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12-22-14, 23:53
You want "normal / regular" girls? Be the best you that you can be! Put yourself in the best possible position to shine! Be nice, funny, cool, respectful, considerate (you know. Classically charming) and have money!

You want the best service from the best pros? Be nice, funny, cool, respectful, considerate (you know. Classically charming) and have money! You want the best service from the best pros?

Some are pure working girls, some are amigas, some are working girls that became amigas. In any case they always get something. Diner, Cash, gifts, attention, affection. Ain't shit in life free!
Somebody who gets it. Brilliant.

12-23-14, 00:02
If its all about the money, then why do these Medellin barrio girls go back to their poor barrio boyfriends and have their babies, after a few nights at The Mansion, or the centro casas? The vast majority of these girls will never leave the barrio or their poor boyfriends. And believe me, they all have boyfriends back in the barrio.I will try to be polite here. And not pull a message board explosion. Money is what all women want all! Not just the barrio girls or Colombia girls all women and girls in the history of the planet all want and like money the most!! By extension what that money provides.

Kate Upton ain't dating a guy with a bus pass x subway combo!

I'll help you on this one. Money. A few night at the M. Got that and then she not going to call you back or show up until she out. Ever wonder why you book a girl and she no shows? The guy that fucked her before your date gave her a propina so she good! She don't need to see your ass!

Security. For a paisa the bills are paid, food in the nevera and lights and TV are on? They are secure for a another month! Swish! Colombians are very short sighted and lack long term planning.
Attention! Baby you so pretty! You look so nice! You smell so good! Lour ass looks sexy in them shorts! Wow did you get smarter? I love you I need you! You're my only one! You are so special to me! Women need this sort of affirmation like a fish needs water!

And guess what?

She doesn't want it from some old Fart, out of shape, balding, grey chest hair sticking out of your shirt collar (trim that shit bro! It's almost 2015 and you ain't Don Draper in 1940) chichipato, gringo who only knows how to say "How much?" in Spanish! Chances are she wants this attention from somebody that understands the fucking language and is near her age. You gave her the money! You gave her short term security! Now all she needs form Javier or Juancho from the barrio is attention!

Remember the part I wrote about not having game? Being able to figure things out is a huge part of having "game". The game of pussy The game of money The game of life. You have to figure it out yourself. The game is to sold not to be told. You got to earn this shit right her! LOL!

At Nino Bravo when I wrote "you" I was using the collective "ya'll" not the specific person you. No beef homie!

At Ncal2014. Hahahah! Thanks for the big ups and the horrible TV show references! I'm ashamed to say I do enjoy both those crap shows! I DO NOT own any box sets! LOL! That's be too much!

More pics More reports less of this "oh yeah well. " pissing matches please.

12-23-14, 00:50
I went to Medellin last month. I contacted a guy named Albert L who rents apts. He operates under the business name of Medellin Brokers. In the past he had a working girl monger hotel called Hotel VIP in Patio Bonita. I sent him $400 USD via paypal in October as a deposit for my apt. Two days before I arrive on Nov 7, he says the apt is not available. He gave me the name and number for a friend of his. I met the friend and gave him the cash for the months rental. No problems with the friend but Albert has yet to return my money. After two dozen promises to return my money, I have come to the conclusion that not only is he a thief but a chronic liar. Posting this information on Facebook has led to many many people confirming the facts he is a scum bag. In fact if you Google his name you will find more stories. Some guys said he has been ripping off Americans for the last ten years. I have also had prepagos tell me he has had sex with many of them and does not pay. I wish I would of Googled his name or seen a post like this to give me heads up. So just a warning, this guy is bad news. He also had a limo service called Limo Medellin. Needless to say, it really ruined my vacation.

12-23-14, 03:01
I'm thinking of traveling the 27th of December or 3rd of January to Medellin for ten days. Just wondering if its 'dead' at the end of December in Medellin? Should I wait?

12-23-14, 03:40
There is no free lunch, someone said a long time ago. In our case, there is no free pussy regardless of who the woman is. I've dated many women in my younger days, it takes lots of dinners, presents, trips and it all adds up with NO guarantee of getting the pussy. Or, go for the p4 p scene and get your money's worth, no hassle and guaranteed.

12-23-14, 09:01
Recently, I spent 2 weeks in Medellin. I stayed at the Mansion, and spent the first week entirely with a Colombian fav. I took her to San Andres for 3 nights and 4 days, and I submitted a report in the San Andres forum. The link to the report is as follows:


So, in essence, I had only one week in Medellin. There were quite a few new faces at the Cueva, compared to my trip last July. As a result, I was busy sampling the goods and never got a chance to check the casas, nor the mayorista or the strip clubs in el Centro. Between the Cueva and FB, I was overwhelmed. I probably needed a month to sample all the chicks I liked. And if that was not enough, I liked this one chick so much that I ended up repeating with her several times that 2nd week. Luckily, my San Andres chick was willing to leave me alone that week, after I promised her that I would give her my last night in Medellin. She was a good sport.

Someone convinced me one night to check out Fase Dos and La Isla. I ended up having a session at Fase Dos with a chick named Julieta. I liked her, as she was friendly and provided some GFE. I would see her again if I get a chance.

La Isla also had quite a few lookers. I liked one of them and was thinking about coming back for her. But, before I knew it, she was in a taxi with me and spent the night in my room. I was not sure what happened but after a series of events, we ended up 4 guys eating fast food just outside La Isla. It was closing time, and before we knew what happened, there were 4 chicks around us, including my chick. Someone invited them to share our food and that's how I ended up getting stuck with her. So much for coming back to see her. However, that chick ended up being hard core and I could not wait to get rid of her.

Overall, I had a great time in Medellin. This was probably my best trip there. My Spanish is getting better and I felt much more comfortable.

12-23-14, 17:13
Recently, I spent 2 weeks in Medellin. I stayed at the Mansion, and spent the first week entirely with a Colombian fav.

There were quite a few new faces at the Cueva, compared to my trip last July. As a result, I was busy sampling the goods and never got a chance to check the casas, nor the mayorista or the strip clubs in el Centro. Between the Cueva and FB, I was overwhelmed. I probably needed a month to sample all the chicks I liked. And if that was not enough, I liked this one chick so much that I ended up repeating with her several times that 2nd week.

Overall, I had a great time in Medellin. This was probably my best trip there. My Spanish is getting better and I felt much more comfortable.Good report, and good job on taking the time to learn Spanish. As you may have seen, it greatly enhances the type of experience you can have with chicas, and the city in general.

You're experience somewhat mirrors my dilemma while there: too many chicas to bang, never enough time (or leche, LOL). Like you, I have so many chicas that I want to see that I never get around to visiting casas, strip clubs, street walkers, etc. In fact, my first and only time visiting those venues was on my first two years ago.

I was in Medellin this past Thanksgiving, and despite banging 20 different chicas (and repeat sessions with favs), I still had a handful that I did not get to and had to carry over for my next trip. But I am starting to realize that I am doing too much damn work while on vacation. I posted this in another forum:

I'm fresh off of an 8 day mongering vacation in Medellin over the Thanksgiving holiday in where I banged 20 different chicas with a handful of repeat sessions; and admittedly fellas, I was actually somewhat bored with this trip. The fb method I use while in Medellin can be tiring. You schedule for chicas to come over at a certain time and they are always late. Be it traffic or just them, if you ask a chica to be at your place at 2 pm, expect her to show up at 3 or 3:30, regardless of if you reminded her a day, hell, even two hours early about the 2 pm appointment. When chicas get there late it causes me to have to reshuffle a 4 pm appointment, which in turn causes me to have to reshuffle a 6 pm appointment. It just causes a ripple-effect cluster fuck and I was finding myself working rather than relaxing this trip. All of that was fucking exhausting!
So next trip I am going to have to re-format and relax a little, LOL.

12-23-14, 17:19
There is no free lunch, someone said a long time ago. In our case, there is no free pussy regardless of who the woman is. I've dated many women in my younger days, it takes lots of dinners, presents, trips and it all adds up with NO guarantee of getting the pussy. Or, go for the p4 p scene and get your money's worth, no hassle and guaranteed.LOL at "no hassle."

I mean as a strict threshold matter, yes, you will get sex for your money. Does that guarantee real pleasure? No, not even in a sexual sense, let alone for the other reasons people date.

I love P4P, too, but some people here are so black-and-white in their analysis.

12-23-14, 17:22
I have to disagree here. For me. Once they hit late 20's, they start to look wearing down with age. Once they past 30. Forget about it. I am 38 and Asian but I pass for 28 all the time. I went to Thailand and these girls age really, really well! I too several late 30's girls that I mistook for mid to late 20's!If they are middle class or above, they hold their looks very well. Go to a Centro Comercial in a rich barrio. Incredible MILFness. I generally avoid rich chicks and chicks with kids, but there is no denying that there was women in the 35-ish range that are fucking spectacular here.

12-23-14, 18:45
Albert Litsch is as slimey as they come.

Old Parr
12-23-14, 19:23
Albert Litsch is as slimey as they come.I think you are referring to Albert Licht, so it would be appropriate if you got the name correct.

12-23-14, 21:59
I like 30+ chicas. They are very abandoned and some of them are just beautiful and have a great figure. They love to have sex. Man o man. They aRe up for it all the time. I also like my 20-24 yrs old working girls too. Medellin I feel has it all. I'm 35 and its nice to spend time relaxing and sightseeing part of the day or going shopping for nice shirts and suits and shoes. I found Medellin offers all of that. And has a lot for a guy that wants to get out of the mansion during the day. During this trip I had dates with 3 chicas that are 30+ and it was a great time. I brought them gifts from the states for their kids. Small stuff maybe spent about $75 usd on each for gifts. In turn at the end there was no asking for money. Just questions about when we could meet up again. Those gifts were such a big help for them and it was so gratefully paid back in the bedroom. I would have them anytime of the day. On avg I would have sex 3-4 times a day. Morning sex was the best. I suggest be open to a little bit older chicas if they cross your way. A nice sincere hardworking girl in Medellin will def show you a good time if you are good to them and no need to go over board but don't expect it to be free either.

12-24-14, 03:48
I like 30+ chicas. They are very abandoned and some of them are just beautiful and have a great figure. They love to have sex. Man o man. They aRe up for it all the time. I also like my 20-24 yrs old working girls too. Medellin I feel has it all. I'm 35 and its nice to spend time relaxing and sightseeing part of the day or going shopping for nice shirts and suits and shoes. I found Medellin offers all of that. And has a lot for a guy that wants to get out of the mansion during the day. During this trip I had dates with 3 chicas that are 30+ and it was a great time. I brought them gifts from the states for their kids. Small stuff maybe spent about $75 usd on each for gifts. In turn at the end there was no asking for money. Just questions about when we could meet up again. Those gifts were such a big help for them and it was so gratefully paid back in the bedroom. I would have them anytime of the day. On avg I would have sex 3-4 times a day. Morning sex was the best. I suggest be open to a little bit older chicas if they cross your way. A nice sincere hardworking girl in Medellin will def show you a good time if you are good to them and no need to go over board but don't expect it to be free either.Awesome idea! I like what you are saying. What kinda gifts if you don't mind me asking? My homie did something similar to this in Brazil and cleaned up. Lots of little stuff from the states. Give me some good gift ideas!

Vegas Jeff
12-24-14, 05:10
Awesome idea! I like what you are saying. What kinda gifts if you don't mind me asking? My homie did something similar to this in Brazil and cleaned up. Lots of little stuff from the states. Give me some good gift ideas!Doesn't matter. Who cares? Here is an idea. Why not ask her in Spanish or thru Google Translate what her kid wants that cost 20 k, 40 k, 60 k,etc. Maybe have her call the kid and have a conversation. This is a positive, allowing you more time and shutting the kids up. Same applies for buying something for her. Maybe this becomes an excuse to meet her somewhere on another day. This is not brain surgery. Common sense stuff really.

12-24-14, 07:30
Albert Litsch is as slimey as they come.I was warned by some reliable sources before hand. Asked around and looked at his cheesy want to be big baller pics. So I denied him. Guess he's making his round on this board trying to reach out to newbies.

Nino Bravo
12-24-14, 14:51
I will try to be polite here. And not pull a message board explosion. Money is what all women want all! Not just the barrio girls or Colombia girls all women and girls in the history of the planet all want and like money the most!! By extension what that money provides.

Kate Upton ain't dating a guy with a bus pass x subway combo!

I'll help you on this one. Money. A few night at the M. Got that and then she not going to call you back or show up until she out. Ever wonder why you book a girl and she no shows? The guy that fucked her before your date gave her a propina so she good! She don't need to see your ass!

Security. For a paisa the bills are paid, food in the nevera and lights and TV are on? They are secure for a another month! Swish! Colombians are very short sighted and lack long term planning.
Attention! Baby you so pretty! You look so nice! You smell so good! Lour ass looks sexy in them shorts! Wow did you get smarter? I love you I need you! You're my only one! You are so special to me! Women need this sort of affirmation like a fish needs water!..Kate Upton isn't with the richest man in the world either, although I'm sure she could be with a Saudi billionaire prince if she wanted. And that example is kind of over the top since she isn't a normal woman. Of course a hot model with be with a successful guy. Sofia Vergara isn't with that rich of a man, not very successful in terms of Hollywood or business. And she could have her pick of more successful, richer men. Now, do the prepagos do it for the money? Of course, but I think the majority of women in the world are with a man because of other things other than money. Just look at the everyday hot paisas you see walking around Medellin with their boyfriends. Most of these guys, even if they are a doctor are making very low wages compared to gringos. But I don't care if a gringo throws $100,000 a year at any of these girls, they aren't going to leave their paisa boyfriends. If it was all about money, these everyday hot paisas would be lined up outside of The Mansion like groupies or overrunning Parque Llleras to hook up with one of us "rich gringos". Is there a reason why this isn't happening if money is such a factor? I guess no one here has come in contact with these type of Colombian women (just prepagos) but I have in order to know what's really important to them.

So Vegas Jeff, I respect what you write, but it comes from the monger / prepago standpoint, not the real world. I really don't want to hear about what happened on a "Two and a half men" episode, since that particular one quoted was written by that loser Charlie Sheen. It might be how his world works, but not how the real world works. The prepagos go back to their barrio boyfriends because they love them and would never leave them for a gringo john. Guys need to keep in mind that these are just business relationships. The 5' 5" guy with the big bankroll isn't going to keep the hot girl for very long.

12-24-14, 16:28
Doesn't matter. Who cares? Here is an idea. Why not ask her in Spanish or thru Google Translate what her kid wants that cost 20 k, 40 k, 60 k,etc. Maybe have her call the kid and have a conversation. This is a positive, allowing you more time and shutting the kids up. Same applies for buying something for her. Maybe this becomes an excuse to meet her somewhere on another day. This is not brain surgery. Common sense stuff really.Just meant inexpensive things from the US that might be liked that you can't get there. A side from cheap electronics.

12-24-14, 17:32
Kate Upton isn't with the richest man in the world either, although I'm sure she could be with a Saudi billionaire prince if she wanted. And that example is kind of over the top since she isn't a normal woman.A Saudi billionaire prince, LOL? Who says this broad is hot? Perez Hilton? Neil Patrick Harris? You couldn't give this chick curves if you took a ball bat to her body!

I am SOOO thankful that Latin America doesn't place these flat-bodied North American and European Women up on a Pedestal. Give me Car Audio Chicas any day!


The next time I am going to give a presentation at work and am sporting wood from daydreaming about all the hot paisas I am going to bang on my next trip, I will google Kate Upton pics to help me to quickly lose my erection, lol!

Member #4396
12-24-14, 18:12
What did my reply, CMartnez and Nino Bravos reply and summation of FB have in common? Speak Spanish and have at least a bit of cash. Handsome is relative. Cool is forever!Well said.

At the end of the day, men and women want to be with high-quality members of the opposite sex. Men just have a lot more ways to become high quality than women, for whom a huge % of it is looks (that percentage shifts if you're looking for a wife vs a night, but it's always high).

Nino Bravo
12-24-14, 18:37
A Saudi billionaire prince, LOL? Who says this broad is hot? Perez Hilton? Neil Patrick Harris? You couldn't give this chick curves if you took a ball bat to her body!

I am SOOO thankful that Latin America doesn't place these flat-bodied North American and European Women up on a Pedestal. Give me Car Audio Chicas any day!


The next time I am going to give a presentation at work and am sporting wood from daydreaming about all the hot paisas I am going to bang on my next trip, I will google Kate Upton pics to help me to quickly lose my erection, lol!Evidently our esteemed member Vegas Jeff thinks she's hot. And most of america. And I'm sure if she approached you on the street you'd bang her and a heartbeat. Not too much rational thinking on this board. And I'm sure none of the Car Audio girls would leave their low wage earning Caleño boyfriends for you or anyone else on this board, no matter how much money you offered them. You guys are spending way too much time with those poor barrio paisa prepagos. SMH.

Nino Bravo
12-24-14, 18:48
A Saudi billionaire prince, LOL? Who says this broad is hot? Perez Hilton? Neil Patrick Harris? You couldn't give this chick curves if you took a ball bat to her body!

I am SOOO thankful that Latin America doesn't place these flat-bodied North American and European Women up on a Pedestal. Give me Car Audio Chicas any day!


The next time I am going to give a presentation at work and am sporting wood from daydreaming about all the hot paisas I am going to bang on my next trip, I will google Kate Upton pics to help me to quickly lose my erection, lol!And in case you didn't know, Janet Jackson married a billionaire from Qatar. Do you find anything funny or outrageous about that?

12-24-14, 22:03
Awesome idea! I like what you are saying. What kinda gifts if you don't mind me asking? My homie did something similar to this in Brazil and cleaned up. Lots of little stuff from the states. Give me some good gift ideas!Yeah for sure. Basically nothing I bought was more than $12 usd. Here are some ideas. They love Victoria Secret stuff. You can get lotions and mists for $5 ea. Or underwear for $5 each. Most girls are small or med size at most.

Another idea is going to American eagle or Aeropostle. There you can find a lot of clearance stuff for $3-8 usd. Get to know them online. First. They will give you ideas. Don't spend more that say $25 on 1 gift on a girl you don't know. She may not like it and not care you even took the time to buy something. A lot of small gifts always does the trick. You can PM if you need more help.

12-24-14, 22:22
And in case you didn't know, Janet Jackson married a billionaire from Qatar. Do you find anything funny or outrageous about that?Yeah, but Janet Jackson's body is not built like a box either. My refrigerator has more curves than Kate Upton! She has got to be the most overrated super model in history. She's only hot because American entertainment media (run mostly by homosexuals and metrosexuals) tells you she is hot.

Vegas Jeff
12-24-14, 22:53
Some are under 25 some a tad older. The great thing about Colombian women is, they maintain friendships even if they eventually get a boyfriend, get married, and even have children. None of these have ever stopped them from wanting to maintain contact with me and even sleep with me. As I mentioned in my post, not many can do this. Guess I'm the exception. As I mentioned in previous posts, in Colombia anything is possible, there are no limitations, at least not for me.
I hear you. But unfortunately paying pros every time I have sex is an sustainable lifestyle for me. Wish I had the funds but I don't. I guess I could just get laid on the weekends but that doesn't appeal to me either. So I'm forced to take on non pros. Much more time an energy put into the relationship compared to pros. I guess you could call it working retirement. Jajaja.
So Vegas Jeff, I respect what you write, but it comes from the monger / prepago standpoint, not the real world. I really don't want to hear about what happened on a "Two and a half men" episode, since that particular one quoted was written by that loser Charlie Sheen. It might be how his world works, but not how the real world works. The prepagos go back to their barrio boyfriends because they love them and would never leave them for a gringo john. Guys need to keep in mind that these are just business relationships. The 5' 5" guy with the big bankroll isn't going to keep the hot girl for very long.Nino,

For two locals with some personality and game, I will take a stroll with you a little longer.

For you guys reading from abroad there are some guys in Nino Bravo's position. I have met with some and chatted it up with them. Guys in their mid 20's thru 40. Decent looking, plenty of natural charisma to connect with all ranges and classes of girls. An ability to get the girls out of their clothes. This is not a personal profile, as I don't know you, but just suggesting a possible person that girls would have natural inclinations towards.

I have twice walked into The Apartment Medellin while some suave, young guy was on a rant complaining about the local girls. Rich, John Duque, or Andrea would notice me enter and bite their tongues as I sat down in the back. After the guy finished they would ask what I thought. I then brought these guys down a notch. These guys have strange rules like not paying for taxis or such normally. They reference girls from cities where the girls have more money and better educations. They complain how they have to do this or do that and how it was easier and better somewhere else. Most guys don't get that locals feed them bullshit all day long and money talks. The guys dating nonpros don't get that taxi money and some food at KFC is what sets you apart. Most guys who are in this position are not doing better than skillful mongers IMSO. The regular girls are average and the hookers are awesome. This is why many with skill and experience choose hookers IMO.

Why do they go back to their boyfriends? IMO it is because the relationship shifts from enhancement to tolerance and the smart mongers send them packing. It is like grandparents sending the grandchildren back to the parents. By the way, not all hookers have boyfriends. Many of them are close to their mothers without men in their lives.

Guys that are in Nino's position IMSO are not in a better position than efficient mongers who use money. I am talking about guys who can get respect from the hookers. Cali Hentai's post is one that I can understand and respect. I am not even sure what your angle is. Don't forget that this is a monger board. Maybe give some suggestion that the readers can relate to. Your whole argument says, "If you didn't have money you couldn't do what I do. " Well I do have money so it doesn't matter. Even if I could find the right distance with nonpros I would still take the hookers. The fact that money is involved does not lessen the situation. It enhances it. I am in control of the date in ways that would be much more difficult with regular girls. Do I stand behind their boyfriends? No sir. I have hung out with their boyfriends. Many girls will talk with me on the phone while their boyfriends are right next to them on the couch. For others it is more secretive.

So these are just business relationships eh? In one sense yes. In another sense it goes beyond this. How do you explain why girls pick up the phone when I call them? I have had local friends who have tried calling a girl many times. They then ask me to call her and she picks up the phone. Is this all about the money? Maybe they respect me as someone who gets it and isn't a hassle in their lives. Sometimes maybe I know the girl a little better. I never punish girls for answering the phone. I make them comfortable in telling me the truth. If they are busy I wish them luck with their dates and tell them I will talk with them another time. With every single girl I know I have had a talk or two with them and during those talks I gained their respect. Whether it is talking with a hooker or hanging out with my girlfriend and her kids it doesn't take much for me. Usually just a look and sometimes a few words is all that is needed to keep the ship sailing straight. This is the game that needs to concentrated on, not all this other nonsense.

I hope my rambles don't come across as arrogant. I hope they come across as a defense to the ordinary guy and the potential that each person has. Just telling it like it is, or at least how I see it. I am just following in the footsteps of the kings, pharaohs, emperors, drug lords, etc that came before me. I am glad that I don't have to face the burden that Tiger Woods has to face for my decisions. Like I said the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Nino, I will give you the last word if you want it. Sorry to sidetrack the thread. I hope someone gains something from my posts.


12-24-14, 23:57
Kate Upton isn't with the richest man in the world either, although I'm sure she could be with a Saudi billionaire prince if she wanted. And that example is kind of over the top since she isn't a normal woman. Of course a hot model with be with a successful guy. Sofia Vergara isn't with that rich of a man, not very successful in terms of Hollywood or business. And she could have her pick of more successful, richer men. Now, do the prepagos do it for the money? Of course, but I think the majority of women in the world are with a man because of other things other than money. Just look at the everyday hot paisas you see walking around Medellin with their boyfriends. Most of these guys, even if they are a doctor are making very low wages compared to gringos. But I don't care if a gringo throws $100,000 a year at any of these girls, they aren't going to leave their paisa boyfriends. If it was all about money, these everyday hot paisas would be lined up outside of The Mansion like groupies or overrunning Parque Llleras to hook up with one of us "rich gringos". Is there a reason why this isn't happening if money is such a factor? I guess no one here has come in contact with these type of Colombian women (just prepagos) but I have in order to know what's really important to them..I got mad love and respect for Vegas and you. Both bring a lot to the board. But you're argument is flawed as if your view of my posts. Clearly obvious it's from the monger / prepago standpoint. This is a monger and hooker message board bro! And my argument holds water in the real world as well. The answer to pretty much every one of life's problems comes down to Money, Sex, and Power (drugs can be the third, like how "why" can sometimes be a vowels) Health issues being the major exception.

Kate Upton is dating Justin Verlander. 100 millon USD contract. Also 6'5" Sofia Vergara is with a successful actor who is 8 years younger who is also 6'5" he's worth millions too. Both guys are handsome (always a plus) successful in their respective fields, and worth millions. Tall, rich, and handsome. Your argument is actually supporting my argument and actual strengthens the "Young guys" camp vs the "I'm old but still get laid" guys.

Why are these Bario girls with their bario novios? Because they want to be with them for the reasons I stated before. Attention and affection! Money and security comes from the gringos. Also if you can't pass a Spanish 300 level class you're novia is not with you for you because you can't talk to her on her level like Juan or Hector from the block. Juan and Carlos are prob 10+ years younger then most guys on this board so once factored into the equation there is another point for the "young guys" camp.

VJ and I both have Novias that are normal girls do it does happen. But do you think his girl or my girl makes more money than we do? Do you when VJ takes his girl to Cancun she paying? Not calling him or his lady our. Or my girl. Just saying in "real" relationships money is always a factor. Always!

Lined up at the mansion looking for "us rich gringos" hahahah! Bro if you ask any of these girls and get them to be comfortable with you and speak truthfully (as a paisa can be) a bunch and I dare to say most of the girls hate going to the M as we hate going to some crappy office job! They don't like those dudes! The "150 mil or less guys" they don't they tolerate the cheap charlies. What else they going to do? Work at Exito? Real talk. If a girl flakes on you and you're at the Mansion it's because she got a better offer from a guy she'd rather fuck than you who probably is paying a little bit more. Money is always a factor! Always!

Some girls in the US date losers with no money because they like to feel needed and he's probably a combo of a bad boy or a pretty boy. That dynamic don't fly in Colombia because of how hard it is to earn a living in Colombia. Everybody is a hanger on and needy so that trick don't fly in Colombia.

Thank you for all the props to the guys who quoted my previously long ass posts! (Y).

I'm going to try to leave this a lone after this one. In summation of my position. All girls! Either the Girls are Real Fake Pro Civy Foreign or Domestic. The best way to get laid all the time is to Be young, handsome, funny, cool, nice, and have money. If you are past the young stage. Be handsome, funny, cool, nice, have money. If you were never handsome. Be funny, cool, nice, and have money. If you handsome then then you got the world by the balls so fuck why you wasting time on ISG? Hahahaha Think about it. Would you want to be with a negative, uptight, cheap ugly person (romantic or friendship) same shit applies to women.

For gods sake learn to speak Spanish to at least a 200 college level!

Either you playing the game or you ain't fellas.

By the way. I'm 5'5", mid 30's very youthful (all my hair and it's mostly black still. With some help! LOL) looking, so still young (44- young 45+ old) I speak excellent Spanish, smart, funny, nice, and have a positive attitude and I'm a good looking dude. No bragging just being real about it. I have had MANY non pro novias in Argentina, Peru, Mexico, USA, all the places I've lived and still have a novia normal who I love a ton but still need a side dish every once in a while. I have gotten laid in my 20's most when I learned how to use the tools I had.

Tall dark and handsome? Nope! But I'm 2/3 and that's the hand I'm dealt and the one I need play. Either you playing the game or you ain't fellas.

Do the best with what you have and hope for the best. If you fail take a hard look as to why and try again. Stay up, stay strong. Keep it real.

Vegas Jeff
12-25-14, 10:41
Tall dark and handsome? Nope! But I'm 2/3 and that's the hand I'm dealt and the one I need play. Either you playing the game or you ain't fellas.

Do the best with what you have and hope for the best. If you fail take a hard look as to why and try again. Stay up, stay strong. Keep it real.Solid post. Effort counts guys! Do the little things to show the girls that you respect them. Maybe spend $2 for a girl who needs something at the pharmacy or buy her a favorite snack. If you don't respect money they won't respect you.

Make girls comfortable and they will stay longer and let their guards down more. Spend some time finding girls that meet your needs and repeat your favorites! This is especially true for guys with longer trips. I enjoy my repeats in Medellin much more than in other places. Although Paisas make me want to strangle them, I for some reason can stand having them around more than in other places. Medellin will be home to me for awhile to come.

Good luck and Happy Holidays to All. See some of you guys in about a month.

12-25-14, 13:33
Hey Merry Christmas guys!

