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05-03-15, 08:27
Guys, just to add a little perspective, boob jobs are quite common in Colombia. In fact, to put things in perspective: the price of a boob job is relatively lower in Colombia than in first-world countries, while a small basic car in Colombia would cost almost twice as much than what it would sell for over here in the states. That goes to show you what the priorities are, LOL!

Also, a girl can get a boob job by putting half the cost down at first and pay the rest over the next 2-3 months (during her follow-up appointments). So I'd say even an estrata 3 girl can get one, if she can save some money and get the rest from guy friends, girl friends, and even some family members might pitch in.

You'd also be surprised at the number of girls from middle-class families getting boob jobs for their 18th birthdays. Not that different than what you see in certain circles here in the states, like a JAP getting a nose job at 16 or 17 years; or rich girls in certain neighborhoods in LA or Miami getting boob jobs sometimes as young as 16.

So it's not just a puta thing. It's almost a requirement nowadays in certain niches of the Colombian model / fashion world. Big boobs in high-fashion or euro-fashion are still almost forbidden of course, but we're talking the second-tier beauty contest circuit (Miss Cola, Miss Tanga, etc.), the Chicas Car Audio circuit, the models on the Linda Pop site, the girls that get paid to hang out in the "cool" club of the moment. Another good example would be some of the Aguila girls that have a small boob job (200 CC implants, not the monstrous 350 CC models, LOL!

C Jack Sparrow
05-03-15, 10:40
X-novia said that girls saves for 2-3 years, may include some occasional sex for money. She also said "amigos" or novios pay. She also said she can get some sort or butt-jobb for only 600 mil pesos, but that idea scares me. 600 mil, what can she get?

Other amiga got a bankloan. She said that all of her primas, amigas already have implants and all are from estrato social 1-3, where 6 is the most rich.

A girl at a nice location in Laureles had yet no breast implants; " I make 2 million a months, my amigas here with implants make 5 million".

It's a Catch 22. The girl needs the implants to finance them!

But I have met guys, both local and gringos, at New Life, asking if this or that girl was good, but also specifying that "if her tits are implants, I'll pass".

Personally I love breastimplants, while I think as an ass-man I prefer a hard aerobics ass. If a girl are born with fling-flung tits, she can't do anything about it except surgery. Asses though are about excercize-moral; You can always get a nice ass with effort!

The same for us with overwieght-problems; I CAN get rid if that "barriga de cerveza", but a small penis I can do little about!

05-03-15, 20:54
Thanks for the various replies and perspectives.

Apparently there is a television series called "Sin tetas no hay paraiso" - about a girl who wants to get boob implants. So definitely an important (and interesting LOL) part of the Colombian culture.

According to this article http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2015/apr/23/teen-liposuction-busty-pinatas-narcoaesthetics-in-colombia-in-pictures one girl from Medellin claims she paid 4. 5 m pesos. It could be cheaper than that though.

I suppose, if you were to break down the society as the Colombians do, in 1-6 estratos you could probably say that 5,6 could definitely afford it.

Anything below is already sketchy, but I guess, if the culture is really to the point where there is no shame but rather pressure (e. G. , like social pressure to get a smartphone) like some here are suggesting and where the family would get involved, then I could see 3-4 also being reasonable possibilities.

Obviously if she is estrato 1-2, I think that, at that point, it is obvious what she is about.

I only ask and look into this to hear perspectives because I think it helps in terms of economizing time / effort invested in a girl and also deciding what kind of long-term potential she has.

05-04-15, 05:06

Headed back to MDE for 10 days later this month and have interest in a testosterone shot. Never tried it before, but have read experiences of other guys. Does anyone know of a pharmacy in Poblado that administers the shot?

Thanks in advance.

Iguana Six
05-04-15, 12:55
Guys, just to add a little perspective, boob jobs are quite common in Colombia. In fact, to put things in perspective: the price of a boob job is relatively lower in Colombia than in first-world countries, while a small basic car in Colombia would cost almost twice as much than what it would sell for over here in the states. That goes to show you what the priorities are, LOL!
A small basic car is so expensive in Colombia because it must be imported. Colombia, like many countries in the region has a very inefficient personal income tax system, so it relies on Value Added Tax (VAT) sales tax systems and placing high tariffs on imported goods, especially luxury goods like autos, TVs, cell phones. This kind of taxation targets the rich, and hopefully encourages domestic manufacture of manufactured good. Eventually, the economy will rise to the level where someone will to open a automobile plant in the country, and the product will be competitively priced because of lower shipping and tax costs. Argentina got a Ford Falcon plant and Mexico got a VW bug plant in the 1960's.

Low cost plastic surgery in Colombia is low cost because a surgeon can make a good living, and while it is not what his counterpart in a big city in the US would make, he has lower costs, is not in fear of a law suit every month, and has volume / word of mouth advertising working for him.

As for the butt-jobs. I have seen bad ones where something was injected, which later turned into a discoloration. I've known one non-pro slim girl who had a butt that was just fine and firm and tight and would have benefitted from a boob job get a but got a butt job instead, which only accentuated her flat chest. Another was a full time pro who looked like a petit blonde Anne Hathaway, and then, when I saw here a year later, had gotten a boob job, butt job, dyed her hair black, and went from 95 lbs to 115 lbs. She had transformed form Nicole Ritchie to one of the Khardasian. It was as if someone put a battle ship's big 18 inch gun turrets on the front and back of a little cruiser. It is too much for her 4'11" frame.

05-04-15, 13:50
Also, a girl can get a boob job by putting half the cost down at first and pay the rest over the next 2-3 months (during her follow-up appointments). So I'd say even an estrata 3 girl can get one, if she can save some money and get the rest from guy friends, girl friends, and even some family members might pitch in.
Any smart guy wouldn't just give a broad money to pay for her tits if there was nothing in it for him. So, again we've confirmed that a poor girl with no money for tits will sell ass to acquire them (or finish paying for them).

I suppose the underlining theme of the initial question was that the OP was trying to rationalize starting a long distance relationship with a chick whom he suspects may have history as a pro because she has fake boobs. Other posters want to convince the OP otherwise, and that "middle class chicas do it all the time (get boob jobs)".

Well, I regularly bang a MILF that would be regarded as "middle class". She owns her own hair salon. Doesn't stop her from hooking on the side by taking my pesos.

And she has fake boobs.

Stop believing you are going to find a "Unicorn" chica; they don't exist. Hooking is part of the culture and all women will not pass on the opportunity to sell ass for cash discreetly if the right opportunity presents itself, regardless of the "estrato".

Some poster a while back talked about knowing an agency that would hook you up with TV personalities that hooked on the side (back in the day). I'm sure these women would be considered to be in the upper echelon of society.

C Jack Sparrow
05-04-15, 15:13
Thanks for the various replies and perspectives.

Apparently there is a television series called "Sin tetas no hay paraiso" - about a girl who wants to get boob implants. So definitely an important (and interesting LOL) part of the Colombian culture.

According to this article http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2015/apr/23/teen-liposuction-busty-pinatas-narcoaesthetics-in-colombia-in-pictures one girl from Medellin claims she paid 4. 5 m pesos. It could be cheaper than that though.

I suppose, if you were to break down the society as the Colombians do, in 1-6 estratos you could probably say that 5,6 could definitely afford it.

Anything below is already sketchy, but I guess, if the culture is really to the point where there is no shame but rather pressure (e. G. , like social pressure to get a smartphone) like some here are suggesting and where the family would get involved, then I could see 3-4 also being reasonable possibilities.

Obviously if she is estrato 1-2, I think that, at that point, it is obvious what she is about.

I only ask and look into this to hear perspectives because I think it helps in terms of economizing time / effort invested in a girl and also deciding what kind of long-term potential she has.Colombia has a very long and deep tradition of "prepagoism". It is as you say obvious where the money comes from.

The modern Colombia still have feudal patterns; extremely unjust in-equality. Erotics, sensualism, sex is something that is much more acccpeted, it's much more "natural" than in our 1st world societies. Hence, the stigma is not that strong. Everybody knows but officially don't know where the money comes from; egoism is so strong that families know what the flower of the family does in Panama; but it's accepted since she actucally pays the bills. But, looking at it from another angle; they already plan for that when she is young, that she will be a family provider; as a prepago in another city, Bogota, or another country, Panama. So strong is the culture that holds back the female liberation. It's more terrible than we can imagine!

The family of course never mention it to the young girl, they know (and want it); when she moves alone to another, bigger city, where she can live "incognito", they know that her waitress salary is so bad and that men will offer her good money as prepago! It`s not that just happens by accident!

That is the mentality of "los pobres". There does not exist thoughts of a marxist revolution; plain egoism combined with a vastly spread laziness is still King!

Marrying a "rich" man from The US or Europe is Bingo! And that means economic security for life for the whole Low-Estrato -family! Without any effort at all!

New breasts, ass, abdomen and facial feautures are the essential parts of the "product" the Lower-Estrato families "sell".

Of course it is important! Being the best looking girl in the barrio means a future. However, intellectual shortcomings are so inherent; treating that extranjero like a "Living Wallet", makes him wanna quit the whole thing! He feels he is the "Bingo". They often end up with a sudden separation and they are back to square 1. Just some basic recognition and backround research would prevent that. But the impulsivness are so strong and it never comes to that. And that patterns also is seen among university educated people in Laureles!

For us bad guys, we can then explore this culture; there are now an influx of 1000th of sweetshearts every year turning 18 in Medellin only! And with silicone breats and huge asses and flat abdomen!

I, and many like me, just love those girls! It`s such a turn on with those artifical body parts! it should not be, but it is! And all for $US50-75!

I once went to a girl from those web-escort sites; she had such big fake ass that I could not reach here her pussy or anal with my toungue! Her "nalgas" where so big that I couldn`t give her oral pleasure from behind! That is plastic surgery at it`s most!

Such girls on the streets is accepted here in Medellin; but what would people say if you took home such a girl to the States! LoL! She would be considered a freak!

05-04-15, 15:37
Everybody knows but officially don't know where the money comes from; egoism is so strong that families know that the flower of the family does in Panama; but it's accepted since she actucally pays the bills. But, looking at it from another angle; they already plan for that when she is young, that she will be a family provider; as a prepago in another city, Bogota, or another country, Panama. So strong is the culture that holds back the female liberation. It's more terrible than we can imagine!

The family of course never mention it to the young girl, they know (and want it); when she moves alone to another, bigger city, where she can live "incognito", they know she waitress salary is so bad and that men will offer her good money as prepago! It`s not that just happens by accident!
Say what you want about C Jack Sparrow, but this guy gets it!

There is a very, very fine chica from Medellin that I wanted to bang on my next trip, but she is currently living in Peru working as a "waitress" (cough), and won't be back until summer.

Mr Enternational
05-04-15, 23:14
Say what you want about C Jack Sparrow, but this guy gets it!

There is a very, very fine chica from Medellin that I wanted to bang on my next trip, but she is currently living in Peru working as a "waitress" (cough), and won't be back until summer.That could very well be the case if she was in a first world country. In a restaurant in Australia I did meet a girl from Colombia who was a real live waitress and was not there as a hooker as you guys are portraying every Colombiana who travels for work to be. One of my main Colombians is from Medellin and has worked in a factory in Panama for years. My ex girlfriend is Colombian but has lived outside of Colombia for at least the 10 years that I have been knowing her. When we met she was living in the hood in Caracas (I did stay there with them) with her son, who is now an engineering student at a university in Buenos Aires . Then she moved to Curacao. She now lives in Panama. She is a hairstylist. She does have implants that her boyfriend before I met her bought. So I know first hand that they are not all hookers and many do have legitimate jobs.

The Colombians who I have met in Peru who ARE hookers all have tit and ass implants. Does your girl fit this description? If not, then I am 90% sure that she is not working as a hooker in Peru. I would seriously doubt that she is there as a waitress though. Peru is not a big tipping culture and she would probably make out better as a waitress in Colombia. For the most part, the people that do the waitressing in Peru are teenagers.

05-05-15, 00:28
So I know first hand that they are not all hookers and many do have legitimate jobs.
Doesn't mean she doesn't hook on the side. I gave the example of the MILF hairstylist. She has a "legitimate job" (hell, she is a business owner), but still is available for P4P.

In fact, how many women do I NOT know that have regular jobs but make themselves available to you after work for a chance to supplement their incomes?

You lose cool points for that "I know first hand" comment. You only know what she tells you or allows you to know.

I've been watching a chica I've blown my load in on multiple occasions parade pics of her new boyfriend across her Facebook timeline over the past few days (no fake tits on this one; natural round melons). I'm sure her new novio thinks he knows first hand that she's never sold ass for cash either.

Oh, and this particular one I speak of happens to be an enfermera.

Mr Enternational
05-05-15, 01:42
Doesn't mean she doesn't hook on the side. In fact, how many women do I NOT know that have regular jobs but make themselves available to you after work for a chance to supplement their incomes?

You lose cool points for that "I know first hand" comment. You only know what she tells you or allows you to know.By that logic it doesn't mean that none of us don't turn tricks on the side either. There is no way to prove a negative. But maybe I assume they are not hookers because in the umpteen years that I have known them they have never asked me for anything and I have never given them anything. They are not running around in luxury and sporting the latest gadgets. They live modestly and even below modestly. But hell anything is possible. I just don't go around assuming by default that someone is selling ass; especially if I have known that someone for quite a few years. And besides, as tight as those monkeys are when I get back to them, if they were selling it to somebody then that somebody definitely had not been hitting hit right.

05-05-15, 02:07
By that logic it doesn't mean that none of us don't turn tricks on the side either. There is no way to prove a negative. But maybe I assume they are not hookers because in the umpteen years that I have known them they have never asked me for anything and I have never given them anything. They are not running around in luxury and sporting the latest gadgets. They live modestly and even below modestly. But hell anything is possible. I just don't go around assuming by default that someone is selling ass; especially if I have known that someone for quite a few years.Well, at least I was referring to semi pros, or "known sluts". Don't even get me started on the quote, unquote "non-pros":


I Married A $lut That Fucks Like A Prude part II

We've heard the same story repeatedly: the woman who was sexually ferocious in her youth but is extremely conservative in her marriage. The woman who was into gangbangs and orgies in her "experimental" days but now refuses to give her husband a blow job.

/u/Rollo-Tomassi's original post on the subject is the gold standard in terms of analysis:


And yet, however many times you've heard the story, it still bears repeating, because of the millions of husbands who suffer through this situation for their entire married lives.

The latest episode is from the /r/deadbedrooms subreddit titled "Thinking we are done, four weeks to our wedding".

It starts out with a man in a once-every-two-months dead bedroom. One day he goes to an alcohol-fueled industry trade show related to his fiance's work. He wanders off on his own and strikes up a conversation with a random guy:

Anyway, we got onto exes. I admit, I don't have many. Well I have one, but that was a long time ago. So he was doing most of the talking. Alcohol, loose lips, etc. Anyway, my fiance is off in the distance and I was about to mention her. But just then he mentioned her instead even pointing her out sort of slyly.

He said she was one of his exes, but more like a friends with very good benefits. I don't know why, I just decided to let him talk. He referred to her as "the dirtiest woman ever" and how when she first met him, within ten minutes she was leading him around the club they were in trying to find a second guy to have a threesome with. Then another time she had him round for a booty call and she was apparently very into toys. Apparently she had done most of his friends too and they would often talk about her. But he was laughing all the way through this, just sort of guy talk. Not in a mocking way, he was just letting the alcohol run his mouth.

This didn't click with me at all. My fiance? Threesome? Toys? No way. She barely moves during sex and most certainly does not give me blow jobs or even hand jobs nowadays. She told me she finds blow jobs degrading and one time I suggested buying her a sex toy she told me only sad women use those. Who is this guy talking about that can "suck dick like a champ" and all this sort of thing. Yes, I remember the words he used.

How did he know that this guy was telling the truth?

But he said something that made some uncomfortable listening. I just plain didn't believe him. But what he said was that he knew of a specific tattoo that really unless you had seen her naked, you wouldn't know about. I've had a scaffolding pole fall and break my rib once... this conversation hurt more.

Eventually, the trickle-truth comes out, and her response is so typical that it could be computer-generated.

It took a couple of very tense days for her to finally tell me everything and I doubt I heard everything. But she was "wild" in her college days, she was "trying things out, getting to know herself" and that it's past her and she isn't some sort of $lut and it was bad of me to ask about this. My fiance admitted to sleeping with around 20 guys during her "wild" years and let slip one or two things I didn't know about. I never really asked her for her "number" but given what I know, I think 20 may be an under estimate. I think when she admitted to an entirely different foursome with this guy I realized that the threesome I'd heard about wasn't an isolated incident.

The poor guy stays with her to see if things will eventually get kinkier, but they don't:

I even brought up the subject of sexy fantasies once. I tried being low key, saying that I found stockings hot, that I liked her in red lingerie. In truth I have never seen her in stockings or lingerie of any kind. Anything I said just seemed to be met with "I'm not a hoar, stop treating me like one."

If this is a fake story, it is a good fake because it fits the AFBB (Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks) reality so well:

Couple has a dead bedroom and yet the man stays out of obligation / commitment.

Man finds out about her secret wild past.

Woman denies it, then the truth eventually trickles out.

Says she was experimenting when she was young but that is in her past and she's not a $lut now.

Shames the man for shaming her about her past.

Woman still isn't motivated to have sex because you can't negotiate desire.

Edit: a helpful Redditor said that OP posted the following update:

Thank you for all the comments. Just to say, sorry this ended up on the red pill. I never really looked at it until a whole bunch of you messaged me with it but I really do not identify with what is written there. So thank you for pointing me there but I don't need it.

I told her last night about 20 minutes after writing all this that I don't think I can go through with the wedding. We had a big talk and although initially she just resorted to her making me feel guilty for needing to be sexual with her, she told me a lot of things that really made no difference.

I suggested again that maybe she was guilty about her sexual past and if she wanted to reign in the kink then that isn't a problem. But eliminating sex entirely is just a complete deal break and not one I am willing to put up with any longer. She denied this vehemently. Though she got insulting I think it was just her defense mechanism.

We slept on it, I went to my parents. She sent me a mail saying that I can either call off the wedding or come back and we would fuck. I came back after a lot of hesitation. I think I was psyching myself up.

In the end, we ended up just talking again and mutually agreed that we are just not right for each other. She pretty much said that she never wanted me to think of her as a slag which I never have done. She also regretted being so experimental but ultimately she also wants to do more experimenting. Because she got into her head that I am a stable nice guy, she doesn't want to do anything kinky with me because it would make me think less of her. I don't know how she rationalised it, she basically said that because I am keeping the household together and paying the bills, she didn't feel like she was able to get kinky with me. This pretty much made me angry but I didn't let on.

I guess all that's left now is separating. Thank you all for your comments, even the ones who tried to say I was being false. I can assure you I am not being false and this is pretty much uncharted territory for me.

Full: http://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/321ies/i_married_a_****_that_fucks_like_a_prude_part_ii/.


Love this quote. This could be applied to those "Unicorn" non-pro girlfriends as well:

1johnnight 1 point 24 days ago

Look, there are some men would be glad to marry a former $lut, who stays a nympho for them. Not gonna judge.

The problem is false advertising. It's a con. You are promised to get one thing, but you pay outrageous money to get a shitty or empty product. There is literally no other commercial good to spend as much money on as a wife. Nothing else.

And men are making the stupidest decisions about the number one cost item. The whole culture is set up to make men make stupid decisions. It's like 'they' know, but they keep up the necessary lies for society to go on (not even function, just go on).

05-05-15, 03:40
I know what you mean - I can pass for Cuban when I was in Cuba. But I was immediately identified by my Nike and polo outfits. Even the guys who walked with me- someone assumed they were American because we were together. They got a kick out of that. Stating yes we are Americans in their best English accent. I think I will dress down in Medina but only during the day. And do my normal at night headed to the club. I just can't t-shirt and jeans. I don't mind standing out a little and representing da dirty dirty south Grownman style. if this is a big mistake Mr G please tell meNike / Polo outfits, gold chains, earrings, shorts and sandals. That will get you mugged in El Centro in a heartbeat. I think your going to like the street scene better than the clubs and you need to dress like a local which is T-shirts and jeans. A friend of mine just returned from Medellin last week and told me the going rate for the street girls near and around Avenida De La Grief was approximately $ 8 with a condom. Bareback sessions I was told could be had for only $ 4 more with some of the girls in the streets. I know a lot of members here won't get near the street girls many of whom are druggies but there are some diamonds in the rough to be had there. I met some really nice gems there on my last trip. I personally don't like the clubs, and they aren't really anything like in the DR. Your going to have a great time after you sort things out within a few days and I look forward to seeing your reports. I will be on the ground there starting the 28th and plan to explore some new territory besides the El Centro and Mayorista areas. Also don't rule out some daytime sessions at the casa's.

05-05-15, 05:50
Any smart guy wouldn't just give a broad money to pay for her tits if there was nothing in it for him. So, again we've confirmed that a poor girl with no money for tits will sell ass to acquire them (or finish paying for them).

I suppose the underlining theme of the initial question was that the OP was trying to rationalize starting a long distance relationship with a chick whom he suspects may have history as a pro because she has fake boobs. Other posters want to convince the OP otherwise, and that "middle class chicas do it all the time (get boob jobs)".Actually, agree with everything you say, just want to clarify, by guy friends, I meant men she may have dated / slept with in the past or current friends with benefits. I suppose that's a kind of prepaga so I guess yeah I've undermined my point, LOL.

I still don't think the millions of Colombians in the country with boob jobs have all put out for money, or will in the near future. Maybe just 99%, LOL. I suspect many do it to attract a better quality (richer) boyfriend which is classic Colombian logic! Also, the women are naturally very competitive with each other when it comes to looks and fashion.

I guess if the OP sends her money, he is going to go crazy over this and end up feeling burned; I personally don't worry about those kinds of things any more. We play the girls. They play us in turn. Everyone has their secrets. I recently discovered 45-year-old documents about a family member that surprised me.

My advice to the OP would be don't give more than what is disposable money to you.

05-05-15, 23:23
Any smart guy wouldn't just give a broad money to pay for her tits if there was nothing in it for him. So, again we've confirmed that a poor girl with no money for tits will sell ass to acquire them (or finish paying for them).

I suppose the underlining theme of the initial question was that the OP was trying to rationalize starting a long distance relationship with a chick whom he suspects may have history as a pro because she has fake boobs. Other posters want to convince the OP otherwise, and that "middle class chicas do it all the time (get boob jobs)".Well, it is more about not wanting to jump to conclusions. Not every female in the entire country is poor. Maybe she lives with her family in a middle class area.

For example: is every chica who has a Samsung Galaxy S4 or an iPhone in Medellin automatically a hooker? LOL, I think it raises the probability, yes. But it is also possible that she is a middle class girl and therefore she owns some worldly possessions.

So it is akin to me asking: how common is it for middle class chicas to buy iPhones?

So if it is true that middle class chicas in Medellin get boob jobs without being putas, then it is quite possible, if she is from the "middle class", that she never was a puta.

05-05-15, 23:33
I just don't go around assuming by default that someone is selling assYes, I agree with this. I don't like to make assumptions that people are hookers off the bat.

Some it is very easy to tell. Others it is more ambiguous.

So it is a matter of learning and hearing about the culture of Colombia.

If someone asked me about a chick in the US who had a boob job. I'd say that it is definitely a statement about her personality or character but it doesn't mean she is a hooker. Would I assume a chick I met in NY was a hooker because she has fake boobs? A chica in Poblado might not be different. Therefore it is useful to get the opinion of members on the board so that I get some perspective from other people before I show up in the country. Like the Guardian news article I linked here.

05-06-15, 04:06
Took advantage of some low airfares for a short trip to Medellin so here is my condensed report. For exchange rate ended up getting 2340 at Uni Central Mall. Friday evening took a stroll to Centro found cute little spinner 21 yo across park on 52 30 k +12 k for room. The next day slept in then went to Energy 140 k with cerveza for girl not much of a line up girl was maybe a 6. 5 no BBBJ then went to watch fight next day Sunday checked out New Life average line up average service 40 k 30 minutes no BBBJ on the table. Later that evening took a stroll in Centro walked around for awhile nothing I liked on the streets then went in to Occidental Grill nice spinner offered Services for 30 k the way I understood it she was telling me 30 k for the house so I handed her a 10 and 20 k bill saw her handing the bartender one of the bills and she held on to one when we went to the room she got a condom out I asked for BBBJ she said 20 K more then she started asking for the money so I reluctantly handed her the 20 k. Ended up having a decent session when we were finished she didn't ask for any more money so when it was all said and done 50 k damage so maybe original cost was 30 k with room. Monday before heading out hit New Life again saw Melissa BBBJ 30 k I know over paid but when it was all said and done very economical trip spent less than $500 including airfare $253 room for 3 nights $79 and 5 girls $140 now that is as good a value as you will ever find.

05-06-15, 16:30
Baller on a budget! I'm going to check Occidental Grill this time around. Thanks for the post.

Took advantage of some low airfares for a short trip to Medellin so here is my condensed report. For exchange rate ended up getting 2340 at Uni Central Mall. Friday evening took a stroll to Centro found cute little spinner 21 yo across park on 52 30 k +12 k for room. The next day slept in then went to Energy 140 k with cerveza for girl not much of a line up girl was maybe a 6. 5 no BBBJ then went to watch fight next day Sunday checked out New Life average line up average service 40 k 30 minutes no BBBJ on the table. Later that evening took a stroll in Centro walked around for awhile nothing I liked on the streets then went in to Occidental Grill nice spinner offered Services for 30 k the way I understood it she was telling me 30 k for the house so I handed her a 10 and 20 k bill saw her handing the bartender one of the bills and she held on to one when we went to the room she got a condom out I asked for BBBJ she said 20 K more then she started asking for the money so I reluctantly handed her the 20 k. Ended up having a decent session when we were finished she didn't ask for any more money so when it was all said and done 50 k damage so maybe original cost was 30 k with room. Monday before heading out hit New Life again saw Melissa BBBJ 30 k I know over paid but when it was all said and done very economical trip spent less than $500 including airfare $253 room for 3 nights $79 and 5 girls $140 now that is as good a value as you will ever find..

05-07-15, 00:27
Took advantage of some low airfares for a short trip to Medellin so here is my condensed report. For exchange rate ended up getting 2340 at Uni Central Mall. Friday evening took a stroll to Centro found cute little spinner 21 yo across park on 52 30 k +12 k for room. The next day slept in then went to Energy 140 k with cerveza for girl not much of a line up girl was maybe a 6. 5 no BBBJ then went to watch fight next day Sunday checked out New Life average line up average service 40 k 30 minutes no BBBJ on the table. Later that evening took a stroll in Centro walked around for awhile nothing I liked on the streets then went in to Occidental Grill nice spinner offered Services for 30 k the way I understood it she was telling me 30 k for the house so I handed her a 10 and 20 k bill saw her handing the bartender one of the bills and she held on to one when we went to the room she got a condom out I asked for BBBJ she said 20 K more then she started asking for the money so I reluctantly handed her the 20 k. Ended up having a decent session when we were finished she didn't ask for any more money so when it was all said and done 50 k damage so maybe original cost was 30 k with room. Monday before heading out hit New Life again saw Melissa BBBJ 30 k I know over paid but when it was all said and done very economical trip spent less than $500 including airfare $253 room for 3 nights $79 and 5 girls $140 now that is as good a value as you will ever find.Thank I good weekend get away price.

05-07-15, 18:45
Baller on a budget! I'm going to check Occidental Grill this time around. Thanks for the post..Not really on a budget I'm just a cheap fuck. That was my first time at the Occidental there were about 3-4 girls none actually dancing but it was kind of early on a Sunday night.

