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07-02-14, 14:52
Respect brother, well said, I hate when people disrespect women, its so true Indians are hated everywhere because of this mentality, women are backbone of every home, I have a great deal more respect for prostitutes, who are trying to survive, than for the johns or pimps who use them. And I do have friends who are former prostitutes, but none of them would have chosen the profession if they'd had other options at the time.

Some men think its ok to treat a prostitute with less respect because they are paying them, only Indians have that kinda attitude, I always treat a sex worker with respect. They give me pleasure in exchange for money. This is a reasonable transaction and certainly doesn't demean a woman in any way.

Thanks to the ladies that have made my "down" times so much more survivable. I have nothing but respect for you, and hope that you have the respect of the rest of the world. You've earned it!

My boo the Thai girl from Pattaya jumped all over me when she saw me today, its not the money that made her jump, its the respect and kindness I gave her the last couple of times I visited Pattaya, there are lotaa things that money can't buy in life!!

Kudos to you mr Indianpsyco.

And hope that the message that you have expressed is well taken!!

Respect brother!Second you on this bro. I happened to know some of the girls and got to know them intimately. More so as friends. They are so much more grounded, mature, understanding and patient about life in general cause they have gone through the grind. Almost all come with horror stories to tell. Very few have gotten into this by choice. Even if they have by choice, it is their right what they want to do with their bodies and their lives. If anyone has a problem. You should'nt be here in the first place. This thing about morals is also hollow, very hollow. If you put yourself in their shoes and have the types of obligations that they have in feeding their kids / sick parents / husband with kidney failure / paralysed child etc etc without any education / contacts / money what other choice is there? In such a light these working girls are real heroes. For sure almost all of us here in this forum are well educated and upper middle class and above with all the advantages of a great education etc. From our thrones it is easy to look down upon others. Just put yourself for a moment in their shoes and look at the world.

Ashish Ashes
07-02-14, 15:02
Respect brother, well said, I hate when people disrespect women, its so true Indians are hated everywhere because of this mentality, women are backbone of every home, I have a great deal more respect for prostitutes, who are trying to survive, than for the johns or pimps who use them. And I do have friends who are former prostitutes, but none of them would have chosen the profession if they'd had other options at the time.

Some men think its ok to treat a prostitute with less respect because they are paying them, only Indians have that kinda attitude, I always treat a sex worker with respect. They give me pleasure in exchange for money. This is a reasonable transaction and certainly doesn't demean a woman in any way.

Thanks to the ladies that have made my "down" times so much more survivable. I have nothing but respect for you, and hope that you have the respect of the rest of the world. You've earned it!

My boo the Thai girl from Pattaya jumped all over me when she saw me today, its not the money that made her jump, its the respect and kindness I gave her the last couple of times I visited Pattaya, there are lotaa things that money can't buy in life!!

Kudos to you mr Indianpsyco.

And hope that the message that you have expressed is well taken!!

Respect brother!Bro. . The word REASONABLE TRANSACTION is a big word and nonexistent in Bangalore. . that's why everyone is pissed.

07-02-14, 15:31
I was awestruck by your beautifully written exposition on the need to treat everyone, irrespective of their circumstance in life, with the dignity and respect that they deserve. Nobody has more credibility on this subject that you mate, and your very courageous, balanced, reasoned, and calm statement of your views is a testament to your moral fortitude and your intellectual prowess.

I too have had many relationships with the ladies of the night and have, for the most part, been sympathetic to their plight and found grace in the pursuit of their often noble goals. They also challenge my smug feeling of moral superiority and force me to agonize over decisions I made in my life in pursuit of money.

Having said that, though, if a SW fucks me over, all bets are off, and she can bet her sweet patooti that I'll throw the frigging kitchen sick at her.

Take a bow, my friend. I applaud you.

Hey ArisCasa,

I happen to have figured out who Deelicia is exactly and I think you need to cut back a bit on the aggression.

You started off your post quite offensively and FYI, you're talking to a member of the fairer sex, such language is unwarranted regardless what they do or how they do it.

The morality debate aside (there are plenty posts about that), I do not think of this profession or hobby as dirty or immoral. If that were the case, what you're doing is a little bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

I personally feel your approach and tone is symptomatic of an anger towards women in general and this is rather prevalent in Indian society. It worries me honestly. To clarify a few things for you, the society and community is not 'respectable' in India by any stretch. Given 'society' and 'community' in India's approach to women's rights, morality and tolerance, India ranks among the lowest countries in the world and that is a fact my friend. There are professional escorts out there and I have had the pleasure of knowing and becoming good friends with quite a few of them. Often enough, they're highly intelligent, beautiful and caring people. What they do is offer a service and while it comes at certain risks, it's a service there are people out there like you and me willing to purchase..

Peter Patros
07-02-14, 15:35
I well said Ramesh!

These women provide a service and make a useful living. "useful" because they serve as important presuure valves for so many guys who would have otherwise taken their frustrations out on other women.

People who deal drugs, con men (corporate or otherwise) are the ones who deserve condemnation. These poor ladies should be treated with respect.

Respect brother, well said, I hate when people disrespect women, its so true Indians are hated everywhere because of this mentality, women are backbone of every home, I have a great deal more respect for prostitutes, who are trying to survive, than for the johns or pimps who use them. And I do have friends who are former prostitutes, but none of them would have chosen the profession if they'd had other options at the time.

Respect brother!

07-02-14, 15:43
My experience has been that these girls are often coming from a very genuine affection for us. There was one trip to LOS when I was all packed and ready to travel to leave and my boo insisted on seeing me off at the airport. When it came time to say our goodbyes, she was so emotionally wrought, that I, at great cost, just cancelled my ticket and extended my trip. Not recommending it though!!

Enjoy your trip, buddy, and keep in touch.

Respect brother, well said, I hate when people disrespect women, its so true Indians are hated everywhere because of this mentality, women are backbone of every home, I have a great deal more respect for prostitutes, who are trying to survive, than for the johns or pimps who use them. And I do have friends who are former prostitutes, but none of them would have chosen the profession if they'd had other options at the time.

Some men think its ok to treat a prostitute with less respect because they are paying them, only Indians have that kinda attitude, I always treat a sex worker with respect. They give me pleasure in exchange for money. This is a reasonable transaction and certainly doesn't demean a woman in any way.

Thanks to the ladies that have made my "down" times so much more survivable. I have nothing but respect for you, and hope that you have the respect of the rest of the world. You've earned it!

My boo the Thai girl from Pattaya jumped all over me when she saw me today, its not the money that made her jump, its the respect and kindness I gave her the last couple of times I visited Pattaya, there are lotaa things that money can't buy in life!!

Kudos to you mr Indianpsyco.

And hope that the message that you have expressed is well taken!!

Respect brother!

07-02-14, 15:56
hi lalu 111,

your adventures are quiet impressive. but you did post in your gf experience in bangalore thread long back and didn't botehr to respond for those who were answering your query.thanks for remembering that posting brother, had my fun with them and moved on in life. trust me lots of happening things are there at brigade road especially at noons between 1 and 3. modus operandi-first visit the mc-dowell's,coffee day, pizza hut etc and than zero-in on the target. a big tip, if there are 2 birds sitting alone together than do not give bhav to the better looking one but show more interest towards the other one, jealousy factor will work in soon and the other one will be a game within no time. most important thing in such encounters-treat the women with respect and dignity, make them feel like a princess, open the car door for her to sit in, pull the chair for her behind the table to sit, all these small, small things make a lot of difference. never show your desperation to get her, play cool, in a movie theatre also keep aloof and do not try any groping, hand pressing etc, after all they too have desires and fantasies and these manners will go a long way in getting you raped by her instead of you trying very hard. trust me i have had fun even with the debonair centre spread models too without having any exchange of money for the encounter. she is a very famous model so will not take the name, we bumped into each other at a 5 star hotel on a saturday night, paid for her dinner and drinks than become pals (no monkey business that night). had 2-3 dates next but no sessions, she started visiting my apartment at times alone or at times with one of her friends. i always played cool, no hurry, got them them white rum, vodka, camel cigs etc and just pretended to be a good friend and no desperation for any activity. after about 10 days she only got frustrated, sat on my lap, tore my shirt and i had the wildest sex of my life with her that day, no need to go into finer details as all of you know as to what all is associate with that word, only comment-she found the anal to be a little painful inspite of use of plenty of ky jelly, lol.

07-02-14, 16:38
I used my CC and nothing happened. Payment is safe and your statement would have it listed as a donation to charity. Please subcribe soon. I waiting for that Telugu woman's contact.


Its me who did with that girl. BTW are you subscribed. I am tempted to do so, but unfortunately scared of using my CC in these kind of sites.



Let me address your concerns about using a credit card to purchase a subscription.

1. Is there any danger that your credit card data might be stolen? No. Both the shopping cart service and the credit card service I use to process the credit card transactions are both conducted on secure, encrypted websites, so your credit card information is secure...

07-02-14, 17:56
Busty spa? Can you eloborate bro. I will go for it.Looks like someone opened a new site. You can look it up on google and check out the website. This pic is on the profiles page as well. Looks like craiglist sps are getting creative.

07-02-14, 18:11
Hi all,

I get many pms which would be like this. Hi bro, since you are a senior, please let me know some good indi contacts except Sakshi, Aisha, Geetha, Niharika, Lisha, P,Teena. Etc etc.

Our Ramesh bro doing great job by posting the pics almost fresh faces. The ISG needs faces like them. But unfortunately they are under control of sps.

Friends I can understand this fact, the fact you all getting frustrated with the same indis being circulated in ISG, so if you all need new ones then we need to hunt for it. Then only we can bring the change.

I constantly look for hunting the new indis within the budget limits. I have already shared to many ISG friends what I have.



07-02-14, 18:35

I could visualize your anger while your report. Bro, why this anger is needed? We are not here to take vengeance on women.

Women are the wonderful creations that is being created by almighty God. Just think without women touch what could be the state of living. There would be no meaning to life at all.

Prostitution is being followed from ancient history times, if you Google about this you will get to know.

You just pay the money, but the female gives you her body, tell me who is greater?

I do smile now when I used to have fun in 2005 and 2012, where I remember the girls I had encountered which brings happiness.

Deelicia is just an abstract now for discussion, We need not care finding who actually Deelicia is. It might be girl or boy or pimp or SP or indi. The point is deelicia gave us all a different thought. Where you can either accept it or reject it.

Keep the fun rolling.


