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08-14-06, 15:39
IT Travel:

Ooops... I hope my use of the word wh0re doesnt become a habit, it really is a pretty ugly word and certainly doesnt apply to all the pros we meet... :)

I'll switch back to using the word "pro"... I was trying to make a point, and I think we got the point across. As much as we glorify mongering, it is most often a simple business deal.

Your tirade regarding the deculturization of Russia meets with open ears IT, there is a lot of truth to it. But we both know it is futile as well, we aren't going to be able to change anything, certainly not stop globalization and superficial capitalism-fueled progress. Besides, it pays the bills.... as far as I am concerned the Russians should spend spend spend... :)

It isnt only the "MTV generation" phenomenon at fault, IMHO it is also the general character and mentality of "New Russians" and the "Golden Youth". Their way of life, their spending habits, their outlook on life have rubbed off on many average Russians as well. In a sense, it is a corruption of culture, a replacement of real values with material ones. The entire American HipHop culture, which was once a form of earnest political expression, has been corrupted into a platform worshipping bling bling, 22" chrome rims and anything shiny and superficially valuable. But just as American parents won't change the way their children behave, or Japanese parents bemoan the fact that they cant stop their children from eating McDonalds instead of sushi, Russians also observe their country heading in a direction that is superficially progressive and outwardly glamorous (especially when compared to Soviet times and the Yeltsin era) but ultimately erodes some of their cultural makeup. It isnt only Russia, the same phenomenon exists everywhere to a degree.

(By the way, some of the best caviar now comes from Iran and not Russia since Russian "entrepreneurs" have hopelessly and illegally overfished their sturgeon supply. If things continue, Russia will have no caviar left and be forced to buy it from Iran.)

P.S.: Before I start sounding like a crusader for the return of generic products and quiet Sundays at home knitting sweaters for my cousins living on the farm kollektiv, I also like energy drinks and glam fashion, so I guess I am one of the lost MTV generation, finding what's left of my golden youth in the arms of and between the legs of Russian club girls... :)

It Travel
08-14-06, 16:02
IT Travel:

Ooops... I hope my use of the word wh0re doesnt become a habit, it really is a pretty ugly word and certainly doesnt apply to all the pros we meet... :)

I'll switch back to using the word "pro"... I was trying to make a point, and I think we got the point across. As much as we glorify mongering, it is most often a simple business deal.

Your tirade regarding the deculturization of Russia meets with open ears IT, there is a lot of truth to it. But we both know it is futile as well, we aren't going to be able to change anything, certainly not stop globalization and superficial capitalism-fueled progress. Besides, it pays the bills.... as far as I am concerned the Russians should spend spend spend... :)

It isnt only the "MTV generation" phenomenon at fault, IMHO it is also the general character and mentality of "New Russians" and the "Golden Youth". Their way of life, their spending habits, their outlook on life have rubbed off on many average Russians as well. In a sense, it is a corruption of culture, a replacement of real values with material ones. The entire American HipHop culture, which was once a form of earnest political expression, has been corrupted into a platform worshipping bling bling, 22" chrome rims and anything shiny and superficially valuable. But just as American parents won't change the way their children behave, or Japanese parents bemoan the fact that they cant stop their children from eating McDonalds instead of sushi, Russians also observe their country heading in a direction that is superficially progressive and outwardly glamorous (especially when compared to Soviet times and the Yeltsin era) but ultimately erodes some of their cultural makeup. It isnt only Russia, the same phenomenon exists everywhere to a degree.

(By the way, some of the best caviar now comes from Iran and not Russia since Russian "entrepreneurs" have hopelessly and illegally overfished their sturgeon supply. If things continue, Russia will have no caviar left and be forced to buy it from Iran.)

P.S.: Before I start sounding like a crusader for the return of generic products and quiet Sundays at home knitting sweaters for my cousins living on the farm kollektiv, I also like energy drinks and glam fashion, so I guess I am one of the lost MTV generation, finding what's left of my golden youth in the arms of and between the legs of Russian club girls... :)

As usual you are completely right (only one misstake... but I'll come later) I know there is nothing to do just 22" chrome wheels like "pimp my ride"! :D

By the way I act so because often I feel (perhaps my fault) to be treated like a stupid, poor and cheap foreigner that must be crazy… American vodka is better than Russian or Swedish one (!) That’s the reason for my tirade, but I hope readers understand what I’m meaning.

But for making long things short, I’ve been travelling (not mongering my god!) in Iran too… finding caviar is more difficult than finding a bottle of original Russian Cristall in Tehran… By the way the one they sell at (crazy prices) Tehran International is … bleah!, seems like Romanian Caviar (from Danube…)… better the surrogate…

The Iranian one you find abroad is still the best but at 300/350 € per 100 g it’s madness… for a oscetra which costs in Russia (fresh) 40 E or less…

By the way I was just joking some minutes at the PC, I was looking to the incredible stuff of pics of MT (in Kiev I mean)… I’ll soon be there, I phoned her, she is there. I hope I’ll relax with her some days… a normal girl… pardon Doc a normal wh0re!



If you like I’ll put the links to all the MT pics on the forum and some more ones, before I go (if I meet her I’ll get at least 100). :D

Helena Moscow
08-14-06, 20:50
The funniest was a girl (Iriska, office secretary, speaking a passable English), 22, and she did not know who Gagarin was… simply unbelievable. IT

Yeah, that's the sort of girls who agree to go to Izmailovo ;))))) How do you manage to dig them out? Seems to be hard.

It Travel
08-15-06, 07:36
Yeah, that's the sort of girls who agree to go to Izmailovo ;))))) How do you manage to dig them out? Seems to be hard.

I know Helena, It’s a problem… In any case I’m not with this girl trying to get a fiancée or a wife… How shall I say, I just fuck them! :)

I know it sounds cynic, but sometimes I even get girls not even speaking English at all, I go on with my basic Russian, some are not so… for improving her English, my friend (Piggy no pants) was reading the Master and Margarita in English (she well known it in Russian).

Frankly I think that the girls are of the level you pay them, normally, not there they go… But of course all are opinions… I’ve being meeting different Russian girls and women with incredible culture, but they do other jobs! They use brain instead of body.

Bye Helena


Helena Moscow
08-15-06, 18:04
I know Helena, It’s a problem… In any case I’m not with this girl trying to get a fiancée or a wife… How shall I say, I just fuck them! :)


I love this honest answer ;))

I’ve being meeting different Russian girls and women with incredible culture, but they do other jobs! They use brain instead of body.


Some people use both, IT ;). You can't judge.

It Travel
08-15-06, 18:32
I love this honest answer ;))

Some people use both, IT ;). You can't judge.

Sorry Helena, but I always say what I'm thinking... It's easy. :)



It Travel
08-15-06, 18:40
Very sorry...

but I'm in Russia for business... otherwise I'll be in Rio. :) No question on that...

Hotels (not for saying what some are thinking); Climate, Food, Girls; Prices.

But first of all the treatment, wherever it is with a wh0re or in a five star... but it's very far.

Sorry for that but... It's what I'm thinking.


Helena Moscow
08-16-06, 02:16
Very sorry...

but I'm in Russia for business... otherwise I'll be in Rio. :) No question on that...

Hotels (not for saying what some are thinking); Climate, Food, Girls; Prices.

But first of all the treatment, wherever it is with a wh0re or in a five star... but it's very far.

Sorry for that but... It's what I'm thinking.


IT, who cares? Relax.
By the way, you posted a lot of girls' pictures. Shall we ever see your own? ;))

It Travel
08-16-06, 07:26
IT, who cares? Relax.
By the way, you posted a lot of girls' pictures. Shall we ever see your own? ;))

I do not think ISG readers are interested... in my naked pics!

Perhaps you could see me ;)


Bez Bezarra
08-16-06, 12:26
I’ve been travelling (not mongering my god!) in Iran too… finding caviar is difficult … By the way the one they sell at (crazy prices) Tehran International is … bleah!, seems like Romanian Caviar (from Danube…)… better the surrogate…

The Iranian one you find abroad is still the best but at 300/350 € per 100 g it’s madness… for a oscetra which costs in Russia (fresh) 40 E or less…

Just paid 2500 ruble, ($92), for a 4 ounce, (113 grams)
Malossal Astrakhan "A" black caviar. That's the standard
glass dish with the red metal lid, not the blue lid. Bought
at the central bazaar. Priced much higher at the western
style upscale supermarket in the basement of the department

And, no. It wasn't the bait and switch that they scam you in the
bazaar in Kiev. It was legit.

Great stuff! Oily, fishy, and salty, just right. Yum!
Price really doesn't seem that different over the last 6 years
for this size. Duty free in Boryspol prices were always around
$100, when they actually had it in stock.

It Travel
08-16-06, 12:44
Just paid 2500 ruble, ($92), for a 4 ounce, (113 grams)
Malossal Astrakhan "A" black caviar. That's the standard
glass dish with the red metal lid, not the blue lid. Bought
at the central bazaar. Priced much higher at the western
style upscale supermarket in the basement of the department

And, no. It wasn't the bait and switch that they scam you in the
bazaar in Kiev. It was legit.

Great stuff! Oily, fishy, and salty, just right. Yum!
Price really doesn't seem that different over the last 6 years
for this size. Duty free in Boryspol prices were always around
$100, when they actually had it in stock.

Ok red box is Sevruga, blue is Beluga, yellow is Oscetra.

The price is fine (a little bit too much for pasteurized one, but ok).

Sorry Bez, but I do not understand your meaning... Astrakhan is in Russia. Malossol means "slightly salted"... As said you can still find fresh, and even Imperial one...

Bye (sorry but we are here fot ****?)... By the way licking of some Ikra fom MT's pussy could be an interesing way of eating it! :D


08-16-06, 13:31
Well I think MT's twat was fishy and greasy enough without adding caviar...

Beluga - Blue tin
Osetra - yellow tin
Sveruga - red tin


I've never understood people who don't like caviar... it's food of the gods...

By the way IT, my point on Iranian caviar was that their government is doing a better job of controlling the harvesting of sturgeon than the Russian government and that if not careful, the Russians will squander their caviar resource by overfishing...

It Travel
08-16-06, 14:40
Well I think MT's twat was fishy and greasy enough without adding caviar...

Beluga - Blue tin
Osetra - yellow tin
Sveruga - red tin


I've never understood people who don't like caviar... it's food of the gods...

By the way IT, my point on Iranian caviar was that their government is doing a better job of controlling the harvesting of sturgeon than the Russian government and that if not careful, the Russians will squander their caviar resource by overfishing...

Yes I well know... the fall of the Empire... just two counstries on the Volga and Caspian sea: USSR and Iran, and now? a lot (5) of unguraded... so it's life...

And on MT links... getting back on our major item (pussy) ;)


Bez Bezarra
08-17-06, 12:38
Sorry Bez, but I do not understand your meaning... Astrakhan is in Russia. Malossol means "slightly salted"... As said you can still find fresh, and even Imperial one...

we are here fot ****... By the way licking of some


Hey, I don't know what shit means, I just eat it.

Yellow, blue, red? I try to stick with pink, its
not as fishy, if you know what I mean.

It Travel
08-17-06, 15:56
Hey, I don't know what shit means, I just eat it.

Yellow, blue, red? I try to stick with pink, its
not as fishy, if you know what I mean.

The **** is a little bit too dry... for comparing it with caviar... the famous MT one is better...

:D :D


08-18-06, 10:20
This looks like fun and a great place to meet drunk girls...


Guy #2
08-22-06, 06:02
I am not trying to start a war or be negative. When I factor in the cost of the hotel and the hassle of the visa, I wonder if it is just better to fly to the Czech Republic. The WSG site has always had very little information on Czech but recently people have been posting more information. Yes, Moscow has more variety and lower prices, but the hotel just messes everything up, unless guys like you are already in Moscow or business anyway. I am sure it easier to get by on English in Czech than in Moscow since you always hear about the drunk Englishmen visiting Czech; these people must be used to speaking English by now. Also, Czech has an AIDS infection rate a lot lower than Moscow according to the CIA database. Sometimes I get an email from some girl in Moscow or St. Petersburg wanting to get married. For women on the lowest end of the pole, they seem to have an attitude. Nearly every Russian I have met in the States or by email overseas seem to have an attitude or seem to be impatient or are liars. I think it must be part of the culture and why the country is the way it is. Just my two cents on the cost comparison. I always use Price Line which works great in the US and in North America but I doubt I can bid 50 for a hotel in Moscow. I wonder why escort prices are so low in Moscow. With hotels at 200-300 a night, where do these girls live during the day. Do they crawl out of some hole to look hot and put a dress on at night?

Banana Finger
08-22-06, 06:23
Just returned from a quick business trip to moscow - went for the tried and tested route.

Day 1 - called Kristina from elite girls (she is still mad as a bat) she sends two young student types - not bad, but nothing special - standard sex, covered etc - prices have gone up though as this agency is now asking $150 for 1 hr

Day 2 - Went to Oh La La - and I can concur with a recent report that this place is pretty dead (thursday evening), but I really hit paydirt here -

Big Bro AJ
08-22-06, 09:13
Guy #2

It’s nonsense to compare Moscow with other cities. Moscow creates extra ordinary feelings, triggers your senses sharper. Moscow is a prima donna. When you first met her, you were amazed with her strange beauty. You fell gloomy, hot-blooded, excited and curious what you are gone experience. I try to come Moscow once a month, sometimes for the weekend sometimes only couple of days. I have never regret to be here.

Yes, Moscow is expensive.
Yes, it’s hard to find English-speaking locals.
Yes, they don’t like tourists much.
Yes, most of them thinks that cash loaded foreigners are only after sex.

Yes SD is a problem. But, I don’t believe the statistics about the HIV infection rates.
Besides how can you trust CIA after 9/11 and WOMD in Iraq?

No, I have never had visa problems. Even I had serious arguments with Armenians while I was waiting at the line.
No, prices are not low. But you can easily find what you want. Basically everything depends on what you are looking and how far do you willing to go.

I worked and studied in Houston and New Orleans. I had Russian friends some were in low places. You are making a big mistake when you compare those (the ones in US and the ones who sent e-mails) with Moscow girls.

If you don’t like Moscow, go to Prague.

It Travel
08-22-06, 13:24
Dear Guy #2

Some Russian are saying that Moscow can be the worst or the best city in the world… just depending on who you are (and your wallet of course). But this is not the Item.

I well understand Moscow, and Russia generally, is not tourist friendly (perhaps with the exception of St. Petersburg). If you do not have some way of Russian thinking, a lot of things you see might be crazy.

The drunk Englishmen (I’ve seen some) are not welcome in Russia, when they get in groups and start doing bad things in hotels (like vomiting on carpets or breaking bottles on the head of security guys) the Militia will take care of them… I suspect they will never get back. I wonder If they can ever get another visa.

By the way the visa has never been a problem, now you can (not so easily) get even permanent ones.

For the hotel… I always say that Moscow is expensive, and use Izmailovo for that, but for 300 USD in central Moscow you do not get much…

By the way as Big Bro is saying you can love Moscow or hate it, usually there is nothing in the middle. Personally I love it (I love the teens too…).

But before comparing it to Prague mind that Prague is just a little medieval European city. Moscow is as big as London and Paris together, have more casinos than Las Vegas (approx 700), and you can find, in the sex world, anything you like… my personal disappointment is that I never managed (occupied, not available when I was there, etc.) to fuck two twins, making even lesbian show (!).

Of course it’s expensive, but the fascination you get in some places is completely unique.

Of course they are learning languages, but there is always this presumption from English speakers, that everywhere they have to speak English… I must say that they do it now in all the places for tourists… but Moscow underground (not the metro!) is for Russians, not for foreigners, for them there are some 50 or 100 ridiculous telephone numbers, belonging I think to not more of 10 agencies, putting out ridiculous girls ad crazy prices: 200/250 USD per hour… and they charge per hour in any case! It would be 2.500 USD for a night. For that money, in Moscow, you can get a luxurious suite in a Russian hotel (600 USD at Sovietsky), a fabulous dinner for three (caviar included, 400 at Yar) and then go to bed with the two best girls from Night Flight (700 USD each). Getting even some pocket money for the taxi and drinks…

If you want more normal... you can do the same, for les than 500-600 in other places and other girls, not so beautiful, but much better fucking! It does not seem so expensive! But it's a real fun ;) !



08-24-06, 07:18
Got to the Budapest from Sheremetyevo about 10:30pm. At once I knew I’d made a brilliant (internet) choice. A place of faded elegance, of remembered glory, well situated near the centre of downtown. Loved my room instantly. Spacious, high ceilinged, old furniture, modern bathroom, exhausted but classical carpet, a little coffee maker in the corner, everything just as it looked on the web. All for merely $300 a night.

Unpacked, showered, and went downstairs to look around where I was openly appraised by four young women seated in the lobby. One of them followed me back upstairs to the 2nd floor bar when I went to buy a coke. Tall, blonde, slim, mid 20s, she sat in the corner and eyed me invitingly, and it gave me a chance to look at her athletic body, well dressed in a dark pant suit, but I knew enough not to take the bait at this point.

Back to my room with the coke. Added some rum from the duty free, watched a bit of porn on the Russian TV (amazing – main channel, quite explicit), and after a while went back down to the lobby. Same foursome, same inviting looks, so I walked over and sat down. I learned we had an Alexandra, two Marinas, and a Nadia. All had some English. Alexandra was the one who had followed me earlier, and as we chatted I got quite interested in the combination of her personality and her body.

What do you do, I asked them all. ‘One fifty for hour’ says one of the Marinas. ‘You choose girl, then discuss in your room.’ Got the picture. I was now hot for Alexandra, and took her by the hand. She cuddled me as we went upstairs (absolutely no hassles from the lobby attendant who was ludicrously overdressed like some South American general) and on the way I had a chance to admire her tasteful clothes, long powerful stride, and the sense of a muscular and very tight body.

What do you do, I said again once we got upstairs. “First kiss, then sex, then massage’ she says with a smile. I love kissing I said, and I LOVE sex, and the massage sounds great, but I’d like sex again – cum two times. “OK!” says she, and disappears into the shower, reappearing after 5 minutes wrapped only in the bath towel.

Now this is a tall girl with a super slim body, and I mean almost waif-like with tiny 32A breasts (long tasty nipples) and a waist I could almost span with my two hands. But Alexandra knew what to do with it. She turned and stuck her ass right into my face bending forward in a beautifully athletic position while I tasted the centre of the universe.

Smooth, clean shaven, fresh from the shower, she was deliciously sweet, and just when I was thinking this foreplay wasn’t going to last long (meaning I wasn’t going to last long), she turned again, pushed me back into an armchair and straddled me, keeping those dark Russian eyes locked on mine and wanking me slowly and provocatively just to get my heart rate up, feeding me those miniscule but perfect tits.

On to the bed. This girl could do every position with ease – on her back with legs knifed over her shoulders, cowgirl cantilevered outwards giving me a great view of vulva and breasts, on all fours keeping those smoldering eyes locked on mine in the mirror, she moved with practised and professional pace. It was obviously her routine.

But now the limitations began to appear. No digits, no dfk, no 69. When I tried to turn her over into the soixante-neuf, she pouted. ‘Don’t like!’ When I leaned forward to kiss, it was just a peck. Fingers were pushed out.

Now I respect a girl’s limitations. We’re all honour-bound, it seems to me, to stay within a lady’s comfort zone. Rules of the game. So I obliged her wishes. But I was pissed.

My erotic interest began to wane. She was doing her number for me, but it was clearly what she normally does. A series of regular moves, and now on to the next one. And now you must come. My sense of the session began to shift from high to low power.

Got to the release, but it was tame and mildly unsatisfying (though to be honest, I never had one I didn’t like). Afterwards, we lay on the bed and I got her to teach me some Russian. She gave a pathetic massage, and while I was lying there I thought, shit it’s time to take charge. I had read somewhere on this Forum that Russian women are not North American women. Meaning, there’s a different set of expectations in the male-female game here - a different (earlier to us) way of relating.

A primal awakening took place at this point. I rose and opened her legs and moved on top of her into the 69 I had wanted earlier. No complaints now. Serious tongue on clit from me, and serious mouth from her. For some time. Then I physically moved her back on to the armchair and held her face close to mine while she gave me those smoldering eyes again and a long very hard hand job. And I mean, she worked for that. It was not a comfortable position for her, but she sensed something had happened for me and she went with it. Silent hard work until her muscles must have been aching, and then I just blew everything right over those beautiful shapely perfect little tits without once breaking eye contact. A real professional worker. My admiration for her was as big as my orgasm.

A pleasant evening in this dazzling city where the women look at you with ‘fuck off’ in their erotic slavic eyes.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Guy #2
08-29-06, 02:26
Thanks for the responses. I'll visit both Russia and Czech.

08-30-06, 00:38
I email a while ago about a russian girl I met at the local tit bar I work, now she is email me about me sending money for a lawyer to get a new US visa so she can be with me.

She needs $2000 to pay the lawyer. Everytime she emails me, she sends pictures of her, trying to be sexy or partying. I'm taking every email with a grain of salt, I keep laughing at every email she sends me for money.

Its the russian mentality as the brazilians? They alll think because you are from the USA, you are loaded with money to give away or to be scammed!

I'm gonna keep playing with her thru the email like I did with a nigerian president asking for help in the last spam I got.

08-30-06, 07:40
Does anybody know if it is possible to buy Viagra, Cialis or similar in for example "apteka" in Moscow. And also what product is best for making you last longer ?

I normally dont have problems to take 3 - 4 rounds with a girl, but the situation is like this: I found a nice young ukranian girl in Moscow with a fantastic body ! ( big rock hard tits and nice tight little body ) I have been with her 2 times, and each time I payed her to stay until morning. But she always talks me into letting her go before morning. Now I am going to Moscow again, and I have decided that I really wanna make her work for the money this time !

So I am thinking about trying some of these drugs, to be able to keep going all night. Also I am a excited to see the effect of these, but I am thinking about maybe just to try half a pill for a start. If anybody has some recommendations I would be happy to hear about it.


08-30-06, 15:22
wow 2000 USD..let me count 1 2 3 4 6 8 oops !! I can screw as many girls with 2000 bucks...:D yeah I got sick mentality now, the only thing I do when I get my paycheck is count the number of girls with that money :D

Bez Bezarra
08-31-06, 01:22
wow ****!!
I can screw ass.
yeah I mental
the only thing I do when I get my paycheck is **** of girls

Its very refreshing to realize here's one single minded
clear thinking male who evidently has no problem
determining his priorities.

Bez Bezarra
08-31-06, 01:58
Guy #2

Moscow the worst or the best depending on you and your wallet.
But to understand Russian thinking, you might be crazy drunk vomiting .

300 USD in central you do not get love teens.

But comparing to Prague London Paris Las Vegas
700 200/250 USD per hour… 2.500 USD for a night.
600 USD 400 700 USD 500-600

other places other girls fucking!

But it's fun!

Of 70 million Russian women, the greediest 5 million
should be found in the capital, leaving 65 million less
greedy to be found somewhere else.

It Travel
08-31-06, 08:14
Does anybody know if it is possible to buy Viagra, Cialis or similar in for example "apteka" in Moscow. And also what product is best for making you last longer ?

I normally dont have problems to take 3 - 4 rounds with a girl, but the situation is like this: I found a nice young ukranian girl in Moscow with a fantastic body ! ( big rock hard tits and nice tight little body ) I have been with her 2 times, and each time I payed her to stay until morning. But she always talks me into letting her go before morning. Now I am going to Moscow again, and I have decided that I really wanna make her work for the money this time !

So I am thinking about trying some of these drugs, to be able to keep going all night. Also I am a excited to see the effect of these, but I am thinking about maybe just to try half a pill for a start. If anybody has some recommendations I would be happy to hear about it.


You will find Viagra in every Apoteka in Moscow, specially those in big hotels ;) , with some exception. Also normal ones (on the road) have Viagra and Cialis. No prescriprion is needed anywhere. The Apoteka usually have big assortments of condoms and lubricants! Ad of course different dosages 25, 50 100...

The prices are not standard or fixed: a four tablet Viagra 50 mg goes from 1.900 to 2.500 RUR. I do not remember Cialis.

By the way you find Viagra and Cialis even in the international Hall of SVO Terminal 2 airport, they sell it duty free (of course more expensive than in the city as everything in that airport).

Some suggestions…

A) Viagra is a coated tablet for preserving the chemical from being damaged also from the acids of your stomach, so do not brake it. Use lower dosage (25 mg) for starting.

B) If you have beeing eating , I makke my case, it takes one-two hours aprox. for starting the effect. It lasts from two to four or more, so take it after you have started...

C) Do not mix alcohol (just a beer do not make difference, but some shots of vodka do!) and Viagra (the effects are opposites) so you will easily have a nice red face, and a not so hard and red cock!

If she is a petite with firm tits doing even anal (mandatory) I would be very interested in getting her number, if she is a pro… of course. ;)

Happy Days in Moscow!


08-31-06, 08:29

As IT said, Viagra and Cialis are available everywhere in Moscow without prescription or without question.

Cialis is superior to Viagra in nearly every way in my opinion... it usually lasts about 3 days (always take the full pill) and isnt as "mechanical" as Viagra. Cialis is more of a libido-enhancer rather than a "boner-producer" like Viagra. It is the ideal pill if you are going to be doing a lot of fucking over the course of 3 days or so and are worried about being too tired, too drunk or too fucked out to bone your girl. Cialis is your little helper and at least in my experience, has never "let me down". As soon as you start kissing or fondling your girl, you'll get hard. If you are in a more relaxed state, you'll relax. It really is a useful tool when on a sex safari.

Viagra is more for a single event, an emergency failsafe in case you can't get it up at all. In my experience, Viagra simply makes you rock hard and you stay that way for about 2 hours, like it or not. V can also make it difficult to cum, as the sensation seems negatively affected by the pill. I personally never use Viagra anymore. It got me hard and it will turn your tool into a fuck weapon, but it doesnt seem real... it seems very mechanical and ultimately, unsexy. Perhaps taking smaller dosages milden the effect of V, but I wasnt taking more than 25mg... can't imagine what 100mg would do!

If I remember correctly, Cialis costs about $20 a pill and really does work for 3 days. It takes about 90 minutes to take effect. Viagra takes effect after about 45-60 minutes. I forgot the price, but it wasnt prohibitive.

I usually buy all my sex gear at the 36,6 pharmacies which are all over the center. There is one near the McDonalds on Tverskaya for example.


I personally never send any Russian girls money unless I know them well. I have never been ripped off by one.... but also have never sent them more than $300-400, usually for a plane ticket to come visit me. It always paid off in sex, fun and affection... but then again, I had already met these girls personally.

I couldnt understand from your post, have you actually met the girl? Does she live in the US and just need a lawyer to stay? If so, you could consider making a contract with her or something like that.

As for mentality, men with money are of more value to the girls especially in situations such as hers... so their mentality, however askew, is understandable. Words mean little to a Russian girl, action does. Money allows you to take the kind of action she requires. Basic economics... TINSTFL. There is no such thing as a free lunch. That goes for you, you should make sure it goes for her too. If you do "assist" her, she should be your slave. My gut feeling however tells me that giving any girl that kind of money for a vague service is not going to pay off. Maybe you should talk to her lawyer...

09-01-06, 20:02
Doc, I fully agree...Cialis is the much better power tool in terms of control...but somehow I got problems if you mixed up with poor russian wodka!

But will check it again next days...


As IT said, Viagra and Cialis are available everywhere in Moscow without prescription or without question.

Cialis is superior to Viagra in nearly every way in my opinion... it usually lasts about 3 days (always take the full pill) and isnt as "mechanical" as Viagra. Cialis is more of a libido-enhancer rather than a "boner-producer" like Viagra. It is the ideal pill if you are going to be doing a lot of fucking over the course of 3 days or so and are worried about being too tired, too drunk or too fucked out to bone your girl. Cialis is your little helper and at least in my experience, has never "let me down". As soon as you start kissing or fondling your girl, you'll get hard. If you are in a more relaxed state, you'll relax. It really is a useful tool when on a sex safari.

Viagra is more for a single event, an emergency failsafe in case you can't get it up at all. In my experience, Viagra simply makes you rock hard and you stay that way for about 2 hours, like it or not. V can also make it difficult to cum, as the sensation seems negatively affected by the pill. I personally never use Viagra anymore. It got me hard and it will turn your tool into a fuck weapon, but it doesnt seem real... it seems very mechanical and ultimately, unsexy. Perhaps taking smaller dosages milden the effect of V, but I wasnt taking more than 25mg... can't imagine what 100mg would do!

If I remember correctly, Cialis costs about $20 a pill and really does work for 3 days. It takes about 90 minutes to take effect. Viagra takes effect after about 45-60 minutes. I forgot the price, but it wasnt prohibitive.

I usually buy all my sex gear at the 36,6 pharmacies which are all over the center. There is one near the McDonalds on Tverskaya for example.