The Tall Man
05-09-15, 18:33
Took advantage of some low airfares for a short trip to Medellin so here is my condensed report. For exchange rate ended up getting 2340 at Uni Central Mall. Friday evening took a stroll to Centro found cute little spinner 21 yo across park on 52 30 k +12 k for room. The next day slept in then went to Energy 140 k with cerveza for girl not much of a line up girl was maybe a 6. 5 no BBBJ then went to watch fight next day Sunday checked out New Life average line up average service 40 k 30 minutes no BBBJ on the table. Later that evening took a stroll in Centro walked around for awhile nothing I liked on the streets then went in to Occidental Grill nice spinner offered Services for 30 k the way I understood it she was telling me 30 k for the house so I handed her a 10 and 20 k bill saw her handing the bartender one of the bills and she held on to one when we went to the room she got a condom out I asked for BBBJ she said 20 K more then she started asking for the money so I reluctantly handed her the 20 k. Ended up having a decent session when we were finished she didn't ask for any more money so when it was all said and done 50 k damage so maybe original cost was 30 k with room. Monday before heading out hit New Life again saw Melissa BBBJ 30 k I know over paid but when it was all said and done very economical trip spent less than $500 including airfare $253 room for 3 nights $79 and 5 girls $140 now that is as good a value as you will ever find.Nice report on your quick trip to MDE and your experiences with MP casas along the way.

The Tall Man.

05-10-15, 04:19
Hello gentleman,

I posted once a few days ago, but I think it got lost in the shuffle of the debate on another topic. Or perhaps it's because I did not formally introduce myself. I guess it's because I feel like I've been around for a while. I've been lurking. I finally decided to join because this Board has much more active information and discussion about Medellin than MN and CRT.

A little about me. Been to Medellin several times. Was there quite frequently between 5 and 9 years ago, then stopped going. In more recent years I spent more time in SJO (Costa Rica). Frankly, it was easier to get to from where I live and also fairly cheap. Because I was only going for 4-5 days at a time, it made sense. As opposed to taking most of the day to get to Medellin. The direct Jet Blue flight out of FLL really helps, even though I still have a decent drive to get there.

Returned to Medellin last summer with some family and caught the bug. So went back this year solo in March and had a great stay at the Mansion. I made some nice contacts. I will be headed back to Medellin in less than two weeks. Mansion was pretty booked for memorial day. I managed to score the last room in M2 for most of the trip, but will be in an apartment the first three nights.

As I said, I made some nice contacts while at the Mansion and I still keep in touch with them. I made a few more contacts via Facebook since, some from a guy I met at the Mansion. I'm pretty pleased with the 8 or 9 girls I've been communicating with and hope to see most of them. Trying to put together the pecking order as we speak.

Without making this post too long winded, I have really gotten some positive responses from these girls. Obviously they are looking to earn some money and have some fun. But these girls seem to really gravitate toward a guy who also takes the time to keep in contact with them and treat them nicely. We'll see how that translates into the cama when I'm there, but I'm optimistic. Because this is much different than what I experience in SJO.

So I'll stop there. More later and more when I'm on my trip.


05-10-15, 06:21
Hello gentleman,

I posted once a few days ago, but I think it got lost in the shuffle of the debate on another topic. Or perhaps it's because I did not formally introduce myself. Realistically it was probably because you asked about T-Shots in Medellin and no one responded; most likely because none of us have had any experience with them or with buying them in Medellin.

Probably would be a better idea if you got them in your home country and brought it with you on your trip.

05-10-15, 07:06

If all you want is testosterone shots, you can buy them in ALL pharmacies, without Rx. But they won't administer it! You should talk to Boyd from m2 where you stayed. He can help you more with that! I hope you do better this trip and share a post or photos of your experience.

Returned to Medellin last summer with some family and caught the bug. So went back this year solo in March and had a great stay at the Mansion. I made some nice contacts. I will be headed back to Medellin in less than two weeks. Mansion was pretty booked for memorial day. I managed to score the last room in M2 for most of the trip, but will be in an apartment the first three nights.

Member #4398
05-11-15, 07:07
Hello fellow mongers,

I am back in Medellin. My second trip I Mede in less than a year. In August will be my first year anniversary as a monger. For your reference, I speak fluent Spanish, love to walk for hours exploring areas that sometimes people say are unsafe like El Centro in Medellin and most of the time those areas are proven wrong and are pretty safe during day light hours and not unsafe as people claim. I rarely take taxis, just busetas or public train or walk as my main mode of getting to places whenever I travel. I like to blend in with the local culture and I dress usually with black or blue jeans, nice sneakers, a plane shirt or t-shirt and a black or blue cap. I'm in my mid-forties and very athletic or exercise oriented guy who likes to work out so I am in great shape and consider myself a decent looking guy. I look more than a local guy in Colombia than a Gringo because most only notice that I'm not from there only when I tell them. Most do not notice that I'm not Colombian even when I speak Spanish. I started writing this report from an internet cafe I found in Barrio Santo Domingo and finished it in barrio Laureles where I am staying. It is another long report so stop reading here if you don't like to read long reports. It is Sunday Dia de Las Madres as I am writing so there I no much P4P day or night action today (all the day casas are closed) in all Medellin so I decided to do some walking in the famous barrios of Santo Domingo known from its history of crime and Pablo Escobar having his based in Santo Domingo before he got killed. I also came to this Barrio trying to find some real Colombian food which I didn't and because I was bore today and wanted to explore some other real areas and also wanted to check if the barrio girls were cute. In any case since none of you is interested in all that crap I am talking about and just want to know about the other type of girls here is how my trip started and has been going:

Day 1 Thursday, Arrival and a stop at the Casa New Life.

I came from NYC La Guardia airport. The flight was an early flight at 630 am with Spirit Airline which sucks big time. I paid about $580 for the round trip with a stop at Fort Lauderdale. I got no sleep cause of the early flight I have to be super early at the airport. Once flying, the dammed cheap airline did not even offer a cracker to passengers or free water. They were selling everything. A coke was I think 4 dollars. No way was I going to buy them food. I skipped buying anything being the cheap guy that I am and also I brought me some snacks to eat in the plane. I Got to Medellin at about 1 pm. I immediately headed to a Bank Colombia cash machine and use my free capital 360 card and got 400 k to US was 167 dollars. It was a nice return for my dollar as the Colombian peso continues to be devalued. I notice a Citibank ATM and other banks at the airport terminal. Then I got outside the terminal and go inside a white bus that was heading to El Centro area and the stop was a block away from the Nutivara Hotel. As always, I ditched the expensive taxi. The busetta was just 8600 k or 3. 50 US. In 45 minutes, I was down in the center of P4P day action. I was tired and wanted to check into my place or go to sleep, but since I did not come to Medellin to sleep I headed to check the famous casa New Life at Calle 56 (Bolivar) no 43-39. It was my first time in New Life. There are two iron blue doors once you enter the Casa that they open with a buzzer when they see you. The placed seemed to be extremely well secured like walking through a prison with those buzzing doors. I was a bit nervous hearing the door sound lock and unlock being opened and locked. Anyway, once I walked in. The place was awesome. I nice old man opened the last door for me and sat me down in a small cabin with a couch and he said to me in Spanish to relax that the girls were coming. He did not say anything else and left. Then they started coming some well dress in nice lingerie, some fully clothes, some almost naked. It was an amazing sit just to see so many nice looking women and such a huge line up. I never seen such a big line up bigger than chicas. Punto come (saw 18 there one time). There were like 25 girls believe it or not. I stopped counting after the 15 or trying to remember names and just focus on making one selection. There were all types, looks and shapes. I saw a couple of 9 and 10 from the pack. There were some ugly girls too. Overall, the quality was really good. I had a difficult time making my decision because there were a couple I wanted. In any case, I picked a nice petite morena. I picked her after she smiled and winked her eyes. There were others prettier than her and better body attributes but I wanted to have a good session. She had a beautiful dark hair, pretty face and nice body. After I picked her she took me to her room. The room was rustic with a decent full size bed and a shower in the room. I took a shower and the girl also took one after me. There was a sign in the room with the price. I told her that I forgot to ask how much the session was and she told me to look at the sign. She said I could pick the time I wanted as I go along. I saw 50 k for 45 minutes. I thought about spending time with the girl. The girl started giving a back massage after I told her I was tired from the flight and because I got no sleep. She spend 15 minutes massage, and then she gave me a nice blow with a condom. I then started doing her missionary and left her be on top of me. She was sweet. She said she was 20 year old and had a 3 year old boy. She was not a complete GF but good enough for me. She kissed and allowed to be kissed on the lips and other areas but no tongue. I got a good session and a blow with a condom from Juliana as she said her name was. I got a quick release cause was out of sex for several weeks. I gave her 20 k tip or 8. 5 dollars. Is that too little or too much for 30 minutes and decent work? The dollars is so good compared to Colombia that I felt as if I was being too cheap. Please let me know if I am over tipping or under tipping. The place New Life is worth visiting again with so many girls there. After I left and found a place to eat near the shady area. The area seemed safe to me. Tons of people and business opened. While I was eating beggar came to me as I was eating and asked me to buy him a meal and I did. It was 3 k only. I later found the beggars like to do this all the time in Colombia. After I ate, I took El metro at the Parque Berrio metro station. I learned knew how to use the metro train from my previous trip. I headed to Laureles to check in at Apartmento Laureles http://www.booking.com/hotel/co/tuapartamento-mde-202l.es.html where I rented a studio for 60 k per day that is like 24-25 dollars, can't beat that in a super nice area. There was no going to be any night action for me since I already got what I needed. I wanted to sleep and rest. At night time I just went out to a place to eat at Cra 70 which is full of restaurants and clubs and then walked back to my place to sleep.

DAay 2 Checking Majorista but Back to El Centro Casa Las Kamasutras.

At noon I took el Metro to Majorista area to check the area and the hotels to see if the area was worth staying. The metro train stop is Ayura and you have to walk about 20 minutes to get to where the Mayorista girls and hotels are based. That area was bummer to me. Too low life kind of an area and compared to Laureles and Poblado area, Majorista is a dump. Then I saw the strip where the girls handout, 1 long block of bars were the girls were standing outside and some inside looking like obvious hookers. . There were many girls already standing at the doors of the bars at 1 pm and I passed walking rapidly. Most of the girls were ugly as hell. Many fatties, tranny looking, drug type looking, old type looking, low class looking, etc. Etc. No way would I pick any of those girls and no way would I stay in that area, I thought as I was passing them. I read that the better quality girls start to show up at night time but I made my decision to leave the area and stay in my nice place in Laureles. The Centro casa girls are High class or Loutron girls compared to most Majorista girls. I also made a stop inside the Majorista enclosed market to eat something at a restaurant some Colombian food beef or Carne. I got a nice meal for 7 k or 3 dollars. See pic bellow. That was the only positive of that trip to Majorista and also I was happy that I did not make any reservation in any of the hotels in the area (Alcaraban, the Centro Plaza or. That is one of the reasons I don' like to make Hotels reservations in places I don't know.

After I ate, I headed back to El Metro station to go back to El Centro. I made a stop at the Prado stop and I began walking heading down to check the casa Coffee shop in the, but while I was walking, a guy approached and gave me a business card from the casa Kamasutras at calle 57 A Numero 46-29. He said in Spanish to me that there were 12 girls in there in their panties for me to look at with no compromise at all. He pointed with his finger just a block away that the Casa was on my way. As I passed the Casa, I decided to walk in and check the place. It is in another shady location of El Centro, but hey who cares when what you find inside the places is treasure and as long as no one is getting kidnapped, arrested, or robbed or killed that is fine with me. See pic of the outside of the casa bellow. The Kamasutras Casa was less impressive than New Life, but the girls were of similar quality. They showed me a line up of about 12 girls. I spotted a petite white paisa with extremely dark long hair, nice breast and nice ass. She did not seem to have any enhancements or surgery made. She seemed all normal and look very attractive. I would say she was a cute 8. I liked her. She seemed to like me and smiled to me so I picked her. There were some I would not fuck in the place for free but there was also some other 8 and 9 and possibly a 10 there but they were serious to me when they greeted me or did not seem interested therefore I did not pick them. After I went with the girl to the room, it was also a rustic room with a full size bed with no bathroom inside. There was a bathroom and shower outside the room. It was a super-hot day. I told her I needed to shower so I went outside the room to shower. I did not like having to leave the room and having to bring all my valuable stuff cause I did not know this girls and I am not leaving my wallet or ID in a room wit a girl I did not so I took all with me to the shower. I took a shower and girl decided to join me there. That was very nice of her. Then we went to the room and the action started. I paid 40 k for 30 minutes. She said she was from Mede, and was 20 year old and also had one 2 year old girl. She provided a nice blow with condom; she allowed me to kiss her and also gave some tongue. I was happy to see this girl was GF type and very nice girl. I got her in several positions and exploded happily in her pussy. She cuddled with me affectionately after the session ended and we hugged for a few minutes naked. She took a shower with me again. I got her whatapp. He name she said was Vanessa. I would repeat this girl I said to myself. She was a very clean, pretty and sweet girl. I also gave her 20 k tip or 8.5 dollars. Again I left with the thought of not giving enough. Did I gave her enough as tip or am I being too cheap? She did a good job. After that, I went for a walk in the Centro area near park bolivar and later parque berrio. Lots of people and police. I stop by to eat some fish in a cheap Fonda restaurant across from Parque Bolivar. I ate a nice Mojarra fish meal for 8 k or 3 dollars. See pic. Not bad for that price. Then I hanged out near Parque Bolivar and walked all over El Centro. All seem pretty safe to me again. Lots of people again and business circulating. I noticed a couple of young Colombian on handcuffs and being escorted out of the area by three police man. A local woman told me the girl and boy were thieves or purse snatchers and were caught by Police. After that I went back to Laureles and no night action for me since I got what I needed.

Day 3 Checking Casa Masajes Zandaly a beautiful bubble ass girl.

In the morning I found a gym to work out called Xtreme force in Laureles near the place I was staying for 14 k the day. I got into a class of intensive work out that they do. I saw lots of pretty Colombian girls in great shape and guys working out there. After that I shower and went back to El Centro. I decided to check Masajes Zandaly at Cr 47 No 57 A 34. See pic of the Casa bellow. This place was a block away from Las Kamasutras. Once I walked in, I saw a bar in there and the staff of girls were very nice to me. Then I was shown a lineup of about 14 girls. As I was looking at the lineup I could not believe my eyes with so much treasure in this Casa. The place was also busy with 5 other guys looking for girls as I entered. I was in awed seeing the activities and the good quality of women there. The quality here was as great as or better than when I went to New Life. I saw a couple of 9 and 10's here. While I was shown the girls, I spotted a white girl with extreme dark hair that I like. She was short and slim and had a big shapely bubble ass and a pretty face to go with it and super nice tits. She seemed enhanced by surgery I thought. I picked her once she started smiling and moving her tongue and lips seductively to me. She seemed friendly and one who would give a good performance. She was a 9 to me or could be a 10 if she was not that short. The rooms here were better than Kamasutras and had showers in there. She gave me a very good performance, and started touching me, we both touch and then started to blow me with a Condom. After a minute of blowing, I stopped her stopped her from blowing caused I wanted to fuck her bad and did not want to miss the bubble ass or at leave that fantastic ass for last. She turned around immediately, I think she is used to getting banged doggy because of that fine ass. But I told her not yet and started with on top of me. She let me suck her beautiful breast. She told me to do it gently cause some man do suck her tits too hard. So I was gentle. She admitted she also had enhanced boobs and ass as I admired touching her breast and ass. Then I move her missionary. The girl was great fun and she was reddish all over and was moaning as if she was really enjoying it herself. She left me kissed her and she kissed me back. Then the best part was when I turned her around. What a beautiful round ass. She bounced that ass as a true pro. I never had anyone move her ass and controlling my dick as she moved it as she did. I explode while grabbing her tightly from behind and I did not want to finish but I did. That felt so good. After that we hugged naked face to face. She turned her ass to me again and let me hug her from behind. What a great ass I just kept thinking I think she enjoyed it cause she felt sleep for a couple of minutes. I paid 35 k or 14.5 dollars for 30 minutes and gave her 20 k tip or 8. 6 dollars. Fucking in Medellin centro is cheap. I got the whatapp to make contact later. She said her name was Nicole.

Day 4 Sunday Mother's day Santo Domingo & Conclusions.

No P4P action in mede on mother's day. All the centro casas were close. The mothers spending time with family. I took el metro the the metro cable to Santo Domingo barrio. The place is not that bad as people say. It was a good day to see a big display of barrio girls cause families were going out celebrating and most girls were dressed nicely. The girls in the barrio were cute as any girls in Medellin. I tried to find a place to eat but found nothing interesting to eat. I saw a few bars full with local men and women but did not want to venture there. I found an internet cafe and started this report there. Then I left and went back to Laureles. No P4P action for today mothers day but tomorrow the action continues. Hope you enjoy this report. I'm not posting pics of girls anymore because some ISG members have been sharing this site to some of the girls and I don't want to find myself in any trouble if I post something and they find out. In any case I'm leaving some pics of the three casas I visited and casa business cards and some of the food I ate (not pussy).

05-11-15, 19:14
Thanks for the report Cerebro! Generally, you don't need to tip at the casas. If you want extras like BBBJ, you can offer 10 k-20 k tip (in the Centro Casas).

05-11-15, 21:17
I enjoyed your narrative. I'm sure lots of newbies appreciate the casa info and girl info you shared.

However, 20 k is not necessary if the girl did her job. Now if the girl gave you a BBBJ then I'd say 10 k is fair and if it goes all the way to CIM then 20 k is good. For the types of good services you feel you received a repeat with the same girl would be her tip!

Other experienced mongers can share their input on this.

And don't make the mistake of calculating your costs in your home country's currency. You need to think its a 20,000 colombian pesos and not 9 usd. To give you a perspective 20,0000 pesos is the daily wage for millions of colombians.

Now go back up on that mountain and hunt some p4 p virgins from Santo domingo. That is adventure and I wish you great success my friend.

05-11-15, 23:18
I paid 35 k or 14.5 dollars for 30 minutes and gave her 20 k tip or 8. 6 dollars. Fucking in Medellin centro is cheap. I got the whatapp to make contact later. She said her name was Nicole.
Great report. Thanks for including locations and prices. Can't wait to get down there next month and do some casa hunting.

Regarding tipping. You tipped over %50. Most places in the world that do ask for tips ask for 5%-15% tip. That is max about 5-6 k for 35-40 k session.

I wouldn't tip $8.5 on a $15 meal. In fact, I never tip at fast food. And a brothel is like fast food, in a sense.

However, how much you tip is up to you as it is your money, do whatever you want with it.

If you aren't going to repeat with her, then it is just about being a good Samaritan. You sound like a good guy since you bought the homeless guy a lunch for 3 k. As I said, it is your money, I don't judge.

And if you plan on repeating, you may as well tip small and mention you'll return and possibly tip even bigger the next time.

Lucky Nuts
05-12-15, 02:11
Great report Cerebro. Thanks for taking the time. Regarding tipping in El Centro I always pretty much always demand a BBBJ and the question of propina is often raised. My experience is that from a hot looking chica a tip of 20 k is the typical request. If I don't get a BBBJ then I don't give any tip because she didn't meet or exceed my expectations.

Member #4394
05-12-15, 23:59
Its your money. Have fun. I never tip casa girls even after BBBJ. I tip a few fruits venders grandpas on calles though I don't buy anything from them.

05-13-15, 10:13
Its your money. Have fun. I never tip casa girls even after BBBJ. I tip a few fruits venders grandpas on calles though I don't buy anything from them.Yeah, why would you tip a casa girl whose raking in all that cash, getting maybe half the take from a session?

That would be nuts! Lol

Tip or don't tip, obviously your decision, sounds like you have a warm heart though.
Everyone has their own opinion on the subject, with the hard-core cheap charlies touting, never tip.
There are no set rules, tip as you personally see fit, with each session and each girl being different..

Thanks for the report.

05-13-15, 15:26
A lot of chicas are not shy about asking for a tip. But I usually tip more times than not; give a little extra, especially if they do a good job. I feel like why sweat a few dollars.

05-13-15, 16:13
I enjoyed your narrative. I'm sure lots of newbies appreciate the casa info and girl info you shared.

However, 20 k is not necessary if the girl did her job. Now if the girl gave you a BBBJ then I'd say 10 k is fair and if it goes all the way to CIM then 20 k is good. For the types of good services you feel you received a repeat with the same girl would be her tip!

Other experienced mongers can share their input on this.

And don't make the mistake of calculating your costs in your home country's currency. You need to think its a 20,000 colombian pesos and not 9 usd. To give you a perspective 20,0000 pesos is the daily wage for millions of colombians.

Now go back up on that mountain and hunt some p4 p virgins from Santo domingo. That is adventure and I wish you great success my friend.Great report CEREBRO. Its just what I need and what I am excepting out of my first trip to Medellin this weekend of the casas. That is what DCfan said about casa shopping. Go into casas chica hunting. Look for a good chica that's giving you a good vibe. She may not be the best looking or the sexiest but its the vibe. Not just pussy. I foresee my weekend going like that. I am not looking for a GFE just a well vibe fuck. Thank you BSoccer0 for the proper tip understanding.

I think I am not going to enjoy Colombia like I did Cuba or the DR. However just like in Cuba; I think I have a great wingman to show me the ropes and change my mind. I can stay in Medellin for a few days or 2 weeks. The airline said the price is the same minus a few dollars. By this Sat. Night; I will know if I want more of MDE or if I had enough. Coming home early. I set it up like this because I don't want to leave early and I am loving the place. MDE hear I come! Make me a believer.

Lucky Nuts
05-13-15, 17:57
Yeah, why would you tip a casa girl whose raking in all that cash, getting maybe half the take from a session?

That would be nuts! Lol

Tip or don't tip, obviously your decision, sounds like you have a warm heart though.
Everyone has their own opinion on the subject, with the hard-core cheap charlies touting, never tip.
There are no set rules, tip as you personally see fit, with each session and each girl being different..

Thanks for the report.

Enjoy!The reason I tip is to get as good or better service the next visit. After tipping a hot el centro chica 20 k for an excellent BBBJ she now also provides CIM too. Well worth the few bucks to me for service like this.

05-13-15, 18:24
In some cases if I don't have the right change for the agreed upon sexual encounter, and over pay. I can FORGET ABOUT IT as far as getting the change back.

I count that as a tip.

Mr Enternational
05-13-15, 21:58
That is what DCfan said about casa shopping. Go into casas chica hunting. Look for a good chica that's giving you a good vibe. She may not be the best looking or the sexiest but its the vibe. Not just pussy. It's not really possible to establish a vibe in a casa; in a strip club yes, but casa no. Picture being at a fashion show. You are the judge sitting at the foot of the stage. Each girl comes down the runway, shakes your hand while introducing themself, then turns around and exits the stage. 10 or 12 girls may come out and you have to remember the name of the one you want because they have all returned to the "dressing room" and left you to make your decision on who is your number 1 draft pick. This is how a casa works.

05-13-15, 22:39
It's not really possible to establish a vibe in a casa; in a strip club yes, but casa no. Picture being at a fashion show. You are the judge sitting at the foot of the stage. Each girl comes down the runway, shakes your hand while introducing themself, then turns around and exits the stage. 10 or 12 girls may come out and you have to remember the name of the one you want because they have all returned to the "dressing room" and left you to make your decision on who is your number 1 draft pick. This is how a casa works.My last trip to Medellin I got very tired of the drill as you have described it in the casa's as it's too hard sometimes to remember which one you want let alone their names. It can become awkward if they call some of the girls out one by one again as you try to recall which one and have them sent back to the locker room which has happened to me more than once.

I now just dispense with the formalities and tell them to bring them all out at once and make my selection as I'm in sport fucking mode.

05-13-15, 22:54
It's not really possible to establish a vibe in a casa; in a strip club yes, but casa no. Picture being at a fashion show. You are the judge sitting at the foot of the stage. Each girl comes down the runway, shakes your hand while introducing themself, then turns around and exits the stage. 10 or 12 girls may come out and you have to remember the name of the one you want because they have all returned to the "dressing room" and left you to make your decision on who is your number 1 draft pick. This is how a casa works.And in knowing this, we still go their looking for the signs of the chica that will give our best sexual experience under these circumstances. This is why I don't like casas in the DR. Its hard to read a chicas vibe. They are all giving you that pick me face. But that's in the DR. I see in MDE they like to show you one girl at a time. Is this a difference? Cerebro reported that some of the sexier chicas didn't give him the "pick me'' vibe. I look at the video posted and the chicas came out 1 at a time in both brothels. Very few had the "pick me" look on them. This is where I think I am going to establish rapture- hopefully. If not- off to the next one. And the next one. And next one. Until I give up, get a vibe or make its a "just pussy" session. Some mongers find it enjoyable.

05-13-15, 23:13
By this Sat. Night; I will know if I want more of MDE or if I had enough. Coming home early. I set it up like this because I don't want to leave early and I am loving the place. MDE hear I come! Make me a believer.You are going to be in for a surprise in Medellin at the variety of venues and how beautiful and classy the Colombian women are. I got tired of Medellin after 5 visits because besides banging street girls and in the casa's / clubs there's not a whole lot to do in the City at least for me. Hence I started going to the DR because of all the beach activities available.

For guys that only want to bang Chicas and not much more who can speak Spanish, Medellin is hard to beat and can be very inexpensive.

I think the only thing that will make you come home early is whether your going to be attracted to light skinned chicas versus the track star types you like in the DR. If you get over this hurdle, you will become a "believer" in Medellin like so many others have.

I"m returning the end of the month to Medellin as I am tired of the DR now after 5 visits in the last year. Can't wait to see your reports!

05-14-15, 05:30
It's not really possible to establish a vibe in a casa; in a strip club yes, but casa no. Picture being at a fashion show. You are the judge sitting at the foot of the stage. Each girl comes down the runway, shakes your hand while introducing themself, then turns around and exits the stage. 10 or 12 girls may come out and you have to remember the name of the one you want because they have all returned to the "dressing room" and left you to make your decision on who is your number 1 draft pick. This is how a casa works.That is why I don't like casas. When I was in Medellin, I preferred Clubs or street girls so I could at least chat them up. In casas I never got the so called good vibe.

Next trip going to hit Cali also. Maybe I'll find true lust. LOL.

05-14-15, 08:32

I can use a little help. I have 5 days (not sure if a weekend will be included) to spend in Colombia and cannot decide which spot, Medellin or Cartagena. Never been to either city but looking for the best looking P4P talent. Someone who has been to both cities, please any help would much appreciated. And I'll def share any contacts I make when I'm there.

Member #4301
05-14-15, 18:16
I headed to check the famous casa New Life at Calle 56 (Bolivar) no 43-39. It was my first time in New Life. There are two iron blue doors once you enter the Casa that they open with a buzzer when they see you. The placed seemed to be extremely well secured like walking through a prison with those buzzing doors. I was a bit nervous hearing the door sound lock and unlock being opened and locked. Anyway, once I walked in. The place was awesome. I nice old man opened the last door for me and sat me down in a small cabin with a couch and he said to me in Spanish to relax that the girls were coming. He did not say anything else and left. Then they started coming some well dress in nice lingerie, some fully clothes, some almost naked. It was an amazing sit just to see so many nice looking women and such a huge line up. I never seen such a big line up bigger than chicas. Punto come (saw 18 there one time). There were like 25 girls believe it or not. I stopped counting after the 15 or trying to remember names and just focus on making one selection. There were all types, looks and shapes. I saw a couple of 9 and 10 from the pack. .Great report Cerebro but having been on many Casa runs in Medellin over the years I am a little surprised about you rating casa girls as 9's and 10's. I can honestly say I have rarely seen much above an average chica in the casas (and a lot of plain ugly ones). Sure you may occasionally find a diamond in the rough but they are really few and far between and in my opinion and certainly not the photo model quality that a 9 or 10 rating would imply. For what it's worth (in my very humble opinion), if you are looking for wall to wall 8 + chicas in a casa environment, you would need to go to one of the Eastern European countries but it would cost you 6 - 10 x the price. You may find some seriously hot chicas in Medellin but they are certainly not in the casas as a rule. They will be in clubs with a mixed group of friends and very hard to approach (and unlikely to be in the business).

05-14-15, 19:20
For your first time go to Medellin. Its more of point and click city for P4 P chicas. Go to the Med List in this forum and do the high-end casa and strip club. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Also, just because she is 10 doesn't mean you'll get 10 service.


I can use a little help. I have 5 days (not sure if a weekend will be included) to spend in Colombia and cannot decide which spot, Medellin or Cartagena. Never been to either city but looking for the best looking P4P talent. Someone who has been to both cities, please any help would much appreciated. And I'll def share any contacts I make when I'm there.

