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Black Page
07-16-13, 16:10
You must go to a different Colombia than I do.He actually went to Columbia (DC).

Mr Gogo
07-16-13, 17:22
I just went back to the post we had problems with in 2010, and it wasn't as bad as you make it sound. I didn't remember you or the post but I wondered why it so bothered you. I questioned you going from club to club with the same bottle of water then getting upset and leaving because they had a one drink minimum. Then you expected sympathy from the forum because you were being cheap. You also took the opportunity to sneak in a political point about your disappointment with our health care system, as you also did below.

My apologies still stand but please leave politics out of the forum. Have fun.

Colombia Jake
07-16-13, 18:43
I saw jake twice recently with a client at Divino Cielo. The client was a older guy, to be honest I never seen someone look happier so Jake has to be doing something right. I live right over the bar sometimes, so when I came down the next night and walked by him and jake and two cuties were there. Again the guy was beaming. I have no financial anything to gain from jake so this is accurate. His client looked happy, I watched him while I was there the night before. Jake was attentive. No cell phone in hand. Helped him order dinner and took care of his client. I hate both girls and employees that over indulge in their phones on my time.Barry, thanks I appreciate it! Things have been a little slow since Eric went back to Clearwater but things are picking up as we get closer to the Festival. Once again I'm more set up for the single traveler who enjoys adventure as well as hunting for gals! Look me up online and make it happen for yourself!


AlwaysHorny 2
07-16-13, 20:04
I ruffled a few feathers two and a half years ago with my report #5826 on December 5, 2012 (12-05-10) in this Medellin thread wherein I said almost 100% of the women you'll find in Medellin who make themselves available for a fee are overweight and unattractive. I recommend you read it before spending hard-earned money on a woman-hunting trip to Medellin. I've been to Medellin a few times since then, but as a medical tourist (because of the sorry state of health care in the USA) , not because of the women available at what people call the downtown casas, Fase II, San Diego Grill, Luna Lunera, Abydos, Loutron, and all the others. Yes, I did find a woman with a perfectly pretty face but not a great figure who was better than a lot of girlfriends at Fase II, but I've been to Fase II since and couldn't find one woman who especially appealed to me among all those there, even after hanging around from about 10 pm to after midnight and talking with several of them. Perhaps Mr. Gogo, who flew into a rage at my aforementioned report in 2010, will be mollified to learn that in one of my subsequent trips to Medellin I actually found an attractive young woman (who I later learned is a single mom) at Abydos who made my heart pound a few seconds after she walked into the room. However, if you don't like overweight women, you'll likely spend hours going from one casa or club to another trying to find a lady who your heart desires or arouses your passion. Unless you're at death's doorstep or have lots of other money, I think your five thousand dollars would be better saved or invested for the future (not that today's interest rates, which are negative Interest rates if you figure in inflation, are helpful). Having money in the bank you can fall back on if needed gives peace of mind and may enhance your life more than an expensive vacation that's largely for the purpose finding willing women you can't find at home. But if you're trying to fill a hole in your life caused by lack of intimate female company, and you've decided spending the money is worthwhile, but only if you can find truly attractive women, the place I'd go is La Jonqera, Spain, which is about a one and one-half hour drive north of Barcelona, or Privee Club in Tarragona, which is about a one hour drive from Barcelona southwest along the Mediterranean coast.Thank you for your opinion. Traveling breathes life in me. I take multiple trips yearly and they are not all monger based. FYI, I'm a player by classic definition. I look aight and I got decent enough charm and game to get more women than I need. FOR FREE. I don't intend for this to come off arrogant; it is what it is.

I went to Thailand (Phuket, Bangkok) in March with my now ex girlfriend and I didn't partake at all over those two weeks. I went to Spain (Barcelona, Ibiza) last summer. Outside of Sosua, my trips are always real vacations with possibly some mongering tossed in. I definitely didn't need to monger in Spain. Especially Ibiza. Your view on things is really sad. Maybe you are advanced in age and see things differently. I definitely don't plan on doing this all my days. As a matter of fact, there are about 6 more places I have to tour before I get real serious with a woman again. I was married before and it killed me that I couldn't visit these places then. I guess I'm playing catch up! LOL.

This is play money. I have 401k, a trading account, mutual funds, and rental property. I invest for my future. More than anything, the past few days shows that I need to get the f*ck out of America permanently as soon as possible. It has always been my dream to live on an island or tropical area. I make sure to have a practical, realistic approach to what needs to be done.

AlwaysHorny 2
07-16-13, 20:10
If you're going ONLY for the girls, I would stay in Mde the whole time and forget Ctg. The chicas in Mde are more beautiful, friendly, and less businesslike than Ctg. If however, you want to play regular tourist, then Ctg has some really cool things to see and do. It's the oldest established city on the whole continent. 1504 I believe. Oh yeah, and don't forget to visit Liquid Lounge;))CTG, will be more relaxed for me. I plan to tour the city and surrounding areas. I like to club too. I will also use this time to recover some from Medillin. I'm a GFE type of dude, but I will temper my expectations. I read at least 100 pages on this forum so I assume I will be doing mostly the ST thing. I'll just adopt a Disneyworld mentality! LOL.

Thanks for your input.

07-16-13, 22:46

I probably just didn't see it, but where and when are you going to open your place? Do you have a name yet? I live in MDE and you can count on me to come visit!Liquid Lounge Medellin in Barrio Colombia. Grand opening Friday Aug 2nd.

It consists of 2 floors. Downstairs is the shiny wood dance floor with a couple of fun stripper poles, and seriously relaxing seating all around the walls. Also the big main bar. Upstairs is a much smaller bar with a few PC terminals for the chicas to get their Facebook fix :) There will also be a pool table, foozball, and maybe air hockey, and ping pong. The music will be quieter up there for better conversations, and the comfortable seating will be in abundance up there for couples to get to know each other's bodies;) We knocked out the front wall up there and created a outdoor patio "smoking" area that is blocked off from the rest of the bar. Clean, comfortable bathrooms are everywhere. Fast reliable wifi of course.

We are hiring a couple of party girls that the girls really like. Robert and I have known them for years and have watched them get the other chicas in a party mood when things get too quiet. Their "job" will be to ply the girls with Aguidente and rum to make sure things are never boring at LL.

We love the location. It is on a cul de sac with no other business' operating after 5pm. There is no reason for anyone to be on our street at night except to come to our bar. It is very private and easy to come and go from our place without anyone else seeing you. We are directly across from the Brinks Security company of Colombia. And of course we will have off duty police as our security with mobile access to the on duty police. We have security consultants from the local police precinct. That is all in addition to our bouncers who are retired police. We are located less than one block from Premium Plaza and two blocks from the "Industriales" metro station.

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Param Ahmad
07-17-13, 00:43
Thank you for your opinion. .. .. .. .. More than anything, the past few days shows that I need to get the f*ck out of America permanently as soon as possible.I know it's off the thread topic, but I'm very curious about why you believe you need to or should leave the USA permanently, what happened the last few days to make you think so, and which countries you are considering, and the reasons for choosing that or those countries.

07-17-13, 02:04
I'm in Medellin at this time and will stay for 1 more week. If anybody wants to hook up to go to different places to find the so beautiful "paisas" message me and we'll meet before for a beer.

If you're going ONLY for the girls, I would stay in Mde the whole time and forget Ctg. The chicas in Mde are more beautiful, friendly, and less businesslike than Ctg. If however, you want to play regular tourist, then Ctg has some really cool things to see and do. It's the oldest established city on the whole continent. 1504 I believe. Oh yeah, and don't forget to visit Liquid Lounge;))

07-17-13, 09:26
Liquid Lounge Medellin in Barrio Colombia. Grand opening Friday Aug 2nd.

It consists of 2 floors. Downstairs is the shiny wood dance floor with a couple of fun stripper poles, and seriously relaxing seating all around the walls. Also the big main bar. Upstairs is a much smaller bar with a few PC terminals for the chicas to get their Facebook fix. There will also be a pool table, foozball, and maybe air hockey, and ping pong. The music will be quieter up there for better conversations, and the comfortable seating will be in abundance up there for couples to get to know each other's bodies. We knocked out the front wall up there and created a outdoor patio "smoking" area that is blocked off from the rest of the bar. Clean, comfortable bathrooms are everywhere. Fast reliable wifi of course...Thanks, count on seeing me. What are the hours going to be?

07-17-13, 19:44
Thank you for your opinion. Traveling breathes life in me. I take multiple trips yearly and they are not all monger based. FYI, I'm a player by classic definition. I look aight and I got decent enough charm and game to get more women than I need. FOR FREE. I don't intend for this to come off arrogant; it is what it is.

I went to Thailand (Phuket, Bangkok) in March with my now ex girlfriend and I didn't partake at all over those two weeks. I went to Spain (Barcelona, Ibiza) last summer. Outside of Sosua, my trips are always real vacations with possibly some mongering tossed in. I definitely didn't need to monger in Spain. Especially Ibiza. Your view on things is really sad. Maybe you are advanced in age and see things differently. I definitely don't plan on doing this all my days. As a matter of fact, there are about 6 more places I have to tour before I get real serious with a woman again. I was married before and it killed me that I couldn't visit these places then. I guess I'm playing catch up! LOL...Sounds like you have your act together and are ahead of the game. I don't understand why someone, who knows nothing about your personal or financial situation, is advising you to cancel your vacation and save the money.

07-18-13, 01:33
Will be visiting Mansion in about a week, just wanted to get an idea of quality of girls there. If anyone can PM some of the girls facebook pages just to get an idea. I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance. No worries I have no plans on friending them just interested on what they look like.

BTW off topic. When I look in Photo Gallery and see pictures other users post from other countries they monger and I keep seeing guys who don't use condoms when sleeping with these women. Am I the only one that thinks this is fucking crazy or do they know something I don't? Don't get me wrong I can't stand condoms however when mongering in different countries especially visiting casas that have regular workers it's just mandatory in my eyes. Please someone explain to me what I'm missing or are these dudes just crazy and / or suicidal?

07-18-13, 08:24
Thanks, count on seeing me. What are the hours going to be?As of now 8pm-4am.

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07-18-13, 20:28
Will be visiting Mansion in about a week, just wanted to get an idea of quality of girls there. If anyone can PM some of the girls facebook pages just to get an idea. I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance. No worries I have no plans on friending them just interested on what they look like.

BTW off topic. When I look in Photo Gallery and see pictures other users post from other countries they monger and I keep seeing guys who don't use condoms when sleeping with these women. Am I the only one that thinks this is fucking crazy or do they know something I don't? Don't get me wrong I can't stand condoms however when mongering in different countries especially visiting casas that have regular workers it's just mandatory in my eyes. Please someone explain to me what I'm missing or are these dudes just crazy and / or suicidal?Dude, with your second question, you just opened a can of worms. Check every country thread and you will see this question come up over and over. The range in members of the community is very broad, ranging from those who are very safe sex oriented, to those who are knowingly infected and go around bareback all the time. It's all a matter of risk preferences. There are some places in the world that I consider relatively lower risk, and others higher risk, but that's just my opinion. Once you visit a place, as well as hang out on the boards and read what type of guys go there, you'll get a better sense of the "safety of sex" there.

07-19-13, 03:05
Question about Liquid Lounge? Will it be like a terma in Brazil where all girls from Colombia are welcome to work there as long as they pass the interview with the owner, or is it just girls that you guys know that are invited to come. It would be cool if you put a ad in whatever newspaper escort wannabees look. Have you though about making it a terma enviroment where all the girls wear bikinis and you can grab ass a little to see how you click, and also see the merchandise before buying.

Param Ahmad
07-19-13, 07:01
Will be visiting Mansion in about a week, just wanted to get an idea of quality of girls there. If anyone can PM some of the girls facebook pages just to get an idea. I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance. No worries I have no plans on friending them just interested on what they look like.

BTW off topic. When I look in Photo Gallery and see pictures other users post from other countries they monger and I keep seeing guys who don't use condoms when sleeping with these women. Am I the only one that thinks this is fucking crazy or do they know something I don't? Don't get me wrong I can't stand condoms however when mongering in different countries especially visiting casas that have regular workers it's just mandatory in my eyes. Please someone explain to me what I'm missing or are these dudes just crazy and / or suicidal?See my reply in the Safe Sex section.

Infamous Man
07-19-13, 19:46
I'm in Medellin at this time and will stay for 1 more week. If anybody wants to hook up to go to different places to find the so beautiful "paisas" message me and we'll meet before for a beer.Pm me I'm at Gran hotel

07-19-13, 20:05
Have you though about making it a terma enviroment where all the girls wear bikinis and you can grab ass a little to see how you click, and also see the merchandise before buying.That would probably require I different kind of license, LOL.

But if they went this route (which they have stated they do not want to go) then what would differentiate them between any other strip club or fuck house in Medellin (other than having only gringos there)?

There are already some Casas in Medellin where the chicas come out in lingerie (and topless at one I went to).

07-19-13, 20:12
Pm me I'm at Gran hotelHe's not a paid member, so he can't PM you.

But would you care to share with us how your first Medellin experience is going so far? I'm sure a lot of the members would like to know if a lot of the info we gave you has worked out for you so far.

Infamous Man
07-19-13, 20:20
He's not a paid member, so he can't PM you.

But would you care to share with us how your first Medellin experience is going so far? I'm sure a lot of the members would like to know if a lot of the info we gave you has worked out for you so far.SavePRO so far so good.

Linked up with Juan Carlos.

We been kicking it & exploring

I walked from Gran Hotel to Las Americas meet a sexy chic brought her back

Was just to get my feet wet.

Just came from New Life

Awesome place

There was 2 to my liking went with Michel.

I'm trying to find other Casals tried to go to Giesha but seems like they are shut down

Need some help finding places

The map works but when I get there

Some doors where locked

07-19-13, 20:29
SavePRO so far so good.

Linked up with Juan Carlos.

We been kicking it & exploring

I walked from Gran Hotel to Las Americas meet a sexy chic brought her back

Was just to get my feet wet.

Just came from New Life

Awesome place

There was 2 to my liking went with Michel.

I'm trying to find other Casals tried to go to Giesha but seems like they are shut down

Need some help finding places

The map works but when I get there

Some doors where lockedSounds good! Did you download the PDF of the chicas list posted by World Travel69 in the Medellin Lists forum? The last one was posted around Feburary this year.

Also, don't be surprised if some of those places have closed down already. News ones pop up all the time as well.

07-20-13, 02:13
. . . I walked from Gran Hotel to Las Americas meet a sexy chick brought her back

Was just to get my feet wet.What time of the night was this? Did you have to pay a 'take-out' fee? How much did you pay for your session?

Besides New Life, I recommend that you check out these locations (names on business cards can constantly change but addresses usually stay valid)

I enjoyed the quality of their line ups, last year . . .

a) Coffee Shop Cra. 45 #55-45 b) Chicas Punto Com Cll. 54 #49-97 2nd floor (one flight up is also a casa) c) Clube de Amigas Sexy Cra. 45D #57-67 d) Leidy Cll. 55 #43-72

they should be easily reachable from your hotel, the Gran Hotel (Cll. 54 #45-92)

07-20-13, 05:57
Question about Liquid Lounge? Will it be like a terma in Brazil where all girls from Colombia are welcome to work there as long as they pass the interview with the owner, or is it just girls that you guys know that are invited to come. It would be cool if you put a ad in whatever newspaper escort wannabees look. Have you though about making it a terma enviroment where all the girls wear bikinis and you can grab ass a little to see how you click, and also see the merchandise before buying.I wish they had to pass an interview with me.

No, we are just a regular bar / lounge, although we are keeping it semi private so we can keep the undesirables out. It won't be as controlled as the Mansion, and customers won't get far complaining to us, but we will listen and keep the girls out that the guys don't like. I doubt we will need to put an ad in the paper. As I've said before, having enough girls is the least of our problems. We are more concerned with having enough guys there to keep the girls busy. If they find themselves sitting around every night, they will stop coming.

Infamous Man
07-20-13, 12:27
What time of the night was this? Did you have to pay a 'take-out' fee? How much did you pay for your session?

Besides New Life, I recommend that you check out these locations (names on business cards can constantly change but addresses usually stay valid)

I enjoyed the quality of their line ups, last year. .

A) Coffee Shop Cra. 45 #55-45 be) Chicas Punto Com Cll. 54 #49-97 2nd floor (one flight up is also a casa) see) Clube de Amigas Sexy Cra. 45D #57-67 the) Leidy Cll. 55 #43-72.

They should be easily reachable from your hotel, the Gran Hotel (Cll. 54 #45-92) Was around 12:30 am

They charged 40k take out.

Girl charged me 80k

07-20-13, 16:41
Hey fellas, I have never been to Colombia and have absolutely no idea where to begin. I will make sure to read the forum well for as much info as I can, but just wanted some input from the vets here on what is a sure fire place for a newbie like me that doesn't even know where to begin.

By that I mean, I'll book a flight to Medellin. Then what? LOL. What hotels are the best for mongering? How close to bars? Which bars? How do the pick ups look? Been to Tijuana and that is the extent of my International Mongering. So this would be quite an experience I think. Not sure if it is like Tijuana where you walk in a bar and you are in business.

Is it the same in Medellin? Escorts the way to go?

Thanks for any help and tips at all.

07-20-13, 17:49
Hey fellas, I have never been to Colombia and have absolutely no idea where to begin. I will make sure to read the forum well for as much info as I can, but just wanted some input from the vets here on what is a sure fire place for a newbie like me that doesn't even know where to begin.

By that I mean, I'll book a flight to Medellin. Then what? LOL. What hotels are the best for mongering? How close to bars? Which bars? How do the pick ups look? Been to Tijuana and that is the extent of my International Mongering. So this would be quite an experience I think. Not sure if it is like Tijuana where you walk in a bar and you are in business.

Is it the same in Medellin? Escorts the way to go?

Thanks for any help and tips at all.You are going to get a lot of "read the forum" backlash, but the bottom line is most newbies should stay at Medellin Plaza. They will take care of you and you will meet plenty of girls. Also, there is a new club opening called Liquid lounge where you will be able to pick out freelancers.

07-20-13, 18:48
In about 3 weeks I will be in Medellin. Not staying at the mansion. Doing some Casa and FB chicas. My buddy (he is a brother) will join me a couple of days later. He is a riot but speaks little

Spanish but mine is pretty good. I find some of these FB chicas are cut throat negotiators and some even have a strict no BBBJ policy. WTF. Vince and others I wonder how you guys manage to not pay the mansion dineros for these mamitas. Your advise is much appreciated. I managed to get one or two off their high horses but there rest stand firm at 300. May be I will pony up. Someone was right, I hate to negotiate.

07-20-13, 19:52
You are going to get a lot of "read the forum" backlash, but the bottom line is most newbies should stay at Medellin Plaza. They will take care of you and you will meet plenty of girls. Also, there is a new club opening called Liquid lounge where you will be able to pick out freelancers.I know I might but wasn't looking for a step by step. But rather information like you just provided. Huge help to get started on and a starting point for research.

Thanks again

Infamous Man
07-21-13, 00:09
Hmm now I Never been to the Mansion.

But I'm guessing I have has a similar experience with that type of establishment.

When I went to Dominican Republic.

Now as a Newbie I know some guys get scared going Alone & Some guys don't want to be crowded on

A van or group situation while doing "Monkey Business"

Or having a ill sinful Fun.

Call it what you want

Here's my Advice.

I read all thru this forumn.

I did fine & been screwing fine chicas.

From La Mayorista all the way to El Centro casas.

Here's what you do if you want 1-1 guide.

Call Juan Carlos.

Had him pick me up like 8-9.

Explored places went to fancy restaurants.

Had him translate to many girls.

He even waited while I banged a few.

25k hr you can't beat that

I'm from NYC

So hiring a cab for a half a day to ride the city can cost you big $$$$$

It was WORTH it having him as a guide.

He rode the train

The metro cable.

N he drives fast.

He gets thru traffic

& YES.

Thank YOU guys for talking sense to MEE.

& Advising me NOT to rent a car.

Thanks for saving me the headache & $$$

Infamous Man
07-21-13, 00:13
P. S 25k is about) $12-$13 USD an HR.

That's pretty decent to have a personal Guide.

Watch your back.

Drive you where you want

Take you to places not covered.

& find you anything you heart can think of.

Don't be cheap my friend.

Be Happy

07-21-13, 04:46
I'll be in MDE in 2 weeks and staying at the Mansion. I know I'll have access to the girls, but wanted to check out the FB scene. I've gathered a few contacts & numbers, but I haven't discussed any pricing with them at all since I'm not there yet. How do you guys approach that topic? Just be straightforward and ask 'cuanto cuesta para acompanarme? ' And go from there? I know that it's best to know the price before having them come out, but I'm sorta FB shy when it comes to the dreaded negotiation of pricing. Any help on this is much appreciated!

In about 3 weeks I will be in Medellin. Not staying at the mansion. Doing some Casa and FB chicas. My buddy (he is a brother) will join me a couple of days later. He is a riot but speaks little

Spanish but mine is pretty good. I find some of these FB chicas are cut throat negotiators and some even have a strict no BBBJ policy. WTF. Vince and others I wonder how you guys manage to not pay the mansion dineros for these mamitas. Your advise is much appreciated. I managed to get one or two off their high horses but there rest stand firm at 300. May be I will pony up. Someone was right, I hate to negotiate.

07-21-13, 15:57
I'll be in MDE in 2 weeks and staying at the Mansion. I know I'll have access to the girls, but wanted to check out the FB scene. I've gathered a few contacts & numbers, but I haven't discussed any pricing with them at all since I'm not there yet. How do you guys approach that topic? Just be straightforward and ask 'cuanto cuesta para acompanarme? ' And go from there? I know that it's best to know the price before having them come out, but I'm sorta FB shy when it comes to the dreaded negotiation of pricing. Any help on this is much appreciated!First of all most of the fb girls are pretty straight up. No way you have to pay them 300K. They will tell you it is all about "quimica." For the most part that is true, but how much depends on how much fun and how well you communicate, etc. If you want just straight up cut and dry, pay for play go to the casas or strip club. The fb girls are a lot of fun. 200k is about the most they are going to get. You are paying for drinks, food so much more than that and you should look elsewhere.

07-21-13, 16:00
P. S 25k is about) $12-$13 USD an HR.

That's pretty decent to have a personal Guide.

Watch your back.

Drive you where you want

Take you to places not covered.

& find you anything you heart can think of.

Don't be cheap my friend.

Be HappyWillisbestguidemedellin. Com.

William Zuluuga is a fantastic guide. He speaks English very well and he will even hang out with you and be your wingman. I would recommend him.

07-21-13, 16:31
I'll be in MDE in 2 weeks and staying at the Mansion. I know I'll have access to the girls, but wanted to check out the FB scene. I've gathered a few contacts & numbers, but I haven't discussed any pricing with them at all since I'm not there yet. How do you guys approach that topic? Just be straightforward and ask 'cuanto cuesta para acompanarme? ' And go from there? I know that it's best to know the price before having them come out, but I'm sorta FB shy when it comes to the dreaded negotiation of pricing. Any help on this is much appreciated!Some ask directly for others you have to do the asking. I don't think there is anything wrong with that but avoid the ones that quote 300 sin BBBJ.

07-21-13, 17:13
Thanks for the advice. I'm in my early 30s of Asian decent and look like I'm in my 20s, so I want to do the club scene and getting a FB chica would be ideal. Don't want to waste time trying to getatnon pros. I can also speak Spanish so communication isn't a problem. I understand the whole thing about quimica, thats why I want to get a couple of them to come out because they seem pretty outgoing and funny in the convos and look sexy and beautiful as well. But you're absolutely right about the cost of dinners and drinks that may exceed the actual price of just paying for sex only. I'm actually ok with that since I'm there to have a good time and not doing that every night, just the weekend. I'm still going to get my casa fix, but I like to enjoy my time with a chica and make her feel special. But I'm not going to break the bank doing that.

First of all most of the fb girls are pretty straight up. No way you have to pay them 300K. They will tell you it is all about "quimica." For the most part that is true, but how much depends on how much fun and how well you communicate, etc. If you want just straight up cut and dry, pay for play go to the casas or strip club. The fb girls are a lot of fun. 200k is about the most they are going to get. You are paying for drinks, food so much more than that and you should look elsewhere.

07-21-13, 17:52
I wish they had to pass an interview with me.

No, we are just a regular bar / lounge, although we are keeping it semi private so we can keep the undesirables out. It won't be as controlled as the Mansion, and customers won't get far complaining to us, but we will listen and keep the girls out that the guys don't like. I doubt we will need to put an ad in the paper. As I've said before, having enough girls is the least of our problems. We are more concerned with having enough guys there to keep the girls busy. If they find themselves sitting around every night, they will stop coming.Is there really that much gringo sex tourist traffic going to Medellin to support something like this? Or are you guys counting on alot of colombianos also patronizing your establishment?

I'm sure you guys have a few years on the ground in Medellin and have a good handle on doing business there, and have plenty of connections, but one has to wonder how real is the threat of some gang or mafiosos coming and trying to shake you guys down to pay for protection? Have you ever heard of this happening to any gringos down there, or any colombianos for that matter?

07-21-13, 19:01
I'll be in MDE in 2 weeks and staying at the Mansion. I know I'll have access to the girls, but wanted to check out the FB scene. I've gathered a few contacts & numbers, but I haven't discussed any pricing with them at all since I'm not there yet. How do you guys approach that topic? Just be straightforward and ask 'cuanto cuesta para acompanarme? ' And go from there? I know that it's best to know the price before having them come out, but I'm sorta FB shy when it comes to the dreaded negotiation of pricing. Any help on this is much appreciated!Hey Bro, I would not talk about prices on FB and I would not pay 300,000 unless it's spectacular pussy. I think you already know what the Mansion ladies charge. 150,000 st and 300,000 TLN. So if these hotties are available at these prices why go else where for the same quality at a higher price? The mansion prices are your leverage w / any other prepago in my view. Now if she is Selma Hyak then pay more by all means!

If you like Colombia and plan on returning get a phone. Also bring your camera and take some pics for the poor slobs that aren't there w / you.