I personally never send any Russian girls money unless I know them well. I have never been ripped off by one.... but also have never sent them more than $300-400, usually for a plane ticket to come visit me. It always paid off in sex, fun and affection... but then again, I had already met these girls personally.

I couldnt understand from your post, have you actually met the girl? Does she live in the US and just need a lawyer to stay? If so, you could consider making a contract with her or something like that.

As for mentality, men with money are of more value to the girls especially in situations such as hers... so their mentality, however askew, is understandable. Words mean little to a Russian girl, action does. Money allows you to take the kind of action she requires. Basic economics... TINSTFL. There is no such thing as a free lunch. That goes for you, you should make sure it goes for her too. If you do "assist" her, she should be your slave. My gut feeling however tells me that giving any girl that kind of money for a vague service is not going to pay off. Maybe you should talk to her lawyer...

Cruiser D
09-02-06, 12:17
90% of strippers, whether they be from the US, Russia, Thailand or Mars are only looking for one thing; To separate you from as much of your money as they can with doing as little as they need. I used to/still do date quite a few. Even the 'nice' ones have stories about scamming some loser. If you want to be story fodder for some Russian Cruiser D to chuckle about feel free to send the money.

Her emails fall right into the classic scam category - Need money for passport, ticket, sick relative..etc..etc..etc..

I email a while ago about a russian girl I met at the local tit bar I work, now she is email me about me sending money for a lawyer to get a new US visa so she can be with me.

She needs $2000 to pay the lawyer. Everytime she emails me, she sends pictures of her, trying to be sexy or partying. I'm taking every email with a grain of salt, I keep laughing at every email she sends me for money.

Its the russian mentality as the brazilians? They alll think because you are from the USA, you are loaded with money to give away or to be scammed!

I'm gonna keep playing with her thru the email like I did with a nigerian president asking for help in the last spam I got.

Helena Moscow
09-02-06, 15:52
[QUOTE=Cruiser D]90% of strippers, whether they be from the US, Russia, Thailand or Mars are only looking for one thing; To separate you from as much of your money as they can with doing as little as they need. I used to/still do date quite a few. Even the 'nice' ones have stories about scamming some loser. If you want to be story fodder for some Russian Cruiser D to chuckle about feel free to send the money.

It sounds just the same as if I (for ex.) said that 90% of expats, whether they be from US, Thailand or Mars are only looking for one thing: to waste as much of an escort or stripper's time and spend as little money as they can. And all their storys about falling in love with you and attempts to make relationships are just typical ways to scam you and fuck for free with no obligations. Even "nice" ones have stories about scamming some loser pros who by accident believed them. If you want to be story fodder for some Foreign Cruiser, just believe that he is a normal guy and treat him nicely. And what now? Should we believe people only in extreem cases? By the way if you are not in the mood to send money, don't send. If you don't want to break your head if you are cheated by a pro or she is true with you, go to non-pros. Why the hell guys like you who don't trust strippers and escorts are still keeping connection with them? What the hell is wrong with you if you can't go to normal girls and get for free things which are ment to be for free? We, pros, have an excuse, we make money of guys like you, who need our service due to some of their problems. You pay and we get the money. But why are you still here if you don't trust pros, don't respect pros and want to fuck for free? Go and fuck someone for free if you think you really deserve it. And stop complaining "Oh, mummy, they are all scams... me, poor boy fell in love with a scam... oh, I gave her the money and she cheated me... oh, I want to give her the money, but I am afraid that she will cheat me... oh, she seems too good to be real, I'm afraid that she will cheat me... she never cheated me before but I'm afraid that she will do in the future..." Afraid of relationshios - stay alone. Don't want to be cheated with money - keep your money, masturbate and be happy. Want to find girlfriend - behave like a real boyfriend, not like a fucking paranoid. And just for your information (though you don't have to believe it): escorts, strippers and other sorts of pros also have relationships, they also marry (mostly their clients) and become very good wives and mothers. We all have relatives and mostly keep good connections with parents. And we all have real friends, but we don't choose them among assholes who complain all the time and suspect us of being scams.

And I agree with Vince: “Maybe if you find a job for her in your country she will be happy to join you but i think that russian women firstly looks for safety and secondly to have a family. As everybody they are interested by money but to my mind after safety and family”. As if other women in the world are different.

Hakan Demir
09-02-06, 16:29

I am going to visit Moscow this month for four days. I read the forum but found nothing about dosugvip.com. The girls are too beautiful to be real. Anyone to try this site please report (which girl). I really need help. Or other sites or agencies that have been tried by members. I am gonna post every photo next rewiew.

Member #4378
09-02-06, 17:48
[QUOTE=Cruiser D]90% of strippers, whether they be from the US, Russia, Thailand or Mars are only looking for one thing; To separate you from as much of your money as they can with doing as little as they need. I used to/still do date quite a few. Even the 'nice' ones have stories about scamming some loser. If you want to be story fodder for some Russian Cruiser D to chuckle about feel free to send the money.[QUOTE]It sounds just the same as if I (for ex.) said that 90% of expats, whether they be from US, Thailand or Mars are only looking for one thing: to waste as much of an escort or stripper's time and spend as little money as they can. And all their storys about falling in love with you and attempts to make relationships are just typical ways to scam you and fuck for free with no obligations. Even "nice" ones have stories about scamming some loser pros who by accident believed them. If you want to be story fodder for some Foreign Cruiser, just believe that he is a normal guy and treat him nicely. And what now? Should we believe people only in extreem cases? By the way if you are not in the mood to send money, don't send. If you don't want to break your head if you are cheated by a pro or she is true with you, go to non-pros. Why the hell guys like you who don't trust strippers and escorts are still keeping connection with them? What the hell is wrong with you if you can't go to normal girls and get for free things which are ment to be for free? We, pros, have an excuse, we make money of guys like you, who need our service due to some of their problems. You pay and we get the money. But why are you still here if you don't trust pros, don't respect pros and want to fuck for free? Go and fuck someone for free if you think you really deserve it. And stop complaining "Oh, mummy, they are all scams... me, poor boy fell in love with a scam... oh, I gave her the money and she cheated me... oh, I want to give her the money, but I am afraid that she will cheat me... oh, she seems too good to be real, I'm afraid that she will cheat me... she never cheated me before but I'm afraid that she will do in the future..." Afraid of relationshios - stay alone. Don't want to be cheated with money - keep your money, masturbate and be happy. Want to find girlfriend - behave like a real boyfriend, not like a fucking paranoid. And just for your information (though you don't have to believe it): escorts, strippers and other sorts of pros also have relationships, they also marry (mostly their clients) and become very good wives and mothers. We all have relatives and mostly keep good connections with parents. And we all have real friends, but we don't choose them among assholes who complain all the time and suspect us of being scams.

And I agree with Vince: “Maybe if you find a job for her in your country she will be happy to join you but i think that russian women firstly looks for safety and secondly to have a family. As everybody they are interested by money but to my mind after safety and family”. As if other women in the world are different.Everyone is attempting to optimize return on his/her investment (money/time). There is nothing wrong with this picture. The service may not be satisfactory sometimes which can be called a scam in certain cases. However, large-scale scam should be unconditionally condemned on this board.

09-02-06, 18:08
It sounds just the same as if I (for ex.) said that 90% of expats, whether they be from US, Thailand or Mars are only looking for one thing: to waste as much of an escort or stripper's time and spend as little money as they can. And all their storys about falling in love with you and attempts to make relationships are just typical ways to scam you and fuck for free with no obligations.
Thanks Helena, for putting a big smile on my face one more time. You're so right, as usual. :)

Did I ever told you I enjoy reading your posts a lot? I think I did, but I'm enjoying them more and more. Keep them coming!

Thanks for bringing another perspective to this forum, Jackson should sponsor you to write here. :D


Cruiser D
09-02-06, 18:23
Helena is there anything about my statements that you feel are false or off the mark? You do not seem like a stupid girl. Do you think that if he sends this girl $2000 he is going to get anything for his money other then a hole in his bank account?

You seem to be confusing my reply and generalizing it about all sex workers. Hopefully you can see the difference between a stripper asking for $2000 for a visa scam and a girl you have entered a business agreement into about having sex with. One is thievery the other is business.

Helena Moscow
09-02-06, 18:43
You seem to be confusing my reply and generalizing it about all sex workers. Hopefully you can see the difference between a stripper asking for $2000 for a visa scam and a girl you have entered a business agreement into about having sex with. One is thievery the other is business.

Dear Cruiser, who was the first to mention 90%? Reread your post. I am against generalization ;))))))

09-02-06, 21:53
I've been reading the forum regularely for a while as I've been travelling on a regular basis to Moscow due to my job. Thanks to all you guys, and not to forget the two girls, for your reports! Helpful and entertaining indeed:)

Most of the time the last few years I've had regular non-pro girlsfriends in Moscow. But in between relationships I've also had quite a few encounters with pros and semi-pros.

Now I've moved to the greatest city on earth for girls permanently for some months. I still trust to get useful info here, and I hope to be able to post some info myself.

Glad to be in Moscow!

Cruiser D
09-03-06, 05:51
Helena actually you need to reread my post.

You seem to be venting a lot of anger that had nothing to do with what I briefly comment about - most strippers are just looking to seperate men from as much money as they possible can with doing as little as they need. Before you go running off on another tangent, is there something about that statement you find untrue?

Your comments about expats scamming (working) girls for sex is something I don't partake in, condone or have any interest in. But yes I do know it takes place.

It Travel
09-03-06, 09:01
Dear Friends,

pehaps this is not the right thread to write but... you wrote so I'll do the same.

Usually for a back-up after several sessions I usually use Viagra 50 mg (very good for several Anal poundings!), maximum once a day.

Could you give me your ideas on a Viagra vs. Cialis match? Considering that I will have a Kiev vacation of one week: 90% of time going for sex? :) :)

Please let me know your opinions.


PS I wrote also a same question in Viagra section. I would like to try Cialis.

Hakan Demir
09-03-06, 09:11

I am a pharmacist and I would recommend you Clialis. Less side-effects, longer erection (36 hours). When my patients use viagra, they feel hot, face red and see everything blue. But non of patients have problem with Clialis. Also if you use viagra, avoid drinking alcohol.

Dear Friends,

pehaps this is not the right thread to write but... you wrote so I'll do the same.

Usually for a back-up after several sessions I usually use Viagra 50 mg (very good for several Anal poundings!), maximum once a day.

Could you give me your ideas on a Viagra vs. Cialis match? Considering that I will have a Kiev vacation of one week: 90% of time going for sex? :) :)

Please let me know your opinions.


PS I wrote also a same question in Viagra section. I would like to try Cialis.

09-03-06, 13:46
Live and Let Live....cheating and love are all part of the game :) look at the bigger picture when you feel cheated...we all are part of the system...we can't expect heaven on earth with all pleasure and no pain..common...:)

Look it like this...there is no thrill if you don't get scammed once in a while :D..else life will be too smoooth just like one girl friend, one marriage and one affair....thats why we should love mongering..mix of all good and bad tastes....:D

09-03-06, 18:37
Thanks guys, for your response.

Unfortunately the girl is back in Ukraine for the moment, so I didnt test the pill yet. According to the majority here on the board, Cialis should give the best result, so that was what I bought. And it was very easy to get, just walk in to the "Apteka" and the girl asks " How many do you want ? " Price was 1100 rubles for 2 pills.

I came to Moscow yesterday, so I went out on the hunt in a taxi looking for a totckagirl, but it was hard work to find, as it seems like the police have closed down most of the scene. But after several hours of driving around ( fortunately I had agreed with the driver on a fixed price of 1200 rubles for as long as it would take to find a girl i liked ) we managed to find a couple of places that were working. They said that after the fifth things should be back to normal, probably the police are running some kind of campaign at the moment, and I think that the mamas are well informed about this.

Anyway, I took a 19 year old beauty from Moldova back to the hotel. But after all the driving I was a bit tired, and so was the girl. As she told her story I also kind of lost the desire to bang her all night. The night before she had been picked up from the totcka, and taking to a house where 6 guys had been working on her all night !! Now I am not saying that I dont want to make a girl work hard for her money, but I really think that what happend to her was to much. So we did a couple of rounds, and I let her sleep the rest of the night.

IT, I tried to send you a PM, but somehow I could not get into the system?

Please send me your email, and I will give you some info.

Lollo Frollo
09-04-06, 14:56

I am a pharmacist and I would recommend you Clialis. Less side-effects, longer erection (36 hours). When my patients use viagra, they feel hot, face red and see everything blue. But non of patients have problem with Clialis. Also if you use viagra, avoid drinking alcohol.

i understand your point in suggesting Clialis more then Viagra. less side effects and lasting more. but what do you mean with “But non of patients have problem with Clialis”?.
moreover to test the difference can you tell me how to move from one to the other.
can it be one day Viagra and the day after Clialis?
thx again

Hakan Demir
09-04-06, 16:15
No, I meant use Clialis. Do not use Viagra. Patients with erection problems (mostly older than 50 years old) that have tried both prefer clialis. Best advantage is its longer effects., some say it longs more than 2 days.


I understand your point in suggesting Clialis more then Viagra. less side effects and lasting more. but what do you mean with “But non of patients have problem with Clialis”?.


Moreover to test the difference can you tell me how to move from one to the other.
can it be one day Viagra and the day after Clialis?

Thx again

Guy #2
09-05-06, 05:31
One last question and thanks for the responses. I found a 4 star hotel on Orbitz for St. Petersburg for 40 a night. If I can't make it to Moscow, does the quality of the women in terms of looks really change much if I go to St. Petersburg? I mean they are all Russians right?

Tip #1:

I always go back to the the textbook used by the graduate and college programs. Middleburry College in Vermont has the best Russian program and the professors there put together a list of Russian books and tapes that they recommend to students. I will work off that list.

Below is just off beaten topic rambling:

Rambling #1:

Also, keep in mind that when you meet these girls, and they have access to Internet, I bet they are chatting with other guys. If you bring them back, make sure you are not the bank financing their trip only to deliver them to someone they already met online. Just a crazy thought that hit me.

Rambling #2

I am looking at Russia as a fun trip no committments because no matter how easier it is to meet women in Russia, I think love is what wins the heart. I really think that you need a short term and long term strategy. Short term can be escorts or models or adult models. But long term, you have to find someone and work on the heart. No amount of money can buy that.

I think that if you focus on the heart, you can find a college age chick in the US. For the past few weeks, I lost my self confidence because I was sick and stuck behind the desk doing paperwork. Over the weekend, I started searching for college chicks. Coming home, I drove past a beautiful girl sitting on the curb at 12 midnight with a very sad look. I pulled the car over and asked her what was wrong and told her I had been looking for someone all night to talk to and couldn't believe that she was sitting by herself. That is how I met her.

Yeah it requires a lot of work and rejection but that is what you ultimately have to do long term. If you decide that you want to spend the rest of your life with a Russian chick, you will eventually have to do it sooner or later.

That is why my strategy is short term Russian chicks but long term back to the good old USA.

Big Bro AJ
09-05-06, 07:04
Beware of blood poisoning. Full erection couple of hours definitely add flavor to our relations but if you keep the erection more than it should be, the blood that flows into your penis turn into poison and you might need surgical assistance.

No, I meant use Clialis. Do not use Viagra. Patients with erection problems (mostly older than 50 years old) that have tried both prefer clialis. Best advantage is its longer effects., some say it longs more than 2 days.

Big Bro AJ
09-05-06, 07:47
Hakan Demir,

You don’t accept PM therefore I write like this.

Short of long Moscow mongering.

1-Internet. www.intimcity.ru is the most reliable web site. The prices are market prices and most of the time, you will get what you see. Tested several times. Don’t get shock when you realize that the girl you ask doesn’t speak a word of English. Usually the dispatcher speaks English and always prepare yourself that girls may gain extra kgs.

2-Clubs and bars. Nothing was left from the good old days but Chersterfield in Kurskaya is still one of the rat holes where you may easily find girls. Most of them speak English.

Night Flight in Tverskaya where the cash is king is the place where you find expensive girls. It doesn’t matter whether you pick girl or not but it’s a must see place.

Don’t forget always negotiate with the girls. Tell them what you want, ask them what they are open for. BJ w.out condom-Greek, etc.

Fabrique close to Pavelatkaya metro on the river side is another hot club for expats. Speaking English with the bouncers will open doors for your. Normal cover 300 rubles, VIP cover $100 per person. Full of hottest chicks but possibilities depend on your talent and the ability to speak Russian.

B2, 3 floor dance club/restaurant. Mostly girls next door type girls. The quality is lower than Fabrique but easy to access and easy to find freebies.

Karma, where I hate the most. Most of the expats love that place but my luck has never turn there.

4-Tochka. Find a irregular taxi and tell him to take you one of the tochkas. But some drivers may find it offensive. Most of them are regular guys who try to make extra rubles on the way their homes. I know Doc and others may disagree with me, but the best way to go to tochkas is the CF drivers. Yes they are scammers but at least they know where to go. You should negotiate the price before you take the taxi.

5-Strip clubs. I don’t recommend picking girls from strip clubs. If you like these places definitely hang out at MisterrXXX in Nowy Arbat and Rhino behind the Angara Casino in Nowy Arbat.

6-House parties. If you have friends and if they throw a house party, it is possible to get laid.

I have never used chat sites such as love.mail.ru or similar ones. Most of the girls who are directly asking money after the 3rd conversations are scammers; besides it will be difficult communicate if you don’t speak Russian.

Guy #2
09-05-06, 16:49
You don't have to a prick about it. I spent 2 days searching for someone to talk to. I made eye contact with a lot of women. But they all had that attitude. Like you. That is why I can't stand fucking people like that. I wanted someone down to earth and normal. She stood out because she was so beautiful sitting by herself. But it took me 2 days to find someone like her. It's a college campus.

How do you want to meet someone when you are not looking for escorts? Someone that you went to school with? work with? Someone your own age? That's right: settle for the lowest common denominator because it's the easy way out. Do you think that ***** hasn't had 7 dicks up her ass even though you met her at work?

Try finding someone young and attractive and in college and maybe hasn't been porked by every Tom Dick and Joe. Try even finding the balls to go up and talk to someone instead of paying for it.

What would you rather me do? Hunt down women and take photos and post them like you? I am sure that is meaningful, you fucking loser.

How many fucking times do you have to post the photos of that girl? You post it on the Russian, Ukariane, Czech pages. You paid for sex and the photo. Big fucking deal.

I am trying to figure out a way to make the most of my life without paying for it, you fucking loser.

I am up for Nightflight just as anyone else. But why would you spend 200-300 a night for a hot girl if you can find a normal girl who looks the same for free? What you are proposing is not logical.

Oh yeah, of course. Finding sad hot
girls sitting alone
on the street at midnight is definitely the key to
starting a meaningful long term relationship in America.

Guy #2
09-05-06, 16:55
I just have to get this off my chest. I contacted a Russian girl off of a mainstream site and she responded right away and asked some questions. But just from talking to her, it just left a bad taste in my mouth. This is more work than dealing with an American girl.

The best anology I can think of is that I have friends who use a dating site. But the reception you get is worse than meeting someone in a bar. Every time I go into a bar, there is always at least one person who talks to you. I don't know if it is group psychology or what. But it is easier than online.

So as I am dealing with this Russian girl, I am asking myself is this more work or less work than the mainstream girls I am dealing with. It is more work. She left me in a pretty bad mood too. But I can't tell the difference. It's not like dealing with her is any easier simply because she lives in Russia.

09-05-06, 21:38

"So as I am dealing with this Russian girl, I am asking myself is this more work or less work than the mainstream girls I am dealing with. It is more work."

Then stop writing her.

"It's not like dealing with her is any easier simply because she lives in Russia."

Beautiful and sexy Russian girls, particularly those from Moscow or Petersburg or really any major city are no longer waiting around to be "rescued" by some foreigner. To make them yours you have to give them something that is of value to them. Internet chat isnt going to get any 8-10s all wet between the legs.

Trying to shop for 9s and 10s on the net can be a pretty humbling experience. In all honesty, girls at that level ARE actually easier to get along with in real life. In the net they just get bombarded by messages from guys.

Not just Guy2 but Guy3, Guy4 and Guy697. We are sheep to them until we put on a pair of horns and become bulls. Bulls with big... wallets.

Go to a top Moscow club and watch the show. Supposedly studly know it all guys of moderate means hitting on models and getting rejected. Watch model leave with some greasy looking dweeb... in his S-class Merc. Considering the "fringe benefits" of her choice of company... clothes, cash, status and more cash... her decision seems understandle, even as frustrating it is for anyone playing by the normal rules of intersexual relations. You can get a long way with very cute girls in the 7 and 8 category with romance, intellect, charm and moderate spending, but as soon as she starts to think she's a 9, she'll start "demanding" star treatment. Whether you choose to play along is up to you.

"But why would you spend 200-300 a night for a hot girl if you can find a normal girl who looks the same for free?"

Well can you? The way you're whining... and no offense meant... it certainly sounds like you can't. That's what pros are for. Pay some money and fuck the girl that wasn't going to fuck you 5 minutes ago. Now she is. Like magic!

"Yeah it requires a lot of work and rejection but that is what you ultimately have to do long term. If you decide that you want to spend the rest of your life with a Russian chick, you will eventually have to do it sooner or later.

That is why my strategy is short term Russian chicks but long term back to the good old USA."

Have you ever had a Russian girlfriend? I mean a real girlfriend? Most of the ones I have had.. who aren't the club model type being passed around from one oligarch to the next... are young, beautiful (7-8 category) student or early 20's types. Most want families and children and are the most sincere, sexy and loving women I have known. I don't see why someone looking for long-term love would have to look any farther... but they are also demanding in the sense that they want real men, men who work hard, earn well and bring home the bacon.

As much as I like the show "King of Queens", the portly main character Doug, who seems to personify the average American Joe, wouldnt qualify as a real man in any Russians book. As loving as he is, he is too lazy and lethargic.

One of my ex-girlfriends mother was chewing me out one day and told me very sincerely that "love is more than words, love is more than an emotion". For Russians, and this includes the younger generation, love is also support, security both physical and financial.

09-05-06, 23:26
I lived in Moscow, when it was the capital of the Soviet Union. A foreigner was a good catch for those relatively few women whom the KGB authorized to deal with foreigners or who were just reckless enough not to know better. There was a twist, though. It was a Russian woman's dream to marry a foreigner but not to leave Moscow. The reason: With a foreign husband and his material perks, she was the envy of everyone in Moscow. Even if the poor slob husband was not rich, she acquired things that her sisters probably had never seen and was entitled to shop in hard-currency shops where fine wines, liquor and imported food items were available that others could only salivate about. These women knew that if they moved to the West, they would be homesick and they and their husbands would be nobodies.

Russian women's current materialism is an interesting phenomenon. Instead of foreigners, they go for homegrown fat cats. They know they have to clean those guys as quickly as possible because you don't have to be a ganster to be bumped off in Moscow. I wonder how many of the women actually get a contract on their sugar daddies! They are sluts in their hearts.

I was impressed with the high quality of women on the http://www.intimcity.ru.To see them and their prices, go to the very left hand upper corner of the site, where it says in red Russian letters GLAVNAYA, then hit the next word for individualki (individuals) or saloni (*****houses).

09-06-06, 00:01
Many of the girls on the intimcity.ru site have impressive breasts. Are today's Russian pros into boob jobs, or are they all natural.

Could be the latter. In the Soviet Union, it was a joke to establish working class credetials. As in "moya mama tozhe doyarka" ("My mother, too, was a milk maid).

Bez Bezarra
09-06-06, 01:48
You don't have a prick.

I spent 2 days searching for someone
to talk to with an attitude Like you.

I can't fuck someone normal because it
took me 2 days to come with 7 dicks up
my ass instead of paying for it.

Would you rather me take photos and post them like you?
I am sure a fucking loser.

How many fucking times do you have Ukariane sex and fuck.

I am a totol fucking loser.

I am just a hot girl for free

What you are not.

Gee I don't think I can top that!
Thanks Guy#Number#Dumber#Numb#Bum#Gums

09-06-06, 17:25
Dear All,
I will be visiting Moscow for the first time early in October. I wanted to ask some of the experts over here for some advice.
I have been searching the net for massage parlours (the erotic type) and found out plenty, all offering the same types of services. In the case when i find abundance, i always like to ask the experts about which are the best ones?

I noticed some names like Fabrique, NightFlight & B2. Are these places worth visiting? What are the highly recommended ones for someone who has 4 nights in Moscow.

I am staying in President Hotel, so I read in the reviews of this hotel, that its heavily guarded. Does this mean I will be facing problems getting girls back to my room?

I figured out tochkas means *****houses:), but should I ask taxi drivers to take me there or would they think of it as insulting? If not, then, would anyone recommend good ones with normal prices?

I thank all the people here for the valuable contributions, but I just need some more information to draw a clearer picture of how moscow would be before I drop by.


Helena Moscow
09-06-06, 23:49
To Doctor Skank:

Thanks, Doc, for your greate posting. I could sighn under each word (but doubt that I’d be able to put them together in such a beautiful manner ;)

To Vittu:

“It was a Russian woman's dream to marry a foreigner but not to leave Moscow” – The key words “it was”. It’s no more the dream of Russian women, God bless you...

“Russian women's current materialism is an interesting phenomenon. Instead of foreigners, they go for homegrown fat cats. They know they have to clean those guys as quickly as possible because you don't have to be a ganster to be bumped off in Moscow. I wonder how many of the women actually get a contract on their sugar daddies! They are sluts in their hearts”. – There are many other women, too. More than you can imagine. Escorts and fat-cats girlfriends are less than 10% of population. Fifteen years ago it was inportant for many girls to get sugar daddies support, but now there are a lot of other posibilities. Now women in Russia search for real people. Both with good personality and with money. Two in one.

“Are today's Russian pros into boob jobs, or are they all natural”. – They always were and they are and they will be. Depends on the condition of real ones. Now sergery is getting better and more afortable, but still, you can find some natural brests. And you can always see the difference.

To Rewe:

“I am staying in President Hotel, so I read in the reviews of this hotel, that its heavily guarded. Does this mean I will be facing problems getting girls back to my room?” – To get a girl to your room you’ll have to call on security desk and ask them to make a pass for your girl. In this pass must be the girls exact name, as well, as your own and your room number. That’s all.

“I just need some more information to draw a clearer picture of how moscow would be before I drop by”. – Invite me in your first evening – and Moscow is in your pocket ;)))))))))

To Vince:

Dear Vince, thank you for compliment to my old site callhelena...., but now I, at last, I have the new one. http://www.helena-moscow.ru

It Travel
09-07-06, 07:23
I can recommand you :
fresh teens boobs (i like it)
but i prefer this kind of boobs
http://www.callhelena.narod.ru surely the best
To my mind all russian pros have natural boobs.
Happy hunting !

Dear Vince if you go


you will find some exclusive (made by me!) photos of these boobs! I can cionfirm they are rock hard and natural!. But best of all are the girl's oral skills (with some extra) :D


PS Very unfortunately she is for no Anal... otherwise she would be a real nearly percfect fucking machine. Now I think she is 20 or 21

Big Bro AJ
09-07-06, 07:34

I hope this may help you a little.


Tochkas are spots where you drive and pick your girl.

Try once but don't stick on MPs; you are in Moscow; don't waste your time....

09-07-06, 08:25

I really adore Russian girls and have had almost always very nice experiences with them on all levels of relations, so it is easy to write such words. In fact, I have to hold myself back, otherwise I would write a book! :)


This might help answer some of your tochka questions:

Obviously you haven't been researching for your trip very well. There is a lot of consolidated information in the "Reports of Distinction" thread.

Also, I fully agree with Big Bro AJ that the best tochka drivers are to be found outside of the infamous pickup bar "Boarhouse", across the street from Kursky train station on Zemlenoi Val street. If you can find the gigantic Atrium shopping center, look across the street and you will see a bunch of taxis in front of a bar... that's Boarhouse and the taxi drivers... although a bit expensive... do know where to find girls.

It Travel
09-09-06, 21:19
Just some service info.

Today it was not working properly... now (approx. 20.00 GMT) it's OK


It Travel
09-09-06, 21:28
Sorry to get back to sponsorhip…

By the way, of course with individual taste, you can find these three beauties

A petite ready for anal (checked by mail OK for 300 USD a day)

A riding horse for fuck… 7th in tits ! 30.000 RUR a month

A teen like a school girl, but really a little pig!

