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07-01-13, 17:24
I know I should not be advertising on ISG, please give me a break guys.

I have the "I LOVE AUSSIE GREG" t-shirts for sale, sold 173 of them so far, seems every thing I do here in Colombia turns to gold.

Selling them for $55. 00 USD or if the US dollar goes down to far, I'll change it to the Mexicain peso.

Also have the girls singlet, so if you guys have a puta girlfriend with big fake titties, I'm your man for fashion!

A. G.$55 for a tshirt! You live in Medellin or Monaco?

Member #4394
07-01-13, 18:55
I saw Frank Casio wearing the shirt in Mayorista a few months ago.

I know I should not be advertising on ISG, please give me a break guys.

I have the "I LOVE AUSSIE GREG" t-shirts for sale, sold 173 of them so far, seems every thing I do here in Colombia turns to gold.

Selling them for $55. 00 USD or if the US dollar goes down to far, I'll change it to the Mexicain peso.

Also have the girls singlet, so if you guys have a puta girlfriend with big fake titties, I'm your man for fashion!

A. G.

07-01-13, 19:35
hey man, (atbbrocs) you good peeps so please don't take this as a flame battler starter. also i do not know agreg or have ever stayed at the mansion or even spoken to the man (i did pm him a few years back about groceries for some poor folks in the barios) so i'm not his homie or anything like that. we just happen to have formed the same opinion on doing things ie running a business in colombia. he's been down here for years so he might have some hard fought and well earned experience. i'm just telling you how it is from my own personal experiences, observations, and from some very good friends of mine who work and run assorted business down here.

do you run a business down in colombia? if so what type of business (yes it matters what time of shop you running)? thoughts on working, running shop, ect in colombia ie: medellin?i run a apartment rental business here in medellin since 2010. i employ 7 colombians. i treat them exactly how i would want my boss to treat me like a extension of my family. without them i am lost here. i never forget this. when there not happy with me they will not due the proper job. i am not afraid to fire anyone. before this i owned a supermarket in hells kitchen nyc. it was there i honed my skills to deal with the public and my employees. i have experience, drive, and and imagination. i'm here in medellin to compete against everyone for a long haul, and my model has families, and other types as well renting from me so i have a much bigger pool to rent to. i don't treat people badly unless you earned that from me.

hope to answer your questions siam. the more he talks to more i want to get some of my wealthy friends together and make a place that's in direct competition with the mansion. but i think that's anger talking and my best bet is to buy a building with no residential neighbors and continue making nice apartments, which is my niche.

07-01-13, 19:36
AG- You live in a working girl house. Your business is working girls. You are a pimp. You are a working girl monger. You are an abusive alcoholic. Of course the whole world looks fucked up to you. You only see the crappy Colombians because you choose to meet only the crappiest of society.

07-01-13, 20:38
This softball interview reminded me of a clip from my favorite childhood tv show, LOL:


First person to guess which one is HelpRules gets a free hat!Which one was AG?

07-01-13, 20:44

You are right sir...How are you meeting Hatians?

07-01-13, 22:10
$55 for a tshirt! You live in Medellin or Monaco?Pricey yes, but the tshirt gets you into the Cave or beat up or both. Depends upon AG's mood!

07-01-13, 23:32
AG- You live in a working girl house. Your business is working girls. You are a pimp. You are a working girl monger. You are an abusive alcoholic. Of course the whole world looks fucked up to you. You only see the crappy Colombians because you choose to meet only the crappiest of society.Hmmmm, EstebanH might be on to something?

07-02-13, 00:55
In 2012 I spent nearly the max days allowed in Colombia on a tourist visa 179 out of the 180. Also time in 2012 and I am here now in 2013. I have visited D. R and travelled to most cities there on maybe 5 or 6 occasions. I would not even put Colombianas in the same book as D. R. Chicas let alone the same page as A. G. Has done. I have never been robbed or ripped off in Colombia, a far cry from my experiences in the D. R. Even my toothpaste disappeared there! In my humble opinion there are no better women in the world than Colombianas.

07-02-13, 04:22
There are good people in every country everywhere in the World. But if you're hanging out with working girls in MDE, Cali, DR, etc, you probably won't meet them. That's not to say these girls shouldn't be treated decently or that you can't have fun with them. It's just that you shouldn't trust them. They lie more or less habitually.

Aussie Greg
07-02-13, 05:36
That's why I put them one above the Dominican's!

Keep the orders for I LOVE AUSSIE GREG t-shirts, sold 34 in the last 24 hours!

A. G.

In 2012 I spent nearly the max days allowed in Colombia on a tourist visa 179 out of the 180. Also time in 2012 and I am here now in 2013. I have visited D. R and travelled to most cities there on maybe 5 or 6 occasions. I would not even put Colombianas in the same book as D. R. Chicas let alone the same page as A. G. Has done. I have never been robbed or ripped off in Colombia, a far cry from my experiences in the D. R. Even my toothpaste disappeared there! In my humble opinion there are no better women in the world than Colombianas.

Aussie Greg
07-02-13, 05:43
That's a little bit harsh!

TweedleD, you might be right, I think he's on something to!

I must say, if you can find a girl that I have taken any money from what so ever, please publish her name and cedula number here on ISG, a foto would be good to, that should sought you out.

TweedleD, your still a wet bag mate, still falling in love with every puta you meet!

Its all good.

A. G.

Hmmmm, EstebanH might be on to something?

Aussie Greg
07-02-13, 05:45

I saw Frank Casio wearing the shirt in Mayorista a few months ago.

07-02-13, 07:41
That's a little bit harsh!

TweedleD, you might be right, I think he's on something to!

I must say, if you can find a girl that I have taken any money from what so ever, please publish her name and cedula number here on ISG, a foto would be good to, that should sought you out.

TweedleD, your still a wet bag mate, still falling in love with every puta you meet!

Its all good.

A. G.Can I order online the " I love Aussie Greg" t-shirt?

Black Page
07-02-13, 10:29
In 2012 I spent nearly the max days allowed in Colombia on a tourist visa 179 out of the 180. Also time in 2012 and I am here now in 2013. I have visited D. R and travelled to most cities there on maybe 5 or 6 occasions. I would not even put Colombianas in the same book as D. R. Chicas let alone the same page as A. G. Has done. I have never been robbed or ripped off in Colombia, a far cry from my experiences in the D. R. Even my toothpaste disappeared there! In my humble opinion there are no better women in the world than Colombianas.So true!

I refrained to intervene in this debate so far, but Colombians are great people, and paisa above all. In all my visits during many years, I have been overcharged only ONCE, by a taxi driver. Never had a single problem. Colombia is great, Medellin is fantastic, and local people are one of the reasons why I love to go there.

I am sorry that some fellow members here were so unlucky to stay away from good people in Colombia. There's a lot of bandits too, and misery, but good people in Colombia are not white flies. It depends on where we go and who we aim to meet, if we don't see them. :P

Hasideas Tao
07-02-13, 14:38
So who wants to come with me on the casa tour and take notes! Listo!

07-02-13, 15:29
So true!

I refrained to intervene in this debate so far, but Colombians are great people, and paisa above all. In all my visits during many years, I have been overcharged only ONCE, by a taxi driver. Never had a single problem. Colombia is great, Medellin is fantastic, and local people are one of the reasons why I love to go there.

I am sorry that some fellow members here were so unlucky to stay away from good people in Colombia. There's a lot of bandits too, and misery, but good people in Colombia are not white flies. It depends on where we go and who we aim to meet, if we don't see them. :PAt Black Page: I'm not calling you out specifically just using your last post as a jump off point.

Once again the majority of you guys miss the point and glaze over the main issue. The beef with "Colombians" is not with the heart of the man but with the wallet of the man. The Anti-Camp has issue with the way Colombians do business and their lack of business ethics. The everyday interaction that the Pro-camp wants to praise is a buddy-buddy with a Colombian and Rumba-Hell yes! Clearly that is going to go fine. A few bucks, a few girls, a few bottles and you're rolling in the good times! That is not the issue and never has been in question. Work is what we are discussing and getting things done is the issue. When trying to get something done, business, work, anything accomplished in a fast and efficient manner they fail!

It's all around. Look at the quality of buildings and apartments they put up. New construction with crack all over the place, sinks not sealed into the granite; just placed there, how many times have you had a shower or faucet knob turn right off into your hand? Look at the movies for god sakes. One line to order then go wait in another line to pick in up? Total lack of efficiency and that is the plan they use on a busy Saturday night? They turn a 15 min process into a 30-40 ordeal! This is just one example, take the time to flash back to your own experiences and you'll come up with two or three easily I'm sure. Try to think of the "What the hell are they doing or is going on!" Feeling and there you go. You'll remember the feeling better than the actual experience.

I also visit much more than most mongers (3ish times a year 2 weeks or more each time) as I have REAL friends down there and a girlfriend. This makes me privy to their experiences and having to help my girl with her stuff (paying bills and living life. Short time or infrequent visitors don't see this side of the Medellin x Colombia). With this "everyday life" experience you see the ineptitude of Colombian business and operation.

Once money get involved all bets are off. No put intended. Money makes a man do strange things and in Colombia it makes people crazy because it's so hard to get a head. Being that it is so difficult and opportunities so hard to come by (or IMO for the Colombians to see) that they live in "Fear". Fear of losing what little they already have. The old adage "Penny smart and Pound Foolish" perfectly describes Colombia in a Work x Business context. Not a everyday sit at Parque Lleras waiting for your hooker to show up to have a nice meal way.

It comes down to this: In America and the rest of the "Developed" world Time is SUPER important and is held in that light. In Colombia all they see is the peso. They have all the time in the world so Money is SUPER important to them. It is a ideological difference that is glaring and frustrating to those who know the simple truth; You can make more money, you can't make more time!

atBBrocs. Bro it's Slam not Siam. Same typo twice! Hahhaha. Unless you tring to get at me? Just kidding. I thought you were the Apartment guy. Glad to see you are doing well and that you are thriving in Medellin. I was a sales rep for Nabisco back in the day for 5+ years and I am familiar with the grocery game and currently work as a real estate agent so I'm versed in that game too. Sounds like our resumes have some overlap! LOL.

I think it's fair and reasonable (two attitudes lacking in this community) that doing business isn't easy and could be much easier if people conducted themselves. Let's just say "better". Would you agree?

07-02-13, 18:00
Jake does not do much business, but the few clients he does have sure do have a lot of fun! Just caught up with Jake and he and Eric just finished with a fun time including a trip to Leticia.

[Link(s) to Photo(s) on other sites deleted by Admin]

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07-02-13, 19:01
I've only been to Medellin three times so I am definitely no expert but each time I've gone I've met good local folks and had absolutely no problems walking around in el centro in the day time. I went to ejecutivo every trip and pulled a girl for an all nighter and never paid over 120. I stayed at the mansion each trip and had a great time. The paisas at the mansion were all friendly and down for a good time. Took a few out to the clubs and back for all nighters and never paid over 150. Met Gregg a few times and he was always cool with me. Will be back on July 10 for a week and would like to hit the street scene in centro if anyone wants to tag along.

07-03-13, 00:49
Jake does not do much business, but the few clients he does have sure do have a lot of fun! Just caught up with Jake and he and Eric just finished with a fun time including a trip to Leticia.


Howard HThanks Crankdownonit, I mean HowardHewett!

You should space your C R T posts out between days rather than hours before double posting them here. At least you changed up your screen name though. Don''t want to seem TOO obvious, lol.

Nothing against Jake at all, but if he wants people to take him seriously then he should come here and post some useful info like the Aussie and Bbrocs does (both business owners in Medellin) rather than spamming us about your, I mean his tours.

Hell, even the late Medellin Paisa had more couth!

07-03-13, 00:59
So who wants to come with me on the casa tour and take notes! Listo!Hey. My buddy and me just got here today. Staying in e poblado. [Telephone Number deleted by Admin] Johnny

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted to remove personal telephone numbers. Please do not post personal telephone numbers in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you for this information directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

07-03-13, 01:56
Good day. Does anybody recognize the location in the foto?

07-03-13, 03:53
Good day. Does anybody recognize the location in the foto?Looks like that Egyptian club in Barrio Colombia. Armana or something like that

07-03-13, 04:02
At Black Page: I'm not calling you out specifically just using your last post as a jump off point.

Once again the majority of you guys miss the point and glaze over the main issue. The beef with "Colombians" is not with the heart of the man but with the wallet of the man. The Anti-Camp has issue with the way Colombians do business and their lack of business ethics. The everyday interaction that the Pro-camp wants to praise is a buddy-buddy with a Colombian and Rumba-Hell yes! Clearly that is going to go fine. A few bucks, a few girls, a few bottles and you're rolling in the good times! That is not the issue and never has been in question. Work is what we are discussing and getting things done is the issue. When trying to get something done, business, work, anything accomplished in a fast and efficient manner they fail!

It's all around. Look at the quality of buildings and apartments they put up. New construction with crack all over the place, sinks not sealed into the granite; just placed there, how many times have you had a shower or faucet knob turn right off into your hand? Look at the movies for god sakes. One line to order then go wait in another line to pick in up? Total lack of efficiency and that is the plan they use on a busy Saturday night? They turn a 15 min process into a 30-40 ordeal! This is just one example, take the time to flash back to your own experiences and you'll come up with two or three easily I'm sure. Try to think of the "What the hell are they doing or is going on!" Feeling and there you go. You'll remember the feeling better than the actual experience.

I also visit much more than most mongers (3ish times a year 2 weeks or more each time) as I have REAL friends down there and a girlfriend. This makes me privy to their experiences and having to help my girl with her stuff (paying bills and living life. Short time or infrequent visitors don't see this side of the Medellin x Colombia). With this "everyday life" experience you see the ineptitude of Colombian business and operation.

Once money get involved all bets are off. No put intended. Money makes a man do strange things and in Colombia it makes people crazy because it's so hard to get a head. Being that it is so difficult and opportunities so hard to come by (or IMO for the Colombians to see) that they live in "Fear". Fear of losing what little they already have. The old adage "Penny smart and Pound Foolish" perfectly describes Colombia in a Work x Business context. Not a everyday sit at Parque Lleras waiting for your hooker to show up to have a nice meal way.

It comes down to this: In America and the rest of the "Developed" world Time is SUPER important and is held in that light. In Colombia all they see is the peso. They have all the time in the world so Money is SUPER important to them. It is a ideological difference that is glaring and frustrating to those who know the simple truth; You can make more money, you can't make more time!

AtBBrocs. Bro it's Slam not Siam. Same typo twice! Hahhaha. Unless you tring to get at me? Just kidding. I thought you were the Apartment guy. Glad to see you are doing well and that you are thriving in Medellin. I was a sales rep for Nabisco back in the day for 5+ years and I am familiar with the grocery game and currently work as a real estate agent so I'm versed in that game too. Sounds like our resumes have some overlap! LOL.

I think it's fair and reasonable (two attitudes lacking in this community) that doing business isn't easy and could be much easier if people conducted themselves. Let's just say "better". Would you agree?I am very sorry my eyes at 44 are not what they used to be I did not realize it was slam. I apologize. If you knew who I was then why ask?

Tell me any city anywhere that its easy to do business in? It's tough all over no one is forking over money for nothing and chicks for free. But I say back to you, conduct business with a better class of people. Choose vendors that are honorable, on that end its your choice. Your clients that's another story. It's always risk vs reward, some people are just to much risk.

Surround yourself with good people, take good care of them and hope for the best.

07-03-13, 05:24
Good day. Does anybody recognize the location in the foto?Amarna________

07-03-13, 06:28
Amarna________I haven't visited Amarna but the bench in the foto is similar to some I have seen in love hotels. Does anyone know if rooms are available at Amarna?

Legal Tender
07-04-13, 08:51
Look at the quality of buildings and apartments they put up. New construction with crack all over the place, sinks not sealed into the granite; just placed there, how many times have you had a shower or faucet knob turn right off into your hand? Look at the movies for god sakes. One line to order then go wait in another line to pick in up? Total lack of efficiency and that is the plan they use on a busy Saturday night? They turn a 15 min process into a 30-40 ordeal! This is just one example, take the time to flash back to your own experiences and you'll come up with two or three easily I'm sure. Try to think of the "What the hell are they doing or is going on!" Feeling and there you go. You'll remember the feeling better than the actual experience.

I also visit much more than most mongers (3ish times a year 2 weeks or more each time) as I have REAL friends down there and a girlfriend. This makes me privy to their experiences and having to help my girl with her stuff (paying bills and living life. Short time or infrequent visitors don't see this side of the Medellin x Colombia). With this "everyday life" experience you see the ineptitude of Colombian business and operation.

Once money get involved all bets are off. No put intended. Money makes a man do strange things and in Colombia it makes people crazy because it's so hard to get a head. Being that it is so difficult and opportunities so hard to come by (or IMO for the Colombians to see) that they live in "Fear". Fear of losing what little they already have. The old adage "Penny smart and Pound Foolish" perfectly describes Colombia in a Work x Business context. Not a everyday sit at Parque Lleras waiting for your hooker to show up to have a nice meal way.

It comes down to this: In America and the rest of the "Developed" world Time is SUPER important and is held in that light. In Colombia all they see is the peso. They have all the time in the world so Money is SUPER important to them. It is a ideological difference that is glaring and frustrating to those who know the simple truth; You can make more money, you can't make more time!What Slam has written pretty much sums up the culture and attitude in Colombia. There is simply no respect for someone else's time. In business, attempts are made to renegotiate an agreement more often than an NFL player. An "offer" and "acceptance" means little, you're always having to deal with new terms, and this attitude extends to almost everything, including multi-million dollar contracts. The only other cultural difference that comes to mind is that once you do something for a Paisa, it is immediately forgotten. That contribution is "in the past" and as Slam wrote, they're off to the next concern because the immediate need is all they think about. Very frustrating for someone who is accustomed to expect folks to do what they say they're going to do.

Only good energy, notwithstanding the insanity there.

Pana Nyc
07-04-13, 10:26
These are words of wisdom coming from a man that has lived in Colombia for 10 years now. No else on this forum has the experience in Colombia like Aussie Greg!

Damn AG, have you nothing good to say about Colombians?

A. G. Yes, property values going up and the development of Poblado. No, not much.

There are no good Colombians?

A. G. I guess there are, haven't met too many. They are like apples, sooner or later, they turn bad.

Are there no honest Colombians?

A. G. I guess there are but in my industry, not many good Colombians.

I like to go somewhere like a Juan Valdes coffee shop, stand in line and then drop a 50, 000 peso note at my feet, and then watch the Colombians reaction! !

Who do you hang out with?

A. G. Nobody, I do my own thing, I don't need people around me. After spending over 10 years here, not much gets me going anymore.

11 years in Colombia and you have Colombian friends?

A. G. Mmmmmm no, only people I say hello to, then I don't mean it, I just say it to be polite. There arn't any Colombians that I would ask out to dinner, not even my three girlfriends. They just come over, we have sex and then they go home to there boyfriends and I get a good night sleep without farting in bed with them!

If a Colombian girl is attractive and she says she doesn't have a boyfriend, she lying! They all have boyfriends, they like to make you special so you give them more money and gifts!

I'm not giving you crap, these are real questions.

A. G. No mate, I hope I've done my best to answer your questions.

A. G.

Nino Bravo
07-04-13, 12:05
If a Colombian girl is attractive and she says she doesn't have a boyfriend, she lying! They all have boyfriends, they like to make you special so you give them more money and gifts!Very very true statement and very few exceptions, especially with the non pros. If you're a gringo and you excpect your girl to be loyal, don't count on it. Colombian women don't stay alone for too long. And NEVER trust her family, since they will lie and cover up for her. They are loyal to a fault with their family members.

So the best thing for us gringos? Play the same game. As A. G. Mentioned, he has 3 girlfriends, and then they go home to their boyfirends, and meanwhile probably have a few other gringos sending them money also.

Some exceptions exist, but very few. Made my first trip to Colombia in 1990, and have made close to 100 trips since, with many, many girlfriends, an ex wife. Very fluent in Spanish. No matter how others paint it, Aussie Greg is spot on.

I had a Colombian owned business as a client here in the States. Had to finally kick him to the curb after 6 years of doing business with him. He was a lying cheat who brought his Colombian business "ethics" to the States. He is getting a very bad reputation in my city within his industry.

I've never had a Colombian pay back a "prestamo" (loan) and have been burned in several real estate deals in Colombia Thank God I'm smarter now.

Do I still go to Colombia and have fun, yes, but I play by my rules, not theirs. Wish I would have known years ago. You Colombian defenders will learn the hard way someday.

07-04-13, 16:35
The only other cultural difference that comes to mind is that once you do something for a Paisa, it is immediately forgotten. That contribution is "in the past" and as Slam wrote, they're off to the next concern because the immediate need is all they think about.Hell, that describes half the h0es, ex-girlfriends, and family members I've dealt with in the US!

07-04-13, 20:43
i know i'm going to take a lot of heat for this post, so i apologize if i offend anyone in advance. i was wondering if any of you have actually fathered children with your colombian girlfriends and what is that experience like if you're an ex-pat?

i haven't gone mongering yet, but now that i'm in my early 30's i've come to the conclusion that i've never been a big believer in marriage. i always feel pressure from my family and society to get married, but i've always enjoyed being with different women. it feels more natural to my personality and even though i live in white suburbia, i am more attracted to hispanic women. i've learned a lot by reading this forum and picked up some great information by the posters on this board. this is really the only place that i could even confide such thoughts.

i'm single with no kids and very financially stable thanks to my career. i'm going to be retiring in my late 30's. i know i'm supposed to feel ashamed for thinking this way, but i feel like tying myself down to one woman is a waste when i could have many in a country like colombia considering my circumstances. i've had this growing desire to father children with multiple different women. i could buy them a houses in a safe neighborhoods, pay for schooling, food, medical expenses, etc. i am financially capable of caring for multiple families at the same time, but morally it might be difficult, because i won't physically be there for them all the time.

i also don't want to do this in the states, because i've seen how the court systems [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) fathers in this country. i don't know how the court system is in colombia, but i can't imagine its as bad. it's like my brain is constantly battling between instinct and logic. i guess that's what makes us human.

anyways, am i evil for thinking this way considering my circumstances?

07-05-13, 01:54
i know i'm going to take a lot of heat for this post, so i apologize if i offend anyone in advance. i was wondering if any of you have actually fathered children with your colombian girlfriends and what is that experience like if you're an ex-pat?

i haven't gone mongering yet, but now that i'm in my early 30's i've come to the conclusion that i've never been a big believer in marriage. i always feel pressure from my family and society to get married, but i've always enjoyed being with different women. it feels more natural to my personality and even though i live in white suburbia, i am more attracted to hispanic women. i've learned a lot by reading this forum and picked up some great information by the posters on this board. this is really the only place that i could even confide such thoughts.

i'm single with no kids and very financially stable thanks to my career. i'm going to be retiring in my late 30's. i know i'm supposed to feel ashamed for thinking this way, but i feel like tying myself down to one woman is a waste when i could have many in a country like colombia considering my circumstances. i've had this growing desire to father children with multiple different women. i could buy them a houses in a safe neighborhoods, pay for schooling, food, medical expenses, etc. i am financially capable of caring for multiple families at the same time, but morally it might be difficult, because i won't physically be there for them all the time.

i also don't want to do this in the states, because i've seen how the court systems [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) fathers in this country. i don't know how the court system is in colombia, but i can't imagine its as bad. it's like my brain is constantly battling between instinct and logic. i guess that's what makes us human.

anyways, am i evil for thinking this way considering my circumstances?i have some friends who would be more than happy to help you out, they need a place to live, groceries, have loose morals and would be more than happy to help you out on the physical part of you not being there all the time.

07-05-13, 02:06
These are words of wisdom coming from a man that has lived in Colombia for 10 years now. No else on this forum has the experience in Colombia like Aussie Greg!Hey Pana NYC did you get a free t-shirt for writing your post?

07-05-13, 02:06
i know i'm going to take a lot of heat for this post, so i apologize if i offend anyone in advance. i was wondering if any of you have actually fathered children with your colombian girlfriends and what is that experience like if you're an ex-pat?

i haven't gone mongering yet, but now that i'm in my early 30's i've come to the conclusion that i've never been a big believer in marriage. i always feel pressure from my family and society to get married, but i've always enjoyed being with different women. it feels more natural to my personality and even though i live in white suburbia, i am more attracted to hispanic women. i've learned a lot by reading this forum and picked up some great information by the posters on this board. this is really the only place that i could even confide such thoughts.

i'm single with no kids and very financially stable thanks to my career. i'm going to be retiring in my late 30's. i know i'm supposed to feel ashamed for thinking this way, but i feel like tying myself down to one woman is a waste when i could have many in a country like colombia considering my circumstances. i've had this growing desire to father children with multiple different women. i could buy them a houses in a safe neighborhoods, pay for schooling, food, medical expenses, etc. i am financially capable of caring for multiple families at the same time, but morally it might be difficult, because i won't physically be there for them all the time.

i also don't want to do this in the states, because i've seen how the court systems [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) fathers in this country. i don't know how the court system is in colombia, but i can't imagine its as bad. it's like my brain is constantly battling between instinct and logic. i guess that's what makes us human.

anyways, am i evil for thinking this way considering my circumstances?i'm pretty sure today is july 4th and not april 1st...

07-05-13, 02:09
Hey Pana NYC did you get a free t-shirt for writing your post?Possibly a chance to touch the hem of the Aussie's garment:


07-05-13, 02:16
I am financially capable of caring for multiple families at the same time, but morally it might be difficult, because I won't physically be there for them all the time.

Anyways, am I evil for thinking this way considering my circumstances?Jajajaja what a funny post, but no, your not evil, considering that there are many men that do everything you mentioned (get into multiple relationships, and make multiple children) and don't be there physically, or economically, at least your admitting you would economically provide for them. My 2 cents, if you have the resources to do so it would be more prudent and rewarding and gratifying if you could just adopt children and care for them economically as oppose to bringing new children to this world.

07-05-13, 02:33
I know I'm going to take a lot of heat for this post, so I apologize if I offend anyone in advance. I was wondering if any of you have actually fathered children with your Colombian girlfriends and what is that experience like if you're an ex-pat?

I haven't gone mongering yet, but now that I'm in my early 30's I've come to the conclusion that I've never been a big believer in marriage. I always feel pressure from my family and society to get married, but I've always enjoyed being with different women. It feels more natural to my personality and even though I live in white suburbia, I am more attracted to hispanic women. I've learned a lot by reading this forum and picked up some great information by the posters on this board. This is really the only place that I could even confide such thoughts...Dude pay the $20 and get PM's. Or can you get PM's? I see only one post so I presume you can't. Forgive me if you can. And feel free to PM me.

I applaud your first post for SO many reasons! I think we have a bunch in common.

