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02-09-15, 17:16
I snatched this from WIki. Donate to them.

Journalism is gathering, processing, and dissemination of news and information related to the news to an audience. The word applies to both the method of inquiring for news and the literary style which is used to disseminate it.

Then the audience can decide for themselves what they think. Or like most news now a days it has a lean to it to persuade the viewer to a certain position.

That stupid working girl had an agenda and interjected her own insecurities and biases into the story. She always had a snide comment, was condescending, and clearly had an ax to grind!

Let's see. She's tall or taller than most colombians even. No tits at all super flat chested and has a pancake ass! As we all know women of all back grounds are fueled by jealousy!

Not to hard to figure out what was going on here! I bet when she got back to her shit little town in the UK and sat around with a table full of chalky white crooked brown toothed UK chics (not known for their collective beauty) she bitched and bitched and bitched and all of them sat knodding their heads I agreement.

Haters going to hate. Also I was told that those models are ALL avaiable if you can get yourself a connect. 300-500 mil peso range for a short time. Some more in the 800-Millon range but if it's on your bucked list.When I first watched this video, I kept thinking what a be* the journalist was being. Then, I realized she WAS the story. This was a basic "fish out of water" scenario where a woman who is used to being the standard of beauty in her home environment suddenly finds herself in a place where she is NOT at the top of the food chain. And, it pissed her off to the point where she behaved like a typical mean girl from any American high school or sorority. It happens all the time. For example, when I lived in NYC, friends and I would go to night clubs and look at the "shock and awe" on the faces of girls FOB from BFE. These poor things went from being a "10" in their little towns in the middle of nowhere, to being a "7" in a club full of hot women. And, they often lost their s* and suddenly "all these NYC women are a bunch of w*s, sluts, skanks, etc". The same behaviors can be seen in Las Vegas, Miami, LA, etc. (Talk about plastic surgery LOL). The point is many women (especially immature, yet attractive women) have a weak model of reality and go into attack mode when anything threatens it. This one just happens to being experiencing her meltdown on international TV. Great entertainment value.

02-09-15, 20:37
I snatched this from WIki.

Journalism is gathering, processing, and dissemination of news and information related to the news to an audience. The word applies to both the method of inquiring for news and the literary style which is used to disseminate it. Then the audience can decide for themselves what they think. Or like most news now a days it has a lean to it to persuade the viewer to a certain position.

That stupid working girl had an agenda and interjected her own insecurities and biases into the story. She always had a snide comment, was condescending, and clearly had an ax to grind!Looks like ya cherry picked a little 'cause that same Wiki entry goes on to acknowledge other types of "journalism" as well which includes this "stupid working girl".

But by your reasoning isn't O'Reily and Maddow in your same category as well as most, if not all WSJ & NYT op-ed "journalism"?

And isn't it just a little curious that the country seems to have such a permissive view of teenage plastic surgery or is it no different than braces on American kids?

And BTW, aren't hookers commonly the ones many consider to be "stupid working girls"?

I'm just asking, (as the expression goes).

Aussie Greg
02-10-15, 13:39
A. G. Watching cricket in the motherland?

L. T.

Been in Australia since August last year mate.
My mothers 80th birthday, then I went to Dubai, Abu Darbi, Sharjah for a month and a half watching Australia play Pakistan in cricket.
Returned to Australia and went to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, bus to Siem Riep, Phonm Phen and onto Saigon then train to Hanoi.
Hap Long Bay, Dien Bien Phu, then returned to Australia via Thailand.
Leave for Philippines this Saturday then Vietnam again, bus through Laos and onto Thailand / Phuket.
If I have a spear week Mayanmar.
Got the cricket in the West Indies again in June.
Over 80 countries now mate.

Maro Polo.

Sailor Jim
02-10-15, 23:37
I only wonder what a retiree does to occupy one's time in Medellin when one is done banging those one or two hotties a day? I mean, I think I would go crazy there after the newness wears off. Sure, I could go to Spanish school there for 6 months to become fluent, but what would I do after that? Fortunately for me, I still have a lot of time to figure out all out. Still, I wonder what these guys do with all the rest of their day in Medellin day after day once they've been there awhile?Banging 1-2 hotties a day but the whole thing lasts 45 minutes. That's not a lot of time.

I have a friend who comes down for 3-5 weeks at a time. 3-4 times a year.

He always tells me he is dying of boredom and that I am lucky because I work 9-5 and have something to do (yeah right I'm lucky to be working).

He stays in a mid range hotel when he is down here and well, it's a small room with small bathroom, no kitchen, no balcony, not many outside windows depending on your room). It's not really home, you don't have all your stuff. He goes stir crazy even though there are other foreigners to commiserate with but there is only so much of that you can do. I tell him to do what he does at home but he has a list of things that just are not available here. Plus when you're in your own place you have more things at the ready, more things to take care of etc.

For instance if you live full time here and have your own place you find yourself with more steady women in your stable who are just totally awesome. No need to search and search at this casa and that strip club. After you've weeded out the crappy ones you have solid rotation of cream of the crop sweet non hustler GFE, some of whom don't even need more than 40 K cab fare if you treat them right and give them that escape from their hum drum lives.


You invite one of them over for a dinner (and sex of course) hanging out on your balcony, getting some music and cocktails. That's a lot of time spent and about 3 or 4 loads shot, conversation, maybe going out to a bar for a few, watching a DVD etc. Sometimes just setting that all up with food shopping at 2-3 different places and cooking and getting your place ready, hiding evidence of the other women etc. THAT TAKES ALL DAY before she even gets there! She gets there at 6 PM and leaves the following morning at 9 or 10 AM or even later if it's a weekend.

You're here for a few weeks in a hotel, well you don't have those kinds of problems!

But living here full time for the retired, non working crowd is probably lacking a lot for many even if you have your own place and all of the accouterments.

Sailor Jim
02-11-15, 00:34
When I first watched this video, I kept thinking what a be* the journalist was being. Then, I realized she WAS the story. This was a basic "fish out of water" scenario where a woman who is used to being the standard of beauty in her home environment suddenly finds herself in a place where she is NOT at the top of the food chain. And, it pissed her off to the point where she behaved like a typical mean girl from any American high school or sorority. It happens all the time. For example, when I lived in NYC, friends and I would go to night clubs and look at the "shock and awe" on the faces of girls FOB from BFE. These poor things went from being a "10" in their little towns in the middle of nowhere, to being a "7" in a club full of hot women. And, they often lost their s* and suddenly "all these NYC women are a bunch of w*s, sluts, skanks, etc". The same behaviors can be seen in Las Vegas, Miami, LA, etc. (Talk about plastic surgery LOL). The point is many women (especially immature, yet attractive women) have a weak model of reality and go into attack mode when anything threatens it. This one just happens to being experiencing her meltdown on international TV. Great entertainment value.Did not watch the entire video, but wondered why she did not ask the designers why they picked the models they did? The choice of who struts your line down the runway is the designer's choice.

The piece started out with cocaine, I don't know the actual figures and I know there is a good deal of coke down here but it is just not as mainstream as it is in the US or Europe. So what if a lot of it is made down here, mostly all of it all gets exported. It's just like thinking all Cubans smoke cigars when in essence almost all Cuban cigars are exported and smoked in countries outside of Cuba. Yeah they smoke them in Cuba, but you know what I mean.

I'd like to see her ask Snoop Dog "Is it bright in here?" like she did to the Regaeton singers in costume with their sunglasses on inside just about to perform. Just about any rapper or rockstar in the US and Europe is wearing shades inside. And she knows that. Ever see Slash without shades? Not too often. And therein lies the proof that she is purposely trying to be an ignoramus looking to be an ass as a way of entertaining the people back home.

This whole thing was about getting views and making regular women feel good but mostly about putting down a culture and style that she KNOWS exists in London, but blatantly ignores and acts like she has no idea what goes on in just about every major city in the west.

Plastic Surgery? Musicians in sunglasses? Fashion models showing skin? WE HAVE THAT HERE?

I am totally surprised she did not make a few digs at gays being involved in fashion week. That would have made her ignorance "complete". Apparently she could not dig at the gays and have her video accepted by her culturally ignorant home audience.

She could have done this exact video during fashion week in NYC or LA or Paris or Milan, not speaking the home language and pulled off the same thing. She chose wisely, got the views but when the smoke settles and the dust clears she is what she is and I feel sorry for her and her followers.

Lastly her question to the makeup artist that was translated by Diego was perfectly translated by Diego. She said "lost in translation". Obviously she didn't like the way the answer way going or it was funnier to go with it the way she did.

Does it really matter?

02-11-15, 11:42
Yesterday checked out Relax. Taxi had a problem finding the location since no signs exist.

Mucho security with several electric doors. Nice facility -- reminds of the nice casas in Bueno Aires. Large line up of chicas for 1200 pm. Nothing remarkable. Selected a slim black cutie named Cari from Cali.

Very professionally run that allows credit cards. Chicas carry a log sheet to record the time. Price list is clearly posted. Many locals. Ran into some gringos Selected the one hour option at 70.000. No kissing. Again -- its is nice to have hot young chicas to touch and feel while getting sex and a massage. Cari actually provided a good massage.

Good sex -- not outstanding. Good head and willing to suck as long as you want. Cow girl was okay. IMO chicas may have more energy and enthusiasm than 30 plus but generally do not have the same finese. Its no wonder for me that it takes longer for me to cum with the younger ones. Worthy of a repeat.

Right after met up with 2 ISG ¨local'members. Walked around centro checking out a few casas -- Yakuza and Sexy Fantasias II. Nothing remarkable. ISG dudes were shooting the breeze with staff and chicas. Unexpectedly one of the ISG dudes thought we were going to be able to go to a barrio to check out some chicas. Unable to secure the deal with the taxi driver.

Returned to the hotel via taxi which costed more than anticipated. Heavy rain, thunder and lightning started. It lasted over one hour. Unfortunately it is forecasted to remain throughout the week. The weather is very humid. The nights are less cooler than anticipated.

No chicas at Mayorsita. ISG member supplied info to call a nice Mayorsita chica but was too tired.

Woke up around 400 am and wandered to Mayorsita to eat. There is a good restaurant open 24 hours with a nice staff and cheap food. To my surprise, it was very active. Handful of doable chicas. More men than chicas. Almost sessioned with a chica back to my hotel for 25.000 at one hour. Shall return tonight.

Thanks for the pms. See you boys soon!

02-11-15, 16:32
Banging 1-2 hotties a day but the whole thing lasts 45 minutes. That's not a lot of time.

I have a friend who comes down for 3-5 weeks at a time. 3-4 times a year.

He always tells me he is dying of boredom and that I am lucky because I work 9-5 and have something to do (yeah right I'm lucky to be working).

He stays in a mid range hotel when he is down here and well, it's a small room with small bathroom, no kitchen, no balcony, not many outside windows depending on your room). It's not really home, you don't have all your stuff. He goes stir crazy even though there are other foreigners to commiserate with but there is only so much of that you can do. I tell him to do what he does at home but he has a list of things that just are not available here. Plus when you're in your own place you have more things at the ready, more things to take care of etc.

For instance if you live full time here and have your own place you find yourself with more steady women in your stable who are just totally awesome. No need to search and search at this casa and that strip club. After you've weeded out the crappy ones you have solid rotation of cream of the crop sweet non hustler GFE, some of whom don't even need more than 40 K cab fare if you treat them right and give them that escape from their hum drum lives.


You invite one of them over for a dinner (and sex of course) hanging out on your balcony, getting some music and cocktails. That's a lot of time spent and about 3 or 4 loads shot, conversation, maybe going out to a bar for a few, watching a DVD etc. Sometimes just setting that all up with food shopping at 2-3 different places and cooking and getting your place ready, hiding evidence of the other women etc. THAT TAKES ALL DAY before she even gets there! She gets there at 6 PM and leaves the following morning at 9 or 10 AM or even later if it's a weekend.

You're here for a few weeks in a hotel, well you don't have those kinds of problems!

But living here full time for the retired, non working crowd is probably lacking a lot for many even if you have your own place and all of the accouterments.Good subject. I'm retired and usually I come to Colombia for a 10-14 day stretch of time a couple of times a year. Its because of the boredom factor and financial issues too. But I think those guys who are here for long periods of time should get out and see other parts of Colombia besides just Medellin. Theres a lot of interesting cities and places to see in this country. Also take trips to Ecuador and Peru etc. As well.

Member #4394
02-11-15, 21:22
Indeed good subject. I just get tired of banging in a week, so usually I bring my work projects and personal projects with me. Also I visit some pueblos every week.

Good subject. I'm retired and usually I come to Colombia for a 10-14 day stretch of time a couple of times a year. Its because of the boredom factor and financial issues too. But I think those guys who are here for long periods of time should get out and see other parts of Colombia besides just Medellin. Theres a lot of interesting cities and places to see in this country. Also take trips to Ecuador and Peru etc. As well..

You Can
02-11-15, 23:52
It's the same the world over. We all put are pants on one leg at a time. What's to say. You drink eat fuck visit different places based on your budget and enjoy your family friends etc.

Some people never experience any of this stuff in other countries.

Everybody is different I'm sure we all seen the ads for people that want to live in one of those places for older people. Every time I see one I think fuck that I will be in some foreign country living out my life. Certainly not with a bunch of old people. Fuck that. Even though I will eventually be fucked I sure as hell am not living out my life carving wooden fucking birds.

Indeed good subject. I just get tired of banging in a week, so usually I bring my work projects and personal projects with me. Also I visit some pueblos every week.


You Can
02-11-15, 23:58
I just want to ad. One of my good friends that was around 75 use to bring girls to my shop. He would drive to the back of my shop / yard with a girl. One day I said damn same you really like to fuck!! He said no way I'm too old I just let them suck on this mother fucker. I laughed. He was a good guy!

It's the same the world over. We all put are pants on one leg at a time. What's to say. You drink eat fuck visit different places based on your budget and enjoy your family friends etc.

Some people never experience any of this stuff in other countries.

Everybody is different I'm sure we all seen the ads for people that want to live in one of those places for older people. Every time I see one I think fuck that I will be in some foreign country living out my life. Certainly not with a bunch of old people. Fuck that. Even though I will eventually be fucked I sure as hell am not living out my life carving wooden fucking birds.

02-12-15, 03:39
Good subject. I'm retired and usually I come to Colombia for a 10-14 day stretch of time a couple of times a year. Its because of the boredom factor and financial issues too. But I think those guys who are here for long periods of time should get out and see other parts of Colombia besides just Medellin. Theres a lot of interesting cities and places to see in this country. Also take trips to Ecuador and Peru etc. As well.I hope to include Medellin somewhere in my retirement plans someday. I unfortunately have about 30 years to go. So have a little time to plan things out. If I were retired though I would def spend time here in MDE. Yes its not like the US but here food and transportation is so cheap. You could prob have a few girlfriends that can cook for you clean and spend time with you. $600 us dol would prob get you a decent place to live. And then budget out the rest of your monthly retirement income. Hell I think Soc Sec would give you approx 12-1500 monthly. I would volunteer to teach kids and adults basic english and math. Great way to meet locals. Volunteer at malls or other places where you can enjoy the scenery maybe a small cafe a few hours a day. Lots to do just have to explore a little I guess. In the meantime I will be working 10,12,18,24 hour shifts until my next MDE vaca.

02-12-15, 12:30
Yesterday I discovered my bank deactivated my card. Taxied to the Santa Fe Mall and used the call center to fix my problem. I always call the bank prior to departure about what countries I shall be visiting. For some reason an ATM withdraws from the MDE airport deactivated my account. After several phone calls and wasted $, the card was reactivated. Withdrew money.

The mall was very nice. MDE is noted for denim and there was plenty available at high and low price points. Some nice eye candy. Taxied over to Relax (not New Life as incorrectly mentioned in a previous post).

Relax had a better lineup than the previous day. More cuties. Selected Marcella. Cute typical Latina. Allowed closed mouth kissing. Selected the 30 minute session and paid with credit card. Usual sucking as long as you want. Sucks to the musical beat which was nice. Poor missionary performer. However in cowgirl, she was a human jackhammer. Amazing. Cummed admirably. Massage was better than the black chica. Upon return to the lobby there were 4 to 5 mongers waiting.

The taxi ride home was an adventure. Initially I thought -- wow this guy knows the back streets since there was little traffic. However it was quickly apparent he was going in the wrong direction. It was an honest mistake since he restarted the meter. Nonetheless, the meter was still running high. Eventually got to Mayorista. Gave him 10.000 mil. Shook hands and departed.

Mayorista improves each day. Younger and hotter chicas. ISG setup a date for me with a chica from the Buenos Aires area. Scheduled to meet at Mayorsita on the corner casino. Chica looked like a young Penelope Cruz. Sexy with glitter on her face. Very sweet and nice. Sat down for a beer then headed to my hotel.

At the desk they stopped me and the chica. The ad says the room is for 1 to 2 people. Plus the desk allowed a chica to enter on Monday. Played a prerecorded English message on her cell phone about no prostitution at the hotel. Its too bad since the hotel has a panoramic city view. Oh well. Shall talk to the staff every night about bringing a chica.

Returned to mayorista. Paid 20.000 for a love hotel. It is actually for only 45 minutes. Chica was great. Very sensual and passionate. No rules. Good in every position. Sweetheart that aims to please. Again -- what a delight to receive such passion and tenderness from a hot chica at under $30 including taxi money. Waited for her outside but she probably went out the back. Nice selection of chicas that barely look 18 waiting around.

Returned to the hotel. Went to the 6th floor bar to flirt with Lina who looks Demi Moore. Unfortunately she can not date guests. What a shame!

02-12-15, 14:07
I hope to include Medellin somewhere in my retirement plans someday. I unfortunately have about 30 years to go. So have a little time to plan things out. If I were retired though I would def spend time here in MDE. Yes its not like the US but here food and transportation is so cheap. You could prob have a few girlfriends that can cook for you clean and spend time with you. $600 us dol would prob get you a decent place to live. And then budget out the rest of your monthly retirement income. Hell I think Soc Sec would give you approx 12-1500 monthly. I would volunteer to teach kids and adults basic english and math. Great way to meet locals. Volunteer at malls or other places where you can enjoy the scenery maybe a small cafe a few hours a day. Lots to do just have to explore a little I guess. In the meantime I will be working 10,12,18,24 hour shifts until my next MDE vaca.Real Talk bro! I agree 100% I'm still 25 years off from retirement. Need to start to plan that as well. Add it to my list of things to do.

You stole my idea! LOL!! I would do something down there if I were to be a part or full time resident I would do something vs nothing. No golf, no fishing (I hear there is some if you know where to look) how many working girls can you bang? How many diners can you go to? How many nights in the club?

I've been told many times that guys that have retired down there are bored. Most that have started businesses have gone broke by not understanding the market they are in and blindly following a dead end dream.

I'd for sure do something like what you said above. Do a tutorial for kids and or adult education classes. English, basic computer stuff, how to run a small business. Amazing how so many Colombia's dream of owning something but have no idea how to get there or even how to take the first steps. It seems like the system is in place to keep people down and out.

Member #4394
02-12-15, 20:22
This insight and other posts could suggest that after retirement Colombia may be a good place to "visit" frequently instead of living there.

Real Talk bro! I agree 100% I'm still 25 years off from retirement. Need to start to plan that as well. Add it to my list of things to do.

You stole my idea! LOL!! I would do something down there if I were to be a part or full time resident I would do something vs nothing. No golf, no fishing (I hear there is some if you know where to look) how many working girls can you bang? How many diners can you go to? How many nights in the club?

I've been told many times that guys that have retired down there are bored. Most that have started businesses have gone broke by not understanding the market they are in and blindly following a dead end dream.

I'd for sure do something like what you said above. Do a tutorial for kids and or adult education classes. English, basic computer stuff, how to run a small business. Amazing how so many Colombia's dream of owning something but have no idea how to get there or even how to take the first steps. It seems like the system is in place to keep people down and out..

02-12-15, 21:00
This insight and other posts could suggest that after retirement Colombia may be a good place to "visit" frequently instead of living there.

.I've met a few people over the years who have retired in Costa Rica and Colombia etc. Most have eventually returned to the US over time. I think they got bored and ran out of things to do or didn't achieve their goals. One guy wanted to marry a Colombiana but never found the right one. These guys need things to keep themselves busy.

There's a lot of interesting little towns to see here in Colombia. Places like Antioquia, Guatape-Penol, Hacienda Napoles (Pablo Escobar's zoo), Jerico, Popayan etc. That's fun to do.

World Travel 69
02-12-15, 22:38
That is why Argentina is a better country to retire in.

That is where a lot of guys are retired.

This insight and other posts could suggest that after retirement Colombia may be a good place to "visit" frequently instead of living there.


02-12-15, 23:31
That is why Argentina is a better country to retire in.

That is where a lot of guys are retired.What are the costs basis like in Argentina? Housing food transportation safety all that needs to be taken into acct.

World Travel 69
02-12-15, 23:58
Everything you need and want to know is here:


What are the costs basis like in Argentina? Housing food transportation safety all that needs to be taken into acct.

02-13-15, 00:50
The costs in Argentina, where I lived from 2003 to 2011 with some stops elsewhere, oscillate wildly and the inflation is unbelievable. So it gets pretty expensive, then the economy crashes and it gets idiotically cheap, then the economy recovers, inflation sets in, it gets expensive, it crashes, et cetera, et cetera. Lather, rinse, repeat. Pretty cheap now so I will go back for a couple months once it cools off. Housing is complicated, especially in Buenos Aires city; minimum lease is two years, you need a guarantor, and you can't get one. So you are stuck with "temporary" housing which is limited to six months. Of course, these rules are often bent or ignored, like all rules all over Latin America. In my opinion it is considerably safer than Colombia, but that also varies with the economic cycle. The current "presidenta" (she insists on being called that even though there is no such word in Spanish) is a complete wing nut. Argentineans are the laziest people on the face of the earth, which has its plusses and minuses, the primary plus being that the women will turn to prostitution in a heartbeat rather than work an actual job.

02-13-15, 03:53
I've met a few people over the years who have retired in Costa Rica and Colombia etc. Most have eventually returned to the US over time. I think they got bored and ran out of things to do or didn't achieve their goals. One guy wanted to marry a Colombiana but never found the right one. These guys need things to keep themselves busy.

There's a lot of interesting little towns to see here in Colombia. Places like Antioquia, Guatape-Penol, Hacienda Napoles (Pablo Escobar's zoo), Jerico, Popayan etc. That's fun to do.Yes you are correct; I've had the same experience. Guys find that making a new life in CR or Colombia ain't as easy as they thought or the system is just too difficult to navigate vs what they were used to back home. Example a buddy had two or three sub shops back in Hartford. Sold them and was very successful. Moved to mede, met a girl, got serious, and opened up a sub shot. Failed! Had sourcing issues, crappy location, Paisas don't crave a cheese steak or a veal parm the same way we do. Then the girl and visa stuff. He lost a good chunk of his nest egg. Lesson learned I guess. I've heard of a bunch of these stories.

You are right again. There are little trips to take and adventures to be had. The issues is that there isn't enuff things to do or the things that I / you / they want to do. Golfing, hunting, fishing, are the top things that come to mind and those things are not common in mede. Neither is the beach and all the activities that go with the ocean. Same example I gave before; How many little pueblos can you visit? I was in China during college and after two months it was like "No I don't want to visit the summer palace! You seen one funny roofed building you seen them all. ".

How many girls can you bang? How many times can you about the prices of exito? Last time I was in mede I was having drinks with three buddies that live down there and they were all thrilled! Super Excited! Ham was on sale! Haahhah! Or some shit like that. One of them dudes was headed back to the states. Got bored and wanted certain elements of his old life back. He did find a good girl and was cool with her kids so it is real relationship. That is another story the moving back with a chica.

02-13-15, 15:19
Yes you are correct; I've had the same experience. Guys find that making a new life in CR or Colombia ain't as easy as they thought or the system is just too difficult to navigate vs what they were used to back home. Example a buddy had two or three sub shops back in Hartford. Sold them and was very successful. Moved to mede, met a girl, got serious, and opened up a sub shot. Failed! Had sourcing issues, crappy location, Paisas don't crave a cheese steak or a veal parm the same way we do. Then the girl and visa stuff. He lost a good chunk of his nest egg. Lesson learned I guess. I've heard of a bunch of these stories.

You are right again. There are little trips to take and adventures to be had. The issues is that there isn't enuff things to do or the things that I / you / they want to do. Golfing, hunting, fishing, are the top things that come to mind and those things are not common in mede. Neither is the beach and all the activities that go with the ocean. Same example I gave before; How many little pueblos can you visit? I was in China during college and after two months it was like "No I don't want to visit the summer palace! You seen one funny roofed building you seen them all. ".

How many girls can you bang? How many times can you about the prices of exito? Last time I was in mede I was having drinks with three buddies that live down there and they were all thrilled! Super Excited! Ham was on sale! Haahhah! Or some shit like that. One of them dudes was headed back to the states. Got bored and wanted certain elements of his old life back. He did find a good girl and was cool with her kids so it is real relationship. That is another story the moving back with a chica.Sometimes you want to watch on TV or even go see your local favorite baseball-football-basketball team's game. Or there's a certain movie you're dying to see; can't always do that in a foreign country. Some sports bars will have the games, some will not.

02-13-15, 15:49
Yesterday went on a city tour which included Pablo Escobar and Conuma 13. Excellent. My guide also turned me on to a discount area for denim known as Super Centro De La Modsa *Itaguii* Found some fantatstic deals.

Met up with Daniella *Penelope Cruz* One hour late. ARRANGED with hotel about bringing in a companion. It was fine. Daniella looking sexy shows up. Go to hotel. They ask for documentos, she does not have any. Backe to Mayorista. Go to love motel. Chica was much different. No kissing or playing with hair. Sex needed to be slower. Thought I smelled rubber cement glue. Nonetheless a good performer. Almost cried at times. At around the 38 minute mark hotel staff opens the door and tries to charge me more money. No way. Put on my clothes, gave Daniella her 50 mil and quickly left. Done with that chica.

Ran into Jennyfer from Monday night. Looking incredibly sexy with a gold outfit and little showing. Cleopatra hairdo.

Shall finish report later.

John Gault
02-13-15, 16:36
Yesterday I discovered my bank deactivated my card. Taxied to the Santa Fe Mall and used the call center to fix my problem. I always call the bank prior to departure about what countries I shall be visiting. For some reason an ATM withdraws from the MDE airport deactivated my account. After several phone calls and wasted $, the card was reactivated. Withdrew money.

The mall was very nice. MDE is noted for denim and there was plenty available at high and low price points. Some nice eye candy. Taxied over to Relax (not New Life as incorrectly mentioned in a previous post).

Relax had a better lineup than the previous day. More cuties. Selected Marcella. Cute typical Latina. Allowed closed mouth kissing. Selected the 30 minute session and paid with credit card. Usual sucking as long as you want. Sucks to the musical beat which was nice. Poor missionary performer. However in cowgirl, she was a human jackhammer. Amazing. Cummed admirably. Massage was better than the black chica. Upon return to the lobby there were 4 to 5 mongers waiting.

The taxi ride home was an adventure. Initially I thought -- wow this guy knows the back streets since there was little traffic. However it was quickly apparent he was going in the wrong direction. It was an honest mistake since he restarted the meter. Nonetheless, the meter was still running high. Eventually got to Mayorista. Gave him 10.000 mil. Shook hands and departed.

Mayorista improves each day. Younger and hotter chicas. ISG setup a date for me with a chica from the Buenos Aires area. Scheduled to meet at Mayorsita on the corner casino. Chica looked like a young Penelope Cruz. Sexy with glitter on her face. Very sweet and nice. Sat down for a beer then headed to my hotel.

At the desk they stopped me and the chica. The ad says the room is for 1 to 2 people. Plus the desk allowed a chica to enter on Monday. Played a prerecorded English message on her cell phone about no prostitution at the hotel. Its too bad since the hotel has a panoramic city view. Oh well. Shall talk to the staff every night about bringing a chica.

Returned to mayorista. Paid 20.000 for a love hotel. It is actually for only 45 minutes. Chica was great. Very sensual and passionate. No rules. Good in every position. Sweetheart that aims to please. Again -- what a delight to receive such passion and tenderness from a hot chica at under $30 including taxi money. Waited for her outside but she probably went out the back. Nice selection of chicas that barely look 18 waiting around.

Returned to the hotel. Went to the 6th floor bar to flirt with Lina who looks Demi Moore. Unfortunately she can not date guests. What a shame!When I read Shamesters post I was sure he meant my favorite hotel.

The problem is a lot of ISG members are assholes.

It must have been really bad behavior to make them have a recording in English to let mongers know. I have stayed at that hotel at least 10 times with no problems.

This kind of event makes it hard for real mongers to pass good info. It is hard to hold back good intel when you have learned much in the past from other posters, but it is what it is.

To bad a filter is not at hand to keep the bad guys from getting the good stuff. I guess that is what the PM is for.

BTW thanks for the TR.

Member #4398
02-13-15, 17:47
Eventually got to Mayorista. Gave him 10.000 mil. Shook hands and departed. Mayorista improves each day. Younger and hotter chicas. ISG setup a date for me with a chica from the Buenos Aires area. Scheduled to meet at Mayorsita on the corner casino. Chica looked like a young Penelope Cruz. Sexy with glitter on her face. Very sweet and nice. Sat down for a beer then headed to my hotel.

At the desk they stopped me and the chica. The ad says the room is for 1 to 2 people. Plus the desk allowed a chica to enter on Monday. Played a prerecorded English message on her cell phone about no prostitution at the hotel. Its too bad since the hotel has a panoramic city view. Oh well. Shall talk to the staff every night about bringing a chica.Shamester,

What is the name of the hotel where they gave you and the chica the prerecorded no prostitution message?. I would like to know So I don't make a mistake in staying there.

Was it any of the three hotels bellow:

1))http://www.hotelcentralplazamedellin.com/. At Carrera 50 # 81 A - 15 Itaqui PBX: (57) (4) 3623380 Cel: 311 375 2993 Colombia, Medellin.

2)http://www.hotelalcaravan.com/home.html. At Carrera 50 A 84 - 09 Itag Tel: (57 - 4) 285 1000 Cel: 314 865 28 84 Colombia, Medelln.

3) Hotel Macedonia Plaza http://www.despegar.com.co/hoteles/h...plaza-medellin at Carrera 50 A No. 84 A - 03 Itagui, Medellíand +574 362 2121 : +574 596 5533.

Thanks, Cerebro.

02-13-15, 18:00
When I read Shamesters post I was sure he meant my favorite hotel.

The problem is a lot of ISG members are assholes.

It must have been really bad behavior to make them have a recording in English to let mongers know. I have stayed at that hotel at least 10 times with no problems.

This kind of event makes it hard for real mongers to pass good info. It is hard to hold back good intel when you have learned much in the past from other posters, but it is what it is.
Another good case for not sharing chica contact info. Guys are only loyal to their dicks and will always act out of self interest. The guy you pass this info on to may not fuck it up, but the person he passes the info on to could just as well fuck it up.

And then you're like "Hey, I thought we agreed that you wouldn't share the info I gave you with anyone else?" Hahaha.

02-14-15, 00:07
Okay guys shall continue.

Asked Jen if she wanted to go back to the hotel. To her friend's surprise she went uptsairs and got her documents as I requested. At the Central Plaza we were denied. Jen lead me to the Macedonia since she agreed the love motels on the strip rip you off. Jen started acting like a pro. Still nice to be with a stunner. Love her strut and cocky confidence. At least the 20.000 mil fee is legit with no early knocks. BTW Mayorista was rocking. Better than any casa lineup. Faces are nice but the chicas lack the hard bodies at a strip club.

Called ISG. Taxied to his house. Started at Las Lunes. Nice chicas but a ripoff. No beers. Minimum is a bottle of whiskey that costs around $50. Strolled around and departed. Walked up the street and went to a club filled with youngsters bumping and grinding. One drink and out, Allegedly after 300 am is when you can determine who are the working girls.

Walked around trying to find casas. Blue Room was closed. Taxied to Centro. Mayorsita like feel with lower quality. Walked to a strip club. Decent chicas. 60 k for one half hour. There was one good one with a nice shaped ass and pretty face. Tempted but passed. Appreciate New Life much much more.

Returned to Mayorsita. Hot young chicas were plentiful. Found a young hot pretty chica named Juliana. Asked her to get her documents. Walked back to the hotel. Went to the desk and presented documents. Almost agreed but denied. Male Security looked at her I'd -- consented. Gave her stuff to the front staff and it was up to my room. Sweet for Mayorsita -- allowed kissing for small propina at the end. Shall finish later.

Latina Passion
02-14-15, 05:35
Yes you are correct; I've had the same experience. Guys find that making a new life in CR or Colombia ain't as easy as they thought or the system is just too difficult to navigate vs what they were used to back home. Example a buddy had two or three sub shops back in Hartford. Sold them and was very successful. Moved to mede, met a girl, got serious, and opened up a sub shot. Failed! Had sourcing issues, crappy location, Paisas don't crave a cheese steak or a veal parm the same way we do. Then the girl and visa stuff. He lost a good chunk of his nest egg. Lesson learned I guess. I've heard of a bunch of these stories.

