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01-10-08, 23:59
Carnevaliscus. Please get it through your thick head: 500 euros is a LOT of money! Moldova is a poor country. Please ONLY inform us of reasonable prices!

For 500 euros+travel cost I can get a lovely, young East European prostitute in Western Europe also for a weekend!

This is a forum about Moldova, a country where average salary is 100$, so please pay ONLY moldovan prices!

To pay a plane ticket, rent an expensive appartment in a foreign country, and then to fuck prostitutes at the same price as you would in your home country is ABSURD!

01-11-08, 01:11
but not for 500€+!!

01-11-08, 09:44
Hey Nollies,

Very interested in knowing where you come from where a good girl can be had for Euro 500 for 3 full days or what part of Eastern Europe provides the same for a girl to travel to Western Europe for the same 3 days. My bags are packed.


Carnevaliscus. Please get it through your thick head: 500 euros is a LOT of money! Moldova is a poor country. Please ONLY inform us of reasonable prices!

For 500 euros+travel cost I can get a lovely, young East European prostitute in Western Europe also for a weekend!

This is a forum about Moldova, a country where average salary is 100$, so please pay ONLY moldovan prices!

To pay a plane ticket, rent an expensive appartment in a foreign country, and then to fuck prostitutes at the same price as you would in your home country is ABSURD!

01-11-08, 10:01
Carnevaliscus. Please get it through your thick head: 500 euros is a LOT of money! Moldova is a poor country. Please ONLY inform us of reasonable prices!

For 500 euros+travel cost I can get a lovely, young East European prostitute in Western Europe also for a weekend!

This is a forum about Moldova, a country where average salary is 100$, so please pay ONLY moldovan prices!

To pay a plane ticket, rent an expensive appartment in a foreign country, and then to fuck prostitutes at the same price as you would in your home country is ABSURD!

I agree with you... its cheaper to fly over and meet them here

!. restaurant and fun its half price or even less than in europe....

2. the girls will not ask for money in front because they are afraid you can report to police that they work as prostitute (most girls never mantion money they just thank you with what ever you give her)

3. the average salary was 100$ 5 years ago...... now its 200 euro minimum.

4. for who is intresting in moldovan girls can find them in istanbul save of buying ticket they come there 2 or 3 girls just for few weeks to make some money.


01-11-08, 17:31
Well, dear fellows,

In this case I stop this "resurch" programm, I just tried to think about the often asked question of other members, like: I come for a weekend, or I arrive for a week. Where to get a reasonable looking Lady to have fun with.

Well, as I sayed. I tried to think. Maybe I should improve my efforts.


01-17-08, 23:55
I have a question:

Just because I don't want to leave the things half done I ask myself, and therefore the senior members of that forum, if it would be helpful to organise a kind of infoforum inside the forum for contacts and whatever helps to have a quick contact to get layed.

As I tried to find a (at least for me reasonable) solution, I calculated the cash, what is needed to spend a weekend in a disco, lets say city or peoples etc. Incl. The taxi or food or what ever else and than I calkulated this 500 euro story against it. Again, I try to answer the question about the guys who arrive (for a weekend, or for a week) and need a quick hit. The above mentioned pages reflect very well what is going on in Moldova.

Essi and Nolies had not the same opinion, but both telll the forum, that it is in general hard to score for a firstimer, arriving here. Or even those who arrive more frequent, or even live here like Essi and others, and me as well (and I am since September here)


1. Firstimers. Horny, only short time in Chis. Bad prognose

2. Frequent visitors. Horny, with time in Chis. Better success

3. Guys with residence. Horny, depending on skills and luck. Ok

4. Guys with residence. Horny, with cash etc. Success 95 %

Thick head or not, why the freak should it be a problem to organise a basis (not Al Kaida, LOL) where the mongers pay their share for entering this forum (in cash. Good for the forum) and get rid of this time problem and all the disapoitments which are connected with that?

Again, exactly in this forum, started with page 26 to 27, this issue was discussed more or less emotional.

Nolies, I can agree when you say that 500 Eur. Plus whatever is too much in your eyes, ok, but how shall it be organised than? Remember I thought about the weekenders, and the " shorttime" visitors.

Ok, we can say, guys pack your best part in ice and stay out of Moldova, but is it realy that?

Just a question, Yours, C.

Acording to the harsh critics on my latest " resurch ", I just want to say that this forum lives also from unexperienced members, but read the page 26 and following. At that time Nolies was the Thick Head, LOL, hey Nolies. That was a joke, ok man?

01-18-08, 11:17

I was refering to the pages in the photo section , page 27 and following.

To all a great day! C.

01-19-08, 18:19
I found this page: http: //love.computer. Md/

Photos and also some girls for " intim offers ", quite some cute chicks, worth to have a look at, the page is in russian, but while you are asked where you want to find your date, age range, country, etc, they ask you 1 time ladies with photos, and below, intim offers.

Members with better russian skills than mine could help you in registrating, however I liked some photos, pretty unusual for moldova.

Have fun,


01-20-08, 15:50
Dear fellows,

For those who are interested:

One-room apartments in downtown Chisinau are dearer than four-room apartments in Airport area
January 11 2008

Prices of 1-4-room apartments in the capital city rose by an average of 500 euros and now range from 17,000 to 55,500 euros depending on expanse and location.

According to a survey made by the realty company Lara, cited by Info-Prim Neo, the most expensive one-room apartments are sold in Chisinau’s Centru district. Their prices range from 30,000 euros in new-type buildings to 33,500 euros in old-type buildings. The cheapest studios are sold in old-type buildings located in the Airport’s neighbourhood – 17,000 euros.

In the districts of Botanica, Buiucani, Telecentru, Ciocana and Rascani, studios in new-type buildings are sold at prices varying between 25,600 and 27,500 euros, by 2,000 euros less on average than in old-type buildings.

Two-room apartments cost between 21,500 and 43,000 euros. On average, prices of flats in new-type buildings located in Rascani, Ciocana, Buiucani and Botanica approach 37,000 euros, while in old-type blocks 28,500 euros.

Three roomed apartments in new-type buildings have an average price tag of 53,000 euros in Centru district, 46,500 euros in Botanica and Rascani, 45,500 euros in Buiucani and Ciocana, and 44,500 in Telecentru. Flats in old-type blocks range from 45,500 euros in Centru and 33,500 in other districts.

The most expensive four roomed apartments are sold in Centru – 55,500 euros, while the cheapest in the Airport area – 26,500 euros.Have a nice day, C.

Reiner Otto
01-20-08, 20:17
Used www.singles.ru without great success, I have to admit.

At least for Moldova.

Mold Ovan
01-21-08, 07:30

love.computer.md, singles.ru, love.rambler.ru, love.mail.ru and many others are actually THE SAME website

Used www.singles.ru without great success, I have to admit.

At least for Moldova.

01-21-08, 13:48
.According to a survey made by the realty company Lara,
Thanks for the article Carnevalisticus.

I checked the lara.md site.

Very interesting indeed.

01-21-08, 19:36
Anyone actually buying in Moldova?

We have a global recession.

I predict these prices will go down in 2008.

Market (FTSE, DAX, related securities market.) took a beating today!

There simply is no good news except the fed charirman will cut rates. That's it.

01-22-08, 10:58
Root, before I left to Belgrade, I started to look arround for a 3-4 room apartment, but I agree, waiting what will be is exactly what I will do now.

The EU founded a new cash stock from 2008 to 2011 in a volume of 210 mio Euros, coming from the so called neighbouring stock. First time in history of the EU that a non EU state recieves such an amount, for reorgenising justice, streets and infrastucture.

So, EU is allready willing to spend more, after election.


01-22-08, 11:23
Just to read how different reality and expactations are in Moldova.

Budget 2008 - The arm of the Government
December 7 2007

Year by year, there is a constant paradox in the Republic of Moldova - the budget grows, but living standards become worse. And if until now the budget has been used by the government only in propaganda purposes, in order to promote the image of "efficient governance that can always find extra money for the benefit of people", now it seems they are going to use it also as an arm to reckon with political opponents, as well as with ordinary people who refuse to support the party at power any longer.

In 2008, the territories ruled by democratic powers will have to suffer. The Government has reduced to maximum the financial autonomy of territories and has excessively centralized public finances. From those over 14 billion lei of total revenues, territories shall receive only 2.76 billion lei, and the largest part of this money shall be directed to those around 1/3 of raions governed by communists. For instance, Balti municipality, where communists have won the majority in the Municipal Council, as well as the chair of Mayor, shall receive 130 million lei, while Chisinau municipality, although it is several times bigger than Balti, shall have to bear with about 20% less. This is because communists have lost both the chair of Mayor and the majority in the Council of Chisinau.

Although communists deny that they would be looking for revenge with certain territories by means of the budget, it is evident. Thus, in order to support general state bodies (Parliament, President, Government, etc.) communists have allocated over 1 billion lei for 2008, while for the rest of territories only 2.7 billion lei. That is, several hundreds of people shall spend almost half of the amount allocated to several millions of people!

As a result of application of zero rate on tax on income from entrepreneurial activity, the revenues of budgets of administrative and territorial units shall considerably decrease in 2008. According to certain estimations, we are talking about a loss of over 500 million lei. About 64% of this tax, as well as other dues collected in territories, are left at the disposal of local budgets. Government has not told how they are going to cover this "gap" in the budgets of administrative-territorial units.

The state budget for the following year, also stipulates the amount of 295 million lei under revenues as a result of capital legalization. If we take into account the fact that the fee for capital legalization makes up 5%, we can see that declaration of some shadow capitals in the amount of 5.9 billion lei is expected in 2008. The first question is: where from do the governors know that there is a shadow capital amounting to 5.9 billion lei? And the second: how much of this shadow capital there is outside Chisinau and whether territories are going to receive at least something as a result of this planned legalization?

If they had a real interest in supporting territories and ensuring their financial autonomy, communists could easily (when discussing the budget) use the provisions of the Law on Local Public Finances of 16 October 2003 on deduction of percentage from general state income to the budgets of administrative-territorial units. For instance, based on this Law, local authorities could have the right to leave at least 10% of the VAT collected from territories and at least 50% of excises on goods produced within those territories in their own budgets. That is, governors could at least create possibilities for leaders in territories to fundraise on their own, if they are not going to give them money. Especially, there is already a precedent in Moldova - Gagauz-Yeri autonomy fully benefits from the provisions of the Law on Local Public Finances in this sense.

Territories shall keep only 50% of the resources accumulated in the form of road use tax in 2008. The party at power could easily leave this tax integrally in territories, because starting with 2008 they shall benefit from around 30 million Euros from external credits to rehabilitate republican roads.

Opposition leaders understand the difficult situation they and their representatives in territories find themselves in very well. This explains the tough reaction of the opposition and vehement protests against approval of the state budget namely in the formula proposed by communists, and makes it clear why communists have voted this budget with such insistence and in such a hurry.

The budget for 2008 is the biggest budget ever the Republic of Moldova has had until now. However, not even one tenth of those 2 billion of additional income is generated by economic growth. The biggest part of this growth comes from VAT on import. If a year ago, the Government forecasted that in 2007 they would receive VAT in the total amount of 6.9 billion lei (including 5.8 billion lei on import), for 2008 this amount has grown to 8.8 billion lei, of which VAT on import shall make up 7.3 billion lei. That is, the increase in the budget the government is so proud of shall be ensured in the proportion of 1.5 billion lei only from VAT on import. The big deficit of the foreign trade balance (which is very likely to exceed 2 billion USD in 2008) shall be covered mainly from the account of money sent by Moldovan gastarbeiters again.

Another source of budgetary increase shall be external grants that in the forecast for 2007 have been estimated at the amount of 861 million lei, and it is expected that they shall make up 1.175 billion lei in 2008. This means that another 300 million lei shall come to the budget from completely other sources than real economic growth. The budget shall also grow as a result of application of road use taxes, licence fees, administrative payments and fees, etc., and less from taxes that would indicate an economic growth.

All the above-mentioned show that the year of 2008 shall be an extremely difficult one both for the business environment (especially for local producers), opponents of power, and ordinary citizens.

01-22-08, 15:13
The latest report from the ministry of habitat says that real estate prices in Moldova will go down by 30% in 2008 alone due to the upcoming global recession, massive construction of new buildings, diminishing of real estate purchasing from moldovans living abroad and the incoming devaluation of the local currency (the moldovan lei).

Not a good time to buy property indeed!

01-23-08, 00:37
Wow. We just averted a global disaster. Can you imagine if the DOW went down by over 1000 + pts!

Someone must have had a gun on mr bernanke's head to make borrowing cheap again.

Anyways. I know this is about sex tourism, but our game is dependent on the economy. So this is an important topic also.

This "external funding" is such a big number form the article below. If that goes away, maybe it will be back to the good old days of moldova!

I think in the past 2 years moldova has been in this accelerated growth. I look around and there are so many buildings in production. So many luxury hotels. Prices went up. Credit (micro at least) is easy.

Who knows. Maybe 6 months from now businesses in moldova will be fighting for our patronage when the economy slows down.

Cheaper hotels. Cheaper luxuries. Cheaper girls too. LOL

The moldova I remember 4 years ago.

Then again anything is possible. 1 year from now we will have a different US president and the global picture will change.

01-23-08, 00:39

I read an article about that.

I think it is only for Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria -for the devaluation

Bez Bezarra
01-23-08, 04:02
Just read how different reality is in Moldova.

What the hell is a gastarbeiter?

Someone who bites gassy tar?

01-23-08, 10:44

Its a german word, Gast = guest, Arbeiter = worker/Clark

So it means originaly a person who is working in Germany for a limited time, as a guest, but 95% of those Guests, settled down in Germany.


01-28-08, 02:32
Hi anyone in here have any experience with girls from both regions?

I "think" I will visit this girl in Nikolaev. i want to buy her tickets to visit me in kishinev, but it's too dangeorus since I already have "regulars" in this small city.

Not sure of the culture. what to expect. is it just like kishinev?

any planes from KIV to NLV ? what is the average air fare.

anyone who can write me a small report i'll even pay you in paypal.

01-28-08, 07:57
Wise Budy,

Ok, I heard about these adoptions like rucksack, and Marschroute.

Well, these are words of a long gone time. However, interesting that " the russians " use this word for the same thing in their country.

Have a great day. C.

01-28-08, 08:10
While your explanation is rite, additionally it has to be said that the Russians adopted this expression like a lot of more german words in the russian language, such as kurort, schlagbaum or zifferblatt.

The term gastarbeiter describes in the russian language people from abroad working in Russia, i.e. Moldavians or Georgians working in Moscow in i.e. the construction business.

And the word has a decidely negative connotation in Russian.

01-28-08, 08:12
http://www.airport.nikolaev.ua/?q=en/passengers/6 ,

to my knowlege there is no direct flight to Chisinau.

You may fly via Kiev.


01-28-08, 13:46
Its not the word having a negative connotation, it is the xenophobic behaviour of the russians esp. against people from the south of the FSU.

And cause of this "gastarbeiter" is sometimes linked with "tshorny tshoppy" or even worse "terrorist".

Moldavians are esteemed in Moscow for being industrious and good and cheap workers.
Indeed they are, but as you correctly pointed out the word is now a synonym for cheap labor from the "lower classed species" and not so much the boys from Kavkas, but rather those of central Asia i.e. Uzbekis, Kirgis and Tadjikis. Mind you, that is not my opinion, but rather that of many a Slavic superman.

Big Bro AJ
02-11-08, 18:35
I am coming to Chisinau for a M&A negotiation. I will stay 2 days. Right now I am not interested in mongering, anyhow if the neg. goes promising, later next month I may stay couple of weeks to supervise the local team.

Any recommendations for quality restaurants and clubs?

02-12-08, 10:34

Welcome to Moldova.

There are many good restaurants here it depent on your choice.

A japanese great place for sushi is Nuri at sun city.

Mexican style try el paso on armensca strada 20.

Euro style try gril house on bulgara street or green hills nistru or simpozium both on 31 august street opposit is also a nice place pani pitt.


people disco, on cantamir st. de ju voux on bucaresti and puskin, millitary pub and star trek in riscani.

When you will come here any taxi driver will take you there. there are many more like city disco or retaurants in sun city or jumbo malls.

I hope I help.


Big Bro AJ
02-12-08, 11:57
Thnx a lot.

It seems like Chisnaue will be my second house for couple of weeks.

Sounds like a lot to explore...:)

02-12-08, 17:37
The places Essi mention are all very good places to eat, and I recommend all of them. My own personal no. 1 favorite is Caravan on Eminescu Street just a bit further down the street from the International University off Stefan Cel Mare. It is an Uzbek restaurant, the food and service is excellent and I guarentee that any guest you bring will be very impressed. Also Budda Bar on Ismail Street (also just off Stefan Cel Mare) is always a guarentee for a good night out. The Arab restaurant (I forget the name but I think it is called 1001 nights but not sure about that) in Riscani next to Star Trak and Military Pub is supposed to be top notch quality. And finally I recommend all the restaurants on the 3rd floor of the Jumbo Mall, there is a good sushi bar with reasonable prices as well as traditional Russian, Greek, Italian etc. restaurants. If you plan on coming during the spring also try out the new place Renoir which is brand new and very beautyful with a small pond inside the compound. During the evening they also have live traditional Moldovan music and singers also playing instruments like pan flute etc. all very atsmospheric.

Enjoy your time and don't forget to report about it ;)

02-12-08, 22:44
And dont forget to bring a lot of CASH , because these places are even more expensive than in Europe or USA, and the quality of the food a lot lower!

02-13-08, 14:36
And dont forget to bring a lot of CASH , because these places are even more expensive than in Europe or USA, and the quality of the food a lot lower!

You know, I already hate myself for actually taking the time to respond to a looser like you, but since there may be a person or two actually believing the utter garbage you let out, let me just say that the prices are indeed higher than the average place in Chisinau, but the prices compared to similar Western establishments are much lower, but then again I haven't a clue where you dine out (if at all) in the West. Qualitywise it is comparable to anything you might find at similar places in Europe, but then again...se my last sentence.

Especially for you my friend I will make a mini report on establishments where you can take your sweetheart and not hurt your seemingly tiny wallet too much. I assure you she will never forget you for that! Opposite the Palatul National there are two cantinas serving great food, where you can have a full plate of food for around 50 lei or even less if you buy more rice and mashed potatoes than meat. You can also buy pastries, Coca Cola and unprocessed milk. Also if you go to the Piata Centrala you can find plenty of small foodstands and similar cantinas, where you can get a bargain meal.

I don't know why, but I am starting to see why you don't have much luck :) But then again, I guess if I got as many rejections as you do I would probably also be pretty bitter...LOL!

02-14-08, 09:47
Also, for a lot of the members of this forum the places you recommend are unaffordable on a regular or even occasional basis.

Shouldnt you mention affordable places with good value for the money?

...why different points of view cannot be expressed without vile and insult. All reports, if they contain information and experiences, are valuable both for those heading in the direction of the country/city thread or contemplating doing so and using the information to decide and to guide.

Good value for money is as difficult to define as is a woman. All contributions that lay out the options can be used by each memeber to form their own opinions on value to them. The Moldova thread has provided great value to this particular traveller on the long mongering road. Always useful to remind ourselves of the mission of ISG and the threads its contains. Information and debate yes, rubbishing other members - No thanks, that certainly isn't a value add.

02-14-08, 10:47
For a lot of the members of this forum the places you recommend are unaffordable on a regular or even occasional basis.
These places are even more expensive than in Europe or USA
Nolies, you fool.