The "Norm" isn't always for everybody. I've learned that a long time ago. I have been single for most of my adult life and it only bugs me when I go to weddings where there are 0 or few single women or other "couples" events. One can't help but to feel like a loser. I'm just starting my best earnings empire so you got me there; a blessing to be able to retire in your late 30"s (Please PM me with a step by step "How I did it" please" jajjaja)

DUDE? Instincts vs Logic? Both bro! It's up to you! Life is a beautiful and amazing thing if you let it be. You worked hard, made your stack, now get yours son! Getting to your question. DO IT! If you want to make babies with a bunch of Colombia girls Hellz yes! Like Nike logo style. Do it! I've been coming down for almost 4 years. I make my own hours so I visit more than most but less then some. I also like to think I'm a bit more observant than most the selfish, self centered, cheap pussy hunting, abuelo gringos that live and visit here. That being said the one observation that is obvious is that Colombian dude's have 0 honor and take 0 responsibility in raising the kids! Most girls I know get pregnant early and have one or two kids, the dad turns into a ghost and is usually NOT in the child's life in ANY form. No love, no support, no money. I've been told there are laws but how would they enforce them? Most these guys live in people's back rooms or with other girl friends; try serving him with papers. Plus the Gov is just trying to keep the Narco stuff under wraps to promote foreign investment and tourism so they have no time or care to case around a TON of dead beat dads.

That being said. If you were to find a girl you liked, put a baby in her (you'd have to convince her that you were some form of Novios) , and ACTUALLY took care of her and the Kid? You shitting me? You'd be THE MOST popular and famous guy in Colombia! The Colombians' would line up and pay $500 pesos a pop to see the man "That Actually Supports His Children"!

If you are honest with the girl up front and she cool with it, then what more could you do? She'll be doubtful at first once you tell her yo'll take care of her but if you do take care of her and be a Father to your child. Well sir by my definition you will be a "Real Man". Now if you want to have several Baby Mama. That up to you! Please keep in mind a life lesson I've learned a long time ago; There is no greater mistake a man could make than to have the WRONG woman have his kids. Think on it.

Keep in mind you going to get the "Haters" stepping up with all the "She's playing you, She got another boy friend, She a hooker behind your back. It ain't your baby, ect, ect". I hope it shows in my posts that I'm both Book & Street smart and it's my observation is "What the Hell these Haters x Loser Know?"

Most guys on this board and that live in Medellin (NOT all. My respect to the "down ass homies". There are some very cool and informed Mongers here on line and down in country. But the balance is leaning to the Clowns & Chumps camp) The bio for most (not all) the chumps: Dudes worked for 40 years at some crap company or ran some crap business, retired, and are now on a fixed income. Moved to Medellin and think they're the "man" because they bought a condo and pay a 20 year old to fuck them twice a week. Pay these dudes no mind. They couldn't get laid when they were in college or after so they are just a bunch of insecure dudes. They are haters by definition. You can see it for yourself in their post history. Jealousy in simple non hip hop infused language.

NOTE: If any of ya'll take offense to the above description. I feel sorry for you son. Truth hurts and before you start a flame battle with me know this: I'm still dating & fucking beautiful 20-30 year old chicks in America. If you ain't or never have. Don't step to me son!

You do what you feel is right with the girl it feels right with!

Member #4394
07-05-13, 05:06
Sounds wise and good advice.

Very very true statement and very few exceptions, especially with the non pros. If you're a gringo and you excpect your girl to be loyal, don't count on it. Colombian women don't stay alone for too long. And NEVER trust her family, since they will lie and cover up for her. They are loyal to a fault with their family members.

So the best thing for us gringos? Play the same game. As A. G. Mentioned, he has 3 girlfriends, and then they go home to their boyfirends, and meanwhile probably have a few other gringos sending them money also.

Some exceptions exist, but very few. Made my first trip to Colombia in 1990, and have made close to 100 trips since, with many, many girlfriends, an ex wife. Very fluent in Spanish. No matter how others paint it, Aussie Greg is spot on.

I had a Colombian owned business as a client here in the States. Had to finally kick him to the curb after 6 years of doing business with him. He was a lying cheat who brought his Colombian business "ethics" to the States. He is getting a very bad reputation in my city within his industry.

I've never had a Colombian pay back a "prestamo" (loan) and have been burned in several real estate deals in Colombia Thank God I'm smarter now.

Do I still go to Colombia and have fun, yes, but I play by my rules, not theirs. Wish I would have known years ago. You Colombian defenders will learn the hard way someday.

07-05-13, 10:59
Come on guys! Because you all were stupid and let the Colombians take advantage of it, they are the bad ones. You know to what kind of country you were going (third world) , but you let your vanity got tickled by them and when you got back to reality you start to whine. Eight years ago I had my house in Medellin renovated. Coming from a 3rd country myself I sensed that I had to supervise the whole process personally. And I've got it my way, at my price.

So stop exposing your stupidity by telling what had happened thanks to your being a daft!

07-05-13, 11:06
I had a Colombian owned business as a client here in the States. Had to finally kick him to the curb after 6 years of doing business with him. He was a lying cheat who brought his Colombian business "ethics" to the States. He is getting a very bad reputation in my city within his industry.Please tell me to what city you're referring. I would like to do business in a place where there are only neat businessmen, since the only crook in business has been kicked to the curb! And he´s Colombian!!

07-05-13, 11:10
These are words of wisdom coming from a man that has lived in Colombia for 10 years now. No else on this forum has the experience in Colombia like Aussie Greg!So, how many years have you lived in Colombia? How do you know those are words of wisdom and not words that are fed for having been a daft?

07-05-13, 11:20
Sounds wise and good advice.A better advice would be: leave your arrogance where you came from.

Nino Bravo
07-05-13, 12:00
Please tell me to what city you're referring. I would like to do business in a place where there are only neat businessmen, since the only crook in business has been kicked to the curb! And he´s Colombian!!Before I can answer your question I need ask you, what is a "neat" businessman? I've never heard that term used before.


07-05-13, 17:16
A better advice would be: leave your arrogance where you came from.I with Menteng. There are crooked, thieving people the world over.

Why did it take nino 6 years to figure out and kick the partner out? Why didn't this happen year 1?

I showed this to my driver jimmy and he was cracking up about the part about not paying back the loans.

He said most Colombians he has dealt with hate to pay back. I don't know anyone the world over that loves to repay loans but that's life. Personally I don't like to lend money. There are banks and family for that. This way no hard feelings.

Is it me or everyone here kisses AG'S ass? Jesus crist. What has he done for you to deserve such high regard here?

My buddy j checks in to mansion meets him first day.

He says. Hello your from Australia. What part?

Response. What do you care?

Nice guy huh.

Is the hotel room state of the art? Dirt cheap? Hell no.

If your afraid you aren't going to meet girls. Pm me ill fill your card.

Whether you stay with us or not.

Nino Bravo
07-05-13, 17:50
I with Menteng. There are crooked, thieving people the world over.

Why did it take nino 6 years to figure out and kick the partner out? Why didn't this happen year 1?

I showed this to my driver jimmy and he was cracking up about the part about not paying back the loans.

He said most Colombians he has dealt with hate to pay back. I don't know anyone the world over that loves to repay loans but that's life. Personally I don't like to lend money. There are banks and family for that. This way no hard feelings...You need to re- read my post. He wasn't a partner he was a customer. Sometimes you have to give customers the benefit of the doubt, especially in a weak economy. After awhile, enough is enough.

Yeah, I'm sure your driver laughed at the loan story, he's colombian isn't he? LMAO. Not sure what kind of character you have my friend, but I LOVE paying my loans off. Anyone with an ounce of good character should feel the same.

And regarding A. G. Never have met him, and probably never will. Have never stayed at the mansion nor do I have a desire to. I'm just agreeing with some of his observations, based on my experience (23 years worth) in traveling to Colombia and dealing with Colombians. Sorry that you and Menteng have to deal with corrupt and dishonest people whether in Colombia or whatever country you're from, but I choose to kick these people to the curb when I've had enough.

And regarding your driver, I'm sure he laughs at you behind your back. Colombians are the most 2 faced people I've ever encountered.

Sometimes people are just too "daft" to know when these colombians are lying and being corrupt. And even more daft when blaming it on "oh, there are corrupt and dishonest people everywhere". LMAO

07-05-13, 18:05
So I am finally making my first trip to Medellin and I am not sure what to expect. I have visited Barranquilla often to be with my then novia of two years. I am sure Medellin is a lot different. In Quilla it is not much of a tourist location so I dealt mostly with locals and of course my novia and her family. I have read a lot of information on here but some of it is just back and forth things. I was going to check out AG's place to stay for my lodging but I kinda prefer the upper class type of settings for a quieter sleep at night after a few hours of screwing. So I will probably be at Hotel Estelar Blue. Not sure what action if any is near that hotel. It seems as though most places mentioned are a hit or miss in regards to prices and adventurous times. I'm a white male in his 30's that looks to be in his 20's and that helped me a lot with getting some additional action while in Quilla and hope it works out in Medellin. In Barranquilla I fit in wearing my cargo shorts and Aeropostale shirts but it seems as though most gringo's in Medellin are wearing pants and polo's. Kinda odd that locals would think differently of me if I was to wear my cargo shorts. That is the style for my age group here in Miami. In Quilla it is necessary as it is very hot and humid.

So if anyone wants to give me some friendly advice on places I should visit let me know. I don't plan on spending 200k pesos on an hour of sex with a hot joven colombiana. Those spending that amount is just crazy. If you can't find it for free at the malls or just making small talk with girls while out then there are issues beyond thought. I would guess that a strip club or bordel would cost about 150k pesos for an hour to include the room. If I am far off then let me know. I am meeting a long time amiga while I am there and she already wants to attach herself to me which I won't let happen. Even though she offered to bring another amiga to fulfill a desire of mine.

Anyone know of this girl let me know.

07-05-13, 18:12
Whether Colombians are good or bad people who cares? If you do not like them do not travel to Colombia and refrain from taking residence there. After all what has this discussion to do with meeting P4P chicks in Medellin? Isn't this the Report thread?

Member #4394
07-05-13, 18:23
Yes. All these CEOs, bankers, professors and lawyers are stupid. They don't know what they are talking about.

Come on guys! Because you all were stupid and let the Colombians take advantage of it, they are the bad ones. You know to what kind of country you were going (third world) , but you let your vanity got tickled by them and when you got back to reality you start to whine. Eight years ago I had my house in Medellin renovated. Coming from a 3rd country myself I sensed that I had to supervise the whole process personally. And I've got it my way, at my price.

So stop exposing your stupidity by telling what had happened thanks to your being a daft!

07-05-13, 18:57
Yes. All these CEOs, bankers, professors and lawyers are stupid. They don't know what they are talking about.I agree! Just look at the dolts we have in Washington running the country (into the ground; all of whom are current or former CEOs, Bankers, Professors, and Lawyers). Most of them can't tell their asses from a hole in the ground.

07-05-13, 19:10
It is understandable that a young guy like you would not want to pay for it. When I was your age, I never paid for it. However, this site is primarily for guys who have no problem paying for it, so most of the advice here will be for how to find and fuck putas. I know there are a few young studs here who will chime in on how to pickup chicas. There are also some tour guides who can show you the sites and take you to clubs.

So I am finally making my first trip to Medellin and I am not sure what to expect. I have visited Barranquilla often to be with my then novia of two years. I am sure Medellin is a lot different. In Quilla it is not much of a tourist location so I dealt mostly with locals and of course my novia and her family. I have read a lot of information on here but some of it is just back and forth things. I was going to check out AG's place to stay for my lodging but I kinda prefer the upper class type of settings for a quieter sleep at night after a few hours of screwing. So I will probably be at Hotel Estelar Blue. Not sure what action if any is near that hotel. It seems as though most places mentioned are a hit or miss in regards to prices and adventurous times. I'm a white male in his 30's that looks to be in his 20's and that helped me a lot with getting some additional action while in Quilla and hope it works out in Medellin. In Barranquilla I fit in wearing my cargo shorts and Aeropostale shirts but it seems as though most gringo's in Medellin are wearing pants and polo's. Kinda odd that locals would think differently of me if I was to wear my cargo shorts. That is the style for my age group here in Miami. In Quilla it is necessary as it is very hot and humid.

So if anyone wants to give me some friendly advice on places I should visit let me know. I don't plan on spending 200k pesos on an hour of sex with a hot joven colombiana. Those spending that amount is just crazy. If you can't find it for free at the malls or just making small talk with girls while out then there are issues beyond thought. I would guess that a strip club or bordel would cost about 150k pesos for an hour to include the room. If I am far off then let me know. I am meeting a long time amiga while I am there and she already wants to attach herself to me which I won't let happen. Even though she offered to bring another amiga to fulfill a desire of mine.

Anyone know of this girl let me know.

07-05-13, 19:35
So if anyone wants to give me some friendly advice on places I should visit let me know. I don't plan on spending 200k pesos on an hour of sex with a hot joven colombiana. Those spending that amount is just crazy. If you can't find it for free at the malls or just making small talk with girls while out then there are issues beyond thought. I would guess that a strip club or bordel would cost about 150k pesos for an hour to include the room. If I am far off then let me know. I am meeting a long time amiga while I am there and she already wants to attach herself to me which I won't let happen. Even though she offered to bring another amiga to fulfill a desire of mine.Here is some advice from another forum (C R T) from a guy living there (or has spent a significant amount time in Medellin):

By VinceThePrince

I don't recommend trying to hook up with civilian chicks in Medellin unless you will have a decent amount of time on the ground, can converse in Spanish and have more than a little patience. Otherwise it's a fool's errand.

I'm not saying gringos can't date non-p4p Paisa women. You can date incredible, gorgeous women legit. But they are not looking for flings. They want relationships.

You can expect to go home alone with your dick in your hand after the first (normal) date with a Paisa girl. If she is really into you you'll make out in a corner or on the dance floor or in the taxi like a couple of high schoolers, but you're getting out of the taxi by yourself that first night. Paisa girls are coquettish and dress to show off their assets, everything about them seems like it's part of some nonverbal seductive hypnosis. But don't take that to mean that they are easy.

If you are only in town a short while and looking for some booty, do yourself a huge favor and let the professionals show you a good time. Medellin is indeed a target rich environment if you've got good Spanish and some game, but it's not the wham bam one night stand type of action you can find elsewhere.

One more thing: Colombians never go out alone. They are normally in a big group. So if you want to meet the girls in that group, plan to bring at least a wingman or preferably some local amigos so you don't come across as some lone weirdo or just another Parque Lleras gringo trying (poorly) to get laid.



I would guess that a strip club or bordel would cost about 150k pesos for an hour to include the room. If I am far off then let me know.

As EstebanH said, that is what we specialize in here at ISG (info about paying for pussy). All you need to do is go to the "Medellin Lists" and look for the list posted by WorldTravel69. It has all the prices broken down by venue, area, and time (15 mins, 30 mins, 1hr, etc.).

Vegas Jeff
07-05-13, 20:35
Do I still go to Colombia and have fun, yes, but I play by my rules, not theirs. Wish I would have known years ago. You Colombian defenders will learn the hard way someday.The reason this topic continues to run in circles IMHO is because everyone is right at the same time. Unfortunately, AG is correct in principle regarding the culture being thieves and liars. Slam is correct about the processes and systems. The guy who has been here 3 times and has had pleasant encounters with the culture is correct also.

95% of interactions are going to be basic and simple. Taking a cab, buying groceries, eating at a restaurant, etc. With these types of interactions I find the people to well meaning, while genuinely try to help, and are not out to screw you. The other 5% you need to take some caution. Many of you who are doing business in Medellin this 5% turns into 50, hence the frustration and bitterness. Menteng makes a good point in that you need to use common sense. If you are a smiling tourist with money falling out of your pockets you are probably going to run into some incidents.

I know I'm going to take a lot of heat for this post, so I apologize if I offend anyone in advance. I was wondering if any of you have actually fathered children with your Colombian girlfriends and what is that experience like if you're an ex-pat?If you are serious with this post, your approach will lead you to disaster. Running around trying to have kids with different women on purpose. Come on. Also, I don't know where you will get the experience that you will need, ahead of time, to deal with this culture that is very different from anything you have experienced. On a serious note you can find plenty of women in Medellin who already have children who are in desperate need of father figures. The families of these girls as well as the fathers of these children, if they are around, will be happy to see some of the financial burden being lifted from their hands. These kids in the poor barrios are very appreciative of the things you do for them unlike the whiny kids in the First World. Try to find a few girls with children and take them to the Parque Norte / Parque Explora Acuario area and then see how you feel. GL.

07-05-13, 21:48
Here is some advice from another forum (C R T) from a guy living there (or has spent a significant amount time in Medellin) :

By VinceThePrince

I don't recommend trying to hook up with civilian chicks in Medellin unless you will have a decent amount of time on the ground, can converse in Spanish and have more than a little patience. Otherwise it's a fool's errand.

I'm not saying gringos can't date non-p4p Paisa women. You can date incredible, gorgeous women legit. But they are not looking for flings. They want relationships.

You can expect to go home alone with your dick in your hand after the first (normal) date with a Paisa girl. If she is really into you you'll make out in a corner or on the dance floor or in the taxi like a couple of high schoolers, but you're getting out of the taxi by yourself that first night. Paisa girls are coquettish and dress to show off their assets, everything about them seems like it's part of some nonverbal seductive hypnosis. But don't take that to mean that they are easy.

If you are only in town a short while and looking for some booty, do yourself a huge favor and let the professionals show you a good time. Medellin is indeed a target rich environment if you've got good Spanish and some game, but it's not the wham bam one night stand type of action you can find elsewhere.

One more thing: Colombians never go out alone. They are normally in a big group. So if you want to meet the girls in that group, plan to bring at least a wingman or preferably some local amigos so you don't come across as some lone weirdo or just another Parque Lleras gringo trying (poorly) to get laid.



As EstebanH said, that is what we specialize in here at ISG (info about paying for pussy). All you need to do is go to the "Medellin Lists" and look for the list posted by WorldTravel69. It has all the prices broken down by venue, area, and time (15 mins. 30 mins. 1hr, etc.).=======================

If your in town repeatedly or have two plus weeks. May I suggest burning the candle at both ends. Seek out normal girls for dates, and if things don't go right seek out the pro if that makes you happy. Have your cake and eat her 2

07-05-13, 21:51
You need to re- read my post. He wasn't a partner he was a customer. Sometimes you have to give customers the benefit of the doubt, especially in a weak economy. After awhile, enough is enough.

Yeah, I'm sure your driver laughed at the loan story, he's colombian isn't he? LMAO. Not sure what kind of character you have my friend, but I LOVE paying my loans off. Anyone with an ounce of good character should feel the same.

And regarding A. G. Never have met him, and probably never will. Have never stayed at the mansion nor do I have a desire to. I'm just agreeing with some of his observations, based on my experience (23 years worth) in traveling to Colombia and dealing with Colombians. Sorry that you and Menteng have to deal with corrupt and dishonest people whether in Colombia or whatever country you're from, but I choose to kick these people to the curb when I've had enough.

And regarding your driver, I'm sure he laughs at you behind your back. Colombians are the most 2 faced people I've ever encountered.

Sometimes people are just too "daft" to know when these colombians are lying and being corrupt. And even more daft when blaming it on "oh, there are corrupt and dishonest people everywhere". LMAO==================================

If my driver who solely takes me to the airport is laughing then good for him. I hope he is cracking up. So don't do biz here, end of story. For me it worked out. I am not saying more then that to you. But your stereotypes are funny. I am sure all jews are cheap, Chinese can't drive, and comlombians are all thieving, working girl drug lords. Lets get back to sex in the forum.

07-06-13, 00:31
So I am finally making my first trip to Medellin and I am not sure what to expect. I have visited Barranquilla often to be with my then novia of two years. I am sure Medellin is a lot different. In Quilla it is not much of a tourist location so I dealt mostly with locals and of course my novia and her family. I have read a lot of information on here but some of it is just back and forth things. I was going to check out AG's place to stay for my lodging but I kinda prefer the upper class type of settings for a quieter sleep at night after a few hours of screwing. So I will probably be at Hotel Estelar Blue. Not sure what action if any is near that hotel. It seems as though most places mentioned are a hit or miss in regards to prices and adventurous times. I'm a white male in his 30's that looks to be in his 20's and that helped me a lot with getting some additional action while in Quilla and hope it works out in Medellin. In Barranquilla I fit in wearing my cargo shorts and Aeropostale shirts but it seems as though most gringo's in Medellin are wearing pants and polo's...First things first. Pretty girl, I don't know her. You fishing around to see if she a working girl? If she's a personal friend please forgive my boldness.

You're asking where to pick up reg girls on a where to find working girls message board? My first bit of advice would be to find a better more suited message board! LOL!

This is the big one. Smarten up Son! Cargo Shorts? Cargo Shorts? Cargo shorts NEVER were in fashion and you're fooling yourself if you think cargo shorts are still OK and fashionable in a social setting. You got a job? Go out and spend the $40-$50 on a nice, new, set of shorts. Nike or Adidas golf brand have some nice ones, pin stripped, patterns, and solids, the best part is that they are made of super light and breezy materials so the boys get good air and help avoid "swamp ass". Save the Cargos for your next Dave Mathews Bang Show, or if you're playing 18 sure, you need the pockets for balls & tees, or if going for a hike & camping, you know stuff like that, but just to kick it? Please! More specifically White Boy please! Hahahhaha! Are they Gap or Old Navy brand? Hahahahha! Cargo Shorts he said!

Normal girls? How long you got in Medellin? How's your Espanol? The non working girl girls are NOT easy in Colombia. Just the facts; I'm young (30's but look mid 20's) smart, funny, excellent language skills, decent shape, full head of hair, and I have a few bucks. It's kind of the same as dating in the States. It takes 2-4 dates and in Colombia a girl will give you a fake number or just swap out her sim card and ignore you calls. You have to be diligent and expect to play the game just as you did back home. Also don't be surprised if you do book a date and she does not show up or brings a girl friend. You paying for all three and if you don't you ain't getting into either of their panties. You said you've been to Colombia with your novia and being a gringo helped in these smaller cities and towns? Not in Medellin; that ship sailed a long time a go. There is a distinct difference between the two and that's how the non-working girls want to keep it.

If you looking for non-paid for pussy, and you can speak the language, are cool, not cheap, have more than a few days (short timers are the norm so Reg girls don't fall for that "I'll be back" Bull shit) , decent shape, and decent looking the game is the game. Night Clubs and Bars, get them drunk, smile, be nice, be cool, don't be over anxious, and pray!

07-06-13, 07:53
As I prepare for my virgin trip to MDE in a month, I've read and learned a lot from this forum. Just had to flush out a lot of comments that didn't seem relevant. No offense to anyone. I plan on writing reports of my experiences, but just a quick question. This concerns the Mansion girls, casa girls, street girls, or strip club girls. How obtainable is anal with any of them? And what is the sort of average price hike on that? I'm sure if a girl doesn't like it or want it, no matter the price offer, she's not going to do it. And I'm not a person to push on something that is not on the menu. But for those that are willing, is that a pretty decent amount of chicas who's down or it's YMMV? Thanks for any input!

07-06-13, 10:21
Before I can answer your question I need ask you, what is a "neat" businessman? I've never heard that term used before.

Thanks!If you mean, that "neat" is incompatible with "businessmen", you understood my message. But if you don't know what the word "neat" itself means, then it's time to consult a dictionary.

07-06-13, 10:49
You need to re- read my post. He wasn't a partner he was a customer. Sometimes you have to give customers the benefit of the doubt, especially in a weak economy. After awhile, enough is enough.

Yeah, I'm sure your driver laughed at the loan story, he's colombian isn't he? LMAO. Not sure what kind of character you have my friend, but I LOVE paying my loans off. Anyone with an ounce of good character should feel the same.

And regarding A. G. Never have met him, and probably never will. Have never stayed at the mansion nor do I have a desire to. I'm just agreeing with some of his observations, based on my experience (23 years worth) in traveling to Colombia and dealing with Colombians. Sorry that you and Menteng have to deal with corrupt and dishonest people whether in Colombia or whatever country you're from, but I choose to kick these people to the curb when I've had enough.

And regarding your driver, I'm sure he laughs at you behind your back. Colombians are the most 2 faced people I've ever encountered.

Sometimes people are just too "daft" to know when these colombians are lying and being corrupt. And even more daft when blaming it on "oh, there are corrupt and dishonest people everywhere". LMAOSomeone with a 23 years worth of experience or is a resident for more than 10 years, and is still subject to those so-called "Colombian" treatments? That exposes more about that person than anything else.

Keep your eyes open, and you won't have to kick people to the curb.

Maybe my humble Asian approach, versus the Western arrogance works better in Colombia.

Btw, you´re right, sometimes people are too daft to know when these Colombians are lying and being corrupt. Let me see, who were the ones to let that happen? By the reports in this thread, one can derive who the are. Let me start with the first one and then you mention the next one, ok? Nino Bravo.

07-06-13, 11:00
Yes. All these CEOs, bankers, professors and lawyers are stupid. They don't know what they are talking about.Not stupid in the sense that they don't know the seven-times table, but once their vanity or greed got tickled, they fall and step willingly towards a fata morgana.

Nino Bravo
07-06-13, 13:18
Maybe my humble Asian approach, versus the Western arrogance works better in Colombia.You humble and not arrogant? LMAO.

07-06-13, 14:45
i know i'm going to take a lot of heat for this post, so i apologize if i offend anyone in advance. i was wondering if any of you have actually fathered children with your colombian girlfriends and what is that experience like if you're an ex-pat?

i also don't want to do this in the states, because i've seen how the court systems [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) fathers in this country. i don't know how the court system is in colombia, but i can't imagine its as bad. it's like my brain is constantly battling between instinct and logic. i guess that's what makes us human.

anyways, am i evil for thinking this way considering my circumstances?if you were the kid (or kids) would this be the father you would want?

07-06-13, 16:15
If you were the kid (or kids) would this be the Father you would want?You do realize that a good number of girls working in the el centro casas are single mothers whose Colombian boyfriend bailed on them the minute they found out they were pregnant, right? Legitimate jobs are hard to come by in Medellin, and usually don't pay much (25-30, 000 a day). So imagine you are that little Colombian kid, do you want a father that pays the rent and puts food on the table so your mother doesn't have to wh0re herself out to half of the city for 20, 000 pesos a pop, or do you want the father who bailed on you and your mom when he found out you were on the way, and has never been heard from since?

07-07-13, 00:15
I will be in Medellin around mid-August for 2 weeks for my 5th trip. Plenty of FB chicas and many of them seem to be mansion chicks. Any favorites for folks here outside of the ubiquitous Wendy. Some chicks that caught my attention are Pao Z, Juliana S, Karo R, Kata G and Liliana R.

07-07-13, 08:40
Reading the posts about non pros and pros makes me laugh. I only bang non pros and banged one last night 3 times. She wouldn't leave and kept waking me up for more and has called 3 times today. She wanted to go to the clinic today to get tested so I would make sweet love to her without a condom. Been like this for 10 years in this town.

I never go to clubs and spend most of my time on the tennis courts or playing golf when here."El jugador" last night was trying to set me up with his friends. Probably in exchange for me buying his drinks.

I like to stay in hotels and I have never been charged a fee for a girl. Maybe the cheap ones charge those fees but where I stay (208, 000 CP last night) I'm never charged.

BTW I always pay my non pros. This morning I gave her 20, 000 pesos for taxi and 3 $20 bills because I think it makes them feel special! I used to think me being handsome was enough for the ladies but that is retarded. I make good money and I am never here for more than a week so I'll give a girl some spending money every time. I also plan on buying this particular girl a web cam so I can practice my Spanish (my Spanish is good but I can always improve) and I plan on sitting by her the first time she gets on a plane. It's called life experiences.