Just some suggestion if you are going for sponsorship (the last will be around 100.000 RUR a month) :(


09-09-06, 22:12
i wrote this from my trip to kiev and am posting it here to encourage people to travel to the ukraine. no visa for europeans and americans. only a 7 hour train ride or 90 minute flight away.

right off, all my russian friends laughed when i told them i was going to kiev. usually, in moscow, “kokhli” is the punch line of a good joke. they seem to see ukrainians as russian with a speech impediment, who have been kicked in the head a couple of time. add in a legendary appetite for gorlilka and you’ve got kokhli.

even on the train over from moscow, it was nicer. in the past, every time i have traveled by train in the fsu exactly one of my coupemates has either been a) a smelly drunk or b) a talkative drunk. on one rare occasion, i had to share a stateroom with both a smelly and a talkative drunk. the entire system of showing your passport to the conductor makes it blatantly obvious that you are a foreigner and thus are subjected to nonstop questions like “america, good? da?” one hour down, eleven to go.

this time, the only other occupant was a hot ukrainian journalist babe. she made it abundantly clear that she was spoken for, but she did fill me in on things to do while in kiev. it was a welcome change.

after all the negative things the russians had said about the kokhli, i was pleasantly surprised when i got off the train. everything seemed a little more cleaner and better taken care of than in moscow. it also took me about 9 hours to actually spot a cop. i found a 3-room apartment with a bar overlooking the dniper for a laughable price (by moscow standards). amazingly (again coming from moscow) they did not try and screw me over when they heard my accented russian.

after dropping my shit off i had to meet a british friend at the train station. he has been living in moscow for well over the past year and has yet to learn a single symbol of the cyrillic alphabet. couple of drinks later and a gorika run at the local stop, we were ready to go. right outside of our podezd door there were a couple of girls drinking beer. my friend, let’s just call him john, tried his typical line- screaming “do you speak english?” amazingly, it worked. one of the girls was absolutely beat, but the other, alyona, was gorgeous- talk, milky perfect complexion and those exotic cat eyes that slavic girls sometimes have.

my memory somewhat fails me at this point but i remember sitting in a restaurant, with alyona stroking my knee, feeding me bits of bread and sala that she had ordered. when the bill came they, the girls, insisted on paying. i have never had that happen.

alyona’s friend fucked off but she came back with us. john crashed on the couch and i showed alyona to the shower. she came out, wrapped in a towel and right when she was about to slip under the covers, john barges in shouting about a double team and how she told him he had nice eyes, further evidence of her wanting a threesome. i could have strangled him with his shoelaces but settled on throwing out into the hall. despite that, i spent an amazing, and energetic, night with an absolute goddess. so much so that even now, a several days later, i still have scabby raw knees- some kind of friction burn from the sheets.

next day, alyona off to work at her bank. a hungover tour of the city. again, i am impressed- no cops. even the construction sites are free from those trailers packed full of tajik slave labor.

that night, i was dragged down to o’brien’s to watch england barely win over macedonia. a full immersion into british pub culture. john and i downed about 30 gin-tonics between the two of us. we found out from some of the expats where to go. everyone pointed us to either arena or river palace. we went for river palace.

the first thing we see in the lobby is a bunch of 6 foot tall ukrainian goddesses leading out asians in armani half their size. basically, a boarhouse on the river. the women there were stunning but they ask for 300 dollars. i am not sure if that is for the night but whatever it is, it is expensive. the going rate in moscow, the most expensive city in the world, is 150 for a night. this does not bode well if this is the vaunted integration with the eu they are talking about.

neither of us were interested, so we got a cab back to the flat. the driver turns around and goes “devushki?” and we are like “why not”? he starts going on about there were girls working in an “office” by that besoarabian market. sounds shady, but again why not? the place is an apartment decked out like the austin powers psychedelic swinging pussycats club. in the middle on a pink couch, were about 6 working girls. right when we arrived, all there kids from the under 20 kiev soccer league had just gotten there. they would take a girl for 50 dollars and hour and after about 3 minutes would come out of a room with their head hanging. alright, put the children to bed, team america’s turn. i stood up, threw a hundred dollars down on the coffee table, put a girl over each shoulder, kicked the door to the bedroom down and had at it.

wow! i still have this big stupid grin on my face, thinking about it. the girls and i took a shower together to top it all off. got back to the apartment around 6 in the mourning and passed out.

next day, i called alyona who stopped by right after work and did not leave until the next morning. i think i saw blood in one of the condoms.

took off to moscow that next night and have been scheming to get transferred to kiev even since.

09-10-06, 11:16
Big Bro thanks for the link


It really put things in perspective, Why Moscow is made to look like the most expensive city in the world, when infact after you read the article with facts on hand its the cheapest city indeed :D

The article was an eye-opener...Thanks..

09-10-06, 12:17
Peasant...loved it, you have a natural feel for the place, and write with style, set the scene, drew us in, gave us a few titbits, I look forward to your next escapade!


( LOPA fanatic, see Poland contributions!)

09-12-06, 03:41
Hi All:
So in about 3 weeks I will be landing in Moscow...unfortunately with some of my coworkers in tow. This will severly hamper my mongering activities, but still I am hoping to participate. Good thing these activities are late in the PM...

I have been reviewing the threads and wanted to double check my assumptions as I am open to new ideas. My Russian consists of 3 words, yes, no and Thankyou. Not exactly the cunning linguist I would like to be! So given that I do want to have somewhat of a conversation with the girl I am with, it seems that the chance of find a girl at a Tochka that speaks english is between zero and none. I was therefore thinking about other options, but could use some suggestions. Hotel girls, seem expensive and really not that good. Nightflight girls have a reputation that makes this seemingly undesirable. And CF sounds like it could be hit or miss.

There are reports of various other possibilities, but the language barrier seems to be a consistent issue. The only "potential" might be a service...but....

So, I am asking my fellow experienced Moscow mongers, any thoughts or suggestions. Is Nightflight as bad as they say? I really want to try Russian delights, but I think I would like them better if there was at least some communication between the 2 or 3 of us...(yeah, in my dreams!!)

Thanks for the help

09-12-06, 14:14
I guess this always happens when you're
personally invited by Johnny Depp.Or when you are young, well dressed, and have an excellent command of Russian.

Having a C-note to blow on the working girls helps.

Bez Bezarra
09-13-06, 02:25
I see no need to let another blondinka-donk's
goofy gaze go to waste.

In trying to make a point, that point being exactly
what I'm not sure, its for the best, not to confuse
the situation, with the kind of senseless unimaginative
blather that spews from my keyboard.

Black Bltjones
09-13-06, 23:54
Alright ladies 'n' gents.

I've chosen to share my brief visit to Moscow with all of you. Weren't that good at all, but maybe they'll be of interest to somebody out there who like me isn't that used to frequent professional purveyours of sex.

I had two nights in Moscow. Both with colleagues so some discretion was needed. That sucked, I can tell you that! Stayed at the SAS Radisson who didn't have a problem with girls (girl in my case - wish I could use plural) Anyway went to some meetings, went to the Hotel where I hung with some associates. There were an amazing woman in the bar looking for company - but alas - I needed to be discrete. So no chance of doing a bar pick-up.

Ended up a bit wasted at my hotelroom at 1 in the night and I was horny like shite. Called http://www.sweet-dreams.ru who had some nice ladies on the homepage. But the hour was late on a Tueday so there weren't anything to chose from. I asked for a black haired babe, slim and preferably with nice big, firm titties. The English speaking lady were very polite, and told me she would be there in half an hour, and it would cost me 150 USD. Well, I'm in luck I thought. Well, not exactly. Phone rang after 10 minutes (suppose she wanted to check that I actually stayed at the hotel - that's ok with me). She told me that there were no black haired babes only a blonde. She confirmed slim and the titty description above. So I thought, what the heck. Blondes have more fun! She also told me it would cost me 170USD because of late night taxi. OK, I said.

So, I waited. And I waited. And aprox. a hour passed and there was a knock on the door. Opened it.....AND.....well not exactly what I had in mind. She wasn't exactly slim. Not fat but not slim at all. Huge tits, but not the firm bouncy ones I wanted. She didn't pose on the homepage, that's for sure. She wasn't really my type at all, and I should have told her so. But as mentioned. I'm in Moscow. I'm Horny. Maybe she was a hell of a fuck, so, let's get in on. We didn't.

It was a fucking disaster. I started well. Talked a bit, went to the shower. Wanted her to do a little show for me there. She didn't. We went to the bed to make out. And she was just acting strange. Saying she felt like I was laughing at her. I wasn't. My thoughts went: Alright. Let her suck me off, let me fuck her fast and get her the hell outtahere. Then she put on a fucking cheap shit condom that made ol' Johnson feel like he was being strangled. Wasn't Durex I can tell you for sure. Well, I won't bore you with the details. After a LOUSY blow job I couldn't get her fucked probably because of that shit condom. So after way to long it ended with a handjob. 170USD for a handjob. Did I feel stupid? I mean, if I wanted a fucking handjob there were porn galore on pay-tv.

Well, she left, and the morale is: bring your own condom, make sure you activate the hidden lever-switch when you make arrangements with the phonelady. Make sure she understands, that you send the girl away if she isn't what you expected. And then just don't try to fuck anyone you don't really feel attracted to or connect with. Maybe that's obvious, but when you're drunk, alone and horny the obvious isn't always the most obvious.

Well, I'll finish off with a recommendation. Wednesday we went 10 colleagues to Boar House. And that was an amazing place. Shitfuckingloads of girls that just waited for you to tell them to go home and fuck you. Prices started roughly at 200USD but you could probably negotiate your way down to 100USD for the whole night depending on the girl and the time and day. Some of them looked like they would go lower, but I'm not sure that would be healthy for ya. There weren't any supermodels (it was Wednesday, remember) but there were very hot chicks who looked like a fantastic time. Better than mine anyways.

Didn't get to know anything about the VIP Saunas. Didn't get to know anything about Park Avenue Disco. But I got to know that going to a bar is proably the way to go in Moscow. Be it Boarhouse or Nightflight. Any taxidriver will guide you to places with girls. So, good luck, my sexcrazed friends. Hope mine is better next time.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-14-06, 06:51

Sweet-dreams.ru is another site run by Victoria along with yourfantasy.ru and if you read any of the posts, you'll see the more often than not, you don't get quality nor what you see in the photos. One of her girls even ripped me off by nearly 45 mins of time by claiming she showed up earlier than she did.

Caution to all, avoid both these sites and their providers.

It Travel
09-15-06, 12:04
Here is the link to just one of the teenagers seeking friends (not sponsors) on www.omen.ru


Simply incredible... she is seeking up to 32 y.o. guys!

I post a picture here. If I saw something similar getting in my house or room I would just get there, gently open her legs and put my face in Paradise! :) :)

Unfortunately I'm older AND NOW I AM NOT IN MOSCOW! :( :(


09-16-06, 13:29
All morning spent trying to make phone calls to massage parlours and salons but no one speaks english. Its very tough for someone with zero russian skills to get a piece of the action here. I even tried to wander in the streets but easily got lost and even didnt find a taxi to return to the hotel.

If someone knows a massage parlour or a salon with an english speaking lady, please share it with me, the russian language is driving me nuts.


09-16-06, 16:35

I had a similier problem of communication in russian language and its very frustating when you are so close yet soo far....

I had mentioned this before, I used Ectaco electronic translators, which automatically converts russian language into english and vice versa, all you need to do is carry the mobile like device and speak to it and it automatically converts it to russian language and when some one communicates in russian, just hold it and it will translate back to english....:D

Yeah..its the star-trek and bond gadget in one for a jet set monger :p

you can get the product and info here:


In my view, it solves 80 percent of the problems we mongers typically have during travelling and communicating in a foreign land....

I bet you won't miss a thing in moscow, with this stuff in hand :D :D

09-16-06, 17:36
What is the site for www.omen.ru for sponsors.

The site is in russian and canlt locate the sponsors section.

Thanks your help.

09-16-06, 19:20
I am going to be in Moscow next week and will no doubt arrive unprepared again.
Having previously trawled through various websites periodically and not understanding a word of Russian I usually just pick up a copy of the free english papers and order a takeaway, the last time being from a small ad offering students. I wouldnt know if she was actually a student but she was exactly as described on the telephone , slim, blonde and very attractive. Aslo at $150 for two hours wasnt the most expensive punt going either.

Ok it is not the cleverest approach but does the job at short notice.

However, if there were a couple of places i should definatly go to on one of my free nights, other than NF, i would welome your suggestions and comments.

Bez Bezarra
09-17-06, 02:15
Can you buy the translator in any stores, like Sharper image?

09-17-06, 08:35

I'm not sure if its available in shops/wal mart in US, but you can give it a try in electronic shops, I got it via shipping as i do not live in US.

But the best part is, there is a 30 day money back gaurentee and you can return it back, if you don't like it, well to put it another way, if your trips gets over in 30 days, you can use it and return the product :D, I know its cruel :p, but i just needed to try another thai version for my bangkok trip but i have kept that one as i frequent it quite often to thailand :D :D

Good Luck ;)

It Travel
09-17-06, 09:03
What is the site for www.omen.ru for sponsors.

The site is in russian and canlt locate the sponsors section.

Thanks your help.

Go on
so you willl get here:


select only
Фото обязательно
with the green tag, you might select in the upper positions, the city and the age interval...

Happy hunting

PS here some links to interesting teens on sale, some beauty some with incredible bodies and tits

I just post what I bealive are real pics and teens, no stunners, but they might be real naive fucks for some days, usually all (the one I tried) do BBBJ CIM and Swallow the whole... . :) :)

It Travel
09-17-06, 09:13
Sorry one more thing… this teen Anastasya, 7th boobs, 167 cm, not a stunner, but I, myself, love skinnies, big boobed, every teen has some positive aspect. (links just down)

Might that she (I just suppose) might be doing everything you want (maybe anal excluded) I think I can take a week just exploring boobs, for a mere 30.000 RUR a month (less than 1.000 €)

Tonia or Antonia, the petite teen has also fantastic tits with the biggest nipples ever seen (I suppose 6-7 cm). I was in contact with her and unfortunately I had no time. :( She is not always in Moscow, she lives outside. So she is much cheaper… she goes also an Daily basis 300 USD a day for all (anal CIM, and whatever), I have seen other pics unfortunately unsaved, she just looks like a schoolgirl as she is, just filled 19. :)


Helena Moscow
09-17-06, 13:33
To Rewe:

Dear Rewe, for guys like you international escorts exist ;)

To Loser:

From the way you corrected my English spelling, I assumed that you were able to communicate in Russian fluently... Ups...

To Bez Bezarra:

“Can you buy the translator in any stores, like Sharper image?” – I once bought a translator in the airplane. It was cheaper than on land. In Moscow they are often sold in computer and electronic shops, especially big ones like “Eldorado”, “M-video”, “Mir” and in special departments of big supermarkets, like “Perekrestok” or “Sedmoy continent”.

09-17-06, 15:55
An Answer: Too much money - relatively speaking; too much hormones - relatively speaking.

Comment: Wouldn't want it any other way would we, nor would the ladies that HM represents? So it all works out just fine :-)))

It Travel
09-17-06, 18:08
I really do not understand what an international escort is… Does it mean that you can speak on politics, economics, or whatever, or just that she is more elegant and charge you the double?

The question is to you, I WILL NOT ANSWER IN ANY CASE. (for past polemics)

I’m very happy with my Russian friends (girls) very warm, no hassle, coming when I want and we go to restaurant or whatever… I remember an evening in a little sushi bar, all was very jealous of my little Valentina in a pink fur! A little bite overrun!

It is all, I do not pretend to other people or population to have my tastes… I will go for them.

I will never ask because a site is not in English, I can understand my own.

I’m still a little bit sorry, but every time I write these things, less, on ground: what hell is a definition on a dictionary of an International Escort?

I know a lot of women, fiends, with all the respect, that can go to somewhere and show something. The few International Escorts I had I hope everybody knows what escort really means, were amazed on how I knew Moscow… funny, I’m the foreigner.

It’s all

Take this as it is: just some ideas.


The Corn Hole
09-17-06, 20:59
I'm going to Moscow for the first time next month and have been reading up on this board. I found lots of useful info here but I'm faced with somewhat of a minor dilemma. I am one who prefers all nighters as opposed to an hour or two with a girl. As I understand it the girls at NF do mostly short time for $200 or so, but the tochka girls are standard all night affairs. I've been talking to a friend of mine who has been to Moscow three times and strongly urges me to avoid Tochka girls because they service Russian men who often do not wear condoms. He said there is a possibility that the girl your DATY on or getting a bbbj from had 3- 5 guys in the previous night pull a condomless train on her. That very idea sends a shiver down my spine. Some people here use Tochkas but this guy keeps telling me that they are a bad option.

I really don't like cbjs so is it a safer bet to get bbbjs from the club girls istead?


09-17-06, 22:23
I'm going to Moscow for the first time next month and have been reading up on this board. I found lots of useful info here but I'm faced with somewhat of a minor dilemma. I am one who prefers all nighters as opposed to an hour or two with a girl. As I understand it the girls at NF do mostly short time for $200 or so, but the tochka girls are standard all night affairs. I've been talking to a friend of mine who has been to Moscow three times and strongly urges me to avoid Tochka girls because they service Russian men who often do not wear condoms. He said there is a possibility that the girl your DATY on or getting a bbbj from had 3- 5 guys in the previous night pull a condomless train on her. That very idea sends a shiver down my spine. Some people here use Tochkas but this guy keeps telling me that they are a bad option.

I really don't like cbjs so is it a safer bet to get bbbjs from the club girls istead?


AIDS and any STD's does not discriminate between Russian and non-Russian customers. You are dealing with hooker and high risk women in this profession and the risks would be similar any where in the world.

It is not the number of guys they have been with even though mathematically this will increase the chances of spreading disease, it is the fact that you are having BBBJ or sex without a condom.

Unless you want to spend a few bucks and have the girl tested for STD's before you have sex with her, the only way to be safe is to wear a condom 100% of the time. Any thing else is a risk, a risk many of us take.

The Corn Hole
09-17-06, 22:42
I do not disagree with that at all, however I think certain groups of hookers have a higher risk factor than others. As I understand it Tochkas are street girls pimped out by the mob who do not choose who or how many they have sex with on any given night. I am not going to get into an argument with anybody over this. But, perhaps you are right it is a dumb question to begin with. I have all but concluded they are not really for me but just found the all night thing appealing. I'll just look for it elsewhere.

Bez Bezarra
09-18-06, 00:44
I think certain groups of hookers have a higher risk factor than others.

So what would make you think that Night Flight pros
didn't start out working in a Tochka?

They can carry a virus for 10 years without any symptoms.
That's a lot of BBBJ's.

Helena Moscow
09-18-06, 23:19
To Vince:

Where did you find this old post? =))))) Who knows what problem? Some don’t want to spend time and energy in building relationships, some are afraid of relationships, some are disliked by girls, they feel better with escorts who don’t reject them, some are too shy to get acquainted with girls, some have no problems with girls at all, but feel lonely in a foreign country, some are curious... or want to learn more about the country through communication with escorts (other people can be difficult to communicate because of the language). Some really enjoy escorts company. Some just want to get rid of money. Recently I read an article where was said that some guys go to escorts to learn some new sexual techniques, some to release from stress during or after divorse, and some guys go to consult about relationships and learn how to become better partners by the time when they meet “the right girl”. Can you imagine? Never thought that we were so useful ;). Sure there must be million of other reasons, you, guys, know better.

To IT: “I really do not understand what an international escort is… Does it mean that you can speak on politics, economics, or whatever, or just that she is more elegant and charge you the double?” – I meant that they specialize on foreigners and speak english, which is rare among girls who specialize on Russians.

To The Corn Hole:
“I do not disagree with that at all, however I think certain groups of hookers have a higher risk factor than others.” – Agree. The riskiest groups in Rusia: girls working with Russians, freebies and honest housewives whose husbands hang about with all women they can catch without condom.

09-19-06, 22:57

Lets face it, hookers are hookers, call them international escorts, call them cortesans, at the end of the day, they are paid for sex, so we go to them for sex, cuz the more sex with different partners for men, the merrier.

Lets drop the international part please. Lets call them multi-lingual prostitutes.

Yupi Yup
09-20-06, 10:49
A summary of my 5 day trip to moscow, lets hope this helps our fellow mongers...

Arrived to Moscow monday, some say it is the worst day to go mongering because there arent many people and some say that since the demand is much lower it is the best day. I found the first one is more realistic.

First lesson: how to get around:

What you need: one hand, 200-400 Rubles in change, the name of the place, cell phone...

go to the street and use your hand as if you are waiting a cab in manhattan, very quickly 3-5 cars will make a line in front of you, they are not marked taxis but do not mind because there are very few and none of them use meters anyways. Go to the driver, tell where you want to go, for instance COSMOS Hotel(or you can show it from a piece of paper), take out your cell phone, write 200 and show it to the driver. if he agrees good, if not you can increase the price 50-100rubles, if it doesnt work move to the next car in line. never paid more than 300 Rubles, even at 3-4am for 45 min rides.

Second Lesson: where to go:

What you need: If you do not have a friend who knows where these places are get the adresses on to a piece of paper from the internet

SAFARI: Enterence fee 650 Rubles, Per dance/song 100 Rubles.

There were around 25 dancing girls and 6-7 working girls. There are rooms upstairs which you can take the WGs. They start barganing with 6000 rubles for 2 hours, can get the girls as low as 3000-4000 rubles...I did not try the rooms upstairs so have no idea about the quality. But overall the dancing girls were beautiful(7-9). Drinks were 100-250 Rubles ratio. An advice, if you do not stop the dance yourself, the girl keeps on dancing. So try to listen the songs as well, unless you dont want to end up like my friend....upppsss already 4 songs finished :)

Park Avenue: enterance fee 180 Rubles

This is a bar/dancing floor/ pool tables type of place. I could not see WGs (monday factor I guess), mostly 18-20 years old fellows dancing and grabbing each others butts. Considering the things I red about the place I was dissapointed. did not stay long we left the place.

Boar House/Chesterfield: Enterence fee: friend paid it so not very sure but something like 200.

20-30WGs, alll 5-6. the average fee is 200-300 per night and 100-200 for 1-2 hours. Ahh one more thing, do not forget the fee of 800 Rubles to take the women out of the bar. Nice place where you can have a few drinks with your friends and chat with women.

Hungry Duck: Enterence fee: 200???

A place where women jump to the stage and dance, some give BJ at the booths to their BFs, some working girls. Quality low end.

Hotel Lobbies: (Ukrania Hotel & Cosmos Hotel) : Always 10-15 WGs 6-7s, one hour 100USD, either 2 pops or 1 pop and a massage, all night 250USD. Since they are always available they can be your back up plan.

Web sites: your other choice. Did not have any language problem or getting the girl we asked for. The price is what you see at the web site.

Final Thought:

After these stops (all in two nights) what I learned is Moscow(this is my personal opinion) is overrated for mongering. My friends says that it is not the place that was 5 years ago. If you want to know how it was go to Minsk or Kiev. Which I can understan why. A lot of rich Russians and foreigners are living in moscow and that must have quickened the change.

PS: it is very easy to make eye contact with women that are sitting at a cafe or restaurant. After the first two days, me and a friend tried our chance with two beautiful girls. We were lucky, they were speaking english. Act as if you are lost and need directions, sit with the girls, make them laugh. Here you go, your free bies for the rest of your trip. It works - first hand experience.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Helena Moscow
09-20-06, 17:48

Lets face it, hookers are hookers, call them international escorts, call them cortesans, at the end of the day, they are paid for sex, so we go to them for sex, cuz the more sex with different partners for men, the merrier.

Lets drop the international part please. Lets call them multi-lingual prostitutes.

And what was the purpose of this posting?

09-20-06, 21:44
And what was the purpose of this posting?

To IT: “I really do not understand what an international escort is… Does it mean that you can speak on politics, economics, or whatever, or just that she is more elegant and charge you the double?” – I meant that they specialize on foreigners and speak english, which is rare among girls who specialize on Russians.

A comment on the international escort definition.

Helena Moscow
09-21-06, 00:59
A comment on the international escort definition.

Answer the question, please. What exactly did you mean by that comment?

Bez Bezarra
09-21-06, 04:07
All I learned is Moscow is overrated for mongering.
its not the place that was 5 years ago.

If you want to know how it was go to Minsk or Kiev.

Kiev is not what it was 5 years ago either.
The world is changing.
But not everywhere, yet.

09-21-06, 19:56
"All I learned is Moscow is overrated for mongering.
its not the place that was 5 years ago.

If you want to know how it was go to Minsk or Kiev. "

Bez is right, neither Minsk nor Kiev are time machines back to Moscow 5 years ago... The Golden Age of FSU Mongering is long since over ... or for the die-hards who don't give up easily, it has become a question of creativity...

Bez Bezarra
09-22-06, 02:53
The Golden Age of FSU Mongering is long since over ...

In the capitals this is true.

There still remains hard to reach out of the way non-tourist
destinations where it ain't so bad, and the fat lady hasn't sung
yet. Those places won't have the rich culture and happening
night life that many insist upon to call your vacation exciting.

Getting there is a challenge, and making the right connections
once there is where creativity becomes essential.

Giving away the keys to the mongering public would end that
prematurely, so its up to all who have the stones to make
your own adventures. Going to Moscow or Kiev requires no
risk, therefore the rewards are proportionate.

09-22-06, 06:56
In the last three years I tried several escort services. All experiences were so and so. Girls from 6-max. 8 - routined, professional, sometimes tired.

Once I found the time to visit a girl in a apartment (1905 - found on dosug. Nu - clubs/salons). Young girl - not a beauty (5) - ready to please in every way BUT also ready for everything without condom.

I wonder if I could take the girls in Ukraina out of the hotel? Any (good) experiences on board?

Where can I find really young aged (non silicone) beautiful girls even for high prices? Only in nightclubs?

09-22-06, 09:04

Agreed... like I said before, it's a question of creativity...thinking outside the box... Novonizhnysvetlaullorgischgorsk here I come!

Bez Bezarra
09-22-06, 12:04
I think outside the box...

Novonizhnysvetlaullorgischgorsk here I come!

I think ABOUT the "box" lunch and getting inside it.

Get me to Ufa, its slightly easier to pronounce with
a mouthful of muff, and sounds like one is about to hurl.

Big Bro AJ
09-25-06, 10:48
GOD BLESS RUSSIAN WOMEN…I can’t image a world without them…

What do you do, I said again once we got upstairs. “First kiss, then sex, then massage’ she says with a smile. I love kissing I said, and I LOVE sex, and the massage sounds great, but I’d like sex again – cum two times. “OK!” says she, and disappears into the shower, reappearing after 5 minutes wrapped only in the bath towel.

Now this is a tall girl with a super slim body, and I mean almost waif-like with tiny 32A breasts (long tasty nipples) and a waist I could almost span with my two hands. But Alexandra knew what to do with it. She turned and stuck her ass right into my face bending forward in a beautifully athletic position while I tasted the centre of the universe.

Smooth, clean shaven, fresh from the shower, she was deliciously sweet, and just when I was thinking this foreplay wasn’t going to last long (meaning I wasn’t going to last long), she turned again, pushed me back into an armchair and straddled me, keeping those dark Russian eyes locked on mine and wanking me slowly and provocatively just to get my heart rate up, feeding me those miniscule but perfect tits.

On to the bed. This girl could do every position with ease – on her back with legs knifed over her shoulders, cowgirl cantilevered outwards giving me a great view of vulva and breasts, on all fours keeping those smoldering eyes locked on mine in the mirror, she moved with practised and professional pace. It was obviously her routine.

A primal awakening took place at this point. I rose and opened her legs and moved on top of her into the 69 I had wanted earlier. No complaints now. Serious tongue on clit from me, and serious mouth from her. For some time. Then I physically moved her back on to the armchair and held her face close to mine while she gave me those smoldering eyes again and a long very hard hand job. And I mean, she worked for that. It was not a comfortable position for her, but she sensed something had happened for me and she went with it. Silent hard work until her muscles must have been aching, and then I just blew everything right over those beautiful shapely perfect little tits without once breaking eye contact. A real professional worker. My admiration for her was as big as my orgasm.

A pleasant evening in this dazzling city where the women look at you with ‘fuck off’ in their erotic slavic eyes.

It Travel
09-25-06, 11:18
Big Bro I agree totally, but I might add: RUSSIAN TEENS (or just above) ! :)

09-26-06, 17:33
Saturday night in Moscow and it turned out the Oh La La Club is only a 15 minute walk from my hotel.

Two big goons at the door frisked me with a metal detector and took my jacket to the coat check, and 600 rubles later I walked into a fairly elegant place with about 30 women, mostly topless and some of them fairly high (7-9) on the richter scale. Bought a beer in the bar (no English spoken), and as I was waiting for my change a girl starts dancing next to me pulling out her tits. I paid her little attention and walked into the strip area to find a seat. Immediately two or three women started climbing on my lap – they don’t even wait in line here – and I was glad of the attention but even more glad I had my wad of bills buried in a safe pocket.

Not that I should have worried about that because, as it turns out, this is a professional establishment, but just as I was enjoying the first lap dance this girl from the bar comes over and starts demanding ‘present for me.’ Well, she hadn’t done anything for me, but she starts to make a fuss so I give her 100 just to go away. A bit pissed at that. The aggressiveness of the girls gets a little hard to cope with after a while, and I was going through my 100s fairly well, so I started saying ‘nyet’ very firmly just to give myself a space to look around.

