting and wishing

Only good energy!

Ciao Ciao
08-08-11, 00:19
It was a great time!

How come there are not more trip reports about more than who banged whom and how much it cost? Doesn't anyone get out and see the country?


MartinEl Vagabundo,

Nice report. Thanks for providing the link.

As to your query as to "how come there are not more trip reports about more than who banged who and how much does it cost," I would point to the title of this website ("International SEX Guide"). Personally, I go to Medellin for the sex and the associated good times, and that is why I appreciate related posts here. Although your report was interesting in its own way, I found myself thinking "this guy's not getting very much pussy."


08-08-11, 00:39
It was a great time!

How come there are not more trip reports about more than who banged whom and how much it cost? Doesn't anyone get out and see the country?


MartinI concur with previous post to each their own, motorcycles aren't for everyone, and sleeping in hostels and over bars is not a vacation for me.

I pamper myself when I travel, first class and nice condos.

But I agree about seeing different parts of the country, I just upgrade and fly or rent a private car, by going around with a native of said country, get a great taste and feel of the culture.

Your also right about the details of the cost and methods of each event people choose to write about. But this is a guide to sex site, sometimes you just have to skip the who screwed who for how much and skim for reports about nice condos and out of the way small cities to explore, thanks for doing my groundwork and happy motoring


08-08-11, 02:13
What's up with this f-and place! I take a cab and go up the mountain and the fkn place is closed. I was so pissed because I just had popped a Cialis the whole 20mg and cost me 24000 pesos for just one. Not to mention the cab fare also, just to come back empty with a hard on. I asked the cabbie if any other place open, he said it is the Feria de la flores most of these joints are closed on Sunday. Finally after I begged him to find me a place, he took me to Luna Lunera where the black lady host showed me the only three girls she had that I wouldn't do with your dick. She said the price was $160000 pesos for a session with one of them. So I ordered a small bottle of water for 5000 pesos chatted little with them and left. Ended up jerking off at least I enjoyed it better than going to La Mayorista.

08-08-11, 05:07
If it is the Medellin Royal next to centro comercial Santa Fe, then it is a very chica-friendly hotel, quite expensive though. Chicas need cedulas to register only after 9PM or 10PM for overnight stay I believe. No chica fee if you book your room for 2. Does it cost something like $130 USD a night there, mas o menos? But it is a very nice hotel with modern amenities.


EZI have never been to Medellin, so I have no clue about the Hotel Medellin Royal. It gets good reviews online, neighborhood looks peaceful, modern architecture for the hotel.

Orbitz. Com has weekend rates for about $122US, use promotion code "dealpro10" to knock 10% off the room rate, to about $110US per night, for two people in a room, weekday rates at the hotel Medellin royal are higher. This hotel seems to charge an additional $8US, insurance fee.

08-08-11, 05:37
These are all answers you can find by probing this thread. Generally MPs and strip clubs have set fees ranging from as low as 20K COP (about $10 USD) to 200K COP (about $100 USD). That prices includes anywhere from a half hour to 90 min of full service. Any extras have to be negotiated with the girl. BBBJ is often standard But ask. Kissing sometimes standard but ask. Anal occasionally standard but usually more money (sometimes just a tip does it, sometimes they say no unless you offer more than it's worth).

Paying for the room is variable, in most cases it is included in the fee though.

Picking up regular girls, I would say avoid the ritzy titzy places (parque lleras, nightclubs with $10 drinks, etc). Go into the strata 1, 2.3 neighborhoods and just strike up conversation, exchange numbers. Wherever works, parks, college campuses, grocery stores.

Condoms are abundant, they are OK, just like anywhere else in Latin America. Good selection of Durex brand stuff, some stuff for bigger guys. If you're some sort of finicky fucker who just needs his brand or style or whatever, bring them, same thing if you have some special needs (latex allergy, donkey dick, whatever).

Monger accessories? Yes, bring Barbie's Beach House and convertible. Same thing here as anywhere else, little ticky tack gifts, KY warming lube, all that kind of shit will help in any country. There is no specific Colombian thing if that is what you mean.

Enjoy!Who's more of a fool? The fool or the fool who follows? I am flabbergasted by this post. IMHO for first time with a provider In Medellin Anal is standard (no extra charge) 1 out of 30 times. BBBJ 1 in 15. These numbers may adjust a bit depending on the hotness of the girl and her perception of you and your hygiene. The only spot on advice was bring your own condoms. There is somewhat of a ghonnorea epidemic going on.

To the OP. Figuring out who is and who isn't a pro is the difficult part. The lines can oftimes be blurred. The putas working in the brothels and the street walkers selling sex, well, those are the full time pros. All the rest is common sense and experience. Obviously your female dentist is not a pro. If you are pulling a girl who is pretty much out of your league chances are she is looking for monetary compensation. No 20 year old hottie wants to be with a 45 year old dude she has nothing in commmmon with, who is here on a week's vacation who she cannot commuicate with. Unless she is desperate for money.

The fact that you MAY be 45 or older on vacation passing through speaking grunt and point spanish charades pretty much excludes you from a real non pro. Think about it. Your sister is not a pro, right? Imagine her at 20 years old meeting some 45 year old foreigner on vacation in your home country who knows only 10 words of english, meeting her in a bar. Is she giving up the kitty just like that? Maybe if that guy is Richard Gere.

Oh and the "I'm here on business" or "I'm moving here in 6 months"or "I can marry you and take you to my country" is old and only worked about 10 years ago and back. Everyone knows why you're here and it aint because you wanted to visit Pablo Escobar's grave or you are a collector of Boteros.

There are a lot of 25 and 35 year old foreigners living down here who speak fluent Spanish, good looking with game. These guys are the pussy marauders and the guys I mentioned above are getting to be a dime a dozen. It used to be trendy here to be seen with a foreigner.

I would stick with the pros if you are only coming down for a vacation. Trust me you will benefit tremendously and enjoy yourself so much more.

If I am wrong and you are in shape, have game, speak the language of the target country where you are looking for non-pros and are only seeking women in your league and have no problem pulling the same type of woman in your home country then you will meet non pros all over the place, just like in your home country.

No foreigner these days has any business being in any neighborhood estrato 1-2-3 and perhaps even 4 if it is your first time down and you stick out like a sore thumb.

08-08-11, 12:00
I'm planning a trip to Colombia sometime in Jan or Feb next year and this will be my first time going to Colombia. I will search this thread for useful info on places to stay and other stuff.

Quick question.

How are chicas in Colombia compared to places like Brazil or Dominican republic in terms of friendliness, quality, and is it easy to meet them?

Should I stay at a hotel or apartment?

My Spanish isn't perfect yet. Do I need to be fluent to get around town or meet up with chicas?

How is the weather during January or February?

I will be traveling by myself. Any advise for a solo traveler to Colombia?


08-08-11, 13:23
What's up with this f-and place! I take a cab and go up the mountain and the fkn place is closed. I was so pissed because I just had popped a Cialis the whole 20mg and cost me 24000 pesos for just one. Not to mention the cab fare also, just to come back empty with a hard on. I asked the cabbie if any other place open, he said it is the Feria de la flores most of these joints are closed on Sunday. Finally after I begged him to find me a place, he took me to Luna Lunera where the black lady host showed me the only three girls she had that I wouldn't do with your dick. She said the price was $160000 pesos for a session with one of them. So I ordered a small bottle of water for 5000 pesos chatted little with them and left. Ended up jerking off at least I enjoyed it better than going to La Mayorista.Hey, Loutron is F-ed up and over priced but they are closed EVERY Sunday and not just for the Flower Festival. I'm pretty sure most every casa is closed on Sunday. Now taht I think on it I don't know of any place in Medellin that is open other than maybe Fase II or Luna Lunera. I know of Onerelax in Bogota that is open and I like it a lot because it is open on Sunadays! Sorry for your crap day, better luck next time.

08-08-11, 18:14
There are a lot of 25 and 35 year old foreigners living down here who speak fluent Spanish, good looking with game. These guys are the pussy marauders and the guys I mentioned above are getting to be a dime a dozen. It used to be trendy here to be seen with a foreigner.

I would stick with the pros if you are only coming down for a vacation. Trust me you will benefit tremendously and enjoy yourself so much more.

If I am wrong and you are in shape, have game, speak the language of the target country where you are looking for non-pros and are only seeking women in your league and have no problem pulling the same type of woman in your home country then you will meet non pros all over the place, just like in your home country.

No foreigner these days has any business being in any neighborhood estrato 1-2-3 and perhaps even 4 if it is your first time down and you stick out like a sore thumb.Very wise words and info being offered by L. E.

Most girls I've been with down here either pro or non-pro novia do not want any part of anal. (Hay NOOO, Ni Intentas, Duele, Duele)

BBBJ was the norm about 6+ years ago. NOW its sometimes offered for a big tip, the girls no they can get it and gossip, so now we have "made our own beds"

"If I am wrong and you are in shape, have game, speak the language of the target country where you are looking for non-pros and are only seeking women in your league and have no problem pulling the same type of woman in your home country then you will meet non pros all over the place, just like in your home country." 100percent true. ESPECIALLY in MEDELLIN, where the girls look better and even dress better than their gringa counterparts. If you don't hook up regularly at home what make you think a hot NON pro is going to sleep with you?

"No foreigner these days has any business being in any neighborhood estrato 1-2-3 and perhaps even 4 if it is your first time down and you stick out like a sore thumb"

Differ a little here, One of my first times in Medellin in 05' I went to Castilla and Copacabana all by myself on the metro and bus to see this hot novia I met on C. C. Just made it out alive LOL. Trust me you need to dress down and speak perfect Spanish like I do or you definitely draw unwanted attention. If you are a newbie stick to the SOUTH.

"It used to be trendy here to be seen with a foreigner." That shit is long gone and went out with the bath water years ago!!! Thank god I still have my Non Pro lady friends their because if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have met any NEW Non Pro Lady friends. All of them frown upon going out with me or meeting any of my OTHER new gringo friends for fear of being seen by other amigas and automatically being labeled as a PREPAGO it that bad. As Aussie Greg says "Any girl with a gringo is labeled a Prepago"

08-08-11, 21:04
Very wise words and info being offered by L. E.

Most girls I've been with down here...Nice posts. Thanks.

08-08-11, 21:33
I'm planning a trip to Colombia sometime in Jan or Feb next year and this will be my first time going to Colombia. I will search this thread for useful info on places to stay and other stuff.

Quick question.

How are chicas in Colombia compared to places like Brazil or Dominican republic in terms of friendliness, quality, and is it easy to meet them?

Should I stay at a hotel or apartment?

My Spanish isn't perfect yet. Do I need to be fluent to get around town or meet up with chicas?

How is the weather during January or February?

I will be traveling by myself. Any advise for a solo traveler to Colombia?

ThanksThe chics in Colombia have a higher "hit-ability-ratio" than the DR from what I have seen. Meaning that that the Super Top Quality girls are dreams come true, the middle bracket edge goes to Colombia and the bottom in Colombia is still way better than the bottom of the DR. Have not been to Brazil but heard great thing and most of the experienced mongers say Brazil for quality and friendliness over Colombia. Take that for what it's worth.

Fluent no, serviceable and competent yes. You can struggle with a non-pro but if you're not a good looking and cool dude you're in trouble with out language skills. Pros; who cares? They only know "Money Now" and "Propina"

Weather? Google, try it you'll like it, it's new and I think they'll make noise in the future.

Like EVERY OTHER first time Colombia visitor. CASA BLANCA stay there, they hold your hand and bring the girls to you or you to the girls.

Please report back and post pics!

John Gault
08-08-11, 22:40
What's up with this f-and place! I take a cab and go up the mountain and the fkn place is closed. I was so pissed because I just had popped a Cialis the whole 20mg and cost me 24000 pesos for just one. Not to mention the cab fare also, just to come back empty with a hard on. I asked the cabbie if any other place open, he said it is the Feria de la flores most of these joints are closed on Sunday. Finally after I begged him to find me a place, he took me to Luna Lunera where the black lady host showed me the only three girls she had that I wouldn't do with your dick. She said the price was $160000 pesos for a session with one of them. So I ordered a small bottle of water for 5000 pesos chatted little with them and left. Ended up jerking off at least I enjoyed it better than going to La Mayorista.The cialis is good for 36 hours so that is not a total loss.

Hey man you would rather jerk off than get a Chica from Mayorista. You are a piece of work. I hope more guys follow your lead.

08-08-11, 22:43
Very wise words and info being offered by L. E.

Most girls I've been with down here either pro or non-pro novia do not want any part of anal. (Hay NOOO, Ni Intentas, Duele, Duele)

BBBJ was the norm about 6+ years ago. NOW its sometimes offered for a big tip, the girls no they can get it and gossip, so now we have "made our own beds"

"If I am wrong and you are in shape, have game, speak the language of the target country where you are looking for non-pros and are only seeking women in your league and have no problem pulling the same type of woman in your home country then you will meet non pros all over the place, just like in your home country." 100percent true. ESPECIALLY in MEDELLIN, where the girls look better and even dress better than their gringa counterparts. If you don't hook up regularly at home what make you think a hot NON pro is going to sleep with you?

"No foreigner these days has any business being in any neighborhood estrato 1-2-3 and perhaps even 4 if it is your first time down and you stick out like a sore thumb"

Differ a little here, One of my first times in Medellin in 05' I went to Castilla and Copacabana all by myself on the metro and bus to see this hot novia I met on C. C. Just made it out alive LOL. Trust me you need to dress down and speak perfect Spanish like I do or you definitely draw unwanted attention. If you are a newbie stick to the SOUTH.

"It used to be trendy here to be seen with a foreigner." That shit is long gone and went out with the bath water years ago! Thank god I still have my Non Pro lady friends their because if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have met any NEW Non Pro Lady friends. All of them frown upon going out with me or meeting any of my OTHER new gringo friends for fear of being seen by other amigas and automatically being labeled as a PREPAGO it that bad. As Aussie Greg says "Any girl with a gringo is labeled a Prepago"Big ups and respect to Lucky Eddie and HeatLover, spot on analysis; I'd like to add my two cents.

BBBJ = "Propina Buena Para mi?" is the norm now, like Heat said; times have changed but it's still possible to get a rocking BBBJ if you fellas use your heads (the big one up north). Be clean, trim the hedge, and be nice! If you're junk looks like a lost ruins covered by jungle over growth no girl foreign or domestic, pro or civilian is going to want to put that gross thing in her mouth. Have you ever been at a baseball game or fair and said "Hey that food on that cart looks like shit and smells even worse. I'll take two!" Well same idea applies, just because you're paying this chick doesn't mean she has to like it (BBBJ) at first but you can help her get there. Also go visit the same girl 2 o 3 times, build a report with a girl, BE NICE to her not stupid;"Play the Game. Don't get played"

ANAL=? What? Where? Lack of words for the original poster who said that Anal was common place, this is just not true in Colombia. In Argentina "Servicio Completo" was an extra $15 all over Colombia I've had girls get all WIDE-EYED with shock-and-fear when I've even mentioned it. I've had the opportunity to slip in a finer but thats about it and a few times it was like a record scratching; action stopped cold and I was yelled at for doing what I did. Jajajaj Stink Finger!

NON-PROS= Do your homework, Online dating profile, facebook holla, learn the language, be cool, DON'T be cheap! Can't' stress the cheap thing enough. If you're in shape, age appropriate, and a cool guy you should have no problem meeting girls. Like HeatLover said "If you're not getting laid in your home country what makes you think you're getting laid in a foreign country when your language skills are equal to that of a 5yr old?

Like Lucky Eddie said. If you're 50+, bald, and have a gut do you think a 20ish year old SUPER Fox is going to like you for your personality? How is she going to know who you are if she only understands 20% of what you're saying?

EXCHANGE RATE= If you're in town long enough to build a report with a local girl or go down enough to have freinds then yes you will score a non-pro who is WAY out of your league back home. I call it the exchange rate; if you pull 6's back home then you can pull 8's no problem. IF! If you have to time to put in, non-pros are the same all over, girls need and want attention more than gifts. Honest truth. If you can speak the language. You have to be able to speak decent spanish to have friends or a girlfriend in another country. If you're cool and funny. Cool and Funny will get you further than Handsome and cheap.

It's true, if a girl is seen with a gringo she is afraid that she'll be seen as a working girl / prepago. My novia always dragged a friend, cousin, ect for the first few times we hung out. It wasn't until she felt comfortable with me that she told me what was up. My other friends have also told me this. All the girls who I meet now are friends of my girls or friends of friends so I can't move on them because if she finds out!

