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02-28-13, 19:22
I have no experience trying to take a colombiana to mexico but I wonder how or why they even give a f*ck what your relationship is with your travel companion. What was the point of changing the law to say that ALL colombian passport holders no longer need a visa to travel to mexico if they're going to ask a bunch of personal questions at the airport and pick and choose who can get in and who can't?

If they tried to grill me at the airport I'd tell them here's my passport, here's my round trip ticket, and that's all you need to f*cking know. What f*cking difference does it make if she's my friend / f*ckbuddy / wife?The chicas were flying in by themselves, the john(s) were not with them.

03-01-13, 01:40
Senor G,

Alhtough I know some of the parties that were turned away I don't know all of the details. Anyone can pick apart a post that someone makes (like yours that said you were there. Were you the one waiting for the girls that were turned away). Hanshin gave an opinion on where he thought the problem was from his perspective. Maybe right, maybe wrong. But he is a player, has the jack, goes to Medellin every couple of months and flys girls into Cancun. I respect your right to your opinions, but calling bullshit for a member about his veracity when you have a total of 8 posts is BULLSHIT!

P. S. Don't hold back as I have my flame proof underwear on.

Legal Tender
03-01-13, 08:18
It seems pretty evident you and the poster of inaccurate information, Hanshin Backdoor Baka, (at least I think that was his name, as I am to lazy this evening to read back to find out for certain) are friends based on your post, so you feel a need to come to his rescue, only to post inaccurate information yourself, which is pretty hilarious, as it is quite evident that you both have reading comprehension disorders. Please, if you would be so kind, show me where I stated I was there for these particular girls that a reputable poster like Bbrocs referred to in his post referencing this girls being turned away by immigration in Cancun? Your kindness in doing so will be greatly appreciated.

Only good energy!Look, none of us here are mind readers. Unfortunately, occasionally we find an impolite post. This whole issue is not rocket science. First, as exhibit "A" is the typical Paisa prepago. Beautiful, exy, and has no thought past the moment in time in which she finds herself. She presents herself in a very controlled environment. She is completely unprepared. She hasn't even thought about passport control.

On the Yucatan the sex trade is highly regulated. For example in Playa Del Carmen there's Chilly Willys but that's about it. Couple that with the fact that the Paisa is the top drawer P4P provider in many parts of South America and beyond, and a popular tourist destination, and that the Mexicans don't want a lot of Colombian sex workers disrupting the status quo.

The girl looks like a sex worker, she may well be turned away, especially if she can't demonstrate that she looks like she ought to be there. We've all see what I'm talking about all over Medellin.

The word ought to be that maybe they'll be admitted and maybe they won't. Vitrea's recent post sounds like he's given this some thought, and ought to be followed by anone who's considering expending the time and resources to meet a Paisa in Mexico.

This is a meaningful discussion. Perhaps we should consider a sub category on the point of entry issues in Mexico.

Hey,"Only Good Energy" is my line, and I mean it.

03-01-13, 13:44
Always wasted too much time on non-pros, I am up for some pros now.

Can anybody recommend some good casas or clubs (daytime or night) with either a steady flow of slim girls or fake-tittied hotties?

The 10-15 times during the last years that I have stepped into a casa (and most clubs) it has been like 90% dull, medium-far girls. I'm not paying for that.

There are so many casas and clubs here, there must be one or some tat specialized in either colegiala-type chics or silicone girls. It's just a 10 year education and a 1 million peso axi bill to start the footwork myself from here.Loutron has what you want, the only problem is that you have to pay for it.

03-01-13, 22:49
Loutron has what you want, the only problem is that you have to pay for it.I agree that Lutron pricing structure is a bit over the top. During my two visits in December, I did not find any that justified it. I had better luck at Energy in finding a good balance between looks, service and price. I must caution that I tend to lean away from silicone and favor a more natural look. The girls at Lutron are clearly more "done up", been in business for a while (as they worked their way up to working at Lutron) and might actually make it more appealing to some of you. The ambiance at Lutron is hard to beat though.

03-02-13, 02:00
I have passed by Loutron a few times, although not within the last year or so. Girls are not ugly but never seen a stunner either. And never went with any. Back then it was 200K for a pop, and if I am laying down 200 for 45-60 minutes it better be something really special. And never saw nothing special there.

Thanks for the attempt. I'm giving up. I'm way too picky. Been here for almost a month now and have not been with a single pro. Simply haven't seen a single one that interested me.

I have never understood the attraction of Medellin as a monger destination honestly. I am here for work, but love would to do some p4p if I ever saw a prepago below 200K that was worth doing. I appreciate you guys enjoy Medellín for prepagos, no disrespect meant. Taste varies.

Loutron has what you want, the only problem is that you have to pay for it.

Dashing Don
03-02-13, 04:13
Always wasted too much time on non-pros, I am up for some pros now.Thats a good one! I'll tell you why.

I stayed at the Mansion about 2 weeks ago after an absence of several years. Still the same spot; a great place to have fun, meet the hos and fellow mongers. However, I had just come back from a trip to the Phils where banging normal girls is the norm, and as I hadn't allowed enough time for the 'Philippine high' to dissipate, I wasn't 100% up for the hos. So I went on Colombian Cupid and made contact with a local Medellin girl.

I called the Cupid girl, Maria, and arranged for her to come to the Mansion whereupon we would go to lunch and see what would happen. She shows up, but with her kid sister in tow. Maria is 25yo and gorgeous. Truly, I have never seen girls as beautiful anywhere in the world as Medellin. The sister is 20yo but not as pretty. We all piled into a taxi and went to a restaurant at Parque lleras. My Spanish is decent so we ate and chatted and had a nice conversation. I must say that although I was very attracted to this Cupid girl, Maria, her vibes were wrong. A little hard maybe. I tried to stop drawing comparisons to the Phils girls who are very humble but it was hard.

Halfway through the meal, the kid sister hit me with a bombshell: she wanted to work at the Mansion, and would I make the intro at the office! This was totally unexpected on my part. Now, I'm also beginning to question the moral foundation of Maria, the 'normal girl' I met on Cupid. Anyways, back we went to the Mansion where I introduced the kid sister to Alexa, the office manager. Apparently, girls that want to work at the Mansion have to go to a website and speak to another girl to get permission or something like that. As neither of these two girls had their cedulas with them, they couldn't even hang out at the Mansion never mind work there. Maria promptly hit me up for about $25us taxi fare as she was supposed to go home, get her I'd, and come back to the Mansion that night to see me. I never heard from her again.

Lesson learned. This cured me of all thoughts of 'normal' girls for this trip anyway. The Mansion being the Mansion, there are always hot hos hanging around willing to take care of all that leche and within a few hours it was just another monger story. It was proof of what some of the other mongers were saying to the effect that the line between a normal girl and a working girl in Medellin is a thin one, and can shift quickly.

03-02-13, 07:47
Greetings everyone,

I'm going to save everyone some time here.

BlueCowboy would like everyone to know...

1. That he is "from Europe ... blond and blue eyed ... heading into my late 30's, but still look and party like a 28 year old", and that he can "speak English and Spanish".

2. That Medellin "bores the shit" out of him.

3. That Medellin is "one of the most racist places" he knows.

4. That he has "never understood the attraction of Medellin as a monger destination".

5. That in Medellin"all of the hookers are ugly" and that "95% of all the hookers are fat".

6. That he wouldn't be caught dead in the company of a Columbia working girl.

7. That the girls hanging out at the Mansion are in his opinion "hardly a girl over a 5 between them. Some are straight 1's or 0's."

8. That he "can't wait to get the hell out of here".




Here are his original comments for those who are interested:

I find myself completely disagreeing with you, Don. I can't come up with anywhere else in the 80+ countries I have visited where there is a thicker line between a pro and a non-pro. I can't come up with many if any places where good looking normal girls are more afraid to hit up a conversation with a gringo or foreigner than in Medellíand. Because they're all seen as hookers if they talk to a foreigner.

As for the Mansion, I know I am getting into thin water these days with my comments, but I find the idea of that place extremely unappealing. Here you have the same 20-30 girls doing rounds between gringos, and I have seen just about all of them on facebook, and in my opinion there's hardly a girl over a 5 between them. Some are straight 1's or 0's. I haven't seen one yet that I would do for free. And most would have to pay me big money to have sex with them.

This is why Medellíand bores the shit out of me. The hookers are ugly (except for the models who charge 500k and up for a few hours, but I can have girls like that at those prices in New York or Paris) and the non-pro hotties won't talk to you even if you're young and speak fluent Spanish. You might be able to slip them your number, but they're not going to call. If you succeeed in getting theirs, you'll be calling and texting for days if not weeks to get a date. Because the non-pros treat you like a Colombian more or less, that is with a lack of interest on purpose and so much patience that it's unbelievable. That's the style here: Keep the man hunting and calling. They like to keep you calling and chatting them up on facebook for a few weeks before they'll go out with you on a first date. Most tourists don't have that time. Everytime I have 2-3 days left in Medellin I have 15 girls saying the same on the phone or on facebook: "Aii ya te vas? '. Are you leaving already? Yeah, you god damn right I'm leaving.

I'm talking about beautiful girls. They're my interest. I'm not into sticking my thing in anything that moves. For that kind of pleasure, Medellin is perfect. The mansion and loads of casas. No worries. For 8's and 9's and 10's when it comes to both prepagos and non-pros, I can think of at least 50 countries I'd have more fun in.

I do love Medellíand for what it is. But it's one of the most racist places I know. Towards black people and stereotypical light skinned foreigners.

Damn, example in hand, it's Friday night and I was at Parque Lleras with a friend. There were 500 hot girls there but I walked home just past midnight because it's so freaking tedious trying to talk them up. They treat a well dressed, well-speaking, well-manored foreigner about 50 times worse than a scumbag Colombian with tatoos all over the body and scars all over his face. Go to Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, DR, even Ecuador and girls go out to meet guys. In Colombia girls mainly go out to pump up their self esteem, that is to enjoy having guys look at them, and then flip them the finger and go home alone. Or give their number to two or three guys so they can keep pumping up their self esteem for a few weeks keeping those guys calling and texting them and telling them they're beautiful.

I have almost a month left here, and honestly can't wait to get the hell out of here. I'd rather be mongering in Sweden. Or Alaska. There is no place on earth with so many stuck up full of themselves drop dead gorgeous women. And that's why I can't wait to leave, because there's nothing more frustrating then seeing so many sexy women knowing you can't do any of them. Sure, maybe if you live here and have months to try and impress them.

Now I do expect at some point that someone will want to go nuts on me with my opinions on Medellíand.

The Mansion being the Mansion, there are always hot hos hanging around willing to take care of all that leche and within a few hours it was just another monger story. It was proof of what some of the other mongers were saying to the effect that the line between a normal girl and a working girl in Medellin is a thin one, and can shift quickly.

03-02-13, 08:29
I have passed by Loutron a few times, although not within the last year or so. Girls are not ugly but never seen a stunner either. And never went with any. Back then it was 200K for a pop, and if I am laying down 200 for 45-60 minutes it better be something really special. And never saw nothing special there.

Thanks for the attempt. I'm giving up. I'm way too picky. Been here for almost a month now and have not been with a single pro. Simply haven't seen a single one that interested me.

I have never understood the attraction of Medellin as a monger destination honestly. I am here for work, but love would to do some p4p if I ever saw a prepago below 200K that was worth doing. I appreciate you guys enjoy Medellíand for prepagos, no disrespect meant. Taste varies.I can totally see your perspective but it would be a crime for you to not score a hottie in MDE. I am also picky so I feel your frustration. Have you tried the clubs like Fase Dos and La Isla? If you do not find what you like one day, go back there again. I am confident you will find atleast one stunner. On that note, define stunner? Age preference? Natural or man made OK?

Have you scored with non pros, colleagues at clubs etc.

Again, if you want top quality you do have to work a bit in MDE.

03-02-13, 12:01
Halfway through the meal, the kid sister hit me with a bombshell: she wanted to work at the Mansion, and would I make the intro at the office! This was totally unexpected on my part. Now, I'm also beginning to question the moral foundation of Maria, the 'normal girl' I met on Cupid. Anyways, back we went to the Mansion where I introduced the kid sister to Alexa, the office manager. Apparently, girls that want to work at the Mansion have to go to a website and speak to another girl to get permission or something like that. As neither of these two girls had their cedulas with them, they couldn't even hang out at the Mansion never mind work there. Maria promptly hit me up for about $25us taxi fare as she was supposed to go home, get her I'd, and come back to the Mansion that night to see me. I never heard from her again.

Lesson learned. This cured me of all thoughts of 'normal' girls for this trip anyway. The Mansion being the Mansion, there are always hot hos hanging around willing to take care of all that leche and within a few hours it was just another monger story. It was proof of what some of the other mongers were saying to the effect that the line between a normal girl and a working girl in Medellin is a thin one, and can shift quickly.Good story and thanks for sharing. More proof (for the rest of us) that if you are not in town for more than two weeks, it's best to just stick with the pros.

In hindsight, since the essentially turned to you for recruitment at the mansion, I would have made them both go home and get their cedulas, fucked them both for free (your commission), THEN introduced them to Alexa, lol!

03-02-13, 16:51

II ran into your website right before a trip to Medellíand and I must say you guys where life savers. I love to travel and have a good time and let me say you fellas saved my trip. I never really comment I just read because I find stories at times humorous as well as educational at times for next trip, but I figured why not contribute and also had some questions. I'll keep it as short as possible.

AA coworker married this paisa he met while on vacation in Panama years go. He finally brought her over to NY to live with him after being married over a year. Once I met her I asked if she had any single friends or family. She suggested a friend of the family that was recently divorced. I figured OK np divorced a child maybe friend is stable with good head on shoulders, I said why not what's the harm. Started talking to her for months. Simple, pretty, smart, hard worker makes good money in sales in Medellíand. After a while I noticed that everything had to do with high end clothes, top quality everything which I'm all for that as well. No she never asked me for money and I never sent anything. It's they things she would tell me and things she wanted seemed a little bit unreasonable considering her budget, single mom what she paid from are rent etc. So anyway I made plans to go meet her. I'll be honest two weeks before I left I was just turned off by her all together but I said whatever still going. Found your website then started making backup plans just in case things didn't work out. I get there she picks me up we talk all the way back to her town of laureles and I stayed at hotel nearby cause I didn't want to cause issues with her and kids father. She was better looking in person. She took me around to all these restaurants and I gladly paid. Especially since its so cheap there compare to NYC prices and restaurants. Still after going out with her and talking etc I wasn't feeling the spark and definitely not feeling the work I would have to put in to get her in bed. But I said I would make best of it. She takes me to meet her family. I meet her sister which was smoking hot BTW, her two brothers and mom. They all live in a low income neighborhood in the same apt. So I started making sense of things. I'll be honest after seeing where they live and how nice they where and welcoming I was completely turned off by her. How can you spend all this money on rent and buying all these expensive things when your family is living borderline poor and you're trying to be rich high society. More to story but I'll leave it there

Anyway I asked to be brought back to hotel, where I jumped on wifi and looked at Google maps casa list and based on reviews I decided on trying energy. When I got there saw lineup and almost lost my mind, I couldn't remember names and didn't know who I wanted. Some tens. 7s and 6s. After all few beers made my selection and had this beautiful dark skin 10. Had a great time and was shocked it was so cheap at the end like you all mentioned. From their went to get some lunch and enjoyed walking around the area. A couple days later I got away and told girl I went to visit I wasn't feeling well and I was going to stay in and decided to try new life as recommended by you fellas and a friend. Got their all 7s and under. Grabbed Grabbed 7 did my duties went to pay and I was like really? Unreal paid same amount I would pay for lunch at a pub midweek. Day after I had to go back and never spoke to girl again. You guys definitely saved my trip from being a waste to already planning to go back ASAP.

Had Had couple of questions before cause I'm a little confused. What's the difference between Medellíand plaza hotel and mansion. Also if mansion is a hotel they way it sounds is that pros work there or just hang out there all day waiting for someone to bring them to room? If so what does that cost? I'm also a night person what the best way to get a pro at night or is strip club only way since casas close at night? Is it really worth going to strip clubs, I ask cause casas just make more sense. Less money and less headache.

Well that's it for now gents thanks again. Sorry post is sloppy but I'm on my cell.

03-03-13, 02:31

II ran into your website right before a trip to Medellíand and I must say you guys where life savers.

Had Had couple of questions before cause I'm a little confused. What's the difference between Medellíand plaza hotel and mansion. Also if mansion is a hotel they way it sounds is that pros work there or just hang out there all day waiting for someone to bring them to room? If so what does that cost? I'm also a night person what the best way to get a pro at night or is strip club only way since casas close at night? Is it really worth going to strip clubs, I ask cause casas just make more sense. Less money and less headache.

Well that's it for now gents thanks again. Sorry post is sloppy but I'm on my cell.They've changed the name a few times. Casa Blanca, Plaza, Medellin Mansion. Now it's HotelMedellinPlaza dot com and you can see for yourself. They actually have 2 different buildings so you'll see 1 and 2. They import some smokin hot young girls to work there. They party and drink and wait for someone to take them back. It's one of the highest priced places but safe, secure, with pretty girls. The hotel and bar owners are different and so is the guy who owns the land. 150k COP for an hour, but if you play your cards right, treat the girls right, are decent enough looking, etc. They'll stay for a few hours for that same price.

03-03-13, 05:18

I'm also a night person what the best way to get a pro at night or is strip club only way since casas close at night? Is it really worth going to strip clubs, I ask cause casas just make more sense. Less money and less headache.

Well that's it for now gents thanks again. Sorry post is sloppy but I'm on my cell.Yes. For infrequent visitors, strip clubs are the predominant option at night. Most regular mongers make prior arrangements for the night so they don't have to make the strip club rounds. MDE does have escort sites but the reviews are generally poor and they will end up being as expensive as the high end strip clubs plus the added uncertainty. You probably do not want to deal with street scene.

03-03-13, 20:24
I get laid all the time here in Medellin by non pros. I have never paid for sex in Medellin. Hell I even got laid by pros for free in the mansion a long time ago when it was the penthouse. Before the mansion opened! Costa rica is full of *******es, DR is way too dark for me, ecuador. Never been and have no plans to go. I have heard many girls make racist comments about blacks though and most girls here want to have lighter skinned babies so this might explain you having a harder time. Also in latin america gossip is huge and being with a black guy might cause a problem. Google tumaco pacifico and watch the long video to get an idea of how blacks may be viewed in Colombia.I would imagine it would be easier to achieve hookups with non pros when you know the lay of the land. That was my 1st time going and definitely won't be my last. As for me I'm light skin damn near white (lack of sun) the skin color for me is not really an issue, also spanish is my 1st language so no issue there either. Whats more the issue for me is the fact that I'm heavy set. I noticed while I was there that all the men look like soccer players. There is really no big guys there. I stood out like a sore thumb. I have traveled to Costa Rica and it was ok. Loved the country but as far as mongering ehhh. DR as well however I'm not big on dark chicks. Just a personal preference I call my self a sexual racist LOL however I do like a little color at times. I love my latinas!

03-03-13, 20:29
They've changed the name a few times. Casa Blanca, Plaza, Medellin Mansion. Now it's HotelMedellinPlaza dot com and you can see for yourself. They actually have 2 different buildings so you'll see 1 and 2. They import some smokin hot young girls to work there. They party and drink and wait for someone to take them back. It's one of the highest priced places but safe, secure, with pretty girls. The hotel and bar owners are different and so is the guy who owns the land. 150k COP for an hour, but if you play your cards right, treat the girls right, are decent enough looking, etc. They'll stay for a few hours for that same price.Johnny thats why I asked I was getting confused with all the different names and reviews I didn't know what was what. Thanks for clarification. I did go on website and saw prices I actually thought they where pretty cheap considering the girls are right there. Accessibility would make sense with prices. I did stay at a place where I went where it was half the price of these rooms but it was in Laureles and there isn't much to do. For me that scenario would be perfect to wake up go about my day and if I come back to room I have options or if I don't feel like leaving and just relax with a couple of drinks and just call one over and handle my business would also be great. I work 12 hr days and my vacations for me are best as lazy vacations. The easier the better.

03-03-13, 21:13
Medellin is not, generally speaking, racist, neither within their society or towards foreigners. I met one very dark american, born in Panama, and he had zero problem. I have a black heavy-set friend, and he has no problem. It's not a problem. Runner, who contributes to this board while never having paid for sex, and the dude who says there are no good looking working girls in Medellin are just "trolling".

03-03-13, 21:29
medellin is not, generally speaking, racist, neither within their society or towards foreigners. i met one very dark american, born in panama, and he had zero problem. i have a black heavy-set friend, and he has no problem. it's not a problem. runner, who contributes to this board while never having paid for sex, and the dude who says there are no good looking working girls in medellin are just "trolling".if he says there are no good looking working women in medellin. hes out of his mind or simply his version of beauty is clearly different from ours. but if it works for him and he finds what hes looking for more power to him. can never knock another mans preference especially if it just leaves more for me.

03-03-13, 21:31
Just curious to know what a 4-5 day trip to Medellin consists of for all of you. Thats what I plan to do next time I go. Would like some ideas suggestions. Most likely from Thursday to Monday.

03-03-13, 22:44
medellin is not, generally speaking, racist, neither within their society or towards foreigners. i met one very dark american, born in panama, and he had zero problem. i have a black heavy-set friend, and he has no problem. it's not a problem. runner, who contributes to this board while never having paid for sex, and the dude who says there are no good looking working girls in medellin are just "trolling".yeah, that guy runner up is full of shit, which is why he got banned and deleted from isg. if being black is a problem in medellin then i cannot for the life of me figure out how i was able to bang 9 different chicas on my last trip. i've got over 100+ chica friends on fb and get friend request from a new one frequently. i've even had chicas "recommend" other chicas to friend me.

but don't get me wrong; not every chica you send a request to is going to respond to it. that even goes for the black colombianas.

as for non-pros, hell even non-blacks have problems with them. just read dashing don's report below.

03-04-13, 05:44
You need to stay at El Castillo on your next trip. Walking up that hill to the house everyday for a week would easily burn off about 10lbs!

Black Shirt
03-04-13, 07:27

II ran into your website right before a trip to Medellíand and I must say you guys where life savers. I love to travel and have a good time and let me say you fellas saved my trip. I never really comment I just read because I find stories at times humorous as well as educational at times for next trip, but I figured why not contribute and also had some questions. I'll keep it as short as possible.

AA coworker married this paisa he met while on vacation in Panama years go. He finally brought her over to NY to live with him after being married over a year. Once I met her I asked if she had any single friends or family. She suggested a friend of the family that was recently divorced. I figured OK np divorced a child maybe friend is stable with good head on shoulders, I said why not what's the harm. Started talking to her for months. Simple, pretty, smart, hard worker makes good money in sales in Medellíand. After a while I noticed that everything had to do with high end clothes, top quality everything which I'm all for that as well. No she never asked me for money and I never sent anything. It's they things she would tell me and things she wanted seemed a little bit unreasonable considering her budget, single mom what she paid from are rent etc. So anyway I made plans to go meet her. I'll be honest two weeks before I left I was just turned off by her all together but I said whatever still going. Found your website then started making backup plans just in case things didn't work out. I get there she picks me up we talk all the way back to her town of laureles and I stayed at hotel nearby cause I didn't want to cause issues with her and kids father. She was better looking in person. She took me around to all these restaurants and I gladly paid. Especially since its so cheap there compare to NYC prices and restaurants. Still after going out with her and talking etc I wasn't feeling the spark and definitely not feeling the work I would have to put in to get her in bed. But I said I would make best of it. She takes me to meet her family. I meet her sister which was smoking hot BTW, her two brothers and mom. They all live in a low income neighborhood in the same apt. So I started making sense of things. I'll be honest after seeing where they live and how nice they where and welcoming I was completely turned off by her. How can you spend all this money on rent and buying all these expensive things when your family is living borderline poor and you're trying to be rich high society. More to story but I'll leave it there

Anyway I asked to be brought back to hotel, where I jumped on wifi and looked at Google maps casa list and based on reviews I decided on trying energy. When I got there saw lineup and almost lost my mind, I couldn't remember names and didn't know who I wanted. Some tens. 7s and 6s. After all few beers made my selection and had this beautiful dark skin 10. Had a great time and was shocked it was so cheap at the end like you all mentioned. From their went to get some lunch and enjoyed walking around the area. A couple days later I got away and told girl I went to visit I wasn't feeling well and I was going to stay in and decided to try new life as recommended by you fellas and a friend. Got their all 7s and under. Grabbed Grabbed 7 did my duties went to pay and I was like really? Unreal paid same amount I would pay for lunch at a pub midweek. Day after I had to go back and never spoke to girl again. You guys definitely saved my trip from being a waste to already planning to go back ASAP.

Had Had couple of questions before cause I'm a little confused. What's the difference between Medellíand plaza hotel and mansion. Also if mansion is a hotel they way it sounds is that pros work there or just hang out there all day waiting for someone to bring them to room? If so what does that cost? I'm also a night person what the best way to get a pro at night or is strip club only way since casas close at night? Is it really worth going to strip clubs, I ask cause casas just make more sense. Less money and less headache.

Well that's it for now gents thanks again. Sorry post is sloppy but I'm on my cell.Thanks, a nice ending.

03-04-13, 11:10
If you are traveling by yourself, it's more fun to stay at the Mansion. Of the 2 houses, I prefer Castillo as it is more laid back. Apartments can be had and are luxurious, but it's lonely. You can avail yourself of the girls on-site or make casa trips. To mix it up, you can take a day trip to the Arvi nature park.


You get their via the metro system. It is much fun to go with one of the ladies you meet in Medellin, or with another couple. Another day trip is to the "Parque Norte".


It's sort of a mini-Six Flags. Again fun with your girl and another couple.

You can get Fernando the taxi driver to give you a tour of Medellin. He took me all the way to Sabaneta. Nice!

For an overnight trip, you can go to Guatape and El Penol.

03-04-13, 15:59
if you are traveling by yourself, it's more fun to stay at the mansion. of the 2 houses, i prefer castillo as it is more laid back. apartments can be had and are luxurious, but it's lonely. you can avail yourself of the girls on-site or make casa trips. to mix it up, you can take a day trip to the arvi nature park.


you get their via the metro system. it is much fun to go with one of the ladies you meet in medellin, or with another couple. another day trip is to the "parque norte".


it's sort of a mini-six flags. again fun with your girl and another couple.

you can get fernando the taxi driver to give you a tour of medellin. he took me all the way to sabaneta. nice!

for an overnight trip, you can go to guatape and el penol.i had not heard of parque norte. [ so i clicked your link] i see it is just a short bus ride from centro medellin, i figure about a week to 10 day trip. your link is to a park in buenos aires, argentina. ps. hold off writing travel guide book for mde

03-04-13, 16:03
I had not heard of Parque Norte. [ so I clicked your link] I see it is just a short bus ride from centro Medellin, I figure about a week to 10 day trip. Your link is to a park in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ps. Hold off writing travel guide book for MDEYou got me!

But here is a good link.




03-04-13, 16:57
Another fun place to go, say have dinner with your best girl, is Pueblito Paisa. The view is amazing.


03-04-13, 19:02
another fun place to go, say have dinner with your best girl, is pueblito paisa. the view is amazing.

http://discovercolombia.com/pueblito-paisa/i made plans to go with my girl to el penol but were delayed in town. we had to scrap those and she suggested pueblito paisa. the reataurant are nice and like chesrep001 says, the views are awesome. go there around sunset.

03-04-13, 19:25
you got me!

but here is a good link.



http://parquenorte.gov.co/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=45&itemid=55good to see both of us sense a sense of humor, and critiques allowed. after posting i searched and found there was a parque norte in mde so thanks not coming back on me as you were half right and i was half wrong. all good energy as another poster always says on this site

Colombia Jake
03-04-13, 21:56
Captain Chris just left after staying here for a few nights. Great time! I'm adding a few photos of the first nights double team. There is also a few new photos on the ColombiaJake site.


Legal Tender
03-04-13, 23:30
medellin is not, generally speaking, racist, neither within their society or towards foreigners. i met one very dark american, born in panama, and he had zero problem. i have a black heavy-set friend, and he has no problem. it's not a problem. runner, who contributes to this board while never having paid for sex, and the dude who says there are no good looking working girls in medellin are just "trolling".the preference is actually for dead people whose photos are printed on green special paper. now, if you've got enough of those you can be white, black, yellow, brown or any combination thereof, and be well received in the city of eternal spring.

like the motto reads: "money is the world's greatest aphrodisiac."

only good energy!

03-05-13, 01:22
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03-05-13, 02:38
A couple get a room in my hotel. Not even an hour later, girl walks downstairs with a stressful look in her eyes. She asks how to go back to her home in Santo Domingo. The admin asks her about the man she came with."He is staying, I am leaving" I quickly move in: "It's too late and dangerous for you to go out to santo Domingo from this area. My darling, what don't you stay with me and go home in the morning. Relax, I always come here."

Long story short. The dude was trying to pressure her to give him a BJ, something she doesn't like" or at least that's what she claims.

We had a wonderful night and the next day. I had to tell her I needed to be somewhere just to get ready of her.

Funny part, she told me later that I greeted her at the entrance and she smiled. Never recalled that at all!

BTW, my hotel is a love hotel, so lots of couples in and out frequently. I guess not all have a mutual happy endings. I'll be paying more attention from now on. LOL.


03-06-13, 01:41
Well written, informative post. Thanks for sharing. Puré Vida.

03-06-13, 11:33
Since November 15, 2012 Colombian Citizens are allowed to fly to Mexico without a visa. Some of us adventurous guys have already flown some girls from Medellin to Cancun, Mexico. This is what happened to me personally.

I had booked a beach front apartment in Cancun at a cost of $3,000 per week. This trip was supposed to be my best trip ever. Four of us guys were flying 5 girls from Medellin to Mexico for a great vacation trip. Well we had one girl who was mediocre looking girl she flew in and entered easily. Now the reason I think that this girl entered easily was first she flew in first class secondly she was an average looking Colombiana. This girl was invited because one of my friend really likes her. Then I had 3 girls flying from Medellin to Cancun, Mexico. These 3 girls were all stopped by Mexican Immigration and then were deported back to Medellin. Reason given was they don't fit the tourist profile. Since I had already spent so much money I had even tried to give some money to Mexican immigration but they wanted like $ 2, 000 per girl to get them out. I was given another reason that these 3 girls stories did not match. Meaning they had contradictory stories.

