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Old Parr
05-29-16, 05:44

Your post with the conversation was excellent. Good work on your part! I did not want to repost since it takes up quite a bit of bandwidth but did want to give you your props for it!

Mr Enternational
05-29-16, 05:53
Is this place still open? I remember hitting it up when I stayed at the Nutibara hotel. Hadn't seen much reporting on it. I saw some stunners there the two times I visited.Yep. I think you do not see it mentioned because many of the posters only go to the casas downtown during the day time and stay away from centro at night. Even though last time I was there me and my girlfriend went in at 1:45 and the guy said they don't open until 2 pm. I don't think it gets live until nightfall though.

05-29-16, 06:15
I was there in the middle of April 2016 and it was open. I went there at night around 11 pm. There was not much talent so I did not session. Hope this helps.

Is this place still open? I remember hitting it up when I stayed at the Nutibara hotel. Hadn't seen much reporting on it. I saw some stunners there the two times I visited.

05-29-16, 20:58

Your post with the conversation was excellent. Good work on your part! I did not want to repost since it takes up quite a bit of bandwidth but did want to give you your props for it!Thank you good sir! I wish my next visit to Colombia was going to be longer than an overnight layover! But, if there's one thing better (arguably) than a Colombian woman, it's a Brazilian woman. I'd love to have one of each and let them compete in doing what they do best. Selling the dream!

05-29-16, 23:03
Is this place still open? I remember hitting it up when I stayed at the Nutibara hotel. Hadn't seen much reporting on it. I saw some stunners there the two times I visited.It was open on my last visit in Early April. Like the Centro casas, the talent on average isn't great, but you can find some gems from time to time. Can be a fun party atmosphere when it gets busy. Just watch your ass leaving this place if it's after dark.

Also on my last few visits, I've noticed a large % of fat women here. Not curvy, just plain fat.

05-29-16, 23:35
Yep. I think you do not see it mentioned because many of the posters only go to the casas downtown during the day time and stay away from centro at night. Even though last time I was there me and my girlfriend went in at 1:45 and the guy said they don't open until 2 pm. I don't think it gets live until nightfall though.I remember walking around Centro at night. Quite frightening if you've never been around that sort of thing (and even if you have). Lots of tweaking drug addicts, shady looking characters, beggars, street kids. Basically looked like a skid row where I was. I walked with a purpose and avoided walking near anyone whose hands I couldn't see. I was also just wearing a tee shirt and jeans with the meanest look I could fake on my face. I must've walked that area three nights in a row, but the more I did it, the more aware I became of potential threats and thus, how to avoid them. Why did I do it? Young and dumb maybe. Were the chicas I banged as a result, worth it? Well, since nothing bad ever happened, I can say Hell yes! Would I blankely advise anyone here to do it? Hell no. Would I do it again? Not solo, no. I've got little people depending on me and the risk to me is not worth the risk to them, nor the supposed reward. I'd take a taxi to and from Conejitos though! Bad booty chicas!

05-29-16, 23:58
Just watch your ass leaving this place if it's after dark.Watch your ass no matter what time it is. I got robbed leaving this place and it was still daylight, around 6 PM.

Param Ahmad
05-30-16, 02:17
Is this place still open? I remember hitting it up when I stayed at the Nutibara hotel. Hadn't seen much reporting on it. I saw some stunners there the two times I visited.I stayed at Hotel Nutibara in downtown Medellin a few years ago. When I went for a walk around midnight a young idiot grabbed me from behind, and in the ensuing struggle I got knocked onto the sidewalk. I suffered some bruises but wasn't robbed. I'm still not sure what that was about. The night club a block or two from the Hotel that I went to had an armed security guard at the entrance, and a Nutibara Hotel employee later told me the area around the Hotel is dangerous and should be avoided at night. I wouldn't stay at Hotel Nutibara again both because of the crime and noise in the area.

05-30-16, 03:58
Thank you for balancing some of the "I walk anywhere anytime" posts. It helps newbies make better decisions. By the way, an uber driver making conversation told me when we passed it that the "Minorista" market area is very dangerous 24 hours a day. Sure enough, the very next morning I read in the newspaper that someone was murdered at high noon earlier that week near the front entrance. But there is good news, none of us need to hang around the place.

I stayed at Hotel Nutibara in downtown Medellin a few years ago. When I went for a walk around midnight a young idiot grabbed me from behind, and in the ensuing struggle I got knocked onto the sidewalk. I suffered some bruises but wasn't robbed. I'm still not sure what that was about. The night club a block or two from the Hotel that I went to had an armed security guard at the entrance, and a Nutibara Hotel employee later told me the area around the Hotel is dangerous and should be avoided at night. I wouldn't stay at Hotel Nutibara again both because of the crime and noise in the area.

Mad Mad
05-30-16, 06:18
Hi guys,

Going to Medellin this week.

Is there a "red light" district?

Were are the best street pick-up places?

Any good pick-up bars / discotheque?

Best hotel to stay if you want to be close to action?

Thank guys.

05-30-16, 15:09
Hi guys,

Going to Medellin this week.

Is there a "red light" district?

Were are the best street pick-up places?

Any good pick-up bars / discotheque?

Best hotel to stay if you want to be close to action?

Thank guys.Isn't it amazing, in a thread with nearly 20,000 messages, none of these questions have ever been asked and answered before.

Have you considered doing something unconventional like reading the forum? There is an incredibly slim chance (100%) your questions have been answered a few dozen times.

El Mechanico
05-30-16, 17:01
Isn't it amazing, in a thread with nearly 20,000 messages, none of these questions have ever been asked and answered before.

Have you considered doing something unconventional like reading the forum? There is an incredibly slim chance (100%) your questions have been answered a few dozen times.Now I have to Agree with the RTFF responses that this type of post should generate. I took the RTFF advice & started reading posts from May of 2014 & am almost up to May of 2015 in anticipation of my 6/30-7/4 trip. A lot of it outdated, more pissing contests than are needed, lots of bragging about being young & having enough 'game' to pick-up non-pros (yet having to prop themselves up on a mongering board? However, there is a wealth of info that will get more relevant as I approach the Apr / MAy posts of this year as that is when I joined. Not reading the forum is like using an app to tell a chica she is pretty & can I buy you a drink. Really? Are people that f-in lazy. On a 3 hour flight, if you have any intelligence, you should be able to learn from scratch, numbers from 1-100, tell time, and the most basic greetings & questions. Where is the bathroom, one more beer please, may I have the bill? Etc. , etc. It's not that difficult!

Now another rant of mine! I know, I know, I'm all over the place with this post!

In the Del Rey earlier, I overheard a fellow monger talking to a chica at a table behind me.

His sentence verbatim, "I sorry my friend make you cry. I no make you cry!

He was using baby babble to say, "I'm sorry my friend made you cry, I won't make you cry!

What is up with this I don't know Spanish, so if I talk like (I'm talking to) a baby in broken English, they will understand me!

If she understands the baby babble, she will understand you when you speak correct English. One does not assimilate into another culture by speaking slow, loud, broken English Baby Babble!

When I was in Thailand in the mid-80's (oilfield) a fellow employee would use this slow, louder than normal, broken English to pretend like he was speaking Thai. Simply idiotic in my opinion.

My point is, why not put out 5 minutes worth of effort & learn how to say 'Lo siento que mi amigo te hizo llorar! Yo no voy a hacerte llorar!

There are plenty of books & websites, youtube videos, etc. To help with pronunciation. OK, I'm done with the rant. Have a great Memorial Day guys & special thanks to all those that have served here in the USA!!

Old Parr
05-30-16, 18:15
Hi guys,

Going to Medellin this week.

Is there a "red light" district?

Were are the best street pick-up places?

Any good pick-up bars / discotheque?

Best hotel to stay if you want to be close to action?

Thank guys.I highly suggest you look for another location in Colombia such as Arauca. At the moment safety is an issue in Medellin / Cartagena / Santa Marta which is why the you. S has posted a warning to stay away from these areas. Many kidnappings of tourists and there is a HIV epidemic.

Jan 156
05-30-16, 23:20
Regarding safety, sorry, but it depends largely how streetwise you are and if you're feeling lucky. The Nutibara has many advantages if you are comfortable with no-go areas. You can get a good room at a decent price (especially if you look at a few first), it has 24 h security, a restaurant and bar open at most hours, is ok about taking a girl back discreetly, is within a short walk of the good daytime brothels, close to the Metro, buses, museum and shops, and if you can handle a walk on the wild side the bars and clubs the other side of the museum are rock bottom prices with wild west atmosphere.

On the other hand, if you like western style comfort, safety, quality shops and bars, no hassle, a free guided tour, and pre-screened working girls, book yourself into the Mansion (bear in mind there is often a waiting list).

05-30-16, 23:28
if you like western style comfort, safety, quality shops and bars, no hassle, a free guided tour, and pre-screened working girls, book yourself into the Mansion. And hope there isn't another armed invasion robbery there.

Old Parr
05-31-16, 02:48
Hi guys,

Going to Medellin this week.

Is there a "red light" district?

Were are the best street pick-up places?

Any good pick-up bars / discotheque?

Best hotel to stay if you want to be close to action?

Thank guys.
I highly suggest you look for another location in Colombia such as Arauca. At the moment safety is an issue in Medellin / Cartagena / Santa Marta which is why the United States has posted a warning to stay away from these areas. Many kidnappings of tourists and there is a HIV epidemic.I fixed the error made by the site here. Arauca boarders Venezuela for those that do not know.

Iguana Six
05-31-16, 03:23
Last week, a friend hand a nice incall session with a FB provider. This wasn't a former mansion girl, but one he found because he spends hundreds of hours on FB setting up several sessions a day when he comes down. Saturday night's session was good, so he repeated on Wednesday. He let slip that his roommate in the two bedroom apt he was renting was out of town. She distracted him by getting him to retrieve his lap top, giving her access to their pizza and drinks. Long story short, within minutes of finishing his previously unattended drink, he felt very sleepy. Three hours later, two men were slapping him awake, hogtieing him, and ransacking his place. He was robbed and almost got kidnapped but he managed to run away before they could stuff him into the trunk of a car.

I've got some ideas of what he did wrong, but I'd like to hear the hive's after action review.

05-31-16, 03:39
And hope there isn't another armed invasion robbery there.How many armed invasions has the mansion had?

05-31-16, 03:56
Regarding safety, sorry, but it depends largely how streetwise you are and if you're feeling lucky. The Nutibara has many advantages if you are comfortable with no-go areas. You can get a good room at a decent price (especially if you look at a few first), it has 24 h security, a restaurant and bar open at most hours, is ok about taking a girl back discreetly, is within a short walk of the good daytime brothels, close to the Metro, buses, museum and shops, and if you can handle a walk on the wild side the bars and clubs the other side of the museum are rock bottom prices with wild west atmosphere.

On the other hand, if you like western style comfort, safety, quality shops and bars, no hassle, a free guided tour, and pre-screened working girls, book yourself into the Mansion (bear in mind there is often a waiting list).Some things that should be mentioned for those considering the " El Centro" option are as follows:

Nobody speaks English and if you don't speak any Spanish, or very little, you will have difficulty with the freelancers in and around Botero Plaza, the Museum, the church area, and the girls in the bars behind the Museum and the Avenida De La Grief area.

Another thing to consider is whether you look like a "gringo" or not. If you have blond or red hair you will stick out like a sore thumb!

Being streetwise helps but if your an obvious gringo you will be getting a lot of attention not only from the locals but the from "rateros and ladrones" as well.

Some guys like staying in El Centro due to the easy access to the "casas" but often times don't leave their rooms at night. I wouldn't say El Centro is safe during the day, but when things shutdown in the evenings, it is a very different place, and much more dangerous.

If you can pass for a gringo looks wise, are streetwise, and speak some Spanish you can hit the jackpot in El Centro big time and for very cheap!

05-31-16, 03:58
Last week, a friend hand a nice incall session with a FB provider. This wasn't a former mansion girl, but one he found because he spends hundreds of hours on FB setting up several sessions a day when he comes down. Saturday night's session was good, so he repeated on Wednesday. He let slip that his roommate in the two bedroom apt he was renting was out of town. She distracted him by getting him to retrieve his lap top, giving her access to their pizza and drinks. Long story short, within minutes of finishing his previously unattended drink, he felt very sleepy. Three hours later, two men were slapping him awake, hogtieing him, and ransacking his place. He was robbed and almost got kidnapped but he managed to run away before they could stuff him into the trunk of a car.

I've got some ideas of what he did wrong, but I'd like to hear the hive's after action review.It's been said hundreds of times, but still worth repeating. Never leave a drink outside of your sight.

These chicas aren't your friend. They aren't necessarily all bad people, but still it's best to just assume right away that she's going to try to fuck you over somehow.

05-31-16, 04:48
The Nutibara has many advantages if you are comfortable with no-go areas. You can get a good room at a decent price (especially if you look at a few first), it has 24 h security, a restaurant and bar open at most hours, is ok about taking a girl back discreetly).Does the Nutibara still have the old windows that let in all the street noise? And, no internet in the rooms? Otherwise, its got character for sure. And perfect location if you want the street life views.

05-31-16, 05:04
Incall: I always stay where security is on site, and always lock the door with a key from inside and hide the key. No one can enter the premises of a hotel or a condo uninvited or enter or exit the room or apartment without the key. It is that simple.

05-31-16, 05:11
Incall: I always stay where security is on site, and always lock the door with a key from inside and hide the key. No one can enter the premises of a hotel or a condo uninvited or enter or exit the room or apartment without the key. It is that simple.Makes sense. A building with a doorman that registers visitors' ID is advisable. Also take a foto of her ID and send it to a secure place. And make sure she knows why you're doing this.

05-31-16, 05:16
Incall: I always stay where security is on siteThen don't stay at the Mansion because the security guards arranged the robbery IIRC.

and always lock the door with a key from inside and hide the key. No one can enter the premises of a hotel or a condo uninvited or enter or exit the room or apartment without the key. It is that simple.Bwwaaaah ha ha. Never heard of a lock pick? A pry bar? A bribe to the security guard? A former tenant who copied the key? You don't really think colombiano landlords are going to spend the money to change locks every time they get a new tenant, do you?

05-31-16, 06:45
...Three hours later, two men were slapping him awake, hogtieing him, and ransacking his place. He was robbed and almost got kidnapped but he managed to run away before they could stuff him into the trunk of a car.

I've got some ideas of what he did wrong, but I'd like to hear the hive's after action review.In all due respect, Iguana Six, why were they slapping him awake? Wouldn't it have been easier to let him sleep while they robbed him. Also, why slap him then hogtie him? How about Hog tie him, rob him, and then slap him if they need to wake him up and get a combination number, location of money, etc. ? Finally, let us see-one chica, two guys, and this friend of yours still got away? I don't know about the people on this forum but I would have a hell of a time running away if I was still groggy from being drugged (and being chased by two guys and a chica)!

As for the kidnapping part-hey, it sounds like they let him get away. I am assuming that this story is true? Any more details about what happened? These so called crooks sound more like the gang who couldn't shoot straight! Again, no disrespect to anyone on this board.

05-31-16, 06:54
Last week, a friend hand a nice incall session with a FB provider. This wasn't a former mansion girl, but one he found because he spends hundreds of hours on FB setting up several sessions a day when he comes down. Saturday night's session was good, so he repeated on Wednesday. He let slip that his roommate in the two bedroom apt he was renting was out of town. She distracted him by getting him to retrieve his lap top, giving her access to their pizza and drinks. Long story short, within minutes of finishing his previously unattended drink, he felt very sleepy. Three hours later, two men were slapping him awake, hogtieing him, and ransacking his place. He was robbed and almost got kidnapped but he managed to run away before they could stuff him into the trunk of a car.

I've got some ideas of what he did wrong, but I'd like to hear the hive's after action review.Unless your doing a business deal and your drink is in your hand it's near impossible to keep your eyes on your cocktail every minute. How hard is it for someone to drop something in it? Come on, it takes 5 seconds. These are the risk one takes w / freelancers w / no home base. FB ladies are apparently 100% untouchable too.

I've heard other horror stories from Medellin so take your chances on the open market. It's the same in all countries w / desperate people and Colombia is loaded w / desperate people. My insurance plan is called, The Mansion.

Jan 156
05-31-16, 10:40
And hope there isn't another armed invasion robbery there.I'm sorry to hear there was a robbery. Everything is relative isn't it? When you stay in Nutibara you know (or should know) to be on your guard from the minute you step outside. Mansion, and the whole area, while generally "safer" can easily lull some guys into a false sense of security, especially if they don't have a safety 'routine'.

05-31-16, 22:21
These things tend to go in waves. When I first started going to Medellin in 2010 I heard of a dozen or more drugging. Most of those involved girls being picked up in Parque Lleras. One gringos was drugged three different times, by three different girls, LOL. It quieted down for quite a while. Only occasionally have I heard of a drugging. Of course we all remember the debacle in Santa Marta where three gringos were drugged by their 9 guests. Those girls were all Mansion girls. Recently I chatted with a gringo who has lived in Colombia for years. He took a girl out from Laureles. She is from a nice family. She drugged him (pretty stupid since he knows where she lives).

All in all, its still pretty safe. Thousands and thousands of gringos visit Medallin each years and have a wonderful time. Its no reason to be afraid to visit.

C Jack Sparrow
05-31-16, 23:42
Rent an apartment or stay at apartmenthotel montes close to avenida Colombia, there is also a big Bodytech gym close, and girls to there are very fit and show the most and what they hide is hidden very tight, the Bodytech at El cafetero in Laureles is even better. Go there 5 am-8/9 am before work. It's a paradise of females working out hard. I'm a daytime guy, after the dinner 6 pm-10 pm I go to bed, alcohol and inviting barrio chicas always creates problems; they are disturbing, high, steal. Renting an apartment or a room (the second excludes to to invite girls) in these areas are good options. If you at least speak basic Spanish.

La 70 is there, it's a fast ride down to Plaza de Mayo and Teatro Metropolitano. It's close to Metro station which takes you to El Centro and a short taxiride to New Life. It's very economical. Until 3 pm you have 7-9s girl for 20/30/45/60 min 1 hs is like 70 mil pesos +30 for BBBJ. After 3pm, the manager said(you all know the guy), the most and best looking are gone home. Estadio also have the Estadio Girardot, soccer, swimming, yoga, etc, La Liga Tenis. And very close is La 70, and around the 70 there are multiple small nice restaurants, French, Italian, etc. Just over the street Carrera 74 you can walk from the tenniscourt, have a meal and then its 100 yards to Energy, a luxury place, if you are lucky you find a 9 there, I have had my several of my best erotic memories of my life at Energy, and New life. Odd is though, the showers still lacked heated water as late as september 2014.

My apartment was in a building that you needed the keys to get out of the front door. So if you hide your keys, after invited a FB barrio girl, she can'get out. You can also see to become good friend with the doorman in / in my case it was a female /, so for a tip, you say that if she tries to leave the building without me, my female-doorman would had knew there was something wrong. I also bought a wire lock to my closet and inside I had other locks until getting into my creditcards, passport, etc. I hang cloth over the wire lock, as to hide where I got my stuff. Once I forgot the code or it would not just give in. It took me 30 minutes and a deep scare on one finger before I could break it up. And then there was the other locks inside the closet. Next time I will also have a coded safe inside.

Then I demanded cedula, that she took a photo of her cedula and send it to me and I guarded it on an hotmail account. I also got her adress etc. I even got a wire for my laptop, fixing it to my table.

Primitive measures, but at least enough to make seconds, or minutes stealing hard. I could have girls there and take a shower, knowing that my most valuable things where safe.

But then you meet normal persons. Girls that are just normal. And in Medellin that means they like to have fun, dinner, cinema, the first time; if she likes you she comes by after her classes the next day or so. Girls are due to culture very easy to get in bed. Only vanity to do this youngsters 18 yo caused problems.

Use cash and when using creditcards, use one with a limited amount of money on it. Then you transfer money from another bank account into it, so if a girls see your code, take your card and withdraw money, loses will be limited.

In the case of being drugged. If you make acquaintance with, / if there are / a doorman, some people around where you live, my personal experience is that they help you. They don't look away, these people help you out, in every respect, that is the normal state. So if they see you coming out drugged, they will react.

Iguana Six
06-01-16, 00:55
How many armed invasions has the mansion had?One, that I know of.

Iguana Six
06-01-16, 01:11
In all due respect, Iguana Six, why were they slapping him awake?

(To get him to tell them the combination code to the safe.)

Wouldn't it have been easier to let him sleep while they robbed him. Also, why slap him then hogtie him?

(I misspoke. He was awoke to find himself undressed and hogtied.)

Finally, let us see-one chica, two guys, and this friend of yours still got away? I don't know about the people on this forum but I would have a hell of a time running away if I was still groggy from being drugged (and being chased by two guys and a chica)!

(He was playing possum at that point. They had injected him with something, but missed the vein and it went into the muscle. Pretending to be unconscious, they had to carry him down the stairs, to the car outside, then one of them had to open the trunk of the car. That is when broke away. )

As for the kidnapping part-hey, it sounds like they let him get away. I am assuming that this story is true? Any more details about what happened? These so called crooks sound more like the gang who couldn't shoot straight! Again, no disrespect to anyone on this board.(I wasn't there, but the victim is credible, as are the two companions who showed up to help, one of whom found his laptop in one of the pillow cases of loot the robbers left behind when they fled. This is exactly the impromptu type of 'caper' a chica and a couple of scratch team amateurs in their 20's would attempt. Tempting because it is low risk, sloppy because they probably have not rehearsed it or thought out all the things that could go wrong. Then, there is the whole police-substation-around-the-corner-in-Parque-Poblado thing that made them panic without going back upstairs for the loot, especially with the grid locked streets.

When deciding whether second hand information is true or not, first evaluate the information. You can determine how credible the story is by deciding how plausible / possible it is, whether such events happened before, and whether the events can be corroborated by other sources / evidence. Then, you can determine the credibility of the source. Have they been a reliable source of information in the past? Do they have a motivation to lie or exaggerate? Does the release of this information benefit the source?

Don't want to believe it? Up to you.

More details? I don't have the time to write 4 page police reports in my spare time.

06-01-16, 01:40
This is exactly the impromptu type of 'caper' a chica and a couple of scratch team amateurs in their 20's would attempt. Tempting because it is low risk, sloppy because they probably have not rehearsed it or thought out all the things that could go wrong.One of the things that could go wrong when they missed the vein and injected into the muscle was they -- sloppy, scratch team amateurs -- forgot was to use a sterile needle. But, that would have been the least of their problems.

06-01-16, 04:09
Then don't stay at the Mansion because the security guards arranged the robbery IIRC.

Bwwaaaah ha ha. Never heard of a lock pick? A pry bar? A bribe to the security guard? A former tenant who copied the key? You don't really think colombiano landlords are going to spend the money to change locks every time they get a new tenant, do you?

I would never do because of the tail or black swan type of risk of a major fuck up.

I respect your sense of humour. My latest condo had a DND restricted key. There is no way a random feyboo chica is going to have a copy of it. One of the problems with ass broken guys that they choose to stay often at a compromised location. I had experience opening doors with anti-tank hand grenades, and pretty sure determined Colombians are going to open anything but not at this petty burglary level.

06-01-16, 04:42
My latest condo had a DND restricted key. There is no way a random feyboo chica is going to have a copy of it.But the security guard might.

06-01-16, 05:57
When deciding whether second hand information is true or not, first evaluate the information. You can determine how credible the story is by deciding how plausible / possible it is, whether such events happened before, and whether the events can be corroborated by other sources / evidence. Then, you can determine the credibility of the source. Have they been a reliable source of information in the past? Do they have a motivation to lie or exaggerate? Does the release of this information benefit the source?

Don't want to believe it? Up to you.

More details? I don't have the time to write 4 page police reports in my spare time.The truth of the matter is that the story has inconsistencies. Whether the story sounds plausible does not mean it happened in this situation. As for other sources there weren't any in your initial story except for, I guess, the initial storyteller. Now you mention others who were there so obviously we have some corroboration, so something happened. As for motivation to lie many times we do not know why people lie. Or even that facts have been stated wrong. Well, I recall one instance of an incidence that supposedly occurred in Sosua. After many responded to it someone eventually went out of their way to find out the details. Well, it never happened. The source of this information was not benefited.

