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Hi over there in Sweden country! What's going on in lovely Gothenburg? Any info on SW etc. would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!öteborg
Allways call first
Has anyone tried the ladies on these web sites? The sihteeriopisto sounds very interesting. I'll be there twice next month for a few days and would like to sample. Thanks!
Has anyone tried the ladies on these web sites? The sihteeriopisto sounds very interesting. I'll be there twice next month for a few days and would like to sample. Thanks!
Not cheap, but good.
Not cheap, but good.Hi Man #1,
The link you posted does not work, could you check it and post the correct one.
I'm going to spend a weekend in Gothenburg and would appreciate some good hint.
(are the email addresses related to girls or to organisations?)
Peppino: You may have better luck in finding something at
But I would advice against it if it's only for a weekend you are staying here. I live in gothenburg and have not mongered here for atleast 10 years. Whatever you will be able to find will be *very* (150-250 €) expensive and also probably very booring.
Peppino: You may have better luck in finding something at
But I would advice against it if it's only for a weekend you are staying here. I live in gothenburg and have not mongered here for atleast 10 years. Whatever you will be able to find will be *very* (150-250 €) expensive and also probably very booring.I got your advice Big Swede, so what would you advice for a relaxing session (I prefer to the hotel - if they let her in)?
I got your advice Big Swede, so what would you advice for a relaxing session (I prefer to the hotel - if they let her in)?When I first moved to gothenburg about 12 years ago I first tried to find something, everything I found was overpriced and undervalued. Since then the situation has gotten worse. Prostitution has been outlawed about five years ago and a lot of the market have gone "undergound", I don't have any information on the "underground" scene. There are rumours about brothels with ladies from the former east-block. I don't know if it's for real or it's just something the politicians and police make up to get more funding to do a ghost chase?
You may be able to find a streetwalker around "fiskekyrka" near the canal. That is a lottery and she will either be a hard drug addict or clinical insane, maybe both. It is however very uncommon to see one theese days.
You could try to find an "escort" advertising on secretaryacademy is the full URL ... Be prepared to pay about 250+ € for an hour, all of them visits hotels. Secretaryacademy is the most complete and up to date list I have found. Everything is covered and don't expect any DFK. If your guest doesn't stay overnight you will most probably not have any problem at all with your hotel.
You could also try to visist a strip-club, preferable "Chat-noir" and make a deal to get one of the girls to visit your hotel later, this will be even more expensive, be prepared to pay 300-400 € for the girl and more for the full evening. To have this work out you need to have good luck, this is a lottery.
You could also take the ferry to fredrikshavn, denmark which is a 2-3 hour trip away. The situation for our hobby in denmark is a lot better and even though fredrikshavn is a very small town there are some massageclinics with extras ready available, look in the danish newspaper "ekstrabladet"
in the area "nordjylland" and the city of fredrikshavn.
Or you could try your luck with the non-profesional natives here in gothenburg. There are various clubs and pubs, mostly around street "kungsportsavenyn" or "avenyn".
Please remember that gothenburg is NOT a big city, the options available reflects this pretty well.
Eddie Imps
01-23-06, 16:40
I am going to Varnamo in Sweden soon. Any action?
Thanks in advance!
Värnamo is a very small town in the middle of nowhere, your chances of finding any p4p are probably just as big as they would be in west sahara.
01-28-06, 00:24
Hi dear fellows,
I am sorry for sounding that pessimistic, however my deep and broad knowledge of this particular town and even the country in general, strongly advises me to tell you all to avoid the idea and the purpose!
If you in the other hand intend to make aquaintance with other forms of interaction such as attending dancings, pubs, discotheques, cabarets or even strip-tease clubs. That is another issue!
But as Big Swede described it. And he did with good precision and accuracy I would not recommend you the effort.
I am a night rambler I know this town as my hands. And there is not much to brag about in terms of "big game fishing" in this coastal town.