Coming here and sitting in bars trying to get laid isn't smart. Better to go anywhere than here. It happens but I don't think it's worth my time plus I really don't enjoy drinking anymore.

Well it's Saturday evening and I should be working the phone but I'm too lazy so I think I'll just read about innocent Zimmerman getting off soon and the pending race riots.Where do you play golf and tennis in Medellin? I enjoy both, and I would like something to do on my vacations other than just banging chicas. I'm almost 50 and two a day is about my limit, so that leaves alot of time for doing other stuff.

07-07-13, 12:03
Reading the posts about non pros and pros makes me laugh. I only bang non pros and banged one last night 3 times. She wouldn't leave and kept waking me up for more and has called 3 times today. She wanted to go to the clinic today to get tested so I would make sweet love to her without a condom. Been like this for 10 years in this town.

I never go to clubs and spend most of my time on the tennis courts or playing golf when here."El jugador" last night was trying to set me up with his friends. Probably in exchange for me buying his drinks.

I like to stay in hotels and I have never been charged a fee for a girl. Maybe the cheap ones charge those fees but where I stay (208, 000 CP last night) I'm never charged.

BTW I always pay my non pros. This morning I gave her 20, 000 pesos for taxi and 3 $20 bills because I think it makes them feel special! I used to think me being handsome was enough for the ladies but that is retarded. I make good money and I am never here for more than a week so I'll give a girl some spending money every time. I also plan on buying this particular girl a web cam so I can practice my Spanish (my Spanish is good but I can always improve) and I plan on sitting by her the first time she gets on a plane. It's called life experiences.

Coming here and sitting in bars trying to get laid isn't smart. Better to go anywhere than here. It happens but I don't think it's worth my time plus I really don't enjoy drinking anymore.

Well it's Saturday evening and I should be working the phone but I'm too lazy so I think I'll just read about innocent Zimmerman getting off soon and the pending race riots.First, let me clarify it is 7am and I just walking in from the streets. I was in this underground strip club deep in Brooklyn which was ghetto, but that was refreshing. So, I do not mean to come at you but I am in the keep it real mode at this time. Dude you have to be insecure because if you are really tight and confident you would share how you meet non pros. You whole write up is how great your doing with not sharing one thing how you met your non pros. Now real game is you say I read all this non pros vs pro stuff and I only fuck with non pros. Here is how I do it, but you only talk about how great you are and you make money. Fuck that tell me about your game because if you got game you share because your confident and you feel good about yourself. If you only talk about yourself with no facts how you do it you scream insecure. That is weak to me and says nothing about how you meet non pros and really get down. Tell your story how you met one of your non pro chicks or are you scared. Again, I am a ride and die bro do not talk as much as I use on the boards but I feel like going in today. No one can say looking at my stories I was not honest whether good or bad or for better or worse. Many people have screamed at me and i am okay with that. Again, if you going to say you meet non pros tell how just do not talk about how great you are because I play with the big boys and you sound mad weak. Sorry for going in at you just speaking my mind. I hope I did not hurt your feelings.

07-07-13, 12:39
First, let me clarify it is 7am and I just walking in from the streets. I was in this underground strip club deep in Brooklyn which was ghetto, but that was refreshing. So, I do not mean to come at you but I am in the keep it real mode at this time. Dude you have to be insecure because if you are really tight and confident you would share how you meet non pros. You whole write up is how great your doing with not sharing one thing how you met your non pros. Now real game is you say I read all this non pros vs pro stuff and I only fuck with non pros. Here is how I do it, but you only talk about how great you are and you make money. Fuck that tell me about your game because if you got game you share because your confident and you feel good about yourself...He is giving them money and / or gifts, so pretty much they are pros and semi pros. A true player has girls come over because they like him or the sex and not for any gifts or rewards. No disrespect, just keeping it real.

Anyways I am 27 and generally speaking mostly game and bang non pros. You can meet these girls numerous ways. Online, malls, plazas, markets, gym, dance class, bars, and clubs. I game them the same way I would game any girl in the world. Simply use any combination of your looks and personality traits to build attraction. I do like to have a beer in strip clubs from time to time and try and pick up strippers and pros to mix things up. Simply get their number for when they are off work and plan a date or night out on the town. Treat them like a normal girl and try to build attraction as usual. Let them know early in the date or preferably in the strip club the previous night you don't pay for sex (even if its a lie) and say something to the effect of why don't these guys just get a lady more in their range for free (30-40's year old Colombiana). This will help her seperate you from the regular joes and sex tourists in her mind.

Nightgame in Colombia is tricky do to girls going out in groups tha are usually mixed making it hard to meet women if you don't know what you are doing. There are someways around this.

1) Ask girls on the street in a party zona where the best place to go is. Sometimes when you are alone they will invite you to join them (if they are interested in you)

2) While in the club / bar do your rounds and examine the scene to figure out which girls in the groups are single. Look to intercept these girls when they break from the group (coming from the restroom, going to dance, going to the bar, making a phone call, smoking etc.)

3) Look to make casual friendly conversation with the guys of groups. If you play it cool and are friendly (maybe buy a round) they will invite you into their group and introduce you to the girls. This is a more advanced move / trick so might take some time to figure out how to do this / what to say etc.

I go out solo probably 50% of the time. The other half I usually bring a girl or two along or go with a group of guys and girls.

07-07-13, 14:09
Where do you play golf and tennis in Medellin? I enjoy both, and I would like something to do on my vacations other than just banging chicas. I'm almost 50 and two a day is about my limit, so that leaves alot of time for doing other stuff.Read his prior posts and you will see that you are wasting your time. I actually thought Jackson banned this troll but somehow he's managed to find his way back here.

His last trolling was in the Sosua forum before he was kicked off ISG. I'm guessing his probation had ended. Don't be surprised if you do not find much info on him, because a majority of his past posts look like this:

"[Deleted by Admin]. EDITOR'S NOTE: This report..."

Member #4287
07-07-13, 19:39
i know i'm going to take a lot of heat for this post, so i apologize if i offend anyone in advance. i was wondering if any of you have actually fathered children with your colombian girlfriends and what is that experience like if you're an ex-pat?

i haven't gone mongering yet, but now that i'm in my early 30's i've come to the conclusion that i've never been a big believer in marriage. i always feel pressure from my family and society to get married, but i've always enjoyed being with different women. it feels more natural to my personality and even though i live in white suburbia, i am more attracted to hispanic women. i've learned a lot by reading this forum and picked up some great information by the posters on this board. this is really the only place that i could even confide such thoughts.

i'm single with no kids and very financially stable thanks to my career. i'm going to be retiring in my late 30's. i know i'm supposed to feel ashamed for thinking this way, but i feel like tying myself down to one woman is a waste when i could have many in a country like colombia considering my circumstances. i've had this growing desire to father children with multiple different women. i could buy them a houses in a safe neighborhoods, pay for schooling, food, medical expenses, etc. i am financially capable of caring for multiple families at the same time, but morally it might be difficult, because i won't physically be there for them all the time.

i also don't want to do this in the states, because i've seen how the court systems [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) fathers in this country. i don't know how the court system is in colombia, but i can't imagine its as bad. it's like my brain is constantly battling between instinct and logic. i guess that's what makes us human.

anyways, am i evil for thinking this way considering my circumstances?highly doable in colombia.

i have thought about having a one more child with a colombiana and pretty much setting her up for life compared to the opportunities colombian society tends to offer many young women.

the deal is i buy a house when she has the child and the house is for the child. plus i pay to maintain the home and the child.

i wouldn't do this with a women i didn't know or care for a great deal. so the house would be a place that we would all live in. but if the relationship didn't work out then the agreement would be that the child stays put. and she can do whatever she wants outside the home and i'll do the same.

the problem i have run into is that all the really hot single chicks that i have met so far aren't really into having a child even if it means a free house. plenty of chicks that already have a child would do it in a heart beat but i won't do it with women that already have children. the only prospect that i'm considering is a very attractive 21 year old that had a child and then let her mother adopt it and she only has visitation rights. she would like to do it but i'll have to get to know her much more before pulling the trigger on that.

Member #4394
07-07-13, 20:26
Can I rent a racquet, hopefully Babolat, there or somewhere? I do not want to carry mine at the airport. Will I find someone to play with there?

I play tennis in campestre but you can play at el estadio. It is nice and they have jugadores you can play with for 12, 000 pesos + court 26, 000/2 players open until 10 at night. Google lat tenis (notice one and in tennis all one worrd) or the number is 448 2401. If dialing from a cell phone dial 034 first.

I have never been banned from ISG. I do speak my mind and call out the losers as I see fit.

Member #4394
07-07-13, 20:30
If you are handsome, regardless of race, you will do good in Colombia. I saw that handsome black guys are doing great in Colombia.

It sounds like you're black from looking at your grammar / posts. Here in Medellin from my experiences that is a really bad thing unless you just want to go to the casas and strip clubs. I'm not trying to be mean but the blacks all over the world are really poor and still live in huts. You can watch this documentary. Pacific colombiano on vimeo to see it in Colombia for yourself. The author has done a lot of these around the world and he shows how blacks live without federal assistance in his words. I thought about listing where I play tennis and golf while here and where I am staying but for the sake of my sources not getting mucked I think it is better I don't. As far as meeting ladies there is no magic pill other than some money to travel, time and looking very gringo. I say looking gringo because no matter what bs people say. It gets me laid all around the world and definitely in the USA. You should go to the Dominican Republic and try to convert a p4p in my opinion. I hope you understand the facts and not try to say I'm racist or some crap because I have lots of black tennis partners and friends that are all shades. Heck I just went to Panama with a black Panamanian and he didn't have near as much fun as I did. He basically wore his st johns hat around (played baseball for st. Johns) and looked like all the other Panamanians from Colon.

Member #4394
07-07-13, 20:35
Let's get together at court sometime. I am around 3. 5-4. 0.

Where do you play golf and tennis in Medellin? I enjoy both, and I would like something to do on my vacations other than just banging chicas. I'm almost 50 and two a day is about my limit, so that leaves alot of time for doing other stuff.

Member #4287
07-07-13, 21:27
He is giving them money and / or gifts, so pretty much they are pros and semi pros. A true player has girls come over because they like him or the sex and not for any gifts or rewards. No disrespect, just keeping it real.

Anyways I am 27 and generally speaking mostly game and bang non pros. You can meet these girls numerous ways. Online, malls, plazas, markets, gym, dance class, bars, and clubs. I game them the same way I would game any girl in the world. Simply use any combination of your looks and personality traits to build attraction. I do like to have a beer in strip clubs from time to time and try and pick up strippers and pros to mix things up. Simply get their number for when they are off work and plan a date or night out on the town. Treat them like a normal girl and try to build attraction as usual. Let them know early in the date or preferably in the strip club the previous night you don't pay for sex (even if its a lie) and say something to the effect of why don't these guys just get a lady more in their range for free (30-40's year old Colombiana). This will help her seperate you from the regular joes and sex tourists in her mind.

Nightgame in Colombia is tricky do to girls going out in groups tha are usually mixed making it hard to meet women if you don't know what you are doing. There are someways around this.

1) Ask girls on the street in a party zona where the best place to go is. Sometimes when you are alone they will invite you to join them (if they are interested in you)

2) While in the club / bar do your rounds and examine the scene to figure out which girls in the groups are single. Look to intercept these girls when they break from the group (coming from the restroom, going to dance, going to the bar, making a phone call, smoking etc.)

3) Look to make casual friendly conversation with the guys of groups. If you play it cool and are friendly (maybe buy a round) they will invite you into their group and introduce you to the girls. This is a more advanced move / trick so might take some time to figure out how to do this / what to say etc.

I go out solo probably 50% of the time. The other half I usually bring a girl or two along or go with a group of guys and girls.I like your style CaliPro.

But pulling really hot chicks out of a very nice night club is easier said than done. I have been doing the Cali scene for many many years and the only real success I have ever had doing that is with a very attractive wing woman. She was great but lost contact with her after I sacked up with a chick for a few years.

If you can really pull super hot chicks from high end clubs, I'll let you stay with me for free when I'm in Cali. I'm not really interested in Colombian Cupid women less than 1% of them would qualify as really hot in my book. And shoring hookers is well pointless to me. It's the difference between spending hours talking to a distressed woman and a couple hundred thousand pesos. Not time well spent IMHO.

Let me know when you are coming down for sure.

07-07-13, 21:57
If you guys do not know about Runner Up by now then it is a lost cause. Read the posting history and you will find that he more than likely has never stepped foot on the soil of the country of Colombia, or anywhere else for that matter. He would be lucky if he got out of his mothers basement.Yep, we've determined a long time ago that he's probably some retarded 14 year old with dreams of being Rafael Nadal, playing table tennis in his backyard with his 12 year old cousin he refers to as his "paisa non-pro".

07-07-13, 22:07
I do like to have a beer in strip clubs from time to time and try and pick up strippers and pros to mix things up. Simply get their number for when they are off work and plan a date or night out on the town. Treat them like a normal girl and try to build attraction as usual. Let them know early in the date or preferably in the strip club the previous night you don't pay for sex (even if its a lie) and say something to the effect of why don't these guys just get a lady more in their range for free (30-40's year old Colombiana). This will help her seperate you from the regular joes and sex tourists in her mind.Come on CaliPro. I thought you were a serious poster until I read this shit. You seriously are in strip clubs trying to get free pussy by telling her:

why don't these guys just get a lady more in their range for free (30-40's year old Colombiana).


Seriously, is ISG where the all the male teens come to hang out at now that school is out for summer? Go kick a ball around outside with friends or skateboard at the mall or some shit. Fuck, LOL!


07-07-13, 22:23
I may be misunderstanding what some of you are thinking about in terms of fathering a child in Medellin, but if all you want to do is financially support a paisa while she raises your kid essentially on her own, you've got a F*CKED up idea of what it means to be a father. And do you honestly think having a kid is going to keep your prepago baby mama from hooking on the side? Sounds like a great little family you'd be building there!

Hopefully I completely misunderstood and you're actually thinking about raising the kid, like a FATHER does. Otherwise you may as well just go to a sperm bank and donate that shit to a family that is going to pay good $$$ for your spooge, that way atleast you know they're dedicated and have financial means to support the kid.

Mr Enternational
07-07-13, 22:34
I have thought about having a one more child with a Colombiana and pretty much setting her up for life compared to the opportunities Colombian society tends to offer many young women. The deal is I buy a house when she has the child and the house is for the child. Plus I pay to maintain the home and the child. The problem I have run into is that all the really hot single chicks that I have met so far aren't really into having a child even if it means a free house.Are you guys serious? Making a baby just because the mother is pretty? Kids need more than just a roof over their head and a dad who pops up every now and then. But I guess if it's your kid you can treat it how you see fit. It's good to see that some of these women that people talk so bad about have a lot more sense than some of these guys.

Member #4287
07-07-13, 22:45
I may be misunderstanding what some of you are thinking about in terms of fathering a child in Medellin, but if all you want to do is financially support a paisa while she raises your kid essentially on her own, you've got a F*CKED up idea of what it means to be a father. And do you honestly think having a kid is going to keep your prepago baby mama from hooking on the side? Sounds like a great little family you'd be building there!

Hopefully I completely misunderstood and you're actually thinking about raising the kid, like a FATHER does. Otherwise you may as well just go to a sperm bank and donate that shit to a family that is going to pay good $$$ for your spooge, that way atleast you know they're dedicated and have financial means to support the kid.Yeah you are jumping to conclusions. It would be much more involved than just popping in and out from time to time. I'd be living with the child or really what is the point. Already did the visitation thing in the states. You know the court imposed popping in and out. Also she doesn't have to be from Medellin even though the paisas seem to be more open to financial agreements.

Member #4287
07-07-13, 22:51
Are you guys serious? Making a baby just because the mother is pretty? Kids need more than just a roof over their head and a dad who pops up every now and then. But I guess if it's your kid you can treat it how you see fit. It's good to see that some of these women that people talk so bad about have a lot more sense than some of these guys.I can tell you that the relationship will be based on commitment to the child and not necessarily anything else. If the relationship doesn't work out then the she can do her thing outside the house and I'll do my thing outside the home. You know just like a normal Colombian household. LOL!

07-07-13, 23:50
Hi Guys, I post mainly ln the Rio boards, but. Isn't it every man's aspiration to be the o'neil of South America. That is to father 500 kids by 500 different super hot latinas.

OK, let the blasts about lack of paternal responsibilities begin!

I can tell you that the relationship will be based on commitment to the child and not necessarily anything else. If the relationship doesn't work out then the she can do her thing outside the house and I'll do my thing outside the home. You know just like a normal Colombian household. LOL!

07-08-13, 00:16
I like your style CaliPro.

But pulling really hot chicks out of a very nice night club is easier said than done. I have been doing the Cali scene for many many years and the only real success I have ever had doing that is with a very attractive wing woman. She was great but lost contact with her after I sacked up with a chick for a few years.

If you can really pull super hot chicks from high end clubs, I'll let you stay with me for free when I'm in Cali. I'm not really interested in Colombian Cupid women less than 1% of them would qualify as really hot in my book. And shoring hookers is well pointless to me. It's the difference between spending hours talking to a distressed woman and a couple hundred thousand pesos. Not time well spent IMHO.

Let me know when you are coming down for sure.I normally don't go to really nice clubs.

1) It's expensive.

2) Girls are harder to bed in 1 night.

However this will be my first trip where I will be in town for more than 2 weeks (2 months in Cali) So I will have the time needed to make a run a some super hot rich girls.

My sweet spot though is middle class sexy / cute hb7-8's. Those upper strata hb9-10's in the elite clubs can be a headache if you know what I mean.

I'll shoot you a PM when I get in Cali.

07-08-13, 00:28
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

07-08-13, 00:52
Either these two are one in the same, or they definitely are fucking one another:

BTW I always pay my non pros. This morning I gave her 20,000 pesos for taxi and 3 $20 bills because I think it makes them feel special! I used to think me being handsome was enough for the ladies but that is retarded. I make good money and I am never here for more than a week so I'll give a girl some spending money every time.
I am young and good looking And have pulled working girls for free all over Latin America and South East Asia.

And generally speaking Latin women prefer white men over local men (attractiveness).

You put a blonde haired blue eyed 25 year old stud next to a comparable local the blonde hair blue eyed dude will win that battle almost every time.

Most people are attracted to the exotic look or the unknown as the local features get bland and seem normal and repetitive after awhile.

Hey Runner Up, catch or pitch? CaliPro sound more like a bottom guy....

Member #4287
07-08-13, 00:56
The 4th of July party was a blast as far as the chicks were concerned. Too many to handle.

A couple of guys stumbling around drunk and arguing because one guy said one chick sucked in bed and another guy saying that is impossible because he banged her there for years and she was good every time. One asked me my opinion and I just said " I think any guys experience with a particular chick would depend on the chemistry between the two of them and what the guys expectations were". Neither one of the guys seemed to like my response. Jajaja.

This is my second trip to the Mansion and so far it is a much different experience simply because there are so many more guys here.

I would have hated to come down here the first time with so many guys. Once you have a line up of contacts you don't have to depend on what is left in "La Cueva" or who the Mansion decides to invite on any given night.

Went to a couple of the strip clubs and took out a couple of the hottest looking chicks I have ever seen in all of my strip club experiences. I'll just confirm (what the Medellin experts have said all along) that if your expectations are a girlfriend experience or any kind of a friendly mutual experience other than just sex for money your chances are 50. 50 at best.

Had a much better time with the Mansion chicks just going out to clubs and having them show me around. Girlfriend experiences were the norm for me rather than the exception there.

My interactions with the guys at the Mansion were wide and varied.

Seems to me that there are mainly three different types of guys that go to the Mansion with some overlap obviously.

1) Is the hardcore monger. Has a list of chicks he want to do before he leaves and goes about it in a methodical manner. I saw guys that had times and dates for every chick they were going to do and when. One guy had 30 chicks lined up. They tend to just go for one hour sessions and do up to three chicks a day. Some have very little interest in communicating or getting to know the chicks at all. There only interest is sex with very little interest in any other interaction with the woman. Shows contempt for guys that they think spend to much money on women as they think it could drive costs up for the "True Mongers".

2) Are the the players. Just going down to have a good time. No lists. Not a lot of pre-planning. Sure they have facebook contacts to fall back on but won't die if they didn't hook up one night as long as they had a good time trying. These guys will do a "Todo la Noche" some or all of the time. They are interested in interacting with and looking for something a little more than just straight up sex for cash. They also want a mutually enjoyable party experience with the chick and the ability to enjoy each others company outside of the bedroom.

3) Wifers. Learned a new monger term on this trip."wifing up". Saw a couple guys "wife up". They find some chick that just rocks their world and they stay with the same chick for weeks. And probably come back just to see the same chick. These guys are looking for a no strings attached relationship. But it is much more involved relationship than I would have imagined. Some meet the woman's family and her children if she has any. Some of these guys actually take the woman off the market and support them. Met a chick that hadn't been to the Mansion in 6 months because she had a guy that was taking care of her and her kid. She went back after he dumped her.

07-08-13, 04:20
This was published today with a dozen or so photos of sex paisa construction workers.

Liquid Lounge is expected to open on Friday, August 3rd, which will be just in time for the famous Medellin flower festival. Located in Barrio Colombia, just north of El Poblado the Liquid Lounge will be near the rest of the upscale night life in Medellin. Club owners have described the project as similar to La Dolce Vita in Cartagena where there is no onsite hotel, but patrons are invited to come and meet the girls. Ambiance for Liquid Lounge is expected to be decidedly upscale while at the time catering to foreign gentleman. Above photos are just a glimpse of what is coming. Be sure to click the Like button on the Liquid Lounge Facebook Page, so you receive future photos.

07-08-13, 04:34
I like your description of the 3 monger types hanging out in the Mansion. I'll be there in a month for the first time and I'm most certainly #2 on that list!

The 4th of July party was a blast as far as the chicks were concerned. Too many to handle.

A couple of guys stumbling around drunk and arguing because one guy said one chick sucked in bed and another guy saying that is impossible because he banged her there for years and she was good every time. One asked me my opinion and I just said " I think any guys experience with a particular chick would depend on the chemistry between the two of them and what the guys expectations were". Neither one of the guys seemed to like my response. Jajaja.

This is my second trip to the Mansion and so far it is a much different experience simply because there are so many more guys here...

Member #4394
07-08-13, 05:31
Thank you. I will try there.

Here is the deal. Call the number 034 448 2401 and make a reservation. You don't have to do this and I usually don't make a reservation but a few days ago I had to bounce around different courts with my friend. The 2 courts closest to the road are free, all the others are 15k / hr. Today the guy I played with was 5k / half hour. 12k / 45 min.

I'm hesitant to say who I play with because he hooks me up with ladies too. All the guys are cool and every time I feel homesick a shot of tennis is great. I have no idea about renting a racquet but both of mine fit in the bottom of my suitcase and I always bring 3 cans of balls. If you have old racquets you should bring them and donate them.

I like to sit out on my balcony and wait for the clouds to build up and then go and play.

Vegas Jeff
07-08-13, 06:53
Took a trip to Ipiales a year ago with Rich, from First American, and my Spanish teacher. Super cool experience. We went through Cali going to Ipiales and then back through Cali returning to Medellin. Met this Paisa in an MP in Cali on the way. We clicked immediately. She was sexy, my body type, and exhilarating in the sack. On the return trip I took her for an hour and when the hour was up I paid for another hour. Couldn't have been any better. She said that this was her second trip to Cali and she didn't feel comfortable in Medellin if someone were to see her. I take her number and she says that she is returning to Medellin in a week. This is a girl that I can see definite potential with back in Medellin.

I contact her back in Medellin and upon giving her directions to my apartment she gets cold feet. She tells me that she would be more comfortable in a short term hotel in a different part of the city. I told her that she was crazy if she thought I would leave my apartment in El Poblado to rent a short term hotel. I told her that she would be comfortable in my place because I have music, food, beer, pot, etc. There was no reasoning with her. I told her that if she changed her mind to give me a call. Many weeks go by and I don't hear anything from her so I delete her number from my phone. Over a month later I am walking on the sidewalk near my building and coming in the opposite direction is my darling from Cali holding hands with what I presume to be a young Spanish guy from the states. He is maybe 10 years her superior. Their body language indicates a serious relationship and that she was living in my building. She glances up, clearly recognizing me, and continues on her way. Only a few days left and I was returning to the States for 4 months. Oh well.

A year has passed and I am staying in a nearby building. To my delight, the other day, I see my darling with her boyfriend. She is dressed in this hot little jogging suit. She passes by, glancing back three times. It must be nice to be in love.

07-08-13, 09:14
You humble and not arrogant? LMAO.You think I'm arrogant? Read the postings you and others made about Colombians.

07-08-13, 11:10
This was published today with a dozen or so photos of sex paisa construction workers.


Liquid Lounge is expected to open on Friday, August 3rd, which will be just in time for the famous Medellin flower festival. Located in Barrio Colombia, just north of El Poblado the Liquid Lounge will be near the rest of the upscale night life in Medellin. Club owners have described the project as similar to La Dolce Vita in Cartagena where there is no onsite hotel, but patrons are invited to come and meet the girls. Ambiance for Liquid Lounge is expected to be decidedly upscale while at the time catering to foreign gentleman. Above photos are just a glimpse of what is coming. Be sure to click the Like button on the Liquid Lounge Facebook Page, so you receive future photos.So instead of meeting them at the Mansion you now have to go all the way to the Liquid Lounge to meet the same chicks? That doesn't make sense at all.

07-08-13, 12:14

"This was published today with a dozen or so photos of sex paisa construction workers."

Wow, I did not know you could find women in Medellin that ugly. One girl looked like a tranny. Are they serious, they want people to pay for these women? They would have to pay me to fuck these women and they better have an inordinate amount of capital. But to each his own, anyone who wants to fuck these chicas will not have to worry about me doing the same. Have fun boys!

Member #4287
07-08-13, 14:10
So instead of meeting them at the Mansion you now have to go all the way to the Liquid Lounge to meet the same chicks? That doesn't make sense at all.Taking a cab to the bar is nothing compared to the flight to Medellin. I might not be the most experienced guy on these matters but having all the girls lined up in one spot where you can look them in the eye and talk to them before making a buy decision is priceless for guys that cam tell the diffference between good sex and just getting your dick wet. Some guys just don't seem to care about the quality of service but rather prefer a more or less guaranteed minimum compliance. The day time casas are great for that. But you'll have to take a cab there also. Escort services are available for take out so you don't have to leave the comfort of home. But can sometimes lead to a bit of a surprise if the chick doesn't look like the pic. But can be a bargain if all you want is a decent piece of ass for a set amount of time. I guess it depends on what you are looking for. Being able to chat up a chick and size her up in person before agreeing to price and seeing how she reacts to me is really the only way to go.

07-08-13, 15:42
Taking a cab to the bar is nothing compared to the flight to Medellin. I might not be the most experienced guy on these matters but having all the girls lined up in one spot where you can look them in the eye and talk to them before making a buy decision is priceless for guys that cam tell the diffference between good sex and just getting your dick wet.