07-22-13, 04:55
Thanks for the info. I've heard that some mongers would flat out ask them through FB and some that would do it in person. I'm going to try both approaches depending on how I feel about the girl through our fb convos. There's definitely 2 fb hotties that I can tell are down to have fun and party based on their pics and personality from the convos. But since this is my first trip, I'm just trying all different avenues and hope for the best! I understand the price structure so I don't plan on overpaying.

And no worries about pics. I always find a way to take them, google glasses! LOL.

Hey Bro, I would not talk about prices on FB and I would not pay 300, 000 unless it's spectacular pussy. I think you already know what the Mansion ladies charge. 150, 000 st and 300, 000 TLN. So if these hotties are available at these prices why go else where for the same quality at a higher price? The mansion prices are your leverage w / any other prepago in my view. Now if she is Selma Hyak then pay more by all means!

If you like Colombia and plan on returning get a phone. Also bring your camera and take some pics for the poor slobs that aren't there w / you.

07-22-13, 15:26
Thanks for the info. I've heard that some mongers would flat out ask them through FB and some that would do it in person. I'm going to try both approaches depending on how I feel about the girl through our fb convos. There's definitely 2 fb hotties that I can tell are down to have fun and party based on their pics and personality from the convos. But since this is my first trip, I'm just trying all different avenues and hope for the best! I understand the price structure so I don't plan on overpaying.

And no worries about pics. I always find a way to take them, google glasses! LOL.If you do your reading (hard to sift through the drama and cat fights, I know) you'll find that universally the Colombian experience is filled with disappointment from the famous Paisa Flake. Not coke! LOL!

These girls will tell you 100x times that you're all set, see you at _____ time at _____ place, and then, BLAMO! Nothing! Their phones are off, not on line or at a computer, no reply to email or text. Nothing! It happens with both pro and not pro girls so it does not matter where you meet them. In my experience FB or the once popular Romance Latina and Colombian Cupid (recently better for Non Pros IME) these girls are the biggest flakes! Probably because they have an inbox full of dudes hollering, a regular Western Union Novio showed up, or family drama (in Colombia there is always family drama.) so you're taking a back seat every time. If you do get back into contact with them you'll hear a rainbow of lame excuses! Excuses in the class range of "my dog ate my homework"! Hahahhha! Also if a FB / RL / CC brings a friend she's NOT a hooker so don't ask for a 3 some! She's a normal girl who's worried about a 1st date! Think like back home in the states.

With out blowing up your spot or the girls which FB Chicas you trying to holler at? If Chica_____ is a known flake better to have expectations tempered a head of time so that you can have a plan B, C, and D ready. Trust me my first few times I made the mistake of UNDER booking dates and contacts so I had to hustle to get my dance card filled. I 'm an old school guy, I like face to face best to get a feel for the girl like in a brothel line up. You can see a vibe, if she looks like a cold fish, or hot fucker. You know?

You should also keep in mind if you get a girls digits at a casa (New Life and Abydos IMO are or were the best value haven't been to La Isla but the reports are solid and Fase II is always the same hot girls but $300-$400 for short time I believe once all the fees are paid) and arrange a date outside you could save a few bucks but the girls 9/10 times have a kid so TLN or a long term date should be sorted out BEFORE you pay for the taxi. Also don't be a cheap prick like some of these Abuelo Gringos. Toss the girl 10-15K for a Taxi. You'll earn style points when you see her again. Everybody wants to chill and remembers the cool, fun, nice guy. Nobody wants to hang with the cheap prick dude. This is true in every facet of life not just working girls!

PS. Dude Google Glasses? Do they come with a caring case for the wearer to keep his dignity and self-respect while he's using them? And your Asian? Dude you got a Paypal account? LMK so I can send you $1. With that money you can go buy a clue! Google Glasses! Ninja Please!

07-22-13, 20:54
I wanted to know. I am going to Medellin in September. But I am landing around 7pm. Would it be too late to activate a cell number and exchange money in the airport.

07-23-13, 03:59
I think I know what you're trying to say and thanks for some of the comments. FB is just one of the many avenues I'm using, so by no means am I depending on it for chicas, so I don't have to overbook to make sure I'll get some because I know I'll get some somewhere, somehow my friend! I'm not the typical Asian American introverted and insecure geek, but I ain't no pickup artist either, just got a little pep on my step. BTW. The google glasses was just a joke, just in case you didn't get that.

I'm not a cheap prick, don't have any hygiene problems, look under 30, speak Spanish (not like a native, but good enough) , and have a decent wardrobe, so I'm sure there are some paisas out there for the wanting & hunting! Anyways, I'm just there to have a good time, so that's the best way to go about it without stressing too much about figuring out which FB chicas will show or not.

If you do your reading (hard to sift through the drama and cat fights, I know) you'll find that universally the Colombian experience is filled with disappointment from the famous Paisa Flake. Not coke! LOL!

These girls will tell you 100x times that you're all set, see you at _____ time at _____ place, and then, BLAMO! Nothing! Their phones are off, not on line or at a computer, no reply to email or text. Nothing! It happens with both pro and not pro girls so it does not matter where you meet them. In my experience FB or the once popular Romance Latina and Colombian Cupid (recently better for Non Pros IME) these girls are the biggest flakes! Probably because they have an inbox full of dudes hollering, a regular Western Union Novio showed up, or family drama (in Colombia there is always family drama.) so you're taking a back seat every time. If you do get back into contact with them you'll hear a rainbow of lame excuses! Excuses in the class range of "my dog ate my homework"! Hahahhha! Also if a FB / RL / CC brings a friend she's NOT a hooker so don't ask for a 3 some! She's a normal girl who's worried about a 1st date! Think like back home in the states...

Mojo Bandit
07-23-13, 04:27
These girls will tell you 100x times that you're all set, see you at _____ time at _____ place, and then, BLAMO! Nothing! Their phones are off, not on line or at a computer, no reply to email or text. Nothing! It happens with both pro and not pro girls so it does not matter where you meet them.

Colombian Cupid (recently better for Non Pros IME) these girls are the biggest flakes! Probably because they have an inbox full of dudes hollering, a regular Western Union Novio showed up, or family drama (in Colombia there is always family drama.) so you're taking a back seat every time. If you do get back into contact with them you'll hear a rainbow of lame excuses! Excuses in the class range of "my dog ate my homework"! Hahahhha! Also if a FB / RL / CC brings a friend she's NOT a hooker so don't ask for a 3 some! She's a normal girl who's worried about a 1st date! Think like back home in the states.

With out blowing up your spot or the girls which FB Chicas you trying to holler at? If Chica_____ is a known flake better to have expectations tempered a head of time so that you can have a plan B, C, and D ready. Trust me my first few times I made the mistake of UNDER booking dates and contacts so I had to hustle to get my dance card filled. I 'm an old school guy, I like face to face best to get a feel for the girl like in a brothel line up. You can see a vibe, if she looks like a cold fish, or hot fucker. You know?I am currently In Cartagena (My third trip here) and in the past I always underbook dates and hear some lame excuses,"I got a new Job and I have to fly to Bogota" because the Flake could not email and tell me this after we had arranged for me to fly here to meet her (as far as she knows for sure she is the only Chica I am meeting). I learned to play loose with information, not telling every Chica that I am arriving the same day. This time though it backfired on me. After striking out with first two chicas, and having a limited time here, I sent out multiple emails to chicas I had been talking to on Cupid, like an all points bulletin telling all these Chicas that I was in town, and made the mistake of sending my local number, so then I was having to blow off chicas and turn off my phone when I was with a chica. But its hard to know the flakes from the non flakes. But most are flakes.

I'm curious to know how you get in contact with Chicas on FB, I had great luck using Myspace years ago, but with Myspace in those days you could search a city and send friend request to every hottie, last time I sent multiple request to women I did not know in FB, they took my friend request privileges away for a while.

You mentioned a phone. I want to add that a month before I left, I bought a quad band double SIM phone off Amazon, it is an imitation Samsung Galaxy with the latest Android, then after I hit the ground in Cartagena, I bought a SIM from Tigo stand in the supermarket plus 100, 000 pesos in credit, so I have had a full internet phone and it has been a blessing to have, FB, Cupid, Maps, and the indispensable translator (for me anyway, my spanish is lacking) always at my fingertips. I have texted to USA several times, used data constantly, and after a week I still have 400, 000 pesos credit.

07-25-13, 01:21
Spent 5 days in Medellin mid June.

Took 1 girl from Fase II.

Really like this place, expensive drinks and girls but most girls 8 or above, this was a single to my hotel. Performed well, even came back for a repeat performance the last night of my stay.

The next day another from San Diego, did not stay here too long, took 2 girls and scooted. 1 stayed the other left after we told her we would pay her after the services were completed.

The one who stayed gave 100% in the bedroom, since the other girl left we offered her to double her money if she performed well and she did, she took 3 guys for 5 hours, in various state. 1 on 1, 2 on 1, 3 on 1 all holes all ways she was a trooper.

Sorry have no contact info for either.

Prices, well I was with Colombian friends and they paid, lucky me.

Did have an interesting side trip to my friends girlfriends house way you the hill in the Bario Norte, We came out ok, but my Colombian friends went crazy with me when they saw the facebook photos I took. We left after dark (more scary) but the girlfriend brother drove us out. Not something I would suggest or repeat.

We went direct from here to meet friends at Mangos for the night, its a western themed bar, they had a crazy outdoor show that night. We stayed in the bar never went next door to the Discoteca. Spent the evening dancing with a big group of office workers who were there for a Hen Night.

Stayed in the Novelty Hotel, took one girl back, think there was a $25.00 extra charge on my bill. Great hotel, with very nice apartment type room.

Going back to Cartagena end of August meeting my crazy Bogota friend there for a long weekend of fun.

07-25-13, 21:06
You mentioned a phone. I want to add that a month before I left, I bought a quad band double SIM phone off Amazon, it is an imitation Samsung Galaxy with the latest Android, then after I hit the ground in Cartagena, I bought a SIM from Tigo stand in the supermarket plus 100, 000 pesos in credit, so I have had a full internet phone and it has been a blessing to have, FB, Cupid, Maps, and the indispensable translator (for me anyway, my spanish is lacking) always at my fingertips. I have texted to USA several times, used data constantly, and after a week I still have 400, 000 pesos credit.[/QUOTE]Since, I'm not that up on the wireless technology, I was wondering if this phone could be used in other countries? Ideally, it would be nice to have a smartphone that could be used in multiple locations, and just switch the card. I keep acquiring shit ones, and leaving them wherever I go.

07-26-13, 16:05
Spent 5 days in Medellin mid June.

The one who stayed gave 100% in the bedroom, since the other girl left we offered her to double her money if she performed well and she did, she took 3 guys for 5 hours, in various state. 1 on 1, 2 on 1, 3 on 1 all holes all ways she was a trooper.

Sorry have no contact info for either.

Prices, well I was with Colombian friends and they paid, lucky me.I call party foul! A Colombian what paid? For everything? Did he ride a unicorn and was the master of the Star Sword? Hahaha!

Just kidding, sounds like a great trip; thanks for the report.

Mojo Bandit
07-26-13, 19:39
[/QUOTE]Since, I'm not that up on the wireless technology, I was wondering if this phone could be used in other countries? Ideally, it would be nice to have a smartphone that could be used in multiple locations, and just switch the card. I keep acquiring shit ones, and leaving them wherever I go.[/QUOTE]

The reason that I bought this phone is that it can be used in almost any country (possible exceptions are Japan and South Korea). The "quad band" part means that it works on 4 "bands" which are radio frequencies that different countries operate on, most countries will be covered under a quad band phone. All the Americas. Europe. Asia. (I have seen reports that exceptions are Japan and South Korea) I'm not sure what countries it does not work in. If you are not worried about data and internet (I really like GPS maps and translator as well as looking having FB other social networks to check messages on the go) then there are even much cheaper phones you can get that are like the cheap ones I used to buy in other countries.

Just go to Amazon and search "quad band cell phones", the dual SIM card feature allows you to keep a local number in case someone needs to get in touch with you for home. Of course you have to buy a SIM card from some carrier at home for that. I like my phone because it hass the latest Android, as such I got the same Google services and back up features as my own cell phone (downloaded all my contacts and I had access to apps I had previously paid for. But after I bought my phone I read some bad reviews. (maybe a lot of people got lemons) I have no issues with my phone. But I have only used it for one week in Colombia. Loved it. But it is a Chinese knock off of a Samsung Galaxy. It does not have the Gyroscope compass sensor. But that is all I have noticed that is different. If you do not care about data you can get a small basic cell that has quad band capability for about $30.

In Amazon my phone has the heading : Unlocked Quadband 2 sim with Android 2. 3 OS (Android 4. 1 UI) Smart Phone 4. 0 Inch Capacitive Touch Screen Compatible with GSM carriers T-mobile Simple mobile (White)

The jury is still out beacause I have not owned (or used it) it long enough to be honest (some reviews said it stopped working after a couple of weeks! So you might go with a reputable brand instead of a chines knock off.

07-26-13, 22:01
We went direct from here to meet friends at Mangos for the night, its a western themed bar, they had a crazy outdoor show that night.I thought Mangos was closed?

"Mango’s, Medellin’s most famous club among tourists, has closed its doors “to reinvent itself,” local newspaper El Colombiano reported Monday.

Club owner Jorge Lopez told the newspaper that the surprise closing is not definite and Mango’s will open in a new location in a few months.

According to Lopez, the wild west-themed club had trouble competing with other clubs that were offering discounts. “We can’t do that because we have 140 employees. We pay dancers and all that gets very expensive,” said the owner to the newspaper.

Lopez reportedly also blamed the closing on foreigners who “took up the habit of arriving with three or four pretty girls to show off while others proposed to dancers and employees or were trying to conquer other visitors’ girlfriends,” the paper said.

The Medellin club has become the city’s most hyped since opening its doors in 1998, but also became infamous over the high number of prostitutes attending the establishment."


07-26-13, 23:50
I thought Mangos was closed?

"Mango's, Medellin's most famous club among tourists, has closed its doors 'to reinvent itself, ' local newspaper El Colombiano reported Monday.

Club owner Jorge Lopez told the newspaper that the surprise closing is not definite and Mango's will open in a new location in a few months.

According to Lopez, the wild west-themed club had trouble competing with other clubs that were offering discounts. 'We can't do that because we have 140 employees. We pay dancers and all that gets very expensive, ' said the owner to the newspaper.

Lopez reportedly also blamed the closing on foreigners who 'took up the habit of arriving with three or four pretty girls to show off while others proposed to dancers and employees or were trying to conquer other visitors' girlfriends, ' the paper said.

The Medellin club has become the city's most hyped since opening its doors in 1998, but also became infamous over the high number of prostitutes attending the establishment."

http://colombiareports.com/medellins-mango-club-closes-doors/If foreigners were showing up with 3-4 pretty girls I would think that would mean they were buying a corresponding number of drinks, etc etc for their group. Not sure how that hurts business. Would it have mattered if they were bringing 3-4 fat cows, like a lot of Colombian guys seem to like? Also, how would trying to chat up other people's gf's or asking for p4p from the dancers or bartenders cause a business to have to close it's doors?

Sounds like bullshit to me. I never went there when it was open. Won't go to wherever they are moving to. In short, they can eat a bag of dicks. Try taking responsibility for your own business failings instead of just blaming the foreginers. Fuck if it was that bad just don't let foreigners in. There you go, problem solved. Would anyone really let one group of easily identifiable people ruin their profitable business to such a degree that they have to close?

If they would then they don't have the proper business sense to be in business. And 140 employees, really? How in the blue fuck did they need that many employees for a bar? Serious question, as I've never been there. Maybe that was part of the problem.

Also, the club owner outright says they couldn't compete with other clubs offering discounts. Sounds like they priced themselves right out of the market. Brilliant game plan parcero.

07-27-13, 02:33
Just a general question for those with time and experience in Medellin visiting the casas. I'm in Medellin August 11-17 and I plan on enjoying the trip and getting the true experience. I'm visiting my new girl however while she is at work during the day time I want to play. I'm going to visit New Life and see what it has to offer. I read that the rates are based on time and the cost seems very cheap. My question is that if I was to pay for an hour and if I pop within say 15 minutes do I still get the hour for more pops or is my time done? The thought is that I am going in the late morning / early afternoon and after my session I will venture around the area and see what else I can do and then go back and bang a different girl.

Take it easy on me with the flaming. I know how the board works and I do RTFF. I am a member on the USA site for this and I do have experience in the US and in Barranquilla but Medellin is new to me and I know it is way different than Quilla. I'm staying near Sante Fe mall and by the looks of the maps, the action is well north of my hotel. Any pointers would be appreciative to this new guy to Medellin. Anyone that is in the area during my stay let me know and we can have a beer and shoot the shit about this fun place and experiences.

07-27-13, 03:08
If foreigners were showing up with 3-4 pretty girls I would think that would mean they were buying a corresponding number of drinks, etc etc for their group. Not sure how that hurts business. Would it have mattered if they were bringing 3-4 fat cows, like a lot of Colombian guys seem to like? Also, how would trying to chat up other people's gf's or asking for p4p from the dancers or bartenders cause a business to have to close it's doors?

Sounds like bullshit to me. I never went there when it was open. Won't go to wherever they are moving to. In short, they can eat a bag of dicks. Try taking responsibility for your own business failings instead of just blaming the foreginers. Fuck if it was that bad just don't let foreigners in. There you go, problem solved. Would anyone really let one group of easily identifiable people ruin their profitable business to such a degree that they have to close?...Oh man. Again with the Mangos convo?"eye roll". When stuff like this happens the truth is some where in the middle. At Napalm you make some very valid points.

Any food / service business needs a wide client base; Mangos was popular and some guys would bring their hookers there. Cool as they pay cover and buy drinks. But you just can't have "one type" of client. You need the locals with loot to spend from Bello, Itague, Ect. You're going to go broke looking to only have Some normal girls (in any country) would feel uncomfortable with this and not want to go back. You know the usual girl drama, shit talking, envy, competition for attention, and the biggie. To be accused or mistaken for a hooker in ANY country is super insulting to a girl! Basic night life rule; girls don't show up the guys won't keep coming back. Also this might be hard to handle for some of the members but it has to be considered. Regular people (Foreign and Domestic) don't want to see some delusional gringos with their hookers. Let's be real; seeing that shit is gross! Some Old, clueless, gringo, trying to dance! Both Funny and Pathetic! So yes hookers and their Gringo x Johns had some part in the failure.

Not having good business sense is the Colombian way! The old saying "10cent smart and $1.00 foolish" is the best way to put it. 140 employees even on the best nights is a bit much even if you're paying them all the minimum and taking a cut of the tips (I hear in Colombia an owner can take up to 40% of the tips! Please confirm.) but you know everybody has a cousin that needs a job. What Napalm wrote about his pricing also is to be taken into consideration.

Last. Behind the scenes. If they were getting shaken down by some gangsters, the land lord, partner stole some loot, got caught laundering funds, ect. Easier to blame the Gringos and working girls vs saying "Don Cesar and his gang are shaking me down for 60% so I'm out of buisness." and catching a hot one in the head. Who would you blame?

07-27-13, 16:34
The jury is still out beacause I have not owned (or used it) it long enough to be honest (some reviews said it stopped working after a couple of weeks! So you might go with a reputable brand instead of a chines knock off.[/QUOTE]Outstanding advice. Thanks, for your help. I also see value in having access to the internet, maps; etc. I'm going to look at some different options, and I'll post on what I come up with.

07-27-13, 17:18
My question is that if I was to pay for an hour and if I pop within say 15 minutes do I still get the hour for more pops or is my time done? The thought is that I am going in the late morning / early afternoon and after my session I will venture around the area and see what else I can do and then go back and bang a different girl.I remember very good fucking at casas. There were always more than 10 beautiful girls. I don't know if you can get more than one pop but I remember girls were very attentive about the time. If you pay one hour and you will make one pop after 15 minutes, girls will be with you for other 45 minutes and they will open wide their legs for all time you ask. But I don't know if you can get another pop.

07-27-13, 18:17
I call party foul! A Colombian what paid? For everything? Did he ride a unicorn and was the master of the Star Sword? Hahaha!

Just kidding, sounds like a great trip; thanks for the report.I know what you mean.

07-27-13, 18:28
Just a general question for those with time and experience in Medellin visiting the casas. I'm in Medellin August 11-17 and I plan on enjoying the trip and getting the true experience. I'm visiting my new girl however while she is at work during the day time I want to play. I'm going to visit New Life and see what it has to offer. I read that the rates are based on time and the cost seems very cheap. My question is that if I was to pay for an hour and if I pop within say 15 minutes do I still get the hour for more pops or is my time done? The thought is that I am going in the late morning / early afternoon and after my session I will venture around the area and see what else I can do and then go back and bang a different girl.

Take it easy on me with the flaming. I know how the board works and I do RTFF. I am a member on the USA site for this and I do have experience in the US and in Barranquilla but Medellin is new to me and I know it is way different than Quilla. I'm staying near Sante Fe mall and by the looks of the maps, the action is well north of my hotel. Any pointers would be appreciative to this new guy to Medellin. Anyone that is in the area during my stay let me know and we can have a beer and shoot the shit about this fun place and experiences.At New Life you will pay when you leave. So if you want to bust a nut after 15 minutes, then stay for another 45 minutes and bust some more nuts that's your prerogative. Most all of the other casas you will need to pay first. The only place I have been that has actively enforced a one nut policy is Energy, near the stadium. In fact their prices reflect the amount of relaciones you can have during your time. All the el centro casas that I have been to, I have been able to hump until the knock. Or hump, bust a nut, take a shower and then get some more head or stick it back in until the knock. I've never tried busting a nut after just 15 minutes though, so YMMV.

I would recommend taking the 30 minute option the first time you session with a particular girl. That way if her service sucks, you aren't out as much time and money (granted it's not a lot of money but why not take her for a shorter test ride first). Also, if you're going to New Life, I hope you like big girls. Really big girls.

07-27-13, 18:46
Oh man. Again with the Mangos convo?"eye roll".So Mangos is closed? What is or are the best alternatives left for a similar place?

Member #4394
07-27-13, 19:02
I don't know the formal rule about it, if there are at all. But the de facto rule / custom is that your session ends when you pop "or" time ends unless you are a great conversationaslist in spanish. 1) just go for half an hour and you can extend the session if you want. 2) get the numbers of girls you like and invite them to your place. They will give you better services at your place. I did that with the girls at many casas, including Energy.

Just a general question for those with time and experience in Medellin visiting the casas. I'm in Medellin August 11-17 and I plan on enjoying the trip and getting the true experience. I'm visiting my new girl however while she is at work during the day time I want to play. I'm going to visit New Life and see what it has to offer. I read that the rates are based on time and the cost seems very cheap. My question is that if I was to pay for an hour and if I pop within say 15 minutes do I still get the hour for more pops or is my time done? The thought is that I am going in the late morning / early afternoon and after my session I will venture around the area and see what else I can do and then go back and bang a different girl.

Take it easy on me with the flaming. I know how the board works and I do RTFF. I am a member on the USA site for this and I do have experience in the US and in Barranquilla but Medellin is new to me and I know it is way different than Quilla. I'm staying near Sante Fe mall and by the looks of the maps, the action is well north of my hotel. Any pointers would be appreciative to this new guy to Medellin. Anyone that is in the area during my stay let me know and we can have a beer and shoot the shit about this fun place and experiences.

07-27-13, 19:30
Oh man. Again with the Mangos convo?"eye roll".I only brought it up and posted the article to determine if that guy just dropped a bullshit post on us. He said he went to Mangos when the place had been closed since 2012.

You've already cried "foul" on part of his report 😁.

07-27-13, 22:21
At New Life you will pay when you leave. So if you want to bust a nut after 15 minutes, then stay for another 45 minutes and bust some more nuts that's your prerogative. Most all of the other casas you will need to pay first. The only place I have been that has actively enforced a one nut policy is Energy, near the stadium. In fact their prices reflect the amount of relaciones you can have during your time. All the el centro casas that I have been to, I have been able to hump until the knock. Or hump, bust a nut, take a shower and then get some more head or stick it back in until the knock. I've never tried busting a nut after just 15 minutes though, so YMMV.

I would recommend taking the 30 minute option the first time you session with a particular girl. That way if her service sucks, you aren't out as much time and money (granted it's not a lot of money but why not take her for a shorter test ride first). Also, if you're going to New Life, I hope you like big girls. Really big girls.Are the girls at New Life really that bad? For the prices they charge it might be imaginable that they are not models for 38000. That's a huge difference in price compared to Energy. At least energy has a site to explain what options the have but sounds like New Life allows more time with girls. Energy allows to girls at once. Does New Life offer the same?

Thanks for the heads up. I'm looking forward to my trip.

Legal Tender
07-28-13, 00:09
I only brought it up and posted the article to determine if that guy just dropped a bullshit post on us. He said he went to Mangos when the place had been closed since 2012.

You've already cried "foul" on part of his report &62977; .Actually, one of the girls that I know invited me to "party" at Mangos. She is acknowledged that a Mangos had opened, but she hadn't been there. I never went to the old one and won't go to the new one, but I think there is a factual basis (albeit hearsay) that Mangos is open.

Only good energy!

07-28-13, 00:17
Actually, one of the girls that I know invited me to "party" at Mangos. She is acknowledged that a Mangos had opened, but she hadn't been there. I never went to the old one and won't go to the new one, but I think there is a factual basis (albeit hearsay) that Mangos is open.

Only good energy!Https://www.facebook.com/discotecamangos

07-28-13, 01:16
Actually, one of the girls that I know invited me to "party" at Mangos. She is acknowledged that a Mangos had opened, but she hadn't been there. I never went to the old one and won't go to the new one, but I think there is a factual basis (albeit hearsay) that Mangos is open.

Only good energy!Never heard of or been to this new Mangos, but I actually enjoyed the old Mangos the few times I went.