Caravan is effectively one of the best and trendiest restaurant in Chisinau but is still very affordable. Appetizers there cost around 40 leis (2,5 €) and the most expensive main courses of the menu (incl. mouth-watering shashliks and delicious traditional Uzbek dishes) maybe 120 leis (7 €). As in all middle to upper-range restaurants in town, a 75 cl Cracova bottle is around 100 leis and french wine 150 leis.

One of my favorite place to impress dates is Alaverdi, a great georgian restaurant where I've never paid more than 600 leis (35 €) for two.

In El Paso, the mexican cantina justly recommanded by Essi, a copious fajitas plate costs, if my memory serves, around 80 leis, and a Corona 35 leis.

As Viking said, you can also dine VERY decently in nice places at Jumbo fourth floor (Metaxa is my personal all-time-favorite there) for even cheaper.

In summary :

1. Chisinau is dirt cheap

2. If, when you travel, you can't afford to spend 25 or 30 € for two persons in a fine restaurant, then stay home.

3. Stop hijacking EE threads with your pathetic and controvertial BS.

02-14-08, 15:11
millitary pub and star trek in riscani.
Also in Riscani, Taxi Blues Cafe (same owners as Nostalgie), the 24/7 bar-restaurant located right in front of Star Track and Militari on Moscovei bd, is undoubtedly the best place for late-night dining and drinking.

It's the most popular after-club hangout in Chisinau, and a great spot to meet clubber-type drunken dyevs or for the last drinks (and maybe a tasty soup) with a new conquest in a nice and relaxing atmosphere.

Curiously it has never been reported nor adviced here. Are ISG members in Moldova early sleepers ?


02-14-08, 19:03
LOL! A professor once told me before an exam: "Never argue with a fool, because he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience."

So what are we really discussing here? Whether spending € 20 - € 40 euros on nice dinners for two people a few times a week is beeing "tycoon-ish" or not? Dear Nolies, if spending this amount hurts your wallet so much,...well...what can I say? Not much I guess.

I often go to the places I mentioned just to have a light meal, and noone says that you must buy a bottle of wine and the most expensive item on the menu everytime you go out. I, for one, don't. In fact I have been to Caravan several times only paying some € 15 for two people. Maybe what you should really pay attention to is not where or what you eat but how much you eat?

But instead of just critizising (which is the easiest thing in the world) why don't YOU show us all what a constructive poster you are and mention all the places you have found where you get superior-than-European quality at lower-than-European prices? Please enlighten me and everyone else on this board.

Average salary really has nothing to do with this. As you probably know, it is not so much about how much money you make, but about how you manage your expenses. And about me trying to look like a big shot tycoon...my dear friend, have you not read a single post I have written? All I talk about is not overpaying, about how to find girls at bargain prices, bashing Wwwroot for giving girls $500 phones, paying a freebie €100 "just because she deserved it" even if she never asked for anything and was perfectly happy with just his company and lending some girl $4.000 or something like that...THAT, my friend, is wanting to be a tycoon!

I personally only pay a girl cash on extremely rare occasions, but that is just the way I am...preferring a more GF-ish experience rather than pay-and-go types of girls. And I have the means to do it succesfully since I speak the language at conversational level and thus have acces to a whole range of girls who, under normal circumstances, would never even consider going out with a foreigner. Not braggin just saying it the way it is.

You know, I look myself in the mirror every morning and I quite like what I see. I see a person having the time of his life in Moldova with some of the best people I ever met in my life...what do you see in your mirror?

Probably the biggest difference between you and me is that my bottle is always half full, yours is probably not, at least it doesn't sound like it.

Listen, I don't know you in real life, but I am pretty sure that you are actually a nice fellow, in fact I think it could be quite fun to meet one day and discuss more in detail, but all your posts are so full of negativity. Why I don't know, but I do know that life is what you make of it and that we have only one and that it is far too short, so for God's sake try to live it to the max!

02-14-08, 19:33
Ok, lets try to cheer up a bit :). Afterall...aren't we all here for the same thing?

02-15-08, 06:45
Lol. I like that license plate

Hey I am not "tycoonish" I lost 15% of my portfolio from this global meltdown since August.

Yes god bless moldova. I plan to be there next month to meet my regulars and new girls.

I think wigwam (4th floor jumbo) is the BEST. I always eat there.

Some village girls you can take to andys pizza and they are happy. They cannot even afford a milk shake.

02-15-08, 18:54
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Big Bro AJ
02-16-08, 14:10
Thanks for all the info...

I will be in town on Monday and stay till Friday. And will come back again the following week.

Anyway, I will try to go every where you rec. But, no one talked about the quality banyas/saunas. I am not interested in sex at banya/sauna.

I prefer to take steam bath after a loooong day and couple of drinks.

02-17-08, 00:37
I think wigwam (4th floor jumbo) is the BEST. .

by the way,
there was an explosion in the kitchen of metaxa, just 4th floor jumbo,
the 14 th of febrary,
and everything is close now

Miki Beinspired
02-17-08, 01:26
Hi Viking,

So long time that I don't write and ask info. News in chisnau? Hope in may the time and the weather could be better not so cold!

So my questions smth interesting to see in chisinau or outside? Wine cantin or monastery or chateaux?

New places where interesting girls waiting for foregneis hunters?

French or Italian good restaurant there?

Dudapest hotel is in good location and girls friendly?

Thank you

You'll be in Chinau in May?

02-17-08, 19:28
I called a girl I shagged last year working in a furniture store on the 4th floor of Jumbo. About 5 people died.
Your GF cheated you. No one died.

There's no furniture store at Jumbo fourth floor BTW.

03-11-08, 15:14
Since 1, 5 month I am in Germany and Austria, for several meetings, during these meetings its normal to invite or to be invited for lunch or dinner somewhere in a nice restaurant. Reading here that prices in Chisinau are expensive or even close to the range of, lets say middle european places, is simply not true.

If I invite 3 guests in an upper restaurant, 3-4 bottles of wine, fish, meat what ever the guests prefere to order, you can be sure that you pay for the 4 bottles of wine (Riesling, Chardoney, Pinot Noir etc) alone 90-120 euros, which is normal. Food per person, lets say something 25. 35 euros, incl. A cup of coffee or what ever.

When I invite in Chisinau, the same stuff would cost in symposium about 1400 leis maximum, a bottle of Pukarit costs there 170 Leis = 10 euros, and in the supermarket 80 Leis. So you can calkulate for 4 persons in europe min. 50 euros/about 800 Leis per person, and in Chisinau 350 Leis, so realy no reason to complain regarding quality and costs. If I sometimes cook for my guests I need to invest 250 leis and 2 hours work and all guests are satisfied. Regarding the food, even for that I would pay 2 times more in europe.

Time to come back!

Yours, C.

Romano V
03-24-08, 15:49
Meat and cheese products climed up with some 25-30% since January.

Gaz and central heating also went up with 20%.

Milk bought directly from the "babuska's" on the corner of the streets was 6 lei pro liter, now 10-12 lei.

Now that winter season ends it end I went to the bazar for building materials: most prices up 15-35% compared to last October

Andy's Pizza where all the girls go andwhere you can find some prostitutes, last year a normal pizza's price was still between 25 and 32 lei, now it is between 38 and 45lei, for just the same, a 50% increase!

The amount primeria representatives get to come and sit in a chair and talk about everything.except about practical somutions and progress, see all the discussions about the christmas tree in front of primaria- went up to 375lei pro session, or 50% of a montly pension. BRAVO POLITICIANS and they are communists, we call that official corruption.

No idea who of the 'hardworking' moldavans cand certainly the pensionners with a average of 750lei monthly pension, still can follow. Yes communism and socialism is disappearing fast.

So Prices in Chisinau Moldova up to European levels? , European Union or Russia? Prices go up.

Few years ago 100€ was the prices for the all night and now mongers said they paid this amount for just one hour in Kishinev!

Please guys write here if the place is killed or not.

03-24-08, 23:34
Moldova is finished! Prices are increasing at an incredible, absurd rate. Inflation 23%. Only 2 years ago prices for renting or buying an appartment were in USD. But now all in EUROS because 1 euro=1. 55 USD.

You could rent a nice 2 room flat for 100 euro. Same flat now 250-300 euro. 3 times the price in 2 years? Incredible!

To enter a disco: 2 years ago: 25-40 lei. Now: 60-150leis

Food. Very expensive. One head of lettuce 45 leis, 3 tomatoes: 35 leis

And to make things worse, you will see offices for WORK AND TRAVEL TO THE USA all over chisinau.

This last March7th they sent another group of 5000 women to the USA. I was watching moldovan TV the other night and they said that only 20% return to Moldova. The rest manage to find husbands in the USA and don't return!

This is very noticeable in the streets of Chisinau: much less girls in general, a lot of ugly ones, as the cream of the crop has left!

And to complicate things even more: Now that Rumania is part of European Union, the women there are not as easy as they were, so many well-to-do rumanian men come to Moldova for sex or to find wives.

And, of course, one zillion hungry ITALIAN and TURKISH men prowling the streets at all time of the day and the night hunting for any girl they can find!

This is the situation, guys, and this is THE HONEST TRUTH!

03-25-08, 10:54
yes...prices are growing and growing and growing...
in every field of the society...
and to buy food in number one or fidesca or other markets,
it's more expensive than in Europe.

it's true!

but what can we do???

any solutions?

Moldova is finished! Prices are increasing at an incredible, absurd rate. Inflation 23%. Only 2 years ago prices for renting or buying an appartment were in USD. But now all in EUROS because 1 euro=1. 55 USD.

You could rent a nice 2 room flat for 100 euro. Same flat now 250-300 euro. 3 times the price in 2 years? Incredible!

To enter a disco: 2 years ago: 25-40 lei. Now: 60-150leis

Food. Very expensive. One head of lettuce 45 leis, 3 tomatoes: 35 leis

And to make things worse, you will see offices for WORK AND TRAVEL TO THE USA all over chisinau.

This last March7th they sent another group of 5000 women to the USA. I was watching moldovan TV the other night and they said that only 20% return to Moldova. The rest manage to find husbands in the USA and don't return!

This is very noticeable in the streets of Chisinau: much less girls in general, a lot of ugly ones, as the cream of the crop has left!

And to complicate things even more: Now that Rumania is part of European Union, the women there are not as easy as they were, so many well-to-do rumanian men come to Moldova for sex or to find wives.

And, of course, one zillion hungry ITALIAN and TURKISH men prowling the streets at all time of the day and the night hunting for any girl they can find!

This is the situation, guys, and this is THE HONEST TRUTH!

03-25-08, 12:47
Normally, such news are pretty good for us mongerers!
High prices, so that the girls can't afford the most usual things...sounds like some years back - easy scoring. ;)
But if you have tons of guys, who are willing to pay 100€ for an hour, this market is poisoned - look at the Baltics!
You can still score there, if you have contacts, time and skills...6€ entrance fee for the best club in town, is a good joke, compared to costs in my hometown.

Let's see if Moldova is having another "2001" and prices will balance at a real level, again.

Romano V
03-25-08, 21:52
60% of smokers in Moldova and since this mounth it's forbidden to smoke in common areas of the republic like France or Italy but you can smoke in discos or bars if they have ventilators. The prime minister left the government this mounth too and in the next days Moldova will have economic evolution +7,5 % for the economy in 2008. Girl in a little city like Edinets asks for incredible price with 100€ for an hour. But if you speak romanian it is still a good place for non-pro and young attractive girls. There is the strange side of PMR to discover maybe it's a paradise for mongers too because foreigners now do not need invitation to stay in Transnistria, it's a good new for us.
Here some dating links :

http://www.ero.md/ - in russian
http://www.faces.md - in romanian
http://www.ilove.md/ - in romanian
http://www.loveme.md/?language=english - in english

With my links you will have space to hunt in Moldova again.

Bez Bezarra
03-26-08, 12:23
You could rent a nice 2 room flat for 100 euro.

Same flat now 250-300 euro.

3 times the price in 2 years? Incredible!

Is that the price per day, or per month?

I've also just learned that in the russian provinces cities, prices have DOUBLED since last year. A one room efficiency that cost me $80 per day last year, now costs $130 per day?????


Though I did learn that when I was paying $80 last year, that was the "special foreigner" price. If I was russian, the price would have only been $40.

I still can't believe that russian province prices are now higher than Kiev?

03-26-08, 12:44
Don't forget, that the "bush pesos" lost lots of value in Europe!
Some Exchanges in €zone don't accept US$ anymore, so you have to exchange them at a bank...

03-29-08, 11:27
Lodging is also a problem of growing importance in Romania.

Difficult nowadays to find a decent one-bedroom apartment in Bucarest for less than 75 - 80 €/day.

04-08-08, 14:54
Dear fellows,

I am german , most of the time in Chisinau.

I am looking for some guys to organise a weekly or monthly meeting for that german game called Skat . 3 guys are needed for that.

We could meet us somewhere in a pup / beerhouse or where ever.

Lets say we play till 301 .Those how may not be familiar with that , its a bit complicated game, comes close to Billot ( the french variation ).

I miss that game very much , so in case some has the same " need " despite the others here in this forum , drop me a mail.

Would be super !



04-10-08, 17:29

Some may complain about this post , but its so far away from what is discussed here , that I felt the desire to post it. Those who do not agree with me , may forgive me. I just thought it is THE MAJOR CONTRAST.

Enjoy, ..I nearly p...ed in my pants !! :-D

The Real Zambia
Eastern Province-Zambia

I had a brief work related sojourn in the Eastern Province of Zambia at Chipata town recently. Mongering opportunities in Zambia are at best mild and at worst non-existent. I guess after getting weaned and fed on the rich mongering diet fit for the bourgeoisie in Kenya, the fare served up in Zambia is more suitable for the poor souls condemned to live in the gulag’s.

Chipata Town is the provincial HQ’s of the Eastern province and it is a small hilly town nestled near the border with Malawi. It is predominantly inhabited by the Ngoni and Chewa people. Basic amenities can be found in the town although the place is not one of those places to go to specifically for mongering since in mongering terms it’s a desolate middle.of.nowhere out post.

Top class accommodation is almost non-existent so I settled for the Motel Joy at a rate of 80. 000 Kwacha (1 USD = 3. 800) a night. It is clean and the rooms have tiny TV’s with CNN/ Sky news and a mini-fridge. There are two 6/10 receptionists who can be hired discretely for a shag if you cannot be bothered to leave your room and trawl the small town.

After settling into my room and taking a shower, I set off to explore the night scene and being a Monday, I was not expecting much action. I was advised by the cabbie to try the Paramba Pub and Grill. The place had a decent collection of trollops for a Monday.

I had made the mistake of wearing a T-Shirt with "Kenya" emblazoned on it so I was easily identified as a visiting foreigner and there went my peace and ploy to be anonymous. Each and every trollop in the house was trying to squeeze a drink out of me, I was the biggest catch of the night since there was no competition in the form of Mzungus, Indians and Chinese. I felt like a black Brad Pitt.

I gave the place an expert monger once over and immediately made a selection for the night. She was a Chewa stunner, petit, perk breasts, firm round butt and a skimpy ****tish outfit just the way I like them. She had bleached herself and the effect was that her face was quite light skinned while her fingers, knuckles and neck were dark, weird but a common trend among working girls. I summoned her, bought her a cold Castle lager and after some aimless chit-chat, we entered into business negotiations. She asked for 80. 000 Kwacha for the night and after some haggling we settled for 60. 000 Kwacha.

Once in the room, she took a shower while I lazily watched the news on CNN Condoleeza Rice was visiting some place or other. Condoleeza Rice, Now that is one woman I would like to Shag HARD doggy-style while discussing terrorists, nukes and world dominance. I can just imagine her licking my balls and my butt-hole with those arrogant American super power lips.

Anyway, my take-away pussy for the night walked in from the shower and proceeded to give me a 10/10 BBBJ without prompting. The thought crossed my mind as to how someone in such a remote backward town had acquired such a skill but I banished the thought to the Siberia of my mind and begun moaning in pleasure.

She slipped a CD on my Schlong and rode me like a rabbit on prozac. She had a very hairy pussy but she was tight and wet. I turned her over and doggy-styled her hard while imagining it was Condoleeza. I penetrated her butt hole and she let out a geisha like sexy moan. After some heavy breathing, humping, grinding and 8/10 shagging, I lay exhausted on the bed as she sucked my nipples.

She made some irritating small talk and I drifted off to sleep. She woke me up a few hours later and assumed the doggy-position. She was horny and wet. My schlong slid in smoothly like a knife cutting through butter. I tried a position favored by porn-stars for the first time (don’t know what it’s called, she assumes doggy position while I stand and hump) and decided it was too taxing physically, not for pot-bellied old geezers like me and I promptly went back to the more familiar shag modes.

In the morning, she gave me another brilliant parting morning shag and I decided there and then that I would shag her for the whole week and wouldn’t bother looking for another one. Why give up an 8/10 shag for the unknown? . . Mmmm, and that was Chipata. .

North –Western Province-Zambia

My next stop was the North-Western Province of Zambia at Solwezi town near the Congo DRC border. It was even smaller and more desolate than Chipata even though the area is picking up because of increased Copper mining activities in the area. It is predominantly inhabited by the Kaonde people.

There is a classy and expensive Protea Hotel in Solwezi but I settled for the Floriana Lodge because I figured it was more discreet for after work mongering with its detached rooms. The rate was 270. 000 kwacha per night for a self-contained chalet with a small kitchen, lounge area and tidy room. They are also in the process of building a swimming pool. Recommended!

After some research. . I discovered that the place for mongers to trawl and fish is the Why Not If Not bar. For such a remote and lifeless town, it is quite a clean and classy place with a good sound system, soccer on TV, a nice dance floor and above all a decent selection of semi-pros and working girls. I give it the monger seal of approval.

On my first night I saw tall stunning mamacita dressed in white. She had a nice figure, full round butt and a sweet innocent looking face that reminded me of a kitten. She noticed me eyeing her and she promptly proceeded to the dance-floor where she performed some gyrations that would have put Shakira and Jennifer Lopez to shame while stealing glances at my direction. I called her over and after the usual ritual of cold lager and haggling; we settled for 80. 000 Kwacha for the night and proceeded to my room.

She was the BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT I had experienced in over 10 years of mongering. After some initial light caressing and fondling, she removed her white figure hugging hipster and thongs and a pungent odour immediately filled the room. Her pussy smelled worse than roadkill, a skunk’s fart and rotting carrion all rolled into one.

I thought of sending her to shower but after some nauseating seconds, I vomited and promptly shouted at her to get dressed and get the hell out of my room. She had the audacity to ask for the 80. 000 Kwacha and I almost punched her.

I pushed her out of the room and took a few seconds to stop retching in disgust. My stomach was recoiling in protest. I opened all the windows and the door to let in some fresh air and in the process also let in a thousand mosquitoes. I sprayed the room with some deodorant but still there was an ugly sniff in the air. I could not sleep the whole night because I was getting stung by an angry army of mosquitoes while all the while I was cursing the stinking-pussy-*****. Besides, I was still horny, I tried to masturbate myself to sleep but it didn’t work. LOUSY NIGHT!

The next night I went back to Why Not If Not bar and little Miss. Stinking Pussy had the balls to walk over to me and ask for a drink. I could not believe the gall. I sent her away with some nasty words.

After some reluctant fishing, I pulled a reasonable looking mamacita and took her back to the room. She was a Bemba from Lusaka and she had traveled all the way to Solwezi just to look for money from the Chinese copper-miners.

