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09-24-14, 19:41
I know this has been talked about before but I was watching caracol news today and they mentioned that in San Antonio, parque berrio, and a few others there were girls prostituting themselves on the train stations and platforms. However the department of transportation said it was just rumors and it's not happening. Anyone ever done this? Picked up some sweet tang in the train or been propositioned? Is it worth it?

09-24-14, 19:50
I know this has been talked about before but I was watching caracol news today and they mentioned that in San Antonio, parque berrio, and a few others there were girls prostituting themselves on the train stations and platforms. However the department of transportation said it was just rumors and it's not happening. Anyone ever done this? Picked up some sweet tang in the train or been propositioned? Is it worth it?Jajajaaja, parque Berrio station is at 150 meters from parque Botero. I take the train every day at Berrio station and I don't understand because you need to pick up a girl there. Infact you can find 2-3 prostitutes and 2-3 gays there but at parque Botero you can find many tens of them.

09-24-14, 21:08
A friend of mine if visiting Medellin now. He is reporting great success picking up girls in back of Iglesia La Veracruz. This church is adjacent to Plaza Botero. He has shown me pictures and he has landed several very hot girls. He goes between 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM. He says the area is pretty sketchy, but he has had no problems.

09-24-14, 22:59
Are you talking about Colombia? Don't many westerners invest in property? Why would they do that? Thats a horrible way to scare off investors that bring money to the economy. Maybe investing in a country with anti US government policy like Bolivia and Venezeula is not the best idea. I can see they will take away your property or assets. Sure, gringos / foreigners get discriminated in other ways, but when it comes down to it. Most of the locals know that we have the money. Lets keep it real, the color of money will never be discriminated. Lmao!All true, however, Colombia is just one election from being like Venezuela.

You just never know.

I can remember when Venezuela, mainly Caracas, was rockin'!

Was my favorite place on earth.

The city, the the clubs, the girls (IMO even hotter in general than las Colombianas), etc.

Then came along Chavez, he got the poor and uneducated on his side and motivated, and Bada Bing, the place just deteriorated and became / is way too messed up and dangerous.

Not saying that's Colombia's future, but ya never know.

09-24-14, 23:36
I think you are right about the trend for chicas to say they live in Bello to extract more travel money. I was chatting with a chica on FB who said she lived in Bello, her first concern was that I pay her taxi fares. When I told her I lived in el centro she seemed disappointed and said you don't live in poblado. I thought at the time it was because she thought my place would not be as upscale as in el pobo, but maybe she was thinking 30 k less travel money. She would probably ride the metro from Bello to Berrio anyway.Chicas are not really making any bank on taxi fares amigo, LOL. They are just concerned that their fare is covered both ways. The chicas always call once they arrive to your place. All you have to do is go down to the taxi and ask the driver "cuanto" and look at the meter. Whatever you paid the taxi driver on the arrival trip is what you can give the chica for taxi money back home.

I have had some taxistas arrive without the meter on, but taxi fare was still nothing north of 30k. And taxistas not using a meter is not the norm in Medellin. I worry more about a new chica trying to give me CBJ than getting gouged for taxi money.

And El Centro is pretty sketchy after dark, so that could be why she had reservations about coming to visit you. She probably didn't watch to catch a taxi from a sketchy area with (possibly) a sketchy driver back to her home.

09-24-14, 23:41
I know it is difficult to believe me. Yesterday I went to plaza Botero again at 6:00 pm and I saw another pearl. Her name is Daniela 18 years old. She is not tall (around 158 cm). Her score: face 10, body 9, affectionateness 10+. I like these types of girls. I will call her many times.Any photos? I only ask because you may be getting others all excited about nothing. One man's 9 is another man's 6. I have seen photos posted of guy's supposed "10's" and it was ones I would not touch with a ten foot pole.

I have seen guys bragging about pulling stunners from places like La Manzana. That place is garbage. And what's insulting (more like 'laughable") is they want you to pay a salida to take a female from there.

C Jack Sparrow
09-25-14, 01:32
Yeah, they're even racist to each other out here. You should have seen the look of disgust on the metrocable yesterday when these two more "indian" looking girls boarded. Gringo resentment is more in your face in other countries but prob shouldn't forget that it exists here (and everywhere). Especially if you're the type that innocently but unknowingly rude goes around saying "wow, everything is so cheap here!" or never haggles on price and happily pays high prices without question because you "can afford to. " people notice these things and lose sympathy quickly.I wanted to take up the subject; Men from the 1th world doesn't alyas have to feel guilty about everything that is bad in the 2nd and 3rd worlds.

The other side are also rationalising there view of Gringos but we have human rights also; don't accept be treated like a "Walking Wallet".

Men are proud and are not after your money. But among females it's notorious; even a lawyer and a high succssesfull girl tried to pull some easy tricks with me.

And end of cooperation. They simply can't control their impulses.

That is the most important lesson to be had. This cultural trait is dangerous for all of us and I mention it as "racism" to draw attention to this very real problem.

Females in Colombia are deceptive, and I mean from Estrato 1 to the highest 6.

That doesn't mean that I don't like Colombia and this very females.

Loosing money to a prepago etc. Or some blah-thing, who cares?

But for the guys to marries into a Colombian family, the moder is problably even worse the your wife when it comes to economical benefits that they seemingly take for granted.

The rumour about Colombian females being deceptive are true, and are unchangeable.

I write especially for the newbies.

This is Paradise, but it's full ofpoisonous snakes!

That was my point.

09-25-14, 02:15
Any photos? I only ask because you may be getting others all excited about nothing. One man's 9 is another man's 6. I have seen photos posted of guy's supposed "10's" and it was ones I would not touch with a ten foot pole.

I have seen guys bragging about pulling stunners from places like La Manzana. That place is garbage. And what's insulting (more like 'laughable") is they want you to pay a salida to take a female from there.I made video only, not pics. When I will come back at home I will make editing video and I will take out some pics for you.

09-25-14, 02:43
i know it is difficult to believe me. yesterday i went to plaza botero again at 6:00 pm and i saw another pearl. her name is daniela 18 years old. she is not tall (around 158 cm). her score: face 10, body 9, affectionateness 10+. i like these types of girls. i will call her many times.did you check her i.d.? many, many street girls that work around the museum and church are ****d. lots of glue huffers and drug users. plus they would not think twice sticking a knife in your side. you may have gotten lucky but i would definitely be extra careful 'shopping' in this area.

09-25-14, 04:55
Yeah, they're even racist to each other out here. You should have seen the look of disgust on the metrocable yesterday when these two more "indian" looking girls boarded. Gringo resentment is more in your face in other countries but prob shouldn't forget that it exists here (and everywhere). Especially if you're the type that innocently but unknowingly rude goes around saying "wow, everything is so cheap here!" or never haggles on price and happily pays high prices without question because you "can afford to. " people notice these things and lose sympathy quickly.Human beings are racist / classist / ethnocentric / bigoted/religiously intolerant the World over. I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised to see this. As a foreigner, yes, some Colombianos may treat you differently. Always keep your eyes and ears open.

C Jack Sparrow
09-25-14, 12:07
are you talking about colombia? don't many westerners invest in property? why would they do that? thats a horrible way to scare off investors that bring money to the economy. maybe investing in a country with anti us government policy like bolivia and venezeula is not the best idea. i can see they will take away your property or assets. sure, gringos / foreigners get discriminated in other ways, but when it comes down to it. most of the locals know that we have the money. lets keep it real, the color of money will never be discriminated. lmao!it was a warning.

of course one should invest in colombia and in latin america.

but watch out.

as he mentions, colombia might just be an election away from being venezuela, where they confirep001e private property to create a perfect marxist society.

the risk as a foreigner must be considered as high. most of the investors doesn't speak spanish, know little about colombian law and business culture.

a paisa here bought an apartment. went on vacacion. the apartment was not her's anymore when returning to medellin. and she could not nothing about it.

that's the real colombia, don't expect a paraside business climate only because people are so friendly.

american's can be so naive! // jergens // always heading out for something new, creating new things all the time. but the flipside to that coin; it's easy to get trapped.

real gains are hard to make for the people here. if they know everyting and you nothing, they just take the opportunity. the benefits are enormous!

this and much more must be taken into consideration before investing here.

many take for granted that colombian growth and rising real estate prices will continue year after year.

no. there will be major setbacks.

as an investor i would wait until "when there is blood on the streets-buy property", slogan from judy foster the man inside.

but it's true. there will come a new wave of violence and the civil war will blossom up again.

social class difference are so steep in prestige and income that it is unavoidable.

50% of the population belongs to estrato 1-2, which means that a family lives on 1-2 minimum wages, that's $us 350-700 for a whole family. and it isn't that cheap here, it's actucally cost almost half an hour of work to buy 50 cl water bottle, and it's not cheap in an international comparison either. bavaria sell practically all beers, and exito the most of the supermarkets.

when the middle class in growing by 1% of the population a year one can afford to be optimistic.

but in fact this progress does not only create hope, it creates equally amount of frustration. the majority of people from the lower estratos know that have no chance. they can study "intenational business", but can't speak a word of english. the real education is for the already living comfortable people. they simply won't let estrato 1-3 in to their world. that will create even more tension since the lower estrato people are / will feel / ing that they should have an income and career as they have studied precisly the same things, only a litlle more quality among the private universities. the cost is most about keeping away estrato 1-3 from entering the world of the priviliged people, where estrato 4 serves as servants and estrato 5 as want to-bees, but without real chance of competing with the elite.


colombia have the biggest income difference in the world, aside a few african countires hauted by civil war and total absence of infrastructure.

this is a historical pattern. and there is no real change, just a business cycle that is in a prolonged boom!

there is a higher risk for an risk-capitalist that actual statistics shows; the country is a class 4 risk-country out of 7 being the worst, kind of medium-risk.

but what if the so sensitive peaceprocess fall apart, which all paisas says it will. farc can simply not accept giving up their narco-trade and the government can't give them seats in the government. it's to polarized.

when the exportmarkets are becoming saturated by colombian products and the real estate business finally backlashes in a few years, underlying weaknesses will finally emerge to their full extent and a negative cylce begins.

when, if a peace treaty is reached and the conflict really ends, then the cirumstances are better, but colombia is not there yet.

if estrato 1-2 get minimum wages of 1 million pesos a month for 48 hours weekly work, and not 600-700 k for 60 weekly hours that it the norm today, which also shows how very weak the law is in colombia when everybody can exploit workers at will, then the real long-term growth will be secured. 50% of the people living on minimum wage is a factor that makes it impossible to create a domestic demand that is worth investing for for many companies, the underlaying population is to narrow, hence import is the only option. a classic senario for many countries that have seen their high growth come to a rapid halt.

overoptimism is the case.

09-25-14, 16:30
did you check her i.d.? many, many street girls that work around the museum and church are ****d. lots of glue huffers and drug users. plus they would not think twice sticking a knife in your side. you may have gotten lucky but i would definitely be extra careful 'shopping' in this area.she has a very recent id, i have checked her. no problem, but i have to tell my experience with her. it was a very bad experience. her face is 9 her body 9 her fucking 4. what a pity! i did go out her at 7:00 am.

moral of the story: i will not pick up a 18 years old girl. i need more expert old girls (about 24-25 years old girls). i fucked 15-16 girls but the best girl is johana.

09-25-14, 17:02
tomorrow i will come back to my country. in medellin my head was always overwhelmed by a thousand thoughts. there are too many beautiful and sexy girls.

i'm in medellin for 20 days and i fucked more than 15 beautiful girls but. i don't like their fucking framework at all. every girl has a rigid framework. it is very easy to make photos or video with a "propina" but it is very difficult to change their fucking mode for a little time. for example you cannot kiss them in passionate way really, you cannot get tenderness, even if all a pretense, the colombian girls do not like to work on it. even if you pay very well for them, they are not able to give you an almost real girlfriend experience. their caresses are elusive, their kisses are few, small and elusive too, etc. etc. yet i have always paid them very well (200 k for all night). what do i have to tell you more? even if in medellin there many opportunities, you are not able to exploit them and enjoy a good sex time.

i have one or two colombian female friends with which i spent much time. they are wonderful girls, very funny, i love talking with them. but when i get sex with them, the speech changes. i'm 55 years old and nice, but i have a feeling that i have wasted a lot of money unsatisfactorily. i still have about a day in medellin but i will not spend my money again. colombia is disappointing me more and more.

09-25-14, 20:13
All true, however, Colombia is just one election from being like Venezuela.

You just never know.

I can remember when Venezuela, mainly Caracas, was rockin'!

Was my favorite place on earth.

The city, the the clubs, the girls (IMO even hotter in general than las Colombianas), etc.

Then came along Chavez, he got the poor and uneducated on his side and motivated, and Bada Bing, the place just deteriorated and became / is way too messed up and dangerous.

Not saying that's Colombia's future, but ya never know.Good point Ricker.

Colombians will vote on mandatory voter participation. If it passes, Colombia might take a turn to the left and the "White Party". This may not be good for foreign investment and gringo expats.

Legal Tender
09-25-14, 22:51
it was a warning.

of course one should invest in colombia and in latin america.

but watch out.

as he mentions, colombia might just be an election away from being venezuela, where they confirep001e private property to create a perfect marxist society.

the risk as a foreigner must be considered as high. most of the investors doesn't speak spanish, know little about colombian law and business culture.

a paisa here bought an apartment. went on vacacion. the apartment was not her's anymore when returning to medellin. and she could not nothing about it.

that's the real colombia, don't expect a paraside business climate only because people are so friendly.

american's can be so naive! // jergens // always heading out for something new, creating new things all the time. but the flipside to that coin; it's easy to get trapped.

real gains are hard to make for the people here. if they know everyting and you nothing, they just take the opportunity. the benefits are enormous!

this and much more must be taken into consideration before investing here.

many take for granted that colombian growth and rising real estate prices will continue year after year.

no. there will be major setbacks.

as an investor i would wait until "when there is blood on the streets-buy property", slogan from judy foster the man inside.

but it's true. there will come a new wave of violence and the civil war will blossom up again.

social class difference are so steep in prestige and income that it is unavoidable.

50% of the population belongs to estrato 1-2, which means that a family lives on 1-2 minimum wages, that's $us 350-700 for a whole family. and it isn't that cheap here, it's actucally cost almost half an hour of work to buy 50 cl water bottle, and it's not cheap in an international comparison either. bavaria sell practically all beers, and exito the most of the supermarkets.

when the middle class in growing by 1% of the population a year one can afford to be optimistic.

but in fact this progress does not only create hope, it creates equally amount of frustration. the majority of people from the lower estratos know that have no chance. they can study "intenational business", but can't speak a word of english. the real education is for the already living comfortable people. they simply won't let estrato 1-3 in to their world. that will create even more tension since the lower estrato people are / will feel / ing that they should have an income and career as they have studied precisly the same things, only a litlle more quality among the private universities. the cost is most about keeping away estrato 1-3 from entering the world of the priviliged people, where estrato 4 serves as servants and estrato 5 as want to-bees, but without real chance of competing with the elite.


colombia have the biggest income difference in the world, aside a few african countires hauted by civil war and total absence of infrastructure.

this is a historical pattern. and there is no real change, just a business cycle that is in a prolonged boom!

there is a higher risk for an risk-capitalist that actual statistics shows; the country is a class 4 risk-country out of 7 being the worst, kind of medium-risk.

but what if the so sensitive peaceprocess fall apart, which all paisas says it will. farc can simply not accept giving up their narco-trade and the government can't give them seats in the government. it's to polarized.

when the exportmarkets are becoming saturated by colombian products and the real estate business finally backlashes in a few years, underlying weaknesses will finally emerge to their full extent and a negative cylce begins.

when, if a peace treaty is reached and the conflict really ends, then the cirumstances are better, but colombia is not there yet.

if estrato 1-2 get minimum wages of 1 million pesos a month for 48 hours weekly work, and not 600-700 k for 60 weekly hours that it the norm today, which also shows how very weak the law is in colombia when everybody can exploit workers at will, then the real long-term growth will be secured. 50% of the people living on minimum wage is a factor that makes it impossible to create a domestic demand that is worth investing for for many companies, the underlaying population is to narrow, hence import is the only option. a classic senario for many countries that have seen their high growth come to a rapid halt.

overoptimism is the case.actually, colombia is not in the top ten of countries in the world regarding income disparity. see http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/23/10-countries-with-worst-income-inequality_n_865869.html. that does not negate your arguments, but desirability - those that seek to invest in colombia - is not subject to empirical determination anymore than the stock market is. my subjective opinion is that medellin is the diamond in the sand. kind of like discovering a ten in el centro. the climate, the friendly people, and of course the women make this place the garden of eden.

the world is discovering colombia. investment will pour in, especially if peace is made with the farc. just check out what the world is saying:





Member #4301
09-25-14, 23:19
I know it is difficult to believe me. Yesterday I went to plaza Botero again at 6:00 pm and I saw another pearl. Her name is Daniela 18 years old. She is not tall (around 158 cm). Her score: face 10, body 9, affectionateness 10+. I like these types of girls. I will call her many times.The Botero street ladies are not attractive at all in my opinion. Definitely the lowest end of the market. Also dangerous at night.

Param Ahmad
09-26-14, 00:05

Bello is in the far North of Medellin (not sure it's technically part of the City of MDE, might be a suburb). It's a pretty big neighborhood, certainly not upper Strata, but not as bad as the worst areas like San Javier either. Lots of working girls may very well be from Bello. But there also seems to be a trend for lots of girls to say they're from Bello since it's a LONG ways away from where most of us mongers stay. Thus, the girl can claim you should give her money (or more money) to take a taxi to Poblado.Bello is a separate municipality, a suburb of Medellin. Can anybody recommend any specific locations or clubs in Bello?

C Jack Sparrow
09-26-14, 00:37
Actually, Colombia is not in the top ten of countries in the world regarding income disparity. See http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/23/10-countries-with-worst-income-inequality_n_865869.html. That does not negate your arguments, but desirability - Those that seek to invest in Colombia - Is not subject to empirical determination anymore than the stock market is. My subjective opinion is that Medellin is the diamond in the sand. Kind of like discovering a ten in El Centro. The climate, the friendly people, and of course the women make this place the Garden of Eden.

The world is discovering Colombia. Investment will pour in, especially if peace is made with the FARC. Just check out what the world is saying:




http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/opinion/2014/07/30/rick-sanchez-colombia-truly-remarkable-comeback-story/Measuring using GINI-coefficient Colombia is the 10th worst in the world only poor African countries has worse income distribution.

CIAs figures in "The World factbook", is a simple guide, it's not controversial and the statistics are valid and relieable, much of the same that you will find from other institutions measuring and investigation economy.


This cultural based problem is the greatest obstacle for sustained high growth.

Except Taiwan all emerging countries has failed to make progress over the $US 20.000, in todays value, level since 1945. The reason is that the society can't create an economical and political middleclass that politicans need more than the middleclass need them!

I have read that in Foreign Affairs http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/138219/ruchir-sharma/broken-brics.

The Western culture has not only founded the Private Property-Institution, it's deep in our culture. In other culture it's not. Make the same laws that a Western country, the outcome while be very different, only Taiwan and once Japan has made it!

Yes. Medellin has much to offfer, is The Garden Of Eden.

Still, we must consider this historical data and ask Us selves; Can Colombia diverge from that pattern??

09-26-14, 03:27
tomorrow i will come back to my country. in medellin my head was always overwhelmed by a thousand thoughts. there are too many beautiful and sexy girls.

i'm in medellin for 20 days and i fucked more than 15 beautiful girls but. i don't like their fucking framework at all. every girl has a rigid framework. it is very easy to make photos or video with a "propina" but it is very difficult to change their fucking mode for a little time. for example you cannot kiss them in passionate way really, you cannot get tenderness, even if all a pretense, the colombian girls do not like to work on it. even if you pay very well for them, they are not able to give you an almost real girlfriend experience. their caresses are elusive, their kisses are few, small and elusive too, etc. etc. yet i have always paid them very well (200 k for all night). what do i have to tell you more? even if in medellin there many opportunities, you are not able to exploit them and enjoy a good sex time.

i have one or two colombian female friends with which i spent much time. they are wonderful girls, very funny, i love talking with them. but when i get sex with them, the speech changes. i'm 55 years old and nice, but i have a feeling that i have wasted a lot of money unsatisfactorily. i still have about a day in medellin but i will not spend my money again. colombia is disappointing me more and more.to sum it up: you just can't buy chemestry.

i'll leave it at that.

Legal Tender
09-26-14, 05:13
Measuring using GINI-coefficient Colombia is the 10th worst in the world only poor African countries has worse income distribution.

CIAs figures in "The World factbook", is a simple guide, it's not controversial and the statistics are valid and relieable, much of the same that you will find from other institutions measuring and investigation economy.


This cultural based problem is the greatest obstacle for sustained high growth.

Except Taiwan all emerging countries has failed to make progress over the $US 20.000, in todays value, level since 1945. The reason is that the society can't create an economical and political middleclass that politicans need more than the middleclass need them!

I have read that in Foreign Affairs http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/138219/ruchir-sharma/broken-brics.

The Western culture has not only founded the Private Property-Institution, it's deep in our culture. In other culture it's not. Make the same laws that a Western country, the outcome while be very different, only Taiwan and once Japan has made it!

Yes. Medellin has much to offfer, is The Garden Of Eden.

Still, we must consider this historical data and ask Us selves; Can Colombia diverge from that pattern??I read your data, and I understand your argument. It certainly has merit. Notwithstanding the logic of and historical support for concern in investing in Colombia, my gut tells me that it's going to be a real beneficiary of investment. Right or wrong from a historical perspective, Medellin has remained undiscovered. The Colombian GDP grew last year at 4. 3 per cent, and construction 21.3 per cent growth. My disclaimer is that I am in the dis-accumulation chapter in my life. And, real estate was never my favored investment. It's too illiquid, and with taxes and other fees it never was attractive to me as an investment in Colombia or elsewhere.

Jack thanks for the thoughtful analysis.

And, as usual, only good energy!

C Jack Sparrow
09-26-14, 06:36
The Botero street ladies are not attractive at all in my opinion. Definitely the lowest end of the market. Also dangerous at night.I have never bothered going there, but Fox says there are 9's and even 10's. There are a lot of girls, so maybe 5% or less are such, but as a foreigner you can stroll along and wait and pay much for the girl your really want, as the price is 20-30 k pesos, 100 is a lot for an independent prepago.

I have had to much sex here. I can't motivate myself to invite more girls to my partment. I know how to pick up girls at Colombiancupid easily and quickly; write $$ and a little blaha about making a deal. And then go to whatsapp. Then the innocent girl in the profile are prepared to anything you want. And it's quick, if you are horney and want a girl, just do it, and invite. There's problem that no one can solve; waiting for paisa. But considering this and accumulating 5 contacts, there should always be 2-3 ready to scramble when you feel like it!

I'm exhuasted, the craving for young babes come and goes in waves, soon it will be 5 months here. Never been so easy to focus on important stuff as when you are satisfied long-term with the girls here.

That can be done in a short period of time. Let's say 2-3 weeks. XXXX 24/7 and then go home and work. Twice a year. You will be the employee with the highest prodoctivity ever!

In the prepago area I don't know how to find something new, apart from Foxhunters discovery at Iglesia Veracruz.

C Jack Sparrow
09-26-14, 07:04
I read your data, and I understand your argument. It certainly has merit. Notwithstanding the logic of and historical support for concern in investing in Colombia, my gut tells me that it's going to be a real beneficiary of investment. Right or wrong from a historical perspective, Medellin has remained undiscovered. The Colombian GDP grew last year at 4. 3 per cent, and construction 21.3 per cent growth. My disclaimer is that I am in the dis-accumulation chapter in my life. And, real estate was never my favored investment. It's too illiquid, and with taxes and other fees it never was attractive to me as an investment in Colombia or elsewhere.

Jack thanks for the thoughtful analysis.

And, as usual, only good energy!Sir, Legal tender, thanks for your reply. And your good energy!

We on the forum would like to know ther you got the 21.3% construction number from?


There it says 9. 3%, but equally curious about your number.

Legal Tender
09-26-14, 14:09
Sir, Legal tender, thanks for your reply. And your good energy!

We on the forum would like to know ther you got the 21.3% construction number from?


There it says 9. 3%, but equally curious about your number.http://www.investincolombia.com.co/news/682-the-fourth-nation-with-the-highest-economic-growth-in-2014.html

09-26-14, 14:47
Sir, Legal tender, thanks for your reply. And your good energy!

We on the forum would like to know ther you got the 21.3% construction number from?


There it says 9. 3%, but equally curious about your number.Meanwhile the Colombian peso is getting crushed.

C Jack Sparrow
09-27-14, 00:37
http://www.investincolombia.com.co/news/682-the-fourth-nation-with-the-highest-economic-growth-in-2014.htmlThanks Legal Tender.

This figure is to be compared with the development of the incomes for the middleclass. And the total amount of the middelcass incomes since it increase 1% of the population a year last decade, from 16 to 25%, meaning people with incomes from 2 M COP a month to 10 M COP. And the average income for everyone within the class increases as well.

If there are a good correlation between inomces and construccion increase, prices of housing and construction then the risk for a bubble is small, otherwise Colombia is heading towards a real estate crisis.

The risk for this has been mentioned by Serfinco and Todoestadistica.

http://www.serfinco.com.co/site/Portals/0/Coyuntura/Analisis_del_mercado_de_vivienda_en_colombia%202013.pdf http://todoestadistica.com/modelacion-del-precio-de-la-vivienda-usada-en-medellin/.

A factor that makes the market more steady in Colombia is the demand that 20-40% of the capital must be payed upfront when buying property, this limits the risk for crisis and it's effect when it eventually comes.

If the total amount of credit increases more rapidly than incomes year after year that is also a sign that warns about a bubble.

With facts in hand it is no so difficult to see why the world economy hit the finiancial crisis 2008 when looking at the correlation of the various types of data.

Problem is that for example credits in the whole economy is estimated and the real number is collected , (?) 1-2 year afterwards and thats why its impossible for a Central bank to know if to hit the brakepedal of give more gas!

If prices sticks out and also construccion there are pure speculation going on.

But so far so good!

C Jack Sparrow
09-27-14, 08:27
I read your data, and I understand your argument. It certainly has merit. Notwithstanding the logic of and historical support for concern in investing in Colombia, my gut tells me that it's going to be a real beneficiary of investment. Right or wrong from a historical perspective, Medellin has remained undiscovered. The Colombian GDP grew last year at 4. 3 per cent, and construction 21.3 per cent growth. My disclaimer is that I am in the dis-accumulation chapter in my life. And, real estate was never my favored investment. It's too illiquid, and with taxes and other fees it never was attractive to me as an investment in Colombia or elsewhere.

Jack thanks for the thoughtful analysis.

And, as usual, only good energy!First, thanks for the link to the constrution data and the site is splendid for any foreginer in the moment of starting to do business here.

"My subjective opinion is that Medellin is the diamond in the sand. ".

"Notwithstanding the logic of and historical support for concern in investing in Colombia, my gut tells me that it's going to be a real beneficiary of investment. Right or wrong from a historical perspective, Medellin has remained undiscovered. ".

That is very intereresting quotes indeed!


A Real Estate experts concluds that out of courtesy of Pablo Escobar and the Medellin Cartell the rumour in the world is still so bad that is affects foreigns trade and investments.

He concludes that buying property here gives you 100% in less than 10 years, and then it's in a country with very low inflation, and it comes much from the rapid introduction of new technologial systems that are expensive but much more effective, or can do things that nevar has been done before on Colombian soil. So with the circumstances that has been since the last decade, it's practically "pure" 100% increase. That can be done a lot shorter period of 10 years, if you know exactly where to invest.

Legal Tender; Can you give us examples that Medellin still is "undiscovered", which indicates that here are an huge amout of business opportunites to exploit!

"Medellin is the diamond in the sand"; Yes. But also won the titel "most innovative city in the world 2013", in competition with New York and Tel Aviv which inticates that it's discovered, but to what extent?

Info it's kind of mixed when it comes to how much of Medellin potential growth opportunites there still are undiscovered in Medellin.

One aspect that is fundamental to the country's risk-factor is the civil war. If it only can be keep at this level, it's OK, Colombia is relatively safe. But about real peace? Is it graspable?

And again; the middlecass; can it continue to grow both in size and incomes?

Con Mucho Gusto see Jack Sparrow.

09-27-14, 13:50
First, thanks for the link to the constrution data and the site is splendid for any foreginer in the moment of starting to do business here.

"My subjective opinion is that Medellin is the diamond in the sand. ".

"Notwithstanding the logic of and historical support for concern in investing in Colombia, my gut tells me that it's going to be a real beneficiary of investment. Right or wrong from a historical perspective, Medellin has remained undiscovered. ".

That is very intereresting quotes indeed!


A Real Estate experts concluds that out of courtesy of Pablo Escobar and the Medellin Cartell the rumour in the world is still so bad that is affects foreigns trade and investments.

He concludes that buying property here gives you 100% in less than 10 years, and then it's in a country with very low inflation, and it comes much from the rapid introduction of new technologial systems that are expensive but much more effective, or can do things that nevar has been done before on Colombian soil. So with the circumstances that has been since the last decade, it's practically "pure" 100% increase. That can be done a lot shorter period of 10 years, if you know exactly where to invest...Enough already!

09-27-14, 17:05
Enough already!Yes, PLEASE send all the political, economic, etc jibber jabber to the General section.


09-27-14, 19:50
Haven't been spoiled in that section for a while, so I went looking for providers. Entered ChicasLindas.com and watched the parade. One in particular called my attention: Jennifer. Looked like she is a trigueña but with a fair skin. Good proportioned lean body with no excesses on the bust and butt parts. Settled on 60 K including the fee for the house. She did a good job. Dedicated to the last drop!

As I enjoyed very much the treat, a couple of days later I went back. Alas, no Jennifer. After the parade I asked for Sofia, but she didn't feel like doing the job. She went back and I heard her telling the others the reason of her withdrawal. Some giggling followed and the two others I invited after her, refused as well.

So I decided to visit the neighbours on the same floor: Fantasias.

There were about 8 girls present and I picked Pilar. Kinda trigueña also. Color of skin and body shape very similar to Jennifer. As she was willing to do the job and she agreed to the same 60 K all-in, we went into the room. She did a good job, but Jennifer was slightly better.

So, if you like the combination I enjoyed, try to get Jennifer at ChicasLindas.com.

Member #4394
09-27-14, 22:24
Perhaps are you talking about chicas punto com?

Member #4301
09-27-14, 23:58
I don't know why you guys want to talk endlessly about the Colombian economy, property market, diet etc on a forum dedicated to sex!

In an effort to get thing back on track my recommendation of the week is Conejitas strip club. On Friday and Saturday nights you will find about 30 - 40 sexy ladies and the price is 25 USD for about 40 minutes. Some are very attractive (many certainly are not). One of my favorite spots. Beers are only 2 USD so also a nice place just to hang out. As ever, be careful in this part of Centro especially at night.

09-28-14, 04:22
I'm taking my first trip to Medellin next month and I have been able to connect with a few chicas on Facebook. My question is what's the best way to clarify the "arrangement" before hand? I'd prefer not to come right out and ask how much as to not offend the "non-pros" plus I'd love to secure a few non-pros for the future trips. That being said the last thing I want to do is have a chica come over. Bang her out. And then get into a fight because she's asking for some ridiculous amount. Any thoughts?

Cocr Brotheler
09-28-14, 06:49
You maybe right. I just said what a veteran monger in Philippines told me. I never do mongering in Asia, is just not my taste. So I have no more info than what friends tell me. He said in Manila Asian dudes from rich countries have the preference and white dudes are not that lucky in his experience (he is white) ,

But well the point is that. In Latin America you have to be handsome or a real good player to get a hottie for free or almost free, remember that these countries are full of very handsome dudes and real good players and they are locals, They know what girls like, want etc.

Average girls, well, average guys can have a shot just like everywhere else.

In another hand if you are willing to spend a lot of money with them, then you are talking again about paying in another way and more than a flat rate.

This is just logic stuff, and is been said soo much that sounds redundant, Is just 101 mongering, If that was the real case the whole industry wouldn't be that successful. And is a big profit industry everywhere, just because you can't fuck cheap or free all the hotties you see walking on the malls and the cheerleaders from your college. Medellin also is just life, not utopia land. Want a hottie and you are not a player you have to pay the price in many ways.So right. Even big strong, young handsome jock Gerardo Latin stud types have to pay for it sometimes. Not fessing up to this like monkeys not hand masturbating publicly in the zoo LOL!

Dashing Don
09-28-14, 08:55
Thanks worldwidescout. Look at the hot paisa bachata teacher under the bachata dance videos:


I will check that place out and sign up for bachata dance if that's the teacher. She Looks like a dammed good prepago.I took a salsa lesson at Santo Baile last week. It cost 65 K for one hour which is expensive but it was a great lesson. The teacher was a petite female who taught me rudimentary 'Cali style' salsa. There are several studios, all air conditioned and well maintained. There is also a studio called 'Free Salsa on 10 A and 40 or 41. This place is run by a gringo, Mark, and has group classes every night for only 8 K. They also give private lessons in LA style and I believe its much cheaper than Santo Baile.