05-14-15, 21:03
For your first time go to Medellin. Its more of point and click city for P4 P chicas. Go to the Med List in this forum and do the high-end casa and strip club. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Also, just because she is 10 doesn't mean you'll get 10 service.This is very true! A hot girl does not equal a hot date. That is up to you and her; she can only fake to like you so much! LOL!

Also RE: 9-10's? They are out of your league (directed at all of us not one person to be singled out) a 9-10 in any country is taken by the "Big Pappi" of their home.

The tip top girls are taken by the rich folks in every country and major cities. Just take a look at Miami, LA, NYC, a guy with a big bank account has the hottest girl. Same goes for Colombia. The 9-10's don't need your 75 mil pesos for a blow job, your fat gross balding ass on top of them trying to bust a nut. They have a novio that speaks Spanish and a rich old guy who pays the bills.

Now there are HOT girls in Colombia working; obviously that why we go there. If you're looking for the girls on bill boards and models at car shows it's not going to happen. Real talk.

Even a girl who works at Hooters does not need your money, she has a novio who is probably a narco or a son of a well off Colombian. She works in a place that makes sick tips. So guess what? She doesn't need you either.

Hot girls work because they need money. Not because they like you, not because you're charming, because they need money. The car show girls, the video girls, etc. do not need your money. They have a line up of guys that will pay for them into the club, the show, everything.

Other than your money what do you have to offer? So if a 10 has everything she needs why would she be impressed by your offer of 200 mil pesos?

There will be hot girls in the clubs, girl hotter than most of us gringo slobs deserve. Those girl will be 10's and 9's for you or anybody I promise you.

C Jack Sparrow
05-15-15, 00:13
Great report Cerebro but having been on many Casa runs in Medellin over the years I am a little surprised about you rating casa girls as 9's and 10's. I can honestly say I have rarely seen much above an average chica in the casas (and a lot of plain ugly ones). Sure you may occasionally find a diamond in the rough but they are really few and far between and in my opinion and certainly not the photo model quality that a 9 or 10 rating would imply. For what it's worth (in my very humble opinion), if you are looking for wall to wall 8 + chicas in a casa environment, you would need to go to one of the Eastern European countries but it would cost you 6 - 10 x the price. You may find some seriously hot chicas in Medellin but they are certainly not in the casas as a rule. They will be in clubs with a mixed group of friends and very hard to approach (and unlikely to be in the business).Finding a +9 or a Perfect 10; that is the dream!

You are a realistic guy; it will not happen!

We are bound to get quantity, but not quality! And that is after a while like. Very boring!

How do we break this stalemate; the girls we admire and fall in love with, they are not even in the business; its a hard truth to swallow!

And no; I would not even go to eastern Europe, even it is was for free!

Comunism over there was not an accident; the whole culture is dictatorial, sarcastic, penalistic; very very far from what we all love about Colombian mentality and culture!

Do you then SamXman have any advice; how can one get that Perfect 10, for $ ?

05-15-15, 00:47
Eastern Europe 6 to 10 times the price, not. Beautiful, tall, blond, green eyed women to be had in Bratislava for 50 euros an hour, which is 56 dollars or about 125 k COP. I rented an apartment there in late 2013 for 35 euros a day and fucked my brains out. And much safer than Colombia.

05-15-15, 01:57
Can someone please tell me how much should I expect to pay for the cab ride from the airport.

05-15-15, 04:25
Can someone please tell me how much should I expect to pay for the cab ride from the airport.The bus is something like 6,000 pesos and a taxi is like 40,000 pesos. The bus will drop you off right at Hotel Nutibara with all the hookers less than a block away waiting for you.

John Gault
05-15-15, 04:36
Can someone please tell me how much should I expect to pay for the cab ride from the airport.70 K, but I take the bus for under $4. This is your first trip so take the cab.

05-15-15, 07:01
Comunism over there was not an accident; the whole culture is dictatorial, sarcastic, penalistic; very very far from what we all love about Colombian mentality and culture!I am not sure what communism has to do with mongering. I have been visiting the German FKKs for the past 10 years, about once a year. Most of the girls who work there are from Eastern Europe, former communist countries. But, they are friendly and deliver great service. I am not sure if you can find a 10 there, but I always had a great time.

05-15-15, 07:07
...you would need to go to one of the Eastern European countries but it would cost you 6 - 10 x the price...Sorry, but it does not cost as much as you think. The FKKs in Germany are full of Eastern European chicks, and the session is still only 50 Euros for half an hour. It's been 50 Euros for at least 10 years, to my surprise.

05-15-15, 11:45
And no nut. Took the bus for 8600 to el centro. Arrived about 930 p.

Went to a place next to conejitas And had a blast with Chica that ended up being a coca cola head. I few Drinks later and I'm fucked up and find myself doing a pump. Bad idea! After drink a 1/2 bottle of rum we go to this pick up bar and having another 1/2 bottle of rum and one more pump. Bad new for my Hard On. Ended up gong yo Casa Blanca And la gorda (which is new) for some late Night Action. Got back to my hotel with some your balls.

Member #4301
05-15-15, 14:03
Finding a +9 or a Perfect 10; that is the dream!

You are a realistic guy; it will not happen!

We are bound to get quantity, but not quality! And that is after a while like. Very boring!

How do we break this stalemate; the girls we admire and fall in love with, they are not even in the business; its a hard truth to swallow!

And no; I would not even go to eastern Europe, even it is was for free!

Comunism over there was not an accident; the whole culture is dictatorial, sarcastic, penalistic; very very far from what we all love about Colombian mentality and culture!

Do you then SamXman have any advice; how can one get that Perfect 10, for $ ?I would agree with you re the cultural differences between South America and Eastern Europe which is why I have spent a total of 12 months in Colombia over the last 3 years and less than 2 weeks in Eastern Europe in the same period despite it being on my door step (relatively speaking) and a dirt cheap flight away.

I don't want to give my 'trade secrets' away too much by naming specific venues but there are certain mainstream clubs where better off Colombians hang out which are known for 'prepaid' girls as well as very attractive 'normal' girls (so be careful who you approach!). You will need some Spanish skills. These girls are both extremely attractive (8 + with some genuine 10's) and certainly 'in the business'. Generally speaking if a girl you don't know is being overly friendly with you and you don't look like Brad Pitt she is probably working. Expect to pay around 250 K for the night if she is really hot. Get a pre-booked taxi back to your hotel and wait for it by the security guys outside the club.

05-15-15, 15:28
Okay I'm in Medellin. Once arriving in the airport I met a Puerto Rican guy in the money exchange area. After a five minute conversation we decided we were going to close to the same place so we will shared a cab. He's fluent in Spanish and is a monger himself. He says he's been to over 100 countries and over 30 islands. I thought why go to an area where I will be by myself, when I can hang out with him. I got a room at his hotel in La Florida at the Maloka Hostel in El Poblado for 60 k. After checking in we hit the scene. We shared similar philosophies mongering on vacation. He said he would rather stay in this area because the central an get out of hand at night. Since I couldn't find DC fan I decided to ride with him. He was well aware of the surroundings. He said tomorrow we can to my initial area Casa hopping. He suggested its best to get business out of the way in the central and we can come back and f* off in the area we were staying because it's safer. He doesn't want to be in the city after 7. I haven't seen anything impressive. He says it was a little slow for Thursday night however Friday and Saturday things will pick up. The chica in this area want between 50-100 for 3 hours. Lou said they charge this much because they're in the tourist area. Tomorrow you can get them for as little as $12.00 in the city.

Sent from my HTC.

Member #4301
05-15-15, 16:39
Sorry, but it does not cost as much as you think. The FKKs in Germany are full of Eastern European chicks, and the session is still only 50 Euros for half an hour. It's been 50 Euros for at least 10 years, to my surprise.The casas in Medellin Centro are all about the same price at around 36 K or 13 Euros (New Life slightly more) for half an hour and unlike the German FKKs you don't pay an entrance fee (entrance is normally another 60 - 70 Euros or so for an FKK in Germany if I remember correctly). Anyway I guess we are getting a little off track here. Medellin casas are great value but in my very humble opinion the talent is not too good although you can occasionally get lucky.

Mr Enternational
05-15-15, 16:45
The bus is something like 6,000 pesos and a taxi is like 40,000 pesos. The bus will drop you off right at Hotel Nutibara with all the hookers less than a block away waiting for you.I told him to take the bus right outside the immigration door; 8600 pesos. But you know these newbies aren't going to listen. LOL.

Mr Enternational
05-15-15, 16:52
I don't want to give my 'trade secrets' away too much by naming specific venues but there are certain mainstream clubs where better off Colombians hang out which are known for 'prepaid' girls as well as very attractive 'normal' girls (so be careful who you approach!). You will need some Spanish skills. These girls are both extremely attractive (8 + with some genuine 10's) and certainly 'in the business'. Generally speaking if a girl you don't know is being overly friendly with you and you don't look like Brad Pitt she is probably working. Expect to pay around 250 K for the night if she is really hot. Get a pre-booked taxi back to your hotel and wait for it by the security guys outside the club.What the fuck dude? You spend this post telling us about the chicks in this place, how much to give them, how to act, even tell us how to get a taxi back to our hotel. BUT YOU DON'T WANT TO TELL US THE NAME OF THE FUCKING PLACE! Why even make the post.

Mr Enternational
05-15-15, 17:01
Okay I'm in Medellin. Once arriving in the airport I met a Puerto Rican guy in the money exchange area. He's fluent in Spanish and is a monger himself. He says he's been to over 100 countries and over 30 islands. He suggested its best to get business out of the way in the central and we can come back and f* off in the area we were staying because it's safer. He doesn't want to be in the city after 7.All these credentials and he is scared to be in centro after 7? That is when it is just starting to get crunk!

05-15-15, 17:33
I told him to take the bus right outside the immigration door; 8600 pesos. But you know these newbies aren't going to listen. LOL.Sorry I arrived at 12 am there were no buses running.

John Gault
05-15-15, 18:28
All these credentials and he is scared to be in centro after 7? That is when it is just starting to get crunk!I have kept pretty much quiet on how everyone is so scared of Centro after dark. Well the truth is many people have been robbed, and some killed in Poblado, but no dire warnings about that area.

I have many times wandered around in Centro after midnight with the only problem is seeing to many young girls with their head in a glue bag.

Anywhere you go in any part of the world could be dangerous. Yes first timers, and the like should be extra careful, but don't worry about what could happen that it spoils your experence. As one Sgt. In the Battle of the Bluge once said "Hey you guys want to live forever?" Just kidding boys don't get your panty's in a bunch, but for me I know the real fun comes from getting away from the crowd.

Lets see the party line is stay away from Centro, Take cabs always, stay at the Mansion, all beasts, and Gorditas in Mayorista, and don't expect to see any sharp girls in Centro Casa's.

I see many reports on how New Life has only 5's. And 6's. Must be a different New life than the one I know. I always have trouble trying to see which 8 I want to take.

Hey take what I say with a grain of salt. After all I have only been to MDE 10 times since 2008. Yes Old Parr, I have the trip reports to back up what I say.

05-15-15, 19:38
The casas in Medellin Centro are all about the same price at around 36 K or 13 Euros (New Life slightly more) for half an hour and unlike the German FKKs you don't pay an entrance fee (entrance is normally another 60 - 70 Euros or so for an FKK in Germany if I remember correctly). Anyway I guess we are getting a little off track here. Medellin casas are great value but in my very humble opinion the talent is not too good although you can occasionally get lucky.I have only been to the FKKs. The places with entrance fees are sauna type places. Free food and relaxing all day. From what I understand there are casa type places in Germany too (no entrance fee). You just fuck and go. In that regard prices are very similar. The major difference is that LT is not readily available in Europe. It is not standard and most will quote 1000 Euros! I would be bored out of my mind staying in Germany for more than a week. I really like to go out partying with a girl and go back for a night of fucking. That is why Thailand and Colombia are much more appealing to me.

Member #4301
05-15-15, 20:00
What the fuck dude? You spend this post telling us about the chicks in this place, how much to give them, how to act, even tell us how to get a taxi back to our hotel. BUT YOU DON'T WANT TO TELL US THE NAME OF THE FUCKING PLACE! Why even make the post.First of all anyone who runs their mouth like you do when hiding behind a keyboard is in my experience likely to be a very timid little fellow in person.

'Mainstream clubs where better off Colombians hang out' should be more than enough info for anyone with a basic knowledge of Medellin and a little initiative (which certainly includes CJackSparrow who I was primarily responding to) to find their own hunting ground.

Old Parr
05-15-15, 20:25
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely antagonistic. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Mr Enternational
05-15-15, 21:55
First of all anyone who runs their mouth like you do when hiding behind a keyboard is in my experience likely to be a very timid little fellow in person.

'Mainstream clubs where better off Colombians hang out' should be more than enough info for anyone with a basic knowledge of Medellin and a little initiative (which certainly includes CJackSparrow who I was primarily responding to) to find their own hunting ground.Hiding behind a keyboard? Dude I have met many members off this board, Surfer, Gogo, and Grown Man included. And I do not mind imparting knowledge. So I run more than just my mouth, unlike you who comes on the board taunting saying that you know something that everyone else doesn't. If you would care to meet in person then I am available.

05-15-15, 22:42
All these credentials and he is scared to be in centro after 7? That is when it is just starting to get crunk!When I went to Medellin, my friends and I were always in central late. One guy even lived in central and walked everywhere day and night. I liked it there especially the clubs where you can actually talk to a woman.

05-16-15, 00:46
Sorry, but it does not cost as much as you think. The FKKs in Germany are full of Eastern European chicks, and the session is still only 50 Euros for half an hour. It's been 50 Euros for at least 10 years, to my surprise.Comparing FKKs and Centro casas is ridiculous. Total apples vs oranges situation. The average quality in looks in an FKK Club is WAY higher than the average in a Centro Casa (And I like Latinas better than blonde Eastern European chicks.). They are loads of absoluting striking women in the FKKs. In addition the ambience at an FKK in my experience is much more pleasant. The facilities can be beautiful. Like a Rio Terma but even nicer.

Having said that, Centro Cases are significantly less expensive. And if you do a tour of 4 or 5 of them (they're all pretty close), you can find some real gems for ridiculously low prices.

Both are worthwhile experiences. If I didn't live in a city with miserable Winters, I would probably do more FKKs trips. However, MDE from November through April is a easy escape from the Winter.

05-16-15, 02:23
First of all anyone who runs their mouth like you do when hiding behind a keyboard is in my experience likely to be a very timid little fellow in person.

'Mainstream clubs where better off Colombians hang out' should be more than enough info for anyone with a basic knowledge of Medellin and a little initiative (which certainly includes CJackSparrow who I was primarily responding to) to find their own hunting ground.There's a lot of members on this board and before you surmise what a fellow member might be like and broadcast it here, you should look at some of their posts, and how many. I notice on this site you have approximately 30 posts while Mr. E has over 4,000 posts. I can tell you for a fact that Mr. E is not timid in any way, shape, or form.

05-16-15, 02:37
Okay I'm in Medellin. Once arriving in the airport I met a Puerto Rican guy in the money exchange area. After a five minute conversation we decided we were going to close to the same place so we will shared a cab. He's fluent in Spanish and is a monger himself. He says he's been to over 100 countries and over 30 islands. I thought why go to an area where I will be by myself, when I can hang out with him. I got a room at his hotel in La Florida at the Maloka Hostel in El Poblado for 60 k. After checking in we hit the scene. We shared similar philosophies mongering on vacation. He said he would rather stay in this area because the central an get out of hand at night. Since I couldn't find DC fan I decided to ride with him. He was well aware of the surroundings. He said tomorrow we can to my initial area Casa hopping. He suggested its best to get business out of the way in the central and we can come back and f* off in the area we were staying because it's safer. He doesn't want to be in the city after 7. I haven't seen anything impressive. He says it was a little slow for Thursday night however Friday and Saturday things will pick up. The chica in this area want between 50-100 for 3 hours. Lou said they charge this much because they're in the tourist area. Tomorrow you can get them for as little as $12.00 in the city.

Sent from my HTC.Grownman can you be specific as to which area your Puerto Rican amigo was referring to where the Chicas wanted 50 -100 k Pesos. What where the cross streets and / or a landmark such as a hotel or park nearby. What was the name of the area in the tourist area? Was it Parque Lleras?

Member #4394
05-16-15, 04:26
I ask a few questions to the girls I like, and see if she responds friendly or not. After the presentation, again, I may ask mamasan for me to talk to the girls I like. If it is hard to remember girls' names, pen and a piece of paper may help.

It's not really possible to establish a vibe in a casa; in a strip club yes, but casa no. Picture being at a fashion show. You are the judge sitting at the foot of the stage. Each girl comes down the runway, shakes your hand while introducing themself, then turns around and exits the stage. 10 or 12 girls may come out and you have to remember the name of the one you want because they have all returned to the "dressing room" and left you to make your decision on who is your number 1 draft pick. This is how a casa works..

05-16-15, 08:07
I would agree with you re the cultural differences between South America and Eastern Europe which is why I have spent a total of 12 months in Colombia over the last 3 years and less than 2 weeks in Eastern Europe in the same period despite it being on my door step (relatively speaking) and a dirt cheap flight away.

I don't want to give my 'trade secrets' away too much by naming specific venues but there are certain mainstream clubs where better off Colombians hang out which are known for 'prepaid' girls as well as very attractive 'normal' girls (so be careful who you approach!). You will need some Spanish skills. These girls are both extremely attractive (8 + with some genuine 10's) and certainly 'in the business'. Generally speaking if a girl you don't know is being overly friendly with you and you don't look like Brad Pitt she is probably working. Expect to pay around 250 K for the night if she is really hot. Get a pre-booked taxi back to your hotel and wait for it by the security guys outside the club.With all due respect, unless there is a typo. There is no way you or most guys on this forum will have a hot Paisa from a club where rich Colombians hang out will go with you for "250 K" for all night. 250 USD, may be?

05-16-15, 18:31
After meeting up with grownman and the Puerto Rican we went to a few cases not worth writing about. We also went to the 2 clubs on calle 53 barra ejecutiva and Maracaibo with a few lookers. Then we went to conejetas, walked around to show the centro scene. But we weren't impressed. Grownman and the PR left and I went solo to walk the street action. After walk a few blocks of street action I picked up a cute Chica from cucuta. Light skin dark hair and great rack. Cost 40 k plus room13 k. I ask here for GFE and she did not disappoint. Game me a striptease that got me rock hard. She gave kisses on the body but not in the mouth. Overall great experience. I would rate the service a 9 and her looks 8. She just had a great attitude and we exchanged info and def hittin' that again. Right now I'm chillin at a Casa on calle 61 and cucuta. The chicas are slowly coming in.

The dirt continues!

05-17-15, 03:01
I am arriving in MDE next Thursday at 11:15 pm I'm having my driver bring one of my girls to the airport with him who will then accompany me to the apartment. Since it is late, I'll keep her all night.

I am not one to do TLN. Only done it with a former favorita in SJO. So, trying to come up with a fair price. I find this girl very cute. She's 19. She's all natural. Pretty in my mind, but not the model type. Not a facebook queen in high demand, from what I can tell. So I don't think there's a need to offer her top dollar. But I do want to be fair with her.

Any suggestions of a price range for TLN? When I'm at the Mansion, we pay 150 K for a few hours. But 300 K seems a bit high for TLN, given that I'm not the kind of guy who can have sex all night. But I'm willing to pay a fair rate. I don't mind being fair, just don't want to be stupid.

Thanks in advance,


05-17-15, 04:11
I am arriving in MDE next Thursday at 11:15 pm I'm having my driver bring one of my girls to the airport with him who will then accompany me to the apartment. Since it is late, I'll keep her all night.

I am not one to do TLN. Only done it with a former favorita in SJO. So, trying to come up with a fair price. I find this girl very cute. She's 19. She's all natural. Pretty in my mind, but not the model type. Not a facebook queen in high demand, from what I can tell. So I don't think there's a need to offer her top dollar. But I do want to be fair with her.

Any suggestions of a price range for TLN? When I'm at the Mansion, we pay 150 K for a few hours. But 300 K seems a bit high for TLN, given that I'm not the kind of guy who can have sex all night. But I'm willing to pay a fair rate. I don't mind being fair, just don't want to be stupid.

Thanks in advance,

CLMore of that western mentality. What is it, you afraid of offending her. First you should get the money part out the way up front. This ain't no fucking GF. Since you didn't, give her what you think it's worth to you or get the money issue done before she stays. If there's a problem your driver can take her home. He can get it cheaper than you anyway.

Legal Tender
05-18-15, 01:45
More of that western mentality. What is it, you afraid of offending her. First you should get the money part out the way up front. This ain't no fucking GF. Since you didn't, give her what you think it's worth to you or get the money issue done before she stays. If there's a problem your driver can take her home. He can get it cheaper than you anyway.What you give out is what you get back. That's true, Western, Eastern, Southern or northern mentality. There is no reason why a negotiated sexual encounter can't be a "GF" experience. Our amigo obviously has the ability to communicate with this, so far perceived, attractive and sweet girl. Certainly, one needs to discuss what in sex is unpleasant, enjoyable and preferred. No one is offended if you tell them that you appreciate their time and affection, and certainly want to provide a fair gift. Taking a few minutes to find out what's going on in this girl's life may actually fool her into believing that you have the ability to show even a moment of concern, compassion, and interest in any thing other than getting your rocks off. You don't have to become invested in their lives, just interested in understanding.

You don't want her to show up thinking about money, you want her to show up thinking about how to make you happy. So, have the money issue resolved before she comes. And, before anyone gets too anal about paying too much (and most of these girls really need your money more than you do), 300,000 Colombian pesos today is approximately $125. 250,000 pesos is $105. That's US $20.

At bottom, show a little concerned, a little respect, and fairness in return, almost every p4 p experience is the sought after "GF" ones.

Only good energy!

Mr Gogo
05-18-15, 02:45
What you give out is what you get back. That's true, Western, Eastern, Southern or northern mentality. There is no reason why a negotiated sexual encounter can't be a "GF" experience. Our amigo obviously has the ability to communicate with this, so far perceived, attractive and sweet girl. Certainly, one needs to discuss what in sex is unpleasant, enjoyable and preferred. No one is offended if you tell them that you appreciate their time and affection, and certainly want to provide a fair gift. Taking a few minutes to find out what's going on in this girl's life may actually fool her into believing that you have the ability to show even a moment of concern, compassion, and interest in any thing other than getting your rocks off. You don't have to become invested in their lives, just interested in understanding.

You don't want her to show up thinking about money, you want her to show up thinking about how to make you happy. So, have the money issue resolved before she comes. And, before anyone gets too anal about paying too much (and most of these girls really need your money more than you do), 300,000 Colombian pesos today is approximately $125. 250,000 pesos is $105. That's US $20.

At bottom, show a little concerned, a little respect, and fairness in return, almost every p4 p experience is the sought after "GF" ones.

Only good energy!Nice post. I was telling Savepros yesterday that maybe we are outdated and the game has changed on us because we have the same attitude you have; let's make this an enjoyable experience and not just a rapid business transaction. Sport fucking is the norm now so most girls are conditioned to that. If you can slow a girl down and show some interest, she might come out of her hardcore, sport fucking mentality for just a few hours.

I was hanging out in Boca Chica with my wingman in 2011 when we were approached by two chicas. I told my Chica she could stay for one beer to chat but nothing more. My wingman didn't want to buy the other Chica a beer but kept trying to low-ball her as she looked away bored. The girl was very patient and the next test was to separate her from her friend but she got up and left with my friend. I spent that night and the next morning with my Chica while my buddy was on his third Chica in that time span.

Fast forward to November of 2014 and I'm hanging on Sosua beach with the same wingman and he comes back from getting a beer cursing because some chicas we met before didn't remember him. I then hear my name as the girls are walking by, the chica I had in 2011 had remembered my name and our time together after 5 years. Hell, I didn't even remember her name at first. She hugged me as my wingman drank his beer looking away. Even the other chica remembered my name after a minute as her and the girl started speaking highly of Gogo. I felt sorry for my wingman but he was on his own.

My point is I crave more out the experience rather than a 30 minute fuck. I believe the karma you give out is also the karma you get back. Just my .02.

05-18-15, 02:52
What you give out is what you get back. That's true, Western, Eastern, Southern or northern mentality. There is no reason why a negotiated sexual encounter can't be a "GF" experience. Our amigo obviously has the ability to communicate with this, so far perceived, attractive and sweet girl. Certainly, one needs to discuss what in sex is unpleasant, enjoyable and preferred. No one is offended if you tell them that you appreciate their time and affection, and certainly want to provide a fair gift. Taking a few minutes to find out what's going on in this girl's life may actually fool her into believing that you have the ability to show even a moment of concern, compassion, and interest in any thing other than getting your rocks off. You don't have to become invested in their lives, just interested in understanding.

You don't want her to show up thinking about money, you want her to show up thinking about how to make you happy. So, have the money issue resolved before she comes. And, before anyone gets too anal about paying too much (and most of these girls really need your money more than you do), 300,000 Colombian pesos today is approximately $125. 250,000 pesos is $105. That's US $20.

At bottom, show a little concerned, a little respect, and fairness in return, almost every p4 p experience is the sought after "GF" ones.

Only good energy!You and I think alike. I understand these girls need money. I understand these girls would not be with me if it wasn't that I could give them something. But I prefer to treat them with respect and try to know them a bit. I am hoping that my efforts to chat with them by Whatsapp and Facebook messenger (in order to know them better) will make this a better experience. With a greater likelihood of GFE, which is more important to me than just sex.

I appreciate you reminding me of the exchange rate. I've been to Colombia when the exchange rate was below 1,700 and, several years, ago, a bit higher than it is now. I guess I'm still programmed a bit into thinking of the lower exchange rate. It always takes me a few days once I'm back in Colombia to get used to the current rate and how that translates into USA Dollars.


05-18-15, 03:41
Whet to Bar Maracaibo late night at about 2 am. I wanted to line up a chica so that I can take up to my hotel after the bar close so not to pay the takeout fee of 60 K. Found a real looker from bugaramaga. She arrived at 310 a to my room. Offered 80 k for an hour. She wasn't that great in the area of GFE but gave a real good covered BJ. She wouldn't take her bra which was another minus. She stayed til 430 a.

Sunday afternoon I strolled over to Zandaly again and did a repeat with a chica from the previous day. Took her for a hour and had a great relaxing experience. I really like Zandaly, they have a real nice line up and a bar area where you can have a drink with the girl and good get some vibe with her. When we went there yesterday with Grownman and Cbear the girls were very friendly due to guys buying them drinks all afternoon. I think we def benifited from that. FYI Sunday are really slow at the casas. That can be good and bad. Good because not alot of mileage on the girls. Bad because not a lot of chicas.

Also Monday is a holiday so all the casas will be closed.

05-18-15, 04:44
Whet to Bar Maracaibo late night at about 2 am. I wanted to line up a chica so that I can take up to my hotel after the bar close so not to pay the takeout fee of 60 K. Found a real looker from bugaramaga. She arrived at 310 a to my room. Offered 80 k for an hour. She wasn't that great in the area of GFE but gave a real good covered BJ. She wouldn't take her bra which was another minus. She stayed til 430 a.

Sunday afternoon I strolled over to Zandaly again and did a repeat with a chica from the previous day. Took her for a hour and had a great relaxing experience. I really like Zandaly, they have a real nice line up and a bar area where you can have a drink with the girl and good get some vibe with her. When we went there yesterday with Grownman and Cbear the girls were very friendly due to guys buying them drinks all afternoon. I think we def benifited from that. FYI Sunday are really slow at the casas. That can be good and bad. Good because not alot of mileage on the girls. Bad because not a lot of chicas.

Also Monday is a holiday so all the casas will be closed.A chica not taking off her bra? Sounds like a Tijuana street girl.

I would of ejected her immediately.

Also, Grownman has been silent lately, is he doing okay or ready to hop on the next flight back to the DR?

Member #4398
05-18-15, 08:20
Monday visiting Coffee Shop Casa.

