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11-12-08, 13:24
... I defintely cannot understand some people's attractions to the strip clubs and other girl bars. I just love the luxury of going to a nice clean casa, choosing who I want, no bullshit, no upsale, no hassle and I've almost always had a good time. Though I do enjoy visiting the casas, I enjoy the strip clubs too.

At the casas we all know, you enter, you see the line-up, you choose and go to a room for fun.

At the clubs, it's fun for me to find a chica and sit around and bond a bit.

I like to see if there's chemestry between us.

Difficult to feel out the chica in a quick line-up at the casa. Of course after multiple visits to a casa you get to know the chica pretty well.

They're both fun, just different, have fun.

11-12-08, 13:47
Thanks for the report. I head back in a few weeks. I usually pay 100,000 for all night and 50,000 for the day session. I am in Laurelas so they train it over and they pay their own transportation. When you fing a good one in the casa, they get better as you have them come over more. I still see the one I met in October 2007, November 2007 and April 2008. They all know about each other so it keeps them extremely humble.I've also had lots of after-hours fun with chicas that work at the casas.

I actually go at it a bit differently though.

Like most guys I would imagine, I treat these chicas very nicely at the casa.
I talk with them and make them feel very comfortable, then I tell them I'd like to see them outside of work and take them to eat and to listen to music and dance a bit.

I tell them, not as a working girl, but for fun.

I also tell them that sex is not obligatory of course, that I just would like time, away from the casa, to get to know them a bit.

Trust me, when you say this to them, the sex will come and will be even better.

I've had amazing fun just taking these chicas on normal dates and treating them to a nice meal and fun.

Though it's obvious that money is important to them, treating them like a normal chica and having fun really opens them to some great GFE.

I pay for their transportation of course, and whatever we happen to eat, drink, or whatever.

Sometimes it's nice to be treated like a princess and not just be some sexual work-horse. In the end, they're just girls.

They enjoy the time and I really dig having fun with them besides just the time in the cama (bed).

Good luck amigos!!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Black Page
11-12-08, 17:46
What is a pen?

(no idea what is it. from your post it looks having magic properties. It cannot be a pen drive / USB stick)

Malodr: Speaking of humble, you´re killing me with those prices. Which one of us is farthest from the norm here? Guys? Geez, I thought I was getting a pretty sweet deal, or at least a fair one!

A few of you were confused about my telling you to bring a pen to the casas. I don´t get what I said that makes that hard to understand. Many times I´ve been with a girl in a casa and wanted to make a date with her for another time outside the house, and she agreed. But because neither of us had a goddamn pen we couldn´t exchange numbers, and she is forbidden from having or asking for a pen and from making outside dates. Is there anything unclear about that? So I am very careful to bring a pen with me wherever I go.

To hear more on why the pen is important please go to the Santa Marta board, where I am finding, contrary to reports, that sex is in abundance here, certainly no less available than in MDE (per capita).

11-12-08, 22:57
You never know what you may find, so look all over if you have the time. When I get back, I will have my taxi guy drive me around a few nights for 20,000 an hour, thats about $8. I forgot to say minus the centro strip clubs. For 50k 30 min you can find some real gems. I wouldn't step foot in a "San Diego" type strip club.

11-13-08, 00:43
well as far as strip clubs, sometimes we just get tired of walking around to the different casas and would like to just sit and enjoy a few drinks and shoot the shit with your partners. then smash em :)

thanks for the escobar speel, i'd love to see that. exactly where is his gravesite?its nice to be able to sit around a few hours, bang if you like and get more numbers if you see something worth while.

11-13-08, 00:44
You can't just input her number in your phone or your's into hers and make a missed-call to exchange the numbers?We do this all the time. They have phones with them at all times.

Doc Bill
11-13-08, 05:16
I hear what you're saying about the strip clubs. They do have their benefits. Like I said, I wasn't being critical. I can see why people like them. I just don't anymore.

As for Pablo, take the Metro all the way to Ituaia (wrong spelling), just get off and tell any taxi to take you to his grave. They all know it. It may sound dumb but I found it worth the trip.

And Malodr, how much do you want to be my personal guide and monger sponser here on my next trip?

11-13-08, 13:49
I've also had lots of after-hours fun with chicas that work at the casas.

I actually go at it a bit differently though.

Like most guys I would imagine, I treat these chicas very nicely at the casa.
I talk with them and make them feel very comfortable, then I tell them I'd like to see them outside of work and take them to eat and to listen to music and dance a bit.

I tell them, not as a working girl, but for fun.

I also tell them that sex is not obligatory of course, that I just would like time, away from the casa, to get to know them a bit.

Trust me, when you say this to them, the sex will come and will be even better.

I've had amazing fun just taking these chicas on normal dates and treating them to a nice meal and fun.

Though it's obvious that money is important to them, treating them like a normal chica and having fun really opens them to some great GFE.

I pay for their transportation of course, and whatever we happen to eat, drink, or whatever.

Sometimes it's nice to be treated like a princess and not just be some sexual work-horse. In the end, they're just girls.

They enjoy the time and I really dig having fun with them besides just the time in the cama (bed).

Good luck amigos!!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.This theory works just as good in Brasil.

Laters Rick!

Tom 33
11-13-08, 17:05
I believe that Pablo is buried in the huge cemetery on la80 in the far south end of Medellín. I think that the area may be known as Las Americas. As Bill said, any taxista should know it.

11-13-08, 17:12
What is a pen?

(no idea what is it. from your post it looks having magic properties. It cannot be a pen drive / USB stick)A simple writing stick for putting things on paper.


11-13-08, 17:19
This theory works just as good in Brasil.

Laters Rick!Funny you mention Brasil. Man am I having a blast in Sao Paulo!
I'm hitting places where I believe no or very few gringos have ventured.

Of course, like you say, using the same techniques as in Colombia with the garotas (chicas).

I always thought I would die happy in the arms of a Colombiana, however, I think I've met their match and then some in Brasil.

I'll take Medellin for the climate and the beautiful Paisa smiles, I'd choose Sao Paulo for the pure sexyness and fun.

Ate mais (Laters) amigo :)

11-14-08, 00:38
And Malodr, how much do you want to be my personal guide and monger sponser here on my next trip?You can do as I do and you don't need a guide. Just read what many of the experienced mongers here write. Just pay attention.

11-14-08, 00:39
I forgot to say minus the centro strip clubs. For 50k 30 min you can find some real gems. I wouldn't step foot in a "San Diego" type strip club.I met some of these Paisas in Cartengna. They were overpriced there and I understand they all left early cause no one was biting.

11-14-08, 00:57
I hear what you're saying about the strip clubs. They do have their benefits. Like I said, I wasn't being critical. I can see why people like them. I just don't anymore.

As for Pablo, take the Metro all the way to Ituaia (wrong spelling), just get off and tell any taxi to take you to his grave. They all know it. It may sound dumb but I found it worth the trip.

And Malodr, how much do you want to be my personal guide and monger sponser here on my next trip?Chicas go to where other chicas amigas work. I have seen smoking hot ones at clubs, in the streets and in the casas. I have seen dogs in the higher end places at times. They have no idea there are 100's of options for themselves.

Doc Bill
11-14-08, 05:51
As I long ago heard from Jackson and have found to be true over and over - There is absolutely no correlation between price and quality.

11-14-08, 06:04
I believe that Pablo is buried in the huge cemetery on la80 in the far south end of Medellín. I think that the area may be known as Las Americas. As Bill said, any taxista should know it. He is buried in Envigado at the Montesacro cemetary.I was there in April, the caretaker gave me a semi tour. His mother, father and a couple of others are buried beside him. There is a tree beside the grave with many names and slogans carved into it.

11-15-08, 04:45
Escobar was exhumed in 06 at the request of his nephew. You can see a morbid video on youtube last time I checked. Type in "Escobar exhumed" and check it out, weird. If you visit his grave I would advise to show respect, Five guys who work the cemetary followed us to his site and watched. There have been some who take inappropriate pics (fake coke snorting etc). He was a hero to the poor and I guarantee the cemetary guys will confront anyone who acts stupid.


11-15-08, 15:28
As I long ago heard from Jackson and have found to be true over and over - There is absolutely no correlation between price and quality.There never was. I have had really hot Paisas for 100,000 TLN and other guys have paid the same ones 200,000, 300,000 or more.

They will take whatever is offered.

Blue Skies
11-15-08, 20:56
Cab driver told me that Monday is a national holiday, Independendce day or something like that. Will the casa be closed?

Monday is my last day in Medellin don't want to miss out on any fun.

11-16-08, 16:24
Cab driver told me that Monday is a national holiday, Independendce day or something like that. Will the casa be closed?

Monday is my last day in Medellin don't want to miss out on any fun.Any guy that arrives in Medellin on say a Saturday should have 3 or 4 numbers by Wednesday. From that point on, there are no slow times in Medellin. Arriving for trip #2, a guy should have 4-6 numbers and by the end of that trip, a total of a dozen numbers.

If after trip #2, you have no numbers, you should consider a new location.

11-16-08, 18:15
Any guy that arrives in Medellin on say a Saturday should have 3 or 4 numbers by Wednesday. From that point on, there are no slow times in Medellin. Arriving for trip #2, a guy should have 4-6 numbers and by the end of that trip, a total of a dozen numbers.

If after trip #2, you have no numbers, you should consider a new location.One new thing I am doing if I find a really good girl that I like is get their EMAIL as well for 2 things #1 THE GIRL will ALWAYS sooner or later LOSE or Get her cell phone "stolen" so at least you can send her an email for her future # and #2 Alot of these girls like to chat with me on MSN as well.. I have NEVER EVER in 4 years paid more than 80-100k TLN for some stuners, never!(I almost consider it a donation).. so if you look a little, speak perfect spanish, good bargaining skills, the girl likes you and have that gift of gab(cannot be taught). The potential for you can be limitless. When I see some of these prices some of these mongers pay 200-300k I just scoff, Im like WTF? Malodr and I are very similar in approaches and style. I feel we could hang out and monger anywhere!

11-16-08, 18:45
One new thing I am doing if I find a really good girl that I like is get their EMAIL as well for 2 things #1 THE GIRL will ALWAYS sooner or later so at least you can send her an email for her future # and #2 Alot of these girls like to chat with me on MSN as well.. I have NEVER EVER in 4 years paid more than 80-100k TLN for some stuners, never!(I almost consider it a donation).. so if you look a little, speak perfect spanish, good bargaining skills, the girl likes you and have that gift of gab(cannot be taught). The potential for you can be limitless. When I see some of these prices some of these mongers pay 200-300k I just scoff, Im like WTF? Malodr and I are very similar in approaches and style. I feel we could hang out and monger anywhere!I met a few chicas that had no idea how e mail worked. Its strange and rare. Other chicas I have traded e mail addys with and we talk from time to time.

As I continue to travel there, from time to time I bump into past chicas in centro. There is no way a guy can claim there are slow times in this City. I wanted to go to Santa fe and I was talking to a few chicas about it and before I knew it, 4 wanted to go. I one that I took, I paid her 100, 000 per every 24 hours.

11-17-08, 03:33
Any guy that arrives in Medellin on say a Saturday should have 3 or 4 numbers by Wednesday. From that point on, there are no slow times in Medellin. Arriving for trip #2, a guy should have 4-6 numbers and by the end of that trip, a total of a dozen numbers.

If after trip #2, you have no numbers, you should consider a new location.Amen to that! Although I would have said, if after trip #2 you have no numbers, consider another hobby all together.

11-18-08, 20:21
Of girls. Please

11-19-08, 00:32
Amen to that! Although I would have said, if after trip #2 you have no numbers, consider another hobby all together.I am not that rude, wait, yes I am.

Frank Casio
11-19-08, 03:36
Hi guys,

Yes guys, I'm retiring from Hard Core Monguering! "Too much Screwing and Partying going on out there! " After a year of 2-3 girls a night, 2-3 times a week, just too much of a good thing, still too much! I have a lot of normal girlfriends, and they phuck a lot better, and the GFE is definitely "tops"! I might open another place in Envigado or Laureles for guys who want to go out with regular girls and mix it up with a little Monguering! I'll leave the Monguering at La Mayorista for some Hardcore SOB'S, like I used to be!

For pics of my Place and some "cuties" PM me or e-mail frankmongeatnetzero.com! The $60kUS includes the whole "kitten kabootle"! 100% ownership, Furniture, TV's, Stereo System, DVD Player, Microwave, "safes" in all the rooms, etc. Hope one of you guys can enjoy My Place as much as I have!

Meanwhile, we're still open for business!

Frank Casio!

World Travel 69
11-19-08, 13:32
Nana. I checked every place that was posted for this address. __ Chicas. Prices: ___. Hours: ____. (#27 on Tung’s Map.)

Does anyone have the correct and complete address?

11-19-08, 22:11
Hey guys,

Can anyone give me the 411 on masajistaspaisas.com?

Has anyone been there? Please do tell. I will be going to Medellin shortly, and I was reccomended this site, are those girls on the page the same as what you get when you get there?

Also, are these girls available to walk out with customer for a night?

Please advise,


Frank Casio
11-20-08, 17:40
Hey guys,

Can anyone give me the 411 on masajistaspaisas.com?

Has anyone been there? Please do tell. I will be going to Medellin shortly, and I was reccomended this site, are those girls on the page the same as what you get when you get there?

Also, are these girls available to walk out with customer for a night?

Please advise,

DHi Mw1030,

Just a quickie, as I have to go! The women there are the hottest and cleanest anywhere, better than the pictures! But the manager is very "pushy". She doesn't like Americans because they just go in there to look and mostly don't use the services! Most places are not like this, but I think they believe the women there are so hot that they can do that! I always took Gringos, and only one ever took a girl in, so last time I went, last week, I told her I would never take another gringo unless they promised to use the services! I love the women there, they all have perfect, "big boobs" bodies, for an extra $10US the girl gave me total GFE!

I took the Gringo back to "sexys" we both had a "cutie" there for $13US (1/2 hr.), then I went back for my "beauty at masajistaspaisas" for $23US (1hr.)! Some of the girls work also from their home, and there is one you can take out for an unlimited amount of time for just $60US, she has no time limit!

Frank Casio!

11-22-08, 17:23
I wanted to wait until the last day to write this report because I have a freebie pending but it I won't have time otherwise. I leave on Monday and all evidence must be destroyed before heading to the airport. In case you don't know they look at all your papers or notes you might have.

I have been here for two weeks (just Medellin). This is trip number two for me with the first one being this past June for 18 days. I feel pretty comfortable about getting around and what to look out for.

I arrived late at night and yes the atm's were up and running. However they are located on the second floor so I asked the guy selling snacks to watch my bag for me. I have nothing of value in it. I was then qouted 50k for the taxi into town and gave him a 10k tip. Maybe that wasn't the right thing to do but I was just happy I got to the hotel safely.

Prior to arriving I signed up on latin american cupid and had contact with quiet a few girls. When I arrived I had about 5 numbers to call. One girl showed up but looked very different than her photo. She had one of those face photos lodged right into the web cam. All I saw was a chisled face so I thought the body would follow. WRONG. I have been fooled by those types of photo's before. I then met another girl that turned out to be very pretty but flaked on me for a second date. She told me to call her at 11am one morning and I got my ass up on purpose to do so and no respònse. Another girl showed up for the first meeting in a disco outfit. Wrap around high heeled shoes a gold dress and an appetite! So fine I ask her where she wants to eat and she says laureles (La setenta). IMHO I think laureles is a rip off when it comes to food since you can find the same quality in the centro for half the price. However fine I take her to laureles. She orders a steak with fries and a beer. The steak tasted like leather dog meat. I am glad I made her happy.

After dinner we go for a drink. I enter the first bar I hear decent music coming out of. I see rips in the couches wooden chairs. Any ol bar in SA. Anyway I offer her a drink and then she asks me if I like rum. I say sometimes but I would rather drink beer. She then tells me "oh well then how will I drink the whole bottle of rum myself". I flipped! I cancel the bottle order pay for the beer then say adios. She follows me. I then give her cab fare to get home.

Another girl I spent alot of time chatting with gave me her number then when I called her phone was never on. She emails me asking why I didn't call and leaves her number for the last time. It was a completly different number than before and again her phone is never on but she has contact with me numerous time with email.

Bottom line the online thing didn't work out for me like it did in Lima. I found most non pro Medellin girls to be flakey and more conservative than in Lima. Also a few asked me for my hotel info right away even before meeting them. One girl wanted to hang up and call me back at my hotel. She didn't get the info.

Although the online thing didn't work out I did get involved with a non pro. To be continued.


Sexi. I did a double session here 45 min 50 k. The line up was pretty depressing but I found two. Nothing special but I got off with a flaca sucking me off while a chubber was rubbing her rolls on me and licking my ears. Whatever.

Alejas. They had a so so line up but I found a really cute 19 year old who gave me a really good BBBJ after realizing she was on her period.

Barcelona. They had a cubby line up but they were the cheapest at 35k for 45 minutes. They don't do hour sessins there.

New Life. I was impressed great rooms and most times alot of girls to choose from. The only problem is it gets crowded there and chances are the good girls are taken. Its the kind of place you want to pop in and look around if you can get away with it. I sensed not too many BBBJ options because they get too much business. The places that only have 3 girls I found were more willing to please.

All the casas were pretty much similar. I hit some others but it isn't worth a mention of each one. Bottom line there wasn't a shortage of decent women in the centro casas. You might have to look around alot but you will find something.

This time I just asked if I could lick in front then negotiated the rest in the room. On many occasions I never had to ask for BBBJ they just did it and most girls that would let me lick in front let me do it in back. The average tip was 10k.


I only do the centro. I stuck with las gatas las americas conejitas and ejecutiva. I liked the rooms at las gatas the best. I enjoyed myself more at las americas the most because it is a very small club and the girls come uo to feel you up and sit very close to you. There was always something at conejitas to enjoy. Ejecutiva turned me off. The energy inside the club was just negative. The club is huge but hot as hell and the girls seemed to be a little cold. The rooms are not as nice as the other clubs.

The military enters these places very frequently. They ask for ID and search you. Don't panic nothing will happen to you.

They all ask for 50k


I walked around san diego but IMHO don't bother. All I saw were half assed SW's and thugs sitting on the street.

I did not session on de greiff because no one had ID and the cops were all over the place.

I never went to mayorista. Never had too.

One night I was eating in a restaurant and I met this guy and girl. She went to UCLA speaks english etc. Anyway I get an invite to a house party on a Saturday and it winds up being a blast. He is an artist that lives in this huge house decorated with his art. It is someplace that a timothy leary or andy warhol type crowd would hang out. They were all very kind to me. I met a guy who wound up taking me around Medellin one day. The girl took me to a salsa club one night.


I went in search of a clinic to get a script (formula) and finally found a clinic that deals in general health. Not all do. It was called clinica CES about 3 blocks from where the casa barcelona is. I paid 18k ($7) to see a doctor waited about 10 minutes got a full check up and an official script for 60 pills. I had a bottle with around three pills in it and told him I was travelling aound SA for a few months and that I was running out. It worked like a charm. Not all pharmacies carried it. Botica junin would be your best bet.


Went to bello walked around the plaza next to the church. Same ol pueblo type deal very common in SA.

Went to pablo's grave site. Took the metro to itagui got off and hailed a cab to cementerio montesacro in "caldas" a very short trip from the train station. Afterwards I had a few beers with the cab driver in the town square of sabaneta.

I went around all the different barrios. I saw the barrio of pablo escobar.

Pueblito paisa. Take the train to station exposiciones and take cab to cerro nutibarra. *They give out really good guide books to keep at the info booth.

Musuems etc.


Good morning vietnam! This is what I wanted to see from Colombia. There is an area on the bleachers next to the soccer field on the campus of the universidad de antioquia that is a free zone. There is marijuana and other drugs being sold out in the open. Guys set up shop on the bleachers spliffs run about 1k (50 cents) baggies about 2k. The area is a protected area patroled by only campus security. The police have only entered the campus twice in the whole h¡story of the school. I have been having a blast there. I go there every day in the afternoon and zone out. The other day there was a soccer game going on. Just imagine a whole bleacher filled with stoners yelling at players. It was hysterical!

How do you get in you ask? You are in luck because there is a decent anthropology museum on the campus and it's open to the public. I also have showed my photo copy id and get waved right in.

Also check out all the polical graffiti on the wall that the school doesn't remove. I was told students close the school down in protest in response to govt political actions. In turn the students lose the semester and have to pay again. It gets a little complicated but I would say it's way cooler than going to oberlin college.

You get there by taking the train to station universidad going towards niquia. Get off and cross the street in front of parque explora and you will find the entrance to the school. There are several but start with that one.

I met a really pretty girl at the botero musuem and we have been hanging out. We have alot in common but she had two kinds but she smokes dope listens to heavy metal. I have to keep reminding myself she is a mother. However it turns out its been nice to have a non pro to hang out with. Tonight will tell me alot. If I score my ego goes through the roof and if not I remove a 50k bill from my wallet and pay for the good elsewhere. I am not complaining. We will spend my last two days together and go to santa elena (45 minutes away nice town)tommorow.

That is pretty mch my story. I met up with civid, xxx goat and WT69 made new friends did xmas shopping. The exchange rate was brilliant the hotel was fine service was decent. Now I have to deal with the horrors of holiday travel and return to a shithole they call nyc.

I like Medellin but I don't love it. The city is a ***** to get around but if I ever move to Lima I could see the use of coming here for the weather. Otherwise I will be making trips here from time to time. Two weeks is a decent amount of time to spend here. Not much changes during that period of time.

Thank you to everybody who contributes and keeps things up to date. I couldn't have done it like I did without your help.

Any questions just ask.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-23-08, 15:09
... After dinner we go for a drink. I enter the first bar I hear decent music coming out of. I see rips in the couches wooden chairs. Any ol bar in SA. Anyway I offer her a drink and then she asks me if I like rum. I say sometimes but I would rather drink beer. She then tells me "oh well then how will I drink the whole bottle of rum myself". I flipped! I cancel the bottle order pay for the beer then say adios. She follows me. I then give her cab fare to get home ...

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Great report amigo!

Just wondering, why did ya flip out when the chica wanted to share a bottle of rum with ya on la Setenta?

That's pretty common. Order a bottle, or half a bottle of rum and share it with some soda, limes, ice, etc.

Done it many times in the little clubs on la Setenta, fairly inexpensive too.

Good fun really. I've had some great times drinkin' and dancing out there.

Once again, nice report.

11-23-08, 19:53
Yes things worked out for me last night. I went to a heavy metal concert with a chica in barrio la castilla. They had a really big stage with huge speakers. It was quiet a sight seeing older latin people sitting out in the park with family listening to heavy metal. The girl I was with knew everybody and I got to meet alot of people.

Afterwards we went salsa dancing! She is one of the few that likes metal and salsa.

She spent the night and it was beautiful. I haven't slept with a girl in ages. I have never scored a piece of ass like this before. But remember she has two kids.

She reminds me of sophia loren in her early days. I gave it to her three times. Twice she swallowed my cum. I hit it raw and I was blessed. She is a real head turner. I won't post a photo because she works at the botero plaza muesuem. Too public and easy to track down.

I also wanted to add that the locals know the deal about gringos coming Medellin to get laid. I was asked numerous times why I come here without visiting other areas. My alibi is I am thinking of moving out of the states and I am looking for a city etc. They still know so come up with something prior to arriving.

If you want to go on a tour of the barrios and enter into the zona libre you can call elkin at 3113499631 or 3017007673. He doesn't do the smut thing but he can get you into the university. He studied law there.

If you want to buy leather items I recommend talabateria guillermo lomo cra. 41 no 9-38 tel 266 20 67 in poblado around the corner from parque lleras. They have a great looking store and will make you anything you want. I got a beautiful custom made belt in 3 days for $60. The same in nyc would cost 3 times as much. Also look for a store called la piel in the centro two blocks up right behind hotel nutibarra. He is giving a 20 percent moving discount added with the exchange rate makes for an incredible deal. I bought a leather briefcase/bag for $105. Fantastic. He speaks english. Used to live in new jersey.

Ricker- I have no clue about bottle service I drink beer. My point was I only knew here for an hour and my wallet was getting sucked dry!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-23-08, 20:00
Great report amigo!

Just wondering, why did ya flip out when the chica wanted to share a bottle of rum with ya on la Setenta?