Then I noticed a fairly quiet brunette who had been sitting on the arm of my chair for the last little while, not participating in the climb-on. When the others had cleared off, she asked my name in English. I said ‘nyet’ again, but she said ‘we can just talk in English if you like, no money.’ That seemed like a good deal, so we moved to a couch and I got a better look at her. Not the most stunning in the place – probably a 7 – but a nice manner and low-key. A business student from a town about 700km from Moscow, 26 years old, her name was Eireida. Club name, Linda. Of course, after a bit of conversation I felt connected with her and asked the questions, how much, what do you do, etc. We agreed on 150 for 30 minutes in the VIP room (for which I had to pay 1000 rubles rent) but before I made up my mind I asked her for a lap dance. She had made no move until this.

Well, she climbed on my crotch and took down her top and this girl was smoking hot. Transformed in an instant from quiet companion to slutty hooker, it was amazing. I said ‘let’s go to the room.’ As I walked behind her across the floor I got a better look. Tall, slim, and an ass to die for. Small tits, but her whole body was tight and erotic. Into the room, we both had showers (she smoked a cigarette during hers) then on to a round bed in the middle of the floor.

Now this girl knew how to kiss. She lingered and probed and explored my mouth with hers until I was really ready for it. Everything I wanted was on offer – 69, digits, the best doggy I’ve ever had – not kneeling on all fours but prone with her ass up – mish, and cowgirl. I slowed it down as long as I could but then just had to let the juice flow. Afterwards, tender cuddling and kissing until time was up.

Back out into the bar, she says “I want a dreenk” and, upon further enquiry, “veesky.” Now here’s a girl after my own heart. Shag first, scotch second. Right priorities. I made a mistake and invested in 2 JW Black Labels (700 r) because I was feeling generous, but the conversation afterwards was warm and interesting. There were a bunch of guys in there by now and she could have dropped me quickly and made more money, but seemed content to stay. She had to take her turn dancing at the pole from time to time, during which I had to pay a couple of other very nude and steaming dancers a few 100s, but she always came back and danced for me. I was hard as a rock every time.

Her friend came over – stupendous ass – and announced she had a ‘take-out’ for the rest of the night. Intrigued, I told Eireida I didn’t know that was possible. She said “you don’t ask!” Got me thinking about the next night. I’d already decided to come back, so I told her maybe we’d do that tomorrow, if the price was right.

It was after 3:00am when I walked back through the silent streets of Moscow a happy man.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-27-06, 05:14
About midnight went back to Oh La La. The goons recognized me at the door, which was cool because the scan was cursory and they missed the digital camera in my pocket. There was a new girl at the bar who spoke passable English, and as I was getting myself a beer Eireida comes in all smiles and dressed in a sexy green one-piece outfit. Kisses on both cheeks, formal style but warm, and she sits down, asks for a juice.

It was Sunday night and there were no guys in there except me. About 15 women – again of mixed quality but mostly fair to good-looking. They were largely chatting to each other in corners of course, and the girls at the pole were gyrating slowly, quite listless and bored. No action in the club at all. My girl and I sat down in a corner, and a couple of dancers came over to do their number on my crotch and collect 100r (Eireide just watched calmly, no problem for her) but soon enough everybody realized I was there for her and left us alone.

I’ve spent many nights in clubs over the years, but this one was unique. A total gfe experience with a very nice human being in one sexy body. No rush or pressure tonight, the scenario was clear to both of us – an evening together of close companionship and conversation with sex whenever I felt like it. Naturally, I had to keep buying at the bar to keep her out of trouble with the management, but in all other respects it was an intimate night out with a new girlfriend.

We talked about what she did today, what I did today, a couple of drinks, then she asked what I wanted to do. I’d thought about the take-out option of the night before, but after a day’s consideration it didn’t sound like a good idea. I’d be falling asleep by 4.00am and she’d be wide awake, not the best situation in my hotel room for a number of reasons. So I said I’d like to spend the night with her here, and we could go to the VIP room a couple of times for 30 minutes. She was cool with that, and so we went for the first session.

Even better than last night. In the room, I took out the camera and she agreed to pictures, posing in both coy and slutty ways for my pleasure and enjoyment. Got some great shots – face, tits, pussy, everything, she had no qualms at all. Then on to the round bed, and this time straight to 69 with her on top, no condom, and she rode me all the way with her soft mouth to a shattering climax. I thought briefly about pulling out, but somehow I couldn’t do it.

I generally avoid the cim girls, but this one didn’t appear to be stupid or rapacious or already infected and without conscience. Just went with my instincts here, though of course it’s a risk. Mostly for her, of course, but there will be no problem there from me. Perhaps she sensed that too. Anyway, it was like having sex with a lover, but without the complications. Best of both worlds.

Back in the bar she was cold, so I took off my jacket and put it round her shoulders. She snuggled into me while we had some more drinks, and I slipped my hand inside the jacket and slowly felt her up – tits and pussy – for a good while in the darkened corner. It brought back many happy memories of my youth, though I’m glad I can pay for this now and don’t have to do it seriously any more.

A second session later, and extremely enjoyable too, but this time I just couldn’t come. No matter. We went through every position, she worked hard for me, alternately tender and then fiery, soft then dominatrix, this girl was value for money. Finally, she decided to please herself using my body, and so she began a lengthy revolving grind of her hips, totally engulfing my cock in her pussy, looking away into the distance in some mental place of her own, slowly building to her climax, nothing said, no fake moans, until she reached that tense urgent stillness and tight grip, holding it for a while with tiny tremors going through her body.

I watched this from below in utter pleasure. I knew I was paying for this, but there was something quite satisfying in being able to give more than cash. When she lowered herself to me we kissed a long time, and I said “did you really come?” and she looked me in the eye, waited a while and then said “no!” I roared with laughter. An honest woman too. What a find.

If I were still 26 this would be the girl for me. But she will just be a fond memory now. For a long time.

She gave me her e-mail but it doesn’t work. Maybe it’s the Russian transliteration, or maybe she didn’t want any contact. Either way, I can’t send her the pictures.

09-27-06, 07:00
What do you do, I asked them all. ‘One fifty for hour’ says one of the Marinas. ‘You choose girl, then discuss in your room.’ Got the picture. Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.[/blue][/size]

150 what $ r Euros???

09-27-06, 16:11
150 what $ r Euros???They asked for euros. Upstairs I paid dollars.

It Travel
09-29-06, 15:18
I know somebody was searching this girl...

Now on work again

If you tip her well she will do BBBJ + CIM in a very good wway!

She is even nicer in person



09-29-06, 21:06
Guys n gals. I'm currently on a break from my wonderful bi siberian girlfriend and have started to check out different chatrooms to find a girl.

I've found a couple of places, but I feel I'm still in the dark. Must be something better, I reckon.

So, if anyone have tips about good chatrooms to meet chicks it's highly appreciated. Preferably normal non-pro places, but also places for pros.

My russian is still pretty poor, so I'd love to find a english speaking place.

Feedback appreciated.

10-03-06, 02:43
Hi Folks

I am in Mosco currently on a busines trip, and having been at NF and other places, this time I need something where I can meet girls at their place since I can not bring them back to the hotel. Does anyone know a good location or place, especially as well for daytime?


10-05-06, 20:26
Doc, you are absolutly right...but I'm not unhappy with the options which are left in our days!

The only thing which has changed for me is spending the money for restaurant or clubs instead directly for the chicken!

And really I still state Moscow as a paradise....do you remember the 2,10m tall girl which picked me after 3 hours fun in PZ???

Or the one who picked you by asking you "are you handsome" so lets go??

I learned that it's easier to get picked by a drunken teen then searching for the ultimative pro!

Just coming back from a amazing week....and will continue soon


"All I learned is Moscow is overrated for mongering.
its not the place that was 5 years ago.

If you want to know how it was go to Minsk or Kiev. "

Bez is right, neither Minsk nor Kiev are time machines back to Moscow 5 years ago... The Golden Age of FSU Mongering is long since over ... or for the die-hards who don't give up easily, it has become a question of creativity...

10-05-06, 20:28
You are the first guy who is asking if you can take out a girl from Hotel???

In the last three years I tried several escort services. All experiences were so and so. Girls from 6-max. 8 - routined, professional, sometimes tired.

Once I found the time to visit a girl in a apartment (1905 - found on dosug. Nu - clubs/salons). Young girl - not a beauty (5) - ready to please in every way BUT also ready for everything without condom.

I wonder if I could take the girls in Ukraina out of the hotel? Any (good) experiences on board?

Where can I find really young aged (non silicone) beautiful girls even for high prices? Only in nightclubs?

10-06-06, 07:58

I agree with you... for me personally, Moscow is still the easiest place for freebies.

Yeah, I remember your 2,10m girl... one of the most impressive physical specimens I have ever seen... :) I also remember that she was being hit on by a Russian guy and left with you... so you scored one for the home team.. :)

As for my "ty krasivy?" girl, I also remember the 2 Ukrainians I was trying to get to go home with me when little blondie came in and asked me "are you handsome?" I said, "da, ochen" and left with her within about a minute... leaving the dumbfounded indecisive Ukrainians at the bar alone... my second fastest club pull ever.

Hope to hear from you soon!

10-06-06, 09:08
I definately agree that Moscow must be the best place fot freebees. It's so much money here now that some of the dyevs even insist on paying for drinks and fun.
After I learned some basic russian I hardly never use pros. And also more and more young girls speak some english.

Generally, if You have time, I would recommend the freebee-scene. Girls are very self confident, horny and definately know what they want. And they still like foreigners, to practice both sex and english.

But fortunately the pro scene is still very well developed. Very convenient if you don't have time to go out and pull, or you just want some quick and easy no-strings-attached sex. And honestly you can still strike gold with pros. I even met pros that don't wanna go home because they want more sex. And no extra charge.

10-06-06, 21:36
Agreed Fineart, very well put. Hope we can hookup in Moscow to go trawling and bar crawling together. Would be great if some Moscow iconic bar-hopping pros like Shos and Richard Cabro could join us.

One the craziest things that happened to me was banging a gorgeous 20ish dyev who is so rich that she has a bodyguard and a chaffeur... always picks me up in new cars, last time a huge BMW 745i, fucks me for a while and gets driven away by her bodyguards. I always walk her to her car afterwards and enjoy the looks the bodyguard opening the door for her gives me... every time afterwards I ask myself "why me?" and then a few minutes later shower, get redressed and head out into the night looking for something new...

I love banging pros too, sometimes paying is the simplest and most appropriate solution (especially for businessmen), but sometimes the "call of the wild" gets me and I have to find something new, to hunt and devour a new freebie girl from a club. maybe I'm making up for lost time and the girls I DIDN'T have back in high school.

Kiev, St.Pete... great places with their own special flavor that I love in their own way... the sheer overwhelming beauty of Ukrainian girls and the intellectual character, natural class and sexual desire of passionately cool and eternally gloomy St.Pete women...

...but Moscow still is the place with the most energy and the wildest women I've ever known. I've met so many young girls that love to party and feel the NEED to party, because they are so afraid of missing out on something in their youth. If you can "kidnap" one of these vixens from a boring day or night and show them a good, fun and exciting time, it almost always pays off with affection and sex. And another great thing about the students... when you are twice their age and you still look good and classy or cool, they love to go out with you where you can show them off, they can show you off, yet most still don't expect anything more than a casual affair. There is the risk of stomping on a heart or two, but that's life and the nature of love and affection, win some lose some.

I personally never make promises, always make them know that it's not more than an affair... almost all accept it for what it us and go for it anyway, others are saving themselves for a serious man and we end it... which is fine by me. I've dealt with crying girls, crazy moms and angry dads enough already. :)

10-06-06, 22:31
Thats an idea doc. Whereabout are you in Moscow? I'm southwest, close to the university.

10-07-06, 01:51
Hey Skank,

Glad to see you're winning the war on both fronts - UKR and Rossiya. You consistently demonstrate that confidence, cultural knowledge and a can-do attitude bring big rewards.

I'm planning a big trip to Moscow - I've never been before - next April to coincide with the UK Easter break. I'm thinking of doing it 'oligarch style': staying at the Hotel Ararat, splurging on the champagne in clubs and generally playing it large - something I could probably manage for 3 days :D. Would this approach work with Moscow girls? Or are they generally well-paid enough not to care that much?

I've heard it's pretty tough to get into the best clubs - lots of the dreaded 'Feis Kontrol', with being a Westener not really counting for much. Are the 'elite' clubs (I've heard names like Propaganda, Gazgolder and Fabrique bandied about) necessarily the best for scoring with freebies? Is sitting in the VIP section particularly important? And, where do you get the cute student types - I guess, the equivalent of 112 and PaTiPa in Kiev? It's the just-arrived-in-moscow-broke-but-want-to-have-a-good-time type that I'm really after ;)

Well, if the freebies don't materialise there's always NightFlight and Boarhouse - but I'm not just looking to repeat the River Palace experience in a more expensive place :) How do these places in reality compare to the boat?

I've heard that the one respect in which Moscow greatly outclasses Kiev is strip clubs - they're plentiful, good value/quality and allow take home. I think I remember Mister XXX being particularly highly recommended. Any thoughts on this?

If you're around then, we've got to meet up and do a spot of sharking. BTW I heard you and Alphamale had a good time in Kiev and came across Oxana (an RP girl I tried) in PaTiPa - did you get a chance to spend some time with her? She's a real cracker, very sweet and obliging, and speaks no English.

10-07-06, 01:59
2.10m = 6'9'' !!!

Did she have big hands? And feet? :)

I've heard of scoring big, but this really takes the biscuit.

10-07-06, 11:35

I don't live in Moscow, just visit regularly. I almost always live on Tverskaya. Will definitely contact you before my next trip in a couple of weeks.


You've researched Moscow pretty well! Oligarch style is a good approach, although I still recommend apartments. But if you are going to stay in hotels, Ararat is a good choice, location-wise as well. A few nice clubs right in that area. If you are going to splurge, it's going to cost you a fortune though. Champagne and VIP will set you back $$$ in the good clubs. You'll surely get attention, but I have no experience personally if this is your meal ticket to Pussy Buffett. I usually don't "oligarch"... :) If you are planning on oligarching, you might be better off just finding a girl to sponsor for $400/12 hours and fuck the shit out of her as opposed to making the club owners richer.

Of the clubs you mentioned, actually only Gazgolder is elite. Prop and Fabrique are clubs frequented by local expats as well and therefore they only have mild face control. The top clubs in Moscow now are Opera, Dagilev and First.

There is no 112 in Moscow, the closest being Karma Bar... i.e. a club where almost only foreigners go. There are some excellent cocktail bars in Moscow however, lots of expats there too... and cute girls like these palces, usually girls 23-30... some of these type establishments purposely face control girls 18-22 and don't let them in. All in all Kiev does have a different flair as compared to Moscow. There are many mid-level clubs in Moscow that are excellent sources for talent. Many many well-reputed clubs I have never been to simply because there isn't time to go to them all. Fresh, Lionheart, Slava to name a few.

There aren't many tourists in Moscow, in fact you'll never notice any except around Red Square. They don't factor into club life at all, except at Prop and Karma. The expats living in Moscow are almost all businessmen and behave a bit differently than tourists in Kiev who have "desperate for sex" written all over them.

Internet is a good source of women for Moscow.

NightFlight is superior to the Boat in almost every way in my opinion. RP MIGHT have a SLIGHTLY higher level of girl in terms of beauty, but NF girls are more human than the robotic cash-sucking machines at RP. It's not as brutal in its nature as RP where you are constantly reminded that you are only a wallet. Boarhouse has to be experienced to be understood. Some love it, others hate it. Been there too many times already myself. Girls less stunning than NF or RP and plenty of trolls, but a good shopper can pull some gems out of there.

Strip clubs are a great option if you have lots of cash, but I hear MisterXXX wasnt so great recently. I'm not a strip club expert though, so I can't really say.

I met Alphamale in Kiev and had a great time going out, actually I was at language school that whole week. Didn't meet Oxana... actually only took one pro that week, from the internet. $100/2 hours... a 7. Pulled one freebie from Silvers and one from Kaif (yes, it reopened) and one from the internet. Struck out at PaTiPa and 112. Was a bad time to be in Kiev actually in terms of women. Tons of foreigners and few girls, they were all on holiday somewhere.

Ricardo Cabro
10-07-06, 11:57
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]Agreed Fineart, very well put. Hope we can hookup in Moscow to go trawling and bar crawling together. Would be great if some Moscow iconic bar-hopping pros like Shos and Richard Cabro could join us.

Would love to hook up with you guys but I’ve just left Moscow after a brief but educational (hehe) sojourn.

Spent last weekend in SPB – not a lot to report. Saturday night at Rossi and Sunday evening at one of the Photomodeli establishments that are well covered in the SPb forum.

Monday I moved to Moscow and to ensure that I did not return to the Black Hole (aka CF) I had planned something fairly radical for me – I imported a GF to Moscow. Now this seems pretty dumb, like taking wood to the forest or selling sand to the Arabs but it just kind of happened.

A few months ago I was in a disco bar in a provincial town in Belarus and met quite a cute girl. A few weeks later she sent me an email and after a couple of email exchanges she asked when we could meet again. The only option on the horizon was Moscow so she bought a ticket and joined me.

In fact she arrived before me and when I checked into the hotel the room was lit by candles and covered in rose petals. I think I kissed this girl once 4 months earlier and 30 seconds into our second date the clothes were off. Now, I’m no Brad Pitt (or Harrison Ford for that matter), yet here is a regular girl from Belarus on her first visit to Moscow planning and executing the seduction of a guy she hardly knows. Does this happen anywhere else in the world?

The sex was only interrupted for a couple of hours whilst we went out to Shanty for some Thai food. Tuesday we did a bit of tourist stuff and went to Pushkin Café for dinner.

Wednesday things went pear shaped. I had some business to take care of and the GF joined my clients and me for dinner. We drank a lot of vodka, she didn’t. At some point in the evening she returned to the hotel to go to sleep, not a happy bunny. I let her go as, after just 2 days together, I was staring to feel a little claustrophobic and smothered. It’s not only the sex that’s intense with these girls. When the lecture started on how to conduct my business meeting (ie; don’t drink vodka) I knew the game was up.

I didn’t return to my hotel until Thursday afternoon by which time my GF had departed for Belarus. Where had I been? The Black Hole of course, and then to my clients apartment for a party with Alla and Victoria, both $300 each for the night.

10-07-06, 23:29
Way to be a wild man RC!

Do hope we can all hook up in the near future and have an ISG night out...

Haven't been to CF/the Black Hole in a while... I can hear it calling me... :)

This girl is a freebie I've posted before...

10-08-06, 00:33
Many thanks for all that info. I agree that staying in your own apartment is definitely a better bet for the frequent visitor in terms of the freedom it gives you. It's just that as a total Moscow newbie, I'd feel safer in a hotel with reception staff to - in theory - help you.

What sort apartment do you get for your money in Tverskaya Street? I usually stay somewhere really nice (that's if you ignore the common areas :)) and central in Kiev for not more than $100 a night, but I would imagine Moscow to be *much* pricier than that. Is that the case?

I'm actually quite keen on the cocktail bar scene as opposed to loud nightclubs, as there is far more opportunity to talk. Which bars have the best talent and atmosphere?

The idea of sponsoring a girl for the week end does sound interesting - although you would be stuck with her for the whole time! Is this something you'd set up via the internet? Have you tried it?

I wonder how much a long term sponsorship arrangement would cost, and how you'd go about arranging it. With the sort of $ sloshing around Moscow at the moment, you're probably looking at thousands per month for a model quality girl. Unless, of course, she actually *likes* you :)

10-08-06, 07:33

The quality of apartment in Moscow is lower than Kiev and there are far fewer available. Kiev really does have good value apartments available. Moscow apartments usually seem to be imperfect. I know, I've stayed in most of the advertised ones at one point or another... :)

A good (but usually not great) centrally located (Tverskaya) apartment in Moscow usually costs about $150/night or more.

If comfort and flash are of primary concern, a 5* hotel might be the better bet. Plan on $400/night for a hotel though, Ararat maybe even more.

I'll PM you with cocktail bar info, but can't guarantee they'll be quiet places you can talk comfortably in... :)

An upper tier sponsor girl costs about $3000-5000/month or more. I've even been quoted more than $10,000+ before for absolute top drawer girls. One girl even quoted $10,000/HOUR and she wouldn't admit she's kidding. Only an oligarch or Arabian prince could pay that.

A weekend (2 nights and an afternoon) with an upper tier girl would probably be about $1000+, or $500+/24 hours. I usually got quoted $500 "...and I'm yours".... this meaning about 16 hours. Sponsorship girls are generally looking for long-term arrangements and if its only short-term they charge accordingly. Top girls are also selective with whom they are seen. They can't go to the same top clubs every weekend with different guys otherwise soon they will lose their rep and market value.

If you only need the night (8 hours or so) $300 will usually get the job done. True amateurs might go for less. I am meeting a girl in St.Pete in 2 weeks for $50... we'll see how that goes... :)

All the above prices are approximate. It's all about negotiation. Lesser cute girls can cost a bit less. Girls who think more of themselves cost more. Sponsorship can be arranged via internet and then in a personal meeting. A lot of the top girls are looking for sponsors, including some girls in the top elite clubs. I've never done any long-term sponsorship since it doesn't suit my purposes, but it is an intruiging option. Short-term sponsorship is simply prostitution and a viable alternative to NF, CF, internet girls or salons. You can make seperate arrangements to meet outside the club with NF or CF girls as well, strippers same story. Strippers are a good option too, if money is no object.

IT Travel has written a lot on sponsorship and is more experienced than I in that market, check out the reports of distinction section...

10-08-06, 09:31
A guide recommands this company for short-term apartment rental in Moscow :


I don't know about the exact locations of all the apartments displayed on this site, but the rates for a studio or a one-bedroom apartment are in the 90 €-120 €/day price range.

Some are discounted to 65 €/day for longer stays of three weeks and more, and seem confortable enough. Those attractive rates make me consider seriously a few weeks stay in Moscow.

Hope this help.

10-08-06, 10:13
Apartments are definately a better option than hotels. 100-150 USD, as compared to 400 USD in hotels, should not need to be a source to any doubts.

Also, apartment is better if u case freebees. Hotels can make them feel insecure, and also feel like prostitutes. But of course security can be an issue, specially if you just met the girl.

I've been going out with same siberian beauty for more than a year now. And we've been travelling a bit together. But sometimes I come to Msk incognito to try out other options.

I have an african (19) and a chinese (20) lined up for the next few days. Met on the net. They're both suggesting threesomes. Meaning two girls and I:)

No talk about money yet. They claim to be students here.

My sibirskaya also is into lesbian fun. Even if we're on a break right now, she says she's very interested in taking part. Her erotic dream is to see me fuck another girl, while she does the oral labor;) Reports will follow.

10-08-06, 11:22

Nice link! Some more humanely priced apartments than the ones I usually take on Tverskaya... :)

I've stayed all over the city and in the end, I still prefer staying on Tverskaya personally. The Arbat area is also OK, as is Chisty Prudy.

I personally avoid the Belorusskaya, Mayakovskaya (unless directly on Tverskaya) areas as I find them to be quite impractical.


When looking at the apartments, IMHO you should consider 5 factors:

1) is it close (walking distance) to a metro? If you are staying more than a day or two and have free time, metro is an important, fast and economical way to get around.

2) is it in an area where you can easily get a taxi? Some side streets have so little traffic you have to walk 15 minutes to get a taxi, a pain!

3) are there shops and cafes within walking distance? You'll need to do occasional shopping and have a base to stop into for coffee or breakfast... or take a girl.

4) are there clubs and bars within a short distance? This isn't a must and Moscow clubs are spread throughout the city, but if there is a good club "around the corner" it can be very practical in terms of convincing girls to "drop in for tea".

5) will you be able to easily communicate to a Russian-speaking cab driver how to bring you home? For those who speak limited Russian, this is important. Gagarinsky Perulok for example is nowhere near the Gagarin monument on Leninsky... many cabbies are not Moscow natives either and do better if their goal is a simple location like Arbat or Pushkin square.

In terms of those 5 factors, I think Tverskaya (Pushkinskaya incl.) and Arbat score highest...

And don't forget, get your passport registered once you arrive in Moscow if you stay in an apartment.

10-08-06, 14:47

Thanks for that FlatLink website address. It looks pretty comprehensive, and interestingly has flats for sale too. What you have to pay per sq metre makes for some grim reading.


Once again, thanks for your detailed and considered advice. Regarding the ease of explaining where your apartment is to taxi drivers (who, as you say, are often not natives of the city) - I've had similar problems in Kiev, especially when staying more than 10mins away from Khreshchatyk. For example Laboratornaya Str. is the new (post Soviet) name for Ulyanova Str. but the A-Z maps that the drivers use often have the old name. This confused the hell out of one guy and turned a 5min ride into a 1/2 hr one!

The Hyatt Ararat Hotel has a special weekend rate (Fri & Sat) of EUR 387 instead of their usual EUR 531 per night for week days. I'm sure other pricey hotels do the same thing. But from my second visit I'll definitely go for a nice apartment, once I've gained a feel for the city.

Incidentally, do freebies in Moscow have a complex about going back to a hotel with you? Many 'nice' girls in Kiev will only go back to an apartment, thinking that going to a hotel (even a top end one) is somehow seedy.

I assume you spend much more of your time in the mid level clubs than the Elitny ones - probably because you've figured that they generate similar results for a much lower outlay? I'll probably end up doing the same thing but do want to have at least one proper 'oligarch' night :)

Regarding sponsorship, the real top of the range girls are probably out of my league (I'm only a pretend oligarch) and wouldn't want to spoil a long term arrangement, or the possibilty of one, with a one-off $500 deal. No real problem for me as I've always preferred the cute student type to catwalk material. It sounds like you could go to Boarhouse (maybe not NF) on a Saturday night and offer a girl $500 to stay with you till Monday morning. If that includes being entertained and taken out during this time, I really can't see why she'd refuse.

On which site did you meet the SPB girl? Are there different sites for Mosocow and SPB? And BTW, how do you get your PC to type in Cyrillic?

You know, I've never been to Moscow but already have an incredibly detailed plan of exactly what I'm going to do :) An elite club or two, some nice bars, NF, Boarhouse, Mister XXX and/or 911 VIP! That's without factoring in time for Red Sqaure, the Kremlin and a Moskva river cruise. Maybe I could do all that with my sponsored girl :)

There's actually a 'nightlife consultant' based in Moscow who knows management and security at all the top clubs, can get you in anywhere, and recommend exactly which club is the most happening on any particular night. His website is http://www.dreammoscownights.com. Do you reckon it's worth using his services?

I'm budgeting around $3000-3500 for the whole trip, whereas a weeked break in Kiev seems to always come in at around $1000. I wonder if that 3:1 ratio applies across the board?

10-08-06, 16:35

Although generally some girls really don't like to go back to hotels for fear of being thought of as prostitutes, this is however primarily a concern in "Russian-style" or tourist hotels. High-end business hotels, especially well-known ones like Ararat or impressive ones like SwissOtel, do have their own charm and some girls are very interested to get a peak inside. When I have "had" to stay at such places because of business reasons, I have never hesitated to bring girls back and you can easily "sell" the charms of such luxury hotels.

For an afternoon date I suggest you go to have a drink in the roof restaurant at Ararat, there is a nice view of the city from up there and after a drink, you can just pop into your room with your girl to "check out the facilities".

SwissOtel is the same, chicks are impressed with the view and like the sky bar.

Literally just around the corner from Ararat are, to name a few:

Vogue Cafe: good place for a date, but forget picking up girls there... except for the 2 or 3 high-priced pros that sometimes hang out there

Karma Bar: popular expat club, sometimes it sucks horribly, sometimes its heaven.

Close to Ararat as well are Prop, Club XIII, Che, Petrovich etc.

A $500 Saturday-Monday arrangement might work... but I wouldn't pay it all up front... :) You could probably get an internet girl to go for that arrangement as well, and a Sunday tour guide is a nice thing to have.

As for clubs, I go through phases. As summer isn't really club season, I have actually been mostly hanging with regular girlfriends and doing normal Moscow things like going to the park, the marina or private parties. When I do club though, I tend to go to elite clubs when I am with a fellow businessman and go to mid-level student clubs when I am alone. Both type of club has its charm and merits. Club season "unofficially" opens about October 1st...

And don't forget to go to Real McCoy.

Not sure on the night life guide... never used his services.

StP and Mos use the same dating websites.

To type in cyrillic you have to activate cyrillic font on your computer. With XP its really easy... and to make it even easier, buy a cyrillic/english keyboard in Moscow and take it home with you, otherwise you'll have to memorize where all the cyrillic characters are.

CA Traveler
10-08-06, 17:31
doc... if you ever decide to try out shoskovitches 2.1 metre girl... you had better tie a 2X4 on your ass or we will NEVER hear from you again!