Interesting philosophical postings these days.

I enjoy reading your thoughts.

I personally agree with Nino, that it's not all about the money.

Experience, as with anything, shows the light.

Of course with some girls, it's all about the money and with some guys as well.

Guys can buy their love and affection and there will always be girls that'll gladly accept the money and that works for the both.


Nothing though beats experience, self confidence and that natural charisma that Vegas talks about. IMO.

Just from his posts I can see that girls feel comfortable with him, Vegas. They feel relaxed and cool with him.

That's money right there!

It really is.

If you've ever had that girl (s) that just was into you.

Not your money, but you.

You know that it beats the money lover by far.

I could care less about celebrity love, and relationships.

They all appear superficial and temporary to me.

Money is great to have, but in the game of love and even hooker love, I'll always believe in the intangibles of experience, self confidence, charisma and cool.

Take care amigos.

Nino Bravo
12-25-14, 16:30
Hey Merry Christmas guys!

Interesting philosophical postings these days.

I enjoy reading your thoughts.

I personally agree with Nino, that it's not all about the money.

Experience, as with anything, shows the light.

Of course with some girls, it's all about the money and with some guys as well.

Guys can buy their love and affection and there will always be girls that'll gladly accept the money and that works for the both.


Nothing though beats experience, self confidence and that natural charisma that Vegas talks about. IMO.

Just from his posts I can see that girls feel comfortable with him, Vegas. They feel relaxed and cool with him.

That's money right there!..Well, I'll tell you what, if the 4 of us, me, Ricker, Slam, and Vegas Jeff ever had a chance to get together, I think we'd get along very well. I can see where Slam and Vegas are coming from and their posts have made me re-think my (at times arrogant) point of view. The most important thing is, I think ALL 4 of us are very happy with our lives and our relationships with these woman. This has been a healthy discussion / debate.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hopefully 2015 will bring much happiness to everyone here and continued good times in Colombia.

John Gault
12-25-14, 17:11
I made this post a few days ago, and since then it has started a huge back in forth on Pro / non pro.

(As far as the woman you have paid for, I wonder why you think they are not really working girls? Yes they may have been discriminate, but if you did not fork over the 100 K do you think you could get a repeat performance?

I have not made a TR in a while, but lets get back to the real meat, and potatoes.

World Travel 69
12-25-14, 18:08
To all of You.

Have a Great Season.

12-25-14, 23:58
Solid post. Effort counts guys! Do the little things to show the girls that you respect them. Maybe spend $2 for a girl who needs something at the pharmacy or buy her a favorite snack. If you don't respect money they won't respect you.

Make girls comfortable and they will stay longer and let their guards down more. Spend some time finding girls that meet your needs and repeat your favorites! This is especially true for guys with longer trips. I enjoy my repeats in Medellin much more than in other places. Although Paisas make me want to strangle them, I for some reason can stand having them around more than in other places. Medellin will be home to me for awhile to come.

Good luck and Happy Holidays to All. See some of you guys in about a month.Very true statement VJ. A little effort goes a long way with these girls. These girls Will always make it worth your effort too. I think Medellin will be my go to spot for me too for a while. I think I'm just about done with Cartagena for a little bit. I want to enjoy Mde and short trips to San Andres and Cancun for those novias that I come to connect with really good and have really good chemistry with.

12-26-14, 15:58
Too much over-analyzing and self-congratulating.

Gee whiz- money=chicas. Pretending to be Rico Suave aids the process but does not replace money.

Timing and luck goes a long way since you may find a chica during a vulnerable time or a personality that is anti-working girl (foolish pride). A pissing contest to determine who is the coolest securing chicas is childish.

Techniques and strategies to maximize pesos are wonderful anecdotes to learn and implement.

12-26-14, 21:23
Too much over-analyzing and self-congratulating.

Gee whiz- money=chicas. Pretending to be Rico Suave aids the process but does not replace money.

Timing and luck goes a long way since you may find a chica during a vulnerable time or a personality that is anti-working girl (foolish pride). A pissing contest to determine who is the coolest securing chicas is childish.

Techniques and strategies to maximize pesos are wonderful anecdotes to learn and implement.Yes, and I'll add too much generalizing.

12-27-14, 00:28
Very true statement VJ. A little effort goes a long way with these girls. These girls Will always make it worth your effort too. I think Medellin will be my go to spot for me too for a while. I think I'm just about done with Cartagena for a little bit. I want to enjoy Mde and short trips to San Andres and Cancun for those novias that I come to connect with really good and have really good chemistry with.Medellin is always a sure bet for a great time. They have chicas for every budget in that wonderful city.

C Jack Sparrow
12-28-14, 02:28

Read also the comments, interesting debate!

Many girls, 50%, comes from socio-economic estrato 1-2, which mean their families live on 2-3 minimi wages or less, can't ever be transformed into a "normal" girl. The gringos and Europeans that come to Medellin have above average incomes etc, in a developed country. These girls simply doesn't fit into our world, for more than the old sex for $-trick. They are unwanted and are stigmatized by the middleclass. They have no illusion of becoming a wife in the US or France (a country they heard of but they don't know where it is on the map). They understand HERE & NOW! If they did understand they Really could try to escape the barrio-life, which is at best making minimum-wage working maxium-hours, they would plan for it, but marrying an extranjero is for the girls that comes from Estrato 4-6.

The "mentalidad de pobre" is what cements the class structure. Hence, 2/3 of the girls doesn't really get it. They know the barrio. Doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, handsome or ugly, they only think $$.

They are used to fight in order to survive, they don't understand "good manners", just forget about it. Being generous and / or offering a "future" are simply misunderstood as being "weak".

I got mad love and respect for Vegas and you. Both bring a lot to the board. But you're argument is flawed as if your view of my posts. Clearly obvious it's from the monger / prepago standpoint. This is a monger and hooker message board bro! And my argument holds water in the real world as well. The answer to pretty much every one of life's problems comes down to Money, Sex, and Power (drugs can be the third, like how "why" can sometimes be a vowels) Health issues being the major exception.

Kate Upton is dating Justin Verlander. 100 millon USD contract. Also 6'5" Sofia Vergara is with a successful actor who is 8 years younger who is also 6'5" he's worth millions too. Both guys are handsome (always a plus) successful in their respective fields, and worth millions. Tall, rich, and handsome. Your argument is actually supporting my argument and actual strengthens the "Young guys" camp vs the "I'm old but still get laid" guys.

Why are these Bario girls with their bario novios? Because they want to be with them for the reasons I stated before. Attention and affection! Money and security comes from the gringos. Also if you can't pass a Spanish 300 level class you're novia is not with you for you because you can't talk to her on her level like Juan or Hector from the block. Juan and Carlos are prob 10+ years younger then most guys on this board so once factored into the equation there is another point for the "young guys" camp.

VJ and I both have Novias that are normal girls do it does happen. But do you think his girl or my girl makes more money than we do? Do you when VJ takes his girl to Cancun she paying? Not calling him or his lady our. Or my girl. Just saying in "real" relationships money is always a factor. Always!

Lined up at the mansion looking for "us rich gringos" hahahah! Bro if you ask any of these girls and get them to be comfortable with you and speak truthfully (as a paisa can be) a bunch and I dare to say most of the girls hate going to the M as we hate going to some crappy office job! They don't like those dudes! The "150 mil or less guys" they don't they tolerate the cheap charlies. What else they going to do? Work at Exito? Real talk. If a girl flakes on you and you're at the Mansion it's because she got a better offer from a guy she'd rather fuck than you who probably is paying a little bit more. Money is always a factor! Always!

Some girls in the US date losers with no money because they like to feel needed and he's probably a combo of a bad boy or a pretty boy. That dynamic don't fly in Colombia because of how hard it is to earn a living in Colombia. Everybody is a hanger on and needy so that trick don't fly in Colombia.

Thank you for all the props to the guys who quoted my previously long ass posts! (Y).

I'm going to try to leave this a lone after this one. In summation of my position. All girls! Either the Girls are Real Fake Pro Civy Foreign or Domestic. The best way to get laid all the time is to Be young, handsome, funny, cool, nice, and have money. If you are past the young stage. Be handsome, funny, cool, nice, have money. If you were never handsome. Be funny, cool, nice, and have money. If you handsome then then you got the world by the balls so fuck why you wasting time on ISG? Hahahaha Think about it. Would you want to be with a negative, uptight, cheap ugly person (romantic or friendship) same shit applies to women.

For gods sake learn to speak Spanish to at least a 200 college level!

Either you playing the game or you ain't fellas.

By the way. I'm 5'5", mid 30's very youthful (all my hair and it's mostly black still. With some help! LOL) looking, so still young (44- young 45+ old) I speak excellent Spanish, smart, funny, nice, and have a positive attitude and I'm a good looking dude. No bragging just being real about it. I have had MANY non pro novias in Argentina, Peru, Mexico, USA, all the places I've lived and still have a novia normal who I love a ton but still need a side dish every once in a while. I have gotten laid in my 20's most when I learned how to use the tools I had.

Tall dark and handsome? Nope! But I'm 2/3 and that's the hand I'm dealt and the one I need play. Either you playing the game or you ain't fellas.

Do the best with what you have and hope for the best. If you fail take a hard look as to why and try again. Stay up, stay strong. Keep it real.

K Constant
12-28-14, 08:39

I came over to this board from Sosua Reports. I will visit Medellin in May 2015. It will be my first time in Medellin, and my first time in Colombia. So far, I've been to Thailand, Dominican Republic, and Costa Rica. My most recent experience was in Sosua earlier this month. I'll be in Pattaya again in March. I'm not a total novice at this habit.

I have had some brief conversations face-to-face about the Medellin scene, but I want to speed up my learning curve. I will be a short time (7 day) visitor with basic Spanish language skills, and I want to find all pro action. I understand that Medellin has a combination of club-like short time venues and as well as "casas".

Would someone be so kind as to point me in the direction of relevant posts or give me a rundown / overview of how the scene works in Medellin.


K Constant

C Jack Sparrow
12-28-14, 10:28

Member #4287
12-28-14, 11:38
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_Ai7PXqpgEThis video is a total farce. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAN9B1VKWyo.

Delta Indigo
12-28-14, 15:39
Hi Guys,

I don't have any experience in South America, I have been playing the German and Austrian FKK scene and Prague and Bratislava. For me beauty is very important and not just service, I have recently become more and more interested in South America.

I love ass and I would like to ask experienced mongers a question. Would you guys rate Colombian ass or Brazilian ass as better. I know that Brazil is the land for anal sex, that is not what I am asking, what I am wondering is where the girls have cuter asses.

I like round firm asses and not giant ones, size is not the distinguishing factor, what do you guys think?

12-28-14, 20:31
Hi Guys,

I don't have any experience in South America, I have been playing the German and Austrian FKK scene and Prague and Bratislava. For me beauty is very important and not just service, I have recently become more and more interested in South America.

I love ass and I would like to ask experienced mongers a question. Would you guys rate Colombian ass or Brazilian ass as better. I know that Brazil is the land for anal sex, that is not what I am asking, what I am wondering is where the girls have cuter asses.

I like round firm asses and not giant ones, size is not the distinguishing factor, what do you guys think?No one every said Colombian chicas are known for their asses. Silicone injected asses, yes.

But as far as Brazilian assess vs. Colombian asses, Brazilians win hands down. There is no comparison.

Member #4396
12-28-14, 20:48
Hi Guys,

I don't have any experience in South America, I have been playing the German and Austrian FKK scene and Prague and Bratislava. For me beauty is very important and not just service, I have recently become more and more interested in South America.

I love ass and I would like to ask experienced mongers a question. Would you guys rate Colombian ass or Brazilian ass as better. I know that Brazil is the land for anal sex, that is not what I am asking, what I am wondering is where the girls have cuter asses.

I like round firm asses and not giant ones, size is not the distinguishing factor, what do you guys think?If you like big but shapely butts, Brazil wins hands down.

For smaller but tight and nice butts it's closer. I'd still say Brazil wins but it wouldn't be enough of a difference to solely make up my mind based on that.

Member #4394
12-29-14, 02:16
Please read this thread first. Other members and I will answer further questions.



I came over to this board from Sosua Reports. I will visit Medellin in May 2015. It will be my first time in Medellin, and my first time in Colombia. So far, I've been to Thailand, Dominican Republic, and Costa Rica. My most recent experience was in Sosua earlier this month. I'll be in Pattaya again in March. I'm not a total novice at this habit.

I have had some brief conversations face-to-face about the Medellin scene, but I want to speed up my learning curve. I will be a short time (7 day) visitor with basic Spanish language skills, and I want to find all pro action. I understand that Medellin has a combination of club-like short time venues and as well as "casas".

Would someone be so kind as to point me in the direction of relevant posts or give me a rundown / overview of how the scene works in Medellin.


K Constant

12-29-14, 02:20
No one every said Colombian chicas are known for their asses. Silicone injected asses, yes.

But as far as Brazilian assess vs. Colombian asses, Brazilians win hands down. There is no comparison.I wholeheartedly agree. Brasil is an ass man's dream. However, if you don't mind silicone asses, Colombia is pretty good also.

12-29-14, 03:33
Anyone in Medellin on Jan 2nd, 3rd or 4th I'm me.

I am arranging a party with some local paisas in Luxury night club.

Cover is 15 K and you pay for your own drinks.

Just I'm me with your phone and I will text you back.

K Constant
12-29-14, 20:58
Please read this thread first. Other members and I will answer further questions.

http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?3253-Info-for-NewbiesThanks, that thread answered so many questions that I had.

Member #4394
12-29-14, 23:25
If you want a pampering service for Americans who have no intentions to speak single word in Spanish, go to Medellin Mansion. Bars with girls are in Mayorista- 30 k peso hh, 20 k hotel, after 9 pm. Casas in centro open around 11 am but better after 1 pm. The map is here.


Thanks, that thread answered so many questions that I had..

12-30-14, 06:41
Recently, I spent 2 weeks in Medellin. I stayed at the Mansion, and spent the first week entirely with a Colombian fav. I took her to San Andres for 3 nights and 4 days, and I submitted a report in the San Andres forum. The link to the report is as follows:


So, in essence, I had only one week in Medellin. There were quite a few new faces at the Cueva, compared to my trip last July. As a result, I was busy sampling the goods and never got a chance to check the casas, nor the mayorista or the strip clubs in el Centro. Between the Cueva and FB, I was overwhelmed. I probably needed a month to sample all the chicks I liked. And if that was not enough, I liked this one chick so much that I ended up repeating with her several times that 2nd week. Luckily, my San Andres chick was willing to leave me alone that week, after I promised her that I would give her my last night in Medellin. She was a good sport.

Someone convinced me one night to check out Fase Dos and La Isla. I ended up having a session at Fase Dos with a chick named Julieta..Hi Lefeu,

I wonder how I can find some mutual friends like Habicht and others from RB. Any help will be appreciated. Anyway, I am happy to find you.


Lucky Nuts
01-02-15, 02:31
Damn I'm going to miss it by a couple days. I arrive Medellin January 7 and will be around for several weeks. Would like to meet up with anyone else hunting the area.

Old Parr
01-02-15, 05:05
Damn I'm going to miss it by a couple days. I arrive Medellin January 7 and will be around for several weeks. Would like to meet up with anyone else hunting the area.Why would you post this in this thread, instead of the appropriate thread titled "Travel Announcements"?

01-02-15, 06:51
Hey guys my trip report is a bit overdue. But here it is.

So this is actually day 2 because my first day was a long layover in Veneto in Panama from my last post. So I arrive into Medellin around 11 am. I am due to stay at the mansion for 2 days and then with a novia for 2 days. I had the mansion send the driver to pick me up for $40 usd. Driver was great gave a good run down of how the mansion works. Ride into Medellin is about 30-40 min. The ride is safe and I do recommend this service. So I get to mansion 2 everything is great. The rooms are nice there are vets there to help you out answer all your questions. I really like the set up there. The pool is nice. Went for a good swim by mid afternoon. So fist thing I wanted to do was hit up new life. Since I had heard so much about it. Went there and yes there were a lot of girls. Ranging from 6-9 in looks and body. It is a bit overwhelming during the introduction. I tried my best to keep a lot of mental notes on the girls but its almost impossible. I settled with a 22 year old girl with a full figure. Big tits and booty. I was trying to pick the perfect one but there is plenty of variety there. You can't go wrong there. I chose 30 min option. The girl was very sensual and affectionate. I like that. The price was pretty good about $25 usd. Well worth the trip. I don't have a picture of her since photos are not allowed. I recommend this option as a good mid afternoon thing to get out of the mansion. I personally did not want to go all over centro going in and out of casas all the girls at this casa were very doable. After headed back to the mansion and finished unpacking ate had drinks talked to some of the vets. Met Boyd who was really cool and helpful. Had a few drinks and got ready to head out at night. For night time I went to mansion 1. Met the staff there. Everyone was very welcoming. The one thing that was weird is that the lady at the front desk I forgot her name is a total babe! But she is off limits from what I understand. But I mean it she is like take home material type of girl but she's the one you set up everything through with girls and all that stuff. So its about 9 pm. I head down to the cueva the bar at mansion 1. There are plenty of girls there. About 3 to 1 ratio. I talked to most of the girls. I ended up with this slim girl Isabella. She was awesome in bed. She is a little tall slim great curves. Very playful and flirty. Very much a GF experience. I was also almost on the verge of picking her friend. Short girl blond big booty and big tits. My only regret is I should've chosen both for a threesome. So we ended up going for 1 hour but stayed way longer. The other not so good thing is I'm staying up at Mansion 2. It is a hike. No joke. And it is on a 1 way street. So its tough for the taxi to take you there. But what can you do right?

Day 2 I made arrangements to head to Mansion 1 because of the hike at night. Plus I'm younger and I don't care about the nosie. I met some really cool guys. And I am totally staying at Mansion 1 from now on because of the easy access to girls. So I get situated and I see 2 massage girls. I chose one and basically for 100 k you get all access full service. Loved it. The girl was so nice and playful. Nice massage and a total babe. Then hung out for a while then for midafternoon had a FB chica come over. She was recommended by one of the vets. She was a total babe. Model type girl absolutely beautiful body and face. Had really good sex with her and can't wait to see her on a future trip. Then for night time fun I went to the cueva again. Lots of fun lots of girls in and out. I again went with the same girl. This time we decided on 200 k for a few hours. The sex was great very GFE. All positions. And went at it mult times. But before I left with her. I had met a blk girl that had a banging body and told her to meet me here first thing in the morning. I apologized that I had already chosen someone but let her know that I still wanted a chance to be with her. She agreed and met me for some great early morning sex. This is key. So you won't lose out on morning sex and since the girls don't generally arrive until mid afternoon. Always best to set up a date the night before with a girl that looks like she is not going with anyone for the night.

Day 3 - had a great session with the blk girl I had met the night before at the Cueva Bar. She was awesome and we did it mult times. I cannot give 1 complaint so far for any of the girls. Had a session for about 3 hours. Then it was time to pack up again as I was meeting the novia for 2 days at the Dann Carlton. I checked in at the hotel and it is a beautiful hotel. I was worried about the chica fees just in case plans fell through with the novia. Luckily everything worked out. But before I left the mansion I see the massage girls again. Yes!! Now I wanted to try the other girl. So we exchanged numbers and told her I will call her in an hour. As my novia was set to come over about 6 pm. Had plenty of time for another session. She came over and man was she hot naked. Perfect body for me at least. I need a little meat on my bones. We had some great sex. She was my favorite I think. Actually they were all pretty good but I really liked her.

Will post pics shortly. BTW. Whats the general rule? Can I post pics of girls that were ok with me taking pics of them? Please advise vets. Thanks.

01-02-15, 07:07
Great girl. Had a few great sessions with her.

01-02-15, 07:11
Came by early on my last day for some great morning sex.

01-02-15, 08:16
I don't have a picture of her since photos are not allowed.Actually, you can get pictures, and more, if you tip the girls. I've done it several times at New Life.

01-02-15, 08:24
Hi Lefeu,

I wonder how I can find some mutual friends like Habicht and others from RB. Any help will be appreciated. Anyway, I am happy to find you.

CRHi CR, Please purchase a subscription on this site, and we can exchange private messages. Lefeu.

01-02-15, 09:36
Came by early on my last day for some great morning sex.Wow! She is absolutely gorgeous. Did you meet her at the Ceuva bar?

01-02-15, 20:58
So fist thing I wanted to do was hit up new life. Since I had heard so much about it. Went there and yes there were a lot of girls. Ranging from 6-9 in looks and body. It is a bit overwhelming during the introduction. I tried my best to keep a lot of mental notes on the girls but its almost impossible. I settled with a 22 year old girl with a full figure. Big tits and booty. I was trying to pick the perfect one but there is plenty of variety there. You can't go wrong there. I chose 30 min option. The girl was very sensual and affectionate. I like that. The price was pretty good about $25 usd. Well worth the trip.

Day 2 I made arrangements to head to Mansion 1 because of the hike at night. Plus I'm younger and I don't care about the nosie. I met some really cool guys. And I am totally staying at Mansion 1 from now on because of the easy access to girls. Great report! Did you take a taxi to New Life? How long was the ride and how much?

How long did it take you to walk from Mansion 1 to Mansion 2? Did any of the girls seem reluctant to walk to Mansion 2?

01-03-15, 03:54
Great report! Did you take a taxi to New Life? How long was the ride and how much?

How long did it take you to walk from Mansion 1 to Mansion 2? Did any of the girls seem reluctant to walk to Mansion 2?I suggest that you don't make a chica walk that hill. As for the taxi, it costs no more than 5 K or 6 K pesos ($2 to $3), and you will have a fresh chica in your room. I stay in Mansion 2 (el Castillo) most of the time. The only time I made a chica walk, was on rainy Friday night, after waiting for a taxi for more than an hour. In fact, I was with my buddy socker that evening, and he walked too with his chic.

Member #4398
01-03-15, 09:10
So this is actually day 2 because my first day was a long layover in Veneto in Panama from my last post. So I arrive into Medellin around 11 am. I am due to stay at the mansion for 2 days and then with a novia for 2 days. I had the mansion send the driver to pick me up for $40 usd. Driver was great gave a good run down of how the mansion works. Ride into Medellin is about 30-40 min. The ride is safe and I do recommend this service.

Nice trip report NCal2014. As for the transportation, there is also a public bus that leaves from the airport every 30 minutes and makes stops at the San Diego mall or to el Centro / Nutibara Hotel for about $3 dollars. Then a buseta that has a big sign (Poblado / Poblado Park) takes you for less about $1.5 dollars to the town of Poblado. You can save $36 dollars ditching the taxi that way, and that is enough money for a 1 hour massage / sex session in many places in Medellin.

01-03-15, 17:13
This trip I am coming down with a couple buddies who like to party and f*ck. All we do in trips like this is drink and girls. There is no sightseeing, no restaurants, and water is optional. I landed at 5:30 pm and was out of customs in less than 20 minutes. I had already scheduled a driver from the Mansion. Unfortunately Mansion 1 was not available, so had to stay at Mansion 2 (Castillo). There was some previous questions about how far the two are apart and if the girls mind walking. Mansion 2 is 2 blocks uphill from Mansion 1, about a 5 min walk. No problem for safety as I see it and no problems at all for the girls to go to Mansion 2. As always, the reception is happy to call a taxi for you also if you want.

So how do I start my report? What is there to say about The Cave (the bar at the Mansion)? Nothing to say but awesome! We started our first night at the Cave and there were plenty of girls. I spend a lot of time in panama and noticed some girls that I had known in panama working, what a small world. The night ended with 2 guys and 3 girls having an orgy. I don't need to go into details, but the sight of my buddy fucking one girl while another girl straddled his face was priceless. My other friend said when he was in the room he was fucking his girl while another girl had a finger or fingers in his ass. I love this. LOL. We love the mansion. Girls are not the hottest, but they are so fun and they love to f*ck. I really don't know what the price is for all night until 9 am, but another experienced mansion veteran commented to me that 250 k would be fine. It would be nice if all of us paid the same rate so there never are problems and everything is understood what the girls are going to get. Anyways, I am going to get some sleep. More details in Day 2 coming up.


01-03-15, 17:39
Actually, you can get pictures, and more, if you tip the girls. I've done it several times at New Life.Thats right I shouldve thought of that. I just saw a sign that said no pictures but that is probably mesnt for the line up.

01-03-15, 17:41
Wow! She is absolutely gorgeous. Did you meet her at the Ceuva bar?Yes she is. And a banging body and goes above and beyond to please too. To top it all off she was on time. LOL.

01-03-15, 17:46
Great report! Did you take a taxi to New Life? How long was the ride and how much?

How long did it take you to walk from Mansion 1 to Mansion 2? Did any of the girls seem reluctant to walk to Mansion 2?Yes I took a taxi everywhere. Taxis are cheap no more than a few bucks anywhere in Poblado. It is about 15-20 min ride unless there is traffic. The walk from Mansion 1 to 2 is a 5 min walk up a steep hill. Honestly no girl will say flat out no. They may not belooking forward to it. More than likely they are in better shape than you are. At least for me they were. LOL. I just decided nit to make it a factor and switch to Mansion 1. No one place is better than the other I think Mansion 2 is just more quiet.

01-03-15, 17:50
So this is actually day 2 because my first day was a long layover in Veneto in Panama from my last post. So I arrive into Medellin around 11 am. I am due to stay at the mansion for 2 days and then with a novia for 2 days. I had the mansion send the driver to pick me up for $40 usd. Driver was great gave a good run down of how the mansion works. Ride into Medellin is about 30-40 min. The ride is safe and I do recommend this service.

Nice trip report NCal2014. As for the transportation, there is also a public bus that leaves from the airport every 30 minutes and makes stops at the San Diego mall or to el Centro / Nutibara Hotel for about $3 dollars. Then a buseta that has a big sign (Poblado / Poblado Park) takes you for less about $1.5 dollars to the town of Poblado. You can save $36 dollars ditching the taxi that way, and that is enough money for a 1 hour massage / sex session in many places in Medellin.I just never knew that. It was my first time in Medellin and I had 2 pieces of luggage. That makes a lot of sense though. I will try that on my next trip.

01-03-15, 17:57
This trip I am coming down with a couple buddies who like to party and f*ck. All we do in trips like this is drink and girls. There is no sightseeing, no restaurants, and water is optional. I landed at 5:30 pm and was out of customs in less than 20 minutes. I had already scheduled a driver from the Mansion. Unfortunately Mansion 1 was not available, so had to stay at Mansion 2 (Castillo). There was some previous questions about how far the two are apart and if the girls mind walking. Mansion 2 is 2 blocks uphill from Mansion 1, about a 5 min walk. No problem for safety as I see it and no problems at all for the girls to go to Mansion 2. As always, the reception is happy to call a taxi for you also if you want.

So how do I start my report? What is there to say about The Cave (the bar at the Mansion)? Nothing to say but awesome! We started our first night at the Cave and there were plenty of girls. I spend a lot of time in panama and noticed some girls that I had known in panama working, what a small world. The night ended with 2 guys and 3 girls having an orgy. I don't need to go into details, but the sight of my buddy fucking one girl while another girl straddled his face was priceless. My other friend said when he was in the room he was fucking his girl while another girl had a finger or fingers in his ass. I love this. LOL. We love the mansion. Girls are not the hottest, but they are so fun and they love to f*ck. I really don't know what the price is for all night until 9 am, but another experienced mansion veteran commented to me that 250 k would be fine. It would be nice if all of us paid the same rate so there never are problems and everything is understood what the girls are going to get. Anyways, I am going to get some sleep. More details in Day 2 coming up.

Viper10.Great trip report. Keep them coming and pics too. The Cueva is awesome. I love that place. Funny thing is the doorbell. It has a distinct "ring". Everybody always looks bc they want to check out the chica coming in. I wish I could get that exact ring on my cell for my email and messages alert. To remind me of the good times in Medellin.

01-03-15, 18:18
Here are some more pics to go with day 2 and 3.

01-03-15, 18:36
This was night 1 at the Cueva Bar. One of the owners was playing drinking games witht the girls. Its hard to get any pics. Its pretty dark there. So the quality if pics is not that great.

01-03-15, 20:35
Here are some more pics to go with day 2 and 3.Awesome girls I must say. Must have been a sexpiring experience.

Member #4398
01-03-15, 21:59
I just never knew that. It was my first time in Medellin and I had 2 pieces of luggage. That makes a lot of sense though. I will try that on my next trip.Learn to travel light and life is so much easier when traveling anywhere in the world. Whenever I travel, I only carry a book bag with 6-7 days worth of clothing, 2 jeans, a few t shirts, and the rest. It makes navigating in and out airport super easy and allows you to get in an out small buses, trains and any other form of public transportation easy. Once you travel with even one large piece of luggage you are stocked with your luggage like a bad marriage and have no other choice than to find a taxi. There is a tourist information desk at the airport to get more information about transportation options. The cheap option I only recommend only to the airport before dark.