It was especially nice before the invasion, and a being a gringo was actually a good thing LOL

07-28-13, 01:48
It was especially nice before the invasion, and a being a gringo was actually a good thing LOLI take it there are still a lot of chicas like this one that date gringos? https://www.facebook.com/linalinita/photos

07-28-13, 02:03
July 2013:

The quality of the chicas at the Mansion was outstanding. During a week when rooms were usually full with guests. 8 to 12 girls showed up every afternoon beginning around noon, and more during the evening. There were hardly any I would not have been happy to spend time and money with, several 9's and one 10. The Cueva bar is a huge improvement because the girls don't have to leave at sundown, and there are plenty of opportunities to drink, chat and dance as you decide who to take to your room. The standard remains 150K CP for a couple of hours, more for TLN. I have never encountered a CBJ, clockwatcher, or other such annoyances with Mansion girls. Spend some time chatting and you can usually get a nice GFE experience. If you don't see one you like on any given day, there are usually some fellow mongers who can call or Facebook others for you, or you can ask the management to show you the book. It hardly seemed worth doing a casa run or going to strip clubs except to get out and see for oneself how the lesser alternatives stack up.

Another advantage of the Mansion is the opportunity to meet other mongers and organize daytime casa runs or nighttime strip club runs. It's also a blast to get a few guys together to take 5 or 6 of the girls out to one of the discos for an evening. Assuming you can be cool (see previous discussion of the old Mango's) there is nothing quite like getting bottle service at a club surrounded by half a dozen young stunners.

Strip clubs: stopped in at La Isla (now renamed "The Girls") – This place is trying to be high end, up in the hills off Las Palmas above the Intercontinental hotel, nice furnishings, but similar stage setup to San Diego and Fase 2. I'm told by a fellow monger that the official price for on-site session is 180K Columbian pesos, but I chatted up a hot girl whose opening quote for a one hour session was 280K, then 240K. She hesitated at my offer of 200K and I did not pursue. About 20 girls, wide range from fugly to some 9's.

San Diego – there was a surprisingly big crowd of customers and chicas, and a couple of very attractive dancers; a wide range of chicas but definitely some very good ones. Paid 120K for a 30-minute session, cute girl, enthusiastic performer but CBJ.

Fase 2 – we saw probably 30 girls on a Thursday night, some of the usual silicone, but also some hot natural girls. Went with J, a stunning blonde girl-next-door type, a 10 in looks, who delivered a superior performance, albeit with CBJ. Rooms in the love motel next door are actually nice, decent showers, clean sheets and towels. Damage was 180K.

Luna Lunera – much lower quality than my last trip a few years ago, but it was a weeknight. Saw only one decent do-able chica, most were thick and / or not good-looking. We arrived near closing time (2 am at Luna Lunera, vs. 4 am at the other clubs). There were no girls on stage, and not many customers; it was disappointing.

At all four clubs it was fairly easy to collect phone numbers and / or FB contact info, assuming you can converse a bit in Spanish.

All 4 strip clubs mentioned charge a 10K CP cover charge. Drink prices vary, beer ranges from to 10K at Luna Lunera to 17K at La Isla. If you can't stand to pay $5 for a drink, you can get a bottle of water at most places for less. Or go with a group, pay 100K or so for a bottle of rum and avoid paying for chica drinks.

Did not try the Centro strip clubs, maybe next time.

07-28-13, 02:05
I take it there are still a lot of chicas like this one that date gringos? [facebook link] LOL, yeah when you see bikini photos taken at the Mansion pool on a FB profile that is usually a good indication.

Hanshin Baka
07-28-13, 02:06
I take it there are still a lot of chicas like this one that date gringos?

https://www.facebook.com/linalinita/photosThat guy is one of most laid back brothers in Medellin. You have no chance with her. Period. None. If you are going to post links to Facebook, maybe just ones with known providers. The one you posted has been out of the game for a long time.

Vegas Jeff
07-28-13, 06:29
Just a general question for those with time and experience in Medellin visiting the casas. I'm in Medellin August 11-17 and I plan on enjoying the trip and getting the true experience. I'm visiting my new girl however while she is at work during the day time I want to play. I'm going to visit New Life and see what it has to offer. I read that the rates are based on time and the cost seems very cheap. My question is that if I was to pay for an hour and if I pop within say 15 minutes do I still get the hour for more pops or is my time done? The thought is that I am going in the late morning / early afternoon and after my session I will venture around the area and see what else I can do and then go back and bang a different girl.Generally speaking one pop and your done is the rule but that is only if you don't talk with the girl upfront about it.

The Medellin Centro casa scene is laid back. Just communicate your ideas beforehand. Before you pick a girl pull her aside and talk with her. Do this by telling the boss that you want to talk with her for a minute. Tell the girl that you might pop early, but it doesn't happen often, and if it does you are going to want to continue. Most of the girls will go for it. If she doesn't go for it, you probably don't want her anyway. Before you ask this question you might want to break the ice with her. Find something on her to compliment such as her eyes, smile, bracelet, fingernails, etc. Make sure to wear cologne also.

Any other concerns you might have, such as extending to hour after paying for an hour, just talk to the boss beforehand. GL

07-28-13, 19:50
Well if we can't all be perfect, then what can we be.

I reported as I saw, Mangos was definitely there, I have photos. The place is located South East, of El Poblado next to the river. 7Km from the Dann Carlton Hotel.

Discoteca Mangos.

La Esmeralda, Itagui, Antioquia, Colombia &8206;

Found it on a google map.

That aside going to be in Cartagena end of August, anyone have any recommendations.

07-29-13, 01:00
Who has been to Pattaya and Medellin?

Which one would you recommend and why?



07-29-13, 06:55
Well if we can't all be perfect, then what can we be.

I reported as I saw, Mangos was definitely there, I have photos. The place is located South East, of El Poblado next to the river. 7Km from the Dann Carlton Hotel.

Discoteca Mangos.

La Esmeralda, Itagui, Antioquia, Colombia &8206;

Found it on a google map.

That aside going to be in Cartagena end of August, anyone have any recommendations.Will you be bringing the Delorean?

07-29-13, 07:31
Who has been to Pattaya and Medellin?

Which one would you recommend and why?


KamilloI guess I'm qualified to take a stab at that question. I've been to Thailand 20 times over 10 years, and Pattaya 17 of those. I have been to Medellin 15 times over 7 years. The answer is obvious. Both. They are so totally different that no one can say that one is better than the other. One my prefer one, but that doesn't make it better. Pattaya is way more wild and crazy. It is estimated that there are 20, 000 working girls in that town. But I think that the Medellin Paisas are better looking with more variety. And Medellin is a nice normal city if that's what one likes. There are many more things to do in Pattaya / Thailand. I'm sure this board is stuffed with all the fun things to do in Thailand. Still, these days I prefer Medellin. Especially because they have this new great club opening next Friday called Liquid Lounge.)

07-29-13, 07:36
What a fucking idiot. I hope someone who knows you posts your facebook webpage, among other photos of you, along with your contact information. You just climbed to the top of the idiot list, number one, feel proud.It was a really stupid mistake. I see the page is down already. She must be really pissed and upset. What a wanker.

07-29-13, 07:45
I guess I'm qualified to take a stab at that question. I've been to Thailand 20 times over 10 years, and Pattaya 17 of those. I have been to Medellin 15 times over 7 years. The answer is obvious. Both. They are so totally different that no one can say that one is better than the other. One my prefer one, but that doesn't make it better. Pattaya is way more wild and crazy. It is estimated that there are 20, 000 working girls in that town. But I think that the Medellin Paisas are better looking with more variety. And Medellin is a nice normal city if that's what one likes. There are many more things to do in Pattaya / Thailand. I'm sure this board is stuffed with all the fun things to do in Thailand. Still, these days I prefer Medellin. Especially because they have this new great club opening next Friday called Liquid Lounge.)I went to Medellin 4 time, to Lima 4 times but never I went to Pattaya and I'm very curious to get Pattaya in September. About South America I like both, Medellin and Lima. I like Medellin for climate and I like Lima for easiness in getting non pro girls. In Medellin this practice is harder.

Mojo Bandit
07-29-13, 08:06
Who has been to Pattaya and Medellin?

Which one would you recommend and why?



Its true I have never been to Pattaya or Medellin, but I have been to Bangkok, and Patong Beach In Thailand and I have been to Cartagena and Barranquilla in Colombia, so on a level of comparing Thailand to Colombia. It does depend on what turns you on, what type of excitement you are looking for and what shape of woman you like. There are some beautiful women in Thailand, but they do not have what I like. An hourglass 36-26-36 figure, the quality of the body on a woman that I like is not found in Thailand. So while I hear that Pattaya is wild and untamed, and the women are cheaper by far, as are the hotels. I just can not substitute anything for the quality of bodies of the Colombian women. Plus for me (I'm in USA) Thailand is a 25 hour trip,

Mojo Bandit
07-29-13, 08:17
I tried to delete this whole post, but the best I could do is change it to this.

07-30-13, 04:01
Its true I have never been to Pattaya or Medellin, but I have been to Bangkok, and Patong Beach In Thailand and I have been to Cartagena and Barranquilla in Colombia, so on a level of comparing Thailand to Colombia. It does depend on what turns you on, what type of excitement you are looking for and what shape of woman you like. There are some beautiful women in Thailand, but they do not have what I like. An hourglass 36-26-36 figure, the quality of the body on a woman that I like is not found in Thailand. So while I hear that Pattaya is wild and untamed, and the women are cheaper by far, as are the hotels. I just can not substitute anything for the quality of bodies of the Colombian women. Plus for me (I'm in USA) Thailand is a 25 hour trip,I've only been to Thailand twice, but on those visits, I most definitely found women with big booties and big breasts. It's true that on average, they don't have hourglass figures to the extent women in the West do. However, there are so many women in Pattaya (20, 000?) , that you will definitely find some that fit that description.

Pattaya vs MDE is comparing apples and oranges. You should do both.

El Bacano
07-30-13, 23:21
Men, you may not know it but that opinion and information was priceless. And if others will contribute on that level we might solve the worlds. Problems. Haha

07-31-13, 07:03
Who has been to Pattaya and Medellin?

Which one would you recommend and why?


KamilloI would like to echo what has been said. You really need to visit both. They are just 2 different experiences, and it's difficult to compare them. You may end up liking one more than the other, but you cannot tell until you visit both of them, several times.

07-31-13, 07:04
I made a sperm donation to a lovely Colombiana in La Mayorista this evening. I paid her 40, 000 pesos and tipped her 20,000. I can't remember if the room cost 20,000 or 10,000. Basically went went into the room and although she had the condom informed me she would to have vaginal intercourse without it. I can't remember the word she used for the condom.

Odd part is that I did not solicit the sans condom. She made it clear she wanted me to not use it. So, I proceeded to rail her and left behind a week's worth of sexual frustration. When we were finished, I asked if she had any children and she responded one.

I realize all of this is crazy. Condemn me if you must. Anyone have a similar experience in Colombia? I realize Mayorista is not the best area of town. Apart from my DNA, I did not leave behind any identifying information.

Also, the spot I found was a line of bars and cheap motels on Carrera 51, between Calle 85 and Calle 84A. At noon there was just one or two girls in one hotel, and by 8pm there were many more. I made my last pass at 11:30pm and the entire block was packed full of hookers, all kinds of sizes and shapes. They were wearing a sweet scent I like to call desperation.

So, my question is there another part of Mayorista, or is this block it. I saw a map some time ago, but I can not find anything anymore for Mayorista. If someone can give me a link, I do not mind checking them out and confirming the action.

07-31-13, 07:13
You mentioned a phone. I want to add that a month before I left, I bought a quad band double SIM phone off Amazon, it is an imitation Samsung Galaxy with the latest Android, then after I hit the ground in Cartagena, I bought a SIM from Tigo stand in the supermarket plus 100, 000 pesos in credit, so I have had a full internet phone and it has been a blessing to have, FB, Cupid, Maps, and the indispensable translator (for me anyway, my spanish is lacking) always at my fingertips. I have texted to USA several times, used data constantly, and after a week I still have 400, 000 pesos credit.Since, I'm not that up on the wireless technology, I was wondering if this phone could be used in other countries? Ideally, it would be nice to have a smartphone that could be used in multiple locations, and just switch the card. I keep acquiring shit ones, and leaving them wherever I go.[/QUOTE]I got an activated Tigo line for 4,000 pesos at a local store in Poblado. I put a small amount of funds on it and have used the 3G Internet on my iPhone (old 3GS so no 4G) all day for 1,500 pesos. Bandwidth is about 2MB and I am using it to provide Internet access for my laptop. I also really like using Google Maps so I can see where I am at all times in Medellin. It's been helpful for riding the Metro and getting around in taxis.

I am thinking of getting a 4G data card for my laptop. Claro and Movistar have some crazy bandwidth backpages. Internet infrastructure in Medellin rocks.

07-31-13, 11:41
I made a sperm donation to a lovely Colombiana in La Mayorista this evening. I paid her 40, 000 pesos and tipped her 20, 000. I can't remember if the room cost 20, 000 or 10, 000. Basically went went into the room and although she had the condom informed me she would to have vaginal intercourse without it. I can't remember the word she used for the condom.

Odd part is that I did not solicit the sans condom. She made it clear she wanted me to not use it. So, I proceeded to rail her and left behind a week's worth of sexual frustration. When we were finished, I asked if she had any children and she responded one.

I realize all of this is crazy. Condemn me if you must. Anyone have a similar experience in Colombia? I realize Mayorista is not the best area of town. Apart from my DNA, I did not leave behind any identifying information.I can only speak for myself, but if a had just met a street hooker strolling the block who was insistent upon not using a condom, I would strap on two of them! Actually, I probably would just say forget it and leave at that point. I don't think I could believably convince myself that "she doesn't do this for everyone", lol.

07-31-13, 16:09
Odd part is that I did not solicit the sans condom. She made it clear she wanted me to not use it.

I realize all of this is crazy. Condemn me if you must. Anyone have a similar experience in Colombia? I realize Mayorista is not the best area of town. Apart from my DNA, I did not leave behind any identifying information.No condemnation here, just advice, protect the pecker amigo, yikes! Especially with street girls.

Either you're new to this sex game, you were never in the military and taught by your first Sargeant LOL, or your dad skipped this in the birds and the bees talk LOL.

Hope you washed up real good and took a strong leak, that what my first Sargeant taught us anyway, in case of slip ups haha.

Good luck.

PS, that area you described is the entire chica pick up section of la Mayorista.

07-31-13, 17:06
Well if we can't all be perfect, then what can we be.

I reported as I saw, Mangos was definitely there, I have photos. The place is located South East, of El Poblado next to the river. 7Km from the Dann Carlton Hotel.

Discoteca Mangos.

La Esmeralda, Itagui, Antioquia, Colombia &8206;

Found it on a google map.

That aside going to be in Cartagena end of August, anyone have any recommendations.Yes, after they closed a couple of years ago, apparently they reopened a smaller version with the same name at the same location.

07-31-13, 17:14
Are the girls at New Life really that bad? For the prices they charge it might be imaginable that they are not models for 38000. That's a huge difference in price compared to Energy. At least energy has a site to explain what options the have but sounds like New Life allows more time with girls. Energy allows to girls at once. Does New Life offer the same?

Thanks for the heads up. I'm looking forward to my trip.New Life offers threesomes too. The difference in price is the location. Energy is in laureles. New Life is in Centro. Energy does have more flacas though. In regards to 2 nuts, speak to the girl beforehand. In my opinion, there are so many options. Do half an hour and go for a different girl.

Member #4244
07-31-13, 18:17
The Mayorista is possibly the last place on earth I'd go raw LOL, those girls will turn a dozen tricks in a night if they have the opportunity. Not my scene as it is, but the couple times I have been I asked for plastic, paper and titanium condoms!

Two pops at a massage place, you might as well just have one and then come back when you're rested. You can always just add more time. There was a really beautiful college freshman at New Life some years ago and sometimes she'd get me going to where I'd get another half hour or hour with her. That was an exception though.

I am in MDE now but have mostly been with regulars. I did go to the little stretch of strip clubs in El Centro. Julieta at the Barra Ejecutiva has new tits and is still a slim, cute blonde who turned 20 not long ago. There is a girl with black hair who is also quite thin and shapely. I cannot recall her name but she will stand out. Pretty hot, her attitude seemed kind of dismissive but I wouldn't read too much into our introduction. Veronika is a full-figured, tall girl, which is kind of rare. Awesome attitude, if you're not hung up on having a spinner, go for it.

07-31-13, 19:48
I am in MDE now but have mostly been with regulars.Can I ask how old are you to get regular girls?

Member #4244
08-01-13, 04:22
July 2013:

The quality of the chicas at the Mansion was outstanding. During a week when rooms were usually full with guests. 8 to 12 girls showed up every afternoon beginning around noon, and more during the evening. There were hardly any I would not have been happy to spend time and money with, several 9's and one 10. The Cueva bar is a huge improvement because the girls don't have to leave at sundown, and there are plenty of opportunities to drink, chat and dance as you decide who to take to your room. The standard remains 150K CP for a couple of hours, more for TLN. I have never encountered a CBJ, clockwatcher, or other such annoyances with Mansion girls. Spend some time chatting and you can usually get a nice GFE experience. If you don't see one you like on any given day, there are usually some fellow mongers who can call or Facebook others for you, or you can ask the management to show you the book. It hardly seemed worth doing a casa run or going to strip clubs except to get out and see for oneself how the lesser alternatives stack up.

Another advantage of the Mansion is the opportunity to meet other mongers and organize daytime casa runs or nighttime strip club runs. It's also a blast to get a few guys together to take 5 or 6 of the girls out to one of the discos for an evening. Assuming you can be cool (see previous discussion of the old Mango's) there is nothing quite like getting bottle service at a club surrounded by half a dozen young stunners.

Strip clubs: stopped in at La Isla (now renamed "The Girls") – This place is trying to be high end, up in the hills off Las Palmas above the Intercontinental hotel, nice furnishings, but similar stage setup to San Diego and Fase 2. I'm told by a fellow monger that the official price for on-site session is 180K Columbian pesos, but I chatted up a hot girl whose opening quote for a one hour session was 280K, then 240K. She hesitated at my offer of 200K and I did not pursue. About 20 girls, wide range from fugly to some 9's.

San Diego – there was a surprisingly big crowd of customers and chicas, and a couple of very attractive dancers; a wide range of chicas but definitely some very good ones. Paid 120K for a 30-minute session, cute girl, enthusiastic performer but CBJ.

Fase 2 – we saw probably 30 girls on a Thursday night, some of the usual silicone, but also some hot natural girls. Went with J, a stunning blonde girl-next-door type, a 10 in looks, who delivered a superior performance, albeit with CBJ. Rooms in the love motel next door are actually nice, decent showers, clean sheets and towels. Damage was 180K.

Luna Lunera – much lower quality than my last trip a few years ago, but it was a weeknight. Saw only one decent do-able chica, most were thick and / or not good-looking. We arrived near closing time (2 am at Luna Lunera, vs. 4 am at the other clubs). There were no girls on stage, and not many customers; it was disappointing.

At all four clubs it was fairly easy to collect phone numbers and / or FB contact info, assuming you can converse a bit in Spanish.

All 4 strip clubs mentioned charge a 10K CP cover charge. Drink prices vary, beer ranges from to 10K at Luna Lunera to 17K at La Isla. If you can't stand to pay $5 for a drink, you can get a bottle of water at most places for less. Or go with a group, pay 100K or so for a bottle of rum and avoid paying for chica drinks.

Did not try the Centro strip clubs, maybe next time.Thanks for the report. I was also unimpressed with luna lunera and la isla last time. San diego is now trying to compete in that market and probably doing OK since fase dos is a little shittier than it was. The thing I hate about san diego is their hounding you to buy a bottle, no matter where you sit, even if you're one person and you do not drink. That is extremely fucking annoying.

Member #4394
08-01-13, 04:34
The chance is that you may meet a few girls there who would tell you that they would like to have, or don't mind having, your kid and encourage you to finish inside of her. This may happen after you repeat a same girl a few times.

I made a sperm donation to a lovely Colombiana in La Mayorista this evening. I paid her 40, 000 pesos and tipped her 20, 000. I can't remember if the room cost 20, 000 or 10, 000. Basically went went into the room and although she had the condom informed me she would to have vaginal intercourse without it. I can't remember the word she used for the condom.

Odd part is that I did not solicit the sans condom. She made it clear she wanted me to not use it. So, I proceeded to rail her and left behind a week's worth of sexual frustration. When we were finished, I asked if she had any children and she responded one.

I realize all of this is crazy. Condemn me if you must. Anyone have a similar experience in Colombia? I realize Mayorista is not the best area of town. Apart from my DNA, I did not leave behind any identifying information.

Also, the spot I found was a line of bars and cheap motels on Carrera 51, between Calle 85 and Calle 84A. At noon there was just one or two girls in one hotel, and by 8pm there were many more. I made my last pass at 11:30pm and the entire block was packed full of hookers, all kinds of sizes and shapes. They were wearing a sweet scent I like to call desperation.

So, my question is there another part of Mayorista, or is this block it. I saw a map some time ago, but I can not find anything anymore for Mayorista. If someone can give me a link, I do not mind checking them out and confirming the action.

Param Ahmad
08-01-13, 05:24
Thanks for the report. I was also unimpressed with luna lunera and la isla last time. San diego is now trying to compete in that market and probably doing OK since fase dos is a little shittier than it was. The thing I hate about san diego is their hounding you to buy a bottle, no matter where you sit, even if you're one person and you do not drink. That is extremely fucking annoying.I'm glad to hear somebody else say this. Two and a half years ago I was excoriated by Mr. Gogo for refusing to buy drinks I didn't want in Medellin's clubs. I walked out of San Diego Grill when that demand was made rather than buy the drink. The entry fee at Fase II didn't bother me. I've been to San Diego Grill once since then and was there long enough to get a good look at the girls present and didn't see one I thought attractive. I have the same opinion as you of Luna Lunera. So far the only places I've had any luck finding attractive women in Medellin, at least among "damas de companera", have been Fase II and Abydos, and even at those two places it was only a minority of the time.

08-01-13, 05:54
I'm glad to hear somebody else say this. Two and a half years ago I was excoriated by Mr. Gogo for refusing to buy drinks I didn't want in Medellin's clubs. I walked out of San Diego Grill when that demand was made rather than buy the drink. The entry fee at Fase II didn't bother me. I've been to San Diego Grill once since then and was there long enough to get a good look at the girls present and didn't see one I thought attractive. I have the same opinion as you of Luna Lunera. So far the only places I've had any luck finding attractive women in Medellin, at least among "damas de companera", have been Fase II and Abydos, and even at those two places it was only a minority of the time.Have you checked out Loutron before? IMO, there is no other spot that comes close to having as attractive girls. I've always had a great time there, but I'm definitely in the minority.

08-01-13, 08:30
I made another pass tonight through Mayorista and found a hot Colombian who was a lot of fun. She charged 25,000 pesos for an un-rushed half hour and I paid 25, 500 pesos total for the room and two beers. She agreed to the 25,000 peso rate before I bought the beer. They try to get the drink when you pay for the door. So, I am still not sure how much the room costs. I went to the same place as last time, the Cielo Azul.

This one was plenty of fun and was careful with the condom. I talked to her at length and she warmed up the more we chatted.

I'll take the advice of everyone and be more careful about going raw. However, I have a bad feeling these Colombians are going to lead me down the path of temptation.

Before coming back to Mayorista, I went into Poblado to get dinner. I ended up eating at the overpriced taco place on Parque Lleras. The asshole even informed me in English the tip was not included with the bill. Now, last night I went to the nice steak place and had a delightful steak wrapped in bacon. The service was excellent and I left a tip. However, I am not tipping at some stinking taco stand, least of all when I get solicited for a tip in freaking English. Also, while in the park some guy handed me a card for Fase II.

I checked out a club called, Blue on Calle 10. It's not a working girl house, but a pickup bar. I learned that nothing really happens before 10pm in these palces, but tonight there was a free comody show. I stayed for a half hour and enjoyed the show. I was about to go to B-Lounge for the Wednesday ladies night when I was turned away at 9:50pm. Again, I learned that the party gets started late.

So, I decided it was not worth staying out past the Metro operating hours on a Wednesday night. Last train south from Poblado leaves at 11:07pm. I am moving to a hotel in Poblado after the Festival de Flores, so I can explore the night life then without an expensive taxi ride every night. Five trips on the Metro cost 9, 000 pesos. The taxi from Parque Lleras to the Poblado station is 3, 000 to 4, 000 pesos. It's about a 15 minute walk. The walk from the metro is shorter to Mayorista from the Ayura station.

08-01-13, 10:54
So, I decided it was not worth staying out past the Metro operating hours on a Wednesday night. Last train south from Poblado leaves at 11:07pm. I am moving to a hotel in Poblado after the Festival de Flores, so I can explore the night life then without an expensive taxi ride every night. Five trips on the Metro cost 9, 000 pesos. The taxi from Parque Lleras to the Poblado station is 3, 000 to 4, 000 pesos. It's about a 15 minute walk. The walk from the metro is shorter to Mayorista from the Ayura station.Thanks for sharing your report. Are you saying that you are trying to be closer to the night life in El Centro (by moving to Poblado)? Or will you be looking to hit non-pro spots in Poblado?

Mr Gogo
08-01-13, 11:03
I'm glad to hear somebody else say this. Two and a half years ago I was excoriated by Mr. Gogo for refusing to buy drinks I didn't want in Medellin's clubs. I walked out of San Diego Grill when that demand was made rather than buy the drink. The entry fee at Fase II didn't bother me. I've been to San Diego Grill once since then and was there long enough to get a good look at the girls present and didn't see one I thought attractive. I have the same opinion as you of Luna Lunera. So far the only places I've had any luck finding attractive women in Medellin, at least among "damas de companera", have been Fase II and Abydos, and even at those two places it was only a minority of the time.Sir, I don't think it's much to ask of a person to buy a 5usd dollar beer in order to enjoy the festivities. Those festivities include 20 women walking around naked and dancing naked, making themselves available to satisfy your sexual requests at a house price. They have a dj that plays music that needs to be paid. They have security that needs to be paid. When I was there, San Diego offered free snacks of peanuts and popcorn. If you were the owner would you allow people to come into your establishment and sit all night for free? Answer that question if you can.

San Diego was always the last stop on my nightly circuit. I would hit La Mayorista about 10pm. Then hit Luna Luneras about 11pm, with the next stop at 33 calle, where it's 3 strip clubs in a row. My goal is not to fuck but to hangout and get some numbers for a possible "Afternoon delight" before they work the next day. As I watch the girl perform at her club, she is secretly auditioning for me.

