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Legal Tender
04-08-13, 08:03
LT, the readers digest version "Men want ASS, women want ASSets"Just about sums it up!

Vegas Jeff
04-08-13, 09:45
Who cares about your friend this board is dedicated to P4P.

You need to quit staring in the mirror and telling yourself how pretty you are. Just because you banged a new to the scene SEMI pro in Sosua doesn't mean you can pick up none pros at the drop of the hat. (I'll be in Sosua next week; I'll look your girlfriend up at her bar and see if I can make a donation to her favorite charity) If you want to find none pros you should join another board somewhere that deals with young attractive people and the night life in Medellin, make friends on that board, go down there and try to meet and swoon none pros in the none pros areas and discos. (and see your bubble get busted)

If you are looking for P4P than this is the site for you because the information on boards like this are about how to find P4P action. I will be in Medellin for the first time this August, staying at the mansion and I have NO illusions of picking up and bedding none pros, isn't going to happen, and I'm so damn good looking, If Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise could get together and have a baby I'm what it would look like.

(Bola Bola)

The information here is / should be about where to find, how much to pay, where to stay, how safe it is, quality and quantity of P4P action and nothing else. If you want dating or night life none pro information you should join another board.

ChrisThe purpose of this Forum is to facilitate the exchange of information between men who are looking for sex with women.


04-08-13, 13:23
That's actually pretty funny. I am Black, and any Black Colombiana I try to talk to (via internet) I just get ignored. Even when I mention that I am American.

On the flip side, most of the Colombianas on my fb friends list and the ones that hit me up to chat are pale White. I even have better luck with darker-skinned (but not afro) Colombianas than I do the Black ones. Go figure, LOL.

This isn't a problem for me in the DR (Black chicas) , by the way. I've also "tested" my luck with Cali and CTG afro-Colombianas and have a better response rate. What's up with Medellin, LOL?It's funny that you said this! I noticed that shit on CC. The black Colombians pay my ass no attention. But the pale white old ones show much love! I'm like WTF! BTW I always figured you were black. The lingo kinda gives it away! LOL

04-08-13, 14:52
My wingman and and I recently spent 10 days in Medellin. This was the first trip to Medellin for both of us. We flew to Cartagena yesterday and we plan to go back to Medellin Wednesday for another 4 days of mongering before heading off to the US.

We arrived in Medellin smack in the middle of Easter week. Unfortunately, none of us had tought about that when we made our reservation. Luckily, we stayed at the hotel Medellin Plaza (otherwise known as the Mansion & Castillo) and that made a big difference for us. Since most commercial establishments were closed part of the week, there were quite a few Free lancers (FLs) at the mansion, and we ended up feasting on FLs.

We did manage to venture out and that's what this report is about:

San Diego strip club: went there on a week day, think it was Wednesday night of Easter week. I was not impressed with the line up at all, esepecially given that they wanted us to pay 10k each or have 2 drinks for 20k. My memory is fuzzy but it could have been the other way around. We chose to stay and have a drink. The place was dead, at around 10pm and I was not impressed.

Ejecutivo: After San Diego, we headed to Ejecutivo strip club. The place was hopping, full of customers and full of girls. We were tired that day, so we did ot do anything. We went back the following Saturday and we both did a chick for 30 min. Mine was Lorena, and I think it cost me 85k, plus the drinks that she had while sitting with me. I liked Lorena. She had a gorgeous figure and a gorgeous smile, although she was on the plump side. Unfortunately, the session did not match the looks. It was average at best.

Maracaibo strip club: since this club is next door to Ejecutivo, we just took a peak but did not stay there for long. The place seemed busy, but not like Ejecutivo.

Fase II: this visit was part of our high end strip tour. I was not too impressed with this club. There were close to 20 chicks, and I would say that only 4 or 5 would qualify as high end in my book. The place also looked relatively old and can use some remodeling. I did learn later on that Colombian men tend to prefer chicks that have some meat on them, I. E. Plump. In that case, my opinion does not count for much since I am just a visitor.

La Isla: This was our next stop and this place was impressive. The facilities were fairly modern, and the view was stunning. I did not want to leave. However, it was the same story as Fase II for the girls. Most of them were on the plump side. Also, there was some police activity that night, and we were approached by a policeman. I normally carry a copy of my passport but I did not have it with me that night. When he asked me for my papers, I replied in Spanish that I was from the US. He then just moved on.

Luna Lunera: this was our last stop for that night. This was my least favorite of the three. The music was too loud, and the place was small. The girls were very aggressive. I was quoted 175k for a 30min session, pretty much the same as Fase II and La Isla. I was not ready to pay that.

Casas: I had a tour of some of the casas in El Centro. I saw a gem at Zandaly but I already forgot her name.

The best casa, IMO, was New Life. They had an excellent line up and provided the best bang for the buck. 38k for a 30 min session, hard to beat that. I saw 3 line ups there and I was able to compile a list of 6 or 7 chicks that I liked. I also had sessions with Lisette and Anna, and I could not have been more pleased.

I also managed to pay a visit to Energy, and had a session with Sara. She was an adorable, pleasant spinner, eager to please, and very friendly. However, their line up did not measure up to New Life, IMO. The cost of the session was 110k I believe.

Other than mongering, I really enjoyed my time at Medelin, in particular El Centro. I grew up in a city similar to Medellin, so I felt right at home. Even at night, I felt very comfortable roaming the streets. The people were friendly and helpful. I will definitely go back. My wingman had a private tour of the Escobar story. I decided to pass.Good report. Thanks for sharing!

04-08-13, 16:32
I get amused at the youth vs maturity (implicitly including some wealth) discussion that occasionally becomes a topic of conversation here. And we have the ubiquitous "normal," "semi-pro" and "pro" distinction, made without the benefit of any definition. Greg opines from India or where ever he is this moment watching of all fucking things. Cricket, that 99% of the Colombian girls will trade sexual pleasures for money or monies equivalent. I think Greg is about 1% shy of being correct. Women trade sex for security. All women! Including yo mama. It's just biology.

All women want security and protection. All men want respect, attention, appreciation and affection. Don't kid yourself, women are not nearly as visual as men are. There is not a girl in any casa that would not prefer to have one man provide for her security and protection. But, some choose to sell what they have to offer for a few pasos for medio hora or mas. The so called "normal" girls are certainly more attracted to the young, handsome and virile men. But, they're looking to pair bond. They want a "relationship." The fact is that if you treat any of these women like sex workers, you will get a sex worker. There is no such thing as free sex; they all want something other than a hard dick.

Sex with a beautiful girl is easier to get in Medellin than a decent pizza. A whole lot easier. Even with the obvious "pros" Ricker says that he like to create a bond. That makes sense to me. What I think most of us really want is intimacy. There's nothing like sex with a girl that wants to give you great pleasure because when she wakes up in the morning, she is thankful that you are in her life. At bottom, the notion of bonding requires just a little give a shit about someone else's life. All that requires communication and if you don't speak Spanish, that's kind of hard.

Take a little interest in these beautiful little Paisas, and your being a benefit in their lives will be rewarded. Bond a little, or at least try, with all of them. Most are not only receptive, they need and want a little interest, a little compassion, a little concern, a little love. Surpress the ego. It doesn't always have to be about you!

Only good energy, remember?Hey Legal Tender. I always enjoy reading your posts, I have to call you the 'resident philsopher' on this board for your many sage comments, I agree totally with all your above comments. Must run my beautiful little Paisa arrives at 1100.

04-08-13, 17:02

I would like to argue this to an extent. True, most young girls have sex with guys their age. But, older men can offer a lot that the young men cannot; maturity, wisdom, intelligence, financial stability of course. I had a friend / coworker a few years ago that still provides inspiration for me to remain single without kids today. At the time, he was a 44 year old personal trainer. He lived a very healthy life mon-fri and partied on the weekends like anyone else. He looked like he was late twenties and was always dating / fucking girls two decades younger than him. Hot girls too. Until he found one that was utterly in love with him 20 years younger. The clientele at the athletic club were almost waiting in line to fuck this guy. He didn't even own a car LOL.

If there is a general rule of thumb regarding this issue, it's that guys can and do date down all the time, all over the world. Granted, there is a limit to everything and an older / heavier set individual probably won't be able to do this unless he's filthy rich. But then again, a 21 year old that is just as out of shape has little to no chance either with any hot girl.

For me, I want to go to a place where I have a good chance of meeting a normal girl and if not, can fall back on p4p. Shit, years ago I had a hot ass girlfriend and sometimes I would still pick up a hooker off the street just for a blowjob because I liked the dirtiness of it. I'm fucked up I know LOL.P4P offers the simplicity of the transaction. As Jeff also pointed out, working girls will leave you alone if you ask them to. That's huge. I realize many of us enter this hobby for different reasons, but for me, it's all about simplicity. Women are a pain in the ass. Dealing with broads to get laid is a losing proposition. Somewhere along the line, I figured out if I took all the time I devoted to getting laid, and devoted it to my profession, I could afford to rent all those women by the hour instead.

With P4P, I don't have to be ingenuine. I can enjoy her company as long as I like, and when I tire of her, I can hand her money, thank her, and send her on her way.

Hasideas Tao
04-08-13, 17:33
And if I go during the week will there be significantly less girls than say a Fri or Sat?

Thanks! Looking forward to a writing and detailed description of a great experience!

That is Correct.

04-08-13, 17:45
It's funny that you said this! I noticed that shit on CC. The black Colombians pay my ass no attention. But the pale white old ones show much love! I'm like WTF! BTW I always figured you were black. The lingo kinda gives it away! LOLYou probably need to do something different then. None of the chicas I know are older than 26yrs old. I would drop CC if you are having MILF problems, LOL.

I don't use them, btw.

04-08-13, 18:09
My wingman and and I recently spent 10 days in Medellin. This was the first trip to Medellin for both of us.

La Isla: This was our next stop and this place was impressive. The facilities were fairly modern, and the view was stunning. I did not want to leave. However, it was the same story as Fase II for the girls. Most of them were on the plump side. Also, there was some police activity that night, and we were approached by a policeman. I normally carry a copy of my passport but I did not have it with me that night. When he asked me for my papers, I replied in Spanish that I was from the US. He then just moved on.Nice report. Were the police in La Isla, outside La Isla or they stopped you unrelated to the club?

04-09-13, 16:47
Nice report. Were the police in La Isla, outside La Isla or they stopped you unrelated to the club?When we first arrived, they were outside the club, in a truck. Later, they moved inside and went around checking IDs. Later, someone mentioned to me that the reason they came to us was because our tour guide, Fernando, had his head shaved. Apparently, this triggers police check in Medellin.

04-09-13, 17:42
Anyone going to be partying in mde area these dates? Also can anyone give me some advise on where to go nightlife these days especially wed & thurs afraid won't be much going on. Thanks. One last questions what best place for daytime action and around what prices to expect?

Thanks again guys

04-09-13, 18:09
Anyone going to be partying in mde area these dates? Also can anyone give me some advise on where to go nightlife these days especially wed & thurs afraid won't be much going on. Thanks. One last questions what best place for daytime action and around what prices to expect?

Thanks again guysNormal clubs. Busy Thursday-Saturday (Lleras, Barrio Colombia, Las Palmas)

Stripclubs. Usually better midweek Wed & Thurs. Fri and Sat chicas are out with their friends and boyfriends.

Daytime action. Casas ranging from 30k-200k.

Have fun!

04-09-13, 18:58
I'll be in Medellin early May and would like to find and enjoy a good neighborhood bar. The kind where friendly locals hang w / a pool table and maybe a couple available ladies on the premises. Or a small local bar w / dancing? I'm staying at the HMP.

When I go to Tijuana there is this little local bar where the hombres sit at the bar and a few of the neighborhood ladies stop in and sit in the lounge a few feet away from the bar. These ladies are available for take out and just fun to practice my espanol with. Is there anything like that in Medellin? I would think there is. Thanks in advance for any info.

04-10-13, 01:12
I'll be in Medellin early May and would like to find and enjoy a good neighborhood bar. The kind where friendly locals hang w / a pool table and maybe a couple available ladies on the premises. Or a small local bar w / dancing? I'm staying at the HMP.

When I go to Tijuana there is this little local bar where the hombres sit at the bar and a few of the neighborhood ladies stop in and sit in the lounge a few feet away from the bar. These ladies are available for take out and just fun to practice my espanol with. Is there anything like that in Medellin? I would think there is. Thanks in advance for any info.La Mayorista, aka, La Raya, is perfect for you. It's a miniature version of Tijuana, Mexico. Read my previous posts on this place and decide for yourself.

04-10-13, 02:00
I've been in mde for a few days, first time visitor. I have visited a few massage parlors since I have been here. So far the best experience has been at new life. I may return before I leave.

Day 1. New Life. This was my first experience with a Colombian woman and I was not disappointed. I went fairly early, around noon or so, the line up was about 8 girls or so. Went with a girl named hermena (sp) , shorter dark skinned girl with curves. She started with a nice sensual massage (less massage and more sensual) , proceeded to covered oral and, then a short time later cowgirl, doggie then, mish. A great first experience in my opinion. 1 hr was 65k.

Day 2. Fantasia Cra 46 # 57A-21. I arrived to this place fairly early as well, around noon or so. The line up was only 2 girls, I chose the 1 that had the better looking ass of the 2. I didn't really click with the girl but, she performed ok. 1 hr was 55k.

Day 3. Geishas. Is this closed? I watched the video and I'm fairly certain that I was in the correct place. I even had a beer from the place with the Aguilla canopy. There is an orthodontist place on the left of the stairs now? I saw no Geisha sign or doorbell.

Day 3. Aiffe. After the disappointment from Geishas I made my way to this place. I got there around 3 or so. 3 girls in the line up. I chose a cute skinny girl named sara. Got to the room and washed off. Had a short light touch and some oral to prepare my little friend for fun. Started with reverse cowgirl and then moved on to stand up doggie. Damn this girl has a cute little ass. Had a nice sensual continuation of the massage, enough to almost put me asleep. Then I remembered that I didn't have a whole lot of time left. I rolled over and she grabbed the condom. Gave me some oral to wake up some, cowgirl, doggie and, then finish mish. This girl isn't exactly my "type" she definitely gave a good performance.

Hoping to have a couple more good times in the next few days.

Aussie Greg
04-10-13, 05:23
Dhaka, Bangladesh, Bangkok in a few days.

A. G.

I get amused at the youth vs maturity (implicitly including some wealth) discussion that occasionally becomes a topic of conversation here. And we have the ubiquitous "normal," "semi-pro" and "pro" distinction, made without the benefit of any definition. Greg opines from India or where ever he is this moment watching of all fucking things. Cricket, that 99% of the Colombian girls will trade sexual pleasures for money or monies equivalent. I think Greg is about 1% shy of being correct. Women trade sex for security. All women! Including yo mama. It's just biology.

All women want security and protection. All men want respect, attention, appreciation and affection. Don't kid yourself, women are not nearly as visual as men are. There is not a girl in any casa that would not prefer to have one man provide for her security and protection. But, some choose to sell what they have to offer for a few pasos for medio hora or mas. The so called "normal" girls are certainly more attracted to the young, handsome and virile men. But, they're looking to pair bond. They want a "relationship." The fact is that if you treat any of these women like sex workers, you will get a sex worker. There is no such thing as free sex; they all want something other than a hard dick.

Sex with a beautiful girl is easier to get in Medellin than a decent pizza. A whole lot easier. Even with the obvious "pros" Ricker says that he like to create a bond. That makes sense to me. What I think most of us really want is intimacy. There's nothing like sex with a girl that wants to give you great pleasure because when she wakes up in the morning, she is thankful that you are in her life. At bottom, the notion of bonding requires just a little give a shit about someone else's life. All that requires communication and if you don't speak Spanish, that's kind of hard.

Take a little interest in these beautiful little Paisas, and your being a benefit in their lives will be rewarded. Bond a little, or at least try, with all of them. Most are not only receptive, they need and want a little interest, a little compassion, a little concern, a little love. Surpress the ego. It doesn't always have to be about you!

Only good energy, remember?

04-10-13, 09:15
When we first arrived, they were outside the club, in a truck. Later, they moved inside and went around checking IDs. Later, someone mentioned to me that the reason they came to us was because our tour guide, Fernando, had his head shaved. Apparently, this triggers police check in Medellin.Thank you. Very interesting. I generally do not carry my wallet or my I'd with me when I am out club hopping in MDE (I have cash and an ATM / charge card as emergency back up). I wonder if the police would make an issue out of someone saying they do not have an I'd. Anyone with "no I'd" experience?

04-10-13, 09:17
I've been in mde for a few days, first time visitor. I have visited a few massage parlors since I have been here. So far the best experience has been at new life. I may return before I leave.

Day 1. .

Hoping to have a couple more good times in the next few days.Nice 1st report. Keep up the good work.

04-10-13, 09:22
Normal clubs. Busy Thursday-Saturday (Lleras, Barrio Colombia, Las Palmas)

Stripclubs. Usually better midweek Wed & Thurs. Fri and Sat chicas are out with their friends and boyfriends.

Daytime action. Casas ranging from 30k-200k.

Have fun!Three and Four weekends ago, Friday and Saturday were considerably busier than Wednesday and Thursday at the stripclubs. When I visit I am just there for 1 week to 10 days at a time so mine is a small sample size.

04-10-13, 10:10
La Mayorista, aka, La Raya, is perfect for you. It's a miniature version of Tijuana, Mexico. Read my previous posts on this place and decide for yourself.

Cheers.No La Mayorista strip is not what I'm talking about but I appreciate the response. I do like the action at La Mayorista but the little short time hotels are really noisy and funky. Thanks again.

Black Page
04-10-13, 10:39
Thank you. Very interesting. I generally do not carry my wallet or my I'd with me when I am out club hopping in MDE (I have cash and an ATM / charge card as emergency back up). I wonder if the police would make an issue out of someone saying they do not have an I'd. Anyone with "no I'd" experience?Never be without a picture I'd in a foreign country! Imagine a Texan policeman stopping you on a road and you have no documents with you. You'll spend a day at police station, minimum.

When I travel, to Colombia or wherever else, I bring my home country picture I'd with me, with a photocopy of my passport. When police checks me and asks for the passport, I show my I'd and passport copy, and I say the original is in the hotel safety box. Never had a single problem in Colombia or whatever else country.

04-10-13, 14:00
Thank you. Very interesting. I generally do not carry my wallet or my ID with me when I am out club hopping in MDE (I have cash and an ATM / charge card as emergency back up). I wonder if the police would make an issue out of someone saying they do not have an ID. Anyone with "no I'd" experience?I always keep ID with me ever since my first trip to Colombia when I was in a taxi in Cartagena and was pulled over by the police. I had no ID on me and they weren't going to let me go until I showed one, fortunately I was with a "guide" and I had to give him the code to my room safe and he went and retrieved my passport, this was about 8 years ago. I carried my U.S. drivers license thereafter until about two years ago when I got a U.S. passport card, now I carry that with me everywhere, cost $30.

Member #4394
04-10-13, 18:12
Check Zandaly, Chican Punto Com, and Sexi Fantasia "2".

I've been in mde for a few days, first time visitor. I have visited a few massage parlors since I have been here. So far the best experience has been at new life. I may return before I leave.

Day 1. New Life. This was my first experience with a Colombian woman and I was not disappointed. I went fairly early, around noon or so, the line up was about 8 girls or so. Went with a girl named hermena (sp) , shorter dark skinned girl with curves. She started with a nice sensual massage (less massage and more sensual) , proceeded to covered oral and, then a short time later cowgirl, doggie then, mish. A great first experience in my opinion. 1 hr was 65k.

Day 2. Fantasia Cra 46 # 57A-21. I arrived to this place fairly early as well, around noon or so. The line up was only 2 girls, I chose the 1 that had the better looking ass of the 2. I didn't really click with the girl but, she performed ok. 1 hr was 55k.

Day 3. Geishas. Is this closed? I watched the video and I'm fairly certain that I was in the correct place. I even had a beer from the place with the Aguilla canopy. There is an orthodontist place on the left of the stairs now? I saw no Geisha sign or doorbell.

Day 3. Aiffe. After the disappointment from Geishas I made my way to this place. I got there around 3 or so. 3 girls in the line up. I chose a cute skinny girl named sara. Got to the room and washed off. Had a short light touch and some oral to prepare my little friend for fun. Started with reverse cowgirl and then moved on to stand up doggie. Damn this girl has a cute little ass. Had a nice sensual continuation of the massage, enough to almost put me asleep. Then I remembered that I didn't have a whole lot of time left. I rolled over and she grabbed the condom. Gave me some oral to wake up some, cowgirl, doggie and, then finish mish. This girl isn't exactly my "type" she definitely gave a good performance.

Hoping to have a couple more good times in the next few days.

Member #4394
04-10-13, 18:14
I carry a xerox copy of my passport, so I don't have to worry about being stolen.

Thank you. Very interesting. I generally do not carry my wallet or my I'd with me when I am out club hopping in MDE (I have cash and an ATM / charge card as emergency back up). I wonder if the police would make an issue out of someone saying they do not have an I'd. Anyone with "no I'd" experience?

04-11-13, 06:28
I carry a xerox copy of my passport, so I don't have to worry about being stolen.I do that too in countries where I think I might be checked and get harassed, like in Mexico. I have travelled quite a bit in CO and never had any issues with police so I got lax. May be I will start doing that as well.

04-11-13, 12:39
Thank you. Very interesting. I generally do not carry my wallet or my I'd with me when I am out club hopping in MDE (I have cash and an ATM / charge card as emergency back up). I wonder if the police would make an issue out of someone saying they do not have an I'd. Anyone with "no I'd" experience?My first trips to Medellin in 1999, I got checked several times a day by police and had to buy some of them payoff money, since then the worst shakedown I had was in Cali 2005 near the Radisson 3 am with a girl, had a copy of my Passport but still the guy fucked with me for 30 minutes," Where is your Passport" he went on and on, I kept telling him my hotel is right there we can go up and get it out of the safe if you want, not sure why he kept harassing me unless he thought I had drugs.

Got pulled over in a Police stop between Barranquilla and Cartagena June 2009 and my copy of my passport was ruined from swimming in Tayronna Park earlier that day, the police asked me why I didn't have my Passport with me, I told them I don't carry it with me because of attempted robberies then I showed him scars on my arms from a few weeks earlier in Cali, never said anything more. I haven't showed my ID in Medellin in 14 years to the Police and never have in Cartagena but I carry a copy in a Zip Lock bag in my Pacsafe under the belt wallet usually. I fucked up and didn't get a Passport Card when I renewed my Passport, I never go to Canada, it never crossed my mind to get it to use as an alternative ID.

It ain't like it used to be, Colombia actually wants tourists now, even if you are fucking their sisters. LOL

04-11-13, 13:08
Hi everyone!

Been following the Medellin forum for a while, anticipating a chance to go. I saw that spirit airlines has lowered their prices a bit, and I was thinking of buying some tickets to visit, but during the week, from Tues-Fri. I want to stay at the Mansion. It would be my first time to Medelliin, and I speak minimal, tourist Spanish.

Is there a good crowd of guys (and girls) at the Mansion during the week too? Or is it only the weekends? Part of the funs seems to be hanging with everyone.


Black Page
04-11-13, 15:30
I wish to add my words about police in Colombia.

My experience is ample: during EACH trip I had to Colombia (Medellin, Bogota, Cartagena), each lasting from 3 to 20 days, 1-2-3 visits each year in the last 6 years, I was checked from 2 to 4 times by the police, during either the day or the night, mostly in streets while I was walking around, or even stopped while travelling on a taxi, either in questionable areas (e.g. Santa Fe in BOG, Prado in MDE) or not (Bocagrande or Centro in CTG). The total number of police checks I experienced sums up to a good number, I mean.

Well, in each case, police was very serious in asking my documents, checking pockets, etc. All times, I presented my home country picture I'd, plus the photocopy of the passport.