What does this post have to do with my original question? I wanted to know if I now have leave the Mansion (and take a taxi) to go see the same chicas at Liquid Lounge instead of La Cueva (which only requires you to leave your room at HMP 1 or walk downhill from HMP 2)?

All of those chicas in the photos can easily be found at the Mansion.

Member #4287
07-08-13, 16:28
What does this post have to do with my original question? I wanted to know if I now have leave the Mansion (and take a taxi) to go see the same chicas at Liquid Lounge instead of La Cueva (which only requires you to leave your room at HMP 1 or walk downhill from HMP 2)?

All of those chicas in the photos can easily be found at the Mansion.It is my understanding that La Cueva will still be open to the guys that say at the Mansion and all you have to do is go down stairs. But now there will be a second option for guys that are staying at the Mansion as well as the guys that aren't and it's called Liquid Lounge.

07-08-13, 19:45
It is my understanding that La Cueva will still be open to the guys that say at the Mansion and all you have to do is go down stairs. But now there will be a second option for guys that are staying at the Mansion as well as the guys that aren't and it's called Liquid Lounge.That is what I was told by Robert when last there in May. The Cave will be operating as usual and the new place will be an option for hotel guest and non guest. I think they have an abundance of ladies available so theoretically it should work. There are a few questions I ask myself though. Will La Cueva become the red headed step child of the mansion group? Meaning La Cueva will not be the place the ladies want to be. It will be interesting to watch the process play out and I will be there in Sept. So I could very well be sitting in an empty cave w / a couple 6's. I really don't want to go off site for something I always had access to on site. On the surface it doesn't sound good for hotel guest, hope I'm wrong.

Someone should open a short time hotel near LL.

07-08-13, 22:18
So instead of meeting them at the Mansion you now have to go all the way to the Liquid Lounge to meet the same chicks? That doesn't make sense at all.I had the same thought as well. Who is the target market? If it's just for gringos (which is what it looks like) then I am not sure how it survives over the long term. That said, time answers all questions.

Member #4394
07-08-13, 22:22
1) Mixing up arrogance and having a negative opinion about others, which are different things. Arrogance is a particular opinion and attitude about self.

2) Ad Hominem attack.

You think I'm arrogant? Read the postings you and others made about Colombians.

07-08-13, 23:03
So instead of meeting them at the Mansion you now have to go all the way to the Liquid Lounge to meet the same chicks? That doesn't make sense at all.There are many hotels in Medellin and some people stay in private apartments, so having a social setting open to the public (or at least English speaking public) seems like a good idea. My understanding is that the Mansion is just for guests, but please correct me if I am wrong. Someone mentioned La Cueva, is this open to gringos not staying at the Mansion?

Vegas Jeff
07-08-13, 23:55
Been in Medellin for almost 2 months now and 10 months out of the past 2 years. I am very familiar with the casa scene and have reasonable expectations. In the past 2 months I have only made 5-6 trips into Centro. Made a sweep today of about 20 casas, mostly on the New Life side of Oriental. The talent is poor. I will admit that the only casa that I skipped was New Life but in the other casas I did not see one girl that I would call an 8 and I saw over 100 girls. I know some girls could be occupied or off for the day but this goes beyond that. I did find a girl that I had a good time with, but I will not let her performance alter my assessment. It has been this way on my other 4-5 trips also. I have been finding girls that are good but that is only because I am not going frequently. I would certainly run out quickly if I leaned on this scene. I have a friend that goes to Centro about 2-3 times a week and he confirms the same. Spoke with about 10 jefes that I know and disappointing head shakes was all I received. I am sure at some point it will cycle around but for now it is what it is.

Infamous Man
07-09-13, 02:09
Need a good hotel next to the action & safe place.

Please inform me name & link.

07-09-13, 02:25
Any senior member could you guys please shed some light on back door action with Chicas Prepago in Medellin.

What percentage of them willing to do it, and what would be the usual extra cost.

What is a polite way or best way to ask for it in the screening questions (In Spanish)

Thanks very much in advance.

07-09-13, 03:25
Any senior member could you guys please shed some light on back door action with Chicas Prepago in Medellin.

What percentage of them willing to do itHmm, I didn't know we had a statistical model or a mathematical equation for calculating the percentage of chicas in Medellin that take it up the ass.

Could someone post the Excel spreadsheet with the Tracking Chart that contains this info? Don't forget to include the appropriate standard deviations.

07-09-13, 03:36
There are a few questions I ask myself though. Will La Cueva become the red headed step child of the mansion group? Meaning La Cueva will not be the place the ladies want to be. It will be interesting to watch the process play out and I will be there in Sept. So I could very well be sitting in an empty cave w / a couple 6's. I really don't want to go off site for something I always had access to on site.Maybe that is what they want in the long run. The last time I was there another monger staying there told me that they had been asking guest staying at HMP 2 to let the girls walk a little bit ahead of you (when escorting them either up or down hill; this was told to me as we both were walking with chicas back down to HMP 1 for the Sunday hot dog BBQ) because the neighbors have been complaining; even encouraging you to take a taxi from the Cave up the hill back to HMP 2 with your chica.

If Liquid Lounge allows some of the heat to be taken off of the Mansion, then it is no wonder Robert is fully backing this guy to help him get the club off the ground, up and running.

07-09-13, 04:10
Maybe that is what they want in the long run. The last time I was there another monger staying there told me that they had been asking guest staying at HMP 2 to let the girls walk a little bit ahead of you (when escorting them either up or down hill; this was told to me as we both were walking with chicas back down to HMP 1 for the Sunday hot dog BBQ) because the neighbors have been complaining; even encouraging you to take a taxi from the Cave up the hill back to HMP 2 with your chica.

If Liquid Lounge allows some of the heat to be taken off of the Mansion, then it is no wonder Robert is fully backing this guy to help him get the club off the ground, up and running.The Liquid Lounge is Robert's baby and it's about making money. The new bar could turn out to improve the chica scene if non pros and pros go there. Guys were concerned about the cave and that worked out well. I've got my fingers crossed for Roberts New venture.

07-09-13, 08:59
1) Mixing up arrogance and having a negative opinion about others, which are different things. Arrogance is a particular opinion and attitude about self.

2) Ad Hominem attack.1. Having negative opinions about others, I. E. All Colombians, is arrogance;

2. As you sow, so shall you reap.

07-09-13, 11:39
The Liquid Lounge is Robert's baby and it's about making money.Really? Is Robert going around telling people that the Liquid Lounge is his? I wonder how the true (supposed) owner (Av8r) feels about being demoted from CEO to "Promoter", LOL! He was talking about installing Sling Boxes not too long ago.

07-09-13, 13:45
Any senior member could you guys please shed some light on back door action with Chicas Prepago in Medellin.

What percentage of them willing to do it, and what would be the usual extra cost.

What is a polite way or best way to ask for it in the screening questions (In Spanish)

Thanks very much in advance.I can't speak for every working girl in Colombia but I have never seen it offered, accepted, or even on the Menu in Colombia. I can't even remember any guys with reports of any back door action in my almost 4 years of Colombia action.

The most I've gotten is with a regular of mine who likes to have her tits gently sucked as you give her a slow shocker, the pink in the stink comes after you get her revved up. And once when I was drunk at Phase II and I "miss my exit" and took a wrong turn during doggie. I got like half way of the tip in before she jumped out of her skin and lost her mind. Hahahahh! It was an honest mistake and we worked it out. Clearly not on the menu with this girl.

Now if you want some anal you have to go to Argentina! IMO the women are just as hot in their own way (more euro blood so think Italian and lighter skinned) and Anal was coded "Servico Completo" and at the time it was $15 bucks extra! Seriously it was $45-$50 Arg Pesos back 5 or so years when I was down there last! Boy now that I say it. I need to go back!

Member #4287
07-09-13, 14:21
Really? Is Robert going around telling people that the Liquid Lounge is his? I wonder how the true (supposed) owner (Av8r) feels about being demoted from CEO to "Promoter", LOL! He was talking about installing Sling Boxes not too long ago.I believe there are 4 owners in all Robert being one of them.

07-09-13, 15:24
I believe there are 4 owners in all Robert being one of them.Gotcha. What i took from Av8r's posts was that Robert was just helping him get it of the ground by talking to the right people and "advising".

Hopefully everything rolls out smoothly. It'll be up to us to convince our monger brethren to keep the prices in check by not paying 200K for ST to Mayorista street rats who normally go for 30K. If there is no distinction between this place and LDV in Cartagena, then what's the point?

Member #4287
07-09-13, 17:14
Gotcha. What I took from Av8r's posts was that Robert was just helping him get it of the ground by talking to the right people and "advising".

Hopefully everything rolls out smoothly. It'll be up to us to convince our monger brethren to keep the prices in check by not paying 200K for ST to Mayorista street rats who normally go for 30K. If there is no distinction between this place and LDV in Cartagena, then what's the point?Didn't see the post. But from what I'm hearing all are equal partners financially (one I hear is a silent partner and one will be running the bar full time, probably Robert will be in charge of the women and what the other guy has to contribute I have no idea).

If the Mayorista street rats want a piece of the action they better step up their game. Haven't see anything there that interested me so far.

After the place opens I'll give a report on my impressions of the place.

Who knows where the prices will go but I suspect that they will go down once the Mansion chicks are faced with outside competition. Or maybe the street chicks will look so shabby next to them. That they will clean house. Time will tell.

07-09-13, 19:53
Really? Is Robert going around telling people that the Liquid Lounge is his? I wonder how the true (supposed) owner (Av8r) feels about being demoted from CEO to "Promoter", LOL! He was talking about installing Sling Boxes not too long ago.I meant he is doing it separately from HMP and (I think) it's about making money and having fun. Other people are involved of course. Sorry I gave the wrong impression.

07-09-13, 20:31
I will be in Medellin tomorrow for the fourth time. Can someone tell me if the airport cambio or the Oviedo mall cambio will change hundred dollar bills. I can't remember. If anyone wants to have a drink hit me up. I'll be at the mansion.

07-10-13, 00:01
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Infamous Man
07-10-13, 00:59
Anyone know a cheaper place to rent a car beside the airport?

Vegas Jeff
07-10-13, 01:25
I will be in Medellin tomorrow for the fourth time. Can someone tell me if the airport cambio or the Oviedo mall cambio will change hundred dollar bills. I can't remember. If anyone wants to have a drink hit me up. I'll be at the mansion.The Oviedo Mall will for sure. There are 3 of them right next to each other.

07-10-13, 02:04
Anyone know a cheaper place to rent a car beside the airport?No, but we'd be happy to hear about your experience driving in Medellin though. Most of the people I know that live there don't even drive cars (not saying that people other than taxi drivers drive there. Just look at Avenida Poblado on a Saturday night!).

Vegas Jeff
07-10-13, 02:40
I can't speak for every working girl in Colombia but I have never seen it offered, accepted, or even on the Menu in Colombia. I can't even remember any guys with reports of any back door action in my almost 4 years of Colombia action.I saw this question asked about a month ago and no one answered it? If you want Anal it is here in Medellin. Just google Medellin prepagos and look though the websites. About 50% have Anal listed. 50k-200k. Someone with a trip report about a month ago said a girl at New Life, I think Dulce, had it on the menu. I am with you, Slam, in that I have never discussed Anal beforehand. It is normally something that just happens in the room. Best thing to do is stick a finger down there without killing the mood. If Anal is important, hit the Centro casas in the day and Mayorista in the night. Probably a better rate of success in these areas. GL.

07-10-13, 03:12
Ok guys. Travel decision time.

I have a very long weekend free at the end of the month, Wed.Sun. 5 days. Want to party as well as do some tourist stuff. Trying to decide between Medellin, north coast DR, and Nicaragua.

I've been research and reading about Medellin. Although the "partying" seems second to none, it doesn't seem like there is much else to do there. I think that I would do the Pablo Escobar tour for 3 hours, and thats about it. All the other regional tourist stuff is actually too far away. I think that I would get bored over 5 days, essentially waiting for the evenings. Seems like MDE is more like a 3 day long weekend thing rather than a 5+ day thing.

This is compared to the DR and Nicaragua, where I can surf, dive, or kiteboard.

Am I wrong?


07-10-13, 04:07
Ok guys. Travel decision time.

I have a very long weekend free at the end of the month, Wed. Sun. 5 days. Want to party as well as do some tourist stuff. Trying to decide between Medellin, north coast DR, and Nicaragua.

I've been research and reading about Medellin. Although the "partying" seems second to none, it doesn't seem like there is much else to do there. I think that I would do the Pablo Escobar tour for 3 hours, and thats about it. All the other regional tourist stuff is actually too far away. I think that I would get bored over 5 days, essentially waiting for the evenings. Seems like MDE is more like a 3 day long weekend thing rather than a 5+ day thing.

This is compared to the DR and Nicaragua, where I can surf, dive, or kiteboard.

Am I wrong?

Thanks!I had the same problem when I was there for 3 weeks at a time. Eventually I will go back regardless.

7 days is a long time but not that bad. You can do one touristy thing a day then eat a big lunch somewhere. That will eat up enough of the day if you wake up late. Add one casa run and you are already at afternoon coffee time. Unfortunately a lot of great mongering locations are otherwise boring. That's how it goes. You need to build your own routine. Internet coffee movies shopping massage etc.

Over the years I've learned to deal with it but it gets annoying. Recently I've been choosing my locations giving more importance to non mongering activities rather than pfp. Now that I've done that for a while I look forward to some hardcore mongering in the near future.

07-10-13, 04:10
ok guys. travel decision time.

i have a very long weekend free at the end of the month, wed. sun. 5 days. want to party as well as do some tourist stuff. trying to decide between medellin, north coast dr, and nicaragua.

i've been research and reading about medellin. although the "partying" seems second to none, it doesn't seem like there is much else to do there. i think that i would do the pablo escobar tour for 3 hours, and thats about it. all the other regional tourist stuff is actually too far away. i think that i would get bored over 5 days, essentially waiting for the evenings. seems like mde is more like a 3 day long weekend thing rather than a 5+ day thing.

this is compared to the dr and nicaragua, where i can surf, dive, or kiteboard.

am i wrong?

thanks!i think you answered your own question. if you're into [CodeWord117] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord117), you're not going to find it in mde. there are some decent clubs around town. but it's a totally different vibe than sitting outside on pedro clisante (sosua) partying.

07-10-13, 04:15
I had the same problem when I was there for 3 weeks at a time. Eventually I will go back regardless.

7 days is a long time but not that bad. You can do one touristy thing a day then eat a big lunch somewhere. That will eat up enough of the day if you wake up late. Add one casa run and you are already at afternoon coffee time. Unfortunately a lot of great mongering locations are otherwise boring. That's how it goes. You need to build your own routine. Internet coffee movies shopping massage etc.

Over the years I've learned to deal with it but it gets annoying. Recently I've been choosing my locations giving more importance to non mongering activities rather than pfp. Now that I've done that for a while I look forward to some hardcore mongering in the near future.That's why Rio is (or at least was) the great destination on Earth. Wake up and surf and / or take a walk on the beach. Lunch. Termas. Dinner. Bossa Nova Club (or Lapa). Terraco Atlantico. Finish at Help. Repeat every day for a week or two.

07-10-13, 04:37
Hey all, been trying to wrap my head around the new Liquid Lounge. I got a email from a friend and at first what he was saying I didn't really believe. I however saw the photos on facebook of the girls at the construction site. And well photos are worth a 1, 000 words. What I don't understand is why Robert would be involved in a club, that would take people away from his nitch biz. Which is providing rooms, and inviting girls over and charging a premium and make it so they do not want to leave. Build a bar, have a pool keep them there. Now with this venture, girls will go back to the apartments? Who stands to gain from this? Why would you do this? Are you so confident that your mansion will still be packed? Are you breaking away from your Aussie Partner?

Well 2 days ago I stopped asking and instead started gearing up. I got some backers together and investors. We are going to roll out some new monger style places. I started looking for investors and at first nothing. Then all of a sudden a few people in there upper 60's contacted me and we are going to put a project together in the Manilla area. We will control more rooms then the mansion. For those that felt they were treated poorly by them I say give me a shot.

To the liquid lounge lets see what happens I am worried and optimistic. I know Colombians and my thoughts are for girls working there, what about a jealous boyfriend outside? Sure he doesn't get into the club by security but he waits in the shadows and he does something terrible just as your about to get into a taxi?

I can't help myself thats how I think, a famous girls brother looks like demi, was shot in a bar to death just a few weeks ago for looking at a girl.

Vegas Jeff
07-10-13, 05:35
Well 2 days ago I stopped asking and instead started gearing up. I got some backers together and investors. We are going to roll out some new monger style places. I started looking for investors and at first nothing. Then all of a sudden a few people in there upper 60's contacted me and we are going to put a project together in the Manilla area. We will control more rooms then the mansion. For those that felt they were treated poorly by them I say give me a shot.

To the liquid lounge lets see what happens I am worried and optimistic. I know Colombians and my thoughts are for girls working there, what about a jealous boyfriend outside? Sure he doesn't get into the club by security but he waits in the shadows and he does something terrible just as your about to get into a taxi?

I can't help myself thats how I think, a famous girls brother looks like demi, was shot in a bar to death just a few weeks ago for looking at a girl.If you are comfortable dealing with a project like this I believe there is a market for it. You need a property where you own all the rooms and have a staff onsite. Barrio Manilla is a good location. Forma Gym down the hill. Short walk to Lleras, metro, or grocery store. Local restaurants nearby. A little closer to Centro, Stripclubs, etc. GL

Infamous Man
07-10-13, 07:16
No, but we'd be happy to hear about your experience driving in Medellin though. Most of the people I know that live there don't even drive cars (not saying that people other than taxi drivers drive there. Just look at Avenida Poblado on a Saturday night!).Lmfao is it that bad.

Might try to take some video of the experience.

I'm a trucker

I have learned patience to a certain extent

07-10-13, 10:17
It's worse.

Lmfao is it that bad.

Might try to take some video of the experience.

I'm a trucker

I have learned patience to a certain extent

07-10-13, 14:36
If you are comfortable dealing with a project like this I believe there is a market for it. You need a property where you own all the rooms and have a staff onsite. Barrio Manilla is a good location. Forma Gym down the hill. Short walk to Lleras, metro, or grocery store. Local restaurants nearby. A little closer to Centro, Stripclubs, etc. GLFor those who don't know manilla is across the street from Poblado Exito. It's not going to be a hotel like the mansion, it will be a house converted to apartments. I done 10 projects in Medellin, already, this will be my biggest undertaking, my project manager is supper. It's comical because I have all investors pushing 70, including a women. I never thought that be my pool of investors but it makes sense. With all that said I hope Medellin doesn't become another San Jose. I play poker sometimes at the Del Rey, and some guys that go there just. Well I don't want in Medellin. I don't want to ruin it. But it takes a certain type to come here. Which for all intensive reasons is very good. You don't get some ass clown stand up in poker room and at the top of his lungs tell everyone how coked up he is.

Across from my brownstone on calle 8, my buddy Bruce will have 4 new place opened by the end of August, the top floor connects two places together for 5 bedrooms and has a entire roof terrace with hot tub and bar. Place looks great, and I will help him out with renting it. I am his neighbor across the street and the street only has 3 families on it it within yelling distance. So lets see what this lounge brings and how it plays out in Medellin. I was excited for the Dollhouse and it closed before I even stepped foot in it. I think Don Omar played the open. Wow.

Big Dogie
07-10-13, 16:41
I am thinking of a trip in October or November to MDE. I have two questions first is this a good time of the year weather wise? Second is there any casinos with a good poker game daily?



Infamous Man
07-10-13, 17:49
it's worse.hmmm so might have to rethink this.

are taxis readily available everywhere?

thinking of staying at gran hotel.

then maybe get a room by the mayorista strip.

any advice or reconmendation

07-10-13, 18:56
Hmmm so might have to rethink this.

Are taxis readily available everywhere?

Thinking of staying at GRAN HOTEL.

Then maybe get a room by the Mayorista strip.

Any advice or reconmendationI'm taking it from your question that this will be your first time in Medellin, but yes, taxis are readily available everywhere. It is pretty much the prefered method of travel. Some people even take the bus.

I'm not sure how safe it is as a gringo to be driving around in Medellin.

Love Handler
07-10-13, 19:12
I saw this question asked about a month ago and no one answered it? If you want Anal it is here in Medellin. Just google Medellin prepagos and look though the websites. About 50% have Anal listed. 50k-200k. Someone with a trip report about a month ago said a girl at New Life, I think Dulce, had it on the menu. I am with you, Slam, in that I have never discussed Anal beforehand. It is normally something that just happens in the room. Best thing to do is stick a finger down there without killing the mood. If Anal is important, hit the Centro casas in the day and Mayorista in the night. Probably a better rate of success in these areas. GL.I know this is the Medellin thread but I think anal is widely available in Colombia. Obviously not all girls will do it but certainly in Bogota I have found many girls who have offered and probably just as many who would accept if asked. I expect this to be the same in Medellin, plus colombian girls in Panama are normally willing but for USdollars of course!

Mongers just need to go to the right places to ask the dirty putas if they like it up the shitter. Normally younger slim girls are less likely to agree but there are some.

What more can I say!

07-10-13, 19:24
I can't speak for every working girl in Colombia but I have never seen it offered, accepted, or even on the Menu in Colombia. I can't even remember any guys with reports of any back door action in my almost 4 years of Colombia action.

The most I've gotten is with a regular of mine who likes to have her tits gently sucked as you give her a slow shocker, the pink in the stink comes after you get her revved up. And once when I was drunk at Phase II and I "miss my exit" and took a wrong turn during doggie. I got like half way of the tip in before she jumped out of her skin and lost her mind. Hahahahh! It was an honest mistake and we worked it out. Clearly not on the menu with this girl.

Now if you want some anal you have to go to Argentina! IMO the women are just as hot in their own way (more euro blood so think Italian and lighter skinned) and Anal was coded "Servico Completo" and at the time it was $15 bucks extra! Seriously it was $45-$50 Arg Pesos back 5 or so years when I was down there last! Boy now that I say it. I need to go back!SlamCity, I'd like to thank you for your answer and guidance.

I saw lots of pictures of Medellin- chicas showing off their beautiful tail, in a very inviting way, now I know, is just a tease.

Buenos Aires, has moved up on my list of favorite cities, I also can enjoy the beautiful spring weather in September over there.

Thanks again, hope you enjoy your time in Medellin.

07-10-13, 20:16
That's why Rio is (or at least was) the great destination on Earth. Wake up and surf and / or take a walk on the beach. Lunch. Termas. Dinner. Bossa Nova Club (or Lapa). Terraco Atlantico. Finish at Help. Repeat every day for a week or two.Thanks for your replies Combo and Artist!

Yeah, although I definitely want to hit MDE at some point very soon, I think that I'll save it for a 3 day long weekend in the future. I think that I would get too bored for 5 days.

I think that if its too much about the hobby, that I'll resent it if it sucks. (Not that I think it will, but in general).

And also, I assume the Casa Blanca Medellin is still your venue of choice? I speak very little spanish, but have usually been able to barely survive when I visit spanish speaking countries.


Nino Bravo
07-10-13, 21:42
To the liquid lounge lets see what happens I am worried and optimistic. I know Colombians and my thoughts are for girls working there, what about a jealous boyfriend outside? Sure he doesn't get into the club by security but he waits in the shadows and he does something terrible just as your about to get into a taxi?

I can't help myself thats how I think, a famous girls brother looks like demi, was shot in a bar to death just a few weeks ago for looking at a girl.Now don't be painting Colombians in such a bad light. I only accused them of being liars and cheats, and you busted my chops. Now here you are accusing them of being jealous, stalking, women abusers and murderers. LMAO!

07-10-13, 21:48
Thanks for your replies Combo and Artist!

Yeah, although I definitely want to hit MDE at some point very soon, I think that I'll save it for a 3 day long weekend in the future. I think that I would get too bored for 5 days.

I think that if its too much about the hobby, that I'll resent it if it sucks. (Not that I think it will, but in general).

And also, I assume the Casa Blanca Medellin is still your venue of choice? I speak very little spanish, but have usually been able to barely survive when I visit spanish speaking countries.

Thanks!3 days may be too short. It sounds like you enjoy doing other things besides mongering. You can definitely keep busy for your first 1 week visit. Just come up with some kind of an itinerary of things you want to do. You can take spanish classes learn salsa dancing or just hit one tourist attraction a day.

MDE IMO in not a happy place for the most part. The city is a little better than being in Central America which is REALLY boring. The difference is MDE is more accessible due to the metro affordable taxis and general layout of the city. MDE is no Lima or Buenos Aires. It's a big fish but in a VERY small pond. No metropolitan vibe going on at all.

Infamous Man
07-10-13, 22:48
I'm taking it from your question that this will be your first time in Medellin, but yes, taxis are readily available everywhere. It is pretty much the prefered method of travel. Some people even take the bus.

I'm not sure how safe it is as a gringo to be driving around in Medellin.Thank savePro 4 the advice.

Yes first time in MDE.

Did the Sosua-DR so it's time to venture out.

Thinking Colombia then maybe Dubai or Brazil next.

How much is the taxi average

If anyone going to be down there as well hit me up.

29 yr old.

Blk male.

Average built


Down for fun / crazy times.

Hope the chicks love dark meat down there too.

07-10-13, 23:09
3 days may be too short. It sounds like you enjoy doing other things besides mongering. You can definitely keep busy for your first 1 week visit. Just come up with some kind of an itinerary of things you want to do. You can take spanish classes learn salsa dancing or just hit one tourist attraction a day.

MDE IMO in not a happy place for the most part. The city is a little better than being in Central America which is REALLY boring. The difference is MDE is more accessible due to the metro affordable taxis and general layout of the city. MDE is no Lima or Buenos Aires. It's a big fish but in a VERY small pond. No metropolitan vibe going on at all.Yeah, I like to mix in outdoor water stuff, like surfing, windsurfing, or diving, which is why I like places like CR, Thailand, and Cabos. I can fill entire days with that stuff. If its a city, like MDE, then I have to look a little closer as to what's there and what's nearby. After researching MDE, the only thing that I was interested in was the Pablo Escobar tour. The southern coffee regions also sounds great, but it's over 5 hours away. That's too far. Hobbying can be fun, but not to the exclusion of anything else fun in the downtime.

MDE sounds like one of those cities that are beautiful and great to live in, but not necessarily great to visit.

07-10-13, 23:31
Thank savePro 4 the advice.

Yes first time in MDE.

Did the Sosua-DR so it's time to venture out.

Thinking Colombia then maybe Dubai or Brazil next.

How much is the taxi average

If anyone going to be down there as well hit me up.

29 yr old.

Blk male.

Average built


Down for fun / crazy times.

Hope the chicks love dark meat down there too.Yeah man, this ain't the DR, LOL. Medellin is not as car rental / driver friendly as the DR. But I get where you were coming from because a lot of guys I know rent a car from SDQ and drive all over the island.

Are you going to stay at the Mansion?