I recall two incidences that happened in Medellin, around the same time. An American living in a hostel was killed, another American was shot dead while eating in a restaurant, and a third was drugged by two chicas and a guy, and their goods were stolen (similar to your story). I happened to be travelling to Medellin at that time. Well, the comments on this board were quite different from what actually happened. I just happened to know someone familiar with the last two incidents (he was friends with the victims and had been around at the time) and had some knowledge of the hostel situation. I heard a totally different story. This is not about writing four page police reports but about understanding the details. Also, this is a learning experience for all of us. As for the three incidents I learned the truth so I can avoid being placed in certain situations.

As for your story, something happened and it had something to do with being drugged. You see, I've heard a similar story before. Whether it is a lie, confusion from the victim (emotionally or chemically induced), the retelling of the story, the point of view etc., again the details are inconsistent. If you want people's take on it the more accurate the better advice people can give you. Many times the best advice is not the most pleasant to hear. Obviously something more happened.

Finally, yeah, it happens that people are drugged in Colombia. Yes, people have even tried it on me in the Dominican Republic. Yes, many on this board are correct that you must always keep an eye on your drink; and many times even this becomes a challenge. Your story is good because it is a reminder of what usually happens in Colombia. Whether it happened that way might be a different matter but, regrettably, it does happen more often than not. Thanks for sharing. As for your friend I hope he is okay. Whatever the details his safety is the most important thing. I would rather lose my wallet than lose my life.

06-01-16, 07:45
Just a few thoughts regarding this latest robbery story involving knock-out drugs. I suppose the story is plausible. To be honest, I might be more susceptible to a scam like this since this was the second time the girl has been over. Usually, you can't help but bring your guard down a bit once a girl has been over at least once and has supposedly proven herself trustworthy.

It just goes to show that at the end of the day, you just can't forget the usual precautions no matter how well you think you know someone. You're still a gringo and they're still a Colombian.

It's almost a force of habit, but even here in the states, I keep my hand on my drink until I finish it. And yes, I do take my drink with me to the bathroom, at the club and even at home, LOL! I don't care if I get any funny looks or comments. At a restaurant, I'll finish a drink before going to a restroom. Same thing with ATMs, even here where I live, I always cover the keys.

That way, these techniques just become a habit ingrained into you. You don't have to think about them when you really need them. Another little game to play is to pretend you're James Bond. How would 007 handle a chica? He'd bed her down of course, but even asleep in bed he'd have half an eye open right? I turn it around and make it into a fun adventure or suspense movie which in a way it is right?

James Dandy
06-01-16, 14:02
Incall: I always stay where security is on site, and always lock the door with a key from inside and hide the key. No one can enter the premises of a hotel or a condo uninvited or enter or exit the room or apartment without the key. It is that simple.Most robberies at home occur from an inside job, meaning the security guy is the one that sets it up, just like has happened at the mansion before and the rich couple that was murdered last year in the La Calera part of Poblado, to name just two. Bottom line, don't ever get too comfortable, as this guy did when he repeated because the first session with her went so well.

There are also many other similar incidents that occur but go un-reported on the ISG board. I would share the details but the victims chose not to tell others, perhaps out of embarrassment or fear, so it is not my place to do so.

Its also best not to play the big shot in South America, it never ends well, and you will always attract the wrong type of attention, guaranteed.

06-01-16, 19:13
To Phunluv-A chica tried this on me in the DR. I had been with her quite a number of times so I was almost caught off guard.

James Dandy-Whenever I chica proof my room I take into consideration that the hotel staff will try to steal from me. I do not even trust the safes so whenever I use them I place my belongings in a pouch and have it anchored to the inside of the safe.
Sometimes these chicas even give the security some side money just so they can get over.

06-01-16, 22:49
As the title sugests, this is mainly a report from the eyes of a long-term monger who can communicate confidently in spanish and is mongering for more than a month in medellin!

In this report I'll focus primarily on how it's possible to monger and have ton of fun and not break the bank doing pros. Including long term accommodations around 500 lucas a month "luca=1000 pesos" .

I've traveled to many countries including Transnistria, Cuba, Kenya. . etc and I can say from empirical evidence that the longer I stay in the country the more I enjoyed being with the girls and so I've been around 9 month on agregarte in medellin and loved every moment.

I'm not big on luxury and showing off and partying and clubbing and drinking and don't care much for the Poblado crowd. I have a decent income that allows me to live comfortably in El Poblado IF I need to and I already lived there in three different apartments my 1st 2 trips.

Been coming to Medellin since 2009, communicate fluently in espanol and have a good sense of where and when not to be!

If you have some kind of a pension (VA, ss) or contractual work that allows you at least 2 months free time or you can work from home and you want to enjoy a mongerer lifestyle without breaking the bank. THEN THIS REPORT IS PRIMARILY FOR YOU.

EVERYTHING I do or mention in the report is done in EL CENTRO! EVERYTHING!

And my last point: Instead of thinking why one can and why I can't. . or its because he is like this or that and I'm different or can't. Etc. . I'll just quote you CT Fletcher's 2nd commandment "Try it you son of a bi! At £, try it for your fucking self, then that is the only way, the only fucking way to know if you can or can't do something. I gave it a fucking try that's how I know".

06-02-16, 03:19
But the security guard might.I agree. But in this case there is no need for a chica and spiked drinks. The guard may just take off with your stuff like a bellboy while you are away.

06-02-16, 04:04
Its also best not to play the big shot in South America, it never ends well, and you will always attract the wrong type of attention, guaranteed.Might be the best advice ever on this board.

Always play the poor Gringo when pursing this hobby.

Mr Enternational
06-02-16, 06:25
Always play the poor Gringo when pursing this hobby.In my case it is not playing! Especially when I see how much some guys spend on these chicks.

06-02-16, 13:44
To balance out all the non-reports on this report thread, I'm adding this:

Hotel. Stayed at Hotel Torre Poblado Apartasuites (Cra. 42, #9-28). It is block or so from Parque Lleras. Ok to bring the ladies back to hotel & no fee if there for less than an hour ($15 fee if over an hour). About $70 USA Per night.

First day was a Monday, we went to Energy. Only to find it closed. It was mid afternoon so it should have been open. I found out later that day was a religious holiday (May 30th). We went back the next day (see below). With the Monday being a holiday, we checked out Mayorista area which I had never been to. It is basically calle 85. We walked around there a bit, seeing mostly too young without cedulas. It didn't feel unsafe at all. It was early evening with families walking about. Eventually I found an of age woman, average looks but great ass, and took her back for 70 k.

Next day we went to Loutron, way up in the hills, determined to find the hottest of the hot. The place itself is a fascinating mansion, but the ladies. Well. They each came out and showed their silicone implant butts to us, with full attitude. Honestly, there were not any ladies hotter than what I would find at Energy, or Fase Dos. Still my buddy selected one but was back down within ten minutes. He said she had a horrible attitude and didn't want to work. He simply wanted her to keep with the oral and she was lazy, kept saying to him in Spanish 'but you are limp' - he was like 'yeah, that's why I want you keep doing it! He was turned off completely by her and we left. Cost there is 230 k and I don't recommend it.

We left Loutron and retried Energy. It was open! My friend and I both had great experiences there, and vowed to return the next day. Plenty of choices (seemed like 15 ladies were paraded before us).

The next day, when we went back to Energy around 11 am, we could see cops, or maybe they were military? Positioned all outside the entrance and down on each street corner. One cop was up talking to the woman manager at the door. My friend and I just kept on walking. There were at least 10 of these cops involved in what appeared to only be targeting Energy. Not a good day for Energy we decided.

Lejano Oriente. I do not think this place exists any more? After the cop issue at Energy we went looking for this Lejano place in the maps. We went by both addresses noted 41 and 31, it was not there. So now it is mid afternoon and we just can't seem to get laid!

So, after 2 strike outs (Energy with cops, Lejano nonexistent), it was now late afternoon and we still hadn't gotten laid. I got us to the place called Luna Lunera. It looks more like a strip club, but there was no stripping going on. Instead it is just like the casas in that they parade the girls out. Only difference here is the pressure to buy. After the parade the girls all stand in front of you and wait for you to pick. They weren't any better than Energy ladies, but I picked a tall thin one. They kept asking who my friend wanted, but he didn't like any of them. We were thinking of leaving because of the heavy sales hassles and expensive beer, but I took the tall thin one back to a room there for 100 k (:30 minutes). Soon as we get in the room, there is a knock on our door. A woman has brought some canned drink, and I tell her no thanks I still have my beer. Both her and my girl say 'no it's for her' and that they would like another 15 k. I had my pants off and was thinking of just paying it, but it pissed me off enough that I was willing to put them back on and try to get my money back. Somehow I did convince the manager lady to give me back my 100 k. I led her to believe I wanted to relax and find a different girl. But as soon as she handed me back my money, we were gone.

So, there we were, three strikeouts that day and neither of us had found any action! We called it quits and went back to the hotel to rest up. That night I went to Fase Dos.

Fase Dos. This place was great. So worth it. I had been there on a previous trip but must've gotten there too early. I got there around 10:30 this time. There had to be at least 30 girls there, all of them were hot. Some hotter than others. There was a 10 k cover, can of beer was 16 k. I get in and I couldn't decide on which girl. I took an awesome friendly one and had a great 45 minutes for 180 k. There was a tall model quality girl walking around who I wish I had tried, but then again there had to be at least 5 or 6 that would be considered 9's by most guys' standards. This is the best place here, in my opinion. The rooms were back in this area where there are really nice cabanas with private bathrooms.

Our last day here and I plan to stop by Energy with our bags packed on the way out to the airport for a last session.

Charm City Dave
06-02-16, 14:46
As the title sugests, this is mainly a report from the eyes of a long-term monger who can communicate confidently in spanish and is mongering for more than a month in medellin!

In this report I'll focus primarily on how it's possible to monger and have ton of fun and not break the bank doing pros. Including long term accommodations around 500 lucas a month "luca=1000 pesos" .

If you have some kind of a pension (VA, ss) or contractual work that allows you at least 2 months free time or you can work from home and you want to enjoy a mongerer lifestyle without breaking the bank. THEN THIS REPORT IS PRIMARILY FOR YOU.

EVERYTHING I do or mention in the report is done in EL CENTRO! EVERYTHING!
I've been in Medellin for a week earlier this year and split my time between the Mansion and Jake (did a report). Getting ready to go back for a month or longer and looking forward to your experience. My Spanish (though working on it) is basic at best. In terms of appearance I'm about as Gringo as you can get and no matter how I dress, they are going to see a Gringo coming from a mile away. Still have (what some here would call here a fantasy) of hooking up with non-pros and having someone to hang and do activities with. Don't want to spend all my time in Casa's or Strip Clubs. Very interested in your advise on safe affordable accommodations.

El Mechanico
06-02-16, 15:20
I do not even trust the safes so whenever I use them I place my belongings in a pouch and have it anchored to the inside of the safe..Would you mind elaborating on this a bit? How does one "Anchor" anything inside a safe?


El Mechanico

06-02-16, 16:16
I've been in Medellin for a week earlier this year and split my time between the Mansion and Jake (did a report). Getting ready to go back for a month or longer and looking forward to your experience. My Spanish (though working on it) is basic at best. In terms of appearance I'm about as Gringo as you can get and no matter how I dress, they are going to see a Gringo coming from a mile away. Still have (what some here would call here a fantasy) of hooking up with non-pros and having someone to hang and do activities with. Don't want to spend all my time in Casa's or Strip Clubs. Very interested in your advise on safe affordable accommodations.I don't do the clubs or casa's and am an El Centro guy as well when I'm in Medellin. Being a gringo or at least looking like an obvious gringo in El Centro is a double edged sword. The thieves and pickpockets will see you as a potential target on one hand, and in the other hand people will be curious about you. If you can converse in Spanish most people and the women will talk with you if your respectable in appearance. There's tons of women walking the streets willing to make some extra money but you need to be able to communicate in Spanish and have some game, etc.

It's so cheap in Medellin it's hard to fathom at times. There are girls that will go with you for as low as 20,000 Pesos and may spend a couple of hours with you if they like you and you can communicate with them. I believe the minimum monthly wage in Medellin is something around 600,000 Pesos a month so 20,000 Pesos is a lot of money to be made in an hour for people there. Again the key is being able to communicate in Spanish and having some game.

06-02-16, 17:43
. Still have (what some here would call here a fantasy) of hooking up with non-pros and having someone to hang and do activities with. Don't want to spend all my time in Casa's or Strip Clubs. Very interested in your advise on safe affordable accommodations.This is the common wish of 99% of newbies coming to Medellin. They want to swoop into town and have a "normal" girl fall in love with him in one week. Most of us think that way. It could happen, but low probability. The good news is that many of the independent chicas you meet will seem like non-pros and you will probably get what you want. For a few shekels, the girls will go to dinner, to the movies, paragliding, see Pablo Escobar's grave, whatever you want to do. She will tell you how guapo you are and laugh at your lame jokes. Its not bad at all. That's why we love Medellin. You probably don't want a normal girl anyway, because you have to wine and dine a normal girl, to get your schlong handled.

Colombia Jake
06-02-16, 19:30
I've been in Medellin for a week earlier this year and split my time between the Mansion and Jake (did a report). Getting ready to go back for a month or longer and looking forward to your experience. My Spanish (though working on it) is basic at best. In terms of appearance I'm about as Gringo as you can get and no matter how I dress, they are going to see a Gringo coming from a mile away. Still have (what some here would call here a fantasy) of hooking up with non-pros and having someone to hang and do activities with. Don't want to spend all my time in Casa's or Strip Clubs. Very interested in your advise on safe affordable accommodations.I think he's just talking about Centro, which can certainly be fun, but tends to be lonely at night! I still believe its best to stay in Poblado and do your daytime hobby in Centro! The night time is better in other parts of the city including Poblado and Parque Lleras! Centro is certainly Cheap but not worth it to me!

Had a Day big tour followed by two Motorcycle tours and I tell you half the guys tell me Jake, the girls were fun, but the Moto was amazing! Info on the Colombia Jake website!


Colombia Jake

Charm City Dave
06-02-16, 20:02
If you can converse in Spanish most people and the women will talk with you if your respectable in appearance. There's tons of women walking the streets willing to make some extra money but you need to be able to communicate in Spanish and have some game, etc.

It's so cheap in Medellin it's hard to fathom at times. There are girls that will go with you for as low as 20,000 Pesos and may spend a couple of hours with you if they like you and you can communicate with them. I believe the minimum monthly wage in Medellin is something around 600,000 Pesos a month so 20,000 Pesos is a lot of money to be made in an hour for people there. Again the key is being able to communicate in Spanish and having some game.Hmmm. I would think so. So many on this board have opined that getting non-pros is impossible for the Gringo. I'm not only a Gringo but in my mid-50's. Women in within 15 years of my age find me nice looking but the 20 somethings not so much.

I'd think even with my broken Spanish I'd be able to score with at least a couple of pounds of those tons walking the streets. Well next time I go back I'm going to be there for at least a month, will give it a try. Now got to get back to the Pimsleur.

06-02-16, 20:45
Hmmm. I would think so. So many on this board have opined that getting non-pros is impossible for the Gringo. I'm not only a Gringo but in my mid-50's. Women in within 15 years of my age find me nice looking but the 20 somethings not so much.

I'd think even with my broken Spanish I'd be able to score with at least a couple of pounds of those tons walking the streets. Well next time I go back I'm going to be there for at least a month, will give it a try. Now got to get back to the Pimsleur.If your going to be there at least a month you should consider taking some Spanish courses while in Medellin. That's what I do when I'm there and and it will help you dramatically. I attend EAFIT which is an accredited University near Poblado and will be there in mid July to take another two week course. The courses there are the real deal with emphasis not only on speaking but grammar and writing and your given homework as well. If your not willing to commit the time to study you may want to consider another school in town.

Charm City Dave
06-02-16, 23:40
If your going to be there at least a month you should consider taking some Spanish courses while in Medellin. That's what I do when I'm there and and it will help you dramatically. I attend EAFIT which is an accredited University near Poblado and will be there in mid July to take another two week course. The courses there are the real deal with emphasis not only on speaking but grammar and writing and your given homework as well. If your not willing to commit the time to study you may want to consider another school in town.Appreciate the advice, not sure I want to spend my time studying grammar and writing, but perhaps an immersion program focusing on speaking and comprehension would be good.

Fun Luvr
06-03-16, 00:32
A few weeks ago, I wrote that I did not know of any apartment building that had security who checked ID's of the chicas. Well I found one, unfortunately. It is in Laureles-Estadio at Calle 41 A #70-42. It is an almost new building, all apartments. The building does not have a name. There is a group of people working a reception desk who think they are working at a hotel. They made a scanned copy of the ID of every visitor. I had a visitor arrive Friday evening. She had her ID, and the desk person called me to tell me she was there. The same chica returned Monday evening, but did not have her ID. They would not allow her to go to my apartment. I tried to argue my case with them, telling them that she was there Friday and they should have a copy of her ID and a record of her being there, to no avail. On two other occasions, they allowed chicas to go to my apartment without calling to inform me, and I had not told them that I expected a visitor.

The front door can be locked, but there was no uniformity of when it was locked. I arrived close to midnight a few nights and the door was unlocked. One night, when it was raining very hard, I arrived in a taxi a few minutes after 11, and the door was locked. There is no shelter at the door, so I had to wait in the rain while the desk person came to the door and unlocked it. I doubt that the desk people have any means to resist anyone who may arrive to create mischief.

The apartment I rented was very nice, but I will not return to that building as long as they have the same front desk policy. Unlike some people, I do not need anyone to know what I am doing and control what I do. I would stay in a hotel if I wanted that.

06-03-16, 00:52
Appreciate the advice, not sure I want to spend my time studying grammar and writing, but perhaps an immersion program focusing on speaking and comprehension would be good.The reality in learning the language is that if you don't learn the grammar, you will not progress as rapidly in comprehension and being able to express your self in different ways. If your goal is to break away from meeting girls in the strip clubs and casa's than your best bet is to get some "formal" training. I didn't realize this until I started taking the courses which are total immersion. Good luck and be safe in El Centro.

06-03-16, 01:43
How to secure a safe apt:

In the past I stayed in one of those ocasional hotels (avg cost 30 lucas / noche) which I highly recommend as a first step for those who are contemplating finding a reasonable apartment to settle for long term. You can bring girls with no problems but some will charge you an overnight guest stay if she spends6 the night.

I then went to an Exito supermarket (there are others you can also go to) and searched the public announcement boards where Everyday People post their rooms or apartments to rent. They usually ask for average of 300 lucas per month and most will include the cleaning. So I got me one of those rooms on La Oriental (El centro main road) I had my own room and private bath. The owner is a single mother who is an economist working for the city and very pleasant and your typical middle-class person. I paid 250 Lucas and got my keyes to the room and apt door. While there I started to look for my long term apt by: foot, word of mouth, asking porteros, and OLX app! OLX is a great app to find anything you need in medelli including reasonably priced Apartments.

I found an apt through OLX but it didn't have a great view so as I was leaving the building I asked the security or portero guy if he knew of any apts on a higher level like above the 14th floor. He gave me a couple of numbers but they were agencies! I knew I'd rather deal with the owner directly and eventually found a perfect small one bedroom apt for 550 and told the owner I'll pre pay 3 months at a time at 500 she agreed! Great landlord, honest and responsive. Her sons live in the USA. From a pueblo I know very well in antioquia. We completely forgone the typical process "confiador" and references. In my opinion it's a renters market and besides she is renting directly to me and pays no real state agency! Win-win for both and that's really how you want to go.

I live in a strato 3 building with two modern elevators. Never had problem with anyone in the building. In fact I realized I'm not the only foreigner living there!

I pay the Utilities and got me a 10 mbps wifi service with une.

The apt bldg has security guards and camaras all the time. And noone can just walk past security.


These apts don't come furnished so I did go and shop around and got it nicely furnished and setup to live comfortably and to receive the ladies. BTW, If you need electronics or furniture or even appliances I got some great recommendations to get you great stuff for lowest price in town. Been all over town and know exactly where to find them at lowest cost same warranties.

Of course I'm in the centro, about a 2 block walk to oriental the main buseling road of downtown. EVERYTHING is within a walking distance. Fresh fuits and veggies everywhere, EXITO supermarket. 5 minutos walk, pharmacies, clinics, bakeries, restaurants, oooh and lets not forget the casas. But for me, the most important part: women everywhere!

I'll include some photos of the apt. .

06-03-16, 01:48
Excellent advice.

Might be the best advice ever on this board.

Always play the poor Gringo when pursing this hobby.

Charm City Dave
06-03-16, 02:31
This is the common wish of 99% of newbies coming to Medellin. They want to swoop into town and have a "normal" girl fall in love with him in one week. Most of us think that way. It could happen, but low probability. The good news is that many of the independent chicas you meet will seem like non-pros and you will probably get what you want. For a few shekels, the girls will go to dinner, to the movies, paragliding, see Pablo Escobar's grave, whatever you want to do. She will tell you how guapo you are and laugh at your lame jokes. Its not bad at all. That's why we love Medellin. You probably don't want a normal girl anyway, because you have to wine and dine a normal girl, to get your schlong handled.Ha Esteban I took my first mongering trip to the DR over 20 years ago. Love is the last thing I want, I'd rather get the clap. I've bought pussy in a dozen countries. Probably went to Rio two dozen times back in the day. I'm not a newbie. But I understand what you are saying. It is the old joke Dennis Miller told about the idiots who blow themselves (and others) up for the promise of 72 virgins. As he says, I like a virgin as much as the next guy but by the third you are going to want a pro who knows what she is doing. Semi-pro is good for me. A Casa girl who is getting it put to her 10 times a day is probably not going to do it for me though.

Charm City Dave
06-03-16, 02:49
Thought of this cause of all reports of drugging in MDE, which I am sure happens, happens anywhere you have horny men (with money) and desperate women. Every now and then someone ODs in Pattaya on some shit put in his drink.

Watching a report on CNBC (the show American Greed) about a team of European girls who would drug guys in Miami, take them to Russian own night clubs and run up 10's of thousands of dollars of charges on their credit cards. It was interesting that AMEX didn't take the side of the poor bastard and insisted the charges stand until the organized crime unit of the FBI broke the scam open and the guy sued AMEX to get his money back. He won the suit, got his money back but lost his job. The guy was a TV weather man from Philly and when it all came out in the news, he was fired.

When the girls were asked how would they find their mark, they picked the guys with the expensive shoes. Kinda of in line with the excellent advice for us when in MDE not to be flashy.


06-03-16, 18:07
How to secure a safe apt:

... I'll include some photos of the apt. .Thank you. This is outstanding intel for those of us who are considering a more settled existence in Medellin.

P.S. The girl (s) in the pics are really cute!

06-03-16, 19:22
I forgot about it! Thanks! Great episode too!

Thought of this cause of all reports of drugging in MDE, which I am sure happens, happens anywhere you have horny men (with money) and desperate women. Every now and then someone ODs in Pattaya on some shit put in his drink.

Watching a report on CNBC (the show American Greed) about a team of European girls who would drug guys in Miami, take them to Russian own night clubs and run up 10's of thousands of dollars of charges on their credit cards. It was interesting that AMEX didn't take the side of the poor bastard and insisted the charges stand until the organized crime unit of the FBI broke the scam open and the guy sued AMEX to get his money back. He won the suit, got his money back but lost his job. The guy was a TV weather man from Philly and when it all came out in the news, he was fired.

When the girls were asked how would they find their mark, they picked the guys with the expensive shoes. Kinda of in line with the excellent advice for us when in MDE not to be flashy.


The Tall Man
06-03-16, 20:10
How to secure a safe apt:

In the past I stayed in one of those ocasional hotels (avg cost 30 lucas / noche) which I highly recommend as a first step for those who are contemplating finding a reasonable apartment to settle for long term. You can bring girls with no problems but some will charge you an overnight guest stay if she spends6 the night.

I then went to an Exito supermarket (there are others you can also go to) and searched the public announcement boards where Everyday People post their rooms or apartments to rent. They usually ask for average of 300 lucas per month and most will include the cleaning. So I got me one of those rooms on La Oriental (El centro main road) I had my own room and private bath. The owner is a single mother who is an economist working for the city and very pleasant and your typical middle-class person. I paid 250 Lucas and got my keyes to the room and apt door. While there I started to look for my long term apt by: foot, word of mouth, asking porteros, and OLX app! OLX is a great app to find anything you need in medelli including reasonably priced Apartments.