All times, the police was very professional in all the procedure. I was never asked a bribe, I never felt uncomfortable, nothing that could be presented as a "problem". Once the checking procedure was completed, big smiles from the officer,"bienvenido","gracias", etc. I always feel safe when I see a policeman in Colombia.

Please note that I paid "tips" to policemen of various countries, incl. Mexico, Panama, Ghana, so I know how it works in such cases.

Thumbs up from me for the Police in Colombia!

My first trips to Medellin in 1999, I got checked several times a day by police and had to buy some of them payoff money, since then the worst shakedown I had was in Cali 2005 near the Radisson 3 am with a girl, had a copy of my Passport but still the guy fucked with me for 30 minutes," Where is your Passport" he went on and on, I kept telling him my hotel is right there we can go up and get it out of the safe if you want, not sure why he kept harassing me unless he thought I had drugs.

Got pulled over in a Police stop between Barranquilla and Cartagena June 2009 and my copy of my passport was ruined from swimming in Tayronna Park earlier that day, the police asked me why I didn't have my Passport with me, I told them I don't carry it with me because of attempted robberies then I showed him scars on my arms from a few weeks earlier in Cali, never said anything more. I haven't showed my I'd in Medellin in 14 years to the Police and never have in Cartagena but I carry a copy in a Zip Lock bag in my Pacsafe under the belt wallet usually. I fucked up and didn't get a Passport Card when I renewed my Passport, I never go to Canada, it never crossed my mind to get it to use as an alternative I'd.

It ain't like it used to be, Colombia actually wants tourists now, even if you are fucking their sisters. LOL

04-11-13, 16:21
even stopped while travelling on a taxi,!Interesting. Did they see you get into the taxi and follow you or were you riding by the police and they noticed you? Did they ask you to step out of the cab for a body search?


Legal Tender
04-11-13, 16:37
Hi everyone!

Been following the Medellin forum for a while, anticipating a chance to go. I saw that spirit airlines has lowered their prices a bit, and I was thinking of buying some tickets to visit, but during the week, from Tues-Fri. I want to stay at the Mansion. It would be my first time to Medelliin, and I speak minimal, tourist Spanish.

Is there a good crowd of guys (and girls) at the Mansion during the week too? Or is it only the weekends? Part of the funs seems to be hanging with everyone.

Thanks!The Mansion is perfect for the first time visitor to Medellin. You will have all of the "company" you desire, and there are usually some interesting amigos staying there. Before you leave Medellin, you'll be writing: "get those ho's off me."

But, don't tell anyone back home about the City of Eternal Spring. It's our secreto.

Only good energy!

Black Page
04-11-13, 19:29
Interesting. Did they see you get into the taxi and follow you or were you riding by the police and they noticed you? Did they ask you to step out of the cab for a body search?

ThanksNothing special. Normal road check points. I arrive on my taxi, they stop it, ask documents, etc. Last time in Medellin, body search and I'd check for me, license check for the driver. Regular procedure, officers very professional as usual. I wish all policemen abroad would be like that.

04-11-13, 20:01
Nothing special. Normal road check points. I arrive on my taxi, they stop it, ask documents, etc. Last time in Medellin, body search and I'd check for me, license check for the driver. Regular procedure, officers very professional as usual. I wish all policemen abroad would be like that.Thank You.

This is good to know. It might save someone from being in a lot of trouble.

04-12-13, 03:38
Dear members of this forum who loves Latinas.

I compare with Thailand, Europe (high class) , Argentina, Peru. But not Brazil and (Venezuela? Who wants to risks his life for some erotics).

I must say that it is amazing how GOOD life can be in Colombia.

Yes, DR is better in a pure sexual aspect, but can not compete at all in a central aspect; ethnical diversification. Colombia has it all, even though 44% are Pocahontas, there are still 22% europeans. 11 % black babes and 22% mix-mix-mix babes.

This, in combination with a mental liberal atitud towards sex; or for pure pleasure, or for benefits; Colombianas are Horney! I mean REALLY HORNEY! It's like Europe should have been.

Anglo-Saxons and Germanic people have a moral isue with this. Please! Don't have! I have had it for YEARS! . And thanks to SEXUS I'm free from that twisted morale.

My Advice is that to go to Colombia:

Colombia; 80% of the Prepagos are sexy and will get you satisfied.

Peru: 30% are sexy. And. Blaha. Prices are even though higher. Avoid Peru, go to visit MP and that stuff, but as a sex destination it is worthless.

Peruvian babes, I had 3 super-novias during a 6 month stay, but aside of that it was hard to find babes, my most hot one was actually a Colombiana from Cali, out-beauyting her local colegas, being the most popular girl at the Club, close to Cayma in Arequipa.

Colombia has few sex-tourists, Anglo-Saxon Pussy hunters are stupid and go to SEA. I estimate 22:1 towards Thailand and 44:1 to Philipinas. According to US Statistics, info. From France, Germany, GB, my conclution is that +90 of the pussyhunters go to SEA. Single men 22-33 why-o, just use Prepagos 22% of what we older Viagra-Ciales-Prostata Might do.

You pay more than in Thailand or Philipnes, but you go yo to apartments in a upper-class unity with 24hs security.

I payed like 120 mil COP. 160 BB-BJ.

If returning on a daily basis, prices can be fixed, inl. BB-BJ for 80-100 mil COP. If you get a good relationship with this Laureles or Poblado Girl.

MDE seems to be like Europe in many aspects, especially PP:s, but prices are 15-35% + GFE.

The price, though higher in SEA, and babes maybe can not compete with US / EU babes since this markets there absorbes many of the latin 10 babes, still there remain many Colombianas who is superhot!

I have had sex wirh one thin, but 10 point big titted morena in MDE and lately a Mestiza in BAQ. Both worth offering marriage, but they don't would. Since they have ZERO knowledge about the world OUTSIDE of Colombia. At 22I was higly educated, these baes are at that 22, like when I was 11y. O.

88% of the hookers are like this. 100% knows about Panama, since there they can make a small fortune there in 3-5 years. The family all knows about it. My Jackeline started there at 18 and got a deal with an rich guy became obessed with her. She left, met me, I smelled the "interesada" from her and her StepMother whom buy the way I wanted to do in the kitchen but we where interrupted-

MDE is a Sexual and Social paradise. But Man, You Need Spanish! Otherwise prices will be +10-110, etc.

CGT, CLI, BAQ, etc has a lot to offer, but MDE is still a sexual Stronghold in Colombai, in Latinamerica and the world!

It sems, I'm an 6/10 guy with Nordic appearence = I have to be carefulk not to have to mny girls.

As a pure sinle I did my tours 2-4 hs day, to be able to be relex and have intereesting coversarions with my Pocahonts Paisa,

Member #4287
04-12-13, 04:53
I love myfreecams. Whats this girls page name.Her name is Pamelas.

Vegas Jeff
04-12-13, 07:44
My first trips to Medellin in 1999, I got checked several times a day by police and had to buy some of them payoff money, since then the worst shakedown I had was in Cali 2005 near the Radisson 3 am with a girl, had a copy of my Passport but still the guy fucked with me for 30 minutes," Where is your Passport" he went on and on, I kept telling him my hotel is right there we can go up and get it out of the safe if you want, not sure why he kept harassing me unless he thought I had drugs.

Got pulled over in a Police stop between Barranquilla and Cartagena June 2009 and my copy of my passport was ruined from swimming in Tayronna Park earlier that day, the police asked me why I didn't have my Passport with me, I told them I don't carry it with me because of attempted robberies then I showed him scars on my arms from a few weeks earlier in Cali, never said anything more. I haven't showed my I'd in Medellin in 14 years to the Police and never have in Cartagena but I carry a copy in a Zip Lock bag in my Pacsafe under the belt wallet usually. I fucked up and didn't get a Passport Card when I renewed my Passport, I never go to Canada, it never crossed my mind to get it to use as an alternative I'd.

It ain't like it used to be, Colombia actually wants tourists now, even if you are fucking their sisters. LOLI carry a laminated copy of my passport, front and back, in my wallet. The front side is the page with the picture and the back side is the page with the entry stamp. It is important to have it shrunk down to a size that fits in your wallet. This process takes 5 minutes and cost $1 at any place that makes copies.

Police, strip clubs, etc respect this as identification. Even if you have an expired one, from a previous trip, the authorities are impressed by this shiny, miniature passport and never look at the detail on the back.

This idea was given to me by a friend with extensive international travel and I have used it for 10 years without incident. I hope this helps some of you guys.

04-13-13, 08:43
Okay here is a long overdue report. Actually I would just like to update an excellent previous note wrt the places I visited.

Poblado Rentals:

Excellent service. Great value for money. Taxi from the airport can be arranged for $42.

Energy 120, 000 / hr. Lineup was always good. 8 to 15 Chicas

Loutron = 275, 000. 1hr. Lineup included 6 to 10 Chicas. Quality was excellent as was the service.

San Diego Grill =150, 000 per hour if session on site otherwise you pay an exit fee plus negotiate with chica.

Fase Dos = 180, 000 per hour to session there which includes the room.


Black Page
04-13-13, 18:50
Okay here is a long overdue report. Actually I would just like to update an excellent previous note wrt the places I visited.
Poblado Rentals:
Excellent service. Great value for money. Taxi from the airport can be arranged for $42.
Enjoy, USD42 = 77k COP.
The regulated fare of official licensed taxies is 57k. Cars+drivers provided by major hotels charge 60k.
You are suggesting a service with +35% surcharge.

Overall, you listed the most expensive places in MDE!

04-15-13, 05:41
I have been living in Medellin for the last 3 years and I have drawn a lot of information from this forum. I think it is time to contribute.

So last week Monday I went with 2 buddies to Abydos at late afternoon. When we came up the stairs I noticed 5 empty beer cans on the table and my worries got confirmed. Only 3 girls in the line up and 1 room available. 2 of the 3 were still doable, but we decided to go to Lutron and see.

Lutron had 9 girls in the line up. 3 of them were really really hot. Still for the price I only would have taken one of them but I lost rock-paper-scissors to my buddy who ended up having a really good gf experience.

Luckily my buddy got her number and I called her next day to invite her to my house. 200k + 20 for the cab. Pricey but had a awesome time.

This Saturday I decided to go to new life with a buddy. We arrived late around 7 pm, saw 5 girls getting their pay check for the day at the counter, which was sad, cause there were at least 3 nice ones. Still the final line-up were 9 girls. 3 of them doable, lost rock-paper-scissors again but ended up with a tall black girl and had a really nice 30 min for 38 k (BBBJ). Unbeatable price IMO for what you get.

Next week I will try to check out the other casas in centro to give an update on the line up.


04-16-13, 05:46
Which girl at Loutron was it? I'll be there in May and always liked the talent there.

I have been living in Medellin for the last 3 years and I have drawn a lot of information from this forum. I think it is time to contribute.

So last week Monday I went with 2 buddies to Abydos at late afternoon. When we came up the stairs I noticed 5 empty beer cans on the table and my worries got confirmed. Only 3 girls in the line up and 1 room available. 2 of the 3 were still doable, but we decided to go to Lutron and see.

Lutron had 9 girls in the line up. 3 of them were really really hot. Still for the price I only would have taken one of them but I lost rock-paper-scissors to my buddy who ended up having a really good gf experience.

Luckily my buddy got her number and I called her next day to invite her to my house. 200k + 20 for the cab. Pricey but had a awesome time.

This Saturday I decided to go to new life with a buddy. We arrived late around 7 pm, saw 5 girls getting their pay check for the day at the counter, which was sad, cause there were at least 3 nice ones. Still the final line-up were 9 girls. 3 of them doable, lost rock-paper-scissors again but ended up with a tall black girl and had a really nice 30 min for 38 k (BBBJ). Unbeatable price IMO for what you get.

Next week I will try to check out the other casas in centro to give an update on the line up.


04-17-13, 06:35
Okay here is a long overdue report. Actually I would just like to update an excellent previous note wrt the places I visited.

Poblado Rentals:

Excellent service. Great value for money. Taxi from the airport can be arranged for $42.

Energy 120, 000 / hr. Lineup was always good. 8 to 15 Chicas

Loutron = 275, 000. 1hr. Lineup included 6 to 10 Chicas. Quality was excellent as was the service.

San Diego Grill =150, 000 per hour if session on site otherwise you pay an exit fee plus negotiate with chica.

Fase Dos = 180, 000 per hour to session there which includes the room.

Enjoy, Energy is up to 120k now? It seems to keep going up every time I go.

Loutron is up to 275k now? That is crazy!

04-17-13, 11:48
I have never been to Medellin before and am going with 9 other Americas. I was told the Medellin Mansion was a good place to stay for your first time and would be easy due to the number of

Guys I'm traveling with. Can anyone thats been there give me the low down on the girls? Food? The hotel? Any info will be helpful. I am a veteran of CR and DR and would like to have a good time in Medellin.

Thank you

04-18-13, 05:30
A friend and I arrived at the Medellin plaza #1 4/12. We met some great guys. Had a great party the first day Friday. Saturday was a little slow even thought both places were full. Had good time with smoking hot ladies which I credit to the management. Everyone management and staff were great and helpful as well as the other customers we met. I give them a great recommendation for any first time visit. From there we moved to an apartment and have had a great time which includes a couple of orgies. Specific girls are not relevant because they change so often and can be met in many places. We are in one of the Poblado rentals. Barry was good to work with and everything is as represented. Now one night we made too much noise and his man Rubin called. We went quiet to not disturb the neighbors any more. Today Rubin walked in Unannounced, did not ring the bell, just busted in. Rudely wanted to know why the person downstairs was getting water in their apartment. Well there were no noticeable leaks from up here. Never said hi on arrival. No bye when left.

04-18-13, 06:58
I have never been to Medellin before and am going with 9 other Americas. I was told the Medellin Mansion was a good place to stay for your first time and would be easy due to the number of

Guys I'm traveling with. Can anyone thats been there give me the low down on the girls? Food? The hotel? Any info will be helpful. I am a veteran of CR and DR and would like to have a good time in Medellin.

Thank youThis is so wrong at so many levels I don't even know where to start :-D

04-18-13, 07:07
A friend and I arrived at the Medellin plaza #1 4/12. We met some great guys. Had a great party the first day Friday. Saturday was a little slow even thought both places were full. Had good time with smoking hot ladies which I credit to the management. Everyone management and staff were great and helpful as well as the other customers we met. I give them a great recommendation for any first time visit. From there we moved to an apartment and have had a great time which includes a couple of orgies. Specific girls are not relevant because they change so often and can be met in many places. We are in one of the Poblado rentals. Barry was good to work with and everything is as represented. Now one night we made too much noise and his man Rubin called. We went quiet to not disturb the neighbors any more. Today Rubin walked in Unannounced, did not ring the bell, just busted in. Rudely wanted to know why the person downstairs was getting water in their apartment. Well there were no noticeable leaks from up here. Never said hi on arrival. No bye when left. Just a dickhead.

Duke69 (and also Stjuliaangelo, Fitnfun), Thank you for posting. IMHO, names do matter and are very helpful. Actually, there is always turn over but it is not as high in MDE as one would think. Tourist destinations such as CTG, CR, Panama and SXM have crazy turn over. I have been seeing the same pros over one or two years. This forum is partly about promoting those that provide good service and warning guys about those that don't. We are the tripadvisor for mongering and without names it sometimes just becomes a chronology of ones achievements, that is of very little use to others. Your posts do have other useful info re updates on prices and re Medellin Plaza and Poblado rentals but that is the part that does not change that much :-D. Please consider posting names. Thank you.

Aussie Greg
04-18-13, 17:08
First time back in Bangkok after 20 years, still carnt beat a good head job with two fingers up my ass by a beautiful tall, skinny ladyboy.

A. G.

04-19-13, 00:41
I carry a laminated copy of my passport, front and back, in my wallet. The front side is the page with the picture and the back side is the page with the entry stamp. It is important to have it shrunk down to a size that fits in your wallet. This process takes 5 minutes and cost $1 at any place that makes copies.

Police, strip clubs, etc respect this as identification. Even if you have an expired one, from a previous trip, the authorities are impressed by this shiny, miniature passport and never look at the detail on the back.

This idea was given to me by a friend with extensive international travel and I have used it for 10 years without incident. I hope this helps some of you guys.I recently read a book about an American woman who bicycled for several years through Russia, China, and Vietnam. In those countries, everyone stopped her for identification. When she was at immigration border check points, she would present her current US Passport to officials. At other times, she kept her current passport locked away at her hotel or hidden away under layers of clothes while riding her bicycle. For random identification checks, she always carried her expired US Passport and presented this to whomever asked for her identification. Apparently, the hole punched in her expired passport or the fact that it was passed its expiration date never raised any concerns. Since they weren't immigration officials, all they cared about was knowing her identification via an official document (passport).

I decided to do the same thing (carry my expired passport, but separately from my current passport) whenever I travel. When I was riding the buses between cities in Ecuador and Peru, at security checkpoints, I always presented my expired US Passport. The solider or policeman would just look at my passport photo to see if it matched me.

According to the US State Department website, it is a good idea to keep your expired passport in a safe place as it is considered proof of your USA citizenship. If you lose your current passport, your expired one will help expedite a replacement especially if you're overseas.

04-19-13, 01:33
At other times, she kept her current passport locked away at her hotel or hidden away under layers of clothes while riding her bicycle. For random identification checks, she always carried her expired US Passport and presented this to whomever asked for her identification. Apparently, the hole punched in her expired passport or the fact that it was passed its expiration date never raised any concerns. Since they weren't immigration officials, all they cared about was knowing her identification via an official document (passport).Thank you for an excellent advice / idea.


04-19-13, 05:04
First time back in Bangkok after 20 years, still carnt beat a good head job with two fingers up my ass by a beautiful tall, skinny ladyboy.

A. G.
This is so wrong at so many levels I don't even know where to start :-DOy vey, now one has to travel half of this world from MDE for that matter.

04-19-13, 17:47
Which girl at Loutron was it? I'll be there in May and always liked the talent there.Her name was Alejandra and she is originally from Cali. Loutron was 250 k for the hour. 10 or 15k minimum consumption of beverages. I had her come over to my place for 200 k but also paid 20 k for the cab.

Aussie Greg
04-19-13, 18:07
I didn't!

Quote "travel half of this world from MDE for that matter" un quote!

A. G.

Oy vey, now one has to travel half of this world from MDE for that matter.

04-19-13, 18:41
So Tuesday I went with 2 guys to centro to check out some strip joints. First stop was:

Barra Ejecutiva: Arrived at 10 pm and there were very few costumers. We sat down and had a beer and thats when I eyed some really nice legs, checked the rest and it looked very promising. I winked her over she sat down next to me, puts her hand on my dick. We chit chat and I end up asking how much. She says 80 k plus 15 k for the room. I smile and say that sounds "costoso". She asks how much I have, and I say 50 k. She agrees to 50 K if I pay the room. I thought I could get her down to 40 k but I really wanted to get started. So 65 k and we were going. Her body was amazing. 19 years old, nice ass, beautiful legs silicon tits and flaca. I would pick her out of the lineup in Loutron, what a find! I ended up giving 5 k propina and taking her number.

After that we went on to.

Maracaibo: 2 doors down from Barra Ejecutiva totally empty this place felt. Girls sitting down, too lazy to get up, nothing outstanding here. Kind of a waste of time.

So we took a 1 min cab ride to (as walking didn't seem safe) :

Las Conejitas: This place I like. I have been her before and there is always action. Girls dancing, and just a lot of them standing around waiting for you to talk to them. Though I did not see anyone as hot as the one I had before in Barra Ejecutiva. My buddy ended up with a young 18 year old, cute paisa with a nice ass but no tits. She asked for 50 k including the room. Not bad for a quickie. I wish I could remember the name.

I would probably not feel comfortable going alone to these places, as I feel the area and the crowd is rough. But being three guys I felt totally safe. I don't remember the names of the girls but I hope this can give people a feel for what places are good to go to at the moment.

04-20-13, 01:11
Can anyone tell me where I can find ATM dispensing US dollars in Medellin?

There used to be a Citibank ATM around or sometimes inside "Exito" supermarkets but not anymore.

04-20-13, 01:23
Can anyone tell me where I can find ATM dispensing US dollars in Medellin?

There used to be a Citibank ATM around or sometimes inside "Exito" supermarkets but not anymore.There are no ATM's in Medellin that dispense USD.

I've used most of the Citibank ATM's in the city and none of them have an option to withdraw USD. Your best bet is probably at currency exchange places at the airport.

04-20-13, 04:49
Thank you for an excellent advice / idea.

Cheers.I always carry my expired US passport with me instead of the current one, which remains at my hotel or house. Like the other poster noted, the holes in the side do not attract any attention. Most people asking are required to ask for various reasons so the expired passport will generally suffice.

04-20-13, 20:18
Her name was Alejandra and she is originally from Cali. Loutron was 250 k for the hour. 10 or 15k minimum consumption of beverages. I had her come over to my place for 200 k but also paid 20 k for the cab.I think that I've hooked up with her before, really skinny with big silicone tits? Good to hear she is still there, as the number I have for her doesn't work anymore and she is one of the hottest girls I've met in Colombia. Any way you could share her number?

04-21-13, 07:34
There are no ATM's in Medellin that dispense USD.

I've used most of the Citibank ATM's in the city and none of them have an option to withdraw USD. Your best bet is probably at currency exchange places at the airport.There are currency exchange places in Unicentro.

Black Page
04-21-13, 10:08
I always carry my expired US passport with me instead of the current one, which remains at my hotel or house. Like the other poster noted, the holes in the side do not attract any attention. Most people asking are required to ask for various reasons so the expired passport will generally suffice.Que.

A photocopy of your current valid passport has the same value as an original but expired one, but it takes considerably less space in your pocket. You can fold it and put it in the back of your wallet or pants. I do this.

04-21-13, 21:10
I think that I've hooked up with her before, really skinny with big silicone tits? Good to hear she is still there, as the number I have for her doesn't work anymore and she is one of the hottest girls I've met in Colombia. Any way you could share her number?Unfortunately Stjuliangelo does not have PM rights. I thank him for posting the girl's name.

04-22-13, 00:50
I plan on taking my inagural trip to Medellin later this year and just had one quick question. I've read a ton about hotels, casa's, girls, etc but unless I missed some posts. It seems like most of the "sessions" are in the back of some strip club or casa. I don't recall seeing many posts about "todo la noche's" back at the hotel or condo. Is that not as common in Medellin compared to the DR or other mongering destinations, or am I just missing something?

Black Page
04-22-13, 08:09
I plan on taking my inagural trip to Medellin later this year and just had one quick question. I've read a ton about hotels, casa's, girls, etc but unless I missed some posts. It seems like most of the "sessions" are in the back of some strip club or casa. I don't recall seeing many posts about "todo la noche's" back at the hotel or condo. Is that not as common in Medellin compared to the DR or other mongering destinations, or am I just missing something?Not always :-D.

See this:


04-22-13, 12:41
I plan on taking my inagural trip to Medellin later this year and just had one quick question. I've read a ton about hotels, casa's, girls, etc but unless I missed some posts. It seems like most of the "sessions" are in the back of some strip club or casa. I don't recall seeing many posts about "todo la noche's" back at the hotel or condo. Is that not as common in Medellin compared to the DR or other mongering destinations, or am I just missing something?Yo Drake! First off travel safe and report back once you decide what to do. I applaud the fact that your first post was not asking about "regular" girls. LOL!