07-11-13, 02:00
yeah, i like to mix in outdoor water stuff, like surfing, windsurfing, or diving, which is why i like places like cr, thailand, and cabos. i can fill entire days with that stuff. if its a city, like mde, then i have to look a little closer as to what's there and what's nearby. after researching mde, the only thing that i was interested in was the pablo escobar tour. the southern coffee regions also sounds great, but it's over 5 hours away. that's too far. hobbying can be fun, but not to the exclusion of anything else fun in the downtime.

mde sounds like one of those cities that are beautiful and great to live in, but not necessarily great to visit.i would say this is accurate. i generally can keep myself occupied there for up to a week. but if you're that into [CodeWord117] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord117), a week might bore you. i also agree with artyst's opinion of mde having a small town feel. i think there are 3 or 4 million people in the metro area, but it doesn't feel like a big city at all. completely different vibe than buenos aires, rio, or lima.

someone mentioned salsa, but imo mde doesn't even have as good a salsa scene as most big cities in the us. cali otoh is very good for dancing, but it takes a while to get into the scene there.

07-11-13, 03:21
Now don't be painting Colombians in such a bad light. I only accused them of being liars and cheats, and you busted my chops. Now here you are accusing them of being jealous, stalking, women abusers and murderers. LMAO!I told a true story of what happened to Geraldine's brother. You stereotyped all Colombians as liars, cheats, and people who welch on loans. Simply put go fuck yourself.

Nino Bravo
07-11-13, 11:10
I told a true story of what happened to Geraldine's brother. You stereotyped all Colombians as liars, cheats, and people who welch on loans. Simply put go fuck yourself.With all due respect, re- read your paragraph before the account of Geraldine's brother where you stated " I know Colombians" then described a stereotypical scenario where a jealous, abusive, stalking Colombian waits outside of Liquid Lounge for his girlfriend. What does the statement "I know Colombians" mean? I'll await your response.

Infamous Man
07-11-13, 13:07
Yeah man, this ain't the DR, LOL. Medellin is not as car rental / driver friendly as the DR. But I get where you were coming from because a lot of guys I know rent a car from SDQ and drive all over the island.

Are you going to stay at the Mansion?I Tried & tried to stay at the Mansion but they are All booked.

So I'm thinking of stayingatGran Hotel.

Just walking into casas.

& getting another room by La MayoristA.

Would of liked to take a tour with the mansion people.

Might try to contact them & see if its possible.

I will arrived Thursday night around 7pm.

Guessing I book in & try a strip joint & snatch something up.

Also need at least 2 good restaurants close by

07-11-13, 13:31
I Tried & tried to stay at the Mansion but they are All booked.

So I'm thinking of stayingatGran Hotel.

Just walking into casas.

& getting another room by La MayoristA.

Would of liked to take a tour with the mansion people.

Might try to contact them & see if its possible.

I will arrived Thursday night around 7pm.

Guessing I book in & try a strip joint & snatch something up.

Also need at least 2 good restaurants close byGo to the "Medellin Lists" thread and look for the Chica List posted by WorldTravel69 (I think the last one was posted sometime in Feburary this year). It has the list of all the casas, strip clubs, and recommended taxi drivers and guides (some who speak English) with the prices and locations.

Good luck with Mayorista. I've never been but was told that it is no longer the hot spot since the made them remove the tables and chairs from the sidewalks. You'll have fun in El Centro though. Just take a taxi to and from everywhere after dark down there.

07-11-13, 15:19
A upsidedown $ dead coke head and a couple businessmen with a lot a stake had or have useful things to say? They're all here Jake included for promotion and money. The rest of us readers don't have much going on and hang around forums because we have no friends or life so to speak. I know Jake is a part timer and doesn't promote as much as he should so as a buddy, from time to time I step up for him. Big Deal!I saw jake twice recently with a client at Divino Cielo. The client was a older guy, to be honest I never seen someone look happier so Jake has to be doing something right. I live right over the bar sometimes, so when I came down the next night and walked by him and jake and two cuties were there. Again the guy was beaming. I have no financial anything to gain from jake so this is accurate. His client looked happy, I watched him while I was there the night before. Jake was attentive. No cell phone in hand. Helped him order dinner and took care of his client. I hate both girls and employees that over indulge in their phones on my time.

07-11-13, 15:21
Good luck with Mayorista. I've never been but was told that it is no longer the hot spot since the made them remove the tables and chairs from the sidewalks. You'll have fun in El Centro though. Just take a taxi to and from everywhere after dark down there.Do any of you guys go down during the rainy season? I forget if the street girls still hang out (outside) in the centro or not.

Also now that Mayorista is finished (?) where do you guys go at night besides centro and the few strip clubs mentioned?


07-11-13, 16:15
With all due respect, re- read your paragraph before the account of Geraldine's brother where you stated " I know Colombians" then described a stereotypical scenario where a jealous, abusive, stalking Colombian waits outside of Liquid Lounge for his girlfriend. What does the statement "I know Colombians" mean? I'll await your response.Jealous people do crazy things the world over. I wish them and you all the luck in the world. I wish you my kind of success here.

End of story

07-11-13, 16:22
Having read many of your posts over the years it appears your main and perhaps only reason for posting here is to hawk some cheap rental units.

Why should cursing-out other mongers in pursuit of that goal be allowed and why do you feel so entitled?

I told a true story of what happened to Geraldine's brother. You stereotyped all Colombians as liars, cheats, and people who welch on loans. Simply put go fuck yourself.

07-11-13, 16:48
Lmfao is it that bad.

Might try to take some video of the experience.

I'm a trucker

I have learned patience to a certain extentI've been riding a motorcycle here in Medellin for the past two years. You couldn't pay me to drive a car here though. Also, really no need for a car unless you want to drive someplace outside of Medellin. I would say Medellin is one of the easiest places to get around without a car.

Nino Bravo
07-11-13, 17:02
Jealous people do crazy things the world over. I wish them and you all the luck in the world. I wish you my kind of success here.

End of storyWell you evaded the question, and rightfully so. Thanks for your well wishes. I have no desire to live in Colombia, nor do further business in Colombia or with colombians. But I will continue to travel there to fuck their women.

07-11-13, 23:40
I will be in Medellin tomorrow for the fourth time. Can someone tell me if the airport cambio or the Oviedo mall cambio will change hundred dollar bills. I can't remember. If anyone wants to have a drink hit me up. I'll be at the mansion.Yes, they will definitely accept $100 bills at both the airport cambio & also the Oviedo cambio. If you have a safe in your room I suggest that you convert a good bit of the cash at the airport cambio. I have had times when I ran low on money and the Oviedo cambio was closed by the time I got there.

07-11-13, 23:57
Also now that Mayorista is finished (?) where do you guys go at night besides centro and the few strip clubs mentioned?
ThanksCome on down and have a drink with me tonight, Friday, or Saturday night. There are still plenty of girls to be had here. I spotted quite a bit of new faces even in the daytime. Some offer outstanding service if they click with you. You know where and how to get in touch with me.

07-12-13, 01:01
Come on down and have a drink with me tonight, Friday, or Saturday night. There are still plenty of girls to be had here. I spotted quite a bit of new faces even in the daytime. Some offer outstanding service if they click with you. You know where and how to get in touch with me.

Cheers.Thanks for the info. I might be down there in September.

Member #4394
07-12-13, 01:49
Good info. Are there still tables on the street?

Come on down and have a drink with me tonight, Friday, or Saturday night. There are still plenty of girls to be had here. I spotted quite a bit of new faces even in the daytime. Some offer outstanding service if they click with you. You know where and how to get in touch with me.


07-12-13, 02:41
Having read many of your posts over the years it appears your main and perhaps only reason for posting here is to hawk some cheap rental units.

Why should cursing-out other mongers in pursuit of that goal be allowed and why do you feel so entitled?The same entitlement that give AG the right to print that Colombians are all monkeys, crooks, and working girls, the same right that Nino has to say I agree with him and that they hate to pay back loans and terrible to deal with in any venture dealing with money. 4 people took offense to AG saying that colombians are monkeys me included. I didn't see you get all huffy and puffy with that (that guy is teflon I swear). But with me who used the word fuck on a sex board dealing with the act of fucking you take offense? WTF? You say I don't contribute then I guess all 148 posts are all look at me rent my places, but there not. I put other peoples needs to help them find some happiness here regardless if I have financial gain or not. Anyway Nino knows he's a pot stirrer, I am sure he is at work board with work or his female relationship and in order to fill his day he stirs the pot a little here. I called him on it, he called me on my statement. Enough said, thanks for policing the board, if you don't like my antics block me or complain to the moderator.

Nino Bravo
07-12-13, 03:24
Anyway Nino knows he's a pot stirrer, I am sure he is at work board with work or his female relationship and in order to fill his day he stirs the pot a little here. I called him on it, he called me on my statement. Enough said, thanks for policing the board, if you don't like my antics block me or complain to the moderator.Wow, your post was very difficult to read, however I'll respond.

Not bored at work at all, I love my work and do well. Bored with my female relationships? Impossible. I have too much variety for that and wayyy too many. My day is very full. I don't think that I even have 100 posts here, and have been a member for years. So maybe you should use your illogical reasoning on some members (including yourself) who have far more posts than me. I opine when I see fit, and I stand by my original post regarding dealing with Colombians. Not too many on this forum have more years traveling to Colombia than me (although many, many have lived there and I haven't, only months at a time) so I would think my opinion would hold more weight than just "stirring the pot". You are an infant in Colombia compared to others, so I wouldn't start beating my chest if I were you regarding how well you've done there. In Colombia things can change in an instant.

07-12-13, 04:28
The same entitlement that give AG the right to print that Colombians are all monkeys, crooks, and working girls, the same right that Nino has to say I agree with him and that they hate to pay back loans and terrible to deal with in any venture dealing with money. 4 people took offense to AG saying that colombians are monkeys me included. I didn't see you get all huffy and puffy with that (that guy is teflon I swear). But with me who used the word fuck on a sex board dealing with the act of fucking you take offense? WTF? You say I don't contribute then I guess all 148 posts are all look at me rent my places, but there not. I put other peoples needs to help them find some happiness here regardless if I have financial gain or not. Anyway Nino knows he's a pot stirrer, I am sure he is at work board with work or his female relationship and in order to fill his day he stirs the pot a little here. I called him on it, he called me on my statement. Enough said, thanks for policing the board, if you don't like my antics block me or complain to the moderator.Good to see we are all getting along!

Member #4287
07-12-13, 06:06
Went to Sinko Bar a couple of times with a date and got in no problem. But the last time I went (with a couple of guys from the Mansion and their dates) we got turned away at the door. They took one look at us and said "Sorry, Private Party!".

Also it seems that there is some truth that women that focus too much on the apartment scene don't get invited back to the Mansion by the Mansion. From what I hear Wendy and chicks like her that have gone on their own to attract business outside the Mansion have to be invited by a guest of the Mansion before they get in. So there is understandable concern for some chicks to keep the fact that they do a lot of business outside hush hush.

07-12-13, 06:24
Come on down and have a drink with me tonight, Friday, or Saturday night. There are still plenty of girls to be had here. I spotted quite a bit of new faces even in the daytime. Some offer outstanding service if they click with you. You know where and how to get in touch with me.

Cheers.Hey Ezyngo,

I'll be in Medellin probably Sat and Sunday night. Maybe we can meet up and have a drink and check out the local scene?

07-12-13, 11:36
Can someone tell me how I get the info on the facebook page for the mansion I posted in Medellin list and got no response.


07-12-13, 15:03
Wow, your post was very difficult to read, however I'll respond.

Not bored at work at all, I love my work and do well. Bored with my female relationships? Impossible. I have too much variety for that and wayyy too many. My day is very full. I don't think that I even have 100 posts here, and have been a member for years. So maybe you should use your illogical reasoning on some members (including yourself) who have far more posts than me. I opine when I see fit, and I stand by my original post regarding dealing with Colombians. Not too many on this forum have more years traveling to Colombia than me (although many, many have lived there and I haven't, only months at a time) so I would think my opinion would hold more weight than just "stirring the pot". You are an infant in Colombia compared to others, so I wouldn't start beating my chest if I were you regarding how well you've done there. In Colombia things can change in an instant.Hold on nino slow down, let me get my pen and pad out so I can take notes on all your knowledge. I have so much to learn from you Yoda. Please teach me. Does anyone here get that this started over a guy who owns a brothel calling Colombians Monkeys? Jesus C, if this was the USA they would have run him out of town by now for that. Here he gets applauded.

07-12-13, 15:09
`I need some advice. I believe I have fallen in love with a prostitute from Medellin. I wrote my report a month ago. In that report I stated how I longed to see this girl again, however in the time that has lapsed since then till now she has become the sine qua non of my existence. This girl is all I think about all day. Sure I get things done, but I do them while thinking of her. There is no longer me and my thoughts now it is me and my thoughts plus the thought of her. One user of the forum wrote that Costa Rica and the DR were the minor leagues while Medellin was the big leagues. Maybe I should have started with triple A first. I think that because I am in the US the dilemma is exacerbated; this is because I do not have sex with American women. This is an actual rule of mine, no American women. I am twenty one, no kids, never been married, and never had a girlfriend and I like things this way. The last thing I want is to be paying child support to some chick I had a one night stand with. While she refuses to let me see the child but expects the check to come in on time every month, no thanks. Because of the way I live my life the last thing I expected was to ever fall in love, I never planned for it. Now I try to rationalize it to myself, saying 'I cannot get hurt in a different country right? '. I always thought of fallen in love as a dangerous thing, a time when guys let their guard down and are inevitably eaten by their harpy girlfriend. I do not have any of her contact information, when I was in Medellin I was in such an elated state that I did not think about such things. I think you could say I had a natural high, or I was high on life despite that fact that I did not partake in drugs besides some Sildenafil. Now I am thinking of going back to Medellin to find this girl again and actually getting her information this time. I also should explain that I do not know this girl well so the attraction purely stems from the sex and everything else I gathered from the times we met. But I do not think any of these things matter because I do not want to be her boyfriend anyway. I just want to have the security of knowing I can find her on my next trip to Medellin. I believe this is a symbiotic proposition because I get the best sex of my life and she gets paid. If only fucking all women was this simple. I would like to know if anyone else has fallen for a girl the way I have? Also is my behavior irrational? Should I resent any feeling of love and attachment to this girl? Should I go back to Medellin to get this girls contact information?

Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated thanks.

Member #4287
07-12-13, 16:50
`I need some advice. I believe I have fallen in love with a prostitute from Medellin. I wrote my report a month ago. In that report I stated how I longed to see this girl again, however in the time that has lapsed since then till now she has become the sine qua non of my existence. This girl is all I think about all day. Sure I get things done, but I do them while thinking of her. There is no longer me and my thoughts now it is me and my thoughts plus the thought of her. One user of the forum wrote that Costa Rica and the DR were the minor leagues while Medellin was the big leagues. Maybe I should have started with triple A first. I think that because I am in the US the dilemma is exacerbated; this is because I do not have sex with American women. This is an actual rule of mine, no American women. I am twenty one, no kids, never been married, and never had a girlfriend and I like things this way. The last thing I want is to be paying child support to some chick I had a one night stand with. While she refuses to let me see the child but expects the check to come in on time every month, no thanks. Because of the way I live my life the last thing I expected was to ever fall in love, I never planned for it. Now I try to rationalize it to myself, saying 'I cannot get hurt in a different country right? '. I always thought of fallen in love as a dangerous thing, a time when guys let their guard down and are inevitably eaten by their harpy girlfriend. I do not have any of her contact information, when I was in Medellin I was in such an elated state that I did not think about such things. I think you could say I had a natural high, or I was high on life despite that fact that I did not partake in drugs besides some Sildenafil. Now I am thinking of going back to Medellin to find this girl again and actually getting her information this time. I also should explain that I do not know this girl well so the attraction purely stems from the sex and everything else I gathered from the times we met. But I do not think any of these things matter because I do not want to be her boyfriend anyway. I just want to have the security of knowing I can find her on my next trip to Medellin. I believe this is a symbiotic proposition because I get the best sex of my life and she gets paid. If only fucking all women was this simple. I would like to know if anyone else has fallen for a girl the way I have? Also is my behavior irrational? Should I resent any feeling of love and attachment to this girl? Should I go back to Medellin to get this girls contact information? Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated thanks.

The rest of us are too old to fall in love. Jajaja.

My advice is to go back to Medellin find the chick and then find two more that you like just as much and then put them on a daily rotation. It will help you keep things in perspective.

Also you are way too young to be swearing off American chicks....just hump and dump...they'll like you more for it.

07-12-13, 16:58
Can someone tell me how I get the info on the facebook page for the mansion I posted in Medellin list and got no response. ThanksI don't think there ever was a Facebook page for the Mansion.

Member #4351
07-12-13, 17:18
`I did not partake in drugs besides some Sildenafil.At 21? You had better lay off that stuff, you are too young to be using it. What will you do in thirty years when you really need it?

07-12-13, 17:24
At 21? You had better lay off that stuff, you are too young to be using it. What will you do in thirty years when you really need it?I am not sure what you mean. What is the risk of me using it?

07-12-13, 17:24
Because of the way I live my life the last thing I expected was to ever fall in love, I never planned for it. Now I try to rationalize it to myself, saying 'I cannot get hurt in a different country right? '. I always thought of fallen in love as a dangerous thing, a time when guys let their guard down and are inevitably eaten by their harpy girlfriend. I do not have any of her contact information, when I was in Medellin I was in such an elated state that I did not think about such things. I think you could say I had a natural high, or I was high on life despite that fact that I did not partake in drugs besides some Sildenafil. Now I am thinking of going back to Medellin to find this girl again and actually getting her information this time. I also should explain that I do not know this girl well so the attraction purely stems from the sex and everything else I gathered from the times we met. But I do not think any of these things matter because I do not want to be her boyfriend anyway. I just want to have the security of knowing I can find her on my next trip to Medellin. Should I resent any feeling of love and attachment to this girl?Congratulations! I say that because this sound more like "Lust" than "Love", so at least you have not lost all of your marbles, LOL.

I guess that is what happens when (from your report) you go bareback and bust your nut inside of some sweet Paisa pussy, hahaha. But best believe your chica may have moved on to a different Casa or dropped out of the game entirely by the time you get back. And be thankful you did not get her contact information because from your highly emotional report I believe she would have successfully manipulated you into sending her money via Western Union. Speaking of which, since you are new to mongering, here are some basic mongering rules with regards to avoiding becoming "Papi Noel":

Think about Six Flags for a moment. You pay your admission, ride the rides, take pictures, and go back home and share your experience with friends.

Now, once you get back home do you send Six Flags a portion of your income on a monthly basis? The same applies with dealing with chicas in other countries: Go there, ride the rides (chicas) , take pics, share the experience with friends. DO NOT send them money when you get back home hoping that you are somehow securing a "placeholder" for your return trip. Keep any contact with them once you leave to a minimum until about a month or two before your return trip. If she has moved on (novio, some gringo bobo took her out of the game until he goes broke sending her money), then you will find a new one to fill her spot.

Just be happy that you found out about mongering at the young age of 21 and have no kids (I started at 25) and are able to afford to take a trip to another country. Medellin has more pussy than you can ever get around to in one life time, so just relax and enjoy the long ride. Try to do a trip every 4 months or 3 times a year. That way, once you start going through pussy withdrawal symptoms (as you are experiencing now while in the US a*k*a "Sex Prison") you know that you will be back in pussy paradise shortly.

This is an actual rule of mine, no American women. I am twenty one, no kids, never been married, and never had a girlfriend and I like things this way. The last thing I want is to be paying child support to some chick I had a one night stand with. While she refuses to let me see the child but expects the check to come in on time every month, no thanks.Welcome to the club! As long as I can afford to travel elsewhere pretty frequently, I have no desire to touch another American Woman every again. The end goal (for a good majority on this forum) is to ultimately do well enough to get the hell out of Sex Prison PERMANENTLY!

Don't get caught up in bullshit like trying to have the best car, the biggest house, and the flashiest clothes. If you are going to be a monger then go all in. Live frugal while in the US, and rock out with your cock out (literally) in another country. And if you do not contribute to an employer sponsored 401K, START!

07-12-13, 17:50
=SavePros321; 1445388]Congratulations! I say that because this sound more like "Lust" than "Love", so at least you have not lost all of your marbles, LOL.

I guess that is what happens when (from your report) you go bareback and bust your nut inside of some sweet Paisa pussy, hahaha. But best believe your chica may have moved on to a different Casa or dropped out of the game entirely by the time you get back. And be thankful you did not get her contact information because from your highly emotional report I believe she would have successfully manipulated you into sending her money via Western Union. Speaking of which, since you are new to mongering, here are some basic mongering rules with regards to avoiding becoming "Papi Noel"...Thank you for the response. Your post was helpful, informative, and disheartening. I think I still have a lot to learn about mongering but I would hope I can manage to not become a sponsor. I like your six flags analogy and we share the same sentiment. What worries me is when you said that she is likely moved on. I cannot bear the thought of never being inside that pussy again. I am sure I will never have better or equal sex with another woman; I do not think it is possible.

07-12-13, 18:28
`I need some advice. I believe I have fallen in love with a prostitute from Medellin. I wrote my report a month ago. In that report I stated how I longed to see this girl again, however in the time that has lapsed since then till now she has become the sine qua non of my existence. This girl is all I think about all day.

I think you could say I had a natural high, or I was high on life despite that fact that I did not partake in drugs besides some Sildenafil. Now I am thinking of going back to Medellin to find this girl again and actually getting her information this time. I also should explain that I do not know this girl well so the attraction purely stems from the sex and everything else I gathered from the times we met. But I do not think any of these things matter because I do not want to be her boyfriend anyway. I just want to have the security of knowing I can find her on my next trip to Medellin. I believe this is a symbiotic proposition because I get the best sex of my life and she gets paid. If only fucking all women was this simple. I would like to know if anyone else has fallen for a girl the way I have? Also is my behavior irrational? Should I resent any feeling of love and attachment to this girl? Should I go back to Medellin to get this girls contact information? Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated thanks.I don't have any practical advice on what to do, except to say that it seems very unwise to me to take Sildenafil (Viagra) at the age of 21. I took it for the first time when I was almost 50 and the good thing was that it made me feel like I was 21 again.

I think this post might be taken as a warning, because I have always thought that it would be detrimental to a man's social, personal, and intellectual development to start paying for sex before middle age. Youth is the time for falling in love with women of one's own age, raising children, building a career and a place in the world, not for surreptitious travel to foreign parts for sex with prostitutes.

What the poster will find is that even if he does find the same girl, things will not stay the same for long, with her giving great sex and him giving up money. She will want more and if he is addicted to the sex, she will probably get it, and it will probably all end badly.

I do understand the problem with many American women, and I can see why he would not want to date them, but there are many foreign women who would make good partners who are not prostitutes.

I would try to forget about this woman and seek out other potential partners.

07-12-13, 18:29
The rest of us are too old to fall in love. Jajaja.

My advice is to go back to Medellin find the chick and then find two more that you like just as much and then put them on a daily rotation. It will help you keep things in perspective.

Also you are way too young to be swearing off American chicks. Just hump and dump. They'll like you more for it.Thanks for the advice. I was already planning my trip back to Medellin before I even left. My contemplation was over whether or not to go back early to get this girls contact information. I do not really have an interest in other girls at the moment. Although if I was to go back, I would definitely purchase other pussy. And when it comes to American women, I would not fuck one with your dick! Why would I want to do something like fuck an American girl, what is the purpose. Even if the sex was free, after having gone to Medellin American women look like men to me. I am not attracted to them at all, I notice every flaw, no makeup, too much make up, mustaches, beer bellies, feet bigger than most men. I could be here all day listing reasons why I would not fuck an American women. But lastly and most importantly having sex with an American women could ruin my life. Most American women do not care whether or not the man wants a child they will have it anyway. All these chicks are in such a hurry to get child support and government assistance (hard earned taxpayers' dollars, which should not be responsible for some ghetto hood rat or trailer trashes illegitimate future inmate)!

07-12-13, 19:06
I don't have any practical advice on what to do, except to say that it seems very unwise to me to take Sildenafil (Viagra) at the age of 21. I took it for the first time when I was almost 50 and the good thing was that it made me feel like I was 21 again.

I think this post might be taken as a warning, because I have always thought that it would be detrimental to a man's social, personal, and intellectual development to start paying for sex before middle age. Youth is the time for falling in love with women of one's own age, raising children, building a career and a place in the world, not for surreptitious travel to foreign parts for sex with prostitutes...As far as the Sildenafil goes, you are not the first person to suggest I stop taking it. So I will ask you the same question. What is the risk? In regards to the rest of your post, I want children as much as I want colon cancer. What is the point of having a career if it does not afford me the luxury of doing what I want to do in life: travel the world fucking prostitutes along the way. Do you want me to slave away 70 hours a week with no vacation time so that the American government can take 60% of my income to pay for loquisha's baby's Similac? What is the point of making money if I cannot pay for prostitutes? As far as girls my age you got me there, I did not fuck any 21 year olds in Medellin. Although I did fuck a 20 year old and two 18 year olds. What do you want me to do, chase after the American dream? A wife, kids, and a house with a white picket fence? Are you serious? What year do you think this is 1950? Do you know what the national debt is? Do you know what the unemployment rate is? And the women! These girls sit at home watching 'Keeping up with the Kardashians'! Do you realize that Kim Kardashian filed for divorce after 72 days! Addicted to sex, give me some credit. Everything is an addiction now, if you like sex you are addicted to it right? Come on sir. If the price were to go to high I would not pay, simple as that. I would not pay if the price went up at all, expect for inflation being accounted for of course. And lastly why do I have to partner up with someone, why do I have to conform to your idea of a healthy life style? Why do I have to get married when there is a 50% divorce rate? Or have a girlfriend and run the risk of being subject to a common law marriage? Thanks for the input.

Infamous Man
07-12-13, 19:23
`I need some advice. I believe I have fallen in love with a prostitute from Medellin. I wrote my report a month ago. In that report I stated how I longed to see this girl again, however in the time that has lapsed since then till now she has become the sine qua non of my existence. This girl is all I think about all day. Sure I get things done, but I do them while thinking of her. There is no longer me and my thoughts now it is me and my thoughts plus the thought of her. One user of the forum wrote that Costa Rica and the DR were the minor leagues while Medellin was the big leagues. Maybe I should have started with triple A first. I think that because I am in the US the dilemma is exacerbated; this is because I do not have sex with American women. This is an actual rule of mine, no American women. I am twenty one, no kids, never been married, and never had a girlfriend and I like things this way. The last thing I want is to be paying child support to some chick I had a one night stand with. While she refuses to let me see the child but expects the check to come in on time every month, no thanks. Because of the way I live my life the last thing I expected was to ever fall in love, I never planned for it. Now I try to rationalize it to myself, saying 'I cannot get hurt in a different country right? '. I always thought of fallen in love as a dangerous thing, a time when guys let their guard down and are inevitably eaten by their harpy girlfriend. I do not have any of her contact information, when I was in Medellin I was in such an elated state that I did not think about such things. I think you could say I had a natural high, or I was high on life despite that fact that I did not partake in drugs besides some Sildenafil. Now I am thinking of going back to Medellin to find this girl again and actually getting her information this time. I also should explain that I do not know this girl well so the attraction purely stems from the sex and everything else I gathered from the times we met. But I do not think any of these things matter because I do not want to be her boyfriend anyway. I just want to have the security of knowing I can find her on my next trip to Medellin. I believe this is a symbiotic proposition because I get the best sex of my life and she gets paid. If only fucking all women was this simple. I would like to know if anyone else has fallen for a girl the way I have? Also is my behavior irrational? Should I resent any feeling of love and attachment to this girl? Should I go back to Medellin to get this girls contact information? Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated thanks.Where you from BRO?