I found an apt through OLX but it didn't have a great view so as I was leaving the building I asked the security or portero guy if he knew of any apts on a higher level like above the 14th floor. He gave me a couple of numbers but they were agencies! I knew I'd rather deal with the owner directly and eventually found a perfect small one bedroom apt for 550 and told the owner I'll pre pay 3 months at a time at 500 she agreed! Great landlord, honest and responsive. Her sons live in the USA. From a pueblo I know very well in antioquia. We completely forgone the typical process "confiador" and references. In my opinion it's a renters market and besides she is renting directly to me and pays no real state agency! Win-win for both and that's really how you want to go.

I live in a strato 3 building with two modern elevators. Never had problem with anyone in the building. In fact I realized I'm not the only foreigner living there!

I pay the Utilities and got me a 10 mbps wifi service with une.

The apt bldg has security guards and camaras all the time. And noone can just walk past security.


These apts don't come furnished so I did go and shop around and got it nicely furnished and setup to live comfortably and to receive the ladies. BTW, If you need electronics or furniture or even appliances I got some great recommendations to get you great stuff for lowest price in town. Been all over town and know exactly where to find them at lowest cost same warranties.

Of course I'm in the centro, about a 2 block walk to oriental the main buseling road of downtown. EVERYTHING is within a walking distance. Fresh fuits and veggies everywhere, EXITO supermarket. 5 minutos walk, pharmacies, clinics, bakeries, restaurants, oooh and lets not forget the casas. But for me, the most important part: women everywhere!

I'll include some photos of the apt. .Yes some great photos of the apartment! Were all jealous, you got it made.


06-03-16, 20:28
Anyone have a suggestion to find decent massage? Not the soft rub but an actual nice rub-down, of course with fun activities at the end?

Review: Zandaly.

Been here twice now. Love this place. Of course got to know the address, walk up the stairs and buzz in. Little waving panda greets you. Little bar there, grab a 3000 k brew and check out the scene. No rush. 5-10 ladies, first time had Paula (hour, massage, just OK but she got sexy with it, wrapped up with some boom boom. Came back to have her again but she was busy and took a cute gal with glasses an amazing rack. Kept telling me I could do anything and it would be her pleasure. Hour, sexy massage. Great attitude. 35 k /60 k half / one HR.

Review: New Life.

Man screw this place. You walk in, they about yell at you. Chicks cruise by picked the lovely little Francisca. She's just a rip-off, just wants to get out as quick as she can. Too bad because she's petite and perky. Spends 8 minutes showering, then goes crazy on me, says 15-minutes is better. Fine, if she doesn't want to play better to finish and get out. Showers again at the end, and then tells mama-san it was a half hour. I look at my watch and protest and they agree for the 15-minute rate.

I'll stick with Zandaly!

06-04-16, 07:02
Guys, sorry for the sporadic postings. . this whole idea of this report came to me last week to share my experience and I'm now less than 48 hrs from leaving medellin so doing many things at the 11th HR!

06-04-16, 07:10
If you love spicy food or you got addicted to Thai cuisine then you'll be bored in medellin. You really need to open your mind and heart to enjoy the colombian food here. Paisas are too soft and can't handle spicies. Even mild ones (invited a girl to a great mideastern restaurant and she couldn't eat anything though it was so much attenuated).

I initially and for a long time ate in your typical mom and pops humble restaurants (4-7 lucas / meal) Where the menu changes almost daily. Great healthy and homecooked meals basically is what you get there.

Best thing about living in el centro, beside the sea of girls to pick from, is the different choices of fresh food you can have.

My recommendations here are plenty! One that comes to mind is an Italian owned restaurant (DONDE EL ITALIANO) next to hotel 47 facing punto del oriental mall. . super busy everyday!

You're a hamburger guy and can't give it up. No worries you'll get your fix here too.

There is a good grill restaurant called (carbon why sabor. Or something like that) on the oriental and a new one on the JUNIN enclosed pesestrian street near parque bolivar. Great chicken breast filet with french fries and drink. 19 lucas.

After I'd say 8 pm, your choices go down to bakeries which are open 24/7 and you can get more than pastries.

Also, there is a couple of great rotisserie chicken joints and trust me they are good and fresh. 4. 5 lucas a quarter.

Now I got a lady who cooks and cleans my apt so I just get groceries and eat at home for the most part.

06-04-16, 11:17
As the title sugests, this is mainly a report from the eyes of a long-term monger who can communicate confidently in spanish and is mongering for more than a month in medellin!

In this report I'll focus primarily on how it's possible to monger and have ton of fun and not break the bank doing pros. Including long term accommodations around 500 lucas a month "luca=1000 pesos" .

I've traveled to many countries including Transnistria, Cuba, Kenya. . etc and I can say from empirical evidence that the longer I stay in the country the more I enjoyed being with the girls and so I've been around 9 month on agregarte in medellin and loved every moment.

I'm not big on luxury and showing off and partying and clubbing and drinking and don't care much for the Poblado crowd. I have a decent income that allows me to live comfortably in El Poblado IF I need to and I already lived there in three different apartments my 1st 2 trips.

Been coming to Medellin since 2009, communicate fluently in espanol and have a good sense of where and when not to be!".Thanks for the rolling tips! Living down there is like a dream.

Might I ask; Who's this chica in the white shorts? Like her smile and body type. Do you have her contact info? If you prefer PM me if it cool.

06-04-16, 13:09
If you love spicy food or you got addicted to Thai cuisine then you'll be bored in medellin. You really need to open your mind and heart to enjoy the colombian food here. Paisas are too soft and can't handle spicies. Even mild ones (invited a girl to a great mideastern restaurant and she couldn't eat anything though it was so much attenuated).

I initially and for a long time ate in your typical mom and pops humble restaurants (4-7 lucas / meal) Where the menu changes almost daily. Great healthy and homecooked meals basically is what you get there.

Best thing about living in el centro, beside the sea of girls to pick from, is the different choices of fresh food you can have.

My recommendations here are plenty! One that comes to mind is an Italian owned restaurant (DONDE EL ITALIANO) next to hotel 47 facing punto del oriental mall. . super busy everyday!

You're a hamburger guy and can't give it up. No worries you'll get your fix here too..Okay, I got to ask, why do you keep referring to "Lucas" in noting currency / costs?

06-04-16, 16:53
If you love spicy food or you got addicted to Thai cuisine then you'll be bored in medellin. You really need to open your mind and heart to enjoy the colombian food here. Paisas are too soft and can't handle spicies. Even mild ones (invited a girl to a great mideastern restaurant and she couldn't eat anything though it was so much attenuated).

I initially and for a long time ate in your typical mom and pops humble restaurants (4-7 lucas / meal) Where the menu changes almost daily. Great healthy and homecooked meals basically is what you get there.

Best thing about living in el centro, beside the sea of girls to pick from, is the different choices of fresh food you can have.

My recommendations here are plenty! One that comes to mind is an Italian owned restaurant (DONDE EL ITALIANO) next to hotel 47 facing punto del oriental mall. . super busy everyday!.Your just rubbing it in!

A lady that only cooks and cleans your apartment. Looks more like your appetizer, main course, and desert dish.

Your right about the food in El Centro, although it's wholesome, fresh, and filling, it's boring. When I'm in El Centro I always eat at the rotisserie chicken places. There's also a lot of vendors on the sidewalks below the Parque Berrio Metro Station selling heaping plates of food for about 3,000 Pesos (3 Lucas in your currency) and the 1,000 Peso fresh fruit juice stand we had drinks at one day.

You can get spicy and a variety of food in Medellin, however you will have to head over to where the rich and famous hang out in and around the Poblado area.

Sorry to hear your leaving town, I'm sure you will be back to see your cleaning ladies as soon as you can.

06-04-16, 18:09
Okay, I got to ask, why do you keep referring to "Lucas" in noting currency / costs?I suppose because it's easier to type 5 luca than 5000 pesos. I'd probably stick with 5 k cop, just to minimize confusion.

06-05-16, 02:00
Okay, I got to ask, why do you keep referring to "Lucas" in noting currency / costs?Now I don't feel so stupid, I've spent a lot of time in Colombia over the last ten years and NEVER heard the term lucas, WTF is that anyway?

Old Parr
06-05-16, 03:12
Now I don't feel so stupid, I've spent a lot of time in Colombia over the last ten years and NEVER heard the term lucas, WTF is that anyway?He has never been to Colombia, but writes and posts pics of what he reads and finds on other forums, and on google. He has been called out on several occasions. It is not to difficult to figure it out. As many people I know from the ISG from various parts of the world, no one I know has met this particular poster. Like you Mani, I have been visiting and living in this country a long tme, since the 90's, and have asked others here about calling the peso "Lucas" since I was not familiar with the term, and not one person has heard it called this, so that alone tells you all you need to know.

Old Parr
06-05-16, 05:14
Now I don't feel so stupid, I've spent a lot of time in Colombia over the last ten years and NEVER heard the term lucas, WTF is that anyway?Here is the results from a google search:


06-05-16, 05:52
He has never been to Colombia, but writes and posts pics of what he reads and finds on other forums, and on google. He has been called out on several occasions. It is not to difficult to figure it out. As many people I know from the ISG from various parts of the world, no one I know has met this particular poster. Like you Mani, I have been visiting and living in this country a long tme, since the 90's, and have asked others here about calling the peso "Lucas" since I was not familiar with the term, and not one person has heard it called this, so that alone tells you all you need to know.If your referring to BrazilSoccer he is the real deal as I on two past trips have met up with him on 4 different occasions in El Centro.

I'm not aware of people on this board calling him out. The reality is that very few on this board are in tune with "El Centro" like he is.

In terms of "Lucas" this is not another word for the Peso like dinero or plata for money but for the amount of 1,000 Pesos.

It's kind of like the term "Benjamin Franklin" which a gringo would understand to be $ 100 US.

We all can learn a lot from BrazilSoccer's posts in terms of living cheap in Medellin.

06-05-16, 05:57
He has never been to Colombia, but writes and posts pics of what he reads and finds on other forums, and on google. He has been called out on several occasions. It is not to difficult to figure it out. As many people I know from the ISG from various parts of the world, no one I know has met this particular poster. Like you Mani, I have been visiting and living in this country a long tme, since the 90's, and have asked others here about calling the peso "Lucas" since I was not familiar with the term, and not one person has heard it called this, so that alone tells you all you need to know."Luca" is the nickname given to the Peruvian currency, the nuevo sol. I ran across it when I was researching local monger forums in preparation for my trip to Lima last month.
Dude got the countries to his fake reports mixed up LOLOL!!!
See for example: http://www.hermanodeleche.com/topic/14994-laydy-cdra-1-av-arequipa/.

"Precio: 60 lucas".

See also: http://howtoperu.com/2010/11/13/peruvian-slang-words-and-phrases/.

"luca one Peruvian Nuevo Sol (mil lucas = 1,000 soles)".

So this guy is a fake, huh? Makes sense, considering how he is "just leaving town" when writing his Medellin reports "in a rush". So if he's challenged on his facts, it's because he was writing "in such a rush". How about meet in person to go for a casa run? " oh I've left town just yesterday"! What coincidence.

06-05-16, 13:02
He has never been to Colombia, but writes and posts pics of what he reads and finds on other forums, and on google. He has been called out on several occasions. It is not to difficult to figure it out. As many people I know from the ISG from various parts of the world, no one I know has met this particular poster. Like you Mani, I have been visiting and living in this country a long tme, since the 90's, and have asked others here about calling the peso "Lucas" since I was not familiar with the term, and not one person has heard it called this, so that alone tells you all you need to know.Ha! Glad to hear I'm not that much out of the loop on the terminology! I hope this dude finds the acceptance he needs in writing fake reports. Geez! How hard is it to learn a country's currency?

Big Boss Man
06-05-16, 16:26
He has never been to Colombia, but writes and posts pics of what he reads and finds on other forums, and on google. He has been called out on several occasions. It is not to difficult to figure it out. As many people I know from the ISG from various parts of the world, no one I know has met this particular poster. Like you Mani, I have been visiting and living in this country a long tme, since the 90's, and have asked others here about calling the peso "Lucas" since I was not familiar with the term, and not one person has heard it called this, so that alone tells you all you need to know.1 luca = 1000 pesos. It is a slang term and you see it written only occasionally.

06-05-16, 18:21
Hi fellow mongers,

This is my first trip to Colombia / Medellin.

I booked this Apartment near Lleras Park called "Modern Apartments", here is a link.


Did anyone of you stay at this place? Any negative or positive experience?

Thank you and have a great day.


06-05-16, 18:40
Such orthodoxy on this forum, it makes me laugh. I think BrazilSoccer made a few valid points. I avoid spending more than I have to but I don't spend a lot of time bargain hunting while on vacation. I do it when I'm back at home. It's a technique I use to cope with the boredom.

If your referring to BrazilSoccer he is the real deal as I on two past trips have met up with him on 4 different occasions in El Centro.

I'm not aware of people on this board calling him out. The reality is that very few on this board are in tune with "El Centro" like he is.

In terms of "Lucas" this is not another word for the Peso like dinero or plata for money but for the amount of 1,000 Pesos.

It's kind of like the term "Benjamin Franklin" which a gringo would understand to be $ 100 US.

We all can learn a lot from BrazilSoccer's posts in terms of living cheap in Medellin.

06-05-16, 19:44
1 luca = 1000 pesos. It is a slang term and you see it written only occasionally.I lived in Buenos Aires for eight years and never heard that term used. Of course, 1. 000 argie pesos was a lot of money back then. All I ever heard was the term roca for 100 pesos (Presidente Roca's portrait is on the 100 peso bill).

06-05-16, 19:45
The term luca was new to me too. None-the-less, with 5 minutes of internet research, I discovered that "luca" is in fact used for money in several South American countries. In Colombia specifically it is considered "low class" vernacular which shouldn't come as any surprise for El Centro. Besides Colombia, it is also used in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, etc. The association with 1000 pesos is also correct.

If your referring to BrazilSoccer he is the real deal as I on two past trips have met up with him on 4 different occasions in El Centro.

I'm not aware of people on this board calling him out. The reality is that very few on this board are in tune with "El Centro" like he is.

In terms of "Lucas" this is not another word for the Peso like dinero or plata for money but for the amount of 1,000 Pesos.

It's kind of like the term "Benjamin Franklin" which a gringo would understand to be $ 100 US.

We all can learn a lot from BrazilSoccer's posts in terms of living cheap in Medellin.

06-05-16, 19:58
Ha! Glad to hear I'm not that much out of the loop on the terminology! I hope this dude finds the acceptance he needs in writing fake reports. Geez! How hard is it to learn a country's currency?I find it hard to believe people think that BrazilSoccer's reports are fake. I have met him personally four times in El Centro and what he's been saying is spot on as I have spent several weeks there myself. Just because he's using a terminology for money "lucas" doesn't mean that he's faking reports.

Old Parr
06-05-16, 20:19
Hi fellow mongers,

This is my first trip to Colombia / Medellin.

I booked this Apartment near Lleras Park called "Modern Apartments", here is a link.


Did anyone of you stay at this place? Any negative or positive experience?

Thank you and have a great day.

EasyeaseYou might get a response if you post this on the appropriate thread providing reading comprehension of the index is not a problem for you, and in case it is, here is the link I was referring to.


Big Boss Man
06-05-16, 21:17
I lived in Buenos Aires for eight years and never heard that term used. Of course, 1. 000 argie pesos was a lot of money back then. All I ever heard was the term roca for 100 pesos (Presidente Roca's portrait is on the 100 peso bill).I see it sometimes on the Foroescorts forum. Here is an example:

"Me alegro la haya pasado bien, pero por esa guita casi dos lucas hay en bsas unas diosas, super completas que te parten la cabeza. Why ademas por una hora. Fijate las xp en el foro".

Maybe you can translate for me. Something like "For 2000 pesos, she must be a goddess?

Maybe those writers are not Argentinians. When I googled it, it says the term began in Chile.

Rock Harders
06-05-16, 21:25
I lived in Buenos Aires for eight years and never heard that term used. Of course, 1. 000 argie pesos was a lot of money back then. All I ever heard was the term roca for 100 pesos (Presidente Roca's portrait is on the 100 peso bill).I can verify that the term is used quite frequently in spoken communications in Buenos Aires but almost never used in written form.

06-05-16, 22:07
Would you mind elaborating on this a bit? How does one "Anchor" anything inside a safe?


El MechanicoI do not see a reply from the original author, so here goes, I always do as he explained. I use 1/16 and 5/64 stainless steel wire, the type I use is used for fishing with downriggers for salmon west coast of Canada, the wire holds a 20 to 50 pound lead cannonball. I carry about 5 in various lenghts from 1 foot to 15 feet, the longer ones for my laptop. If no safe in the room I anchor my Pacsafe to the bedframe, the wire has loops on each end fastened with brass crimps. The wire is looped around the door hinges of the safe and then attached to your Pacsafe bag. Google for Pacsafe, sold in most travel supply stores and online.

Mr OReilly
06-05-16, 23:14
Question for you all, how do you propose I swing this. I am going to medellin and am going to see my GF. But, I know two girls there who want to do a threesome and sleep over as well.

I want to be able to swing the threesome a few nights but not have my GF find out! I was thinking either (1) rent a second apartment or just make sure I clear out of my space by 10 am.

Anyone got ideas on how I can swing this?

Is there a hotel I can rent for three or anything?

06-05-16, 23:22
Question for you all, how do you propose I swing this. I am going to medellin and am going to see my GF. But, I know two girls there who want to do a threesome and sleep over as well.

I want to be able to swing the threesome a few nights but not have my GF find out! I was thinking either (1) rent a second apartment or just make sure I clear out of my space by 10 am.

Anyone got ideas on how I can swing this?Easy. Give each of them different dates of when you'll be in town. Whoever is least likely to show up unannounced, have them over first. Good luck!

06-05-16, 23:26
Ha! Glad to hear I'm not that much out of the loop on the terminology! I hope this dude finds the acceptance he needs in writing fake reports. Geez! How hard is it to learn a country's currency?Well, there's enough about the term out there for me to rescind my criticism of the use of the term. Any fake reporting though, well, that's still not cool.

06-05-16, 23:34
I think the best bet is to go to a short-term motel and do it there for five or six hours. If you absolutely need more time than that, you can certainly find a cheap apartment or hotel room a night or two. There have been several times when I've had both an apartment and a hotel room for at least a few nights.

Don't shit where you eat. I've had some close calls in the past that I would have rather avoided and could have avoided by being in another place instead of my primary apartment / hotel room.

Question for you all, how do you propose I swing this. I am going to medellin and am going to see my GF. But, I know two girls there who want to do a threesome and sleep over as w for aell.

I want to be able to swing the threesome a few nights but not have my GF find out! I was thinking either (1) rent a second apartment or just make sure I clear out of my space by 10 am.

Anyone got ideas on how I can swing this?

06-06-16, 01:20
You might get a response if you post this on the appropriate thread providing reading comprehension of the index is not a problem for you, and in case it is, here is the link I was referring to.

http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?2654-Medellin-Hotels-and-Rental-ApartmentsSorry Old Parr, was not aware of the other thread.

Thanks for hinting this out.


Iguana Six
06-06-16, 07:25
Easy. Give each of them different dates of when you'll be in town. Whoever is least likely to show up unannounced, have them over first. Good luck!I've avoided this on one trip by switching hotels.

El Mechanico
06-06-16, 15:09
The wire is looped around the door hinges of the safe and then attached to your Pacsafe bag. Google for Pacsafe, sold in most travel supply stores and online.OK, I understand the premise of the Pacsafe. So. The stuff inside the safe is not actually 'anchored down'. The door to the safe is anchored by the PacSafe. Is that correct?


El Mechanico

06-06-16, 15:12
Question for you all, how do you propose I swing this. I am going to medellin and am going to see my GF. But, I know two girls there who want to do a threesome and sleep over as well.

I want to be able to swing the threesome a few nights but not have my GF find out! I was thinking either (1) rent a second apartment or just make sure I clear out of my space by 10 am.

Anyone got ideas on how I can swing this?

Is there a hotel I can rent for three or anything?Just tell GF you can't see her one of the nights. You are going out with some friends. No more explanation needed. Unless you are committed, she will have no choice. This is Colombia, you can do whatever you want.

06-06-16, 16:12
Sunday afternoon I was killing time waiting for my early evening hookup so I decided to stroll Centro to see what Sunday pickings were like at the few casas opened. In a nutshell-- "not much". So IMHO save your centro casa shopping for Lunes-Sabado.

On this day I decided to check out Aiffe (Calle 57 (Argentina) #43-27) only to find that it was closed. Just a few doors down I saw a couple of Colombian guys enter a doorway. Hmmm "I think I will take a looksee" It was a typical unmarked door with stairways up to a gate and buzzer. From the bottom of the staircase I watched a guy get buzzed in and everything about it looked like a CASA situation. I really had no clue what it was, but I figured it was just a new casa not yet mentioned on the board so I decided to up the steps, hit the buzzer and see what it was all about.

WELL-- a guy just opened the gate and directed me to a sala for presentation. Down the hall I could another sala already in the presentation process. To my surprise there were about six men dressed in speedos being presented. I had stumbled unto a gay casa.

I just excused myself and was let out very politely. I think the proprietor figured out I had made a mistake.

SO- Aiffe is not open on Sunday, but a few doors down (up a staircase) one can find some Sunday action of a different sort. I did not note an exact address as this is not my thing, but I am sure a few readers on this forum have leanings in that direction at some times. Just a FYI.

06-06-16, 16:38
Sunday afternoon I was killing time waiting for my early evening hookup so I decided to stroll Centro to see what Sunday pickings were like at the few casas opened. In a nutshell-- "not much". So IMHO save your centro casa shopping for Lunes-Sabado.

Next to Kamasutra casa (which was closed) I noted a stairwell leading up to a gate and buzzer. It looked like it may be a new casa, but when I checked it out it turned out to be just a love hotel-Hotel Star Suites" Calle 57 #46-41 (231-6196).

I checked out the rooms and they were very clean and modern. 14,000 cop /3 hrs stnd room.

Jacuzzi room--24,000 cop /3 hrs. The towels were even rolled into love swans so you can see this is not a typical bare bones place.

I took a card and put this into my cp for future reference. I do not see it listed on Matt P's map so maybe it could be added.

Just a FYI.

Member #4398
06-06-16, 23:07

That's a perfect example of how curiosity killed the cat. It reminded me the police academy movie when mahone sent two police officers to a gay bar and they got fucked there. Although it seems funny, you lucky you didn't get drilled there or worse found yourself inside a house uninvited with a bunch of criminals or criminal activity taking place. Stupid thing to do, but good reporting.


Sunday afternoon I was killing time waiting for my early evening hookup so I decided to stroll Centro to see what Sunday pickings were like at the few casas opened. In a nutshell-- "not much". So IMHO save your centro casa shopping for Lunes-Sabado.

On this day I decided to check out Aiffe (Calle 57 (Argentina) #43-27) only to find that it was closed. Just a few doors down I saw a couple of Colombian guys enter a doorway. Hmmm "I think I will take a looksee" It was a typical unmarked door with stairways up to a gate and buzzer. From the bottom of the staircase I watched a guy get buzzed in and everything about it looked like a CASA situation. I really had no clue what it was, but I figured it was just a new casa not yet mentioned on the board so I decided to up the steps, hit the buzzer and see what it was all about.

WELL-- a guy just opened the gate and directed me to a sala for presentation. Down the hall I could another sala already in the presentation process. To my surprise there were about six men dressed in speedos being presented. I had stumbled unto a gay casa.

I just excused myself and was let out very politely. I think the proprietor figured out I had made a mistake.

SO- Aiffe is not open on Sunday, but a few doors down (up a staircase) one can find some Sunday action of a different sort. I did not note an exact address as this is not my thing, but I am sure a few readers on this forum have leanings in that direction at some times. Just a FYI.

06-06-16, 23:15
I find it hard to believe people think that BrazilSoccer's reports are fake. I have met him personally four times in El Centro and what he's been saying is spot on as I have spent several weeks there myself. Just because he's using a terminology for money "lucas" doesn't mean that he's faking reports.I appreciated his advice on finding an apartment in Medellin.

06-07-16, 01:46
Yeah, I remember a few years ago stumbling into what looked like a Centro casa. The first thing that jumped out at me was there was no one to receive me. I walked into an empty sitting room. When I scanned the room I noticed a statuette on a table near the middle of the room. It was a headless nude male torso in the style of Michelangelo's "David. " I turned on my heels and left the establishment, not my cup of tea.