I sent her to the shower immediately we entered the room and when she returned, I ordered her to unwrap the towel and I sniffed around for any signs of unpleasant pussy odour. She then proceeded to give me a BBBJ. I guess my Schlong was still traumatized from the previous nights experience and it totally refused to respond. As much as I tried to imagine it was Condoleeza Rice giving me the BBBJ, I could not manage even a 10% erection. My Schlong probably needed to see a psychiatrist or to appear on the Oprah Winfrey show to recover from the previous night’s horrors.

I got back to Lusaka and I am still recovering from THAT SMELL. I haven’t tapped a pussy to date and thank God the wife is pregnant therefore not she is interested currently in sex otherwise I would have failed to perform.

Anyway, tonight I am trawling the Friday night Lusaka scene and I hope to score a clean, 7/10 to 10/10 mamacita who can cure me from my erectile woes and also heal ACUTE STINKING PUSSY trauma.

I am out. Happy Mongering sailors!

Romano V
04-17-08, 20:55
Any infos about Tatiana Karavaichuk?


Phone number, address.

Romano V
04-22-08, 18:49
All the men shave their armpits in Moldova, and a girl can insist that I shave mine!

It would be “gay” in the USA an EU! look the strange mentality in Moldova now.

Also I was very pleasantly taught that there are different roles expected in a relationship with these girls. They wish for a domestic home life, and expect the man to be in charge of the household and responsible for earning the money, this is their ideal wish. I was told that some men / husbands are lazy and that is the reason some wives need to work, so lazy men beware :)

04-23-08, 18:27

We are tired of you, both!!!!!!!!

Romano V
04-24-08, 20:05

Please clean your PM box she is full and we can't send you MP. Please give me your phone number in Moldova or a contact to meet you.

04-29-08, 08:12

Please clean your PM box she is full and we can't send you MP. Please give me your phone number in Moldova or a contact to meet you.

We need info, not a second hand info.

Do you understand it Romano?????

You dont have to answer me!!!!!


05-10-08, 19:39
I am wondering about a few things.

What do you guys do for a living that forces you to go to Moldova? Are you in banking, real estate, imports/exports, or something else?

And how old are you? And last but not least, are you married?

For me I would say: 22y, student, going to moldova through a student summer program, NM.

Big Bro AJ
06-02-08, 11:46
Is it possible to get dual citizenship of Moldova automatically by marriage.


Do I have to;

-resident in Moldova 3-5 years (first temporary resident than permanent resident)
-take Moldavian/Romanian/Russian language exam
-or else…

06-02-08, 17:43
Bro, Moldova grants you a citizenship after legal marriage with a molduvan citizen ( a woman in your case , similarsexed marriages are against the law ;-) ),but their is no automatism, you do not become automaticaly a moldovan , you have to apley for it.

Regarding permanent residence , leading into a new passport you are right,at the moment ( laws in general change quickly in moldova ) the 5 years rule is still valid , in other words you are able AFTER 5 years to start that passport procedure.

The final point is that some states do not allowe their citizens to have 2 nationalities, such as Germany.

If you are someone who sponsors some social programms ( for homeless , schools,any sozial meaning ... ), you might get your papers after 3 years - as a reward so to say.

But take into acount , laws here change quickly and not seldom they exist in contrast to each other.


Big Bro AJ
06-03-08, 06:05

Thanks for the info, at least I can see my options.

06-03-08, 06:28
What do you guys do for a living that forces you to go to Moldova? Are you in banking, real estate, imports/exports, or something else?
The University Of Moldova offers a 4-year bachelor's degree in Applied Pervertism. I suggest you look into it.

Big Bro AJ
06-03-08, 07:11
Stress free enviroment, easy going life, improving economy, wine, delicous food, besides contrary to Moscow most of the girls can speak English.

06-03-08, 10:11
I am wondering about a few things.

What do you guys do for a living that forces you to go to Moldova? Are you in banking, real estate, imports/exports, or something else?

And how old are you? And last but not least, are you married?

For me I would say: 22y, student, going to moldova through a student summer program, NM.I think most foreigners who are interested in mongering just buy some flats and live off the rents.This is the business they have.

06-03-08, 17:52

life cost money ( as long you are living on a the southsea island ) .

Life in Moldova / Chisinau gets slightly more expensive.Doing business in moldova is a risky thing ( you depend on so many people , good and bad ones),the risk to be screwed here is quite high, so its in general up to you what kind of wheel you want to turn.The bigger , the more cash is involved (
I mean money to motivate people to your favour )

In general i would say , if you have a decent place, another 1500 euros to spend you may lead a very comfortable lifestyle. But it will be like Prague in the late nineties , when the euro came up in 2002 , the good times were gone.

Now Prague is even more expensive than allmost all major cities in Germany. And that will happen in Chisinau as well.

I arrived here last September , I like the city , I like the country,and moreover the people,friendly,a bit shy at the beginning , but in general not that bad as long as you dont play the asshole from abroad - visiting the "poor" neighbours.

And Yes Hecker , the story with the apartments ,rented to forigners will soon pay well.Soon you will be able to live from that if you have 6-7 apts to rent.

Tanti Saluti a Tutti, C.

DJ FourMoney
06-04-08, 13:47
Stress free enviroment, easy going life, improving economy, wine, delicous food, besides contrary to Moscow most of the girls can speak English.


The English speaking part...

06-05-08, 11:18
Listen guys I searched this on the threads on Moldova and could not find what I was looking for, so forgive me if I have brought up a topic that has been previously discussed. I am 40 year old african-american here in the U. S. , I would like to do some traveling in moldova and some possible mongering. Do anyone have any comments/suggestions about me being african-american and wanting to have a fun-filled vacation. Was even thinking about hiring a guide to hang out with me and do some quarter backing while I am there. Be brutally honest.

06-05-08, 20:58
. Regarding your question, I have to disapoint you a bit. In all EE countries a " slight " rassism is is floating in the society, for decades allready.

The people here in Moldova are not offending at all, at first. I think the time is not ripe for a relaxed and selfunderstanding coexistence between different types of humans. Countries like England, France, Spain, Italy. Even Germany had a colonial history and therefor a more relaxed point of view.

So, in short words: Come.if you want to have a good time. Spend money, look around, the country here is realy beautyfull, food and wine super, the ladies belong surely to the top, but please don't expect too much from the erotic side of life here, esp when its your first time here. If you want I give you some advice for Germany and England. In both countries you will not have any comunicationproblems, but in EE couloured people and /or asian guys have a bit harder standing.

Again, the country is worth to be seen, but any erotic action will be limited unfortunately. However, you sound like a big boy, so come, look and if its not what you expected, there are some other places to be seen in Europe where scoring is surely easier. I am a native german, traveled quite a lot, and I think its better to see it this way instead of getting disapointed.

Anyway, here in the forum you are def. Welcome.

06-06-08, 22:32
Thanks for the info, I do believe you hit it right on the head. I have been to England and Germany and it is more open as you stated. I have read about situations arising with people of other ethnicity having problems in areas such as Russia of course and other countries who are not quite as open. When I was in Korea I dated 4 russian women which really got me into the European ladies. Besides that I love to travel and would love to see all of Europe if possible. Maybe just having the respect of just being a tourist would be better. If I decide to go and anything good happens then it is just icing on the cake so to speak. I would rather travel with a partner and might have to drag one of my friends with me. Still I guess I can live through people like you and enjoy all the reports here. Thanks for your comment Carnevalisticus and your hospitality.

06-08-08, 19:13
Your idea is great. You should "hire" a tour guide and just make friends for a while and get your feet wet. C is right. If you are new to moldova it maybe hard to score on the first date. I am lucky I score on first dates but only because I have been communicating with the girls a month before I meet them (send them flowers, open up to them etc.). If this is not the case, I don't think I would score at all. I have friends and have a small business in Moldova, so I have an upper footing. As far as race goes, I am asian/pacific islander but they see me as just american. If you are ethnic asian, ethnic black, ethnic south american you will have a problem!

I also recommend just meeting them without intentions of getting laid. I met several of these girls and I am shocked and they would text page me and email me how they are suddenly "in love" with me. After just meeting me for 30 minutes for dinner or lunch.

Here is one I met. She was my interpreter, and when I got back to the states she emails me and text message me how she wants me to come back.

I will be back in europe next month and spend a couple of days with her. And a few other girlfriends

You will enjoy moldova. The moment you step out of the airport and the girls are just STUNNING!

DJ FourMoney
06-09-08, 04:22
I just have no direct experience in Moldova, however I have been to Kiev, Ukraine and I didn't have any problems with anybody really. (Excuse me while I pound my desk as the Lakers are down by 20...).

Okay back to the topic at hand; I don't believe you'll have a problem. Having a guide is a good idea, I agree with that. I had a connection in Kiev already so I had a cheap but clean place to stay and didn't feel unsafe at all.

I highly suggest if you want a travel companion that EE girls aren't ideal, they have limited range into where they can go. Unless you have a good excuse to come back, they might make it hard to get a visa.

I think your best served -

1) Make contacts online

I made one, I made two, I made three! I could have seen all three.

One was somewhat wishy-washy and when she wanted me to join her in Turkey (a favorite and easy destination for EE women) I already committed to returning to the US.

One I went and screwed in Kiev, the one I felt was a sure thing

The third one got strange towards the end of my trip after spending a few hours video chatting (Yay MotoRokr E6!) and talking about be coming to visit, haven't talked too sense.

So that's one from Romania, one from Ukraine and one from Russia...

As Doc would say, we have fan's all over the world so I wouldn't be concerned with it actually. Just put a carrot out there, you'll find some takers.

Be realistic though. In your 40's you might wanna focus on women in their late 20's to mid 30's. Some still without children, so they'll be able to meet you without any interference.

2) Buy your ticket and go!

These women after almost 15-18 years of Western men chasing Eastern European women, they are not willing to wait for months until you make an appearance. If you start talking with a lady make plans to see here in 1-2 months after you have first contacted her and made a connection.

I still talk to the Russian and on occasion the Ukrainian, only because I'm a nice guy and she wants to talk to me and always ask when I plan on returning to Kiev.

The Russian finally asked if I was coming to Russia. Way off the beaten path, I'll have to think about one, fall in that part of Russia is not very warm if you understand what I am saying...

All in all, I think you'll enjoy your trip and without knowing your long term intentions let me just say I think EVERYBODY on this board will agree that if you choose to make one lady your long term companion, you won't regret it...

06-15-08, 01:03
Thanks to all for giving me good vibes. I am now more certain on going now. As for being 40, I look a whole lot younger and can an have gotten away at being 30, just a baby face type guy. LOL. Regardless I am sure there are some fine 30ish women in Moldova. I turn nothing down but my collar as they say. I am gonna start looking at a trip there. Get some contacts and see what happens. All great info and thanks so much for all the advice. I love this community.

06-15-08, 01:05
Hey by the way, where could I go to get some contacts, anyone have a place to go on the web and start looking. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.


06-15-08, 09:34
Hi Mate,

Try this : www.sentimente.ro , www.simpatie.ro , www.faces.md

If you want to come , arrive via Frankfurt airport. There you get a direct flight to Chisinau for 365 euros (2 ways).

And take enough shirts with you , its quite warm here in summer !



06-18-08, 19:57
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney] 1) Make contacts online[QUOTE]When travelling in such countries, never tell upfront with which flight you arrive or where you will stay.

Never accept to get into a car with people you do not know. Be sure you choose the taxi and not the taxi you.

Elemental safety.

06-19-08, 19:06
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney] 1) Make contacts online[QUOTE]When travelling in such countries, never tell upfront with which flight you arrive or where you will stay.

Never accept to get into a car with people you do not know. Be sure you choose the taxi and not the taxi you.

Elemental safety.

Yes I agree with you, you should avoid any offer of strangers who you are nor sure who they are, or if the girl asking you to visiting her home, if you dnt know her long dn't do it , don't take a chance. when you are in your appartment dont open unless you waiting some visiters to come and so on...


06-21-08, 12:38
Hi Mate,

Try this : www.sentimente.ro , www.simpatie.ro , www.faces.md

C.Come on guys! Show some common sense please!

“Simpatie”, “Cupid”, “free Russian personals” and many other dating sites are, for the most, a SCAM, where you have to pay to receive e-mail from the girls.

There are some others even worse operating in the US where the price of the answer is related to the degree of beauty of the photo shown! Those are simple robbery.

In many FSU countries and Bulgaria, fraud is everywhere.

You have been warned.

You are welcome.

06-22-08, 11:16
No need to get hysteric. Or even anounce a "warning call ". Most of the guys here know what they do or talk about, in oposite to you I met ladies from simpatie and sentimente. Its like with all datingsides, you start to chat and you don't know who is talking to you, for this reasons exist onlinecams to verify the person you talk to at least from physical accordance to their photos. Scamers are allmost everywhere, be smart and streetwise, if you are afraid of heat. Don't go in the kitchen.

One lady I met last July (from sentimente) is now my right hand in my company, representing me while I am abroad. Any questions?



06-25-08, 02:34

I went to www.sentimente. Ro and believe it or not have two hits both from Romania and I have webcam with one girl already. She wasn't bad looking at all. Even offered me to take me around if I visited. Wow. Not a bad site actually. Not sure if I take her up on the offer but you never know.

Thanks again for the info.

06-25-08, 08:49
“Simpatie”, a SCAM.
WTF are you talking about ?

Simpatie and Sentimente are simply matchmaking/dating networks with occasionally some pros profiles.

I've met dozens of girls through those sites both in Romania and Moldova, all charming, fun and nice persons without any materialistic expectations.

You should restrain to post such BS.

06-25-08, 10:49
WTF are you talking about ?

Simpatie and Sentimente are simply matchmaking/dating networks with occasionally some pros profiles.

I've met dozens of girls through those sites both in Romania and Moldova, all charming, fun and nice persons without any materialistic expectations.

You should restrain to post such BS.Please guys, take it easy!

The fact that you are dating nice girls in SIMPATIE or SENTIMENTE (congratulations!) does exclude at all that the web is full of scammers.

My comment was a general warning, nothing else.

In SENTIMENTE , although it is free and certainly used by many real nice girls and by Romanian ex-pats, you will find in any search you might perform, many gorgeous girls (coming out as the latest logged or most active) that are “non real “, and in the best case are a waste of time.

In the worst cases it is a scam to get your dollars.

In Kiev, Odessa or wherever in the FSU, these kind of stars, do need the web to get guys.

In the best of cases these profiles are there to generate web traffic that again generates advertisement income.

It is not BS; you might know a lot about Moldova, but I know something about fraud prevention.

06-25-08, 12:55

I went to www.sentimente. Ro and believe it or not have two hits both from Romania and I have webcam with one girl already. She wasn't bad looking at all. Even offered me to take me around if I visited. Wow. Not a bad site actually. Not sure if I take her up on the offer but you never know.

Thanks again for the info.


To be honest I scored on santimente last summer 3 nice girls from kishinev... the one who show me this site .. many thanks Vikking... and assimil ofcorse...

Da????? nadea????

GUys u want pictures????


06-25-08, 13:05
What is your approach? I am on FACES.MD and Simpitie.ro and have had many hits but no real potential. What am i doing wrong?

06-25-08, 13:30
You forgot who told you about sentimente.


To be honest I scored last summer 3 nice girls from kishinev... the one who show me this site .. many thanks Vikking...

Da????? nadea????

GUys u want pictures????


06-25-08, 15:07
What is your approach? I am on FACES.MD and Simpitie.ro and have had many hits but no real potential. What am i doing wrong?
You need to appear "different". The best looking girls on those sites receive up to 100 messages and 200 winks a day.

Even if moldovian and romanian girls do not have deep culture and are more primitive than russian girls, showing a bit of cultural awareness and language skills is strategically important and wins you points. Also pretending that you go there for business and that you're a frequent visitor in Chisinau or Bucuresti is essential.

Mix ingenuously romanian and english in your introduction letter, something like :

" Buna, esti foarte draguta ( Hi, you are very attractive/nice) ..imi place foarte mult (I like you a lot) ...I would like to know you ..vorbesc un pic romaneste, si eu sunt des a Romania/Moldova (I speak a bit romanian, and I'm often in Romania/Moldova) ..hope we will talk one day ...what is your yahoo mess ID ? .. pupici (kiss).. xxx"

Just my two leis.

PS : Remember that ALL romanian and moldovian dyevs have a yahoo messenger account, so if you don't have one you will not be able to communicate and you're pretty much fucked up. I personally have more than 550 romanian and moldovian girls on my yahoo mess friend list.

06-25-08, 15:31
you need to appear "different". the best looking girls on those site receive up to 100 messages a day, and up to 200 winks.

even if moldovian and romanian girls do not have deep culture and are more primitive than russian girls, showing a bit of cultural awareness and language skills is strategically important and wins you points. also pretend that you go there for business and that you're a frequent visitor in chisinau or bucuresti.

mix ingenuously romanian and english in your introduction letter, something like :

" buna, esti foarte draguta ( hi, you are very attractive/nice) ..imi place foarte mult (i like you a lot) ...i would like to know you ..vorbesc un pic romaneste, si eu sunt des a romania/moldova (i speak a bit romanian, and i'm often in romania/moldova) ..hope we will talk one day ...what is your yahoo mess id ? .. pupici (kiss).. xxx"

just my two leis.

ps : remember that all romanian and moldovian dyevs have a yahoo messenger id, so if you don't have already one you're fucked up. i personally have more than 550 romanian/moldovian girls on my yahoo mess friend list.


500 ?????? why so many????? i always delete the girls who i dnt see any chance for legs up!!!!!! but i must agree its not an easy job till the answer you ... if at all... the got hundreds of winks and they answer only to who they like the foto so if you dnt have a foto you have a very low chance.

try the girls from bendery or tiraspol (transnistrea).. or from minsk more luck to get an answers especialy belarus.. gomel, minsk... i never been in belarus but i was thinking to fly there with assimil but was lazy to do it but had very good success with geting numbers and good chance for laid after talkiing to them.

anyway moldova is still my place and will try hincesti this summer.
i have a very good feeling that we can find there easy going search and fun.

have a lucky hunting


06-25-08, 18:03
Do not get me wrong; I do not go for the "kill" straight away like asking them to meet me or anything. It is just I cannot seem to get off first base; we just chat like we have met in a social function but the conversation never goes the romantic way! I have a lot of hits on my profile; on FACES.MD I have only one negative comment; from a bloke!!! The rest were from women stating how "cool" i was (yeah right!).

Anyway, any further help will be most helpful.

06-25-08, 18:03
Prosal, maybe one of your "500" might want a free holiday in Cyprus with me? :O)

06-25-08, 23:23
Prosal, maybe one of your "500" might want a free holiday in Cyprus with me? :O)
And maybe you could go in Moldova and use your charm and your game to find girls by yourself ?


06-26-08, 03:48
Easy tiger! Just asking; do not get your man-thong in a twist!

06-27-08, 15:16
Hi Boy,

You said you know something about internet fraud. Cool! The point is that in those dating sites I mentioned, the local girls show up. Intentions are different, but surely a lot of them tend to look for " Mr. Right " more or less seriouse.

Internet cams (not scams) are available and as Prosal correctly said, allmost all girls in Romania / Moldova / Ukraina have a cam or at least know an internet caffee with cams. So you can check them out. Regarding the rest you mentioned, its pretty easy, if you have knowledge about internetscams etc etc, its perfectly up to you what site you use or not, regarding sentimente, simpatie, faces, I would say the rate scammer vs " honest " village girl is 10 / 90. So I think thats ok in reliation to AFF and others.