On Monday after mother's day, I was still in Medellin. In the afternoon, I went back to El Centro area I decided to take a look at the Coffee Shop located at Cra 45 El Palo No 55-45, phone 254 52 34. I went to this Casa several times in my first trip and always had good luck. The place is the same as before. There is place to sit down to get drinks with the girls if you want to. A fat Colombian guy entered the Casa as I was in there. The madam said to me and the guy that there is a 2 k viewing fee if we don't like the girls or we could justbuy a drink if we don't get a girl. I said that is fine with me. We were then shown the current line up of about 6 girls. The girls in my opinion were quite good and I saw two that I immediately liked. The guy did not seem to like any and decided to walk out. The madam was asking him to pay the 2 k viewing fee or to take a drink, but he refused. I heard the Madam arguing a little bit with the guy and telling him that he is such a miserable guy in Spanish and he walked out. After that I told the madam that I liked one of the girls, a nice looking typical looking Paisa with the long dark hair, tanned skin, black eyes, beautiful breast and shapely ass. To me she was like an 8. The rooms in this Casa are okay. There is a bathroom inside the room which I always like and a mirror in the room too look at while you fucking which is great to look at while you doing the girl. She provided a nice session, a blow with condom, she allowed to be kissed in the face, body and breast but didn't kiss. She was good but no GF. I had a super nice release from her session. At the end of the session she gave me her whatapp. The damage was 38 k for haft an hour and I gave her 10 k tip (as suggested by other members I began to tip less). No night action for me as I prefer to sleep at night time in Medellin and the day casas is enough for me.

Tuesday Visiting Club the Amigas Sexi.

I was suppose to meet with fellow monger Sam215, but we missed meeting each other. He recommended I visit Club the Amigas Sexi at Cr 45 D no 57-67. As I entered the casa at about 430 pm, two other guys entered with me. We were shown a line up of about 8 girls. None of the guys including myself were impressed with the line up and when we were asked by the Madam if we wanted any of the girls, we kept quiet. Seeing our hesitation, the madam asked if we all wanted to see the line up again. The two guys said that they were going to stay and drink a beer and think about it. One guy said that his friend is American and just came to the City as an excuse for not picking the girl although that didn't seem like an excuse to me. I said to the Madam that I wanted to see three of the girls of the line up again so that I could make my decision. Then the Madam brought the three girls. Again none of them look any better. They were probably 5 or a 6 the most beautiful. I told the Madam I take the one I though was the most beautiful, after they left, but I forgot the name or which one was the most beautiful. Then I said the girl with the black dressed. When the girl with the black dressed I realize I happened to pick the wrong one. In any case, I decided to take her anyway after having her come twice and after seeing her pitiful pick me please face. Her face was not that good but, she had a big ass and pussy is pussy anyway, I thought. The rooms of the casa don't have bathrooms. There is a mirror in the room. When the girl took her clothes off I was more disappointed after seeing she had a lot of fat on her belly. After seeing the fat belly, I thought I should have walked out of the Casa and should have gone to New Life or Zandale. Despite of my disappointment, the girl gave a pretty good performance. She provided a very good blow with condom, then I had her mounting me and I finished doing her doggy. Her ass was her best feature and it was so much better than looking at her or doing her front face. While doing her doggy, I thought this is not so bad all. I forgot her name and did not want to remember it anyway. It was 38 k for the haft hour. I gave the girl 8 k tip for her good effort.

Wednesday Visiting Paris Club and meeting with a Fellow Monger.

In the afternoon, I went to Paris Club at Cr 47 Sucre No 56-34. The madam told me that there was a 2 k viewing fee if I did not pick any of the girls or I just could drink a beer if I don't pick a girl. I said that was fine with me. Then she showed me the line up. There were 4 girls in the place. I was impressed with the line up. There were three of the 4 girls that I like. The Casa has a really good selection of girls. I picked a thin pretty girl age 20. She did not look like a Paisa girl and looked more like a Peruvian woman. He had her hair died with some purple color. She had very small breast and a very beautiful ass and face, her name she said was Valentina. Her face and body was quite a turn on to me. I like the room of this casa which were small but they have a bathroom and shower in there. The girl provided a decent session. She provided a good blow with a condom, and I did her missionary. I wanted to look at her face all the time while doing her, her face was such a turn on. She did not kiss, but I didn't care, and her pussy was tight. At the end of the session, and after I exploded happily, I got the girl's whatapp. The damage was 38 k for haft an hour. I gave the girl 1 OK tip. At night time, I was able to meet with Sam215 who happens to be a really cool guy. We met in Laureles, drank a few beers, and share some information. This was the end of my Medellin trip pretty much but my trip continued in another city. I booked a flight through Viva Colombia to go to Barranquilla the next day which cost less than 100 dollars round trip. Again, I had a great time in Medellin and spend about 400 dollars including the food, accommodation, and all the daily Centro Casa fucking for the 7 days I was there.

Mr Gogo
05-18-15, 15:39
A chica not taking off her bra? Sounds like a Tijuana street girl.

I would of ejected her immediately.

Also, Grownman has been silent lately, is he doing okay or ready to hop on the next flight back to the DR?Grownman has hit me up a couple times through what's up with pictures, and from the photos I would say he is having a good time. He found his chocolate cake and even mixed it with a swirl. I'm sure he will post a report when he comes up for air.

05-18-15, 23:38
Any of you guys know / have experience with Vale Garcia? Her FB profile says she's 19. She told me at one point she was 18. Was planning to meet up with her, but saw on another site enough to wonder if I should cancel. I'm all about checking cedulas, but if I know there's an issue in advance, I'd rather cancel now and avoid the drama. Any intel would be helpful.


Papi Que Rico
05-19-15, 03:44
Any of you guys know / have experience with Vale Garcia? Her FB profile says she's 19. She told me at one point she was 18. Was planning to meet up with her, but saw on another site enough to wonder if I should cancel. I'm all about checking cedulas, but if I know there's an issue in advance, I'd rather cancel now and avoid the drama. Any intel would be helpful.

CLShe clearly was trading pussy for pesos before her 18th birthday. There are also reports that she set some guys up, bringing in fake cops to extort $$ from them based on her age. IDK if this part is true or not. I also think that she probably is of age by now as she has been on the radar for a few years. That said, even if I were 100% convinced of her age being cool I would not mess with her. Why go with chicas who we know are bad players? NEXT!

BTW about 18 months ago asked her to send a text with a photo of her cedula. It was another chicas ID.

05-19-15, 04:57
Whet to Bar Maracaibo late night at about 2 am. I wanted to line up a chica so that I can take up to my hotel after the bar close so not to pay the takeout fee of 60 K. Found a real looker from bugaramaga. She arrived at 310 a to my room. Offered 80 k for an hour. She wasn't that great in the area of GFE but gave a real good covered BJ. She wouldn't take her bra which was another minus. She stayed til 430 a.

Sunday afternoon I strolled over to Zandaly again and did a repeat with a chica from the previous day. Took her for a hour and had a great relaxing experience. I really like Zandaly, they have a real nice line up and a bar area where you can have a drink with the girl and good get some vibe with her. When we went there yesterday with Grownman and Cbear the girls were very friendly due to guys buying them drinks all afternoon. I think we def benifited from that. FYI Sunday are really slow at the casas. That can be good and bad. Good because not alot of mileage on the girls. Bad because not a lot of chicas.

Also Monday is a holiday so all the casas will be closed.This guy knows what he's doing and everyone should emulate, there's nothing like a good CBJ.

Cheers, keep on keeping on.

05-19-15, 16:49
This guy knows what he's doing and everyone should emulate, there's nothing like a good CBJ.

Cheers, keep on keeping on.Speak for yourself. I'll pass on a CBJ.

05-19-15, 21:56
Yes I know CBJ really suck, but hey this chicas aren't giving mind blowing head anyway. I can't even get them to suck on my balls. LOL.

Wanted to check out a casa ID never been before. Hotel Balcones de Cuba (Cra 47 #59-14 on the corner, 59-10 is also spray painted on the side of the building) It really is a hotel so you have to get buzzed up by the receptionist and tell her "casa de masajes". You go up to the third floor which you kinda have to go thru a hallway to get to. Once on the third floor is a cool waiting area with a lot natural light. The chicas have there own room, which I think they live in. They had 4 chicas, 2 of which were really nice looking typical Paisa white skin and jet black hair and curves in all the right places.

The other chica was black but to thick for my taste. The other one was just thick and had a 6 face.

Masajes De Sexi Cra 45 d 57-67 Had a really nice line up today. Went with a typical Paisa white skin and jet black hair and curves in all the right places. They had a range of chicas. Skinny one thick one light and dark.

Sara / Paisa Relax Cra 45 57-71 really sucked ass stay way. The papasan charged me 2 k for the line up that sucked balls.

Dulce compania Cra 45 57-55 seemed to be closed.

Aiffe Calle 57 also sucked.

Sarita calle 55 43-72 had only one chica and had a great body but was ugly. Maybe but a bag over her face.

Atennea / coffee shop Cra 45 #55-45 I've always had good luck at this place. Picked a light skinned slim body with a bubble butt. Her tits looked like her kid had sucked them dry and I sucked them dryer. She gave the best CBJ I've had on this trip.

This trip I decided to bring a dozen victoria secrets underwear for the chicas that give great service. Instead of tipping. I bought VC underwear at the outlet for about $3 a piece. They seem really happy for the gift and tried the underwear on in front of me. "que dellalista" they said. They won't foget me. LOL.

I got the whatapps number from the chica at coffee shop. We have been texting all afternoon. She is going to come over to the hotel tonight at 7 p for some more great BJ. 50 k for 1 hour. I think that's a good price to pay, what yall think.

The dirt continues!

05-19-15, 22:32
Yes I know CBJ really suck, but hey this chicas aren't giving mind blowing head anyway. I can't even get them to suck on my balls. LOL.

Wanted to check out a casa ID never been before. Hotel Balcones de Cuba (Cra 47 #59-14 on the corner, 59-10 is also spray painted on the side of the building) It really is a hotel so you have to get buzzed up by the receptionist and tell her "casa de masajes". You go up to the third floor which you kinda have to go thru a hallway to get to. Once on the third floor is a cool waiting area with a lot natural light. The chicas have there own room, which I think they live in. They had 4 chicas, 2 of which were really nice looking typical Paisa white skin and jet black hair and curves in all the right places.

The other chica was black but to thick for my taste. The other one was just thick and had a 6 face.

Masajes De Sexi Cra 45 d 57-67 Had a really nice line up today. Went with a typical Paisa white skin and jet black hair and curves in all the right places. They had a range of chicas. Skinny one thick one light and dark.

Sara / Paisa Relax Cra 45 57-71 really sucked ass stay way. The papasan charged me 2 k for the line up that sucked balls...Good information relative to the casa's you've visited. As far as your coffee shop Chica I hope your going to get an uncovered BJ this time. I'm assuming you speak Spanish and am curious as to whether you have requested an uncovered BJ in the casa's you've visited from the girls and if so what has been there response to this if you have asked. As far as your coffee shop Chica, you might be able to get a TLN from her if she is available or at least a lot more time for not much more money than the 50 K you agreed to if you click with her. Nice reports!

05-19-15, 22:41
Grownman has hit me up a couple times through what's up with pictures, and from the photos I would say he is having a good time. He found his chocolate cake and even mixed it with a swirl. I'm sure he will post a report when he comes up for air.Must of met a psycho nympho that has mesmerized him and of course he's having chocolate, vanilla is just to plain for him!

05-19-15, 22:45
This guy knows what he's doing and everyone should emulate, there's nothing like a good CBJ.

Cheers, keep on keeping on.You have to be joking and meant to say there's nothing like a good uncovered BJ.

Member #4394
05-19-15, 23:34
Thank you for the report. I like the clean rooms in BD Cuba. Also, papasan and the hotel ladies are nice and friendly. It doesn't appear to me that they live there. One girl told me that she lives in Bello. Papasan in Sara is infamous and and he has had a few problems / quarrels with gringo customers.
Also, as for Zandaly in the other report, i was with one girl who had been at Zandaly for at least five years last month. I asked why she didn't change the casa just like other casa girls. She said that girls at Zandaly get along and it is like a family to her.

Colombia Jake
05-20-15, 01:03
I have kept pretty much quiet on how everyone is so scared of Centro after dark.

Lets see the party line is stay away from Centro, Take cabs always, stay at the Mansion, all beasts, and Gorditas in Mayorista, and don't expect to see any sharp girls in Centro Casa's.

I see many reports on how New Life has only 5's. And 6's. Must be a different New life than the one I know. I always have trouble trying to see which 8 I want to take.

Hey take what I say with a grain of salt. After all I have only been to MDE 10 times since 2008. Yes Old Parr, I have the trip reports to back up what I say.My night tour covers centro as well as other parts but I'm with you! Get out and see this town weather its on a date with a fun safe girl, or on a tour, or with a buddy but don't let the stealth business posts keep you locked up in the mansion!

John Gault
05-20-15, 01:05
Yes I know CBJ really suck, but hey this chicas aren't giving mind blowing head anyway. I can't even get them to suck on my balls. LOL.

Wanted to check out a casa ID never been before. Hotel Balcones de Cuba (Cra 47 #59-14 on the corner, 59-10 is also spray painted on the side of the building) It really is a hotel so you have to get buzzed up by the receptionist and tell her "casa de masajes". You go up to the third floor which you kinda have to go thru a hallway to get to. Once on the third floor is a cool waiting area with a lot natural light. The chicas have there own room, which I think they live in. They had 4 chicas, 2 of which were really nice looking typical Paisa white skin and jet black hair and curves in all the right places.

The other chica was black but to thick for my taste. The other one was just thick and had a 6 face.

Masajes De Sexi Cra 45 d 57-67 Had a really nice line up today. Went with a typical Paisa white skin and jet black hair and curves in all the right places. They had a range of chicas. Skinny one thick one light and dark.

Sara / Paisa Relax Cra 45 57-71 really sucked ass stay way. The papasan charged me 2 k for the line up that sucked balls.

Dulce compania Cra 45 57-55 seemed to be closed.

Aiffe Calle 57 also sucked.

Sarita calle 55 43-72 had only one chica and had a great body but was ugly. Maybe but a bag over her face.

Atennea / coffee shop Cra 45 #55-45 I've always had good luck at this place. Picked a light skinned slim body with a bubble butt. Her tits looked like her kid had sucked them dry and I sucked them dryer. She gave the best CBJ I've had on this trip.

This trip I decided to bring a dozen victoria secrets underwear for the chicas that give great service. Instead of tipping. I bought VC underwear at the outlet for about $3 a piece. They seem really happy for the gift and tried the underwear on in front of me. "que dellalista" they said. They won't foget me. LOL.

I got the whatapps number from the chica at coffee shop. We have been texting all afternoon. She is going to come over to the hotel tonight at 7 p for some more great BJ. 50 k for 1 hour. I think that's a good price to pay, what yall think.

The dirt continues!50 K is a good price for her to come to your hotel for one hour and instead of her getting half the price you paid in the coffee shop she now gets the whole amount.

That should make her very happy. It is now time to get the BBBJ. After all there must be some chemistry to rate a second go round. Since this is your second time with her. IMHO never take a CBJ if you stand a chance of the coveted BBBJ.

K Constant
05-20-15, 05:01
Don't say I never help why'all lazy mofo's out. Especially the last 3 bums that posted for help today.

1. Loutron, Calle 12 Sur # 10-245. Tel: 311-1179.Loutron, Calle 16 A Sur No. 9 E- 500 Tel: 444-4204.

05-20-15, 06:37
This guy knows what he's doing and everyone should emulate, there's nothing like a good CBJ.

Cheers, keep on keeping on.Is this your try at comedy?

05-20-15, 23:29
When we went there yesterday with Grownman and Cbear the girls were very friendly due to guys buying them drinks all afternoon. I think we def benifited from that. FYI Sunday are really slow at the casas. That can be good and bad. Good because not alot of mileage on the girls. Bad because not a lot of chicas.

Also Monday is a holiday so all the casas will be closed.It was great hitting those casa with you and Grownman. I went back that night and picked up that girl. No extra charge for anything. She came back to my place for the whole night. Till I left in the morning, just gave her taxi money. We went at it another three times. I will be calling her up when I get back and she is bringing one of the girls from the casa with her for some fun.

You should have came to Barranquilla, I been hitting up the casa, and the ones I had setup before I got here. Ton of hot women, I think total I spent maybe $ 60 dollars. I found a ton of girls by just going out walking. A lot of non-pros which is the best. Cause they want no money. Just trying to find them a man. LOL.

05-21-15, 20:53
Been on the ground since Tuesday, banged 7 chicas thus far, and not a CBJ to be found in the house.

Then again, I haven't been to any casas or strip clubs either.

05-21-15, 21:06
Been on the ground since Tuesday, banged 7 chicas thus far, and not a CBJ to be found in the house.

Then again, I haven't been to any casas or strip clubs either.You pulling from the streets exclusively, and if so where?

And what has happened to Grownman, is he going to denounce his ties to the DR now?

05-21-15, 21:44
You pulling from the streets exclusively, and if so where?
Facebook my friend. Unlike some here who shun the Mansion, I got my start there, grabbed some contacts, and grew my network from there. I've been doing the Facebook game since 2012. I've penetrated deep and most of my chicas these days are non mansion chicas. I put in the time to get to this level and it paid off handsomely. With some of these chicas I've been their first ever gringo (or so they tell me, hahaha).

Fair Warning: Any requests for contacts will be ignored. You boys have got to do your own legwork!

05-21-15, 23:14
Facebook my friend. Unlike some here who shun the Mansion, I got my start there, grabbed some contacts, and grew my network from there. I've been doing the Facebook game since 2012. I've penetrated deep and most of my chicas these days are non mansion chicas. I put in the time to get to this level and it paid off handsomely. With some of these chicas I've been their first ever gringo (or so they tell me, hahaha).

Fair Warning: Any requests for contacts will be ignored. You boys have got to do your own legwork!I'm old school and pull them off the streets and from the casa's. Your smart in not sharing your contacts with anyone, and you may have been the first gringo to bone some of them but if they are on Facebook, Whatsapp, etc. Then your probably just one of many gringo contacts. If you bump into Grownman around town tell him to post.

05-21-15, 23:34
Your smart in not sharing your contacts with anyone, and you may have been the first gringo to bone some of them but if they are on Facebook, Whatsapp, etc. Then your probably just one of many gringo contacts.The trick is to look at their friends list and mutual friends lists. If all of her friends are Colombianos and Colombianas, and no gringos, there is a good chance you are on fertile territory.

Some chicas also have dummy accounts (one for family and friends; one for clientes, LOL), so you never can tell.

If you bump into Grownman around town tell him to post.Gogo probably has more intel than I do on GM.

05-22-15, 01:04
Yesterday I received a card for a casa in Laureles. I haven't been able to find it though. The card says "Girl's house, Lindas chicas. Cerca al exito de san juan why la 70, Monday. Sunday 10 AM - 8 PM. Servicio de bar. Servicio dormicilio". Anyone know that place, or have hints where it may be? I just circled the block around exito on san juan why 70 and I didn't see anything.

Today, around 3-4 PM, I was in centro checking out casas. More than half of them had police sitting outside, and some police inside the door. I didn't not enter those casas. Is that normal? Is it ok / worthwhile to try out a casa when the police are stationed at the door?

Member #4398
05-22-15, 03:17
Yesterday I received a card for a casa in Laureles. I haven't been able to find it though. The card says "Girl's house, Lindas chicas. Cerca al exito de san juan why la 70, Monday. Sunday 10 AM - 8 PM. Servicio de bar. Servicio dormicilio". Anyone know that place, or have hints where it may be? I just circled the block around exito on san juan why 70 and I didn't see anything.

Today, around 3-4 PM, I was in centro checking out casas. More than half of them had police sitting outside, and some police inside the door. I didn't not enter those casas. Is that normal? Is it ok / worthwhile to try out a casa when the police are stationed at the door?If you don't have the complete address of a Casa in Laureles, you will never find it unless it is a well known Casa. The casas in Medellin don't have signs at the doors. I don't think anyone in Laureles will help you find it as it might be a new place. I was staying near that Exito at 70 and will be coming back to stay in Laureles soon. Please let me know if you find the address of that Casa. I will be more than happy to provide a review. As for the Police, I would not enter a Casa if there is Police at the entrance. But, I don't really know if that is a normal thing or if its okay to enter a Casa with Police there. Perhaps a person who knows about this could have a good answer to that. I am also interested in knowing about your Police question or concern.

05-22-15, 04:48
Yesterday I received a card for a casa in Laureles. I haven't been able to find it though. The card says "Girl's house, Lindas chicas. Cerca al exito de san juan why la 70, Monday. Sunday 10 AM - 8 PM. Servicio de bar. Servicio dormicilio". Anyone know that place, or have hints where it may be? I just circled the block around exito on san juan why 70 and I didn't see anything.

Today, around 3-4 PM, I was in centro checking out casas. More than half of them had police sitting outside, and some police inside the door. I didn't not enter those casas. Is that normal? Is it ok / worthwhile to try out a casa when the police are stationed at the door?If the card had a phone number on it you could of called them for directions.

05-23-15, 00:51
Damn, so it looks like I have to eat crow after talking much shit about no such thing as Unicorns. Had a MILF that I have been talking to via whatsapp and facebook for about a month come and visit me (she had already agreed to come to visit me at my apartment once I was in town).

She came over and we chatted for a bit. She has her own job, her own scrilla (fuck, I have an iPad mini and she pulled out the full-sized iPad version on my ass), etc. The entire time she repeated to me that in no certain terms was she a prepago (I had went ahead and asked her how much money she wanted because I did not want any problems or misunderstandings).

Anyway, we did the deed and all she asked for was money for a taxi (I gave her 20 k). This was an absolute first for me in Colombia, but in no way the norm. I still find P4 P to be optimal for short visits.

Still will keep my guard up and be on the lookout for the "tengo una problema" messages (request for money). But other than that, I guess I'm a believer, LOL.

05-23-15, 16:49
Casa on Thursday.

I arrived in centro and wanted to check out the casas. However, most like already said there were police doing inspections (I. E. Checking the girls paper work, cedula and medical record stuff to make sure they are of age and clean). This was at New Life and the coffee shop near by. I chilled by the museo and headed back by 5 pm everything was back to normal business. I was also nervous at first but there was some other mongers there who explained to me the situation to me. By 5 pm New Life was packed be / see they were not allowing anyone in as I saw a couple of other people walking in and out the door as I waiting for my taxi and the dude in charge just said "no service".

I checked out chicas punto com but there wasn't much of a selection. It was around 520 pm and I had just seen a girl with a great ass walking in with another monger.

I went in with Valeria who was not a looker but she provided adequate service. Rooms were small, the bed was crappy. I had been to New Life last trip, so everything else has not been up to par.

I'm heading out to check some more casas out will report back.

05-24-15, 02:06
You definitely shouldn't end your trip without eating a Leos y Carbon. Had the filet mignon (they give you two) and they cover them in a gravy sauce with mushrooms and wrap them bitches in bacon! The drink pictured is called "Limonada Cerezada" and I almost ordered a bucket of the stuff (they don't sell it by the bucket, FYI, lol). Very refreshing on a hot day like today was.

You can find Leos y Carbon in El Tesoro mall or Centro Comercial de Santa Fe on Avenida Poblado. Don't bother with the one in Oviedo Mall, it's like Leos y Carbon Express and is not as tasty as the main ones.

Menu price for the filet mignon is 39k (comes with rice and a potato as pictured), and the limonada cerezada was about 7k I believe.

05-24-15, 02:46
FYI, just about every restaurant here in Medellin delivers to your place (servicio domicilos): Burger King, KFC, etc. The easiest way to find the number for the restaurant you want is to just hop on Google and type in the restaurant's name + Medellin. Even better if you know the approximate location of the restaurant you want. For instance, a lot of the restaurants I mentioned are on Calle 10. So you can google: Domino's Medellin Calle 10.

Best if you order using the phone in your apartment so that they have you exact location. Also helps if you have an intermediate level spanish (to understand what is being said and to order food). But you can cheat by handing your chica the phone and having her order the food for you.

05-24-15, 04:36
FYI, just about every restaurant here in Medellin delivers to your place (servicio domicilos): Burger King, KFC, etc. The easiest way to find the number for the restaurant you want is to just hop on Google and type in the restaurant's name + Medellin. Even better if you know the approximate location of the restaurant you want. For instance, a lot of the restaurants I mentioned are on Calle 10. So you can google: Domino's Medellin Calle 10.

Best if you order using the phone in your apartment so that they have you exact location. Also helps if you have an intermediate level spanish (to understand what is being said and to order food). But you can cheat by handing your chica the phone and having her order the food for you.Thanks! Excellent advice.

05-24-15, 14:10
I noticed that most apartment rentals have a doorman or "porteria". Do they question or cause any issues with the property owners when you bring home some chicas? I would love to rent a place with no doorman, camera etc. (you have a key and can bring girls home as you please without being questioned or stared at). I have heard that some apt rental owners can be pretty noise and very much looking in to what your doing. Not sure if this is true. I really enjoy true privacy.

05-24-15, 20:21
Just a brief checking in report guys. Plane landed Saturday around 7:30. I figured it would be close to 10 by the time I got through customs and got to my hotel so I wanted to get some money exchanged at the airport so I would be ready to go. I'm struggling to recall all the names, sorry guys, but we went to the strip club area the first night, close to yakuza. I would say we hit about 5 or 6 strip clubs in all. The girls are technically independent so prices vary a little but most were asking 65 mil-75 mil including the house fee. Most of them were friendly and fun to flirt with in my very limited Spanish. There were many many I liked between the clubs. I ended up finding this beautiful 18 year old little spinner. She was fun and friendly. She agreed to 75 total with oral sin condom so it was on. Thought about taking her tnl but it was 3 am and I was going on about 20 hours and just wanted to sleep.

Hit up a couple casas this morning, new life was packed with guys and a few lookers but wanted to see some other line ups.

05-24-15, 20:32
I noticed that most apartment rentals have a doorman or "porteria". Do they question or cause any issues with the property owners when you bring home some chicas? I would love to rent a place with no doorman, camera etc. (you have a key and can bring girls home as you please without being questioned or stared at). I have heard that some apt rental owners can be pretty noise and very much looking in to what your doing. Not sure if this is true. I really enjoy true privacy.I have stayed in an apartment on Poblado with a security guy. I actually like having the security guy. He checks in the chicas and calls me when they are waiting downstairs. He also calls me when they leave to make sure everything is OK (e. G. , she has not killed me or stolen something).

The security guy calls me taxis. I had a great experience. No problems with chicas coming and going. Never felt like someone was watching me. Only person who knew I was there, really, was the nice lady who rented me the apartment.

Member #4398
05-24-15, 21:21
I noticed that most apartment rentals have a doorman or "porteria". Do they question or cause any issues with the property owners when you bring home some chicas? I would love to rent a place with no doorman, camera etc. (you have a key and can bring girls home as you please without being questioned or stared at). I have heard that some apt rental owners can be pretty noise and very much looking in to what your doing. Not sure if this is true. I really enjoy true privacy.Rickyj,

Try this place: http://tuapartamentomde.com/pricing.html or via http://www.booking.com/hotel/co/tuapartamento-mde-202l.en-us.html?aid=376370;label=booking-name-Y1Pc_OVe5aL9kiKP88ZwPgS55225134994%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2653%2C000%3Aac%3Aap1t1%3Aneg;sid=3986861fc7bbeacf7cade8b6ae4422d0;dcid=4;checkin=2015-05-25;checkout=2015-05-26;dist=0;srfid=ed2608a0cd1a6b041fe24fd63c486f42210331b1X13;type=total;ucfs=1&.

They have apartment is Barrio Laureles and Buenos Aires at 60 k or $24 USD per night for the studio apartments. They also have bigger apartments if you need a bigger space. It is not high class but it is not low class either. It is something in between. I recommend the Laureles apt at Calle 41 #77-44 (edificio Santo Thomas). Very good location in the Laureles area, near Avenida Nutivara why La 7 O where there are many clubs and nice restaurants. The area is middle to upper middle class. The apartment is pretty basic, very quiet place, nice bed, very clean, TV and cable, equipped with all utensils needed to cook and dishes, safe area, no doorman, no cameras as far as I know, and you get a key to the building and to the apartment. The only negative I could think of this place is that there is no washer / drier and no air conditioner (but weather in Medellin is warm / cool and may not need that), and that the hot water works whenever it wants to work. But for that price of 60 K and location, it is definitely a bargain, It is also easy to bring chicas cause is your own apartment and no one will questions you unless you making a lot of noise. The guy that handles the property speaks English, but I would not talk to him about mongering or that you need the place to bring chicas because I don't know his views on the subject. But you won't have problems with bringing girls at all and there is no need to ask for permission.