Sunday afternoon I was killing time waiting for my early evening hookup so I decided to stroll Centro to see what Sunday pickings were like at the few casas opened. In a nutshell-- "not much". So IMHO save your centro casa shopping for Lunes-Sabado.

On this day I decided to check out Aiffe (Calle 57 (Argentina) #43-27) only to find that it was closed. Just a few doors down I saw a couple of Colombian guys enter a doorway. Hmmm "I think I will take a looksee" It was a typical unmarked door with stairways up to a gate and buzzer. From the bottom of the staircase I watched a guy get buzzed in and everything about it looked like a CASA situation. I really had no clue what it was, but I figured it was just a new casa not yet mentioned on the board so I decided to up the steps, hit the buzzer and see what it was all about.

WELL-- a guy just opened the gate and directed me to a sala for presentation. Down the hall I could another sala already in the presentation process. To my surprise there were about six men dressed in speedos being presented. I had stumbled unto a gay casa.

I just excused myself and was let out very politely. I think the proprietor figured out I had made a mistake.

SO- Aiffe is not open on Sunday, but a few doors down (up a staircase) one can find some Sunday action of a different sort. I did not note an exact address as this is not my thing, but I am sure a few readers on this forum have leanings in that direction at some times. Just a FYI.

06-07-16, 02:17
While nobody might want to talk about them, I'm thinking a lot of people would like to know where not to go. Especially since they are already there.

Jan 156
06-07-16, 03:25
While nobody might want to talk about them, I'm thinking a lot of people would like to know where not to go. Especially since they are already there.It's a moot point but the stated purpose of the forum is to facilitate finding * women* for paid sex, not aboiding other stuff. I mean, with so many casas, how hard is it just to walk out if you walk in a wrong door.

Another point:

There are mongers on here with a very wide range of experience and street-smarts, from newbies to residents to people who have punted worldwide and punters who have regularly had great times in places that are considered 'dangerous' (and for a newbie, indeed are). I hope the forum doesn't become so 'high class' as to rule out the lower end of the market. (I actually joined the forum many years ago after finding useful info on a similar 'lowlife' area in Brazil). I've had plenty of crazy nights in the streets on the 'wrong' side of Parque Berrio, even if I wouldn't recommend them (I don't want to be responsible if you get yourself robbed or killed). I imagine some people get into problems even in Minorista and I am shocked of course that upmarket Mansion got robbed (you can go even more upscale in lovely Medellin but I draw a line somewhere).

We're here to give info to others, based on experience, with appropriate safety tips, not judge. I don't think Colombia is a country for a total beginner -- too much to learn too quickly -- but there are at least locals who will take people under their wing. If some people got robbed in posh Poblado, that's unfortunate, but remember most people there don't see any trouble, almost ever. Whereas Parque Berrio is what in most cities you'd call a 'badlands' at night. Just to keep some perspective!

It's a great country and a great city. Enjoy!

06-07-16, 06:20
I don't get the latent homophobia with some of the recent responses to Troy's report. I just thought it was an amusing anecdote, the kind of crazy or funny stuff that happens to any of us mongers who are a little curious or adventurous, and we're feeling bored on a slow Sunday afternoon, or feeling amped up for an epic Friday night binge of debauchery. Monger's credo is nothing ventured, nothing gained right?

It also shows that even some gays have to pay for sex. I used to think they just all hook up with each other via bathhouses, bars, Grindr, etc. And it was only us straights that had to pay for sex. It's a strange world with all kinds of people.

06-07-16, 14:10
OK, I understand the premise of the Pacsafe. So. The stuff inside the safe is not actually 'anchored down'. The door to the safe is anchored by the PacSafe. Is that correct?


El MechanicoThe Pacsafe is anchored inside the safe. The wire is wrapped around the door hinge, then the loop on the end is locked to the wire loop on the pacsafe most times I have to use the thinner wire so the door will close, it has always closed on a multide of different brands.

World Travel 69
06-07-16, 14:50
Here is the link to their products.


The Pacsafe is anchored inside the safe. The wire is wrapped around the door hinge, then the loop on the end is locked to the wire loop on the pacsafe most times I have to use the thinner wire so the door will close, it has always closed on a multide of different brands.

Member #4394
06-07-16, 16:17
Look at the previous posts by the guy who attacked TroyBoy. He does not contribute any information on the board, but only attacks other guys. It is obvious that he has not been in Medellin for a while or in his entire life, and he has some mental problems.

I don't get the latent homophobia with some of the recent responses to Troy's report. I just thought it was an amusing anecdote, the kind of crazy or funny stuff that happens to any of us mongers who are a little curious or adventurous, and we're feeling bored on a slow Sunday afternoon, or feeling amped up for an epic Friday night binge of debauchery. Monger's credo is nothing ventured, nothing gained right?

It also shows that even some gays have to pay for sex. I used to think they just all hook up with each other via bathhouses, bars, Grindr, etc. And it was only us straights that had to pay for sex. It's a strange world with all kinds of people.

06-08-16, 10:00
Guys thanks for the good compliments and by no means this is meant to make you feel jealous as a well respected senior member commented earlier but its meant to show a different mode of doing things in medellin especially if you know spanish, have the means to stay long term, and not scared to death from el centro. And honestly I hope somone trys it and report back!

Special thanks to Surfer500 for defending me and yes we have met in el centro and can personally vouch for his confidence in walking and hunting in one of the centro hot spots so he knows what I am talking about cause he does the same thing and not afraid to proposition ladies he meets on the streets.

The "Lucas" thing. It's colombian barrios slang for pesos but one Luca equals 1000 pesos. I mentioned this in the prelude. Sometimes, and this may work for the typical shrt trm monger, I would just whisper "30 lucas" to the girls as we pass eachother and turn my head to see if she caught the bait so to speak. So far 2 of the ladies in the fotos I'm posting have. Where the fu at £ did I come up with that idea from: from asking local Colombian men whom I observe whispering stuff then pickup the girls.

Finally, it's not as easy as it seems, sometimes I had to spend 2-3 hrs daily and come up with nothing! And I suddenly get a call from a girl who ignored my calls to the point I can't even recall who she is because I spent all that time talking to more ladies.

So don't get offended if I don't share contacts info of these ladies. But I'll be happy to help answer Qs about how TOs!

06-08-16, 10:14
Staying busy:

When you live here you can't just do what you normally do when you're here for a short time!

So I stay busy doing normal stuff as though I was back home. I enrolled in a gym and attended roughly 3-4 days out of a week. Also in my case I like playing video games so I made sure to bring my PS4 and a couple of games to keep me entertained when the beautiful Paisas are not around.

Another activity I truly enjoy is spending a weekend in different small towns or pueblos as they are know here. Being in el centro gives me great and fast access to both bus terminals to travel antioquea state and see the nice little town and reset the busy city mode every once in a while.

I also enjoy swimming "Photo attached" and here you can go to several swimming pools where for a small fee you can have a great day with your lady friends! And if you are a serious swimmer, then you can head out to the olimpic pool compound and do labs there. Just be aware of the limited time they give to the public: they train all kinds of teams there and hence have a tight schedule.

And if you are still bored well, you can take a leisurely stroll in el centro, go have a capuchino in caminó real mall or just sit and enjoy the lively activities on one of (junin pedestrian road) benchs. That's the closedoff pedestrian road that leads straight up to parque bolivar.

06-08-16, 11:45
Staying busy:

When you live here you can't just do what you normally do when you're here for a short time!

So I stay busy doing normal stuff as though I was back home. I enrolled in a gym and attended roughly 3-4 days out of a week. Also in my case I like playing video games so I made sure to bring my PS4 and a couple of games to keep me entertained when the beautiful Paisas are not around.

Another activity I truly enjoy is spending a weekend in different small towns or pueblos as they are know here. Being in el centro gives me great and fast access to both bus terminals to travel antioquea state and see the nice little town and reset the busy city mode every once in a while.

I also enjoy swimming "Photo attached" and here you can go to several swimming pools where for a small fee you can have a great day with your lady friends! And if you are a serious swimmer, then you can head out to the olimpic pool compound and do labs there. Just be aware of the limited time they give to the public: they train all kinds of teams there and hence have a tight schedule.

And if you are still bored well, you can take a leisurely stroll in el centro, go have a capuchino in camin real mall or just sit and enjoy the lively activities on one of (junin pedestrian road) benchs. That's the closedoff pedestrian road that leads straight up to parque bolivar.Hey Brasil,

One way to pass the time in a good way is to volunteer in the really poor areas or at some of the orphanages. There are several great groups that you can work with. For me it is really rewarding. Its gives you a little balance to the debauchery of the monger life. The best one is Angeles de Medellin https://www.facebook.com/angelesdemedellinfoundation. They have a community center up high in the hills above the Metro Cables. You can help out the kids and have a great day up there. Its an amazing place.

06-08-16, 14:13
I am in Sao Paulo now and offering a comparison to Medellin since I was there just a few weeks ago. I would not rate one city above the other and believe that the individual tastes of mongers would cause them to choose one city over the other. Here goes:

Chicas. Equal (I once believed Brazilian chicas to be hotter in looks than Colombian babes but am slowly coming around to giving Paisas the edge).

Chicas performance in bed. . Sao Paulo (hands down Brazilieras are better in the sack than Paisas, no doubt about that).

Prices. Medellin (cheaper, even with the favorable exchange rate with the Real. Sao Paulo is not a cheap city).

Food. Sao Paulo (I find Brazilian food to be the best outside of the US).

Things to do. Sao Paulo (much bigger city, more museums, concerts, street activity, better parks, etc.).

Weather. Medellin (Brazilian winter now but can get warmer than Medellin, more variable weather in Sao Paulo, Medellin has spring like weather all year round).

In conclusion I would say that for mongers on a budget Medellin is the better city and for those who can afford it, Sao Paulo.

Old Parr
06-08-16, 15:07
Guys thanks for the good compliments and by no means this is meant to make you feel jealous as a well respected senior member commented earlier but its meant to show a different mode of doing things in medellin especially if you know spanish, have the means to stay long term, and not scared to death from el centro. And honestly I hope somone trys it and report back!

Special thanks to Surfer500 for defending me and yes we have met in el centro and can personally vouch for his confidence in walking and hunting in one of the centro hot spots so he knows what I am talking about cause he does the same thing and not afraid to proposition ladies he meets on the streets.

The "Lucas" thing. It's colombian barrios slang for pesos but one Luca equals 1000 pesos. I mentioned this in the prelude. Sometimes, and this may work for the typical shrt trm monger, I would just whisper "30 lucas" to the girls as we pass eachother and turn my head to see if she caught the bait so to speak. So far 2 of the ladies in the fotos I'm posting have. Where the fu at did I come up with that idea from: from asking local Colombian men whom I observe whispering stuff then pickup the girls.

Finally, it's not as easy as it seems, sometimes I had to spend 2-3 hrs daily and come up with nothing! And I suddenly get a call from a girl who ignored my calls to the point I can't even recall who she is because I spent all that time talking to more ladies.

So don't get offended if I don't share contacts info of these ladies. But I'll be happy to help answer Qs about how TOs!Nice posts and thank you for providing the information. Apologies are appropriate in this case.

06-08-16, 16:52
I am in Sao Paulo now and offering a comparison to Medellin since I was there just a few weeks ago. I would not rate one city above the other and believe that the individual tastes of mongers would cause them to choose one city over the other.Thanks for the comparisons. I have a few other questions. Which city is easier to get around with a minimal command of the language? I hear Portuguese is much harder to learn than Spanish. Si o not? Does San Paulo have a thriving ex-pat community to connect with as does Medellin?


06-08-16, 17:43
Add travel time, it's about the same from Europe but Medellin is much closer to North America than Sao Paulo. Even if you compare the few direct flights to Sao Paulo vs. Medellin connections.

I am in Sao Paulo now and offering a comparison to Medellin since I was there just a few weeks ago. I would not rate one city above the other and believe that the individual tastes of mongers would cause them to choose one city over the other. Here goes:

Chicas. Equal (I once believed Brazilian chicas to be hotter in looks than Colombian babes but am slowly coming around to giving Paisas the edge).

Chicas performance in bed. . Sao Paulo (hands down Brazilieras are better in the sack than Paisas, no doubt about that).

Prices. Medellin (cheaper, even with the favorable exchange rate with the Real. Sao Paulo is not a cheap city).

Food. Sao Paulo (I find Brazilian food to be the best outside of the US).

Things to do. Sao Paulo (much bigger city, more museums, concerts, street activity, better parks, etc.).

Weather. Medellin (Brazilian winter now but can get warmer than Medellin, more variable weather in Sao Paulo, Medellin has spring like weather all year round).

In conclusion I would say that for mongers on a budget Medellin is the better city and for those who can afford it, Sao Paulo.

Jan 156
06-08-16, 20:25
Some good points on SP & Medellin and I am a fan of both. I'd add that SP is much bigger than Medellin. Its the biggest city in the Southern hemisphere and takes a bit of getting used to. (Medellin has a couple of Metro lines, whereas SP's crisscross wildly -- think Poblado or Berrio in rush hour and multiply by ten). There's a regular poster on the SP forum who takes visitors round (though I don't know him personally). A tiny bit of English is spoken in both cities, but not that much so either Spanish or Porto is very helpful (the similarity makes it often easy to guess the equivalent, or be understood when speaking slowly). There is some similarity in the casa experience (though Medellin has an advantage with the proximity of many casas to each other). There are comparable 'trashy' areas of very cheap sex (with associated dangers especially for the unwary). SP probably has more clubs but there is not an equivalent that I have come across to The Mansion, although people sometimes arrange private parties. Medellin has better weather, but in SP you can always hop on a bus or plane to Rio or somewhere warmer.

C Jack Sparrow
06-08-16, 22:51
Just got me a Instagram account and I saw a few models that I had photos of before and are prepagos in some way.

I red that some of the girls have their whatsapp available and uses Instragram as promotion.

I found very few whatsappnumbers. I looked at "models"; I got both attracted, but also felt sick quick since all "models" look the same; Donald Duck-face, 6 pack abdomen, enhanced breasts, enhanced butt; all showing them selves in the gym and in bikini, so much tits & ass I got overwhelmed, never seen such an expose; it's like an epidemic. 10,100, 1000,10-100 k of Medellin, Colombian girls looking supersexy / weird. And all look the same. They have made the 90-60-90 classical into no less than 110-50-110.

I have had prepagos like this, and as long as we stay in an apartment having sex; it's OK. But showing myself with such artificial creature, it'has happened once, and never again. Does even the local guys like it?

To keep away hunger; they take cheap "pericero"-cocaine, and then caffeine / taurine, and other stimulating herb for gym; they can then keep the shape and get some good extra-money from males "friends" with money, and continue this expensive lifestyle. All also claim to be models and having a fancy title from a top university. The pericero makes them happy, but they loose contact with the "real" world. Enter a fasionable top-gym in Medellin and you will see a lot of them. Totally self-absorbed with their own bodies, far away of that nice paisas you meet in everyday life in Medellin!

Any tips where there might be Colombian/Medellin girls on Instagram, that are beautiful in a natural way. That have whatsapp.

Colombiancupid are full of prepagos, too many of the popular and pretty girls are prepagos. I do then mean in a broad sense; you may not pay for sex; but gifts, vacations, nightlife at expensive clubs etc. Plus all stupid lies to make you send $$ when you are not there, for University tuition, hospital etc. Being a puta is a looser, but getting the money from a friend, that is OK, that is status having rich friends.

San Fernando Valley has 10.000 potential Colombian porn-stars, but might just need 100. What will happen with all these girls when they are past prime time and the implants starts to hurt, look badly etc. No more easy $, no friends etc. Back to the poor barrio, marked for life.

This is a low social-estrato thing! I can't imagine girls from families with good / social / education expose themselves in this way. But then, 75% of the population is poor and these girls have nothing, and opportunity of nothing, so they create a this sub-culture.

El Mechanico
06-08-16, 23:25
What will happen with all these girls when they are past prime time and the implants starts to hurt, look badly etc. No more easy $, no friends etc. Back to the poor barrio, marked for life.Lead a fantasy life for 10-15 years only because they are born good looking then when past their prime, they are kicked to the curb to deal with the silicone & habits by themselves! I love everyone of them! The double edged sword of 'Puta-nomics'!

06-08-16, 23:31
I am in Sao Paulo now and offering a comparison to Medellin since I was there just a few weeks ago. I would not rate one city above the other and believe that the individual tastes of mongers would cause them to choose one city over the other. Here goes:

Chicas. Equal (I once believed Brazilian chicas to be hotter in looks than Colombian babes but am slowly coming around to giving Paisas the edge).

Chicas performance in bed. . Sao Paulo (hands down Brazilieras are better in the sack than Paisas, no doubt about that).

Prices. Medellin (cheaper, even with the favorable exchange rate with the Real. Sao Paulo is not a cheap city).

Food. Sao Paulo (I find Brazilian food to be the best outside of the US).

Things to do. Sao Paulo (much bigger city, more museums, concerts, street activity, better parks, etc.).

Weather. Medellin (Brazilian winter now but can get warmer than Medellin, more variable weather in Sao Paulo, Medellin has spring like weather all year round).

In conclusion I would say that for mongers on a budget Medellin is the better city and for those who can afford it, Sao Paulo.Spot on on every point!

FWIW, I speak Spanish and I've never been able to get a good handle on Brasilian Portugues despite 17-18 trips to that marvelous country. That didn't stop from from enjoying myself, but still it's a factor in favor of Colombia.

Also SP is a crazy big City. Medellin is almost quaint in comparison.

06-09-16, 01:35
My experience is based on Portugal and not Brazil, but I would say that starting from scratch, Portuguese is a bit more difficult of a language because the pronunciation is not as intuitive, and because there are more diacritics (accent marks, cedillas, and circonfexes). I can read it but I can't undermotherfuckingstand it. At all.

Param Ahmad
06-09-16, 03:10
Whoever reported that all taxi drivers in Medellin know how to find La Isla\The Girls Club (shown on a web page I found as Cra. 30 #10 see 19, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia) was apparently mistaken. I spent a full hour in a taxi trying to find it. The taxi driver stopped to ask about six other taxi drivers where to find it, and it seemed nobody knew. Mostly what we got were misleading directions and wrong information. One problem may be I was asking him to take me to LA ISLA CLUB, but the name now seems to be THE GIRLS CLUB. I don't know which is the newer name. Neither the LA ISLA name nor above mentioned address on Carrera 30 helped. Neither did a map I´d printed from a web site showing the supposed location of the Club. When we finally got there I used a GPS I had with me to get the GPS coordinates, which are N06 13.287, W075 33.610.

06-09-16, 03:26
Whoever reported that all taxi drivers in Medellin know how to find La Isla\The Girls Club (shown on a web page I found as Cra. 30 #10 see 19, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia) was apparently mistaken. I spent a full hour in a taxi trying to find it. The taxi driver stopped to ask about six other taxi drivers where to find it, and it seemed nobody knew. Mostly what we got were misleading directions and wrong information. One problem may be I was asking him to take me to LA ISLA CLUB, but the name now seems to be THE GIRLS CLUB. I don't know which is the newer name. Neither the LA ISLA name nor above mentioned address on Carrera 30 helped. Neither did a map Id printed from a web site showing the supposed location of the Club. When we finally got there I used a GPS I had with me to get the GPS coordinates, which are N06 13.287, W075 33.610.Is this a strip club? What are the rates?


C Jack Sparrow
06-09-16, 11:56
Lead a fantasy life for 10-15 years only because they are born good looking then when past their prime, they are kicked to the curb to deal with the silicone & habits by themselves! I love everyone of them! The double edged sword of 'Puta-nomics'!I must correct myself. Bodytech in Laureles (El Cafetero) and Avenida Colombia (Estadio), are located in barrios 4-5 on the social-economic "estrato" scale, just below Poblado estrato 6. The girls here were not poor, and they had over-enhanced bodyparts, work-out like machines, the same girls 6 am, everyday or at night after work. It's a culture of (somewhat bad) taste from estrato 1-6. Females where from 16-45, the majority following the same pattern. So yes, it's not just the poor, it's widespread, even though, upper class females choose more carefully still I assume, while the poor girls / must / do it to advance upwards on the social scale.

My conclusion is not based on solely looking at them, I have met them as prepagos, dated them, chatted with them, other guys should be able to confirm this; they view of life is strangely focused on money and having fun, travelling to Cancun and Las Vegas and self-absorbed of the own looks. My point has long been; go to these fashionable gyms, and you see much babes that you feel you have been at a top strip club, but at the fraction of the cost. And the cost of a personal trainer is 10-20% of that what we pay at home. The monthly fee though, is very high, much more expensive than in Europe. I go to a top gym at home, "all Cybex" and pay 50% of what Bodytech costs (actually for free, since my employee pays for it).

On the other hand, that females show their sensuality and should feel unfeminine not doing so; this splendid sensuality, erotics, are natural part in the everyday meeting man / woman-woman, and female competition is much of what gets this society going so smoothly, despite enormous social injustice. You feel that the Colombian society is vibrating of pure lust! It's one part, they also have Eternal Spring, and other factors. Europe / North America are so strict, that when we come here, or even more so to Brazil, we fall in love with this Latin culture, since we stand aside it, and we can pick only the good parts!

Facebook became a way of easily promoting yourself and get clients. Are Instagram / becoming / the same? Anybody met girls via Instagram as one do on Facebook? For example; on one FB account I have like 500 female contacts, 300-400 are barrio girls offering their services. On yet another account, my friends, via one of these Super Girls, the majority are "models". Different levels, but the same basic principle.

The models want presents, exotic journeys, fashion clothes, while the poor barrio girls focus on cash.

Any info would help since I'm new at Instagram.

06-09-16, 12:02
I can read it but I can't undermotherfuckingstand it. At all.Brazilian Portuguese has a vocabulary with both Indigenous and African words and slang. As Brasil is so large naturally there are also regional differences to these. So your basic Porto / Euro vocab is not really that appropriate. With geographical size comes different ways of pronouncing the language and naturally it is spoken in a different lilt to Euro / Porto. Because of the basic education and life of its vast majority of population it is "on the streets " spoken very basically which can be an advantage for communicating easily! Good luck with challenges ahead!

Mr Enternational
06-09-16, 12:22
, I have met them as prepagos, dated them, chatted with them, other guys should be able to confirm this; they view of life is strangely focused on money and having fun,Well what do you view life as? Because evidently I view it the same way that they do. A famous man once said that life ain't nothing but bitches and money.

06-09-16, 14:03
A famous man once said that life ain't nothing but bitches and money.Ice Cube (N. W. A.) - Gangsta, Gangsta (1988).

06-09-16, 14:53
What a difference a day makes! First off I'll say that after having visited a high end casa (Abbobora) here in SP I much prefer hobbying in Sao Paulo than Medellin. The lineup was incredible, it was difficult to choose and in the end I made an unwise choice but I will certainly return to this casa as there were many amazing babes there and to think I am yet to visit even higher end casas. There is just no comparison in Medellin. The garotas are exceedingly hot and the performance superb. I have noted that the hotness differentiation between the casa girls in Medellin and the normal girls on the street is huge in favor of the girls on the streets whereas in Sao Paulo the garotas in the casas are almost as hot as the hot street girls. As far as casa girls go Sao Paulo wins hands down.

For me Sao Paulo is more difficult to navigate than Medellin but that may be because I am more familiar with Medellin. When I first visited Medellin I depended much more on taxis to get around as I am doing now in SP but as I got more familiar with the city I spent less money by taking the metro, metro cable and buses to get from place to place and I imagine with more time spent in SP I should soon be able to do the same. The advantage with Medellin is that the casas are more concentrated while in SP they are more spread out.

With respect to communication, this is the biggest disadvantage. However, I have been able to communicate in Spanish as Paulistas seem to be quite familiar with the Spanish language which is similar to Portuguese. Language difficulties is even more frustrating here as I find garotas to be more friendly than chicas and are quite willing to go out with you.

The cost of living is higher here than in Medellin but I would say that for a monger from the US looking for a place to live abroad I would highly recommend Sao Paulo. With the current exchange rate it is cheaper than the States. The required pension for retiring to Brazil is a minimum of $2000 US per month. For a person pursuing our hobby Sao Paulo is the better option. For a retiree who is not a hobbyist, who has a family and is looking for a cheaper and more laid back experience perhaps Medellin is the better option. Right now I would say Sao Paulo is my choice for the superior food and women, my two great loves.