10-08-06, 18:46
the only waste of time was inviting her for the Jacuzzi in the apartment...she was sitting next to me and her feet were in the sink ....I'm sure you know which apartment I mean...

doc... if you ever decide to try out shoskovitches 2.1 metre girl... you had better tie a 2X4 on your ass or we will NEVER hear from you again!

10-09-06, 00:30
Thanks Skank.

You've really whetted my appetite :) I assume early April is still club season, as Moscow is still cold and summer is some way off?

I've heard of both the Real McCoy and Che - apparently they're where the regular Muscovite office dyevs go when they really want to be picked up. Kind of a Hungry Duck for 2006. And Club XIII is an Elitny place, right?

Vogue Cafe and Cafe Pavilion are two places that also seem to ring a bell. I'm guessing they're a bit like Prada Cafe in Kiev - now that's a *great* place to take a date ;) Remember to buy her a Kalyan, they all seem to love that.

I think I will give this nightlife guide a try. It'll give me something else to report back on in any case. Despite having to pay his fee, it may actually cut costs overall.

Big Bro AJ
10-09-06, 10:34

Have you known a mamushka called Elena. She is around 32, originally from ST PETE.

She preferred to meet at CF. She works w. desirable goddesses.

I heard that her girls offer unforgettable services.

10-09-06, 18:23

Club XIII is not really a elitny place but very reasonable when they organize special parties. The best party I ever joined in Moscow so far was Halloween there 2 Years ago!

Real McCoy I recommend Thursday Night, a great Live Band is playing and the girls really freak out. Further I would go there 6 a.m. Saturday or Sunday for the last minute option or for the ultimative Long Island Ice Tea!

Vogue Cafe is a cozy place, mainly stuffed with married, former beauties which are tired from shopping. But reasonable food in a relaxed atmosphare everyday.

just my bloody expierence


Thanks Skank.

You've really whetted my appetite :) I assume early April is still club season, as Moscow is still cold and summer is some way off?

I've heard of both the Real McCoy and Che - apparently they're where the regular Muscovite office dyevs go when they really want to be picked up. Kind of a Hungry Duck for 2006. And Club XIII is an Elitny place, right?

Vogue Cafe and Cafe Pavilion are two places that also seem to ring a bell. I'm guessing they're a bit like Prada Cafe in Kiev - now that's a *great* place to take a date ;) Remember to buy her a Kalyan, they all seem to love that.

I think I will give this nightlife guide a try. It'll give me something else to report back on in any case. Despite having to pay his fee, it may actually cut costs overall.

10-10-06, 00:04
Thanks for that Shos.

I'm going to be in Moscow from Fri 6th to Mon 9th April - not long at all - and need to make the most of my time. I won't be able to see Real McCoy on a Thursday (damn!) but let's hope my 6am long island iced tea has a long legged icy beauty attached to it :)

Fri & Sat will be my main going out nights. I'm trying to decide whether to focus on the Elitny or mid range clubs.

Is it hard to get into the likes of First and Dyagilev? And what sort of $ should you expect to spend? Ultimately, is it worth it, or can you do just as well in Propaganda and Slava? What's your experience been?

I'm splashing out on Hotel Ararat so I hope that pays dividends.

If all else fails there is NF, Boarhouse and take home strip clubs, but I'm aiming for the kill :)

It Travel
10-10-06, 10:05

doc thanks for advising to me for sponsorship, but i just was trying it some times, and i’ll do it more.

what is sponsorship in the russian way?

usually it’s a girl staying with you all the time, living with you, as she was your girlfriend, and acting in the same way. you will have to pay food, accommodation, some gifts, an al the fun (cinema, disco, theatre, restaurant and what ever). gifts for some girl can be expensive: not only some clothes, but even some jewellery, or trips to sea resorts in turkey, or in sochi.

in change of that you get a real gfe, almost as real with the girl usually very obedient (!) even on the sex side: bbbj, cim, often swallowing are mandatory, with some time you usually get them all to anal. on ground they are sponsored they do not have to be jealous, so you can get some afternoons with other girl, or even get weekends with the girl and some of her best friend, for a nice duo. usually there are no lesbians, but if you find a bisexual…


how to find them?
the best way to get sponsored girls is, in my opinion, via internet.
on www.omen.ru you will find hundreds over whole russia, some even putting out the price. the other site (needs registering) but surely much more girls is www.flirt.com.ua i just use the ua version because i registered there, but the database is the same for a lot of russian sites.

how to get in touch and evaluate?
in all the sites you will find hundreds of girls, with different communicating system: via the site pm; icq, messenger (few) or even telephone number. the best way is getting in touch, make a date for a drink or a dinner and just evaluate them (you know photos…) ask openly what for what (sexual preferences, other , and money) and how much. then decide to sponsor them or not for a next trip. the meeting saves you from a lot of “problems”.

if you just need a sexual weekend, just find a girl making you horny, like an 18-19 y.o. even with no english (the mouth will be occupied in any case!). otherwise go to 23-25 y.o. with some english and perhaps an interesting, and underpaid, work. it might be a surprise.

sponsor starting!
get in an hotel, and reserve for two, with their real name and they have to give the passport at the reception for registration. your insurance against theft (you never know). but with this system you avoid all problems. if you are living in a private house the thing is different. living with an unknown person… mhhh: i would lock a copy of her passport in the safe.

start the sponsorship with a small gifts, usually these are poor girls, very sensitive. go for some underwear, perfume, a new phone or a small digital camera (depends on the sponsoring period) from 50 to 200 usd. she will start in a good way. make some unasked and un waited gifts.

you should expect from her all sex you want, more than from your girlfriend. my friend (sponsored) “piggy no pants” even wanted to go to a sex-shop! my advice is, even if offered, go only for covered fuck and anal. in mouth everything should be uncovered. buy cream and oils for massage, and might that every russian girl would like to experiment two things a big bubble bath with you, and a jacuzzi with bathing salts!
might that usually they get horny and wet too.. it’s another way of making sex than what it is with a pro!

when you go out.
always be polite. in her conception she is not a bit**, just a girl in need, make her to participate to your life, your things. you might be surprised some my be really clever and well educated… you will notice all this in a couple of days, if you are not 50 and she is not 18, you might even take them to social occasions… usually they are not stupid. i presented “piggy no pants” as one “reserve” interpreter. her english is quite good, and she is not stupid at all. by the way looking at this chubby girl no one was thinking i was fucking her…

if it’s a short period (long weekend) pay her afterwards, with counted money, in dollars, and do not be a stupid with the change, 20/30 usd more do not make any difference. hand over the money discreetly. if your is a monthly or more agreement, just make a down payment (10%) and then pay her weekly… she might need the money for children, sisters a old babushka or whatever. make so they do not need to ask.

may vary on the girl. beauty and age, knowledge of english.
a teenager from outside moscow, so so, but exciting and doing everything will go for 300 usd/day. a little older one for 250usd/day, some even less. some get sponsored for evenings (and nights only) for 150, but usually you have to invite her to a dine (i may suggest the mirror hall in yar, it will be 50/70 each, but she will be very impressed and you will get good food).
a weekend (fri eve. - mon morn.)an go from 500 – 800.
iriska was offering me (she is in a desperate need of money i suppose, her and her friend olia, with anal (only her) for 900 usd… no lesbian.
the thing is different when you go for long-time. standard rates are 30.000 rur a month, 60.000 and 100.000. usually teens or just above.

in my opinion there is only one problem in long (not holiday) sponsoring. if i got the girls of this pictures, i will not work nearly at all… just going around, fucking them at least four-five times a day. a couple of hours of daty etc. that is just the problem…

any question (public only) welcome

i’ll soon write on [CodeWord901] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord901) on kiev, which, in reality, is a sponsor girl… not really a pro…

pictures are taken from omen, from girls usually offering a price. all in moscow, avaliable now, less than 22 y.o.


10-10-06, 11:07
>Fri & Sat will be my main going out nights. I'm trying to decide whether to >focus on the Elitny or mid range clubs.

Go definitely for the elitny clubs. You will get a great experience you cannot become in a mid-range club. Better people, nicer girls,....

>Is it hard to get into the likes of First and Dyagilev?

It depends on you. I have usually never problems to get in, sometimes it's even much more difficult to pass the face control of a mid-range club. Dress well, trendy, good shoes and appear a bit "russian styled", i.e. be arrogant to the security. Best clubs are Krisha, Gazgolder and with some distance Dyagilev, First, Opera. Dyagilev is in the "public area" very often overcrowded and therefore I recommend to reserve a table there to have fun.

>And what sort of $ should you expect to spend?

Depends, if you buy a table USD 1'500-10'000. Common price for a whiskey coke is RUB 450-500 (=approx USD 20). I think with USD 500-1000 for a night you can have some fun.

10-10-06, 14:10

Fri 6th to Mon 9th April? dont worry I will be there all the time!
Expenses, well I count with 6K - 10k Rubels for a cool party night (at Dagjeliev, First or Shosse) + max. 10k if I have to pay for a chicken burger in a drive in stand(Tochka)....but really there is no need for going shopping!

More simple class clubs suchs PZ or even Slava which is a bit away from the centre you can have fun with 5k....


Thanks for that Shos.

I'm going to be in Moscow from Fri 6th to Mon 9th April - not long at all - and need to make the most of my time. I won't be able to see Real McCoy on a Thursday (damn!) but let's hope my 6am long island iced tea has a long legged icy beauty attached to it :)

Fri & Sat will be my main going out nights. I'm trying to decide whether to focus on the Elitny or mid range clubs.

Is it hard to get into the likes of First and Dyagilev? And what sort of $ should you expect to spend? Ultimately, is it worth it, or can you do just as well in Propaganda and Slava? What's your experience been?

I'm splashing out on Hotel Ararat so I hope that pays dividends.

If all else fails there is NF, Boarhouse and take home strip clubs, but I'm aiming for the kill :)

10-10-06, 23:49
I'm looking forward to it! You dudes are clearly experts.

So, my short list, based on advice and research, is:

Hotel: Ararat Hyatt (3 nights)
Clubs: Gazgolder, First, Shosse (inc. table bookings)
Strip clubs / take home: Mister XXX, 911 VIP
Other bars and clubs: Real McCoy, Che, Vogue Cafe
P4P: NightFlight, BoarHouse. I'm a little nervous about Tochkas though..

Total Budget: $5-6k

This is going to be one weekend to remember :)

All the best guys, and see you soon.


10-14-06, 14:38
IT Travel !

Great report on sponsorships. Very helpful ! Guys like you are needed in this world.

Nevertheless, one kind request. My russian and probably that of many people on this site is very limited, therefore some difficulties occurr on using omen and flirt could, i tried but didn't quite make it, could you give a short help / introduction into the systems?

Many thanks!

It Travel
10-14-06, 20:40
I have just beein chatting on ICQ with this beauty.

Valerie: 18 y.o. just since six months. :))

173 cm, 55 kg, 84/63/90

and of course: 60000 руб a month... less than 1.800 €.
Of cours you have to put hotel (or house), food gifts and so on... two weeks, might be 5-6.000 €.

I'm hard working now, and perhaps I can have some more luck than usual. (hope so) If so she will be my Christmas present... :D

PS for two weeks I have to put at least 300 € on Cialis! And it's enogh the she is half as beautiful as in pictures!


10-20-06, 11:17
Hi all:

I finally found myself in Moscow for four and a half days. I had wanted to monger extensively, but that was seriously complicated by the fact that I had business colleagues with me and numerous early morning meetings and dinner engagements. However, I was able to hook up with a provider in a very non traditional way and thought I would share this experience.

My chance to break away from the group came on Friday PM and decided to cruise Tverskaya Blvd as I was staying at the Marriott T.. I really wanted to hit the Boar house, but I know from reading the board that things didn’t really get rolling until midnight and given my early schedule the next day, I figured it would be problematic. I decided on cruising Tverskaya as I had observed the previous nights that there were a few girls walking back and forth and my monger radar had perked up. There was especially this one tall redhead that I had seen and with whom I had exchange a significant eye to eye gaze, and a quick flirtaous smile. Wasn’t sure if this was a flirt or a come on, but I was hoping to find out, but knowing deep down that the chances were between nil and zilch!.

I cruised down the boulevard and there were a lot of people out. At Pushkin’s square, there was a band that was setup, playing some Rock classics, with lots of people hanging out, listening and dancing on the square. I hung out there for a while observing and listening to the mediocre music. Most women were clearly not working, but a few seemed to be and I almost approached them but my lack of Russian was a obstacle . As I left Pushkin’s Square, going up the stairs, from the street crossing tunnel, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and if it isn’t the same redhead!! This was too good to be true. She starts off with “you speak English don’t you?” in a pretty good English. That was enough to break the ice. We talked a few minutes right at the stairs, then started to stroll down tverskaya. She told me a bit about herself, and I shared limited information . Keep in mind that at this point, my monger radar is working overtime, I am deep down hoping that she is working, but still not sure given how weird this is all rolling out, and quite honestly not sure that this isn’t some kind of setup. After a couple of blocks I ask her if she wants something to drink- she says a coffee would be great. So we enter one of the many coffee shops and sit for about 30 minutes talking, sharing stories, and telling each other about ourselves. At this point I am learning more about her and I am certain she is working (no shit – right?!) and try to show that I am very interested. In retrospect I could/should have been more aggressive, but this is my first experience at this, and it is a little strange the way it is developing..

Turns out that her name is Alina, she claims to be from St. Petersburg, that she is visiting a friend in Moscow for the week. She is apparently a student in SP, and will be returning there in a couple of days – so she says. She is really tall, about 5’11” with heals, has incredibly beautiful curly long red hair, medium complexion, (a little too much makeup for my taste) and a really nice set of full breasts. After about 30mins of talking she excuses herself to go to the bathroom. At this point, I figured, she was on her way out and I wouldn’t see her again. But no, after a few minutes she comes back and tells me she has a proposal for me. She said she would like to go back to my hotel with me, where we could make “beautiful love for the rest of the night” – Oh yeah! At that point, I asked how much would I have pay for this, and she said $300. At that point, my shit-eating grin, quickly disappears, and I told her no, that was too much. She then countered with $200. I asked her if that was for the whole night and she said yes. My smile came back and we were off. We grabbed a rogue taxi to head back to the hotel. Interesting experience! Thank god she was negotiating the cab. Less then 10 minutes and 70 rubbles later, we arrived in front of the Marriott T. During the whole cab ride, it was like being with a newly found girlfriend. We were holding hands, light kissing off and on for the whole ride. Couldn’t really believe that this was really happening!

Now, I have read on the board about the walk of shame. At this point I had never really experienced this, even when hooking up pros in Vegas. But I got the full sensation this time. As we walked in, I gave her my arm which she quickly and gladly held on to. I walk past the 3 security goons in the lobby, and caught the 2 desk clerks giving me a look! I am sure I turned a couple shades of red, but what the hell, she was really cute, and I was going to have one hell of a session. We made it to the glass elevator, and the lobby quickly disappeared, all the while out of the corner of my eye I could see security watching me ;-) While we rode the elevator, she surprised me with a DFK kiss. Very sweet and a promise of things to come.

We got into the room, and told her to make herself comfortable. I asked her if she wanted something to drink, she said no, but wanted to take a shower. I of course agreed. While she shower, I pulled down the covers and made sure everything had been put away properly – it had. Ten minutes later she emerged in one of the hotel robes. I told her I was going next and she gave me a big grin. As she came out of the bathroom, I realized that her makeup was gone. This revealed what turned out to be a really pretty girl with beautiful pale white skin that perfectly complemented her red hair. Just looking at her got me hard! I got into the shower and took care of business. I emerged about 5 minutes later and walked into the room. She was already under the covers. As I came around the bed, she flipped back the sheets to reveal an incredibly nice body, nice firm breast and a completely shaved kitty. I got instantly hard. I jumped into bed in record time, pulled the covers over us and started indulging in passionate DFKs..

Without boring you with the details, for the next ~2 hours, we proceed to “make beautiful love”. DFK, BBBJ, DATY, 69, lots of caressing, all part foreplay. During my licking her, I swear she came, as all of sudden, she oozed sweet tasting juices all over my face. If she was faking, then she is truly an actress. During this time, the moaning got increasing louder and more intense. At one point she turned me around a told me to “fuck her hard”. For the next 30 minutes I proceeded to do her doggy and missionary, all the while she was moaning and screaming. It got to the point, I was afraid the other guests would complaint and I was fully expecting a knock on the door telling us to keep it down. Fortunately, the knock never came – but I certainly did. After coming a couple of times, I laid on the bed resting, she got up and took a shower. During that time I made sure to set the alarm to 7:00 to make sure that she would be up in time to head out before my AM meeting.

After she came back, I also took a quick shower. I returned to bed and she quickly curled up next to me, just like a girlfriend would. We quietly talk about this and that, lots of sweet nothings - told her how beautiful she is, how much I liked her hair, no makeup, etc. She then asked me what time my meeting was in the morning – I had shared that I had a meeting on Saturday earlier. She ask me if she could stay in the hotel until about noon even after I had to go. I explained to her that she couldn’t and she actually needed to leave by 8:00. She sounded disappointed, but said she understood. After a few more minutes, we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

When the alarm rang at 7AM, I about threw it out the window. It took all my strength not to call my colleagues and tell them to start the meeting without me – but that would not have been good. I gave Alina a big kiss, as she was waking up, and she started to rub my little friend. Next thing you know she is giving me an incredible BBBJ. After about 15 minutes of this, I slip the cover on and went to town. Again the moans grew louder. As she seemed to come, she dug her nails in my back which made me in turn explode in a hot second. I swear I still have some of those marks! We both collapsed on the bed and rested for a few minutes. After that, I went to take a shower first and proceeded to get dressed as she showered. By 8:30, we were both dressed and ready to go.

Before sending her on her way, I paid her the agreed amount, and a little bit more (call me weak! For the true GFE). She then asked me to accompany her down stairs so that she could take the cab. Now keep in mind that I was supposed to meet my colleagues in the lobby around 9:00. It was now 8:45 and they had been early in the past couple of days. I could just see it now, trying to explain to them what the hell was going on! Oh well, you only live once! We headed out of the room and I gave her my arm. Again she grabbed it like a true girlfriend. As the glass elevator emerged above the lobby area, I quickly scanned the lobby, and to my relief only hotel personnel was around – Whew!!!. At this point the walk of shame seemed so much less important given the alternative of parading in front of uptight co-workers. We proceeded out the front door and turned down Tverskaya Blvd. About a block down, she flagged a taxi and negotiated the fee. I gave her 500 rubbles for the taxi – yeah I know, too much. We embraced like 2 love birds right there on the side walk, she got in the taxi and she was gone!.

I suddenly realized that in my haste, I hadn’t got her cell number – DAMN – and I would probably never see her again. I then walked around the block - bummed, entered the Marriot from the back side, and proceed up to my room being followed by several stares/glares. About 15 minutes later, I came down, met my co-workers as if nothing had happened. ;-)

In retrospect, I know that had I not had the meetings that Saturday AM, she would have easily stayed until noon, might have had another session, and maybe might have convinced her stay for the afternoon – maybe. Bottom line is that I got essentially 3 intense sessions, a lot of DFK, GFE cuddling, for essentially $200, plus $50 tip and 500 rubble cab ride with a really pretty and seemingly nice girl. I know I probably went a little overboard money-wise, but from my perspective worth every penny. My only 2 regrets, forgetting to get her phone number, and knowing that sessions like that for me are truly a once in a life time occurrence. I will treasure the memory of this session like few others – and when my significant other asks me why I am “smiling” I will need to come up with a convincing lie, as I can’t tell her what I am actually thinking about! I miss Russia already, and certainly can’t wait to return!

Stay Safe

10-21-06, 11:46
IT Travel !

Thanks again for latest update on sponsoring. Could you give a little help for only basic russian speakers how to enter?

Big thanks in advance!

10-22-06, 06:39
Call me stupid but could someone tell me which door to use at Isthars. Been there twice pounded on all the doors but no answer.

Gentleman Travel
10-24-06, 15:18
Has anyone had experience renting apartments from "expresstorussia.com" or "city realty"? I have booked an apartment in Pushkinskaya, right across from Night Flight, so I assume someone from here has gone there before me. I just want to know if they are reliable, or will pull a "bait and switch" on me when I arrive!

Any feedback would be appreciated.


Gentleman Travel
10-24-06, 15:23
I am arriving in Moscow (for my first visit) on Halloween!
I gather this is not celebrated the same way in Russia as it is in America, but I wondered if anyone knew of bars or clubs that had adopted the theme?

Alternatively, it being a Tuesday night, any recommendations for mid-week frolics? I see an old post of Dr. Skank's suggesting that PZ or Daiygelev was relatively good early in the week compared to others that really only get going as the weekend approaches. Any other views? I want to start my visit with a bang!


Pat Reno
10-26-06, 03:53
Does anyone have anything good or bad about dosug.nu/? Thanks in advance.

10-26-06, 15:42
For what it's worth...

If you read the reports on sextalk.ru, the two main sources of dyeffki are intimcity.ru and dosug.nu. They seem to have a high rate of reliability.

These are local guys reporting on sextalk, guys who live and work in Moscow, so I imagine they oughtta know their own back yard better than most. And the girls who advertise on dosug are aiming at the local market, not the oligarchs, so their prices are much more reasonable.

Pat Reno
10-26-06, 21:26
For what it's worth...

If you read the reports on sextalk.ru, the two main sources of dyeffki are intimcity.ru and dosug.nu. They seem to have a high rate of reliability.

Thanks, I thought I would give the internet a try for a change on my next trip. But even in America ordering by internet is so unpredictable.

Helena Moscow
10-28-06, 00:13
Does anyone have anything good or bad about dosug.nu/? Thanks in advance.

It's a reliable, huge site, but as far as I know, most of girls there work with Russian clients and don't speak English.

It Travel
10-28-06, 09:18
For what it's worth...

If you read the reports on sextalk.ru, the two main sources of dyeffki are intimcity.ru and dosug.nu. They seem to have a high rate of reliability.

These are local guys reporting on sextalk, guys who live and work in Moscow, so I imagine they oughtta know their own back yard better than most. And the girls who advertise on dosug are aiming at the local market, not the oligarchs, so their prices are much more reasonable.

I can agree with you... you will find nearly everything from price ranges of 5.000 to 20.000 RUR a night... mostly around 7.000-10.000.

You might consider also www.ston.ru and www.red-club.ru they share with www.intimcity.ru approx 30-40% of ads, but thre are different. Some time the photo is photoshopped, but only few time it's a real fake. Some pics are really big, so you see what you get!

As Helena is saying most girls do not speak English, just few words, but I'm not caring, with my basic Russian, some gestures we can make a full comprehension...

Be aware that most of the girls (as all women) are lying on age! So select the youngest one (my criteria is below a declared 21).

The comments you can find in these sites (in the site for www.intimcity.ru and www.dosug.ru, and via www.sextalk.ru for the others) are very interesting. If you do not know Russian it's easy to use some on line translator. Surely the best and easiest search system are those on intimcity and red-club.

In these years I used surely more than 20 girls most from intimcity and went in some apartment of dosug... all was matching. Usually you get all that is written, if you tip good you can get some more like BBBJ, COF or others.

Might that some girl (low price) intend night as 5-6 hours, some will not kiss etc. Just ask!


Helena Moscow
10-28-06, 17:22
The comments you can find in these sites (in the site for www.intimcity.ru and www.dosug.ru, and via www.sextalk.ru for the others) are very interesting. If you do not know Russian it's easy to use some on line translator. Surely the best and easiest search system are those on intimcity and red-club.


IT, could you, please, drop a link or two on good on-line translators? I tried to use some, but they were too slow. I'm having difficulty with Germans. Some of them speak no English at all, but they still could be clients... Thank you for help ;)

It Travel
10-28-06, 19:22
IT, could you, please, drop a link or two on good on-line translators? I tried to use some, but they were too slow. I'm having difficulty with Germans. Some of them speak no English at all, but they still could be clients... Thank you for help ;)

I do not understand what you mean with slow...

www.altavista.com then go to babel fish (referring to Bible...)

they are ok.. the problem it that all are thinkig to write as they do...

You have to use absolutely correct grammar, sinthiax, words and so on... no slang at all, the translation will be someting in what you want...

But if you write "Rear pussy is a Grant more!" a phrase that every one here will understand it will very different!


Helena Moscow
10-29-06, 00:20
I do not understand what you mean with slow...


Thanks again ;). With slow I meant that when I tried to translate web-sites, computer hanged for about an hour. But may be I should try just to load texts.

10-29-06, 12:22
Try these....they are some of the coolest ones :):




Helena Moscow
10-29-06, 13:31
Will try, too ;) By the way, I checked my site in Firefox. It looks there even better than in Opera and Explorer. Harts beat faster. Anyway, thank you for the hints.

It Travel
10-29-06, 14:35
Sometime they just get overloaded, some will not translate some html type or version pages, so just try another...

For the text it's different... of course it's better to buy one, but the results are usually poor. Of course you understand what's going on... not much more!


10-29-06, 19:46
Best Haloween Party is going to take place in club 13!!!


I am arriving in Moscow (for my first visit) on Halloween!
I gather this is not celebrated the same way in Russia as it is in America, but I wondered if anyone knew of bars or clubs that had adopted the theme?

Alternatively, it being a Tuesday night, any recommendations for mid-week frolics? I see an old post of Dr. Skank's suggesting that PZ or Daiygelev was relatively good early in the week compared to others that really only get going as the weekend approaches. Any other views? I want to start my visit with a bang!


10-29-06, 21:57

Dagilev isnt open during the week, its only open on weekends. I personally haven't been there for a couple of months, so can't confirm it's status anymore... PZ will never change, its a Moscow institution.... love it or hate it, at least you always know what to expect...

Everybody seems to be gravitating towards Opera as the hot elite club lately... I suggest you browse www.afisha.ru for absolutely current club info... these things change really quickly, the "hot" clubs may go cold after even 3-4 months...


I agree, Club XIII is the place to be on Halloween...

11-02-06, 14:39
If she was good IT, could you post her to Sevastopol, Crimea. This place is deadly at the moment, no tourists, off to England soon via 1 week in Bankok?

I have just beein chatting on ICQ with this beauty.

Valerie: 18 y.o. just since six months. :))

173 cm, 55 kg, 84/63/90

and of course: 60000 руб a month... less than 1.800 €.
Of cours you have to put hotel (or house), food gifts and so on... two weeks, might be 5-6.000 €.

I'm hard working now, and perhaps I can have some more luck than usual. (hope so) If so she will be my Christmas present... :D

PS for two weeks I have to put at least 300 € on Cialis! And it's enogh the she is half as beautiful as in pictures!


It Travel
11-03-06, 08:13
If she was good IT, could you post her to Sevastopol, Crimea. This place is deadly at the moment, no tourists, off to England soon via 1 week in Bankok?

If you ask her it might be possible... you will find her on www.omen.ru sponsored girls, 18teen with ICQ.

I think that for real money she will do all... But she speaks only Russian. not a word of English.