Then I fall into San Diego at 2am. I pay about 25 dollars for a bottle of rum and Coca Cola. I share with the girls that hang out before and after they dance. One trick I do is to put my chewing gum in the shot glass. This makes the girls go get their own shot glass and not drink out of mine, just don't know where their lips had just been LOL.

I still stand by my opinion, that only cheap dudes take the same bottle of water from club to club and balk at least buying another bottle of water.

08-01-13, 14:12
Have you checked out Loutron before? IMO, there is no other spot that comes close to having as attractive girls. I've always had a great time there, but I'm definitely in the minority.No sir, you are correct about having a nice time there and that place having pretty girls but it's the "value" that most guys have issue with. In Mayorista $50K gets you an hours, $150K at the Mansion gets you several hours, $150-$200K gets you an hour at most every casa down the hill. At Loutron it's $240 (haven't been in years so it could be more or less) for what usually is a one pop, mechanical, non GFE type experience. As reported by many members for years.

There are just better values out there. Just saying.

08-01-13, 15:20
I've been to Medellin a few times, but I've never been to anywhere interesting.

I'm staying in Poblado with a few people who would not be interested in this sort of stuff.

So can anyone recommend places nearby where I could disappear for only a short amount of time? I can find time day or evening, but I don't want to go all the way downtown, or to a bar that would then require leaving.

Something not too time consuming. Thanks.

Vegas Jeff
08-01-13, 15:37
Before coming back to Mayorista, I went into Poblado to get dinner. I ended up eating at the overpriced taco place on Parque Lleras. The asshole even informed me in English the tip was not included with the bill. Now, last night I went to the nice steak place and had a delightful steak wrapped in bacon. The service was excellent and I left a tip. However, I am not tipping at some stinking taco stand, least of all when I get solicited for a tip in freaking English.Maybe the guy was an asshole but he wasn't an asshole for telling you that the tip is not included in the bill. It is common practice for the waiter to ask you two questions in the El Poblado area. Are you paying with cash or credit card and whether the tip is included in the bill. I always pay cash (efectivo) and have the tip not included in the bill (no propina en la cuenta).


08-01-13, 17:49
Since, I'm not that up on the wireless technology, I was wondering if this phone could be used in other countries? Ideally, it would be nice to have a smartphone that could be used in multiple locations, and just switch the card. I keep acquiring shit ones, and leaving them wherever I go.I got an activated Tigo line for 4, 000 pesos at a local store in Poblado. I put a small amount of funds on it and have used the 3G Internet on my iPhone (old 3GS so no 4G) all day for 1, 500 pesos. Bandwidth is about 2MB and I am using it to provide Internet access for my laptop. I also really like using Google Maps so I can see where I am at all times in Medellin. It's been helpful for riding the Metro and getting around in taxis...[/QUOTE]My suggestion is the unblocked Samba from LG. Purchased from Best Buy.

Earlier this year, I was in Mexico City and San Salvador. The phone worked perfectly with Claro and Movistar SIM cards.

08-01-13, 23:09
Thanks for sharing your report. Are you saying that you are trying to be closer to the night life in El Centro (by moving to Poblado)? Or will you be looking to hit non-pro spots in Poblado?I want to be able to hit the non-pro spots in Poblado. I plan to be here for several weeks, so am hoping to work it a bit and share my results here. The truth is where I am staying in Itagui (mayorista) is just 4 blocks from the Ayura metro station. It's a good deal easier to walk to the metro at Ayura than in Poblado, which is maybe double the distance or more with some really busy streets in terms of traffic.

The upshot is that if you stay in Poblado, I think you are really confined to that area unless you want to spend some serious money on taxi fare. It's fine for a short visit, but I would not want to spend several months there. Basically, Poblado is good for the regular nightlife and is not too far by taxi from most of the hooker night clubs. However, on the second point the same can be said about El Centro and Barrio Colombia. Both of which have some hotels close to metro stops and priced better than Poblado.

08-02-13, 01:56
CS, Have you considered staying in El Centro? Or are you afraid!

Best place to meet ALL kinds of women. Best place for healthy home cooked meals. Great prices. And best of all, it leads to a healthy lifestyle of lots of walking around!

Good report

08-02-13, 03:41
CS, Have you considered staying in El Centro? Or are you afraid!

Best place to meet ALL kinds of women. Best place for healthy home cooked meals. Great prices. And best of all, it leads to a healthy lifestyle of lots of walking around!

Good reportBut you have to consider the air quality in el centro. Don't you think? When are you going back to Medellin?


08-02-13, 06:10
CS, Have you considered staying in El Centro? Or are you afraid!

Best place to meet ALL kinds of women. Best place for healthy home cooked meals. Great prices. And best of all, it leads to a healthy lifestyle of lots of walking around!

Good reportI took the Metro to the Parque Berrio Metro Stop tonight, and checked out the Conejitas Show Bar. There was no cover and a beer was 4, 000 pesos. Girls stripped nude and then went around asking for tips. I understand it's 50, 000 for a 30 minute session, but I did not have time.

The thing I like about Colombia is no one really bothers me. Despite the area downtown being a social wasteland, the street people don't seem to have too much experience singling out gringos for tip harassment. In Costa Rica the scum would come crawling out of the sewer to say, "hey one coin for me" in English. I was essentially invisible and ignored until met a friend and started speaking English.

A friend who is living in Medellin called me and we went for dinner. Best we could do in that section of town at night was a 24 hour chicken, fast food chain. Our conversation in English attracted some attention. Actually, this is the first time I had a conversation in English for four days. This area of town is nothing like Poblado.

I had inquired at the Nutibarra Hotel if they had a restaurant, and the answer was no. Then I walked around the corner and saw the big remodeling project and the outdoor cafe they are building.

Made it back to Mayorista before the last train, and pulled another girl, young flaca for 30, 000 pesos. Apparently the room does cost 20,000 pesos. I'll be moving out of Itaqui tomorrow, and staying Barrio Colombia. Too bad Liquid Lounge delayed their opening, because I picked a hotel close to it for the weekend. I plan to do more exploring downtown over the weekend.

Internet access at the hotel is constantly going down, but the tethered iPhone with the prepaid Tigo Chip is working great with 1.5 to 2.0 MB of bandwidth on the laptop. It's also great having Google Maps to pinpoint exact location on the phone when exploring the city.

Got a Claro prepaid 3G chip for my USB Datacard, but their network sucks for bandwidth. It includes a phone line and is interchangeable for a phone chip. Funny thing is the manager at the Claro store admitted the Internet service was poor before she sold it to me. I am going to stick with Tigo. I think the Claro 4G chips are not available yet, or maybe just not for prepaid accounts.

08-02-13, 06:24
Rooms along the main drag - Calle 85 used to go for 12K for 30mins. (ie. Cielo Azul, La Amistad, Momentos) If you are staying in a hotel around the corner from the casino like Alcaravan, most girls will go with you without additional payment.

08-05-13, 09:25
I just got back from a trip to Mombasa and I need to take care of things here at home. So I won't be doing much overseas travelling anytime soon.

You still stay at the Mayorista when you go back? Or have you found another place, or even considered my hotel in el centro?

Pm if you prefer.

But you have to consider the air quality in el centro. Don't you think? When are you going back to Medellin?


08-05-13, 09:44
There are plenty of good local restaurants around parque berrio. More especifically on botero park (where the fat statues). Always go for the "Menu del dia" which changes daily and is offered at a better price. There are also great restaurants around parque bolivar. And on the Junin pedestrian passage. All serve fresh food with healthy choices of soups, meats, poultry and fish. My personal favorite is one chicken restaurant on the beginning of the Junin passage from parque bolivar side, first chicken joint on left side if bolivar on your back (sorry can't recall the name) but they make the best (pechuga ala barrilla) grilled chicken breast: juicy and smoky.

As far as the pestering on the streets: It's not a biggie, usually I get it from the girls and I just ignore or smile and tell them I don't have and they bend their elbows pointing to it and giving me a frown (cultural for describing one as a hard person)

One thing I miss from stayin in el centro is the abundance of fruit stands and fresh juice / shake joints. Make sure you pick the ones which cover the fruit cups with plastic baggies and not the ones that has the bags at the bottom.

Anyhow. Too much talking here.

Enjoy your trip.

I took the Metro to the Parque Berrio Metro Stop tonight, and checked out the Conejitas Show Bar. There was no cover and a beer was 4, 000 pesos. Girls stripped nude and then went around asking for tips. I understand it's 50, 000 for a 30 minute session, but I did not have time.

The thing I like about Colombia is no one really bothers me. Despite the area downtown being a social wasteland, the street people don't seem to have too much experience singling out gringos for tip harassment. In Costa Rica the scum would come crawling out of the sewer to say,"hey one coin for me" in English. I was essentially invisible and ignored until met a friend and started speaking English.

A friend who is living in Medellin called me and we went for dinner. Best we could do in that section of town at night was a 24 hour chicken, fast food chain. Our conversation in English attracted some attention. Actually, this is the first time I had a conversation in English for four days. This area of town is nothing like Poblado.

I had inquired at the Nutibarra Hotel if they had a restaurant, and the answer was no. Then I walked around the corner and saw the big remodeling project and the outdoor cafe they are building.

Made it back to Mayorista before the last train, and pulled another girl, young flaca for 30, 000 pesos. Apparently the room does cost 20, 000 pesos. I'll be moving out of Itaqui tomorrow, and staying Barrio Colombia. Too bad Liquid Lounge delayed their opening, because I picked a hotel close to it for the weekend. I plan to do more exploring downtown over the weekend.

Internet access at the hotel is constantly going down, but the tethered iPhone with the prepaid Tigo Chip is working great with 1. 5 to 2. 0 MB of bandwidth on the laptop. It's also great having Google Maps to pinpoint exact location on the phone when exploring the city.

Got a Claro prepaid 3G chip for my USB Datacard, but their network sucks for bandwidth. It includes a phone line and is interchangeable for a phone chip. Funny thing is the manager at the Claro store admitted the Internet service was poor before she sold it to me. I am going to stick with Tigo. I think the Claro 4G chips are not available yet, or maybe just not for prepaid accounts.

08-05-13, 16:47
Presently in Medellin for the first time and not knowing anything about Feria de Flores. All the hotels listed on Booking. Com including dirt bag places are charging obnoxious rates. I need habitacion starting August 7th for one week. I found a place in Itagui called Hotel Marco Delicias. Is anyone familiar with this place and associated prices and procedures for the working girls hanging ln and around the bars. Would anyone know the location of any internet cafes and the Allegre Casino. I am presently staying at the Hotel Egina.

Muchas Gracias

Member #4287
08-05-13, 17:18
As far as the pestering on the streets: It's not a biggie, usually I get it from the girls and I just ignore or smile and tell them I don't have and they bend their elbows pointing to it and giving me a frown (cultural for describing one as a hard person)The bending of the elbow and pointing to it or hitting it with the palm of your hand signifies "tacaño" which would translate into stingy or cheap.

08-05-13, 19:56
Difficulty finding habitacion starting August 7th because of Feria de Flores. I was able to find vacancies at Hotel Marco Delcias in Itagui, however caja fuerte is only available in reception area. Is anyone familiar with this place and would like to comment on the procedures and prices regarding the working girls in and around the surrounding bars. I paid a visit to New Life and had a session with 22 year old Sarah. She required a 20,000 propina to perform BBBJ. I find the camas to be filthy in these casas. I am presently using a computer in the Hotel Egina. Does anyone know the location of any Medellin internet cafes and also the location of the Alegre Casino.

Muchas Gracias

08-06-13, 02:27
Difficulty finding habitacion starting August 7th because of Feria de Flores. I was able to find vacancies at Hotel Marco Delcias in Itagui, however caja fuerte is only available in reception area. Is anyone familiar with this place and would like to comment on the procedures and prices regarding the working girls in and around the surrounding bars. I paid a visit to New Life and had a session with 22 year old Sarah. She required a 20, 000 propina to perform BBBJ. I find the camas to be filthy in these casas. I am presently using a computer in the Hotel Egina. Does anyone know the location of any Medellin internet cafes and also the location of the Alegre Casino.

Muchas GraciasBro it's basic common sense, during the most busy time hotels, apts, B&B, ect all forms of lodgings will be getting MAX dollars! Wow a hotel in the Super Bowl Host city is more than usual? You're kidding me? Hahahah!

How did you not sort out your accommodations before your trip? Try Hotel Alemeda on 10A (maybe 10) it's across from the Exito in Poblado. Clean nice and good wi-fi on the lower floors. Casino Alegre is on the top floor of Premium Plaza.

Member #4353
08-06-13, 02:48
Difficulty finding habitacion starting August 7th because of Feria de Flores. I was able to find vacancies at Hotel Marco Delcias in Itagui, however caja fuerte is only available in reception area. Is anyone familiar with this place and would like to comment on the procedures and prices regarding the working girls in and around the surrounding bars. I paid a visit to New Life and had a session with 22 year old Sarah. She required a 20, 000 propina to perform BBBJ. I find the camas to be filthy in these casas. I am presently using a computer in the Hotel Egina. Does anyone know the location of any Medellin internet cafes and also the location of the Alegre Casino.

Muchas GraciasThe Alegre Casino is located in the Premium Plaza Mall on Ave. Poblado. Here is the complet address: Casino Allegre Centro comercial Premium Plaza, El Poblado Carrera 43A (Av. El Poblado) con calle 30. Third floor. One question why are you mixing English with Spanish on your report? Have fun and enjoy Mde!

08-06-13, 03:01
I was able to find vacancies at Hotel Marco Delcias in Itagui, however caja fuerte is only available in reception area. Is anyone familiar with this place and would like to comment on the procedures and prices regarding the working girls in and around the surrounding bars.
I believe that is the hotel above the casino Piruaga or something like that at the corner in Mayo. They were expanding that hotel to add more floors, and hence, more rooms, and should be done real soon. Read posts regarding La Mayorista and you should be ok. Generally, 30K COP for 30 mins, one pop, for one chica there. You pay more for BBBJ and anything else extra. Late at night, price drops to 20K or 25K COP. It is safe in that area. Just do not wonder around more than 3 blocks from that hotel.

08-07-13, 01:02
One question why are you mixing English with Spanish on your report?That's what he wanted to use.

08-07-13, 16:33
Could someone give a a quick run down on the best hotel to stay at which is girl friendly and in the action? I have read about the Mansion or Liquid lounge? Are these similar to the veneto in Panama? I have read the forum and it seems to be all around the Medellin plaza but any additional info would be appreciated.

Member #4394
08-07-13, 19:44
A restaurant serving ceviche of Mackerel (sierra) , please let me know the name and location. Thanks a lot. Ps. I did not post on the food thread since it has been inactive for years.

08-07-13, 21:29
A restaurant serving ceviche of Mackerel (sierra) , please let me know the name and location. Thanks a lot. Ps. I did not post on the food thread since it has been inactive for years.If you are on C R T, look for a forum called COLOMBIA: Dining Experiences in Greater Medellin. Or send a guy named BlueDevil a PM over there. He would know for sure.

08-07-13, 22:23
OK. Straight to the point. It's been 2. 5 days since I was robbed on my first ever night in MDE. I'll tell the entire story in a bit. I've since moved on from that experience and have enjoyed my trip and going on my 3rd day and loving it! Took me a day to recover from the bad memories and it was pretty much my stupidity and lack of common sense (and typical hornyness) that I got me in the situation. I didn't really want to write this report because it's still fresh and don't want to relive that horrible experience, but I think if I can help at least one person from doing what I did, then it's worth it. So here it is:

I booked 8 days at the Mansion (Plaza 1) and my flight arrived late at night, around 11:45pm. I had airport pickup and cost me 70,000 COP ($36 USD). It took about 35 mins to get to the Mansion, pretty much going down the mountains and got to see a decent view of the city from atop. I checked in and went down to the La Cueva and see if there were any girls or action, but being that it was already almost 1am, nothing much was going on. It's my first ever night at MDE, so I needed to get some action! So I took a taxi to La Isla and saw some hot chicas! Very beautiful girls dancing, chilling, and drinking. I'll say about 15-20 chicas. It's pretty much an upscale looking strip club for MDE standards, asked for some quotes. 240K for like 45 mins. No thanks. I'm sure I could negotiate, but didn't feel like it and I just wanted to get couple drinks.

I wanted to check out another area: La Mayorista. I know. I've read a lot about this place and being out there late at night by myself can be tricky or outright dangerous, but I like to venture out and I'm always careful. Nothing much there that got my attention. Not many chicas and talked to a couple and got quoted 40K for 20 mins and I had to pay for hotel room on top. It was basically one long street with girls standing outside ready for service. Not really feeling it, so I decided to go check out what else is available.

Me and the taxi drove around and saw a few SG's. I got one for 40K and asked for BBBJ and she was down. Got to a nearby upscale hotel and got a room for 25K. Everything was going well. She has nice DD's, but a little on the thick side. She asked if her cousin could come and have a 3some and bring some sugar for 30K. I hesitated, but being my first night. I had no sense of self control, so I obliged. Her cousin comes and brings the stuff and we enjoy ourselves. Got BBBJ from both of them.

Things went downhill from there. I drank quite a bit in the airplane, I'll say about equivalent to 5 shots and 2 more drinks at La Isla. Then I bought a small rum bottle for the hotel room, so the alcohol was kicking in for sure. All for the wrong reasons. I have a pretty good tolerance, so I wasn't drunk, but was caught up in the moment. So after the 2 got down on me. And I'm just on cloud 9. Then suddenly, the original is nowhere to be seen. The cousin says she'll be back. Then the cousin says she has to go and I was WTF? She told me to wait for the original girl. So I wait. Then the security guard asked me if it's ok to let her leave. I say, ok. Then I go check my pants (should've done that earlier) and nothing seem missing, but my watch (gucci). Stupid that I took it off in the first place, I thought I must of misplaced it, so I look around and nowhere to be found. I check my wallet and there were some cash there, but way less than what I had before.

They took about $800 worth of US & Colombian money. I rarely have that much cash on me, but I took the money out of the airport ATM and just was in a hurry to leave after I checked in and didn't put most of it in my safe. And that's not the worst of it. My iPhone 5 was stolen. That really was the boiling point. It was my life and even though I'll get a new one with insurance, I was going to use it for taking nice pics / videos. Effing sucks! So I'm just mad at myself because I should've known before and I'm not an amateur monger, but just too over anxious on my first MDE night. No need to feel bad about me. Besides that night, each day / night has been super!

I won't let this experience ruin the rest of my trip. If you ask me, would I still go to MDE if I knew this would happen? I'll say, except for my iphone being stolen, yes! No doubt! Everything that was taken is replaceable.

To let you guys know that I've moved on, last night, took 3 mansion girls and 3 of their friends to a club. Bought a bottle of guaro for 94K and it was enough for a 4 hr dance fest. 90% Colombian / Latino music and 10% American. Lots of super hot babes in that place (F. Ridiculously hot and just the way these girls dress. Unbelievable! One guy with 6 chicas got a lot of attention, but fine by me! Saw a few young gringos trying to game the club girls. Glad I don't need to do that! Almost everyone were in the 18-25 range and I look under 30, so I don't have the old gringo look about me. I'll write up more about my progress later on and I'm sure I missed lots of other details, but for now, back to more fun!

Member #4353
08-07-13, 23:38
That's what he wanted to use.

Cheers.Muchas thank you for the respuestas.


08-08-13, 04:44
Rice, you don't have to worry about us getting robbed like you. None of us would bring a Gucci watch to Fing Colombia, and most won't bring their iphone 5. You couldn't keep that watch home or at least leave the watch and phone at the mansion when before went out drinking. Also, why would you bring your whole wad of money out with you. 800.00 is a lot. Bring 200 and your CC. You must have absolutely zero common sense. I hate to ream you like this but you deserve it.

08-08-13, 12:13
First let me say; good for you that you're not letting this first negative experience shade your trip. A lesser man would be constantly crying int his beer and would stop bitching about all of the drama. I commend you on that. That was a very negative experience! Good to see some people on this planet with good energy!

Second; 6 girls in the club? Let see! Hahhahha! Yeah man when I go (or used) go clubbing and would see the struggling back packer crews try to get in with dirty tee shirts, hair all ratty and flip flops I'd just laugh and laugh! You couldn't get into a nice club in NYC, South Beach, Chi-town, or LA dressed like so what make you think that will work for in the super shallow and image aware South America? The ones in the club struggling to pick up chicas with no Spanish skills are the best! There should be a TV show called "Clueless Backpacker Gringo x Club Fails" LOL!

Pics please of your Club Team! Did you session with all of them? If yes reviews and don't forget the PICS! Hahaha!

Third; You are correct and it's important to share bad reviews just as it is to share good ones. Sorry you got taken for about $1000, you still got 10 fingers and 10 toes so in the true game of life you lost nothing! Let's take a second to break this down. For everybody's benefit.

When I was in China a few years ago the group I was with wanted to go explore the parking lot as we waited for our transport. A Fucking Airport parking lot! What the fuck you think you going to see in a Chinese parking lot other than parking spaces and cars? Stupid gringos! Hahaahha! But seriously I can understand being fired up to get into the Party Scene of Colombia but we can all gain from your negative experience. This is text book fucking up in Colombia! Hahahaha! (not to dog pile on you bro but like I said above; we all can learn from this and we Need to be extra clear for all the old stupid gringos with reading comprehension and eye sight problems here on the boards heheheheh!)

The Big one is excitement trumped common sense. Be calm and aware of your situation is rule #1 on the road in any travel situation. The rest of your cluck ups: drinking too much, rolling solo your first night or rather first few hours, Rolling solo super late at night, coke is a hell of a drug! A fun one but it lends for stupidity in stupid situations (I assume the second girl brought the coke or I might have read the innuendo myself) , Having $800 cash on you for no good reason / no need for that much loot other than going to a Casino (you planning on 1000x Blow Jobs? 2 OZ of coke? 10,000 Viagras for the homies back in the states?) Pretty sure $800 is like 3 months wages for an average Colombian so everybody would test you for that much! Let's see. Oh yeah. Pussy greedy! You got pussy greedy!"I'm in Colombia with this PYT and she has a hot girlfriend that is down to make all my porn star fantasy come true for like $40! Fuck yeah!" They seen you coming for miles! You had a target on your chest and back! Target: Chinese (Asian Gringo) stinking like booze, broken Spanish, horny as fuck, pockets bulging with stacks of loot, and IMO the most stupid thing you did was rocking a Guccy watch! Why!

Fancy watches, gold chains, rings, jewelry, fancy shit. Leave that at home ya'll! Everybody leave all the usual "Look at me! Look at how Baller I am! Look at my VIP table in the Club!" at home! As a foreigner in any country you already stand out to begin with so there is no need to separate yourself further! This is equal to the Fattest, Slowest, Water Buffalo at the watering hole putting on lion attract perfume. You already a target do not make yourself out to be the best possible target! Hahahah! Cash, credit cards, passport and a Gucci watch that costs 5-8 months wages for a Colombian? Wow. Christmas come early! See what I"m saying? A gold chain and watch is a sure pay day! A girl might hope you have a few bucks but when the know they can take you for a few bucks and a clear as day bonus you going to get got!

It should also be mentioned that "Pussy Greedy" is a common factor in guys getting Got! From everything I've been told first hand and most of the stories here it is always when some gringo gets Pussy Greedy and has two or more girls in the mix that they get robbed. It's easier to pull a scam when you are in a team, safer for them too. If you need to have a 3 some do it with a girl that has good reviws or that you've taken a few times so you have a dynamic with her. You know. Use some common sense! Hahahah!

Thanks for the report bro! Hope you have some better ones to report back with and some pics! Holla!

OK. Straight to the point. It's been 2. 5 days since I was robbed on my first ever night in MDE. I'll tell the entire story in a bit. I've since moved on from that experience and have enjoyed my trip and going on my 3rd day and loving it! Took me a day to recover from the bad memories and it was pretty much my stupidity and lack of common sense (and typical hornyness) that I got me in the situation. I didn't really want to write this report because it's still fresh and don't want to relive that horrible experience, but I think if I can help at least one person from doing what I did, then it's worth it. So here it is:

I booked 8 days at the Mansion (Plaza 1) and my flight arrived late at night, around 11:45pm. I had airport pickup and cost me 70, 000 COP ($36 USD). It took about 35 mins to get to the Mansion, pretty much going down the mountains and got to see a decent view of the city from atop. I checked in and went down to the La Cueva and see if there were any girls or action, but being that it was already almost 1am, nothing much was going on. It's my first ever night at MDE, so I needed to get some action! So I took a taxi to La Isla and saw some hot chicas! Very beautiful girls dancing, chilling, and drinking...

Member #4394
08-08-13, 13:36
You may want to reconsider.

I'll write up more about my progress later on

Member #4287
08-08-13, 14:33
You may want to reconsider.The post wouldn't have been that bad if he could have told us where he was exactly and who he was with.

Mr Gogo
08-08-13, 15:46
The post wouldn't have been that bad if he could have told us where he was exactly and who he was with.Doesn't matter, he wasnt hurt thats the important thing. I hope he does some serious self evaluation. He makes so many mistakes that it was going to happen eventually. A new city, you should always have your guard up. You always take the side of caution. His drunkenness and horniness almost cost him serious harm.

Why take 800usd out when you have a room safe? This is Colombia at 1am on your first night. The girl took the lead after she sized him up. Gucci watch, iphone, first night, and drunk and horny. Why take the iphone out with you? I have an unlocked htc one that I travel with internationally that cost 120usd and it takes great videos and pics. Memo; guys that have new iphones don't take them out in foreign countries, you can get killed over them.

Guys don't let girls call friends at 2am, you will probably get nothing but trouble. Guys when you are drinking and reach a certain level, start watering yourself down. Don't get drunk and take on new people, its probably best to just hang out. Know your limits when away from home.

Member #4349
08-08-13, 16:09
OK. Straight to the point.Thanks, appeciate the honesty. Too many people make crazy safety comparisons with other cities, its good to see an honest report.

But jeez $800, gucci watch and iphone. Sorry to hear that, lessons for us all I'd say.

As a professional monger (if such a thing is possible) I wouldn't dream of taking a gucci watch with me to a monger destination. Or indeed any jewellery, medallions, bracelets, tie pins or cufflinks.

And generally I take enough cash for the evening plus enough to pay for one hoe, allowing enough to be able to indulge in some pretty piggy behaviour with her. But no more than that.