P.S. Rio is a short bus trip or plane ride away.

06-09-16, 22:38
I must correct myself. Bodytech in Laureles (El Cafetero) and Avenida Colombia (Estadio), are located in barrios 4-5 on the social-economic "estrato" scale, just below Poblado estrato 6. The girls here were not poor, and they had over-enhanced bodyparts, work-out like machines, the same girls 6 am, everyday or at night after work. It's a culture of (somewhat bad) taste from estrato 1-6. Females where from 16-45, the majority following the same pattern. So yes, it's not just the poor, it's widespread, even though, upper class females choose more carefully still I assume, while the poor girls / must / do it to advance upwards on the social scale..You said something about body tech is expensive but Bodytech price is based on estrato. The most expensive body tech in Medellin is the one in RioSur and if you a member of this one you can go to all bodyyech in Medellin and not vice versa.

And what happens with these girls when their beauty fades? If they didn't married a rich gringo / invest their money / they are probably out of the country looking for money. A 38 yo enhanced Cali girl is still an upgrade over a average same age western woman most of the times.

06-10-16, 00:34
Turgid -

More great observations! I have never been to place with both the quantity and quality of hot-looking women that Sao Paulo has. Really, IMO no place comes close.

Having said that, I've spent way more time in both Medellin and Rio than in Sao Paulo. I guess the sheer size of the City, the language, the lack of fellow travelers to hang with always made me a bit leery of spending extended time in SP. I love big cities, but SP is just too big and too spread out. I think I averaged $50/ day in taxis alone in my stays there, despite ample use of the Metro.

06-10-16, 01:16
I thought this was the Medellin forum, how are these posts on Brazil being approved?

06-10-16, 03:07
You said something about body tech is expensive but Bodytech price is based on estrato. The most expensive body tech in Medellin is the one in RioSur and if you a member of this one you can go to all bodyyech in Medellin and not vice versa.

And what happens with these girls when their beauty fades? If they didn't married a rich gringo / invest their money / they are probably out of the country looking for money. A 38 yo enhanced Cali girl is still an upgrade over a average same age western woman most of the times.I second that! Ran into a 36 yo woman from Cali working as a bar server in Panama City. She was smoking hot! She tried to play the serious relationship game with me, but after I ignored her, she came around and blew way more than my mind!

06-10-16, 03:25
I thought this was the Medellin forum, how are these posts on Brazil being approved?They get approved because they don't need to be approved. Unless a senior member pisses off the administration, their posts go up immediately.

The other reason is because they started as a comparison between Medellin and Sao Paolo.

06-10-16, 23:11
Hi comrades,

So I arrived in Medellin yesterday late at about 12 pm from NYC, unfortunately there was a problem with my ticket and I had to buy a new one for 960 usd from JFK over Salvador to Medellin. So 500 USD less to spend then I planned.

Once I arrived in Medellin Airport I went up the second floor and got me a SIM Card, then headed to my Hotel with a Taxi (didn't want to take a Bus as it is my first visit and it was already 1 PM).

I agreed with the driver to bing me to my Hotel which is near Llaures and then bring me to Llaures. We agreed a total of 90 K COP for that.

The Taxi driver asked if I want to go to Bario and buy some stuff so we went there after the Hotel and got me some PartyPowder. Big Mistake, as I haven't took anything since 5 years and so the night started very actively and may I say stupidly. I saw a chica in Llaures and we agreed 70 K for 1 hour, as I was in Party mode I agreed to get her friend and I took both for 150 K COP which was extended to Toda La Noche for 300 each.. To make a long story short, I was tired from the long flight and asked them to leave my Hotel after 4 hours.

I woke up this morning tired and not so happy having spent all this money already. But ce la vie. I walked to Lleras Park, had some chicken with with fries and a salad to get some power.

After changing some money again at a better rate than the Airport I headed to Centro with a Taxi and paid 12 K to the Taxi Driver from Park Lleras. I used Matts Map and found New Life pretty easy, there I chose a 19 year old stunner (Karlie is her name I think), Slim with big fake breasts and an ass to die for, She gave me a Covered Blowjob, then we fucked for about 10 minutes and I came pretty fast as I haven't fucked since 2 months. I paid here 45 K and tipped 10 K COP, walked in Centro a little bit to get an idea about it since I plan to go there at night too, (but not tonight as I am still tired from my flight). I will have dinner at Park Lleras tonight, gain some strength and see what will happen tomorrow, (or tonight).

If you are in Medellin and want to hit Casas or strip clubs tomorrow, PM me.



Pipe Layer99
06-11-16, 03:00
So it got straightened out like I said, why are you still crying about it? Just stay home if $3 wrecks your entire month.

Perhaps you have 'idiot' stamped on your forehead and that's why they tried screwing you over? As I stated before, my friends and I have never had a problem at NL, nor at any other casa for that matter. Good luck with your attitude, it's working wonders so far.

Maybe it was the casa's way of telling you not to come back? I don't think so, since they agreed to your protest and made it right, only for you to come here and whine incessantly about it. What was their point in making the customer whole for you to treat them like that in return? You could have just explained what happened and that in the end it was corrected, instead you accuse them of thievery and suggest everybody was in on it. For a well traveled guy, they sure took you for a fool!Get a clue fool.

'It' didn't get straightened out you idiot. Only I straightened it out. Maybe you are just a dick head with your head up your a $$.

No one is complaining. A post about bad practices is to warn other smart guys (which is the purpose of the forum) to pay attention to their time (just is case it happens to them). Been there alone and with buddies at new life 4 x and didn't have an issue. This time they tried to pull that bullshit. It happens! If you can't understand that, fuck off. I don't care what YOU think.

I have been to 6 countries in the past 6 months. While you sit at home jacking off (aka JD = Jack dick).

06-11-16, 03:11
She gave me a Covered Blowjob, then we fucked for about 10 minutes and I came pretty fast as I haven't fucked since 2 months. I paid here 45 K and tipped 10 K COPHopefully this advice finds you early in your trip: No need to leave a tip for covered blowjobs!

You could have used that 10 k to negotiate an uncovered BJ. Consider using this strategy for the remainder of your trip. Just some advice from some of us "old heads" to help you get what you are actually after (GFE, suckie suckie sin condon).

Not really concerned about newbies "fucking it up for everyone else" because if I came behind you and the same chica asked me for a 10k propina after giving me a covered bj AND because some gringo just gave her a propina literally for nothing, I would just look at her silly and say "for what?" (or "por que?"). And that would be the end of that.

06-11-16, 03:27
Well what do you view life as? Because evidently I view it the same way that they do. A famous man once said that life ain't nothing but bitches and money.I like the old, Olde English O. G. Version of "Fuck be**ches, get money" (I know the guy in the pic never said it, but it's still hilarious, LOL).

Old Parr
06-11-16, 03:55
Hi comrades,

So I arrived in Medellin yesterday late at about 12 pm from NYC, unfortunately there was a problem with my ticket and I had to buy a new one for 960 usd from JFK over Salvador to Medellin. So 500 USD less to spend then I planned.

Once I arrived in Medellin Airport I went up the second floor and got me a SIM Card, then headed to my Hotel with a Taxi (didn't want to take a Bus as it is my first visit and it was already 1 PM).

I agreed with the driver to bing me to my Hotel which is near Llaures and then bring me to Llaures. We agreed a total of 90 K COP for that..It will get better for you! Thank you also for sharing your initial experience and what you went through. It is normal as you are very excited especially being your first time in Medellin, and you are anxious to see what the city offers and to enjoy the beauty of the girls!

06-11-16, 04:29
I would just look at her silly and say "for what?" (or "por que?"). And that would be the end of that."For what?" = para qué.

06-11-16, 05:11
"For what?" = para qu.Gracias amigo :P

"Por que?" = "Why?". So it could still work.

06-11-16, 05:35
I always tell the chicas that while my Spanish is pretty good, there are certain words I don't understand, such as propina, regalo, joya, novia, anillo, boda, and ir de compras.

06-11-16, 07:06

Going to be a Medellin for a couple weeks, first visit. I was wondering if there are any escort review sites (in Spanish) in Colombia like there are in Buenos Aires (foros) or Canada (Terb).


06-11-16, 10:40
You said something about body tech is expensive but Bodytech price is based on estrato. The most expensive body tech in Medellin is the one in RioSur and if you a member of this one you can go to all bodyyech in Medellin and not vice versa.

And what happens with these girls when their beauty fades? If they didn't married a rich gringo / invest their money / they are probably out of the country looking for money. A 38 yo enhanced Cali girl is still an upgrade over a average same age western woman most of the times.WOW wait, so Bodytech in Premium Plaza or Laurlres or Envigado is cheaper?

I went to the one in Rio Sur, my only issue was dealing with the elevator and shit. It was a bit disorganized considering the moeny I was paying ($100 a month is fucking expensive for a gym).

I agree with you on Western Women. Think about this, when is the last time you heard of anyone trying to go to America just to pick up a girl? It Only happened in Coming To America and that was Fiction! American girls are the fucking worst.

06-11-16, 10:59
Any info would help since I'm new at Instagram.OK so my guide on how to pick up Paisa on IG.

1. Make sure your profile has enough photos of you and places you traveled to etc. Nothing is worse then a dude with 5 photos trying to holla. The more content the better. Stay away from Memes.

2. Set your profile to private. This makes it so she HAS to follow you, so when you send DMs etc you will know if she is actually seeing it or you are just throwing Dms into the wind.

3. Buy some followers. She wants to see you have some sort of social value. Don't make it too much. Just 1,000 is good. Up to 3 K at most. But something that shows you have people intrested in your content.

4. Follow some of the popular Paisa model pages for looking for girls. I'm not going to list them on here but if you look at hashtags you can evetually find the profiles to follow.

5. Only message girls that have less then 3 K followers. That fitness model with 100 K might be smoking hot and your dream girl but her DM looks like the hotdog rollers at 7/11. You will be wasting your time.

6. Search the geotags. This is a GREAT source. Just punch in your favorite club, mall or clothing store even and you would be SURPRISED what kinda gold mine lies ahead.

7. Be ware of her friends if you start following them. ALL these chicks have their besties and social circles. You better be aware who you are hollering at and who her friends are or you might get busted.

8. Know a fake profile when you see one. Some of these colombian model IG profiles will post a chick that's private, you will follow her and then you see she has 12 pictures but 4,500 followers. It's fake, keep it moving.

9. Try to comment on a photo that not many have commented on. I find this to sometimes be better then a DM, there is less traffic and greater chance to start a convo, it's like the icebreaker before the DM.

10. Don't like too many of her photos. Remember that everyone can see which photos you liked so be cautios of who you are liking or else it might start something.

11. No dick pics. Keep it causal, I ususally start with some sort of paisa slang or something and if I get a laugh I'm in.

12. Use tinder to find IG profiles. This is anohter GREAT avenure and the main reason I got my IG working again. SOOO many tinder chicks put there IG on, and you can get a chance at talking to her here even if your tinder doesn't match.

13. Have fun.

El Mechanico
06-11-16, 14:08
I always tell the chicas that while my Spanish is pretty good, there are certain words I don't understand, such as propina, regalo, joya, novia, anillo, boda, and ir de compras.Awesome, that's funny stuff there! Can I borrow that?

06-11-16, 16:37
I always tell the chicas that while my Spanish is pretty good, there are certain words I don't understand, such as propina, regalo, joya, novia, anillo, boda, and ir de compras.But words you know are chupame, sin preservativo, etc.

Colombia Jake
06-11-16, 16:59
WOW wait, so Bodytech in Premium Plaza or Laurlres or Envigado is cheaper?

I went to the one in Rio Sur, my only issue was dealing with the elevator and shit. It was a bit disorganized considering the moeny I was paying ($100 a month is fucking expensive for a gym).

I agree with you on Western Women. Think about this, when is the last time you heard of anyone trying to go to America just to pick up a girl? It Only happened in Coming To America and that was Fiction! American girls are the fucking worst.No question the free Gym one block from Parque lleras isn't on the same level as Bodytech but for guys here for a short time or full timers like me its got enough equipment to get a good workout without dealing with the signups and the monthly nut $! It can be busy so try to go either early in the morning before 9 am or in the afternoon. As far as the girls in America! Their attitude along with a host of other reasons is why I made a life here in Medellin, and it could not have been any better! Two guys are here from Denver, and between the Girlfriend dates and the motorcycle tours they are completely satisfied! I have some new girls that are slim and full of life! Come take a ride!


Colombia Jake

Member #4394
06-11-16, 18:27
Just a small casa report.
I have been to Chicas Punto several times this month.
As always, they have plenty of big girls, but there are about four flaquitas.
These delgada girls look cute and decent.
Also, Mamasan is friendly.
40 mil peso hh, 60 mil h.

Clle54 no. 49-97

06-12-16, 00:24
Seems like a lot of work.

OK so my guide on how to pick up Paisa on IG.

1. Make sure your profile has enough photos of you and places you traveled to etc. Nothing is worse then a dude with 5 photos trying to holla. The more content the better. Stay away from Memes.

2. Set your profile to private. This makes it so she HAS to follow you, so when you send DMs etc you will know if she is actually seeing it or you are just throwing Dms into the wind.

3. Buy some followers. She wants to see you have some sort of social value. Don't make it too much. Just 1,000 is good. Up to 3 K at most. But something that shows you have people intrested in your content.

4. Follow some of the popular Paisa model pages for looking for girls. I'm not going to list them on here but if you look at hashtags you can evetually find the profiles to follow.

5. Only message girls that have less then 3 K followers. That fitness model with 100 K might be smoking hot and your dream girl but her DM looks like the hotdog rollers at 7/11. You will be wasting your time.

6. Search the geotags. This is a GREAT source. Just punch in your favorite club, mall or clothing store even and you would be SURPRISED what kinda gold mine lies ahead...

06-12-16, 04:23
Ola Friends,

OK, need from you a fast response here please, what is the Spanish word for DATY.

Thanks a lot.


Report of 2nd day will follow tomorrow morning.

06-12-16, 11:59

Going to be a Medellin for a couple weeks, first visit. I was wondering if there are any escort review sites (in Spanish) in Colombia like there are in Buenos Aires (foros) or Canada (Terb).


Member #4398
06-12-16, 13:50
Chicaspunto.com is not the cleanest but I like their big líne up of mostly barrio girls. I found an 18 barrio gem in my last trip which makes me look forward to go back. Thanks for the memory.


Just a small casa report.
I have been to Chicas Punto several times this month.
As always, they have plenty of big girls, but there are about four flaquitas.
These delgada girls look cute and decent.
Also, Mamasan is friendly.
40 mil peso hh, 60 mil h.

06-12-16, 18:14
Ola Friends,

OK, need from you a fast response here please, what is the Spanish word for DATY.

Thanks a lot.


Report of 2nd day will follow tomorrow morning.I use "besar la concha. " ¿Puedo besar tu linda conchita? (can I Kiss your pretty pussy? The verb for lick is 'lamar. '.

06-12-16, 22:15
The verb for lick is 'lamar. '.I think you mean "lamer". Lamar is the guy who works at the Deli down the block.

But I would say:

Puedo mamar tu panocha? Can I suck your pussy?

Quiero mamarte (I want to suck you-she will know exactly what you mean).

06-12-16, 23:44
Go to the Google Play Store or the Rotten Apple store, and get Maps.ME, it's a routable GPS navigation worldwide map. Works without internet connection, just turn on your smartphone's GPS. Then download and open Matts Medellin map with Maps.ME: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?hl=en&oe=UTF8&msa=0&ie=UTF8&authuser=0&mid=1BXSo_yZ4e_aDRCqxrwxWU5EZm90.

Viola! You now have a working map of Medellin. Maps.Me has downloadable maps of the world. Best yet is its price: FREE!I downloaded the app. I'm having trouble with the next part "Then download and open Matts Medellin map with Maps. ME" How do you download a google map? I click on the link and it opens in Google maps app. Or you have to save it somewhere first?


06-13-16, 02:52
I use "besar la concha. " Puedo besar tu linda conchita? (can I Kiss your pretty pussy? The verb for lick is 'lamar. '.Your so sweet and formal by asking!

How about "Voy a comerte' I'm going to eat you, or, "Queiro chupar su panoche", I want to suck your pussy. The verb to suck is chupar.

You are correct though in asking beforehand, just in case there's a red tide down there!

Hasideas Tao
06-13-16, 14:44
Chicas puntocom.

IMHO the mamasan is a cranky ***** and currently is recovering from some kind of nose job. I have never seen her smile. She never says Hello, until I say Hello, first. She seems to always be annoyed and kills my vibe every time I have gone in there. Hence, I rarely visit. Decided to go yesterday because I heard there were some nice flacas. She said there are no flacas. I said, the guy out front said you have a pretty flaca. She said no, she is busy. I said how long until she is done. She said I don't know maybe 15 minutes. OK. How does she look. Her response, flaca. I left. Most places would say sit have a drink or something!

Her partner, Darwin, who I have not seen in a while has always been cool and speaks perfect English. One time he even gave me a courtesy discount to make the deal because I was kind of undecided.

Just a small casa report.
I have been to Chicas Punto several times this month.
As always, they have plenty of big girls, but there are about four flaquitas.
These delgada girls look cute and decent.
Also, Mamasan is friendly.
40 mil peso hh, 60 mil h.

Clle54 no. 49-97
Cel 321 755 5120

Old Parr
06-13-16, 15:06
Chicas puntocom.

IMHO the mamasan is a cranky ***** and currently is recovering from some kind of nose job. I have never seen her smile. She never says Hello, until I say Hello, first. She seems to always be annoyed and kills my vibe every time I have gone in there. Hence, I rarely visit. Decided to go yesterday because I heard there were some nice flacas. She said there are no flacas. I said, the guy out front said you have a pretty flaca. She said no, she is busy. I said how long until she is done. She said I don't know maybe 15 minutes. OK. How does she look. Her response, flaca. I left. .Possibly you just do not get it, as it is obvious she does not want your business or you in the casa for some reason. As many casas as there are in Medellin just move on to another and never return. Why continue to frequent a place you are not wanted in.

Member #4394
06-13-16, 19:26
Sorry, your experience was different from mine. Sounds like you went there Sunday.

Next time I meet you somewhere in Centro, surely I will pay for your taxi and beer.

Have fun and keep good energy!

Chicas puntocom.

IMHO the mamasan is a cranky ***** and currently is recovering from some kind of nose job. I have never seen her smile. She never says Hello, until I say Hello, first. She seems to always be annoyed and kills my vibe every time I have gone in there. Hence, I rarely visit. Decided to go yesterday because I heard there were some nice flacas. She said there are no flacas. I said, the guy out front said you have a pretty flaca. She said no, she is busy. I said how long until she is done. She said I don't know maybe 15 minutes. OK. How does she look. Her response, flaca. I left. Most places would say sit have a drink or something!

Her partner, Darwin, who I have not seen in a while has always been cool and speaks perfect English. One time he even gave me a courtesy discount to make the deal because I was kind of undecided..

Mr Enternational
06-13-16, 19:57
Chicas puntocom.

IMHO the mamasan is a cranky ***** and currently is recovering from some kind of nose job. I have never seen her smile. She never says Hello, until I say Hello, first. She seems to always be annoyed and kills my vibe every time I have gone in there. Don't know the chemistry that you guys have. I always sit on the corner of her desk and make small talk with her. I have never seen her in a bad mood. Then I am not one to go around counting how many times someone tells me hello first either.

Member #4394
06-13-16, 21:17
Hi Cerebro, thank you for the comment. Was your girl a flaca called Yuli or Valentina?

Except Balcon de Cuba, beds in all the Centro casas are nasty.

When I rented a room at a hotel close to Puntos a few years ago, they sent a girl to the room without extra fees.

They may still do it.

Yes some girls at Puntos are nice and friendly. They give you phone numbers and Facebook names.

Chicaspunto.com is not the cleanest but I like their big lne up of mostly barrio girls. I found an 18 barrio gem in my last trip which makes me look forward to go back. Thanks for the memory.


06-13-16, 23:15
OK so my guide on how to pick up Paisa on IG.

1. Make sure your profile has enough photos of you and places you traveled to etc. Nothing is worse then a dude with 5 photos trying to holla. The more content the better. Stay away from Memes.

2. Set your profile to private. This makes it so she HAS to follow you, so when you send DMs etc you will know if she is actually seeing it or you are just throwing Dms into the wind.

3. Buy some followers. She wants to see you have some sort of social value. Don't make it too much. Just 1,000 is good. Up to 3 K at most. But something that shows you have people intrested in your content.

4. Follow some of the popular Paisa model pages for looking for girls. I'm not going to list them on here but if you look at hashtags you can evetually find the profiles to follow.

5. Only message girls that have less then 3 K followers. That fitness model with 100 K might be smoking hot and your dream girl but her DM looks like the hotdog rollers at 7/11. You will be wasting your time..That is too much work to do for getting a prostitute. If you are not paying for the pussy OK, but doing so much and you are going to pay to beat it up too nah. I know at least 1 of model chica who is being followed by 50 K guys / girls and believe me she is not worth it to do that much.

Member #4398
06-14-16, 04:43
The mamasan of chicas punto com offered me a flaca on a day that my favorite wasn't there and a day I didn't like the line up with many gordas feas and some flacas. She brought a shy and pretty flaca to me and said she was great, but I declined after seeing the girl was flaca to the bones which not my usual type. I felt bad after leaving and for declining and not spending 40 k or 13 dollars for a session with the flaca I was offered. I was thinking what the fuck is wrong with me for declining and now becoming picky and looking for the perfect girl when I can always have fun with a decent looking chic and that flaca was better than decent looking.

My favorite there is not a girl I would consider a flaca. She's petite but well proportioned and slim with a round ass and small breast and cute face without make up. She wasn't that friendly in the presentation not smiling but she was a good performer and affectionate in the room. Her name was dulce Maria, same name as a cutie I found in Bogota in my last trip. I wanted to pm you a pic but I could not find her photo and her Whatsapp is no longer working. I like going to that casa even thought at times is not that clean. At least the rooms have showers and you can wash there after a session or prior.


Hi Cerebro, thank you for the comment. Was your girl a flaca called Yuli or Valentina?

Except Balcon de Cuba, beds in all the Centro casas are nasty.

When I rented a room at a hotel close to Puntos a few years ago, they sent a girl to the room without extra fees.

They may still do it.

Yes some girls at Puntos are nice and friendly. They give you phone numbers and Facebook names..

06-14-16, 05:18

We all know about the Casas and the pros and where to find them. This report is not about those venues, instead I look for the nonpros and your avarage teen in the street from the barrios.

At first it was weird and it still is but all I do is approach the girls. No game no bullshit. Just say excuse me and say something nice (don't walk with her or after her at this point just stand still, its either she will too or not. If not then just smile and carry on), a brief introduction then ask them about themselves and where they going or doing now! Then invite her for a soda, talk and flirt and tell her how you like to help her financially if she is intereste, the in spending private time with you. Ask her what would she do if she gets 50 lucas right now! How would she spend it?!

I really do hit the pavements and walk sometimes for hours before I either get one or just quit for that day.

IMHO I find many of them are contemplating the thought but scared of the stigma associated. And they have great financial needs and yes they seem happy and pleasant and yes they truely are happy and pleasan and not desperate and boy do they carry a ton of pride and this last part cost me a few fine asses! But hey you lose and you learn for the next one!

You need to be patient and strong mentally because even an inclined first timer wants an illusion to get over that hesitation. The younger the easier they are convinced if you promise cloths as a gift.

One thing you need to be prepared for with the paisas is that they play the texting delay game! And sometimes don't respond for a couple of days. That really pisses me of. In my mind she needs the money, why wouldn't she be more responsive so we can do business. But in her mind, she doesn't want to come across as desperate and sluty. YOU REALLY NEED TO UNDERSTAND THIS PART TO NOT GET UPSET AND POSSIBLY LOSE A FINE BOOTY!

It's not a dating game typically. . because your relationship is of a different kind where money and gifts are given for booty and companionship! Personnally, I am sponsoring them while in the city.

Of course there will be resistance and lame ass excuses. And some will flat out reject the proposition (Respectfully and never be upset or offended BTW) and I'm not going to tell you it's all smooth sailing but this is not about what's impossible and how it's impossible. . this is about what could happen if you do this ON A REGULAR BASIS! HUNTING IS WHAT I CALL IT. Here are the catches I found. ALL GFE NO EXCEPTIONS!