I was so upset and out of desperation I tried to fly one more girl the next day. My thinking process was that this girl will be able to come because she is coming solo. Well the Mexican Immigration in Cancun deported her as well. All these 4 girls had return tickets and they had approximately $ 500 each with them. One of the girls that I flew had been to Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina and other places as well. These girls had travelled before.

I had been also told that same thing has happened with another friend of mine when he tried to fly a girl to Mexico city. I was later also told that in just past one week Mexico Immigration had sent over 10 girls back to Medellin from Cancun alone.

My suggestion is to avoid Mexico by all means necessary. Anyways those of you who still want to try this out of desperation and roll the dice then following are my suggestion. Please don't give me examples of the girls that were able to enter because I know that some of them went past Mexican Immigration. I know some of them also took more then 2 hours to get out of Immigration and some of them were able to get out in a few minutes. But it is rolling the dice flying a girl to Mexico.

1. Book a hotel under the girls name and include your name as well in it. Don't book an apartment because the fn Mexican Immigration feels that tourists are to stay only in Hotels.

2. Best if you can fly in with the girl. Don't try to fly the girl separately and you fly separately. Meet the girl in Panama and then fly with her to Cancun.

All in all I was out $ 5, 000 from my pocket alone just because I had arranged this trip. This was a very furious situation for me and I stayed in Cancun for 3 nights. I still had to pay the apartment rent $ 2, 000 and paid 3 girls tickets from my pocket at $700 each and then I paid for my own ticket to Cancun. This was a Royal Disaster. I have never burned so much money.

First Night I was at the airport from 8 pm to 3 am in morning just to try and get the girls out. Second night I was still trying to get the last girl in to Cancun. I was so furious at Cancun that I didn't want to stay in Cancun for even one more minute. I booked my ticket to Medellin and flew to Medellin.

Lastly, Please don't try and criticize this report. I am sick and tired of some Smart Ass people on this board. I have stopped posting on this board because of the few people that always fire away negative comments.

Lastly if any one is interested in spending a bit extra cash for better looking girls then Mansion girls you can send me a PM and I will gladly help. I pay girls 150 mil + taxi for 1 hour and half but I pay girls 300 mil for all night. Some very exclusive girls I pay them 400 mil for the night as well. Normally all night to me is 8 pm to 8 am.


Legal Tender
03-06-13, 15:24
Lastly, Please don't try and criticize this report. I am sick and tired of some Smart Ass people on this board. I have stopped posting on this board because of the few people that always fire away negative comments.

John.I can't imagine anyone being critical of your information. Thanks for taking the time to post your experience. It could save many of us the financial pain you suffered.

Only good energy, my amigo.

03-06-13, 16:46
Since November 15, 2012 Colombian Citizens are allowed to fly to Mexico without a visa. Some of us adventurous guys have already flown some girls from Medellin to Cancun, Mexico. This is what happened to me personally .If I ever had any thoughts of flying a Colombiana to Mexico, your story sure curbed those ideas. I never want to experience that nightmare.

I don't care if others write that their girls made it through the Mexican immigration roulette gauntlet.

Not worth the risk.

I'd rather go to San Andres anyway.

Thanks for sharing.

03-06-13, 16:52
Lastly, Please don't try and criticize this report. I am sick and tired of some Smart Ass people on this board. I have stopped posting on this board because of the few people that always fire away negative comments.John,

This is a forum in which members PAY for the right to respond to posts like yours and moderators decide which responses are inappropriate. Jackson runs a tight ship and his rules are clear and concise. One has to be able to tolerate a little criticism on any forum especially if you write a report such as yours, you knew damn well when you posted your report that it was a controversial or at the very least a hot topic so what did you expect, only the people that agree with what you did to respond, how would that be fair to us PAID members.

Da Hammer
03-06-13, 19:10
All this info is super helpful for when I start planning a mini vacation.

One question, though, what are these sites you guys talk about? I hear New Life, Mansion, etc. But I can't seem to find links to any of these sites.

Can anyone provide these links and others?

Da Hammer
03-06-13, 19:57
Thanks to all you guys for all the valuable info I can use on my next trip.

You guys talk about new life, mansion, etc. But I can't seem to find the links to their websites. Could you provide the links to these and other useful sites?


03-06-13, 20:25
Just curious to know what a 4-5 day trip to Medellin consists of for all of you. Thats what I plan to do next time I go. Would like some ideas suggestions. Most likely from Thursday to Monday.I did this exact same trip, Thursday thru Monday last month. Doing it again tomorrow. LOL. Last month was my first time to Medellin. Been to San Jose several times. Last month, I stayed in the Happy Buddah Hostel for $10 / night. I took taxis to New Life and Energy during the day. Since I could not bring girls back to my hostel dorm room, every night I hit the strip clubs. 1 night Fase Dos. 1 night La Isla, then next 2 nights, Las Cognitas and Club Ejectivo. On the Sat night, no strip clubs, just bar hopping in Parque Lleras trying to talk to locals, but they didn't really want to talk to me with my broken spanglish. I'm staying in the Mansion tomorrow and Friday to see if its worth it. If I love it, Ill stay, if its just ok, Ill go to Hotel Florida or back to a Hostel. Prices for girls at Las Cognitas were 55K I think and at Ejectivo were $80K I think. Ejectivo is the best bang for you buck. More good lookers than Cognitas and way less pesos than Fase Dos and La Isla which were like $180K for take in. But Ill have to admit, I did like the scene at La Isla. Great music and fucking hot girls dancing naked that you can bang for a Benjamin.

Hanshin Baka
03-06-13, 22:56
Calling bullshit, as the problem was in Mexico, because I was there and went through it.Since you are not John, N, or the other guy from Canada you weren't there. John, if you PM me I will tell you which girl said they never made it through customs in Medellin. Senor G, return to your troll dome.

03-07-13, 07:54
Thanks to all you guys for all the valuable info I can use on my next trip.

You guys talk about new life, mansion, etc. But I can't seem to find the links to their websites. Could you provide the links to these and other useful sites?

ThanksWelocme to the board.

"Mansion" changed it's name. It is a hotel where you have an opportunity to run into very cute and friendly Colombian girls. http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/ (read more about it in the Medellin hotels and apartment" thread.

New life is a "casa". Casa means house but this house has no kitchen. It only has bedrooms and bathrooms. You rent the bedrooms by 30 minutes and the girls are free:-D. They do not have a website that I know of. Look in the "Medellin list" thread. There is the address in the worldtraveller69's post and map for all the centro casas by Mattpsyche. Invaluable.

Report back with your experiences, good or bad.

03-07-13, 08:04
Since November 15, 2012 Colombian Citizens are allowed to fly to Mexico without a visa. Some of us adventurous guys have already flown some girls from Medellin to Cancun, Mexico. This is what happened to me personally.

John.John, excellent report. I feel for you bro. I could feel your anguish though your words. Your advice is very good. Few pages back, I gave similar advice you did.

On the note of being and criticized by fe, do not let that discourage you. Vast majority of the members on this forum are good folks. They provide good information and advice, while being receptive to good advice. Keep up the good work.

03-07-13, 15:43
What is the price for a cheap cell phone in MDE?

Are they using Claro down there? Power outlets the same as U.S.?

03-07-13, 18:28

This is a forum in which members PAY for the right to respond to posts like yours and moderators decide which responses are inappropriate. Jackson runs a tight ship and his rules are clear and concise. One has to be able to tolerate a little criticism on any forum especially if you write a report such as yours, you knew damn well when you posted your report that it was a controversial or at the very least a hot topic so what did you expect, only the people that agree with what you did to respond, how would that be fair to us PAID members.I have no problems with criticism based on factual Information. Second just like other paid members I am paid member as well and I can always have a request out for people not to be critical of my post.

Any ways Happy Mongering.



03-07-13, 20:05
What is the price for a cheap cell phone in MDE?

Are they using Claro down there? Power outlets the same as USA?They are the north American type A and B.

For my travels, I use this site for reference. http://www.kropla.com/electric2.htm

Cell phones. I saw them for $25 or less in the malls but not sure about quality. It also depends on what features you want. If you want to text or use Internet, you want a Querty key pad. I bought a quadband pantech in Miami airport.

For $60 and it worked great.

Vegas Jeff
03-08-13, 01:44
What is the price for a cheap cell phone in MDE?

Are they using Claro down there? Power outlets the same as USA?There are two ways to go about a phone in Medellin. You can buy a cheap basic phone in Centro for 20, 000 pesos ($12) or you can bring a phone from the states and have it unlocked at The Monterrey Mall. The Monterrey Mall is a 10-15 minute walk from Parque Lleras. Don't unlock a new phone as it voids the warranty. If it were me, I would bring the phone you used before your newest phone and have it unlocked.

Also, they have Claro / Comcel here and normal outlets work in Medellin.

Legal Tender
03-08-13, 04:10
There are two ways to go about a phone in Medellin. You can buy a cheap basic phone in Centro for 20, 000 pesos ($12) or you can bring a phone from the states and have it unlocked at The Monterrey Mall. The Monterrey Mall is a 10-15 minute walk from Parque Lleras. Don't unlock a new phone as it voids the warranty. If it were me, I would bring the phone you used before your newest phone and have it unlocked.

Also, they have Claro / Comcel here and normal outlets work in Medellin.I got a used 3gs Iphone off Ebay (unlocked) and use it in Colombia. It works great. Easy for texting and contacts. And, when you need it, there are a number of translation apps. Best I remember it was less than $100.

03-08-13, 04:20
John, thanks for posting your report which is very helpful for others considering doing the same. In return for sharing your experience you asked kindly that people not take shots at you. I am glad that some of the guys thanked and commended you and then there are the "others" (yes I know you pay for the right to criticize). Someone posted your story on CRT and of course there were the usual negative comments.

Here is my post that I made on that site and I think it is appropriate here as well.

Quote " John provided a factual report to benefit others and I applaud him for coming forward with the details of what happened.

Since visa requirements for travel have changed for Colombians the hot thing to do is guess what: yes traveling to other countries. It is the hot thing to do and the hot girls are getting invites to travel to Cancun, Jamaica, etc. It is a real treat for them and well healed gringo's are taking them for a special time together. The girls that I know about are for the most part going with guys that they know well and like.

It might have been said in jest but John doesn't benefit from helping others with his list of girls.

The most informative guy that I know regarding the scene in Medellin hardly post anymore because of know it alls and negative remarks.

And then we wonder why we are reading less and less good posts on this board.".

Jordan Diddy
03-09-13, 19:25
Preach! You can usually trace 99% of problems ANY guy (regardless of color) has with pulling chicas to the fact they have an "American" sense of entitlement / arrogance combined with some weak ass game.

I still can't believe that cats go to a Spanish speaking country and think they don't have to learn at least basic Spanish! That shit might work in Europe or Asia. But that approach will hold you back here.

Yeah, that guy Runner Up is full of shit, which is why he got banned and deleted from ISG. If being Black is a problem in Medellin then I cannot for the life of me figure out how I was able to bang 9 different chicas on my last trip. I've got over 100+ chica friends on FB and get friend request from a new one frequently. I've even had chicas "recommend" other chicas to friend me.

But don't get me wrong; not every chica you send a request to is going to respond to it. That even goes for the Black Colombianas.

As for non-pros, hell even non-Blacks have problems with them. Just read Dashing Don's report below.

Jordan Diddy
03-09-13, 19:35
Great report!

I've only done a casa in barrio Conquistadores, Loudrons, Lapa, Fase II, and call ins. The lowest quality (7. 5 at best) was probably Loudron and the casa (which were more of day spots anyway). I'm choosy though so I don't mind paying the cost of some of the higher end spots to find it.

I'm going to try to switch it up next time though and hit that Mansion Hotel, a lot more casas, and the other spots I've read on this forum.


II ran into your website right before a trip to Medellíand and I must say you guys where life savers. I love to travel and have a good time and let me say you fellas saved my trip. I never really comment I just read because I find stories at times humorous as well as educational at times for next trip, but I figured why not contribute and also had some questions. I'll keep it as short as possible.

AA coworker married this paisa he met while on vacation in Panama years go. He finally brought her over to NY to live with him after being married over a year. Once I met her I asked if she had any single friends or family. She suggested a friend of the family that was recently divorced. I figured OK np divorced a child maybe friend is stable with good head on shoulders, I said why not what's the harm. Started talking to her for months. Simple, pretty, smart, hard worker makes good money in sales in Medellíand. After a while I noticed that everything had to do with high end clothes, top quality everything which I'm all for that as well. No she never asked me for money and I never sent anything. It's they things she would tell me and things she wanted seemed a little bit unreasonable considering her budget, single mom what she paid from are rent etc. So anyway I made plans to go meet her. I'll be honest two weeks before I left I was just turned off by her all together but I said whatever still going. Found your website then started making backup plans just in case things didn't work out. I get there she picks me up we talk all the way back to her town of laureles and I stayed at hotel nearby cause I didn't want to cause issues with her and kids father. She was better looking in person. She took me around to all these restaurants and I gladly paid. Especially since its so cheap there compare to NYC prices and restaurants. Still after going out with her and talking etc I wasn't feeling the spark and definitely not feeling the work I would have to put in to get her in bed. But I said I would make best of it. She takes me to meet her family. I meet her sister which was smoking hot BTW, her two brothers and mom. They all live in a low income neighborhood in the same apt. So I started making sense of things. I'll be honest after seeing where they live and how nice they where and welcoming I was completely turned off by her. How can you spend all this money on rent and buying all these expensive things when your family is living borderline poor and you're trying to be rich high society. More to story but I'll leave it there

Anyway I asked to be brought back to hotel, where I jumped on wifi and looked at Google maps casa list and based on reviews I decided on trying energy. When I got there saw lineup and almost lost my mind, I couldn't remember names and didn't know who I wanted. Some tens. 7s and 6s. After all few beers made my selection and had this beautiful dark skin 10. Had a great time and was shocked it was so cheap at the end like you all mentioned. From their went to get some lunch and enjoyed walking around the area. A couple days later I got away and told girl I went to visit I wasn't feeling well and I was going to stay in and decided to try new life as recommended by you fellas and a friend. Got their all 7s and under. Grabbed Grabbed 7 did my duties went to pay and I was like really? Unreal paid same amount I would pay for lunch at a pub midweek. Day after I had to go back and never spoke to girl again. You guys definitely saved my trip from being a waste to already planning to go back ASAP.

Had Had couple of questions before cause I'm a little confused. What's the difference between Medellíand plaza hotel and mansion. Also if mansion is a hotel they way it sounds is that pros work there or just hang out there all day waiting for someone to bring them to room? If so what does that cost? I'm also a night person what the best way to get a pro at night or is strip club only way since casas close at night? Is it really worth going to strip clubs, I ask cause casas just make more sense. Less money and less headache.

Well that's it for now gents thanks again. Sorry post is sloppy but I'm on my cell.

Jordan Diddy
03-09-13, 19:37
Yeah, I agree with SavePros, you definitely should've done a bit more "interviewing".

Good story and thanks for sharing. More proof (for the rest of us) that if you are not in town for more than two weeks, it's best to just stick with the pros.

In hindsight, since the essentially turned to you for recruitment at the mansion, I would have made them both go home and get their cedulas, fucked them both for free (your commission) , THEN introduced them to Alexa, LOL!

Jordan Diddy
03-09-13, 20:07
I think as Americans, one of the rare occasions where we get a dose of our own arrogance is when we're coming through our own Customs and being interrogated, basically accused and detained as criminals because of someone else's "perception" of you and your activities. Funny thing is. There ain't shit you can do about it but suck it up unless you want to make a fuss end up in deeper shit (fortunately, in America that just means longer delays, more stupid ass questions). But in other countries, get ready to fall off the map for a few days.

I will say this, go through the not so laborious process of enrolling in TSA Global Entry and you'll be part of the Good 'Ol Boys network then. I love the wink and the smile the CBP Agent gives me while I stroll directly with my luggage through Customs Checkpoint right past the hundreds of people who just got off the plane with me. It actually almost makes me think,"hmmmm, well maybe I should've brought that brick home." (JUST JOKING!) But, on a serious note, it really does flow like that. 20 minutes tops and 15 of that is spent waiting on my bag on the carousel.

But when going through Customs in other countries: KEEP CALM and STFU. Especially of all the places, Mexico, where the cops will rob you faster than the thugs. So, do you really think they'll let your smoking hot dimes through without some additional cash "tariffs"."Jajajaj! Stupid Gringos!"

I think she might have been a little out of line with that questioning. What business is it of hers if you travel alone or with friends. And how does she see that as "unusual?" Evry time I've been there it's been with a group traveling separately. And a whole bunch of guys on the plane flying solo. I think they are getting to big in the pants.

03-10-13, 10:20
I think as Americans, one of the rare occasions where we get a dose of our own arrogance is when we're coming through our own Customs and being interrogated, basically accused and detained as criminals bec. The the smile the CBP Agent gives me while I stroll directly with my luggage through Customs Checkpoint right past the hundreds of people who just got off the plane with me. It actually almost makes me think,"hmmmm, well maybe I should've brought that brick home." (JUST JOKING!) But, on a serious note, it really does flow like that. 20 minutes tops and 15 of that is spent waiting on my bag on the carousel.

But when going through Customs in other countries: KEEP CALM and STFU. Especially of all the places, Mexico, where the cops will rob you faster than the thugs. So, do you really think they'll let your smoking hot dimes through without some additional cash "tariffs"."Jajajaj! Stupid Gringos!"I got the global entry card two years ago when they started it and that is best $100 I have ever spent on travel related expense. I don't recommend that you guys get it though. I would be worried that I would have to stand in line then to get to the kiosk. :-}

03-10-13, 16:04
The 400k / 90 min. Girl was Luz Helena from.


The girl from Romancelatina was sexylatinajulieta who costed 300k / 2hs with BBBJ.

Priceworthy service I got from :

Masajistaspaisas. Com:

Daniela Prepago Medellin 313 710 91 31 120k / 1hs, CBJ, but very classy kind woman. 100% recommended.

Fabiana Villareal 310 651 87 75, 40k extra for BBBJ, supersweet, dancer body, my absolute favorite among +300 prepagos in Latinamerica since 2003. Works in a massage on the 2th floor, while the 1th floor is a regular office, kind of funny situations when entering, but very fresh installations. Fabiana Villareal works with 4-5 other girls. I had them all, all are good, especially Jessica Gym 300 4731786, with 5 M COP-tits from paisasdivinas. Com. Girls charge 120k + 40k for BBBJ / 1hs. The site is located at Cra. 78 No. 42-20, or "San Juan con 78".

Paisasdivinas also have 2 girls in a Laureles apt. Near Laureles Park that I would like to recommend. 100k +20k for BBBJ:

Koral 300 4731786 & Dulce, but I can't find Dulce anymore on paisasdivinas. Com, but I was there 10 days ago, impressive sight having those two babes in bed. (Dulce might have moved on to nother site since she was the hotter of the two and maybe got a better deal elsewhere, I would if where her. Both with enhaced tits and ass Colombianstyle, pornobabes, if you like that.

Close to the site at San Juan / 78 is Juliana Espectacular 318 4066029. She and her friend 100k each, but did'nt do BBBJ, but very good looking and sexy both of them.

Rest of them I can not remember well enough to point out. But masajespaisas and paisasdivinas are good. Not perfect, but as good as it get's. Prices from 100k, which 16% of my Homeland babeprice index. 120k +40k for BBBJ is then 25, but in Sexprison BBBJ is not available, but girls a little hotter almost 9-10s, while those from these paisas-sites are 7-9s.

New Life have some real hotties, maybe 33% is Real Nice Ones, really cheap 50k for 45 min or 65k for 1 hs, + 20k for BBBJ, the best deal in town (for me it was).65k +20k for BBJ is equal to 13% of Homeland babeprice index cost.

Daytime Fishing in Centro Comerciales like Premium Plaza might work. The more expensive CC- the more babes running around.

I left MDE long-time satisfied and this enery lasts for months, until next trip!

Advice is to get a hot novia, not to difficult in Medellin for an Anglo-Saxon, or maybe 2-3 if you can handle it. Even if prices are 13-25% of Homeland prices, my personal demand for erotic pleasure seems to find it's equilibrium at 2 x 2-4 girls a week, wich is equal to 250k-1. 5 m COP a week. Too much since I stay 2-5 months every time, hence novia / s are needed! Gifts, scholarship are more economical, but variation is bless! At least until I met Fabiola Villarealand and my novia, so 'm down to two favorites now, but hunger will come on stronger again and again.

For those of you that like Levitra & Cialis; they are superexpensive in Colombia, generics are not to be found. I can buy them from a Panama guy for half of the Colombain price, but this is still way above internet prices, if you can find a company that knows how to get your package through customs. Toppharmacy. Com where great at this, but they are no more. Generic Viagra is cheap and still the most powerful one, but side effects are unpleasant.

Hopes this helpes!

I usually to day tours 1-2 week on average, but now with the novia it's complicated: I pump my body full with Viagra and Cialis and Levitra, the two latter I bring in from Europe since they don't sell generics here, they I pick out some prepagos, mostly in Laureles and visit like 3 places, if posible I do 2 girls if the prepagos amiga is available and hot. Viagra / Cialis makes it easy to practice Tantric Sex, so I let them work hard to make me finish, but I have 100% control in this. Finally when I feel 100% happy I finish and are satisfied, exhausted 2-4 days.

I tried a superexpensive agency and payd 400 K for 90 min with a 10, I payed 300k for a FreeLancer from Romancelatina, model in BGT. I just had to try:

Conclusion 2 months in Medellíand. 4th time: New Life and centro casas that might have the same quality or some girls that have, they are very priceworthy, very much indeed so.

Prepagos from Paisasdivinas, masajistaspaisas cost 100-120-150 are like the best they have at NL, but in a better environment.

BBBJ. 20k seems to be standard rate, some want 50, but it's tricky to negotionate nude and helpless, better to say no thanks, safe your seed and energy to the next girl, it's easy since there are many casas en el centro and many apartments in Laureles and Poblado.

03-10-13, 16:25
"Jordan Diddy" is the same troll, just mixing it up.

03-11-13, 02:04

I plan to do a couple overnights next time I'm there. Whats the most cost effective yet satisfying way to get proper overnight chica. Looking for a balance on cost & chica quality. Don't want to go the complete cheap route cause I'm a believer you get what you pay for. Do I get one from casa, website, mall, street or pray my good looks and charm make it happen. LOL!

03-12-13, 05:13

I plan to do a couple overnights next time I'm there. Whats the most cost effective yet satisfying way to get proper overnight chica. Looking for a balance on cost & chica quality. Don't want to go the complete cheap route cause I'm a believer you get what you pay for. Do I get one from casa, website, mall, street or pray my good looks and charm make it happen. LOL!The best overnight chica is one that you've already established something with prior. If you did a short time session with a chica (from either of the places you mentioned above) and the session went well, then she is probably a prime candidate for overnight (you already know what to expect performance-wise and personality-wise).

But imagine telling a chica you have never been with before that you want her to spend the night, only to find out that she only does CBJ, no kissing, sexo solo una vez, etc, etc. You'd be pretty pissed having to sleep next to someone who did not give you what you were looking for.

You also have to be on the lookout for chicas who will say they will spend the night, but then make an excuse to have to leave early because of their kid or sick relative (could be a genuine excuse, or she could be trying to get back home to the "real" novio/chulo or keep her commitment with another John).

03-12-13, 10:17

I plan to do a couple overnights next time I'm there. Whats the most cost effective yet satisfying way to get proper overnight chica. Looking for a balance on cost & chica quality. Don't want to go the complete cheap route cause I'm a believer you get what you pay for. Do I get one from casa, website, mall, street or pray my good looks and charm make it happen. LOL!This is a very good question as not much is posted on this board about TLN (todo la noche). Probably best answered by other TLN connoisseurs but I will do my best.

Cost: TLN is going to be expensive. Come prepared.

Casas: Highly unlikely that casa girls will agree to do TLN after one 30 minute session and almost impossible if your spanish is poor. Most casa girls work there because they have kids at home or they hate working at night. Almost none will commit to you at the time but may give you phone numbers and several might agree to meet till 11 pm or mid night. Nothing wrong in trying your luck.

Website: Sure but expensive. I have seen TLN prices for escorts from 1000 to 1500 pesos.

Mall: How good is your spanish? Do you look like someone they want to have a baby with? If so, may be a dinner and a club first night. Otherwise, forget it.

Street: Possible and probably your most economical option. For me, it would be a bit hard to let my guard down sleeping all night with a girl from the street with no connection to a verifiable establishment. I would be careful with my possessions :-}

Good looks and charm: You best asset following you ability to speak spanish well. (see mall).

Couple of possibilities you did not list,

Mansion girls: Some (not all) are a sure bet. I don't know what they charge for TLN.

Clubs: This is your best option and is more expensive than all the others but less expensive than escort websites.

RL and CC: Too much effort for very little gain, unless you hook a prepago. Go this route only if you are in CO for an extended period of time.

Facebook: Better return on your investment than RL or CC. Works best if you are single and do not care about privacy. (I am not on facebook and this info is from my friends)

Hope others will chime in and may be give you some price points.

03-13-13, 19:13
First off if you need particular information please pay for the ISG board and become a paid member so we can forward you info via Private message.

Secondly what is reasonable price to you.

Girls prices start at 200 mil overnight to 400 mil overnight and even more for some girls.

Give us an estimated amount. As per your experience with the girl. Most of other guests provided you with correct information that you need to try the girl first but I believe certain established and experienced girls will provide good service to almost any body.




I plan to do a couple overnights next time I'm there. Whats the most cost effective yet satisfying way to get proper overnight chica. Looking for a balance on cost & chica quality. Don't want to go the complete cheap route cause I'm a believer you get what you pay for. Do I get one from casa, website, mall, street or pray my good looks and charm make it happen. LOL!

Member #4244
03-13-13, 19:28

I plan to do a couple overnights next time I'm there. Whats the most cost effective yet satisfying way to get proper overnight chica. Looking for a balance on cost & chica quality. Don't want to go the complete cheap route cause I'm a believer you get what you pay for. Do I get one from casa, website, mall, street or pray my good looks and charm make it happen. LOL!The reasonable range would be about 200K COP to 800K COP.

You can find girls for less potentially, certainly, SWs and girls in the cheaper strip clubs in the Centro. I am not talking about the Maracaibo area ones, I mean further down the hill (Hilton and places like that). You could get them maybe 100K all night, they charge 25-40K for short time and don't get too much foot traffic.

On the other end, if you get an online escort they will usually charge you considerably for TLN, most have rates posted of 800K and up even. Generally you can negotiate, especially once she knows you and you are communicating directly. Even then, it's not a great option unless you really like the girl, I doubt you're getting away for less than 500K, same with SD and Fase II girls who are actually any hotter than the other girls in town.

I think the strip joints are the most oriented toward TLN and the easiest, most consistent and most reasonable. Usually you're looking at 200K TLN plus a fine of some sort. 50K-100K (usually around 70K). After the first time, arrange it with the girl in advance to avoid that charge if you want. You can sometimes find girls who will pay the fine for you (so 200K total out the door) but you find some who want a little more also (so maybe 350K or so out the door).

Again, this varies from place to place and girl to girl. Trying to give you a reasonable expectation here. You can do better or worse in any given situation.

One thing I'd like to reiterate to everyone is that paying for extra services is something we should collectively do less of. Let the girl know that the best tip is a return visit and that you're going with her because she is willing to do what you like. You will have a lot of success keeping costs down and raising service standards with this approach. Of course I understand that many of you are just on short trips passing through and so this is not as strong of an option. I also understand tipping for good service, of course, but my opinion is that should be discretionary and after the fact.

03-13-13, 20:50
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03-14-13, 01:38
AG, how is the new club you opened. Alot of girls working every night.

Vegas Jeff
03-15-13, 03:25
The best overnight chica is one that you've already established something with prior. If you did a short time session with a chica (from either of the places you mentioned above) and the session went well, then she is probably a prime candidate for overnight (you already know what to expect performance-wise and personality-wise).And the more time you have in Medellin the better. Spanish level and length of trip determine alot in Medellin. Also, you have to be friendly and assertive. If you are not assertive, Spanish girls will not respect you.

03-16-13, 01:59
So things have been going well lately and I feel like I should spoil myself a bit. I, like many, have lusted after the paisas in parque lleras for much too long. As great as some of the paisas that I've met and have been posted on this site are, they are just a few points shy of some of the real hotties you see all across Colombia IMO. I've always found very attractive girls at Loutron, but likely won't have the time to do multiple trips my next vacation to find the right combination of GFE + looks as well as convince them to do a TLN meetup.

Does anyone know where one can get in touch with the upper crust of Medellin prepagos? From what I have heard, many models are available if you have the money and the right connections. I'm willing to pony up a decent amount of cash, but could use some assistance getting connected to the right people as my trips are usually limited to 3 to 4 days.

Attached are a few pics of the types of girls I am looking for, I don't know if any of these girls are available. I'd be more than willing to share my experiences and feedback.

03-16-13, 07:54
Hello to all,

It's been over a year since I last posted anything out on this board. Life has kept me busy doing other things.

I actually only spent 5 days in Medellin but spent the previous week in Cali. I won't be doing a report on Cali because I found that even after a year away, nothing really has changed. As the saying goes "Cali es Cali".

I can tell you that it amazes me that Medellin gets better looking every time I come here. There is always a new mall being built or new high rises to house the ever increasing middle to upper class.

Like I said I spent only 5 days in Medellin. I won't bore you with every detail of my trip because a lot of it was spent visiting friends I have made over the years that now live in Medellin. I've been thinking of joining the ex-pats that have set down roots in Medellin. Well at least for a few months at a time a year anyway. It's just so nice here.

Anyway, as usual I stayed at the Medellin Plaza 1 (previously Casa Blanca 1 & previously the Medellin Mansion). I was interested to see the bar "La Cueva" (The Cave) that co-owner Robert had built below the hotel. It's small but very well fit since the main clients are the guests of the hotels Medellin Plaza 1&2.

For those who don't know, the Hotels are run by Aussie Greg, Robert & Boyd. Greg was out of town on a long trip abroad. Robert was still in Miami and called me at the hotel on this Monday the 11th to tell me he was returning Friday the 15th and that his Birthday party would be that night in the La Cueva. As I'm writing this right now when the party should be in full swing. I'm sure the monthly newsletter the hotel puts out will include some highlights of the festivities.