Colombia Jake
01-04-15, 00:14
www.colombiajake.com not hard at all USA 727-498-1680.Cruised through the new year with a few really fun day and night tours! As far as the day tours new life and that area in general lacked much in the way of thin girls but we found some down the hill a little ways away and the night tour is always awesome because there a point in time when you are amazed with a few of the places we go! I have some space here starting the new year so don't hesitate to give me a call.

01-04-15, 01:52
Ok so as far as the massage girl coming to Dann Carlton hotel. Which by the way the front desk advised me that additional visitors would come at a cost of 100 k each visit. I said whatever and told them to send the massage girl to my room. Like I said she was absolutely beautiful and we had a great session. Can't wait to see her again. By now its 6 pm and the novia is arriving. She gets here we hug and kiss and chat for a while then get into it for a couple hours. We had reservations at 9 pm at the revolving restaurant at the top of the hotel to get the Medellin city view at night. Restaurant was great. Food was awesome. I always order steak. We had 2 dinner platters and 4 drinks. For total cost of $75 usd. Afterwards. Back to the room had drinks and had some great sex. Total girlfriend experience. Loved it. Loved it.

01-04-15, 01:59
It would be nice if all of us paid the same rate so there never are problems and everything is understood what the girls are going to get. This is the case at Blackbeard's resort in Dominican Republic where there is a set price for short time and another one for overnight. An onsite mamasan is present by poolside just in case.

01-05-15, 00:08

Sorry for adding newbie questions to your forum, but I will soon have 4 days free after a business trip to Panama and I am trying to decide between Medellin and Costa Rica. It seemed that booking 4 days at the Mansion was the obvious choice for a non-Spanish speaking noob like me (if only my high school Spanish textbook had pictures from this forum instead of stupid cartoon bullfighters, I am sure I would be fluent). However the Mansion is fully booked for several nights when I will be in town. My questions:

1. From Forum reports, the Mansion bar seems to be a favorite place, do you have to be staying there enjoy the bar and premises?

2. There aren't that many reports that compare Medellin to Costa Rica (San Jose / Jaco Beach), but those that do seem to put the Medellin girls fairly far ahead. Is this something that can be dealt with by just paying more for higher quality in Costa Rica or is the talent just not available? Anyone with experience in both places care to weigh in?

3. Costa Rica seems to have a lot of good daytime non-mongering activities (beach, surfing, ATVs, etc.) however the recent Medellin reports and the Medellin Reports of Distinction really don't seem to give much if any info on non-mongering daytime activities (other than walking around a nice mountain city and seeing Pablo Escobar's haunts, what is there to do during the day other than visit the Casas?

FYI. I am a 40 year old, fit normal English speaking gringo looking for a quality trip (good quality pros) and not on a budget or very concerned about pricing. I am also a fairly short guy and most of my mongering experiences have been with Asian spinners. Obviously I realize that is not an option in Latin America, but are petite girls pretty common in these places? Finally, I will be travelling alone. Not sure if this impacts the choice of one location over another.

Thanks in advance for any responses. I know I am a noob, but I have tried to read the Forums and ask reasonably focused questions.

01-05-15, 00:35
Day 4 - was all tourist stuff. I went on the metro I did the cable cab thing up to Santa Elena. I went to a couple mAlls and went to Bolero Plaza had lunch. Went for drinks a various places. Then finally went back to the hotel for some afternoon fun witht the novia.

That night we went to the club she had been talking about. I don't know why more people don't go here. The place is called Dulce Jesus Mio. I spent exactly 120 k. For 2 people for the whole night. So the cover is 10 k the half bottles are 60 k chasers are 3-5 k and pocorn and fruits are free. They also have a menu to order but we ate right before we got there. The place is an amazing experience. Its a club with music and dancing. But there are comedy skits on stage that break up the music. And the place is just poppin. Recommend you take a date. Few single girls but tough to tell if they are with guys or not. It can be confusing. Lots of people come on dates. The pictures kinda suck. Again bc the place is dark inside. Afterwards went back to hotel for an amazing session with the now very tipsy novia.

01-05-15, 00:37
I always appreciate the breakfast they give at the Mansion. Eggs, french toast, or pancakes is a nice way to start the day while you talk with your buddies how the night went. So at around 9 am I get woken up by friend and we decide to wake up the others. I went ahead and ordered breakfast for 4. As we were waiting, my other 2 friends bring up 3 girls that had stayed the night. LOL. Breakfast for 4 turned into 7. After we ate, we went back to our rooms and rested until 2 pm. We usually start the day at 2. We headed down to the pool at Mansion I. Within one hour my friend has a girl and not to be outdone within 10 minutes my other buddy has a girl. They head back with the girls and I was thinking about hitting Energy at 6 pm. I decided not to because we always start the night at 8 pm. Plus I arranged a girl I had known in panama that was from Medellin to meet me out at night. Results from my friends with the girls were mixed. One had a great time that did whatever she had to for him to finish and the other one had stinky p. I don't know about you guys, but stinky p is the worst. Something about that smell on your hands you can never get off. LOL.

We get together at 8 pm and start the night at La Cueva. I must say Robert has been excellent, accommodating, and anything that I need or have a questions about he has answered. I must say I appreciate that. My girl shows up from Panama and my buddy goes he wants a cartoon girl. Big tits and big ass. As all of us know, the Mansion is not for that. My buddy is in luck because I know the girls cousin from Panama. Cartoon character. Think Jessica Rabbit. She calls her cousin and she says she will be there in 2 hours. I tell my buddy and he says bring it. Meanwhile my other friend is talking to a girl. Looks like she is from Cali or the coast. What happens? My 2 friends take her. I love Medellin. They both DP the girl. They loved it. They come back after an hour or so. We continue partying and eventually the cousin comes. Result? Well I am writing this at 6 pm the next day and my buddy still has not left his room. LOL. I'm pretty sure that means that was a success.

The rest of us all get girls and head back to Mansion 2 around 3 am. My girl was awesome. Rode me like a champ. My buddies girl was good but had to leave early. He was upset because he likes TLN. My other friend? Well how do I describe this. I got a text at 8 am in the morning that he still hadn't slept and he had gotten 2 incalls after the girl from La Cueva. I thought he was mistaken and I wrote back you mean you got an incall? He said no. I got 2 incalls. I asked him how it went. Now if you are on the sensitive side please do not continue reading. Half the details are blurred but I do remember 2 things. He mentioned bodily liquids were involved and a condom was used by one of the girls. Not one finger, not two fingers. She put the condom on her WHOLE hand! I can't write anymore. This is too stressful. I love Medellin. I love Colombia. I love mongering.


01-05-15, 04:13
From Forum reports, the Mansion bar seems to be a favorite place, do you have to be staying there enjoy the bar and premises?I believe so, but you can confirm that by sending them an email and asking them about it.

Yes, indeed, the Cueva is a nice hunting place (like shooting fish in a barrel) for newbies who don't speak much Spanish.

01-05-15, 06:25

Sorry for adding newbie questions to your forum, but I will soon have 4 days free after a business trip to Panama and I am trying to decide between Medellin and Costa Rica. It seemed that booking 4 days at the Mansion was the obvious choice for a non-Spanish speaking noob like me (if only my high school Spanish textbook had pictures from this forum instead of stupid cartoon bullfighters, I am sure I would be fluent). However the Mansion is fully booked for several nights when I will be in town. My questions:

1. From Forum reports, the Mansion bar seems to be a favorite place, do you have to be staying there enjoy the bar and premises?

2. There aren't that many reports that compare Medellin to Costa Rica (San Jose / Jaco Beach), but those that do seem to put the Medellin girls fairly far ahead. Is this something that can be dealt with by just paying more for higher quality in Costa Rica or is the talent just not available? Anyone with experience in both places care to weigh in...Think of it like this. Costa Rica is like the supermarket. They have everything there but not necessarily the best. Medellin is like the whole food. High quality of a specific type of item. It just depends.

Also these girls don't give a fuck of your height as long as your money is tall. Also the COP is super weak now. Best time to go!

Lucky Nuts
01-06-15, 01:42
Question for someone that has visited Energy. Does the standard massage include whatever a guy would like or do I need to specify an "erotic message"? Are you familiar with the rates here?


01-06-15, 03:51

Sorry for adding newbie questions to your forum, but I will soon have 4 days free after a business trip to Panama and I am trying to decide between Medellin and Costa Rica. It seemed that booking 4 days at the Mansion was the obvious choice for a non-Spanish speaking noob like me (if only my high school Spanish textbook had pictures from this forum instead of stupid cartoon bullfighters, I am sure I would be fluent). However the Mansion is fully booked for several nights when I will be in town. My questions:

1. From Forum reports, the Mansion bar seems to be a favorite place, do you have to be staying there enjoy the bar and premises?

2. There aren't that many reports that compare Medellin to Costa Rica (San Jose / Jaco Beach), but those that do seem to put the Medellin girls fairly far ahead. Is this something that can be dealt with by just paying more for higher quality in Costa Rica or is the talent just not available? Anyone with experience in both places care to weigh in?..From what I recall the Cueva and pool at the Mansion are for guest only. Since this would be your first trip to MDE, the Mansion is full, and your Spanish leaves something to be desired I would do SJO.

01-06-15, 04:47

Sorry for adding newbie questions to your forum, but I will soon have 4 days free after a business trip to Panama and I am trying to decide between Medellin and Costa Rica. It seemed that booking 4 days at the Mansion was the obvious choice for a non-Spanish speaking noob like me (if only my high school Spanish textbook had pictures from this forum instead of stupid cartoon bullfighters, I am sure I would be fluent). However the Mansion is fully booked for several nights when I will be in town. My questions:

1. From Forum reports, the Mansion bar seems to be a favorite place, do you have to be staying there enjoy the bar and premises?

2. There aren't that many reports that compare Medellin to Costa Rica (San Jose / Jaco Beach), but those that do seem to put the Medellin girls fairly far ahead. Is this something that can be dealt with by just paying more for higher quality in Costa Rica or is the talent just not available? Anyone with experience in both places care to weigh in...Blue Change. Thanks for your response. I am not concerned about what the girls think of my height, just concerned about finding petite girls. I am aware that it is over 2400 pesos to the US Dollar so Columbia would be an excellent value now.

I contacted the Mansion about using the bar without staying at the hotel and this is the response I got:

"The bar its only for guest but when we are fully booked we make a few exceptions, if you are in town email us and we can ask if this can be done. Please keep in mind if you do come there is a cover fee of $50.000 COP. "

While the Mansion is available the first night I would be in town, after that I would have to find other arrangements and hope that the Mansion lets me use the bar. I see ColumbiaJake has good reviews for tours and assisting gringos, but the concept of a complete monger hotel like the Mansion is pretty compelling and it seems like I screwed up by waiting to book this trip. Given this I may go with Costa Rica (I did find a few reviews on the Costa Rica Forum comparing Columbia to Costa Rica, the one from Chris Long in September 2013 is pretty detailed and not that favorable to Costa Rica). Any other advice or thoughts from the Forum would be greatly appreciated.

01-06-15, 05:54
What are you guys paying for a FB Chica to visit your apt these days?

Iguana Six
01-06-15, 05:56
Answers below.


Sorry for adding newbie questions to your forum, but I will soon have 4 days free after a business trip to Panama and I am trying to decide between Medellin and Costa Rica. However the Mansion is fully booked for several nights when I will be in town.

*Don't let that stop you. If both Mansion properties are booked, try renting an apartment close by. There are a couple of outfits that offer short term rentals of furnished, turn key apartments in the neighborhood.*

My questions:

1. From Forum reports, the Mansion bar seems to be a favorite place, do you have to be staying there enjoy the bar and premises?

*No. When they are booked, it is possible to pay a cover charge to enter la Cueva. I have heard it is about 40 pesos.*

2. There aren't that many reports that compare Medellin to Costa Rica (San Jose / Jaco Beach), but those that do seem to put the Medellin girls fairly far ahead. Is this something that can be dealt with by just paying more for higher quality in Costa Rica or is the talent just not available? Anyone with experience in both places care to weigh in?

*Paisitas are gorgeous and most are unspoiled. There is no comparison. The 50th percentile Medellin girl is more attractive than than the top 5 percentile San Jose girl. The Colombianas that come to San Jose are usually at the top of the game in the San Jose venue, and even those are 10 years older, much more jaded, and much more mercenary when they were 10 years younger and just getting their toes wet locally in Medellin. Think of it this way. You have two friends you went to high school with. Both were interested in the military. One joins the local national guard unit, goes to weekend drill for few years, and never deploys overseas. He never leaves town, so you hang out with him and he is still the same guy you hung out with in high school. The other, you don't see until the 10 year high school reunion. After he enlisted, he became some kind of commando, spent many years overseas, has the scars to prove it, and occasionally wakes up with nightmares. He is not the same kid you went to school with. So, imagine the difference between young Colombiana who is 20 and comes to the Mansion once in a while vs. the 30 year old, plastic enhanced, battle scarred veteran you will encounter at the Blue Marlin Bar in San Jose? or the massage parlor in Panama? Or the casino at the Veneto hotel in Panama? *

3. Costa Rica seems to have a lot of good daytime non-mongering activities (beach, surfing, ATVs, etc.) however the recent Medellin reports and the Medellin Reports of Distinction really don't seem to give much if any info on non-mongering daytime activities (other than walking around a nice mountain city and seeing Pablo Escobar's haunts, what is there to do during the day other than visit the Casas?

*The weather if beautiful, the Poblado area is safe, and you can go to most parts of the city in the day time and not worry about crime. The food is good, the shopping is nice. What would you do if you visited San Francisco? Take the cable cars and enjoy the views. Ride the metro train. There is a paint ball place in the hills above Poblado. See a movie. Enjoy the food (the vegetables, grown in that rich, volcanic soil are incredible - not that near-hydroponic shredded cardboard stuff you buy back home.) Get your shoes shined. Eat in the local holes-in-wall. Get some tailoring done. But mostly, walk around and smell the fresh mountain air, watch the locals go about doing their daily routines, take a spanish speaking buddy and ride the buses and taxis. Get a map and explore. (for safety's sake remember the old adage "Nothing good happens after xx O'clock, so get back home before things get dangerous.) Hit the gym in the mall and enjoy the eye candy. It's a vacation. Rest and recreation. Get a manicure and pedicure. Get a haircut and a massage. Recharge before you go back to the grind. *

FYI. I am a 40 year old, fit normal English speaking gringo looking for a quality trip (good quality pros) and not on a budget or very concerned about pricing. I am also a fairly short guy and most of my mongering experiences have been with Asian spinners. Obviously I realize that is not an option in Latin America, but are petite girls pretty common in these places? Finally, I will be travelling alone. Not sure if this impacts the choice of one location over another.

*Would not worry about. There are many nice little spinners in town.*

Thanks in advance for any responses. I know I am a noob, but I have tried to read the Forums and ask reasonably focused questions.

01-06-15, 15:59
What are you guys paying for a FB Chica to visit your apt these days?"FB Chica" is a misnomer: they don't work for Facebook, LOL.

As far as a chica that you met on Facebook? Whatever the two of you decide on. I would work it out before inviting her over so that there is no misunderstanding though, because if she arrives and you were thinking 70k and she was thinking 250k, you've just wasted each other's time (and it already takes them forever to get to your place due to traffic).

Don't worry about guys telling you "don't pay more than this or that. " The only guys that have to worry about other guys over paying and spoiling the market are the guys that stay at puterias like the Mansion. Medellin is a HUGE city. Any one chica holding out for 300 k will lose business to all of the other chicas willing to take much less. The only place that 300k demanding chica can stay in business (as an independent) are places like San Jose (CR) or Panama.

The flip side to that is if you come there acting like a Cheap Charlie, chicas are not going to go out of their way to come and meet you. You'd be better off going to El Centro or La Mayorista for 35k fucks.

Optic Guard
01-06-15, 16:32
"FB Chica" is a misnomer: they don't work for Facebook, LOL.

As far as a chica that you met on Facebook? Whatever the two of you decide on. I would work it out before inviting her over so that there is no misunderstanding though, because if she arrives and you were thinking 70k and she was thinking 250k, you've just wasted each other's time (and it already takes them forever to get to your place due to traffic).

Don't worry about guys telling you "don't pay more than this or that. " The only guys that have to worry about other guys over paying and spoiling the market are the guys that stay at puterias like the Mansion. Medellin is a HUGE city. Any one chica holding out for 300 k will lose business to all of the other chicas willing to take much less. The only place that 300k demanding chica can stay in business (as an independent) are places like San Jose (CR) or Panama.

The flip side to that is if you come there acting like a Cheap Charlie, chicas are not going to go out of their way to come and meet you. You'd be better off going to El Centro or La Mayorista for 35k fucks.I think that most of the members that talk about FB Chicas just want to know about the average cost 100,000 is about the norm from the ones I have chatted with but not very many here share things here.

That would be useful other than the escorts and massage but if we share we could have more of a idea of what to expect.

01-06-15, 20:03
I think that most of the members that talk about FB Chicas just want to know about the average cost 100,000 is about the norm from the ones I have chatted with but not very many here share things here.

That would be useful other than the escorts and massage but if we share we could have more of a idea of what to expect."From the ones I have chatted with".

Then another guy comes along and says "average 80k from the ones I've chatted with. " Then another comes along and says "average 180k..."

Which is why I said it is bettter to just ask the chica for yourself. If a chica tells you 100k on facebook, and in another message tells your buddy 250k because she thinks he is a fat slob, then posting averages isn't going to be very helpful. But you'd have to know she was a mansion chica to begin with.

Not the same in an environment like the Mansion were the prices do not vary much from chica to chica, if at all. Chicas you meet on Facebook are independents who can charge what they want. If she also happens to be a chica that does business at the Mansion, then you have something better to go by. But you'd have to know she was a mansion chica to begin with.

01-06-15, 21:12
Blue Change. Thanks for your response. I am not concerned about what the girls think of my height, just concerned about finding petite girls. I am aware that it is over 2400 pesos to the US Dollar so Columbia would be an excellent value now.

I contacted the Mansion about using the bar without staying at the hotel and this is the response I got:

"The bar its only for guest but when we are fully booked we make a few exceptions, if you are in town email us and we can ask if this can be done. Please keep in mind if you do come there is a cover fee of $50.000 COP. "

While the Mansion is available the first night I would be in town, after that I would have to find other arrangements and hope that the Mansion lets me use the bar. I see ColumbiaJake has good reviews for tours and assisting gringos, but the concept of a complete monger hotel like the Mansion is pretty compelling and it seems like I screwed up by waiting to book this trip. Given this I may go with Costa Rica (I did find a few reviews on the Costa Rica Forum comparing Columbia to Costa Rica, the one from Chris Long in September 2013 is pretty detailed and not that favorable to Costa Rica). Any other advice or thoughts from the Forum would be greatly appreciated.If it's your first time and your Spanish is only so-so, given that the Mansion is booked, you may want to give Cartagena a try for a maiden voyage to Colombia. What are your dates? Many times a guy can meet-up with a fellow monger there to get a quick run-down on things and have a great time on his own even though it's his first time.

Again, if the Mansion weren't booked, then you'd be set, but with not being able to stay there, you may want to consider Cartagena.

01-06-15, 23:06
The cambio at Oviedo is paying 2125 pesos to the dollar today. Meanwhile an ATM withdrawal netted me about 2330. I think you can do better with a Schwab account. The published rate today is 2444. Bringing cash is not a good idea in the current environment. Use a no-fee or low-fee ATM card. Another option is to send yourself money via xoom.com, they post 2327 today, minus a $5 fee.

01-06-15, 23:11
Today my buddy and I visited Energy. I was very impressed with the place. Very clean and we got there right when all the hotties were available. I must admit I didn't expect such a solid lineup. Pricing is 130 k for the hour, which includes a shower, massage and everything else. I paid my girl a tip of 50 k for a BBBJ and CIM. My buddy also had a great experience. We just couldn't believe for $60 you get an hour of this.

We slept until 7:30 pm and then got ready for La Cueva. It was Sunday night so Cueva was dead. We decided to hit the strip clubs. We hit San Diego first where there was definitely some talent. My buddies wanted to see La Isla since it is talked about so much. We had a bottle and red bulls at San Diego and on the CC came out to 283 k pesos. They charge 16% surcharge for CC. We headed to La Isla and it was closed. Bummer. We then went to Fase II. Not bad. Some quality there. 2 of my friend liked Fase II better and 2 of us myself included liked San Diego. We had a bottle there and I think it was around 350 k for just the bottle, no red bulls or anything. They charged 10% surcharge for putting it on a credit card. When it was nearing their closing time of 2 am, we started to negotiate with 3 girls. All of them had no problem leaving after 2 am, skipping the house fee and coming short time for 200 k. So we negotiated 200 k each for ST and then told them if we wanted them all night we would pay more. Result? Nobody really clicked with their girl. They were ok. It's hard to get a good GF experience with strippers that you just met for an hour. We didn't get time to party and relax and really get into it with them. So what do you get? Mediocre results.

Day 4.

We had set up a party at La Cueva for a couple days. I am sure someone will write up how awesome it was. Pretty much everyone we talked to said it was the most talent and the busiest they have ever seen it. It was incredible. We promised 30 girls with of course the help from Robert 20 k pesos each for coming. That was their taxi money. We had expected to also order pizzas for everyone but once the party started we said forget it. We will put that money in prizes. We had promised 500 k in prizes in the promotion of the party. I would think that we had more than 30 girls last night there. Quality was really good. Everyone had a good time. We ended up giving a little bit more than a million in prizes. We had drinking contests, best tits contests, biggest tits contests, smallest tits contests, best ass contest, best dance, and of course the birthday cake celebration where one girl was full of whip cream and my buddy who's birthday party it was got to lick it up. Of course it wasn't really his birthday, we just said that. LOL. We had free boos for the girls. I will get the bill tonight, but it won't be pretty. At least 3 gallons of Aguadiente, who knows how many tequila bottles, and they ran out of absolute vodka that's how much we drank. LOL. Of course the free boos for the girls turned into free boos for the guys also. Mind you I have no problem offering to all the guys, but I must say I was surprised how little offers I got. One doctor who is a stand up guy offered to buy a bottle and ended up buying 2 bottles. Another guy put in 100 k. Other than that, not one other guy even offered money or to buy a bottle. Nothing. It's really not about the money. It's more of the gesture. I was really really surprised guys didn't offer anything. Oh well.

In review, the party turned out to be a blast. I have to say I really do think more than 30 girls showed up. Everyone had a great time and all of us got awesome girls to go home with. Funny, every other day there was at least one three some in one of the rooms. And yesterday, the day that there was more girls than any other night, no one got a three some. LOL. Go figure. Well tonight is my last night in Medellin. I will be headed to Cartagena for a few nights. As always, the Mansion was fun. We got all the support we needed and I 100% will be back.

Viper 10.

01-06-15, 23:45
The cambio at Oviedo is paying 2125 pesos to the dollar today. Meanwhile an ATM withdrawal netted me about 2330. I think you can do better with a Schwab account. The published rate today is 2444. Bringing cash is not a good idea in the current environment. Use a no-fee or low-fee ATM card. Another option is to send yourself money via xoom.com, they post 2327 today, minus a $5 fee.Goggle "is xoom safe company" and read some reports before using them.

01-06-15, 23:58
Of course the free boos for the girls turned into free boos for the guys also. Mind you I have no problem offering to all the guys, but I must say I was surprised how little offers I got. One doctor who is a stand up guy offered to buy a bottle and ended up buying 2 bottles. Another guy put in 100 k. Other than that, not one other guy even offered money or to buy a bottle. Nothing. It's really not about the money. It's more of the gesture. I was really really surprised guys didn't offer anything. Oh well.
Most of us are probably surprised that you were surprised, LOL. You paid for all the booze and paid 20k to each chica that came. All the guys had to do were show up! If it were anywhere other than the mansion you could have easily have had a sausage fest (too many bros, not enough hoez) on your hand.

The way I have always seen those kind of parties done in the past is to have the guys pay 30-50 k if they want to get into the party. That way you don't have to expect them to be on the honor system (asking them to contribute something).

Just don't do like a few sleeze bags have done in the past: charge guys to get in and then ask them to split the final bill with you at the end of the night.

01-07-15, 00:07
Hey man good TR. It never even crossed my mind to throw your own party like you own the place. I'm sure by now maybe some more guys have thrown more cash in the hat. Maybe they ran out of cash late at night and only had 150 k left for their chica fee. I know that happened to me once or twice where I took money out early went shopping etc and forgot to go back to the ATM at night. For a party with 30+ chicas and free booze. It should be 150 k min per guy. More if they had a good time. Just to show the gesture of appreciation to you and Robert and the house staff. I have a few questions I hope you don't mind me sending you a PM. How many guys were there? For 30 chicas you would need at least 12-15 guys. I would think. My buddies are now asking me to take them on a trip there. We might do the same as you did. I already have a ton of ideas. BTW you should've had as much free sex from any of the girls as a thank you for the invite to the party. Just my 2 cents. Great tr. Any pics?

Old Parr
01-07-15, 03:50
Blue Change. Thanks for your response. I am not concerned about what the girls think of my height, just concerned about finding petite girls. I am aware that it is over 2400 pesos to the US Dollar so Columbia would be an excellent value now.

I contacted the Mansion about using the bar without staying at the hotel and this is the response I got:

"The bar its only for guest but when we are fully booked we make a few exceptions, if you are in town email us and we can ask if this can be done. Please keep in mind if you do come there is a cover fee of $50.000 COP. "

While the Mansion is available the first night I would be in town, after that I would have to find other arrangements and hope that the Mansion lets me use the bar. I see ColumbiaJake has good reviews for tours and assisting gringos, but the concept of a complete monger hotel like the Mansion is pretty compelling and it seems like I screwed up by waiting to book this trip. Given this I may go with Costa Rica (I did find a few reviews on the Costa Rica Forum comparing Columbia to Costa Rica, the one from Chris Long in September 2013 is pretty detailed and not that favorable to Costa Rica). Any other advice or thoughts from the Forum would be greatly appreciated.
If it's your first time and your Spanish is only so-so, given that the Mansion is booked, you may want to give Cartagena a try for a maiden voyage to Colombia. What are your dates? Many times a guy can meet-up with a fellow monger there to get a quick run-down on things and have a great time on his own even though it's his first time.

Again, if the Mansion weren't booked, then you'd be set, but with not being able to stay there, you may want to consider Cartagena.What Hilltopper forgot to include in his post is that Cartagena is twice as expensive for basically everything, and if you think that you are going to be better off in Cartagena because of the language factor forget it. It is no different in Cartagena than it is in Medellin. My advice to you is to stay in Medellin, as I am sure you will enjoy your stay much more than you would if going to Cartagena and spending a fortune. Also staying at the Mansion or whatever it is now called your first night you will have the opportunity to meet others who can share there knowledge with you. I think Hilltopper is asking you to come to Cartagena possibly because he is looking for a date.

Vegas Jeff
01-07-15, 04:07
Well tonight is my last night in Medellin. I will be headed to Cartagena for a few nights. As always, the Mansion was fun. We got all the support we needed and I 100% will be back.

Viper 10.Nice reports, Viper.

You are doing everything right IMO. You got out and saw some of the the city's different P4P venues. You might have blown too much money for mediocre results at La Isla but you never would known anything about the place if you didn't go there and experience the girls at least once, right? I applaud you for getting out there and having another experience to compare to your others.

I also want to add that you are not a sucker for getting involved and spending money on the party. The guys who didn't chip in are cheapskates and / or disconnected and don't get it IMSO. As you said a gesture would have been nice. For you new guys who are staying at The Mansion. If you see food in the common areas for the girls, that sh*t didn't just appear by magic. Offer to kick in a few pesos. As I always say be a gentleman, don't be cheap, and repeat habits that work.

Continued luck with the rest of your journey.

Old Parr
01-07-15, 04:12
Goggle "is xoom safe company" and read some reports before using them.I have used XOOM for years, sending tens of thousands of dollars through them since I reside outside of the United States, and have never had a problem with them. 5 star recommendation from me.

01-07-15, 06:46
Ncal, yes there was probably 12-15 guys. I can't imagine anyone staying there that didn't attend. People said it was the best party they had seen there. Don't know. We had fun though. I really didn't expect people to contribute or pay an entrance fee, I guess I just expected guys to offer. Just to show appreciation. I would be happy to answer any questions you have. Feel free to PM me.