I add some spots for those of you over 35 or forty years of age, places you might find good companion for a lonely night: the "PALACE" by Brunnsparken nearby Centralstation (Dancing/Pub), a good mingle of Swedish, Asian and specially some willing African ladies.
For the younger members, I would recommend the " Nivån", in the main avenue the Kungssportsavenyn, with a quite informal and easy going attitude and joyful atmosphere, with a good choice of good looking female attendance.
Finally, I would recommend in the after hours scene, one of the few strip tease clubs available: the "Wandas ", located nearby Järntorget (Iron Square), more precisely at the Andralånggatan, by the midway of that street, next to the Irish Rover bar.
They offer a non stop wide variety of performing strip tease dancing, included in the admission fee, ranging from 120 SEK / 13 Euros to 150 SEK /15 Euros for a whole evening. Thus, these performers may offer you a private table dance strip performance with a price to be discussed between you and them.
Such rates can vary but at average let us say, between 50 and 100 euros depending on the charm and persuasion of the ladies, and in your negotiating skills. But make sure to arrive before 5 in the morning, otherwise no show!
Well, dear members, I hope to have contributed with some humble, but elusive information, about the precarious status quo of supply and demand in this godforsaken mongers destination of Scandinavia.
Here is an interesting article about a Swedish prostitute, who was recently discovered to be HIV positive in Gothenburg. Now the police are trying to contact all of her previous clients, that she had sex with in the last year to get them tested as well. I would actually be surprised if any of these guys turn up HIV positive, because this woman was a street hooker. Often guys just get hand jobs and blowjobs from street prostitutes, and while bare blowjobs can a HIV risk, it is minimal. As for sex, well any guy would be mad to have bareback sex with a street worker, and the woman insists that she always used condoms. Of course prostitutes are known to tell the odd lie.
Here is the original article (http://******************/?p=164)
Hacking System
01-02-07, 22:19
Hey guys,
Does any one know any sex store where people can buy sex toys and porn magazines in Gothenburg?
Thanks a lot.
Hey guys,
Does any one know any sex store where people can buy sex toys and porn magazines in Gothenburg?
Thanks a lot.
Once a time the area around Andralånggatan and in the street itself had two three well equipped shops.
I hope you have already the girl for using the toys with! Sweden is not a place for us mongers!
Well, looks like this city is not a paradise for what we usually look for. I will be in the city for a month, sent by the company that work for.. any other advise will be appreciated.
I'm from The Caribbean, is there a lot of people from other countries or not?
I'm from the Caribbean and will be in the city for a month due to working meetings. Any advise are welcome, basically about getting girls and looks like it's not easy, I'm more into knowing girls in bar. What is the first and maybe the second minority groups in gothembur? How the girls respond to the foreigner? Regards
I'm from the Caribbean and will be in the city for a month due to working meetings. Any advise are welcome, basically about getting girls and looks like it's not easy, I'm more into knowing girls in bar. What is the first and maybe the second minority groups in gothembur? How the girls respond to the foreigner? Regards
Swedes do not put much attention to racial factors.
Surely the most widespred minority, there are many, are from EE (Baltics, Polish, Serbian... from the war, Bosnian etc.). Of course there are Chinese, and others.
It's not difficult to get contacts with Swedish girls. Go to elegant bars (like the roof bar in the Gothia Hotel complex) on Friday and Saturday; go around Avenyn (the main nearly all pedestrian streed facin the Poseidon monument. There on the open cafes you will find lot of single on couples of girls. Even on other roads in the centrum (and even on other week days.. not on Monday or Tuesday).
If you are two it helps.
Xavier Yves
06-12-07, 21:29
Swedes do not put much attention to racial factors.
Surely the most widespred minority, there are many, are from EE (Baltics, Polish, Serbian... from the war, Bosnian etc.). Of course there are Chinese, and others.