You are right again. There are little trips to take and adventures to be had. The issues is that there isn't enuff things to do or the things that I / you / they want to do. Golfing, hunting, fishing, are the top things that come to mind and those things are not common in mede. Neither is the beach and all the activities that go with the ocean. Same example I gave before; How many little pueblos can you visit? I was in China during college and after two months it was like "No I don't want to visit the summer palace! You seen one funny roofed building you seen them all. ".

How many girls can you bang? How many times can you about the prices of exito? Last time I was in mede I was having drinks with three buddies that live down there and they were all thrilled! Super Excited! Ham was on sale! Haahhah! Or some shit like that. One of them dudes was headed back to the states. Got bored and wanted certain elements of his old life back. He did find a good girl and was cool with her kids so it is real relationship. That is another story the moving back with a chica.The problem is most guys do not know how to lose that Gringo mentality. Living in Latin America sounds exciting and romantic, it does have a few catches. When guys move down here for pussy it is a big mistake. Most guys never make the transition from monger to compatriot. Becoming a part of the local culture is probably the hardest transition but the most important.

Most guys, probably share their experiences of living abroad exclusively with other Gringos. No one else will understand your hesitation to try the local food, your problem with adjusting to the pace of life and your ambivalence towards social customs as well as those in the same boat. In order to make the most of living in Latin America you have to break of your comfortable little cocoon after awhile and immerse yourself in the local culture. Hell that is half of the battle.

However, after living in a foreign country for a while, little things that you initially considered charming may begin to annoy you. You will remember how everything ran on schedule back home, how clean your former hometown was, or how much more relaxed and friendly everyone seemed.

Hell I say embrace the little Quirks.

02-14-15, 09:53
Okay I am back. Julianna was a good performer and typical of the mayorsita mindset. Continually asked for dinner and wanted propina. Nonetheless good passion. Exchanged tel numbers. A must have repeat. Nice seductive puppy eyes look.

Woke up and walked to the denim shopping area 2 blocks from the hotel. Easily over 100 stores selling denim at great prices. Negotiation to lower prices is acceptable. Also bought some nice shoes. No gringos and rather empty. Itagui is known as the denim area in Medellin.

Taxied to New Life. Another good lineup. Selected Stephenia. Nice real tits that sag a little. Soft and fun to suck and touch. Cute but slightly overweight from a child. Typical New Life performance. Selected 30 minutes. Taxi ride back to the hotel was efficient for once.

Walked around mayorsita -- lacking. Too tired from previous night so slept early. Woke up and proceeded to Mayorsita. Less noisy and lively but some nice hot young lookers. Strong police presence. Never felt at danger once. Ignore males that speak to you. Julianna was in her usual spot. Those puppy eyes are sure nice. Nice hugs but not in the mood.

02-14-15, 16:29
The problem is most guys do not know how to lose that Gringo mentality. Living in Latin America sounds exciting and romantic, it does have a few catches. When guys move down here for pussy it is a big mistake. Most guys never make the transition from monger to compatriot. Becoming a part of the local culture is probably the hardest transition but the most important.

Most guys, probably share their experiences of living abroad exclusively with other Gringos. No one else will understand your hesitation to try the local food, your problem with adjusting to the pace of life and your ambivalence towards social customs as well as those in the same boat. In order to make the most of living in Latin America you have to break of your comfortable little cocoon after awhile and immerse yourself in the local culture. Hell that is half of the battle.

However, after living in a foreign country for a while, little things that you initially considered charming may begin to annoy you. You will remember how everything ran on schedule back home, how clean your former hometown was, or how much more relaxed and friendly everyone seemed.

Hell I say embrace the little Quirks.OH yeah. That too. I hear you and I agree BUT When you are retired or of that age it gets harder to change who you are and what you want to do. In some cases what you are physically able to do.

The thing you have super right is the fact that most gringos chill and talk to other gringos. I have noticed that when my buddies have pics of parties it's always old ass gringos and a few of theri "novias" no amigos colombianos.

Very good points sir.

02-14-15, 19:07
Hey, I'm here standing exactly where on matts map is the Lejano Orinte. It appears to be right on Las Palmas. I do not see a Carrera 31 N either. Can someone point me in the right dirrection? Yes I know people say the place has fallen off but since it's close I'd like to take a peak.

Member #4394
02-14-15, 19:51
The casa was added to the map based on a members report. Please call any casas before you go.

Hey, I'm here standing exactly where on matts map is the Lejano Orinte. It appears to be right on Las Palmas. I do not see a Carrera 31 N either. Can someone point me in the right dirrection? Yes I know people say the place has fallen off but since it's close I'd like to take a peak..

World Travel 69
02-14-15, 22:11
There seems to be two places:

Lejano Oriente, Carrera 41, #18D-55, GPS: 6.220165,-75.567516. __ Chicas. Prices: __k 30 min., __k hour. Tel: ______. Hours: 10 am to 6 pm.

Lejano Orinte, Carrera 31N #16-190, GPS: 6.216880,-75.561395. 25+ Chicas. Prices: __k 30 min., __k hour.
Tel: 312 867 31 95, 312 303 96 51, 312 254 32 32. Hours: 9 am to 6 pm.

This should help.

Let us know?

Hey, I'm here standing exactly where on matts map is the Lejano Orinte. It appears to be right on Las Palmas. I do not see a Carrera 31 N either. Can someone point me in the right dirrection? Yes I know people say the place has fallen off but since it's close I'd like to take a peak.

02-14-15, 22:52
There seems to be two places:

Lejano Oriente, Carrera 41, #18D-55, GPS: 6.220165,-75.567516. __ Chicas. Prices: __k 30 min., __k hour. Tel: ______. Hours: 10 am to 6 pm.

Lejano Orinte, Carrera 31N #16-190, GPS: 6.216880,-75.561395. 25+ Chicas. Prices: __k 30 min., __k hour.
Tel: 312 867 31 95, 312 303 96 51, 312 254 32 32. Hours: 9 am to 6 pm.

This should help.

Let us know?Wow thanks will do! It appears Bing does a better job then Google for mapping in Medellin. Thanks for that.

02-16-15, 06:22
Returned to the hotel. Went to the 6th floor bar to flirt with Lina who looks Demi Moore. Unfortunately she can not date guests. What a shame!It's only natural hotel management will block their pretty workers from bedding down with the guests. That can create a lot of problems for management in the long and short run. But it might be possible to pick up girls working in different hotels. As a gringo, you might be able to just walk in and explore some hotels and see what's out there!

02-16-15, 07:00
Yes you are correct; I've had the same experience. Guys find that making a new life in CR or Colombia ain't as easy as they thought or the system is just too difficult to navigate vs what they were used to back home. Example a buddy had two or three sub shops back in Hartford. Sold them and was very successful. Moved to mede, met a girl, got serious, and opened up a sub shot. Failed! Had sourcing issues, crappy location, Paisas don't crave a cheese steak or a veal parm the same way we do. Then the girl and visa stuff. He lost a good chunk of his nest egg. Lesson learned I guess. I've heard of a bunch of these stories.A sub shop is usually a safe bet in the states; you don't need to be some business tycoon type to make it work well, but to think that kind of business experience can mean the same success in another part of the world, well, it seems kind of presumptive.

I think you've got to live at least six months in a place observing the people's customs and habits before taking such a risk. A sub shot might work in certain neighborhoods in BOG; many Bogotanos in the northern affluent sector are very cosmopolitan, more Americanized than other Colombians. Medellin, for all the talk of it being a top-tier South American city, is not as cosmopolitan; the paisas like to puff themselves up, but they are provincial in certain ways, which is actually kind of endearing to me sometimes. Let's just say I would be surprised if they started to eat at sushi shops regularly and follow other similar north american urban (or suburban / exurban) trends. Here's another example just to expand my point: let's say you ran a successful yoga or pilates studio in a mid-size city like Hartford. Does that mean you will have success in MDE? I have a hard time imagining there's significant interest in these things among the paisa girls, even if Colombians in general like to copy / follow certain American trends.

I've thought a taqueria might work in certain neighborhoods in MDE, maybe he should have gone that route. I've also fantasized of having a place called New York Pizza although I concede Colombians have their own peculiar preferences when it comes to that street food. I'd be banking on their interest in things outside of the country but it's still quite a risk. Maybe it would work in Poblado or Laureles but probably not in working-class Centro.

I'm not even going to comment on the girl / visa but it sounds like this guy was in over his head in more ways than one.

02-16-15, 07:16
The problem is most guys do not know how to lose that Gringo mentality. Living in Latin America sounds exciting and romantic, it does have a few catches. When guys move down here for pussy it is a big mistake. Most guys never make the transition from monger to compatriot. Becoming a part of the local culture is probably the hardest transition but the most important.

Most guys, probably share their experiences of living abroad exclusively with other Gringos. No one else will understand your hesitation to try the local food, your problem with adjusting to the pace of life and your ambivalence towards social customs as well as those in the same boat. In order to make the most of living in Latin America you have to break of your comfortable little cocoon after awhile and immerse yourself in the local culture. Hell that is half of the battle.

However, after living in a foreign country for a while, little things that you initially considered charming may begin to annoy you. You will remember how everything ran on schedule back home, how clean your former hometown was, or how much more relaxed and friendly everyone seemed.

Hell I say embrace the little Quirks.The classic story I hear over and over in this forum and other non-monger Colombia forums is the guy who falls in love with the "easygoing laid-back" lifestyle. But then gets totally exasperated and stressed out (ironic, isn't it?) when that "take-it-easy" attitude is applied to him by the locals with any issue encountered.

Because the guy you hired to take care of some urgent plumbing issue is also living the laid-back life that you admired so much just a few months ago, LOL! I also find a sometimes strange obsession with their chosen dwelling-place, as they try to create a kind of first-world outpost in a developing country, a near replica of what they left behind, as if they never really left (so why leave in the first place?) If you insist on top-notch first world amenities, you will either have to pay twice as much as in the states and / or deal with a lot of frustration.

02-16-15, 07:27
Hey, I'm here standing exactly where on matts map is the Lejano Orinte. It appears to be right on Las Palmas. I do not see a Carrera 31 N either. Can someone point me in the right dirrection? Yes I know people say the place has fallen off but since it's close I'd like to take a peak.Don't know if it's still true but Lejano Oriente is a bit secretive, I think you'll need a taxi driver that knows how to get there and is known to the security guys. If I recall correctly, a guy comes out, confirms with your driver, than opens a gate to let the taxi in. It all seems ominous and mysterious, but it's about discretion and keeping some of the younger, rowdier, (and drunk) locals out.

02-16-15, 15:16
On Saturday proceeded to New Life. Better Lineup. Some of these bigger chicas are tempting but its not my thing. Maybe these chicas are influenced by the famous Medellin artist Botero? LOL!

Selected a more exotic looking chica that was slim with a nice ass despite having a child. Started in one of those curvy sex chairs. IMO it allows chicas to gain deeper penetration. Angle to stimulate the clit could also be better. Good head. Cowgirl action was nice. It is nice to glance in the mirror to watch a slim beauty sucking your cock at grand bargain prices on your credit card.

The best part was the massage -- she went to massage school and was performing Swedish Massage. That alone can be valued at $50 plus in the US. Also performed a second pop. Extremely satisfying and worthy of a repeat.

Returned to hotel. Contacted Julianna about meeting for tonight. Set up a 600 ish time frame. Talent was okay. Thursday was better. Nonetheless there are still young hotties. My suggestion is to stay away from the hotels on the street. Find a chica, demand she bring her documentos and go to an adjacent hotel in which time is not a problem with the hotel staff.

Julianna showed up -- WOW! It was Valentines Day. She reminded me of Pocchoantus (sp?) Shared a beer then off to my hotel. The ***** with prerecorded message was at the desk. Reiterated this is a private hotel. Asked if she wanted me to play her garbage. Declined.

Walked over to the Plaza Mayor. Julianna wanted 50 mil per pop. No way. At least I was turning it around on her saying it was an American custom for females to give propina to males on V-Day. The shock on her face was comical. Joking around about propina lightens the mood especially when speaking English is challenging. Nonethess her quest for leche resulted in very nice bjing. Good rhythm in cowgirl. Nice kissing and body caressing. At the end of the day, remains a hybrid Mayorsita chica. Completed and moved on to meet up with a newly arrived ISG colleague.

Met up at Parque lleras in El Poblado. Wow! Party Central. Parade of taxis. Higher end talent. It was payday so ATMs had long lines. Met ISG at a corner bar that had 3 for 1 drink specials. The hookers are in the central park. [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) chicas. Supposedly there is a hotel in the area that allows them to use their rooms. High end escorts. May bars and clubs that were happening. Not my deal. Nice to see.

Taxied back early since I was going on a tour of Guatape. Great deal at 69.000 mil which includes 2 meals and a boat ride. Unfortunately got separated from the group. Forced to find a public bus to return to MDE. After returning from an exhausting day returned to Mayorista. Good stuff for a Sunday. Prior to deaprture, I noticed the bitches were not at the desk. Whispered to the chica about bringing a chica with documentos -- she unsurprisingly quickly consented. Felt like a teenager when your parents were away from home. ÑOL!

It was comical how the good looking ones wanted to bring their friends for three on one. No Way. A tall very sexy chica with the Librarian look was my target. A regular. Asked her if she had her documents -- yes! Attempted to talk to her without the fuglies -- she could not separate. Moved on.

It is nice to see Latinas being influenced by the Japanese Anime look. IMO it gives them an Asian look with that Latina shape. Actually found a real Japanese chica who was also Spanish from Medellin. Cute face but is slightly overweight. Speaks enough English fo us to converse but it is easier for us to speak in Japanese. Unfortunately her documents were at her casa. Phone also ran out of minutes. A big warning sign with her is saying lets get a cerveza but then orders an 8000 nil Smirnoff ice. Tried to play it off. Unsure about following up although she is fun.

For Monday its back to New Life for the early morning. Maybe walk around centro with a Spanish speaking ISG colleague to procure talent. Followup with Julianna whose phone ran out of minutes. These chicas are lame.

02-16-15, 20:07
Just came back from the lovely city of Medellin. Always a good time. Stayed at the Mansion, which is right near the hard rock casino. Nice place, but try to get a room in the main hotel. If you get stuck in plaza 2, it is a hike up that hill. Anyway, day one, hung out at the bar at the mansion, some guy was having a party and the talent was pretty good. It's not always like this at the bar, can be hit or miss. When the talent is good, don't sleep on it. Get some numbers, so you can call them later. You may not see them again when you want to. Saw this one girl, white with black hair, face was a 9, and then an ass that didn't even match the rest of her body. All natural too. I didn't wait and took her back to the room right away. Wasn't even in the bar for more than an hour. Experience was good, although I was told that she normally is a little stiff. She had just had some of the 160 proof rum that one of the owners was offering up to the girls. Guess it loosened her up. Overall 8/10. Went back to the bar and chilled for a bit more. I ended up taking back this slim black girl, she stayed all night. The going rate for the mansion girls is 150 k. When she asked for 300 k in the morning for staying all night, I just told her, "tu quieres, no?" gave her the 150 K and money for a cab and sent her on her way. I got a little drunk the night before and when I saw her in the morning, I realized she had a six pack. Little out of my style, don't really like the super toned look. But oh well, live and learn.

The next day, went down to centro to the strip clubs, Maracaibo and Executivo. Check the monger map and you will see them, right next to each other. Wanted to get a quick one in and then relax. I messed up though, got down there too early and was told that the clubs don't open until 3. Don't make the same mistake. LOL. Got some food and then went over to Abydos, also on the map. The mamasan here is beautiful, she must be in her late 30's but the body is on point. I would have taken her over any of the girls working there, but that did not appear to be an option at the time. Took a short pretty one, don't remember the name. I made her give me the full massage and then we got into it, BBBJ and all the positions, she was small enough to just lift up and have fun with. Tipped her out 20 k and paid the mamasan I think 138 K including drink. She was happy with the tip.

Went back to Mansion and chilled at the bar for a bit. There was another party going on this night as well. Just my luck. They had this thing that a girl rides and there is a dildo on the top of it, it has controls for speed and vibration. She put on a show. Little slim girl rode it with a mask on, like Zorro. Sexy ass body though. Had plenty to drink, got some numbers there and ended up taking a nice blond haired girl back to the room. She was about a 7/10 face, but the experience was 9/10. She loved sex and really got into it. Careful with her braces though. Many girls here get braces in their 20's, and not all of them know how to work around them yet. After this, hit up Mayorista. I call it Mayors. The talent here wasn't bad, but I was kind of running low on cash. Don't like rolling around with cards and what not, just a set amount of cash. Found one to take back into the little dumpy rooms and it was 40 k I believe. There were several better ones that I saw when I came out, but it was too late and I called it a night.

The pool at the Mansion was kind of garbage this time. I guess its hit and miss. I remember one trip when I stayed there, that girls would show up around 1 or 2 and there would be up to 15 girls just chilling around the pool having drinks and a good time. This time, there might have been one or two stragglers, but most every girl was invited by a guest and they just sat with the guest, didn't bring any friends and so it was not a good scene at the pool. I heard that the girls hang out at the salon that they built in the back, but checked it out and there was no talent back there either. The guys that stay at the Mansion are normally pretty cool and you can share war stories with them, so that part was kind of fun, but alas, I'm here for the women and only have a limited time.

I had met a girl on Badoo, before I came down, so I decided to hit her up. She came by the Mansion bar and met me there. I'm never sure if girls are pro's or not on badoo. Anyway, we went out and hit up Parque Lleras and then Fahrenheit. It was a good time and she really seemed into me, at the end of the night, she didn't want to come to the room. WTF? So we parted ways and I just knocked out. The next day, I called her up again, just to take one more crack at it. This girl has a 8/10 face and body. So it seemed worth the shot. We went to a restaurant to eat and struggled through some conversation, my Spanish is second rate and her English is even worse. Still getting the feeling from this girl that she likes me though. It was pouring down rain that day, and I told her this was perfect weather to just chill and watch a movie. She agreed and came back to the room. Long story short, it took a while, but we eventually got it in. She was definitely into it. Chilled out for a while after and then sent her on the way. Gave her money for a cab and she didn't say a word about anything else. Still don't trust that she didn't want something. But some of these girls will work this angle and then tell you that they need money for the light bill or school for their children. I think it can be a lot more costly this way, so I am always cautious. I told her I was leaving in about a week, but was leaving the next day. Figured that if she was going to hit me up, it might be the next time I saw her, so I never saw her again before I left and told her that I got called back for work. Like I said, still not sure what her angle was, but with the lack of communication, it was hard to judge.

Last night in Medellin. Started at the Mansion bar again. When you stay here, it is always a good place to start. It was kind of dead. One of the guys said the weekends are dead because all the girls want to go out with their boyfriends. Haha. Got another number and set something up for the morning before I jumped my flight. Hit up San Diego. I always like this club. I hear people say good and bad things about it. I always seem to have a good time and the girls are always hot. I took one girl back probably a 7/10 face and body. 120 k for her and I think 35 k for the room. It was fun, but then the knocking at the door began. They are time conscious here, so be ready. I chose not to pay for more time and went back out to the dance area. Got another number and then got ready to leave. Ate some hot dogs from the street vendor right out front, they put all sorts of shit in it, pretty good too. Rolled over to Mayors again, but didn't see anything I liked so ended up just going to the room.

The next morning, got up to a knock on the door and was pleasantly surprised. I answered it and there was some cute chick I've never seen. She said sorry she had the wrong room and I was a bit disappointed. Well the other girl should be here soon. Soon never came however. That sucks. Left to the airport with no morning send off. Not the way to head back to the states, but girls are notorious for standing you up.

02-16-15, 22:01
Which hotel are you staying in? What part of Medellin are you staying in? Sounds like a big hassle if the hotel is not girl friendly. Even if its economical now you have to go elsewhere just to enjoy the chicas.

Member #4398
02-17-15, 05:02

Thanks for the reports. They are pretty good and informative. Seems you are having great fun in various settings. Next time I'm in Medellin I plan on checking Mayorista and stay in a hotel in that area. I just don't understand why you keep staying in the Hotel Central Plaza http://www.hotelcentralplazamedellin.com/ where they have that obnoxious prerecorded no prostitution message. I don't care how nice is that Hotel, but if that is what they do each time you bring a chica, I would not stay in there for more than one night. They clearly don't want prostitutes there. In any case, great reports and thanks you for sharing. I think I got some good ideas from you and quite valuable information from all of your reports.

On Saturday proceeded to New Life. Better Lineup. Some of these bigger chicas are tempting but its not my thing. Maybe these chicas are influenced by the famous Medellin artist Botero? LOL!

Selected a more exotic looking chica that was slim with a nice ass despite having a child. Started in one of those curvy sex chairs. IMO it allows chicas to gain deeper penetration. Angle to stimulate the clit could also be better. Good head. Cowgirl action was nice. It is nice to glance in the mirror to watch a slim beauty sucking your cock at grand bargain prices on your credit card.

The best part was the massage -- she went to massage school and was performing Swedish Massage. That alone can be valued at $50 plus in the US. Also performed a second pop. Extremely satisfying and worthy of a repeat.

Returned to hotel. Contacted Julianna about meeting for tonight. Set up a 600 ish time frame. Talent was okay. Thursday was better. Nonetheless there are still young hotties. My suggestion is to stay away from the hotels on the street. Find a chica, demand she bring her documentos and go to an adjacent hotel in which time is not a problem with the hotel staff...

Surf Looker
02-17-15, 05:56









02-17-15, 16:01
First, it depends who is working the front desk. Sunday was fine but the desirable chicas possessed no documentos. For Monday, the hotel was available for chicas but I was already spent from 3 chicas at New Life. Medellin is very humid and warmer than expected. This hotel has central air with fan while other cheaper ones on the same street only have fans. Air con is important for me. Moving around is a hassle. Some of you guys are impatient and inflexible. Normal gringo mentality. LOL!

BTW the area around Botero square has love hotels with decent looking chicas for early morning -- much better than Mayorista.

Started early Monday morning at New Life. Decent line-up. Selected a white girl named Jessica. Nice natural tits. Cute face. Nice head with tongue swirls at the tip of the head. Decent cowgirl action. Love the fact that you pay after -- allows to either go for 15 minutes or up to 2 hours. My preference is 30 minutes which allows to sample more chicas -- sort of like beer or wine tasting.

Walked around the area since I wanted to sample more chicas later. Carrera 46 reminds of Buenos Aires. Lots of shopping. Found a nice shopping center called Real Camino. Found a store selling cheap denim and could not resist. Also got a pedicure and manicure for 20.000 mil -- it was nice having 2 chicas pampering you simultaneously. Better than sex -- LOL!

Walked around to check out other casas. Found Juliana and Coffee Shop. Both were horrible. Nice casas but lineup was substandard. Returned to New Life. Bigger and better lineup. Packed with at least 10 patrons around 100 pm. Selected Natalia -- Venus Williams lookalike. WOW! Foreplay was amazing. Sucks and licks your nipples in a delightful manner. Gently plays with your sack. Amazing natural tetas which she know how to manipulate with your penis. The feeling is indescribable. Decided to pleasure myself which she gently assisted. Good massage as well. Does tln for 300 mil. Allows kissing with mouth closed.

On my way out there was another black chica with an exotic Naomi Campbell look that was occupied named Melinda. As I was paying noticed a Jessica Alba lookalike named Joanna. Unable to pass on. Another WOW! Fun girl that loves fast music. Nice twirling action when performing BJ. Excellent in all positions. Her doggie was great with a beautiful arched back and hard ramming movements. Finally cummed in missionary in which she moved and positioned herself in ways to make you cum. A definite pro in finding a suitable position for you to cum in. No real kissing or tln.

Debating about whether to return today since I am satisfied and want to do more sightseeing and going to Cartagena on Wednesday. These bargain beauties are too tempting and could easily top thousands in the US.

Mayorsita was better than the previous Monday. There is enough young talent to satisfy. No real competition amongst mongers as opposed to New Life.

02-18-15, 15:11
On my final day, I was unable to secure a guide for the Parque Arvi Metro Cable Ride. It was tempting to buy more denim but my suitcase is maxed out. Viva Colombia only allows 20 k - my bag was over and was forced to remove items to a backpack thus saving 20.000 mil.

Arrived at New Life which imo is as good as any casa in the Americas for value and hotness of the girls. Kiss fresh in El Salvador is also very good and a much nicer facility. Generally BA casas provide better service but cost more. Arrived around 1100 am. The lineup was surprisingly poor. Walked around and decided to return.

The return produced a much better lineup but not as good as the previous day. Selected a chica with a slim nice rack and a good face named Mari. Much too prissy. Entered the room and started doing selfies of her great breast. Loved looking in the mirror. Decent BJ. Bounced around in cowgirl. Nice natural breasts. After cumming, I asked for a massage. She declined. Stopped after 15 minutes. Again you are paying more their beauty than their service. Told the manager she was terrible. The other girls wondered what was going on since I had been a loyal customer with zero issues. An English speaking female was brought out with the girl. Explained the issue. Informed other mongers to stay away. The crowd was growing.

Natalia showed up in a sexy pink outfit. Quickly grabbed her. She asked if everything was fine- I responded yes. This time I decided to minimize the foreplay and titty fucking- very challenging since she excels in these areas. She finally understood who was Venus Williams. Good to great BJ. Cowgirl action was surprisingly average. Does not use her booty weight to bounce and grind -- felt more like an anorexic girl. Natalia enjoys providing superior tongue action on your nipples with a gentle fondling of your sack. The feeling again is wonderful. Shot and finished with a nice massage. Cumming with her always feels better compared to others.

Returned to the lobby and stated shooting the breeze with an American that was on holiday for 2 weeks in Medellin. My beloved Jessica Alba was not around. But spotted another mulatta beauty named Melissa. Beautiful face and thighs. Its interesting that mulatta chicas downplay their blackness in Colombia compared to other countries. Very straight hair and black which reminded of a Bollywood actress. Already knew she was another prissy narcissist chica.

Melissa dictated by demanding massage first. BJ was very good. Reverse cowgirl was a nice change. Good front cowgirl as well. Finished in missionary in which she laid there like a log. Asked why I closed my eyes sometimes. Way too self absorbed. Nonetheless value trumps everything else. Its always a win at new life.

In retrospect imo it is better to stay in a place like Gran hotel and walk daily to new life. During the evening and early morning Mayorsita is very good. Just make sure you select an adjacent hotel off the strip. Prior to my airport departure, I walked to get some breakfast. Numerous hotties.

MDE was great for chicas and buying denim. My lack of Spanish makes this a one and done. A definite must for all global mongers. Onto CTG.

James Dandy
02-18-15, 17:21
Been in Medellin for seven months and am having a blast! It's hard to believe so many beauties can be packed into one city, and the way paisas treat a man in bed, well it's no wonder they are famous in other countries where they travel to work. Still, the cream of the crop seems to stay right here in Medellin.

Referring to the discussion of retired guys getting bored here, I'm too young to be retired so maybe it's different, but I'm not sure how anybody could get bored in this city!

Lucky Nuts
02-18-15, 22:06
Does anyone know of any Medellin prepago pickup bars outside of the well known strip joints?

02-18-15, 22:09
Been in Medellin for seven months and am having a blast! It's hard to believe so many beauties can be packed into one city, and the way paisas treat a man in bed, well it's no wonder they are famous in other countries where they travel to work. Still, the cream of the crop seems to stay right here in Medellin.

Referring to the discussion of retired guys getting bored here, I'm too young to be retired so maybe it's different, but I'm not sure how anybody could get bored in this city!Some dudes are on fixed incomes so money even in a Colombia is tight. They can't go blow millions in a night. Also might have kids to support back home and other financial concerns. Also physical stuff. Some guys have bad backs, knees, ect. So they can't go out dancing or don't want to.

How many working girls can you bang? Go to Lleres and get into a convo with the NARP meeting in Juan Valdez. Just listen in. You'll hear all of their concerns, complaints, and cry babying.

Another poster put a very good point. They are unable to break out of the gringo shell. Guys been living down there for how many years and their Spanish still sucks? No real Colombian amigos? Sad. They are in a country and are unable or unwilling to connect. Sad.

02-18-15, 23:40
Sitting on bench on Plaza Botero totally paralyzed after strolling down Calle 52 and stretch Cundinamarca. I am from Dinamarca by the way. Can't make a choice between so many beauties. By the way, anybody wants some fiesta some day with old fart?

James Dandy
02-18-15, 23:41
Some dudes are on fixed incomes so money even in a Colombia is tight. They can't go blow millions in a night. Also might have kids to support back home and other financial concerns. Also physical stuff. Some guys have bad backs, knees, ect. So they can't go out dancing or don't want to.

How many working girls can you bang? Go to Lleres and get into a convo with the NARP meeting in Juan Valdez. Just listen in. You'll hear all of their concerns, complaints, and cry babying.

Another poster put a very good point. They are unable to break out of the gringo shell. Guys been living down there for how many years and their Spanish still sucks? No real Colombian amigos? Sad. They are in a country and are unable or unwilling to connect. Sad.Yes, I think you're right. Also, some forget what brought them here in the first place. They had all the golf and fishing they wanted back home, but sex prison made it so they didn't get laid often by beautiful, sexy, and feminine women. Once they move abroad and have more women in a year than they had the prior twenty years, all they can think about is the great golf they gave up!

James Dandy
02-19-15, 00:06
Sitting on bench on Plaza Botero totally paralyzed after strolling down Calle 52 and stretch Cundinamarca. I am from Dinamarca by the way. Can't make a choice between so many beauties. By the way, anybody wants some fiesta some day with old fart?I was just in Cundinamerica area Monday buying some inexpensive clothes as gifts for some ladies, and there was lots of candy to see (and do). I'll head back that way again either Saturday or early next week, and am always up for a beer if you're around, or anybody else would like to stroll Centro?

02-19-15, 12:30
Excellent reports by Jnaasty and Shamester. Thank you and we sincerely appreciate the effort.

Colombia Jake
02-19-15, 16:46
www.colombiajake.com not hard at all USA 727-498-1680.Thanks for the steady flow of cool guys coming through over the last month or two both Jay's, Jaz, Long, Jose, Nate and lots more! My place always has fun guys and community to hang with. Karen is still looking for fun, along with a cute new one named Yeria as well as Carolina and Johanna with the Bunny Ears! Always lots to choose from but you have to stay here to enjoy the fun along with tours and a fun atmosphere we look forward to lending a hand on your vacation!



02-19-15, 16:55
Sitting on bench on Plaza Botero totally paralyzed after strolling down Calle 52 and stretch Cundinamarca. I am from Dinamarca by the way. Can't make a choice between so many beauties. By the way, anybody wants some fiesta some day with old fart?A note for other readers, travelling to the west and northwest, Calle 52 is more commonly known as LaPlaya, which then curves and is called Calle 53, known as DeGrieff, when then curves and as is known as Carrera 56, confused yet? I hope you were NOT the old fart with the white panama hat and carrying a lonely planet Colombia guide in his hand in the Occidental strip club last week, he stopped to look or rather stared on 2 occasions at a paisa dancer at the table next me with 3 very dark colombianos, I think if it had happened in LA he might not be in good health later that night. There are 9 strip clubs within a 2 block radius of the museum, I think I have only seen 4 out the 9 mentioned on ISG. I asked a dancer in one of the other 5 clubs last year, do you ever see any gringos in here, her answer "only you", not sure if that was the truth but I only see another gringo in maybe 1 in 15 visits. The Occidental is the best of the "other 5", interior nicer than the Maracaibo, more lights, you can see the faces on everyone in the club, less chicas though. I travel alone and exit that whole western area by 10 pm, and head back to what I call the safe area, Maracaibo, calle 53. I am the guy in the black cap, black t-shirt, black pants, stop and have a beer, speak Canadian and gringo-spanish. My paisa novia is the same age as my grand daughter so I guess maybe I am an old fart also.

02-19-15, 18:16
Yes, I think you're right. Also, some forget what brought them here in the first place. They had all the golf and fishing they wanted back home, but sex prison made it so they didn't get laid often by beautiful, sexy, and feminine women. Once they move abroad and have more women in a year than they had the prior twenty years, all they can think about is the great golf they gave up!This topic of getting bored during a lengthy stay in a foreign destination is one that has engaged my mind for a long time. There are periods of boredom in my month long trips abroad. For the new monger abroad it is not usually an issue but for the seasoned monger it is. In the US we get bored as far as sexual activity is concerned but otherwise its ok. In a city like MDE sexual activity is great but there is a lack of excitement otherwise. What if there was a city like NY with the mongering of MDE then that would be paradise. However, that does not exist. For me personally, to not be bored in, for example, a year long or more stay in Mde I would have to steer away from mongering after a while and settle with a Colombian girl friend with whom I will do a number of things including travelling throughout the country or visiting nearby countries.