07-02-14, 18:56
Cleared mailbox. Sorry for inconvenience.


Your mailbox is full.

07-02-14, 18:56
Today I got pics from Bspa quoting 10 k, 12 k, 12 k for ST. Very costly. I never spent more than 6 k for ST. I just denied it, cut the call and I will wait but never allow the inflation in mongering.

07-02-14, 19:45
Bro. . The word REASONABLE TRANSACTION is a big word and nonexistent in Bangalore. . that's why everyone is pissed.Hey Ashish,

No one put a gun to aanyone's head and forced them to endure unreasonable transactions. There was no crime other than that of stupidity. If someone here chooses to pay exorbitantly for sub par service, that's their fault and indirectly screws all of us over. I made a call for more reasonable rates and better service which can only be achieved by mongers organising and dictating their demands. Be it fair prices, no middle men, transparency, quality WGs etc.

I have very few regrets because I have learned when to say no and no SP till date has ever robbed me.

A transaction can only occur when both parties are willing so people here with buyers remorse, learn to develop some will power instead od whining about how your dick screwed you over.



07-02-14, 21:04
Hello anyone,

I am going to Mysore and interested to get a good service I have a a very good trustworthy SP who can provide girls with safe place. I can give the number but would like to get some blore numbers indes mature aunties genuine and safe number for exchange.

07-03-14, 01:09
I just want to make a point not starting anything for debate.

I wish to bring a point which we have lost somewhere running fast with heavy pockets.

One should make a line between pros and call girl.

Pros. Is meant just for providing a meaty hole for despo's who do not wish to go into the details of females (fuck the base and forget.) usually labors / drivers / non net users are clients. They are abused at large and bears the real pain what usually one can not even imagine. They are very cheap in terms of rates and are meant for the simple purpose to get you released the load which sometimes we do not wish to do by masturbation. Going rates may be from 100 bucks to less than 1 k. One should not expect any cooperation. Variety, kisses, etc from them as they are always high end stuff. They too have good amount of clients. They earn 1 k to 3 k daily. They almost loose the offer to marry, NGO's have to help them, blah blah. So pros are pros at large.

Call Girls. They are for 'thinkers / elite class' who wish to get more than a fucking body beneath them. They talk to you nearly real (even if we find fake, they have stories to tell), they give you good if not perfect GFE. They should have appearance matching their status of CG. They are the ones who are NSA GF's (obviously paid ones) punters do enjoy having bath with them, playing, foreplay, etc etc to the extent they almost compensate your GF's. Appearance is one point in that. Going rates should be above 1 k to 3 k and 3 k nighter to 8-10 k nighter. Because getting 1 k a day is not that less. Going higher one can imagine. She may or may not work everyday to reach her target. They are open for their settled life (Marriage or living together), (many FR's show that they do talk to their BF's) usually no problems faced. They are almost in the reach of respectable life. I have not read any FR telling that any of ISGian behaved bad with them, rather usually we were on the cooperative ends. No kisses alright, No positions alright, No anal always respected. Etc etc. We accepted all her no's because we respect her discretion. (no matter we were happy or not but no one forced them to do anything not acceptable to her).

Stunners. This is one category one thinks to use once in a while to feed some fantasy which we do have sometimes but not as a regular punter. So no broad line to make about their services / charges / regrets.

My point. There is a difference between typical pros and CG That is respect and expectations. Mostly all do respect CG's but what about expectations of these elite punters, We call them to our hotels which they usually do not visit on their own, we drink with them, we eat with them, we share many things with them just as we do. We drive with her sitting beside us, we always try to make them comfortable, etc. This is respect. Remember most of us do not let even our female office subordinate to sit beside us. But what about them giving respect (Paid) to us punters. Man they are doing all this on their consent, no one forces them. They do not mind getting their pussies fucked, that's why they do this. Any damn morning they can stop doing this. No SP or else can compel them to continue. So simply following unethical ethics of the trade of CG (obviously GFE as they are not Pros) they must follow guidelines of the trade. They will be respected and paid nicely (in the bracket mentioned) but they should respect the feelings and fantasies of punters. Most of us are not road side punters and even they should feel nice to be in our company. Many of us wish to spend Nights and days and sometimes few days with them. All this is search of some good GF'ly need with intimate moments added. Isn't it. Once they learn this, they will be received happily just as we do to our intimate GF's. Hope most of us agree with me.

Reason Could be - 1. During the time many of the aids have become SP and they make us follow the demand and supply kinda theory, are rather promoted to SP's instead of being pimps. (same difference is between SP and a pimp). They are providing cheapest options in CG rates.

2. Pros have started thinking themselves to be call girls as it is better respected and better amount involved. Their mentality has not changed, they still are pros flesh in CG clad.

3. Sorry to say but one important reason in this is the very new bie too rates the chick and whole scene is spoiled in terms of rates / services etc. If the seniors are allowed to rate the CG to would follow as they would be knowing they won't get leads in absence of their ratings. Then Old and new would enjoy alike. But as of today, we punters think there are lot of fishes and providers think there are lot of fish hunters around pond. Do anyone knows that providers gets more new punters than old and hence service do not matter, they know well.

Why posting. I know as we punters keep in touch, the CG's also do. I hope some day all this will be spread among them and they themselves will choose what they want to be a WG or a CG. And thye would know they can charge accordingly, Else the market is slipping from their hands and is moving to other cities where their clients would get expected.

I would request humbly to all my monger friends who think they would impress CG by informing about the site or fellow punter and would get a better service from them, tell them the difference, ask them to earn respect from us mongers and start from you only.

We would win.

Sorry about the long post and undesired suggestions, I did not mean to hurt anybody but wish for all of us to get the desired, VFM and moments to cherish. Else WG option would not be far.

My apology.


07-03-14, 02:42
Kudos for your super contributions. I am from delhi but I keep following this thread because of some unknown love with Bangalore.

Brother if you can pm me the digits, because I will be on prawl in blorr next week and have been desperately waiting for this.

In return you be my guest in Delhi.



Thank you Kiran1985 for sharing your sp number. This sp name dhanush number ending 4426 have so much of attitude, he operates in NEW bel road, I think he is a well educated guy with lot many high profile clients, he was not ready to negotiate and very adamant, I believe I have got good negotiating skills, but did not work with this douche bag, but he finally agreed for 7 k for the red saree girl, I really liked her, butt I strongly believe she is not worth more than 5 k, finally my dick said 6 k he was very rude to me even then I decided to go for 7 k but gracefully I ended up in pritvi money exchange centre and converted all the money I have into baht, I'm travelling tomorrow night from Chennai!

P.S.-the white dress wala girl is for 10 k but he was not ready to negotiate even a single penny! Now most of the sp quotes 10 in Bangalore, check out delhi forum people cribs when a newbie pay 4 to 5 k for avg looking gal neways see you all after two weeks, my dick aches in Bangalore!

07-03-14, 04:21
Recently we are witnessing the SP's demanding like 10 k, 15 k etc. Please bear in mind that however good the girl might be, your entire fun period lasts for a pure 30 min - 1 hour and you are poorer by some good fraction of a lakh.

Please don't give into their demands. Just tell your price and cut the phone. We should do this unitedly then only this will work.

SPs like this Brigade Spa, Busty spa, Tring Tring, other cunnighmam road based SP's they are virtually looting us taking into advantage our momentary rush of blood into johny.

Lets encounter this together. Try to get the scene in favour of reasonably priced inde's. I am sure if we keep doing this to SP's over a good period of time, there will an increase in good quality inde's as they will start business individually detaching from the SP's.

07-03-14, 06:52
Hello anyone,

I am going to Mysore and interested to get a good service I have a a very good trustworthy SP who can provide girls with safe place. I can give the number but would like to get some blore numbers indes mature aunties genuine and safe number for exchange.Very confusing. You are going to Mysore to get good service and you have a good SP there whose details you can share with people here, but you need contacts here in Bangalore? Is that what you are trying to say?

And BTW you should know you need to have a PM facility to exchange any contact info. Which you don't seem to have. So how the hell do you expect to communicate with us? You look fishy to me, fishing for contacts without actually having any to exchange.

07-03-14, 07:01
Hey ArisCasa,

I happen to have figured out who Deelicia is exactly and I think you need to cut back a bit on the aggression.

You started off your post quite offensively and FYI, you're talking to a member of the fairer sex, such language is unwarranted regardless what they do or how they do it.

The morality debate aside (there are plenty posts about that), I do not think of this profession or hobby as dirty or immoral. If that were the case, what you're doing is a little bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

I personally feel your approach and tone is symptomatic of an anger towards women in general and this is rather prevalent in Indian society. It worries me honestly. To clarify a few things for you, the society and community is not 'respectable' in India by any stretch. Given 'society' and 'community' in India's approach to women's rights, morality and tolerance, India ranks among the lowest countries in the world and that is a fact my friend. There are professional escorts out there and I have had the pleasure of knowing and becoming good friends with quite a few of them. Often enough, they're highly intelligent, beautiful and caring people. What they do is offer a service and while it comes at certain risks, it's a service there are people out there like you and me willing to purchase. The reward for taking such risks for them is profit. They do it for the money and often enough, the money is great, which is why they get into the profession in the first place...Dude,

You have your views, I have mine. I know what respect I have for women, which I don't have to prove it to you. If you don't like my post, ignore and move on.


07-03-14, 07:36
Wow funny reading some of you guys replies to my reply to Delicia and other replies to that thread. First off. Prostitution is a necessary evil existing since many centuries. For those super eloquent in English, you should know what necessary evil means. Look up. And as for your respect to those selling their body for money, good for you. And to all those who are married, specially, if you have a wife at home and are still dipping the dicks outside, first off that's the greatest disrespect you are doing to the most important woman in your life, I. E your wife. So don't talk morality here. Just continue what you are doing and have fun. Second, just because some of you think you are the only ones who have lived or travelled abroad and therefore can make generalized statements about Indian men's behaviour towards women in general, and towards escorts, prostitutes, street walkers or whatsoever you call them. Take a chill pill. Abuse of women is prevalent everywhere. More in some places, less in others. Remember you are as much an Indian, so don't generalize.