It's not difficult to get contacts with Swedish girls. Go to elegant bars (like the roof bar in the Gothia Hotel complex) on Friday and Saturday; go around Avenyn (the main nearly all pedestrian streed facin the Poseidon monument. There on the open cafes you will find lot of single on couples of girls. Even on other roads in the centrum (and even on other week days.. not on Monday or Tuesday).
If you are two it helps.
I assume you're talking about the non prof, right?
I assume you're talking about the non prof, right?
Yes it's so. Usually on Fidays and Saturdays it's not so difficult to get laid with a Single nice Swede in 30-35 y.o.
Of course no teens, we are not in Russia here!
Prostitution is forbidden and even customers get at least fined... one of the few non islamic county of the world doing so...
PS the Pro acion in Sweden is very close to zero...
i, for one, still believed that sweden was very lenient about prostitution. here are some details about the tough stand:
why hasn't anyone tried
this before?
in a centuries deep sea of clichés despairing that 'prostitution will always be with us', one country's success stands out as a solitary beacon lighting the way. in just five years sweden has dramatically reduced the number of its women in prostitution. in the capital city of stockholm the number of women in street prostitution has been reduced by two thirds, and the number of johns has been reduced by 80%. there are other major swedish cities where street prostitution has all but disappeared. gone too, for the most part, are the renowned swedish brothels and massage parlors which proliferated during the last three decades of the twentieth century when prostitution in sweden was legal.
in addition, the number of foreign women now being trafficked into sweden for sex is nil. the swedish government estimates that in the last few years only 200 to 400 women and girls have been annually sex trafficked into sweden, a figure that's negligible compared to the 15,000 to 17,000 females yearly sex trafficked into neighboring finland. no other country, nor any other social experiment, has come anywhere near sweden's promising results.
by what complex formula has sweden managed this feat? amazingly, sweden's strategy isn't complex at all. it's tenets, in fact, seem so simple and so firmly anchored in common sense as to immediately spark the question, "why hasn't anyone tried this before?"
sweden's groundbreaking 1999 legislation
in 1999, after years of research and study, sweden passed legislation that a) criminalizes the buying of sex, and b) decriminalizes the selling of sex. the novel rationale behind this legislation is clearly stated in the government's literature on the law:
"in sweden prostitution is regarded as an aspect of male violence against women and children. it is officially acknowledged as a form of exploitation of women and children and constitutes a significant social problem... gender equality will remain unattainable so long as men buy, sell and exploit women and children by prostituting them."
in addition to the two pronged legal strategy, a third and essential element of sweden's prostitution legislation provides for ample and comprehensive social service funds aimed at helping any prostitute who wants to get out, and additional funds to educate the public. as such, sweden's unique strategy treats prostitution as a form of violence against women in which the men who exploit by buying sex are criminalized, the mostly female prostitutes are treated as victims who need help, and the public is educated in order to counteract the historical male bias that has long stultified thinking on prostitution. to securely anchor their view in firm legal ground, sweden's prostitution legislation was passed as part and parcel of the country's 1999 omnibus violence against women legislation.
an early obstacle in the path
interestingly, despite the country's extensive planning prior to passing the legislation, the first couple years into this novel project nothing much happened at all. police made very few arrests of johns and prostitution in sweden, which had previously been legalized, went on pretty much as it had gone on before. naysayers the world over responded to the much publicized failure with raucous heckling, "see? prostitution always has been, and it always will be."
but eminently secure in the thinking behind their plan, the swedes paid no heed. they quickly identified, then solved the problem. the hang-up, the place where their best efforts had snagged, was that law enforcement wasn't doing it's part. the police themselves, it was determined, needed in-depth training and orientation to what the swedish public and legislature already understood profoundly. prostitution is a form of male violence against women. the exploiter/buyers need to be punished, and the victim/prostitutes need to be helped. the swedish government put up extensive funds and the country's police and prosecutors, from the top ranks down to the officer on the beat, were given intensive training and a clear message that the country meant business. it was then that the country quickly began to see the unequaled results.