TLN is possible but you have to understand that Medellin is "home" for these girls so in addition to seeing you they have school, work, and family commitments which make TLN difficult for. I'd say most of the girls. In the DR from what I have been told most of the "regular" girls just want to be treated nice by a gringo so they'll stay with you till you kick them curb side. The working girls in the DR travel from the country side to specifically work in one of those working girl monger towns so they have nothing else better to do than to chill with you. It is almost expected there to get a DR "girlfriend" for the weekend. Same thing with girls from SEA; from farm x dirt road town to the "Big City" they are there to provide comfort and companionship and you're there to pay for the floor boards in their family shack on the homestead. You can see this with Colombian girls what are aways from home, Panama, Aruba, ect. They are there to work and don't have other commitments so TLN? Sure! Get paid an extra $150 (what ever local currency) to sleep next to you? Sure!

I'm not saying it's not done in Medellin but I would say that short time and I guess what you could call diner / disco date (4-6 hours) to be most common.

04-22-13, 21:07
I plan on taking my inagural trip to Medellin later this year and just had one quick question. I've read a ton about hotels, casa's, girls, etc but unless I missed some posts. It seems like most of the "sessions" are in the back of some strip club or casa. I don't recall seeing many posts about "todo la noche's" back at the hotel or condo. Is that not as common in Medellin compared to the DR or other mongering destinations, or am I just missing something?I believe that the best way to accomplish your goals is to develop a network of chicas for your visits. You can meet these girls in the casas / strip clubs or at the Mansion. Once you have met a few, you can meet many more. The best way now is using Facebook. Once you have developed a little rapport with the girls, its easy to ask which of the girls who would be interested in TLN.

04-23-13, 18:40
Anyone know why some calls with Skype go through while others don't? Sometimes when I call numbers in Colombia I get a "sin trasferida" automated error message (this is not the same message as the one for voiemail).

04-24-13, 18:58
I started to use FB 2013. There is 100th, if not 1000, if not 10, 000 of young paisas willing to offer you sex services, most of them in a descret way, but many semi-pros already has this as their main forum for getting customers, thus making Cupid sites, escort sites, pimps- Obsolete in a way. At least 50% of semi-pros or pros aviod working independetly, maybe the number is much higher since many of my providers give Security a a first priority.

Extranjeros, gringos and Europeans pay and overpay and fall in love with this little sweet babes. But the locals! They try to get away the payment, steal a cel-phone. Etc.

Since we are only 2-4% of the customers, actucally at lindas Chicas we are 100% according to owner and providing supersweet Sara, but in general, plus the Colombianas with money willing to pay, still leaves upper-class hookes with a relatively high portion of non-payers, Locos etc, while their sisters at lower Estratas encounter this all the time.



Forget about Cupid, paisasdivinas etc. The best material and contact you get here- for free- and 100th, in a year you can add 1000 prepaogos. Only from Medellin.

04-24-13, 19:18
We are a group of Putoneros that want us custumers to put a limit at MAX100. Maybe one can negotioate for taxi, BBBJ, anal etc. But in prtincipal MAX100, thus loosing some spoiled babes, but all together giving us much more Pleasure for our often hard erned and taxed US$/€. At minimum wage 660k COP / month. 100+taxi is a good deal!

Maybe 100k COP is to much. New Life have babes for 65 mil COP!

I have overpaid, but I will not do it anymore.

My "serious" friends in Medellin works sometimes up 60hs a week for 1 M COP / month and I think it's stupid to pay 150-250 mil COP for a spoiled paisa, when it's only lazyness from ourside. All it needs is a little boring negotiations and accepting some refusals to get price fixed where it should belong- MAX100. And with Babes. Kickboxer done it with a Webcammodel I recommended, and she is HOT! Super38dd and a very cute face, Playboy style model babe, not a 10, maybe an 8, but anyway. 100 k COP! In Sexprison that is +$US200. +$US400 if you want a real good BBBJ, but it is seldom an option, which makes the whole idea of p4p sex useless from my point of view!

Join Us! Club MAX100 at FB

04-24-13, 23:06
Hello, I have been reading this forum for a few months now. I have gained a lot of knowledge from those who have been to Medellin before me. I am going to Medellin the second week of May, for about a two week stay. This is my first time out of the United States. From what I have read here 'no condom' is not standard in Medellin. And the best way to get a BBBJ is with a 5, 000 COP 'propina'. Furthermore I have read on this forum that anal is also not standard. My one question is where can I get full service with no condom, especially BB anal, and how much would it cost me? Any insight would be appreciated thanks.

04-25-13, 06:48
I plan on taking my inagural trip to Medellin later this year and just had one quick question. I've read a ton about hotels, casa's, girls, etc but unless I missed some posts. It seems like most of the "sessions" are in the back of some strip club or casa. I don't recall seeing many posts about "todo la noche's" back at the hotel or condo. Is that not as common in Medellin compared to the DR or other mongering destinations, or am I just missing something?You must have missed all of my posts in the last two months then :-) 90% of my encounters are take out or TLN.

04-25-13, 17:11
Hello, I have been reading this forum for a few months now. I have gained a lot of knowledge from those who have been to Medellin before me. I am going to Medellin the second week of May, for about a two week stay. This is my first time out of the United States. From what I have read here 'no condom' is not standard in Medellin. And the best way to get a BBBJ is with a 5, 000 COP 'propina'. Furthermore I have read on this forum that anal is also not standard. My one question is where can I get full service with no condom, especially BB anal, and how much would it cost me? Any insight would be appreciated thanks.Helluva first post, I'll bite. LOL.

BBJ is hit or miss especially in casas and strip clubs and yes it will take a propina but more often than not it will cost more than 5000 pesos, more like 10000-20000.

The only sexo sin condon you are going to have is with a girl that you have some serious rapport with that is built up over many trips and even then most girls will be reluctant or unwilling. You could get lucky by throwing a girl silly money and if she needs the money she might go for it but most likely not. I won't lecture you on why going BB with a prostitute is stupid.

BB anal? Good luck with this one, same scenario as what is written above apply only the odds are fifty times worse.

If you are hell bent on going BB you should have gone to the Philippines or Thailand in my opinion.

04-25-13, 17:20
We are a group of Putoneros that want us custumers to put a limit at MAX100. Maybe one can negotioate for taxi, BBBJ, anal etc. But in prtincipal MAX100, thus loosing some spoiled babes, but all together giving us much more Pleasure for our often hard erned and taxed US$/€. At minimum wage 660k COP / month. 100+taxi is a good deal!

Maybe 100k COP is to much. New Life have babes for 65 mil COP!

I have overpaid, but I will not do it anymore.

My "serious" friends in Medellin works sometimes up 60hs a week for 1 M COP / month and I think it's stupid to pay 150-250 mil COP for a spoiled paisa, when it's only lazyness from ourside. All it needs is a little boring negotiations and accepting some refusals to get price fixed where it should belong- MAX100. And with Babes. Kickboxer done it with a Webcammodel I recommended, and she is HOT! Super38dd and a very cute face, Playboy style model babe, not a 10, maybe an 8, but anyway. 100 k COP! In Sexprison that is +$US200. +$US400 if you want a real good BBBJ, but it is seldom an option, which makes the whole idea of p4p sex useless from my point of view!

Join Us! Club MAX100 at FBI couldn't find your group anywhere on FB.

04-25-13, 21:56
Helluva first post, I'll bite. LOL.

BBJ is hit or miss especially in casas and strip clubs and yes it will take a propina but more often than not it will cost more than 5000 pesos, more like 10000-20000.

The only sexo sin condon you are going to have is with a girl that you have some serious rapport with that is built up over many trips and even then most girls will be reluctant or unwilling. You could get lucky by throwing a girl silly money and if she needs the money she might go for it but most likely not. I won't lecture you on why going BB with a prostitute is stupid.

BB anal? Good luck with this one, same scenario as what is written above apply only the odds are fifty times worse.

If you are hell bent on going BB you should have gone to the Philippines or Thailand in my opinion.Good response Mani!

04-26-13, 05:16
We are a group of Putoneros that want us custumers to put a limit at MAX100. Maybe one can negotioate for taxi, BBBJ, anal etc. But in prtincipal MAX100, thus loosing some spoiled babes, but all together giving us much more Pleasure for our often hard erned and taxed US$/€. At minimum wage 660k COP / month. 100+taxi is a good deal!

Maybe 100k COP is to much. New Life have babes for 65 mil COP!

I have overpaid, but I will not do it anymore.

My "serious" friends in Medellin works sometimes up 60hs a week for 1 M COP / month and I think it's stupid to pay 150-250 mil COP for a spoiled paisa, when it's only lazyness from ourside. All it needs is a little boring negotiations and accepting some refusals to get price fixed where it should belong- MAX100. And with Babes. Kickboxer done it with a Webcammodel I recommended, and she is HOT! Super38dd and a very cute face, Playboy style model babe, not a 10, maybe an 8, but anyway. 100 k COP! In Sexprison that is +$US200. +$US400 if you want a real good BBBJ, but it is seldom an option, which makes the whole idea of p4p sex useless from my point of view!

Join Us! Club MAX100 at FBBV.

While I agree with you in principle, you're going to have a hard time doing this with so many short-term mongers frequenting MDE. Guys that are on the ground for a week or less generally don't care whether they spend 150K or 100K on a chic. But yes, you are right .100K is alot of money in MDE and if us mongers as a rule insisted on no more than that, most likely the girls would be quite happy with it.

I have almost always given girls at the Mansion / Castillo 150K. Sometimes, I don't even specifiy the amount beforehand and I just give them 150K after the deed. I know that it's wise to always agree on a rate beforehand. However the girls are so accustomed to getting 150K, that it's assumed that is what you'll give them.

Interesting, on my January visit, I was able to (inadvertently) get a Mansion chica for 80K. I was hanging out late at La Cueva and one chica was pestering me like crazy that she needed money to take a taxi home. Her friends had already left, and apparently, she hadn't had a customer. I'd already sessioned that night, so I didn't have alot of interest. However, she kept pestering me, so I finally told her all I had was the 80K in my wallet and I'd give it to her for an hour of her services. She said yes with only a little hesitation, and gave me an enthusiastic session. She did ask me not to tell any of the other girls.

So yes, Mansion girls will accept less than 150K, at least under certain circumstances. But you'd have a hell of a time trying to institute this on a regular basis. As economists would say, "prices are sticky on the downside."

Aussie Greg
04-26-13, 09:24
Quite often girls are had for 100, 000p at the Mansion, depends on you I guess and your bargaining.

A. G.


While I agree with you in principle, you're going to have a hard time doing this with so many short-term mongers frequenting MDE. Guys that are on the ground for a week or less generally don't care whether they spend 150K or 100K on a chic. But yes, you are right. 100K is alot of money in MDE and if us mongers as a rule insisted on no more than that, most likely the girls would be quite happy with it.

I have almost always given girls at the Mansion / Castillo 150K. Sometimes, I don't even specifiy the amount beforehand and I just give them 150K after the deed. I know that it's wise to always agree on a rate beforehand. However the girls are so accustomed to getting 150K, that it's assumed that is what you'll give them.

Interesting, on my January visit, I was able to (inadvertently) get a Mansion chica for 80K. I was hanging out late at La Cueva and one chica was pestering me like crazy that she needed money to take a taxi home. Her friends had already left, and apparently, she hadn't had a customer. I'd already sessioned that night, so I didn't have alot of interest. However, she kept pestering me, so I finally told her all I had was the 80K in my wallet and I'd give it to her for an hour of her services. She said yes with only a little hesitation, and gave me an enthusiastic session. She did ask me not to tell any of the other girls.

So yes, Mansion girls will accept less than 150K, at least under certain circumstances. But you'd have a hell of a time trying to institute this on a regular basis. As economists would say,"prices are sticky on the downside."

04-26-13, 11:37
Are the locales significantly different, as in massage parlors for day vs. Strip clubs at night. And are any of these place in Poblado?

I've read about the mansion but am wondering if there's like a list or google maps list on Medellin locales. I've read through a few pages but didn't see one.


04-26-13, 11:42
My bad, I missed the thread "Lists"

04-28-13, 17:08
I couldn't find anything on FB either!

I couldn't find your group anywhere on FB.

04-28-13, 18:30
Hello, I have been reading this forum for a few months now. I have gained a lot of knowledge from those who have been to Medellin before me. I am going to Medellin the second week of May, for about a two week stay. This is my first time out of the United States. From what I have read here 'no condom' is not standard in Medellin. And the best way to get a BBBJ is with a 5, 000 COP 'propina'. Furthermore I have read on this forum that anal is also not standard. My one question is where can I get full service with no condom, especially BB anal, and how much would it cost me? Any insight would be appreciated thanks.First piece of advice, be extremely clean, well showered, and shaven down below. The more the chick perceives that you are a clean person, the better all of your sessions will be. Beyond that, find a girl that you are connecting well with and session with her a couple of times. Many of the girls that I've seen more than once were down for bb sex, but it's never been an item that we've discussed before hand. It tends to happen in the heat of the moment, I've never paid extra for it. And this includes some of the higher end girls from Fase II, Loutron, and back when Cartagena had hot girls, LDV / Elektra.

My last trip to CTG I had a girl who was adamantly about a CBJ to start, and by the time we were wrapping up the session, she was talking loads of my jizz down her throat w / o rubber. IMO, it all comes down to whether you can make a connection with the girl.

04-28-13, 19:00
First piece of advice, be extremely clean, well showered, and shaven down below. The more the chick perceives that you are a clean person, the better all of your sessions will be. Beyond that, find a girl that you are connecting well with and session with her a couple of times. Many of the girls that I've seen more than once were down for bb sex, but it's never been an item that we've discussed before hand. It tends to happen in the heat of the moment, I've never paid extra for it. And this includes some of the higher end girls from Fase II, Loutron, and back when Cartagena had hot girls, LDV / Elektra.

My last trip to CTG I had a girl who was adamantly about a CBJ to start, and by the time we were wrapping up the session, she was talking loads of my jizz down her throat w / o rubber. IMO, it all comes down to whether you can make a connection with the girl.Are you young, handsome and in good shape?

I found that ten years ago and thru my 40's I recieved a lot more mileage, including BBFS than I do now that I just turned 50.

I am still in good shape and look young for my age but def older than before.

04-28-13, 22:34
Are you young, handsome and in good shape?

I found that ten years ago and thru my 40's I recieved a lot more mileage, including BBFS than I do now that I just turned 50.

I am still in good shape and look young for my age but def older than before.If I was young, handsome, and in good shape, I wouldn't need to pay for ass! I am younger, by the forum standards, and dress well.

04-28-13, 22:37
Unfortunately, there will always be over payers for pussy in Medellin. I think they do it because, in their heads, they convert the COP to USD or to their local currency and then of course that 200k cop or 150cop is just 110USD or 82USD which is a drop in a bucket compared to what the gents get paid in their home country. But we all know that is madness to give a puta one third of the minimum wage for a ST.

I get girls from the comunas like Santo Doming for 20-40 al rato. They initially expect the fantasy numbers they probably heard about but I can tell they never got and I tell them I had girls form your barrio who accepted what I am offering and I swear to you. 90% accept.

When in Rome do as the Romans do. The only locals who pay crazy money on put as are the narcotraffickers.

Member #4287
04-28-13, 23:49
Are the locales significantly different, as in massage parlors for day vs. Strip clubs at night. And are any of these place in Poblado?

I've read about the mansion but am wondering if there's like a list or google maps list on Medellin locales. I've read through a few pages but didn't see one.

ThanksJust came back from spending a week at the Mansion. Overall I liked the place. Didn't really click with the guys staying there. Just sitting around the house listening to guys talk about which chicks they banged and what they did in bed isn't my idea of a good time. At some point it just seems juvenile.

Overall they chicks in the casas where a disappointment. Only place that I found with chicks that I would actually pay money to have sex with where. Loutrons. Energy. Lindas Chicks (but only the ones that they call up). I only spent one day going to all the casas in el centro but. I didn't see even one chick that I would have paid to bang other than at the place that I mentioned. Could have been bad luck or maybe I'm pickier than most.

Most days at the Mansion I could find one or two that I was interested in banging. They weren't as hot as the hottest chicks you'll find at La Isla or Fase2. But who ever picks the chicks at the Mansion has my taste in women (flaquitas). Plus I was pleasantly surprised at the attitudes of the women. Not clock watchers. Nice to talk to. Better service than the casitas or club chicks on average.

Most days I found a chick I liked and just paid her 300, 000 for the night. Always banged them more than once and twice got morning sex. Two of them stayed until lunch time and we went out to eat. I heard that that isn't really the norm but it was my experience.

Member #4287
04-29-13, 00:21
Unfortunately, there will always be over payers for pussy in Medellin. I think they do it because, in their heads, they convert the COP to USD or to their local currency and then of course that 200k cop or 150cop is just 110USD or 82USD which is a drop in a bucket compared to what the gents get paid in their home country. But we all know that is madness to give a puta one third of the minimum wage for a ST.

I get girls from the comunas like Santo Doming for 20-40 al rato. They initially expect the fantasy numbers they probably heard about but I can tell they never got and I tell them I had girls form your barrio who accepted what I am offering and I swear to you. 90% accept.

When in Rome do as the Romans do. The only locals who pay crazy money on put as are the narcotraffickers.Went to the strip clubs in Medellin a couple of times and was expecting the places to be full of gringos. Even on the worst night 80 percent of the customers were Colombianos. I don't know if they have two different menus one for gringos and one for Colombianos but I suspect they are both paying the same prices.

I heard about how the gringos are ruining Medellin by mongering. But by first hand experience tells me they are vastly out numbered by the Colombian mongers.

04-29-13, 05:29
Planning on spending the first couple of weeks of May in MDE. Can anybody recommend any hotels in El Centro near the casas and / or Las Americas & the other two strip clubs? Ideally with the following:

1) good wifi.

2) chica friendly.

3) $35-40k cop / day.

4) relatively trustworthy staff.

5) decent bed.

Now, I did RTFF, including World Travel's 'The List'. Problem is, nowhere is there a hotel listed in El Centro with much mention of the amenities (except, of course, chica friendly). Maybe there aren't any. If you can think of anything, I'the appreciate it. If you happen to be in town, PM me. We'll have a brewsky

04-29-13, 15:59
Well, you are right about the taxi fares. I was simply pointing out what services were available.

Regarding the casas. I only provided an update on the places I visited. Yes, these were the more expensive ones.

USD42 = 77k COP.

The regulated fare of official licensed taxies is 57k. Cars+drivers provided by major hotels charge 60k.

You are suggesting a service with +35% surcharge.

Overall, you listed the most expensive places in MDE!

04-29-13, 18:47
I heard about how the gringos are ruining Medellin by mongering. But by first hand experience tells me they are vastly out numbered by the Colombian mongers.I've said as much as well. When you go to escort websites and see chica prices of 350k or more, it ain't gringos paying these prices. Most of them don't even know enough Spanish to be able to call up an escort, let alone explain how to get to his place (or understand the directions she gives him to get to her incall), lol.

Member #4394
04-30-13, 01:19
$35-40k hotels do not have WIFI. For Hotels w / WIFI, go to Gran or Nutibara and pay around 100k. Otherwise, buy a mobile internet service (and a modem) from UFF and stay at one of the economy hotels around Las Americas.

Planning on spending the first couple of weeks of May in MDE. Can anybody recommend any hotels in El Centro near the casas and / or Las Americas & the other two strip clubs? Ideally with the following:

1) good wifi.

2) chica friendly.

3) $35-40k cop / day.

4) relatively trustworthy staff.

5) decent bed.

Now, I did RTFF, including World Travel's 'The List'. Problem is, nowhere is there a hotel listed in El Centro with much mention of the amenities (except, of course, chica friendly). Maybe there aren't any. If you can think of anything, I'the appreciate it. If you happen to be in town, PM me. We'll have a brewsky

04-30-13, 03:06
Just came back from spending a week at the Mansion. Overall I liked the place. Didn't really click with the guys staying there. Just sitting around the house listening to guys talk about which chicks they banged and what they did in bed isn't my idea of a good time. At some point it just seems juvenile.

Overall they chicks in the casas where a disappointment. Only place that I found with chicks that I would actually pay money to have sex with where. Loutrons. Energy. Lindas Chicks (but only the ones that they call up). I only spent one day going to all the casas in el centro but. I didn't see even one chick that I would have paid to bang other than at the place that I mentioned. Could have been bad luck or maybe I'm pickier than most.

Most days at the Mansion I could find one or two that I was interested in banging. They weren't as hot as the hottest chicks you'll find at La Isla or Fase2. But who ever picks the chicks at the Mansion has my taste in women (flaquitas). Plus I was pleasantly surprised at the attitudes of the women. Not clock watchers. Nice to talk to. Better service than the casitas or club chicks on average.

Most days I found a chick I liked and just paid her 300, 000 for the night. Always banged them more than once and twice got morning sex. Two of them stayed until lunch time and we went out to eat. I heard that that isn't really the norm but it was my experience.Hehehe funny there was a guy there that every time I mentioned a girl that I liked he would tell me how many orgasms he gave her ("you like that girl. I gave her 14 orgasms" LOL!). After awhile whenever I saw him I would just politely smile and keep walking.

04-30-13, 05:16
Went to the strip clubs in Medellin a couple of times and was expecting the places to be full of gringos. Even on the worst night 80 percent of the customers were Colombianos. I don't know if they have two different menus one for gringos and one for Colombianos but I suspect they are both paying the same prices.

I heard about how the gringos are ruining Medellin by mongering. But by first hand experience tells me they are vastly out numbered by the Colombian mongers.It should be kept in mind that our hobby only thrives in places where the local men are mongers. It always irritates me to hear feminists preach about how terrible it is that men from the US or Europe go to Brasil, Colombia, DR, Thailand to pay for sex with the local women. The rarely-mentioned fact is that the men in these countries are fierce mongers themselves. We really couldn't do what we do if that wasn't the case.

04-30-13, 07:24
How do we find chicas on Facebook to hang out with? Do we just try to "friend" chicas? If we are looking for prepagos, is Facebook easy to use for this? What are the logistics of using Facebook for finding chicas in Colombia?

I started to use FB 2013. There is 100th, if not 1000, if not 10, 000 of young paisas willing to offer you sex services, most of them in a descret way, but many semi-pros already has this as their main forum for getting customers, thus making Cupid sites, escort sites, pimps- Obsolete in a way. At least 50% of semi-pros or pros aviod working independetly, maybe the number is much higher since many of my providers give Security a a first priority.

Extranjeros, gringos and Europeans pay and overpay and fall in love with this little sweet babes. But the locals! They try to get away the payment, steal a cel-phone. Etc.

Since we are only 2-4% of the customers, actucally at lindas Chicas we are 100% according to owner and providing supersweet Sara, but in general, plus the Colombianas with money willing to pay, still leaves upper-class hookes with a relatively high portion of non-payers, Locos etc, while their sisters at lower Estratas encounter this all the time.



Forget about Cupid, paisasdivinas etc. The best material and contact you get here- for free- and 100th, in a year you can add 1000 prepaogos. Only from Medellin.

04-30-13, 07:36
Hello, I have been reading this forum for a few months now. I have gained a lot of knowledge from those who have been to Medellin before me. I am going to Medellin the second week of May, for about a two week stay. This is my first time out of the United States. From what I have read here 'no condom' is not standard in Medellin. And the best way to get a BBBJ is with a 5, 000 COP 'propina'. Furthermore I have read on this forum that anal is also not standard. My one question is where can I get full service with no condom, especially BB anal, and how much would it cost me? Any insight would be appreciated thanks.BB anal with a p*ta? In a third world country? Seriously?

Vegas Jeff
04-30-13, 20:22
Are you young, handsome and in good shape?

I found that ten years ago and thru my 40's I recieved a lot more mileage, including BBFS than I do now that I just turned 50.

I am still in good shape and look young for my age but def older than before.If you are a young 50 and in good shape I am surprised to hear that you are experiencing a significant reduction due to your age increase. I am 38 and have been living in Latin America for 9 years but have many friends that meet your profile and have not seen this with them. On the regular girl side, yes. On the working girl side, no.

In general, girls in Medellin are more sensitive to weight than they are to age when it comes to sex. Also, BBFS has more to do with where and how you meet the girl, how much experience she has, as well as your connection with her.