To Rainboy:

Summerholidays are coming, the universities are closing here in Moldova, slowly the girls disapear home to the country, if you think you can motivate someone on first sight here in Moldova to go with you to cyprus (man are you realy seriouse about that? ) than I give you little to no chance that you pick up someone adorable and escape with her to holiday after a few days of knowing eachother (her parents would never ever allow that. Man, if you proof me that, and I expect at least a solid 7, 5 on the scale, than I invite you for an evening, drinks and food free for you. That would be the very first time that I hear that. But everyone may try at least, LOL.

I cross the fingers,


06-27-08, 15:17
Mate, sorry, I misschanged your nick!


06-27-08, 17:43

Thanks for your advice. I was not really serious about someone coming here, wishful thinking on my part!

Thanks for your info. I will probably head over there at the end of July. Am I write in thinking you live there?

06-27-08, 21:35
Yes, I live here, and I am totaly happy. I have seen quite a few places on this planet, but nothing comes close to Moldova. I don't want to convince anyone to see it my way, but you have here all you need, and the land looks like the the italian Toscana, with all the wineyards, the lakes are full of fish, the girls are pretty pretty, food nice, nature allmost intact to high scales, police nice and cor. Operating, perspectives are rising year by year. Well for me its the perfect place. But I am european, I can leave when ever I feel so, maybe thats the difference.



06-29-08, 17:48
To go or not to go...that is the question!

I have spent most of this weekend reading all the reports on the Moldova thread going back to the beginning of January 2007; interesting reading but a bit confusing too.

Generally, the picture I get is that to score with a chick in the range of 6-8 on the first night (who is not pro) is near impossible, unless you are Moldovan and look like Brad Pitt and pretend to be a gangster! :O)
The girls are now not so innocent as they use to be and have been tarnished by Western Europe coming East. They have one asset and the know how to use it; their bodies! I see this on FACES.MD; girls as young as 14 looking like models...or barbies!

This reminds me a lot of my first experiences in Bucharest in 2001; I was new to the "hobby" and well and truly "scammed" in Bucharest by girls from the famous Hestrau Club.

Currently I am cultivating a Yahoo Messenger relationship with a 21 year old. She seems legit as she sent me some photos that had her family in it i.e. grandfather, babies etc and her - she has a bloody hot younger sister! And the key test was after about a week of chatting to her, I asked if I could send her a "gift"; just testing the water. She flatly refused and quite offended; maybe this is a good sign?

I am only 2 hours flight from Moldova; in Cyprus there are many Moldovans working club scene but they are nowhere near as beautiful as some of the pictures on this thread and they were rubbish in bed too!

So, my plan is to fly over to Kishev for a long weekend with the mind that I WILL NOT get laid but see what the potential is; does this sound like a good plan for those members that frequent Moldova often? Worse case scenario is that i meet my Yahoo chick and further develop that avenue.

If there are any members in Moldova in late July/August, I would love to meet. Any comments or advice will be most welcome! And of course, I will write a report when I get back!

06-30-08, 20:52
To go or not to go...that is the question!

I think you should definitely go despite the fact that your analysis is quite accurate and you are right in not having high expectations. Staying only a few days as a first time visitor not speaking the language I would say it pretty much seems like a mission impossible to get laid by a regular girl. You will find it way easier to get a Moldovan girl in Cyprus.

16 years of sex tourism has had its influence.

If you prefer the bar scene you could go to the well-known pick-up spots like Star Trek, Nostalgie Bar etc. and look for the single girls or girls in pairs sitting at the bar sipping drinks. Better yet make friends with the bartender, let him know your wishes and promise to tip him well if he finds you a girl.

Otherwise, given the short time you have at your disposal I think you would do best by concentrating on your Yahoo-girl who ought to put out on the second evening...statistically speaking :)

In any case I think you should go with an open mind, get a feel for the country and see if you would want to become a regular. My personal opinion is that if I didn't speak the language and wasn't going there on a semi-regular basis I wouldn't go to Moldova at all and especially not as a short-time destination. But once you do speak the language and/or become a regular things change dramatically :)

06-30-08, 21:06
GUys u want pictures????

Do we want pictures???

Some of us are stuck in the office working 60+ hours a week...YES my friend...we need pictures :)

07-01-08, 12:49
I think you should definitely go despite the fact that your analysis is quite accurate and you are right in not having high expectations. Staying only a few days as a first time visitor not speaking the language I would say it pretty much seems like a mission impossible to get laid by a regular girl. You will find it way easier to get a Moldovan girl in Cyprus.

16 years of sex tourism has had its influence.

If you prefer the bar scene you could go to the well-known pick-up spots like Star Trek, Nostalgie Bar etc. and look for the single girls or girls in pairs sitting at the bar sipping drinks. Better yet make friends with the bartender, let him know your wishes and promise to tip him well if he finds you a girl.

Otherwise, given the short time you have at your disposal I think you would do best by concentrating on your Yahoo-girl who ought to put out on the second evening...statistically speaking :)

In any case I think you should go with an open mind, get a feel for the country and see if you would want to become a regular. My personal opinion is that if I didn't speak the language and wasn't going there on a semi-regular basis I wouldn't go to Moldova at all and especially not as a short-time destination. But once you do speak the language and/or become a regular things change dramatically :)

Thanks Viking.

My Yahoo girl is proving too good to be true. She is not promising anything and is not really flirting; we are just having great conversation. She has sent me loads of photos...the one attached is on her birthday with some "girlfriends". Which one is my HONEY?

07-01-08, 13:18
Which one is my HONEY?

They all look pretty fine to me :)...next ones better be nudes :)

07-01-08, 13:44
They all look pretty fine to me :)...next ones better be nudes :)

I hope so too...it means I would have got or am getting laid!!! :)

07-01-08, 17:01
You will get laid. You already invested time talking online.

You just need to know how to "close the deal"

I'll be in Kishinev next week for 2 weeks.

I will be meeting my yahoo gfs also. LOL

Gotta love yahoo!

MS Clive
07-02-08, 06:06
Thanks Viking.

My Yahoo girl is proving too good to be true. She is not promising anything and is not really flirting; we are just having great conversation. She has sent me loads of photos...the one attached is on her birthday with some "girlfriends". Which one is my HONEY?Pardon my politically incorrect jab:

The stories about suicide bombers must be true. You have died and gone to Moldova and got a dozen virgins.

07-02-08, 12:13
Pardon my politically incorrect jab:

The stories about suicide bombers must be true. You have died and gone to Moldova and got a dozen virgins.

So you like? :O)

Ironically, my "honey" is trying to set me up with her friends; but called me old fashion, I only want her! You know how it goes...what you cannot have...you want MORE!

Here are a few more photos taken from Simpite.ro and FACES.MD - all girls I have spoken to via webcam on Yahoo :O) but no action :O(

Pictures 4 and 5 is a Romanian honey!

07-02-08, 14:22
Here are a few more photos taken from Simpite.ro and FACES.MD

We all know that simpatie, faces.md and sentimente are loaded with attractive girls.

Yet why don't you wait to effectively go to Moldova and then post pics of the girls you'll have actually fucked ?

07-02-08, 16:11

We all know that simpatie, faces.md and sentimente are loaded with attractive girls.

Yet why don't you wait to effectively go to Moldova and then post pics of the girls you'll have actually fucked ?

Yes I know this...but I thought I would share a bit of eye-candy with other members and remember, I have spoken to these girls on the webcam, so they are not JUST pictures.

So Pro..why not just cool your unhelpful comments.

07-03-08, 03:18
I have being speaking with two girls from Chisinau and both have told me that they are in the process of getting some kind of work visa to come to the USA for work and trainning.

In one particular case, the girl I am more interested in, she says that she is going to come to a company in San Francisco to work and be trained for a year. Trainnig on what? I don't know. She is going to go to the US consulate to ask for visa soon.
I found it weird that companies in the US were hiring women with poor english skills and/or work experience.

So....What's the catch? What's the truth about these companies in Moldova sending "talent" to other countries?

Any input will be apreciated/

07-03-08, 07:58
I think they want to meet an american as a boyfriend they can stay with or marry.

In August my girlfriend from ukraine will live with me and not come back. She has work and travel visa.

I have 2 other such girls in moldova.

I think they are easy prey. If you "grow" into them they stay with you.

07-03-08, 08:10
the companies pay them so cheap that no American or Mexican would take the job. they usually work in restaurants or resorts.

$400 a week pay!

i think its better than hiring a mexican because these days the government cracks down on hiring illegal aliens. hiring foreign workers with visas make it more legitimate

07-03-08, 12:38
Hi, you now the complete thing was very popular till 1 year ago, Chisinau was spotted (and is still now), with travelagencies which organised visa to the US for training language and / or working. From the 18 agencies, the police closed some 15 agencies, because the US complained that more " working " girls arrived than girls who wanted to work, so now its still possible but more difficult for the persons who demand a visa. This and other stuff (shengen visa for working in agrarsector in italy for example) is possible, but tightend up.

The main catch is that the agencies are asking horrible money for their work, and not seldom the persons had been send away at the border/ airport because the entry was denied.

So all in all, a very doubtful story, but some cases exist where moldovans arrived at least in italy for work with legal visa, I have seen these visa with my own eyes.



07-03-08, 20:33
These WORK TRAVEL schemes have emptied Moldova of nearly all its good looking women!

These companies send them to the USA, charging them 2500 euros and making big profit from it, on any kind of temporary (4 month)job contract.

They also tell them that in these 4 month they better use their sex appeal and atractiveness to find themselves a husband and secure a GREEN CARD through marriage.

So, it is all a front to allow Moldovan girls to be in the USA and find a husband!

Very easy task, given the fact thet the USA is full of sex-starved men!

The Moldovan government allows all this, as long as thay get a cut in the profit from these companies. Big money indeed!

07-04-08, 06:08
Now I understand what's the deal. It always seemed to me very fishy that these women were coming to the US to do work that millions of others can do here.
I should be extra careful now as I dont want a Moldavian g/f with me in the US. Maybe they are having me on their minds for the near feature if they get the visa :)
Should I keep chatting these girls and hope they don't get the visas and travel down there for some action or should I keep chatting them and wait until they come here for some action? Or better yet, will I be history if they don't get their visas?

Thanks all for the information

07-04-08, 18:36

If you here and you chat up some local girls, try your luck! If you intend to arrive to moldova don't expect too much.

And don't make the mistake and judge all people the same, some surely look for a possible guy who take them out of this country, but I think there are enough " honest " ones to get. Ask yourself if you would do the same in their position.

Anyway, have fun!


07-04-08, 21:52
Don't worry, I have them all lined up from Bucuresti to Ukrania. At this point everything looks like there is action for sure on all fronts, but if something falls down the crack in one of the countries I just move on to the next.

I understand. I would be looking for a way out too if things were difficult for me.

07-05-08, 10:54
Guys...I am in Chisinau on Monday night for 2 days...where to stay?

I cannot find the recommendations on this thread :(

07-05-08, 11:34
I think its a good thing. If you decide to marry her as a "favor" to stay, after a year you can use it as an excuse to divorce her.

Oh I'm in kishinev right now, and man. There is not so many dyevs now. I think they are in USA.

Still plenty to go around. But its not the same!

Anyways, I'm here to meet 3 of my gfs. I'm just happy they are in the city.

Just for fun, I was with a bunch of missionary people and I don't think moldova I such a poor country. I think it has enough foreign workers to send money back home. Its so funny, I was in an airplane full of american pretestants spreading religion. Hehe.

07-05-08, 12:26
Where to stay depends on your budget, try the hotel Tourist close to Asem University, should be ok, nothing special, but close to center, Stefan cel Mare Blvd is in walking distance, but oposite is the restaurant with big terrasse where you can try your luck during the day, I am still in Germany. You also try Hotel Flowers, also not too bad and close to beerhouse (at least the beer is great, but not too much action there). Hotel Leogrand charges at the moment 150 Euros for 1 night, Hotel Flowers was some 90 euros, Hotel Tourist should be 70-80 euros, don't know right now, tried it one night and it was nothing to write home about, the chicks there were so so.

Ask Essi, or Viking or Roots, the best thing is to rent an short term apartment, thats better, cheaper and you have no walk of shame while bringing someone up to your room. Prices for an apartment start somewhat from 35 euros to 70 euros depending where. Sorry that you arrive so soon, otherwise I could ask my secretary to organise something. Last what she did for me was 35 euros per night close to Hotel Flowers. But I can't reach her, she is in the country now. Good Luck!



07-06-08, 12:57
Where to stay depends on your budget, try the hotel Tourist close to Asem University, should be ok, nothing special, but close to center, Stefan cel Mare Blvd is in walking distance, but oposite is the restaurant with big terrasse where you can try your luck during the day, I am still in Germany. You also try Hotel Flowers, also not too bad and close to beerhouse (at least the beer is great, but not too much action there). Hotel Leogrand charges at the moment 150 Euros for 1 night, Hotel Flowers was some 90 euros, Hotel Tourist should be 70-80 euros, don't know right now, tried it one night and it was nothing to write home about, the chicks there were so so.

Ask Essi, or Viking or Roots, the best thing is to rent an short term apartment, thats better, cheaper and you have no walk of shame while bringing someone up to your room. Prices for an apartment start somewhat from 35 euros to 70 euros depending where. Sorry that you arrive so soon, otherwise I could ask my secretary to organise something. Last what she did for me was 35 euros per night close to Hotel Flowers. But I can't reach her, she is in the country now. Good Luck!



Your a star for trying to help! Cheers! I was to be in Vilnius fr 1 week but I thought I will pop down to Moldova as I found a cheap ticket from here.

I will probably stay in a hotel as my "honey" has recommended two. But the negative is that I will probably find it difficult to bring "other" girls back here.

07-06-08, 20:13
If she recommends that you stay at a hotel my guess is you are not going to get a lot of action from her on this trip. She knows very well that most hotels don't allow visitors and if they do they will most likely charge an extra fee, and even still, she knows perfectly well that the hotel staff will see her as a prostitute, and if she is really such a good girl like you describe her, she will have too much pride and dignity to put herself in that situation. If she wanted to make it easy for you to be with her she would have recommended an apartment. So you might as well book an apartment and start looking for back-up girls.

Take a look at www.adresa.md or get in touch with Essi as I know he probably has an available apartment.

Or book the hotel and be her good puppy ;)

07-06-08, 23:31
So, in Moldova is pretty much like in Cuba. If you are out with a tourist then you are inmediatley labeled a Ho! That kind of attitude really sucks as people in general won't respect you as a person just because of your tourist status. Even if you are not into mongering. I felt a lot of pressure in Cuba when in Habana and even worst in Cienfuegos. The good looking women don't want to be seeing with you for the stigma.

07-07-08, 09:04
Hi Rayboy,

Hope you are doing fine and things start to work out for you.

I am not sure if I am " that " helpful, I just try to help other gentlemen, as this forum helped me when I arrived. The forum itself is a big source, and what is written here are 95% facts. Guys like Viking, Essi, Roots, Prosal and of course other members as well, keep this forum alive. And most of all we try to avoid flaming others. So, if you have something to write about, here is the space.

And to Stavvrrooss: If money doesnt count for you that much. Wealthy, young and good looking as you are., go to Restaurant Symposium, there you get good food, and good service, diagonal at the otherside of the street, seen from the restaurant, is the terasse Galaxy, you could be successful there in the evening. Or try terasse Fortus oposit side of Hotel Tourist, during lunchtime and in the evening you can have a look arround.

Greetings to all from this rainy Oberstdorf in the mountains.



07-13-08, 17:19
Dear Gentlemen,

After mongering extensively eastern-european pu****s and reading a lot of the valuable information in the moldova-section of this forum I am planning to go to kishinev in August. As my glasses are getting thicker, the hair gets lighter, the back gets buckled and the wallet gets swollen, I am thinking (as a last resort) about the ultimate stupidity of starting a serious relationship. Therefore I would like to visit some marriage agencies in Kishinev during my stay and try my luck. I know this is a rather digressive intention in this forum, but maybe somebody could give me a tip where to go and provide me with a reliable agency-name. Is Kishinev deserted in July/August? Is there any pu*** left in the summer months?

Thank you very much in advance and thanks for all the good reports in this section Epikur

07-13-08, 17:46
Dear Gentlemen,

After mongering extensively eastern-european pu****s and reading a lot of the valuable information in the moldova-section of this forum I am planning to go to kishinev in august. As my glasses are getting thicker, the hair gets lighter, the back gets buckled and the wallet gets swollen, I am thinking (as a last resort) about the ultimate stupidity of starting a serious relationship. Therefore I would like to visit some marriage agencies in Kishinev during my stay and try my luck. I know this is a rather digressive intention in this forum, but maybe somebody could give me a tip where to go and provide me with a reliable agency-name. Is Kishinev deserted in July/August? Is there any pu*** left in the summer months? :-)

Thank you very much in advance and thanks for all the good reports in this section

07-14-08, 09:46
Well, I have broken my Moldova virginity! I flew into Chisinau on Monday and within 10 mins was outside the airport; no hassle through passport control or customs. Straight to the Adresa offices and into my flat. Flash to bang from landing and being in my apartment...1 hour! The apartment I chose was 60 euros per night; very big with a nice double bath and shower. Much better than any hotel.

I am not going to go into too much detail here about my intimate experiences; all I can say is that Moldova is truly a very nice place, nothing what i expected it to be. I was only meant to stay there for 2 days but ended up staying there 1 week! And i felt really safe, more so than when I went to Bucharest.

Mondays through to Wednesday are very quiet with not much action unless you go to a club. Now that it is summer, there is great eye-candy to see on the streets; Moldovan women enjoy dressing and showing off their bodies.

I am going back to Chisinau at the end of this month for 2 weeks. What is written in this thread is truly accurate. Guys, come to Moldova. Treat the women as WOMEN, not fuck-toys and you will probably have the best experience of your "hobby" life. Everything is very cheap here so there is a danger of "splashing the cash"; do not do this as you will only inflate egos and spoil this richness of great city.

I strongly recommend cultivating contacts via FACES.MD but be careful as Moldovan women look a lot older than their age!

By the way, my regularly lady took me to her 15 year old sister's summer camp....wow...there is talent for years to come!!!! Enjoy guys! And everyone that gave me advice...THANKS!!

07-15-08, 00:56
Rayboy69. Just as you appreciated the comments of other contributors to this forum as being accurate. Then YOU SHOULD KEEP YOURS ACCURATE TOO! When you say"" ït is very cheap here"" you are not telling the truth!

I don't know if you have visited a supermarket in Cchisinau yet, but when you will. You will be struck at how expensive everything is! : 2-3 times the prices in Europe or the USA.

The rents for appartments are sky high (500-800 euros a month for a2 room appartment in the center is the norm). And yours, at 60 Euros a day is not exactly cheap!

Clothing is ridiculously expensive (20-30 euros for a cotton T-shirt). Even the prostitutes charge more than in Europe (100-300 euros an hour for a decent looking hooker)

This is not, by any means, a cheap destination (unless you are a millionaire). And, if you expect to get sex based only on your foreign passport, your looks or your personality, you will be very dissapointed.

Those days are long gone. All you will find here is corrupt women that will see you as a walking BANCOMAT. Which is OK, if the prices they ask were not soo ridiculously high!

And this is THE HONEST TRUTH about the situation here in chisinau, where I am right now (counting the days before I get the hell out of this shit hole)!

Another thing: Anyone seriously considering marrying one of these women should have his head examined or maybe is masochistic and like suffering!

07-15-08, 04:23
Great report and thanks for the pic! Although not a complete nude you can see enough to know that she is prime material :)

I am not surprised that you stayed longer than originally planned as Moldovan women tend to have that influence on you! I am also happy to see you made the right choice by choosing to stay in an apartment, which I am confident your girl is too.