And finally, if all the women who are in distress and have no other option but to get into selling their bodies, then you would have lot many more prostitution in the world than there actually are. Most of the world including India is very poor you see. Its very easy to give an excuse for what you do, but extremely difficult to live without having to fall back on excuses. You get it? If you think a prostitute is sacrificing much more by giving her body to you, while you just gave her money, remember, she is giving her body not just for you, but for many more, and for her, her body is a commodity. A commodity is just that, one which you trade in, and consume. Don't get sentimental about it. If some prostitute has sold her sob story so much that you know her so well to be convinced that and respect her for that, she is here for a short term (ST) and you are so moved by it, why don't you all open a relief fund for her and fund her out of her obligations, and hope that she stops being a prostitute sooner than later? What say guys? Until then fuck her and if its fun, enjoy. Don't be a preacher. Funny part is, except for the person who posted the first one to whom I replied, everybody else if jumping around her. Male dominated society indeed, even in the digital world!

Enjoy your mongering, while I do too, and stop being judgemental about others in this forum. If you don't like a post, just move on.

07-03-14, 07:56
Hi there Spendtime,

I have been living in Bangalore for a while. I am glad that you had a nice experience with Pooja. About me, I am new to this forum. During scouting, I never go for looks but always attitutes and interests are more important for me than just looks or even body figure. Would be glad if you could share contact details of Pooja with me. Perhaps you could first check with Pooja whether it would be convenient for her as well or not.

Hope to hear from you. Thanks and Best Regards.

Hello everyone,

Sorry for delaying in writing my experience with Pooja-indi. First of all I should thank Man InLove 1 for sharing her number. I followed the instruction given by maninlove1 while intereacting with her. It helped me a lot.

I called her up last Friday for an appointment for Saturday. She said that to come near mathikere at 12. 00 PM on Saturday. And I asked her the charges she first quoted 6K for two shots. I said that much is not possible, she told we need to give the amount for the place. Which is a family house in mathikere. I said its not possible to give 6K, then finally she came down from 6K to 5K. I, e 4K for two shots and one k for the place...

07-03-14, 08:18
Some college gal in Jp Nagar both incall and out call not my type though so never asked the price, I can share the SP contact number if anyone is intersted.Hi Ramesh,

Could you please share contact details of any one of them? I am new to this. Would be very helpful if you could do so.

Thanks and egards.

07-03-14, 09:23
i was at this famous pub in kammanahalli the other day. black kenyan chicks lining up in front of the pub. you can directly negotiate with them. they are mostly college girls. she came on my bike we drove to her room and i banged her twice, she gave an awesome bj, it was worth it. she was so tired at the end and her friends were out in the hall peeping in it was hot.

damage: 3 k.

Ace of Hearts
07-03-14, 11:04
Middleman SP quoting 20 k Lt but looks one can bring down if real SP is found.

Any FR on her.

07-03-14, 11:59
Can anyone connect with Manila? Please PM.

07-03-14, 12:29
Hello anyone,

I am going to Mysore and interested to get a good service I have a a very good trustworthy SP who can provide girls with safe place. I can give the number but would like to get some blore numbers indes mature aunties genuine and safe number for exchange.Can you share number I am visiting Mysore this weekend.

07-03-14, 13:22
Contacted number ending 454 on locanto. Fixed 5 k for 2 hours. Asked me to come near Udupi garden and call. Did as instructed. Picked me up and headed to the place. Place was ok. Gave them money and selected the girl.

Girl's name was Sneha, said she's from Kolkata. Young and tight pussy. The end of good things about her. Demanded tips upfront. Turned off, but paid 1 k and asked for kisses. She gave mild pecks and nothing else. Girl's attitude was pathetic. She was super rude. It was as if I'm with some famous actress or something. Completely rude, non co operative, constantly complaining, hurrying to finish. Very disrespectful. I was surprised my boner didn't just disappear. Probably because didn't fuck for a long time. Her rudeness made me want to stop fucking and start an argument right away. But I said since I paid, better to fuck and forget this encounter. No foreplay, given her attitude, didn't bother to ask about any positions. Did missionary. I'm still getting dressed up and she opens the door and walks out. I think cheap street hooker may have better attitude than this girl.

Damage: 5 k + 1 k tip.

Looks: 6/10

Service: 0/10

Attitude: -10/10

WIR yes if you like to pay and get treated like trash.

07-03-14, 15:12
Best way is another one.

We need to unitedly have a apparment or some place.

Higher girl for 1 week or 10 days.

Share by the members who like to join for this.

Advantage cost will be just 1/3rd as the number of fuckings are less girl also will cooperate.

No problem of any people. We can get lead of girls from girls we may meet with SP.

The cost being paid to girl is maximum 100 per day by all this fellows.

Or even in high end ones it is 1 week maximum 80 to 100 k.

Only thing is the mind to join together.

Recently we are witnessing the SP's demanding like 10 k, 15 k etc. Please bear in mind that however good the girl might be, your entire fun period lasts for a pure 30 min - 1 hour and you are poorer by some good fraction of a lakh.

Please don't give into their demands. Just tell your price and cut the phone. We should do this unitedly then only this will work.

SPs like this Brigade Spa, Busty spa, Tring Tring, other cunnighmam road based SP's they are virtually looting us taking into advantage our momentary rush of blood into johny.

Lets encounter this together. Try to get the scene in favour of reasonably priced inde's. I am sure if we keep doing this to SP's over a good period of time, there will an increase in good quality inde's as they will start business individually detaching from the SP's.

07-03-14, 17:02
Middleman SP quoting 20 k Lt but looks one can bring down if real SP is found.

Any FR on her.Buddy aoh.

A few months ago had her in Pune for 6 k ST.

She is quite a performer but needs time to warm her up. Once in the heat she is unstoppable. But definitely not worth 20 k.


Happy mongering.

07-03-14, 17:59
Am totally in for this idea.

If you are serious am also seriously in.

Best way is another one.

We need to unitedly have a apparment or some place.

Higher girl for 1 week or 10 days.

Share by the members who like to join for this.

Advantage cost will be just 1/3rd as the number of fuckings are less girl also will cooperate.

No problem of any people. We can get lead of girls from girls we may meet with SP.

The cost being paid to girl is maximum 100 per day by all this fellows.

Or even in high end ones it is 1 week maximum 80 to 100 k.

Only thing is the mind to join together.

07-03-14, 18:15
Best way is another one.

We need to unitedly have a apparment or some place.

Higher girl for 1 week or 10 days.

Share by the members who like to join for this.

Advantage cost will be just 1/3rd as the number of fuckings are less girl also will cooperate.

No problem of any people. We can get lead of girls from girls we may meet with SP.

The cost being paid to girl is maximum 100 per day by all this fellows.

Or even in high end ones it is 1 week maximum 80 to 100 k.

Only thing is the mind to join together.Look brother I am not into paid sex as I get sufficient pussies with my clever tricks (read my earlier posts), LOL. Reason for responding, make sure that the LEs do not join the party as unsuspecting guests. I have good number of friends from LE, they are also humans with normal / natural desires and its fun being in their company for higher levels of fun, hope you getting as to what I am trying to say? Anyway, all the best, have fun, play safe and never get caught with your pants down.


07-03-14, 18:37
Wow funny reading some of you guys replies to my reply to Delicia and other replies to that thread. First off. Prostitution is a necessary evil existing since many centuries. For those super eloquent in English, you should know what necessary evil means. Look up. And as for your respect to those selling their body for money, good for you. And to all those who are married, specially, if you have a wife at home and are still dipping the dicks outside, first off that's the greatest disrespect you are doing to the most important woman in your life, I. E your wife. So don't talk morality here. Just continue what you are doing and have fun. Second, just because some of you think you are the only ones who have lived or travelled abroad and therefore can make generalized statements about Indian men's behaviour towards women in general, and towards escorts, prostitutes, street walkers or whatsoever you call them. Take a chill pill. Abuse of women is prevalent everywhere. More in some places, less in others. Remember you are as much an Indian, so don't generalize...Hi!

What you said is correct!

I am silently watching this forum.

Many guys here become seniors by after 6 months writing FR's and the waiting period. Some by paying requested money correct. Some write here for both waiting period and 25 fr's.

All these unwanted discussion started within few months time. (may be 3 to 4 months).

When this Sameer got enrolled and how he become senior, and after that only problem started in this forum.

Comparing I am Ramesh and Sameer is very well junior to many. By sharing the number he can't become big.

And many unwanted discussion are going on. Check out Mumbai and new Delhi forum how the people are.

Why in Bangalore all shit. In MP and SP and Indie. All betraying. And again the writing about call girl big debate. Fuck and suck, we are here. Why to fight between us. Geetha means all 10 pages about her. Maya means the same. Sakshi means the same. Why can't be different and different.


07-03-14, 18:57
Wow funny reading some of you guys replies to my reply to Delicia and other replies to that thread. First off. Prostitution is a necessary evil existing since many centuries. For those super eloquent in English, you should know what necessary evil means. Look up. And as for your respect to those selling their body for money, good for you. And to all those who are married, specially, if you have a wife at home and are still dipping the dicks outside, first off that's the greatest disrespect you are doing to the most important woman in your life, I. E your wife. So don't talk morality here. Just continue what you are doing and have fun. Second, just because some of you think you are the only ones who have lived or travelled abroad and therefore can make generalized statements about Indian men's behaviour towards women in general, and towards escorts, prostitutes, street walkers or whatsoever you call them. Take a chill pill. Abuse of women is prevalent everywhere. More in some places, less in others. Remember you are as much an Indian, so don't generalize.

And finally, if all the women who are in distress and have no other option but to get into selling their bodies, then you would have lot many more prostitution in the world than there actually are. Most of the world including India is very poor you see. Its very easy to give an excuse for what you do, but extremely difficult to live without having to fall back on excuses. You get it? If you think a prostitute is sacrificing much more by giving her body to you, while you just gave her money, remember, she is giving her body not just for you, but for many more, and for her, her body is a commodity. A commodity is just that, one which you trade in, and consume. Don't get sentimental about it. If some prostitute has sold her sob story so much that you know her so well to be convinced that and respect her for that, she is here for a short term (ST) and you are so moved by it, why don't you all open a relief fund for her and fund her out of her obligations, and hope that she stops being a prostitute sooner than later? What say guys? Until then fuck her and if its fun, enjoy. Don't be a preacher. Funny part is, except for the person who posted the first one to whom I replied, everybody else if jumping around her. Male dominated society indeed, even in the digital world!

Enjoy your mongering, while I do too, and stop being judgemental about others in this forum. If you don't like a post, just move on.Well, it appears you failed to grab what everyone else seemed to understand from my response to your embarrassing rant, which if you weren't so ashamed of your opinion, why did you delete it?