James Dandy
02-19-15, 18:28
This topic of getting bored during a lengthy stay in a foreign destination is one that has engaged my mind for a long time. There are periods of boredom in my month long trips abroad. For the new monger abroad it is not usually an issue but for the seasoned monger it is. In the US we get bored as far as sexual activity is concerned but otherwise its ok. In a city like MDE sexual activity is great but there is a lack of excitement otherwise. What if there was a city like NY with the mongering of MDE then that would be paradise. However, that does not exist. For me personally, to not be bored in, for example, a year long or more stay in Mde I would have to steer away from mongering after a while and settle with a Colombian girl friend with whom I will do a number of things including travelling throughout the country or visiting nearby countries.That sounds about right, and the nice thing is that finding an attractive girlfriend is easily done here in MDE, assuming the guy makes some effort. One other option is to not choose only the US or MDE, but to stay 9-10 months in the favorite place, then spend a month on the other place 2 x / year. If possible, I'd choose to live in MDE 5 months, go back to the US for a month, then return back to home base here. Repeat in another 5 months.

No doubt, having a girlfriend takes a man a long way towards contentedness when living in a foreign country.

02-19-15, 19:21
A note for other readers, travelling to the west and northwest, Calle 52 is more commonly known as LaPlaya, which then curves and is called Calle 53, known as DeGrieff, when then curves and as is known as Carrera 56, confused yet? I hope you were NOT the old fart with the white panama hat and carrying a lonely planet Colombia guide in his hand in the Occidental strip club last week, he stopped to look or rather stared on 2 occasions at a paisa dancer at the table next me with 3 very dark colombianos, I think if it had happened in LA he might not be in good health later that night. There are 9 strip clubs within a 2 block radius of the museum, I think I have only seen 4 out the 9 mentioned on ISG. I asked a dancer in one of the other 5 clubs last year, do you ever see any gringos in here, her answer "only you", not sure if that was the truth but I only see another gringo in maybe 1 in 15 visits. The Occidental is the best of the "other 5", interior nicer than the Maracaibo, more lights, you can see the faces on everyone in the club, less chicas though. I travel alone and exit that whole western area by 10 pm, and head back to what I call the safe area, Maracaibo, calle 53. I am the guy in the black cap, black t-shirt, black pants, stop and have a beer, speak Canadian and gringo-spanish. My paisa novia is the same age as my grand daughter so I guess maybe I am an old fart also.Cannot picture the location of Occidental. Near Maracaibo?

I am heading that way in a couple of months and always looking for new spots. Lucky for me I blend. Sorta.

World Travel 69
02-19-15, 20:46
Here is some info on it.


The Map is in the wrong area, but you can use it to find it.

Cannot picture the location of Occidental. Near Maracaibo?

I am heading that way in a couple of months and always looking for new spots. Lucky for me I blend. Sorta.

James Dandy
02-20-15, 13:59
Went down to El Centro and wandered down Calle 52 which turns into 53, then over towards Parque Bolivar. Just before I got to the park I ducked into a place I haven't been to in months, think it's called Sexy Fantasy or something like that, in a little strip mall. Walk to the back and up the stairs to second floor.

The girl at the desk (duena?, great ass) was friendly and answered all my questions, then called the girls out for the show. Now I remember why I haven't been to this place much since I've been in MDE, they had 16-18 girls but most were far too chubby for my taste. Luckily there was one petite blond, cute face, nice skin. Her name is Daniella if I recall correctly, and she's a believable 19 years of age.

I only took the half hour, mostly because if it's good you can always go longer anyway or tip for special services, and if it's terrible, even 5 minutes is too much. The only downside to the short time option is the girls sometimes are not as enthusiastic, which I can understand because they are taking in your cock either way and still have to clean up afterward, but with the half hour option they only make half as much. In any case she gave an OK BBBJ and had a pretty, totally shaved, tight pussy. Nice, firm be-cup titties. Blowjob for 5 minutes, fucked for 10-15, and she popped my nut. Good enough but would not repeat since there are too many girls here in the land of milk and honey.

02-20-15, 14:49
The corner north of the museum is Calle 53 'Degrieff' and Cr 52, on that corner is Conejitas 'has been mentioned in ISG' from the corner walk north one block on Carrera 52 to the next corner of the same block and there is the "Occidental". Going north from that corner can not be good for health even in the day time. Going west 2 blocks from there ok before 10 but be more watchful, a no go further west. The tossed grenade that exploded on the street last summer was on Degrieff. The clubs in this area differ from the Maracaibo and Barras in that visited by Colombianos after work, more a 6 pm to 9 pm showtime than the other 2 which can be dead until 10 pm. Friday and Saturday are the big nights, Sunday night better than Monday thru Wednesday. IMHO Colombians far more respectful of elders than in other western countries, maybe that is why me as an old fart can travel in what other may consider 'no go' areas of mde. So maybe a 30 yr old gringo may be hassled but not a 60+. I think the respect I see for elders comes from being raised in a house with multi generations.

02-20-15, 21:55
I've been waiting to post this, but it seems timely now that the Occidental has come up.

Here are the addresses for a couple that don't get a lot of attention here:

Grill Nueva Avenida, Calle 53 #51-18. Saturday, 9 pm. Pretty busy, I counted 25 girls and about the same number of guys. So ratio was pretty good. Beer 4 k. No one really caught my eye, but with that ratio, the odds are good to find someone. Closed this Wednesday night.

Taberna Victoria, Calle 53 #52 A-26. Had a beer at the tienda immediately outside, but didn't go inside.

Grill Occidental, Carrera 52 #53-158 (online address; I didn't see a number posted and had estimated 53-149 for the address).

And my two cents on the more popular ones:

Barra Ejecutiva around midnight Saturday. Metric crap-ton of guys, not many girls to be seen. Went with a girl I knew (in the biblical sense) from last year. Asked 70 k, up from I think 60 k starting price last year. Entrance to rooms in now through the mens' room shitter -- forgot to press for details, but she said the place is illegal, so I guess they got busted sometime during the last year. Same dirty cramped rooms as before, but at least that means the fan is right on top of you. Have seen very little talent here on 3-4 visits. In general I feel there are fewer of the diamonds in the rough here than last year, although on Wednesday I met one girl who just came over from La Isla; she told me she'd rather make 80 k and work faster than wait for 150 k there.

Maracaibo Horrible ratio first time, 0 talent second time, 3rd time nothing except a coked up girl who first demanded a drink, then a 5 k tip. Last year the girls I met here were also deep into the polvo, but at least they worth your 50-60 k.

Conejitas Never saw anything worthwhile there last year. Frist trip went with a 20 year old from comuna 13. Rooms upstairs are palatial compared to Ejecutiva or Maracaibo. Asking price started out at 80 k. On 2 return visits didn't even see anyone worth buying a drink for.

If anyone is interested in finding / checking out the other 3/9 mentioned, shoot me a PM.

02-20-15, 22:12
Parque Bolivar. Wow, just had nice sex with stunning 19 yo. Rubia, typical Colombian Rubia. Sex ordinary, but her fantastic body, big sprout tits, tight little teen pussy and very white skin (don't get me wrong, the last 10 I years I had mainly black GF's in DR and before that Rio and Salvador. Club Fantasia Calle 54,35 k half hour!

02-20-15, 22:21
Went down to El Centro and wandered down Calle 52 which turns into 53, then over towards Parque Bolivar. Just before I got to the park I ducked into a place I haven't been to in months, think it's called Sexy Fantasy or something like that, in a little strip mall. Walk to the back and up the stairs to second floor.

The girl at the desk (duena?, great ass) was friendly and answered all my questions, then called the girls out for the show. Now I remember why I haven't been to this place much since I've been in MDE, they had 16-18 girls but most were far too chubby for my taste. Luckily there was one petite blond, cute face, nice skin. Her name is Daniella if I recall correctly, and she's a believable 19 years of age.

I only took the half hour, mostly because if it's good you can always go longer anyway or tip for special services, and if it's terrible, even 5 minutes is too much. The only downside to the short time option is the girls sometimes are not as enthusiastic, which I can understand because they are taking in your cock either way and still have to clean up afterward, but with the half hour option they only make half as much. In any case she gave an OK BBBJ and had a pretty, totally shaved, tight pussy. Nice, firm be-cup titties. Blowjob for 5 minutes, fucked for 10-15, and she popped my nut. Good enough but would not repeat since there are too many girls here in the land of milk and honey.Think we shared today, didn't see your report till after upload my own. Nice wasn't she, yeah!

Surf Looker
02-21-15, 01:26
Shamester, thanks for the posts. You seem to have been to San Jose and Medellin on this trip of yours.

Overall which would you recommend. For example:

San Jose- Costa Rica:

-Fly into the airport, easy taxi cab to Hotel Del Rey.

-Room rate $55 plus tax.

-$10 chica fee.

-Environment: women from 6 to 10's in terms of looks and body all over the bar and casino. Pick and choose.

-Short time from anywhere $60 to $80.

-All night anywhere from $150-$300.

-Spanish helps BUT not needed, many girls speak english or you can use translator, they have wifi. Very easy for anyone to come visit, be safe, find great looking girls.


Never been there but thank you for the posts. Since you have been to both places very recently wanted to see your thoughts and comparison.

Mr Gogo
02-21-15, 03:04
Shamester, thanks for the posts. You seem to have been to San Jose and Medellin on this trip of yours.

Overall which would you recommend. For example:

San Jose- Costa Rica:

-Fly into the airport, easy taxi cab to Hotel Del Rey.

-Room rate $55 plus tax.

-$10 chica fee.

-Environment: women from 6 to 10's in terms of looks and body all over the bar and casino. Pick and choose.

-Short time from anywhere $60 to $80.

-All night anywhere from $150-$300.

-Spanish helps BUT not needed, many girls speak english or you can use translator, they have wifi. Very easy for anyone to come visit, be safe, find great looking girls.


Never been there but thank you for the posts. Since you have been to both places very recently wanted to see your thoughts and comparison.I've been to both places and its no comparison. The chica union at Del Rey can be ruthless with their prices and rules. Before they give you their name they say "Cien" then once at the room they want pay upfront and condom blow job. If you get a Del Rey girl down to 60 usd for st, she is probably average looking with a stomach pouch. Zona blue was the best spot because the chicas gave you a discount if you stayed at the hotel. Haven't been back since and that was almost two years ago, don't think the chicas have gotten any sweeter since then. Lets face it, guys have over-payed for years at Del Rey and the chic as are milking them for everything. Who pays 300 tln at any Latin America country? Guys who have money to spend and don't care about pricing.

Medellin on the other hand you get a more total experience if you want that. They are beautiful, sweet and fair. I like to hangout and check talent during the night, then I get the number. The next day I invite her over before work in the afternoon. Usually from around 3 pm till she leaves for work at 9 pm, and I pay 120 k for my afternoon delight. Its a no-rush affair, we relax then have sex, eat a pizza then have sex, then watch television and have sex before she goes.

Once you hit Medellin you will be asking yourself why you were in CR in the first place LOL.

C Jack Sparrow
02-21-15, 06:03

"These bargain beauties are too tempting and could easily top thousands in the US. ".


I would like to know; what we pay for in MDE, what would it cost in the US?

P4 P is very estricted in my Pirateland, and I have never been to the US, nor German Partytreff or Amsterdams Red Light District.

Back in Copenhagen prices are among the most expensive, like Dubai, London or Paris.

Shamester; How priceworthy are MDE compared to US?

I have also gringo friends in MDE that implies, that the service itself, the performance is uncomparable; colombianas give you GFE while.

Just a relflexion; is MDE a bargain, a "hidden diamond" Still?

Mr Enternational
02-21-15, 08:41
Dude, stop trying to make comparisons. As Gogo was just saying that is why Costa Rica went to shit. You go and pay the local prices. Fuck what you paid in London, Ghana, or Antarctica. Just know that in MDE it is going to be way less than home, so don't go throwing money around fucking shit up because of what it would cost somewhere else.

02-21-15, 13:20
Remove the GFE part -- in Las Vegas these chicas could easily fetch $500 US per hour. In my home area -- $200 US plus per hour.

New Life is maybe the best bargain in the Americas.


"These bargain beauties are too tempting and could easily top thousands in the US. ".


I would like to know; what we pay for in MDE, what would it cost in the US?

P4 P is very estricted in my Pirateland, and I have never been to the US, nor German Partytreff or Amsterdams Red Light District.

Back in Copenhagen prices are among the most expensive, like Dubai, London or Paris.

Shamester; How priceworthy are MDE compared to US?

I have also gringo friends in MDE that implies, that the service itself, the performance is uncomparable; colombianas give you GFE while.

Just a relflexion; is MDE a bargain, a "hidden diamond" Still?

James Dandy
02-21-15, 13:21

"These bargain beauties are too tempting and could easily top thousands in the US. ".


I would like to know; what we pay for in MDE, what would it cost in the US?

P4 P is very estricted in my Pirateland, and I have never been to the US, nor German Partytreff or Amsterdams Red Light District.

Back in Copenhagen prices are among the most expensive, like Dubai, London or Paris.

Shamester; How priceworthy are MDE compared to US?

I have also gringo friends in MDE that implies, that the service itself, the performance is uncomparable; colombianas give you GFE while.

Just a relflexion; is MDE a bargain, a "hidden diamond" Still?There is no comparison to the US. Forget the astronomical cost for anything decent, or the fact you could go to prison if the girl has any drugs on her (which is likely), or the decent possibility you get set up and robbed by her "crew". I've never seen a place as restrictive as the US, try enjoying sex while you're waiting for the door to get bashed in. The worst thing is you don't know who to expect first, the cops or the thugs. Only way to avoid that fiasco is to pay way too much for marginal pussy with an attitude.

The US is good for one thing though if you're the right look / image (thug with baggy pants), and that's free sex with sloppy drunk or drugged up sluts. Get some booze and meth, then look for the first you find and you won't have to pay a dime after that. As long as you don't mind scraggly hair, zits, and a few teeth missing, you'll be in heaven. Just hope she doesn't call her boyfriends or the cops for any of a million reasons, or show up at your house 9 hours later.

02-21-15, 16:33

"These bargain beauties are too tempting and could easily top thousands in the US. ".


I would like to know; what we pay for in MDE, what would it cost in the US?

P4 P is very estricted in my Pirateland, and I have never been to the US, nor German Partytreff or Amsterdams Red Light District.

Back in Copenhagen prices are among the most expensive, like Dubai, London or Paris.

Shamester; How priceworthy are MDE compared to US?

I have also gringo friends in MDE that implies, that the service itself, the performance is uncomparable; colombianas give you GFE while.

Just a relflexion; is MDE a bargain, a "hidden diamond" Still?Ya bet! Cundinamarca guy!

02-21-15, 16:44
Being one of the pejoratively labeled "old farts" that posts here, I was amused by your observations. Notwithstanding the obvious lack of class and civility, I understand what you wrote: 1. You and your wingman are young, handsome and "have game. " You two left Lleras "empty handed. " Old farts "wouldn't have as much luck as you and your buddy.

Hey, I guess we are in agreement. I can't imagine anyone experienced with women leaving Lleras without beautiful and willing company. I must admite that the naivety of our young, handsome and dashing colleagues makes me smile. You're not sure if the girls were "working" or by happenstance found "some guys who wanted to give them some cash for some P. ".

Grasshoppers, if they have a vagina, they are "working. " There is no such thing a free pussy! Integrate that truth into your reality.

Merry Christmas and more adventures and good energy for the new year.Fantastic answer, girls in DR and here have not got youth and looks as 1. Priority. From the youth's report easy too see why empty handed!

02-21-15, 18:45
I have lived in both MED and SJO and I prefer SJO. If you stay out of the fucking Del Rey, the prices for pussy are about the same, assuming you have some reasonable level of Spanish. Food prices are higher in SJO but IMHO the food is also better. I don't find Colombian food to be particularly good, throwing whatever leftovers into an 'arepa. ' SJO is safer and more walkable, and has less silicone. Some guys like fake tits and fake butts and so for those gentlemen perhaps MED would be better. The taxistas are not nearly as dishonest in SJO as in MED, probably because there is more accountability, only one taxi per license, and so it's less likely that your driver at any given time is the cousin of the nephew of the brother-in-law of the owner. And from SJO you can be at the beach in a couple of hours. Just one man's opinion but maybe worth something since I've lived both places.

02-21-15, 19:32
Well said, Dickhead. It's good to hear from people with your experience.

I have lived in both MED and SJO and I prefer SJO. If you stay out of the fucking Del Rey, the prices for pussy are about the same, assuming you have some reasonable level of Spanish. Food prices are higher in SJO but IMHO the food is also better. I don't find Colombian food to be particularly good, throwing whatever leftovers into an 'arepa. ' SJO is safer and more walkable, and has less silicone. Some guys like fake tits and fake butts and so for those gentlemen perhaps MED would be better. The taxistas are not nearly as dishonest in SJO as in MED, probably because there is more accountability, only one taxi per license, and so it's less likely that your driver at any given time is the cousin of the nephew of the brother-in-law of the owner. And from SJO you can be at the beach in a couple of hours. Just one man's opinion but maybe worth something since I've lived both places.

02-22-15, 05:38
Food prices are higher in SJO but IMHO the food is also better. I don't find Colombian food to be particularly good, throwing whatever leftovers into an 'arepa. ' I've never been to SJO, but I have to agree: the food in Medellin is crap! I mean breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I find myself having to stick to chains like KFC and Domino's for something tasty (Frisby is ok). But you can't eat that shit all day every day.

02-22-15, 05:40
There is no comparison to the US. Forget the astronomical cost for anything decent, or the fact you could go to prison if the girl has any drugs on her (which is likely), or the decent possibility you get set up and robbed by her "crew". I've never seen a place as restrictive as the US, try enjoying sex while you're waiting for the door to get bashed in. The worst thing is you don't know who to expect first, the cops or the thugs. Only way to avoid that fiasco is to pay way too much for marginal pussy with an attitude.
This guy gets it!

The best thing you can do while in sex prison (USA) is to keep your head low and make your money until you get the chance to be paroled (international travel for mongering).

02-22-15, 13:53
Well said, Dickhead. It's good to hear from people with your experience.I've also experienced both SJO and Medellin a gazillion times over.
Medellin for me by a mile, or more.

For now though, the northern girls of Brazil have stolen my heart, Lol
A whole different world altogether.

02-22-15, 20:12
Now say, for example, I had very little time left to live and I could only monger one more time for say a week, and I could only go to MDE or SJO. Under that set of circumstances I would go to MDE because it is the more outrageous of the two, assuming money is no factor (which since I am dying I would just take out a huge credit card advance; whoever dies with the most unsecured debt, wins). Somewhere around the two week mark SJO would overtake MDE, because everyday life is simpler and safer in SJO (and Costa Rica overall) than in MDE (and in Colombia overall).

02-22-15, 21:35
LOL, "her white skin," but "don't get me wrong, last 10 years had mainly black GF's = "I have black friends, I'm not racist LOL!

Parque Bolivar. Wow, just had nice sex with stunning 19 yo. Rubia, typical Colombian Rubia. Sex ordinary, but her fantastic body, big sprout tits, tight little teen pussy and very white skin (don't get me wrong, the last 10 I years I had mainly black GF's in DR and before that Rio and Salvador. Club Fantasia Calle 54,35 k half hour!

Surf Looker
02-22-15, 23:03
Dickhead- thanks for your opinions.

For a weekend trip.

Fly into Medellin.

Lodging- Hotel Internacional.

Av. La Playa # 46-56.

Medellíand, Antioquia.

Rate: $40 a night, USD.

Anyone know if this hotel is girl friendly??

Find girls at FASE II (Dos), Carrera 44 # 30-27- Why FASE? Suppose to have to hottest girls, plastic type, pornstar look type.

FASE. Cost - $10 USD cover charge.

To take a girl outside and back to your hotel- $40 USD? I believe?

Short time with a girl from FASE DOS- ?? Not sure how much USD for 1-2 hours.

Long term, all night with a girl from FASE DOS- ??

Distance from hotel Internacional to Fase Dose- 15 min walk, 5 minute taxi.

Distance from international airport- 50 minutes. That is kind of far for a taxi ride, and safety concerns. And cost USD?

Distance from Internacional hotel to Mayorista area (Itaqui. Medellin, Mayorista Area, Calle 85 and Carrera 51,) around 20 minutes ride.

Any suggestions or corrections in regards to this possible itinerary?


Now say, for example, I had very little time left to live and I could only monger one more time for say a week, and I could only go to MDE or SJO. Under that set of circumstances I would go to MDE because it is the more outrageous of the two, assuming money is no factor (which since I am dying I would just take out a huge credit card advance; whoever dies with the most unsecured debt, wins). Somewhere around the two week mark SJO would overtake MDE, because everyday life is simpler and safer in SJO (and Costa Rica overall) than in MDE (and in Colombia overall).

02-23-15, 01:23
OK. Two days running. I failed to sneak girls in. Photocopy cedula. Sign cedula. Endure 100 dirty looks. But WTF is it going to cost.

02-23-15, 01:35

La Isla is considered to have hotter looking girls than Fase II. Especially if you're looking for the plastic, porn star type.

02-23-15, 05:17
There is no comparison to the US. Forget the astronomical cost for anything decent, or the fact you could go to prison if the girl has any drugs on her (which is likely), or the decent possibility you get set up and robbed by her "crew". I've never seen a place as restrictive as the US, try enjoying sex while you're waiting for the door to get bashed in. The worst thing is you don't know who to expect first, the cops or the thugs. Only way to avoid that fiasco is to pay way too much for marginal pussy with an attitude.I think you are exaggerating a little bit, maybe more than a little bit. I live and monger in the Bay Area (San Francisco area), and there are plenty of providers from all sorts of ethnicity. It's just more expensive, like everything else in the US. Your comment above may be closer to the truth if you are talking about Caucasian chicks. Luckily, I am done with those, and it's been a while.

If you like Asian providers, they are reasonably priced. Some of them are hot and GFE, and if you repeat, it gets even better.

I monger overseas as well, mostly for the variety in experience. Spending some time with a Paisa in Medellin is a different experience than hooking up with a Latina in the Bay Area.

02-23-15, 05:23

La Isla is considered to have hotter looking girls than Fase II. Especially if you're looking for the plastic, porn star type.That's what I thought too, until I got a chance to get a good look at a provider from La Isla, in my hotel room. Yuck! She did not look that hot and plastic indeed. I could not wait to get her out of my room. Earlier that night, I tried another one from Fase II. She was much nicer and much friendlier. But once was enough, and I don't plan to repeat.

02-23-15, 06:37
La Isla is a ripoff and a scam. Don't go there. Ever. For any reason. 300 K now for the girls, Jesus Christ, these same guys would fuck you TLN for that or less. I know because I have done some of them. A lot of them used to work in the Centro clubs for 70 K a pop. This is true of F2 also but they tend to find ones that were out of place at those places and deserved a little more. Plus the price is like 170 K (haven't been in a while but well under 300 K).

Furthermore the guys at La Isla are assholes. One night I went with some friends and they never brought us our tab. I had only ordered one thing so I just gave my friend the cash for it anyway. I talked to a girl I knew there from another club for a while and we decided to bounce. Thinking the tab, for drinks brought to us a long time ago at that point was paid, I walked outside. The owner followed me and made a big ass scene like I was trying to walk out on the tab. I apologized, paid and explained it was a simple misunderstanding, but he started interrogating me and calling me a liar and giving me dirty looks. I told him to eat a transvestite's dick and bailed in the cab. Just a shitty place. It was always shitty, now it's gotten shittier.

San Diego is a little uptight about that kind of shit now, too, but not bad and there are still some good values and good times to be had there.

James Dandy
02-23-15, 12:56
I think you are exaggerating a little bit, maybe more than a little bit. I live and monger in the Bay Area (San Francisco area), and there are plenty of providers from all sorts of ethnicity. It's just more expensive, like everything else in the US. Your comment above may be closer to the truth if you are talking about Caucasian chicks. Luckily, I am done with those, and it's been a while.

If you like Asian providers, they are reasonably priced. Some of them are hot and GFE, and if you repeat, it gets even better.

I monger overseas as well, mostly for the variety in experience. Spending some time with a Paisa in Medellin is a different experience than hooking up with a Latina in the Bay Area.A lot has to do with where you procure your ladies. In the US, casas where you get to look at a lineup ahead of time are very rare and subject to getting busted after only a few months in operation. Maybe San Fran is different in this area, since you also have many Asians which is not the case where I live.

This leaves only the internet or street hookers with pimps to find your experiences, both of which I promise you will eventually be a problem, sooner or later. On the internet you basically have two options, the low end on sites like Backpage, or the high end on sites like Eros. Backpage is still several times the cost of most places in South America, especially if price / quality is compared. Eros is far worse on the cost, with similar talent costing 10 x what it would down south.

Being you go to La Isla, I assume you would be more inclined to use Eros than Backpage, but even there you will have a problem sooner or later. Backpage will get you problems one if five times would be my estimate! Our debate was on one country (and cost) versus the other, not on the race of the ladies, but I suppose Asians are great. I still wouldn't find them on backpage (too risky) or on Eros because the prices are ridiculous. If you have casas with lineups to view ahead of time, I would try those options but still be concerned about the police state making their rounds like they do all over the rest of the nation.

They don't call it sex prison for nothing!

James Dandy
02-23-15, 13:02
Even where pro-ball players are gods, they are not immune:



Both recent busts, and though they won't get jail time, they are hugely embarrassed and losing jobs over it. Monger at your own risk in the US! You can also drive with a slight buzz and nothing will happen to you 19/20 times in the US, but when it does you're fucked.

James Dandy
02-23-15, 14:52
Stopped in at New Life on Saturday before noon and was pleasantly surprised to find a new gem, she used the name Mafei (sp? Pronounced Ma-fay. Besides the corny hat she was wearing, everything else was attractive on this 18 year old beauty. She wasn't particularly friendly or outgoing, but it was early in the day and she did warm up during the session. Thin with excellent see-cup titties that defy gravity, and she didn't mind me unloading on them to finish. Love the half-dollar sized nipples, not quite brown and not really pink, but right in the middle. Superb pussy too, little slit in the middle with the puffy "cheeks" on the outside.

I'm not sure how long she'll be working there since this was only her fifth day. Probably won't repeat but has nothing to do with her, just too many in this town to keep going back to same girl.

02-23-15, 17:00
LOL, "her white skin," but "don't get me wrong, last 10 years had mainly black GF's = "I have black friends, I'm not racist LOL!Naaa, your hurting subliminal, not mine pal.


Member #4394
02-23-15, 21:52
Keep doing a great job.

I told him to eat a transvestite's dick and bailed in the cab..

Lucky Nuts
02-23-15, 22:15
Starting at 11 PM Saturday night I visited La Isla, then San Diego, and then Face IIs. I will not go back to the first two clubs, the quality of the chicas was very, very disappointing. Face IIs had better chicas, slightly lower prices, and a much more fun and energetic atmosphere. Maybe the chica quality gets better after 1 AM at the other clubs but I wasn't buying any more 30 K drinks to wait around.

02-23-15, 23:13
La Isla is a ripoff and a scam. Don't go there. Ever. For any reason. 300 K now for the girls, Jesus Christ, these same guys would fuck you TLN for that or less. I know because I have done some of them. A lot of them used to work in the Centro clubs for 70 K a pop. This is true of F2 also but they tend to find ones that were out of place at those places and deserved a little more. Plus the price is like 170 K (haven't been in a while but well under 300 K).

Furthermore the guys at La Isla are assholes. One night I went with some friends and they never brought us our tab. I had only ordered one thing so I just gave my friend the cash for it anyway. I talked to a girl I knew there from another club for a while and we decided to bounce. Thinking the tab, for drinks brought to us a long time ago at that point was paid, I walked outside. The owner followed me and made a big ass scene like I was trying to walk out on the tab. I apologized, paid and explained it was a simple misunderstanding, but he started interrogating me and calling me a liar and giving me dirty looks. I told him to eat a transvestite's dick and bailed in the cab. Just a shitty place. It was always shitty, now it's gotten shittier.

San Diego is a little uptight about that kind of shit now, too, but not bad and there are still some good values and good times to be had there.If you absolutely must have a girl from La Isla, get their number and they'll come over to your apartment / hotel in the afternoon for 150 k. Doing them in the club or paying take-out is indeed a ripoff. And yes, they generally don't look as hot in normal lighting.

02-23-15, 23:22
Hey fellas it was mentioned here I believe not too long ago about places in Itaguii where they have a huge selection of Denim jeans. At great prices. Does anyone have more info? I'm trying to put together my Itenarary for my trip. And would like to check it out. Thanks.

02-24-15, 04:18
Just left my room! Fantastic sex, sweet beautiful, nice! 120 k hour! Absolutely worth it, gorgeous 20 yo. , meet her frente de Conejitas!

Greetings machisto, no racisto!

02-24-15, 05:06
Remove the GFE part -- in Las Vegas these chicas could easily fetch $500 US per hour. In my home area -- $200 US plus per hour.

New Life is maybe the best bargain in the Americas.Based on a couple things I read here. I eventually found new life and went in. They had a parade of about 10 girls. I went with the one whose name I remembered. I wish someone told me to keep track before I figured out what was what. Anyway - awesome service -kissing was good. This is a big one for me. But no BBBJ. Anyway - I have over indulged and we went back and forth between CBJ CG. Rcg - CBJ- CG. CBJ and I finally admitted I was not going to pop. It was thoroughly awesome. Then she kissed and cuddled. I loved it - 40 k pesos plus 20 k propina. I would definitely go back.

James Dandy
02-24-15, 13:54
Hey fellas it was mentioned here I believe not too long ago about places in Itaguii where they have a huge selection of Denim jeans. At great prices. Does anyone have more info? I'm trying to put together my Itenarary for my trip. And would like to check it out. Thanks.I haven't been to the denim stores Shamester mentioned, but I believe they are 8-10 blocks from the strip at Mayorista.

Go west on Calle 85 a couple blocks then head south on transversal 52 D for maybe 7 blocks and it should be on your right, called Supercentro de la Moda.

There are plenty of great deals on denim in El Centro too, if you're headed that way to visit casas. I sometimes buy jeans for for girls as gifts, rarely spending more than $9 bucks US (about 22 K pesos).

02-24-15, 15:04
What are the current prices for mansion girls and Casas? Now that the Columbian Peso is devaluing. $100 will get you almost $250,000 Pesos, Are the Price still the same in the Casas and in the Mansion. I'm heading to Medellin in April. Did the girls jack the price?

John Gault
02-24-15, 16:27
Hey fellas it was mentioned here I believe not too long ago about places in Itaguii where they have a huge selection of Denim jeans. At great prices. Does anyone have more info? I'm trying to put together my Itenarary for my trip. And would like to check it out. Thanks.While at the Mayorista at one end is the casino. Walk away from there to the section where the girls hang out. Keep walking till you have to cross a street. Go two blocks more and then make a left turn. You will see store after store selling clothes on both sides of the street.

02-24-15, 17:08
While at the Mayorista at one end is the casino. Walk away from there to the section where the girls hang out. Keep walking till you have to cross a street. Go two blocks more and then make a left turn. You will see store after store selling clothes on both sides of the street.Is this a safe place to walk around during the day?

02-24-15, 23:33
What are the current prices for mansion girls and Casas? Now that the Columbian Peso is devaluing. $100 will get you almost $250,000 Pesos, Are the Price still the same in the Casas and in the Mansion. I'm heading to Medellin in April. Did the girls jack the price?In January (exchange rate was about 2400/ usd), I was giving Mansion girls 150 k for short-time and they all seemed happy. I didn't do any TLN. I can't remember exactly, but the casas seemed roughly the same price as they've been in recent years. On my March trip, I anticipate the same.

Colombia hasn't (yet) had significant inflation, so 150k pesos goes about as far as it did when the exchange rate was 1900/USD. The girls aren't generally thinking of the exchange rate unless some idiot gringo explains it to them (you know the same guys who show them their photos from this site). Or unless they travel frequently out of the country.

02-25-15, 02:53
I have always stayed in the nicer parts of Medellin and wanted to try some cheap alternatives. Some of the popular places like mansion were full so I decided to stay closer to El Centro. Booked a room in Hotel Caribe for only $22 per day using bookings.com, compare this to $100 you pay staying in Poblado hotel, they are chica friendly and did not charge me anything for bringing the girls. I really wanted to explore if there are any hidden gems in the rough, all the Poblado prepagos are spoiled rotten and obnoxious and just are asking too much money these days. Do not even attempt to go to LA ISLA or FASE II they are charging ridiculously high $$ some girls are quoting in excess of $300 per session.

To say in this part of the town you need a good local wing man, I met a local taxi guide who speaks decent english and stayed with me where ever I went. Most of the stip clubs like Barra Ejecutiva, Conejitas, Maracaibo are decent, girls charge $70 K per session compared to $300 in la isla. Also visited a casa called "CAsa de PAdua" the selection of the girls was excellent session was $120 K and you need to pay $50 K to the house to take them out. This is compared to $250 charged by Loutran and other poblado based casas. The local Yellow pages listings are also very decent, http://co.mileroticos.com/escorts/antioquia/bello/ one girl in particular was very sexy her was Lora and she has an excellent body I was able to negotiate her down to $100 mil for one hour session http://co.mileroticos.com/escorts/soy-bella-una-[CodeWord901] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord901)-arrechita-whatsapp-3148308468-apto-y-domicilios-24-horas/2438882/.