I am happy that you had a great time, and surely the next two weeks will be even better. You will end up coming back time after time just like the rest of us who have been smitten by the moldovankas :)

07-15-08, 10:47
Rayboy, it sounds as if you are having a great time in Moldova.

Knew from other outings that you were rather partial to Moldavians and nice to hear that it gets better when you select and dip from the Source itself.

I am guessing that your takeouts didn't start at 2 or 3 in the morning? ;-)

Have fun.


07-15-08, 12:57
Hi Nolies,

I think you are realy upset with Moldova. I don't want to know the reasons because that would touch your privacy, but regarding the costs I can't agree with you. I pay for my 3 room apartment close to Nr1 supermarket (75m2) 380 euros. I am going to leave this place soon cause I need a bigger one., I pay 70 euros side costs incl. Internet,

I need 250 euros per month to buy food and drinks for my fridge, and another 700-900 euros for restaurants and nights out, depending how many persons I have to host.

An all nighter in Leogrand cost you 200-300 euros if you are nice, and in Deja vue you may settle it for 80. 120 euros with some drinks (depending how generouse you want to be)

So I do pretty well with 1400- 1800 euros all, incl business meetings.

I likeded Baracuda, good restaurant. Closed since April, Symposium cost you 850. 1300 lei a visit with 4 Persons, depending how many bottles I empty,

So, Chisinau is NOT a shithole in my opinion, and surely you will be happy to return to Bucharrest, there the ladies are cheaper, the girls are much prettier, and life is 100% cheaper than in Chisinau, or did I get something wrong ?

Nolies, take it easy, look at the short skirted ladies, have a glas of wine or two, and don't be so negative man. It increases your wrinkles in your face!

Allways look on the bright side of life, you know that song? Mel Brooks

Cheers, chill out a bit Nolies,

Yours C.

07-15-08, 13:12
Happy that you had fun ! You see , there is no need to go to Cyprus anymore!

Good report,go ahead man!

Cheers son!

Yours, C.

07-15-08, 15:26
Rayboy69. Just as you appreciated the comments of other contributors to this forum as being accurate. Then YOU SHOULD KEEP YOURS ACCURATE TOO! When you say"" ït is very cheap here"" you are not telling the truth!

I don't know if you have visited a supermarket in Cchisinau yet, but when you will. You will be struck at how expensive everything is! : 2-3 times the prices in Europe or the USA.

The rents for appartments are sky high (500-800 euros a month for a2 room appartment in the center is the norm). And yours, at 60 Euros a day is not exactly cheap!

Clothing is ridiculously expensive (20-30 euros for a cotton T-shirt). Even the prostitutes charge more than in Europe (100-300 euros an hour for a decent looking hooker)

This is not, by any means, a cheap destination (unless you are a millionaire). And, if you expect to get sex based only on your foreign passport, your looks or your personality, you will be very dissapointed.

Those days are long gone. All you will find here is corrupt women that will see you as a walking BANCOMAT. Which is OK, if the prices they ask were not soo ridiculously high!

And this is THE HONEST TRUTH about the situation here in chisinau, where I am right now (counting the days before I get the hell out of this shit hole)!

Another thing: Anyone seriously considering marrying one of these women should have his head examined or maybe is masochistic and like suffering!

Wow...someone is not having a good time there! I suppose I had luck because I did a lot of cultivating on FACES...but be warned, most of the girls are a lot younger than they say!

My week consisted of a regular, free sex lady (see puppies in picture) and 3 other one night stands that cost me a total of 200 euros! To be honest, the one night stands were not very good in bed but great eye candy. My regular girl was very passionate in bed, hence why I am keeping in contact with her when I return at the end of the month.

I was very surprised with Chisinau; I was expecting a shit hole akin to Bucharest but I really felt safe and had a hassle free trip. All my traveling was done by bus where you pay 3 LEI; this included the trip to the Summer Camp (which has to be seen to be believed!!).

I have traveled to most EE, apart from Russia and Ukraine, and thus far Moldova is really looking promising. But who knows...I will keep you guys updated.

Excess....thanks for your words...when you next in Cyprus?

07-16-08, 07:07
Hi everyone here,

It's really getting more and more expensive in Kishinev day to day.

07-16-08, 07:16
4 girls in one week is a good result in kisinev, in my opinion.


but i didn't completely understand: the 3 night stand were prostitute and you paid them globally 200 euros, or what?

internet date site have as a lower age to choose 18, but of course some girls that have 16 or 17 have to write 18.

it happened to me to talk with girls who said to me their real age, and others who didn't but i supposed they were ****.

i've never meet an **** girl, because i don't know laws in that country, and i don't wanna take unless risks, especially considering that i am a foreigner.

by the way, just to know it, how about laws on the age of consent?

someone here know something?

wow...someone is not having a good time there! i suppose i had luck because i did a lot of cultivating on faces...but be warned, most of the girls are a lot younger than they say!

07-16-08, 11:49
I heard about one businessman 2 month ago was in city disco and found a girl invited her home after disco he was very happy they had a good time , but middle of the night was ringing on the door and some criminals came and hitthim took his money and passport camera and all what they can sell.

So this can happen too, so nothing is cheap!

ESSIYou might laugh but it can happen and happened with local guys either who is stupid to not be able recognize a "dinamo" girl from the one which looks just dating or sex for money.

(hope you guys know what does mean a russian sleng "dinamo".)

07-16-08, 21:20
Dear Nolies,

Reading your previouse post again I had the feeling to clear something once again: I do respect your point of view, its just that I can't stand with you in what you wrote. My opinion is different to yours, so no offense intended, I see it different, but I think we are adult enough to accept others views.

Amen Brother!



07-17-08, 01:42
It all depends on teh budget. I think 60 euros for the apartment is right. If it truely is as it looks in pictures, I think is worth it.

In any case, partying all night and eating out all day is not cheap anywhere in the world.

07-19-08, 23:06
Sorry CARNEVALISTICUS. But you are looking at chisinau with the eyes of a man who has 2000 euros to blow on fun every month!

I see things from an average mans perspective.

Yes, prices for food are higher than in Europe or USA

Even a cup of coffee or tea cost 20-35 leis. That is 3. 5 $. Same cup of coffee in USA is 1 $.

Cocktails in bars are 2-3 times higher than USA. Example: a Long Island ice tea costs 4-5 $ in USA. In chisinau 100-120 leis (double).

Everything is mor expensive than in the West except taxi rides and haircuts. And the women are now very spoiled, cunning and manipulative!

800. 000 moldovans have rumanian citizenship. That means they can hop in a bus and go to Europe to make money anytime they feel like it! And since they will be prostitutes, they will make more money that you and I can ever dream of seeing)) The rest can go on these Work-Travel programs to the USA and never come back or come back loaded with US dollars.

They will always find Sex-starved american men who will marry them, provide them with a green card and give them cash to help her daddy build that house in the village, or buy that luxury condo in the center of chisinau!

We are poor Western men, so frustrated with the sex situation in our own countries that we are willing to see sexual paradises where they don't exist!

07-21-08, 15:21
Hi Nolies,

As I stated before: my apartment inclusive all side costs

450 euros/75m2 livingexpenses/supermarket 250 euros

Nights out (for me alone) 400 euros

Meetings with clients 800 euros

Thats all together 2000 euros, sometimes a bit more, in winter a bit less. So I think we could not talk about "blowing" money, I know the US very well, have been in NY 6-7 times, San Francisco, Boston etc. The prices you mentioned regarding US were the prices in 1996, when I have been there.

And Nolies, I was the major shareholder in an american company at that time.

I cook well so I like to stay in my flat and host my ladies there. A typical evening cost me 320 leis (4 bottles of Pukarit) some chickenmeat/ some fish and stuff for preparing a meal for 3-4 persons is 600 leis, ok some water and coke 150 leis, so all in all I make a 3-4 course meal for less than 1100 leis. The ladies like to be hosted in private. And its not too far to the bedroom

So, in my conclusion Chisinau is realy not that pricey and by far not as expensive as the US in their major cities. I payed in NY 180 $ for 4 persons in restaurant Mondo Carne. In 1996, Pasta, Fish, and some 4 bottles of wine.

You may have the impression that Chisinau is expensive because the greenback is melting in Moldova like icecreme in the sun. But the real value of goods you get in Chisinau in relation to its price in lei is realy not expensive.

Bread up to 6 leis, butter up to 25 leis, vegetables 25 leis etc etc.

Cheers man, and thank you for your post.



EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

07-21-08, 16:08
Went to Chisinau this weekend. Took a flight out of Cyprus early hours of Saturday morning and returned early hours Monday morning.

Passport Control...BASTARDS! Looked at my passport in very close detail and then asked me to wait in the back of the line! 30 mins later...they inspected it again and then asked me if it my first time in Moldova; did they not see the 2 previous entry stamps! He smiled and said for me to "have a nice holiday"!!! I could have been shagging by now!!!

Customs was no better...another 15 min wait.

But Chisinau was great. Went out Saturday to a "local" club called Kasonova; pretty shit club in terms of decor but great eye-candy...but all with boyfriends...so no opportunity to "hunt" here. Also, there is did not seem an age limit so there were some "young" girls there too.

Great night though...particularly when one's girlfriend knows the owner and we get a VIP table free! :O)

I will be back in Chisinau this weekend, but this time for a week and plan to travel out of town. Still a great country...minus the shit airport!

07-29-08, 01:54
The cost of a table at "Drive "disco is 1600 leis (about 110 euros). That is, if you want to sit down in a table, you must fork out this money.

At "Dance planet" it costs 700 leis (about 50 euros)for that privilege.

At "military pub" it costs 500 leis.

This is just to sit down, after you have paid the entrance fee to get in the club (about50-100 leis).

And if you take a girl to a club, she EXPECTS you to take a table. If you don't, and stand up with her by the bar all night, she will assume you are a poor guy and she will lose all interest in you. You can be sure she will run away from you at the end of the night!

Yet, all these places are full to capacity with people almost every night of the week. Poor place Moldova, eh? )

If you want to get pussy in this country, get ready to spend some SERIOUS cash. The time of cheap freebies is long, long gone.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

07-29-08, 21:00
Hey folks,

What's the average Moldovan student's wage?

08-02-08, 10:33
Hi Mate,

There is no average wage / sallery. Depends what he / she is able to do, what kind of skills he / she has and so on. Pretty students can have anything between 1000 and 20000 leis. (I am talking of girls). It depends who they know, what position their parents have and so on. If your question goes in direction of sponsoring a student, I would advice you to be careful at the beginning. Some of the stunners have more than one forigner to sponsor them, who arrive at different times, to harvest their investments

But I still believe that the majorety of the girls is still honest, or at least solidly interested in someone true. But, as allways in life, you first have to prove it before you praise it.



08-13-08, 14:06
Is it so good there? do you think is it much easy compare to moldova?Some details will help.
I made some posts in the Uzbekistan section, and even took the time to answer to Nolies about costs, his obsession.

Anyway, a short comparison on five points :

- Women : The ratio of really hot women is about the same in Tashkent and in Chisinau (I'd give an advantage to Tashkent though), but Tashkent is 3x Kish so the numbers is more important. Also the fabulous variety of ethnicities (tatars, russians, central asians, persians/iranians, koreans, ect and all-in-between) and of looks is a real plus in Uzbekistan. TKT 1 - KISH 0

- Non-pros attitudes : Moldovian girls are more liberal than Uzbeks (you receive lots of glances in Tashkent when you're a decent-looking westerner yet girls are not easily approachable), who seem a bit conservative even if they are dressed sluttier. TKT 0 - KISH 1

- Pro scene : Unlike Chisinau, Tashkent is literally crawling with pros, semi-pros and occasionals and with places (bars, clubs, ect) to meet them. TKT 1 - KISH 0

- Costs : Accommodation (apartments) is cheaper in Tashkent, and running costs (especially when it comes to a lifestyle of dinning out and clubbing) are much cheaper. TKT 1 - KISH 0

- Atmosphere : Both cities are enjoyable (Tashkent is greener and cleaner though) but Chisinau has an unbeatable charm and is more "piedestran friendly". TKT 0 - KISH 1

Hope this help.

Dexa 960
08-15-08, 12:34
I am one of the quite people, not writing munches in this forum, but I have been many times in Moldova. And I want to say, people relax a little. Sometimes the discussion can be a little hot tempered. First there was a discussion in December (2007) and I want to conform that DirkDingy always have been very helpful to me. I have met him many times in Moldova and he is a very nice man. But now we have a new hot tempered discussion. First I would like to say that I have read all the articles with big pleasure (Essi, Nolies, Viking30, Prosal, Carnevalisticus, DirkDingy, Bluebaloon) (DirkDingy, Bluebaloon does not take part in this discussion, but they has written some good tings in the Chisinau section).

First about the price level in Moldova: in the last 5 years have there been a big inflation in Moldova, so there is no doubt that Moldova have become munch more expensive the last 5 years. One example, the entre fee (for men) to Flamingo is 250 Lei (around 25$), one bear in Military Pub cost 40 – 50 lei (around 4$ – 5$). But it is my impression, that Moldova still is cheaper then West European countries. The last times I was in Moldova was I told that Moldova have the same price level as USA.

Second, is Moldova a good place to meet women? This is munching more difficult question to answer. First Moldova is different from many other countries. Second you must realise that there big different between young Moldova women. In reality can you split young Moldova women up in 5 group. The 5 group is:

1) The prostitute.
2) The ”Milkmaid”
3) The party girl.
4) The moderate girl.
5) The conservative girl.

About the prostitute, do I very munch agree with Bluebaloon when he did write this: "traditional prostitution does hardly exist" (07-19-08). There are simply very few prostitutes in Moldova. Street walker does not exist in Chisinau. There are only very few "clinic" in Chisinau, and it is very difficult to make contact with these few "clinic". There are some few prostitutes in the hotels. So if you want to make contact with a traditional prostitute is Moldova a very bad country to visit.

The "Milkmaid" girl does not milk the cow, no she milk your wallet. And like a good "Milkmaid" she likes to make your wallet dry. The "Milkmaid" girl include girls other call for simi-pro, amateur and girls looking after a sponsor. But it also include more serious girls, that end up as your girlfriend and at the same time often ask for present to winter clothes, study fee, summer clothes, new shoe and so on. The problem with the "Milkmaid" girl is that you need to take a very tight control over how you are using your money, and also have very tight control over your level for your money spending. I have seen example where the using of the money did run out of control. An other thing is that many of these "Milkmaid" girls maybe have 2 – 4 boyfriends. So it is imported that you not are naïve. The good thing with the "Milkmaid" girl is that you easy can make contact with her, and after 1. 3 date can you also make sex with her. But as I have said be careful. Many of the "Milkmaid" girl prefer to have long time relationship so it can be very difficult for a 1 week tourist to make sex with a "Milkmaid" girl. For many of these girls is it a big plus if you come regular to Moldova or live in Moldova.

The party girl; is the girl that very munches like to disco, restaurant and night clubs. She likes to drink expensive drinks and go on expensive restaurant. The big problem with the party girl is that she only like to party with you, and that you most likely never will make sex with her, even after 6 or more dates. With the party girl will you only have a good party, no sex and you will use a lot of money. So be careful.

The moderate girl; is the girl we in the West European countries would call a normally girl. She is very. Very carefully about not asking for to many present or she will not ask present at all. She is carefully about not using to munch money when she is in disco or restaurant. The problem is that you can only begin to make sex with her, when she is sure that you want a serious relationship with her. An other problem is that she most likely want to married you already after 1 year relationship, or even maybe want a very quick married (after some few months). The moderate girl can also be very nervous; she does not like to talk English in cell telephone if other Moldova people hear it. You also risk that she can get nervous and not show up to the date you have make agreement about. If you are looking after a wife in Moldova, then the moderate girl can be a good candidate. The big problem is to find her and know for sure that she is a "good" girl. For the moderate girl is it an absolute most that you come regular to Moldova or live in Moldova. Alternative is a very quick married (after some few months).

The conservative girls; as western tourists will you most likely not meet this type of girls in Moldova. There father and mother run them very strictly and they are munch more nervous then the moderate girl. The biggest problem with this type of girl is to make the first contact.

About young women in Moldova will I also say that I very munch agree with DirkDingy when he did write this: "The point I was trying to make is that there are many nice girls in Moldova who are not solely after money; however, in my experience they either come from the wealthier families or are young and very naive. Moldova is not America, the majority of the population there lives hand-to-mouth. Financial security is at the forefront of these girls’ minds when they choose a partner.

Moreover, I do not believe that a short-term visitor to moldova routinely meets the good girls. This may be irrelevant though. As long as you have fun and get good sex who cares what she does when you leave. " (12-25-07).

In my experience will I guest that 50% of all young Moldova women are "Milkmaid" girls or party girls. The other 50% of young Moldova women are moderate girls or conservative girls

I also very munch agree with Essi when he did write this:

"The usual question of the girls are:

1. Are you married? Do you have children?

2. What is your business?

3. Is it your first time in Moldova?

4. How long will you stay in Moldova?

5. Do you have a girl friend here? Did you meet other girls too?

6. How many times will you come to moldova in a year?

Its better that you will answer this matters during the conversation. " (09-10-06)

All in all do I mean that Moldova is not the best country to meet young women. It is easy to meet young Moldova women on a first date, but after the first date do you risk to run into a lot of problems. I will also say it is difficult for short-term visitor and tourist to meet and make sex with young Moldova women, at least in Chisinau. It is a very big plus if you come regular to Moldova or live in Moldova. It is just my experience that the girls prefer to meet men who are coming many times to Moldova. It is also my personally experience that is take some time before a person finds out how things works in Moldova.

You can ask me, why I so come to Moldova. First at all, Chisinau is a very safe city, there are many very good disco, restaurant and night clubs. Many people in Chisinau does speak English. And Moldova is still cheap compare with West European countries. All in all do I have a very good time when I am in Chisinau.

Finally I want to say that I have no desire to get into a pissing contest with other people in this forum. Off course can you write if you disagree with me, but do it in a nice way. We are all just people who like Moldova and very often visit Moldova.

I hope you all can use my input about Moldova. The funny thing is, that I in many ways do agree with you all, (Essi, Nolies, Viking30, Prosal, Carnevalisticus, DirkDingy, Bluebaloon) even when you all write ting where you disagree with each other. You all describe thing that is a part of the reality in Moldova.

I am sorry for my English. I hope you all understand me.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

08-15-08, 17:41

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,


Dexa 960
08-16-08, 08:24
Yesterday did I forget to mention the Internet problem. If you are meting girls on Internet shall you be very careful about scamming. Many young Moldova women will simply ask you for money, and make big promise that they will meet you when you arrive to Moldova. Off course when you arrive to Moldova she will not meet you, not take the cell telephone and so on. There is simply one rule that exist. You shall never send money to Moldova women on Internet and off course you can say more general, you shall never send money to Moldova women you not have meet when you was in Moldova.

I will say I in some way agree with Nolies when write this about Moldva women, Quote: “And the women are now very spoiled, cunning and manipulative!” (Quote end, 07-19-08). In my opinion is this true, specially when we are talk about Moldova women who are scamming you on Internet, or ”Milkmaid” girls in Moldova some you are together with.

I am sorry for my English. I hope you all understand me.

08-16-08, 18:13

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange of information between Men on the subject of finding Women for Sex.

Let's get back to the subject.