Remember the hoe's think you're a gentleman if you don't actually punch them and do pay them something. You don't need a gucci watch and ipad to stake a claim on her ass, just a few greenbacks.

Iphone. These are world class objects of desire, again I'd probably take either a cheapo "burner" as I've learnt they're called, probably with a local sim card to boot, thus you can keep in touch, pay the low local rates, and not have your regular phone contacts polluted with dozens of wierd calls and texts from girls with latin names.

Long ago I gave up getting wrecked on a mongering trip, I don't mind a beer or two but I got to keep a sharp mind. You think you're choosing them? Bear in mind they're choosing what to do with you, based on your physical presence, characteristics and sobriety.

As insurance I practice other tricks, such as putting a few dollars in a shoe. Always walking in the light by the road. Always keeping an eye for one guy coming one way and another coming another way, avoiding any footpad pincer movement.

And always get the cab fare up front. And don't ever believe "up to you", get the price, for the services you want, hammered down first. More recently I've taken to arranging safe short time accommodation earlier in the day and then connecting up with the hoe's later, that way I know where I'm going and the likely risks, even the basic geography of the area.

Never say you've just arrive or its your first day, always make out you've been there several weeks and will stay a few weeks more.

Its a bore being hyper careful on vacation, but the alternative is worse. Better luck for the rest of your time in Medellin.

08-08-13, 16:23
. Effing sucks! So I'm just mad at myself because I should've known before and I'm not an amateur monger, but just too over anxious on my first MDE night. No need to feel bad about me. Besides that night, each day / night has been super!

I won't let this experience ruin the rest of my trip. If you ask me, would I still go to MDE if I knew this would happen? I'll say, except for my iphone being stolen, yes! No doubt! Everything that was taken is replaceable.Yikes! Sorry to hear about your bad experience, and good of you to post of your follies so maybe other readers may learn.

As you must know, your mistakes were so rookie and ameteurish, it's hard to believe actually.

Let's see; Gucci watch, I-phone 5, almost a $1000 cash, drunk. 2 girls, el Centro, no wingman, etc.

These girls almost had to rob you LOL.

They may not ever see such a target again.

Glad you recovered and are now enjoying life in Medellin.

Like you said, all items are replaceable, no one hurt, just maybe your pride for being so foolish.

Good luck.

08-08-13, 16:35
She asked if her cousin could come and have a 3some and bring some sugar for 30K. I hesitated, but being my first night. I had no sense of self control, so I obliged. Her cousin comes and brings the stuff and we enjoy ourselves. Got BBBJ from both of them.

Things went downhill from there. I drank quite a bit in the airplane, I'll say about equivalent to 5 shots and 2 more drinks at La Isla. Then I bought a small rum bottle for the hotel room, so the alcohol was kicking in for sure. All for the wrong reasons. I have a pretty good tolerance, so I wasn't drunk, but was caught up in the moment. So after the 2 got down on me. And I'm just on cloud 9. Then suddenly, the original is nowhere to be seen. The cousin says she'll be back. Then the cousin says she has to go and I was WTF? She told me to wait for the original girl. So I wait. Then the security guard asked me if it's ok to let her leave. I say, ok. Then I go check my pants (should've done that earlier) and nothing seem missing, but my watch (gucci). Stupid that I took it off in the first place, I thought I must of misplaced it, so I look around and nowhere to be found. I check my wallet and there were some cash there, but way less than what I had before.

They took about $800 worth of US & Colombian money. I rarely have that much cash on me, but I took the money out of the airport ATM and just was in a hurry to leave after I checked in and didn't put most of it in my safe. And that's not the worst of it. My iPhone 5 was stolen. That really was the boiling point. It was my life and even though I'll get a new one with insurance, I was going to use it for taking nice pics / videos. Effing sucks!That was one expensive session bro, but thanks for sharing.

Newbies take note: one of the fastest ways to get robbed is trying to be a "Porn Star" by having multiple chicas in one session. Almost every robbery case had the same elements: multiple chicas (at once) , lots of alcohol, and in this case, Coke (I'm assuming that's what he meant by "Sugar"). While one is occupying you in your drunken, coke-induced stupor, the other is rummaging through your pockets or in the other room (if you are at an apartment) going through your shit.

You can get away with all of this in a controlled environment like the Mansion, but with Mayorista street rats (or any street rats) you have to be more careful. Before I bring any chica to my apartment I always "chica-proof" the place by keeping all my electronics (cell phone, cameras (unless in use) and cash in the safe, and the apartment keys in my pocket. When the pants come off for a shower, I take them with me into the bathroom. They never leave my sight. At the end of the chica-proofing there is nothing for her to steal except some bed sheets, spoons, and knives.

And like Biffa said, if this is a chica you are not sure about (imagine lots of guys will run into this problem meeting chicas at Liquid Lounge since then are not vetted like at the Mansion) then never bring her back to you place. Take her to a short term love motel instead.

And as always:

Never say you've just arrive or its your first day, always make out you've been there several weeks and will stay a few weeks more.

08-08-13, 17:55
I understand what everyone is saying, got no one else to blame, but me. Lots of mistakes I made: bringing nice watch / phone, too much cash. 2 chicas at once, and too much alcohol. I've recovered since. Got to say all the FB chicas I connected with were not even necessary since I'm staying at the mansion. Most of the FB chicas I talked to or friended in the USA were or currently are mansion chicas. Had a girl named Kelly Hernandez. 20 yrs old, nice natural perky B tits, soft skin, great personality (can provide FB). Got TLN for 250K plus taxi, which included extra services with no extra charge including anal, ass licking, cim, BBBJ and all possible positions. Hit that at night and then in the morning before she left around noon. All these girls are passionate and friendly, but if one is really into you and you connect with her. It's heaven on earth! And they may provide things not on the regular menu! Decided to get her to double date with another mansion guest and his girl for dinner the next night at Parque Lleras at Triada Restaurant. Nice, but a bit pricey place, but we all enjoyed ourselves and had good time.

Kelly's friend, Luna Lunita, another mansion girl with a great body and personality joined us for some clubbing at the Farenheit. Got back around 6am and we were exhausted. Didn't do any late night action, just did some cuddling / making out and rested for a morning romp. Woke up and they both tagged team me. Best 3some of my life. Had some lunch and went back at it again for round 2. Best moment was when Kelly was licking my ass and Luna was sucking me at the same time. Glad I held my load as long as I could. I ended up blowing my load on both their mouths and both sucked it dry. They didn't leave till around 6pm, so basically TLN plus TLD (todo la dia). Paid 220K to each one plus taxi (20K). I know the going rate is 300K for TLN, but those prices are definitely negotiable. BTW. Hit up a few casas: New Life, Coffe Shop & Blue Room. Casas are good for quick bang for the price, but I prefer the companionship of a girl and being able to chit chat and develop some chemistry, so the mansion or fb is a better route for me even though it's more expensive. I know I can get #'s from these casa girls, but none of them so far peaked my interest for an outside date. I'll have to say Blue Room is my preference (nicer & cleaner environment and not super busy) , but it's pricier. 100K for an hr with massage included with the extra service.

08-08-13, 22:09
It should also be mentioned that "Pussy Greedy" is a common factor in guys getting Got! From everything I've been told first hand and most of the stories here it is always when some gringo gets Pussy Greedy and has two or more girls in the mix that they get robbed. It's easier to pull a scam when you are in a team, safer for them too. If you need to have a 3 some do it with a girl that has good reviws or that you've taken a few times so you have a dynamic with her. You know. Use some common sense! Hahahah!Slam, how is it that your posts are on delay and we end up writing almost exactly the same identical shit, LOL?

Newbies take note: one of the fastest ways to get robbed is trying to be a "Porn Star" by having multiple chicas in one session. Almost every robbery case had the same elements: multiple chicas (at once) , lots of alcohol, and in this case, Coke (I'm assuming that's what he meant by "Sugar"). While one is occupying you in your drunken, coke-induced stupor, the other is rummaging through your pockets or in the other room (if you are at an apartment) going through your shit.

08-08-13, 22:30
Very educational series of posts here today!

$800 plus nice watch and phone. Those two girls must have thought they won the lottery. As was pointed out, that's 3 months wages for many Colombians!

I do appreciate RiceRocket's willingness to post this, as he knew he'd get shit. And also his positive attitude going forward. Hopeful, new mongers learn from it what not to do.

08-08-13, 23:15
Slam, how is it that your posts are on delay and we end up writing almost exactly the same identical shit, LOL?I've called my abogado. You'll be getting sued for copy right infringement soon! LOL! Great minds do think a like.

I was thinking the same thing. Don't know why I'm on delay. Just lucky I guess.

There has been a ton of Rice hate. He know what he did and has a good attitude about it. So let's see some of those club pics with the 6 pack of mansion girls! Dale!

08-09-13, 03:59
You can get away with all of this in a controlled environment like the Mansion, but with Mayorista street rats (or any street rats) you have to be more careful. Before I bring any chica to my apartment I always "chica-proof" the place by keeping all my electronics (cell phone, cameras (unless in use) and cash in the safe, and the apartment keys in my pocket. When the pants come off for a shower, I take them with me into the bathroom. They never leave my sight. At the end of the chica-proofing there is nothing for her to steal except some bed sheets, spoons, and knives.I remember once, in a hotel in Caracas, I "chica-proofed" the room, all valuables hidden and locked away.

Or so I thought, LOL.

After our fun together, I went to shower, then she got up to shower afterwards.

I went for a drink from the room mini-bar, but it had been emptied, right into her over-sized purse I found.

Well, while she was in the bathroom, I re-took all the mini-bar from her purse and hid all the mini-bottles, munchies, etc out of sight.

She got the funniest, puzzled look on her face when she went to leave, grabbed her bag and it was much lighter weight than she was expecting.

I just looked at her like, what? What's wrong?

She said nothing, she split, no tip that night hahaha.

08-09-13, 06:34
I understand what everyone is saying, got no one else to blame, but me. Lots of mistakes I made: bringing nice watch / phone, too much cash. 2 chicas at once, and too much alcohol. I've recovered since. Got to say all the FB chicas I connected with were not even necessary since I'm staying at the mansion. Most of the FB chicas I talked to or friended in the USA were or currently are mansion chicas. Had a girl named Kelly Hernandez. 20 yrs old, nice natural perky B tits, soft skin, great personality (can provide FB). Got TLN for 250K plus taxi, which included extra services with no extra charge including anal, ass licking, cim, BBBJ and all possible positions.

Kelly's friend, Luna Lunita, another mansion girl with a great body and personality joined us for some clubbing at the Farenheit. Got back around 6am and we were exhausted. Didn't do any late night action, just did some cuddling / making out and rested for a morning romp. Woke up and they both tagged team me. Best 3some of my life. Had some lunch and went back at it again for round 2. Best moment was when Kelly was licking my ass and Luna was sucking me at the same time. Glad I held my load as long as I could. I ended up blowing my load on both their mouths and both sucked it dry. They didn't leave till around 6pm, so basically TLN plus TLD (todo la dia). Paid 220K to each one plus taxi (20K).Thanks for sharing your trip with us, warts and all. Kelly looks a bit asian, cute. Saw photos of her enjoying the horse parade during the Flower Festival. Did you arrange your date via FB or was she already showing up at the Mansion anyway? Would be great to see some pix of Luna Lunita since all the photos on her FB are of Kim Kardashian. LOL. Did you guys enjoy some chronic together?

Can't wait for the rest of your trip report. Love to read about someone enjoying the fresh excitement of hobbying in Medellin for the 1st time.

Which Mansion girls did you take to the club? Was it Luxury?

08-09-13, 09:54
Alright guys. I know I made all the wrong moves my first night, but I have recovered and every night so far has been great, if not super great! To explain a few things about why I had that much stuff on me the first night: Didn't realize I had my watch on me the whole time, it becomes part of you and after a long flight, sorta forgot about it. I use my iphone to take pics so I didn't want to leave my phone at the hotel. But the 2 dumbest things I did was drinking too much and having too much cash on me. And certainly the biggest dumbest thing was getting the second girl to come through. Oh well. Now, onto the fun stuff.

I know everyone has their own opinion about the Mansion and being my first time, my perspective is certainly different from those that have been there multiple times or those that had never been and just heard about it. I personally like the place and the environment, there are some cons, but the pros most definitely outweigh them. There are a few veterans staying at the Mansion that has visited MDE a ridiculous number of times. I was like, really? You've visited Colombia over 50 times! There were some guys that kept to themselves, but the vets were open minded and took me under their wings and showed me the ropes. They certainly didn't blast me about my stupid first night and told me to not let it ruin the rest of my trip.

Almost all the Mansion girls are great and very approachable, some you just need some time to develop chemistry with. Plenty of chicas to choose from and I know that it's so easy to just stay there and not get a chance to venture out. Good thing a seasoned vet took me and another newbie around. First went to hang out for a quick dinner in the Mayorista (kinda brought back some bad memories) , then went to a strip club in El Centro (Conejitas, I believe). Certainly not a place to be by yourself at night, too rundown for my taste and basically 2 doable girls out of about 20. Off to San Diego Grill and it was a decent strip club, but the chicas just seem a bit cold. Looking bored and disinterested. Definitely better quality than the El Centro spot. Finally ended up at Fase-2. Easily the best place by far. Best quality of chicas and they were friendly and approachable. I liked the fact that our vet (by design) started us at the low end spots and ended up at the upscale places. The newbie took a hot looking blonde with natural DD's (I felt them, not that I'm a boobs expert) for 170K an hr including the room. I didn't partake since I was basically drained from the incredible 3some with Kelly & Luna from earlier. I just watched and enjoyed giving out the tips by touching the girls' ass & tits. Kinda gets annoying after awhile that all the girls (from all the strip clubs I've been to) that dance on stage come around to each costumer asking for tip (1-2K) , usually every 10 mins or so. I don't mind giving them, but I just don't like the fact some expect it without even politely asking for it.

I don't want to feel cheap and have the girls point at their elbow. A Colombian gesture to say that you're a cheapskate. After the strip club tour, went back to the Mansion and had my first night sleeping alone. Which I needed to prepare for tomorrow.

BTW. Kelly Hernandez is a girl I met at the Mansion and Luna Lunita as well. I know Luna's fb doesn't have her pics and in person, she doesn't look like Kim Kardashian! Haha. But she's a petite girl with a nice booty, but fake tits. It sucks I don't have my phone to take nice pictures with them. Kelly does look Asian, and that's probably why she was attracted to me because I'm chino. All the Mansion girls know me as chino cochino! If you stay at the Mansion, no need to hook up with any FB girls beforehand because if you do, they'll most likely be in the Mansion anyways! And the vets would know how to contact other FB girls as well if needed. I pretty much had to ignore other FB chicas trying to get me to invite them over to the Mansion. The current selection is good enough already and don't want to have a girl come over and end up not clicking and have to pay for her taxi back and forth. One thing I know people here mentioned, it does seem like the girls that show up are the same every other day or so, but I've only been here 4 days so not enough to make a generalization. One thing for sure, there are lots of chicas to choose from for short term or TLN.

The 6 girls I went clubbing with from my earlier post were: Kelly Hernandez, Luna Lunita, Angie Viera, Luna's sister (don't' know her name) , Sarah (tall black mansion girl) and another friend. We started at Luxury, then moved on to another spot. Alright, if anyone still wants to read the rest of my trip without giving me heat, then I'll oblige!

Member #4287
08-09-13, 10:17
I understand what everyone is saying, got no one else to blame, but me. Lots of mistakes I made: bringing nice watch / phone, too much cash. 2 chicas at once, and too much alcohol. I've recovered since. Got to say all the FB chicas I connected with were not even necessary since I'm staying at the mansion. Most of the FB chicas I talked to or friended in the USA were or currently are mansion chicas. Had a girl named Kelly Hernandez. 20 yrs old, nice natural perky B tits, soft skin, great personality (can provide FB). Got TLN for 250K plus taxi, which included extra services with no extra charge including anal, ass licking, cim, BBBJ and all possible positions. Hit that at night and then in the morning before she left around noon. All these girls are passionate and friendly, but if one is really into you and you connect with her. It's heaven on earth! And they may provide things not on the regular menu! Decided to get her to double date with another mansion guest and his girl for dinner the next night at Parque Lleras at Triada Restaurant. Nice, but a bit pricey place, but we all enjoyed ourselves and had good time.

Kelly's friend, Luna Lunita, another mansion girl with a great body and personality joined us for some clubbing at the Farenheit. Got back around 6am and we were exhausted. Didn't do any late night action, just did some cuddling / making out and rested for a morning romp. Woke up and they both tagged team me. Best 3some of my life. Had some lunch and went back at it again for round 2. Best moment was when Kelly was licking my ass and Luna was sucking me at the same time. Glad I held my load as long as I could. I ended up blowing my load on both their mouths and both sucked it dry. They didn't leave till around 6pm, so basically TLN plus TLD (todo la dia). Paid 220K to each one plus taxi (20K). I know the going rate is 300K for TLN, but those prices are definitely negotiable. BTW. Hit up a few casas: New Life, Coffe Shop & Blue Room. Casas are good for quick bang for the price, but I prefer the companionship of a girl and being able to chit chat and develop some chemistry, so the mansion or fb is a better route for me even though it's more expensive. I know I can get #'s from these casa girls, but none of them so far peaked my interest for an outside date. I'll have to say Blue Room is my preference (nicer & cleaner environment and not super busy) , but it's pricier. 100K for an hr with massage included with the extra service.Sounds like you are having a blast now.

Personally I don't like the casas much. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule. But the casa chicks just don't provide the quality service that the mansion chicks do (for me personally). And then you have the guys that actually prefer the casa chicks over the Mansion because the Mansion chicks really aren't showing them much love. At least in the casas these guys get a guaranteed minimum compliance or the girls will find themselves looking for another gig fast.

One of the things I like about the Mansion is that you have a chance to chat the chicks up quite a bit. So you can get a good sense of which chicks dig you before you make a move. Otherwise your bedroom experience could actually be worst than the casas. At double or more the price.

I hope you are planning or going to Liquid Lounge for their grand opening this Saturday. Let us know how it goes.

08-09-13, 17:25
. BTW. Kelly Hernandez is a girl I met at the Mansion and Luna Lunita as well. I know Luna's fb doesn't have her pics and in person, she doesn't look like Kim Kardashian! Haha. But she's a petite girl with a nice booty, but fake tits. It sucks I don't have my phone to take nice pictures with them. Kelly does look Asian, and that's probably why she was attracted to me because I'm chino. All the Mansion girls know me as chino cochino! If you stay at the Mansion, no need to hook up with any FB girls beforehand because if you do, they'll most likely be in the Mansion anyways! And the vets would know how to contact other FB girls as well if needed. I pretty much had to ignore other FB chicas trying to get me to invite them over to the Mansion. The current selection is good enough already and don't want to have a girl come over and end up not clicking and have to pay for her taxi back and forth. One thing I know people here mentioned, it does seem like the girls that show up are the same every other day or so, but I've only been here 4 days so not enough to make a generalization. One thing for sure, there are lots of chicas to choose from for short term or TLN.

The 6 girls I went clubbing with from my earlier post were: Kelly Hernandez, Luna Lunita, Angie Viera, Luna's sister (don't' know her name) , Sarah (tall black mansion girl) and another friend. We started at Luxury, then moved on to another spot. Alright, if anyone still wants to read the rest of my trip without giving me heat, then I'll oblige!Your trip report is very much appreciated, please continue as we adjust our trousers! (hahaha!)

08-09-13, 17:35
Alright guys. I know I made all the wrong moves my first night, but I have recovered and every night so far has been great, if not super great! To explain a few things about why I had that much stuff on me the first night: Didn't realize I had my watch on me the whole time, it becomes part of you and after a long flight, sorta forgot about it. I use my iphone to take pics so I didn't want to leave my phone at the hotel.Don't get hung up worrying about getting those naked or 'action' shots while you are alone with the girl. I am sure there are plenty of guys with their cameras in the common area of the Mansion. Get a new buddy to take some clothed pics of you with your amigas before you leave town, otherwise you will regret it. Even Alexa could help, I think they still use an iPad to take photos of the new talent.

08-09-13, 18:51
Thanks, I appreciate the advice and not giving me a hard time on my stupidity. I'll most definitely have to bring back some memories of these girls and it's the weekend so I expect a ton of girls showing up and going to check out Liquid Lounge on Saturday as well. BTW. It's interesting to learn Colombian slang as I had to figure out a bunch of them quick, such as epa (girls say it when they're having a good time) , kripa (weed) , chimba (multiple meanings based on context could be good or bad) , parse (partner or friend) and lots more.

Don't get hung up worrying about getting those naked or 'action' shots while you are alone with the girl. I am sure there are plenty of guys with their cameras in the common area of the Mansion. Get a new buddy to take some clothed pics of you with your amigas before you leave town, otherwise you will regret it. Even Alexa could help, I think they still use an iPad to take photos of the new talent.

08-09-13, 22:14
Alright guys. I know I made all the wrong moves my first night, but I have recovered and every night so far has been great, if not super great!Way to bounce back señor RiceRocket!

Thanks for the reports too!

Great to hear the "Mansion" is doing well with lots of muchachas lindas running about! 😜

Have fun! 👍👍

08-09-13, 23:55
Alright guys. I know I made all the wrong moves my first night, but I have recovered and every night so far has been great, if not super great!Sounds good. Keep doing your thing!

Legal Tender
08-10-13, 00:46
A couple of weeks ago I was near the end of three weeks in Medellin. I was there mainly for business, but was scheduled to meet a young coed that was interested in obtaining a scholarship to continue her studies. To put the meeting in context, I, through a foundation, provide several students in Medellin with financial help with their education. This girl was referred by one of her university professors that I have know for at least 10 years.

I was staying at the Intercontinental and she arrived on time, a pleasant surprise. After our discussion, I found her not only to be beautiful, but a very smart and serious girl. As I had hoped for, we felt comfortable with each other and had some seriously good sex. After we had spent several hours together and agreed on what would be done for her to pay her school expenses, it was time for her to go. I had 2 million Cop in my pocket. Under different circumstances, I would have never left that money outside the safe. I had put my wallet and passport in the safe. I reached into my pocket to give her some money for a taxi, and it wasn't there.

It was a simple situation. I had the money in my pants pocket when she arrived, and now it was gone. Of course, she denied taking the money, and the next 15 or 20 minutes were not pleasant. She dumped her purse out to show me that she didn't have the money, and even started taking her clothes off so I could search her. Basically I told her that I wasn't going to play that game. I knew that she had taken the money. After threats to call the police and hotel security, I said screw it, it was my stupidity, and I just wanted her to leave. Unbelievably, she insisted on staying until I gave her some money for a taxi or a bus, because she claimed not to have a paso. During the conversation, in which there was no cursing or loud voices, I even congratulated her on how slick she was and offered to share the 2 million with her, and we would go our separate ways. She maintained her innocence. But this time, I just wanted her out of my sight, and went into the safe to get a little money for her transportation.

I saw that my passport and some other documents were not lying flat on the floor of the safe, and when I looked under those documents, there was the 2 million. I felt absolutely horrible! In fact, I didn't know what to do except to apologize. I showed her the money and began dealing out the 50 thousand bills. One for her and one for me. Basically I thought that was only fair, and perhaps my gesture would show her that I was sincerely regretful. After all the tension, and once the truth was revealed, she started crying. I've got to admit that I shed a tear or two myself. If someone would have put a gun to my head and demanded that I admit that the money was in the safe, I would have told them to just shoot me. There was no doubt in my mind that I had left it in my pant pocket.

As strange as it seems, this girl and I formed a special bond. She called later that night and came and spent the night, and insisted on going to the airport with me (a Paisa custom). Many of the girls in Medellin are desperate, and theft (as we have recently read) is to be assumed. But, it is equally easy to stereotype these girls and make assumptions. I just wanted to share another experience.

Only good energy!

08-10-13, 01:27
I saw that my passport and some other documents were not lying flat on the floor of the safe, and when I looked under those documents, there was the 2 million. I felt absolutely horrible! In fact, I didn't know what to do except to apologize. I showed her the money and began dealing out the 50 thousand bills. One for her and one for me. Basically I thought that was only fair, and perhaps my gesture would show her that I was sincerely regretful. After all the tension, and once the truth was revealed, she started crying. I've got to admit that I shed a tear or two myself. If someone would have put a gun to my head and demanded that I admit that the money was in the safe, I would have told them to just shoot me. There was no doubt in my mind that I had left it in my pant pocket.

As strange as it seems, this girl and I formed a special bond. She called later that night and came and spent the night, and insisted on going to the airport with me (a Paisa custom). Many of the girls in Medellin are desperate, and theft (as we have recently read) is to be assumed. But, it is equally easy to stereotype these girls and make assumptions. I just wanted to share another experience.

Only good energy!Some would call that trollling. You titled your post "Ripped Off" when it turns out it was just you being a douchbag.

That's not good energy amigo!

08-10-13, 02:15
Just curious but since I am not staying at the mansion is it alright to visit the place to meet the vets? Since this is my first time in Medellin it would be interesting to visit this place since this is where all the FB girls hang out. I'm staying at Hotel Estelar Blue. Not sure how far the mansion is from my hotel but I want to get out and venture around and enjoy Medellin during my stay. Arriving on Sunday for a few days.

08-10-13, 04:07
A couple of weeks ago I was near the end of three weeks in Medellin. I was there mainly for business, but was scheduled to meet a young coed that was interested in obtaining a scholarship to continue her studies. To put the meeting in context, I, through a foundation, provide several students in Medellin with financial help with their education. This girl was referred by one of her university professors that I have know for at least 10 years.

I was staying at the Intercontinental and she arrived on time, a pleasant surprise. After our discussion, I found her not only to be beautiful, but a very smart and serious girl. As I had hoped for, we felt comfortable with each other and had some seriously good sex. After we had spent several hours together and agreed on what would be done for her to pay her school expenses, it was time for her to go. I had 2 million Cop in my pocket. Under different circumstances, I would have never left that money outside the safe. I had put my wallet and passport in the safe. I reached into my pocket to give her some money for a taxi, and it wasn't there.