That's pretty common. Order a bottle, or half a bottle of rum and share it with the some soda, limes, ice, etc.

Done it many times in the little clubs on la Setenta, fairly inexpensive too.

Good fun really. I've had some great times drinkin' and dancing out there.

Once again, nice report.He flipped because he doesn´t want to spend money on these chicas. many guys thin non pro chicas are free.

World Travel 69
11-23-08, 22:27
Saturday, my buddy and I (Bayboy) arrived late at night, getting in to our rental apartment in Envigado close to 11pm. Not knowing exactly where we were staying, Envigado is in the south, and not exactly on the map, we did not go out. I was a little leery about going out. I kept hearing fireworks or gunshots, not knowing that they were celebrating some kind of holiday. Had we known that Mayorista was close, we may have visited the area.

Sunday, we head off on the Metro to Poblado to pay the rent on the apartment, not bad 468p for four days. Two bedrooms, 2 baths, internet, pool and security.
Walking up to the office, we spotted a Turibus (tour bus) at Parque Poblado. We had time to kill, so we took the tour to get to know the lay of the land. It was a good tour to take as we learned a lot.

After the tour we continued walking up to the office of Rich Holman of First American Realty. We got there too early for his Sunday BBQs at 3pm. He has these BBQs with his Chicas from the English classes they offer at the office. They also have classes in Spanish for us. He suggested that we had time to make it to New Life, which closes at 5pm. So, off we went. We were presented with about 8 Chicas. There were two that I liked, so I picked Mille. She only works on Sundays. You pay afterwards, which is cool. I ended up doing DATY and getting a BBBJ for a few extra pesos.

Then it was back to the BBQ. There were about 6 or 7 chicas, all trying to practice their English on you. We talked, watched American Football, eat some great food, and drank too much punch.

The chicas were nice, but we were not looking for GFE and the punch nailed us, so we went back to the apartment to crash.

Monday, was a holiday. We jumped on the Metro and went to Parque Berrio and Prado areas in search of Casas. Every one of the Casas we checked was closed. The only areas open was the street walker areas of Carrera 53 and Calles 51-52, and Carreras 53 between Calle 53 and Calle 54. My buddy liked one from the first area. I passed and waited for him. After he finished, it started to rain, so we went back to the apartment.

Tuesday, back to the Parque Berrio and Prado areas. We spit up, decide to meet up in front of Casablanca (closed), and I went in search of Nana’s and my buddy went to check the Bar El Faro area. I asked a few people and some taxi drivers about Nana's, but nobody knew anything. I gave up and took a Viagra and went off to the Casa Geisha #1. But I could not find it. I walked block after block. I did not find it. I think I now have the correct address on the List. I ended up going to La Mansion Verde (Venus). I was presented with about 7 chicas. I picked Diana, (see photo), for 30p, 30 minutes. I had a nice straight lay and a little DATY.

I headed over to Casablanca to wait for my buddy. I waited at a store across the street from it. While I was there a Chica came up to me and asked for some money. She told me her name, but I don’t remember it. Something was a little funny about her. Cuckoo I would say. She was playing with a little black bag. I thought maybe she was a glue sniffer. I made the mistake and told my name. She left, but kept coming back and talking to me. My Spanish is not that good, so I didn't know much about of what she was saying. My buddy was late, so I walked around the block and she followed me. I kept walking a few extra blocks to ditch her. I went back to the store, but she was still around. My buddy showed up and I said let’s get out of here. She started following yelling what sounded like Help Me and my name. She followed us for about a block or so still yelling, everyone walking by kept giving her funny looks.

We headed up to Parque Bolivar and met up with Artistyp. We ended up going to the Conejitas Show Bar. It was great to have only pay 4k pesos for a beer to watch Chica after Chica take off their clothes and shove their pussy in you direction. Of course they come around after they dance for a tip, 500 pesos being the minimum. If you like any one of them you could take them in the back room for 50k pesos.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-24-08, 00:23
I have been their five times since 2005, the first time hooked up with a light skinned negrita, hot. The second un mona deliciosa. The third and fourth time I walked out, nothing worth having and the last visit I passed with a falso cena who was OK nothing more but I agreed to stay because she offered a BBBJ (and the face and body were passable.

This past trick I hooked up with a young'in with a nice tight and sugar was that closed in soo nice. She went by the name of Barbara. At the end of the session she said she was 17 and would be turning 18 Nov. 20. I return on the 20th and she was gone, the best one in the place at that time answered the door but not on the table. Forget the name of the place but has a large blue metal door in which only one of the sections were open. It is a squeeze in before you squeeze in. One or two of the others would work out but once you been to heaven it is hard to tread on the earth.

I was at "Latins" almost directly across from the hotel Odeon, Caracas. Third floor stair case on the other side of the floor from the gym. Saturday I walk out, one OK negrita/trigena with decent face but the rest sucked, I was not in the mood for the one at the time. Nov 20, I hooked with Marcela, 19, decent and sweet but she did not come to the hotel as I asked her to do after her shift, sends me a txt next day she is coming over but I was in the way to the airport. Nice girl and not very experience which makes her refreshing; anyone who sees trea her nice and tell her Mike says hello. Do not allow her to get ruined but the biz.

Down Caracas, passing the police, the park first left and crossing the street is a place on the first floor under a hotel. Many to select and three confused me in that I would have liked to have spent time with each. A couple of others OK if you really need a fix. I saw a thing blond there who was sweet.

Sorry names of some and places excape me at this time; I hope I made it detailed enough for you.

My only regrets, I like Col Bog like the BB, I do understand the lack of BBFS but BBBJ. Maybe next time (and thank GOD for sister-in-law and a friend to provide the BBFS/BJ I was able to swin without the cap a few time). If you have any contacts for the BBBJ and more get in touch with me. I like them slender, fit and tanned (Paisa Trigena).

Hi Mw1030,

Just a quickie, as I have to go! The women there are the hottest and cleanest anywhere, better than the pictures! But the manager is very "pushy". She doesn't like Americans because they just go in there to look and mostly don't use the services! Most places are not like this, but I think they believe the women there are so hot that they can do that! I always took Gringos, and only one ever took a girl in, so last time I went, last week, I told her I would never take another gringo unless they promised to use the services! I love the women there, they all have perfect, "big boobs" bodies, for an extra $10US the girl gave me total GFE!

I took the Gringo back to "sexys" we both had a "cutie" there for $13US (1/2 hr.), then I went back for my "beauty at masajistaspaisas" for $23US (1hr.)! Some of the girls work also from their home, and there is one you can take out for an unlimited amount of time for just $60US, she has no time limit!

Frank Casio!

11-24-08, 01:59
"Our weekly Sunday BBQ start date has been moved to November 9, 2008.

The one week change is due to the timing for the start of the paisa English classes which are now scheduled to begin on Nov 9 also. As you may recall the MLI (Medellin Language Institute) will have 20-30 paisa students who are taking English classes from 1:00. 3:00 PM each Sunday and have been invited to practice their English at the BBQ's while receiving a free 10, 000 peso admission ticket. Also we are doing some more last minute remodeling of our rooftop Terrazzo fiesta area.

Remember no RSVP's are needed. The 30, 000 peso (10, 000 pesos for ladies) entry ticket includes four hours of beverages (rum, beer, guaro, soft drinks and our famous "Paisa Punch") plus continuous servings of sumptous food and apetizers. And you can watch NFL football on our big screen TV if you get tired of tutoring MLI's English students!

So come and have some fun and chill out starting November 9, 2008 from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM and every Sunday thereafter. Conveniently located near the corner of Calle 10 and Cra 34 (8A 24) adjacent to Parque Lleras.

Hosted by Medellin Office Rentals, First American Realty Medellin and the Medellin Language Institute. "

My impressions:

We arrived at 2:30 and was given a tour. Who do we see there, 5 ex mansion chicas and Isis working as the security guard. There was two ladies that ran a dating agency with about 5 of their chicas as well as the students. We left at 6:30. I would saw there were maybe 10 there that I would do. Some had "boyfriends" and many had real jobs. It was well worth the 30, 000 to get in. A guy could get a dozen numbers.

11-24-08, 15:16
He flipped because he doesn´t want to spend money on these chicas. many guys thin non pro chicas are free.Actually half true. The other girl I spent the last four days with used better judgement. I would have spent alot more on her just for that reason alone but she wouldn´t let me. I just knew the other girl I took to dinner was a hustler. She told me she has three kids and no one including herself work at home. They live off the father´s monthly allowance.

If I would have known that I would have never gotten in touch with her. That explains the disco outfit!

11-24-08, 19:45
"Our weekly Sunday BBQ start date has been moved to November 9, 2008.

The one week change is due to the timing for the start of the paisa English classes which are now scheduled to begin on Nov 9 also. As you may recall the MLI (Medellin Language Institute) will have 20-30 paisa students who are taking English classes from 1:00. 3:00 PM each Sunday and have been invited to practice their English at the BBQ's while receiving a free 10, 000 peso admission ticket. Also we are doing some more last minute remodeling of our rooftop Terrazzo fiesta area.

Remember no RSVP's are needed. The 30, 000 peso (10, 000 pesos for ladies) entry ticket includes four hours of beverages (rum, beer, guaro, soft drinks and our famous "Paisa Punch") plus continuous servings of sumptous food and apetizers. And you can watch NFL football on our big screen TV if you get tired of tutoring MLI's English students!

So come and have some fun and chill out starting November 9, 2008 from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM and every Sunday thereafter. Conveniently located near the corner of Calle 10 and Cra 34 (8A 24) adjacent to Parque Lleras.

Hosted by Medellin Office Rentals, First American Realty Medellin and the Medellin Language Institute. "

My impressions:

We arrived at 2:30 and was given a tour. Who do we see there, 5 ex mansion chicas and Isis working as the security guard. There was two ladies that ran a dating agency with about 5 of their chicas as well as the students. We left at 6:30. I would saw there were maybe 10 there that I would do. Some had "boyfriends" and many had real jobs. It was well worth the 30, 000 to get in. A guy could get a dozen numbers.How cool! I'm going to have to check this out for sure, and muy pronto!

Would be great to Isis or I think it's Isias or something like that. Always liked that cat.

Thanks for the info

Aussie Greg
11-25-08, 14:06
Hey Ricker,

I liked that Cat too, and before him Sandro, but there stealing got a little out of hand mate.

All the best Ricker, when you coming back?

Aussie Greg

How cool! I'm going to have to check this out for sure, and muy pronto!

Would be great to Isis or I think it's Isias or something like that. Always liked that cat.

Thanks for the info

11-25-08, 16:09
I took american airlines this time and was tax exempt. Last trip I went on avianca and I think I had to pay almost $40. Is this right? All I was charged yesterday was 12k ($5) which is the normal tourist tax minus the airport tax.

I had a bathroom and snacks near my gate. This wasn't the case in June. The best thing about it was they didn't charge airport prices.

I had a two hour layover in miami but we arrived 15 minutes early and we were punished for it. We had to sit on the runway for 20 minutes then we couldn't park at our gate due to another plane with technical problems. We then were assigned another gate but had to be towed in due to the tight squeeze. They couldn't find the right tow for our plane. Immigration was a nightmare and I just got on my connecting flight as they were boarding. Just imagine if I didn't arrive on time or early for that matter. Everything just barely worked and timing was as perfect as it could ever be.

Has anyone connnected in Ft. Lauderdale? Some guy told me it runs alot smoother.

11-25-08, 21:02
I took american airlines this time and was tax exempt. Last trip I went on avianca and I think I had to pay almost $40. Is this right? All I was charged yesterday was 12k ($5) which is the normal tourist tax minus the airport tax.

I had a bathroom and snacks near my gate. This wasn't the case in June. The best thing about it was they didn't charge airport prices.

I had a two hour layover in miami but we arrived 15 minutes early and we were punished for it. We had to sit on the runway for 20 minutes then we couldn't park at our gate due to another plane with technical problems. We then were assigned another gate but had to be towed in due to the tight squeeze. They couldn't find the right tow for our plane. Immigration was a nightmare and I just got on my connecting flight as they were boarding. Just imagine if I didn't arrive on time or early for that matter. Everything just barely worked and timing was as perfect as it could ever be.

Has anyone connnected in Ft. Lauderdale? Some guy told me it runs alot smoother.Avianca USED TO NOT add the tourist tax (I heard that it is NOW included in their ticket prices) and you would be charged you are right, around $40. AMERICAN includes this in their ticket price thats why AA is always a little more that Avianca. IF YOU complain to AA on AA.com in the complaint tab link. They just might credit you MILES for your inconvenience. The biggest worry complaint you can make to an airline is to threaten their name and business by say you will NEVER fly them again and that you will tell other passengers of your horrific experience. Thats what I always do and in a few weeks I get a bunch of miles!

11-25-08, 22:27
Avianca USED TO NOT add the tourist tax (I heard that it is NOW included in their ticket prices) and you would be charged you are right, around $40. AMERICAN includes this in their ticket price thats why AA is always a little more that Avianca. IF YOU complain to AA on AA.com in the complaint tab link. They just might credit you MILES for your inconvenience. The biggest worry complaint you can make to an airline is to threaten their name and business by say you will NEVER fly them again and that you will tell other passengers of your horrific experience. Thats what I always do and in a few weeks I get a bunch of miles!I took avianca this past june and I had to pay a $5 tourist tax leaving nyc and medellin. On top I had to pay the $40 at the aiport tax counter. The cost for a non stop ticket was around $700.

This trip I paid $518 RT from nyc/medellin via miami all taxes included.

I would be more than willing to pay extra for non stop flights. Has anyone gone through Ft. Lauderdale and how chaotic is it ?

11-25-08, 23:32
the sunday bbq's we promote are for locals and people visiting medellin to promote social and business networking. last sunday we had a local architect, a lawyer, 2 realtors 2 hair stylists, a physical therapist and several students. a number of the ladies present were married or engaged and about 12 of them were our english students. we always maintain a professional decorum.

it is a great way to meet locals and ex-pats living in, or foreigners visiting medellin, watch a little nfl football, eat some good grub, listen to music, drink some of my partners famous paisa punch (beer or rum also) and do something fun on a sunday afternoon.

stop by and say hello, on any sunday that you are in town.

how cool! i'm going to have to check this out for sure, and muy pronto!

would be great to isis or i think it's isias or something like that. always liked that cat.

thanks for the info

Tom 33
11-26-08, 00:41
Has anyone connnected in Ft. Lauderdale? Some guy told me it runs alot smoother.Nothing flies directly from MDE to FLL. Spirit Air is supposed to start flying that route in Feb. Or so.

By the by, don't bother trying to complain to Avianca about anything. They'll just tell you to get fucked. Those bastards still owe me money for requiring me to buy a second ticket for a CTG-MDE flight. They are now my airline of last choice.

11-26-08, 00:45
I took american airlines this time and was tax exempt. Last trip I went on avianca and I think I had to pay almost $40. Is this right? All I was charged yesterday was 12k ($5) which is the normal tourist tax minus the airport tax.

I had a bathroom and snacks near my gate. This wasn't the case in June. The best thing about it was they didn't charge airport prices.

I had a two hour layover in miami but we arrived 15 minutes early and we were punished for it. We had to sit on the runway for 20 minutes then we couldn't park at our gate due to another plane with technical problems. We then were assigned another gate but had to be towed in due to the tight squeeze. They couldn't find the right tow for our plane. Immigration was a nightmare and I just got on my connecting flight as they were boarding. Just imagine if I didn't arrive on time or early for that matter. Everything just barely worked and timing was as perfect as it could ever be.

Has anyone connnected in Ft. Lauderdale? Some guy told me it runs alot smoother.Miami is great.

I only missed connections home twice and I flew thru there 3 times.

11-26-08, 00:51
Great report amigo!

Just wondering, why did ya flip out when the chica wanted to share a bottle of rum with ya on la Setenta?

That's pretty common. Order a bottle, or half a bottle of rum and share it with some soda, limes, ice, etc.

Done it many times in the little clubs on la Setenta, fairly inexpensive too.

Good fun really. I've had some great times drinkin' and dancing out there.

Once again, nice report.Take out a nice quiet Paisa, give her some drinks and she never wants to go home.

11-26-08, 07:33
Not to sound too harsh, but you picked the worst 3 days of the year possible for mongering. I would reschedule in Jan. Unless you already have a girlfriend all the girls will be home with family.

11-26-08, 08:23
Bro, This is Family time in Medellin and is the absolute worst time to Monger in Medellin!

Who advised you to book your time during the month of December?


11-26-08, 09:50
I took avianca this past june and I had to pay a $5 tourist tax leaving nyc and medellin. On top I had to pay the $40 at the aiport tax counter. The cost for a non stop ticket was around $700.

This trip I paid $518 RT from nyc/medellin via miami all taxes included.

I would be more than willing to pay extra for non stop flights. Has anyone gone through Ft. Lauderdale and how chaotic is it ?I wouldn't say that much less chaotic, but it is not as crowded.

AA includes the taxes in your ticket, Avianca doesn't, you are not exempt!

11-26-08, 22:57
Bro, This is Family time in Medellin and is the absolute worst time to Monger in Medellin!

Who advised you to book your time during the month of December?

KB151Its funny cause we are here 5 days and I have about 12 that I have coming at different days and times. Its business as usual here.

11-27-08, 01:52
1. What is it like to go through Panama? Would you say it is less stressful than going through Miami?

2. Does anyone know what is written on the tombstone of Pablo Escobar?

I was so excited to be there that I forgot to read the tombstone.

3. How would I transfer photos from a motorola razor to a cd rom ? I only have a charger. Nothing else came with my phone.

Many Thanks!

11-27-08, 08:50
Bro, This is Family time in Medellin and is the absolute worst time to Monger in Medellin!

Who advised you to book your time during the month of December?

KB151Nobody advised us to book our time in Medellin during the three days following Christmas, that just happens to be the best time of year for us to escape our work obligations. With that being said, are there really NO chicas available during the time that we're around? We're willing to pay for solid local guidance and I can only assume that one of you can point us in the right direction. If what you're saying is true, I'm even more reliant upon solid fellow monger advise to make this trip worthwhile. I would hate for the group to have a lackluster time in Medellin simply because we happened to show up during a slow period.

11-27-08, 14:13
Saturday November 22, 2008:

At 3am it was freezing here in NYC. FREEZING! The McDonalds is now 24 hours in the terminal so we grabbed breakfast at 4am. The flight took off about 10 minutes late and we arrived at noon, cleared customs and on the way out, there was the usual crowd and I noticed a chica and she was staring and smiling at me but we were in a hurry so we grabbed a car service from the airport for 50, 000. Checked into the hotel, were given two adjoining suites, real private then jumped into a cab and went straight to Sexi which was crowded and had 14 chicas on staff. 7 were busy so we need to get back there again on Monday. I saw 1 that I wanted here. Its still 2 for 50, 000 for an hour. Thats about $22.

We then went to New Life, they had about 16 chicas, both JJ and myself had a session for 55, 000 for the hour. I chitchatted a bit and she said she usually gets 150, 000 for the night but since I always pay 100, 000, she agreed and both chicas will spend Monday Night with us for 100, 000 TLN. Man I needed that massage after getting up at 3am today. There were a couple of Americans there as well, they were staying in a condo in Poblado somehere.

I made my rounds in Laurelas, 3 of my shopkeeper amigas were happy to see me. I have a dinner date for Tuesday Night as well. There will be many retaurant pictures since the peso is so weak, and there are so many hungry chicas here to feed.

Went thru my list, made a few calls and most of the numbers were working. We then went to a sidestreet and had a beef dinner for two for $7. 00.

Needed a nap badly and after the nap, we called Fernando and off to mayorista we wemt.

The tables were out and the food carts were back. JayJay opted for Stefanie and I choose a chica Kevy had. Back to the Hotel we went.

I did what I needed to do and back Diana went. All in all, day 1 was good. I took a walk around and since it was Friday night, the streets were getting packed for the week ends in Laurelas.

Sunday November 23, 2008:

So it begins, I go to the terminal and they bring me my first coffee of the day. My day chica's number doesn't work so hopefully she will look in her caqlandar book and come by today. At 2:30 we head over to the BBQ in Park Llaras.

Well at 9am Angie comes walking in. She had me down on her calandar.

Like many that work in the casas here in Medellin, the quit after a month or two and never return. She lives with her brother, babysits for neighbors and acts as his maid and he feeds her and she has a place to sleep.

Well he decided to move to Cali and left her a note. She found a room for 80, 000 a month ($35) a month and gets by. She told me this after I asked how her asshole brother is. I know Angie 13 months now. She didn't ask me for any more than I have been giving her. Life is what it is here.

I am beginning to have history with many, since I call them back trip after trip and they cause me no drama.

We head to Centro, New Life had 10 chicas and Kamasutra had only 2 but I liked one so I had a session. So far I have pictures of every chica I was with.

The Event (See above)

We arrived at 2:30 and was given a tour. Who do we see there, 5 ex mansion chicas and Isis working as the security guard. There was two ladies that ran a dating agency with about 5 of their chicas as well as the students. We left at 6:30. I would saw there were maybe 10 there that I would do. Some had "boyfriends" and many had real jobs. It was well worth the 30, 000 to get in. A guy could get a dozen numbers.

Monday November 24, 2008:

The usual routine is in place. Angie came, got my combo, we ate breakfast and she left. Stefany has just arrived for Jayjay so I am off for my dollar shave. Afterwards we will hit Centro and get a 2 for 1 deal.

Took a walk around until jayjay is done with his session. Got my usual shave for 3, 000 pesos. I can get use to that real fast.

Two doors down from the Florida we decided to have cappacinnos and watch the chicas go by before we went to Centro. It was 5, 000 for two.

We went straight to New Life. They had 11 chicas working. We both choose who we wanted and afterwards we hung with the boss and the chicas for about an hour. I think I will marry the boss, she afterall owns a *****house. After hanging there and chatting with the chicas, there are 4 more that I want to do. The hot chica collecting the money is the 23 year old daughter of the boss.

We were talking about Franks place and the cabanas and the parties when the daughter mentioned they have Cabanas in Medellin. The mother looked at her and said, "How the hell do you know! "

Well after I banged the chica we laid there a while and then she looked at me and said lets go for round 2. After 10 minutes, I gave up. I have no round two for her today.

So I am sitting outside with JayJay and this guy, from Curacau, that was here, but checked out cause it was $50 a night and he thought that was too much, came over to chat. He was bragging how many Colombians he met there and now was in Medellin banging them for free. I asked him why he was alone and it turns out he spends 200, 000 on their food and drinks. He asked us what we wer doing tonight so I told him, we were paying 100, 000 for TLN. Well me and JayJay walked away from him and his tales.

So we are waiting for my 8PM chica to show up and who to a see, a blast from the past walking with her sister so I stop her and we arrange for her to come by on Wednesday.

Well my 8PM shows up and we go to, you guessed it Crepes and Waffles and she is all over me. There was a table nearby with 3 chicas and they kept looking over at me.

Tuesday November 25, 2008:

We walk up and she wantas to do it doggie style so who am I to say no. We go at it a while and then I jump into the shower and she sneaks up on me in the shower. She will be back Wednesday for round 2.

I am here in the lobby and I look over my shoulder and there were 5 chicas sitting on the couch and more coming in. They are hiring for X Mas here and are having the interviews here. There were 80 chicas between the age of 18-22 in the lobby. I took many puictures. This will go on for 3 days. Its heaven here.

Angie and Michele left. We are waiting for the taxi and off we go exploring another section of town, about 45 minutes from laurelas. This is only day 4. I hit the ground running.

We hired a taxi to take us to RioNegro and once there we checked out a nice Hotel with a pool and nearby was a foodcourt with many small restaurants to eat. We spent about an hour there chatting with the chicas that worked there and I got a phone number. The taxi cost 130, 000 for 4 hours.

Met my shop keeper amiga and had dinner at Crepes and Waffles, then dropped her off and took a ride to Mayorista which was about average for a Tuesday Night. Continued on to the mean Streets of San Diego where there were maybe 8 chicas walking around.

Wednesday November 26, 2008:

Started the day as usual followed by breakfast then off to Sexi. They had 11 chicas and we bought some Rum and hung there for an hour in the backrooms. The boss has her son and daughter working there as well, as managers of course. Then we wet to Kamasutra and each had a 2 for 1 session for 45, 000. Excellant. There were about 10 chicas working there as well. Took a taxi back for 4, 900.