01-07-15, 07:42
The cambio at Oviedo is paying 2125 pesos to the dollar today. Meanwhile an ATM withdrawal netted me about 2330. I think you can do better with a Schwab account. The published rate today is 2444. Bringing cash is not a good idea in the current environment. Use a no-fee or low-fee ATM card. Another option is to send yourself money via xoom.com, they post 2327 today, minus a $5 fee.When you say "use a Schwab account" do you mean use a Charles Schwab bank card (linked to a Schwab checking / savings account) at an ATM in Medellin or do you mean something else like getting a wire from a US Schwab account to a bank in Medellin?


Member #4396
01-07-15, 15:21
We slept until 7:30 pm and then got ready for La Cueva. It was Sunday night so Cueva was dead. We decided to hit the strip clubs. We hit San Diego first where there was definitely some talent. My buddies wanted to see La Isla since it is talked about so much. We had a bottle and red bulls at San Diego and on the CC came out to 283 k pesos. They charge 16% surcharge for CC. We headed to La Isla and it was closed. Bummer. We then went to Fase II. Not bad. Some quality there. 2 of my friend liked Fase II better and 2 of us myself included liked San Diego. We had a bottle there and I think it was around 350 k for just the bottle, no red bulls or anything. They charged 10% surcharge for putting it on a credit card. When it was nearing their closing time of 2 am, we started to negotiate with 3 girls. All of them had no problem leaving after 2 am, skipping the house fee and coming short time for 200 k. So we negotiated 200 k each for ST and then told them if we wanted them all night we would pay more. Result? Nobody really clicked with their girl. They were ok. It's hard to get a good GF experience with strippers that you just met for an hour. We didn't get time to party and relax and really get into it with them. So what do you get? Mediocre results.

Viper 10.I like the idea of waiting till 2 am to get a girl without the Multa.

Hell, for what the take out fee is you could bang a girl on-site, and if things went well tell her after 2 you wanted a repeat, and if they didn't, pull the plug and avoid hassle, or go with another girl, for not that much more money.

Anyone know closing time at La Isla? 2 or much later?

01-07-15, 15:29
When you say "use a Schwab account" do you mean use a Charles Schwab bank card (linked to a Schwab checking / savings account) at an ATM in Medellin or do you mean something else like getting a wire from a US Schwab account to a bank in Medellin?

ThanksHe's talking about the SCHWAB investor checking account:


Highly recommended. They reimburse all of your ATM fees and now ship the cards with the new chip / pin technology in them. Best to use the card with the CitiBank ATMs in Medellin. Never had any problems with the card or Schwab for as long as I have been using them. Just be sure to call them before your trip and place a travel alert on your card, else they may shut it down until you call them and let them know what is up (they shut them down if they suspect fraud taking place on your account).

Also note: the checking account comes linked to a brokerage account, but you do not have to do anything with the brokerage account, nor keep any money in it. Just be aware that any money you Xfer to the account will most likely land in the brokerage account first.

Lucky Nuts
01-07-15, 16:00
He's talking about the SCHWAB investor checking account:


Highly recommended. They reimburse all of your ATM fees and now ship the cards with the new chip / pin technology in them. Best to use the card with the CitiBank ATMs in Medellin. Never had any problems with the card or Schwab for as long as I have been using them. Just be sure to call them before your trip and place a travel alert on your card, else they may shut it down until you call them and let them know what is up (they shut them down if they suspect fraud taking place on your account).

Also note: the checking account comes linked to a brokerage account, but you do not have to do anything with the brokerage account, nor keep any money in it. Just be aware that any money you Xfer to the account will most likely land in the brokerage account first.The Schwab card is great. I've used it around the world with no fees. I even used it at Spearmint Rhino in Vegas and the $30 fee was waived. So it even eliminates those high club surcharges. I don't use the checking account. And it's nice to have the cash come straight out of my brokerage account.

Lucky Nuts
01-07-15, 16:05
Today my buddy and I visited Energy. I was very impressed with the place. Very clean and we got there right when all the hotties were available. I must admit I didn't expect such a solid lineup. Pricing is 130 k for the hour, which includes a shower, massage and everything else. I paid my girl a tip of 50 k for a BBBJ and CIM. My buddy also had a great experience. We just couldn't believe for $60 you get an hour of this.

We slept until 7:30 pm and then got ready for La Cueva. It was Sunday night so Cueva was dead. We decided to hit the strip clubs. We hit San Diego first where there was definitely some talent. My buddies wanted to see La Isla since it is talked about so much. We had a bottle and red bulls at San Diego and on the CC came out to 283 k pesos. They charge 16% surcharge for CC. We headed to La Isla and it was closed. Bummer. We then went to Fase II. Not bad. Some quality there. 2 of my friend liked Fase II better and 2 of us myself included liked San Diego. We had a bottle there and I think it was around 350 k for just the bottle, no red bulls or anything. They charged 10% surcharge for putting it on a credit card. When it was nearing their closing time of 2 am, we started to negotiate with 3 girls. All of them had no problem leaving after 2 am, skipping the house fee and coming short time for 200 k. So we negotiated 200 k each for ST and then told them if we wanted them all night we would pay more. Result? Nobody really clicked with their girl. They were ok. It's hard to get a good GF experience with strippers that you just met for an hour. We didn't get time to party and relax and really get into it with them. So what do you get? Mediocre results.

Day 4..Thanks for the firsthand report on Energy. How does a guy request a BBBJ in Spanish? I've graduated from Pimsluer but that wasn't included in their lesson plans.

01-07-15, 18:47
A friend and I visited OM Massage for Men, located on the 4th floor of Rio Sur Mall in El Poblado.

On entering, I liked that the waiting area was clean and professional. There were four massage rooms and the one I was shown to was good-sized, clean and nicely appointed. My massage therapist, Joanna, was attractive but not beautiful.

Bear in mind that I've had a lot of massages in China and some in Vietnam, so when I tell you the massage was below-average, some might still find it enjoyable. However, when it came to the grand finale, Joanna oiled-up hermanito and brought him to a sure and satisfying release. First-rate! Yet my friend in the next room did not get similar treatment, for no apparent reason. Anyone know if the final release is uncertain here?

Cost? 80,000 cop paid at the front desk after the massage, plus 10,000 cop propina to Joanna. All in, that translates to less than USD 40.

I found my visit to OM a nice alternative to my usual diet of facebook prepagos and over-30 freebies. Would I repeat? Probably not, due to the weak massage.

01-07-15, 19:17
"FB Chica" is a misnomer: they don't work for Facebook, LOL.

As far as a chica that you met on Facebook? Whatever the two of you decide on. I would work it out before inviting her over so that there is no misunderstanding though, because if she arrives and you were thinking 70k and she was thinking 250k, you've just wasted each other's time (and it already takes them forever to get to your place due to traffic).Here's what works for me. I use FB chat or whatsapp for working out the details in advance, including price.

1. I start by asking her a short question: "Cuanto?" "How much?" I think it is best to get them to make the first offer.

2. The chicas usually will start with 200 mil or 150 mil. If she asks more than 200 mil, I don't counter, I just say "Tan mucho" "Too much. ".

3. If she starts at 200 mil, and she is especially hot in her fotos (8-ish), I'll counter at 150 mil. If normally hot (7-ish), I'll counter at 100 mil.

4. If we agree on a number, I ask her to pay the taxis.

5. Sometimes she will ask me to pay her taxi one way, which I may agree to, or I may not.

6. If the chica says "for one hour" or something like that, I say, "Sure, but I'm going to make you want to stay longer, because you will enjoy yourself. " This plants the idea that I am going to treat her well, as if she is my GF, which both reassures her and gets her ready for a mutually-enjoyable encounter.

Recently I have paid, all-in, 150 mil and 130 mil for chicas I meet on Facebook. I have a new one ready for a first visit who asks 200 mil. If she looks as good in person as she does in her fotos, I will pay it at least once, then offer her 150 mil for subsequent visits. I have paid as little as 100 mil, but that chica was not up to the level of others, so I haven't invited her back.

One overlying principle in arranging the price is to avoid outright conflict. Otherwise you are setting yourself up for a mechanical performance. Who wants to come over and get naked with a jerk, even if the money is good? On the other hand, overpaying creates an impression of unfamiliarity with the market, or outright carelessness. For me, diligent yet polite negotiation is a precursor to a great encounter.

Let me know what works for you.

01-07-15, 20:09
2. The chicas usually will start with 200 mil or 150 mil. If she asks more than 200 mil, I don't counter, I just say "Tan mucho" "Too much. ".

Nice post, except "demasiado" would be a better word to use for "too much".

01-07-15, 20:43
Chicas on this site are going for $120 k for 1 hour. Does anyone know if this is incall or outcall? Thats a pretty good price. Most seem to be 7+ chicas. Lots of variety. Anyone have any reviews?

01-07-15, 21:28
How does a guy request a BBBJ in Spanish? I've graduated from Pimsluer but that wasn't included in their lesson plans.I believe it it "Chuparme / chupame sin condon?" You can always do the hand guesture and say "sucky sucky sin condon?

I must say I am disappointed to see guys paying 50 k propina for it though.

01-07-15, 21:29
Chicas on this site are going for $120 k for 1 hour. Does anyone know if this is incall or outcall? Thats a pretty good price. Most seem to be 7+ chicas. Lots of variety. Anyone have any reviews?Hi,

I have not used the site but I had two good friends who worked for them. As I recall it was 120 K for you to go to an apartment in Laureles for a session, either 60 min or 75 min, I forget. Then the girls had their own rates to come to you, usually about 180 K for 90 minutes. That said, obviously if you book through the site, the site gets a cut. Some guy who owns a uniform factory or some bullshit. But they list the girls' direct numbers on there. So call them and negotiate it in such a way that they don't have to pay the piper, and you will get either a better rate or better service or both.

The service is reliable, the girls are serious. I have not checked out their talent in a while but at times it was very good.

01-07-15, 21:34
I believe it it "Chuparme / chupame sin condon?" You can always do the hand guesture and say "sucky sucky sin condon?

I must say I am disappointed to see guys paying 50 k propina for it though.Yes me too. I think about half the girls at the mansion did it without me even asking.

Vegas Jeff
01-07-15, 23:57
When you say "use a Schwab account" do you mean use a Charles Schwab bank card (linked to a Schwab checking / savings account) at an ATM in Medellin or do you mean something else like getting a wire from a US Schwab account to a bank in Medellin?

ThanksCall Charles Schwab and they can explain all the details.

Just got off the phone with them and they said that it takes approximately 2 weeks to receive the physical debit card so don't wait until the last minute before your trip if you decide to apply.

01-08-15, 00:55
Yes me too. I think about half the girls at the mansion did it without me even asking.Yeah, same with the chicas that come over to the apartment (although you do have some that will try you; best to send them back home right away in that case).

It is generally in the casas and strip clubs that guys have to worry about CBJ being the norm.

01-08-15, 04:56
Yes me too. I think about half the girls at the mansion did it without me even asking.Just finished an excellent stay at the Mansion, of the 15 girls I hooked up with, only 1 put a condom on it. And this is without me even saying a word. Whoever I trained these girls did a good job.


01-08-15, 05:10
Day 4.

We had set up a party at La Cueva for a couple days. I am sure someone will write up how awesome it was. Pretty much everyone we talked to said it was the most talent and the busiest they have ever seen it. It was incredible. We promised 30 girls with of course the help from Robert 20 k pesos each for coming. That was their taxi money. We had expected to also order pizzas for everyone but once the party started we said forget it. We will put that money in prizes. We had promised 500 k in prizes in the promotion of the party. I would think that we had more than 30 girls last night there. Quality was really good. Everyone had a good time. We ended up giving a little bit more than a million in prizes. We had drinking contests, best tits contests, biggest tits contests, smallest tits contests, best ass contest, best dance, and of course the birthday cake celebration where one girl was full of whip cream and my buddy who's birthday party it was got to lick it up. Of course it wasn't really his birthday, we just said that. LOL. We had free boos for the girls. I will get the bill tonight, but it won't be pretty. At least 3 gallons of Aguadiente, who knows how many tequila bottles, and they ran out of absolute vodka that's how much we drank. LOL. Of course the free boos for the girls turned into free boos for the guys also. Mind you I have no problem offering to all the guys, but I must say I was surprised how little offers I got. One doctor who is a stand up guy offered to buy a bottle and ended up buying 2 bottles. Another guy put in 100 k. Other than that, not one other guy even offered money or to buy a bottle. Nothing. It's really not about the money. It's more of the gesture. I was really really surprised guys didn't offer anything. Oh well.

In review, the party turned out to be a blast. I have to say I really do think more than 30 girls showed up. Everyone had a great time and all of us got awesome girls to go home with. Funny, every other day there was at least one three some in one of the rooms. And yesterday, the day that there was more girls than any other night, no one got a three some. LOL. Go figure. Well tonight is my last night in Medellin. I will be headed to Cartagena for a few nights. As always, the Mansion was fun. We got all the support we needed and I 100% will be back.

Viper 10.The party sounds like it was a blast, I was really sorry I had to fly out the day of party! It is shitty that there were so many freeloaders (although I am pretty sure I know who chipped in for the 2 bottles as he's a quality guy! I will be using your blueprint for when a bunch of friends and myself hit the Mansion at some point this year.


Black Page
01-08-15, 12:18
Any ISG folks involved in this?


I'd be curious to see Xiaoting: Chinese girl in MDE. What a blast!

01-08-15, 23:33
Hey guys,

Just a question: where is La Cueva located?

01-09-15, 01:03
Hey guys,

Just a question: where is La Cueva located?http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/index.html

Hopefully you are not just planning to show up there and book a room. You'd be wasting your time. Contact them in advance.

Member #4398
01-09-15, 02:54
Nice post, except "demasiado" would be a better word to use for "too much".One of my favorites frases to say when they ask to much is "pero tu ta loca?" which means are you crazy.

Mr Enternational
01-09-15, 05:53
One of my favorites frases to say when they ask to much is "pero tu ta loca?" which means are you crazy.I think that is an illiterate Dominican saying. I have never heard anyone in Colombia shorten "estas" to "ta".

Member #4398
01-09-15, 06:24
I think that is an illiterate Dominican saying. I have never heard anyone in Colombia shorten "estas" to "ta".If you want to speak perfect Spanish with a puta, it is fine. I speak Spanish fluently. However, I prefer speaking with the girls a less refined Spanish like Dominican colloquial slang. I am Dominican born and we tend to eat letters, maybe to speak faster. Many Colombians also do this cutting of words when they speak. The girls understood me pretty well and even smiled whenever I said "pero tu ta loca?" and it kept the negotiating going.

01-09-15, 06:50
Chicas on this site are going for $120 k for 1 hour. Does anyone know if this is incall or outcall? Thats a pretty good price. Most seem to be 7+ chicas. Lots of variety. Anyone have any reviews?I have reviewed several in the past and saw even more. 120 K is in call. Out is 150 to 200. I like their services.

01-09-15, 07:07
What are you guys paying for a FB Chica to visit your apt these days?It depends on the girl quality. A 6 will accept 100 K plus taxi. A 9 would expect close to 300. I have done the full range. Most depends on taste and what you think is a value to you. Personally, I prefer one solid session with a classy, elegantly dressed 9 than two sessions with a 6 who shows up late because her phone "died because she did not have change to charge the sim card".

Black Page
01-09-15, 11:50
Hopefully you are not just planning to show up there and book a room. You'd be wasting your time. Contact them in advance.Please nobody laughs at me, but I realize only TODAY how close is Medellin Plaza to where I usually stay in Medellin, whenever I visit that lovely city: Sheraton Four Points. Sheraton is totally not girl friendly, as most hotels in Colombia. I had to pay some extra fee when my "novia" came to stay with me a few days. What's more, the hotel policy dictates that, starting with the second girl during a guest stay, the fee becomes 100 k (This is (openly said) to discourage people to bring working girls.

Then why I stay there? Because I go to Medellin for work, and those who refund me the expenses would not be happy to know what I do.

Now, my question is, would I be welcome to visit La Cueva if I am not hotel guest?

(there is a second question, but I know the answer: girls at La Cueva would not be very happy to to go to a love hotel, used to stay there).

01-09-15, 15:52
Please nobody laughs at me, but I realize only TODAY how close is Medellin Plaza to where I usually stay in Medellin, whenever I visit that lovely city: Sheraton Four Points. Sheraton is totally not girl friendly, as most hotels in Colombia. I had to pay some extra fee when my "novia" came to stay with me a few days. What's more, the hotel policy dictates that, starting with the second girl during a guest stay, the fee becomes 100 k (This is (openly said) to discourage people to bring working girls.

Then why I stay there? Because I go to Medellin for work, and those who refund me the expenses would not be happy to know what I do.

Now, my question is, would I be welcome to visit La Cueva if I am not hotel guest?

(there is a second question, but I know the answer: girls at La Cueva would not be very happy to to go to a love hotel, used to stay there).50 K cover Charge will get into La Cueva on most days. I used to stay there at mansion and they kind of know me so I never had a problem. I have seen them say no to other mongers. The criteria, if there are any, are loose and mostly on a one on one basis. Good luck and have fun.

01-09-15, 16:19
Now, my question is, would I be welcome to visit La Cueva if I am not hotel guest?
Official answer from the source:

I contacted the Mansion about using the bar without staying at the hotel and this is the response I got:

"The bar its only for guest but when we are fully booked we make a few exceptions, if you are in town email us and we can ask if this can be done. Please keep in mind if you do come there is a cover fee of $50.000 COP. "

Black Page
01-09-15, 20:10
Official answer from the source:Thank you and thanks to Vitrea.

Colombia Jake
01-09-15, 20:23
www.colombiajake.com not hard at all USA 727-498-1680.Every once in a while I come along situations that scream out this is an opportunity for the right guy, and Karen who I've known and trust for sometime is one of those opportunities. Karen who is skinny with big knockers, is 18 and is a little bit of rebel in that she doesn't see eye to eye with mom and has moved out recently. She on her own but wants to be saved by the right guy. She's willing to take rides until that guy comes along. I've got a few others like her too, but Karen is ripe for the taking! Got to stay here to take rides!


Colombia Jake

01-10-15, 03:32
I think that is an illiterate Dominican saying. I have never heard anyone in Colombia shorten "estas" to "ta".In several Latin American countries people "eat" the last sylabus of some words. Cuba, Venezuela, The Carabean Costa of Honduras, the DR, and even Puerto Rico. People from other countries who are learning English say that LOS Angelenos do the same thing with English.

Edit...Even in Guatemala, where the Spanish in the capital is fairly slow and clear, folks will say "va pue" for "va pues"....

01-10-15, 04:37
In several Latin American countries people "eat" the last sylabus of some words. Cuba, Venezuela, The Carabean Costa of Honduras, the DR, and even Puerto Rico. People from other countries who are learning English say that LOS Angelenos do the same thing with English.

Edit...Even in Guatemala, where the Spanish in the capital is fairly slow and clear, folks will say "va pue" for "va pues"....Colombian Spanish is said to be the "cleanest" of all the Spanish dialects in Latin America. Theirs closely mirrors the same Spanish used in Spain (Castilian).

Many Spanish speaking programs (Latin Amercia) use Colombian and Argentinian speakers. All of the Pimsleuer series use these two dialects.

01-10-15, 05:54
I agree that colombian Spanish is the best in Latin America. I don't necessarily agree that it is the most like castilian, but then again, none of the Latin American Spanish is all that similar to the Castilian with the lisping and the "leísmo." And I am always astounded when people go to Argentina to learn Spanish, as argentine Spanish is almost unintelligible to many other Spanish-speakers, especially porteño Spanish (Buenos Aires). Plus, if they do understand it, they can spot an argie or an uruguayo a mile away, and who wants that? I like Pimsleur a lot (I am doing their Italian now) but I never understood why they used argie speakers. I lived in Argentina for about seven years and after I left there, I took great pains to lose that accent. That was after spending time in Spain, and every time I opened my mouth someone would say, "che boludo argentine Maradona dame la cocaina" or some such slur. Of course, I originally learned castilian Spanish and then I went to México and everyone was like, 'quién es ese maricón?' so I had to lose that accent. So, you can't win!

01-10-15, 17:23
How do you guys find FB chicas? Do you type anything special in FB?

I tried a few times to ask them "Cuanto?" after some time but hadn't good luck when I want to give them money. I'm 25 years old and German. When they like me they meet and I pay for their taxis (but that requires some long talks) or they don't want a meetup. Offering money didn't change anything in that. I'm after to meet some 9 or 10's, for some reason I have to modify my "dinero game" ?

Member #4398
01-10-15, 20:41
Every once in a while I come along situations that scream out this is an opportunity for the right guy, and Karen who I've known and trust for sometime is one of those opportunities. Karen who is skinny with big knockers, is 18 and is a little bit of rebel in that she doesn't see eye to eye with mom and has moved out recently. She on her own but wants to be saved by the right guy. She's willing to take rides until that guy comes along. I've got a few others like her too, but Karen is ripe for the taking! Got to stay here to take rides!


Colombia JakeThat is a pretty gem Jake. I wish I could stay in your place, just to take a ride on Karen, but unfortunately I like to stay in my own place. I am planning another trip to Medellin sometime in April or May 2015. I am sure you will find plenty of riders for her, opportunities for her to make some money, perhaps find that right guy and everybody's happy either way.

01-10-15, 21:24
How do you guys find FB chicas? Do you type anything special in FB?

I tried a few times to ask them "Cuanto?" after some time but hadn't good luck when I want to give them money. I'm 25 years old and German. When they like me they meet and I pay for their taxis (but that requires some long talks) or they don't want a meetup. Offering money didn't change anything in that. I'm after to meet some 9 or 10's, for some reason I have to modify my "dinero game" ?I am not sure what you expect to change by modifying your "dinero game" if you say you have tried to give them money and they still don't want to meet you.

Could also be that you are trying to solicit chicas on facebook who are not pros.

01-10-15, 21:43
In several Latin American countries people "eat" the last sylabus of some words. Cuba, Venezuela, The Carabean Costa of Honduras, the DR, and even Puerto Rico. People from other countries who are learning English say that LOS Angelenos do the same thing with English. Even in Guatemala, where the Spanish in the capital is fairly slow and clear, folks will say "va pue" for "va pues"....Same is true with French. After trying to learn French via CDS for my trips to Morocco, no wonder no one understood me. I took a class last year in French and thanks to the teacher who constanly corrected me as the last syllabus is rarely pronounced and different syllabuses are annunciated depending upon the occasion. A very tough language to learn to speak, French.

01-11-15, 08:17
How do you guys find FB chicas? Do you type anything special in FB?

I tried a few times to ask them "Cuanto?" after some time but hadn't good luck when I want to give them money. I'm 25 years old and German. When they like me they meet and I pay for their taxis (but that requires some long talks) or they don't want a meetup. Offering money didn't change anything in that. I'm after to meet some 9 or 10's, for some reason I have to modify my "dinero game" ?Don't take this the wrong way but your direct approach will almost never work in Latin America. On Facebook, they are all "non pros". They would not appreciate you treating them that way (applies to most). Also, like the other poster said you may be risking offering to non pros.

Best approach on Facebook is to invite the ones you like and take your chance. You spend thousands of dollars to get to CO and lot on food and hotels. Don't over analyze regarding few bucks. Some you will score and some you will loose but treat them all the same. If the Facebook friends tell each other that your a nice guy, on your next trip you will have a line of "friends" waiting for you.

Aussie Greg
01-12-15, 13:13
I thought you died years ago?

A. G.

I agree that colombian Spanish is the best in Latin America. I don't necessarily agree that it is the most like castilian, but then again, none of the Latin American Spanish is all that similar to the Castilian with the lisping and the "lesmo." And I am always astounded when people go to Argentina to learn Spanish, as argentine Spanish is almost unintelligible to many other Spanish-speakers, especially porteo Spanish (Buenos Aires). Plus, if they do understand it, they can spot an argie or an uruguayo a mile away, and who wants that? I like Pimsleur a lot (I am doing their Italian now) but I never understood why they used argie speakers. I lived in Argentina for about seven years and after I left there, I took great pains to lose that accent. That was after spending time in Spain, and every time I opened my mouth someone would say, "che boludo argentine Maradona dame la cocaina" or some such slur. Of course, I originally learned castilian Spanish and then I went to Mxico and everyone was like, 'quin es ese maricn?' so I had to lose that accent. So, you can't win!

C Jack Sparrow
01-12-15, 17:47
Don't take this the wrong way but your direct approach will almost never work in Latin America. On Facebook, they are all "non pros". They would not appreciate you treating them that way (applies to most). Also, like the other poster said you may be risking offering to non pros.

Best approach on Facebook is to invite the ones you like and take your chance. You spend thousands of dollars to get to CO and lot on food and hotels. Don't over analyze regarding few bucks. Some you will score and some you will loose but treat them all the same. If the Facebook friends tell each other that your a nice guy, on your next trip you will have a line of "friends" waiting for you.Mention $. If offened she will forgive you. You need to ask to know what's her game.

I started with respect and got tons of disrespect from girls and families also, ending up with my current attitude; ask directly.

You can spend time and money on what you think is a potential girlfriend while she is only spending time with you just to figure out to get her hands on your money; presents, simply just take your wallet and gone in a few seconds, put you in a position where you promise a lot in front of her family, who plays along.

You look for Perfect 10's and 9's. They don't need much skills or experience since you don't act intelligble.

Looking for perfect 10's is realistic, you will find your Dreamgirl, your Pocahontas, but along the way you will suffer heavy losses, that's life.

Doens't matter if you are handsome or not. Money is in short supply in Colombia, handsome men are everywhere.

She can get a handsome novio when she wants. She probably already have a Colombian boyfriend. Or 2! You are easy pray.

Colombians, though many are respectful, there are those who totally lack respect, and 100% of them take contact with gringos, while descent people requires more time.

Therefore you will meet a lot of bad girls. They all say they are from Bello.

If she wants to meet you, then assume she is a "interesada".

The view these type of Colombians have on foreigners in combination with the IMPULSE, is that you are some kind of St Claus, Papa Noel. This childish behaviour is typical Colombian and I have not met it in equally poor Peru, not in Brazil, Argentina or Uruguay.

Ask what you want to know, to aviod even more embarrasement and conflicts later on.

They use simple social tricks to make you waste so much money as possible before you get it.

Sweetnees is weakness! 75% of your perfect 10's are from Estrato social 1-2 which means they and their families lives on minimumwage-level.

They are used to being abused and humiliated and have nothing to loose.

If she is serious, even a poor barrio girl can be serious, she will understand why you ask such questions in a very direct way.

In todays Colombia perfect 10s doesnt want to get married to escape poverty. Some want to consume luxury items and travel. For 5 years. Then they are wasted, they are unable to force themselves to the disciplince university studies requires.

The more forward looking once doesnt want to marry either, they want you to help to pay the tuition to a private university.

With this possibilites; luxury consumption, travelling, university studies to make a career; marry a gringo is a boring option.

01-12-15, 18:17
Isn't Mexican Spanish supposed to be the most like Castillian Spanish? Being that Mexico City was the centre where language and culture was dispersed.

01-13-15, 00:58
Isn't Mexican Spanish supposed to be the most like Castillian Spanish? Being that Mexico City was the centre where language and culture was dispersed.Hell, no. Probably the most laughed at accent in the Spanish speaking world is the Mexican accent.

I don't think there is really a Spanish close to Castillian outside of Spain, due to their lisp and their use of vosotros. But Colombian Spanish is considered the most neutral because the accent is easiest to understand.

01-13-15, 02:00
Yeah, neutral is a good way to describe colombian Spanish. But I don't really agree with you about Mexico. There are many different accents there. I'd contend the argentine / uruguayo accent is the most laughed at.

01-13-15, 02:00
Hell, no. Probably the most laughed at accent in the Spanish speaking world is the Mexican accent.

I don't think there is really a Spanish close to Castillian outside of Spain, due to their lisp and their use of vosotros. But Colombian Spanish is considered the most neutral because the accent is easiest to understand.Plus they all belive their ancestors were Aztec Warriors. In no way would they identify with the Conquistadors (Spain).

01-13-15, 02:01
I thought you died years ago?A. G.I'll be around long enough to p!ss on your grave.

01-13-15, 02:53
How do you guys find FB chicas? Do you type anything special in FB?

I tried a few times to ask them "Cuanto?" after some time but hadn't good luck when I want to give them money. I'm 25 years old and German. When they like me they meet and I pay for their taxis (but that requires some long talks) or they don't want a meetup. Offering money didn't change anything in that. I'm after to meet some 9 or 10's, for some reason I have to modify my "dinero game" ?Speaking of Germany, I just came back from a 4 night trip there. The best place in the world to get laid and clearly the best value in terms of what you get for your money.

