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02-13-17, 18:56
When I got back to my apartment, I fixed myself some lunch, and chilled out with my wingman. Poor Glenn: seems like his tater tot was taking him for granted. His one suitcase was full of various gifts for her, but their first attempts at romantic lunch dates included a 3rd wheel: she brought her mother along the first time, then her friend a second time. She wanted him to make lunch reservations at the fancy rotating restaurant on the roof of the Dan Carlton. One afternoon, she wanted to shopping with him at the mall. When he suggested they walk, she refused asked that they take a cab because it was too sunny and she didn't want to "get dark. " (You delusional barrio mestiza. That ship has already sailed.) She would show up 1, 2, even 3 hours late, leaving him waiting. He was picking up that she was I told him, "You only come buy once every 3-4 months. She doesn't have a job. She is going to school. When you are here for a week or so, you should be the priority. " he agreed, and noting how she was fishing for more and more extravagant gifts (like lipo suction and butt augmentation surgeries) told me he would start setting limits. Sigh. In my mind, I demoted him to Lieutenant Save-a-Ho.
If you're going to be a sugar daddy then the girl needs to give up the goods. When I did this, the girl would pick me up from the airport, hair dyed to a color of my choosing (she would obsess over getting it right for me), and her nails and everything done to perfection. She wouldn't leave my side until I went through immigration on the way out. Surgery? Don't ever fucking pay for surgery. Geezus your buddy is getting screwed. He really needs to grab a bottle of whisky and a fistful of viagra and hit up a casa all day.

Good report. I should check out one of those parties sometimes. 70 prepagos? That's so much selection. You got to love Colombia.

Iguana Six
02-14-17, 00:42
I had sent messages to ninja-dancer after our session on Friday night. I could understand non response on Saturday, as she gets off from work at 4 am. I followed up with a phone call on Saturday night. Seems she sometimes wakes up as late as 4 or 5 pm the next day after getting off work. I asked to meet up on Sunday afternoon, so we agreed I'd give her a wake up call in the afternoon and session before she went to work.

I was concerned about timing. I wanted her in and out before Natasha, tall Russian-looking Casino Cocktail Waitress got off from work and came by at 7 pm. I met Natasha back in '09, during my maiden visit to Medellin. She was a tall, fresh, gangly 19 year old I met on her third visit to the rock house / Linda's Chicas back then, and we would keep hooking whenever I visited. Over the years, she filled out, got enhancements upstairs and downstairs, and brought her girlfriends and cousins over for memorable 3-ways on my birthday. She had already cancelled once, due to her grueling schedule at the down town casino. (10-12 hour shifts, constant shifting from day to night shift, only one day off a week. And sometimes not in between shift changes. And low tips because the casino catered to locals.).

I told her to apply at the Parque Lleras Hooters: model tall, with naturally light colored hair, and with the beauty of a 1970's Meryl Streep, her unique look would really stand out, get much better tips, and most of all, she'd be home by 3 am any night she worked there. Plus, it would be so easy to get off work and hook up with me so much easier, since I usually lodge nearby.

I stopped doing TLNs with her because waiting for her to get off a day shift, find a cab, fight through traffic, arrive close to 8 pm, feed her, session, and then hope we did all that in time for her to get enough sleep to session again before she left for work at 6 am was even worse than waiting for her to get off after a night shift, which meant either waking up early or staying a awake all night to let her in at 5:30 am, going back to sleep, and session-ing once, rarely twice, before she had to head back to work at 4:30. In addition to the job, she had also taken on care for an "adopted" son, proving that, even though she was smart enough to get on contraceptive implants a decade ago, there is nothing that will block that maternal urge. Admirable, but the last year or so, dates have been cancelled due to lack of a babysitter, like she did earlier this week.

Also, the last year or so, she has kept insisting on bringing over a friend and co-worker for at least one 3-way each time I visit. I get it, Paisas don't like to do anything alone, and she is really helping out a friend financially. Neither of them are prepagos. Natasha hung up her G-string in 2009 after dipping her toes in the water, and she does it with me as much for the sex as for the extra money, and she has not attracted a husband or boyfriend. Her co-worker was never on the program, and does this for the money and the novelty of someone who does it completely differently than her local boyfriend. The girlfriend is cute, but not really my type, not really beautiful by local standards, and I think I only get off on our 3-ways because I remind myself that I am defiling some other guy's boyfriend and imagine he will be inadvertently tasting my cock the next time she kisses him. On the positive side, Natasha has reached tall, almost Nordic looking, surgically enhanced perfection (I could suck on those perfect 38 see-cups until I got a callous on my tongue) and she won't start going down hill for at least a couple of years. That keeps me setting up at least one date per visit. And at 2009 prices of 150 k cop (yay!) and taxi fare (boo!. Although she has gotten access to a scooter and tank full of gas isn't that expensive.) That keeps me coming back, plus the fact that she has stumbled upon oral techniques that allow her to pull the leche out of me when I have been in town a few days a quart low in a way that is a pure Teutonic triumph of the will.

But it was a bit of a nail biter that afternoon. It is like not breaking the laws of physics: two things cannot exist at the same place at the same time. Likewise, two chicas cannot show up at the same place at the same time, unless they are part of a 3-way. I called ninja-dancer a 3 pm, like we agreed, as she had not worked the club the night before. She was not working at the club that night, but would take a while to eat, get ready and show up. She agreed to show up at 4:30, which meant we could have a relaxed 2-hour session, with a half hour to prep for the cocktail waitress' arrival. I set up the Jacuzzi, the bubble bath, the set of Barry White YouTube music videos. But 4:30 was too optimistic for "chica time" (tm). 4:30 became 5 pm. Okay, I thought, I cut back on some of the foreplay, and a 5 pm-6:30 would work. But then, 5 pm became 5:30. Okay, I thought, I'll power though it, and besides when cocktail waitress says she will come at 7 pm, she really arrives at 7:30. If I am lucky.

It was getting close to 6 pm, and ninja-dancer was telling me she really was on her way. I called cocktail waitress as she was getting ready to get off her shift. But no reply. It was 6:04, and I had just paid ninja-dancer's cabbie 36 k cop for her delivery from the barrio and let her into my apartment when cocktail waitress called. She had to cancel, no child care. I pretended to be disappointed, but on the inside, I was high fiving myself.

Ninja-dancer stayed for over 3 hours. She was dressed like a cute freshman, fresh out of the Colombia University dorms. We kept our clothes on for almost an hour, no rush, chatting away as we lay on my bed. I finally got to hear what her voice really sounded like: I was not able to over the din of the music at the club. After the bubble bath, she enjoyed a long session of DATY, coming twice with an almost religious intensity. It is amazing to clamp your hands around a waist so tiny your fingers and thumbs almost meet. She has just the right amount of body fat to cover what is really a very muscular physique. Away from the club setting, it was much more of a GFE (although, once again, it was a CBJ), and when we did doggie, it occurred to me that her small, but perfectly curvy butt, would fit into a big shoe box. Very pleasing, given the Kardashian-fueled blubber butt mania this decade cannot shake itself out of.

Before she left, she told me of a swinger club event she was invited to, and how one woman had gotten out of control and actually tried to chomp a bite out of her pussy. She had showed me the scratch. Amazing! She wasn't headed to the club, but she did have another private event to go to that night, another swinger club thing IIRC. She put her casual coed outfit back on, I gave her 200 k and another 10 k for the cab, and we promised to stay in touch.

It wasn't a two pop day, but it worked out better that way. I needed to save up the leche, anyway, as cocktail waitress was bringing her friend for a 3-way the next afternoon before they headed to work.

Iguana Six
02-14-17, 02:17
Cocktail Waitress and co-worker showed up for the long begged for (and slightly dreaded 3-way). No, it wasn't that they were unattractive, it was that I am not really attracted to co-worker, and Cocktail Waitress comes with too much baggage. Today, they promised to arrive at 2:30 and leave at 4:30, in order to go to work. Waitress said she would try to arrive at 2 pm, in order for us not to be rushed, but.

Thanks to Chica Time! (tm), they arrived at 3 pm. They came on one scooter, and had picaresque tales of detours and reasons why they were late. I didn't care. They showered quickly, and we went to bed. Gentlemen, the 3- or 4- way is where the female condom is at its best. Each chica gets a condom lining their chimba and you can pop in and out at will, unlike with a male condom that you have to change everytime you switch partners. It was a fairly mechanical 3-way at first. They weren't into each other so it was a case of each one taking turns getting licked by me, then sucking me, then doing one position on one of them, then doing that position on the other, then repeating the process while one showed off their body while the other was getting fucked, or licking my unattended to body parts, or caressing my balls. Eventually, I asked cocktail waitress to blow me while her friend licked my ear, sucked my nips, and made mechanical porny sounds until I came in cocktail waitresses mouth. However, I still felt another orgasm in me, so I went back to fucking both of them. Eventually, I realized I couldn't come again, so I gave up and we hit the Jacuzzi. A few minutes later, something came over me, so I got up, pointed my semi-stiff dick at co-workers' face, and within seconds she popped it in her mouth and started sucking, eyes and mouth closed, lots of dick sliding up an down her wet tongue, a soft moan coming out of her throat. How about that? I really must be giving her something her boyfriend does not. A few minutes of that, and I repeated the process with cocktail waitress. I guess I wanted the mental image of going from one to the other, wordless acceptance of a dick to the face, the contrast between tall, pale, and German looking and short, dark, and latin looking ladies, and enjoyed the porny quality of it.

They left a little after 4:40, as they always take forever to put their make up back on. They were running low on fuel and I gave them enough to fill the tank. I didn't call cocktail waitress back, and next time, I will only invite her over when she has a day off. I spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening recovering and resting. I was concerned about the weakness of my orgasm. Usually bbbjtccimnq is a religious experience for me, at least it is with some of the superstars. Today, not so much. Wasn't the testosterone shot supposed to be giving me a good "second wind" by now?

I had managed to get on the schedule of Mary-Joe (not her real name) for later that night.

I met her years ago, as part of a 3-way Hair Trigger Kelty had set up for me. Kelly made a habit of setting up 3-ways with girls she liked for herself. Sometimes, it was a girl who knew Kelty was into her, and that they had been together before, or sometimes it was a girl she had been after for a while. The very first time, and I was merely a spectator to girl-after-girl seduction as they made out, nude, on the balcony of my apartment for what seemed like half an hour. Fortunately, it was dark, and the nearest other building was hundreds of yards away. Kelty finally brought her to the bed, and Mary-Jo started paying more attention to me, foreplay-wise. When Mary-Jo didn't realize that Kelty considered herself as much the client as me, Kelty threw a temper tantrum that lasted for 5 minutes, until Mary-Joe was almost in tears. I never saw a girl guilt trip another girl into head-giving, titty licking, scissoring submission before. It was a great 3-way, long lasting. Spent, we decided that Mary-Joe should stay and that we repeat in the morning.

It took a couple of sessions before I could get Mary-Joe's out of Kelty's sight so I could get her number. She either tired of Kelty's pursuit, or was never comfortable being her bottom, and we started seeing each other independently. Mary-Joe has the face of Wisconsin community college cheerleader, light brown hair she dyes blond, bright eyes and a small mouth. About 5'4", she still carries her baby fat well, but over the years has gotten enhancements top and bottom, so the over all impression is that of a starlet from the golden age of the mid-1980's, southern California produced, adult videos shot on film and distributed on VHS cassettes, a time dominated by the girl-next-door looks of Ginger Lynn, Taija Rae, and Nikki Charm, and the sultry facial expressions of Traci Lords. Mary-Joe reminds me most of Susan Hart, combining dimples and zoftig curves, a face made for kissing and a body made for fucking. You just don't want to let go of those firm, softball sized knobs, or stop listening to the sound her bubble but makes when your hips smack against it. Sure you know that in a few years, without a good diet and exercise plan, it will deteriorate into fat surrounding silicone, but right now, it is perfect.

When I first arrived, I immediately tried calling her, and left voice mails and text messages. It took her a few days to respond. Last trip, I managed to session with her the morning before she left for Cartagena, and this time, she would come by the night after she arrived from another 2 week working trip to Cartagena. A few years ago, she was the 19 year old who still lived at home and had to be home by a certain hour. Since then, her folks must have put 2 and 2 together, added up her lack of a job, her trips to Cartagena with friends, and her steady income, and know the score, but she never told them. She tells me that she and her girlfriend (s) will take a commuter flight, rent a room, work a list of clients, and she could charge more in Cartagena, but that Cartagena is expensive, so it is a wash, and the weather is atrocious.

She arrived, 5 minutes early (stuffed tight like a sausage in a clingy knitted black cocktail dress, her ample curves, top and bottom, making the hem of the dress rise up a good 5 inches. She was in a good mood, glad to see me, and it seemed like the boys in Cartagena didn't make her feel loved enough because she was greedy for orgasms and caressing. She was also asking for more contact with me, asking why I didn't correspond with her between trips. I told her I didn't know she missed me. She said she did, seeming less "pro" and open to a more friendly relationship. No rush, a real GFE, I love listening to her high pitched voice (reminds me of Wolfowitz's wife on Big Bang Theory, minus the glasses). She had long ago graduated me from 150 k cop to 200 k, plus another 50-60 k taxi, but its a bargain. She can come by in the evening, stay for a couple of hours, and she never fails to get a strong, synapses-firing orgasm out of me. The looks, the skill, the enhancements, the whole package never fails me.

02-14-17, 19:07
Why would they have decoy prepagos? I can understand decoy drug dealers, but not prepagos. Prostitution is legal. What offense is a decoy prepago going to entrap someone into?They are [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) with an older woman's identification. 16 or 17 with an older sisters cedula. I have extensive experience on the ground in Medellin, and Colombian friends here. Trust me, this mayor is jonesing for the next Colombia jake story to come along, whether they have to manufacturer it or not. We forget, they think differently than we do; To them the only reason we are here is for sex tourism; and that all sex tourism is because of the evil gringo. The mayor just can't wait to make an example out of the next fool gringos that fall for their setup. Things have changed dramatically. Double the police in Lleras. Drug dogs. More setups and scams. More taxi checkpoints and shakedowns by police. The neon sign is flashing "you guys aren't welcome here". But you won't listen. I've heard more than once of fb working gals working extortion scams. These people are no longer fun loving and cool, they are desperate.

As an aside, I'll bet a regular gringo just wanting a good time would have probably taken that decoy [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) prepago (with valid ID even though it wasn't her) back to your place where you'd have been arrested, your picture put in the paper, and then the dog and pony legal show. It is a matter of time till they drop the hammer on someone, the whiter and more American they are, the better.

Scenario 2: you go to a massage place with your buddy and get a girl. BOOM, raid! Come to find out your buddy's girl is 16 with a fake ID. Now what? Newspaper / jail time. Think it won't happen? It's just a matter of time with this blood thirsty, racist mayor at the helm.

Apartments: Many HOA's and residents have absolutely had it with gringo renters, and maybe for good reason. That party is also about to come to an end.

Stay safe, guys!

02-14-17, 19:12
What is up with Colombian women and the stench? Anyone who has been here, I am sure knows what I am talking about! At FKK's in Europe, no girl smells down there (at least none I've had). In Colombia, it is rare to find a girl that smells fresh down there. What is the problem? Are they not good at hygiene? Should you take a shower with them before and rub them down with some special soap? It is really annoying.Part of this is due to the number of partners they have, the other is that they work on their period, by cutting the tampon and shoving it way up there. Mostly it's bacterial infections due to how much cock they are taking.

Iguana Six
02-15-17, 01:21
Felt a mild cold coming on, so the previous night, I took an antihistamine based sleeping pill, knocked myself out and slept, slept, slept. My wingman got me a tube of the local equivalent of Airborne, basically effervescent tablets you drop in water, they fizz, and give you a mildly orange-tasting glass of water rich in Vitamin see and Zinc. Started taking those a few times of day.

Decided to make Tuesday a rest day. Just because I had a sweet pop with Mary-Joe, didn't want to fizzle out the last couple of days. So, I cut back to one pop a day and did not return to New Life or Turcos Paradise the rest of the trip. Yep, it is official. I am getting old. Or maybe I needed to sleep in more morning, but that is a challenge without sleeping pills, ear plugs, and a sleep mask. The apartment is not really light proof, street noise comes in, and the local big church declares war on sleep and silence by banging some bell like a steel triangle at dinner time at a dude ranch in a cowboy movie every morning at 8:10 am: "bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. ".

I had been sending out FB messages and making phone calls since arriving. Some chicas were in radio silent mode: I called Hair Trigger Kelly for old times sake, but was slightly relieved when she did not answer. I heard she found a gringo patron who was paying her way through school, and she had no activity on FB, so I wished her well. I tried calling the MILFy Masseuse. She could give me the MOAB (Mother of All Blow Jobs), was sensuous as hell, has forgotten more about sex than most women have her age know, and always had a lioness-attacking-a-wildebeest-on-the-Serengeti-plains approach to lovemaking once you let her talk your ear off during the massage that came beforehand, but last year, was starting to tell me she was getting away from the massage / BJ combo business and concentrating on high end clients. She even cancelled our last appointment at the last moment, so I guess she was sending me a hint. A couple of the FB chicas had returned messages, but were not available as a last minute schedule filler at the beginning of the trip, and were not as useful to me at the end of the trip when I had to decide if they were "sponge worthy. ".

So, with just two days left I had to make decisions about who I wanted to repeat with. I already arranged for Oober Driver to return my last night, remain overnight, and then drive me and wingman to the airport, so that took care of my last night and my last morning. Who to invite for the second-to-last night? Take a chance on an unknown quantity? Call up a tried-and-true provider? Or use tonight to cement a relationship with a chica who gave me an incredible first time experience?

I decided to call up Edie from the previous Saturday night. She was glad to hear from me. She juggles caring for two offspring, daily workouts in the gym, a full day of work at the beauty salon, and training to be a barber, but treats our encounters like a decadent vacation from all that. She got off work at 9 pm, and promised to arrive by 10 pm. She showed up. A few minutes early! - and stayed for almost 4 hours.

Pillow talk, Jacuzzi time, DATY, then positions. Despite resting that day, it was late, I was having a hard time finishing inside her, so I backed off and jacked off. She laid back, got into all kind of porny positions for me to look at, then started diddling herself with one hand, caressed my balls in the other, and after she came, she let me decorate her face like a fancy cake in a French bakery and then took my cock in her mouth to get the last few spurts. She shuddered, then became completely relaxed. I handed her a towel, she wiped herself off, and gave me a loving look. She looked so sweet, I asked her if she wanted me to go down on her again. Her eyes lit up, and she said "yes, oh, yes," nodding vigorously. Another orgasm later, and we called it a night.

Iguana Six
02-15-17, 01:32
To those in town who care to join us, we'll be having a party the night of the 4th. It looks like it should have a nice attendance from the ladies. Who really ever knows about these things, but our Halloween party had roughly 160 people, a slight majority female.

For parties centered around the game, there are a number of venues hosting events. Patrick's, Hooters, and the Mansion will be doing their thing. My money's on the Pats.This was a great party! All of Jonesie's work in attracting dozens of attractive chicas from a variety of venues really paid off!

02-15-17, 06:43
First of all what is with the spray disinfectant bottles they've set up in the rooms?? The girls taking advantage of that perk to spray down the customer's hands before the fun best be wearing gloves when they come in and out of the doors of the place, but bet that never crosses their minds.

Anyway this Allison frankly wants money but doesn't want to take cock. Other than having the spray ammonia going she closes off her legs to prevent full penetration in mish, she closes her legs together in doggie to save herself from the full rod yet again. She also refuses to let you lay flat on her during mish claiming it hurt her chest. Lolol And I'm no fat fuck weigh 175 soaking wet.

So here we have a girl who has invested all this $ in one of these fake wide load Serena Williams asses (light skinned girl) while wanting money handed to her without having to work for it. Skip this one is my advice. Other than a quick dig at President Dump (always fair game so quitcha crying) that my contribution for the week. Suerte.

Iguana Six
02-16-17, 13:43
First of all what is with the spray disinfectant bottles they've set up in the rooms?? The girls taking advantage of that perk to spray down the customer's hands before the fun best be wearing gloves when they come in and out of the doors of the place, but bet that never crosses their minds.

Anyway this Allison frankly wants money but doesn't want to take cock. Other than having the spray ammonia going she closes off her legs to prevent full penetration in mish, she closes her legs together in doggie to save herself from the full rod yet again. She also refuses to let you lay flat on her during mish claiming it hurt her chest. Lolol And I'm no fat fuck weigh 175 soaking wet.

So here we have a girl who has invested all this $ in one of these fake wide load Serena Williams asses (light skinned girl) while wanting money handed to her without having to work for it. Skip this one is my advice. Other than a quick dig at President Dump (always fair game so quitcha crying) that my contribution for the week. Suerte.Could you please provide a physical description? These girls can change their name at will.

02-16-17, 15:15
Could you please provide a physical description? These girls can change their name at will.Hi,

There was some description in the report but granted I could have done more. Her hair is long and black. Face is pretty cute. Skin is very light and she has one of those extreme fake asses. Suerte and enjoy the rest of your vacation.

02-16-17, 16:18
You have latino women hiding in a churches in the USA who have lived here 20 years. Right or wrong this is all over the latino television and newspapers. Latinos are mad how they are being treated in the USA and if you think business as usual that is not going to happen. Does not matter if prostitution is legal. Not for you it is not. Things changing fast.

Iguana Six
02-16-17, 16:18
I wanted to finish the trip strong. After a SJO trip that ended just days before shipping out for MDE, I came in without a full load of leche, and catching a minor cold at the end did not help. So, I skipped a morning and afternoon session, and waited for Oober Driver. If she did not show up, I could fall back on a couple of FB prepagos. However, Oober Driver is very reliable, both as a provider and a driver, and she was looking at two sessions and a trip to the airport, for a total of 500 k cop plus reimbursement for tolls, gas, and parking fees. So I spent the day hanging out with wingman and chilling out.

The previous night, I met up with another monger staying at the Castillo at Parque Lleras. He had heard that Hooters was having a 2-for-1 wing special. When we got there and found out it was not true, he recommended we go to Thai restaurant at the top of the park with the high balcony. While I like eating in the open air, the local touts and beggars have gotten out of control. You are trying to eat a nice meal, enjoy the street side view and open air, and then these people bother the hell out of you. The most obnoxious of them is the guy selling the silly hats. "Paisa! Paisa! Paisa!" he keeps bleating, even after you tell him you are not interested. Lleras was pretty tout-free up until 3 years ago. This restaurant gives you a good view of the park and distance from the touts.

So, going to this restaurant was a good idea. (I think it is called Thaico.) While I was surprised the menu was not very Thai-oriented, my new friend pointed out that, since we were there before 7 pm, there were numerous good entrees that were half price. I got the Mustard Steak, he got the Swiss Steak. A good steak, fries, and salad for just 14,900 k cop got us a good meal and a good deal. They had fresh made pineapple juice. I got one, enjoyed it, and ordered another. The second was kinda watery. Oh, well. The only downside was when the owner of the place was otherwise occupied and the waiter was settling up our bill. He started wheedling me for a tip when he brought me the bill, over and above the "service charge" included in the bill, and when I refused, he made two more pitches when he brought the credit card machine, and when he gave me the cancelled bill. Annoying.

The sun went down as we left the restaurant. From our restaurant perch, we spotted a pretty, slim, and blond girl walking around the park. She was approaching men on the sidewalk, approaching men sitting at Juan Valdez coffee, and clients sitting street side at Hooters. She was very young looking. She was approached by a police officer, and it appeared she handed over her ID card, before he let her go back to what she was doing. As we started leaving the park, we walked close enough to get a good look at her. Very, very young looking. I walked my buddy to the edge of the park area before heading back to my apartment. She tried to catch my eye. Later, on the park sidewalk proper, she was talking to a tourist, but, mid approach, she turned my way from him, and from 20 feet away went into a "Hey, baby, etc. " pitch to me.

Was she just a young looking 18 year old? Or was she a police decoy "bait?" Didn't know, didn't care. Park Lleras is no longer for us. Aside from a few nice restaurants and bars, it is, at best an attractive nuisance, and at worst a minefield. First of all, since I have been coming there since 2009, it was never a place for mongers to find talent. Perhaps, in the old days, it was a place to take a date to dinner or lunch, but back then, we stuck out like sore thumbs in an era when a busy night at the park attracted 200-300 people at most. Now that backpackers, "sandalistas," and denizens of $15 a night hostels can pack 3,000 people (and 50 cops) into the area in search of decriminalized pot and a high-end "spring break" experience, Parque Lleras has little to offer us. I watched the ugly gringas walking around in their hemp clothing and faux Rastafarian dreadlocks, reeking of Patchouli oil, and wondered who was passing around the stencils being used to put up the "Say NO! To the sex tourist" designs near the doorways of businesses. Medellin became safe enough to become a "chic" vacation spot for trust fund babies and their less well funded millennial brethren, and the chance to hook up with under millennials from other countries in a hostel bunk bed under a cloud of semi-legalized Colombian marijuana. Not our scene, man. This trip, I only went to Lleras a couple of times, always in the day or early evening before the crowds show up.