Everyday we sit at the ice cream parlour for about 30 minutes and havesome coffee and then we move back to the chairs in front of The Florida. I am trying to limit myself to 3 sessions a day. So far its working.

So last night my all night chica comes over and we head to Picolos for dinner. Her meal was $6. This was the second time she came for all night. I give her 100, 000 and she pays her taxi both ways. Its a nice deal actually. There is a few of these places around and one very close to New Life. We go there often.

Thursday November 27, 2008:

We both seemed to wake up at 5:30 so she gave me a very good pounding, then we jumped into the shower together. She laid around doing a crossword puzzle, looked at me and asked if today was Thanksgiving which it was and she smiled at me. She knew what day it was.

Exchange Rates: 11/22/2008:2, 336 11/25/2008:2, 318 11/27/2008:2, 291

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Tiny 12
11-27-08, 19:55
1. What is it like to go through Panama? Would you say it is less stressful than going through Miami?If you're not planning on spending the night, I'd base that decision on the fare and schedule. Panama is less stressful, but then Miami has never been a problem for me, except for one time when I had to re-check bags there. I like Copa better than Avianca. If you have a long layover, I believe you can pay to hang out at the Copa club, or I know you can get in for free if you have an AMEX platinum card.

If you're talking about staying overnight, it's no contest -- go through Panama.

11-28-08, 02:10
1. What is it like to go through Panama? Would you say it is less stressful than going through Miami?

2. Does anyone know what is written on the tombstone of Pablo Escobar?

I was so excited to be there that I forgot to read the tombstone.

3. How would I transfer photos from a motorola razor to a cd rom ? I only have a charger. Nothing else came with my phone.

Many Thanks!If the Razor has a micro SD card, they sell an adapter that will allow you to load it into an SD slot in a computer. THIS IS NOT THE SIM CARD.

Club King
11-28-08, 03:12
2. Does anyone know what is written on the tombstone of Pablo Escobar?

I was so excited to be there that I forgot to read the tombstone.Hi,

Picture taken in August '07.

I guess you speak Spanish and thus understand the inscription, right?


Member #4427
11-28-08, 04:13

don't whine to me about freezing i am sitting up here in fairbanks alaska, i have not seen the sun in two weeks, and it will be another month before it comes up again.

i can't wait for march for my 4th trip to medellin. thanks for the report, i am glad you are having a good time.

be safe,

happy thanksgiving.


11-28-08, 16:05

don't whine to me about freezing i am sitting up here in fairbanks alaska, i have not seen the sun in two weeks, and it will be another month before it comes up again.

i can't wait for march for my 4th trip to medellin. thanks for the report, i am glad you are having a good time.

be safe,

happy thanksgiving.

speedstick.there is a slight chill in the air. we were under the covers watching television. all my paisas are chilly these days. i have 9 more days to report.

11-28-08, 16:13
the sunday bbq's we promote are for locals and people visiting medellin to promote social and business networking. last sunday we had a local architect, a lawyer, 2 realtors 2 hair stylists, a physical therapist and several students. a number of the ladies present were married or engaged and about 12 of them were our english students. we always maintain a professional decorum.

it is a great way to meet locals and ex-pats living in, or foreigners visiting medellin, watch a little nfl football, eat some good grub, listen to music, drink some of my partners famous paisa punch (beer or rum also) and do something fun on a sunday afternoon.

stop by and say hello, on any sunday that you are in town.i attended and it was well worth the 30,000 pesos.

11-28-08, 23:00
3. How would I transfer photos from a motorola razor to a cd rom ? I only have a charger. Nothing else came with my phone.

Many Thanks!If you have access to a laptop you should have a bluetooth link. With my razor I go to Tools>Connection>Bluetooth Link>Setup.

When you have the link go to Camera>Go to Pictures>Copy (or Move).



11-29-08, 01:54
Its funny cause we are here 5 days and I have about 12 that I have coming at different days and times. Its business as usual here.You are speaking of your OWN personal experiences. These guys have NEVER been here before. It's great that you are tooting your own horn, however I LIVE in Medellin and I as others can vouch for the "NEWBIE" it may be rather difficult for him/them to find it "as business as usual" during the Christmas Holidays.


11-29-08, 10:55

Are you going to post any of those pics youve taken?

11-29-08, 13:20
You are speaking of your OWN personal experiences. These guys have NEVER been here before. It's great that you are tooting your own horn, however I LIVE in Medellin and I as others can vouch for the "NEWBIE" it may be rather difficult for him/them to find it "as business as usual" during the Christmas Holidays.

KB151When I first came here, I came with some guys that had been here before so I started off fast. I have brought about 6 guys here and from day 1, they were off and running. I understand why some travel alone.

Everyone on this board 2 years or more should know someone that can get them off to a fast start in over 30 countries on their first trip.

I am just stating a fact.

TomTom from the boards took me to Laurelas and the rest is history.

11-29-08, 17:08
When I first came here, I came with some guys that had been here before so I started off fast. I have brought about 6 guys here and from day 1, they were off and running. I understand why some travel alone.

Everyone on this board 2 years or more should know someone that can get them off to a fast start in over 30 countries on their first trip.

I am just stating a fact.

TomTom from the boards took me to Laurelas and the rest is history.Malodr and Kickboxer,

Given that my friends and I have never been to Colombia it might not matter that Medellin will not be business as usual during the post Christmas period. Ignorance is bliss I guess. With that said, we're obviously hoping to have fun even if many of the prime action is gone for the holidays. What would you guys recommend? Casas? Discos? Escorts? Local guide?

I realize that our timing could have been better, but at this point we're just hoping to taste a bit of what Medellin has to offer.

Thanks in advance

11-29-08, 18:14
The inscription reads, I think: If you see a good man, imitate him, if you see a bad man, examine yourself (meaning, I guess, the same badness is in you, perhaps, and don't project it all onto me, Pablo).

I visited Pablo's gravesite, which is in a nice, quiet cemetery (Cemetario Jardins Montesacro) away from the industrial noise and pollution of Itagui, south of Poblado. I was surprised at how well his gravesite was served. It was lined with a helluva lot of fresh flower arrangements, as if his funeral was just yesterday. Clearly he's highly regarded by many still like a head of state or powerful politician. Which, in a sense he was, despite his brutality, and someone or some group keeps the place well maintained. I suppose that in part, the economy of Medellin was given a massive boost by his money laundering efforts.

In any case, I think it's worth a few minutes taxi ride from Poblado, especially if you need to tell friends and family that you actually did some real tourist stuff in MDE.


Picture taken in August '07.

I guess you speak Spanish and thus understand the inscription, right?


11-29-08, 18:30

Are you going to post any of those pics youve taken?When I get back home, I will cover the faces and put some up.

11-29-08, 23:33

Picture taken in August '07.

I guess you speak Spanish and thus understand the inscription, right?

AdiosThis was great thank you. I will try a loose translation for those who don't read spanish. I am not an expert myself.

" When you see a good man try to imitate him , When you see a bad man examen(look into) yourself "

Wanako Tex
11-30-08, 09:17
Thursday November 27, 2008:

We both seemed to wake up at 5:30 so she gave me a very good pounding, then we jumped into the shower together. She laid around doing a crossword puzzle, looked at me and asked if today was Thanksgiving which it was and she smiled at me. She knew what day it was.

Exchange Rates: 11/22/2008:2, 336 11/25/2008:2, 318 11/27/2008:2, 291

Dude grand report! I hope to visit Colombia for my first time in 2009, sadly it will be the latter part. I just love the way you structured that sentence, ''she knew what day it was'' priceless! You drew a perfect picture of her naive self undressing to the reality that it was in fact thanksgiving. I hope to one day follow in your steps ass a monger,and to have the privilege to be in the''trenches'' with you.

11-30-08, 14:03
I plan to be in either Cali or Medellin pending on the flight costs and schedule.
Would not mind having a few beers and visiting the casas with fellow members.


11-30-08, 15:51
Thursday November 27, 2008:

We both seemed to wake up at 5:30 so she gave me a very good pounding, then we jumped into the shower together. She laid around doing a crossword puzzle, looked at me and asked if today was Thanksgiving which it was and she smiled at me. She knew what day it was.

Our morning chicas leave so I take a walk around and spot a cutie cleaning a table in a cafe. It turns out to be the owner and we chat. She speaks English and has many friends so at 4PM we shall have a social gathering. I look at my watch at its 12:50 and I am supose to get JayJay and meet Dboy on Centro so we rush to get to Sexi and they show up a few minutes after us. We all do sessions and then check out Alejas which has 7 chicas and Masajes 55 which has 6 chicas.

We return to Laurelas and we return to Dboy{s 5 bedroom PH and before you know it, I have to meet Jay for Dinner. we are eating in the Hotel so the meal will be ready in 20.

Julie came over again and brought her amiga, her friend since they were 10, for my brother. She must have been good, she is coming back again tonight. We watched the football game accross the street for a while. Football is very big here.

Friday November 28, 2008:

Julie left by 6:30 and Angie was here until 10:30. We then headed to Centro, checked out Sexi them Massaje 55 where I took an hour for 40,000. I needed to lay down and get a massage. There was a major protest all over the City calling to an end to the Farc so there was lots of traffic everywhere.

We hung at that new little cafe on Setenta a while and then headed over to Premium Plaza for dinner. 37,000 for two.

So I took my shop keeper amiga out to dinner with Jayjay and his chica. Mine jumps in a taxi after we are done, as she always does and JayJays chica is confused. I explain that she never stays over and JayJays chica looks at me and asks if I want her to call a friend.

I took a ride to Mayorista and there were not as many as usual but it was raing out all night.

Saturday November 29, 2008:

Julies amiga just left JayJays room. It looks like it will work out for him. We have two amigas that come every morning and two that come everynight. We will do a casa run in the afternoon to see if there are alternatives.

Took a walk around Laurelas, my brother bought a pair of Jeans with alteration for 28,000. Then we went to the salon and his haircut was 8,000 pesos. We are getting ready for an afternoon casa run.

We ended up going to Mayorista to see the Market and then took off to Los Molinos Mall near upper Laurelas.

So its 5PM and I decided to take a walk in upper Laurelas where Dboy is staying. I saw some nice new buildings and got some sweet prices. A 3 BR is 175,000,000. I saw a few dozen restaurants that I will try at later times. All of a sudden I hear my name and its a guy from the BBQ with a smoking hot chica, an accountant, looks 25 but is 35, WOW!

Before I knew it I was out 2.5 hours and our chicas will be here at 8:30. Nothing takes 20 minutes here.

They came about 45 minutes late but it was fine cause my 20 minute walk became 2.5 hours long. We returned to the Pizza Restaurant that I spooted and it was packed. The pizza was really good and afterwards we returned to the room where I did a photo shot for a while.

Sunday November 30, 2008:

Woke up about 6am, pounded Julie or should I say Julie pounded me again. We jumped in the shower together and then she and her amiga left together. The amiga was with Jayjay 3 nights in a row. I think Julie will be the steady night chica until I leave in a few days.

Angie came by abit earlier, gave me my daily massage, we watched television as usual, then breakfast and she was on her way. 50,000 well spent.

Today is the event in Poblado again, so a little football from 1 until 2:30 then off to meet some more non putas.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-30-08, 18:07
They are not gone for the Holidays. I stayed at the Mansion my first trip here and from there everything feel in place.

Read my 3 reports and you will know what needs to be done.All this debate about mongering in Medellin over the holidays.

Don't know why all the fuss.

Before Xmas, of course all the chicas will be working full force, looking for xtra cash. That's the way it is everywhere. Obvious.

After Xmas and before New Years, yes of course, you'll still have plenty of chicas to find, though not to the degree of pre-Xmas.

After New Years and for about a week after it's pretty slow. New Years is pretty family oriented.

You will still be able to find chicas though, again not as many to choose from.

Staying at a place like the Mansion is a plus because the chicas are always visiting there, year round, and those guys have the contacts.

Have fun! Happy holidays!

Nino Bravo
12-01-08, 01:44
This was great thank you. I will try a loose translation for those who don't read spanish. I am not an expert myself.

" When you see a good man try to imitate him , When you see a bad man examen(look into) yourself "What the tombstone is basically trying to say is somewhat biblical. "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". Or, those who say, before you judge someone, look at yourself, or look in the mirror.

Pretty lame if you ask me, considering all of the horrible things Escobar did. Anyone who sees him as a Robin Hood type, certainly has issues. He was arrogant and non-repentent to the end. He has the blood of so many innocent people (children, elderly) on his hands. Any good he might have done is certainly erased by the evil he did.

12-01-08, 05:01
What the tombstone is basically trying to say is somewhat biblical. "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". Or, those who say, before you judge someone, look at yourself, or look in the mirror.

Pretty lame if you ask me, considering all of the horrible things Escobar did. Anyone who sees him as a Robin Hood type, certainly has issues. He was arrogant and non-repentent to the end. He has the blood of so many innocent people (children, elderly) on his hands. Any good he might have done is certainly erased by the evil he did.Alot of poor colombians see him as a hero.

12-01-08, 07:52
Pretty lame if you ask me, considering all of the horrible things Escobar did. Anyone who sees him as a Robin Hood type, certainly has issues. He was arrogant and non-repentent to the end. He has the blood of so many innocent people (children, elderly) on his hands. Any good he might have done is certainly erased by the evil he did.A lot of the "charity" was just another way to launder the drug profits. The guy was behind the blowing up of an Avianca airliner that killed over a hundred people; there was a period when he was more powerful than the president of Colombia, he was behind the assassination of a presidential candidate back in 1990, a guy who was leading in the polls at the time he was campaigning. Escobar was a terrorist who had his country in his grips, and this was way before the era of Al Qaeda and the Taliban!

12-01-08, 13:31
We went over to the event around 2:30 and there was a low turn out but we mingled with the other Gringos. There were about 30 other gringos there, some with apartments for rent but many were staying all over the City so you could compare notes.

There were about 12 chicas compared to last weeks 25 or so. Keep in mind that many of these chicas have jobs and work 6 days so their time is very limited. There were a few from last week so I set something up for Tuesday with one chica, to have lunch in Laurelas and got the email addy of another, since she works 6 days a week to 8PM and her next free day is the day I am leaving.

Its 30,000 to get in and you could get all the numbers if you want and be busy for years. As I said these chicas work many hours so if you return often it will work well.

Aussie Greg
12-01-08, 14:53
Here are sone foto's of Pablos propertys and his grave site.

1) 1-2 foto's are of Pablo's grave site en Itagui.

2) 3-7 foto's Pablo Escobars Hacienda Napoles en Dorodal.

3) 8-10 foto's Pablo's villa en El Penol

Aussie Greg's Colombian Tours.

12-02-08, 02:11
Like Gotti was in Ozone Park and other parts of Queens so was Pablo.

My ex-wife from Niquia said, he provided homes for those who did not have. Granted they were shanties (and can with a price) but when you have nothing a shanty can be your mansion.

Pablo is evil but the devil sways good people so that he can be safe. Pablo's arm included the poor who he provided a roof. Some feared him other protected him for building them a dump.

Alot of poor colombians see him as a hero.

12-03-08, 02:01
I visted Medellin for the first time last year. I am from Miami and have heard many stories from Colombian freinds and also seen my fair share of "stuff". I went to MDE for 2 reasons: to monger ofcourse but also to see the city that played a huge role in the life of my city. When you grow up in Miami, you tend to be affected / touched / inlfuenced by the drug trade wether you like it or not. Miami was the other half of Pablos empire or territory. He literally shaped the economy of my city during the eighties. Drugs are still rampant now, just try to imagine what it was like before. To understand his rise to power you first need to understand what it was like before Escobar.

The city was extremely (I mean Haiti) poor. There was mass genocide of the poor people by the government which is most of the population. He himself grew up dirt poor. He was a thief until he stumbled upon his "business venture". Easy money and very low risk, well at the time atleast. Laws really didn't exist then since the mayor and police chief were committing mass genocide. They literally gave the officers orders to go into the poor parts like San Juan where he was from and began shooting people like they did in Africa not too long ago.

He realized very quickly that he could not do it alone and also he needed the support of the people. He paid money for the heads of any police officer or ant government official, literally! By doing this he was giving money to poor people as well as showing them that he was on their side, since the heads belonged to the people that were terrorizing the poor or most of the population for many years. He essentially built an army out of the entire city. Since his business grew to $1billion a month, he threw money around like it was a sport and at the same time got more support of the people. He used the poor to hide his money, his security and production and distribution network. He made a shanty town for the poor people among many other "improvements" like the metrorail system.

Now with that kind of business comes "difficulties" like murder and corruption and all that. The laws shape our everyday lives but in his city, the law killed all of your neighbors so the fact that it is illegal has absolutley no bearing on the situation. Where he slipped was kill innocent people. He lost the support of people that protected him by instead of only killing the target, he would kill a whole plane and kill 100 innocent people. The narcobombas or suitcase bombs were his biggest downfall, even though it made the entire country fear him, he made an enemy of his only allie, the people.

Like all drug dealers, and growing up in miami I met many, the power went to his head. The people turned on him and thats why he went down, he could not hide in the city that he built and loved. Also many people realized that if he dies, the people that he used to cover up his money would keep the money that they were hiding. More than half of the wealth of MDE today is from his business and his need to cover up his asstes through other people. So over night, the poor housekeeper that was used as a front, now is rich since he is dead and nobody is coming to collect the earnings.

So moral of the story, yes he was a bad person, a very bad person! A real peice of shit in my book. A murdering motherfucker! He was a theif and a cheat more than a business man. A business man would put the business first instead of his nut sack and ego. He got what he deserved! But remember, HE DID NOT DO IT ALONE! His "freinds" are still out there.

Thats why here in Miami we have a saying: never trust a Colombian. Now before anyone goes nuts over the last statement, thats NOT! How I feel, especially after vsisting Colombia but its a fact that is a saying here in Miami, never trust a colombian. I grew up in the middle of Pablo's war and just am expressing a view that most will not mention, but undoubtedly is very true.

Thats all I have to say about that.

Aussie Greg
12-03-08, 15:28
Another foto from Hacienda Napoles, Pablo would have been happy having these two around.

Aussie Greg

P.S. I was talking to Olga, our massage lady here at the Mansion the other day about Pablo, she told me when she was about 18, she went to a few parties with her girlfriends and met the "circle", she's 43 now.

Escort King
12-04-08, 00:15
Another foto from Hacienda Napoles, Pablo would have been happy having these two around.

Aussie Greg

P.S. I was talking to Olga, our massage lady here at the Mansion the other day about Pablo, she told me when she was about 18, she went to a few parties with her girlfriends and met the "circle", she's 43 now.And she gives a great massage and loves anal. And her English is decent.

Rico Fashizzle
12-04-08, 01:06
For Gods sake Sceen, get a grip already.

12-05-08, 01:26
Monday December 1, 2008:

And another usual morring, see yesterday. JayJay had a chica come over so I took awalk around Laurelas, found a nice coffee place with 4 chicas working then headed over to the Wings place and had a burger and fries. I decided to stop by John´s 5 bedroom penthouse to see about taking some rooms for my last two nights when Dboy and his buddy came back.

Dboys buddy had a taxi come by to take him on a tour of the City so we tagged along. We saw the Acquirium, the Botantinacle gardens and the taxi guy asked us if we wanted to stop by a place with no name and chicas. Well we did and it was packed. Chicas are freelance and come and go. Its open from 10 to 6PM. Well 5 minutes in I see a sweetie and we chat it up. She will come by tomorrow from 2 until 7. There were a dozen chicas there. It was like a Big Dee Party.

Afterwards we were shown a 3 bedroom in Poblado, not bad for $90 a night.

We ended up with dinner at Piccolos and back to the Hotel.

Tuesday December 2, 2008:

Jenny and her amiga leave and there are a few interns waiting nearby to start at the Pharmcia so I soot the shit with them. They were both 18.

Took a ride to Sebenata, a suburb of Medellin, about 20 minutes from Poblado. First we looked at 3 bedrooms for about $45,000 to buy or $380 to rent. Then we went to the main square and there were tons of people around and then we toured about 10 various discos. I may not get back to them until next year.

So I get back at 2:30 and my 1PM chica never showed up. Thats the last time I rush back. So we do a casa run, Athena, I pick a nice 19 year old, there were 12 chicas, then onto Sexi, they had about 10, then onto New Life and they had about 12. We called it a day.

We hung around unntil the night chicas came and then we headed over to around where the new place will be and tried Geno´s Pizza Restaurant. It was a really cool place, two floors, open roof.

Wednesday December 3, 2008:

So I am walking around these areas now for almost two weeks. I am seeing many of the same faces over and over. I stop, I chat. I say maybe one day we can get lunch or dinner and they say, "When"?

I may know about 20 or more chicas here, maybe more.

So Cesar gets to us at noon as planned and we head back to the apartments and its closed. It opens at 2PM. Some guy tells us there is another down the block so we go there. They have about 20 chicas and JayJay takes a session. The rooms are 7,000 per 30 minutes. Beers are 2,500 and soda is 2,000.

I am talking to the owner and she is there 30 years. Even met Pablo and his cousins were customers.

We then go to the original place and its just opening and there are 12 chicas so far.

Went to Parc Lleras and met Brad from the Sabaneta rentals and the famous DonGringo. We shot the shit for a while. Its nice to put a face to the name.

Last night we went to another popular area called La Ochenta. The entire bill for 4 was 102.000 which was about $45. There must be a 100 places to eat in that area.

The trip is coming to and end soon. We are getting ready to move into the Apartment for our last few days here.

Thursday December 4, 2008:

Julie and her amiga leave, Angie comes and goes, we swing over to Johns Apt, grab the keys, pay for two nights and will be moving our stuff over shortly.

So we finally check in, grab the keys and kickback waiting for Ceasar to arrive. I am laying on the couch, just starring out at the mountains. I don´t really want to leave but its 1PM and Cesar has arrived.

Took a quick walk around and spotted about 5 places to just sit and drink coffee.

We head to the two apartments, hitting the one that opens at 10am first. There must be 15 chicas there, we grab a drink and sit on the balcony starring out some more.

Now its time to hit the 2PM place, just opening and there are 5 chicas. In walks what I want and I ask her to go back to the apartment until 7PM for 70,000 no salida and she sats 80,000 and off we go. Jayjay stops at the first place but his chica wants 120,000 so we pass.

On the way back we hit Champions Sports Bar on 80, owned by an American. We shoot the shit a bit and return to the apartment. John has some smoking hot 19 year old over, maybe a taste another day.

Well my 80,000 peso chica shall be back at noon tomorrow.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-05-08, 06:05
For Gods sake Sceen, get a grip already.

Pablo is dead and buried. Most of us are more interested in reading about hot female paisas and having sex with them..

Member #3435
12-06-08, 02:32
Pablo is dead and buried. Most of us are more interested in reading about hot female paisas and having sex with them..Ocasionally the subject varies. Myself, I tend to enjoy it.

12-06-08, 06:21
However, for those interested, a good read on the subject (imho) is mark bowden's (author of "black hawk down") book "killing pablo"

Ok, nuff said.

Pablo is dead and buried. Most of us are more interested in reading about hot female paisas and having sex with them..

12-06-08, 16:33
The last 30 hours were out of control. So we wake up and I start doing Julie doggie style but after 20 minutes I give up. She leaves and at 8:30 angie shows up for my massage and I do her doggie as well and blow a nut off.

Christiana shows up for Jay at 10:30 and leaves at 12:30.

I am waiting for Cindy to show up, she gets lost and arrives about an hour late with a friend. We head across the street for Pizza at Genos and return to the Apartment for a session, I get a massage and she starts to blow me but nothing.

We are sitting downstairs with John and I tell him I need that spinner amiga of his to come over and dance around in the schoolgirl outfit. He calls her and its arranged.

This other hot amiga comes around Titania, and Jay has a session with her and we are taking all kinds of pictures. Afterwards I am chatting with her and she wants 300,000 for all night. She knows my amiga Julie and asks what I gave her. I told her 100,000 a night for 10 nights. Well Tatiania wants in for April, same deal.

John really wants to do my Cindy and his Amiga arrives so I whisper into Cindys ear that John wants her, how does 40,000 sound? Well John takes her, I go with the schoolgirl and we all head for our rooms.