I have uploaded most of the photos of the chicas I took, also tired picking up chicas at the local mall and some local dating sites like http://www.romancelatina.com and http://www.colombianchicas.com.

Both had a decent collection of 20 something girls who were either free or came at a discounted rate. You need to specially look for chicas in Bello, and Aranjez.

I really enjoyed staying close to action and bang some decent girls.

Enjoy the photos.

02-25-15, 04:04
I have always stayed in the nicer parts of Medellin and wanted to try some cheap alternatives. Some of the popular places like mansion were full so I decided to stay closer to El Centro. Booked a room in Hotel Caribe for only $22 per day using bookings.com, compare this to $100 you pay staying in Poblado hotel, they are chica friendly and did not charge me anything for bringing the girls. I really wanted to explore if there are any hidden gems in the rough, all the Poblado prepagos are spoiled rotten and obnoxious and just are asking too much money these days. Do not even attempt to go to LA ISLA or FASE II they are charging ridiculously high $$ some girls are quoting in excess of $300 per session.

To say in this part of the town you need a good local wing man, I met a local taxi guide who speaks decent english and stayed with me where ever I went. Most of the stip clubs like Barra Ejecutiva, Conejitas, Maracaibo are decent, girls charge $70 K per session compared to $300 in la isla. Also visited a casa called "CAsa de PAdua" the selection of the girls was excellent session was $120 K and you need to pay $50 K to the house to take them out. This is compared to $250 charged by Loutran and other poblado based casas. The local Yellow pages listings are also very decent, http://co.mileroticos.com/escorts/antioquia/bello/ one girl in particular was very sexy her was Lora and she has an excellent body I was able to negotiate her down to $100 mil for one hour session http://co.mileroticos.com/escorts/soy-bella-una-[CodeWord901] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord901)-arrechita-whatsapp-3148308468-apto-y-domicilios-24-horas/2438882/.

I have uploaded most of the photos of the chicas I took, also tired picking up chicas at the local mall and some local dating sites like http://www.romancelatina.com and http://www.colombianchicas.com.

Both had a decent collection of 20 something girls who were either free or came at a discounted rate. You need to specially look for chicas in Bello, and Aranjez.

I really enjoyed staying close to action and bang some decent girls.

Enjoy the photos.Don't see how you are saving much money over staying at the Mansion or somewhere similar. Most of what you save on the hotel, you are spending on your wingman.

James Dandy
02-25-15, 13:42
I have always stayed in the nicer parts of Medellin and wanted to try some cheap alternatives. Some of the popular places like mansion were full so I decided to stay closer to El Centro. Booked a room in Hotel Caribe for only $22 per day using bookings.com, compare this to $100 you pay staying in Poblado hotel, they are chica friendly and did not charge me anything for bringing the girls. I really wanted to explore if there are any hidden gems in the rough, all the Poblado prepagos are spoiled rotten and obnoxious and just are asking too much money these days. Do not even attempt to go to LA ISLA or FASE II they are charging ridiculously high $$ some girls are quoting in excess of $300 per session.

To say in this part of the town you need a good local wing man, I met a local taxi guide who speaks decent english and stayed with me where ever I went. Most of the stip clubs like Barra Ejecutiva, Conejitas, Maracaibo are decent, girls charge $70 K per session compared to $300 in la isla. Also visited a casa called "CAsa de PAdua" the selection of the girls was excellent session was $120 K and you need to pay $50 K to the house to take them out. This is compared to $250 charged by Loutran and other poblado based casas. The local Yellow pages listings are also very decent...Great looking girl in the pics, sounds like you have the right plan. If I were visiting MDE I'd do it like you, stay in El Centro near the action, and only occasionally go out to Poblado like on Friday or Saturday for a nice dinner. Save a good amount of money (wingmen aren't expensive and can be found right here on ISG), lots to see in El Centro including non-pros, cheap shopping and food, bargain casa after bargain casa each with something for everybody's taste. The only drawback to El Centro is it's not a place I will stay out late at night.

Went out yesterday afternoon / evening with a couple fellas and had a blast. We must've hit 4 or 5 casas and equally as many strip clubs. Good times for sure and easy on the wallet!

02-25-15, 14:03
I have always stayed in the nicer parts of Medellin and wanted to try some cheap alternatives. Some of the popular places like mansion were full so I decided to stay closer to El Centro. Booked a room in Hotel Caribe for only $22 per day using bookings.com, compare this to $100 you pay staying in Poblado hotel, they are chica friendly and did not charge me anything for bringing the girls. I really wanted to explore if there are any hidden gems in the rough, all the Poblado prepagos are spoiled rotten and obnoxious and just are asking too much money these days. Do not even attempt to go to LA ISLA or FASE II they are charging ridiculously high $$ some girls are quoting in excess of $300 per session.

To say in this part of the town you need a good local wing man, I met a local taxi guide who speaks decent english and stayed with me where ever I went. Most of the stip clubs like Barra Ejecutiva, Conejitas, Maracaibo are decent, girls charge $70 K per session compared to $300 in la isla. Also visited a casa called "CAsa de PAdua" the selection of the girls was excellent session was $120 K and you need to pay $50 K to the house to take them out. This is compared to $250 charged by Loutran and other poblado based casas. The local Yellow pages listings are also very decent, http://co.mileroticos.com/escorts/antioquia/bello/ one girl in particular was very sexy her was Lora and she has an excellent body I was able to negotiate her down to $100 mil for one hour session http://co.mileroticos.com/escorts/soy-bella-una-[CodeWord901] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord901)-arrechita-whatsapp-3148308468-apto-y-domicilios-24-horas/2438882/..This is what I'm talking about! Quality intel from the ground troops. Much Appreciated DetJunky. I'll be on ground in 2 weeks for my first MDE trip and now will consider a night or so in Centro to mix up with my Poblado stay. Nothing wrong with a local taxi friend to buddy up to. He might get you into good trouble and get you out of bad trouble.

Thanks again!

John Gault
02-25-15, 16:55
Is this a safe place to walk around during the day?Day or night Mayorista is one of the safest places in MDE as far as walking is concerned. Dealing with girls in the room can at times present problems.

El Cubanito
02-25-15, 20:58
In January (exchange rate was about 2400/ usd), I was giving Mansion girls 150 k for short-time and they all seemed happy. I didn't do any TLN. I can't remember exactly, but the casas seemed roughly the same price as they've been in recent years. On my March trip, I anticipate the same.

Colombia hasn't (yet) had significant inflation, so 150k pesos goes about as far as it did when the exchange rate was 1900/USD. The girls aren't generally thinking of the exchange rate unless some idiot gringo explains it to them (you know the same guys who show them their photos from this site). Or unless they travel frequently out of the country.It the same every where dude! Some guy get a girl to spread her legs open and they automatically think of it as Love or some shit like that. Then they start spilling all of their beans.

02-27-15, 21:26
In a few minutes I board the plane for Medellin. I've been lurking about this forum hearing the stories and while they sound fantastic they do not seem to indicate the kind of visit I am anticipating. I don't expect to spent much time in casas, hotels or strip clubs. I'm going on the hunt for the best escort services and pimps. I've made arrangements with Alviro, one of the drivers on the Medellin lists to help me. I've also contacted some of the pimps on CL, who seem to be women and yes, I know about CL so I'll be using the long spoon to dine with them. I'd also like to see if there are any semi-pros, those who don't usually do this but will make an exception if the price is right and the situation intrigues them (think "Indecent Proposal" scaled down the COP). I had great success with this in New York City a few years back before I moved away. Those are the experiences I'd like to relive.

I'm staying at the Blux in El Poblado. It's an apart-hotel. You can have an overnight guest for no fee. I'm also considering security measures should anyone try to take my libertine attitude as a sign of weakness. Possibly private guards or having someone bribe the police to talk to the girl and let her know that if anything happens to me, even if I accidentally fall down the stairs, her whole family gets it. I have actually used this tactic successfully in another South American country where the local talent can turn on you in a second and literally run you out of town if you're not careful.

So I'll let you know what happens when my boots hit the ground.

02-27-15, 22:04
Hey fellas. Unable to secure a room at the mansion for my last night in MDE. Does anyone know of a hotel in El Poblado that is chica friendly? I don't mind paying a small fee just not 100 k fee for every girl that comes in. Not really looking for a love motel either. More of a 3. 5-4 star hotel.


02-27-15, 22:09
Hey fellas. Unable to secure a room at the mansion for my last night in MDE. Does anyone know of a hotel in El Poblado that is chica friendly? I don't mind paying a small fee just not 100 k fee for every girl that comes in. Not really looking for a love motel either. More of a 3. 5-4 star hotel.

ThanksI stayed at art hotel, excellent location, girl friendly also I'm going back going to try LE park hotel right around Corner, new hotel balcony upgrade if available their running special like 79 $ a night, have fun!

James Dandy
02-27-15, 22:11
Made the rounds in El Centro last night with a few guys I met from ISG, and had another great time. Didn't hit any casas this time, instead we just cruised the usual titty bars while discovering a few others. There're not hard to find once you're in the area, seems like there are at least a couple on each street if they have one.

We all agreed the talent was better than usual, with each place offering up a couple gems. We also stumbled upon several bars that weren't strip clubs, yet had pros sitting and drinking while waiting for men to approach. The talent in these places was not as good as the strip clubs, but they're an option for those that like the more "regular" bar scene with option to score. These were on the same block as Conejitas, around the corner on the West side of the block, in the not-so good part of town, but OK to walk in with a group. No problems.

The streets were alive and buzzing, lots to see and do as we strolled from place to place. Damn good time overall.

02-28-15, 00:56
or having someone bribe the police to talk to the girl and let her know that if anything happens to me, even if I accidentally fall down the stairs, her whole family gets it. I have actually used this tactic successfully in another South American country where the local talent can turn on you in a second and literally run you out of town if you're not careful.That sounds extreme and over the top. I'd be especially worried about unintended consequences of such "precautions. " I would recommend dialing it down and sticking with everyday common sense precautions.

02-28-15, 03:47
I'm also considering security measures should anyone try to take my libertine attitude as a sign of weakness. Possibly private guards or having someone bribe the police to talk to the girl and let her know that if anything happens to me, even if I accidentally fall down the stairs, her whole family gets it. I have actually used this tactic successfully in another South American country where the local talent can turn on you in a second and literally run you out of town if you're not careful.

So I'll let you know what happens when my boots hit the ground.Lighten up Francis, on the security detail and threats, geez.
Are you for real? Lol

Have fun and enjoy!

Member #4398
02-28-15, 04:50

You seem to have pick the right name for yourself. With that attitude I am pretty certain you will be Allwaysontherun and you should get sneakers to run not boots. I am not sure if you are just joking or are for real. If for real then all you are saying is pretty dumb or you are Paranoic. Just enjoy Medellin, there is no need of having guards or Police protection. You are just going to attract too much attention and if you hire guards for Protection or Police for bribes, you are just opening big can of worms that will go straight to your ass. That is why you are going to need sneakers to run not boots.

I'm staying at the Blux in El Poblado. It's an apart-hotel. You can have an overnight guest for no fee. I'm also considering security measures should anyone try to take my libertine attitude as a sign of weakness. Possibly private guards or having someone bribe the police to talk to the girl and let her know that if anything happens to me, even if I accidentally fall down the stairs, her whole family gets it. I have actually used this tactic successfully in another South American country where the local talent can turn on you in a second and literally run you out of town if you're not careful.
So I'll let you know what happens when my boots hit the ground.

02-28-15, 10:49
What's up guys. I haven't been to Medellin in 4 years. With the exchange rate going up against all mongering destinations, I wanted to check in. I remember fase 2 was about 200 k pesos for a girl and room back then. What can I expect now if I go. Since its 250 k for 100 dollars now, I can monger in pure bliss. Do they raise the prices like they do in Brazil when the rate gets too much in our favor. Whats the average in San Diego and Fase 2. Also, what are the top 5 clubs now to meet the hottest girls.

02-28-15, 14:32
Made the rounds in El Centro last night with a few guys I met from ISG, and had another great time. Didn't hit any casas this time, instead we just cruised the usual titty bars while discovering a few others. There're not hard to find once you're in the area, seems like there are at least a couple on each street if they have one.

We all agreed the talent was better than usual, with each place offering up a couple gems. We also stumbled upon several bars that weren't strip clubs, yet had pros sitting and drinking while waiting for men to approach. The talent in these places was not as good as the strip clubs, but they're an option for those that like the more "regular" bar scene with option to score. These were on the same block as Conejitas, around the corner on the West side of the block, in the not-so good part of town, but OK to walk in with a group. No problems.

The streets were alive and buzzing, lots to see and do as we strolled from place to place. Damn good time overall.I saw 4 gringos in the Occidental early Thursday night, first time I have ever seen more than 1 or 2 gringos there, must have been your group sitting beside the bar. The chicas missed you guys when you left. I was 4 tables away from the bar. Occidental has more flaquitas than Conejitas, Conejitas seems to have mostly super sized now, and talent way way below what it has been the last 5 years. I saw a new one there last night and her ass was wider than the tables. My favorite flaca chica from there when to China a year ago and a few months later 4 other flaquitas from Conejitas followed her to Guangzhou.

Member #4394
02-28-15, 14:54
Then, Conejita girls may look better than the Occidental girls to Colombian guys, who like thick women with big ass.

Occidental has more flaquitas than Conejitas, Conejitas seems to have mostly super sized now, and talent way way below what it has been the last 5 years. I saw a new one there last night and her ass was wider than the tables. My favorite flaca chica from there when to China a year ago and a few months later 4 other flaquitas from Conejitas followed her to Guangzhou..

James Dandy
02-28-15, 15:06
I'm staying at the Blux in El Poblado. It's an apart-hotel. You can have an overnight guest for no fee. I'm also considering security measures should anyone try to take my libertine attitude as a sign of weakness. Possibly private guards or having someone bribe the police to talk to the girl and let her know that if anything happens to me, even if I accidentally fall down the stairs, her whole family gets it. I have actually used this tactic successfully in another South American country where the local talent can turn on you in a second and literally run you out of town if you're not careful.

So I'll let you know what happens when my boots hit the ground.Sounds like you're in store for some great sex, nothing gets a girl wetter than a good threat just before you park your dick in her! The first person to rob you will be the guard you hire, or the police you bribe, if the cop doesn't haul you to jail first.

James Dandy
02-28-15, 15:14
I saw 4 gringos in the Occidental early Thursday night, first time I have ever seen more than 1 or 2 gringos there, must have been your group sitting beside the bar. The chicas missed you guys when you left. I was 4 tables away from the bar. Occidental has more flaquitas than Conejitas, Conejitas seems to have mostly super sized now, and talent way way below what it has been the last 5 years. I saw a new one there last night and her ass was wider than the tables. My favorite flaca chica from there when to China a year ago and a few months later 4 other flaquitas from Conejitas followed her to Guangzhou.Should've popped over for a drink, the girls like groups of guys since there stripper friends can also join them in the party. Unfortunately, I didn't notice any other gringos in the club besides us, I was up to my eyeballs in thighs! We intended to go back later but got distracted hitting one bar after the other. There was actually a better club we hit later, but by that time the beers were kicking in enough that I couldn't remember the name. Join us next time!

02-28-15, 15:15
Then, Conejita girls may look better than the Occidental girls to Colombian guys, who like thick women with big ass.

.Hey Matt, but that is great, makes for way less competition for us older gringos who like the flaquitas.

02-28-15, 20:18
What's up guys. I haven't been to Medellin in 4 years. With the exchange rate going up against all mongering destinations, I wanted to check in. I remember fase 2 was about 200 k pesos for a girl and room back then. What can I expect now if I go. Since its 250 k for 100 dollars now, I can monger in pure bliss. Do they raise the prices like they do in Brazil when the rate gets too much in our favor. Whats the average in San Diego and Fase 2. Also, what are the top 5 clubs now to meet the hottest girls.No, prices seem to be fairly steady in Colombia. The difference from Brasil 10+ years ago is that Colombians haven't had significant inflation like Brasil endured. As I pointed out a few days ago, the chicas aren't thinking about the exchange rate. They are thinking about what that X Pesos that they get paid will buy them in Medellin. And it will buy about what it has in recent years. Now if domestic inflation starts roaring in Colombia then the chica prices will likely go up in tandem. But I don't see that happening soon.

03-01-15, 04:40
No, prices seem to be fairly steady in Colombia. The difference from Brasil 10+ years ago is that Colombians haven't had significant inflation like Brasil endured. As I pointed out a few days ago, the chicas aren't thinking about the exchange rate. They are thinking about what that X Pesos that they get paid will buy them in Medellin. And it will buy about what it has in recent years. Now if domestic inflation starts roaring in Colombia then the chica prices will likely go up in tandem. But I don't see that happening soon.So you guys are mongering like kings right now. It must be the best deal going. How much is a girl at Fase 2 right now.

03-01-15, 05:09
Hey guys,

Long time reader new poster here!

I have about 10 days off at the beginning of April. I've always wanted to go to MDE and explore and enjoy the fruits of God's creations, but have been somewhat timid because of politics, danger, sticking out like a sore thumb. Etc.

So, if you had that time and could go to MDE, Sint Maarten, Dominican Republic etc, what would you do?

I've been to SXM before and had a great time with the Colombianas, and could easily go back. I guess I need some guidance and reassurance and any pearls you can offer the new guy. I've logged hours reading, but sometimes boots on the ground is better.

Part of me wants to go to the beach to recover from this awful cold! 17 degrees here now!

Thanks in advance!


03-01-15, 13:40
Hey guys,

Long time reader new poster here!

I have about 10 days off at the beginning of April. I've always wanted to go to MDE and explore and enjoy the fruits of God's creations, but have been somewhat timid because of politics, danger, sticking out like a sore thumb. Etc.

So, if you had that time and could go to MDE, Sint Maarten, Dominican Republic etc, what would you do?

I've been to SXM before and had a great time with the Colombianas, and could easily go back. I guess I need some guidance and reassurance and any pearls you can offer the new guy. I've logged hours reading, but sometimes boots on the ground is better.

Part of me wants to go to the beach to recover from this awful cold! 17 degrees here now!

Thanks in advance!

DfFSo you have spent hours collecting info from reading this site but could not take the time to write about your SXM visit. Obviously you must have benefited reading about St Martin on ISG before your visit. As many others have written before this site is for sharing info not just taking.

03-01-15, 14:21
So you guys are mongering like kings right now. It must be the best deal going. How much is a girl at Fase 2 right now.Seriously bro, they were just talking about this not only one page back. Is it too much to ask for you to just go back a page or two and read?

Not trying to be a dick; just a firm believer in the "teach a man to fish..." school of thought.

03-01-15, 15:02
You north americans will never learn how to get into a pretty paisas pants, well here goes, I'll do my best for you.

1) $$$$ jajaja.
2) You got to think like a paisa!
3) Learn to dance, impossible for most of you. The best to learn are Bachata, Ballanarto, Regeatton (sexo con ropa) and then Salsa.
4) The first two are more important than learning Spanish, then learn Spanish.
5) Doesn't matter what you look like, as long as you have a personality, jajaja.

A. G.I've been at this hobby for a lot of years and have made my share of mistakes but this is good advice. I have used a few techniques over the years that can help land more non pros and part time pros alike. 'Never' say your in town for only a few days, better to say you are relocating and staying in a hotel until you find an apartment. Ask if they have kids, ask what are their names, act interested in their lives in a flash the phones come out and you will be looking at pics of her family. This will immediately separate you from the typical gringo who just want to fuck them and forget them. This will usually result in a much better session. Also as Greg states above personality, very important, if you don't have game here in the states then you probably won't have game in Colombia and then you are better off sticking to the pros, get your nut off in an hour and go get something to eat. Most important don't fall in love, if you do you will be falling in love by yourself.

Old Parr
03-01-15, 16:48
I've been at this hobby for a lot of years and have made my share of mistakes but this is good advice. I have used a few techniques over the years that can help land more non pros and part time pros alike. 'Never' say your in town for only a few days, better to say you are relocating and staying in a hotel until you find an apartment. Ask if they have kids, ask what are their names, act interested in their lives in a flash the phones come out and you will be looking at pics of her family. This will immediately separate you from the typical gringo who just want to fuck them and forget them. This will usually result in a much better session. Also as Greg states above personality, very important, if you don't have game here in the states then you probably won't have game in Colombia and then you are better off sticking to the pros, get your nut off in an hour and go get something to eat. Most important don't fall in love, if you do you will be falling in love by yourself.You obviously do not have game if you have to manipulate and lie to the girls.

03-02-15, 01:03
You obviously do not have game if you have to manipulate and lie to the girls.Pretty critical reply Old Parr, are you this critical just on sundays or on the other 6 days as well.

It is very obvious a guy may get better service if a chica thinks she could have a repeat customer. If chicas can fake orgasms what is wrong with a guy saying he is here for several months rather than a weekend.

Member #4398
03-02-15, 01:43
This website http://doncolombia.com/foro/t-direcciones-puteaderos-medellin was sent to me by girl Camila http://co.mileroticos.com/escorts/nena-19-anos-cuerpo-sencillo-xxx/2642883/ whom I met in Barranquilla in December 2014. I decided to share the website because it has valuable information of prepagos and places in Medellin, Bogota, Barranquilla and other areas. Check for yourself. And Camila by the way if you go to to Barranquilla is a true GF experience, sweet, skinny with well formed body and ass, and with a extremely tight pussy.

Old Parr
03-02-15, 02:39
Pretty critical reply Old Parr, are you this critical just on Sundays or on the other 6 days as well.

It is very obvious a guy may get better service if a chica thinks she could have a repeat customer. If chicas can fake orgasms what is wrong with a guy saying he is here for several months rather than a weekend.Not critical at all, just being honest. I just do not get why people have to lie to the girls, and in this case the OP was basically stating he had game, and if a person has game then there is no reason to manipulate or lie to the girl.

03-02-15, 03:47
So you have spent hours collecting info from reading this site but could not take the time to write about your SXM visit. Obviously you must have benefited reading about St Martin on ISG before your visit. As many others have written before this site is for sharing info not just taking.Well, Actually I followed my nose in SXM. Was only there for a day while on a ship, so it didn't take a lot of planning to follow the crew to the party spots. Unfortunately there isn't a lot to report in such instances, if that makes any sense.

So, what would you do in my situation?

03-02-15, 09:06
You obviously do not have game if you have to manipulate and lie to the girls.Sorry to ruffle your feathers OP but you obviously don't understand the nomenclature. Nowhere in the Guidebook to having game, does it state that you can't stretch the truth a bit. I mean God knows, these girls would never lie to us. LOL Relax, it's all good.

James Dandy
03-02-15, 12:07
Well, Actually I followed my nose in SXM. Was only there for a day while on a ship, so it didn't take a lot of planning to follow the crew to the party spots. Unfortunately there isn't a lot to report in such instances, if that makes any sense.

So, what would you do in my situation?I'd pay the $20 to ISG and join the site formally so I could receive private messages (PMs). Some of the best information is passed form one member to another this way, because many members don't like trumpeting their finds to the entire community, for one reason or another. However, you might find a few knowledgeable guys that will guide you and answer your questions in more depth once they get to know you.

03-02-15, 12:14
Sorry to ruffle your feathers OP but you obviously don't understand the nomenclature. Nowhere in the Guidebook to having game, does it state that you can't stretch the truth a bit. I mean God knows, these girls would never lie to us. LOL Relax, it's all good.Actually your advice was spot on amigo.

Showing interest in the chica's life apart from the booty and letting her know you'll be around, is a great way towards GFE.

Nothing wrong with that.

03-02-15, 23:55
I am currently in Medellin. This is my 6th trip and I am staying at the Mansion. I had a chance to visit 3 casas so far, otherwise it's been mostly Mansion girls.

I checked Chica Punto Com and Sexy Fantasia. I liked Melody and Laura at CPC, but ended up with Melody, after my buddy selected Laura first. Melody was a spinner, with exotic looks, and looked young. Her body also looked sexy after she undressed. However, she was all business, no kissing, and no BBBJ period. I quickly gave up trying to convince her with a propina. She did not even wait for junior to fully wake up. After jerking him a little bit, she put on the condom while junior was halfway awake.

She was however good in bed, being young, pretty, with a nice body helped a lot. Unfortunately, in doggy style her pussy let out a bad smile. Luckily for me, that has never bothered me. So, I just went on my merry way, pumping away.

I speak some basic Spanish and tried to joke with her but to no avail. As soon as I finished, she was out of that room. She would not even wait for me to get dressed. I did not partake in SF.

New Life:

As usual, NL had a good lineup, with more than 15 girls. I liked 3 of them, Jessica, Andrea, and Gabriela. I thought I had seen the first two in prior visits, so decided to go with Gabriela. She was fairly friendly in the room and talkative. She seemed attentive to her customer's needs. However, she wanted 50 K for a BBBJ. Luckily, her CBJ was not bad at all. Plus, she did a good job with her hand, trying to wake up junior. He came to attention right away. She was also good in bed. Overall, I had a good time with her and would recommend her. Caution, she did not come across as friendly during the intro. I selected her solely based on the looks.

Member #4394
03-03-15, 00:10
Thanks for the good report. Don't be discouraged by this incident. Many casa girls are like her, but you will find some friendly girls definitely. Just a matter of chemistry and this is what makes the game fun.

However, she was all business, no kissing, and no BBBJ period. I quickly gave up trying to convince her with a propina. She did not even wait for junior to fully wake up. After jerking him a little bit, she put on the condom while junior was halfway awake.


03-03-15, 07:26
I am currently in Medellin. This is my 6th trip and I am staying at the Mansion. I had a chance to visit 3 casas so far, otherwise it's been mostly Mansion girls.

I checked Chica Punto Com and Sexy Fantasia. I liked Melody and Laura at CPC, but ended up with Melody, after my buddy selected Laura first. Melody was a spinner, with exotic looks, and looked young. Her body also looked sexy after she undressed. However, she was all business, no kissing, and no BBBJ period. I quickly gave up trying to convince her with a propina. She did not even wait for junior to fully wake up. After jerking him a little bit, she put on the condom while junior was halfway awake.

She was however good in bed, being young, pretty, with a nice body helped a lot. Unfortunately, in doggy style her pussy let out a bad smile. Luckily for me, that has never bothered me. So, I just went on my merry way, pumping away.

I speak some basic Spanish and tried to joke with her but to no avail. As soon as I finished, she was out of that room. She would not even wait for me to get dressed. I did not partake in SF.

New Life:

As usual, NL had a good lineup, with more than 15 girls. I liked 3 of them, Jessica, Andrea, and Gabriela. I thought I had seen the first two in prior visits, so decided to go with Gabriela. She was fairly friendly in the room and talkative. She seemed attentive to her customer's needs. However, she wanted 50 K for a BBBJ. Luckily, her CBJ was not bad at all. Plus, she did a good job with her hand, trying to wake up junior. He came to attention right away. She was also good in bed. Overall, I had a good time with her and would recommend her. Caution, she did not come across as friendly during the intro. I selected her solely based on the looks.That's the danger of doing business in Casas. If you had a chance to sit with her for a while and invest in the cost of a drink you may have picked up on her shitty attitude. I remember a beautiful morena clara in Luomo in Copa a few years back. She would sit by herself and never seemed interested in landing a customer. The few times I talked to her all I got was one word answers. So my wing man and I stayed away from her. I think I made 3 trips to Rio in 6 months that year and on the last day of our last trip of that year, my wing man caved and took her to the cabine. This girl was an all star with a kicken body. When he returned to the boate I could see on his face it was a disaster. LOL a 10 second covered BJ, legs half open ect ect. We knew she was going to suck because of talking to her over the year. So in most casas, other then to point to one, you don't have the opportunity to get a feel from this girls. It' happened to allof us. BTW later we found out the girl in Luomo was a stone lesbian. Guys later told us her lover would come and pick her up every night. Sounds like the girl also had Bacterial Vaginosis. That could have been your ticket to call off the session and get your money back. I don't know how you went on,. I would have been out the door in a heart beat.

Mr Enternational
03-03-15, 07:56
Depends on how you look at it. I go to Medellin and spend $12 for a girl at a casa for 30 minutes. Even if the girl is not good or something goes wrong, I got to see her nekkit, play with some boobs, got her to play with my dick, so the $12 is not a big loss. At those prices I can just go get another one and not think twice about it.

Or I could go somewhere like Fase 2 and spend $25 on drinks for different girls trying to pick up some kind of vibe which may be totally inaccurate. I could get her back and have to give her $75 or whatever and still get a lousy experience. So there I have wasted $100 and how many hours for a shitty experience?

The biggest thing to remember about this hobby is that YMMV. Guys have their little routines and rituals in trying to guarantee good service. Other guys pay more in hopes that that will guarantee them better service. The fact is that from girl to girl, day to day, trick to trick, there are no guarantees. It's all luck of the draw for that particular go round.

03-03-15, 12:35
I am currently in Medellin. This is my 6th trip and I am staying at the Mansion. I had a chance to visit 3 casas so far, otherwise it's been mostly Mansion girls.

I checked Chica Punto Com and Sexy Fantasia. I liked Melody and Laura at CPC, but ended up with Melody, after my buddy selected Laura first. Melody was a spinner, with exotic looks, and looked young. Her body also looked sexy after she undressed. However, she was all business, no kissing, and no BBBJ period. I quickly gave up trying to convince her with a propina. She did not even wait for junior to fully wake up. After jerking him a little bit, she put on the condom while junior was halfway awake.

She was however good in bed, being young, pretty, with a nice body helped a lot. Unfortunately, in doggy style her pussy let out a bad smile. Luckily for me, that has never bothered me. So, I just went on my merry way, pumping away.

I speak some basic Spanish and tried to joke with her but to no avail. As soon as I finished, she was out of that room. She would not even wait for me to get dressed. I did not partake in SF..How is the mansion? Is there any new Girls (New Talent) or is it the same girls from Last Year. I was there in August 2014 and I'm going there in April 2015. Wanted to know if there is New Blood!

03-03-15, 14:46
The biggest thing to remember about this hobby is that YMMV. Guys have their little routines and rituals in trying to guarantee good service. Other guys pay more in hopes that that will guarantee them better service. The fact is that from girl to girl, day to day, trick to trick, there are no guarantees. It's all luck of the draw for that particular go round.That is exactamente the bottom line right there!

Well put señor!

03-03-15, 16:44
Depends on how you look at it. I go to Medellin and spend $12 for a girl at a casa for 30 minutes. Even if the girl is not good or something goes wrong, I got to see her nekkit, play with some boobs, got her to play with my dick, so the $12 is not a big loss. At those prices I can just go get another one and not think twice about it.

Or I could go somewhere like Fase 2 and spend $25 on drinks for different girls trying to pick up some kind of vibe which may be totally inaccurate. I could get her back and have to give her $75 or whatever and still get a lousy experience. So there I have wasted $100 and how many hours for a shitty experience?

The biggest thing to remember about this hobby is that YMMV. Guys have their little routines and rituals in trying to guarantee good service. Other guys pay more in hopes that that will guarantee them better service. The fact is that from girl to girl, day to day, trick to trick, there are no guarantees. It's all luck of the draw for that particular go round.True! That approach makes sense and you never know when you'll turn up a diamond newbie who only knows Novio Sexo. But at my age I can only nut twice a day and I have to manage my leche allocation these days. LOL.

03-03-15, 22:19
How is the mansion? Is there any new Girls (New Talent) or is it the same girls from Last Year. I was there in August 2014 and I'm going there in April 2015. Wanted to know if there is New Blood!I saw quite a few new girls, and many old timers. There was a birthday party last Sunday and there were close to 50 girls at the Cueva. It was awesome! Met quite a few new girls and got their FB handle. I was somehow limited because I had a date with me that night. Better to hit those parties alone.

03-04-15, 02:14
I know a newbie question, DR vet but going here for the first time soon, Can Cialis be found without prescription or some generic form of Tadalafil like La Pela?



03-04-15, 02:54
I know a newbie question, DR vet but going here for the first time soon, Can Cialis be found without prescription or some generic form of Tadalafil like La Pela?


Doker44.Yes a generic form of Tadalafil (I don't know if its Cialis or Viagra) is available in just about any pharmacy in Colombia without prescription. I've bought these blue pills for a friend of mine several times. Don't use it myself but my friend likes the stuff and swears by it; and its cheap.

03-04-15, 04:20
Yes a generic form of Tadalafil (I don't know if its Cialis or Viagra) is available in just about any pharmacy in Colombia without prescription. I've bought these blue pills for a friend of mine several times. Don't use it myself but my friend likes the stuff and swears by it; and its cheap.I've never seen Cialis or even the generic form of it in Medellin. It's always been Viagra or the generic form.