The best part is when one brings another friend and then that friend brings another friend and we have a trio (the 2 in the shower).

Good luck and always smile and approach.

P.S.: as you admire the ladies in the bellow photos remember to multiply them by 10 and that'll be close to how many girls in total I propositioned or attempted but was ignored!

06-14-16, 13:34

We all know about the Casas and the pros and where to find them. This report is not about those venues, instead I look for the nonpros and your avarage teen in the street from the barrios.

At first it was weird and it still is but all I do is approach the girls. No game no bullshit. Just say excuse me and say something nice (don't walk with her or after her at this point just stand still, its either she will too or not. If not then just smile and carry on), a brief introduction then ask them about themselves and where they going or doing now! Then invite her for a soda, talk and flirt and tell her how you like to help her financially if she is intereste, the in spending private time with you. Ask her what would she do if she gets 50 lucas right now! How would she spend it?!

I really do hit the pavements and walk sometimes for hours before I either get one or just quit for that day.

IMHO I find many of them are contemplating the thought but scared of the stigma associated. And they have great financial needs and yes they seem happy and pleasant and yes they truely are happy and pleasan and not desperate and boy do they carry a ton of pride and this last part cost me a few fine asses! But hey you lose and you learn for the next one!

You need to be patient and strong mentally because even an inclined first timer wants an illusion to get over that hesitation. The younger the easier they are convinced if you promise cloths as a gift.

One thing you need to be prepared for with the paisas is that they play the texting delay game! And sometimes don't respond for a couple of days. That really pisses me of. In my mind she needs the money, why wouldn't she be more responsive so we can do business. But in her mind, she doesn't want to come across as desperate and sluty. YOU REALLY NEED TO UNDERSTAND THIS PART TO NOT GET UPSET AND POSSIBLY LOSE A FINE BOOTY!

It's not a dating game typically. . because your relationship is of a different kind where money and gifts are given for booty and companionship! Personnally, I am sponsoring them while in the city.

Of course there will be resistance and lame ass excuses. And some will flat out reject the proposition (Respectfully and never be upset or offended BTW) and I'm not going to tell you it's all smooth sailing but this is not about what's impossible and how it's impossible. . this is about what could happen if you do this ON A REGULAR BASIS! HUNTING IS WHAT I CALL IT. Here are the catches I found. ALL GFE NO EXCEPTIONS!

The best part is when one brings another friend and then that friend brings another friend and we have a trio (the 2 in the shower).

Good luck and always smile and approach.

P.S.: as you admire the ladies in the bellow photos remember to multiply them by 10 and that'll be close to how many girls in total I propositioned or attempted but was ignored!I could never do this on the streets. Just me. However, I could probably do this in a non pro club.

06-14-16, 20:59
Same difference, remember he said you have to be discreet and respectful. If you don't follow the girl or insist too much, it looks like a casual conversation on the street. It definitely works. It's easy to forget the part about it being a numbers game. It's one success for dozens of attempts. The time investment is the same for all, the value will vary from person to person. Some nice looking girls in those pics.

I could never do this on the streets. Just me. However, I could probably do this in a non pro club.

06-14-16, 21:19
Hi dear mongers,

This is Part 2 of my visit to Medellin.

On Saturday which was my second day in Medellin I woke up, had a quick breakfast, worked a little bit (emails etc) and headed about 12 am to Centro for the Casas. Before that I bought some Viagra from a pharmacy, I paid 40 M for 4 in Llaures (more to that in my report next day.) My plan was to visit a new Casa, but due to problems with the Phone-data of Tigo I couldn't load Matts Maps so I went to New Life again. About 10-12 ladies were offered to me and I chose a young one I had seen the day before that I wanted to have a session with in the future. Her name was Azul or Azur, pretty young, I guess 18-20. I chose the 30 minute option for 45 M Cop. She was very GF, no silicone but had a sweet young tight body and a nice smile. We went to a room that was bigger than the room the day prior had a shower together and went to bed, she did a great covered BJ, different positions, all in all no complains. She was very active to please but not in a rush. I tried to get her local phone number, but either she didn't want or she didn't understand me.

After I left New Life my plan was to explore Centro more. So I walked in different directions. I couldn't recognize anything I saw the prior weeks on Google Earth and was confused about my poor research. I couldn't event find the Metro. So I decided to have some lunch trying to fix my data problem on the phone with the help of a waiter that spoke some English. There was a Football game, so I decided to watch it with the people in this restaurant. And since all in this restaurant were wearing green shirts, I decided to cheer for the Green and against the Team wearing the white Shirts. And so I made some friends. OK, I don't speak any Spanish, my vocabulary has perhaps 20 sentences not more, but this helped me with my cheering to make some friends with locals in this restaurant. Goal and bueno was all I had to say. At the end of the game some guy handed me a card which was obvious a Casa. I asked him "donde esta? So he took me to a side Street walked about 100 meters and entered a door. We went up to the 1st floor. I must say I was not very comfortable and had all my senses on alert entering this place.

But I was lucky and this Casa had 6 ladies between which I would rate a 6-8. I asked cuanto cuesta? They handed me a list, I took the 30 m option for 35 M Cop.

I chose a young stunner called Tatyana with fake tits and ass this time, I guess her age was somewhere between 18-22. Once we entered the room, I gave her the 50 M Cop and asked with my best smile "Mamada Sin Condom?" As soon as she returned the smile I knew the deal was OK. I learned this from you guys.

She was really sweet, started to undress me, kissed me on my neck, I undressed here with some kisses too. I knew I made the right choice already.

We went and took a shower together and I must sat I was afraid coming already. She massaged me under the shower and so I rushed her to bed.

As it is with youngsters she didn't give the best BJ of my life, but she gave her best, sucking with a lot of saliva, licking balls etc. After about 10 minutes if BBBJ I made signs it was about time to fuck. She put a Condom and we fucked for another 10 minutes, Cowgirl & Doggy. I finished and was drained and just wanted to get out for some drink. We didn't exchange phones and nothing. I was just to tired. Jet lag, the party night before etc.

But I didn't want to go home, I wanted to find the fucking street action in Centro you guys talked about. So I walked again in direction Carrera 46 and crossed the street and guess what? I could see the Metro far away. This was on the 11th of June. More to report on Centro in my next post.



06-14-16, 23:17
Same difference, remember he said you have to be discreet and respectful. If you don't follow the girl or insist too much, it looks like a casual conversation on the street. It definitely works. It's easy to forget the part about it being a numbers game. It's one success for dozens of attempts. The time investment is the same for all, the value will vary from person to person. Some nice looking girls in those pics.I used to do this religiously where I live in the US when I was in my 20's and good-looking. It definitely can work if you develop a good schtick.

In MDE, this will be more easily done in the areas with few foreigners. Poblado might be tough. In Poblado, it's almost assumed that a Gringo is looking for a prepago and they might not want to be seen with you.

The Tall Man
06-15-16, 01:16

We all know about the Casas and the pros and where to find them. This report is not about those venues, instead I look for the nonpros and your avarage teen in the street from the barrios.

At first it was weird and it still is but all I do is approach the girls. No game no bullshit. Just say excuse me and say something nice (don't walk with her or after her at this point just stand still, its either she will too or not. If not then just smile and carry on), a brief introduction then ask them about themselves and where they going or doing now! Then invite her for a soda, talk and flirt and tell her how you like to help her financially if she is intereste, the in spending private time with you. Ask her what would she do if she gets 50 lucas right now! How would she spend it?!

I really do hit the pavements and walk sometimes for hours before I either get one or just quit for that day.

IMHO I find many of them are contemplating the thought but scared of the stigma associated. And they have great financial needs and yes they seem happy and pleasant and yes they truely are happy and pleasan and not desperate and boy do they carry a ton of pride and this last part cost me a few fine asses! But hey you lose and you learn for the next one!

You need to be patient and strong mentally because even an inclined first timer wants an illusion to get over that hesitation. The younger the easier they are convinced if you promise cloths as a gift.

One thing you need to be prepared for with the paisas is that they play the texting delay game! And sometimes don't respond for a couple of days. That really pisses me of. In my mind she needs the money, why wouldn't she be more responsive so we can do business. But in her mind, she doesn't want to come across as desperate and sluty. YOU REALLY NEED TO UNDERSTAND THIS PART TO NOT GET UPSET AND POSSIBLY LOSE A FINE BOOTY!

It's not a dating game typically. . because your relationship is of a different kind where money and gifts are given for booty and companionship! Personnally, I am sponsoring them while in the city.

Of course there will be resistance and lame ass excuses. And some will flat out reject the proposition (Respectfully and never be upset or offended BTW) and I'm not going to tell you it's all smooth sailing but this is not about what's impossible and how it's impossible. . this is about what could happen if you do this ON A REGULAR BASIS! HUNTING IS WHAT I CALL IT. Here are the catches I found. ALL GFE NO EXCEPTIONS!

The best part is when one brings another friend and then that friend brings another friend and we have a trio (the 2 in the shower).

Good luck and always smile and approach.

P.S.: as you admire the ladies in the bellow photos remember to multiply them by 10 and that'll be close to how many girls in total I propositioned or attempted but was ignored!Simply beautiful! Great game! Great strategy! Give me a good reason to learn Spanish.


06-15-16, 04:24
Simply beautiful! Great game! Great strategy! Give me a good reason to learn Spanish.
Great game? Great strategy? Yeah, if you are a guy under 30 (and look 20's) maybe. I'm sorry I don't know the age of the guy who is doing this, but but anybody over 30 trying to proposition 18-19 year girls on the steet is just a creep. Stalking out parks and walking streets for teenage girls is just wrong IMO.

Papi Que Rico
06-15-16, 05:15
Great game? Great strategy? Yeah, if you are a guy under 30 (and look 20's) maybe. I'm sorry I don't know the age of the guy who is doing this, but but anybody over 30 trying to proposition 18-19 year girls on the steet is just a creep. Stalking out parks and walking streets for teenage girls is just wrong IMO.You seem not to be aware of the different attitudes about this in Latin America. While the men are looking for youth and beauty, the women are looking for security and that almost always means someone older, someone who has had time to amass at least some financial resources. I think you are applying values from a different society to a situation in Colombia.

06-15-16, 05:31
Great game? Great strategy? Yeah, if you are a guy under 30 (and look 20's) maybe. I'm sorry I don't know the age of the guy who is doing this, but but anybody over 30 trying to proposition 18-19 year girls on the steet is just a creep. Stalking out parks and walking streets for teenage girls is just wrong IMO.What's wrong with a guy wanting to go with girls of legal age younger than him. Your implying that any guy who approach's s a woman more than 10 years younger is a creep. Perhaps you should clarify this as my bet is that 99% of the guys on this board go with girls at least 10 years younger. As far as meeting women in parks and streets what's wrong with that? To me it beats the casa's and the clubs.

06-15-16, 05:34
You seem not to be aware of the different attitudes about this in Latin America. While the men are looking for youth and beauty, the women are looking for security and that almost always means someone older, someone who has had time to amass at least some financial resources. I think you are applying values from a different society to a situation in Colombia.Sounds like values and attitudes of a North American society to me.

Member #4398
06-15-16, 06:45
Older man Going out with the Colombian 18-19 year old girls and is not that creepy. I don't find it creepy and I'm 47. The girls don't seem to care as long as they like you. I have seen a lot of older Colombian guys with girls several decades younger too and they seem fine. Keep in mind you are in a different culture where this is more normalized. I don't see that this is wrong as you think. Then don't come to Colombia and stay in the USA fucking old ugly putas (if you find any). Who cares anyway since we are not breaking any laws and everyone is consenting. Those 18 year old girls that the other poster is hunting and having so much fun also want to be with him or older man like us. Yes they after our money and potential security we could provide, but we are after their beauty, pussy, company, and youth. And also those young girls are often the one doing the hunting with their flirtatious ways, manners, dress, gestures, etc. Just relax and have fun with a hot 18 Colombian girl.

Great game? Great strategy? Yeah, if you are a guy under 30 (and look 20's) maybe. I'm sorry I don't know the age of the guy who is doing this, but but anybody over 30 trying to proposition 18-19 year girls on the steet is just a creep. Stalking out parks and walking streets for teenage girls is just wrong IMO.

06-15-16, 07:37
You seem not to be aware of the different attitudes about this in Latin America. While the men are looking for youth and beauty, the women are looking for security and that almost always means someone older, someone who has had time to amass at least some financial resources. I think you are applying values from a different society to a situation in Colombia.Very true but there are limits. BrasilSoccer0 is approaching women on the street in el centro where there is absolutely no expectation of privacy and where women will be most open to this kind of offer.

Now if he was approaching strata 5 and 6 chicks at El Tesoro mall. I'd be in 100 percent agreement with Queen35.

06-15-16, 09:19
Great game? Great strategy? Yeah, if you are a guy under 30 (and look 20's) maybe. I'm sorry I don't know the age of the guy who is doing this, but but anybody over 30 trying to proposition 18-19 year girls on the steet is just a creep. Stalking out parks and walking streets for teenage girls is just wrong IMO.By that standard, anyone who goes to Medellin (or any other common mongering destination), who is over 30, for the purpose of paying women 18-19 for sex is just wrong.

Does it make it right if she's in a casa, a strip club or just walking down the street? How about if the guy is 25, but looks 35 and the girl is 25, but looks 18? Is it wrong because they appear to have your declared "creep" age difference? What if the 18 year old is actively flirting with the over 30 man, because he's the type and age she prefers? What if he turned 30 yesterday and she turns 20 tomorrow? Does that 2 day difference in ages make it creepy?

Prior to WW2, an age difference greater than 10 years was common throughout the world, and still is common in most of the world. In the US today, about 7. 5% of marriages have a husband at least 10 years older than the wife. If you find the age difference creepy, it's probably best if you stay home, because anywhere in Central America, South America, Europe or Asia, you're going to see a lot of things to creep you out. I expect the same is true for Africa and Australia.

Maybe what's wrong is your belief that you're qualified to judge the rest of the world. Especially from the vantage point of someone on a forum dedicated to Pay 4 Play sex, who apparently travels around to find young women for cheap sex.

06-15-16, 11:44

We all know about the Casas and the pros and where to find them


P.S.: as you admire the ladies in the bellow photos remember to multiply them by 10 and that'll be close to how many girls in total I propositioned or attempted but was ignored!Excellent. Any chance you can put me into contact with that girl with long hair hanging over her ass?

Fun Luvr
06-15-16, 14:01
...Before that I bought some Viagra from a pharmacy, I paid 40 M for 4 in Llaures (more to that in my report next day.) I buy the generic brand (Genfar) which works just as well or better than the Viagra brand for me. The cost is less than 4 mil for four 50 MG tablets at the pharmacy on Calle 10 across from the Mondongo restaurant near Park Lleras.

El Mechanico
06-15-16, 15:08
Great game? Great strategy? Yeah, if you are a guy under 30 (and look 20's) maybe. I'm sorry I don't know the age of the guy who is doing this, but but anybody over 30 trying to proposition 18-19 year girls on the steet is just a creep. Stalking out parks and walking streets for teenage girls is just wrong IMO.I totally agree. Maybe it works for him, props to him, enjoy! That's a lot of walking, a lot of time invested, a lot of rejections (1 out of 100's? & you may get in trouble for looking like a stalker. No thanks, I'll stick to the sure bet!

Member #4394
06-15-16, 15:27
Well-balanced, realistic view.

Very true but there are limits. BrasilSoccer0 is approaching women on the street in el centro where there is absolutely no expectation of privacy and where women will be most open to this kind of offer.

Now if he was approaching strata 5 and 6 chicks at El Tesoro mall. I'd be in 100 percent agreement with Queen35.

06-15-16, 16:44
I buy the generic brand (Genfar) which works just as well or better than the Viagra brand for me. The cost is less than 4 mil for four 50 MG tablets at the pharmacy on Calle 10 across from the Mondongo restaurant near Park Lleras.The quality of generic Viagra can and does vary from brand to brand. Some brands are excellent, others are crap. Even within a brand you can get a batch where the active ingredients are not where they should be. The best bet it to buy from one of the national chains. I stocked up on Viagra from a little pharmacy in El Centro. They must have decided to screw the gringo because they were all crap.

06-15-16, 17:23
Great game? Great strategy? Yeah, if you are a guy under 30 (and look 20's) maybe. I'm sorry I don't know the age of the guy who is doing this, but but anybody over 30 trying to proposition 18-19 year girls on the steet is just a creep. Stalking out parks and walking streets for teenage girls is just wrong IMO.I am amazed that we have guys under 30 who actually participate in this hobby and read this forum. Except for an occasional bachelor party or vacation, this is no hobby for young guys. Its for the old farts. We have put in the all the hard work chasing pussy all these years and now we need a break. Any self-respecting young guy should be getting free pussy through game, except during emergency periods of extreme pussy drought.

Charm City Dave
06-15-16, 23:15

We all know about the Casas and the pros and where to find them. This report is not about those venues, instead I look for the nonpros and your avarage teen in the street from the barrios. ......

Great report. I'm one of those for whom foreign languages comes very tough. I continue to study but will likely never be fluent enough, but one can dream.

Mr Enternational
06-15-16, 23:58
I totally agree. Maybe it works for him, props to him, enjoy! That's a lot of walking, a lot of time invested, a lot of rejections (1 out of 100's? & you may get in trouble for looking like a stalker. No thanks, I'll stick to the sure bet!It is just like talking to regular chicks everyday, except when he gets so far he offers to pay them. To tell the truth he could probably fuck them without paying them as same as it is done with regular chicks. If they offered to go for a drink with him as a regular chick, then 9 times out of 10 they would fuck him. He should try it without offering the money and see what happens. Regular chicks like to fuck too. It is not always about money.

06-16-16, 01:10
It is just like talking to regular chicks everyday, except when he gets so far he offers to pay them. To tell the truth he could probably fuck them without paying them as same as it is done with regular chicks. If they offered to go for a drink with him as a regular chick, then 9 times out of 10 they would fuck him. He should try it without offering the money and see what happens. Regular chicks like to fuck too. It is not always about money.Sustained! Spoken like a true player!

Member #4394
06-16-16, 03:05
. I stocked up on Viagra from a little pharmacy in El Centro. They must have decided to screw the gringo because they were all crap.Were they just ineffective? Or any side effects? Thanks.

06-16-16, 03:57
I am amazed that we have guys under 30 who actually participate in this hobby and read this forum. Except for an occasional bachelor party or vacation, this is no hobby for young guys. Its for the old farts. We have put in the all the hard work chasing pussy all these years and now we need a break. Any self-respecting young guy should be getting free pussy through game, except during emergency periods of extreme pussy drought.For us old farts we are in what's called the "Pay Pool".

06-16-16, 07:51
I am amazed that we have guys under 30 who actually participate in this hobby and read this forum. Except for an occasional bachelor party or vacation, this is no hobby for young guys. Its for the old farts. We have put in the all the hard work chasing pussy all these years and now we need a break. Any self-respecting young guy should be getting free pussy through game, except during emergency periods of extreme pussy drought.Maybe a lot of the younger guys are sick of the dating game. Dinner, drinks and endless listening to the useless chatter coming out of their mouths. After all the time and expense, maybe you get lucky and get laid. Then afterwards you discover it wasn't worth all the time, money, effort and you could have payed to have a hotter babe fuck your brains out for less. I learned a long time ago that there is no such thing as free, there is always a price to pay.

I started mongering in my 50's. My only regret is I didn't start in my 20's.

06-16-16, 11:48
Were they just ineffective? Or any side effects? Thanks.Yes, just ineffective. No side effects. Poor quality control over the manufacturing process means inconsistent effectiveness.

06-16-16, 11:52
Great report. I'm one of those for whom foreign languages comes very tough. I continue to study but will likely never be fluent enough, but one can dream.The key to learning Spanish is practice, practice practice. You can't learn it from a book or on the internet or from a college course. You learn it by doing it. Immersion is the best way. I currently use a tutor in Medellin. I met with her on my recent trip each day. Now I do it over Skype 3 times a week. I am making a lot of progress. If anyone wants a tutor PM me.

El Mechanico
06-16-16, 14:51
I started mongering in my 50's. My only regret is I didn't start in my 20's.My thoughts exactly. I 'Discovered' Costa Rica 6 years ago & although will continue to go back fishing out of Jaco / Los Suenos with friends, find myself growing weary of it after 4 or 5 days. Which is why I am going to MDE at the end of this month. I know, I know. I'm one of the guys that is ruining it for the rest of why'all, however, I do know how to keep a low profile, speak Spanish fairly well & I don't act like the stereotypical Gringo! I am in the 'Old Fart' category (55 yo) & will be staying at the Mansion as it is my first trip to the MDE. Hopefully everything will go as well as I hope and I will have a detailed TR following my return.

Lots of useful intel here. So thanks to everyone!

El Mechanico

El Mechanico
06-16-16, 15:59
In RTFF posts from the last 2 years, the subject of learning, speaking & IMO, most importantly, understanding Spanish has come up from time to time. I consider myself a fairly good Spanish speaker after 13 semesters of university level Spanish & probably 40+ trips to Mexico, & several Central Am. Countries as well as being married to a Honduran woman for a short while.

My definition of 'Fluent' in Spanish is speaking well enough to go to court in a Spanish speaking country & completely understand what is being said to me. I have no problem getting around, talking to the chicas, traveling, ordering food or whatever, however, from time to time, I have to ask whomever I am talking to to repeat themselves & eventually get what they are saying. And of course the dialects & slang is different from country to country, as I discovered in Panama last December in speaking to a Colombian, Cuban, Venezuelan & local girls.

I know that someone who grew up in a Spanish speaking household or in a Spanish speaking country & Spanish is his first language, would be considered fluent. What I find amusing are the people that speak cartoon Spanish.

In the Del Rey 2/8 in the lobby bar, I overheard a fellow monger talking to a chica at a table behind me.

His sentence verbatim, "I sorry my friend make you cry. I no make you cry!

He was using baby babble to say, "I'm sorry my friend made you cry, I won't make you cry!

What is up with this I don't know Spanish, so if I talk like (I'm talking to) a baby in broken English, they will understand me!

If she understands the baby babble, she will understand you when you speak correct English. One does not assimilate into another culture by speaking slow, loud, broken English Baby Babble!

When I was in Thailand in the mid-80's (oilfield) a fellow employee would use this slow, louder than normal, broken English to pretend like he was speaking Thai. Simply idiotic in my opinion.

My point is, why not put out 5 minutes worth of effort & learn how to say 'Lo siento que mi amigo te hizo llorar! Yo no voy a hacerte llorar!

Even if what I just typed is broken Spanish, it's a gazillion times more appropriate than cartoon broken on purpose English!! Spanish is not that hard to learn people.

So, if that is the only thing I have to ponder on today, it'll be a good day!

Your thoughts gentlemen?? Feel free to guff, harass & call me out as needed!


El Mechanico

El Mechanico
06-16-16, 16:16
When I first joined in April, I posted a few questions & was promptly told to RTFF!! I wasn't to happy about it, however, having 3 months to research & gather intel on the MDE, I started reading posts from 4/2014 which is about page 380 ish right now. I am 'up' to page 165 & have about 120 or so pages to get caught up to the point where I joined.

I must say, whoever told me to RTFF was correct! All of my initial questions were answered plus a ton more. There is so much info in the posts that almost any topic has already been answered ad infinitum! In reading all of the posts in chronological order, I can understand why the regulars get aggravated with newbies (I still consider myself a newbie!) asking a question that was discussed a page or two earlier.

Anyway, great forum & thanks for the advice to RTFF. There is a vast wealth ok knowledge in this forum!!


El Mechanico

06-16-16, 21:39
Older man Going out with the Colombian 18-19 year old girls and is not that creepy. I don't find it creepy and I'm 47. The girls don't seem to care as long as they like you. I have seen a lot of older Colombian guys with girls several decades younger too and they seem fine. Keep in mind you are in a different culture where this is more normalized. I don't see that this is wrong as you think. Then don't come to Colombia and stay in the USA fucking old ugly putas (if you find any). Who cares anyway since we are not breaking any laws and everyone is consenting. Those 18 year old girls that the other poster is hunting and having so much fun also want to be with him or older man like us. Yes they after our money and potential security we could provide, but we are after their beauty, pussy, company, and youth. And also those young girls are often the one doing the hunting with their flirtatious ways, manners, dress, gestures, etc. Just relax and have fun with a hot 18 Colombian girl.I agree with you, however, I do not know how other hobbyists feel but in my last few trips to Medellin I became very self conscious about how the paisas in the street view me. I get the feeling that they see gringos as mongers. Shadowing young girls in the streets would just be too much of a spotlight on me. I stand out enough as it is already. I prefer to be covert which is why I would much prefer to do the same in a non pro club. I have grown to like Sao Paulo very much which is where I am now. Here I am anonymous and not focussed on by street folks, I blend in much better here. With the advent of hoards of gringo mongers invading Medellin I think SP is the future of my Latin American hobbying. This city is just too huge to go the way of Sosua, Panama City, San Jose, etc.