Oober Driver showed up early. I expected her after 8 pm, but she got out of class early, and showed up before 7:30. She was hungry, and did not wait for me make us a salad, so she dived into the fridge and made herself a sandwich. Like a nice girlfriend, we settled in for a comfortable dinner and a movie. Flipping through the channels, she found the beginning of "Castaway. " Tom Hanks was in Moscow in 1996, trouble shooting a FedEx center. He opens a package, pulls out a timer, and shows them that the package arrived from its destination on the other side of the world in 87 hours. She never saw the movie before, but had seen parodies about Hank's co-star, "Wilson!" the soccer ball. I had seen the movie in the theater, but had completely forgotten the sub plot with the fiancé played by Helen Hunt. This was a sore point for her. When Hanks gets back to civilization after 4 years, he finds his fiancé had remarried and had a toddler with a good looking guy. She called her character a "zorra" (literally "fox," but a euphemism for "****' We did the math. He was declared dead and symbolically buried weeks after his plane went down. Assuming she spent a year grieving, then a year getting to know the new guy, then marrying him, then almost a year pregnant with his baby, then having a 12-18 month old baby by the time Hanks gets off that deserted island. She was adamant about her Helen Hunt character as a ****.

The movie was shot full of advertising, which gave me time to pack, but by the time the movie ended, she was pretty tired. She had woken up at 5 am to get to her morning class, so by midnight she was pretty tired. So, I did most of the work during our session. I had no complaints. A low energy session with Oober Driver is better than a high energy session with most women.

She slept in the next morning, and we knew the cleaning ladies would arrive around 11:30, so I did more packing and cut up the ingredients for our pre-flight omelets and on-the-road sandwiches. When she did get up, she gave me one her best sessions that ended with a cake decoration of her face.

Lessons learned:

- 9 days might be too long a trip.

- 2 trips, almost back-to-back might be too much. A man has to know his limitations.

- Avoid Parque Lleras.

- Staying someplace with a washer / dryer is invaluable. You can pack much lighter (a 3-day supply of clothes is enough) and always have fresh towels.

- Think about noise. Morning noise is inevitable, as few properties are sound proofed to keep out the 8 am morning commute racket (unless you are deep into a Blux Building type neighborhood) but good selection will keep you from night time night club noise.

- Quiet nights and mornings have to be balanced against convenience and proximity to eateries, pharmacies, and stores.

02-16-17, 17:08
You have latino women hiding in a churches in the USA who have lived here 20 years. Right or wrong this is all over the latino television and newspapers. Latinos are mad how they are being treated in the USA and if you think business as usual that is not going to happen. Does not matter if prostitution is legal. Not for you it is not. Things changing fast.Just say you're Canadian Eh!

02-16-17, 17:31
Just say you're Canadian Eh!That was funny! Good one!

02-16-17, 17:32
That was funny! Good one!I laughed my ass off on that one!

02-16-17, 18:29
Iguana Six, I enjoyed reading about your day by day activities in Medellin. I am off to Cuba next week for 5 days, then back to US for a week and will be in Medellin for 5 days the next week. Concerning your lesson learned, I am curious about where to stay. I have rented a condo about a 10 min walk from Park Lleras. But after your comments about the park, should I be staying in a different part of town?

Iguana Six
02-16-17, 22:38
Iguana Six, I enjoyed reading about your day by day activities in Medellin. I am off to Cuba next week for 5 days, then back to US for a week and will be in Medellin for 5 days the next week. Concerning your lesson learned, I am curious about where to stay. I have rented a condo about a 10 min walk from Park Lleras. But after your comments about the park, should I be staying in a different part of town?Ten minute walk from Lleras should be nice and quiet. I like a little quiet to get a good night's sleep, meaning, I don't need a lot of traffic and nightclub noise until 2 am, only to jarred away by traffic noise and the sound of people dismantling the building next door with hand tools starting at 6 in the morning.

A ten minute walk should put you in a solidly residential neighborhood without a lot of thru traffic. Also, is your condo near street level or a few stories up? Higher up means nicer views and some offset from street traffic.

I know others have explored other neighborhoods beside Poblado to stay at. Poblado does offer things that other neighborhoods do not, besides Parque Lleras, which is safety and good access to public transport.

Fun Luvr
02-17-17, 16:20
...The previous night, I met up with another monger staying at the Castillo at Parque Lleras. He had heard that Hooters was having a 2-for-1 wing special. When we got there and found out it was not true, he recommended we go to Thai restaurant at the top of the park with the high balcony...On Wednesdays, Hooters and Patrick's Irish Pub have wings 2-for-1. Personally, I like the wings at Hooters much more than Patrick's. Ay Caramba also has wings 2-for-1 on a different night. I think it is Thursday, but it may be Tuesday.

02-19-17, 00:37
Four days in Medellin at GHL Comfort in San Diego. I walked 2 blocks to Fase Dos after 7 pm and found it large and modern (and not yet hopping that early). I was told that I couldn't sit next to the stage unless I ordered a bottle of something or a mixed drink, which I didn't care for. I drank my beer at the bar and was quoted 500 mil for a woman with an additional 150 mil bar fine for the takeout. I had a wicked hangover and didn't partake. Spent a couple of nights downtown near Plaza Botero. There are five clubs within 3-4 blocks that are not hard to find. Grill Nueva Avenida (Calle 51 #51-18) was honest but the women will charge you what they can. I was told they open in the afternoon but never arrived before 6 pm. Taberna Victoria (Calle 53 #52 a-26) is smaller and "mas pueblo" (less fancy), which I like. Conejitos (off plaza Botero) and Ejectutiva Strip club and Club Maracaibo (on Maracaibo) within 2 blocks of hotel Nutibara are all still there and going. Don't remember prices / names, but it's cheap. Taxis wait in front of Conejitos so you're good getting home. Also, I saw a lot of street walkers on the street on the south side of Museo Antioquia and the few blocks around there. You can find party favors in these streets (and from many entertainers) easily.At Fase II he was quoted 500 mil + 150 mil for take out?

I thought it was in the 190 mil range there? They just do a massive up-sell to a gringo or was that maybe for all night. Even then that seems high from what I have been reading.

02-19-17, 20:23
At Fase II he was quoted 500 mil + 150 mil for take out?

I thought it was in the 190 mil range there? They just do a massive up-sell to a gringo or was that maybe for all night. Even then that seems high from what I have been reading.190 is 1 hour there with the girl in the back hostel rooms. If you want takeout, the girl sets the price + the 150 mil to the house. Obviously 500 mil is very high and I would think it would be for all night. The best thing to do at Fase Dos is to session there (the hostel rooms are actually clean and pretty nice) or buy the girl a drink and get their whatsapp, and setup a hour or whatever at your apartment sometime in the future.

02-20-17, 03:15
In the States I use SeekingArrangements (Sugar daddy site).

Also in use in Medellin, lots of hot girls, already have 6 girls WhatsUp and have 3 dates already set.

Smokers Rule
02-20-17, 05:20
SA is a great way to meet hot girls in the US.

IMO a very expensive way to meet Colombian girls.

In the States I use SeekingArrangements (Sugar daddy site).

Also in use in Medellin, lots of hot girls, already have 6 girls WhatsUp and have 3 dates already set.

02-20-17, 06:41
I am sure it is but I prefer low mileage quality over Hi mileage deals.

SA is a great way to meet hot girls in the US.

IMO a very expensive way to meet Colombian girls.

Black Page
02-20-17, 11:23
In the States I use SeekingArrangements (Sugar daddy site).
Also in use in Medellin, lots of hot girls, already have 6 girls WhatsUp and have 3 dates already set.Walking 1 hour along the strips of bars in El Centro I see 100+ girls who I would be happy to fuck, and each might cost in range 10-15 USD. Plus that, there are the brothels and higher-end clubs. The bottle neck is my single dick, not the means to get in touch with girls.

02-20-17, 16:37
I am sure it is but I prefer low mileage quality over Hi mileage deals.Are you certain that's what you're getting? More than 1 woman on SA is either working or advertising elsewhere. Some just see it as an opportunity to charge 5 times as much for what they do every day. Others want to spend less time to make the same money. Then there are the ones who are looking for a husband.

What's left is split between those who really are just doing it part time and those looking for a genuine sugar daddy.

Nothing against SA, or any of the similar options, I know some who swear by it. But if you think you're getting low mileage quality, you may be mistaken.

02-20-17, 17:00
Walking 1 hour along the strips of bars in El Centro I see 100+ girls who I would be happy to fuck, and each might cost in range 10-15 USD. Plus that, there are the brothels and higher-end clubs. The bottle neck is my single dick, not the means to get in touch with girls.But if I think a girl is a perfect 10 to me I don't mind paying more, I've been getting quotes in the 300,000 range for dinner, drinks, dancing and all night. I prefer that to waiting in line to be some girls 6th customer of the day. Although I am sure I will try out a casa too and walk around la zona roja for hidden treats. YMMV.

02-20-17, 17:31
You have latino women hiding in a churches in the USA who have lived here 20 years. Right or wrong this is all over the latino television and newspapers. Latinos are mad how they are being treated in the USA and if you think business as usual that is not going to happen. Does not matter if prostitution is legal. Not for you it is not. Things changing fast.That's funny. I just came back from the Dominican Republic. Those Latinos there didn't have any problem with me or my money. I spent an evening in a Colmado on the edge of the Zona Colonial in SD, while a karaoke gig was in progress. I don't go for karaoke, but it was raining pretty good, and I took cover inside. The locals kept asking me to sing a few karaoke songs in English, which I did. They loved it! I cold have spent the night there but ended up leaving with one of the working girls that kept walking in and out of that place. It was a great evening with friendly folks, and no sign of politics, which ended happily in a short-time hotel.

I kind of doubt that the Colombians are too upset either, particularly about a wall meant to keep Mexicans from crossing illegally into the US, or deportations of people who openly flout the law. I notice that Colombians tend to arrive in the US via commercial airports with visas in hand.

My point is: you are being over dramatic to say the least.

Another funny thing is I get this warning every time I want to post something "Please do not post pointlessly dramatic reports in the forum". But yours seem to be okay?

Smokers Rule
02-21-17, 02:33
I have had nothing but bad experiences on SA in Colombia.

Interested to see how it goes for you. Let us know please! When are you down?

But if I think a girl is a perfect 10 to me I don't mind paying more, I've been getting quotes in the 300,000 range for dinner, drinks, dancing and all night. I prefer that to waiting in line to be some girls 6th customer of the day. Although I am sure I will try out a casa too and walk around la zona roja for hidden treats. YMMV.

02-21-17, 02:45
I have had nothing but bad experiences on SA in Colombia.

Interested to see how it goes for you. Let us know please! When are you down?Roger will do, old pictures or no show or up sells or what?

Be there 2/24 to 2/28 Hotel Botero in Centro.

Mr Enternational
02-21-17, 02:55
But if I think a girl is a perfect 10 to me I don't mind paying more, I've been getting quotes in the 300,000 range for dinner, drinks, dancing and all night.How much are they saying to cut to the chase and just come over and fuck?

02-21-17, 03:12
How much are they saying to cut to the chase and just come over and fuck?That's always the question. First there's dinner, followed by dessert, add 80 k. Then the drinks, plus drinks for her friends, another 100 k. Then a friend needs 20 k for a taxi home. Next you know you're out 600 k and she's passed out and snoring.

SA is a decent option for the long game, provided you have the budget, but for one night, you're just rolling the dice.

02-21-17, 03:13
How much are they saying to cut to the chase and just come over and fuck?Well I have so far only asked for all night prices, 200,000 low, 500,000 Hi, 300 avg. Ones want to bring her hot friend for an extra 150,000.

Have 14 of them lined up, now I have to pick. All 9+ imo. I think I need a spreadsheet with price / looks / attitude / availability factored in. LOL.

02-21-17, 04:32
I think you have a realistic view of SA and similar resources. There is no debating they cost 5 to 10 times mid to low end venues. Are the girls that many times better? Every guy has to decide for himself.

Are you certain that's what you're getting? More than 1 woman on SA is either working or advertising elsewhere. Some just see it as an opportunity to charge 5 times as much for what they do every day. Others want to spend less time to make the same money. Then there are the ones who are looking for a husband.

What's left is split between those who really are just doing it part time and those looking for a genuine sugar daddy.

Nothing against SA, or any of the similar options, I know some who swear by it. But if you think you're getting low mileage quality, you may be mistaken.

02-21-17, 05:23
That's always the question. First there's dinner, followed by dessert, add 80 k. Then the drinks, plus drinks for her friends, another 100 k. Then a friend needs 20 k for a taxi home. Next you know you're out 600 k and she's passed out and snoring.LOL, sounds fun. For me the anticipation of the sex after I meet a hot girl is a big part of it. The more we drag it out, the more I want her. Dinner / drinks / dancing and then to a Love Motel with a jacuzzi is the plan, anybody try the Eros Motel in Centro? Calle 54 # 54 - 31 http://sexosentido.co/hotel-eros-medellin/habitaciones-con-jacuzzi/.

My budget is around 750,000 cop a day not including hotel so I don't mind spending 300,000 on a all night hottie.

02-21-17, 06:06
That's always the question. First there's dinner, followed by dessert, add 80 k. Then the drinks, plus drinks for her friends, another 100 k. Then a friend needs 20 k for a taxi home. Next you know you're out 600 k and she's passed out and snoring...I've had some that worked out but then there was the time in Tashkent, Uzbekistan (very hot Russian girls, I was in outbound from Afghanistan) where I was very drunk on whatever rotgut they gave me in the bar (ordered a screwdriver and the bartender said "You want pepper in that? Found out later it was 180 proof.

Anywho the one russian chick talked really loudly on her cel phone in Russian the whole time and kinda ruined the vibe. I also had a stomach virus from the 8 hour layover in Qarshi, they told us don't eat the food in the airport but it was that or starve. 80 for a hot tea, toast and caviar. LOL. Ended up kicking them both out and driving the porcelain bus. Fun flight home, 3 days and 5 planes. Worst airline award goes to Air Uzbekistan and their 40 year old Yak-40 with one bald tire, 3 HR flight, you want prune juice or tomato juice?

Black Page
02-21-17, 11:19
But if I think a girl is a perfect 10 to me I don't mind paying more, I've been getting quotes in the 300,000 range for dinner, drinks, dancing and all night. I prefer that to waiting in line to be some girls 6th customer of the day. Although I am sure I will try out a casa too and walk around la zona roja for hidden treats. YMMV.Do you think that girls met through an arrangement web site are virgin? Plus that, I've been always clear with my girls be in MDE or CTG: I pay you for the sex in my room, I don't pay a girl to come dancing with me or, even worse, to share a dinner. That is a benefit for you, and I don't do this with anybody.

Thruth is that money-eager WG and "good girls" are everywhere. Jewels in the garbage and shit in plates of delicacies. The last thing I would need in MDE would be a web site to arrange girls for me.

I met my best friend in MDE when she was sexy dancer in a swinger club. A stunner with a statuesque body. I discovered a very nice person, who just did not mind to get her 200 k for playing her favorite game with some man, or even ladies (she sent me once her photo in a jakuzzi with other 2 girls, all hired by a 40+ Colombian lady.) Now, she keeps on asking me when I come back, that she stopped working that way (etc. I see from her FB that she is Personal Trainer now. Good luck dear.

02-21-17, 20:59
Do you think that girls met through an arrangement web site are virgin? Plus that, I've been always clear with my girls be in MDE or CTG: I pay you for the sex in my room, I don't pay a girl to come dancing with me or, even worse, to share a dinner. That is a benefit for you, and I don't do this with anybody.
Thruth is that money-eager whor*s and "good girls" are everywhere. Jewels in the garbage and shit in plates of delicacies. The last thing I would need in MDE would be a web site to arrange girls for me.
Different strokes for different folks. I prefer GFE, not everybody does. Virgins, LOL, good one.

02-22-17, 01:00
Made a weeklong trip to Medellin.

Been going since about 1998.

Of course things have changed over the years, some for the good, some for the not so good.

Being a gringo in itself definitely doesn't carry the weight it once did.

Being a cool gringo who speaks pretty good spanish still carries weight though, LOL.

My summary:

The casas kind of depressed me, LOL.

Too well worn, too well traveled, I didn't find one girl that was a wow for me.

I sessioned one time, at Aiffe.

They usually don't let me down.

The rest of the time I just accompanied my non-Spanish speaking traveling mate on the presentations, as he is just a point and shoot kinda guy, and I prefer to feel a connection.

The centro strip clubs were Ok, better than the casas anyway.

Met a few cuties in the várias clubs there.

The Face Dos and La Isla are way too artificial and plastic for me.

Not my thing.

The Mansion, I visited, am friends with a couple of the owners.

Had some cute girls, but not my thing either.

The Cave bar reminds me of a Jr High School dance, LOL.

Most of the gringos sitting in a group, or alone, and another group of girls sitting and hanging, waiting to be asked to dance (or screw $) LOL.

Kinda funny to watch.

The Mayorista was fun for me.

I sit outside at one of the tables on the main drag. Buy girls drinks, they're very inexpensive.

A lot of fuglies, however, with patience, something usually pops up.

Met a couple girls who came in after striking out at Parque Lleras.

Just charge a lot less at the Mayo, LOL.

Believe it or not, I hit my 2 pussy jackpots in the streets of Centro.

Both girls were beautiful, clean and nice.

After test runs with each of them at the little motel in Centro, I invited them over to my place in the days that followed.

They showed up even more beautiful, and accepted whatever I felt like paying them.

Still talking to them via WhatsApp for my return trip soon.

Pretty good Spanish is required to really bond like this obviously.

Centro at night can be a danger zone, so keep the radar on guys.

Overall, I still really like Medellin.

Trying to decide on my early retirement place to live.

Rio in Brazil is still my number 1.

Just dig the vibe and the abundance of cool, sexy mulatas.


02-23-17, 01:42
That's funny. I just came back from the Dominican Republic. Those Latinos there didn't have any problem with me or my money. I spent an evening in a Colmado on the edge of the Zona Colonial in SD, while a karaoke gig was in progress. I don't go for karaoke, but it was raining pretty good, and I took cover inside. The locals kept asking me to sing a few karaoke songs in English, which I did. They loved it! I cold have spent the night there but ended up leaving with one of the working girls that kept walking in and out of that place. It was a great evening with friendly folks, and no sign of politics, which ended happily in a short-time hotel.

I kind of doubt that the Colombians are too upset either, particularly about a wall meant to keep Mexicans from crossing illegally into the US, or deportations of people who openly flout the law. I notice that Colombians tend to arrive in the US via commercial airports with visas in hand.

My point is: you are being over dramatic to say the least.

Another funny thing is I get this warning every time I want to post something "Please do not post pointlessly dramatic reports in the forum". But yours seem to be okay?For someone who opposes pointless drama you sure post a lot of pointless drama. Your post was as political as the one you opposed. Yes many in Latin America oppose the current political climate in the US. It's also true that it's not to the point where we should come here denying our nationality. That said come here acting like a fuckface be prepared to be treated like a fuck-face and I'll be here cheering them along.

02-23-17, 02:14
Anyone going to be in Medellin next week?

02-23-17, 22:56
That I am talking to so far. I assume I'd have to walk long and far to find these girls on the streets of Centro. LOL.

(these are their public pictures on SA).

02-24-17, 03:00
Let me try again.

02-24-17, 04:43
That's a lot of silicone in that group.

Let me try again..

02-24-17, 05:08
That's a lot of silicone in that group..Don't mind a bit. LOL.

Talking to some natural ones too.

02-24-17, 06:19
That said come here acting like a fuckface be prepared to be treated like a fuck-face and I'll be here cheering them along.Here? Where is "here"?

Sky Ryder
02-24-17, 09:04
That I am talking to so far. I assume I'd have to walk long and far to find these girls on the streets of Centro. LOL.

(these are their public pictures on SA).It looks like SA is alive a well in MDE. I am curious what kind of "per meeting" donation requests you are encountering. I am assuming that these are for an entire evening / day of company, or maybe even an overnight.



Mr Enternational
02-24-17, 10:54
It looks like SA is alive a well in MDE. I am curious what kind of "per meeting" donation requests you are encountering. I am assuming that these are for an entire evening / day of company, or maybe even an overnight.Scroll down. He has already answered that.

02-24-17, 17:29
Don't mind a bit. LOL.

Talking to some natural ones too.You've got a couple of good lookers there I would bang like a horn dog, but keep in mind photos on a website may not reflect reality. I'm not sure if you met them already.

I had one chica in Medellin last year that I contacted off the backpages and she showed up 200 cheeseburgers over weight. She had dozens of photos of other girls she would keep sending me and telling me those were photos of her. Total wackjob.

02-25-17, 01:57
I guess 5 million COP over a weekend buys a lot of credit on SA I respect the choice to do so. My question is why do it in MDE then? Is MDE # 1 fun city in LA?

02-25-17, 03:18
I like this group much better.

Don't mind a bit. LOL.

Talking to some natural ones too.

Fun Luvr
02-25-17, 03:29
I guess 5 million COP over a weekend buys a lot of credit on SA I respect the choice to do so. My question is why do it in MDE then? Is MDE # 1 fun city in LA?I looked, as an unpaid member, at the ladies on SA in Medellin. I didn't see anyone that would entice me to spend $60 for a one-month membership. I think many of my Medellin friends on Facebook are as pretty as, or prettier than, any on SA. I am not concerned about the pro, semi-pro, or non-pro tags. Other than possibly the ladies that are at the Mansion almost every day, I don't think any of them are being worn out by the number of customers.

02-25-17, 18:48
I guess 5 million COP over a weekend buys a lot of credit on SA I respect the choice to do so. My question is why do it in MDE then? Is MDE # 1 fun city in LA?I use it in the US so was already a member.

02-25-17, 19:01
You've got a couple of good lookers there I would bang like a horn dog, but keep in mind photos on a website may not reflect reality. I'm not sure if you met them already.

I had one chica in Medellin last year that I contacted off the backpages and she showed up 200 cheeseburgers over weight. She had dozens of photos of other girls she would keep sending me and telling me those were photos of her. Total wackjob.For comparison when I got to town, walked across the street into Yakusa for a 1/2 HR secession, 50,000 cop.

Met the redhead last night for 300,000, looks exactly like her pics, went to dinner, went to hotel Eros, room with Jacuzzi and steam room for 4 hrs, 50,000 cop, then back to my hotel, awesome connection with her, about 4+ hrs sex last night and more this morning before she left, curled around me while sleeping, total GFE, so worth it, very passionate girl, french kissing, DATY etc, some of the best sex I have had, however she left me a hollow shell of a man who can barely move. LOL (was on about 3 hrs sleep from the early trip to the airport) Yakusa on the other hand was sort of depressing, LOL (I know it's a lower end Casa but it was raining and across the street).


On another note I LOVE Centro, so vibrant and full of life and people in the day, we did do a 2 am run in a taxi to score some weed for her, WOW, cross between Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas and Dawn of the Dead, loved it but I like danger and seemed much safer then Kandahar was. LOL. The taxi driver just slowed down for red lights. LOL.

02-26-17, 01:05
Across from Botero Park.

I liked it, about 60 girls working (Sat night) with the top 10 being Doll House quality I though, made a date with one of them for tomorrow, offered her 150,000 to come to my hotel, I wouldn't go there if you mind a rough local crowd and don't speak Spanish and can't be intimidating when the need arises.

My Centro walk around the church went south fast today, Iglesia de la Veracruz block, cute little spinner, about 5'2", 30,000 including the room. Turns out to be a tiny tranny. Never would have guessed. Said no thanks. LOL. So ask.

żEras una nińa cuando naciste? (were you a girl when you were born?

The only place I felt seemed over the top dangerous was further down Calle 53/ Carrera 54, Raudal No 3 area, got a bad vibe and left.

02-26-17, 03:51
Let me try again.That last one is Ysemina chick. It's not really her, I think she lives in bacuramacha now.

02-26-17, 04:15
For comparison when I got to town, walked across the street into Yakusa for a 1/2 HR secession, 50,000 cop.Yakuza is a shit hole I mean really, it's a fucking dirt hole. But that can have it's appeal. There's love hotel next to it. Do you know if you're allowed to rent a room there and take the girl up? Because damn that place is a shit hole.

I thought half an hour was 30 k? I could have sworn I paid 60 k for an hour.

Mr Enternational
02-26-17, 04:39
My Centro walk around the church went south fast today, Iglesia de la Veracruz block, cute little spinner, about 5'2", 30,000 including the room. Turns out to be a tiny tranny. Never would have guessed. Said no thanks. LOL. So ask.No need to ask. Around that church are all guys. You have to walk down past and/or across from Conejitas for the females. Great reporting Wolf.

02-26-17, 17:02
Yakuza is a shit hole I mean really, it's a fucking dirt hole. But that can have it's appeal. There's love hotel next to it. Do you know if you're allowed to rent a room there and take the girl up? Because damn that place is a shit hole.

I thought half an hour was 30 k? I could have sworn I paid 60 k for an hour.It might have been 30 and I tipped her 20, don't remember, yeah the rooms there are a little on the Grapes of Wrath side. LOL.

02-26-17, 17:27
Malejaea, a little thick but not fat, nice bolts on's, but what a party girl. Showed up in a uber, I hopped in and we went to La Hacienda for dinner, I picked it off trip advisor, does traditional Colombian in a nice setting, upstairs with balcony overlooking Calle 49 walking street. Then she wants to go her best friends bar, El Bar de Mao's, that was across from Parque de Boston, quite a lively place on Sat night with jugglers and food vendors and games and unfortunately temp tattoo artists, she wanted one for both of us and picked out a large black panther for me. LOL.