05-24-15, 23:33
You definitely shouldn't end your trip without eating a Leos y Carbon. Had the filet mignon (they give you two) and they cover them in a gravy sauce with mushrooms and wrap them bitches in bacon! The drink pictured is called "Limonada Cerezada" and I almost ordered a bucket of the stuff (they don't sell it by the bucket, FYI, lol). Very refreshing on a hot day like today was.

You can find Leos y Carbon in El Tesoro mall or Centro Comercial de Santa Fe on Avenida Poblado. Don't bother with the one in Oviedo Mall, it's like Leos y Carbon Express and is not as tasty as the main ones.

Menu price for the filet mignon is 39k (comes with rice and a potato as pictured), and the limonada cerezada was about 7k I believe.They opened one in Manizales last year and it is my go to meal at least once a week, including the limonada, LOL. FYI, the name is Leńos y Carbon.

05-25-15, 02:05
FYI, the name is Leos y Carbon.Yeah Mani, I went through all that trouble to use alt + 0241 to get the spanish "n", but I must have edited my original post and the system's auto correct feature fucked it all up. As you can see from your post that I am quoting you from, your original spelling of it got fucked up as well.

05-25-15, 03:22
Hey guys,

I got back this morning from Cali. OMG great trip. Cali rocks. Please read my post on the Cali thread.

I've been chatting with this one chica from the casa coffee shop all week while in Cali, and she came thru around 4 ish. Paid 100 k for 3 hours. Good stuff. Now I'm getting ready to go to the strip clubs in el centro. Ill be wearing jeans and a white Linen short sleeve shirt. I'm hispanic so a blend with the locals. I fly out trmw morning so no sleep for me tonight. Say Hello, if you see me! I might even buy you a beer LOL.

The dirt continues!

05-25-15, 05:23
Yeah Mani, I went through all that trouble to use alt + 0241 to get the spanish "n", but I must have edited my original post and the system's auto correct feature fucked it all up. As you can see from your post that I am quoting you from, your original spelling of it got fucked up as well.Yup, I realized after I posted that mine came out the same way as yours, my apologies savePros. Damned auto correct.

05-25-15, 13:41

Try this place: http://tuapartamentomde.com/pricing.html or via http://www.booking.com/hotel/co/tuapartamento-mde-202l.en-us.html?aid=376370;label=booking-name-Y1Pc_OVe5aL9kiKP88ZwPgS55225134994%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2653%2C000%3Aac%3Aap1t1%3Aneg;sid=3986861fc7bbeacf7cade8b6ae4422d0;dcid=4;checkin=2015-05-25;checkout=2015-05-26;dist=0;srfid=ed2608a0cd1a6b041fe24fd63c486f42210331b1X13;type=total;ucfs=1&.

They have apartment is Barrio Laureles and Buenos Aires at 60 k or $24 USD per night for the studio apartments. They also have bigger apartments if you need a bigger space. It is not high class but it is not low class either. It is something in between. I recommend the Laureles apt at Calle 41 #77-44 (edificio Santo Thomas). Very good location in the Laureles area, near Avenida Nutivara why La 7 O where there are many clubs and nice restaurants. The area is middle to upper middle class. The apartment is pretty basic, very quiet place, nice bed, very clean, TV and cable, equipped with all utensils needed to cook and dishes, safe area, no doorman, no cameras as far as I know, and you get a key to the building and to the apartment. The only negative I could think of this place is that there is no washer / drier and no air conditioner (but weather in Medellin is warm / cool and may not need that), and that the hot water works whenever it wants to work. But for that price of 60 K and location, it is definitely a bargain, It is also easy to bring chicas cause is your own apartment and no one will questions you unless you making a lot of noise. The guy that handles the property speaks English, but I would not talk to him about mongering or that you need the place to bring chicas because I don't know his views on the subject. But you won't have problems with bringing girls at all and there is no need to ask for permission.Thank you. I know I seem picky about it but it is just based on some things I've heard from friends of mine who have gone there for years.

05-25-15, 16:24
If there are any chicas that you are unsure of in terms of how much money they will want, then it is always best to ask before inviting them over so that you don't waste time on chicas who think they have "chocha de oro" (pussy of gold).

There is one chica on my fb friends list who I have been watching for a while. Very sexy, long dark hair, big natural ass, and flat stomach. It seems like every other week she is at a resort, or in another country, or, if back in Medellin, out partying. I even saw that she was in Miami once.

We had always messaged back and forth before about meeting, but it never happened (she was still out of country or something). Saw on her fb profile earlier in the week that she says she just found out she is pregnant (doesn't surprise me), so that's probably why her ass has slowed down a bit from all of the partying.

I contacted her and asked if we could meet and she said "sure". Now, normally my method is to wait until they arrive here at my place and then talk about money after getting to know one another for a bit. But with this one, I didn't sense that would be a good idea because I guessed she would probably quote me something ridiculous (and I guessed right).

I asked her how much she wanted and she replied 500 k! That's $200 USD. I didn't even bother to counter the offer; just told her "no thanks. " For those of you who are experienced (professional) negotiators, or have had negotiation training, you know that it would be very hard to get someone to come down to what you would consider "reasonable" after taking a position like that.

tl/dr: If a chica you have your eye on is popular (and a has sponsors flying her in a out of country) save yourself time and taxi money and find out how much she wants for her time upfront before inviting her over. I've never paid a chica anywhere close to 500 K here in Medellin, and wasn't about to start.

05-25-15, 20:41
I spend one week in Medellin (last week exactly). I visited a dozen casas and every night the strip clubs, La Isla, Faso Dos, Luna and Bam-Bam, and at the end my favorite place was Thaispa: http://www.thaispa.com.co/. Casa's girls in centro are so so, some even look very ugly. Girls in strip clubs are great looker but they do not always provide good service (no anal, no BBBJ, no finger.) even they are expensive.

At this moment, seven girls work at Thaispa, all are great looker (same level at La Isla) and they provide very good service. I would say for some of them the same service as the girls in Rio's termae or German's FKK! Thaispa is managed by an Italian manager, this guy went to Thailand many times and he knows what he's doing. The place -in fact a big villa- is clean and classy, the rooms are spacious, with bathroom, double bed, mini bar, jacuzzi, etc. There is a bar (10 K a beer) and even a Japanese garden to relax between sessions. Girls at Thaispa are more PSE than GFE, this is what I look for, I came to Medellin to fuck, not to find a girlfriend.

You guys should try the Thaispa, it is a good alternative between the casas and strip clubs. As I remember, the rates are:

130 K for 30 min suck & fuck.

160 K for 60 min suck & fuck & body-massage (a body-massage with a Colombian girl with big ass and big tits, it's much better than a skinny Thai girl in Bangkok).

300 K for 60 min suck & fuck including anal sex & body-massage.

300 K for 60 min suck & fuck & body-massage with 2 girls.

400 K for 60 min suck & fuck including anal sex & body-massage with 2 girls.

Add extra 50 k to get soapy-massage in jacuzzi "a la thailandaise".

05-25-15, 20:47
I asked her how much she wanted and she replied 500 k! That's $200 USD. I didn't even bother to counter the offer; just told her "no thanks. " For those of you who are experienced (professional) negotiators, or have had negotiation training, you know that it would be very hard to get someone to come down to what you would consider "reasonable" after taking a position like that.Last week at La Isla, a chica ask me 400 K for two hours in my hotel room, I declined. Half-hour later she get out with a Colombian guy who agree to paid her price. Those chicas know the game.

05-25-15, 21:18
For the one hour sessions, can the customer cum twice?

Are the "sucks" BBBJ, and if so, are they to completion?

I usually monger in Europe but I have been considering a trip to Medellin based on some great discussions of the place on a Canadian discussion board. I had a pretty good trip to Argentina but a really shitty trip to Chile that turned me off of South America.

Thinking of staying at the Mansion, but this place looks like a superb choice. I guess I could do both. I presume it is relatively inexpensive cab rude from the Mansion.

Thanks for the information.

I spend one week in Medellin (last week exactly). I visited a dozen casas and every night the strip clubs, La Isla, Faso Dos, Luna and Bam-Bam, and at the end my favorite place was Thaispa: http://www.thaispa.com.co/. Casa's girls in centro are so so, some even look very ugly. Girls in strip clubs are great looker but they do not always provide good service (no anal, no BBBJ, no finger.) even they are expensive.

At this moment, seven girls work at Thaispa, all are great looker (same level at La Isla) and they provide very good service. I would say for some of them the same service as the girls in Rio's termae or German's FKK! Thaispa is managed by an Italian manager, this guy went to Thailand many times and he knows what he's doing. The place -in fact a big villa- is clean and classy, the rooms are spacious, with bathroom, double bed, mini bar, jacuzzi, etc. There is a bar (10 K a beer) and even a Japanese garden to relax between sessions. Girls at Thaispa are more PSE than GFE, this is what I look for, I came to Medellin to fuck, not to find a girlfriend.

You guys should try the Thaispa, it is a good alternative between the casas and strip clubs. As I remember, the rates are:

130 K for 30 min suck & fuck.

160 K for 60 min suck & fuck & body-massage (a body-massage with a Colombian girl with big ass and big tits, it's much better than a skinny Thai girl in Bangkok).

300 K for 60 min suck & fuck including anal sex & body-massage.

300 K for 60 min suck & fuck & body-massage with 2 girls.

400 K for 60 min suck & fuck including anal sex & body-massage with 2 girls.

Add extra 50 k to get soapy-massage in jacuzzi "a la thailandaise".

Don Smith 10
05-25-15, 22:50
Last week at La Isla, a chica ask me 400 K for two hours in my hotel room, I declined. Half-hour later she get out with a Colombian guy who agree to paid her price. Those chicas know the game.I am sure she agreed less than 400 k. I did negotiate a lot of beautiful chicas, but they are also human being. Many times they got tired negotiating and then they just agree with less amount.

El Bacano
05-26-15, 02:33
M0 EN, these girls are all different. Some are hardened, sadly, some are meant to do this, some have to, . I would use your instincts in the flow of the moment, Tip them good if they treat you right, but don't reward bad behavior, ,.

Mr Enternational
05-26-15, 07:14
Last week at La Isla, a chica ask me 400 K for two hours in my hotel room, I declined. Half-hour later she get out with a Colombian guy who agree to paid her price. Those chicas know the game.How do you know that he agreed to 400 K just because that was the price that she gave you?

05-26-15, 09:58
I am sure she agreed less than 400 k. I did negotiate a lot of beautiful chicas, but they are also human being. Many times they got tired negotiating and then they just agree with less amount.Of course, I could have negotiated at 300 K and she could have accepted my price. What I mean is the locals guys get more and more financial power and the chicas are not waiting for us, gringos and tourists from Europe.

05-26-15, 09:59
How do you know that he agreed to 400 K just because that was the price that she gave you?We meet later at Babylon disco in Parque Lleras the chica and her Colombian hombre. My Colombian friend speak with him and we befriend with him and he said he did agree to paid 400 K.

05-26-15, 10:22
For the one hour sessions, can the customer cum twice?

Are the "sucks" BBBJ, and if so, are they to completion?

I usually monger in Europe but I have been considering a trip to Medellin based on some great discussions of the place on a Canadian discussion board. I had a pretty good trip to Argentina but a really shitty trip to Chile that turned me off of South America.

Thinking of staying at the Mansion, but this place looks like a superb choice. I guess I could do both. I presume it is relatively inexpensive cab rude from the Mansion.

Thanks for the information.Archh. I can not answer your first question, I can not cum twice in less than one hour.

If you use to mongering in Europe, especially in Germany's FKK as me, you may be disappointed in Colombia. Here, BBBJ is not in the standard. When the chica agree to give BBBJ, she always ask for extra tip (20 K up to 50 K). Also, anal sex and CIM are not common with local chicas. But they are friendly and they can easily give you their phone number to meet you after works. I would said that Colombia is a good mongering place for GFE, but not PSE.

Staying in the Mansion it's a good choice to start mongering in Medellin if you do not speak spanish. There are a dozen girls at the Mansion's bar everyday from 6 pm. They are not top looker but they give good service and you will not have trouble with the Mansion's girls. If you do speak spanish, better rent a appartment or stay in other hotel less expansive than the Mansion.

05-26-15, 15:44
Friday morning we headed to el pueblo to do casa shopping. We arrived there and started walking in the area and ran into a group of Americans. One of the guys called out my ISG profile name. WTF how the f* did he know. It was J from TMN (The Mongers Network). He had a group of 5 or more mongers showing them the casas. Two of the guys were DR regular. I asked one of them how did he rate the women overall compared to the DR. We both agreed for what we like. The Dr has Columbia beat hands down this far. Another one of the guys was and ISG member. He said he rarely post only read. He gave me dap and said he enjoyed reading my posts. They had been to several Casas already and we're heading to the New Life. We followed. J is very organized and knows his way around the area. Had I know he did tours I would have joined his group. He did offer me to join his network prior to my trip but I never got around to doing it. So new life was my first casa and I think their fifth. New Life overall scored a 7. The other guys said New Life had the best selection of all the Casas they were in. That was not good for me to hear. The girls came out just like in the videos one at a time. Being placed in a small room with 6 seats and having the girls come and introduce themselves give their names and walk away was everything Mr E said it was. Quick. I couldn't remember one name. Most of the girls had already had two or three sessions. Only one out of the group made a choice. The others like me didn't want to pull the trigger so quickly. We departed from new life. Lou and I went to a few more casas. At casa Masajes Zandaly Jessica a 5'5 130 pd light coco tan chica looked back around the corner after the introduction and smiled at me. She was a solid 8 and had me sold. That was more than the quick flashes the other girls gave to me. Did a session with her for the equivalent of 18 dollars. The session overall was a 6. It included a CBJ. She wouldn't let me GnP (ground and pound) or put her feet on the ceiling.

Afterwards I met up with DC Fan. I like to think DC Fan 4 taking time out from his vacation to kick it with me. DC Fan is normal a solo rider. He's cool and cautious. I asked him why didn't he tell me which hotel he was going to be located. He responded I don't know you like that. LOL. He is right. He said but after meeting you I know your are cool now. He even came with us all the way back to my hotel. That morning I had switched hotels from Maloka Hostel to Hotel Lleras.

Hotel Lleras was an upgrade because it was right on the corner of all the action. It was a touristy area very safe across from the park. It was too touristy for DCFan with no casas or strip clubs in the area. Even in the touristy area I couldn't walk 15 minutes without smelling weed in the air. DC looked at me and said we got to get you some weed dude. 16 k later we had a good quarter of green. We left and went to the Mayorlista area to see the street walker at Lou's request. We stopped for a moment to put 1 in the air. Now I am in the my mode and ready for action. Out of the 40 chicas on a two block radius there I didn't see 1 chica that captured my attention. DC Fan only seen 1 but she was 100 yards away walking in the other direction. Lou said we should wait for that diamond in the rough. DC Fan and I looked at each other "hell no". We left the area to check out a few strip club.

The strip club was good but I'm used to ATL and SDQ strip clubs. In Medellin the chicas are less aggressive and full of medically enhanced chicas. I didn't see any killers.

We left and went back to towards our area. Friday night in this area is supposed to be popular. I changed clothes and hit the scene. That's when the rain came down and lasted for about 2 hours. Walked around the area made it deal for 50. I made a somewhat mistake. I gave her the equivalent of 50 US dollars and she was talking Colombian pesos. Got with a nice looking Street welcome. I thought she meant 50 American dollars. I added bbj to the deal. Lou had set up another SW for 50 for me. I see these chicas love a nice dressed man and the prices were dropping. The chica I had was very nice however I had to pay 30 K to bring her in my room. It was the principal more than the money that I didn't like. I paid 75 K per night for this hotel and it doesn't have an Ac, refrigerator or safe. I had to ask for a fan to be placed in the room. I think the hotels in the area are overrated. I admit the area was more safer. As for my street walker I give her looks an eights and her performance a 6. The next day I change my hotel to the downtown area.

05-26-15, 21:59
I spend one week in Medellin (last week exactly). I visited a dozen casas and every night the strip clubs, La Isla, Faso Dos, Luna and Bam-Bam, and at the end my favorite place was Thaispa: http://www.thaispa.com.co/. Casa's girls in centro are so so, some even look very ugly. Girls in strip clubs are great looker but they do not always provide good service (no anal, no BBBJ, no finger.) even they are expensive.

At this moment, seven girls work at Thaispa, all are great looker (same level at La Isla) and they provide very good service. I would say for some of them the same service as the girls in Rio's termae or German's FKK! Thaispa is managed by an Italian manager, this guy went to Thailand many times and he knows what he's doing. The place -in fact a big villa- is clean and classy, the rooms are spacious, with bathroom, double bed, mini bar, jacuzzi, etc. There is a bar (10 K a beer) and even a Japanese garden to relax between sessions. Girls at Thaispa are more PSE than GFE, this is what I look for, I came to Medellin to fuck, not to find a girlfriend.

You guys should try the Thaispa, it is a good alternative between the casas and strip clubs. As I remember, the rates are:

130 K for 30 min suck & fuck.

160 K for 60 min suck & fuck & body-massage (a body-massage with a Colombian girl with big ass and big tits, it's much better than a skinny Thai girl in Bangkok).

300 K for 60 min suck & fuck including anal sex & body-massage.

300 K for 60 min suck & fuck & body-massage with 2 girls.
First time I have seen the spa on this site or heard mention, thanx for the heads-up....I am back to MDE in 3 weeks so will check it out. I luv the paisas but only the flaquitas and those lovely one hand on each of those nalgalas of those lovely BKK soapie girls.
400 K for 60 min suck & fuck including anal sex & body-massage with 2 girls.

Add extra 50 k to get soapy-massage in jacuzzi "a la thailandaise".Thanks for the heads up, first time I heard of the spa or read mention on ISG. I do luv those tiny thai girls butts and the flaquitas in MDE. As I always tell the colombianos, I am glad you like the big nalgas, means more flaquitas for me.

05-27-15, 01:10
I spend one week in Medellin (last week exactly). I visited a dozen casas and every night the strip clubs, La Isla, Faso Dos, Luna and Bam-Bam, and at the end my favorite place was Thaispa: http://www.thaispa.com.co/. Casa's girls in centro are so so, some even look very ugly. Girls in strip clubs are great looker but they do not always provide good service (no anal, no BBBJ, no finger.) even they are expensive.

At this moment, seven girls work at Thaispa, all are great looker (same level at La Isla) and they provide very good service. I would say for some of them the same service as the girls in Rio's termae or German's FKK! Thaispa is managed by an Italian manager, this guy went to Thailand many times and he knows what he's doing. The place -in fact a big villa- is clean and classy, the rooms are spacious, with bathroom, double bed, mini bar, jacuzzi, etc. There is a bar (10 K a beer) and even a Japanese garden to relax between sessions. Girls at Thaispa are more PSE than GFE, this is what I look for, I came to Medellin to fuck, not to find a girlfriend.

You guys should try the Thaispa, it is a good alternative between the casas and strip clubs. As I remember, the rates are:

130 K for 30 min suck & fuck..There was a report of a 15 k presentation fee for gringos in addition to the rates. Is this true?

05-27-15, 02:23
Thanks for the heads up, first time I heard of the spa or read mention on ISG. I do luv those tiny thai girls butts and the flaquitas in MDE. As I always tell the colombianos, I am glad you like the big nalgas, means more flaquitas for me.De nada amigo! Having spend so much time in Thailande that I m done with slim thai girls (except short and fatty Issan girls ha ha ha). Today I appreciate much more the curvy latina chicas. At Thaispa, you can ask for Maffe, she is tall, flaquita, all naturel, no silicone.

05-27-15, 02:38
There was a report of a 15 k presentation fee for gringos in addition to the rates. Is this true?True! 20 k for presentation fee and you get a drink, beer or whisky. Once evening I went there with a Colombian friend and a French friend. They did not go in the room because they already screw in casas just before. They speak with the Italian manager in the bar to kill time and waiting for me. At the end, the Italian guy gave each of them two free beer and did not charge them the presentation fee. I guest the presentation fee is not always the rule.
Anyway, if you go in room with girl, there is no presentation fee at all.

05-27-15, 03:53
Friday morning we headed to el pueblo to do casa shopping. We arrived there and started walking in the area and ran into a group of Americans. One of the guys called out my ISG profile name. WTF how the f* did he know. It was J from TMN (The Mongers Network). He had a group of 5 or more mongers showing them the casas. Two of the guys were DR regular. I asked one of them how did he rate the women overall compared to the DR. We both agreed for what we like. The Dr has Columbia beat hands down this far. "Silicone Valley" Colombia is no match for "Papi leche" DR?! That's sacrilegious! You're losing street cred Gman.

Well, at least now you're "internet famous". Congrats!

05-27-15, 04:15
The next day I got up with Cbear. CB was coming off a terrible last night. He said his roommate through the towel in early on and he didn't get any mongering in last night. He and his roommate went to the club went back home to grab something and end up staying there. He Lou and I went to Centro and met with DC Fan. I sat back and laugh at us for a while. DC fan is normally a solo monger. All of a sudden he is showing two newbies and cheap Lou around. We casa shop for a bit and ended end going to Masajes Zandaly. This time the a carmel color chica was there. I was thinking I am glad Mr Gogo isn't here or we will be fighting over her. She was on me the second we arrived. Mr. G what do you do when the darkest chica in the casa is begging you to pick her. She didn't even know she was my first choice. I asked CB who has no favorite type of chica his choice and he said the girl in the pink. The chick I want it had on pink his girl really had on red. I thought we were going to have to fight. Mr G she went and came back with a pair of glasses on; you know I had to do her for us. She was 21 with no kids and drunk as hell. Apparently guys have been buying the girls drinks all day. She was drunk but she was fun. She gave me a damn good striptease. She licked around my Johnson and kiss my balls but she didn't give me the BBJ. Her body 8- her face 6- performance 8 and a half. She gave me the best performance I've had this year. She would have gotten a 9 if she would have let me ground and pound her at the end.

CB had a whole hour sessions. I told DC fan he was making up for last night. When he finished his session he came to us and told us the chica is coming back to his room when she gets off. I guess he had a great session. DC Fan also had a chica he liked in there. He was coming back to give her an hour session. All in all was the Casa of choice.

After Cbear and Lou left and putting one in the air; DC Fan and I hit the strip clubs. That's when I saw her Mr. G. She was darker than your average Haitiana. A quick interview and after paying the bar 40 K. We were on our way. We made an agreement for what I thought was $50. It turned out again I overpaid. For my type she was a solid eight and a half. The sex what another solid eight. After we were done she asked if she asked if her spend the night. Kool as long as you don't expect more pesos in the morning. Morning came and I woke up to her rubbing my Johnson. When I began to rub her I notice her pussy was wet. This really turn me on and upgraded her performance to eight and a half. She wanted to come back later at 7. I got her whatsapp but I hate repeating so soon.

05-27-15, 04:51
"Silicone Valley" Colombia is no match for "Papi leche" DR?! Yep I guess those are good names to describe both countries.

05-27-15, 04:53
Well, this one was not a freebie, but I can say my absolute it was my first time fucking a wrestler (not pictured, btw). She wrestles for the Colombian National Team. Showed me the videos and photos of her in action and everything.

GrownMan, glad to see you finally came out of the shadows. Keep at it (Medellin) and you may eventually advance from a Padawan to a full-fledged Jedi.

05-27-15, 14:03
Sunday I woke up about 2 o'clock. Lou and I when casa shopping. Everything was dead. Monday was a holiday so most the Casas close early on Sunday. There were a few with one or two. I was hoping to get one in however that wasn't going to be the case. I couldn't find anything to satisfy my wants. We went into one castle and all the girls were occupy. I started getting whatsapp hit from both of the girls I did yesterday. I got up with DC and we hit a few strip joints and walked into SW area. I do not feel comfortable with any of any streetwalkers I saw. I seen some decent ones but the setting wasn't right for me to approach and your Spanish had to be up to parr. The only good thing about Sunday is that we had more weed to smoke. I decided Saturday that I was going home Monday. Monday was a holiday everything closed. Tuesdays are slow days. DC leaves for Cali Wednesday. I have about 600 cash left on me Sunday afternoon. However I could not fine anywhere to exchange the money. We even asked police officer. Ass big as the city is there was nowhere to exchange and Monday was a holiday with all the banks closed. Medellin is not tourist friendly. Thank you again DC fan for using your card for me to exchange money. About 9 clock the carmel chica showed up at my hotel on time!. She stayed for about 2 hours. I ca. E her money and her didn't count it. This time I didn't give the equivalent of 50 US dollars. I gave her 80 k. When she got home she text me thanking me so much. She should I paid 35 for her at the casa. I was going home I didn't need the pesos. Just needed enough for the cab ride and a tip.

It was about 2 in the morning; after putting one in the air; DC and I are strip club hopping looking for something to catch. I settle with a very slim Blanca who gave me a decent deal 80 k in house. She was way out of my norm however; at least I knew she didn't have fake tits and ass. Her performance was a 7. I left for the airport at 3. The cab driver did not understand which airport I was going to and all I can tell him was the big one. I thought that my basic Spanish could at least get me to the airport with no problems. He kept telling me they have two airports and I told him to take me to the biggest 1. Had to call Mr G who happened to be online to make sure I was going to the correct airport. Leaving custom is giving a brother drama. They want to know how I can come here all by myself. I told them because I have money I don't need to speak a lot of Spanish.

05-27-15, 15:46
Sunday I woke up about 2 o'clock. Lou and I when casa shopping. Everything was dead. Monday was a holiday so most the Casas close early on Sunday. There were a few with one or two. I was hoping to get one in however that wasn't going to be the case. I couldn't find anything to satisfy my wants. We went into one castle and all the girls were occupy. I started getting whatsapp hit from both of the girls I did yesterday. I got up with DC and we hit a few strip joints and walked into SW area. I do not feel comfortable with any of any streetwalkers I saw. I seen some decent ones but the setting wasn't right for me to approach and your Spanish had to be up to parr. The only good thing about Sunday is that we had more weed to smoke. I decided Saturday that I was going home Monday. Monday was a holiday everything closed. Tuesdays are slow days. DC leaves for Cali Wednesday. I have about 600 cash left on me Sunday afternoon. However I could not fine anywhere to exchange the money. We even asked police officer. Ass big as the city is there was nowhere to exchange and Monday was a holiday with all the banks closed. Medellin is not tourist friendly. Thank you again DC fan for using your card for me to exchange money. About 9 clock the carmel chica showed up at my hotel on time!. She stayed for about 2 hours. I ca. E her money and her didn't count it. This time I didn't give the equivalent of 50 US dollars. I gave her 80 k. When she got home she text me thanking me so much. She should I paid 35 for her at the casa. I was going home I didn't need the pesos. Just needed enough for the cab ride and a tip.

It was about 2 in the morning; after putting one in the air; DC and I are strip club hopping looking for something to catch. I settle with a very slim Blanca who gave me a decent deal 80 k in house. She was way out of my norm however; at least I knew she didn't have fake tits and ass. Her performance was a 7. I left for the airport at 3. The cab driver did not understand which airport I was going to and all I can tell him was the big one. I thought that my basic Spanish could at least get me to the airport with no problems. He kept telling me they have two airports and I told him to take me to the biggest 1. Had to call Mr G who happened to be online to make sure I was going to the correct airport. Leaving custom is giving a brother drama. They want to know how I can come here all by myself. I told them because I have money I don't need to speak a lot of Spanish.Sounds like you didn't have that great of trip in that you had to bang some blanca chicas, couldn't find places to exchange money, and had some language issues. Oh well back to the DR I assume.

05-27-15, 16:53
Well, this one was not a freebie, but I can say my absolute it was my first time fucking a wrestler (not pictured, btw). She wrestles for the Colombian National Team. Showed me the videos and photos of her in action and everything.

GrownMan, glad to see you finally came out of the shadows. Keep at it (Medellin) and you may eventually advance from a Padawan to a full-fledged Jedi.You are lucky to have this grate Culo.