today, not only do the swedish people continue to overwhelming support their country's approach to prostitution (80% of people in favor according to national opinion polls), but the country's police and prosecutors have also come around to be among the legislation's staunchest supporters. sweden's law enforcement has found that the prostitution legislation benefits them in dealing with all sex crimes, particularly in enabling them to virtually wipe out the organized crime element that plagues other countries where prostitution has been legalized or regulated.
the failure of legalization and/or regulation strategies
this swedish experiment is the single, solitary example in a significant sized population of a prostitution policy that works. in 2003, the scottish government in looking to revamp its own approach to prostitution enlisted the university of london to do a comprehensive analysis of outcomes of prostitution policies in other countries. in addition to reviewing sweden's program, the researchers chose australia, ireland, and the netherlands to represent various strategies of legalizing and/or regulating prostitution. the researchers did not review the situation where prostitution is criminalized across the board as it is in the us. the outcome of that approach is already well known. the failures and futility of the revolving door of arresting and rearresting prostitutes is all too familiar the world over.
but the outcomes, as revealed in the univ. of london study, in the states under review that had legalized or regulated prostitution were found to be just as discouraging or even more discouraging than the traditional all round criminalization. in each case the results were dramatic in the negative.
legalization and/or regulation of prostitution, according to the study, led to:
a dramatic increase in all facets of the sex industry,
a dramatic increase in the involvement of organized crime in the sex industry,
a dramatic increase in child prostitution,
an explosion in the number of foreign women and girls trafficked into the region, and
indications of an increase in violence against women.
in the state of victoria, australia, where a system of legalized, regulated brothels was established, there was such an explosion in the number of brothels that it immediately overwhelmed the system's ability to regulate them, and just as quickly these brothels became a mire of organized crime, corruption, and related crimes. in addition, surveys of the prostitutes working under systems of legalization and regulation find that the prostitutes themselves continue to feel coerced, forced, and unsafe in the business.
a survey of legal prostitutes under the showcase netherlands legalization policy finds that 79% say they want to get out of the sex business. and though each of the legalization/regulation programs promised help for prostitutes who want to leave prostitution, that help never materialized to any meaningful degree. in contrast, in sweden the government followed through with ample social services funds to help those prostitutes who wanted to get out. 60% of the prostitutes in sweden took advantage of the well funded programs and succeeded in exiting prostitution.*
* the full scottish government report on prostitution policies can be seen at
so why hasn't anyone tried this before?
why, then, with sweden's success so clearly lighting the way, aren't others quickly adopting the plan? well, some are. both finland and norway are on the verge of making the move. and if scotland takes the advise of its own study, it will go in that direction too. but, the answer to the question of why other countries aren't jumping to adopt sweden's plan is probably the same as the answer to the question of why governments haven't tried sweden's solution before.
in order to see prostitutes as victims of male coercion and violence it requires that a government first switch from seeing prostitution from the male point of view to the female point of view. and most, if not virtually all, countries of the world still see prostitution and every other issue from a predominantly male point of view.
sweden, in contrast, has led the way in promoting equality for women for a very long time. in 1965, for example, sweden criminalized [CodeWord123] ( in marriage. even by the 1980's there were states in the united states that still hadn't made that fundamental recognition of women's rights to control her own body. the swedish government also stands out in having the highest proportion of women at all levels of government. in 1999, when sweden passed its groundbreaking prostitution legislation, the swedish parliament was composed of nearly 50% women.
sweden's prostitution policy was first designed and lobbied for by sweden's organization of women's shelters and was then fostered and fought for by a bipartisan effort of sweden's uniquely powerful and numerous female parliamentarians. nor has sweden stopped there. in 2002, sweden passed additional legislation bolstering the original prostitution legislation. the 2002 act prohibiting [CodeWord908] ( for the purpose of sexual exploitation closed some of the loopholes in the earlier legislation and further strengthened the government's ability to go after the network of persons that surround and support prostitution, such as the recruiters, the transporters, and the hosts.