Thank You,

JacksonI agree 100%


08-16-08, 18:31
Yesterday did I forget to mention the Internet problem. If you are meting girls on Internet shall you be very careful about scamming. Many young Moldova women will simply ask you for money, and make big promise that they will meet you when you arrive to Moldova. Off course when you arrive to Moldova she will not meet you, not take the cell telephone and so on. There is simply one rule that exist. You shall never send money to Moldova women on Internet and off course you can say more general, you shall never send money to Moldova women you not have meet when you was in Moldova.

I will say I in some way agree with Nolies when write this about Moldva women, Quote: “And the women are now very spoiled, cunning and manipulative!” (Quote end, 07-19-08). In my opinion is this true, specially when we are talk about Moldova women who are scamming you on Internet, or ”Milkmaid” girls in Moldova some you are together with.

I am sorry for my English. I hope you all understand me.We already discuss this subject, even sometimes there are man behind this girls and they male money with them in this way.

Some naive american got excited and send them money for university and so on.

You can always say to her "we will meet and after I will help you ". sometimes the girls become upset and stop chat with you.... mean she is a milkmaid.... In general avoid girls asking money in front!!! a normal girl want to meet you wait you to come... but bhild a story you come for business, otherwise she will understand you are a sex turist and you come just for sex and not only with her...


Dexa 960
08-17-08, 11:48
Yes, I agree with you, it is a good idea to avoid girls who are asking money in front.

I am so lucky, that I have good legitimate reason to be in Moldova so the girls do not think that I am a sex tourist. Witch I am also not is. Sex is not my main reason for my many visits to Moldova.

08-25-08, 17:17
Yes, I agree with you, it is a good idea to avoid girls who are asking money in front.

I am so lucky, that I have good legitimate reason to be in Moldova so the girls do not think that I am a sex tourist. Witch I am also not is. Sex is not my main reason for my many visits to Moldova.Da

Its very important that you are a long term in moldova.

One of the best way get girls let them smell you are a rich guy. If you look around you you will notice that the locals. Moldovan invest all their money just for show off. He can leave in a small ugly appartment but he will drive a BMW and wear a high quality cloth. Thats the mentality there.



Sean EZ
08-25-08, 23:57
This is a fairly urgent question. How is the nightlife in Kishinev on weeknights? We will be in Moscow next week and wanted to check out the city for a few days. Thanks in advance.

08-26-08, 10:56
Read the forum, there is all you need, nightlife during the week exists in the clubs.Again, read the forum .Monday / Tuesday is rather slow.Moscow vs Kishinev is as comparable like Mineralwater with Champaigne ;-)

Cheers, C.

Sean EZ
08-27-08, 01:44
Moscow vs Kishinev is as comparable like Mineralwater with Champaigne ;-) Cheers, C.

I am sure prices reflect that as well :)

I will RTFF. I was referring to regular clubs/discos.

08-27-08, 08:00
I am sure prices reflect that as well :)

I will RTFF. I was referring to regular clubs/discos.Hi

There is lots of good info and names of places where and what to do.

Just shortly

Many good restaurant in centre like giraffe on ismail, divin near suncity, italien restaurant in suncity, gril house on bulgara st. and many others its aproximatly 35-50 $ per person, if you want to spend more the most expensive is on eminesco 41 dnt remember the name but its very fancy.

Also a very nice intimic coffe place is cafe cafe on 51 eminesco, most girls I took there They liked it very romantic style, I was scoring them same night in bed.

Clubs - Disco's: drive, flamingo, dance planet, studio, startrek, military pub , de ju vou, nostalgi, laroma, faraun, ask taxi driver to take you there max 30-40 lei.

Nothing is compare to moscow price I guess.


Miki Beinspired
08-27-08, 22:33
Dear hunters,

A few days ago I meet a moldova women 24 years old, honestly she was not in a good mood troubles with police for the visa.

Anyway after a few drinks she told me many things about her country, she told me that is not so safe place for the foreigns.

Many moldova boys are so drunk and enjoy to fight with everybody look different, like a skin colour or may be dress style or worse if you look the girls. Just fight sometimes for still the wallet or just for enjoying!

Her man love to do it!

In this case many foreigns use to book the taxi for all day and get the car ready outside the disco or restaurant. And many women like to play with tourists. Sometimes you get up in the morning and smth missing in the room.

Ah another thing. The normal wage is from 50 to 200 euro a mounth. For the manager! So with just 50 euro you could get amazing day with one Moldova lady!

All the best.

08-29-08, 08:30
A question out there for the Moldovan experienced:

Do Moldovan girls require any visa or special paperwork to visit Russia or Ukraine?

The new gf is Moldovan and since I don't have time to visit her in Moldova, I was thinking of flying her in to visit me in Russia, but am not sure on the technical issues. She claims it is no problem, but wondering if anybody else has any experience with this?

I know there are special rules for former Soviet Union countries regarding travel in Russia, but any exact info would be appreciated.

Sean EZ
08-29-08, 23:44
Thank you Essi for the info.

08-30-08, 22:30
A question out there for the Moldovan experienced:

Do Moldovan girls require any visa or special paperwork to visit Russia or Ukraine?

The new gf is Moldovan and since I don't have time to visit her in Moldova, I was thinking of flying her in to visit me in Russia, but am not sure on the technical issues. She claims it is no problem, but wondering if anybody else has any experience with this?

I know there are special rules for former Soviet Union countries regarding travel in Russia, but any exact info would be appreciated.Dear Doctor,

Your new GF is right no problem for her to come but not to work. But many of them working there with no problem.

Some of the moldovans even holding Russian or Ucrain passprots.

Have fun there and thanks for all your contribution and useful info on the board.


09-01-08, 14:38
Dear Doctor,

Your new GF is right no problem for her to come but not to work. But many of them working there with no problem.

Some of the moldovans even holding Russian or Ucrain passprots.

Have fun there and thanks for all your contribution and useful info on the board.

EssiThanks for the info ESSI. If I visit Moldova, which I might in November, I'll be sure to post of my experiences.

Dexa 960
09-02-08, 18:49
One of the best way get girls let them smell you are a rich guy. If you look around you you will notice that the locals. Moldovan invest all their money just for show off. He can leave in a small ugly appartment but he will drive a BMW and wear a high quality cloth. Thats the mentality there.Yes Essi, it is one way to do it, and it will work. But it is also my experience that Moldova girls know that western men sometime are dressing in a bad way. It does not need to be a problem.

Miki, I do not agree with your girlfriend. I have come many times to Chisinau, and I think Chisinau is a safe place. But I very munch agree with you when you write this in Chisinau section

Wrote already about the story of nice moldova girl that I helped her in the night with accomodation and she told me about many cheat for the tourists in kisinau for sucking money and food drinks and club.Yes, Miki, this is a big problem and we all need to be careful about this.

Miki Beinspired
09-02-08, 22:01
Thank's for your report. Anyway I know that all she told me may be is not true, but sometimes it's better to be carefull chisinau is not european country and the police is not so good too.

Yes girls are dangerouse, just smelling money and became crazy, ah me in this case I'm fucking bastard I told her immediatly by chat what I wanna and what we'll do. Honestly in this situation if you have abig feeling you could get a score before meetting! But when you pull in th cafe or arround that's the troubles. All think how to fuck money. May be some soft some too strong way.

All the best

09-03-08, 08:44
No one live there with his/her own salary, simple because is not possible, considering that the price of food is more expensive than in the west.

The economy here go on with money that 1. 300. 000 persons send back from abroad to families.

Moldova is one of the most safe country I have ever visited, for sure more than rome, milan or london.

I think your girlfriend told you some half truth, to put you in a psicological need to have a friend there in who trust, in who believe, and of course this friend was HER.

Dear hunters,

A few days ago I meet a moldova women 24 years old, honestly she was not in a good mood troubles with police for the visa.

Anyway after a few drinks she told me many things about her country, she told me that is not so safe place for the foreigns.

Many moldova boys are so drunk and enjoy to fight with everybody look different, like a skin colour or may be dress style or worse if you look the girls. Just fight sometimes for still the wallet or just for enjoying!

Her man love to do it!

In this case many foreigns use to book the taxi for all day and get the car ready outside the disco or restaurant. And many women like to play with tourists. Sometimes you get up in the morning and smth missing in the room.

Ah another thing. The normal wage is from 50 to 200 euro a mounth. For the manager! So with just 50 euro you could get amazing day with one Moldova lady!

All the best.

Mold Ovan
09-04-08, 00:49
Hi guys,

Does anyone knows Kristi. She is regular on a lot of meeting sites.

09-04-08, 11:59
Hi MO,which dating site is she on?



09-04-08, 16:49

I hope you arrive safe back home.

The town look much different than in July / August. You won't believe whats going on here so many beautyful girls arrived in town. Never seen like that befor.

Ye I agree the prices are up and the euro and dollar are down. Cnt stop to change money. 500 Euro's cnt be enough for 3.4 days. All become expensive. It means' more needly. More score.


Mold Ovan
09-05-08, 05:07

She is very active on the net. However, not sure if she is for real.

Hi MO,which dating site is she on?



09-06-08, 13:47

I am from Germany and I search dancers agency in Moldova. The user of this forum can give me a tip please.



09-07-08, 11:30
Hi Mate,

I think the photos of her are real, typical selfmade photos. But this girl - as allmost all goodlooking chicks - knows that she looks good. So you can be sure that it is not easy to establish nor maintain a relation with her.

Hope for you that I am wrong.Times get tougher in Moldova, so that may be a benefit for you.

Good luck,


09-07-08, 11:36

She is very active on the net. However, not sure if she is for real.I met her a few weeks ago, so I can assure that she's for real ;). She lives in Botanica.

Probably a bit over my budget though. We just met for a drink with her and her friend. She's a Drive/Flamingo girl.

09-07-08, 21:04

I am not really familiar with Moldova. However, I have a question for the country specialists. A friend of mine has been dating a girl from Moldova, they met briefly in Ukraine. Now he wants to meet her in Vienna. But she says that when travelling on a tourist visa she needs 300 euro at the airport to show that she can take care of herself abroad, and she asks him to send it. Is this a scam or a regular procedure for girls at airport border control?

Mold Ovan
09-07-08, 23:06
She's a Drive/Flamingo girl? She goes there?

What did she want? As far as budget?

Thanks a lot

I met her a few weeks ago, so I can assure that she's for real ;). She lives in Botanica.

Probably a bit over my budget though. We just met for a drink with her and her friend. She's a Drive/Flamingo girl.

DJ FourMoney
09-08-08, 09:23
I find all this stuff interesting, for various reasons...

Americans don't even know where Moldova is let alone there's attractive women there.

Its only because of this forum that "I" even know... I had HEARD of it, but no idea what's there and that it was poor so no tourist basically.

Why would the women consider you a "Sex Tourist" when there isn't really an Adult Industry??? Don't woman put two and two together?? Where its legal/tolerated its popular, where its not, not so much.

Ukraine is much more evolved than Moldova in that regard right??

I happen to think Moldova is largely UNTAPPED by Westerners and yes I agree short term goals are a bad idea here. There's plenty of EE meat in German FKK's I know, I banged a few...

Dexa 960 sez you stand about a 50-50 chance of meeting a "Moderate" girl while in Moldova. Okay, I say your chances in the EE overall is about the same anywhere, given the economy everywhere but Moscow/St Pete.

The challenge (of the Superfriends???) is meeting Moldovan Women!

If you aren't a regular visitor for business reasons, many here say your chances are slim. My career path up to this point is firmed rooted in blue collar/service sector work, what BUSINESS would I have in MOLDOVA???

I would be in Moldova for ONE thing and ONE thing ONLY - WIFEY!

I'd say Moldova is one of the final frontiers for seeking a good looking woman with modest desires in life, not blown up by images from Western Culture.

I think its safe to say that going from Moldova to California is MAJOR upgrade in life for many Moldovan women and they'll take that even if I'm not "rich" and why would you want a Gold-Digger from a Poor Country????

That makes NO SENSE at all.... Your not Capt Save A Ho or Are you?

Am I on the right track here???

Sorry for my "ebonics" I hope those from other countries not familar with African-American lingo can understand me - :)

09-08-08, 09:36
I happen to think Moldova is largely UNTAPPED by Westerners and yes I agree short term goals are a bad idea here. There's plenty of EE meat in German FKK's I know, I banged a few...
True that US Americans or British haven't really focused on it, but Moldova has been on the "sex tourist map" for several years now. It isn't a secret destination by any means and it's relative proximity to southern Europe make it a popular destination for Italians and other Europeans looking for both cheap sex and serious relations... mostly sex tourists. There isn't much else to do there except some dubious business.

Just for argument's sake, it is also reputed to be a major hub for illegal sex-trafficking/white slavery.

Just my opinion, but I find that the poorer countries are often the worst place to monger if looking for serious relations, as the women there are one-track mind gold diggers. It's in their blood and called survival.

But yes, there are beautiful women in Moldova... :)

09-08-08, 09:53
I think people who go to Moldova are the ones afraid to go to Russia and Ukraine.

DJ FourMoney
09-08-08, 21:00
True that US Americans or British haven't really focused on it, but Moldova has been on the "sex tourist map" for several years now. It isn't a secret destination by any means and it's relative proximity to southern Europe make it a popular destination for Italians and other Europeans looking for both cheap sex and serious relations... mostly sex tourists. There isn't much else to do there except some dubious business.

Just for argument's sake, it is also reputed to be a major hub for illegal sex-trafficking/white slavery.

Just my opinion, but I find that the poorer countries are often the worst place to monger if looking for serious relations, as the women there are one-track mind gold diggers. It's in their blood and called survival.

But yes, there are beautiful women in Moldova... :)

Italy can't be THAT bad could it??? :)

09-08-08, 21:34
explorer69, regarding your question: it is very difficult fot moldovans (and others) to get a tourist visa for the EU with an inviatation and financial backing from an EU-member.
You can always check what is exactly needed on the country where she is invited by your friend (so in your case the austrian embassy)

09-08-08, 21:35
with --> without

09-08-08, 21:38
Italy can't be THAT bad could it??? :)Italy is great, but any destination that is frequented by mongers of one particular country tends to be spoiled in one way or another.

There are people much more in tune with Moldova than me, my sole point being that contrary to what you assumed, Moldova is not an undiscovered paradise. Within the normal club, dating and agency circuits foreigners are a well-known and happily manipulated commodity.

Just keep your radar on.

One of my current girlfriends is Moldovan, so I am also still in the learning process... :)

09-08-08, 21:38
with --> withoutYou can edit your own posts... you knew that right?!

09-09-08, 07:56

I am not really familiar with Moldova. However, I have a question for the country specialists. A friend of mine has been dating a girl from Moldova, they met briefly in Ukraine. Now he wants to meet her in Vienna. But she says that when travelling on a tourist visa she needs 300 euro at the airport to show that she can take care of herself abroad, and she asks him to send it. Is this a scam or a regular procedure for girls at airport border control?Hi,

My opinion: its a risk if you will agree sending her money. But you can still ask her to take money from some friends or family and you will give her on arrival. See her react. If she will agree, mean she realy want to meet you and not milking you. Otherwise she is a moneysucker and you will never see her again or she will milk you later on with other stories bfore she will meet you.

Its a 50 % 50 % risk.

09-09-08, 08:00
explorer69, regarding your question: it is very difficult fot moldovans (and others) to get a tourist visa for the EU with an inviatation and financial backing from an EU-member.

You can always check what is exactly needed on the country where she is invited by your friend (so in your case the austrian embassy)As far as I understood it was possible to get a visa without any invitation for 450 euro. It may also be a scam, but there is an undersground market for Schengen visa in East Europe. I was told the same thing in Ukraine, but there it cost more than 1000 dollars!

DJ FourMoney
09-09-08, 11:43
Italy is great, but any destination that is frequented by mongers of one particular country tends to be spoiled in one way or another.

There are people much more in tune with Moldova than me, my sole point being that contrary to what you assumed, Moldova is not an undiscovered paradise. Within the normal club, dating and agency circuits foreigners are a well-known and happily manipulated commodity.

Just keep your radar on.

One of my current girlfriends is Moldovan, so I am also still in the learning process... :)

Oh its on....

Finding them is a challenge however. I found a few on Bride.ru got any other suggestions?

09-09-08, 14:39

Moldova has app. 3-4 Million inhabitants. Figures differ depending on sources.

If you calculate the percentage of female population living in rural areas with no or few access to internet and/or the nonexisting knowledge of any foreign language then the remaiing number of girls/women in the interesting age-range is not higher comparing to any major city in russia or ukraine.

I never understood and understand up to today, why anybody especially wants to monger in Moldova. The russian/ukrainian part of female moldovan population is the same like in Russia/Ukraina und the real moldovan femei arent so different to romanian chicks, too.


09-10-08, 07:15

Moldova has app. 3-4 Million inhabitants. Figures differ depending on sources.

If you calculate the percentage of female population living in rural areas with no or few access to internet and/or the nonexisting knowledge of any foreign language then the remaiing number of girls/women in the interesting age-range is not higher comparing to any major city in russia or ukraine.

I never understood and understand up to today, why anybody especially wants to monger in Moldova. The russian/ukrainian part of female moldovan population is the same like in Russia/Ukraina und the real moldovan femei arent so different to romanian chicks, too.


I never understood and understand up to today, why manu guys who travel around the globe said the Moldovan girls are the easyone to get them laid, I never try in russia but in iash I was last summer with Vikking after 2 night we run back to our "hometown". Zero result.

I saw some of the members that they were complaining for not scoring. Yes not everyone has the tools to fuck girls (small)brain.


09-10-08, 14:59
Hi Mate,

I am in germany right now organising 2 visa for Moldovan citizen with the german ambassey. Believe me, the so called " underground " market is a scam. Ukraine and Moldova recieved since beginning January this year a " previleged " entrance to visa, that means the restrictions of proving the entryfacts for issuing a visa are less tight. Still you need a financial coverage for the time spended in Shengen states, a medical insurance (available in Chisinau), you need not automaticaly an invitation, but it would make things easier. The german ambassey calkulates 65 euros per person per day for an acceptable financial cover plus 2 ways flightticket to make sure that it is true that the person leaves the country before the visa expires.

So 300 euros are enough for 4 days. Essis advice is correct, everyone. Even in the village is able to raise 300 euros if it is a must. And usually the real Moldovan ladies are too shy to ask for money upfront.



09-10-08, 21:06
And usually the real Moldovan ladies are too shy to ask for money upfront.


C.Speaking of... the new girlfriend is either deathly sick or living up to clichees... funny that despite the fact she is supposedly in the hospital she finds time for internet.. :)

And so it begins.
"я тоже очень по тебе скучаю мне так одинока без
Я очень серьёзна болею. Я не могу не чего кушать у меня в желутке раны
Я кушаю тока каши и то со слезами на глазах
Я курить бросила уже 2 недели не курю у меня депрессия.
Ещё денег нет лечение дорого стоит у нас тут таблетке очень дорогие
я ещё болеть буду долго
мне грустно Скучаю и Целую"

09-11-08, 06:46
Man, she doesn't eat and didnt smoke for 2 days, wow, thats seriouse, and how expensive the tabletts are. We have to call the national guard to help, if they find time.

Kompliment, she is a real darling lol!

But you figured that allready out.

Prosto ushosno!



P.S. here in germany we say something like this : Don`t try to show an old clown how to make faces. Play with her a bit more!

09-12-08, 08:57
Man, she doesn't eat and didnt smoke for 2 days, wow, thats seriouse, and how expensive the tabletts are. We have to call the national guard to help, if they find time.

Kompliment, she is a real darling lol!

But you figured that allready out.

Prosto ushosno!