To amend what Aussie Greg said about a girl being with a gringo. More specifically if a girl is seen with a gringo who is Fat-Bald-Old-Cheap and lame then they are seen as a prepago; just like in the sates if a HOT chick is seen with the same old dude in say Miami she is seen as a gold digger. 2+2=4.

I might get flammed for the "Old-Fat-Bald-Cheap-Gringo" comments but it's true. Might sound like I'm talking about you but hey. It is what it is. Also I don't see too many young gringos living in Colombia, I see a bunch of OLD Haters. Especially in Medellin! You know who your are! Sitting up in Parque Lleres at the Juan Valdez talking shit about all the other Gringo haters trying to cock block! Waiting for your gov. Check so you can get some cheap pussy and say she's your girlfriend. Like crabs in a barrel. You can see this attitude on this message board too. It's sad. I wish it wasn't like this but it is.

For these guys it's impossible to be cool and they're the biggest part of the problem with "Killing the Scene" as they're livign down there. I'm not talking about ALL the Ex-Pats. If you get mad at this line of thought then I am talking to you. If you're ok with what I wrote then chances are you a cool guy.

Be cool be easy you'll enjoy life way more!

* The facebook holla is a MUCH-MUCH harder hustle then you think and from what people claim. I've read a few members say "Oh I reach out to some random girl on FB, chat her up via PM or I'm, friend her and post a few cute things on her page, and then BOOM! I'm fucking her. 15 seconds later.

I call BULLSHIT! You lying and we all know it. You probably some old dude with no clue how the "Politics" of FB really work.

When you send a friend request to a girl who you do not know you look like a creep. Ask any girl you know. To do it right you have to have had at lest ONE positive / fun interaction with the girl in question which brings me back to my main philosophy when it come to girls; ANY GIRL! BE COOL, NICE, FUNNY, doesn't hurt to be in good shape (try to lose the gut or hide it well) or handsome either.

ESTRADA 1-4. If you're in the states and see black / brown folks and get nervous then you should not be in the hood in antoher country. Do what you feel. If you feel unsafe get the FUCK out! It's just that simple. Not Calculus

Member #4394
08-08-11, 23:46
After jogging, breakfast, and shower, took the metro and arrived at P. Berrio station around 1pm. Took a walk for 5 mnts to Sexi Fantasias 1. About 8 girls. All doable, but no stunner for me. I am sure some guys would like some of these girls. Next, Sexi Fantasias 2. Appro. 8 girls. Most girls were doable. Rina (or Rena) with a big ass looked good, so she was placed on my 'do-today' list. I told the guy that I was leaving and would come back today or tomorrow. Still, he was smiling and very nice to me- very different from the guy at New Life. Took a walk for 5mnts to Paris Club. About 6 girls. 2-3 doable. Weak line-up. Next, Nana. It was closed. Walked 3mnts to Casa de Fantasias (not to be confused w / Sexi de fantasias). Appr. 6 girls. 2-3 doable. I liked a 18 why / o skinny girl w / baby face. But since S. Fantasia 2 had kindly given me chica presentation yesterday and today, I thought that I should punish Rina's big ass at SF2 today and meet this 18y / o tomorrow.

Walked 5mnts to SF2 and ask the nice manager for Rina. He told me that she would be ready in 5 mnts. I was not nice enough to wait, and left. I did not want to be w / a chica who just had been w / another guy, so sue me please. Walk back to C. Fantasia and saw the 18y / o almost finishing her carne lunch at the manager's desk. Went to the room w / her. In the bed, she was totally passive and unmatured for sex. But she was friendly and nice, and gave me deep kisses, and told me that she wanted to go out with me after the casa is closed. A little GFE. Plus, I really liked her thin and a little tall body.

For a long time, I had thought that the casas to the east of Ave. Oriental were better than those to the west. But this summer, my assessment was inversed, though such a dichotomy tends to be a over-generalization. Zandaly, SF1 and SF2 are pretty solid. Thanks.

08-08-11, 23:58
Differ a little here, One of my first times in Medellin in 05' I went to Castilla and Copacabana all by myself on the metro and bus to see this hot novia I met on C. C. Just made it out alive LOL. Trust me you need to dress down and speak perfect Spanish like I do or you definitely draw unwanted attention. If you are a newbie stick to the SOUTH.So many things being posted I would love to address but this is the most important. I am the last guy to fear monger Medellin and I am of the "more gringos the merrier" (I'll explain that later)

But I a have to take a little issue with señor Heat here.

In 2005 everything was pretty OK in the barrios populares, estrato 1-2-3. Things economically were up as well as safety. I lived 6 months in Comuna 6. Now people I know there won't even allow me to visit and they are not even visiting their family members over in Comuna 3, forget about 13.

In the Summer of 2008 Don Berna was extradited to the US and the organized crime balance since then is still totally disrupted due to a super struggle for power between Valenciano and Sebastian. There is tremendous gang violence and you just cannot go where you used to. It is the wild west today comuna 13 is currently under martial law with Army sharp shooter on roof tops

Right now in Comunas 5-6-7 there is a strike by bus driver who are tired of getting killed and extorted. People who live there are struggling to get to work. This also happenend last year.

HOWEVER the main areas where most of us hang out are perfectly fine, not to worry.

Please don't go anywhere off the beaten path without a local you TOTALLY trust. And even then be wary as some only know thier innermost neighborhood surroundings and that's it.

Believe me you are not missing anything by not making it to Castilla, Doce de Octubre, San Javier, or Manrique Oriental this trip.

08-09-11, 01:27
Big ups and respect to Lucky Eddie and HeatLover, spot on analysis; I'd like to add my two cents.

BBBJ = "Propina Buena Para mi?" is the norm now, like Heat said; times have changed but it's still possible to get a rocking BBBJ if you fellas use your heads (the big one up north). Be clean, trim the hedge, and be nice! If you're junk looks like a lost ruins covered by jungle over growth no girl foreign or domestic, pro or civilian is going to want to put that gross thing in her mouth. Have you ever been at a baseball game or fair and said "Hey that food on that cart looks like shit and smells even worse. I'll take two!" Well same idea applies, just because you're paying this chick doesn't mean she has to like it (BBBJ) at first but you can help her get there. Also go visit the same girl 2 o 3 times, build a report with a girl, BE NICE to her not stupid;"Play the Game. Don't get played"

ANAL=? What? Where? Lack of words for the original poster who said that Anal was common place, this is just not true in Colombia. In Argentina "Servicio Completo" was an extra $15 all over Colombia I've had girls get all WIDE-EYED with shock-and-fear when I've even mentioned it. I've had the opportunity to slip in a finer but thats about it and a few times it was like a record scratching; action stopped cold and I was yelled at for doing what I did. Jajajaj Stink Finger!

NON-PROS= Do your homework, Online dating profile, facebook holla, learn the language, be cool, DON'T be cheap! Can't' stress the cheap thing enough. If you're in shape, age appropriate, and a cool guy you should have no problem meeting girls. Like HeatLover said "If you're not getting laid in your home country what makes you think you're getting laid in a foreign country when your language skills are equal to that of a 5yr old?

Like Lucky Eddie said. If you're 50+, bald, and have a gut do you think a 20ish year old SUPER Fox is going to like you for your personality? How is she going to know who you are if she only understands 20% of what you're saying?

EXCHANGE RATE= If you're in town long enough to build a report with a local girl or go down enough to have freinds then yes you will score a non-pro who is WAY out of your league back home. I call it the exchange rate; if you pull 6's back home then you can pull 8's no problem. IF! If you have to time to put in, non-pros are the same all over, girls need and want attention more than gifts. Honest truth. If you can speak the language. You have to be able to speak decent spanish to have friends or a girlfriend in another country. If you're cool and funny. Cool and Funny will get you further than Handsome and cheap.

It's true, if a girl is seen with a gringo she is afraid that she'll be seen as a working girl / prepago. My novia always dragged a friend, cousin, ect for the first few times we hung out. It wasn't until she felt comfortable with me that she told me what was up. My other friends have also told me this. All the girls who I meet now are friends of my girls or friends of friends so I can't move on them because if she finds out!

To amend what Aussie Greg said about a girl being with a gringo. More specifically if a girl is seen with a gringo who is Fat-Bald-Old-Cheap and lame then they are seen as a prepago; just like in the sates if a HOT chick is seen with the same old dude in say Miami she is seen as a gold digger. 2+2=4.

I might get flammed for the "Old-Fat-Bald-Cheap-Gringo" comments but it's true. Might sound like I'm talking about you but hey. It is what it is. Also I don't see too many young gringos living in Colombia, I see a bunch of OLD Haters. Especially in Medellin! You know who your are! Sitting up in Parque Lleres at the Juan Valdez talking shit about all the other Gringo haters trying to cock block! Waiting for your gov. Check so you can get some cheap pussy and say she's your girlfriend. Like crabs in a barrel. You can see this attitude on this message board too. It's sad. I wish it wasn't like this but it is.

For these guys it's impossible to be cool and they're the biggest part of the problem with "Killing the Scene" as they're livign down there. I'm not talking about ALL the Ex-Pats. If you get mad at this line of thought then I am talking to you. If you're ok with what I wrote then chances are you a cool guy.

Be cool be easy you'll enjoy life way more!

* The facebook holla is a MUCH-MUCH harder hustle then you think and from what people claim. I've read a few members say "Oh I reach out to some random girl on FB, chat her up via PM or I'm, friend her and post a few cute things on her page, and then BOOM! I'm fucking her. 15 seconds later.

I call BULLSHIT! You lying and we all know it. You probably some old dude with no clue how the "Politics" of FB really work.

When you send a friend request to a girl who you do not know you look like a creep. Ask any girl you know. To do it right you have to have had at lest ONE positive / fun interaction with the girl in question which brings me back to my main philosophy when it come to girls; ANY GIRL! BE COOL, NICE, FUNNY, doesn't hurt to be in good shape (try to lose the gut or hide it well) or handsome either.

ESTRADA 1-4. If you're in the states and see black / brown folks and get nervous then you should not be in the hood in antoher country. Do what you feel. If you feel unsafe get the FUCK out! It's just that simple. Not CalculusThanks to MiamiHeatLuver, LuckyEddie, Slamcity7777 and WiltTheStilt For all your helpful l comments.

I like the straightforwardness style, I am not looking for dreams sellers here.

(I was wondering about this "standard anal". WOW! NO WAY?)

I'm in my late 30th, speak OK Spanish, I am no Bred Pitt but I am doing OK, even back home.

Unfortunately the selection back home is nothing compare to the Colombian one.

(I read this post from Poomstar also a Medellin 1st timer, scored 2 non pros in 5 days, not bad ha?)

Nevertheless I'll take your wise advises and I will back off "the non pro idea" as I am short on time and I would like to use it well.

Please don't fry me for writing that but I am not coming to Medellin to find love and affection nor to inflate my male ego. I am coming to find tight

Colombian beauties and f*ck as much as I can.

Big thanks to Matt Psyche, keep this updated info flowing dude.

08-09-11, 04:18
. Fluent no, serviceable and competent yes. You can struggle with a non-pro but if you're not a good looking and cool dude you're in trouble with out language skills. Pros; who cares? They only know "Money Now" and "Propina" .I dig your posts Slam, however, when you say language skills with pros,"who cares", I disagree and say undoubtedly the more you can click and connect and communicate (language skills) , even with the pros, the better the service and fun, YMMV and by lots.

08-09-11, 04:19
Hey, Loutron is F-ed up and over priced but they are closed EVERY Sunday and not just for the Flower Festival. I'm pretty sure most every casa is closed on Sunday. Now taht I think on it I don't know of any place in Medellin that is open other than maybe Fase II or Luna Lunera. I know of Onerelax in Bogota that is open and I like it a lot because it is open on Sunadays! Sorry for your crap day, better luck next time.Strip clubs are open 7 days a week. Only New Life and a couple of other smaller casas are open on Sundays. Sunday is really a day to open up your Rolodex.

08-09-11, 05:06
So many things being posted I would love to address but this is the most important. I am the last guy to fear monger Medellin and I am of the "more gringos the merrier" (I'll explain that later)

But I a have to take a little issue with señor Heat here.

In 2005 everything was pretty OK in the barrios populares, estrato 1-2-3. Things economically were up as well as safety. I lived 6 months in Comuna 6. Now people I know there won't even allow me to visit and they are not even visiting their family members over in Comuna 3, forget about 13.

In the Summer of 2008 Don Berna was extradited to the US and the organized crime balance since then is still totally disrupted due to a super struggle for power between Valenciano and Sebastian. There is tremendous gang violence and you just cannot go where you used to. It is the wild west today comuna 13 is currently under martial law with Army sharp shooter on roof tops

Right now in Comunas 5-6-7 there is a strike by bus driver who are tired of getting killed and extorted. People who live there are struggling to get to work. This also happenend last year.

HOWEVER the main areas where most of us hang out are perfectly fine, not to worry.

Please don't go anywhere off the beaten path without a local you TOTALLY trust. And even then be wary as some only know thier innermost neighborhood surroundings and that's it.

Believe me you are not missing anything by not making it to Castilla, Doce de Octubre, San Javier, or Manrique Oriental this trip.L. E. I'm not saying to get off an Acevedo Metrocable stop and walk around and admire the shanty towns. Of course not. No sane person would. Limoncito, La Nieves in the east Palermo, Robledo in the west. La sierra, all of these towns have no visual commercial value at all but I was willing to take the risk for this nice piece of ass and made it back in one piece. Even my girl told me to hold her hand and walk fast when we would walk around in Castilla. I have to admit I was somewhat naive back then and looking back in hindsight I would have definitely been more careful or probably would have not even gone at all. Again hindsight is 20/20. No risk no reward that one time and the reward was an ass that was off the hook! LOL AGAIN GRINGO NEWBIES STAY IN THE SOUTH!

Member #4394
08-09-11, 05:53
Ended up jerking off at least I enjoyed it better than going to La Mayorista.When you were having a jerk off more enjoyable than La Mayorista, I was banging a chica in Mayorista. First I saw Natalia, who frequently looked at me, on the street, but I was hesitant to pick her up. Eventualy I met a decent / good looking blonde called "Porn Star" and took her to my hotel. She appeared to put on weight a little, but still looked cute to me. 40k peso / 40minutes, chupa sin condon and sexo con condon. She likes it when I slap her face with my d**k and slap her ass with my hands. When I slap her ass, she screams "puta!". A little funny. Tonight I will try to have a jerk off which is better than the experince w / Porn Star at La Mayorista last night. Thanks.

Member #4244
08-09-11, 05:58
I dig your posts Slam, however, when you say language skills with pros,"who cares", I disagree and say undoubtedly the more you can click and connect and communicate (language skills) , even with the pros, the better the service and fun, YMMV and by lots.Most definitely, what the guy is saying may be accurate in some places but throughout latin america I think your language skills help immensely. Even in a jaded, tourist-overrun places like Tijuana or San Jose language skills serve you a bit, in Medellin, they serve you very much, even with pros.

As for safety, I have a general rule of thumb. If I am in a place and I stick out, I wonder,"is there a valid reason for me to be here?" if not, it's time to keep it moving. Bad neighborhoods-whether Northern Medellin or North Philly-are places with many eyes and a quick pace. If you move through them with haste, you'll be fine, if not, people see you and will catch you slipping. If the only plausible explanation of your being there is being either a cop or a cheesy level criminal (purchasing sex, drugs, etc) , you're an easy mark, especially once it becomes obvious you're not a cop (and that is VERY obvious for a gringo in Colombia).

I have lived in some rough places and learned when to keep it moving, which is about the best lesson you can learn.

Member #4244
08-09-11, 06:03
Thanks to MiamiHeatLuver, LuckyEddie, Slamcity7777 and WiltTheStilt For all your helpful l comments.

I like the straightforwardness style, I am not looking for dreams sellers here.

(I was wondering about this "standard anal". WOW! NO WAY?)

I'm in my late 30th, speak OK Spanish, I am no Bred Pitt but I am doing OK, even back home.

Unfortunately the selection back home is nothing compare to the Colombian one.

(I read this post from Poomstar also a Medellin 1st timer, scored 2 non pros in 5 days, not bad ha?)

Nevertheless I'll take your wise advises and I will back off "the non pro idea" as I am short on time and I would like to use it well.

Please don't fry me for writing that but I am not coming to Medellin to find love and affection nor to inflate my male ego. I am coming to find tight

Colombian beauties and f*ck as much as I can.