05-27-15, 19:09
Well, this one was not a freebie, but I can say my absolute it was my first time fucking a wrestler (not pictured, btw). She wrestles for the Colombian National Team. Showed me the videos and photos of her in action and everything.

GrownMan, glad to see you finally came out of the shadows. Keep at it (Medellin) and you may eventually advance from a Padawan to a full-fledged Jedi.Did she put you in the dick lock.

K Constant
05-28-15, 06:37
The girls came out just like in the videos one at a time. Being placed in a small room with 6 seats and having the girls come and introduce themselves give their names and walk away was everything Mr E said it was. Quick. I couldn't remember one name.I ran into this same problem. All the girls come out, shake your hand, and turn around and leave. On a good day there might be a dozen girls, all with names pulled from the box: "Common Spanish Female Names".

Compare this to the fish bowls and go-go bars used in Thailand. In the Thai system, every girl has a number she wears on a cockade or badge affixed to her clothing. It's much easier to remember or write down a short number than a name. It seems like a useful method that could be introduced from one monger destination to another.

K Constant
05-28-15, 07:38
I came back from Medellin a week ago. On this board and on the ground, there's some cross-over between Sosua and Medellin. IMHO, Medellin is worth checking out; however, there is a caveat. Medellin is not Sosua. They are different landscapes and cannot be approached in the same way.


Medellin does not hand itself up to mongering in the way that Pedro Clisante in Sosua does. It would be very difficult to spend a night in Sosua and not stumble onto the main strip; however, one could easily miss the action in Medellin. Casas in particular would be difficult to discover without prior knowledge. Medellin has more types of venues for action than Sosua. It has full-service massage parlors, casas, and strip clubs. For the more adventurous, it has Mayorista and other places to score streetwalkers. By contrast, Sosua has the beach (which Medellin lacks) and whichever bars aren't being harassed and shut down at the moment on the main strip.


The price point for putas varies more in Medellin. The cheapest sex that I found in Medellin was at the casas, and it is as cheap as USD14/ COP35000/ DOP620. However, some venues are as high as USD100/ COP250000/ DOP4400. In Sosua, the prices sit between USD22/ COP57000/ DOP1000 up to USD67/ COP170000/ DOP3000, but cluster towards the bottom end of the range. Personally, I try to pay DOP1500 in Sosua.


Medellin has more varied, higher quality, and better value for accommodation than Sosua. It's not difficult find many quality hotels in the $40-$80 range. This isn't the case in Sosua where options are limited and quality is hard to come by at the lower range. For instance, in Medellin at $40/ night, I can find a place that I might like to stay in. At $40/ night in Sosua, I'm staying in a place like the Hotel Sea Breeze: barely livable.

Service Quality:

YMMV, but I found that the girls in Colombia were at least as good as or better in the sack than the girls in Sosua. My ratio of (good service)/(poor service) was much higher in Medellin, and as a consequence I consumed less service because I was satisfied more often.

In conclusion, there are stark differences between the Sosua experience and the Medellin experience. Medellin is not a lazy man's destination. It takes more research to have a good time. Being able to understand and / or speak Spanish is much more necessary. Venues are spread out and not always easy to find. Medellin is a city that has a civic and economy that doesn't revolve around the sex trade. However, if one does his homework, I think that Medellin can be a very viable and enjoyable place to monger.

05-28-15, 16:20
I came back from Medellin a week ago. On this board and on the ground, there's some cross-over between Sosua and Medellin. IMHO, Medellin is worth checking out; however, there is a caveat. Medellin is not Sosua. They are different landscapes and cannot be approached in the same way.


Medellin does not hand itself up to mongering in the way that Pedro Clisante in Sosua does. It would be very difficult to spend a night in Sosua and not stumble onto the main strip; however, one could easily miss the action in Medellin. Casas in particular would be difficult to discover without prior knowledge. Medellin has more types of venues for action than Sosua. It has full-service massage parlors, casas, and strip clubs. For the more adventurous, it has Mayorista and other places to score streetwalkers. By contrast, Sosua has the beach (which Medellin lacks) and whichever bars aren't being harassed and shut down at the moment on the main strip.


The price point for putas varies more in Medellin. The cheapest sex that I found in Medellin was at the casas, and it is as cheap as USD14/ COP35000/ DOP620. However, some venues are as high as USD100/ COP250000/ DOP4400. In Sosua, the prices sit between USD22/ COP57000/ DOP1000 up to USD67/ COP170000/ DOP3000, but cluster towards the bottom end of the range. Personally, I try to pay DOP1500 in Sosua...You have identified some of the major differences between Sosua and Medellin as I have been to both places 5 times and will be in Medellin tomorrow. Probably the biggest issue you identified is the ability to speak Spanish that makes all the difference in the world. As far as being adventurous in Medellin, you only scratched the surface on that one. I have booked a room at ground zero for $ 12 a night in El Centro right in the the middle of the street scene and local bar action area adjacent to Botero Plaza.

05-28-15, 16:23
I ran into this same problem. All the girls come out, shake your hand, and turn around and leave. On a good day there might be a dozen girls, all with names pulled from the box: "Common Spanish Female Names".

Compare this to the fish bowls and go-go bars used in Thailand. In the Thai system, every girl has a number she wears on a cockade or badge affixed to her clothing. It's much easier to remember or write down a short number than a name. It seems like a useful method that could be introduced from one monger destination to another.I just dispense with the individual introductions and tell them to bring all the girls out at once to look at, then make a decision!

05-28-15, 16:45
I ran into this same problem. All the girls come out, shake your hand, and turn around and leave. On a good day there might be a dozen girls, all with names pulled from the box: "Common Spanish Female Names".

Compare this to the fish bowls and go-go bars used in Thailand. In the Thai system, every girl has a number she wears on a cockade or badge affixed to her clothing. It's much easier to remember or write down a short number than a name. It seems like a useful method that could be introduced from one monger destination to another.Yes, please go to all the casas in Colombia and make that suggestion.

05-28-15, 20:45
The card I mentioned before had neither address nor phone number. I ran into someone passing out the same card and he walked me to the spot. The location is Carrerra 70 A # 43-52 room 1102. I'm not sure it was carrerra 70 A, but it was southwest of exito a bit there on setenta and san juan. Anyhow when you get there, if its a tall apartment building with the right number # 43-52 then that is it. There is a portero but I didn't have to talk to him since the guy walked me in.

50 k for 30 minutes. 3 girls on a Sunday, he said there'd be 8 Monday. The facilities kind of suck, the room I had was up some stairs to loft that only had a sheet separating it from the main room (its up some stairs though, so people aren't sitting there looking in). The service was ok (nice kissing but CBJ). I suppose its nice to have an option in Laureles, it'd be worth checking out on a weekday, but yeah so-so overall.

05-28-15, 20:46
I am sitting in the airport waiting on my connecting flight and trying to remember the last blur of a week. I posted the first day and half of my trip already. There seems there was quite a few mothers in town this holiday weekend based of the reviews coming in and the fellow gringos I met on this trip. First I won't be comparing this trip to sosua as Medellin has a population of 2. 2 million versus 70,000 spread out along the beach. They are 2 completely different venues, but I will give some tips for guys coming here used to sosua. I brought cash here, chip card, and schwab card. In the dr you can get the best rate by changing cash at the cambinos. Here my cash was almost unless, other than at the airport at a low rate of 2100 I did not see anyplace to exchange cash. However, I took out money from my schwab card with no problems all over at a rate +2500. I also used my chip card for meals and other purchases with no problems. LOL, some casas even take credit cards for those of you that work for companies that will pay for you to get laid. I stayed at a decent hotel in centro, an area many cab driver and girls warned me as not being nice. However it is completely fine during the day and fine at night too, with caution. The hotel was about $35 per night, close to the casas, and strip clubs.

Typically day started around 10:30 heading to the casas, checking out the line up, and finding a target. Most were 35-40 mil for hhr. I probably averaged about 50% with oral sin condom. Should be noted though, I didn't try every time. Some even turned down oral sin condom for propina. I am not normally a repeat guy, but I will say the 3 girls I did repeats with did do oral sin condom without me asking and with out tip. Should be noted the casa line ups change daily. I went to places with recent glowing reviews and saw nothing and places with no reviews and found hotties. So my point is to check them all out! And if the place has 3 ugly girls for a line up then that's their problem, but if they bring out a line up of 10 girls with a few hotties and you don't take one, don't be a cheap gringo. But a beer or pay the 2,000 pesos, come on its less than $1. I didn't get hassled for the 2,000 anywhere but bought beers when good talent was shown.

After the casas close the scene moves to the strip clubs. I have no interest in the high end clubs, I like the seedy ones. What is not to like about flirting with the chicas, watching them get naked, and when one gets you hard taking her back to the fuck chamber? While GFE was hard to find here I will say I didn't have bad lay. The girls do what the agree to here, no re negotiating, or bull shit.

Normally I like tnl but I don't think the girls are as used to it here and 4:30 is not tnl. I only did one this trip and she was a smoking hot barely semi pro. She was top 1 or 2 of my trip. I loved when I was going down on her and she stopped me to get her vibrator out of her bag.

I also had some luck using tagged for non pros but I started putting in work about a month before my trip with that. But got a great free date night out of it, seeing other places in Medellin with a cute, young girl.

Since my hotel wasn't in a great part of town there weren't a bunch of "creepy gringos" as the locals say walking around. I loved walking through the outdoor shops and the central commercial in this area. There were so many beautiful ladies, everywhere, it was unbelievable, every little shop or restaurant had a hot girl working the counter. All it takes is a smile and they will smile back. The quantity of beautiful women in this city is truly a must see, it's enough to make any guy consider relocating. Also, thanks to James dandy for all the help on this trip, he's a good amigo to know and a great wingman.

I have about 80% of the girls contacts in whatsapp and plan on keeping in contact for a return visit. In fact the "10" from the strip club is messaging me right now, so later guys. Have fun and be safe.

05-28-15, 21:12
I am sitting in the airport waiting on my connecting flight and trying to remember the last blur of a week. I posted the first day and half of my trip already. There seems there was quite a few mothers in town this holiday weekend based of the reviews coming in and the fellow gringos I met on this trip. First I won't be comparing this trip to sosua as Medellin has a population of 2. 2 million versus 70,000 spread out along the beach. They are 2 completely different venues, but I will give some tips for guys coming here used to sosua. I brought cash here, chip card, and schwab card. In the dr you can get the best rate by changing cash at the cambinos. Here my cash was almost unless, other than at the airport at a low rate of 2100 I did not see anyplace to exchange cash. However, I took out money from my schwab card with no problems all over at a rate +2500. I also used my chip card for meals and other purchases with no problems. LOL, some casas even take credit cards for those of you that work for companies that will pay for you to get laid. I stayed at a decent hotel in centro, an area many cab driver and girls warned me as not being nice. However it is completely fine during the day and fine at night too, with caution. The hotel was about $35 per night, close to the casas, and strip clubs.

Typically day started around 10:30 heading to the casas, checking out the line up, and finding a target. Most were 35-40 mil for hhr. I probably averaged about 50% with oral sin condom. Should be noted though, I didn't try every time. Some even turned down oral sin condom for propina. I am not normally a repeat guy, but I will say the 3 girls I did repeats with did do oral sin condom without me asking and with out tip. Should be noted the casa line ups change daily. I went to places with recent glowing reviews and saw nothing and places with no reviews and found hotties. So my point is to check them all out! And if the place has 3 ugly girls for a line up then that's their problem, but if they bring out a line up of 10 girls with a few hotties and you don't take one, don't be a cheap gringo..Good information for the newbie to Medellin!

05-29-15, 04:14
How you all doing. Looks like it was raining all day in medellin today.

Arived in the afternoon and took the bus from the airport. It was so cool stepping out of the airport doors and you get a taxi driver for 60 k then right in front of the taxi line you see the white and green bus for 8,900 LOL. I told the driver to drop me in front of my hotel which is only a couple of blocks from their final stop for 15 k and he did. Checked in my hotel which is in a shady area by prado station in el centro for 25 k per night.

Just wake up from a nap. Thinking of hitting the mayorista around 2230-2300 tonight (Thursday). How is the scene tonight? Its been a while.

If it's dry / slow then I'm thinking of hitting the centro strip clubs.

Any boots on the ground can she a light on the action scene in the mayorista for tonight.

05-29-15, 09:02
Took a cab over to the mayorista cost was around 16 k. I think taxi fares have increased in the last 2 yrs. I recall the same ride for just under 12 k.

Good news plenty of girls were available even though it's a Thursday night and a rainy one!

The first one I met was a an 8 asked for 40 k plus 20 k for room. I thought the room was more than I recall from 2 yrs ago. Right. LOL. So I go to check with one of the hotels on the main side not the ones around the corner and yep I was told 20 k for an hour. I swear it was 12 k and the nicer ones around the corner were going for 18 k for THREE hrs.

Anyhow, while I was going to the hotel another girl Carolina was eyeing me just after talking to the other chick. I was like come here and she quoted me 30 k. So I took her. LOL.

She entered and asked me if it was OK if she can do "perico" I was like I don't care. By that time I had a hard on seeing her undress. She had a nice suction tight p-hole and great BBBJ! I popped within 2 minutes. LOL I was like hey if you want we can do a second pop for 20 k. She agreed! Great performer. Only problem breastfeeding has affected her breasts.

Had a 10 k sancocho with lemonade checking out the scene and just relaxing on the same strip on the side walk area and just enjoying the eye candy. The chicken was terrible so I complained and the mngr came out and took of 50%. Cool!

When I was leaving a sweet little Fernanda caught my eyes. She told me she is 21, has a 5 yrs old son and to take her home with me this night. LOL I told her I was not even thinking about it. But she has this amazingly beautiful angelic face with a nice smile, eyes, mouth, cheeks hair. Etc but no but she has poor hip-waist ratio! So I asked how much for TLN till 11 am, mind you it was 1:30 am, she said 200 k. I laughed. LOL eventually she asked 120 k till 10 am. At this point I knew I wouldn't be excited by her lack of curves but I was excited with her face, so I told her 100 k she began asking if when we get to my hotel I can pay "adelantando" in advance. That was as bad as the poor hip-waist ratio. I've been there and won't want to go back there ever again so I walkaway towards a cab not realizing she was following me from a distance.

Great night.

P. s: All the girl except Fernanda asked me to buy them drnks. I don't buy girls drinks, not my mo.

05-29-15, 13:56
Guys, I need help. I will be in MDE next week on business and with several associates that do not monger. I can do a quick getaway in the afternoon but I don't have time to take a taxi all the way to Centro. Can any of you suggest a decent short time place close to Poblado? It does not have to be in Poblado. The girl I am planning on doing is a non pro and I don't want to take her to a total dive. I have been to MDE many times but never had this issue as I always have apartments and mostly travel solo or with like minded friends. Thank you for any help.


05-29-15, 15:06

Guys, I need help. I will be in MDE next week on business and with several associates that do not monger. I can do a quick getaway in the afternoon but I don't have time to take a taxi all the way to Centro. Can any of you suggest a decent short time place close to Poblado? It does not have to be in Poblado. The girl I am planning on doing is a non pro and I don't want to take her to a total dive. I have been to MDE many times but never had this issue as I always have apartments and mostly travel solo or with like minded friends. Thank you for any help.


05-29-15, 20:00
Took a cab over to the mayorista cost was around 16 k. I think taxi fares have increased in the last 2 yrs. I recall the same ride for just under 12 k.

Good news plenty of girls were available even though it's a Thursday night and a rainy one!

The first one I met was a an 8 asked for 40 k plus 20 k for room. I thought the room was more than I recall from 2 yrs ago. Right. LOL. So I go to check with one of the hotels on the main side not the ones around the corner and yep I was told 20 k for an hour. I swear it was 12 k and the nicer ones around the corner were going for 18 k for THREE hrs.

Anyhow, while I was going to the hotel another girl Carolina was eyeing me just after talking to the other chick. I was like come here and she quoted me 30 k. So I took her. LOL.

She entered and asked me if it was OK if she can do "perico" I was like I don't care. By that time I had a hard on seeing her undress. She had a nice suction tight p-hole and great BBBJ! I popped within 2 minutes. LOL I was like hey if you want we can do a second pop for 20 k. She agreed! Great performer. Only problem breastfeeding has affected her breasts.

Had a 10 k sancocho with lemonade checking out the scene and just relaxing on the same strip on the side walk area and just enjoying the eye candy. The chicken was terrible so I complained and the mngr came out and took of 50%. Cool!.Good to get some current info on La Mayorista. Were there chairs and tables on the sidewalk or is that still a no no?

Thanks for the TR.

Colombia Jake
05-29-15, 21:22
I did stay with Colombia Jake (colombiajake.com) a few nights when hotel rates were more expensive. I think either the Mansion or Jake is a good option for a first time visitor with limited days in town. With either option you will have immediate action your first night. Jake will also tour you in el centro on the casas and whatever else you are interested. He helped me get my phone going and with some other stuff too.

Good times over the Memorial Day Weekend with Dan and Tomas who were visiting for the first and second time! The difference Dan and Tomas tell me as that my girls for the most part here at my place are not the hit and run types that you get everywhere else. They know its up the the customer as to how much time it's going to be and so I'm told the guys feel much more of a connection with my girls and that's what its suppose to be about. Whether you just want a quick flip or go out and enjoy the evening together you have the choice here, and that's what makes us different. Went to the Thai Spa in the Belen area to check it out and get a feel for what they do. The manager who used to run Obydos is there along with a Italian guy who wants to be helpful but carries a little too much formality for me personally. Kept wanting me to sit down and didn't want to show me the rooms because that is there policy. I asked if you got a soapy wash down which I'm told is a big part of the experience though I have never had one and they reply was no. More of an oily massage with a number of levels of sex including back door for 220,000 pesos. The whole thing was a little much for me and unless someone has had an experience at this place and can give it a good review I'm not steering any business in that direction any time soon though I will take you there which is tough to find if you want something new!

Colombia Jake.

05-30-15, 01:17
Hi Jake,

Its Tomas. Thank you for helping make my first trip here a lot of fun.

I hope you and Eric keep enjoying Medellin and showing new visitors around.

Good luck.

Old Parr
05-30-15, 03:33
Hi Jake,

Its Tomas. Thank you for helping make my first trip here a lot of fun.

I hope you and Eric keep enjoying Medellin and showing new visitors around.

Good luck.Jake again is talking to himself. Quite hilarious. Hopefully something can be done by admin about promoting / advertising on the Medellin thread, as these types of posts are not welcome on this thread, which is why the admin has made a thread solely for these types of posts.

05-30-15, 04:22
Jake again is talking to himself. Quite hilarious. Hopefully something can be done by admin about promoting / advertising on the Medellin thread, as these types of posts are not welcome on this thread, which is why the admin has made a thread solely for these types of posts.Old Parr you are wrong and right at the same time.

You are wrong about Jake talking to himself as he was quoting vegascrazyguy post #16412, but he didn't use quotation marks.

You are right that Jake is promoting himself as he already replied to that post in post #16469.

05-30-15, 04:26
http://www.motelpuntocero.com.co/#.Thanks man. Looks nice but that is quite a ways away from Poblado.

05-30-15, 08:00
HI. I am the other guy Jake mentions in his post below about Memorial Day weekend. I agree that Jake's writing style is bit odd and he isn't following the AP Style Manual for quote attribution, but I really do agree with everything he wrote, except for the Thai Spa stuff which didn't involve me. As a total gringo with no Spanish skills, if resources like Jake or the Mansion weren't around, I doubt I would have had the pleasure of seeing Medellin. I had a great time with the girls Jake served up and they were much more like real dates than anything else I have seen in this hobby. Going with Jake really lets you hit the ground running, maximize your time and reduce the risk of bad experiences.

05-30-15, 14:52
The motel is called, LOS Chalets: http://loschaletsmotel.com/. It is near El Poblado. It is the only motel in Medellin with AC. Enjoy and please write a report.

Guys, I need help. I will be in MDE next week on business and with several associates that do not monger. I can do a quick getaway in the afternoon but I don't have time to take a taxi all the way to Centro. Can any of you suggest a decent short time place close to Poblado? It does not have to be in Poblado. The girl I am planning on doing is a non pro and I don't want to take her to a total dive. I have been to MDE many times but never had this issue as I always have apartments and mostly travel solo or with like minded friends. Thank you for any help.


05-30-15, 15:01
Showed up yesterday morning with two other Tijuana street dogs with another that arrived the day before, another who arrived later in the day, and two to follow next week. We all are staying in El Centro and in Poblado as well. As a seasoned Tijuana street monger El Centro is a pure delight in comparison and filled with hidden gems everywhere to be found.

Upon our arrival we checked into the Premier Plaza Hotel between the Church and the Museum which basically is ground zero for El Centro. All three of us were a little dazed and confused upon arrival after flying all night with no sleep from LAX. After checking in we all purchased burner phones so we can be in contact with our bitches. I additionally rented an apartment in Poblado a few blocks away from Parque Lleras as well, and after checking in there I took the Metro to El Centro around 1 PM. I decided being very tired to hang in El Centro into the evening andthen return to Poblado to sleep. There was a beehive of activity around the plaza / walkway in the front of the Hotel and in front of the church. I saw a spinner and started talking with her and realized she had a speech impediment. She was cute with a nice smile kind of signaled 15,000 pesos. I asked her if she could hear and write and nodded yes. I was very reluctant to go with her, she didn't smoke, wasn't a sacalero, so I thought maybe I will try this so I asked her how much for two hours and she said $ 20,000 pesos or $ 8 US. I was still a little bit shocked about the price and sitting on the fence with going with someone who couldn't talk so wrote it all out for her and she confirmed. Off to my Penthouse Suite at the Premier Plaza and upon entering I again went over the deal as it sounded fishy, 20,000 Pesos for two hours and she reconfirmed. I told her if she did a good job she would be getting a tip. We than undressed and hit the shower. She had a nice little body and kind of danced around the room. I had not made any requests as to my expectations in the room and was not disappointed as she gave me a great BBBJ without prompting. She was into the banging and after finishing I figured to just kind of hangout with her but after about 1/2 hour she started playing with me, got me hard, was blowing me and I was thinking I don't know if I can finish this quickly again being sleep deprived but went for it and was successful. She departed with a tip of 10,000 Pesos and seemed to be as happy as a clam and dammit I was out $ 12 US for all of this.

Upon her departure I hooked up with my other partners in crime to re-count the day activities thus far. One friend had been to a casa, another pulled one from the street, and another was towing two Chicas around with him. I decided to walk around and survey what was going on in and around the Botero Plaza area. I felt very comfortable walking around in the daytime and blended right in and fortunately did not stick out like a gringo as some of my friends do. Lots of people where smoking pot on the streets, and along one street there was lot of glue sniffers or in Spanish sacaleros. They would ask for 200 pesos as you walk by. On the street directly behind the church and Museum there are a lot of bars and the going rate for the girls was 20,000 pesos plus the cost of the room of the ones I asked. Lots of variety and lots of what appeared to be young girls. The way to operate in El Centro is not to go with the girls in their Hotel but to rent a room of your own which you can control and take them there.

The obvious hookers stand in front of and around hotels, however there are lots of women walking around everywhere, and I think a lot of them are free game in the areas around Avenida De la Grief, Botero Plaza, and the surrounding streets. While walking around with a friend he saw a walker, started talking with her, and she agreed to 40,000 Pesos tocome to his room. Around 7 PM I had dinner with a friend and after dinner was getting tired so decided to go trolling. I ran into a tall curly haired cutie that peaked my interest and told me she sucked very well. I've heard that before so said maybe later. While making the circuit around the hotel I saw another spinner standing against the wall near my Hotel who looked familiar. As it turned out I had been with her on my last trip and we clicked so asked how much and she said 15,000 pesos which I couldn't believe so said lets go. We still had the chemistry from last time and she departed with 26,000 pesos.

After all of this besides being sleep deprived and leche depleted I hopped on the Metro and headed back to Poblado.

05-30-15, 16:53
Last night was a good night.

I went first to ejecutivo strip joint 6 K minimum consumption. Sat by the edge of the dance area. But the girls dancing were all not my type so didn't really enjoy it much. Took a cab to mayorista and met a girl who reminded me of a Bogota girl I used to date. Asked only for 30 k. She was probably in her early 30's with a youthfull face and an ok body with enhancements. Very accommodating in the sack.

Went to eat some fast food and recharge then took a walk back and forth chatting up girls looking for the next pop. Met a cool flaka but when she quoted me 300 k for tln. LOL I did the same thing I always do laugh walk away and even say a word or counter. The look on her facw was priceless when I left her in the middle of her trying to convince me. LOL.

Was giving up till this pocahontas came out of nowhere and stood right in front of my direction of sight. I pssssed at her and knoded her over. She obliged and we started a great conversation about her and situation. She is 19 with an 11 months child and is getting her high school diploma. Very sweet girl who gave me the sense she just want to have fun in life. Quoted me 50 k just for her and I agreed. The girl even though had a baby has a fantastic body coupled with her amazing pocahontas skin tone and sweet angelic face and clean as a whistle papaya. I told I want you bareback. She resisted but came through when I shelled another 20 k. Amazing and complying. No kisses though which wasn't a problem since her pushy and oral was superb!

Today I'm connecting with some regulars and Internet chicks.

Notes about mayorista for newbies:

Hotels cost is 20 k per hour except there is one per 30 min. If you want a girl you really like for two hrs then go around the corner for a nicer hotel for 22 k. Make sure you get the hour one cause they will knock at 30 min. Girls come from all backgrounds and have different rates so just because one asked 50 k doesn't mean that's the going rate, cause there are others who will go for 20 k or 30 k.

05-30-15, 20:51
I asked if you got a soapy wash down which I'm told is a big part of the experience though I have never had one and they reply was no. More of an oily massage with a number of levels of sex including back door for 220,000 pesos. The whole thing was a little much for me and unless someone has had an experience at this place and can give it a good review I'm not steering any business in that direction any time soon though I will take you there which is tough to find if you want something new!

Colombia Jake.You have to add extra 50 K to get soapy massage in the jacuzzi. Without this extra, the girl give only oily massage.

05-30-15, 23:08
She was into the banging and after finishing I figured to just kind of hangout with her but after about 1/2 hour she started playing with me, got me hard, was blowing me and I was thinking I don't know if I can finish this quickly again being sleep deprived but went for it and was successful.

After all of this besides being sleep deprived and leche depleted I hopped on the Metro and headed back to Poblado.The Surfer500 I met in the DR would have gotten at least 4 nuts. What's the matter you fake Surfer don't have any strength without you board. I think in will call you Silver Surfer. You aint shit without your board.

05-30-15, 23:33
I ran into this same problem. All the girls come out, shake your hand, and turn around and leave. On a good day there might be a dozen girls, all with names pulled from the box: "Common Spanish Female Names".

Compare this to the fish bowls and go-go bars used in Thailand. In the Thai system, every girl has a number she wears on a cockade or badge affixed to her clothing. It's much easier to remember or write down a short number than a name. It seems like a useful method that could be introduced from one monger destination to another.I think that will work! And the strip clubs should encourage the tipping to a chica while they are preforming instead of letting the chica walk around asking for tip after she has preformed. You can't make it rain like that. I would have a guy walking around exchanging money for lower bills to tip the chicas. I think they are losing so much more money they could be receiving from their costumers.

05-30-15, 23:48
The Surfer500 I met in the DR would have gotten at least 4 nuts. What's the matter you fake Surfer don't have any strength without you board. I think in will call you Silver Surfer. You aint shit without your board.I do miss surfing in the DR and 3 nuts in 5 hours for a guy who got no sleep the night before and is over 60 should not been downgraded to a silver for that!

05-31-15, 00:21
This afternoon after working out in the morning I met up with my Tijuana street amigos on the balcony of the Premier Plaza Hotel to catch up on last night festivities in El Centro. I decided to pull a chica off the street for my afternoon fun and started walking around. I interviewed one Chica and was quoted 20,000 Pesos for 30 minutes and when I told her I wanted an hour and a half she wanted 60,000 Pesos. She had a business like attitude so I declined as I would of probably been in for a very mechanical session with a buzzer going off after the allotted time.