I only gave the schoolgirl 70,000 so after she leaves, Cindy comes out ahd we head upstairs where I blow load number 2. Cindy was suppose to leave at 7 but stayed to 8:30 for 80,000, no taxi fairs.

Julie and Lorena return, Julie and Tatiania give each other a nice big kiss and the 5 of us hit this great Italian restaurant.

It was a 400,000 peso day, but wow.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-07-08, 07:07

Malodr is a really cool guy!

He and his brother stayed here at the Laureles penthouse for a couple of days. Super cool guys that treat the ladies in a very different way that keeps them in line. I have learned so much from Malodr, it is incredible.

He has created a spread sheet on my p. C. So that he could make his own reservation for April.

OMG I am going to be organized!

I don't know if you know what the title of this report means or not but it's very commonly said by the locals.

12-07-08, 16:26
I found him thru a friend. He has a 5 bedroom Penthouse.

I shall return 3 more times next year.

Que Rico
12-07-08, 22:41

I'm planning a trip to see my internet Novia in Medellin, I'm thinking of staying at the el castillo because if I stay at the mansion she will know whats up. I have heard that in el castillo I can still pick up chicas from the mansion and bring them back. I don't want to alarm my new girlfriend and let her know I'm a monger, hows the image of el castillo? I know ther arent hanging around. Any other options? I have read all the threads here and this seems the best option.

12-08-08, 00:49

I'm planning a trip to see my internet Novia in Medellin, I'm thinking of staying at the el castillo because if I stay at the mansion she will know whats up. I have heard that in el castillo I can still pick up chicas from the mansion and bring them back. I don't want to alarm my new girlfriend and let her know I'm a monger, hows the image of el castillo? I know ther arent hanging around. Any other options? I have read all the threads here and this seems the best option.Chances are she is or was a hooker. You want to meet a real novia, then you need to go there and mingle with real non pros. El Castillo is a nice quiet place in Poblado. As good as any other place to stay while your internet novia tries to clean you out. Hahahaha

12-08-08, 00:56
Hi there,

My second time in MDE. Am here for about a week.

Anyone who wants to hook up for some drinks or hit some strip clubs let me know.


Que Rico
12-08-08, 13:11

Thats the typical response I expect on a mongering board. Its all good. We pay for it anyway. So any girl I meet on the internet from Medellin has atleast a 51% chance of being a hooker?

Her friends are probably saying all this american wants is sex from you! So I guess we are the same, its not the cuddly warm feeling in our bellys that draws us together. LOL

12-08-08, 16:39

I'm planning a trip to see my internet Novia in Medellin, I'm thinking of staying at the el castillo because if I stay at the mansion she will know whats up. I have heard that in el castillo I can still pick up chicas from the mansion and bring them back. I don't want to alarm my new girlfriend and let her know I'm a monger, hows the image of el castillo? I know ther arent hanging around. Any other options? I have read all the threads here and this seems the best option.The majority of women in Medellin know whats up. I was asked numerous times why I returned so quickly after my June visit. I came up with some bullshit but few people bought it.

The non pro I met asked that question to me in bed the following morning. The way she put it was " You aren't one of those guys that prey on girls in poverty are you? "

Meanwhile she has been emailing me with mushy emails that at this point is a huge turn off. She is this really pretty girl that IMHO is turning it on way too much and my instincts are telling me it's bogus. Maybe she is ready to ask for something. Whatever it is red flags are up.

No I will not be a western union monger. NEVER!

Aussie Greg
12-08-08, 16:43
Hey RICKER, how ya going mate.

Just to let you know, little Anna has been looking after Papasito !! she´s a little beautty mate, its even better when you get it for free. Ive sort of taken her under my wing.

Anyway, she around the Mansion now and has gone up a level or two.

Starts university in the new year, just an update mate.


All this debate about mongering in Medellin over the holidays.

Don't know why all the fuss.

Before Xmas, of course all the chicas will be working full force, looking for xtra cash. That's the way it is everywhere. Obvious.

After Xmas and before New Years, yes of course, you'll still have plenty of chicas to find, though not to the degree of pre-Xmas.

After New Years and for about a week after it's pretty slow. New Years is pretty family oriented.

You will still be able to find chicas though, again not as many to choose from.

Staying at a place like the Mansion is a plus because the chicas are always visiting there, year round, and those guys have the contacts.

Have fun! Happy holidays!

12-09-08, 00:17

Thats the typical response I expect on a mongering board. Its all good. We pay for it anyway. So any girl I meet on the internet from Medellin has atleast a 51% chance of being a hooker?

Her friends are probably saying all this american wants is sex from you! So I guess we are the same, its not the cuddly warm feeling in our bellys that draws us together. LOLYes we all want sex, why do we go there? Believe whatever you want but don't cry when you see her pictures here.

12-09-08, 04:30
And I am almost totally sure she is thanking GOD for those of you who prey on woman in poverty.

How many men does she have on retainer that are preying on women in poverty.

Ask them which is better for sending Moneygram or Western Union; many know boh of them and are on a "first name basis" with the operators.

Porbresita the woman of Medellin in poverty who we think we are praying on when in actuality it is them preying on us.... I do not thinkyou will meet many that are not on the program unless you are at a family's home and over dinner they say, this is our daughter. Bar and street girls know the program!

The majority of women in Medellin know whats up. I was asked numerous times why I returned so quickly after my June visit. I came up with some bullshit but few people bought it.

The non pro I met asked that question to me in bed the following morning. The way she put it was " You aren't one of those guys that prey on girls in poverty are you? "

Meanwhile she has been emailing me with mushy emails that at this point is a huge turn off. She is this really pretty girl that IMHO is turning it on way too much and my instincts are telling me it's bogus. Maybe she is ready to ask for something. Whatever it is red flags are up.

No I will not be a western union monger. NEVER!

Latin Bound
12-09-08, 13:16
I plan to be in either Cali or Medellin pending on the flight costs and schedule.
Would not mind having a few beers and visiting the casas with fellow members.

ThanksI arrive in Medellin the 19th.

If you want to hook up, let me know.

12-09-08, 22:25
Hey RICKER, how ya going mate.

Just to let you know, little Anna has been looking after Papasito !! she´s a little beautty mate, its even better when you get it for free. Ive sort of taken her under my wing.

Anyway, she around the Mansion now and has gone up a level or two.

Starts university in the new year, just an update mate.

AGHeya Aussie, nice to see someones taking care of Anna. Does she ever call out my name when you're together. Hahahahaha.

She's definitely a sweetheart!

Enjoy amigo.

I'll be back to hang with you guys in January, with my bro.

Was going to make a visit to Medellin this month but this other country, Brasil is treating me too nicely

Hey, I love the Paisas, they're beautiful, but I've fallen for the Brasilieras.

I thought I was having great sex in Colombia, but the Brasilieras in general just oooze with sexyness and desire.

I have to admit though, the Paisas are sure special for their beauty and it's hard to beat the climate of Medellin.

See ya soon amigo!

Saludos to the gang there at the Mansion / Castillo from me!

Take care.

12-10-08, 22:44
Is Medellin prounonced "med e ann" or "muh dee un"? Or am I off on both?


Escort King
12-11-08, 05:32
Is Medellin prounonced "med e ann" or "muh dee un"? Or am I off on both?

ReefLocally they call it medi gee in - the "l"s are pronounced g

Tom 33
12-11-08, 14:19
The double l is pronounced like a j in all of Antioquia. It is a distinguishing mark of a Paisa along with the word qubo(a contraction of que hubo). ¡Qubo pues! In many other parts of Colombia, Latin America, and Spain, the double l is pronounced like a y.

12-11-08, 16:59
Or "Maid ah jean"

Say it fast!

Goga Fung
12-11-08, 21:02
Locally they call it medi gee in - the "l"s are pronounced gAlso "d" i Medellin is soft, is more like "th": Methejin

12-13-08, 03:23
I'm staying at the MM in February and unfortunately, my first 6 days are in room #10 which means trying to sleep will be a major challenge. Now, I wanted to be at the MM for the chance to meet my favorite ladies again, but I'm now looking at backup hotel rooms so I can get some rest at some point. Last trip I was there 5 days and the combination of mucho sexo, no mas sleep and climbing that hill took a toll on my physically, so until I get to week 2 and a better room (#12) I needs to ask.....

In the event that I want to bring a date home, are the Dann Carlton or Sheraton Four Points at all paisa friendly? It's no big deal I guess unless I meet non-pro's (which I would like to do). I can always take the pro's to the MM and taxi elsewhere when I need to sleep.

I've checked the list threads and I know there's better/cheaper paisa friendly motels, but I'm looking for any feedback specifically on the Dann Carlton and/or the Four Points Sheraton.

Thanks to all

12-14-08, 04:15
Is Medellin prounonced "med e ann" or "muh dee un"? Or am I off on both?

ReefThis reminds me of a dude I met in Cartagena .He claimed to have been everywhere and seen everything!...you guys know the type.He kept saying he spent two weeks in "med a lyn".I said "you mean Medellin" and I pronounced it correct.He quickly recovered and said "well the locals say "med a lyn"....I figured he was full of shit!

12-14-08, 18:46
Also "d" i Medellin is soft, is more like "th": MethejinOnly if you talk with a lisp.

12-14-08, 21:38
yesterday hit fase ii with a friend. hadn't been there in about 8 years. nowadays there are a lot more girls there, but amongst the 20+ girls there no negras or mulatas anymore. only blancas and trigueñas, which is a pity.

girls range from 4s to 8s, most have a hefty layer of make up.

checked out some of the girls and talked a little. until i saw quite a hot one on the stage. tall tanned trigueña with a nice body and medium fake tits. when she came to ask for the tip i told her i wante to hit the room with her. told me she would be with me in just a minute. in the end she stood me up. i don't mind her taking up a more profitable appointment but she could have let me know. instead laura made me waste half an hour. i can't tell you how she is in the sack but she is definitely not polite.

took a young thin one brittany (or however she spells it) to the room. had a smiling face, nice body and cute little titties. in the room she was a disaster. i had hardly undressed as she wanted to already equip me with a rubber and fuck (arguing floowed as i had a slower speed in mind). she didn't allow any touching of her tiits and pussy (more arguing). asked her to blow me she agreed but didn't do it in the end (more arguing).

less than 10 minutes in the room she starts about having to start her show now as she was being called up by the dj (audible in south beach rooms). i told her no way and insisted on my promised hour (even more arguing). needless to tell you she started arguing about anything and everything. finally was fed up. dressed and walked out of the room. told her that this had been my worst fuck in colombia in all the decades i have fucked there.

which is true as i never have had a bad fuck in colombia upto this event.complained to the manager about brittany's performance and about laura's lack of consideration. will most probably not hit this spot again. i have always gotten a very good service in medellin for a much lower rate.

many of these girls are hot looking. but their service seems to be lacking.

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Smokers Rule
12-15-08, 01:19
So I have the opportunity to go to Medellin Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 for 2 nights. Will that be a total waste of my time because there are no chicas to be had? Anyone have any experience in Medellin on New Year's?

12-15-08, 02:10
What's wrong with room number 10? I wish I knew what rooms faced the front of the building and which ones were facing the pool. I think the ones facing the back of the house should be the quiet ones.

Anyone know the layout and room numbers?


12-15-08, 03:10
I visit Colombia frequently, after my 15th visit in less than two years, I am being stopped by customs everytime I visit colombia or infact any border, they ask me 1000 questions, why I am visiting colombia, who did I visit, where did I go, who did you speak with, why frisk me, they open my stuff. I never do any drugs or smoke a joint, I clean as hell, never done anything illegal here or in colombia. I am wondering as a US citizen I cannot travel anywhere I want ?

Is there a limit on how many times you can visit colombia, does anyone have similar experiences with customs.

John Gault
12-15-08, 07:25
I visit Colombia frequently, after my 15th visit in less than two years, I am being stopped by customs everytime I visit colombia or infact any border, they ask me 1000 questions, why I am visiting colombia, who did I visit, where did I go, who did you speak with, why frisk me, they open my stuff. I never do any drugs or smoke a joint, I clean as hell, never done anything illegal here or in colombia. I am wondering as a US citizen I cannot travel anywhere I want ?

Is there a limit on how many times you can visit colombia, does anyone have similar experiences with customs.Yes while leaving Cali last sumer my bags were opened 6 times by different guys. At that point I showed my retirement badge and they started patting me on the back and being very friendly. Maybe it is a passport thing as mine has many stamps also.

12-15-08, 13:38
I visit Colombia frequently, after my 15th visit in less than two years, I am being stopped by customs everytime I visit colombia or infact any border, they ask me 1000 questions, why I am visiting colombia, who did I visit, where did I go, who did you speak with, why frisk me, they open my stuff. I never do any drugs or smoke a joint, I clean as hell, never done anything illegal here or in colombia. I am wondering as a US citizen I cannot travel anywhere I want ?

Is there a limit on how many times you can visit colombia, does anyone have similar experiences with customs.I've been to Colombia 13 times in the last year and a half and if anything am being asked LESS questions now than in the beginning.

12-15-08, 13:39
What's wrong with room number 10? I wish I knew what rooms faced the front of the building and which ones were facing the pool. I think the ones facing the back of the house should be the quiet ones.

Anyone know the layout and room numbers?

RGRoom #10 is right beside the front door, so everytime the gate slams and that should 30 times a night I'll hear it. It's just in a high traffic location, the room itself is smaller but fine. I'll be there to party not sleep.

Room #11 and #12 are the ones just off the pool and IMO the best value for noise as long as you don't plan on sleeping all day. During the night hours, you can't hear other rooms and other rooms can't hear you. I'm booked into room #12 from Feb 10-17

I've stayed in room #5 which is nice sized room but the bed is a bit small. And you windows face the front, so you hear the construction which based on the current state of the building they're putting up, will go on for some time

Rooms #3 and #4 share a bathroom but are good value for the cost conscious.

If you're going to be in the house room #6 is very nice as is room #7 IIRC.

Room #8 is quite tiny and again IIRC, they don't rent room #9 and I don't know the reasons, it's not even on the website and room #1 is Greg's, maybe room #9 is Robert's?

But ya ya, room #10 you hear everything and during peak times, crowds will be gathering outside your door, listening of course to what's going on from the other side of the door!

So now that I've done my best to recollect the pros/cons of each room, anyone have input on my original question regarding the Dann Carlton and Four Points as to whether I can bring guests back there, hassle free?

12-15-08, 16:11
I've been to Colombia 13 times in the last year and a half and if anything am being asked LESS questions now than in the beginning.
I think it depends on who is working on the particular day. My last trip was a breeze but the one before was a "Locked Up Abroad"episode. I was stripped searched and carried to the Xray room. The girl Customs agent was convinced I was a mule. Actually I am. Just not that kind!

12-15-08, 17:04
they don't rent room #9 and I don't know the reasons, it's not even on the websiteAnswered my own question, was reading another forum where I discovered from one of the first MM guests that room #9 is now what I know as the laundry room.

Aussie Greg
12-15-08, 18:22
Tweeners, just a couple of corrections mate.

Room #10 is right beside the front door, so everytime the gate slams and that should 30 times a night I'll hear it. It's just in a high traffic location, the room itself is smaller but fine. I'll be there to party not sleep.

Aussie Greg.

You forgot to say also that in the mornings, the talking from the kitchen is also is a problem with noise to room 10.

Room #11 and #12 are the ones just off the pool and IMO the best value for noise as long as you don't plan on sleeping all day. During the night hours, you can't hear other rooms and other rooms can't hear you. I'm booked into room #12 from Feb 10-17

I've stayed in room #5 which is nice sized room but the bed is a bit small. And you windows face the front, so you hear the construction which based on the current state of the building they're putting up, will go on for some time.

Aussie Greg

Double glassed windows, have been for a year now, construction is finished.

Rooms #3 and #4 share a bathroom but are good value for the cost conscious.

If you're going to be in the house room #6 is very nice as is room #7 IIRC.

Room #8 is quite tiny and again IIRC, they don't rent room #9 and I don't know the reasons, it's not even on the website and room #1 is Greg's, maybe room #9 is Robert's?

Ausssie Greg,

We do rent room 9, usually only when we are full though, have done since we have been open. Roberts lives in a private apartment and before that in El Castillo.

But ya ya, room #10 you hear everything and during peak times, crowds will be gathering outside your door, listening of course to what's going on from the other side of the door!

Aussie Greg,

Only once that I can remember of a crowd gathering outside room 10 to hear the action, it was if I can remember correctly, a bit of a joke allround.

So now that I've done my best to recollect the pros/cons of each room, anyone have input on my original question regarding the Dann Carlton and Four Points as to whether I can bring guests back there, hassle free?

Aussie Greg,

Yep, you can bring guests in, not a problem, they will check her I.D. and charge you a double room rate, dont know the amount though. Hope I have of help.

Aussie Greg.

12-15-08, 19:22
Room #10 is right beside the front door, so everytime the gate slams and that should 30 times a night I'll hear it. It's just in a high traffic location, the room itself is smaller but fine. I'll be there to party not sleep.

Room #11 and #12 are the ones just off the pool and IMO the best value for noise as long as you don't plan on sleeping all day. During the night hours, you can't hear other rooms and other rooms can't hear you. I'm booked into room #12 from Feb 10-17

I've stayed in room #5 which is nice sized room but the bed is a bit small. And you windows face the front, so you hear the construction which based on the current state of the building they're putting up, will go on for some time

Rooms #3 and #4 share a bathroom but are good value for the cost conscious.

If you're going to be in the house room #6 is very nice as is room #7 IIRC.

Room #8 is quite tiny and again IIRC, they don't rent room #9 and I don't know the reasons, it's not even on the website and room #1 is Greg's, maybe room #9 is Robert's?

But ya ya, room #10 you hear everything and during peak times, crowds will be gathering outside your door, listening of course to what's going on from the other side of the door!

So now that I've done my best to recollect the pros/cons of each room, anyone have input on my original question regarding the Dann Carlton and Four Points as to whether I can bring guests back there, hassle free?You should send emails to both hotels asking what their guest policy is. IMHO there is no need to hide or go around people's backs. It's either they do or they don't. The way you word the question can differ but I would simply state that I know people in Medellin and would they be allowed to visit me while I am staying at the hotel.

I usually don't have people spending the night so I include that in my email. "just a visit". If people sleep over then you should be charged. I would do the same if I ran a hotel. However some hotels don't charge you. My hotel www.hotelboteroplaza didn't nor did hotel lucas or hotel florida in laurales.

Bring a copy of the email when you arrive.

12-16-08, 10:40
Tweeners, just a couple of corrections mate.Thanks Greg for the hand.

I was trying to remember all I could, and certainly didn't want to pass myself off as an expert.

Night I arrived for my last visit, Had Hector pick me up, arrived at the MM about 9:00ish and Greg had taken everyone to an Italian place for dinner so it was Hector, me and the security guard getting me set-up and showing me which keys belonged to which door.

Apparently the guest in room #10 chose not to go to dinner and was entertaining a young lady, I have to admit it was tough to keep a straight face while Hector and the night guy were giving me the basics with the athletes in room #10 in high groove....

Looking very much forward to my return visit!

12-16-08, 10:41
You should send emails to both hotels asking what their guest policy is. IMHO there is no need to hide or go around people's backs. It's either they do or they don't. The way you word the question can differ but I would simply state that I know people in Medellin and would they be allowed to visit me while I am staying at the hotel.

I usually don't have people spending the night so I include that in my email. "just a visit" If people sleep over then you should be charged. I would do the same if I ran a hotel. However some hotels don't charge you. My hotel www.hotelboteroplaza didn't nor did hotel lucas or hotel florida in laurales.

Bring a copy of the email when you arrive.This is an excellent idea!

Cheers Artisttyp

Tom 33
12-16-08, 13:26
You should send emails to both hotels asking what their guest policy is. IMHO there is no need to hide or go around people's backs. It's either they do or they don't. The way you word the question can differ but I would simply state that I know people in Medellin and would they be allowed to visit me while I am staying at the hotel.

I usually don't have people spending the night so I include that in my email. "just a visit" If people sleep over then you should be charged. I would do the same if I ran a hotel. However some hotels don't charge you. My hotel www.hotelboteroplaza didn't nor did hotel lucas or hotel florida in laurales.

Bring a copy of the email when you arrive.Unfortunately, most hotels don't know what an E-mail is.

They won't even respond to E-mail reservation requests.

12-16-08, 13:35
In the event that I want to bring a date home, are the Dann Carlton or Sheraton Four Points at all paisa friendly? It's no big deal I guess unless I meet non-pro's (which I would like to do). I can always take the pro's to the MM and taxi elsewhere when I need to sleep.I stayed at the Sheraton Four Points in MDE in June of 07 and had no issues bringing back two girls at a time to my room. I booked my room as double occupancy. The only caveat is that I was Platinum with Starwood at the time.

12-16-08, 14:27
The girl Customs agent was convinced I was a mule. Actually I am. Just not that kind!Maybe she only wanted to check if it was true what she's heard of your "equipment". :D

Aussie Greg
12-16-08, 15:13

Mate, wrong again, room 9 is off the kitchen, below the office, the laundry is in the other direction, its noisy in the mornings as people come for breakfast and talk in the kitchen, it is used quiet regulary now as where full most of the time. When guests are booking, all this information is told to them from Marcy, our reservations secretary.

If you need any other updated info, just ask me, I live here.

Aussie Greg.

Answered my own question, was reading another forum where I discovered from one of the first MM guests that room #9 is now what I know as the laundry room.

12-16-08, 19:10
I had a problem bringing girls back to the room. The hotel made a copy of evey guest id that visited me. I really didn't have a problem during the days as there were many people coming and going. However at night when I had numerous vistors it became a problem. I booked a double room, but was told that the 2nd guest need to leave a copy of there passport, and it couldn't be changed. I would avoid if you plan on having mutiple guest in the evening.

Good Luck

12-17-08, 01:05
I stayed at the Sheraton Four Points in MDE in June of 07 and had no issues bringing back two girls at a time to my room. I booked my room as double occupancy. The only caveat is that I was Platinum with Starwood at the time.Took a gander again at Dann Carlton and Four Points, price is the same whether I book as 1 guest or two, so I'll book double occupancy and roll that way. I hope they don't ask name of the 2nd guest that isn't checking in with me at the time.

If they press for a name, they're getting my ex-wife's name! Which just adds to the irony that I'm checking in on her birthday! Nah I'm not bitter.

I wonder how long it'll be before she ever speaks to me again? :P

12-17-08, 01:08

Mate, wrong again, room 9 is off the kitchen, below the office, the laundry is in the other direction, its noisy in the mornings as people come for breakfast and talk in the kitchen, it is used quiet regulary now as where full most of the time. When guests are booking, all this information is told to them from Marcy, our reservations secretary.

If you need any other updated info, just ask me, I live here.

Aussie Greg.Yup.

The moderated posts make it impossible to go back and make alterations, liek when I learned I was mistaken not 10 seconds after I submitted my post.

Oh well c'est la vie

Jose Lima
12-17-08, 04:02
I visit Colombia frequently, after my 15th visit in less than two years, I am being stopped by customs everytime I visit colombia or infact any border, they ask me 1000 questions, why I am visiting colombia, who did I visit, where did I go, who did you speak with, why frisk me, they open my stuff. I never do any drugs or smoke a joint, I clean as hell, never done anything illegal here or in colombia. I am wondering as a US citizen I cannot travel anywhere I want ?

Is there a limit on how many times you can visit colombia, does anyone have similar experiences with customs.The same thing happens to me bro. I can never ever make it threw customs anymore. They even now stop me when I get into Colombia. JFK held me for stomach x-rays and a strip search the last time. They took down all the numbers in my cell phones accused me of being a drug traffiker told me that I was not a citizen and would not let me go for about 4 hours. They even called my family and questioned them to make sure my story added up. My lawyer said that you don't have to tell them anything, just let them do there job, but if you don't couperate they can hold you like they did me. And if you don't let them x-ray you they told me that they can hold you for 24 hours until a judge can video conferance in and order you to take the x-ray. It sucks but its the price we pay. I'm a young guy so I think that has something to do with it. I even get the Homeland security cards in my bags now when I fly domestic.

Aussie Greg
12-17-08, 16:09
Your not the only one mate, I get a laugh out of all the mis information on this and other boards, no problems.