Big thanks to Matt Psyche, keep this updated info flowing dude.I mostly agreed with that rant, er, report the only thing I will say is that anal is not *that* difficult to come by.

You have to knock on a lot of (back) doors sometimes but I'd say I had success about a third of the time asking if a girl had tried it in the ass and if she would be willing. In a couple cases, it wound up being part of the service, in other cases, I had to tip as much as 100K COP (at that time about $40 USD) , which is not a bad value if you take full advantage.

I got to a point where I had a girlfriend (non pro) and two regular pros, all took it in the azz, and all sin preservativo.

I would say anal is much more common in Colombia than Costa Rica and as or more common as anywhere in Central America. I do not have much experience elsewhere in South America.

Mr Gogo
08-09-11, 07:16
Most definitely, what the guy is saying may be accurate in some places but throughout latin america I think your language skills help immensely. Even in a jaded, tourist-overrun places like Tijuana or San Jose language skills serve you a bit, in Medellin, they serve you very much, even with pros.

As for safety, I have a general rule of thumb. If I am in a place and I stick out, I wonder,"is there a valid reason for me to be here?" if not, it's time to keep it moving. Bad neighborhoods-whether Northern Medellin or North Philly-are places with many eyes and a quick pace. If you move through them with haste, you'll be fine, if not, people see you and will catch you slipping. If the only plausible explanation of your being there is being either a cop or a cheesy level criminal (purchasing sex, drugs, etc) , you're an easy mark, especially once it becomes obvious you're not a cop (and that is VERY obvious for a gringo in Colombia).

I have lived in some rough places and learned when to keep it moving, which is about the best lesson you can learn.Respectfully speaking Sir, but if your going looking for validation you have already given up. You should want to blend in to be normal, maybe even to be humble. Slamcity7777 had a great post and he touched on the natural vibe (feeling comfortable) that others pick up on. Adjust your dress to local standards, keep your mouth shut and eyes open, and always show respect without fear. Everyone wants to figure you out to get an advantage, its up to you to learn, but keep them curious about who you really are. I've been to Tijuana and CR and they are entry level mongering if you ask me. Medellin is a different animal.

08-09-11, 14:08
I agree with at least two things Mr. Gogo says, don't give off a fear vibe (unless they've got a gun or knife on you. That's a special situation) , and keep 'them guessing about who you are, particularly in an area where you are a stranger. I don't think you have to keep them guessing in Poblado, but say you are walking around in Zamora, you should keep 'them guessing. But I agree strongly with the Stilt when he says, in effect, do not tarry. My theory, and one day I may be proven wrong, in which case you will miss my posts, is that you can go most places off the beaten path once or twice, walking with purpose. The first time, or second, the bad guys see you, they are going to try to figure you out. Then, once they feel comfortable knowing you are just a dipshit gringo in a very wrong place, then you are in for unwelcome adventure. And my advice for everyone, including me, is when they get the drop on you, just acknowledge it, give it up and hope so see another day. But having said all that, I just can't bring myself to stay completely on the beaten path. Adventure by nature, even if it's not very smart.

08-09-11, 15:49
I went to this massage place forgot the name the one in Monterray centro comercio in Poblado Las vegas avenue. I had a one hour massage by an early thirties lady and boy! Can she give a good massage! The massage was great, she really knows how to give a good one. The best part was the happy ending that came automatically without me asking for it. She let me finger fuck her pussy while she was masturbating me wow! She even gave me besos en la boca. That made up for my frustration not finding loutron the other day. Damage was $50 plus tips.

Mr Gogo
08-09-11, 16:12
i agree with at least two things mr. gogo says, don't give off a fear vibe (unless they've got a gun or knife on you. that's a special situation) , and keep 'them guessing about who you are, particularly in an area where you are a stranger. i don't think you have to keep them guessing in poblado, but say you are walking around in zamora, you should keep 'them guessing. but i agree strongly with the stilt when he says, in effect, do not tarry. my theory, and one day i may be proven wrong, in which case you will miss my posts, is that you can go most places off the beaten path once or twice, walking with purpose. the first time, or second, the bad guys see you, they are going to try to figure you out. then, once they feel comfortable knowing you are just a dipshit gringo in a very wrong place, then you are in for unwelcome adventure. and my advice for everyone, including me, is when they get the drop on you, just acknowledge it, give it up and hope so see another day. but having said all that, i just can't bring myself to stay completely on the beaten path. adventure by nature, even if it's not very smart.exactamente amigo. when in colombia i never have anything that can't be replaced easily. most of the time i don't even carry my passport just a photocopy. wilt is also correct in saying that most people have already developed a negative opinion on why were there (cops, or buying drugs). most of the gringos i know that live there troll for cheap pussy and coke, not all though. one time i was in la mayorista having a drink with my boy, when this popular gringo living there came over with a little hottie and offered to buy us a beer. hes basically trying to pimp this trick to us and telling us how she has been sucking his dick all day because he bought a little coke. why would i want to fuck this chic after you telling me this? well my boy bit and the chic was cute. i wasnt feeling this situatuation but my boy wanted this girl. anyway the girl leaves to go get some clothes being she was going to stay the night with my boy. then the gringo leaves, so i tell my boy fuck this girl lets leave now. we hop a cab and two minutes later we get stopped by the police. i don't have my passport so i'm talking fast praising the city and saying we were just going home. after the police left i couldn't help but think if that gringo called the cops (two black guys in a taxi) and maybe the girl was supposed to plant some coke on us. my motto is don't trust anyone in medellin and be invisible if possible.

John Gault
08-09-11, 16:29
I will not disagree with the fellows stating (stay away from walking in the getto areas }.

I see no sense in sight seeing in areas that are poor, and run down.

Now if you are talking about strip clubs and casas in shady areas then I have found that my best times were in clubs that people said stay away from. Sure I'll take a cab to, and from, but it always seems to me these places are the best in terms of value, and hunting for new prey. Many the time I was the only Gringo in the Joint, and the locals bought me drinks and invited me to their table. Of course I bought when My turn came up.

Another thing I think can't be ignored is the way you carry yourself. It is hard to discribe, but if you are confident in your actions it seems the bad guys look elsewhere. Now you have to follow the rule of not wearing gold or flashing money, but that is Mongering 101, and goes without saying.

So to sum it up. You Newbees stay on the beaten path, and you will have a good and safe time. For me the beaten path is beat.

08-09-11, 17:52
Hi everybody,

I know Brazil but not Colombia.

When I read many reports on Cali or MDE topic, I have the impression it's relatively easy to have relation with non pros, or I'm wrong?

Seems to be more easy than Rio.

In Rio, I have try at Lapa, beach, restaurant, and no sign of girls about "yes you can offer me a drink, or come to talk to me."

08-09-11, 19:34
Hi everybody,

I know Brazil but not Colombia.

When I read many reports on Cali or MDE topic, I have the impression it's relatively easy to have relation with non pros, or I'm wrong?

Seems to be more easy than Rio.

In Rio, I have try at Lapa, beach, restaurant, and no sign of girls about "yes you can offer me a drink, or come to talk to me."In Colombia especially in Medellin you can pick up non pros just by spekaing english or carrying a blue passport. What are you waiting for? Get down here as soon as possible before some other loser gets the pussy!

08-10-11, 06:10
No offense but this is just super risky for you. You are going to commit a whole week with one girl you don't even know if you click with? A huge risk to be taking, no?

Yeah you could give her half before you even show up and she could split. Also what if you split on her?

Howabout: Divide by 7 and tell her you will pay her every day. Either way if this chick is a dud and you are on San Andres or Santa Marta what are you going to do? Unless your vacation is in Cartagena where you can ditch her and have other options.

I did this years ago and asked 4 girls if they would be game for vacation but I couldn't be certain if it was going to happen. When I got down I saw each of the four in the first two days and picked the winner. We packed our bags and bought tickets to San Andres right at the airport. I paid her every day. 5 days.

En pocas palabras I would not submit to a week vacation with a stranger. JMHO. Good luck and let us know how it goes.Here you go Lucky Eddie, I just met her tonight, no sex or anything, just beso on cheek, and she looks like a very fine young lady. She is studying to be an actress. In looks, she is a knock out gorgeous, when I saw her, I just melted. I gave her half the money as down payment, and the other half when we get back. I will keep you guys posted. I will be traveling next week with her.

08-10-11, 08:47
Well she's quite the student! You have an agreement that there will be fucking, right? So in her premiere performance, she convinced you to part with 50% of your leverage as.

She might be "a very fine young lady"? She is fucking you for money. Where does that square with the aforementioned VF young lady?

Buddy, it's your cash, so spend it where you want but I see this next week as a never ending series of upcharge opportunities whenever this VFYL.

Sees fit. Do yourself a favor, keep a tab and deduct the upcharges from the other 50.

Here you go Lucky Eddie, I just met her tonight, no sex or anything, just beso on cheek, and she looks like a very fine young lady. She is studying to be an actress. In looks, she is a knock out gorgeous, when I saw her, I just melted. I gave her half the money as down payment, and the other half when we get back. I will keep you guys posted. I will be traveling next week with her.

08-10-11, 13:05
Here you go Lucky Eddie, I just met her tonight, no sex or anything, just beso on cheek, and she looks like a very fine young lady. She is studying to be an actress. In looks, she is a knock out gorgeous, when I saw her, I just melted. I gave her half the money as down payment, and the other half when we get back. I will keep you guys posted. I will be traveling next week with her.I just hope you get laid like gangbusters, best sex in your life. Sounds like you are infatuated and getting ready to surpass the limits of Western Union just to keep her from the next guy. We would all like some pictures.

Good luck

John Gault
08-10-11, 13:25
In Colombia especially in Medellin you can pick up non pros just by spekaing english or carrying a blue passport. What are you waiting for? Get down here as soon as possible before some other loser gets the pussy!Here all this time I have been shelling out money for nothing. I think in my closet I have a shirt that has a big American flag on it. It is a little too big for me now, but maybe if I look fatter than I really am it would help also. Come to think of it I'll also wear my shorts, and sandels. Do you think white socks is going a little to far?

Now at night in the better discos maybe the shirt will not be seen as it is dark in these places. I guess that is where the speaking English comes in. Of course I will have to almost shout as the music is very loud.

Thank you LE, enough of this trying to blend in. No wonder I have little luck with non pro's. I'm sure that will change on my next trip when I put your sage advice into play.

08-10-11, 15:33
or carrying a blue passport. What are you waiting for? Get down here as soon as possible before some other loser gets the pussy!I'm french, so my passeport is not blue.

Thanks for the advice Eddie and sure I go to MDE asap.

08-10-11, 16:03
Here all this time I have been shelling out money for nothing. I think in my closet I have a shirt that has a big American flag on it. It is a little too big for me now, but maybe if I look fatter than I really am it would help also. Come to think of it I'll also wear my shorts, and sandels. Do you think white socks is going a little to far?

Now at night in the better discos maybe the shirt will not be seen as it is dark in these places. I guess that is where the speaking English comes in. Of course I will have to almost shout as the music is very loud.

Thank you LE, enough of this trying to blend in. No wonder I have little luck with non pro's. I'm sure that will change on my next trip when I put your sage advice into play.When I go, I will be carrying a spanish to english dictionary and a calculator at all times so they definately know I'm american. I will be getting free Non pro pussy thrown at me. Never mind the fact my spanish "esta buenisimo why tengo cara de puro paisa". I should also carry a bag of Mcdonalds with me. I will be doing a panty raid at all local colleges when I show up.

Member #4394
08-10-11, 17:19
I believe that LE is just playing and sarcastic about some obnoxious, loud gringos, who believe that they look like Brad Pitt in Colombianas' eyes. Many European guys are doing great here unless you are extremely fat and/or act arrogant. No offense to others, but in general Europeans ( i am not) are more popular than North Americans here. Good luck.

I'm french, so my passeport is not blue.

Thanks for the advice Eddie and sure I go to MDE asap.

08-10-11, 17:22
Would Hotel Casa Blanca in Medellin be a good hotel for a first timer who speaks alittle to limited Spanish?

Member #4394
08-10-11, 17:51
So funny JG! About ten years ago I saw a loud American guy wrapping himself in an American flag at the Imperial (Emperor's) palace in Tokyo. He acted like he was the coolest looking there.

Here all this time I have been shelling out money for nothing. I think in my closet I have a shirt that has a big American flag on it. It is a little too big for me now, but maybe if I look fatter than I really am it would help also. Come to think of it I'll also wear my shorts, and sandels. Do you think white socks is going a little to far?

Now at night in the better discos maybe the shirt will not be seen as it is dark in these places. I guess that is where the speaking English comes in. Of course I will have to almost shout as the music is very loud.

Thank you LE, enough of this trying to blend in. No wonder I have little luck with non pro's. I'm sure that will change on my next trip when I put your sage advice into play.

08-10-11, 18:28
I believe that LE is just playing and sarcastic about some obnoxious, loud gringos, who believe that they look like Brad Pitt in Colombianas' eyes. Many European guys are doing great here unless you are extremely fat and/or act arrogant. No offense to others, but in general Europeans ( i am not) are more popular than North Americans here. Good luck.

Or chinos (on the defensive) , LOL.

Matt didn't you write somewhere then deleted that you tried rapping to some gringos at mayorista trying to start a conversation and they ignored you? People either like you and want to meet you or they don't. Just me personally? I don't go to Colombia to meet gringos. Some people like the chitchat bullshitting camaraderie. I am not one of those people. Just stick and move. The less people know about your business the better. Too many blabbermouths stepping on your feet and you can't trust anybody with anything these days!

I'm one of those guys who doesn't like to chill with gingos but rather have all Colombian friends in Colombia (Hey when in Rome) I don't think Colombians distinguish one gringo from another, they are all gringos or chinos to them (anything Asian is "CHINO" plain and simple). I'm North American have a good disposition and carry myself with decency and respect. Do you think when they see drunk, obnoxious, Brits, Dutch or Aussies (Yankees as well) roaming around Parque Lleras they can distinguish what country they are from or whom they consider more popular? We are all gringos in their eyes setting good examples OR not. P. S. I am NOT Caucasian.

Member #4394
08-10-11, 18:44
Hey, I am not chino anymore. I am Ching Chong Chang now. You should appreciate people not calling gringos "blah blah blah".
I am not crazy 'about dealing with locals either in Centro strip clubs or in Mayorista. They give me the same old questions at best or at worst totally bull s*t. Young, college graduates are nice though. As for the caucasians in mayorista, the issue of caucasian gringos by non-caucasians, but not the issue of non-caucasions by caucasians, is de facto prohibited on this board. Thanks.

Or chinos (on the defensive) , LOL. Matt didn't you write somewhere then deleted that you tried rapping to some gringos at mayorista trying to start a conversation and they ignored you? People either like you and want to meet you or they don't. I'm one of those guys who doesn't like to chill with gingos but rather have all Colombian friends in Colombia (Hey when in Rome) I don't think Colombians distinguish one gringo from another, they are all gringos to them. I'm North American have a good disposition and carry myself with decency and respect. Do you think when they see drunk, obnoxious, Brits, Dutch or Aussies (Yankees as well) roaming around Parque Lleras they can distinguish what country they are from or whom they consider more popular? We are all gringos in their eyes setting good examples OR not. P. S. I am NOT Caucasian.

08-10-11, 19:04
Well she's quite the student! You have an agreement that there will be fucking, right? So in her premiere performance, she convinced you to part with 50% of your leverage as.

She might be "a very fine young lady"? She is fucking you for money. Where does that square with the aforementioned VF young lady?

Buddy, it's your cash, so spend it where you want but I see this next week as a never ending series of upcharge opportunities whenever this VFYL.

Sees fit. Do yourself a favor, keep a tab and deduct the upcharges from the other 50.Yes sex included. I know what do you mean exactly, that's what I am afraid of. But I will take your advice by keeping tab on everything. I know she only drinks expensive whiskey that was on the first date. She drank more than half the bottle which is good for me, this way she loosens up a bit and make things easier for me. But other than that, she did not ask me to buy her anything.

Legal Tender
08-10-11, 20:12
Would Hotel Casa Blanca in Medellin be a good hotel for a first timer who speaks alittle to limited Spanish?The Casa Blanca UNO is a great choice. For the first timer, especially with limited Spanish, it's the best choice.