P.S. here in germany we say something like this : Don`t try to show an old clown how to make faces. Play with her a bit more!Yeah, I was kind of disappointed in her game... kind of surprised too. I already screwed her in Odessa. Problem is, she's gorgeous and I want to tap it again... and again and again. :)

I'll pay her a visit sometime in the next few weeks or fly her into Kiev. "Tablets" are cheaper there... :)

09-12-08, 09:05
I never understood and understand up to today, why anybody especially wants to monger in Moldova.

I love Chisinau (more as it was "before" than as it is "now" though) but I must admit that there is much more hot (and hotter) women in Romania. Anyone who has spent more than two minutes a Friday night at Bamboo or Gaia in Bucarest or in Mamaia during summertime knows what I'm talking about.

If you like the tall, slim, pale-skinned, long curly jet-black haired, slutty-dressed and hot freebie (which I do), Romania is *the* place to be in eastern europe.

For a next trip to this part of EE, I'm very seriously pondering about a three weeks stay not in Kish, but somewhere in East Romania (Galati or Iasi).

09-16-08, 13:39
Hi Doc,

I am happy that you are well.Keep her as an desert - used seldom - to enjoy it all the time as if it would be the first time ;-) .

To Prosal,

mate I read your Tatjikistan reports with great interest, cool , good stuff.But where now do you want to spread your " greedy " fingers ?? There or in Romania?? Wish you well !

Yours, C.

For those who are interested , thanks to the georgian president I am still in Germany,trying to organise the investment for Moldova which has been quite problematic after the russian/georgian clashes.

09-24-08, 10:14
To Prosal, mate I read your Tatjikistan reports with great interest, cool , good stuff.But where now do you want to spread your " greedy " fingers ?? There or in Romania??
Not Tatjikistan. Uzbekistan.

Tashkent vs. Bucuresti ?

Both places are remarkable and both with their advantages and disadvantages. There's IMO more positive points for Tashkent though, particularly its "untappedness" (and everything that ensues), its damn cheap cost of life and its fantastic variety of hot dyevs from all ethnicities.

Anyway, as I have a fascination for tall and thin brunettes, I'm just glad both destinations exist. :)

DirkDingy could give an interesting viewpoint of Uzbekistan vs Romania/Moldova. He's in Tashkent currently.

10-30-08, 13:51
Any suggestions for direct travel:


Direct flights aren't popping up on my searches. Trains? Busses?

Any experience out there?

10-30-08, 14:34
Any suggestions for direct travel:


Direct flights aren't popping up on my searches. Trains? Busses?

Any experience out there?There is overnight train from Kiev to Cernivtsi and then to Chisinau.

Another option is to take the plane from Kiev to Lvov and then from Lvov to Chisinau. I think going from Odessa by train will be inconvenient because the traveller has to pass through Transdnistria first and he may have problem with visa since he has not been in Moldova first.

I think it will be easy to cross Transdnistria travelling from Chisinau to Odessa, however there are no trains now, if I remember, only buses.

All the train connections are in the site of Deutsche Bahn. www.bahn. De There is also the site of ukrainian railways.

10-30-08, 14:44
Any suggestions for direct travel:


Direct flights aren't popping up on my searches. Trains? Busses?

Any experience out there?I searched the Deutsche Bahn,there is straight train from Kiev to Chisinau in the morning at 4.40 and the route lasts 13 hours.I think this is the best option.However one has to ask what happens when he crosses the borders from Ukraine to Transdnistria. (I suppose some bribe there will be O.K.).

El Greco
10-30-08, 15:48
Any suggestions for direct travel:


Direct flights aren't popping up on my searches. Trains? Busses?

Any experience out there?

Mine brings up direct KIV-ODS on AEROSVIT for 83 bucks


Log on as a guest if necessary and choose the one month option.
I only use it for references.

10-30-08, 16:24
Mine brings up direct KIV-ODS on AEROSVIT for 83 bucks


Log on as a guest if necessary and choose the one month option.
I only use it for references.Thanks, I'll check. Funny that the Chisinau airport webiste also showed no direct flights.

But I'll check Aerosvit.
I searched the Deutsche Bahn,there is straight train from Kiev to Chisinau in the morning at 4.40 and the route lasts 13 hours.I think this is the best option.However one has to ask what happens when he crosses the borders from Ukraine to Transdnistria. (I suppose some bribe there will be O.K.).Thanks for the info Hecker, another option.

10-30-08, 18:27
Thanks, I'll check. Funny that the Chisinau airport webiste also showed no direct flights.

But I'll check Aerosvit.Thanks for the info Hecker, another option.

Aren't these flights suspended, becaus of troubles with Tandem Aero?
Btw, Aerosvit drives their paxes also to Odessa by Bus - not Airbus! ;)
Please notice also, that Kiew has two Airports Schuljany and Boryspil. Especially when you want to connect in Kiew...

If the Lemberg option works for you: Wizz Air is flying from Lemberg to Kiew with prices beginning around 10€ plus surcharges.

10-30-08, 18:31
Any suggestions for direct travel:


Direct flights aren't popping up on my searches. Trains? Busses?

Any experience out there?There are several buses every day between Odessa and Chisinau, it takes 5 hours. I think it costs 8 euro!

10-30-08, 18:51
My main thing is a direct flight Kiev-Chisinau, or even Lvov/Dnepro/Kharkov-Chisinau. I understand Odessa-Chisinau is too short to fly.

The Aerosvit website isn't showing any flights to Chisinau, or Moldova at all.

10-30-08, 20:22
Another option is to travel by plane to Cernivtsi and from there by bus to Chisinau.In this way it is possible to avoid getting through Transdnistria first.

10-31-08, 12:27
Hi Doc,

Check this !


In summer there are direct flights (payed about 75 Euros / when Euro was a bit stronger), The flight now takes for 250 km 3. 30h and cost about 148 euros, I supose you have a stopover in Istambul. Hover, 3. 30h are ok when you think about 6- 8 hours by car / bus.

Have a safe trip!



11-01-08, 15:53
For this subject there is special thread.


Thanks for understanding.

Recently there are non report about girls or sex just resaturants food and other nonsence which make our board boring.


Reiner Otto
11-03-08, 00:43
Any suggestions for direct travel:


Any experience out there?

- No trains between Odessa and Chisinau.
- Buses from MAIN Bus Station (not the one close to the Central Railway Station!) in Odessa to Chisinau.
- Bus tickets directly in "Abtovoksal", no problem.
- During daytime, buses depart approx. every 1.5h
- 5h trip, NOT going thru Transdiniestr.

Depending upon your schedule, I might come over from Nikolaev for some autumn hunting and beer :-)
Send me a PM.

Greetings from Nikolaev

PS: Check www.wizzair.com
They might have cheap flights Kiev-Odessa available

Big Bro AJ
11-03-08, 07:36
Chisinau to the border takes 1,5 hours by car. And from the border to Odessa appox. 1,5 hour. There are too many holes at the roads but in even though it's safe to drive.

If you dont have a friend to take you to Odessa or may arrange a car with driver for you; You may rent a car and drive by yourself OR negotiate with one of the taxi companies (1404 or else) to take you to Odessa.

11-03-08, 09:09
For this subject there is special thread.


Thanks for understanding.

Recently there are non report about girls or sex just resaturants food and other nonsence which make our board boring.

EssiMy post wasn't my travel plans per se, but rather general info on travel to and from Chisinau... so I think it was in the right section. In any case, thanks for all the help from the members who posted info.

11-03-08, 12:50
PS: Check www.wizzair.com
They might have cheap flights Kiev-Odessa available

No more Odessa flights on Wizz Air! Maybe they'll restart it in spring or summer 2009.

Peter 989
11-18-08, 11:21
Hello to all the Gentlemen in this Forum. First off, thanks a lot for the great information posted here over time.

Reading thru some of these very informative posts, I get the impression that EE has gotten a bit pricey to say the least. Bottom LIne for me is: to just stay in Germany and visit a nice FKK-Club for about 60€ a day, get a free Buffet, Sauna, Whirlpool and all the Eastern-European Pussy I want at 30-50€ a shot, depending on the time and what Club.

At the risk of being slightly off-Topic, I wonder though what is happening to all the Realestate-Speculators and the rest of the overcharging Bunch these Days when entire Eastern-European Economies such as Hungary and Russia are at the Brink of default? How much longer are they going to be able to maintain these overinflated Prices and the arrogant Attitude? Many of the BMW's in front of overcharging Discos will probably be going back to the Bank including the unpaid-for Disco Realestate Project.

Big Bro AJ
11-19-08, 09:14
I would like to rent a SUV when I am in town. Jolly Alon tried to charge too much last time.

Is it possible to rent SUV for 1-3 days? Any rental co.??

11-19-08, 11:45
Is it possible to rent SUV for 1-3 days? Any rental co.??
The company I use for apartment rentals also offers cars for rent.


11-19-08, 11:46
There is at least one of the big companies at the airport; as far as I remeber it is SIX. A local company is located in Codru Hotel (close to Jolly Alon Hotel). Reasonable prices there as well. I will see if I can find wep adress. Have fun here!

Big Bro AJ
11-19-08, 13:51
The company I use for apartment rentals also offers cars for rent.


Thnx...Is it reliable? Any sort of service problems so far?

11-19-08, 13:58
Thnx...Is it reliable? Any sort of service problems so far?
Never had any problem, but never rented then a car.

As I said recently in the Kish thread, the two guys runing the company, Radu and Lilian, are efficient and helpful. West-East Travel is definitely a good option for accommodation.

To know if they are also reliable for car rentals is nonetheless another story.

12-15-08, 15:49
Speaking of... the new girlfriend is either deathly sick or living up to clichees... funny that despite the fact she is supposedly in the hospital she finds time for internet.. :)

And so it begins.
"я тоже очень по тебе скучаю мне так одинока без
Я очень серьёзна болею. Я не могу не чего кушать у меня в желутке раны
Я кушаю тока каши и то со слезами на глазах
Я курить бросила уже 2 недели не курю у меня депрессия.
Ещё денег нет лечение дорого стоит у нас тут таблетке очень дорогие
я ещё болеть буду долго
мне грустно Скучаю и Целую"Remember this sob story from my girlfriend who I thought was just trying to get some money out of me?

Turns out the story is TRUE. Oops. She got hit by a car when she was younger and since then gets headaches and has stomach problems since then, requiring medication.

By the way, this time she didn't ask for money and even refused it when I offered to give her some for "tablets". She only asked that we meet again.

Damnit I hate it when a girl makes me feel like an ass.

12-15-08, 22:26
Doktor Skank,

She refused because you offered only money for tablets. When you will start offering money for a new mobile or a dress from "mango" then she will accept!

Remember: when they say NO to 100$. They will say YES to 1000$) (they are ALL for sale, the only difference is the price)

12-16-08, 08:30
Remember this sob story from my girlfriend .....Many only use that!

12-16-08, 18:48
Doktor Skank,

She refused because you offered only money for tablets. When you will start offering money for a new mobile or a dress from "mango" then she will accept!

Remember: when they say NO to 100$. They will say YES to 1000$) (they are ALL for sale, the only difference is the price)Nolies, I am not naive... who wouldn't say "yes" to a new mobile or dress?

Point is, she's fucking me without me paying anything, so I was surprised when she refused any money from me. Maybe she is pokering for more as you suggest and more than likely she wants the "full package relationship", but she definitely could have used any money at all, she's dirt poor. She doesn't even have her own phone, instead sharing one with her girlfriend or borrowing her mom's. And no, she didn't ask for a phone from me.

In any case, I still did feel a bit guilty for distrusting her and assuming she was trying to trick me when actually she was telling the truth.

12-16-08, 21:28
Nolies, I am not naive... who wouldn't say "yes" to a new mobile or dress?

Point is, she's fucking me without me paying anything, so I was surprised when she refused any money from me. Maybe she is pokering for more as you suggest and more than likely she wants the "full package relationship", but she definitely could have used any money at all, she's dirt poor. She doesn't even have her own phone, instead sharing one with her girlfriend or borrowing her mom's. And no, she didn't ask for a phone from me.

In any case, I still did feel a bit guilty for distrusting her and assuming she was trying to trick me when actually she was telling the truth.

Hi Doctor,

You don't have to feel guilty or shame that your girl did't ask money or refuse to take.

If she refuse taking any money mean that she take your relation with her seriusely and even thinking of marriage.

I was in kishinev in november and stayed 3 weeks I had six new girls plus the regular girls one girl I knew from the bank and the others from internet, most of them I had shag on the first night never money was mantion or given to the girls and even for taxi they refuse to take. ofcorse I had to force them to take money for taxi as I told them you are my guest and if you will refuse I will not meet them again..

They love to meet foriegners and even to meet with older guys 40 year old and up they prefer.

Don't pay attention to Nolies he is repeting his reports everywhere. Its not true, you can have many nice girls for zero pay. it's a fact and every normal guy can proove it.

The girls were very nice elegant ages between 20 to 35.

George Red
01-13-09, 17:46
Doktor Skank,

She refused because you offered only money for tablets. When you will start offering money for a new mobile or a dress from "mango" then she will accept!

Remember: when they say NO to 100$. They will say YES to 1000$) (they are ALL for sale, the only difference is the price)I am 1000% with you.

Some other monger, thought I was you, because I claim about the same things and ask me for this in site.

Where are you from? I just want to say I am suprised to find somebody, who really knows what these very stupid bitches think for foreigners.

Once more: bravo

02-02-09, 14:39
Hi guys,

I am currently thinking of buying a new phone, but I'm not sure which one to buy. I was originally thinking of buying a Blackberry or a phone with a QWERTY keyboard. I used to adore the typical tech-multimedia-phones and currently have a Nokia N95.

But a friend recently ordered a replica Iphone for just $200 (incl shipping to Western Europe) from China. Now I have been looking around and I was thinking of either buying a replica of on of these phone:

- Nokia 8800 gold
- Vertu Ascent Ti Ferrari
- Vertu Ferrari 1947
- Goldvish

Vertu is the luxury brand of Nokia of which prices of originals start at 5000 euro. The original Vertu Ferrari special editions cost around 25000 euros. Goldvish is a luxury brand phone of which prices of originals start at 11000 euro and the replicas are copies of the E150k editions. The original Nokia 8800 gold costs 1200 euros. For more info; just Google them.

A replica costs around $200-300 (incl shipping to Western Europe).

I am not sure yet which one to buy, because the downside of it is (1) not the typical phones with the latest technology, (2) either don't have or have a crappy camera (3) targets for robbery. The upside: you can buy replicas of phones you normally wouldn't buy because they're so expensive. And of course, you are able impress people (without saying anything).

Although having a Nokia 8800 is more believable, I am tempted of buying a replica Vertu or Goldvish. But what do you guys think about this?

What phone do you own right now, and what phone would you pick from this list?

02-09-09, 17:21
Hello, I am looking for Girlagencys in Moldova. I am in the next Time there and want to have a little fun in the Night. Which men have Tips for me?



George Red
02-13-09, 14:52
Hello, I am looking for Girlagencys in Moldova. I am in the next Time there and want to have a little fun in the Night. Which men have Tips for me?


RomanianfuckerMakler newspaper have many ads. Just mobile numbers, but maybe some good looking girls there.

02-16-09, 14:56

If you realy need help go to du ja vou you will find there some nice girls just please dnt over pay them for ST I think 1000 lei will be ok its better to deal with them in leis or dollars. They will use to ask you same amount in euro's.

For the makler you need some Russian skills or if you speak Romanian you can manage.

Good luck mate

George Red
02-17-09, 14:31

If you realy need help go to du ja vou you will find there some nice girls just please dnt over pay them for ST I think 1000 lei will be ok its better to deal with them in leis or dollars. They will use to ask you same amount in euro's.

For the makler you need some Russian skills or if you speak Romanian you can manage.

Good luck mateIf you are willilg to pay 1000-1500mdl, you can also ask the "bodyguards"-secutity men in front or inside cosmos hotel or just ask for company in codru hotel but I think are the same girls that will ask you 40-50 euros, if you call from makler newspaper. Just, like essi mentioned, you need help if you don't speak at all, Romanian or Russian.

02-19-09, 12:34
Hi mongers

In both version the girls from bars or orderby the hotel guard the girls who you will get are a heavy hookers, It will be nice sex and pro girls but not always you will get the best quality and service.

The good looking guys or experience guys can always start chatting in bars or disco with girls and try get their mobile numbers don't accept that the girl will come to you after disco to your home/hotel because most of them come to disco's with friends, even sometimes some girls try teasing boys and start making an eye contact in disco's it happen to me a few times they just want you buy them drinks and nothing more I already can recognize them so I return them a nice smile back but drinks. They can find some newbees guys to cheating them I just ignoring this kind of girls.

I drive disco there is a very nice atmosfera on weekend with the most beautyful girls but the chance to go out with a girl back home is very law, again if you get some numbers in 50% you can get success.

The girls who will agree to be with you expect you to support her in future if you gonna have sex with them but it's not a must. They like a foregin boy frind or a lover, Remember nothing is for free.

In shops sells ladies also can agree to go out for coffe just try to offer them start to be polite and nice and complient her how pretty she is and how intresting she is after ask for her number. She may give it to you but follow and call her same day otherwise she will think you have other girls for this night.

I hope I helped you guys.


George Red
02-22-09, 02:44
Hi mongers,

In both version the girls from bars or orderby the hotel guard the girls who you will get are a heavy hookers, It will be nice sex and pro girls but not always you will get the best quality and service.

The good looking guys or experience guys can always start chatting in bars or disco with girls and try get their mobile numbers don't accept that the girl will come to you after disco to your home/hotel because most of them come to disco's with friends, even sometimes some girls try teasing boys and start making an eye contact in disco's it happen to me a few times they just want you buy them drinks and nothing more I already can recognize them so I return them a nice smile back but drinks. They can find some newbees guys to cheating them I just ignoring this kind of girls.

I drive disco there is a very nice atmosfera on weekend with the most beautyful girls but the chance to go out with a girl back home is very law, again if you get some numbers in 50% you can get success.

The girls who will agree to be with you expect you to support her in future if you gonna have sex with them but it's not a must. They like a foregin boy frind or a lover, Remember nothing is for free.

In shops sells ladies also can agree to go out for coffe just try to offer them start to be polite and nice and complient her how pretty she is and how intresting she is after ask for her number. She may give it to you but follow and call her same day otherwise she will think you have other girls for this night.

I hope I helped you guys.

EssiThese are "real" good tips essi!

I just agree with everything you just mentioned, and maybe you are refering in "nostalgia" club-riscani- when you say "girls just want to buy drinks for them"? Cause I JUST BELIEVE, there is somekind of "system" there, I think the "stuff" is also involved in this effort to "buy" some drinks to girls, for NO REASON at least this time we agree to all of your suggestions and tips

Ciao george

02-28-09, 05:30
HI Red

Will be happy to read your tips is well.

Where and how you get your freebies? How much you support the girls.


George Red
02-28-09, 23:17
Hi Red

Will be happy to read your tips is well.

Where and how you get your freebies? How much you support the girls.

Essimy tips are not worthing for non Romanian-Russian speakers.

I just try to make them believe they will have many "benefits" in their future career, I never promise any money, only to very very stupid vilage girls (or expensive mobiles, as well), who believe you are going to estimate their "servis" for 300-800euros brand new type mobil! Arent they stupid? Is it my fault?

Normal city girls now, if the "girl" believes you can help her to get a good job somewhere she is happy to fuck me.

But I just have to tell you my succes is 5-15% I try to make a lot of new "cunostinta" every day so I "hunt" all time and everywhere, being not very serious guy, many times, but I just don't care.