I love MDE and I keep coming back for many reasons and one of the main ones being able to go out, do TLN and enjoy the nightlife MDE has to offer. That is the only thing missing with FKKs.

Since you are from Germany and you are probably banging hot Romanians and other EE girls routinely for 50 Euros. So it is unlikely that that you are planning to go to MDE for casas, which with couple of exceptions, are crap compared to FKKs. If you are planning a mongering trip to MDE (Unless you are traveling to Colombia for other reasons or for a long term stay), I would also suggest Saint Martin as an alternative to MDE. IMHO it is the second best place outside of Colombia for hot Colombians and is completely hassle free. As you are finding out, getting the most out of MDE take some work.

Aussie Greg
01-13-15, 14:11
I'll be around long enough to p!ss on your grave.Ja ja ja ja.

You may well be right!! Its going to cost you money though.

01-13-15, 23:10
Speaking of Germany, I just came back from a 4 night trip there. The best place in the world to get laid and clearly the best value in terms of what you get for your money.

I love MDE and I keep coming back for many reasons and one of the main ones being able to go out, do TLN and enjoy the nightlife MDE has to offer. That is the only thing missing with FKKs.

Since you are from Germany and you are probably banging hot Romanians and other EE girls routinely for 50 Euros. So it is unlikely that that you are planning to go to MDE for casas, which with couple of exceptions, are crap compared to FKKs. If you are planning a mongering trip to MDE (Unless you are traveling to Colombia for other reasons or for a long term stay), I would also suggest Saint Martin as an alternative to MDE. IMHO it is the second best place outside of Colombia for hot Colombians and is completely hassle free. As you are finding out, getting the most out of MDE take some work.I don't know. One can blow an awful lot of money in the FKKs if you're not disciplined. I was at Oase this Summer and spent over $500 in one (long) night. That's the most I,ve spent anywhere since a crazy night in Sao Paolo years ago.

I did enjoy myself immensely and I have to admit the FKKs are very well-run with loads of hot-looking women and fantastic facilities.

The problem w Germany for me is that it's cold when I generaaly go on vacation. My vacations are as much about fleeing the brutal Winter as they are about mongering. If I lived in Miami, I'd certainlly do the FKKs more often.

01-14-15, 00:18
I don't know. One can blow an awful lot of money in the FKKs if you're not disciplined. I was at Oase this Summer and spent over $500 in one (long) night. That's the most I,ve spent anywhere since a crazy night in Sao Paolo years ago.

I did enjoy myself immensely and I have to admit the FKKs are very well-run with loads of hot-looking women and fantastic facilities.

The problem w Germany for me is that it's cold when I generaaly go on vacation. My vacations are as much about fleeing the brutal Winter as they are about mongering. If I lived in Miami, I'd certainlly do the FKKs more often.I know and I agree. I spent 960 euros last Saturday at Golden time FKK between 7 PM and 2 AM. That includes long session with my ATF, threesomes (two) and party supplies. It is a night that I will never forget and it is worth it for me.

I also enjoyed 40 euro sessions at Acapulco and Mondial. It all depends.

01-14-15, 00:49
In todays Colombia perfect 10s doesnt want to get married to escape poverty. Some want to consume luxury items and travel. For 5 years. Then they are wasted, they are unable to force themselves to the disciplince university studies requires.

With this possibilites; luxury consumption, travelling, university studies to make a career; marry a gringo is a boring option.I have to agree with this statement. When I am on facebook I see endless photos of the same handful of chicas jetting off somewhere just about every other week. They vacation more than I do and I probably make 10 x more than they every will in two life times!

Like you said, being used to a life of luxury consumption and travel, they are not going to have the discipline to start and finish University or hold down a real job as they age and are not as in demand anymore. Life is going to be tough for them once their bodies start showing wear and tear or if and when they pop out a kid. Their only hope is to get some sucker with deep pockets to marry them so that they can continue to live that sort of lifestyle. But if I had big bank, why would I lock down a worn-out 25-30 yr old when I can get a fresh new 18-21 yr old?

01-14-15, 01:19
I have to agree with this statement. When I am on facebook I see endless photos of the same handful of chicas jetting off somewhere just about every other week. They vacation more than I do and I probably make 10 x more than they every will in two life times!

Like you said, being used to a life of luxury consumption and travel, they are not going to have the discipline to start and finish University or hold down a real job as they age and are not as in demand anymore. Life is going to be tough for them once their bodies start showing wear and tear or if and when they pop out a kid. Their only hope is to get some sucker with deep pockets to marry them so that they can continue to live that sort of lifestyle. But if I had big bank, why would I lock down a worn-out 25-30 yr old when I can get a fresh new 18-21 yr old?Worn out 25-30 yr old. LOL the hobby sure does spoil us. I know guys here in the USA that would low crawl naked over broken glass to lock down a 25 yr old.

01-14-15, 01:30
Worn out 25-30 yr old. LOL the hobby sure does spoil us. I know guys here in the USA that would low crawl naked over broken glass to lock down a 25 yr old.LOL, I hear you. But we are talking about women in another country. In the USA, a 35-40yr+ old guy would be lucky if he could get a 25 yr AW to sneeze on him by accident, let alone look at him or touch him.

But in a place like Colombia, you can afford to be a bit more choosey, LOL :D

Admittedly, I have some very hot 25+ (Colombian) amigas of my own that are still super hot. But a 25yr+ old chica who is still not married yet (and still selling ass) is considered old by Colombian standards. But like you said, there are guys from the US and other countries who would crawl naked over glass to lock her down. That's also why you see guys talking about working the Colombian MILF market as well.

Just hop on any US dating site and see what the AW's look like past 25 yrs old. I would advise not eating anything before doing so though, LOL.

01-14-15, 18:05
LOL, I hear you. But we are talking about women in another country. In the USA, a 35-40yr+ old guy would be lucky if he could get a 25 yr AW to sneeze on him by accident, let alone look at him or touch him.

But in a place like Colombia, you can afford to be a bit more choosey, LOL :D

Admittedly, I have some very hot 25+ (Colombian) amigas of my own that are still super hot. But a 25yr+ old chica who is still not married yet (and still selling ass) is considered old by Colombian standards. But like you said, there are guys from the US and other countries who would crawl naked over glass to lock her down. That's also why you see guys talking about working the Colombian MILF market as well.

Just hop on any US dating site and see what the AW's look like past 25 yrs old. I would advise not eating anything before doing so though, LOL.In other Countries they are way more old fashion. Back in the 1950's and before that in the United States. If you were over the age of 21 Years old and not married. People will look at you strange.

Also America is a sex prison which is why american males are the thirstiest group of men you will ever meet in your life when it comes to women. I see girls that are 300 lbs and you still got men that will give them play.

Member #4396
01-14-15, 19:29
Worn out 25-30 yr old. LOL the hobby sure does spoil us. I know guys here in the USA that would low crawl naked over broken glass to lock down a 25 yr old.Not just about age but how you take care of yourself. Same guys would crawl over broken glass for some of the 40 year old Paisa moms walking around!

Member #4396
01-16-15, 18:24
Can anyone recommend some independent / FB girls?

Any recent experiences with Yamii Marin? She is on FB and looks pretty damn hot.

Mr Enternational
01-16-15, 22:00
I came in this morning from Bogota. My wingman's flight arrived from Panama 10 minutes after. I have been to many cities in Colombia over the 9 years that I have been coming but this is my first time in Medellin. Me and my wingman are the same type of mongers (we met in 2003 in Rio) so I have been waiting for him to come show me the ropes because I didn't want to reinvent the wheel.

We went outside of international arrivals and hopped on the green and white mini bus to Maracaibo. I was 8600 pesos (a taxi would have been 55 K) and took 1 hour 10 minutes to reach the last stop. When we got off we paid the driver and he got our luggage out of the back. We then walked a block to our hotel. We are actually staying at a love motel downtown, but we are paying by the day for jacuzzi rooms. 40 k pesos each per day.

We have been hitting casas since we arrived. There are countless casas around here, even one next door to our hotel. As soon as you walk out there are guys coming from everywhere giving you the card for their casa. We have collected quite a few but have only visited a couple of those. For the most part this guy walks down the street and looks around and says that has to be one. Let's go in. Sure enough, each place that he says has happened to be a casa. All of them except 1 has been 35 K for 30 minutes and 55 K for 1 hour. One had a special 2 girls for 40 minutes for 60 K. The one we sessioned at first was the most expensive. 37 K for 30 minutes or if you see the girls and do not take one then you have to by a drink for 2 K.

In over 100 countries these have to be the best women that I have ever seen in a fuckhouse. And there are so many of them. I don't see how anyone makes any money around here. We are on our way to New Life so I can check that out, then we will come back to the chica bars that open at 7 down from where we are staying.

Member #4398
01-16-15, 23:58
Nice report Mr. International. It seems that you are having a great time and staying in ground zero (el centro? Of putalandia. Can you share that the name of that love motel and address and how safe is at night time?

I came in this morning from Bogota. My wingman's flight arrived from Panama 10 minutes after. I have been to many cities in Colombia over the 9 years that I have been coming but this is my first time in Medellin. Me and my wingman are the same type of mongers (we met in 2003 in Rio) so I have been waiting for him to come show me the ropes because I didn't want to reinvent the wheel.

We went outside of international arrivals and hopped on the green and white mini bus to Maracaibo. I was 8600 pesos (a taxi would have been 55 K) and took 1 hour 10 minutes to reach the last stop. When we got off we paid the driver and he got our luggage out of the back. We then walked a block to our hotel. We are actually staying at a love motel downtown, but we are paying by the day for jacuzzi rooms. 40 k pesos each per day.

We have been hitting casas since we arrived. There are countless casas around here, even one next door to our hotel. As soon as you walk out there are guys coming from everywhere giving you the card for their casa. We have collected quite a few but have only visited a couple of those. For the most part this guy walks down the street and looks around and says that has to be one. Let's go in..

01-17-15, 01:37
I'll be in town Monday through he following Saturday and can't wait. Amazing to think that a 1 hour session in a casa is cheaper than the going rate of 30 minutes in a MP in San Jose, CR! I'd love to hear about your experience staying in the central zone as well. Heard mixed reviews. I still haven't chosen a hotel apt for the week, but stayed in an apt w / a buddy last trip in Laureles. It was great. Loads of hotels around there for around $25-35 night.

I came in this morning from Bogota. My wingman's flight arrived from Panama 10 minutes after. I have been to many cities in Colombia over the 9 years that I have been coming but this is my first time in Medellin. Me and my wingman are the same type of mongers (we met in 2003 in Rio) so I have been waiting for him to come show me the ropes because I didn't want to reinvent the wheel.

We went outside of international arrivals and hopped on the green and white mini bus to Maracaibo. I was 8600 pesos (a taxi would have been 55 K) and took 1 hour 10 minutes to reach the last stop. When we got off we paid the driver and he got our luggage out of the back. We then walked a block to our hotel. We are actually staying at a love motel downtown, but we are paying by the day for jacuzzi rooms. 40 k pesos each per day.

We have been hitting casas since we arrived. There are countless casas around here, even one next door to our hotel. As soon as you walk out there are guys coming from everywhere giving you the card for their casa. We have collected quite a few but have only visited a couple of those..

01-17-15, 01:45
I came in this morning from Bogota. My wingman's flight arrived from Panama 10 minutes after. I have been to many cities in Colombia over the 9 years that I have been coming but this is my first time in Medellin. Me and my wingman are the same type of mongers (we met in 2003 in Rio) so I have been waiting for him to come show me the ropes because I didn't want to reinvent the wheel.

We went outside of international arrivals and hopped on the green and white mini bus to Maracaibo. I was 8600 pesos (a taxi would have been 55 K) and took 1 hour 10 minutes to reach the last stop. When we got off we paid the driver and he got our luggage out of the back. We then walked a block to our hotel. We are actually staying at a love motel downtown, but we are paying by the day for jacuzzi rooms. 40 k pesos each per day.

We have been hitting casas since we arrived. There are countless casas around here, even one next door to our hotel. As soon as you walk out there are guys coming from everywhere giving you the card for their casa. We have collected quite a few but have only visited a couple of those. For the most part this guy walks down the street and looks around and says that has to be one. Let's go in. Sure enough, each place that he says has happened to be a casa. All of them except 1 has been 35 K for 30 minutes and 55 K for 1 hour. One had a special 2 girls for 40 minutes for 60 K. The one we sessioned at first was the most expensive. 37 K for 30 minutes or if you see the girls and do not take one then you have to by a drink for 2 K.

In over 100 countries these have to be the best women that I have ever seen in a fuckhouse. And there are so many of them. I don't see how anyone makes any money around here. We are on our way to New Life so I can check that out, then we will come back to the chica bars that open at 7 down from where we are staying.How would you say Medellin mongering compares to let's say Cartagena or Bogota in terms of quality? I am planning on spending more time in Bogota, and visiting Medellin during my next trip to Colombia. Most people say that the women in Medellin might be the most beautiful in South America, but I'm not sure if that's just general women or p4 p women. I'd like to think the more better looking regular women, the more better looking p4 p women. Are you seeing more casas in Medellin vs. Bogota? Thanks for the report. .

01-17-15, 15:14
Today my buddy and I visited Energy. I was very impressed with the place. Very clean and we got there right when all the hotties were available. I must admit I didn't expect such a solid lineup. Pricing is 130 k for the hour, which includes a shower, massage and everything else. I paid my girl a tip of 50 k for a BBBJ and CIM. My buddy also had a great experience. We just couldn't believe for $60 you get an hour of this.

We slept until 7:30 pm and then got ready for La Cueva. It was Sunday night so Cueva was dead. We decided to hit the strip clubs. We hit San Diego first where there was definitely some talent. My buddies wanted to see La Isla since it is talked about so much. We had a bottle and red bulls at San Diego and on the CC came out to 283 k pesos. They charge 16% surcharge for CC. We headed to La Isla and it was closed. Bummer. We then went to Fase II. Not bad. Some quality there. 2 of my friend liked Fase II better and 2 of us myself included liked San Diego. We had a bottle there and I think it was around 350 k for just the bottle, no red bulls or anything. They charged 10% surcharge for putting it on a credit card. When it was nearing their closing time of 2 am, we started to negotiate with 3 girls..Great reposts! Thanks so much! Would it be possible to see some pic of the party?

It all sounds amazing!

01-17-15, 18:27
Any recent experiences with Yamii Marin? She is on FB and looks pretty damn hot.Good luck. She is starting to model herself as some sort of local celeb / fitness buff. Best time to have done anything with her was probably a couple of years ago.

01-17-15, 20:26
Good luck. She is starting to model herself as some sort of local celeb / fitness buff. Best time to have done anything with her was probably a couple of years ago.Yes, she is becoming quite popular and a celebrity as well. Her pics and those of a few others are making a splash on FB. However, she still needs to pay rent and a few other things, and her earnings from modeling are probably not there yet. I had no problem scheduling a session with her this past December, and she is still a sweet girl. The modeling and celebrity status have not changed her yet.

01-17-15, 20:49
Yes, she is becoming quite popular and a celebrity as well. Her pics and those of a few others are making a splash on FB. However, she still needs to pay rent and a few other things, and her earnings from modeling are probably not there yet. I had no problem scheduling a session with her this past December, and she is still a sweet girl. The modeling and celebrity status have not changed her yet.That's good to hear. With some of these chicas, for every "Like" their photos receive, their egos are inflated by as much.

01-17-15, 22:29

01-18-15, 05:05
Yes, she is becoming quite popular and a celebrity as well. Her pics and those of a few others are making a splash on FB. However, she still needs to pay rent and a few other things, and her earnings from modeling are probably not there yet. I had no problem scheduling a session with her this past December, and she is still a sweet girl. The modeling and celebrity status have not changed her yet.Agree she is still sweet. She has a friend who I think is even better looking in my humble opinion and they work well together. I like her but in a my perfect world she would have natural. Even if she did go with with silicone, I wish she stayed more proportionate. She went a size too large for her frame.

01-18-15, 05:33
Agree she is still sweet. She has a friend who I think is even better looking in my humble opinion Yuliana? If so, I've had her three separate times already. Her body is nice; her face, no so much. Definitely one of those "you looked hotter on facebook" cases. She has also been in the game far too long and has started to become jaded. First time was a rush job. When I told her about it she said she'd make up for it (broad was in a rush to get to that birthday party Steve from Liquid Lounge put on for the monger who asked for the party but never showed up, LOL). And she absolutely did make up for it on the next trip I saw her, which is why I had put her back on my repeat session. But the third time I saw her she was all business again. Not funking with her again. Too many young, fresh chicas who have not become jaded to be worried about chicas past their prime.

Yamii has come along way. When I saw her hanging at the mansion back in 2012 on my first trip, she was a skinny, skinny broad, which is why I never did anything with her. Boyd said she got that way from doing too much coke with her then gal pal Julietha Valencia (Julietha is still a skinny bag of bones. Yuck). They both used to stay in that room on the bottom floor near the pool at the second mansion house up the hill. Yamii looks much healthier now.

01-18-15, 08:51
Yamil is very overrated. Celebrity she is not. I had a session with her last January, and when we did doggy style. The smell was horrid. Think sanitation bad. Now, maybe that was just that day, but I heard the same complaint by others. Her pussy has turned sour. When you smoke a lot, don't take care of yourself and sleep around, these things tend to happen. Anyways, she is definitely available but don't expect much. My session with her was the low point of all my girls last year. Now with that being said, she still did try, but that smell was just a mood killer.

Can anyone recommend some independent / FB girls?

Any recent experiences with Yamii Marin? She is on FB and looks pretty damn hot.

01-18-15, 17:35
Yamil is very overrated. Celebrity she is not. I had a session with her last January, and when we did doggy style. The smell was horrid. Think sanitation bad. Now, maybe that was just that day, but I heard the same complaint by others. Her pussy has turned sour. When you smoke a lot, don't take care of yourself and sleep around, these things tend to happen. Anyways, she is definitely available but don't expect much. My session with her was the low point of all my girls last year. Now with that being said, she still did try, but that smell was just a mood killer.Yep, you are like the 2nd or 3rd person to have said the same thing on this forum. It's enough of a warning for me to want to (continue) to keep my distance, LOL!

01-20-15, 03:08
Yuliana? If so, I've had her three separate times already. Her body is nice; her face, no so much. Definitely one of those "you looked hotter on facebook" cases. She has also been in the game far too long and has started to become jaded. First time was a rush job. When I told her about it she said she'd make up for it (broad was in a rush to get to that birthday party Steve from Liquid Lounge put on for the monger who asked for the party but never showed up, LOL). And she absolutely did make up for it on the next trip I saw her, which is why I had put her back on my repeat session. But the third time I saw her she was all business again. Not funking with her again. Too many young, fresh chicas who have not become jaded to be worried about chicas past their prime.

Yamii has come along way. When I saw her hanging at the mansion back in 2012 on my first trip, she was a skinny, skinny broad, which is why I never did anything with her. Boyd said she got that way from doing too much coke with her then gal pal Julietha Valencia (Julietha is still a skinny bag of bones. Yuck). They both used to stay in that room on the bottom floor near the pool at the second mansion house up the hill. Yamii looks much healthier now.Have been with both girls multiple times. Agreed that Yuliana is not the best looking girl floating around but her body is great. In my experience, I have never had the smell issue with Yamii (although I am not a big fan of her fake breasts) and have never been rushed by Yuliana -- that said as with everything, everyone's experience is different.


01-20-15, 03:33
Yep, you are like the 2nd or 3rd person to have said the same thing on this forum. It's enough of a warning for me to want to (continue) to keep my distance, LOL!Never been with Yami but heard nothing but positive things. Not really my style but I have a friend with similar tastes to mine who swears by her service and attitude.

The smell thing, I mean a lot of these girls are like a service station for cock. Not surprising that they are not so fresh and so fresh and clean (c) Andre 3000.

Some of the girls at the MPs, WHEW, just don't get close. A girl who can maintain her hygiene at a high level is very underrated IMHO.

01-21-15, 04:32
I have been to Medellin many times, most often basing out of Mansion. I am very familiar with Centro scene. My next trip I will have an apartment near Parque Lleras. I have often eaten there, but I have never explored chica pickup options. I am 55+yrs and speak a little Spanish. Which bars in Lleras would most likely have Prepagos who I would recognize as such. Any Lleras info would be appreciated. Thank you!

Pana Nyc
01-21-15, 08:08
Finally you have hit up Medellin my good brother Mr E I have been telling you about that city for years. I had a good run visiting Medellin 2008-2011 (16 x) during that time frame until I became bored with it after doing just about everything from non-pros to pros. Medellin is one of the most underrated mongering destinations in my book.

I came in this morning from Bogota. My wingman's flight arrived from Panama 10 minutes after. I have been to many cities in Colombia over the 9 years that I have been coming but this is my first time in Medellin. Me and my wingman are the same type of mongers (we met in 2003 in Rio) so I have been waiting for him to come show me the ropes because I didn't want to reinvent the wheel.

We went outside of international arrivals and hopped on the green and white mini bus to Maracaibo. I was 8600 pesos (a taxi would have been 55 K) and took 1 hour 10 minutes to reach the last stop. When we got off we paid the driver and he got our luggage out of the back. We then walked a block to our hotel. We are actually staying at a love motel downtown, but we are paying by the day for jacuzzi rooms. 40 k pesos each per day.

We have been hitting casas since we arrived. There are countless casas around here, even one next door to our hotel. As soon as you walk out there are guys coming from everywhere giving you the card for their casa. We have collected quite a few but have only visited a couple of those. For the most part this guy walks down the street and looks around and says that has to be one. Let's go in. Sure enough, each place that he says has happened to be a casa. All of them except 1 has been 35 K for 30 minutes and 55 K for 1 hour. One had a special 2 girls for 40 minutes for 60 K. The one we sessioned at first was the most expensive. 37 K for 30 minutes or if you see the girls and do not take one then you have to by a drink for 2 K.

In over 100 countries these have to be the best women that I have ever seen in a fuckhouse. And there are so many of them. I don't see how anyone makes any money around here. We are on our way to New Life so I can check that out, then we will come back to the chica bars that open at 7 down from where we are staying.

Member #4287
01-23-15, 06:32
Can anyone recommend some independent / FB girls?

Any recent experiences with Yamii Marin? She is on FB and looks pretty damn hot.These chicks are off the beaten path but well worth the extra effort to get with IMHO.





The last one I haven't done yet. So if someone gets with her. Let me know how it goes.

01-23-15, 17:17
There are countless stories of problems with simply picking up an unknown girl and taking her back to your place.

Within the past month I am aware of at least one instance in which it sounds like two newbies met some smoking hot.

Paisas in P Lleras, brought them back to their apt. And then were promptly drugged by what sounds like a heavy dose.

Of Scopalamine. Google "The Devils Breath in Colombia. ".

The guys were out of it for 24-36 hours from what I hear and the girls took everything.




Colombia is a wonderful country and Medellin is awesome but there are dangers for everyone including both newbies.

As well as those of us who are more experienced.

My advice.

Stick with girls you know and take them out to dinner or to clubs.

You will have a great time and its much more safe.

Remember in Colombia if you show the Papaya. The Papaya gets cut.

Have fun and stay safe.


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C Jack Sparrow
01-24-15, 04:41

Of course I have had my share of violence, con artists-girls, etc since I have lived in Latin America for a total of 3 years since 2005.

But the frequency have been low. Often drunk, often taking taxis night time, more or less every day when I have had my active periods, maybe a total of 1000 days living in the major cities in Argentina, Uruguay, Peru and Colombia. 3 times I have lost money in Latin America, one time it was scary but not expensive, one time it was just a con artist fooling a typical drunk gringo.

It seems girls are much more hit by robbery, almost all I know have been robbed, although it has been a clich by the girls to say that on Internet, to have an excuse to ask for money, but some must have been serious, considering social circumstances.

If the mayority have told the truth, it's means that the majority of females are being robbed of their cell phones and handbags intermittently.

Latin America have higher cime and murder rates than Africa!

As a Medellin-"gringo" I would be careful. There are for example an App that informs you all about the taxi you are calling for; name, plates, GPS-view of where the taxi are etc. Maybe some ISGs reading this here have it and can share the info, I forgot the details.

In the cellphones there are direct number to the police etc. I have been bad checking this / it never happens to me, I fix it tomorrow /. Police maybe really be helpful, even you think not. They helped me on La 70 one time, picking up the scumbag travestis that stole my cellphone. The police on light and terrain going motorcycles gives them capacity to follow the bad guys almost everywhere!

It's part of the search. Looking for and meeting hot girls are like lottery, you will meet bad girls and you will meet good girls and learn to how to keep them!

I have met beautiful girls that have been serious, not so beautiful ones that have been con artists. It's part of their nature. Some girls just are like that, rationality is very primitive, since they live a very primitive life.

The worst method is to bring home girls from "Bello". A paisa friend, now living in Miami told me, what I should had understood by now about robbery-risks. Bringing them home to my apartment in Laureles was = "economical suicide attempt", according to him.

If not robbed by a Scopolamine-girl, they will make the experience into a nightmare insted of the Dream-sex you thoguht you was going to have; twice the girls have started to demanding more money during the act it self, one time while performing BBBJ, LOL.

How to just invite girls that you know of? Just must have a network, and that is hard to create since the average gringo stay like 1-2-3 weeks and that is to little time to do it yourself.

Con artists have assumed or just acted like I was a total newbie, trying stupid tricks, sometimes it works since it comes as a total surprise. The phrase "es costumbre en Colombia", "it's comstume in Colombia" is often used to justify the behaviour, a behavoiur that has rightlously given Colombia it's bad reputation this country so well deserves. Was I to critical now? Yes. And no. For men seeking love and romance, Colombia is the perfect place to loose $$$ and what was still left of your selfconfidence! Every year, I estamte that at least 1000 guys have a breakdown after a trip to Colombia with Amolatina and such organized almost crminal enterprise that so freqently advertize on the internet and that we read little about here on ISG, but there must be many, whos experiences we really need to take part of, to get the full picture about Gringos & Colombianas.

Stefany-famous from the Mansion- finally understood that we could be friends and stopped trying to stealing my money. She understood that it would pay of much better having a horney and generous gringo friend. A logic that seems obvious, but are rarely encountered among the chicks we socialize, sexualize with. But her case shows that it is possible to make a breakthrough. She was very relieved when she could leave that fake "soy tu novia"-blaha acting and got that it was OK just to hang out and have sex now and then.

When considering risks and statistics, how high is the percentage per day of being robbed in some way in Medellin?

Of the 1000 murders in Medellin 2012,4 was committed in Laureles, 0 in Poblado! And Laureles with all it's parts are a huge area. So it's a low risk, if you are just being in the right place, even at night.

The Scopolamine factor is a real threat though, and very scary! And there seems to be little to do once you have been exposed to it. You can escape it seems, but most times you fall into another world where you do everything that the robber wants, giving codes to ATM etc, and the next day you can't remember anything and therefore have a lot smaller chance of getting money from your ensurance!

I have always lived in Medellin long periods, like 2-6 months thus the Mansion is not bearable economically speaking, but it can be cheaper since you take a low risk. Also New Life or even Louthron is economical, compared to be stripped of everything!

Considering this, I must be better helping my fellows on ISG with contacts, even if I have done a lot, I can always improve.

There are now a very cute girl, Johana, that I met on CC. She says on Skype; "I clean your apartment for food and I don't want suggestions", hmm Is she for real? She is Very Pretty! I thoguht her to be honest before entering this discussion, but now I think twice. It's so easy commiting the same mistake over and over again. You always hope it will be a pleasant meeting and many times it is so really, especially in Medellin! But my friend, who is "operadora del edificio", told me that she and a friend had a business idea home maid service; but had to let i t go since potential clients thought the risk of being robbed was too high, and the possibility of the police catching a person is very small since a cedula give to weak informaion about where a person lives, works , have done etc. This situation is a factor that holds back a lot of social and economical activity.

If I would be in Medellin now, I would make my stupid mistakes over and over again, but doesn't mean I can give good advices to other ISGs.

Go to New Life. There you ill find talent at a low price. Find a few favorites. You meet a girl that is sexy and a good lover, then invite her to your apartment / hotel. It should have a fair probability to work. Much better option than Facebook if you ask me!