As for your views, they are offensive, disrespectful, sad and worrying. Were you your mommy's little prince growing up? Had women wait on you hand and foot thus feeding into your superiority complex? Those are some of the theories I have about Indian men and their lack of respect for women in general.

It's not about liking your post or disliking it. If someone in this forum has a temper problem and is directing it toward women, God help them should they cross my path.

If you can praise a post that gives you a hard on, you should also be able to handle the criticism for sheer stupidity.

Firstly, to clarify once again. Some see prostitution as 'evil' and those people are idiots. It's a fucking trade, a profession, a career. You have your maid wash your bathroom right? You have your driver drive your lazy ass all over town. You have a prostitute to get you off when you want to. Does that mean you think maids and drivers are also 'evil' and inferior to your highness?

It's a fucking trade and has been since the dawn of time. It's only stupid governments imposing their morality derived from some backward fucking religion that classifies prostitution as evil.

What makes selling one's body different to washing your car of cleaning your dirty laundry? They're using their body to service your requirements. What's so fucking sanctified about sex that makes it 'such a dirty word' for you backward moron? Was it religion? Some moron told you what was right and wrong because you were too stupid to think for yourself and figure it out?

As for Indian men's reputation abroad, I've known hookers get their teeth kicked in by beer drinking rednecks and they STILL refuse to service a Indian. How's that huh? They've also gotten to read about what happens to girls travelling around on public transportation in India and they think Indians are far too fucked up to deserve their attention. Mind you, that's not a once off case, in India the violence towards women is a daily fucking affair and it's fucking disgusting. India ranks 2nd last in the world when it comes to women's rights and safety, so yes, I am saying it once again. Indians have a terrible reputation when it comes to regular kids, let alone working girls.

Also just because 'abuse of women is prevalent' everywhere, does not mean you engage it in yourself you pathetic whining insecure fucking pussy.

FYI, some of us are NOT Indian, but live here and find many Indians repulsive in the way they treat their women.

I also never said ALL Indians are abusive of women, though a large majority are. I am merely saying you, ArisCasa are abusive toward women and you ArisCasa better get your temper in check before some guy like me in real life gets it in check for you.

You clearly have a tone of disdain for 'women who sell their bodies' and you think it's 'immoral' yet you engage in it. You're the hypocrite. I know escorts who enjoy what they do and whom I enjoy. It appears you're only after the poor sex slaves because their downtrodden misfortune apparently gets you off.

Sorry if I rambled on (to the other forum members), this guy is just fucking horrible a human being and he's making my blood boil. Jackson, posts that appear demeaning to women or are abusive toward women, aren't they against the forum rules? Can you step in and do something about the stuff this guy is saying?

07-03-14, 19:10
20 K for ST is a big no no man. Whomsoever the gal is, don't give more than 6 K ever for ST. I am really facing the heat in Bangalore, all the prices are up.

Middleman SP quoting 20 k Lt but looks one can bring down if real SP is found.

Any FR on her.

07-03-14, 20:04
Well said IndianPsycho!

I can't agree more. Any occupation is equal to any other. I've seen bar girls of better moral values than some businessmen I've come across. Not to say that businessmen have no morals but it finally boils down to the individual and their personal morals.

07-03-14, 20:41
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because the writing was so bad that the report was nearly impossible to comprehend.

07-03-14, 20:53
Its quite funny to read the ramblings of our beloved 'English Professor' who apart from 'one' FR. Of course which made no sense in Bangalore forum. Has all been but rambling and preaching. Even insulting fellow monger by calling names. Yes few girls abroad do not like to interact or deal with 'East' Indians, few of them might have read or heard about 'stereotypical' Indian man, but have no problem sleeping with Arab men who treat women like livestock in their countries. Most of them are the same girls with ads saying 'No Black Men'. So this behaviour could also be termed 'being racists'. I being an Indian never faced any such problems with limited number of girls with whom I have interacted / spent time with while I was abroad. So the notion of girls generally don't like entertaining Indian men are not true. I do agree we Indians need to work on changing this notion of women beaters and molesters by being a gentleman every time we interact with a woman, which I am sure most of us here already are. And as fellow monger said if a married man wants to truly respect woman, he should first start it with his wife by being loyal to her. Else all the facade of being all 'respective' to woman makes no sense when one royally cheats on his wife. I would kindly state this forum is to share ones experience or pass information or ask for advice, not to demean fellow monger. Peace out.

P.S: I'm still single and too young to get married.

07-03-14, 20:58
i do notice them while passing by. do they agree out calls?

i was at this famous pub in kammanahalli the other day. black kenyan chicks lining up in front of the pub. you can directly negotiate with them. they are mostly college girls. she came on my bike we drove to her room and i banged her twice, she gave an awesome bj, it was worth it. she was so tired at the end and her friends were out in the hall peeping in it was hot.

damage: 3 k.

07-04-14, 02:24
Dear Shockman,

Request you to share Kanika's contact no. Newbie here and have tried Aisha / Alisha recently Thanks to number shared by seniors but would like to try a girl having decent tits.

Thanks in advance,


Thanks to everyone at the Bangalore forum who were kind enough to help this poor, lost monger in need, and for welcoming me with open hearts (and minds!

Thanks also to those that responded to my call for help and for providing me Kanika's and SP Firoz's contacts.

As I had mentioned in response to the PMs, I will promise to bargain hard, stick as closely to the guidelines as possible (I do have a few little kinky fetishes that I typically pay a bit extra for) but I can pledge not to overpay and cause problems for the hand that fed me. As I mentioned in my PMs, I've been around the mongering block a couple of times and pride myself in extracting value, and performance, for dough.

After literally months of careful planning and preparation it's time to rock and roll when I'm hit Chennai in a couple of days on a marathon mongering expedition...

07-04-14, 02:44
Hi everyone,

This weekend I will be. In Bangalore and incidentally it is my first time here. I have been following the threads for long time and have seen several. People like Ramesh, sameer contributing to the forum selflessly.

I now know of several names like Preeti, Angel and Rose, whom the fellow members bave been talking about lately.

I have two things to ask.

- what place like a pub or a discotheque where you can get girls easily, of course with dos and don'ts .

- individual contacts or trusted SP contacts if can be shared will help me in my bkore experience.



07-04-14, 03:28
Middleman SP quoting 20 k Lt but looks one can bring down if real SP is found.

Any FR on her.I had her a t 6 months back in blore itself for 6 k, she's damn good. Student though in Delhi, which sp has her here? 20 k naaa.

07-04-14, 05:39
I have banged her for 8 k! She is good. Looks real and likes chocolates!


Middleman SP quoting 20 k Lt but looks one can bring down if real SP is found.

Any FR on her.

Maheshwar Sd
07-04-14, 06:09
Well just checking into the last few pages of the Bangalore thread and all I see are mostly general discussions on the morality of prostitution and personal fights. There are already other threads for these, Jackson has created an editorial section called 'Morality of Prostitution' and 'Comments on other members', so would recommend people to go there and post, so we can get back to the job of mongering for which this thread was created.

So my FR, well over the past 4 weeks have decently built a small set of masseuse who are to my taste. While the spa counter charges are mildly lower with all my negotiating skills and the masseuse are used to my tip levels. I have also found a new middleman SP called Mr V, but the FS rates he quotes ofcourse including the middlemen charges are too high. So have decided that FS is not my cup of tea in BLR, compared to Delhi the rates are significantly higher for women who at best can be called average, and while I know that even the MP charges at most of the places I have found are high as well, I am still going to visit them since Johnny can't really sustain too long a about of non-action. As I type this I am going to visit one of my favourite masseuse a little later before I rush to catch a flight to Mumbai for the weekend. So cheerio guys for the weekend and have fun mongering and do remember when we each have our own tastes, so let everyone do their own thing.

07-04-14, 06:38
Contacted number ending 454 on locanto. Fixed 5 k for 2 hours. Asked me to come near Udupi garden and call. Did as instructed. Picked me up and headed to the place. Place was ok. Gave them money and selected the girl.

Girl's name was Sneha, said she's from Kolkata. Young and tight pussy. The end of good things about her. Demanded tips upfront. Turned off, but paid 1 k and asked for kisses. She gave mild pecks and nothing else. Girl's attitude was pathetic. She was super rude. It was as if I'm with some famous actress or something. Completely rude, non co operative, constantly complaining, hurrying to finish. Very disrespectful. I was surprised my boner didn't just disappear. Probably because didn't fuck for a long time. Her rudeness made me want to stop fucking and start an argument right away. But I said since I paid, better to fuck and forget this encounter. No foreplay, given her attitude, didn't bother to ask about any positions. Did missionary. I'm still getting dressed up and she opens the door and walks out. I think cheap street hooker may have better attitude than this girl.

Damage: 5 k + 1 k tip.

Looks: 6/10

Service: 0/10

Attitude: -10/10

WIR yes if you like to pay and get treated like trash.Please read this forum in detail my friend. Locanto / CL etc are all con jobs. Only go to places / girls referred favourably by our Senior members. I would say you are lucky. At least you got to screw. There are several cases wherein they have collected the money and zoomed off while you are left with a big hole in your pocket.

07-04-14, 08:06

Kammanahalli SP send this pic and quoting 10 k. I am sticking to 6 k 2 shots.

Any feedback? Is she worth?

07-04-14, 13:24
I do notice them while passing by. Do they agree out calls?In my experience they don't. They feel safer to get to their pads. While their places of stay are modest to say the most, some of them have decent pads with a TV, couch, fridge and a decent toilet geyser etc. Some stay in very small places, but in general they are all clean. When you mean outcall, do you mean a hotel or your place? Pvt place some do come. But surely not a hotel. They wudnt like to show their ID and also why.

Ou would stand out with a black chick like a full moon in a starless sky. Also, don't pick on the street side. You can get picked up by cops on a bad day. The place will be swarming with 15-20 cops at closing time. Go 30 minutes closing into the bar. That way you can also visually inspect them before deciding. Streetside you may not be able to check them thoroughly plus you are also under pressure to get on.

07-04-14, 13:37
If somebody here is not an Indian (and when I say that, it just mean not being born Indian, but if you are a green card holding buffoon, who calls himself a non-Indian) and has balls to generalize that Indian men do not treat women well, I can only say that speaks of their maturity levels, and the kind of Indian friends company they keep. I feel sorry for them. If you are living in a foreign country earning your living there, the first thing you could do is respect the country and its people, even if the country is 249th on any indices which depicts the country's social, economic, political, security or any other index. Because right now, you are living in that country and consuming its resources. So don't rant. Enjoy our hospitality, fuck some pussies here, and have your time.