Gentleman Travel
11-07-06, 20:47
part two: drunken dyevs in the hungry duck

[the first installment of this novella was mistakenly posted in russia - general. you might want to read it first before embarking on this sequel]

for the moscow portion of my trip i tried to find another girl like valeria, my kyiv cutie, who would be both my interpreter and girlfriend, but to no avail. a couple of nibbles but no bites.

i also tried targeting girls who lived outside of moscow, with intent to lure them into the big city. this might seem like “bringing coal to newcastle” but my theory was that the market in moscow was over-developed and country girls might be more enticed by the opportunity to meet a western guy, or make some money, or at least get a big-city adventure out of the deal. plus, once they are in town, they have to stay with you! nice theory, but again no results. i had several responses, but one by one they mostly turned out to be scammers. once it was clear i was not sending any money in advance, only cod, they tended to fade away.

so i arrived in moscow with no firm arrangements in place, just a couple of proposed dinner dates. this was fine with me, because my kyiv visit was confined to one girl, and i was happy to have more freedom on this second leg.

i used www.expresstorussia.com to book an apartment, get my letter of invitation and airport transfers. aside from some communications problems this seems to be a good outfit. although there were some nervous moments, everything happened as promised. i booked into an apartment off pushkin square, which proved to be a really good move. the apartment itself was so-so ($150), but a great location about a 2 minute walk from night flight! i think they have much better apartments in the same area, but these were not available the nights i was there.

i arrived on halloween, so i was hopeful there would be some action in the city, despite it being a tuesday night. having noted the dearth of reports about the hungry duck, i decided to take one for the team and visit that venerable establishment, because i heard the tuesday nights they let the dyevs in for two hours of free drinks before unleashing the men on them. so i rolled into the duck at about midnight. i don’t know if they had done the “drinks for dyevs” thing or not, but it was pretty quiet when i got there. i was vastly over-dressed and felt quite out of place. a few dozen people rep001tered around, most of them women, but not much action. there were a couple of good looking girls, but the others were pretty pathetic. still, several were up on the bar dancing, trying to work themselves up to a state of excitement and it looked like if i stayed long enough eventually some of them would do something exciting. i was approached by one girl who clearly wanted to party, but i did not travel 5000 miles to party with ugly girls. then her friend came over, who was a slightly better looking blonde and at least spoke a few words of english, and she wanted to dance and drink also. i suppose i should have bought them drinks and seen what depraved things they would do, but i was afraid the ugly one might take off her clothes and i did not want to start my moscow sojourn on a low note. so after brushing them off, i hung around for a while, then headed for the street, only to be assaulted by the same two girls outside – my last chance for ugly, drunken dyevs from the hungry duck! i passed.

i went back to the apartment and tried some phone numbers from red club ads, but with no success. many of the numbers did not work and the ones where i did get through spoke no english. this was a pity, because a number of these girls looked great and were quite cheap, even for a night, but i guess you have to speak russian to take advantage of that.

so that left me with one realistic option – night flight. i had had supper there, which is a surprising nice restaurant, and had bagged a couple of their business cards which proved very helpful since i could use them like “hotel cards” to give to taxi drivers to get me home. i probably had to pay a bit extra in fares, since they would have assumed i was out on a spree, but it was worth it just to be able to get back home easily. of course at suppertime things had not started to hum downstairs, although i did notice one woman dining alone who i figured was hoping to catch an early worm. but coming back at 2:30 am it was a different story!

if you have never walked the gauntlet on a good night at night flight, then you have never lived! you walk along this long narrow strip beside the bar, lined with gorgeous women on both sides, all eyeing you, and checking you out. there were at least 50 babes in this place, probably more like 100 when you got further inside, and maybe 20 guys, tops. most of the women were pretty good looking, a number of 10s but lots of 8s & 9s. i did not know where to start.

well, the first one i talked to started at $500. i laughed and told her i wasn’t in that market and refused to negotiate – even if i were to get her down to an affordable level, i figured she would not give good service to a discount customer. this scene played out a couple of more times until i retreated upstairs to watch the candy store from above. a really good looking girl with great breasts came over and started flirting, so i bought her a drink. after some preliminaries, she suggested that i could find happiness for $300. i got her down to $200 eventually and we were just getting ready to go when i remembered to specify bbbj. she refused, said she never did it without protection. okay, goodbye. same thing with the next girl, same opening bid, same closing offer, same obstacle. so the prices seemed reasonably negotiable, but the conditions of work were not.

eventually i hooked up with a really cute blonde and her friend. both were nice and friendly and relaxed – i guess they had given up on finding a client that night. the brunette was very appealing in a girl-next-door kind of way, but after valeria tiny tits in kyiv, a busty blonde was what i was looking for. they started proposing a two-girl special, but instead i got the blonde to agree to $200 for a few hours, including bbbj. leaving night flight at 3:30 in the morning with a hot blonde on a cold night, you really appreciate the two minute walk back to the apartment!

alina was really a nice girl. we drank some champagne, talked, kissed and generally made out in an unhurried way. she did the gfe thing very well. i would say she was an 8, with a nice face, beautiful hair and a great body. her breasts were not huge, but very nice and tasty. she was an enthusiastic lover, doing cowgirl and reverse then finishing me off with a fabulous ball-sucking, deep-throated blow-job complete with swallow, a smile, and a pleasant remark about having just had an early breakfast! this may be an every day event for some of you guys, but it was the best blow-job i ever had!

i wanted her to stay the rest of the night, which was not much, but when she learned what time i had to get up, she refused, and “all night” had not been explicitly our deal. i had failed to adjust the time from kyiv, so i only had about 3 hours before i needed to be at my meetings!

i staggered through that day and resolved that i would have to be a good boy that night, because i simply could not do so many nights without sleep. and the next night i had a date with an internet girl who sounded very promising. so that night i just went to divas, a strip club on pushkin square (cover charge 700 rur!). i figured i would see some pretty girls and maybe get an in-house quickie, then head for home.

it was okay, not too busy on a wednesday night, and there were only one or two other men in the place. the girls were pretty good and i was still trying to figure out how everything worked when the girl on stage finished her act and came down and started dancing at my table. i did not worry too much about it at first, since i had not invited her or agreed to anything, but eventually i asked her why she was dancing for me and she got all upset and called over an english speaking dancer.

it turns out i should have waved the girl away at the outset, otherwise she assumes i do want her. i refused to pay anything, because i don’t like having these things forced on me and i figured it was a chiselling game. after the girl left, i discovered that she only expected 100 rur for a casual dance like this, so i apologized and paid up. i thought they were trying to stick me for a 1600 rur table dance i hadn’t asked for. and it was a pity that things got started this way, because this was one of the best looking girls as i soon discovered.

but now i had the english-speaking girl attached to me like a leech and she did not appeal to me at all. i had bought her a drink because she sorted out the problem with the first girl but now i could not get rid of her. i just wanted to check out the girls and figure out the system – at least she could help with that, although i still do not really understand the niceties. the difference between a private dance and a lap dance was unclear to me, and just what level of service you got for 3600 rur versus 6000 rur.

eventually i got a nice second-best girl over and bought her a drink to drive away the english-speaking girl. this one spoke passable english as well, so i was in luck. after a bit of flirting and groping i asked her for a lap dance, but then it was her turn on stage. but after she came off she went straight over to another guy – i think the only other guy, at this stage!

fortunately, the new girl on stage is pretty good, so i watch her for a while then motioned her over when her turn is over. she was the best, most creative dancer of the crew, so i figure that is worth something and tell her i want a lap dance. i actually pay her the 1600 rur, tucking it in her bra, when she says she will do her dance in 5 minutes and gets up to go away – over to talk to the other guy! well, this makes me furious, and i go and get her and ask why she is not dancing for me. she says, “5 minutes” and i say no and demand my money back.

she calls over a waitress with passable english and i explain i want my money back. the dancer takes some money from her bra, but it is not 1600 rur, more like 600. i don’t get angry very often, and i was not really drunk, but i was ready to get mad at this treatment. so i kept demanding my 1600 back and she kept on insisting that was all i had given her and that i had put the 1000 back in my wallet when we had negotiated about the lap dance. now i was on uncertain ground. i certainly had a few thousand-rouble notes in my wallet and it was possible that i had given her just the 600, which she interpreted as my payment of the little post-performance dance she had done for me. but i did not think so, it seemed at least as likely that she had done some sleight of hand with the bills when she turned away – i have seen this sort of thing before, in a different setting.

but all i could do was demand the 600 back at least and get out of there. i was certainly not going to get a good dance there now, nor enjoy it if i did. i may have falsely accused the girl, which would be unfortunate, because she was a really good dancer, but i did not like the way i had been treated. i wanted these girls to sit around and flirt before and after their dances, not treat me like a timed event. anyway, i got out of there alive and vowed not to go back! and so to bed…alone.

thursday night was my date with natasha from the internet – i think elena’s models, the same site as valeria. although it is a bride site i had made it clear that i was looking for a girlfriend, not a bride, although i was not quite as forthcoming about my actual marital status. not knowing much about the neighbourhood, i had suggested that we could dine at café pushkin – an offer natasha leapt at! only on arrival did i discover how expensive this could be, but it was too late to back down – plus i thought if she perceived this as a real treat she would be more inclined to show up and motivated to please.

just a quick tip on café pushkin – order wine by the glass if you are on a budget, it is easy to pick inexpensive wines that way, whereas you have to be really selective if you are ordering from the wine list and wish to avoid bankruptcy!

again, a great theory not supported by empirical evidence. in fact, natasha calls up as i am sitting in the bar – she is sick, has a fever, and regrets she cannot join me. i am still uncertain whether she really was sick or just got a better offer, but we have since exchanged more messages and i will try her again next time.

just the same, i am all dressed up with no where to go. well, there is always somewhere to go. it is thursday night, which i heard was a good night at the real mccoy, so i find a taxi to take me there. despite having the address clearly written out, with metro reference, the driver doesn’t really know how to get there and we drive around a fair bit until we get pulled over by the police! the next half hour is spent with him engaged in earnest discussion with various members of the gendarmerie, getting in and out of their car, and shouting into his cell phone, while i sit stewing in the back seat of the taxi, hoping they police don’t turn their attention on me. i have my passport and immigration card registered and all that stuff, but i don’t speak a word of russian, and none of these guys are going to speak english.

foolishly, i don’t even have our consular number with me and all my embassy contacts were heading out of town that afternoon. happily, the situation resolves itself, the driver returns (furious) and the police don’t hassle me. we head off again and eventually find the real mccoy. i give the driver 100 rur extra for the hassle, which probably did not come near to covering whatever it cost him, but then it was not my fault and he has wasted a big chunk of my evening.

the real mccoy is hopping – it is just packed. and i would guess this is all normal folks, there are not many real stunners there and no obvious pros. but two problems. first, the dress code for café pushkin is not the same as at mccoy, so once again i am vastly over-dressed and out of place. second, with the live music and crowd it is pretty noisy and i don’t see how i am going to engage in sparkling conversation with the locals. this really isn’t my scene – although i can see how it would work for some, and maybe for me on a different night – so i head off again, not even having had a drink! the old adage about not being able to get laid in a *****house is starting to ring in my ears…

moving to plan c, i call up lovely alina, hoping she is not already installed at night flight (i figure my negotiating power is better if she has not already paid her 750 rur cover charge). i need not have worried, it is only 11:00 pm and she is just getting ready. so we agree to meet at the café next to nf at midnight. i figure even if this a bit of a defeat, having to fall back on a proven pro, this is the best way to recover something out of this disastrous evening.

it was a far, far better thing to do, than anything else i might have done. when alina comes into the café i realize that i have been discounting her beauty in my mind. maybe she did not look so great at 5:00 am with semen dripping from her lips (although such an image does have a certain innate charm) but tonight she looks fabulous! beautiful blonde hair, nicely made up, wearing very elegant yet sexy clothes. she has dress for our date, not for night flight, and i feel great and relax. she even makes these ridiculous knee-length shorts that so many women are wearing look good (i hope that fashion disaster moves on before my return to moscow).

a quick coffee then back to my place for champagne and a repeat of the other night ($200), except this time i have booked her for the whole night, so i get a long, leisurely blow job in the morning before heading off to my meetings. alina is a really nice girl (27) with decent english and a good gfe, and i have her phone number if anyone is interested. if valeria had been this friendly or this good i would have been much happier in kyiv!

... stay tuned for part three: thank god for blondes!

Gentleman Travel
11-07-06, 21:56
Part 3: TGFB – Thank God For Blondes!

Friday is slated for Amateur Night, so I head to TGIF also on Pushkin Square. I had avoided TGIF because I did want to eat there, I prefer something more authentic, but I felt what I need now was someplace where locals came to meet expats, and this proved to be the right place! As soon as I stepped in the foyer I exchanged glances with a hot-looking girl and, if I had an ounce of brains or courage I would have grabbed her and let her have her way with my ATM machine and I might have had some success. But I hesitated and let the opportunity slip away.

Instead I headed upstairs and made the mistake of letting them seat me at a table for dinner. Sitting in the dining leaves you very little room to manoeuvre, unless you are very lucky in being seated next to some good prospects. I wasn’t, and the only unaccompanied prospect in view was eventually joined by a friend. So I waste too long getting fed, then head for the bar. There things are better, lots of women around and opportunities to cruise.

In no time I am approached by a pro who wants to know if I want to have a fun evening for $200. This is game day, my chance to try my hand at real mongering for real girls, so I demur. She starts bidding down, I think she gets down to $120, but I tell her I am not interested – she has nice manner, but is no beauty and I don’t think I would do her for free. But I buy her and her friend a drink just to be sociable and they suggest a two-girl special, which is not a very attractive proposition since the friend is even less appealing than the first one.

In the course of the drink buying, I chat briefly with a really cute young girl at the bar who invites me (on the basis of two minutes acquaintance) to join her and her friends (a mixed group) at a party they are all heading off to. This is a mind-boggling concept – imagine that happening to a middle-aged guy in America – but I decline. It is a bit too risky and I have no idea how about the male-female ratio or age spread. Still, it was nice to be asked. I buy off the mediocre hookers with drinks and go find a corner to scout from.

There are two stunning blondes seated close to me, but they are already being worked on by a gorilla-like Russian, so no real opportunity there – although they look like a lot of fun. I waste a bit of time looking around and checking out phone for messages from other date prospects, when the gorilla skulks away, leaving the bevy of blondes unguarded!

Uncharacteristically, I strike while the girls are hot and go over and ask, “est que il vous parlez français?” hoping like hell they don’t, since I have just exhausted my entire French vocabulary. Apparently they don’t speak French, so we agree on English as our lingua franca. These girls are tall, gorgeous, blondes, with beautiful faces and lovely smiles, both around 21 or 22, and they are solid 8s, maybe even better. Nadia, the sweet one, speaks some English and Ann, the sexier one, very little. Initially they refuse my offer of drinks, claiming to be shy, but I persist and succeed. B52s it is, which is a fun drink for them, then later Sex on the Beach, which sounds promising even if it is November.

At one point as I am chatting these girls up, some guy brushes by me and wishes me luck! If that was anyone from this group, thank you for your good wishes!

I ask them what happened to Igor and they say he joined them for a drink or two then left, stiffing them for his drinks! They explain this happens with Russian men all the time! I explain that no western guy would ever permit them to pay for any drinks at all. We drink and chat and flirt for a while (okay, I flirt, they smile demurely) then I ask them if they would like to go to a nightclub. I have been dying to go to Dyagilev and suggested that. They were interested, but did not feel they could get past face control. And they were probably right, I mean they were both good-looking, but only sexy Ann was dressed for partying and not even very slutty at that, whereas sweet Nadia was only dressed for bar-hopping in painted-on jeans.

So I counter-proposed Alex Alco-Hall, supposed a hot new place on Pushkin Square, highly rated in Exile, and unreported here on ISG. It was only a short distance away, so we walked over, but they were discouraged by the small crowd milling about outside. I grabbed their arms, marched them up to the front of the line and we cleared face control with the clever ploy of agreeing to pay the 400RUR (each) cover charge. I think they were very pleased with this VIP treatment and, of course, I was swanning into this swank nightclub with two gorgeous, statuesque blondes on my arms. As we say in my country, in moments of great ecstasy, it was not an entirely unpleasant experience!

I wish I could tell you more about Alex Alco-Hall. It was a cool place with smoke swirling around the dance floor and lots of cute young things writhing about, but in truth I did not look around much. The old adage about “two birds in the hand are worth an infinite number on the dance floor” seemed a wise one to heed, so I gave them my undivided attention. We drank and danced a bit, mostly I let them dance and admired the show. At a glance I think I had to two best looking girls in the place, but as I say I did not do an extensive survey. However, it looked like most of the girls there were quite young, and considering my girls were about 22, that is saying something. The blondes confirmed this, saying they thought lots of the girls were 16-18!

We had some fun and some more drinks, but I drew the line at champagne, which would have been ruinous, just as they drew the line at my hands wandering too far afield. To cut to chase – I did not score with these girls – to score a double-header home-run on my first “at bat” was too much to hope for! But there were moments when I thought I might, and I may still. And even just to be playing the game with these girls was heavenly!! It certainly gave me hope and confidence for future innings!

However, I think someone with more Russian or better game might well have succeeded where I did not. So I understand and believe many of the legendary exploits we see recorded in these annals.

So my blonde beauties wanted to call in a night, but not with me, and we parted company, but not before they agreed to act as my tour guides to Moscow the following day. I had made sure I got their numbers and tested them before I took them to the nightclub. I felt really good about this experience – even without sex. It was certainly much more fun than a strip club. These girls seemed genuinely nice and friendly and I did not feel that I was being gamed by them at all. Of course I bought them drinks and cover charges, but that is trivial, and it was a pleasure to be with them. They seemed happy enough to be in the company of someone who appreciated them and treated them decently.

One final point here, Alex Alco-Hall (Strasnoy Boul 8) is in the same complex as (and allegedly connected to) Babylone, a very hot new strip club. I tried it several nights and never found it open, so I cannot confirm that, but I hope some one else has better luck and sends in a report.

The next day was my last and only day to play tourist, and last chance to score with the blondes. After postponing our rendezvous twice, because they slept in, Nadia and Ann do show up to show me their city. Actually, they were hopelessly incompetent tour guides and as a result I really missed my chance to see much of Moscow, but I figured I was seeing the most beautiful sights in Moscow as it was, so I did not worry about it. They had other attributes. But much to my disappointment they had other plans for the evening – Nadia had a date with her boyfriend, not an unreasonable thing on a Saturday night, and without her, I could not really communicate with Ann. I wasn’t even able to buy them dinner or take them shopping, which I was fully prepared to do. I gave them a little money for spending so much time with me, which they refused the first few times, but eventually relented. I think it is important that they learn that flirting with western men has its rewards!

One of the many things I liked about these girls is that they seem really typical Moscow girls, hard up for money and the nice things in life – whereas some of the other girls I met have had lots of foreign travel and are not really as needy as I need them to be. So I am hoping that is an angle I can work with the blondes on a return trip – nice dinners, some shopping, maybe a romantic trip – these could get me home with these girls, if someone else does not spoil them first.

So with my evening suddenly free I headed back to TGIF, hoping to repeat my success of the previous night. It was not to be, but I did have great time and met some nice girls, including one potential ski bunny (a 20 year old beauty with a 2 year old at home – I am betting she does not have the life-style she hoped for, and might welcome an occasional treat). I found it surprisingly easy to meet people at TGIF, mostly they initiated conversations and I only got rebuffed once. I would certainly go there again, even if just for human contact. It is also a great place to try to get something going early in the evening – I would start before 8:00 pm in the future – when most other venues are not yet open or happening.

I tried a couple of other bars but could not really go back into Divas after my unhappy experience there and Babylone was still closed! I had to head home to pack and get ready for my 4:30 am airport transfer while ordering in from one of the English language escort services listed in the Moscow Times. They sounded cheap, I think it was $100 for one hour, which is all the time I had, but then it was another $50 for BBBJ!

After trying a few, and discovering they were all the same (except for the one who turned out to be our very own Helena – sorry Helena, but I know you do not do BBBJ), in some cases literally the same place, I ordered in one girl, sight unseen (not on their web-site) who was to be there in 20 minutes. 45 minutes later I get a call saying the girl is there, but cannot find the apartment, oh, and by the way, she doesn’t have correct change for the cab. So I give more directions and go down to the street. Back up and down again, and eventually the girl and taxi show up. By now I am running out of time, the girl does not speak any English, still has a problem with the taxi money and I don’t like the looks of her. So I send her away and call the service and tell them why.

With less than an hour in hand, I decide to head into Night Flight for a last look around. I don’t really expect to do anything, because I am down to my last 5000 RUR (which I had budgeted for the escort girl), but I figure it is worth the price of admission (750 RUR – including one drink) just to window shop! So I blow into Night Flight sometime after 3:30 am and ask if the cover charge is still in place. The girl tells me yes, but the big bald guy who is in charge, and recognizes me from Tuesday, says it’s a slow night and I can just go in and look around and if I want to stay, pay the cover.

Inside it is completely dead! There are maybe 4 or 5 girls, and only two of them free, one of them with a fabulous rack on display. So it is not going to be a lot of fun window shopping, unless I just want to buy these girls drinks in this pathetic Saturday night morgue. Instead I switch tactics and explain I have less than an hour, a place two minutes away and 5000 roubles. They laugh at my offer and explain that it is 8000 roubles minimum. So there are limits to price elasticity at Night Flight, even at 4:00 am on slow night! I did not really expect anything different, but figured it was worth a try and it does no harm to the system to try to drive down the prices and be prepared to walk.

I go out and thank Baldy for letting me in. He explains it is the slowest Saturday night he has ever seen. I go back and finish my beer and my airport transfer comes at 4:30 sharp. In truth I did not really have time to bring a girl home. Could I have gotten serviced on site at Night Flight? I should have asked.

So, in summary, I had a lot of fun, but not as much sex as I had expected. I mean, a two-city tour and screwing only two different girls does not make for an unqualified success. But I had fun, made progress and learned a lot of things. I am optimistic I will do better next time, especially given the leads I have developed, which I will cultivate in the meantime.

A couple of lessons or observations:

The apartment thing works, but I would certainly upgrade a lot next time. I don’t think the blondes would have been overwhelmed by my digs, no matter how conveniently located. And overwhelming them is what I was after!

Airport transfers – arrange that through your apartment agency if you can, so that they can coordinate keys and documents and all your problems are in one basket. If there is a problem with the apartment, you are not left out on the street corner trying to find a taxi to take you to some alternative address.

It is difficult to over-estimate the burn rate of the cash you go through! I had more intimate relations with ATM machines than with dyevs!

It is very difficult for newbies to get around or find things. I had notes of a bunch of different clubs or bars from ISG, but did not have addresses for them all – I thought that I would just see these places as I walked around Pushkin Square! No way, I needed detailed addresses, and even then it usually took me several tries to find a place. It helped once I picked up Exile at TGIF, but even that was after a few days trying to find a copy of Exile!! Grab the business cards or menus or whatever of places you want to return to, to show to taxi drivers. If in an apartment, find a landmark nearby and get a card for it – that is your “hotel card” to get you home at night.

Keep your papers and consulate information on you at all times! I know there has been a discussion here about whether you need originals or copies and whether you really need to register your immigration card – my advice is do it by the book! I got stopped twice, once in the taxi and once on the Metro with the blondes (they explained that police often stop pretty girls, especially if with a foreigner). I am glad I had my papers in order.

Do full cost accounting when making economic choices. When ordering in, make sure you factor in full services and taxi money. When trying for in-house services at a strip club remember the cover charges and all the drinks and other dancers before you end up in a private room with the woman of your dreams. When trying for freebies remember the drinks and dinners and shopping that all add up. And remember the security fees at hotels if you are bringing in girls, versus free passage at apartments.

Boyfriends are not real obstacles unless they are standing right in front of you, and maybe not even then. A number of these girls had boyfriends, but did not take them too seriously (I guess it is mutual). And what I thought were couples in a bar sometimes seemed much looser arrangements (I thought the girl who invited me to the party was with her boyfriend, but then I think she left without him). Russian guys in the bars did not seem like real competition, in fact they did not seem too interested in the girls – go figure!

Always lie about being married (if you are), even with pros! I regretted telling Alina I was married, even though this was straight P4P. She is hoping (I am sure they all are) that some day one of her clients will “take her away from all this”. We all need our fantasies, and it might lead to that extra touch of GFE!


Gentleman Traveller

11-07-06, 23:02
GT - Just finished your trilogy. What can I say? Wonderful reports and well-written - you make the reader feel like he is there. Great stuff - hope there's more to come soon.

11-08-06, 11:08

Really a fantastic trilogy and a joy to read... kind of psyched me up for my November trip! You give great advice, very valuable especially for those new to Moscow.

Here just a couple of comments from my side...

* I felt you did really well, taking the initiative with the two blondes as the chance presented itself. Whether or not more was possible is hard to say, but you enjoyed yourself anyway (isn't it fun to be out on the town with 2 babes and lap up the jealous looks of all around??).... and that is worth it's weight in gold. 2 x 98 lbs = 196 lbs x 16 = 3136 ounces x $ 675 = $2,116,800. Wow!

* Of course sex is a priority for all of us, but just being around and interacting with cute young women is a fantastic joy in itself, especially for guys like us in the 35+ crowd. One of my all-time best memories of Moscow was riding in the metro a few years back with two beautiful teens in their "wild phase" that were all over me and putting on a real show kissing me and themselves and talking really loud in Russian about cocaine and sex, clinging to me to squealing everytime the metro jolted and lurched. All the babushki and other metro passengers were staring at us with a mixture of curiousity, contempt, hate, jealousy and empathy. The girls obviously really enjoyed putting on the show, I was merely a (admittedly very self-satisfied) tool... :) I'll never forget those 10 minutes... more valuable to me then many a blowjob or late night poke I had with them. All is relative.

* Will check out Alex Alco-Hall... read the same Exile article as you. The club is less than 2 months old... let's see how it holds up.

* Hungry Duck... you can't say we didn't tell you it would be like that... :)

* Money and Moscow expenses: Spending at least 100 €/day on running costs (no sex, no extravagant dinners) is almost unavoidable if you want to enjoy Moscow. Remember Economics 101, TINSTAAFL? (there is no such thing as a free lunch)

* I think giving the 2 girls money for spending time with you was a pretty lame thing to do, just my 2 cents. Maybe it'll pay off in the long run, but normal girls don't expect to be paid merely for their time. They agreed to meet you and show you the city... paying them kind've cheapens their gesture in my opinion. Buying them a present seems to be a better option... every time they see it or wear it, they will be reminded of you. Money, unless it's serious money, is quickly forgotten. Again, just my opinion. Methodology is just theory anyway... .)

* If you have their number, they won't forget you. My advice is to maintain intermediate contact... say every 10-15 days a "how are you" SMS, but don't overdote. Also don't build up too much until you are ready to return. It's easy to overheat and kill a good thing if you get them worked up and then make them wait for weeks and months. I usually don't recontact (aside from the occassional maintenance contacts) a girl until about 1 week before my arrival. When you do return however you will have gained some valuable cred as a return visitor and will soon notice if one or both are interested in more than just drinks and laughs.

* As for them being spoiled, if they are beautiful, they are already spoiled... :) ...but that doesn't mean you can't use other weapons to get them in the sack. You are already way ahead on points and the only thing that can stop you is if they:

+ have a serious boyfriend
+ you overdote and annoy them (I've done it, it turns them off)
+ there was never the right vibe in the first place (happens too...)

Chances are though, if they drank and went out with you, they were interested and the thought "should I fuck him?" definitely went through their mind. Men and women don't meet and drink together in Russia without some sort of sexual connotation, even if just latent.

* Calling escort services for a last minute lay is a risky gambit... it can work out fine, or be a waste of time and nerve killer as in your case. I usually like to plan escorts at least 4-5 hours in advance.

* You did really well with your NF girl... and a great price at $200/night for that level of babe and service. Well done, scored one for the home team!

* You got a no-stress militia shakedown! It's part of the Moscow experience... value it. You still need to at least see a tochka though... it's a trip. Even if it isn't your thing, it must be seen.

* Mongering trips aren't a scoring contest and your girls aren't in a beauty contest. I have found that it is important to value what you have at that time. You are ALWAYS going to see new girls that gain your interest and are beautiful and available. Focus on what you have with you, within arm's reach. You may have wanted to score more, and most likely next time you will, but focus on the glory of what you did have. Every moment with one of these fine females is a gift.

Well done bro! Viva la Moskva!

Gentleman Travel
11-08-06, 16:50
First, thanks everyone for their positive feedback on my report.
I am just trying to pay back for all the good advice I have received here.
Thanks also for the specific advice/feedback on my techniques or actions.

Dr. Skank, re: giving the girls some money. You are probably right, it did cheapen their gesture, which was sincere. At the same time, I felt I had not been able to do anything for them and they deserved a reward of some sort.
But I will try to manage it a little better next time!


* I think giving the 2 girls money for spending time with you was a pretty lame thing to do, just my 2 cents. Maybe it'll pay off in the long run, but normal girls don't expect to be paid merely for their time. They agreed to meet you and show you the city... paying them kind've cheapens their gesture in my opinion. Buying them a present seems to be a better option... every time they see it or wear it, they will be reminded of you. Money, unless it's serious money, is quickly forgotten. Again, just my opinion. Methodology is just theory anyway... .)

Well done bro! Viva la Moskva!

Gentleman Travel
11-10-06, 20:18
It was not a dream - my blonde friends just sent me a photo of them.
Of course they looked much better in person!

The Russian-speaking wingman who helps me get home with these girls next time I am in Moscow can keep sexy Ann (left) for himself, and I will take sweet Nadia (right). Any volunteers?

Gentelman Traveller

11-10-06, 21:03
Guys, as always I read your insights, tips, stories with increasing pleasure and awe, you are quality guys for sharing and including us all in your experiences and the "correct" way of doing things....its gives us less able guys something to look forward too!

Its info you cannot buy, nor can you really learn it by yourself unless you're given good examples and tips!

Thanks again Doctor, IT, GT, Sev, Piper and Shos

PS Jackson...can this be the new ultimate ISG accolade...Master of ISG?

Dr French
11-10-06, 21:09
I was in Hotel Savietski in Moscow and had good service, good Internet connection with free Wifi. I called Victoria on http://www.sweet-dreams.ru.

Victoria recommended me 2 ladies, Vica and Masha. I chose Masha as Victoria told me that she is short, smiling, gaving massage with body lotion, with classic sex. I waited Masha in lobby as advised by Victoria.

Masha is really a very smiling girl who talked to me about exciting life in Moscow. We had very good time with very relaxing massage on whole body and very good sex.

I paid Masha $200 for 2 hours. During my next visit I call Victoria again and I will ask for Masha.