04-30-13, 22:28
It should be kept in mind that our hobby only thrives in places where the local men are mongers. It always irritates me to hear feminists preach about how terrible it is that men from the US or Europe go to Brasil, Colombia, DR, Thailand to pay for sex with the local women. The rarely-mentioned fact is that the men in these countries are fierce mongers themselves. We really couldn't do what we do if that wasn't the case.Excellent point and well stated.

05-01-13, 00:11
Hello guys,

I am planning a trip somewhere in Columbia in a few months time. Thus I am single and.

Very intrested in south american girls in some soth-american countries, I want to

Marry one of that girls. I think that single charts aren`t the way to find real attcactive.

Latin american women, because It seems that the attractive ones doesn't use these media.

I don't't care that she will be a working girl, if she look good and does`t has HIV or something.

It will be my first time mongering in south America, because I am a relatively young person.

How do you estimate the girls you have fucked? If you are a wealthy Gringo and would have.

Told one of them that you find her nice and would be intrested in marrying her and taking her to.

Your homecountry, would she have said yes?

Did you ever get marriage proposals from one of the girls while mongering and if yes, where?

I am really curious about that issue.


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05-01-13, 03:42
Marrying a prostitue and another one talks about unprotected anal sex!

". Where can I get full service with no condom, especially BB anal, and how much would it cost me"

I don't know where but it will cost you around Hip-C. LOL.

". I don't't care that she will be a working girl, if she look good and does`t has HIV or something"

Or something! Like what. LOL.

Really guys?

Aussie Greg
05-01-13, 05:02
I think its all good, go for it mate.
I've got a few ex girlfriends you can try out, but one thing, your spelling is worse than mine!

A. G.

Hello guys,

I am planning a trip somewhere in Columbia in a few months time. Thus I am single and.

Very intrested in south american girls in some soth-american countries, I want to

Marry one of that girls. I think that single charts aren`t the way to find real attcactive.

Latin american women, because It seems that the attractive ones doesn't use these media.

I don't't care that she will be a working girl, if she look good and does`t has HIV or something.

It will be my first time mongering in south America, because I am a relatively young person.

How do you estimate the girls you have fucked? If you are a wealthy Gringo and would have.

Told one of them that you find her nice and would be intrested in marrying her and taking her to.

Your homecountry, would she have said yes?

Did you ever get marriage proposals from one of the girls while mongering and if yes, where?

I am really curious about that issue.

Chocha Monger
05-01-13, 05:07
Hello guys,

I am planning a trip somewhere in Columbia in a few months time. Thus I am single and.

Very intrested in south american girls in some soth-american countries, I want to

Marry one of that girls. I think that single charts aren`t the way to find real attcactive.

Latin american women, because It seems that the attractive ones doesn't use these media.

I don't't care that she will be a working girl, if she look good and does`t has HIV or something.

It will be my first time mongering in south America, because I am a relatively young person.

How do you estimate the girls you have fucked? If you are a wealthy Gringo and would have.

Told one of them that you find her nice and would be intrested in marrying her and taking her to.

Your homecountry, would she have said yes?

Did you ever get marriage proposals from one of the girls while mongering and if yes, where?

I am really curious about that issue.Are you a man or goat to ask such silly questions? Do you think a ho will stop charging you if you marry her? Hell no sucker you'll still be paying for that ass while pimps in your home country do her for free! Only weak ass tricks like that dentist from the movie Hangover beg prostitutes to marry them. Do yourself a favor and cancel your trip because those Colombian putas will give you some nasty ass sex, steal your money, break your heart and leave you crying like a little beech! It's not like Pretty Woman son.

05-01-13, 05:10
How do we find chicas on Facebook to hang out with? Do we just try to "friend" chicas? If we are looking for prepagos, is Facebook easy to use for this? What are the logistics of using Facebook for finding chicas in Colombia?Like any social network, you need to have a few connections before you get connected to others and grow your little network. One way to get started is chat up a couple girls on romancelatina and connect with them on facebook. As you build your friend network, facebook will start recommending prepago friends of theirs and you'll also notice them from taggings in pictures and comments to status posts.

You'll need to friend some of the uglier prepagos in order to build the network. Trust me, there are a LOT of working girls (maybe the vast majority) out there that I would never consider paying. Just like the real world, you can use the ugly girls to get connected to the better looking ones.

05-01-13, 09:41
Just finalized the date of my first ever Colombia trip which will be in November. I know it still a long way off but I went ahead and booked my hotels already. I want to stay close by the centro casas and strip clubs so the two hotels I booked are all located in centro Medellin. Hotel Villa De La Candelaria is the first one, located at Cra 42 N. 50- 101. Booking's review gave it a average score of 6. 3/10. Hotel Conquistadores is the second hotel, located at Carrera 54 No. 49- 31. Booking's review gave it an average score of 7. 4/10. I combed through this forum but found no info about either hotel whatsoever. Can anyone stayed at either hotel or hotels in centro tell me if the centro hotels are CHICA FRIENDLY? I booked both hotels paying the 2 GUEST RATE. Hopefully they will allow me to bring chicas into my room.


05-01-13, 18:28
Are you a man or goat to ask such silly questions? Do you think a ho will stop charging you if you marry her? Hell no sucker you'll still be paying for that ass while pimps in your home country do her for free! Only weak ass tricks like that dentist from the movie Hangover beg prostitutes to marry them. Do yourself a favor and cancel your trip because those Colombian putas will give you some nasty ass sex, steal your money, break your heart and leave you crying like a little beech! It's not like Pretty Woman son.This puta will not be able to steel a lot of my money, because she will not get my pinns.

She may steel a 100$ banknote if she is clever enough and thats it. She will have more of my.

Money, if she would marry me, but she will have to ask for it (the money). Aren`t those girls from third world countries intrested.

In marrying more rich foreignes to escape the poverty? They must be.

I thought getting into conact with them via mongering is the most efficient way. Remember I have not soo much time,

I am only there for two or three weeks. Should I go to the discotecas to find a more decent girl?

You said that the Columbian putas were unmoral. Do you think that some other latin-american countries are.

Better suitable for that issue than Columbia (except Brazil because I don`t speak portugese)?


This facebook thing sees also a good idea to me.

I have not thought about that before.

Maybe I will do so, maybe not.

Do you think the younger generation of Columbian girls

Have a facebook account which they use more than one time a week in the internet cafes? They may not have an own computer.

Except of the students, maybe.


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05-01-13, 19:21
I think that Halterma is pulling our legs.

Nobody could be that nieve.

If so he can stay home and marry a working girl in his own country.

At least he would not have the cultural issues to deal with.

05-01-13, 19:36
This puta will not be able to steel a lot of my money, because she will not get my pinns.

She may steel a 100$ banknote if she is clever enough and thats it. She will have more of my.

Money, if she would marry me, but she will have to ask for it (the money). Aren`t those girls from third world countries intrested.

In marrying more rich foreignes to escape the poverty? They must be.

I thought getting into conact with them via mongering is the most efficient way. Remember I have not soo much time,

I am only there for two or three weeks. Should I go to the discotecas to find a more decent girl?

You said that the Columbian putas were unmoral. Do you think that some other latin-american countries are.

Better suitable for that issue than Columbia (except Brazil because I don`t speak portugese)?


This facebook thing sees also a good idea to me.

I have not thought about that before.

Maybe I will do so, maybe not.

Do you think the younger generation of Columbian girls

Have a facebook account which they use more than one time a week in the internet cafes? They may not have an own computer.

Except of the students, maybe.Keep in mind that most of the working girls have a small child. Typically, that's why they got in the game. Ask yourself if you want an insta-family with a woman who is likely jaded about life and / or money.

That being said, there are many nice semi-pros who would be just as happy with time spent on your room and a gift instead of going out to dinner. You might find a person you like in between rolls in the hay.

A lot of credit for this knowledge goes to the proprietor of Poblado Rentals (on Facebook). Stay at one of his places in a nice location that is less expensive than nearby hotels and you get some very good advice and connections as well.

Member #4287
05-01-13, 20:14
Are you a man or goat to ask such silly questions? Do you think a ho will stop charging you if you marry her? Hell no sucker you'll still be paying for that ass while pimps in your home country do her for free! Only weak ass tricks like that dentist from the movie Hangover beg prostitutes to marry them. Do yourself a favor and cancel your trip because those Colombian putas will give you some nasty ass sex, steal your money, break your heart and leave you crying like a little beech! It's not like Pretty Woman son.One man's prepago is an other man's life long loving wife.

When someone asks me "What kind of a person are you?". I always have to say. Well that depends on what kind of person you are.

05-01-13, 20:36
Just finalized the date of my first ever Colombia trip which will be in November. I know it still a long way off but I went ahead and booked my hotels already. I want to stay close by the centro casas and strip clubs so the two hotels I booked are all located in centro Medellin. Hotel Villa De La Candelaria is the first one, located at Cra 42 N. 50- 101. Booking's review gave it a average score of 6. 3/10. Hotel Conquistadores is the second hotel, located at Carrera 54 No. 49- 31. Booking's review gave it an average score of 7. 4/10. I combed through this forum but found no info about either hotel whatsoever. Can anyone stayed at either hotel or hotels in centro tell me if the centro hotels are CHICA FRIENDLY? I booked both hotels paying the 2 GUEST RATE. Hopefully they will allow me to bring chicas into my room.

DreamCarnarvonHi guy, the reason you found nothing searching those hotels is because no mongers would stay in them, main reason too far away if you want to walk to the action. Centro is more like calle 53 and carrera 50. The candelaria hotel is in colon not candelaria [offical centro area name]. Book one night somewhere and then look around the centro area before your checkout time. Lots of hotels in centro from 40k cop to 120k cop and no need to reserve, conquistadores a no solo gringo walk area at night. Ps I live in centro. You can walk calle 53 [maracaibo and strip club calle] at night, calle 54 a bit iffy, calle 55 you have a death wish even in the day time. All near carrera 50

Chocha Monger
05-02-13, 00:45
She will have more of my money, if she would marry me, but she will have to ask for it (the money). Aren`t those girls from third world countries intrested in marrying more rich foreignes to escape the poverty? They must be.They are interested in marrying rich silly foreigners to get their money and a visa to the rich silly foreigners' country. Are you a rich silly foreigner? What country are you planning to take your new prostitute wife to? Is it a country that will let you keep all of your money when she divorces you?

05-02-13, 01:40
This puta will not be able to steel a lot of my money, because she will not get my pinns.

She may steel a 100$ banknote if she is clever enough and thats it. She will have more of my.

Money, if she would marry me, but she will have to ask for it (the money). Aren`t those girls from third world countries intrested.

In marrying more rich foreignes to escape the poverty? They must be.

I thought getting into conact with them via mongering is the most efficient way. Remember I have not soo much time,

I am only there for two or three weeks. Should I go to the discotecas to find a more decent girl?

You said that the Columbian putas were unmoral. Do you think that some other latin-american countries are.

Better suitable for that issue than Columbia (except Brazil because I don`t speak portugese)?


This facebook thing sees also a good idea to me.

I have not thought about that before.

Maybe I will do so, maybe not.

Do you think the younger generation of Columbian girls

Have a facebook account which they use more than one time a week in the internet cafes? They may not have an own computer.

Except of the students, maybe.Halterma, I'm going to have to agree with Chocha. NO prostitute is ever going to make a wife. Are you desperate or something? I don't know your situation but if you really want to find a girl, your going to have to get to know one. As suggested, go to facebook. There are numbers of them on there and you will need to friend them. Build yourself a reputation as a nice guy and you want to visit the country soon and they will open up to you. No way in hell should you consider a working girl. Another point is yes, these girls want a better life so they will do what they need to do to get inside of you and to milk you. Sorry bro, but you need to get that out of your head fast. Not sure what country you are in but why on earth would you want to go through the headaches and heartaches, then the financials. Bro, these are ho's. If you really want to find a nice girl, you will have to live there for a min of 3 months and build a relationship with a "regular" girl. I just met 2 girls here in US and I will be visiting in a few months. I have built a good relationship with them to be invited to stay at their place when I visit. Go to a spot where columbians hang out in your local area and get to know some. Then, mention that you want to meet some of their beautiful friends. They will vouch for you and you will meet a girl who will want you for you. Stay off this board if you are looking for a wife. Stay on this board if you want info on how to monger and enjoy the hobby.

Que Rico
05-02-13, 02:55
Hello guys,

I am planning a trip somewhere in Columbia in a few months time. Thus I am single and.

Very intrested in south american girls in some soth-american countries, I want to

Marry one of that girls. I think that single charts aren`t the way to find real attcactive.

Latin american women, because It seems that the attractive ones doesn't use these media.

I don't't care that she will be a working girl, if she look good and does`t has HIV or something.

It will be my first time mongering in south America, because I am a relatively young person.

How do you estimate the girls you have fucked? If you are a wealthy Gringo and would have.

Told one of them that you find her nice and would be intrested in marrying her and taking her to.

Your homecountry, would she have said yes?

Did you ever get marriage proposals from one of the girls while mongering and if yes, where?

I am really curious about that issue.You are out of your mind, misinformed and or brainwashed. Keep asking these question again and again and the truth shall appear. I don't believe you will ever go to Colombia, your just a horny lonely guy NOT from the US based on your grammar.

Check out the section here on dating Colombian woman LOL it was closed and one thread remains, its all true. Read it.

Member #4287
05-02-13, 19:35
Halterma, I'm going to have to agree with Chocha. NO prostitute is ever going to make a wife. Are you desperate or something? I don't know your situation but if you really want to find a girl, your going to have to get to know one. As suggested, go to facebook. There are numbers of them on there and you will need to friend them. Build yourself a reputation as a nice guy and you want to visit the country soon and they will open up to you. No way in hell should you consider a working girl. Another point is yes, these girls want a better life so they will do what they need to do to get inside of you and to milk you. Sorry bro, but you need to get that out of your head fast. Not sure what country you are in but why on earth would you want to go through the headaches and heartaches, then the financials. Bro, these are ho's. If you really want to find a nice girl, you will have to live there for a min of 3 months and build a relationship with a "regular" girl. I just met 2 girls here in US and I will be visiting in a few months. I have built a good relationship with them to be invited to stay at their place when I visit. Go to a spot where columbians hang out in your local area and get to know some. Then, mention that you want to meet some of their beautiful friends. They will vouch for you and you will meet a girl who will want you for you. Stay off this board if you are looking for a wife. Stay on this board if you want info on how to monger and enjoy the hobby.I have been married and divorced 5 times and have never seen the inside of a divorce court.

If you don't know how to protect your assets with a trust formed before marriage and a pre-nup. Then by all means don't get married to any woman. If you do know how to take care of yourself then by all means marry a working girl if you want.

Also if you cry about lost love and are the sentimental type you want to try to marry someone you know well. Other than that do what you want. Life is too short.

05-03-13, 00:17
I am going to the Mansion at the end of the month. I have done a some research but would still be interested in any information any of you more seasoned Medellin mongers can provide.

Aussie Greg
05-03-13, 03:01
His name is John, Medellin Executive or some thing like that.

A. G.

I'm not talking about greg but I think Greg knows him. Anyway the guy I am talking about may be Mike and he was in the coast guard in miami and lives / ed in the mansion with his colombian wife. I'm just trying to track him down because I liked his house and the rooms but I heard it was up for sale.

Thanks in advance

05-03-13, 13:53
I am going to the Mansion at the end of the month. I have done a some research but would still be interested in any information any of you more seasoned Medellin mongers can provide.I just got back from the Mansion. It was my first trip to mde. You are going to love it! The guys at the Mansion are really going to take care of you! The girls too! Stay at the Mansion! After that the guys at the Mansion will fill you in on the rest! No more research will be needed!

Chocha Monger
05-03-13, 14:41
[Deleted by Admin]


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted because Chocha Monger is limited to posting ACTIONABLE INFORMATION and is specifically prohibited from posting comments about other forum members. Thanks!

Member #4287
05-03-13, 15:57
I guess your nuts have been subjected to a vasectomy and no children were produced in any of your 5 marriages. A trust and a pre-nup is not going keep you out of court if you have kids. Halterma might not be able to afford the cost involved in importing and divorcing 5 putas and supporting their kids. He is probably not a trust fund baby if he is on this site thinking about marrying the first puta who accepts his proposal. Frankly, I think Halterma is just bullshitting the board for laughs. ROTFLMAO!I think he doesn't have a thing to lose. So why not throw caution to the wind and marry a working girl if he wants.

You are right I never had children with any of my wives. I do have one son to a woman that I never married. So I don't really make a connection between marriage and having children. You can get married and never have kids or have dozens of childern and never get married.

Chocha Monger
05-04-13, 00:47
[Deleted by Admin]


EDITOR's NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted because Chocha Monger is limited to posting ACTIONABLE INFORMATION and is specifically prohibited from posting comments about other forum members. Thanks!

05-04-13, 04:19
Well, if Halterma doesn't have a pot to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) in and intends to keep it that way and not knock up his prostitute wife then it is probably low risk. He could probably let her work the strip clubs and the track to bring in revenue for the household. Hopefully, he gets his immigration fees and expenses back before she runs off with one of the thousands of sex starved guys in his homeland trying to get that ass without going through the importation process by outbidding Halterma's puta compensation package.Hey, I am earning good vages. She will be not demanded to work, except of a minijob maybe and not as a prostitute anymore. By the way there were some useful tips, thanks. I won`t marry her just take her as girlfriend, to avoid to loos money when devorse. I will not have a prostitute girlfriend, but an ex-prostitute girlfriend. That`s a huge difference.

05-04-13, 07:56
I really enjoy discussions on a variety of topics remotely related to mongering in Colombia or sex with Colombianas but don't you guys think such discussions belong in the "General" section? Can we PLEASE save this thread to MDE specific mongering reports or topics. Thank you.

Vegas Jeff
05-04-13, 09:52
I just got back from the Mansion. It was my first trip to MDE. You are going to love it! The guys at the Mansion are really going to take care of you! The girls too! Stay at the Mansion! After that the guys at the Mansion will fill you in on the rest! No more research will be needed!Good advice to first timers to headed to Medellin. A little research doesn't hurt though.

05-04-13, 20:22
Hey, I am earning good vages. She will be not demanded to work, except of a minijob maybe and not as a prostitute anymore. By the way there were some useful tips, thanks. I won`t marry her just take her as girlfriend, to avoid to loos money when devorse. I will not have a prostitute girlfriend, but an ex-prostitute girlfriend. That`s a huge difference.Not that big of a difference imo. But hey do whatever makes you happy. Lot's of Colombian guys are dating or married to putas and they don't even know it. At least you will know up front that your girl fucks for bucks (or pesos or whatever).

But don't forget that the likelihood of her taking money for sex while you are at work, or otherwise not around is fairly high. Not saying girls don't quit the life and go straight, as some obviously do. Just saying that once a girl knows she can get paid for fucking random guys (and her moral values are ok with this) , it's a lot less likely she will only be having your cock inside her. If that doesn't matter to you then knock yourself out!

Now if you find one that looks like Lupe Fuentes then all bets are off. Marry that puta, take her home and start making pornos with her. Then make yourselves a nice porn website, get her on the strip club circuit and start making some bank! Suitcase pimp for the motherfucking win!

05-05-13, 14:28
Bart1 please check your inbox. I sent you a message.

05-05-13, 18:25
One man's prepago is an other man's life long loving wife.

When someone asks me "What kind of a person are you?". I always have to say. Well that depends on what kind of person you are.This. This perfectly sums up my thoughts on the whole topic.

Aussie Greg
05-06-13, 00:14
New club opening soon in Barrio Colombia, a little like LTV (I think that's what they call it) in Cartagena I have been told, a afternoon and night time club.

Do I have financial interest in it, fuck no but good luck to them.
I'm to busy following the cricket some where in the world.

A. G.

05-06-13, 00:58
New club opening soon in Barrio Colombia, a little like LTV (I think that's what they call it) in Cartagena I have been told, a afternoon and night time club.

Do I have financial interest in it, fuck no but good luck to them.

I'm to busy following the cricket some where in the world.

A. G.That is great news. The one in CTG is LDV (La dolce Vita). What is the one in MDE going to be called and when is the opening date? I hope it is this week. :-D

05-06-13, 01:19
I know some of you are probably tired of my reports from some of the more up market places. I figured reporting that and helping a minority of mongers is better than writing stuff that is of no use use to most readers. :-)

It is raining a lot here but if you use taxis, that should not effect mongeing that much.

Went to Fase at 11 pm. Ask for my two top Chicas there and neither of them are there. The muscle at the door said they would arrive in an hour. I think he just made that up. I don't think these guys really know if a girl is going to show up that particular night or not. I was already nicely buzzed when I walked in so I did not buy any drinks. I drink water and watch dancers for 40 minutes or so. I like flacas, blancas, that are all-natural without exaggerated curves. I was about to leave and then walks in Margarita who heads straight to the stage. She's exactly my type. She's is a solid 9 in my books, 5 feet three or 4 inches, fair skinned, beautiful natural tits and a cute face, though with a bit more make up than I like. I had her come over and chat with me for a while. I made sure she provides, or comfortable providing what I like. We go to the room for one hour. It was very nice. She did not rock my world but I sincerely believ that it was partly me. I was too tired. I will not hesitate repeating.

I ate at the grill out side the place and the lady that runs that place is a sweet heart.

With reference to an earlier discussion, the two hours I was there during the peak times on a Saturday, I was the only obvious foreigner. Rest are all Colombians.

05-06-13, 02:27
I know some of you are probably tired of my reports from some of the more up market places. I figured reporting that and helping a minority of mongers is better than writing stuff that is of no use use to most readers. .

It is raining a lot here but if you use taxis, that should not effect mongeing that much.

Went to Fase at 11 pm. Ask for my two top Chicas there and neither of them are there. The muscle at the door said they would arrive in an hour. I think he just made that up. I don't think these guys really know if a girl is going to show up that particular night or not. I was already nicely buzzed when I walked in so I did not buy any drinks. I drink water and watch dancers for 40 minutes or so. I like flacas, blancas, that are all-natural without exaggerated curves. I was about to leave and then walks in Margarita who heads straight to the stage. She's exactly my type. She's is a solid 9 in my books. 5 feet three or 4 inches, fair skinned, beautiful natural tits and a cute face, though with a bit more make up than I like. I had her come over and chat with me for a while. I made sure she provides, or comfortable providing what I like. We go to the room for one hour. It was very nice. She did not rock my world but I sincerely believ that it was partly me. I was too tired. I will not hesitate repeating.

I ate at the grill out side the place and the lady that runs that place is a sweet heart.

With reference to an earlier discussion, the two hours I was there during the peak times on a Saturday, I was the only obvious foreigner. Rest are all Colombians.How much it costs there for a complete 1 hour season with a chica who likes BBBJ / CIM price included?

Aussie Greg
05-06-13, 18:19
Probley 3-4 months, partners are formed, property has been found.

As of yet no name, I was told it will open at 2. 00pm in the afternoon till late.

A. G.

That is great news. The one in CTG is LDV (La dolce Vita). What is the one in MDE going to be called and when is the opening date? I hope it is this week. :-D

05-07-13, 00:47
Looking at some of the websites, it appears that there is much talent (and beauty) on many of the escort websites. First, I have no idea if the escort sites are reliable. Assuming reliability, the prices seem comparable to the clubs and bars.

I am one who does not like bars. If I can meet chicas through the websites, am I not better off than having to go the clubs and

Bars? As mentioned above, it does not appear to be much discrepancy in prices.

I would love to hear your thoughts regarding the usage of the escort websites.

05-07-13, 06:12
Probley 3-4 months, partners are formed, property has been found.

As of yet no name, I was told it will open at 2. 00pm in the afternoon till late.