08-10-11, 23:52

What are the areas in Medellin called? Barrios, neighborhoods, suburbs, I refer to Medellin, is located in the? Of "Antioquia, I'm trying to design some day trips and got the distance map for some cities by or near MDE, such as Manizales 137KM, Quibdo 140KM, Perto Berrio 126KM, and Bello and Envigado both at around 6 to 9 KM, now when I searched these they all had " Antioquia after the city, so is this what the general area is called/

A big thanks for anyone that can answer these, also how accurate is my distance calculator with the distance between these cities and Medellin,

Thanks again


08-10-11, 23:59
Guys I'm pretty anxious about my upcoming trip to Medellin, I heard the girls are just just attacking guys when they hear the english or see my blue passport. Suggestions anyone?

Also is it safe to wear my pimp gettup when I go to visit these dangerous barrios?

Lastly, I don't speak spanish, why is it these ColUmbians don't learn english? Are they lazy?

Sorry, one more thing, what should I pack in my suitcase?

Wow, this place sure has changed.

Sorry about the sarcasm amigos, only la mejor energia.

Member #4244
08-11-11, 00:25

What are the areas in Medellin called? Barrios, neighborhoods, suburbs, I refer to Medellin, is located in the? Of "Antioquia, I'm trying to design some day trips and got the distance map for some cities by or near MDE, such as Manizales 137KM, Quibdo 140KM, Perto Berrio 126KM, and Bello and Envigado both at around 6 to 9 KM, now when I searched these they all had " Antioquia after the city, so is this what the general area is called/

A big thanks for anyone that can answer these, also how accurate is my distance calculator with the distance between these cities and Medellin,

Thanks again

NowrathAntioquia is the department, which is like a state or province. The way you are looking at it would be like saying "I'm going to miami and I want to see some other areas, why is it that fort lauderdale is nearby but gainesville is far away?"

Feel out what you want to do in mde and go there is my best advice. There are many neighborhoods within it and many nearby cities that are basically part of it (envigado, bello, etc).

Member #4244
08-11-11, 00:33
Respectfully speaking Sir, but if your going looking for validation you have already given up. You should want to blend in to be normal, maybe even to be humble. Slamcity7777 had a great post and he touched on the natural vibe (feeling comfortable) that others pick up on. Adjust your dress to local standards, keep your mouth shut and eyes open, and always show respect without fear. Everyone wants to figure you out to get an advantage, its up to you to learn, but keep them curious about who you really are. I've been to Tijuana and CR and they are entry level mongering if you ask me. Medellin is a different animal.That did not sound especially "respectful" but OK. I lived in MDE for a year. There is no way that I do not stick out. I am of Spanish descent and do not dress ostentatiously however I do speak spanish with an accent and OH, I'm six feet four inches tall with the build of a defensive tackle. How many paisas have you seen that size?

Further, my post was meant as a tip for everyone here, many of whom are first-timers or otherwise obvious foreigners. So I don't know what the fuck that was all about but thanks for contributing nothing to the discussion.

Mr Gogo
08-11-11, 00:51
That did not sound especially "respectful" but OK. I lived in MDE for a year. There is no way that I do not stick out. I am of Spanish descent and do not dress ostentatiously however I do speak spanish with an accent and OH, I'm six feet four inches tall with the build of a defensive tackle. How many paisas have you seen that size?

Further, my post was meant as a tip for everyone here, many of whom are first-timers or otherwise obvious foreigners. So I don't know what the fuck that was all about but thanks for contributing nothing to the discussion.Sorry if I hurt your feelings, but if you had also read other posts, you would have seen that I praised some of your points. And by the way I was respectful enough to not curse another member in my post, but like you said'well okay'.

Sailor Jim
08-11-11, 00:56
When I go, I will be carrying a spanish to english dictionary and a calculator at all times so they definately know I'm american. I will be getting free Non pro pussy thrown at me. Never mind the fact my spanish "esta buenisimo why tengo cara de puro paisa". I should also carry a bag of Mcdonalds with me. I will be doing a panty raid at all local colleges when I show up.I agree, being a foreigner in Medellin is like carte blanche. I highly reccomend carrying a dictionary and asking for help with something in spanish. When women find out you are a gringo from europe or north america their panties immedialty drop and their ankles go behind their ears. Be a gentleman and pay their cab fare. Parque Lleras her ei come! That's it in a nushell.

I dress to be comfortable, I dress nice, there is no need to totally look like a local colombian if you are in the nice areas it really doesn't matter in fact it helps to look like you are not from there. It adds to the attention factor. Just no socks in sandals. Carrying a bag from Mickey D's just might warrant an instant 3some. OK that was a joke.

08-11-11, 01:03
Guys I'm pretty anxious about my upcoming trip to Medellin, I heard the girls are just just attacking guys when they hear the english or see my blue passport. Suggestions anyone?

Also is it safe to wear my pimp gettup when I go to visit these dangerous barrios?

Lastly, I don't speak spanish, why is it these ColUmbians don't learn english? Are they lazy?

Sorry, one more thing, what should I pack in my suitcase?

Wow, this place sure has changed.

Sorry about the sarcasm amigos, only la mejor energia.Ohhhhh, its getting good in here! Very Good! Je je LOL.

Member #4244
08-11-11, 01:20
for those wanting suggestions, i suggest you watch the second season of eastbound and down, check out kenny's adventures in mexico. drape yourself in an american flag and play lynard skynard and alabama records at 11 on a 10-level volume meter. wear a t-shirt that says big dick american, puta! at all times. if you're going somewhere even remotely formal, a very expensive suit and watch are musts. under that $2000 suit, be sure to wear a lakers jersey, perhaps a fur coat over it like ronald isley in an r kelly production.

if you're staying for any length of time, make overt efforts to usurp colombian culture. show them because you have been there for three weeks, you are now more colombian than colombian. be sure to ditch the taxists. instead, ride a cart pulled by a donkey everywhere you go. perhaps you should dress like a vallenato musician on hot days, even though you have no clue how to play an instrument.

with girls, be sure to remind them how far your tenth grade education has carried you, how advanced your intellect is and be sure to teach them the most important english phrase there is "cum bucket." let them know that here in the united states, we don't just have one variety of doritos, we have more than twenty flavors! in fact, you should go to costco, purchase a huge variety pack of 25-cent chips and pass them out to the locals. you will be a hero in the lower-strata neighborhoods not seen since el patron himself!

a bottle of $4 victoria's secret perfume sells for $2000, pay for your trip by lugging a ton of them with you. don't worry about the airline luggage fees, that's the cost of doing business!

in fact, if you douse a particularly tasty flavor of doritos with the perfume, colombian men will approach and invite you to fuck their ***** as though you were in a little b video. women will simply invite you to ravage their anuses with no protection, so you may have to decline the offer as you'll already be occupied.

and colombians on the street are incredibly welcoming to the obnoxious gringo, surely they will give you only the best, purest blow from the fields of santa marta even though you are simply a drunken cab passenger soon to be a forgotten face.

what else, hmmm, what should you pack? pack lots of hemorrhoid cream or maybe not, i hear a fiery anus is very chic in the interior these days. i would say that you should trim your bush for at least a year before you go, also maybe develop some warts on your dick. when you ask for a bbbj, she will want something con saborrrrrrrrrrrr, like lesions or sores at a minimum.

be sure to be very forward. when you first meet a girl, don't make her comfortable, immediately inquire about her attitude toward anal fisting and rep001 games. when you do get down to business, you need not get her wet, just slam it in her dry vagina, it's a paisa thing, trust us.

08-11-11, 01:44
Antioquia is the department, which is like a state or province. The way you are looking at it would be like saying "I'm going to miami and I want to see some other areas, why is it that fort lauderdale is nearby but gainesville is far away?"

Feel out what you want to do in mde and go there is my best advice. There are many neighborhoods within it and many nearby cities that are basically part of it (envigado, bello, etc).Thanks you answered my question, I've been to Cartagena twice and will try MDE next year already booked for a month, the Antioque was throwing me a bit, but your answer nailed it, I have a friend in Bello I am going to hook up with thanks for the info.


08-11-11, 04:11
Respectfully speaking Sir, but if your going looking for validation you have already given up. You should want to blend in to be normal, maybe even to be humble. Slamcity7777 had a great post and he touched on the natural vibe (feeling comfortable) that others pick up on. Adjust your dress to local standards, keep your mouth shut and eyes open, and always show respect without fear. Everyone wants to figure you out to get an advantage, its up to you to learn, but keep them curious about who you really are. I've been to Tijuana and CR and they are entry level mongering if you ask me. Medellin is a different animal.Good points, thanks.

Member #4244
08-11-11, 04:50
Thanks you answered my question, I've been to Cartagena twice and will try MDE next year already booked for a month, the Antioque was throwing me a bit, but your answer nailed it, I have a friend in Bello I am going to hook up with thanks for the info.

NowrathCool, when are you going? I will there late August-mid September.

Bello is predominantly strata 2 (it goes 1-6, 1 poorest. 6 wealthiest). I had a girlfriend from there, I'm sure I'll drop in and say what's up to her family.

08-11-11, 15:48
the only thing worse than an obnoxious gringo in latina america, is an obnoxious gringo who thinks he knows how to act and writes sarcastic, unintelligible nonsense on a monger site. i think you are singing to the choir here. most of the newbie dudes i have met in latin america have been pretty cool and respectful people.

for those wanting suggestions, i suggest you watch the second season of eastbound and down, check out kenny's adventures in mexico. drape yourself in an american flag and play lynard skynard and alabama records at 11 on a 10-level volume meter. wear a t-shirt that says big dick american, puta! at all times. if you're going somewhere even remotely formal, a very expensive suit and watch are musts. under that $2000 suit, be sure to wear a lakers jersey, perhaps a fur coat over it like ronald isley in an r kelly production.

if you're staying for any length of time, make overt efforts to usurp colombian culture. show them because you have been there for three weeks, you are now more colombian than colombian. be sure to ditch the taxists. instead, ride a cart pulled by a donkey everywhere you go. perhaps you should dress like a vallenato musician on hot days, even though you have no clue how to play an instrument.

with girls, be sure to remind them how far your tenth grade education has carried you, how advanced your intellect is and be sure to teach them the most important english phrase there is "cum bucket." let them know that here in the united states, we don't just have one variety of doritos, we have more than twenty flavors! in fact, you should go to costco, purchase a huge variety pack of 25-cent chips and pass them out to the locals. you will be a hero in the lower-strata neighborhoods not seen since el patron himself!

a bottle of $4 victoria's secret perfume sells for $2000, pay for your trip by lugging a ton of them with you. don't worry about the airline luggage fees, that's the cost of doing business!

in fact, if you douse a particularly tasty flavor of doritos with the perfume, colombian men will approach and invite you to fuck their * as though you were in a little b video. women will simply invite you to ravage their anuses with no protection, so you may have to decline the offer as you'll already be occupied.

and colombians on the street are incredibly welcoming to the obnoxious gringo, surely they will give you only the best, purest blow from the fields of santa marta even though you are simply a drunken cab passenger soon to be a forgotten face.

what else, hmmm, what should you pack? pack lots of hemorrhoid cream or maybe not, i hear a fiery anus is very chic in the interior these days. i would say that you should trim your bush for at least a year before you go, also maybe develop some warts on your dick. when you ask for a bbbj, she will want something con saborrrrrrrrrrrr, like lesions or sores at a minimum.

be sure to be very forward. when you first meet a girl, don't make her comfortable, immediately inquire about her attitude toward anal fisting and rep001 games. when you do get down to business, you need not get her wet, just slam it in her dry vagina, it's a paisa thing, trust us.

08-11-11, 17:20
Thanks to everyone for the helpful reports. I have a question I could not find on my own or maybe I'm not looking in the right places.

I have two friends that want to go to South or Central America for a guys' long weekend (4-5 nights). Could you gents please suggest which city you would go to for the freebie scene and other activities? I was considering Medellin or Cartegena, but also welcome ideas outside of Colombia. My friends are in their mid-thirties.


Member #4244
08-11-11, 19:14
The only thing worse than an obnoxious gringo in Latina America, is an obnoxious gringo who thinks he knows how to act and writes sarcastic, unintelligible nonsense on a monger site. I think you are singing to the choir here. Most of the newbie dudes I have met in Latin America have been pretty cool and respectful people.Ah, Esteban, please relax. I was just getting in on the fun below.

I think you will notice that I have been more than willing to answer questions here where I can. When I was living there I showed around many travelers I met randomly. I'm not an expert, just someone who enjoys a good time.


Member #4244
08-11-11, 19:16
Thanks to everyone for the helpful reports. I have a question I could not find on my own or maybe I'm not looking in the right places.

I have two friends that want to go to South or Central America for a guys' long weekend (4-5 nights). Could you gents please suggest which city you would go to for the freebie scene and other activities? I was considering Medellin or Cartegena, but also welcome ideas outside of Colombia. My friends are in their mid-thirties.

Thanks!Those are big tourist destinations, I think the freebie scene in Cali, Armenia or possibly Barranquilla would be better. Without knowing too many specifics, I would point you toward Cali. It's got the most to do of those three cities and it doesn't have the humidity of BAQ or the altitude of some of the mountainous countries.

Love Bite
08-11-11, 20:13
The InterContinental Medellin


Is anyone stayed at this hotel? Chica friendly or not. Thanks for any feed back?

08-11-11, 20:35
The InterContinental Medellin


Is anyone stayed at this hotel? Chica friendly or not. Thanks for any feed back?I stayed there. Didn't have a problem bringing a girl back to the hotel.

Member #4394
08-11-11, 23:21
Today, my casa trip mainly focused on the casas to the north of Ave. Oriental. Arrived Prado station around 12:30p. Just in a minute, stopped at Geisha. Only two girls available and one narrowly doable. How can you do this business like that? Walked 5mnts to Barcelona. Mamasan said 3k for chica presentation. I am not sure if the same rule applies to the locals. Walked 3mnts to Verde. 5 girls. All short and fat. One chica had very big boobs, but not bonita.

Next, Angeles de Fuego. Last year, when I came to this place, didn't pick a girl and left, the manager was upset. I saw the same manager. He said that 5 out of 7 chicas were with customers now. While I said that I would come back later, he maintained that the two available were bonita. So I saw the two girls. Mediocre.

In 3mnts, arrived at Relax / Camila. Appro 5 girls including Natalia, my favorite last year. She shakes her ass very good. But I wanted to try another girl today, so I left. A few chicas doable here. In a minute stopped at Sexi Sala (Not to be confused with masaje de sexi). About 6 girls. Few were doable.

Next, and last, Zandaly. Only 6 chicas today, including my favorites, Tatiana and Luna. All doable. I asked for Tatiana. She appeared to be happy with me. Again she put lotion on my d** k and ass and massaged them. When I had a (pretty good) sex with her she moaned, while she did not last time. Not sure it was real or philanthropy.

Overall the below show my subjective (but tried hard to be objective) ratings of centro casas. This summer, no casa has A+ while I would have given A+ to Masaje Sexi last year (around Christmas).

Sexi Fantasia 2 A-, Zandaly A, New Life A.

Sexi Fantasia 1 B+, Casa de Fantasia B-, Angeles de Fuego B-, Masajes Sexi B-

Paris club C-, Relax C, Atenea C-, Verde C, Sexi Sala C, Geisha C-

08-12-11, 00:22
Cool, when are you going? I will there late August-mid September.

Bello is predominantly strata 2 (it goes 1-6, 1 poorest. 6 wealthiest). I had a girlfriend from there, I'm sure I'll drop in and say what's up to her family.I'll be there last 2 weeks of May and first 2 of June 2012, also since it's my 50th, I'll be flying over to Buenos Aires, Argentina from MDE for the last week May, also plan to take the ferry from there over to Montevideo, Uruguay and spend one night there, if everything works according to plans I'll do 3 countries for my 50th, so 3 weeks in MDE. 1 week in BA and a night in Uruguay.


John Gault
08-12-11, 01:34
Thanks to everyone for the helpful reports. I have a question I could not find on my own or maybe I'm not looking in the right places.

I have two friends that want to go to South or Central America for a guys' long weekend (4-5 nights). Could you gents please suggest which city you would go to for the freebie scene and other activities? I was considering Medellin or Cartegena, but also welcome ideas outside of Colombia. My friends are in their mid-thirties.

Thanks!First off you don't give enough info. Do the guys speak Spanish? If not, and you want freebies than you are wasting time and money.

For you to say 3 guys staying 4 to 5 nights in Latin America with no Pro's, but doing no work at the dating sites is poor planning.

Forget Colombia. You will not get non pros unless you speak Spanish, and have more time than less than a week.