Upon further walking I saw the tall curly haired cutie I had passed on last night who told me she gives good head. I talked with her and asked if she still gives good head and she laughed and said of course! I asked her if 20,000 Pesos would be okay for no more than an hour and she said no problem. She was tall and thin kind of like a zebra. When we got to the room I told her there would be a tip if she did a good job. We took showers, I gave her a massage and we chatted for about ten minutes which was perfect as I was waiting for the 1/4 Viagra I took to kick into gear. She then offered me a massage or whether I would like the sucking to began which I opted for. She was good, so good that after about ten minutes I had her stop as I was ready to pop in her mouth. After banging her for about 15 minutes in different positions she informed me that she wanted my milk in her mouth.

I did not want to offend her and could not deny her request so she pulled off the condom and started sucking away. Slow and methodical and I was beginning to wonder if she swallows as well. Well she didn't swallow but did walk out with 35,000 Pesos.

05-31-15, 07:47
No chairs or tables outside anymore. There is a restaurant with aluminum chairs and tables setup outside but it's slightly of the girls cluster center. I find perfect for after the first pop to sit there relax, get some food and fluid recharge and enjoy some eye candy.

Good to get some current info on La Mayorista. Were there chairs and tables on the sidewalk or is that still a no no?

Thanks for the TR.

05-31-15, 20:14
No chairs or tables outside anymore. There is a restaurant with aluminum chairs and tables setup outside but it's slightly of the girls cluster center. I find perfect for after the first pop to sit there relax, get some food and fluid recharge and enjoy some eye candy.Thanks for the get back. I don't mind sitting in one of the bars drinking a brew and watching the scene and what a scene it is.

I'll be there soon.

06-01-15, 00:05
I hope this is an appropriate question to put here. I don't have a report (yet). I'm curious which hotels all you experts would recommend for a newbie heading down to Medellin.

I keep reading about Medellin Plaza but want to make sure I'm not missing some other options.

Thanks all!

06-01-15, 00:06
Hello guys,

I am new to the site but have been a longtime member of USA Sex guides in the states!

I recently met a Paisa in Jaco Costa Rica. She and I hit it off really well and let me just say she is a 10+ !! Smoking hottie! Obviously a working girl. 28 years old no kids! Holy shit a unicorn!

We have kept in constant touch over the last few months and she has been back in Medellin with her family since March.

I have been around the block a few times and into the hobby for many years-- I am no newb to the scene.

This girl really stuck out. I have never met a working girl this hot-- nor met a working girl that I like this much.

Who knew Colombians were so freaking hot!

Anyway-- I am planning my first trip to Medellin for a week in mid June. I have a nice place booked in Poblado and plan to really dig into the scene in Medellin.

From the looks of things this is going to be an awesome trip. I am super excited to check out the city and some of what it has to offer.

Hopefully will find a few to slip away and check out some of the other hotties I know this city has to offer.

Any 1st timer advice is always welcome and I look forward to sharing my travel stories with you guys upon my return.

Happy hunting fellas!


K Constant
06-01-15, 03:03
I would have a guy walking around exchanging money for lower bills to tip the chicas. I think they are losing so much more money they could be receiving from their costumers.You're absolutely right. The girls seemed to be happy with one or two 2000 notes and that's what we wanted to give them. Many times we would only have larger notes: too large for tipping. We did find that the chicas responded well to US $1 bills. I handed out one or two $1 USD bills for propinas at Luna Luneras and Fase II and the girls seemed very happy with this.

K Constant
06-01-15, 03:09
I hope this is an appropriate question to put here. I don't have a report (yet). I'm curious which hotels all you experts would recommend for a newbie heading down to Medellin.

I keep reading about Medellin Plaza but want to make sure I'm not missing some other options.

Thanks all!Strictly in terms of room and facility quality, you can get more bang for your buck at other hotels. However, the Mansion is a great place to network with other mongers, and it makes the first time experience very smooth. I would definitely recommend it for a newbie, but if you decide not to stay there, then you should at least check out its bar "La Cueva".

06-01-15, 03:27
I hope this is an appropriate question to put here. I don't have a report (yet). I'm curious which hotels all you experts would recommend for a newbie heading down to Medellin.

I keep reading about Medellin Plaza but want to make sure I'm not missing some other options.

Thanks all!How is your Spanish?

06-01-15, 04:57
I hope this is an appropriate question to put here. I don't have a report (yet). I'm curious which hotels all you experts would recommend for a newbie heading down to Medellin.

I keep reading about Medellin Plaza but want to make sure I'm not missing some other options.

Thanks all!That's a hard question to answer and depends on a lot of variables. If you speak no Spanish and have limited funds you might want to consider not coming. If you have lots of money and speak no Spanish you should probably stay at the Mansion and learn the ropes.

If you have limited funds and speak Spanish you might consider staying in the El Centro area. Hotel Premier Plaza is right at ground zero for the street scene and lots of casas, however that might not be the right scene for you.

Again it depends on a lot of variables as Medellin has a lot of options for the monger versus other places. Again, if you speak no Spanish your going to have a very difficult time in Medellin as very few people speak Spanish except in the more affluent areas such as Poblado, but this area is not a monger venue.

Also suggest you read the forum as there is a hotel section and many reports with good information.

Good Luck!

Legal Tender
06-01-15, 08:24
. She was good, so good that after about ten minutes I had her stop as I was ready to pop in her mouth. After banging her for about 15 minutes in different positions she informed me that she wanted my milk in her mouth.

I did not want to offend her and could not deny her request so she pulled off the condom and started sucking away. Slow and methodical and I was beginning to wonder if she swallows as well. Well she didn't swallow but did walk out with 35,000 Pesos.God bless a girl that loves to suck dick. One of my long time amigas in Medellin actually has an orgasm when performing oral sex. Too bad that Surfer's gem didn't swallow. But, I believe in forgiveness and redemption.

Only good energy!

06-01-15, 18:11
I am trying to plan my first visit to medellin in deptember, But I am little worried about catching a cab at 12 midnite, should I be worried.

06-01-15, 18:17
I am trying to plan my first visit to medellin in deptember, But I am little worried about catching a cab at 12 midnite, should I be worried.From my recent trip my friends plane landed at 11 pm and he had no issues catching a cab. There is not much around the airport so everybody is going somewhere ya know. It should run you around 60-70 mil for the cab ride depending on where you're going.

06-01-15, 18:23
From my recent trip my friends plane landed at 11 pm and he had no issues catching a cab. There is not much around the airport so everybody is going somewhere ya know. It should run you around 60-70 mil for the cab ride depending on where you're going.Thanks I really appreciate, I'm trying to go to the poblado area.

06-01-15, 19:06
Just had to come on and say Hi, and excited to have booked my first trip to Medellin to celebrate my divorce! Will be there 1st to 7th Sept and staying at the Mansion 1-5th and just booking my last two nights somewhere different. I've read the forum, and think I get the score about Medellin. Thanks everyone for your reports, and I plan on sending in my own reports after my 'hopefully' many experiences there.

Hope to meet a few of you soon!


06-01-15, 19:31
I have been going to Medellin for years and if I get in that late, I have a known taxi driver come and pick me up.

There are a few listed in this forum that others have recommended. They are the same price as getting one at arrivals.

And you will probably feel more secure until you get to know the lay of the land.

06-01-15, 20:56
From my recent trip my friends plane landed at 11 pm and he had no issues catching a cab. There is not much around the airport so everybody is going somewhere ya know. It should run you around 60-70 mil for the cab ride depending on where you're going.We had no problems. I was my first time paid 70.

06-01-15, 21:15
You're absolutely right. The girls seemed to be happy with one or two 2000 notes and that's what we wanted to give them. Many times we would only have larger notes: too large for tipping. We did find that the chicas responded well to US $1 bills. I handed out one or two $1 USD bills for propinas at Luna Luneras and Fase II and the girls seemed very happy with this.With the current exchange range. It is better to tip in pesos! You can go up to the cashier and ask for change. They will usually give you 2000 bills. Rarely do they give 1000. Or you can ask the girls that come by for change. Keep in mind though. If you are at the beginning of the tip parade and she doesn't have much change to give you yet and she tells you that she will come back later to give you the rest of your change, odds are she won't be coming back with your change!

06-02-15, 01:45
I have been going to Medellin for years and if I get in that late, I have a known taxi driver come and pick me up.

There are a few listed in this forum that others have recommended. They are the same price as getting one at arrivals.

And you will probably feel more secure until you get to know the lay of the land.I have Willi (or one of his guys) pick me up at the airport, because I arrive on the night flight from Ft. Lauderdale. The cost is 60,000 COP plus 5,000 for parking. I think Willi's on the list of drivers, but if you want his number, PM me.

06-02-15, 03:19
With the current exchange range. It is better to tip in pesos! You can go up to the cashier and ask for change. They will usually give you 2000 bills. Rarely do they give 1000. Or you can ask the girls that come by for change. Keep in mind though. If you are at the beginning of the tip parade and she doesn't have much change to give you yet and she tells you that she will come back later to give you the rest of your change, odds are she won't be coming back with your change!Really? Just give a $1 if you want.

Over analyzing this dancer tip a bit.

06-02-15, 06:03
Really? Just give a $1 if you want.

Over analyzing this dancer tip a bit.You are missing the whole point entirely. The guy didn't have small change to tip which is a common problem and I'm sure no one carries a fist load of $1 bills with them to MDE. I am merely suggesting ways to get change.

Iguana Six
06-02-15, 12:04
Strictly in terms of room and facility quality, you can get more bang for your buck at other hotels. However, the Mansion is a great place to network with other mongers, and it makes the first time experience very smooth. I would definitely recommend it for a newbie, but if you decide not to stay there, then you should at least check out its bar "La Cueva".This is very good advice. Your first trip should be at the Mansion, especially if you don't speak a great deal of Spanish. The advice from other mongers is valuable, and the venue allows you to meet a great quantity of chicas to start filling up your little black book with. Even when I started coming down and staying in the furnished apartments, over the years, I would still alternate and stay every 3rd or 4th trip at the mansion in order sample the latest generation of mansion girls. The breakfast, the getting of advice from other mongers, the location, make it worth it. If you are not a guest, paying the cover charge to get into la Cueva is not really worth it. You might pay the high cover charge, only to find out that there are only 3-5 uninteresting chicas in there. You might as well come by and hang outside the place for an hour or so and chat up the chicas as they come in.

Iguana Six
06-02-15, 12:18
Hello guys,

I am new to the site but have been a longtime member of USA Sex guides in the states!

I recently met a Paisa in Jaco Costa Rica. She and I hit it off really well and let me just say she is a 10+ !! Smoking hottie! Obviously a working girl. 28 years old no kids! Holy shit a unicorn!
This girl really stuck out. I have never met a working girl this hot-- nor met a working girl that I like this much.

Who knew Colombians were so freaking hot!Hopefully will find a few to slip away and check out some of the other hotties I know this city has to offer.

Happy hunting fellas!

CaioAh, the feel of new love! Enjoy! Please note, however, that in terms of Medellin years, a 28 year old Paisa who is a veteran of the international circuit is more like a 35 year old in the states. Your 28 year old is like a weathered Marine sergeant who has served for 10 years and done several tours of duty overseas. When you come to Medellin, you will be able to meet the fresh faced, 18 year old recruit showing up at National Guard summer camp for the first time.

I, too, hope that you get to sample the local talent. Either she has other commitments (you may find out she has a kid after all) and leaves you to your own devices for a day or night or two. Of maybe you have such a mini-romance, extended GFE / PSE with her that she brings over a friend for a 3-way. She might do that with a good friend she (a) trusts enough not to steal her rice bowl and (b) wants to help out financially. Or, you don't tell her exactly when you are arriving / departing.

Papi Que Rico
06-02-15, 15:47
Ah, the feel of new love! Enjoy! Please note, however, that in terms of Medellin years, a 28 year old Paisa who is a veteran of the international circuit is more like a 35 year old in the states. Your 28 year old is like a weathered Marine sergeant who has served for 10 years and done several tours of duty overseas. When you come to Medellin, you will be able to meet the fresh faced, 18 year old recruit showing up at National Guard summer camp for the first time.

I, too, hope that you get to sample the local talent. Either she has other commitments (you may find out she has a kid after all) and leaves you to your own devices for a day or night or two. Of maybe you have such a mini-romance, extended GFE / PSE with her that she brings over a friend for a 3-way. She might do that with a good friend she (a) trusts enough not to steal her rice bowl and (b) wants to help out financially. Or, you don't tell her exactly when you are arriving / departing.Or, since you are paying her for sex you have her when you want and go off for something strange when you want. Always remember she ain't your girl, it's just your turn.

06-02-15, 20:32
You are missing the whole point entirely. The guy didn't have small change to tip which is a common problem and I'm sure no one carries a fist load of $1 bills with them to MDE. I am merely suggesting ways to get change.Ok ok, LOL.

Re- read your original post amigo, you'll see what I'm referring to.

Better exchange rate, etc.

No big deal really.

I see your helpful point as well.

Take care.

With the current exchange range. It is better to tip in pesos! You can go up to the cashier and ask for change. They will usually give you 2000 bills. Rarely do they give 1000.!

06-03-15, 03:16
Jake again is talking to himself. Quite hilarious. Hopefully something can be done by admin about promoting / advertising on the Medellin thread, as these types of posts are not welcome on this thread, which is why the admin has made a thread solely for these types of posts.Actually. No this is not Jake.

I am they guy he mentioned in his post. I don't have many posts here but do on other forums in Asia (as malibog).

If you know Spanish fairly well and are used to finding your own way you don't need mansion or Jake. There is enough information on this forum to find your way around and figure things out.

If its your first time in Colombia and you don't speak Spanish fairly well (and you value your time more than $) I think Jake and probably the Mansion are worth the bit of extra price as an easy and fun introduction to Medellin.

06-03-15, 15:10
I just pulled some money out of some ATM's and got 2,548 pesos to the US dollar. I have friends that are getting 2,4000 pesos exchanging money at a bank in El Centro which is located on the lower floor of the tallest building in El Centro whose name I don't remember. I don't understand why so many people want to exchange cash here when the ATM rate is about 6% higher.

Hell the savings you get exchanging $ 400 US using an ATM versus utilizing cash can get you a street girl!

06-03-15, 17:51
Yeah hands down ATM is the best rate. Check with your bank, for example bank of America has a partnership with Scotia I think that if you use their ATM you don't get charged the fee.

Black Page
06-03-15, 19:29
I just pulled some money out of some ATM's and got 2,548 pesos to the US dollar. I have friends that are getting 2,4000 pesos exchanging money at a bank in El Centro which is located on the lower floor of the tallest building in El Centro whose name I don't remember. I don't understand why so many people want to exchange cash here when the ATM rate is about 6% higher.

Hell the savings you get exchanging $ 400 US using an ATM versus utilizing cash can get you a street girl!I repeated that so many times in many threads. But many people, even otherwise experienced, simply cannot accept the idea that a debit card can be the most convenient way to change currency abroad.

A standard ATM DEBIT card (Maestro or Cirrus) will apply the international bank exchange rate (the one on Yahoo or XE) + a fee <1. 5% + fixed fee depending on the bank (3 USD in my case).

Please note that if you withdraw cash using the credit function the fee will be not 1. 5% but 4%.

No way a bank or exchange office could apply a fee competitive with 4%. If you change at airport, it could be even 20% :eek:

THEREFORE, the first thing I do when I land in a foreign country, is to withdraw cash from ATM. Eesy, safe, and even convenient.

P.S.: there are exceptions, but in rare cases. For example, in Indonesia private exchange boots (even licensed) may offer rates vs. USD which are better than the official rate. I think it has to do with black market funding needs. When I go to Batam, I bring 1000 USD cash. I can get some good extra IDR (5%!!) by exploring exchange offices and asking the best rate.

Black Page
06-03-15, 19:33
Who knew Colombians were so freaking hot!
I knew that.
And I bet many other members of ISG share this secret! :D

06-03-15, 20:39
Yeah hands down ATM is the best rate. Check with your bank, for example bank of America has a partnership with Scotia I think that if you use their ATM you don't get charged the fee.It has been repeated many times in the currency thread. If you are from the US, get a Schwab card. They refund all ATM fees.

06-04-15, 05:53
I repeated that so many times in many threads. But many people, even otherwise experienced, simply cannot accept the idea that a debit card can be the most convenient way to change currency abroad.

A standard ATM DEBIT card (Maestro or Cirrus) will apply the international bank exchange rate (the one on Yahoo or XE) + a fee <1. 5% + fixed fee depending on the bank (3 USD in my case).

Please note that if you withdraw cash using the credit function the fee will be not 1. 5% but 4%.

No way a bank or exchange office could apply a fee competitive with 4%. If you change at airport, it could be even 20% :eek:

THEREFORE, the first thing I do when I land in a foreign country, is to withdraw cash from ATM. Eesy, safe, and even convenient.

P.S.: there are exceptions, but in rare cases. For example, in Indonesia private exchange boots (even licensed) may offer rates vs. USD which are better than the official rate. I think it has to do with black market funding needs. When I go to Batam, I bring 1000 USD cash. I can get some good extra IDR (5%!!) by exploring exchange offices and asking the best rate.I have both, a Bank Of America and Wells Fargo Debit Card and I am not charged the 1.5% you mention but no more than about $ 5 by my banks plus a a couple dollar fee by the Colombian banks I use. I know Schwab waives their fees.

Additionally, I always use cash in Thailand, I think the rate is higher with $ 100 bills than using a debit card.

Today I had two friends who had to bring their passports and wait in line for twenty minutes to cash their dollars at 6 % less than what I got hitting the ATM machines.

I don't understand this but it's their money to throw away.

06-04-15, 18:24
I have both, a Bank Of America and Wells Fargo Debit Card and I am not charged the 1.5% you mention but no more than about $ 5 by my banks plus a a couple dollar fee by the Colombian banks I use. I know Schwab waives their fees.

Additionally, I always use cash in Thailand, I think the rate is higher with $ 100 bills than using a debit card.

Today I had two friends who had to bring their passports and wait in line for twenty minutes to cash their dollars at 6 % less than what I got hitting the ATM machines.

I don't understand this but it's their money to throw away.I prefer ATMs myself, but there are a couple of reasons my some guys must use cash.

1. They don't want a paper trail because of the S. O. And can't justify all that money being taken out.

2. They work in a cash business and need to "get rid" of some of it.

3. They are old school and don't know what an ATM / debit card is.

06-04-15, 22:00
For September, laguardia to medellin, $520,that's the best price I'm going to get right, I don't think it can drop, anyone paid cheaper.

Member #4398
06-04-15, 22:48
For September, laguardia to medellin, $520,that's the best price I'm going to get right, I don't think it can drop, anyone paid cheaper.Have try google flights. I see many flights under $450 for September on the map option:https://www.google.com/flights/.

06-05-15, 02:03
I thought it was a known secret by now. I have a Charles Schwab visa debit card and its my best travel companion ever.

No foreign transaction fees.


Refund of ALL third parties ATM fees including foreign banks.

No excuse not to have one if you travel abroad! There is no set minimum balance required so you can open one and connect it to your current bank and fund it enough so to cover your trip.

Iguana Six
06-05-15, 04:14
I prefer ATMs myself, but there are a couple of reasons my some guys must use cash.

1. They don't want a paper trail because of the S. O. And can't justify all that money being taken out.

2. They work in a cash business and need to "get rid" of some of it.

3. They are old school and don't know what an ATM / debit card is.4. Increased security. You don't know if the system has been compromised by hackers, or if that ATM is siphoning and copying your information.

06-05-15, 06:40
Tonight after I sent my Minorista civilian home at midnight I decided to walk to Parque Lleras from my apartment to get some ice cream. The park was filled with thirty some things drinking, smoking, and partying. Within about ten minutes I was approached by two groups of two and one group of four girls asking if I wanted company. Three of them where actually okay but I didn't bother asking how much as the prices would be very inflated given the area. I also noticed some single women sitting around the edges of the park that where probably available as well. I had been out there earlier in the week around 9 PM and there was nothing out there so it's late night place. I'll stick with El Centro!

John Gault
06-05-15, 14:59
I just pulled some money out of some ATM's and got 2,548 pesos to the US dollar. I have friends that are getting 2,4000 pesos exchanging money at a bank in El Centro which is located on the lower floor of the tallest building in El Centro whose name I don't remember. I don't understand why so many people want to exchange cash here when the ATM rate is about 6% higher.

Hell the savings you get exchanging $ 400 US using an ATM versus utilizing cash can get you a street girl!Another advantage to using the ATM is not having to wait in line, and having to bring your passport to get your loot.

06-05-15, 15:08
For September, laguardia to medellin, $520,that's the best price I'm going to get right, I don't think it can drop, anyone paid cheaper.If anyone fly's with United on a regular basis, the saver award from Anywhere in the US to Medellin is 40,000 united miles return trip, plus $110.

Is there a better way to spend your United miles?

06-05-15, 15:46
On Wednesday afternoon I walked from Botero Plaza to Minorista which is big market area with vendors selling everything from produce, meats, poultry, clothing, guitars, car parts, etc. I stopped inside one area that had some tables with vendors selling food and sat down and had a water. I noticed a thin, kind of exotic looking girl sitting at a table and made eye contact with her. She kind of looked at me puzzled and then I started waving at her and told her come over to me. She sat down and I bought her a Coke. We chatted a bit and I could hardly understand her Spanish and couldn't take my eyes off her slim body, cute butt, and perky little boobs. I asked her if she wanted to get together later and she said yes. When I asked her for her number she said she didn't have a phone. Since I liked her I said I was going to buy her a phone. She couldn't believe it and when we went to a vendor to look at phones she looked at about 5 phones costing between $ 15 and $ 20 US and asked me to pick one out for her. I told her it was her choice and she told me she had never had her own phone. I was shocked that a 32 year old woman had never had her own phone but now realize that is probably the norm for many in Colombia. She came over later to my Hotel and I took her out for some ice cream and we talked. She has a son and works cleaning houses and apartments and lives with her son, her sister, and her sisters daughter in a two room apartment. She told me she had never met or been with a gringo before. She said she had to go home after a while as she needed to get up early to go to work on Thursday so we agreed to meet up Thursday evening. On Thursday morning I sent her a text that I had an apartment in Poblado that I wanted to take her too. She told me that she could stay until midnight and needed $ 6 to have someone babysit her son which I agreed to. She met me in El Centro and we took a cab to Poblado in the early evening.

When we arrived we talked for about an hour and I told I wanted to give her a massage which she said sounded good. We watched TV a bit and she told me to close the bedroom doors. She than went into the bathroom, took a shower, and came out wearing bra, underpants, and socks. I took a shower, came out wearing a towel, and she was just laying on the bed in her underwear. I told her that I couldn't giver her a massage with her clothes on. She kept saying something in Spanish that I didn't understand and I just kind of shook my head. Oh well, this is a civilian. I thought she might be saying she was ashamed or something like that. Suddenly she removed her underpants and I told her she should remove her socks. But she said no, so I said, okay, lets compromise so she removed one. I gave her a foot massage and then she removed the other sock. She then removed her bra and had these nice small boobs with pencil eraser nipples. I told her to flip over to massage her back and she had this beautiful little bubble gum butt. I started massaging her back, her legs, around her ass and she started to melt. I flipped her over, massaged her nipples, and when I began sucking on them she started moaning. I then started heading down to the "why" which she had locked up. She all of sudden opened up and she was literally crying when I went down on her. She turned out to be a wild thing and liked it hard in all types of positions. I don't think she had had sex, let alone somebody going down on her in a long time. The bedroom looked like a Tornado had gone thru it when we got done.

It's so refreshing to be with civilian for a change. I gave her money for the babysitter, taxi fare, and an additional 25,000 pesos and she was happy. She said she needed a new stove in her apartment and I said I would buy her one, they cost abut $ 20 US. I'm going to see this one again tonight!

06-05-15, 16:55
There are six Tijuana mongers including myself who currently have rooms in El Centro. One has a room at Hotel Nutibara, one by Parque Bolivar, and three of us have rooms at the Hotel Premier Plaza located between the Museum and the Church by the intersection of Calle 53 and Carretera 53. This hotel is a an hourly place along with renting by the day. This hotel is ground zero for street scene mongering in El Centro. There are lots of girls in and around the Plaza in front of the Hotel starting in the morning and peaks in the late afternoon. Then there seems to be a shift change and a new set of girls show up later in the evening and into the night. The Hotel also seems to be like a Police substation at night as the cops are in and out of the place all the time apparently to drink the free coffee and use the Internet at reception.

The similarities between the Tijuana street scene and the El Centro street scene are similar in a few ways. Girls standing in front of short time Hotels available for hire, pick-pockets, and some ugly and disgusting women available.

The police here are friendly and polite and gringos are somewhat of a tourist attraction here. No problem drinking in public here, in Tijuana you would be handcuffed and shook down with an empty wallet. Want to smoke dope, go sit in the park and light up! In Tijuana you would be hauled off by the cops and be in jail if you didn't pay up. On one side of the Museum at ground zero there are lots of girls sniffing glue who are called "sacaleros", I call this street glue row. On another side of the museum there are lots of very girls that you have to stay away from.

As far as pricing goes it can be as low as 15,000 pesos with most girls asking for 20,000 Pesos. There are some gems here that kind of show up out of nowhere at times. Most of my colleagues here have had good experiences here with the girls. A few though have been pick-pocketed. Want bare back sex, well you can have all you want here from some which is included or for a small up-charge, but that would be your call.

06-05-15, 20:17
Great story Surfer. Be nice to her since she seems like a good one! Sounds like you can easily go BB with her which is always a nice plus.

06-05-15, 21:33
If anyone fly's with United on a regular basis, the saver award from Anywhere in the US to Medellin is 40,000 united miles return trip, plus $110.

Is there a better way to spend your united miles?Thanks man, I did not know I can use my united miles, I have 100,000 miles, just checked only have to pay $85 for taxes.

06-05-15, 22:58
So a couple days ago, I searched flights and found a ton of $300 flights from Miami to MDE. I made some arrangements and plans, then went to book and found them all gone. Does anyone know if this was some sort of promotion through AA? Has it expired? I'm having a hard time finding mention of it outside of a mailing list message from The Mansion.

06-06-15, 01:26
So a couple days ago, I searched flights and found a ton of $300 flights from Miami to MDE. I made some arrangements and plans, then went to book and found them all gone. Does anyone know if this was some sort of promotion through AA? Has it expired? I'm having a hard time finding mention of it outside of a mailing list message from The Mansion.Yep. The come up and then go away. They book X number of seats at the discount and then when those go the fare goes back up. One time at band camp. Just kidding. One time I had the flight on my screen. Went to take a [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) and get my CC and when I came back the said Error and I had to go back and it cost me $200 more!

If you want to go in August book now as the Fierra de Flores is super in demand.

Papi Que Rico
06-06-15, 03:13
If anyone fly's with United on a regular basis, the saver award from Anywhere in the US to Medellin is 40,000 united miles return trip, plus $110.

Is there a better way to spend your united miles?If you are flying from the NY area use those miles on Copa. Brief stop in Panama city, early arrivl times and late departure times. You can squeeze almost an extra day on the ground in the same time frame.

06-06-15, 13:13
If you are flying from the NY area use those miles on Copa. Brief stop in Panama city, early arrivl times and late departure times. You can squeeze almost an extra day on the ground in the same time frame.Hmmm. Copa eh? They have decent prices, I do like their arrival and departure time. I hate losing an entire day to travel and then another to leave at 4 am.

They do have lots of complaints on assorted airline reviews. A bit more than other carriers but the type of complaints that have me worried. Mostly the connection nightmares in Panama City. Do you have to clear customs there too or just a normal lay over?

Everybody has the usual customer service beefs.

How are their flights? Do they have decent seats? In seat entertainment or the family style TVs?

06-06-15, 17:26
Do you have to clear customs there too or just a normal lay over?

Everybody has the usual customer service beefs.
It's just a normal layover.

06-06-15, 19:47
You have to clear customs if you want to leave the airport. I have flown Copa lots of times without any problems I can think of. Cannot tell you about the inflight entertainment since I don't use it.

Fun Luvr
06-07-15, 02:37
They do have lots of complaints on assorted airline reviews. A bit more than other carriers but the type of complaints that have me worried. Mostly the connection nightmares in Panama City. Do you have to clear customs there too or just a normal lay over?