The moderated posts make it impossible to go back and make alterations, liek when I learned I was mistaken not 10 seconds after I submitted my post.

Oh well c'est la vie

Aussie Greg
12-18-08, 01:28

I travel alot and never have I been stopped in 30 years, I always thought that Australian customs were the most thorough though but only normal bags searches.

Aussie Greg.

The same thing happens to me bro. I can never ever make it threw customs anymore. They even now stop me when I get into Colombia. JFK held me for stomach x-rays and a strip search the last time. They took down all the numbers in my cell phones accused me of being a drug traffiker told me that I was not a citizen and would not let me go for about 4 hours. They even called my family and questioned them to make sure my story added up. My lawyer said that you don't have to tell them anything, just let them do there job, but if you don't couperate they can hold you like they did me. And if you don't let them x-ray you they told me that they can hold you for 24 hours until a judge can video conferance in and order you to take the x-ray. It sucks but its the price we pay. I'm a young guy so I think that has something to do with it. I even get the Homeland security cards in my bags now when I fly domestic.

World Travel 69
12-18-08, 08:53
In the 70s in Israel.

Check your bags in the Night Before.

The day you leave they open everything. They wanted to know why your batteries from are from some Arab Country? Not Mind, but some person behind me.

I had to take a picture in the airport with my 35mm Film camera to show it was not a gun.


Take Your Shoes Off Here, no Big Deal.


I travel alot and never have I been stopped in 30 years, I always thought that Australian customs were the most thorough though but only normal bags searches.

Aussie Greg.

12-23-08, 19:41
Greg; What can you tell us about the rooms at the Castillo, the web site is down, also do the girls hang out there like they do at the Mansion?


Latin Bound
12-24-08, 16:30
Hey guys!

Can anyone inform me if the Sunday bbqs are still going on?

I'll like to hook up for this coming one if its available.

12-25-08, 00:46
travel alot and never have I been stopped in 30 years, I always thought that Australian customs were the most thorough though but only normal bags searches.I prefer 1000 x going through customs in Uzbekistan or Moldova than in US or Australia where you inevitably have to endure intolerable inquisitions from fascist assholes.

El Greggor
12-25-08, 04:04
Anything that happens there, is always fun. Has a spirit, this comes from a true expert, ME

12-25-08, 07:46
Hey guys!

Can anyone inform me if the Sunday bbqs are still going on?

I'll like to hook up for this coming one if its available.No but they will resume in January.

12-25-08, 20:31
The same thing happens to me bro. I can never ever make it threw customs anymore. They even now stop me when I get into Colombia. JFK held me for stomach x-rays and a strip search the last time. They took down all the numbers in my cell phones accused me of being a drug traffiker told me that I was not a citizen and would not let me go for about 4 hours. They even called my family and questioned them to make sure my story added up. My lawyer said that you don't have to tell them anything, just let them do there job, but if you don't couperate they can hold you like they did me. And if you don't let them x-ray you they told me that they can hold you for 24 hours until a judge can video conferance in and order you to take the x-ray. It sucks but its the price we pay. I'm a young guy so I think that has something to do with it. I even get the Homeland security cards in my bags now when I fly domestic.Its the price we pay for worshipping the flag over real freedom.

12-25-08, 23:54
Hey guys!

Can anyone inform me if the Sunday bbqs are still going on?

I'll like to hook up for this coming one if its available.I attended two, the ones in Parc Llareas. They are a must if you are around. There were well over 2 dozen chicas the first one and they were all very friendly.

12-27-08, 15:25
One of the tenants was doing Chiva rides during Dec.

Sun English classes resume on Jan. 4th with 5 day per week classes starting on the 5th.

Spanish classes also resume on the 5th.

I attended two, the ones in Parc Llareas. They are a must if you are around. There were well over 2 dozen chicas the first one and they were all very friendly.

Aussie Greg
12-27-08, 18:54

No, the girls do not hang around El Castillo but Big Bad Boyd can elaborate more about that if me reads this post, even at the Mansion now there are limited girls hanging around the Mansion.

As for the web site at El Castillo, Robert is in charge of the web sites at the Mansion and El Castillo. El Castillo has always taken the Mansion overload but I'm thinking of moving up ther myself in the future, there is some nice rooms and is quieter than the Mansion.

As for Sunday barbies, no mas "thank god" just football americaina, hotdogs and new girls.

Aussie greg.

Greg; What can you tell us about the rooms at the Castillo, the web site is down, also do the girls hang out there like they do at the Mansion?


Dazed Confused
12-29-08, 04:12
this is the 3rd part of my four part series that i will refer to as medellin part i. my first two reports are in the cartagena section.

before i begin let me clear up some of the points my critics in the cartagena section put forth. i said that i gave myself a "budget" of $2000 a day. i never said i actually was spending $2000 a day as doing so would have been difficult in colombia. i got the usual bs everyone does for spending money from the "money police" and a couple of new guys who apparently joined isg just to insult my outstanding posts.

as i said before, smart americans have money and stupid or lazy ones do not. so when i hear crying about how i spend the money i earned then i know it is coming from people who are stupid and lazy. so too fucking bad! i earned it and if i want to blow it all on pussy then good for me!

some guys on here seem to think that spending money is somehow going to get me "killed" or "kidnapped" in colombia by some bad guys. this rumor is a total fucking joke. i met plenty of rich americans and rich colombian in medellin and they are not near as paranoid as the people on here who are always doling out the free safety advise. there are several gringos in medellin and a couple in cartagena who have bought up several apartments and large houses. shit, i met one gringo who owns 21 apartments in poblado. i met another american who owns several businesses and an awesome penthouse. none of these guys are paranoid or hide the fact they own these assets. they all gave me the same advise which was to stay away from the shitty areas and do not screw drugged out street girls. sounded pretty easy to me. i guess if i was some poor american walmarter i would have no money to stay in the nice areas and could only afford street girls. in that case perhaps colombia is dangerous. however, i am never going to know that part of colombia so i do not care. i do not visit the ghettos in the united states when i travel so i certainly am not going to do so in colombia.

next point is i did not invent the term walmart gringo but i think this term needs to become common place. we need to repeat it as much as possible until it is in the public lexicon. when i first read it here on isg i laughed my ass off at the concept but i never realized i would meet so many walmarters. every time i saw one of these guys walking around i would instantly think "that is a walmarter" and often burst out laughing. i could just picture this guy on the pa system saying "attention walmart shoppers we have a sale in line 5".

finally, some of the critics accused me of writing penthouse forum reports. i am a little confused about why this allegation was made and what was meant by it. was it because my reports are long and full of details? well, i think that having more details makes a report better. plus i spent many years in university since i did not want to end up working at walmart. as as result of my fine education i am able to write a more detailed report than the walmarter critics. or is the allegation being made because i was living like a king? well this is a sex forum where people report about acts of sex so it is a little hard to exclude the sex part, right? in colombia when you have cash you can act out any fantasy you want. i had wild sex with tons of beautiful woman, day after day, after day. i lived large. if you guys had cash you would realize that in colombia all things are possible for those with money. with money you can have hollywood movie-star quality woman rolling over on their stomachs saying "take my little one". i am a person who seeks adventure. i am not interested in petty or common things. i want the best life has to offer and i will take it as i please with no apologies.

now on with my report.

i arrived in medellin and was greeted by my prearranged driver who brought me to a penthouse in poblado that is owned by a friend of captain joe in cartagena. i am not going to give out too much information about this penthouse because it is not advertised on the internet and the owner wants it to stay that way. i will say though that the place is totally awesome. a penthouse like this would cost millions and millions of dollars in the united states. the master bedroom had large ceiling to floor glass windows that allowed me to see all of medellin while doing my girls. there is a rooftop pool, jacuzzi, bar, steam room, sauna and bbq. there were seven bedrooms, two kitchens, large entertainment areas, etc. this place was loaded.

the owner is a real nice guy who would become a good friend of mine and introduce me to a lot of connections in medellin. i plan on coming back to colombia many times and will probably invest some cash into real estate while everything goes shits-up in the states. all the americans who invested in colombia seem to know each other in one way or another. these guys all have beautiful babes on each arm and a couple more in the next room. it is a lifestyle i hope soon to emulate.

the driver who picked me up at the airport agreed to $150 a day to be on call 24 hours and he stayed most nights in the worker's room in the penthouse. i will refer to him as jose in my reports although that is not his real name. he would prove to be invaluable with juggling around all the girls. i would strongly encourage anyone thinking of going to medellin to get a private driver on call since the roads are totally crazy and most of the normal taxi drivers are complete idiots.

the penthouse owner and i had a long chat about safety and things i should see and do while in medellin. before leaving he gave me some telephone number for a couple of college students who work on the side. i called up the girls on jose's cell.

it was my first night ever in medellin and i wanted raunchy orgy sex like my first day in cartagena. i called the first girl and asked her to come by with at least two friends but if she had more then fine but they all better be pretty. she assured me that she herself was a babe and that she would have some really hot looking girls. she said she needed to know how much money i was going to give her friends in order to talk to them. i told her each girl gets $100 usd for the first hour but if they were smoking hot and did a good job i might keep them all night and would therefore pay more.

over an hour later she arrived with only one friend. these girls were smoking hot! i must say that all the girls referred to me by the penthouse owner were drop dead babes. it goes to show you with money you can have anything you want in colombia. when i say they were smoking hot i mean they could have easily been professional models. kareen had long straight jet black hair and piercing brown eyes and big natural tits. she was the perfect piasa-girl. jesica had long blond curly hair and small perky tits. she reminded me of shakira. they said they were students at eafit. i do not know, or care, if that is true but it is something they insisted on. i was a little disappointed there were only two of them since i wanted at least three but i decided to go with the flow. i had 8 other numbers in my pocket to call in case i had some leftover sperm after doing these two babes.

the girls wanted to sit and talk for a while in the living room so i gave them a drink. they were telling me the usual semi-bs about not being professionals but needed some money for school, yada, yada, yada. while they were explaining this i was getting a boner. i could not pay attention to anything they were talking about since all i could think about was how in a short time my cock was going to be in their mouths. each time their lips moved i could feel my dick getting bigger. we were sitting on a big rap-around leather sofa and i thought it would be nice to bang them right there on the sofa so i had to get rid of jose. i went and told jose to go find me a couple ounces of reefer (which surprisingly turned out to be not that great) and some x. i then put on some tunes and asked them to strip. they were even better looking naked than with clothes on. in no time i had them taking turns wrapping their lips around my cock. it was pure heaven. it really took me a short time to blow my load deep inside jesica's mouth. she took every drop in her mouth as she did not want to spit it out on the nice sofa and then stood up with her mouth shut pointing to her jaw and trying to say "bano" without moving her lips. i just pretended i did not know where it was so she ran into the kitchen still completely naked and spit my load into the sink and then proceeded to make a bunch of gagging and chocking noises. i laughed my ass off. when she returned she said "not in my mouth! " while i continued laughing. i went to the room to get her some mouthwash not for her sake but because i did not want to kiss her again until she got rid of the cum breath.

we went into the bedroom and turned on the giant plasma to vh1 (i think) and watched some music videos. it is strange that most of the music in medellin is 1980s rock. they then started massaging me and rubbing their tits on my body. in no time my woody returned and i was soon banging them both. they were great. fun, friendly and beautiful all at the same time. you seldom find this combination with american women these days. i knew by now i wanted them all night and i had not even fucked them yet. i made them an offer of $300 each for all night which they happily accepted.

jose returned a short while later with a bag of weed and some x. i asked the girls if they wanted to smoke a joint with me but they both surprising said no because they were not "stoners". i then asked them if they would take a hit of x since they were staying all night to party. they were happy to do it.

being on x with two hot latinas was off the wall. at times i was being raped. i could not keep up with their dancing either. i am just too fucking old. i strongly advise not to do this unless you are younger. i was drained for almost the entire next day. i could have been using that day to do more screwing.

this section of the report is getting too long so i am going to break the medellin up into three sections which will follow in the next couple of days.

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-29-08, 09:09
What's deal at mnsiom with overnight ghicas.

No more BBQ?

Can we still cook out and watch football, can girls stay gonern night?

12-29-08, 13:11
So how was mongering in Medellin over Navidad?

Any trip reports?

Daryll Musician
12-29-08, 21:11
Hey everyone, are you able to read this message?

Your response is greatly appreciated.

Member #3435
12-29-08, 22:16
So how was mongering in Medellin over Navidad?

Any trip reports?Too funny!

Tom 33
12-29-08, 22:22
Some guys on here seem to think that spending money is somehow going to get me "killed" or "kidnapped" in Colombia by some bad guys. This rumor is a total fucking joke. I met plenty of rich Americans and rich Colombian in Medellin and they are not near as paranoid as the people on here who are always doling out the free safety advise. There are several gringos in Medellin and a couple in Cartagena who have bought up several apartments and large houses. Shit, I met one gringo who owns 21 apartments in Poblado. I met another American who owns several businesses and an awesome penthouse. None of these guys are paranoid or hide the fact they own these assets. They all gave me the same advise which was to stay away from the shitty areas and do not screw drugged out street girls. Sounded pretty easy to me. I guess if I was some poor American Walmarter I would have no money to stay in the nice areas and could only afford street girls. In that case perhaps Colombia is dangerous. However, I am never going to know that part of Colombia so I do not care. I do not visit the ghettos in the United States when I travel so I certainly am not going to do so in Colombia.I am rather amazed at guys who come to Colombia for a few days/weeks, talk to a few people, and have it all figured out. I lived in Cartagena for 4 years and in Medellín for 2 years. I still don't have it all figured out. I guess I am slow.

But I can tell you that rich Colombianos are very paranoid. In fact a good number of them have left Colombia.

And I can tell you that this Gringo lives in a modest house and never shows any kind of wealth. I feel much safer that way.

12-29-08, 23:56
I suspect it'll be said by others more eloquently than this, but I don't understand why we still have people coming on a mongering forum who think they need to act condescending to those who also enjoy the same hobby.

If someone wants to live it up, please do. If you want the creme of the crop, go get them.

By why oh why, do we get guys that need to make themselves feel better by slamming others?

And welcome back Code Pink

12-30-08, 07:19
What's deal at mnsiom with overnight ghicas.

No more BBQ?

Can we still cook out and watch football, can girls stay gonern night?Gregg answered that question on the 27th in the Mansion thread. The way I read it, you will have NO problems or extra charges for bringing a girl to the Mansion for some overnight fun and games.


Aussie Greg
12-30-08, 17:27
Greetings from Aussie Gregs Tours in Cartagena.

No extra charge with over night with chicas at the Mansion, only permanent ones ie wives, permenent girlfriends ect
By permenent I mean persons who bring all there luggage.

Yes, no more barbies thank god (you can organise your own one though) on Sundays now we have football americana and hotdogs at 3.00pm with only new girls, got rid of the old ones that have been around for awhile, they were soiling the new ones !!
We have had squirting comps ect !!

I think I have written this before, please, read threads before asking these questions.

Aussie Greg

What's deal at mnsiom with overnight ghicas.

No more BBQ?

Can we still cook out and watch football, can girls stay gonern night?

12-30-08, 23:48
Next point is I did not invent the term Walmart Gringo but I think this term needs to become common place. We need to repeat it as much as possible until it is in the public lexicon. When I first read it here on ISG I laughed my ass off at the concept but I never realized I would meet so many Walmarters. Every time I saw one of these guys walking around I would instantly think "that is a Walmarter" and often burst out laughing. I could just picture this guy on the PA system saying "attention Walmart Shoppers we have a sale in line 5". Whether you have alot of money or just a little EVERYONE can have a good time in Medellin.

Just because a girl traveled to poblado to work doesn't mean she isn't based in el centro or the other way around.

When I was in Medellin in November I was hitting quality ass for $12 an hour. When I wanted to go upscale I hit the centro strip clubs and paid a whopping $20 per hour. I didn't do one street ***** the whole trip (2 weeks of daily banging). There was no need to since all my needs were catered to already.

On another note I was paying $31 a night for a room on the 14th floor of a nice hotel which included a fridge, safe, guest entry etc. While the peasants (joke) in poblado and laureles were paying twice that amount. When you are young and reckless you can take chances by staying in the centro.

The point I want to make is Medellin caters to ALL budgets. Don't believe that the guy who spent the most got the most. It is the one who does his research and uses that knowledge along with common sense that benefits the most.

X is a horrible drug. It was good in the 80's but these days it is mixed with heroin and cocaine to get you to crash and buy more. When you finally do decide to crash you feel the urge to drink to calm your nerves. That is when you set yourself up for trouble drugs+booze= a disaster waiting to happen.

Smoke a joint do a viagra or just sip whiskey. Better off.

Peace and Love for the new year.


12-31-08, 16:01
I am rather amazed at guys who come to Colombia for a few days/weeks, talk to a few people, and have it all figured out. I lived in Cartagena for 4 years and in Medellín for 2 years. I still don't have it all figured out. I guess I am slow.

But I can tell you that rich Colombianos are very paranoid. In fact a good number of them have left Colombia.

And I can tell you that this Gringo lives in a modest house and never shows any kind of wealth. I feel much safer that way.In my opinion, you have most of it figured out. Your last statement in your post says how intelligent you are. You alwaays have informative reports. Have a great and safe New Year Sir!

Jose Lima
12-31-08, 18:10
I suspect it'll be said by others more eloquently than this, but I don't understand why we still have people coming on a mongering forum who think they need to act condescending to those who also enjoy the same hobby.

If someone wants to live it up, please do. If you want the creme of the crop, go get them.

By why oh why, do we get guys that need to make themselves feel better by slamming others?

And welcome back Code PinkI agree whole heartedly with this post. If you want to spend tons of money on bottle service COOL if you want to grab Pilsen all night COOL. But don't knock the other man. If just a waste of time.

Plus if your having so much fun you should not have time to knock the Walmaters. Right?

By the way Dazed nice report.

Frank Casio
12-31-08, 22:56
So how was mongering in Medellin over Navidad?

Any trip reports?My whole life in Medellin is a Trip Report, I´ve sent hundreds of pictures, if not thosands, to my hundreds of e-mail penpals ! I´ve been here 3 years and never 1 minute of boredom. Did 4-5 girls last week with my friend that just came from California. Found him a girlfriend at Babylon that he has now started to date regularly. Went to Mangos last Saturday with a girl and my body from California, met 2 other girls and scheduled dates for this weekend, so on and so on......... ! Wouldn´t have time to date all my girlfriends or phuck all my beautiful Pre-Pagos if i keep wrting Trip Reports, sorry guys, a book couldn´t hold all my experiences in Medellin, it´s incredible here !

Frank Casio !

Member #3435
01-01-09, 02:04
I am rather amazed at guys who come to Colombia for a few days/weeks, talk to a few people, and have it all figured out. I lived in Cartagena for 4 years and in Medellín for 2 years. I still don't have it all figured out. I guess I am slow.

But I can tell you that rich Colombianos are very paranoid. In fact a good number of them have left Colombia.

And I can tell you that this Gringo lives in a modest house and never shows any kind of wealth. I feel much safer that way.Well said.

01-01-09, 08:38
This is the 3rd part of my four part series that I will refer to as Medellin Part I. My first two reports are in the Cartagena section.

Before I begin let me clear up some of the points my critics in the Cartagena section put forth. I said that I gave myself a "budget" of $2000 a day. I never said I actually was spending $2000 a day as doing so would have been difficult in Colombia. I got the usual BS everyone does for spending money from the "money police" and a couple of new guys who apparently joined ISG just to insult my outstanding posts.

As I said before, smart Americans have money and stupid or lazy ones do not. So when I hear crying about how I spend the money I earned then I know it is coming from people who are stupid and lazy. So too fucking bad! I earned it and if I want to blow it all on pussy then GOOD FOR ME!

Next point is I did not invent the term Walmart Gringo but I think this term needs to become common place. We need to repeat it as much as possible until it is in the public lexicon. When I first read it here on ISG I laughed my ass off at the concept but I never realized I would meet so many Walmarters. Every time I saw one of these guys walking around I would instantly think "that is a Walmarter" and often burst out laughing. I could just picture this guy on the PA system saying "attention Walmart Shoppers we have a sale in line 5".

This section of the report is getting too long so I am going to break the Medellin up into three sections which will follow in the next couple of days.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Ok, somebody has to take this guy so I guess it would be me. I've been lurking around in the forum and somehow got the urge to post.

Dazed Confused, while I enjoy reading your reports and glad you had a good time. I had to admit I got offended by your walmart gringo comment. I consider myself a walmart gringo. I won't deny it.

Bro, I'm 53 yrs old and retired for 4 yrs now living off with my investments. I wasn't born rich. I struggled and work my way to the top getting the best education, job, etc. I don't brag about my wealth or how much money I make or spend. I'm just a simple guy living a simple life. I am cheap because of how I was brought up and went through in life. We all have different ways of spending money regardless of how much we make. I went to Medellin and had blast, but I did not spend money like you do. I could have but I choose not too.

Latin Bound
01-02-09, 03:00

I visited a place called Momentos Plaza near El Centro. It is a love motel with all services imaginable. Love hammocks, jacuzzi, love chairs etc. I met the supervisor, and not only is she gorgeous, she is very nice. After some talk she saw the light of allowing a discount to us pursuants of this hobby. She will give a 20% discount to anyone that uses the place that gets to know it through this site. I have no financial gain on this, just figured I could give back to the forum and help a gal that I really enjoyed talking to. I will be posting pics of the place soon. For contact info just send me a PM or look for it in the yellow pages.

01-02-09, 03:06
Don't believe that the guy who spent the most got the most. It is the one who does his research and uses that knowledge along with common sense that benefits the most.Very well said and that's the point I was trying to make, if we can all help each other and exponentially increase our respective enjoyment each trip, why wouldn't we?

I guess bragging about your good fortune is cool, too. But the guys that come on here and act like they've just invented the wheel, drive me nuts. If you had a great time, by all means report it, if you had a bad time, report it as well.

But when you're posting as yet another alias and you come out of the gate with a "kiss my ass" attitude, be prepared to be called on your BS

And these "premium" girls you're spending mucho dineiro on, will work for fractions of that the very next day (if not later that day). Price fluctuates and it's mostly based on opportunity and the girls need for cash. All that overspending proves is that you can overspend. You're not keeping someone else from hitting it and paying 3-4 times going rate certainly doesn't reflect a performance equal to 3-4 times the norm.

I also want to say I feel a huge debt of gratitude for those senior members who discovered what could and couldn't be done and reported on it. Without them, I wouldn't have gone and had the time of my life. You will always have my respect and thanks.

[Email address deleted by Admin]
EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

01-02-09, 06:27
Does anyone know the bullfighting schedule in Medellin for the next 2 months? I understand the fights are in jan/feb on saturdays but I need the exact dates so I can book a trip around a bullfight. I've searched the web but have struck out. Help!

Doc Simp
01-02-09, 06:50
Friends and brethren. Question. I have business in BOG soon and am thinking of taking a side trip. Couple of questions.

CTG vs MDE, which would you pick if you had to make a choice?

How would you rank the 3 least expensive to most?

John Gault
01-02-09, 13:31
Whether you have alot of money or just a little EVERYONE can have a good time in Medellin.

Just because a girl traveled to poblado to work doesn't mean she isn't based in el centro or the other way around.

When I was in Medellin in November I was hitting quality ass for $12 an hour. When I wanted to go upscale I hit the centro strip clubs and paid a whopping $20 per hour. I didn't do one street ***** the whole trip (2 weeks of daily banging). There was no need to since all my needs were catered to already.

On another note I was paying $31 a night for a room on the 14th floor of a nice hotel which included a fridge, safe, guest entry etc. While the peasants (joke) in poblado and laureles were paying twice that amount. When you are young and reckless you can take chances by staying in the centro.

The point I want to make is Medellin caters to ALL budgets. Don't believe that the guy who spent the most got the most. It is the one who does his research and uses that knowledge along with common sense that benefits the most.

X is a horrible drug. It was good in the 80's but these days it is mixed with heroin and cocaine to get you to crash and buy more. When you finally do decide to crash you feel the urge to drink to calm your nerves. That is when you set yourself up for trouble drugs+booze= a disaster waiting to happen.

Smoke a joint do a viagra or just sip whiskey. Better off.

Peace and Love for the new year.