A. G.I am one of the partners in the new LDV type club. I am known as "Av8tr" on other boards like Club Hombre. AG is correct. We haven't decided on a name but have found a great location and secured all the financing we will need. Really great partners involved should help make it a really fun place. We are hoping to open in July, but this is Mde so you never know. We will be raffling off a set of silicone breasts to a lucky chica at the grand opening even though I can't stand them. I imagine that will bring a bunch of them, although I doubt getting the girls there is likely to be any kind of a problem.

Feel free to ask any questions and I will answer as best I can. I will keep this board up to date with info.

05-07-13, 16:35
I am one of the partners in the new LDV type club. I am known as "Av8tr" on other boards like Club Hombre. AG is correct. We haven't decided on a name but have found a great location and secured all the financing we will need. Really great partners involved should help make it a really fun place. We are hoping to open in July, but this is Mde so you never know. We will be raffling off a set of silicone breasts to a lucky chica at the grand opening even though I can't stand them. I imagine that will bring a bunch of them, although I doubt getting the girls there is likely to be any kind of a problem.

Feel free to ask any questions and I will answer as best I can. I will keep this board up to date with info.Wow!

This will be the biggest thing in Medellin since the Bandeja Paisa hehehe!

I wish you guys luck in jumping through all the Colombian hoops to get this place up and running.

I know nothing about what regulatory hoops or payoffs it takes to get this done, but I imagine there are a at least a few.

Congrats and good luck!

I'm sure I'll be one of the horndogs adding to your profits 👍 👍 😜

05-07-13, 23:36
I frequently check out this forum, in hopes of enticing myself to finally visit Medellin. I'm contemplating a two night visit to Medellin from Cartagena this month. Medellin being such a big city Leaves me feeling worried of being lost upon my arrival. It seems like for someone such as myslef, the best course of action would be to book a room at La Mansion. But I'm having lots of trouble finding this place. I can't find a number or an email me tha allows me to get in contact with anyone. I'm hoping if someone can help me out and point me in the right direction. Also, I'm wondering if anyone has made a map similar to that of hillbilly's of Cartagena. I hope for a lot of feedback. Thanks.

05-08-13, 02:53
Feel free to ask any questions and I will answer as best I can. I will keep this board up to date with info.Are your partners Gringos, Colombianos, or both? Which neighborhood will it be in? Will you live here, or do you already? Since some of us have never been to LVD, how about describing the set up.

And feel free to add any more info.

05-08-13, 03:10
Are your partners Gringos, Colombianos, or both? Which neighborhood will it be in? Will you live here, or do you already? Since some of us have never been to LVD, how about describing the set up.

And feel free to add any more info.Read up a bit in the Cartagena forum, there is TONS written about LDV. It is a freelance bar, that about sums it up.

05-08-13, 04:11
Thanks Ricker. Looking forward to meeting you and many of the other mongering vets. I think you're on CH also yes?

Dboy. LDV La Dolca Vita is a freelance bar in Cartagena where the girls go to hang out and meet Westerners to hookup. Virtually all are working girls. We intend to emulate that model. All the partners are Americans, although Robert has lived there for about 10 years and has all that experience running the Mansion so he's well aware of the hoops. I don't want to get too detailed for obvious reasons but I have met with the necessary powers and we've hired "consultants" in the right places to streamline the process.

The place we found already has a license for liquor, music, etc and it's near Fase Dos and San Diego. It's on a cul de sac with very good security. I'll be heading back to Mde in 2 weeks to start the remodeling. One of the partners will be living on the premises and working full time. Robert will be very hands on, and I will be there about 1 week a month to start. We'll see how that works. We will have food as well.

05-08-13, 09:27
We are hoping to open in July, but this is Mde so you never know.Well, I will be making my first visit to Mde (2nd to Colombia) over a few days in mid-July, so I wish you success in meeting your timetable. As you say, you never know, so I won't be surprised if I don't get to stop by.

05-08-13, 12:32

This will be the biggest thing in Medellin since the Bandeja Paisa hehehe!

I wish you guys luck in jumping through all the Colombian hoops to get this place up and running.

I know nothing about what regulatory hoops or payoffs it takes to get this done, but I imagine there are a at least a few.

Congrats and good luck!

I'm sure I'll be one of the horndogs adding to your profits.You are one of the few that have been to Medellin pre Mansion era when the hot free lancers combed San Diego Mall at night so you know what the deal is. I don't think this freelance puta bar is going to work yo well unless the chicas come from outside of Medellin. Girls hook in anynimity if possible where the risk of running into a family member. Look at the Alamo bat in Lletas. No risk of running into their family in the Mansion or in a private apartment with a gringo. Some girls just hooked in Cartagena before the Romance Latina. MM came along.

05-08-13, 20:10
You are one of the few that have been to Medellin pre Mansion era when the hot free lancers combed San Diego Mall at night so you know what the deal is. I don't think this freelance puta bar is going to work yo well unless the chicas come from outside of Medellin. Girls hook in anynimity if possible where the risk of running into a family member. Look at the Alamo bat in Lletas. No risk of running into their family in the Mansion or in a private apartment with a gringo. Some girls just hooked in Cartagena before the Romance Latina. MM came along.Well, the only thing that having frequented Medellin pre Mansion days, is make me an expert on remeniscing about the 'good ole days' before the gringo invasion in Medellin hahaha.

You make a good point about chicas not wanting their family members to find out what they're up to, and this new place will probably lose some chicas who fear this.

However, this new place (LDV style) will attract lots of gringos, and most working chicas know that gringos pay good and sometimes foolish money for chocha, and the word will get out about this place.

I think this could very well be a Field of Dreams for both working chicas looking for easy gringo money and gringos just looking to grab hot chicas and run, no fuss of paying multas, having to have a room at the hotel, etc like at Face Dos, Mansion, etc.

The interesting thing will be whether chicas decide to do the Mansion thing, where guys' rooms are just upstairs from the bar, making it much easier to do multiple tricks, or to hang out at the new place where a guy will have to drag them to their apartment, which unlike LDV Cartagena, it won't just be a short walk up the road.

However, this new place will have many more gringos who have access to enter, so many more potential customers to select them, so many gringos who'll pay good pesos for them.

I just have this feeling that this place has great potential for success.

Lots and lots of hot chicas in Medellin who will succumb to the availability of the gringo $$.

Should be fun, and I'm looking forward to participating and watching this new chapter in Medellin mongering unfold.

05-08-13, 20:37
However, this new place (LDV style) will attract lots of gringos, and most working chicas know that gringos pay good and sometimes foolish money for chocha, and the word will get out about this place.Isn't that both a bad thing as well? We can both agree that Medellin is no Cartagena. Plop an LDV-styled club in the middle of Medellin and now all the "banditos" know where to go get gringos and their gold at. Are they planning to put tourist police around the place who will escort your taxi back to your apartment or hotel to ensure that you don't get robbed on the way back?

The good thing about the Mansion is that it is low-key. You can grab a girl and take her to up to your room or up the hill to HMP 2. It is also situated in a wealthy neighborhood with security lingering around the entire neighborhood (for different residences).

Even gringos who visit El Centro at night are mostly surrounded by broke-to-average income Colombianos (if they had money they would be at La Isla, Fase II, Luna Lunera, etc.) , so none of the thieves are hanging around there expecting to rob anyone and expecting to receive a huge payout.

Don't know why you would want to willingly paint a target on yourself by setting up a "BIG MONEY GRINGOS INSIDE" type of place in Medellin. And in what Barrio? If it gets set up in some place like Las Palmas or anywhere near Poblado (I doubt it), then maybe gringos will not have much to worry about in the way of safety. If any of you are familiar with Clasicos in Sosua (when it was open and pre-crack down), you know that all of the hustlers in Sosua would hang around the entrance watching who is going in and coming out. But then again, Sosua has a heavy tourist police presence.

But the truth of the matter is mongering works in Medellin because it is kept under the radar (which is why the mansion has been successful). They didn't tell Greg to place a tarp over his pool and make everyone clear the pool area by 6pm for nothing.

Hats off to them if they can pull it off. I'd be the first to say I would like to see another freelance type of bar that would rival the old Help Disco (Rio) and Clasicos in Sosua. But if it is going to compromise my safety while there then I will pass.

El Bacano
05-08-13, 21:18
I think there will never be a full gringo invasion in Colombia because of the danger.

05-08-13, 23:21
Isn't that both a bad thing as well? We can both agree that Medellin is no Cartagena. Plop an LDV-styled club in the middle of Medellin and now all the "banditos" know where to go get gringos and their gold at. Are they planning to put tourist police around the place who will escort your taxi back to your apartment or hotel to ensure that you don't get robbed on the way back?

The good thing about the Mansion is that it is low-key. You can grab a girl and take her to up to your room or up the hill to HMP 2. It is also situated in a wealthy neighborhood with security lingering around the entire neighborhood (for different residences).

Even gringos who visit El Centro at night are mostly surrounded by broke-to-average income Colombianos (if they had money they would be at La Isla, Fase II, Luna Lunera, etc.) , so none of the thieves are hanging around there expecting to rob anyone and expecting to receive a huge payout.

Don't know why you would want to willingly paint a target on yourself by setting up a "BIG MONEY GRINGOS INSIDE" type of place in Medellin. And in what Barrio? If it gets set up in some place like Las Palmas or anywhere near Poblado (I doubt it) , then maybe gringos will not have much to worry about in the way of safety. If any of you are familiar with Clasicos in Sosua (when it was open and pre-crack down) , you know that all of the hustlers in Sosua would hang around the entrance watching who is going in and coming out. But then again, Sosua has a heavy tourist police presence.

But the truth of the matter is mongering works in Medellin because it is kept under the radar (which is why the mansion has been successful). They didn't tell Greg to place a tarp over his pool and make everyone clear the pool area by 6pm for nothing.

Hats off to them if they can pull it off. I'd be the first to say I would like to see another freelance type of bar that would rival the old Help Disco (Rio) and Clasicos in Sosua. But if it is going to compromise my safety while there then I will pass.I had the same exact thought go through my head when I first heard about this place. Every ladron in Medellin will be licking his chops and hooking up with a taxi driver to knock off the drunk assed gringos coming out of this place. I'll continue to lay low in little ol' Manizales.

Aussie Greg
05-09-13, 01:44
Please, Mr SavePros321.

Enough of the bullshit mate, nobody has told the hotel to do anything.

Quote "They didn't tell Greg to place a tarp over his pool and make everyone clear the pool area by 6pm for nothing "Un quote".

The reason why the hotel put a cover (retractable) over the pool is because. In the afternoon 2-3pm till around 6pm, there are many apartments / offices now overlooking our swimming pool, yes, we like to keep low key and this is one way off being out of eye sight a little. People can still sun them selves and we still have parties poolside.
Now the reason why the bar "La Cueva" was built in the old garage was because guests could party more, yell, scream, play music loud, dance ect other than do all that at poolside and late into the night.
The hotel has had the bar project on the cards for more than 4 years, the hotel finally got of there ass and built it which is a very good addition to the hotel.
First BBB didn't want to have anything to do with it, no problems, it was left to MB and A. G.
Now I spent money getting the bar up and ready helping MB, then one day I woke up and said MB, its all yours mate, I'll help you get it up and running but its all yours, its your baby, and La Cueva was born.
Nobody told us, no more parties around the pool. All changes, rules ect have been made by the hotel.
The hotel also has a dress shop and in the future will have a hair salon, but nobody is talking about that.
Now the newly proposed LDV style club in Medellin has nothing to do with the hotel, I have just heard people talking about it, I wish them luck
Happy days.

A. G.

Isn't that both a bad thing as well? We can both agree that Medellin is no Cartagena. Plop an LDV-styled club in the middle of Medellin and now all the "banditos" know where to go get gringos and their gold at. Are they planning to put tourist police around the place who will escort your taxi back to your apartment or hotel to ensure that you don't get robbed on the way back?

The good thing about the Mansion is that it is low-key. You can grab a girl and take her to up to your room or up the hill to HMP 2. It is also situated in a wealthy neighborhood with security lingering around the entire neighborhood (for different residences).

Even gringos who visit El Centro at night are mostly surrounded by broke-to-average income Colombianos (if they had money they would be at La Isla, Fase II, Luna Lunera, etc.) , so none of the thieves are hanging around there expecting to rob anyone and expecting to receive a huge payout.

Don't know why you would want to willingly paint a target on yourself by setting up a "BIG MONEY GRINGOS INSIDE" type of place in Medellin. And in what Barrio? If it gets set up in some place like Las Palmas or anywhere near Poblado (I doubt it) , then maybe gringos will not have much to worry about in the way of safety. If any of you are familiar with Clasicos in Sosua (when it was open and pre-crack down) , you know that all of the hustlers in Sosua would hang around the entrance watching who is going in and coming out. But then again, Sosua has a heavy tourist police presence.

But the truth of the matter is mongering works in Medellin because it is kept under the radar (which is why the mansion has been successful). They didn't tell Greg to place a tarp over his pool and make everyone clear the pool area by 6pm for nothing.

Hats off to them if they can pull it off. I'd be the first to say I would like to see another freelance type of bar that would rival the old Help Disco (Rio) and Clasicos in Sosua. But if it is going to compromise my safety while there then I will pass.

05-09-13, 03:53
Isn't that both a bad thing as well? We can both agree that Medellin is no Cartagena. Plop an LDV-styled club in the middle of Medellin and now all the "banditos" know where to go get gringos and their gold at. Are they planning to put tourist police around the place who will escort your taxi back to your apartment or hotel to ensure that you don't get robbed on the way back?

The good thing about the Mansion is that it is low-key. You can grab a girl and take her to up to your room or up the hill to HMP 2. It is also situated in a wealthy neighborhood with security lingering around the entire neighborhood (for different residences).

Even gringos who visit El Centro at night are mostly surrounded by broke-to-average income Colombianos (if they had money they would be at La Isla, Fase II, Luna Lunera, etc.) , so none of the thieves are hanging around there expecting to rob anyone and expecting to receive a huge payout.

Don't know why you would want to willingly paint a target on yourself by setting up a "BIG MONEY GRINGOS INSIDE" type of place in Medellin. And in what Barrio? If it gets set up in some place like Las Palmas or anywhere near Poblado (I doubt it) , then maybe gringos will not have much to worry about in the way of safety. If any of you are familiar with Clasicos in Sosua (when it was open and pre-crack down) , you know that all of the hustlers in Sosua would hang around the entrance watching who is going in and coming out. But then again, Sosua has a heavy tourist police presence.

But the truth of the matter is mongering works in Medellin because it is kept under the radar (which is why the mansion has been successful). They didn't tell Greg to place a tarp over his pool and make everyone clear the pool area by 6pm for nothing.

Hats off to them if they can pull it off. I'd be the first to say I would like to see another freelance type of bar that would rival the old Help Disco (Rio) and Clasicos in Sosua. But if it is going to compromise my safety while there then I will pass.Well I'm not one to downplay the potential dangerous side of Colombia, however, I'm sure this new LDV type bar will employ security, payoff policia for keeping an eye out, radio taxi availability, etc, etc.

These guys, the owners of the club, I'm sure aren't total idiotas.

I mean I wouldn't pick up a chica there then have her call her taxista friend for transportation.

05-09-13, 04:03
Got to luv Mangos

05-09-13, 05:46
I frequently check out this forum, in hopes of enticing myself to finally visit Medellin. I'm contemplating a two night visit to Medellin from Cartagena this month. Medellin being such a big city Leaves me feeling worried of being lost upon my arrival. It seems like for someone such as myslef, the best course of action would be to book a room at La Mansion. But I'm having lots of trouble finding this place. I can't find a number or an email me tha allows me to get in contact with anyone. I'm hoping if someone can help me out and point me in the right direction. Also, I'm wondering if anyone has made a map similar to that of hillbilly's of Cartagena. I hope for a lot of feedback. Thanks.Check webpage hotelmedellinplaza. Com.

There you find all the information needed, this is new name of the Mansion

05-09-13, 13:12
Well I'm not one to downplay the potential dangerous side of Colombia, however, I'm sure this new LDV type bar will employ security, payoff policia for keeping an eye out, radio taxi availability, etc, etc.

These guys, the owners of the club, I'm sure aren't total idiotas.

I mean I wouldn't pick up a chica there then have her call her taxista friend for transportation.Dollhouse and Alamo both were supposed to be puta bars. Been in both while they were open. More to the Dollhouse story thsn I know but it was not filled with girls as people hoped although thete was some lookers. Alamo had Gregs former best friend the bouncer from the Mansion as security at Alamo and showed me the putas. A few lookers but druggies. What was wrong with their business plans? Certainly both places were too much in your face instead of incognito. I hope Barrio Colombia works for them as a location and they do well.

05-09-13, 15:09
Looking at some of the websites, it appears that there is much talent (and beauty) on many of the escort websites. First, I have no idea if the escort sites are reliable. Assuming reliability, the prices seem comparable to the clubs and bars.

I am one who does not like bars. If I can meet chicas through the websites, am I not better off than having to go the clubs and

Bars? As mentioned above, it does not appear to be much discrepancy in prices.

I would love to hear your thoughts regarding the usage of the escort websites.I don't know about all websites but Masajista paisas and paisa divinas are reliable. Most of these girls have apartments to you can also go see them and walk away if you do not like what you see.

05-09-13, 16:56
Dollhouse and Alamo both were supposed to be puta bars. Been in both while they were open. More to the Dollhouse story thsn I know but it was not filled with girls as people hoped although thete was some lookers. Alamo had Gregs former best friend the bouncer from the Mansion as security at Alamo and showed me the putas. A few lookers but druggies. What was wrong with their business plans? Certainly both places were too much in your face instead of incognito. I hope Barrio Colombia works for them as a location and they do well.You make a good point.

I'm no businessman, don't pretend to be, don't want to be.

Sounds like a great idea though and I hope it works out for them, us, me and the chicas as well. 👍👍

05-09-13, 23:53
Got to luv MangosI thought Mangos was closed?

Aussie Greg
05-10-13, 01:27
He wasn't my "best friend" never was, he was fired for stealing, from guests and the hotel.
I just don't know why people make up shit.
The new club, it will be interesting how it goes, happy days.

A. G.

Dollhouse and Alamo both were supposed to be puta bars. Been in both while they were open. More to the Dollhouse story thsn I know but it was not filled with girls as people hoped although thete was some lookers. Alamo had Gregs former best friend the bouncer from the Mansion as security at Alamo and showed me the putas. A few lookers but druggies. What was wrong with their business plans? Certainly both places were too much in your face instead of incognito. I hope Barrio Colombia works for them as a location and they do well.

05-10-13, 07:30
If this has been asked and answered already, please accept my apologies.

A friend who stay at the mansion recently confirmed that there's a list of girls who are persona non grata because of working with guys that stay in apartments. I understand they can still can come to the Mansion if invited by a guest but they're off Robert's call-out list. I'm told that he's gone as far as to ask taxi drivers where they take the girls when they leave the mansion (although I personally doubt that)

So, how exactly would a new LDV type club work especially if Robert is going to be very hands on. I would assume that you're going to need more than the guests at the Mansion / Castillo to stay viable. And I seriously doubt this bar will be catering to Colombians, so where are the gringos coming from?

And if you're a girl that is still on the Mansion call out list, would you dare leave with someone staying in an apartment, right in front of Robert? Will this entire endeavor be simply a place for guys to come drink and collect numbers / facebook contacts?

What would keep this bar from becoming a Dollhouse debacle, where the girls sat there nursing one drink all night and quoted ridiculous prices only to watch the guys walk out side and head to Mayorista?

Taking the other side, if I'm a Mansion guest who's already giving Robert money, and I have both girls being invited in AND an onsite bar if I wish to drink with them, why would I go to yet another bar in another area of town to give Robert more money? And if there's a shit-list of girls that can't come to the mansion because of past work with the condo guys, what would be the incentive for them to go sit in a bar? I would think that if you're playing divide and conquer to try and survive against the apartment renters, having them come to another bar to peruse current Mansion girls seems counterproductive to me.

There's also an inherent risk to the girls, what if they don't find work? Who pays the taxi or the baby-sitter? If you're one of 8-10 girls coming to the Mansion for the 10 guests there plus another 8-10 from up the hill, you have a decent chance of finding a willing gringo. But I don't see these girls going to this bar unescorted hoping to find work. I do see, for a short period of time, guys that aren't staying in the Mansion taking apartment girls there in lieu of say a Dulce Jesus Mio or mangos (which closed?)

Again, apologies if this has already been asked and answered

Member #4287
05-10-13, 08:43
A friend who stay at the mansion recently confirmed that there's a list of girls who are persona non grata because of working with guys that stay in apartments. I understand they can still can come to the Mansion if invited by a guest but they're off Robert's call-out list. I'm told that he's gone as far as to ask taxi drivers where they take the girls when they leave the mansion (although I personally doubt that)I don't get this. I stayed at the Mansion for a week and the only guys I saw inside the place were the ones staying there. Except for a friend of mine that paid Robert 50K cop to get into Bar. Robert said that the girls were for Mansion guests but that he would let my friend in for 50 mill because there were a lot more girls than guys that night. My friend ended up taking a girl out of there to his apartment. I assume Robert had little doubt that would probably happen.

From talking to the girls at the Mansion. They tell me that what they make is all theirs. Neither Robert nor the Mansion takes a cut. So why would they be worried about what the chicks do outside of the place. They don't seem to be pimping the chicks at all.

From what the girls told me. They have to ask Robert through Facebook to work and out of the ones that ask to work he selects that ones that will ultimately show up.

So, how exactly would a new LDV type club work especially if Robert is going to be very hands on. I would assume that you're going to need more than the guests at the Mansion / Castillo to stay viable. And I seriously doubt this bar will be catering to Colombians, so where are the gringos coming from?With 90 percent or more of the Mongers in Medellin being Colombianos. They better be catering to the Colombians as well.

And if you're a girl that is still on the Mansion call out list, would you dare leave with someone staying in an apartment, right in front of Robert? Will this entire endeavor be simply a place for guys to come drink and collect numbers / facebook contacts?Well unless they have rooms in the back where else are you going to take them except to your apartment. I'm not familiar with the La Vida Dulce freelance concept. Do freelance bars charge a multa to take the girls out of the bar?

I don't know that Robert will be calling the Mansion chicks up to work at the bar. But I would personally love the opportunity of meeting the Mansion chicks without having to stay at the Mansion. The best thing about the Mansion is the women. They are a pleasure to be around in or out of bed. Someone has definitely made an effort to weed out the poor performers and women with attitudes.

Taking the other side, if I'm a Mansion guest who's already giving Robert money, and I have both girls being invited in AND an onsite bar if I wish to drink with them, why would I go to yet another bar in another area of town to give Robert more money? And if there's a shit-list of girls that can't come to the mansion because of past work with the condo guys, what would be the incentive for them to go sit in a bar? I would think that if you're playing divide and conquer to try and survive against the apartment renters, having them come to another bar to peruse current Mansion girls seems counterproductive to me.They only reason to stay at the Mansion or give Robert any money is to meet his women. I wonder just how many women Robert has in his pool and if anybody else has the master list. If I stay at the Mansion for a month will I have met all of his women or only half?

There's also an inherent risk to the girls, what if they don't find work? Who pays the taxi or the baby-sitter? If you're one of 8-10 girls coming to the Mansion for the 10 guests there plus another 8-10 from up the hill, you have a decent chance of finding a willing gringo. But I don't see these girls going to this bar unescorted hoping to find work. I do see, for a short period of time, guys that aren't staying in the Mansion taking apartment girls there in lieu of say a Dulce Jesus Mio or mangos (which closed?)Good question. I met a couple of chicks that came from small towns outside of Medellin at the Mansion. I was wondering why they were there so early in the morning and they told me that they didn't live in Medellin and that Robert put them up. I wonder if he helped pay for their bus fare to get there. Also met a chick that lived in Bello which is probably 20 to 25 mill one way to the Mansion by taxi.