U need a new group of friends & better buddy's.

Come hang with mee.

At age 21.

It's live fast.

Get $$$

Get pussy.

This love stuff you talk about comes later.

Have you at least bang 50 girls yet.

Stay off the Viagra.


Build muscle & stamina.

Explore the world

L usting.

O ver

V agina.

E diot

07-12-13, 19:54
Where you from BRO?

U need a new group of friends & better buddy's.

Come hang with mee.

At age 21.

It's live fast.

Get $$$

Get pussy.

This love stuff you talk about comes later.

Have you at least bang 50 girls yet...You gave good advice, thank you. You are the third person today that has told me to lay off the Viagra. Would someone please tell me what potential threat everyone is cryptically talking about? But in the end I do not see anything wrong with lusting over pussy. I cannot help how I feel. It is not as if I will marry her and try to get her a green card. I will not send her money transfers and other such things. All I want is to be able to fuck her again. I think Savepros321 is right; this is a natural reaction to going raw with a chick and busting a giant nut deep into her vagina. Now that I think about it, how could I not be lusting after this girl? I do not want to settle down; I do want to live fast.

07-12-13, 20:00
Good info. Are there still tables on the street?I wish they would allow bars and restaurants to have them out again. Stupid rule that Itagui has enforced since last year. Oh well, look on the bright side, I have recently known at least 5 new chicas that fit your type and taste.


Vegas Jeff
07-12-13, 20:36
I think this post might be taken as a warning, because I have always thought that it would be detrimental to a man's social, personal, and intellectual development to start paying for sex before middle age.Seizetheday. This some good advice for you.

`I need some advice. I believe I have fallen in love with a prostitute from Medellin.Also is my behavior irrational? Should I resent any feeling of love and attachment to this girl? Should I go back to Medellin to get this girls contact information? Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated thanks.You admit that you are 21 and have never been in love. You are not ready for this. You are confusing a passionate, connected sexual experience with love. I hate to say this, and I am not being mean, but I would seriously suggest some mental health counseling. If you don't take this seriously you will continue to make bad decisions based on your emotions. You need to move past this experience and put it in it's rightful place. The experience you had here was not bad one. It is just the way you are interpreting it. Hopefully some day you can look back at this and say,"What was I thinking?" GL

07-12-13, 20:48
`I need some advice. I believe I have fallen in love with a prostitute from Medellin. .Ohhhhhh brother puhleeeeze!

Follow advice below.
Read both paragraphs, then re-read them, then follow the advice.

Don't be a putz.

The girl you're obsessing over, well there's a gazillion more just like her.

Just get back to Colombia, relax, have fun, enjoy life.

Medellin has more pussy than you can ever get around to in one life time, so just relax and enjoy the long ride. Try to do a trip every 4 months or 3 times a year. That way, once you start going through pussy withdrawal symptoms (as you are experiencing now while in the US a*k*a "Sex Prison") you know that you will be back in pussy paradise shortly.

Don't get caught up in bullshit like trying to have the best car, the biggest house, and the flashiest clothes. If you are going to be a monger then go all in. Live frugal while in the US, and rock out with your cock out (literally) in another country. And if you do not contribute to an employer sponsored 401K, START!

07-12-13, 22:42
STD, Never marry or fall in love for real w / a hooker. Period. These posts come up frequently on different forums. I have been mongering for about 10 years. I have fallen in "LOVE" countless times. Thats the fun of mongering. You fall in love, and then you tire of her and find another one, or you go to a different country and find another one. There is nothing better then finding a girl you think you are in love with, wifey up with her for 3 days, and then go to another destination and find a girl with natural dd 125 pounds 5'8 to realize you shouldn't fall in love in the marriage way. If you don't marry them and send them money, its ok to fall in love as you say, but keep it real. There are so many hot chicks that are turning 18 everyday in some mongering destination. You need to be there for all of them. Remember one fact of mongering: No matter how old you get, they always stay around 18 to 25.

07-13-13, 00:05
Can someone tell me how I get the info on the facebook page for the mansion I posted in Medellin list and got no response.

ThanksIf you are in the USA you can call their VOIP Miami number: +1-312 546-4301. They have their own thread in this Colombia section of ISG.

Their website is http://www.hotelmedellinplaza.com/index.html

07-13-13, 00:35
Ohhhhhh brother puhleeeeze!

Follow advice below.

Read both paragraphs, then re-read them, then follow the advice.

Don't be a putz.

The girl you're obsessing over, well there's a gazillion more just like her.

Just get back to Colombia, relax, have fun, enjoy life.My advice is to not have a mental block against falling in love. If you live the mongering only life there will come a time when you will desire the 'normal' life, viz. Wife, kids, family etc. And it is better to try that lifestyle while relatively young rather than later on in life when all sorts of complications can arise. Monger, yes, but if cupid's arrow strikes, give it a try. If it does not work out then "It is better to have loved and lost than."

07-13-13, 00:40
I need some advice. I believe I have fallen in love with a prostitute from Medellin. , Haven't we all. LOL

07-13-13, 01:21
`I need some advice. I believe I have fallen in love with a prostitute from Medellin. I wrote my report a month ago. In that report I stated how I longed to see this girl again, however in the time that has lapsed since then till now she has become the sine qua non of my existence. This girl is all I think about all day. Sure I get things done, but I do them while thinking of her. There is no longer me and my thoughts now it is me and my thoughts plus the thought of her. One user of the forum wrote that Costa Rica and the DR were the minor leagues while Medellin was the big leagues. Maybe I should have started with triple A first. I think that because I am in the US the dilemma is exacerbated; this is because I do not have sex with American women. This is an actual rule of mine, no American women. I am twenty one, no kids, never been married, and never had a girlfriend and I like things this way. The last thing I want is to be paying child support to some chick I had a one night stand with. While she refuses to let me see the child but expects the check to come in on time every month, no thanks. Because of the way I live my life the last thing I expected was to ever fall in love, I never planned for it. Now I try to rationalize it to myself, saying 'I cannot get hurt in a different country right? '. I always thought of fallen in love as a dangerous thing, a time when guys let their guard down and are inevitably eaten by their harpy girlfriend. I do not have any of her contact information, when I was in Medellin I was in such an elated state that I did not think about such things. I think you could say I had a natural high, or I was high on life despite that fact that I did not partake in drugs besides some Sildenafil. Now I am thinking of going back to Medellin to find this girl again and actually getting her information this time. I also should explain that I do not know this girl well so the attraction purely stems from the sex and everything else I gathered from the times we met. But I do not think any of these things matter because I do not want to be her boyfriend anyway. I just want to have the security of knowing I can find her on my next trip to Medellin. I believe this is a symbiotic proposition because I get the best sex of my life and she gets paid. If only fucking all women was this simple. I would like to know if anyone else has fallen for a girl the way I have? Also is my behavior irrational? Should I resent any feeling of love and attachment to this girl? Should I go back to Medellin to get this girls contact information?

Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated thanks.Seems crazy to be taking Viagra at 21. Most 21 year-olds can fuck virtually non-stop. I could do that even if I was drunk out of my mind. Save the Viagra for later when you really need it.

You need to take another mongering trip and fuck a few dozen more hot chicks and then see if you're still in love. My prediction is you'll be laughing about this whole subject.

American women can be fine. The problem for me (and I assume many other ISGers) is I'm nearly 50 and I can't date much younger than mid thirties in the States. So I go to Colombia, Brasil, DR, etc to fuck hot-looking 20 year-olds. But you're 21. You can be fucking girls in the States like crazy. Just make sure you wear condoms, and you shouldn't have to worry.

Infamous Man
07-13-13, 01:42
You gave good advice, thank you. You are the third person today that has told me to lay off the Viagra. Would someone please tell me what potential threat everyone is cryptically talking about? But in the end I do not see anything wrong with lusting over pussy. I cannot help how I feel. It is not as if I will marry her and try to get her a green card. I will not send her money transfers and other such things. All I want is to be able to fuck her again. I think Savepros321 is right; this is a natural reaction to going raw with a chick and busting a giant nut deep into her vagina. Now that I think about it, how could I not be lusting after this girl? I do not want to settle down; I do want to live fast.Where you from BRO?

Web the next time you taking a trip.

I'm going to MDE next week.

Then in 2 months D. R

So holla

07-13-13, 02:37
I'm in my early 30s and I haven't tried Viagra of any kind before. I'll be in MDE next month, staying at the mansion for 6 days. I want to have those pills handy since I usually pop 3-4 max in a 24 hr period, more than that is just too exhausting. I'm not seeking any medical advice or anything like that, but I should be using them if I want to go for round 4 or round 5? I've read a lot about guys who wish they had one more session in them to try a girl they wanted, but were simply drained after multiple sessions beforehand. Will the pills help me in that regard?

Thanks for any info!

Seems crazy to be taking Viagra at 21. Most 21 year-olds can fuck virtually non-stop. I could do that even if I was drunk out of my mind. Save the Viagra for later when you really need it.

You need to take another mongering trip and fuck a few dozen more hot chicks and then see if you're still in love. My prediction is you'll be laughing about this whole subject.

American women can be fine. The problem for me (and I assume many other ISGers) is I'm nearly 50 and I can't date much younger than mid thirties in the States. So I go to Colombia, Brasil, DR, etc to fuck hot-looking 20 year-olds. But you're 21. You can be fucking girls in the States like crazy. Just make sure you wear condoms, and you shouldn't have to worry.

07-13-13, 04:53
get $$$

get pussy.hell yeah! that is what i be talking about! get paper, fuck bitchiz! chapo / escobar style jajajajaja.

my advice is to not have a mental block against falling in love. if you live the mongering only life there will come a time when you will desire the 'normal' life, viz. wife, kids, family etc. and it is better to try that lifestyle while relatively young rather than later on in life when all sorts of complications can arise. monger, yes, but if cupid's arrow strikes, give it a try. if it does not work out then "it is better to have loved and lost than."i actually think the opposite, i am in the idea of enjoy youth, then settle down a lot later in life! i mean 40-50 should be the appropriate time for the 1st serious relationship (by serious i mean serious, like close to marriage, but without the actual marriage document, that is just sticking your finger up your ass, i don't believe a marriage license should be the reason as to why a couple need to "settle down" or to show their are committed, its bs to me, my personal opinion)

i don't have any practical advice on what to do, except to say that it seems very unwise to me to take sildenafil (viagra) at the age of 21. i took it for the first time when i was almost 50 and the good thing was that it made me feel like i was 21 again.

i think this post might be taken as a warning, because i have always thought that it would be detrimental to a man's social, personal, and intellectual development to start paying for sex before middle age. youth is the time for falling in love with women of one's own age, raising children, building a career and a place in the world, not for surreptitious travel to foreign parts for sex with prostitutes...i agree with you, but something i don't, but let me put it in order

1) with the viagra 100% with you, it is obsolete for anyone in good shape under 40 to use viagra, its just like a swimming pool inside a swimming pool, or a man-tit, just unnecessary.

2) i agree with you about not pursuing a relationship with a pro, that should be a given! i was always told this, words of wisdom with the subject of putas "las putas solo hay que cogerlas, & para eso nada mas, no tienen sentimientos o valor, solo para hacerle mierda la cuca & el culo!" (now don't interpret it wrong, don't be a piece of shit with pros, you can be respectful and be a gentleman, however always have that mindset when fucking one, and then go to the next, no need to repeat the same plate!)

3) in respect to american women and foreign women too, i believe this, having been raised in the states and summers in my country of origin (i am hispanic gringo, born in the states but with latino parents) i think it is not always fair to over-generalize, yes environment plays a big role in how a person grows up to be, however i don't think it is fair to overgeneralize and say all american women are over-empowering feminist needy entitled bitches, maybe in average ratio they are, as opposed to many other nations where women are more objectified yeah (cough cough, latin america & asia) but i have known great american women whom i have so much respect for, educated intelligent, loving, kind and selfless, they exist! maybe scarcely, but they exist. those would obviously be better partners than a puta jajaja.

4) and lastly i don't know about agreeing or disagreeing with you about having experiences with pros early in life, basically you say that having sex with pros early in life could have negative psychological / emotional effects, and i see a problem with that, in the states the subject of p4p is so frowned upon that it is ridiculous. in my case i spout out my first one with two pros at 14, summer vacation to guatemala visiting family, and an uncle of mine asked me "queres probar mujer" already at that age i was already fucking horny porn headed, jacking off three times a day kid and was like "si si si!" and shit, so we go to a brothel, imprudence of the third world disables me from needing to show an i'd, so i had my first beer also, and two pros approached us, and bla bla, tells us they are cousins, bla bla, they are from honduras, bla bla, uncles tells him my first time, they get extremely surprised, cutting the chit chat, he takes them out for me, my uncle drops me off with those two pros at a hotel room, and tells me in spanish "i will be back in a few hours, don't disappoint me!" it was probably one of the best days of my life, i was positively raped! best fucking experience, the smell of the women, their attention, it was everything, fucking the interest they put in it, non mechanical whatsoever, and just hardcore so porn-like, easily the catalyst of my life, even more than the day i got my scholarship to embry riddle (where i am at right now) and after that day i had a thing for pros, i have had girlfriends, and a good number of non-pro sex after that, but my best "sessions" have been thus far with pros, non experienced girls are always akward sex, some people would cringe with the idea of a woman having mileage, but not me! give me an experienced milf before a hymen any day! conclusion: early pro sex to me brought more happiness and positivity than negativity in my honest opinion.

i sort of empathize a little with seizetheday, reason being is that i am also as young as him, actually a year younger. my point is that i get really peeved with the ignorance and misconceptions here in the states about the subject of pros. we had a class discussion once in developmental psychology, i brought this subject up, and our school body is very international, thus allowing us to have an international perspective, it just annoyed me and the internationonal body about how american had these 4 common ignorant misconceptions about prostitution 1) all cases of prostitution is [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) (bullshit, so many pros that are making a shit load of money for just having a pretty face) 2) prostitutes = std's (bullshit, as you all know here most pros are much more paranoid about condom usage than a typical non-pro) 3) all prostitutes are ugly ratchet ass crack trash (too much tv, that is what a typical prostitute is depicted in criminal tv shows, and obviously a large number of streetwalker pros in us are like that, but mainly because it is criminalized just like drugs, which limits the market to just extremely drug desperate women to do the hobby, both things should be decriminalized, prostitution and drugs, i don't see why innocent people from both my countries of mexico and guatemala (and people from colombia) need to get their bodies chopped up because 16-20 year old entitled americans want to have fun with coke and weed, decriminalize and let it be run by the state!) 4) those who solicit pros cannot are degenerate ant*ial's who can't get it without paying for it (overgeneralizing it, maybe there are a few people who p4p whom might be socially akward that would opt to pay for sex, however it is not fair to label them as "degenerate" or "abnormal", nothing abnormal about wanting to fuck, more damaging it is to deny yourself your need to fuck, i have had "conventional relationships" and have had sex with pros, like i said most people in the world have sex with pros, i dare to say that most people who pay for sex are actually married compromised men as opposed to social inept people) either way, the americans in the classrooms made a fool of themselves at the end of the debate, augmenting the typical stereotype of the ignorant american that the european and south korean classmates had about them.

so here is how i conclude this, don't condemn the other members simply because they are young and opt to pay for sex, as at the end of the day even if its a pro, semi pro, non pro, its all pussy! and at the end you pay it anyhow! like a wise man once said "todas las mujeres son putas" so there, and lastly, sex with pros at youth has this most important benefit:

you have less chance of impregnating a pro than a non pro! undesired children, i know way to many people whose life got ruined because of having an early child, being in a relationship in spite of not really loving each other and just pretending to for the child, that to me is a more miserable lifestyle than a successful money abundant bachelor going around the world fucking top of the line chicas!

my 2 cents

east la kid.

p. s. reason why i have been eyeballing this thread is because there might be a possibility i take a trip to colombia with a classmate of mine that is from medellin and stay with his family over there and get to know the place, however i see it a little hard to accomplish before the next semester starts, it might have to be postponed for next year, btw a lot of great info in this thread!

Member #4394
07-13-13, 06:47
Beer on me next time!

I wish they would allow bars and restaurants to have them out again. Stupid rule that Itagui has enforced since last year. Oh well, look on the bright side, I have recently known at least 5 new chicas that fit your type and taste.


Vegas Jeff
07-13-13, 06:53
`I need some advice. I believe I have fallen in love with a prostitute from Medellin. I wrote my report a month ago. In that report I stated how I longed to see this girl again, however in the time that has lapsed since then till now she has become the sine qua non of my existence. This girl is all I think about all day. Sure I get things done, but I do them while thinking of her. There is no longer me and my thoughts now it is me and my thoughts plus the thought of her. I would like to know if anyone else has fallen for a girl the way I have? Also is my behavior irrational? Should I resent any feeling of love and attachment to this girl? Should I go back to Medellin to get this girls contact information?
Would someone please tell me what potential threat everyone is cryptically talking about? But in the end I do not see anything wrong with lusting over pussy. I cannot help how I feel. It is not as if I will marry her and try to get her a green card. I will not send her money transfers and other such things. All I want is to be able to fuck her again. I think Savepros321 is right; this is a natural reaction to going raw with a chick and busting a giant nut deep into her vagina. Now that I think about it, how could I not be lusting after this girl? I do not want to settle down; I do want to live fast.Two days and two different people. Many have done the things that you say that you won't do. Many have gone into financial ruin and worse. I was addressing the person in first post. Good to see you have regained your senses.


07-13-13, 07:33
Didn't see the post. But from what I'm hearing all are equal partners financially (one I hear is a silent partner and one will be running the bar full time, probably Robert will be in charge of the women and what the other guy has to contribute I have no idea).

If the Mayorista street rats want a piece of the action they better step up their game. Haven't see anything there that interested me so far.

After the place opens I'll give a report on my impressions of the place.

Who knows where the prices will go but I suspect that they will go down once the Mansion chicks are faced with outside competition. Or maybe the street chicks will look so shabby next to them. That they will clean house. Time will tell.This is for the poster who didn't appreciate some of the photos from the newsletter. We didn't chose who showed up for the shoot, and I don't like to hurt women's feelings by telling them they're not cute enough for my camera. Feel free not to frequent our place. The last problem we are going to have is not enough beautiful women. After all, this is Medellin, and between me and Robert there will never be a shortage of available hot chicas. I can't go two steps in MDE without some chica asking me when we'll be open. We just need you guys to keep them busy.

The grand opening is Friday August 2nd and everyone is welcome; even the guys who think that the girls hanging there will be ugly.) The place will undoubtably be very comfortable and fun. I also don't agree with the poster who wondered about jealous boyfriends hanging around and killing people.) It's amazing that in 10 years in operation that never happened at the Mansion; a place a lot more likely because it's a hotel where people go to have sex. We are just a club. There will be no sex on the premises.

Also don't worry about Robert. He knows exactly what he's doing. He is one of the owners, but he is no more of an owner than the rest of us. We ask for your best wishes, and we are open to advice and suggestions, but not spiteful envious remarks. Those will be ignored from now on.

Esteef aka Av8r

Vegas Jeff
07-13-13, 09:31
I also don't agree with the poster who wondered about jealous boyfriends hanging around and killing people.) It's amazing that in 10 years in operation that never happened at the Mansion; a place a lot more likely because it's a hotel where people go to have sex. We are just a club. There will be no sex on the premises.I agree. A better comparison is the stripclubs in the same vicinity with sex on premises. I would feel perfectly safe in those places. Medellin's dangerous barrios are extremely dangerous but this doesn't trickle into places like this often if at all. This is especially true if these places are located in a decent neighboorhood and Barrio Colombia is decent enough to avoid problems. No reason not to have sufficient security, to make the Gringos feel safe, which I am sure you will. GL

07-13-13, 11:25
If you are in the USA you can call their VOIP Miami number: +1-312 546-4301. They have their own thread in this Colombia section of ISG.

Their website is.

http://www.hotelmedellinplaza.com/index.htmlHey thanks for the info Almotu.

Infamous Man
07-13-13, 11:43
Help a bro out.

So I plan on visiting some Casas.

Is there a bell or buzzer?

Do I just walk in?

Do I pay upfront or after?

Do all give a presentation?

Do they have list of prices?

Same with the strip clubs.

Do I just walk up to the girls I want?

Pay first or after service?

Some quick help is needed

07-13-13, 13:07
As far as the Sildenafil goes, you are not the first person to suggest I stop taking it. So I will ask you the same question. What is the risk? In regards to the rest of your post, I want children as much as I want colon cancer. What is the point of having a career if it does not afford me the luxury of doing what I want to do in life: travel the world fucking prostitutes along the way. Do you want me to slave away 70 hours a week with no vacation time so that the American government can take 60% of my income to pay for loquisha's baby's Similac? What is the point of making money if I cannot pay for prostitutes? As far as girls my age you got me there, I did not fuck any 21 year olds in Medellin. Although I did fuck a 20 year old and two 18 year olds. What do you want me to do, chase after the American dream? A wife, kids, and a house with a white picket fence? Are you serious? What year do you think this is 1950? Do you know what the national debt is? Do you know what the unemployment rate is? And the women! These girls sit at home watching 'Keeping up with the Kardashians'! Do you realize that Kim Kardashian filed for divorce after 72 days! Addicted to sex, give me some credit. Everything is an addiction now, if you like sex you are addicted to it right? Come on sir. If the price were to go to high I would not pay, simple as that. I would not pay if the price went up at all, expect for inflation being accounted for of course. And lastly why do I have to partner up with someone, why do I have to conform to your idea of a healthy life style? Why do I have to get married when there is a 50% divorce rate? Or have a girlfriend and run the risk of being subject to a common law marriage? Thanks for the input.I think one of the dangers of Sildenafil is that you could become psychologically dependent on it for sexual performance, not to mention that it could mask onset of other health problems and interact with other medications that you might take at some point in your life.

What is the point of making money if I cannot pay for prostitutes?The problem with this point of view is that it will alienate you from your family and from whatever professional milieu and community you frequent, because it is not considered acceptable in any sense in mainstream America, though it might be in the criminal classes. I don't know you personally-maybe you are an orphan for all I know-but I am just talking about 21-year-olds in general. You will always have to keep this aspect of life a secret or face social sanctions of various kinds. How can you be open and honest with the people around you if you are always living with this secret that desire for prostitutes is the most important thing in your life?

Probably it is already too late for you to take a different path in life, but you may come to regret it later on.

07-13-13, 13:09
Seems crazy to be taking Viagra at 21. Most 21 year-olds can fuck virtually non-stop. I could do that even if I was drunk out of my mind. Save the Viagra for later when you really need it.To the Original Poster (not Combo) about falling in love ect. Get over it! You're in "Love" with the adventure, the road, the fact that nobody knows you and you can be the guy you've always wished you were. Because in your normal life you have, student loan payment, cable bill, family drama, GF drama, home board to death. You know real life crap. This random SUPER hot chick you fucked and clearly enjoyed she represents your good time and is the focal point of that good time and more importantly the recipient of all those good memories.

Back to Combo's post:

Yeah man Combo correct, don't start using that junk if you don'g have to. Don't get me wrong it's fun as hell to rock out the Thunder Dick! LOL! I'd say it's only good to use viagra / ed pill if you are up doing coke and drinking. IE Coke Dick or Whiskey Dick. Shit happens. Shouldn't happen to a 21 year old but it does. Or if she is a lame duck fuck and you have to rock a condom. I coud see that killing your wood as well.

07-13-13, 13:58
I will be in Medellin around mid-August for 2 weeks for my 5th trip. Plenty of FB chicas and many of them seem to be mansion chicks. Any favorites for folks here outside of the ubiquitous Wendy. Some chicks that caught my attention are Pao Z, Juliana S, Karo R, Kata G and Liliana R.Can anyone recommend some of the FB chicas. It is one thing to be friends with them but that does not give me any clue about their attitude / cleanliness / performance. I have never been a Mansion guy and most of these girls seem to be mansion regulars. Pao Z, Juliana S, Karo R, Kata G and Lilian H.

07-13-13, 16:04
We didn't chose who showed up for the shoot, and I don't like to hurt women's feelings by telling them they're not cute enough for my camera.Hopefully this same soft-handed approach is not used when deciding which chicas you let into your club. If you are uncomfortable with this then you'd best leave this screening process up to Robert. He has no problem telling chicas who 'can" or "cannot" show up to the Mansion.

07-13-13, 16:19
I'm in my early 30s and I haven't tried Viagra of any kind before. I'll be in MDE next month, staying at the mansion for 6 days. I want to have those pills handy since I usually pop 3-4 max in a 24 hr period, more than that is just too exhausting. I'm not seeking any medical advice or anything like that, but I should be using them if I want to go for round 4 or round 5? I've read a lot about guys who wish they had one more session in them to try a girl they wanted, but were simply drained after multiple sessions beforehand. Will the pills help me in that regard? Thanks for any info!I am in my early 30's and I do not use Viagra; I use Cialis (or a generic Tadalafil). One 10mg has you set for at least 2-3 days before you would need to pop another one.

I do not have a prescription for the stuff; I just use it when mongering because I usually do multiple sessions a day (you can buy this stuff in Colombia w/o a prescription). Cialis works for me because You're ready to go when you are ready to go.

Viagra is probably more suited for some one with "real" ED problems, which means popping one before sex and then waiting 25-30 minutes before it kicks in.

Just keep in mind: With all of this stuff you are not going to experience "Instant Wood". You still have to be sexually aroused for it to work. So no fat chicks, LOL.

07-13-13, 16:25
This is for the poster who didn't appreciate some of the photos from the newsletter. We didn't chose who showed up for the shoot, and I don't like to hurt women's feelings by telling them they're not cute enough for my camera. Feel free not to frequent our place. The last problem we are going to have is not enough beautiful women. After all, this is Medellin, and between me and Robert there will never be a shortage of available hot chicas. I can't go two steps in MDE without some chica asking me when we'll be open. We just need you guys to keep them busy.

The grand opening is Friday August 2nd and everyone is welcome; even the guys who think that the girls hanging there will be ugly.) The place will undoubtably be very comfortable and fun. I also don't agree with the poster who wondered about jealous boyfriends hanging around and killing people.) It's amazing that in 10 years in operation that never happened at the Mansion; a place a lot more likely because it's a hotel where people go to have sex. We are just a club. There will be no sex on the premises.

Esteef aka Av8rCan you share the menu once pricing has been determined? How much are beer, wine, cocktails & munchies? Hours of operation, what days of the week? Dress code for guys? I assume that you won't charge a barfine to guys who invite a chica home with them?

Best of luck to your project.