ArtisttypMr. A,

There was much wisdom in your post. I also wish every one a happy New Year with mucho GFE.


01-02-09, 15:44
Nice response to Dazed and Cofused post on how much money he allowed himself for his trip to Colombia. I am retired at 54 and been that way for 3. 5 years. I live here, play here, but I don't work here. I live on a budget and get all the sex I can handle for under 750. 00 a month. I have a nice 2-2 that I paid cash for in Poblado sector. I use a housekeeper 2 times a week, I eat out almost every day. I live well, massages 3 times a week, well you get the idea, it may serve well to notice how many boomers in the USA will not retire at all now due to the Wall street crunch that has buried the hopes of Golden year dreams, so say thanks to those who bless you and I with prosperity and laugh at the Dazed and Confused because at the rate the guys going he will be back greeting at WalMart sooner than he thinks, regards to all who live in MDE, we are Lucky.

El Greggor
01-02-09, 17:59
Ok boys not to play the lecture man. But whether you are a cheap guy or a big spender, doesn't really effect the rest of us. But I've been both. And regret given some girls a little extra and some girls I gave too much. Just learn from the past, every experience is a good 1 even the bad ones here is better to me then spending 200 dollars in the states for a spoiled American thats in love with a heroin addict, and gives you a handshake at the end of the night. And goes to his dump to beg to give him a BJ. Hahahaha

Aussie Greg
01-02-09, 18:52
Some knowall idiots say that Medellin is quiet over christmas/new year but in fact more people come to Medellin during this time than leave it.
I should know as I've been here for the last 6 christmases.

If your lonely over christmas here in Medellin or any other time you must be a leper!

Just returned from a driving trip to Caucasia (eight new girls met us on arrival with a boat trip on the river Cauca) Catagena, Santa Marta, spent new year in a small town named Bosconia on the Santa Marta - Bucaramanga highway, three bottles of Run Medellin later and a fucken hangover drove back to Medellin.

Took a car load of crazy mexicarno's and met up with another 10 more in Carta.

I know now why everybody is moving to live in Medellin from Cartagena, what a dump.

Aussie Greg

My whole life in Medellin is a Trip Report, I´ve sent hundreds of pictures, if not thosands, to my hundreds of e-mail penpals ! I´ve been here 3 years and never 1 minute of boredom. Did 4-5 girls last week with my friend that just came from California. Found him a girlfriend at Babylon that he has now started to date regularly. Went to Mangos last Saturday with a girl and my body from California, met 2 other girls and scheduled dates for this weekend, so on and so on......... ! Wouldn´t have time to date all my girlfriends or phuck all my beautiful Pre-Pagos if i keep wrting Trip Reports, sorry guys, a book couldn´t hold all my experiences in Medellin, it´s incredible here !

Frank Casio !

Tiny 12
01-02-09, 19:50
Revolt, I guarantee you Dazed Confused is writing this to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) people off, and at least 50% is fiction. I don't know Medellin very well, but after reading his Cartagena reports I questioned whether he actually ever went there. While I get annoyed at people who criticize others for paying too much, some of his comments were over the top, especially considering nobody had challenged him for being generous. From his Cartagena reports:

It is not my fault that other people are poor. The people on here who are offended about other people's spending habits should learn to mind their own fucking business. Some of the posts I read here just totally amaze me. There are people who think they are somehow smart because they can find the cheapest hotel and the most desperate girl. How the hell does this make you smart? I think an intelligent person is someone who knows how to make a good income and can enjoy the greater things in life. Someone who is just getting by, saving nickel after nickel, so he can find a desperate girl in a 3rd world country is just a pathetic excuse for a human being, plain and simple. If such a person was smart he would have money. In American being poor goes hand and hand with being stupid.....

The meltdown started because some years ago the government thought it was a good fucking idea to give out sub prime loans to poor ass motherfuckers like yourselves who could not afford to pay the fucking loans back. When the economy slowed all you assholes could no longer make payments, and now, people like me who have real money and real investments are suffering. I have always said let the fucking poor live on the street like they do in Colombia. If you are too fucking stupid to make enough money to pay for your house then you do not deserve one.

01-02-09, 20:50
Does anyone know the bullfighting schedule in Medellin for the next 2 months? I understand the fights are in jan/feb on saturdays but I need the exact dates so I can book a trip around a bullfight. I've searched the web but have struck out. Help!Do a google search for "medellin travel guides " Or better yet "bull fighting in Medellin". An events calendar has to show up on one of those sites.

Once you get to Medellin just go to the tourist booth in the middle of Plaza Botero.

Yankee 617
01-02-09, 20:53
Whether you have alot of money or just a little EVERYONE can have a good time in Medellin.
On another note I was paying $31 a night for a room on the 14th floor of a nice hotel which included a fridge, safe, guest entry etc.
The point I want to make is Medellin caters to ALL budgets. Don't believe that the guy who spent the most got the most. It is the one who does his research and uses that knowledge along with common sense that benefits the most.
ArtisttypThank you for the above, very quotable, statements.

I'm an experienced (and very value-conscious) monger hoping to make my first trip to Colombia in the next few months. I have been spending much time reading this wonderful forum, but have seen very few hotel recommendations. I speak limited Portuguese but almost no Spanish.

Would some folks here be kind enough to suggest specific hotels and neighborhoods for my lodging? All I want is a clean, safe, low-cost, girl-friendly room that is well-located for the purpose of exploring Medellin and its beautiful women. Estimated duration of my stay: about 1 week.

Thank you!

01-02-09, 21:02
Thank you for the above, very quotable, statements.

I'm an experienced (and very value-conscious) monger hoping to make my first trip to Colombia in the next few months. I have been spending much time reading this wonderful forum, but have seen very few hotel recommendations. I speak limited Portuguese but almost no Spanish.

Would some folks here be kind enough to suggest specific hotels and neighborhoods for my lodging? All I want is a clean, safe, low-cost, girl-friendly room that is well-located for the purpose of exploring Medellin and its beautiful women. Estimated duration of my stay: about 1 week.

Thank you!Read my last two reports. I stayed at the Hotel Florida in Nueva Florida, its about $50 a night.

01-02-09, 22:46
Thank you for the above, very quotable, statements.

I'm an experienced (and very value-conscious) monger hoping to make my first trip to Colombia in the next few months. I have been spending much time reading this wonderful forum, but have seen very few hotel recommendations. I speak limited Portuguese but almost no Spanish.

Would some folks here be kind enough to suggest specific hotels and neighborhoods for my lodging? All I want is a clean, safe, low-cost, girl-friendly room that is well-located for the purpose of exploring Medellin and its beautiful women. Estimated duration of my stay: about 1 week.

Thank you!I have been recieving some pm's asking me the same question. I should have included it in my original report sorry. The hotel is www.hotelplazabotero.com. It is listed in the medellin lists thread.

It is located right behind hotel nutibarra on a quiet street two blocks from plaza botero. Basically you are in the pit of hell and it can get a little sketchy at night to say the least.

I found this place walking around the centro on my first trip to medellin. I usually stay for two weeks so that is why I get the discount rate of 70k. Regardless I still think the normal price of $40 /50 is way better than other hotel options in medellin. There is a risk of staying in the centro. You need to decide your comfort zone.

There are also numerous other hotels in the centro that could be used and better seen in person. None of them have english speaking staff and more than likely you will be the only gringo. The nice thing is you don't need to rely on heaters or AC because the weather is always spring'ish. That makes staying in budget options alot easier.

I hit it off with the staff at the botero plaza and the night guy is very cool (plays reaggaeton on a boom box). The rooms are a little old and the hotel is rather large so the risk for theft is higher since there aren't employees around always.

There is a rooftop deck with a universal machine and tanning chairs...no pool.

As always be low key with the guests and always confirm it via email prior to arriving.

01-03-09, 01:47
Ok, somebody has to take this guy so I guess it would be me. I've been lurking around in the forum and somehow got the urge to post.

Dazed Confused, while I enjoy reading your reports and glad you had a good time. I had to admit I got offended by your walmart gringo comment. I consider myself a walmart gringo. I won't deny it.

Bro, I'm 53 yrs old and retired for 4 yrs now living off with my investments. I wasn't born rich. I struggled and work my way to the top getting the best education, job, etc. I don't brag about my wealth or how much money I make or spend. I'm just a simple guy living a simple life. I am cheap because of how I was brought up and went through in life. We all have different ways of spending money regardless of how much we make. I went to Medellin and had blast, but I did not spend money like you do. I could have but I choose not too.Amigos, I´ve been posting on this board for a long time.

Bottom line is, guys like Dazed come and go. Best just to ignore him.

At the end of the day, he´s most likely a pretty lonely dude, trying to feel special.
Just a bunch of blah blah blah.

Happy New Year!

Rob Hay
01-03-09, 03:54
This blonde is really something else. When I "discovered" her in her Medellin barrio of Buenos Aires back in her day I never knew what an entrepreneur she would turn out to be. Now shes telling guys shes a medical student, got guys sending money, and procures girls from her barrio for guys. She and I joked recently of how she used to tell me "Whatever you want to help me out with is fine. " 80k a weekend and company used to make her really happy! I have always gone for the stars/proven commodities in the hot spots but the way I found her was different. I guess Ricker would call a diamond in the rough. Things change fast! Anyone I know personally can pm me for her number.

The other girls are I guess what Colombians call gresia? (<-spelling is incorrect). Something like a novia/ more an amiga con derechas/ definately a scenester. Not pros, they don't want money but they do need to "see and be seen" looking cute in hotspots around town with you. They all look quite similiar: cute, well dressed, and always looking to go the nicest rest. Or party.

But to be seen with one gresia around town you will get the attention of, meet and eventually sleep and other gresias in town, not to mention her circle of friends. And the cycle goes on and on and on. I don't like posting pic of non pro on here at all but what the heck. But then again this scene is not unlike Hollywood, Vegas or South Beach, just a whole lot cheaper.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-04-09, 00:17
Amigos, I´ve been posting on this board for a long time.

Bottom line is, guys like Dazed come and go. Best just to ignore him.

At the end of the day, he´s most likely a pretty lonely dude, trying to feel special.
Just a bunch of blah blah blah.

Happy New Year!Phwah ha ha, I SO AGREE!

01-04-09, 02:33
Amigos, I´ve been posting on this board for a long time.

Bottom line is, guys like Dazed come and go. Best just to ignore him.

At the end of the day, he´s most likely a pretty lonely dude, trying to feel special.
Just a bunch of blah blah blah.

Happy New Year!An accurate asessment.Most likely he just likes to stir the pot(smoke it too).

Tom 33
01-04-09, 15:58
The other girls are I guess what Colombians call gresia? (<-spelling is incorrect). Something like a novia/ more an amiga con derechas/ definately a scenester. Not pros, they don't want money but they do need to "see and be seen" looking cute in hotspots around town with you. They all look quite similiar: cute, well dressed, and always looking to go the nicest rest. Or party.You may mean grilla pronounced gree-jah. They do want money.

01-04-09, 19:44

I will be in Medellin for the first time in a few weeks. Can Z-packs (Azitromicina), troferit (cougs/colds), Viagra, Cialis and Garasone (pink eye) be bought in the pharmacies w/o a prescription?


Daryll Musician
01-04-09, 21:24
This blonde is really something else. When I "discovered" her in her Medellin barrio of Buenos Aires back in her day I never knew what an entrepreneur she would turn out to be. Now shes telling guys shes a medical student, got guys sending money, and procures girls from her barrio for guys. She and I joked recently of how she used to tell me "Whatever you want to help me out with is fine. " 80k a weekend and company used to make her really happy! I have always gone for the stars/proven commodities in the hot spots but the way I found her was different. I guess Ricker would call a diamond in the rough. Things change fast! Anyone I know personally can pm me for her number.

The other girls are I guess what Colombians call gresia? (<-spelling is incorrect). Something like a novia/ more an amiga con derechas/ definately a scenester. Not pros, they don't want money but they do need to "see and be seen" looking cute in hotspots around town with you. They all look quite similiar: cute, well dressed, and always looking to go the nicest rest. Or party.

But to be seen with one gresia around town you will get the attention of, meet and eventually sleep and other gresias in town, not to mention her circle of friends. And the cycle goes on and on and on. I don't like posting pic of non pro on here at all but what the heck. But then again this scene is not unlike Hollywood, Vegas or South Beach, just a whole lot cheaper.I definitely remember her from Fase Dos.

Black Page
01-04-09, 23:16
Bottom line is, guys like Dazed come and go. Best just to ignore him.
At the end of the day, he´s most likely a pretty lonely dude, trying to feel special.Just a bunch of blah blah blah.Oh yes I agree with you!
He posted similar blahblah on the CTG forum few days before.
He started claiming that he was planning to spend up to 2000USD/day, that he does not like to mix with others (cumulatively defined as "poors"), and then he:
- went giving money to Tony;
- rented an apartment by Juan;
- had lunch in Bocagrande at Riquisimo!
Those who know a bit of CTG understand what I mean. This is unbelievable crap! In spite of this, there were still some who liked his posts.
I would suggest people to be careful in trusting this kind of posts.
My full comments to his claimed adventures, including some suggestions on how to spend 1k-2k USD/day in a better way in CTG:

Rob Hay
01-05-09, 07:03
Accidentially deleted this before.

El Greggor
01-05-09, 10:07
You can't take it with you, but some guys like to bragg how much they spend, I like to bragg on what I saved, but I'm learnin to give some of the low rent girls lots of mola because it really helps them, they remember you, and they appreciate it so much, and they tell thier hott friends.

Tom 33
01-05-09, 13:59

I will be in Medellin for the first time in a few weeks. Can Z-packs (Azitromicina), troferit (cougs/colds), Viagra, Cialis and Garasone (pink eye) be bought in the pharmacies w/o a prescription?


You only need scripts for narcotics.

01-05-09, 15:30

I will be in Medellin for the first time in a few weeks. Can Z-packs (Azitromicina), troferit (cougs/colds), Viagra, Cialis and Garasone (pink eye) be bought in the pharmacies w/o a prescription?

ThanksIf you need any script from a doctor look for a clinic that deals in *general health such as clinica "CES" located not far from plaza botero. I saw a doctor within 15 minutes for $7 US will full check up and I got a 60 day script for xanax. Gotta love SA!

01-05-09, 16:25

You only need scripts for narcotics.And antibiotics now, iirc?

01-06-09, 17:28
You don't need a script for antibiotics, I purchased amoxicillin & azithromycin at the Pomona in Oviedo last month.

You also don't need a script for viagra/cialis.

Yankee 617
01-07-09, 21:50

Thanks. I think I saw your posts earlier. Here is a link I found for
the Hotel Florida



Thanks for the hotel info. Here is a corrected link...



Here are a couple other hotels I stumbled across. I know nothing
about them...


01-08-09, 03:48

Thanks. I think I saw your posts earlier. Here is a link I found for
the Hotel Florida



Thanks for the hotel info. Here is a corrected link...



Here are a couple other hotels I stumbled across. I know nothing
about them...

http://www.lacasamedellin.com/It claims to be a hotel, but its more of a bed and breakfast. Mostly for Colombian families on vacation. The rooms have the basics, but nothing special. They do not have a safebox. They do give you some dirty looks if you bring several ladies there during your stay. I stayed there during my first ever trip to Medellin a few years ago. Its owned by some old lady who thinks she is still young. She has a big ass parrot as a pet, hence the parrot on the website.

When I stayed there, the hotel did not have ac, but then again, the weather in paisa land is nice and cool at night. The location is not bad, as it located within walking distance from the Oviedo Mall, about 3 or 4 long blocks. Forgot the name of the gym, but there is a nice one right down the hill behind the giant supermarket. Hope this helps. Good luck!

Cool Hand Luke
01-09-09, 19:37
Not everybody who comes to Medellin wants to stay at the Mansion or one of its clones. So trying to find a suitable alternative in el Centro would be difficult, as many of these establishments are unclean, unsafe and quite simply not the kind of places that that you would consider staying at. However, just recently I came across a hotel that that defies the stereotype and is great VFM.

The hotel is on five floors and has about 25 rooms. Lots of granite adorns the common areas and there is a small pool on the ground floor which is more suitable for paddling than swimming.

It is not set in the hustle and bustle of el centro but in a quiet street just off Oriente. It is safe, clean and not a bad option if you decide to stay in this part of town.

Name: Hotel Capitolio
Address: Carrera 49 #57-24
Tel: 512 0012
Nightly Rate: $25
Guests : $10 extra

Casa Medellin
01-09-09, 23:49
http://www.lacasamedellin.com/Do not bother going to this hotel as you will not be allowed in with hookers.

01-10-09, 20:39
Not everybody who comes to Medellin wants to stay at the Mansion or one of its clones. So trying to find a suitable alternative in el Centro would be difficult, as many of these establishments are unclean, unsafe and quite simply not the kind of places that that you would consider staying at. However, just recently I came across a hotel that that defies the stereotype and is great VFM.

The hotel is on five floors and has about 25 rooms. Lots of granite adorns the common areas and there is a small pool on the ground floor which is more suitable for paddling than swimming.

It is not set in the hustle and bustle of el centro but in a quiet street just off Oriente. It is safe, clean and not a bad option if you decide to stay in this part of town.

Name: Hotel Capitolio
Address: Carrera 49 #57-24
Tel: 512 0012
Nightly Rate: $25
Guests : $10 extraThere are many places in Laurelas that are in the $30-$50 range and you can walk around at night.

Tom 33
01-11-09, 02:11
Do not bother going to this hotel as you will not be allowed in with hookers.You have stopped using hookers?

Casa Medellin
01-11-09, 03:45
About a year ago the hotel introduced a policy of not allowing gringos who bring hookers in since the kitchen was starting to resemble the bar on Deep Space 9 with all the freaks that were showing up. I actually trained my secretary to say "no speak English" and hang up the phone. Life has been much more quiet, and indeed much more profitable, since then.

You have stopped using hookers?

Escort King
01-11-09, 22:33
About a year ago the hotel introduced a policy of not allowing gringos who bring hookers in since the kitchen was starting to resemble the bar on Deep Space 9 with all the freaks that were showing up. I actually trained my secretary to say "no speak English" and hang up the phone. Life has been much more quiet, and indeed profitable, since then.Got to love english only discrimination.

01-11-09, 23:26
Not everybody who comes to Medellin wants to stay at the Mansion or one of its clones. So trying to find a suitable alternative in el Centro would be difficult, as many of these establishments are unclean, unsafe and quite simply not the kind of places that that you would consider staying at. However, just recently I came across a hotel that that defies the stereotype and is great VFM.

The hotel is on five floors and has about 25 rooms. Lots of granite adorns the common areas and there is a small pool on the ground floor which is more suitable for paddling than swimming.

It is not set in the hustle and bustle of el centro but in a quiet street just off Oriente. It is safe, clean and not a bad option if you decide to stay in this part of town.

Name: Hotel Capitolio
Address: Carrera 49 #57-24
Tel: 512 0012
Nightly Rate: $25
Guests : $10 extraYes this place is a decent hotel. I knew someone that stayed there. The restaurant attached to the hotel serves good food.

I would have to disagree with it being in a safe area. Actually I would say the opposite. It sits right in the middle of the transvestite pfp area. If you don't like walking through areas like that then forget about it. I am surprised lonely planet doesn't mention that in it's review.

I couldn't see an older white guy feeling too comfortable there at night. If you are in the backpacker sect a young buck or someone that has no cares in the world this place is for you. The staff is very nice.

The centro does have a few options but you need to go on foot and see for yourself.

Casa Medellin
01-12-09, 12:48
Got to love english only discrimination.You can expect a lot more English only discrimination coming to Medellin in the next short while. I know several people who work in the larger hotels as well as some of the owners of other hotels. Everyone has been talking very openly about the behavior of many of the English speaking "mongers" and the consensus is universal that these clients are undesirable. In the last year several of the big hotels have introduced "guest policies" that are directed at making their hotels unattractive to the monger client base and this trend is going to continue.

It would also seem that several of the monger specific destinations are either for sale or the owners have left (or fled) the country proving that the business model is not workable in the long term.

The simple fact is if a hotel allows "mongers" then 15-20% of the people who randomly show up at the door are going to be complete idiots from another planet. In a small hotel these individuals will destroy the guest experience for everyone else as well as be a complete pain in the ass requiring attention non stop 24 hours a day. There is no way to filter out this 15-20% except by banning all guests who want to bring in hookers.

After prohibiting "unregistered guests" about a year ago our revenue immediately increased and everything else started running much more smoothly. Last time I was in Barranquilla I stayed at a hotel owed by one of the largest hotel companies in Colombia. There was a sign at the front desk saying "no guests are allowed in after 9:00pm" so it would appear that this trend is also spreading beyond Medellin.

I am sure some people are going to try to start a big argument with me for saying this but the bottom line is I am in business to make money and if I were to allow hookers in the hotel I would make less money and have more problems. I am not trying to insult anyone here or start a big argument, I am just telling it like it is. The Mansion does an excellent job at catering to people on this forum and I strongly recommend for everyone to go there.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-12-09, 14:02
I am surprised lonely planet doesn't mention that in it's review.Hi,

The lonely planet guide for Colombia seems to be very bad. Check the reviews, apparently the writer has never been there.

Aussie Greg
01-12-09, 16:49
I don't know if this is interesting, but here goes.

Medellin Bob and I travel alot to Caucasia and Zaragoza (he has a interest in a farm there)

We were driving in the morning from Caucasia to Zaragoza and called into a gas station to ask some questions when the attentent said to us, "have they picked up the bodies of the road yet"! We said, no, we didn't see any bodies, he said that in a drug related issue yesterday afternoon, 5 people were taken out of there bus, told to kneel down and shot in the back of the head! Mmmmmmmmm, my girlfriend (well one of them anyway) in the back of the car said what!

Given the fact that 5 people also were killed in caucasia the day before, we throught that that was the end of it!

Well in the afternoon, Medellin Bob's farm amnager arrives (late) and where driving back to Caucasia and he says that another 3 people were killed this morning in Caucasia, so thats 13 people in a day and a half! Not a bad strike rate hey!

Has anybody heard about all the drive by shootings in Laureles by people on motor bikes! Just a local thing though!

Aussie Greg

Escort King
01-12-09, 18:41
You can expect a lot more English only discrimination coming to Medellin in the next short while. I know several people who work in the larger hotels as well as some of the owners of other hotels. Everyone has been talking very openly about the behavior of many of the English speaking "mongers" and the consensus is universal that these clients are undesirable. In the last year several of the big hotels have introduced "guest policies" that are directed at making their hotels unattractive to the monger client base and this trend is going to continue.

It would also seem that several of the monger specific destinations are either for sale or the owners have left (or fled) the country proving that the business model is not workable in the long term.

The simple fact is if a hotel allows "mongers" then 15-20% of the people who randomly show up at the door are going to be complete idiots from another planet. In a small hotel these individuals will destroy the guest experience for everyone else as well as be a complete pain in the ass requiring attention non stop 24 hours a day. There is no way to filter out this 15-20% except by banning all guests who want to bring in hookers.

After prohibiting "unregistered guests" about a year ago our revenue immediately increased and everything else started running much more smoothly. Last time I was in Barranquilla I stayed at a hotel owed by one of the largest hotel companies in Colombia. There was a sign at the front desk saying "no guests are allowed in after 9:00pm" so it would appear that this trend is also spreading beyond Medellin.

I am sure some people are going to try to start a big argument with me for saying this but the bottom line is I am in business to make money and if I were to allow hookers in the hotel I would make less money and have more problems. I am not trying to insult anyone here or start a big argument, I am just telling it like it is. The Mansion does an excellent job at catering to people on this forum and I strongly recommend for everyone to go there.Then why are you posting here. This is a board about hookers. Find the family channel and have fun. But stopping to lecture us is a waste of everyone's time.

Casa Medellin
01-12-09, 23:01
Then why are you posting here. This is a board about hookers. Find the family channel and have fun. But stopping to lecture us is a waste of everyone's time.Because someone posted a fucking link and I wanted to make it perfectly clear not to come to this hotel because I do not want a bunch of mouth breathing idiots showing up.

01-12-09, 23:16
Then why are you posting here. This is a board about hookers. Find the family channel and have fun. But stopping to lecture us is a waste of everyone's time.I think what he was getting at is people in Medellin are not thrilled about it being a monger destination. Colombians are very proud of their country and want people to enjoy their culture and natural beauty (Hmm).