Member #4301
09-28-14, 17:10
I'm taking my first trip to Medellin next month and I have been able to connect with a few chicas on Facebook. My question is what's the best way to clarify the "arrangement" before hand? I'd prefer not to come right out and ask how much as to not offend the "non-pros" plus I'd love to secure a few non-pros for the future trips. That being said the last thing I want to do is have a chica come over. Bang her out. And then get into a fight because she's asking for some ridiculous amount. Any thoughts?If you meet a non-pro on facebook she is definitely going to expect to be taken out for something to eat at a nice place and dancing after before even thinking of jumping into bed with you. Normally you are probably looking at 2 or 3 dates and maybe spending a few dollars on her in the Mall. If it's just sex you want then it will be cheaper and easier just to be up front and ask how much. In my experience Colombians don't really get the idea of tact or diplomacy so I would just come right out with it!

Number 1 piece of advice for hooking up with non-pros. Learn to dance, don't be tight with the pesos and look sharp.

09-28-14, 23:57
I just had a pretty weird experience. I ordered a girl, she arrived punctual and told the portero that I should come down. So I came down, standing lots of people in the entree and I didn't know which one she was. So I just phoned her, no answer. Then I asked the portero where she was and he pointed her out. I greeted her, she looked pretty hot, but also pretty dumb. She was very friendly, gave me some compliments about my looks and confirmed directly the price (150 k peso) in front of my portero and it looked like she wanted to get paid downstairs. I told her, we will do that at my place and we went upstairs to my apartment. Well, it turns out, she is really dumb and actually fucked pretty good.

Well, I have to admit I feel a little bit ashamed, especially because I know all of my porteros and because there are other people of my company in the building.

I would not order again a girl to my place if this happens very often.

So my questions to you:

1.) Is it normal that the guy has to come downstairs?

2.) Is it possible to communicate to the girl that discretion is important to me, or does that just create warning signals and the girl becomes even more paranoid?

I live in Poblado and I don't want to drive every time I want to fuck to Laureles.

3.) Is there a good chica-house in Poblado? Ideally one where I can choose from. I don't need (or like) Striptease bars and usually girls there are just overpriced. I'm just looking for a normal brothel within Poblado.

Member #4353
09-29-14, 04:51
Tell your portero ahead of time that you are expecting a guest and to let her pass. He will call you on phone and warn you that she has arrived and is coming up. Tip the guy and it will go well for you without anybody noticing your visitors. Porteros have seen it all so don't be embarrassed.


I just had a pretty weird experience. I ordered a girl, she arrived punctual and told the portero that I should come down. So I came down, standing lots of people in the entree and I didn't know which one she was. So I just phoned her, no answer. Then I asked the portero where she was and he pointed her out. I greeted her, she looked pretty hot, but also pretty dumb. She was very friendly, gave me some compliments about my looks and confirmed directly the price (150 k peso) in front of my portero and it looked like she wanted to get paid downstairs. I told her, we will do that at my place and we went upstairs to my apartment. Well, it turns out, she is really dumb and actually fucked pretty good.

Well, I have to admit I feel a little bit ashamed, especially because I know all of my porteros and because there are other people of my company in the building.

I would not order again a girl to my place if this happens very often.

So my questions to you:..

09-29-14, 05:46
Dude! You've been here at least since 2011 and the only three posts you made were questions.

Why haven't you posted at least one report in the Lima thread?! You Didn't even bother to answer questions there!


I just had a pretty weird experience. I ordered a girl, she arrived punctual and told the portero that I should come down. So I came down, standing lots of people in the entree and I didn't know which one she was. So I just phoned her, no answer. Then I asked the portero where she was and he pointed her out. I greeted her, she looked pretty hot, but also pretty dumb. She was very friendly, gave me some compliments about my looks and confirmed directly the price (150 k peso) in front of my portero and it looked like she wanted to get paid downstairs. I told her, we will do that at my place and we went upstairs to my apartment. Well, it turns out, she is really dumb and actually fucked pretty good.

Well, I have to admit I feel a little bit ashamed, especially because I know all of my porteros and because there are other people of my company in the building.

I would not order again a girl to my place if this happens very often.

So my questions to you:

1.) Is it normal that the guy has to come downstairs?

2.) Is it possible to communicate to the girl that discretion is important to me, or does that just create warning signals and the girl becomes even more paranoid?

I live in Poblado and I don't want to drive every time I want to fuck to Laureles.

3.) Is there a good chica-house in Poblado? Ideally one where I can choose from. I don't need (or like) Striptease bars and usually girls there are just overpriced. I'm just looking for a normal brothel within Poblado.

09-29-14, 05:47
I just had a pretty weird experience. I ordered a girl, she arrived punctual and told the portero that I should come down. So I came down, standing lots of people in the entree and I didn't know which one she was. So I just phoned her, no answer. Then I asked the portero where she was and he pointed her out. I greeted her, she looked pretty hot, but also pretty dumb. She was very friendly, gave me some compliments about my looks and confirmed directly the price (150 k peso) in front of my portero and it looked like she wanted to get paid downstairs. I told her, we will do that at my place and we went upstairs to my apartment. Well, it turns out, she is really dumb and actually fucked pretty good.

Well, I have to admit I feel a little bit ashamed, especially because I know all of my porteros and because there are other people of my company in the building.

I would not order again a girl to my place if this happens very often.

So my questions to you:

1.) Is it normal that the guy has to come downstairs?

2.) Is it possible to communicate to the girl that discretion is important to me, or does that just create warning signals and the girl becomes even more paranoid?

I live in Poblado and I don't want to drive every time I want to fuck to Laureles.

3.) Is there a good chica-house in Poblado? Ideally one where I can choose from. I don't need (or like) Striptease bars and usually girls there are just overpriced. I'm just looking for a normal brothel within Poblado.1) I'm not sure if you speak Spanish. Tell the portero to send her up.

2) Never had a girl talk about money in public before unless of course if you are in a place like Mayorista.

3) The only one I know of is the overpriced Loutrons.

09-29-14, 05:59
I'm taking my first trip to Medellin next month and I have been able to connect with a few chicas on Facebook. My question is what's the best way to clarify the "arrangement" before hand? I'd prefer not to come right out and ask how much as to not offend the "non-pros" plus I'd love to secure a few non-pros for the future trips. That being said the last thing I want to do is have a chica come over. Bang her out. And then get into a fight because she's asking for some ridiculous amount. Any thoughts?If she is willing to go to your apartment before meeting you, she is most likely a pro. In which case, she will clarify the price before she comes over. On the odd chance that she doesn't, casually ask her what she wants to do over there. If she is still playing sly, just be blunt! Most non-pros will not want to go over immediately. After several dates maybe.

C Jack Sparrow
09-29-14, 06:46
I just had a pretty weird experience. I ordered a girl, she arrived punctual and told the portero that I should come down. So I came down, standing lots of people in the entree and I didn't know which one she was. So I just phoned her, no answer. Then I asked the portero where she was and he pointed her out. I greeted her, she looked pretty hot, but also pretty dumb. She was very friendly, gave me some compliments about my looks and confirmed directly the price (150 k peso) in front of my portero and it looked like she wanted to get paid downstairs. I told her, we will do that at my place and we went upstairs to my apartment. Well, it turns out, she is really dumb and actually fucked pretty good.

Well, I have to admit I feel a little bit ashamed, especially because I know all of my porteros and because there are other people of my company in the building.

I would not order again a girl to my place if this happens very often.

So my questions to you:

1.) Is it normal that the guy has to come downstairs?

2.) Is it possible to communicate to the girl that discretion is important to me, or does that just create warning signals and the girl becomes even more paranoid?

I live in Poblado and I don't want to drive every time I want to fuck to Laureles.

3.) Is there a good chica-house in Poblado? Ideally one where I can choose from. I don't need (or like) Striptease bars and usually girls there are just overpriced. I'm just looking for a normal brothel within Poblado.I was like you before. Years ago, Latinamerica newbie in Buenos Aires.

Now I don't care since the paisas don't seem to care.

My portero is female and has opened the door to many of my females friends and prepagos.

She cleans my apartment every Saturday and well, she respect my privacy, she would never bring up anything, but I do it and then we comment on the looks and such of my friends "la gorda", "la tetona" etc. But it's 100% OK.

The same as there is a taxista in my building. I use him sometimes to bring me girls. I just call him and he drives to a place, for example San Diego, pick up a girl and brings her home to me.

I also have to go down and open up the door, since la portera not always is not present. And at night I have to help the girl / s open up the door. But, this is Colombia.

No problemo!

I have stopped care, since the paisas don't, why should I?

I live in a conservative Estrato 4-5 place in Laureles, sector La 70/ UPB.

If it goes there, it's goes everywhere!

C Jack Sparrow
09-29-14, 06:47
A taxi man I asked about Iglesia Veraruz in El Centro said that the old one's are there, but young pretty one's are 24/7 3 blocks from ther at at place called RADUAL, every taxidriver knows where it is.

Raudal has young girls 18-35.

He said there are real pretty one's.

I think he knew what he talked about, as we discussed several placed often reviewed here of dfiffrent status from Loutron, Luna Lunera, 33, El Centro.

My point with this report is a follow-up to Foxhunter; Where can I find beautiful girls to an economical price?

Actually, this might been my last trip as a single, since my trip was aimed at Los Molinos, where I met a girl from Colombiancupid, and YES.

So I'm off, no more boring reports on economy etc, actually I send a message to Admin to move the 14 , of which mine where the 7 long ones , to the GI-thread. Sorry, I will not do it again.

I feel like. Hmmm. No more prepagos, no more porn? No more this and that! New situation completly, aimed for it a longer period, finally it gave resultz.

But this girl is sensitive, very liberal, but sensitive, so I have to dedicated myself to her!

Actually the same basics and looks as Miranda, Isabel etc; but not just looking for sex / money. Which I though in retrospect think is a good and natural trait since it brings so much pleasure to the world, what if they were like our Horses at home?, Medellin would loose it's mental coolness, which is based on female beauty and it's access to it, as the climate, the friendliness and all of that stuff that one takes for granted after having lived here a some months.

09-29-14, 16:12
Perhaps are you talking about chicas punto com?Yep, you're right. I've just checked their "business-card". And I'm mistaken also about the floor both are located. Maybe I was confused because I took different stairs.

Well, checking the collection of "business cards" I got one afternoon in Centro, I noticed that there's a Casa de Fantasias, a Fantasias and a Solo Fantasias. So Jennifer and Pilar were resp. In Chicas Punto Com and Solo Fantasias in CC Boulevar de Caracas, CL 54 # 49-97 on the 2nd and 3rd floor.

Member #4398
09-30-14, 02:52
I took a salsa lesson at Santo Baile last week. It cost 65 K for one hour which is expensive but it was a great lesson. The teacher was a petite female who taught me rudimentary 'Cali style' salsa. There are several studios, all air conditioned and well maintained. There is also a studio called 'Free Salsa on 10 A and 40 or 41. This place is run by a gringo, Mark, and has group classes every night for only 8 K. They also give private lessons in LA style and I believe its much cheaper than Santo Baile.Dashing Don, I agree 65 K for one hour lesson at Santo Baile is a bit pricey for a dammed dance lesson. It is Colombia. Don't know why they are charging USA prices. I would pay that amount in Medellin only if includes massage and a sex session. In any case, thank you. Can you share the complete address of free salsa on 10 A and phone number? I tried to google it but nothing came up. That place owned by a Gringo seems a much better deal than Santo Baile. I will be staying in Medellin for 10 days and besides casa runs, chica activities, clubs, food, and drinking, I want to add dance lessons and gym activities.

Nino Bravo
09-30-14, 11:52
Dashing Don, I agree 65 K for one hour lesson at Santo Baile is a bit pricey for a dammed dance lesson. It is Colombia. Don't know why they are charging USA prices. I would pay that amount in Medellin only if includes massage and a sex session. In any case, thank you. Can you share the complete address of free salsa on 10 A and phone number? I tried to google it but nothing came up. That place owned by a Gringo seems a much better deal than Santo Baile. I will be staying in Medellin for 10 days and besides casa runs, chica activities, clubs, food, and drinking, I want to add dance lessons and gym activities.Dude,

Why on earth would a dance studio provide a massage and sex? Do you expect that from a restaurant that you might think is expensive? A doctor? The person you rent your apartment from? The gym you go to? Why do you equate everything in Medellin to sex and prepagos? I don't get it. Can you explain your line of thinking? Where are you from and what is your level of education?

09-30-14, 13:09
My point with this report is a follow-up to Foxhunter; Where can I find beautiful girls to an economical price?Don't waste your time in Medellin. If you like hunting, go to Mayorista, Veracrus iglesia and Raudal. I went there every day and every day things and girls can change.

I like a lot those places because I like hunting. Most of them are nasty and wild, so that I found some pearls with some difficulties because I walked so many kms.

You Can
09-30-14, 18:48
I will post report within next day or two. I got home late last night. Although Medellin was not for me which I new it wouldn't be. I went for my buddy. I had a great time. Did no Casals but met plenty of gun girls in local bars. Will give detailed report. Serious party city. Could not believe the open drug use which I loved. Incredible!

C Jack Sparrow
09-30-14, 22:45
My friend Carolina has been at Romancelatinas parties at their Penthouse at Parque Lleras.

Incredible beautiful babes, all of them.

Guys pay like 100-200.000 for entrance.

The girls get Victoria Secret underwear.

The best drinks are served by a professionall staff.

At the pool the babes mingle and you make a deal for the night for 400-500 k pesos.

In another part of the penthouse you can get to know these babes in a more personal way if you are interested in more than short term.

This is how Carolina described it.

She gave emphasis that all girls where very beautiful and siliconas and, even though herself a model, she was astouned by their beauty.

I thought; well, next trip I must go there, at least just to watch and / or find out if it's really that amazing.

Owners are not gringos or Europeans she says, they are form Middle East, India or something and speak Spanish with a very funny accent.

Member #4301
10-01-14, 02:07
A taxi man I asked about Iglesia Veraruz in El Centro said that the old one's are there, but young pretty one's are 24/7 3 blocks from ther at at place called RADUAL, every taxidriver knows where it is.

Raudal has young girls 18-35.

He said there are real pretty one's.

I think he knew what he talked about, as we discussed several placed often reviewed here of dfiffrent status from Loutron, Luna Lunera, 33, El Centro.

My point with this report is a follow-up to Foxhunter; Where can I find beautiful girls to an economical price?

Actually, this might been my last trip as a single, since my trip was aimed at Los Molinos, where I met a girl from Colombiancupid, and YES..Raudal is about as grimy and dangerous as it gets but some attractive girls can be found there (thankfully 18 + from what I have seen). In July this year two guys got into an altercation there and when they started to struggle a grenade was dropped to the floor. It went off killing a 23 year old woman and injuring many.

10-01-14, 02:31
My friend Carolina has been at Romancelatinas parties at their Penthouse at Parque Lleras.

Incredible beautiful babes, all of them.

Guys pay like 100-200.000 for entrance.

The girls get Victoria Secret underwear.

The best drinks are served by a professionall staff.

At the pool the babes mingle and you make a deal for the night for 400-500 k pesos.

In another part of the penthouse you can get to know these babes in a more personal way if you are interested in more than short term...Hmm, very interesting, how would one go about an invite? I assume Romancelatina membership, of course, but do they advertise these on the site? Never been a member, but would be worth signing up. Take-out price is a bit crazy, but would be worth one visit alone for the experience.

Member #4398
10-01-14, 02:36
Oh yes many of them indeed do look like dammed good prepagos. When I made the comment, I meant it as a complement to Colombian beauty, not as something demeaning. The fact that those Medellin women look so good is the main reason I am going to Medellin. And by the way if you look at that teacher with that fine ass, tight.

Pants, the way she moves, and high heels, I still think looks like a dammed good prepago. Just look at the batacha dance teacher http://www.santobaile.com/clases/.

Oh yes and those hot Avianca girls and cashier girls at the supermarket look like dammed good prepagos. I just wish they all were, but I know they are not. I still think you should relax and with a fine Colombian prepago and get all that load off.

Oh, my kind sir, I am very relaxed. But you do seem to equate many "normal" things in Medellin to prostitution. In an earlier post you made this comment after viewing the video of the dance teacher at the dance studio in question: "I will check that place out and sign up for bachata dance if that's the teacher. She Looks like a dammed good prepago. " If what you just stated above is true, why did you think the dance instructor looked like a prepago? Do the check girls in the Exito supermarkets in Medellin look like "damned good prepagos"? Do the flight attendants on Avianca airlines look like damned good prepagos? I could go on and on. You have made multiple posts correlating this dance studio as a front for prostitution, so please don't deny it. Dance studios are very popular in Colombia. All Colombians don't grow up knowing how to dance well, and some want to learn better as a hobby and to enjoy the art. Are there dance studios in the DR that are fronts for prostitution? Please when you get to Medellin, don't make a fool of yourself and approach normal women assuming they are prepagos, especially those that might work as a dance instructor. Extranjeros are getting a bad enough name in Medellin. Don't ruin it for some who want to be looked at as classy foreigners. Keep your view of prepagos where they belong, in El Centro, Mayorista, the hundreds of casas. And keep it behind closed doors. Have fun, and yes, learn the culture, and that starts with respecting women, and not viewing every hot chica that moves as a "damned good prepago". Peace.

10-01-14, 03:47
Oh yes many of them indeed do look like dammed good prepagos. When I made the comment, I meant it as a complement to Colombian beauty, not as something demeaning. The fact that those Medellin women look so good is the main reason I am going to Medellin. And by the way if you look at that teacher with that fine ass, tight.

Pants, the way she moves, and high heels, I still think looks like a dammed good prepago. Just look at the batacha dance teacher http://www.santobaile.com/clases/.

Oh yes and those hot Avianca girls and cashier girls at the supermarket look like dammed good prepagos. I just wish they all were, but I know they are not. I still think you should relax and with a fine Colombian prepago and get all that load off.They look hot and sexy like that because I doubt anyone would take dance lessons at that price from an ugly girl. LOL.

Member #4398
10-01-14, 04:43
Tellall I concur. And tell me if I have a distorted perception and if all these dammed prepagos don't look so dammed good: http://www.catadordeprepagosmedellin.com/.

They look hot and sexy like that because I doubt anyone would take dance lessons at that price from an ugly girl. LOL.

10-01-14, 15:00
I will post report within next day or two. I got home late last night. Although Medellin was not for me which I new it wouldn't be. I went for my buddy. I had a great time. Did no Casals but met plenty of gun girls in local bars. Will give detailed report. Serious party city. Could not believe the open drug use which I loved. Incredible!Look forward to your report.

You Can
10-01-14, 16:02
I will do my best to write this report. First off I never honestly wanted to go to Medellin. To me a get away includes a beach and sun. I am fortunate to get away every two months for short trips. (5 days or less is perfect for me) I went on this trip for my buddy who I travel with often. We are complete opposites but it works for us in some fucked up way. HE is always wanting sex and I could care less unless I actually like the person. HE just wants young thin and pretty. I want some type of actual I (I want to be with you) we both found what we wanted.

Airport ride to are el plobado apartment was about 45 minutes. Settled in and hit the streets. It was about 4 pm when we walked down to get some peso. First couple places I went wouldn't take my debit card? Hit a couple more and found one. Did two transactions each for 600,000 peso. 305.00 US per transaction. I thought that was good because next day we each cashed in 600.00 us each and exchange was 1930. Not as good. Anyway getting back we went to Mac got pesos and easily scored some good party materials. I was amazed how easy and quality of stuff. We are not young me 50 buddy over 60 but like to party hard.

Went home showered dressed did some shit made a couple martinis and headed out. Met two guys Us on way and they said be careful cause I had on necklace and bracelets. I went home took off a few things unloaded extra money and headed back out. These two guys made me feel like I should really be careful but after this night of being out I went back to wearing what I wanted. Never once felt like it was dangerous in poblado. No more then in philly or NYC.

We ate at small restaurant and my buddy met girl in parke lleras. His type flacca asked if I wanted her friend. I declined HE headed back to apartment. I found Havana bar on corner and ordered drink sat at table. This place was filled with couples dancing. Didn't take long for me to lock eyes with girl sitting a few tables away with a few other girls and two guys. She kept looking and I new she was interested. After another drink she headed to do something and was walking by me and I said Hello,. She was happy. Bought her drink spoke decent englisg (I found more people spoke ok English in Medellin then Cartagena hands down easily) settled on 150,000 peso two hours. Ended up staying all night. Total GFE kissing BBBJ great time. Little older but fun. When I got back buddy's street girl was already gone but HE said she gave good service but 1 hour and out. For 80,000 peso to me I didn't like her bony ass at all and she didn't like me from original meeting in park. To be continued.

10-01-14, 16:48
I will do my best to write this report. First off I never honestly wanted to go to Medellin. To me a get away includes a beach and sun. I am fortunate to get away every two months for short trips. (5 days or less is perfect for me) I went on this trip for my buddy who I travel with often. We are complete opposites but it works for us in some fucked up way. HE is always wanting sex and I could care less unless I actually like the person. HE just wants young thin and pretty. I want some type of actual I (I want to be with you) we both found what we wanted.

Airport ride to are el plobado apartment was about 45 minutes. Settled in and hit the streets. It was about 4 pm when we walked down to get some peso. First couple places I went wouldn't take my debit card? Hit a couple more and found one. Did two transactions each for 600,000 peso. 305.00 US per transaction. I thought that was good because next day we each cashed in 600.00 us each and exchange was 1930. Not as good. Anyway getting back we went to Mac got pesos and easily scored some good party materials. I was amazed how easy and quality of stuff. We are not young me 50 buddy over 60 but like to party hard..Glad you're having fun. Yes, it is recommended that you don't wear jewelry. Although, El Poblado is the safest neighborhood, you don't want to make yourself the target of a mugging.

10-02-14, 03:53
Glad you're having fun. Yes, it is recommended that you don't wear jewelry. Although, El Poblado is the safest neighborhood, you don't want to make yourself the target of a mugging.Yeah, it feels safe until it doesn't. Poblado is indeed the safest area of MDE. It can lull you into thinking you're in a suburb in the USA But shit does happen. Especially, if you're drunk and wondering around Parque Lleras.

10-02-14, 13:20
Yeah, it feels safe until it doesn't. Poblado is indeed the safest area of MDE. It can lull you into thinking you're in a suburb in the USA But shit does happen. Especially, if you're drunk and wondering around Parque Lleras.I would not stay at Poblado at all because I is very far from the center town.

10-03-14, 00:36
Yeah, it feels safe until it doesn't. Poblado is indeed the safest area of MDE. It can lull you into thinking you're in a suburb in the USA But shit does happen. Especially, if you're drunk and wondering around Parque Lleras.I was walking around with a friend and she told me just for safety to take it off. Pablado is safe and I've walked around even at night with my stuff on and never had an issue. But don't be that unlucky one. El centro is the place you want to stay away at night and just be very careful in the day unless your in the main road. I tried to explore off the main street in the day. The scenery on some streets made me regret walking there, luckily I'm Hispanic and I sort of blend in unless I start talking. Nothing bad happened but just my experience.

10-03-14, 01:32
Went home showered dressed did some shit made a couple martinis and headed out. Met two guys Us on way and they said be careful cause I had on necklace and bracelets. I went home took off a few things unloaded extra money and headed back out. These two guys made me feel like I should really be careful but after this night of being out I went back to wearing what I wanted. Never once felt like it was dangerous in poblado. No more then in philly or NYC.You Can,

I know you have a lot of experience in Colombia but this is a bad idea, very bad. You may have felt safe but you weren't,trust me. Medellin is NOT Cartagena, wearing jewelry will make you a target and it is only a matter of time. My best friend in Colombia is in a hospital as I write this fighting for his life after being stabbed and robbed for 35 mil, a lousy $17. USD. ,and this was in Manizales considered one of the safest cities in all of Colombia.

10-03-14, 02:23
You Can,

I know you have a lot of experience in Colombia but this is a bad idea, very bad. You may have felt safe but you weren't,trust me. Medellin is NOT Cartagena, wearing jewelry will make you a target and it is only a matter of time. My best friend in Colombia is in a hospital as I write this fighting for his life after being stabbed and robbed for 35 mil, a lousy $17. USD. ,and this was in Manizales considered one of the safest cities in all of Colombia.Do fill in the details please. I keep hearing how dangerous it is but hardly hear any real life details.

How old is your buddy? Where did it happen? Street, alley? Crowded area or? Was HE drinking. Why was HE stabbed? Did he resist for 17 bucks?

I was in Medellin last April and walked with a buddy in el centro mid afternoon. Tons of people and we kept to the busy streets. Had one beer in a small crowded bar. Felt completely safe, but my buddy insisted at a fast walk wherever we went. I get the "walk with a purpose", but I sometimes think some take it to extreme.

Another night we are sitting at a sidewalk table in Mayorista. Big drunk Colombia gets in my face and starts blabbing. I don't understand Spanish and I try to politely tell him that. He motions a slashing sign to his throat and stumbles away. For all I know HE was telling me the place was dangerous for gringo's. Cops were patrolling 1/2 block away.

Last, walking with group of 6-7 big Gringo's in strip club area 10 pm Busy area, but I was wondering in my head if I would be safe here alone? I like seedy places but use common sense.

What to ex-pats due late at night? Stay home?

10-03-14, 03:33
You Can,

I know you have a lot of experience in Colombia but this is a bad idea, very bad. You may have felt safe but you weren't,trust me. Medellin is NOT Cartagena, wearing jewelry will make you a target and it is only a matter of time. My best friend in Colombia is in a hospital as I write this fighting for his life after being stabbed and robbed for 35 mil, a lousy $17. USD. ,and this was in Manizales considered one of the safest cities in all of Colombia.Yes I can tell you it not a good idea to wear jewelry. I was held at gun point in front of the old mansion back a few years ago over a small gold chain. I never took it off not thinking and went over to the mall to exchange some money. Walking back to the mansion they pulled up the hill on a motorcycle and stuck a gun to my head over it at the front door of the old mansion. Things that are only worth a few hundred dollars are not worth your life.

10-03-14, 06:05
On my last trip to BA Argentina about 4-5 months ago it was lightly raining. I was in the obilisk area- bad area. Looking for a cab. Probably 9 pm. No cab in sight so to get out of the rain I steped back under a overhang. Wham a guy runs by me from behind and relieves me of my watch. OK this was my travel watch at least 40 year old timex. Not worth much I only use it when traveling just for this reason. The watch had a flexible wrist band. If it had a strap that buckled I don't think HE would of tried to steal it. Lesson learned. I'm a big enough guy but I didn't chase him. I used common sence that I didn't have just a few years ago. I chuckled to myself as HE ran across the rain swelled street and stepped into a water filled hole over his ankle. Years ago my xxwife gave me a nice diamond ring a little over a half carrot. On a trip to Palermo Italy I noticed a fella looking at my hand. Now I leave all jewelry at home. This rough looking thug looked the type that wouldn't take the time to take this 1500 dollar ring off my finger HE could of cut of the finger. Leave your jewlrey at home why take the chance.

Nino Bravo
10-03-14, 11:41
Whatever guys.

Don't understand the big fuss.

If a woman is beautiful or cute or sexy, etc regardless if she's a Colombiana, a gringa, whatever, guys are going to look at them and yes, maybe even daydream a bit about her.

That's just natural.

As long as you're cool in your actions and don't act like a fool and disrespect, no problem.

I don't understand the big deal.So Ricker, when you notice a beautiful woman, no matter where, Colombia, Brazil, USA. You say to yourself, or nudge the guy next to you and say "that's a damn good prepago".

Ok then Ricker, whatever. LOL. If YOU say so, then I guess its normal.

10-03-14, 13:12
Yes I can tell you it not a good idea to wear jewelry. I was held at gun point in front of the old mansion back a few years ago over a small gold chain. I never took it off not thinking and went over to the mall to exchange some money. Walking back to the mansion they pulled up the hill on a motorcycle and stuck a gun to my head over it at the front door of the old mansion. Things that are only worth a few hundred dollars are not worth your life.This has happened plenty of times in Poblado and a few times within walking distance of the Mansion. The banditos know where the money is and where the easy targets are. That's why I say Poblado can lull you into a false sense of security. When you walk around Centro after sundown, it feels creepy and you act accordingly, you're on guard. But Poblado is a wealthy neighborhood and you don't expect shit to happen. Best not to wear jewelry and not to carry large amounts of cash more than necessary.

10-03-14, 14:28
This has happened plenty of times in Poblado and a few times within walking distance of the Mansion. The banditos know where the money is and where the easy targets are. That's why I say Poblado can lull you into a false sense of security. When you walk around Centro after sundown, it feels creepy and you act accordingly, you're on guard. But Poblado is a wealthy neighborhood and you don't expect shit to happen. Best not to wear jewelry and not to carry large amounts of cash more than necessary.The fact is, you NEVER know when or where it will happen in Latin America. Safe area, not safe it doesn't matter. 10 years ago I got mugged 50 ft from the Del Rey. Being stupid, had a few drinks and left the DR with a girl at 2 am walking to my room less then 50 Yds away in the Morazan. Not remembering to take off a small gold chain & tiny cross. 2 street kids ran up behind me and grabbed the chain off the back of my neck. I turned to run after them and bumped into 2 big guys blocking the sidewalk, they were part of the mugging. Another time I was waiting for my taxi guy to unload my bags, on the sidewalk 5 ft. From the front of my apartment on Ave Atlantica in Rio. I took out a $20 bill to pay him and in a flash a thief on a bike flew by me and tried to grab the 20 out of my hand. HE didn't get it but I never saw it coming, HE was gone in a flash. It's sad and a terrible way to live but it is a fact in Latin America. The people who live there understand this and always protect themselves. Countless times I have witnessed the prepago take the money I gave her and put in in her boot or panties before going downstairs to board the taxi. So always expect the unexpected!

10-03-14, 15:57
whatever guys.

don't understand the big fuss.

if a woman is beautiful or cute or sexy, etc regardless if she's a colombiana, a gringa, whatever, guys are going to look at them and yes, maybe even daydream a bit about her.

that's just natural.

as long as you're cool in your actions and don't act like a fool and disrespect, no problem.

i don't understand the big deal.

so ricker, when you notice a beautiful woman, no matter where, colombia, brazil, usa. you say to yourself, or nudge the guy next to you and say "that's a damn good prepago".

ok then ricker, whatever. lol. if you say so, then i guess its normal.

lol, that's funny.
don't know how you came up with that from my post.

i never use the term "prepago", except maybe when writing on this forum.

as to your above example, i would just think or say to a friend, "that's a damn good looking woman", or something like that.

i don't naturally assume every beautiful woman is a hooker, lol.

i doubt anyone really does.

relax man, this is a just an internet guide on finding pfp all over the world.

doesn't mean we're all running around treating all women like hookers, even if a guy may use a figure of speech while bsing on this forum.

10-03-14, 16:05
This has happened plenty of times in Poblado and a few times within walking distance of the Mansion. The banditos know where the money is and where the easy targets are. That's why I say Poblado can lull you into a false sense of security. When you walk around Centro after sundown, it feels creepy and you act accordingly, you're on guard. But Poblado is a wealthy neighborhood and you don't expect shit to happen. Best not to wear jewelry and not to carry large amounts of cash more than necessary.Great point.

The bad shit that has happened to me, has always been when I've been off guard and not expecting it, and not when I've been on Defcon 1, like at night in el Centro, LOL.

10-03-14, 18:44
Do fill in the details please. I keep hearing how dangerous it is but hardly hear any real life details.

How old is your buddy? Where did it happen? Street, alley? Crowded area or? Was HE drinking. Why was HE stabbed? Did he resist for 17 bucks?

I was in Medellin last April and walked with a buddy in el centro mid afternoon. Tons of people and we kept to the busy streets. Had one beer in a small crowded bar. Felt completely safe, but my buddy insisted at a fast walk wherever we went. I get the "walk with a purpose", but I sometimes think some take it to extreme.

Another night we are sitting at a sidewalk table in Mayorista. Big drunk Colombia gets in my face and starts blabbing. I don't understand Spanish and I try to politely tell him that. He motions a slashing sign to his throat and stumbles away. For all I know HE was telling me the place was dangerous for gringo's. Cops were patrolling 1/2 block away.

Last, walking with group of 6-7 big Gringo's in strip club area 10 pm Busy area, but I was wondering in my head if I would be safe here alone? I like seedy places but use common sense.

What to ex-pats due late at night? Stay home?HE is my daughters uncle,35 year old Colombiano and owns a mango stand in el centro, Manizales. HE had just closed the stand down at 5 o'clock when a guy walked up to him with what was described only as a huge knife. HE resisted and the guy plunged the knife into his back missing his heart by a half an inch according to the doctors that worked on him, HE is in intensive care still. The first thing that comes to one's mind is why would anyone resist for 35 mil? Well that is a lot of money to a Colombian trying to feed his wife and two kids, I know the entire family very well obviously as I am part of it and I can tell you that they are very poor. If and when it happens to me I will quickly give up the goods. His brother has also been stabbed during a robbery and his other brother has been shot. Every member of the family has been robbed at some point, Colombia is not Disneyland regardless of whether or not it has never happened to you or you only hang out in Gringo land in Medellin.