I'm not trying to break your balls, just letting you know how Colombia will not work for you guys unless you decide to break down, and buy a little pussy. You will love it as these girls are not the crack Putas of the USA. These for the most part are a real good time for a few bucks. To me a good time means lots of women in a party atmosphere. So if you don't want to take my advice than just go to Vegas, and get blue balls in the overpriced strip clubs there.

08-12-11, 01:53
The only thing worse than an obnoxious gringo in Latina America, is an obnoxious gringo who thinks he knows how to act and writes sarcastic, unintelligible nonsense on a monger site. I think you are singing to the choir here. Most of the newbie dudes I have met in Latin America have been pretty cool and respectful people.Lighten up Franciss, hahaha, a little light hearted humor is fun, breaks up the same questions over and over again, it's cool.

Most of the newbies I meet are respectful too, but we all pay our newbie dues.

Member #4244
08-12-11, 04:17
First off you don't give enough info. Do the guys speak Spanish? If not, and you want freebies than you are wasting time and money.

For you to say 3 guys staying 4 to 5 nights in Latin America with no Pro's, but doing no work at the dating sites is poor planning.

Forget Colombia. You will not get non pros unless you speak Spanish, and have more time than less than a week.

I'm not trying to break your balls, just letting you know how Colombia will not work for you guys unless you decide to break down, and buy a little pussy. You will love it as these girls are not the crack Putas of the USA. These for the most part are a real good time for a few bucks. To me a good time means lots of women in a party atmosphere. So if you don't want to take my advice than just go to Vegas, and get blue balls in the overpriced strip clubs there.Absolutely correct, of course, I had assumed they spoke Spanish for some reason

Dad Fun 555
08-12-11, 13:38
Forget Colombia. You will not get non pros unless you speak Spanish, and have more time than less than a week.Not too sure about that. Only the lowest of the lowest peasant class at the bottom of the totem pole will not speak English. Any middle-class Colombian with standard education will speak fluent English and will be international minded. Only if you're going for the uneducated peasant girls will Spanish become a necessity. A middle-class guy from abroad ought to be able to find middle-class Colombian lady of equivalent age and social status without a problem.

08-12-11, 14:24
Thanks to everyone for the helpful reports. I have a question I could not find on my own or maybe I'm not looking in the right places.

I have two friends that want to go to South or Central America for a guys' long weekend (4-5 nights). Could you gents please suggest which city you would go to for the freebie scene and other activities? I was considering Medellin or Cartegena, but also welcome ideas outside of Colombia. My friends are in their mid-thirties.

Thanks!The freebie scene? Colombia is not really a liberal one night stand type of place. There are no singles bars where drunk women are looking for random hook ups like Sex In The City. That is North America and Europe. You should probable take your vacation there.

If you are looking for P4P Colombia is great. For me on a sex vacation I would go to the Caribbean like Curacao, Saint Martin, Aruba. Have a really nice vaca with putas and beach and other good things. Other activities? Medellin has some malls or you could visit Pablo's grave or take in the Botero paintings. That wold kill a few hours. The Feria down here just ended but that always aoffer things to do. Try next year end of July beginning of August.

Seriously if you are not coming down for working girls I can think of 10 other better places to get what you are looking for. JMHO

08-12-11, 17:06
I apologize to you gentlemen. This report was mistakenly posted on the 'Colombian Peso exchange rate and related issues'.

Good day gents.


08-12-11, 18:07
Lighten up Franciss, hahaha, a little light hearted humor is fun, breaks up the same questions over and over again, it's cool.

Most of the newbies I meet are respectful too, but we all pay our newbie dues.You are right. My apologies to The Stilt. Its all good.

08-12-11, 20:48
Thanks to everyone for the helpful reports. I have a question I could not find on my own or maybe I'm not looking in the right places.

I have two friends that want to go to South or Central America for a guys' long weekend (4-5 nights). Could you gents please suggest which city you would go to for the freebie scene and other activities? I was considering Medellin or Cartegena, but also welcome ideas outside of Colombia. My friends are in their mid-thirties.

Thanks!As other's have pointed out. For the low class, uneducated and young chicas, you'll need some Spanish. For someone to speak English, you'll need to go after older chicas. 25+ that have gone to a university. You might try Parque Lleras. If they have money, that's where they would go. It's still hit or miss because you'll get a lot that don't speak spanish too. However, it's a lot easier if you make a connection on a dating site, looking for 25+ with an education.

Like any country. Either speak the language and go after everyone or go after the older, educated women.

08-12-11, 21:27
The freebie scene? Colombia is not really a liberal one night stand type of place. There are no singles bars where drunk women are looking for random hook ups like Sex In The City. That is North America and Europe. You should probable take your vacation there.

If you are looking for P4P Colombia is great. For me on a sex vacation I would go to the Caribbean like Curacao, Saint Martin, Aruba. Have a really nice vaca with putas and beach and other good things. Other activities? Medellin has some malls or you could visit Pablo's grave or take in the Botero paintings. That wold kill a few hours. The Feria down here just ended but that always aoffer things to do. Try next year end of July beginning of August.

Seriously if you are not coming down for working girls I can think of 10 other better places to get what you are looking for. JMHOYou can meet regular chicks too if you speak spanish. Around zona rosa. (applies to Bogota and Cartagena). Plenty of those girls would love a ticket out of there and a guy with money to spend.

08-12-11, 21:30
2 questions.

1) Has anyone here ever mapped out the places? In the quito forum, someone took images from google maps and wrote in the names of those places. It was super convenient. If one exists for Medellin, I'd love to see it.

2) I'm near the Santa Fe mall (high end malls adjacent to one another. Forgot the name of the other, starts with an O). Does anyone know the closest places to this area?


Member #4244
08-12-11, 21:54
The freebie scene? Colombia is not really a liberal one night stand type of place. There are no singles bars where drunk women are looking for random hook ups like Sex In The City. That is North America and Europe. You should probable take your vacation there.

If you are looking for P4P Colombia is great. For me on a sex vacation I would go to the Caribbean like Curacao, Saint Martin, Aruba. Have a really nice vaca with putas and beach and other good things. Other activities? Medellin has some malls or you could visit Pablo's grave or take in the Botero paintings. That wold kill a few hours. The Feria down here just ended but that always aoffer things to do. Try next year end of July beginning of August.

Seriously if you are not coming down for working girls I can think of 10 other better places to get what you are looking for. JMHOI have found it relatively easy to have one-nighters in Colombia, in MDE I feel like it's a lot of effort for nothing though, you will just wind up paying more, expending more energy and getting more of a mixed bag than you would with a pro. Medium-sized cities you can have more success, strangely a friend and I also had good luck in BAQ but that may have been just that, good luck.

Medellin has some stuff to do, it just depends on your age and interests. If you are young and want to have cheap fun, you can hang out in Parque Periodista and some of the neighboring areas (Bello for example). That doesn't sound like the kind of scene they'd be after though. You've got some nice little spas to take dates to near by, could kill a weekend there. El Penol and that kind of mountainous, naturey stuff. During holiday (Feria de las Flores, Semana Santa, etc) there is a lot of stuff going on in the pueblos, saw some interesting festivals (Santa Fe de Antoquia, Rio Negro, etc.)

It's not Paris and it doesn't have a beach but it's not boring to me. Aruba, Curacao, well the beach is the saving grace there otherwise there is fuck all to do.

Member #4244
08-12-11, 21:55
Not too sure about that. Only the lowest of the lowest peasant class at the bottom of the totem pole will not speak English. Any middle-class Colombian with standard education will speak fluent English and will be international minded. Only if you're going for the uneducated peasant girls will Spanish become a necessity. A middle-class guy from abroad ought to be able to find middle-class Colombian lady of equivalent age and social status without a problem.I would say that is a bit of an overstatement, I have met many educated girls and girls from say strata 4 neighborhoods that spoke little or no English. The second party of what you are saying is definitely accurate but bear in mind that they are going for a short time.

08-13-11, 01:22
Not too sure about that. Only the lowest of the lowest peasant class at the bottom of the totem pole will not speak English. Any middle-class Colombian with standard education will speak fluent English and will be international minded. Only if you're going for the uneducated peasant girls will Spanish become a necessity. A middle-class guy from abroad ought to be able to find middle-class Colombian lady of equivalent age and social status without a problem.I have to agree with Wilt on this one. I went to high school in Bucaramanga so I can say from what I've seen that English is not spoken that much at all in that part of Colombia. Most students have to take English Classes for six years (from primero sexto). And with all that preparation and years of learning, no matter what your level is (estratos) , only a few speak more than the basic "Hello,","Thank You","I Love You" nonsense. The Colombians are just too shy, that's what I figured to be the problem; Les the pena. You have to understand, people are running around town with SHIT on their shirt written in English and are clueless as to what it even says. I lived there for four years and maybe ran into a couple of people that spoke broken English, but DAD FUN 555 said middle class speak fluently. This is simply not true. That will give thewrong impression to all foreigners / gringos visiting. You can get around without speaking the language within the bigger cities, in certain areas, like the International Zone in Bogota. You'll run into lot of gringos in certain touristy areas throughout Colombia, no doubt. But the average person doesn't have the slightest clue about communicating in our language. Because of that, I think we're one up on them, since we're not afraid to go there, and hang out, and speak in their tongue even though its more than obvious that we have an accent; yet they (meaning Colombians collectively) are afraid to speak my language. My Spanish is good, damn good, but you can still hear the accent. I keep everybody guessing, as you should, they think maybe Bolivia or Peru, but not a a gringo accent.

On Dad's last point, I thoroughly agree, someone middle class would've travelled outside of Colombia and has had their horizons opened to a different point of view. But even still, a gringo / american / european middle class, is way above their middle class financially. Hence if you move there, and are in good shape, and can speak conversational spanish, one should pull TOP SHELF at the end of the day; sooner or later, because we simply have more to offer and have more money. It's that simple.

08-13-11, 08:08
Not too sure about that. Only the lowest of the lowest peasant class at the bottom of the totem pole will not speak English. Any middle-class Colombian with standard education will speak fluent English and will be international minded. Only if you're going for the uneducated peasant girls will Spanish become a necessity. A middle-class guy from abroad ought to be able to find middle-class Colombian lady of equivalent age and social status without a problem.I cannot share this statement. Having worked in Colombia I experienced that lawyers, engineers and medical doctors for example do not speak English or only very basic English unless they work for foreign companies. These people are not peasant class at all. Thus Spanish is a must to get into contact with locals.

08-13-11, 09:40
I cannot share this statement. Having worked in Colombia I experienced that lawyers, engineers and medical doctors for example do not speak English or only very basic English unless they work for foreign companies. These people are not peasant class at all. Thus Spanish is a must to get into contact with locals.I agree 100 por ciento with TuDueno. After being out of Colombia for several years, my ex-best friend, and a distant cousin were the only people that came close to being fluent in English. One sells products to the US, the other an Engineer working for a Canadian Oil Company. All the doctors, dentists, entrepreneurs, accountants, that I've come across at Club Campestre or through business couldn't speak a word of English to save their lives PERIOD. Pulling TOP SHELF BREEZIES (9-10s) can only be done with Spanish at the end of the day. You can't be in with the family if you can't communicate in Spanish. Dos Centavos.

08-13-11, 14:52
I cannot share this statement. Having worked in Colombia I experienced that lawyers, engineers and medical doctors for example do not speak English or only very basic English unless they work for foreign companies. These people are not peasant class at all. Thus Spanish is a must to get into contact with locals.This is only my personal opinion. I think speaking the local language makes connecting with people easier, whether you are trying to do a professional business deal, use a sex worker, or enter into a romance for the ages. I think the first two situations I mentioned are much more likely and realistic than the third. I also think talking about this over and over again. Especially on a forum about a basically unrelated subject. Is about as interesting as a day full of Lifetime movies.

08-13-11, 17:01
I woke up around 9AM. Went down stairs for some breakfast. It was just the usual included, nothing to write home about. Novia called while I was writing report #1. We met up at la estacion Barque Barrio. She looked very good to eat. You know how those calenas all seem to have the nice tan skin and sexy long black hair. Went to have lunch with a place somewhere near BJ Park, average food but noo too expensive, like $20K for both. I tried to finish up quickly so we could go back to the hotel for some 'afternoon delight'.10-15 minutes walking back to the hotel. Novia looked tired, said she got up very early this morning for some housework and some work she had to do for the company she works for. The minute we came inside the room, she asked me to go to for a siesta. I say 'oh yeahhhh'. She laid there not too long before we started to kiss and then when I started to reach inside her panty, she said 'no puedo'. I went 'por que? ' and just as soon as I said that my fingers touched a 'sanitary napkin'. Inside my head, I went 'shit. Fuck. ' but I told her it is ok. The only thing I could do was sucking her small cup A breasts and kissing. Did not ask her for a BJ. Kinds spoiled the mood for me. Anyway, we slept together for like two hours until around 4:30PM. She asked to go get with her to get a birthday cake. Tomorrow is her BD. So out we went, took a bus to Laureles, close to estacion Floresta, nice bakery store. Got a cake for $30K, she paid it with her own money from her regular work. I wanted to part with her because I had another non-pro waiting in the wing to meet tonight. So I told her I could take el metro back alone. But she insisted to go with me and I agreed. Came back to Avenida Oriental close enough to the hotel. She caught a bus back to her house. And back to the hotel I went. I immediately set up a meeting with the other non-pro. Was promised at 8:30PM but she did not show up until 10:30PM (the usual Colombia time). I was about to head to La Mayorista thinking this girl was not coming at all. But finally got her in my room. Broke out a bottle of Chivas Regal 18 years olds brought from home. Chit chat for an hour or so and then into bed we went. Nice BBBJ. She really knew how to work a dick. For a second time in two nights, got a chica whose pussy smells nice and sweet. Again, thank God. Great sex. Then on came the condom. This one really liked to talk while having sex. A good 30 minutes went by banging her in different positions, more sexy talk but could not bring myself to ejaculation. Probably a little too much whiskey but then I finally managed to empty my balls in a little more than 10 minutes. Laid there with her and slept until about 4AM in the morning when she woke up and said she had to go home. She asked for some money. Gave her $100K. But it was really worth it. Two nights, two chicas, TLN, very happy, worth every pesos. I left out some details but still got a hangover from last night, can't write anymore. Did not remember to take a foto of this girl. She said there'll be a rock concert somewhere in Medellin on Sunday and I think I'll go with her and repeat. Will have photo then.

Good days gents.


08-14-11, 01:14
Thanks to everyone for the helpful reports. I have a question I could not find on my own or maybe I'm not looking in the right places.

I have two friends that want to go to South or Central America for a guys' long weekend (4-5 nights). Could you gents please suggest which city you would go to for the freebie scene and other activities? I was considering Medellin or Cartegena, but also welcome ideas outside of Colombia. My friends are in their mid-thirties.

Thanks!Thanks for all of the responses Gents. It does sound like Colombia will not be a good place for my friends. One speaks minimal Spanish and the other none.

I guess I could have been clearer too. The point of the post is obviously not consistent with the traditional purpose of this forum. I am a member because of the great reports and the expected use. My friends do not have an interest in that route, but thought I could get some suggestions on where civilians might like to party. That is to go on a more traditional vacation with beach or hiking, other daytime activities and chasing tail at night, whether they be locals (which is a rare success in most places) or other tourists.

Someone suggested Aruba (which they've tried) and St. Marteen, which we are considering. Any other suggestions? Are there good places for civilian tourists that I could break away from? Would anyone recommend DR? BTW, the civilian interests do come first.

Thanks again!

Mr Gogo
08-14-11, 03:40
Pics I found.

08-14-11, 10:56
I have to agree with Wilt on this one. I went to high school in Bucaramanga so I can say from what I've seen that English is not spoken that much at all in that part of Colombia. Most students have to take English Classes for six years (from primero sexto). And with all that preparation and years of learning, no matter what your level is (estratos) , only a few speak more than the basic "Hello,","Thank You","I Love You" nonsense. The Colombians are just too shy, that's what I figured to be the problem; Les the pena. You have to understand, people are running around town with SHIT on their shirt written in English and are clueless as to what it even says. I lived there for four years and maybe ran into a couple of people that spoke broken English, but DAD FUN 555 said middle class speak fluently. This is simply not true. That will give thewrong impression to all foreigners / gringos visiting. You can get around without speaking the language within the bigger cities, in certain areas, like the International Zone in Bogota. You'll run into lot of gringos in certain touristy areas throughout Colombia, no doubt. But the average person doesn't have the slightest clue about communicating in our language. Because of that, I think we're one up on them, since we're not afraid to go there, and hang out, and speak in their tongue even though its more than obvious that we have an accent; yet they (meaning Colombians collectively) are afraid to speak my language. My Spanish is good, damn good, but you can still hear the accent. I keep everybody guessing, as you should, they think maybe Bolivia or Peru, but not a a gringo accent.