I did tell her to order what she wanted which turned out to be a bottle of Absolute, beers, sodas mixers, redbull mixers, about 120,000 cop. She didn't want to leave, then she scored a g for 9,000 cop, then wanted to go dancing, I said I did not, then she really wanted to go to some house party, I really didn't want to do that, yeah the only gringo in the room, 55 yo with money, no thanks, finally said around midnight I was getting a taxi to my hotel and she was welcome to come. She hopped in, was fun in bed when she wasn't hopping out every 3 min's to put some Utube song on she liked. Once we were there though she started sneezing bad and it got worse, obviously very allergic to something, gave a her a benadryl, not sure it helped as she got worse, started getting red on her chest etc so I sent her home, she was not as fun in bed, no kissing, no oral, no DATY, but I enjoyed the dinner and the local bar so it was a fun night all together.

02-26-17, 19:14
No need to ask. Around that church are all guys. You have to walk down past and/or across from Conejitas for the females. Great reporting Wolf.So the little white church next to Botero Plaza is tranny central? Or did you mean Bolivar park by the big brick church?

02-26-17, 21:32
Did another walk around the Iglesia De La Veracruz block around 2 pm Sunday. Definitely not all trannies. Saw a little spinner beboping on the corner with some other girlies drinking a beer, talked to her, told her what happened the day before, assured me she was female, asked if she has ID, said she was 20 yo, ID agreed, 30,000 cop, up the stairs to a OK love shack, clean, bathroom, shower, she was about 90 lbs of tight fun, tipped her 20,000 cause she was so cute (no bitching you cheap bastards! LOL) a OK nooner before tonight, probably back to the Bunny Club (Conejitas Show Bar) although I expect less quality on a Sun night vs last night. May hit Maricebo and Barre Executive if open, though that street looks a little sketchier at night with the stores all closed. My hotel Botero is right between Maricibo and Conejitas.

The hottie from Conejitas never called, wish I had offered her more money now as she was stunning. Damn, hoisted by my own petard!

RE: Hotel Botero.

Hotel Botero Medellin.

Same block as the airport buses, across from Yakuska, booked it on Orbitz, not bad for $26 a night, 42" flat-screen, A / C, hot water, big shower, chica friendly, they copied the girls ID the 1st night, 2nd night different desk clerks, didn't want ID and when she tried to leave they held her and called me to see if it was OK, a nice safety touch. God I am going to hate being back in the US at $200-$300 a pop for quality. Sigh.

02-26-17, 21:39
She didn't want to leave, then she scored a g for 9,000 cop, then wanted to go dancing, I said I did not.A lot of these girls don't have good mental health. You add other substances to the mix and the night gets shitty. I think it was wise to go back to the hotel.

02-26-17, 21:40
On another note I LOVE Centro, so vibrant and full of life and people in the day, we did do a 2 am run in a taxi to score some weed for her, WOW, cross between Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas and Dawn of the Dead, loved it but I like danger and seemed much safer then Kandahar was. LOL. The taxi driver just slowed down for red lights. LOL.I mean I liked the danger safely inside a locked taxi with 2 other people, would have shit a brick on foot. LOL.


RE the SA redhead, on a side note she did have a nasty surgery scar on her lower back and 2 weird bumps on either side but didn't bother me in the least, the rest of her was super hot.

02-26-17, 22:28
Malejaea, a little thick but not fat, nice bolts on's, but what a party girl. Showed up in a uber, I hopped in and we went to La Hacienda for dinner, I picked it off trip advisor, does traditional Colombian in a nice setting, upstairs with balcony overlooking Calle 49 walking street. Then she wants to go her best friends bar, El Bar de Mao's, that was across from Parque de Boston, quite a lively place on Sat night with jugglers and food vendors and games and unfortunately temp tattoo artists, she wanted one for both of us and picked out a large black panther for me. LOL.

I did tell her to order what she wanted which turned out to be a bottle of Absolute, beers, sodas mixers, redbull mixers, about 120,000 cop. She didn't want to leave, then she scored a g for 9,000 cop, then wanted to go dancing, I said I did not, then she really wanted to go to some house party, I really didn't want to do that, yeah the only gringo in the room, 55 yo with money, no thanks, finally said around midnight I was getting a taxi to my hotel and she was welcome to come. I would imagine that in the US you would have to jump through all of those hoops on SA so that what you are doing does not seem like prostitution, but in Colombia (or anywhere outside of the US) couldn't you just skip all of those theatrics? She knows she is just there for the money. I would have just told her to come up to the room when she arrived in an Uber, ordered food to be delivered, and just asked how much she wanted for ST or TLN.

Your costs ended being over and beyond what you would have paid her to "leave after sex":

-Uber(s): ??COP
-Dinner: ??COP
-Temp Tattoo: ??COP
-Drinks: 120,000 COP
-Nose Powder: 9,000 COP
-TIME: Probably could have banged 2 different chicas within the time window spent with this one chica

You didn't specify if you had to give her money for her time afterwards, but I am assuming you did. And to add insult to injury she turned out to suck in bed and got sick!

This is not a razz on your post. I just point this out because a lot of guys come here bending over backwards looking for that elusive "non-pro" or "semi-pro" who turns out to not be worth the hassle in the end.

02-26-17, 22:53
I would imagine that in the US you would have to jump through all of those hoops on SA so that what you are doing does not seem like prostitution, but in Colombia (or anywhere outside of the US) couldn't you just skip all of those theatrics? She knows she is just there for the money. I would have just told her to come up to the room when she arrived in an Uber, ordered food to be delivered, and just asked how much she wanted for ST or TLN.

Your costs ended being over and beyond what you would have paid her to "leave after sex":

-Uber(s): ??COP
-Dinner: ??COP
-Temp Tattoo: ??COP
-Drinks: 120,000 COP
-Nose Powder: 9,000 COP
-TIME: Probably could have banged 2 different chicas within the time window spent with this one chica

You didn't specify if you had to give her money for her time afterwards, but I am assuming you did. And to add insult to injury she turned out to suck in bed and got sick!

This is not a razz on your post. I just point this out because a lot of guys come here bending over backwards looking for that elusive "non-pro" or "semi-pro" who turns out to not be worth the hassle in the end.Different strokes.

I prefer the GFE experience, make more of a connection with the girl, wanted to eat at nice restaurant with a pretty women, had fun at the park and bar that I never would have found on my own, she treated me like her BF when we were out, and didn't break my 750,000 daily budget but came close.

Now she was no where near the experience with the redhead, that was one of my most awesome nights ever but it was fun none the less, no regrets.

YMMV obviously.

02-26-17, 23:54
I would imagine that in the US you would have to jump through all of those hoops on SA so that what you are doing does not seem like prostitution, but in Colombia (or anywhere outside of the US) couldn't you just skip all of those theatrics? She knows she is just there for the money. I would have just told her to come up to the room when she arrived in an Uber, ordered food to be delivered, and just asked how much she wanted for ST or TLN.

Your costs ended being over and beyond what you would have paid her to "leave after sex":

-Uber(s): ??COP
-Dinner: ??COP
-Temp Tattoo: ??COP
-Drinks: 120,000 COP
-Nose Powder: 9,000 COP
-TIME: Probably could have banged 2 different chicas within the time window spent with this one chica

You didn't specify if you had to give her money for her time afterwards, but I am assuming you did. And to add insult to injury she turned out to suck in bed and got sick!

This is not a razz on your post. I just point this out because a lot of guys come here bending over backwards looking for that elusive "non-pro" or "semi-pro" who turns out to not be worth the hassle in the end.He probably ended up spending 600 k for the night. That sounds crazy to me, but he isn't using my dick or my money. At least I hope he isn't. If I get a bill or a rash, I'll be pissed.

Here's what he got for the money:

1. A dinner companion. Some people don't like to eat alone and a meal is much better with good company.

2. A nightlife guide. For me there's some awkwardness in a strange bar with no one to talk with. Going with someone who knows the people helps solve that. It also gives a bit of credibility if you decide to go back alone.

3. A dealer. If you're looking to powder your nose, you'll probably pay at least double and might end up in a really bad situation.

4. A dance partner. If dancing is something you enjoy, having a partner is a bonus. Especially when you're 30 years older than all the women. If you're a really good dancer you could walk away with a few phone numbers.

5. A connection to the after hours scene. For some that alone is worth the cost. While there's risk involved, you may end up meeting a few estrato 2 girls who think 50 k is a fair price. Or, you might meet some universitarias looking for funding. You could even end up with a bored little rich girl who has no problem paying her own way.

6. Some protection. I assume she didn't get paid until after. Unless she knows you're carrying a lot of money, it's in her best interest to keep you safe.

7. A piece of ass. He spent a lot to reach that point, but there are some advantages. There's a degree of comfort. There's no rush to undress and redress to beat the clock. There's time to develop some chemistry. There's a chance for a best ever experience. There's a chance to get introduced to friends, cousins or sisters.

8. A chance for a repeat engagement. If you're a frequent visitor, you may want to start building your harem.

It's an expensive route, with no guarantees, but some people like it.

02-27-17, 00:09
He got a date. Seems fine to me. My advice, which I know is unsolicited, is to fuck her up the ass and get a rimjob if she's acting kookoo like that.

I know it's not easy separating the crazies from the normals, but if you want something that's more sane you need to filter them out face to face. Two beers on a patio for a half hour should let you know if she's a fuck and dump, or someone you want to spend the evening with. I guess that's the downside of SA. It's a profile with some photos, and only gives you so much information.

02-27-17, 00:29
The street in front of Barre Executive and Maricibo is under construction ATM, closed off at either end, so be aware if you take a cab there you will be dropped off 1/2 block away if you don't fancy walking after dark in Centro.

02-27-17, 00:51
I know it's not easy separating the crazies from the normals.She really wasn't that bad, she was a very sweet girl, got our leftovers to go and handed them to the door guy and told him to give them to the next homeless person. Yeah she wanted to party all night but so did I at her age, esp on somebody else's dime.

02-27-17, 00:51
I asked some locals about how I can go to brothels or place for quick sex. I got a number of a guy called Nikolai. He can also speak English. He took me to Maracaibo club but I didn't like the girls there. There were around 6 to 8 girls. Also one by one dancing on the stage as well and after few minutes they collecting tips. Entrances is free but have to buy a beer which was 4000 pesos (1.5 $). I can't remember the exact price for the girls but I guess it was something around 70 to 100 k pesos per hour. We left to downtown which was full of homeless and beggars. And full of brothels with girls on the door. I found 2 street walkers near one of these places. They asked 40 k each but the driver negotiated for 70 for both. I went up with them and had good fucking with them but I felt the robbed few minutes but no much important. Also I had to pay 28 k for the room which had tv with porn playing. But it was nice night play. Here is the Nikolai number that uses WhatsApp and speak English. You can say you got number from Iranian guy Amir. He is nice guy and flexible and not much charging you.

02-27-17, 01:49
I would imagine that in the US you would have to jump through all of those hoops on SA so that what you are doing does not seem like prostitution, but in Colombia (or anywhere outside of the US) couldn't you just skip all of those theatrics? She knows she is just there for the money. I would have just told her to come up to the room when she arrived in an Uber, ordered food to be delivered, and just asked how much she wanted for ST or TLN.

Your costs ended being over and beyond what you would have paid her to "leave after sex":

-Uber(s): ??COP
-Dinner: ??COP
-Temp Tattoo: ??COP
-Drinks: 120,000 COP
-Nose Powder: 9,000 COP
-TIME: Probably could have banged 2 different chicas within the time window spent with this one chica

You didn't specify if you had to give her money for her time afterwards, but I am assuming you did. And to add insult to injury she turned out to suck in bed and got sick!

This is not a razz on your post. I just point this out because a lot of guys come here bending over backwards looking for that elusive "non-pro" or "semi-pro" who turns out to not be worth the hassle in the end.Agreed. The non-pro route generally isn't feasible unless you're going to be in town a good amount of time.

And it can be pretty hard to discern whether a chica is truly a non-pro. I think the SA route might give some guys the illusion that she's not a prepago, which apparently for some is worth a lot of money.

02-27-17, 04:31
He probably ended up spending 600 k for the night. That sounds crazy to me, but he isn't using my dick or my money. At least I hope he isn't. If I get a bill or a rash, I'll be pissed.

Here's what he got for the money:

1. A dinner companion. Some people don't like to eat alone and a meal is much better with good company.................

..................8. A chance for a repeat engagement. If you're a frequent visitor, you may want to start building your harem.

It's an expensive route, with no guarantees, but some people like it.Great post JjB.

02-28-17, 00:20
I went for a session at Aiffe in centro on calle 57 this afternoon, the five girls that were there were pretty decent I thought. I chose the younger cuter looking one, She said her name was Alexandra. Nice girl, but doesn, t really do anything like BBBJ. The price I was quoted was 40 k for half an hour and 50 k for an hour, at least that's what I heard. Now, I was only in the room for 30 min or so, but I did choose an hour. So, when I go up to pay the guy 50 k he holds out for more money, like another 50 k, totaling 100 k. Here I,m thinking WTF, I was only in the room for 30 min, so I,ll just eat the whole hour for 50 k and instead he's trying to take me for 100 k. Well the end result was, after I gave him a dirty look and explained I was only in for a half hour anyways, he went in the back room and when he came back he handed me 10 k, so I ended up paying only 40 K. Now, I know he's been running the place for at least five years or more and there used to be a menu that explained the amount of time and prices, so what is it now? What ever they can get out of you?. I guess he though this was my first time and I was just some dum tourist. Now its been three years since I been here or Colombia in general, but has the place changed that much? I guess I,ll find out.

Iguana Six
02-28-17, 03:09
Other than possibly the ladies that are at the Mansion almost every day, I don't think any of them are being worn out by the number of customers.The English students at the Mansion don't get to visit every day. For the past few years, they have needed an invite from a guest or from the management to come over. This is very vexing for them, as it throttled the exposure of those that wanted to earn more. It also leads to complaints that management was playing favorites.

Iguana Six
02-28-17, 03:35
RE: Hotel Botero.

Hotel Botero Medellin.

Same block as the airport buses, across from Yakuska, booked it on Orbitz, not bad for $26 a night, 42" flat-screen, A / C, hot water, big shower, chica friendly, they copied the girls ID the 1st night, 2nd night different desk clerks, didn't want ID and when she tried to leave they held her and called me to see if it was OK, a nice safety touch. God I am going to hate being back in the US at $200-$300 a pop for quality. Sigh.How did you get that $26 price? Did you feel safe walking around the neighborhood at night? Where is it in relation to the Metro train? Which station is it close to?

02-28-17, 04:43
How did you get that $26 price? Did you feel safe walking around the neighborhood at night? Where is it in relation to the Metro train? Which station is it close to?He said he booked it on Orbitz at $26/ night. I just looked on booking.com and it also has it for $26/ night. It's located midway between the Prado and Parque Barrio Metro stations, about 4 blocks to either one.

But I can't tell you whether or not he felt safe walking around the neighborhood at night.

02-28-17, 06:26
How did you get that $26 price? Did you feel safe walking around the neighborhood at night? Where is it in relation to the Metro train? Which station is it close to?$26 on Orbitz website, double room so no extra $ for guest of which I had several, 1 block to Botero metro I think, I can see the tracks around the corner. I don't know about safe but I felt fine up till midnight around the hotel area, just walked a girl back to Maricibo 2 blocks and back NP, about 11:30 pm Mon. I am 5"10 barefoot and 180 lbs no fat and could break most these guys in two though. If I didn't speak Spanish or look built I would just take a cab when it got late, day time was fine, walked everywhere, 3 tits-bar / brothels with in 3 blocks, hard to beat. WiFi sometimes in the room, always in lobby, hot water, clean beds, mini fridge, 42 flat-screen, so / so A / see but windows open.

02-28-17, 14:37
He said he booked it on Orbitz at $26/ night. I just looked on booking.com and it also has it for $26/ night. It's located midway between the Prado and Parque Barrio Metro stations, about 4 blocks to either one.

But I can't tell you whether or not he felt safe walking around the neighborhood at night.Hotel is closer to parque berrio metro than prado, and far safer area to walk from berrio than prado, re hotel area for walking at night, from the hotel the safer street to go to is 1/2 block south which is maracaibo, which has the 2 strip clubs, one which is named after the street, rather than Caracas to the north, the rule to follow in el centro at night is, if very few people on a street don't walk on it.

02-28-17, 16:53
the rule to follow in el centro at night is, if very few people on a street don't walk on it.That's a good rule for any entertainment district in any city.

02-28-17, 17:57
I went for a session at Aiffe in centro on calle 57 this afternoon, the five girls that were there were pretty decent I thought. I chose the younger cuter looking one, She said her name was Alexandra. Nice girl, but doesn, t really do anything like BBBJ. The price I was quoted was 40 k for half an hour and 50 k for an hour, at least that's what I heard. Now, I was only in the room for 30 min or so, but I did choose an hour. So, when I go up to pay the guy 50 k he holds out for more money, like another 50 k, totaling 100 k. Here I,m thinking WTF, I was only in the room for 30 min, so I,ll just eat the whole hour for 50 k and instead he's trying to take me for 100 k. Well the end result was, after I gave him a dirty look and explained I was only in for a half hour anyways, he went in the back room and when he came back he handed me 10 k, so I ended up paying only 40 K. Now, I know he's been running the place for at least five years or more and there used to be a menu that explained the amount of time and prices, so what is it now? What ever they can get out of you?. I guess he though this was my first time and I was just some dum tourist. Now its been three years since I been here or Colombia in general, but has the place changed that much? I guess I,ll find out.Sorry to hear about your bad experience at Aiffe. Methinks you were maybe being gouged because you were a foreigner. I was there last April and the manager took the money up front, which was like 65 k including a drink from the mini-fridge. I got a full hour of service. BTW, I went early and got a choice of around 9 girls, as I recall (none homely and none beautiful, but mostly pleasant to look at). I think in these situations, it's best to pay up front. The manageresses at Energia and the "baby sitter" at Yakusa also took money up front. I understand New Life lets you pay when you leave but they post a detailed price list. Someone correct me if I am wrong on that.

03-01-17, 01:29
Went to the New life twice today. Once around 11 in the mourning and again around five in the evening. In the mourning time there was only around 5 girls, but that's what I expected anyways, since it was still early. The first girl I pick, was pretty decent looking I thought. When we got to the room and got down to business, she immediately gave me a very satisfying BBBJ no questions asked and no propina was asked for. The second time I went in the evening, there was maybe around 10 girls and I guess some were already busy in the rooms. The girls were pretty, nothing gorgeous though. The girl I picked was to my taste. Its funny cause I believe I done her before at New Life two other times in the past. She looked better before, she has some fat on her now and her hair is tinted redish, but her body still looks really good, smooth skin, no strech marks or scars. She gave a fantatsic BBBJ, of course for a 20 k propina, well worth it I thought. She goes by the name Laura, I think she went by Paola before, All in All, I though New Life hasn't change much in last three years since I been there. The prices have change a bit like 40 k 15 min, 50 k half hour, 65 k 45 min, 80 k for 1 hour. The girls are the same too. Nothing really beautiful. If your really into silicone, this the place for you. I look for the more, petite, slender and natural ones, which there's usually at least 1 or 2 out group of girls working there.

03-01-17, 01:48
Newbie here and planning a Medellin trip.

What is the best way to find P4P chica that's 9/10 and 10/10 for someone who doesn't speak Spanish?

03-01-17, 05:14
Newbie here and planning a Medellin trip.

What is the best way to find P4P chica that's 9/10 and 10/10 for someone who doesn't speak Spanish?Show up with realistic budget for 10/10. 800,000 Colombian pesos out of which 100,000 goes to a facilitator, 100,000 for taxis and drinks and 600,000 for a girl.

Get on all social networks, use google translate and gamble on it, as it may be cheaper. Anyway, you won't get a 10 for 80,000 an hour.

Almost forgot, get younger, get in shape, learn to dance and learn to speak at least strong intermediate Spanish. Be generous, be fun, love people and people are going to love you.

Mr Enternational
03-01-17, 07:20
Show up with realistic budget for 10/10. 800,000 Colombian pesos out of which 100,000 goes to a facilitator, 100,000 for taxis and drinks and 600,000 for a girl.Will this get a natural 10 or a surgery 10?

03-01-17, 09:10
Will this get a natural 10 or a surgery 10?I don't know, but it looks like I'll be a facilitator in my spare time. Collect 800 k, spend 15 minutes online, make a couple of phone calls, give 25 k to 50 k to the taxi. Give 200 k to 300 k to the girl and pocket the rest.

For an extra 200 k I'll tell the taxi driver how to find Fase 2.

03-01-17, 18:29
Hotel Botero Medellin.

Same block as the airport buses, across from Yakuska, booked it on Orbitz, not bad for $26 a night, 42" flat-screen, A / C, hot water, big shower, chica friendly, they copied the girls ID the 1st night, 2nd night different desk clerks, didn't want ID and when she tried to leave they held her and called me to see if it was OK, a nice safety touch. God I am going to hate being back in the US at $200-$300 a pop for quality. Sigh.Good report and thanks for the heads up about Hotel Botero. I visited Yakuza last April, but only noticed the love hotel next to it. Aside from the convenience of being near the airport bus, it makes for a good place to pull a Yakuza girl into. While I liked the young ladies who were working there, Yakuza only seems to offer some marginal rooms, which were stuffy, with no ventilation and only a twin mattress on the floor. No showers were offered, and that is one place where I felt I needed a shower after I finished. At worst you could just walk across the street to your room to bathe after the fact.

03-01-17, 22:51
Made a quick 3 day trip back to Medellin to see my 2 sweethearts I met in Centro a couple weeks ago.

Got a little love motel for each encounter right near Plaza Botero.

It cost like 30 KP for all day and night, though we stayed only like 5 or 6 hours each time.

Made a couple trips through the Centro chica gauntlet.

Found nothing new.

I sure got lucky finding these two!

03-01-17, 22:57
Stop by Paisa Relax at the end of carrea 45 near calle 57.40 k for half hour. There was only 3 chicas, I guess because it's ash Wednesday, but surprisingly this place never dissapoints me. I seem to always get what I want at this place for some reason, eventhough it seems like a hole ground type of place. At first the girl I picked didn, t want to do BBBJ, even for a propina. Lucky for me though, She was very passionate and into me. So eventually, I asked her if I could stroke my cock on her beaver, she though about it and then said okay, so what became of rubbing my cock on her vagina, ended up being bareback full penatration sex. She couldn, t resist and either could I and what a great over all experience so far.

Make My Day
03-02-17, 01:06

I have a question. I think I went to the mansion. It is not on 'the map' so I went here: http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/location.html.

It looked like a hotel with a closed door and gate around it etc. I did not ring the bell and dared to ask (my Spanish sucks, I'm getting better but still suck at it).

The thing is, it is probably so obvious for everybody that info about it is hard to find (at least I can not find much about it).

Now is this the famous Mansion and can you go there as a non hotel guest?

If yes just ring the bell? And what time? And which of the two?

Thanks in advance!

03-02-17, 02:12
After my 30,000 cop spinner (female!) behind Iglesia De La Veracruz Sunday, went back that night looking for the girl I saw Sat at Conejitas, went 9:30 ish. Not there, about 15 girls and 12 customers, through 3 of the girls were hot, one super hot, the typical beautiful long straight black hair, banging body, flat stomach, killer T&A, 21 yo. Wasn't in the mood for bartering, paid 50,000 cop to the Club for takeout and offered her 300,000 for all night, ended up keeping her almost till I left, we just got along so well and she was so fun both in and out of bed, sweet and happy and hot and so GFE, just what I wanted, long and good bedtime sex, morning sex, then took her shopping the next day, my idea because I wanted to, walked all around the shopping districts in Centro, bought her some clothes and purses etc & gave her another 300,000, breakfast, lunch, dinner, more sex then she left Monday night 11 ish. Liked her enough to see her again so I so I went out to Maricibo and Barre Executive for a bedtime snack instead of her club. You just know someone would tell her gringo was back. 20 min after she left my hotel. LOL, M. Sucked but about 12 girls at B. E, 3 hotties, the 2 hottest younger ones sitting at tables with guys, so I took choice #3, a 33 yo human analog Jessica Rabbit with a semi-oriental look to her face and a banging body with some great bolt ONS Gave her 240,000 for takeout includ club fee to my hotel, we drank, danced, smoked (she had) and had great fun. She was also good in bed and would see her again. Let her go around 2 am. Tired.

Had a flight out at 2 pm Tues so got up at 7 am, showered packed, hit the streets. Breakfast then around Veracruz church, girls already out at 8 am, nobody I liked till 10, (saw the little tranny again "Venga!-No!. LOL) picked another 20 yo spinner, 30,000, gave her 50,000, showered in the room she got us, grabbed my bags from the hotel, took the bus to the airport at 11 am-both my rides on the bus were in the 1 HR 15 min range so take that into account, also the American Airlines line was 45 min long, and then they pulled me out of line for the backroom X-ray cavity search, made my plane with like 2 minutes to spare.