06-16-16, 21:58
'Lo siento que mi amigo te hizo llorar! Yo no voy a hacerte llorar!That would certainly be understood by any Spanish speaker. But, in that sentence, 'lo siento' expresses an emotion on the part of the speaker. That (plus a change in subject, so the infinitive cannot be used) is one of the triggers for the use of the subjunctive in the dependent clause, so it would be: '¡Lo siento que mi amigo te hiciera llorar!'

The way to master the subjunctive, which is rarely used in English but continually used in Spanish, is first to be able to recognize it when you hear it, from the change in the vowel of the conjugated verb: 'a' becomes 'e' and 'e' and 'i' become 'a'; unfortunately 'hacer' is irregular in the subjunctive so the pattern doesn't hold. Those verbs you just have to memorize. Then, once you can recognize it, every time you hear it, ask yourself why the speaker used the subjunctive.

The acronymn 'WEIRD-O' covers most of the triggers that, when occurring in the subject or independent clause, require the use of the subjunctive mood in the dependent clause (if there is a change in the subject; if no change in subject, the infinitive would be used).

W: Wishes.

E: Emotions (such as 'I'm sorry that')

I: Impersonal expressions: Es necesario que, es bueno que, es mal que, con tal que, etc.

R: Recommendations: Te aviso que, te mando que, te digo que, sugiero que, etc.

T: Doubt: Dudo que, no creo que, es posible que, es probable que, es difícil que, es raro que, etc.

O: orders, or the command or imperative tense. While not technically the subjunctive, the second-person formal or Ud. commands are formed the same way as the third-person subjunctive (el, ella).

Hope that helps!

06-16-16, 22:10
Maybe a lot of the younger guys are sick of the dating game. Dinner, drinks and endless listening to the useless chatter coming out of their mouths. After all the time and expense, maybe you get lucky and get laid. Then afterwards you discover it wasn't worth all the time, money, effort and you could have payed to have a hotter babe fuck your brains out for less. I learned a long time ago that there is no such thing as free, there is always a price to pay.
This times 1-muthafuckin-00!

I'm in my early 30's. I made my first official mongering trip to Blackbeard's in Puerto Plata (DR) at the age of 26. The dating game in the US is just as TellAll described it. Even today I luck up and can get a chick that I met online to come over to chill without having to go through the song and dance of meeting up for coffee, dinner, walk in the park, etc. But that may happen once out of every 20 chicks I come across. You'll go fucking broke before you get laid dating here, LOL. I meet a lot of women online, but I don't have the time, money, nor energy to go on a date every single night of the week or multiple dates with a handful of chicks.

Most of them explicitly state upfront "I'm not coming to your house, and you are not coming to mine!" And I have also found that most of the women here work just as much as I do, if not more. Double that if they have a kid or two. Mongering works for me because it allows me to keep more of my time, which is just as valuable as money to me.

It'd be a lot different if I looked like a young Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and had to beat women off of me with a stick daily. But I am the one that has to do the chasing and it's just not worth it most of the time.

When I think about it, all of my paid pussy (including here in the US) looks-wise was 10x hotter than any of my non-p4p American pussy.

06-16-16, 22:55
This times 1-muthafuckin-00!

I'm in my early 30's. I made my first official mongering trip to Blackbeard's in Puerto Plata (DR) at the age of 26. The dating game in the US is just as TellAll described it. Even today I luck up and can get a chick that I met online to come over to chill without having to go through the song and dance of meeting up for coffee, dinner, walk in the park, etc. But that may happen once out of every 20 chicks I come across. You'll go fucking broke before you get laid dating here, LOL. I meet a lot of women online, but I don't have the time, money, nor energy to go on a date every single night of the week or multiple dates with a handful of chicks.

Most of them explicitly state upfront "I'm not coming to your house, and you are not coming to mine!" And I have also found that most of the women here work just as much as I do, if not more. Double that if they have a kid or two. Mongering works for me because it allows me to keep more of my time, which is just as valuable as money to me..If you are going to be a working girl monger your whole life, this is fine. Its all good. But, if you ever plan to breed responsibly, this stuff completely distorts real life. It fucks you up for normal women. No girl who might be considered mother material will match these beauties. Even in Medellin, most of the men marry the respectable girls. They may visit a cat house occasionally but don't make a career out of it. That's why it works well for most of us older guys. We already got all that stuff out of the way and are just looking for fun now.

06-17-16, 00:53
I am amazed that we have guys under 30 who actually participate in this hobby and read this forum. Except for an occasional bachelor party or vacation, this is no hobby for young guys. Its for the old farts. We have put in the all the hard work chasing pussy all these years and now we need a break. Any self-respecting young guy should be getting free pussy through game, except during emergency periods of extreme pussy drought.I disagree, I am over 40 now, but I learned about P4 P at the ripe age of 19. Once you learn that you can get all the pussy you want, with almost no effort, why in the hell would you go back to wasting all the time. Money, and energy to get laid in the US? I look at chicks in US now, and I think to myself, if other dudes knew about Colombia or Costa Rica or Dominican Republic Etc, they would NEVER have a date again.

06-17-16, 01:42
I disagree, I am over 40 now, but I learned about P4 P at the ripe age of 19. Once you learn that you can get all the pussy you want, with almost no effort, why in the hell would you go back to wasting all the time. Money, and energy to get laid in the US? I look at chicks in US now, and I think to myself, if other dudes knew about Colombia or Costa Rica or Dominican Republic Etc, they would NEVER have a date again.We don't want those guys to know about places like Colombia, CR and DR. We want them to stay in the USA, date and slop those American hogs and leave the hotties of places like those to the 1 percenters like us. LOL.

06-17-16, 01:43
I agree with you, however, I do not know how other hobbyists feel but in my last few trips to Medellin I became very self conscious about how the paisas in the street view me. I get the feeling that they see gringos as mongers. Shadowing young girls in the streets would just be too much of a spotlight on me. I stand out enough as it is already. I prefer to be covert which is why I would much prefer to do the same in a non pro club. I have grown to like Sao Paulo very much which is where I am now. Here I am anonymous and not focussed on by street folks, I blend in much better here. With the advent of hoards of gringo mongers invading Medellin I think SP is the future of my Latin American hobbying. This city is just too huge to go the way of Sosua, Panama City, San Jose, etc.Again, it depends on where you are in MDE. In Poblado, for the most part, they do see us as mongers. It can be done, but you have to be pretty smooth to pull it off. In other parts of the City, it will be easier. However, even in those parts, I wouldn't recommend it unless you have some moxie. Whether the chica is pro, non-pro or semi-pro, this method requires a bit of game to make the chica feel comfortable.

06-17-16, 01:44
We don't want those guys to know about places like Colombia, CR and DR. We want them to stay in the USA, date and slop those American hogs and leave the hotties of places like those to the 1 percenters like us. LOL.Hah! Sites like this are a blessing and a curse at the same time.

Member #4394
06-17-16, 01:49
Somehow I enjoy dating girls, ie. Walking in parks, dining at nice restaurants, regardless whether or not I have sex with them. Also, I enjoy easy sex in Colombia. But it does not substitute the fun I can have when I date girls I like. Perhaps the two things are totally different things without means-end relationship.

I disagree, I am over 40 now, but I learned about P4 P at the ripe age of 19. Once you learn that you can get all the pussy you want, with almost no effort, why in the hell would you go back to wasting all the time. Money, and energy to get laid in the US? I look at chicks in US now, and I think to myself, if other dudes knew about Colombia or Costa Rica or Dominican Republic Etc, they would NEVER have a date again..

Johnny Five
06-17-16, 01:55
Maybe a lot of the younger guys are sick of the dating game. Dinner, drinks and endless listening to the useless chatter coming out of their mouths. After all the time and expense, maybe you get lucky and get laid. Then afterwards you discover it wasn't worth all the time, money, effort and you could have payed to have a hotter babe fuck your brains out for less. I learned a long time ago that there is no such thing as free, there is always a price to pay.

I started mongering in my 50's. My only regret is I didn't start in my 20's.I'm in my mid-thirties and started mongering a couple years ago. On a weekly basis now I think about all of the time and money I could have saved, amazing destinations I could have traveled to, and fun times I could have had if only I had reeled in the expenses of trying to impress non-pros here at home. Luckily my moment of clarity came to me on my first visit to the Phil. I'm looking into visiting Medellin this Fall and could not be more content with my decisions over the past two years. In short, I agree wholeheartedly with what you say!

06-17-16, 03:25
Somehow I enjoy dating girls, ie. Walking in parks, dining at nice restaurants, regardless whether or not I have sex with them. Also, I enjoy easy sex in Colombia. But it does not substitute the fun I can have when I date girls I like. Perhaps the two things are totally different things without means-end relationship..I agree that the intimacy of dating can be its own reward. The problem I have is with exclusivity. I took a couple of girls I met in casas in Medellin on dates. Dinner, dancing, movies, etc. The impact as far as their appreciation for being treated like a regular lady was very evident, both in their emotions / words and their passion in the sack afterward.

Member #4394
06-17-16, 04:12
Several times, the members, if not me, have had heated debates on that "ideological" issue, namely, 1) whether or not you should take pros to public restaurants / clubs, and 2) whether or not you should date pros. The debate was very emotional, contentious, and often ugly. So I keep the mouth shut, and you may want to do the same.

I agree that the intimacy of dating can be its own reward. The problem I have is with exclusivity. I took a couple of girls I met in casas in Medellin on dates. Dinner, dancing, movies, etc. The impact as far as their appreciation for being treated like a regular lady was very evident, both in their emotions / words and their passion in the sack afterward..

Mr Enternational
06-17-16, 04:22
In RTFF posts from the last 2 years, the subject of learning, speaking & IMO, most importantly, understanding Spanish has come up from time to time. I consider myself a fairly good Spanish speaker after 13 semesters of university level Spanish Damn bro, what school did you go to? I have a BA in French and it only took 8 semesters (4 years - 18 French classes) to graduate. You must have a Masters in Spanish.

06-17-16, 04:52
By that standard, anyone who goes to Medellin (or any other common mongering destination), who is over 30, for the purpose of paying women 18-19 for sex is just wrong.
If you go to an MP or call a known pro working girl, and choose an 18 year old, and you could be 80, who cares. But to approach non-pros on the street who are the same age (or younger) than your own kids, and proposition them with sex for money, is plain creepy. One day, he may find himself on the wrong side of an ass whooping if the wrong Colombiano sees this happening on the street. Whether or not age difference is more accepted in Latin America is irrelevant in this scenario because he's not asking them on a regular date. And FYI- I'm kind of familiar with the LA customs, my wife is originally from Central America, not that I need to validate myself.

If you don't understand the difference, then there's no reason to say anything more on this subject.

06-17-16, 05:25
Lo siento que mi amigo te hizo llorar! Yo no voy a hacerte llorar!

That would certainly be understood by any Spanish speaker. But, in that sentence, 'lo siento' expresses an emotion on the part of the speaker. That (plus a change in subject, so the infinitive cannot be used) is one of the triggers for the use of the subjunctive in the dependent clause, so it would be: 'Lo siento que mi amigo te hiciera llorar!'

The way to master the subjunctive, which is rarely used in English but continually used in Spanish, is first to be able to recognize it when you hear it, from the change in the vowel of the conjugated verb: 'a' becomes 'e' and 'e' and 'i' become 'a'; unfortunately 'hacer' is irregular in the subjunctive so the pattern doesn't hold. Those verbs you just have to memorize. Then, once you can recognize it, every time you hear it, ask yourself why the speaker used the subjunctive.

The acronymn 'WEIRD-O' covers most of the triggers that, when occurring in the subject or independent clause, require the use of the subjunctive mood in the dependent clause (if there is a change in the subject; if no change in subject, the infinitive would be used).

W: Wishes.

E: Emotions (such as 'I'm sorry that')

I: Impersonal expressions: Es necesario que, es bueno que, es mal que, con tal que, etc.

R: Recommendations: Te aviso que, te mando que, te digo que, sugiero que, etc.

T: Doubt: Dudo que, no creo que, es posible que, es probable que, es difcil que, es raro que, etc.

O: orders, or the command or imperative tense. While not technically the subjunctive, the second-person formal or Ud. commands are formed the same way as the third-person subjunctive (el, ella).

Hope that helps!This is great for anybody looking to learn perfect Spanish. I doubt anybody on this forum (apart from the hnadful who permanently live in LA) would / should waste time on it.

I'm gringo who learned Spanish from scratch and am almost fluent. I had to as my wife didn't speak any English when we met 11 years ago in Central America. I worked hard at it, and was very much "immersed" in it with my girl and that helped me learn, but I would not expect an occasional travaler to LA to learn to speak in the subjunctive. The original statement is correct and would be understood by 100% of Spanish speakers. I would suggest that occasional travelers work on learning how to speak in the present, both past tenses, and future only. This way you can effectively communicate with all Spanish speakers. Forget the subjunctive. Unless you want to earn a degree in Spanish, plan to live full time in a Spanish speaking country, or just want a gold star on a monger forum, it's a waste of time.

06-17-16, 05:30
If you go to an MP or call a known pro working girl, and choose an 18 year old, and you could be 80, who cares. But to approach non-pros on the street who are the same age (or younger) than your own kids, and proposition them with sex for money, is plain creepy. One day, he may find himself on the wrong side of an ass whooping if the wrong Colombiano sees this happening on the street. Whether or not age difference is more accepted in Latin America is irrelevant in this scenario because he's not asking them on a regular date. And FYI- I'm kind of familiar with the LA customs, my wife is originally from Central America, not that I need to validate myself.

If you don't understand the difference, then there's no reason to say anything more on this subject.If your original post wasn't so specific about ages and it had focused on the risks, rather than it being "creepy", I might agree with you.

No matter the location, or the girl's pro status, it's still a guy over 30 trying to pick up a girl under 20 for sex. If it's creepy on a street corner with a non-pro, it's creepy 2 blocks over with a pro.

It looks like you're trying to justify what you do while condemning others for using a different method to get the same results.

Certainly his way has risks and who knows how many are pros or semi-pros. It works for him.

06-17-16, 06:00
This is great for anybody looking to learn perfect Spanish. I doubt anybody on this forum (apart from the hnadful who permanently live in LA) would / should waste time on it.

I'm gringo who learned Spanish from scratch and am almost fluent. I had to as my wife didn't speak any English when we met 11 years ago in Central America. I worked hard at it, and was very much "immersed" in it with my girl and that helped me learn, but I would not expect an occasional travaler to LA to learn to speak in the subjunctive. The original statement is correct and would be understood by 100% of Spanish speakers. I would suggest that occasional travelers work on learning how to speak in the present, both past tenses, and future only. This way you can effectively communicate with all Spanish speakers. Forget the subjunctive. Unless you want to earn a degree in Spanish, plan to live full time in a Spanish speaking country, or just want a gold star on a monger forum, it's a waste of time.The subjunctive mood is far more widely used than the future tense, especially the "true" future tense (as opposed to the 'ir a + infinitive' construction. The original statement isn't correct (the use of the subjunctive isn't optional), but would be understood, just as one would usually be understood if the preterite and imperfect tenses are confused. And I would definitely say it's easier to learn the use of the subjunctive than to learn (completely) the difference between the imperfect and the preterite. But you're correct in that my post was not really aimed at an 'occasional traveler to LatAm,' but rather to those who want to improve their Spanish.

06-17-16, 11:24
Several times, the members, if not me, have had heated debates on that "ideological" issue, namely, 1) whether or not you should take pros to public restaurants / clubs, and 2) whether or not you should date pros. The debate was very emotional, contentious, and often ugly. So I keep the mouth shut, and you may want to do the same..We're all adults and entitled to our own, differing opinions. I for one, when deciding whether or not to take a pro out, look at how she falls on my spectrum of, constantly looking for the next John and upselling on one end to, you almost have to beg her to take money on the other end. It's not fool proof but it works for me. I often will do so with girls that aren't too over the top with tits and ass silicone or makeup. Just nice girls to be around who are, if nothing else, good at selling the fantasy / dream. As long as I'm happy in the moment and follow our general compensation averages, I don't really care what others might like or dislike. We are all from different backgrounds which have shaped our interactions with women. For anyone alone on a mongering trip, sometimes ya just get sick of eating alone and need some company. Why not with a girl you know is going to fuck your brains out later? If you can give her that bit of normalcy to an otherwise fucked up (assumption) life of pitching woo, why not? Good for all parties. And, you can get great referrals through chica gossip!

06-17-16, 12:31
If you go to an MP or call a known pro working girl, and choose an 18 year old, and you could be 80, who cares. But to approach non-pros on the street who are the same age (or younger) than your own kids, and proposition them with sex for money, is plain creepy. .I read an account of a older guy who picked up an attractive young lady in El Centro. She was from the countryside and barely surviving with her young daughter by cleaning the homes of Colombians. He treated her nice and then bought her a cell phone. She cried when he gave it to her. What is creepy to you, might be seen as a positive event for some barrio chica with nothing and no prospects.

El Mechanico
06-17-16, 14:13
That would certainly be understood by any Spanish speaker. But, in that sentence, 'lo siento' expresses an emotion on the part of the speaker. That (plus a change in subject, so the infinitive cannot be used) is one of the triggers for the use of the subjunctive in the dependent clause, so it would be: 'Lo siento que mi amigo te hiciera llorar!'

The way to master the subjunctive, which is rarely used in English but continually used in Spanish, is first to be able to recognize it when you hear it, from the change in the vowel of the conjugated verb: 'a' becomes 'e' and 'e' and 'i' become 'a'; unfortunately 'hacer' is irregular in the subjunctive so the pattern doesn't hold. Those verbs you just have to memorize. Then, once you can recognize it, every time you hear it, ask yourself why the speaker used the subjunctive..You certainly have a command of the Spanish Language. I'm sure at some point in college I was taught this but have since forgotten. Thanks!

El Mechanico.

El Mechanico
06-17-16, 14:39
Damn bro, what school did you go to? I have a BA in French and it only took 8 semesters (4 years - 18 French classes) to graduate. You must have a Masters in Spanish.You are correct, I should have at least a minor in Spanish but I got cross threaded with the Dean of the Foreign Languages dept & he 'forgot to' do all the paperwork giving me my minor. I have a BS in Petroleum Engineering that took 5 years with a couple of summers mixed in, a Masters In Intl Mgmt (2 more years with 3 months total immersion in Guadalajara, Mex) & a DDS (5 more years) after that with stints in the oilfield between the degrees. I tell everyone I hated work more than I hated school so I just stayed in school. Like I tell my sons, why anyone would chose to go to work rather than go to school I have no idea & they have never seen Animal House!! Ha.

El Mechanico

06-17-16, 17:15
Five years to get an engineering degree? That's nothing! From the time I took my first Spanish class to when I received my college degree was 43 years; from the time I took my first college Spanish class to receiving my degree was 25 years.

06-17-16, 18:37
Has anyone purchased prescription pain medication without a prescription in any Medellin pharmacy? Also what are the Colombian names for drugs (brand name or generic) like Percocet, Oxycodone, Tramadol, etc?


James Dandy
06-17-16, 19:40
Article with photos:


Why people think Poblado is safe but El Centro is not is beyond me.

Mr Enternational
06-17-16, 21:02
Has anyone purchased prescription pain medication without a prescription in any Medellin pharmacy? Also what are the Colombian names for drugs (brand name or generic) like Percocet, Oxycodone, Tramadol, etc?

Thanks.You have to have a prescription for narcotics.

Member #4394
06-17-16, 21:30
It is not that simple amigo. What if the presence of you and a pro makes middle class families with children at a restaurant uncomfortable and embarrased? What if your presence looks like a caricature of idiot gringo mongers who are disrespectful to Colombian public?

As long as I'm happy in the moment and follow our general compensation averages, I don't really care what others might like or dislike. We are all from different background!.

06-17-16, 21:48
Article with photos:


Why people think Poblado is safe but El Centro is not is beyond me.That's too bad. From the third paragraph in the article I'm guessing the guy on the moto was demanding his possessions and the victim refused to hand them over. Or it could have been some kind of deal (drugs, chica) gone wrong.

If I never read the headline of the article, the photos of him in shorts would have immediately told me this was a gringo.

06-17-16, 22:53
It is not that simple amigo. What if the presence of you and a pro makes middle class families with children at a restaurant uncomfortable and embarrased? What if your presence looks like a caricature of idiot gringo mongers who are disrespectful to Colombian public?

.So we should base all of our actions on whether someone else will be offended? I understand there are limitations. If a Gringo is sitting at a restaurant, with 3 fingers up some girls pussy, he's crossed the line. If he's just sitting down having lunch, dinner or a few drinks with a woman and someone gets offended, they can go fuck themselves.

Do I have to worry about ordering a hamburger because a Vegan might see me? Should I give up pork so I don't risk offending the Jews and Muslims? Should I shave my beard for the people who don't like facial hair? How about shaving my head for the bald guys who don't appreciate a man of my age with a full head of hair?

Not too terribly long ago, I walked around Bogota, ate lunch, did some sightseeing and chatted with a woman almost young enough to be my granddaughter. Because of my limited Spanish, much of the time we were huddled together over her iPad, translating things for each other. Even though we spent our time in the better parts of the city, nobody paid us any attention. If anyone was offended, they kept it to themselves.

I'm all for limiting idiot gringo public behavior, but having dinner with a girl doesn't qualify.

06-17-16, 23:57
It is not that simple amigo. What if the presence of you and a pro makes middle class families with children at a restaurant uncomfortable and embarrased? What if your presence looks like a caricature of idiot gringo mongers who are disrespectful to Colombian public?.Caricature? Dude, how'd you know how oversize my head is? Hahaha! It's absolutely that simple. It is my option to do so if I want. I don't hang out with girls that "dress" like putas, and I keep my conversations, attire, and demeanor appropriate to my surroundings. While I may stand out as a gringo, I endeavor to ensure my date doesn't stand out as a working girl. Now, if folks assume a girl is a pro just because she's with a gringo, then those are discriminatory, prejudicial, and xenophobic issues that Colombian society needs to work on. Not the girl who has the rare opportunity to spend an evening above her strata and certainly not my problem.

Thanks for your keen insight!

06-18-16, 18:48
You have to have a prescription for narcotics.Thanks. But geez, everyone is getting nose candy as party favors like picking up chips and salsa, and I can't get medication for my, umm, bad back?

06-18-16, 20:30
Welcome to Mde. Where nose candy is more common than chips and salsa. LOL

Thanks. But geez, everyone is getting nose candy as party favors like picking up chips and salsa, and I can't get medication for my, umm, bad back?.

Mr Enternational
06-18-16, 21:09
Thanks. But geez, everyone is getting nose candy as party favors like picking up chips and salsa, and I can't get medication for my, umm, bad back?But that is only a common plant with gasoline and ammonia and shit poured all over it.

Bone Roller
06-18-16, 21:53
That's too bad. From the third paragraph in the article I'm guessing the guy on the moto was demanding his possessions and the victim refused to hand them over. Or it could have been some kind of deal (drugs, chica) gone wrong.

If I never read the headline of the article, the photos of him in shorts would have immediately told me this was a gringo.I rarely post, but I must say this gives me pause. I'm due for my second tour in a couple of weeks, speak decent Spanish and generally focus on non-pros. I try to be conscious and aware, but that being said, by the look of it, it could easily be me laying there on the sidewalk. Any of you old timers want to give your top five safety tips specific to Medellin?

06-19-16, 00:28
Article with photos:


Why people think Poblado is safe but El Centro is not is beyond me.They think that because Poblado looks and feels like a wealthy neighborhood (which it is by Colombian standards). If you read the comments to the article, apparently there is a police station two blocks away, which shows how brazen some of these delincuentes can be.

For sure violent crime can happen in either area, but I think Poblado is probably the less risky of the two. This guy with those very Gringo shorts certainly stuck out like a sore thumb. My general rule is I don't wear shorts after dark in MDE.