One period, when Energy was filled with almost model girls, as hot as they can be for those todays 130 k COP, I had 2 girls suggesting the we should become novios! Encounraged by this luck, I even asked the very hottest one at Energy and the second time we met, she opend up a lot. But this was my first time in Medellin and I thought it was to good to be true, but it can happen to a lot of many ISGs since I'm average in both age and looks, but tall, white, blue eyed men are a still a rare comodity in Medellin. Hence, I did not take my chance with not one of these 3 girls, which I have always regretted, but it was a short , important chapter that has given me enormous apetite to travel and re-travel to Medellin!

It feels like a lottery. You can win and you do, and you can loose, and you do, many things will happen, but sure of that!

But not to talk to bad about the "barrio" girls. I have a met a MILF selling candy in the street. She came home to me whenever I wanted for 50-80 pesos, bareback sex! She lives almost in the frontline in Comuna 13 so she is used to a ruff lifestyle, but she is perfectly calm, no attempt ever to rob me or steal anything. A lot is about the personality.

Use cash. Bring your creditcard / s but have not more than US $ or 500-1000 available. Then transfer daily via your Internetbank. That way the amount you can be tricked of is very limited if a girl see your pin and steal your card.

Then culture is very different compared to anglo-saxon WASP societies. Acting on IMPULSE is normal here, especially towards gringos, it's socially accepted. They say and do things, not only the young girls, but many others, like they never would dare to a colombian! But, maybe a paradox, taxidrivers and restaurant personell are almost 100% serious, and that is culture quality, since it with them the major part of the daily economical transfers are done!

But New Life, Energy, the clubs, it gerts boring. I want to attack in broad daylight! I would do it just for the surprise effect. In the everyday life, and therein, as the bard would tell us lies the rub; it's free and it can work, and you can do it everywhere, without limits! Surprise-girls give such much added value since such sex is what we dream of all the time, but maybe can encounter one-two times in a lifetime, while going to New Life, The Mansion, that we all can do as long as we have $US 1000 extra to spend a week.

Daytime-Fishing is the highest form of Hedeonistic rationality, but the most risky one security-wise, if you bring the girls to your home and not to a lovemotel, but many are more keen to go to a motel, since it's more safe.

01-24-15, 12:57
Jack Sparrow.

Your best post yet in my opinion.

Definitely a Master's level philosophical summation of Medellin, and can be applied to the 'life and girls' in other Latin cities as well.

01-24-15, 15:12
Jack Sparrow.

Your best post yet in my opinion.

Definitely a Master's level philosophical summation of Medellin, and can be applied to the 'life and girls' in other Latin cities as well.I totally agree. Great post, great read!

01-24-15, 16:03
Nice post my friend. Keep up the good work. Check your PM I sent few days ago.

Dashing Don
01-24-15, 17:13
I just finished staying with Jake and had a very nice time. He has a large apartment in a well run complex in Poblado where you will meet other gringos and which has a relaxed vibe. Each night I had Jake bring over one of his girls. They were young and beautiful and after the deed, I took them out dancing and drinking as they were great company and look great on your arm. Only one girl didn't want to go out after we did it. As I hadn't spent any time in Centro, Jake took me down there and we spent a few hours walking around and chatting with chicas here and there. A real slice of life and very enjoyable. As I simply wanted to jet in and be catered to without having to do any work, Jake's setup fit the bill perfectly. Two thumbs up!

01-25-15, 16:40
Does anyone have any experience with this Swinger / sex club. They seem to offer a variety of weekly events aimed and singles and couples??

Member #4287
01-25-15, 17:48

I have always lived in Medellin long periods, like 2-6 months thus the Mansion is not bearable economically speaking, but it can be cheaper since you take a low risk.

.I have seen old gringos staying at the Mansion on there monthly rate of $1350. They mostly do short time with the girls at 150,000 cop.

And they rarely go out with the girls so their expenses are low.

Met one old timer that buys cheap electronics on ebay and offers the girls a cheap tablet that cost 50 bucks instead of the 150 K cop.

Most of the old farts at the Mansion. Are in their mid to late sixties. Bang one girl a day and stay on a budget of between 4 and 5 thousand a month.

The one that trades cheap electronics for sex probably spends less than that.

01-26-15, 02:12
I have seen old gringos staying at the Mansion on there monthly rate of $1350. They mostly do short time with the girls at 150,000 cop.

And they rarely go out with the girls so their expenses are low.

Met one old timer that buys cheap electronics on ebay and offers the girls a cheap tablet that cost 50 bucks instead of the 150 K cop.

Most of the old farts at the Mansion. Are in their mid to late sixties. Bang one girl a day and stay on a budget of between 4 and 5 thousand a month.

The one that trades cheap electronics for sex probably spends less than that.No need to disparage the older members in our mongering community. Those "old farts" may be the ones to pull your ass out of the fire one day.

Most of the mongers that have given my guidance over the years are twice, sometimes thrice my age. They have a lot of valuable wisdom to impart on others if you are willing to listen.

01-26-15, 02:25
I have seen old gringos staying at the Mansion on there monthly rate of $1350. They mostly do short time with the girls at 150,000 cop.

And they rarely go out with the girls so their expenses are low.

Met one old timer that buys cheap electronics on ebay and offers the girls a cheap tablet that cost 50 bucks instead of the 150 K cop.

Most of the old farts at the Mansion. Are in their mid to late sixties. Bang one girl a day and stay on a budget of between 4 and 5 thousand a month.

The one that trades cheap electronics for sex probably spends less than that.Sounds like a nice way to spend one's retirement, at least for part of the year. Maybe one day, I will be lucky enough to enjoy some of my golden years in this way. I would think it would be more economical to spend split one's time between the Mansion, and and an apartment. That way, you get the benefits of the Mansion, but also the benefit of a cheaper apartment rental the rest of the time.

I only wonder what a retiree does to occupy one's time in Medellin when one is done banging those one or two hotties a day? I mean, I think I would go crazy there after the newness wears off. Sure, I could go to Spanish school there for 6 months to become fluent, but what would I do after that? Fortunately for me, I still have a lot of time to figure out all out. Still, I wonder what these guys do with all the rest of their day in Medellin day after day once they've been there awhile?

Vegas Jeff
01-26-15, 04:10
It's part of the search. Looking for and meeting hot girls are like lottery, you will meet bad girls and you will meet good girls and learn to how to keep them!

If not robbed by a Scopolamine-girl, they will make the experience into a nightmare insted of the Dream-sex you thoguht you was going to have; twice the girls have started to demanding more money during the act it self, one time while performing BBBJ, LOL.

The Scopolamine factor is a real threat though, and very scary! And there seems to be little to do once you have been exposed to it. You can escape it seems, but most times you fall into another world where you do everything that the robber wants, giving codes to ATM etc, and the next day you can't remember anything and therefore have a lot smaller chance of getting money from your ensurance!

But New Life, Energy, the clubs, it gerts boring. I want to attack in broad daylight! I would do it just for the surprise effect. In the everyday life, and therein, as the bard would tell us lies the rub; it's free and it can work, and you can do it everywhere, without limits! Surprise-girls give such much added value since such sex is what we dream of all the time, but maybe can encounter one-two times in a lifetime, while going to New Life, The Mansion, that we all can do as long as we have $US 1000 extra to spend a week.

Daytime-Fishing is the highest form of Hedeonistic rationality, but the most risky one security-wise, if you bring the girls to your home and not to a lovemotel, but many are more keen to go to a motel, since it's more safe.Nice post, Jack Sparrow.

IMO the quality of foreigner traveling to Medellin currently is more naive and unaware than in the past. The original travelers to any unknown location are always better. They are respectful toward the culture, attempting to blend in. As the last herd arrives with shorts and flip flops, the original foreigners move on to another place. This is a poor trade as the locals get a stronger whiff of the crap from the First World.

I have never been robbed or drugged or had anything happen to me in 10 years of travel in Latin America. Part of this is luck and part of this is using my brain and blending in. I know of 3 locals who have been drugged by scopolomine in Medellin, but don't know of any foreigners. Over the next few months I expect to be involved in some crazy shit in Medellin so maybe my luck will run out. I have been walking around El Centro drunk and stoned recently. I hear of these stories in El Centro regarding the danger. I am an easier target than ever. Also, I only have between basic to intermediate Spanish. I am still waiting for these things to happen that I hear about. I am not too proud to write it here if something happens. We shall see.

I had sex with about 500 girls in CR and 150+ in Medellin. In CR I was like a machine, going through my mental rolodex of things to organize so the hookers would not be able steal anything. In Medellin, I barely pay attention. I have left my wallet on the counter with money in it to test the girls. Nothing. Ever. Almost all of the girls that I invite over are somewhat intimidated by my apartment. Most of the thieves one will encounter are from the high end places or the internet and the low end places. I don't swim in these pools. I also do not consider El Centro casas the low end as many of the best girls in these places are very sweet and trustworthy.

Continuing with the El Centro casas, I still like them but am becoming bored also. I am looking to have 2-3 girls in El Centro and this is it. I have not contacted one girl that I know since I have been in Medellin. I could open the floodgates to referrals and threesomes but I am motivated to do things on my own right now and with different girls. My sex drive is lower than ever but considering that I am going to be here a bunch going forward I am motivated to go searching for quality. Quality to me are the barrio girls 18-20 who have freaky hot, skinny bodies and don't work in El Centro or are overly involved with the internet. These girls IMO are not easy to pickup and require some Spanish and persistence. I do everything on foot or in taxis, meeting girls face to face. I usually don't even have sex with them upon the first meeting. Usually just a soda and an exchange of numbers. Just need to give the seeds I have planted a few days to grow and this is it. As you said this is where the judgement call comes in on whether to bring them to your apartment or to a love motel. Love motels in El Centro are $7-8 for 2-3 hours.

When I call these girls, they are normally bored in their houses with nothing to do. I enjoy meeting them for lunch in their barrios. These girls are not university students. These girls are poor and uneducated. I try to give them advice but I can only suggest money management as these girls have no futures in the working world. Many of these girls have trouble doing very simple things. The body, essence, and attitude turns me on though. All they want to hear are sweet nothings and want some money. With these girls there are no fantasies or I love yous. Just friends with benefits having sex and spending time together. I already have one. Just need 2-3 more and I will be good.

What I have written above, with regards to picking up really hot girls off the street, is advanced mongering and IMO is a waste of time and can be dangerous for you guys on short trips and for those who don't know the city well. I met a BM recently who just spent a week in Medellin. He stayed at The Mayo and had sex there. He also had sex in the Centro casas, Energy, went to a high end party in El Poblado, and picked up a sweet street girl in El Centro for 40 k BBBJ plus 17 k for the room. Pretty impressive week IMO. He was focused on his goals with the girls and, in turn, received great experiences. Maybe he will write a report.

Nino Bravo
01-26-15, 04:38
No need to disparage the older members in our mongering community. Those "old farts" may be the ones to pull your ass out of the fire one day.

Most of the mongers that have given my guidance over the years are twice, sometimes thrice my age. They have a lot of valuable wisdom to impart on others if you are willing to listen.Yeah, I agree. I know Cali Hentai and he ain't getting any younger. In a few short years he'll be in the "old farts" category. Man boobs and all.

Been in Medellin for a bit, back to Bogota tomorrow then back to the states. Had some wild times at La Isla. Though expensive, I highly recommend.

01-26-15, 06:51
http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/worlds-scariest-drug/I'm so tired of hearing people spreading these bullshit scare stories.

Have you or anybody you know ever been drugged by scolpamine? Has anybody else on this forum? Mongers would be most susceptible to this yet I have never heard of this happening to anybody.

I've lived in El Centro for 2 months and got to know many of the girls that work there quite well, some of which became my friends. I've asked all of them at some point if they have ever heard of this drug and none of them knew what I was talking about.

01-26-15, 10:54
No need to disparage the older members in our mongering community. Those "old farts" may be the ones to pull your ass out of the fire one day.

Most of the mongers that have given my guidance over the years are twice, sometimes thrice my age. They have a lot of valuable wisdom to impart on others if you are willing to listen.I agree, most of these dudes are very cool and chill.

I enjoy my conversations with them and have learned a lot, not just about Colombia but worlwide info, and more than just about the hunt.

Member #4396
01-26-15, 14:17
Been in Medellin for a bit, back to Bogota tomorrow then back to the states. Had some wild times at La Isla. Though expensive, I highly recommend.Last time I was at La Isla I was with a few guys and they were asking for some sort of bottle minimum. Do you know if you go there solo, can you get away with buying solo drinks or a half bottle or something? The cover and prices were pretty fair considering the quality, other than the ridiculous bottle charge.

01-26-15, 15:14
I'm so tired of hearing people spreading these bullshit scare stories.

Have you or anybody you know ever been drugged by scolpamine? Has anybody else on this forum? Mongers would be most susceptible to this yet I have never heard of this happening to anybody.

I've lived in El Centro for 2 months and got to know many of the girls that work there quite well, some of which became my friends. I've asked all of them at some point if they have ever heard of this drug and none of them knew what I was talking about.My best friend's uncle died from being scoped, it is real and it is very dangerous. If the girls you are talking to say they haven't heard of it watch out because they are lying to you, and FYI they aren't your friends. I belong to a Colombian Facebook group and a few guys got scoped when they took a bunch of girls to San Andres, I don't know the guys personally but I know that there are several members here that know them. Most of the "stories" that I have seen on this site aren't bullshit scare stories sir, they are usually pretty factual and are posted to help others. You have 5 posts to your name and you are calling out people, come on now.

01-26-15, 18:03
I have never been robbed or drugged or had anything happen to me in 10 years of travel in Latin America. Part of this is luck and part of this is using my brain and blending in. I know of 3 locals who have been drugged by scopolomine in Medellin, but don't know of any foreigners. Over the next few months I expect to be involved in some crazy shit in Medellin so maybe my luck will run out. I have been walking around El Centro drunk and stoned recently. I hear of these stories in El Centro regarding the danger. I am an easier target than ever. Also, I only have between basic to intermediate Spanish. I am still waiting for these things to happen that I hear about. I am not too proud to write it here if something happens. We shall see.

You are an absolute riot dude!! I love reading your posts!

I too have spent an inordinate amount of time in El Centro. In the day mostly but also at night. I have never had a whiff of a problem in the day, and I'm talking lot's and lot's of time. I've read the scopalmine stories, and I do think about it from time to time as it would take away my power, which is the scary part. Who you are and how you carry yourself, luck and timing has a lot to do with staying out of trouble. Even though I walk around el centro stoned sometimes I'm not acting it. I'm still aware. I find being drunk is way worse. I did have an issue once at night in El centro, but I was very drunk, and I attribute this particular instance to that. However, I've been drunk in too many cities, too late, too many times and always got away with it. Rio and Sao Paulo oh my! This I don't like doing any more. Not in el centro for sure. I love centro in the day. At night it "feels" more dangerous for sure, but I love it also! It's not for everyone.

01-26-15, 18:24
I had two robbery attempts in El Centro, one successful and one remarkably unsuccessful, in two months, one at dusk (the successful one) and one in broad daylight. Neither time was I drunk, and I've never been successfully robbed anywhere else in the world. This was in 2008. Maybe it's safer now but Colombia is dangerous, always and everywhere, and things are never as they seem.

So let's be careful out there!

Vegas Jeff
01-26-15, 20:06
You are an absolute riot dude!! I love reading your posts!Thanks for the kind words, bro. Like you said I walk around stoned by I am not acting it either. I am almost always the one in my group to spot potentially dangerous situations first. I am also very good with Colombians and I know how to encourage them to go with my ideas and on my terms. 95% of time it works. When it doesn't I lower my voice and speak slowly but seriously. I tell that I am not like like the rest of these selfish, lying here in Medellin. I tell they are part of my plan and these are the details. Comprende? Normally I get a "Vamos". If this doesn't work I move on which is rare.

Everyone has been very cool with me on this board and I appreciate it. Even when I first wrote, BMs made kind suggestions regarding looking at dates on stale posts before responding and things like that. I wish people were cooler with other BMs. SavePros and Slam get on me from time to time about things but I appreciate it. Sometimes I drift off and need the rudder for the ship. I always try to bite my tongue with guys who are givers versus guys who are takers. Both of these guys give almost exclusively hence one should go slow IMO in criticizing these guys too much due to their giving nature. I also want to add that I was very depressed during December, when I wrote some lengthy posts. I am not a depressed-type person but everyone has their breaking point and I had reached it. The combination of negative things happening was overwhelming. I can grind through mentally and now I am recovering.

I have been traveling to Medellin for 3 1/2 years and have been a BM since shortly after arriving. I have seen some truly incredible things in Medellin. These things have shocked me to the core and I have never been the same since. All of my experiences have happened while a BM yet I had nowhere to put my stories. I have read very little that resembles some of my extreme experiences.

Well I am smoking pot and have a fever so I will write a quick TR. By the way, I have never written a TR I don't think. Well here goes.

Trips starts out terribly as my bad luck continued. I traveled with my 14 year old cat for the first time. Gave him a small piece of benadryl to calm him. He has an allergic reaction and throws up and is foaming at the mouth. Craziness continued and I made it to Medellin. Upon arriving the craziness continues. Lost my sim with Claro. Their records go back 6 months and for some reason they don't have my info. Lady proceeds to type in my passport with one number incorrect and someone else's info pops up. She proceeds to call a manager because I might be trying to pull something. 2 1/2 hours later everything gets straightened out. My apartment has all types of problems and no washer. The drama continues.

My girlfriend arrives on the second day and stays with me for 3 days. I am still not myself after 5 months in The States, my longest continuous stretch outside Latin America in 10 years. The pain of being without my girlfriend has been overwhelming and I will never do more than 3 months again. I have the sweetest girl and can't imagine living without her in my life. I told her that I have shut off part of my heart to cope with being without her and it will take some time to adjust to her and Medellin. She is sweet and mature and understands. I am very much in love. I talk with regular girls who are way, way prettier and I am not even tempted. This is a good sign that I am deeply in love. I would give up mongering to be with her but I am not feeling the pressure and may never feel it. At some point this might end for me but for the near term future I am still good. My phone never rings because I only allow texts from the working girls. I am very clear with them that I have a girlfriend and no drama will be tolerated. All of them are cool and there is rarely a problem.

I always hit the ground and get laid multiple times in the first few days. I waited a week until I had a few consistent dates with my girl so I could my feelings in the right place. After a week I am getting better. It is time to get out.

I head into El Centro to my pot smoking spot in the back of a casa. The jefe who I have known for 3 years is not there. They block my friends from entering. I have to have a talk with these two jefes who are watching the place. I said I have known the jefe for 3 years. I tell them that I give a 5 mil tip plus buy drinks and bring them clients. They say, no problem. After entering, the group of girls is the best I have seen in looks and attitude. I want to add that I have not had sex in this place in 2 years and enjoy the girls as friends. One girl I am clicking with. I usually just ask for BBBJ and go for BB in the room if this is what I am looking for. I ask her in the waiting room for BB sex and she agrees. Girl is slightly aloof and once in the room she thought I said BBBJ. I hold the session together and she was actually very sweet. Session is very average because I don't feel anything with the condom. This has just started to happen recently and this is not a good sign. Girl was fine and this average performance is on me. My ego is bothered as I am hungry for BB. I tell my friends that I am going to hunt for a girl with less than one month experience and have BB sex within the next two hours and will hunt 20 casas if necessary. On the hunt I go.

Pass through a bunch of casas and find a girl. She has worked there for two weeks. I always ask the jefe this question and then I ask the girl the same question shortly after separately. I ask her if we could smoke in the room. She says there is no way. I pull the jefe aside and asked him if there was a room with a window that I can smoke in. He say there is not. I ask him if I can go outside down the street and smoke with her for 10 minutes. He says no problem. She puts flip flops on and we exit and go to the corner. We smoke some while talking general things Medellin and I find out a bunch of things about her. Back in the room the session goes well and I get BB at no extra charge from the original 20 k BBBJ. I leave satisfied and call it a day.

At this point I have been in Medellin for over a week and need to go in the tougher areas of the north. My girlfriend lives in a very dangerous neighborhood but I am not ready to go there and visit her parents just yet. I beg one of my friends to take me out. I have no excuse to go into any tough neighborhood. He relents and we meet in El Centro and head North into an area just below Santo Domingo near the metro. It is about 6 pm. We hang out at a bar with a good scene of the locals. Pretty girl is sitting near us and we start chatting. She is dressed like a high end prepago and doesn't belong there. She lives in Floresta and says she works for the metro bus system. She says that her father lives in Santo Domingo and she is bored and just wanted to drink some beer. Her story doesn't add up. Very likely an internet prepago. Girl is pretty but I pass. My friend exchanges whatsapp with her. By the way this neighborhood is better than average for safety for The North. People are all around. Not to bad on safety. We wander around and I am smoking pot. We wander up the hill around 9 p. Guy in the street says there is a good restaurant a ways up the hill. Awesome. An excuse to wander further up into the darkness. After eating we wander into a park. Lots of pretty girls but lots of guys also. This is not a safe place to be so we leave. It is now after 10 and we are both a little buzzed and tired. I usually don't drink too much so the combination is hitting me a little. I grab a cab and drop my friend off in El Centro. Time to go home or so I thought. To be continued in Part 2.

Vegas Jeff
01-26-15, 20:56
After dropping my friend off, I don't want to go home. It is about 11 pm. With no babysitter around I can do some crazy things. I am bored and want to drive around the city. I have about 5 minutes until I reach the highway. I like the taxi driver alot but I need to press him with some very fucking serious questions. The guy totally gets it and he passes my tough radar test. He is a super laid back guy who has been a driver for over 20 years. He tells me he can show me some spots in Bello. He also says there is a good place to meet girls in the daytime about 10 blocks from where we are walking below Santo Domingo. I am not even horny but don't want to go home. We smoke a joint and head on. He heads back near the starting point and shows me the spot. He says that he knows a girl in Santo Domingo. He calls her as we are driving up the hill but he can't get in touch. 90% of the streets we are on we would be able to pickup a girl if one was available. As with my luck, not so simple. We are now driving on a narrow sidewalk. I am in the backseat with my head inside the passenger headrest paying attention. We turn left down another street that is very narrow also. Tough gang members on the corner and in the distance at the other corner. At the middle of the street there are four girls holding their arms together blocking the taxi. The girls are harmless, one trying to talk through the window. The one on the left is smoking hot about 19-20 years old. This street is too hot to stop on, though. I tell him to try to make a quick connection with the hot girl. He says that it is too hot and he keeps moving. Damn it. WTF. He says we can come tomorrow and it will be safer and he knows the spot. I plead with him to go back and relents. I am praying all of the guys will disappear. We pass through again with the same setup. He tries to get her attention but can't stop. We move on.

We head up into Bello and there is a two block street of clubs. My taxi driver knows what I am looking for. A girl with a nice essence, who isn't working at a strip club. He and I are on the same page. We pull up in front these two clubs that are pretty small from the outside. Typical Colombian, aloof and rambling. I tell him what I want very clearly. He seems like a guy that might have something but I don't trust him. My taxi driver tells him that I don't have time for games and I want something quick. I love this guy as we are bonded. He says to park the taxi and come inside. We park and head in. There are about 30 people in the place, half guys and half girls. These girls are amazingly hot, at La Isla level or above. Jackpot? Not so fast. These are regular girls hanging out with their friends. These are upper class circles. I lean into my taxi driver and said "these girls aren't putas?" he clearly shakes his head No. The top 2-3 girls in this place are as good as you can find in Medellin and this is saying something. I tell the guy putas. He shows me 2 but they are not up to par. I tell the guy to forget about the crazy hot girls and show him some examples from the middle level girls who are more than hot enough. He says to come back tomorrow night. We call it a night and head home. Taxi fare 35 k, about $15.

Please guys don't come here and do this crazy stuff. Most of my friends who live here won't even do this stuff. I am a little crazy. Don't be like me, please.

Getting tired and not feeling well. This enough for now but I will write a little more going forward.

Nino Bravo
01-26-15, 21:53
Last time I was at La Isla I was with a few guys and they were asking for some sort of bottle minimum. Do you know if you go there solo, can you get away with buying solo drinks or a half bottle or something? The cover and prices were pretty fair considering the quality, other than the ridiculous bottle charge.The times I went I just bought a half bottle of aguardiente, so no problem there. I was pretty generous with buying girls single drinks though. My waiter was cool as hell, so were the security guys. They treated me like a rock star. And gave me VIP treatment every time I went. Tipping these guys helps alot. The girls were cool, although some were hustling a little bit too much. When that happened I just had one of the security guys give them the boot from my table. Spent a fortune, but that's how I am and had a grand time.

Member #4394
01-26-15, 23:01
These guys in El centro are professional thugs. They are always looking for preys. Usually these robberies are led and organized by somebody else who are not at the site of robberies.

I had two robbery attempts in El Centro, one successful and one remarkably unsuccessful, in two months, one at dusk (the successful one) and one in broad daylight. Neither time was I drunk, and I've never been successfully robbed anywhere else in the world. This was in 2008. Maybe it's safer now but Colombia is dangerous, always and everywhere, and things are never as they seem.

So let's be careful out there!.

01-26-15, 23:20
My best friend's uncle died from being scoped, it is real and it is very dangerous. If the girls you are talking to say they haven't heard of it watch out because they are lying to you, and FYI they aren't your friends. I belong to a Colombian Facebook group and a few guys got scoped when they took a bunch of girls to San Andres, I don't know the guys personally but I know that there are several members here that know them. Most of the "stories" that I have seen on this site aren't bullshit scare stories sir, they are usually pretty factual and are posted to help others. You have 5 posts to your name and you are calling out people, come on now.I have also known someone that guy "scoped" in Medellin. And I know someone who had it happen in Rio. Hell I knew a guy from my city (not a monger per se) who was shot and killed in MDE. None of this stops me from visiting these locales, but it certainly makes you pay attention. FWIW, the only place I will not return to is Caracas, Venezuela. Risk is not worth the reward.

Vegas Jeff
01-27-15, 01:14
Made a run into El Centro. I had my eye on a particular girl. I spoke with her briefly and got a nice feel on a different day. Would have taken her then but wasn't sure if it would go BB or not. I normally don't need BB all of the time and do it only with select girls. I pull her. Another tough one to get BB sex. I did all I could while holding the mood but she wouldn't relent. I told her that I respected her standards and this is a good thing. I tell her, though, it must go BB next time. She says no problem. BBBJ is just great. No terms mentioned. Next, sex is great and I am rock hard. I am not going to cum, though, not even close. This is a terrible sign. I have not had this problem before to this degree. Over the years, I have lost some sensitivity starting about 5 years ago. I also want to add that of the 500 hookers I had sex with in CR, 480 I would say were with condoms. I had friends that were having BB sex a bunch and I never felt inferior to them. This is an inflation that I am paying, not something to brag about! Continuing, sex is connected but I need BB. Great session but lacking in sensitivity. Afterward all I had was 6 - 2 mil notes and a 50 mil note. I give her 12 mil and tell her next time I will give her 30 mil for BB. She smiles, kisses me, and says chow.

I eat some lunch. I go back to the place from the other day where I BB the other girl. The other jefe is there and I explain that I am going to take the girl outside for 10 minutes. The jefe says no problem. She puts her flip flops on and we head out again. We are smoking on the corner of a fork in the road. She is standing against the wall and I am blocking her. Cops are walking up the street but stop halfway. She goes to throw the joint away and I say no and tell her to relax. I am watching, leaning in towards her taking hits off the joint. Cops aren't moving so we continue to smoke. 3 minutes later we head back. In the room she tells me we can't have BB sex again. I told her we have to and offer her 40 k. I gave her 20 k the first time. She relents. Sex is good but it is too active. There is a difference between active and horny IMSO. She wants to come to my place. I live near her since she lives in Belen and attends the university. I tell her that she needs to relax and I want her for 2 hours in my apartment and I need a more connected slower session in my place with at least an hour of sex. She understands. I tell her that I might call her or come back there.

Afterward, I run into a guy on the street who runs a casa for a jefe. We sit on a bench in Parque Botero for an hour and talk. I offer to buy him dinner. About 22 k including drinks. $10 USD. He says to call him and he knows some barrio chicks who don't want to work the casas. Afterward, as we are walking across the square after dinner there is a smoking hot barrio girl walking through the square. I love her essence. She gains almost half block on me. Two Colombians are talking smack toward her. She gets this all day long for sure. I get up next to her and start talking to her. She is completely ignoring me. I press on. She finally lets me close and she has responded to two of my questions? I get her to sit down next to me in a cafe. She is 19 and has an amazing body. Amazing! She is really shy also.