Best bet is just to bring your own. If you end up in the DR before you make it to Colombia, then just stock up on generic Cialis there.

Member #4394
03-04-15, 04:33
I have bought Tadalafil, generic version of Cialis, in El Centro..

I've never seen Cialis or even the generic form of it in Medellin. It's always been Viagra or the generic form.

Best bet is just to bring your own. If you end up in the DR before you make it to Colombia, then just stock up on generic Cialis there..

03-04-15, 04:40
Yes a generic form of Tadalafil (I don't know if its Cialis or Viagra) is available in just about any pharmacy in Colombia without prescription. I've bought these blue pills for a friend of mine several times. Don't use it myself but my friend likes the stuff and swears by it; and its cheap.Tadalafil generic version of Cialis and is light brown in color and oval in shape. Viagra is blue and diamond shape.

03-04-15, 05:06
Tadalafil generic version of Cialis and is light brown in color and oval in shape. Viagra is blue and diamond shape.Thanks for the clarification.

03-04-15, 05:19
I have bought Tadalafil, generic version of Cialis, in El Centro..

.That's interesting. My buddy and I hit up about three different places in El Centro and they acted like they didn't know what we were talking about. They were all selling generic Viagra only.

I have never seen Cialias at any farmacias en Poblado or Laureles either. But who knows.

03-04-15, 08:06
Worst fears realized. One week in this city and the best drug I had was scopolamine. I am not joking. Please do not use any escort services who send girls to your room even if the guy on the phone speaks english. I don't want to get into details about people as I am still in country and trying to avoid escalating the problem.

What happened. I was staying at 5-star hotel looking for a night of hookers and blow. Called service was sent girl. Called taxi was sent blow. The drugs were worse than the stuff I could by on the street of Detroit. No pure Colombian here. Threw most of it away. The girl tried to get me to try some new drug she had that she claimed was better than coke. She said it would make we float away or something. It looked like coke dyed red. I declined and a little while later asked her to leave.

The next day I woke up and she had left her little baggie of scop behind. I knew she was trying to get me which is why I asked her to leave and I knew I was looking at the very drug she wanted to use on me. So there I was alone in my hotel room. And I tried it. I wanted to see how it could cloud someone's judgement and make them do these things. The first feeling is that of being made of helium and floating towards the ceiling. Then you are walking on a moon bounce, then tunnel vision where everything not directly in front of you is out of focus. This is maybe 5 minutes into it. I looked at my safe and thought what would happen is someone asked for the combination. The next thing that happened is I woke up 24 hours later. Complete blackout. No memory. Thirsty, groggy, that's about it. I've done a lot of drugs in my life mesc, shrooms, acid, ecstasy, weed and coke but I have never felt something like this. My head was literary floating away. I took it stone sober and knew I took it and maybe I had five minutes to get myself over to my bed knowing I was going down. If it had been administered to be during drinking / sex / partying unbeknownst I don't know if I would have had time to call reception and tell them I was drugged or kick the girl out before I went down. I suppose after you pass out they wake you up and you're so groggy you say yes to everything. They point at the safe, you open it, they take you to the ATM you punch in the code. Scary.

I'm here by myself because I like crazy wild west kind of stuff but I think Medellin has shown me my limit. Time for me to turn around. Gringo alone at night here is too much of a target for these girls and their handlers to let slip past. There are some serious predators afoot. I like the girls padding around my apartment playing girlfriend but I don't think I'll find that here unless I live here.

It's not been all bad. I went to the Blue Room on Calle 33 #78, a little set of aluminum doors with a small neon "aberto" above, on the side of the street heading towards Medellin, very nice girls. I went in just for a massage and Salome made sure I didn't settle for just that even though.

Since my fantasy about what Medellin had in store for me was markedly different that what the city had in mind, I'm going to try to spend my remaining time at the casino playing cards and indulging in daytime runs for massages and girls and the various casas.

All in all a beautiful city with gorgeous women definitely worth spending the time to get in good with the locals and have access to reliable girls unfortunately my current life status does not offer me the opportunity to do so.

Nino Bravo
03-04-15, 13:38
I have never seen Cialias at any farmacias en Poblado or Laureles either. But who knows.What? Cialis is very common in Medellin, the vast majority of the pharmacies carry it. I've never seen a pharmacy that DIDN'T carry Cialis, and that includes every major city in Colombia along with San Andres.

You are correct regarding the generic, I've never seen it.

Colombia Jake
03-04-15, 15:57
www.colombiajake.com not hard at all USA 727-498-1680.Its been a really good winter season and just want to thank all the guys that have come down and had so much fun here on their vacations! Things are starting to slow down for the summer, but I'm always here to get you up to speed in a hurry! Our newest girl is Geraldine and there are a lot better shots of her but I can assure you she aims to please and she's nice to look at and be around.



James Dandy
03-04-15, 17:30
That's interesting. My buddy and I hit up about three different places in El Centro and they acted like they didn't know what we were talking about. They were all selling generic Viagra only.

I have never seen Cialias at any farmacias en Poblado or Laureles either. But who knows.I was just passing a pharmacy in Poblado on my way to a haircut, and can confirm they do sell Cialis as well as a generic version, but they were pricey. I don't recall the exact amount, but for a two tablet box of 20 MG. Generic tadalfil they wanted around 40 K pesos. At that price it's better to just get in shape so don't need the stuff!

03-04-15, 21:51
I was just passing a pharmacy in Poblado on my way to a haircut, and can confirm they do sell Cialis as well as a generic version, but they were pricey. I don't recall the exact amount, but for a two tablet box of 20 MG. Generic tadalfil they wanted around 40 K pesos. At that price it's better to just get in shape so don't need the stuff!Thanks for the confirmation. The timeframe I was looking for it was back in 2012 on my first trip there. But on every subsequent trip I have just brought my own, so things may have changed since then.

03-04-15, 22:03
What happened. I was staying at 5-star hotel looking for a night of hookers and blow. Called service was sent girl. Called taxi was sent blow. The drugs were worse than the stuff I could by on the street of Detroit. No pure Colombian here. Threw most of it away. The girl tried to get me to try some new drug she had that she claimed was better than coke. She said it would make we float away or something. It looked like coke dyed red. I declined and a little while later asked her to leave.
When she offered it to you, you should have told her: "show me how it's done. " I doubt she would have done the first line because no good if the both of you are passed out for 24 hrs, LOL. But you made the right call in giving her the boot.

Usually when you hear of gringos getting themselves into trouble in foreign countries, 9 times out of 10 it is drug related; be it alcohol (drunk as fuck) or the hard stuff.

03-04-15, 23:46
Thanks everyone for the info. AlwaysOnTheRun, you scaring the hell out of me.

Nino Bravo
03-05-15, 01:28
Thanks for the confirmation. The timeframe I was looking for it was back in 2012 on my first trip there. But on every subsequent trip I have just brought my own, so things may have changed since then.Cialis has been sold in Medellin and every where else in Colombia long before 2012. I'm a 20 year Colombia vet, and my first trip to Medellin was 1999. I appreciate your over 2000 posts here, but sometimes members should cut back on their posting when they really don't know what they are talking about, with all due respect.

03-05-15, 05:41
Sitting here on my last night in MDE with the novia at a nice hotel in Poblado. Just spent 3 nights in all at the mansion. That place is poppin. Rooms are full plenty of chicas on duty everything you need is there. I always contemplate getting an apt I decided its just not for me yet. I need to wait until I am a full MDE vet. I won't go into any names because they all basically use the same 3 or 4 names LOL. And they are all from Bello LOL. I averaged at least 4 chicas a day. But I started early. Usually booking my first chica the night before for a 10 am appt. Had 2 threesomes in the same day. Guess you can call it a quadruple LOL. All the chicas are nice lots of GFE. I finally met Geraldine. She is a looker for sure. Beautiful face. Has had I think 2 babies but you can't tell. Flat belly nice tits and ass. I was with 2 other chicas that day otherwise I wouldve sampled. I realized I need to book more nights. 2-4 nights just not long enough always feeling rushed. I had 2 overnights. One with 2 chicas that were fantastic. Anybody have cold feet about MDE come on down. Or not just means more girls for us.

Met a few guys that watch this board everyone was really cool. Thinking about coming back in the summer.

I did have 1 experience I am not sure if its a bad or good one. LOL. I was at the cueva I had just sent a chica home and was looking for 1 more to complete the night. That was the night after the big party so lots of chicks were hungover and not there. So there was 1 chick there with nice tits and ass. A little plump. I need my girls with some meat on their bones. So we start chatting remember I'm 100% fluent in spanish. So she tells a little about herself. She's an attorney or something. Bla bla bla. Has a model sister but won't bring her over. Bla bla bla. So she says short time 220 k. I said what?! 150 k is max. She says that's 2 years ago pricing. Bla bla bla the economy. Bla bla bla. She said overnight 470 k. I said does that include your sister too? She said no but taxi is included. By this time I'm ready to give this chick the boot but there are only 2 spinners left. What am I to do. I said 300 k for overnight is my price. She kept talking bla bla bla. We settled at 350 k all night. As much as I didn't want to felt like not much left it was 2 am. I know big mistake and shouldve seeked other options. Sorry fellas won't happen again. So we get to the room and she is all GFE banging body very attentive straighting up my room and shit I'm thinking mybe the extra 50 k is worth it. We are into it doggystyle. She says you like anal? I said eh not my thing but I'm down. She said that is extra I'm like fuck this chick doesn't give up!! I said baby I need my dick sucked she does as I say. In my head I am thinking I'm going to make this worth the extra 50 k one way or another! I made her stay down there close to 1 HR. Then we kept going for About another 30 min later. The thing is this chick is my type and loves to ride all positions she just needs her mouth wired. We wake up 7 am great morning sex and she's off. So was it a bad experience bc of the extra 50 k or not so bad bc of the great sex? At this point I can't figure out how many stars to give her on her yelp review. LOL. Feel free to comment I may catch some grief I deserve it.

Here's a few pics from the trip enjoy! The novia is out of the shower can't wait to clear a place for her to sit on my face. LOL.

03-05-15, 05:48
Enjoy fellas here a few more pics that didn't fit in the prev report.

03-05-15, 07:47
Sitting here on my last night in MDE with the novia at a nice hotel in Poblado. Just spent 3 nights in all at the mansion. That place is poppin. Rooms are full plenty of chicas on duty everything you need is there. I always contemplate getting an apt I decided its just not for me yet. I need to wait until I am a full MDE vet. I won't go into any names because they all basically use the same 3 or 4 names LOL. And they are all from Bello LOL. I averaged at least 4 chicas a day. But I started early. Usually booking my first chica the night before for a 10 am appt. Had 2 threesomes in the same day. Guess you can call it a quadruple LOL. All the chicas are nice lots of GFE. I finally met Geraldine. She is a looker for sure. Beautiful face. Has had I think 2 babies but you can't tell. Flat belly nice tits and ass. I was with 2 other chicas that day otherwise I wouldve sampled. I realized I need to book more nights. 2-4 nights just not long enough always feeling rushed. I had 2 overnights. One with 2 chicas that were fantastic. Anybody have cold feet about MDE come on down. Or not just means more girls for us.

Met a few guys that watch this board everyone was really cool. Thinking about coming back in the summer.

I did have 1 experience I am not sure if its a bad or good one. LOL. I was at the cueva I had just sent a chica home and was looking for 1 more to complete the night. That was the night after the big party so lots of chicks were hungover and not there. So there was 1 chick there with nice tits and ass. A little plump. I need my girls with some meat on their bones. So we start chatting remember I'm 100% fluent in spanish. So she tells a little about herself. She's an attorney or something. Bla bla bla. Has a model sister but won't bring her over. Bla bla bla. So she says short time 220 k. I said what?! 150 k is max. She says that's 2 years ago pricing. Bla bla bla the economy. Bla bla bla. She said overnight 470 k. I said does that include your sister too? She said no but taxi is included. By this time I'm ready to give this chick the boot but there are only 2 spinners left. What am I to do. I said 300 k for overnight is my price. She kept talking bla bla bla. We settled at 350 k all night. As much as I didn't want to felt like not much left it was 2 am. I know big mistake and shouldve seeked other options. Sorry fellas won't happen again. So we get to the room and she is all GFE banging body very attentive straighting up my room and shit I'm thinking mybe the extra 50 k is worth it. We are into it doggystyle. She says you like anal? I said eh not my thing but I'm down. She said that is extra I'm like fuck this chick doesn't give up!! I said baby I need my dick sucked she does as I say. In my head I am thinking I'm going to make this worth the extra 50 k one way or another! I made her stay down there close to 1 HR. Then we kept going for About another 30 min later. The thing is this chick is my type and loves to ride all positions she just needs her mouth wired. We wake up 7 am great morning sex and she's off. So was it a bad experience bc of the extra 50 k or not so bad bc of the great sex? At this point I can't figure out how many stars to give her on her yelp review. LOL. Feel free to comment I may catch some grief I deserve it.

Here's a few pics from the trip enjoy! The novia is out of the shower can't wait to clear a place for her to sit on my face. LOL.The girl in the striped blouse is an all star, she's GFE. Cares enough to straighten up the room, stays all night and morning sex!! At 2500 exchange, what's that $140 not bad and what blow the whole deal for $20? The point is you worked her as low as she would go and you had a great session. It's not just about getting a low price, it's about getting the girl you want at the best price you can get. Ignore the guys on here who will criticize because of what you paid. About 3 years ago I was in Costa Rica, I was crossing the street from the DR to Key Largo and I stopped in my tracks when I saw this girl coming from the opposite direction, she was maybe 21,22 and a sweet looking Jessica Alba look a like. Perfect skin, hair nails, 100% buffed out, never guess she was working if you saw her at the bus stop. At the time $100 was the top of the food chain. She hit me at $120 I worked her for 5 minutes or so and then walked because it was the principle of the thing, I wasn't paying $120 even though I had a few thousand with me. I am still kicking myself in the ass for that. I sure showed her, I saved $20.

03-05-15, 07:57
Worst fears realized. One week in this city and the best drug I had was scopolamine. I am not joking. Please do not use any escort services who send girls to your room even if the guy on the phone speaks english. I don't want to get into details about people as I am still in country and trying to avoid escalating the problem.

What happened. I was staying at 5-star hotel looking for a night of hookers and blow. Called service was sent girl. Called taxi was sent blow. The drugs were worse than the stuff I could by on the street of Detroit. No pure Colombian here. Threw most of it away. The girl tried to get me to try some new drug she had that she claimed was better than coke. She said it would make we float away or something. It looked like coke dyed red. I declined and a little while later asked her to leave.

The next day I woke up and she had left her little baggie of scop behind. I knew she was trying to get me which is why I asked her to leave and I knew I was looking at the very drug she wanted to use on me. So there I was alone in my hotel room. And I tried it. I wanted to see how it could cloud someone's judgement and make them do these things. The first feeling is that of being made of helium and floating towards the ceiling. Then you are walking on a moon bounce, then tunnel vision where everything not directly in front of you is out of focus. This is maybe 5 minutes into it. I looked at my safe and thought what would happen is someone asked for the combination. The next thing that happened is I woke up 24 hours later. Complete blackout. No memory. Thirsty, groggy, that's about it. I've done a lot of drugs in my life mesc, shrooms, acid, ecstasy, weed and coke but I have never felt something like this. My head was literary floating away. I took it stone sober and knew I took it and maybe I had five minutes to get myself over to my bed knowing I was going down. If it had been administered to be during drinking / sex / partying unbeknownst I don't know if I would have had time to call reception and tell them I was drugged or kick the girl out before I went down. I suppose after you pass out they wake you up and you're so groggy you say yes to everything. They point at the safe, you open it, they take you to the ATM you punch in the code. Scary.

I'm here by myself because I like crazy wild west kind of stuff but I think Medellin has shown me my limit. Time for me to turn around. Gringo alone at night here is too much of a target for these girls and their handlers to let slip past. There are some serious predators afoot. I like the girls padding around my apartment playing girlfriend but I don't think I'll find that here unless I live here.

It's not been all bad. I went to the Blue Room on Calle 33 #78, a little set of aluminum doors with a small neon "aberto" above, on the side of the street heading towards Medellin, very nice girls. I went in just for a massage and Salome made sure I didn't settle for just that even though.

Since my fantasy about what Medellin had in store for me was markedly different that what the city had in mind, I'm going to try to spend my remaining time at the casino playing cards and indulging in daytime runs for massages and girls and the various casas.

All in all a beautiful city with gorgeous women definitely worth spending the time to get in good with the locals and have access to reliable girls unfortunately my current life status does not offer me the opportunity to do so.I posted a video last week about this stuff on Bogota side, very bad if you get dosed. BTW always a bad idea to have any drugs on your person or in your room when your in a foreign country.

03-05-15, 09:12
It is the Nazi truth drug!

Wife interrogating you with the drug administered, well, you would blurt out all you have hidden from her wife till date, including 'number of times' and 'so many of them'!

James Dandy
03-05-15, 15:01
Headed to El Centro early afternoon to get some more chica clothes for gifts, then planned on visiting some casas when I remembered a girl my buddies told me about last week. I decided to give her a try and sure enough she was a gem, tight body, thin, pretty face and very, very GFE. I'd share her name and location but since I didn't discover her and friends did, I'll keep their secret.

Later I met up with a buddy and we cruised a few titty bars after strolling by the street hookers down Calle 53. Saw a big love hotel that I've never been to but will try out one day when I'm not spent, it's on Cucuta or Cundinamarca off Calle 53. It can get a little sketchy in that area, but with the right wingman shouldn't have any problems. Worth the adventure for sure.

John Gault
03-05-15, 15:30
The girl in the striped blouse is an all star, she's GFE. Cares enough to straighten up the room, stays all night and morning sex!! At 2500 exchange, what's that $140 not bad and what blow the whole deal for $20? The point is you worked her as low as she would go and you had a great session. It's not just about getting a low price, it's about getting the girl you want at the best price you can get. Ignore the guys on here who will criticize because of what you paid. About 3 years ago I was in Costa Rica, I was crossing the street from the DR to Key Largo and I stopped in my tracks when I saw this girl coming from the opposite direction, she was maybe 21,22 and a sweet looking Jessica Alba look a like. Perfect skin, hair nails, 100% buffed out, never guess she was working if you saw her at the bus stop. At the time $100 was the top of the food chain. She hit me at $120 I worked her for 5 minutes or so and then walked because it was the principle of the thing, I wasn't paying $120 even though I had a few thousand with me. I am still kicking myself in the ass for that. I sure showed her, I saved $20.Many, many years ago in Las Vegas the going rate was $50. One night I ran into the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She wanted $100. She would not budge. I told her " why don't you.

Go with me later if you don't get any other customer. I'll be right here playing blackjack". It was late at night so I thought she would come back to me. I was at the time in good shape, and.

Considered my self fairly good looking so I was sure she would return to me. Turns out she did not return, and I went broke playing blackjack while waiting for her.

Like you I still regret not paying what she asked for as she had a face like an angel.

James Dandy
03-05-15, 16:36
Regarding the conversation on cialis and generics being available in MDE, I was at another pharmacy in Centro Commercial Santa Fe this morning, and they had a whole boner pill shelf displayed prominently in a glass case by the register. Besides having Cialis branded and generic, they had all sorts of things I didn't know existed, like liquid spray Viagra (sildenafil) and chewable (masticable) pill form sildenafil. Didn't check prices except for the generic tadalafil (cialis), and it she said it was 20 K for one pill, which is the same as other pharmacy in Poblado the other day.

Even with the favorable exchange rate, that's $8 US for a hard on!

James Dandy
03-06-15, 15:04
Ventured out to Mayorista last night to meet up with a friend around 9 pm. There were already many hookers out walking the street and hanging out in doorways. Here the girls definitely like to party vs. El Centro strip clubs where the ladies want to accumulate credits (buttons) for each drink you order them, so as to get paid at the end of the night. In Mayorista, they were drinking beers in between shots of aguardiente and little bumps of coke. I wouldn't describe them as sloppy or wasted, just partying while staying moderate.

There were definitely a few hotties, and like usual in MDE, something for everyone. I chose a petite blond with blue contacts mostly because she had a pretty face and beautiful skin, with no belly pouch on the front. She was older than I typically like, but they can be fun sometimes too, and as long as her body was banging I'll take her for a spin.

Here's where Mayorista takes some Spanish proficiency. Once to the hourly room (rented 2 hours for 20 K pesos), the prices start changing along with the services that were promised in advance. She didn't even have lubricant, which I asked about back at the bar! I politely told her I'll just leave when she changed her tune, and reverted back to the original deal. Anyway, she was hot to look at but she was a dud. She tried to put the condom on me as soon as I pulled my pants down and wasn't even hard yet. I had to tell her every little step, got my BBBJ until big and hard, then just decided to jerk off until I spunked a sticky wad onto her shaved mons pubis. Little talk afterward since I wasn't interested in having more beers or anything with her. Instead, I decided to salvage the night by cruising the strip again and gathering as many phone numbers as possible from girls I'd be interested in doing next time, including a leggy 20 year old (thin, tall) named Yamila. Seeing as my friend had a similar experience, next time I'll line up a few of the ones I liked ahead of time, even pre-qualify on the phone prior.

In any case, a bad day here is still better than a good one in US sex prison!

03-06-15, 17:35
I posted a video last week about this stuff on Bogota side, very bad if you get dosed. BTW always a bad idea to have any drugs on your person or in your room when your in a foreign country.Good story.

Member #4394
03-06-15, 20:44
A tadalafil pill is for a week. No?

Even with the favorable exchange rate, that's $8 US for a hard on!.

Nino Bravo
03-06-15, 21:05
A tadalafil pill is for a week. No?.Should last between 24-48 hours depending on the person. Can linger a little longer in the system though. YMMV.

World Travel 69
03-07-15, 00:55
Your joking right?

I know many of guys that need it every day, and me.

They have 2 MG for daily use.

3 to 4 days.

03-07-15, 02:13
Your joking right?

I know many of guys that need it every day, and me.

They have 2 MG for daily use.Half life is 17.5 hours. So, a regular Cialis tablet is typically reported to continue its effects for 36 hours. Smaller doses are available for daily doses.

Although available since 2003 in 5, 10,20 MG dosage, in late 2008/ early 2009, the USA FDA approved the commercial sale of Cialis in 2. 5 MG dosage as a one-a-day treatment for ED. The 2. 5 MG dose avoids earlier dispensing restrictions on higher dosages. The price of the 5 MG and 2. 5 MG are often similar, so some people score and split the pill. Both physicians and the manufacturer warn against splitting the pill, especially since it is enterically coated and splitting might impact absorption.

All information stolen from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tadalafil.

Me, I prefer Levitra because it has a much shorter half life and is completely out of my system in must 6 hours. I just use a 1/4 tablet for those marathon sessions on consecutive days. The much shorter half life allows me to more easily regulate the amount in my system and then, it quickly clears my system a few hours later.

John Gault
03-07-15, 03:56
Your joking right?

I know many of guys that need it every day, and me.

They have 2 MG for daily use.Why would I joke about that. Of course some people may take it everyday if they think they need it, but really it lasts longer than you think. Also for me on the third day it is just as effective as the first day.

03-07-15, 04:03
Should last between 24-48 hours depending on the person. Can linger a little longer in the system though. YMMV.I take Cialis, 2 MG and I have not seen it even last 24 hours. Also, it may not start right away. My doctor told me to have a couple of days of head start and then it works well on the 3rd day and I am taking it daily on my mongering trips. It has to be in the body at the end and may last another day at that time. While mongering, I do drink 4 - 6 total beers a night and I think that does have a negative effect or the pill may last longer without alcohol, maybe more than 24 hours. The company says it lasts up to 36 hours and it may be in perfect conditions, no alcohol, no drugs and a healthy young man!

03-07-15, 04:18
I take Cialis, 2 MG and I have not seen it even last 24 hours. Also, it may not start right away. My doctor told me to have a couple of days of head start and then it works well on the 3rd day and I am taking it daily on my mongering trips. It has to be in the body at the end and may last another day at that time. While mongering, I do drink 4 - 6 total beers a night and I think that does have a negative effect or the pill may last longer without alcohol, maybe more than 24 hours. The company says it lasts up to 36 hours and it may be in perfect conditions, no alcohol, no drugs and a healthy young man!I'm wondering why you 2 MG guys don't just kick it up to 5 or 10 MG?

I only use Cialis because it helps to assist with sport fucking. I usually do my first one or two sessions unassisted, then I split a 10 MG pill and take the one half, then he other half 3 days later. My experience has been that it is good for at least 72 hrs. Once Cialis is in your system you are good to go whenever. None of that having to wait 30-45 minutes bullshit like Viagra. Plus the half life of Viagra is only 4 to 5 hours, so if you are banging multiple chicas per day all day, you would have to continuously have to eat blue pills. Can't see how that would be good for you at all.

03-07-15, 04:30
I'm wondering why you 2 MG guys don't just kick it up to 5 or 10 MG?

I only use Cialis because it helps to assist with sport fucking. I usually do my first one or two sessions unassisted, then I split a 10 MG pill and take the one half, then he other half 3 days later. My experience has been that it is good for at least 72 hrs. Once Cialis is in your system you are good to go whenever. None of that having to wait 30-45 minutes bullshit like Viagra. Plus the half life of Viagra is only 4 to 5 hours, so if you are banging multiple chicas per day all day, you would have to continuously have to eat blue pills. Can't see how that would be good for you at all.I can't see how it's better to have those drugs constantly in your system all day and all night, which is the case with Cialis. With the other ED drugs, it's pretty much only in your system when you are engaging in fun activities. It's not coursing around in your veins when you're sleeping at night or the next day on your trip home. Why would I want that stuff in my veins when I can't benefit from it?

03-07-15, 04:54
I can't see how it's better to have those drugs constantly in your system all day and all night, which is the case with Cialis. With the other ED drugs, it's pretty much only in your system when you are engaging in fun activities. It's not coursing around in your veins when you're sleeping at night or the next day on your trip home. Why would I want that stuff in my veins when I can't benefit from it?So is your argument that you are afraid you may wake up with a boner?

I guess it's different strokes for different folks (pun intended). If your chica wakes up next to you horny and wants to fuck, would you rather be "ready" with "Vitamin C" (Cialis) in you? Or are you going grab your Viagra and tell her: "sure baby, just give me 30-45 minutes."

Which seems like the more favorable situation?

World Travel 69
03-07-15, 15:10
It all depends on your age. Sometimes a 10 MG Cialis does nothing.

I prefer 50 MG Sandoz (Sildenafil) (from Argentina). They costs me less than $2. Each. The more you buy the cheaper it is.

Why would I joke about that. Of course some people may take it everyday if they think they need it, but really it lasts longer than you think. Also for me on the third day it is just as effective as the first day.

03-07-15, 17:39
I don't agree with the idea of ordering drugs to be delivered to your hotel room. It sets you up as a target for the sort of thing that almost happened to you - - and for the police to shake you down. For me, it's in the same category as barebacking. If guys want to do it they will have to deal with the consequences.

The part of your story that floored me was you trying the scop or whatever it was. You could have died. I personally would have wrapped my hand in a plastic bag, pick the stuff up, and flush it down the toilet as soon as possible. You are a lucky man, luckier still if you learned enough to not repeat the behavior.

Worst fears realized. One week in this city and the best drug I had was scopolamine. I am not joking. Please do not use any escort services who send girls to your room even if the guy on the phone speaks english. I don't want to get into details about people as I am still in country and trying to avoid escalating the problem.

What happened. I was staying at 5-star hotel looking for a night of hookers and blow. Called service was sent girl. Called taxi was sent blow. The drugs were worse than the stuff I could by on the street of Detroit. No pure Colombian here. Threw most of it away. The girl tried to get me to try some new drug she had that she claimed was better than coke. She said it would make we float away or something. It looked like coke dyed red. I declined and a little while later asked her to leave.

The next day I woke up and she had left her little baggie of scop behind. I knew she was trying to get me which is why I asked her to leave and I knew I was looking at the very drug she wanted to use on me. So there I was alone in my hotel room. And I tried it. I wanted to see how it could cloud someone's judgement and make them do these things. The first feeling is that of being made of helium and floating towards the ceiling. Then you are walking on a moon bounce, then tunnel vision where everything not directly in front of you is out of focus. This is maybe 5 minutes into it. I looked at my safe and thought what would happen is someone asked for the combination. The next thing that happened is I woke up 24 hours later. Complete blackout. No memory. Thirsty, groggy, that's about it. I've done a lot of drugs in my life mesc, shrooms, acid, ecstasy, weed and coke but I have never felt something like this. My head was literary floating away. I took it stone sober and knew I took it and maybe I had five minutes to get myself over to my bed knowing I was going down. If it had been administered to be during drinking / sex / partying unbeknownst I don't know if I would have had time to call reception and tell them I was drugged or kick the girl out before I went down. I suppose after you pass out they wake you up and you're so groggy you say yes to everything. They point at the safe, you open it, they take you to the ATM you punch in the code. Scary..

World Travel 69
03-08-15, 00:11
Get your free sample here:


03-08-15, 06:19
I'm wondering why you 2 MG guys don't just kick it up to 5 or 10 MG?

I only use Cialis because it helps to assist with sport fucking. I usually do my first one or two sessions unassisted, then I split a 10 MG pill and take the one half, then he other half 3 days later. My experience has been that it is good for at least 72 hrs. Once Cialis is in your system you are good to go whenever. None of that having to wait 30-45 minutes bullshit like Viagra. Plus the half life of Viagra is only 4 to 5 hours, so if you are banging multiple chicas per day all day, you would have to continuously have to eat blue pills. Can't see how that would be good for you at all.I meant 20 MG of Cialis, not 2 MG. Mistake. Even the 20 MG does not do anything for me the first day. I might see a glimmer of hope on the 2nd day after the second tablet but with the 3rd tablet on the 3rd day, I feel real good. I prefer Cialis over Viagra as Viagra is only for a short time. I would rather be ready at anytime for sex than worry if I had taken Viagra or not. I have seen Cialis last longer for me when I do very little drinking, like only 2 beers a night. The more you drink, the effect is lesser.

03-08-15, 16:38
First trip to Columbia. So I was really nervous and anxious. After I cleared the immigration, and just before I exited the inside area of the terminal, I stopped by the exchange place to get some pesos. I handed the guy 400 dollars. He counted a ton load of small bills in front of me and handed it to me.

I take the money, get into a cab and go to my hotel. After I check in, I look at the money to count them and become familiar with the currency. After a through count, I noticed that the guy shortchanged me. The number shown on the receipt, minus the taxi fare, was off by $ 50 dollars.

I can't but blame myself for this rookie mistake. Well, maybe the crooked person too. I should have only exchanged a small amount of money at the airport to pay the taxi fare. There are ATM'S all over the city. Including the airport. Plus my hotel was offering the same exchange rate as everybody else. Lesson learned!

John Gault
03-08-15, 16:40
I meant 20 MG of Cialis, not 2 MG. Mistake. Even the 20 MG does not do anything for me the first day. I might see a glimmer of hope on the 2nd day after the second tablet but with the 3rd tablet on the 3rd day, I feel real good. I prefer Cialis over Viagra as Viagra is only for a short time. I would rather be ready at anytime for sex than worry if I had taken Viagra or not. I have seen Cialis last longer for me when I do very little drinking, like only 2 beers a night. The more you drink, the effect is lesser.Yes drinking doesn't help. Also for me I have better results if taken on a empty stomach. The first time I used it with food, and then I had some stomach discomfort.

James Dandy
03-08-15, 17:02
If anybody is coming from the US soon and doesn't mind bringing a few items to Colombia, please PM me. For example, I'm running ow on my beloved KY liquid lubricant, all they have here is mostly gel based which dries out and gums up too quickly. Jaja.

Of course I'll pay for the items, and in return for your efforts I'll be happy to show you around, translate, or be your wingman to El Centro and buy a few beers. Be a team player!

James Dandy
03-08-15, 17:08
Yes drinking doesn't help. Also for me I have better results if taken on a empty stomach. The first time I used it with food, and then I had some stomach discomfort.For those that down't mind using sildenafil over tadalafil, the liquid spray the pharmacist showed me seemed to be the best overall deal. I assume each squirt is 1 ML, and the bottle holds 20 ML, she said each dose is 2 squirts, meaning 10 "uses" per bottle for only 22 K pesos or about $8. 80.

Member #4398
03-08-15, 17:20
Gee, what happened to the trip reports?

This board was going so good. Now all I see is Cialis and Viagra stuff.

03-08-15, 18:10
First trip to Columbia. So I was really nervous and anxious. After I cleared the immigration, and just before I exited the inside area of the terminal, I stopped by the exchange place to get some pesos. I handed the guy 400 dollars. He counted a ton load of small bills in front of me and handed it to me.

I take the money, get into a cab and go to my hotel. After I check in, I look at the money to count them and become familiar with the currency. After a through count, I noticed that the guy shortchanged me. The number shown on the receipt, minus the taxi fare, was off by $ 50 dollars.