Russia Fan
11-11-06, 18:38
I was in Moscow again with a colleague recently and managed to free up a couple of evenings to enjoy the sights and sounds :) Given that time was precious, I called a guy I met some time ago in Moscow to help us get around.


This guy is great value and good company too. He really covered all the bases. He helped with logistics, organising cheap taxis everywhere. He took us to Chesterfields and a couple of strip clubs (Mister XXX, Safari Lodge). He even arranged for us to be joined by a couple of super girls for dinner one evening (both 7-8), both very friendly and speaking some English (altogether great evening, a real girlfriend experience – there was no ‘deal’ but I did give $150 to my ‘date’ in the morning + some taxi money which seemed to do the trick). Our guide was also particularly good at chatting up girls in bars (or anywhere for that matter, even shopping areas!) that we had spotted and then making the intros (useful if you are a bit shy like me, particularly in places like Chesterfields where there are often quite a few nice non-working girls). Picked up quite a few telephone numbers that way for next time….

Altogether a highly recommended approach, especially if time is tight and you do not know your way around too well.

11-11-06, 22:02

Thanks for the accolades, even though several other prominent members... Bez, RM, BigBro, 109, RC, MG, Ca_T and KK come to mind immediately, are certainly also members of ISG's "old school". I am certain I left out a few important members, but I really consider us all equals and members of the same team.

I personally consider myself a student of the game even today. There's just so much joy in learning something new every day... :)

ISG is a great resource and I learn a lot from all the other guys reports, or draw inspiration from other guys pictures.

Look forward to reading more reports from all of the other guys... and seeing some pics to add flavor to the action...

One thing we share in common, a love for Moscow and the unpredictable nature of that wild city and it's amazing women...

Bez Bezarra
11-12-06, 03:29
I read with awe, and the "correct" way of doing things

its gives us less able guys something

Jackson is the ultimate Master of ISG

You really should get one thing straight.

There's no such thing as less able!
Only less imaginative.

And yes, there is only one Master,
and that's the father and creator,
El Gaucho de BA Mr. J :)

Big Bro AJ
11-13-06, 12:35
In busy nights time to time I saw Black girls at CF. Currently a few of them post their ads at www.intimcity.ru . Has anyone have an experience with black girls in Moscow. It’s always a pleasure to have bitter and white chocolate at a time…

Big Bro AJ
11-13-06, 13:02
Couple months ago, this guy’s or another black guy’s services were discussed.

I don’t understand why a foreigner needs a black guy as a tourist/night guide in Moscow. Russians usually don’t welcome dark skinned foreigners.

I was in Moscow again with a colleague recently and managed to free up a couple of evenings to enjoy the sights and sounds :) Given that time was precious, I called a guy I met some time ago in Moscow to help us get around.


This guy is great value and good company too. He really covered all the bases. He helped with logistics, organising cheap taxis everywhere. He took us to Chesterfields and a couple of strip clubs (Mister XXX, Safari Lodge). He even arranged for us to be joined by a couple of super girls for dinner one evening (both 7-8), both very friendly and speaking some English (altogether great evening, a real girlfriend experience – there was no ‘deal’ but I did give $150 to my ‘date’ in the morning + some taxi money which seemed to do the trick). Our guide was also particularly good at chatting up girls in bars (or anywhere for that matter, even shopping areas!) that we had spotted and then making the intros (useful if you are a bit shy like me, particularly in places like Chesterfields where there are often quite a few nice non-working girls). Picked up quite a few telephone numbers that way for next time….

Altogether a highly recommended approach, especially if time is tight and you do not know your way around too well.

11-13-06, 14:18
Big Bro:

It's the same black guy, an African (Cameroon?) that has lived in Moscow for many years. I personally cannot say if his services are useful as I haven't met him.

IMHO if all he does is bring you to CF, NF or a couple of strip clubs, those are things a real monger should be able to manage on his own. If his services involve other things, like arranging for women, a tochka tour or getting you into the elite "members only" clubs, then his services might be quite useful to some guys.

As for him being black, it's true that black guys do encounter difficulties in a lot of areas, but if he's well-established and well-known he personally probably won't have troubles anywhere and may even be, as the poster suggested, quite a ladies man. There are a few prominent black celebrities in Russia (not to mention the CSKA basketball team) and some black guys do really well with the ladies... there is a market for black guys in any country. Certain girls just dig dark meat, that's a fact of life.

I personally think his services can't be interesting for experienced mongers, but if some mongers need someone to hold their hand while they explore the city, well then... kind of seems like it goes against the spirit and adventure of mongering to me... but that's just me. I still think international mongering is the Last Great Frontier... and something done with a spirit of adventure and panache.

As for black girls at CF, I've seen them too but never had the opportunity to try them, even though I was tempted. I remember a petite and wild one (with a nice round zhopa) that looked good to me. A friend and fellow ISG monger did try 2 black girls together once and said it was great... so maybe it's worth a shot.

I promised to "never" go back to CF though... HAHA... see if I can resist next week... :)

El Cubanito
11-13-06, 15:05
Doctor Shank,

I have always been thinking about going to Moscow or St. Petersburg fro some action, but your statement make me wonder if I should go at all. I am Spnaish(Cuban) but have a dark complexion. Any comments or suggestions.

11-13-06, 15:16
My suggestion?

Just go for it. Try the "latin clubs" first and then expand into other areas.

You'll find out once you are there if it's the right place for you.

Some people with dark complexions do very well, others do quite poorly.

Really, nobody has a crystal ball to tell you how it's going to be.

Russia Fan
11-13-06, 15:35
IMHO if all he does is bring you to CF, NF or a couple of strip clubs, those are things a real monger should be able to manage on his own. If his services involve other things, like arranging for women, a tochka tour or getting you into the elite "members only" clubs, then his services might be quite useful to some guys.

I personally think his services can't be interesting for experienced mongers, but if some mongers need someone to hold their hand while they explore the city, well then... kind of seems like it goes against the spirit and adventure of mongering to me... but that's just me. I still think international mongering is the Last Great Frontier... and something done with a spirit of adventure and panache.Dr. S,

I absolutely agree that the guide approach is probably not appropriate for any serious adventurer and/or connossieur pushing back the frontiers but I think it can make sense for ‘entry level’ or ‘junior’ mongerers. We didn’t try to get into any Elitny clubs or go to a tochka so can’t comment on his repertoire here.

Also, in the name of monger democracy :), I think this should be a forum where both ‘junior’ and ‘master’ mongers alike can seek advice.

Couple months ago, this guy’s or another black guy’s services were discussed.

I don’t understand why a foreigner needs a black guy as a tourist/night guide in Moscow. Russians usually don’t welcome dark skinned foreigners.
Big Bro,

as for his skin colour, I am aware that in Russia that is potentially an issue in the wrong place at the wrong time, but we had no issues and I can still confirm that his skills and help were very useful for us ‘juniors’.

Helena Moscow
11-13-06, 16:28
My suggestion?

Just go for it. Try the "latin clubs" first and then expand into other areas.

I think Skank is right. We have many latino clubs and in some clubs latino parties are made once or twice a week (you can find their adverticement in newspapers like "exzile"). There go girls who are especially fond of latino lovers ;). Most of them will not even charge you (students, young career-builders and so on). If you can dance - it's 100% sucess in such kind of places. If you decide to change the atmosphere, you shouldn't worry about your origin, too. Russians are not prejudiced against Spaniards or whoever.

Ricardo Cabro
11-13-06, 17:35
El Cubanito,

I have to echo Doc’s words and say just go for it. Whilst I am far from Spanish (or Latin American) I spent most of the 1990s mongering in South America and, although I love Slavic girls, I would gladly trade my current life of travelling in the second world for my previous life travelling to Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Mexico, etc.

A few years ago, on one of too many visits to the Black Hole (CF) I spent the whole night only speaking Spanish and only drinking Tequila (estamos muy conocido:)). It was highly entertaining as the girls desperately ran around all their friends trying to find someone who could speak Spanish and translate for them. I ended up with quite a little party going on (Doc knows how this works in CF) with several girls vying for the attentions of the “Spaniard”. The whole vibe that night and the attention I got from the ladies far exceeded any night when I have simply been an English speaking foreigner. And it proved to me that the Moscow ladies do like Spanish speakers – I guess Latin men are regarded as a bit more exotic than the usual bloated Brits or dumb Americans that frequent CF (apologies to thin Brits and Doc and other articulate Americans).

I also tried speaking Spanish in Manezh Mall, just approaching girls out shopping. This worked well. I don’t speak Russian and, as none of the girls I approached could speak Spanish, they asked me if I could speak English. Job done.

In short, if pretending to be Hispanic worked for me (10 pounds over weight, the wrong side of 40 and very little hair), you should have a great time being the real deal .

Hasta la Victoria, siempre,

Ricardo Cabron

El Cubanito
11-14-06, 00:24
Ok, I will proceed with my plans. I am going to Russia around February/March time frame. Do you guys recommend Moscow or St. Petersburg for a first timer to Russia. I have gone to other country on Monger adventures.

Please let me know.

El Cubanito

Bez Bezarra
11-14-06, 01:59
For the young African ladies that make it all the way from a
tropical third world to the icy motherland metropolis, they're
likely to either be their homeland's brightest or at least have
above average talent, so they certainly should be getting nailed
by some horn-dog mongers.

Ricardo Cabro
11-14-06, 11:06
El Cubanito,

I'll be in Moscow and St Petersburg for a week in February, probably 12-18th. Happy to share a beer with you if your around at that time, and anyone else for that matter.

Hasta la victoria, siempre


11-14-06, 12:46

Personally the only Black Russians I really care about are the vodka-kahlua kind... yum yum! :)

El Cubanito:

Moscow vs. St.Petersburg is the second most important question in Russia after "will I get into the newest elite club or get faced?"

Both cities have their charms and will suit you fine.

I prefer Moscow, but many prefer St.Petersburg with good reason.

My take for Feb-March:

Moscow is wilder, more Russian, much bigger, more to do in terms of clubs, more money-oriented, faster, considerably more expensive, action 7 days a week, more difficult to maneuver in.

St.Petersburg is prettier, more European, easier to navigate, limited clubs but still plenty, cheaper, more relaxed, colder, slow in the early week.

Your chances of scoring are probably the same in either place, although I know of many more latino clubs or "latino nights" in Moscow. Not so familiar with Pitr. I wouldn't agree with Helena that going to a latin place is a 100% freebie scoring option (such places don't exist), but it will be a place that the odds will definitely be in your favor especially if you can dance like a sterotypical latino should, just like black guys going to hip hop clubs.

If you decide on p4p, St.Pete is cheaper (especially the salons) but Moscow has more options.

If you go to either city, bring more money than you think you'll need.

On average, costs break down like this for decent quality of life:

Apt: 80 €/ Hotel 150 €
Daily costs without P4P sex: 80 €
2 hours P4P: 100 €

Apt: 120 €/ Hotel 220 €
Daily costs witout P4P sex: 100 €
2 hours P4P: 150 €

There are cheaper options to the above prices, as well as more expensive, but it should serve as a general guideline.

11-15-06, 19:48
I was wondering is it possible to find SW's or other girls that will give a cheap bj or a quick fuck like in Amsterdam or TJ....??

11-18-06, 08:43

I will be coming to Moscow and stay at the Ukraine Hotel like I did in the past next month. I heard this hotel changed owners, can you give me an update on what happens there now?

Are there still girls in the lobby? Are they beautiful?


Timi Soara
11-18-06, 23:17
I will be in Russia during December and wanted some feedback on site


Has anybody had any experience with this site?

The Photos look "too good" to be true.

I usually Prefer Girls from the Small Towns>....They are much less Hard Core, fresh and innocent. How does one find these girls in Moscow or is it better to go to other Parts of the Country.

I heard that there are some Parts of Russia that have incredibly beautiful girls, very unspoilt, Fresh and Easy.

Does anyone have some thoughts on

Best Way to Find these Girls?

Should I go to Ukraine or can I find them in smaller towns?

Thanks for everyone's Input.



11-19-06, 00:46
Some Moscow prostitutes is here:


Helena Moscow
11-21-06, 20:06

I will be coming to Moscow and stay at the Ukraine Hotel like I did in the past next month. I heard this hotel changed owners, can you give me an update on what happens there now?

Are there still girls in the lobby? Are they beautiful?


Hi, there are no any special changes in Ukraine, even girls downstairs still wear the same summer clothes. If you didn't say that owners changed, I'd never guess.

11-27-06, 00:06
For those who are interested in black girls in Moscow: go to Karma Bar (good on Sundays, too) or other RNB nights, or hang out close to Patrice Lumumba university ("Druzhba Narodov") or its obzheshchitie. Guess that's a cheaper and more interesting option than CF.

11-27-06, 21:08
Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to hear your opinions on the sluttiest non-pro club in Moscow. That the Hungry Duck is a candidate is clear, and nominations will surely go to McCoy's and Park Avenue (an unpleasant dump actually). But maybe there are some hidden gems out there, especially those that are not covered in the Exile Club Guide? It is sad that even at relatively wild places such as Tema Bar, the doormen kick out regular girls who are in a state of voluntary undress (saw it myself ;)

I am 29 but I also have an interest in the 30-40 ("Balzacian") age category. ;) Russian friends have suggested Vermel' and Petrovich to me, but I have not been there yet.

11-28-06, 08:33

i too enjoy an honest **** now and again.

here are a couple of places that have yielded good results...

vermel and petrovich: these clubs are run by the same people and are great places to pick up on "real" russian women, the kind that don't even think about visiting a western type club. age ranges from 18-55, but most of the crowd is 25+ since the doormen don't usually let young people in, figuring there are other places for them to go. crowd often a bit arty, but in a good way. music is usually "oldies" or russian pop songs from the 90s, so that should give you a clue on the age group. can be quite hard to get in to these clubs, since they are usually members only or invitation only. best to go with a small group and get a table for vodka and zakuski.... that's the way it is done in these joints.

30-7, club 7, tema, help: these are the best known clubs on the cocktail bar circuit, with alex alcohall joining the circuit. 30-7 used to be the place for me, but i hear it has slowed a bit since so many other cocktail bars opened. cocktail bar = drunk girls... get it? :) been to alex alcohall and although the layout was good, the crowd boy-girl ratio was a bit too xy and not enough xx. gets another chance though.

parizhskaya zhizn: especially early in the week, it pays off to drink, buy drinks and be aggressive. scored my second fastest score ever there... a drunk girl came in, bumped into me by the bar, looked somewhat cross-eyed at me and asked "ti krasivy?". about a minute later we were out the door and back to my place. when i came on her tits later she scooped up all the goo and smeared it all over her face muttering "creme". shostakovich took home a chick that was about 2 meters tall from this place, i think on the same night. have taken home a few drunk chicks from this place, most in the 25-30 range. never been here on the weekend, it's a good early week club... one of the few actually.

boarhouse: i know this is a place to pick up who*es, but some people would be shocked if they saw some of the quality normal women i have gotten out of here, ranging from 6-8 in quality, inlcuding one 9. most of the time you won't find normal chicks there, but every once in a while normal girls somehow end up here and if you spot them, go for it. best strategy is to find the ones stranded there because they could only afford to go one place. they soon discover its pretty much a shithole dive full of trampy pros, but can't leave or don't know where to go. offer to take them to real mccoy or karma bar or some place they've heard of. if they go with you, they are yours. if you can't find a normal girl, get out quick or do what i might do... have a few more drinks yourself and choose a pro.

voodoo lounge: recently scored a ukrainian hottie there. very hit or miss place though, if you take a peek inside and it's dead, move on quick. in my experience this place is either great or totally dead. when it's full, it's a feeding frenzy.

plenty of other clubs too... just writing about it makes me want to return to moscow.

11-28-06, 15:34
Dr. Skank,

If one minute was your second-fastest score, I would like to hear about the fastest. Mere mortals like me take their time. At least 5 mins; )

I have been told that Boarhouse is a good place on Countdown Mondays, when drinks are 4 for the price of 1 till 10 pm or so. Most people leave soon after that as there is nothing to do but if you show up at half past nine there should be decent pickings. Haven't tried it myself because the one time I was there, I showed up at midnight due to my ignorance of the circumstances.

I have been to Parizhskaya Zhizn (on a Wednesday, in fact following your advice from an earlier post), even though I felt a bit out of place there without a suit. Talked to a number of slutty-looking chicks, and it sure wouldn't be a problem collecting phone numbers, but, hey, I don't like dates, I like the quick'n dirty thing. Maybe I didn't look businesslike enough? ; ) If I had stayed around with one chick all night things might have turned out differently, but most seemed a little bit to eager to underline their "good girl" status despite their revealing outfits. Then again, I may have had a bad night. Went to Karma Bar after that, same story there. Was it just that I hadn't noticed the birdshit on my back? ; )

McCoy's surely can be an economical option. Buy them a half-litre Long Island or two, at 230 RUR each, then take them by the hand. (cheap and health-conscious as I am, I tend to buy one LI and pretend to drink while, in fact, the girl swallows almost all of it. Also creates the illusion that she has drunk less than she has, and therefore can still drink more; )) One night, three fairly hot chicks took me and a Russian guy home with them after a 5-minute chat, even trying to take along two more random guys on the way from the exit to the taxi (! ) Total cost: RUR 400 for a decent supply of bottled beer, the Russian guy paid the driver.

Got to try Voodoo Lounge, I love both the name and the comments.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Gentleman Travel
11-29-06, 21:39
Doctor! Doctor! I'm sick ... with jealousy!


I too enjoy an honest **** now and again....

Parizhskaya Zhizn: Especially early in the week, it pays off to drink, buy drinks and be aggressive. Scored my second fastest score ever there... a drunk girl came in, bumped into me by the bar, looked somewhat cross-eyed at me and asked "ti krasivy?". About a minute later we were out the door and back to my place. When I came on her tits later she scooped up all the goo and smeared it all over her face muttering "creme"... .

This was the place I REALLY wanted to go when I was in Moscow, having read about it in Dr.s previous postings - but I could not find the address!
And now he torments us with his tales of drunken sluts at PZ!

When we think of the definition of "****" (Oxford: a promiscuous woman) or a more general view as a woman who will use her body and sex to get what she wants, or will do anything to please a man, surely this defines the ideal woman of most ISG members! Sluttiness in dress and behaviour is a virtue to be esteemed and pursued!


Dr French
12-02-06, 10:34
Last week I was in Moscow for business and trying to make my night colorful I called www.yourfantasy.ru/ and got a pleasant lady called Victoria who advised to spend my night with Luda as she was very sexy, blonde, nice breast and many other points I had to discover. When I met with Luda in the lobby of Budapest Hotel and later wen I met her in my bed, I understood what I was told about: Luda was first a very charming lady with a good education and nicely talkative and a very sweet, caring person and we had a lot of nice time together.

Next time you are in Moscow, call www.yourfantasy.ru you will remenber it for a long, long time.

12-02-06, 15:53
Last week I was in Moscow for business and trying to make my night colorful I called www.yourfantasy.ru/ and got a pleasant lady called Victoria who advised to spend my night with Luda as she was very sexy, blonde, nice breast and many other points I had to discover. When I met with Luda in the lobby of Budapest Hotel and later wen I met her in my bed, I understood what I was told about: Luda was first a very charming lady with a good education and nicely talkative and a very sweet, caring person and we had a lot of nice time together.

Next time you are in Moscow, call www.yourfantasy.ru you will remenber it for a long, long time.What about price?

It Travel
12-02-06, 20:01
Last week I was in Moscow for business and trying to make my night colorful I called www.yourfantasy.ru/ and got a pleasant lady called Victoria who advised to spend my night with Luda as she was very sexy, blonde, nice breast and many other points I had to discover. When I met with Luda in the lobby of Budapest Hotel and later wen I met her in my bed, I understood what I was told about: Luda was first a very charming lady with a good education and nicely talkative and a very sweet, caring person and we had a lot of nice time together.

Next time you are in Moscow, call www.yourfantasy.ru you will remenber it for a long, long time.

Sorry but this seems really advertizing... go to the othre three posted reports. By the way...

1) as far as I know Budapest is not one of the most girlfriendly hotel in Moscow.

2) if the site is ONLY in English usually all is well overpriced, and, by the way, no price info, and no info on sex... BBBJ CIM, COF, Anal or whatever?

3) try better price/value hotels.

$) what do you mean with "Luda was first a very charming lady with a good education and nicely talkative and a very sweet, caring person and we had a lot of nice time together." without any inication of anything, price time etc... in another report you were for 200/2h, let us know.


12-02-06, 22:49
1) as far as I know Budapest is not one of the most girlfriendly hotel in Moscow.

From what I have heard, Hotel Budapest is totally girl friendly...

12-03-06, 14:10
hehehehe..Dr. French....you are really a Dr. Dolittle...:D

Do you want us to believe this crap advertisment...grow up man...

100000000000 billion times it has being said here ..that Victorias girls sucks larger than this planet earth..still she would find a way to get into these forums and make newbies go all over her..she is a real sucker...

I request Admin to pls ban this guy.

12-03-06, 22:49
Hehe. You're taking the mickey, but with style. I can live with that.

When we think of the definition of "****" (Oxford: a promiscuous woman) or a more general view as a woman who will use her body and sex to get what she wants, or will do anything to please a man, surely this defines the ideal woman of most ISG members! Sluttiness in dress and behaviour is a virtue to be esteemed and pursued!


12-03-06, 22:54
PS: Merriam Webster entry, for Gentleman Travel:

Main Entry: ****
1 chiefly British : a slovenly woman
2 a : a promiscuous woman; especially : PROSTITUTE b : a saucy girl : MINX

Main Entry: minx
1 : a pert girl
2 : a wanton woman

Not quoting the OED, or I'll get more stick ;)

12-08-06, 11:20
Hi there!

I would like to know what is the rate now in Moscow for girls. Except at NF of course... But I remember some years ago (...) it was around 100 USD for the nght with a girl you pick up at Chesterfield. There were all friendly and it was very good fun. What is a reasonable rate today and which places are the best?


12-20-06, 18:40
Dear friends,

Just small words about my last week stay in Moscow. I was in Hotel Arlionak ( together with club 911 and big casino). Club 911 is a normal strip show with possibility to use privat rooms but really expensive. Around the Casino it is planty of girls for 150 EUR offcial rate.

Also I visited D and Martin Board House, which I strongly recomind 150-200 EUR maybe less if you stay later and some of the girls for sure are the same quality as NF. From personal point of view those are the places that I like the most. You have lots of girls but you can see them and choose which one you like instead of escort system.

Any place of this kind anybody know is wellcome.

Big Bro AJ
12-27-06, 11:52
Doug the king of CF has a special offer in his new joint “Doug’s Steakhouse”.

For the lukcy ones who are in Moscow...

01-04-07, 22:37
Has anybody visited Hungry Duck ?. Please let me know what kind of bar is. Is it CF style? What kind of people (specially girls) I can find. Is it safe?

Thank you in advance,

CA Traveler
01-10-07, 22:13
I have been getting a lot of email lately wondering where I am and where I’ve been, so I’m going to share some info with all of my ISG friends and clients from the past decade!

As many of you know, after a long stint commuting from California to Moscow, I sold Moscow Star Properties and after returning to California went through a divorce which ultimately allowed me to return to Moscow. Shortly thereafter I moved to Odessa to live and eventually open up another apartment rental business with a fellow hobbyist, Anton. To make a long story a little shorter, a few months ago, my ex- and I reconciled and I returned to California. During that time, Anton continued to operate OES.

Over the past few weeks, we made the decision to sell the operation, The Odessa Group and Odessa Executive Suites to the property owner in Odessa. Anton will continue to live in Odessa with several other successful biz ventures in the works. As usual, I am going to continue to enjoy life.

Both Anton and I would like all here to understand that we are no longer associated with The Odessa Group or Odessa Executive Suites.

More importantly, with this change in my life, I’ve decided to try to keep a little lower profile with my hobby activity than in the past.

With that in mind, although I will still be in the hunt, I will probably not be posting on my adventures in the future. However, I would like to thank the hundreds of fellow hobbyists who over the past thirteen years have shared a beer and have become clients, wingmen, and good friends.

Through the years, it’s been a great run and WSG/ISG has been a terrific guide and has saved me tons of money and time when I planned to visit a new venue.

I wish all of my friends the best… Stay safe!

01-10-07, 22:51
Well, all the best to you too, CA_T. I regret we never managed to be in Moscow at the same time and have a beer, but I benefited a lot from your posts when I went there. I advise newbies to do a search for your posts if they plan to go to Moscow one of these days.

Thanks again for that, and good luck.


01-10-07, 23:35
CAT...enjoy and good luck, your reports, insights and enthusiasm were always greatly appreciated..........live long and prosper!

01-10-07, 23:53
Hats off to you Ca_T and wish you the very best of luck in all that you endeavor!

WSG/ISG owes you a lot, as do I!

Thanks for all the great times and advice over the years!

01-11-07, 00:52

Thanks a lot for your contributions throughout the years, I have learned a lot from you - and I know you have had a lot of fun! You will be missed, but I wish you luck! Hope we in some way now and then can stay in touch!

01-11-07, 17:12

Sorry to see you leave. Your posts were one of the foundations of the Moscow board and were an invaluable source of info for us all. It won't be the same without you.

Best of luck to you, wherever life takes you.

Желаю вам успех, здоровье и счастье.


01-12-07, 00:09
For your unselfish sharing and advice on all things Mother Russia as well as many very entertaining posts. The essence of this Forum.

Trust that your new avenues turn out to be just as you wish them to be.

As for keeping a lower profile as you put it, there isn't harm in checking in to ISG now and again to see how things are going is there? :-)))

If you see some of us going off the rails in some way, feel free to nudge us back on track.


01-12-07, 00:24
Times Online January 11, 2007

From Charles Bremner, of The Times, and Marie Tourres in Paris
Read Charles Bremner's weblog

A Russian billionaire was being held by French police tonight on suspicion of procuring prostitutes for his wealthy friends.

Mikhail Prokhorov, who has been dubbed Russia’s most eligible bachelor, was arrested for flying young women from Moscow into the Alpine resort of Courchevel to join his party for their holidays.

Mr Prokhorov was taken into custody at the Hotel Byblos by a team of 50 officers. He told police that he brought the women because he enjoyed the company of clever, beautiful and young female companions. Seven Russian women aged about 20 were released without charge.

Mr Prokhorov, 41, is chief executive of the mining giant Norilsk Nickel and is rated by Forbes magazine as the 89th richest man in the world.

He is a regular among the Russian millionaires who flock to Courchevel to celebrate the Orthodox New Year. Large numbers of young Russian women always arrive with them to share in the celebrations which culminate this year at the weekend.

A total of 26 people were arrested in the hotel raid on Tuesday. All have been released except seven Austrian travel agency employees, Mr Prokhorov and two executives from Norilsk Nickel. Xavier Richaud, the prosecutor of Lyons, who is heading the case, told The Times that a decision would be taken tomorrow on whether to charge Mr Prokhorov with procuring.

Eight Russian women were flown in to Courchevel last week and eight this week, Mr Richaud said. “According to Prokhorov, he likes the company of intelligent women. He met these women in restaurants or nightclubs in Russia and he brought them over, but neither he nor his friends had sexual relations with them.

“He has taken charge of all the expenses of these girls: he pays for the hotel, the restaurant, nights out, clothes. The question is whether they have to give something in return,” he added.

“Mr Prokhorov tells us ‘to stay young, you have to be surrounded with youth and beauty’.” It had been established, Mr Richaud said, that the women were not professional call girls, nor working for a prostitution agency.

In Moscow Norilsk Nickel said the company had no information on Mr Prokhorov’s whereabouts. “Our chief executive is on vacation. We expect him back on Monday,” a spokesman said. If there had been an arrest, it would have resulted from a misunderstanding, he added. “Our management are entirely law-abiding people.”

The arrest of the man who is the 8th richest Russian, according to Forbes’s list, is the latest incident involving the post-Soviet billionaires who have adopted France as their favourite playground. Two months ago, Suleyman Kerimov, one of the biggest shareholders in Gazprom, the Kremlin-controlled gas group, was gravely injured when he crashed his Ferrari on the Promenade des Anglais in the Riviera capital of Nice.

An estimated 10,000 Russians have packed into Courchevel for the Orthodox Christmas and New Year for each of the past few years. Mr Prokhorov, who is estimated to be worth more than £3 billion, is famous among them for lavish parties at which guests, dropped off by armoured Humvees and Mercedes, enjoy jereboams of Cristal champagne, the rich Russians’ favourite.

The investigators said that their attention had been drawn to the large number of young women from Russia. Some Russians in France said that the French police were being meddlesome or naive in assuming that young women who flocked to rich men were automatically prostitutes.

“These are good-time girls who enjoy the good life,” a Russian expatriate in Paris said. “They are well taken care of and have the run of the boutiques in Courchevel. It’s been like that since the beginning of time.”