and why can't we copy sweden's success here?
while it's probably true that we and other countries are still much more steeped in patriarchal darkness than sweden, there's no reason we can't push now for the policy changes that sweden has made. the beauty of it is that once the ground has been broken and the proof of success has been established, it should be ever much easier to convince others to go down that path.
copyright © marie de santis,
women's justice center,
02-20-08, 16:13
this policy is so sucessful that the swedish middle aged wome seek desperatly the sexual services of the "beach boys" in gambia, philippines or even brazil. and most of the men invade thailand, brazil and cuba!
they by their self induced spirit of sacrifice and effort make the hypocritical swedish politicians. look good! their statistics i mean!
the problem remains that the dewy-eyed swedish so called politicians with a " total clueless knowledge of the street reality" think that they are being sucessful with their twisted bullshit law issues. that just make the whole world laugh. and in the meantime i have never seen so many undercover non official (according to your figures) pros offering sexual services as now, and furthermore so many men looking for their services as now either.
this bullshit that you have been evoking is so sucessful that now i have seen in the cover pages of some of the most read newspapapers reports of ****d girls offering sex in the internet in trade for expensive brand jeans or even alchool.
furthermore, this so called anti-trafficing police officers have been so sucessful and devoted to their jobs, that they even have got involved with some of the prostitutes they were going to "save"!
one of them even got a law suit against him in court by one of the hoes.
she claimed that she had got abused and beaten up by that politician assigned model policeman for that noble purpose and task.
02-20-08, 17:09
this policy is so sucessful that the swedish middle aged wome seek desperatly the sexual services of the "beach boys" in gambia,philippines or even brazil...and most of the men invade thailand,brazil and cuba!
they, by their self induced spirit of sacrifice and effort make the hypocritical swedish politicians look good! their statistics... i mean!
the problem remains that these dewy-eyed so called politicians with a clueless knowledge of the street reality think that they are being sucessful with their twisted bullshit law issues...that just make the whole world laugh!
in the meantime, i have never seen so many undercover non official (according to your figures) pros offering sexual services as now, and furthermore so many men looking for their services either!
this bullshit that you have been evoking is so sucessful, that now i have seen in the cover pages of newspapapers reports of ****d girls offering sex in the internet in trade for expensive brand jeans or even alchool.
furthermore,the so called anti-trafficing police officers have been so sucessful and devoted to their jobs, that they even got involved with some of the prostitutes they were going to "save and redeem"!
one of the hoes gave a full cover story in one of the most read newspapers,and put a law suit in court against one of this policemen.
she claimed that she had got abused and beaten up by that "politician assigned model policeman" serving that noble purpose and task of preventing prostitution...!
so my conclusion is that the whole thing stinks!you can never cease prostitution by decree laws!
and to support my theory i can give you the example of the former eastern european countries, cuba or even north korea whose authoritarian regimes have been compeled to live with that social phenomenom.
despite their crack downs and incarcerations,they have yet not been sucessful,to eradicate that social plague, acording to their ideology, much to their grievance!
so lets put it this way : if sweden in the golden decades(70 ´s and 80´s) of wellfare and extraordinary standard of living in european terms,with common sense and inteligent politicians could not eliminate the you honestly think, that they will do it now?
in a country afflicted by dishonest,mentaly retarded and cynical politicians!
in a country, whose standard of living,being at most, middle level in europe!
with tremendous problems of social exclusion (swept under the carpet!) of the second generation of immigrants whose daughters are aspiring, at most, to become models,entertainers or strip dancers?
so, come down to reality my friend!
open your eyes wide and don t let yourself being intoxicated by that bullshit official quasimodo propaganda!
i have a daily contact with the reality of the night street life and most of the actors and actresses!
welcome to my world!
with greetings from sweden.