I must say that the Alexa and the other staff at the Medellin Plaza 1&2 are just great. I myself didn't need much assistance from them but I saw everyday they helped many a guest with any and all questions or concerns whether it was taxi services, maps of the girlies casas, food order deliveries, gyms to work out at, making dental appointments, etc, etc. They are truly good at what they do.

I must say that the nights in La Cueva this week were quite memorable. I and other guests (some old friends and many new ones) never had a boring moment when the invited girls really get going. Wednesday was really great with 2 girls always dry humping me and having virtual sex on the couches.

La Cueva was a great idea. The barmaids are prettier that apple pie and will play your favorite music (internet fed). The bar is stocked with a full array of beers wine & booze. It's free for the guests of the hotel to enter. For non-guests there is a cop $30, 000 fee Sunday through Thursday and cop $50, 000 Friday & Saturday.

The girls still visit the Medellin Plaza 1 during the day starting at around noon. Then at 6pm all the girls are asked to move to the bar area. The pool area is basically closed at 7pm.

As far as girl action in Medellin, I personally only went to one casa (New Life) once during my time in Medellin and 3 times to Mayorista (a story in itself). Many of the others guests did the full array of casa runs. And many had dates set up for the night. But still La Cueva was a good place to end up. It closes only when there is no one left partying.

The following pictures are primarily a tiny showing of just 2 days of day time girls. I really did not have the interest of shooting in La Cueva since it would have taken time away from my fun. So I'm sorry that it represents almost nothing of all the beautiful girls that visit the hotel at night.

BTW-Like I mentioned earlier, Robert had called me on Monday at the hotel. One of the things he told me was that because of the success of La Cueva, he is working on opening a version of Cartagena's LDV (La Dolce Vita) in Medellin. A true free lance girlie bar that will never charge a multa (bar fine) to take a girl from the premises. I know there is a whole new chapter of partying fun to come once that is going. But for now the Medellin Plaza 1 & 2 is still one of the best deals in Medellin.

As Always- Stay Horny My Friends,


03-16-13, 17:24
Additional 10 pictures to go along with my Medellin report.

Cubanut Returns to Medellin

03-16-13, 19:30
Here is how it looked on back on July 4th. 2012 when it opened. There are some minor changes, but you get the picture. It is REALLY nice. Just imagine the level of partying that you can do here. Best of all, the drinks are really not that expensive. All in all, a great deal for those who choose to spend a few days at the Medellin Plaza.

I must say that the nights in La Cueva this week were quite memorable. I and other guests (some old friends and many new ones) never had a boring moment when the invited girls really get going. Wednesday was really great with 2 girls always dry humping me and having virtual sex on the couches.

La Cueva was a great idea. The barmaids are prettier that apple pie and will play your favorite music (internet fed). The bar is stocked with a full array of beers wine & booze. It's free for the guests of the hotel to enter. For non-guests there is a cop $30, 000 fee Sunday through Thursday and cop $50, 000 Friday & Saturday.


Legal Tender
03-16-13, 19:39
Hello to all,

It's been over a year since I last posted anything out on this board. Life has kept me busy doing other things.

CubanutIt's been too long. I still occasionally revisit the excellent video that you made some five years ago. Today's girls are different, but just as beautiful. Don't stay away so long. For those who aren't familiar with your video, and those who want to see it again, here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfjw28fSVfI

You're only good energy!

03-16-13, 19:49
Hello to all,

La Cueva was a great idea. The barmaids are prettier that apple pie and will play your favorite music (internet fed). The bar is stocked with a full array of beers wine & booze. It's free for the guests of the hotel to enter. For non-guests there is a cop $30, 000 fee Sunday through Thursday and cop $50, 000 Friday & Saturday.

CubanutWelcome back. Thank you for the nice post and your usual high quality pics.

I am glad non-guests are now allowed into the bar.

Aussie Greg
03-17-13, 17:30
AG, how is the new club you opened. Alot of girls working every night.I haven't got anything to do with running the bar mate, Big Bad Boyd didn't want to be involved and I gave my share to Robert. Helped him get it ready in a way but the more I thought about it the more I wanted to be away watching cricket somewhere in the world, right now I'm in India watching Australia getting there ass kicked, off to Pakistan on Tuesday.

As for girls, they come over and drink at the bar and dance, guests seem to be happy.

A. G.

03-17-13, 21:56
Can anyone recommend a nice Gymnasium in Poblado? I am looking for one with nice facilities such as good showers and may be even a pool. I am also hoping there will be some local eye candy there buy that is not the main goal. Thank you.

03-17-13, 22:09
I haven't got anything to do with running the bar mate, Big Bad Boyd didn't want to be involved and I gave my share to Robert. Helped him get it ready in a way but the more I thought about it the more I wanted to be away watching cricket somewhere in the world, right now I'm in India watching Australia getting there ass kicked, off to Pakistan on Tuesday.

As for girls, they come over and drink at the bar and dance, guests seem to be happy.

A. G.Sorry, Greg. How did you like the playing atmosphere? Fans are very passionate and involved. Be careful about your next destination.


03-17-13, 22:11
Can anyone recommend a nice Gymnasium in Poblado? I am looking for one with nice facilities such as good showers and may be even a pool. I am also hoping there will be some local eye candy there buy that is not the main goal. Thank you.Have not seen any gym with pool near Centro Commercial Poblado. Gymnasio Santillana Calle 2 Sur 43C 38. Basic facilities but, cheap. Eye candy not really but, nice people-members. Body Tech. Many locations in El Poblado El Tesoro and Laureles. Google for exact address. Well equipped not cheap but, lots of eye candy depending on location.

Aussie Greg
03-18-13, 16:32

Crowds have been good in Chennai and Hyderabad but here in Chandigarh light.
Been interesting watching the crowds and also watching Tendulkar in his last games and also the make up of the wickets.
I must say, the girls here in the Punjab, are the most attractive of the girls in India.

Mnay young Indians fans acting like screaming schoolgirls, fucken diots. 20/20 has not been good for the young people, they don't know how to appreciate Test Cricket.

Going up to Amritsar "Golden Temple" then the border ceremony and then to Lahore, Pakistan.

Catch you later Bandy.

A. G.


03-18-13, 22:19
Can anyone recommend a nice Gymnasium in Poblado? I am looking for one with nice facilities such as good showers and may be even a pool. I am also hoping there will be some local eye candy there buy that is not the main goal. Thank you.Buddy the Charlie Hotel right smack in Parque Lleras. Its awesome from what I have heard.


03-18-13, 23:48
This trip actually started when I got back from Managua. A buddy wanted to go Medellin around the same time it was my birthday. So we made out dates and bought our tickets. My friends couldn't be swayed to stay at the Mansion, so I contacted Poblado Rentals and reserved Casa Loma. Barry has a good reputation from guys who go to MDE, so we took a chance.

Poblado Rentals.Penthouse 2.

The place is sick. Limited rentals due to some problems with the neighbors. Apparently, the upscale Poblado neighbors don't care for late night idiot gringos and their coked out hookers cranking up the reggaeton. Imagine that.

Once I shower off and get dressed, we head to Luna Lunera. Luna Lunera had a great variety of girls. My buddies who I'll call Doctor Death, mostly because he's a Costa Rican doctor who would prescribe cyanide if there was a buck in it, and the Gentleman, who's polite to a fault. Doctor Death has been drinking for hours, so he pulls the girl dancing on the pole and drags her to the counter for a room. I'm sure at this point, we're getting thrown out, but strangely enough, they allow it. I meet and talk to a couple other stunners, while the gentleman is chatting up a lovely in the corner.

Eventually, doctor death comes out and we all head to Lindas Chicas. Nancy opened the door and they had a couple of girls available. Only one was cute, but she assured us we could have up to 10 if we could wait for a while. So we agreed. After almost an hour, there were no new girls, and we wanted to leave. Nancy was a little irritated at us, but leave we did.

The guys wanted to call it the night, so I had them drop me off at Mayorista. The Mayo was a little slow, but there was a decent amount of talent. I interviewed a couple of girls, and didn't vibe with them. Finally, I found a cute little paisa that said all the right things and made me want to spend my hard earned 30k pesos. In the room, Fernanda could be talked into the uncovered BJ if I would show a little gratitude in the form of a tip. So we had terms. It was nothing amazing, but for 30k pesos, I didn't care. I was back home to the penthouse on my first night satisfied.


Second Day:

When I woke up, the gentleman had gone out and brought in some breakfast. Afterward, we ran some errands, and hit some casas.

Taking a taxi through Medellin is like a safari. You see unreasonable amounts of exotic, super hot women walking down the street.

We hit a few on the map before we hit coffee shop. At coffee shop, there were a few hot girls and we were all able to find suitable entertainment. I picked Angie.

Angie is a very pretty paisa with great natural tits and a super pretty face. She gave me great service and was very sweet. For 37k pesos, I couldn't complain at all.


When we got back to the penthouse, I decided I would mess with Barry a little. I put a note on his facebook that some of the Mayorista girls we brought home the night before got into it with some of the neighbors in the elevator. Then one of the girls poured candle wax into my shower and clogged up the plumbing. About 10 minutes later, Ruben calls in a panic and asks what happened. I just laughed and told him I was joking. He cussed me and hung up. I went on facebook to put Barry at ease, but he had deleted me from his friends list. Jersey charm.

After the mini punk'd episode, I called a couple of girls over for the guys to arrive at 6pm. When 6pm rolled around, only one of the girls showed up.

Wendy arrived promptly at 6pm. Calls to Yamila went unanswered.

The guys had spend the afternoon shopping at mall Oviedo, and shockingly, neither wanted to take Wendy for a spin. Having called her over, I felt somewhat obligated to give her a little business, so I decided to take one for the team. And what a sacrifice it was.

Wendy was fan-fucking-tastic. She was in absolutely no rush, hanging out in bed for a while talking and making out. She went straight to the BJ without any mention of the bag. Great skills. She had great position to give me a great blowjob while looking up at me. I normally don't go down on working girls, but she was scalding hot, and I just had to. The sex was nothing short of incredible. This girl is a lover. Affectionate, like you're her boyfriend. Every position imaginable.

Finished and took a shower. We dried off, laid down and hung out for a while. Then the sudden urge came over me to fuck her again. So I did. Man, what a total package. Wendy is the true definition of girlfriend experience.

Rinsed off again and called her a taxi. I went to the living room to change some dollars so I could pay her, and the guys announced that Wendy was my birthday present, and handed me 200k to give her. Our deal had been 150k + 20k for taxi, but after she just rocked me like that, I wasn't going to ask her for change.

Day 3:

I woke up on day 3 and the guys were already up. They had some errands to run, so I decided to do some casa recon. My man Mascot Jeff gave me a few tips as to the talent in centro. Jeff and I have always had similar taste in women, so I figured even if he was a little off, it would still be ok.

First stop was Latinas. I went in knowing my target, but looked at the girls anyway. One was quite cute, but Sophia was clearly the no brainer in this place.

Sophia is thin with amazing natural tits that rival Wendy's. Her face might even be a little better with her natural green eyes, which is saying quite a bit. This girl was a solid 9. Unfortunately, her service was about a 3. What a ****. She was downright unpleasant. No blowjob AT ALL, no nada. Stick it in, and shut up. So I made the best of it and was determined to get my 37k pesos worth ($20). Sophia is easily model quality, but her service would make me keep looking.


When I rinsed off and walked out of Latinas, I headed over to Sexy to check out another one of Jeff's suggestions, Marisol. Marisol is a hot 22 year old with the most incredible natural tits and a cute face and body. In the room, Marisol gave me a very sincere blowjob without the bag, followed by very nice sex. We had agreed on 20k for the loosened rules, and the sex was good. It's usually really difficult for me to shoot again in such a short time, but her effort and hotness factor helped.


The great Mansion / Apartment debate:

I've stayed at both the Manion / Plaza and apartments. And there are pros and cons of both that will move mongers to their choices. My opinion, and that's all it is, follows. Feel free to have a different view.

The Mansion is a great place to hang out with like minded guys. The management at the Mansion creates an easy, push button environment by making breakfast, maid and laundry service, inviting hot girls over to meet, and will gladly help with most other requests. There are few requests they won't try to accommodate. It has an excellent location that's close to everything. The drawback is the place gets a lot of wear from an extensive client list taking tons of showers and fucking a lot. You'll also occasionally come across personalities you don't care for. And sometimes you just want some quiet time for a day or two during a longer stay and it's not that easy to find in an environment that specializes in providing camaraderie.

The primary profile of their clients would be solo travelers, first time travelers, and guys like me who like the camaraderie of like minded guys.

Apartments can offer an upscale lodging option, more privacy, and a closed environment for more preferred company. In my opinion, it has more drawbacks. There's not much available in the way of coffee, snacks and beverages when you arrive, and you always forget to bring things that are not supplied in an apartment. If you're staying for over a week, then the privacy it offers can be preferred, but for short stays, it's just too much work. We were staying at one of the best apartments in the city, and the hot water took a crap on Saturday morning. Calls to the manager went unanswered and we were forced to take cold showers the rest of our short stay. Maid service was also sorely missed. Whereas if you stay in the mansion, you can always be moved to another room if something goes south midway through your stay. Don't get me wrong, the place was really nice, but I wouldn't suggest apartments for shorter stays.

The primary profile of the apartment client is long term stays, guys who don't like Greg, and guys who's typical date are either unable or unwilling to present identification. Just calling it like I see it.

A third type are guys who like the cost effectiveness of an apartment, but like to swing by the mansion when they get tired of being alone, or when none of the options they planned worked out. This bargain is usually negated by the cover charge the mansion charges for non-guests.

I'm going to side with the mansion on this one. The mansion works hard to provide a total turn-key package for guys on vacation. The number of guys who try to swing by for a visit and get numbers from mansion girls would blow your mind, made all the more douche-baggy by bashing the mansion for not allowing it. If while staying at an apartment, you invited some girls over, and shortly afterward, a bunch of guys from the mansion walked in, chatted up your girls and left with them, would you think it were fair?

In the monger game, we vote with our feet and our wallets. But be a man and live with your decisions.

03-19-13, 05:00
Great report as always. U are one of the few people thats in my opinion has never written a bad or boring report.

About the apt you just have to pick the right one yes there is no maid or snacks or drink when you get there but a quick trip to exito will take care of that and the maid they do offer it but is an extra charge. About not been able to make noise like I said you just have to pick the right one there are a few right above bars and restaurant by parque poblado and parque lleras and the bars go on till 3-4 am with their music on so no one will complain about a little noise coming out of the apt by lleras there are 3 in building provenza I think is the name with bars downstairs and no apt around so ones again no one will complain.

The Mansion what kill it for me (and I still say if it is your first time in Medellin and you are by your self go straight there) actually you are part guilty of my disappointment with the mansion when I went there I was expecting something similar to what you use to write about in reports of it but later on I found out they had to stop all the pools parties and the fun because of complains from the neighbors. And the girls now had to be invited so there was not a big selection like in your reports and others reports. But besides that the staff is great except for the guys that deals with the computers he was a little grumpy. I m planning to give a 2nd try in Halloween it seem 2 be one of the few dates that still is like the old days.

This trip actually started when I got back from Managua. A buddy wanted to go Medellin around the same time it was my birthday. So we made out dates and bought our tickets. My friends couldn't be swayed to stay at the Mansion, so I contacted Poblado Rentals and reserved Casa Loma. Barry has a good reputation from guys who go to MDE, so we took a chance.

Poblado Rentals. Penthouse 2.

The place is sick. Limited rentals due to some problems with the neighbors. Apparently, the upscale Poblado neighbors don't care for late night idiot gringos and their coked out hookers cranking up the reggaeton. Imagine that.

Once I shower off and get dressed, we head to Luna Lunera. Luna Lunera had a great variety of girls. My buddies who I'll call Doctor Death, mostly because he's a Costa Rican doctor who would prescribe cyanide if there was a buck in it, and the Gentleman, who's polite to a fault. Doctor Death has been drinking for hours, so he pulls the girl dancing on the pole and drags her to the counter for a room. I'm sure at this point, we're getting thrown out, but strangely enough, they allow it. I meet and talk to a couple other stunners, while the gentleman is chatting up a lovely in the corner.

Eventually, doctor death comes out and we all head to Lindas Chicas. Nancy opened the door and they had a couple of girls available. Only one was cute, but she assured us we could have up to 10 if we could wait for a while. So we agreed. After almost an hour, there were no new girls, and we wanted to leave. Nancy was a little irritated at us, but leave we did.

The guys wanted to call it the night, so I had them drop me off at Mayorista. The Mayo was a little slow, but there was a decent amount of talent. I interviewed a couple of girls, and didn't vibe with them. Finally, I found a cute little paisa that said all the right things and made me want to spend my hard earned 30k pesos. In the room, Fernanda could be talked into the uncovered BJ if I would show a little gratitude in the form of a tip. So we had terms. It was nothing amazing, but for 30k pesos, I didn't care. I was back home to the penthouse on my first night satisfied.


Second Day:

When I woke up, the gentleman had gone out and brought in some breakfast. Afterward, we ran some errands, and hit some casas.

Taking a taxi through Medellin is like a safari. You see unreasonable amounts of exotic, super hot women walking down the street.

We hit a few on the map before we hit coffee shop. At coffee shop, there were a few hot girls and we were all able to find suitable entertainment. I picked Angie.

Angie is a very pretty paisa with great natural tits and a super pretty face. She gave me great service and was very sweet. For 37k pesos, I couldn't complain at all.


When we got back to the penthouse, I decided I would mess with Barry a little. I put a note on his facebook that some of the Mayorista girls we brought home the night before got into it with some of the neighbors in the elevator. Then one of the girls poured candle wax into my shower and clogged up the plumbing. About 10 minutes later, Ruben calls in a panic and asks what happened. I just laughed and told him I was joking. He cussed me and hung up. I went on facebook to put Barry at ease, but he had deleted me from his friends list. Jersey charm.

After the mini punk'd episode, I called a couple of girls over for the guys to arrive at 6pm. When 6pm rolled around, only one of the girls showed up.

Wendy arrived promptly at 6pm. Calls to Yamila went unanswered.

The guys had spend the afternoon shopping at mall Oviedo, and shockingly, neither wanted to take Wendy for a spin. Having called her over, I felt somewhat obligated to give her a little business, so I decided to take one for the team. And what a sacrifice it was.

Wendy was fan-fucking-tastic. She was in absolutely no rush, hanging out in bed for a while talking and making out. She went straight to the BJ without any mention of the bag. Great skills. She had great position to give me a great blowjob while looking up at me. I normally don't go down on working girls, but she was scalding hot, and I just had to. The sex was nothing short of incredible. This girl is a lover. Affectionate, like you're her boyfriend. Every position imaginable.

Finished and took a shower. We dried off, laid down and hung out for a while. Then the sudden urge came over me to fuck her again. So I did. Man, what a total package. Wendy is the true definition of girlfriend experience.

Rinsed off again and called her a taxi. I went to the living room to change some dollars so I could pay her, and the guys announced that Wendy was my birthday present, and handed me 200k to give her. Our deal had been 150k + 20k for taxi, but after she just rocked me like that, I wasn't going to ask her for change.

Day 3:

I woke up on day 3 and the guys were already up. They had some errands to run, so I decided to do some casa recon. My man Mascot Jeff gave me a few tips as to the talent in centro. Jeff and I have always had similar taste in women, so I figured even if he was a little off, it would still be ok.

First stop was Latinas. I went in knowing my target, but looked at the girls anyway. One was quite cute, but Sophia was clearly the no brainer in this place.

Sophia is thin with amazing natural tits that rival Wendy's. Her face might even be a little better with her natural green eyes, which is saying quite a bit. This girl was a solid 9. Unfortunately, her service was about a 3. What a. She was downright unpleasant. No blowjob AT ALL, no nada. Stick it in, and shut up. So I made the best of it and was determined to get my 37k pesos worth ($20). Sophia is easily model quality, but her service would make me keep looking.


When I rinsed off and walked out of Latinas, I headed over to Sexy to check out another one of Jeff's suggestions, Marisol. Marisol is a hot 22 year old with the most incredible natural tits and a cute face and body. In the room, Marisol gave me a very sincere blowjob without the bag, followed by very nice sex. We had agreed on 20k for the loosened rules, and the sex was good. It's usually really difficult for me to shoot again in such a short time, but her effort and hotness factor helped.


The great Mansion / Apartment debate:

I've stayed at both the Manion / Plaza and apartments. And there are pros and cons of both that will move mongers to their choices. My opinion, and that's all it is, follows. Feel free to have a different view.

The Mansion is a great place to hang out with like minded guys. The management at the Mansion creates an easy, push button environment by making breakfast, maid and laundry service, inviting hot girls over to meet, and will gladly help with most other requests. There are few requests they won't try to accommodate. It has an excellent location that's close to everything. The drawback is the place gets a lot of wear from an extensive client list taking tons of showers and fucking a lot. You'll also occasionally come across personalities you don't care for. And sometimes you just want some quiet time for a day or two during a longer stay and it's not that easy to find in an environment that specializes in providing camaraderie.

The primary profile of their clients would be solo travelers, first time travelers, and guys like me who like the camaraderie of like minded guys.

Apartments can offer an upscale lodging option, more privacy, and a closed environment for more preferred company. In my opinion, it has more drawbacks. There's not much available in the way of coffee, snacks and beverages when you arrive, and you always forget to bring things that are not supplied in an apartment. If you're staying for over a week, then the privacy it offers can be preferred, but for short stays, it's just too much work. We were staying at one of the best apartments in the city, and the hot water took a crap on Saturday morning. Calls to the manager went unanswered and we were forced to take cold showers the rest of our short stay. Maid service was also sorely missed. Whereas if you stay in the mansion, you can always be moved to another room if something goes south midway through your stay. Don't get me wrong, the place was really nice, but I wouldn't suggest apartments for shorter stays.

The primary profile of the apartment client is long term stays, guys who don't like Greg, and guys who's typical date are either unable or unwilling to present identification. Just calling it like I see it.

A third type are guys who like the cost effectiveness of an apartment, but like to swing by the mansion when they get tired of being alone, or when none of the options they planned worked out. This bargain is usually negated by the cover charge the mansion charges for non-guests.

I'm going to side with the mansion on this one. The mansion works hard to provide a total turn-key package for guys on vacation. The number of guys who try to swing by for a visit and get numbers from mansion girls would blow your mind, made all the more douche-baggy by bashing the mansion for not allowing it. If while staying at an apartment, you invited some girls over, and shortly afterward, a bunch of guys from the mansion walked in, chatted up your girls and left with them, would you think it were fair?

In the monger game, we vote with our feet and our wallets. But be a man and live with your decisions.

03-19-13, 23:53
I've stayed at both the Mansion / Plaza and apartments. And there are pros and cons of both that will move mongers to their choices. My opinion, and that's all it is, follows. Feel free to have a different view. Ok I've got a different view. There are hundreds of Hotels in Medellin and hundreds of apartments, And Even a good number of share an apartment with someone that lives there! AirBnB and Bookings. Com has the listings, The beauty of the thing is there are many choices and many options, Personally I like to stay in Laureles; Great neighborhood, tons of Great Resturaunts, places to stay that are less than 50 yards from the metro platform, There are also a couple of decent hotels near Mayorista, that are pretty nice, not to mention a few In Centro that are walking distance to All the Centro casas! Poblado is actually just fine, But if you want to feel like you've really been to Colombia You might want to explore other options?

03-20-13, 01:39
Always like hearing a new / different way of doing things. The thing about all those places near the Mayo and down in centro is the non-mongering time is spent in a crummy part of town. I'd rather hang in Poblado and monger in those places. I'm actually planning to live in Medellin by the first of the year at least half time, so these are good things to know.


Strong Johnson
03-20-13, 04:37
So things have been going well lately and I feel like I should spoil myself a bit. I, like many, have lusted after the paisas in parque lleras for much too long. As great as some of the paisas that I've met and have been posted on this site are, they are just a few points shy of some of the real hotties you see all across Colombia IMO. I've always found very attractive girls at Loutron, but likely won't have the time to do multiple trips my next vacation to find the right combination of GFE + looks as well as convince them to do a TLN meetup.

Does anyone know where one can get in touch with the upper crust of Medellin prepagos? From what I have heard, many models are available if you have the money and the right connections. I'm willing to pony up a decent amount of cash, but could use some assistance getting connected to the right people as my trips are usually limited to 3 to 4 days.

Attached are a few pics of the types of girls I am looking for, I don't know if any of these girls are available. I'd be more than willing to share my experiences and feedback.All but one of these girls I'm friends with on Facebook. Never "dated" them, but I'm sure they would charge $200K or more. And who knows what kind of performance. I prefer to economize with proven performers.

03-20-13, 17:48
Always like hearing a new / different way of doing things. The thing about all those places near the Mayo and down in centro is the non-mongering time is spent in a crummy part of town. I'd rather hang in Poblado and monger in those places. I'm actually planning to live in Medellin by the first of the year at least half time, so these are good things to know.

ThanksLaureles is not a "crummy" area. It is a Strata 4 barrio (Poblado strata 5) and is solid middle class. You see very few gringos in this area. On La 70 you have hundreds of small restaurants, stores, nighclubs, etc in a short walking distance. To me Poblado is La La land, Laureles is real Medellin.

03-20-13, 18:12
Good to know. Who said Laureles was crummy?

Laureles is not a "crummy" area. It is a Strata 4 barrio (Poblado strata 5) and is solid middle class. You see very few gringos in this area. On La 70 you have hundreds of small restaurants, stores, nighclubs, etc in a short walking distance. To me Poblado is La La land, Laureles is real Medellin.

03-20-13, 21:38
All but one of these girls I'm friends with on Facebook. Never "dated" them, but I'm sure they would charge $200K or more. And who knows what kind of performance. I prefer to economize with proven performers.Any luck with taking conversations to the level of them meeting up with you? I'd pony up 200k to hookup with any of them, but haven't made much progress in conversation. I'm willing to take one (or a couple) for the team and report back on if these types of girls are good in the sack.

Vegas Jeff
03-21-13, 06:49
Laureles is not a "crummy" area. It is a Strata 4 barrio (Poblado strata 5) and is solid middle class. You see very few gringos in this area. On La 70 you have hundreds of small restaurants, stores, nighclubs, etc in a short walking distance. To me Poblado is La La land, Laureles is real Medellin.Poblado is Strata 6. Laureles is Strata 5. Laureles is above middle class and very close to Poblado. There are more than a few gringos in Laureles. Not near as many as Poblado though. Pollution is much worse in Laureles. The higher up you get in Poblado the more you can escape it. Poblado is also safer if you get away from Parque Lleras.


03-21-13, 17:37
This trip actually started when I got back from Managua. A buddy wanted to go Medellin around the same time it was my birthday. So we made out dates and bought our tickets. My friends couldn't be swayed to stay at the Mansion, so I contacted Poblado Rentals and reserved Casa Loma. Barry has a good reputation from guys who go to MDE, so we took a chance.

In the monger game, we vote with our feet and our wallets. But be a man and live with your decisions.Jonesie, excellent trip report. Were you guys at Luna Luner on Monday?

03-21-13, 18:08
I like splitting my reports into days as they are more readable and do not get too long. All prices quoted in millions of pesos.

Arrived late at around 9:30 PM. Though I was a bit tired, I decided to do a TLN run anyway so stopped at Fase 2 first. The place at 10:30 was dead though they still charged me a 10 cover. None of my favourites were working that night. Chatted up with a coupe of girls sipping vodka and watching the dances. Did not see any potential so I went to Luna Luner. The guy at the front let me in without a cover. May be because it was slow or he recognized or they only do covers on weekends (most likely the last).

I was surprised by the number of cute girls at LL. I have always been a big fan of LL but this re-established my belief that LL is a good back up. I chatted up with Isabell who is 24 yr old paisa, MILF with a decent body and face. Her hands were all over me which I did not mind but she lost me at,"baby lets go sucky fucky". Call me a prude but I am looking for a bit more class than that. I sent her away and invited Laura. She is 22, also a MILF but has a beautiful face, smile, hair and a nice body. I would have taken her home but she said she needed to leave at 4 am. To me, that is a buzz kill. One of the reasons I like TLN is I dig early morning sex and there are few things in life that can beat waking up to a beautiful girl cuddling you. Somehow I can't see that happening at 3 AM. She quoted 250. I told her it is not about the price but I need someone that can stay till 9 AM.

Next up is Carina. She is darker, thin, tall, fit and has an arresting smile. She claims she works out minimum of 45 minutes every day and that is her only hobby. You can bounce a coin off any of her body parts. She is 25 and is a MILF but that does not show. She has never been out on a TLN and she has been working for 2 weeks and LL s her first gig. She asked for 300 but when she learned that there is house multa, she dropped it to 250 without me saying anything. They quoted me a multa of 170 but dropped it to 120 when said that is what I paid last time. Can someone else please verify what the current standard LL multa is? It was a cute scene watching the staff send her away on her first TLN. You would think they were sending their newly married daughter on a honeymoon. Three of them (male and female) came up to the taxi and kept giving her instructions. I had to reassure them that she is in good hands. BTW, one of the other things I like about LL is the mom and pop operation feel to it and they never cheated me on their tabs (unlike at Fase 2, and more on that later)

Back at my apartment, I had a great time. Music, dancing sex and whole package was fantastic. She was really into it. I tipped her taxi money and sent her off at 8 AM. I would love to repeat her again but it is hard. With so many other choices in MDE, I don't know when her turn will come up again. :-D

03-21-13, 19:47
Good day. About a month ago there were many posts about Colombianas visiting Mexico. So here is my story [Canadian gringo, older than either of my novia's grandparents and young beautiful Colombiana, in Cancun the traffic stops for her in white short shorts, her bum rivals the Aguilar beer ads chicas. We departed Rionegro Airport [MDE] to Cancun with a 90 minute stop in Panama enroute to Cancun via COPA [Panama's national airline] March 13. I had read on this site sometimes trouble at mex customs entering mex re young muy linda colombiana chica and older gringo. No problem at Cancun [only question was they asked my novia if she lived in canada, [he was looking at her passport with no stamps in it, brilliant! ] After checkin MDE we were walking to security when a uniformed chica intercepted us and asked how much money I was carrying, I replied Canadian$, US$, or Colombian pesos as I was carrying all 3, she replied US$. At the carryon bag checkpoint we were taken to another room by the police, we both got xrayed with an antiquated machine with each person on a moving floor for several seconds. I complained that they had zapped me Dec, but to no avail. Then my novia thought maybe she heard her name being called on the p. A. When exiting security. We contunied walking to the departure gate, enroute a copa lady came and asked my novia what her name was, we both guided back to another room, they told me not to enter and I said I am going with my novia, they let me enter and in the room was my checked bag not my novia's bag they spent at least 10 minutes going thru everything. Then in Panama doing a 90 minute intransit, we were nearly the last to go up to the departure gate, copa chica there asked to look in my novia's carry on, then a plain dressed man told us to follow him, at this time everyone but us had entered the plane. We walked for 300 meters, then entered a room, he told me wait while he and my novia went into another room, I said I am going with you, he basically told me fuck off, but novia said it was ok with her. Several minutes later my novia exited, it was another xray, then it was my turn to get zapped again. I complained that we were going to miss our plane, no response. They must have held the plane for us for at least 20 minutes or more. Then I remembered in canada, bags must be removed from plane if passenger a no go so must be same with Panama. My novia finds it surprising as to how many restaurant and bar waiters will many times ask her personal questions, that would not occur in MDE [they all recognize her non-Mexican Spanish accent] for example,"where did you meet him" [me the gringo],"are you married","where do you live","next time you come can you bring some more like you"

Member #4287
03-21-13, 20:25
Does anybody know the going rate for the chicas that frequent the Mansion?