Most people I met were trying to get it out of me (that I monger) but they couldn't. I have an alibi that I stick to when traveling to SA.

Overall I got the notion that most colombians are disgusted with people who come only to monger.

People react to you differently when you come back the second time around. I got some not so pleasant looks in a few normal establishments that I visited just a few months earlier.

I agree that a monger clientele is not the greatest group to have dominate a hotel. Shit happens and people do careless things. The same could be true at a place like the mansion where everybody mongers. Different problems could arise in that kind of a situation. As much as I like the frat house atmosphere I find it better to go it alone and hook up with mongers for dinner or some sort of other social activity.

I don't find the previous post offensive or boring. Just a little hint of self promotion that is all. Heck why not this is a monger site!

Escort King
01-13-09, 04:21
Because someone posted a fucking link and I wanted to make it perfectly clear not to come to this hotel because I do not want a bunch of mouth breathing idiots showing up.Mate, you have 70 posts.

How did you know link was there?

Escort King
01-13-09, 04:30
I think what he was getting at is people in Medellin are not thrilled about it being a monger destination. Colombians are very proud of their country and want people to enjoy their culture and natural beauty (Hmm).

Most people I met were trying to get it out of me (that I monger) but they couldn't. I have an alibi that I stick to when traveling to SA.

Overall I got the notion that most colombians are disgusted with people who come only to monger.

People react to you differently when you come back the second time around. I got some not so pleasant looks in a few normal establishments that I visited just a few months earlier.

I agree that a monger clientele is not the greatest group to have dominate a hotel. Shit happens and people do careless things. The same could be true at a place like the mansion where everybody mongers. Different problems could arise in that kind of a situation. As much as I like the frat house atmosphere I find it better to go it alone and hook up with mongers for dinner or some sort of other social activity.

I don't find the previous post offense or boring. Just a little hint of self promotion. Heck why not this is a monger site!I agree there are some who make sex tourists look bad. But the country has many casa and they were not created for the gringos. I could easily stay at home and order in for the amount spent on travel, accommodation and everything else. I love to travel. The girls are perks. I get less rowdy when abroad then I do at a bar in nyc. Just observations by a mouth breather.

Casa Medellin
01-13-09, 11:58
I don't find the previous post offensive or boring. Just a little hint of self promotion that is all. Heck why not this is a monger site!Thanks. However, this is not self promotion in any way as I am saying clearly that no one will be allowed in the door at all if they are with hookers. This has been the rule now for a long time and it is not going to change.

I originally asked Jackson to quietly delete the link to my site. However, Jackson does not like deleting stuff so he told me to post on here explaining the policy as I am doing so now.

World Travel 69
01-13-09, 16:41
Everything about Apartments and Hotels should be in this Thread.


Casa Medellin I do believe I took your link off the List.

01-13-09, 17:40
Thanks. However, this is not self promotion in any way as I am saying clearly that no one will be allowed in the door at all if they are with hookers. This has been the rule now for a long time and it is not going to change.

I originally asked Jackson to quietly delete the link to my site. However, Jackson does not like deleting stuff so he told me to post on here explaining the policy as I am doing so now.What type of guests normally frequent your hotel?

Upscale Colombianos or Americans / Euros with normal girlfriends?

01-13-09, 18:57
I do not think we roll in the same circles but most of the young ladies I met in Medellin usually get down to "gringo" how much can I get for as little as he will receive.

Remember the girls are not on the streets for us mongers and most are "taken up" by the locals.

Fact of life men who like women like to have sex with women.

I the mongers did not come they would stiill be there.

If you need and excuse I will allow you to borrow mine "I am here to see my children who live in Niquia".

I guess your explanation for how the people of Medellin hate the monger for being there, this is why most of the real hot ones I met on my first visit, April 2004 have disappeared. Or have they been exported to aruba, St. Maarten, Panama.

Great export for the reputation of Medellin.

Please think you are not that imnportant in their thoughts (only in their futures and peace). Better mongers in 2007 then than the gangs of 1997.


Promoting a hotel by saying do not come only let's me know you are interested in me showing up on your door step. I will stick with my cheap hole in the wall, Odeon. They are always nice to me and allow me to have any visitor I want without an extra fee.


I think what he was getting at is people in Medellin are not thrilled about it being a monger destination. Colombians are very proud of their country and want people to enjoy their culture and natural beauty (Hmm).

Most people I met were trying to get it out of me (that I monger) but they couldn't. I have an alibi that I stick to when traveling to SA.

Overall I got the notion that most colombians are disgusted with people who come only to monger.

People react to you differently when you come back the second time around. I got some not so pleasant looks in a few normal establishments that I visited just a few months earlier.

I agree that a monger clientele is not the greatest group to have dominate a hotel. Shit happens and people do careless things. The same could be true at a place like the mansion where everybody mongers. Different problems could arise in that kind of a situation. As much as I like the frat house atmosphere I find it better to go it alone and hook up with mongers for dinner or some sort of other social activity.

I don't find the previous post offensive or boring. Just a little hint of self promotion that is all. Heck why not this is a monger site!

Yankee 617
01-13-09, 20:16
Everything about Apartments and Hotels should be in this Thread.


Casa Medellin I do believe I took your link off the List.Wt69: Thank you for posting this link. For some stupid reason I never saw that thread before. I kept searching through the "Medellin Lists" thread. I apologize to all for improperly taking up bandwidth on this "Reports" thread and will move future discussions about Medellin lodging to the "Medellin Hotels and Rental Apartments" thread.

CM: My apologies for posting the link to your hotel. I ran across this link quite innocently (not on ISG) and was surprised to find that the owner/operator (I. E. , you) also is a member of ISG. Once I finish posting this message, I'll try to edit my post to remove that link.



Aussie Greg
01-14-09, 15:16

Does any body know where I can find this guy, his name is Kevin, got a ***** from Fose Dose pregnant and married her.

A few other people would like to speak to him to, enclosed foto's.

Aussie Greg.

The Informer
01-15-09, 20:06
Mate, this wanker is pure rubbish. Hes been causing problems on PBH for years using 20 or 30 different names and impersonating other people for some time now. He is one of these americans who sits around having a thrap of the middle leg while looking at the photos of all your chicas. Him and a couple other on PBH started a campaign to spread slander against anyone who is making money in Medellin. I would not be surprised at all if he is one of the serial antagonists here on ISG. He is a real pansy who ironically married some scanky ho after knocking her up. Pay no attention to him mate as plonkers like this are not worth the time. Word out is he is a real queen as well which explains the chrome dome. Not worth the time mate, not worth it at all. Let him take it up the arse daily while you are with your chicas.


Does any body know where I can find this guy, his name is Kevin, got a ***** from Fose Dose pregnant and married her.

A few other people would like to speak to him to, enclosed foto's.

Aussie Greg.

01-16-09, 12:58
There is a website apparently well-known among folks in Medellín which is stealing photos of chicas from ISG. This has caused significant harm to some ladies featured in this forum.

People in Medellín refer to this as the "Paisitas" website. I believe I saw this website years ago but I am now unable to locate it. Better yet, does anyone have info on the person running it?Pretty easy: it's denunciando.c o m/forumdisplay.php?f=8 ; although picture stealing/ leeching happens everywhere on the net, I don't find it cool in this regard. Don't have any info, but should not be too difficult to find out.

Rob Hay
01-16-09, 20:11
Some guys on there give the full name and school that the girl attend, or where they work along with their pics. Alot of people with axes to grind but what type of sicko do you have to be to out someone like that?

Frank Casio
01-17-09, 18:41
You can expect a lot more English only discrimination coming to Medellin in the next short while. I know several people who work in the larger hotels as well as some of the owners of other hotels. Everyone has been talking very openly about the behavior of many of the English speaking "mongers" and the consensus is universal that these clients are undesirable. In the last year several of the big hotels have introduced "guest policies" that are directed at making their hotels unattractive to the monger client base and this trend is going to continue.

It would also seem that several of the monger specific destinations are either for sale or the owners have left (or fled) the country proving that the business model is not workable in the long term.

The simple fact is if a hotel allows "mongers" then 15-20% of the people who randomly show up at the door are going to be complete idiots from another planet. In a small hotel these individuals will destroy the guest experience for everyone else as well as be a complete pain in the ass requiring attention non stop 24 hours a day. There is no way to filter out this 15-20% except by banning all guests who want to bring in hookers.

After prohibiting "unregistered guests" about a year ago our revenue immediately increased and everything else started running much more smoothly. Last time I was in Barranquilla I stayed at a hotel owed by one of the largest hotel companies in Colombia. There was a sign at the front desk saying "no guests are allowed in after 9:00pm" so it would appear that this trend is also spreading beyond Medellin.

I am sure some people are going to try to start a big argument with me for saying this but the bottom line is I am in business to make money and if I were to allow hookers in the hotel I would make less money and have more problems. I am not trying to insult anyone here or start a big argument, I am just telling it like it is. The Mansion does an excellent job at catering to people on this forum and I strongly recommend for everyone to go there.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.I don't know what seems to be the problem guys, but American Monguers are more than welcome in La Mayorista! And from there you can expand to all of Medellin Centro, Casas, Striptease Clubs, Mangos, Palmahia, etc. You guys make it so complicated! La Mayorista Strip Hotels katers to truck drivers who come to that area well aware of the 50-100 hookers who are there to service the truckers! Seeing "working girls" in and out all day is nothing new to these Hotels! The Hotels there are dirt cheap, and not to mention My Place which is right on the Strip, American owned! There is transportation available to the whole of Medellin, a few bucks to Parque Lleras, subway or bus to El Centro and all the "casas" an Strip Tease Bars! Ten minute walk from Palmahia and Mangos, La mayorista can become a San Jose, but much better if all you Monguers would take advantage of it and stop going where you are not welcome!

You'll be more than welcome at La Mayorista, and if enough of you come, there will be an army of trained "entertainment guides" to take you to places and see things you never imagined! With all the extra cash you'll save in La Mayorista, you'll be able to live like a real "Monguer King" with no stigma attached! A place where you will be more than welcome as "Monguer Kings", that place is called La Mayorista! Once the news is spread more and more quality girls will come because of the Americans, and you guys will feel more comfortable if you see 15-20 americans walking around than just the occassional straggler!

My last guest at My Place, who said when he arrived that he wasn't in a hurry to be with any girls, ended up with 5 girls within 24 hours, and he's 60 years old! The GFE is not great, but there are a lot of "cuties" and the GFE can be won bit by bit, for $12US a girls company, whose complainning! So take over La Mayorista American Monguers, there is no Stigma there, you'll be more than welcome and you will save a ton of money! I promise you things will get even better as more of you come!

Frank Casio!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Casa Medellin
01-17-09, 21:16
Frank, I could not agree with you more. There is no place more perfectly suited for the gringos who come to Medellin than Majorista. I mean, with all that Majorista has to offer what else could any gringo monger want? As you said, Majorista is the place to be for Colombian "truck drivers" who are looking for that special sweetie, and with over 100 girls to choose from there is no shortage of lovelies. Lets not forget to mention the food as well! Hell, in Majorista you can eat like a King for about $2. 00. No monger should turn down an opportunity like this. Why waste a "ton of money" eating with all those stuck up be-at-ches in Lleras?

While enjoying your $2. 00 meal at Majorista you can also strike up a nice conversation with some Colombian truck drivers and get to know "the real Colombia" instead of being with all those snobs in Poblado. If you are lucky you can even meet some nice friendly taxi drivers. Frank I would like to congratulate you on your Entrepreneur spirit. People like you make us all proud to be gringos.

Given that Casa Medellin does not allow mongers I think I will start sending all the mongers I meet directly to Majorista or to My Place. They will save a ton of money and get to make a lot of new nice friends in Majorista.

I don't know what seems to be the problem guys, but American Monguers are more than welcome in La Mayorista! And from there you can expand to all of Medellin Centro, Casas, Striptease Clubs, Mangos, Palmahia, etc. You guys make it so complicated! La Mayorista Strip Hotels katers to truck drivers who come to that area well aware of the 50-100 hookers who are there to service the truckers! Seeing "working girls" in and out all day is nothing new to these Hotels! The Hotels there are dirt cheap, and not to mention My Place which is right on the Strip, American owned! There is transportation available to the whole of Medellin, a few bucks to Parque Lleras, subway or bus to El Centro and all the "casas" an Strip Tease Bars! Ten minute walk from Palmahia and Mangos, La mayorista can become a San Jose, but much better if all you Monguers would take advantage of it and stop going where you are not welcome!

You'll be more than welcome at La Mayorista, and if enough of you come, there will be an army of trained "entertainment guides" to take you to places and see things you never imagined! With all the extra cash you'll save in La Mayorista, you'll be able to live like a real "Monguer King" with no stigma attached! A place where you will be more than welcome as "Monguer Kings", that place is called La Mayorista! Once the news is spread more and more quality girls will come because of the Americans, and you guys will feel more comfortable if you see 15-20 americans walking around than just the occassional straggler!

My last guest at My Place, who said when he arrived that he wasn't in a hurry to be with any girls, ended up with 5 girls within 24 hours, and he's 60 years old! The GFE is not great, but there are a lot of "cuties" and the GFE can be won bit by bit, for $12US a girls company, whose complainning! So take over La Mayorista American Monguers, there is no Stigma there, you'll be more than welcome and you will save a ton of money! I promise you things will get even better as more of you come!

Frank Casio!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

John Gault
01-17-09, 21:54
I don't know what seems to be the problem guys, but American Monguers are more than welcome in La Mayorista! And from there you can expand to all of Medellin Centro, Casas, Striptease Clubs, Mangos, Palmahia, etc. You guys make it so complicated! La Mayorista Strip Hotels katers to truck drivers who come to that area well aware of the 50-100 hookers who are there to service the truckers! Seeing "working girls" in and out all day is nothing new to these Hotels! The Hotels there are dirt cheap, and not to mention My Place which is right on the Strip, American owned! There is transportation available to the whole of Medellin, a few bucks to Parque Lleras, subway or bus to El Centro and all the "casas" an Strip Tease Bars! Ten minute walk from Palmahia and Mangos, La mayorista can become a San Jose, but much better if all you Monguers would take advantage of it and stop going where you are not welcome!

You'll be more than welcome at La Mayorista, and if enough of you come, there will be an army of trained "entertainment guides" to take you to places and see things you never imagined! With all the extra cash you'll save in La Mayorista, you'll be able to live like a real "Monguer King" with no stigma attached! A place where you will be more than welcome as "Monguer Kings", that place is called La Mayorista! Once the news is spread more and more quality girls will come because of the Americans, and you guys will feel more comfortable if you see 15-20 americans walking around than just the occassional straggler!

My last guest at My Place, who said when he arrived that he wasn't in a hurry to be with any girls, ended up with 5 girls within 24 hours, and he's 60 years old! The GFE is not great, but there are a lot of "cuties" and the GFE can be won bit by bit, for $12US a girls company, whose complainning! So take over La Mayorista American Monguers, there is no Stigma there, you'll be more than welcome and you will save a ton of money! I promise you things will get even better as more of you come!

Frank Casio!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Hola Frank, I was in MDE with the Novia for 3 days last Nov. and I was dying to see La Mayorista, but alas the Novia was to smart to let me out of Her sight or have any juice leftover. I agree with you 100%. To Me I have found if you are willing to try different Chicas in that type of setting, soon you will find one you like and with good treatment she will give the GFE that We all crave. Those business's that do not like Gringo money, well I will make then happy by taking my business elsewhere. No probelma.

Northern Guy
01-19-09, 02:15

I'm a danish guy visiting Colombia for my first time (in May). I am 29 yo, with ok game and a little spanish. My main goal (after the travel experience) is to find a hot non-pro (I'm backpacking all of central america, have the same goals everywhere.) Then I have both company so I don't get bored, a guide and some interesting local insight. If she is down to earth, I prefer to do a "normal" girl who wants to fuck me, and not just make money (yes, I'll be aware of gold-diggers). Ok, over to my questions.

1) I am open to pay, if I really want it right there and then. I can see a hot Mangos prepago could be hard to resist. What's the price now for a hot prepago at Mangos?

2) Will I spot the prepagos, for instance in Mangos? Heard people tend to go out in groups, so picking up non-pros at night may be a challenge for a single guy. Will prepagos approach me? Are there only tables in Mangos, or bars/areas where it is easier to make contact? (Yes, that was many questions.)

3) I want a clean and cheap hotel. Is hotel latino my best choice? I am flying in from Panama. How should I book my accomodation? Is there an info desk at the airport? Is hotel latino girl friendly?


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-19-09, 03:38
I have read the opinion of others in regards to using escort sites in Medellin, but one thing I have found difficult to do is, if you are short on time and want prime meat its hard to be able to establish good connections.

Has any one ever used any of these services?


1. http://www.ladiesvip.com/medellin.htm

2. http://www.dulcex.com/modelos_medellin.php

3. http://www.e-extasis.com/medellin.htm

I saw the pics and they look great, but I have to wonder how much bait n switch happens. Also the price is high for MDE standards.

If the quality of the girls is as high as they advertise I would be willing to give it a try.

I look forward to the feedback.


Sunlion X
01-19-09, 11:20
I've been thru SEA,Thialand,Cambodia,Laos,PI. mongering for the better part of the last 12 years.And now want to checkout Colombia.

Now since I dont speak spanish,I know I,am down some.I,am only going to be there 10 days.Unlike SEA where I go for 6 to 8 weeks on vacation.

I,am staying in Poblado,because I think I have a better chance to meet up with a lady who can speak some english.And show me around some.

With that said,is there any bars or cafes or events that I shouldnt miss?

I,ll be in MDE Feb,2 ///Feb 12.


Tom 33
01-19-09, 12:38
1) I am open to pay, if I really want it right there and then. I can see a hot Mangos prepago could be hard to resist. What's the price now for a hot prepago at Mangos?

2) Will I spot the prepagos, for instance in Mangos? Heard people tend to go out in groups, so picking up non-pros at night may be a challenge for a single guy. Will prepagos approach me? Are there only tables in Mangos, or bars/areas where it is easier to make contact? (Yes, that was many questions.)There are very few prepagos that will show up at Mangos and pay their own entry fee.

01-19-09, 16:44
Frank, I could not agree with you more. There is no place more perfectly suited for the gringos who come to Medellin than Majorista. I mean, with all that Majorista has to offer what else could any gringo monger want? As you said, Majorista is the place to be for Colombian "truck drivers" who are looking for that special sweetie, and with over 100 girls to choose from there is no shortage of lovelies. Lets not forget to mention the food as well! Hell, in Majorista you can eat like a King for about $2. 00. No monger should turn down an opportunity like this. Why waste a "ton of money" eating with all those stuck up be-at-ches in Lleras?

While enjoying your $2. 00 meal at Majorista you can also strike up a nice conversation with some Colombian truck drivers and get to know "the real Colombia" instead of being with all those snobs in Poblado. If you are lucky you can even meet some nice friendly taxi drivers. Frank I would like to congratulate you on your Entrepreneur spirit. People like you make us all proud to be gringos.

Given that Casa Medellin does not allow mongers I think I will start sending all the mongers I meet directly to Majorista or to My Place. They will save a ton of money and get to make a lot of new nice friends in Majorista.Is it me or has majorista been really slow lately? I often stop by on my way home from work and I only see about 10 girls there. Or maybe they are all hiding deep inside the bars as I haven´t spent time in those. Anyway, not many real cuties lately. Although I never go there late at night.

Also, where are you finding $2 meals? Unless you´re talking about those little street carts which I wouldn´t exactly say is eating like a king.

Frank Casio
01-19-09, 19:03
Is it me or has majorista been really slow lately? I often stop by on my way home from work and I only see about 10 girls there. Or maybe they are all hiding deep inside the bars as I haven't spent time in those. Anyway, not many real cuties lately. Although I never go there late at night.

Also, where are you finding $2 meals? Unless you're talking about those little street carts which I wouldn't exactly say is eating like a king.Hi Sploofed,

Ussually the 50-100 girls everybody talks about is from Thur-Sat. After 10PM. Wed. After 10PM is ok and the 10-15 you are talking about are from about 8AM to 4PM! Mon-Tues. Pretty slow!

But the thing about La Mayorista or anywhere in Medellin, you can be walking at 9AM and find a cutie! And if 3-4 out of those 10-15 are cuties, that's all you would need at 10AM in the morning! That's what happenned with my last guest, a gringo from Costa Rica, I was giving him the regular tour at 2:30 PM on how to get around, subway, buses, taxis, rest. , Internet, Banks, etc. And we ran into 3-4 gorgeous, hot girls out of the 10-15 that where there on a Tuesday at 2:30 PM! He was impressed! One little "cutie" was exceptionally hot, I wanted her right away, but I get more than my share, so my 60 yr. Old giant gringo took this beautiful tiny girl, and spent 4-5 hours with her! Then within the same 24 hrs he picked up 4 more! He had said when he arrived that he wasn't in a hurry, I was shocked and glad for him!

Bottom line is, you can't just go and do a drive by during the day, you need to look a little closer, and you have to know the busy hours as I posted! As to the Rest. You can have a good portion of chicken and soda for $2, but for a real hardy meal you will need $3! Nobody is saying these are 5 star Restaurants, but they are clean and provide good food for very little, Tipical Paisa plate, rice, beans, meat, soda, plantenes, salad, arepa, and soup for about $3!

And as more "gringos" go there the quality of everything will improve! Most important is that it's "Monguer friendly", that's what the whole set up is for, and "Palmahia" and "Mangos", the 2 largest and best Discos in Medellin are within a 10 minute walk from La Mayorista, and everything else is very accessible with the subway!

Frank Casio!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-19-09, 23:53
Is it me or has majorista been really slow lately? I often stop by on my way home from work and I only see about 10 girls there. Or maybe they are all hiding deep inside the bars as I haven't spent time in those. Anyway, not many real cuties lately. Although I never go there late at night.

Also, where are you finding $2 meals? Unless you're talking about those little street carts which I wouldn't exactly say is eating like a king.I noticed that on my trip in August. The weekends are really the time to go, many do not work there on weekdays.

01-20-09, 15:30
Hi Sploofed,

Ussually the 50-100 girls everybody talks about is from Thur-Sat. After 10PM. Wed. After 10PM is ok and the 10-15 you are talking about are from about 8AM to 4PM! Mon-Tues. Pretty slow!

[/blue][/size]Yea Frank, You're right I'm not going late enough. But lately there are definately more fatter uglier chics than skinny hotties. During the afternoon you might be lucky to see 3 standing outside. I took a stroll through there Saturday night and there definately were a lot more chics, but just about every single one of them standing outside were chunky or ugly or had a deep cigarrete voice. Some of them look no better than a streetwalker from the U.S. Or even worse. I'm talking ugly face, tattoos, walk like a trucker, talk like a trucker, ect. All the good ones seemed to be ocupied with other guys inside the bars drinking shots. I guess they get taken up quickly.

01-21-09, 01:18
My friend grew up in Ecuador and he too noticed Colombianas have changed. They went from nice bodies to "I have T & A I am hot. To me it appears that what the Colombiana calls in shape in a Pipa de puta (belly) and love handles; and boy these ladies love to show the off (with the T & A (fake or real)).

Yea Frank, You're right I'm not going late enough. But lately there are definately more fatter uglier chics than skinny hotties. During the afternoon you might be lucky to see 3 standing outside. I took a stroll through there Saturday night and there definately were a lot more chics, but just about every single one of them standing outside were chunky or ugly or had a deep cigarrete voice. Some of them look no better than a streetwalker from the U.S. Or even worse. I'm talking ugly face, tattoos, walk like a trucker, talk like a trucker, ect. All the good ones seemed to be ocupied with other guys inside the bars drinking shots. I guess they get taken up quickly.

Northern Guy
01-21-09, 23:09
I'm looking for a girl-friendly, cheap and clean hotel in Medellin (yes, I know this is not lonely planet). So far I have found Hotel Conquistadores and Hotel Latino. The first I can book on the net, which makes things a bit easier (instead of showing up, and they are full.)

1) Are both hotels girl-friendly, with or without an extra fee?

2) Are there major differences in the areas where they are situated? (close to bars/clubs/restaurants, bus station, malls, safety etc.)