07-04-14, 13:54
Best way is another one.

We need to unitedly have a apparment or some place.

Higher girl for 1 week or 10 days.

Share by the members who like to join for this.

Advantage cost will be just 1/3rd as the number of fuckings are less girl also will cooperate.

No problem of any people. We can get lead of girls from girls we may meet with SP.

The cost being paid to girl is maximum 100 per day by all this fellows.

Or even in high end ones it is 1 week maximum 80 to 100 k.

Only thing is the mind to join together.Are you really serious and thought thru this or just expressing a golden wish? At times when you can't be sure of your neighbour or colleagues credentials, you want to believe 2 -3 other co mongers from this forum whom yo don't know Peter from Paul?? Apartments need 10 month deposits. Rental agreements. Who will provide / sign that? If all of you share the deposit and later one guy wants out, who will cover his deposit? If any untoward incident (a crime) happens in that apartment, do you know what is the result of it? Really find some funny stuff here I should say.

07-04-14, 15:39
Hi seniors,

Any feedback on this chick.

07-04-14, 16:49
Hi guys,

Is AFF profiles are fake or Genuine? I was planning to subscribe. Will it be of any help? Seniors please help!

Found a profile "friendlymegha" seems genuine.Well not all. I got in touch with one and was not that great. Some of them are good. But not the worth time.

07-04-14, 17:02
She quotes 12 k fr 1 hour and 40 k fr night. Not my type. Any one interested, am willing 2 share digits.

07-04-14, 18:51
This is the same Pooja who has start operations in JP Nagar recently. Poor hygiene, not so impressive looks, unwanted fat. She's a big turn off. Read FR by Rokrblore, me and some body else.

Hi there Spendtime,

I have been living in Bangalore for a while. I am glad that you had a nice experience with Pooja. About me, I am new to this forum. During scouting, I never go for looks but always attitutes and interests are more important for me than just looks or even body figure. Would be glad if you could share contact details of Pooja with me. Perhaps you could first check with Pooja whether it would be convenient for her as well or not.

Hope to hear from you. Thanks and Best Regards.

07-04-14, 18:53
Hi Everyone,

Thank Bro Sid for sharing the digits. I have mentioned the experience for our fellow mongers reference.

This is a weeks old report and I tried the contacting the girls suggested by Sid. She asked for the reference initially and finally agreed. She has asked me to come to Kathruguppei big bazaar and from where the directions were provided.

Please note that I am staying at BG Road and travelling that far was more of pain to me. Anyways finally reached the require place, which was an apartment. I was greeted well as soon as I entered the room. There were three aunties and main girl was in one of rooms. Though, its an empty apartment, seats and sofa's are available. Apartment is neatly cleaned. After a brief chat for couple of minutes, I was shown the girl (Sania).

This girl is fair and young. Lady has asked her to cooperate and went outside. After a brief chat with the girl, I lied down on the bed and she started caressing and gave me a gentle massage. Johnny responded immediately and I realized that action has to begin.

After a bit of touching and caressing, she took off her clothes and mine as well. She is very soft and smooth and has great assests, top, front and back. Overall our game lasted for 40 minutes and I really enjoyed the experience. Once, I started back to my house, I also received a call asking for the feedback and cooperation. I mean. WOW. Who cares otherwise!! I think I paid a little extra, but the experience and service was worth it.

Initial call experience: 8/10

Travel time: 35 Min from BG Road, 6/10

Directions: 8/10

Greetings and entrance to the Apts: 8/10

Girl: 8/10

Hygiene: 9/10

Experience: 9/10

Damage: 4 k

Recommended: Yes.

Advice: I think I paid 1 k-500 extra.

Courtesy: Sid

Stay safe!


07-04-14, 18:55

Look brother I am not into paid sex as I get sufficient pussies with my clever tricks (read my earlier posts), LOL. Reason for responding, make sure that the LEs do not join the party as unsuspecting guests. I have good number of friends from LE, they are also humans with normal / natural desires and its fun being in their company for higher levels of fun, hope you getting as to what I am trying to say? Anyway, all the best, have fun, play safe and never get caught with your pants down.


07-04-14, 18:56
Any help for Russian would be appreciated. Tried Prakash, he said not available. Of course budget is very critical for me. Can spend more than 4-5 k.

Thanks for your help.


07-04-14, 18:58
However good the girl is, never go with prices like 8 k, 10 k, 15 k etc for 1 shot. There is a big risk here. The girl might be looking great in photo. Once you are the place, hand over money to the SP, the girl might be bad in bad / service / attitude. You realize within some min that you wasted your 10 k.

Better to stick at prices of 5 k / 6 k for 2 (multi shots) and never bend.


Kammanahalli SP send this pic and quoting 10 k. I am sticking to 6 k 2 shots.

Any feedback? Is she worth?

07-04-14, 19:01
Unless you read the FRs in the forum well and make your decisions accordingly, these kind of situations will defenitely occur. There are several people in this forum who have reported such posts. Try to make use of information available in the forum

btw I realized I have crossed my first century in terms of posts.

Contacted number ending 454 on locanto. Fixed 5 k for 2 hours. Asked me to come near Udupi garden and call. Did as instructed. Picked me up and headed to the place. Place was ok. Gave them money and selected the girl.

Girl's name was Sneha, said she's from Kolkata. Young and tight pussy. The end of good things about her. Demanded tips upfront. Turned off, but paid 1 k and asked for kisses. She gave mild pecks and nothing else. Girl's attitude was pathetic. She was super rude. It was as if I'm with some famous actress or something. Completely rude, non co operative, constantly complaining, hurrying to finish. Very disrespectful. I was surprised my boner didn't just disappear. Probably because didn't fuck for a long time. Her rudeness made me want to stop fucking and start an argument right away. But I said since I paid, better to fuck and forget this encounter. No foreplay, given her attitude, didn't bother to ask about any positions. Did missionary. I'm still getting dressed up and she opens the door and walks out. I think cheap street hooker may have better attitude than this girl.

Damage: 5 k + 1 k tip.

Looks: 6/10

Service: 0/10

Attitude: -10/10

WIR yes if you like to pay and get treated like trash.

07-04-14, 19:14

Got this pic, reviews and inputs will be helpful.How much has been asked for his girls.

Blr Puppy
07-04-14, 19:54
I did her in evening for 4 k bargained with busty spa SP.

Attitude- 7/10

Dfk. Yes.

Moans. Few but real.

Nature. Friendly and talkative.

Hole. Moderate usual.

Vfm- 8 as got for 4 k.

Satisfaction meter - 7

I will post long fr tomorrow.

07-04-14, 19:54
The SP is asking 20 k for 2 hrs (1 shot).

Any feedback on the same? What should be a justified price?This is way too expensive. She doesn't look hot either.

07-04-14, 19:55
Would suggest 5 k for 2 shots.


Kammanahalli SP send this pic and quoting 10 k. I am sticking to 6 k 2 shots.

Any feedback? Is she worth?

07-04-14, 20:02
Not worth for 10 k. Stick to below price or lower. Safely use your hard earned money.


Kammanahalli SP send this pic and quoting 10 k. I am sticking to 6 k 2 shots.

Any feedback? Is she worth?

07-04-14, 20:02
I have been following the forum for some time now.

Last week went to a spa near O Mall near Rajaji nagar.

Spa was ordinary but the thai massage blew me away. Very relaxing.

1 hr massage with 45 min dry and 15 min oil for 1.5 K. Pure massage, no extras despite ask she refused. Didn't ask further.

The place itself is just decent above a non veg restuarant. There are no doors only curtain as partition which was a big turn off and so as common bathroom.

If you are looking pure massage exp it is worth a try. They have the branch in Kormangala as well which I heard is better than this.

Rokr Blore
07-04-14, 21:09
Are you really serious and thought thru this or just expressing a golden wish? At times when you can't be sure of your neighbour or colleagues credentials, you want to believe 2 -3 other co mongers from this forum whom yo don't know Peter from Paul?? Apartments need 10 month deposits. Rental agreements. Who will provide / sign that? If all of you share the deposit and later one guy wants out, who will cover his deposit? If any untoward incident (a crime) happens in that apartment, do you know what is the result of it? Really find some funny stuff here I should say.All said and done, at least twice, members in this forum have gotten together in the past and done something on the lines of what Chand has suggested. Another one time in another forum that I can remember. So it really is nothing new. Chand has been around long enough to have seen those discussions lead to fruitation I guess.

07-05-14, 00:13
Hi everyone,

Coming to Bangalore this week, planning to stay in girl friendly service appt nearby Malleshwaram, not have a dare to stay in lodge because of LE, as if you could guys let me know any service appt nearby so I can bring girls to my room. Please, help will be really appreciated.


07-05-14, 02:08
Hey bro,

Way too expensive. Please don't go for this price. She is not even worth of 5 to 6 k for a short time.

Rates are so fucked up here in Bangalore. SP's, middleman, agents. Uff. Finally there comes the girl.

Lets save our money, just tell the SP. Fuck off for that price. Eventually they will get down.



The SP is asking 20 k for 2 hrs (1 shot).

Any feedback on the same? What should be a justified price?

07-05-14, 02:32
Don't go for an expensive fuck with her.


Got this pic, reviews and inputs will be helpful.

07-05-14, 03:21
Not worth for 10 k. Stick to below price or lower. Safely use your hard earned money.No, not worth 6 k 2 shots. Doesn't do DFK. BJ skills are below average. 4 k 2 shots; SP will come down. I have done her for 4 k 2 shots.

07-05-14, 03:23
You read the feedback about her couple of pages back on this thread.

Just search for Priyanka on the "Search Thread" function and you are good to go.

Hi seniors,

Any feedback on this chick.

07-05-14, 03:27
She quotes 12 k fr 1 hour and 40 k fr night. Not my type. Any one interested, am willing 2 share digits.Very funny. Check her FR she came for 5 k 2 pops. Her name is Piyanka.

07-05-14, 03:31
I have been following the forum for some time now.

Last week went to a SPA near O Mall near Rajaji nagar.

SPa was ordinary but the thai massage blew me away. Very relaxing.

1 hr massage with 45 min dry and 15 min oil for 1.5 K. Pure massage, no extras despite ask she refused. Didn't ask further.

The place itself is just decent above a non veg restuarant. There are no doors only curtain as partition which was a big turn off and so as common bathroom.