Per hour or all night?

03-22-13, 01:30
Laureles is not a "crummy" area. It is a Strata 4 barrio (Poblado strata 5) and is solid middle class. You see very few gringos in this area. On La 70 you have hundreds of small restaurants, stores, nighclubs, etc in a short walking distance. To me Poblado is La La land, Laureles is real Medellin.I think Jonesie was referring to Maya and Centro.

03-22-13, 01:45
All prices quoted in millions of pesos.I think they are in thousands of pesos, not MILLIONS.


03-22-13, 02:09
I think they are in thousands of pesos, not MILLIONS.

Cheers.thanks for correction. I meant "mil" as in thousand for spanish. So used to saying X mil pesos all day.

03-22-13, 02:47
They quoted me a multa of 170 but dropped it to 120 when said that is what I paid last time. Can someone else please verify what the current standard LL multa is? Damn,

I remember walking in on Luna Lunera when it first opened it's doors to business as a night club. I think it was a car wash before. Back then, the women working there were the fattest women I'd ever seen in Medellin. Walked in and right back out within 3 minutes. That slowly changed and then it got popular with some of the casa girls (even ex-Loutron girls) to ply their trade at night yet there was no multa. And now it's become a hot spot and they charge you to take a girl off premises.

Man that $120, 000 multa (bar fine) is just ridiculous.

I mentioned in my report below how even La Dolce Vita in Cartagena had tried to impose a multa (bar fine). My thought on this is that if the girl is living on the premises of an establishment on their dime (meals and a bed to sleep) and you take her for an all nighter then I can understand they see it as a loss of revenue. However, as far as I know, Luna Lunera doesn't house the girls and for sure La Dolce Vita doesn't either.

Now this is why I'm glad that in the near future there will be a freelance bar opening in Medellin that will never charge a multa. What ever you and the girl work out is all that will be paid.



Black Page
03-22-13, 08:28
I'm just back from a very pleasant 2-hours time at Luna Lunera. I met a nice lady, not the sexiest, but the most attractive to my eyes. Warm smile and nice face. Normal body, no silicon, no pole dances. More next-door type than strip-club.

I spent 2 hours talking with her, with her hand always titillating my legs and dick. I paid the cover (10k), my beer (12k) , her 3 drinks (3x15k) , many propinas (2k-5k each) to the girls for the "chow".
We exchanged quickly the phone numbers. I left at 1:45am and I went back to my hotel omitting the "multa" rite.

Now, I am waiting her to join me in my hotel room. She will leave after 2am, when the place closes. It's 2:20am now. I close the laptop and I go to shower. Cheers!

UPDATE 2:30am: it's raining! She is on motorbike. She called me to wait a little, bcs she hopes rain stops a little before riding the bike. :-/


I remember walking in on Luna Lunera when it first opened it's doors to business as a night club. I think it was a car wash before. Back then, the women working there were the fattest women I'd ever seen in Medellin. Walked in and right back out within 3 minutes. That slowly changed and then it got popular with some of the casa girls (even ex-Loutron girls) to ply their trade at night yet there was no multa. And now it's become a hot spot and they charge you to take a girl off premises.

Man that $120, 000 multa (bar fine) is just ridiculous.

I mentioned in my report below how even La Dolce Vita in Cartagena had tried to impose a multa (bar fine). My thought on this is that if the girl is living on the premises of an establishment on their dime (meals and a bed to sleep) and you take her for an all nighter then I can understand they see it as a loss of revenue. However, as far as I know, Luna Lunera doesn't house the girls and for sure La Dolce Vita doesn't either.

Now this is why I'm glad that in the near future there will be a freelance bar opening in Medellin that will never charge a multa. What ever you and the girl work out is all that will be paid.



Member #4287
03-22-13, 15:49
So things have been going well lately and I feel like I should spoil myself a bit. I, like many, have lusted after the paisas in parque lleras for much too long. As great as some of the paisas that I've met and have been posted on this site are, they are just a few points shy of some of the real hotties you see all across Colombia IMO. I've always found very attractive girls at Loutron, but likely won't have the time to do multiple trips my next vacation to find the right combination of GFE + looks as well as convince them to do a TLN meetup.

Does anyone know where one can get in touch with the upper crust of Medellin prepagos? From what I have heard, many models are available if you have the money and the right connections. I'm willing to pony up a decent amount of cash, but could use some assistance getting connected to the right people as my trips are usually limited to 3 to 4 days.

Attached are a few pics of the types of girls I am looking for, I don't know if any of these girls are available. I'd be more than willing to share my experiences and feedback.The girl in your last photo to the right is a webcam girl that works myfreecams. You could try chatting her up there.

03-22-13, 20:05
My buddies who I'll call Doctor Death, mostly because he's a Costa Rican doctor who would prescribe cyanide if there was a buck in it, and the Gentleman, who's polite to a fault.This is why I love reading your reports. Too funny! I have long come to the same conclusion you did regarding the Mansion. For short stays (which is almost always the case for me) , whatever annoyances the Mansion has is outweighed by the conveniences. Great report.

Member #4176
03-22-13, 20:48
The girl in your last photo to the right is a webcam girl that works myfreecams. You could try chatting her up there.I love myfreecams. Whats this girls page name.

03-23-13, 07:43
If there is heaven on earth, it must be Medellin. I have to tip my hat to Hillbilly69, arguably the most helpful ISG er on the Colombia forums.

In the last 24 hours I had sex four times with three beautiful and passionate women. Hard to pull that off anywhere else in the world.

First is my semi-novia that works at La Isla. Great thing is that when I want to see her, I call her before she is supposed to show up for work and she skips going to the club and hangs out with me as long as I want. She is a hot, classy and passionate. 19 yr old nymph. I need to jack my self with supplements to keep up with her. She arrived at 9 pm and we had sex in the living room and went to bed. Early morning, she woke me up at 3 am to have sex. She initiated it again at 9 am before she left. You cannot pay enough for this kind of life.

I called and texted Wendy For her to come see me late afternoon. She is prompt. She is is as stunning as she in her photographs. She is a real class act. Mellow, charming and has a great sense of humor. She is a workout fanatic and it shows. I cannot imagine a hot blooded male not falling for this sexy chica. If you are in MDE for mongering, IMHO, Wendy is an absolute must see.

Went back to Fase 2 (I skipped the story re my first visit the previous night). One of my favourite things about Fase 2 is the food stand out side. It is one of my favourite street side food. The other thing is the rooms where you can hear the music from the club or play your own music in the in-room stereo. Anyway, I tracked Judy Down. She has the most beautiful face in all of Medellin that I saw this week. Her skin glows and her smile is disarming. I the room, after sharing my party supplies, she was a tiger in bed. I did not think I had it in me to deliver 4 times but she managed.

Other contributors can PM me for the contact info for ladies in bold

03-23-13, 13:31
This trip actually started when I got back from......And we all head to Lindas Chicas. Nancy opened the door and they had a couple of girls available. Only one was cute, but she assured us we could have up to 10 if we could wait for a while. So we agreed. After almost an hour, there were no new girls, and we wanted to leave. Nancy was a little irritated at us, but leave we did[/B]. GREAT REPORT JONESIE!! Here's my follow-up:

My brother from another mother (also staying at the mansion) and I were up for some late night action last Saturday night. It was about 2:00 am and the good thing about Lindas Chicas is that they are acutally open 24/7. Don't know many. If any. Casas open like this. So we called a taxi and headed into this tough part of town. Got theree and it looked closed, but after asking some people at the little hotel next door they assured us that the address was correct and it was open. So I rang the bell and waited about 3 mins and Nancy did come to unlock the giant padlock on the front door gate. She welcomed us in. We sat down in one of the 7 salas near the big Buddha (hard to believe this place was ever busy enough to need 7). This place actually reminds me of an old school vegas strip club. A bit of a caesar's palace deco. And was really clean and nice compared to other casas. Nancy is a charming old lady who's been doing this her whole life. We asked how many girls. And the same thing 3. We took a look. Girl #1 was a flaca and new to the casa, #2 was a bigger Colombiana as was #3 but she had a lot fairer complexion and had a bit of innocence to her. We weren't thrilled with the lineup, but at 2:30 am what's a guy to do? Nancy told us the same thing. Call ahead. She had over 100 girls to pick from. Duh. So do I from my Facebook "friends"! Nancy wanted to charge us 170k COP. WHAT. More than the mansion girls. No way, so we got up to leave. But after some negotiating she agreed to 120 with everything included. My bro liked the flaca and I went with #3 and we all headed upstairs to the rooms. We each showered and then headed over to the bed. Miss innocence was actually a bit shy. So I held her hand, pulled her in for a hug and went easy at first. Then my hug turned into guiding her head down to my groin. She got the point of what I wanted and started sucking my cock nicely. But a bit too fast at first. Facil. Despacio. And she understood and was much better. Tried a few other positions and finished up mish. Showered again and went downstairs. I was tired. Sat again with my girl and Buddha waiting for my friend. 5 mins. 10 mins. 12 mins. Geez! Finally heard some loud moaning and grunting as he bust a nut. Nancy called us a taxi and off we went and enjoyed driving past the street ho's, trannies, etc. Fun to observe the creatures of the night!!

03-23-13, 13:47
If there is heaven on earth, it must be Medellin. In the last 24 hours I had sex four times with three beautiful and passionate women. Hard to pull that off anywhere else in the world.

I called and texted Wendy For her to come see me late afternoon. She is prompt. She is is as stunning as she in her photographs. She is a real class act. Mellow, charming and has a great sense of humor. She is a workout fanatic and it shows. I cannot imagine a hot blooded male not falling for this sexy chica. If you are in MDE for mongering, IMHO, Wendy is an absolute must see. boldYES. Wendy is the most popular girl right now for the masses here. She does work out hard at the most upscale gym in town. Hard body, sweet experience, etc. But, we've named her "Wendy Incorporated". She has such a massive client base and so many requests that she'll often do 8+ guys a day.

We were standing around the mansion talking and a new visitor was talking about Wendy. How he couldn't wait to be with her at 5:00 pm. He told us how he asked her to go to dinner with him but she declined saying she had some other plans. This new guy was so disappointed. But then another guy asked him: "You booked her at 5:00 pm. Well I booked her at 1:00 pm. And another guy said he has her booked for 3:00 pm. The new guy's jaw dropped. Then he got on his cell phone and canceled his appt. LOL

03-23-13, 14:54
YES. Wendy is the most popular girl right now for the masses here. She does work out hard at the most upscale gym in town. Hard body, sweet experience, etc. But, we've named her "Wendy Incorporated". She has such a massive client base and so many requests that she'll often do 8+ guys a day.

We were standing around the mansion talking and a new visitor was talking about Wendy. How he couldn't wait to be with her at 5:00 pm. He told us how he asked her to go to dinner with him but she declined saying she had some other plans. This new guy was so disappointed. But then another guy asked him: "You booked her at 5:00 pm. Well I booked her at 1:00 pm. And another guy said he has her booked for 3:00 pm. The new guy's jaw dropped. Then he got on his cell phone and canceled his appt. LOLWhy would the new guy cancel? I hope he did not think he was going out with a virgin :-D. To each his own but IMHO, he really missed out. She looks great, smells great, feels great and has a sweet attitude. What more could a guy want from a prepago? More generally speaking, she works hard, makes an honest living while consistently living up to her side of the terms. Again, what more could one ask?

On a side note, may be I am lucky but I find it extremely rare that a Colombiana renege on her terms in the middle of the game. These are sweet people and treat them nicely.

03-23-13, 15:08
I had several PMs re price. My semi-novia from La-Isla, who stays all night from 8 pm to 9-10 am, I pay her generously and take her shopping etc. In situation like this you have to find your own comfort zone and be content. She never said anything about the price. I keep it under her phone when she is getting dressed to leave. She does not count it in front of me.

Wendy Is her standard 150K pesos for one hour. She is prompt and usually stays a bit longer than an hour.

Fase 2 is 170K for one hour on site. If you do not watch they will put down 40 or 45 minutes on the slip. On that note, a gordita watches the clock and makes a phone call when the time is up. Her little digital clock is 10 minutes ahead. I makes sure that she knows that I know and have her put down one hour in her log book. Fase 2 does shit like this. I watch and handle with a smile and never had any issues but I hate that I have to vigilant at every step when I am paying that kind of money. They do have the best collection of chicas in town (this week any way).

I heard from cabbies that La Isla is picking up steam. It is out of bounds for me due to my girl.

BTW, none of the girls I have reported on speak a lick of English. If any of you are very particular about english speaking hotties, let me know and I can suggest a couple.

Member #4176
03-23-13, 16:01
YES. Wendy is the most popular girl right now for the masses here. She does work out hard at the most upscale gym in town. Hard body, sweet experience, etc. But, we've named her "Wendy Incorporated". She has such a massive client base and so many requests that she'll often do 8+ guys a day.

We were standing around the mansion talking and a new visitor was talking about Wendy. How he couldn't wait to be with her at 5:00 pm. He told us how he asked her to go to dinner with him but she declined saying she had some other plans. This new guy was so disappointed. But then another guy asked him: "You booked her at 5:00 pm. Well I booked her at 1:00 pm. And another guy said he has her booked for 3:00 pm. The new guy's jaw dropped. Then he got on his cell phone and canceled his appt. LOLDoes anyone have Wendys contact and photos. She sounds like something I should check out. Someone PM me with her contact. And photos.

Member #4287
03-23-13, 16:22
I love myfreecams. Whats this girls page name.I can't remember her name but she is usually in the top 5 on the page if she is working and you filter all out except latinas.

If I see her online I'll make a note of her name. I have met up with a few myfreecam chicks in the past and they were always nice.

But none of them were straight up prepagos. So there has to be at least some chemistry between you and her before they'll bite.

The one you like has quite a following so you are going to have to fight to get noticed let alone chat her up enough to get a date.

03-23-13, 16:24
I give credit to Blanco Vikingo for this experience. Based on his report, I was only interested in seeing Fabiana so I called her and made an appointment for two hours later. I was given an address to a green house with a green awning in Laureles. It is an ordinary house on the outside but on the inside it is very well done. By far the best decor and lighting of all the "casa" type places I have been in. I asked the lady who let me in if there are others working. She said sure and asks if I want a parade. Why not? There were 10 women that came through. I wrote down all names but only Luna (8-9) and Maria (9) stood out. All the girls are gone, waiting for me to decide but I am totally confused and asked about the whereabouts of Fabiana! Turns out Fabiana changed her name to Maria. I was a bit sceptical so I called Fabiana's number from the website and Maria's phone rang and she reassured me that she is the one I spoke to two hours earlier :-D.

I could not have been happier. Maria would be a 10 if her tits were natural. Her face is beautiful and her body is stunning. She seemed even more toned than Wendy (if that is possible). I confirmed that every inch of her body is toned while I gave her a sweet massage. I chose the room with a support rope hanging in the center of the bed. She used it effectively. I will most certainly see her again.

The green house is Carrera 78, # 42-20. If Maria / Fabiana was not there I would have done Luna without second thoughts. These two are better than anyone at Energy I saw this week. This is not for guys on a tight budget. Depending on the girls they charge 100-130 for one hour. I am willing to pay that if I find the right girl. One can easily buy sex but it is hard to buy class and elegance. I hope they can keep the quality up to make this business model work in such a competitive market. Something for everyone is a good thing.

Member #4287
03-23-13, 16:31
This is why I love reading your reports. Too funny! I have long come to the same conclusion you did regarding the Mansion. For short stays (which is almost always the case for me) , whatever annoyances the Mansion has is outweighed by the conveniences. Great report.Seems like you guys have the low down on the Medellin Mansion.

What would you say the chicas in the the photos charge per hour and for "todo la noche".

03-23-13, 17:30
Seems like you guys have the low down on the Medellin Mansion.

What would you say the chicas in the the photos charge per hour and for "todo la noche".For the most part, the mansion girls ask for 150k for a session, which varies in time. They usually ask for 300k for TLN. I don't know how negotiable that is.

03-23-13, 17:43
Seems like you guys have the low down on the Medellin Mansion.

What would you say the chicas in the the photos charge per hour and for "todo la noche".Just ask them personally. It seems you have access to some of them via Facebook since a good number of the photos you posted come from their fb profiles.

Member #4287
03-23-13, 17:53
For the most part, the mansion girls ask for 150k for a session, which varies in time. They usually ask for 300k for TLN. I don't know how negotiable that is.Thanks. Just wanted a ballpark figure so I had some idea what was reasonable.

Member #4287
03-23-13, 18:04
Just ask them personally. It seems you have access to some of them via Facebook since a good number of the photos you posted come from their fb profiles.Tried that already and it didn't work out so well. Was chatting one of them up for awhile and when I brought up the subject of P4P I got shut down immediately. I guess she wasn't used to getting solicited on facebook. We had a few common friends that my not.

Have known what she was up to but I got cut off immediately and we had been chatting about me coming to Medellin for awhile.

It has been my experience that these chicks want to be prepagos when they want to be and not necessarily when you want them to be. Let a friend of mine in Cali know that a chick he was seeing was selling her ass from time to time to other guys I knew.

He confronted her and she went ballistic. Screamed and cried and swore on her mother's life it wasn't true.

03-23-13, 19:16
Seems like you guys have the low down on the Medellin Mansion.

What would you say the chicas in the the photos charge per hour and for "todo la noche".I think the 3rd girl from the left in photo 6 is Carolina. She's amazing!

03-23-13, 19:18
I called and texted Wendy For her to come see me late afternoon. She is prompt. She is is as stunning as she in her photographs.Where can I see those photographs?

03-23-13, 19:46
Does anyone have Wendys contact and photos. She sounds like something I should check out. Someone PM me with her contact. And photos.From Wendy to you. Now you know why she's Wendy Incorporated

03-23-13, 21:14
It was 8; 30 pm and dark. I left the centro clubs in a taxi and a mile out, and a block before we joined the main avenue, I saw this chick with the most amazing figure standing on the street corner. She is wearing a tank top and cut offs and obviously looked like a working girl. By the time I processed all the info and mentally overcome my inhibition of potentially picking up a street girl (which I have never done) , the taxi is now three blocks away. Even though it was just a quick glance, the girl looked stunning with long legs and sleek thighs and I had to find out. I had the taxi double back and made it back to the same corner a minute or two later. Now there are two hotties. The cab drives past them and waves at them. The first one walks over, leans into the drivers side window and says,"como esta?". It was surreal and seemed like it is staright out of the new insurance commercials where there is a white guy talking but it is the voice of Dennis Haysbert (black actor). Only difference here is that it is a chick talking and it is the voice of a grown man! It took me and the driver few seconds to figure that it is a transvestite. I waved politely, the driver closed the window and we sped out of there. The taxi driver and I couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes.

The moral is be careful what you pick up on the street. If that is not your thing, you may be in for a surprise :-D

03-24-13, 02:48
From Wendy to you. Now you know why she's Wendy IncorporatedThere are so many hot girls to be had, I would not waste my time with someone who is banging 8 guys per day. I sessioned with her one time and she was hot but not the best I had during the trip.

Black Page
03-24-13, 02:53
(I am here since last Friday. I leave tomorrow, to back to CTG for 3 more days. So many things to report, but I am also so lazy. I tell some stories in random order.)

For those who read my report from CTG:
I've been missing this girl a lot for all these weeks in my country. Crazy decision: I invited her to join me in Medellin for a couple of days. I've been clear: I invite you as a novia, I will not give you any cash.

To be honest, this way I spent much more than hiring a local prepago, but would you compare the feeling?
300USD for the flight CTG-MDE and return.
130USD for a nice gift from Europe.
XXX COP, so many COPs, for local expenses and gifts.

2 love days with her, strolls around the Centro to see Botero's statues, the Museum, plus relax in Parque Periodista where she enjoyed a lot the local tripa, freely sold and smoked by everyone there.

First night, we go to bed at 9pm. 1h sex (nothing professional, is making love, or so it seems to me) , then she sleeps like an angel for NINE HOURS. I admit I was thinking is it was not better to hire a ho.

Second night, she tells me "why don't we go to some strip club with live sex show?". No such a club in MDE, but I propose the swinger club.
A smart taxi driver knows what I meant takes us there: Dreams Swinger Club (details on the List, as well as on the web). In Europe, we have much better, but I understand this thing in Colombia is really rare. It must be the only swinger club in MDE. We must wear a towel and be naked under. We pay a small cover and 48k for a bottle of Baileys.
Inside, a couple watching. 5 men in the Jacuzzi fucking hard a girl. We stay on the couche, sipping the drinks, touching each other and watching. She likes to show her boobs to the men, who are very discreet but keep their eyes on her for all the time. She tells me "I hope you will not fuck me HERE in front of THESE GUYS". I did not, but I took my revenge in the room later, and sincerely it was fantastic.

03-24-13, 03:18
plus relax in Parque Periodista where she enjoyed a lot the local tripa, freely sold and smoked by everyone there.I think you meant "Cripa".

Black Page
03-24-13, 03:26
I think you meant "Cripa".LOL yes. We did not have mondongo.

Vegas Jeff
03-24-13, 10:19
I think you meant "Cripa".Kripa equals regular marijuana in Medellin. Kripa means something very different in the USA and Costa Rica.

03-24-13, 15:09
It was 8; 30 pm and dark. I left the centro clubs in a taxi and a mile out, and a block before we joined the main avenue, I saw this chick with the most amazing figure standing on the street corner. She is wearing a tank top and cut offs and obviously looked like a working girl. By the time I processed all the info and mentally overcome my inhibition of potentially picking up a street girl (which I have never done) , the taxi is now three blocks away. Even though it was just a quick glance, the girl looked stunning with long legs and sleek thighs and I had to find out. I had the taxi double back and made it back to the same corner a minute or two later. Now there are two hotties. The cab drives past them and waves at them. The first one walks over, leans into the drivers side window and says,"como esta?". It was surreal and seemed like it is staright out of the new insurance commercials where there is a white guy talking but it is the voice of Dennis Haysbert (black actor). Only difference here is that it is a chick talking and it is the voice of a grown man! It took me and the driver few seconds to figure that it is a transvestite. I waved politely, the driver closed the window and we sped out of there. The taxi driver and I couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes.

The moral is be careful what you pick up on the street. If that is not your thing, you may be in for a surprise :-DIf they are tall and in a skimpy outfit and in a street corner at night, they are most likely a tranny!

03-24-13, 15:16
(I am here since last Friday. I leave tomorrow, to back to CTG for 3 more days. So many things to report, but I am also so lazy. I tell some stories in random order.)

For those who read my report from CTG:


I've been missing this girl a lot for all these weeks in my country. Crazy decision: I invited her to join me in Medellin for a couple of days. I've been clear: I invite you as a novia, I will not give you any cash.

To be honest, this way I spent much more than hiring a local prepago, but would you compare the feeling?

300USD for the flight CTG-MDE and return.

130USD for a nice gift from Europe.

XXX COP, so many COPs, for local expenses and gifts.

2 love days with her, strolls around the Centro to see Botero's statues, the Museum, plus relax in Parque Periodista where she enjoyed a lot the local tripa, freely sold and smoked by everyone there.

First night, we go to bed at 9pm. 1h sex (nothing professional, is making love, or so it seems to me) , then she sleeps like an angel for NINE HOURS. I admit I was thinking is it was not better to hire a ho.

Second night, she tells me "why don't we go to some strip club with live sex show?". No such a club in MDE, but I propose the swinger club.

A smart taxi driver knows what I meant takes us there: Dreams Swinger Club (details on the List, as well as on the web). In Europe, we have much better, but I understand this thing in Colombia is really rare. It must be the only swinger club in MDE. We must wear a towel and be naked under. We pay a small cover and 48k for a bottle of Baileys.

Inside, a couple watching. 5 men in the Jacuzzi fucking hard a girl. We stay on the couche, sipping the drinks, touching each other and watching. She likes to show her boobs to the men, who are very discreet but keep their eyes on her for all the time. She tells me "I hope you will not fuck me HERE in front of THESE GUYS". I did not, but I took my revenge in the room later, and sincerely it was fantastic.Yes it does end up costing more. But the feeling is priceless! BTW, once you "wife up", they don't want to fuck 24/7 and do some of the special things that they say they only do when they "work". Been there. LOL.

Swingers club sounds interesting. How old are the girls and guys there? What's the girl to guy ratio?

03-24-13, 19:45
Tried that already and it didn't work out so well. Was chatting one of them up for awhile and when I brought up the subject of P4P I got shut down immediately. I guess she wasn't used to getting solicited on facebook. We had a few common friends that my not.I have seen guys in the past post about asking chicas "how much?" over fb, but you are correct that each of them will probably react differently to this question. Someone like Wendy or Geraldine a*k*a "the chica formerly known as Demi Moore" probably would reply with their rate card attached.

I've always asked them in person once we've gotten to my room and chatted for a bit. Hasn't let me down yet. If a chica tells you some ridiculous price and is not willing to negotiate, then it's nothing to give her 8-10k ($4.40-$5.50) for a taxi and send her on her way.

03-24-13, 20:00
I have seen guys in the past post about asking chicas "how much?" over fb, but you are correct that each of them will probably react differently to this question. Someone like Wendy or Geraldine a*k*a "the chica formerly known as Demi Moore" probably would reply with their rate card attached.

I've always asked them in person once we've gotten to my room and chatted for a bit. Hasn't let me down yet. If a chica tells you some ridiculous price and is not willing to negotiate, then it's nothing to give her 8-10k ($4. 40-$5. 50) for a taxi and send her on her way.I'd agree. A few bucks for a taxi can save much more disappointment.

Chances are, if all their friends a prepagos, they are as well. And if they come to your hotel room / apartment / mansion room before ever meeting you anywhere else, they're working.

The idea that a girl who's got 60 prepago girls on her fb friends list would get offended at the idea of being paid for sex is silly. She could easily say she's not a prepago and move on.

03-25-13, 00:49
Kripa equals regular marijuana in Medellin. Kripa means something very different in the U.S. and Costa Rica.The word Cripa in Colombia is usually used when referring to a higher grade of weed than what most of the locals smoke. It sometimes is laced with various chemicals to enhance the high, I won't touch weed in Colombia for this reason.

I have been smoking weed for 40 years and grow it legally here in the U.S. and have never heard the word Cripa or Kripa used here on the east coast.

Black Page
03-25-13, 02:27
Yes it does end up costing more. But the feeling is priceless! BTW, once you "wife up", they don't want to fuck 24/7 and do some of the special things that they say they only do when they "work". Been there. LOL.

Swingers club sounds interesting. How old are the girls and guys there? What's the girl to guy ratio?I am back to CTG now. All my new adventures, if I will write, will be reported there.

She came to MEET ME at the airport, with her nice girlfriend (I met her before)! We went to the mall and they did not ask expensive gifts. Only two small things. I feel I will spend my 3 days here with them. The friend is a hottie, and my girl is a lovely understanding person. It would not be bad to spend 3 days with both of them.

Tonight we go out, tomorrow to the beach (I hope lonely and discreet).

Swingers club: details on the List. We went on Monday: we 2, a regular couple (30thies) watching the action, a girl (25?) and 5 men (25-35). On Monday, I do not expect much regular people to go out. The Lists says from Tue to Sat it's open only to couples.

03-25-13, 03:32
There are so many hot girls to be had, I would not waste my time with someone who is banging 8 guys per day. I sessioned with her one time and she was hot but not the best I had during the trip.No kidding. I've met her at the Mansion and talked to her a few times, and I don't think she's any more attractive than your average Mansion girl. The fake nose and fake tits turn me off. But everyone has different tastes.

03-25-13, 04:03
I'd agree. A few bucks for a taxi can save much more disappointment.

Chances are, if all their friends a prepagos, they are as well. And if they come to your hotel room / apartment / mansion room before ever meeting you anywhere else, they're working.

The idea that a girl who's got 60 prepago girls on her fb friends list would get offended at the idea of being paid for sex is silly. She could easily say she's not a prepago and move on.Not necessarily true. I've had some amigas who have prepago friends but they are not. I've also had non-pros come to my apartment before meeting. Some that I fucked and some that I did not. Paisas are just friendly. However, there are a lot of factors involved. You just have to read the situation. Ie. If you are 70 and she is 20. But yes, they REALLY get offended if you offer money and they are not prepago. It just gives gringos a bad name. There are other ways to go about finding out. Ie. Asking her friends that you know are pros. Looking at her pictures and see if there are any of her in the Mansion. Or you can talk to her like a normal girl and ask if she has a "job". Be a little more discrete and not so vulgar towards the nice paisitas!

03-25-13, 06:36
No kidding. I've met her at the Mansion and talked to her a few times, and I don't think she's any more attractive than your average Mansion girl. The fake nose and fake tits turn me off. But everyone has different tastes.Just my opinion, while I think a lot of the mansion girls are hot, I think Wendy is is just a little hotter than most. The tits are real, the nose is not. I'll never know why women with few to no flaws mutilate themselves.