Casa jefe catches up and I tell him that I am good. I tell him that there is no way this girl wants to work in his casa in El Centro. He hears me but continues to sit there. I tell him "por favor. " he continues to sit there. I tell him that I need to have a talk with him outside and say excuse me to the girl. I ask him what he wants. He says a little money. I give him 10 k and he is happy. Nice! This girl has an infant boy maybe 2 years old with her. It isn't hers, it's her sisters. She doesn't want to talk about her sister. Maybe the sister is trying to turn tricks? Who knows? I feed the little boy with the milk bottle. I extract a bunch of info from her over the next 15 minutes. She shows me pictures of her in a bikini and her 25 year old good looking European boyfriend. He is in Ecuador right now. I ask her if she thinks that her good looking boyfriend cheats? She says that she doesn't think so but can't say for sure. Come on, I tell her.

I explain that I have a Paisa girlfriend and we got in a fight and I am lonely and depressed which is not true. We are making a solid connection but sex won't happen today and it doesn't matter. I give her 5 mil for phone minutes and told her I would call her later. We have a nice phone conversation 30 minutes later. She asks me if I want to have sex with her. I told her "obviously but it doesn't matter right now". I tell her that I respect her and her being comfortable with me is my priority. She can come to my apartment, I can meet her in El Centro, I can meet her in her barrio, doesn't matter. Just let me know and I am there. I told her that I respected her boyfriend and I am not like the other selfish foreigners in Medellin. She will have money in her pocket, giving her more independence. It will be discreet also, only talking through whatsapp. Even in my shit state right now, having a fever, I am hot for this girl. I called her this morning and could hear the dysfunctional chaos in the background, which is common for these barrio girls. She says that she can't meet today and I say no problem and that I will call her tomorrow. Just letting the seeds grow a little more. We shall see what happens.

On another note I accidentally send a whatsapp to my girlfriend today that was intended for this girl. It says, "When do you want to meet with me?" OMG, I am such a dumbass! My monger buddies give me shit about these things and I deserve it. I do these incredibly crazy things but screw up with a minor detail when my guard is down and sitting on my couch alone. I had spent the entire day with my girlfriend the day before and had a great time at her parents house. I got a chance to spend time with her kids, who I love to see. They are my friends and I don't talk down to them. Continuing, I told her that the whatsapp message was intended for the guy delivering a washing machine which was actually being delivered. I was quick and fluid. She knows that I am lying and hangs up. This crushes me. I feel so selfish, changing her mood. I call her a little later and explain my situation, pretty honestly. I tell her that I have not had sex in my apartment in the first two weeks of my trip, which is true. I wanted to get my feelings for her in the right place before having sex in my apartment, which is true also. I explain that by having sex with a few other girls occasionally, it takes the edge off. I tell her that I love her. She knows it is the truth. I am trying to hold back from crying and I thank her for her understanding. She speaks with a soft voice, telling me that she loves me, and thanks me for my honesty. She has had my heart in her hand for awhile now, which was not earned easily, and she has a huge impact on my feelings daily.

One last thing. I have never even remotely had a girlfriend in the 700+ girls I had sex with in Latin America. This is the first one for me. I have never been more in love, not even close. There is a line that must be drawn with these hookers, and can't be crossed, or everything becomes jaded. If one eats off the tree in the middle of the garden every day and can't keep a sane mind there will be a loss of esteem. The older guys can handle this hobby much better than the younger guys IMSO. I see plenty of under 50's falling for the wrong girls. I suggest making a commitment to not get into a serious with any of these Paisas until you have at least 6 months of ground time in Medellin.

For you guys out there looking for REAL girlfriends, meet girls at their jobs, face to face! This would be a no brainier if I were looking. At least you will know that she has a work ethic and I find it comfortable meeting girls at their jobs anyway. Also guys if you don't have a least 6 months per year on the ground in the Third World, forget it. At best you will miss her to death. Every other scenario is only worse. Don't fall for these hookers! Just my opinion on this one. Guys, do as you will with it.

As my brother Wilt says with a REAL girlfriend you can't just give them money and shut them up. This is the difference between a slam dunk contest and a five on five basketball game. Big loss of control with the basketball game. Something to think about.

Well that is it for story telling for a while. A dying monger.


01-27-15, 02:38
Jeff, you are an adrenaline junkie!! Maybe you got to take up free climbing or something. Haha.

01-27-15, 14:29
This girl has an infant boy maybe 2 years old with her. It isn't hers, it's her sisters. She doesn't want to talk about her sister. Maybe the sister is trying to turn tricks? Who knows? I feed the little boy with the milk bottle. I extract a bunch of info from her over the next 15 minutes. She shows me pictures of her in a bikini and her 25 year old good looking European boyfriend. He is in Ecuador right now. I ask her if she thinks that her good looking boyfriend cheats? She says that she doesn't think so but can't say for sure. Come on, I tell her.

VJThanks for sharing VJ.

I enjoy reading of your adventures and thoughts.

Member #4396
01-27-15, 15:19
For guys who like to go dance and chat with girls and maybe find a non-pro or semi-pro, can anyone recommend any spots that are good earlier in the week? Wednesday and Thursday especially. I like to start at a discoteca then either end up at a place open late like Fahrenheit, or a strip club, but the few times I've ventured out during the week I haven't found anything really busy.

Member #4398
01-27-15, 15:33
Well that is it for story telling for a while. A dying monger.

VJVery nice story VJ. Thanks for sharing. I am curious. Are you a dying monger because you are planning to retire from mongering, planning to settle down and falling in love with the main chick of your story? How do you prevent from not falling in love with some of these great chicks?

Vegas Jeff
01-28-15, 01:19
Very nice story VJ. Thanks for sharing. I am curious. Are you a dying monger because you are planning to retire from mongering, planning to settle down and falling in love with the main chick of your story? How do you prevent from not falling in love with some of these great chicks?At some point I might just want to stop having sex with other girls. I don't know. I am still motivated to have a few amiguitas for sure. My girlfriend has never put pressure on me to stop having sex with other girls but I have slowed and slowed.

How have I avoided falling for these hookers? Because I value my self esteem. I am not a child. I am a grown man and I have responsibilities to myself, first and foremost. I can't play games in such an important aspect of my life, pretending with a fantasy. One has to take a look into the future and then ask if the situation has a real possibility of working.

These hookers are not great chicks. They are making bad decisions or have made bad decisions in the past which has put them in this position. There might have been some things out of their control that worked against them and I respect this to some extent. Being a hooker is filled with bad influence and habits. Going to a regular job has so many good things built into it that a women can gain esteem from. If they can improve their skills and become independent, everything is better. And I am not talking about hooker skills.

I get respect from the hookers. I have barrio blood. These hookers have a healthy fear of me. My girlfriend as well. I am the good shepherd. I lift the esteem of the Colombians I interact with, always. I don't encourage these hookers to be better at their jobs or finding more clients. I give them shit for being hookers. I am good at standing on the line between respect and disrespect, without crossing it, with Colombians. The smarter they are, the more shit I give them. The polished pros are beyond reachable so I have no interest in them. All of these girls know that they shouldn't be hookers and by one calling them on it, respect is gained. Hookers are human beings and should be respected in this way IMO. Maybe I have a unique personality and some guys would be uncomfortable with this but this is my stance. For the hookers that have no chance in the real world I encourage them to find better steady dates.

Most guys are dealing with polished pros and these hookers know how to push all the right buttons with the suckers. It is so much better with the unjaded barrio girls. These girls are amazing in bed. This is the difference between observing a lion at a zoo or a lion in Africa. These girls give the right distance and the best sex IMO. I will take the freaky hot barrio hookers over the hot professionals, with their polished hooker qualities, any day. Actually, I will take the average barrio girls over the hot, jaded pros. To each their own. The big negative with the barrio girls is that it can be difficult organizing meeting up. These girls are so disorganized and lazy. How freaking hard is it to stand up, put some clothes on, and get a taxi?

I have been extremely organized in my dealings with these hookers so my girlfriend doesn't see much. Latin women only know what they see as they have been fed bullshit their whole life by these selfish local men. I could be fucking 10 chicks and if my phone doesn't ring I am good. On the other hand if my phone is buzzing all of the time my girlfriend is going to get pissed. I leave my phone out in the open and my girlfriend is welcome to use it if she wants, even though she has her own. I disguise the names of girls so she doesn't know the name of the incoming text. Stephanie could be Steven for example.

I have never been tempted to be in a relationship with any of these hookers. Honestly, my biggest strength is that I haven't valued the companionship of women. For you guys who enjoy the companionship, your job with the distance becomes tougher. I like to hang with them for a little and send them packing. My girlfriend has been different as I enjoy her company. It is so easy being around her because we have good chemistry. I have changed in that I enjoy the company of women a little more as I have gotten older.

When meeting women in the Third World, they have to be sized up as potential hookers or girlfriends. Girlfriends can't be hookers and hookers can't be girlfriends. I meet Paisas who can only be girlfriends often. I don't have space for that, they can't be my hookers, so they are forced to be acquaintances or friends. Hookers can be friends also. These are just my opinions and my personal stance on things.

I have certain things that I keep personal with my girlfriend. For instance, I lay in bed in the spooning position with my girlfriend. Her back is against my chest. I tell her that I am recharging my battery. I won't lay in this position with the hookers. Although the sex is hot with the hookers, the affection given is only to a point. Also taking my girlfriend out into the city is personal to her and I don't do this with the hookers.

The computer has made things so much worse in Medellin IMO. It is our job as men to get sex and not spend too much time in getting it. Women know that if they can get attention and / or money and they don't have to give too much sex they are in a position of strength. Guys are talking with these hookers all day through the internet, some sending money. You tell me who is getting the better of this situation. I do not want to talk with the hookers much when I am not with them.

What is happening in many situations is that guys are spending time exclusively around hookers. Their favorites become girlfriend targets. These guys are unable to be around normal girls. If these guys were ever able to step back and take a good look at things they would say "wtf am I doing". IMO this is a loss of esteem. Some of these situations work out but not many. I have friends in Medellin, that I love like brothers, who are emotionally involved with these hookers. These guys are, at least, being somewhat honest with themselves about the situation. They aren't pussies and know what is going on. They have serious doubts deep inside. They just take it one day at a time knowing they are probably going to be heartbroken in the end.

I have met older guys 60+ who can be with young hookers and see the difference in the relationships in comparison to when they were younger. These guys have certain understandings with these hookers and they can trust them on some level. These hookers can be caretakers and / or will call their families in The States and help them during difficult times. The most important thing is that one is honest with themselves.

IMO some of you guys are getting too serious with your dates. You have a choice. You can treat your dates like women or you can treat them like children. Treat them like women and you will get serious. Treat them like children and you will get fun. I entertain hookers with my computer. Say she likes J Alvarez. I play a 30 minute plus mix of J Alvarez. If she likes video games, great. Say her favorite animal is a dolphin. I play youtube videos of Dolphins. Be serious when it comes to important structural things and playful the rest of the time. A little entertainment, hanging, and sex and then on their way the hookers go.

Guys, good luck will all of your situations with these girls.


Old Parr
01-28-15, 02:25
Vegas Jeff,

You are a voice of reason and common sense, and one of the few from all my years on the ISG that actually gets it!

Good luck to ya!

Member #4398
01-28-15, 04:58
At some point I might just want to stop having sex with other girls. I don't know. I am still motivated to have a few amiguitas for sure. My girlfriend has never put pressure on me to stop having sex with other girls but I have slowed and slowed.

How have I avoided falling for these hookers? Because I value my self esteem. I am not a child. I am a grown man and I have responsibilities to myself, first and foremost. I can't play games in such an important aspect of my life, pretending with a fantasy. One has to take a look into the future and then ask if the situation has a real possibility of working.

These hookers are not great chicks. They are making bad decisions or have made bad decisions in the past which has put them in this position. There might have been some things out of their control that worked against them and I respect this to some extent. Being a hooker is filled with bad influence and habits. Going to a regular job has so many good things built into it that a women can gain esteem from. If they can improve their skills and become independent, everything is better. And I am not talking about hooker skills.


That was a very insightful post. Thanks for sharing and good luck.

Vegas Jeff
01-28-15, 04:59
Vegas Jeff,

You are a voice of reason and common sense, and one of the few from all my years on the ISG that actually gets it!

Good luck to ya!Thank you sir.

I hope some of the seeds that I have planted will bear some fruit as guys will be better at understanding and dealing with their situations with these girls.

01-28-15, 16:00
Everything your saying Vegas Jeff should be made a sticky! Its the same ole same ole you can't turn a hoe into a housewife. The game has changed in some ways because the instant contact with hookers and communication is so different now. It's just a text away. Just think it was phone only still, you would really be hitting these girls up like that and sharing intimate details of your life's? Hell fucking no! Texting is discreet and effortless. Jeff said it best you are dealing with girls who are making bad decisions and continue to make bad ones.

01-28-15, 16:55
Guys, good luck will all of your situations with these girls.

VJOnce again, great read VJ!

I feel the same as you, though I think you caught on quicker than I did, LOL.

I got burned a few times, but I did learn from it, so I'm not a total idiota.

Take care amigo.

01-28-15, 19:47
At some point I might just want to stop having sex with other girls. I don't know. I am still motivated to have a few amiguitas for sure. My girlfriend has never put pressure on me to stop having sex with other girls but I have slowed and slowed.

How have I avoided falling for these hookers? Because I value my self esteem. I am not a child. I am a grown man and I have responsibilities to myself, first and foremost. I can't play games in such an important aspect of my life, pretending with a fantasy. One has to take a look into the future and then ask if the situation has a real possibility of working.

These hookers are not great chicks. They are making bad decisions or have made bad decisions in the past which has put them in this position. There might have been some things out of their control that worked against them and I respect this to some extent. Being a hooker is filled with bad influence and habits. Going to a regular job has so many good things built into it that a women can gain esteem from. If they can improve their skills and become independent, everything is better. And I am not talking about hooker skills.

I get respect from the hookers. I have barrio blood. These hookers have a healthy fear of me. My girlfriend as well. I am the good shepherd. I lift the esteem of the Colombians I interact with, always. I don't encourage these hookers to be better at their jobs or finding more clients. I give them shit for being hookers. I am good at standing on the line between respect and disrespect, without crossing it, with Colombians. The smarter they are, the more shit I give them. The polished pros are beyond reachable so I have no interest in them. All of these girls know that they shouldn't be hookers and by one calling them on it, respect is gained. Hookers are human beings and should be respected in this way IMO. Maybe I have a unique personality and some guys would be uncomfortable with this but this is my stance. For the hookers that have no chance in the real world I encourage them to find better steady dates.

Most guys are dealing with polished pros and these hookers know how to push all the right buttons with the suckers. It is so much better with the unjaded barrio girls. These girls are amazing in bed. This is the difference between observing a lion at a zoo or a lion in Africa. These girls give the right distance and the best sex IMO. I will take the freaky hot barrio hookers over the hot professionals, with their polished hooker qualities, any day. Actually, I will take the average barrio girls over the hot, jaded pros. To each their own. The big negative with the barrio girls is that it can be difficult organizing meeting up. These girls are so disorganized and lazy. How freaking hard is it to stand up, put some clothes on, and get a taxi?

I have been extremely organized in my dealings with these hookers so my girlfriend doesn't see much. Latin women only know what they see as they have been fed bullshit their whole life by these selfish local men. I could be fucking 10 chicks and if my phone doesn't ring I am good. On the other hand if my phone is buzzing all of the time my girlfriend is going to get pissed. I leave my phone out in the open and my girlfriend is welcome to use it if she wants, even though she has her own. I disguise the names of girls so she doesn't know the name of the incoming text. Stephanie could be Steven for example.

I have never been tempted to be in a relationship with any of these hookers. Honestly, my biggest strength is that I haven't valued the companionship of women. For you guys who enjoy the companionship, your job with the distance becomes tougher. I like to hang with them for a little and send them packing. My girlfriend has been different as I enjoy her company. It is so easy being around her because we have good chemistry. I have changed in that I enjoy the company of women a little more as I have gotten older.

When meeting women in the Third World, they have to be sized up as potential hookers or girlfriends. Girlfriends can't be hookers and hookers can't be girlfriends. I meet Paisas who can only be girlfriends often. I don't have space for that, they can't be my hookers, so they are forced to be acquaintances or friends. Hookers can be friends also. These are just my opinions and my personal stance on things.

I have certain things that I keep personal with my girlfriend. For instance, I lay in bed in the spooning position with my girlfriend. Her back is against my chest. I tell her that I am recharging my battery. I won't lay in this position with the hookers. Although the sex is hot with the hookers, the affection given is only to a point. Also taking my girlfriend out into the city is personal to her and I don't do this with the hookers.

The computer has made things so much worse in Medellin IMO. It is our job as men to get sex and not spend too much time in getting it. Women know that if they can get attention and / or money and they don't have to give too much sex they are in a position of strength. Guys are talking with these hookers all day through the internet, some sending money. You tell me who is getting the better of this situation. I do not want to talk with the hookers much when I am not with them.

What is happening in many situations is that guys are spending time exclusively around hookers. Their favorites become girlfriend targets. These guys are unable to be around normal girls. If these guys were ever able to step back and take a good look at things they would say "wtf am I doing". IMO this is a loss of esteem. Some of these situations work out but not many. I have friends in Medellin, that I love like brothers, who are emotionally involved with these hookers. These guys are, at least, being somewhat honest with themselves about the situation. They aren't pussies and know what is going on. They have serious doubts deep inside. They just take it one day at a time knowing they are probably going to be heartbroken in the end.

I have met older guys 60+ who can be with young hookers and see the difference in the relationships in comparison to when they were younger. These guys have certain understandings with these hookers and they can trust them on some level. These hookers can be caretakers and / or will call their families in The States and help them during difficult times. The most important thing is that one is honest with themselves.

IMO some of you guys are getting too serious with your dates. You have a choice. You can treat your dates like women or you can treat them like children. Treat them like women and you will get serious. Treat them like children and you will get fun. I entertain hookers with my computer. Say she likes J Alvarez. I play a 30 minute plus mix of J Alvarez. If she likes video games, great. Say her favorite animal is a dolphin. I play youtube videos of Dolphins. Be serious when it comes to important structural things and playful the rest of the time. A little entertainment, hanging, and sex and then on their way the hookers go.

Guys, good luck will all of your situations with these girls.

VJThis is Colombia not the usa or another G-8 country, for example I have a chica amiga who works a 12 hour shift in a el centro panaderia for 30 k a day. She is 22 years old with a 6 year old daughter. In Canada my home country she could sit on her ass at home and collect $1200 cad a month. I met her a year ago working in an el centro strip club, but she quit dancing for the far less money in a panaderia 6 months ago. You do not seem to understand working a 12 hour shift for $15,usd and supporting a family. She texted me last week "come back soon I need an ORGASM" her capital letters. I am 60+, she appreciates the donations I give her and the 70 k jeans I buy for her. The old saying "do not be critical until you have walked a few miles in her shoes" sure applies here when gringos start passing their judgement on Colombianas. Only 7 more days until I return to paisalandia. God I love Colombia.

Mr Enternational
01-29-15, 01:50
So how does everyone else in the country who aren't hookers live and support a family?

El Bacano
01-29-15, 06:48
The board is going good with awesome Intel. Alot of philosophy too. Sometimes rather than trying to fully analyze. I recommend just enjoy it.

Vegas Jeff
01-29-15, 09:19
This is Colombia not the usa or another G-8 country, for example I have a chica amiga who works a 12 hour shift in a el centro panaderia for 30 k a day. She is 22 years old with a 6 year old daughter. In Canada my home country she could sit on her ass at home and collect $1200 cad a month. I met her a year ago working in an el centro strip club, but she quit dancing for the far less money in a panaderia 6 months ago. You do not seem to understand working a 12 hour shift for $15,usd and supporting a family. She texted me last week "come back soon I need an ORGASM" her capital letters. I am 60+, she appreciates the donations I give her and the 70 k jeans I buy for her. The old saying "do not be critical until you have walked a few miles in her shoes" sure applies here when gringos start passing their judgement on Colombianas. Only 7 more days until I return to paisalandia. God I love Colombia.She doesn't need your orgasm. She needs your money. Jajaja.

If I am being so critical of these hookers, why do they view me as someone who cares when I call them out for being one, instead of doing something different? You are defending these girls more then they defend themselves. This is because you feel sorry for them and it is clouding your judgement. This girl you are talking about has never lived in Canada so this has nothing to do with anything. Every person in the world looks one level up from where they are and this girl is no different. If she is dirt poor, she wants one level above dirt poor. People in Africa want shoes, then a bike, then a bike with a motor. On that note, guys, if the girls you are with are comfortable in El Poblado, look out!

You say that she is earning $15/ day. This is almost enough to make her independent, assuming she works full time. If she has any friends or family, she can get by. Your donations alone are enough to fill the shortfall for sure. But you and I both know that your contributions are not enough as there are others paying her for sex currently. And she will take as many P4P situations as she can get, as long as these interactions are up to certain standard. And this is what makes her different than a "normal" girl in that many girls will not accept this regularly.

I am not judging these hookers. I am just identifying them by their colors. And this is what is wrong with the world today. Marketing department budgets have exploded over the past 30 years. Corporations have figured out that people will buy junk as long as it is in a shiny package. I say buy the quality product in the normal box.

Let's not talk about the US or Africa. In Medellin, a girl who grows up with honor and a work ethic does not need to be a hooker. And guess what, even if she has screwed both of these areas up, she will be given multiple chances again and again throughout her life. Most of these hookers have blown the opportunities that have been given to them and will continue to blow more in the future.

I am sorry if all of this critical thinking seems philosophical and hurts your sex drive. I am not sitting on the porch looking up into the heavens and asking "why". I am reasoning and describing the "what". It is nice to see things clearly as this leads toward confidence, not away from it.

I am not trying to rescue these girls. I sleep good a night knowing that I gave them an opportunity to help themselves in some way. How they spend that money is on them not me.

01-29-15, 13:43
So how does everyone else in the country who aren't hookers live and support a family?Many answers to one question.

One is simply that they don't. Another is that even people within one country comes from different backgrounds and therefore got different opportunities.

It depends on luck, kids, the man and so on. Some people get lucky and get a decent paying job, some are being left alone with a kid others keep together, some aren't stupid enough to get a kid as a teen, depends on the support and wealth of the parents.

1. You don't get to judge the people you get in bed with / make business with.

2. You do not get to pass judgement over people who's shoes you haven't walked a mile in.

3. No one likes a hypocrite.

Member #4396
01-29-15, 14:50
The times I went I just bought a half bottle of aguardiente, so no problem there. I was pretty generous with buying girls single drinks though. My waiter was cool as hell, so were the security guys. They treated me like a rock star. And gave me VIP treatment every time I went. Tipping these guys helps alot. The girls were cool, although some were hustling a little bit too much. When that happened I just had one of the security guys give them the boot from my table. Spent a fortune, but that's how I am and had a grand time.Thanks. Good info.

Sounds like the girls are hotter, but would you say the service is comparable or better than at Fase II?

Mr Enternational
01-29-15, 17:23
Many answers to one question.

One is simply that they don't. Another is that even people within one country comes from different backgrounds and therefore got different opportunities.

It depends on luck, kids, the man and so on. Some people get lucky and get a decent paying job, some are being left alone with a kid others keep together, some aren't stupid enough to get a kid as a teen, depends on the support and wealth of the parents.

1. You don't get to judge the people you get in bed with / make business with.

2. You do not get to pass judgement over people who's shoes you haven't walked a mile in.

3. No one likes a hypocrite.They don't? Bullshit they don't. I have been in many a "poor" Colombian household and have yet to see anyone starving. In most they eat three times / day. Just because they don't have an air conditioner, a BMW, or any of the other luxuries that you have in your 5 bedroom 4 bath home, does not mean they can't make ends meet or are unable to support a family. Bill Gates and Puff Daddy are probably saying the same things about the majority of us in this group as y'all are saying about the Colombianos.

Jeff knows his shit. You can't miss what you never had. And remember, there are still natives running around the jungles of Colombia and Brazil that have been raising families just fine for hundreds of years. Just because it's not done how you are used to it being done does not mean it can't be and isn't being done or is very difficult to do. Hookers are the same the world around. Lazy biotches. If everybody else can get a regular job, then guess what... Oh I still love them and am glad they are the lazy broads that they are, but that hooker sympathy shit is for suckers.

Vegas Jeff
01-29-15, 17:35
They don't? Bullshit they don't. I have been in many a "poor" Colombian household and have yet to see anyone starving. In most they eat three times / day. Just because they don't have an air conditioner, a BMW, or any of the other luxuries that you have in your 5 bedroom 4 bath home, does not mean they can't make ends meet or are unable to support a family. Bill Gates and Puff Daddy are probably saying the same things about the majority of us in this group as y'all are saying about the Colombianos.

Jeff knows his shit. You can't miss what you never had. And remember, there are still natives running around the jungles of Colombia and Brazil that have been raising families just fine for hundreds of years. Just because it's not done how you are used to it being done does not mean it can't be and isn't being done or is very difficult to do. Hookers are the same the world around. Lazy biotches. If everybody else can get a regular job, then guess what. Oh I still love them and am glad they are the lazy broads that they are, but that hooker sympathy shit is for suckers.Amen brother.

01-29-15, 18:50
Some people get lucky and get a decent paying jobYep, getting a decent job is all luck. Education, training, skill sets, intelligence, ambition, and initiative don't have anything to do with it. Most hookers have all of those things in abundance.

John Gault
01-29-15, 19:49
Boys we were doing real good for a while now, but on track for another debate where no one will ever get the other side to change their way of thinking.

Myself I have not done a trip in a while, but lets get back to the meat, and potatoes of good intel from serious Mongers.

Nino Bravo
01-29-15, 21:42
Thanks. Good info.

Sounds like the girls are hotter, but would you say the service is comparable or better than at Fase II?I've never been to Fase II, although I've heard from some Colombian men that overall La Isla is better. I love La Isla because its a very large and roomy club, patrons aren't on top of one another. The restroom is very spacious and immaculately clean. My waiter was on top of things the times I was there, and always delivered drinks rapidly. I can't imagine any other club having better service.

01-29-15, 23:27
Yep, getting a decent job is all luck. Education, training, skill sets, intelligence, ambition, and initiative don't have anything to do with it. Most hookers have all of those things in abundance.Not exactly what I meant. My point was that among people with the same level of education there are still significant differences in income and in too many cases it is because of nepotism, connections and not things one would put on the resume.

For instance, in my country neither the current prime minister or the secretary of state went to college / university.

01-29-15, 23:56
They don't? Bullshit they don't. I have been in many a "poor" Colombian household and have yet to see anyone starving. In most they eat three times / day. Just because they don't have an air conditioner, a BMW, or any of the other luxuries that you have in your 5 bedroom 4 bath home, does not mean they can't make ends meet or are unable to support a family. Bill Gates and Puff Daddy are probably saying the same things about the majority of us in this group as y'all are saying about the Colombianos.

Jeff knows his shit. You can't miss what you never had. And remember, there are still natives running around the jungles of Colombia and Brazil that have been raising families just fine for hundreds of years. Just because it's not done how you are used to it being done does not mean it can't be and isn't being done or is very difficult to do. Hookers are the same the world around. Lazy biotches. If everybody else can get a regular job, then guess what... Oh I still love them and am glad they are the lazy broads that they are, but that hooker sympathy shit is for suckers.I do have a little sympathy, why? Because that's the kind of person I am and more importantly its cheap. In fact its free.

I respect them just like I respect other persons making a honest living. They are not doing anything wrong, illegal or harming anyone else. If I were to put myself above them it would reflect badly on me since I am a customer. Some people might say that they are young girls being corrupted by fat gringos. I haven't worked a day in my life for less then 18 dollars an hour so why would I be surprised that people don't feel like working for 90 cents an hour.

Regarding the people you have met, you really think that you are the first gringo stepping his foot into their house? Maybe you are, I don't know them. Just out of curiosity, how do you know that they are actually poor compared to the Colombian standard / definition?


"The agreement affects 54% of Colombians who earn the minimum wage or less. However, a total of 3. 4 million workers do not earn even one half of the minimum wage. ".

And the minimum salary is approx. 270 usd a month.

Regarding not being able to get by;.

"Despite its middle-income country status, 23 million Colombians are poor and 6 million live below the extreme poverty line. "

"below the extreme poverty line" = less then 1,25 usd / day.


01-30-15, 00:02
Boys we were doing real good for a while now, but on track for another debate where no one will ever get the other side to change their way of thinking.

Myself I have not done a trip in a while, but lets get back to the meat, and potatoes of good intel from serious Mongers.Here are 2 serious subjects!

Old Parr
01-30-15, 00:05
Boys we were doing real good for a while now, but on track for another debate where no one will ever get the other side to change their way of thinking.