07-13-13, 16:29
This is for the poster who didn't appreciate some of the photos from the newsletter. We didn't chose who showed up for the shoot, and I don't like to hurt women's feelings by telling them they're not cute enough for my camera. Feel free not to frequent our place. The last problem we are going to have is not enough beautiful women. After all, this is Medellin, and between me and Robert there will never be a shortage of available hot chicas. I can't go two steps in MDE without some chica asking me when we'll be open. We just need you guys to keep them busy...Thanks for the update it's all very interesting to watch play-out. How big is the new club going to be? Is there going to be a DJ and dance floor? Also will there be a cover charge at the door? I am hoping that the new place is a big success and that La Cueva remains a solid place to meet and enjoy Medellins finest. After the opening I hope that Robert will still have time to hangout at La Cueva, he has good energy.

As for the poster who was insulting, I'm now glad he did it. The pics you included w / the above post are very nice indeed, wow!

07-13-13, 16:32
In regards to the rest of your post, I want children as much as I want colon cancer. What is the point of having a career if it does not afford me the luxury of doing what I want to do in life: travel the world fucking prostitutes along the way. Do you want me to slave away 70 hours a week with no vacation time so that the American government can take 60% of my income to pay for loquisha's baby's Similac? What is the point of making money if I cannot pay for prostitutes? As far as girls my age you got me there, I did not fuck any 21 year olds in Medellin. Although I did fuck a 20 year old and two 18 year olds. What do you want me to do, chase after the American dream? A wife, kids, and a house with a white picket fence? Are you serious? What year do you think this is 1950? Do you know what the national debt is? Do you know what the unemployment rate is? And the women! These girls sit at home watching 'Keeping up with the Kardashians'! Do you realize that Kim Kardashian filed for divorce after 72 days!I like this guy, LOL! Good posts Seize The Day.

Frannie, you need to read his response over again a few times: this is NOT the 1950's!

This report came out last Friday (July 5th). As the rapper Too Short said,"Get it while the gettin is good":

Only 47% of Americans have a full-time job and those who don't are finding it increasingly out of reach


And as you read this, keep in mind that it is us guys competing against women for the same amount of limited resources. They like their shopping for handbags and cruises to the Bahamas just as much as we like our trips overseas and putas, LOL!

07-13-13, 16:40
Help a bro out.

So I plan on visiting some Casas.

Is there a bell or buzzer?

Do I just walk in?

Do I pay upfront or after?

Do all give a presentation?

Do they have list of prices?

Same with the strip clubs.

Do I just walk up to the girls I want?

Pay first or after service?

Some quick help is neededI readily admit I am not as experienced in MDE as others, but this will quickly change with time. I know that I knocked on the sky blue door of New Life the my first time like a dumbass, but my taxi driver told me to just go in. But I have been there five times so I know it well now. Here is what you do, open the blue door; push the buzzer for the first metal door, the second door should open up after the first. Walk up stairs, one of the guys (that works there) should help you. If you are the only guy they will show you the lineup (around twenty girls). But if you are not the only guy they will show you the lineup but you choose your girl after the other guys. Sometimes it is crowed and you have to wait a little. New Life is very organized. They do have a list in the room is Spanish. New Life on top is in English. The list has prices for 30 mins, una hora. 1 hour 45min. 3 hours, and so forth. You pay after. Lindas Chicas is different. Honestly I would not recommend them because they do not have a list of prices, you pay upfront, and the cost is outrageous. They usually have around three or four girls only, mostly ugly chicks by my standards. Funny thing actually but I feel I must point something out. I am not sure about this; let me start by saying that. Some guy names Esteef posted some photos of some girls. Now he said that this post was for the guy who said that the other girls in the photos were ugly. That guy was me; I was not trying to start anything. I was just saying. Now look at the second photo of two girls, the one where the girls are on the bed. Once again I cannot be sure from a photo, but look at the girl in black. Now go back to my trip report from a month ago, go to the end of the post. At the end of the post I talked about the second girl from Lindas Chicas I had, and paid 150k for. Read that and laugh your ass off. If it is not her she must have a long lost twin, or just a twin. But like I said I could be wrong. At Fase Dose which is a strip club, the girls ask for 170k for about 30min, and you pay upfront. I would not recommend for sex though. Maybe one of the Centro strip clubs, they are cheaper. Yes I just start talking to the girl you want in a strip club, this is what I love about Medellin (money talks). Though I have never been to a strip club in the US, in most of them you get thrown out for touching the girl. In Medellin you get what you want.

07-13-13, 16:41
Casas and massage places. Often unmarked, just ring the bell if the door is closed or just walk in. Often will be a tout outside to guide you in your decision. Some places have a price list on the wall, others do not. Ask. Usually they have beer available for a modedst charge (2k to 5k pesos). Most places have a presentation, which is fast. You ask one of the girls to sit with you, check her out more, confirm the prices, perhaps buy her a drink. Then you go to a private room which may be small, may have a massage table instead of a bed, probably does not have a bathroom and shower. You may be asked to leave if you don't pick a girl after a reasonable time.

Strip clubs. Sometimes marked, sometimes not. Door is always open. Go in. Stripping may be more theoretical then actual if there are not a lot of guys there. Drinks available. Usually do not have a price list posted. Usually have rooms on site, but sometimes next door. You can sit and drink as long as you want.

A few places have a cover or a charge if you don't take a girl.

payment before or after: usually there is a person in charge of the money and accounting and you pay first.

supplies: the house usually provides a condom (or 2 for an hour) and some toilet paper to clean up with. the girl may provide lub and wipes.


Help a bro out.

So I plan on visiting some Casas.

Is there a bell or buzzer?

Do I just walk in?

Do I pay upfront or after?

Do all give a presentation?

Do they have list of prices?

Same with the strip clubs.

Do I just walk up to the girls I want?

Pay first or after service?

Some quick help is needed

07-13-13, 16:59
I like this guy, LOL! Good posts Seize The Day.

Frannie, you need to read his response over again a few times: this is NOT the 1950's!

This report came out last Friday (July 5th). As the rapper Too Short said,"Get it while the gettin is good":

Only 47% of Americans have a full-time job and those who don't are finding it increasingly out of reach


And as you read this, keep in mind that it is us guys competing against women for the same amount of limited resources. They like their shopping for handbags and cruises to the Bahamas just as much as we like our trips overseas and putas, LOL!Once again, thanks for the positive feedback. I do not get a lot of praise of here, but there are some others as well. Not many people seem to like me on this site. We seem to agree on most issues.

07-13-13, 17:25
I think one of the dangers of Sildenafil is that you could become psychologically dependent on it for sexual performance, not to mention that it could mask onset of other health problems and interact with other medications that you might take at some point in your life.

The problem with this point of view is that it will alienate you from your family and from whatever professional milieu and community you frequent, because it is not considered acceptable in any sense in mainstream America, though it might be in the criminal classes. I don't know you personally-maybe you are an orphan for all I know-but I am just talking about 21-year-olds in general...Why would I want to be like most Americans? Do you know many Americans cannot find American on a map? Are these the people I should try to emulate in life? Sure I cannot go around telling people that I go to South America fucking prostitutes, but that is because most Americans are sleeping. In fact it might be a good idea to start telling people so I would in fact face these social sanctions you speak of. This way I will no longer be surrounded by morons. How can I live with the secret? That is easy; it is none of their fucking business! When it is time for me to die and forever cease to exist, at least I will have the comfort of knowing I played by my rules. To be honest most people are not worth it. It is just better to tell most people to fuck off in life. And as far as alienation goes, I have asked people why they are voting for Obama before. And they told me 'Because hes black'. I asked if there was any other reason and they said 'no'. I asked what they knew about his policies and they said 'It didn't matter'. I already feel alienated sir.

07-13-13, 17:53
Hell yeah! That is what I be talking about! Get paper, fuck bitchiz! Chapo / Escobar style jajajajaja.

I actually think the opposite, I am in the idea of enjoy youth, then settle down a lot later in life! I mean 40-50 should be the appropriate time for the 1st serious relationship (by serious I mean serious, like close to marriage, but without the actual marriage document, that is just sticking your finger up your ass, I don't believe a marriage license should be the reason as to why a couple need to "settle down" or to show their are committed, its bs to me, my personal opinion)Hello my fellow 90ties baby! From your post you seem to be a very astute individual and you remind me a lot of myself. I agree with you, why should the State be necessary to validate a bond between two people.

3) In respect to American Women and foreign women too, I believe this, having been raised in the states and summers in my country of origin (I am Hispanic Gringo, born in the states but with Latino Parents) I think it is not always fair to over-generalize, yes environment plays a big role in how a person grows up to be, however I don't think it is fair to overgeneralize and say all American women are over-empowering feminist needy entitled bitches, maybe in average ratio they are, as opposed to many other nations where women are more objectified yeah (cough cough, Latin America & Asia) but I have known great American women whom I have so much respect for, educated intelligent, loving, kind and selfless, they exist! Maybe scarcely, but they exist. Those would obviously be better partners than a puta jajaja...Scarce! I am not about to go around the US playing Blues Clues.

Member #4287
07-13-13, 18:00
Once again, thanks for the positive feedback. I do not get a lot of praise of here, but there are some others as well. Not many people seem to like me on this site. We seem to agree on most issues.Just me. But relegating yourself to paying for each and every piece of ass you get from the age of 21 seems more than a little depressing.

I have met a few mongers in Medellin that I'm fairly certain never got laid in their lives until they paid for it. Most seem like nice guys and treat the women they are with well. So I don't want to make light of their plight. But there are two that I would classify as just straight up sociopaths. Outside of sex acts they have absolutely zero interest in the women.

Judging from your original post I have a hard time seeing you in this group.

The main problem I see (personally) with the mongering lifestyle is that it is unsustainable for me. I like to get laid on a daily basis and I just don't have the resources to pay for a chick to bang me everyday of my life. Which means girlfriend in Colombia or the USA or both.

Self imposed celibacy for weeks or months while working your ass off in the states in OK for older guys that aren't going to get a decent piece of ass no matter what. But you have to wonder if your choosing this path at the ripe old age of 21 isn't selling yourself short.

07-13-13, 18:06
Once again, thanks for the positive feedback. I do not get a lot of praise of here, but there are some others as well. Not many people seem to like me on this site. We seem to agree on most issues.I don't dislike you. What I write is just a general warning to people who get involved in sex travel at a very early age. There is a considerable danger of dedicating some of the best years of your life to it, and then burning out with not a lot achieved.

When I was 21 I was probably more idealistic than you and I don't think I would have considered sex with a prostitute, but I certainly wanted to see the world and left my own country for employment overseas, and when I was single spent a lot of money competing in marathons and traveling to various places that I had read about and wanted to see and experience-from Hawaii in the west to Greece in the east and many places in between.

(In fact when I was 17, I was bumming around and sleeping rough in Amsterdam and saw female prostitutes in "shop windows" in the red light district but I can honestly say it did not occur to me to try to pay one for sex.)

Rather than work to earn money to pay prostitutes, you could possibly volunteer for work overseas in countries where you find the women more to your taste, or indeed prepare yourself with the language and job skills needed to emigrate to a Latin American country on a more permanent basis and build a new life.

At 21 the world is your oyster and if you are a US citizen, there are so many advantages not open to people of other nationalities.

Just this week here in the Dominican Republic we bade farewell to a Dominican guy of Haitian origin who left to go to Brazil to try to make money to support his two sons in the DR. The interesting thing is that although he knows people there who will help him get work, he still has to go on a tourist visa and stay illegally, as there is no way he can do it legally on his DR citizenship without much money. Also tomorrow a lovely young Haitian woman whose wedding to a Dutchman I went to several months ago is leaving with her 7-months baby for a new life in Holland, possibly never to return, who knows, though of course there is Skype these days.

These determined young people are seizing on very fragile and difficult opportunities to seek a better life than what was on the cards dealt to them. Your opportunities are so much greater just because of the accident of your birth. (I am assuming you are a US citizen-apologies if this is not correct.)

07-13-13, 18:07
The main problem I see (personally) with the mongering lifestyle is that it is unsustainable for me. I like to get laid on a daily basis and I just don't have the resources to pay for a chick to bang me everyday of my life. Which means girlfriend in Colombia or the USA or both.Just out if curiosity, what is it exactly that you are telling you girlfriend in the US as to why you are taking 3 to 4 trips per year to Colombia? The Secret Service Cartagena sex scandal already exposed Colombia as a sex tourist destination, so the "fishing trip with the buds" excuse doesn't work anymore.

07-13-13, 18:30
Self imposed celibacy for weeks or months while working your ass off in the states in OK for older guys that aren't going to get a decent piece of ass no matter what. But you have to wonder if your choosing this path at the ripe old age of 21 isn't selling yourself short.That is it, in a nutshell! Suppose you are able to get away 6 times a year for a week. That means working and living like a monk eight weeks out of nine, so that you can afford to go away for the other week and spend the money you have saved on people who have no interest in you as a person except for separating you from the contents of your wallet as quickly as possible.

It will seem great at first and a very glamorous secret lifestyle having sex with beautiful young women whom you could never bed in your own country, but the longer you do it the less rewarding it will become.

If you have time, read My Secret History by Paul Theroux.

Member #4287
07-13-13, 18:31
Just out if curiosity, what is it exactly that you are telling you girlfriend in the US as to why you are taking 3 to 4 trips per year to Colombia? The Secret Service Cartagena sex scandal already exposed Colombia as a sex tourist destination, so the "fishing trip with the buds" excuse doesn't work anymore.I never tell anyone I'm going to Colombia or even traveling abroad. Nobody can tell where you are these days just have your cell phone calls forwarded to your skype number or other similar service and that is it. Be careful with emails. Had a chick figure out I wasn't in the USA once by tracking my IP address or something like that. Now I use a proxy to send emails.

07-13-13, 18:35
I don't dislike you. What I write is just a general warning to people who get involved in sex travel at a very early age. There is a considerable danger of dedicating some of the best years of your life to it, and then burning out with not a lot achieved.

When I was 21 I was probably more idealistic than you and I don't think I would have considered sex with a prostitute, but I certainly wanted to see the world and left my own country for employment overseas, and when I was single spent a lot of money competing in marathons and traveling to various places that I had read about and wanted to see and experience-from Hawaii in the west to Greece in the east and many places in between...What are you talking about? I thought this was a website about sex, mainly with prostitutes. I am not here to talk about the foreign job market. I pay for pussy because I want to. If I wanted to work in another country and get a girlfriend there it would be done already. That fact is I am doing what I want to do with my life. It does not matter where it takes me because I will arrive at my destination through my own actions. And by the way you always pay for pussy whether she is a prostitute or not!

07-13-13, 18:42
I never tell anyone I'm going to Colombia or even traveling abroad. Nobody can tell where you are these days just have your cell phone calls forwarded to your skype number or other similar service and that is it. Be careful with emails. Had a chick figure out I wasn't in the USA once by tracking my IP address or something like that. Now I use a proxy to send emails.You said you had a problem with mongering because it is unsustainable. Well I have a problem sneaking around like a fucking ninja! I do not want to have some angry US girlfriend chopping my dick off and throwing it in the garbage disposal. The feminists will say this is her right to empower herself as a woman. No thank you!

Black Page
07-13-13, 18:46
At 21 the world is your oyster and if you are a US citizen, there are so many advantages not open to people of other nationalities.Also the opposite is true: if you are US citizen, and live in USA, there are so many things not open to you, but easily achievable for others. :D

07-13-13, 18:57
I never tell anyone I'm going to Colombia or even traveling abroad. Nobody can tell where you are these days just have your cell phone calls forwarded to your skype number or other similar service and that is it. Be careful with emails. Had a chick figure out I wasn't in the USA once by tracking my IP address or something like that. Now I use a proxy to send emails.That doesn't make any since unless your "girlfriend" lives in another State!

You said you needed sex daily, which is why you would have a girlfriend in the US. How the hell do you go from seeing your chick everyday (or even every other day) to pulling a disappearing act and not expect her to get suspicious after not seeing you for a day or two, or three? How do you explain your phone being turned off for prolonged periods of time as you "transit" from airport to airport?

Have you even had a "real" girlfriend, LOL?

I think you are being very unrealistic with the advice you were trying to give. The reason I do not play the dating scene/girlfriend thing in the US is because I travel frequently and there is no way in hell my girlfriend (that I'm supposed to be "in love with") is going to go for "I'm going to Colombia/Dominican Republic/Brazil/Thailand and you're not invited". These chics are pretty hip to what goes on in these locations. Even if you lied and said you were going to Timbuktu, she will want to know why you are going and why for so many days. Reply "none of your fucking business" and you will find yourself holding your dick once you get back.

Now, if you said that you have a "Side Chick", then that's a little different. In that instance it's "when we are together we are together; and when we are not, we are not." But you don't refer to your side chick as "girlfriend".

07-13-13, 19:11
Also the opposite is true: if you are US citizen, and live in USA, there are so many things not open to you, but easily achievable for others. :DNice Post. I was going to say the same thing but I didn't want to sound so un patriotic. I agree 100.

Those who still believe that being an american is a blessing are from a bygone era. I would hate to be a kid in the USA these days.

There has to be more to the story and character of this individual than we know. This is always the case online.

Regardless of what it is I will leave you (Seize The Day ) with a piece of advice from YEARS of mongering.

MEN ARE SLUTS AND WOMEN ARE PROSTITUTES. Once you learn this you are well on your way to taking care of yourself.

If you are falling for a hooker then you aren't getting any outside the game. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. America is based on the "winners and losers" theory. Each serve their purpose to society but only one gets you laid. Keep in mind that you can disregard any of society's norms and just be yourself if you choose to do so. That might get you laid quicker. That's what most of us do here but there are consequences. You have not learned the consequences yet. Look Listen and Learn.

You obviously have issues if you are falling for prostitutes but you are young and inexperienced. However I think it's cool that you are willing to listen to other people's advice.

I wish you well.

07-13-13, 19:28
This book is on my to read list:


Nice Post. I was going to say the same thing but I didn't want to sound so un patriotic. I agree 100.

Those who still believe that being an american is a blessing are from a bygone era. I would hate to be a kid in the USA these days.

There has to be more to the story and character of this individual than we know. This is always the case online.

Regardless of what it is I will leave you (Seize The Day) with a piece of advice from YEARS of mongering.

MEN ARE SLUTS AND WOMEN ARE PROSTITUTES. Once you learn this you are well on your way to taking care of yourself.

If you are falling for a hooker then you aren't getting any outside the game. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. America is based on the "winners and losers" theory. Each serve their purpose to society but only one gets you laid. Keep in mind that you can disregard any of society's norms and just be yourself if you choose to do so. That might get you laid quicker. That's what most of us do here but there are consequences. You have not learned the consequences yet. Look Listen and Learn.

You obviously have issues if you are falling for prostitutes but you are young and inexperienced. However I think it's cool that you are willing to listen to other people's advice.

I wish you well.

07-13-13, 19:36
Nice Post. I was going to say the same thing but I didn't want to sound so un patriotic. I agree 100.

Those who still believe that being an american is a blessing are from a bygone era. I would hate to be a kid in the USA these days.

There has to be more to the story and character of this individual than we know. This is always the case online.

Regardless of what it is I will leave you (Seize The Day) with a piece of advice from YEARS of mongering.

MEN ARE SLUTS AND WOMEN ARE PROSTITUTES. Once you learn this you are well on your way to taking care of yourself...Thank you for the advice. Maybe I should have been clearer about my definition of the word love. My definition is that because I had unprotected sex with a particular prostitute, I inevitably had a desire to do this again. I constantly thought about having sex with this girl again. I believe the chemicals in my body were and still will work in unison to urge me to once again fuck this girl. That is what I call love. I call this love because this is the most amount of emotional attachment a man should ever have with a women (In my opinion). Now some of you may have misconstrued my perception of love. You may have thought I wanted to grow old with this girl. You envisioned me having a few kids with her, a house in either Colombia or the US. A large wedding followed by a green card for my newlywed Colombian mujer. Well this is simply not the case, and it never was. But to honest this is my fault, I should have been more specific in my post and for that I apologize.

Member #4287
07-13-13, 19:51
That doesn't make any since unless your "girlfriend" lives in another State!

You said you needed sex daily, which is why you would have a girlfriend in the US. How the hell do you go from seeing your chick everyday (or even every other day) to pulling a disappearing act and not expect her to get suspicious after not seeing you for a day or two, or three? How do you explain your phone being turned off for prolonged periods of time as you "transit" from airport to airport?

Have you even had a "real" girlfriend, LOL?

I think you are being very unrealistic with the advice you were trying to give. The reason I do not play the dating scene / girlfriend thing in the US is because I travel frequently and there is no way in hell my girlfriend (that I'm supposed to be "in love with") is going to go for "I'm going to Colombia / Dominican Republic / Brazil / Thailand and you're not invited". These chics are pretty hip to what goes on in these locations. Even if you lied and said you were going to Timbuktu, she will want to know why you are going and why for so many days. Reply "none of your fucking business" and you will find yourself holding your dick once you get back.

Now, if you said that you have a "Side Chick", then that's a little different. In that instance it's "when we are together we are together; and when we are not, we are not." But you don't refer to your side chick as "girlfriend".I can see you have had some issues trying to lead a double life. Jajaja.

Of course there are women that will be so far up you ass that you can't turn around without them asking what you are up to. When I run into women like this I answer their questions with a just one question "Are you looking for a reason not to see me again?". Some will stay and enjoy the ride and the others will go.

I'm not playing house and home with any of these chicks. Never promise commitment and if they come right out and ask for it I tell them I'm no good at it. But any chick that comes over to bang me without asking for anything is a girlfriend as far as I'm concerned.

I look at mongering as an enjoyable diversion. But certainly not something that should replace a chick that bangs the hell out of you just because. Well. She likes banging the hell out of you. And if you really can't stand American women than I'd recommend striking up some kind of a non P4P relationship in Colombia if possible.

I don't know why anyone would argue against hooking up with american women though. Even if. The relationships were short lived. It can be very cost effective these days. Dating is almost extinct along with the expense. People just go out with friends and "hook up".

Nino Bravo
07-13-13, 19:53
That doesn't make any since unless your "girlfriend" lives in another State!

You said you needed sex daily, which is why you would have a girlfriend in the US. How the hell do you go from seeing your chick everyday (or even every other day) to pulling a disappearing act and not expect her to get suspicious after not seeing you for a day or two, or three? How do you explain your phone being turned off for prolonged periods of time as you "transit" from airport to airport?

Have you even had a "real" girlfriend, LOL?"..I'm glad you are seeing through this guy, one of the biggest BS'ers in the history of internet forums. The guy hasn't had an AGF in probably 25 years. The only time he gets laid is when he is in Colombia, although he might keep a hooker or 2 on call in his US city. If you research his posts you will see where he states he was married and divorced 5 times. Of course that gave him away to me regarding his true identity, not to mention his frequenting of Cali over the years, and his posting on another forum that he was now in Medellin. He likes to embellish on forums to get attention. Glad he is contributing now to the girls at the Mansion and other places (and he swears that they really dig him, jaja) The Cali hookers and webcam girls that he kept company with got a little tired of his years in Cali. Nope, no way could he ever hide his travels from his American girlfriend.

Vegas Jeff
07-14-13, 01:38
I'm in my early 30s and I haven't tried Viagra of any kind before. I'll be in MDE next month, staying at the mansion for 6 days. I want to have those pills handy since I usually pop 3-4 max in a 24 hr period, more than that is just too exhausting. I'm not seeking any medical advice or anything like that, but I should be using them if I want to go for round 4 or round 5? I've read a lot about guys who wish they had one more session in them to try a girl they wanted, but were simply drained after multiple sessions beforehand. Will the pills help me in that regard? Thanks for any info!To answer your question, yes it will help you. Many people have problems with Viagra due to dosage. I would recommend 1/2.50 mg and adjust as needed. Use pill cutter or bite in half. If you want to you can try 50mg. You should feel the effects for sure at your age. Many people take 50mg and even 100mg pills on their first use, receive extreme symptoms, and then bad mouth the drug. GL

07-14-13, 03:29
This is for the poster who didn't appreciate some of the photos from the newsletter. We didn't chose who showed up for the shoot, and I don't like to hurt women's feelings by telling them they're not cute enough for my camera. Feel free not to frequent our place. The last problem we are going to have is not enough beautiful women. After all, this is Medellin, and between me and Robert there will never be a shortage of available hot chicas. I can't go two steps in MDE without some chica asking me when we'll be open. We just need you guys to keep them busy.

The grand opening is Friday August 2nd and everyone is welcome; even the guys who think that the girls hanging there will be ugly.) The place will undoubtably be very comfortable and fun. I also don't agree with the poster who wondered about jealous boyfriends hanging around and killing people.) It's amazing that in 10 years in operation that never happened at the Mansion; a place a lot more likely because it's a hotel where people go to have sex. We are just a club. There will be no sex on the premises.

Also don't worry about Robert. He knows exactly what he's doing. He is one of the owners, but he is no more of an owner than the rest of us. We ask for your best wishes, and we are open to advice and suggestions, but not spiteful envious remarks. Those will be ignored from now on.

Esteef aka Av8rI don't understand this critisism that these girls are not good looking. I liked all of them except one. I don't understand also which one looks like tranny? One of the two morenas? Both of them are in top three in my list

Member #4287
07-14-13, 03:50
I don't understand this critisism that these girls are not good looking. I liked all of them except one. I don't understand also which one looks like tranny? One of the two morenas? Both of them are in top three in my listMost of the night chicks are pretty hot and the day time chicks aren't bad either.

07-14-13, 03:53
Seems crazy to be taking Viagra at 21. Most 21 year-olds can fuck virtually non-stop. I could do that even if I was drunk out of my mind. Save the Viagra for later when you really need it.One thing about Viagra and generic stuff that many people maybe haven't think about.

Me, and I assume many other men, can have nice good erection when not drunk. But, when drunk, when most of the interactions for me at least happens with prostitutes, situation is different. It is difficult to get so good erection that you can put condom on, and make sex.

So, what do almost all of the men do in this kind of situation? Throw a condom away and fuck without condom, that will succeed even with not so hard erection. Surprisingly many women, even if prostitutes, will allow this. And then you get all kind of troubles, like sexual diseases, girl will get pregnant or at least tell you so and wants lot of money to make fake abortion, and being afraid long time that any of this will happen.

But if you take Viagra, even if you are very drunk, you have nice and hard erection, you can put condom and have safe sex.

So, I would recommend using Viagra with mongering business, especially when you are drunk. Then using condom is much easier.

Recommendations say that don't use Viagra with alcohol, but I assume that it is like with me, Viagra is usually flushed down with whisky

07-14-13, 04:33
Most of the night chicks are pretty hot and the day time chicks aren't bad either.
I'm glad you are seeing through this guy, one of the biggest BS'ers in the history of internet forums.And to top it all off he likes to straight up jack photos from profiles of chicas he's never been with! I'm even beginning to think his post about his "recent trip to the Mansion" was even fabricated:


Mansion Fanboy?

07-14-13, 04:45
I don't understand this critisism that these girls are not good looking. I liked all of them except one. I don't understand also which one looks like tranny? One of the two morenas? Both of them are in top three in my listI don't get it either. Several of them are very attractive. And the little cutie in the skirt and white stockings has one of the prettiest faces I have seen in a long time.