If you are looking pure massage exp it is worth a try. They have the branch in Kormangala as well which I heard is better than this.[Names in Code Deleted by Admin] Thats just for massage. No extras watsoever. But the receptionist is a bomb.

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove names written in code. Please do not post names written in code in the Forum. You're not foolng anyone. If the average forum member can interpret the name, then so can anyone else. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information. Thanks!

07-05-14, 03:54
Hey guys,

This forum is a dream come true for lonely guys like me (Not that I haven't had my share of relationships in life with great people, women that I respect. However, eventually it gets harder and harder to trust). Which brings me here.

Note: sorry about the rambling.

Firstly, I would like to thank all the seniors here for building this exquisite repository of information for newb like myself. Of course, thanks to Jackson for creating this forum in the first place. Hats off.

Am interested in the PM system but trying to figure out how my bank interfaces with entropay. Seems a little complicated. Hopefully will get that out of the way soon.

I'm new to the entire mongering scene and have been reading. Took a tip out of a few posts and contacted some SPs. I got a reply below which I'm posting. Will also try some massage places based on the posts here. Hope to be an active contributing member here.

This one is from Simran SP.

Quote: 15 k for 2 Hours; 25 k for Full Night.

I've obviously responded to provide cheaper rates. Will not go for it unless they bring it down to forum agreeable rates.

I think each of us should stand our ground until a baseline is established and prices don't skyrocket. That way, we stand for what our forum members have worked so hard to establish.

07-05-14, 04:51
Unless you read the FRs in the forum well and make your decisions accordingly, these kind of situations will defenitely occur. There are several people in this forum who have reported such posts. Try to make use of information available in the forum

btw I realized I have crossed my first century in terms of posts :-)Grats on the century been reading ISG forum for over a year. Guess better to activate PM and take reference instead of taking the locanto route.

I had negotiated 4 k for two hours. To my surprise, when I went there, the guy said 5 k which I said I had negotiated for 4 k. He took out his mobile and showed an sms from my number in which I said 5 k for two hours. Came back and checked my sent messthe doorages, shocked to see I never sent such a message even by mistake.

More, while I was in with the girl, just in 10 minutes, they turned the door knob. Whatever happened to two hours deal. Girl also kept saying finish fast as they won't let me stay for two hours.

So next time, won't be stingy and will activate PM.

07-05-14, 04:58
She quotes 12 k fr 1 hour and 40 k fr night. Not my type. Any one interested, am willing 2 share digits.Hi,

This is my first post.

Well about this girl, she has an awesome body.

Did her in December, she was very sweet and kind. Good GFE.

Didn't allow anal, but everything else was fine.

She quotes really high, but agreed for 6 k + 1 k for room after chatting for a while.

This chick is really worth the money.

07-05-14, 05:41
Her rate is 4 k /2 shots at your place or 5 k /2 shots at her place.

For LT, the rate would be 7-8 k, don't pay more.

She quotes 12 k fr 1 hour and 40 k fr night. Not my type. Any one interested, am willing 2 share digits.

07-05-14, 06:02
For newbies, new triers, Sakshi pic attached so that you don't end up with a deep hole in pocket.

I think the earlier pics for her in the forum does not give a recent impression.

Try at your own risk. Don't pay 3 k / shot or 5 k / multi shots.

07-05-14, 06:07
For newbies, new triers, Sakshi pic attached so that you don't end up with a deep hole in pocket.

I think the earlier pics for her in the forum does not give a recent impression.

Try at your own risk. Don't pay 3 k / shot or 5 k / multi shots.Good job bro. Guess she's become twice as big from the time I knew her. Cheers!

07-05-14, 06:12
Look brother I am not into paid sex as I get sufficient pussies with my clever tricks (read my earlier posts), LOL. Reason for responding, make sure that the LEs do not join the party as unsuspecting guests. I have good number of friends from LE, they are also humans with normal / natural desires and its fun being in their company for higher levels of fun, hope you getting as to what I am trying to say? Anyway, all the best, have fun, play safe and never get caught with your pants down.

CheersIf you are not into paid sex, and only wish to report your so called conquests, you are in the wrong forum. Please look at the top of the page below the heading International sex guide - "Money is the world's greatest aphrodisiac. I am sure many of us would have scored freebies, but this site is not about the bragging!


07-05-14, 06:39
Great to know from your report that you had nice time, bro.

BTW, got to know Sania isnot there, felt sad.

The awesome part of sania is she gives BJ without Condi I enjoyed like heaven, she did such that a small girl loves to lick the ice cream stick candy, seems she back to college, such a cute girl, believe me even hifi girls don't give bare BJ, am happy I got it.

Am next to explore another young beauty si chick, will let you know my experience, but it takes some time, for everything patience is the key factor.

I appreciate the patience when I received a pm from ISG saying that he just came back when he got to know that sania was not there, good work, control your jonny emotions then only you will enjoy the pleasure.

BTW, I had some pm exchanges with our Sameer, Sir SAR, seems he is having nice time in Delhi, requested him to post the reports as it was before.

Amarforfun, post the reports bro, we are waiting.



Hi Everyone,

Thank Bro Sid for sharing the digits. I have mentioned the experience for our fellow mongers reference.

This is a weeks old report and I tried the contacting the girls suggested by Sid. She asked for the reference initially and finally agreed. She has asked me to come to Kathruguppei big bazaar and from where the directions were provided.

Please note that I am staying at BG Road and travelling that far was more of pain to me. Anyways finally reached the require place, which was an apartment. I was greeted well as soon as I entered the room. There were three aunties and main girl was in one of rooms. Though, its an empty apartment, seats and sofa's are available. Apartment is neatly cleaned. After a brief chat for couple of minutes, I was shown the girl (Sania).

This girl is fair and young. Lady has asked her to cooperate and went outside. After a brief chat with the girl, I lied down on the bed and she started caressing and gave me a gentle massage. Johnny responded immediately and I realized that action has to begin...

07-05-14, 06:46
Refer to this ISG link.




Hi seniors,

Any feedback on this chick.

07-05-14, 07:41
Only fools will try for 20 k for a hole.

Punch line: no matter how beautiful building is, the design of basement is same. Only thing is it should be clean and hygiene.

To all,

Act wisely, don't give space to these sps.



Hey bro,

Way too expensive. Please don't go for this price. She is not even worth of 5 to 6 k for a short time.

Rates are so fucked up here in Bangalore. SP's, middleman, agents. Uff. Finally there comes the girl.

Lets save our money, just tell the SP. Fuck off for that price. Eventually they will get down.



07-05-14, 07:49

Some information on Singapore from my experience for those visiting the city. Will post it in the Singapore forum also.

Orchad Towers is the place if you are looking to pick up. Ipanema is the club.

There are numerous dance clubs in the same building however they are more of spend for a drink and get company of ladies.

Lots of Ukrainian girls 2nd floor and 4th floor.

Process. You get to sit with the girl talk, may allow you to feel her (mostly asians) you pay for the drink. Could end up spending at SGD 30 min. Not sure if it's worth for us as the conv is at INR 49.

Ipanema. You get to pick, can bargain, no hassles if you have the $ and also sure you want to pick up this is the place.

You can always say NO to the girls in any pub politely. Always remain firm they will not bother you much.

Be careful not to get drunk too much as you may end up paying lots only for a girl sitting next to you and giving you company.

MP's available in the same building. Action starts around 7:00 pm.

*Be careful of lady boys. Specially on the 4th floor and the streets.

Geylang. They have houses here where you can get girls. Starting around $100.

Now these places are easy accessible from anywhere in Singapore as the transport system in Singapore is really good.

Don't have PM facility and don't intend to get one soon. However I can give you generic information allowed in the forum.

Happy Mongering. I am more into MP's now so any good MP's in be'lore information would be helpful.

07-05-14, 07:56
She quotes 12 k fr 1 hour and 40 k fr night. Not my type. Any one interested, am willing 2 share digits.HAHA. What a joke. ! her self esteem would have gone up. Maybe on the inquiries received. She is 7 k for 2 with place or maybe lesser as Bonito has put. New members. Don't fall for this. A straight beware! Sign.

07-05-14, 09:43
For newbies, new triers, Sakshi pic attached so that you don't end up with a deep hole in pocket.

I think the earlier pics for her in the forum does not give a recent impression.

Try at your own risk. Don't pay 3 k / shot or 5 k / multi shots.Holy crap, she looks. Kinda like a transgender!

07-05-14, 09:45
If you are not into paid sex, and only wish to report your so called conquests, you are in the wrong forum. Please look at the top of the page below the heading International sex guide - "Money is the world's greatest aphrodisiac. I am sure many of us would have scored freebies, but this site is not about the bragging!

Ramrod.He's here for hopefully adoration, admiration and praise at his conquests. Basically he's one of those creepy guys hanging around Brigade Road hoping to recreate a Dear Penthouse fantasy.

Or he's here to get off on a juicy FR.

Clearly, as he said, he's not here for the mongering hobby.

07-05-14, 09:46
Don't go for an expensive fuck with her.My guess she's about 4-5 k 2 hours, 2 pops.

07-05-14, 09:56
Thanks Bonito,

I can't see the full image (no subscription) but I can still say she is not worth it.

For newbies, new triers, Sakshi pic attached so that you don't end up with a deep hole in pocket.

I think the earlier pics for her in the forum does not give a recent impression.

Try at your own risk. Don't pay 3 k / shot or 5 k / multi shots.

07-05-14, 10:03
Thanks a lot for the insight. Out call means my place since I live alone.

In my experience they don't. They feel safer to get to their pads. While their places of stay are modest to say the most, some of them have decent pads with a TV, couch, fridge and a decent toilet geyser etc. Some stay in very small places, but in general they are all clean. When you mean outcall, do you mean a hotel or your place? Pvt place some do come. But surely not a hotel. They wudnt like to show their ID and also why.

Ou would stand out with a black chick like a full moon in a starless sky. Also, don't pick on the street side. You can get picked up by cops on a bad day. The place will be swarming with 15-20 cops at closing time. Go 30 minutes closing into the bar. That way you can also visually inspect them before deciding. Streetside you may not be able to check them thoroughly plus you are also under pressure to get on.

07-05-14, 10:15
40 k / night? Seriously? Even virgins won't charge that much.

She quotes 12 k fr 1 hour and 40 k fr night. Not my type. Any one interested, am willing 2 share digits.