In conclusion had fun on both my SA dates, great sex on one, ok on the other, got great GFE from both them and the Conejita girl and enjoyed myself immensely more then the 30,000 hookups but I like the sugar daddy scene more then the straight P2 P mode. Also YMMV with these particular girls, I do 100 push ups and 100 stomach crunches in a single set every night before bed and speak perfect spanish, blond hair, green eyes AND treat these girls like Princesses. Because I like to.

Loved staying in Centro and the location of the Botero Hotel is perfect and would stay again. The wifi is spotty in the rooms but always good in lobby and they have a roof top bar / sauna with a great view of the city (15 story I think) and no prob with chicas. (but rent a room for 2) Don't need cabs, 1/2 block to the.

First 4 pics of the Conejitas girl (I took 3 of them) and 1 of the Barre Executive Jessica Rabbit.

03-02-17, 03:34
I don't know, but it looks like I'll be a facilitator in my spare time. Collect 800 k, spend 15 minutes online, make a couple of phone calls, give 25 k to 50 k to the taxi. Give 200 k to 300 k to the girl and pocket the rest.

For an extra 200 k I'll tell the taxi driver how to find Fase 2.I guess it's a joke. On a serious note it's also ill advised. And no girl working in a strip club is a 10 by definition.

03-02-17, 03:39
Will this get a natural 10 or a surgery 10?Tit job is only 5 million pesos. So it depends on you and a girl. And no surgery or enhancement can change her experience, personality, social status, skills, mileage etc.

03-02-17, 03:51
After my 30,000 cop spinner (female!) behind Iglesia De La Veracruz Sunday, went back that night looking for the girl I saw Sat at Conejitas, went 9:30 ish. Not there, about 15 girls and 12 customers, through 3 of the girls were hot, one super hot, the typical beautiful long straight black hair, banging body, flat stomach, killer T&A, 21 yo. Wasn't in the mood for bartering, paid 50,000 cop to the Club for takeout and offered her 300,000 for all night, ended up keeping her almost till I left, we just got along so well and she was so fun both in and out of bed, sweet and happy and hot and so GFE, just what I wanted, long and good bedtime sex, morning sex, then took her shopping the next day, my idea because I wanted to, walked all around the shopping districts in Centro, bought her some clothes and purses etc & gave her another 300,000, breakfast, lunch, dinner, more sex then she left Monday night 11 ish. Liked her enough to see her again so I so I went out to Maricibo and Barre Executive for a bedtime snack instead of her club. You just know someone would tell her gringo was back. 20 min after she left my hotel. LOL, M. Sucked but about 12 girls at B. E, 3 hotties, the 2 hottest younger ones sitting at tables with guys, so I took choice #3, a 33 yo human analog Jessica Rabbit with a semi-oriental look to her face and a banging body with some great bolt ONS Gave her 240,000 for takeout includ club fee to my hotel, we drank, danced, smoked (she had) and had great fun. She was also good in bed and would see her again. Let her go around 2 am. Tired..Hey Wolf662,

I sent you a private message with a question.

03-02-17, 04:42
Left out part, Botero Hotel also 100 ft from bus stop and back entrance to Nutribara Hotel with Banco Colombia ATM 24/7 -1/2 block to grocery store, 1/2 block to great corner eatery, 2 blocks to 3 diff strip clubs and several casa's and both parks close by (Botero / Bolivar) and the red light block around the church.

Husker Dude
03-02-17, 05:23

I have a question. I think I went to the mansion. It is not on 'the map' so I went here: http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/location.html.

It looked like a hotel with a closed door and gate around it etc. I did not ring the bell and dared to ask (my Spanish sucks, I'm getting better but still suck at it).

The thing is, it is probably so obvious for everybody that info about it is hard to find (at least I can not find much about it).

Now is this the famous Mansion and can you go there as a non hotel guest?

If yes just ring the bell? And what time? And which of the two?
Thanks in advance!You were probably there. Sometimes they will let a non guest in for a fee. Usually it's for people that stay there only. You just have to ring & ask. Look up Casa Blanca under the Colombia forum, as it's the Mansion.

Fun Luvr
03-02-17, 05:24

I have a question. I think I went to the mansion. It is not on 'the map' so I went here: http://hotelmedellinplaza.com/location.html.

It looked like a hotel with a closed door and gate around it etc. I did not ring the bell and dared to ask (my Spanish sucks, I'm getting better but still suck at it).

The thing is, it is probably so obvious for everybody that info about it is hard to find (at least I can not find much about it).

Now is this the famous Mansion and can you go there as a non hotel guest?

If yes just ring the bell? And what time? And which of the two?

Thanks in advance!Yes, that is the Mansion; and no, you cannot go there unless you are renting a room in either M1 or M2. There have been reports that sometimes you can pay an entrance fee and go to the bar, but those reports are suspect.

03-02-17, 09:19
After my 30,000 cop spinner (female!) behind Iglesia De La Veracruz Sunday.You can't beat 30 k pussy. How are the love hotels in centro? Are they well maintained?

You were right across the street from Yakuza, do they let their girls go out to a love hotel (because that place is a dirt hole).

03-02-17, 15:50
You can't beat 30 k pussy. How are the love hotels in centro? Are they well maintained?

You were right across the street from Yakuza, do they let their girls go out to a love hotel (because that place is a dirt hole).The Veracruz girls have a ok place up the stairs, clean, fans, shower, bed, porno TV.

For 50 k /4 hrs the Eros hotel at cal 54 and car 54 (about 4 block from church) has jacuzzi / steam room / stocked bar / mirrors / music / sex chair. Think I would take the cuter ones there next time, give them a little more and have a nicer time.

03-02-17, 17:25
Yes, that is the Mansion; and no, you cannot go there unless you are renting a room in either M1 or M2. There have been reports that sometimes you can pay an entrance fee and go to the bar, but those reports are suspect.A friend told me he once had to check out for two nights and stay in a hotel because they were full but since he was forced to leave and was checking in again two nights later they let him come back for a cover charge- but only because the hotel was full. In other words, if rooms are available you would have to pay for a room to come in. Someone off the street with no prior history at the hotel, previous recent stay, or near-future upcoming stay seems unlikely.

03-02-17, 23:25
You were right across the street from Yakuza, do they let their girls go out to a love hotel (because that place is a dirt hole).I think so because they have a love hotel right next door, the Hotel Deseos.

03-03-17, 01:59
Left out part, Botero Hotel also 100 ft from bus stop and back entrance to Nutribara Hotel with Banco Colombia ATM 24/7 -1/2 block to grocery store, 1/2 block to great corner eatery, 2 blocks to 3 diff strip clubs and several casa's and both parks close by (Botero / Bolivar) and the red light block around the church.Well, after living on top of conejitas for so long, I finally had enough of the the noise from the street, hard mattress and roaches. So I booked two nights at the Hotel Botero for 75 k a night. The rooms are not bad, but the A / see don't work, or just blows warm air and there's no fan. Well, at least its close to bus station that goes to the airport. Last time when I was staying in the area, I check out of my hotel to early, around 3:30 in the mourning and I got stuck in the area until it opened. I just stayed with in quick running distance of the hotel Nutribar door, because the whole area transforms into the walking dead after midnight. One guys walking towards you dressed in garbage bags anothers dragging himself towards you and reaching his arm out and alot of them look like they have some sort skin disease's. This time if its closed I can just wait in the hotel lobby. I guess being across from yukusa isn't so bad either, but I not crazy about the rooms there either. The beds practically take up the room. The walls look like their about to fall down. Its they just stapled for sheets of plywood together. Anyhow I'm sure this will be a better improvement. Thanks for the info.

03-03-17, 03:08
Well, after living on top of conejitas for so long, I finally had enough of the the noise from the street, hard mattress and roaches. So I booked two nights at the Hotel Botero for 75 k a night. The rooms are not bad, but the A / see don't work, or just blows warm air and there's no fan. Well, at least its close to bus station that goes to the airport. Last time when I was staying in the area, I check out of my hotel to early, around 3:30 in the mourning and I got stuck in the area until it opened. I just stayed with in quick running distance of the hotel Nutribar door, because the whole area transforms into the walking dead after midnight. One guys walking towards you dressed in garbage bags anothers dragging himself towards you and reaching his arm out and alot of them look like they have some sort skin disease's. This time if its closed I can just wait in the hotel lobby. I guess being across from yukusa isn't so bad either, but I not crazy about the rooms there either. The beds practically take up the room. The walls look like their about to fall down. Its they just stapled for sheets of plywood together. Anyhow I'm sure this will be a better improvement. Thanks for the info.NP, I had a inside room, the windows opened to a central shaft / space and just left my windows open all night, nice and cool. Hot water takes a bit to get going but is nice and hot and my room had a big shower. Check out the roof bar after it opens at 11:30, they have a steam room etc and nice views of the city. I never did eat at the 2nd story Botero hotel restaurant, let me know if it's any good if you eat there.

That Tiendas D1 grocery store 1/2 block away is nice too (west end of Nutibara) and that back door through the small resturant in to Nutribara and then right / right to ATM is nice and safe too. Yeah I thought the "room" at Yakuska were yikes and would def. Take them to the Botero if staying there or to the love hotel next door.

03-03-17, 03:16
Well, after living on top of conejitas for so long, I finally had enough of the the noise from the street, hard mattress and roaches. So I booked two nights at the Hotel Botero for 75 k a night. The rooms are not bad, but the A / see don't work, or just blows warm air and there's no fan. Well, at least its close to bus station that goes to the airport. Last time when I was staying in the area, I check out of my hotel to early, around 3:30 in the mourning and I got stuck in the area until it opened. I just stayed with in quick running distance of the hotel Nutribar door, because the whole area transforms into the walking dead after midnight. One guys walking towards you dressed in garbage bags anothers dragging himself towards you and reaching his arm out and alot of them look like they have some sort skin disease's. This time if its closed I can just wait in the hotel lobby. I guess being across from yukusa isn't so bad either, but I not crazy about the rooms there either. The beds practically take up the room. The walls look like their about to fall down. Its they just stapled for sheets of plywood together. Anyhow I'm sure this will be a better improvement. Thanks for the info.Oh yeah, and I thought the Brasa Pan on the corner near the subway line across from Nutibara 1/2 block from Hotel Botero had good cheap food and was open late and early.

This place here:

https://www.google.com/maps/@6.2527809, -75.5675642,3 a,75 y,31.82 h,82.48 t / data=!3 m6!1 e1!3 m4!1 svam83 pwWpxf_59 rXmlKvuQ!2 e0!7 i13312!8 i6656?hl=en.

Pics of menu:

P.S. what's it like living on top of Coneijitas? Have to pay house fee for them to leave or what?

Fun Luvr
03-03-17, 05:58
Has anyone tried using the Charles Schwab card in a Bancolombia ATM in the past month? When I was there in January, those ATM's would not dispense any money from Schwab. I'll be returning soon and hoping Bancolombia is back to the way it used to be. Their ATM's are more convenient to where I am staying.

Always Randy
03-03-17, 13:26
Has anyone tried using the Charles Schwab card in a Bancolombia ATM in the past month? When I was there in January, those ATM's would not dispense any money from Schwab. I'll be returning soon and hoping Bancolombia is back to the way it used to be. Their ATM's are more convenient to where I am staying.I used to use Bancolombia all the time. But on my recent visit, noticed their ATMs are no longer part of the PLUS network. So had to use other ATMs: BBBV has a 300,000 COP limit, Davienda ATMs let you take out more. Neither indicated it had an ATM fee unlike some other machines.

Make My Day
03-03-17, 19:34
Here my 2 cents about Colombia and Medellin for a first time visitor.

No Spanish means no clue in Colombia (unless you go to the Mansion I guess, have not been there because it was full). Here is short description of my journey and what I have learned so far, so people who read this while researching a mongering trip can use these 2 cents.

I knew I needed Spanish for Colombia so I started learning it using Duolingo (free on the web). I think I practiced for 3-4 months every day for about half an hour before I went. I'm the math type of guy and learning a foreign language is not that easy as it is for some. When I arrived in Colombia I still could not understand a thing and nobody understood me when I tried to say something. So I took here in Colombia about 20 hours of private lesson and 20 hours class (here my Duolingo hours were a huge plus)! For this all, I think I paid about $600 and it took three weeks. Suddenly I can kind of talk to the taxi drivers and girls. Not good at all, it is totally broken Spanish but I can say things and understand things.

I can talk to a girl at Fase II and understand things she tells me like many foreigners come to Fase II really do not speak one single word of Spanish or, the taxi driver tells me that at night you can drive through the red traffic lights (until 5:00 AM) and I can tell him that the lights in my country flash orange in the night and that it means the same.

I write this so you have an idea of my conversation level at this moment. When you are at that level suddenly girls are getting cheap.

Fase II is reasonably easy without any Spanish but it is expensive. I think European prices. One hour is all in about $300.000 (taxi, door, drinks, girl). When you can have my kinds of conversation in Spanish you can go to the massage parlors like 'Chicas punto Com'. An hour with a girl there is 60.000! No drinks, no door, no pressure. Anyway, because you can say things and ask questions like if she wants to see you outside the club or if she has a nice friend who is willing or if its allowed at that place at all to take somebody out. When 1 hour in a massage parlor costs you 60.000 all in, you probably can buy a lot for the 300.000 Fase II fee! Negotiating a takeout or getting a phone number and having some fun beside sex? I think at least you need my level of Spanish.

Just for mongering and not willing to learn a bit of Spanish? Even the Dominican Republic / Sosua is easier than Colombia. Medellin is a very interesting city though. Safety? Poblado is safe, also at night. The Center is safe when and where it is crowded (I do not mean 'walking dead' crowded).

Hope somebody finds this helpful.


Does somebody knows where to find darker or girls in the bar scene here in Medellin? I see a lot of beauties on the street but none so far (except in Bogota) in the massage places here in Medellin?

03-03-17, 23:02
I will be in Medellin next week. I have been working CC for a month and have several girls willing to come to my condo for the night. They are asking $300,000 to $500,000. Is that high?

03-04-17, 03:15
Oh yeah, and I thought the Brasa Pan on the corner near the subway line across from Nutibara 1/2 block from Hotel Botero had good cheap food and was open late and early.

This place here:

https://www.google.com/maps/@6.2527809, -75.5675642,3 a,75 y,31.82 h,82.48 t / data=!3 m6!1 e1!3 m4!1 svam83 pwWpxf_59 rXmlKvuQ!2 e0!7 i13312!8 i6656?hl=en.

Pics of menu:

P.S. what's it like living on top of Coneijitas? Have to pay house fee for them to leave or what?Actually, around four or five years ago when I used to go to conejitas, the first floor of the hotel they used (hotel degreif) the portion on the very first floor, that was accessible (and I'm guessing still is) by just walking to the back of the club through the door, up on the stage, was connection to the other part (floors 2 thru 5). When I finished, I would just walk through the laundry room and up to my regular room up the stairs. All the rooms on the first floor have doors facing the hallway, which leads down the stairs to Conejitas on the first floor. Now they separated the first floor with others with a wall. It was convenient though that I didn't have to go out side to come and go to Conejitos. All so, instead of using the club portion of the hotel, I would just talk the girl into leaving with me and going right up the stairs to my room. So, there was no time limit or house fee and the negotiations were strictly between me and the girl.

03-04-17, 03:30
Go to Zandaly and ask for Pamela.


Does somebody knows where to find darker or girls in the bar scene here in Medellin? I see a lot of beauties on the street but none so far (except in Bogota) in the massage places here in Medellin?

03-04-17, 03:42
Fase II is reasonably easy without any Spanish but it is expensive. I think European prices. One hour is all in about $300.000 (taxi, door, drinks, girl). When you can have my kinds of conversation in Spanish you can go to the massage parlors like 'Chicas punto Com'. An hour with a girl there is 60.000! No drinks, no door, no pressure. Anyway, because you can say things and ask questions like if she wants to see you outside the club or if she has a nice friend who is willing or if its allowed at that place at all to take somebody out. When 1 hour in a massage parlor costs you 60.000 all in, you probably can buy a lot for the 300.000 Fase II fee!You should try the New Life, Calle 56 (Bolivia) # 43-39, piso 2, Club Maracaibo, Calle 53 # 49-30. , or Ejecutiva Strip Club, Calle 53 # (49-70) if you haven't yet, because their basically the same silicone type of girls for a fraction of the price. Some of the girls will go directly to FASE II after the New Life closes at 8 pm and their price goes from 50 K to 300 K.

Fun Luvr
03-04-17, 05:33
I will be in Medellin next week. I have been working CC for a month and have several girls willing to come to my condo for the night. They are asking $300,000 to $500,000. Is that high?300,000 plus food and drinks is about right for all night, but I don't think you should plan an all night with someone you know nothing about. I have been with many ladies in Medellin, and almost everyone has been very nice. But there is always the possibility of encountering a crazy one. I think you should plan a couple of hours with someone, then make further plans after that. You should pay 150 K to 200 K plus a cab fare for a couple of hours.

03-04-17, 13:04
Here my 2 cents about Colombia and Medellin for a first time visitor.

No Spanish means no clue in Colombia (unless you go to the Mansion I guess, have not been there because it was full). Here is short description of my journey and what I have learned so far, so people who read this while researching a mongering trip can use these 2 cents.

I knew I needed Spanish for Colombia so I started learning it using Duolingo (free on the web). I think I practiced for 3-4 months every day for about half an hour before I went. I'm the math type of guy and learning a foreign language is not that easy as it is for some. When I arrived in Colombia I still could not understand a thing and nobody understood me when I tried to say something. So I took here in Colombia about 20 hours of private lesson and 20 hours class (here my Duolingo hours were a huge plus)! For this all, I think I paid about $600 and it took three weeks. Suddenly I can kind of talk to the taxi drivers and girls. Not good at all, it is totally broken Spanish but I can say things and understand things.

I can talk to a girl at Fase II and understand things she tells me like many foreigners come to Fase II really do not speak one single word of Spanish or, the taxi driver tells me that at night you can drive through the red traffic lights (until 5:00 AM) and I can tell him that the lights in my country flash orange in the night and that it means the same.

I write this so you have an idea of my conversation level at this moment. When you are at that level suddenly girls are getting cheap.

Fase II is reasonably easy without any Spanish but it is expensive. I think European prices. One hour is all in about $300.000 (taxi, door, drinks, girl). When you can have my kinds of conversation in Spanish you can go to the massage parlors like 'Chicas punto Com'. An hour with a girl there is 60.000! No drinks, no door, no pressure. Anyway, because you can say things and ask questions like if she wants to see you outside the club or if she has a nice friend who is willing or if its allowed at that place at all to take somebody out. When 1 hour in a massage parlor costs you 60.000 all in, you probably can buy a lot for the 300.000 Fase II fee! Negotiating a takeout or getting a phone number and having some fun beside sex? I think at least you need my level of Spanish.

Just for mongering and not willing to learn a bit of Spanish? Even the Dominican Republic / Sosua is easier than Colombia. Medellin is a very interesting city though. Safety? Poblado is safe, also at night. The Center is safe when and where it is crowded (I do not mean 'walking dead' crowded).

Hope somebody finds this helpful.It only takes an hour or two to greatly improve any foreign trip. Learn a few standard greetings and responses. Learn the numbers, learn the basic courtesy expressions and learn how to say you don't speak the language.

The natives become a lot friendlier when you are making an effort to communicate. If you're asking for directions in the street, they will grab other people to find someone who speaks better English. If you are just repeating the same English phrases, they shrug and walk away.

Congratulations! You overcame the first hurdle, accepting that a foreign country won't change their language to suit you.

03-04-17, 14:23
Pan Brasa is a chain. I've seen them other places around Centro. It's a good option to keep costs down.

Oh yeah, and I thought the Brasa Pan on the corner near the subway line across from Nutibara 1/2 block from Hotel Botero had good cheap food and was open late and early.

This place here:

https://www.google.com/maps/@6.2527809, -75.5675642,3 a,75 y,31.82 h,82.48 t / data=!3 m6!1 e1!3 m4!1 svam83 pwWpxf_59 rXmlKvuQ!2 e0!7 i13312!8 i6656?hl=en.

Pics of menu:

P.S. what's it like living on top of Coneijitas? Have to pay house fee for them to leave or what?

03-05-17, 03:09
300,000 plus food and drinks is about right for all night, but I don't think you should plan an all night with someone you know nothing about. I have been with many ladies in Medellin, and almost everyone has been very nice. But there is always the possibility of encountering a crazy one. I think you should plan a couple of hours with someone, then make further plans after that. You should pay 150 K to 200 K plus a cab fare for a couple of hours.Great advice. There's too much downside to committing yourself to all night with a girl you've never sampled before. Do her short-time for a lesser rate. If you get along well, you can either extend the session or do TLN the next time.

03-05-17, 22:25

I'm all booked for a visit to Medellin 3/30, for 5 nights. Post divorce present to myself. I used to spend a lot of time in South America for work (many years ago, in a much more naive and less devious frame of mind). I also speak OK Spanish.

I plan to meet up with a couple ladies I've connected with on Col Cupid (actually, I'm corresponding with several, but not enough time!) A couple seem like regular girls or semi-pros who (I hope) are open to fun with a cool gringo; a couple others seem like veterans. I'll get more direct to the point on our Whatsapp and Facebook conversations before my trip. I don't mind some wining and dining, but there needs to be some sexy time too.

I'd also like to try out a couple of the strip clubs and the night club scene. Not sure if I'll hit the 'spas' but a possibility.

Staying in an apartment in Envigado. Want to experience more local flavor, while still being close enough to the action. Hopefully I planned that part right.

Anyone going to be in Medellin at the same time, I'd be happy to meet up!


03-06-17, 13:50
I am going to Medellin latter this week for 5 days. I have been using Col. Cupid for about a month with pretty good results. I guess we will see when I get there. I have boiled it down to about 10 possibilities. Some seem like pros, some semi pros and a couple that are not. A lot of them are students. Go ahead and break the ice with whatsapp and let them know what you are looking for. I would simply ask if they would come spend the night with me at my condo. I have had pretty good results. We go ahead and discuss money, services, etc. Many are willing to bring friends with them. They will send you sexy photos. March 30th will get here soon. I would go ahead start working my list and taking off those that don't fit the bill. You will have time to add others from CC. Then keep their interests by texting them a couple times a week. I will let you know how well it works next wee. But so far, I have 3 groups of 3 sums lined up, about 5 singles interested (mostly Students) and 3 that work full time, one is a math teacher. Very hot!


I'm all booked for a visit to Medellin 3/30, for 5 nights. Post divorce present to myself. I used to spend a lot of time in South America for work (many years ago, in a much more naive and less devious frame of mind). I also speak OK Spanish.

I plan to meet up with a couple ladies I've connected with on Col Cupid (actually, I'm corresponding with several, but not enough time!) A couple seem like regular girls or semi-pros who (I hope) are open to fun with a cool gringo; a couple others seem like veterans. I'll get more direct to the point on our Whatsapp and Facebook conversations before my trip. I don't mind some wining and dining, but there needs to be some sexy time too.

I'd also like to try out a couple of the strip clubs and the night club scene. Not sure if I'll hit the 'spas' but a possibility.

Staying in an apartment in Envigado. Want to experience more local flavor, while still being close enough to the action. Hopefully I planned that part right.

Anyone going to be in Medellin at the same time, I'd be happy to meet up!


03-06-17, 20:05
I'm all booked for a visit to Medellin 3/30, for 5 nights. Post divorce present to myself. I used to spend a lot of time in South America for work (many years ago, in a much more naive and less devious frame of mind). I also speak OK Spanish.
I plan to meet up with a couple ladies I've connected with on Col Cupid (actually, I'm corresponding with several, but not enough time!) A couple seem like regular girls or semi-pros who (I hope) are open to fun with a cool gringo; a couple others seem like veterans. I'll get more direct to the point on our Whatsapp and Facebook conversations before my trip. I don't mind some wining and dining, but there needs to be some sexy time too.
I'd also like to try out a couple of the strip clubs and the night club scene. Not sure if I'll hit the 'spas' but a possibility.
Staying in an apartment in Envigado. Want to experience more local flavor, while still being close enough to the action. Hopefully I planned that part right.
Anyone going to be in Medellin at the same time, I'd be happy to meet up!
C.Just got back, did set up some SeekingArrangements dates before I went, 1 worked out great, one was so / so and wouldn't repeat and many were flaky on arrival times and getting back to you on WhatsApp or crazy on the prices. My recommendation is set up a dinner date or two if you want but have a fall back plan to go to, I would do the strip clubs, you can scope all the girls out longer then in the Casa'a and have a drink with them and check the attitude. Hard to do when they just parade the girls out and you have to pick. Looks are only part of a great time Vs a OK time.

And Conejitas had about 50+ girls on when I was in there on a Sat night, good luck seeing that many at the Casa's without making many stops.

03-07-17, 03:22
Botero Medellin (formerly Botero Plaza) is a winner. The price and convenient location are hard to beat. It's true about the hot water and location across from Yakuza. In room Internet is non-existent. It works well in the lobby, wear earplugs if you need to get work done. They play novelas 24/7 at high volume LOL!

A lot of people on civilian travel web sites complain bitterly about the beds. Anyone who has traveled around South America won't be surprised at the extra firm style of mattress. I love it, it makes my back feel great. I wish I could find mattresses that firm at home. I can see how people who prefer a softer mattress would not like it. The other thing that I find strange about the civilian reviews is the number of people who describe the place as "run down" or needing "renovation. " OK, it's not the Ritz but the rooms are clean and freshly painted if sparely furnished. What do these people expect for 76,000 pesos? Cheap Charlies, too cheap to pay an extra 13,000 pesos to stay at the Nutibara. Anyway, girls are allowed with the presentation of a documento.