It was a simple situation. I had the money in my pants pocket when she arrived, and now it was gone. Of course, she denied taking the money, and the next 15 or 20 minutes were not pleasant. She dumped her purse out to show me that she didn't have the money, and even started taking her clothes off so I could search her. Basically I told her that I wasn't going to play that game. I knew that she had taken the money. After threats to call the police and hotel security, I said screw it, it was my stupidity, and I just wanted her to leave. Unbelievably, she insisted on staying until I gave her some money for a taxi or a bus, because she claimed not to have a paso. During the conversation, in which there was no cursing or loud voices, I even congratulated her on how slick she was and offered to share the 2 million with her, and we would go our separate ways. She maintained her innocence. But this time, I just wanted her out of my sight, and went into the safe to get a little money for her transportation.

I saw that my passport and some other documents were not lying flat on the floor of the safe, and when I looked under those documents, there was the 2 million. I felt absolutely horrible! In fact, I didn't know what to do except to apologize. I showed her the money and began dealing out the 50 thousand bills. One for her and one for me. Basically I thought that was only fair, and perhaps my gesture would show her that I was sincerely regretful. After all the tension, and once the truth was revealed, she started crying. I've got to admit that I shed a tear or two myself. If someone would have put a gun to my head and demanded that I admit that the money was in the safe, I would have told them to just shoot me. There was no doubt in my mind that I had left it in my pant pocket.

As strange as it seems, this girl and I formed a special bond. She called later that night and came and spent the night, and insisted on going to the airport with me (a Paisa custom). Many of the girls in Medellin are desperate, and theft (as we have recently read) is to be assumed. But, it is equally easy to stereotype these girls and make assumptions. I just wanted to share another experience.

Only good energy!And your point is?

08-10-13, 04:53
As strange as it seems, this girl and I formed a special bond. She called later that night and came and spent the night, and insisted on going to the airport with me (a Paisa custom). Many of the girls in Medellin are desperate, and theft (as we have recently read) is to be assumed. But, it is equally easy to stereotype these girls and make assumptions. I just wanted to share another experience.

Only good energy!Yikes, you must have felt like a real Schmuck hahaha.

I'm glad it turned out well for the both of you.

Member #3060
08-10-13, 10:42

I'm looking for some seasoned pros of Colombia to recommend some "girl friendly" hotels if possible.

I'll be in Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Cartagena and Barranquilla.

I'm looking for hotels that are close to the action, reasonably priced and of course, girl friendly. I'm used to the Thai scene and like the hotels with security guards that record the I'd's of your guests. I prefer taking a girl for the whole night. How common is it to do "toda la noche" in Colombia, ? Or is this a bad idea here?

I've scoured the forum but haven't found a lot of hotel recommendation. Tripadvisor and lonelyplanet rarely put "Chica amistoso" in the hotel descriptions.

Any advice or tips on this would be greatly appreciate.


08-10-13, 15:42
Just curious but since I am not staying at the mansion is it alright to visit the place to meet the vets? Since this is my first time in Medellin it would be interesting to visit this place since this is where all the FB girls hang out. I'm staying at Hotel Estelar Blue. Not sure how far the mansion is from my hotel but I want to get out and venture around and enjoy Medellin during my stay. Arriving on Sunday for a few days.Nope. No visiting the Mansion unless you are staying there. You might be able to visit La Cueva for around 50k if it is a full house otherwise they will make you get a room. Check the $50 specials they have.

Aussie Greg
08-10-13, 19:34

A. G.

Just curious but since I am not staying at the mansion is it alright to visit the place to meet the vets? Since this is my first time in Medellin it would be interesting to visit this place since this is where all the FB girls hang out. I'm staying at Hotel Estelar Blue. Not sure how far the mansion is from my hotel but I want to get out and venture around and enjoy Medellin during my stay. Arriving on Sunday for a few days.

Aussie Greg
08-10-13, 19:36
LT, you forgot to add that you had dinner one night with the Medellin legend "me"! Jajaja.

A. G.

A couple of weeks ago I was near the end of three weeks in Medellin. I was there mainly for business, but was scheduled to meet a young coed that was interested in obtaining a scholarship to continue her studies. To put the meeting in context, I, through a foundation, provide several students in Medellin with financial help with their education. This girl was referred by one of her university professors that I have know for at least 10 years.

I was staying at the Intercontinental and she arrived on time, a pleasant surprise. After our discussion, I found her not only to be beautiful, but a very smart and serious girl. As I had hoped for, we felt comfortable with each other and had some seriously good sex. After we had spent several hours together and agreed on what would be done for her to pay her school expenses, it was time for her to go. I had 2 million Cop in my pocket. Under different circumstances, I would have never left that money outside the safe. I had put my wallet and passport in the safe. I reached into my pocket to give her some money for a taxi, and it wasn't there.

It was a simple situation. I had the money in my pants pocket when she arrived, and now it was gone. Of course, she denied taking the money, and the next 15 or 20 minutes were not pleasant. She dumped her purse out to show me that she didn't have the money, and even started taking her clothes off so I could search her. Basically I told her that I wasn't going to play that game. I knew that she had taken the money. After threats to call the police and hotel security, I said screw it, it was my stupidity, and I just wanted her to leave. Unbelievably, she insisted on staying until I gave her some money for a taxi or a bus, because she claimed not to have a paso. During the conversation, in which there was no cursing or loud voices, I even congratulated her on how slick she was and offered to share the 2 million with her, and we would go our separate ways. She maintained her innocence. But this time, I just wanted her out of my sight, and went into the safe to get a little money for her transportation.

I saw that my passport and some other documents were not lying flat on the floor of the safe, and when I looked under those documents, there was the 2 million. I felt absolutely horrible! In fact, I didn't know what to do except to apologize. I showed her the money and began dealing out the 50 thousand bills. One for her and one for me. Basically I thought that was only fair, and perhaps my gesture would show her that I was sincerely regretful. After all the tension, and once the truth was revealed, she started crying. I've got to admit that I shed a tear or two myself. If someone would have put a gun to my head and demanded that I admit that the money was in the safe, I would have told them to just shoot me. There was no doubt in my mind that I had left it in my pant pocket.

As strange as it seems, this girl and I formed a special bond. She called later that night and came and spent the night, and insisted on going to the airport with me (a Paisa custom). Many of the girls in Medellin are desperate, and theft (as we have recently read) is to be assumed. But, it is equally easy to stereotype these girls and make assumptions. I just wanted to share another experience.

Only good energy!

08-10-13, 20:21
Just curious but since I am not staying at the mansion is it alright to visit the place to meet the vets? Since this is my first time in Medellin it would be interesting to visit this place since this is where all the FB girls hang out. I'm staying at Hotel Estelar Blue. Not sure how far the mansion is from my hotel but I want to get out and venture around and enjoy Medellin during my stay. Arriving on Sunday for a few days.The Liquid Lounge is scheduled to open tonight. You'll see all the FB Mansion chicas there I'm sure, as well as Robert (owner of La Cueva at the Mansion) and the current gringo hoard in town, LOL:


08-10-13, 20:23

I'm looking for some seasoned pros of Colombia to recommend some "girl friendly" hotels if possible.

I'll be in Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Cartagena and Barranquilla.

I'm looking for hotels that are close to the action, reasonably priced and of course, girl friendly. I'm used to the Thai scene and like the hotels with security guards that record the I'd's of your guests. I prefer taking a girl for the whole night. How common is it to do "toda la noche" in Colombia, ? Or is this a bad idea here?

I've scoured the forum but haven't found a lot of hotel recommendation. Tripadvisor and lonelyplanet rarely put "Chica amistoso" in the hotel descriptions.

Any advice or tips on this would be greatly appreciate.

Thanks!Check the Medellin Hotels thread under "User Threads"

Member #4244
08-11-13, 00:48

I'm looking for some seasoned pros of Colombia to recommend some "girl friendly" hotels if possible.

I'll be in Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Cartagena and Barranquilla.

I'm looking for hotels that are close to the action, reasonably priced and of course, girl friendly. I'm used to the Thai scene and like the hotels with security guards that record the I'd's of your guests. I prefer taking a girl for the whole night. How common is it to do "toda la noche" in Colombia, ? Or is this a bad idea here?

I've scoured the forum but haven't found a lot of hotel recommendation. Tripadvisor and lonelyplanet rarely put "Chica amistoso" in the hotel descriptions.

Any advice or tips on this would be greatly appreciate.

Thanks!I don't like to recommend hotels because people seem to have different needs or preferences. TLN is pretty common in Colombia, it may depend on the venue but it can typically be negotiated with the girls directly and many casas offer takeout service. If you go to Cartagena, Angeles, Rocio, Barbilla's, LDV, etc all have TLN action. In Medellin, the strip joints have it for sure (that is the only night scene, apart from street walkers). Same deal elsewhere really.

08-11-13, 01:48
So the guy should sign up for an antique Costa Rica site to find ceviche in Medellin? How about if he needs his car fixed, or house painted?

Peru Mix.

Calle 10 # 37. 08.

Poblado, a block from Lleras.

If you are on C R T, look for a forum called COLOMBIA: Dining Experiences in Greater Medellin. Or send a guy named BlueDevil a PM over there. He would know for sure.

08-11-13, 02:27
How about if he needs his car fixed, or house painted?I'll be sure to refer him to you if he asks! If you also specialize in rimjobs please PM with that info instead of posting it here. Thanks in advance.

Olympo Host
08-11-13, 04:07

I'm looking for some seasoned pros of Colombia to recommend some "girl friendly" hotels if possible.

I'll be in Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Cartagena and Barranquilla.

I'm looking for hotels that are close to the action, reasonably priced and of course, girl friendly. I'm used to the Thai scene and like the hotels with security guards that record the I'd's of your guests. I prefer taking a girl for the whole night. How common is it to do "toda la noche" in Colombia, ? Or is this a bad idea here?

I've scoured the forum but haven't found a lot of hotel recommendation. Tripadvisor and lonelyplanet rarely put "Chica amistoso" in the hotel descriptions.

Any advice or tips on this would be greatly appreciate.

Thanks!I can offer you my place in Cali. It is a finca located about 25 minutes from the city. You can check it out at www.finca18.com. Also, I offer a catalog of girls from which you can choose to spend a couple of hours to the entire night if you want. In case you would like transportation included, I can also arrange a package where I pick you up at the airport with the girl you chose. Simply tell me your budget and what you have in mind and I will work something out to make your stay in Cali a much more easier and enjoyable experience. You can contact me through the info on the website mentioned above.

08-11-13, 14:28
The Liquid Lounge is scheduled to open tonight. You'll see all the FB Mansion chicas there I'm sure, as well as Robert (owner of La Cueva at the Mansion) and the current gringo hoard in town, LOL:

http://liquidloungemedellin.com/Greatly appreciate that. I guess AG doesn't want to let someone new check out his place in order to get an idea how the place is for future trips. For me personally, I always stay at a nice upscale "chain" hotel for my first stay in any new location. Then once I get comfortable with my surroundings and learning the ins and outs of the location I am a little more comfortable to explore. Shutting a person out completely is not the best way to get business. Guess I will just stick to the hotels for future trips. Great way of welcoming a newby to Medellin. I will come by liquidlounge tonight (Sunday) or tomorrow. Look forward in meeting some of the vets and learning some of their ways.

08-11-13, 15:47
So the guy should sign up for an antique Costa Rica site to find ceviche in Medellin? How about if he needs his car fixed, or house painted?I know you have your own CR site, so it's understandable you would talk shit about other sites. But your site is not all that player.

Member #4394
08-11-13, 19:08
Glad he was not stolen again and having fun. But what he, just like other guys at Mansion, got and did were the things anybody could buy with money. The experience he described was neither special nor based on his quality, intelligence or sophistication. These are the products and services anybody can buy with some amount of money, just like Disneyland.
I am not saying that his and others experience with the de facto package tour provided by Mansion should be criticized. I am glad that these people are having fun in Medellin. But I am not sure if these reports are informative or interesting to the members who organize the trip by themselves and at least try to speak Spanish. Anyway, the clubs and sex industry in Medellin would love these people.

Thanks for sharing your trip with us, warts and all. Kelly looks a bit asian, cute. Saw photos of her enjoying the horse parade during the Flower Festival. Did you arrange your date via FB or was she already showing up at the Mansion anyway? Would be great to see some pix of Luna Lunita since all the photos on her FB are of Kim Kardashian. LOL. Did you guys enjoy some chronic together?

Can't wait for the rest of your trip report. Love to read about someone enjoying the fresh excitement of hobbying in Medellin for the 1st time.

Which Mansion girls did you take to the club? Was it Luxury?

08-11-13, 19:12
I can offer you my place in Cali.But amigo, it looks like we have to have a group of 10 or more to rent this finca. Correct?
And Matt... Very good commentary.....

08-11-13, 20:21

Don't know Aussie Greg but have to agree with his policy. Your original post was "Since this is my first time in Medellin it would be interesting to visit this place since this is where all the FB girls hang out". Your intentions were not to check out the place but to meet the vets and scope out the FB girls. If I am paying a little more to stay at the mansion then I appreciate the no extra sausage hanging around. You asked the question and got the answer, don't pout. Spend a hundred bucks and spend a night, that would be the right way to check the place out to see if you like it. Just say'

Thanks for the recent on the ground reports. I understand the vets don't post much because of all the trolls. Now I see why. Oh, and razor, spend the 15 or so bucks and get yourself a paid membership. Support the site.

Olympo Host
08-11-13, 22:00
But amigo, it looks like we have to have a group of 10 or more to rent this finca. Correct?No, you don't. It could be just you, you and a wingman, you and a couple friends, whatever. I have that 10 person minimun on the site for Cali locals who rent the place for family reunions, weddings, spiritual retreats, etc. The site is aimed for the local clientele, as you can see it is only in Spanish. I use it here merely for the purpose of showing pictures of the house. The rates on the site wouldn't apply to you either, that is why I asked for your budget or what you have in mind, so I can offer you something to your liking. The rates also depend on the amount of nights you are planning on staying. You are dealing directly with the owner here, so there is ample room for negotiation. I'm not a 2nd or 3rd middleman. I have now began offering the place for Adult Vacation Travel, and I have a website just for that service with pictures of the girls, I just won't post it up here since I think that's against the rules. But I can also get girls for you to come up to the house and spend the night with you. It's a matter of what you want really, and how much you want to spend. I can also offer you only lodging and I'll take you out to restaurants, bars, clubs, etc, like a tour guide. I'm an American who got tired of doing business with Colombians. So I changed the business plan and now my focus is to cater to the foreign hobbyists. I speak fluent English (I consider it my first languague) but fluent Spanish as well (I blend in as another local, which I am kinda). I just begun doing this, so I know I have a rep to build here on the forum, but I can assure you that I will make your stay in Cali a more enjoyable experience. I would appreciate a non-biased recommendation afterwards to let the fellas on ISG know what it was like.

Aussie Greg
08-12-13, 00:09
Razor, your right mate, I'm always on a trip somewhere.

Alexa the secretary shows people around but they got to call her between the hours of 10:30am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday for a appointment for a look around.

Usually she organizes the look around between the hours of 10:30am and 2:00pm, remember its only a look around, you carnt hang.

That doesn't include La Cueva either, you got to get in touch with Robert and even I don't have his telephone number and if your not a guest a either MP 1 or MP 2, you can't get in.

A. G.

Greatly appreciate that. I guess AG doesn't want to let someone new check out his place in order to get an idea how the place is for future trips. For me personally, I always stay at a nice upscale "chain" hotel for my first stay in any new location. Then once I get comfortable with my surroundings and learning the ins and outs of the location I am a little more comfortable to explore. Shutting a person out completely is not the best way to get business. Guess I will just stick to the hotels for future trips. Great way of welcoming a newby to Medellin. I will come by liquidlounge tonight (Sunday) or tomorrow. Look forward in meeting some of the vets and learning some of their ways.

Legal Tender
08-12-13, 06:15
LT, you forgot to add that you had dinner one night with the Medellin legend "me"! Jajaja.

A. G.Greg, I didn't mention it for two reasons. First, no one would believe that you actually have a friend, and secondly, they damn sure wouldn't believe you bought dinner at the best restaurant in Medellin. Both are true. I'm still thinking about the trip into the amazon.

08-12-13, 10:42
So how does it work? If you want to take a girl out do you have to pay the club?

I assume there will be a ton of mansion girls there, won't that hurt their business at the mansion?



08-12-13, 11:07
So how does it work? If you want to take a girl out do you have to pay the club?

I assume there will be a ton of mansion girls there, won't that hurt their business at the mansion?


http://liquidloungemedellin.com/I'm thinking more like the girls from other clubs who are not happy with the current pricing structure of say Phase2, San Diego, La Isla, Luna, ect. Clubs like that where I think the girls get taxed too. Some of the Mansion girl will make an appearance I'm sure. With anything in life if it's good for them money wise and fun the girls will come back. If it sucks the good girls will not come back. Just simple logic to see how a girl chose where to rent out her pussy.

08-12-13, 14:02
Jay would love to know these question too.

Also how does the Liquid Lounge work? Is it only Mansion guest only or is it for everyone and anybody to just walk in?

I think this will hurt business at the Mansion bar, as the girls will no longer go there and instead go to the Liquid Lounge club instead.

So how does it work? If you want to take a girl out do you have to pay the club?

I assume there will be a ton of mansion girls there, won't that hurt their business at the mansion?



08-12-13, 17:56
Liquid Lounge is a semi private club open to ALL tourists and local Colombiana chicas. We are not restricting anyone, but we will try to discourage local colombian guys because the girls don't want to be recognized. We have no control of the girls whatsoever. We are not a strip club. It is primarily a bar for Gringos and the local Chicas who want to meet them. We had a very successful grand opening and the party was a blast. There were way more girls than guys there, and the dance pole show was great. Of course Demi had to take her clothes off and give us a show on the dancing pole which made the guys happy, but concerned me a little since we are not a strip club, and I didn't want to get in trouble.

In the coming weeks we will be making many improvements especially building up the upstairs gaming area which currently has the dancing pole. We will have a pool table, foosball, and a Sony Playstation to help break the ice and keep the girls from isolating. All the girls have been telling me they would love to have games to play with the guys instead of waiting on a couch for someone to take them.

I doubt this will cause any issues with the Mansion. In fact, the Mansion will be renting out rooms for short time for our guests. I have been a long time guest of the Mansion and plan on continuing to stay there and recommending others there. La Cueva is very convenient for the Mansion guests, and I can't see it having much affect there either. I think most guests will go to Cueva first and if they get bored, they will jump in a cab and go to Liquid.

08-12-13, 19:43
Liquid Lounge is a semi private club open to ALL tourists and local Colombiana chicas. We are not restricting anyone, but we will try to discourage local colombian guys because the girls don't want to be recognized. We have no control of the girls whatsoever. We are not a strip club. It is primarily a bar for Gringos and the local Chicas who want to meet them. We had a very successful grand opening and the party was a blast. There were way more girls than guys there, and the dance pole show was great.Glad to hear the opening was a success, now let's see some photos on the fb page (why) Is there a cover to get in and how much were the beer, wine & cocktails?

08-12-13, 21:00
I saw that my passport and some other documents were not lying flat on the floor of the safe, and when I looked under those documents, there was the 2 million. I felt absolutely horrible! In fact, I didn't know what to do except to apologize. I showed her the money and began dealing out the 50 thousand bills. One for her and one for me. Basically I thought that was only fair, and perhaps my gesture would show her that I was sincerely regretful. After all the tension, and once the truth was revealed, she started crying. I've got to admit that I shed a tear or two myself. If someone would have put a gun to my head and demanded that I admit that the money was in the safe, I would have told them to just shoot me. There was no doubt in my mind that I had left it in my pant pocket.

Only good energy!Thanks for sharing this. I have done the same thing too and I know that horrible feeling you're talking about. Now when I can't find something, I double and triple check before saying anything and in all cases (can only speak about my experience at the Mansion) I usually end up finding it.

08-12-13, 22:09
Liquid Lounge is a semi private club open to ALL tourists and local Colombiana chicas. We are not restricting anyone, but we will try to discourage local colombian guys because the girls don't want to be recognized. We have no control of the girls whatsoever. We are not a strip club. It is primarily a bar for Gringos and the local Chicas who want to meet them. We had a very successful grand opening and the party was a blast. There were way more girls than guys there, and the dance pole show was great. Of course Demi had to take her clothes off and give us a show on the dancing pole which made the guys happy, but concerned me a little since we are not a strip club, and I didn't want to get in trouble.

In the coming weeks we will be making many improvements especially building up the upstairs gaming area which currently has the dancing pole. We will have a pool table, foosball, and a Sony Playstation to help break the ice and keep the girls from isolating. All the girls have been telling me they would love to have games to play with the guys instead of waiting on a couch for someone to take them.

I doubt this will cause any issues with the Mansion. In fact, the Mansion will be renting out rooms for short time for our guests. I have been a long time guest of the Mansion and plan on continuing to stay there and recommending others there. La Cueva is very convenient for the Mansion guests, and I can't see it having much affect there either. I think most guests will go to Cueva first and if they get bored, they will jump in a cab and go to Liquid.It does sound great and I do wish you success with you club, but I have been going to Medellin for 9 years now and have seen a number of non-Colombians opening bars and clubs for gringos, and at every one of them places local Colombians overwhelmed these place and push out the gringos. I really hope this does not happen to your club. You will need to keep on top of who you let into the club.

Legal Tender
08-12-13, 22:30
In fact, the Mansion will be renting out rooms for short time for our guests. I have been a long time guest of the Mansion and plan on continuing to stay there and recommending others there.I infrequently stay at the Mansion, but highly recommend it for new visitors to Medellin. But the notion that it will rent rooms on a "short time" basis is an idea that ought to be reexamined. It would be disruptive and only bring more problems. There are plenty of love motels, I would not stay in one as my hotel. Is someone thinking?

08-13-13, 01:37
I infrequently stay at the Mansion, but highly recommend it for new visitors to Medellin. But the notion that it will rent rooms on a "short time" basis is an idea that ought to be reexamined. It would be disruptive and only bring more problems. There are plenty of love motels, I would not stay in one as my hotel. Is someone thinking?I'm hoping for the best but I strongly agree LT.

Aussie Greg
08-13-13, 03:00

it was a great meal mate! looking forward you trying to out do me in dallas in the future mate!

river trip down the amazon, starts in quito, ecuador, 6 hour road trip to coca then the rest of the trip is in a fast speed boat.
will get back to you with the dates, we will get well into brazil before the first game of the soccer world cup 2014 starts so we have time to get out of the boat and fly to the games people have interest in. i will be going to the australian games as australia have already qualified, i'll try and make a colombia game to if they qualify!

you can bring your favorite colombian dirty ***** to if you want, we can fly them back from leticia and bring in a new lot for the next part of the trip.

who's interested in coming.

a. g.

greg, i didn't mention it for two reasons. first, no one would believe that you actually have a friend, and secondly, they damn sure wouldn't believe you bought dinner at the best restaurant in medellin. both are true. i'm still thinking about the trip into the amazon.

Aussie Greg
08-13-13, 03:28
trip down the napo / amazon river, we meet in quito, ecuador 12th-13th may. 2014.
first match in the soccer world cup is on the 12th june.


it was a great meal mate! looking forward you trying to out do me in dallas in the future mate!

river trip down the amazon, starts in quito, ecuador. 6 hour road trip to coca then the rest of the trip is in a fast speed boat.

will get back to you with the dates, we will get well into brazil before the first game of the soccer world cup 2014 starts so we have time to get out of the boat and fly to the games people have interest in. i will be going to the australian games as australia have already qualified, i'll try and make a colombia game to if they qualify!

you can bring your favorite colombian dirty * to if you want, we can fly them back from leticia and bring in a new lot for the next part of the trip.

who's interested in coming.

a. g.

08-13-13, 22:44
I just finished a tremendously great 8 day trip in MDE save for the first night when I was robbed, but all things ended up super well. But having received a few PMs from some vets and reading some of the comments on here, I'll just be wasting my time writing up a culmination of my trip with photos to prove. Not going to happen. I'll just get clobbered about this and that. And all the BS sometimes this board has become. So if you want some info, PM me and I'll gladly respond as I have to everyone who done so. No wonder the vets don't post here as much. I know some of you going to give me a hard time for this, fine with me.

08-14-13, 05:39
That just sad when someone doesn't want to post because of all the bull. What's the point of having a board if all people are going to do is complain what someone should do. I was following the reports on this site so I could learn about Medellin before going and not having to ask a lot of questions by learning from others. Thanks for the the info you posted thus far RiceRocket99 ever little bit helps.


Bar Smith
08-14-13, 13:08
I infrequently stay at the Mansion, but highly recommend it for new visitors to Medellin. But the notion that it will rent rooms on a "short time" basis is an idea that ought to be reexamined. It would be disruptive and only bring more problems. There are plenty of love motels, I would not stay in one as my hotel. Is someone thinking?What rooms are you thinking about for these "short time" rooms?

So the bed sheets are nothing to rave home above, it's like your motel 6 sheets. Can you imagine when they start hosting hourly rooms? Yikes for those who will lay their heads on them. When I was there I questioned the cleaniness of the comforter if it was really washed before I arrived. I know while I was there the comforter wasn't washed in between my sessions of fun. I think Mansion should look into investing a few dollars and order some sheets, duvets and pillows from amazon. Get the higher thread count sheets. It would be a nice touch for your guests! Also agreed rethink these "short time" room rentals. It will turn into a love motel and just disrupt the energy already there.

08-14-13, 14:54
What's the point of having a board if all people are going to do is complain what someone should do. Thanks for the the info you posted thus far RiceRocket99 ever little bit helps.

LakesideIt has been like this for years amigos. In fact, it was worse before than now. Sad but true. And I could not agree more with you.
I'll be in Medellin in a couple hours. See ya'll.
But still cheers.

08-14-13, 15:12
I just finished a tremendously great 8 day trip in MDE save for the first night when I was robbed, but all things ended up super well. But having received a few PMs from some vets and reading some of the comments on here, I'll just be wasting my time writing up a culmination of my trip with photos to prove. Not going to happen. I'll just get clobbered about this and that. And all the BS sometimes this board has become. So if you want some info, PM me and I'll gladly respond as I have to everyone who done so. No wonder the vets don't post here as much. I know some of you going to give me a hard time for this, fine with me.Well, glad you enjoyed yourself after your initial setback.

Can't remember ever seeing a post before announcing that there wouldn't be a trip report post.