On Dad's last point, I thoroughly agree, someone middle class would've travelled outside of Colombia and has had their horizons opened to a different point of view. But even still, a gringo / american / european middle class, is way above their middle class financially. Hence if you move there, and are in good shape, and can speak conversational spanish, one should pull TOP SHELF at the end of the day; sooner or later, because we simply have more to offer and have more money. It's that simple.That's the thing. Most are not learning it high school, but at the University level. Some are learning Italian too. It probably won't be until the next generation when more Colombians start speaking English more. It's only been the last 10 years that Colombia has become safe enough for gringos to go and do business. Just as more gringos are learning Spanish to communicate with the locals better, they are learning English to communicate with the foreign visitors better. I would bet that in the next 10 years they will teach English as standard in high school.

08-14-11, 10:58
I have found it relatively easy to have one-nighters in Colombia, in MDE I feel like it's a lot of effort for nothing though, you will just wind up paying more, expending more energy and getting more of a mixed bag than you would with a pro. Medium-sized cities you can have more success, strangely a friend and I also had good luck in BAQ but that may have been just that, good luck.

Medellin has some stuff to do, it just depends on your age and interests. If you are young and want to have cheap fun, you can hang out in Parque Periodista and some of the neighboring areas (Bello for example). That doesn't sound like the kind of scene they'd be after though. You've got some nice little spas to take dates to near by, could kill a weekend there. El Penol and that kind of mountainous, naturey stuff. During holiday (Feria de las Flores, Semana Santa, etc) there is a lot of stuff going on in the pueblos, saw some interesting festivals (Santa Fe de Antoquia, Rio Negro, etc.)

It's not Paris and it doesn't have a beach but it's not boring to me. Aruba, Curacao, well the beach is the saving grace there otherwise there is fuck all to do.It's not always about the money. There is a different level of connection you get with a civilian vs a pro.

08-14-11, 17:16
Novia called after breakfast while I was writing report #2, promised to come to the hotel around 1PM. She was on time as usual unlike other Colombianas. Had lunch at Parque Berrio at a restaurant similar to KFC back in the States. Then we took a bus and headed to shop for a cell phone for her because she's been using her mama's. Arrived at centro comercial Molinos and in we came inside a TIGO store. Picked a number and waited a good 1 hour before we finally got a phone and got out of there. She paid it all with her money. She did not ask me for help at all. We went for some ice cream and was kinda late after that. Back to the hotel and by the way, she was still on her period, no sex at all. She looked tired and so I sent her home at around 8PM. Called a chica from RL. Was promised at 9PM, waited and waited downstairs watching the soccer game between Mexico and Colombia Mexico 3, Colombia 1. 10PM came around, still no show. Called her. Said she was coming. I knew in my mind this chica was never going to show up. Took a cab, went to La Mayorista. Met one member from ISG, and another gentleman that lives here in Medellin. It was not a good night in Mayo. Looked around, saw more guys than girls. You know it is not a good night when that happens. But still I spotted maybe 2 or 3 chicas I would rate as a 7 or 8. Took one girl, Juliana, the usual $30K / 30min. It was ok, nothing to write about. Kinda routine. Headed back to the hotel around 1AM. Had a good rest. Not sure what I am going to do today.

Good days gents.


08-14-11, 17:58
Thanks for all of the responses Gents. It does sound like Colombia will not be a good place for my friends. One speaks minimal Spanish and the other none.

I guess I could have been clearer too. The point of the post is obviously not consistent with the traditional purpose of this forum. I am a member because of the great reports and the expected use. My friends do not have an interest in that route, but thought I could get some suggestions on where civilians might like to party. That is to go on a more traditional vacation with beach or hiking, other daytime activities and chasing tail at night, whether they be locals (which is a rare success in most places) or other tourists.

Someone suggested Aruba (which they've tried) and St. Marteen, which we are considering. Any other suggestions? Are there good places for civilian tourists that I could break away from? Would anyone recommend DR? BTW, the civilian interests do come first.

Thanks again!Have you been to Cost Rica? Great outdoor activities from whitewater rafting, ATV tours, Mororcycle rentals, Zip lines, incredible beautiful scenery and quite a few english speaking people among the general population. Plus, there is an awesome expat community and great P4P scene (for you!)

Member #4394
08-14-11, 19:52
I watched the game at my hotel lobby with about 20 locals. Untill the last 5 or 6 minutes, it was M2-C1, and the people were hoping that Colombia would make a goal for a tie. However, when Mexico made a goal and made 3-1 (change from 2-1) in the remaining 5 or 6 minutes, it became apparent that Colombia would not win and all the people at the lobby, except me, left in dissapoinment. That is, these people gave up and quit support while their boys were still fighting and never gave up. Though I should not take it too seriously, I would not want to go to a war or do business with these people. Just a thought. Am I too harsh?

watching the soccer game between Mexico and Colombia Mexico 3, Colombia 1. EZ

Member #4394
08-14-11, 21:10
I am not sure about this. While the GNP of the USA is largest in the world currently, it accounts for about 25%-large but not dominant- of the world GNP. Among the top five (or 10) GNPs, non-English speaking nations' GNPs, in combination, is larger than the GNP of English-speaking nations. In a large picture, non-English speaking countries have more (and increasing) economic output and influence than English speaking countries in global economy and trade. Be sure,"influence" here is quite different from "agressiveness."

. It probably won't be until the next generation when more Colombians start speaking English more. It's only been the last 10 years that Colombia has become safe enough for gringos to go and do business. Just as more gringos are learning Spanish to communicate with the locals better, they are learning English to communicate with the foreign visitors better. I would bet that in the next 10 years they will teach English as standard in high school.

08-14-11, 22:00
I watched the game at my hotel lobby with about 20 locals. Untill the last 5 or 6 minutes, it was M2-C1, and the people were hoping that Colombia would make a goal for a tie. However, when Mexico made a goal and made 3-1 (change from 2-1) in the remaining 5 or 6 minutes, it became apparent that Colombia would not win and all the people at the lobby, except me, left in dissapoinment. That is, these people gave up and quit support while their boys were still fighting and never gave up. Though I should not take it too seriously, I would not want to go to a war or do business with these people. Just a thought. Am I too harsh?It's the nature of sports. When your team is down late in the game, people tend to leave. Especially soccer where scoring is so hard to come by.

08-14-11, 22:17
I am not sure about this. While the GNP of the USA is largest in the world currently, it accounts for about 25%-large but not dominant- of the world GNP. Among the top five (or 10) GNPs, non-English speaking nations' GNPs, in combination, is larger than the GNP of English-speaking nations. In a large picture, non-English speaking countries have more (and increasing) economic output and influence than English speaking countries in global economy and trade. Be sure,"influence" here is quite different from "agressiveness."English is a bridge language for international trade. Countries are not going to learn the language of all the countries they trade with. These days if you speak English, you can trade with most countries. All rising nations are teaching English at a younger age now. You don't think Colombia and their new found better relations with the US are trying to catch up?

08-14-11, 22:31
Novia called after breakfast while I was writing report #2, promised to come to the hotel around 1PM. She was on time as usual unlike other Colombianas. Had lunch at Parque Berrio at a restaurant similar to KFC back in the States. Then we took a bus and headed to shop for a cell phone for her because she's been using her mama's. Arrived at centro comercial Molinos and in we came inside a TIGO store. Picked a number and waited a good 1 hour before we finally got a phone and got out of there. She paid it all with her money. She did not ask me for help at all. We went for some ice cream and was kinda late after that. Back to the hotel and by the way, she was still on her period, no sex at all. She looked tired and so I sent her home at around 8PM. Called a chica from RL. Was promised at 9PM, waited and waited downstairs watching the soccer game between Mexico and Colombia Mexico 3, Colombia 1. 10PM came around, still no show. Called her. Said she was coming. I knew in my mind this chica was never going to show up. Took a cab, went to La Mayorista. Met one member from ISG, and another gentleman that lives here in Medellin. It was not a good night in Mayo. Looked around, saw more guys than girls. You know it is not a good night when that happens. But still I spotted maybe 2 or 3 chicas I would rate as a 7 or 8. Took one girl, Juliana, the usual $30K / 30min. It was ok, nothing to write about. Kinda routine. Headed back to the hotel around 1AM. Had a good rest. Not sure what I am going to do today.

Good days gents.

EZIsn't this day your novia's birthday? No offense. Surprised she hasn't kicked you to the curb yet! There's one thing with letting her pay for her stuff. But not even acknowledging a birthday (doesn't appear so from your writing).

08-14-11, 22:33
I am not sure about this. While the GNP of the USA is largest in the world currently, it accounts for about 25%-large but not dominant- of the world GNP. Among the top five (or 10) GNPs, non-English speaking nations' GNPs, in combination, is larger than the GNP of English-speaking nations. In a large picture, non-English speaking countries have more (and increasing) economic output and influence than English speaking countries in global economy and trade. Be sure,"influence" here is quite different from "agressiveness."But is there one language that provides as much influence as English speaking countries? I'm too lazy to look it up right now, but I am guessing you will see a wide variety of languages, with English having by far the most economic influence, followed by a German, Japanese, French, Chinese, etc. Therefore, English will still open the most business opportunities if you are only going to learn 1 language

08-14-11, 23:45
But is there one language that provides as much influence as English speaking countries? I'm too lazy to look it up right now, but I am guessing you will see a wide variety of languages, with English having by far the most economic influence, followed by a German, Japanese, French, Chinese, etc. Therefore, English will still open the most business opportunities if you are only going to learn 1 languageWatch this very interesting video about English.


Member #4394
08-15-11, 02:21
Must agree with you. English will be most popular, if not dominant, language in decades, specially in central and south americas. As opposed to Hioctane's presumption, the economic growth and increasing int'l trade in Colombia may diversify, rather than centralize, foreign language education.

But is there one language that provides as much influence as English speaking countries? I'm too lazy to look it up right now, but I am guessing you will see a wide variety of languages, with English having by far the most economic influence, followed by a German, Japanese, French, Chinese, etc. Therefore, English will still open the most business opportunities if you are only going to learn 1 language

08-15-11, 03:18
Hey gang,

I've been in Medellin for a week now. Hit the downtown casa (new life) up last week. Was great, and a good price. (35, 000 for 30 minutes)

Wondering if anyone wants to meet up, maybe hit mayorista or some other spot to pick up some non pros?

Just a thought, let me know.

Take care all,


08-15-11, 03:31
Must agree with you. English will be most popular, if not dominant, language in decades, specially in central and south americas. As opposed to Hioctane's presumption, the economic growth and increasing int'l trade in Colombia may diversify, rather than centralize, foreign language education.Brazil is hopping economically and you still don't find too many english speakers.

Actually I stay away from the english speakers, Colombia or Brazil, I like the pure natives.

Member #4244
08-15-11, 05:25
It's not always about the money. There is a different level of connection you get with a civilian vs a pro.Right, I'd like a girlfriend who fucks a like a working girl but a working girl who acts like a girlfriend can be just as good, too.

08-15-11, 11:38
After choosing between Colombia or Brazil. I experienced the carnival in Rio, but now plane tickets to Rio are too expensive. Is February a good time to visit Colombia? This will be my first trip to Colombia. I'm planning on staying at the casa blanca Medellin. Someone mentioned the hotel have a list of girls that they have. Do the hotel have girls on call? If so how's the quality of the girls?

08-15-11, 16:10
Right, I'd like a girlfriend who fucks a like a working girl but a working girl who acts like a girlfriend can be just as good, too.There's a man who knows what he's talkin about.

If you know what you're doing, you can get the best of both worlds.

If you don't know what you're doing, you can easily get played.

Have fun, keep your eyes open.

Good energy.

08-15-11, 16:15
After choosing between Colombia or Brazil. I experienced the carnival in Rio, but now plane tickets to Rio are too expensive. Is February a good time to visit Colombia? This will be my first trip to Colombia. I'm planning on staying at the casa blanca Medellin. Someone mentioned the hotel have a list of girls that they have. Do the hotel have girls on call? If so how's the quality of the girls?Lots of girls, good to great quality, have fun!

08-15-11, 16:18
Right, I'd like a girlfriend who fucks a like a working girl but a working girl who acts like a girlfriend can be just as good, too.Well, so what? All you need then is a girlfriend and some time to train her up to your standards.


08-15-11, 16:21
Well, so what? All you need then is a girlfriend and some time to train her up to your standards.

BlessI don't think you get it (the point) amigo, good luck, bless.

08-15-11, 16:39
Lots of girls, good to great quality, have fun!Thanks

I will make reservations by the end of the month. I don't know much about Medellon now I will look on the threads for useful info. I know basic Spanish now. I will be better by time February

08-15-11, 17:14
Right, I'd like a girlfriend who fucks a like a working girl but a working girl who acts like a girlfriend can be just as good, too.Right. You've hit the nail on the head!

08-15-11, 17:37
Must agree with you. English will be most popular, if not dominant, language in decades, specially in central and south americas. As opposed to Hioctane's presumption, the economic growth and increasing int'l trade in Colombia may diversify, rather than centralize, foreign language education.That was exactly my point. English is a unifying, bridge language that most countries will use for international trade.

08-15-11, 18:05
Where would be the best place in Medellin to exchange cash dollars?

(casa de cambio, Bank, airport) , I do not have a no fee credit card.

Is it better to get traveler's cheque?


Member #4394
08-15-11, 18:34
Talking to chicas and a bartender in La Mayorista last night. They said that there is a street similar to Mayo with sex workers in Rio negro. It is called like La Galeria (perhaps sic). Do any of gents have info?

Dad Fun 555
08-15-11, 19:20
Brazil is hopping economically and you still don't find too many english speakers.

Actually I stay away from the english speakers, Colombia or Brazil, I like the pure natives.I guess it depends on where you meet the girls. Most middle-class, professional, university educated Colombians I have ever met speak fluent English. I thought it was a requirement to graduate university. I'm a lot less familiar with Brazil, but my experience was that it was even more prevalent there which makes sense given the countries Brazil trades with and Portuguese being a much less international language than Spanish. On the other hand, the average peasant Mayorista girl bussed in from the boondocks who got knocked up as a teenager and dropped out of high school isn't going to speak much English beyond what's required to turn a trick. For plenty of class-conscious folks English is a status symbol. I personally see an internationally-minded, ambitious, woman as a lot more attractive, not to mention a bigger challenge, than an uneducated peasant trapped in the bottom caste of society.

08-15-11, 19:21
El centro was pretty quiet this morning. Slept until 11am past breakfast time. Called a few chicas from RL. One named Hilary. She promised me to come around 3 or 4 in the morning. One more at about the same time. Another at 6 or 7. Waited in the hotel, got some rest. Novia called and asked how I was doing. I pretended to be sick because I did not want to see her today. Wanted to bang one of the chicas from RL, whoever showed up. Also called the chica I banged Friday which I did not remember to take her foto. She (Adriana) reminded me there would be a rock concert at somewhere next to Jardin Botanico. Since none of the chicas from RL showed up, took el metro to La estacion universidad around 8PM. Met Adri there but the police did not allow booze or cigarettes inside, and the concert was kinda boring, we left early around 10pm. Then went to a small rock bar en el centro, centro comercial Los torres, calle 42, (Adri is crazy about heavy metal bands) where they played AC / DC, aerosmiths, metallica and the likes on a 50" flat screnn. I enjoyed it. Had some beers and tekila. Did not feel like drinking too much. We went back to the hotel, were too tired for foreplay, went straight to fucking for an hour or so. Dead tired. Rolled over and slept until 10am this morning. Missed breakfast again (cutoff time is 10am or so). Gave her $100K, she asked for cab fare, I said no with some irritation, called a cab to take her home. And this is the last time I see her.

Good days gents.


08-15-11, 20:43
When are you goin I am planning late feb. I am also new to Colombia.

After choosing between Colombia or Brazil. I experienced the carnival in Rio, but now plane tickets to Rio are too expensive. Is February a good time to visit Colombia? This will be my first trip to Colombia. I'm planning on staying at the casa blanca Medellin. Someone mentioned the hotel have a list of girls that they have. Do the hotel have girls on call? If so how's the quality of the girls?