Where can I find hot women in Gothenburg? I will be coming out there on a European Delivery 1 to 2 weeks trip in June. I'm looking for some place where I can pick up a hot girl or women for FS and BBBJ. Any bars or places I should go that would help.
Skintboy Mike
02-12-09, 12:59
Peppino: You may have better luck in finding something at
But I would advice against it if it's only for a weekend you are staying here. I live in gothenburg and have not mongered here for atleast 10 years. Whatever you will be able to find will be *very* (150-250 €) expensive and also probably very booring.Big Swede, are the photos of the escorts on secretary academy the real girls themselves?
Where can I find hot women in Gothenburg? I will be coming out there on a European Delivery 1 to 2 weeks trip in June. I'm looking for some place where I can pick up a hot girl or women for FS and BBBJ. Any bars or places I should go that would help.Look at the Stockholm Escort Link page, there are Gothenburg Escorts on the list as well.
You will also find SW arund "Fiskekörka" in Rosenlund, especially on the street Rosenlundsgatan.
Hope you find what you looking for.
Kind regards,
Balkan Expat
05-29-09, 14:52
You will also find SW arund "Fiskekörka" in Rosenlund, especially on the street Rosenlundsgatan.
Hope you find what you looking for.
RaketostIt was my first time I visited Sweden, and I stayed only was one day and one night in Göteborg. The hotel turned out to be an ideal location, good value for money and most of all, very discrete and convenient for bringing in a hooker. The hotel Best Western Göteborg, on the Skeppsbroplatser close to the casino is situated at the border of the old central town.
What makes it so interesting is the fact the hotel accommodation is situated on the top three floors of a big 1933 office building. The rest of the floors have offices, and the reception is on the 4th floor. If you ask a room on the fifth or sixth floor, you do not pass the reception on you way to your room, just enter the elevator and you’re on the right spot.
I was aware the Swedish law criminalises punters for asking paid sex, but it did not deter me of looking for street walker. As rightfully stated in the mail of Raketost, they could be found walking Rosenlundsgatan, on five minutes distance from the hotel. The Sunday afternoon was warm, and quite some people were walking the streets of Göteborg.
The one I choose was not overtly dressed up as a hooker, but the direct eye contact did no leave any doubt about her intentions. There was swinging Latin Salsa music coming out of her I-pod. Her English was very good, and she announced an asking price of 2000 Krone for one hour. I proposed to pay in Euro, and a deal was made for 2 hours all covered sex for 250 Euro. It must have been a slow day for Freya, who told me she was 23 years old.
She accompanied me to my room, and upon closing the curtains, she slowly undressed, looking me strait into the eyes. This young black haired woman was more the girl-next-door type, but she did have a nice body. She asked me to hand the money over before getting completely undressed, and I made no problem out of it. She had tasteful make-up on her deep blue eyes, beautiful 75 c cup breasts, and a nicely shaven pussy. When I wanted to kiss her on the mouth, she turned her head away. Some caressing and stroking later, I felt she could possibly reconsider.
I asked if she liked Latin music, opened the minibar and prepared a Bacardi-cola. She did like the idea of the Cuba Libre, and the deep French kissing was no problem any more. Fingering was followed by a nice session of Daty, evolving into 69. In this last position, she reacted quite violently to my tongue entering her vagina and the feeling of my beard on her clit. I believe she fought but lost, and had an orgasm. I subsequently took her doggy style and finished off in a reversed cowgirl.
The recuperation time was short. She lay opposite of me, at the other end of the bed and started gently caressing my legs with her feet, whilst playing with her pussy that started to make juicy noises. She continued to look me strait in the eyes when I took her in the missionary position. Blocking her feet on my chest, I took over playing with her pussy and the rewarding contraction feeling of her vaginal muscles was very satisfying. I took my time, and she got wild when we changed position. On top of me, she was riding me vigorously in circular movements whilst making soft groaning sounds. She let me put two fingers in her shithole during the action. The hard and full strokes of her pussy on my cock made me explode a second time. She kept moving after I came, gently slowing down the movement after a second shiver seemed to go through her spine.