07-05-14, 11:07
Look brother I am not into paid sex as I get sufficient pussies with my clever tricks (read my earlier posts), LOL. Reason for responding, make sure that the LEs do not join the party as unsuspecting guests. I have good number of friends from LE, they are also humans with normal / natural desires and its fun being in their company for higher levels of fun, hope you getting as to what I am trying to say? Anyway, all the best, have fun, play safe and never get caught with your pants down.

CheersBuddy Lalu!

Rightly said you are not here for mongering and pretty sure you wonder why you are here daily. I think you are here to share the digits of free pussies you claim to have tasted. That's your purpose. Go ahead and share digits with the forum.

07-05-14, 12:09
Holy crap, she looks. Kinda like a transgender!Sakshi hope your seeing this.

07-05-14, 12:45
Am a newbie, at least in Bangalore. Had taken Sakshi and Preethi's number from Sameer Bhai around two months back. Based on the then awesome reviews. Saw Preethi on whatsapp and decided against even calling. After seeing Sakshi, well am not going for her either.

For newbies, new triers, Sakshi pic attached so that you don't end up with a deep hole in pocket.

I think the earlier pics for her in the forum does not give a recent impression.

Try at your own risk. Don't pay 3 k / shot or 5 k / multi shots.

07-05-14, 13:03

I went through the Delhi Forum in great detail recently. There the guys refuse SP / Indie etc even for Rs. 500/- over what they have in mind. They get awesome rusky / CIS pussy for 5 k and they stick to their guns. Don't know who is ruining this market. I think if we guys take a tough stand and convince Johnny to keep quiet we could also bring the prices down. Come on. Delhi is supposed to be far richer and costlier in general than be'lore and there is no reason for prices here to be 2 X or more here as compared to there no matter what external circumstances be.

07-05-14, 13:29
Don't know how the hell she was charging 10 k!

May be she was charging for paying her Mac book emi, LOL.

Guys, stop visiting her.



Holy crap, she looks. Kinda like a transgender!

07-05-14, 13:36
Hey bud!

Would love to get her contact details. How would you be able to share the same.


Hi All,

I am filing FR after a long time. Earlier I used to interact with fellow ISG members kris. Etc.

I met Ms "M" who is about 32 years & Ni. She is inde, having her own place but very selective in her clients. She speaks very good english, fair, about 5'2' in height, good mellow tits. She is works in Hospitality industry. She does this for fun & she has very selective clients.

When you go her place, she welcomes in sexy dress and she has good collection of lingerie and gives you a real GFE feeling. She offered me beer, even if you you are not drink, you can't resist her offer. She started with good DFK, licks all over my body and finally down to balls..

07-05-14, 13:46
Some college gal in Jp Nagar both incall and out call not my type though so never asked the price, I can share the SP contact number if anyone is intersted.Does the SP number end with 870143? I got a few pictures from this number and was surprised as I do not have that number with me.

07-05-14, 15:59
If you are not into paid sex, and only wish to report your so called conquests, you are in the wrong forum. Please look at the top of the page below the heading International sex guide - "Money is the world's greatest aphrodisiac. I am sure many of us would have scored freebies, but this site is not about the bragging!

Ramrod.Its up to you to keep enjoying with the dead fishes after a big hole in your pocket. Sorry, no bragging but I enjoy live once for real fun. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can pay and bang but few and only few have the knack to rope in the best once for free. The gutless once become tigers behind closed doors after paying just to show the false manliness, LOL.

07-05-14, 16:47
Regular SP had sent the CIS chick pictures on mail. Liked the girl's look seeing the pictures, fixed the deal with SP for regular price of 5 K for ST. Went to the place as per SP's directions and met her. Though she does not look like exactly in the picture and also not so young like in the picture. But still had a very good body and curves. Had taken 2 dairy milk chocolates to give her, which worked out very well this time as she said she likes chocolates very much.

After few minutes of chit chat asking about her name, place. Started slowly undressing her. She had a wonderful fair skin almost flawless with rarely any mark on her body. Had little bit of fat near tummy. She was very clean as she took bath just before the act. So had wonderful DFK with her for few minutes and started slowly kissing her whole body. Fingered her pussy for few minutes listening to her moaning. After few minutes put on protection started the act in few different positions. She was not proactive but ready to cooperate for requests from my end. No A- level, as she is not interested in it and only CBJ on the menu. Tried to do in standing position but could not enter her pussy. Tried missionary and girl on top for few more minutes. Took some rest and finally completed the act in missionary position.

Did not take her number as she will be leaving by Saturday or Sunday. And very very less chances of her returning to Bangalore again.

07-05-14, 16:51
I used the spa at the Royal Gardenia hotel twice on my last stay. The first massage was all above board but I still "Over-tipped". Had the same girl the next day and got an HJ at the end this time. I don't want to say her name but she is from the NE.

07-05-14, 17:00
[QUOTE=Monger1977;1590462]Hi Everyone,

Thank Bro Sid for sharing the digits. I have mentioned the experience for our fellow mongers reference.

This is a weeks old report and I tried the contacting the girls suggested by Sid. She asked for the reference initially and finally agreed. She has asked me to come to Kathruguppei big bazaar and from where the directions were provided.

Please note that I am staying at BG Road and travelling that far was more of pain to me. Anyways finally reached the require place, which was an apartment. I was greeted well as soon as I entered the room. There were three aunties and main girl was in one of rooms. Though, its an empty apartment, seats and sofa's are available. Apartment is neatly cleaned...QUOTE]Hey bro,

Can you please PM me the contacts.

07-05-14, 17:04
Hard to believe she is worth 40 k / night even if she has a golden pussy.


This is my first post.

Well about this girl, she has an awesome body.

Did her in December, she was very sweet and kind. Good GFE.

Didn't allow anal, but everything else was fine.

She quotes really high, but agreed for 6 k + 1 k for room after chatting for a while.

This chick is really worth the money.

07-05-14, 17:10
Could you PM sp digits?

ThanksLost Guy,

Did you try one of them?

07-05-14, 17:10
Thanks to NuMonger for sharing SP number. SP had sent some pics and after negotiations went down for there. Girl was lot different from the pic shared. But she is jovial and good attitude. Started with a chit chat and she was telling me that she is from Mumbai. Soon got down to the business and started with a dfk and then moved to mish before finishing in doggy. Good body and boobs but not very tight below. Good attitude but little mechanical. Overall good.

Attitude- 8/10

Boobs- 8/10

Body- 5/10

Damages 4 K

Guys, please share if anybody has good mallu contacts. Like dirty talk during the act.

07-05-14, 18:11
Today called US man SP but he didn't pick the call. Later I called Busty Spa and he told that a new Hi fi girl has come today only and asked 10 k for ST. I laughed to the core in the call then bargained to 5 K finally.

I went there, the girl (Aisha) told that she is from Mumbai, speaks little English. Not so cooperative, does everything mechanically. No face feelings (lack of interest is clearly visible).

Iam done for the first time at CBJ. She argued that the ST is over. Man, still I am in foreplay: x. She behaved as if she want me to go out of her room immediately.

This is ridiculous. I left annoyingly bad experience.

Attitude- 4/10

Boobs- 4/10

Body- 4/10

Damages 5 K

No for next time.

Ace of Hearts
07-05-14, 18:32
am a newbie, at least in bangalore. had taken sakshi and preethi's number from sameer bhai around two months back. based on the then awesome reviews. saw preethi on whatsapp and decided against even calling. after seeing sakshi, well am not going for her either.in the past 4-5 months ever sine the trusted sps faced le heat, we saw the rise of these shitty indies, who were admired by ones who never put fr but only dished out numbers. rest mature people can understand what went behind the scene. a big thanks to guys like iamramesh, bonito etc who reciprocated to me putting picture of much hyphed demi goddess, who were fooling around with help of rats in the forum.

always meet indies in a setting where you can walk out with minimum damage like i did last week loosing 100 rs on a coffe and saved 14,900 on a girl who was posing as if she is loosing her virginity and honesty on me.

once working girl, always working girl. money saved is money earned.


i went through the delhi forum in great detail recently. there the guys refuse sp / indie etc even for rs. 500/- over what they have in mind. they get awesome rusky / cis pussy for 5 k and they stick to their guns. don't know who is ruining this market. i think if we guys take a tough stand and convince johnny to keep quiet we could also bring the prices down. come on. delhi is supposed to be far richer and costlier in general than be'lore and there is no reasbe.it is just the encouragement gave to few members here who put up a scene that we must pay top rupee for cis and good looking indians. i have had 4. 5 k st and 11 k lt repeat to a famous sp whom people don't bargain.

i bet, if mongering were largely women serving industry than we men as today, these girls would have bargained like as they do for purse, sandle or auto rickshaw. it is we men who are fooled all the time.

i know there would be moneybags fools outside the forum but as a loosely organised men under this forum, we can influence if not completely govern the rates.

07-05-14, 20:00
Thanks to PassionateMBlr for sharing the contact details.

This Spa as mentioned in earlier threads is located right on the main road with a name completely deceiving. I feel hardly anyone doubt this spa for such happenings atleast going by its name.

I visited the spa today as I live in this locality and I was really waiting for some budget spa to serve sudden cravings. I enjoyed those days when I give a visit before going to office, to the "H at ppy H3 at rts" which was operating on ECC road till 8 months back. After its demise its really boring to travel so long to meet good quality girls. Anyways coming back to today's story, based on the detail given in JD I could easily locate the spa without any confusion. There were four girls (1 NE /3 NI) and all girls were ok kind or a similar type available in "H at ppy H3 at rts". The person quoted 2.5 k for B2B and I told him that over phone it was told 2 k only (yes morning when I called them it was told 2 k). He readily agreed and asked me to pick one among them. I picked the one whom I had met at ECC road parlour a year back. Later I asked, is it with full nude or only topless. He told its only topless, and for full nude I need to pay more. So I straight away refused and walked out as the later would become very costly with the girl tagging price for each and everything inside the room. For the quality of girls he showed 2 K for full nude B2 B is more appropriate. Girls straight away lay nude with us for 2 k and later after the deed I used to pay 0.5 k as tips for allowing me fingering them, sucking the tits etc.

Today I was little disappointed but I don't want to cross my budget and also dint want to hike the rates. Just wanted to share my experience to you fellows as this would be useful for those who had tasted the benefits in Whitefield. If anyone visited please share your experience but my only sincere request is whether topless or full nude please do not pay more than 2 k. For any further details please PM me.

07-05-14, 20:07
She is Priyanka. Definitely not for 12ST leave alone 40 K for night. Max pay 6 k for 2 hrs incl accomodation.