I can't but blame myself for this rookie mistake. Well, maybe the crooked person too. I should have only exchanged a small amount of money at the airport to pay the taxi fare. There are ATM'S all over the city. Including the airport. Plus my hotel was offering the same exchange rate as everybody else. Lesson learned!I have never had a problem arriving because I only change $100 at airport if I do not see a nearby ATM, so I know 200,000 + cop, always an even number not $50. Or $150, so easy calculate in your head. But leaving on my last trip I was selling COP buying $. I told the guy what I had but when he handed me $ and the receipt the receipt showed about 30 k or so less than what I had given him. This was 4 months ago so not sure of exact amount. Next time I would write down the amount of COP on a paper and give it to him with the cash and have him confirm that amount after he had counted my COP.

James Dandy
03-08-15, 19:02
Forgot to mention that in my recent trip to El Centro I stopped at a "tienda naturista" to buy some herbal supplements, and the lady informed me they also had coca leaves. I was intrigued after seeing National Geographic and other programs about native Indians in the Andes in several countries chewing them for better digestion and to combat altitude sickness. At only 2 K pesos per package I picked up several to give them a try, though she recommended steeping like tea in hot water instead of chewing.

Tried them and really liked them, closer to green tea than a coke high, but nice overall feeling and entirely legal. I'll get some more next time when I hit the casas later this week.

Red Eye Fish
03-08-15, 22:23
I have never had a problem arriving because I only change $100 at airport if I do not see a nearby ATM, so I know 200,000 + cop, always an even number not $50. Or $150, so easy calculate in your head. But leaving on my last trip I was selling COP buying $. I told the guy what I had but when he handed me $ and the receipt the receipt showed about 30 k or so less than what I had given him. This was 4 months ago so not sure of exact amount. Next time I would write down the amount of COP on a paper and give it to him with the cash and have him confirm that amount after he had counted my COP.The receipt will always show the amount of exchange rate and how much your getting back from your exchange total. When you received your copa money count it again yourself for the exact amount to match the total. A lady at one of mall cambio try to short me 50 k copa and I caught the mistake after I count my cash before I leave the window. She has nothing to lose in short changing your money as she just say lo siento for mistake.

C Jack Sparrow
03-09-15, 00:05
Regarding the conversation on cialis and generics being available in MDE, I was at another pharmacy in Centro Commercial Santa Fe this morning, and they had a whole boner pill shelf displayed prominently in a glass case by the register. Besides having Cialis branded and generic, they had all sorts of things I didn't know existed, like liquid spray Viagra (sildenafil) and chewable (masticable) pill form sildenafil. Didn't check prices except for the generic tadalafil (cialis), and it she said it was 20 K for one pill, which is the same as other pharmacy in Poblado the other day.

Even with the favorable exchange rate, that's $8 US for a hard on!I used Topdrugstore.com.

They send from India to GB and from there to Colombia.

The average price for a 60 MG pill becomes $US1-2 instead of +$8 US.

A 60 MG pill is a strong dosis and can be used as 30 x 2.

In 9 out of 10 cases more than 30 MG doesn't improve anymore, since full effect is already achieved.

Combining, chewable generic sildelafil citrate and this generic Cialis from India, via GB, you only lack Levitra and maybe a ejeculation-preventive pill, but that is over-over capacity since Viagra normally blocks the ejeculation so good that you can choose if and when you want to let loose.

This combination, generic Viagra and Cialis, and high dosis, is strong and affects mood etc and it's no point taking it and then drink alkohol, even just a beer or two can decrease the effect.

I used this combination and dedicated a half day for sexual pleasure and not letting anything interfere, postponing social and gastronomic, cultural activities.

New Life is a perfect place, since there usuallly are several sexy girls available and being a sexrobot for some hours works well there, and in a place as Mayorista at late night.


If wanted, this topdrugstore.com makes this pill usage very economical, and you can have a libido as a 18 yo whenever you want.

2013 I was without generic Cialis and it became expensive when I wanted my double Viagra / Cialis.

2014 I could choose freely and it was an important factor for getting the pleasure I wanted, when I wanted it!

Colombian girls are also serious lovers of "Verga", of hard meat, so it pays of for your partner as well, both prepago and novia!

The gym monthly fee and Cialis is the 2 things that are much more expensive in Colombia than in US / West Europe.

Topdrugstore and other sites that uses the re-packaging of parcels inside the European Union, and from there goes through customs in almost all the world is a service that affects my life very positively, and for many others to.

I had 2 parcels come to my apartment in Medellin. That saved me some $US500-1000-2000 during a 20 week stay, depending on how many times I had used original Cialis if I had been left with no options.

Viagra is the more potent pill, but the very long time Cialis is effective, like 12-24-36 hs makes it a "necessary" complement, it enhaces the spontanous erction that comes and goes, while Viagra must be taken timely adjacent to the real sex.

03-09-15, 06:50
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Aussie Greg
03-10-15, 04:10
You still asking your guests to bring there own towels!


Its been a really good winter season and just want to thank all the guys that have come down and had so much fun here on their vacations! Things are starting to slow down for the summer, but I'm always here to get you up to speed in a hurry! Our newest girl is Geraldine and there are a lot better shots of her but I can assure you she aims to please and she's nice to look at and be around.



03-10-15, 11:54

I wanted to share something I've discovered. There is a peptide called PT-141 that can give you rock hard erections, like you had when you were 18 years old. It works in a totally different way than viagra / cialis (which dilate blood vessels to the penis).

PT 141 is a substance that has undergone some pretty big trials and is shown that it can work pretty well for ED. It has not been approved by the FDA. But, like many things in the world, you can get it through "Research" companies. It is not illegal to own or consume. This peptide is a derivative of Melanotan 2 which was developed by University of Arizona professors.

The drawback to this stuff is that it cannot be taken orally. It must be injected. I took it with me to MDE this last time and it worked fantastic. My boners were much harder than anything I have ever had including Viagra. Once you mix it, you only need the little insulin needles. It also can help you lose weight. I lost 3-4 lbs on my trip.

For you guys interested in experimenting and are not afraid of little insulin needles, this might be something to consider.

Here is a blog about the stuff: PT-141 Doses and Experiences. Page 1 - Bremelanotide PT-141 - Melanotan Forum.

I have some experience with this stuff, so if you need any help, let me know.

03-11-15, 15:01
So apparently there was an earthquake in Colombia yesterday. Good thing I have never experienced one on any of my trips because it probably would have made me crap my pants, LOL.

James Dandy
03-11-15, 15:05
So apparently there was an earthquake in Colombia yesterday. Good thing I have never experienced one on any of my trips because it probably would have made me crap my pants, LOL.It was the strongest one I've ever felt. It got going in all directions too, started side to side then when forward / backward as my condo started to creak. Also the longest lasting.

I'd run like hell but loving the exchange rate too much to leave, even if it means they have to pull me out of a pile of rubble!

C Jack Sparrow
03-12-15, 01:32

I wanted to share something I've discovered. There is a peptide called PT-141 that can give you rock hard erections, like you had when you were 18 years old. It works in a totally different way than viagra / cialis (which dilate blood vessels to the penis).

PT 141 is a substance that has undergone some pretty big trials and is shown that it can work pretty well for ED. It has not been approved by the FDA. But, like many things in the world, you can get it through "Research" companies. It is not illegal to own or consume. This peptide is a derivative of Melanotan 2 which was developed by University of Arizona professors.

The drawback to this stuff is that it cannot be taken orally. It must be injected. I took it with me to MDE this last time and it worked fantastic. My boners were much harder than anything I have ever had including Viagra. Once you mix it, you only need the little insulin needles. It also can help you lose weight. I lost 3-4 lbs on my trip.

For you guys interested in experimenting and are not afraid of little insulin needles, this might be something to consider.

Here is a blog about the stuff: PT-141 Doses and Experiences. Page 1 - Bremelanotide PT-141 - Melanotan Forum.

I have some experience with this stuff, so if you need any help, let me know.Hey!

I thought this effect was found when a nasal, via the nose, spray was tested, both male and female participants in clinical tests reported increased sexual lust and funcion.

I can't stand needles, but to get PT 141 I would do it.

But what do you know about the nasal-spray?

Isn't an option anymore?

But good to hear it works even better than Viagra!

But there where unpleasant sideeffects reported; headache for sure, maybe others more dangerous, since it hasn't reached the market yet, not been fully approved by the FDA?

Can you combine it with Viagra, Cialis, how long does a shot last?

Does the erecion comes due to sexual stimulation alone, or does it just come inevitebly and you have to prepare, like being at the pool party at the Mansion, just grabbing girl after girl until the effects drops of, LOL?

03-12-15, 17:23
I have never heard of a way to get it as a nasal spray. If you have never done your own injections, there is a learning curve. Plus, you will need to learn how to mix the solution and do it using sterile methods. Some of us have injected for a while, so its no big deal.

Yes, you can combine with viagra, but reduce the doseage because you won't need it. It takes 4-6 hours to kick in.

I have been told that it affects the brain instead of dilating blood vessels (like viagra). It actually affects libido, unlike viagra.


I thought this effect was found when a nasal, via the nose, spray was tested, both male and female participants in clinical tests reported increased sexual lust and funcion.

I can't stand needles, but to get PT 141 I would do it.

But what do you know about the nasal-spray?

Isn't an option anymore?

But good to hear it works even better than Viagra!

But there where unpleasant sideeffects reported; headache for sure, maybe others more dangerous, since it hasn't reached the market yet, not been fully approved by the FDA?

Can you combine it with Viagra, Cialis, how long does a shot last?

Does the erecion comes due to sexual stimulation alone, or does it just come inevitebly and you have to prepare, like being at the pool party at the Mansion, just grabbing girl after girl until the effects drops of, LOL?

03-12-15, 17:39
I'm back living in Medellin after about a 6 month absence. I've been living in and out of Medellin for 3-4 years now. When I'm gone I always feel the need to rush back, but when I get here I realize how nothing's changed. It's all still here and the same.

New Life It's still great. I went to NL one day while on my way to see a pretty hot chica from Paisa Devina's in Laureles. I only had about an hour until I was supposed to meet her, so I smoked and hit the El Centro streets and made my way over to NL to check out the lineup before seeing this girl. I'm not proud to say but I've been with like 6 girls from this current lineup of about 18 girls they presented this day. Some of these girls are working here a long time which is why the count of how many I've been with is so high. I've also been to NL now probably more than 100 times. One girl, a great beautiful little girl is back after a very long, from what I can tell, multi year hiatus. I'm sure many of you know her. They had a solid lineup like always.

So while I'm sitting in the sala at NL this chica from Paisa Devina's calls me and says she is going to be late and can we push our meeting back an hour. I tell her no that I can't. She says ok and we hang up and I'm meeting her in about an hour. Then I'm like duh, Hello, self. I'm sitting in NL right now!! I forgot to be in the moment for a moment. I blamed the lack of clarity on the weed. I called her back and told her no problem. Let's meet in 1. 5 hours. She loves for me that as she seemed she had a real issue and was relived. I have the fine people at NL present the girls to me again. I end up picking out a new girl to me and just had an amazing time with her for 1 hour. Just totally luck. Just hit it off with her for whatever reason and had a super time. With tip less than 100 k.

Headed over to Laureles to meet the other girl. She's still late which is fine with me and I had 5 or 6 beers first at a Laureles corner restaurant and bar with outdoor seating. Another beautiful day in Medellin. So many smiling girls. I love Laureles. I couldn't see myself living in this part of town because I love Medellin for the hills and vistas, (and the girls, people and food) but it's a super cool part of town to hang.

The girl from Paisa Devinas was good. From Bello. A pro's pro but in a good way. She was good. I won't be calling her again, but I would, and that's the key. She was good enough to call again.

Which leads me to a terrible experience I had with a girl from Masajitas Paisas. I had not used MP before. I had been checking out this girls photos for a bit and thought she was real hot, and we even communicated by phone for a few days prior before the day and she was very sweet. I arrive at the apartment and instantly I see she is not pretty. Body looks good, smells good, but not pretty. I would not have picked her out of a lineup. I guess I could of made a split second decision to tell her "no thank you" but I was smoking and not operating that fast I guess. So I roll with it. No BBBJ, no DATY, muchas reglas. Uggghh. She is like my anti prototype. I recognize I'm beat and just roll with it all. I end up getting BBBJ after some work and propina, but compared to what I get from girls on a regular basis, this was bad in my book. I chalked it up as a loss. She says to me, you could of asked on the phone before you came about sex oral why chupa sin condom and I would have told you. And that's true. But I don't think I'll ever do that. These days I get what I want so often I don't even need to bring it up. We all know that YMMV, and my mileage has been pretty good. After all of this time I know Colombianas like me, I look good, fit, speak Spanish and improving all the time, and I very rarely don't get what I'm looking for. I seriously wanted to tell her, "baby you are in the wrong business. You should not be a prostitute. " But I didn't and took off. 130 k + 50 k propina.

Abydos Great. Enough said. Let's leave it at that. 120 k.

Energy I'm not an Energy guy, but I should go and am going to go soon and report back. I have been there years ago and had a good time but I just don't get over there.

Blue Room Good. I prefer a bigger lineup than the 3-4 girls they have normally.

Speaking of bigger lineups, I went to Chicas Punto Com. This place has a 15-18 girl lineup all the time. I just wish some of them were hot. Not for me. So after the 18 girl presenta, the final chica is the hottest one and is a girl I know from the past. She was the new girl in a series of threesomes I was having all centered around this other girl, one of her friends, and let's just say it was a memorable time for all parties. So she sees me and is all excited and I am compelled to do an hour with her for the novelty. Bought her some beers and played around a while. These girls at CPC work hard, like 7 days, bell to bell hard. Again, not for me.

There are two other casas in this same building guys. They are small but worth a look.

Stopped in Coffee Shop one day. 5 girl lineup. I can't imagine how this would be any ones favorite spot which is what I read recently in a trip report, which is why I stopped in, but I couldn't see that at all. Very average IMO.

There are gems to be found in the El Centro casas. On one day recently, Medellin delivered to me a beautiful gift in way that only Medellin can. A fucking score. I found an absolutely banging chica in an El Centro casa, that can work at Fase Dos any day. She lives about an 1:20 outside of Medellin. What she is doing travelling to work and hour and a half each day, in an El Centro casa at these rates I have no idea. I see her and grab for an hour which turns into two hours. Went back the next day for more. She completely eliminated the desire for me or the ability to have sex with another girl for days. So I had to put off my regular girl, which saves me money. I like that. Anyway, will be seeing her again today and hopefully many many more times. I get bored of the casa trips in reality. I love it, but I also just love El Centro and I guess it's all part of it. But I do bore of the casa runs at this point. I'm looking for gems off the circuit and I can't find that in the casas. But on this day Medellin shined brightly on me and delivered one.

Speaking of Fase Dos It's great! I'm having a good time with some girls from here right now. While I can say that there are girls that are working here still for years, this is still the choicest place in town IMO. There are many very hot girls, some wow's and it only takes a few. If you like or enjoy the strip club scene then this is a must. I don't go to Fase unless I am prepared to drop money. A girl is 180 k if you pay cash. And drinks are expensive. You don't even need to discuss price with the girl. The guys in the front are going to charge you the house price no matter what and it's 180 k. You should only discuss if you are going to take them or not, and what services they will provide. BBBJ is much harder here but barely attainable with money. I tip all the girls 2 mil after they get off stage and come around for tips. It sends the right vibe, you respect the place and the girls and it just works out in the end to be the best strategy overall with having a great time. Adds to the overall expense of the night but IMO this is well worth it. If you don't have 400 k+ to drop in a night here my suggestion would be to avoid. If you have the money, go share a little and enjoy. And don't be silly and talk about the exchange rate, geez. No chicas are talking about it, don't be the first!

I'm not a big La Isla fan. I've been there, but I have not liked it. I am going to give it another chance however and will report back afterwards. I recognize the idea of having the highest price place up on the hill, with the light in the sky and all, and that this is being established as the high end of Medellin. But why would I want to pay high prices if I live here? It's a tourist trap in my opinion. I'll check it again as I said and report back, but I have not seen the value so far. But it does only take 1 great chica find to make it all worth it. Great spot in the daytime, for the great view. It's not open days to my knowledge.

San Diego It breaks my heart to report how badly this place has fallen off. I've had sooo many great times here over the years. Found so many great girls. It used to be a little proving ground for girls that would end up working at Fase Dos. But it has dropped off. By all means go check it out if you're hitting strip clubs, but I wouldn't buy a bottle or anything until you saw proof that you were going to stay awhile and have a good time. Again, many of the same girls working here for a long time. But I'll go again for certain. San Diego used to be one of my favorite spots so it has earned the opportunity to revisit from time to time. I hope for it's revival!!

Lune Luneras Good. For those of you guys that like lesbians this is your place. There is a large contingent of lesbians that comprise the working ranks of the girls at Luna Luneras. It's been that way for years. Geez they can probably unionize. I can't quantify what % exactly are straight lesbians but I'the say 60% or higher as my guess. Going out with a girl? This would be a good start. I think I'm going to bring a hottie to La Isla and see what that yields. Luna to me is very natural, very local. Good place, although I typically like my prepagos to prefer men over women. A good time can be had here most times. I've had some great times here. YMMV as usual.

I do like the El Centro strip clubs but don't go often. I'the be open to a wingman contacting me via PM if you are above all things, respectful to other people at all times. I've seen too many guys that are not from here that can't hold their booz or are disrespectful to others and then I get associated with that the next time and that is unacceptable to me. If you're cool, respect others, have a few bucks and looking for a wingman to roll out one night hit me up.

Mansion I've never been a Mansion guy but I'the like to try out La Cueva or one of the parties. The first time I arrived in Medellin I had already lived in multiple countries and did not need to be spoon fed chicas like the mansion provides which is great. Funny, my first apartment in Medellin was around the corner from it. I put my name on the mailing list but was never contacted about the last party a few weeks ago. I didn't hear about it until I read Ncals post about 50 girls being there. Hopefully someone will be able to post here that there is a party upcoming. I am always looking for new girls and one of these parties sounds like a great way to meet them.

Loutron Ahh Loutron. I hate it! Haha. It's a spectacle so by all means go and check it out. It's gorgeous. I live in the area and I know the area very well but had not been to the new one. I went last summer and had a terrible experience. Hot girls like I like them, but so "strict". Over the years I have had many great times there (the old one) and met many great girls. But today, I'm not fan. I get a lot on the YMMV scale from chicas and even I can't seem to make some progress here. They actually gave me like 75% of money back after I had a poor time there which was startling. I think it's become like a self-fulfilling prophecy over there with the girls. They are just not interested in doing what most of us are interested in doing. To me, I take friends that visit to see it, but I don't say, I'm going to treat myself and go to Loutron today! That doesn't happen.

Mayorista There has been some great trip reporting about the Mayo particularly by Shamester which has sparked my desire to try the Mayo again. I've never been a huge fan but I probably have not given it enough attention. I should go more often and give it a good run. I know many guys just love it. It also was startling to hear about the day time / morning action in El centro. It never ceases to amaze me the level of prostitution that exists here. I am not typically looking for daytime / morning street action as I'm typically doing things more wholesome at those hours, but I sure would like to know more. Anyone have any info? It's hard to believe girls of the quality that I'm looking for would be walking the street in El Centro somewhere in the morning.

Mileroticos thanks to Cerebro's fine posting I'm about to take the plunge and try some girls from this site. I've never tried it, but as I said I'm on the hunt for girls off of the tourist spots. Anybody have any experience using mileroticos. Please post or PM me. Thanks!

Escort Services There was a recent post by a regular member dude with like 2 posts to his name, Always On The Run, in which he talked about taking the potential scolpamine drug the girl from the escort service that he had asked to leave his room had left behind. I call bullshit on the whole story. So let me get this straight, you come to town, buy coke from a taxi driver you don't know, the girl comes from the escort service that you called and she brings scolpamine to drug you. You ask her to leave and then in the morning you take the very scolpamine she had left behind. In 5 minutes you are totally passed out and you wake up 24 hours later. What was she going to do? Lift your passed out ass over her shoulder and carry you down to the lobby of the 5 star hotel you are staying in, prop you up, splash cold water on your face and have you withdraw money from the ATM? The story is bullshit in so many ways. Do you know how many guys descend on this city every week, and that live here, that are using these escort services and no one is getting scolped. This druggie finds it first attempt. I have known multiple girls that work for the services and the ones that I know are sweethearts who wouldn't hurt a fly. They are just poor girls that look great and are hookers. Not criminals.

That's not to suggest that scolp doesn't exist. But it's the sensationalism that it gets that I think is BS. I walk around El Centro all the time, having smoked, and I'm not even close to getting scolped. I just know it, and am thankful for it. I think the guys that do get scolped get themselves setup for it. Many senior members here chimed in that they know people or of people that got scolped so I can't say it doesn't happen with certainty. Nor is my intention to start this topic. However, I don't use the escort services too much but I would like to in order to find new gems. Anybody that has experience using the services please share your experience for the benefit of the rest of us, or PM me. Thank you.

Colombia Jake- You make guys bring their own towels? And are you feeding those girls Jake? The photos you post, except for the last one, I'm always thinking geez, guys are flying all the way here to be with these girls Jake posts. What a shame and a waste of time and money IMO. Please feed the poor girls Jake!

Somebody mentioned a casa from a recent trip report, which is not on the list, Casa De Padua. Anyone with information they can share about it? I'the like to check it out.

I'm also planning, in my never ending pursuit for girls, pro or semi pro or even non pro at this point that are off the typical circuit, a run using Amo Latina and similar. If anyone has any information or experiences that they would like to share I would appreciate it. PM would be great and I thank you sincerely in advance.

Well that's what I have to offer today in the way of trip report. I hope that many enjoyed the read and gained some information and I look forward to hearing back from some of you with feedback. All the best and as Legal Tender likes to say, only good energy!

James Dandy
03-12-15, 18:44
I'm back living in Medellin after about a 6 month absence. I've been living in and out of Medellin for 3-4 years now. When I'm gone I always feel the need to rush back, but when I get here I realize how nothing's changed. It's all still here and the same.

New Life It's still great. I went to NL one day while on my way to see a pretty hot chica from Paisa Devina's in Laureles. I only had about an hour until I was supposed to meet her, so I smoked and hit the El Centro streets and made my way over to NL to check out the lineup before seeing this girl. I'm not proud to say but I've been with like 6 girls from this current lineup of about 18 girls they presented this day. Some of these girls are working here a long time which is why the count of how many I've been with is so high. I've also been to NL now probably more than 100 times. One girl, a great beautiful little girl is back after a very long, from what I can tell, multi year hiatus. I'm sure many of you know her. They had a solid lineup like always.

So while I'm sitting in the sala at NL this chica from Paisa Devina's calls me and says she is going to be late and can we push our meeting back an hour. I tell her no that I can't. She says ok and we hang up and I'm meeting her in about an hour. Then I'm like duh, Hello, self. I'm sitting in NL right now!! I forgot to be in the moment for a moment. I blamed the lack of clarity on the weed. I called her back and told her no problem. Let's meet in 1. 5 hours. She loves for me that as she seemed she had a real issue and was relived. I have the fine people at NL present the girls to me again. I end up picking out a new girl to me and just had an amazing time with her for 1 hour. Just totally luck. Just hit it off with her for whatever reason and had a super time. With tip less than 100 k.

Headed over to Laureles to meet the other girl. She's still late which is fine with me and I had 5 or 6 beers first at a Laureles corner restaurant and bar with outdoor seating. Another beautiful day in Medellin. So many smiling girls. I love Laureles. I couldn't see myself living in this part of town because I love Medellin for the hills and vistas, (and the girls, people and food) but it's a super cool part of town to hang.

The girl from Paisa Devinas was good. From Bello. A pro's pro but in a good way. She was good. I won't be calling her again, but I would, and that's the key. She was good enough to call again....Kick ass report all around and I agree, El Centro is the place to be!

03-12-15, 19:28
Speculator, Thanks for the great casa information. It will help motivate me to get away from El Castillo in the daytime when I get there mid June. I've done a few of low end casas NL included but would like to experience the mid level casas, Abydos, Energy, etc. I like the Mayorista too, lets go!

If you're around lets hook up. Thanks again.

03-12-15, 19:40
Damn good report Speculator. Thanks for taking the time to post it.

Member #4398
03-12-15, 23:33
Great report speculator. At last an excellent report and not more of the Viagra, cialis or other crap reports. Lots of great information I surely use for my next trip.

03-13-15, 15:27
1st time on the ground in MDE so I'm still learning the ropes. I have a weak sauce wingman that can be like a dead weight but I will make it work.

Anyway, on to the report. We went based off the video found at the following link: http://colombia.adultsearch.com/medellin . 1/2 HR vid a fellow member posted a while back. Thank you! Cannot watch on cell or tablet unless it has Flash installed. Most cells don't. I prefer to watch stuff on my laptop though.

Energy is in the Stadium Sector of el Centro I believe. Like I said, I'm rook so not exactly sure where I was but I do believe it was downtown. We went last night around 7 p. Taxi from Poblado's Mall Interplaza close to where we are staying. About 15 K (about $5. 70 at current rate of 2,628 COP) for the one way trip which was about 20-25 minutes. This place has no signs, as is the norm from my readings. Go up some stairs and ring the bell. A cleaning lady answers. Uneasy I step inside and I'm greeted by the Mamasan sitting behind a desk. Let me say she would get it too. Cute, plump paisa maybe late 30's, early 40's. My Spanish is rudimentary but at times I have flashes of brilliance with it, I think. Ha! I understood that she offered us drinks. I got a beer for about 5 K, added to my tab later on. We sat down in la sala and she explained what is included. Very similar to the video link above. Masaje, oral and penetration. She said something else but I didn't understand too well.

Ah prices. Began following paragraph and almost forgot. 130 K for 1 HR with 1 girl. 105 K for 1/2 HR with 1 girl. 220 K for 2 girls for an 1 HR. That's less than $100! I was winded and not too much in the mood so I knew 1 for an hour would suffice. Only 30 K more for the hour. About $10.

As we sipped, the presentation of the girls began. They came out smiled, said their names and showed us what they got. About 8-12 girls. I made a mental note of 2 in my head. Some came out with no smiles. So I knew I would not be going that direction. The girls were slender, curvy, and not a lot of plastic at this spot from what I noticed with the group of girls we had. I like a chic with style and a good heel game. If she's wearing the 1 inch old lady church heels most likely I'm not going to make that pick. My chica was slender but with sexy ass legs, hips and un culo. Pretty face, jet black hair to her bum and smile. 22 yo.

If you don't remember the girls, Mamasan will bring them back out to the sala all at once. I didn't care for this because it was like picking the team for the pickup game on the ball courts. One smiley cutie looked disappointed I didn't select her but maybe I will see her again. My boy picked a tall, chocolate drop with wavy hair and he said it was overly DOPE and gave her much kudos. He didn't get the quality massage he wanted but I'm sure that's secondary at these places.

My girl took me upstairs to our sala. The room was nice. Very clean, high quality. There was a nice leather chair to sit in and put my clothes in. There were mirrors and a table with a radio maybe CD player of good quality. She told me she liked reggaeton and I'm from the home of reggae so it worked out! Although I enjoy all music. The room is spacious with a nice bathroom with shower. I waited on her direction of what to do. There is a "bed" maybe a little bigger than a twin. It is not a real mattress but like a better quality pad they use in dorms / boot camps / jail. Not terrible. Probably for the ease of cleaning. Anyway, she didn't direct me to lay down. I really wanted to see if she would take charge or if there was a way she ran her session but no. I could have done with a nice rubdown too. She asked me to remove my clothes and I helped remove hers. No DFK. Not sure if it was just that both of us didn't go for it. I would have been game but you can sort of tell by incoming head moves when getting intimate. She danced and sang a little reggaeton and I did too. To try to build a little intimacy. I'm not totally in love with the casa runs because I need GFE. So to point at a chic and then go bang is a disconnect for me. But I'll do it! LOL. Rather have a chic like me off the personality and then she will do more with you with more chemistry.

She put the rubber on with su boca and was good at that. I can only imagine without the condom. Sheesh. She sucked on the huevos as well. Loved my somewhat formed pecs and was biting and licking. Told me no flacos she likes meaty, muscular men. She was fun and game with all positions but I'm a missionary man that likes to plunge deep. She had a little vibrator she played with initially and throughout changing positions. Rode me and spun her around to reverse which she did well. Feet planted froggy style. Which many girls will do knees down and struggle for movement. Couldn't do doggy for too long or too deep but all good.

Weak sauce came in my room and broke my train of thought. Fuck! Anyway, she said she came 2 times to my 1 and that she was the campeon. Haha! Took her too the shower and washed off together. Asked about seeing her outside of there and she was with it. Oh and I asked for a massage after. Was lackluster but oh well. Not really what you come for. Pun intended.

Energy was cool. Nice, clean and prices not bad at all. I paid a total of 175 K. Includes 20 mil propina to Mamasan and my chic.

I prefer my Quatro por Quatro in el centro Rio, Brazil. But even though, it's double the price plus, there is about 50+ girls, you can party and drink, build a connection before you go to the rooms. And I use my CC in the MFer. That's another story. Shows up as Amerika Fashion or some shit.

Also. I set up a Citibank account before I left the States. Since they seem to have branches in MDE and RIO. Trying to avoid some fees. If you set up in the branch they give you a temp card same day. I put some unds in and used my card at a Cajero ATM here in MDE before the cab ride to Energy. Pulled 400 K to test it out. Cajero ATM showed no fees. Came back and check my Citibank account this morning and no fees. Showed that I pulled $152.76. Looks like a straight up cash pull at about the current exchange rate. Let me know if I'm wrong though. Always good to have a second pair of eyes and other tangents of thoughts.

Hope this helps and is informative. On to more adventures today. Will report back!

Got a card from the Mamasan and it had the info below. Checked it out real quick and it has a 5 min video.

Relaxation Center Energy.

"For Executive people".


Carrera 74 #49-101.

James Dandy
03-14-15, 04:38
1st time on the ground in MDE so I'm still learning the ropes. I have a weak sauce wingman that can be like a dead weight but I will make it work.

Anyway, on to the report. We went based off the video found at the following link: http://colombia.adultsearch.com/medellin . 1/2 HR vid a fellow member posted a while back. Thank you! Cannot watch on cell or tablet unless it has Flash installed. Most cells don't. I prefer to watch stuff on my laptop though.

Energy is in the Stadium Sector of el Centro I believe. Like I said, I'm rook so not exactly sure where I was but I do believe it was downtown. We went last night around 7 p. Taxi from Poblado's Mall Interplaza close to where we are staying. About 15 K (about $5. 70 at current rate of 2,628 COP) for the one way trip which was about 20-25 minutes. This place has no signs, as is the norm from my readings. Go up some stairs and ring the bell. A cleaning lady answers. Uneasy I step inside and I'm greeted by the Mamasan sitting behind a desk. Let me say she would get it too. Cute, plump paisa maybe late 30's, early 40's. My Spanish is rudimentary but at times I have flashes of brilliance with it, I think. Ha! I understood that she offered us drinks. I got a beer for about 5 K, added to my tab later on. We sat down in la sala and she explained what is included. Very similar to the video link above. Masaje, oral and penetration. She said something else but I didn't understand too well.

Ah prices. Began following paragraph and almost forgot. 130 K for 1 HR with 1 girl. 105 K for 1/2 HR with 1 girl. 220 K for 2 girls for an 1 HR. That's less than $100! I was winded and not too much in the mood so I knew 1 for an hour would suffice. Only 30 K more for the hour. About $10..Thanks for the report, and I think Energy also accepts credit cards for a small fee ($5 K pesos or so).

03-14-15, 14:39
The cambios at Oviedo are now offering closer to the official rate. I compared changing cash there and ATM withdrawals this week. The ATM net of the local fee worked out to about 2540. The cambio was 2515. Market rate was 2570 or so.

03-14-15, 16:37
She put the rubber on with su boca and was good at that. I can only imagine without the condom. Sheesh.

Oh and I asked for a massage after. Was lackluster but oh well. Not really what you come for. Pun intended.

Energy was cool. Nice, clean and prices not bad at all. I paid a total of 175 K. Includes 20 mil propina to Mamasan and my chic.
Very good, detailed report my man. But I do have to call you out for one BIG rookie mistake:

Why did you tip the chica and the Mamasan 20 k? Especially given that the chica gave you a covered blowjob and a "lackluster" massage?

And what did the Mamasan do other than her job? I could see if she gave you some head on the way out the door.

I know it's your money, but don't bring your Brazil habits to Medellin. From what I understand, everyone at 4 x4 in Rio, from the cleaning ladies to the lady that cashes you out before you leave, all have their hands out asking for tips. I don't want to go to Energy and see that the Mamasan is now asking for tips even though she hasn't done a damn thing. For 20 k, she'd better be dropping those panties too!

To put things somewhat in perspective for you: I can have a chica come to my apartment for unrushed service, blow job sin condon, and two pops for 150K and 20K for her taxi to and from my apartment (10K each way). All this without every having to leave my place. And I don't give any propinas: I pay exactly what we negotiated.