Post if you like, don't post if you don't like.

Most guys (posters) are generally cool, and appreciate trip reports, just have to ignore the ignorant ones.

Have fun!

08-14-13, 15:51
That just sad when someone doesn't want to post because of all the bull. What's the point of having a board if all people are going to do is complain what someone should do. I was following the reports on this site so I could learn about Medellin before going and not having to ask a lot of questions by learning from others.

LakesideI'll be there in a couple of weeks and will post a trip report as I always do. You've got to have thick skin to hang around these parts (ISG). Most of the guys that can't hack it (any criticism) get sent home with their tail between their legs.

If you want to "learn" about Medellin then you can always read the old forum posts (start around 2009 and work your way forward). Then you get to the point (like the rest of us) that you are only checking this thread for updates about the city (closings, new openings, crack downs, etc.).

Ouzo 12
08-14-13, 16:43
Then you get to the point (like the rest of us) that you are only checking this thread for updates about the city (closings, new openings, crack downs, etc.).Dude, you practically live on this board, get a life!

08-14-13, 23:10
Well, glad you enjoyed yourself after your initial setback.

Can't remember ever seeing a post before announcing that there wouldn't be a trip report post.

Post if you like, don't post if you don't like.

Most guys (posters) are generally cool, and appreciate trip reports, just have to ignore the ignorant ones.

Have fun!I hope RR69 changes his mind and finishes up his Colombian TR. The first part was a big eye opener and I'm sure his TR will help many keep their belongings. I liked his style of mongering, I thought he did very well for a "first timer" excluding the first night of course. So RR69 your honesty in admitting your blunder will no doubt help others, I too make rookie mistakes and will be more on guard thanks to you. Cheers Bro.

08-15-13, 03:07
Dude, you practically live on this board, get a life!Damn, I haven't had a stalker in a while. You know ISG is getting bad when you've got guys following forum members instead of pussy.

Maybe if you buy a membership here at ISG the rest of us will chip in and buy you a passport. We'll even have it delivered to you up there in Canada via Mooseback.

And I thought Canadians where supposed to be funny:


08-15-13, 04:21
Well, glad you enjoyed yourself after your initial setback.

Can't remember ever seeing a post before announcing that there wouldn't be a trip report post.

Post if you like, don't post if you don't like.

Most guys (posters) are generally cool, and appreciate trip reports, just have to ignore the ignorant ones.

Have fun!

Dude, you practically live on this board, get a life!For example, one of the ignorant posters aqui.
Three posts and he wants to give a guy a hard time just for posting.
Really, who should get a life here?

Mojo Bandit
08-15-13, 05:30
For example, one of the ignorant posters aqui.

Three posts and he wants to give a guy a hard time just for posting.

Really, who should get a life here?From the rest of us here at ISG, thanks for all the posts Ricker! And if you do live on this board, it must be because the rest of the time you spend between so fine chica legs and want to want us all to know the joy of the experience. So keep on posting. You are a great source of info from what I have read, and I am personally damn glad that you post as much as you do!

Mojo Bandit
08-15-13, 05:37
Damn, I haven't had a stalker in a while. You know ISG is getting bad when you've got guys following forum members instead of pussy.

Maybe if you buy a membership here at ISG the rest of us will chip in and buy you a passport. We'll even have it delivered to you up there in Canada via Mooseback.

And I thought Canadians where supposed to be funny:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WcOcgc3WN4From the rest of us here at ISG, thanks for all the posts SavePros, same as Ricker : if you do live on this board, it must be because the rest of the time you spend between so fine chica legs and want to want us all to know the joy of the experience. Keep on posting. You are a great source of info, and I am personally damn glad that you post as much as you do! I trip report and got flamed by a guy, it is a shame, but can't let those guys ruin a good thing.

08-15-13, 05:47
Opening of Liquid Lounge on Saturday was fun, and the girls from La Cueva came out. Ratio of girls to guys was 2:1, and more than a few went home alone.

08-15-13, 06:02
Thank you Sir Mojito Bandit for the compliments, and muchisimas gracias Senor CultureShock for the photos!

08-15-13, 22:05
Hey guys,

I'll be traveling to Medellin in a couple weeks. I've never been there or even to Colombia before. What is the Mansion? I see guys posting about it, but can someone explain what it is and how things work?

Thanks a million!

08-16-13, 05:16
Hey guys,

I'll be traveling to Medellin in a couple weeks. I've never been there or even to Colombia before. What is the Mansion? I see guys posting about it, but can someone explain what it is and how things work?

Thanks a million!The Mansion used to be called Casa Blanca. The postings on the Casa Blanca thread should answer any questions that you have http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?3119-Casa-Blanca-Medellin

I stayed there a couple of years ago on my first trip to Colombia. The price, location, friendly staff, and the fellowship of the other guests were all outstanding.

Legal Tender
08-16-13, 06:38
Hey guys,

I'll be traveling to Medellin in a couple weeks. I've never been there or even to Colombia before. What is the Mansion? I see guys posting about it, but can someone explain what it is and how things work?

Thanks a million!It, with its sister property which just up the hill from the Mansion, are bed and breakfast places. The guests are almost exclusively European, Australian and from the USA There are a number of young women (most are university students) that come by to lay by the pool or the private club which in English is called "the cave." If they're there they are open to a couple of hours of personal attention for the usual sum of 150000 COP. I highly recommend the Mansion for the new visitor to Medellin. There are usually some seasoned visitors that have valuable information about the City of Eternal Spring. And, of course, take the time to read here.

Only good energy!

Aussie Greg
08-16-13, 19:53
CS, nice meeting you the other day mate. I was a little disappointed in Liquid Lounge with the 20, 000 pesos entry fee.

I guess it comes with two drinks but as I drink water, its a bit steep.

A. G.

Opening of Liquid Lounge on Saturday was fun, and the girls from La Cueva came out. Ratio of girls to guys was 2:1, and more than a few went home alone.

More photos from the article below.


08-16-13, 20:11
CS, nice meeting you the other day mate. I was a little disappointed in Liquid Lounge with the 20, 000 pesos entry fee.

I guess it comes with two drinks but as I drink water, its a bit steep.

A. G.AG, likewise and I am looking forward to my stay at the Mansion.

I can understand why the cover charge may be a concern for those of us who do not drink so much. However, to be fair you should consider the bars in that location (Barrio Colombia). For example, just a block away the cover at the MIA Room is 20,000 pesos and it does not include any free drinks. I think it's at least $30 to get into Amara Unica, provided the doorman likes the way you are dressed and you have a token female in your group.

Comparing it to night clubs, there is a 10,000 peso cover at Fase II and that's earns you nothing except the privilege of buying a single beer for 16,000 pesos.

Aussie Greg
08-16-13, 23:38
Probley because I live here and don't go out much and if I do want to do a little dancing, I have La Cueva at the Mansion, which costs nothing for me to enter.
I just thought it was a little steep, that's all.
As for Amara Unica and MIA Room, I live here and never been, might have to go and check it out!
FASE II 10, 000, gone up from 5, 000 ?
This long weekend, taking a group of tourists to Hacienda Napoli's and Puerto Barrio on the Rio Magdalena.

A. G.

AG, likewise and I am looking forward to my stay at the Mansion.

I can understand why the cover charge may be a concern for those of us who do not drink so much. However, to be fair you should consider the bars in that location (Barrio Colombia). For example, just a block away the cover at the MIA Room is 20, 000 pesos and it does not include any free drinks. I think it's at least $30 to get into Amara Unica, provided the doorman likes the way you are dressed and you have a token female in your group.

Comparing it to night clubs, there is a 10, 000 peso cover at Fase II and that's earns you nothing except the privilege of buying a single beer for 16, 000 pesos.

Member #4394
08-17-13, 02:36
Post a trip report of P Barrio and Rio magdalena later if you feel like?

This long weekend, taking a group of tourists to Hacienda Napoli's and Puerto Barrio on the Rio Magdalena.

A. G.

08-17-13, 04:26
I infrequently stay at the Mansion, but highly recommend it for new visitors to Medellin. But the notion that it will rent rooms on a "short time" basis is an idea that ought to be reexamined. It would be disruptive and only bring more problems. There are plenty of love motels, I would not stay in one as my hotel. Is someone thinking?I agree with this too. I was planning on staying at the mansion, but I may need to reconsider.

08-17-13, 05:19
What are some local Colombian real estate websites? Want to get an idea of what is available and for what price.


08-17-13, 19:51
What are some local Colombian real estate websites? Want to get an idea of what is available and for what price.


08-17-13, 22:18
Since, I'm not that up on the wireless technology, I was wondering if this phone could be used in other countries? Ideally, it would be nice to have a smartphone that could be used in multiple locations, and just switch the card. I keep acquiring shit ones, and leaving them wherever I go.The reason that I bought this phone is that it can be used in almost any country (possible exceptions are Japan and South Korea). The "quad band" part means that it works on 4 "bands" which are radio frequencies that different countries operate on, most countries will be covered under a quad band phone. All the Americas. Europe. Asia. (I have seen reports that exceptions are Japan and South Korea) I'm not sure what countries it does not work in. If you are not worried about data and internet (I really like GPS maps and translator as well as looking having FB other social networks to check messages on the go) then there are even much cheaper phones you can get that are like the cheap ones I used to buy in other countries...Thank you for this post. I'm on the hunt for a Colombian cell phone up grade and a gift.

08-17-13, 22:21
I'd second that. I've stayed at his places only twice, but the limited experiences that I've had with Rich's places have left me with a very good opinion of his outfit and the way they do business. Most of the people I've talked to that have either bought or rented from them say they are straight players.

What are some local Colombian real estate websites? Want to get an idea of what is available and for what price.


08-17-13, 23:13
Dude, you practically live on this board, get a life!Based on Save's reports and life travels, I'm guessing he has had, and is having, one pretty sweet fucking life! Crawl back into the 8th grade because I think you obviously flunked life dude.

08-18-13, 10:31
I will be staying at the Mansion again from Dec 4th thru Dec 12th and I can barely contain my excitement.

I was lucky enough on my 1st trip to meet the Liquid Lounge guy on here and another seasoned Mansion vet and they have suggested many lovelies that I need to try out when I return.

Anyone else staying there during this timeframe?

08-18-13, 17:48
Ok here is the deal. I have already booked my trip with 4 of my friends to mde for one week. I emailed casa Blanca and was only given an option in plaza 2? I am not familiar with the hotel or its location but ill assume that it's centrally located near the hot spots. Also I opted to buy 5 rooms for one week and they offer no discount, only if I book a month. Well I'm booking 35 days so I figure that should count for something. I am searching for another option and I just don't want to throw a dart or pick random. We are looking for a wild fun and great located hotel. Any help is appreciated. If your in town when we are ill buy you a few drinks for the help!

08-18-13, 17:58
I will be staying at the Mansion again from Dec 4th thru Dec 12th and I can barely contain my excitement.

I was lucky enough on my 1st trip to meet the Liquid Lounge guy on here and another seasoned Mansion vet and they have suggested many lovelies that I need to try out when I return.

Anyone else staying there during this timeframe?I'm not so lucky as you but IMO the last week of Nov and the first few before Christmas are the best weeks! Lots of parties, things to do, and all these extra girls / part timers need Christmas money so they get back on their grind! Awesome! Report back!

08-18-13, 18:01
When I went to Costa Rica there was a map that had been constructed with all casas mps pick up spots etc. Does such a thing exist for mde?

08-18-13, 19:14
When I went to Costa Rica there was a map that had been constructed with all casas mps pick up spots etc. Does such a thing exist for mde?Here you go.


08-18-13, 20:16
It, with its sister property which just up the hill from the Mansion, are bed and breakfast places. The guests are almost exclusively European, Australian and from the USA There are a number of young women (most are university students) that come by to lay by the pool or the private club which in English is called "the cave." If they're there they are open to a couple of hours of personal attention for the usual sum of 150000 COP. I highly recommend the Mansion for the new visitor to Medellin. There are usually some seasoned visitors that have valuable information about the City of Eternal Spring. And, of course, take the time to read here.

Only good energy!You also get some classy Canadians passing through as well.

08-19-13, 16:03
Does anyone know who is the girl in the stripped skirt and black top in the link. If you rather PM me the details go ahead.

Opening of Liquid Lounge on Saturday was fun, and the girls from La Cueva came out. Ratio of girls to guys was 2:1, and more than a few went home alone.

More photos from the article below.


Member #4287
08-19-13, 16:46
Does anyone know who is the girl in the stripped skirt and black top in the link. If you rather PM me the details go ahead.I'm sure most guys that frequent the Mansion know her. Angelina Ortiz look her up on facebook. Not as hard to get a date with as Wendy but still has a line up of guys on her ass at all times so she isn't the easiest to get a hold of.

08-20-13, 17:22
Ok here is the deal. I have already booked my trip with 4 of my friends to mde for one week. I emailed casa Blanca and was only given an option in plaza 2? I am not familiar with the hotel or its location but ill assume that it's centrally located near the hot spots. Also I opted to buy 5 rooms for one week and they offer no discount, only if I book a month. Well I'm booking 35 days so I figure that should count for something. I am searching for another option and I just don't want to throw a dart or pick random. We are looking for a wild fun and great located hotel. Any help is appreciated. If your in town when we are ill buy you a few drinks for the help!I would suggest Poblado Rentals or First American Rentals. Poblado Rentals has many hobbysist stayinng with them and they can connect you with chicas, too.


08-20-13, 18:21
When I went to Costa Rica there was a map that had been constructed with all casas mps pick up spots etc. Does such a thing exist for mde?1. New Life Calle 56 (Bolivia) # 43-39, 2 piso, between Palo and Giradot. 15-20 Chicas. Prices: 38k 30 min. 52k 45 min. 65k hour. Tel: 216 27 04. Hours: Monday to Saturday. 9am to 8pm, Sundays 10am to 6pm.

2. Aiffe Calle 57 (Argentina) #43-27 or (33).5-6 Chicas. Prices: 32k 30 min. 55k hour. Tel: (57) (4) 254 51 39, Cell: 311 761 98 50. Hours: Monday to Thursday 10am to 8, Friday and Saturday 10am to 9pm, Sund.

3. Lindas Chicas Calle 58 (Av. Oriental) # 50A-54, Big White Metal Gate. Prices: Chica 100k 1 hour. 80k room fee. 275k TLN. 75k Exit Fee.

4. Barcelona Calle 59 (Cuba) # 50-12. 4-6 Chicas. Prices: 30k-40k 30 min. 45k-60k hour. Tel: 254-29 94. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am to 8pm. Sundays 11am to 5pm.

5. Angeles de Fuego Calle 58 (Av. Oriental) # 45D-104. _ Chicas. Prices: 33k 30 min. Tel: (57) (4) 254 40 54, Cell: 311 381 9198. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am to 8pm.

6. Punto de Encuentro Calle 59, #49-12 Tel. 312 749 0345.

7. Casa de Fantasias Calle 57 (La Paz) # 50-19. 5+ Chicas. Prices: 33k hh. Tel: 511 38 76, 511 54 75, Cell: 317 422 6042. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am to 8pm.

8. Sara # 57-71, in front of the Parqueadero. Monday to Saturday 10 Chicas, Sundays 5 Chicas. Prices: 30k 30 min. 45k 45 min. 50k hour. Tel: 254 86 22. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am to 7:30pm, Sundays 11am.

9. Masajes de Sexi Carrera 45D # 57-67. 254-5736. 10-15 Chicas. Prices: 30k 30 min. 40k 40 min. 50k hour.

10. Club Seduccion Carrera 43 (Girardot) # 52-45. __ Chicas. Prices: __k 30 min, __k hour. Tel: 2 39 36 20. Hours: 10am until 7:30pm.

11. Club de Amigas Carrera 45 (El Palo) # 57-55. 12+ Chicas. Prices: 30k 30 min. 50k hour. 2 Chicas 60k 45 min / hour, US$60 take out. Tel: (57) (4) 284 83 86. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am-8pm, Sundays & Holidays 11am.

12. Angeles & Demonios Calle 53 # 43-07 3er Piso. Prices: __k 30 min, __K hour. Tel: 239 47 41.

13. Sexy Fantasias 1 / Chicas Punto Com.

14. Sexy Fantasias 1 (3F). Calle 54 (Caracas) # 49-97, Local 321, Centro Comercial Boulevar de Caracas. Piso 3 Prices: 33k 30 min. 45k 45 min. 60k hour. Tel: 511 45 33. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am to.

15. Sexy Fantasias 2 Latinas Carrera 47 (Sucre) # 53-42, piso 1, (Hotel Premium Plaza) , (diagonal Teatro Sinfonia) 8-10 Chicas. Prices: 30k 30 min. 45k 45 min. 60k hour. 100k+ TLN. Tel: 511 39 76. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am.

16. Encuentros Calle 49 # 43-68. 4-6 Chicas. Prices: 30k 30 min. 45k 45 min. 50k hour. Tel: (57) (4) 262 24 98. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am to 8pm, Sundays 11am to 5pm.

17. Zandaly Cra. 47 #57A-34 (2nd floor) they moved from the old Afroditas address. 30K=30mins. 40K=40mins. 50K=60mins.

18. Paris Club Cra47 No. 56-34. Tel 511-53-51 M-Sat 10-7:30, sun 11-5.

19. Atenea / Coffee Shop Cra 45 No. 55-45. Tel 254-5234. M-St 10-7:30, Sn11-5. 32K=30mins. 42K=45mins. 52K=60mins. Optional to take girls to motel next door with nicer rooms for 5K-7K additional depending on length of sessio.

20. Energy Energy (Centro de Relajacion Corporal Energy) , Carrera 74 # 49-101, near Calle 50 (Colombia) right next to the Stadium. 15-20 Chicas. Prices: 65k 30 min. 90k 60 min. Tel: 436 11 31, 416 83 32. Hours:.

21. Las Americas (Strip Club) Calle 53 # 49-50. 25-30 Chicas. 2 shifts. 2pm and 7pm. Prices: 50k 30 min. 40k Take Out Fee. Hours: Monday to Sunday. 2pm to 3am, Closed Sundays.

22. Club Maracaibo (Strip Club) Calle 53 # 49-30. 25-30 Chicas. Prices: Beer 4k, Chicas 50k 30 min. 40k Take Out Fee. Hours: Monday to Sunday. 6pm to 2am.

23. Ejecutivo (Strip Club) Calle 53 # 48-20. 25-40 Chicas. Prices: 50k 30 min. 50k Take Out Fee. Hours: Monday to Sunday. 6pm to 2am.

24. Conejitas Bar Show (Strip Club) Carrera 52 # 53-03. __ Chicas. Prices: Beer 4k, Chicas 50k 30 min. Tel: (57) (4) 251 62 68. Hours: Monday to Sunday. 6pm to 3am.

25. Bell Suite Carrera 45 (El Palo) # 56-45, piso 1. 3-5 Chicas. Prices: 25k 30 min. 35k 45 min. 45k hour. Tel: 284 75 97. Hours: Monday to Saturday 10am to 8pm, Sundays 11am to 5pm.

26. Sarita Clle 55 No. 43-72. Ph:239-3345. M-Sat 10-7:30, Sun 11-5. 35hh / 55h.

27. Club Anfitrion Calle 33 # 76-93. 6-8 Chicas. Prices: 5k Drinks. 50k bottle, includes a room. 2 chicas and 2 shows, Chicas: 50-70k hour. 10-20k room. 160k TLN. 50k Take out Fee. Tel: 416 66 01. Cell: 301 565 7479. As.

28. Samsara Club Calle (Avenida) 33 # 65-09. 6-10 Chicas. Prices: Beers 3k, Chicas 50k 30 min. 60k hour. Tel: (57) (4) 265 71 23, Cell: 314 638 28 93. Hours: 10am to 10pm, Friday to Sundays 10am. 6am.

29. Artesanias, Calle 61 (Moore) #53-78. 15 Chicas. Prices: 7k Room. 30k Chica. Tel: 512 06 59. Hours: Monday to Sunday. 10am to 5pm.

30. La Manzana (Bar) La Manzana, (Remates) Calle 65 # 52-69, behind the Hospital. 10+ Chicas. Prices: 30k 30 min. 50k hour. 100-200k TLN. H

08-20-13, 20:06
My guess is, because he's TweedleD.


Why would you waste all the bandwidth to post that list when a simple message directing him where to find it would have been appropriate. Smh

08-21-13, 01:25
Anyone have an update on the strike in Colombia.

I just got off of yahoo with a novia from Bogota and her daughter is stranded in Medellin. Her other daughter who lives about 30 blocks north of her can not get home to her mothers house as the busses are on strike.

My novias barrio is running short on fresh items as most Latinas shop daily for fresh items.

I have not heard from my friend in Medellin as the phones there do not seem to work.

Zing are you in BOG? Any update?


08-21-13, 09:03
Don't know-I've been all over Laureles, downtown and Parque Explora without any trouble. I do know that there's a problem with the buses, but the airlines are still running. Also, the store next to me has fresh items, they brought them in from the Minorista this morning, I think.

Anyone have an update on the strike in Colombia.

I just got off of yahoo with a novia from Bogota and her daughter is stranded in Medellin. Her other daughter who lives about 30 blocks north of her can not get home to her mothers house as the busses are on strike.

My novias barrio is running short on fresh items as most Latinas shop daily for fresh items.

I have not heard from my friend in Medellin as the phones there do not seem to work.

Zing are you in BOG? Any update?


08-21-13, 14:04
I'd second that. I've stayed at his places only twice, but the limited experiences that I've had with Rich's places have left me with a very good opinion of his outfit and the way they do business. Most of the people I've talked to that have either bought or rented from them say they are straight players.This site is also a very good option. Same company that owns First American rental now owns this. I don't know why why they keep the inventory separate. I stayed with them few times and they are good folks.


Aussie Greg
08-21-13, 14:16
On Monday (public holiday here) there was a miners strike and also a transport strike (buses ect) only on Monday.
As for short of fresh items, bullshit mate or because its a long weekend probley some items were sold out.
I was on tour in the countryside and if I had left early on Monday, I could have driven though the main strike area Puerto Barrio-Medellin road but decided to return the way I came back though Doradal and the Medellin-Bogota highway.
The only hang-up was a landslide that held us up 1 hour going and 2 hours when we returned, armed guards were looking after the long lines of vehicle's because of bandits.
From the front lines.

A. G.

Anyone have an update on the strike in Colombia.

I just got off of yahoo with a novia from Bogota and her daughter is stranded in Medellin. Her other daughter who lives about 30 blocks north of her can not get home to her mothers house as the busses are on strike.

My novias barrio is running short on fresh items as most Latinas shop daily for fresh items.

I have not heard from my friend in Medellin as the phones there do not seem to work.

Zing are you in BOG? Any update?


08-21-13, 17:10

I'm looking for some seasoned pros of Colombia to recommend some "girl friendly" hotels if possible.

I'll be in Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Cartagena and Barranquilla.

I'm looking for hotels that are close to the action, reasonably priced and of course, girl friendly. I'm used to the Thai scene and like the hotels with security guards that record the I'd's of your guests. I prefer taking a girl for the whole night. How common is it to do "toda la noche" in Colombia, ? Or is this a bad idea here?

I've scoured the forum but haven't found a lot of hotel recommendation. Tripadvisor and lonelyplanet rarely put "Chica amistoso" in the hotel descriptions.

Any advice or tips on this would be greatly appreciate.

Thanks!As far as I know, almost all hotel in MDE are girl friendly. Make sure you book a room for two. Some like hotel charlie and hotel Diez I believe charge extra when you bring in a girl. As suggested, read the hotel thread.

Colombia Jake
08-21-13, 19:31
I paid for this user thread mentioned above in the title and I hope you get a chance to look through some of the posts before you make a decision on where to stay or take a tour. Thanks.


08-21-13, 21:28
While the strike has not garnered the type of violent unrest that Brazil suffered during the Confederation's Cup protests, Colombian media is reporting clashes between protestors and police in some areas, with roads into the capital of Bogotá blocked by overturned vehicles and fuel and food shortages in some municipalities.

Colombian newspaper El Tiempo reported that around 32, 000 people have so far been involved in the strike, with 61 people arrested as of Tuesday night.

Read more: http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2013/08/21/national-strike-grows-in-colombia-as-police-clash-with-demonstrators/#ixzz2cdaG5TDm

Aussie Greg
08-21-13, 21:54
No buses on Monday (public holiday) because of the strike, the only hold up was a land slide on the Medellin to Bogota highway for a few hours.

As for the 61 people arrested, that's all over Colombia and only in certain areas, but anyway, make it as you want.

I did go into one gas station and they didn't have any corriente (low leaded fuel) but the next fuel station did.

All the press is a load of bullshit mate, any way its Colombia, there's always overturned vehicles and protests, bombs, war ect, in fact over 60 years of it.

A. G.

While the strike has not garnered the type of violent unrest that Brazil suffered during the Confederation's Cup protests, Colombian media is reporting clashes between protestors and police in some areas, with roads into the capital of Bogotá blocked by overturned vehicles and fuel and food shortages in some municipalities.

Colombian newspaper El Tiempo reported that around 32, 000 people have so far been involved in the strike, with 61 people arrested as of Tuesday night.

Read more:



08-21-13, 23:05

Thanks-my novias daughter just got back home from a gymnastic competition in mde

How is cricket going?

Did you start a MDE team?


Aussie Greg
08-22-13, 00:16
Hi Mel,

Yep, the only issue for her was no buses on Monday and the land slide on the road to Bogota from Medellin.

Cricket, great, spent 3 months in India and Bangladesh early this year watching the Australian team get flogged, going to Australia for our summer to watch England play in Australia on home soil and then on the way back to Colombia, a month and a half in South Africa watching Australia get flogged again, and a few wildlife tours in Zim and Zambia. I'll need a holiday mate in St Maartin when I get back!

Medellin team! I conduct interviews nearly every night mate "its a girl team"!

A. G.


Thanks-my novias daughter just got back home from a gymnastic competition in mde

How is cricket going?

Did you start a MDE team?


08-22-13, 02:48
Is Halloween widely celebrated in MDE? Is that a good time to visit the city?

Aussie Greg
08-22-13, 13:16
After Colombiamoda and the Flower Festival, the best time but is the rainy season.

A. G.

Is Halloween widely celebrated in MDE? Is that a good time to visit the city?