08-15-11, 21:29
Sometimes it gets very boring with all the professionals. So I crave for these special encounters with regular girls. It is not easy, especially at my age. But sometimes it all click and I am in for a very special experience.

I got tired of contacting a friend, who initiated a very hot and heavy invitation before my arrival to MDE. I was supposed to meet her on my first day, but my flight from Curacao got delayed and I arrived at the hotel at 2 AM. Since then whenever I tried to call her I was actually calling her friend's cell phone (later learned that my friend already lost her cell phone). Finally I got tired and out of desperation invited the friend over to my hotel. Surprisingly she accepted (by now I talked to her so many times, that she felt she knew me). She came at 10 PM. She is 26 years old, University student finishing up her degree in communication. She is divorced for 2 years and has a 4 yr. Old daughter.

She was quite pretty for my taste. A good conversationalist and has a good sense of humor. A perfect fit for me. I found out she is renting a room at my friend's house and they became good friends. She told me that my friend wanted to see me several times but her children really got sick and she had to postpone the appointment.

Then came the unique part of the story. When I tried to be close, I felt something very different. She then confessed that she never been with anybody in her life besides her husband. She did not have sex for 2 years and when I invited her, her curiosity got better of her and for the first time in her life she wanted to give it a go. She knew enough of me from my friend to take a chance. She also confessed that she was ready to split, if she had sensed a negative vibe when I opened the door.

Although, it was very challenging for me at times, but I really enjoyed her shyness and innocence. It was totally different from all the pro- and semi-pro experiences. More like doing a girlfriend for the first time. I could not stop laughing when she told me to close my eyes while I was removing her panty.

These kind of cases take a long time to make them comfortable. When we finished making love, it was 4 AM. We slept for a while and she left at 10 AM.

Of course, by the time she left she learned how to give a proficient BBBJ and receive DATY. My friendly POCKET ROCKET made her experience over the top. She cannot stop talking about this little master which she never knew existed.

A very unique experience.


Member #4394
08-15-11, 23:30
No it was not. Thanks.

That was exactly my point. English is a unifying, bridge language that most countries will use for international trade.

08-16-11, 01:04
Right, I'd like a girlfriend who fucks a like a working girl but a working girl who acts like a girlfriend can be just as good, too.The latter seems like the ideal in any vacation or short term setting. As Charlie Sheen once said regarding his sexual shenanigans with pros,"You pay them to leave no to stay". You pay not to put up with the EXTRAS or baggage that all of them come with. You don't have to meet their parents and you don't have to know their real name if you don't want to.

As my best friend from Hawaii would always say as he would frequent the infested hostess bars there (hes in a 10yr LT relationship) , if nothing else its good practice, your game and your bedroom behaviors.

08-16-11, 05:34
No it was not. Thanks.Whatever you say. Clearly you can not comprehend English. Now let's get back to the reports.

08-16-11, 11:40
I will probably be in Colombia from Feb 15-26.

When are you goin I am planning late feb. I am also new to Colombia.

08-16-11, 14:44
Where would be the best place in Medellin to exchange cash dollars?

(casa de cambio, Bank, airport) , I do not have a no fee credit card.

Is it better to get traveler's cheque?

ThanksATMs generally pay the best rates. Don't use a hotel, way too low. Might want to try a casino for a better rate. Might also want to check your bank and purchase from them before your trip, if you have time.

08-16-11, 16:55
Holiday Monday 08/15/11 in Colombia. El centro was again very quiet most of the days. Most shops closed. Novia called again. I was not in the mood to see her. Told her to come tomorrow. Missed breakfast for 3 straight days. Went to BJ Park for lunch after writing report #4 at around 1400. Had some fried chicken and french fries and coca cola. All for $7K and change. Stopped by Sexy Fantasias 2, (Latinas) (Atenas) , (La Fins) , Carrera 47 (Sucre) # 53-42. Very week lineup because it is holiday. Only 3 girls, probably all are 6, usually paisa look. Doable but did not feel like it. I am into blancas, rubias and flaquitas and none of the 3 fit or was close to fit that description. Walked by a cafe and bar with lots of pool table. Played some pool with a local. The game is called 'rrabamba' or something like that. 4 balls-2 reds. 1 yellow. 1 white. Learned how to play, score, and keep the score. Played for an hour and a half and guess what I actually won the game. I thought the local let me win because he looked like a pool shark. Got bored, had a beer and went back to the hotel. Got on my laptop, called and chic chat with a few chicas from RL that did not show up the day or days before. No one seemed to be interested as I was about ready to hit La Mayorista because I promised to do so with and ISG member. It was probably around 2100 when a chica (a semi-pro) agreed to come to my hotel. She (Yaderlis, unique name) said she had no babysitter for her 2 kids. 7 and 4. So waited for her until a little past 2300 when her sister came home from work to watch the kids. Told her to bring cedula but she forgot and had to go back home and got it because the hotel clerk did not let her in without. Anyway, had some leftover whiskey from the other night with her for about 30 mins or so. And then into the bed we went. Great BBBJ, DATY, she was so sweet and tender, had a sweet pussy, lots of the usual foreplay. When I was ready to fuck her, she did not remind me to get a condom as all other girls did. I almost entered her without it but a thought quickly came to my mind that I should because of lots reasons we all know. Popped open one and slowly entered. Great sex in different positions. She was very vocal while fucking. Moaning loudly, talking, asking me to fuck her harder, something like that which I liked. It was like another hour of fucking before we finished and she said she had a wonderful time with me. She also told me that she had 2 orgasms tonight. Question: If you were me, do you believe that? I usually do not believe in that kind of stuff with a pro or semi pro because they want to make you feel good and come back to them for repeat. Anyway, dead tired again. Gave her $100K, called a cab and sent her home because kids are going back to school today. Had a few more drinks before going to sleep. Very satisfied.

Good days gents.





08-16-11, 18:06
The latter seems like the ideal in any vacation or short term setting. As Charlie Sheen once said regarding his sexual shenanigans with pros,"You pay them to leave no to stay". You pay not to put up with the EXTRAS or baggage that all of them come with. You don't have to meet their parents and you don't have to know their real name if you don't want to.

As my best friend from Hawaii would always say as he would frequent the infested hostess bars there (hes in a 10yr LT relationship) , if nothing else its good practice, your game and your bedroom behaviors.Pros are ideal for a vacation / short term. However, you can fill in the gaps with the company of a girlfriend / fwb because you're not going to be with a pro every second of the trip. IMO, it's a lot easier to teach a non pro to fuck like to pro rather than to try get the pro out of a pro. Also, seeing a non pro doesn't always have to be about a serious,"meet the parents" type of relationship. A amigo / amiga type of friendship can be great. Fucking is not always guaranteed but if you get it, it's great. If not, that's what the pros are for.

Member #4176
08-16-11, 18:12
Has anyone rented for this site: http://www.medellinrentalsonline.net.?

I want to make sure that this agency is lagit.

John Gault
08-16-11, 19:45
Holiday Monday 08/15/11 in Colombia. El centro was again very quiet most of the days. Most shops closed. Novia called again. I was not in the mood to see her. Told her to come tomorrow. Missed breakfast for 3 straight days. Went to BJ Park for lunch after writing report #4 at around 1400. Had some fried chicken and french fries and coca cola. All for $7K and change. Stopped by Sexy Fantasias 2, (Latinas) (Atenas) , (La Fins) , Carrera 47 (Sucre) # 53-42. Very week lineup because it is holiday. Only 3 girls, probably all are 6, usually paisa look. Doable but did not feel like it. I am into blancas, rubias and flaquitas and none of the 3 fit or was close to fit that description. Walked by a cafe and bar with lots of pool table. Played some pool with a local. The game is called 'rrabamba' or something like that. 4 balls-2 reds. 1 yellow. 1 white. Learned how to play, score, and keep the score. Played for an hour and a half and guess what I actually won the game. I thought the local let me win because he looked like a pool shark. Got bored, had a beer and went back to the hotel. Got on my laptop, called and chic chat with a few chicas from RL that did not show up the day or days before. No one seemed to be interested as I was about ready to hit La Mayorista because I promised to do so with and ISG member. It was probably around 2100 when a chica (a semi-pro) agreed to come to my hotel. She (Yaderlis, unique name) said she had no babysitter for her 2 kids. 7 and 4. So waited for her until a little past 2300 when her sister came home from work to watch the kids. Told her to bring cedula but she forgot and had to go back home and got it because the hotel clerk did not let her in without. Anyway, had some leftover whiskey from the other night with her for about 30 mins or so. And then into the bed we went. Great BBBJ, DATY, she was so sweet and tender, had a sweet pussy, lots of the usual foreplay. When I was ready to fuck her, she did not remind me to get a condom as all other girls did. I almost entered her without it but a thought quickly came to my mind that I should because of lots reasons we all know. Popped open one and slowly entered. Great sex in different positions. She was very vocal while fucking. Moaning loudly, talking, asking me to fuck her harder, something like that which I liked. It was like another hour of fucking before we finished and she said she had a wonderful time with me. She also told me that she had 2 orgasms tonight. Question: If you were me, do you believe that? I usually do not believe in that kind of stuff with a pro or semi pro because they want to make you feel good and come back to them for repeat. Anyway, dead tired again. Gave her $100K, called a cab and sent her home because kids are going back to school today. Had a few more drinks before going to sleep. Very satisfied.

Good days gents.




156236To answer your question { that she had 2 orgasms tonight. Question: If you were me, do you believe that? }

If it makes you feel good to believe it than believe it. 98 % of the time they lie about this (wifes also ). What I liked about my Pro / GF is that the first time we really went at it she told me she almost came. That was a new one to hear. I believed her, but in the long run your (main) concern should be if you had a good time, not if she did. We must put our egos aside or it starts to get in the way of reality.

BTW thanks for all the reports. We need lots more of this kind of input.

08-16-11, 20:05
Holiday Monday 08/15/11 in Colombia. El centro was again very quiet most of the days. Most shops closed. Novia called again. I was not in the mood to see her. Told her to come tomorrow. Missed breakfast for 3 straight days. Went to BJ Park for lunch after writing report #4 at around 1400. Had some fried chicken and french fries and coca cola. All for $7K and change. Stopped by Sexy Fantasias 2, (Latinas) (Atenas) , (La Fins) , Carrera 47 (Sucre) # 53-42. Very week lineup because it is holiday. Only 3 girls, probably all are 6, usually paisa look. Doable but did not feel like it. I am into blancas, rubias and flaquitas and none of the 3 fit or was close to fit that description. Walked by a cafe and bar with lots of pool table. Played some pool with a local. The game is called 'rrabamba' or something like that. 4 balls-2 reds. 1 yellow. 1 white. Learned how to play, score, and keep the score. Played for an hour and a half and guess what I actually won the game. I thought the local let me win because he looked like a pool shark. Got bored, had a beer and went back to the hotel. Got on my laptop, called and chic chat with a few chicas from RL that did not show up the day or days before. No one seemed to be interested as I was about ready to hit La Mayorista because I promised to do so with and ISG member. It was probably around 2100 when a chica (a semi-pro) agreed to come to my hotel. She (Yaderlis, unique name) said she had no babysitter for her 2 kids. 7 and 4. So waited for her until a little past 2300 when her sister came home from work to watch the kids. Told her to bring cedula but she forgot and had to go back home and got it because the hotel clerk did not let her in without. Anyway, had some leftover whiskey from the other night with her for about 30 mins or so. And then into the bed we went. Great BBBJ, DATY, she was so sweet and tender, had a sweet pussy, lots of the usual foreplay. When I was ready to fuck her, she did not remind me to get a condom as all other girls did. I almost entered her without it but a thought quickly came to my mind that I should because of lots reasons we all know. Popped open one and slowly entered. Great sex in different positions. She was very vocal while fucking. Moaning loudly, talking, asking me to fuck her harder, something like that which I liked. It was like another hour of fucking before we finished and she said she had a wonderful time with me. She also told me that she had 2 orgasms tonight. Question: If you were me, do you believe that? I usually do not believe in that kind of stuff with a pro or semi pro because they want to make you feel good and come back to them for repeat. Anyway, dead tired again. Gave her $100K, called a cab and sent her home because kids are going back to school today. Had a few more drinks before going to sleep. Very satisfied.

Good days gents.




156236Now this is the kind of info we need. Details details details. Please excuse my ignorance but how much does a normal person make a day working 8 hours in MDE / CALI? (houskeeper, secretary, sales person, teacher) I was told they make about 20-25K a day so 100k is a good 3 hours of our pleasure is worth about a weeks worth of their salary.

Member #4394
08-16-11, 20:25
You may want to visit Cenro casas before 1pm (preferably 12am) for best results.

Very week lineup because it is holiday. Only 3 girls, probably all are 6, usually paisa look. Doable but did not feel like it.

08-16-11, 22:22
She also told me that she had 2 orgasms tonight. Question: If you were me, do you believe that? I usually do not believe in that kind of stuff with a pro or semi pro because they want to make you feel good and come back to them for repeat. Anyway, dead tired again. Gave her $100KYou are a paying customer, you gave her a 100K. How much does it cost her or how much effort is it to mutter the sentence "I had 2 orgasms"? I just said it (I was lying) and you know what? I can say it again. And again with little or no effort.

Was very close to a working girl who I think still does a mansion lesbo show. Told me that out of the 100 time they say they come they come once. Surely it was you.

Q: How des a real man satisfy a puta?

A: A real man doesn't care.

08-16-11, 22:26
You may want to visit Cenro casas before 1pm (preferably 12am) for best results.You quoted him as saying it was a week lineup because of the Holiday. 1PM. 12PM 11AM. Doesn't matter. Most casas only had 1-3 girls yesterday.

It was a weak lineup becuase of the holiday.

On a side note:

Lots of girls have class in the AM until midday and don't get to work until 1-2 PM.

08-17-11, 06:26
I know Yaderis from the mansion (also goes by Jenny). She's a sweet girl and fun to party with. She also gets good reports although I've never been with her. I heard she really get into her sex so it's possible she went off twice.

BTW, saying she's a semi pro is being a bit generous, but she's certainly not a "hardened" pro.


It was probably around 2100 when a chica (a semi-pro) agreed to come to my hotel. She (Yaderlis, unique name) said she had no babysitter for her 2 kids. 7 and 4. So waited for her until a little past 2300 when her sister came home from work to watch the kids. Told her to bring cedula but she forgot and had to go back home and got it because the hotel clerk did not let her in without. Anyway, had some leftover whiskey from the other night with her for about 30 mins or so. And then into the bed we went. Great BBBJ, DATY, she was so sweet and tender, had a sweet pussy, lots of the usual foreplay. When I was ready to fuck her, she did not remind me to get a condom as all other girls did. I almost entered her without it but a thought quickly came to my mind that I should because of lots reasons we all know. Popped open one and slowly entered. Great sex in different positions. She was very vocal while fucking. Moaning loudly, talking, asking me to fuck her harder, something like that which I liked. It was like another hour of fucking before we finished and she said she had a wonderful time with me. She also told me that she had 2 orgasms tonight. Question: If you were me, do you believe that? I usually do not believe in that kind of stuff with a pro or semi pro because they want to make you feel good and come back to them for repeat. Anyway, dead tired again. Gave her $100K, called a cab and sent her home because kids are going back to school today. Had a few more drinks before going to sleep. Very satisfied.

Good days gents.





08-17-11, 15:02
Yahoo! Yippy doo! My time is approaching for my week vacation with the 20 year old paisita modelo. I called her yesterday to confirm, she said she couldn't wait! Yuheeeeeeeee!

I just have one problem though, I get aroused easily, but when I start to fuck them, it just dies in between the session. Is it the condom! I don't know, I hope it won't happen with this beauty! I am going to convince her to do sexo sin condom, what the fuck, I'll make the baby with this one.

08-17-11, 15:03
First time poster on this forum. I was in Brazil two years ago, and would love to go back some day, but I also want to venture out in other parts of the world, and have been hearing a lot about Medellin being the happening spot. The most fun I had in Brazil was in a disco called HELP, but it now is closed. Is there anything like this in Medellin. Where would you recommend a first time visitor to stay in Medellin that is safe. I do not speak spanish, so will this be a big problem for me? What is the non-pro scene like? I am in my twenties and physically fit, and consider myself average in looks.Sound's like San Jose, CR is where you should be going. Non-pro scenes are not somewhere a newbie Gringo should be going, in Medellin.