10-03-14, 21:12
I am in the middle of a short but fantastic trip. I tip my hat to Dealdo, a senior poster on this forum for giving me great tips. I am quite experienced with MDE but I feel like I learn something new (and from each other) every time and MY experiences only are getting better. This is not majority opinion as there are folks that feel otherwise and think MDE is going down. I am not going to argue.

This trip I did with another buddy and some of the girls I describe went with my buddy but we share an apartment and the info should be accurate. The type of girls I prefer are lean, athletic bodies, preferably no silicone and they need to be classy. More of a Colombian girl next doors, which is not easy to find. I don't throw money, always look for a value but do not nickel and dime for a few bucks. I bring gifts (such as perfumes and lingerie) for girls I know and if I plan on seeing them again.

I made arrangements for Aleja and Melissa to meet us in our apartment at 9 PM and they were there promptly. Coming from airport, I barely had time to shower. It is a great feeling to be greeted by two beautiful girls. Aleja, who I wrote about before has a killer natural body. If your are into tight bodied 20 yr olds, it is hard to find someone better. I do find her a bit cold this time and not as passionate as I would like. I wish she would pretend like others do, that they give a crap about my amorous feelings. She is a great fuck if you are into a high energy session but if you want a slow romantic one, you may want to pass. Melissa on the other hand is smooth, also killer body, knows a bit of english and she gets into it. I would highly recommend her but with the caveat that she does not kiss. When asked about kissing, she showed me the other lips :-)

They left at 10:30 and by midnight we were at fase II for more debauchery and what a night it was. More. On it when I find time.

10-03-14, 23:38
I am in the middle of a short but fantastic trip. I tip my hat to Dealdo, a senior poster on this forum for giving me great tips. I am quite experienced with MDE but I feel like I learn something new (and from each other) every time and MY experiences only are getting better. This is not majority opinion as there are folks that feel otherwise and think MDE is going down. I am not going to argue.

This trip I did with another buddy and some of the girls I describe went with my buddy but we share an apartment and the info should be accurate. The type of girls I prefer are lean, athletic bodies, preferably no silicone and they need to be classy. More of a Colombian girl next doors, which is not easy to find. I don't throw money, always look for a value but do not nickel and dime for a few bucks. I bring gifts (such as perfumes and lingerie) for girls I know and if I plan on seeing them again.

I made arrangements for Aleja and Melissa to meet us in our apartment at 9 PM and they were there promptly. Coming from airport, I barely had time to shower. It is a great feeling to be greeted by two beautiful girls. Aleja, who I wrote about before has a killer natural body. If your are into tight bodied 20 yr olds, it is hard to find someone better. I do find her a bit cold this time and not as passionate as I would like. I wish she would pretend like others do, that they give a crap about my amorous feelings. She is a great fuck if you are into a high energy session but if you want a slow romantic one, you may want to pass. Melissa on the other hand is smooth, also killer body, knows a bit of english and she gets into it. I would highly recommend her but with the caveat that she does not kiss. When asked about kissing, she showed me the other lips :-)

They left at 10:30 and by midnight we were at fase II for more debauchery and what a night it was. More. On it when I find time.Hey,

An actually trip report. Gracias amigo! Nice quick read. Too quick! How was the line up at Fase2? Aleja Girlado? Sounds like the girl you're talking about. Milissa. Last names please or better yet you can PM me some contact info por favor! Hahahha.

Thanks again for the report instead of some insane off topic rants.

10-04-14, 05:37
I am in the middle of a short but fantastic trip. I tip my hat to Dealdo, a senior poster on this forum for giving me great tips. I am quite experienced with MDE but I feel like I learn something new (and from each other) every time and MY experiences only are getting better. This is not majority opinion as there are folks that feel otherwise and think MDE is going down. I am not going to argue.

This trip I did with another buddy and some of the girls I describe went with my buddy but we share an apartment and the info should be accurate. The type of girls I prefer are lean, athletic bodies, preferably no silicone and they need to be classy. More of a Colombian girl next doors, which is not easy to find. I don't throw money, always look for a value but do not nickel and dime for a few bucks. I bring gifts (such as perfumes and lingerie) for girls I know and if I plan on seeing them again.

I made arrangements for Aleja and Melissa to meet us in our apartment at 9 PM and they were there promptly. Coming from airport, I barely had time to shower. It is a great feeling to be greeted by two beautiful girls. Aleja, who I wrote about before has a killer natural body. If your are into tight bodied 20 yr olds, it is hard to find someone better. I do find her a bit cold this time and not as passionate as I would like. I wish she would pretend like others do, that they give a crap about my amorous feelings. She is a great fuck if you are into a high energy session but if you want a slow romantic one, you may want to pass. Melissa on the other hand is smooth, also killer body, knows a bit of english and she gets into it. I would highly recommend her but with the caveat that she does not kiss. When asked about kissing, she showed me the other lips :-)

They left at 10:30 and by midnight we were at fase II for more debauchery and what a night it was. More. On it when I find time.I'm glad you liked her bro. Yeah Melissa is gorgeous and classy. Kind of tender looking which I like a lot. No kisses ha? I didn't know that wasn't in the menu. Problem with girls that hot is the inconsistency. Too bad she is not public yet. There are so many bad experiences with some board dudes that she doesn't want to risk it, she plays the family girl big time. Aleja in another hand she is, but she is going now into a BF period and her service goes from regular to terrible, this is base on numerous new reports. And NO she is not Giraldo, she is Suarez. Well known by many here.

Cocr Brotheler
10-04-14, 05:44
Speaking of restaurants, I've seen a lot of mongers who don't even look at a restaurant bill and see that the gratuity has already been put on the bill. Which is usually 10%. They just throw on a tip to whatever the amount is and don't realize they've already been charged.I see this 10% as all going to the management then them disbursing the propina as they see fit. A good company will give all or most of the tip to the worker but we all know how many will siphon off the most they can. Happens even in USA So I don; t like to give a whole nother 10% but of service good and with a smile I give them 5% cash under extra direct to the mesero / a.

And thanks so much for all your I believe post on the DR over there. Is a good place also.

10-04-14, 10:43
The line up was not bad. The sad part about Fase 2 for me, only this month is that the grill is closed for renovations for few weeks. I like the food there and the mamsita that cooks and serves is very sweet.

My regulars were there. Judy, Stephanie and Catalina etc. I wanted to try someone new. I liked Christina. Great body and very friendly attitude. She is a kisser and had a little bit of party supplies. She was great in the room. Totally relaxed and not a clock watcher. The bell rang at 45 minutes and we were in the room for another 10 minutes. Needless to say she deserved a propina. My buddy took another tall and shapely girl to the room. HE was very happy but I don't remember the name.

We stopped by at Lula Luneres, but the only reason we must have did that was because we were drunk. In that state any one should look beautiful but the talent there at 2 am is almost non existent.

Colombia Jake
10-04-14, 20:50
www.colombiajake.com not hard at all USA 727-498-1680.Chris the pilot who finished his Spanish level 1 and 2 at Eafit during the month HE was here finished his last class and is heading home tomorrow. Met some really fun people in his class and spent a lot of time hanging with them and doing several tours to cool place coffee farms and repelling down a waterfall. Told me it was his best vacation ever, did some casas but also had a few civilian older chicas that didn't want cash. Jorge arrived today and wants three nights of dates so that's what HE's got for Saturday night on out. Jim arrives tomorrow for three nights and threw me big cash and said lets roll with it tours, chicas the works! I'm booked until the 20th so look me up for Halloween and the rest of the year!



Cocr Brotheler
10-05-14, 01:30
I attacked on Cupid sites / I got expelled / offering hundreds of the most attractive one's 100.000 COP / day for one month, 3 M COP. $US 53/ day and $US 1600/ month.

Before I got expelled I got 44 positive answers. 44 negative one's, and many asking Why?

I simply don't have time for the whole process. It takes it's time to hunt a beauty down.

It is the third time I try a "money approach" on Cupid. I mention money and the girls are like flies all over me! If I send a romantic letter, who cares?!

100.000 COP don't buy you much normally. But with the 1 month deal, it will be 3 M COP, 5 times a minimum salary and 3 times more than a normal salary.

For doing very little. But just the service I really need. Without spending more time searching, flirting, waiting, transport etc etc. It's a day's project having sex with a new girl. That time must be used efficiently in the long run. After a while, after some trips, it's not exciting anymore meeting new girls, which practically are the same, but marriage isn't an option either...LOL many times see-Jack! I really do like the "calculus" of your logic. Can this be nominated for a thread of distinction?

10-05-14, 17:29
I see this 10% as all going to the management then them disbursing the propina as they see fit. A good company will give all or most of the tip to the worker but we all know how many will siphon off the most they can. Happens even in USA So I don; t like to give a whole nother 10% but of service good and with a smile I give them 5% cash under extra direct to the mesero / a.

And thanks so much for all your I believe post on the DR over there. Is a good place also.Thanks for the compliment Cocr Brotheler, but I haven't been to the Dominican Rep. In 13 years, you probably have me confused with someone else.

Member #4398
10-06-14, 02:25
Anyone been to Hotel Central Plaza, Carrera 50ª # 81 A - 15 ItagüI. Antioquia - Colombia? Any reviews about the hotel and its location in Itaqui? Is this hotel chica friendly?

10-06-14, 05:01
Arguably one of the best casas in town and for me a great value. IMHO, Lutron is very expensive for the quality and I stopped going to centro casas long time ago due to inconsistent quality and generally poor ambiance.

Lina is a stunner by every definition. I give her a 9. She is 25, no children. She oozes femininity. She would be a 10 if her breasts were natural and slightly better teeth. If she came from a stata where her family could afford an orthodontist when she was a teenager, she could have been a model. :-). She is friendly, relaxed, kisser (but she had bit of a cold so I took it easy) and a fantastic performer. I would highly recommend her for those of you that graduated out of banging girls and are into beautiful women.

I went with another girl that is even more beautiful than Lina. She is leaner, natural breasts and has nice teeth but she was a bit cold in the room. She went though the whole works but not as passionate. I will post if I remember her name.

10-06-14, 05:30
I enjoy good food and I love to share when it is very good. Restaurant Carmen in Poblado is a huge hit. As a general area, It is near hotel Diez. The ambiance, service and food is top notch. The tapas are excellent. The wine selection is also good. It is not cheap but not unaffordable either. Price range is similar to Woka, which I like for the lounge atmosphere.

The Spanish restaurant on the 1st floor of Rio Sur mall (last one on the right as you walk into the mall from Avenida Poblado side) has the best Oxtail preparation I ever had. I liked it so much, I ordered another one. They advertise their Paella but that was not very good and I know my Paella Their Iberico ham with cheese was as good as the ones you get in Iberia.

For a great budget eat, try the little hole in the wall taco place next to the Interdollar Cambio in Parque Ileras. Excellent.

10-06-14, 05:58
For those wondering why I split my reports: I write them on the go and sometimes even on the phone and I do not like writing long reports when my connection is not as reliable. Also, I split my reports loosely based on topic so as to avoid rants.

La Isla changed names to "The Girls" club. I think it might even have a new owner but the staff are all almost the same. Undoubtedly the top club now in MDE in terms of ambience, music and most importantly the number and quality. Thursday and Friday night, I had a hard time picking a girl because there were too many. Saturday for some reason was lot quieter though we still managed to pull two girls out. Sara and Deisy are beautiful all natural, girl next door types. Andrea, the tall one with braces is a firecracker with energy and this is my second time with her. There is another Andrea (her club name) is my favourite. Beautiful face, sweet smile, great body. She is just a pure class act. I would have spent my next three days with her, if she was available. I took her out on Thursday but never saw her again. My buddy took her sister, Julieta out and we had a great time (real sisters). In fact, he liked her so much that she came over one afternoon and spent two hours with him for half the price. Natalie, silicone tits, great body, almost always dances with another girl and even does some lesbian shows was great in the room. She surprised me. In the past, I have always said no to her advances thinking she is a hustler. She proved me wrong. Once my 50 minutes was up, as I was putting my shoes on, I casually mentioned to her that I just gave the last of my cash to her as tip and I need to go back to my apartment to get money to pay the taxi, she offered to give me tip money back!? How sweet can this country get? (BTW, She is the only one I ever did at the La Isla club. All the above are TLNs).

Price: TLN: 180 K multa and girls negotiate prices and length of stay. Onsite is 250 K for 50 minutes and this went up dramatically from 6 months ago, when it was 180K for 40 minutes.

10-06-14, 12:51
HE is my daughters uncle,35 year old Colombiano and owns a mango stand in el centro, Manizales. HE had just closed the stand down at 5 o'clock when a guy walked up to him with what was described only as a huge knife. HE resisted and the guy plunged the knife into his back missing his heart by a half an inch according to the doctors that worked on him, HE is in intensive care still. The first thing that comes to one's mind is why would anyone resist for 35 mil? Well that is a lot of money to a Colombian trying to feed his wife and two kids, I know the entire family very well obviously as I am part of it and I can tell you that they are very poor. If and when it happens to me I will quickly give up the goods. His brother has also been stabbed during a robbery and his other brother has been shot. Every member of the family has been robbed at some point, Colombia is not Disneyland regardless of whether or not it has never happened to you or you only hang out in Gringo land in Medellin.You know its good to see someone post it like it is. I have lived here for 10 years and see the news on a daily basis and its not Disneyland as you say. I lost a friend 2 years back after he withdrew from the bank and was ratted out by the guard. He walked about a half block before he was robbed,he resisted and took 2 bullets in the back. DOA,What the hell was he thinking,Colombian by birth and lived here his whole life, well what he got of it. Short story, don't resist it,give the money with a smile and pray its enough for them to run away like the chicken shits they are,just my 2 cents,Chipper.

10-06-14, 13:15
Can anyone give me the rates at the Mansion up to date,and a contact web addy or a phone contact to reserve a room,and haven't seen a decent report on anyone who has stayed the as of late,thanks to all who serve.


Colombia Jake
10-06-14, 14:52

Arrived super nice guy who loves sports and opened my eyes to the best of both worlds! After a few beers while watching the Red Zone together he informed me he also has a room at the mansion for the week but he thought it would be fun to experience both places because were only 3 blocks apart and there is a different set of girls over here plus helping out a fellow monger brother! Its all about making your vacation the best it can be and if you have the little bit of extra bread, book both places and take it to the next level. Jim had Carolina a thin big personality cutie with the ability to make you laugh and they both left together Jim going back to the Mansion and Carolina heading back up the mountain happy just like Jim!

You Can
10-07-14, 02:18
It's coming!

Cocr Brotheler
10-07-14, 05:12
On my last trip to BA Argentina about 4-5 months ago it was lightly raining. I was in the obilisk area- bad area. Looking for a cab. Probably 9 pm. No cab in sight so to get out of the rain I steped back under a overhang. Wham a guy runs by me from behind and relieves me of my watch. OK this was my travel watch at least 40 year old timex. Not worth much I only use it when traveling just for this reason. The watch had a flexible wrist band. If it had a strap that buckled I don't think HE would of tried to steal it. Lesson learned. I'm a big enough guy but I didn't chase him. I used common sence that I didn't have just a few years ago. I chuckled to myself as HE ran across the rain swelled street and stepped into a water filled hole over his ankle. Years ago my xxwife gave me a nice diamond ring a little over a half carrot. On a trip to Palermo Italy I noticed a fella looking at my hand. Now I leave all jewelry at home. This rough looking thug looked the type that wouldn't take the time to take this 1500 dollar ring off my finger HE could of cut of the finger. Leave your jewlrey at home why take the chance.BsAs and other touristy areas can very quickly lull you into false sense of security. Prior to a 3 wk. Trip to AR in 2006 was warned by family and friends the dangers of BsAs. A family friend was riding in a taxi in BsAs with window down and robber slashed them good for a purse. My 2nd night BsAs after coming back from dinner and evening stroll the landscape in a normal safe area in the day dramatically altered. In the short span of just a couple blocks along one of the main streets I started seeing all these younger street urchins fishing through trash bags just looking for something to eat. I felt completely compassionate for them but ain't stopping to give them some money or help them find some goodies within the trash. So I just keep briskly walking by them as fast I can as mentioned here in previous post. Shortly after I passed a group of 4 I got the sixth sense and sure enough one of the motherfuckers tailing me close catching up very quickly. Fortunately and out of very good planning I knew the lay of the land and the safe "waypoints". Whether they would of helped or not at least I knew where 10+ cops in orange vests were patrolling and quickly rounded the corner to at least get me into plain site of them and much better lighting. The malicious urchin quickly turned tail but if not I had good quick pocket knife and strength to combat him if last resort required it.

I plead for you to at least check an area out during the day 1st if you plan on going there during the night. Then even if it looked safe in the day you know the lay of the land. And if it looked bad in the day why even go back at night? One trip to MDE I had to visit this large 5 story indoor flea market near Botero / Centro somewhere. I went at 1030 AM and even though mercado safe with security getting to it the two blocks was like walking thru war zone with glued out zombies and rough conditions. Just please the all of yous common sense which I know most of you do.

"Stay safe, thirsty and horny my friends".

10-07-14, 06:32
Can anyone give me the rates at the Mansion up to date,and a contact web addy or a phone contact to reserve a room,and haven't seen a decent report on anyone who has stayed the as of late,thanks to all who serve.

ChipperRates, email and phone numbers are published on the website and the site comes up on google even if you use a variety of combination of words.

10-07-14, 07:13
For those wondering why I split my reports: I write them on the go and sometimes even on the phone and I do not like writing long reports when my connection is not as reliable. Also, I split my reports loosely based on topic so as to avoid rants.

La Isla changed names to "The Girls" club. I think it might even have a new owner but the staff are all almost the same. Undoubtedly the top club now in MDE in terms of ambience, music and most importantly the number and quality. Thursday and Friday night, I had a hard time picking a girl because there were too many. Saturday for some reason was lot quieter though we still managed to pull two girls out. Sara and Deisy are beautiful all natural, girl next door types. Andrea, the tall one with braces is a firecracker with energy and this is my second time with her. There is another Andrea (her club name) is my favourite. Beautiful face, sweet smile, great body. She is just a pure class act. I would have spent my next three days with her, if she was available. I took her out on Thursday but never saw her again. My buddy took her sister, Julieta out and we had a great time (real sisters). In fact, he liked her so much that she came over one afternoon and spent two hours with him for half the price..Thanks for the report. I recently took some friends to The Girls / La Isla, it was the first time I'd been in probably 4-5 years. I noticed the exorbitant pricing for everything (liquor and girls) too. 250 K-300 K for 40-50 min sessions. $25 vodka and soda. It was reminiscent of Las Vegas. I saw a lot of familiar faces there. Girls who had worked at San Diego and the Centro Strip Clubs, independents based out of Bello. In short girls that could have been had for 100 K or less on so many occasions (and I mean literally the same girls). I am glad you enjoyed it but personally I would never go back there. We also had a minor misunderstanding over the bill and the manager was a real asshole about it.

10-07-14, 10:11

Arrived super nice guy who loves sports and opened my eyes to the best of both worlds! After a few beers while watching the Red Zone together he informed me he also has a room at the mansion for the week but he thought it would be fun to experience both places because were only 3 blocks apart and there is a different set of girls over here plus helping out a fellow monger brother! Its all about making your vacation the best it can be and if you have the little bit of extra bread, book both places and take it to the next level. Jim had Carolina a thin big personality cutie with the ability to make you laugh and they both left together Jim going back to the Mansion and Carolina heading back up the mountain happy just like Jim!

I wouldn't mind if Jim gave an honest trip report about his time in Meddy but I do mind the Jake commercials.

You're doing damage to your business by imposing these cheesy commercials on guys in the Medellin REPORTS thread.

It's inconsiderate and classless to post blatant commercials about your operations here.

This forum is for Medellin trip reports and not your commercials about, you and your customer ejoying a beer while watching the Red Zone in the Jake pad (just 3 blocks from the Mansion). It's getting to be too much.

Please get your own (Jake) thread and post all the info you want. I would respect that.

10-07-14, 13:32
I wouldn't mind if Jim gave an honest trip report about his time in Meddy but I do mind the Jake commercials.

You're doing damage to your business by imposing these cheesy commercials on guys in the Medellin REPORTS thread.

It's inconsiderate and classless to post blatant commercials about your operations here.

This forum is for Medellin trip reports and not your commercials about, you and your customer ejoying a beer while watching the Red Zone in the Jake pad (just 3 blocks from the Mansion). It's getting to be too much.

Please get your own (Jake) thread and post all the info you want. I would respect that.I second that.

10-07-14, 14:01
I wouldn't mind if Jim gave an honest trip report about his time in Meddy but I do mind the Jake commercials.

You're doing damage to your business by imposing these cheesy commercials on guys in the Medellin REPORTS thread.

It's inconsiderate and classless to post blatant commercials about your operations here.

This forum is for Medellin trip reports and not your commercials about, you and your customer ejoying a beer while watching the Red Zone in the Jake pad (just 3 blocks from the Mansion). It's getting to be too much.

Please get your own (Jake) thread and post all the info you want. I would respect that.Has there actually been a trip report written by one of Jake's "satisfied customers"? I can't recall ever seeing one.

This begs the question, just how good is the service if no one ever writes a report about it.

Old Parr
10-07-14, 14:45
Please get your own (Jake) thread and post all the info you want. I would respect that.He does but he chooses not to post in it.


Big Dogie
10-07-14, 18:35
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely antagonistic. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

10-07-14, 23:23
Thanks for the report. I recently took some friends to The Girls / La Isla, it was the first time I'd been in probably 4-5 years. I noticed the exorbitant pricing for everything (liquor and girls) too. 250 K-300 K for 40-50 min sessions. $25 vodka and soda. It was reminiscent of Las Vegas. I saw a lot of familiar faces there. Girls who had worked at San Diego and the Centro Strip Clubs, independents based out of Bello. In short girls that could have been had for 100 K or less on so many occasions (and I mean literally the same girls). I am glad you enjoyed it but personally I would never go back there. We also had a minor misunderstanding over the bill and the manager was a real asshole about it.Excellent point. These clubs are not budget and I am surprised that they are doing as well at these prices. I am glad they are available though. You saw me report that the same girls came over next day and spent over two hours for half the price. I like these clubs because of the ambiance and most importantly the guarantee.

Personally, I choose a girl only if she is beautiful (a 9) or a super friendly 8. Totally agree that I would not pay for a 6 or 7.

Also, I have countless encounters with 100 to 150 K freelancers and the worst part about them is that they are not reliable. At each trip, my time in MDE is short (5-7 days). I don't mind taking chances in the afternoon but I hate doing that at night.

10-07-14, 23:37
Some people are concerned about the prices in MDE and they are correct. The prices are going up but so is the availability of high quality. The first time I was in MDE 4 years ago, I could not dream of being all night with a blonde, hazel eyed, flawless, all natural top shelf paisa. I don't know if they were not available or if I did not have the connections them but this time I can honestly say that I did a stunner every night for four nights. Some were expensive and some were reasonable. My guess is that we are seeing higher quality because there is more money to be made. I am not here to argue but I am just happy they were available.

The best part of MDE is that there are friendly and willing girls for all budgets.

You Can
10-07-14, 23:56
Ok so after the first night which was fun. We settled in. We stayed in a place called cool pent house apartment. In was 1/2 block from parke poblado. 5th floor no elevator. But that was fine for us. Elevator would hav been nice!! 800.00 us total for about 5 nights 6 days. It was 3 bedroom but we only used two.

My buddy talked to every American HE saw. In my opinion most of them were weird. Bordering on pedephiles. I personally like a woman. I don't care about a "10" guys wander why they don't have a good session? Not hard to figure it out!! I had a great time with the women I met.

2nd night had same woman. Met her again at Havana club as I asked her to meet me there! We had a great time.

In all this time I had been working on a waitress at ny beer club? Forget name but it was right there at parke lleras.

Great girl. Had her last 3 nights. When she would get done work I was waiting fantastic.

Could not believe how kids get all fucked up and sit in middle of sidewalk? Wtf?

Leaving for Sosua nov5!

10-08-14, 04:07
Excellent point. These clubs are not budget and I am surprised that they are doing as well at these prices. I am glad they are available though. You saw me report that the same girls came over next day and spent over two hours for half the price. I like these clubs because of the ambiance and most importantly the guarantee.

Personally, I choose a girl only if she is beautiful (a 9) or a super friendly 8. Totally agree that I would not pay for a 6 or 7.

Also, I have countless encounters with 100 to 150 K freelancers and the worst part about them is that they are not reliable. At each trip, my time in MDE is short (5-7 days). I don't mind taking chances in the afternoon but I hate doing that at night.That was my M. O. In la Isla. Get their # and have them come over the next day. They were very happy with 150 k and stayed a couple hours in my comfortable apartment instead of having to finish up in limited time in the club. Unless you've got to have them right then and there, it doesn't make sense to shell out that much cash.

10-08-14, 22:03
That was my M. O. In la Isla. Get their # and have them come over the next day. They were very happy with 150 k and stayed a couple hours in my comfortable apartment instead of having to finish up in limited time in the club. Unless you've got to have them right then and there, it doesn't make sense to shell out that much cash.There is a slight variation between our M. O. I don't think I am charming enough to get their phone number the night before and have them come over the next day. It never worked for me. I used to try this. I would buy them a drink, explain to them that I am too tired or already been with another girl (all could be true) and take their phone number with promises that we will meet up the next afternoon and they almost never showed up. On the other hand, If I take them to the room or take them out the night before then the odds are very good that they will show up when I called them in the afternoon. Now, they know me, know that I treat them well and know that I have money to pay them.

10-09-14, 02:17
As promised, the name of the restaurant is Tarambana.

10-10-14, 00:44
Anyone know of any other casas that is comparable to Loutrons?

Hey all!

Just got back from Colombia, I am suffering from the Post Vacation blues. Can't wait to go back soon. I was there for 2.5 weeks, and while I was there, I went to Cali, Cartagena, Gutape and hacienda Napoles. My trip wasn't only for mongering, it was to explore, take photos, visit my Colombian friends. This is my 4th trip, 2008 was my last time when I was in Medellin so its been a while.

About myself and the type of women I like: I am from Los Angeles, 30's Asian-Mix, very trendy and hip. I like all types of women but I prefer Latinas. I like my women to be well toned, curvy, busty with big asses. I don't mind if they are enhanced, just as long as its wells proportion to the rest of the body. I know most of the men here are on a budget and visit Mayorista to find their girls. It isn't my scene and I don't find most of the girls there attractive. I am more into the "trophy" fucks. Studio F models, Bikini Models, Glamour Model, playboy types. I am willing to pay $$ for high end pussy. My Spanish is very limited, I can get around, buy things but I can't hold a deep conversation. Yes, I need to work on this!..

El Patron24
10-10-14, 19:55
What time do a number of girls start hitting the street at Mayorista? (I figure there a few all day, but what time does a selection start).

Anyone have a solid recommendation on one of the hourly hotels there? (I know there are a lot, but are any preferable).

Are there working girls at Parque Lleras that will come back to an apartment?

Gracias compadres!

10-10-14, 23:48
Anyone know of any other casas that is comparable to Loutrons?Which way?

If you mean price? Answer is none.

Ambiance? None.

Quality of girls? Yes. I think Energy and Abydos have better quality. Younger and less silicone.

I also think girls on Masjista paisas and Paisa Divinas have better quality.

10-10-14, 23:54
What time do a number of girls start hitting the street at Mayorista? (I figure there a few all day, but what time does a selection start).

Anyone have a solid recommendation on one of the hourly hotels there? (I know there are a lot, but are any preferable).

Are there working girls at Parque Lleras that will come back to an apartment?

Gracias compadres!The answer to the last question is yes. See "You can's" reports from few days ago. Unless you run into an obvious hooker, (which I saw few decent ones last week) picking up a semi pro girl in Habanos requires quite a bit of charm, some degree of spanish proficiency and a head full of hair. If you can salsa, then you are golden.

10-11-14, 00:31
Anyone know of any other casas that is comparable to Loutrons?Perhaps you will find blue room and energy similar. They are about half the price. Sometimes they have the same or similar quality girls, and often less mechanical service.

10-11-14, 05:46
Perhaps you will find blue room and energy similar. They are about half the price. Sometimes they have the same or similar quality girls, and often less mechanical service.Also Abydos.

El Patron24
10-11-14, 17:47
The answer to the last question is yes. See "You can's" reports from few days ago. Unless you run into an obvious hooker, (which I saw few decent ones last week) picking up a semi pro girl in Habanos requires quite a bit of charm, some degree of spanish proficiency and a head full of hair. If you can salsa, then you are golden.Awesome, thanks. I was hoping so. I'm not really a casa guy, prefer grabbing freelancers who are out in social areas. I speak Spanish and am younger than the vast majority of MDE mongers, so I'm going to give it a few shots there.

10-12-14, 01:30
Also Abydos.I couldn't remember the name of it for the life of me. I haven't been there in a long time. Quality these days?

Cocr Brotheler
10-12-14, 07:26
Did anyone else hear the series of what sounded like gunshots at 1230 AM then another round about 1245 AM? When I came into my Apt. At 1230 AM the security guard said they were fireworks but I never did hear any secondary explosions after the fireworks explode seconds later up in the air. Then 1245 AM heard another 3 gunshot / firework sounds in very quick succession but again no secondary sounds. Not trying to friek anyone out and myself not scared because often these if actually from a gun are most.

Likely from romance or drug deals gone bad. I do like to know however if there are any "hotspots" so as to avoid but see. See. Oviedo / Poblado about as relatively safe as you can get here. My taxista on the way back from La 33 seemed to me to take a longer out of the route back but maybe HE knew something was going on in the path back to my Apartmento.

Regarding my 1st day events had a real good day after 3 and a half year hiatus from Medellin. Picked up right where I left off and 1st time walking from Prado Metro to New Life and Belle Suite (Afrodita). Is like others posted in here, only do during the day and stick to the main streets. I general felt ok but looking down the side streets where not many businesses open and / or working class around did not want to venture into and didn't need to. Had one young chico looking at me and coming at me straight then I squared off right into him at rapid pace and HE passed far from me.

I only could take one lay due to exhausted from long flight day before. Stopped into Andromeda right off Ave. Oriental where I encountered Bellatin. Nice dark haired girl with blonde highlights who gave great head covered and attempted multi-pos but could tell she was perhaps more tired than I. I didn't see any other guys in there and rest of lineup (4 other chicas) all doable I rating them from 5's-8's. Oh the precio por Ella 55 K for an hour.

Sorry to interrupt this post but just heard 3 more sounds at 1:08 AM. Proly is only fireworks thinking most gun battles over in minutes. Right?

Anyways decided to dine at far overprices Lleras. 3 more sounds at 1:09 AM, then 3 more right now then 3 more.

Back to Lleras. Sure is all nice and Cosmo plus tons of bars and dining close but do the scene quick. So decided to head over to 33 and come across a new licor store opening and all the free shots you could take plus awesome house music DJs playing progresso.

Medallo really is day to day seeing what new adventures await each and every day. Hearing more sounds that sound like fireworks coming out their canons thanks dios.

9 more sounds 3 apiece like the others. Maybe I close my apt. Patio door now and / or take some Xanax (oh wait can't get over the counter here like in see. Are.). Also they don't know what Some muscle relaxer is.

Anyway tom. A new day in this nice place.

9 more shots 3 x 3.

Good night now.

Cocr Brotheler
10-12-14, 07:42
Does anyone know if they sell this with or without an Rx down here? I asked two different farmacias and both scratched their heads. Maybe it has a different name down here (in see. Are. Called Tensapriv). The two farmacias did not explicitly say to me it is controlled although it may be recently as the you. S listed it recently. I just like take only one at night some nights to help me stay asleep plus I have Rx for it in USA.




10-13-14, 00:57
Does anyone know if they sell this with or without an Rx down here? I asked two different farmacias and both scratched their heads. Maybe it has a different name down here (in see. Are. Called Tensapriv). The two farmacias did not explicitly say to me it is controlled although it may be recently as the you. S listed it recently. I just like take only one at night some nights to help me stay asleep plus I have Rx for it in USA. Dez http://www.drugs.com/ppa/carisoprodol.htmlThis medication may be habit-forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Carisoprodol should never be given to another person, especially someone who has a history of drug abuse or addiction. It may have a different name in Colombia and a doctor may assist you with it.

Cocr Brotheler
10-13-14, 06:55
This medication may be habit-forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Carisoprodol should never be given to another person, especially someone who has a history of drug abuse or addiction. It may have a different name in Colombia and a doctor may assist you with it.Thanks for the reply Lifes A. I guess you didn't read in my thread that I am prescribed this medication. I have a 2 mm herniated disc protrusion in my lower lumbar plus two herniated cervical C5 & C6 so yes I do enjoy this medication time to time when irritated however I hold off until nighttime and limit myself to just one tab. Soma if taken in lower doses ok however if 3 or more tabs at a time is Michael Jackson risk type stuff. There are other muscle relaxants (Cyclobenzaprine) which are safer on the cardiovascular system however make me so "high" I don't like taking them. If I have to take some Cyclo after my clinic visit tomorrow is ok cause is just short term. This is kinda funny but I did actually strain my neck in a casa today turning head so quickly to look at a booty LOL.