Member #4398
03-14-15, 17:46
Another great and detailed report. Instead of people in this board complaining about you being generous with your propina to the mamasan, they should acknowledge your pretty good contribution. Who cares about you giving a nice propina if you like the mamasan too and the casa service. I am sure the mamasan appreciated the gesture. I don't think that just because you tipped the mamasan now the prices are going to be inflated as the other member feels. I think these critics are just discouraging members to write trip reports and this why many people in this forum after years of being members and making numerous trips all over don't post crap and they just use the forum to get information just like the one you share. Mr. Furley please keep sharing more and thanks for taking the time to share. I need to visit Energy in my next visit. In my last trip I found the place walking right across a big sport field / complex, it was quite a long walk of about 1 hour (is my preferred method of finding places along with busetas) from an apartment I rented in Laureles http://tuapartamentomde.com/. Once I found the place, I tried to get inside Energy but I was not able to. At the time, the doors wer closed and I did not see any bells to ring. I also did not have a phone with me or those people with minutes around to make a call around so I left. I definitely will try again in my next trip.

1st time on the ground in MDE so I'm still learning the ropes. I have a weak sauce wingman that can be like a dead weight but I will make it work.

Anyway, on to the report. We went based off the video found at the following link: http://colombia.adultsearch.com/medellin . 1/2 HR vid a fellow member posted a while back. Thank you! Cannot watch on cell or tablet unless it has Flash installed. Most cells don't. I prefer to watch stuff on my laptop though.

Energy is in the Stadium Sector of el Centro I believe. Like I said, I'm rook so not exactly sure where I was but I do believe it was downtown. We went last night around 7 p. Taxi from Poblado's Mall Interplaza close to where we are staying. About 15 K (about $5. 70 at current rate of 2,628 COP) for the one way trip which was about 20-25 minutes. This place has no signs, as is the norm from my readings. Go up some stairs and ring the bell. A cleaning lady answers. Uneasy I step inside and I'm greeted by the Mamasan sitting behind a desk. Let me say she would get it too. Cute, plump paisa maybe late 30's, early 40's. My Spanish is rudimentary but at times I have flashes of brilliance with it, I think. Ha! I understood that she offered us drinks. I got a beer for about 5 K, added to my tab later on. We sat down in la sala and she explained what is included. Very similar to the video link above. Masaje, oral and penetration. She said something else but I didn't understand too well...

03-14-15, 19:55
The cambios at Oviedo are now offering closer to the official rate. I compared changing cash there and ATM withdrawals this week. The ATM net of the local fee worked out to about 2540. The cambio was 2515. Market rate was 2570 or so.XE.com has the official rate at 2668. What market rate are they basing this 2570 on?

James Dandy
03-14-15, 20:04
Very good, detailed report my man. But I do have to call you out for one BIG rookie mistake:

Why did you tip the chica and the Mamasan 20 k? Especially given that the chica gave you a covered blowjob and a "lackluster" massage?

And what did the Mamasan do other than her job? I could see if she gave you some head on the way out the door.

I know it's your money, but don't bring your Brazil habits to Medellin. From what I understand, everyone at 4 x4 in Rio, from the cleaning ladies to the lady that cashes you out before you leave, all have their hands out asking for tips. I don't want to go to Energy and see that the Mamasan is now asking for tips even though she hasn't done a damn thing. For 20 k, she'd better be dropping those panties too!

To put things somewhat in perspective for you: I can have a chica come to my apartment for unrushed service, blow job sin condon, and two pops for 150K and 20K for her taxi to and from my apartment (10K each way). All this without every having to leave my place. And I don't give any propinas: I pay exactly what we negotiated.I don't tell people what to do, whether to tip or not, but the mamasan at Energy is one of the owners and thus I would never in that case.

03-14-15, 20:05
130 k + 100 K tip (Over tipped fucked up cause I was fresh off the plane and big head had all the blood).

First stop went to Energy. It was late Saturday and there was only 2 girls working. I chose Francine. She's 26 5 3 with bolt ONS and tight lipo abs. Had to tip Extra for BBJ and kisses but worth it. Good massage and super tight vag. I was soo egar when she hopped on I was a 2 pump chump. I laughed with joy and she totally got it. I think I over tipped that night but I was fresh off the plane and didn't care. I hadn't boned in weeks!

120 K.

Next up went went an independents Casa. Laura. She's 27, Body and pics were real. She just got her ass done as well. Lots of kissing, passionate. Cover BJ but it was fine. She gave me the Reds beer stuff and I relaxed. She was Super into it, muy GFE. She was a 9 but the face was about a 7. 5. She did the strip tease, and was just in the moment. Her pussy is soo fucking pretty! Like one of those innie pussys where you can barely see any labia. She gets on top and keeps looking at the mirrors (vanity). Covered BJ. Lots of spitting and ball sucking. She gets on top first, sooooo tight! Fuck she was riding like a super pro. We switch it up, Did the slow passionate deep pounding as well as the fast hard doggy. I wasn't allowed to slap her ass though because she just had it done. What was weird though was when I Was pounding her hard she somehow slapped mine! I thought she wanted me to stop but she just liked it really deep an rough. We made out while she jerked me to completion on her man made perky tits. Her tits weren't cartoon just the right amount of silicone. She was also very clean and both hygentic. We showered and the thing that was cartoon was her huge fat injected ass!

300 K.

Ordered some take out. Francesca. She's about 23. She showed up on time. WOW! Her looks! She is a fucking knock out 10. She was wearing this all white draped dolly dress. It had so many holes but it stopped at the stomach and showed how flat and toned it really was. She was about 5 9 115 lb with no heels on. Skinny with Bolt ONS but done in proportion. Slamming tight ass. About 3/4 inch of thigh gap. She caught me off guard though when she got to my apartment she tells me how some working girl got murdered in my building by a crazy venizeulain dude and thrown off the balcony! Then she asks if I'm single. Weird. I am but that's odd. She tells me she has a BF yada yada. I dunno. We have a drink. She does this weird thing were when she takes a drink she blows up her cheeks like a blowfish and holds the drink for 9 seconds before swallowing. She did this with 2 cans of red so it took a minute just to get to the biz. (No clock watching) She gets close to me, staring at my eyes like a lover, long and deep with no words said. 15 seconds no talking felt like forever. She would not kiss on the lips so, so much for that Romance. She kisses me everywhere else. She gets topless, holy fuck her body is. A sculpture. After walking around naked and letting me film it. (Which BTW she asked me to delete but I bait & switched my phone and showed her a different phone so I got to keep all the pics!) got her in the bed, peeled off her undies with her small hip bone pertruding. I had to munch that amazing tight box. She has a beautiful pussy, the type that makes the front page of reddit. Performance wise She was half into it half not. I did all the techniques but I could tell her mind wasn't there. She did a covered BJ even after I said I'd tip her. Nope cover only! Her performance was semi mechanical. Did all positions. When I was fucking her I pulled off the rubber and she let me finish on her stomach and tits and jerked it to completion all over her. After she showered she stayed longer (almost 2 1/2 hours instead of 90 min) enjoying all the music I was showing her and company. She left and I sent her on her way.

130 K + 50 K tip.

Went back to energy late Tuesday night This time. Amazing line up. It was between two and I chose Angela. She was only 19 years old!! An all natural spinner. Small tits and ass. Holy Fuck was she amazing!! So much chemistry. Could take a dick hard and gave a great massage. I remember nailing her doggy and I couldn't take it and had to pop in the rubber. She was dope. I'll definitely see her again with one of her friends. No kissing on the lips, though and it was covered BBJ which I didn't care about cause she was doing everything right.

110 K.

On a Saturday afternoon I ventured to Blue Room. This is like a generic energy. The line up had all types though. Most of which were from a 2- a 6. 8. I was in the mood for a big tit but in hindsight should have taken the tall skinny one who was laughing, I could tell her personality was better. Went with a sort of thick natural tits on. Face was cute but could def loose some weight. She was half mechanical half into it. No kissing on the lips but half way thru a few peaks. I could tell when we started she tried to make me cum fast but I wasn't going to let it go that easy. She did jerk me and let me shoot like a 8 roper on her tits! She said don't get her face but accidents happen.

150 k + 50 k tip.

Went to another independent. Wow!

Celeste. She's about 25. I showed up wow what a knock out! Fake tits with the lipo and butt injections but it all went together with her and her personality. We start lots of kissing, making out. She goes straight for the Johnson. I start finger her and she lets me go all the way in. It was like vaginal vice grips. Whoa look out! Big hard errect brown nipples contrast with her white pale skin, there begging for attention. She loved it when it was bitten too. Grabs the rubber and its covered BJ but lots of ball licking like almost excessive. She gets into doggy and this big beautiful paisa ass is just jiggling just right. We go to all the positions. She was getting tired and I let her jerk me. Totally pro and did a little tounge action. I nut and hit her whole 36 dd chest and face. She cleans up, we talk. There's time left. She has such a fun cool great personality and gives me a massage the rest of the time. Telling her jokes in broken spanish she is really a great person. She even wants to give me some more head and fuck more. We do but I couldn't cum cause she and I were both too tired. We shower, I get dressed, instead of kicking me out right away we hang out in her penthouse. It has an amazing view from the roof. Some more making out, then I'm in the kitchen for water and her roomate comes home! I semi hide by the fridge and the roomate sees me. It's not a big deal. Her roomate goes to her room, then we just make out in the kitchen and I fingerbang her g spot till she cums while holding her face in my chest so she muffles the sound of he orgasim. I walk out right away slowly and don't turn back. She says "call me" in Spanish. Pimp shit. (Side note she calls me to hang out at this event on Saturday).

130 K.

So I'm doing well with independents and I decide to see this chick in Laurles. She gets to the door. She is 21 years old. Wow her face what a knock out! 9 in the face, a nice pair of + 2's and a nice round ass. Her stomach, she had a kid and it shows a little but nothing that her pretty face can't distract you from. She has a lot of tats on her and is sort of semi gothy but still colombian. She speaks English pretty good. The apartment isn't that amazing and the bright light was a bit harsh in the room. She starts kissing me, super passionate like we are lovers. Grabbing for my knish, I get her undressed, holy fuck! Smoking. We just kiss and make out for 10 min then she gets the rubber. Sucks me and plays with the huevos. Then she climbs on top. We start going. Then she's riding faster and faster and she cums. I go to change positions and I notice she is really wet. As she gets off she looks, and goes "OOH" turns out she bleed on me. She is super embarrassed and there is blood on my thigh and all over the condom and a bit on my balls. She goes over to the shower, grabs a towel and soap and cleans me off. She is soo embarrassed. She heads to the shower for like 10 min to get really clean. She comes back says we can start again. I didn't know what I wanted but her pretty face was just soo captivating. We're semi dressed and she starts to give me a massage. Speaking with her she is smarter then the job she has. We are having a vibe and I tell her the incident will make for a funny story. She's still embarrassed but then laughs and kisses me. She goes out of the room to get more condoms. We make out more then start again. I go to fuck her and check for blood the first couple of thrust. Nothing. So I'm we're both I to it. She loves getting choked and spanked so I do it at the same time (at the same damn time) I keep going the just as I'm about to cum I rip the rubber off and shoot it on her face and tits. She was awesome and stroked it and smiled. She laughs some more cause it was like a 9 roper and everywhere! We clean up, shower and make out some more. She gives me her real name and real number. I go out the door and she grabs me and does a DFK that last 10 seconds. We have been chatting ever since. She gave me her real name and real #, we text on whatsapp. She asks to want to see me free, I was super surprsed. I met near the mall of hers. We had lunch and wound up just making out. The next day I went over to her apartment and hung and boned for a couple hours. I did give her some $ though which she didn't ask for but I knew she wanted. I know the school she is in and work in a similar field. I gave her some tutor lessons and in turn she has been sleeping with me for no money. We are very honest and her good english makes it easy to communicate with. Anyway I think she is pretty close to a semi novia.

110 K.

Decided to try another casa, it's the one near Las Palmas but I forgot the name.

There was some guys a head of me and they got the best pick. I was patient and opped for this light carmel skin girl with a pretty young face and braces. Boy what a great choice though. She was 24, Her tits were a little floppy from having a kid but damn she was super passionate. At first it was just a massage. The room was sort of shitty cause it was in the basement but all the other rooms were being used. It was a nice room just small. So we go in, and then she starts looking at me. "Super linda" ahh hermosa. Then plants one on me like I was her boyfriend that she hasn't seen in a month! We get going, she gives me head with no condom without asking. She is attacking my dick like a champ. We get to boning. All positions. Despite her having a kid her pussy is super tight and she was dripping wetness (no lube) I couldn't take it and finish doggy. After she does more massaging and then even another suck! Perfect, I say listo and then we wrap it up. In the shower she was beig playful and was trying to suck on my balls. Super hot.

150 K.

Independent, angel. Wow ok so I get to this chicks place in Poblado. She was 26, The Apartment was a little hard to find and luckly my uber driver had a sister who lived in the same build! Small world. I get to her place, hmmm she had a little joan rivers little thing going on but hte body was super tight! Had like nice see implants but they felt a little weird, sort of like they were implants under the bone so you could feel it but it was deep inside if that makes sense. Her stomach and ass were super tight. I'll admit the surgery face took a bit of time to get used to, its not super bad but just noticeable. Anyway we get down to business. She looks at my eyes and the ususal paisa response and gets super into it. Kissing and kissing and kissing. I mean we must have kissed for 10 min straight before any clothes came off. We get all our clothes off, I look to the side of the bed and see 2 wand vibrators. She says "those are my toys. " ok cool this was a preview. I take off her clothes and she has a gorgeous tight beautiful pussy. I rub the clit and then get a finger inside. She is in heaven. She grabs for my dick and throws me on the bed. Out comes the rubber. I ask for sin cover but no, she is NOT doing that. I think ok. The head is actually pretty good. She then looks at me and then does this sexy cool wink fuck. She licks and sucks the balls then it's time to fuck. We start in doggy and she is tight and wet. I then turn her over, missionary. Mmm lots of kissing but then, she reaches for her toys. She has 2 wands. One battery, one plugs in. She goes for the plug in and puts it right on her clit. Wow, my dick is inside her but we aren't pumping as she is getting her self comfortabe with the wand on her dick. The vibrations feel soo good for both of us. We fuck inbetween her getting off. She keeps doing it over and over and eventually. Bam! She squirts!! Wow. A real life squirter. It was somewhere in between a gush and a stream. She keeps cumming and I feel the pulse. Again. Bam more squirting!! She is super into all of this. She says she has more so we go again. BAMM squirt city! We changes positions, she gets on top. I can see her paisa perfecta pussy as she grabs the wireless wand. It's less powerful but she is also running out of steam. She wants the leche and jerks me off onto her tits and it hits her chin. She laughs, we shower together. She starts showing me pics of her son and we kick it for another 45 min. Not a clock watcher and just really chill. She is so awesome that I see her the next day! It was a repeat of the service only better and this time I just finished in the condom. Only problem was the 2nd time she had to leave early so we couldn't hang. I thought it was BS for another client but she got dressed with me and left the apartment together with me.

130 K I had her 150 K but never got back change (bad on my part).

The hipster in me likes the Indies, I go to See Agatha. She was 21 years old. This was a mistake. I get to her apartment in Las Palams. She keeps me waiting almost 45 minutes. The elevator was out of order or something and I had to hoof it up 9 flights of stairs. I get to the door, she opens it. Not bad, I can't tell if th photos were real or not or just heavly photoshoped. I can tell the whole apartment is being used by differnet girls. As soon as I get to the room, she ask for the money. OK I tae care of her. She had on a whole lingeria get up. She takes it off and then once her stomach is reveal and large 6 and a half inch see section scare is revealed. She obviously had the kid within the last 6 months she the scar is still somewhat fresh. I try to look away but it's just ehhh. SHe only does small kisses. She has nice small implants which I like but the rest of her set is about as mechanical as jiffy lube. It's going thru the motions and I could tell the whole time she was not in the moment at all. She goes a covered BJ, its actually pretty good and smooth but she wants to fuck. Gets lube, hops on top. I can tell her whole mission is to make me cum as quick as possible. I sense that and I make sure I last. She was totally trying to get me to cum in 30 seconds. She was a little frustrated, we changed positions. She has her eyes wide open the whole time and keeps checking to make sure the condom is still on. She do a couple more positions. I finally nut in the rubber. After I shower and I straight up as her. How long have you been doing this? Are you new? She says yes 4 months now. I told her she didn't seem all there. She and I both knew this isn't the job for her. She agreed with him and I left. It's just what I love is finding someone who is in't this and she was totally not that type of person.

Had some dates with 4 non pro Paisas. All very different.

First one was from Cupid. I totally didn't remember what she looked like as I just text every single girl in my phone who's name I put Medellin. We agreed to meet. Holy shit! In person she is a smoke shop! She's 27 but looks 21.8. 5! And her personality was super chill. She's a hipster chick that's not really the traditional plastic girl but she still works out a lot. Her stomach was tight as fuck!! We had a real date which ment no hooking up the first time (that's the culture for regular girls here, it's ironic considering how many raging working girls there are roaming these streets) we did do lots of petting and got pretty wasted. Smoked a bit. I hung out with her again but this time it felt I dunno somehing was off. One thing that bothered me was after we had lunch. I go to the ATM and leave her be. I come back and there is this tall gringo who she is talking to. She says it's her friend I greet them. She says that her girlfriend met on Cupid and that's her BF. I was like hmm the only thing that bothered me was when we left he said "ok by baby" the baby shit set off red flags and ever since I have been thinking she is a pro. I haven't hit it and we only kissed once, I asked to see her during a lunch break and never get a response. I'm 90% sure she is a pro. I'm dying to find out, not because I want to catch her and be like "ahh hhhha" but more like "hey be honest before I just waste money on drinks an dinner with no play".

2nd one was a webcam girl I managed to meet from Myfreecams. First off getting a number off there is impressive, 2nd is getting one without tipping! I accomplished Both and it will prob never happen again! She's 20 years old. I want to fuck her friend who is popular in Mfc but Had turned me down soo many times. Her friend is new so Easy target. I met her at the mall, took her for mall food and she loved it. Lots of stares and glances. She is sort of gothy but sweet. She wouldn't kiss after but I could tell she wanted to. I planted the seed and said "I know paisa don't kiss on the first date" she said yes. So I said the 2nd date. I walked away. Text her where to meet me in 5 minutes. She comes we go into a corner. Hard core making out. I grab her plum ass hard!. It was too risky for a public BJ so I stuck my fingers in her mouth and in Spanish "you will taste this off my dick soon" I left after that. The Follow up visit is tonight and she been texting me all types of shit so I'll let you know how this one goes.


I made friends with locas here and my friend has been fucking this cute paisa girl he met in Poblado. On a whimp I went out that night with him and I said "it's ususally the nights you don't plan on going out that are the best" Boy I couldn't be more right. We meet her and her friend at Eco bar in Poblado. They are there already half lit. This girl is fucking smoking hot! She has her hair tied in a tight slicked back pony tail, petite about 5 2 but with a bad ass attitude she's 28 but looks 21. She is one of those girls that can be tough but also sweet. She has a plump small ass with small tits to match. Her face is like looking into pure beauty. We imedelty click and my friend is helping translate. We hang out at another hipster bar and they go to the bathroom to do blow. I'm not really into drug chicks or drugs for that matter but I understand it's sort of her way of unwinding. They get back, and she chanllenges her friend to kiss in front of us. They have been doing this but then she uses it as a cue for her to kiss as well. She taughts me into kissing her and I go FULL in. WoW she is a fucking amazing kisser and doesn't hold back. She kept doing some paisa things, like backing off and then coming full circle. It's all part of the hard to get culture here. I'm cool with it. We get pretty drunk and are making out hard core in the club. She does not like any advancement towards the lower body and makes it clear with a firm "NOO" jajajaja. Some more making out and she wants to keep partying. My friend has work the next day so we have to leave. I knew it was best because there wasn't going to be any fucking that night if we got a room so I called it a night and paid for thier taxi home. We made plans the following week and even did the each day follow up. She assured me she was coming. I show up. Nothing. I'm not mad, this is just hte paisa way of dating. They are more flakey then Tony The tiger. I been trying to call but ahh it's like eventually it willl or won't happen. No big deal.

4th one.

100% wifey material. I met her thru instagram. We talked and facetime for a while. Finally met in person. HOLY FUCK! A 1-10 she is fucking 10000000. She's 22 She comes from money, has a passport / visa and is in med school. DOesn't drink or smoke and lives in dope building in Poblado with just her mom. Let me say, she is the full package of perfect. We have good chemistry but her school keeps her super busy. I thought it was bullshit but I saw her schedule and even visited her at her school once. SHe is very focused and a real good girl. We went out for sushi, and got really close to kissing the first night. I gave her a peck on her neck and she smiled then ran my fingers down her back. It's been difficult to see each other but I also think she has a novio on the side. Also there is conflict because I am a gringo and she doesn't' want people thinking she is a prepago. It's a tough stigma but I get it. I been having to back off but only to not seem too intrested. I got to play it cool if she really is a true pocahontas.

So the Photos I tried to upload them as best I could. Obviously the ones at the casa where hard but it goes as follows.

1 Laura.

2,3 Francesca.

4 Celeste.

5,6 Angel.

7 The first Date Non pro.

8 3rd date.

There ya go boys. I know I don't have many nudes Ill see what else is on my phone but enjoy and happy mongering!

03-14-15, 20:16
BTW I fucked up not opening a citbank account. My bank is hitting me for $5 every time I withdrawl money. SO far I'm up $130 in fees!! Totally sucks I'm going to see if I can fight it maybe say I'm going to go to another bank if they don' t take it off. We'll see.

Get a Citibank account!

Member #4398
03-14-15, 20:37
Also, you could get a capital one 360 check debit card https://home.capitalone360.com/lp-360checking?utm_source=1575378&utm_medium=0&utm_content=113657062&utm_campaign=8175436 and it has tons of free / no fee ATM in USA usually inside MCDs, Ride Aid pharmacies, other places. This card is great to use oversea. I have used it in the DR, Medellin, Carta, Barranquilla, and Santa Marta and no fees were charged each time I withdrew money from any bank / ATM there. You can open it easily online and link it to your regular bank to make future deposits or get direct deposit if you want it as your regular bank. This is the only card I use oversea cause not a single fee is taken by the bank.

BTW I fucked up not opening a citbank account. My bank is hitting me for $5 every time I withdrawl money. SO far I'm up $130 in fees!! Totally sucks I'm going to see if I can fight it maybe say I'm going to go to another bank if they don' t take it off. We'll see.

Get a Citibank account!

03-14-15, 21:48
Very good, detailed report my man. But I do have to call you out for one BIG rookie mistake:

Why did you tip the chica and the Mamasan 20 k? Especially given that the chica gave you a covered blowjob and a "lackluster" massage?

And what did the Mamasan do other than her job? I could see if she gave you some head on the way out the door.

I know it's your money, but don't bring your Brazil habits to Medellin. From what I understand, everyone at 4 x4 in Rio, from the cleaning ladies to the lady that cashes you out before you leave, all have their hands out asking for tips. I don't want to go to Energy and see that the Mamasan is now asking for tips even though she hasn't done a damn thing. For 20 k, she'd better be dropping those panties too!

To put things somewhat in perspective for you: I can have a chica come to my apartment for unrushed service, blow job sin condon, and two pops for 150K and 20K for her taxi to and from my apartment (10K each way). All this without every having to leave my place. And I don't give any propinas: I pay exactly what we negotiated.Because I wanted to, homeboy. Are you serious? What's 20 K? Ummm like $7.50? Hold on to that then. Mamasan looked out and did more than she had to with some other things. She might suck me next run, if I ask. Give a fuck about a massage, like I said. And I don't stress BBBJ. Keep your hand in your pocket not mine. Has nothing to do with Brazil. I tip cause I had good service. Chics that cash out at 4 x 4 has never asked for tips. And yep I tip the old lady in the locker room.

That's no perspective for me. That broad can be a dog of the street so your detailed account falls flat. I have a chic that's been coming coming thru just off some clearance Vicki Secret I brought down which cost me about $20. Keeping thinking short term, half pint. I'm into long term investment here.

You do you and I will do your chicas.

03-14-15, 22:58
BTW I fucked up not opening a citbank account. My bank is hitting me for $5 every time I withdrawl money. SO far I'm up $130 in fees!! Totally sucks I'm going to see if I can fight it maybe say I'm going to go to another bank if they don' t take it off. We'll see.

Get a Citibank account!Just open a Capitalone 360 online checking account. No fees for anything.

Nino Bravo
03-15-15, 00:43
Because I wanted to, homeboy. Are you serious? What's 20 K? Ummm like $7.50? Hold on to that then. Mamasan looked out and did more than she had to with some other things. She might suck me next run, if I ask. Give a fuck about a massage, like I said. And I don't stress BBBJ. Keep your hand in your pocket not mine. Has nothing to do with Brazil. I tip cause I had good service. Chics that cash out at 4 x 4 has never asked for tips. And yep I tip the old lady in the locker room.

That's no perspective for me. That broad can be a dog of the street so your detailed account falls flat. I have a chic that's been coming coming thru just off some clearance Vicki Secret I brought down which cost me about $20. Keeping thinking short term, half pint. I'm into long term investment here.

You do you and I will do your chicas.You took the words right out of my mouth! Nice come back! 20 k is what? $ 8.00. LMAO.

Some guys just don't understand the concept of tipping, that's its just not for exceptional service, but for future consideration and VIP service the next time around, whether its a 5 star restaurant, hotel, strip joint or casa. Its surprising what kind of special treatment one can get in exchange for planting seeds with a good tip. Or just an $ 8.00 tip.

Member #4394
03-15-15, 01:47
I'm into long term investment here..Many countries, including Colombia, do not have a tradition, therefore a concept, of tips. They will not think that they should be nice to you BECAUSE OF the tips you give. Please imagine a foreign student in an American university willingly paying extra amount when he pays tuition because he is happy about the school. It would be similar and somehow incomprehensible to locals. At worst, excessive tipping could appear as Naivety and/or lack of confidence.

03-15-15, 03:05
Many countries, including Colombia, do not have a tradion, therefore a concept, of tips. They will not think that they should be nice to you BECAUSE OF the tips you give. Please imagine a foreign student in an American university willingly paying extra amount when he pays tuition because he is happy about the school. It would be similar and somehow incomprehensible to locals. At worst, excessive tipping could appear as Naivety and/or lack of confidence.Excellent response Matt, but judging from his response to my post, all of what you said will fall on def ears. The concept of "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" is lost on him. Can't expect to reason with someone who has such a mindset.

I still can't get over the fact that he is trying to justify giving a broad a tip for a covered blow job and a wack ass massage. It's like saying "yeah, you suck at your job, but good job anyway. I'm into long term investment here."

He'd love San Jose, Costa Rica, me thinks.

03-15-15, 03:43
I don't tell people what to do, whether to tip or not, but the mamasan at Energy is one of the owners and thus I would never in that case.I hear you James. I am off it. I just had to call it out so that any other newbies reading our forum become aware of the fact that tipping is not necessary nor is it expected in Medellin, especially for bad service. It's not going to encourage the chica to perform any better the next time around, especially if she knows she is going to be rewarded with a tip regardless.

Still don't get the tipping the Mamasan part. Maybe it's a Thailand thing?

03-15-15, 15:26
You took the words right out of my mouth! Nice come back! 20 k is what? $ 8.00. LMAO.

Some guys just don't understand the concept of tipping, that's its just not for exceptional service, but for future consideration and VIP service the next time around, whether its a 5 star restaurant, hotel, strip joint or casa. Its surprising what kind of special treatment one can get in exchange for planting seeds with a good tip. Or just an $ 8.00 tip.The problem here is you obombalanders think in only $usd. Only an $8. 00 tip is not much if you were tipping a mamasan at the mustang ranch in Nevada. Minimum wage here is 30 k a day, about $12. Usd, so your tip is 70% of a days wages here. So you really screw things up for the local guys here when mamasans start to think everybody should give me 20 k. Medellin is not Nana and Soi Cowboy in Bangkok where all the punters are foreigners, thais are not allowed to go into the oilies and soapies, massage places with all the extras in the whole district around Sukumvit. So the big tippers, Japanese and Koreans are not screwing things up for the locals like the big tippers in MDE. That area is a big eye opener for americans when the chicas ditch the gringos when the J and K's enter the go-go bars. Gringos are definitely 3rd class persons in BKK.

03-15-15, 15:57
At worst, excessive tipping could appear as Naivety and/or lack of confidence.Exactly, tipping is a sign of weakness in the eyes of Colombians. One may think that they are getting better service in the future by tipping when in fact you will get better service just by patronizing the establishment or woman a second time, no tip needed.

Nino Bravo
03-15-15, 17:47
Exactly, tipping is a sign of weakness in the eyes of Colombians. One may think that they are getting better service in the future by tipping when in fact you will get better service just by patronizing the establishment or woman a second time, no tip needed.Not sure where you got that from. I've been traveling to Colombia for 20 years now, and close to 100 trips. Tipping has gotten me favors many times, especially in the 4-5 star hotels that I always frequent. And everyone wonders why they can't get chicas into their hotels. LMAO.

Nino Bravo
03-15-15, 18:10
The problem here is you obombalanders think in only $usd. Only an $8. 00 tip is not much if you were tipping a mamasan at the mustang ranch in Nevada. Minimum wage here is 30 k a day, about $12. Usd, so your tip is 70% of a days wages here. So you really screw things up for the local guys here when mamasans start to think everybody should give me 20 k. Medellin is not Nana and Soi Cowboy in Bangkok where all the punters are foreigners, thais are not allowed to go into the oilies and soapies, massage places with all the extras in the whole district around Sukumvit. So the big tippers, Japanese and Koreans are not screwing things up for the locals like the big tippers in MDE. That area is a big eye opener for americans when the chicas ditch the gringos when the J and K's enter the go-go bars. Gringos are definitely 3rd class persons in BKK.Sorry, but with all due respect, that sounds like your problem. I will continue to tip while in Colombia and because of it, I will continue to get preferential treatment, and will be looked upon favorably.

Mr Enternational
03-15-15, 18:14
Many countries, including Colombia, do not have a tradion, therefore a concept, of tips. They will not think that they should be nice to you BECAUSE OF the tips you give. Please imagine a foreign student in an American university willingly paying extra amount when he pays tuition because he is happy about the school. It would be similar and somehow incomprehensible to locals. At worst, excessive tipping could appear as Naivety and/or lack of confidence.In addition, in countries such as Japan it is considered an insult. It is telling a person that you do not believe they are earning enough money to live.

Mr Enternational
03-15-15, 18:24
Still don't get the tipping the Mamasan part. Maybe it's a Thailand thing?Don't put that mess on us out here. As a matter of fact the other night I spotted a new bar by my crib and there was only one girl working there. I asked the mamasan / owner how much for the girl for all night. She said $45. I said $40 and you have a deal. She let the girl come with me. I told her next time I would be fucking her (the mamasan) for $30. So you can't accuse that Tom Foolery of coming from out this way. Least not by way of me.

03-15-15, 18:59
I will continue to tip while in Colombia and because of it, I will continue to get preferential treatment, and will be looked upon favorably.In your HEAD, LMAO!

03-15-15, 21:26
Bitches like tips but they prefer balls deep.

P.S. I posted a great review and suddenly this forum turned into a circle jerk about tipping. Let's get back to business people!

Nino Bravo
03-15-15, 21:30
In your HEAD, LMAO!Pretty hard to say that without knowing me in person. But I would be more than happy to invite you out to a few spots of mine in Medellin the next time I'm in town, and we'll see. The check and the tip is on me. LOL. Just inbox me with your info.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Legal Tender
03-15-15, 23:42
Sorry, but with all due respect, that sounds like your problem. I will continue to tip while in Colombia and because of it, I will continue to get preferential treatment, and will be looked upon favorably.

Exactly, tipping is a sign of weakness in the eyes of Colombians. One may think that they are getting better service in the future by tipping when in fact you will get better service just by patronizing the establishment or woman a second time, no tip needed.

Many countries, including Colombia, do not have a tradion, therefore a concept, of tips. They will not think that they should be nice to you BECAUSE OF the tips you give. At worst, excessive tipping could appear as Naivety and/or lack of confidence.The real problem is that some people don't know how to handle themselves in Colombia or anywhere else. What is said about a first impression lasting forever is true. Your dress, knowledge of the language, customs and characteristics of the folks you are around and how you react in business transactions are all part of that impression. I always tip service providers. On a few occasions the tip is not monetary. I'll leave a direct note that the service was not satisfactory and thus no propina; that's how life works. A little loose change and an voiced appreciation for their service or assistance is always beneficial. We all want to be appreciated. I agree that "excessive" tipping is an indication of lack of confidence and is actually counter-productive. No one enjoys being around someone that vulgarly exhibits wealth.

It's really a simple application of basic psychology. And, it's productive. Besides, it is good karma and exhibits.

Good Energy!

Member #4398
03-16-15, 00:19
Bitches like tips but they prefer balls deep.