05-10-13, 14:42
I'm new to the MDE thread but I've posted about my experiences in Germany as well as a few reports elsewhere.

I'm planning a trip to Medellin for business soon. I was wondering-from the outside, is it obvious that this place is a monger's hotel or could it pass for a normal hotel? I guess what I'm asking is, if one of my work contacts in town finds out I'm staying there, will my secret be blown?

Also, I'll be out working during the day and maybe until 7-8pm or later on some days. Will there be any good girls left at that hour or will the good ones get taken early?

Because I'm there primarily for work and because I'll have limited time, it seems like the ideal setup for me. But I don't know how careful I'll have to be about my local contacts finding out where I'm staying. The website seems relatively discreet, so I could always just claim ignorance I guess.

Generally, I hate escorts since I like to see what I'm going to get. I like freelance bars and to a lesser extent, clubs. I like the atmosphere and the ability to meet and interview girls ahead of time. I don't care so much for LT, and don't mind the occasional quickie, but I do like good, unrushed service most of the time. I don't mind streetwalkers but I'm pretty picky, I like young (legal of course) clean girls and prefer them to be slim with no silicone.

I'd be very grateful for any advice and I'll be sure to post about my experiences after my trip.

05-10-13, 16:00
From talking to the girls at the Mansion. They tell me that what they make is all theirs. Neither Robert nor the Mansion takes a cut. So why would they be worried about what the chicks do outside of the place. They don't seem to be pimping the chicks at all.It's pretty simple actually. If you have a way of meeting their girls outside of the mansion, then you obviously will not be spending money on their hotel rooms or spending money in Robert's bar. They want exclusivity, which is why (if you haven't noticed) they have gotten smart and tightened up their friends lists on facebook so that guys don't poach from their network.

The threat is very real to the chicas in the form of not being allowed to work at the mansion. I have had a few chicas personally beg me not to mention that they met me outside of the mansion. It's not because they are afraid that Robert is going lay the pimp-hand down and pimp-slap a ho, but he CAN threaten their ability to meet more gringos by not allowing them to come to his bar. The flip side is that if a chica is pretty popular, then facebook or Romance Latina (which is also owned by Robert) is all she needs. These girls are not dumb. If she's got a bunch of gringos blowing up her cell phone and facebook inbox during the day beggin to give her money, she is not going to just ignore them and sit around all day waiting until she can go to the bar at the mansion at 6pm.

There's also an inherent risk to the girls, what if they don't find work? Who pays the taxi or the baby-sitter? If you're one of 8-10 girls coming to the Mansion for the 10 guests there plus another 8-10 from up the hill, you have a decent chance of finding a willing gringo. But I don't see these girls going to this bar unescorted hoping to find work.I agree. Most of these chicas stay 30-45 minutes away via taxi. Almost double that during peak traffic times. Most of them need a guarantee from you that you will pay their taxi when they arrive before they will even order one to come and see you. I don't see them risking paying 10k+ for a taxi to this new LDV-type club and getting stuck there if they don't find a gringo and don't have 10k+ more to get back home. But who knows? Maybe the chicas for this club will come from closer neighborhoods (?). In the end I would say don't be surprised if this club ends up being another Luna Lunera (which at first did not start off charging a multa to take a chica off premises).

Black Page
05-10-13, 19:04
I'm planning a trip to Medellin for business soon. I was wondering-from the outside, is it obvious that this place is a monger's hotel or could it pass for a normal hotel? I guess what I'm asking is, if one of my work contacts in town finds out I'm staying there, will my secret be blown?

Because I'm there primarily for work and because I'll have limited time, it seems like the ideal setup for me. But I don't know how careful I'll have to be about my local contacts finding out where I'm staying. The website seems relatively discreet, so I could always just claim ignorance I guess.And how did you find this website address? Is it on hotelxs. Com? Maybe recommended by a friend? .

Also, you claim ignorance and having found the web site by chance on google. Then, after 2 days you stay there, you could still claim ignorance if your local colleagues ask you innocently "how is it? You like?"

Bar Smith
05-11-13, 00:27
Anyone have the contact info for Lina or Yamira? Saw them recently and had a great time with them!


05-11-13, 03:52
I'm new to the MDE thread but I've posted about my experiences in Germany as well as a few reports elsewhere.

I'm planning a trip to Medellin for business soon. I was wondering-from the outside, is it obvious that this place is a monger's hotel or could it pass for a normal hotel? I guess what I'm asking is, if one of my work contacts in town finds out I'm staying there, will my secret be blown?I've never stayed at the mansion but I do know that 99. 999% of Paisas have heard about the mansion. It's doubtful many know the exact location, or would recognize it unless they were to enter and see a bunch of gringos and hot chicas hanging around (pretty unlikely given that it caters to gringos, not locals). And even if your local contacts did know you were staying there, so what? Odds are if they are men they like to wh0re around also. And if they are women odds are they have either traded pussy for plata, or have friends or acquaintances who have done so. Hell your local contacts might be the best source of info for this type of activity.

Stay where you want, be as discreet as you want and the average Paisa won't care or think it strange that you like to wh0re around. Because they like whoring around as well.

05-11-13, 04:33

Is your club going to be like Help in Brazil or a terma in brazil? I have never been to Cartegena, so I don't know anything about that club. Whatever you do, don't put a restaurant in front of the club because you will have all the skanks hanging outside that don't want to pay to get in like at help. It really brings down the quality. Make everyone have to go inside to meet each other.

05-11-13, 10:36
I don't get this. I stayed at the Mansion for a week and the only guys I saw inside the place were the ones staying there. Except for a friend of mine that paid Robert 50K cop to get into Bar. Robert said that the girls were for Mansion guests but that he would let my friend in for 50 mill because there were a lot more girls than guys that night. My friend ended up taking a girl out of there to his apartment. I assume Robert had little doubt that would probably happen.

From talking to the girls at the Mansion. They tell me that what they make is all theirs. Neither Robert nor the Mansion takes a cut. So why would they be worried about what the chicks do outside of the place. They don't seem to be pimping the chicks at all.

From what the girls told me. They have to ask Robert through Facebook to work and out of the ones that ask to work he selects that ones that will ultimately show up.

With 90 percent or more of the Mongers in Medellin being Colombianos. They better be catering to the Colombians as well.

Well unless they have rooms in the back where else are you going to take them except to your apartment. I'm not familiar with the La Vida Dulce freelance concept. Do freelance bars charge a multa to take the girls out of the bar?

I don't know that Robert will be calling the Mansion chicks up to work at the bar. But I would personally love the opportunity of meeting the Mansion chicks without having to stay at the Mansion. The best thing about the Mansion is the women. They are a pleasure to be around in or out of bed. Someone has definitely made an effort to weed out the poor performers and women with attitudes.

They only reason to stay at the Mansion or give Robert any money is to meet his women. I wonder just how many women Robert has in his pool and if anybody else has the master list. If I stay at the Mansion for a month will I have met all of his women or only half?

Good question. I met a couple of chicks that came from small towns outside of Medellin at the Mansion. I was wondering why they were there so early in the morning and they told me that they didn't live in Medellin and that Robert put them up. I wonder if he helped pay for their bus fare to get there. Also met a chick that lived in Bello which is probably 20 to 25 mill one way to the Mansion by taxi.Anyone know Robert's Facebook?

05-11-13, 14:22
I thought a guy named Harry owned Romance Latina? At what point did Robert buy it or is it still Harrys?

05-11-13, 15:57
I've never stayed at the mansion but I do know that 99. 999% of Paisas have heard about the mansion. It's doubtful many know the exact location, or would recognize it unless they were to enter and see a bunch of gringos and hot chicas hanging around (pretty unlikely given that it caters to gringos, not locals). And even if your local contacts did know you were staying there, so what? Odds are if they are men they like to wh0re around also. And if they are women odds are they have either traded pussy for plata, or have friends or acquaintances who have done so. Hell your local contacts might be the best source of info for this type of activity.

Stay where you want, be as discreet as you want and the average Paisa won't care or think it strange that you like to wh0re around. Because they like whoring around as well.I like fucking new and young pussy. There is nothing negative about it. You might like to apply negativity to it but I wish I didn't have to see it. The p4p scene is a win win adventure for most, I'm sorry you have to be a downer about it. My trips are about pussy hunting and loving, nothing more.

05-11-13, 17:33
I thought a guy named Harry owned Romance Latina? At what point did Robert buy it or is it still Harrys?It's Robert's money that is put into RL. Harry just runs it for him. Possibly has some financial stake in it as well, but RL is Robert's project.

05-11-13, 17:38
Anyone have the contact info for Lina or Yamira? Saw them recently and had a great time with them!

ThanksIf you could post pics and maybe someone will have an idea of who you are talking about. It's difficult to know who as there are tons of putas named Lina, though I haven't met many Yamira's

Member #4287
05-11-13, 18:58
It's Robert's money that is put into RL. Harry just runs it for him. Possibly has some financial stake in it as well, but RL is Robert's project.And the plot gets thicker.

Robert owns the website where Mansion girls can hook up with apartment guys as well. He has all the bases covered.

Maybe the chicks have a choice between being on the website and hooking up with apartment guys or going to the Mansion to meet gringos at the bar.

05-11-13, 19:21
How much it costs there for a complete 1 hour season with a chica who likes BBBJ / CIM price included?ABG: Fase II is probably closest in atmosphere to Scandallo in Sao Paulo. Have girls hanging out at tables & sofas while strippers (which you can session with) dance. Drinks are similarly inflated.

I personally have never sessioned there but I believe the current pricing is 15K COP entrance except Friday & Saturday when it is 30K COP. Arranging an hour with a girl to session there in their private rooms next door to the club will cost you 170K COP. The current exchange rate is around 1800=$1USD. I understand it is possible to get a girls phone number and arrange you own deal off their schedule. If you insist on taking the girl out during her shift, the Club will charge a 'barfine' but I don't know the exact amount.

I am sure BBBJ can be negotiate by paying a tip (if not included, 20K COP should do the trick) I don't recall CIM or Anal being readily on the menu in Colombia though.

05-11-13, 21:48
I like fucking new and young pussy. There is nothing negative about it. You might like to apply negativity to it but I wish I didn't have to see it. The p4p scene is a win win adventure for most, I'm sorry you have to be a downer about it. My trips are about pussy hunting and loving, nothing more.Napalm, I don't know why I opened my mouth about your post, maybe because it was super early and wasn't thinking straight. I'm the shithead not you. Cheers and carry on!

05-12-13, 01:39
ABG: Fase II is probably closest in atmosphere to Scandallo in Sao Paulo. Have girls hanging out at tables & sofas while strippers (which you can session with) dance. Drinks are similarly inflated.

I personally have never sessioned there but I believe the current pricing is 15K COP entrance except Friday & Saturday when it is 30K COP. Arranging an hour with a girl to session there in their private rooms next door to the club will cost you 170K COP. The current exchange rate is around 1800=$1USD. I understand it is possible to get a girls phone number and arrange you own deal off their schedule. If you insist on taking the girl out during her shift, the Club will charge a 'barfine' but I don't know the exact amount.

I am sure BBBJ can be negotiate by paying a tip (if not included. 20K COP should do the trick) I don't recall CIM or Anal being readily on the menu in Colombia though.Thanks Almotu!

05-12-13, 19:41
I like fucking new and young pussy. There is nothing negative about it. You might like to apply negativity to it but I wish I didn't have to see it. The p4p scene is a win win adventure for most, I'm sorry you have to be a downer about it. My trips are about pussy hunting and loving, nothing more.What in the world are you talking about? My post contained nothing negative. I suggest you recalibrate your vibe-o-meter.

05-12-13, 22:36
A ldv freelance bar in Medellin would be pretty cool. I'm wondering how discreet the place will be. Will it be close to the trendy nightclubs in the barrio Colombia? The times I've been there I've seen only the trendy younger crowd. Will this place be discreet enough that everybody won't be noticing a bunch of gringos and p*tas coming and going? What if some of the usual barrio Colombia party crowd wonders over to this place? Will they be selective about who they let in? I like this concept and hope it works out mainly because I see it as being a secure set-up since it's catering to gringos. Plenty of freelance pickup bars in el centro but they're shady and dangerous as hell.

Zig Monger
05-13-13, 04:30
Originally Posted by SavePros321 [View Original Post]

It's Robert's money that is put into RL. Harry just runs it for him. Possibly has some financial stake in it as well, but RL is Robert's project.Really, Robert, the RL owner. I question whether that is true, as I was at a RL party 1 1/2 years ago, and it was hosted at Alberts' place at Patio Bonito, and Harry was there. I do not believe Robert would have allowed Harry to host a party at Albert's place.

05-13-13, 08:43
Napalm, I have only been to Colombia once, so I am no expert, but what you said is interesting. Are most of the young colombian girls (18 to 30) that you see walking around the mall, movies or regular places for sale. I stuck to the main hooker places, so I never offered the regular girls money. What % of "regular girls" go for money if you ask. Is it more take me shopping and to the movie and I will F you type thing, or can I go up to a girl and be friendly for 5 minutes and then pop the question " Hey you want to come to my room for 180k." Will I get slapped or get a ok most of the time.

05-13-13, 10:56
And the plot gets thicker.

Robert owns the website where Mansion girls can hook up with apartment guys as well. He has all the bases covered.

Maybe the chicks have a choice between being on the website and hooking up with apartment guys or going to the Mansion to meet gringos at the bar.Anyone know Robert's FACEBOOK?

05-13-13, 15:02

Stay where you want, be as discreet as you want and the average Paisa won't care or think it strange that you like to wh0re around. Because they like whoring around as well.Thanks. That was my thought as well. It's great to be open about the hobby. But the fact is I can't really afford (in time or money) to travel solely for mongering, but I am fortunate enough to have built a career for myself that allows me to travel to fun locations.

And while I have no problems with whoring around, some people do. So my discretion is just a reaction to the unfortunate reality that some people are sexually repressed and bitter.

05-13-13, 15:43
Really, Robert, the RL owner. I question whether that is true, as I was at a RL party 1 1/2 years ago, and it was hosted at Alberts' place at Patio Bonito, and Harry was there. I do not believe Robert would have allowed Harry to host a party at Albert's place.It's true. Boyd can also verify this. Just ask him.

05-13-13, 16:01
A ldv freelance bar in Medellin would be pretty cool. I'm wondering how discreet the place will be. Will it be close to the trendy nightclubs in the barrio Colombia? The times I've been there I've seen only the trendy younger crowd. Will this place be discreet enough that everybody won't be noticing a bunch of gringos and p*tas coming and going? What if some of the usual barrio Colombia party crowd wonders over to this place? Will they be selective about who they let in? I like this concept and hope it works out mainly because I see it as being a secure set-up since it's catering to gringos. Plenty of freelance pickup bars in el centro but they're shady and dangerous as hell.I hope they know what the gringo tax is in Medellin before the get too deep. Isn't it the owner of the Penthouse in Playa Mar who opened a Mansion type place only to run into the Medellin Cartel and close down?

05-13-13, 16:09
Anyone know Robert's FACEBOOK?Tony Medellin.

Black Page
05-13-13, 16:22
Thanks. That was my thought as well. It's great to be open about the hobby. But the fact is I can't really afford (in time or money) to travel solely for mongering, but I am fortunate enough to have built a career for myself that allows me to travel to fun locations.

And while I have no problems with whoring around, some people do. So my discretion is just a reaction to the unfortunate reality that some people are sexually repressed and bitter.Yours look exactly my situation.

In spite of what some imprudent members here seem to think and even suggested you, most Colombians, especially in the conservative Medellin, are very catholic and traditionally minded: church, family, good principles. Don't even allow a minimal probability to let your local partners imagine that you go for putas in the bars of El Centro. Imagine if they should know you stay in a hotel, which is known to be a hangout for gringos and their prepagos.

Needless to say, not all girls in Medellin are willing to sell pussy for money. I think this claim, made by someone here, would be taken as an offense by locals. Only very few girls here are as such (but certainly the majority of those who are frequented by the members of ISG). Do not think that the sample explored by ISG members is descriptive of the general situation.

05-13-13, 16:32
Needless to say, not all girls in Medellin are willing to sell pussy for money. I think this claim, made by someone here, would be taken as an offense by locals. Only very few girls here are as such (but certainly the majority of those who are frequented by the members of ISG). Do not think that the sample explored by ISG members is descriptive of the general situation.Well said. I think we all can agree here that the very last thing you want to do is offend/[CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off a Colombian.

05-13-13, 20:09
yours look exactly my situation.

in spite of what some imprudent members here seem to think and even suggested you, most colombians, especially in the conservative medellin, are very catholic and traditionally minded: church, family, good principles. don't even allow a minimal probability to let your local partners imagine that you go for putas in the bars of el centro. imagine if they should know you stay in a hotel, which is known to be a hangout for gringos and their prepagos.

needless to say, not all girls in medellin are willing to sell pussy for money. i think this claim, made by someone here, would be taken as an offense by locals. only very few girls here are as such (but certainly the majority of those who are frequented by the members of isg). do not think that the sample explored by isg members is descriptive of the general situation.this is good advice. while prostitution is legal and widely practiced in colombia, it is done so very discreetly. the last thing a girl in wealthy poblado wants is for people to even suspect she's a puta. she may very well be up for getting paid for sex, but she's going to be very circumspect about it.

ever go into the centro casas and notice the girls peeking out the curtain before they enter? they want to make sure there's no family members or other people they may know that may see them there.

El Bacano
05-13-13, 20:57
I don't mind keeping a girl happy by any means. If its our little secret, I'm happy, I've offered many girls the moolaa descretely, the ones that don't bite turn me on, haha

05-14-13, 02:48
I just posted something related to your request for like minded travelers, please send me a message if you can, or reply me here. I have an apartment in the south of el Valle de Aburra and I have saved a lot of money in extras that hotels charge you when you take a girl there.

05-14-13, 06:14
Napalm, I have only been to Colombia once, so I am no expert, but what you said is interesting. Are most of the young colombian girls (18 to 30) that you see walking around the mall, movies or regular places for sale. I stuck to the main hooker places, so I never offered the regular girls money. What % of "regular girls" go for money if you ask. Is it more take me shopping and to the movie and I will F you type thing, or can I go up to a girl and be friendly for 5 minutes and then pop the question " Hey you want to come to my room for 180k." Will I get slapped or get a ok most of the time.No a majority are not hookers. However, it's a more open culture. If you are young, it is not hard to get sex if you treat a girl well. Just like at home, but it costs a lot less money.

05-14-13, 08:30
Napalm, I have only been to Colombia once, so I am no expert, but what you said is interesting. Are most of the young colombian girls (18 to 30) that you see walking around the mall, movies or regular places for sale. I stuck to the main hooker places, so I never offered the regular girls money. What % of "regular girls" go for money if you ask. Is it more take me shopping and to the movie and I will F you type thing, or can I go up to a girl and be friendly for 5 minutes and then pop the question " Hey you want to come to my room for 180k." Will I get slapped or get a ok most of the time.If you do it exactly the way you described it, you will get slapped or atleast sneered at most of the time. This has been discussed here extensively so I won't go into the reasons why. See Black pages' posting two down. He hits the nail on the head.

Colombian girls are arguably the sweetest humans on this earth. Treat them with respect and kindness, you will get a lot more pleasure in return.

05-14-13, 09:30
A ldv freelance bar in Medellin would be pretty cool. I'm wondering how discreet the place will be. Will it be close to the trendy nightclubs in the barrio Colombia? The times I've been there I've seen only the trendy younger crowd. Will this place be discreet enough that everybody won't be noticing a bunch of gringos and p*tas coming and going? What if some of the usual barrio Colombia party crowd wonders over to this place? Will they be selective about who they let in? I like this concept and hope it works out mainly because I see it as being a secure set-up since it's catering to gringos. Plenty of freelance pickup bars in el centro but they're shady and dangerous as hell.Our location is on a discrete cul de sac across from the Brinks Security Company. The club cannot be seen from outside the cul de sac, and there is no reason for anyone to enter the street unless they work there during the day. The name is Liquid Lounge and we hope to be open by end of July in time for the Flower and Modeling Festivals. It will not be a particularly high end operation, but will be a very comfortable and relaxing atmosphere albeit a bit wild and crazy when the girls get a little tipsey.

Black Page
05-14-13, 16:20
Colombian girls are arguably the sweetest humans on this earth. Treat them with respect and kindness, you will get a lot more pleasure in return.Oh Yes! (but you should meet also some Indonesian ladies......)

05-14-13, 21:14
Oh Yes! (but you should meet also some Indonesian ladies.)Been there, done that. Colombianas numero uno

Black Page
05-14-13, 22:01
Been there, done that. Colombianas numero unoI am just back from there (5 long reports in the Batam section. 2 more to come). I am thus biased towards sweet brown Indons. I wish I could swing 1 month there and one month in Colombia. What a life! (and how many miles on my FF account!)

Aussie Greg
05-15-13, 20:42
Thank you Senor Airhead, the name of the new bar in barrio Colombia is "Liquid Lounge" o in Spanish, is there a translation?

"Salom Liquido"?

05-16-13, 19:29
Thank you Senor Airhead, the name of the new bar in barrio Colombia is "Liquid Lounge" o in Spanish, is there a translation?

"Salom Liquido"?Thanks for your kind wishes last time I saw you. I'll be back next Wednesday to start the remodel and get the place up and running. I attached the logo and a potential sign although we haven't ordered the final hardware on the sign so it might change.

I know why'all would rather see chica pics. If you like I'll post some of my award winning chica pics from another mongering site, although I have stopped posting recent chicas because I don't want to cause them any trouble.

Vegas Jeff
05-16-13, 21:16
Napalm, I have only been to Colombia once, so I am no expert, but what you said is interesting. Are most of the young colombian girls (18 to 30) that you see walking around the mall, movies or regular places for sale. I stuck to the main hooker places, so I never offered the regular girls money. What % of "regular girls" go for money if you ask. Is it more take me shopping and to the movie and I will F you type thing, or can I go up to a girl and be friendly for 5 minutes and then pop the question " Hey you want to come to my room for 180k." Will I get slapped or get a ok most of the time.The answer to your first question is NO. If you ask half of the guys on this forum they will say yes but there are some pretty jaded perspectives out there. Along with 99% of girls are working girls and 99% know of the mansion. Give me a break. You got to love how exceptions turn into rules when it comes to this.

You have to have a little game with these girls and build some respect with them. This is true with regular girls and working girls alike. You can't just talk with a girl for 5 minutes in a mall and offer her money. Also, most of the girls in the mall will not give you the time of day.

Black Page
05-17-13, 01:15
Been there, done that. Colombianas numero unoHmm ok, but I still feel Indonesians are special, in a different way. See this?

Full list of reports in the RoD:

05-17-13, 02:14
I've ridden that thing many times and had no clue as to the sweetier side of things there. The articles gives a stop by stop detail of the action. Unfortunately it is in Spanish. Can someone be kind enough to translate?

Eric Emp
05-17-13, 02:41
I am planning my first Columbia trip, (Have been to RIO, Philippines, Africa, China reports are in the relevant sections)

I have RTFF and there is lots of very good information, but I am unable to extract what I need can some one help me with following:

1- I prefer TLN vs short time, So from that aspect which is best place to visit in Columbia, (I would like to keep the TLN cost under 200K COP)

2- Hotel / Apartment, Since I go for TLN, I need a hotel or Apartment which has in room Safe and definitely GF friendly any recommendations (not too expensive ).

3- Is there any place in Columbia (MED or BOG) where free-lancers hang out (Like HELP in Rio or MBC in Manila)?


05-17-13, 02:51
I've ridden that thing many times and had no clue as to the sweetier side of things there. The articles gives a stop by stop detail of the action. Unfortunately it is in Spanish. Can someone be kind enough to translate?Http://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/articulo-421963-prostitucion-el-metro-de-medellin

Legal Tender
05-17-13, 02:55
I've ridden that thing many times and had no clue as to the sweetier side of things there. The articles gives a stop by stop detail of the action. Unfortunately it is in Spanish. Can someone be kind enough to translate?