After looking on her watch, she jumped out of the bed and sprinted into the bathroom. We were well passed the two hours. She did not charge me any extra, and I noticed that, upon exiting the hotel room, she had that blush on her face. When I finally entered the bathroom, I saw she had written her mobile phone number on the bathroom mirror. A shame it is unlikely I will ever come back to Göteborg.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here ( for more information.
Where is the place to find 30-40 year old ladies in Gothenburg?
I will be there for a week.
Where is the place to find 30-40 year old ladies in Gothenburg?
I will be there for a week.There is a Restaurant and Bar/Lounge called Palace at Södra Hamngatan 2 (Brunnsparken). In the bar/lounge on the first floor you can find very often ladies 30-40. Have look at
Skintboy Mike
12-28-09, 06:18
Look at the Stockholm Escort Link page, there are Gothenburg Escorts on the list as well.
You will also find SW arund "Fiskekörka" in Rosenlund, especially on the street Rosenlundsgatan.
Hope you find what you looking for.
Kind regards,
Thanks for the link Raketost. Have you seen any of these girls from Stkhlm? I want to meet some, but I do not know if the photos are of the actual girls.
01-11-10, 00:03
I have just some words of warning regarding Rosenlund and the streets around "Feskekörka" (this is not the correct Swedish word but that's how it is pronounced in Gothenburg).
This area is the most famous mongering area in Gothenburg. Hence this is the area the police keeps an eye on when they feel they have to do something about prostitution. The risk is not so high - reports in Swedish newspapers indicate that stopping trafficking is number one priority for the Swedish police, so they don't care so much about "normal" mongering. In some districts they do not seem to bother at all about normal streetwalkers.
But when street action goes to far sometimes the police decides to make a raid. This happened in Rosenlund last year.
In Sweden the customer is the criminal, not the girl. So - be careful.
Will any locals or ISGers be around in G'burg this coming week end? I intend to hit the bars and clubs and hunt down a young freebie :)
Will any locals or ISGers be around in G'burg this coming week end? I intend to hit the bars and clubs and hunt down a young freebie :)
Sweden is the mongers hell.
May be you will find some (may be drunk) 25-45 y.o. normal girl that just want to fuc*....
Not My business
That's the intention. Nordic girls cannot say no to a drink. It just depends which can hold out longer - their liver or my wallet!!
I had the luck to find a realy hot blond girl in Gothenburg with nice D- cup platsic fantastick and a small nice ass. Real blond and ya she kind of like to give you a nice BBBJ. Beside this nice lady Gothenburg sucks as long as you don't wanne hang out at the clubs and get a drunk MILF that just want to fuck a stranger
Hello All,
I am here in Gothenburg for next few months, could you help me out with information about the places where we can get.
Hello, All,
I am here in Gothenburg for next few months, could you help me out with information about the places where we can get. Take the train to Denmark. Helsingøare or Copenhagen. Mongering is legal here and also cheaper.
Take the train to Denmark. Helsingøare or Copenhagen. Mongering is legal here and also cheaper.Thanks Bobby cph for info. But didn't get much time to travel there. Is there any place near to goteburg or in city?
Visiting Goteborg for first time. Will be there Wednesday and Thursday night. Having read the posts understand mongering not recommended. Looking for suggestions of clubs to visit where have a chance for finding women 20. 40 that are drinking and looking for hookup.
I lived in Gothenburg for about two and half years and have tried many ways. I always found independent escorts / girls more better in the service than others. Although, these girls are expensive as compared to others but really know what to do and with little bargain (if girl is flexible or you are a permanent client) they will come down to lowerprice. Most of them have a good and secure apartments so you can easily go and have fun for as long as you can. The best thing is them almost 90% of them are agreed on if you want to go for 2nd round in the same time period decided earlier. There are many bars in Avenyn area and you will go there and get girls all kind of. There are manygirls who came from alingsas area to gothenburg but they will be definitely expensive. My recommendation for independent girls is also because of security. Chances of raid are very very rare because Swedish police is very strict about street prostitution and mongering.