03-25-13, 07:55
Just my opinion, while I think a lot of the mansion girls are hot, I think Wendy is is just a little hotter than most. The tits are real, the nose is not. I'll never know why women with few to no flaws mutilate themselves.Are you guys kidding me? Haha. I think this mighte be the hottest Colombian working girl I've seen so far! Her body is just stunning. Does she travel the islands? Also I wonder, the guys who are saying she's not that stunning, can you post a picture of a working girl you've met that is hotter in your opinion? Just would like to see if it's a personal thing or not. And always love to see pictures of beautiful women.

03-25-13, 07:57
BTW, is that gym photo of her taken in gym at the Charlee hotel, Pargue Lleras? Seems very familiar.

03-25-13, 16:06
Not necessarily true. I've had some amigas who have prepago friends but they are not. I've also had non-pros come to my apartment before meeting. Some that I fucked and some that I did not. Paisas are just friendly. However, there are a lot of factors involved. You just have to read the situation. Ie. If you are 70 and she is 20. But yes, they REALLY get offended if you offer money and they are not prepago. It just gives gringos a bad name. There are other ways to go about finding out. Ie. Asking her friends that you know are pros. Looking at her pictures and see if there are any of her in the Mansion. Or you can talk to her like a normal girl and ask if she has a "job". Be a little more discrete and not so vulgar towards the nice paisitas!atHiocate: Well said sir! I could not agree with you more! What revolutionary and radical thinking. Having some of these hopeless gringos use their brains to figure something out! Shocking!


Here is the cheat sheet: If you are in the age range of 60-70yrs, Do not speak Spanish, in Country (any country) for a short-med length trip, and in horrible shape and your date is 20's and SUPER hot, Thin, Sexy. She going to want money!

PLEASE NOTE: Older dudes WITH game please do not include yourselves in this blanket description of the C- bench warmers. Game recognizes Game!

This entire conversation has my brain aching! It just reminds me at how CLUELESS and totally lacking in "game" some of the guys on this board are. So much time is spend holding a rookies hand and spoon feeding info that most useful or entertaining posts get lost in the wash.

That's why I've stopped reporting and what-not. C- bench warmers hurry up, catch up, you're killing it for the rest of us!

03-25-13, 16:24
Are you guys kidding me? Haha. I think this mighte be the hottest Colombian working girl I've seen so far! Her body is just stunning. Does she travel the islands? Also I wonder, the guys who are saying she's not that stunning, can you post a picture of a working girl you've met that is hotter in your opinion? Just would like to see if it's a personal thing or not. And always love to see pictures of beautiful women.Wendy is hot, yes. She can also be a real flake. Some guys report having an awesome experience with her. She was not that great to me and other guys have made similar remarks. From a pure visual standpoint, she derserves a whirl. I've had 5'-6's that I had a lot more fun with. And yes, I have pictures of girls who are hotter than her but I will not post them on the Internet. I don't want them to get too popular. LOL

03-25-13, 16:34
atHiocate: Well said sir! I could not agree with you more! What revolutionary and radical thinking. Having some of these hopeless gringos use their brains to figure something out! Shocking!


Here is the cheat sheet: If you are in the age range of 60-70yrs, Do not speak Spanish, in Country (any country) for a short-med length trip, and in horrible shape and your date is 20's and SUPER hot, Thin, Sexy. She going to want money!

PLEASE NOTE: Older dudes WITH game please do not include yourselves in this blanket description of the C- bench warmers. Game recognizes Game!

This entire conversation has my brain aching! It just reminds me at how CLUELESS and totally lacking in "game" some of the guys on this board are. So much time is spend holding a rookies hand and spoon feeding info that most useful or entertaining posts get lost in the wash.

That's why I've stopped reporting and what-not. C- bench warmers hurry up, catch up, you're killing it for the rest of us!Slam, enjoyed your post. Once again you had me laughing.
Nothing better than a little common sense.

03-25-13, 18:15
Are you guys kidding me? Haha. I think this mighte be the hottest Colombian working girl I've seen so far! Her body is just stunning. Does she travel the islands? Also I wonder, the guys who are saying she's not that stunning, can you post a picture of a working girl you've met that is hotter in your opinion? Just would like to see if it's a personal thing or not. And always love to see pictures of beautiful women.She is definitely among the hottest I've had, even in Medellin, and among the best performers I've had outside of Cuba.

The guys who report mediocre service don't mention that she threw up in her mouth when they took their clothes off, either from sight or smell. These are the guys who walk around Medellin dressed like an unmade bed, haven't learned Spanish, and never share the pictures they took when they were drunk because either the camera seemed to have added 70lbs, or they noticed their supermodel had an adam's apple (which explains their sore ass).

There are tons of Wendys in Medellin. That's what makes it Medellin.

03-25-13, 23:21
No kidding. I've met her at the Mansion and talked to her a few times, and I don't think she's any more attractive than your average Mansion girl. The fake nose and fake tits turn me off. But everyone has different tastes.No to belabor on Wendy but I am doing it anyway since I started the discussion about her. She is certainly a YMMV type girl. When you are very popular, that is understandable. I did have a fantastic time. You guys know from why reports that I am picky and do set the bar high. I did see her for the second time. Second was even better. She was 20 minutes early and was with me for over 1. 5 hrs. Great DFK. We kissed for eternity without unlocking the lips for 5 minutes. Rare for prepagos to do that and it was at 5 Pm and she was not drunk :-D.

BTW, her tits are natural and that is one of the highlights. Her nose, though she had surgery, looks fantastic. See her before after pictures and you will see the difference and most I think will agree that it was for the better. Most nose jobs are not mutilations unless one is so unlucky as to end up with a butcher of a surgeon.

03-25-13, 23:47
Are you guys kidding me? Haha. I think this mighte be the hottest Colombian working girl I've seen so far! Her body is just stunning. Does she travel the islands? Also I wonder, the guys who are saying she's not that stunning, can you post a picture of a working girl you've met that is hotter in your opinion? Just would like to see if it's a personal thing or not. And always love to see pictures of beautiful women.As I said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Different strokes for different folks, and so on. I don't take pictures when I monger, but every trip I meet girls who I think are better looking than her. Though hearing that her tits are natural and that she loves to kiss has me contemplating a test drive on my next visit. I have spoken with her at length and I would also concede she's a little bit more "on the ball" than the average MDE prepago. On the other hand, hearing about her busy schedule sours the thought a bit. I know most of the girls do the same, but I just don't like to think about it!

03-26-13, 00:18
Yes! Fabiana / Maria is amazing! She is not only beautiful in a very personal way, dancer body, she also gives a service that is GFE! I stayed with her 2hs and then 3, 5 hr. The other girl was then actually named Maria there and Jessica Gym on Paisadivinas. Com, became very jeaulous about this, hiihhihi. She is also great, but Fabiana is even better. Jessica Gym have her 5 m COP-tits, but Fabiana / Maria is a Dream! Maybe she changed working place, since Fabiana took her name? I went there one time to be with Fabiana / Maria and left as she was leaving for the University. One block away Jessica Gym got me! Come back and be with me, she said! Hihi, she wanted to be better than Fabiana / Maria. This place at Cra. 78 No. 42-20, or San Juan con 78 is one of the most welcoming and comfortable places I been to in Medellin, the area is also tranquilo.

I give credit to Blanco Vikingo for this experience. Based on his report, I was only interested in seeing Fabiana So I called her and made an appointment for two hours later. I was given an address to a green house with a green awning in Laureles. It is an ordinary house on the outside but on the inside it is very well done. By far the best decor and lighting of all the "casa" type places I have been in. I asked the lady who let me in if there are others working. She said sure and asks if I want a parade. Why not? There were 10 women that came through. I wrote down all names but only Luna (8-9) and Maria (9) stood out. All the girls are gone, waiting for me to decide but I am totally confused and asked about the whereabouts of Fabiana! Turns out Fabiana changed her name to Maria. I was a bit sceptical so I called Fabiana's number from the website and Maria's phone rang and she reassured me that she is the one I spoke to two hours earlier :-D.

I could not have been happier. Maria Would be a 10 if her tits were natural. Her face is beautiful and her body is stunning. She seemed even more toned than Wendy (if that is possible). I confirmed that every inch of her body is toned while I gave her a sweet massage. I chose the room with a support rope hanging in the center of the bed. She used it effectively. I will most certainly see her again.

The green house is Carrera 78, # 42-20. If Maria / Fabiana was not there I would have done Luna without second thoughts. These two are better than anyone at Energy I saw this week. This is not for guys on a tight budget. Depending on the girls they charge 100-130 for one hour. I am willing to pay that if I find the right girl. One can easily buy sex but it is hard to buy class and elegance. I hope they can keep the quality up to make this business model work in such a competitive market. Something for everyone is a good thing.

03-26-13, 12:58
Either American Airlines website is acting up again or they trying to troll really hard. I was just looking for tickets for my friend and this price shocked me. If I haven't bought my ticket last month I would of jump on that price, but wondering if someone bought purchase that ticket would AA cancel the reservation or would they have to honor the reservation?

03-26-13, 15:03
Either American Airlines website is acting up again or they trying to troll really hard. I was just looking for tickets for my friend and this price shocked me. If I haven't bought my ticket last month I would of jump on that price, but wondering if someone bought purchase that ticket would AA cancel the reservation or would they have to honor the reservation?Aside from the fact that you have 20 hour layover in Miami going there. They have some cheap flights lately but the flight times and layovers are horrible! That price is legit. A couple of years ago, flights to MDE were in the 400 range.

Aussie Greg
03-26-13, 15:41
"Wendy INC",
She's just brought a 500 acre farm not to far from Santa Fe de Antioquia, hoping to open a "dude ranche" in the future.
A. G.
P. S.
We have just lost the cricket here in India 4 - 0, the worst Australian performance in 40 years, onto Bangladesh.

03-26-13, 16:00
Either American Airlines website is acting up again or they trying to troll really hard. I was just looking for tickets for my friend and this price shocked me. If I haven't bought my ticket last month I would of jump on that price, but wondering if someone bought purchase that ticket would AA cancel the reservation or would they have to honor the reservation?That is the correct price and yes, they will honor it. Funny because BOS-MDE on those same dates is $850, usually I can get something for around $550.

03-26-13, 20:16
That is the correct price and yes, they will honor it. Funny because BOS-MDE on those same dates is $850, usually I can get something for around $550.I just checked AA this afternoon and all the prices are back to the usual $1000 and up. Must have been a fluke.

03-26-13, 20:52
[Message to Admin deleted]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove a message directed to the Forum Admin.

The open Forum is not the appropriate venue to contact the Forum Administration regarding individual questions, complaints or comments about the administration of the Forum. Instead, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page to send me an email voicing your complaints about the administration of the Forum, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Thanks!

03-26-13, 22:37
I just checked AA this afternoon and all the prices are back to the usual $1000 and up. Must have been a fluke.I called them earlier and asked them and they told me that the price was indeed correct. Too bad you didn't pull the trigger.

Smokers Rule
03-27-13, 00:31
The systems get screwy sometime. I once landed a deal that took me to Santiago, Chile with a stopover in Bogota for $270. Taxes included. (I think it was all taxes.)

They honored it!

03-27-13, 01:22
"Wendy INC",

She's just brought a 500 acre farm not to far from Santa Fe de Antioquia, hoping to open a "dude ranche" in the future.

A. G.

P. S.

We have just lost the cricket here in India 4. 0, the worst Australian performance in 40 years, onto Bangladesh.I got to say "Good For Her" 500 Acres of land out there in Santa Fe Antioquia. At $150K-$200K a dude. Who's good at math? I'm pretty sure that equals a BUNCH of Dicks! LOL!

She earns style points for breaking the usual mold of girl saying "I want to open a clothing store, nail salon / hair cut place, comida rapida, and the BIG idea for entrepreneurs in Colombia Taxi business! Dream big =Win Big! Good for her!

03-27-13, 01:59
I called them earlier and asked them and they told me that the price was indeed correct. Too bad you didn't pull the trigger.Only reason I didn't pull the trigger for myself because I had already purchased my ticket last month thinking it was the best deal. I learned to be patient from now on.

I tried to get my co-workers to buy the tickets in the morning, but they said they will buy them later in the day. In the afternoon I told them what happen, so they checked and the prices were back to normal. Now they're kicking themselves in the a$$ for not acting quicker.

Maybe it will happen again, just got to have some luck.

03-27-13, 03:34
i have stayed at mansion several times in the past and i only had positive reports. i now stay in apartments with barry or rich and i am very happy with those also. seems like most of our friends are splitting hairs and it is hard to go wrong with any of the three above choices. actually, you have to have a really black cloud over your head to have a bad time mongering in mde, no matter what you do. personally, i prefer to report and leave the judgments to the experts.

last saturday i decided to check out the bar at mansion. the irony is that i stayed at cb 2 for three days in december and i did not go to the bar or see any mansion girls, as i was busy with my own hook ups. since all the discussion about the bar and cubanut's photos recently, i decided to check it out. i got there at 7:15 since the reports said the bar opens at 6. i was not allowed in. i explained to the guy at the door that on the "internet" there are posts saying that they are now allowing outsiders for a cover charge. the guy at the door called out to another guy that is getting ready to leave on a motorcycle. he stopped and said that information is completely wrong and those were his exact words. i said if it is wrong information, i do not have a problem with it, i even understand the reasoning but one of the owners should correct mis information. i told him i stayed at cb1 and cb2 several times and i am not here to try and my find my way in for free. the guy on the motorcycle then says, ok then it is 70, 000 pesos. i had a question mark expression on my face, trying for second if he said 7, 000 and i heard it as 70, 000. he confirmed it is 70, 000. then the guy at the door shouts back,"no it is 50, 000 peso". the guy on the motorcycle says,"ok. it is 50, 000". i said, listen amigos,"a report 10 days ago said 15, 000 pesos on weekday sand 30, 000 on weekends". the door guy says it went up. 50, 000 on weekends and 30, 000 on weekdays. 50, 000 is steep but i have noting better to do for another two hours before my favorite clubs get going. i have already paid 10, 000 to the taxi to get there. i decided to suck it up and pay to see what is up with the bar. the door guy collects 50, 000 and warns me in no uncertain terms that i need to head straight to the bar and i am not to linger in the foyer or go toward the pool or any other areas. ok boss. as i was walking down to the bar, i managed to glance around (against the rules) and saw couple of 7-8s in the foyer.

down in the bar, i was the only guy for the next hour and fifteen minutes. there were six to seven girls, average looking but young looking, almost all of them looked under 20. i know that staff at mansion is very strict with cedulas so i am never worried about **** issues there. during my stay there, the music was mellow (obviously as it was too early to be jamming) but over all the energy was not there. girls would peek in and see that there is only one guy chatting with one or two girls, linger for a bit and leave. i bought a 11, 000 vodka for myself and two baileys for two different girls, chatted with them on the outdoor swing for a while and left. on my way out i saw guys and girls hanging out in the lobby and in the sofas next to the pool exit socializing and drinking with few girls who, by the way, never showed up in the bar.

i went to luna lunera, pulled a tln and had a fantastic time but that is for another report.

bottom line: for me 50, 000 to get into this bar was not worth it. i will not do it again. for others, please make your own judgement.

to the owners: you have every right to charge whatever you want and obviously you are not making any promises or guarantees that we "will have fun", but please correct pricing and policy misinformation and if you happen to see it misstated on this forum. thank you.

03-27-13, 03:48
I am a senior member who began mongering in South East Asia in 2003. What an adventure that 1st trip was!

I am planning a trip later this spring, with a buddy, to either the Dominican Republic or Columbia (Cartagena & Medellin).

For about four months now I have been reading the forums and still have not made up my mind on the best choice. Tho I am leaning towards Columbia. I am thinking those who may have been in SEA and the DR & Columbia can steer me in the right direction.

I am 58, American, no Spanish ability (tho I am taking an adult 'Ed course on conversational Spanish). I am most familiar with the monger scene in the Philippines (read GFE) and have had great success there. I loved going to the LA Café in Manila and picking up the girls one or 2 at a time. Ha ha ha.

I generally get 2. 3 girls over the course of the evening. The most I had was 5 in one night in Angeles City (1-2-2). For instance, it sounds like at Blackbeards in the DR, that they roll up the streets by midnight when I am just getting started. I am friendly, cheerful and easy going and seldom get rejected. I search more for "chemistry" than looks. I watch my money, but don't pinch it either, generally staying with market rates.

If I went to Columbia, I would probably use Fabio in Cartagena and stay at the Mansion in Medellin.

I am a former band member so I do like to party (cola) and that is one thing Columbia offers that the others do not tho I am years out of practice now anyway.

I will continue to read, but experienced advice is welcome at this point.

Thanks, Bob

03-27-13, 05:24
i have stayed at mansion several times in the past and i only had positive reports. i now stay in apartments with barry or rich and i am very happy with those also. seems like most of our friends are splitting hairs and it is hard to go wrong with any of the three above choices. actually, you have to have a really black cloud over your head to have a bad time mongering in mde, no matter what you do. personally, i prefer to report and leave the judgments to the experts.

last saturday i decided to check out the bar at mansion. the irony is that i stayed at cb 2 for three days in december and i did not go to the bar or see any mansion girls, as i was busy with my own hook ups. since all the discussion about the bar and cubanut's photos recently, i decided to check it out. i got there at 7:15 since the reports said the bar opens at 6. i was not allowed in. i explained to the guy at the door that on the "internet" there are posts saying that they are now allowing outsiders for a cover charge. the guy at the door called out to another guy that is getting ready to leave on a motorcycle. he stopped and said that information is completely wrong and those were his exact words. i said if it is wrong information, i do not have a problem with it, i even understand the reasoning but one of the owners should correct mis information. i told him i stayed at cb1 and cb2 several times and i am not here to try and my find my way in for free. the guy on the motorcycle then says, ok then it is 70, 000 pesos. i had a question mark expression on my face, trying for second if he said 7, 000 and i heard it as 70, 000. he confirmed it is 70, 000. then the guy at the door shouts back,"no it is 50, 000 peso". the guy on the motorcycle says,"ok. it is 50, 000". i said, listen amigos,"a report 10 days ago said 15, 000 pesos on weekday sand 30, 000 on weekends". the door guy says it went up. 50, 000 on weekends and 30, 000 on weekdays. 50, 000 is steep but i have noting better to do for another two hours before my favorite clubs get going. i have already paid 10, 000 to the taxi to get there. i decided to suck it up and pay to see what is up with the bar. the door guy collects 50, 000 and warns me in no uncertain terms that i need to head straight to the bar and i am not to linger in the foyer or go toward the pool or any other areas. ok boss. as i was walking down to the bar, i managed to glance around (against the rules) and saw couple of 7-8s in the foyer.

down in the bar, i was the only guy for the next hour and fifteen minutes. there were six to seven girls, average looking but young looking, almost all of them looked under 20. i know that staff at mansion is very strict with cedulas so i am never worried about **** issues there. during my stay there, the music was mellow (obviously as it was too early to be jamming) but over all the energy was not there. girls would peek in and see that there is only one guy chatting with one or two girls, linger for a bit and leave. i bought a 11, 000 vodka for myself and two baileys for two different girls, chatted with them on the outdoor swing for a while and left. on my way out i saw guys and girls hanging out in the lobby and in the sofas next to the pool exit socializing and drinking with few girls who, by the way, never showed up in the bar.

i went to luna lunera, pulled a tln and had a fantastic time but that is for another report.

bottom line: for me 50, 000 to get into this bar was not worth it. i will not do it again. for others, please make your own judgement.

to the owners: you have every right to charge whatever you want and obviously you are not making any promises or guarantees that we "will have fun", but please correct pricing and policy misinformation and if you happen to see it misstated on this forum. thank you.same thing happened to me, although i was a guest there. i had another friend from another board that i met and had some dinner with at the oviedo. my friend never been to the mansion in his trips to medellin and was curious about it and thought it would be ok. he was charged 30k as well, at least there was some consistency lol.

i think when we went there, there was only 2 girls in there. my friend felt ripped off and said he will never stay there.

i was more disappointed on saturday night there was 0 girls in there the whole night.

03-27-13, 05:45
last saturday i decided to check out the bar at mansion. the irony is that i stayed at cb 2 for three days in december and i did not go to the bar or see any mansion girls, as i was busy with my own hook ups. since all the discussion about the bar and cubanut's photos recently, i decided to check it out. i got there at 7:15 since the reports said the bar opens at 6. i was not allowed in. i explained to the guy at the door that on the "internet" there are posts saying that they are now allowing outsiders for a cover charge. the guy at the door called out to another guy that is getting ready to leave on a motorcycle. he stopped and said that information is completely wrong and those were his exact words. i said if it is wrong information, i do not have a problem with it, i even understand the reasoning but one of the owners should correct mis information. i told him i stayed at cb1 and cb2 several times and i am not here to try and my find my way in for free. the guy on the motorcycle then says, ok then it is 70, 000 pesos. i had a question mark expression on my face, trying for second if he said 7, 000 and i heard it as 70, 000. he confirmed it is 70, 000. then the guy at the door shouts back,"no it is 50, 000 peso". the guy on the motorcycle says,"ok. it is 50, 000". i said, listen amigos,"a report 10 days ago said 15, 000 pesos on weekday sand 30, 000 on weekends". the door guy says it went up. 50, 000 on weekends and 30, 000 on weekdays. 50, 000 is steep but i have noting better to do for another two hours before my favorite clubs get going. i have already paid 10, 000 to the taxi to get there. i decided to suck it up and pay to see what is up with the bar. the door guy collects 50, 000 and warns me in no uncertain terms that i need to head straight to the bar and i am not to linger in the foyer or go toward the pool or any other areas. ok boss. as i was walking down to the bar, i managed to glance around (against the rules) and saw couple of 7-8s in the foyer.

down in the bar, i was the only guy for the next hour and fifteen minutes. there were six to seven girls, average looking but young looking, almost all of them looked under 20. i know that staff at mansion is very strict with cedulas so i am never worried about **** issues there. during my stay there, the music was mellow (obviously as it was too early to be jamming) but over all the energy was not there. girls would peek in and see that there is only one guy chatting with one or two girls, linger for a bit and leave. i bought a 11, 000 vodka for myself and two baileys for two different girls, chatted with them on the outdoor swing for a while and left. on my way out i saw guys and girls hanging out in the lobby and in the sofas next to the pool exit socializing and drinking with few girls who, by the way, never showed up in the bar.

bottom line: for me 50, 000 to get into this bar was not worth it. i will not do it again. for others, please make your own judgement.this is in no way a jab at your report vitrea. i believe you may have been given bad intel. but here is my thoughts on this:

the fact that they told you "that information is completely wrong" actually makes sense. why would any guy ever book another room at the mansion again if they can just pay 30k-50k to visit the bar? they've got some rooms going for as high as 212,000k pesos per night. if this was true that you can stay elsewhere and just pay to visit the bar, they would lose all of their bookings overnight. the door guy just probably pocketed that money for himself and gave you a pass since you mentioned you were a previous guest.

hmp1 and 2 make their money on the beds. the chicas are an added bonus of staying there, and the bar is an excellent addition. i understand that you were busy with your own hook ups back in december when you stayed at hmp 2, but you really missed out on the vip aspect afforded to you by staying with them. nothing like walking down the hill to hmp 1, getting buzzed in at the gate, going down to the bar to have a drink and scope out the chicas, finding one and then marching back up the hill to hmp 2 to your room with the chica, (once finished) then head back down to the bar and look for another romp if you are up to it.

the talent can be hit or miss, which is why it works better if you are staying there because you can visit each night and come and go as much as you like. not to mention that you can also hang by the pool during the day. i caught two different chicas (on two different days) who were at the mansion for the first time before they even got a chance to go into the bar. they had some real gems when i was there. some of the chicas i banged that the mansion invited over still have not turned up in the fb / mansion prepago circle or even in any of their newsletters they send out.

out of curiosity: where are you staying in medellin to where your taxi fare is coming out to 10k to get to poblado? it's been on average about 8.5k from poblado to el centro (just using that as a reference to say it seems that you are a bit far out from lleras and poblado). was this location selection strategic (to put you closer to the strip clubs and casas)?

03-27-13, 07:02
I had several pMs about this casa. See address in my last post.

The girls are primarily on the masajista paisa web site, and the talent seem to overlap with the offerings at paisa divinas. I plan to research this during my next trip. As far as I can tell, the set up is similar to other casas where most girls (I think) set their schedules. The big difference is the over all quality of girls is slightly better but the ambiance / facility is dramatically better. Also, almost all the girls do house callsat150, 000 to 180, 000.

03-27-13, 07:45
Save pro,

No jabs taken. I know you are giving your sincere opinion. I understand your logic about rooms and bar entry. I do believe that the new policy at HMP is to let outside guests in with a cover. See posts two pages back and the post in response to my last one. The staff at HMP know better than to pocket the 50K.

Also, you are an astute reader. I was staying in one of the apartments close to Illeras. A bit of a long story why it was 10k. That does include a 2K tip and I always tip for decent to good service. Only time I dont tip is when I run into a total asshole which is extremely rare in MDE.

03-27-13, 14:06
Bottom line: For me 50, 000 to get into this bar was not worth it. I will not do it again. For others, please make your own judgement.

To the owners: You have every right to charge whatever you want and obviously you are not making any promises or guarantees that we "will have fun", but please correct pricing and policy misinformation and if you happen to see it misstated on this forum. Thank you.Vitrea, I am quite sure that in the most recent HMP newsletter they said that the price was 30k weekdays and 50k weekends.

03-27-13, 15:04
Save pro,

No jabs taken. I know you are giving your sincere opinion. I understand your logic about rooms and bar entry. I do believe that the new policy at HMP is to let outside guests in with a cover. See posts two pages back and the post in response to my last one. The staff at HMP know better than to pocket the 50K.

Ah, well it seems my information was incorrect then.

Vitrea, I am quite sure that in the most recent HMP newsletter they said that the price was 30k weekdays and 50k weekends.Which newsletter are you referring to Mani? The last one I got was about a birthday party, and the previous one before that was photos from the super bowl party.

03-27-13, 16:05
Ah, well it seems my information was incorrect then.

Which newsletter are you referring to Mani? The last one I got was about a birthday party, and the previous one before that was photos from the super bowl party.I think it was the one that had the photos of Roberts birthday. I tried to find it but I had already deleted it, it was stated at the very end of the newsletter.

03-27-13, 16:20
I am a senior member who began mongering in South East Asia in 2003. What an adventure that 1st trip was!

I am planning a trip later this spring, with a buddy, to either the Dominican Republic or Columbia (Cartagena & Medellin).

For about four months now I have been reading the forums and still have not made up my mind on the best choice. Tho I am leaning towards Columbia. I am thinking those who may have been in SEA and the DR & Columbia can steer me in the right direction.

I am 58, American, no Spanish ability (tho I am taking an adult 'Ed course on conversational Spanish). I am most familiar with the monger scene in the Philippines (read GFE) and have had great success there. I loved going to the LA Café in Manila and picking up the girls one or 2 at a time. Ha ha ha.

I generally get 2. 3 girls over the course of the evening. The most I had was 5 in one night in Angeles City (1-2-2). For instance, it sounds like at Blackbeards in the DR, that they roll up the streets by midnight when I am just getting started. I am friendly, cheerful and easy going and seldom get rejected. I search more for "chemistry" than looks. I watch my money, but don't pinch it either, generally staying with market rates.

If I went to Columbia, I would probably use Fabio in Cartagena and stay at the Mansion in Medellin.

I am a former band member so I do like to party (cola) and that is one thing Columbia offers that the others do not tho I am years out of practice now anyway.

I will continue to read, but experienced advice is welcome at this point.

Thanks, BobIMO if you're used to SEA (Never been but have many friends who LOVE it!) I'd say go to the DR. Colombia seems to be mostly short timers and more of a pump and dump vibe VS GFE you get in the DR and SEA. Most the working girls in Colombia have lives, school, kids, family, ect. It's wham, blam, load, propina? And Gracias! LOL!

In the DR if they're working they are there to work. Or the Colombianas in Panama or the Islands. They are there to work and earn so long time is better fro them. See what I'm saying?

03-27-13, 16:35
I'm interested in staying here when I go back. How can I get added to newsletter distribution.

Thanks in Advance!

03-27-13, 17:10
Vitrea, I am quite sure that in the most recent HMP newsletter they said that the price was 30k weekdays and 50k weekends.Not in the one from March 21 and the other one in March was about rumors. Nothing about the cover.

03-27-13, 17:26
Not in the one from March 21 and the other one in March was about rumors. Nothing about the cover.I know I read it. Is there separate newsletters by the hotel and the bar? The newsletter I get does not come from the hotel's e-mail address but the bar's e-mail info at la cueva dot com.

03-27-13, 19:52
Vitrea, I am quite sure that in the most recent HMP newsletter they said that the price was 30k weekdays and 50k weekends.Thank you sir and you are correct. I do not get the news letter but I was genuinely mistaken, due to bad memory.

03-27-13, 23:56
Vitrea, I am quite sure that in the most recent HMP newsletter they said that the price was 30k weekdays and 50k weekends.Not sure what you are talking about. I have every email from the Plaza and Cave and no mention of the cover. The only 30k and 55k I saw was the price of Thanksgiving dinner.

03-28-13, 02:36
I'm interested in staying here when I go back. How can I get added to newsletter distribution.

Thanks in Advance!Go to the Hotel Medellin Plaza website and enter your email address on the homepage to be added to the newsletter distribution.

03-28-13, 05:21
I'm interested in staying here when I go back. How can I get added to newsletter distribution.

Thanks in Advance!Send an e-mail to info@hotelmedellinplaza.com And ask to be put on their mailing list. To keep the newsletter from going into your spam box, add their address to your address book.

03-28-13, 06:47
Went back here on Saturday. I know I had couple of sure bets at Fase dos (I called and confirmed as I had their phone numbers) but wanted to check out LL first. My original thought was to hang out at LL for a bit and go to fase, eat at the stand outside and go have fun in the club but close to 9 PM it is very quite. Note to self: On saturdays things start late in MDE. I was hungry so I crossed the street and ate Kabobs at Mario Bros. This is a chain with high quality food and service. Their chicken, sausage and beef kabobs are excellent. I am digressing here but even their Parque Illeras location serves excellent food.