"In view of users daily use Metro system in Medellin, in different seasons and without anyone doing anything against subtracting the situation, a group of men and women use this means of mass transportation to sell their bodies to whom are in place.

It is the reality that a group of researchers found Corporation Urban Conflict Consulting Center C3 Medellin, developed over several months in different Metro stations.

In this study demonstrate how those engaged in this activity addresses to users, especially tourists, to provide sexual services or company,"to make your visits more enjoyable."

"The situation is due to the increase in tourists to Medellin and the so-called sex tourism. Poverty makes many young people see in this so-called offer a rare opportunity,"said Luis Guillermo Pardo, sociologist and president of C3.

According to Pardo, prostitution unfolds through networks using the subway as a stage for their illegal business, through various ways to approach potential customers, ranging from the crowd locate single men or groups of men who are "in are fun "or to provide sexual services directly.

Even a corporate investigator services were offered at Acevedo Station and then a cab Metrocable Santo Domingo, a place in which a child said,"This over here is very lively" and then offered a side "if you want to go with what you know" or "if you want to spend rich", and handed him a card from a residence hotel in the area.

The investigation established the main stations which presents this activity:

1. San Antonio Station: "Teen platforms roam in search of potential customers, are changed from one to another, camouflaging among travelers leaving and entering the subway, there mostly tourists contact".

Two. Berrio Park Station: "In the central access area, before entering the system, have become traditional men's groups have there meeting point for offering to masters are located exactly on the sides of the post of donuts, periphery access platform and stairs ".

Three. Prado station: "In the southern access stairs, minors are placed in such access and offer their services on the day, from early hours and at night." 4. Acevedo Station: "On the platform, there are tourists contacted by groups of girls. Some weekday use their school uniforms to capture more customers, who are taken to nearby hotels."

May. Metrocable Santodomingo: "We contact the customer in the same cabin." Finally, the president of the Corporation Urban Conflict Consulting Center, C3, Luis Guillermo Pardo, expressed concern about the lack of attention to the issue by the authorities and the Metro operating personnel, especially Berrio Stations and Prado, who despite knowing the problem do nothing to fix it.

The investigation also revealed that prostitution activities are developed by minors, with a serious increase in the Feria de las Flores and other city events."

05-17-13, 06:18
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

05-17-13, 06:42
I am planning my first Columbia trip, (Have been to RIO, Philippines, Africa, China reports are in the relevant sections)

I have RTFF and there is lots of very good information, but I am unable to extract what I need can some one help me with following:

1- I prefer TLN vs short time, So from that aspect which is best place to visit in Columbia, (I would like to keep the TLN cost under 200K COP)

2- Hotel / Apartment, Since I go for TLN, I need a hotel or Apartment which has in room Safe and definitely GF friendly any recommendations (not too expensive ).

3- Is there any place in Columbia (MED or BOG) where free-lancers hang out (Like HELP in Rio or MBC in Manila)?

Thanks1) I don't know what your definition of TLN is but using standard definition of pickup around 10-11 PM and leaving at 5 AM or later, it is impossible to do it under 200. 000 COP in any major city in Colombia. You might run into a rare situation where the girl likes you and wants to hang out with you and she does not care if you pay her or not, but as a pure business transaction, it is almost impossible. It will be atleast 300. 000 for a free lancer and if you pick up an 8 or 9 from a nice club and you want her to stay late and have morning sex plus minus breakfast (the way I like it) , it will be twice that, though worth it.

2) apartment for sure. I think you will find my recommendations expensive.

3) LDV in CTG.

Good luck.

05-17-13, 06:46
Thanks for your kind wishes last time I saw you. I'll be back next Wednesday to start the remodel and get the place up and running. I attached the logo and a potential sign although we haven't ordered the final hardware on the sign so it might change.

I know why'all would rather see chica pics. If you like I'll post some of my award winning chica pics from another mongering site, although I have stopped posting recent chicas because I don't want to cause them any trouble.What a refreshing move. I wish you great success.

05-17-13, 06:51
That's the worst fucking translation I have ever seen. Makes no sense at all. We can all run an article through whatever half assed on line translator you used. "Teen platforms roam"? WTF does that mean? "Prostitution activities are developed by minors"? "Ranging from the crowd locate single men"? Does that sound like English to you?

Here ya go. From CRT. Not a translation, just a similar article but in English.

Men, women and children are working as prostitutes on Medellin's metro, a local study revealed Tuesday.

Corporacion C3, a consultation group focusing on urban conflict said that every day prostitutes use the metro to drum up business, selling their bodies to passengers.

The study, which ran over several months, found that the prostitutes used the metro to find customers, especially tourists visiting the city.

The president of the study group, Luis Guillermo Pardo, said that the situation is due to the increase of tourists to Colombia's second city and to the prevalence of sex-tourism.

According to Pardo, poverty makes many young people see prostitution as an opportunity to make good money.

The study said that the metro is used as a setting to find single men or groups of men and tourists to offer 'services' to.

In the central San Antonio station, according to the study, 'girls roam the platforms in search of potential customers. There the contact is mostly with tourists. ' Other stations in the city have child-prostitutes on the platforms and the stairs, or girl-prostitutes who wear their school uniforms to attract more customers. The clients are then taken to the city's many by-the-hour hotels.

Pardo said that the authorities expressed little concern about the issue and despite being aware of the problem, little has been done to tackle it.

A 2012 report from the USA State Department said Medellin was one of Colombia's main destinations for sex tourists.

MORE: Medellin and Caribbean are Colombia's main sex tourism destinations: US.

Alleged locations of prostitutes in Medellin's metro

05-17-13, 07:17
Great article!

Here is what we can learn from it: Make approaches while in the metro station!

This is a great venue and I am not surprised at all. I remember especially in "San Antonio" station seeing lots of young pretty girls every time I pass by on my way to the "Hueco" market to solicit girls there. Never did occur to me these girls were semi-pros. Wow.

I will surely venture there on my next trip and share the findings. Boy I wish I was there now.

Maybe some monger can step up and solicit these girls in the metro and report back.

05-17-13, 08:01
Just stay away from the Prado girls, at least the ones described in e article: Minors mostly and drug users.

I would highly recommend San Antonio for the sheer number of girls there. Trust me, lots of girls who need "plata"

Here is what I recommend you do and say (in Spanish) :

1- open up a conversation with a greeting, smile and eye contact.

1- Buenos Dias.

2- ask for direction or location of a park, store, market. Etc. Yes this shit works!

2- Por favor, done esta el Éxito?

3- "pay attention here" no matter how she responds to your inquiry, you say " and WHERE are you going MY LOVE"? With a big smile and body lean towards her.

3- Y tu a theónde vas mi amor?

4- Asks her if she likes to join you for refreshments or a walk.

4- Quieres acompañarme a tomar una gaseosa?

5- Just ask about what she does, work, school, family, who works in the family. IT'S A JOB INTERVIEW / QUALIFIER. Got it?

5- Haaa. Tu estudias, trabajas? Mama o papa trabaja?

6- This is the most important question to ask her now: And How is your financial situation? BEST QUESTION.

6- Y como esta tu situacióand económica?

7- Here you must pay attention to what she says: Solicit her offering monetary assistance for her needs mentioned in her response. Offer a specific amount and ask if that's okay.

7- Me gustaría pasarlo rico contigo why darte ayuda monetaria para tus necesidades. Esta bien 50 Lucas?

Don't hesitate, worry about others watching you, or think you may offend the girls.

Black Page
05-17-13, 13:04
i am worried to read all these naif comments about girls hanging around the metro stations of el centro. anyone who goes around the city, and does not stick only to p. que lleras, high-end strip clubs, or the mansion gringo-oriented hotels, should know the situation very well. what are the news reported in this press article? only old well-known stories.

the centro area around the prado station is one of the most dangerous at night. i never had problems walking around at night alone there, even at 2am, but with extreme caution and low-profile look. the average reader of this forum, especially naif gringoes with little local experience or sensitivity to the danger temperature, should simply stay away from that kind of tours. i feel uncomfortable reading last posts, because i think that they may work as bait for some ass-hole, who will be finally robbed if not worst.

several of that girls, but not so many as someone claims, are ****. years ago, i've seen very young girls around the streets of prado in the night or at daytime, much less today, because the police is stricter in enforcing control. i bet police is just waiting the yummy opportunity to catch a naif gringo entering a door with some girl, who is later discovered 16yo.

most of them are glue-sniffers, are not attractive at all, and do not come alone. they are friends of all the young teen gangsters who are the real danger there: with or without a knife, if 5 of them jump on you, you can do nothing but surrender. in 10 seconds, they will take everything from your pockets, including the cheapest items. i've seen this done many times to lonely guys at 10 meters from me.

besides how ethically questionable it is, should you decide to venture alone with one of those glue-sniffers in a hotel room, consider the following:
- almost all hotels ask cedula, at least to those who do not look clearly above 18 (that is, no **** allowed)
- the very few hotels, which are more liberal on this side and/or allow a glue sniffer on their premises regardless the age, are also the most sketchy ones (that is, you may be robbed inside, by your young glue-sniffer or by her friends)
- the streets, where such hotels are, are alleys populated by those gangs; you will be tracked in and out by attentive eyes.

Black Page
05-17-13, 13:13
I am planning my first Columbia trip, (Have been to RIO, Philippines, Africa, China reports are in the relevant sections)First thing to learn is that this ISG thread is about COLOMBIA. The District of COLUMBIA is on the USA ISG web site.

05-17-13, 19:04
I've ridden that thing many times and had no clue as to the sweetier side of things there. The articles gives a stop by stop detail of the action. Unfortunately it is in Spanish. Can someone be kind enough to translate?In view of users daily use Metro system in Medellin, in different seasons and without anyone doing anything against subtracting the situation, a group of men and women use this means of mass transportation to sell their bodies to whom are in place.

It is the reality that a group of researchers found Corporation Urban Conflict Consulting Center C3 Medellin, developed over several months in different Metro stations.

In this study demonstrate how those engaged in this activity addresses to users, especially tourists, to provide sexual services or company,"to make your visits more enjoyable."

"The situation is due to the increase in tourists to Medellin and the so-called sex tourism. Poverty makes many young people see in this so-called offer a rare opportunity,"said Luis Guillermo Pardo, sociologist and president of C3.

According to Pardo, prostitution unfolds through networks using the subway as a stage for their illegal business, through various ways to approach potential customers, ranging from the crowd locate single men or groups of men who are "in are fun "or to provide sexual services directly.

Even a corporate investigator services were offered at Acevedo Station and then a cab Metrocable Santo Domingo, a place in which a child said,"This over here is very lively" and then offered a side "if you want to go with what you know" or "if you want to spend rich", and handed him a card from a residence hotel in the area.

The investigation established the main stations which presents this activity:

1. San Antonio Station: "Teen platforms roam in search of potential customers, are changed from one to another, camouflaging among travelers leaving and entering the subway, there mostly tourists contact".

Two. Berrio Park Station: "In the central access area, before entering the system, have become traditional men's groups have there meeting point for offering to masters are located exactly on the sides of the post of donuts, periphery access platform and stairs ".

Three. Prado station: "In the southern access stairs, minors are placed in such access and offer their services on the day, from early hours and at night."

April. Acevedo Station: "On the platform, there are tourists contacted by groups of girls. Some weekday use their school uniforms to capture more customers, who are taken to nearby hotels."

May. Metrocable Santodomingo: "We contact the customer in the same cabin."

Finally, the President of the Corporation Urban Conflict Consulting Center, C3, Luis Guillermo Pardo, expressed concern about the lack of attention to the issue by the authorities and operational staff of the Metro, especially Berrio Stations and Prado, who despite knowing the problem do nothing to fix it.

The research also revealed that prostitution activities are developed by minors, with a serious increase in the Feria de las Flores and other city events.

05-17-13, 19:07
That's the worst fucking translation I have ever seen. Makes no sense at all. We can all run an article through whatever half assed on line translator you used. "Teen platforms roam"? WTF does that mean? "Prostitution activities are developed by minors"? "Ranging from the crowd locate single men"? Does that sound like English to you?We USE Google.

05-17-13, 19:48
great article!

here is what we can learn from it: make approaches while in the metro station!

this is a great venue and i am not surprised at all. i remember especially in "san antonio" station seeing lots of young pretty girls every time i pass by on my way to the "hueco" market to solicit girls there. never did occur to me these girls were semi-pros. wow.

i will surely venture there on my next trip and share the findings. boy i wish i was there now.

maybe some monger can step up and solicit these girls in the metro and report back.i rarely dare to disagree with anyone on this board but i have to on this one. i think this is bad news. the reports (both in english and spanish) clearly are focused on the fact these are mostly minors (which is sad) and second, this kind of publicity is not good at all. the last thing we want in the media are reports of "sex tourism with **** boys and girls in mde" in the western media.

05-17-13, 21:29
i am worried to read all these naif comments about girls hanging around the metro stations of el centro. anyone who goes around the city, and does not stick only to p. que lleras, high-end strip clubs, or the mansion gringo-oriented hotels, should know the situation very well. what are the news reported in this press article? only old well-known stories.

the centro area around the prado station is one of the most dangerous at night. i never had problems walking around at night alone there, even at 2am, but with extreme caution and low-profile look. the average reader of this forum, especially naif gringoes with little local experience or sensitivity to the danger temperature, should simply stay away from that kind of tours. i feel uncomfortable reading last posts, because i think that they may work as bait for some ass-hole, who will be finally robbed if not worst.

several of that girls, but not so many as someone claims, are ****. years ago, i've seen very young girls around the streets of prado in the night or at daytime, much less today, because the police is stricter in enforcing control. i bet police is just waiting the yummy opportunity to catch a naif gringo entering a door with some girl, who is later discovered 16yo.

most of them are glue-sniffers, are not attractive at all, and do not come alone. they are friends of all the young teen gangsters who are the real danger there: with or without a knife, if 5 of them jump on you, you can do nothing but surrender. in 10 seconds, they will take everything from your pockets, including the cheapest items. i've seen this done many times to lonely guys at 10 meters from me.

besides how ethically questionable it is, should you decide to venture alone with one of those glue-sniffers in a hotel room, consider the following:

- almost all hotels ask cedula, at least to those who do not look clearly above 18 (that is, no **** allowed)

- the very few hotels, which are more liberal on this side and / or allow a glue sniffer on their premises regardless the age, are also the most sketchy ones (that is, you may be robbed inside, by your young glue-sniffer or by her friends)

- the streets, where such hotels are, are alleys populated by those gangs; you will be tracked in and out by attentive eyes.excellent post!

05-17-13, 22:07
Now that I have your attention. Sorry.

I am heading to Medellin for the first time in less than two weeks. I am pretty excited. If any of you more experienced people would like to give a n00b any tips please feel free to PM me here.

Black Page
05-17-13, 22:08
this kind of publicity is not good at all. the last thing we want in the media are reports of "sex tourism with **** boys and girls in mde" in the western media.which was possible years ago, but almost not anymore, unless one does not want to be involved with criminal gangs. the last thing i want to see is a line of assholes coming here with such a wrong idea in their mind, and, second, seeing the police reacting by making life difficult also to honest people like the majority of the readers of this forum.

Vegas Jeff
05-18-13, 01:51
i am worried to read all these naif comments about girls hanging around the metro stations of el centro. anyone who goes around the city, and does not stick only to p. que lleras, high-end strip clubs, or the mansion gringo-oriented hotels, should know the situation very well. what are the news reported in this press article? only old well-known stories.

the centro area around the prado station is one of the most dangerous at night. i never had problems walking around at night alone there, even at 2am, but with extreme caution and low-profile look. the average reader of this forum, especially naif gringoes with little local experience or sensitivity to the danger temperature, should simply stay away from that kind of tours. i feel uncomfortable reading last posts, because i think that they may work as bait for some ass-hole, who will be finally robbed if not worst.

several of that girls, but not so many as someone claims, are ****. years ago, i've seen very young girls around the streets of prado in the night or at daytime, much less today, because the police is stricter in enforcing control. i bet police is just waiting the yummy opportunity to catch a naif gringo entering a door with some girl, who is later discovered 16yo.

most of them are glue-sniffers, are not attractive at all, and do not come alone. they are friends of all the young teen gangsters who are the real danger there: with or without a knife, if 5 of them jump on you, you can do nothing but surrender. in 10 seconds, they will take everything from your pockets, including the cheapest items. i've seen this done many times to lonely guys at 10 meters from me.

besides how ethically questionable it is, should you decide to venture alone with one of those glue-sniffers in a hotel room, consider the following:

- almost all hotels ask cedula, at least to those who do not look clearly above 18 (that is, no **** allowed)

- the very few hotels, which are more liberal on this side and / or allow a glue sniffer on their premises regardless the age, are also the most sketchy ones (that is, you may be robbed inside, by your young glue-sniffer or by her friends)

- the streets, where such hotels are, are alleys populated by those gangs; you will be tracked in and out by attentive eyes.nice write-up. a lot of wisdom here.

if you have a short trip of two weeks or less stick to the usual spots. find some people you can trust to get other girls such as friends, taxi drivers, and through other girls you have been with.

if you have an extended trip you should be able to find whatever you are looking for without resorting to hanging around metro stations. it starts with this question. what can i do to get to the girls in the strata 3 or lower barrios that have no experience around gringos? if you can't answer this question, these girls are not for you. also, the answer to this question is not walking around in these barrios or looking for them on facebook.

05-18-13, 02:04
Thanks for the translations and the added info. I will try the metro next time I am there, though I do not, absolutely do not recommend anyone to mess around in Santo Domingo or San javier, (comuna 13).

05-18-13, 05:11
Ok, let me just state what I assumed was obvious (conventional wisdom) :

1- No sex with minors: Whether it be in Medellin or Detroit, USA.

2- No soliciting of sex with minors. Whether it be in Medellin or London, Uk.

3- No wandering around anywhere late at night looking for prostitutes: Whether it be Medellin or Toronto, Canada.

That being said, I still recommend doing what I mentioned previously.

Enjoy new ventures!

Black Page
05-18-13, 09:29
3- No wandering around anywhere late at night looking for prostitutes: Whether it be Medellin or Toronto, Canada.Oh shit! But that's my main entertainment wherever I go in the world, whether it be in Colombia, Africa, Asia! ROFL.

05-18-13, 18:07
My business in medellin will be close to estadio metro metro stop.

Where is the best mongering there? Best prives? Best motels? Best freelancers? Best termas?

I am mainly a Brazil / Rio monger. Looking forward to PM with the Medellin veterans on this board.

05-18-13, 18:13
My business in sao paulo will be close to estadio metro metro stop.

Where is the best mongering there? Best prives? Best motels? Best freelancers? Best termas?

I am mainly a Brazil / Rio monger. Looking forward to PM with the Medellin veterans on this board.Dude you will be right in the heart of the night life area around carrera 70! Plenty of bars, hotels and above all women. Enjoy.

05-18-13, 21:54
If anyone has any idea what "papelito" or "carton" in Medellin is, can you shoot me a pm? Thanks!

Member #4394
05-18-13, 22:31

My business in Medellin will be close to estadio metro metro stop.

Where is the best mongering there? Best prives? Best motels? Best freelancers? Best termas?

I am mainly a Brazil / Rio monger. Looking forward to PM with the Medellin veterans on this board.

05-19-13, 19:04
Was in Medellin again recently. Spent a lot of money, ate a lot of good food, and banged a lot of hot chicas. Not going to do a full-blown trip report, but just want to share my list of "pros" and "cons" about mongering in Medellin:


-Arriving at Night: This sucks because there is no place to get a SIM card for your phone at night. The Claro SIM I bought last time I was in Medellin was no good. Tried adding minutes to my phone at the airport, but no luck. Not sure if they sell SIM cards at the airport because I did not ask. My driver was nice enough to let me use his cell phone AND translate to my chica what was going on. Had to invoke the powers of SKYPE once I got to my apartment because the land line phones will not allow you to call cell phones. The problem with trying to coordinate your chica visit through SKYPE is that your chica cannot call you back (nor can she call your land line phone) if she gets lost. You have to keep constantly calling her back to make sure she finds your place. If your Spanish speaking/comprehension skills are poor (thankfully I am nearing Jedi status), you will have MAJOR problems. Thankfully everything worked out and I did not go sex-less my first night back in Medellin (but was prepared to call Jimmy and hit the strip clubs as a backup plan).

-Chica Arrival Time: Pretty much every chica I called over to my place had a 30-45 minute arrival time via taxi. There were some chicas that took more than an hour to arrive due to peak traffic (even at night; you should have seen the traffic on Ave. Poblado as late as 10pm!) and the driver not knowing where the hell he was going.

-Nice Apartment Papi!: Bbrocks has some very nice apartments, and I was in one of the more nicer ones. All of the chicas that came over LOVED the place. The downside? Some of them (Mansion regulars) got it in their heads that if you can afford such a nice apartment, you can afford to pay them more. Had to send one broad home (a Mansion favorite) because she wanted 200K for one pop and would not budge on that. She would not even consider "extras" (two pops? Con camera, etc.). Made it seem like she was going out of her way to come and meet me "outside of the Mansion". I was like "maybe I should just go to the Mansion and just wait for you there when the price becomes 150K again!" This was around 1pm in the afternoon mind you. I promptly gave her taxi money and sent her on her way. Called up another chica and she was there within 45 minutes. If I wanted to spend 200k for one pop I could gone to Luna Lunera or Fase Dos for that and gotten a much hotter chica for that kind of money.

*The above chica was the only chica that gave me these kind of problems this trip. Will not mention her name, nor give away where I was staying. Don't want to get any chicas banned from the Mansion on my account.

-Traffic: Traffic in Medellin sucks big time after 4pm. It's almost best to stay inside until later that night unless you don't mind walking.


-Riding the bus is super easy: Between 1,600-1,700k per trip. They will let you off wherever; even in the middle of the street! Thanks to Bbrocs and his friend for this tip (explained to me over breakfast).

-The MFPN works too damn well: I did not go to one casa or strip club the entire trip. Too busy enjoying "servicio a domicilio". All came over and chilled for at least 3-4 hours, but had to do a few rush sessions in order to keep up with my chica flow/scheduling (chicas I promised I would call at a certain time).

But next trip I am going to have to do something different. I really wanted to go to Fase Dos, Energy, and the bars and discos on La 70 and La 33. Next trip will have to be a "real" mongering trip (LOL).

-Good food: Lenos y Carbon is still my favorite restaurant. Thanks again to Bbrocks for alerting me to the fact that there was one in Santa Fe Mall. I would have seriously been going to the one at El Tesoro. Do not like the one in Oviedo Mall (it's like their express version or something and is not as good). Did not get a chance to try San Carbon. Bbrocks said that Max Carbon had closed their business.

EVERYONE DELIVERS. Even Burger King, LOL. But for some reason my chica could not get them to deliver to my apartment (may have been too late at night).

-Taxi system: If you call for a taxi from your apartment, your place is already in their registry and they tell the taxi where to go. They also tell you how long it will take for the taxi to arrive, AND the plate number of the taxi arriving for safety. All my chicas got their taxi back home this way.

-Noticed more English-speaking Colombians than last trip: A couple of times while trying to order food a certain way (and not being able to explain it properly) a few waiters went full blown English mode on me, which was a relief. But outside of that I did not run into any bi-lingual Colombians other than at the airport.


05-19-13, 22:28
Just got back from a trip as well.

Savepro; My Tigo SIM card from lasttime worked like a charm. Luckily had some minutes to start off the first night.

I like giving names so others hopefully can benefit from it.

I mongered only at night, almost all are TLN as business during the day kept me busy.

My top girl is Margarita From Fase dos, a real stunner. All natural flacita. 22, no kids, medium height (5' 4") , beautiful face, a killer body and great in bed along with DFK (the last is clearly YMMV). I may have mentioned her before.