Have a fun in Gothenburg the most beautiful city to live in Sweden.
I will be making my first visit to Göteborg and will stay at a hotel near the train station.
Is there any good massage places (with extras) in the vicinity?
Or any good tantra massage women in the area or who do outcalls to hotels?
Thanks in advance for any / all help!
08-27-12, 22:42
If you are looking for the perfect combination of safety, discretion,
Friendliness, understanding, plus beauty and brains with a healthy.
Sense of humor thrown in the mix, you might not find anyone better.
I am a degree-educated, well spoken, intelligent and lively companion.
I am a very open minded soul, willing to communicate with the right.
Gentleman. I am full of sensuality and possess a smile that can.
Light up your room.
I stand a statuesque 5'7".34D-24-34. I am 32 yrs old and independent.
Discretion for your security.
Is always a paramount.
05-22-13, 22:37
Hey did you have any luck?
06-26-14, 06:41
I always found independent escorts / girls more better in the service than others.
There are many bars in Avenyn area and you will go there and get girls all kind of. There are manygirls who came from alingsas area to gothenburg but they will be definitely expensive.Hi,
Thanks for this, but can you please recommend any websites for independent escorts? Swedish girls only please.
2) And what kind of girls are at the bars in Avenyn? Escorts or freebies? Swedish girls 21-25 years old?
11-22-17, 19:07
Long time w / o any update. The times I have been to Gothenburg there have always been some east European girls in an area called Rosenlund. Streetwalkers offering quicks for 50 euros. Not my style so I have been looking for other options, any advices? Any erotic massages?
Sex-Tjejer ( is an excellent, multi-lingual escort site, with great search functionality. Simply clicking on "Photo" is sufficient to see the selection of photo-friendly escorts. The only issue with Sex-Tjejer is that many profiles are only accessible from within Sweden. If you need a free VPN service with server in Sweden, I suggest you try TunnelBear (
Since I was in Copenhagen, Malmö was closest, but Göteborg had a superior selection. My research revealed 10 Göteborg escorts ticking all the boxes (photos with face; < 30 yo; no fatties). By the time I actually arrived in Göteborg, 4 girls had gone AWOL, while 2 had moved to a different city. Without any new blood, my selection had been reduced to 4 girls, 3 of which were on WhatsApp.
Emmy was appropriately blonde to be the poster girl for Sweden. She charged 2500 SEK for an hour. She refused pictures with face at first, but would allow photos with face provided they weren't naked (extra 1000 SEK). Her apartment was in the city center, and easily reached by bus. Emmy opened the door wearing a see-through bra and matching panty, both decorated with flowers. While she didn't model naked, her super-sexy outfit was the next-best thing. :)
Emmy's super-slender body had been enhanced with plastic boobs. While Emmy was Hungarian, she had the look of a quintessential Swedish girl. Emmy offered BBBJ & CIM for an extra 500 SEK each. I'm a great fan of CIM, but the session was already expensive enough as is, so I passed. Emmy exhibited great suction power, so even the CBJ felt pretty damn good. I reciprocated by licking her pussy, getting Emmy nice & wet.
Emmy was an affectionate girl and a true sweetie. She allowed kisses on the lips, but no DFK. Watching her exquisite body slither while she was riding my dick was a sight to behold. I thoroughly enjoyed banging Emmy, while gazing at her pretty face.
Sweden added. Country #98.
The thai massage parlor scene in Gothenburg sucks from my experience. There's one decent place out of the seven that I've visited, the other places are full of old thai ladies and one tranny. The milage isn't too high neither, most HJ: s. Are there any good places in Gothenburg at all? Next time in Gothenburg I'm thinking of going to the tantra chain with East European women.
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