NP, I had a inside room, the windows opened to a central shaft / space and just left my windows open all night, nice and cool. Hot water takes a bit to get going but is nice and hot and my room had a big shower. Check out the roof bar after it opens at 11:30, they have a steam room etc and nice views of the city. I never did eat at the 2nd story Botero hotel restaurant, let me know if it's any good if you eat there.

That Tiendas D1 grocery store 1/2 block away is nice too (west end of Nutibara) and that back door through the small resturant in to Nutribara and then right / right to ATM is nice and safe too. Yeah I thought the "room" at Yakuska were yikes and would def. Take them to the Botero if staying there or to the love hotel next door.

03-07-17, 04:13
Botero Medellin (formerly Botero Plaza) is a winner. The price and convenient location are hard to beat. It's true about the hot water and location across from Yakuza. In room Internet is non-existent. It works well in the lobby, wear earplugs if you need to get work done. They play novelas 24/7 at high volume LOL!

A lot of people on civilian travel web sites complain bitterly about the beds. Anyone who has traveled around South America won't be surprised at the extra firm style of mattress. I love it, it makes my back feel great. I wish I could find mattresses that firm at home. I can see how people who prefer a softer mattress would not like it. The other thing that I find strange about the civilian reviews is the number of people who describe the place as "run down" or needing "renovation. " OK, it's not the Ritz but the rooms are clean and freshly painted if sparely furnished. What do these people expect for 76,000 pesos? Cheap Charlies, too cheap to pay an extra 13,000 pesos to stay at the Nutibara. Anyway, girls are allowed with the presentation of a documento.Yeah I loved the beds too, nice and firm, better for sex too I think. I thought there were some whiners in those reviews too, the place was fine to me for $26, mini fridge meant I had cold beers, water, soda, cheese / crackers etc in the room for me & dates. The day desk girls wanted ID from chicas, the late night guys just waved me by. Of the 4 girls I took up to my room I think only one had to show ID.

Newbies with no Spanish / Latin America experience would probably feel safer somewhere else, Centro gets scary as the night goes on.

03-07-17, 16:01
I am going to Medellin latter this week for 5 days. I have been using Col. Cupid for about a month with pretty good results. I guess we will see when I get there. I have boiled it down to about 10 possibilities. Some seem like pros, some semi pros and a couple that are not. A lot of them are students. Go ahead and break the ice with whatsapp and let them know what you are looking for. I would simply ask if they would come spend the night with me at my condo. I have had pretty good results. We go ahead and discuss money, services, etc. Many are willing to bring friends with them. They will send you sexy photos. March 30th will get here soon. I would go ahead start working my list and taking off those that don't fit the bill. You will have time to add others from CC. Then keep their interests by texting them a couple times a week. I will let you know how well it works next wee. But so far, I have 3 groups of 3 sums lined up, about 5 singles interested (mostly Students) and 3 that work full time, one is a math teacher. Very hot!Just some advice. Take everything from the CC girls with a grain of salt. Yes, some are mostly what they say. They will show up looking like their pictures and perform the way you expect. If you're not older than about 35, fit and attractive, maybe all of them will be good.

However, if you don't meet all the above criteria, you're not going to be a top priority and you've got 3. 5 weeks left to hold their attention. That's equivalent to 7 years in young chica time.

Things to expect:

1. Papi, necesito. Phone bill utility bill, rent, medicine, etc. You'll get at least 1 money request before your trip. Even if it's 8 hours before your flight, it can't wait.

2. Crickets. When the time comes, at least one will be unreachable. Lost phone, sick relative, cat with anxiety issues. Some reason will later be offered. It's to avoid saying "no. " For whatever reason she changed her mind, but no Colombiana will ever tell you.

3. The walking dead. What shows up will only vaguely resemble the person (s) you expect.

4. Change of plans. You set up to meet at your condo, but now she wants to meet at a bar or restaurant. You might end up at the condo with company. You might just get dinner, drinks at 3 places and excuses.

5. Late. 3 pm will become 6 pm. 8 pm will be 11 pm. If you expect them to be on time (30 minutes), you won't be happy.

You can find winners on CC, but don't expect them all to be winners.

The Tall Man
03-08-17, 22:25
Just some advice. Take everything from the CC girls with a grain of salt. Yes, some are mostly what they say. They will show up looking like their pictures and perform the way you expect. If you're not older than about 35, fit and attractive, maybe all of them will be good.

However, if you don't meet all the above criteria, you're not going to be a top priority and you've got 3. 5 weeks left to hold their attention. That's equivalent to 7 years in young chica time.

Things to expect:

1. Papi, necesito. Phone bill utility bill, rent, medicine, etc. You'll get at least 1 money request before your trip. Even if it's 8 hours before your flight, it can't wait.

2. Crickets. When the time comes, at least one will be unreachable. Lost phone, sick relative, cat with anxiety issues. Some reason will later be offered. It's to avoid saying "no. " For whatever reason she changed her mind, but no Colombiana will ever tell you.

3. The walking dead. What shows up will only vaguely resemble the person (s) you expect.

4. Change of plans. You set up to meet at your condo, but now she wants to meet at a bar or restaurant. You might end up at the condo with company. You might just get dinner, drinks at 3 places and excuses.

5. Late. 3 pm will become 6 pm. 8 pm will be 11 pm. If you expect them to be on time (30 minutes), you won't be happy.

You can find winners on CC, but don't expect them all to be winners.I ditto all of your sentiments. Been there and done that both in Bogota and MDE. For me in the end it was just too much effort and work, now I go and just have fun and enjoy what comes my way when I hit the casas, bars, discos and the like.


03-09-17, 04:37
Going to Medellin in April. First time there. Heard great things and we're excited. A friend who has gone before said to stay in Parque Lleras. Is that a good area? Looks like there is a lot of bars and what not there. Is the plaza Botera area better?

Anyone stayed at Lleras Green Hotel? Good rates. Do they allow guests?

We like to do day Casas, at night we typically like to go to the bars and try our luck with non pros. So a balance is ideal.

03-09-17, 04:58
Good day gentlemen, currently planning a trip to Medellin with two of my buddies. Looking through many available airbnb's, a lot of owners / agencies do not allow guests. Also I noticed most if not all of the buildings have security. I don't mind slipping the guards something reasonable to bring someone up, but not all accept.

How do you guys go about finding a place, we don't really want to do a hotel, we enjoy staying at a nice pad.

Any suggestions or advice on where to stay?

03-09-17, 19:45
Going to Medellin in April. First time there. Heard great things and we're excited. A friend who has gone before said to stay in Parque Lleras. Is that a good area? Looks like there is a lot of bars and what not there. Is the plaza Botera area better?No, LOL, it is not. Downtown gets a little scary the later it gets, the zombies come out. If you speak good Spanish, can blend in, have knowledge of Latin customs and and be Hi-speed / low drag and don't mind playing the game "avoid the mugging" then downtown is fun as it is ground zero, or don't mind taking cabs everywhere after dark.

03-09-17, 22:45
To the two new posters, take a look at JjBee62's posts. Especially one he did last November when I went down to Medellin.

The long and short of it. Stay in El Poblado, and hit the casas during the day and stripclubs at night.

If you want night action in an area that's safe, where you meet girls face to face outside, then you will have better luck in Cartagena where about a quarter of the women out late at night past 11 pm are hookers, and the old city in Cartagena is super safe.

03-10-17, 03:35
Good day gentlemen, currently planning a trip to Medellin with two of my buddies. Looking through many available airbnb's, a lot of owners / agencies do not allow guests. Also I noticed most if not all of the buildings have security. I don't mind slipping the guards something reasonable to bring someone up, but not all accept.

How do you guys go about finding a place, we don't really want to do a hotel, we enjoy staying at a nice pad.

Any suggestions or advice on where to stay?Example: pobladorentals.com or search for apartments in Medellin on booking.com or use other agencies. You should have security in your building. There is no need to slip them anything, just get to know them, chit chat a bit and be friendly. Sometimes I leave them beers. You may need them on your side in case of a misunderstanding with a girl when she does not want to leave, tries to extort unearned money or in any other embarrassing situation. Forget airbnb, they are too nosy about your ID.

03-10-17, 05:21
To the two new posters, take a look at JjBee62's posts. Especially one he did last November when I went down to Medellin.

The long and short of it. Stay in El Poblado, and hit the casas during the day and stripclubs at night.

If you want night action in an area that's safe, where you meet girls face to face outside, then you will have better luck in Cartagena where about a quarter of the women out late at night past 11 pm are hookers, and the old city in Cartagena is super safe.Thank you.

I went to Cartagena once and enjoyed the night girls on the street. We are going to Medellin because we like day casas.

At night we will probably just bar hop and try to meet some locals.

Is there a good up to date list of the best day casas to hit? I saw the list he posted (Energy, New Life, Fase Dos, San Diego, Luna Lunera, Abydos) are these the best spots? I searched them on Google maps and many either show up as something else like a restaurant (this is just a front correct?) or I couldn't find. We could just get a cab driver to take us around but I generally prefer have some direction beforehand.

I heard the house Escobar was in when he was caught is a brothel now too. Where is that? Is that one worth going to? Seems like it'd be worth it for the story.

03-10-17, 11:09
Just some advice. Take everything from the CC girls with a grain of salt. Yes, some are mostly what they say. They will show up looking like their pictures and perform the way you expect. If you're not older than about 35, fit and attractive, maybe all of them will be good.

However, if you don't meet all the above criteria, you're not going to be a top priority and you've got 3. 5 weeks left to hold their attention. That's equivalent to 7 years in young chica time.

Things to expect:

1. Papi, necesito. Phone bill utility bill, rent, medicine, etc. You'll get at least 1 money request before your trip. Even if it's 8 hours before your flight, it can't wait.

2. Crickets. When the time comes, at least one will be unreachable. Lost phone, sick relative, cat with anxiety issues. Some reason will later be offered. It's to avoid saying "no. " For whatever reason she changed her mind, but no Colombiana will ever tell you..I love this response. The Walking Dead! I've had all but that experience but I ask for many photos and to do a cam chat before meeting them. The site I use is Latin Cupid its a bit pricey but has girls in the USA also.

03-10-17, 14:06
Is there a good up to date list of the best day casas to hit? I saw the list he posted (Energy, New Life, Fase Dos, San Diego, Luna Lunera, Abydos) are these the best spots? I searched them on Google maps and many either show up as something else like a restaurant (this is just a front correct?) or I couldn't find. We could just get a cab driver to take us around but I generally prefer have some direction beforehand.
On this forum you'll find a subthread called Medellin Lists. It has both a map and a list posted to it.

Jan 156
03-10-17, 16:40
No, LOL, it is not. Downtown gets a little scary the later it gets, the zombies come out. If you speak good Spanish, can blend in, have knowledge of Latin customs and and be Hi-speed / low drag and don't mind playing the game "avoid the mugging" then downtown is fun as it is ground zero, or don't mind taking cabs everywhere after dark.Exactly. It's the street behind the Plaza where the best action is, including the odd strip club with extras. Renting a room in the next again parallel street saves a walk across the Plaza, but the rooms are shitty and, as Wolf said, you need to know how to get your game together to play here. 'Latin customs' could be expanded to include 'common scam and mugging techniques'. If you know how to refuse a drink from an insistent stranger and still be on polite drinking terms that can be a start. Once you become a less obvious mark it's good fun.

03-10-17, 18:35
Walking across Botero is no big deal, even late at night. It is very well lighted and heavily patrolled by police and police cameras. Those streets behind the museum are another story altogether.

Anyway, follow the advice you've received here and it will be OK. Nighttime bar hopping in Parque Lleras will do you no harm. It might bore you worst case but that's no big deal. Fahrenheit might be worth a look if you have time. It really depends how down and dirty you want to get. My opinion is the strip clubs on Maracaibo is about as down as is reasonable but it's a personal choice. In case you overlooked it in other posts, there are tranny streetwalkers who don't always stick together. In other words, they will sometimes line up next to their female counterparts on calle 52 across the side wall of the museum. I re-hash this so we don't have to read about any WTF moments. LOL!

Exactly. It's the street behind the Plaza where the best action is, including the odd strip club with extras. Renting a room in the next again parallel street saves a walk across the Plaza, but the rooms are shitty and, as Wolf said, you need to know how to get your game together to play here. 'Latin customs' could be expanded to include 'common scam and mugging techniques'. If you know how to refuse a drink from an insistent stranger and still be on polite drinking terms that can be a start. Once you become a less obvious mark it's good fun.

Fun Luvr
03-10-17, 19:56
Example: pobladorentals.com or search for apartments in Medellin on booking.com or use other agencies. You should have security in your building. There is no need to slip them anything, just get to know them, chit chat a bit and be friendly. Sometimes I leave them beers. You may need them on your side in case of a misunderstanding with a girl when she does not want to leave, tries to extort unearned money or in any other embarrassing situation. Forget airbnb, they are too nosy about your ID.Every legitimate place that offers overnight rentals should ask for a copy of your passport. That law was passed a few years ago. That is the only ID airbnb has asked from me. I checked booking.com, and for the same apartment, their prices are more than airbnb. For me, I do not want a building with a security person. Two reasons: I like to keep my relationships private, and some of the chicas will forget, or have lost, their ID. The last apartment building I stayed at that had a security person, they would not allow one of my friends in because she did not have her ID, even though she had been there three days earlier and they made a copy of her ID.

03-10-17, 20:30
Tons and tons of apartments are available, with no door man, and the owner doesn't care if you bring dates back at night. Just ask if you are allowed overnight visitors. If the owner says no, then it's not girl friendly. I have zero problems in Medellin. In Cartagena it's adifferent story where every asshole lies and tells you its ok but the building has stupid curfews on visitors.

03-11-17, 12:07
Please provide some addresses of girl friendly apartments.

Tons and tons of apartments are available, with no door man, and the owner doesn't care if you bring dates back at night. Just ask if you are allowed overnight visitors. If the owner says no, then it's not girl friendly. I have zero problems in Medellin. In Cartagena it's adifferent story where every asshole lies and tells you its ok but the building has stupid curfews on visitors.

03-11-17, 15:16
Please provide some addresses of girl friendly apartments.That is awesome!

Husker Dude
03-11-17, 15:23
I used to use Bancolombia all the time. But on my recent visit, noticed their ATMs are no longer part of the PLUS network. So had to use other ATMs: BBBV has a 300,000 COP limit, Davienda ATMs let you take out more. Neither indicated it had an ATM fee unlike some other machines.I'm in MDE now and used Schwab card at Bancolombia several times with no problem.

Fun Luvr
03-11-17, 15:34
I'm in MDE now and used Schwab card at Bancolombia several times with no problem.Thanks. I'll be there next week (Wednesday).

03-11-17, 18:20
For $22 a night and 50 feet from Barre Executive / Maracaibo strip clubs, same side street, I may try it next time.

I've seen it from the outside, kind of a tire-fire, wonder how old those pics of the rooms are? Don't see a mini-fridge though.

http://www.booking.com/hotel/co/normandia.html?aid=304142;label=gen173rf-1FCAEoggJCAlhYSDNYA3IFdXNfZmyIAQGYATG4AQzIAQzYAQHoAQH4AQKiAhppbnRlcm5hdGlvbmFsc2V4Z3VpZGUuaW5mb6gCAw;sid=69546f8fa2cccf7a01a46ee8c6b3e6f2;checkin=2017-03-20;checkout=2017-03-21;room1=A, A;homd=1;atlas_src=sr_iw_btn#availability.

03-12-17, 02:15
$33 a night, look nice, Hotel Cristal-pool might be nice, take a dip between bouts.

Carrera 49 No 57-12, Medellin, Colombia, 866-209-9122.

1 block behind the Catedral Basílica Metropolitana de Medellin, the big brick church on Park Bolivar.


03-12-17, 05:13
Every legitimate place that offers overnight rentals should ask for a copy of your passport. That law was passed a few years ago. That is the only ID airbnb has asked from me. I checked booking.com, and for the same apartment, their prices are more than airbnb. For me, I do not want a building with a security person. Two reasons: I like to keep my relationships private, and some of the chicas will forget, or have lost, their ID. The last apartment building I stayed at that had a security person, they would not allow one of my friends in because she did not have her ID, even though she had been there three days earlier and they made a copy of her ID.9 out of ten times. If they "lost there cedula" they might be [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902). If police do come and the girl you are with doesn't have a cedula she is presumed [CodeWord903] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord903). Who wants those headaches. It can mean the loss of the property for the owners and arrested for that guy. Anyone maybe not you that says they want to keep there relationship private is normally looking for young girls. In today's age where everything has cameras how is anything private anymore?

03-12-17, 05:15
I used to use Bancolombia all the time. But on my recent visit, noticed their ATMs are no longer part of the PLUS network. So had to use other ATMs: BBBV has a 300,000 COP limit, Davienda ATMs let you take out more. Neither indicated it had an ATM fee unlike some other machines.Banco Social a blue ATM sign on calle 10 by Lleras. ATM only available during the day. 720.000 peso limit. Schwab works just fine. No surcharge.

03-12-17, 05:59
Good day gentlemen, currently planning a trip to Medellin with two of my buddies. Looking through many available airbnb's, a lot of owners / agencies do not allow guests. Also I noticed most if not all of the buildings have security. I don't mind slipping the guards something reasonable to bring someone up, but not all accept.

How do you guys go about finding a place, we don't really want to do a hotel, we enjoy staying at a nice pad.

Any suggestions or advice on where to stay?You make the airbnb apartment agent confirm in writing that female guests are allowed. Make them spell the rules out for you via email so they can't go back on their word later. There are many buildings in Laureles sans security, but I would not recommend this for newbies! Never leave your drink unattended, and always check ID and take a picture of her ID and email it to yourself. Trust me on this, never violate this rule. There are a lot of shake downs and scams now and the police are in on it. As long as you are low key and aren't bringing in barrio rats that just huffed paint into your new strata 6 rental lobby, you should be fine. Pick them wisely, the girls down here have gotten real slippery the past few years.

03-12-17, 06:10
Going to Medellin in April. First time there. Heard great things and we're excited. A friend who has gone before said to stay in Parque Lleras. Is that a good area? Looks like there is a lot of bars and what not there. Is the plaza Botera area better?

Anyone stayed at Lleras Green Hotel? Good rates. Do they allow guests?

We like to do day Casas, at night we typically like to go to the bars and try our luck with non pros. So a balance is ideal.Lleras is good to start with, and you have plenty of restaurants, but rest assured unless you are a 23 year old Enrique Iglesias you will not be picking up any 'non' pros. Just doesn't happen. Non pros there are usually very wealthy girls and being seen with a gringo is very low status. In my experience, 98% of the women in that town are either pros, semi-pros, or on the down low pros. "on the down low" pros have a normal job (a bank, a bartender etc) but will ho for money for that new handbag or concert tickets, or new boobs. Lying is a national sport, so don't believe a single word these girls say, just go there, know you'll be paying, and enjoy yourself.

03-12-17, 06:13
I will be in Medellin next week. I have been working CC for a month and have several girls willing to come to my condo for the night. They are asking $300,000 to $500,000. Is that high?Yeah, that's high. If you are new, I'd pick one you really like, and just enjoy your time with her. The rest will either be working a scam, trying to steal stuff, or drug your drink. If you have any 'party supplies' or liquor / food on hand they'll be cleaning out your fridge while you are porking their buddy. Oh, and that's the least of your worries. The other girls could be texting their BF's that they just drugged a gringo, and bring a van because his place is sans security. Always have a security guard, never leave your drink unattended, and $200 k plus taxi and tip for two hours or tell her to kick rocks. PM me I will be there in April.

03-12-17, 07:27
9 out of ten times. If they "lost there cedula" they might be un**r age. If police do come and the girl you are with doesn't have a cedula she is presumed un**r age. Who wants those headaches. It can mean the loss of the property for the owners and arrested for that guy. Anyone maybe not you that says they want to keep there relationship private is normally looking for young girls. In today's age where everything has cameras how is anything private anymore?I'd much rather have a security guard or desk clerk know I paid for sex than have a prison full of Colombians know I tried to pay a too young girl for sex.

Mr Enternational
03-12-17, 08:08
I'd much rather have a security guard or desk clerk know I paid for sex than have a prison full of Colombians know I tried to pay a too young girl for sex.Why would the prison full of Colombians care? There are plenty of females not of majority age around Degreiff that they pay for sex.

03-12-17, 13:28
Why would the prison full of Colombians care? There are plenty of females not of majority age around Degreiff that they pay for sex.I'm assuming the inside of a Colombian prison is less enjoyable than a Poblado apartment. Did you miss the connection?

03-12-17, 14:29
Walking across Botero is no big deal, even late at night. It is very well lighted and heavily patrolled by police and police cameras. Those streets behind the museum are another story altogether.

Anyway, follow the advice you've received here and it will be OK. Nighttime bar hopping in Parque Lleras will do you no harm. It might bore you worst case but that's no big deal. Fahrenheit might be worth a look if you have time. It really depends how down and dirty you want to get. My opinion is the strip clubs on Maracaibo is about as down as is reasonable but it's a personal choice. In case you overlooked it in other posts, there are tranny streetwalkers who don't always stick together. In other words, they will sometimes line up next to their female counterparts on calle 52 across the side wall of the museum. I re-hash this so we don't have to read about any WTF moments. LOL!After 8 or 9 pm travelling alone don't exit the plaza to the south, past white church iglesia veracruz, or west, along south side of museo, ok east to the metro or north across degrieff to Conejitas.

03-12-17, 16:51
$33 a night, look nice, Hotel Cristal-pool might be nice, take a dip between bouts.

Carrera 49 No 57-12, Medellin, Colombia, 866-209-9122.

1 block behind the Catedral Baslica Metropolitana de Medellin, the big brick church on Park Bolivar.

https://www.hotels.com/hotel/details.html?q-check-out=2017-05-02&tab=description&hotel-id=653515&q-room-0-adults=2&YGF=14&q-check-in=2017-04-28&MGT=4&WOE=2&WOD=5&ZSX=0&SYE=3&q-room-0-children=0A hotel with a pool in el Centro? Never thought I'd read that.

03-12-17, 16:53
I'd much rather have a security guard or desk clerk know I paid for sex than have a prison full of Colombians know I tried to pay a too young girl for sex.Unless its Blux, Energy, or Cyan. Those 3 apartments any other apartment with a door man will disappear off the market in a year or less. Someone will fuck it up, the building will push out the short term. That security guy probably hates your guts, and be the first person to call the police. Your better off in a hotel where they can card the girl. Your better off at one of those 3 apartments I mentioned or the mansion.

03-12-17, 19:24
Nice view of the city plus cold beers up there.

03-12-17, 19:37
Yes, that is what I said, crossing the plaza is no big deal but cruising the streets beyond the plaza alone is not wise.

After 8 or 9 pm travelling alone don't exit the plaza to the south, past white church iglesia veracruz, or west, along south side of museo, ok east to the metro or north across degrieff to Conejitas.

03-12-17, 20:02
For those of you who like to pick street walkers and similar, be very careful.


03-12-17, 22:29
I couldn't agree more with the advice. I'm not sure what to make of the newspaper report. It is extremely light on details. It mentions a USA Citizen being stabbed in a Centro hotel while reportedly in the company of a woman. It's not hard to draw conclusions but I am very interested in the circumstances.

For those of you who like to pick street walkers and similar, be very careful.


03-12-17, 22:40
For those of you who like to pick street walkers and similar, be very careful.

http://www.elcolombiano.com/antioquia/seguridad/herido-con-arma-blanca-un-estadounidense-en-el-centro-de-medellin-AC6136013I don't think anyone said it's safe at night in centro, and Wolf pretty much stated he doesn't look like an easy mark. That being said, the report is interesting. He was found with multiple stab wounds in the company of a woman. That pretty much means the police entered and found a hooker and this guy stabbed several times. Sounds like a drug deal went bad. At least the hooker stuck around!

03-12-17, 23:36
I caught the red-eye in last night and stayed at hotel Botero little place across the street for 45 Mill decide to stay another night for $24 I like the room very functional after reading these reports getting a little scared LOL.

03-13-17, 00:17
Hello fellow mongers,

Two friends and I will be visiting Medellin (El Poblado) on Tuesday. We would love to meet up, especially if you speak semi-decent Spanish (none of us speak much Spanish).

We are all in our mid twenties and looking to have some fun! Message me.

03-13-17, 01:56
Please provide some addresses of girl friendly apartments.Addresses. LOL.


El Mechanico
03-13-17, 01:59

WTF? A stabbing & now a murder?

WTF is going on down there guys? Or is same incident as the stabbing but misreported (hopefully)?

El Mechanic.