Also Xanax and pain pills very highly addictive as well and again I don't like taking them cause they make me too wonky. One Soma at bedtime as I have been taking on and off for 10 years is the right fit (slightly mellow like two drinks) and no one knows their body and their body's reaction to drugs better than themselves.

The thing that really baffles me is the farmacias I asked about the Soma (3 so far) don't even recognize it or anything similar like it (I. E. Any other muscle relaxants for skeletal muscular disorders) and treat it as cocaine or something yet they all carry Xanax (Rx needed) which IMHO is much more addictive than a Soma taken at bedtime. WTF? Just interesting.

Nino Bravo
10-13-14, 20:49
Thanks for the reply Lifes A. I guess you didn't read in my thread that I am prescribed this medication. I have a 2 mm herniated disc protrusion in my lower lumbar plus two herniated cervical C5 & C6 so yes I do enjoy this medication time to time when irritated however I hold off until nighttime and limit myself to just one tab. Soma if taken in lower doses ok however if 3 or more tabs at a time is Michael Jackson risk type stuff. There are other muscle relaxants (Cyclobenzaprine) which are safer on the cardiovascular system however make me so "high" I don't like taking them. If I have to take some Cyclo after my clinic visit tomorrow is ok cause is just short term. This is kinda funny but I did actually strain my neck in a casa today turning head so quickly to look at a booty LOL.

Also Xanax and pain pills very highly addictive as well and again I don't like taking them cause they make me too wonky. One Soma at bedtime as I have been taking on and off for 10 years is the right fit (slightly mellow like two drinks) and no one knows their body and their body's reaction to drugs better than themselves.

The thing that really baffles me is the farmacias I asked about the Soma (3 so far) don't even recognize it or anything similar like it (I. E. Any other muscle relaxants for skeletal muscular disorders) and treat it as cocaine or something yet they all carry Xanax (Rx needed) which IMHO is much more addictive than a Soma taken at bedtime. WTF? Just interesting.Robaxin is available in pharmacies in Colombia. Not sure if this drug is compatible with what you are looking for, but I have bought it in the past. It is a muscle relaxant for skeletal muscular disorders.

10-14-14, 02:48
I have a 2 mm herniated disc protrusion in my lower lumbar plus two herniated cervical C5 & C6. Talk about lower back problems. I have had lower back problems for years and it's been about 3 years since I last saw a chiropractor. My lower back went Saturday night doing house cleaning all day. Extremely painful and at a time when I cannot take any muscle relaxants as I have left shoulder full tear rotor cuff surgery in a week's time. I just take ibuprofen, not the hard stuff. Totally my fault. I have not done back exercises for a while and started on them on Saturday night. Hopefully my back will be fine for the surgery for the shoulder.

10-14-14, 05:03

It's best to use the generic and not the brand name when in other countries. Also, in case they are not familiar with your generic drug name, write it down and ask them to search it on their computers: "Pasteur" pharmacy will actually do this.

And inquire about "Volteran"! This one they are familiar with.

Please report back about your clinic visit: service quality, cost. Etc.

Back pain is a major setback during vacation and sex. I wish you well.

Thanks for the reply Lifes A. I guess you didn't read in my thread that I am prescribed this medication. I have a 2 mm herniated disc protrusion in my lower lumbar plus two herniated cervical C5 & C6 so yes I do enjoy this medication time to time when irritated however I hold off until nighttime and limit myself to just one tab. Soma if taken in lower doses ok however if 3 or more tabs at a time is Michael Jackson risk type stuff. There are other muscle relaxants (Cyclobenzaprine) which are safer on the cardiovascular system however make me so "high" I don't like taking them. If I have to take some Cyclo after my clinic visit tomorrow is ok cause is just short term. This is kinda funny but I did actually strain my neck in a casa today turning head so quickly to look at a booty LOL.

Also Xanax and pain pills very highly addictive as well and again I don't like taking them cause they make me too wonky. One Soma at bedtime as I have been taking on and off for 10 years is the right fit (slightly mellow like two drinks) and no one knows their body and their body's reaction to drugs better than themselves.

The thing that really baffles me is the farmacias I asked about the Soma (3 so far) don't even recognize it or anything similar like it (I. E. Any other muscle relaxants for skeletal muscular disorders) and treat it as cocaine or something yet they all carry Xanax (Rx needed) which IMHO is much more addictive than a Soma taken at bedtime. WTF? Just interesting.

C Jack Sparrow
10-14-14, 13:26
Many girls like to make private videos. They are nervous, but when getting excited several girls has approved to taking photos, shooting a POV scene. Using her cellphone makes her relaxed , that it not comes out on the Internet.

Would love to bring home all that sex, not just a few pic´s and short scences with covered faces of the girls.

Anyone that made it?

If 11 months in Sexprison awaits, such pics and videos can work as a very strong anti-depressant!

C Jack Sparrow
10-14-14, 14:03
I have made one with an erotic model, not pornomodel, but she agreed to do it for 300 mil COP. Before leaving MDE in September. Our common friend shoot it with a cellphone, quality was OK.

I would happily publish it at pornhub or youporn or such site, but I'm just in a too bad shape, gained 22 pounds 2014.

But it 's a priority for the 2015/16 trip to MDE. Stefy was also positive.

And others. For private use, but it's a start, becoming excited watching herself, the girls agree to more things, it's a process. Just like when they start with the prepago business.

The fundamental problem; The US is many cultures in on country; from Vermont to Montana, to South Carolina, to New York, to Hollywood, to San Fransisco, to San Fernando Valley, while Colombia is homogenic, doing porno in Colombia, and ALL people will know. US produce 25.000 high quaility erotic scenes a year, so who cares. Colombia still is very rural, backwards, still lacking the individual freedom and "Just do it!" / Hagale! Mentality that is the The US signum for constantly amaze us.

But so far; It's Ok for private use with Colombian girls. 99% of those who have a potential career goes to the US, Brazil, Spain, Holland. Hannover / hamburg or Budapest and now even Bucharest is on the map!

Amateur porn fascinates me, with a girl next door, and the option publishing at pornhub, youporn-site.

Brasilian girls seems care less about this, they have a lot of high quality amateur porn.

There are also a special site for old men, having XXX with youngsters, one in Holland and one in Spain. So if you are +50 and want to have free sex with sexy girls for free, just do it!

Porn is 100% legal in Colombia and models can be found among the cheaper girls that Foxhunter mentioned. If a US babe get $US1000 for a be / g scene and a brazilian $US375, a hot Iglesia Veracruz girl could be had for $100, like 200 mil COP, or less!

If the scen get popular at amateur sites, she girl can make some money on it, not much, but everything that contributes to a Centro Casa- street- or mayorista girl's everyday life economy; 25.000 COP is what a 12 hour workday gives on average. A erotic scene, 99% watched by men from 1st world gives 150.000 COP, that's a weeks income!

The very first I made with was with the MILF from Cra 65, she who sells candy there and make 10-30 mil, COP a day, working 12 hs a day Monday to Sunday.

Maybe many Guys feel bad about porn, but for us who likes it, Medellin hold a lot of talent.

And they are naturally Born porn Stars, as they way the make sex 90% of the times are as good as a professional model, they are simply the best, apart from the Brazilian girls, but if they lost 1-7 in World Cupd, they can be beaten as erotic models as well!

I think the amateur-XXX thing can be used. Share the $ with the girl, so in total you get the sex for free and she earns a some well needed pesos.

And it's not an inteference with local interests.

This is bound to happen! The prepago culture is so openly accepted that the next step to making a business of it comes natural.

BangBros has started and had a huge success with their Culioneros series.

Brazil is 3-4 times more expensive.

Compare with Budapest and Prague; they have the talent and still after 22 years after it became legal, they contiue to produce more and more and refining quality and professionalism constantly!

Medellin might well become the San Fernando Valley of Colombia!

The progressive parts of the US and Europe are of course 20 years ahead, but Medellin are 20 years ahead of us when it comes to acceptance for prepagos!

10-14-14, 14:38
11 months in Sexprison awaits, such pics and videos can work as a very strong anti-depressant!Europe's vacation model is awesome and sucks at the same time. It's great you get an entire month off to "Holiday", but what the fuck are you supposed to do for the rest of the 11 months? I just hope you don't plan to curse us with such ramblings during your stint:

The fundamental problem; The US is many cultures in on country; from Vermont to Montana, to South Carolina, to New York, to Hollywood, to San Fransisco, to San Fernando Valley, while Colombia is homogenic, doing porno in Colombia, and ALL people will know. US produce 25.000 high quaility erotic scenes a year, so who cares. Colombia still is very rural, backwards, still lacking the individual freedom and "Just do it!" / Hagale! Mentality that is the The US signum for constantly amaze us.

Amateur porn fascinates me, with a girl next door, and the option publishing at pornhub, youporn-site.

Brasilian girls seems care less about this, they have a lot of high quality amateur porn.

Porn is 100% legal in Colombia and models can be found among the cheaper girls that Foxhunter mentioned. If a US babe get $US1000 for a be / g scene and a brazilian $US375, a hot Iglesia Veracruz girl could be had for $100, like 200 mil COP, or less!

If the scen get popular at amateur sites, she girl can make some money on it, not much, but everything that contributes to a Centro Casa- street- or mayorista girl's everyday life economy; 25.000 COP is what a 12 hour workday gives on average. A erotic scene, 99% watched by men from 1st world gives 150.000 COP, that's a weeks income!

Maybe many Guys feel bad about porn

And they are naturally Born porn Stars, as they way the make sex 90% of the times are as good as a professional model, they are simply the best, apart from the Brazilian girls, but if they lost 1-7 in World Cupd, they can be beaten as erotic models as well!

I think the amateur-XXX thing can be used. Share the $ with the girl, so in total you get the sex for free and she earns a some well needed pesos.

And it's not an inteference with local interests.

This is bound to happen! The prepago culture is so openly accepted that the next step to making a business of it comes natural.

BangBros has started and had a huge success with their Culioneros series.

Brazil is 3-4 times more expensive.

Compare with Budapest and

Medellin might well become the San Fernando Valley of Colombia!
Where have you been for the past 8 yrs or so? When is the last time you've actually paid for porn? You even state that you love amateur porn sites like pornhub and youporn, both of which are FREE!

So you want guys to pay Colombian females $375 USD to make a porno, and then you want those same guys to turn around and post it on YouPorn so that you can watch it for free? What kind of retarded business model is that? But Europe was never known for their capitalistic prowess, hahaha.

Porn is not big in Colombia because if a guy there wants to bang a female HE just visits a casa or street pro. They don't need to jack off to porn. Porn is only big in countries where prostitution is illegal, like the US. I think the last time I've ever paid for a porn DVD or online subscription was 2004. There is just to much of the free shit online to ever have to spend money on it ever again.

10-14-14, 18:16
So I have been lurking on this site for quite some time and I think it is time to contribute. About me I am 30's American white guy, average looking, great shape, good dancer, relatively smooth (depending on who you ask hahaha) and terrified of commitment or opening up emotionally. This is why I took up mongering a year ago. I lived in San Diego and took many trips back and forth to the Hong Kong club in Tijuana. Loved it there. Moved to Colombia 2 months ago and have had a very mixed mongering experience here. Very. Its a bit of a learning curve for me because I would always go to the same place in Tijuana and I had the inside scoop on everything (not to mention Hong Kong is quite possibly the greatest places on earth). Anyways this weekend was definitely one for the record books.

Friday: Met a non prepago from facebook. College girl (21), super beautiful face, decent body. We had fun and ate sushi. Although she seemed intelligent, she literally had the hardest Spanish to understand EVER. I can usually communicate very well in Spanish but this particular chick was difficult. Still it was cool we went back to my place and made out. She said she had to go home, contacted me the next day and we are going to the movies next week.

Saturday: Went to a local hostel where I like to have beers. Was going to go out with some friends, but got a facebook message from a prepago that I have known for quite some time. Originally I met her from an escort site but we hit it off and have been friends since. Cute face, very nice ass. I offered her 100 mil to come over for the night and she agreed. She and I have good chemistry so it was very GFE. Lots of kissing, dancing, and hanging out before sex. Then when it came time for sex I couldn't perform (I had done a lot of coke earlier). Waited for an hour and went back at it. Good sex. After we cuddled and slept for a couple of hours and she took off.

Sunday: Woke up hungover and feeling like shit. Drank coffee and went to the gym anyways. After I went home, changed clothes and walked to energy. It was a game day so walking by the stadium freaked me out a little bit (always seems dangerous). For some reason Energy was closed. I was bummed so I went home and starting hitting the internet. Ended up chatting with this one chick that I had message on facebook earlier in the week named Laura. Her pics looked really hot but I got the impression she wasn't a prepago. I kept asking her to come out and drink with me and she agrees under the condition that her friend is going to come too. I tell her I would pay for their taxi. Pics looked like a 7-8. When she arrives she is a solid 9. 5. I mean this girl was a knockout. Beautiful face, fake tits, perfect athletic legs, and nice ass. This is the type of chick that I came to Colombia for. Her friend is cool but I can tell that she is a cockblock and is there to be a cockblock. We go to setenta I buy us a bottle of liquor in this discoteca. I swear I was definitely the only white guy in there. At first this chick is super into me touching me and being super friendly, but as the night wears on I sense that she might be losing attraction (I told you I'm only semi smooth hahaha). We all dance a bit and after about 2 hours the girls say they have to go. I basically felt like I had probably blown it. This girl was so hot and definitely out of my league anyways. I don't sweat it. When they leave its about 12:30 so I take a cab to Parques Lleras. End up running into my buddy and we go on the hunt, but to no avail. Much talking and no girls to show for it. I buy some girls drinks and then closing time comes. The normal hooker scene afterwards but I don't typically like these chicks that work Lleras (usually bad service). Then me and my buddy meet these two sisters. Both very short and look very similar. 20 and 21. They ask if we want to go back to my house or a hotel and my buddy is not interested. These chicks were not SUPER hot but they were not bad either. Since my buddy is not into it I ask if I they would have sex with me at the same time. They are game. I ask them how much and they offer 300. I immediately bite. 2 sisters, same time. Opportunity of a lifetime. We go back to my house and end up partying till sun up. When it comes to sex things get awkward and I propose that instead of a threesome we do one at a time. They agree. I take the younger one first. Better body but horrible sex. Like some of the worst sex I have ever had. Dead fuck and nervous. The older one was significantly better, overall it was just a novelty experience. Definitely had better. They leave and I end up getting about 2 hours of sleep.

Monday: By this point I had been on a 3 day coke and hooker filled binge. Part of me wanted to just go watch a movie but another part wanted a chick. Weighed my options. Seeing that it was a holiday all of the casas were closed. This left only my phone book. I text one prepago but I get the feeling that she has plans later and it would be a rushed session. All the while I can't get this chick Laura (the girl from the night before out of my head). I figure that I blew it with her, so I just decide to throw caution to the wind. I text her and say: If you come to my house to night for sex I will give you 400 mil. Realizing that if this doesn't work it will blow my other chances with her I don't give fuck. Message a few other chicks but its hard to get responses. Finally Laura responds. She is interested. Now talk about a fantasy come true. Going on a date with the dream girl you got no shot with and the next day having her come over to your house for sex. This shit would never work in the US with this caliber of chick. She agrees to come over and she looks even better the second night. Immediately gives me a passionate kiss and we proceed to have one of the best nights of my life. This chick was fucking perfect. Personality, looks, passion. Maybe the best service that I have ever gotten out of a chick. So much passion, so much kissing, no rush, and so natural and organic. Furthermore she was either super into me or an incredible actress (I don't have the intuition to tell and 400 mill will make most Colombians love you). It was probably the most I have paid this whole year for a chick but it was top 3 best sexual experiences of my life. I will definitely be calling this chick again.

Now I am in a coffee shop just resting. I don't usually go this hard. Definitely one of the better weekends of my 31 years. Definitely want to get more into this "turning girls out" idea, or offering regular girls large sums of money for sex. It seems like a great thing.

Vegas Jeff
10-14-14, 20:51
Did anyone else hear the series of what sounded like gunshots at 1230 AM then another round about 1245 AM? When I came into my Apt. At 1230 AM the security guard said they were fireworks but I never did hear any secondary explosions after the fireworks explode seconds later up in the air. Then 1245 AM heard another 3 gunshot / firework sounds in very quick succession but again no secondary sounds. Not trying to friek anyone out and myself not scared because often these if actually from a gun are most.

Likely from romance or drug deals gone bad. I do like to know however if there are any "hotspots" so as to avoid but see. See. Oviedo / Poblado about as relatively safe as you can get here. My taxista on the way back from La 33 seemed to me to take a longer out of the route back but maybe HE knew something was going on in the path back to my Apartmento.

Sorry to interrupt this post but just heard 3 more sounds at 1:08 AM. Proly is only fireworks thinking most gun battles over in minutes. Right?This is funny to read. On my second trip to Medellin I stayed in a high rise in El Poblado and heard the same sounds that you are talking about. These sounds you are hearing are just fireworks 100%. I have never heard gunfire in El Poblado or in the Southern half of Medellin for that matter. In the 2 years of dating my girlfriend I have never heard gunfire in her barrio and it is located in a tough neighborhood in the North. 10+ years ago there were paramilitaries with machine guns at the entrances of the toughest neighborhoods in the high hills in the North. Machine gun fighting was heard weekly in these areas at night. Currently these neighborhoods are not safe but the extreme violence of those days are over in Medellin.

For you guys who are new to Medellin the city is divided into two sections: The North and The South. Almost everything that is talked about on this board is located in The South and almost all of The South is relatively safe if you take basic precautions. The North is poor and there are some very tough neighborhoods located there. Be very careful when entering The North.

A common walk I make when in Medellin is between Calle 50 and Calle 30 and Carrera 65 and Carrera 80. This IS NOT a good area to meet working girls but a relatively safe area to experience Medellin outside of El Poblado. Don't wear shorts if you want to blend in a little and not stand out as an obvious tourist.

C Jack Sparrow
10-14-14, 22:42
I just lived in MDE 5 months Savepros! I'm not a 1 month hardworking guy that comes to MDE and spend a years saving on prepagos.

I prepare, like may of us, to share my time between US or Europe and Medellin, which is possible for a normal income guy if your have some skills and are flexible.

Yes, there are sites that pay for your homemade videos, I have girlfriend that has made $US 5000, but of course she is awesome and the videos are of good quality.

My paisa lovers just love porn. Young girls, they are curious and want to experiment!

Don't be so negative just because I was blaha-ing a little about a new dimension; Medellin can and will produce porn; if they can eport HQ cocaine they can export HQ porn!

I agree that strict culture leaves us with the 2-dimensional alternative alone, but HQ -HD erotic is not a substitute in Medellin, it's a complement.

I want it all; hot girlfriend, prepagos, HQ-HD porn, striptease clubs, elegant and sexy girls in the everyday life; The New Life girls does not replace Gianna Nicole, watching her in HD 8 am in the morning is the spark that get me going to be at New Life 8. 59 am!

Even better if she was a real paisa, not just looking like one!

10-14-14, 23:44
I want it all; hot girlfriend, prepagos, HQ-HD porn, striptease clubs, elegant and sexy girls in the everyday life; The New Life girls does not replace Gianna Nicole, watching her in HD 8 am in the morning is the spark that get me going to be at New Life 8. 59 am!
Well, here you go:


118 videos for your wanking pleasure :-D

EVEN BETTER: Buy the Chromcast dongle for $35 at Amazon.com and push the video from your laptop or smartphone to your HD TV!

Now, wouldn't you be one pissed-off "Anglo-Saxon Male" if you were one of the 118 suckers who paid her $1000+ USD to make a porno with her (and hoped to make money from it), only to find that they are abundantly available for free on the internet?

I have girlfriend that has made $US 5000, but of course she is awesome and the videos are of good quality.

That's not hard to believe. The ones that usually make a killing in porn are the females. Look at all the guys who paid money out the ass to make videos with your Gianna Nicole. They most likely never recouped their initial investment, whereas her and her boyfriend/pimp are probably on their 2nd or 3rd Porsche!

I know a few pros here in the states that make a ton of money from webcam shows. Also the trend I've been starting to see is that US escorts will make a porno and use it is as a business card to gen up business and grow their clientle (like the Zumba instructor Alexis Wright. She has a handful of vids on the net as well: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2218331/Zumba-prostitution-case-Names-Alexis-Wrights-21-alleged-clients-released.html)

But the loser are always the porn producers. It's interesting that back in the late 90's early 2000's they were proclaiming how digital and HD video + internet was going to be a godsend for their industry (because it allowed them to shoot for cheaper and faster with minimal crew; internet would bypass distributors ("cut out the middleman") and allow them to connect directly with their customers), when in the end it turned out to be the exact thing that tanked their industry.

10-15-14, 02:50
This is funny to read. On my second trip to Medellin I stayed in a high rise in El Poblado and heard the same sounds that you are talking about. These sounds you are hearing are just fireworks 100%. I have never heard gunfire in El Poblado or in the Southern half of Medellin for that matter. In the 2 years of dating my girlfriend I have never heard gunfire in her barrio and it is located in a tough neighborhood in the North. 10+ years ago there were paramilitaries with machine guns at the entrances of the toughest neighborhoods in the high hills in the North. Machine gun fighting was heard weekly in these areas at night. Currently these neighborhoods are not safe but the extreme violence of those days are over in Medellin.

For you guys who are new to Medellin the city is divided into two sections: The North and The South. Almost everything that is talked about on this board is located in The South and almost all of The South is relatively safe if you take basic precautions. The North is poor and there are some very tough neighborhoods located there. Be very careful when entering The North.

A common walk I make when in Medellin is between Calle 50 and Calle 30 and Carrera 65 and Carrera 80. This IS NOT a good area to meet working girls but a relatively safe area to experience Medellin outside of El Poblado. Don't wear shorts if you want to blend in a little and not stand out as an obvious tourist.Colombians play some sort of bean bag toss. The idea is to hit these bags with a hard object from a distance. Each of these bags hold a little gun powder and a flint that explodes due to the spark that is created when hit with the solid object. Not sure what the game is called but it sounds like gun shots. I used to live in San Diego hills and for a while I thought it was gun shots too till I decide to investigate. There are people below who was playing this game. Much like the little snappers you see kids throw in the street they make little fire cracker sounds. Same thing but much bigger and it sounds like a gun shot. Check our Anthony Bourdain, HE was playing this game with the colombians when visiting. You are safe. Now if you see 2 guys on a motorcycle at night, I would keep my guard up. It is illegal as normally this is guys from the barrio looking for a mark.

C Jack Sparrow
10-15-14, 07:35
Well, here you go:


118 videos for your wanking pleasure :-D

EVEN BETTER: Buy the Chromcast dongle for $35 at Amazon.com and push the video from your laptop or smartphone to your HD TV!

Now, wouldn't you be one pissed-off "Anglo-Saxon Male" if you were one of the 118 suckers who paid her $1000+ USD to make a porno with her (and hoped to make money from it), only to find that they are abundantly available for free on the internet?

That's not hard to believe. The ones that usually make a killing in porn are the females. Look at all the guys who paid money out the ass to make videos with your Gianna Nicole. They most likely never recouped their initial investment, whereas her and her boyfriend/pimp are probably on their 2nd or 3rd Porsche!

I know a few pros here in the states that make a ton of money from webcam shows. Also the trend I've been starting to see is that US escorts will make a porno and use it is as a business card to gen up business and grow their clientle (like the Zumba instructor Alexis Wright. She has a handful of vids on the net as well: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2218331/Zumba-prostitution-case-Names-Alexis-Wrights-21-alleged-clients-released.html)

But the loser are always the porn producers. It's interesting that back in the late 90's early 2000's they were proclaiming how digital and HD video + internet was going to be a godsend for their industry (because it allowed them to shoot for cheaper and faster with minimal crew; internet would bypass distributors ("cut out the middleman") and allow them to connect directly with their customers), when in the end it turned out to be the exact thing that tanked their industry.I wrote that it's the combination of watching Gianna Nicole, the piasas in the street, New Life, dating a pretty you. -student. Etc.

You are 100% correct about the industry as such, I meant paisas could make money as their american sisters do, in Colombia, using their porno talents to charge 3 times more, as already Cola de la Valle and Chica's Car Audio models do.

That was my bottom line. Porn in Colombia and Medellin.

Prepagos is everywhere and it's OK in a way that would never be accepted in Western countries.

They pay for real sex, we pay for 2 dimensional. Pornstars Webcam-models as you say; Abella Anderson or Natasha from Culioneros are the winners, the latter one of very few Colombian pornstars that makes a name for herself, but not using her commercial potencial as an american MILF would do!

We accept porn, but not prepagos, latin countries the way around.

In this global times, are this going to change?

A local Medellin-Gianna Nicole could charge a lot more, both as webcam model and prepago.

What surprised me was the curiosity, the willingness to do it among my paisa lovers about porn. They want to do it in private, and if possible, abroad.

I love the female show-off mentality among the paisas, they just love sex!

Make some videos with your New Life prepagos and bring home to Sexprison.

I understand you, there is a contradiction on the general level, but on the personal level you can have have both!

We all want to see more Esperanza Gomez-girls, Culioneros-girls.

Jergens7 is into it his own way which I also dig; going for the top-notch famous Bikini models, I also like pornstars, which does not exclude New Life, Loutron, Iglesia Veracruz, not a paisa novia or even future wife.

All the erotics in all it's forms!

In the XXX industry the girls who became stars make a lot of money, not all of them, maybe 1 of 100. A lot of them make good money, but as we want new prepagos all the time, the XXX industry changes female stars in matter of months, few of them have a stardome more than a year or two and in that perspective it's not that much money, for 99% of the female models it's about paying the bills and the university tuition.

About pornos made in Colombia, Brazil, I find them much more relaxed, natural, without that high decibel moaning that is such a total turn off, even if american girls many times are very sexy, it's just to unreal and volume has to be turned down or even off!

There is a reason of taste, a demand to get more of Latinamerican made XXX.

10-15-14, 14:17
You are 100% correct about the industry as such, I meant paisas could make money as their american sisters do, in Colombia, using their porno talents to charge 3 times more, as already Cola de la Valle and Chica's Car Audio models do.

A local Medellin-Gianna Nicole could charge a lot more, both as webcam model and prepago.
So my question to you is: is that what you really want? You want to fly all the way from Europe to Colombia just to pay 3 times more money? I am sure you can find Colombianas working all over Europe and parts of Asia that charge more than they would if they were in Medellin. Hell, you could even save yourself travel time if you just went to Costa Rica or Panama. You will have no problem finding Colombianas charging 3x more than they would back home.

I know all of this sounds like "negative thinking" to you, but maybe it is because I am American. I guess I am just asking you to help me understand that, even if money is not an issue for you, what is the attraction of flying thousands of miles and wanting to pay Colombianas 3x more money when you can just do so in London, Amsterdam, Germany, etc.?

Here in the US I can get on Backpage or Craigslist and find Colombianas offering their services for $300+ per hour. I definitely have the money, but why would I pay that when I can go right to the source (Colombia) and pay far less?

Of equal note: If you still insists on paying more money and doing so in Colombia, you could always go to Cartagena. No shortage of over-priced chicas there, plus they have a beach!

10-15-14, 19:08
I wrote that it's the combination of watching Gianna Nicole, the piasas in the street, New Life, dating a pretty you. -student. Etc.

You are 100% correct about the industry as such, I meant paisas could make money as their american sisters do, in Colombia, using their porno talents to charge 3 times more, as already Cola de la Valle and Chica's Car Audio models do.

That was my bottom line. Porn in Colombia and Medellin.

The -General Section- would be perfect for this type of Porn in Colombia debate.

El Patron24
10-15-14, 23:11
So my question to you is: is that what you really want? You want to fly all the way from Europe to Colombia just to pay 3 times more money? I am sure you can find Colombianas working all over Europe and parts of Asia that charge more than they would if they were in Medellin. Hell, you could even save yourself travel time if you just went to Costa Rica or Panama. You will have no problem finding Colombianas charging 3x more than they would back home.

I know all of this sounds like "negative thinking" to you, but maybe it is because I am American. I guess I am just asking you to help me understand that, even if money is not an issue for you, what is the attraction of flying thousands of miles and wanting to pay Colombianas 3x more money when you can just do so in London, Amsterdam, Germany, etc.?

Here in the US I can get on Backpage or Craigslist and find Colombianas offering their services for $300+ per hour. I definitely have the money, but why would I pay that when I can go right to the source (Colombia) and pay far less?

Of equal note: If you still insists on paying more money and doing so in Colombia, you could always go to Cartagena. No shortage of over-priced chicas there, plus they have a beach!I take it he is looking for a wife. So he went straight to Colombia for a few months thinking he could turn a hooker into a wife. Its not like he is the only one. I am amazed out how many people on here call these girls their novia, ect, ect. Its funny. Shopping for a girlfriend or wife among Colombian hookers is a different type of person than your average monger. If you are one of the guys who can pull it off you'll just be paying a long term GFE fee while she bangs the young guys in town. If your able to get her back with you.

10-16-14, 05:18
Nothing compares to Loutrons amazing ambiance! I still wonder how much business they get to pay for the large ass mansion and land to run a casa business.

I'm sure there is more to it, drug lords house or hosting private parties. That place is fucking huge!

In terms of quality of women, I like my women with big tits and big asses, enhanced is fine with me. Model material, playboy, chica audio, studio F types.

I heard Abydos is part of lourtons? Are the quality of the women the same? I went to new life. Didn't see anything I want.

Which way?

If you mean price? Answer is none.

Ambiance? None.

Quality of girls? Yes. I think Energy and Abydos have better quality. Younger and less silicone.

I also think girls on Masjista paisas and Paisa Divinas have better quality.

C Jack Sparrow
10-16-14, 06:03
So my question to you is: is that what you really want? You want to fly all the way from Europe to Colombia just to pay 3 times more money? I am sure you can find Colombianas working all over Europe and parts of Asia that charge more than they would if they were in Medellin. Hell, you could even save yourself travel time if you just went to Costa Rica or Panama. You will have no problem finding Colombianas charging 3x more than they would back home.

I know all of this sounds like "negative thinking" to you, but maybe it is because I am American. I guess I am just asking you to help me understand that, even if money is not an issue for you, what is the attraction of flying thousands of miles and wanting to pay Colombianas 3x more money when you can just do so in London, Amsterdam, Germany, etc.?

Here in the US I can get on Backpage or Craigslist and find Colombianas offering their services for $300+ per hour. I definitely have the money, but why would I pay that when I can go right to the source (Colombia) and pay far less?

Of equal note: If you still insists on paying more money and doing so in Colombia, you could always go to Cartagena. No shortage of over-priced chicas there, plus they have a beach!I was actually focusing on the huge potential Medellin have to become a a place for producing pornography.

Brazil has made it and are today a big contributor.

US produces 25.000 scenes a year of HQ pornography.

Medelllin, with it's acceptance for beautiful prepagos and easy and open lifestyle about sex; Can it become a center for producing HQ pornography?

Then I added that many girls likes doing it, but yet not all the way. Today in the US it has exploaded into +100 niches and maybe 25.000 is an underestimation.

Medellin have an enourmous amount of sexy young girls, 80% are younger than 35 yo of the close to 2 million females in the metropolitan area.

Wages and total prodution costs should be a lot lower than Brazil.

No matter who is the winners and loosers etc, I just see that here are a potential; Medellin is Colombia's Barcelona that have / had PRIVATE, it's the same entrepreurial mentality here!

Black Page
10-16-14, 10:53

A question comes to my mind. I thought prostitution is legal in Colombia (see the number of grills). Then, what is the felony of "proxenetism" exactly? Doing that without official license?

10-16-14, 11:29

A question comes to my mind. I thought prostitution is legal in Colombia (see the number of grills). Then, what is the felony of "proxenetism" exactly? Doing that without official license?The article says this (American) guy was involved in child pornography, pimping, and having sex with girls 14-17yrs old.

Black Page
10-16-14, 19:22
The article says this (American) guy was involved in child pornography, pimping, and having sex with girls 14-17yrs old.Yes, but if you read well, not only this article but also related ones, you see that most accusations look exaggerated (read also the comments by El Universo readers, all flamed against sex tourists who go to Cartagena to enjoy girls, like 99% of the readers of this forum). By the way, I think there is high probability that this guy is / was a regular poster here.

The alleged implication of minors seems to be a minor point of the whole story. The point is that police in these days in Colombia is acting to fight "PROXENETISMO". They arrested 5 people in Cartagena, and also closed a few bars at Bomba de El Amparo. Then my question: what is "PROXENETISMO" in Colombia? Not certainly organizing a business of girls. Doing it without license?

10-16-14, 19:43
Anybody up for a drink.

10-16-14, 19:58

A question comes to my mind. I thought prostitution is legal in Colombia (see the number of grills). Then, what is the felony of "proxenetism" exactly? Doing that without official license?This was on the CBS network News last night. Crux of the story was kid trafficking. I think that's illegal regardless of where you live. And the age in the US follows you no matter where you travel.