Back at LL, I was in time when Carin and Laura were walking in. Laura has a beutiful face but Carin has a better (leaner body) and is a known entity. Quite often I repeat with someone I know is good rather than go for pure variety. Had a drink with her and left with her for TLN. She said she likes to smoke but did not know where she could get it. She and cabbie tried for a bit and they could not score. I had to take over the situation and directed the cabbie to Parque del Periodista. I am used to going there at 6-7 pm, when it is bit mellow but at 11 Pm the place was jamming and felt very safe. Carin loved the whole hippy scene and unlike most colombianas she is into rock music. We found the perfect bar for it, did 3 vodka shots each, smoked and went home. We were at it on and off till 4:30 AM alternating between making sweet love and hard action synchronized to the playlist I made for just such an occasion. I digress again, but music in the bed room is critically important to me. I don't look like Brad Pitt and I am neither hung nor fit like a horse so I need to use all the external elements to romance a girl. Some girls don't drink and most don't do weed but all enjoy good music. I make playlists for a variety of moods and tastes. Chicas dig it.

We went to sleep exhausted till it is time to eat breakfast. What a workout. I decided I do not need to hit the gym when I am in MDE :-D

03-28-13, 07:53
Went back here on Saturday. I know I had couple of sure bets at Fase dos (I called and confirmed as I had their phone numbers) but wanted to check out LL first. My original thought was to hang out at LL for a bit and go to fase, eat at the stand outside and go have fun in the club but close to 9 PM it is very quite. Note to self: On saturdays things start late in MDE. I was hungry so I crossed the street and ate Kabobs at Mario Bros. This is a chain with high quality food and service. Their chicken, sausage and beef kabobs are excellent. I am digressing here but even their Parque Illeras location serves excellent food.

Back at LL, I was in time when Carin and Laura were walking in. Laura Has a beutiful face but Carin Has a better (leaner body) and is a known entity. Quite often I repeat with someone I know is good rather than go for pure variety. Had a drink with her and left with her for TLN. She said she likes to smoke but did not know where she could get it. She and cabbie tried for a bit and they could not score. I had to take over the situation and directed the cabbie to Parque del Periodista. I am used to going there at 6-7 pm, when it is bit mellow but at 11 Pm the place was jamming and felt very safe. Carin loved the whole hippy scene and unlike most colombianas she is into rock music. We found the perfect bar for it, did 3 vodka shots each, smoked and went home. We were at it on and off till 4:30 AM alternating between making sweet love and hard action synchronized to the playlist I made for just such an occasion. I digress again, but music in the bed room is critically important to me. I don't look like Brad Pitt and I am neither hung nor fit like a horse so I need to use all the external elements to romance a girl. Some girls don't drink and most don't do weed but all enjoy good music. I make playlists for a variety of moods and tastes. Chicas dig it.

We went to sleep exhausted till it is time to eat breakfast. What a workout. I decided I do not need to hit the gym when I am in MDE :-DThanks for the report. I also heard Mario Bros. were good. Going to check them out next time.

Any recommendations for a breakfast spot? Or did you do your own cooking?

03-28-13, 14:23
I know I read it. Is there separate newsletters by the hotel and the bar? The newsletter I get does not come from the hotel's e-mail address but the bar's e-mail info at la cueva dot com.I think I saved all of them, there is a chance I may have deleted one, but nothing about the cover.

I get it from both the hotel and the bar, but the one from the bar has chica pics we care about, and the hotel doesn't really.

03-28-13, 16:37
Thanks for the report. I also heard Mario Bros. Were good. Going to check them out next time.

Any recommendations for a breakfast spot? Or did you do your own cooking?Ha ha. I stay at apartments but never cook. My favourite breakfast place is D'Andre at the corner of 10th and 37th. Classy joint with modern decor, out door and indoor seating and excellent food and Cappuccino. Even their salsa picante is very unique. Free Wfi is another plus.

Black Page
03-29-13, 00:29
I left Medellin few days ago. At the boarding gate for my Avianca flight MDE-BOG, I handed my boarding pass to a tall, beautiful, kind and sexy girl, who was wearing the Avianca uniform and a name tag with written:

HOOKERI did not ask her phone number on the spot. Did I miss an unexpected opportunity?

03-29-13, 01:28
Ha ha. I stay at apartments but never cook. My favourite breakfast place is D'Andre at the corner of 10th and 37th. Classy joint with modern decor, out door and indoor seating and excellent food and Cappuccino. Even their salsa picante is very unique. Free Wfi is another plus.Dude don't forget the oldies but goodies! If you have a non pro invite her over for diner. Boil some Spaghetti, roll a few meat balls (got to make en in a pan as most apts in Colombia do not have stove) toast some bread sprinkle with some butter, garlic powder, and mozz cheese. BLAMO! Regular girl impressed!

If you just looking to hang wiht hoes then point them to the food court and get the fudge out! LOL!

03-29-13, 07:18
Dude don't forget the oldies but goodies! If you have a non pro invite her over for diner. Boil some Spaghetti, roll a few meat balls (got to make en in a pan as most apts in Colombia do not have stove) toast some bread sprinkle with some butter, garlic powder, and mozz cheese. BLAMO! Regular girl impressed!

If you just looking to hang wiht hoes then point them to the food court and get the fudge out! LOL!Actually, after Savepros' question I was thinking about it myself. I might actually try this next time. May be not anything as elaborate but eggs and toast with some Colombian coffee on your own terrace is a neat idea. Thank you.

P. S. I am all about pros. I tried the regular girl route once and that was a lot of work! The thing is though, I treat pros like they are regular girls and I romance them as best as I can. I seem to get a lot out of that setup than try to get into a regular girl's pants. I understand the thrill of the "hunt" when you go for a non pro but I am too lazy for that.

03-29-13, 07:24
A very good contributor of this forum asked my thoughts about Lutron:

I like Lutron. Very classy set up and I almost always go there evey trip. Interestingly, this trip, I had quite a lot of work during day time so I did not make it there. The one afternoon I had some time, I decided to try Masajista Paisas (MP) location. Lutron does typically have slightly older Chicas with surgical enhancements, which is not generally my type. I like them all natural. I don't mind the price as long I find a gem that meets my criteria. If you don't mind plastic surgery, it is hard to beat Fabiana / Maria (she either has sub pectoral implants or just injections) but the way they are done, they feel more natural. :-D

Vegas Jeff
03-29-13, 08:29
Dude don't forget the oldies but goodies! If you have a non pro invite her over for diner. Boil some Spaghetti, roll a few meat balls (got to make en in a pan as most apts in Colombia do not have stove) toast some bread sprinkle with some butter, garlic powder, and mozz cheese. BLAMO! Regular girl impressed!

If you just looking to hang wiht hoes then point them to the food court and get the fudge out! LOL!I have had lots of luck pouring the milk into the bowl of cereal. Every girl likes Zucharitas (frosted flakes). Putting pizza in the microwave does the trick also. A nice touch at the end is taking the lid off the ice cream. Be careful though, the nonpros might fall in love with you.

03-29-13, 13:01
Actually, after Savepros' question I was thinking about it myself. I might actually try this next time. May be not anything as elaborate but eggs and toast with some Colombian coffee on your own terrace is a neat idea. Thank you.

P. S. I am all about pros. I tried the regular girl route once and that was a lot of work! The thing is though, I treat pros like they are regular girls and I romance them as best as I can. I seem to get a lot out of that setup than try to get into a regular girl's pants. I understand the thrill of the "hunt" when you go for a non pro but I am too lazy for that.Yep! Regular girls in Colombia a lot of work just like Regular girls back home! LOL! It's the old adage "One way or anther you paying for Pussy"

I agree, kill them with kindness and if they show you coolness in kind keep it up. If they act like an entitled stuck up princess just pound them and dump them with no propina! Hahahah!

03-29-13, 19:36
Been to La Isla (Via Las Palmas) on Wednesday night. This strip club is located in a beautiful scenic spot. Cover: 10k. Inside is big but that night it looked little empty because there were only 20/25 girls. The staff told me that it was not a good night because of the "semana santa". When you get inside, the staff explains you the prices: Cuba libre single 21k, Media Ron Medellin 85k, Chica 185k 40 min (there are rooms inside the club). No pressure to buy drinks to the girls. The dancers ask you the "propina" after dancing but you can politely declined. Quality: from 9 (only one) to 6 (most of them). Bar fine is 200k so better you ask the phone number to the girls and meet them in another situation.

Overall score: 7 not good value for money, in Medellin you can find better places

03-29-13, 20:13
I know this may have been answered before, but it doesn't hurt to answer it again, how much does an all nighter with a girl from Luna Lunera costs?

Went back here on Saturday. I know I had couple of sure bets at Fase dos (I called and confirmed as I had their phone numbers) but wanted to check out LL first. My original thought was to hang out at LL for a bit and go to fase, eat at the stand outside and go have fun in the club but close to 9 PM it is very quite. Note to self: On saturdays things start late in MDE. I was hungry so I crossed the street and ate Kabobs at Mario Bros. This is a chain with high quality food and service. Their chicken, sausage and beef kabobs are excellent. I am digressing here but even their Parque Illeras location serves excellent food.

Back at LL, I was in time when Carin and Laura were walking in. Laura Has a beutiful face but Carin Has a better (leaner body) and is a known entity. Quite often I repeat with someone I know is good rather than go for pure variety. Had a drink with her and left with her for TLN. She said she likes to smoke but did not know where she could get it. She and cabbie tried for a bit and they could not score. I had to take over the situation and directed the cabbie to Parque del Periodista. I am used to going there at 6-7 pm, when it is bit mellow but at 11 Pm the place was jamming and felt very safe. Carin loved the whole hippy scene and unlike most colombianas she is into rock music. We found the perfect bar for it, did 3 vodka shots each, smoked and went home. We were at it on and off till 4:30 AM alternating between making sweet love and hard action synchronized to the playlist I made for just such an occasion. I digress again, but music in the bed room is critically important to me. I don't look like Brad Pitt and I am neither hung nor fit like a horse so I need to use all the external elements to romance a girl. Some girls don't drink and most don't do weed but all enjoy good music. I make playlists for a variety of moods and tastes. Chicas dig it.

We went to sleep exhausted till it is time to eat breakfast. What a workout. I decided I do not need to hit the gym when I am in MDE :-D

03-29-13, 21:23
I know this may have been answered before, but it doesn't hurt to answer it again, how much does an all nighter with a girl from Luna Lunera costs?LL girl TLN prices range from 200K to 350K. 200K would be for a 6-7, weekday, take out is close to or after midnight and she will leave at around 5 AM. On the top end would be for an 8 (9s and 10s are rare in LL) , on a weekend, start early around 10 PM and leave after 8 AM. Club multa is 120K.

03-29-13, 21:26
Been to La Isla (Via Las Palmas) on Wednesday night. This strip club is located in a beautiful scenic spot. Cover: 10k. Inside is big but that night it looked little empty because there were only 20/25 girls. The staff told me that it was not a good night because of the "semana santa". When you get inside, the staff explains you the prices: Cuba libre single 21k, Media Ron Medellin 85k, Chica 185k 40 min (there are rooms inside the club). No pressure to buy drinks to the girls. The dancers ask you the "propina" after dancing but you can politely declined. Quality: from 9 (only one) to 6 (most of them). Bar fine is 200k so better you ask the phone number to the girls and meet them in another situation.

Overall score: 7 not good value for money, in Medellin you can find better placesThey have raised their prices recently or the prices are "flexible". The bar fine in the recent past was 180K. Also, if you are taking a chica to the room on site, insist that you want one hour and not 40 minutes. They are flexible most of the time usless it is very busy.

03-29-13, 21:57
Been to La Isla (Via Las Palmas) on Wednesday night. This strip club is located in a beautiful scenic spot. Cover: 10k. Inside is big but that night it looked little empty because there were only 20/25 girls. The staff told me that it was not a good night because of the "semana santa". When you get inside, the staff explains you the prices: Cuba libre single 21k, Media Ron Medellin 85k, Chica 185k 40 min (there are rooms inside the club). No pressure to buy drinks to the girls. The dancers ask you the "propina" after dancing but you can politely declined. Quality: from 9 (only one) to 6 (most of them). Bar fine is 200k so better you ask the phone number to the girls and meet them in another situation.

Overall score: 7 not good value for money, in Medellin you can find better placesThey've added 10 minutes to the time, LOL. When I was there they wanted 180k for 30 minutes. There also was no cover charge.

03-29-13, 23:12
I have been contemplating for some time now but now I may finally take the plunge and head to medillin. Any info would be helpful such as hotel stay, where to find some fun, hang out bars, usually prices that these girls go for, how much money to take on person from the states.


03-29-13, 23:54
Was in Medellin for 3 days and must say found nothing special. Went to Energy, New Life, Case de Piedra, Fase Dos and La Isla. At La Isla (Saturday night) there were not many girls and not many guys. The dances were better as at Face Dos, but it was rather dark in there and I could not spot any girl I liked. Left after one drink. Face Dos was better. I liked one girl, but did not do her. I miss Wendy. A few years ago she was THE girl of Face Dos for me, just went there to see her dancing (but also did her). Probably she is too old now for that kind of job. Energy had not many girls when I was there. I did choose one, but nothing to remember. Even worse at Case de Piedra. I went there in the afternoon. Big fault. Only two girls. I never met a really hot girl at New life and so was it this time. Maybe I should skip it completely.

Will go back to MDE before returing home, maybe I just had bad luck.

Black Page
03-30-13, 02:27
i've been to la isla on my last night (23 march). i entered around 11:30pm after a big steak at san carbon. almost empty: 5-10 patrons. 20+ girls, lots of waiters. i hate waiters who escort me as soon as i enter a club,"inviting" me to seat at a table. i don't want to seat when i enter, i don't want to seat where they tell me. i escaped the care of the waiter with some effort, walked around the space, explored all corners and looked at girls.

these are base prices: 10k cover, about 25k the cocktails (same for me and the girl) , well prepared i must say.

i finally sat down where i liked, and nobody disturbed me. i ordered a cocktail asking the waiter, and quietly spent half an hour alone looking at dancers and waiting to spot some special girl sitting somewhere. that quickly happened: while most of girls are ordinary beautiful sexy girls, the ones you expect in a high-level club, a couple of them were really stunning to my eyes.

i was speechless when i spotted one sitting with other two: a real doll, cute young face, smiling, long black hair, perfect athletic body, short sexy dress and high heels. i am used to see sexy girls in mde, but this one really looked special to my eyes. i discovered later she is 18.5yo. with normal dresses, she looks more a barrio jovencita than the high-class doll i had the impression to see, but that's part of the game of making-up and choosing the right clothes. also, she speaks real paisa, with one of the strongest accents i heard in these days (she comes from a barrio famous for gang wars, btw).

i smiled to her, and she smiled to me. i showed my glass, like to invite her to cheer up and drink together, and she smiled to me. i had to be more explicit to invite her and have her to seat with me and drink.

i know what you guys are thinking (and i was thinking the same at that time): never invite the sexiest one, there's high chance to pay lots and get little, like a deadfish in bed. i always point to average or less than average girls in a club, aiming at high performance. but, that was my last night, so i thought: wtf, let's think big tonight!

she turned out to be a very nice person to talk with, social and kind.

i dared to ask how much i would have paid to take her out of the club. my proposal was the following: i hate this kind of clubs, we go out to parque lleras to drink and have some fun in a good club, then when we are tired you come sleeping to my hotel till morning or when you want ("i don't charge you for sleeping in my room").

she told me that the multa is 180k, and including her money i would have paid 600k total (please notice the time of this talk: 0:30am). i remained silent, then she quickly lowered the total to 500k (180k multa + 320k for her). it's a lot of money, but i must admit that, for me, the idea of taking out such a doll to the bars of parque lleras (where for many days i was used to look silent at the sexy girls strolling around with friends) , and then taking her to my room, was priceless.

there was only one problem: she had no cedula, just a replacing sheet (but she ensured she was 18 at aug 2012). i told her that i was not interested to do the deed in a room of the club. my only point was to spend a night with her, including rumba, music, and then sleep in my hotel. i convinced her to look for a cedula from some friend looking not very different. done.

she told me to pay the total to the cashier, but i replied "why not only the multa, and the rest directly to you?". she was very happy to listen to that. checkout procedure very efficient: credit card, smiles, handshakes, and bubye.

warning: be careful with the taxi driver (s) waiting outside of the club. i was naif: that asshole took me from la isla to my hotel at poblado in 20 minutes instead of 5-10, taking a long route crossing downtown, then asking me 15k as shown by the meter (exactly the double price, due to the longer route). i realized that only after a while, because my eyes were mesmerized by the long legs of the girl. when i realized that we were out of the standard route, i asked him "do you need any help to find poblado? i can help you to find the way, because you must be new to medellin", but it was too late.

so we went to my room to leave her purse and bag, then off to parque lleras (this time, with one of the good taxi drivers who wait outside my hotel, who knew me already and was speechless looking at her beauty).

i spent 1-2 exciting hours with her at a bar of lleras. she told me i was the first customer taking her to lleras instead of straight to the hotel room (i've no doubt about that) :p.
she wanted a bar with music, but not so loud because she wanted to talk.

back to my hotel room at 3am, it was not a gfe, but she was so good to not make me think about that: a fantastic pro, even including some strip and dance for me, hot as a pornstar, yet not behaving like a ****. a really nice girl.

the only thing i did not appreciate, was that when we finished my first round (a long one, yep, it was 5:30am) she dressed up and told me she needed to go back home at 6am to return her fake cedula to her friend, who could not stay without it the morning. my policy is to not force a girl to stay, if she wants to leave. what's the point of having an unwilling girl in your arms?
therefore, i gave her the money agreed and sent her back home with a kiss. however, i had my exciting night already. i have her photos and i cant stop looking at her eyes.

what a doll!

03-30-13, 17:11
Blackpage, excellent report. We have similar M. O. :-D.

I had the same issue with Cedula, the first time I pulled a girl from La Isla.

She did not have it and she told me that La Isla hires them based on the school I'd that has the date of birth on it, which is not a formal Cedula. What you did is smart through. I now stay in apartments and Cedula has not been an issue.

Member #4287
03-30-13, 18:17
Was in Medellin for 3 days and must say found nothing special. Went to Energy, New Life, Case de Piedra, Fase Dos and La Isla. At La Isla (Saturday night) there were not many girls and not many guys. The dances were better as at Face Dos, but it was rather dark in there and I could not spot any girl I liked. Left after one drink. Face Dos was better. I liked one girl, but did not do her. I miss Wendy. A few years ago she was THE girl of Face Dos for me, just went there to see her dancing (but also did her). Probably she is too old now for that kind of job. Energy had not many girls when I was there. I did choose one, but nothing to remember. Even worse at Case de Piedra. I went there in the afternoon. Big fault. Only two girls. I never met a really hot girl at New life and so was it this time. Maybe I should skip it completely.

Will go back to MDE before returing home, maybe I just had bad luck.Sorry Wend is busy at the moment.

Member #4287
03-30-13, 18:27
i've been to la isla on my last night (23 march). i entered around 11:30pm after a big steak at san carbon. almost empty: 5-10 patrons. 20+ girls, lots of waiters. i hate waiters who escort me as soon as i enter a club,"inviting" me to seat at a table. i don't want to seat when i enter, i don't want to seat where they tell me. i escaped the care of the waiter with some effort, walked around the space, explored all corners and looked at girls.

these are base prices: 10k cover, about 25k the cocktails (same for me and the girl) , well prepared i must say.

i finally sat down where i liked, and nobody disturbed me. i ordered a cocktail asking the waiter, and quietly spent half an hour alone looking at dancers and waiting to spot some special girl sitting somewhere. that quickly happened: while most of girls are ordinary beautiful sexy girls, the ones you expect in a high-level club, a couple of them were really stunning to my eyes.

i was speechless when i spotted one sitting with other two: a real doll, cute young face, smiling, long black hair, perfect athletic body, short sexy dress and high heels. i am used to see sexy girls in mde, but this one really looked special to my eyes. i discovered later she is 18. 5yo. with normal dresses, she looks more a barrio jovencita than the high-class doll i had the impression to see, but that's part of the game of making-up and choosing the right clothes. also, she speaks real paisa, with one of the strongest accents i heard in these days (she comes from a barrio famous for gang wars, btw).

i smiled to her, and she smiled to me. i showed my glass, like to invite her to cheer up and drink together, and she smiled to me. i had to be more explicit to invite her and have her to seat with me and drink.

i know what you guys are thinking (and i was thinking the same at that time) : never invite the sexiest one, there's high chance to pay lots and get little, like a deadfish in bed. i always point to average or less than average girls in a club, aiming at high performance. but, that was my last night, so i thought: wtf, let's think big tonight!

she turned out to be a very nice person to talk with, social and kind.

i dared to ask how much i would have paid to take her out of the club. my proposal was the following: i hate this kind of clubs, we go out to parque lleras to drink and have some fun in a good club, then when we are tired you come sleeping to my hotel till morning or when you want ("i don't charge you for sleeping in my room").

she told me that the multa is 180k, and including her money i would have paid 600k total (please notice the time of this talk: 0:30am). i remained silent, then she quickly lowered the total to 500k (180k multa + 320k for her). it's a lot of money, but i must admit that, for me, the idea of taking out such a doll to the bars of parque lleras (where for many days i was used to look silent at the sexy girls strolling around with friends) , and then taking her to my room, was priceless.

there was only one problem: she had no cedula, just a replacing sheet (but she ensured she was 18 at aug 2012). i told her that i was not interested to do the deed in a room of the club. my only point was to spend a night with her, including rumba, music, and then sleep in my hotel. i convinced her to look for a cedula from some friend looking not very different. done.

she told me to pay the total to the cashier, but i replied "why not only the multa, and the rest directly to you?". she was very happy to listen to that. checkout procedure very efficient: credit card, smiles, handshakes, and bubye.

warning: be careful with the taxi driver (s) waiting outside of the club. i was naif: that asshole took me from la isla to my hotel at poblado in 20 minutes instead of 5-10, taking a long route crossing downtown, then asking me 15k as shown by the meter (exactly the double price, due to the longer route). i realized that only after a while, because my eyes were mesmerized by the long legs of the girl. when i realized that we were out of the standard route, i asked him "do you need any help to find poblado? i can help you to find the way, because you must be new to medellin", but it was too late.

so we went to my room to leave her purse and bag, then off to parque lleras (this time, with one of the good taxi drivers who wait outside my hotel, who knew me already and was speechless looking at her beauty).

i spent 1-2 exciting hours with her at a bar of lleras. she told me i was the first customer taking her to lleras instead of straight to the hotel room (i've no doubt about that) :p.

she wanted a bar with music, but not so loud because she wanted to talk.

back to my hotel room at 3am, it was not a gfe, but she was so good to not make me think about that: a fantastic pro, even including some strip and dance for me, hot as a pornstar, yet not behaving like a. a really nice girl.

the only thing i did not appreciate, was that when we finished my first round (a long one, yep, it was 5:30am) she dressed up and told me she needed to go back home at 6am to return her fake cedula to her friend, who could not stay without it the morning. my policy is to not force a girl to stay, if she wants to leave. what's the point of having an unwilling girl in your arms?

therefore, i gave her the money agreed and sent her back home with a kiss. however, i had my exciting night already. i have her photos and i can't stop looking at her eyes.

what a doll!had a very similar experience with the place in early feb. pulled a stunner out of there. tall. long black hair. corset type top. mini skirt with black pumps. tanner than the average paisa and one of the better performers overall. just a pleasure to spend time with. i think she called herself silviana or something along those lines.

03-30-13, 22:33
Just arrived in Medellin yesterday evening. What a beatiful city. In many ways. Spent a lot of time in Asia. China for work, Philippines and Thailand for play. Very different mujeres aqui. They don't have asses like this in Asia.

I came on a whim for just a couple day trip. Looks like it may be awful timing with Semana Santa. Does anyone know if it's business as usual today?

I'm interested in going to La Isla (still open? I've gotten mixed reports online but seeing the recent reports I'm assuming it must be) or Fase II possibly. Also looking at Lejano Oriente maybe Luna Lunero.

Any advice on what people are seeing today and also tomorrow would be greatly appreciated.

I would have stayed at the mansion so I didn't have to ask stupid questions like this but I was too late in trying to book. Full.

03-31-13, 00:16
A bar or a casa may hire a chica based on a school I'd, Then when they get busted, they pay a small fine, What happens to the North American Tourist? Let us know how that works out for you LOL

03-31-13, 00:36
A bar or a casa may hire a chica based on a school I'd, Then when they get busted, they pay a small fine, What happens to the North American Tourist? Let us know how that works out for you LOLLike I said, checking the Cedula before you leave the club is the smart way to do it. I was explaining how it could have been an issue for me if I were staying at a hotel or Mansion but I got lucky. Not everyone that is over 18 has a Cedula (especially non pros) and staying at an apartment does provide that added flexibility. I am just stating the facts as I have experienced them with hopes that others can use that information wisely and to their benefit. Cheers.

Black Page
03-31-13, 01:30
a bar or a casa may hire a chica based on a school i'd, then when they get busted, they pay a small fine, what happens to the north american tourist? let us know how that works out for you lolin usa, many strange things happen:

- a tourist can be put to jail if busted in his car while quietly enjoying a bj from a 40yo sw, regardless she has a cedula or not;

- a less risky activity is collecting deadly war weapons, easily available for purchase in various malls;

- if one wants to drink a beer in a restaurant, he needs to have and exhibit his cedula, regardless his evident old age (i am 45+, but i am routinely asked to show i'd when i want to enter a pub. i've seen at the newark airport an elderly 70yo (!) couple being asked to show i'd, to be allowed to drink a beer with their burger!).

in short, there are many sane activities in the world, which are considered illegal in the usa. even paying for sex is illegal in many us states. so, strictly speaking, us brothers coming to mde to visit casas are actually doing something forbidden to them.

i really do not care about the cedula, provided that the girl is clearly not ****.

03-31-13, 02:09
i really do not care about the cedula, provided that the girl is clearly not ****.clearly, you are much wiser than i'll ever be, personally, i want to seen the damn thing, and why does the picture always look more like the her sister than her? (we're a long way from kansas todo)

Black Page
03-31-13, 02:31
I left Medellin few days ago. At the boarding gate for my Avianca flight MDE-BOG, I handed my boarding pass to a tall, beautiful, kind and sexy girl, who was wearing the Avianca uniform and a name tag with written:

HOOKERI did not ask her phone number on the spot. Did I miss an unexpected opportunity?Anybody has an explanation for that? I expected to read some reply to my post above, but not a single one! Believe me, it's not a joke. I've seen it with my eyes. What's the meaning of "hooker" for Avianca?

Black Page
03-31-13, 02:42
clearly, you are much wiser than i'll ever be, personally, i want to seen the damn thing, and why does the picture always look more like the her sister than her? (we're a long way from kansas todo)my friend, many 18+ yo girls in colombia do not have a cedula de ciudadania, because it's a bit expensive, or it takes some effort to get it, and you do not apply for one if you don't need it. the fact that a girl does not have one does not imply that she is ****, but it may imply also that she is not an hardened pro, who completed all formal steps before entering her new profession.

besides this, ethically, it's really different for you, if the girl you invite is just 1 month after or before her 18th bday? in this case, a cedula does not make the difference, at least ethically.

03-31-13, 08:11
Anybody has an explanation for that? I expected to read some reply to my post above, but not a single one! Believe me, it's not a joke. I've seen it with my eyes. What's the meaning of "hooker" for Avianca?None responded because I am sure most of us thought you were being funny or pointing to the pun."Hooker" (or whichever way she spelled it) is her last name. :-D

03-31-13, 12:19
Just arrived in Medellin yesterday.

I'm interested in going to La Isla (still open? I've gotten mixed reports online but seeing the recent reports I'm assuming it must be) or Fase II possibly. Also looking at Lejano Oriente maybe Luna Lunero.

Any advice on what people are seeing today and also tomorrow would be greatly appreciated.In Colombia, like everywhere, the "Semana Santa" is from Sunday to Sunday, but the main days, when all is closed, are Thursday and Friday. La isla yesterday night was open, but they close on Sunday because of the rest day. In these days, though the places are open they are not full because the girls stay at home with family.

Black Page
03-31-13, 18:53
None responded because I am sure most of us thought you were being funny or pointing to the pun."Hooker" (or whichever way she spelled it) is her last name. :-DSure I was funny. But that's not a typical Colombian apelido Indeed! Actually, I thought that it was some airline jargon, totally unknown to me, to indicate personnel "hooking" people to the gates.

This is the second time I have been greeted from the MDE airport with some original word. First time it was reported here:


See the photo to believe it!

03-31-13, 19:44
Thanks for the response Ivanvlad about Semana Santa. Friday night was a ghosttown. Saturday seemed a little more normal.

I arranged for a driver guide. Juan Carlos to take me around to a few places (3137326366, 25k / hour, good English). When I called he told me he had taken a guy out the night before, Friday night, and they found very very little. He wasn't sure how Saturday would be, but he agreed to try. He picked me up around 7:30pm, asked me where I wanted to go and I told him I'd love his advice. He talked about Fase II, La Isla, Luna Lunera and San Diego. He also said we could go to an area in Centro if I didn't find anything elsewhere. He said this is where the girls start out before they move the the clubs we were going to go to first. Younger, fresher and less expensive.

First things first. When he picked me up I was having trouble getting money from the atm. I had tried a few different atm's and even called my bank in the US a few times. Still not working. I picked up another atm card and he said Davivienda Bank was the one that his foreigners had the least trouble at. Went there and had no problems.

Luna Lunera. I got a beer and we sat down. Ok environment. It was very quiet when we went in around 9pm- maybe 6 girls and 4 customers. We stayed for an hour. There was two poles and a dance floor in the middle, benches around the outside and tables and chairs inside of the benches. After having spent so much time in Asia, I couldn't get over the ASSES on these girls. Wow! Of the 6 girls, there was 1 girl who was a 9 and the rest around 5-7. The first dancer had a great attitude and smile, going around giving very friendly lap dances during her stage time. The second dancer was the 9. Very cold and no eye contact. But amazing hair, face, body, breasts, ass and legs. Too bad a good attitude didn't come with the rest. Finished up drinks after an hour. 3 more girls coming but decided to leave. Funny, but of the 4 girls I talked to here, all 4 had braces? Next went to San Diego Grill.