03-13-17, 02:44
Unless its Blux, Energy, or Cyan. Those 3 apartments any other apartment with a door man will disappear off the market in a year or less. Someone will fuck it up, the building will push out the short term. That security guy probably hates your guts, and be the first person to call the police. Your better off in a hotel where they can card the girl. Your better off at one of those 3 apartments I mentioned or the mansion.That wasn't my experience at all. I think it depends a lot on you, your attitude, and the kind of friends / women you bring to the apartment. If you're respectful, composed, and professional / dignified in how you carry yourself, you can have a very good rapport with the security guys at Energy / Blux / Cyan etc. The people who have problems are loud, disruptive and disrespectful of the local residents who live in the buildings. And often are bringing drugs into the buildings and being very loud about it. Further, they probably are bringing way too many women / pros into the building. And likely are pushing the envelope on under-aged girls as well. Which *should* make a security guy hate your guts.

If you're respectful and low footprint. You can bring women (of legal age) into those apartments. And you want the buffer of a security guard confirming legal age. In a place as beautiful and tolerant as Colombia. One should play within the rules at all times. Particularly as a foreigner.

03-13-17, 02:54
I think it could be the same case. It's hard to say because the report in El Colombiano had very minimal facts. Either way it's very sad. The minuto30 report says the woman fled the scene. It does not identify the hotel. The victim is named but the woman is not. That tells me the hotel did not collect an ID. More news to come I suppose.


WTF? A stabbing & now a murder?

WTF is going on down there guys? Or is same incident as the stabbing but misreported (hopefully)?

El Mechanic.

Fun Luvr
03-13-17, 04:21
9 out of ten times. If they "lost there cedula" they might be [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902). ... Anyone maybe not you that says they want to keep there relationship private is normally looking for young girls. In today's age where everything has cameras how is anything private anymore?I think you are assuming that those are chicas who I don't know. I have at least three friends, all over 18, who have lost the ID. I have known them when they had their ID, so I have no reason to doubt that they lost it. As for keeping my relationships private, I am not looking for young girls. I have more ladies than I can handle who are of legal age. I have friends who want to work UTR as much as possible. They will not go to hotels, and are picky about the apartments they will go to. In other words, they don't want a paper trail of their activities.

03-13-17, 05:14
I think you are assuming that those are chicas who I don't know. I have at least three friends, all over 18, who have lost the ID. I have known them when they had their ID, so I have no reason to doubt that they lost it. As for keeping my relationships private, I am not looking for young girls. I have more ladies than I can handle who are of legal age. I have friends who want to work UTR as much as possible. They will not go to hotels, and are picky about the apartments they will go to. In other words, they don't want a paper trail of their activities.Best of luck to you if your ever with them and the police roll up and your a gringo and she looks borderline of age with no cedula.

03-13-17, 05:18
That wasn't my experience at all. I think it depends a lot on you, your attitude, and the kind of friends / women you bring to the apartment. If you're respectful, composed, and professional / dignified in how you carry yourself, you can have a very good rapport with the security guys at Energy / Blux / Cyan etc. The people who have problems are loud, disruptive and disrespectful of the local residents who live in the buildings. And often are bringing drugs into the buildings and being very loud about it. Further, they probably are bringing way too many women / pros into the building. And likely are pushing the envelope on under-aged girls as well. Which *should* make a security guy hate your guts.

If you're respectful and low footprint. You can bring women (of legal age) into those apartments. And you want the buffer of a security guard confirming legal age. In a place as beautiful and tolerant as Colombia. One should play within the rules at all times. Particularly as a foreigner.Unfortunately it takes just one dick for the entire building to lump us all into this idea of a gringo. After a gringo gets murdered here or dies read the comments below it in the news. They stereotype us all. You can be cool as shit Thadmax and from what you wrote I bet you are. But it's that asshole that rented before you that threw a empty bag of coke over the terrace and it landed below because he didn't give a shit because he's on vacation and or the guy that threw a condom out my window like it would magically disappear and not land on my neighbors terrace. They are nice sweat people who love to gossip all the time. They say soccer is the national pastime only second to gossip.

But yes as of now Blux, Cyan, Energy are safe to book many months out and not worry that you will get a email saying "sorry the building has changed the rules and I am going to have to cancel your June reservation"

03-13-17, 05:23
I couldn't agree more with the advice. I'm not sure what to make of the newspaper report. It is extremely light on details. It mentions a USA Citizen being stabbed in a Centro hotel while reportedly in the company of a woman. It's not hard to draw conclusions but I am very interested in the circumstances.He's dead, from Jersey. Gossip about this today was unreal, they saying she was a assassin. I don't know what to believe. Stabbed to death I believe. Everyone is talking about this. I see a lot of you guys posting these $20 night hotels in centro. Look I like cheap to why not stay in Itaqui. Same priced room. Mayorista same 22 dollar girl and much safer?

03-13-17, 06:46
That wasn't my experience at all. I think it depends a lot on you, your attitude, and the kind of friends / women you bring to the apartment. If you're respectful, composed, and professional / dignified in how you carry yourself, you can have a very good rapport with the security guys at Energy / Blux / Cyan etc. The people who have problems are loud, disruptive and disrespectful of the local residents who live in the buildings. And often are bringing drugs into the buildings and being very loud about it. Further, they probably are bringing way too many women / pros into the building. And likely are pushing the envelope on under-aged girls as well. Which *should* make a security guy hate your guts.

If you're respectful and low footprint. You can bring women (of legal age) into those apartments. And you want the buffer of a security guard confirming legal age. In a place as beautiful and tolerant as Colombia. One should play within the rules at all times. Particularly as a foreigner.They might smile at you, but chances are they don't like you. They know what you're in their country for and they know you're paying these girls more than they make in a week. They will generate hate in a lot of men. That doesn't mean they won't do their job and be friendly with you.

You are certainly correct that you're better off being respectful and keeping a low profile. And obviously not bringing comuna rats into the building.

Mr Enternational
03-13-17, 07:57
You can bring women (of legal age) into those apartments. And you want the buffer of a security guard confirming legal age.Why can't you be responsible enough to confirm the age yourself? Since when is it security's responsibility to confirm the age of guests of people who are staying in private apartments?

Black Page
03-13-17, 12:18
Why can't you be responsible enough to confirm the age yourself? Since when is it security's responsibility to confirm the age of guests of people who are staying in private apartments?I agree 100%. Lots of hypocritical comments on this subject.

And yes, I was stopped by police on a taxi with a girl without cedula on the back seat, and all questions were for her and not for me. I am not supposed to ask cedula to any girl I talk with or I make the favor to give a lift.

I think you are assuming that those are chicas who I don't know. I have at least three friends, all over 18, who have lost the ID.
Sure. Same for me in CTG. I had to bring several girls to motels, instead of to my apartment, because they did not have the cedula (my porteros in most cases are adamantine in refusing entrance without being able to record the cedula number), and they were not under the age for sure.

Some people did not want to understand this, but I cannot repeat enough that in Colombia:
1) missing the cedula does not imply necessarily that a girl is unde*age,
2) neither featuring a cedula is a proof that the girl has legal age (in Colombia, a "fake"* cedula may cost around 100k). Beware of that, if you think that the cedula is the discriminating factor for you feeling not passing the limit of what is illegal or nonethical. Be responsible of yourself and do not commit to others.

* Note: Once again, the meaning of "fake cedula" in this context is not something sophisticated enough to enable someone to pass airport borders under a fake identity. It can be a lost or stolen valid cedula, with an plausible old photo (maybe in black and white) of a girl who does not look really different and therefore can be reasonably taken at first glance as of the holder. The doorman in low-end hotels is not really interested to act as a policeman. A quick glance at the cedulas and everyone is welcome.

03-13-17, 12:40
Unfortunately it takes just one dick for the entire building to lump us all into this idea of a gringo. After a gringo gets murdered here or dies read the comments below it in the news. They stereotype us all. You can be cool as shit Thadmax and from what you wrote I bet you are. But it's that asshole that rented before you that threw a empty bag of coke over the terrace and it landed below because he didn't give a shit because he's on vacation and or the guy that threw a condom out my window like it would magically disappear and not land on my neighbors terrace. They are nice sweat people who love to gossip all the time. They say soccer is the national pastime only second to gossip.

But yes as of now Blux, Cyan, Energy are safe to book many months out and not worry that you will get a email saying "sorry the building has changed the rules and I am going to have to cancel your June reservation"Very good points. And of course I've acknowledged the anti-gringo sentiment. But I haven't run across many Colombians who have flat-out disrespected me or lumped me with the "Ugly American" simply after learning of my nationality. Granted, many think I'm South American until I open my mouth and speak broken Spanish. So that helps in keeping a low profile. But your point is well-taken as it can just take one asshole who has no class and just rampages across an apartment complex for the short-term rental agreements to Americans to be invalidated.

During my last trip to Energy. I noticed a lot of new signs up in the elevators with notices of newly enacted police policies / rules governing partying, pay for play, and even smoking cigarettes on balconies. I hope more Americans understand that Medellin is not Las Vegas. And you should never treat it as such. Hopefully it can be preserved for a bit longer before the Ugly Americans ruin everything. Which they are so adept at doing in other parts of the world.

Stay safe bro.

03-13-17, 12:45
Why can't you be responsible enough to confirm the age yourself? Since when is it security's responsibility to confirm the age of guests of people who are staying in private apartments?I do confirm age and check cedulas myself. But I'm glad you reiterated this point because it's an important one. To clarify: I like staying at official places with reputable professionals working there. Why? Because (1) they corroborate the age so that I've checked myself. And they've checked. Which is an extra barrier of protection preventing somebody from framing you or at worst. An assassin coming into a centro hotel w / no security guard and taking advantage of a situation (as seems to have happened just this past weekend). And (2) I ensure that I'm doing anything illegal in a foreign country. I know what the laws are and am meticulous at following them. I actually despise the foreigners who come to places like Medellin to try and prey on [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902), vulnerable, and exploited girls. Not only are ruining it for those who like to enjoy some legal fun with adult women. But they are contributing to a global crisis that must be addressed.

Black Page
03-13-17, 13:00
That pretty much means the police entered and found a hooker and this guy stabbed several times. Sounds like a drug deal went bad. At least the hooker stuck around!Not at all. This reminds me what happened me several years ago, maybe 5-8 years ago (I am sure duly reported here, but now I am too lazy to search the link).

I have been subject to robbery or robbery attempt only two times in my life in Colombia, and both times it was entirely my fault. Call it a drop of attention, or my stupidity that at times emerges from the cover of care that I exercise 99.9% of the times.

That time, I had the bad idea to accept the solicitation from a girl met at 2 am in the street of Maracaibo. We went to a small hotel at the beginning of an infamous small street at Prado (no, they do not ask for cedulas LOL, but the room costed me around 5 k). In the room, she extracted a small knife and asked me to give her all money. She even carefully inspected my shoes (that seems to be a popular place for street people to hide money), the inside of the wallet, etc.

I guess I could have easily fought her and taken her knife from the hands, but then what? Should I fight with a girl in a room of a sketchy hotel where she must be friend of the owner? She calls help and I am fucked.

Once again: the best thing to do under attack in a place like Medellin is RELAX. I quietly waited she finished her inspection, took my money (100 k?) and left the room. I left the hotel under the smiling and insolent eyes of the doorman ("Que pas?"), definitely aware of everything, who unlocked the gate for me to leave me out. I lost $40 but my skin is still intact. More experience gathered.

03-13-17, 13:37
I just got back from Medellin. I set up everything with Barry at Pobaldo Rentals. He is great to work with.

Addresses. LOL.


03-13-17, 14:08
You make the airbnb apartment agent confirm in writing that female guests are allowed. Make them spell the rules out for you via email so they can't go back on their word later. There are many buildings in Laureles sans security, but I would not recommend this for newbies! Never leave your drink unattended, and always check ID and take a picture of her ID and email it to yourself. Trust me on this, never violate this rule. There are a lot of shake downs and scams now and the police are in on it. As long as you are low key and aren't bringing in barrio rats that just huffed paint into your new strata 6 rental lobby, you should be fine. Pick them wisely, the girls down here have gotten real slippery the past few years.That is pretty funny advice given Colombians never give you a straight answer. They can't even tell you what time they are coming to meet you.

A friend and I were discussing that it is way under reported that number of visitors that are shot/stabbed/killed given Colombias drive to improve tourism

03-13-17, 14:38
I just returned from Medellin. It was my first time in Medellin and I really loved the place. I will be going back soon. I may have found my home away from home.

Let me start my report by explaining that I am a 55 year old gringo and traveling with two 70 year old gringos. We have traveled the world together to some of the best mongering spots in the world. We have been to Bangkok, Chaimng mai, Pattaya, Siagon, Phenom Penn, Bogota, Mexico City, etc. We love to see the sights and get immersed in the local culture. We also love the girls.

For this trip, we had a couple of objectives. Explore the city, meet the locals, get immersed in their local culture and meet beautiful women. All were met.

We rented a 3 bedroom condo in El Poblado, not far from Park Lleras. We dealt with Barry at Poblado Rentals. Barry was great to work with. He also set us with a local guide, Jimmy Giraldo. Jimmy was awesome. He understood exactly what we wanted. He did not take us to the tourist traps, but helped us understand the Colombian culture and meet real local people.

In preparing from the trip, I spent about 6 weeks on Colombian Cupid picking out and contacting beautiful. By the time I left for my trip I had about 18 that I had culled down to. I had heard some on this forum warning about how cupid was hit and miss. My experience was great. I would contact the girls on cupid, get their whatsapp number and message them. After a few intro texts, I would ask if they would come see me in El Poblado for sex. 95% of them said Si. Then on to price, services, etc. The girls were very straight forward about everything. So no need to try and pretend when communicating with them. They would also send sexy pics when I asked. Most all the girls were willing to come for sex. I did have a couple that didn't, but strangely enough even though they wouldn't, they had friends they would recommend. So my message to you is try cupid and be straight forward about what you want and you can get good results. All of the girls were semi pro. They all had a part time job or went to school. None spoke good English, but google translate is a great tool.

We arrive at the condo the first night about 11 pm. Message on of the CC girls and she and her two friends were at our condo in about an hour. They ranged in age from 22 to 24. All were very beautiful and very sexy. We had drinks, communicated together with google translate, got comfortable and then each others bedroom. All three girls were amazing in bed. All did BBBJCIM, sex about any way you wanted. All three of these girls dark hair and that darker Colombian skin that is so beautiful. They left the condo about 2:30 am. We had them there for about 2 1/2 hours.

The next night, we brought in a different set of three chicas. 2 were blonde and one brunette. Absolutely gorgeous. The blonde I had was amazing. She had banging body with nice firm see cup tits and an ass to dies for. We had drinks, did a little powder that our guide had procured for us and then to the bedroom. She took my cloths off and I hers. I enjoyed her body so much. I dined at the why for a while, she did a great BBBJ, we explored several positions before she climbed on top for the grand finally. Absolutely amazing. I thought I was in love. Some of the best sex I had ever had. She stayed about 3 hours.

Night 3 was pretty much the same as night one and two. I will skip the details to get to night 4. This was our last night in town. I called my blond back from night two because she was that amazing. But one of my friends wanted to have her. So she agreed to that and brought two different friends with her this time. We had vino, vodka, smoke and powder. We had a great little part listening to music and getting drunk. This night I had a 19 year old little chicha that was wild as hell. Once in the bedroom, we turned on some music. She danced and did a nice strip for me. She undressed me and laid me back on the bed where she proceeded to do this little pole dance thing over my head. She settled in for a nice long session of BBBJCIM. One of the best I ever had. We got up out to the balcony naked, had a little smoke back in the bedroom where we danced baked. A lot of grinding and dancing till I was hard again. Sex for another 30-45 minutes. She was by far the best because of her sexy attitude and her banging hot body.

With all of the girls, we had agreed on $150,000 to $250,000 COP before they arrived. I know I could have gotten by cheaper, but I would rather pay a little more for excellence and that's what I got every night. We walked around centro some during the day, I didn't see anything that came close to my CC girls. I could have went o the Casas or clubs, but didn't feel the need. The condo offered me the safety of knowing the girls would be checked coming and going by the front desk. Little less of a chance of being robbed or worse.

The moral of the story is if you are and older gringo like us and don't care too much for the bar scene, CC is the way to go. At least it was for me. I fell in love with Medellin and will be back. By far the best experience I have had anywhere.

El Mechanico
03-13-17, 15:16
Why can't you be responsible enough to confirm the age yourself? Since when is it security's responsibility to confirm the age of guests of people who are staying in private apartments?Maybe he meant Re-confirming? As in, 4 eyes are better than 2. But you are correct, the ultimate responsibility falls upon us!

El Mechanico.

03-13-17, 19:20
The problem wasn't necessarily the hotel, its location, or the nightly cost. The problem was more likely the girl, how she came to be in the room, and what preceded her whipping out the pig sticker. I would like to know the name and address of the hotel. When I get time to go through the local papers I will post any information I can find.

He's dead, from Jersey. Gossip about this today was unreal, they saying she was a assassin. I don't know what to believe. Stabbed to death I believe. Everyone is talking about this. I see a lot of you guys posting these $20 night hotels in centro. Look I like cheap to why not stay in Itaqui. Same priced room. Mayorista same 22 dollar girl and much safer?

03-13-17, 19:27
Looks, what documents are on hand, and borderline appearances are ultimately meaningless in those situations. There is legal and illegal. Everyone knows the defining limit. It's a black and white situation that all this chit chat does not change.

Best of luck to you if your ever with them and the police roll up and your a gringo and she looks borderline of age with no cedula.

03-13-17, 19:29
I agree with you. I also assumed he meant re-confirming. It also dilutes the risk of a bullshit shakedown, assuming more than one party does not gang up on the punter.

Maybe he meant Re-confirming? As in, 4 eyes are better than 2. But you are correct, the ultimate responsibility falls upon us!!

El Mechanico.

03-13-17, 21:53
Thanks for writing this. I really enjoyed it and I'm thrilled you and your friends had such a good time. I am also very impressed at the capacity for partying at your ages. By the way, the possibility of someone getting "robbed or worse" at a casa or club are extremely low. Also, you can rest assured the casas and clubs check their girls and don't let random people come in contact with their customers. No need to change a winning game but I wanted to return the favor and put your mind at ease in case you want to try something different the next time you visit your new home away from home.

I just returned from Medellin. It was my first time in Medellin and I really loved the place. I will be going back soon. I may have found my home away from home.

Let me start my report by explaining that I am a 55 year old gringo and traveling with two 70 year old gringos. We have traveled the world together to some of the best mongering spots in the world. We have been to Bangkok, Chaimng mai, Pattaya, Siagon, Phenom Penn, Bogota, Mexico City, etc. We love to see the sights and get immersed in the local culture. We also love the girls.

For this trip, we had a couple of objectives. Explore the city, meet the locals, get immersed in their local culture and meet beautiful women. All were met.

We rented a 3 bedroom condo in El Poblado, not far from Park Lleras. We dealt with Barry at Poblado Rentals. Barry was great to work with. He also set us with a local guide, Jimmy Giraldo. Jimmy was awesome. He understood exactly what we wanted. He did not take us to the tourist traps, but helped us understand the Colombian culture and meet real local people.

In preparing from the trip, I spent about 6 weeks on Colombian Cupid picking out and contacting beautiful. By the time I left for my trip I had about 18 that I had culled down to. I had heard some on this forum warning about how cupid was hit and miss...

03-14-17, 01:07
In preparing from the trip, I spent about 6 weeks on Colombian Cupid picking out and contacting beautiful.
I've been using it for a couple of days and only found about two obvious prepagos, and one who insists she is not a prepago but come on. I keep asking them who ordered chicken "Mami, quien pidio pollo?" But that's not going over too well. Hey I thought it was a great ice breaker.

With all of the girls, we had agreed on $150,000 to $250,000 COP before they arrived. I know I could have gotten by cheaper, but I would rather pay a little more for excellence and that's what I got every night. We walked around centro some during the day, I didn't see anything that came close to my CC girls. I could have went o the Casas or clubs, but didn't feel the need. The condo offered me the safety of knowing the girls would be checked coming and going by the front desk. Little less of a chance of being robbed or worse.
Reasonable price. I'm going to work on it some more. I keep getting women in their 40's looking for a serious relationship and shit.

03-14-17, 03:26
The problem wasn't necessarily the hotel, its location, or the nightly cost. The problem was more likely the girl, how she came to be in the room, and what preceded her whipping out the pig sticker. I would like to know the name and address of the hotel. When I get time to go through the local papers I will post any information I can find.30 minutes says he was dead in first report. Today they retract it and say he is alive. Crazy how they can just write whatever.

03-14-17, 03:33
Very good points. And of course I've acknowledged the anti-gringo sentiment. But I haven't run across many Colombians who have flat-out disrespected me or lumped me with the "Ugly American" simply after learning of my nationality. Granted, many think I'm South American until I open my mouth and speak broken Spanish. So that helps in keeping a low profile. But your point is well-taken as it can just take one asshole who has no class and just rampages across an apartment complex for the short-term rental agreements to Americans to be invalidated.

During my last trip to Energy. I noticed a lot of new signs up in the elevators with notices of newly enacted police policies / rules governing partying, pay for play, and even smoking cigarettes on balconies. I hope more Americans understand that Medellin is not Las Vegas. And you should never treat it as such. Hopefully it can be preserved for a bit longer before the Ugly Americans ruin everything. Which they are so adept at doing in other parts of the world.

Stay safe bro.The new laws are crazy. The worst they can enter your property with no reason at all to search for what ever they seem to want to search for. Parties that disturb the neighbors are huge fines and get larger with each offense. Smoking, hookers strolling are all in this crazy cartoon advisory they sent out. Probably saw that in the building put up on the wall. Which reminds me why I don't buy inside residential towers with other Colombians living there. I'm not the sharpest crayon it took me 5 apartments lost before I realized the writing on the wall and then planned accordingly. Our apartments are all in weird walkups with no neighbors mostly. Second floor of a hotel, buy a small building only way to survive here. Which is so different then the coast. In both Cartagena and santa marta the administrator herself or himself have signed me into the building welcoming us. Not so much here in Medellin.

03-14-17, 03:36
Why can't you be responsible enough to confirm the age yourself? Since when is it security's responsibility to confirm the age of guests of people who are staying in private apartments?Amen, ask to see there cedula. Take a photo of it email it to yourself. Better yet before they even come over ask to see there cedula tell them to send you a photo of it. The police arrested guys in one of our apartments one girl over was 17 the other 18. All of them were in cuffs. They were fully dressed chatting on couch, didn't matter its presumed the worst by the police. Neighbor saw a young girl and called the cops. It takes that much for a vacation to be ruined. This was 2 years ago. His fault for not being pro-activate to make sure they were the right age.

03-14-17, 04:02
I agree with you. I also assumed he meant re-confirming. It also dilutes the risk of a bullshit shakedown, assuming more than one party does not gang up on the punter.Precisely. Both you and El Mechanico are correct. The official establishments are in strict compliance with Colombian law. So if they violate the law by turning their eyes away from illegal activity their business model will be crushed. And they aren't about to let that happen for a gringo tourist. Having an additional screen (particularly from somebody skilled at discerning real IDs from fake IDs) is not a liability like some are making it out to be. But an extra layer of protection.

My sense is that the people who have issues w / this are likely those who are engaged in some illegal activity and thus don't want to go through any official channels. If you are engaging in legal activity with adult women who have the agency to represent themselves. There is nothing to be worried about.

03-14-17, 04:05
I'm not the sharpest crayon it took me 5 apartments lost before I realized the writing on the wall and then planned accordingly. Our apartments are all in weird walkups with no neighbors mostly. Second floor of a hotel, buy a small building only way to survive here. Which is so different then the coast. In both Cartagena and santa marta the administrator herself or himself have signed me into the building welcoming us. Not so much here in Medellin.Cartagena is becoming the same when it comes to chica friendly buildings. In January I was assured by the airbnb host I would have zero problems bringing overnight visitors over. The security at the building though gave me so much shit. The host was embaressed and tried to help me. Now I found a new building and a new host who also assured me that I can bring guests over night. I'm going next month and I'll see.

For Medellin, I always rent with no doorman in a small building over shops. I have the key and no one else.

03-14-17, 04:45
That's really messed up because they mentioned the guy's name in the initial report. His family could have gotten that information. Thank goodness no newspaper photographers got to the scene. Nothing is to grisly for the local papers.

30 minutes says he was dead in first report. Today they retract it and say he is alive. Crazy how they can just write whatever.

03-14-17, 13:20

May I refer you back to my post of January 22,2017?

It is difficult to see into the future but it was obvious back then the Colombian scene was changing and more bad things were going to be happening and I wrote as much in my report of Jan. 22 2017, only a few weeks ago.

If you read my post of January 22 2017 it almost foretells this unfortunate news referenced below.

From someone who has lived in Colombia longer than almost anyone else on this forum, let me caution you how it is now:

Every local girl in Medellin is now chaperoned by at least two men and these men now keep a close eye on the few women left.

It is not like fifteen years ago when there were 10 women for every man here.

It is not like that anymore and bad things like this unfortunate killing are what happen in environments like this with fewer women.

And for those of you in Cartagena, each girl at the clock tower has at least one "handler" watching her and you.

The girls cannot work the clock tower without a handler.

Men, heed my advice, I have no dog in this fight, I am not doing business in Colombia, heed my advice, go to Panama City or Campo Alegre to meet Colombian girls in a safe environment.

When you get back home alive you will be glad you did.


WTF? A stabbing & now a murder?

WTF is going on down there guys? Or is same incident as the stabbing but misreported (hopefully)?

El Mechanic.