10-16-14, 20:06
I take it he is looking for a wife. So he went straight to Colombia for a few months thinking he could turn a hooker into a wife. Its not like he is the only one. I am amazed out how many people on here call these girls their novia, ect, ect. Its funny. Shopping for a girlfriend or wife among Colombian hookers is a different type of person than your average monger. If you are one of the guys who can pull it off you'll just be paying a long term GFE fee while she bangs the young guys in town. If your able to get her back with you.I did a spreadsheet of what it cost me for 20 years of marriage and all the associated divorce costs. I wish I had started buying pussy at a younger age. Would have saved a lot of frustration and money.

10-17-14, 01:42
Yes, but if you read well, not only this article but also related ones, you see that most accusations look exaggerated (read also the comments by El Universo readers, all flamed against sex tourists who go to Cartagena to enjoy girls, like 99% of the readers of this forum). By the way, I think there is high probability that this guy is / was a regular poster here.

The alleged implication of minors seems to be a minor point of the whole story. The point is that police in these days in Colombia is acting to fight "PROXENETISMO". They arrested 5 people in Cartagena, and also closed a few bars at Bomba de El Amparo. Then my question: what is "PROXENETISMO" in Colombia? Not certainly organizing a business of girls. Doing it without license?http://perso.unifr.ch/derechopenal/assets/files/legislacion/l_20130808_01.pdf

Article 213 and following Articles.

My strong suggestion IMHO is to refrain in discussing Colombian law as it applies to Colombian nationals only.

10-17-14, 05:39
I did a spreadsheet of what it cost me for 20 years of marriage and all the associated divorce costs. I wish I had started buying pussy at a younger age. Would have saved a lot of frustration and money.This reminds me of a conversation I once had with my boss. It went something like this:

Me: Vic, if you want to meet women you should go to the Dominican Republic.

Boss: But Jose, you're paying for sex.

Me: Cheaper than a wife! (five seconds of silence).

Boss: You got that right!

10-17-14, 06:32
A question comes to my mind. I thought prostitution is legal in Colombia (see the number of grills). Then, what is the felony of "proxenetism" exactly? Doing that without official license?Though the age of legal consent is 14 years of age, you cannot have sex with a minor for money.

10-17-14, 14:44
I haven't been on the forum for quite a while. What happened to all the posts about the club that was opened by one of the owners of the mansion. Did they close down. Is Medellin better or about the same from 2011, which was the last time I went. Any new places that are now popular.


Member #4287
10-17-14, 16:41

A question comes to my mind. I thought prostitution is legal in Colombia (see the number of grills). Then, what is the felony of "proxenetism" exactly? Doing that without official license?"proxenetism" is pimping which is also illegal.

10-17-14, 17:10
I haven't been on the forum for quite a while. What happened to all the posts about the club that was opened by one of the owners of the mansion. Did they close down. Is Medellin better or about the same from 2011, which was the last time I went. Any new places that are now popular. Thanks.If you are talking about Liquid Lounge, they did open, got off to a rocky start, then the main owner killed himself:


Last we heard is that they have closed the club and the other owners are selling the assets.

If you are talking about La Cueva a*k*a "The Cave" (the bar at the mansion), it has been a success IMO (I have stayed there a few times and was never disappointed with the selection available). The only thing that has changed is the owner (Robert left; new owner is a guy named Charlie).

The Mansion, a*k*a "Casa Blanca", a*k*a "Hotel Medellin Plaza" is now called "Hotel M".

Other than maybe a few casa closures and name changes, everything is the same.

10-17-14, 17:55
I haven't been on the forum for quite a while. What happened to all the posts about the club that was opened by one of the owners of the mansion. Did they close down. Is Medellin better or about the same from 2011, which was the last time I went. Any new places that are now popular. Thanks.I would say it is about the same, in some ways it has gotten more saturated with foreigners and the girls are more in tune to that, but at the same time most girls say on the whole business is a little worse. There is still a ton of competition and great action to be had at reasonable prices if you keep your head about you and know some Spanish.

One favorable thing vs 2011 is the exchange rate. I recall at times it dipped down to 1750-ish pesos to the dollar around that time period. It is now once again firmly above 2000, about 2050 pesos to the dollar, which is the best it has been in at least five years.

There are new MPs and MPs that have changed hands. Also some reorganization among the strip clubs and a couple new ones, including one "upscale" one in Lleras owned by the Bar Maracaibo guys. Some of the new MPs are cool, just hit the Centro and start walking to find them (using the map is also helpful).

Overall you will find a city that is gaining conveniences (but also gaining traffic, both in terms of roads and tourism). It won't be a lot different from your last trip three years ago overall though.

10-17-14, 18:33
If you are talking about Liquid Lounge, they did open, got off to a rocky start, then the main owner killed himself:


Last we heard is that they have closed the club and the other owners are selling the assets.

If you are talking about La Cueva a*k*a "The Cave" (the bar at the mansion), it has been a success IMO (I have stayed there a few times and was never disappointed with the selection available). The only thing that has changed is the owner (Robert left; new owner is a guy named Charlie).

The Mansion, a*k*a "Casa Blanca", a*k*a "Hotel Medellin Plaza" is now called "Hotel M".

Other than maybe a few casa closures and name changes, everything is the same.I stayed at the Mansion once. I remember all the girls would hang out at the pool. Did they make the cave, so the neighbors wouldn't complain anymore from all the noise. Is the Australian still the owner of the Mansion.

10-17-14, 21:43
Though the age of legal consent is 14 years of age, you cannot have sex with a minor for money.The legal age of consent is still the age of consent in your home country no matter where you go!

10-17-14, 21:49
I was actually focusing on the huge potential Medellin have to become a a place for producing pornography.

Brazil has made it and are today a big contributor.

US produces 25.000 scenes a year of HQ pornography.

Medelllin, with it's acceptance for beautiful prepagos and easy and open lifestyle about sex; Can it become a center for producing HQ pornography?

Then I added that many girls likes doing it, but yet not all the way. Today in the US it has exploaded into +100 niches and maybe 25.000 is an underestimation.

Medellin have an enourmous amount of sexy young girls, 80% are younger than 35 yo of the close to 2 million females in the metropolitan area.

Wages and total prodution costs should be a lot lower than Brazil.

No matter who is the winners and loosers etc, I just see that here are a potential; Medellin is Colombia's Barcelona that have / had PRIVATE, it's the same entrepreurial mentality here!South America is by and large mostly Catholic. Although prostitution is accepted, it should not be flaunted which is why pornography will always be a grey area.

10-17-14, 23:12

I'm going to be in Medellin for the first time from 10/19 - 10/24 and am staying at Hotel M. I'm guessing I'm going to spend a lot of time in La Cueva but would like to check out the strip clubs / casas and pull some girls back to my room from there. Are there any organized tours that hit these spots from Hotel M or is my best bet to ask around at the hotel and hopefully find someone willing to show me around?

10-18-14, 01:28

I'm going to be in Medellin for the first time from 10/19 - 10/24 and am staying at Hotel M. I'm guessing I'm going to spend a lot of time in La Cueva but would like to check out the strip clubs / casas and pull some girls back to my room from there. Are there any organized tours that hit these spots from Hotel M or is my best bet to ask around at the hotel and hopefully find someone willing to show me around?My best bet to ask around at the hotel and hopefully find someone willing to show me around.

This would most likely be your best bet. Although, it's fairly easy to do it yourself. Just get the names and addresses of the casas and take a taxi. That's all there is to it. For the downtown casas, you can easily walk from one to the others.

10-18-14, 03:20

I'm going to be in Medellin for the first time from 10/19 - 10/24 and am staying at Hotel M. I'm guessing I'm going to spend a lot of time in La Cueva but would like to check out the strip clubs / casas and pull some girls back to my room from there. Are there any organized tours that hit these spots from Hotel M or is my best bet to ask around at the hotel and hopefully find someone willing to show me around?If Boyd is there he may take you on a casa tour. But as the poster below stated, your best bet is finding other mongers staying at the hotel and get together for a casa or stripclub run. You will most likely find guys who are familiar with the scene and will show you around.

You can also ask the front desk for a casa map (if they still provide them).

Big Dogie
10-18-14, 04:03

I'm going to be in Medellin for the first time from 10/19 - 10/24 and am staying at Hotel M. I'm guessing I'm going to spend a lot of time in La Cueva but would like to check out the strip clubs / casas and pull some girls back to my room from there. Are there any organized tours that hit these spots from Hotel M or is my best bet to ask around at the hotel and hopefully find someone willing to show me around?I'm getting in Monday evening and staying at HMP1, and I will absolutely be hitting some casas! Look me up!


10-18-14, 05:46

I'm going to be in Medellin for the first time from 10/19 - 10/24 and am staying at Hotel M. I'm guessing I'm going to spend a lot of time in La Cueva but would like to check out the strip clubs / casas and pull some girls back to my room from there. Are there any organized tours that hit these spots from Hotel M or is my best bet to ask around at the hotel and hopefully find someone willing to show me around?You need to read the Medellin Reports, and Medellin List forums, go back a couple of years to get useful info, everything is the same, women, prices, locations for the most part.

Print this map and take it w / you on your El Centro adventure, the address system is screwy so go early and you'll have time to figure it out.


The area around New Life casa is easy to navigate, plus the 2 strip clubs, Ejecutiva and Maracaibo are nearby for late afternoon entertainment, low end but safe and fun.

The Parque Boliviar is an interesting bustling place in the day time. Here is the door to New Life, my guess is it's still a nondescript blue door.

10-18-14, 06:19
the legal age of consent is still the age of consent in your home country no matter where you go!this is the usa laws:

many states in the usa have the legal age of consent as low as 16 years of age. a few 17 years and some 18 years of age. the main point in the federal legal jargon is the word paying. if you are not paying for sex with a person where it is legal to have sex with persons under 18 years, then you have not committed any crimes in that country and the usa.

the age of consent really is not the point here. the confusion lies in how you read this law. legal mumbo-jumbo goes around in circles and is easy to misread if you're not used to reading it. everyone.

so far has completely ignored the key term here; "interstate or foreign commerce". if a person is travelling in "foreign commerce", then he or she is going to another country for the purpose of conducting business. likewise, someone travelling in "interstate commerce" is travelling to another state to conduct some kind of business. now, with that in mind, lets discuss the 2 parts of this statute.

part (a) is simple. anyone who transports a minor (under 18) to another state or country for the purpose of having that person engage in any kind of sexual "business", such as prostitution, has violated this code and committed a crime.

part (b) is a little more complex but essentially it says that if you travel across state or international lines for the purpose of paying for a sex act (defined in chapter 109 a, subsection 2246, (basically, penetration, oral sex, intercourse)) with a minor (in this case minor may mean under 16 or 18, depending on the specific act), and if the sex act you are paying for is considered a crime under chapter 109 a, subsection 2241-2245 (basically, [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123), sexual assault, statutory [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) (under 16)), then you have committed a crime. you are also guilty if you aren't the one travelling but are a conspirator in the crime. an example would be if you sold people trips overseas for the purpose of having them pay for sex with minors (in this case, under 16).

nothing in this law, i repeat, nothing keeps you from having consensual sex with someone under 18, as long as it's not against the local laws, under the age of consent where you are, and you're not paying the person (or being paid yourself) if the person is under the age of 16. i want to be clear on this, if you are in a country where the age of consent is 14, then you can have consensual sex with that person, you just can't pay to have sex with a 14 year old while you're there.

usa state, age of consent, age gap provision* , mistake of age defense*.

alabama 16 yes no.

alaska 16 yes yes.

arizona 18 no yes.

arkansas 16 no yes.

california 18 no no.

colorado 17 yes no.

connecticut 16 yes no.

the. see. 16 yes no.

delaware 18 yes no.

florida 18 yes no.

georgia 16 yes no.

hawaii 16 yes no.

idaho 18 yes no.

illinois 17 no no.

indiana 16 no yes.

iowa 16 yes no.

kansas 16 no no.

kentucky 16 yes yes.

louisiana 17 yes no.

maine 16 yes yes.

maryland 16 yes no.

massachusetts 16 no no.

michigan 16 no no.

minnesota 16 yes no.

mississippi 16 yes no.

missouri 17 no yes.

montana 16 yes yes.

nebraska 17 no no.

nevada 16 no no.

new hampshire 16 yes no.

new jersey 16 yes no.

new mexico 17 yes no.

new york 17 no yes.

north carolina 16 yes no.

north dakota 18 no no.

ohio 16 no no.

oklahoma 16 yes no.

oregon 18 yes no.

pennsylvania 16 yes yes.

rhode island 16 no no.

south carolina 16 no no.

south dakota 16 no no.

tennessee 18 yes no.

texas 17 no no.

utah 18 yes no.

vermont 16 yes no.

virginia 18 no no.

washington 16 yes yes.

west virginia 16 yes yes.

wisconsin 18 no no.

wyoming 18 yes yes.

* note: some state laws make the age gap less of a crime but still consider it criminal activity that can be prosecuted. where this is the case we have listed 'no'.

** note: in the absence of an affirmative or negative, we have presumed. the answer to be no. also, some states only allow mistake of age above a certain age.

10-18-14, 06:45

I'm going to be in Medellin for the first time from 10/19 - 10/24 and am staying at Hotel M. I'm guessing I'm going to spend a lot of time in La Cueva but would like to check out the strip clubs / casas and pull some girls back to my room from there. Are there any organized tours that hit these spots from Hotel M or is my best bet to ask around at the hotel and hopefully find someone willing to show me around?

The mansion # 1 has 2 daily offerings, 1 pm (approx.) at the pool ladies gather and are ready for daytime fun. These ladies will negotiate (maybe) and will be more open to BBFS, photos, etc, these ladies are the day crew. That's why many guys never leave the hotel, too much pussy w less wear and tear on the premises.

The casas, especially NL are fuck factories, still a lot of fun but you're on a conveyer belt. Smaller casas like Aifies, Sexy's etc. should be less so but w less talent as well. A few years ago I enjoyed a real beauty for $16 at Sexy's, that's around the corner from NL. The casas have incredible variety, all sizes and flavors, a great convenience, and then you're out the door w a smile on your face.

Back to Hotel M. The night crew at La Cueva are the premier ladies at Hotel M. Some nights are better then others but it's always fun at La Cueva. The ladies will not negotiate from the 150,000 p ST / 300,000p LT pricing.

You can party for hours w them and take one (or two) for ST, a great deal and why the Hotel M is a great (one of a kind) experience.

Some pics of the Poblado Metro Station, El Centro scenes, Maracaibo strip club, real hottie in black (what a face on her), Parque Boliviar, vender, Botero Plaza, the seedy area of El Centro, jail bait included.

10-18-14, 08:16
The mansion # 1 has 2 daily offerings, 1 pm (approx.) at the pool ladies gather and are ready for daytime fun. These ladies will negotiate (maybe) and will be more open to BBFS, photos, etc, these ladies are the day crew. That's why many guys never leave the hotel, too much pussy w less wear and tear on the premises.

The casas, especially NL are fuck factories, still a lot of fun but you're on a conveyer belt. Smaller casas like Aifies, Sexy's etc. should be less so but w less talent as well. A few years ago I enjoyed a real beauty for $16 at Sexy's, that's around the corner from NL. The casas have incredible variety, all sizes and flavors, a great convenience, and then you're out the door w a smile on your face.

Back to Hotel M. The night crew at La Cueva are the premier ladies at Hotel M. Some nights are better then others but it's always fun at La Cueva. The ladies will not negotiate from the 150,000 p ST / 300,000p LT pricing.

You can party for hours w them and take one (or two) for ST, a great deal and why the Hotel M is a great (one of a kind) experience.

Some pics of the Poblado Metro Station, El Centro scenes, Maracaibo strip club, real hottie in black (what a face on her), Parque Boliviar, vender, Botero Plaza, the seedy area of El Centro, jail bait included.In my experience the LT rate (or TLN) is absolutely negotiatable and some may also negotiate the short-time rate depending on the situation. Having said that, 150 K seems to have become almost standard for a 1- or 2-hour hook-up.

10-18-14, 21:05
In my experience the LT rate (or TLN) is absolutely negotiatable and some may also negotiate the short-time rate depending on the situation.This is news to me, thanks.

10-19-14, 00:01
This is news to me, thanks.In 12 stays at the Mansion over the last 5 years, I've never paid close to 300 k for all-night. A few times, I've paid nothing beyond the initial 150 K. Admittedly, I only do it once or twice per visit, so not a huge sample size. Also, I never negotiate TLN before the session. It's generally if the girl and I are getting along really well and we both feel like continuing the session. Or if she's drunk and just feels like crashing and boning in the morning.

IMO negotiating TLN up front (especially if you've never been with the girl) is unwise. If you don't click with the girl (or if you find out her body is not so nice w / o clothes), you've wasted your whole night.

10-19-14, 02:37
This is the USA law:

Many states in the USA have the legal age of consent as low as 16 years of age. A few 17 years and some 18 years of age. The main point in the Federal legal jargon is the word paying. If you are not paying for sex with a person where it is legal to have sex with persons under 18 years, then you have not committed any crimes in that country and the USA.

The Age of Consent really is not the point here. The confusion lies in how you read this law. Legal mumbo-jumbo goes around in circles and is easy to misread if you're not used to reading it. Everyone so far has completely ignored the key term here; "interstate or foreign commerce". If a person is travelling in "foreign commerce", then he or she is going to another country for the purpose of conducting business. Likewise, someone travelling in "interstate commerce" is travelling to another state to conduct some kind of business. Now, with that in mind, lets discuss the 2 parts of this statute.

Part (a) is simple. Anyone who transports a minor (under 18) to another state or country for the purpose of having that person engage in any kind of sexual "business", such as prostitution, has violated this code and committed a crime.

Part (b) is a little more complex but essentially it says that if you travel across state or international lines for the purpose of paying for a sex act (defined in chapter 109 a, subsection 2246, (basically, penetration, oral sex, intercourse)) with a minor (in this case minor may mean under 16 or 18, depending on the specific act), and if the sex act you are paying for is considered a crime under chapter 109 a, subsection 2241-2245 (basically, [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123), sexual assault, statutory [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) (under 16)), then you have committed a crime. You are also guilty if you aren't the one travelling but are a conspirator in the crime.The Federal government can and will use any law they see fit. Otherwise, prepare to have some million dollar lawyers. Be safe and stick to girls over the age of 18 (paid or not!) and not be like that [CodeWord911] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord911) from Florida that got arrested (another one. Why are they all from Florida?

10-20-14, 03:43
This was my first scouting trip to MDE.

Only after booking my reservation did I realize why Hotel M (formerly known as Casa Blanca and the Mansion) was offering such a killer $50/ night deal in October. October is one of the months of the rainy season (from the end of September until sometime in November). Apparently, the dry months are April and the first half of mid-May and December, January, and February. The weather forecasts showed rain every single day for the three weeks leading up to my weekend in MDE. Luckily, I learned that unlike my home city, a forecast of 100% chance of thunderstorms means that it will only rain 1-3 hours during the day, and usually not all that hard anyways. So, I was relatively pleased with how the weather turned out in the end.

I arrived in Medellin at an odd time. It turns out that school vacation started that same week, so many people, including many of our young working mothers were home with their kids or leaving to be on vacation with their kids.

When I was there, it seemed that the hotel was about half full, both at M1 and M2, though I'm not really sure about the actual attendance numbers -- just a guess on my part.

As has been reported here often, the customer service of the staff was simply outstanding.

I stayed in Room #9 in M1, the smallest room at M1, downstairs below the kitchen. That room worked fine for a first time, short visit, but I will opt for one of the larger rooms next time. Forget about trying to sleep late in Room 9. As soon as people start showing up to breakfast, their morning conversation and activity will wake you. Next time I return to Hotel M, I will again stay at M1, but I will avoid Room 9 (the smallest), Room 10 (the one right next to the Bar, loud at night), and Rooms 3 and 4 (shared bathroom). All the other rooms at M1 looked appealing enough to me.

I will continue to stay at Hotel M the next few times I venture back to MDE on account of the convenience they offer.

The places people hang out at the hotel are the pool, the bar (at night, starting at 6 pm), the kitchen, and the sofas in the lobby area. During the day, you can sometimes find guys sitting by the pool area or in the lobby, waiting on someone or just sitting around. At night around 6 pm, people start showing up in the bar downstairs.

I was quite unimpressed with the chica talent level at Hotel M. On the other hand, the service levels of the Hotel M chicas were quite outstanding compared to the chicas found at the MDE clubs. Granted, I wasn't there during full swing of the place and I am fairly picky, but I'the say during my whole 3 night stay, I only saw 2-3 girls I wanted to go to the room with. I heard from other guys that chica attendance was lower than usual the days I was there. On their busiest night I was there, I probably saw about 8 chicas in the bar.

The breakfast at the hotel was made to order but quite unimpressive and plain. Still, it was a nice time to hang out with the guys in the morning before heading out.

The hotel also has about 30-40 food menus from which you can order out food. The hotel conveniently helps you order and pay for your food, which is conveniently delivered via taxi.

Before this trip, I read a lot about chicas not showing up on time, always being late, or whatever. I didn't have to worry about this since I simply drew from the chicas already available at the hotel, but I always wondered why guys don't simply incentive their chicas to show up on time with bonus payments? If you want your chica to show up on time, why don't you just text her that you'll throw her an extra 100 k if she shows up before 4 pm or 50 k before 4:30 pm, or simply the agreed upon price if she shows up after 4:30 pm? (or whatever prices you think appropriate). Seems to me that a little extra cash would be a real motivator. I haven't tried this but if I wanted to decrease the probability of chicas wasting my limited valuable vacation time, that's the first thought that pops into my head.

One thing I learned running around the city is that you absolutely MUST have the addresses of the places you want to go with you. Simply saying the names of the famous places in town like Energy, La Isla, etc is not enough for the taxis to get you there. Apparently, almost all taxis need a real address. Surprisingly, they don't already know where all our favorite places are. I suppose people must hire taxis in MDE to go to places other than our favorite places. LOL.

Places I visited:

La Isla. Night club. Visited three nights in a row. If you like European girls (like me), then this place has the highest concentration of girls who would do very well even in a German FKK (where I usually go). Very nice talent here at La Isla, easily the best line-up out of anywhere I visited in MDE. Also, one of the most expensive. Prices here almost rival that of the German FKKs but with a generally lower service level (CBJ is standard here and I found kissing to be less prevalent). This place doesn't really get hopping until around 9 or 10 pm or so. I found it pretty busy on Thursday night and Friday night but not busy at all on Saturday night. When I asked why this place wasn't busy on Saturday night like the previous nights, one of my girls explained to me that all the men are with their novias on Saturday night. So, I suppose Weekdays in Colombia are for fucking prostitutes whereas Saturday is reserved for going out with your girlfriend. How nice. Anyways, more working girls for me on Saturday night. I spent quite a bit of time at La Isla with a super cute little petite spinner (4 ft 10 inches incredible little package). At one point in the night, all of the meseros were teasing her about how "rico" she must be making love in bed because I kept taking her to the room over and over and over again.

Club Info: Kilometer 5 Via Las Palmas K28 and Las Palmas. 20 Dancers. Cover 20 k. Tel: 216 58 66. Closes at 3 am. https://www.facebook.com/laisla.club.37. Price: Onsite is 250 K for 50 minutes.

Fase Dos (II).

This club is smaller than La Isla. Not as many chicas and talent level not as high as La Isla but cheaper. I only stopped in for about 20 minutes for a drink with a buddy here on a Friday night just to check the place out. Still, on a Friday night, the club was pretty full and I saw at least 3 chicas I would have went to the room with had I had the time.

Club Info: Carrera 44 # 30-27, behind the Premium Plaza Shopping Center. 30-40 Chicas. http://www.clubfasedos.com/.

FASE II (Dos) = Cover 20 k, Beer, 16 k, Chicas 180 k with their South Beach Hostel rooms next door. Tel: 232 18 78. Hours: 7 pm to 4 am.

Daytime Casas I visited: Energy, Blue Room (4), and Loutron. Picked up a buddy one day from our hotel and hit a few daytime casas. Unfortunately, like I mentioned earlier, because it was a vacation week, chica attendance was down in the daytime casas, I suspect, due to a lot of chicas wanting to be with their kids during school vacation.

Energy. About 10 chicas, none who were to my liking. Keep in mind that I'm pretty picky.

Oddly, Blue Room only had 4 chicas, again, none to my liking. My buddy who was with me said that they had a ton of chicas when HE visited this place before on another prior trip so HE found it odd that they only had 4 chicas on that day.

Loutron. Very nice-looking place out in the middle of nowhere. Massive, beautiful mansion. Girls are 250,000 for one hour. Line-up was around 12 chicas if my memory serves correctly. 10 of them I had no interest in (again, I am very picky), but two of them interested me. One was quite doable (Sara). And the other one who interested me was named Sophia. Sophia was absolutely perfect looking, tight little petite body, blond, 20 years old, just amazing looking. She's the sort of girl I would pounce on at any German FKK (where I do most of my mongering). As it turns out, she was quite inexperienced (reported that she's been working there only about 2 months). I didn't appreciate her fake moaning. When we eventually got to fucking, I really enjoyed myself with her though, and in the end, was left satisfied. The thing I don't like about Loutron is that they have this whole routine they do that starts with a bullshit massage with massage oil routine to waste time. I hate that massage oil shit. Tough to wash off, feels gross to me but whatever.

I asked my girl how much of the 250 k the girls keep. She refused to disclose the amount, explaining that she's not allowed to reveal that. So, I knew that meant that it was probably a shockingly low percentage. My buddy asked the same question to his girl HE went with and she was more forthcoming. According to his girl, the girls only get 30% of the 250 k!

The next day, my buddy went with a local tour operator Medellinpaisa.com for a casa run with another guest from the hotel. HE reported finding a "diamond in the rough" over at New Life who would rival that Sophia chica I met at Loutron. It's too bad I didn't have the time to head out there myself on my last day in town due to a pending afternoon appointment at the hotel.

My subjective rankings compared to a couple of other mongering destinations.

Overall, I would rank the casas and night clubs in MDE lower in service levels compared to my experiences in the German FKKs, but on the other hand, MDE does have some lower price options than the German FKKs. I found the service levels of the Hotel M chicas to rival that of the German FKKs, while the MDE Hotel M chicas had a huge price advantage over the German FKKs.

Comparing the casas and night clubs in MDE to the Hong Kong club in Tijuana, Mexico, I would say that the chicas in MDE overall beat the Tijuana girls in looks but both are comparable in service levels. For me, price levels at Hong Kong club in Tijuana were quite similar to the price levels at La Isla.

Next time I head to MDE, I will be interested to see the then-current talent at Hotel M, will revisit both La Isla and Fase Dos, and will definitely make time for Casa runs like New Life since I missed those casas this time around.

10-20-14, 04:32
Great report Ultra!

I experienced the FKKs for the first time this Summer and had a blast. Definitely something every monger should try once. I love MDE, but if one is used to the FKK experience, you'll find nothing like that. Outside of the FKKs in Germany, have you tried out Sao Paulo, Brasil? Probably the one place I can think of with both high quality and quantity of beautiful girls. But very expensive. Thailand also has numbers and quality if you are into Asians.

I'm thinking your timing in MDE wasn't ideal. The Mansion can be pretty damn good, but it definitely goes through up-and down- phases.

And the school calendar seems to have affected your other sources of talent.

If you weren't that impressed with la Isla and Loutron, you are definitely picky! I'm fairly picky myself, but those two places are usually pretty top shelf.

I doubt you'll find much to your liking in New Life, though there can be "diamonds in the rough" there as well as in the other Centro casas. And given that cost doesn't seem to be an issue for you, it might not be worth your time.

Thanks for your report and give MDE another try in the High Season.

10-20-14, 04:33
This was my first scouting trip to MDE.

I was quite unimpressed with the chica talent level at Hotel M. On the other hand, the service levels of the Hotel M chicas were quite outstanding compared to the chicas found at the MDE clubs. Granted, I wasn't there during full swing of the place and I am fairly picky, but I'the say during my whole 3 night stay, I only saw 2-3 girls I wanted to go to the room with. I heard from other guys that chica attendance was lower than usual the days I was there. On their busiest night I was there, I probably saw about 8 chicas in the bar.

T.I think you went around a bad time. Its Rain Season so alot of chicas might just choice to stay home especially if they know The Mansion is half full or damn near empty. You can find some pretty good stunners at The Mansion.

10-20-14, 05:39
The federal government can and will use any law they see fit. Otherwise, prepare to have some million dollar lawyers. Be safe and stick to girls over the age of 18 (paid or not!) and not be like that [CodeWord911] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord911) from Florida that got arrested (another one. Why are they all from Florida?They can but they will lose the cases. The Law cannot be changed unless Congress changes it. I just stated the USA laws that apply to USA Citizens and Alien Residents anywhere. You have to use your judgment as the laws are stated. I think FL Miami is where there are many flights to Latin America. They do arrest [CodeWord915] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord915) in San Francisco and Los Angeles too. These folks are into children well below 14 years of age. They are breaking laws everywhere and should be arrested. The Feds main interest is the [CodeWord914] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord914) and rarely do they chase folks having legal age sex. The Feds know every [CodeWord911] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord911) and the sites the [CodeWord915] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord915) use and track them.

Cocr Brotheler
10-20-14, 05:56
Did anyone else hear anything about this flight today?

I sat in the first row of the JetBlue flight that left at 7:15 AM & saw AA924 taxiing to takeoff position as we were on our way out. We were about halfway into the flight to FLL when the Jetblue flight attendant (FA) told me and the CO passengers on both sides of me plus 2nd row that AA924 had to make an emergency landing in Kingston due to "rapid depressurization". FA telling us I'm sure what was told to him by the Captain, FO and jump seat pilot that the AA pilots had to don their oxygen masks in 3 seconds or they would blackout and then they needed to nosedive down to 10 K ft. In just 15 sec. From 38 K ft. All pretty scary but does appear true.

When I landed in FLL I immediately searched the web for any info. And could not find anything. Later this evening still no info. Out on the web, even the Kingston news. However I did verify and printout where AA924 did land in Kingston when normally doesn't and is still delayed. I just checked AAs timetable and zero stops between MDE and MIA. Why would a plane full of mostly Colombianos and a few Gringos make a regular landing in Kingston??

This could be what it is however since no media coverage (possibly due to Ebola coverage 24/7) just not newsworthy enough. Or could the rapid depressurization quite possibly be due to a terroristic incident? If so may not even be organic (I. E. Internal cartel and guerrilla). I have been seeing more "moros" as of late down there in CO and perhaps they have some type of radical moro group setup. Whatever the case if it was a explosion thinking it had to be an inside job since the security hand inspected each and every item of my checked bag thoroughly twice.

On the mongering experiences I had there will report more later in the week but did New life twice (one good (Katerine) & one mediocre (Maria Jose), did Energy once with Ani (a nice Buenaventura black bunny who provided excellent service), and once in Dulce Compania (good experience with 19 year old Laura).

Regarding the fireworks I discussed previous tread I found out last Mon. Was a festival going on (DIA de la Raza).

Also regarding the prescription medication issues I had I ended up at Clinica Las Vegas where I had a very thorough consultation with a licensed "Shrink" who prescribed what I needed. Just only set me back $120 USA Plus another $120 for the meds. At the Las Vegas Clinic.

Xanax is very definitely a controlled drug and cost the same for 30-1 MG tablets wherever I asked ($60 USA). Plus you need in addition to the Doctor's Rx a separate control form in triplicate that was provided free of charge with the $120 Dr. Consultation fee (how nice of them). But I didn't really need the Xanax, just some muscle relaxant. I took the Xanax Rx since Dr. Offered it and I paying him $120 USA for a legal medical consultation.

As mentioned before and verified 7 X they do not legally sell Soma (Carisprodol) in CO but do they offer other alternatives which are meds also prescribed in USA For patients with seizures / Epilepsy. They offer the same result for those with skeletal-muscular injuries with much less addiction potential. One drug that makes you kinda sleep is Sirdalud (Tizandine) and is much better drug since is not a control drug in USA Or CO but does the job. Do shop around however as Clinica Las Vegas robbed me for $60 when I could of got in an El Centro pharmacy OTC legally for only $16!!

Also when I walked to Energy that one fine afternoon I saw an Orthopedic clinic that I thinking could legally consult and write the Rx for much less than the shrink. I not a big drugger but when have legitimate issues is nice to find honest prices and so wanted to document all this for the brethren here who help very much with solid updated monger gouge.

I like it the juicy poosy very much I like it a lot. Espec. Hand maturbating Ani all I wanted!! She could take it all the beautiful tight hard bodied sista. Thank you all!

10-20-14, 08:15
Not been big into this myself, but a buddy is coming with me to Medellin next month and was asking if anyone knows of any girls in Medellin that do [CodeWord100] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord100) ([CodeWord137] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord137))? HE does this kind of stuff in asia where I guess girls are more open minded.

If anyone knows of any girls that do this kind of stuff please private message me.

Old Parr
10-20-14, 08:50
Not been big into this myself, but a buddy is coming with me to Medellin next month and was asking if anyone knows of any girls in Medellin that do [CodeWord100] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord100) ([CodeWord137] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord137))? HE does this kind of stuff in asia where I guess girls are more open minded.