Everybody has the usual customer service beefs.

How are their flights? Do they have decent seats? In seat entertainment or the family style TVs?I read some of the complaints before making reservations with Copa. I have not had any problems. The flights have been on time. I've only connected in Panama, and everything was smooth. Not an extended layover. I think all their flights use one concourse, so you don't need to go through security or customs.

I think their planes are very nice, except for one minor flaw. On some of their 737-800 planes, there is no window on the left side in one row. I think it is row 7. Their seats are roomy and comfortable. It has been 9 months since I flew with them, so I don't remember if they had in-seat entertainment.

06-07-15, 05:21
Copa still carries the same operating style as the old Continental Airlines used to since they were partly owned by them (They are now merged into United, yikes!). They feed you on their flights (Free booze / beer included with the meal, in coach!) and they provide excellent customer service. They are based out of Panama, hence their hub is in Panama city. No direct flights. But their airport shopping at their hub is second to none. Name the brand and you will find it at duty free prices. If you are lucky to board one of their newer planes (737-800 or 900's not sure if one or both do), their entertainment systems have hundreds of current and old movies, TV shows, news, games, etc. to satisfy diverse tastes. IMHO one of the best travel secrets out there.

Hmmm. Copa eh? They have decent prices, I do like their arrival and departure time. I hate losing an entire day to travel and then another to leave at 4 am.

They do have lots of complaints on assorted airline reviews. A bit more than other carriers but the type of complaints that have me worried. Mostly the connection nightmares in Panama City. Do you have to clear customs there too or just a normal lay over?

Everybody has the usual customer service beefs.

How are their flights? Do they have decent seats? In seat entertainment or the family style TVs?

06-07-15, 05:32
Copa still carries the same operating style as the old Continental Airlines used to since they were partly owned by them (They are now merged into United, yikes!). They feed you on their flights (Free booze / beer included with the meal, in coach!) and they provide excellent customer service. They are based out of Panama, hence their hub is in Panama city. No direct flights. But their airport shopping at their hub is second to none. Name the brand and you will find it at duty free prices. If you are lucky to board one of their newer planes (737-800 or 900's not sure if one or both do), their entertainment systems have hundreds of current and old movies, TV shows, news, games, etc. to satisfy diverse tastes. IMHO one of the best travel secrets out there.Thanks guys. Interesting. I usually take on line reviews with a grain of salt and the good seems to be there too.

As a TY for ya'll.

Papi Que Rico
06-07-15, 05:39
They also allow two 44 lbs. Bags and the regular carryon without fees.

James Dandy
06-07-15, 12:20
I flew Copa through Panama once, won't fly with them ever again. I had packed a small silver locket on a silver chain in the middle of my bag, the thing was not worth much except for sentimental value passed from generation to generation in the family. Somebody in Panama went through the bag just to get this item, didn't even close the little box it was in, making me think they were just anxious to see what was in the next person's bag. It irritated me, but not nearly as much as the customer service people I reported the incident to via the only option they gave, which was to file the complaint online then wait for a several week "investigation". After a month all they said was "it's not our responsibility".

Lesson learned, take it for what it's worth. Maybe I was just unlucky but I won't touch Copa again, also won't fly through Panama.

James Dandy
06-07-15, 12:32
Back to the topic of the thread, it seems El Centro has been especially stocked with honeys lately. I'm not just talking the casas and strip clubs, but the streets as well. Has anybody else noticed the same? It's hard to believe, but at today's exchange rate a half-hour session with lady of your choice costs only $13.50 in most places.

I've been having a blast, and glad to have met several guys from ISG here recently. Medellin truly is heaven on earth!

06-07-15, 21:07
You were not unlucky. It happens most every day. The most famous case is probably the time Sarah Ferguson (Fergie, ex-wife of Prince Andrew) lost part of the crown jewels when a baggage handler at JFK stole them from her checked luggage. Never, never eve, put anything of value. Sentimental or whatever. In checked luggage. It is safe to assume baggage handlers go through checked luggage. I don't think it's fair to blame the airline because it will happen on another airline when the baggage handlers get the chance.

I flew Copa through Panama once, won't fly with them ever again. I had packed a small silver locket on a silver chain in the middle of my bag, the thing was not worth much except for sentimental value passed from generation to generation in the family. Somebody in Panama went through the bag just to get this item, didn't even close the little box it was in, making me think they were just anxious to see what was in the next person's bag. It irritated me, but not nearly as much as the customer service people I reported the incident to via the only option they gave, which was to file the complaint online then wait for a several week "investigation". After a month all they said was "it's not our responsibility".

Lesson learned, take it for what it's worth. Maybe I was just unlucky but I won't touch Copa again, also won't fly through Panama.

06-08-15, 02:46
I flew Copa through Panama once, won't fly with them ever again. I had packed a small silver locket on a silver chain in the middle of my bag, the thing was not worth much except for sentimental value passed from generation to generation in the family. Somebody in Panama went through the bag just to get this item, didn't even close the little box it was in, making me think they were just anxious to see what was in the next person's bag. It irritated me, but not nearly as much as the customer service people I reported the incident to via the only option they gave, which was to file the complaint online then wait for a several week "investigation". After a month all they said was "it's not our responsibility".

Lesson learned, take it for what it's worth. Maybe I was just unlucky but I won't touch Copa again, also won't fly through Panama.The usual crap you read on Trip Advisor or Yelp (FUCK YELP! Ect. You can dismiss people crying about mean counter help (50% of that is on the passenger) or damages / lost bags. But theft?

No bueno! Thanks!

Mr Tango
06-08-15, 08:49
Hello guys,

I am new to the site but have been a longtime member of USA Sex guides in the states!

I recently met a Paisa in Jaco Costa Rica. She and I hit it off really well and let me just say she is a 10+ !! Smoking hottie! Obviously a working girl. 28 years old no kids! Holy shit a unicorn!

We have kept in constant touch over the last few months and she has been back in Medellin with her family since March.

I have been around the block a few times and into the hobby for many years-- I am no newb to the scene.

This girl really stuck out. I have never met a working girl this hot-- nor met a working girl that I like this much.

Who knew Colombians were so freaking hot!...If you really like your gal, beware as the women in Colombia can be hot or cold with relationships. If she suspects you of seeing other women, she'll cut you off permanently. You may want to turn a two week stay into two one week stays: one exploring and the other with her. Just a thought.

06-08-15, 11:47
Back to the topic of the thread, it seems El Centro has been especially stocked with honeys lately. I'm not just talking the casas and strip clubs, but the streets as well. Has anybody else noticed the same? It's hard to believe, but at today's exchange rate a half-hour session with lady of your choice costs only $13.50 in most places.

I've been having a blast, and glad to have met several guys from ISG here recently. Medellin truly is heaven on earth!Enough of that girl talk, let's get back to lost luggage!


C Jack Sparrow
06-08-15, 15:44
My paisa friend finally didn't take it anymore; boyfriends leaves her for "siliconas", girls with new silicone breats and ass!

So she she has got her a new pair of delicious boobs!

And want to have sex with extranjeros; she is 25 yo, blond 170, thin, maybe a 7-8 in looks, not bad at all, cultivated person.

PM for contact info and fotos.

She has never done this before but she is determined to provide good sex for good money!

C Jack Sparrow
06-08-15, 15:58
If you really like your gal, beware as the women in Colombia can be hot or cold with relationships. If she suspects you of seeing other women, she'll cut you off permanently. You may want to turn a two week stay into two one week stays: one exploring and the other with her. Just a thought.Tango is right!

Even prepagos can he very jealous!

My X-novia, who has worked as webcam model, certainly met other extranjeros when I was home in Europe, never forgives me for my infidelity; she is still crazy about it. 1 1/2 why after I confessed and almost 2 1/2 why after I did it.

She saw the webcam modelling as a way of not depend on her mother nor me economically, she has asked me 2 times for 300 mil pesos during 2 years, that all! I "accepted" that my novia had that kind of work, since she wanted her own money, not mine!

We met and became novios just like that and since I had been single I did care so much about sexual infidelity at the time, but she did! In her own way!

So, yes, that "+10" Superbabe paisa, she can be the girl of your dreams but also your nightmare!

06-08-15, 16:17
Back to the topic of the thread, it seems El Centro has been especially stocked with honeys lately. I'm not just talking the casas and strip clubs, but the streets as well. Has anybody else noticed the same? It's hard to believe, but at today's exchange rate a half-hour session with lady of your choice costs only $13.50 in most places.

I've been having a blast, and glad to have met several guys from ISG here recently. Medellin truly is heaven on earth!You've been overpaying for your El Centro street girls Mr. Dandy, but your observations are right on the money. Most guys on this Site are tied up at the casa's and strip clubs, or the Mansion scene.

If your into the sacaleros they will go as low as $ 6 but "buyer beware" on those. There are some very sweet girls in and around the Plaza and in front of the Church who will go for 20,000 pesos or about $ 8. My experience and my Tijuana street partners has been that these girls will stay for hours with you for not much more money or a promised tip. Also, anything goes with a lot of these girls. What's good for guys like us is that most ISG members won't partake in this scene which in some cases resembles the Tijuana street scene. You do need to have Spanish speaking skills though, and the best way to operate there is to have your own room so you have the freedom and flexibility to work it.

06-08-15, 16:44
Yesterday morning me and my partner in crime in Medellin arrived at the airport for our return flight to LAX thru Mexico City to find out it had been delayed for an hour and fifteen minutes. We originally had a layover of about three hours and when we landed in Mexico City we had about two hours to make our connection. Upon entering the Immigration Hall it was mobbed with people everywhere, unorganized lines, and nobody controlling / directing people where to line up.

It took us two hours to just get thru Immigration and we missed are connecting flight. We where told to go up stairs and they would put us on the next flight. Upon going upstairs and getting in a line, the person if front of us who missed their flight as well was informed that they would have to pay a change fee. We where then told the same thing and sent to four different counters and where told that Supervisors where not available, or that they could not change our flight unless we paid. We where told that us missing the flight was not their problem.

We finally found a Supervisor who fixed the problem and got us on the next flight but we where exasperated at the rudeness and the attempt to fleece us by the majority of the AeroMexico employees. I will never fly with them again and will in the future avoid flying thru Mexico City as well.

06-08-15, 20:55
I flew Copa through Panama once, won't fly with them ever again. I had packed a small silver locket on a silver chain in the middle of my bag, the thing was not worth much except for sentimental value passed from generation to generation in the family. Somebody in Panama went through the bag just to get this item, didn't even close the little box it was in, making me think they were just anxious to see what was in the next person's bag. It irritated me, but not nearly as much as the customer service people I reported the incident to via the only option they gave, which was to file the complaint online then wait for a several week "investigation". After a month all they said was "it's not our responsibility".

Lesson learned, take it for what it's worth. Maybe I was just unlucky but I won't touch Copa again, also won't fly through Panama.You really can't blame COPA for one of their employee's thieving ways as COPA cannot verify what you claim to have had stolen. Actually COPA is one of the better carriers to get to Colombia and transit within their hub in Panama City is very good.

I hate checked baggage and on my last trip which lasted nine days I packed enough clothes in a carry on bag that I didn't need to have anything washed. Liquids where not a problem if they are less than 3 ounces in size and in a quart bag. You can buy things like shampoo, etc. That exceed the TSA screening requirements when you get there. I even had enough room for a pair of dress shoes in my carry on.

The big plus by doing this is you save time in transit between Cities and upon arrival in Colombia and won't have any lost or delayed baggage issues, and nothing will get stolen.

James Dandy
06-09-15, 00:57
You've been overpaying for your El Centro street girls Mr. Dandy, but your observations are right on the money. Most guys on this Site are tied up at the casa's and strip clubs, or the Mansion scene.

If your into the sacaleros they will go as low as $ 6 but "buyer beware" on those. There are some very sweet girls in and around the Plaza and in front of the Church who will go for 20,000 pesos or about $ 8. My experience and my Tijuana street partners has been that these girls will stay for hours with you for not much more money or a promised tip. Also, anything goes with a lot of these girls. What's good for guys like us is that most ISG members won't partake in this scene which in some cases resembles the Tijuana street scene. You do need to have Spanish speaking skills though, and the best way to operate there is to have your own room so you have the freedom and flexibility to work it.I wasn't referring to working girls on the street in that post, just the non-pros walking about. Something seems to have brought them out more than usual lately, and we can't say it's the weather since that's near perfect all the time. The $13.50 figure I stated was for the typical El Centro casa.

Thanks for the reports, I particularly liked the Minorista story, well done!

James Dandy
06-09-15, 01:10
You really can't blame COPA for one of their employee's thieving ways as COPA cannot verify what you claim to have had stolen. Actually COPA is one of the better carriers to get to Colombia and transit within their hub in Panama City is very good.

I hate checked baggage and on my last trip which lasted nine days I packed enough clothes in a carry on bag that I didn't need to have anything washed. Liquids where not a problem if they are less than 3 ounces in size and in a quart bag. You can buy things like shampoo, etc. That exceed the TSA screening requirements when you get there. I even had enough room for a pair of dress shoes in my carry on.

The big plus by doing this is you save time in transit between Cities and upon arrival in Colombia and won't have any lost or delayed baggage issues, and nothing will get stolen.I typically travel without checked luggage, mostly to avoid hassles like lost luggage or the event I told you guys about. Th trip I mentioned happened to be a longer one with two ladies and cost me almost $2500 in airfare back in 2013. Notice I didn't blame COPA since I can't know if it was a COPA employee or an airport employee. I only said I wouldn't connect through Panama OR fly COPA again to avoid both potential problems.

What I do hold COPA accountable for is the pathetic customer service option to report these issues, and the ridiculous response, which wasn't until a month later. They should care more about a guy that spends that kind of money and politely asks them to look into the matter. This is why I won't use COPA any longer, but I hear your point that there are bad people in any organization and it doesn't mean everybody there is a problem.

I'll send you a PM and if you're still in town for a few days we can get together and share some intel. Good luck!

06-09-15, 02:19
I hate checked baggage and on my last trip which lasted nine days I packed enough clothes in a carry on bag that I didn't need to have anything washed. Liquids where not a problem if they are less than 3 ounces in size and in a quart bag. You can buy things like shampoo, etc. That exceed the TSA screening requirements when you get there. I even had enough room for a pair of dress shoes in my carry on.

The big plus by doing this is you save time in transit between Cities and upon arrival in Colombia and won't have any lost or delayed baggage issues, and nothing will get stolen.Good to be back on topic about lost luggage, how to pack for a trip, and missed connections!

So interesting, LOL.

06-09-15, 02:49
Quick question guys. Has anybody been to La isla (I think it's called something else now) lately? How much are the girls. A girl tried to charge me 300.000 pesos. Is that correct?

06-09-15, 05:39
You do need to have Spanish speaking skills though, and the best way to operate there is to have your own room so you have the freedom and flexibility to work it.Was wondering if you can expand on this if you don't mind. It seems kind of ridiculous to take a street girl to a luxury duplex loft in Poblado, but what kind of spot would you stay in Centro that's not too dumpy? Or can you rent a place further away but not estrato 6, like in Laureles? My thinking is street girls are not keen on going off the beaten path so to speak and will not want to stray away from Centro. I definitely want to test myself on the street game on my next trip, but I'm not sure about some of these details.

06-09-15, 05:48
Good to be back on topic about lost luggage, how to pack for a trip, and missed connections!

So interesting, LOL.Half the fun is getting there and back!

06-09-15, 08:01
Quick question guys. Has anybody been to La isla (I think it's called something else now) lately? How much are the girls. A girl tried to charge me 300.000 pesos. Is that correct?I was last there maybe 6 months ago. They were asking for 250.000 but could be talked down to 200-220 without much trouble. Also, don't let her try to tack on the price of the room. This should be included.

06-09-15, 09:49
Quick question guys. Has anybody been to La isla (I think it's called something else now) lately? How much are the girls. A girl tried to charge me 300.000 pesos. Is that correct?New name is Girls Club. 300 K for one hour fuck is maybe too much, you can try 200 k /250 k including the room next to the club. If the girl ask 300 k and up, you can take her to your hotel for all night fuck. Try Fase Dos and Luna, same quality girls and cheaper than La Isla.

Member #4402
06-09-15, 16:04
I spent a couple of days at Jake's place (that is Colombia Jake, who posts here too). While he can set you up for a quick bang in the room (just like at a casa or club), what was the highlight for me was the Rent-a-date. On two different nights (with two different girls), they'd arrive just outside the hotel in a taxi, I'd hop in and we'd go to a party district. Both were interested in warming up with some drinks (share a bottle of rum or aguardiente), and boy did they warm up. Despite my crappy Spanish, they were so incredibly social that we somehow communicated well enough. We soon started making out, then moved to a second place where you can dance. Both loved to dance and really came alive, and we kept switching between the dance floor and sitting down to drink and talk and make out some more. I'm usually kind of shy on the dance floor, but not here. You really feel like a man--The Man--when a hot paisa is all over you and laugh and kiss you in public. After a couple of hours of this, back to the hotel room for about an hour of private time.

The price is a bit above budget. The advantage is that Jake has vetted the girls, and if you describe the personality and looks that you like, he's likely to match it pretty well.

Another thing I liked at Jake's place is his assistant, a somewhat older American gentleman who is very friendly and with an interesting perspective on expat living and different kinds of paisa relationships. If you get to know him, he may tell you of his interesting life.

06-09-15, 16:42
Was wondering if you can expand on this if you don't mind. It seems kind of ridiculous to take a street girl to a luxury duplex loft in Poblado, but what kind of spot would you stay in Centro that's not too dumpy? Or can you rent a place further away but not estrato 6, like in Laureles? My thinking is street girls are not keen on going off the beaten path so to speak and will not want to stray away from Centro. I definitely want to test myself on the street game on my next trip, but I'm not sure about some of these details.What I did on my last trip was rent two places. One at ground zero in El Centro (see one of my previous reports regarding this) and one in Poblado.

I never took a street girl to my place in Poblado, however I did take the civilian I met there three times.

This arrangement worked out well for me. When I was done banging street girls in El Centro I would either ride the Metro back to Poblado or take a cab back late at night.

Additionally I had a group of friends staying in El Centro so I had a place to hang with them when I was there.

I was able to leave all my valuables, money, passport, etc. Safely locked up in my place in Poblado.

I know it may sound kind of strange too have two places, but fortunately I can afford it and had a full one bedroom apartment two blocks from Parque Lleras including breakfast for two people that cost $ 65 US a day in Poblado and the room in El Centro that cost $ 18 a day, so my housing expenses ran $ 83 a day.

I will do this again on my next trip as I have lots of flexibility to operate. There where woman available in Parque Lleras at night, however I never took one.

As far as taking a street girl to Poblado, that didn't happen this trip but they would go in a heartbeat for the money, however most of them would be like a fish out of water besides trying to reconcile being paid $ 10 to get banged and then being taken into the lap of luxury. I did consider taking one street girl who was elegant and sophisticated enough to reconcile it all but finally decided against it.

The civilian I took there though had never been to Poblado and was in shock and awe when I walked her around Parque Lleras.

I took her up to the bar on the top of the Charly Hotel in Parque Lleras and she was like in another world being in such a glitzy place along with the awesome view.

I bought her a nice tight fitting pair of jeans and cute blouse to wear and she fit right in looks wise with the other woman around, however that's where the similarities ended.

06-10-15, 01:32
Everything you wrote makes a lot of sense to me.

What I did on my last trip was rent two places. One at ground zero in El Centro (see one of my previous reports regarding this) and one in Poblado.

I never took a street girl to my place in Poblado, however I did take the civilian I met there three times.

This arrangement worked out well for me. When I was done banging street girls in El Centro I would either ride the Metro back to Poblado or take a cab back late at night.

Additionally I had a group of friends staying in El Centro so I had a place to hang with them when I was there.

I was able to leave all my valuables, money, passport, etc. Safely locked up in my place in Poblado.

I know it may sound kind of strange too have two places, but fortunately I can afford it and had a full one bedroom apartment two blocks from Parque Lleras including breakfast for two people that cost $ 65 US a day in Poblado and the room in El Centro that cost $ 18 a day, so my housing expenses ran $ 83 a day.

I will do this again on my next trip as I have lots of flexibility to operate. There where woman available in Parque Lleras at night, however I never took one..

06-10-15, 05:01
What I did on my last trip was rent two places. One at ground zero in El Centro (see one of my previous reports regarding this) and one in Poblado.

I never took a street girl to my place in Poblado, however I did take the civilian I met there three times.

This arrangement worked out well for me. When I was done banging street girls in El Centro I would either ride the Metro back to Poblado or take a cab back late at night.

Additionally I had a group of friends staying in El Centro so I had a place to hang with them when I was there.

I was able to leave all my valuables, money, passport, etc. Safely locked up in my place in Poblado.

I know it may sound kind of strange too have two places, but fortunately I can afford it and had a full one bedroom apartment two blocks from Parque Lleras including breakfast for two people that cost $ 65 US a day in Poblado and the room in El Centro that cost $ 18 a day, so my housing expenses ran $ 83 a day.

I will do this again on my next trip as I have lots of flexibility to operate. There where woman available in Parque Lleras at night, however I never took one.

As far as taking a street girl to Poblado, that didn't happen this trip but they would go in a heartbeat for the money, however most of them would be like a fish out of water besides trying to reconcile being paid $ 10 to get banged and then being taken into the lap of luxury. I did consider taking one street girl who was elegant and sophisticated enough to reconcile it all but finally decided against it.

The civilian I took there though had never been to Poblado and was in shock and awe when I walked her around Parque Lleras.

I took her up to the bar on the top of the Charly Hotel in Parque Lleras and she was like in another world being in such a glitzy place along with the awesome view.

I bought her a nice tight fitting pair of jeans and cute blouse to wear and she fit right in looks wise with the other woman around, however that's where the similarities ended.I've been thinking about doing the same thing (renting two places) on my next visit to MDE. Would you mind telling what Hotel you used in El Centro? I think this is a fantastic idea if you like the street scene, but also want a nice place in Poblado.

06-10-15, 14:11
One Tuesday afternoon trip to Energy (used to be one of my favourite casas) was disappointing. At 1 PM, they had 9 or 10 girls. The best is a 7. Dulce was there who I saw before so I went with Daniela, another flaca, whose tits looked better in the padded bra. It was a bit rushed. Over all not too happy.

06-10-15, 19:31
One Tuesday afternoon trip to Energy (used to be one of my favourite casas) was disappointing. At 1 PM, they had 9 or 10 girls. The best is a 7. Dulce was there who I saw before so I went with Daniela, another flaca, whose tits looked better in the padded bra. It was a bit rushed. Over all not too happy.I've had similar experiences with Energy. Overall quality drop off in last few years.

If anybody knows a good professional massage w / finish in town please let me know. The one thing I miss from states.

Don Smith 10
06-10-15, 20:11
From May 29 to June 8, I was staying in medellin. This was my first trip in medellin.
Firstable I want to to thank to my ISG member Surfer 500 to show me around and guide around my trip.

I got red eye flight from LAX and arrived at mde around 7 am.
Change some money and took a taxi to centro.
Got a hotel room at centro. Also got new cell phone paid 40 k plus 20 k balance.
I was so tired with no sleeping overnight and also high altitude syndrome.
It took me couple days to recover and back to normal.

I will tell about my casa trip, bar trip and also street chicas on next report.
Overall local chicas are cute and very nice.
Lots of chicas I met on the street, restaurant, or bank are so nice.

My casa report will follow soon.

Don Smith 10
06-10-15, 20:57
I used casa map to visit them.
It wasn't that easy first time, but soon I got used to find casas.


I visit this casa around 5 times and they have around 7 chicas averages except on Sunday.
I took 1 cute morena for half an hour and had a good time.
Few days later I took her 1 more time and got a better service.
All the casas here charges around 35-40 k for 30 min and 60-70 k for an hour.
And 5 k tip is enough.
Room here is very dirty and small and I believe they don't change sheet all day, but they have a shower in the room.
All the chicas are next door, so it was so noisy while I had a session.
Overall this casa is worth a visit.


I visit this place around 4 times.
They have averages 10 chicas available even on Sunday, but I didn't find anyone I like.
Nothing to talk about this casa.
So I went 3rd floor for other casa.


This casa is located on 3rd floor same building with punto com.
They only have 3 chicas, but I took 1 of them.Nice body with so so face.
Good service.
Room with shower, not so dirty.


Only visit once.
4 Chicas availble.
No session here.


Only visit once.
10 chicas available.
No session here.


Only visit once.
12 chicas available.
All ugly to my eyes.
They charged me 2 k for presentation.
No session here.


Only visit once.

7 chicas available.
Charged me 3 k with drink.
Really ugly.
No session here.


Only visit once.
10 chicas available.
I found 3 chicas attractive, specially 1 goddess.
Real cute face and beautiful eyes.
So I bought her a drink and talked her around 15 min without session.
Kissed her and touch her. Total damages 2 k drink plus 5 k tip.
I told her I will be back, but somehow I was so busy rest of my trip.
So this is my big regret not taking her.


This casa is 4th floor of the hotel.
Each girl is staying their own hotel room.
6 chicas available.
Not so attractive.
No session here.

More casa report will follow later.

06-11-15, 01:40
I've been thinking about doing the same thing (renting two places) on my next visit to MDE. Would you mind telling what Hotel you used in El Centro? I think this is a fantastic idea if you like the street scene, but also want a nice place in Poblado.Hotel Premier Plaza between the Museum and the Church. Do a Google search and the hotel address and phone number will come up.

06-11-15, 01:43
I used casa map to visit them.

It wasn't that easy first time, but soon I got used to find casas.


I visit this casa around 5 times and they have around 7 chicas...Your now qualified to be a Casa Guide in Medellin, congratulations on this most outstanding achievement!

06-11-15, 04:36
Hotel Premier Plaza between the Museum and the Church. Do a Google search and the hotel address and phone number will come up.Thank you. I assume they don't have a website.

06-11-15, 08:55
I've had similar experiences with Energy. Overall quality drop off in last few years.

If anybody knows a good professional massage w / finish in town please let me know. The one thing I miss from states.If you want a real massage with a happy ending there is a legit massage place in Rio Sur. I thnk it's on the 3rd floor. Youll see. It says Massage for Men. It's a girl who gives a real deal massage. At the end on the low she asks if you want a happy ending for 50 K. Realy amazing massage and totally worth it! Peep my other reviews for a in depth look.

Don Smith 10
06-11-15, 15:54

This was the best casa from all.
I visited 6 times from my 10 day trip and had sessioned with 5 chicas.
All the time 10 to 15 chicas available.
They cleaned the room after every session.
New sheet, new towel and clean the floor, too.
All the room has 2 sided mirror and fan.
Quality and service was the best from all the casas.
This is the only casa you pay after session.
Funny thing is when I go back there next day, chica I sessioned previous day was greeting me.
But I didn't go there for the same chica.
I want to try another cutie. So that broke her heart.
I got some GFE also.
There is a good restaurant at downstair.
Botaniko. Free wifi and nice meal like carne asada or pollo.
Very clean and nice. owner speaks some english.
I ate lunch 5 times here cost 9k with juice and soup together.
I met some monger at this restaurant.
we exchanged some info and also went to casa shopping together.


I visited 3 times.
Only 3 chicas, but 1 is so cute.
She wasn't nice.
So I didn't have session.


I visited this casa 3 times.
7 chicas available.
I found 2 cutie and I sessioned with I cutie twice.
Room was so dirty and small with no bath, no shower in the room.
But next day I realized I could take the chica next door hotel.
Need pay 16 k for a 3 hour hotel room.
Hotel was so good and convenient with mirror and porno channel.
This casa is behind hotel nutibara.
They have 2 location, but I only went this location.
I ask this chica come to my room when she finish work.
She said yes but she didn't show up.


Only this casa is located at laurelles area.
All the casas I mentioned is located at centro area but this one.
I took a metro (2 k) from parque berrio to estadio station.
And walked 5 or 6 blocks.
Around 10- 12 chicas available.
I found 2 cuties but didn't have a session.
Since they charge 105 k for half an hour and 130 k for an hour, I could have same quality chicas from New Life with cheap price.
When they present themself, they took off their cloth.
So I can see their body more clearly.

More report will follow later.