I give some small money 100-300mdl, AFTER "MEETING", and NOT EVERYTIME, to some 3-4 girls, for "cartela" or "taxi", that I meet in regular base, wanting also really to help them, but is very diffycult to do it actually, cause all want just to fuck them and "ciao", not to offer them a decent wellpayed job!

BUT my system works as long as I look and dress much better from the average "moldovian romeo", also, having been some 7 years in romania, I speak much better their own oficial language, make them feel that I am superior to their abilities, and as a (5-15%)result I have good luck sometimes-more I have bad luck, especially with the "high training" "party" Romanian speaking mostly, girls, but the fact is I have 1-2 new, 7 and up, girls.every 7-10 days, even if I have to "hunt"5-10 per day!

Other friends who are trying to do the same thing, have worst or better luck, depending of how worst or better stand in the same "criteria"

I hope I gave you some ideas, but I also think, you maybe try the same way to have "good and cheap" sex in moldova !

Thats "all" my skills and tips pal


George Red

Dexa 960
03-01-09, 15:30
my tips are not worthing for non Romanian-Russian speakers.

I just try to make them believe they will have many "benefits" in their future career, I never promise any money, only to very very stupid vilage girls (or expensive mobiles, as well), who believe you are going to estimate their "servis" for 300-800euros brand new type mobil! Arent they stupid? Is it my fault?

Normal city girls now, if the "girl" believes you can help her to get a good job somewhere she is happy to fuck me.

But I just have to tell you my succes is 5-15% I try to make a lot of new "cunostinta" every day so I "hunt" all time and everywhere, being not very serious guy, many times, but I just don't care.

I give some small money 100-300mdl, AFTER "MEETING", and NOT EVERYTIME, to some 3-4 girls, for "cartela" or "taxi", that I meet in regular base, wanting also really to help them, but is very diffycult to do it actually, cause all want just to fuck them and "ciao", not to offer them a decent wellpayed job!

BUT my system works as long as I look and dress much better from the average "moldovian romeo", also, having been some 7 years in romania, I speak much better their own oficial language, make them feel that I am superior to their abilities, and as a (5-15%)result I have good luck sometimes-more I have bad luck, especially with the "high training" "party" Romanian speaking mostly, girls, but the fact is I have 1-2 new, 7 and up, girls.every 7-10 days, even if I have to "hunt"5-10 per day!

Other friends who are trying to do the same thing, have worst or better luck, depending of how worst or better stand in the same "criteria"

I hope I gave you some ideas, but I also think, you maybe try the same way to have "good and cheap" sex in moldova !

Thats "all" my skills and tips pal


George RedGeorg Red,

Many thanks for a very good report. Did I understand you correct. You have 3 to 4 long-term girls, and then you also "hunt" 5 to 10 times every day in Moldova. In this way do you meet about 1 girl every 10 day. I think it is a very nice way you are doing things on and it is a very good method you have. But I think your method only works well, because you are living half of your time in Moldova. You are using a lot of time on "hunting". A western tourist who does not speak Russian or Romanian and only is coming one or 2 times to Moldova can not use your method? Have I understood you correctly?

George Red
03-02-09, 11:13
Georg Red,

Many thanks for a very good report. Did I understand you correct. You have 3 to 4 long-term girls, and then you also "hunt" 5 to 10 times every day in Moldova. In this way do you meet about 1 girl every 10 day. I think it is a very nice way you are doing things on and it is a very good method you have. But I think your method only works well, because you are living half of your time in Moldova. You are using a lot of time on "hunting". A western tourist who does not speak Russian or Romanian and only is coming one or 2 times to Moldova can not use your method? Have I understood you correctly?i strongly believe that in moldova girls having sex with foreigners for some reason, so if you are just turist there is no reason to do it, if you are not some very outstanding looking guy (even like this, the possibilities are low, if there are no other "motives")

The "party" girls who most visitors, think they like them, just want to spent your money, without having sex with you, just to go around eating and drinking, also with treir friends many times

So I think if you want some result as a turist, you have to offer money for sex, but I am very low expectations in quality of these girls and their "servises" in kisinau the only think you can find easy in Kisinief is some "company" to go around and spent money for nothing, or overpaid "sex servises" with average to low quality girls if you stay more than 20days and try a lot more than you imagine, you maybe score 1-2 good girls, most posibile vilage girls or students who stay in town, having financial problems many times, but not so sure, you need some good luck also. More dificult than in other places.

I don't think it worth the try, but this is up to you.

For me I said before, Moldova is "nesesary evil"

03-03-09, 02:43
He George,

I do partially agree with you. Most of the girls were the type of party girls. But I held a few rules for myself:

- don't spend more than a few euros most. If she doesn't kiss: no further contact

- if she wants a really expensive cocktail at a bar: no way I'm gonna pay for that! Definitely an indication of a 'partygirl'.

- ask her sometimes to pay the bill: do this with some confidence and she will either do it or get mad/ make a scene from it and you know that she's a 'partygirl'

And I have made these rules for myself after having made some mistakes. I will not lie about it. Like most guys I was so amazed of all the hot women in Moldova that I couldn't believe myself to date such girls. In my 3 week visit to Moldova last summer I spend excl sleeping at crappy place and ticket: around 1000 Euros which is approximately 50 euros a day. I also went to tourist stuff like Transdnistria (which isn't cheap as we all know).

But on the other hand: we aren't all that honest. It's a balance of she wants something from me and I want something from her. Use everything she said against her: that's my way of talking.

Some tips for you guys:

- If she says your cheap turn the conversation around and tell her in a friendly way that she is the cheap 'partygirl'. Tease her a bit and you might get a lot further with her!

- Don't be too honest or too attached: just stay cool and you achieve more!

- Don't give her a feeling that your money is all you have! Biggest mistake made by most foreigners.

- Don't be too serious: most guys like to talk about their business or achievements.

An example how you shouldn't be:

I met a guy in a club who spent a whopping 10000 Euros in just 5 days just on one girl. He was a 53 year old western idiot who believed a 18yo girl he met on ilove. Md that she wanted to marry him and have kids with him. In Moldova she only wanted to spend and spend. He had no sex as she was always I'll (headaches, etc) while able to shop like hell! I SPEND AN HOUR TALKING TO HIM, just to help him from his own stupid mistakes, because this was just too stupid for words!

BUT Moldova is REALLY an amazing place to meet and get laid hot and sexy women! I am definitely coming back to Moldova. Most girls that like you are golddiggers/partygirls. Just try to use them as they try to use you: if you don't succeed (on the first date): get rid of them!

03-03-09, 13:27
Worldbank you have some good observations. But also there's more to it.

When you say "ask her sometimes to pay the bill" keep in mind that many girls are ready to insist that they pay the bill. This way they will make you think that money for them is not the primary goal and this will have the fact of you spending money on that particular girl.

The guy you mentioned who spent 10000 Euros in just 5 days on that girl is like you described him - western idiot. But the girl is professional "baraccuda"
who did exelent job. There are many such girl in Belarus and many of them arrive from Moldova on weekend hunting. On my last time in Belarus I meat a moldovan girl who showed me on the spot how she operates. She took 1800 Euros from italian guy in just one afternoon. But she was a "piranha" not a "baraccuda" whic is far worse.

So pay attention that most girls in FSU when they see foreigner in most cases they see money for them. Plus there is opinion that many people in the FSU think that average monthly sallary in the west is like 10000 Euros. So if some guy don't spend 1000 euro a day on some girl in FSY then he is a cheap.

03-03-09, 21:41
Some very good advice in these last two posts.

But when you say that

She took 1800 Euros from italian guy in just one afternoon.

it is important to remember that any girl, no matter how big and adept a barracuda, can never take any money from a guy that he himself doesn't give to her by his own free will!!!

Any guy who throws away that kind of money deserves to be taken to the cleaners and get cleaned real good. Although I would never waste time with a girl like that, I nevertheless have a lot of respect for a girl who can get away with a trick like that, and a girl who asks for €200 an hour is not stupid...the pussywhiped moron who agrees to pay that price is.

The key to a successful and enjoyable experience in EE, and anywhere else for that matter, is respect. And no, a big car or throwing away money will not get you respect. It might impress a girl, but get her to respect you...no. Relying excessivly on money, fancy cars and what a girl can gain from you really only shows what an empty shell that person is. Remember, the Moldovan girls live in a world full of BS, lies and deciet and are for the most part extremely good at seeing these things in a person. So even if you drive a fancy car, are well dressed and promise her the world, a splendid career, top salary etc. she will more often than not refuse you flat out because she knows very well that she is nothing more than your "dish of the day" and will ditch her the second you grow tired of her. No good girl that is. Party girls, piranas or barracudas will go along right away. In this respect I believe in karma, that in the end you get what you give and you attract people similar to yourself.

And at the end of the day or at the end of a vacation, the €100/200 an-hour girl will go home to her bus driver or construction worker boyfriend. Why? Because she respects him, because he can giver her something a middleaged, overweight, balding Italian "CEO" or "real estate big shot" can never give her.

If a girl tries to milk you, overcharge you or generally just disrespect you, just kick her away immediately...but try telling that to a monger totally lacking confidence and self-esteem :)

Respect is something that happends on a personal level rather than on a material level but sadly (or fortunately) this will never be understod or agreed upon by most mongers. But to each their own :)

04-11-09, 00:55
Do they have hen nights in Moldova before a wedding? Are they generally sedate affairs or is the bride to be likely to be stripped by her friends?

I know a couple of women from Moldova who trained as nurses there. I tried to find out from them if any tricks were played on them in the hospitals such as being dunked in a cold bath but they wouldn't give me a straight answer.

One is getting married this Fall and I have been invited to Moldova. Are her other nursing colleagues likely to do any fun things to her before she leaves her ward? I would go there a few days earlier if I could see that!

I have read many of the interesting posts here and look forward to my forthcoming trip. I know my questions are not the usual ones but thanks in advance to anyone who knows the answers.


04-12-09, 00:38
Elyobo the answer most probably will be no.

Moldova is country where main religion is orthodox christianity so things will go along with religion.

About a week before weeding the girl will celebrate her last night as single girl (soon to become a married woman). The guest will be her female relatives and girlfriends. Mostly single ones but some married and aldor will attend just to keep things in order. There they will have fun with dancings and drinking, maybe as private party at the caffe but most probably at soon to be weed girls home. Man are not allowed to be there.

The same will do the future husband also with his relatices and friends.

Maybe you can get invited as guest from bride's side and foreigner but also they can just ignore you.

Are her other nursing colleagues likely to do any fun things to her before she leaves her ward? If they are from Moldova most probalby not.

They wouldn't give you a straight answer on your question becuase probably it was a strange question for them.

Reiner Otto
04-26-09, 20:34

can anybody recommend a reasonable, cheap hotel in Chisinau ?
Need to stay only for one night, so a flat does not make sense to me.

Thanx in advance to " The Ones, who know" .

04-26-09, 22:18
TOURIST hotel..on Renasteri Boulevard is reasonably priced.

30euros a night.and is near the Economic Faculty..which is full of goldiggers and barracudas:)

George Red
04-27-09, 00:00

can anybody recommend a reasonable, cheap hotel in Chisinau?

Need to stay only for one night, so a flat does not make sense to me.

Thanx in advance to " The Ones, who know" .Hotel Chisinau in the center or zarea hotel also in the centre.

04-27-09, 18:16
I also would opt for Hotel Tourist.

It seems that the guy from the reception can help (see olde reports).

04-29-09, 08:31
Hi reiner,

Ye the hotel which was mention here are cheap and you will pay about 30 euros. There are some other more fancy hotels like vispas or flower hotel, maleni, or another one on eminesco and suciva I forgot the name the prices are around 60 euro's anyway you can bargain the price down to 50 euro's.



05-29-09, 23:28
It is not easier to get laid with freebies in Moldova than in your home country!

It WAS easier! But those days are long gone since the moldovan economy has become good.

Now it is like in London, Madrid or Rome.

1-You must call the girl 100 times before she accepts to meet you, because she has many other guys also waiting to meet with her!

2-You must go pick her up in a nice car (Mercedes or BMW preferably) because now, almost any moldovan guy owns one and she has become used to it!

3-You must take her to a very nice, expensive restaurant or club (the girls are have become very choosy and refuse to go to regular bistros or cafe-bars)

4-You must NOT dare to ask her to come to your flat the first 3 dates or she will think that you want her only for sex and she will not answer your calls anymore!

5-You must NOT wear conservative clothes or she will think that you dress like her dad, therefore you must be old! And to be seen with an older man is very BAD. Her girlfriends who see her in the street with you will criticize her!

6-You must NOT have a roommate or she will think that you are poor because you can't afford to live by yourself in your appartment!

7-Since you are a foreigner, your appartment HAS to be located in the center of the city! Any foreigner who doesnt live in the center must not be rich, therefore NOT WORTH dating!

8-When you take her to a club, she will drop you like a pancake if you dare take her to the bar for drinks! You MUST buy a table (500 lei minimum) so the princess can sit her ass in confort!

9-If you want her to communicate with you, you MUST buy her a mobile phone card (400 lei minimum) because she gets tired of beeping you first and waiting for you to call her back!

10-You MUST accept to wait a long period of time before getting laid (minimum 7 dates) bacause all her previous moldovan boyfriends waited even longer than that. And it would prove that you really care about her and don't want her as a SEX object. And thatYou will eventually SPONSOR her and maybe marry her (so she can spend all day doing nothing but spend your money shopping and manicuring) Get ready for HUGE dissappointment if you come to Moldova for easy-to-get sex from regular women!

05-30-09, 15:17
It is not easier to get laid with freebies in Moldova than in your home country!

It WAS easier! But those days are long gone since the moldovan economy has become good.

Now it is like in London, Madrid or Rome.

1-You must call the girl 100 times before she accepts to meet you, because she has many other guys also waiting to meet with her!

2-You must go pick her up in a nice car (Mercedes or BMW preferably) because now, almost any moldovan guy owns one and she has become used to it!

3-You must take her to a very nice, expensive restaurant or club (the girls are have become very choosy and refuse to go to regular bistros or cafe-bars)

4-You must NOT dare to ask her to come to your flat the first 3 dates or she will think that you want her only for sex and she will not answer your calls anymore!

5-You must NOT wear conservative clothes or she will think that you dress like her dad, therefore you must be old! And to be seen with an older man is very BAD. Her girlfriends who see her in the street with you will criticize her!

6-You must NOT have a roommate or she will think that you are poor because you can't afford to live by yourself in your appartment!

7-Since you are a foreigner, your appartment HAS to be located in the center of the city! Any foreigner who doesnt live in the center must not be rich, therefore NOT WORTH dating!

8-When you take her to a club, she will drop you like a pancake if you dare take her to the bar for drinks! You MUST buy a table (500 lei minimum) so the princess can sit her ass in confort!

9-If you want her to communicate with you, you MUST buy her a mobile phone card (400 lei minimum) because she gets tired of beeping you first and waiting for you to call her back!

10-You MUST accept to wait a long period of time before getting laid (minimum 7 dates) bacause all her previous moldovan boyfriends waited even longer than that. And it would prove that you really care about her and don't want her as a SEX object. And thatYou will eventually SPONSOR her and maybe marry her (so she can spend all day doing nothing but spend your money shopping and manicuring) Get ready for HUGE dissappointment if you come to Moldova for easy-to-get sex from regular women!

Absolutely! Listen to the expert...do yourself a huge favor and stay far, far away from Moldova! I was in Madrid 6 weeks ago and can confirm, that Chisinau is EXACTLY the same if not more difficult and expensive!

Class act!

05-30-09, 16:54
Listen to the expert...do yourself a huge favor and stay far, far away from Moldova

Nolies generalizations are ridiculous and absurd. Nobody should give this kind of garbage any credence.

Anyhow how has Cali treated you Viking ?

05-30-09, 17:26

Nolies generalizations are ridiculous and absurd. Nobody should give this kind of garbage any credence.

Anyhow how has Cali treated you Viking ?

He he...of course you are right, but just imagine how much easier it would be for the rest of us in Moldova if people actually believed his BS and stayed away :)

Cali was nothing short of fantastic! I am working on a report as we speak, but alas, work takes up most of my time, even on this very warm and sunny Saturday. Suffice to say, though, that I will definitely be seeing more of Colombia in the future, and should I ever decide to look for a wife she will most likely be Colombian :)

Big Bro AJ
06-05-09, 14:28
I was in Moldova for 5 days. I stayed in an apartment on Stefen Cel Mare str., cost me 40$ per day. And rented a Toyata Coralla(2008) for 50$ per day.

Next time I will rent a jeep with 20$ extra. I handled family matters and went to Cricova wine yards.

If you have time, take the tour with wine tasting option. It's only 500 lei. They provide 2 bottles of red, 1 bottle of white and 1 bottle of sparkling wine with cheese plate and cold meat plate. But dont go there alone, otherwise it's gone be so boring. I took the tour with one of my girl friend and her sister.

Jhon Smith400
08-15-09, 18:57
Hello Prosal, Cali, Assimil, Dexa, Explorer, Fetele, GoEast, Reiner Otto and other Friends,

I am an Indian tourist, coming to Chisinau in end of August for 2 to 4 weeks, to find freebies (with reasonable gifts and expenses). My knowledge of Russian or Moldavian languages is zero. But I will learn few phrases. I am in mid forties, 173 cm, 68 kg, some girls says good looking. I think that I can find English speaking students (University starts from which date? ).

If anybody of you are there, I will be happy to invite you for drinks and dinner. I will be happy to be your wingman too. If you are not there please give me contacts of your local friends, who can be helpful to me in hunting. Also kindly give me tips for scoring and potential locations for search. I can PM you my email and mobile.

See you soon.

Happy Hunting

08-15-09, 21:31
I think that I can find English speaking students (University starts from which date? ).

1st september.

08-15-09, 21:40
1st september.yes 1st september will come back to universties all the fresh beautyful girls.

last thursday i was seatting with assimil in suncity terrace (shopping centre in the centre of kishinev)and hardly we saw an 8 pretty girls most of them were 5-7 in beauty.


08-18-09, 12:54
I am an Indian tourist, coming to Chisinau in end of August for 2 to 4 weeks, to find freebies

Do you have mongering experiences in EE?

08-19-09, 06:56
do you have mongering experiences in ee?hi rep001lover,

my opinion is: that a normal guy no need any special experience for mongering in ee. if a monger knows how to speak with them and not necesery to speak the local romanian (in moldova for example).

if you know how to monger/hunt in your cuntry it is just more easier to do it in the ee.


08-19-09, 23:56
hi rep001lover,

my opinion is: that a normal guy no need any special experience for mongering in ee. if a monger knows how to speak with them and not necesery to speak the local romanian (in moldova for example).

if you know how to monger/hunt in your cuntry it is just more easier to do it in the ee.


true words, but i was only worrying, because he said he would be an indish guy and i think you know it as well, that lots of people in ee are racists!

08-20-09, 08:52
true words, but i was only worrying, because he said he would be an indish guy and i think you know it as well, that lots of people in ee are racists!and what do you mean? that he girls does not want to meet him, or boys will hit him?

moldova is a safe place, so no one will hit him.

about girls, yes, there are some that don't like coloured men, if we are talking about about afro-american race, because on the other hand they well know the colour of the skin of turkish guys, and i cannot say that all of them refused it.

about darker skin (afro american) and so on, things are changing and they have television, watch afro american singers and actors, many of them in summer went to work-study travel in usa, and so on.

but anyway, just 2 days ago i saw in mc donalds 2 pretty girls (21 y. o.- around 6.5-7 in mark) sitting with 2 afro-american boys 24-25 y. o.

to conclude, i think the main problem it will be not the colour of the skin, and morever the colour of bucks ir green, not black.