3) So pulling a hot prepago from Mangos probably wont happen (since they are occupied and paid for entrance by som locals). Can I find available semi-pros in other nightclubs/bars, or mostly in hardcore strip-clubs?


01-22-09, 02:28
Veteran of San Jose and Panama, I continue south to Colombia, Medellin. I read the boards and knew climate wise I wanted Medellin. I will post separately regarding normal girls, hotels and the city.

This post covers the casas and the street girls. I hit 4 of the casas around the El Centro map, each casa had 3 to 6 girls to choose from and service was the same. The girls were pretty, pleasant conversation, right down to business, everything was covered, a few minutes with her on top, then she gets tired, and I take over on top. At 30, 00 pesos, I can't reallY complain, though the sex in all 4 casas was very mechanical amd I never popped with the glove. I gave up on the casas after the 3rd day.

The street action was more fun, around the El Faro bar and the few blocks behind the parque gordos: calle 51 and 52. Here you need to have patience, be willing to walk around a few times or leave totally if nothing is too your liking. So what I did was I sat in one of the bars near the el faro and had a beer and waited, after an hour I saw a 5'6" paisa with light brown hair, tight abs and implant see cups. Inthe HDR in SJ she would easily command $80, but here she 25, 000 pesos. So up we went. She undressed and body was smokin all over, not a stretch mark or scar, I really wanted to ask was she was here. She got on top and started to ride, and right away I knew I was off for a good time, clearly she was a better actress than the casa girls. Her moans were soulful. I was way more excited in here and with a switch in position, I wa able to come even with the glove.

With success on the street, I returned the next day, picked up a another light skinned light brown hair paisa, agreed on 20, 000 pesos, she was not as smokin hot as the previous girl but still very doable. A 7. In my book. Got upstairs and things started to deteriorate, she must of been a man hater, 3 kids to support and every action was now for additional cash. She her culita was available for a tip, she even offered BBFS for 100, 000 pesos. Even tohugh I love BBFS, I was so turned off by her attitude I did not hesistate (after 20 minutes of lackluster sex) to put my clothes back on, give her 20, 000 pesos and split.

So I went a few blocks over and had lunch, then figured what the heck, lets take a second look and there was a smokin hot negra colombiana, 5'6" with long hair, short shorts, and halter top, she reeked of sex from across the street. I went right over and chatted up, she wanted 20, 000 and I said vamanos. Upstairs she undressed and her body was hard and tight, one kid but no evidence to show, she got right into with a BBBJ and I was rapidly getting engorged. She got on top of me and rubbed my entire body for a few more minutes thus getting me more excited, then she got in the cowgirl and put on my glove. Ok. Even with the glove I was totally into it and she rode me like no other girl. WITHOUT ANY DISCUSSION she rode me and switch from front cowgirl to reverse, and then she varied the angles and from side to side resulting in about 8 positions. The view on the reverse cow and forward cow with her body at a low angle was fantastic watching my engorged tool slide in and out. I imagined I had to catch this on film, but hadn't brought my camera. The excitement was intense after a only 5 minutes I could not hold and busted.

She removed the glove, and gently wiped me off. She lay next to me, rubbing my chest, we chatted. I knew only about 10 minutes had passed and she made no effort to leave. Afrer 5 minutes of chat I thought to myself, why not more so I asked her and she went right into another BBBJ. Jumed on top rubbing my body, then she realized we used the condom. So I said I've got one and she put it on. She started with the cowgirl and rode and rode. Again frequently changing position and all the while the cock never leaving the warmth of her body. She continued to work it and work it she did for another 15 till I could pop again. A true gem, total cost 20, 000 per pop plus 6000 for the room, $23 total. I went back to the hotel drained.

Be patient around this area, most of the girls are not attractive, but maybe half are doable whereas in the casas all the girls are generally doable. So be patient and find what gets the blood flowing to Mr Johnson. I quickly learned to say no or even leave if service was not good.

A final thought, it was a damn good thing I didn't get that picture of my tool going in and out, because leaving Medellin, a female (and attractive one) security officer went though every package in my carry on, then opened up my camera, turned it on and started reviewing my pictures. I had only typical tourist pictures, she liked my shots of the metrocable.

Be Safe

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-22-09, 10:41

In all my travels, mostly work related, I carry two memory cards. One for the sight seeing and one, I keep in a secured safe place. My camera has been turned on at security check stations at the airport and I have been lucky, at my age, to always remembered to make sure my "tourist sight seeing" memory card is in the camera.

But you know, you are the first to mention this here and with my memory, this is a good thing. Thanks for the reminder. I arrive in Medellin the 24th.

Sounds like you had a most excellent trip.

01-22-09, 11:42
This post covers the casas and the street girls.....Great report Paesano63, quick question though if you don't mind.

Were you seeking out street girls in the daytime? If so, that would explain a little bit about the lack of selection.

If you were however looking at night, I'd find that more disconcerting.

Thanks again

01-23-09, 01:11
Yes I wa in the El Centro during the day, various days, various times, anywhere from 9 AM to 5 PM, I went back on Monday morning at 9 AM and that negrita was there waiting and I did her a second time, then went back to the hotel, showered and went to the airport. I believe alot of young women hit this area during the day, then return home by evening to appear to have a normal job, my negrita said she works 9 AM to 2 PM.

Next time I'll have that second memory chip, that security chica really went through everything, she even felt all around the inside of my carry on to see if anything was stuffed in the lining. I wasn't upset about the camera, what did I care, I had nothing on it. The only thing that did [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off was when she squeezed all the air out of my bags of coffee. I bought 8 bags of Juan Valdez, La bastilla, and Luk cafe, all really good coffee and the that girl put each bag up to her nose and pushed the air out of each bag. What was up with that?

01-23-09, 03:05
Have been to Panama City and San Jose CR. Now off to the great city of Medellin this spring.

Tryin to figure out where to stay.

Can anyone comment on the Medellin Executive Hotel? The website looks great.

Casa Medellin
01-23-09, 05:44
I see that my stinging with and cutting edge sarcasm has went over the heads of some of the members. My comments about the bargains and "eating like a king" in Majorista were not meant to be taken seriously.

In all my years in Colombia I have been to Majorista once. It was full of dirty glue sniffing street trash and truck drivers. It is utterly amazing to me that anyone would travel to another country, especially a place famous for having beautiful women, only to spend their days with the dregs of society. It is tantamount to visiting NYC and hooking up with some drug infested toothless street *****s instead of staying in a top hotel in Manhattan.

But anyway, to each their own.

Hog Dog
01-23-09, 07:01
What is UP with the midget sized condoms they use around these parts? Do Colombians have even tinier tools than their Asian counterparts?? Where can a guy buy a normal sized condom (like Lifestyles?)

Am I the only guy who feels like ole Pedro is getting stuffed into a condom that's so damn tight it makes the jeans on your typical latina look baggy?

01-23-09, 20:01
I see that my stinging with and cutting edge sarcasm has went over the heads of some of the members. My comments about the bargains and "eating like a king" in Majorista were not meant to be taken seriously.

In all my years in Colombia I have been to Majorista once. It was full of dirty glue sniffing street trash and truck drivers. It is utterly amazing to me that anyone would travel to another country, especially a place famous for having beautiful women, only to spend their days with the dregs of society. It is tantamount to visiting NYC and hooking up with some drug infested toothless street *****s instead of staying in a top hotel in Manhattan.

But anyway, to each their own.CM,

Soooooo you and Frank Casio must be busom buddies and hang out together alot, NO?

John Gault
01-23-09, 21:26
I see that my stinging with and cutting edge sarcasm has went over the heads of some of the members. My comments about the bargains and "eating like a king" in Majorista were not meant to be taken seriously.

In all my years in Colombia I have been to Majorista once. It was full of dirty glue sniffing street trash and truck drivers. It is utterly amazing to me that anyone would travel to another country, especially a place famous for having beautiful women, only to spend their days with the dregs of society. It is tantamount to visiting NYC and hooking up with some drug infested toothless street *****s instead of staying in a top hotel in Manhattan.

But anyway, to each their own.Sometimes you can find a Gem where you might least expect it.

Aside from your Cutting edge sarcasm, I think your main point was you do not want Mongers in your hotel. My main point was fine, I will take my dollars elsewhere. Good luck to you in your business.

01-24-09, 04:11
I stayed at hotel Lukas, on carrera 70, about 3 short blocks from the metro, and this location had a lot of benefits:

About a dozen or so bars between the metro and the university (6 blocks away). The busiest bars were the two closet to the metro, I hung here 2 nights chatting with the locals, they were very approachable.

Many restaraunts, I ate at Alex carnes de res, had a different cut of beef and a chorzio combo 3 nights in row for 15000 pesos, ($7. 50); women here too or sit by the ledge and make eye contact with the many women walking by. Actually with any restaraunt along this strip you can make eye contact with the many walkers to and from the metro.

Did pick up two locals (photo attached); I was speaking in English on a street cellular, and the girl in blue jeans heard me and asked me to help her complete a call to the USA, she didn't speak English and she needed help navigating the voicemail. I helped her leave her message and we chatted a bit, she said she had a fiance, but I was a nice guy and she had a friend for me. So later that night we hook up over at parque Lleras and I meet her friend in the boots. A cute girl, 22, 1 year old kid, she really liked me and we had a fun night. But I was too drained from my earlier double leche up in El Centro.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-24-09, 07:04
Arrived at MM last Wednesday afternoon, greated by Darcy. Went to my roon #11 showered off. Outside to have a beer, only to run into friend fron CR. Big R showed me the ropes. Aussie Gredg was a great host. Room was great. Needless to say had a great time. Spent 3 dias in Medelin flew over to Cartigina for 2 dias, back to Med, flew home wed afternoom. Flight 2 hrs late but still made connection in Atl.

01-24-09, 16:46
This is my first trip to Medellin, I've been here 3 days now and loving it. So far I have not experienced my mongering habits due to the abundance of women here. My task this trip was to make more of an effort to approach typical women (non-pros) after conducting a little business at the Universidad de Antioquia.

Most have been receptive and if you use a law of averages and chat up a few each day, you will have a date for that night. You may or maynot get to the promised land the first time (! ) but not a whole lot of BS/games to know if they are interested in getting to know you. In time you will wind up in the sack but I have found most to only want to be treated with respect and wanting someone to keep their eyes on only one woman. Not a simple task at all

Last night I went to a bar in Parque Lleras (walking distance from my apt. In Poblado) with my date for the night. A solid 8. While we were talking, I could not believe table after table of 2, 3, 4 women (7+ range) sitting with no males, in bars and restaurants. It took all I had to remain focused on my date and she was clearly looking at my eyes to see if they wandered. She told me she broke up with her last boyfriend because of this, unable to keep his attention on her. Hmmmmmmm! The women around us were showing their interest in me discretely, they seem to like foreigners and my date knew it.

After about 30 mins, my date headed for the bathroom. Women at other tables took advantage of the chance and began walking by my table giving a glance and a smile. Sort of like a mini fashion show catwalk. What the $%*ck. I kept my cool tonight but I will return solo for sure.

There was a heavy police patrol and rightly so. The streets and bars etc. Are packed on the weekends in Parque Lleras but I saw no violence etc.

Today I will attempt ot hit a SC or MP, if I don't get distracted ennroute

If you have plans to visit Medellin. Do it! Those of you that are frequent visitors here, I now know why!


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Papi Que Rico
01-24-09, 17:39
Yes I wa in the El Centro during the day, various days, various times, anywhere from 9 AM to 5 PM, I went back on Monday morning at 9 AM and that negrita was there waiting and I did her a second time, then went back to the hotel, showered and went to the airport. I believe alot of young women hit this area during the day, then return home by evening to appear to have a normal job, my negrita said she works 9 AM to 2 PM.

Next time I'll have that second memory chip, that security chica really went through everything, she even felt all around the inside of my carry on to see if anything was stuffed in the lining. I wasn't upset about the camera, what did I care, I had nothing on it. The only thing that did [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off was when she squeezed all the air out of my bags of coffee. I bought 8 bags of Juan Valdez, La bastilla, and Luk cafe, all really good coffee and the that girl put each bag up to her nose and pushed the air out of each bag. What was up with that?Coffe is commonly known to be used as a cover to hide the smell of cocain from the drug sniffing dogs.

01-24-09, 19:55
Coffe is commonly known to be used as a cover to hide the smell of cocain from the drug sniffing dogs.I remember from the movie Beverly Hill Cop with Eddie Murphy, that was 20 years ago, it's no secret coffee is used to hide the coke. But looking at me and my gourmet coffe, t-shirts, and leather goods I purchased. I surely wouldn't try to go through Colombian airport security with any drugs! I can't imagine the thought! Plus did that female agent think her nose is more sensitive than the dogs, which were roaming the line before we even hit the first wave of security. Now that I think about it, the security check point is designed to make us wait, so the dogs can't sniff or lick my arm (as in my case) while the agents look for any potentially nervous folks.

I'll return to Medellin, and I'll be just as careful. Don't ruin a good thing. Keep it simple and safe!

Rob Hay
01-24-09, 20:36
After about 30 mins, my date headed for the bathroom. Women at other tables took advantage of the chance and began walking by my table giving a glance and a smile. Sort of like a mini fashion show catwalk. What the $%*ck. I kept my cool tonight but I will return solo for sure.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.I don't know what your general experience in pickup is but this would be the time to write your number on a piece of paper, give the waitress instructions, a small tip and the rest is done. I have done this countless time in Triada and cannot recall ever not getting a call back. Even where I live now in LA I think 1 in 5 will call. Which is really high odds for Socal in my opinion.

This is an instance where you have been preselected by a good looking girl which lets all the other good looking girls know there is something about you worthy of dating and dating good looking girls in general is common for you. Your social proof and the opportunity to pick up beautiful girls will never be higher than when in the company of a beautiful girl. To return to Parque Lleras alone would be the same as going to a south beach club or rest alone. You'll see that the reception you get will be much different. You can still pick up but the percentages go down at the point. Social proof is very important to woman, especially latin woman.

01-24-09, 22:43
I stayed at hotel Lukas, on carrera 70, about 3 short blocks from the metro, and this location had a lot of benefits:

About a dozen or so bars between the metro and the university (6 blocks away). The busiest bars were the two closet to the metro, I hung here 2 nights chatting with the locals, they were very approachable.

Many restaraunts, I ate at Alex carnes de res, had a different cut of beef and a chorzio combo 3 nights in row for 15000 pesos, ($7. 50); women here too or sit by the ledge and make eye contact with the many women walking by. Actually with any restaraunt along this strip you can make eye contact with the many walkers to and from the metro.Haha, dozens?

If you start to walk off of La Setenta, there are 100's of bars and restaurants. I discovered this after I stayed at the Florida two trips.

01-26-09, 23:56
This is my 2nd full day in Medellin and staying at John 5 bedroom place in Laureles. I absolutely love the location and his hospility. The ladies that comes and goes, mostly ¨Cum¨are fantastic. Went to New LIfe today and decisions, decisions, ahh when on vacation I hate decisions. But Janet, is a keeper if anyone ever has the chance. Best 35, 000 pesos I have ever spent.

Haven't done the big clubs yet due to the outstanding line up that comes around Johns penthouse. But its on my to'do list.

Yesterday I went to the Sunday BBQ at Medellin Language Institute and met some really good guys. There were plenty of very nice ladies wanting to practice their language skills and I hope to have a few private lessons for a few of them that I got their numbers. The food and drink which was plentfull, was excellent and was well worth the $30, 000. They charge for the BBQ. It was good to put some faces to others on ING.

Tonight is Casino night for me and depending on the way the cards fall will determine the later line up.

Yes, life is wonderfull in Medellin.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-27-09, 05:40
Well, I'am heading out tomorrow so I thought I would try out Loutron. Caught a taxi about 8p.m. and headed there. I have to say enroute I was starting to wonder if I was being driven to some remote location to be mugged. I had my map in one hand and the other hand on the door knob just in case. The driver was taking the correct route, kind of remote at times. When we got to the main gate, I was about to bail out of the taxi. A pretty low profile on the outside,once inside the gates, I still was a little uneasy. Then I walked over to the main lounge area and saw all the beautiful women, I knew I was in the right place.

Reminds me of Golden Times In Panama (quality of women etc.), except now you are at the source. I was greeted by a hot receptionist that I wished was on the menu. Anyway, I sit,they bring me a menu of services and a rum & coke.

I settled on the massage/oral sex/straight sex,the cost $170,000.00 Cop (roughly $85.00USD) The women each came out one by one,did a full spin and gave their names. After the first 6 came out, I gave up on waiting for another hottie,they all were hot. I remember Ana Maria,Sofia,Luiza and Valentina. I selected Valentina because her eyes were saying she needed to get nailed and the fact that she made a few additional drivebys with a lot of eye contact. Several other ladies were busy behind closed doors.

She was dark skinned, apprx 25, tight body and a ass that could crack a walnut. Anyway inside, she started with a massage that totally relaxed me. Next up some oral/CBJ (pretty good) then into the main course. I warmed her up a bit with ye ole "Pocket Rocket". After her first orgasm onto some missionary, doggie, up against the wall, reverse cowgirl etc. She was into it,had two more orgasms, then collapsed on the bed right after I blew my load.

I give Loutron "9 Toes Up" put this place on your list of things to do again and again and again:)


EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Casa Medellin
01-27-09, 14:56
I actually like what Frank does and wish there were a lot more people who would set up operations in the ghetto along with Frank. See his type of business keeps the bottom feeders far away which is certainly desirable. When I first opened I had to tell 3-4 "mongers" a week to go elsewhere which caused a lot of resentment. Nowadays, these guys all know where to find "affordable" accommodation so they are less likely to come bother the nice hotels in the good areas. Hopefully more businesses will open up in areas like Laureles and Sabaneta to keep all the "mongers" outside of Pobaldo.

Soooooo you and Frank Casio must be busom buddies and hang out together alot, NO?

01-27-09, 16:06
Please I'm not an english speaker or even spanish just french arab and thai languages I research for my firt visit to Medellin to rent an appartment or hotel who are girls friendly also in a safe place, some advises will help me and who can give me a middle budget for 12 days in Medellin girls food and rent. Thank you very much for your help if someone need some help in France or Marocco he can ask me. Sorry for my english guys.Glad to help.

Just PM me and I will frwd. info.

01-28-09, 02:07
[Nice post from Casa Medellin,,, if more people had this attitude,,maybe ,, just maybe,, this wont be the next Costa Rica.

01-28-09, 10:57
Well boys its been a while and I'm coming back!

Heading back to Medellin in the end of March, it's been a while since I have been there. What are the going rates now a days? Let's see, last time Ive been it was roughly.

Show San Diego 80K
Mayorista 25K
Energy 60K
Face dos 150K
Centro 25K

Hopefully the prices have not been driven up by the invasion of mongers. And I am hoping with the economy to chit and the peso at around 2300 I will be good to go. Folks chime in! I want the 411 please.

Tom 33
01-28-09, 11:27
I actually like what Frank does and wish there were a lot more people who would set up operations in the ghetto along with Frank. See his type of business keeps the bottom feeders far away which is certainly desirable. When I first opened I had to tell 3-4 "mongers" a week to go elsewhere which caused a lot of resentment. Nowadays, these guys all know where to find "affordable" accommodation so they are less likely to come bother the nice hotels in the good areas. Hopefully more businesses will open up in areas like Laureles and Sabaneta to keep all the "mongers" outside of Pobaldo.I don't wish you any ill will. But your comments are really starting to get on my nerves.

01-28-09, 21:42
[Nice post from Casa Medellin,,, if more people had this attitude,,maybe ,, just maybe,, this wont be the next Costa Rica.Well, hate to break it to ya, but it already is.

Casa Medellin
01-28-09, 23:41
Poblado will never be Costa Rica. The rich Colombians will never allow that. The trend now for the NMGs is to head out to the poorer areas where they do not feel as intimidated by the high standard of living in Poblado. I expect in a few years to see areas like Laureles and Sabaneta to start to look like the sleazy areas of Costa Rica as economic conditions push the NMGs out into these ghetto zones. As long as the NMGs stay out of Pobaldo there probably will not be any real problems in Colombia. And with prices in Poblado reaching 3 million a meter the NMGs are already fleeing from Poblado as fast as a Cartagena girl does when she sees an old gringo with warts on his dick.

[Nice post from Casa Medellin,,, if more people had this attitude,,maybe ,, just maybe,, this wont be the next Costa Rica.

01-29-09, 00:59
Well boys its been a while and I'm coming back!

Heading back to Medellin in the end of March, it's been a while since I have been there. What are the going rates now a days? Let's see, last time Ive been it was roughly.

Show San Diego 80K
Mayorista 25K
Energy 60K
Face dos 150K
Centro 25K

Hopefully the prices have not been driven up by the invasion of mongers. And I am hoping with the economy to chit and the peso at around 2300 I will be good to go. Folks chime in! I want the 411 please.Those prices seem in line.

01-29-09, 16:43

Glad you had a good time last Sunday.

Please note: We are going to change the time of our weekly BBQ's this weekend from 6-11PM. Big Screen TV with Direct TV broadcast of the Superbowl and a little betting pool plus loads of food, drink and some local paisas will be there.

Join us if you are in Medellin!

BTW-The Salsa, Merengue and Porro classes are becoming very popular. Last week after 4 classes, the guys went out dancing at Babylon. They were hurting the next day but had phones full of digits and sore feet (and legs) from dancing all night!

World Travel 69
01-29-09, 17:07
Parque Lleras Super Bowl Party & BBQ This Sunday Feb 1 from 6-11 PM

Super Bowl Party and BBQ This Sunday Feb 1 from 6PM to 11PM at our Parque Lleras Rooftop Terrazzo!


We have changed the times but not the place!

Come join us from 6:00PM to 11:00PM this Sunday Feb 1 for a fun evening of music, gringo salsa dancing, money prizes for the chicas, great food, rum, beer, guaro, soft drinks and "Paisa Punch" and most importantly watching the Super Bowl on our big screen TV on the rooftop Terrazzo. Also there will be a Superbowl betting pool so come reserve your betting squares early.

Since party is five hours instead of four hours the following prices will be in effect:

Hombres 40, 000 pesos

Chicas 5, 000 pesos (no change)

Chicas or hombres (limited to one man only) in cheerleading outfits 2, 500 pesos

Don't Watch the Game by Yourself!

No Reservations Needed. Just Show Up at 6PM or after.

Located in Parque Lleras at Cra 34 8A 24 near the corner of Calle 10 and Cra 34

Call 312-5473 for more information or stop by our offices!

01-29-09, 18:35
Join us if you are in Medellin! I'd like to check out the BBQ on Sunday February 8th if there is one.

The more I read about them, the more this moves to the top of my TDL.

01-29-09, 19:22
Spent 2 weeks in Medellin and this was my 3rd time there.

I just want to give an unbiased short report from an experienced traveler that speaks spanish but looks gringo as hell and is young and in good shape.

- I hated seeing those older gringos wih their prepagos in LLeras, makes us all look bad.

- I think that it is sad that someone would travel all the way to south america and pay for pussy, makes no sense. I went to Dos one time and didn't even think the girls were that hot.

- Lleras is the only nice section of poblado and Medellin and it may be 3 blocks by 1. 5 blocks. Poblado is the nice area but for american standards it is crap.

- All the americans that live there pretty much hate each other and try to compete against each other for prepagos. Prepagos!

- I learned that many guys actually think they have done something after banging a prepago other than busting a nut and spending some money.

- There are women there that are hot but even in my small city I see much more here. Most paisas are dogs but they are nice.

- I did manage to keep myself busy with the some very attractive ladies and it wasn't from hanging around lleras or malls!

- Many bars in lleras will not let gringos come in alone.

- The economy in Colombia is suffering just like most of the world and young ladies are being put out of work so they are a little desperate for something new. I sat at many diiners and listend to women tell me how bad it is in Colombia.

Overall I would never consider living in Medellin, it is a typical South American country with not a lot to do or look at. In fact if it weren't for all my ladies I would have been bored as hell.

I do have some unfinished business with a few other ladies I met in Medellin so I'll be back in a month. If I could though I would just fly them to Miami and finish the business.

This is all that came to mind from my trip.

Well hello Dr Fun! You sound like a barrel of laughs.
If only Medellin were up to American standards, I`d move there :)