03-14-17, 20:10
It is not like fifteen years ago when there were 10 women for every man here.
According to the National Administrative Department of Statistics, Medellin had, by 2005, a population of 2,223,078 inhabitants, making it the second largest city in Colombia. The metropolitan area of Medellíand in 2005 included 3,312,165 inhabitants. 46.7% of the population are male and 53.3% are female.


That's 6.6 more women then men per 100. So in a current population of around 3.7 million that's about 220,000 more women then men in Medellin area.

Colombia get around 3 million tourists a year, I think we'd hear about it if a large percentage were being killed.

03-14-17, 21:03

Men, heed my advice, I have no dog in this fight, I am not doing business in Colombia, heed my advice, go to Panama City or Campo Alegre to meet Colombian girls in a safe environment.

When you get back home alive you will be glad you did.I appreciate your post so don't take this the wrong way, but it's not different in Panama City. I know a guy who routinely buys tickets for Colombian hookers, sets them up with a room in Panama City, and meets up with them every night at Ashe club when they are done working. He's the handler, pimp, or novio or whatever the fuck you want to call it. I'm sure there are real independents in PC but it's not very different from what you get in Cartagena.

And the last time I went out with a group in Medellin it was two guys and four women with me joining them... This was in November.

03-14-17, 21:42
Had been considering Colombia but given some of this news and this post perhaps I should look at Brazil or elsewhere? What's the consensus of the board?

I've never been to South America. Any of you guys who have experience in SA, or CA for that matter, what would you guys recommend?

I've mongered in Mexico and Asia most recently in Thailand a few weeks ago.

Thanks boys.


May I refer you back to my post of January 22,2017?

It is difficult to see into the future but it was obvious back then the Colombian scene was changing and more bad things were going to be happening and I wrote as much in my report of Jan. 22 2017, only a few weeks ago.

If you read my post of January 22 2017 it almost foretells this unfortunate news referenced below.

From someone who has lived in Colombia longer than almost anyone else on this forum, let me caution you how it is now:

Every local girl in Medellin is now chaperoned by at least two men and these men now keep a close eye on the few women left..

03-14-17, 22:46
I am going to continue to live dangerously as you characterize it. This is because I don't believe that the sky is falling.

I agree with you that there are pimps in Colombia. I couldn't say whether there are more than 15 years ago or not but I don't personally notice a difference. Anyone who is worried should go where others say it's safe.


May I refer you back to my post of January 22,2017?

It is difficult to see into the future but it was obvious back then the Colombian scene was changing and more bad things were going to be happening and I wrote as much in my report of Jan. 22 2017, only a few weeks ago.

If you read my post of January 22 2017 it almost foretells this unfortunate news referenced below.

From someone who has lived in Colombia longer than almost anyone else on this forum, let me caution you how it is now:

Every local girl in Medellin is now chaperoned by at least two men and these men now keep a close eye on the few women left..

03-14-17, 22:50
I believe this post based on the factual sources and based on my own experience.

According to the National Administrative Department of Statistics, Medellin had, by 2005, a population of 2,223,078 inhabitants, making it the second largest city in Colombia. The metropolitan area of Medelland in 2005 included 3,312,165 inhabitants. 46.7% of the population are male and 53.3% are female.


That's 6.6 more women then men per 100. So in a current population of around 3.7 million that's about 220,000 more women then men in Medellin area.

Colombia get around 3 million tourists a year, I think we'd hear about it if a large percentage were being killed.

03-15-17, 02:38
That's really messed up because they mentioned the guy's name in the initial report. His family could have gotten that information. Thank goodness no newspaper photographers got to the scene. Nothing is to grisly for the local papers.Couldn't agree more. There has been a rash of motorcycle deaths. I mean like daily here, Las Palmas is right behind me, I sometimes here the crashes. The news shows the bodies. I laugh with the expat how I thought the USA censored to much. I kind of miss the censorship on dead bodies here. As for the guy that says go to panama over here. I don't agree with him. I live here, I mind my own business I leave my watch in a safe. I say please and thank you. I don't walk down deserted streets late at night. Panama is expensive. Girls in front of Marriott asking for $200 bucks. I miss the early 90's in panama. Everything even the octopus I love there got expensive.

03-15-17, 02:43
Cartagena is becoming the same when it comes to chica friendly buildings. In January I was assured by the airbnb host I would have zero problems bringing overnight visitors over. The security at the building though gave me so much shit. The host was embaressed and tried to help me. Now I found a new building and a new host who also assured me that I can bring guests over night. I'm going next month and I'll see.

For Medellin, I always rent with no doorman in a small building over shops. I have the key and no one else.Wow about Cartagena. Wife and I just started going back there again. We stay at one of the Morros buildings for that pool those complexes have. But I wouldn't know about chica friendly because it's just us two or the family. But I believe it. When I checked into Morros Ulta or Morros 3 I had to wear a band on my arm and only people with the band were allowed in. As far as talent we were partying out by candella and there most have been 70 working girls right out front waiting to be picked up. Was a buyers market. Was hot as shit there, I always make some wrong turn when walking around the wall city, especially after a few rums.

World Jockey
03-15-17, 04:24
I caught the red-eye in last night and stayed at hotel Botero little place across the street for 45 Mill decide to stay another night for $24 I like the room very functional after reading these reports getting a little scared LOL.This is my spot when staying in centro. Can't get any closer to the airport shuttle and It also happens to be directly across from casa Yakuza. I also like how the rooms have a radio, nice touch.

I wouldn't be too scared there. The place is pretty mild IMO.

03-15-17, 04:41
Had been considering Colombia but given some of this news and this post perhaps I should look at Brazil or elsewhere? What's the consensus of the board?Safety usually isn't much of a concern for someone until they run out of luck, then their whole perspective changes. But odds are good you will come home with all your skin if you don't go around drunk, stay away from the white powder, and don't walk around el centro in the downtown area at night.

I've made three long trips to Medellin, the latest in February, and with each trip the Facebook girls have gotten more unreliable, not showing for appointments and not answering their messages for days. I'm not sure if they are getting more offers with more gringos in town, or if they are like many of the girls in Costa Rica who only want to work when they badly need $.

I had some good experiences at the casas but the numbers as to girls working was noticeably down from last summer. Turnover is also slow in these venues, meaning you see the same girls over and over week after week. So I'm not all giddy about Medellin at the moment though I was after my first trip there. Something new is often quite interesting but again, we are talking perspective.

03-15-17, 05:48
It certainly does not hurt to be nice to the security people. Always say Hello, to them. Thank them when they call you a taxi or check in one of your chicas. One time I had a bunch of extra bread sticks from Papa Johns. I gave it to the guard and you would have thought I gave him filet mignon. Some of these people do not have a lot to eat. Some of them barely have money to get home after work. I am sure they get paid the Colombian minimum or not much more. Tip them for good service. Or maybe toward the beginning of your trip to ensure good service. I have had good luck. My experience is primarily with the security at the Blux.

Another things that helps. If you know your girls well enough, suggest she dress a little more normally. I've had a few chicas show up in their barrio rat / hooker outfits on. It was embarrasing for the guard, for me, and for those who live there that saw us. Particularly when they leave in the morning wearing that slutty outfit from the night before.

They might smile at you, but chances are they don't like you. They know what you're in their country for and they know you're paying these girls more than they make in a week. They will generate hate in a lot of men. That doesn't mean they won't do their job and be friendly with you.

You are certainly correct that you're better off being respectful and keeping a low profile. And obviously not bringing comuna rats into the building.

03-15-17, 06:06
Had been considering Colombia but given some of this news and this post perhaps I should look at Brazil or elsewhere? What's the consensus of the board?.Brazil and Colombia have a similar homicide rate, Brazil at 24.6 dead per 100,000 and Colombia at 27.9/100,000.

For comparison Costa Rica is 10/100,000, US is 3.9/100,000 and Thailand is also 3.9.

Stay out of and away from a favela / barrio drug gang though and your chances get much better.


South America is definitely the deep end of the pool but Colombia does get 3 million tourists a year and you don't hear about many of them getting killed.

Killing tourists brings down a lot of heat.

State Dept: (for all of Colombia).

"Violence associated with crime is a threat throughout Colombia. During the period November 2014 to January 2016, there were several homicides of USA Citizens in connection with robberies, including armed robbery on streets and in taxi cabs, public transport, home invasions, and muggings. The victims represented a mix of tourists, long-term residents and persons with dual USA -Colombian citizenship."

The Medellin ones I read about- one resisted a armed robbery in a cab-65 yo, the other some kind of drug deal gone wrong it seemed.



03-15-17, 14:05
That is a good tip about the girls' attire. If you are ever around the casas at the beginning or end of their shifts you will notice the girls leave and arrive in clothing that blends in with anyone else on the street. The casas don't allow them to wear any provocative clothing outside the establishments.

It certainly does not hurt to be nice to the security people. Always say Hello, to them. Thank them when they call you a taxi or check in one of your chicas. One time I had a bunch of extra bread sticks from Papa Johns. I gave it to the guard and you would have thought I gave him filet mignon. Some of these people do not have a lot to eat. Some of them barely have money to get home after work. I am sure they get paid the Colombian minimum or not much more. Tip them for good service. Or maybe toward the beginning of your trip to ensure good service. I have had good luck. My experience is primarily with the security at the Blux.

Another things that helps. If you know your girls well enough, suggest she dress a little more normally. I've had a few chicas show up in their barrio rat / hooker outfits on. It was embarrasing for the guard, for me, and for those who live there that saw us. Particularly when they leave in the morning wearing that slutty outfit from the night before.

03-15-17, 17:19
Hey all,

I'm planning a last minute trip to MDE between March 22- March 25. Can anyone help me out and be my tour guide for a day?

03-15-17, 17:24
I've been using it for a couple of days and only found about two obvious prepagos, and one who insists she is not a prepago but come on. I keep asking them who ordered chicken "Mami, quien pidio pollo?" But that's not going over too well. Hey I thought it was a great ice breaker.

Reasonable price. I'm going to work on it some more. I keep getting women in their 40's looking for a serious relationship and shit.I'm telling you it worked for me. You need to search for what you want, age, body build, level of English, ect. Message them saying you think they are beautiful and you would like to meet them. If the message back, get their whatsapp number. Ask them if they would come see you. If yes, ask them if they will spend the night. Go ahead and cut to the chase. They will tell you Si or Nada. Ask them to send you sexy photos, they will. They will have friends they can bring too. Go ahead and set a price for time and type of service. I always asked if they did sexo oral natural. Most did. It was funny, even some of the girls that wouldn't come see me, recommended friends that would. You are going to get messages from 40-50 years old looking for a serious relationship. Delete them and move on. Pick out the ones you like and make a date. It really was that simple. Most of these girls were coming to me in Poblado from some of the poorer neighborhoods so they have to take the tram and a taxi or uber to get to you. But all were gorgeous, clean, dressed nice and very happy to be there. O don't really speak Spanish, but with google translate it was a breeze, online and in person. I can't be positive, but I got the impression they were all semi pros looking to have fun and pick up extra cash. I don't think any of the ones I saw worked in a strip club or casa. They all had regular jobs and went to school. Ages 19-24. We are 55, 70 & 70 years old. No problem at all.

Good luck and have fun.

03-15-17, 19:24
I am going to continue to live dangerously as you characterize it. This is because I don't believe that the sky is falling.

I agree with you that there are pimps in Colombia. I couldn't say whether there are more than 15 years ago or not but I don't personally notice a difference. Anyone who is worried should go where others say it's safe.He's just celebrating "World The Sky is Falling Day. " It is observed in every mongering destination a few times each year. It's a fluid holiday that begins when the self-proclaimed foremost authority on an area has to pay 15% more than he paid 10 years ago.

Some people celebrate by fleeing to another destination that isn't observing the holiday. Others return home and hide under the bed. The majority just ignore the frantic half dozen who are preaching the apocalypse.

03-15-17, 19:49
Just to add some details, Brazil have 25 cities on the top 50 cities with highest numbers of homicide. But, and there is a huge but for the crime rates in S. A. Most of them are drug related and on second place family related (same as in Europe, so don't get married). So as mentioned, keep away from "favelas" and other high crime areas (Barrios). I have been more than 30 times in South America and have never in my monger trips been in trouble with criminals (just once in Rio with corrupt police).

Brazil and Colombia have a similar homicide rate, Brazil at 24.6 dead per 100,000 and Colombia at 27.9/100,000.

For comparison Costa Rica is 10/100,000, US is 3.9/100,000 and Thailand is also 3.9.

Stay out of and away from a favela / barrio drug gang though and your chances get much better.


South America is definitely the deep end of the pool but Colombia does get 3 million tourists a year and you don't hear about many of them getting killed.

Killing tourists brings down a lot of heat.

State Dept: (for all of Colombia)...

03-16-17, 01:05
Had been considering Colombia but given some of this news and this post perhaps I should look at Brazil or elsewhere? What's the consensus of the board?

I've never been to South America. Any of you guys who have experience in SA, or CA for that matter, what would you guys recommend?

I've mongered in Mexico and Asia most recently in Thailand a few weeks ago.

Thanks boys.Brasil, Colombia, Thailand, CR, etc. The thing all these places have in common is lots of poor, attractive women that need to make money to feed their kid (s). Along with this poverty comes danger. If you didn't have the poverty (and danger), you'd unlikely have the hot girls willing to have sex with you for so little.

If you want risk-free mongering, why not do the FKKs in Germany? They are fantastic. Personally, I like destinations with balmy weather in Dec through April, so S. America or Asia is more my style. And if you exercise due caution you can minimize (buy not eliminate) your risk.

He's just celebrating "World The Sky is Falling Day. " It is observed in every mongering destination a few times each year. It's a fluid holiday that begins when the self-proclaimed foremost authority on an area has to pay 15% more than he paid 10 years ago.

Some people celebrate by fleeing to another destination that isn't observing the holiday. Others return home and hide under the bed. The majority just ignore the frantic half dozen who are preaching the apocalypse.Yup. Some things have indeed gotten worse, but some things have gotten better also. For example, it's amazing how much the restaurant scene has improved in MDE. I actually look forward to sampling the excellent restaurants now. That would have been laughable 6 or 8 years ago.

03-16-17, 02:46
This is my spot when staying in centro. Can't get any closer to the airport shuttle and It also happens to be directly across from casa Yakuza. I also like how the rooms have a radio, nice touch.

I wouldn't be too scared there. The place is pretty mild IMO.Highest murder rate is in el centro.

Ya, you can't be rolling around drunk but the streets change drastically from day time to evening when the shops close up. All the, druggies and homeless invade.

In centro you have to know explicitly where you can and can't go. What street and how far down the street.

03-16-17, 03:17
That was very funny. You made me laugh out loud. Like most good comedy, there is a lot of truth in what you said. To be totally fair, I can see how somebody who might be from an isolated rural area could get tripped up in a rough part of any city. There is a Medellin compromise for the nervous set. There is the famous gringo hotel / casa in Poblado. From what I read, they stock the pond with girls and do everything but hold your dick while you [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140), so leaving the building is optional until it's time to get back on the plane and go home.

He's just celebrating "World The Sky is Falling Day." It is observed in every mongering destination a few times each year. It's a fluid holiday that begins when the self-proclaimed foremost authority on an area has to pay 15% more than he paid 10 years ago.

Some people celebrate by fleeing to another destination that isn't observing the holiday. Others return home and hide under the bed. The majority just ignore the frantic half dozen who are preaching the apocalypse.

03-16-17, 04:18
This new cell phone laws pain. Can anyone recommend an economical navigation tool. I really like Centro everything is close and I feel well priced and the food is great. What could be much different in paying more. Diamonds in a coal mine. I guess Yakuza does not supply lube. Hope I don't die.

03-16-17, 05:19
Yup. Some things have indeed gotten worse, but some things have gotten better also. For example, it's amazing how much the restaurant scene has improved in MDE. I actually look forward to sampling the excellent restaurants now. That would have been laughable 6 or 8 years ago.Something is always changing. You lose some good things and get different things to replace them. You just have to move with the changes.

03-16-17, 06:10
I was ready to end my vacation with a bang! So I decided I'd go all out on my last night in Medellin.

I scoured the website https://co.mileroticos.com to see what I could find. I spent a good 4 or 5 hours the day before I went out contacting chicas through whatsapp to see what the best deal I could get was. I contacted so many chicas that day.

Here's what I found. 3 WG for 500,000 each from 10 pm - 6 am. (They stayed until 10 am really). I figure if I go downtown next time I could probably find some street meat that would go cheaper. I I found other deals where two WG were asking for 2,000,000 for the whole night. As opposed to 3 asking for 1,500,000 for the night.


My request was that I'd have them for that time period stated above, we'd go out all night, party, fuck later and they would do some lesbian action. I pressed my luck and one of them was able to do anal as well.

Everything was awesome that night. Must have been the best night in my life so far.

It started off in my hotel. Two came 20 minutes late and the last one came an hour later. I brought the first two up to my room to ensure that they knew what was about to go down. I layed it out for them. I would pay them half now and half when the job was done. I told them we'd go out, party, do drugs & alcohol, then get a room at Ibiza with a jaccuzzi to fuck later, plus I wanted to see some lesbian action. They agreed and we went out.

Went to a club around 11 pm and started drinking / partying there. The third chica that was late just met us at the club. I even let some other patrons entertain my girls by letting them dance with them / buy drinks for them, as I knew they'd come back to me later. It was great and I felt like a big pimp lending out my chicas throughout the night. The energy the chicas had was awesome and was glad I got them to come with me.

Around 2 am we switched clubs as the current one was closing and went to another one that stayed open later. We partied until 4 am and that's when I decided it was time. Time to fuck. We went to the all famous fuck hotel Ibiza. I got a large room with a Jaccuzi big enough to fit all 4 of us in. I made them all shower and get naked. Not going into too many juicy sex details but basically we fucked for a few hours around the hotel and in the jaccuzi and napped for about another hour before they left. No condom switching (except for when I did anal with the one girl).

That's my report I hope you liked it. If you have any feedback or questions let me know.

Brother P
03-16-17, 11:39
Whats up fam!! I'm in Medellin memorial day weekend. I have an apt booked. But ID like to find a chica friendly hotel in poblado for back up purposes. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Gracias!

03-16-17, 16:16
So we've had a couple of reports of people with good luck on CC, and others who had a hard time getting connections. I initially just acted like myself and put a couple of normal photos up there. I got some replies and interests sent to me. I wanted to see if I could get more.

I updated my photos to include travel photos around the world, and lied on my profile and claimed to visit Colombia often to look after my "investments. " Response rate is already up. Fucking gold diggers, hahaha.

03-16-17, 18:19
Whats up fam!! I'm in Medellin memorial day weekend. I have an apt booked. But ID like to find a chica friendly hotel in poblado for back up purposes. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Gracias!Here you go. Just be sure you make a reservation for two people so you won't have to pay a 100,000 COP chica fee:


03-16-17, 19:11
I was ready to end my vacation with a bang! So I decided I'd go all out on my last night in Medellin.

I scoured the website https://co.mileroticos.com to see what I could find. I spent a good 4 or 5 hours the day before I went out contacting chicas through whatsapp to see what the best deal I could get was. I contacted so many chicas that day.

Here's what I found. 3 WG for 500,000 each from 10 pm - 6 am. (They stayed until 10 am really). I figure if I go downtown next time I could probably find some street meat that would go cheaper. I I found other deals where two WG were asking for 2,000,000 for the whole night. As opposed to 3 asking for 1,500,000 for the night.


My request was that I'd have them for that time period stated above, we'd go out all night, party, fuck later and they would do some lesbian action. I pressed my luck and one of them was able to do anal as well.

Everything was awesome that night. Must have been the best night in my life so far.

It started off in my hotel. Two came 20 minutes late and the last one came an hour later. I brought the first two up to my room to ensure that they knew what was about to go down. I layed it out for them. I would pay them half now and half when the job was done. I told them we'd go out, party, do drugs & alcohol, then get a room at Ibiza with a jaccuzzi to fuck later, plus I wanted to see some lesbian action. They agreed and we went out.

Went to a club around 11 pm and started drinking / partying there. The third chica that was late just met us at the club. I even let some other patrons entertain my girls by letting them dance with them / buy drinks for them, as I knew they'd come back to me later. It was great and I felt like a big pimp lending out my chicas throughout the night. The energy the chicas had was awesome and was glad I got them to come with me.

Around 2 am we switched clubs as the current one was closing and went to another one that stayed open later. We partied until 4 am and that's when I decided it was time. Time to fuck. We went to the all famous fuck hotel Ibiza. I got a large room with a Jaccuzi big enough to fit all 4 of us in. I made them all shower and get naked. Not going into too many juicy sex details but basically we fucked for a few hours around the hotel and in the jaccuzi and napped for about another hour before they left. No condom switching (except for when I did anal with the one girl).

That's my report I hope you liked it. If you have any feedback or questions let me know.If if was the best time of your life, then congratulations. You probably could have saved some money, but you got the experience you were looking for.

My question, why pay half up front? With what you gave them, they could have skipped out after the first round of drinks and still be ahead for the night.

It also reads like you got 3 independent strangers. If so, it seems risky. What if none got along? For about the same price you could have used an escort agency and got 3 who worked together, or found 1 willing to bring friends.

At least you enjoyed yourself.

03-16-17, 21:10
If if was the best time of your life, then congratulations. You probably could have saved some money, but you got the experience you were looking for.

My question, why pay half up front? With what you gave them, they could have skipped out after the first round of drinks and still be ahead for the night.

It also reads like you got 3 independent strangers. If so, it seems risky. What if none got along? For about the same price you could have used an escort agency and got 3 who worked together, or found 1 willing to bring friends.

At least you enjoyed yourself.Your right I probably could have gotten it cheaper if I just went downtown and found some girls, which I have done in the past. I think escort agencies are much more expensive if I wanted 3 girls all night though. I thought paying half now and half later would be fair and luckily nothing went wrong on that. We all had fun going out and partying, not a dull moment.

I should have cleared this one up though. The ad that I contacted was advertising a threesome and I asked if they had another friend, in which they did. They were all friends with each other, not prior to the night I met them.

Vegas Vic
03-16-17, 23:01
Can someone give an update on average costs for full service. Casas, strip-clubs, street pickup (lleras, San Diego, centro, mayorista), escort website, surfing (facebook, tinder)? Just taking a bit of a poll.


03-16-17, 23:57
Will this get a natural 10 or a surgery 10?There's no such thing as a surgery 10.

03-17-17, 22:48
Sure there is, you are either a 10 in looks or not, how you got there is somewhat irrelevant.


There's no such thing as a surgery 10.

03-17-17, 23:45
Can someone give an update on average costs for full service. Casas, strip-clubs, street pickup (lleras, San Diego, centro, mayorista), escort website, surfing (facebook, tinder)? Just taking a bit of a poll.

Thanks.I have been here for a week, here is some fresh data:

Casa, New Life: paid 50 k cop today for a 30 min session. They give a discount for 60 min but don't remember details. Prices are now posted on the wall.

Casa, Energy: was there yesterday and paid 140 k cops for what they call "completo". I have been to Energy so many times and I was never impressed. This time, I lucked out as I had a session with a beauty, but close to 80% of the girls there were fat, IMO.

Mansion girls and FB girls: It is still 150 k pesos for GND girls, but 200 k cops for girls who think they are eye candy. The session usually last an hour at least, and more once you establish a connection with the girl.

03-18-17, 00:41
My central redlight girls were 30,000 p, my SeekingArrangements.com dates were 300,000 p all night, my all night pickups at 2 centro strip clubs were 240,000 p and 300,000 p, 1/2 HR at Yakuza was 40,000 p I think.

Can someone give an update on average costs for full service. Casas, strip-clubs, street pickup (lleras, San Diego, centro, mayorista), escort website, surfing (facebook, tinder)? Just taking a bit of a poll.


03-18-17, 02:12
Were the other girls worth 3 or 4 times the cost of the New Life girls?

I have been here for a week, here is some fresh data:

Casa, New Life: paid 50 k cop today for a 30 min session. They give a discount for 60 min but don't remember details. Prices are now posted on the wall.

Casa, Energy: was there yesterday and paid 140 k cops for what they call "completo". I have been to Energy so many times and I was never impressed. This time, I lucked out as I had a session with a beauty, but close to 80% of the girls there were fat, IMO.

Mansion girls and FB girls: It is still 150 k pesos for GND girls, but 200 k cops for girls who think they are eye candy. The session usually last an hour at least, and more once you establish a connection with the girl.

03-18-17, 04:47
I have been here for a week, here is some fresh data:

Casa, New Life: paid 50 k cop today for a 30 min session. They give a discount for 60 min but don't remember details. Prices are now posted on the wall.

Casa, Energy: was there yesterday and paid 140 k cops for what they call "completo". I have been to Energy so many times and I was never impressed. This time, I lucked out as I had a session with a beauty, but close to 80% of the girls there were fat, IMO.

Mansion girls and FB girls: It is still 150 k pesos for GND girls, but 200 k cops for girls who think they are eye candy. The session usually last an hour at least, and more once you establish a connection with the girl.Ugh. Last time I was at that place they looked like a bunch of humanoid catfish with wigs on. They looked liked soulless rubber automotrons who've unenthusiastically sh. It out 12 kids each and are awaiting for a swift ending. 99.9% of the clients were eager tattoo from fantasy island looking Colombians on their lunch break, and I had to giggle at the bus stop ad about gringo sex tourism as I walked toward the metro. If ISIS shot a scud missile with mustard gas in these girls plastic asses I wouldn't drop a load to put out the flames they are really that bad.