When told of Mr Prokhorov’s arrest, Nicolas Sarkozy, the French presidential hopeful, replied: “There’s a man who wants to please.”

Bez Bezarra
01-12-07, 05:42
Ca Traveler was arrested for flying young women from Moscow into the Alpine resort of Courchevel to party for the holidays.

taken into custody at the Hotel by 50 officers He told police he enjoyed beautiful young female Russians.

41, chief executive of the mining giant Norilsk Nickel
He is the CA Traveler and is procuring women in restaurants
or nightclubs in Russia and had sex with all the girls:

To stay young, you have to be surrounded
with beautifal call girls or prostitutes

Norilsk said our chief is on vacation.

Ca trav, dropped off by armoured Mercedes,
enjoys Cristal champagne, his favourite.

The investigators young French police
were being meddlesome to flock to prostitutes.

“These are good-times enjoy the good life,” the French president replied: “There’s a man.”

NO WONDER you said you had to leave. ;)
This ain't what you would call "keeping a lower profile" though.
Too bad GoldMember blew your cover story :(

01-12-07, 19:38
Has anyone seen this movie?


It sounds similar to "Lilya 4-Ever" which was really good. If anyone has seen it I'm curious what it was like, was it realistic, does it have English subtitles?

01-12-07, 20:52
If it were not for you I would never have had the guts to venture to Moscow. Thanks for taking care of me while I was there even if I cost you a lovely lady one night. Thanks for all your insight and I wish you all the best in the future. I hope to return the favor one day if we ever get to see each other again. Take care my friend


01-12-07, 23:53
Has anybody visited Hungry Duck ?. Please let me know what kind of bar is. Is it CF style? What kind of people (specially girls) I can find. Is it safe?

Thank you in advance,

this bar is more like a disco. The particularity is that people are actualy dancing ON the wooden bar. It is supposed to be a place where some russian females search for western guys. I met a girl friend there. It is the only place where I saw a couple fucking almost in front of everybody. One guard made them leave the place shortly after though. I think it is quite safe but certainly not the safest in Moscow (some odd guys). As for the prostitution I don't know, at this time I was not yet interested in that. good luck

Big Bro AJ
01-17-07, 15:52
Unfortunately, 109 has gone and left us unaware of the newly established strip clubs.

In my last visit Mister XXX was lost it’s superb notion. Shandra closed and lately I heard that my other favorite spot Rhino has also shut down.

Has anyone any update or inside info about Babylone, Bely Medved, Bordo, Violette and Rasputin?

01-17-07, 16:23
Unfortunately, 109 has gone and left us unaware of the newly established strip clubs.

In my last visit Mister XXX was lost it’s superb notion. Shandra closed and lately I heard that my other favorite spot Rhino has also shut down.

Has anyone any update or inside info about Babylone, Bely Medved, Bordo, Violette and Rasputin?

I HEARD Shandra reopened in a new location about 4 months or so ago but I haven't been to the new one nor can I find any reference to it on the usual sources of club info. Anybody been there or heard anything?

Big Bro AJ
01-17-07, 16:47
It’s great to know that Shandra is reopened. It was a sinful orgy mansion. I hope we won’t regret to go there.

I heard “Club Polar Bear” on Prospekt Mira is a nice joint to chill out. But heard various rumors about the prices. Has anyone been there? Any comments? http://www.berloga.ru/

01-19-07, 09:47
It’s great to know that Shandra is reopened. It was a sinful orgy mansion. I hope we won’t regret to go there.

I heard “Club Polar Bear” on Prospekt Mira is a nice joint to chill out. But heard various rumors about the prices. Has anyone been there? Any comments? http://www.berloga.ru/

Big Bro:

The new address is Prosvirin pereulok 7. The closest metros are Sukharevskaya or Chisty Prudy... it's a side street of ulitsa Sretenka.

Thanks for the tip of Club Polar Bear....

01-19-07, 14:47
Polar Bear (Beliy Medved) is waaaaaayyyy out of the center. I attach a screen cap of a Google map of Moscow clubs. Due to size restriction on this site, I have to reduce it a lot, so I have re-typed in its name as well as NightFlight and Doug&Marty, so you have an idea of how far it is.


01-20-07, 17:49
Here’s a compilation of the current info for Byelie Medvyed from sextalk.ru. It looks to be pretty accurate. My recollection is, the entry fee is 650r before 21:00 and then 900r after.

Belyie Medved is quite a ways from the center of the city, but if you take the metro, it’s not too bad. Take the orange line to Alexseevskaya, which is just 2 stops beyond Prospect Mira. The club is right on Prospect Mira, maybe 50 meters from the Metro. Just look for the big, well… Polar Bear.

Name: Белый Медведь (Polar Bear)
Address: Prospect Mira, 116a
Metro: Alexseevskaya
Telephone: 687-5822
Hours: 21.00-6.00, bar opens at 18.00
Entry: 900 r., before 21.00, no charge
Private Dance: from 1000 r.
Buy-out: 10,000r dancer, 15,000r waitress
Private room: 1500r/hr.
Karaoke: 3000r/hr., 6500r/night

Belyie Medved is one of the best clubs in the city. If you’ve never been there, it’s definitely worth the trip. It’s a bit pricey for me to hang out there all the time, but it’s a nice treat once in a while. If I had a couple grand to blow of an evening, that’s the place where I would do it.

The big problem used to be, there was no sex on the premises, but it looks like they’ve remedied that with the private rooms. The buy-out is also a little steep, but, given the quality of the dyeffki there, it’s not out of line, depending on what you can negotiate.

They have 2 stages. The downstairs stage is topless only and the upstairs stage is nude dancing. The downstairs stage is on their web cam, so you can watch the action on the internet.

I posted a report about it summer of 2005.

01-20-07, 19:02
Here’s a compilation of the current info for Byelie Medvyed from sextalk.ru. It looks to be pretty accurate. My recollection is, the entry fee is 650r before 21:00 and then 900r after.

Belyie Medved is quite a ways from the center of the city, but if you take the metro, it’s not too bad. Take the orange line to Alexseevskaya, which is just 2 stops beyond Prospect Mira. The club is right on Prospect Mira, maybe 50 meters from the Metro. Just look for the big, well… Polar Bear.

Name: Белый Медведь (Polar Bear)
Address: Prospect Mira, 116a
Metro: Alexseevskaya
Telephone: 687-5822
Hours: 21.00-6.00, bar opens at 18.00
Entry: 900 r., before 21.00, no charge
Private Dance: from 1000 r.
Buy-out: 10,000r dancer, 15,000r waitress
Private room: 1500r/hr.
Karaoke: 3000r/hr., 6500r/night

Belyie Medved is one of the best clubs in the city. If you’ve never been there, it’s definitely worth the trip. It’s a bit pricey for me to hang out there all the time, but it’s a nice treat once in a while. If I had a couple grand to blow of an evening, that’s the place where I would do it.

The big problem used to be, there was no sex on the premises, but it looks like they’ve remedied that with the private rooms. The buy-out is also a little steep, but, given the quality of the dyeffki there, it’s not out of line, depending on what you can negotiate.

They have 2 stages. The downstairs stage is topless only and the upstairs stage is nude dancing. The downstairs stage is on their web cam, so you can watch the action on the internet.

I posted a report about it summer of 2005.

Strav, thanks for the info.

"Buy out", or "Uvol'nenie" is the price you pay the club, like "bar fine" in Thailand. The girl gets another fee on top of that, which is negotiable. Or are the quoted buy out fees in the sextalk forum purportedly including the girl's fee?

01-20-07, 19:35

I'm not sure how or when the club listings on sextalk are updated, so best to use them as a simply a guideline.

Sometimes the uvol'nenie is just what you pay the club, sometimes it's the total w/dyev.

As always, best to negotiate with the girl first and make sure everyone is on the same page before paying any money and/or leaving the club.

I will be there in Feb. and let you know the real scoop. :)

01-20-07, 20:10
I will be staying at Marriott on Tverskaya in Feb. Is it girl friendly? I can bring the girls from outside? Or I have to stick with the girls who work there?

01-20-07, 22:58
I will be staying at Marriott on Tverskaya in Feb. Is it girl friendly? I can bring the girls from outside? Or I have to stick with the girls who work there?

Haven't been there for some time as a guest, but generally speaking all the western chain 4 and 5 star hotels are girl-friendly.

Don't expect any girls to be working there though. There is only a little lobby bar and I've been there a few times meeting clients for a drink and most of the time there were no working girls at all. Night Flight is about a 5 minute cab ride down Tverskaya though, so you'll have no problem finding company for the night.

Also the Sheraton is roughly just across the street and they usually have about 5 or 6 girls working the lobby bar, which is quite cosy, dark and often features live music.

The girls will usually have to register at the desk (if security stops you), but any pros from Night Flight or whereever know the system. The security at western hotels doesn't have to be bribed in any way.

Poker Player 2
01-21-07, 03:52
Doctor Skank,

I would like to nominate you as the most valuable contributer to this distinquished forum. In my view, you are the best type of contributer: your posts help other members get up to date information about mongering options.

I am planning a leisure trip to Russia in September and as I have far too many Marriott points, I was going to stay at Marriott Tverskaya too. I was also considering staying at the Marriott in Samara which is supposed to be the fanciest hotel in Samara. I only wish I could find out about mongering options in Samara for a non-Russian speaker.

Nothing would give me more pleasure to have dinner for my maiden voyage to NF in september in the company of Dr. Skank!

Wolfie Mike
01-21-07, 13:54
I will be staying at Marriott on Tverskaya in Feb. Is it girl friendly? I can bring the girls from outside? Or I have to stick with the girls who work there?No problem bringing girls into any of the Moscow Marriotts in my experience. Use the usual discretion though. The girls from Niteflight and the other clubs are certainly never worried about going to Marriotts. None of them have WGs based inside the hotels. Hotel policy I have been told.

01-22-07, 20:39
...also allows girls. One blonde girl with lips as a lifeboat sitting there alone and bored in the lobby.

A search for Hotel Ukraina gave some hints that there are some girls stateined there. But any tips how to get outside girls in?

My only russian experience was at viagramassage opposite swissotel. Just something quick during stopover: handjob/blowjob with 2 girls,1300R. ok for me without any russian language. :-)

(new to Russia)



Spanish Fly
01-23-07, 18:25
I spent a week at the Ukraina Hotel in november, and I had absolutely no problem bringing girls from outside (in my case tochka girls). I was recommended by the taxi driver (Sergei, nice guy, decent english, PM if you want/need his number, NEVER ask for a taxi to the ladies at front desk, tourist trap!!) that, ONLY if security stops you (which, I insist, didn't happen to me), a couple of hundred roubles would do the miracle.
There are girls downthere in the lobby, mostly the same six or seven girls every night of the week, from 5 to 6.5, some ocassional 7, but nothing better. I particularly don't/can't recommend them, although can be handy if you get back to your room alone after a (lousy) hunting night.

Just my two cents....


Spanish Fly

01-23-07, 20:43
Thanks Spanish fly for the offer. However, I do not know how good a tochka girl is with my excellent :-/ russian language. Maybe if somebody has good recommendation for a girl on intimcity.ru or so?

(I don't want to ask too much, I know I can search myself there) :-)

This one seems ot be my taste: ok taste is different i know:


Thanks for the russian tips. will drop my knowing in the other forums.


Ricardo Cabro
01-24-07, 13:47
For my sins I will be in Moscow on Valentine's day. This fact alone suggests opportunity to me but I am devoid of some info and hope a fellow monger may be able to help. Is Valentine's Day celebrated in Russia and if so is it a big thing? At home its the worst night of the year as every bar, restaurant and club is full of couples. However, there must be an opportunity to hit on some of the poor girls that don't have a BF.

Ricaardo Cabron

01-24-07, 22:40
For my sins I will be in Moscow on Valentine's day. This fact alone suggests opportunity to me but I am devoid of some info and hope a fellow monger may be able to help. Is Valentine's Day celebrated in Russia and if so is it a big thing? At home its the worst night of the year as every bar, restaurant and club is full of couples. However, there must be an opportunity to hit on some of the poor girls that don't have a BF.

Ricaardo Cabron

Valentines day is a commercial holiday, meaning it's not official but is celebrated by some. Russians are always looking for an excuse to celebrate something. As far as couples action, it isn't nearly as important as woman's day (March 8) which is the second biggest holiday in Russia after New Years.

Some clubs or bars throw theme parties, but mostly its still a normal day... and this year in the middle of the week.

What it also is though is a golden opportunity to ask some girls out under the pretense that it is celebrated in your own country and, of course, going out with you means they have to fuck you.

Which is of course true.

Guy #2
02-04-07, 08:06
I have been posting about comparing women in the US with Russia and overseas and lowering your costs. I was coming back from a business trip and met a 19 year old girl in the US. I asked her to pack her bags and get on the next flight with me. She has been with me for several weeks now. She is pretty good looking. But now I remember why I got a divorce in the first place. No she is not costing me money and she is low maintenance. We just don't connect for the same reasons I do not connect with the Russians or the Ukraines. I think I am going to stick with the women in Prague and in Slovakia. You have to be able to connect with someone. I am posting this report to prove that you can apply the same things that you learn from chasing women around the world to college age girls in the US without spending or paying for sex. I plan to go back to Prague and fuck escorts because I don't have the time to connect with them. But my experience with Russians in Prague and in the US have always been a disappointment because they are too money driven. I think this will probably be my last post for a while. Now that I know how to pick up women in the US, I feel like I am wasting time online when I can be offline. Now I have to find a way to send this girl back home. Be careful what you wish for. You may get it.

One O Nine
02-06-07, 06:09
I was just in Moscow overnight. Not much to report, except that as I was driving down Tverskaya past Belorusski station, I noticed signs for a new gentleman's club named Golden Girls.

Somebody should go and tell them. I bet they're wondering why the foreign tourists don't visit much.

Cruiser D
02-09-07, 10:30
I second that.

Doctor Skank,

I would like to nominate you as the most valuable contributer to this distinquished forum. In my view, you are the best type of contributer: your posts help other members get up to date information about mongering options.

02-09-07, 11:22
I second that.

A wonderful poster and fully deserving. However, many and even the good Dr. might raise his eyebrows a tad if the "Contributor of the Year" for this thread concerning itself with finding women for sex in Russia was a
Skank !!!!!!

02-09-07, 20:05
A wonderful poster and fully deserving. However, many and even the good Dr. might raise his eyebrows a tad if the "Contributor of the Year" for this thread concerning itself with finding women for sex in Russia was a
Skank !!!!!!

Me no good, me dinky dao numba 10!

Seriously though, thanks for the kudos Excess and Cruiser D. I do what I can to further the cause.

Poker Player 2
02-10-07, 17:10
Skank: "One who is disgustingly foul or filthy and often considered sexually promiscuous"

I must confess I write with a little envy: This beaver chasing skank appears to be humble, articulate, and perhaps even intelligent, makes a good living in EE, has had alot more success with women than most and now is being considered for the title of the most valuable contributors to this distinguished column. What is there not to like about the good Doctor?

02-11-07, 04:28
Ah... winter in москва! Cold, snyeg, mud and slush. But the dyeffki will keep you warm.


Stopped by Patriarshi Prudi last night. Almost didn't make it. First, the taxist ran

out of benzene, but, like all xitri taxists, he had a gas can in the back, so off we go.
Got to the podyezd about 22:00 and the girl on duty tried to buzz me in, but no luck.

Dveri zakrit. The door was stuck and wouldn't open. So we spent the next 10 minutes

trying open it. She pushing from her side and I pulling from mine. Except on my side

it's -15C.

First time I've ever had a problem getting into a brothel!

I wasn't too sure what I would find so late. There were only 2 girls working, and I

picked Ira. Tall, slender and stroina (built), lucky me, just my type. Into the shower,

gelly-shmelly, back to the room and Ira starts with a massage. Ira actually gives a

pretty good massage, which is just what I needed after sitting on a plane for 12 hours.

She also gives an excellent BJ, albeit covered, which is something else I needed after

sitting on a plane for 12 hours.

She advertises herself as being 19, and I can believe. Everything you touch on her has

that jiggly elasticity only a teenager is capable of.

Prices are up at Patriarshi, a whole 200r! The polni program is now 2200r, but the chai

is still on the house, lucky for me. Ya prosto byedni Amerikanyets, with only Dollars to

spend. :)

Back to the apartment. I figured if I stayed up late enough, then I might sleep till

morning, but no such luck.

So, here I am, submitting my report, dear readers. After all, somewhere in the world

it's gotta be 4:00 in the afternoon.


02-12-07, 11:32
Ah... winter in москва! Cold, snyeg, mud and slush. But the dyeffki will keep you warm.


Stopped by Patriarshi Prudi last night. Almost didn't make it. First, the taxist ran

out of benzene, but, like all xitri taxists, he had a gas can in the back, so off we go.
Got to the podyezd about 22:00 and the girl on duty tried to buzz me in, but no luck.

Dveri zakrit. The door was stuck and wouldn't open. So we spent the next 10 minutes

trying open it. She pushing from her side and I pulling from mine. Except on my side

it's -15C.

First time I've ever had a problem getting into a brothel!

I wasn't too sure what I would find so late. There were only 2 girls working, and I

picked Ira. Tall, slender and stroina (built), lucky me, just my type. Into the shower,

gelly-shmelly, back to the room and Ira starts with a massage. Ira actually gives a

pretty good massage, which is just what I needed after sitting on a plane for 12 hours.

She also gives an excellent BJ, albeit covered, which is something else I needed after

sitting on a plane for 12 hours.

She advertises herself as being 19, and I can believe. Everything you touch on her has

that jiggly elasticity only a teenager is capable of.

Prices are up at Patriarshi, a whole 200r! The polni program is now 2200r, but the chai

is still on the house, lucky for me. Ya prosto byedni Amerikanyets, with only Dollars to

spend. :)

Back to the apartment. I figured if I stayed up late enough, then I might sleep till

morning, but no such luck.

So, here I am, submitting my report, dear readers. After all, somewhere in the world

it's gotta be 4:00 in the afternoon.


Great live action report, keep 'em "coming" so we can put another Strav library of adventures in RoD. Kindly add details, such as salon addresses etc. if possible.. thanks!

02-13-07, 04:45
so, i thought i'd try avtozavodskaya. there's a massage parlor that operates there. normally, i think massage parlors are just a waste of time, at least in moscow. there's just too many other options. but there have been several good reports from local guys on sextalk, so it might be worthwhile.

avtozavodskaya is one stop beyond paveletskaya, on the green line. it's a bit of a trek from the metro to avtozavodskaya sloboda, and in this weather it's no fun. it's a clear day, and the sun is shining, but it's still gotta be -5, or so. i arrive at Дом 4, and give them a call to get the podyezd and the kvartera. it's an old building, really old, and fairly delapodated. the podyezd door is unlocked, i just walk right in and then up 2 flights of stairs to the apt.

a young woman answers the door, dressed in some kind of leather-looking b&d outfit, she seems to be the mistress of the house. ok... she ushers me into a big room with a couch and coffee table and silk drapes lining the walls, big mattress in the center, on the floor. the usual "chai, kofe", "chai" konyechno, lord knows what kind of coffee they would have.

she returns with the tea and a selection of 4 girls. most are pretty ordinary, but there is one; short, dark, very curvy, with a kind of evil twinkle in her eye, always an endearing quality. her name is diana, and i pick her. the mistress tells me to pick another, that's the deal, you get a massage by 2 girls for 1200r. i pick another girl, by the name of lera, passable blonde, but a nice figure.

the girls file out and the mistress starts making some kind of a presentation. she asks me if i want to touch the girls. well, hell yeah, lady, that's why i'm here! she says that for 1200r, the girls get to touch me, for an extra 600r, they will do the massage naked and i can touch them... anywhere. ok, no problem, extra 600r, which is about $20.

diana and lera return, they hand me a towel and tapochki and into the shower. the voda is hot, the towel is dry, what more can you ask for. back in the room, i lay down on the bed and they begin. each one takes a foot and they have at it, slathering me with oil and working their way up. it seems that diana must be new, every once in a while, i can hear lera whispering instructions to her; do this, do that.

when they finish with the back i turn over and they start on the front. i can't resist testing the claim that i can touch them anywhere. i slide my hand around diana's admirable popa. she lifts herself up and plants her pussy right on top, rotating herself so that i can get a finger inside. that's my girl!

meanwhile, lera starts working on me. basically, this is a glorified hand job, but that's ok, it's the most fun i've ever had for 1800r. :)

after i finish, we have some time left to relax and razgovarivari (chit-chat). even in the dim light, it's clear that diana is actually quite beautiful. she has caucasian features, but with long black hair and deep dark eyes. turns out she is tatar, from tatarstan. that ol' genghis khan left quite a legacy for himself.

so, i assume that tatarstan is a separate country and that diana is atartarka, but lera immediately corrects me. tatarstan is a republic in the russkaya federatsia, so diana is russian. diana protests that she is tatarka, not russian. while the are sorting this out, my mind is working overtime trying to figure out how i can get diana out of that place and back to my apartment!

time's up, back to the shower and dress. out on the street the sun is setting and it's getting even colder. i'm not really interested in walking back to the metro station, so maybe i'll find a taxi. but on sunday afternoon in this part of town, that might be easier said than done. while i am contemplating my lack of options, along comes a bus. so, i'm thinking, it's better than walking...

never rode the bus before, but hell, how difficult can it be? i step on board and hand the driver 20r, but there is a problem, he needs an extra 5r. ok, no problem. he hands me a paper ticket about the size of a credit card with a magnetic strip. there is a card reader that i have to pass through before i can sit down. i put the ticket in the card reader and it pops back out. i try several different variations, but no luck. a very polite young girl steps up and asks if she can "pomoch tebye". pozhaluista. she turns the card over, reverses it and inserts it into the reader. the light goes green and i step through.

slava boga.

the bus takes us right to the metro station. this is great! back to my metro stop and on the way out, i stop by the kassa to ask where i can buy more bus tickets. the woman at the window gives me that, another-stupid-tourist look, which moscow sluzhebniki do so well, and points across the hall, muttering something incomprehensible through the bullet proof glass.

i turn around and head over to the other side of the hall, looking to see what she is pointing at. turns out there is a woman over there, sitting at a card table, selling something. turns out it's bus tickets, 17r each. i buy a strip of tickets and head out on to the street.

back on the sadovaya, it's really cold now, even by russian standards. i'm hoping i can get back to the apartment on the bus. before too long, one arrives, they seem to run fairly frequently. i'm not sure where it's going, but it's blue. the bus that took me to the metro was blue, maybe there's a connection?

it's scary, but this is how you start thinking when you're in russia.

sure enough, the blue bus follows the sadovia and i arrive right at my apt. in no time.

ok, that's it. i've had it with these taxists... 200r here, 300r there, 400r somewhere else, pretty soon you're talking about real money! enough to get laid, anyway. from now on, i'm taking the bus, or the metro. got myself a metro card, but the bus cards are tough to come by. you can't just buy one at the metro kassa. :)


02-13-07, 05:01
Stravinsky -- You just might get lucky right on the bus.

02-13-07, 05:05

I'm a little conflicted about posting too much specific address info on the salons.

Most of this info I get from the local guys who post on sextalk. I notice they are always very careful never to give out the actual podyezd and kvartira. I don't think it's fair to the salon. Sure, they like to have business, but they like to do it in a discreet, orderly fashion. They operate freely, but still, I don't think they want the whole world beating a path to their door.

I did post a lengthy description of how to get to Patriarshi Prudi a while back, for anyone who wants to go dig it up.

And, to be honest, it's really not a good idea to show up at these places unannounced. Maybe they're closed, maybe the girl you want is not working that day, or maybe they're just too busy for another customer. It's always best to call first and let them know you are coming, and when.

I understand that there may be some guys out there that would like to try the salon scene in Moscow but don't have the Russian skills to negotiate that kind of encounter.

I think the best solution would be to have a separate thread for Russian Language Phrases, with a sub-thread for, say, Negotiating a Salon Session. We could post a standard dialog that anyone could use. Which is basically what I do. Many times, the guys who post on sextalk will give you the whole running dialog of what was said by whom, to whom, during their phone conversation with the salon. I just follow their lead.

That's something you won't find in your usual tourist guide! And it's something that I would be happy to do, but there's no point to do it, if it's just going to get lost in an archive somewhere.

Whadda ya say, Jackson???

02-13-07, 05:12

You're right, in Moscow, encounters of the sexual kind can happen anywhere.

Luvs Girls
02-13-07, 05:32
Having never been to Russia before, I was wondering if I could get some valuable advice on this board.

I am going to be there for only two days ( but also two nights!) and will be looking for some entertainment in the evenings. I am interested in massage places that are close to the center. I don't speak any Russian and don't want to get too disoriented while in Moscow. Any help will be appreciated!

02-13-07, 08:24

I'm a little conflicted about posting too much specific address info on the salons.

I think the best solution would be to have a separate thread for Russian Language Phrases, with a sub-thread for, say, Negotiating a Salon Session.
Whadda ya say, Jackson???

Sounds good, Strav. As for not posting salon addresses, I suppose that depends. Some salons advertise their address everywhere, even with billboards. This is hardly a secret. On the other hand, I suppose the smaller salons... and there are dozens if not hundreds... really can't handle more than 3-4 people at a time anyway. It doesn't make much sense to send a bunch of people in their direction... not that foreigners make up much of the clientel anyway. It's 90% locals if not more.

Non-Russian speakers are going to have a tough time anyway, just finding and getting into the salon can be a challenge for a newbie.

It Travel
02-13-07, 08:37
I agree too...

I remember my firs time! It was really difficult, get at that metro, go to that telephone and I will come and pick you up (after she looked I'm not a Police) etc etc.

A site with adresses at least name street number and Dom woould be great, then we could PM telephone and floor or whatever.

I agree totally in not getting there without prior call. I did it once, they were quite angry but let me in only becuse It was the third day in row I was there... and by the way they had only one girl... Just the one I searched for I was lucky!!!


PS But it was a lot of years ago!

02-13-07, 08:42
not that foreigners make up much of the clientel anyway. It's 90% locals if not more.


It's 90% locals because they are the only ones who can speak the lingo and get the info they need to find the salon.

As you know, there are a lot of guys "lurking" out there. The last time I posted about salons, I received several PM's for specific info on how to get to them. I'm sure there would be many more foreigners using the salons if they could just find them.

After all, once you're in, it ain't rocket science. You pays your money and you takes your choice and the girls pretty much take it from there.

The trick is... getting into the salon.

Big Bro AJ
02-13-07, 08:56
I think the best solution would be to have a separate thread for Russian Language Phrases, with a sub-thread for, say, Negotiating a Salon Session. We could post a standard dialog that anyone could use. Which is basically what I do. Many times, the guys who post on sextalk will give you the whole running dialog of what was said by whom, to whom, during their phone conversation with the salon. I just follow their lead.

That's something you won't find in your usual tourist guide! And it's something that I would be happy to do, but there's no point to do it, if it's just going to get lost in an archive somewhere.

Whadda ya say, Jackson???

Some other forums have language sections, Brazil has Portuguese Phrases section, Chine has Chinese Words and Phrases section, and even Mexico has Spanish Phrases section.

Why don’t we work on Russian Phrases section…

02-13-07, 13:48
I'm a little conflicted about posting too much specific address info on the salons.
I agree with you here but, instead of having the exact address, it's good to know approximately where a salon is located before calling them.

For St-Pete, I have quite a few salons locations on Google Earth and I call only the ones near the place I'm staying. See example here (http://img353.imageshack.us/my.php?image=stpetesexzoomyy7.jpg).

For Moscow, I have the same, but mainly for clubs and only a couple of salons. If I have the address of the salons you know (or any other member knows), I can add them and send the file to those who need it. It's just a small file they can open with Google Earth, a free software. I will know the exact address, but those receiving the file won't :D. They'll only know approximately where it is.

Just a though...


PS: Concerning the Russian phrases, I couln't agree more. I sent Jackson a request when we managed to post in cyrillic to open a section for this (and I think you did too, right?), but wasn't blessed with an answer. Maybe we shall all send him another request by PM now.

02-13-07, 17:29
Some other forums have language sections, Brazil has Portuguese Phrases section, Chine has Chinese Words and Phrases section, and even Mexico has Spanish Phrases section.


The best example is the Argentina Private site, for BA. The guys there can create their own threads and the amount of specific info is a marvel to behold. But then, that's Jackson's stomping ground....


No need to PM Jackson. If it's posted, he will see it.

Are you listening, Jackson???

Helena Moscow
02-14-07, 03:18
Dear Friends! I wish you all Happy Valentine and hope to read some nice reports about this day. Don't let the forum become too quiet.

02-16-07, 18:00
Hi there

Can any one tell me if the Miezdunarodnaya Hotel is girl friendly ?
How can I take my conquest back to my room ? Should I expect any staring from the security guards or will this be a quiet walk ?

Is Helena interesting in meeting me tonight ?
Any one also for a city discovery ?


The Wolf