08-22-13, 14:40
Can my fellow mde mongers help me out. I willbe there shortly and I'm looking for casas like the link below but that offer 3 holers. I'm looking for young light skinned busty cute 3 holers. I'm sure I'm not asking for a fabled unicorn here, there must be places with this. If you prefer to pm me so to keep privacy go ahead. I will write a detailed report when I return.

08-22-13, 15:17
I will be in town next week and wanted to hear the members impressions / experience at the new Liquid Lounge. Are the guys going? Are the girls staying? What's the choice look like?

What do the girls want for a little time back at the apt? Thanks Farmworker

Member #4287
08-22-13, 18:02
Can my fellow mde mongers help me out. I willbe there shortly and I'm looking for casas like the link below but that offer 3 holers. I'm looking for young light skinned busty cute 3 holers. I'm sure I'm not asking for a fabled unicorn here, there must be places with this. If you prefer to pm me so to keep privacy go ahead. I will write a detailed report when I return.Is there actually a place renowned for it's three holers in Medellin? Jajaja

I have no idea.

But the topic reminds me of a guy that took me out to one of those prepago bars.

He was chatting up a real looker for quite a while and then he tells her that he needs "tres servicios".

The girl looked at him and said well I can strip for you. He replied I don't need four I only need three services.

The girl said "no" and he turned his back on her and never looked at her or spoke with her again.

At first I thought he was just playing with her. But he never acknowledged her after that.

Personally I was a little surprised that the third hole was so important that he would just completely blow off the hottest chick in the place.

I'm sure you can find what you are looking for. The only question is what will it cost for the extra hole and how far down the food chain are you willing to go.

My advice would be just go for women that are attractive and into you and forgo the third hole until you just happen upon one that is naturally inclined to oblige. Going out looking for three holers exclusively doesn't seem like a good way to spend your limited time in Medellin unless it is really that important to you.

08-22-13, 22:41
Can my fellow mde mongers help me out. I willbe there shortly and I'm looking for casas like the link below but that offer 3 holers. I'm looking for young light skinned busty cute 3 holers. I'm sure I'm not asking for a fabled unicorn here, there must be places with this. If you prefer to pm me so to keep privacy go ahead. I will write a detailed report when I return.Have to agree with CaliHental on this. In several visits to MDE, I've never analized a Paisa. My guess is with most of them, if you get to know them a bit (3-4 sessions) , a few might be open to it. If you want anal on short order, you're better off heading to Rio, where it's almost taken for granted.

08-22-13, 23:22
Have to agree with CaliHental on this. In several visits to MDE, I've never analized a Paisa. My guess is with most of them, if you get to know them a bit (3-4 sessions) , a few might be open to it. If you want anal on short order, you're better off heading to Rio, where it's almost taken for granted.There should be a sub form for the same old same old questions. Where can I meet normal girls if I don't speak any Spanish? Where should I stay? Where can I get Anal? I can't remember the other constants.

Top of the page, right hand side, clear, empty space, it's the search area. This would be a good place to search for "anal" seeing as how one word can sum up what you're looking for vs a phrase like "meeting normal girls"

I'm with Combo & Cali on this one. Anal is just not on most working girls menus. If you do use the "search feature" this exact same question.

Not very common in Colombia, most girls I've "approached" about Anal has looked at me with shock and a firm no. Argentina and from what Cali says Brazil is where you want to be. Both have very pretty working girls and Anal in Argentina was called "servicio completo" and was $15 extra when I was last in BA. Good times. In my personal life I've also had several Peruvian chicks love anal.

08-23-13, 01:33

I will be in St Martin about Nov 9 for a week and then back mid January for about 10 days.

February I will be sailing to the new marina in Santa Marta.

Will be in Colombia on an off till late June then sailing back to.

The USA. If any of these dates line up with yours, you can have a private cabin on my boat.

Just PM me.


QUOTE=Aussie Greg; 1461902]Hi Mel,

Yep, the only issue for her was no buses on Monday and the land slide on the road to Bogota from Medellin.

Cricket, great, spent 3 months in India and Bangladesh early this year watching the Australian team get flogged, going to Australia for our summer to watch England play in Australia on home soil and then on the way back to Colombia, a month and a half in South Africa watching Australia get flogged again, and a few wildlife tours in Zim and Zambia. I'll need a holiday mate in St Maartin when I get back!

Medellin team! I conduct interviews nearly every night mate "its a girl team"!


08-23-13, 03:18
I will be in town next week and wanted to hear the members impressions / experience at the new Liquid Lounge. Are the guys going? Are the girls staying? What's the choice look like?

What do the girls want for a little time back at the apt? Thanks FarmworkerLiquid Lounge is the best thing since sliced bread.)

Actually there are always girls there now. We made some special arrangements to make sure of that until they start discovering it on their own. I personally know some really sweet chicas that are anxious for a place to (exploit) I mean "meet" gringos, but have never heard of us or are too timid to go on their own. I have the distasteful job of escorting them to Liquid when I arrive Sept 5th.

08-23-13, 12:00
After Colombiamoda and the Flower Festival, the best time but is the rainy season.

A. G.Thanks, it seems like its the rainy season in a lot of places around then.

08-24-13, 05:21
Is there a such thing as too much pussy? I've been awash in it the last few days, worn the hell out now and it's only Friday, LOL.

One quick observation: I am starting to see a lot of gringos here now. More so than any of my other trips. And not just Norteamericanos. I'm positive it was German that I heard from a group of young male and females the other day. Also noticing a larger security/police presence. Not sure if the two are connected. But what I like about Medellin is that everyone minds their own business. Also what is great about this place is that you do not have to worry about getting shook down by the police like in the DR.

The weather has been beautiful here. The only rain we had so far was Wednesday night. Still have not eaten any really good food here. Love Leños y Carbon but its starting to get old.

Going to have to muster up some more strength because I've got a chica coming over in a few (#4). I think Red Bull with Vodka and Cialis should do the trick.

Signing off.

08-24-13, 06:01
Is there a such thing as too much pussy? I've been awash in it the last few days, worn the hell out now and it's only Friday, LOL.

One quick observation: I am starting to see a lot of gringos here now. More so than any of my other trips. And not just Norteamericanos. I'm positive it was German that I heard from a group of young male and females the other day. Also noticing a larger security / police presence. Not sure if the two are connected. But what I like about Medellin is that everyone minds their own business. Also what is great about this place is that you do not have to worry about getting shook down by the police like in the DR.

The weather has been beautiful here. The only rain we had so far was Wednesday night. Still have not eaten any really good food here. Love Leños why Carbon but its starting to get old.

Going to have to muster up some more strength because I've got a chica coming over in a few (#4). I think Red Bull with Vodka and Cialis should do the trick.

Signing off.Thanks for the 10cent report but we need some meat on the bone! LOL! Start with the chick you having over tonight. PICS! Or at least a name and a graphic description!

More Gringos? Yep. Maybe the time of year. Moda Colombia and Fiera De Flores just passed no? This is the busy time for them I think. Some of the guys what live down there please chime in with your observations. I hate people / crowds and I'm cheap when it comes to travel costs (all bets and restraint goes out the window when I'm in the mix) so I try to avoid the busy times.

The Food in Colombia and Medellin sucks! Lenos why Carbon? The Cheap Steak house place? I like them too. Try Archies they have some pretty good food for a chain; it's Italy food.

Reprt back bro!

08-24-13, 06:29
Just came back from a trip to Rio. I am happy to announce that I prefer MDE over Rio and Paisas over Garotas. Had a good time in Rio but MDE is where my heart is. This is a purely personal feeling based on several factors and in no way a generalization that should be applied by future mongers that have not been to either of the places.

08-24-13, 07:06
Just came back from a trip to Rio. I am happy to announce that I prefer MDE over Rio and Paisas over Garotas. Had a good time in Rio but MDE is where my heart is. This is a purely personal feeling based on several factors and in no way a generalization that should be applied by future mongers that have not been to either of the places.I have been to both and I enjoyed both of them. Although, I've been only once to Medellin and close to 7 or 8 times to Rio. However, Rio is now so expensive that I find Medellin to be a better deal. No more Rio for me.

08-24-13, 08:08
Going to have to muster up some more strength because I've got a chica coming over in a few (#4). I think Red Bull with Vodka and Cialis should do the trick.Glad I took that Cialis and Torro Rojo con Vodka. Chica that showed up was the second case I've ran into this trip where "You looked hotter on the internet." She still was very tight, but I would not have pulled the trigger had I had the chance to preview (see her in person) her before calling her over.

8 Chicas and counting...

Vegas Jeff
08-24-13, 08:20
One quick observation: I am starting to see a lot of gringos here now. More so than any of my other trips. And not just Norteamericanos. I'm positive it was German that I heard from a group of young male and females the other day. Also noticing a larger security / police presence. Not sure if the two are connected. But what I like about Medellin is that everyone minds their own business. Also what is great about this place is that you do not have to worry about getting shook down by the police like in the DR.

The weather has been beautiful here. The only rain we had so far was Wednesday night. Still have not eaten any really good food here. Love Leños why Carbon but its starting to get old.I noticed the increase in foreigners on my most recent trip also. Most of them were wearing shorts and flip flops. These same people are wandering around in Centro and other areas with their cameras out and not having a clue.

Rainy season not as bad in MDE as many nearby countries to the north where it rains almost every afternoon. The climate is definitely a huge positive in MDE.

As far as the food I am with you. Gets old real fast. Not to mention the spoiled ingredient in the food that puts your stomach in a knot every few weeks. For you guys who like to stay in with your girls there are good delivery options in Mde, if in the El Poblado area, for all types of food. From pizza and subway to steak and fish, almost everything is available for delivery.

Good luck with the rest of your trip.

08-24-13, 19:35
Yes, Lenos Y Carbon is great, but I also like J&C Delicias for delivery. They have a chicken Marsala type dish which is great and lasts 2 meals for me. I agree with Vegas Jeff about the food poisoning frequency. I've actually only gotten it once in 15 trips, but it was horrible.

08-24-13, 20:19
I noticed the increase in foreigners on my most recent trip also. Most of them were wearing shorts and flip flops. These same people are wandering around in Centro and other areas with their cameras out and not having a clue.

Rainy season not as bad in MDE as many nearby countries to the north where it rains almost every afternoon. The climate is definitely a huge positive in MDE.

As far as the food I am with you. Gets old real fast. Not to mention the spoiled ingredient in the food that puts your stomach in a knot every few weeks. For you guys who like to stay in with your girls there are good delivery options in Mde, if in the El Poblado area, for all types of food. From pizza and subway to steak and fish, almost everything is available for delivery.

Good luck with the rest of your trip.The trick for me was finding enough places that had food I liked. When I first moved here I wasn't happy about the food situation, but soon found enough restaurants, street vendors, etc that I now eat pretty good, and am happy enough with the variety. Still not like in the states but not as bad as I first thought. I've found a couple of good restaurants that serve a decent to awesome menu al dia, and don't over cook the meat until it's like beef jerky. Found a couple of great places for empanadas, a street food cart that has awesome chuzo de pollo, etc etc etc. Just have to experiment and find some places you like. Also finding a paisa that knows how to cook helps too, a home cooked meal is nice every once in a while.

I've been living here full time for about 2 1/2 years and have never gotten sick from the food. Check that, there was one time when I ate something from a street vendor before going to La Manzana. By the time we got there I had to shit so bad I asked a guy that worked there where the restroom was and he pointed me to where the urinals were. I shit you not visions of shitting in the urinal flashed through my head before I went and told the guy I "tengo que hacer mierda" he laughed his ass off and showed me where the toilet was in a back room. FYI po po may be a better noun to use if you ever find yourself in the same situation.

But that was the only time in 2 1/2 years the food got me. Knock on wood LOL.

And as far as all the gringos, that's life in a city as awesome as Medellin. I live in el centro though so I don't see as much of the mochileros as say people that live in poblado.

08-24-13, 21:38
I was in between Medellin and Bogota, I'm a big strip club guy, I spend over $200-400USD every night I go to a strip club in Miami, Fl but after reading a little more on Bogota and Medellin girls, I think Medellin is the place for me not only for the girls but for the clubs, nightlife, tits, and fake asses. I am going with 3 other dudes to purely Mongor in October. We will be there for 2-3 weeks.

Any word of advice on what to expect weather wise? October is the rainy season does that mean that not many chicks go out as much?

I also heard that non-pro Medellin girls like well groomed and well dressed guys wearing dress pants, ties, vests, blazers, etc. Is this accurate or will this attract unwanted attention from those scum thiefs and muggers?

08-25-13, 01:23
Thanks for the 10cent report but we need some meat on the bone! LOL!I will try, LOL. I'm trying to come at it at another angle instead of the usual drink, bang, eat, sleep, drink bang, eat sleep. That's really all I've been doing so far.

Got a civilian I am about to go to dinner with. We'll see how that goes as it will be a first for me here in Medellin.

08-25-13, 15:22
I was seriously considering posting some photos after my trip, but just saw that my friend Tomjackin just got blasted by a chica in Sosua:

The last picture I posted in this thread, some fucking scumbag took the photo and posted it on a different Web site. I know because I was confronted by the girl today.

Listen you piece of shit, there is a reason I don't post faces and names, it is because of lowlifes like yourself!

Read the fucking rules dirt bag! I highly suggest you take my stolen picture down off the internet. Because your shitty life will catch up with you, and hopefully, before I do!

It's just a matter of time!Keep in mind that this photo of the chica he posted didn't have a face or even identifying markings on her body.

Start with the chick you having over tonight. PICS! Or at least a name and a graphic description!See comments above. Too many Cyber-Snitches out there. Ain't nobody got time for that!

08-25-13, 15:53
I was seriously considering posting some photos after my trip, but just saw that my friend Tomjackin just got blasted by a chica in Sosua:

Keep in mind that this photo of the chica he posted didn't have a face or even identifying markings on her body.

See comments above. Too many Cyber-Snitches out there. Ain't nobody got time for that!I think there is no argument that photo posting carries a risk and should NEVER be done without the girl's consent. If the girl consented to one website, I doubt if she would have a problem if it is reposted to another site (I am not saying what happened here is right and reposting without consent is repugnant).

I don't see an issue with first names though (last names are banned on ISG). Most names girls use are pseudo and are not directly identifiable by family and close friends but regardless and most importantly, first names are freely doled out by the girls themselves. They want to be known and popular among the select forums that have common interests and is clearly good for their business, especially if they are good service providers. Most posts that describe an encounter without a name, read more like chest thumpers and are of little use to the rest of the members. It might as well be fiction and there is a lot of that On the internet. Anyway, that is my personal philosophy and I post first names and all the details I can, including generous exchange of phone numbers via PM, so the next guy could benefit and I have never been burned.

08-25-13, 18:33
Hey Friends,

I've had a chance this week to be in Medellin for the first time, in fact in South or Central America for the first time, period. Have only had a chance to travel outside US a few times. Here for work for a special event. Most of my time is accounted for with work and co-workers, but I've gotten out three nights for a few hours very late. Read some of the stuff on here and otherwise kinda winged it. Actually, I didn't even realize I could post on here as a senior member without an extra ISG membership.

Anyway, I had two experiences at an Encuentros Grill (I think that's the name) close to the Stadio where I'm staying. It's a small strip club on Calle 50 between (I think) Carrera 69 and 70. I recommend Olga, an slender black spinner. As it seems is true for most from what I see and read, she insisted everything be covered. But she was GFE with me in terms of kissing and she was sweet, etc. I also ventured down to the red light district near the strip clubs on Calle 53. Man, what a combat zone!

More on all those adventures, but with a short time left, wondering if I can get a little help on finding a gal who'll do it all uncovered and be a total GFE. I'm open to whatever kind of mongering that might lead me to such a gal, whether it be strip clubs or otherwise.

By the way, I haven't been able to go to any Casas yet because it seems they're only open til early evening. Can anyone explain why? Is it so they don't compete against the clubs? I can't get out til 11 at night. I'm bummed about that, but my strip club and street experiences have sure been interesting!

Please advise! Thanks!

08-25-13, 22:23
The strip clubs in El Centro will have sloppy (BBBJ) GFE w / cfs.

Hey Friends,

I've had a chance this week to be in Medellin for the first time, in fact in South or Central America for the first time, period. Have only had a chance to travel outside US a few times. Here for work for a special event. Most of my time is accounted for with work and co-workers, but I've gotten out three nights for a few hours very late. Read some of the stuff on here and otherwise kinda winged it. Actually, I didn't even realize I could post on here as a senior member without an extra ISG membership.

Anyway, I had two experiences at an Encuentros Grill (I think that's the name) close to the Stadio where I'm staying. It's a small strip club on Calle 50 between (I think) Carrera 69 and 70...

Slick Rich33
08-26-13, 00:48
I was in between Medellin and Bogota, I'm a big strip club guy, I spend over $200-400USD every night I go to a strip club in Miami, Fl but after reading a little more on Bogota and Medellin girls, I think Medellin is the place for me not only for the girls but for the clubs, nightlife, tits, and fake asses. I am going with 3 other dudes to purely Mongor in October. We will be there for 2-3 weeks.

Any word of advice on what to expect weather wise? October is the rainy season does that mean that not many chicks go out as much?

I also heard that non-pro Medellin girls like well groomed and well dressed guys wearing dress pants, ties, vests, blazers, etc. Is this accurate or will this attract unwanted attention from those scum thiefs and muggers?Well dressed, of course, you will be watched by thugs looking for easy prey! The good thing is that won't be traveling alone (safety in numbers) , and other guys being with you, you should experience the night life, live it up! Late night, the hoes come out to play, be careful of the tranis!

At night hoes every where!

08-26-13, 03:23
Hello All, I am renting a big penthouse and plan on having private party (s) the week of Aug 28th, if you happen to be in Medellin during that week, please PM me

The cost of entry should be minimal just pay for the liquor and food etc.

08-26-13, 04:01
Hey Friends,

I've had a chance this week to be in Medellin for the first time, in fact in South or Central America for the first time, period. Have only had a chance to travel outside US a few times. Here for work for a special event. Most of my time is accounted for with work and co-workers, but I've gotten out three nights for a few hours very late. Read some of the stuff on here and otherwise kinda winged it. Actually, I didn't even realize I could post on here as a senior member without an extra ISG membership.

Anyway, I had two experiences at an Encuentros Grill (I think that's the name) close to the Stadio where I'm staying. It's a small strip club on Calle 50 between (I think) Carrera 69 and 70. I recommend Olga, an slender black spinner. As it seems is true for most from what I see and read, she insisted everything be covered. But she was GFE with me in terms of kissing and she was sweet, etc. I also ventured down to the red light district near the strip clubs on Calle 53. Man, what a combat zone!

More on all those adventures, but with a short time left, wondering if I can get a little help on finding a gal who'll do it all uncovered and be a total GFE. I'm open to whatever kind of mongering that might lead me to such a gal, whether it be strip clubs or otherwise.

By the way, I haven't been able to go to any Casas yet because it seems they're only open til early evening. Can anyone explain why? Is it so they don't compete against the clubs? I can't get out til 11 at night. I'm bummed about that, but my strip club and street experiences have sure been interesting!

Please advise! Thanks!Brother, you are more likely to get help if you post some more of your "interesting" experiences in the last few days in MDE and if you pay the $20 and get senior status and PM privileges. You probably are spending couple of Gs on this trip so I am sure you can afford it.

Casas: If kissing = GFE for you, 95% of paisas are GFE. If you are after GFE in my sense of the phrase, you are not missing much by missing day time casas. Most are "wham bham thank you mam" style.

08-26-13, 04:09
I'll be around this week, I just sent you a msg.

Hello All, I am renting a big penthouse and plan on having private party (s) the week of Aug 28th, if you happen to be in Medellin during that week, please PM me

The cost of entry should be minimal just pay for the liquor and food etc.

08-26-13, 05:19
Brother, you are more likely to get help if you post some more of your "interesting" experiences in the last few days in MDE and if you pay the $20 and get senior status and PM privileges. You probably are spending couple of Gs on this trip so I am sure you can afford it.

Casas: If kissing = GFE for you. 95% of paisas are GFE. If you are after GFE in my sense of the phrase, you are not missing much by missing day time casas. Most are "wham bham thank you mam" style.Thanks for the reply (and to others so far, too). Regarding the membership, there was no deliberate attempt to sidestep anything. I tried logging in with my normal account, thinking I'd be required to register, and apparently not. If sure Jackson or "the system" will work as it's supposed to.

Like I said, my first two experiences were at Encuentro Grill, location I gave. These were both cases of meeting someone hanging outside and heading straight upstairs, rather than any time in the club downstairs. Humorous secret passageways and long, winding stairs to a series of nasty, but doable little bedrooms with mattresses. With this Olga on the first night, I went in with her and bought her a drink on the way up (7mil, I think) , then gave her 50mil for the deed. Not sure if that was too much for that place, but that was my first instinct. Like I said, CBJ and CFS. Didn't work for me since I hardly ever use jimmys, so she got some lotion and finished me off by hand. Like I said, she allowed the DFK, was nice and friendly, and a thin, black spinner, etc.

Second night went back there (after trolling around, considering other options, etc.) and got another gal. Afraid I never got her name, or forgot it. Anyway, she was white, nice smile but otherwise not great looking, not great bod. Bad impulsive choice. She also kissed and wanted everything covered. Things weren't working again and I just gave up and left.

Then I went on a probably ill-advised walk way down Calle 50, across the highway or freeaway, and into the hood that is near the Combat Zone. Just trolling for anything, but I didn't go far enough and it was late. Hardly saw a thing except for a few scary folks and other innocuous ones. I did find one old homeless gal and got her to start giving me a BJ in a corner of a building that was basically in plain site. But finally came to my senses on that before I got pinched.

Then last night, I took a cab into the Zone and wow, what a scene. All around those 4-6 blocks near the Calle 53 strip clubs by that big plaza, etc. I suspect everyone knows where it is. That was about three years worth of SWs I'd see in my city. I was blinded, scared, exhilarated, curious, everything. Heaven and Hell. As dangerous as it felt, in a way if sort of felt semi-safe, too. I can think of a lot of other crazy scenes in the USA I could have wandered into that would have felt more dangerous, just because of various factors. But other than a few folks begging for this and that, or trying to get me into their club, I wasn't bothered. Maybe I was lucky, LOL.

Anyway, I was hoping to find a gem and looked awhile. Finally found a girl with a bunch of others in a doorway for one of the ultra-cheap notels. She had this cute face and I went for it. She looked good, but turned out to be flabby, hairy and so on. Beyond the face, not much appeal.

But I had paid for the shitty little room and went for it. Got her to ditch the condoms and give me BBFS. She was nice, but otherwise not great. After I was done, I walked around awhile more, got something to eat, chatted with a few folks (LOL) , saw a lot of chicks who made me think,"Damn, I should have picked her," then finally got the hell out.

It's like, I want desperately to get back in there and, at the same time, never want to go back again. What a cluster.

Ok, finally, not that it really matters, but hell no I ain't spending a couple Gs on this trip. Company dime and with co-workers. I'm trying to play at night because it IS a lot cheaper than back home, of course.

Anyway, there it is. Sorry if I've offended anyone. I think I'm almost out of time and energy, so I may be done. I love your city, though. If my S. O. Back home ever ditches me, maybe I'll spend more time in the future, LOL.

08-26-13, 05:21
Not sure why I'm listed with 8 posts. Maybe from long ago when they were combined. I have more than 2, 400 on USASG. Just so, you know, you don't think I don't help folks, LOL.

08-26-13, 21:17
Well dressed, of course, you will be watched by thugs looking for easy prey! The good thing is that won't be traveling alone (safety in numbers) , and other guys being with you, you should experience the night life, live it up! Late night, the hoes come out to play, be careful of the tranis!

At night hoes every where!Dress pants, Blazer and carrying $200-400. I don't know about the chicas, but you'll be a magnet for trouble.

You're always better off blending in and keeping a low profile. While MDE is dramatically safer than it was 10 years ago, people will notice you, and some will try to ascertain how profitable of a target you might be.

08-27-13, 00:02
Not sure why I'm listed with 8 posts. Maybe from long ago when they were combined. I have more than 2, 400 on USASG. Just so, you know, you don't think I don't help folks, LOL.I wish they did but the USASG posts do not count toward your post count in ISG and neither do the posts on the dedicated Argentina Forum. Welcome to Latin American mongering :-D.

08-27-13, 00:08
Thanks for the reply (and to others so far, too). .

Like I said, my first two experiences were at Encuentro Grill, location I gave. These were both cases of meeting someone hanging outside and heading straight upstairs, rather than any time in the club downstairs. Humorous secret passageways and long, winding stairs to a series of nasty, but doable little bedrooms with mattresses. With this Olga on the first night, I went in with her and bought her a drink on the way up (7mil, I think) , then gave her 50mil for the deed. Not sure if that was too much for that place, but that was my first instinct. Like I said, CBJ and CFS. Didn't work for me since I hardly ever use jimmys, so she got some lotion and finished me off by hand. Like I said, she allowed the DFK, was nice and friendly, and a thin, black spinner, etc.

Second night went back there (after trolling around, considering other options, etc.) and got another gal. Afraid I never got her name, or forgot it. Anyway, she was white, nice smile but otherwise not great looking, not great bod. Bad impulsive choice. She also kissed and wanted everything covered. Things weren't working again and I just gave up and left.

Then I went on a probably ill-advised walk way down Calle 50, across the highway or freeaway, and into the hood that is near the Combat Zone. Just trolling for anything, but I didn't go far enough and it was late. Hardly saw a thing except for a few scary folks and other innocuous ones. I did find one old homeless gal and got her to start giving me a BJ in a corner of a building that was basically in plain site. But finally came to my senses on that before I got pinched.

Anyway, there it is. Sorry if I've offended anyone. I think I'm almost out of time and energy, so I may be done. I love your city, though. If my S. O. Back home ever ditches me, maybe I'll spend more time in the future, LOL.No offense. Since it looks like you already did the centro strip clubs, your only other night time choice is the other clubs or escorts. The later, neither I, nor most forum mongers do not have much experience with.

Of the non-centro clubs, If you do not care much about budget, go to Fase II or La Isla. Both will have decent to very good quality. Luna Luneres is a decent, slightly more reasonable option. I avoid San Diego club. I consider that to be a dump. Report back if you do.