Myself I have not done a trip in a while, but lets get back to the meat, and potatoes of good intel from serious Mongers.We are all waiting for you to post a trip report, so until then we will entertain ourselves with good discussions like we have been having. If this is a problem with you your trip report will be a great start!

01-30-15, 02:54
Thanks. Good info.

Sounds like the girls are hotter, but would you say the service is comparable or better than at Fase II?They are very different places. La Isla looks and feels very much like a high-end strip club in the US (but with even more silicone). The staff are well-dressed and the restrooms are nicely done and you can spend a load of money buying bottles. Fase 2 looks and feels like a Old West Saloon with Hookers.

Member #4396
01-30-15, 03:17
They are very different places. La Isla looks and feels very much like a high-end strip club in the US (but with even more silicone). The staff are well-dressed and the restrooms are nicely done and you can spend a load of money buying bottles. Fase 2 looks and feels like a Old West Saloon with Hookers.To clarify, I've been to both, it's just been awhile.

I preferred Fase II because while La Isla was much nicer inside, it also had way more of a hustle vibe to it. Drinks were expensive, girls didn't seem as friendly, etc.

Plus, I didn't really see a difference in quality of the girls.

Now it sounds like La Isla is significantly better for quality of girls, and I'm just wondering if the attitude of the girls and servers has gotten better as well.

To be honest I'd prefer to just go back to Fase II, but it's hard to pass up la isla if the chicks are really that much better right now.

Vegas Jeff
01-30-15, 04:02
I've never been to Fase II, although I've heard from some Colombian men that overall La Isla is better. I love La Isla because its a very large and roomy club, patrons aren't on top of one another. The restroom is very spacious and immaculately clean. My waiter was on top of things the times I was there, and always delivered drinks rapidly. I can't imagine any other club having better service.

They are very different places. La Isla looks and feels very much like a high-end strip club in the US (but with even more silicone). The staff are well-dressed and the restrooms are nicely done and you can spend a load of money buying bottles. Fase 2 looks and feels like a Old West Saloon with Hookers.
To clarify, I've been to both, it's just been awhile.

I preferred Fase II because while La Isla was much nicer inside, it also had way more of a hustle vibe to it. Drinks were expensive, girls didn't seem as friendly, etc.

Plus, I didn't really see a difference in quality of the girls.

Now it sounds like La Isla is significantly better for quality of girls, and I'm just wondering if the attitude of the girls and servers has gotten better as well.

To be honest I'd prefer to just go back to Fase II, but it's hard to pass up la isla if the chicks are really that much better right now.Guys,

Nice descriptions. I can definitely identify with what each of you wrote.

I don't go to any of these places, currently, but have done all of these outlets at least a few times in the past. I have frequented Fase II more but it has been over a year since I was there last. I agree with the saloon feel and less hustle at Fase II.

01-31-15, 09:07
Can anyone recommend an escort agency that is reliable.

01-31-15, 10:41
Hey guys,

Heading down for a month today. Anyone want to kick it. 30 yo blue eyed east coast gringo. I'm sort of against all the typical touristy BS but always down to hang with someone who has a good vibe and enjoys good company. See you guys later! Expect lots of details later!

01-31-15, 14:45
Within minutes of each other I exchanged dollars at a cambio in Mall Oviedo (which in the past has always delivered one of the better exchange rates I have see around town) and then pulled significant cash out of a nearby bank ATM using my USA bank debit card (mastercharge endorsed).

It always takes a few days for all the fees / charges to fully appear on my bank statement. (mastercard currency conv. Fee + mastercard cross border fee).

When all is said and done (with all fees included) I received the following exchange rate on this date:

Oviedo Mall Cambio: 2,190 cop / usd.

ATM withdrawl (debit card) 2,344 cop / usd.

Keep in mind this is a debit card and not a credit card.

I have done this little experiment in the past and I believe when all ATM fees were included the rates were much more equal or maybe even a little better at the cambios, but things have obviously changed leaning to better rates at the ATM. ----If one exchanges $1,000 usd this will amount to a difference of roughly 150,000 cop. A guy can have a lot of fun in Medellin with 150,000 cop. :-)

I will be traveling to Thailand next month and would be curious is the same will be found there?

ASIDE- on a recent past trip I noted that my debit card (which has no chip) would not work in many ATMs around Medellin. Almost all required a "chip". The ATMs on the wall as you enter west end of Mall Oviedo (nearest the cambios) do process cards without chip. Also the ATM at RIO casino in San Diego does as well. In centro I had real difficulty getting cash without a chip.

01-31-15, 15:53
Hey guys,

Heading down for a month today. Anyone want to kick it. 30 yo blue eyed east coast gringo. I'm sort of against all the typical touristy BS but always down to hang with someone who has a good vibe and enjoys good company. See you guys later! Expect lots of details later!Ohhh I love blue eyed gringos!! Lol, why would anyone of us care bout dat? Have fun!

01-31-15, 15:56
Within minutes of each other I exchanged dollars at a cambio in Mall Oviedo (which in the past has always delivered one of the better exchange rates I have see around town) and then pulled significant cash out of a nearby bank ATM using my USA bank debit card (mastercharge endorsed).

It always takes a few days for all the fees / charges to fully appear on my bank statement. (mastercard currency conv. Fee + mastercard cross border fee).

When all is said and done (with all fees included) I received the following exchange rate on this date:

Oviedo Mall Cambio: 2,190 cop / usd.

ATM withdrawl (debit card) 2,344 cop / usd.

Keep in mind this is a debit card and not a credit card.

I have done this little experiment in the past and I believe when all ATM fees were included the rates were much more equal or maybe even a little better at the cambios, but things have obviously changed leaning to better rates at the ATM.

I will be traveling to Thailand next month and would be curious is the same will be found there?I just returned from 3 weeks in Bangkok, I did not use ATMs as last year the USD $ cash rate for 50&100 notes, and TC rate was considerably better than ATM debits from a Canadian bank This year I took $USD and USD $ TC, s, I never carry TC. S in South America as you really get burned but not so in Thailand. Any note less than a 50 you get a poorer rate. Look up a few of my posting about "soapies" on the BKK site, too bad MDE does have the same 2 chicas in jacuzzi scrubbing your fingers, toes and other things, and the soapy body slides. The places have bars, restaurant and 150 or more chicas, Burmese, Lao, Cambodian, Thai. I just luv meeting people from different cultures. The facades on some of these places look like a casino entrance in vegas. These soapies are all 3 miles north of where all the farangs "foreigners" hangout like Soi Cowboy, Patpong and Nana. The "soapies" will be maybe 80% thai guys whereas in the former 3 places thai guys are not allowed to go, farangs only. Avoid any bar or club owned by an Arab or a Russian, there is a list of those on some BKK blog sites, and never go into a bar on the second floor in BKK. Back to my beloved paisas next week, God I luv Colombia.

01-31-15, 16:06
I'm curious what the typical girls' response is in Medellin to photos / filming. I'm considering picking up either a decent camera or (due to the 29 minute recording limit on cameras) camcorder, both for touristy stuff and more. Private mementos.

What has been the girls' response to requests? I'm interested in for-my-eyes-only (sorry guys) records of the real fun. I see mostly images from before / after the action in various states of undress, but that could be the photographer protecting his privacy, so I can't tell. How do attitudes differ in, say, prepagos vs. Mansion girls vs. Casas vs. Clubs?

Mr Enternational
01-31-15, 17:34
I will be traveling to Thailand next month and would be curious is the same will be found there?You don't want to use a Thai ATM unless you have a card like Charles Schwab which reimburses the fees. A Thai ATM will hit you up for $6/withdrawal. As Bart said, bring newer series 50s and 100s. There are 3 money changers on every corner and most hotels exchange as well. If you come through Pattaya hit me up.

01-31-15, 18:58
Is this place couples friendly? Can me and GF hit a strip club or hire a hooker for a night?

Or is it a single men only destination?

Thank you

01-31-15, 23:50
I'm curious what the typical girls' response is in Medellin to photos / filming. The typical girls' response in Medellin will be the same as the typical girl's response anywhere else in the world. Some may let you film or photo them, so may not.

Lucky Nuts
02-01-15, 00:48
First I went to Energy about 4 PM. Only four chicas available, one 7, one six, and two 5's. I passed. Next I went to Blue Room and found only two chicas available, both solid 7's. I was tempted but the day is young. Next I walked about a mile down calle 33 to Abydos. Five chicas available here ranging from solid 7 to 5's. I passed again and will find something tonight. Two weeks ago also on Saturday I visited New Life about 1 PM and there were at least 15 chicas working. One was a solid 8 and I did one hour with her good for two pops. One hour cost was 70 K pesos. I requested "chupar sin condon" and she said that would require a 20 K peso tip which I gladly agreed to pay. She was great and New Life is a great value if you find a hot chica. I've been to Energy twice now and have been disappointed with chicas both times. Anyone finding any 8+ talent there lately? What is the best day of week and time of day? What casa outside of Lutron has the best looking talent these days?

02-01-15, 08:20
First I went to Energy about 4 PM. Only four chicas available, one 7, one six, and two 5's. I passed. Next I went to Blue Room and found only two chicas available, both solid 7's. I was tempted but the day is young. Next I walked about a mile down calle 33 to Abydos. Five chicas available here ranging from solid 7 to 5's. I passed again and will find something tonight. Two weeks ago also on Saturday I visited New Life about 1 PM and there were at least 15 chicas working. One was a solid 8 and I did one hour with her good for two pops. One hour cost was 70 K pesos. I requested "chupar sin condon" and she said that would require a 20 K peso tip which I gladly agreed to pay. She was great and New Life is a great value if you find a hot chica. I've been to Energy twice now and have been disappointed with chicas both times. Anyone finding any 8+ talent there lately? What is the best day of week and time of day? What casa outside of Lutron has the best looking talent these days?Last time I was there. I heard there was a girl named Stephanie. Cute 18 yr old with a tight very fit body.

02-01-15, 15:24
Is this place couples friendly? Can me and GF hit a strip club or hire a hooker for a night?

Or is it a single men only destination?

Thank youNot sure what you mean by "this place"? MDE in general?

It is rare to find "couples". Over the years I did take several non club girls to the clubs and they have no problem. It depends on the individual girl if they are into bi. True bi Chicas are rarer in general in Latin america (as opposed to say Europe or North America). The pros however are willing to pretend. You have to talk to them. Most will charge more than the regular rate. If you stick to higher end clubs like Fase 2 and La Isla, no one would even blink an eye.

02-01-15, 15:25
First I went to Energy about 4 PM. Only four chicas available, one 7, one six, and two 5's. I passed. Next I went to Blue Room and found only two chicas available, both solid 7's. I was tempted but the day is young. Next I walked about a mile down calle 33 to Abydos. Five chicas available here ranging from solid 7 to 5's. I passed again and will find something tonight. Two weeks ago also on Saturday I visited New Life about 1 PM and there were at least 15 chicas working. One was a solid 8 and I did one hour with her good for two pops. One hour cost was 70 K pesos. I requested "chupar sin condon" and she said that would require a 20 K peso tip which I gladly agreed to pay. She was great and New Life is a great value if you find a hot chica. I've been to Energy twice now and have been disappointed with chicas both times. Anyone finding any 8+ talent there lately? What is the best day of week and time of day? What casa outside of Lutron has the best looking talent these days?I was at Energy last night. Just 2 where there. One was a tall skinny 5.5 the other a 7 with bolt ONS. Went with the 7. She did kissing and sin condom for like 50 k. She was passionate and super into it. I'd like to know what day as well is best to go to Energy.

02-01-15, 21:34
I went to Energy about 2 weeks ago on a Tuesday afternoon (around 4 pm) and there were around 12 girls there. There were some really nice ones. Loved seeing each girl come out in the blue robes and pose their bodies in sheer lingerie outfits. It was very relaxing with the full hour and the nice massage oils she rubbed all over me. I think she wanted another 50 K for BBBJ, but I passed. It was starting to get busy with the locals as I finished up around 5 pm.

The other great, high end daytime casa I would recommend is Blue Room. I went there about 45 minutes prior and there were only 3 girls. However, 2 of those 3 girls were amazing.

I was at Energy last night. Just 2 where there. One was a tall skinny 5.5 the other a 7 with bolt ONS. Went with the 7. She did kissing and sin condom for like 50 k. She was passionate and super into it. I'd like to know what day as well is best to go to Energy.

El Cubanito
02-03-15, 15:21
I am planning to travel to Medellin on the first week of April 2015 (April 5 to April 12). I planning to stay at the Hotel Dann Carlton Medellin. I am the type of guy that does not bring alot of different girls to his room. I always try to do 1 to 2 girls on my mongering trips. Other than the girl action what are some good restaurant are around El Poblado. Is the area relative safe? Are there non pros that one can meet around here. I am more into Non Pros than Pros or semi. Any advice from experience mongers to Medellin is welcome or you can also PM me.

Colombia Jake
02-03-15, 15:45
www.colombiajake.com not hard at all USA 727-498-1680.Here we go with the newest hottie of the month! Yesica is a sweetheart who I've known for three years. She lives in Paris which is a barrio high up on the west side of Medellin. She has to walk up and down a lot to get to the store or to see friends and keeps those legs firm and hot! December was Karen, January Carolina and this month Yesica! I want to make sure you have plenty to keep you busy while your staying here with me. Of course these girls enjoy going out with you to have fun, or you can just stay here which ever you prefer. Let me know? Of course this is just for the guys who stay here at Jake's.


Sailor Jim
02-04-15, 00:57
In todays Colombia perfect 10s doesnt want to get married to escape poverty. Some want to consume luxury items and travel. For 5 years. Then they are wasted, they are unable to force themselves to the disciplince university studies requires.

With this possibilites; luxury consumption, travelling, university studies to make a career; marry a gringo is a boring option.

I have to agree with this statement. When I am on facebook I see endless photos of the same handful of chicas jetting off somewhere just about every other week. They vacation more than I do and I probably make 10 x more than they every will in two life times!

Like you said, being used to a life of luxury consumption and travel, they are not going to have the discipline to start and finish University or hold down a real job as they age and are not as in demand anymore. Life is going to be tough for them once their bodies start showing wear and tear or if and when they pop out a kid. Their only hope is to get some sucker with deep pockets to marry them so that they can continue to live that sort of lifestyle. But if I had big bank, why would I lock down a worn-out 25-30 yr old when I can get a fresh new 18-21 yr old?Like Chris Rock says.

"Men cannot go backwards sexually. Women cannot go backwards in lifestyle" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dGhsRsHXP8) These high priced super spoiled bitzes. On facebook or otherwise. Are the worst proposition, not worth the time, IMHO.

I see so many blown out holes in their late 20's early 30's, no job, no nothing, had opportunities earlier but decided to jet set around. These broads will settle for you. After all the jet setting and getting spoiled earlier in life. Just sayin'.

Legal Tender
02-04-15, 01:58
I thought you died years ago?

A. G.A. G. Watching cricket in the motherland?

Sailor Jim
02-04-15, 04:36
I'm so tired of hearing people spreading these bullshit scare stories.

Have you or anybody you know ever been drugged by scolpamine? Has anybody else on this forum? Mongers would be most susceptible to this yet I have never heard of this happening to anybody.

I've lived in El Centro for 2 months and got to know many of the girls that work there quite well, some of which became my friends. I've asked all of them at some point if they have ever heard of this drug and none of them knew what I was talking about.Lived here 2 months? How many people here do you know? 60 million killed in WW2, I don't know any of them. Not sure how many total have been scoped in Medellin but I am sure it's less than 60 million. I only know 3 personally and about 7 more are friends of friends, 5 of which I can verify first hand. I'll be honest. I don't know a lot of people here.

02-04-15, 17:26
I am planning to travel to Medellin on the first week of April 2015 (April 5 to April 12). I planning to stay at the Hotel Dann Carlton Medellin. I am the type of guy that does not bring alot of different girls to his room. I always try to do 1 to 2 girls on my mongering trips. Other than the girl action what are some good restaurant are around El Poblado. Is the area relative safe? Are there non pros that one can meet around here. I am more into Non Pros than Pros or semi. Any advice from experience mongers to Medellin is welcome or you can also PM me.Your in a super safe area. You'll be in gringo gulch. It helps tremendously if you speak Spanish. For non pros hang at the nice malls on the weekend and try and spit game. Again you need to know Spanish. Resturants in Parque lleras are great. Hell even the mall food with $10 t bones are amazing. Be prepared to pay a Chica fee at the hotel. Personally I say go with an apartment. Also make friends with a driver via uber or easy taxi. Getting a regular driver really helps especially if you don't speak much English.

El Cubanito
02-05-15, 04:39
Your in a super safe area. You'll be in gringo gulch. It helps tremendously if you speak Spanish. For non pros hang at the nice malls on the weekend and try and spit game. Again you need to know Spanish. Resturants in Parque lleras are great. Hell even the mall food with $10 t bones are amazing. Be prepared to pay a Chica fee at the hotel. Personally I say go with an apartment. Also make friends with a driver via uber or easy taxi. Getting a regular driver really helps especially if you don't speak much English.Thanks BlueChange and yes I am fluent in Spanish, plus I do have great communication skills. Thanks for the info and recommendation. When I come back I will post a message. I am planning on doing 3 weeks of travel in April. I will be going to Medellin for 10 days and the 11 days in Cuba. I will post a report as to my experience in Medellin. Hopefully it will be good like everybody that has gone to Medellin. I went to Cartagena 5 years ago and it was ok, hopefully things are much better for me this time around.

02-05-15, 05:53
I will post a report as to my experience in Medellin. Hopefully it will be good like everybody that has gone to Medellin.Not sure how you are prepared to compare your trip to the rest of us. 99.9% of us go to Medellin to bang pros and semi pros, which you have stated you are not interested in. Your success rate will be vastly different from the rest of us.

And as far as meeting "non pros", if you are able to bang them back in your home country, then you should have no problem doing the same in Medellin. If the non pros back in your home country wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole, then don't expect anything to be different in Medellin unless you bring money into the picture. But at that point they are technically no longer "non pros", hahaha 😝.

Have fun!

El Cubanito
02-05-15, 14:05
Not sure how you are prepared to compare your trip to the rest of us. 99.9% of us go to Medellin to bang pros and semi pros, which you have stated you are not interested in. Your success rate will be vastly different from the rest of us.

And as far as meeting "non pros", if you are able to bang them back in your home country, then you should have no problem doing the same in Medellin. If the non pros back in your home country wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole, then don't expect anything to be different in Medellin unless you bring money into the picture. But at that point they are technically no longer "non pros", hahaha .

Have fun!SavePros, yes I like a like challenge when it comes to women and to answer your question, yes I have had success with Colombiana here in the United States. Now with that said it does not mean I would not bang a semi who catches my eye. The whole thing in this is having game, if you have game you can bang a lot of women, any women. Yes my quantity in Medellin will never be close to most guy in this site, but my quality will be high. I will inform when I come back from Medellin.

I just want to thank all of the guys that have given me input and suggestion to my trip.

El Cubanito.

02-05-15, 15:14
SavePros, yes I like a like challenge when it comes to women and to answer your question, yes I have had success with Colombiana here in the United States. Now with that said it does not mean I would not bang a semi who catches my eye. The whole thing in this is having game, if you have game you can bang a lot of women, any women. Yes my quantity in Medellin will never be close to most guy in this site, but my quality will be high. I will inform when I come back from Medellin.

I just want to thank all of the guys that have given me input and suggestion to my trip.

El Cubanito.Why is this even a question? The answer is the same and always has been.

Is your code name just a name? If you are a native Spanish speaker you will be fine and getting laid by a non pro will be due to your skills and game. If you are on the younger side 30-45 and decent looking and in sort of good shape all the better. If you are older, out of shape, and not that good looking you'll be in for a hard road. This is true all over the world! I don't know why guys think this is not true? Once we take money out of the mix it comes down to looks, charm / personality, fitness, and animal attraction.

The fact you had to ask about picking up non pros on a hooker message board has me questioning your game sir. Fair enough yes?

Look in the mirror and go down my (the Worlds checklist).

Ability to communicate with the girl (Guys with shitty Spanish deep down inside knows that there is no real connection! She just there for the money. No amistad! Cliente why ya!

Youthful (or young) Look. Truth hurts. Youth is wasted on the young. But do yourself a favor. If you going bald shave it. The cue ball look has more appeal than the Homer Simpson.

In shape (not a fat bastard) well enough. If you have a huge gut don't wear a button down shirt, you can still look nice in a Golf Polo and in Mede it's fine and acceptable. A button down just draws attention to your gut.

Cool Funny charming?

Good Looking Handsome?

If you have 3 of the 5 you'll be fine. If 2 or less. Be honest everybody. You're going to have a hard time. If you factor in money. Either taking a chica out shopping or showing her a good time in the club, diner, ect. You can make up for any short comings.

You think the girls love gringos in Vietnam, Mexico, the Republic? No they want to get married and have a better life. That equals money!

You Can
02-05-15, 18:40
Well put. I am certainly not thin by any means. My Spanish sucks!! But I always have a good time because my apartments stacked with liquor and fun stuff. Not to mention I'm pretty laid back and looking for fun which is what most of them are looking for. I always dress nice and am not cheap. Thankfully I got 95 percent of my hair. LOL.


Universal hot crazy matrix. It's funny!!

Why is this even a question? The answer is the same and always has been.

Is your code name just a name? If you are a native Spanish speaker you will be fine and getting laid by a non pro will be due to your skills and game. If you are on the younger side 30-45 and decent looking and in sort of good shape all the better. If you are older, out of shape, and not that good looking you'll be in for a hard road. This is true all over the world! I don't know why guys think this is not true? Once we take money out of the mix it comes down to looks, charm / personality, fitness, and animal attraction.

The fact you had to ask about picking up non pros on a hooker message board has me questioning your game sir. Fair enough yes?

Look in the mirror and go down my (the Worlds checklist).

Ability to communicate with the girl (Guys with shitty Spanish deep down inside knows that there is no real connection! She just there for the money. No amistad! Cliente why ya!

Youthful (or young) Look. Truth hurts. Youth is wasted on the young. But do yourself a favor. If you going bald shave it. The cue ball look has more appeal than the Homer Simpson.

In shape (not a fat bastard) well enough. If you have a huge gut don't wear a button down shirt, you can still look nice in a Golf Polo and in Mede it's fine and acceptable. A button down just draws attention to your gut.

Cool Funny charming?

Good Looking Handsome?

If you have 3 of the 5 you'll be fine. If 2 or less. Be honest everybody. You're going to have a hard time. If you factor in money. Either taking a chica out shopping or showing her a good time in the club, diner, ect. You can make up for any short comings.

You think the girls love gringos in Vietnam, Mexico, the Republic? No they want to get married and have a better life. That equals money!

Legal Tender
02-05-15, 23:38
"Fashion Week Internationale heads to Medellin for Colombia Fashion Week. Formerly the old stomping ground of Pablo Escobar, the city is now trying to throw off its powdery legacy and push fashion up the noses of the world. Medellin is also fast becoming the plastic surgery capital of South America; people are flying in from all over the world to sample the city's budget body enhancement. We look at how the legacy of the narco-aesthetic inspired by the heady days of the Escobar era is being pushed out in favor of a more European silhouette, I. E. Less tits and ass.

Along our journey we meet Escobar's brother, Roberto, and Charlet tries her hand (and legs) at the national sport of pole dancing. We also find out just how far one woman will go to plump her buns. ".


My gut feeling is the reporter from the U.K. (qualified as obviously doable) was intimidated by the girls of Colombia. Jesus, we got to stop the movement to have these girls looks more "European." This is more serious than global warming.

Only good energy!

02-07-15, 14:51
"Fashion Week Internationale heads to Medellin for Colombia Fashion Week. Formerly the old stomping ground of Pablo Escobar, the city is now trying to throw off its powdery legacy and push fashion up the noses of the world. Medellin is also fast becoming the plastic surgery capital of South America; people are flying in from all over the world to sample the city's budget body enhancement. We look at how the legacy of the narco-aesthetic inspired by the heady days of the Escobar era is being pushed out in favor of a more European silhouette, I. E. Less tits and ass.

Along our journey we meet Escobar's brother, Roberto, and Charlet tries her hand (and legs) at the national sport of pole dancing. We also find out just how far one woman will go to plump her buns. ".


My gut feeling is the reporter from the U.K. (qualified as obviously doable) was intimidated by the girls of Colombia. Jesus, we got to stop the movement to have these girls looks more "European." This is more serious than global warming.

Only good energy!This **** is the worst. She is not a journalist.

Too opinionated and when she attepts to go gonzo journalism and dresses up, she fails misreibly and half asses it. (No pun intended) truth is I LOVE the paisa culture. The mountains have isolated it and made this fascinating culture. Peeps need to get over them selfs and accept this place for what it is. Another thing people don't realize is how much of an economic boom this place is going to have. I'm going to buy a place here. It's amazing what 80 k cAn get you! And the maintenance won't kill you either. Anyway fuck this English **** I hope her teeth Rott out and she gets cervical cancer.

You Can
02-07-15, 16:32
Damn dude that's pretty harsh.

This **** is the worst. She is not a journalist.

Too opinionated and when she attepts to go gonzo journalism and dresses up, she fails misreibly and half asses it. (No pun intended) truth is I LOVE the paisa culture. The mountains have isolated it and made this fascinating culture. Peeps need to get over them selfs and accept this place for what it is. Another thing people don't realize is how much of an economic boom this place is going to have. I'm going to buy a place here. It's amazing what 80 k cAn get you! And the maintenance won't kill you either. Anyway fuck this English **** I hope her teeth Rott out and she gets cervical cancer.

02-07-15, 17:02
"Fashion Week Internationale heads to Medellin for Colombia Fashion Week. Formerly the old stomping ground of Pablo Escobar, the city is now trying to throw off its powdery legacy and push fashion up the noses of the world. Medellin is also fast becoming the plastic surgery capital of South America; people are flying in from all over the world to sample the city's budget body enhancement. We look at how the legacy of the narco-aesthetic inspired by the heady days of the Escobar era is being pushed out in favor of a more European silhouette, I. E. Less tits and ass.

Along our journey we meet Escobar's brother, Roberto, and Charlet tries her hand (and legs) at the national sport of pole dancing. We also find out just how far one woman will go to plump her buns. ".


My gut feeling is the reporter from the U.K. (qualified as obviously doable) was intimidated by the girls of Colombia. Jesus, we got to stop the movement to have these girls looks more "European." This is more serious than global warming.

Only good energy!I saw this video a while ago on YouTube. You could spend hours reading the comments Colombians left. They really laid into her, LOL:

Colombian Fashion Week - Ass Implants & Couture


02-08-15, 02:07
Damn dude that's pretty harsh.Upon reading it again, you are correct. I guess I recall how much her attempt at being a journalist made me upset. Anyway it's Saturday night and I'm here in Medellin! Ahhh my life is.

Awesome. I hope you get to enjoy it. Not just the girls either.

02-08-15, 15:26
Upon reading it again, you are correct. I guess I recall how much her attempt at being a journalist made me upset. Anyway it's Saturday night and I'm here in Medellin! Ahhh my life is.

Awesome. I hope you get to enjoy it. Not just the girls either.I snatched this from WIki. Donate to them.

Journalism is gathering, processing, and dissemination of news and information related to the news to an audience. The word applies to both the method of inquiring for news and the literary style which is used to disseminate it.

Then the audience can decide for themselves what they think. Or like most news now a days it has a lean to it to persuade the viewer to a certain position.

That stupid working girl had an agenda and interjected her own insecurities and biases into the story. She always had a snide comment, was condescending, and clearly had an ax to grind!

Let's see. She's tall or taller than most colombians even. No tits at all super flat chested and has a pancake ass! As we all know women of all back grounds are fueled by jealousy!

Not to hard to figure out what was going on here! I bet when she got back to her shit little town in the UK and sat around with a table full of chalky white crooked brown toothed UK chics (not known for their collective beauty) she bitched and bitched and bitched and all of them sat knodding their heads I agreement.

Haters going to hate. Also I was told that those models are ALL avaiable if you can get yourself a connect. 300-500 mil peso range for a short time. Some more in the 800-Millon range but if it's on your bucked list.

You Can
02-08-15, 17:48
I agree with she sucked. But I wouldn't go to wishing she gets cervical cancer for goodness sake! Happy hunting.

Upon reading it again, you are correct. I guess I recall how much her attempt at being a journalist made me upset. Anyway it's Saturday night and I'm here in Medellin! Ahhh my life is.

Awesome. I hope you get to enjoy it. Not just the girls either.