07-14-13, 04:45
this book is on my to read list:

http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/349826?uid=3739896&uid=2&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21102157611773chesrep001, you might like these as well (attached):

sexualutopia by f. roger devlin.

"nature has played a trick on men: production of spermatozoa occurs at
a rate several orders of magnitude greater than female ovulation (about 12
million per hour vs. 400 per lifetime). this is a natural, not a moral, fact. among
the lower animals also, the male is grossly oversupplied with something for
which the female has only a limited demand. this means that the female
has far greater control over mating. the universal law of nature is that males
display and females choose. male peacocks spread their tales, females choose.
male rams butt horns, females choose. among humans, boys try to impress
girls—and the girls choose. nature dictates that in the mating dance, the male
must wait to be chosen..."


the manipulated man by esther vilar.

"by the age of twelve at the latest, most women have decided to become prostitutes.
or, to put it another way they have planned a future for themselves which consists of
choosing a man and letting him do all the work. in return for his support, they are
prepared to let him make use of their vagina at certain given intervals. the minute a
woman has made this decision she ceases to develop her mind. she may, of course, go on to obtain
various degrees and diplomas. these increase her market value in the eyes of men,
for men believe that a woman who can recite things by heart must also know and
understand them. but any real possibility of communication between the sexes
ceases at this point. their paths are divided forever."

Member #4287
07-14-13, 04:48
And to top it all off he likes to straight up jack photos from profiles of chicas he's never been with! I'm even beginning to think his post about his "recent trip to the Mansion" was even fabricated:


Mansion Fanboy?I wish everyone was a critical thinker like you. It is certainly more likely that I'm a basement dweller than ever having set foot in the Mansion based on my postings alone.

So how do you explain this. Care to make a clinical diagnosis:

At any rate welcome to the fan club.

07-14-13, 09:07
Hopefully this same soft-handed approach is not used when deciding which chicas you let into your club. If you are uncomfortable with this then you'd best leave this screening process up to Robert. He has no problem telling chicas who 'can" or "cannot" show up to the Mansion.Taking pictures of unattractive women and letting unattractive women into the bar are two totally different things, but don't let it worry you. Both Robert and Bill the manager will be handling that part of things. Although I have to say it always surprises me that some of the women I find completely ugly are sometimes totally drooled over by other guys. The one area we will certainly not put up with are the overpricing hags that try to encourage a puta union. Of course there is no way to stop it completely, but we can definitely filter out the worst offenders.

I think it was Almotu who asked about prices, cover charges and hours. We will be having our final meeting on that in a week or so. We will not have inflated gouging prices. That's not the image we want to project. Our prices will be slightly higher than La Cueva at the Mansion because our overhead is much higher. We will likely have a 10k cover charge that will allow the customer to get 10k worth of drinks. It is only to discourage the cheapskates who always seem to think that bars like ours exist only for their convenience and that we spend all this money on overhead for our health.

07-14-13, 11:13
Taking pictures of unattractive women and letting unattractive women into the bar are two totally different things, but don't let it worry you. Both Robert and Bill the manager will be handling that part of things. Although I have to say it always surprises me that some of the women I find completely ugly are sometimes totally drooled over by other guys. The one area we will certainly not put up with are the overpricing hags that try to encourage a puta union. Of course there is no way to stop it completely, but we can definitely filter out the worst offenders.

I think it was Almotu who asked about prices, cover charges and hours. We will be having our final meeting on that in a week or so. We will not have inflated gouging prices. That's not the image we want to project. Our prices will be slightly higher than La Cueva at the Mansion because our overhead is much higher. We will likely have a 10k cover charge that will allow the customer to get 10k worth of drinks. It is only to discourage the cheapskates who always seem to think that bars like ours exist only for their convenience and that we spend all this money on overhead for our health.You guys sound like you know what you are doing. I think you place will do well. And I agree with you about the 10k cover charge. Although in the future you might want to look at instituting a small cover charge for the chicas as well once your place starts to become popular.

This did wonders to a small p4p club similar to yours called Clasicos (in Sosua, DR). This small cover kept out all the chicas that knew no one was going to pick them, and usually only the hotter chicas would pay to enter the club (because they know they had nothing to lose). The unattractive chicas would just hang around outside and pick off the cheapskates, LOL.

07-14-13, 15:07
Yeah bro, me too.

Hope they like the dark meat in MDE too. LOL be there in 3 weeks for 11 days.

Can't wait!

Thank savePro 4 the advice.

Yes first time in MDE.

Did the Sosua-DR so it's time to venture out.

Thinking Colombia then maybe Dubai or Brazil next.

How much is the taxi average

If anyone going to be down there as well hit me up.

29 yr old.

Blk male.

Average built


Down for fun / crazy times.

Hope the chicks love dark meat down there too.

07-14-13, 15:55
Thank you for the books Savepros321. I think these books will be intriguing to some people on this forum. The Manipulated man is on my Amazon wish list. You saved me $10.95, I feel somewhat guilty. I suspect some of the men on this forum are feminists and thus might be offended by these books though.

07-14-13, 17:28
Thank you for the books Savepros321. I think these books will be intriguing to some people on this forum. The Manipulated man is on my Amazon wish list. You saved me $10.95, I feel somewhat guilty. I suspect some of the men on this forum are feminists and thus might be offended by these books though.I enjoyed that reading as well.

Though I truly believe in equality and woman's rights, I do not believe or support super equality or the unfairness to men, in America anyway.

I will NEVER sign another marriage contract (castration) again.

Once in a lifetime is sufficient for me, cause fool me once...

I date younger girls in the US. They know they'll get some help, gifts, etc.

I am straight up honest though; marriage never.

Luckily I travel lots for work so overseas fun is easy and disguised.

Have fun amigos!

Time does really fly.

07-14-13, 19:23
You guys sound like you know what you are doing. I think you place will do well. And I agree with you about the 10k cover charge. Although in the future you might want to look at instituting a small cover charge for the chicas as well once your place starts to become popular.

This did wonders to a small p4p club similar to yours called Clasicos (in Sosua, DR). This small cover kept out all the chicas that knew no one was going to pick them, and usually only the hotter chicas would pay to enter the club (because they know they had nothing to lose). The unattractive chicas would just hang around outside and pick off the cheapskates, LOL.Excellent idea. Help in Rio used to do exactly the same thing. I really think our biggest problem is going to be keeping the unwanted chicas out of the bar.

Chris Long
07-15-13, 03:30
I will be visiting Medellin for the first time next month, staying at Aussie Greg's place the Mansion? (feel free to PM me if you any advice or something to share about this) , and I have a few questions. What are the best options for getting from the airport to the hotel, where is the best place to exchange my money. Will there be girls in house to choose from, I take it the mansion is somewhat like a Del Ray or Sportsman's in CR. Am I right on this, I know the mansion now has a bar so I take it there will be chicas there to choose from, or do you have to set things up with the chicas before you arrive via facebook. I know the owners of the two mansions offer to take guys on a casa run, does anyone know a good driver who can also take me to the casas in centro or Mayorista (sp?) on the weekend. Any other useful information you could provide that would make my first trip a success would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to PM me if you do not want to post it here. If any one else is going to be there next month let me know and we can meet up.

(A few pics of some Rio pussy as a way of thanking you in advance for the help)

If any one else is going to be there next month let me know and we can meet up.



07-15-13, 13:52
I will be visiting Medellin for the first time next month, staying at Aussie Greg's place the Mansion? (feel free to PM me if you any advice or something to share about this) , and I have a few questions. What are the best options for getting from the airport to the hotel, where is the best place to exchange my money. Will there be girls in house to choose from, I take it the mansion is somewhat like a Del Ray or Sportsman's in CR. Am I right on this, I know the mansion now has a bar so I take it there will be chicas there to choose from, or do you have to set things up with the chicas before you arrive via facebook. I know the owners of the two mansions offer to take guys on a casa run, does anyone know a good driver who can also take me to the casas in centro or Mayorista (sp?) on the weekend. Any other useful information you could provide that would make my first trip a success would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to PM me if you do not want to post it here. If any one else is going to be there next month let me know and we can meet up.

(A few pics of some Rio pussy as a way of thanking you in advance for the help)

If any one else is going to be there next month let me know and we can meet up.


ChrisHi Chris, read through the forums all your answers are right here, in a nut shell, getting down from the airport is up to your wallet they have a bus, that you would then take a taxi ones down in Medellin over to your hotel. Best exchange right now is a schwab card using a ATM that has a atm fee not built into it. If you need a cambio the rates are all over the place everyday here, I personally call around. Lately the Cambio in Laureles has been the highest by the mall out there on way to Nutibaro. The owner speaks english I call him to find the rate his name is Jeff and his cell is 317-435-7796. That hotel has Fernando he a great guy and driver for them, I have Jimmy. PM me for contact info if you want it. You can set up via facebook or just talk to the girls there at hotel. Useful info hit the ground running. Set some stuff up. Talk up chicks on FB. Enjoy yourself

Infamous Man
07-15-13, 16:31
Anyone know a cool chick in Medellin who speak English & has a Facebook page I can contact her on.

Let me know

07-15-13, 16:56
does anyone know a good driver who can also take me to the casas in centro or Mayorista (sp?)I think taking a driver with you to a casa is a bad idea. If anything just let him drop you off and you walk in by yourself. As long as you follow the basic casa protocol they won't know it's your first time.

You walk in take a seat in the waiting area then the manager has the girls line up for you. You pick one pay upfront then go to the room. You have just a few minutes to decide. I like to pull one or two aside for just a second to get a feel for what type of services they offer. There is hardly any time to do this so be quick about it.

Having a driver enter with you will only put a spotlight on you as being a noob. You won't get the respect and chances are you will be overcharged or pestered for tips.

These casa tours are goofy. There is no reason an experienced monger like yourself can't research the prices and locations and just show up. It's that easy.

Member #4287
07-15-13, 17:07
Anyone know a cool chick in Medellin who speak English & has a Facebook page I can contact her on.

Let me know
Sent you a link to the facebook page of a chick that speaks good english. Likes to party. Really likes to party.

Best of all she is an extrovert and will wing for you and get you laid by normal chicks. Very good chick to take to clubs and she knows them all.

And if you strike out you can always bang her for a nominal fee

07-15-13, 17:20
Most of the night chicks are pretty hot and the day time chicks aren't bad either.Wow and nice flaquita chica, where can I find her? Pm me if you would rather do that. Thanks

Member #4287
07-15-13, 17:34
Wow and nice flaquita chica, where can I find her? Pm me if you would rather do that. ThanksHttps://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005314178580&fref=ts

She is a typical daytime Mansion chick. Lots of flaquitas at the Mansion.

07-15-13, 20:30
Anyone know a cool chick in Medellin who speak English & has a Facebook page I can contact her on.

Let me knowA chica that speaks English in Medellin. Good luck with that one!

I've met some of what would be considered educated Paisas in Medellin that speak English. But there were not pros. I haven't met a pro yet that speaks any intelligible English. But what do I know, only three trips so far. Maybe I will run into something this upcoming one.

On the flip side, any chicas that I've run into in Sosua that spoke good English were pretty hardcore and I would avoid them like the plague.

AlwaysHorny 2
07-15-13, 23:41
First, I want to thank everyone for the valuable information shared on this board. I have surfed many boards in ISG and I feel you guys provide more relevant information and are very willing / helpful with questions. Even the repetitive one's. Possibly mine! LOL.

Here's the deal; I'm planning my trip now. I have the exact travel days down. The way I'm going to split the trip etc. The problem is that I want to get the most value of my money. I'm not rich by any means, but I do ok for myself. The budget for my trip is roughly 5k USD. I plan to spend my first 5 nights in Medellin and the other 5 nights in Cartagena. My approximate costs:

Airfare: 1k.

Lodging: 1k.

Spending Money: 3k.

I know I'm fairly on point with travel and lodging expenses, but I wonder if my spending budget is adequate. I do like the higher end chicas. I know that it doesn't ensure any better service, but I'm not coming all this way for 6/7's. I want something I don't see everyday.

Also, I'm wondering if my time and investment would be better served in Brazil. My costs seem to be equal to Colombia. I'm booking my flight portion in the next couple days and I just wanted to see if I get some good opinions / advice that will help me stop f'and flip flopping. BTW, I'm a politician! Just kidding! LOL

07-15-13, 23:47
A chica that speaks English in Medellin. Good luck with that one!

I've met some of what would be considered educated Paisas in Medellin that speak English. But there were not pros. I haven't met a pro yet that speaks any intelligible English. But what do I know, only three trips so far. Maybe I will run into something this upcoming one.

On the flip side, any chicas that I've run into in Sosua that spoke good English were pretty hardcore and I would avoid them like the plague.Agree that it is very hard to find girls that speak english in MDE. I only found couple of girls in Fase II and one in La Isla. The odds are more in CTG but still not great.

Learning a little bit of spanish goes a long way but the girls in general are so friendly and they do their best to communicate, even if you do not know a lick of spanish. In fact, IMHO, Colombia is probably the best country to monger in if you do not know any Spanish, again, due to the friendly nature of the girls.

P. S: I have visited almost all of the Spanish speaking countries in the world.

07-16-13, 00:00
First, I want to thank everyone for the valuable information shared on this board. I have surfed many boards in ISG and I feel you guys provide more relevant information and are very willing / helpful with questions. Even the repetitive one's. Possibly mine! LOL.

Here's the deal; I'm planning my trip now. I have the exact travel days down. The way I'm going to split the trip etc. The problem is that I want to get the most value of my money. I'm not rich by any means, but I do ok for myself. The budget for my trip is roughly 5k USD. I plan to spend my first 5 nights in Medellin and the other 5 nights in Cartagena. My approximate costs:

Airfare: 1k.

Lodging: 1k.

Spending Money: 3k.

I know I'm fairly on point with travel and lodging expenses, but I wonder if my spending budget is adequate. I do like the higher end chicas. I know that it doesn't ensure any better service, but I'm not coming all this way for 6/7's. I want something I don't see everyday.

Also, I'm wondering if my time and investment would be better served in Brazil. My costs seem to be equal to Colombia. I'm booking my flight portion in the next couple days and I just wanted to see if I get some good opinions / advice that will help me stop f'and flip flopping. BTW, I'm a politician! Just kidding! LOL3K USD for 10 days would mean close to 600, 000 pesos a day. That is plenty of money to do two girls a day, including a TLN each night. Sounds like a fun trip and my kind of trip. :-D

07-16-13, 00:15
Also, I'm wondering if my time and investment would be better served in Brazil. My costs seem to be equal to Colombia. I'm booking my flight portion in the next couple days and I just wanted to see if I get some good opinions / advice that will help me stop f'and flip flopping. BTW, I'm a politician! Just kidding! LOLJust my opinion:

If you can afford to go to Brazil then I would say go for it. We both have spent a good amount of time in the DR so I will say this:

If you like big asses (like I do) then you will be highly disappointed with Colombia. Lots of fake silicone asses, but nothing even on a "big booty Dominicana" level.

Where Colombianas have the upper hand is that they are very beautiful (whereas Dominicanas are "Sexy"). Also keep in mind that Cartagena is going to be completely different than Medellin. There will be chicas there from Medellin asking for almost triple what they would back home.

I still like to split my time between the DR and Colombia because I still have to have my "Big Booty" fix every now and then, LOL. But the minute I can afford to do Brazil how I want to then I'm there.

AlwaysHorny 2
07-16-13, 00:45
3K USD for 10 days would mean close to 600, 000 pesos a day. That is plenty of money to do two girls a day, including a TLN each night. Sounds like a fun trip and my kind of trip. :-DI have to eat / drink too! LOL

07-16-13, 00:59
First, I want to thank everyone for the valuable information shared on this board. I have surfed many boards in ISG and I feel you guys provide more relevant information and are very willing / helpful with questions. Even the repetitive one's. Possibly mine! LOL.

Here's the deal; I'm planning my trip now. I have the exact travel days down. The way I'm going to split the trip etc. The problem is that I want to get the most value of my money. I'm not rich by any means, but I do ok for myself. The budget for my trip is roughly 5k USD. I plan to spend my first 5 nights in Medellin and the other 5 nights in Cartagena. My approximate costs:

Airfare: 1k.

Lodging: 1k.

Spending Money: 3k.

I know I'm fairly on point with travel and lodging expenses, but I wonder if my spending budget is adequate. I do like the higher end chicas. I know that it doesn't ensure any better service, but I'm not coming all this way for 6/7's. I want something I don't see everyday.

Also, I'm wondering if my time and investment would be better served in Brazil. My costs seem to be equal to Colombia. I'm booking my flight portion in the next couple days and I just wanted to see if I get some good opinions / advice that will help me stop f'and flip flopping. BTW, I'm a politician! Just kidding! LOLMore than enough money for 10 days in Colombia. Probably not enough for 10 days in Rio (at least doing it high-style). If you've never been to Rio, you must go at some point in your life.

I'm like SavePros. I. E. I generally divide my time between Colombia and the DR. But Rio is still my favorite place in the World (even if it's not as good as it used to be).

Vegas Jeff
07-16-13, 03:52
Also keep in mind that Cartagena is going to be completely different than Medellin. There will be chicas there from Medellin asking for almost triple what they would back home.
Here's the deal; I'm planning my trip now. I have the exact travel days down. The way I'm going to split the trip etc. The problem is that I want to get the most value of my money. I'm not rich by any means, but I do ok for myself. The budget for my trip is roughly 5k USD. I plan to spend my first 5 nights in Medellin and the other 5 nights in Cartagena. My approximate costs:

Airfare: 1k.

Lodging: 1k.

Spending Money: 3k.

I know I'm fairly on point with travel and lodging expenses, but I wonder if my spending budget is adequate. I do like the higher end chicas. I know that it doesn't ensure any better service, but I'm not coming all this way for 6/7's. I want something I don't see everyday.

I'm booking my flight portion in the next couple days and I just wanted to see if I get some good opinions / advice that will help meIf you want to get the most value for your money switch your plans to 9 days Medellin and 3 days Cartagena, that is if you are in Colombia for the women and can keep yourself entertained. Those women that are triple priced are worse with performance on average as well. I figure you will gain two days of cost savings from your shorter time in Cartegena. GL

07-16-13, 04:17
First, I want to thank everyone for the valuable information shared on this board. I have surfed many boards in ISG and I feel you guys provide more relevant information and are very willing / helpful with questions. Even the repetitive one's. Possibly mine! LOL.

Here's the deal; I'm planning my trip now. I have the exact travel days down. The way I'm going to split the trip etc. The problem is that I want to get the most value of my money. I'm not rich by any means, but I do ok for myself. The budget for my trip is roughly 5k USD. I plan to spend my first 5 nights in Medellin and the other 5 nights in Cartagena. My approximate costs:

Airfare: 1k.

Lodging: 1k.

Spending Money: 3k.

I know I'm fairly on point with travel and lodging expenses, but I wonder if my spending budget is adequate. I do like the higher end chicas. I know that it doesn't ensure any better service, but I'm not coming all this way for 6/7's. I want something I don't see everyday.

Also, I'm wondering if my time and investment would be better served in Brazil. My costs seem to be equal to Colombia. I'm booking my flight portion in the next couple days and I just wanted to see if I get some good opinions / advice that will help me stop f'and flip flopping. BTW, I'm a politician! Just kidding! LOLDon't know your dates, but Rio is off season now. Spend couple of days mid-week in CTG, rest in MDE. Your budget is for Brazil, good luck.

07-16-13, 05:40
First, I want to thank everyone for the valuable information shared on this board. I have surfed many boards in ISG and I feel you guys provide more relevant information and are very willing / helpful with questions. Even the repetitive one's. Possibly mine! LOL.

Here's the deal; I'm planning my trip now. I have the exact travel days down. The way I'm going to split the trip etc. The problem is that I want to get the most value of my money. I'm not rich by any means, but I do ok for myself. The budget for my trip is roughly 5k USD. I plan to spend my first 5 nights in Medellin and the other 5 nights in Cartagena. My approximate costs:

Airfare: 1k.

Lodging: 1k.

Spending Money: 3k.

I know I'm fairly on point with travel and lodging expenses, but I wonder if my spending budget is adequate. I do like the higher end chicas. I know that it doesn't ensure any better service, but I'm not coming all this way for 6/7's. I want something I don't see everyday.

Also, I'm wondering if my time and investment would be better served in Brazil. My costs seem to be equal to Colombia. I'm booking my flight portion in the next couple days and I just wanted to see if I get some good opinions / advice that will help me stop f'and flip flopping. BTW, I'm a politician! Just kidding! LOLIf you're going ONLY for the girls, I would stay in Mde the whole time and forget Ctg. The chicas in Mde are more beautiful, friendly, and less businesslike than Ctg. If however, you want to play regular tourist, then Ctg has some really cool things to see and do. It's the oldest established city on the whole continent. 1504 I believe. Oh yeah, and don't forget to visit Liquid Lounge;))

Param Ahmad
07-16-13, 06:55
First, I want to thank everyone for the valuable information shared on this board. I have surfed many boards in ISG and I feel you guys provide more relevant information and are very willing / helpful with questions. Even the repetitive one's. Possibly mine! LOL.

Here's the deal; I'm planning my trip now. I have the exact travel days down. The way I'm going to split the trip etc. The problem is that I want to get the most value of my money. I'm not rich by any means, but I do ok for myself. The budget for my trip is roughly 5k USD. I plan to spend my first 5 nights in Medellin and the other 5 nights in Cartagena. My approximate costs:

Airfare: 1k.

Lodging: 1k.

Spending Money: 3k.

I know I'm fairly on point with travel and lodging expenses, but I wonder if my spending budget is adequate. I do like the higher end chicas. I know that it doesn't ensure any better service, but I'm not coming all this way for 6/7's. I want something I don't see everyday.

Also, I'm wondering if my time and investment would be better served in Brazil. My costs seem to be equal to Colombia. I'm booking my flight portion in the next couple days and I just wanted to see if I get some good opinions / advice that will help me stop f'and flip flopping. BTW, I'm a politician! Just kidding! LOLI ruffled a few feathers two and a half years ago with my report #5826 on December 5, 2012 (12-05-10) in this Medellin thread wherein I said almost 100% of the women you'll find in Medellin who make themselves available for a fee are overweight and unattractive. I recommend you read it before spending hard-earned money on a woman-hunting trip to Medellin. I've been to Medellin a few times since then, but as a medical tourist (because of the sorry state of health care in the USA) , not because of the women available at what people call the downtown casas, Fase II, San Diego Grill, Luna Lunera, Abydos, Loutron, and all the others. Yes, I did find a woman with a perfectly pretty face but not a great figure who was better than a lot of girlfriends at Fase II, but I've been to Fase II since and couldn't find one woman who especially appealed to me among all those there, even after hanging around from about 10 pm to after midnight and talking with several of them. Perhaps Mr. Gogo, who flew into a rage at my aforementioned report in 2010, will be mollified to learn that in one of my subsequent trips to Medellin I actually found an attractive young woman (who I later learned is a single mom) at Abydos who made my heart pound a few seconds after she walked into the room. However, if you don't like overweight women, you'll likely spend hours going from one casa or club to another trying to find a lady who your heart desires or arouses your passion. Unless you're at death's doorstep or have lots of other money, I think your five thousand dollars would be better saved or invested for the future (not that today's interest rates, which are negative Interest rates if you figure in inflation, are helpful). Having money in the bank you can fall back on if needed gives peace of mind and may enhance your life more than an expensive vacation that's largely for the purpose finding willing women you can't find at home. But if you're trying to fill a hole in your life caused by lack of intimate female company, and you've decided spending the money is worthwhile, but only if you can find truly attractive women, the place I'd go is La Jonqera, Spain, which is about a one and one-half hour drive north of Barcelona, or Privee Club in Tarragona, which is about a one hour drive from Barcelona southwest along the Mediterranean coast.

07-16-13, 12:37
Excellent idea. Help in Rio used to do exactly the same thing. I really think our biggest problem is going to be keeping the unwanted chicas out of the bar.Hi,

I probably just didn't see it, but where and when are you going to open your place? Do you have a name yet? I live in MDE and you can count on me to come visit!

07-16-13, 13:51
First, I want to thank everyone for the valuable information shared on this board. I have surfed many boards in ISG and I feel you guys provide more relevant information and are very willing / helpful with questions. Even the repetitive one's. Possibly mine! LOL.

Here's the deal; I'm planning my trip now. I have the exact travel days down. The way I'm going to split the trip etc. The problem is that I want to get the most value of my money. I'm not rich by any means, but I do ok for myself. The budget for my trip is roughly 5k USD. I plan to spend my first 5 nights in Medellin and the other 5 nights in Cartagena.Yes, go to Colombia!

If you're new to the scene, it would help lots if you had someone to show you the ropes.

Either stay at the Mansion (or whatever it's called now) , have a guide, an experienced wingman or a good recommended taxista.

Just keeps you from wasting time and spinning wheels.

I agree with other posters, Cartagena though fun, will be more expensive and the girls more professional in attitude, especially if you're new to the scene and your spanish is not good.

Don't get me wrong, you'll have fun in Cartagena, however, you'll most likely miss Medellin a bit.

I travel to Brazil frequently for work. Lucky me, haha.

I love the Brazillian girls too, however, Colombia has it's charm for sure.

I say go to Colombia, you'll love it!

I ruffled a few feathers two and a half years ago with my report #5826 on December 5, 2012 (12-05-10) in this Medellin thread wherein I said almost 100% of the women you'll find in Medellin who make themselves available for a fee are overweight and unattractive. I recommend you read it before spending hard-earned money on a woman-hunting trip to Medellin.Though I respect this guy's opinion, and you will definitely find some chubby and unattractive girls in Medellin / all of Colombia, you will definitely find some real beauties, and some real sweeties too.

Try not to fall in love.

Every place you go to visit, monger, vacation, live, etc will have it's share of beauties and not-so beautifuls.

Colombia, Brazil, Spain, Argentina, Thailand, etc, etc.

Go to Colombia, learn at least a little spanish, have a fun and positive attitude, be cool, and you will have a fantastic time.

I've been to Medellin and all over Colombia a gazillion times, and I love it every time, and almost always fall in love, at least once haha.


Mr Gogo
07-16-13, 14:52
I ruffled a few feathers two and a half years ago with my report #5826 on December 5, 2012 (12-05-10) in this Medellin thread wherein I said almost 100% of the women you'll find in Medellin who make themselves available for a fee are overweight and unattractive. I recommend you read it before spending hard-earned money on a woman-hunting trip to Medellin. I've been to Medellin a few times since then, but as a medical tourist (because of the sorry state of health care in the USA) , not because of the women available at what people call the downtown casas, Fase II, San Diego Grill, Luna Lunera, Abydos, Loutron, and all the others. Yes, I did find a woman with a perfectly pretty face but not a great figure who was better than a lot of girlfriends at Fase II, but I've been to Fase II since and couldn't find one woman who especially appealed to me among all those there....It was nothing personal dude. It's just that when I'm in Medellin I see so many beautiful women that I actually start looking for ugly women and don't see very many. Glad you rebounded. Again, nothing personal and good luck in the future.

07-16-13, 15:52
However, if you don't like overweight women, you'll likely spend hours going from one casa or club to another trying to find a lady who your heart desires or arouses your passion.You must go to a different Colombia than I do.