P.S. I posted a great review and suddenly this forum turned into a circle jerk about tipping. Let's get back to business people!What's wrong with this forum. Before all the posts where all about viagra and cialis. Then a new guy post an excellent trip report and all of the sudden guys just want to write about the way he handles the tipping tipping and other nonsense Who cares! Guys go back to writing trip reports.

03-16-15, 01:30
Not sure where you got that from. I've been traveling to Colombia for 20 years now, and close to 100 trips. Tipping has gotten me favors many times, especially in the 4-5 star hotels that I always frequent. And everyone wonders why they can't get chicas into their hotels. LMAO.I don't have to get chicas into a hotel, I take them to my home here. Tipping is giving money to someone for good service, getting favors for giving money to someone is not tipping, it's giving a bribe, anyone can bribe their way into getting a chica into a hotel.

Nino Bravo
03-16-15, 01:43
The real problem is that some people don't know how to handle themselves in Colombia or anywhere else. What is said about a first impression lasting forever is true. Your dress, knowledge of the language, customs and characteristics of the folks you are around and how you react in business transactions are all part of that impression. I always tip service providers. On a few occasions the tip is not monetary. I'll leave a direct note that the service was not satisfactory and thus no propina; that's how life works. A little loose change and an voiced appreciation for their service or assistance is always beneficial. We all want to be appreciated. I agree that "excessive" tipping is an indication of lack of confidence and is actually counter-productive. No one enjoys being around someone that vulgarly exhibits wealth.

It's really a simple application of basic psychology. And, it's productive. Besides, it is good karma and exhibits.

Good Energy!Never heard of such a thing that tipping shows "a lack of confidence". Especially an $ 8. 00 tip. In my 20 years of traveling to Colombia and speaking with literally hundreds and hundreds of women, they constantly bring up the fact that they think gringos are "tacaños" the Spanish word used in Colombia which means "cheap stake" or "stingy". There is even a hand signal that Colombians use to describe someone who is tacaño, that is, raising up the right hand with the arm forming a right angle and tapping the elbow twice with the left hand. This is the "tacaño" sign. So please stop this nonsense that being cheap and not tipping is a part of the Colombian culture. Every nice restaurant in Colombia (and some not so nice restaurants) automatically charge a "service charge" which is the TIP. Some even list it as PROPINA on the receipt. To further back this up, the word propina is very very common in the Spanish vocabulary in Colombia. If propinas weren't common this word would not even be part of the every day vocabulary of Colombians. Of course if you guys are locking yourself up in your apartments or your room at The Mansion, and eating at Kokoriko or Burger king, and have limited Spanish skills, unable to hold an intelligent conversation with the girls or local, you will NEVER get it.

Nino Bravo
03-16-15, 01:47
I don't have to get chicas into a hotel, I take them to my home here. Tipping is giving money to someone for good service, getting favors for giving money to someone is not tipping, it's giving a bribe, anyone can bribe their way into getting a chica into a hotel.Tipping is giving money for good service and the expectation of getting good service in the future and preferential treatment. What did you do for a living in the States if I might ask, and what kind of lifestyle did you live?

Mr Enternational
03-16-15, 03:52
In my 20 years of traveling to Colombia and speaking with literally hundreds and hundreds of women, they constantly bring up the fact that they think gringos are "tacaos" the Spanish word used in Colombia which means "cheap stake" or "stingy".In other words they have learned to guilt trip you in order to get deeper into your pockets? Whenever someone in Latin America tries that tacano shit on me then I say well you fucking pay for it then. That usually shuts them up real quick. They will only call you tacano if you are not shelling out money for something that will give them more benefit. If there is nothing in it for them then they could care less. Many times when I meet chicks I will introduce myself as Senor Tacano. That lets them know immediately that I will not fall for the banana in the tailpipe.
Of course if you guys are locking yourself up in your apartments or your room at The Mansion, and eating at Kokoriko or Burger king, and have limited Spanish skills, unable to hold an intelligent conversation with the girls or local, you will NEVER get it.I speak English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Thai, but evidently we are "GETTING" two different things. But hey, when in doubt either look around and see what everyone else is doing or ask a local that you trust. Usually the desk clerk at the hotel is a good source for cultural information if you do not know anyone. And like you said, half the time (at restaurants) the service charge is already included in the bill. If a person is a tipper and doesn't know any better then they are subject to pay it twice.

03-16-15, 07:40
What's wrong with this forum. Before all the posts where all about viagra and cialis. Then a new guy post an excellent trip report and all of the sudden guys just want to write about the way he handles the tipping tipping and other nonsense Who cares! Guys go back to writing trip reports.PREACH! WTF HAPPENED! I really took my time documenting, getting photos, remembering names and prices. Ugh.

03-16-15, 11:09
What's wrong with this forum. Before all the posts where all about viagra and cialis. Then a new guy post an excellent trip report and all of the sudden guys just want to write about the way he handles the tipping tipping and other nonsense Who cares! Guys go back to writing trip reports.Man, all of your posts are about your crying about one thing or another like a little byatch on her menstrual cycle. "Write me more damn trip reports. Waah, waah". Stop trying to be a fucking forum cop. This forum is about information AND debate, be it dick pills, tipping, etc.

You don't like what I have to say? Feel free to put me on your ignor list then. I've been here since 2007. Not going anywhere.

Hell, just scrolling through your post history, the last few pages are of you saying a whole bunch of shit, and not ONE damn trip report!

How about your take your own advice?

03-16-15, 11:21
Pretty hard to say that without knowing me in person. But I would be more than happy to invite you out to a few spots of mine in Medellin the next time I'm in town, and we'll see. The check and the tip is on me. LOL. Just inbox me with your info.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!I appreciate the invite, but you sound to be on the "dar papaya" side of things. I'm not trying to end up a target. I've already got enough to worry about while there.

And I agree with Mr E. That "tacano" bullshit is the equivalent of an American Woman calling you a "cheap date" because you didn't let her maraud your wallet for the night. You're living in fantasy land if you think that tossing around money like it's going out of style somehow earns you respect.

You go to a casa and pay 30k and give the Chica a 20k tip. A Colombiano comes behind you, pays 30k and leaves. He still got the exact same service as you did without spending 50k. It's not like the pussy somehow magically felt different at 50k than it did at 30k.

This is P4P. Going above and beyond in terms of payment is not going to earn you any additional points. I've had chicas ask me to bring them handbags, Coco Chanel, iPhones, human hair (extensions), you name it. I've ignored all of their requests and they still come over when I am in town and call them over.

A weaker guy would think "man, if I don't bring her this stuff, she is not going to want to see me (read "she is not going to let me pay her money to fuck her")". Whereas my thinking is that she's already convinced enough gringo bobos to do her bidding. If not, she can take the pesos I give her for sex and buy that shit herself.

03-16-15, 11:39
Bitches lie tips but they prefer balls deep.

P.S. I posted a great review and suddenly this forum turned into a circle jerk about tipping. Let's get back to business people!Enjoyed your trip report amigo, thanks.

Very detailed info and play by play of your endeavors.

Like a lot of guys who travel frequently, and have been for years, I don't post any more of play by play encounters with women.

Though I did enjoy reading thru yours, thanks again.

I do enjoy the banter at times on the forum, including the "tipping" debate.

I'm with Nino Bravo on the tipping issue.

It's really just common sense and I've used even cursory, small tips to show appreciation and gain favor.

Absolutely works like a charm.

No need to be a bobo and foolishly over tip as the cost / benefit doesn't really increase much, if at all.

To say that tipping in Colombia is looked down upon and discouraged is untrue, IMO.

I've used tipping all over central and south america for years.

That along kind words has gotten me far.

Have fun guys!

Member #4398
03-16-15, 11:49
Okay you win. Keep writing about Cialis, Viagra, tipping, and other of your great debates. I thought the site was about helping others find women available for sex. Now I learn is about debating issues. My next trip report is coming one I get there in the summer or earlier.

Man, all of your posts are about your crying about one thing or another like a little byatch on her menstrual cycle. "Write me more damn trip reports. Waah, waah". Stop trying to be a fucking forum cop. This forum is about information AND debate, be it dick pills, tipping, etc.

You don't like what I have to say? Feel free to put me on your ignor list then. I've been here since 2007. Not going anywhere.

Hell, just scrolling through your post history, the last few pages are of you saying a whole bunch of shit, and not ONE damn trip report!

How about your take your own advice?

Nino Bravo
03-16-15, 11:53
I appreciate the invite, but you sound to be on the "dar papaya" side of things. I'm not trying to end up a target. I've already got enough to worry about while there. .I didn't expect you to accept my invite. And me ending up a target? Well, with 20 years and 100 trips under my belt, and still doing just fine. No hard feelings, we'll just have to agree to disagree. Still would like to meet you, but I already have what I believe to be a pretty accurate image of what you might look like in my head.

Have a great day!

Nino Bravo
03-16-15, 11:55
In other words they have learned to guilt trip you in order to get deeper into your pockets? Whenever someone in Latin America tries that tacano shit on me then I say well you fucking pay for it then. That usually shuts them up real quick. They will only call you tacano if you are not shelling out money for something that will give them more benefit. If there is nothing in it for them then they could care less. Many times when I meet chicks I will introduce myself as Senor Tacano. That lets them know immediately that I will not fall for the banana in the tailpipe.I speak English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Thai, but evidently we are "GETTING" two different things. But hey, when in doubt either look around and see what everyone else is doing or ask a local that you trust. Usually the desk clerk at the hotel is a good source for cultural information if you do not know anyone. And like you said, half the time (at restaurants) the service charge is already included in the bill. If a person is a tipper and doesn't know any better then they are subject to pay it twice.You totally misunderstood my analogy regarding Tacaño and tipping.

03-16-15, 11:55
Also, you could get a capital one 360 check debit card https://home.capitalone360.com/lp-360checking?utm_source=1575378&utm_medium=0&utm_content=113657062&utm_campaign=8175436 and it has tons of free / no fee ATM in USA usually inside MCDs, Ride Aid pharmacies, other places. This card is great to use oversea. I have used it in the DR, Medellin, Carta, Barranquilla, and Santa Marta and no fees were charged each time I withdrew money from any bank / ATM there. You can open it easily online and link it to your regular bank to make future deposits or get direct deposit if you want it as your regular bank. This is the only card I use oversea cause not a single fee is taken by the bank.I just clicked on the link you provided and I see this:

Foreign Transaction. When using your Card (s) for transactions made in foreign currency or for what MasterCard® classifies as a cross-border transaction, a charge may be applied by MasterCard® (if it's in a foreign currency, this will be based on the amount after it's converted to USA Dollars by MasterCard®). Please remember to notify us if you are travelling overseas Opens a new window.

03-16-15, 13:36
Funny thing about tipping is that the beneficial effect may be temporary. While I tip generously in restaurants in the US, it only takes about 5 minutes to cut my hair and I rarely tip hairstylists. A couple of years ago, a lady from Mexico was cutting my hair. I experimented with tipping $6 on a $14 haircut. Service was great for two cuts and then it got far worse than before I tipped. Learned my lesson, switched hairstylists and went back to tipping at Christmas and special occasions.

Member #4398
03-16-15, 14:22
I just clicked on the link you provided and I see this:

Foreign Transaction. When using your Card (s) for transactions made in foreign currency or for what MasterCard classifies as a cross-border transaction, a charge may be applied by MasterCard (if it's in a foreign currency, this will be based on the amount after it's converted to USA Dollars by MasterCard). Please remember to notify us if you are travelling overseas Opens a new window.I called Capital One 360 each time I left and was given confusing feedback about fees, no charges or it depends were you use it. I was advises to use ATMs with the all point logo. I never found that logo in any DR or Colombia ATM so I used it anyway. Upon checking my statements, I never saw a Capital One 360 bank charge and I use more than 10 different ATMs.

John Gault
03-16-15, 14:28
Really simple for me. If it makes you happy to tip than tip. If it makes you unhappy to tip then don't tip.

Why worry what the other guy does?

Member #4398
03-16-15, 14:32
Man, all of your posts are about your crying about one thing or another like a little byatch on her menstrual cycle. "Write me more damn trip reports. Waah, waah". Stop trying to be a fucking forum cop?SavePro321, I must acknowledge your comedian skills are pretty good. I couldn't stop laughing just picturing myself as a crying baby waah waah wearing an ISG police uniform and a pistol or baton in my hands.

Nino Bravo
03-16-15, 14:33
Really simple for me. If it makes you happy to tip than tip. If it makes you unhappy to tip then don't tip.

Why worry what the other guy does?Exactly! Not sure how someone tipping is going to "ruin" it for everyone else, or is giving "papaya". Of course I've never paid 30 k for a chica to have sex with me, so I really can't relate. But to each his own. SavePro loves 30 k chicas and I would have nothing to do with them. Doesn't make either of us right or wrong, or good or bad.

03-16-15, 14:58
So, all this because you don't want people tipping in MDE?

Man, all of your posts are about your crying about one thing or another like a little byatch on her menstrual cycle.

"Write me more damn trip reports. Waah, waah". Stop trying to be a fucking forum cop. This forum is about information AND debate, be it dick pills, tipping, etc.

You don't like what I have to say? Feel free to put me on your ignor list then. I've been here since 2007. Not going anywhere.

03-16-15, 16:52
Allpoint owns a bunch of ATMs. The trick is to just use 7 Eleven or CVS pharmacy. All of them are Allpoint. Save you from having to go to their website and do a search.

James Dandy
03-16-15, 18:53
So, all this because you don't want people tipping in MDE?That was an entirely different observation from the tipping issue and I fully agree with Save, Cerebro's incessant whining about the thread being off topic is far more annoying than talks about Viagra or tipping. Then he follows with a useless report on the CapitalOne card, after berating five or six guys that were having a discussion they and many others found interesting.

03-16-15, 19:03
Ah, my stalker Rj-asss all the way from the Opinions > American Women forum. There's just no getting away from you, is there?

Not interested bro, just so we put that out there. ThatGuy865 might be more to your likening since the both of you seem to share the same Beta Male traits.

Carry on!What I don't understand is if he and ThatGuy are so happy with the state of affairs with American Women, why are they on Monger boards giving their opinions.

Seems everyone else here are trying to escape the Western way of doing things.

03-16-15, 19:11
I called Capital One 360 each time I left and was given confusing feedback about fees, no charges or it depends were you use it. I was advises to use ATMs with the all point logo. I never found that logo in any DR or Colombia ATM so I used it anyway. Upon checking my statements, I never saw a Capital One 360 bank charge and I use more than 10 different ATMs.I know for certain that the Charles Schwab card has no international fees whatsoever.

03-16-15, 19:37
SavePro321, I must acknowledge your comedian skills are pretty good. I couldn't stop laughing just picturing myself as a crying baby waah waah wearing an ISG police uniform and a pistol or baton in my hands.Well at least you laughed!

No need to take everything so serious. This forum is about information sharing. I could just as well start crying about your Capital One 360/ ATM fees posts, but it's not that serious. Someone will no doubt find the info useful. The same way some people found the Viagra / Cialis posts useful. I myself plan to look into the post EstebanH made about the ED injection shot. I'm a long way from needed ED Meds, but if it gives you a boner like an 18 yr old as he said, then who could pass up that info? It IS directly related to fucking, after all!

03-16-15, 22:40
130 k + 100 K tip (Over tipped fucked up cause I was fresh off the plane and big head had all the blood).

First stop went to Energy. It was late Saturday and there was only 2 girls working. I chose Francine. She's 26 5 3 with bolt ONS and tight lipo abs. Had to tip Extra for BBJ and kisses but worth it. Good massage and super tight vag. I was soo egar when she hopped on I was a 2 pump chump. I laughed with joy and she totally got it. I think I over tipped that night but I was fresh off the plane and didn't care. I hadn't boned in weeks!

120 K.

Next up went went an independents Casa. Laura. She's 27, Body and pics were real. She just got her ass done as well. Lots of kissing, passionate. Cover BJ but it was fine. She gave me the Reds beer stuff and I relaxed. She was Super into it, muy GFE. She was a 9 but the face was about a 7. 5. She did the strip tease, and was just in the moment. Her pussy is soo fucking pretty! Like one of those innie pussys where you can barely see any labia. She gets on top and keeps looking at the mirrors (vanity). Covered BJ. Lots of spitting and ball sucking. She gets on top first, sooooo tight! Fuck she was riding like a super pro. We switch it up, Did the slow passionate deep pounding as well as the fast hard doggy. I wasn't allowed to slap her ass though because she just had it done. What was weird though was when I Was pounding her hard she somehow slapped mine! I thought she wanted me to stop but she just liked it really deep an rough. We made out while she jerked me to completion on her man made perky tits. Her tits weren't cartoon just the right amount of silicone. She was also very clean and both hygentic. We showered and the thing that was cartoon was her huge fat injected ass!

300 K.

Ordered some take out. Francesca. She's about 23. She showed up on time. WOW! Her looks! She is a fucking knock out 10. She was wearing this all white draped dolly dress. It had so many holes but it stopped at the stomach and showed how flat and toned it really was. She was about 5 9 115 lb with no heels on. Skinny with Bolt ONS but done in proportion. Slamming tight ass. About 3/4 inch of thigh gap. She caught me off guard though when she got to my apartment she tells me how some working girl got murdered in my building by a crazy venizeulain dude and thrown off the balcony! Then she asks if I'm single. Weird. I am but that's odd. She tells me she has a BF yada yada. I dunno. We have a drink. She does this weird thing were when she takes a drink she blows up her cheeks like a blowfish and holds the drink for 9 seconds before swallowing. She did this with 2 cans of red so it took a minute just to get to the biz. (No clock watching) She gets close to me, staring at my eyes like a lover, long and deep with no words said. 15 seconds no talking felt like forever. She would not kiss on the lips so, so much for that Romance. She kisses me everywhere else. She gets topless, holy fuck her body is. A sculpture. After walking around naked and letting me film it. (Which BTW she asked me to delete but I bait & switched my phone and showed her a different phone so I got to keep all the pics!) got her in the bed, peeled off her undies with her small hip bone pertruding. I had to munch that amazing tight box. She has a beautiful pussy, the type that makes the front page of reddit. Performance wise She was half into it half not. I did all the techniques but I could tell her mind wasn't there. She did a covered BJ even after I said I'd tip her. Nope cover only! Her performance was semi mechanical. Did all positions. When I was fucking her I pulled off the rubber and she let me finish on her stomach and tits and jerked it to completion all over her. After she showered she stayed longer (almost 2 1/2 hours instead of 90 min) enjoying all the music I was showing her and company. She left and I sent her on her way.

130 K + 50 K tip.

Went back to energy late Tuesday night This time. Amazing line up. It was between two and I chose Angela. She was only 19 years old!! An all natural spinner. Small tits and ass. Holy Fuck was she amazing!! So much chemistry. Could take a dick hard and gave a great massage. I remember nailing her doggy and I couldn't take it and had to pop in the rubber. She was dope. I'll definitely see her again with one of her friends. No kissing on the lips, though and it was covered BBJ which I didn't care about cause she was doing everything right.

110 K.

On a Saturday afternoon I ventured to Blue Room. This is like a generic energy. The line up had all types though. Most of which were from a 2- a 6. 8. I was in the mood for a big tit but in hindsight should have taken the tall skinny one who was laughing, I could tell her personality was better. Went with a sort of thick natural tits on. Face was cute but could def loose some weight. She was half mechanical half into it. No kissing on the lips but half way thru a few peaks. I could tell when we started she tried to make me cum fast but I wasn't going to let it go that easy. She did jerk me and let me shoot like a 8 roper on her tits! She said don't get her face but accidents happen.

150 k + 50 k tip.

Went to another independent. Wow!

Celeste. She's about 25. I showed up wow what a knock out! Fake tits with the lipo and butt injections but it all went together with her and her personality. We start lots of kissing, making out. She goes straight for the Johnson. I start finger her and she lets me go all the way in. It was like vaginal vice grips. Whoa look out! Big hard errect brown nipples contrast with her white pale skin, there begging for attention. She loved it when it was bitten too. Grabs the rubber and its covered BJ but lots of ball licking like almost excessive. She gets into doggy and this big beautiful paisa ass is just jiggling just right. We go to all the positions. She was getting tired and I let her jerk me. Totally pro and did a little tounge action. I nut and hit her whole 36 dd chest and face. She cleans up, we talk. There's time left. She has such a fun cool great personality and gives me a massage the rest of the time. Telling her jokes in broken spanish she is really a great person. She even wants to give me some more head and fuck more. We do but I couldn't cum cause she and I were both too tired. We shower, I get dressed, instead of kicking me out right away we hang out in her penthouse. It has an amazing view from the roof. Some more making out, then I'm in the kitchen for water and her roomate comes home! I semi hide by the fridge and the roomate sees me. It's not a big deal. Her roomate goes to her room, then we just make out in the kitchen and I fingerbang her g spot till she cums while holding her face in my chest so she muffles the sound of he orgasim. I walk out right away slowly and don't turn back. She says "call me" in Spanish. Pimp shit. (Side note she calls me to hang out at this event on Saturday).

130 K.

So I'm doing well with independents and I decide to see this chick in Laurles. She gets to the door. She is 21 years old. Wow her face what a knock out! 9 in the face, a nice pair of + 2's and a nice round ass. Her stomach, she had a kid and it shows a little but nothing that her pretty face can't distract you from. She has a lot of tats on her and is sort of semi gothy but still colombian. She speaks English pretty good. The apartment isn't that amazing and the bright light was a bit harsh in the room. She starts kissing me, super passionate like we are lovers. Grabbing for my knish, I get her undressed, holy fuck! Smoking. We just kiss and make out for 10 min then she gets the rubber. Sucks me and plays with the huevos. Then she climbs on top. We start going. Then she's riding faster and faster and she cums. I go to change positions and I notice she is really wet. As she gets off she looks, and goes "OOH" turns out she bleed on me. She is super embarrassed and there is blood on my thigh and all over the condom and a bit on my balls. She goes over to the shower, grabs a towel and soap and cleans me off. She is soo embarrassed. She heads to the shower for like 10 min to get really clean. She comes back says we can start again. I didn't know what I wanted but her pretty face was just soo captivating. We're semi dressed and she starts to give me a massage. Speaking with her she is smarter then the job she has. We are having a vibe and I tell her the incident will make for a funny story. She's still embarrassed but then laughs and kisses me. She goes out of the room to get more condoms. We make out more then start again. I go to fuck her and check for blood the first couple of thrust. Nothing. So I'm we're both I to it. She loves getting choked and spanked so I do it at the same time (at the same damn time) I keep going the just as I'm about to cum I rip the rubber off and shoot it on her face and tits. She was awesome and stroked it and smiled. She laughs some more cause it was like a 9 roper and everywhere! We clean up, shower and make out some more. She gives me her real name and real number. I go out the door and she grabs me and does a DFK that last 10 seconds. We have been chatting ever since. She gave me her real name and real #, we text on whatsapp. She asks to want to see me free, I was super surprsed. I met near the mall of hers. We had lunch and wound up just making out. The next day I went over to her apartment and hung and boned for a couple hours. I did give her some $ though which she didn't ask for but I knew she wanted. I know the school she is in and work in a similar field. I gave her some tutor lessons and in turn she has been sleeping with me for no money. We are very honest and her good english makes it easy to communicate with. Anyway I think she is pretty close to a semi novia.

110 K.

Decided to try another casa, it's the one near Las Palmas but I forgot the name.

There was some guys a head of me and they got the best pick. I was patient and opped for this light carmel skin girl with a pretty young face and braces. Boy what a great choice though. She was 24, Her tits were a little floppy from having a kid but damn she was super passionate. At first it was just a massage. The room was sort of shitty cause it was in the basement but all the other rooms were being used. It was a nice room just small. So we go in, and then she starts looking at me. "Super linda" ahh hermosa. Then plants one on me like I was her boyfriend that she hasn't seen in a month! We get going, she gives me head with no condom without asking. She is attacking my dick like a champ. We get to boning. All positions. Despite her having a kid her pussy is super tight and she was dripping wetness (no lube) I couldn't take it and finish doggy. After she does more massaging and then even another suck! Perfect, I say listo and then we wrap it up. In the shower she was beig playful and was trying to suck on my balls. Super hot.

150 K.

Independent, angel. Wow ok so I get to this chicks place in Poblado. She was 26, The Apartment was a little hard to find and luckly my uber driver had a sister who lived in the same build! Small world. I get to her place, hmmm she had a little joan rivers little thing going on but hte body was super tight! Had like nice see implants but they felt a little weird, sort of like they were implants under the bone so you could feel it but it was deep inside if that makes sense. Her stomach and ass were super tight. I'll admit the surgery face took a bit of time to get used to, its not super bad but just noticeable. Anyway we get down to business. She looks at my eyes and the ususal paisa response and gets super into it. Kissing and kissing and kissing. I mean we must have kissed for 10 min straight before any clothes came off. We get all our clothes off, I look to the side of the bed and see 2 wand vibrators. She says "those are my toys. " ok cool this was a preview. I take off her clothes and she has a gorgeous tight beautiful pussy. I rub the clit and then get a finger inside. She is in heaven. She grabs for my dick and throws me on the bed. Out comes the rubber. I ask for sin cover but no, she is NOT doing that. I think ok. The head is actually pretty good. She then looks at me and then does this sexy cool wink fuck. She licks and sucks the balls then it's time to fuck. We start in doggy and she is tight and wet. I then turn her over, missionary. Mmm lots of kissing but then, she reaches for her toys. She has 2 wands. One battery, one plugs in. She goes for the plug in and puts it right on her clit. Wow, my dick is inside her but we aren't pumping as she is getting her self comfortabe with the wand on her dick. The vibrations feel soo good for both of us. We fuck inbetween her getting off. She keeps doing it over and over and eventually. Bam! She squirts!! Wow. A real life squirter. It was somewhere in between a gush and a stream. She keeps cumming and I feel the pulse. Again. Bam more squirting!! She is super into all of this. She says she has more so we go again. BAMM squirt city! We changes positions, she gets on top. I can see her paisa perfecta pussy as she grabs the wireless wand. It's less powerful but she is also running out of steam. She wants the leche and jerks me off onto her tits and it hits her chin. She laughs, we shower together. She starts showing me pics of her son and we kick it for another 45 min. Not a clock watcher and just really chill. She is so awesome that I see her the next day! It was a repeat of the service only better and this time I just finished in the condom. Only problem was the 2nd time she had to leave early so we couldn't hang. I thought it was BS for another client but she got dressed with me and left the apartment together with me.

130 K I had her 150 K but never got back change (bad on my part).

The hipster in me likes the Indies, I go to See Agatha. She was 21 years old. This was a mistake. I get to her apartment in Las Palams. She keeps me waiting almost 45 minutes. The elevator was out of order or something and I had to hoof it up 9 flights of stairs. I get to the door, she opens it. Not bad, I can't tell if th photos were real or not or just heavly photoshoped. I can tell the whole apartment is being used by differnet girls. As soon as I get to the room, she ask for the money. OK I tae care of her. She had on a whole lingeria get up. She takes it off and then once her stomach is reveal and large 6 and a half inch see section scare is revealed. She obviously had the kid within the last 6 months she the scar is still somewhat fresh. I try to look away but it's just ehhh. SHe only does small kisses. She has nice small implants which I like but the rest of her set is about as mechanical as jiffy lube. It's going thru the motions and I could tell the whole time she was not in the moment at all. She goes a covered BJ, its actually pretty good and smooth but she wants to fuck. Gets lube, hops on top. I can tell her whole mission is to make me cum as quick as possible. I sense that and I make sure I last. She was totally trying to get me to cum in 30 seconds. She was a little frustrated, we changed positions. She has her eyes wide open the whole time and keeps checking to make sure the condom is still on. She do a couple more positions. I finally nut in the rubber. After I shower and I straight up as her. How long have you been doing this? Are you new? She says yes 4 months now. I told her she didn't seem all there. She and I both knew this isn't the job for her. She agreed with him and I left. It's just what I love is finding someone who is in't this and she was totally not that type of person.

Had some dates with 4 non pro Paisas. All very different.

First one was from Cupid. I totally didn't remember what she looked like as I just text every single girl in my phone who's name I put Medellin. We agreed to meet. Holy shit! In person she is a smoke shop! She's 27 but looks 21.8. 5! And her personality was super chill. She's a hipster chick that's not really the traditional plastic girl but she still works out a lot. Her stomach was tight as fuck!! We had a real date which ment no hooking up the first time (that's the culture for regular girls here, it's ironic considering how many raging working girls there are roaming these streets) we did do lots of petting and got pretty wasted. Smoked a bit. I hung out with her again but this time it felt I dunno somehing was off. One thing that bothered me was after we had lunch. I go to the ATM and leave her be. I come back and there is this tall gringo who she is talking to. She says it's her friend I greet them. She says that her girlfriend met on Cupid and that's her BF. I was like hmm the only thing that bothered me was when we left he said "ok by baby" the baby shit set off red flags and ever since I have been thinking she is a pro. I haven't hit it and we only kissed once, I asked to see her during a lunch break and never get a response. I'm 90% sure she is a pro. I'm dying to find out, not because I want to catch her and be like "ahh hhhha" but more like "hey be honest before I just waste money on drinks an dinner with no play".

2nd one was a webcam girl I managed to meet from Myfreecams. First off getting a number off there is impressive, 2nd is getting one without tipping! I accomplished Both and it will prob never happen again! She's 20 years old. I want to fuck her friend who is popular in Mfc but Had turned me down soo many times. Her friend is new so Easy target. I met her at the mall, took her for mall food and she loved it. Lots of stares and glances. She is sort of gothy but sweet. She wouldn't kiss after but I could tell she wanted to. I planted the seed and said "I know paisa don't kiss on the first date" she said yes. So I said the 2nd date. I walked away. Text her where to meet me in 5 minutes. She comes we go into a corner. Hard core making out. I grab her plum ass hard!. It was too risky for a public BJ so I stuck my fingers in her mouth and in Spanish "you will taste this off my dick soon" I left after that. The Follow up visit is tonight and she been texting me all types of shit so I'll let you know how this one goes.


I made friends with locas here and my friend has been fucking this cute paisa girl he met in Poblado. On a whimp I went out that night with him and I said "it's ususally the nights you don't plan on going out that are the best" Boy I couldn't be more right. We meet her and her friend at Eco bar in Poblado. They are there already half lit. This girl is fucking smoking hot! She has her hair tied in a tight slicked back pony tail, petite about 5 2 but with a bad ass attitude she's 28 but looks 21. She is one of those girls that can be tough but also sweet. She has a plump small ass with small tits to match. Her face is like looking into pure beauty. We imedelty click and my friend is helping translate. We hang out at another hipster bar and they go to the bathroom to do blow. I'm not really into drug chicks or drugs for that matter but I understand it's sort of her way of unwinding. They get back, and she chanllenges her friend to kiss in front of us. They have been doing this but then she uses it as a cue for her to kiss as well. She taughts me into kissing her and I go FULL in. WoW she is a fucking amazing kisser and doesn't hold back. She kept doing some paisa things, like backing off and then coming full circle. It's all part of the hard to get culture here. I'm cool with it. We get pretty drunk and are making out hard core in the club. She does not like any advancement towards the lower body and makes it clear with a firm "NOO" jajajaja. Some more making out and she wants to keep partying. My friend has work the next day so we have to leave. I knew it was best because there wasn't going to be any fucking that night if we got a room so I called it a night and paid for thier taxi home. We made plans the following week and even did the each day follow up. She assured me she was coming. I show up. Nothing. I'm not mad, this is just hte paisa way of dating. They are more flakey then Tony The tiger. I been trying to call but ahh it's like eventually it willl or won't happen. No big deal.

4th one.

100% wifey material. I met her thru instagram. We talked and facetime for a while. Finally met in person. HOLY FUCK! A 1-10 she is fucking 10000000. She's 22 She comes from money, has a passport / visa and is in med school. DOesn't drink or smoke and lives in dope building in Poblado with just her mom. Let me say, she is the full package of perfect. We have good chemistry but her school keeps her super busy. I thought it was bullshit but I saw her schedule and even visited her at her school once. SHe is very focused and a real good girl. We went out for sushi, and got really close to kissing the first night. I gave her a peck on her neck and she smiled then ran my fingers down her back. It's been difficult to see each other but I also think she has a novio on the side. Also there is conflict because I am a gringo and she doesn't' want people thinking she is a prepago. It's a tough stigma but I get it. I been having to back off but only to not seem too intrested. I got to play it cool if she really is a true pocahontas.

So the Photos I tried to upload them as best I could. Obviously the ones at the casa where hard but it goes as follows.

1 Laura.

2,3 Francesca.

4 Celeste.

5,6 Angel.

7 The first Date Non pro.

8 3rd date.

There ya go boys. I know I don't have many nudes Ill see what else is on my phone but enjoy and happy mongering!This forum is called reports, not tips. Bumping this to keep us on topic.

03-16-15, 23:41
This forum is called reports, not tips. Bumping this to keep us on topic.Pulitzer prize matérial.

Keep bumping to the top, LOL.

Was a nice report though, and you should be proud of it.