San Diego. A lot more action here. Got there at about 10pm so maybe the time had to do with that. About 20 girls. Elevated dance floor. Like Luna Lunera, the girls dance for a few songs and then come around an ask for tips and chat. Overall, I was shocked at how passive the girls are. Aside from the tip request after the stage dance, not once did I get asked to buy a drink or anything else. Girls were friendly, but not aggressive at all. It also seemed that many of the girls had a few extra pounds in the mid section here. I'd say probably 4's to 8's. No stunners but some hotties. I invited a girl named Paula (8-8. 5) to come drink and chat. Smaller than most others, thin body, cute face, light eyes, beautiful skin, with the cute little natural colombian booty. We drank and chatted for awhile then I asked her the drill here. She said 160, 000 to go upstairs. I asked how much to go out. 150, 000 multa and 400, 000 for her. Ouch. I asked what time she would go home. 3am. Ouch. We went back and forth. Tried negotiating. Juan Carlos tried negotiating. She was stuck at those numbers. She said she could come with me at 4:30am and stay till 7am and not pay the multa. I hate the negotiating part. Finally just said ok let's go. She just had the cutest little voz why canta. I was struck. Stupid thing to do. She was going to stay til 5am. Paid at the cashier both her amount and the multa. Enjoyable time. We got back about 11:30pm. She ended up staying til 7. Sexy little thing. Great moves and very sweet.

Overall good introduction night in Medellin. I could get hooked on these sexy colombianas. So different from Asia. Better moves, better booties, this one was sweeter also.

03-31-13, 21:05
Yesterday, at about 5:30 p. M, I checked the strip clubs in calle 53: Las Americas, Club Maracaibo, La Barra Ejecutiva. These clubs are 20 meters away from each other and even if the prices are almost the same 55-80k 30 min. 15-20k the room. 50k Take Out Fee. 45k a bottle (la media) 10k lady drink, quantity and quality vary enormously.

Las Americas is small, there were 10-15 girls. Poor quality from 3 to 6 and only 2 o 3 doables.

Club Maracaibo is bigger, there were about 20 girls. Quality from 3 to 6 but I was lucky and met a very nice girl, european type 1, 65m skinny, with an innocente baby face.

La Barra Ejecutiva is the biggest one, there were about 30 girls. The quality varied from 4 to 7, with 3-4 stunners that could be the most beautiful in a club like "La isla","Fase 2 etc. I was drinking with one of them (a 1. 75m skinny 'mulatta clara' with long legs and big tits) and I asked why she doesn't work in a better place. She told me that she makes more money in La Barra Ejecutiva because she can do more customers in one day.

I left the place at 9:30 pm Conclusion: I enjoyed my time there and it is worth taking a look at these clubs because you can find a gem with little money. Enjoy

Member #4287
03-31-13, 23:49
Yesterday, at about 5:30 p. M, I checked the strip clubs in calle 53: Las Americas, Club Maracaibo, La Barra Ejecutiva. These clubs are 20 meters away from each other and even if the prices are almost the same 55-80k 30 min. 15-20k the room. 50k Take Out Fee. 45k a bottle (la media) 10k lady drink, quantity and quality vary enormously.

Las Americas is small, there were 10-15 girls. Poor quality from 3 to 6 and only 2 o 3 doables.

Club Maracaibo is bigger, there were about 20 girls. Quality from 3 to 6 but I was lucky and met a very nice girl, european type 1, 65m skinny, with an innocente baby face.

La Barra Ejecutiva is the biggest one, there were about 30 girls. The quality varied from 4 to 7, with 3-4 stunners that could be the most beautiful in a club like "La isla","Fase 2 etc. I was drinking with one of them (a 1. 75m skinny 'mulatta clara' with long legs and big tits) and I asked why she doesn't work in a better place. She told me that she makes more money in La Barra Ejecutiva because she can do more customers in one day.

I left the place at 9:30 pm Conclusion: I enjoyed my time there and it is worth taking a look at these clubs because you can find a gem with little money. EnjoyWow! Had no idea that there would be that many women in the those strip type clubs at 5:30 pm on a Saturday.

Went to Maracibo and Ejecutiva on a Weds. Night and there wasn't much to get excited about. I'll have to check out the Saturday action out.

04-02-13, 08:07
Wow! Had no idea that there would be that many women in the those strip type clubs at 5:30 pm on a Saturday.

Went to Maracibo and Ejecutiva on a Weds. Night and there wasn't much to get excited about. I'll have to check out the Saturday action out.I was there the Friday before and they did have quite a few women. May be not 20s and 30s but 10-15. Most were 6s. To my eye, none that could compare with the girls from top clubs but everone's taste is different. Vanessa At club Ejecutivo has a damn cute face, spinner body and very spirited. She now works couple of weeks in CTG and couple of weeks in MDE. The rooms are not very good. Half the size of the rooms at the casas and equally as basic. As the previous poster said, good thing is that if you do like someone there, take out is not that expensive.

Member #4176
04-02-13, 19:55
There is this chica I am talking with from RL named Daniela Muñoz. Does anyone have any info on her. I can tell if she's a prepa or not. It would be better to know what I am talking with. I don't want to waste my time with the chase if its a sure thing.

04-03-13, 02:40
Clearly, You are much wiser than I'll ever be, Personally, I want to seen the damn thing, And why does the picture always look more like the her sister than her? (we're a long way from Kansas Todo)Hey TweedleD what ever happend to that gringo that was going to marry Tatty?

04-03-13, 04:45
After RTFF I'm surprised by how expensive the casas are in MDE. The multa of 100k+, plus around 300k-400k for the girl just for a few hours of take out, based on recent reports, is crazy! These prices seem to be around the same level as Costa Rica, Rio, and even more than CTG.

It seems mansion girls are a good value in MDE based on this. Since there isn't a freelance club like in CTG it seems casas, strip clubs, SW's, and mansion girls are the options. For a budget conscious traveler, can anyone share some insight on the best bang for the buck? Mansion prices of 150k ST, and 300k TLN are the highest I would pay if taking a visit to MDE. SW are cheaper I'm guessing but there doesn't seem to be as many reports on that type of mongering as the rest. I'd prefer to try and take home a non-pro for free first [not rich but still have my looks, ] or pick up some cute shop girl out of a store looking to make some extra cash, and maybe settle on p4p later on if that fails. I've heard how hard non-pros are in MDE but never underestimate persistence. Seems staying at the mansion would be good for this unless I can't bring back regular girls or they would flip their shit once they realized what kind of hotel it is LOL.

How would you guys plan a trip to MDE if you were a good looking newbie to the city trying to get laid for free or, at most, mansion prices for pro / semi-pro girls. By the time I'm able to get to MDE my Spanish should be decent too BTW.

04-03-13, 05:00
After RTFF I'm surprised by how expensive the casas are in MDE. The multa of 100k+, plus around 300k-400k for the girl just for a few hours of take out, based on recent reports, is crazy! These prices seem to be around the same level as Costa Rica, Rio, and even more than CTG.

It seems mansion girls are a good value in MDE based on this. Since there isn't a freelance club like in CTG it seems casas, strip clubs, SW's, and mansion girls are the options. For a budget conscious traveler, can anyone share some insight on the best bang for the buck? Mansion prices of 150k ST, and 300k TLN are the highest I would pay if taking a visit to MDE. SW are cheaper I'm guessing but there doesn't seem to be as many reports on that type of mongering as the rest. I'd prefer to try and take home a non-pro for free first [not rich but still have my looks, ] or pick up some cute shop girl out of a store looking to make some extra cash, and maybe settle on p4p later on if that fails. I've heard how hard non-pros are in MDE but never underestimate persistence. Seems staying at the mansion would be good for this unless I can't bring back regular girls or they would flip their shit once they realized what kind of hotel it is LOL.

How would you guys plan a trip to MDE if you were a good looking newbie to the city trying to get laid for free or, at most, mansion prices for pro / semi-pro girls. By the time I'm able to get to MDE my Spanish should be decent too BTW.Actually most of the Centro casas are very inexpensive. We're talking 25K to 30K and you frequently have to tip 5. 10K for BBBJ. New Life is the most well-known, but there are 15-20 of them all within walking distance downtown. I think the high prices you're referencing are for take-out from the high-budget strip clubs.

Regardless of what you look like, I wouldn't count on non-pros if you're there for a week or less. The non-pro girls need to know you're not just a tourist before they'll want to be seen with you.

MDE has been visited by too many sex-tourist Gringos and it's actually a negative to be a Gringo hitting on non-pros. The exception to this would be if you are Latin or can pass for Latin in appearance (and Spanish competence).

04-03-13, 05:52
Yesterday, at about 5:30 p. M, I checked the strip clubs in calle 53: Las Americas, Club Maracaibo, La Barra Ejecutiva. These clubs are 20 meters away from each other and even if the prices are almost the same 55-80k 30 min. 15-20k the room. 50k Take Out Fee. 45k a bottle (la media) 10k lady drink, quantity and quality vary enormously.

Las Americas is small, there were 10-15 girls. Poor quality from 3 to 6 and only 2 o 3 doables.

Club Maracaibo is bigger, there were about 20 girls. Quality from 3 to 6 but I was lucky and met a very nice girl, european type 1, 65m skinny, with an innocente baby face.

La Barra Ejecutiva is the biggest one, there were about 30 girls. The quality varied from 4 to 7, with 3-4 stunners that could be the most beautiful in a club like "La isla","Fase 2 etc. I was drinking with one of them (a 1. 75m skinny 'mulatta clara' with long legs and big tits) and I asked why she doesn't work in a better place. She told me that she makes more money in La Barra Ejecutiva because she can do more customers in one day.

I left the place at 9:30 pm Conclusion: I enjoyed my time there and it is worth taking a look at these clubs because you can find a gem with little money. EnjoyYou're getting ripped off! Centro strip clubs are 50-70k for 30 minutes (although I suspect it's less. Just seems too fast) INCLUDING the room.

Aussie Greg
04-03-13, 09:23
Puta, well she was when she was with my aussie mate at MP 2 early this year.
99. 9% of the girls on RL are putas.
I firmly believe that 99% of all women in Colombia are putas, it runs in there family's for generations! which is good hey!
Money does the talking in Medellin and it reminds me of a true story.
I must be the only "dingo" in Medellin who doesn't date a *****.

I walked over to Juan Valdes one day for a coffee and sitting at a table was this beautiful paisa crying.
After paying and receiving my coffee, I walked over to her and said "Qua pasa mami, necisita ayuda" which means, what up, do you need help!
Thinking something bad has happened.
Again I ask her,"Que pasa mami" and in between her sniffles, wiping her tear filled eyes with mixed in makeup away, she says and I quote.
"No tengo plata"

A. G.

There is this chica I am talking with from RL named Daniela Muñoz. Does anyone have any info on her. I can tell if she's a prepa or not. It would be better to know what I am talking with. I don't want to waste my time with the chase if its a sure thing.

Member #4287
04-03-13, 15:22
After RTFF I'm surprised by how expensive the casas are in MDE. The multa of 100k+, plus around 300k-400k for the girl just for a few hours of take out, based on recent reports, is crazy! These prices seem to be around the same level as Costa Rica, Rio, and even more than CTG.

It seems mansion girls are a good value in MDE based on this. Since there isn't a freelance club like in CTG it seems casas, strip clubs, SW's, and mansion girls are the options. For a budget conscious traveler, can anyone share some insight on the best bang for the buck? Mansion prices of 150k ST, and 300k TLN are the highest I would pay if taking a visit to MDE. SW are cheaper I'm guessing but there doesn't seem to be as many reports on that type of mongering as the rest. I'd prefer to try and take home a non-pro for free first [not rich but still have my looks, ] or pick up some cute shop girl out of a store looking to make some extra cash, and maybe settle on p4p later on if that fails. I've heard how hard non-pros are in MDE but never underestimate persistence. Seems staying at the mansion would be good for this unless I can't bring back regular girls or they would flip their shit once they realized what kind of hotel it is LOL.

How would you guys plan a trip to MDE if you were a good looking newbie to the city trying to get laid for free or, at most, mansion prices for pro / semi-pro girls. By the time I'm able to get to MDE my Spanish should be decent too BTW.I'm far from an expert on Medellin but it seems to me that staying at the Mansion might be one of the cheapest ways to meet high quality women based on the pics I have seen.

I have been to Fase 2 a couple of times and have always pulled a chick out for the night 100k bar fine. Plus 300K to 400K for the night and they always seem to want to go back to the bar before 4:30 am to get their payout or whatever.

I have found that just going in and buying some drinks and getting the phone numbers of the chicks you like is a better bet. I just call them up and make plans to go out with them the next night no bar fine and no having to leave in the middle of the night. A much

More enjoyable and relaxed situation.

If you want to pick up normal Paisas then get your own apartment and lie like hell about what you are doing there and how long you are staying if it is less than a few months. And then you should do all right.

04-03-13, 20:02
There is this chica I am talking with from RL named Daniela Muñoz. Does anyone have any info on her. I can tell if she's a prepa or not. It would be better to know what I am talking with. I don't want to waste my time with the chase if its a sure thing.Is her screen name on rl danielaluv? If so, she definitely is a prepago. I haven't f'd her, but I've spoken to her a bit outside of rl. Definitely open for p4p and don't fall for any of the "I don't usually do that, but for you." bull shit

Member #4176
04-03-13, 23:42
Is her screen name on rl danielaluv? If so, she definitely is a prepago. I haven't f'd her, but I've spoken to her a bit outside of rl. Definitely open for p4p and don't fall for any of the "I don't usually do that, but for you." bull shit. Ya danielaluv thats her. Its funny. I meet a girl. Ask her as nicely as possible if she's a prepa. They all say no. One girl I meet in el centro. Hung out went back to my place got all hot and heavy and thats when she ask for plata. Necesito a pagar renta, why comida. Why blah blah. I like to know what I have up front. No surprises.

04-04-13, 06:57
Hey TweedleD what ever happend to that gringo that was going to marry Tatty?Well, he "butt-dialed" her while at the mansion (before his supposed arrival date) and she overheard his 'activities'.

Oh well, they are both back on their feet it seems.

So much for "true love"

Member #4287
04-04-13, 14:12
. Ya danielaluv thats her. Its funny. I meet a girl. Ask her as nicely as possible if she's a prepa. They all say no. One girl I meet in el centro. Hung out went back to my place got all hot and heavy and thats when she ask for plata. Necesito a pagar renta, why comida. Why blah blah. I like to know what I have up front. No surprises.Some times it's better not to ask. Had a friend that was banging a prepago and didn't even know it. Told him about her and he confronted her and she cried and swore up and down it wasn't true.

Her act was so good my friend even started to doubt me. Had to eventually show him some photos I saw of her online with the old guys she was doing on the side.

Hasideas Tao
04-04-13, 14:22
Just to get this straight, if you do not have a room at the hotel and you pay whatever they decide is their cover to visit the bar and meet the girls, they can leave with you no problem, no fee?

Colombia Jake
04-04-13, 15:41
Garth arrived yesterday for four nights. After I had my massage girl give him a hour and a half massage with no happy ending for 40,000 pesos. I took him on a tour of the higher end places to meet girlfriend types and eventually landed a street girl in a different part of town where he got the happy ending for 50,000 pesos! Two totally different but awesome experiences that together make up a completely satisfying night!


04-04-13, 17:00
Well, he "butt-dialed" her while at the mansion (before his supposed arrival date) and she overheard his 'activities'.

Oh well, they are both back on their feet it seems.

So much for "true love"That is EXACTLY what happened!

04-04-13, 17:25
Actually most of the Centro casas are very inexpensive. We're talking 25K to 30K and you frequently have to tip 5. 10K for BBBJ. New Life is the most well-known, but there are 15-20 of them all within walking distance downtown. I think the high prices you're referencing are for take-out from the high-budget strip clubs.

Regardless of what you look like, I wouldn't count on non-pros if you're there for a week or less. The non-pro girls need to know you're not just a tourist before they'll want to be seen with you.

MDE has been visited by too many sex-tourist Gringos and it's actually a negative to be a Gringo hitting on non-pros. The exception to this would be if you are Latin or can pass for Latin in appearance (and Spanish competence).I have dark hair but am far from passing for a Latino. So it looks like I might have a better chance picking up non-pros in another city / country. Plus, I don't mind casa / brothel type mongering but I don't want to really be limited to it. The mansion does sound a little appealing too but I get more of a thrill pulling waitress / bartenders / non-pro / semi-pro from random places with the occasional dive into a brothel for kicks. Pimpless freelancers like in Sosua or the mansion can be fun too.

I do like Sosua for those reasons listed but I'm more partial to the colombiana looks; lighter skin tone and nice facial features. Should I try another city in Colombia instead of MDE. Bogota, Cartagena, Cali perhaps? Cartagena seems expensive but if its worth it I'll just have to save a little more for it. Thanks for the help and info too.

04-04-13, 21:09
I have dark hair but am far from passing for a Latino. So it looks like I might have a better chance picking up non-pros in another city / country. Plus, I don't mind casa / brothel type mongering but I don't want to really be limited to it. The mansion does sound a little appealing too but I get more of a thrill pulling waitress / bartenders / non-pro / semi-pro from random places with the occasional dive into a brothel for kicks. Pimpless freelancers like in Sosua or the mansion can be fun too.

I do like Sosua for those reasons listed but I'm more partial to the colombiana looks; lighter skin tone and nice facial features. Should I try another city in Colombia instead of MDE. Bogota, Cartagena, Cali perhaps? Cartagena seems expensive but if its worth it I'll just have to save a little more for it. Thanks for the help and info too.Hey. The regular girl vs working girl conversation makes me wish we could do hash tags so that the past questions and answers were searchable. Anyway.

Young (youthful appearance) , tall, handsome, blond, blue eyed, good language skills, cool, kind, fun, funny; if you are a combo of these traits you are going to have no problem meeting and dating normals girls. Language Skills are a must.

If you are not then you are going to have a problem. The bartenders, waitress, shop girls get hit on EVERY day by EVERY gringo that lives there and that comes to visit. Colomba ain't the DR.

Long story short, it's on you to make it happen.

04-05-13, 05:20
I have dark hair but am far from passing for a Latino. So it looks like I might have a better chance picking up non-pros in another city / country. Plus, I don't mind casa / brothel type mongering but I don't want to really be limited to it. The mansion does sound a little appealing too but I get more of a thrill pulling waitress / bartenders / non-pro / semi-pro from random places with the occasional dive into a brothel for kicks. Pimpless freelancers like in Sosua or the mansion can be fun too.

I do like Sosua for those reasons listed but I'm more partial to the colombiana looks; lighter skin tone and nice facial features. Should I try another city in Colombia instead of MDE. Bogota, Cartagena, Cali perhaps? Cartagena seems expensive but if its worth it I'll just have to save a little more for it. Thanks for the help and info too.Trace,

If you're looking for non-pros on a short trip, MDE and Cartagena are probably the two top cities to avoid. Too many Gringos / mongers in both cities. If one speaks reasonable Spanish and has the time, some of the mid-size cities in Colombia have to be fantastic for Gringos going after non-pros. I've had some luck in Cali, but I have an "in" there. Still, I would say Cali is better for non-pros than MDE or Cartagena because it has less tourism.

Non-pros in Sosua? I've never come across one, though I guess anything is possible. Santo Domingo or even Cabarete would be much better for that.

I'm not sure if you said how long you'll be there.

I hit on non-pros at home (unfortunately much closer to my 49 years). I save the mongering thing for when I travel to Latin America or Asia for a week or two. However, if I had a lengthy stint in one of these places, I would definitely pursue the non-pro thing. I'm envious of the guys that can spend a straight month or more on vacation.

04-05-13, 09:26
I'm far from an expert on Medellin but it seems to me that staying at the Mansion might be one of the cheapest ways to meet high quality women based on the pics I have seen.

I have been to Fase 2 a couple of times and have always pulled a chick out for the night 100k bar fine. Plus 300K to 400K for the night and they always seem to want to go back to the bar before 4:30 am to get their payout or whatever.

I have found that just going in and buying some drinks and getting the phone numbers of the chicks you like is a better bet. I just call them up and make plans to go out with them the next night no bar fine and no having to leave in the middle of the night. A much

More enjoyable and relaxed situation.

If you want to pick up normal Paisas then get your own apartment and lie like hell about what you are doing there and how long you are staying if it is less than a few months. And then you should do all right.I remember reading this but can't remember what the prices were after cutting out the middlemen / multa. Plus, how available are these girls to cut out of work for a day or two on short notice? [Also remember reading about this but don't know if it was in some thread in Colombia or DR. The mind escapes. ] As far as morals. I still have them. Can't deceive or promise a girl the world just to get in her pants. If I'm paying for her time, she knows it and does so on her own accord. I still try to treat them as human beings and it sometimes grants me a better short-term GFE.

Hey. The regular girl vs working girl conversation makes me wish we could do hash tags so that the past questions and answers were searchable. Anyway.

Young (youthful appearance) , tall, handsome, blond, blue eyed, good language skills, cool, kind, fun, funny; if you are a combo of these traits you are going to have no problem meeting and dating normals girls. Language Skills are a must.

If you are not then you are going to have a problem. The bartenders, waitress, shop girls get hit on EVERY day by EVERY gringo that lives there and that comes to visit. Colomba ain't the DR.

Long story short, it's on you to make it happen.Ok, Short of perfect Spanish I am just about these things; green eyes. 6'2" 230lbs and fit, at 34 years old I know how women think and can still pull girls in the states, young twenties, no problem. Humor 'es en ingles' so my Spanish is my Achilles heal right now but this is temporary.

Just for comparison, I was living in South Korea near an Army base where the male to female ratio was 100:1 Out of an all male audience, I was still able to pull two different hot Korean bartenders for my GF's. Granted this was almost ten years ago but the last few American girls I've dated say I still have a few good years left.


If you're looking for non-pros on a short trip, MDE and Cartagena are probably the two top cities to avoid. Too many Gringos / mongers in both cities. If one speaks reasonable Spanish and has the time, some of the mid-size cities in Colombia have to be fantastic for Gringos going after non-pros. I've had some luck in Cali, but I have an "in" there. Still, I would say Cali is better for non-pros than MDE or Cartagena because it has less tourism.

Non-pros in Sosua? I've never come across one, though I guess anything is possible. Santo Domingo or even Cabarete would be much better for that.

I'm not sure if you said how long you'll be there.

I hit on non-pros at home (unfortunately much closer to my 49 years). I save the mongering thing for when I travel to Latin America or Asia for a week or two. However, if I had a lengthy stint in one of these places, I would definitely pursue the non-pro thing. I'm envious of the guys that can spend a straight month or more on vacation.Combo,

Liked your response man. First, my trip would be around 10-14 days give or take depending on work. Second, there are non-pros in Sosua-well, make that future-pros that haven't figured the game out yet. I'm sure my FB Dominicana bartender friend isn't celibate but the GFE she gave me for three days without ever asking for dinero tells me anything is possible. Yes I gave her 'propina para tiempo' just so I don't get flamed by sending mixed messages. Third, Playa Cabarete sucks ass and it looks like Playa Hollywood is worse, however, the happy hour specials that are on Playa Cabarete come with the most amazing fresh squeezed passion fruit drink ever made at "Mojito Bar." Seriously, if you've never had an all passion-fruit drink [Lilikoi in Hawaiian, ] and you're in Cabarete / Sosua during the day. Check "Mojito Bar, or Cabarete in general for happy hour. Put it this way. Regular prices, you get one free anyway with a $4 sandwich order and happy hour is two for one prices.

Getting off topic. Mi vino, lo siento.

MDE / CTG being the most mongered cities, I was worried about this. Honestly, if I had no desire to visit the 'corazon de Colombia / Republica Dominicana' I'd never learn Spanish, I'd hop on a plane and just wing it. Stupid gringo style. Without evidence, I know there are places in Colombia, as well as the DR, that are diamonds in the rough. Places where you have to speak Spanish, where Gringos haven't ruined it by over-paying as well as over-expecting. I know these places exist regardless of the main Ciudad de Colombia that are listed on these forums; Cali, Bogota, Cartagena, Medellin, Barenquilla.

Unfortunately, my friend / co-worker is from Cali but is leaving in two weeks for reasons of business. I haven't looked into Cali yet but I hear Barenquilla can be fun but comes alive only on the weekends as it is an industrial city. Bogota being the capital, many options I'm sure. Cali, . Hmm, completely ignorant as of this moment. I'd hate to limit myself to these but I guess that will come in time once I have feet on ground.

04-05-13, 15:42
Just to get this straight, if you do not have a room at the hotel and you pay whatever they decide is their cover to visit the bar and meet the girls, they can leave with you no problem, no fee?That is Correct.

04-06-13, 00:53
Young (youthful appearance) , tall, handsome, blond, blue eyed, good language skills, cool, kind, fun, funny; if you are a combo of these traits you are going to have no problem meeting and dating normals girls. Language Skills are a must.

If you are not then you are going to have a problem. The bartenders, waitress, shop girls get hit on EVERY day by EVERY gringo that lives there and that comes to visit. Colomba ain't the DR.

Long story short, it's on you to make it happen.Well, I too possess all the above mentioned traits, and even more, and I even once picked up a cashier girl at a CIRCLE K in Minot, North Dakota, and the place is surrounded by lots of guys and very few women.

How will I do in Colombia?

Can we pick up Mansion girls even if we don't stay there? Can I just enter and take all the girls I want?

Actually, I can't speak much spanish but I should be fluent in about a week or so, if I decide to start studying.

04-06-13, 01:33
Well, I too possess all the above mentioned traits, and even more, and I even once picked up a cashier girl at a CIRCLE K in Minot, North Dakota, and the place is surrounded by lots of guys and very few women.

How will I do in Colombia?

Can we pick up Mansion girls even if we don't stay there? Can I just enter and take all the girls I want?

Actually, I can't speak much spanish but I should be fluent in about a week or so, if I decide to start studying.Wow! At a Circle K! I know the girls who work at 7-11's are easy but those Circle K girls from North Dakota are hard cases to solve! WELL DONE! A round of applause for a true playa-pimp!


What did Wayne Grekski say " You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" and Master Yoda said "Do or Do Not; There is no try" and Bruce Lee said "I am thirsty could I have a glass of Whhaa-Taaa!"

Put the best "You" out there, be cool, be kind, don't be a cheap downer, and hope for the best with normal girls. That's the game plan. Always has been always will be!

04-06-13, 06:49
Hello Gents,

So guys are still looking for the non-pros to talk to and sweep off their feet in Medellin, Cali, Cartagena, Barranquilla. Yeah right. I won't even wish a good luck on that. These cities have been thoroughly saturated with mongers in disguise of guys seeking girlfriends. Yes the ever elusive non-pros.

I'm going to get to the chase:

You can see my report I made a few years ago on my 1st trip to Bucaramanga a few years ago. What I never posted was a report on my second trip there which was way different and way better.

I went there with Robert and another friend from Medellin. We had Robert's car this time so we were more readily mobile.

In short I will tell you that I discovered places such as the day time downtown girlie bars which offered low rate services. Also the huge night time disco called Colossal's near the downtown area filled with independent working girls with no bar fine to take out.

Particularly, I liked the night time lounge called Amanecer Paisa.


Which translated means (Paisa Sunrise). I was told that a while back it was filled with Paisa's but now there are none. Instead it is filled with working girls ALL from Barranquilla. Exotic temptresses for sure. (there was about 30 girls the nights we were there. Each night the girls are uniformed in the same outfit and each girl styles it in her own sexy way. They are friendly as GFE's while you drink and dance wityh them. Boy can they dance! And cheap rates cop $50, 000 for 30 minutes to do on premises and low bar fines. Took one out from there to a night club called Babylon. Nice place but bring your own girl. BTW- Right next door to Amanecer Paisa is an excellent modern Love Motel with all the sexy frills.

There is a leather district called San Francisco as well where you will find leather everything at low prices. And each shop employs several pretty shop girls. Some who had never met an American before me, Robert and our other partner. Also in the district is a clean casa at the end of the west block of the district. Sorry I lost the exact address but I'm sure asking a few local cabbies would find it easily. Clean place and great girls. At about cop $35, 000 for 30 min. All working only til 7pm then available for night partying a few told me that I partook with on premises.

However, the gem of Buca is the South end of the city. On my first trip I had only been to the north end which is where the Zona Roja is. Forget staying at the north end if you want non-pros. If you got a bit of game and somewhat know Spanish then stay in the south end. It's is very modern and the girls are Sooo Pretty! It's non-pro heaven.

In the south end these modern malls are crawling with girls that (in my humble opinion) can give the Medellin Paisas a run for their money. What I like about the Bucas is they tend to wear shorts and skirts during the day and long summer dresses at night. Check out the cinema area of the mall at night on a Friday or Saturday if you can and try to stop from drooling.

So if someone truly wants to ply their skills at non-pros that have not been inundated with gawking mongers already then give Buca a try.

I'm guessing we might not hear from a few that do since they will probably not want the cat out of the bag as I am kinda already doing here.

Stay Horny My Friends,


Aussie Greg
04-06-13, 18:02
You north americans will never learn how to get into a pretty paisas pants, well here goes, I'll do my best for you.

1) $$$$ jajaja.
2) You got to think like a paisa!
3) Learn to dance, impossible for most of you. The best to learn are Bachata, Ballanarto, Regeatton (sexo con ropa) and then Salsa.
4) The first two are more important than learning Spanish, then learn Spanish.
5) Doesn't matter what you look like, as long as you have a personality, jajaja.

A. G.

Lighten up Francis. Geez.

Just being funny.

Whether in normal conversation, jiving among friends or on an internet forum, guys that brag on themselves get ribbed a bit.

You should know that, and if you don't, well then you weren't blessed as well with the cognitive genetics as the physical.

Big difference between hating and kidding around.

It's just funny when guys brag about themselves, or maybe it's just funny to me and I'm the odd one lacking good genetics, which is probably the reality of it.

I personally wish you the best and congratulate you on your good genetic fortune.

My simple advice to you; As many guys have learned and posted on this forum, your green eyes will only get you so far, so learn and practice spanish.

All your professed knowing of women doesn't mean diddly if you can't truly comunicate with them.

If you care about PFP only, well obviously it's not as important but still very useful.

Good luck.