If anyone knows of any girls that do this kind of stuff please private message me.Instead of trying to find girls for him, or is it really you?. You should try seeking psychological help for him, as obviously the person wanting this is a a sick with serious mental issues.

Black Page
10-20-14, 14:36
Did anyone else hear anything about this flight today?
Here I read a somehow different story. Not so much thrill.


Cocr Brotheler
10-20-14, 16:34
Here I read a somehow different story. Not so much thrill.

http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/american-airlines-aadvantage-pre-merger/1621718-aa-924-diverted-cabin-depressurization.htmlYes I just seeing this now. Not as rapid a decent as the JetBlue FA led us PAX to believe.

10-20-14, 17:58
My subjective rankings compared to a couple of other mongering destinations.

Overall, I would rank the casas and night clubs in MDE lower in service levels compared to my experiences in the German FKKs, but on the other hand, MDE does have some lower price options than the German FKKs. I found the service levels of the Hotel M chicas to rival that of the German FKKs, while the MDE Hotel M chicas had a huge price advantage over the German FKKs.

Comparing the casas and night clubs in MDE to the Hong Kong club in Tijuana, Mexico, I would say that the chicas in MDE overall beat the Tijuana girls in looks but both are comparable in service levels. For me, price levels at Hong Kong club in Tijuana were quite similar to the price levels at La Isla.

Next time I head to MDE, I will be interested to see the then-current talent at Hotel M, will revisit both La Isla and Fase Dos, and will definitely make time for Casa runs like New Life since I missed those casas this time around.I love the FKK as well, but there are no reasonable LT options in Germany. I would love to be able to mix up a FKK with LT options like in Colombia.

I went to Hong Kong in March. I don't think we went to the same club because the pricing was nowhere similar. La Isla is 250 k ($121) for an hour (not even sure it's a complete hour) whereas Hong Kong is about $50-60 for half an hour. I guess if you double the rate it is similar, however, I always consider the lowest rate regardless of time. I always choose the lowest time possible and if I want longer, I invite them back to my place. Service levels are a bit different IMO. Colombians are hotter, but in Tijuana. After talking with the girls for 10 minutes, their tongue was already down my throat! You won't get that in Colombia! Also in Tijuana it was hard getting BBBJ, even with an attempted tip. Colombia is a little bit better in that regard. A mixed bag.

About Hotel M, just so you know. Every time they offer $50 rooms, it is low season. There will be less girls. Girls tend to know when it's low season and stay away.

San Te
10-21-14, 01:00
They can but they will lose the cases. The Law cannot be changed unless Congress changes it. I just stated the USA laws that apply to USA Citizens and Alien Residents anywhere. You have to use your judgment as the laws are stated. I think FL Miami is where there are many flights to Latin America. They do arrest [CodeWord915] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord915) in San Francisco and Los Angeles too. These folks are into children well below 14 years of age. They are breaking laws everywhere and should be arrested. The Feds main interest is the [CodeWord914] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord914) and rarely do they chase folks having legal age sex. The Feds know every [CodeWord911] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord911) and the sites the [CodeWord915] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord915) use and track them.http://www.justice.gov/criminal/ceos/subjectareas/child-sex-tourism.html

Ederal law prohibits an American citizen or resident to travel to a foreign country with intent to engage in any form of sexual conduct with a minor (defined as persons under 18 years of age).

10-21-14, 02:12

Federal law prohibits an American citizen or resident to travel to a foreign country with intent to engage in any form of sexual conduct with a minor (defined as persons under 18 years of age).Not so fast. Your link was helpful in pointing us to the actual USC code.

18 USC 2423 does not prohibit "any form of sexual conduct with a minor". Instead, it prohibits "illicit sexual conduct" in foreign countries with minors (or traveling to a foreign country with an intent to engage in "illicit sexual conduct".

What is "illicit sexual conduct" you ask? For this, we must look to the definition of "illicit sexual conduct" in 18 USC 2423 (f), which provides:

(1) it has to be a violation of Ch. 109 A with a person under 18, or.

(2) a commercial sex act with someone under 18.

What are violations of Chapter 109 A you ask? Chapter 109 A has been codified in the United States Code as 18 USC 2241 and following. Here is one link: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/STATUTE-100/pdf/STATUTE-100-Pg3660.pdf.

Chapter 109 A violations are things like Aggravated Sexual Abuse, Sexual Abuse, etc. You have to read each section under 109 A to understand what constitutes violations under that chapter, but it's stuff like forcing someone to have sex with violence or threat of violence or having sex with a kid 15 or younger (in other words who hasn't yet attained the age of 16).

So, in brief summary, if you aren't paying for it and if you aren't engaging in any Chapter 109 A violations, I don't see any violation of these provisions.

10-21-14, 02:13
Just returned from a quick 3 day trip to MDE. Without going into llong details, and just offering a general observation the woman in Medellin are just absolutely gorgeous. It had been about a year since I was last in Medellin and I forgot just how pretty the girls are. I am talking about the girls in the mall, resteraunts, walking around the streets. Just plain beauty.

As far as the clubs go, San Diego, Luna Lunera, La Isla and Face 2 there was some talent but, the prices seem to have been really out of wack this trip. I was quoted $300, $400 and $500 for take out. Seems much higher than I remember.

Also, just from talking with the girls there was not going to be any GFE.

I will definitely be going back to Medellin in the future as the city and woman are great but, I need to try another tactic other than the overpriced clubs.

10-21-14, 02:57
Just returned from a quick 3 day trip to MDE. Without going into llong details, and just offering a general observation the woman in Medellin are just absolutely gorgeous. It had been about a year since I was last in Medellin and I forgot just how pretty the girls are. I am talking about the girls in the mall, resteraunts, walking around the streets. Just plain beauty.

As far as the clubs go, San Diego, Luna Lunera, La Isla and Face 2 there was some talent but, the prices seem to have been really out of wack this trip. I was quoted $300, $400 and $500 for take out. Seems much higher than I remember.

Also, just from talking with the girls there was not going to be any GFE.

I will definitely be going back to Medellin in the future as the city and woman are great but, I need to try another tactic other than the overpriced clubs.I was just there couple of weeks ago. Did at least 8 take outs and no one quoted those prices. I agree that prices went up and I reported as such but not these. Are you sure you did not misunderstand "tres cientos mil" as $300 USD? I typically paid 300,000 to 350,000 for 8's and 9's. That is less than $200 (still a bit more than it used to be).

On a side note, I am currently in Buenos Aires. This place is on a fire sale due to peso devaluation and quality is equally amazing as Medellin and way more quantity. If there is interest, I can post a comparison in the General thread.

10-21-14, 03:51
Instead of trying to find girls for him, or is it really you?. You should try seeking psychological help for him, as obviously the person wanting this is a a sick with serious mental issues.Calm down. The way I see it is that HE is not harming anyone with his fetish. 'Everyone to there own' as they say.

10-21-14, 03:57
Ultra Happy: Very good report. I monger in MDE quite a bit I monger more in Germany. I know what you are talking about and agree. Re late arrivals, please don't offer them money to be on time. That is laid back Latin american culture and we learn to live with it. What I do though, is always ask them to come 30 minutes to an hour before you really want them to come. How far ahead I ask her to come depends where she lives and if she is planning on taking a taxi or metro taxi combo. In four years of doing this, only once was the girl waiting for me at my apartment before I got there as she was only 30 minutes late (and I guessed 1 HR). Interestingly she did not care. She understood and said I am turning into a Colombian. Also, you are right on about Slow Saturdays at the chica clubs. The regular discos are happening though. Next time, fix up a girl from earlier nights to go out on Saturday night. That is what I do and it is crazy party scene. Even if you don't, the girls know where to go.

HiOctane: you hit the nail on the head. I love FKKs but no reasonably priced LT options. I have recently figured out how to make my own parties in NRW FKKs and that has been great but still costs way more money. Also, managed to meet a few FKK girls outside of work but mucho dinero.

Cocr Brotheler: Dude, clinica Vegas sounds like a rip off. $160 for doc appointment? Thanks for reporting.

I love Medellin.

10-21-14, 13:04
Ultra Happy: Very good report. I monger in MDE quite a bit I monger more in Germany. I know what you are talking about and agree. Re late arrivals, please don't offer them money to be on time. That is laid back Latin american culture and we learn to live with it. What I do though, is always ask them to come 30 minutes to an hour before you really want them to come. How far ahead I ask her to come depends where she lives and if she is planning on taking a taxi or metro taxi combo. In four years of doing this, only once was the girl waiting for me at my apartment before I got there as she was only 30 minutes late (and I guessed 1 HR). Interestingly she did not care. She understood and said I am turning into a Colombian. Also, you are right on about Slow Saturdays at the chica clubs. The regular discos are happening though. Next time, fix up a girl from earlier nights to go out on Saturday night. That is what I do and it is crazy party scene. Even if you don't, the girls know where to go.

HiOctane: you hit the nail on the head. I love FKKs but no reasonably priced LT options. I have recently figured out how to make my own parties in NRW FKKs and that has been great but still costs way more money. Also, managed to meet a few FKK girls outside of work but mucho dinero.

Cocr Brotheler: Dude, clinica Vegas sounds like a rip off. $160 for doc appointment? Thanks for reporting.

I love Medellin.Great advice. I've learned to do the same thing. If I want chica A to come over at 7 PM, I tell her 6:30 PM and on average it works out about right.

10-21-14, 13:09
Spent the week here in Medellin with some great guys from the States as the tour guy, fun times! But when they decided to take a side trip to Cartagena I said count me out as I have a home on Baru in the Rosarios and go there some 8 to 10 times a year. Well, I warned them about the Scams, the Hustlers, the over priceds, and all the Rip off artist that prey on the flesh of the tourist by over pricing everything from Taxi to rides to Fake watches, to beach massages! And they found them all, at dinner last night to get a update on the trip I now feel ashamed I let them go alone. They were Lambs to the slaughter, they were ripped off by a fake tour guide who called himself, Johnny the Fixer' beware this guy is trouble! He told them there was only a tip needed to secure his services for 3 hours, when in fact HE was demanded 400.00 USA when the night was over and told them HE would call his Police friends if they didn't pay up, all the while my American friends had treated him to dinner, drinks in the clubs, and taxi rides all over town. He told them he was the one responsible for the Secret Service shake down and worked as an informant! This guy is bad news A to Z,when he arranged some girls to meet the guys they gave a Gringo price of 100 USA per hour, 1 guy agreed and took her to the hotel for some action, when HE finished she demanded 200 USA, he politely told her the price they agreed to was 100,she then said but I sat with you in the Bar for and hour too, She also made the Police threat, my friend told her go ahead. She had on speed dial 2 Cops and they showed up in 3 minutes at the Club and demanded HE pay her for her work or face going to Jail for assault! As a veteran of Colombia for 10 years I know first hand the horror the Colombian people can bring down on a otherwise great vacation place! The only trouble I have had in my 10 years in Colombia was in Cartagena, camera stolen, sandals ripped off, price gouged on beach massage, money stolen, all in Cartagena. I am no longer the 'No thanks' kind American tourist when I must over night there in route to Baru, I am a rude MFKR when I deal with the natives of Cartagena, I warn everyone who goes there, Buyer Beware' Cartagena.

10-21-14, 13:44
I was just there couple of weeks ago. Did at least 8 take outs and no one quoted those prices. I agree that prices went up and I reported as such but not these. Are you sure you did not misunderstand "tres cientos mil" as $300 USD? I typically paid 300,000 to 350,000 for 8's and 9's. That is less than $200 (still a bit more than it used to be).

On a side note, I am currently in Buenos Aires. This place is on a fire sale due to peso devaluation and quality is equally amazing as Medellin and way more quantity. If there is interest, I can post a comparison in the General thread.First let me say Gracias to the last few posters with their reports and for getting us off of the legal mumbo jumbo and what not.

I agree with Vitrea: I've never been quoted a price in USD I think the guy might have been mistaken. 300 K COP is the high end chicka and 400-600 K is what I've heard the Audio Car and Model chicas go for. I don't swim in that deep of water or care for the model looking type so just reporting what my buddies like.

At Vitrea please do report on a BA x Med. I loved my three trips to BA during and after college. It got me into mongering. The selection and quality is amazing especially if you like lighter skinned girls. Full juicy details please on how the scene in BA is right now with tips on Privados and Clubs por favor!

10-21-14, 19:10
First let me say Gracias to the last few posters with their reports and for getting us off of the legal mumbo jumbo and what not.

I agree with Vitrea: I've never been quoted a price in USD I think the guy might have been mistaken. 300 K COP is the high end chicka and 400-600 K is what I've heard the Audio Car and Model chicas go for. I don't swim in that deep of water or care for the model looking type so just reporting what my buddies like.

At Vitrea please do report on a BA x Med. I loved my three trips to BA during and after college. It got me into mongering. The selection and quality is amazing especially if you like lighter skinned girls. Full juicy details please on how the scene in BA is right now with tips on Privados and Clubs por favor!Good warning.

Cartagena, being the toursit capital, is full of scammers like you say.

I have fun there, and there's lots of fun to be had.

I've been around a while too, so I know when and where and what to avoid and run and when I'm being taken.

Thanks for the general heads up.

10-21-14, 23:13
Good warning.

Cartagena, being the toursit capital, is full of scammers like you say.

I have fun there, and there's lots of fun to be had.

I've been around a while too, so I know when and where and what to avoid and run and when I'm being taken.

Thanks for the general heads up.I think Ricker meant to quote Jchipper's Cartagena rip-off post.

10-21-14, 23:21
Spent the week here in Medellin with some great guys from the States as the tour guy, fun times! But when they decided to take a side trip to Cartagena I said count me out as I have a home on Baru in the Rosarios and go there some 8 to 10 times a year. Well, I warned them about the Scams, the Hustlers, the over priceds, and all the Rip off artist that prey on the flesh of the tourist by over pricing everything from Taxi to rides to Fake watches, to beach massages! And they found them all, at dinner last night to get a update on the trip I now feel ashamed I let them go alone. They were Lambs to the slaughter, they were ripped off by a fake tour guide who called himself, Johnny the Fixer' beware this guy is trouble! He told them there was only a tip needed to secure his services for 3 hours, when in fact HE was demanded 400.00 USA when the night was over and told them HE would call his Police friends if they didn't pay up, all the while my American friends had treated him to dinner, drinks in the clubs, and taxi rides all over town. He told them he was the one responsible for the Secret Service shake down and worked as an informant! This guy is bad news A to Z,when he arranged some girls to meet the guys they gave a Gringo price of 100 USA per hour, 1 guy agreed and took her to the hotel for some action, when HE finished she demanded 200 USA, he politely told her the price they agreed to was 100,she then said but I sat with you in the Bar for and hour too, She also made the Police threat, my friend told her go ahead. She had on speed dial 2 Cops and they showed up in 3 minutes at the Club and demanded HE pay her for her work or face going to Jail for assault! As a veteran of Colombia for 10 years I know first hand the horror the Colombian people can bring down on a otherwise great vacation place! The only trouble I have had in my 10 years in Colombia was in Cartagena, camera stolen, sandals ripped off, price gouged on beach massage, money stolen, all in Cartagena. I am no longer the 'No thanks' kind American tourist when I must over night there in route to Baru, I am a rude MFKR when I deal with the natives of Cartagena, I warn everyone who goes there, Buyer Beware' Cartagena.Agree that CTG is nearly not as friendly as MDE but that is true with many tourist destinations and more so in developing countries. I have had friends that were scammed in Vegas, NY and even in New Orleans. I was scammed too in my naive days. You live and learn. If you let them take you, they will. I would not entirely write off CTG though. I have been there many times and I have a great time every single time. Bit more expensive but different. NEVER ever talk to a tout. If you need info, that is what these forums are for. Spend some time reading the forums before you go to any monger destination and be a DIY monger.

I am shocked to see how many guys spends thousands of $$$ on plane tickets and hotels but don't do any research. Most depend on Taxi drivers and touts for information.

10-22-14, 03:07
I think Ricker meant to quote Jchipper's Cartagena rip-off post.Whoops!!

I sure did, thanks!!

10-22-14, 04:19
I was just there couple of weeks ago. Did at least 8 take outs and no one quoted those prices. I agree that prices went up and I reported as such but not these. Are you sure you did not misunderstand "tres cientos mil" as $300 USD? I typically paid 300,000 to 350,000 for 8's and 9's. That is less than $200 (still a bit more than it used to be).

On a side note, I am currently in Buenos Aires. This place is on a fire sale due to peso devaluation and quality is equally amazing as Medellin and way more quantity. If there is interest, I can post a comparison in the General thread.I would love the hear about Buenos Aires. I really want to go there. Only thing that stops me is the 11 hour plane ride from Florida.

The quotes I received were for TLN. Not just one hour. However, for one Girl TLN was only 4 hours.

At San Diego the girl told me just the bar fine was $150.00 plus $250 for her. At Fase 2 I was quoted $400 for TLN by one girl and $300 by another. My friend had a girl that was about a 6 or 7 offer $200 for TLN but, HE declined.

Usually when a girl starts off that high in price it completely turns me off and I do not even feel like negotiating it down. In my experience when a girl starts quoting high numbers and starts mentioning time limits and counting hours I just move onto something else and do not even counter with a price. Those girls tend to be the biggest clock watchers and the ones that have too many rules in bed.

10-22-14, 04:36
First let me say Gracias to the last few posters with their reports and for getting us off of the legal mumbo jumbo and what not.

I agree with Vitrea: I've never been quoted a price in USD I think the guy might have been mistaken. 300 K COP is the high end chicka and 400-600 K is what I've heard the Audio Car and Model chicas go for. I don't swim in that deep of water or care for the model looking type so just reporting what my buddies like.

At Vitrea please do report on a BA x Med. I loved my three trips to BA during and after college. It got me into mongering. The selection and quality is amazing especially if you like lighter skinned girls. Full juicy details please on how the scene in BA is right now with tips on Privados and Clubs por favor!I was quoted in COP but, I am just converting to dollars to make it easier.

The bar fine alone I was told at San Diego was 300,000 pesos. Which either went up tremendously or was a flat out lie by the girls because last year I was able to pull a girl TLN for 300,000 total including bar fine.

Maybe I just picked the wrong girls this time or something. Not sure.

I really am not one to argue over $100 and if the girl was super friendly and i get a good vibe from the girl I would happily pay $400.00 because I know I am going to have a great time but, when these girls are all business and are looking at there watch and quoting extremely high prices its a huge turn off. If they were smart they would at least pretend to like me and call me handsome and make me feel like they want me. I am not nieve and I know it is a game but, it just seems like the colombian girls in Panama or Colombia or wherever are too damn profesional. Someone should go down there and teach them to play the game a little more.. They could make more money and get more clients..

Maybe I will stay at the Mansion. My only reluctance is and please no one take offence to this but it seems like beginner or rookie mongering to me and I like a bit of a challenge. Kind of like going to an exotic vacation place and staying at a sandals or breezes and never leaving the resort to experience the culture.

10-22-14, 13:10
I would love the hear about Buenos Aires. I really want to go there. Only thing that stops me is the 11 hour plane ride from Florida.

The quotes I received were for TLN. Not just one hour. However, for one Girl TLN was only 4 hours.

At San Diego the girl told me just the bar fine was $150.00 plus $250 for her. At Fase 2 I was quoted $400 for TLN by one girl and $300 by another. My friend had a girl that was about a 6 or 7 offer $200 for TLN but, HE declined.

Usually when a girl starts off that high in price it completely turns me off and I do not even feel like negotiating it down. In my experience when a girl starts quoting high numbers and starts mentioning time limits and counting hours I just move onto something else and do not even counter with a price. Those girls tend to be the biggest clock watchers and the ones that have too many rules in bed.No offense, but you must have one naive-looking face to be quoted prices that high!

You're right -- if a girl asks for that much right off the bat, it's a turn-off. Because they either think I'm a fool or they are going to be overly professional and a clock watcher.

You Can
10-22-14, 14:45
Never had a problem in Cartagena that wasn't my own fault.

Spent the week here in Medellin with some great guys from the States as the tour guy, fun times! But when they decided to take a side trip to Cartagena I said count me out as I have a home on Baru in the Rosarios and go there some 8 to 10 times a year. Well, I warned them about the Scams, the Hustlers, the over priceds, and all the Rip off artist that prey on the flesh of the tourist by over pricing everything from Taxi to rides to Fake watches, to beach massages! And they found them all, at dinner last night to get a update on the trip I now feel ashamed I let them go alone. They were Lambs to the slaughter, they were ripped off by a fake tour guide who called himself, Johnny the Fixer' beware this guy is trouble! He told them there was only a tip needed to secure his services for 3 hours, when in fact HE was demanded 400.00 USA when the night was over and told them HE would call his Police friends if they didn't pay up, all the while my American friends had treated him to dinner, drinks in the clubs, and taxi rides all over town. He told them he was the one responsible for the Secret Service shake down and worked as an informant! This guy is bad news A to Z,when he arranged some girls to meet the guys they gave a Gringo price of 100 USA per hour, 1 guy agreed and took her to the hotel for some action, when HE finished she demanded 200 USA, he politely told her the price they agreed to was 100,she then said but I sat with you in the Bar for and hour too, She also made the Police threat, my friend told her go ahead. She had on speed dial 2 Cops and they showed up in 3 minutes at the Club and demanded HE pay her for her work or face going to Jail for assault! As a veteran of Colombia for 10 years I know first hand the horror the Colombian people can bring down on a otherwise great vacation place! The only trouble I have had in my 10 years in Colombia was in Cartagena, camera stolen, sandals ripped off, price gouged on beach massage, money stolen, all in Cartagena. I am no longer the 'No thanks' kind American tourist when I must over night there in route to Baru, I am a rude MFKR when I deal with the natives of Cartagena, I warn everyone who goes there, Buyer Beware' Cartagena.

You Can
10-22-14, 14:52
I was happy with finding girls rite in parke lleras at restaurants. I didn't go to one strip club or working girl house and had a ball. Plenty of party favors girls and drinking. Only thing is I am not into those mountains. I like a beach. They were gorgeous. I will go back but not regularly. The trip over all was very inexpensive.

Just returned from a quick 3 day trip to MDE. Without going into llong details, and just offering a general observation the woman in Medellin are just absolutely gorgeous. It had been about a year since I was last in Medellin and I forgot just how pretty the girls are. I am talking about the girls in the mall, resteraunts, walking around the streets. Just plain beauty.

As far as the clubs go, San Diego, Luna Lunera, La Isla and Face 2 there was some talent but, the prices seem to have been really out of wack this trip. I was quoted $300, $400 and $500 for take out. Seems much higher than I remember.

Also, just from talking with the girls there was not going to be any GFE.

I will definitely be going back to Medellin in the future as the city and woman are great but, I need to try another tactic other than the overpriced clubs.

Luv Fake
10-23-14, 01:03
Hi everyone,

I'll be in Medellin first time from Oct. 30 - Nov. 4. I'm a big hobbyist of FKKs. I speak nil Spanish which I know will be a major disadvantage. Tried to book at M1 and M2 since last week, all the rooms are booked for all those days. I will be staying at an apartment in publado.

Upon suggestions, I'm trying Facebook but not really easy either and no guarantees. I looked at the casas and strip club maps but not sure where to really go. I am a little bit picky.

GFE such as DFK, BBBJ, and DATY are a must. I like my girls looking like the playboy or pornstar type. I prefer silicone tits and ass but if she doesn't have that and she's hot, I'll go for it.

I need to have a plan for both daytime and nighttime. With these thoughts in mind and my preference:

1. What are the casas I should visit for this.

2. What are the strip clubs for this?

3. If you do have direct links for the girls or recommendations on particular girls, I would highly appreciate it if you can PM me. I've been working hard to prepare for 1 month but again it seems challenging.

The help would be enormous guys. You can PM me anytime guys.

I am willing to help out if you are in the US, Canada, or Germany.

Thank You again.

10-23-14, 02:56
No offense, but you must have one naive-looking face to be quoted prices that high!

You're right -- if a girl asks for that much right off the bat, it's a turn-off. Because they either think I'm a fool or they are going to be overly professional and a clock watcher.I was drinking and spending a lot of money on drinks. They probably thought I was stupid, it was my first go around, or probably just starting really high figuring I would negotiate down. Either way it was almost insulting, a turn off and showed me right of the bat that I was not going to take that girl.

10-23-14, 05:40
I would love the hear about Buenos Aires. I really want to go there. Only thing that stops me is the 11 hour plane ride from Florida.

The quotes I received were for TLN. Not just one hour. However, for one Girl TLN was only 4 hours.

At San Diego the girl told me just the bar fine was $150.00 plus $250 for her. At Fase 2 I was quoted $400 for TLN by one girl and $300 by another. My friend had a girl that was about a 6 or 7 offer $200 for TLN but, HE declined.

Usually when a girl starts off that high in price it completely turns me off and I do not even feel like negotiating it down. In my experience when a girl starts quoting high numbers and starts mentioning time limits and counting hours I just move onto something else and do not even counter with a price. Those girls tend to be the biggest clock watchers and the ones that have too many rules in bed.This post proves what I predicted earlier. YOU misunderstood what they are saying. There is NO WAY a San Diego girl would tell you that bar fine is $150. She has zero incentive to up charge rate on bar fine. Besides, an SD girl rarely sees or encounters USD. I am not a fan of San Diego as I don't like the quality or ambiance or clientele there but they are not a rip off place. She said 150.000 and you thought $150. I am almost certain that it is true about your other rate quotes. Sorry you missed out.

Yes, I will post a detailed BA and MDE comparison before the end of week. It is totally worth 9. 5 hrs from MIA. I travelled from North west and if I get time off I am ready to do that next week. My heart will always be in MDE but I don't mind parking my dick in BA, at least during AR peso devaluation phase.

10-23-14, 12:51
This post proves what I predicted earlier. YOU misunderstood what they are saying. There is NO WAY a San Diego girl would tell you that bar fine is $150. She has zero incentive to up charge rate on bar fine. Besides, an SD girl rarely sees or encounters USD. I am not a fan of San Diego as I don't like the quality or ambiance or clientele there but they are not a rip off place. She said 150.000 and you thought $150. I am almost certain that it is true about your other rate quotes. Sorry you missed out.

Yes, I will post a detailed BA and MDE comparison before the end of week. It is totally worth 9. 5 hrs from MIA. I travelled from North west and if I get time off I am ready to do that next week. My heart will always be in MDE but I don't mind parking my dick in BA, at least during AR peso devaluation phase.I'll also be looking forward to your thoughts on BA. I was last there in January of 2007. I enjoyed it, but I've been reluctant to go back because of the distance. I figure if I'm heading that general direction from and. America, I should just stop in Rio or Sao Paulo. However, Brasil is crazy expensive these days, and I've thinking with how bad things are in Argentina, it might be a good time to go back.

10-24-14, 03:06
This post proves what I predicted earlier. YOU misunderstood what they are saying. There is NO WAY a San Diego girl would tell you that bar fine is $150. She has zero incentive to up charge rate on bar fine. Besides, an SD girl rarely sees or encounters USD. I am not a fan of San Diego as I don't like the quality or ambiance or clientele there but they are not a rip off place. She said 150.000 and you thought $150. I am almost certain that it is true about your other rate quotes. Sorry you missed out.

Yes, I will post a detailed BA and MDE comparison before the end of week. It is totally worth 9. 5 hrs from MIA. I travelled from North west and if I get time off I am ready to do that next week. My heart will always be in MDE but I don't mind parking my dick in BA, at least during AR peso devaluation phase.You have your opinion I have mine I was there. I speak spanish. I said that I converted what she said to US dollars. That is how my mind works when someone tells me something in pesos or any other currency I do the math and convert. It is what I did there at the time and what I am doing here as I write about my experience.

I believe, that she said the bar fine was higher so she could pocket the difference. It would have been an all inclusive deal for her or a kick back from the bar if I paid the bar fine seperate from her fee.

I would by your arguement that I misunderstood the prices or what they were saying if this only happened at San Diego but, it also happened with 3 seperate girls at Fase 2. I could not possibly have misunderstood or misinterpreted all of them. I know the difference between someone saying 150 dollars or Ciento cincuenta mil pesos or trescientos mil pesos. Sometimes the colombians just abbreviate and say ciento cincuenta when they are talking about something over 100,000 pesos. So I do recognize the difference.

However, none of this matters. The extra $100 or $200 doesn't matter, it was the fact I knew by there attitude that these girls were not going to be someone I would want to session with TLN. If they would have been friendly or less business like I would have paid $1000. Money was not the point it was just an indicator on what type of girl I was dealing with and what type of session I would have had. Maybe it is my fault for not playing the game and negotiating but I just felt it wasnt even worth the effort if this is how the relationship was starting off.

Anyway, Have fun In BA./ I will def. go there sometime.

10-24-14, 04:50
I would not entirely write off CTG though. I have been there many times and I have a great time every single time. Bit more expensive but different. NEVER ever talk to a tout. If you need info, that is what these forums are for. Spend some time reading the forums before you go to any monger destination and be a DIY monger.

I am shocked to see how many guys spends thousands of $$$ on plane tickets and hotels but don't do any research. Most depend on Taxi drivers and touts for information.I was there a few years ago too, and also had a great time. The scams are the same everywhere, even the US. I don't believe Cartagena is unique in that aspect, or even worse than other mongering destinations.

10-24-14, 15:27
Agree that CTG is nearly not as friendly as MDE but that is true with many tourist destinations and more so in developing countries. I have had friends that were scammed in Vegas, NY and even in New Orleans. I was scammed too in my naive days. You live and learn. If you let them take you, they will. I would not entirely write off CTG though. I have been there many times and I have a great time every single time. Bit more expensive but different. NEVER ever talk to a tout. If you need info, that is what these forums are for. Spend some time reading the forums before you go to any monger destination and be a DIY monger.

I am shocked to see how many guys spends thousands of $$$ on plane tickets and hotels but don't do any research. Most depend on Taxi drivers and touts for information.Oh beach, no I wouldn't write off Cartagena,I have a ball with the Massage girls on the beaches,they will do anything for the buc. I usually trade a dollar store perfume for an hour massage,they are so happy to get something from the usa,and I like the rub and tug action up shorts,its not the best place for a newbie though. Even I get ripped off sometimes but the beach scum. They got my camera behind the Carpa,then my Abercrombie sandals, so like the post said buyer beware!

10-25-14, 00:38
I was lucky enough to go to these two cities back to back. I just left BA yesterday. I was in MDE two weeks ago. I miss them both already.

Basics of travel in BA. BA is not a secret tourist or a mongering destination. I did it both ways before but what makes it unique now is the peso devaluation. Last time I was in BA, $1 = 3 pesos. Now the official rate is 8. 5 pesos and the unofficial "blue market" rate is 14.5 to 15 (I love latino culture. They are too prudish to call it black market). Along with devaluation of course there is inflation. What cost 100 pesos when it was 3 pesos to a dollar, now costs 300 pesos but if you are smart enough to get pesos using blue market, it is still at a deep discount. Also, the inflation is variable depending on the commodity. Food and wine went up two times, chica prices went up on average 3 times and hotels went up four times but we are getting 5 times as many pesos per USD. Hope that makes sense. In AP.com site I posted where and how to get blue market pesos. For uniformity, I am going to quote all prices in USD (based on 2000 CO pesos to a $1 and Blue conversion rate of 14 AR pesos. Prices are approximate and don't give me crap if I am off by $10 USD. If I am way off, please correct me.

Cities: Ricoletta in BA is the El Poblado of MDE for touristy stuff and unlike Poblado, Ricoletta and adjacent "micro center (downtown)" are the mongering hubs as well. That makes travel easy. Cabs are not as inexpensive as MDE but still way cheaper compared to North american cities and you barely have to travel more than 15 minutes during peak traffic, unless you want to go adjacent neighbourhoods to see a tango show (San Telmo) or sightseeing or where the locals go to avoid tourists (Palermo Soho and Palermo Hollywood). Most Stay in Ricoletta as I always do. I like it because it is beautiful and I can walk to several of my favourite places of pleasure.

MDE Casas vs BA Privados: Similar in concept but there are big differences. With few exceptions most Privados have less than 5 girls working at any given time. Unlike Casas, most Privados are open till 4 or even 5 AM. Chicas rotate in shifts and some might even live there. Some larger Privados may have a madam but in smaller ones, one of the chica's lets you in. They typically have a small living room with a sofa. You get to check out the girls and pick one. Prices depend on the Privado and the quality of the facility more than the quality of the girls. For example, a good value place Casa such as Energy, Abydos or Blue room will run you $60-70 USD and similar venue and quality would be $40 USD for one pop or one hour, whichever comes first. Service levels are similar with greater chances of Anal and BBBJ with extra tip or for repeat customers. The big difference is the sheer number of Privados and almost 20 hours of operation /24 hours. Privados are all over the city but again the highest concentration are in Ricoletta and Micro center. One other thing is that the escort "in call" services are almost always in a Privado. There are a few major escort sites and all of them have Privados scattered around the city. Some mongers even took the time to map the escort website girls to Privados but that info gets outdated very quickly. Conclusion: Just by pure numbers Privados have better quality than Casas and most have better ambiance compared to an MDE centro Casa but there is not much difference if you stick to quality establishments in both cities and for now BA is cheaper. Compared to a place like Lutron, BA is much cheaper for same or even better quality. However, ambiance wise, I don't know of a Privado similar to Lutron.