It's also advisable to be aware of who is around you or approaching you. If a young male that you don't know approaches you, keep your distance. This can be harder if he's on a moto, but if you're not walking around in lala land, you can minimize the possibility of this type of situation.

06-19-16, 00:47

Has any one used the MDE airport ATM? There are 2. Based on forums, second floor ATM gives better rates. I was wondering what is ATM limit (maximum withdrawal)?

Any information on ATM is appreciated!


06-19-16, 02:45
The article makes a point of mentioning that the victim spoke to the killer for "several minutes". That suggests it may not have been a random crime. Avoid criminals and it's less likely you will be a crime victim.

I rarely post, but I must say this gives me pause. I'm due for my second tour in a couple of weeks, speak decent Spanish and generally focus on non-pros. I try to be conscious and aware, but that being said, by the look of it, it could easily be me laying there on the sidewalk. Any of you old timers want to give your top five safety tips specific to Medellin?

06-19-16, 03:03
Has any one used the MDE airport ATM? There are 2. Based on forums, second floor ATM gives better rates. I was wondering what is ATM limit (maximum withdrawal)?
Any information on ATM is appreciated!
Thanks!ATM exchange rates are usually determined by YOUR bank, not the bank who services the ATM. The ATM charges your bank in COP, and your bank determines how many dollars those pesos equal.

So every ATM (that dispenses COPs) is virtually the same as far as the exchange rate goes, with the exception of the fee. Some ATM charge fees, others don't. Citibank for example charged about $5 the last time I used it, whereas BancoColombia doesn't charge a fee at all.

06-19-16, 03:34
I rarely post, but I must say this gives me pause. I'm due for my second tour in a couple of weeks, speak decent Spanish and generally focus on non-pros. I try to be conscious and aware, but that being said, by the look of it, it could easily be me laying there on the sidewalk. Any of you old timers want to give your top five safety tips specific to Medellin?I don't consider myself an MDE vet yet (only 4 trips) but I have over 60 mongering trips total (rest to Central America and Europe), and these precautions apply everywhere. I'm sure some people will not agree with some of them, but TEHO, and personally, my theory is better safe than sorry.

1. Stay away from illegal drugs, ESPECIALLY in Colombia, Watch your drinks, and don't take open drinks from anybody. Don't let anybody (especially chicas) get / make you an open drink. They may slip you something that will knock you out for 3 days and clean you out.

2. In case you are getting robbed: give up your stuff, do not resist, you can replace money or a watch (if you're wearing a inch-thick gold chain and you get robbed, I have no sympathy for you). They only want your money, they won't hurt you if you quickly comply. Don't try to be a hero. And don't freeze up (stay cool and under control, and know you won't get hurt if you give it up quickly), they will take it as non-compliance.

3. Limit the amount of walking you do around town, especially at night. I try to walk as little as possible. I know many others will disagree with this, but I taxi everywhere I can. It's cheap and safer than walking. At night, use taxis everywhere. After midnight, keep your ass indoors. I'm sure you heard the saying "Nothing good happens after midnight. " I'll go to a strip club in centro until the early morning every now and then but it's not a daily thing.

4. Safety in numbers. When you do go out, it's always safer when in a group rather than being alone. Criminals looks for easy targets with as little unpredictability as possible. I'm not saying that being in a group is 100% safe, but it's definitely going to dissaude the petty thief.

5. Keep your valueables at home. There's no need to bring jewelry, expensive watch, expensive camera, etc on a mongering trip. Having those on you makes you a nice meaty target.

6. Don't go out drunk (or less than fully aware). You need to be aware of your surroundings. You need to be able make a strategic decision if shit hits the fan. You may need to run or fight. You can't do any of the when you are drunk.

7. Don't brag about how rich you are or show chicas pictures of your house, car, boat, or plane. Nobody will be impressed. But they will be curious and that could get you set up for a robbery, or worse, kidnapping (unlikely).

8. Try to go with vetted chicas. If staying at the M, use their chicas. If using Facebook, try to go with chicas who have been with other gringos before. Try to get referrals from other guys. Guys, try to help the neewr guys out, the chicas will appreciate the business and they will know that the chica is known (but that doesn't mean you should become lax about keeping an eye out on her).

9. Keep your cash and your cell phone in your pockets in the street. You want to make a call, step into a store. You need to buy something on the street, don't pull out a wad of a million pesos.

10. Lock up your valuables in hotel safe.

11. Be careful when approached on the street by English speaking locals. They are rarely straight up. Usually, it's a scammer trying to separate you from your cash.

06-19-16, 04:23

Has any one used the MDE airport ATM? There are 2. Based on forums, second floor ATM gives better rates. I was wondering what is ATM limit (maximum withdrawal)? Any information on ATM is appreciated! There's actually four ATM machines downstairs and the peso exchange rate for all of them is pretty much the same. However, the fees will vary, and how much you can withdraw per transaction is what you need to pay attention to. Some of the ATM's have a lower limit than others, hence you want to withdraw from the ATM's with the highest limit which a couple of months ago I think was 600,000 COP. Additionally I strongly suggest you carry more than one ATM card with you.

Fun Luvr
06-19-16, 04:39

Has any one used the MDE airport ATM? There are 2. Based on forums, second floor ATM gives better rates. I was wondering what is ATM limit (maximum withdrawal)?

Any information on ATM is appreciated!

Thanks!I have found that different banks have a slightly different rate at their ATM's. The ones at the airport will give you the same rate as the same bank's ATM's at other locations. On the first floor (arrival floor), there are two Bancolombia ATM's. They do not charge a fee and the rate is competitive with other banks. I do not know what the max withdrawal is. At Bancolombia, I always withdraw 400,000 COP because that is the highest pre-selected amount. Since my bank (Schwab) does not charge any fees, I make multiple withdrawals if I need more money. Many times, there will be people waiting to use the ATM, so I make the fastest withdrawal (pre-selected amounts). If you hesitate during the transaction, like 10 seconds, the transaction will time out and you will have to start from the beginning.

Someone else mentioned that usually your bank sets the exchange rate. I doubt that because I have received different rates at different banks within minutes of transactions. Of course, that could be hidden fees built into the transaction. Most of the Colombian owned banks do not charge an ATM fee.

Old Parr
06-19-16, 06:07
Just to let you know I am the novio of M. Psyche and we also monger as a team. Our doors are open for anyone who wants to join in.Sounds like you have a lot of fun. Since you seem to be in Medellin quite often what are currently the two most popular nightclubs? Continue to have fun and to hell what anyone thinks.

Fun Luvr
06-19-16, 06:13
I rarely post, but I must say this gives me pause. I'm due for my second tour in a couple of weeks, speak decent Spanish and generally focus on non-pros. I try to be conscious and aware, but that being said, by the look of it, it could easily be me laying there on the sidewalk. Any of you old timers want to give your top five safety tips specific to Medellin?Queens35 gave 11 very good tips a few posts down. The only one I somewhat disagree with (as he expected) is # 3 regarding using taxis. During the daytime, I always walk unless I am going further than I want to walk, or it is raining. I do it more for exercise than saving a taxi fare. After all, the minimum fare is 4600 COP, I think. I almost always give them 5000 COP ($1. 67) if the fare is less than that. I think the last two robberies outside the Mansion have been of gringos arriving in taxis.

I will emphasize Queens35's first tip. Stay away from illegal drugs. It has been reported that the last two victims of murders of foreigners (an Israeli and a Dane, this one) in Medellin were involved with drugs and supplying prepagos.

If you are walking at night, try to stay on the heavily traveled, well lit streets. In Poblado, that is calle 10 (one-way up the hill), not 10 A or 10 B.

The police in Medellin will help you. Don't hesitate to ask.

Do not wear shorts outside of where you are staying, except on Sunday during the day. Shorts label you as someone not familiar with Medellin, or not very smart.

The buses and the Metro are safe. I have heard of pick-pockets on the Metro. Loop your thump in your pocket that contains your cell phone or your money, which ever is more valuable. Don't carry excess money.

Don't get complacent. Be alert.

06-19-16, 06:37
Queens35 gave 11 very good tips a few posts down. The only one I somewhat disagree with (as he expected) is # 3 regarding using taxis. During the daytime, I always walk unless I am going further than I want to walk, or it is raining. I do it more for exercise than saving a taxi fare. After all, the minimum fare is 4600 COP, I think. I almost always give them 5000 COP ($1. 67) if the fare is less than that. I think the last two robberies outside the Mansion have been of gringos arriving in taxis.
This happened in also in Poblado just last September:

"An American tourist was shot to death during an apparent robbery attempt after leaving his hotel in a wealthy enclave of Medellin, Colombian authorities said Saturday.

Police identified the victim as John Mariani, 65, of New York, and said he was attacked Friday night when his taxi was intercepted by gunmen in a car and on a motorcycle. They said the assailants tried to take his wallet and personal belongings and shot him when he resisted. The attackers then fled."


I absolutely agree with this though:

After midnight, keep your ass indoors. I'm sure you heard the saying "Nothing good happens after midnight. "
I usually do all of my ATM and store runs during the day. Most of the time I am ordering in for dinner (just about every restaurant in Medellin delivers). I also usually have any chica coming over for the night arrive before midnight. If she is not one of my TLN chicas, I make sure to finish my biz before midnight.

As for drugs, weed (cripa) is tolerated there (in your private residence). It's about as abundant as air. Often times chicas will already have some on them and will ask if they can light up. If you want to score herb, it's just best that you have a chica that smokes it AND one you trust to just get it for you. Pay her back whatever it costs her to get it for you and maybe a propina for her troubles rather than you trying to score it yourself.

I'm not into Coke, so can't comment.

Jan 156
06-19-16, 07:35
I don't hang out with girls that "dress" like putas, and I keep my conversations, attire, and demeanor appropriate to my surroundings. While I may stand out as a gringo, I endeavor to ensure my date doesn't stand out as a working girl. Now, if folks assume a girl is a pro just because she's with a gringo, then those are discriminatory, prejudicial, and xenophobic issues that Colombian society needs to work on. Not the girl who has the rare opportunity to spend an evening above her strata and certainly not my problem.
If a pro sat down in a restaurant in your country, wouldn't you reognise her quite quicly as a pro, even a fairly well-dressed one? Even with one of your fellow countrymen? You don't notice the difference in a foreign country so easily as you're not used to the body language and culture. It's a common newbie fallacy in Brazil as well to think people 'can't tell' or are 'so open-minded and don't care. ' Right or wrong, people generally are discriminatory against pros.

06-19-16, 08:21
As for drugs, weed (cripa) is tolerated there (in your private residence). It's about as abundant as air. Often times chicas will already have some on them and will ask if they can light up. If you want to score herb, it's just best that you have a chica that smokes it AND one you trust to just get it for you. Pay her back whatever it costs her to get it for you and maybe a propina for her troubles rather than you trying to score it yourself.What he said. This most recent incident with the Dane was probably a deal gone bad, or an argument over who owed what to whom. That's why it's not a good idea for non-locals to get their party favors direct from the dealers. Better to develop a local friend or two who you could sorta trust to do the buys for you, even if it costs a bit more that way as you usually end up buying their weed or blow as well. The minute a dealer down there makes contact with a foreign client, he's already starting to think about the angles, what kind of money this guy has, what can I get / squeeze from him. It's just not smart.

06-19-16, 08:27
I rarely post, but I must say this gives me pause. I'm due for my second tour in a couple of weeks, speak decent Spanish and generally focus on non-pros. I try to be conscious and aware, but that being said, by the look of it, it could easily be me laying there on the sidewalk. Any of you old timers want to give your top five safety tips specific to Medellin?Queens gave some great advice a few posts down. I'd like to comment on a couple points in particular.

First of all, #7 is spot on and it's something a lot of guys don't appreciate. For most of us, going out and spending, say, 300,000 pesos ($100) in a night is not a big deal. For most Colombians it is, and it will attract attention. The minimum salary in MDE is about 700,000 pesos / month and ALOT of Paisas make that and ALOT make even less.

Whether with a pro or a non-pro, be very hesitant about playing the big-spender. Most of us make a good living and we could easily afford to throw money around when on vacation. Chicas, taxis, restaurants, etc are all cheap compared to what we'd pay in the US or Europe. So why not let loose and splurge? Sooner or later that behavior will get you in trouble.

Re the police, I also agree. Compared to a lot of Latin American destinations, the MDE police are pretty straight. I've talked with a few over the years and they've always been friendly and helpful.

Re walking, I sort of disagree. During the day, I walk all over the place. Hell, I walked from Poblado to Centro one time just to do it. At night, I don't do it as much and I make sure to stay in heavily trafficked areas and be very aware of anyone getting close to me.

Drugs. While reefer is widely tolerated in MDE, the laws aren't as straight-forward as some like to think. If you have someone you know well get it for you, you're probably ok. But I'd air on the side of caution.

06-19-16, 12:29
If a pro sat down in a restaurant in your country, wouldn't you reognise her quite quicly as a pro, even a fairly well-dressed one? Even with one of your fellow countrymen? You don't notice the difference in a foreign country so easily as you're not used to the body language and culture. It's a common newbie fallacy in Brazil as well to think people 'can't tell' or are 'so open-minded and don't care. ' Right or wrong, people generally are discriminatory against pros.No. At least not any pro who I would sit down to eat with. I've sat down with several in my country, without anyone noticing a thing. It all depends on the pro. No matter what country, there are lots of pros, who even their own families don't know what they do.

Even if she is giving off the prostitute signs, whatever those are, who cares? Is the restaurant going to refuse my money, because there's a pro at my table? They serve lawyers and politicians, they're in no position to judge. Are the other customers, who probably see pros on the street every day, going to make a scene because 1 of the people at a table, who is just eating and talking, is a pro? Probably not.

If someone wants to buy lunch for a local pro, good for them. If someone gets their delicate feelings hurt because they are sitting in an establishment with a Gringo and a pro, they'll either get over it or die offended.

06-19-16, 15:15
Silly question guys. When the Col peso is up its good for the US dollar. When the peso is down its bad for the US dollar. Right?

I should be rooting for the peso to go up?

06-19-16, 15:33
Can anyone recommend a place to rent for maybe 2-3 nights, that would have its own private pool or jacuzzi. Something to play in with the girls.

Member #4394
06-19-16, 16:35
When col peso against dollar is DOWN, it will take LESS amount of dollar to buy pesos. This is good for the dollar-holding travelers in Colombia Like you and a few Colombians who earn dollars. When peso is up, it takes more dollars to buy pesos. This discourages American travelers and American firms buying from Colombians.

3000 peso/$. Dollar is up, Peso is down.
1800 peso/$. Dollar is down, Peso is up.

Silly question guys. When the Col peso is up its good for the US dollar. When the peso is down its bad for the US dollar. Right?

I should be rooting for the peso to go up?.

Charm City Dave
06-19-16, 18:02
If a pro sat down in a restaurant in your country, wouldn't you reognise her quite quicly as a pro, even a fairly well-dressed one? Even with one of your fellow countrymen? You don't notice the difference in a foreign country so easily as you're not used to the body language and culture. It's a common newbie fallacy in Brazil as well to think people 'can't tell' or are 'so open-minded and don't care. ' Right or wrong, people generally are discriminatory against pros.In the US I date much younger women I usually meet in sites like Seeking Arrangement. When I'm out with a girl that has some racial similarities to me no one notices, could be my daughter I guess people think. Other month took out a fairly light skinned black girl. She was dressed as a 19 year old might be to go out on the town with her friends. Took her to a nice French Restaurant (cause I like it, not cause I was trying to impress her) and got all kind of dirty looks from other patrons.

Fun Luvr
06-19-16, 19:49
Can anyone recommend a place to rent for maybe 2-3 nights, that would have its own private pool or jacuzzi. Something to play in with the girls.Check airbnb.com. I have seen a few ads for apartments that have hot tubs / jacuzzis.

Member #4394
06-19-16, 19:50
Have fun in Medellin, and make Americans look great again.

No. At least not any pro who I would sit down to eat with. I've sat down with several in my country, without anyone noticing a thing. It all depends on the pro. No matter what country, there are lots of pros, who even their own families don't know what they do.

Even if she is giving off the prostitute signs, whatever those are, who cares? Is the restaurant going to refuse my money, because there's a pro at my table? They serve lawyers and politicians, they're in no position to judge. Are the other customers, who probably see pros on the street every day, going to make a scene because 1 of the people at a table, who is just eating and talking, is a pro? Probably not.

If someone wants to buy lunch for a local pro, good for them. If someone gets their delicate feelings hurt because they are sitting in an establishment with a Gringo and a pro, they'll either get over it or die offended..

Mr Enternational
06-19-16, 20:42
Silly question guys. When the Col peso is up its good for the US dollar. When the peso is down its bad for the US dollar. Right?

I should be rooting for the peso to go up?Depends on your purpose. If you are trying to sell things in Colombia then you want the peso up (buy more dollars with less pesos) so they can buy more of what you are selling or you can make more money. If you are just there to monger then you would want the peso down (buy more pesos with less dollars) against the dollar.

06-19-16, 22:55
Drugs. While reefer is widely tolerated in MDE, the laws aren't as straight-forward as some like to think. If you have someone you know well get it for you, you're probably ok. But I'd air on the side of caution.Could you please explain this. I thought the they are decriminalized for personal use.

06-19-16, 23:29
Could you please explain this. I thought the they are decriminalized for personal use.I thought so also, but I keep getting conflicting information. For example, Wikipedia says personal consumption is legal. Marijuanatravels.com says it's illegal. Druglawreform.com says it's technically legal but police may still apply "selective measures. ".

I also read the local newspapers and I continually see conflicting information. When in doubt I will err on the side of caution. When I'm not in my home country, I don't like to push legal issues.

06-19-16, 23:33
No. At least not any pro who I would sit down to eat with. I've sat down with several in my country, without anyone noticing a thing. It all depends on the pro. No matter what country, there are lots of pros, who even their own families don't know what they do.

Even if she is giving off the prostitute signs, whatever those are, who cares? Is the restaurant going to refuse my money, because there's a pro at my table? They serve lawyers and politicians, they're in no position to judge. Are the other customers, who probably see pros on the street every day, going to make a scene because 1 of the people at a table, who is just eating and talking, is a pro? Probably not.

If someone wants to buy lunch for a local pro, good for them. If someone gets their delicate feelings hurt because they are sitting in an establishment with a Gringo and a pro, they'll either get over it or die offended.Yeah, I think it's more how you behave than who you're with. If you're loud and obnoxious (the stereotypical "ugly American"), it looks bad. But if you keep a low profile, most Paisas won't be offended. Of course, if you're in la Cueva, you can be loud and obnoxious.

06-20-16, 00:58
Thanks to all who commented on rewarding a nice puta with a night of being treated like a human being! Good discussion.

06-20-16, 00:59
I've been in Colombia for work the last three weeks, and for a bit of that time was in and out of Medellin where I had a little time for some opportunistic mongering. As usual, there were loads of gorgeous girls, everywhere, and it was almost painful walking around town. On my first pass through the city, I stayed in the barrio Estadio where I like to make use of the aquatic center there. Convenience is key, so that makes Energy the default casa as I sometimes don't have the time or the juice to run around town. While quality seems to vary, I've had good, almost always very good, experiences there, and that was the case this year. On the first visit there were about a dozen girls, three very much to my liking, making the choice a bit of a challenge. Went with Valentina, a morena clara with an absolutely gorgeous face, nice natural body, and what's often the clincher for me, long jet black silky hair. Good choice as she was sweet, fun, sexy, no rush, great BBBJ, and overall a very good performer.

Four days later there were about 14 girls, five of whom I really liked. I know it seems stupid as hell to feel put out about having to choose which of five lovely Colombianas to fuck, but it just seems easier if there's only one or two in the group that I KNOW for sure that I want to go with. Anyway, went with Nicole, a very pretty, full figured girl with the beautiful hair I love. Big fake tits, not my favorite thing, but they worked for her, and she had a perfectly spectacular round ass. Wow, an excellent and enthusiastic performance, including a very sweet and wet BBBJ and nice DATY. Though YMMV, especially depending on your Spanish, I'the very much recommend both of these girls.

On the third visit, went with a young spinner, Iris, who I had had my eye on since the first visit. While she was overall pretty good, I'the been spoiled in the over the top expectation department by Valentina and Nicole. She wasn't bad, especially since she had the look I was in the mood for, but I wouldn't recommend her. Energy remains more expensive than the centro casas but still ridiculously cheap by my budget and totally worth it for girls like Valentina and Nicole. The girls and the place are immaculate, they've always been very polite and make a nice effort in presentation, and of course they have a more upscale ambiance.

For my fourth session, I was returning to Medellin after a few days out of town and was passing through the centro so made a stop at chicas punto com, checking both of the adjacent places. Ok line up at each place, but nothing really special. I asked the jefa for a recommendation and she recommended Alison who I almost went with, but I was in the mood for a flacita so went with Jennifer, a slim morena clara with a nice body and pretty face. It's so fucking easy to get spoiled by the many excellent girls I've enjoyed in Medellin, and by comparison Jennifer was a below average performer and definitely in the wrong business, but she was cute and I was horny, so I made the most of it. Even though I'm not a complainer and always know that it's a roll of the dice, I couldn't help but give the management an earful, mostly so that others won't waste their money.

My last about of free time was on a Sunday afternoon so with limited options I returned to chicas punto com in the hope that Alison might be there. She was. Alison is a bit tall and on the thick, but not fat, side so perhaps not to everyone's taste. She has a very sweet smile with little dimples and braces, a bit of an Asian look, long dark brown hair, great big natural tits, and caramel skin, but her top attribute was that she had the attitude and eagerness to please that we dream about. She was simply way above my already high expectations. Super sweet, energetic and passionate, awesome BBBJ with deep throat, DATY, kissed on the lips, and just sexy as hell. A super intense orgasm at 50 minutes was an absolutely perfect ending to this year's Colombia trip. What a fucking paradise.

06-20-16, 01:01
Does anyone have the 411 on a girl that goes by the name of Kelly Paisa? She had a FB site for a while but I had heard she was off the market. Someone said they thought they saw her coming out of the Hawaii Suites hotel on Friday after the game. Is she back available again?


06-20-16, 01:34
Thanks for the report and recommendations.

Can you post the prices you paid at the cassa, and upcharges, propinas, etc?

Member #4394
06-20-16, 01:47
I enjoyed reading your report. Your evaluations of Allison and Jennifer are identical to mine. Only one thing, I am not sure if Allison is "thick." She could be described as "petite" based on the American girl standard, if "medium built" for latin standard. Thank you for the excellent report.

06-20-16, 03:50
I agree, by current USA standards, Alison might not be described as "thick". And man, she's just got that perfect combo of sweet and sexy. That's funny about Jennifer. Perhaps like you, she had a look I liked and I had to give her a try. Costs at Energy were 140 k CP for the hour, and the girls asked for 40 to 50 K for BBBJ. It was a ridiculously cheap 60 K for the hour at chicas punto com and the girls asked for 20 to 30 K for BBBJ. Since I'm in Colombia and other Latin American countries for work, I'm basically getting paid to be there, so cost, especially in Medellin, is not a big issue. Though a little luck is no doubt involved, I find that the variety of girls, the convenience of the whole scene, and the potential for excellent service can be priceless so I'm happy to pay the going rates.

Member #4394
06-20-16, 04:17
Agree. I tend to go for a girl with nice body. Even if the girl is a poor performer, it doesn't hurt since it is so cheap. Plus I have some regulars who can provide good service any time. Only problem is the quality of bed at Puntos and other casas, as Cerebro previously indicated. But you can talk to mamasan and perhaps you can take the girl to a hotel close to Puntos.

I agree, by current USA standards, Alison might not be described as "thick". And man, she's just got that perfect combo of sweet and sexy. That's funny about Jennifer. Perhaps like you, she had a look I liked and I had to give her a try. Costs at Energy were 140 k CP for the hour, and the girls asked for 40 to 50 K for BBBJ. It was a ridiculously cheap 60 K for the hour at chicas punto com and the girls asked for 20 to 30 K for BBBJ. Since I'm in Colombia and other Latin American countries for work, I'm basically getting paid to be there, so cost, especially in Medellin, is not a big issue. Though a little luck is no doubt involved, I find that the variety of girls, the convenience of the whole scene, and the potential for excellent service can be priceless so I'm happy to pay the going rates..