08-17-11, 16:52
I did not get to sleep until way past 0200 but managed to wake up at around 0900, went downstairs for breakfast. Yeahhhhhhh. (did not want to miss it again.) Back to work for the colombianos, Avenida Oriental was noisy with lots of traffic and cars and taxis honking and the streets were full of people walking to wherever they're going. Turned on my laptop to write report #5, signed on to MSN and Yahoo and RL. There was a few contacts online but I banged them all before so there was no reason to chat with them at all. Novia called and said she had a doctor's appointment for a pre-surgery blood work. Weeks before doctor found out she had some cysts in her ovaries and surgery had been scheduled to remove them this Thursday, the day after I will be going home. Decided to check out a few casas en el centro at 1300. First stop, Sexy Fantasias 2, (Latinas) (Atenas) , (La Fins) , Carrera 47 (Sucre) # 53-42, piso 1, (diagonal Teatro Sinfonia) , a block from my hotel, unbelievable lineup today. 5 fine chicas, all 8+, there was one rubia (bleached I thought) by the name of Paula that I really liked but I passed this time but told the guy I would come back (actually I did not want to because I was tired and the fact that one pop a day is all I can handle and I wanted to check out more casas). Left and headed down the road to Sexy Fantasias 1, (SSChina) (Amsterdan) , Calle 54 (Caracas) # 49-97, piso 3, Local 321, C. C. Boulevard Caracas, Inside C. C. El Cid, piso 3, bad choice. 4 chicas, rated 5 or 6, 2 out the 4 were gorditas. Spoke to a colombiano that happened to be there at the same time, said he was a criminal lawyer (dressed like a lawyer too) with a wife and kid, living in Bello and looking for some action on the side. He was very disappointed as much as I was about the lineup. So I told him 'vamos' to a few more casas. He agreed to come along so we left. I noticed he was holding in his hand a business card of Masajes Zandaly (Afroditas) , Carrera 47 #57A-34, piso 2. So I suggested to him to go there. 3 average chicas, not my taste, nothing to write home about. Next, Angeles de Fuego, Calle 58 (Av. Oriental) # 45D-104. Very nice lineup. 5 chicas, one of whom fit my taste (blanca, rubia, flaquita) by the name of Jenny but I passed because novia called and said she was on the way to Parque Berrio to meet me at about 1500 (if I had time, I would have banged Jenny). So I parted with the colombian lawyer and headed there. By the way, he did not seem to like any of the chicas presented to him. I did not bother to ask him why. Spent a few hours with novia en el centro walking around, window shopping, eating ice cream, sort of girlfriend / boyfriend experience. TO BE CONTINUED.

Good days gents.


08-17-11, 17:01
To answer your question { that she had 2 orgasms tonight. Question: If you were me, do you believe that? }

If it makes you feel good to believe it than believe it. 98 % of the time they lie about this (wifes also ). What I liked about my Pro / GF is that the first time we really went at it she told me she almost came. That was a new one to hear. I believed her, but in the long run your (main) concern should be if you had a good time, not if she did. We must put our egos aside or it starts to get in the way of reality.

BTW thanks for all the reports. We need lots more of this kind of input.I personally have never had a girl lie to me about orgasms.

They usually have between 5 and 10 orgasms with me, I lose count really.

Honestly, I just have fun, treat girls well, try to make good love, satisfy my lust and do the best I can with them, I even ask what they enjoy and how they like it, however, I personally don't ask about their orgasms, especially with a pro, it's their job to say they had multiple O's and that "you" are the best, why get into it? I find it silly when guys post how many orgasms they gave a girl, do we really care? Of course not.

Just have fun and be considerate.

Oh and PS, there's no HELP like disco in Medellin, sheesh

08-17-11, 17:06
I personally have never had a girl lie to me about orgasms.

They usually have between 5 and 10 orgasms with me, I lose count really.

Honestly, I just have fun, treat girls well, try to make good love, satisfy my lust and do the best I can with them, I even ask what they enjoy and how they like it, however, I personally don't ask about their orgasms, especially with a pro, it's their job to say they had multiple O's and that "you" are the best, why get into it? I find it silly when guys post how many orgasms they gave a girl, do we really care? Of course not.

Just have fun and be considerate.

Oh and PS, there's no HELP like disco in Medellin, sheeshI betcha they aint faking sheeet when I bust out the ole handy industrial strength pocket rocket! Je je.

08-18-11, 02:12
Yahoo! Yippy doo! My time is approaching for my week vacation with the 20 year old paisita modelo. I called her yesterday to confirm, she said she couldn't wait! Yuheeeeeeeee!

I just have one problem though, I get aroused easily, but when I start to fuck them, it just dies in between the session. Is it the condom! I don't know, I hope it won't happen with this beauty! I am going to convince her to do sexo sin condom, what the fuck, I'll make the baby with this one.We, meaning the forum, can appreciate that kind of honesty. It can be a predicament, and thanks to medical breakthroughs, you have a couple of options. I, personally, swear by the blue pill, nobody is saying there's a problem (EDD) , but there is a great solution or an option for an immediate adjustment with reference to sport fucking. It's the little blue pill, or Cialis. There are many reasons we get distracted in the monent, but I can't stress this point enough.

If you want to have an unforgettable session, ask your friends, and take my advice on this one. You can be buzzin' on beers, thinking about work, whatever, your member with the help of this pill will never never ever let you down. I swear by the blue pill, and have had many many compliments while on the pill. My dead homie swears by it and so do I. It's not about performance mind you, it's about stamina. You won't regret it and you'll have a wonderful story to tell the forum later. Peace.

P. S. If all goes well, she'll come back for seconds and thirds.

Member #4394
08-18-11, 02:37
. Please excuse my ignorance but how much does a normal person make a day working 8 hours in MDE / CALI? (houskeeper, secretary, sales person, teacher) I was told they make about 20-25K a day so 100k is a good 3 hours of our pleasure is worth about a weeks worth of their salary.The income spread between poor and rich is very wide (Wider than the US?) here in Colombia. National Income per capita of Co is about $5, 400 (as of 2008, GDP per capita 5. 5k) while the US NI per capita is about $46k (GDP capita same). Three things. 1) Co average monthly income is about $450 and the weekly figure is $110. But thie figure in 2000 was less than half of this. 2) Co average income is about 12% of the American counterpart. When you consider this, the prices of restaurants and goods in supermarkets are very high for the locals. 3) Again, however, income inequality (or differential) is very wide, thereby there are many people making much more ane much less than the average depnding upon their jobs. I also suspect that the income level of Bogota, Medellin and Cali are highest in the nation. Plus the calculation of figures in question are highly effected by the exchange rate. Thanks, and sorry I did not post this in Gen info.

08-18-11, 04:29
I was in MDE for 10 days during the Flower Festival. Bulk of the time, especially the nights, were spent with some special girls from my private stock. However, I still found some time to visit the casas and other places that MDE so generously offers.

This time I was flying solo. To compliment my daily routine of walking, I decided not to take taxi at all from Poblado. If you are willing to walk for 15 min, all major casas can be accessed from the metro station Parque Berrio in centro. I was staying at Hotel Torre Poblado and metro station Poblado was less than 10 min walk from my hotel.


Atena, has changed name and now called Coffee House. Same address, Cra 45 #55-45, Very good line up. I took, Christina, a tall 20 yr. old model type morena. Not an ounce of fat. She had a beautiful inviting smile, which sealed the deal, You got to go to a hotel next door to do the deed. Very good facility. Christina is working in this casa for just two weeks. Before, she worked as a phone sex girl in 'minutos'. Christina provided true GFE. BBBJ and DATY was available. 30 min for 35K. Tipped 10K.

Sexi, Cra 45D, #57-67. Had a very good line up of 15 chicas. Took a pretty chica, named Leena. Again 30 min for 35 K. No GFE, but provided BBBJ and CIM for 10K tip.

Belle Suite, Cra 45 #56-45. If you are interested in Negras, this is your casa. 80% chicas were negras. About 10 chicas were in the lineup. Did not partake.

Aiffe, Call. 57 #43-27. Had a lineup of about 8 chicas. Most are young and doable. I was out of bullet and did not partake.

New Life, Calle 56 #43-39. Most of the girls were occupied. Available 5 girls were not interesting, except Sandra with whom I had a great time last May. Sandra was all smiles ear to ear after seeing me. But I took some time to finish my water (after that walk in unusually hot MDE weather) and another monger picked her up. My loss!

Encuentros, Call. 49 #43-68. One of my favorite casa. This time also they had a great line-up. The best part is the hour option. 50K. Whereas. 30 min is still 35K. Took a new arrival, Mariana, a 21 yr. old. Very pretty with a beautiful body. However, I did not receive any GFE. Everything was covered, even with an offer of a tip.


ABYDOS, Calle 33 #64-198 in the Los Conquistadores west area. An afternoon appointment was a no show. I was horny and immediately went to this place around 6 PM (the place is open until 9 PM). Sorry folks, this time I really had to take a taxi, about 10K from the Poblado area. A great line-up of 15 chicas. I took Manuela, a 20 yr. old Morena with a spectacular body. She is working here for less than a month and arrived at the place today 15 min before me due to some chores at home. I was so excited that I forego the massage part altogether and spent the entire hour demolishing that body. One of the best rear-end I have ever seen. Reminded me of Brazileras. She provided generous DFK and allowed DATY. But it was a CBJ. She said it will be available on our next encounter. Gave her number before I left. 120K for the house and 10K to the chica. If I had time, I would have definitely asked her for a TLN.

A Coveted Threesome

I always wanted to have a threesome with the sisters, Jimena and Carolina (of Mansion fame). This trip, finally I had the time to invite them. For more than 3 hours, they rocked my boat. A true lesbian pair who also enjoy the heterosexual actions equally. I knew them for so long that every move came naturally and was enjoyed by everyone. I am still suffering from Jimena's bite marks. She really went wild. A very memorable threesome! Jimena later confessed that she cancelled a previous appointment to be with me. I recommend them highly. A photo of the pair is attached.


El Bacano
08-18-11, 04:40
Informative and positive, thank you.

El Bacano
08-18-11, 04:43
On an earlier report I seemed to have knocked New Life, not my intention, on the positive side allways plenty in the lineup, professional service. And you won't be ripped off, on second thought I actually like it, I must have been tired the night I wrote that last report. I forgot about a diamond, a couple of freinds bought her for me for my birthday.

08-18-11, 17:56
Sorry for the repeat posts but since my posts were ignored for whatever reason, or just got lost in the postings of others, I thought I would post it again. I will be making my first trip to Medellin next month.

ThanksThe reason people are ignoring your post because all the answers are NO

NO There is no casa open 24/7. Casa de McDonald-yes.

NO There is no Therma Type place in Medellin.

NO Girls do not generally speak English.

NO There is no HELP type place in Medellin.

NO There is no way you will be able to pick up non-pro without speaking at least passable Spanish.

The only YES I would say that your entertainment budget of 120 USD, roughly 200K COP has a fighting chance, if you manage it carefully. Casa and Mayorista prices are roughly 50K per girl. These are low end places. Or, you can do a Mansion girl for 150K.

There are many Discos, the most famous one is Palmahia. But the entrance fee is over 64K. Their clientele is higher end.

Do yourself a favor. Get rid of your obsession about HELP. We all enjoyed HELP for many years, while it was there. Let it go!

Learn Spanish (even rudementary)

Stay at the Mansion (Casa Blanka 1 or 2). They have a great promotion of $40 a day until the end of the year. You can not beat it. As a first timer, other mongers will show you the ropes.

Don't overprepare, overanalyze everything before the trip. Once you are on the ground, you will instintively pick up things.


Member #4176
08-18-11, 20:02
I was in MDE for 10 days during the Flower Festival. Bulk of the time, especially the nights, were spent with some special girls from my private stock. However, I still found some time to visit the casas and other places that MDE so generously offers.

This time I was flying solo. To compliment my daily routine of walking, I decided not to take taxi at all from Poblado. If you are willing to walk for 15 min, all major casas can be accessed from the metro station Parque Berrio in centro. I was staying at Hotel Torre Poblado and metro station Poblado was less than 10 min walk from my hotel.


Atena, has changed name and now called Coffee House. Same address, Cra 45 #55-45, Very good line up. I took, Christina, a tall 20 yr. Old model type morena. Not an ounce of fat. She had a beautiful inviting smile, which sealed the deal, You got to go to a hotel next door to do the deed. Very good facility. Christina is working in this casa for just two weeks. Before, she worked as a phone sex girl in 'minutos'. Christina provided true GFE. BBBJ and DATY was available. 30 min for 35K. Tipped 10K.

Sexi, Cra 45D, #57-67. Had a very good line up of 15 chicas. Took a pretty chica, named Leena. Again 30 min for 35 K. No GFE, but provided BBBJ and CIM for 10K tip.

Belle Suite, Cra 45 #56-45. If you are interested in Negras, this is your casa. 80% chicas were negras. About 10 chicas were in the lineup. Did not partake.

Aiffe, Call. 57 #43-27. Had a lineup of about 8 chicas. Most are young and doable. I was out of bullet and did not partake.

New Life, Calle 56 #43-39. Most of the girls were occupied. Available 5 girls were not interesting, except Sandra with whom I had a great time last May. Sandra was all smiles ear to ear after seeing me. But I took some time to finish my water (after that walk in unusually hot MDE weather) and another monger picked her up. My loss!

Encuentros, Call. 49 #43-68. One of my favorite casa. This time also they had a great line-up. The best part is the hour option. 50K. Whereas. 30 min is still 35K. Took a new arrival, Mariana, a 21 yr. Old. Very pretty with a beautiful body. However, I did not receive any GFE. Everything was covered, even with an offer of a tip.


ABYDOS, Calle 33 #64-198 in the Los Conquistadores west area. An afternoon appointment was a no show. I was horny and immediately went to this place around 6 PM (the place is open until 9 PM). Sorry folks, this time I really had to take a taxi, about 10K from the Poblado area. A great line-up of 15 chicas. I took Manuela, a 20 yr. Old Morena with a spectacular body. She is working here for less than a month and arrived at the place today 15 min before me due to some chores at home. I was so excited that I forego the massage part altogether and spent the entire hour demolishing that body. One of the best rear-end I have ever seen. Reminded me of Brazileras. She provided generous DFK and allowed DATY. But it was a CBJ. She said it will be available on our next encounter. Gave her number before I left. 120K for the house and 10K to the chica. If I had time, I would have definitely asked her for a TLN.

A Coveted Threesome

I always wanted to have a threesome with the sisters, Jimena and Carolina (of Mansion fame). This trip, finally I had the time to invite them. For more than 3 hours, they rocked my boat. A true lesbian pair who also enjoy the heterosexual actions equally. I knew them for so long that every move came naturally and was enjoyed by everyone. I am still suffering from Jimena's bite marks. She really went wild. A very memorable threesome! Jimena later confessed that she cancelled a previous appointment to be with me. I recommend them highly. A photo of the pair is attached.

BandyGreat report. I will be going to Medellin solo this time also and will try to hit many of the same casas. If you have the numbers of the threesome I would like to give them a call. Most of the threesome I get are not true lisbian shows. Its more like: you hit her then change the condom and then hit the other. I would really like more of a real threesome. I have a general question about acronyms. I know some like BBBJ but not all. Is there a page that explains what means what. For instance DATY =? And CIM =.

08-18-11, 20:31
Are there casas in Medellin that are open 24/7? Any therma type places, and I again reference the thermas in Rio. What are the names of some of the better known discos where non working girls hangout? Do most of the girls have a knowledge of english even though they might not speak it well?The search feature is a wonderful thing.

08-19-11, 00:59
Great report. I will be going to Medellin solo this time also and will try to hit many of the same casas. If you have the numbers of the threesome I would like to give them a call. Most of the threesome I get are not true lisbian shows. Its more like: you hit her then change the condom and then hit the other. I would really like more of a real threesome. I have a general question about acronyms. I know some like BBBJ but not all. Is there a page that explains what means what. For instance DATY =? And CIM =.DATY = Dining at the Y- meaning performing oral sex on her.

CIM = Cum in Mouth- you ejaculate inside her mouth.

For a complete list of terms and abbreviations, click the link below and go all the way down to the last section.


Sorry contact numbers are private. If you stay in the Mansion, you will have no problem contacting them. Ask Ali for their number, or better ask her to invite them for you. To have a real great time, it is always better to meet them first, form a rapport and then go from there.


PS: If you stay in the Mansion, you could also ask for Mari- Tatiana. In real life they are lovers for 7 years. There will be no shortage of real lesbian actions in this threesome.