Escorts: There must be almost 50 agencies and a 1000 escorts any given day in BA. Since they double up as Casa girls, you can do in call or out call. This set up is similar to Paisa divinas or Masajista paisas in MDE (they both have their own apartments in various locations around MDE) but they are more in number in BA. Again because of the numbers, and if you are patient enough to spend time in front of a darn computer, you can find higher quality in BA. However, the BA websites are notorious for world class photoshopping skills. Famous Jackson quote, "discount 20% looks to a website girl". A 10 is an 8 and an 8 is actually a six. MDE outcall is typically $125 to $150 and in BA it is $75 to $100. I find MDE escort site pics to be lot closer to reality. I use them in either city only if I am too tired or lazy. I spend a lot of time on a computer for my day job and try to minimize interaction with it when I arrive at a mongering destination. Most escorts in BA offer anal and BBBJ, which is different compared to MDE. Those are less important to me.

Massage places: BA is quite unique in this respect. There are a ton of "massage" places. The operating hours are typically 11 AM to 9 PM. There are two kinds of MPs. Ones that offer a legit massage and HJ (included in the price) with topless or rarely nude massage with mutual massage or tit massage and or tits in mouth as options. Massage here including HJ, is $25 and the "tip" is $8 to 12 for topless tit massage or nipple sucking. Full service is highly unlikely unless she is in love with you. The other kind of MP is where there is a 20 minute pretend massage which is followed by a full service option. There you typically pay the house $25 and depending on the level of service you want, you pay the girl $20 to $25. I found stunners at both types of MPs. I almost fell in love with one at the full service kind. For my favourite places, see my reviews in AP.com under massage thread. PM me for the info on the MDE equivalent to the first type (legit massage with release). I do not advertise that location in MDE as it is truly a legit MP where you routinely see an upper strata house wife getting a rubdown in the next room.

Cafe's and pubs: The freelance cafe's in BA are interesting. Most mongerers end up there at least once for the thrill of it and some expats hang out there all the time. Good for them. The day time ones such as Exedra and Cafe Orleans are fun to check it out but the quality is hit or miss. Mostly a miss for me. I am strictly a solo mongerer but if you like to chat with very friendly and genuinely helpful expats, this is where you want to hang out. You will occasionally find a gem of a chica and you may even begin to wonder if she is an accidental tourist who ended up there unknowingly, mislead by tripadvisor. Most of them are hardcore pros though. The late night freelance pubs on the other hand are like the late night freelance dance clubs of CTG. The difference is that there is no cover in BA pubs and the atmosphere is relaxed, no dancing, just drinking, chilling and negotiating. Drinks are $7 for you or the girl and if you are patient, will find gems that will go to your room for one hour for $100. I found my 10 here one night! The pubs don't get going till midnight but close at 4 AM. Obviously, MDE is lacking in this offering.

Clubs: My favourite of veneus and the highest priced option in both cities. The rough equivalent of La Isla is club Hippopotamus (A + list). (Black is a famous A+ list expensive club that is totally passe. An over the top club scamming tourists based on it's past glory. Waste of time these days). Fase 2 = Hooke (A list). There are a ton of clubs that are similar to San Diego and Luna Luneras. (B list) and even more el centro type clubs (C list). In BA, I stick to A or A+. The big difference is that there is no onsite action in BA clubs that I visit. There is a cover to get into A clubs. $22 for A+ and $17 for A that includes a stiff drink. Girl drink at Hippo is $75 (yes you read that correctly) and you have to buy one drink per hour of take out. Girls typically go out for $150 to $200/ first hour and $75 to $100 each additional hour. So for example, if you want to take a girl out for 1 HR, it will be $75 for the drink and close to $200 for the girl. For two hours, it would be $150 in drinks plus $275 for the girl. The girl is obligated to come back to the club if the club is still open when she is done with you. Most top clubs close at 4 am so, if you pull a girl at 2 am for two hours or at 3 am for 1 hour she does not need to come back. Makes sense? (one club opens at 3 AM and closes at 8 Am!) Having scared with these prices, the reality is A clubs are a much better value compared to A+ clubs. At Hooke for example, the girl drink is $18 and it is $100 per hour for the girl. I found 9's there and some of them are sweet and classy enough to consider a longterm relationship. If you leave crazy prices out of the picture, for example, Hippo has many 10's. Probably one of the highest concentration of 10's, available to fuck for a buck, under one roof (Comparable to a German FKK such as Oase or Prague K club). Most of them know it and are a bit cold. I don't mind spending money if I know there is value in return. Hippo, with it's silly drink pricing policy makes it harder to find out. Going into details is out of the scope of this report. I spoke to several but never pulled one from there. Hooke on the other hand is priced similar to La Isla (for the first hour) but La Isla has more number of girls and for TLN, it comes out way ahead.

General thoughts: Paisas like to party. They jump at the option of going to a nice restaurant and a regular club. BA girls; not so much. The clubs put pressure on the girls to come back to the club. In MDE, once the girl leaves, she is under no such pressure though she may still choose to do that for persona financial reasons. For my tastes, both Paisas and Baires chicas are equally good in the sac. Looks wise, they both have stunners but if you like them on average a bit taller, dig light color eyes and brown or blonde hair along with a nice tight latina ass, you will be in heaven in BA. Silicone breasts are equally common but gluteal implants are less common in BA (I hate those). In general, I like them all natural and I don't have trouble finding them in either of the cities. Romance latina, CO Cupid and Facebook add another dimension to MDE mongering that I do not have much info on re BA.

Weed: You can easily and reliably get it in both cities though lot less expensive and better quality in MDE. Regular contributors can PM me on ISG site (not AP.com) if you like to know where to get party supplies or any other specific questions. I answer my PMs diligently. If I do not reply to you, that means I do not consider your contributions to the forum worthy of a reply. Please give a little so can get a lot more.

Vegas Jeff
10-25-14, 04:26
I was lucky enough to go to these two cities back to back. I just left BA yesterday. I was in MDE two weeks ago. I miss them both already.Excellent write up and comparison. I was clueless about BA and now I feel less clueless. If someone can move Vitrea's report into the Distinguished Reports area it might be helpful to future travelers.

IMO Vitrea currently writes the most accurate reports on this thread regarding the high end P4 P in Medellin. I find the prices he has quoted to be very accurate in general.

Actually, Vitrea is the only member that regularly writes about the high end scene. Most members who get a few trips under their belt and become organized and efficient vanish from the board. I want to compliment you for continuing to report.

Mfns, don't sweat it. I can totally identify with what you experienced although your pricing seemed a little high. I find the high end outlets are mostly full of jaded pros and many guys are too proud to report similar experiences to yours yet it is common. Vitrea is obviously somewhat comfortable in being able to navigate through this environment in finding what he is looking for. I met one guy who was hitting Abydos and Energy in the daytime and La Isla and Fasay Dos at night. He was a world traveling monger and he was having great experiences also. Some guys can overcome these girl's initial attitudes in making a connection and getting them to lower their guard. I used to be able to function in this environment but recently I feel as you do in that the attitudes of these girls is a turnoff.

Most experienced MDE guys, who like the higher end girls, turn to the internet for night time action. These guys are good at finding the better 10%-20% of the internet girls with decent attitudes and good looks. IMO this avenue is better than the high end clubs as it is easier to get relaxed dates at similar to cheaper prices. Most develop a small to medium base of girls. Then they start chatting with 1-3 girls in getting something set up for the evening. Just an idea. Please don't PM me asking about the internet as I have never met or spoke to a girl through internet before. With that being said I have friends that do very well with the internet and I admire their efficiency.

IMO Colombia is a DIY monger destination. Vitrea admits to being one of these people and it is no surprise that he enjoys Colombia. If you need your hand held go to a place where there are tons of poor girls lined up to meet your every need. I love Medellin because I can overcome the tourist stereotype and receive warm interactions often. I am also comfortable in Medellin because I know the city well including many of the bad neighborhoods in the North. I like Cali and the small towns as well. Bogota not so much. Cartagena not at all. Panama, Costa Rica, Cancun, etc no thanks. In these places I am viewed as just another dumbass tourist with money falling out of my pockets. Sometimes I feel like this in El Poblado but I digress.

Finally, I can totally understand the frustration of the experienced MDE mongers on this board. The Medellin thread has more than enough info if one is willing to read a little. Don't complain that it is too much reading. Be fortunate that there is information available which is not the case in many locations.

When I make to BA I will reference this post for sure. Vitrea, thanks again for the interesting read.

10-25-14, 23:00
Vegas Jeff, thank you for the complement and recognizing the effort that goes into writing reports. This is a great forum and if we can stay positive and encourage others to do the same, all of us will benifit tremendously from it.

Countless contributors, such as yourself helped me during my "inexperienced" phase and still learn from others on a daily basis. Few exceptional memebrs that standout are WT69 for his phenomenal lists, Matt for his maps, WTS for his "in the trenches" relaible reporting and Dealdo for lending a hand that helped me make some early connections. Thanks to all of you and other contributors who I have not mentioned.

Have fun, stay positive and keep reporting.

10-25-14, 23:19
Thanks Vitrea.

That was a great report. I've been wanting to go back to BA for years but I didn't know if it was out of my budget or not. Your report cleared up a few things for me.

10-26-14, 00:13
Emailed you back!

Day time Casa, Loutrons! Fake tits and fake asses, the best looking women! You will find all the women are atleast 8 + most of them don't have stretch marks!!

Night time, Fase Dos and La Isla! Night time strip clubs, you will find all types of women. Alot of cuurvy busty women!

Hi everyone,

I'll be in Medellin first time from Oct. 30 - Nov. 4. I'm a big hobbyist of FKKs. I speak nil Spanish which I know will be a major disadvantage. Tried to book at M1 and M2 since last week, all the rooms are booked for all those days. I will be staying at an apartment in publado.

Upon suggestions, I'm trying Facebook but not really easy either and no guarantees. I looked at the casas and strip club maps but not sure where to really go. I am a little bit picky.

GFE such as DFK, BBBJ, and DATY are a must. I like my girls looking like the playboy or pornstar type. I prefer silicone tits and ass but if she doesn't have that and she's hot, I'll go for it.

I need to have a plan for both daytime and nighttime. With these thoughts in mind and my preference:

1. What are the casas I should visit for this...

10-26-14, 01:27
I was in Medellin a couple of years ago and in Buenos Aires about 5 years ago. I've been thinking of going back to Buenos Aires so your report was of great interest to me. In my last trip to Buenos Aires, the only problem that I had was understanding their Spanish. I thought all those Spanish lessons that I took were for naught until I meet a group of Spanish tourists in an elevator and they all spoke Spanish that I could understand. Anyway, great report and I've added your report to a "report of distinction. ".

I was lucky enough to go to these two cities back to back. I just left BA yesterday. I was in MDE two weeks ago. I miss them both already.

Basics of travel in BA. BA is not a secret tourist or a mongering destination. I did it both ways before but what makes it unique now is the peso devaluation. Last time I was in BA, $1 = 3 pesos. Now the official rate is 8. 5 pesos and the unofficial "blue market" rate is 14.5 to 15 (I love latino culture. They are too prudish to call it black market). Along with devaluation of course there is inflation. What cost 100 pesos when it was 3 pesos to a dollar, now costs 300 pesos but if you are smart enough to get pesos using blue market, it is still at a deep discount. Also, the inflation is variable depending on the commodity. Food and wine went up two times, chica prices went up on average 3 times and hotels went up four times but we are getting 5 times as many pesos per USD. Hope that makes sense. In AP.com site I posted where and how to get blue market pesos. For uniformity, I am going to quote all prices in USD (based on 2000 CO pesos to a $1 and Blue conversion rate of 14 AR pesos. Prices are approximate and don't give me crap if I am off by $10 USD. If I am way off, please correct me.

Cities: Ricoletta in BA is the El Poblado of MDE for touristy stuff and unlike Poblado, Ricoletta and adjacent "micro center (downtown)" are the mongering hubs as well. That makes travel easy. Cabs are not as inexpensive as MDE but still way cheaper compared to North american cities and you barely have to travel more than 15 minutes during peak traffic, unless you want to go adjacent neighbourhoods to see a tango show (San Telmo) or sightseeing or where the locals go to avoid tourists (Palermo Soho and Palermo Hollywood). Most Stay in Ricoletta as I always do. I like it because it is beautiful and I can walk to several of my favourite places of pleasure.

MDE Casas vs BA Privados: Similar in concept but there are big differences. With few exceptions most Privados have less than 5 girls working at any given time. Unlike Casas, most Privados are open till 4 or even 5 AM. Chicas rotate in shifts and some might even live there. Some larger Privados may have a madam but in smaller ones, one of the chica's lets you in. They typically have a small living room with a sofa. You get to check out the girls and pick one. Prices depend on the Privado and the quality of the facility more than the quality of the girls. For example, a good value place Casa such as Energy, Abydos or Blue room will run you $60-70 USD and similar venue and quality would be $40 USD for one pop or one hour, whichever comes first. Service levels are similar with greater chances of Anal and BBBJ with extra tip or for repeat customers. The big difference is the sheer number of Privados and almost 20 hours of operation /24 hours. Privados are all over the city but again the highest concentration are in Ricoletta and Micro center. One other thing is that the escort "in call" services are almost always in a Privado. There are a few major escort sites and all of them have Privados scattered around the city. Some mongers even took the time to map the escort website girls to Privados but that info gets outdated very quickly. Conclusion: Just by pure numbers Privados have better quality than Casas and most have better ambiance compared to an MDE centro Casa but there is not much difference if you stick to quality establishments in both cities and for now BA is cheaper. Compared to a place like Lutron, BA is much cheaper for same or even better quality. However, ambiance wise, I don't know of a Privado similar to Lutron.

Escorts: There must be almost 50 agencies and a 1000 escorts any given day in BA. Since they double up as Casa girls, you can do in call or out call. This set up is similar to Paisa divinas or Masajista paisas in MDE (they both have their own apartments in various locations around MDE) but they are more in number in BA. Again because of the numbers, and if you are patient enough to spend time in front of a darn computer, you can find higher quality in BA. However, the BA websites are notorious for world class photoshopping skills. Famous Jackson quote, "discount 20% looks to a website girl". A 10 is an 8 and an 8 is actually a six. MDE outcall is typically $125 to $150 and in BA it is $75 to $100. I find MDE escort site pics to be lot closer to reality. I use them in either city only if I am too tired or lazy. I spend a lot of time on a computer for my day job and try to minimize interaction with it when I arrive at a mongering destination. Most escorts in BA offer anal and BBBJ, which is different compared to MDE. Those are less important to me.

Massage places: BA is quite unique in this respect. There are a ton of "massage" places. The operating hours are typically 11 AM to 9 PM. There are two kinds of MPs. Ones that offer a legit massage and HJ (included in the price) with topless or rarely nude massage with mutual massage or tit massage and or tits in mouth as options. Massage here including HJ, is $25 and the "tip" is $8 to 12 for topless tit massage or nipple sucking. Full service is highly unlikely unless she is in love with you. The other kind of MP is where there is a 20 minute pretend massage which is followed by a full service option. There you typically pay the house $25 and depending on the level of service you want, you pay the girl $20 to $25. I found stunners at both types of MPs. I almost fell in love with one at the full service kind. For my favourite places, see my reviews in AP.com under massage thread. PM me for the info on the MDE equivalent to the first type (legit massage with release). I do not advertise that location in MDE as it is truly a legit MP where you routinely see an upper strata house wife getting a rubdown in the next room.

Cafe's and pubs: The freelance cafe's in BA are interesting. Most mongerers end up there at least once for the thrill of it and some expats hang out there all the time. Good for them. The day time ones such as Exedra and Cafe Orleans are fun to check it out but the quality is hit or miss. Mostly a miss for me. I am strictly a solo mongerer but if you like to chat with very friendly and genuinely helpful expats, this is where you want to hang out. You will occasionally find a gem of a chica and you may even begin to wonder if she is an accidental tourist who ended up there unknowingly, mislead by tripadvisor. Most of them are hardcore pros though. The late night freelance pubs on the other hand are like the late night freelance dance clubs of CTG. The difference is that there is no cover in BA pubs and the atmosphere is relaxed, no dancing, just drinking, chilling and negotiating. Drinks are $7 for you or the girl and if you are patient, will find gems that will go to your room for one hour for $100. I found my 10 here one night! The pubs don't get going till midnight but close at 4 AM. Obviously, MDE is lacking in this offering.

Clubs: My favourite of veneus and the highest priced option in both cities. The rough equivalent of La Isla is club Hippopotamus (A + list). (Black is a famous A+ list expensive club that is totally passe. An over the top club scamming tourists based on it's past glory. Waste of time these days). Fase 2 = Hooke (A list). There are a ton of clubs that are similar to San Diego and Luna Luneras. (B list) and even more el centro type clubs (C list). In BA, I stick to A or A+. The big difference is that there is no onsite action in BA clubs that I visit. There is a cover to get into A clubs. $22 for A+ and $17 for A that includes a stiff drink. Girl drink at Hippo is $75 (yes you read that correctly) and you have to buy one drink per hour of take out. Girls typically go out for $150 to $200/ first hour and $75 to $100 each additional hour. So for example, if you want to take a girl out for 1 HR, it will be $75 for the drink and close to $200 for the girl. For two hours, it would be $150 in drinks plus $275 for the girl. The girl is obligated to come back to the club if the club is still open when she is done with you. Most top clubs close at 4 am so, if you pull a girl at 2 am for two hours or at 3 am for 1 hour she does not need to come back. Makes sense? (one club opens at 3 AM and closes at 8 Am!) Having scared with these prices, the reality is A clubs are a much better value compared to A+ clubs. At Hooke for example, the girl drink is $18 and it is $100 per hour for the girl. I found 9's there and some of them are sweet and classy enough to consider a longterm relationship. If you leave crazy prices out of the picture, for example, Hippo has many 10's. Probably one of the highest concentration of 10's, available to fuck for a buck, under one roof (Comparable to a German FKK such as Oase or Prague K club). Most of them know it and are a bit cold. I don't mind spending money if I know there is value in return. Hippo, with it's silly drink pricing policy makes it harder to find out. Going into details is out of the scope of this report. I spoke to several but never pulled one from there. Hooke on the other hand is priced similar to La Isla (for the first hour) but La Isla has more number of girls and for TLN, it comes out way ahead.

General thoughts: Paisas like to party. They jump at the option of going to a nice restaurant and a regular club. BA girls; not so much. The clubs put pressure on the girls to come back to the club. In MDE, once the girl leaves, she is under no such pressure though she may still choose to do that for persona financial reasons. For my tastes, both Paisas and Baires chicas are equally good in the sac. Looks wise, they both have stunners but if you like them on average a bit taller, dig light color eyes and brown or blonde hair along with a nice tight latina ass, you will be in heaven in BA. Silicone breasts are equally common but gluteal implants are less common in BA (I hate those). In general, I like them all natural and I don't have trouble finding them in either of the cities. Romance latina, CO Cupid and Facebook add another dimension to MDE mongering that I do not have much info on re BA.

Weed: You can easily and reliably get it in both cities though lot less expensive and better quality in MDE. Regular contributors can PM me on ISG site (not AP.com) if you like to know where to get party supplies or any other specific questions. I answer my PMs diligently. If I do not reply to you, that means I do not consider your contributions to the forum worthy of a reply. Please give a little so can get a lot more.

10-26-14, 02:12
Mfns, don't sweat it. I can totally identify with what you experienced although your pricing seemed a little high. I find the high end outlets are mostly full of jaded pros and many guys are too proud to report similar experiences to yours yet it is common. Vitrea is obviously somewhat comfortable in being able to navigate through this environment in finding what he is looking for. I met one guy who was hitting Abydos and Energy in the daytime and La Isla and Fasay Dos at night. He was a world traveling monger and he was having great experiences also. Some guys can overcome these girl's initial attitudes in making a connection and getting them to lower their guard. I used to be able to function in this environment but recently I feel as you do in that the attitudes of these girls is a turnoff.Like you I have lost patience with the girls that come straight out and have attitude or give off a holier than now or ultra profesionall attitude.

I used to deal with it and try to break through there icy ways but, now just move onto the next potential victim-- .

10-26-14, 02:53
I was in Medellin a couple of years ago and in Buenos Aires about 5 years ago. I've been thinking of going back to Buenos Aires so your report was of great interest to me. In my last trip to Buenos Aires, the only problem that I had was understanding their Spanish. I thought all those Spanish lessons that I took were for naught until I meet a group of Spanish tourists in an elevator and they all spoke Spanish that I could understand. Anyway, great report and I've added your report to a "report of distinction. ".Good point about Spanish and I should have mentioned that in my report. Argentinian Spanish is closer to Spanish in Spain or Castillian (I am no expert here). So they have more of a lisp and "LL" sound is a more pronounced English "J" sound and "Y" is pronounced more like "sh". Anyway, lonely planet has a small pocket book dedicated to South American Spanish which I find useful. In my humble opinion, Colombian spanish is aurally the most pleasing of all versions of Spanish. I can listen to the Chicas all day and night. Ha ha.

10-26-14, 03:25
How easy is it to get a prepaid sim card? Is there a booth in the airport?

I'd like go get a working phone a soon as possible.

10-26-14, 18:25
Good point about Spanish and I should have mentioned that in my report. Argentinian Spanish is closer to Spanish in Spain or Castillian (I am no expert here). So they have more of a lisp and "LL" sound is a more pronounced English "J" sound and "Y" is pronounced more like "sh". Anyway, lonely planet has a small pocket book dedicated to South American Spanish which I find useful. In my humble opinion, Colombian spanish is aurally the most pleasing of all versions of Spanish. I can listen to the Chicas all day and night. Ha ha.Yes. Good report Vitrea. I was also just thinking about the pronunciation. We say Medellin. Paisan say 'medeyyin' and BA chicas say 'medeshin'. Some of the chicas sound so sexy even though sometimes I don't understand a single word!

10-26-14, 19:37
How easy is it to get a prepaid sim card? Is there a booth in the airport?

I'd like go get a working phone a soon as possible.For the sake of being organized please lets as a group keep cell phone questions in the cell phone topic.

Sim card go to any exito. Not sure about the airport. I've never looked at the airport but there might be a stand. I was just there and don't think there was a tele-com kiosque or anything like that.

There is a 24 hour Currulla or Palomoa on Av Poblado across from CC Santa Fe. They should be able to sell you a sim and put credits on it if you NEED to get up and running. Best bets is to wait till the next morning and hit up Exito. All the major companies have stands and can hook you up.

10-26-14, 20:26
How easy is it to get a prepaid sim card? Is there a booth in the airport?

I'd like go get a working phone a soon as possible.Very easy in MDE. I should have said that as one of the "plus" points for Colombia / MDE as opposed to BA. Getting SIM cards in BA used to be a nightmare but it has gotten lot better though still a pain in the ass as opposed to CO. I will post full details in the cellphone thread so the info will be easy to find.

10-27-14, 03:25
Very easy in MDE. I should have said that as one of the "plus" points for Colombia / MDE as opposed to BA. Getting SIM cards in BA used to be a nightmare but it has gotten lot better though still a pain in the ass as opposed to CO. I will post full details in the cellphone thread so the info will be easy to find.Wow it has been a long time since I went to BA last! Amazing city, food, wine, nightlife, and women!

If I remember back when I went to get a sim in BA they wanted all sorts of documents, proof on income (domestic), and like a cosigner. I'm exaggerating a bit but not by much.

Just to get back on track. This chica was from my last trip.

10-27-14, 09:37
Planning my first trip to MDE & booked the room at the Mansion. However, Boyd won't be there in November, so no casa tour from him. I read about Colombia Jake, and other gringo tour operators. Any inside? And how are their service compare to the Mansion?

10-27-14, 20:18
Planning my first trip to MDE & booked the room at the Mansion. However, Boyd won't be there in November, so no casa tour from him. I read about Colombia Jake, and other gringo tour operators. Any inside? And how are their service compare to the Mansion?I don't want to hear any more crap about the forum going off topic. The forum has literally been ON TOPIC for a while now, and still you have people coming here expecting to be spoon fed info rather than Read(ing) The Fucking Forum!

10-28-14, 00:28

When I went on my 1st trip I also stayed in the mansion and got the map from Boyd. So maybe you can ask for a copy!

But I also tagged along with the other well experienced guests who were very kind and will show you the ropes once they know you're a newbie.

I recommend you socialize with the guests and they'll be willing to take you with them.

Planning my first trip to MDE & booked the room at the Mansion. However, Boyd won't be there in November, so no casa tour from him. I read about Colombia Jake, and other gringo tour operators. Any inside? And how are their service compare to the Mansion?

10-28-14, 00:43
Wow it has been a long time since I went to BA last! Amazing city, food, wine, nightlife, and women!

If I remember back when I went to get a sim in BA they wanted all sorts of documents, proof on income (domestic), and like a cosigner. I'm exaggerating a bit but not by much.

Just to get back on track. This chica was from my last trip.Great body but what kind of Bulgarian butcher gave her those tits?

I think I am going to spend this next summer in BA, been meaning to go forever. My GF wants to go, too, luckily she also likes girls +).

10-28-14, 00:52
Planning my first trip to MDE & booked the room at the Mansion. However, Boyd won't be there in November, so no casa tour from him. I read about Colombia Jake, and other gringo tour operators. Any inside? And how are their service compare to the Mansion?The front desk will sell you a casa map for $6. Also, the current tour / driver associated with the hotel is named Fernando. For $15 an hour, he'll take you and your buddies out in a van wherever you want to go. When he says he'll meet you at 2 pm, just be aware that means 2 pm Colombian time which actually means 2:30 pm in actual time.

Fernando is a great guy with lots of great advice about the current scene.

10-28-14, 01:16
The front desk will sell you a casa map for $6. Also, the current tour / driver associated with the hotel is named Fernando. For $15 an hour, he'll take you and your buddies out in a van wherever you want to go. When he says he'll meet you at 2 pm, just be aware that means 2 pm Colombian time which actually means 2:30 pm in actual time.

Fernando is a great guy with lots of great advice about the current scene.https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=107782794867282242747.000494779e6b2fb07f4d4&ll=6.251781, -75.563064&spn=0. 034213,0. 055747&z=15&dg=feature.

Well, All I can say is FUG them!

10-28-14, 03:32
I don't want to hear any more crap about the forum going off topic. The forum has literally been ON TOPIC for a while now, and still you have people coming here expecting to be spoon fed info rather than Read(ing) The Fucking Forum!Have you read the fucking forum yourself? There's no information about alternatives to the mansion. I have read extensively on here and on other forums before asking any question. That's how I found out information about gringo tour operators (I. E. Colombia Jake and others), alternatives to the mansion.

10-28-14, 03:38
The front desk will sell you a casa map for $6. Also, the current tour / driver associated with the hotel is named Fernando. For $15 an hour, he'll take you and your buddies out in a van wherever you want to go. When he says he'll meet you at 2 pm, just be aware that means 2 pm Colombian time which actually means 2:30 pm in actual time.

Fernando is a great guy with lots of great advice about the current scene.Wow, $6 for a map! That's kinda rip off. I'll bring an old iphone with offline map with GPS and location of all the casa with me. LOL, maybe I should turn that into an app & sell for $4 instead.

10-28-14, 04:22
I was lucky enough to go to these two cities back to back. I just left BA yesterday. I was in MDE two weeks ago. I miss them both already.
Thanks so much for this comparison and putting the time in to write it, it is greatly appreciated. I have never been to BA but it is on my list of places to go. I am doing Brazil first in December but plan to hopefully hit BA at some point. Thanks again this information has been incredibly helpful.


Wander Luster
10-28-14, 05:20
I was lucky enough to go to these two cities back to back. I just left BA yesterday. I was in MDE two weeks ago. I miss them both already.

Basics of travel in BA. BA is not a secret tourist or a mongering destination. I did it both ways before but what makes it unique now is the peso devaluation. Last time I was in BA, $1 = 3 pesos. Now the official rate is 8. 5 pesos and the unofficial "blue market" rate is 14.5 to 15 (I love latino culture. They are too prudish to call it black market). Along with devaluation of course there is inflation. What cost 100 pesos when it was 3 pesos to a dollar, now costs 300 pesos but if you are smart enough to get pesos using blue market, it is still at a deep discount. Also, the inflation is variable depending on the commodity. Food and wine went up two times, chica prices went up on average 3 times and hotels went up four times but we are getting 5 times as many pesos per USD. Hope that makes sense. In AP.com site I posted where and how to get blue market pesos. For uniformity, I am going to quote all prices in USD (based on 2000 CO pesos to a $1 and Blue conversion rate of 14 AR pesos. Prices are approximate and don't give me crap if I am off by $10 USD. If I am way off, please correct me.

Cities: Ricoletta in BA is the El Poblado of MDE for touristy stuff and unlike Poblado, Ricoletta and adjacent "micro center (downtown)" are the mongering hubs as well. That makes travel easy. Cabs are not as inexpensive as MDE but still way cheaper compared to North american cities and you barely have to travel more than 15 minutes during peak traffic, unless you want to go adjacent neighbourhoods to see a tango show (San Telmo) or sightseeing or where the locals go to avoid tourists (Palermo Soho and Palermo Hollywood). Most Stay in Ricoletta as I always do. I like it because it is beautiful and I can walk to several of my favourite places of pleasure.

MDE Casas vs BA Privados: Similar in concept but there are big differences. With few exceptions most Privados have less than 5 girls working at any given time. Unlike Casas, most Privados are open till 4 or even 5 AM. Chicas rotate in shifts and some might even live there. Some larger Privados may have a madam but in smaller ones, one of the chica's lets you in. They typically have a small living room with a sofa. You get to check out the girls and pick one. Prices depend on the Privado and the quality of the facility more than the quality of the girls. For example, a good value place Casa such as Energy, Abydos or Blue room will run you $60-70 USD and similar venue and quality would be $40 USD for one pop or one hour, whichever comes first. Service levels are similar with greater chances of Anal and BBBJ with extra tip or for repeat customers. The big difference is the sheer number of Privados and almost 20 hours of operation /24 hours. Privados are all over the city but again the highest concentration are in Ricoletta and Micro center. One other thing is that the escort "in call" services are almost always in a Privado. There are a few major escort sites and all of them have Privados scattered around the city. Some mongers even took the time to map the escort website girls to Privados but that info gets outdated very quickly. Conclusion: Just by pure numbers Privados have better quality than Casas and most have better ambiance compared to an MDE centro Casa but there is not much difference if you stick to quality establishments in both cities and for now BA is cheaper. Compared to a place like Lutron, BA is much cheaper for same or even better quality. However, ambiance wise, I don't know of a Privado similar to Lutron.

Escorts: There must be almost 50 agencies and a 1000 escorts any given day in BA. Since they double up as Casa girls, you can do in call or out call. This set up is similar to Paisa divinas or Masajista paisas in MDE (they both have their own apartments in various locations around MDE) but they are more in number in BA. Again because of the numbers, and if you are patient enough to spend time in front of a darn computer, you can find higher quality in BA. However, the BA websites are notorious for world class photoshopping skills. Famous Jackson quote, "discount 20% looks to a website girl". A 10 is an 8 and an 8 is actually a six. MDE outcall is typically $125 to $150 and in BA it is $75 to $100. I find MDE escort site pics to be lot closer to reality. I use them in either city only if I am too tired or lazy. I spend a lot of time on a computer for my day job and try to minimize interaction with it when I arrive at a mongering destination. Most escorts in BA offer anal and BBBJ, which is different compared to MDE. Those are less important to me.

Massage places: BA is quite unique in this respect. There are a ton of "massage" places. The operating hours are typically 11 AM to 9 PM. There are two kinds of MPs. Ones that offer a legit massage and HJ (included in the price) with topless or rarely nude massage with mutual massage or tit massage and or tits in mouth as options. Massage here including HJ, is $25 and the "tip" is $8 to 12 for topless tit massage or nipple sucking. Full service is highly unlikely unless she is in love with you. The other kind of MP is where there is a 20 minute pretend massage which is followed by a full service option. There you typically pay the house $25 and depending on the level of service you want, you pay the girl $20 to $25. I found stunners at both types of MPs. I almost fell in love with one at the full service kind. For my favourite places, see my reviews in AP.com under massage thread. PM me for the info on the MDE equivalent to the first type (legit massage with release). I do not advertise that location in MDE as it is truly a legit MP where you routinely see an upper strata house wife getting a rubdown in the next room.