My number 2 in terms of looks and service is Daniella From La Isla. 25, no kids with stunning body. She has legs that come up to her neck and a real party animal. We had a great time. I like Sheesha (hookah or Nargila) and I finally found a place that knows how to do it right. The cabbie and I got lost and I was getting frustated but the chick hung in there. She knew it was important to me. She got out and asked for directions several times till we finally made it. It is a Tropical cocktails bar (for those who don't know, TC is a chain) , east of Parque Poblado. Drive west on the one way street starting st the south west corner of the parque. Two blocks down, you will see a neon sign "zona Libre" and a parking lot. Turn left into the parking lot. There is a gate across it and if you are in a car, tell the guy you are going to the tropical cocktails inside the zona. It is hidden but worth trying to find it. The ambience is great. You will think you are are somewhere in the middle east hookah lounges with oversized pillows on the floor and cozy tables. Nice lounge music as well. Not many people and the staff is attentive and chicks dig the cocktails spiked with tequila.

We smoked a double apple the first night and later went to dinner at Illeras. All the girls I take out have to stay till 8 or 9 AMand that is the minimm criteria. Her nick name is barbie. She does have Barbie's legs, waist and ass with natural tits. What a combo. I went to the Tropical cocktails hookah bar many more times with other girls and more on that later.

Only helpful contributors who share useful info on this forum are welcome to PM me for phone numbers.

05-19-13, 22:38
I like giving names so others hopefully can benefit from it.All it takes is being snitched on a few times to quickly end that practice, LOL. It's one of the reasons I stopped posting photos. Our "circle" is much too small so I don't like stuff being traced back to me.

05-20-13, 00:39
Was in Medellin again recently. Spent a lot of money, ate a lot of good food, and banged a lot of hot chicas. Not going to do a full-blown trip report, but just want to share my list of "pros" and "cons" about mongering in Medellin:


Arriving at Night: This sucks because there is no place to get a SIM card for your phone at night. The Claro SIM I bought last time I was in Medellin was no good. Tried adding minutes to my phone at the airport, but no luck. Not sure if they sell SIM cards at the airport because I did not ask. My driver was nice enough to let me use his cell phone AND translate to my chica what was going on. Had to invoke the powers of SKYPE once I got to my apartment because the land line phones will not allow you to call cell phones. The problem with trying to coordinate your chica visit through SKYPE is that your chica cannot call you back (nor can she call your land line phone) if she gets lost. You have to keep constantly calling her back to make sure she finds your place. If your Spanish speaking / comprehension skills are poor (thankfully I am nearing Jedi status) , you will have MAJOR problems. Thankfully everything worked out and I did not go sex-less my first night back in Medellin (but was prepared to call Jimmy and hit the strip clubs as a backup plan).Glad you had a great time. What's so great about Medellin is that there is so many ways to do things. Online chicas, stripclubs, casas, Mayorista.

BTW, You can get a SIM card upstairs from the arrival area.

05-20-13, 04:45
Thanks for the trip report SavePros. I've actually asked a few girls on facebook if they've been pressured into not visiting apartments, or if they need to be covert about the apartment visits and none of them have seemed to have any problems. I am guessing the rumors we've heard are the mansion exerting more influence on the less attractive girls that really rely on meeting a random monger at the mansion, and the better looking ones that are higher in demand can probably do as they feel. BTW, I'm not saying that the girls you were hooking up with are unattractive, but I'd gladly take a look at some of your private photo collection and judge for my self!

Given the strength and ease of finding talent in online social networks, it would not be wise for the mansion to exclude the better looking independent girls. But judging by some pictures I've seen online, the not so attractive and chubbier girls seem to have a good following also, LOL.

I'll hopefully be in Medellin in about a week. If the girls I meet are comfortable with having their pictures posted and want to meet other mongers visiting mde, I'll happily provide that information similar to Vitrea. Stay thirsty my friends.

Mr Gogo
05-20-13, 05:14
All it takes is being snitched on a few times to quickly end that practice, LOL. It's one of the reasons I stopped posting photos. Our "circle" is much too small so I don't like stuff being traced back to me.Good reporting Savepros, do what you feel comfortable doing. I like your development in our game. The last thing you need now is some sprung guy questioning any girls, and having it come back on you.

05-20-13, 05:27
Excuse my ignorance but what's the MFPN that SavePros refers to?

And I agree with your reluctance to post names. Alot of girls don't want this as it can cause them problems. Now if they agree to let you post, then by all means do so. The girls that Vitrea named form Face Dos and Isla likely have no problem with it, but a Mansion girl might.

Mr Gogo
05-20-13, 05:39
Excuse my ignorance but what's the MFPN that SavePros refers to?

And I agree with your reluctance to post names. Alot of girls don't want this as it can cause them problems. Now if they agree to let you post, then by all means do so. The girls that Vitrea named form Face Dos and Isla likely have no problem with it, but a Mansion girl might.Medellin Facebook prepago network.

05-20-13, 07:55
Excuse my ignorance but what's the MFPN that SavePros refers to?

And I agree with your reluctance to post names. Alot of girls don't want this as it can cause them problems. Now if they agree to let you post, then by all means do so. The girls that Vitrea named form Face Dos and Isla likely have no problem with it, but a Mansion girl might.Generally no one gets in trouble for a positive review. This thing about Mansion restricting girls from going to apartments is unfounded and I believe it is more of a misunderstanding that was limited to a one time situation.

Also, remember that most of these girls (especially mansion girls) have had their photos posted here and several are on Facebook and the prepago status is well known to the "friends". As far as families of these girls are concerned, none of the girls use thier real names. I would NEVER post the real names of these girls.

The girls consistently tell me that they appreciate a positive review (if one is deserving) as this is business for them and which business does not want good publicity?

This forum would not be what it is without names of providers.

Respect :-D

05-20-13, 12:03
Thanks for the trip report SavePros. I've actually asked a few girls on facebook if they've been pressured into not visiting apartments, or if they need to be covert about the apartment visits and none of them have seemed to have any problems. I am guessing the rumors we've heard are the mansion exerting more influence on the less attractive girls that really rely on meeting a random monger at the mansion, and the better looking ones that are higher in demand can probably do as they feel. BTW, I'm not saying that the girls you were hooking up with are unattractive, but I'd gladly take a look at some of your private photo collection and judge for my self!Nice try, but thanks for playing, LOL. Come back when my bullshit meter is not working so well :)

05-20-13, 14:10
Hey guys.

Long time no post. Last trip was to the DR like 10 years ago. Now that I'm recently divorced (and happy) I am thinking about a new trip.

I am fluent in spanish and never been to Colombia. I have 2 weeks, thinking maybe 4 days in santo domingo DR, then 10 days or so in Medellin / Cartagena.

The thought of brasil passed my mind but I heard colombian women are hot, plus being fluent in spanish should help.

But here is my question. I also would like to see culture. I like to do some sight seeing (preferrable with a nice looking colombian woman) while in Medellin. Is there much to do in Medellin besides sex? .

I know Cartagena is a beautiful city and much sight seeing. But other than than that great view from that mountain outside of Medellin, doesn't seem like there is much.

Appreciate your input.

05-20-13, 18:06
...................... This thing about Mansion restricting girls from going to apartments is unfounded...................... . You are wrong. I just came back from MDE. One of the sought after Mansion girls, who visited me at my apartment, told me to keep our meeting confidential to avoid any Mansion pressure. I asked her point blank about this Mansion practice and she said it is all true. One of the ex-mansion girls who visited me told me the same thing and cited this as the main reason she stopped going to the Mansion.


Black Page
05-20-13, 22:21
Hey guys.

Long time no post. Last trip was to the DR like 10 years ago. Now that I'm recently divorced (and happy) I am thinking about a new trip.

I am fluent in spanish and never been to Colombia. I have 2 weeks, thinking maybe 4 days in santo domingo DR, then 10 days or so in Medellin / Cartagena.

The thought of brasil passed my mind but I heard colombian women are hot, plus being fluent in spanish should help.

But here is my question. I also would like to see culture. I like to do some sight seeing (preferrable with a nice looking colombian woman) while in Medellin. Is there much to do in Medellin besides sex? .

I know Cartagena is a beautiful city and much sight seeing. But other than than that great view from that mountain outside of Medellin, doesn't seem like there is much.

Appreciate your input.Colombia is one of the most beautiful countries of the world. Nature is breathtaking.

About Medellin, you should know it is the city of Botero (don't ask who is he). Missing Museo de Antioquia, if one is in Medellin, would be insane. Visit other museums in the city and spend also some days outside, to enjoy beautiful green Antioquia. A must see place is Santa Fe de Antioquia, at only 1-2 hours by car or bus. If you are accompanied by someone, by car you can discover the world of Paisa, the villages, the coffee.

About whole Colombia, have a look at the official web site www.colombia.travel And enjoy in particular the promo videos. After only 30 mins, you'll regret you don't have 3 months to spend there.

05-20-13, 22:42
What are the best restaurants to take a girl out on a date to? I'm looking for places that have a great decor, very trendy, and preferably in parque lleras or la strada. I've heard that triada and woka are pretty good, but any other recommendations?

I'm looking more for a great scene and ambiance than great food, if that makes a difference. Thanks!

05-20-13, 22:55
What are the best restaurants to take a girl out on a date to? I'm looking for places that have a great decor, very trendy, and preferably in parque lleras or la strada. I've heard that triada and woka are pretty good, but any other recommendations?

I'm looking more for a great scene and ambiance than great food, if that makes a difference. Thanks!We have similar tastes.

I like the restaurant in hotel Dias. If you get a corner table, the view is killer. They have decent sushi as well.

For a cozy "romantic" but hip atmosphere, try Satay. You will not find any tourists at Satay. Both are near Parque lleras.

05-20-13, 23:12
What are the best restaurants to take a girl out on a date to? I'm looking for places that have a great decor, very trendy, and preferably in parque lleras or la strada. I've heard that triada and woka are pretty good, but any other recommendations?

I'm looking more for a great scene and ambiance than great food, if that makes a difference. Thanks!Oh! I forgot to add that one of the best venues I found for a good combination of good restaurants, music and an overall lively atmosphere is the Rio Sur mall. The clubs are open till 4 AM on weekends. Unless I missed it, I did not see anyone talk about this place on this forum. To me, it looked like this is where the wealthy locals hung out after work. I love the scene at Parque lleras but this can be a nice change, especially when it is raining :-D.


05-20-13, 23:25
Colombia is one of the most beautiful countries of the world. Nature is breathtaking.

About Medellin, you should know it is the city of Botero (don't ask who is he). Missing Museo de Antioquia, if one is in Medellin, would be insane. Visit other museums in the city and spend also some days outside, to enjoy beautiful green Antioquia. A must see place is Santa Fe de Antioquia, at only 1-2 hours by car or bus. If you are accompanied by someone, by car you can discover the world of Paisa, the villages, the coffee.

About whole Colombia, have a look at the official web site.


And enjoy in particular the promo videos. After only 30 mins, you'll regret you don't have 3 months to spend there.Cool.

I know a lot has changed in Colombia, but is it safe to drive outside the city? Back in early 2000 I know lots of kidnappings were occurring. Friends back then told me to visit Colombia but stay in the city.

So is driving outside Medellin safe?

Thanks for the reply

Black Page
05-20-13, 23:42
What are the best restaurants to take a girl out on a date to? I'm looking for places that have a great decor, very trendy, and preferably in parque lleras or la strada. I've heard that triada and woka are pretty good, but any other recommendations?

I'm looking more for a great scene and ambiance than great food, if that makes a difference. Thanks!San Carbon on Las Palmas is a classic! Great view daytime, romantic ambient at night (too dark for my taste).

(it is not so far from La Isla, if she lets you down)

05-21-13, 03:22
Much appreciated. I've heard some good things about Rio Sur from an extremely hot girl that refuses to sell me her pu$$why. Sinko bar is apparently a restaurant with awesome rooftop views and Sixttina is "the" club to go to according to her. Not sure how well a prepago will fit in and be welcomed there.

Just to round out the list for anyone that searches later, here are another few recommendations I've received, some of which I've checked out before.

Ay Caramba. Mexican restaurant in Lleras, good food but not exactly what I'd call a good atmosphere for a date.

Thayco. Thai in Lleras, had a great looking crowd when I went before, but again, not exactly a date like spot.

Triada. In lleras, I remember it having a pretty good ambiance.

Sinko Bar. Rooftop restaurant in Rio Sur.

Al Rojo. Never been

Aussie Greg
05-21-13, 04:22
I go to a place for food, fuck the rest.

Best seafood "Donde Bupos" a puta will stick out like dogs balls there.

Best home made Italian. Crispinos in Laureles, again a puta will stick out like dogs balls.

Parque lleres. Triada and that Mexican place.

As for the club Woka or what ever they call it, carnt remember. Don't like your chances getting a puta in there, the security will look at you "a gringo" and then look at her white talcones and say, fuck off. Only upper class Colombians go there and they don't like mixing with putas and gringos.

A. G.

San Carbon on Las Palmas is a classic! Great view daytime, romantic ambient at night (too dark for my taste).

(it is not so far from La Isla, if she lets you down)

Member #4287
05-21-13, 04:29
Thanks for the trip report SavePros. I've actually asked a few girls on facebook if they've been pressured into not visiting apartments, or if they need to be covert about the apartment visits and none of them have seemed to have any problems. I am guessing the rumors we've heard are the mansion exerting more influence on the less attractive girls that really rely on meeting a random monger at the mansion, and the better looking ones that are higher in demand can probably do as they feel. BTW, I'm not saying that the girls you were hooking up with are unattractive, but I'd gladly take a look at some of your private photo collection and judge for my self!

Given the strength and ease of finding talent in online social networks, it would not be wise for the mansion to exclude the better looking independent girls. But judging by some pictures I've seen online, the not so attractive and chubbier girls seem to have a good following also, LOL.

I'll hopefully be in Medellin in about a week. If the girls I meet are comfortable with having their pictures posted and want to meet other mongers visiting mde, I'll happily provide that information similar to Vitrea. Stay thirsty my friends.My anecdotal experiences tend to agree with your statements.

The three Medellin Mansion girls that I hooked up with during my stay. Gave up their contact info and added me to their facebook accounts without hesitation. And the few Mansion chicks that I met through mutual facebook friends did the same. If there is some effort to discourage Mansion chicks from hooking up outside of the place it is failing.

Vegas Jeff
05-21-13, 04:57
As for the club Woka or what ever they call it, carnt remember. Don't like your chances getting a puta in there, the security will look at you "a gringo" and then look at her white talcones and say, fuck off. Only upper class Colombians go there and they don't like mixing with putas and gringos.Many of these girls are inspired by what they see in the Rihanna video and dress the part. Be firm in telling your date to dress conservatively as she will blend in better. I personally think a girl looks sexier in regular clothes but to each is their own.

For guys who have extended stays keep in mind that your neighbors will judge you by the girls you bring to your place. Having them dress appropriately helps you in this way also.

05-21-13, 07:02
I go to a place for food, fuck the rest.

Best seafood "Donde Bupos" a puta will stick out like dogs balls there.

Best home made Italian. Crispinos in Laureles, again a puta will stick out like dogs balls.

Parque lleres. Triada and that Mexican place.

As for the club Woka or what ever they call it, carnt remember. Don't like your chances getting a puta in there, the security will look at you "a gringo" and then look at her white talcones and say, fuck off. Only upper class Colombians go there and they don't like mixing with putas and gringos.

A. G.I have never had a problem getting into Woka. Nor any place in Lleras. Sometimes with Mansion chicas too.

05-21-13, 07:09
Generally no one gets in trouble for a positive review. This thing about Mansion restricting girls from going to apartments is unfounded and I believe it is more of a misunderstanding that was limited to a one time situation.

Also, remember that most of these girls (especially mansion girls) have had their photos posted here and several are on Facebook and the prepago status is well known to the "friends". As far as families of these girls are concerned, none of the girls use thier real names. I would NEVER post the real names of these girls.

The girls consistently tell me that they appreciate a positive review (if one is deserving) as this is business for them and which business does not want good publicity?

This forum would not be what it is without names of providers.

Respect :-DI forgot which board I read it on but Robert's new partner already stated that there is an apartment rule and the new bar would be an exception.

05-21-13, 07:59
I forgot which board I read it on but Robert's new partner already stated that there is an apartment rule and the new bar would be an exception.That was me. It may be just the policy of La Cueva bar in the Mansion, but it certainly is true. Of course they don't expect all girls to abide by those rules, just the current crop of regulars. I don't understand the policy myself, but I certainly don't know as much about the chica situation as the La Cueva management.

BTW, here is the logo of our new club called "Liquid Lounge". The second image is just a concept of the new place which breaks ground this week. I am not in the photo yet. I will be photoshopped in when I take the photo later this week. We hope to be open in time for the end of July flower and model festivals. I have been sending out emails with info and specials to my crop of contacts. If you'd like to be added to the list, feel free to PM me with your email if it's allowed here.

Black Page
05-21-13, 10:42

I know a lot has changed in Colombia, but is it safe to drive outside the city? Back in early 2000 I know lots of kidnappings were occurring. Friends back then told me to visit Colombia but stay in the city.

So is driving outside Medellin safe?

Thanks for the replyROFL. Safe and relaxing. Safer than driving in suburbs of many USA big towns.

05-21-13, 15:15
As for the club Woka or what ever they call it, carnt remember. Don't like your chances getting a puta in there, the security will look at you "a gringo" and then look at her white talcones and say, fuck off. Only upper class Colombians go there and they don't like mixing with putas and gringos.

A. G.Challenge accepted! Thanks for the restaurant recommendations.

FYI for others, I've heard sinko bar in Rio sur can be a similar issue in terms of getting in as a gringo.

05-21-13, 16:34
My anecdotal experiences tend to agree with your statements.

The three Medellin Mansion girls that I hooked up with during my stay. Gave up their contact info and added me to their facebook accounts without hesitation. And the few Mansion chicks that I met through mutual facebook friends did the same. If there is some effort to discourage Mansion chicks from hooking up outside of the place it is failing.I talked with Robert, of the Mansion a few days ago.

Says he's got soooo many chicas calling him and his staff wanting to be invited to the Mansion.

Over a couple thousand that want in.

Don't think they give a hoot about chicas doing side business.

Black Page
05-21-13, 17:03
FYI for others, I've heard sinko bar in Rio sur can be a similar issue in terms of getting in as a gringo.I don't think any club would pose any problem to a gringo entering their premises, as long as he is not drunk and he is decently dressed. The problem is about allowing entrance to people dressed not adequately and girls looking as vulgar putas. No high-end club would like to see its upper-class patrons mixed with such others.

05-21-13, 23:15
I don't think any club would pose any problem to a gringo entering their premises, as long as he is not drunk and he is decently dressed. The problem is about allowing entrance to people dressed not adequately and girls looking as vulgar putas. No high-end club would like to see its upper-class patrons mixed with such others.Yes, I've seen some gringos wearing shorts and sandles. That could have something to do with it. At night I dress like I'm ready for a club. Jeans that fit. Collared, short sleeve shirt and shoes. Never had a problem.

05-21-13, 23:56
Lutron is turning out to be a consistent disappointment. I bet money that, unless they change their business model, they are going to close within the year. :-)

Last week they had 9 girls and only one is an 8 in my eyes. Paulina Is all natural, cute face, curvy but not fat. Very feminine. Willing to exchange phone numbers and come out if she is into you. They close at 10 PM.

Rest looked like hardened pros, are over 24, silicone and not so cute faces. I would still suggest visiting this place if you are a first timer in MDE.

05-22-13, 03:06
Lutron is turning out to be a consistent disappointment. I bet money that, unless they change their business model, they are going to close within the year. .

Last week they had 9 girls and only one is an 8 in my eyes. Paulina Is all natural, cute face, curvy but not fat. Very feminine. Willing to exchange phone numbers and come out if she is into you. They close at 10 PM.

Rest looked like hardened pros, are over 24, silicone and not so cute faces. I would still suggest visiting this place if you are a first timer in MDE.I doubt they are going anywhere. They have been around for ages. Loutrons is known for silicone. I believe the Colombian men like plastic.

05-22-13, 03:16
I talked with Robert, of the Mansion a few days ago.

Says he's got soooo many chicas calling him and his staff wanting to be invited to the Mansion.

Over a couple thousand that want in.

Don't think they give a hoot about chicas doing side business.I don't doubt that. Most don't stick though. When the popular ones stop going because they are busy in the apartments, guess what, the guys will stop going to. So it's understandable.

05-22-13, 05:06
I talked with Robert, of the Mansion a few days ago.

Says he's got soooo many chicas calling him and his staff wanting to be invited to the Mansion.

Over a couple thousand that want in.

Don't think they give a hoot about chicas doing side business.This makes sense on so many levels. First, the Mansion is a ridiculously good deal for Medellin chicas. 150K for an hour or two, the guys treat them nice, buy them drinks and food and they can hang out in a comfortable, safe atmosphere. And unlike a casa, they can choose who they can be with. Also, unlike a casa, they don't have to worry about a relative or family friend walking into the place. Just a perfect situation for a Paisa that wants to make alot of money on the side with very little risk.

Even if they tried to stop the girls from doing side business, it would be almost impossible to enforce. The situation as it stands is a win-win for both the Mansion and the girls that go there.

05-22-13, 14:22
BTW, here is the logo of our new club called "Liquid Lounge".Amigo,

Looking at your logo, I could not help seeing or visualizing a squid in water. Anyone one else had that same image in your head?


Aussie Greg
05-22-13, 16:46
I have a chuckle each time I see the term "Mansion Girl", there's no such thing!

All invited friends of guests of the Mansion either come here to meet and talk to guests of the hotel, lets say "practice there English" use the swimming pool, attend the bar La Cueva for dancing / drinking / partying and also buy clothes at the clothes shop.

The hotel does not own them, they do not pay commissions and or a entry fee to the hotel, they can visit any club, apartment, meet any gringo / colombiano they like.

All are free to do what they like, its a free world.

All the hotel requests is that guests and invited friends of the hotel have either a passport and or a Colombia Cedula I. D. At entry and conduct themselves in a orderly manner.

A. G. Its a beautiful world!

05-22-13, 19:51
I have a chuckle each time I see the term "Mansion Girl", there's no such thing!

All invited friends of guests of the Mansion either come here to meet and talk to guests of the hotel, lets say "practice there English" use the swimming pool, attend the bar La Cueva for dancing / drinking / partying and also buy clothes at the clothes shop.

The hotel does not own them, they do not pay commissions and or a entry fee to the hotel, they can visit any club, apartment, meet any gringo / colombiano they like.

All are free to do what they like, its a free world.

All the hotel requests is that guests and invited friends of the hotel have either a passport and or a Colombia Cedula I. D. At entry and conduct themselves in a orderly manner.

A. G. Its a beautiful world!100% correct. I don't have the vested interest in the Mansion that Greg does. But some of this is common sense. There are dozens if not hundreds of girls that will come by the Mansion. True, at any one time, there may be 10 or 20 that are more or less "regulars," but there are many more that will only come by every now and then (before their kid's B-day, or before the tuition is due, after they lose a rich boyfriend).

Does anyone seriously think they could control what all these girls do? And even if they wanted to, they would be venturing into pimping, which would invite unwanted attention.

Sure a hot chica might be able to command 150K for a guy in an apartment, but if she went to the Mansion, she could get the same money and meet other prospective clients while she's at it. Fantastic situation all around.

05-23-13, 01:18
A "mansion chica" is an affectionate term for a girl that goes to the Mansion and gets spoiled rotten by gringos.

The Mansion doesn't "control" per se. But when it is a source of income, and you tell them "if you go to the apartments, you can't come here", that is a form of mind control.

There are no guarantees that if they go to the Mansion, they get selected. It is hard to turn down a visit to an apartment for guaranteed money.