Jan 156
03-18-17, 11:19
Were the other girls worth 3 or 4 times the cost of the New Life girls?Apples and oranges do to speak. The casas are for daytime sex, something to set you up before lunch. Mansion is more high end late evening entertainment.

03-18-17, 13:28
Sure there is, you are either a 10 in looks or not, how you got there is somewhat irrelevant.

YMMV.Have to agree on that one. It's rare because most getting surgery have esteem issues that silicone won't fix. So they keep going back thinking "just one more" implant will fix it.

I'm remembering a stripper in Albuquerque. Not only was she a knockout from head to toe, who made a 3 minute lap dance more sensual than a honeymoon, she also had am the sweetest personality. I knew her 2 years before learning she had a boob job.

I guess you need to be a 10 before the surgery to be a 10 after.

03-18-17, 16:06
LOL, the place does strike me as a bit of a factory. Like anywhere else there are some gems from time to time but the sheer size of the place and quantity of employees makes me expect much better options than are available there. It's a very popular place all the same.

Ugh. Last time I was at that place they looked like a bunch of humanoid catfish with wigs on. They looked liked soulless rubber automotrons who've unenthusiastically sh. It out 12 kids each and are awaiting for a swift ending. 99.9% of the clients were eager tattoo from fantasy island looking Colombians on their lunch break, and I had to giggle at the bus stop ad about gringo sex tourism as I walked toward the metro. If ISIS shot a scud missile with mustard gas in these girls plastic asses I wouldn't drop a load to put out the flames they are really that bad.

03-18-17, 16:46
Thanks for that. I was asking about the girls specifically. Leaving out the time of day, are the girls you find at the "late night high end" place 3 to 4 times better than the girls at the casas? I leave out the time of day because it's not hard to get a daytime casa girl to visit you at night.

Apples and oranges do to speak. The casas are for daytime sex, something to set you up before lunch. Mansion is more high end late evening entertainment.

03-18-17, 19:00
I scoured the website https://co.mileroticos.com to see what I could find. I contacted so many chicas that day.

Here's what I found. 3 WG for 500,000 each from 10 pm - 6 am. (They stayed until 10 am really). I figure if I go downtown next time I could probably find some street meat that would go cheaper. I I found other deals where two WG were asking for 2,000,000 for the whole night. As opposed to 3 asking for 1,500,000 for the night.

Everything was awesome that night. Must have been the best night in my life so far.

It started off in my hotel. Two came 20 minutes late and the last one came an hour later...

Went to a club around 11 pm and started drinking / partying there. The third chica that was late just met us at the club...

Around 2 am we switched clubs as the current one was closing and went to another one that stayed open later. We partied until 4 am and that's when I decided it was time...

That's my report I hope you liked it. If you have any feedback or questions let me know.The thing I got from your post is that you were truly happy & satisfied. So I tip my hat off to you. Nice work! Although I do wish I had your budget. LOL Having fun with chicas is actually more complex than it may seem, there is a system / culture for prepagos or semi-pros and frankly almost any girl who isn't practicing celibacy in Colombia, its not as simple as throwing cash around.

I've found preparation is key and you did your legwork and got rewarded. So many girls will not show up or not respond so its always best to have many girls in mind and just go with the flow, great example was how you said that one girl was an hour late, yet you just went with it and had a great time. Girls are girls and whether its a hardened prepago or casual curious Colombiana, the rules for females still apply. Expect the unexpected, and they love to party. Have fun with them, always treat them like the beautiful women they are. I am very happy for you.

I've learned that if a chica doesn't have whatsapp and responds, I don't bother. I also use www.photoprepagos.com/prepagos/antioquia. Having at least 10 contacts and better 20 or so. In your phone is a great help.

I'm returning to Medellin in April, so anybody can PM me if they want any info. I like to get private apartments always, its easier for food & privacy and laundry. On my first trip I stumbled upon this guy named Barry for lodging and he is simply a gift from above. I use him every time, he is amazing: Barry Brachfeld 917-XXXX304 he uses whatsapp. I have no connection to this guy, only that he helped me my first time to Medellin and he is simply the best. Everything with him is so easy.

Just a random thought on overnights with chicas. Although I prefer more time then less with a girl. The overnight is a really expensive way to go, the girl sees herself as an hourly worker, so you get little discount there. Colombian men usually do an hour or even a half hour and I've learned there's merit to that. Girls are used to it so its no problem.

Lets say you find 4 girls who you think are 10's, well most will do an hour from 100 K to 200 K pesos, and you visit them and get right down to it. That way you have 4 occasions with 4 different super models for the same price as one who you actually only had sex with for a few hours maybe. Not saying nothing here, just what I've learned. I love to sit and know a girl and have drinks and dance and have dinner as well, I guess I've learned that girls are phookin expensive if they are a wife, GF or a prepago. The more time I spend with the chicas in Colombia the more I realize how being with women in general is an endless enigma.

Husker Dude
03-18-17, 19:43
Thanks for that. I was asking about the girls specifically. Leaving out the time of day, are the girls you find at the "late night high end" place 3 to 4 times better than the girls at the casas? I leave out the time of day because it's not hard to get a daytime casa girl to visit you at night.Mansion girls are GFE, where casa girls in general are not. Some casa girls will kiss or BBBJ for propina, but some wouldn't. At the mansion kissing and BBBJ are the norm. Most mansion girls are charging 200 K now, but to me is worth the extra $ for GFE, and in a more comfortable environment.

03-18-17, 20:21
Mansion girls are GFE, where casa girls in general are not. Some casa girls will kiss or BBBJ for propina, but some wouldn't. At the mansion kissing and BBBJ are the norm. Most mansion girls are charging 200 K now, but to me is worth the extra $ for GFE, and in a more comfortable environment.Husker Dude, how did you learn of the price hike? Is this official or unofficial? I hope that with the price hike to $200 k they no longer demand the $20 k "taxi fare"!

03-18-17, 20:32
Mansion girls are GFE, where casa girls in general are not. Some casa girls will kiss or BBBJ for propina, but some wouldn't. At the mansion kissing and BBBJ are the norm. Most mansion girls are charging 200 K now, but to me is worth the extra $ for GFE, and in a more comfortable environment.Husker dude,

Were there any couples at the mansion when you visited. I used to follow your posts on FOD and my wife and I felt very comfortable there and at blackbeards. Any advice would be appreciated. BTW, we have a friend in common from FOD.

Feel free to I'm.

03-18-17, 21:32
Husker Dude, how did you learn of the price hike? Is this official or unofficial? I hope that with the price hike to $200 k they no longer demand the $20 k "taxi fare"!There's never been an "official" price at the Mansion. It's whatever you and the girl agree on. 150 K pesos has more or less been the "norm" for quite a while. Some girls have convinced some guys that 200 K is now the norm. I just got back from MDE and most were happy with 150 K (and I'm pretty picky). If you're timid around women or if you haven't been laid in months, you're likely to pay more.

Regarding the taxi -- if the girl visits the house specifically to see you, it's customary to pay her taxi fare on arrival. If she's already in the house when you pick her, her taxi is irrelevant.

03-18-17, 22:10
OK, thanks, now I get it. It's the kissing and cuddling.

Mansion girls are GFE, where casa girls in general are not. Some casa girls will kiss or BBBJ for propina, but some wouldn't. At the mansion kissing and BBBJ are the norm. Most mansion girls are charging 200 K now, but to me is worth the extra $ for GFE, and in a more comfortable environment.

03-18-17, 22:36
Hello gents,

How safe is the nightlife and p4 p like in Mayorista? I haven't seen any reports on it recently in the last twenty or so pages. I google viewed and I could see streetwalkers in front of a strip of love motels. Do these streetwalkers get more plentiful at night (I'm assuming they do), and do they mingle with the crowd at the bars?

I can't blend in. My spanish is not good enough. Most people assume I'm not from Colombia. This is no problem in El Poblado at night, but I am concerned in other areas of Medellin it puts a target on my head. Also I can't do 100 pushups like Wolf.

Husker Dude
03-18-17, 23:25
There's never been an "official" price at the Mansion. It's whatever you and the girl agree on. 150 K pesos has more or less been the "norm" for quite a while. Some girls have convinced some guys that 200 K is now the norm. I just got back from MDE and most were happy with 150 K (and I'm pretty picky). If you're timid around women or if you haven't been laid in months, you're likely to pay more.

Regarding the taxi -- if the girl visits the house specifically to see you, it's customary to pay her taxi fare on arrival. If she's already in the house when you pick her, her taxi is irrelevant.All prices are unofficial at the mansion. What everyone says is true. 150 K is the norm for chicas just sitting around. 20 K is for taxi. Some did ask for 200 k. 200 K includes taxi. I pulled most of my girls in at the times I wanted through FB messenger. I didn't't want to fool with smaller bills since the ATM's just spit out 50 K bills. I was just there last week and I got about 3000 K /$1 I figured out after I got home.

Jan 156
03-18-17, 23:39
Hello gents,

How safe is the nightlife and p4 p like in Mayorista? I haven't seen any reports on it recently in the last twenty or so pages. I google viewed and I could see streetwalkers in front of a strip of love motels. Do these streetwalkers get more plentiful at night (I'm assuming they do), and do they mingle with the crowd at the bars?

I can't blend in. My spanish is not good enough. Most people assume I'm not from Colombia. This is no problem in El Poblado at night, but I am concerned in other areas of Medellin it puts a target on my head. Also I can't do 100 pushups like Wolf.Mayorista is fairly straightforward. Everyone hangs around outside or the girls sit inside when they feel a bit lazy. You don't really need a lot of Spanish, even nodding affirmatively and agreeing a price by counting on your fingers or showing them the money would get you laid. Some bars they mingle a bit (or hit on you), some don't bother so much. You have to bargain with them. Then they'll take you to an upstairs or nearby upstairs for some average business. Pretty safe area. Evening scene, so later than the casas and earlier, more or less, than Mansion. Not so much happening daytime when I've been, if anything. Easy to find, Metro and walk in a straight line and it appears on the left hand side. If you need to eat something semi-decent instead of Mayorista food, go a bit further and cross over, civvie area. Whether Mayorista is worth the walk from the metro or the taxi fare there is another matter.

03-19-17, 08:46
Hello gents,

How safe is the nightlife and p4 p like in Mayorista? I haven't seen any reports on it recently in the last twenty or so pages. I google viewed and I could see streetwalkers in front of a strip of love motels. Do these streetwalkers get more plentiful at night (I'm assuming they do), and do they mingle with the crowd at the bars?

I can't blend in. My spanish is not good enough. Most people assume I'm not from Colombia. This is no problem in El Poblado at night, but I am concerned in other areas of Medellin it puts a target on my head. Also I can't do 100 pushups like Wolf.IMHO, I would avoid hobbying in Mayorista since you don't speak fluent Espanol and don't look like a local. There have been robberies of tourist gringos and locals too. Why risk it! I went there only once before, did alright. But I speak Espanol, and have not returned for a second visit yet. Wasn't to impressed with the talent I saw that night. Have fun, but need to feel safe!

03-19-17, 17:05
Thanks for the posts about Mayorista.

My Spanish is fine but I don't pass for a local. I don't speak as fast or as fluently as the locals but can have conversations just fine.

From what I gather Mayorista is a strip of love motels / brothels with women standing outside. I've read somewhere else it's for the truckers and laborers who work at the market nearby, but the prices seem higher (50-70 k for short time). What time does the nightlife start? 7 pm?

03-19-17, 17:10
What is up with Colombian women and the stench? Anyone who has been here, I am sure knows what I am talking about! At FKK's in Europe, no girl smells down there (at least none I've had). In Colombia, it is rare to find a girl that smells fresh down there. What is the problem? Are they not good at hygiene? Should you take a shower with them before and rub them down with some special soap? It is really annoying.Hmmm, not my recent experience, my sample: 1 Casa chick, 2 strip club girls-TLN, 2 SeekingArrangements dates-TLN & 4 Centro redlight-block girls and none of them had a odor other than sweet. I didn't go down on the Casa chick or the Centro girls but did the other 4 so I got up and close.

Sir, (slap, slap w / glove) for the Honor of Colombian Women, Pistols or Swords? LOL.

Just where were you pulling chicks?

03-19-17, 17:35
Question: What are the best love hotels? I am looking for something upper end (with respect to the category) with jacuzzi and any other special features. I found a review site a few years ago but can no longer locate it. There appeared to be far more of these establishments then I've ever seen in person.


I will preface that neither of these are paid placements and I receive no benefit from any of the things mentioned. If you are going for a short time quick visit (to the country or for the hobby), skip these tips.

1. Culture Smart: Colombia. This is a series of books for about 50 countries which gives insight into unique cultural aspects of the country & the Colombia book is no exception. I recommend these for any type of travel (business, pleasure, combo) where you're staying more than just a few days and want to understand where you are visiting rather than just seeing it. I've often shared what I've read in these books with people I'm visiting and often get the response "I've never looked at xxxxx in my culture that way, but that is completely accurate and very insightful".

2. If you have intermediate or better Spanish, learn a few piropos. They will serve you well with semi-pro / non-pro. Google will show you plenty of examples with translations. And creating your own will work too. They're significantly different from pickup lines you may be used to.

3. My best tip. Chaturbate ('chatur' in Colombia). This has become incredibly popular in Colombia -- probably well over 10.000 users with a few hundred online at any given time. There is a particular concentration of users in MDE, BOG & CLO. MDE seems to have a higher ratio of Chatur per person than anywhere on the planet. You'll find Colombianas of all ages, types. SP / NP / neither. Most, but not all, are there for 'necesidad economica' and are broadcasting from a studio (which takes 50% of their earnings). You will find varying levels of english fluency. It will help if you have some yourself and / or use a translator. You'll also want to register and buy some tokens. In private, you can speed date and get to know them. If you tell many of them that you'll be visiting, they may volunteer to show you their city before you can even ask. If they don't volunteer, just tell them a few things you are interested in seeing. You'll be able to get whatsapp or twitter but you need to be very discrete about it as it is often prohibited by the studio and they can be monitored. Cam2 cam can be beneficial from multiple perspectives. There are a lot of benefits to this vs CC or anuncios or twitter.

Want to hear your feedback on these. And your best tips.

03-19-17, 18:34
Question: What are the best love hotels? I am looking for something upper end (with respect to the category) with jacuzzi and any other special features. I found a review site a few years ago but can no longer locate it. There appeared to be far more of these establishments then I've ever seen in person.This page has a drop down menu that will show you most the nice Love Hotels:


The one it's on has some nice room, 3 D Suites.

I like this red one: (pic).

Hawaii Suites looks nice:

They even have this Presidental Suite: (pic).


03-19-17, 18:42
Question: What are the best love hotels? I am looking for something upper end (with respect to the category) with jacuzzi and any other special features.Motel Eros in centro is supposed to be higher quality.

Most of the hookers you meet, especially the street walkers, would be able to direct you.

03-19-17, 18:48
Eros was't bad, not quite as nice as these photos, at least my room (didn't really have any cool lighting or even dimmers or cool art) it did have a nice steam room and a hot tub with the jacuzzi part broken. Don't think it had A / C either but nice fully stocked mini bar. The girl was impressed anyway. At least Eros is easy to find, Calle 54 and Carr 54, with a inner courtyard for taxi drop off. I think 4 hrs was 50,000 p + whatever you use from mini bar.


Motel Eros in centro is supposed to be higher quality.

Most of the hookers you meet, especially the street walkers, would be able to direct you.

03-19-17, 21:33
This new cell phone laws pain. Can anyone recommend an economical navigation tool. I really like Centro everything is close and I feel well priced and the food is great. What could be much different in paying more. Diamonds in a coal mine. I guess Yakuza does not supply lube. Hope I don't die.What new cell phone law?

03-19-17, 21:51
What new cell phone law?Having to register phone with cedula.

03-20-17, 01:40
Question: What are the best love hotels? I am looking for something upper end (with respect to the category) with jacuzzi and any other special features. I found a review site a few years ago but can no longer locate it. There appeared to be far more of these establishments then I've ever seen in person.


I will preface that neither of these are paid placements and I receive no benefit from any of the things mentioned. If you are going for a short time quick visit (to the country or for the hobby), skip these tips.

1. Culture Smart: Colombia. This is a series of books for about 50 countries which gives insight into unique cultural aspects of the country & the Colombia book is no exception. I recommend these for any type of travel (business, pleasure, combo) where you're staying more than just a few days and want to understand where you are visiting rather than just seeing it. I've often shared what I've read in these books with people I'm visiting and often get the response "I've never looked at xxxxx in my culture that way, but that is completely accurate and very insightful".

2. If you have intermediate or better Spanish, learn a few piropos. They will serve you well with semi-pro / non-pro. Google will show you plenty of examples with translations. And creating your own will work too. They're significantly different from pickup lines you may be used to.

3. My best tip. Chaturbate ('chatur' in Colombia). This has become incredibly popular in Colombia -- probably well over 10.000 users with a few hundred online at any given time. There is a particular concentration of users in MDE, BOG & CLO. MDE seems to have a higher ratio of Chatur per person than anywhere on the planet. You'll find Colombianas of all ages, types. SP / NP / neither. Most, but not all, are there for 'necesidad economica' and are broadcasting from a studio (which takes 50% of their earnings). You will find varying levels of english fluency. It will help if you have some yourself and / or use a translator. You'll also want to register and buy some tokens. In private, you can speed date and get to know them. If you tell many of them that you'll be visiting, they may volunteer to show you their city before you can even ask. If they don't volunteer, just tell them a few things you are interested in seeing. You'll be able to get whatsapp or twitter but you need to be very discrete about it as it is often prohibited by the studio and they can be monitored. Cam2 cam can be beneficial from multiple perspectives. There are a lot of benefits to this vs CC or anuncios or twitter.

Want to hear your feedback on these. And your best tips.There is a guide to love motels on the Medellin Living site. Google will take you right to it.

Comments on Tip #3:

There are several webcam sites, besides Chaturbate and you can find quite a few Colombianas on each of them. The largest number of them are in Medellin and there are several studios in Medellin. A couple of the studios are quite large, large enough to have their own booth at adult expo shows in the US and elsewhere.

The amount the studio takes varies from studio to studio. The more successful studios have a sizable investment in each model. You'll not find many takers from those studios, and if you do, expect a big price tag. The reason is simple: money. A popular webcam model is pulling $200 - $2000 USD in 4 hours. That puts them from $40 k to $400 k USD per year. All without having to touch a dick.

The ones who are willing to date are generally either independent or working for an estrato 2 studio, hoping to make $20/ night. They are available, many are already advertising in mileroticos.

If you're hoping to pull one of the top webcam models, bring a lot of game, a lot of patience and a lot of money. Most have at least one webcam sugar daddy spending big bucks and asking nothing in return, often dropping from $50 to $250 at a time, several times each broadcast. I've watched one girl make almost $4 k in 5 hours.

I'd be thrilled if everyone here started hitting the cam sites trying to impress the models. It's money in my pocket. But I don't want to mislead you and say you have much chance to succeed.

03-20-17, 02:25
Comments on Tip #3:
A popular webcam model is pulling $200 - $2000 USD in 4 hours. That puts them from $40 k to $400 k USD per year. All without having to touch a dick.

The ones who are willing to date are generally either independent or working for an estrato 2 studio, hoping to make $20/ night. They are available, many are already advertising in mileroticos.

If you're hoping to pull one of the top webcam models, bring a lot of game, a lot of patience and a lot of money. Most have at least one webcam sugar daddy spending big bucks and asking nothing in return, often dropping from $50 to $250 at a time, several times each broadcast. I've watched one girl make almost $4 k in 5 hours.

I'd be thrilled if everyone here started hitting the cam sites trying to impress the models. It's money in my pocket. But I don't want to mislead you and say you have much chance to succeed.I didn't mean to imply the top webcam models are available. Obviously not. There are +10.000 Colombiana webcamers online and only a small fraction earn anything remotely close to the amounts you mention. Unless those numbers are $COP. No doubt that some do earn money you mention. But there are plenty of gems among the rest.

If a girl has +10.000 followers and / or wants above the equivalent of US $1. 5/ min, then you probably should pass. If a girl starts hustling for upsell, then you can bail out. Some are on mileroticas, some aren't. Ditto CC. Point is that you'll get a preview prior to a trip. Ditto the chica. With mileroticas, CC or even in a line up, you are rolling the dice and this can be a way to increase the odds.

Like other approaches YMMV. However, I met a monger who did incredibly well with this approach in a few parts of Colombia (not MDE). I was able to replicate his success. In both instances it was for setting up temporary novia / TLN and not short term.

Black Page
03-20-17, 11:36
Having to register phone with cedula.As everywhere in the world, I would expect lots of retailers, official or not, selling SIM cards preregistered with the name of someone. I have seen this not only in the 4th and 3rd world, but also in European countries. Therefore, why not in Colombia?

What I like of Colombia is that my old SIM card, bought many years ago, is not expiring, even if I don't use it for several months. I just top it up on my arrival to the BOG airport, et voila, my old Nokia phone (flecha model) is operating.

03-20-17, 13:11
[Deleted by Admin] I've been shooting private content for many cam models for 3-4 years. I'm totally ware the loot many of these girls pull down 4 k in 5 hours. No way. On CB a cam-girls basically makes a nickel per token. If they are working at studio 50% of that goes to the studio. Aka mobster boss especially for Russian and E. European cam-girls. To make 4 k would be 80,000 tokens. From as much as I know about industry, the elite top tier girls don't make this. There is one top tier girl from Colombia that I shot in Vegas at AVN week. She trolls Tinder with google 3 saying she is from various US cities big and very small. She uses tinder to market her cam biz. Yes there is the random [Deleted by Admin]. That pops in and throws down a 30000 token tip or much much more. Extremely rare!

There is a guide to love motels on the Medellin Living site. Google will take you right to it.

Comments on Tip #3:

There are several webcam sites, besides Chaturbate and you can find quite a few Colombianas on each of them. The largest number of them are in Medellin and there are several studios in Medellin. A couple of the studios are quite large, large enough to have their own booth at adult expo shows in the US and elsewhere.

The amount the studio takes varies from studio to studio. The more successful studios have a sizable investment in each model. You'll not find many takers from those studios, and if you do, expect a big price tag. The reason is simple: money. A popular webcam model is pulling $200 - $2000 USD in 4 hours. That puts them from $40 k to $400 k USD per year. All without having to touch a dick..EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

03-20-17, 15:13
What I like of Colombia is that my old SIM card, bought many years ago, is not expiring, even if I don't use it for several months. I just top it up on my arrival to the BOG airport, et voila, my old Nokia phone (flecha model) is operating.Is that because of the phone company's SIM you use (Tigo, Movistar, Claro)?

I have a Tigo SIM and as far as I know my leftover data expires after a couple months.

03-20-17, 15:22
Most have at least one webcam sugar daddy spending big bucks and asking nothing in return, often dropping from $50 to $250 at a time, several times each broadcast.Wow, who does that? What's the profile, someone who has lots of money but cannot risk a flight to SA; has lots of money but no idea of the scene the rest of the world has available? On the surface it sounds like LOSER. Poor f--ker. "dumbass".

I have a good friend who traveled with us one time and did not take to the lifestyle. He loves porn, love the ladies, always wants to get laid. Yet knowing what's available still opts for trying to find girls in his small town or travels to Vegas once in a while and spends a couple grand in strip clubs. It's beyond my comprehension.

03-20-17, 16:27
Wow, who does that? What's the profile, someone who has lots of money but cannot risk a flight to SA; has lots of money but no idea of the scene the rest of the world has available? On the surface it sounds like LOSER. Poor f--ker. "dumbass".

I have a good friend who traveled with us one time and did not take to the lifestyle. He loves porn, love the ladies, always wants to get laid. Yet knowing what's available still opts for trying to find girls in his small town or travels to Vegas once in a while and spends a couple grand in strip clubs. It's beyond my comprehension.There are a few different types that do that. Some are the lost romantics. They think they are buying the woman's love. Those are the sad cases because they don't have much money and put themselves deep in debt before they realize it. They usually end up getting jealous and possessive.

Another type are the whales. They have plenty of money and like to be seen as the boss. For them the kick is being the big man in the room. They usually last a long time. Jealousy isn't an issue, although they tend to compete against other big tippers. They tend to stick with one model.

The big spenders hit several models, they go on binges, spending a lot of money over a few weeks, then taking a break to save up more.

A lot of them have no social skills. They would be terrified of p4 p. Most couldn't even handle a strip club. Some are married and consider it allowed cheating. They get weird, want to leave their wife for some girl they've never met.

The majority don't spend much money, $20 to $50 a week. It's the type of porn they prefer. They are just bored, don't want to bother going out. It's something to do when not doing something else.

There are guys only looking for ladyboys, guys who want to be pegged, guys who want to be beaten and humiliated, guys who only want fat chicks, guys who only want grannies. There are guys who only want the ugluest, nastiest putas on the street, guys who only want anal, guys who only want bareback. I don't understand any of them either.

Fortunately, I don't need to understand why they do it, I just need to understand that they do it. Then I get to sit around with a bunch of hot chicas, teach them how to get more money and get paid for it.