Cafe's and pubs: The freelance cafe's in BA are interesting. Most mongerers end up there at least once for the thrill of it and some expats hang out there all the time. Good for them. The day time ones such as Exedra and Cafe Orleans are fun to check it out but the quality is hit or miss. Mostly a miss for me. I am strictly a solo mongerer but if you like to chat with very friendly and genuinely helpful expats, this is where you want to hang out. You will occasionally find a gem of a chica and you may even begin to wonder if she is an accidental tourist who ended up there unknowingly, mislead by tripadvisor. Most of them are hardcore pros though. The late night freelance pubs on the other hand are like the late night freelance dance clubs of CTG. The difference is that there is no cover in BA pubs and the atmosphere is relaxed, no dancing, just drinking, chilling and negotiating. Drinks are $7 for you or the girl and if you are patient, will find gems that will go to your room for one hour for $100. I found my 10 here one night! The pubs don't get going till midnight but close at 4 AM. Obviously, MDE is lacking in this offering.

Clubs: My favourite of veneus and the highest priced option in both cities. The rough equivalent of La Isla is club Hippopotamus (A + list). (Black is a famous A+ list expensive club that is totally passe. An over the top club scamming tourists based on it's past glory. Waste of time these days). Fase 2 = Hooke (A list). There are a ton of clubs that are similar to San Diego and Luna Luneras. (B list) and even more el centro type clubs (C list). In BA, I stick to A or A+. The big difference is that there is no onsite action in BA clubs that I visit. There is a cover to get into A clubs. $22 for A+ and $17 for A that includes a stiff drink. Girl drink at Hippo is $75 (yes you read that correctly) and you have to buy one drink per hour of take out. Girls typically go out for $150 to $200/ first hour and $75 to $100 each additional hour. So for example, if you want to take a girl out for 1 HR, it will be $75 for the drink and close to $200 for the girl. For two hours, it would be $150 in drinks plus $275 for the girl. The girl is obligated to come back to the club if the club is still open when she is done with you. Most top clubs close at 4 am so, if you pull a girl at 2 am for two hours or at 3 am for 1 hour she does not need to come back. Makes sense? (one club opens at 3 AM and closes at 8 Am!) Having scared with these prices, the reality is A clubs are a much better value compared to A+ clubs. At Hooke for example, the girl drink is $18 and it is $100 per hour for the girl. I found 9's there and some of them are sweet and classy enough to consider a longterm relationship. If you leave crazy prices out of the picture, for example, Hippo has many 10's. Probably one of the highest concentration of 10's, available to fuck for a buck, under one roof (Comparable to a German FKK such as Oase or Prague K club). Most of them know it and are a bit cold. I don't mind spending money if I know there is value in return. Hippo, with it's silly drink pricing policy makes it harder to find out. Going into details is out of the scope of this report. I spoke to several but never pulled one from there. Hooke on the other hand is priced similar to La Isla (for the first hour) but La Isla has more number of girls and for TLN, it comes out way ahead.

General thoughts: Paisas like to party. They jump at the option of going to a nice restaurant and a regular club. BA girls; not so much. The clubs put pressure on the girls to come back to the club. In MDE, once the girl leaves, she is under no such pressure though she may still choose to do that for persona financial reasons. For my tastes, both Paisas and Baires chicas are equally good in the sac. Looks wise, they both have stunners but if you like them on average a bit taller, dig light color eyes and brown or blonde hair along with a nice tight latina ass, you will be in heaven in BA. Silicone breasts are equally common but gluteal implants are less common in BA (I hate those). In general, I like them all natural and I don't have trouble finding them in either of the cities. Romance latina, CO Cupid and Facebook add another dimension to MDE mongering that I do not have much info on re BA.

Weed: You can easily and reliably get it in both cities though lot less expensive and better quality in MDE. Regular contributors can PM me on ISG site (not AP.com) if you like to know where to get party supplies or any other specific questions. I answer my PMs diligently. If I do not reply to you, that means I do not consider your contributions to the forum worthy of a reply. Please give a little so can get a lot more.It's WAY past my bedtime. I've been a member since the site converted from the old World Sex archives. If this is not the absolute perfect report, combining expertise with to the point useful info-- on one of the most important subjects, MDE vs. BA-- well then just shoot me out back with a stun gun. Three minutes reading this was worth 60 minutes scanning other places on the boards. I owe you, Vitrea. I'll be looking to hook you up w / what matters in the coming months.

10-28-14, 07:26
Thanks! Yes, that's the plan. Casas during day time (Loutrons & New Life), clubs (Fase Dos & La Isla) or mansion girls for night time. I'll venture out & check out the Mayo area as well, maybe with a vet, or hire a guide.


When I went on my 1st trip I also stayed in the mansion and got the map from Boyd. So maybe you can ask for a copy!

But I also tagged along with the other well experienced guests who were very kind and will show you the ropes once they know you're a newbie.

I recommend you socialize with the guests and they'll be willing to take you with them.

10-28-14, 13:06
Planning my first trip to MDE & booked the room at the Mansion. However, Boyd won't be there in November, so no casa tour from him. I read about Colombia Jake, and other gringo tour operators. Any inside? And how are their service compare to the Mansion?Don't worry. In all likelihood, there will be experienced fellow guests at the Mansion who you can tag along with on a casa tour.

10-28-14, 15:04
Planning my first trip to MDE & booked the room at the Mansion. However, Boyd won't be there in November, so no casa tour from him. I read about Colombia Jake, and other gringo tour operators. Any inside? And how are their service compare to the Mansion?No need for Colombia Jake or any other guy that charges. CJ is a member here and on a few other message boards but funny thing is he always reports what a great time his guests had and all this and all that. But very rarely (never?) have I seen a member or a guest do a report big upping him or his service.

My boy did stay with him when no other rooms were open. He is a vet so where was no need for any of CJ's services so it was fine he said. But once again it was a last resort type of thing.

Contact Jonsie here or on his message board. He loves doing casa runs and I don't think he charges. Just loves to show guys around and share the hobby. But be a good dude and buy him a beer / lunch / chica if you guys hit it off. You Vietnamese so you know how to show love!

(some of my best friends are Viet and they are one of the best people-most fun people on earth. Right up there with the Irish. Like Sienfeld said. It's not racism if it's a good thing! LOL!

10-28-14, 17:43
Wow it has been a long time since I went to BA last! Amazing city, food, wine, nightlife, and women!

If I remember back when I went to get a sim in BA they wanted all sorts of documents, proof on income (domestic), and like a cosigner. I'm exaggerating a bit but not by much.

Just to get back on track. This chica was from my last trip.Wow! Those bolt on's look like they just got hit with an uppercut!

They must have been freshly baked that week!

How was her face? Performance?

10-28-14, 22:22
Wow! Those bolt on's look like they just got hit with an uppercut!

They must have been freshly baked that week!

How was her face? Performance?Hahha No clue man. We did just go 10 rounds so maybe I bent them out of shape! I promie you in person you would not complain. She is porn star Hot IMO. Fake boobies, bootie, tummy sucked, all three but IMO to a very nice result. Not too fake and still sexy.

She is a very nice and sweet girl. I was so put at easy by her I didn't stash my wallet or money. They were both right out on the desk and she could have got a cute idea but did not. Not a smart play on my part but credit is due to her for being (at least with me. This time! LOL) a solid person and not a scandalous chica.

Her face very pretty! Body was super nice she's a gym rat. Performance was 50/50 first one was amazing! Second time. Just ok. Maybe I was all milked out or Maybe she was stressed / busy with something else. I will say both times she came over on short notice and was only late once and by only 30 min! That's on time for a Mede Chica! BBBJ was ok. When swapping positions she would just toss my junk in her mouth and would go to work. I was like how come you can't do that with out the bag? Hahhahah! Fun sex, porn star positions, nice sound effects not too fake not too quiet.

I'd repeat if not for her asking price $350 K COP for Two-Three hours as much as you can eat. Plus taxi.

Hey look an actual report! A Wittle Baby report. But still a report. Hope you like.

10-29-14, 01:16
Great article!

The sex tourists has a say!


10-29-14, 01:37
I won't be in Medellin in November either. I'm sitting out my exile in Tijuana making the best of things, but wishing I was in Medellin.

When it comes to casa tours, both Jake and Boyd have their advantages. Both are knowledgeable and pretty good guys. Neither are free. Jake charges an hourly rate, or a similar package resembling the mansion's inflated room rate that includes services.

No need for Colombia Jake or any other guy that charges. CJ is a member here and on a few other message boards but funny thing is he always reports what a great time his guests had and all this and all that. But very rarely (never?) have I seen a member or a guest do a report big upping him or his service.

My boy did stay with him when no other rooms were open. He is a vet so where was no need for any of CJ's services so it was fine he said. But once again it was a last resort type of thing.

Contact Jonsie here or on his message board. He loves doing casa runs and I don't think he charges. Just loves to show guys around and share the hobby. But be a good dude and buy him a beer / lunch / chica if you guys hit it off. You Vietnamese so you know how to show love!

(some of my best friends are Viet and they are one of the best people-most fun people on earth. Right up there with the Irish. Like Sienfeld said. It's not racism if it's a good thing! LOL!

10-29-14, 01:49
Wow, $6 for a map! That's kinda rip off. I'll bring an old iphone with offline map with GPS and location of all the casa with me. LOL, maybe I should turn that into an app & sell for $4 instead.I think there's a little confusion regarding the maps. The mansion sells a Medellin street map, not a casa map. The yellow pamphlet-style casa map I made to be free for the masses. If you bought that map, I'll happily refund your $6 for the privilege of sticking it up the ass of whoever sold it to you.

10-29-14, 02:19
I think the plastic surgeon put them on upside down.

10-29-14, 07:43

For the lazy slow learning VietSampler.

10-29-14, 08:11
I think there's a little confusion regarding the maps. The mansion sells a Medellin street map, not a casa map. The yellow pamphlet-style casa map I made to be free for the masses. If you bought that map, I'll happily refund your $6 for the privilege of sticking it up the ass of whoever sold it to you.Thanks Jonesie for clearing it up. I booked the room at the mansion, and was a bit concern when Boyd said he won't be there during November (heard a lot of good comment about him, and other bros said he's the only one staff at the mansion that goes above and beyond to help guide the newbies). Then bro UltraHappy reported that he bought the casa map for $6, and I was very concern.

How is Medellin in November? Both M1 and M2 are almost fully booked. Yet, both you and Boyd ran back to the state. LOL, they didn't kicked you guys out to get the room to rent to us, did they?

10-29-14, 08:17

For the lazy slow learning VietSampler.Haha, thanks Socker. I have already bookmarked it on the phone and will print a couple of copies out. Just being a bit anxiety before my first latin.

American trip. Have fun in Phuket, and don't forget to check the Adam apple.

10-29-14, 17:47
Great article!

The sex tourists has a say!

http://colombiareports.co/side-debate-sex-tourists-get-say/Nice article. The US with its Puritan roots forces male citizens to seek other alternatives. Plus Latina are much sexier and accommodating than white trashy women.

10-30-14, 00:45
Hahha No clue man. We did just go 10 rounds so maybe I bent them out of shape! I promie you in person you would not complain. She is porn star Hot IMO. Fake boobies, bootie, tummy sucked, all three but IMO to a very nice result. Not too fake and still sexy.

She is a very nice and sweet girl. I was so put at easy by her I didn't stash my wallet or money. They were both right out on the desk and she could have got a cute idea but did not. Not a smart play on my part but credit is due to her for being (at least with me. This time! LOL) a solid person and not a scandalous chica.

Her face very pretty! Body was super nice she's a gym rat. Performance was 50/50 first one was amazing! Second time. Just ok. Maybe I was all milked out or Maybe she was stressed / busy with something else. I will say both times she came over on short notice and was only late once and by only 30 min! That's on time for a Mede Chica! BBBJ was ok. When swapping positions she would just toss my junk in her mouth and would go to work. I was like how come you can't do that with out the bag? Hahhahah! Fun sex, porn star positions, nice sound effects not too fake not too quiet.

I'd repeat if not for her asking price $350 K COP for Two-Three hours as much as you can eat. Plus taxi.

Hey look an actual report! A Wittle Baby report. But still a report. Hope you like.All reports count. Witty ones with a photo are even better. Thanks.

Member #4394
10-30-14, 15:58
Just print the map and go there. Besides, what is fun with just following the plan made by somebody else?

Thanks! Yes, that's the plan. Casas during day time (Loutrons & New Life), clubs (Fase Dos & La Isla) or mansion girls for night time. I'll venture out & check out the Mayo area as well, maybe with a vet, or hire a guide..

10-30-14, 19:19
Thanks! Yes, that's the plan. Casas during day time (Loutrons & New Life), clubs (Fase Dos & La Isla) or mansion girls for night time. I'll venture out & check out the Mayo area as well, maybe with a vet, or hire a guide.You are not going to walk the Darien Gap to Panama, so will not need a guide if you are only to go the Mayo. It is a 10 minute walk from the Metro on a well lite street, just ask someone which way to walk, or head west, when you get off the Metro or take a cab from the Metro station or El Gringolandia. The last metro train leaves around 23:00 I think. The difference between the price of a short time hotel room on the strip and the all night rate is minimal 10 k or 15 k. I like to pack a small bag if case things look interesting and decide to stay over night instead of paying 15 k to get back to el centro in a taxi after the metro shuts down. After a leisurely breakfast in the morning I catch the metro into town.

10-31-14, 00:09
Then bro UltraHappy reported that he bought the casa map for $6, and I was very concern.

Just to be clear, I did not in fact buy the casa map. I merely noticed their very big sign in their reception area that advertises such maps for the aforementioned price. I never actually bought one.

I did however go halfies on Fernando's $15/ hour service of driving me and another fellow around town to some of the places we wanted to visit one afternoon. Fernando works at or with Hotel M and is available to drive you around town. Sure, you could take a taxi but then you just need to make sure you have all the address info of each place you want to visit and sort of where it is because the taxi drivers don't always know where these places are located.

11-01-14, 23:32
Great article!

The sex tourists has a say!

http://colombiareports.co/side-debate-sex-tourists-get-say/Thank you for posting. I wonder who this "Peter" is? I think we can be almost certain he is on this forum. :-)

Hasideas Tao
11-02-14, 14:02
I'm always happy to show guys around. No charge. Liquor is appreciated. In fact, I will probably save you money. .

Thanks! Yes, that's the plan. Casas during day time (Loutrons & New Life), clubs (Fase Dos & La Isla) or mansion girls for night time. I'll venture out & check out the Mayo area as well, maybe with a vet, or hire a guide.

Member #4398
11-03-14, 00:05
Fellow mongers,

Just came back to NY after a fantastic week in Medellin. My first trip there and second mongering trip overall. My first mongering trip was in August this year in the Dominican Republic (Sosua, Cabarette and Boca Chica). This trip in Medellin was as great or better than the DR (I was born in DR but have lived most of my life in USA). I'm in my mid 40's and speak Spanish and could pass easily for a Colombian by the way I look and speak, therefore it was very pleasant not be noticed much or get confused as a Gringo.

Day 1 Arrival, El Poblado, Parque lleras and a fucking Noisy Hostel called PitStop.

Arrived at the airport. Learned how to take the public buseta from the airport to the San Diego mall. Super cheap or about US $ 4. 50 or 9000 pesos. From there, I learned to take another buseta to El poblado for 1900 pesos, less than 2 US. Fuck the taxis. To add more excitement and uncertainty into my trip I did not make any reservation to any place. First thing one I'm in El Poblado I walked to Hotel Medellin or Casablanca and the dammed place is full to capacity. The place is difficult to find and on a steep hill. At the Hotel Medellin, they told me to come back the next day and see if they have accommodations. Panick start to set in and is getting dark. I walked to a hostel called the PitStop hostel. All private rooms were taken so I took a shared room bunk bed room for $12 US. Lots of international tourist there. It is a party hostel in the middle of Parque Lleras. I walked around Parque Lleras by myself but the place seemed more for groups than single travelers. In most places people were partying in massive groups. Went back to the hostel to rest but I didn't cause of the noise at the hostel and outside the hostel. Not really a goodnight sleep. The place was too noisy.

Day 2 Another hostel casa Casa Kiwi, dance lesson, and hanging out with Colombians, a stolen Iphone.

Took my book bag (I travel light) and left the hostel to find another one. I also checked Hotel Medellin / Casa Blanca, but it was full again. I walked to a better hostel located near PitStop called Casa Kiwi and got a private room for $30 USA or 60000 pesos. I asked if I could bring a girlfriend and the attendant said that it was fine to do it she just had to register when she comes. It has a small bar and there was a salsa lesson going on in the evening with a beautiful Colombian girl / teacher. I took the salsa lesson with two Americans. I got the number from the teacher since she said she offered private lessons. I told her I was moving to a studio apt the next day and she said she would meet with me there for.

The lessons. I was surprised to find 3 Colombian professionals (2 guys and a girl) staying in Casa Kiwi hostel and I befriended them to go out. I ended up going to a techno club next door with them. It was fucking loud music and crazy party and drinking atmosphere. The Colombians had friends at the club and I met a pretty Colombian girl there that I thought I was going to hook up until someone stole her Iphone 5 at the club and the night was pretty much over after that. Too much drama with the girl crying after the phone got stolen so I decided to focus on what I went to Colombia for which was to monger or get laid. Did not sleep that well that night because I could hear the music of the Tecno Club till 3 am or 4 am.

Day 3 Switch Accomodation to an apartment studio and Intro to the Centro Casas.

Left the hostel in the morning with my bag. Learned how to use the Metro, not that difficult. Booked a studio apt in Laureles near El Estadio for $60 USA per night through booking.com. Lost the number of the dance teacher I met at the Hostel so could not call her (Fuck that shit). Then went to El Centro or parque Berrio stop to try to find the casas located in El Centro. My first casa or massage place was Chicas punto com at calle 54 Caracas no 49-97 2nd floor of Centro Comercial Caracas phone 321 755 51 20. There was a girl outside and a guy telling people to go in. The guy approached me and said there were 18 girls there. I went in. The place from the outside look shady and was a bit nervous going in at first. And just as he said, I was shown a line up of 18 women. Just Amazing. All types 5 to 10. All types, Fat, ugly, skinny, big breast, small breast, big ass, tiny ass, beautiful, amazing, etc. I could not believe so much young treasure in such a shady place. Most of them were under 25. I picked a stunning skinny white Paisa girl dark hair with a round ass and beautiful face and firm breast. She said she was 19. She could have been younger. I paid for an hour about 60000 pesos or $30 dollars. I asked her to give me a back massage for 30 minutes cause my back was sore and needed to relax which she did. Then she gave a blow with condom. It was just okay. Then I fucked her, but the action was not that good she just laid there like a doll until I got it done. No kissing no GF experience. I asked how much she gets from the $30. She said she gets about $20 and mamasan the Casa keeps the rest (seems like a fair deal to me). I gave her $10 tip. Definitely this girl was a no repeat for me. I should have picked a less pretty one or one older or someone interested in fucking, which I think there were plenty like that. After that I went back to my studio at Laureles. Did not get much sleep at night cause a neighbor left the TV on very loud. I said I have to change accommodations. Lots of bars and discos in Laureles Avenida 70 but they all seem for groups not the single travelers. I noticed that Colombians like to party but they party in large groups.

Day 4 Found a Great Apartment and cheap and Coffee Shop Casa.

I found in booking.com a better and cheaper 1 bedroom apartment in same neighborhood of Laureles for just $30 USA. The place is near Nutivara avenue the link can be found at http://tuapartamentomde.com. Great place, very secure and private. I loved this place and decided to book itfor the rest of my stay. You get a key to the building and apartment in a nice residential neighborhood. I did not even asked if I could bring a chica once I saw it has so much privacy. In the afternoon, went back to El Centro. I made a stop in the metro at the Prado stop to check a casa called Geishas. Once I got to the place, I was told that it was closed for business. Then I kept walking and stumbled into a place called Coffee Shop at Cra 45 El Palo No 55-45, phone 254 52 34. I was shown a line up of about 10 girls. They were at least 5 that I would fuck and 5 that I wouldn't. I picked another skinny petite Paisa with a beautiful face (an 8 or 9) and great body, extremely dark hair. This one said she was 20 years old. This girl was affectionate from the beginning and provided a good GF experience, a nice blow, and fucking in various positions. I was super happy to pick her and drained after the action. I paid 1 hour 65000 pesos or 32 US. I gave her $10 US tip. I said to myself I am coming back to this place.

Day 5 Parque Berrio, Afrodita Casa, Metro Cable.

Went to Parque Berrio metro stop at 12 pm. Walk to another casa call Afrodita at Cra 45 El Palo No 56-47 number 300 643 3054. I entered the place and was shown a line up of about 9 girls. Same quality as the other casas (quality of 5's to 10's). I realize that the real art lies in making the right pick. I again picked a stunning beautiful girl. I realize I made a mistake but it was too late to go back. This girl had a lot requirements such as no kissing in the mouth, no touching of her pussy, no fucking her ass, etc. She was a pure turn off. I told her to give me a 30 minute back massage to see if I could relax from my mistake. After the 30 minutes I told her I was ready and wanted to fuck. I told her to turn around and she was panicky. She thought I wanted to fuck her ass. I told her wanted to do her doggy style and wanted her pussy not her ass. She.

Relax but my thing went down as I was explaining. It took me a while to get it back up as she was so cold and almost by the end of the session I was able to do her doggy style, but it was not that pleasant the experience. I paid 60000 pesos or 30 dollar for the hour and gave her $5 dollars tip (I should not have given her any). I left disappointed. After that, I did some touring and took el metro to the stop to take metro cable to Santo Domingo neighborhood. After that, I went back to my apartment in Laureles.

Day 6 Coffee Shop Casa and Pueblito Paisa.

Decided to go Coffee Shop Casa again at 1 pm and see if I could find the same girl I met on Day 4. The mamasan was great looking and I wanted to ask her if she also was available but I didn't get the courage to ask. She asked me if I wanted to see the line up or if I wanted the same girl. I said the same girl is fine. I wanted to build my confidence after the bad experience of the day before. The petite paisa was there and she seemed happy to see me back. Again great GF experience, a nice back massage, fucking in multiple positions, kissing, and BJ. One hour 65,000 pesos or $32 US and I increased her tip to $15 dollars or 30000 pesos. I left happy again and just thinking how happy I am in Medellin. After that I took el metro to the metro stop near pueblito paisa for some touring. After that, I went back to my apartment in Laureles.

Day 7.

Back to Coffee Shop at 1 pm. I checked the line up as my girl was not there today. I decided not to pick the most beautiful and someone that was just decent and appears interested in being with me. I pick a tall black girl with a big nice ass. It was the only black girl. She was very good. I can't complain. She drained me. I did her doggy style and it was super nice. 65000 pesos 32 USA and 20000 pesos tip or $10. Would I repeat her yes, but only if the other girl was not there. I like the other one more. After that, I stayed in Parque Berrio and ate a lot of Sandias and Mangos with a fruit vendor called el senor de las frutas. After that went back happy to my apartment in Laureles.

Day 8 Last day at Coffee Shop.

Went back to Coffee shop and I was happy to find the girl I found on Day 4 and 6. That mamasan is such a great looking girl and young. I wanted to ask her if she was on the menu but again did not get the courage. She offered to show me the line up or which of the two girls I had before. I said I wanted the same girl I got on day 4 and 6. She was there and we went into action for an hour. Another great.

GF experience and this was the best sessions of all. After that the girls shared her Whattup with me and she told me to come back to Medellin.

And see her. Another 65000 pesos and a last tip of 50000 pesos or $25 dollars. I left with a big smile.


Medellin is awesome for mongering and a great city, and so much safer than in the past. The women are gorgeous. Parque lleras and partying indiscos and bars in Medellin is better to do it in groups as that is how Colombian party. No territory for a person alone. To get accommodation at Hotel Medellin / Casa Blanca is best to make a reservation. Hostels in Poblado are fucking noisy and is not a place to rest although they are pretty cheap $12 share rooms or $30 private rooms and you could do casa runs from there. Casa Kiwi is a really good hostel to meet world travelers and also Colombian travelers (most of them are not mongering thought). Hostels are not really conducive to bringing Chicas, in but you can at Casa Kiwi if you say is your girlfriend you bringing and if you have a private room. You can find better and great private apartments in other placesthan El Poblado like in Laureles for just $30 per night such as http://tuapartamentomde.com. Laureles is a safe and nice middle class neighborhood with great access to public transportation, busetas and metro. Public transportation is fairly easy to use and super cheap. There is plenty of treasure in the Casas located in El Centro. The places and area look shady and somewhat intimidating from the outside but they are fairly safe specially during the day. The talent that is inside the days casas is amazing. It is worthy to go inside and check them out. I only was able to check three Casa places and they are tons of Casas in Medellin. I did not even get a chance to check the high end casas, the night place, the prepagos and the strip clubs. My total expenses for 8 nights were $500 flight and $800 for accommodation, food, transportation, and Chicas. Will I come back to Medellin. The answer is a big yes. Hope this report helps.

11-03-14, 02:08
...bro, thank you for an excellent report. More importantly, thank you for keeping up your promise and actually posting a report.

11-03-14, 04:48
Great report Cerebro. DR in August -- I like warm weather, but that had to be seriously hot!

11-03-14, 11:12
I'm always happy to show guys around. No charge. Liquor is appreciated. In fact, I will probably save you money.Thank you for offering. I would love too. Where will you be staying at?

BTW, any intel on this girl? https://www.facebook.com/maroly.garcia.7. I intent to book her for my first day (arrive a bit late, after 7 pm).

11-03-14, 14:31
. I'm in my mid 40's and speak Spanish and could pass easily for a Colombian by the way I look and speak, therefore it was very pleasant not be noticed much or get confused as a Gringo.

Yes, ditto the other guys, Thanks for the nice report!

Being noticed as a Gringo.

Well it used to be a good thing, of course not by the banditos, but by the muchachas.

Now, well, it can be good and / or bad thing.

Being noticed as a "cool gringo" is still a good thing now, as opposed to the other type, no explanation needed.

Thanks again!

... I did not even get a chance to check the high end casas, the night place, the prepagos and the strip clubs..

Yep, I find the hardest part of these trips is wanting to be in 2 or 3 places at once, Lol.
Many things to do, many chicas to meet, only one man, haha.

Mr Gogo
11-03-14, 15:20
You are an adventurous guy, from catching the bus on your first trip to just arriving with no place to stay with a backpack. Great report bro.


11-03-14, 15:51
Fellow mongers,

http://tuapartamentomde.com.Great report. Do the units have private bathrooms? How far from Mayorsita?

Please advise,

Thank you

Member #4398
11-03-14, 18:08
Great report. Do the units have private bathrooms? How far from Mayorsita?

Please advise,

Thank youYes the units from tuapartamentomde.com have private bathroom. You get a key to the building and to the apartment just like a normal apartment. Is a nice 5 floor building in a pleasant neighborhood. He offered me a unit in el centro but I told him I did not like el centro and preferred Laureles. The metro stadio station is about 15-20 min walk or you could catch a taxi there. I like walking and never took a taxi while there, just walked. I don't know if you refer to Majorista as the area where the casas are in the centro area. All I know, is that the train or busetas can get you easily from the stadio station in about 30 minutes to parque Berrio metro stop located in the centro area and from there you can walk to the numerous day casas.

Member #4398
11-03-14, 18:18
You are an adventurous guy, from catching the bus on your first trip to just arriving with no place to stay with a backpack. Great report bro.

ThanksIt helps knowing Spanish. Also, that I travel light with a book bag and not a large backpack. Enough clothes for 5 or 6 days then I take it to a laundry place when I ran out of clothes. I carry no more than a15 pounds in the bag and it helps navigating out of the airport. Also, there is an information desk at the airport and I asked what were the transportation options to get to Poblado. They told me I could take a taxi like $50 us or more or a public bus less than $5 if I did not mind going with other people. I was told that the public bus makes a stop at the San Diego mall and at el centro near the Nutivara hotel and from any of the two places could take a short taxi ride to Poblado or a buseta for less than $2 dollars. I chose the cheapest option pretty safe and reliable.

11-04-14, 12:17
For those of you guys who have noticed, CRT has removed their Trip Reports From Around the World section. They moved it to the VIP section, which basically means no one will read it or post on it any more. My take on it is that this site is suffering and the advertisers, like Matt at La Amistad, have gotten pissed that the site had a section that did not pertain to CR. They kicked Poblado Rentals off the site. I don't know why. You can't even type Poblado anymore (it hides the letters. Its a banned word on the site). I don't know if Barry pissed someone off or it is part of their plan to focus their site on CR and get rid of us guys who like to travel to other places.

I guess this site will be one of the few sites left for Colombia info.

11-04-14, 12:30
For those of you guys who have noticed, CRT has removed their Trip Reports From Around the World section. They moved it to the VIP section, which basically means no one will read it or post on it any more. My take on it is that this site is suffering and the advertisers, like Matt at La Amistad, have gotten pissed that the site had a section that did not pertain to CR. They kicked Poblado Rentals off the site. I don't know why. You can't even type Poblado anymore (it hides the letters. Its a banned word on the site). I don't know if Barry pissed someone off or it is part of their plan to focus their site on CR and get rid of us guys who like to travel to other places.

I guess this site will be one of the few sites left for Colombia info.I noticed this happened when I visited the site the other day. That section ("Trip Reports and Information from Around the World") was their most active thread, but fuck them if they think I would pay $40 to read it now (that thread was already slowing down to begin with). There were a lot of us (including you and Barry) that contributed a wealth of information to that thread over the years, and now they've put it all behind a paywall. Let that site die a slow death.

Member #4398
11-04-14, 17:16
Yes, ditto the other guys, Thanks for the nice report!

Being noticed as a Gringo.

Well it used to be a good thing, of course not by the banditos, but by the muchachas.

Now, well, it can be good and / or bad thing.

Being noticed as a "cool gringo" is still a good thing now, as opposed to the other type, no explanation needed.

Thanks again!

Yep, I find the hardest part of these trips is wanting to be in 2 or 3 places at once, Lol.
Many things to do, many chicas to meet, only one man, haha.You are welcome Ricker. I am glad the report was well received and is useful for some. As for the Gringo thing, I prefer to blend in the population and not to be noticed as a Gringo. There are some advantages with the Chicas when they see you are a Gringo (e. G. You could hook up quicker at the clubs, other places, and for dates just by saying I'm from the USA), but I think there are more disadvantages (Gringo tax, magnet for delinquents and the hustlers cause on the dollar signs we have written in our foreheads). I agree that the hardest thing in Medellin is deciding from the so many places, and the too many choices and chicas. Since I'm not a sport fucker I did not have much problems with the decision making because I was satisfied with fucking once a day and the Centro day Casas pretty much did the job.

11-04-14, 17:48
Yes the units from tuapartamentomde.com have private bathroom. You get a key to the building and to the apartment just like a normal apartment. Is a nice 5 floor building in a pleasant neighborhood. He offered me a unit in el centro but I told him I did not like el centro and preferred Laureles. The metro stadio station is about 15-20 min walk or you could catch a taxi there. I like walking and never took a taxi while there, just walked. I don't know if you refer to Majorista as the area where the casas are in the centro area. All I know, is that the train or busetas can get you easily from the stadio station in about 30 minutes to parque Berrio metro stop located in the centro area and from there you can walk to the numerous day casas.Thanks. The El Centro option is nice. Great room rates.

Member #4398
11-04-14, 20:07
Here is a pic of several cards I collected as I was visiting some of centro casas near el Parque Berrio in Medellin. There also a card of hotel Medellin that I got there when I tried to get accommodation but it was full to capacity. Most of the casa cards were given to me on the street by guys as I was walking and looking for them.

11-05-14, 02:55
Here is a pic of several cards I collected as I was visiting some of centro casas near el Parque Berrio in Medellin. There also a card of hotel Medellin that I got there when I tried to get accommodation but it was full to capacity. Most of the casa cards were given to me on the street by guys as I was walking and looking for them.Not a paying member so I can't see the pic, but I was looking on google street view for some of the casas that are on the maps, and I couldn't make anything out. I'm headed out there this week, I'll report back.

Vegas Jeff
11-05-14, 04:04
Not a paying member so I can't see the pic, but I was looking on google street view for some of the casas that are on the maps, and I couldn't make anything out. I'm headed out there this week, I'll report back.There are about 30 casas in El Centro. Hop in a cab and say El Centro Oriental and Peru. Every cab driver knows this intersection. Within 3 blocks there are about 15 casas. New Life is located in the center of about 8 casas within 2 blocks. If you navigate your way to The Metro Station Parque Berrio you will pass another 5-7 casas on your way. Print out 5+ maps before your trip.

Good luck and report back!

Member #4398
11-05-14, 04:16
Thanks. The El Centro option is nice. Great room rates.I agree. The guy of those apts is Alejandro and he collects the money after he meets with you and he is quite professional and helpful. I tried one night first in Laureles to see if I like it and I loved it therefore I booked the rest of my stay. I don't know anything about the centro location but I did not want to stay there cause that area is poor and shady and at night also gets dangerous. In any case if you book there try one night and see if you like it then decide if you want to stay. He said to me that place near el centro was a building with security and with a pool. The one in Laureles did not have security just a nice building and area and a key to the building and to the apartment. Not security needed really cause of the nice area and a big police station two blocks away.

11-05-14, 05:15

Did you get the impression that tuapartamento in Laureles is chica friendly? My favorita wants me to rent an apartment in Laureles and I love that neighborhood anyway. Are all the apartments shown on their website in the building in Laureles?

Thanks for your help & great report!