Black Page
04-06-13, 19:00
3) learn to dance, impossible for most of you. the best to learn are bachata, ballanarto, regeatton (sexo con ropa) and then salsa.i totally agree! dancing is a must, but doing it well is also impossible for most foreigners.

ps: i remember i have seen a photo of you in this forum, years ago, posted by yourself if i am not wrong. well, imagining you dancing reggaeton is something soooo scary that leaves me speechless!) :p

pps: please, you live in mde since a long time, and you write those words like a newbie just arrived to mansion from kansas? :)
it's reggaeton and ballenato.

for those like me, who just left colombia and feel nostalgy so hard:

04-06-13, 19:09
I'm always baffled at the amount of guys who are looking to pick up non working girls on a mongering trip.

I was talking to an older guy last week who was down for a long weekend. He hadn't bothered learning Spanish, was over 60 and looked every bit of it, and insisted he wanted to meet a college girl and didn't want to pay her for sex.

I understand the desire to have sex with women with less mileage on them. But I also understand reality. I'm early 40's, decent looking and in decent shape, and speak Spanish. But the truth is most 21 year old women want to fuck 21 year old guys. They don't mind fucking older guys if fucking us means they get to buy or do something they wanted that the 21 year old couldn't or wouldn't provide. Not to mention all the time you have to invest in something that isn't going anywhere to begin with.

To me, it's better to hand her the money and say thanks, and start planning the next one. Because between sessions, I'd much rather be sitting by the pool smoking a cigar, bullshitting with the guys than talking about my feelings with some crazy (they all are) broad.

Maybe it's just me.

04-06-13, 20:27
I'm always baffled at the amount of guys who are looking to pick up non working girls on a mongering trip.

I was talking to an older guy last week who was down for a long weekend. He hadn't bothered learning Spanish, was over 60 and looked every bit of it, and insisted he wanted to meet a college girl and didn't want to pay her for sex.

I understand the desire to have sex with women with less mileage on them. But I also understand reality. I'm early 40's, decent looking and in decent shape, and speak Spanish. But the truth is most 21 year old women want to fuck 21 year old guys. They don't mind fucking older guys if fucking us means they get to buy or do something they wanted that the 21 year old couldn't or wouldn't provide. Not to mention all the time you have to invest in something that isn't going anywhere to begin with.

To me, it's better to hand her the money and say thanks, and start planning the next one. Because between sessions, I'd much rather be sitting by the pool smoking a cigar, bullshitting with the guys than talking about my feelings with some crazy (they all are) broad.

Maybe it's just me.Right on Jonsie!

04-06-13, 20:50
I'm always baffled at the amount of guys who are looking to pick up non working girls on a mongering trip.

I was talking to an older guy last week who was down for a long weekend. He hadn't bothered learning Spanish, was over 60 and looked every bit of it, and insisted he wanted to meet a college girl and didn't want to pay her for sex.

I understand the desire to have sex with women with less mileage on them. But I also understand reality. I'm early 40's, decent looking and in decent shape, and speak Spanish. But the truth is most 21 year old women want to fuck 21 year old guys. They don't mind fucking older guys if fucking us means they get to buy or do something they wanted that the 21 year old couldn't or wouldn't provide. Not to mention all the time you have to invest in something that isn't going anywhere to begin with.

To me, it's better to hand her the money and say thanks, and start planning the next one. Because between sessions, I'd much rather be sitting by the pool smoking a cigar, bullshitting with the guys than talking about my feelings with some crazy (they all are) broad.

Maybe it's just me.I am one of the guys in his 60's and you hit the nail on the head. I still get some great hard body pussy from older ladies but if you want young pussy without a hassle just pay for it, enjoy it and fuck it!

Chill Bill
04-06-13, 21:12
So, for those that want normal girls, where do they hang-out online? Russia has vk. Com. Then there is Facebook. Does Colombia have a social network where you might be able to make contact before heading there?

Nino Bravo
04-06-13, 23:41
PPS: Please, you live in MDE since a long time, and you write those words like a newbie just arrived to Mansion from Kansas? .


For those like me, who just left Colombia and feel nostalgy so hard:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-2eGX94-ykNot to be nit picky, but it's actually VALLENATO

04-07-13, 00:07
So, for those that want normal girls, where do they hang-out online? Russia has vk. Com. Then there is Facebook. Does Colombia have a social network where you might be able to make contact before heading there?Looking forward to hear your description of normal 'chill bill', I can respond to your inquiry.

04-07-13, 00:19
i totally agree! dancing is a must, but doing it well is also impossible for most foreigners.

ps: i remember i have seen a photo of you in this forum, years ago, posted by yourself if i am not wrong. well, imagining you dancing reggaeton is something soooo scary that leaves me speechless!) :p.

pps: please, you live in mde since a long time, and you write those words like a newbie just arrived to mansion from kansas? .

it's reggaeton and ballenato.

for those like me, who just left colombia and feel nostalgy so hard:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-2egx94-yki think you're both wrong, isn't it vallenato? many colombians spell it with a "be" because that is the way it is pronounced but i believe the correct spelling is with a "v".

04-07-13, 00:33
It is "vallenato". A "ballena" is a whale, SMH

Black Page
04-07-13, 00:42
I think you're both wrong, isn't it Vallenato? Many Colombians spell it with a "be" because that is the way it is pronounced but I believe the correct spelling is with a "v".I AM SO ASHAMED!

Of course, you are 100% right: it's VALLENATO. Also the Youtube link I posted spells is clear: Vallenatos Mix.

I wrote Ballenato, I don't know why, let's call it a lapsus. I beg your pardon.

Black Page
04-07-13, 00:51
Folks, to make you forgive me, Valledupar is where to go end of April to listen to the best VALLENATO (for whales, there's another place)


A girl I know, who works in Cartagena, is going to be back home to Valledupar end of this month. She told me she does not plan to be back working to CTG. It's a period of her life which ended. Maybe Vallenato's call?

Chill Bill
04-07-13, 00:55
Looking forward to hear your description of normal 'chill bill', I can respond to your inquiry.Sorry Bart. Not PFP. Girls 18-30 who are either in University, working / professional, single mom's, bartenders, etc.

04-07-13, 01:14
This is on my "bucket list". The festival, not the prepago!

Folks, to make you forgive me, Valledupar is where to go end of April to listen to the best VALLENATO (for whales, there's another place)


A girl I know, who works in Cartagena, is going to be back home to Valledupar end of this month. She told me she does not plan to be back working to CTG. It's a period of her life which ended. Maybe Vallenato's call?

04-07-13, 04:13
I'm always baffled at the amount of guys who are looking to pick up non working girls on a mongering trip.

I was talking to an older guy last week who was down for a long weekend. He hadn't bothered learning Spanish, was over 60 and looked every bit of it, and insisted he wanted to meet a college girl and didn't want to pay her for sex.

I understand the desire to have sex with women with less mileage on them. But I also understand reality. I'm early 40's, decent looking and in decent shape, and speak Spanish. But the truth is most 21 year old women want to fuck 21 year old guys. They don't mind fucking older guys if fucking us means they get to buy or do something they wanted that the 21 year old couldn't or wouldn't provide. Not to mention all the time you have to invest in something that isn't going anywhere to begin with.

To me, it's better to hand her the money and say thanks, and start planning the next one. Because between sessions, I'd much rather be sitting by the pool smoking a cigar, bullshitting with the guys than talking about my feelings with some crazy (they all are) broad.

Maybe it's just me.A lot of guys want the real GFE experience and not just some cold fuck.

21 yo girls might want to fuck young 21 yo guys but fact is they would rather be with with a more mature and older guy who can provide the stability that younger guys can't provide. It's just the latin culture.

I don't go on mongering trips just so I can hang out with a bunch of sausages.

To each his own. Do what you enjoy.

04-07-13, 06:49
Lighten up Francis. Geez.

Just being funny.

Whether in normal conversation, jiving among friends or on an internet forum, guys that brag on themselves get ribbed a bit.

You should know that, and if you don't, well then you weren't blessed as well with the cognitive genetics as the physical.

Big difference between hating and kidding around.

It's just funny when guys brag about themselves, or maybe it's just funny to me and I'm the odd one lacking good genetics, which is probably the reality of it.

I personally wish you the best and congratulate you on your good genetic fortune.

My simple advice to you; As many guys have learned and posted on this forum, your green eyes will only get you so far, so learn and practice spanish.

All your professed knowing of women doesn't mean diddly if you can't truly comunicate with them.

If you care about PFP only, well obviously it's not as important but still very useful.

Good luck.Appreciate the response. Sorry, but sometimes sarcasm is hard to detect on a forum. As far as my original intent goes; even though it can sound like bragging to some I was just trying to give a clear picture of what I am working with. I'm sure there are lots of guys on this board that take care of themselves and can pull normal girls no problem. I was hoping to connect with someone that may share similar attributes and get advice from them and their experiences. Everyone has a niche. Some guys are rich and that's enough to pull hot ass even in the states. I'm not rich so I have to work out.which is free thankfully LOL- and know how to make a girl laugh. Without putting anyone down, I don't really want to go off of the advice from someone that may be older and out of shape saying normal girls are impossible in MDE. So, I hope this paints a better picture.

I'm always baffled at the amount of guys who are looking to pick up non working girls on a mongering trip.

I was talking to an older guy last week who was down for a long weekend. He hadn't bothered learning Spanish, was over 60 and looked every bit of it, and insisted he wanted to meet a college girl and didn't want to pay her for sex.

I understand the desire to have sex with women with less mileage on them. But I also understand reality. I'm early 40's, decent looking and in decent shape, and speak Spanish. But the truth is most 21 year old women want to fuck 21 year old guys. They don't mind fucking older guys if fucking us means they get to buy or do something they wanted that the 21 year old couldn't or wouldn't provide. Not to mention all the time you have to invest in something that isn't going anywhere to begin with.

To me, it's better to hand her the money and say thanks, and start planning the next one. Because between sessions, I'd much rather be sitting by the pool smoking a cigar, bullshitting with the guys than talking about my feelings with some crazy (they all are) broad.

Maybe it's just me.I would like to argue this to an extent. True, most young girls have sex with guys their age. But, older men can offer a lot that the young men cannot; maturity, wisdom, intelligence, financial stability of course. I had a friend / coworker a few years ago that still provides inspiration for me to remain single without kids today. At the time, he was a 44 year old personal trainer. He lived a very healthy life mon-fri and partied on the weekends like anyone else. He looked like he was late twenties and was always dating / fucking girls two decades younger than him. Hot girls too. Until he found one that was utterly in love with him 20 years younger. The clientele at the athletic club were almost waiting in line to fuck this guy. He didn't even own a car LOL.

If there is a general rule of thumb regarding this issue, it's that guys can and do date down all the time, all over the world. Granted, there is a limit to everything and an older / heavier set individual probably won't be able to do this unless he's filthy rich. But then again, a 21 year old that is just as out of shape has little to no chance either with any hot girl.

For me, I want to go to a place where I have a good chance of meeting a normal girl and if not, can fall back on p4p. Shit, years ago I had a hot ass girlfriend and sometimes I would still pick up a hooker off the street just for a blowjob because I liked the dirtiness of it. I'm fucked up I know LOL.

Vegas Jeff
04-07-13, 10:03
A lot of guys want the real GFE experience and not just some cold fuck.

21 yo girls might want to fuck young 21 yo guys but fact is they would rather be with with a more mature and older guy who can provide the stability that younger guys can't provide. It's just the latin culture.

I don't go on mongering trips just so I can hang out with a bunch of sausages.

To each his own. Do what you enjoy.And to get the real GFE experience you need a girl with little or no experience as a working girl. You need to do her at least 10+ times. From someone who lived 3 months a year for 7 years in Costa Rica I never met a girl there that I wanted to have sex with 10+ times not to mention spend a good part of a day with. Now I am living in Medellin 5 months a year for 2 years and have met plenty of girls that are great to be with. There is a real upside if you have the time in Medellin. No upside in Costa Rica.

Most mongers don't have enough time due to their trip length. If you are on a short trip, two weeks or less, forget about the regular girl route. It is simply inefficient if you want to have a lot of sex in a short amount of time. It is just a simple fact that if you are on a short trip your upside is limited. This does not mean you can't have a great trip with a short amount of time. Your personality and ability to get respect from these girls has a lot to do with your overall experience.

From a guy with a paisa girlfriend, one thing that is nice about a working girl is THEY WILL LEAVE YOU ALONE if you ask them to.

Have fun and enjoy these beauties, irregardless of how you meet them.

Nino Bravo
04-07-13, 13:21
Folks, to make you forgive me, Valledupar is where to go end of April to listen to the best VALLENATO (for whales, there's another place)


A girl I know, who works in Cartagena, is going to be back home to Valledupar end of this month. She told me she does not plan to be back working to CTG. It's a period of her life which ended. Maybe Vallenato's call?Valledupar is full of hot women, and few if any gringos go there. Have met a few that live in Bogota.

04-07-13, 13:28
Appreciate the response. Sorry, but sometimes sarcasm is hard to detect on a forum. As far as my original intent goes; even though it can sound like bragging to some I was just trying to give a clear picture of what I am working with. I'm sure there are lots of guys on this board that take care of themselves and can pull normal girls no problem. I was hoping to connect with someone that may share similar attributes and get advice from them and their experiences. Everyone has a niche. Some guys are rich and that's enough to pull hot ass even in the states. I'm not rich so I have to work out. Which is free thankfully LOL- and know how to make a girl laugh. Without putting anyone down, I don't really want to go off of the advice from someone that may be older and out of shape saying normal girls are impossible in MDE. So, I hope this paints a better picture.

I would like to argue this to an extent. True, most young girls have sex with guys their age. But, older men can offer a lot that the young men cannot; maturity, wisdom, intelligence, financial stability of course. I had a friend / coworker a few years ago that still provides inspiration for me to remain single without kids today. At the time, he was a 44 year old personal trainer. He lived a very healthy life mon-fri and partied on the weekends like anyone else. He looked like he was late twenties and was always dating / fucking girls two decades younger than him. Hot girls too. Until he found one that was utterly in love with him 20 years younger. The clientele at the athletic club were almost waiting in line to fuck this guy. He didn't even own a car LOL.

If there is a general rule of thumb regarding this issue, it's that guys can and do date down all the time, all over the world. Granted, there is a limit to everything and an older / heavier set individual probably won't be able to do this unless he's filthy rich. But then again, a 21 year old that is just as out of shape has little to no chance either with any hot girl.

For me, I want to go to a place where I have a good chance of meeting a normal girl and if not, can fall back on p4p. Shit, years ago I had a hot ass girlfriend and sometimes I would still pick up a hooker off the street just for a blowjob because I liked the dirtiness of it. I'm fucked up I know LOL.atTrace: You previous comment about your basic description and was met with jeers and some haters. You have to understand and you will once you see 85-90% of the gringos down there are. How can I put this? You ever see the evolution chart where it's the fish then the monkey then the cave man and then modern day man? Well for the Mongers here on this board and the ones that live in Mede are the cave man and then move back in some cases! Hhahhaha! I'm in ok shape and in my early 30's but when I'd down in Mede chilling with or near some gringos I feel young and in shape! If I was taller I'd be considered more of a threat (my own personal hang up and an actual observation) You being Tall, Youngish, Light Eyed, In shape, and cool. Well you're their worst enemy!

Also it's a known face "opposites attract"; so for a darker featured culture such as Latino and Asian a lighter skinned culture with light eyes is EXOTIC and it's what they want. The EXACT same way white guys LOVE latinas and Chinitas! Because it's different! I was down in Bogota and Medellin a few years ago with a college buddy from Texas: He's very tall, blond hair (sort of brownish as we get older but still a blond) has them movie star blue eyes, and being from Texas spoke solid Spanish. He Killed it with the non pros! KILLED IT! Every girl would say to him or to me "Q Lindo los ojos claros" which more or less means "oh shit look at how blue your eyes! Let's fuck!" hahhahahh! He too was also a very cool guy, kind, and lots of fun to be with so this sounds like the road you're on.

The last thing: the story quoted above about the Personal Trainer guy. Break it down: He is in fantastic shape and has s cool job that requires him to be personable, high energy, fun, and interesting. These are the traits that girls both young and old gravitate towards. Doesn't matter if he's closer to 50yrs than 30 yrs it's who he is vs what he has so who cares if he doesn't have a car! Most older guys work in an office and spend their time making money talking to other guys so that's all they have to offer. It's how you live not what you have. But if you can find a way to have both?

Be cool, be kind, be fun, DON'T be cheap and you'll do better than most because most in life are clueless.

04-07-13, 15:03
OMG, so much time is wasted trying to take a working girl and make her into a normal? Colombiana. Also finding a so called normal colombiana and making her into your personal sex kitten. Got to go with Greg on this one although he may be a lttle high with the 99% puta estimate. All you lose in Colombia is your turn, maybe a little of your macho ego on a realith check. Wonder what a "regular" guy is doing on a monger forum? Need to open a new place in Cartagena,"PUTOS"

04-07-13, 17:41
Prepago you can turn into normal girl.

Normal girl you can turn into personal sex kitten.

If you are a long-term guy, living months in MDE a year or offering her to come to your country.

Sex kitten, yes because competition from other girls. Plastic surgery can give a normal breast / lips / ass / abdomen girl a huge advantage and selfesteem if she get heer surgery. Thus she is prepared to become your personal sex kitten, if your lucky she stays with you.

Colombianas / os are so much different in their basic mental view on sex and looks compared to Anglo-Saxons.

We claim superior moral, then we go home and watch porn.

OMG, so much time is wasted trying to take a working girl and make her into a normal? Colombiana. Also finding a so called normal colombiana and making her into your personal sex kitten. Got to go with Greg on this one although he may be a lttle high with the 99% puta estimate. All you lose in Colombia is your turn, maybe a little of your macho ego on a realith check. Wonder what a "regular" guy is doing on a monger forum? Need to open a new place in Cartagena,"PUTOS"

04-07-13, 18:13
. Everyone has a niche. Some guys are rich and that's enough to pull hot ass even in the states. I'm not rich so I have to work out.which is free thankfully LOL- and know how to make a girl laugh. Without putting anyone down, I don't really want to go off of the advice from someone that may be older and out of shape saying normal girls are impossible in MDE. So, I hope this paints a better picture .That is exactly right.

Everyone has a niche.

Every poster has their idea of what works and is of most importance for picking up NPs, and every guy is right, because in reality it's different for all of us.

Personally, I enjoy both worlds.

I love to flirt, pick up a NP, have fun.

I also love to dabble in the PFP, and even with the pros, I like to flirt and bond with them too.

To each their own.

Enjoying life.

04-07-13, 19:18
Trace's niche is trolling.

04-07-13, 21:53
My wingman and and I recently spent 10 days in Medellin. This was the first trip to Medellin for both of us. We flew to Cartagena yesterday and we plan to go back to Medellin Wednesday for another 4 days of mongering before heading off to the US.

We arrived in Medellin smack in the middle of Easter week. Unfortunately, none of us had tought about that when we made our reservation. Luckily, we stayed at the hotel Medellin Plaza (otherwise known as the Mansion & Castillo) and that made a big difference for us. Since most commercial establishments were closed part of the week, there were quite a few Free lancers (FLs) at the mansion, and we ended up feasting on FLs.

We did manage to venture out and that's what this report is about:

San Diego strip club: went there on a week day, think it was Wednesday night of Easter week. I was not impressed with the line up at all, esepecially given that they wanted us to pay 10k each or have 2 drinks for 20k. My memory is fuzzy but it could have been the other way around. We chose to stay and have a drink. The place was dead, at around 10pm and I was not impressed.

Ejecutivo: After San Diego, we headed to Ejecutivo strip club. The place was hopping, full of customers and full of girls. We were tired that day, so we did ot do anything. We went back the following Saturday and we both did a chick for 30 min. Mine was Lorena, and I think it cost me 85k, plus the drinks that she had while sitting with me. I liked Lorena. She had a gorgeous figure and a gorgeous smile, although she was on the plump side. Unfortunately, the session did not match the looks. It was average at best.

Maracaibo strip club: since this club is next door to Ejecutivo, we just took a peak but did not stay there for long. The place seemed busy, but not like Ejecutivo.

Fase II: this visit was part of our high end strip tour. I was not too impressed with this club. There were close to 20 chicks, and I would say that only 4 or 5 would qualify as high end in my book. The place also looked relatively old and can use some remodeling. I did learn later on that Colombian men tend to prefer chicks that have some meat on them, I. E. Plump. In that case, my opinion does not count for much since I am just a visitor.

La Isla: This was our next stop and this place was impressive. The facilities were fairly modern, and the view was stunning. I did not want to leave. However, it was the same story as Fase II for the girls. Most of them were on the plump side. Also, there was some police activity that night, and we were approached by a policeman. I normally carry a copy of my passport but I did not have it with me that night. When he asked me for my papers, I replied in Spanish that I was from the US. He then just moved on.

Luna Lunera: this was our last stop for that night. This was my least favorite of the three. The music was too loud, and the place was small. The girls were very aggressive. I was quoted 175k for a 30min session, pretty much the same as Fase II and La Isla. I was not ready to pay that.

Casas: I had a tour of some of the casas in El Centro. I saw a gem at Zandaly but I already forgot her name.

The best casa, IMO, was New Life. They had an excellent line up and provided the best bang for the buck. 38k for a 30 min session, hard to beat that. I saw 3 line ups there and I was able to compile a list of 6 or 7 chicks that I liked. I also had sessions with Lisette and Anna, and I could not have been more pleased.

I also managed to pay a visit to Energy, and had a session with Sara. She was an adorable, pleasant spinner, eager to please, and very friendly. However, their line up did not measure up to New Life, IMO. The cost of the session was 110k I believe.

Other than mongering, I really enjoyed my time at Medelin, in particular El Centro. I grew up in a city similar to Medellin, so I felt right at home. Even at night, I felt very comfortable roaming the streets. The people were friendly and helpful. I will definitely go back. My wingman had a private tour of the Escobar story. I decided to pass.

04-07-13, 22:44
atTrace: You previous comment about your basic description and was met with jeers and some haters. .

Be cool, be kind, be fun, DON'T be cheap and you'll do better than most because most in life are clueless.Slam, I was going to write a response to Trace's post but you hit the nail on the head. Very well said. We need more classy and balanced responses like this to keep the forum interesting and pleasant.

I remember reading this but can't remember what the prices were after cutting out the middlemen / multa. Plus, how available are these girls to cut out of work for a day or two on short notice? [Also remember reading about this but don't know if it was in some thread in Colombia or DR. The mind escapes. ] As far as morals. I still have them. Can't deceive or promise a girl the world just to get in her pants. If I'm paying for her time, she knows it and does so on her own accord. I still try to treat them as human beings and it sometimes grants me a better short-term GFE.

Ok, Short of perfect Spanish I am just about these things; green eyes. 6'2" 230lbs and fit, at 34 years old I know how women think and can still pull girls in the states, young twenties, no problem. Humor 'es en ingles' so my Spanish is my Achilles heal right now but this is temporary.

Trace, All I would add is this: You will probably have good luck with non-pros in MDE but you still need to plan for it. If you just go to a mall and try to charm a non-pro the return on time investment is going to be low, even with all your positive attributes only because you are a foreigner and your spanish will be mediocre at best. Since you said you would not mind being with pros, my suggestion would be to start with Colombian Cupid and Romance latina. Post your best pictures and with your profile, you should have loads to choose from. If they do not work out, you can always the pro route or attempts at picking up at bars.

Also, I do not agree that vast majority of Colombianas are pros. I agree with BlancoVikingo. It is their liberal attitude toward sex, evaluated through a prudish north american lens makes us think that.

Chris Long
04-07-13, 22:49
Appreciate the response. Sorry, but sometimes sarcasm is hard to detect on a forum. As far as my original intent goes; even though it can sound like bragging to some I was just trying to give a clear picture of what I am working with. I'm sure there are lots of guys on this board that take care of themselves and can pull normal girls no problem. I was hoping to connect with someone that may share similar attributes and get advice from them and their experiences. Everyone has a niche. Some guys are rich and that's enough to pull hot ass even in the states. I'm not rich so I have to work out. Which is free thankfully LOL- and know how to make a girl laugh. Without putting anyone down, I don't really want to go off of the advice from someone that may be older and out of shape saying normal girls are impossible in MDE. So, I hope this paints a better picture.

I would like to argue this to an extent. True, most young girls have sex with guys their age. But, older men can offer a lot that the young men cannot; maturity, wisdom, intelligence, financial stability of course. I had a friend / coworker a few years ago that still provides inspiration for me to remain single without kids today. At the time, he was a 44 year old personal trainer. He lived a very healthy life mon-fri and partied on the weekends like anyone else. He looked like he was late twenties and was always dating / fucking girls two decades younger than him. Hot girls too. Until he found one that was utterly in love with him 20 years younger. The clientele at the athletic club were almost waiting in line to fuck this guy. He didn't even own a car LOL.

If there is a general rule of thumb regarding this issue, it's that guys can and do date down all the time, all over the world. Granted, there is a limit to everything and an older / heavier set individual probably won't be able to do this unless he's filthy rich. But then again, a 21 year old that is just as out of shape has little to no chance either with any hot girl.

For me, I want to go to a place where I have a good chance of meeting a normal girl and if not, can fall back on p4p. Shit, years ago I had a hot ass girlfriend and sometimes I would still pick up a hooker off the street just for a blowjob because I liked the dirtiness of it. I'm fucked up I know LOL.Who cares about your friend this board is dedicated to P4P.

You need to quit staring in the mirror and telling yourself how pretty you are. Just because you banged a new to the scene SEMI pro in Sosua doesn't mean you can pick up none pros at the drop of the hat. (I'll be in Sosua next week; I'll look your girlfriend up at her bar and see if I can make a donation to her favorite charity) If you want to find none pros you should join another board somewhere that deals with young attractive people and the night life in Medellin, make friends on that board, go down there and try to meet and swoon none pros in the none pros areas and discos. (and see your bubble get busted)

If you are looking for P4P than this is the site for you because the information on boards like this are about how to find P4P action. I will be in Medellin for the first time this August, staying at the mansion and I have NO illusions of picking up and bedding none pros, isn't going to happen, and I'm so damn good looking, If Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise could get together and have a baby I'm what it would look like.

(Bola Bola)

The information here is / should be about where to find, how much to pay, where to stay, how safe it is, quality and quantity of P4P action and nothing else. If you want dating or night life none pro information you should join another board.


04-08-13, 00:22
Also it's a known face "opposites attract"; so for a darker featured culture such as Latino and Asian a lighter skinned culture with light eyes is EXOTIC and it's what they want. The EXACT same way white guys LOVE latinas and Chinitas! Because it's different!That's actually pretty funny. I am Black, and any Black Colombiana I try to talk to (via internet) I just get ignored. Even when I mention that I am American.

On the flip side, most of the Colombianas on my fb friends list and the ones that hit me up to chat are pale White. I even have better luck with darker-skinned (but not afro) Colombianas than I do the Black ones. Go figure, LOL.

This isn't a problem for me in the DR (Black chicas), by the way. I've also "tested" my luck with Cali and CTG afro-Colombianas and have a better response rate. What's up with Medellin, lol?

04-08-13, 03:09
Who cares about your friend this board is dedicated to P4P.

You need to quit staring in the mirror and telling yourself how pretty you are. Just because you banged a new to the scene SEMI pro in Sosua doesn't mean you can pick up none pros at the drop of the hat. (I'll be in Sosua next week; I'll look your girlfriend up at her bar and see if I can make a donation to her favorite charity) If you want to find none pros you should join another board somewhere that deals with young attractive people and the night life in Medellin, make friends on that board, go down there and try to meet and swoon none pros in the none pros areas and discos. (and see your bubble get busted)

If you are looking for P4P than this is the site for you because the information on boards like this are about how to find P4P action. I will be in Medellin for the first time this August, staying at the mansion and I have NO illusions of picking up and bedding none pros, isn't going to happen, and I'm so damn good looking, If Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise could get together and have a baby I'm what it would look like.

(Bola Bola)

The information here is / should be about where to find, how much to pay, where to stay, how safe it is, quality and quantity of P4P action and nothing else. If you want dating or night life none pro information you should join another board.

ChrisThis board is about SEX! Whether you like pros or non pros. To each his own. I am sure that most members like to do both and have valuable information.

Legal Tender
04-08-13, 06:58
OMG, so much time is wasted trying to take a working girl and make her into a normal? Colombiana. Also finding a so called normal colombiana and making her into your personal sex kitten. Got to go with Greg on this one although he may be a lttle high with the 99% puta estimate."I get amused at the youth vs maturity (implicitly including some wealth) discussion that occasionally becomes a topic of conversation here. And we have the ubiquitous "normal," "semi-pro" and "pro" distinction, made without the benefit of any definition. Greg opines from India or where ever he is this moment watching of all fucking things. Cricket, that 99% of the Colombian girls will trade sexual pleasures for money or monies equivalent. I think Greg is about 1% shy of being correct. Women trade sex for security. All women! Including yo mama. It's just biology.

All women want security and protection. All men want respect, attention, appreciation and affection. Don't kid yourself, women are not nearly as visual as men are. There is not a girl in any casa that would not prefer to have one man provide for her security and protection. But, some choose to sell what they have to offer for a few pasos for medio hora or mas. The so called "normal" girls are certainly more attracted to the young, handsome and virile men. But, they're looking to pair bond. They want a "relationship." The fact is that if you treat any of these women like sex workers, you will get a sex worker. There is no such thing as free sex; they all want something other than a hard dick.

Sex with a beautiful girl is easier to get in Medellin than a decent pizza. A whole lot easier. Even with the obvious "pros" Ricker says that he like to create a bond. That makes sense to me. What I think most of us really want is intimacy. There's nothing like sex with a girl that wants to give you great pleasure because when she wakes up in the morning, she is thankful that you are in her life. At bottom, the notion of bonding requires just a little give a shit about someone else's life. All that requires communication and if you don't speak Spanish, that's kind of hard.

Take a little interest in these beautiful little Paisas, and your being a benefit in their lives will be rewarded. Bond a little, or at least try, with all of them. Most are not only receptive, they need and want a little interest, a little compassion, a little concern, a little love. Surpress the ego. It doesn't always have to be about you!

Only good energy, remember?

04-08-13, 07:44
LT, the readers digest version "Men want ASS, women want ASSets"