She is petite with small saggy boobs, so if you are a boob man, you will not like her. Her BBBJ is excellent and can.

Go on and on. DFK was available but some reports suggest she is now hesitant. But be careful as TvmguyforSex.

Has sometime back reported of blisters near her private parts. Have fun but be safe.

She quotes 12 k fr 1 hour and 40 k fr night. Not my type. Any one interested, am willing 2 share digits.

07-06-14, 02:35
Bro believe me there is always more failure experience when you go through sp, you need to search for indi in that budget who can give you heavenly experience.



Today called US man SP but he didn,'t pick the call. Later I called Busty Spa and he told that a new Hi fi girl has come today only and asked 10 k for ST. I laughed to the core in the call then bargained to 5 K finally.

I went there, the girl (Aisha) told that she is from Mumbai, speaks little English. Not so cooperative, does everything mechanically. No face feelings (lack of interest is clearly visible).

Iam done for the first time at CBJ. She argued that the ST is over. Man, still I am in foreplay: x. She behaved as if she want me to go out of her room immediately.

This is ridiculous. I left annoyingly bad experience.

Attitude- 4/10

Boobs- 4/10

Body- 4/10

Damages 5 K

No for next time.

07-06-14, 02:36
Today called US man SP but he didn't pick the call. Later I called Busty Spa and he told that a new Hi fi girl has come today only and asked 10 k for ST. I laughed to the core in the call then bargained to 5 K finally.

I went there, the girl (Aisha) told that she is from Mumbai, speaks little English. Not so cooperative, does everything mechanically. No face feelings (lack of interest is clearly visible).

Iam done for the first time at CBJ. She argued that the ST is over. Man, still I am in foreplay: x. She behaved as if she want me to go out of her room immediately.

This is ridiculous. I left annoyingly bad experience.

Attitude- 4/10

Boobs- 4/10

Body- 4/10

Damages 5 K

No for next time.Sorry to read that you had bad exp leaving a hole in pocket. Did you call the SP and give feedback? The SP arranges for a free good service if such things happen. I go to that SP dor that reason. I tell my requirements to him clearly and accordingly he suggests. Also, when these girls are shown in person, ask then and there if they have any restrictions. They say no restrictions in front of the SP, once you go in just enjoy. Any issues, call the SP from the room itself and complain. It worked for me. Busty Spa gives these girls highest commission and treated well. They respect this SP a lot. Let the SP know about the service, you may get a free ride or good discount next time.

07-06-14, 03:14
Lallu ji,

With all due respect, we get it. You have great conquests. However, again, with all due respect, this forum is intended for people to positively contribute. We can all talk about conquests, trust me. Like I mentioned in my first post, my reasons for mongering are way different. Not like I can't find good free options and be a charming gentleman to get laid. I just do not want the trouble after seeing enough of that shit in life.

My point is, please do not underestimate / overestimate others. No judgement is needed. Positive inputs and guidance if you really are experienced would go a long way.

Its up to you to keep enjoying with the dead fishes after a big hole in your pocket. Sorry, no bragging but I enjoy live once for real fun. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can pay and bang but few and only few have the knack to rope in the best once for free. The gutless once become tigers behind closed doors after paying just to show the false manliness, LOL.

07-06-14, 06:22
She is Priyanka. Definitely not for 12ST leave alone 40 K for night. Max pay 6 k for 2 hrs incl accomodation.

She is petite with small saggy boobs, so if you are a boob man, you will not like her. Her BBBJ is excellent and can.

Go on and on. DFK was available but some reports suggest she is now hesitant. But be careful as TvmguyforSex.

Has sometime back reported of blisters near her private parts. Have fun but be safe.Don't over pay. She is not worth. Max 5 k.

Romeo Juliet
07-06-14, 06:58
Today called US man SP but he didn't pick the call. Later I called Busty Spa and he told that a new Hi fi girl has come today only and asked 10 k for ST. I laughed to the core in the call then bargained to 5 K finally.

I went there, the girl (Aisha) told that she is from Mumbai, speaks little English. Not so cooperative, does everything mechanically. No face feelings (lack of interest is clearly visible).

Iam done for the first time at CBJ. She argued that the ST is over. Man, still I am in foreplay: x. She behaved as if she want me to go out of her room immediately..Is the girl your talking about the one in their whatsapp Dp wearing a dress with black and pink colour?

07-06-14, 08:14
She is Priyanka. Definitely not for 12ST leave alone 40 K for night. Max pay 6 k for 2 hrs incl accomodation.

She is petite with small saggy boobs, so if you are a boob man, you will not like her. Her BBBJ is excellent and can.

Go on and on. DFK was available but some reports suggest she is now hesitant. But be careful as TvmguyforSex.

Has sometime back reported of blisters near her private parts. Have fun but be safe.My advise / suggestion never try her or have her even if it comes for free. Not worth guys, instead try something which interests you than wasting your time and hardearned money.


07-06-14, 08:22
I agree with Satish.

Please don't publicise if the girl is not worth. We are not fools to pay simply because we are not grandsons millionaire.

More than money, time is important, so tell these girls to move.



My advise / suggestion never try her or have her even if it comes for free. Not worth guys, instead try something which interests you than wasting your time and hardearned money.


07-06-14, 08:50
As I'm totally free for the day, cud anyone give me any Inde or trusted contacts in North Bangalore.

Thanks for your help.

SVPCheck your inbox.

07-06-14, 11:55
Heard / Read posts reg raid on Bookstore spa? Is it safe to venture out now? Any went recently?. How about the one near RR Residency in Kora? Who will be the best to take now. Been long a time since I went to RR.

07-06-14, 14:49
First I would like to thank sSameer bro for making me courageous. Had my next fruit of ecstasy today. Girl from the spa that has been the talk of this forum recently. Contacted them directly. Asked for a girl through watsapp. They had asked me to check the pics through the net. Selected one. Then started bargaining. Initially they had asked 10 k for ST. Thanks to the previous reports came down to 5 k for a shot. Entered into their place. My johny was waiting to enjoy the pleasure that the god has ever created. Bang came the girl. Looks were average but her dress made me horny with her curvy figure. Had a chit chat with her. I gave her kisses actually poured kisses on her which she reciprocated with some moans. Loved those sounds then got into some foreplay. Sucked her tits. Was licking her all over. But she politely stopped me not to lick everywhere. I stopped. She slowly kissed my neck which made me to ignite with passion. Was not in the mood for DATY. Got into MISH and banged her for almost 4 minutes. Loved her fake moans I guess. But her soft body made me to thrust with the maximum force. Completed the job. Dropped down in the bed. Licked her ass which she loved. Donno why I did that.

Looks- 6/10

Boobs- 6/10

Service- 7/10


WIR. Not the same gal, but yes to the place.

Damage- 5 k st.

07-06-14, 15:34
Hello guys,

I have a good number of independent female contacts in Bangalore and after 5 years of mongering experience in Bangalore, I think its time to share and exchange my contacts with my friends here so that we can taste more variety. Please reply if you have any similar independent (aunties, college girls) for exchange.

07-06-14, 15:49
Sakshi - 3 k (1 shot), 5 k (2 shots).

Alisha - 3 k (1 shot), 5 k (2 shots).

Geetha - 2 k (1 shot), 3 k (2 shots.

Maya aka Mimi - 2 k (1 shot), 3 k (2 shots).

Angel - 1. 5 k (1 shot), 2 k (2 shots).

Angel and Rose - 3 k (1 shot with each + massage.

Lisha - 2. 5 k (2 shots).

Aleena - 4 k (2 shots).

Puja jp nagar - 3 k (2 shots).Hello bro,

Can you share me the digits of few of the listed contacts, I have Lisha contact, rest others I don't have.

07-06-14, 16:04

Can you share her number please?

Hi All,

I am filing FR after a long time. Earlier I used to interact with fellow ISG members kris. Etc.

I met Ms "M" who is about 32 years & Ni. She is inde, having her own place but very selective in her clients. She speaks very good english, fair, about 5'2' in height, good mellow tits. She is works in Hospitality industry. She does this for fun & she has very selective clients.

When you go her place, she welcomes in sexy dress and she has good collection of lingerie and gives you a real GFE feeling. She offered me beer, even if you you are not drink, you can't resist her offer. She started with good DFK, licks all over my body and finally down to balls. She gave very good BBBJ. She spent lot of time on foreplay that her VFM...

07-06-14, 16:18
Going thru Locanto as usual and found an ad with "Tamil Lady" in subject, not once but at many places with same SP name. I called him and inquired about the budget which he told 5 k. Asked him to send the pic and got it after 5 minutes, WTF a dream lady whom any MILF fans will be dreaming to screw. Jumped on the phone to call him and fixed the appointment after several rounds of bargaining to 4 k. Evening visited the place near Total mall on Sarjapur road. The lady called me and guided me to her home so clearly without any hickup and I was in dreams as something which I imagine all the time is just happening. Happy mode ends here.

I walked in her apartment and had a first sigh of relief when I found the same face in the photo so beautiful. But the physique just for a comparison, adnan sami before and after his lipo surgery is the best example I can quote. I wondered how many years one would take to add so many fats rapidly around her and that would be her age added to the age looked in that photo. Her name is Vani and a telugu lady who speaks tamil in bits and pieces. Its a middle class apartment with a lady from a well-off family, with his son watching TV that's all I had. Over phone she sounded like just got from deep sleep but even in person she looked very tired and giving me "why the fuck you are here" kinda look. Insisted for 5 k before starting the deed and didn't want to disappoint myself opening with an argument. So paid even the 1 k and pleading inside my head for a good time.

She was lying on the bed like a jelly sack, could not imagine me handling a jelly sack for different positions, WOT etc leave alone miss, there I understood the tragedy which is going to happen in couple of minutes. I started my mind calculation on how I can get back my 5 k from her service. Every kiss I compensated for 100 bucks, (lip kiss is not allowed), for every sucking of boobs I tagged 200 bucks still lot of money to be consumed and didn't find any other means so finally raised the gown up for the main entry. It smelled so bad that my strawberry flavor condoms just got disappeared. Fucked in miss finished the job within 5 minutes. A total waste of time, waster of fuel and energy. Yeah balance 4 k in drain.

She told next time she will provide good service and asked me to call after 9 and before 2. 30 in the day time but not on weekend. I said myself "Who the fuck going to come to you. I don't want to share the photo with you guys as its totally misleading. I can share the number of the SP through PM. And also photo if you want only thru PM really its not worth sharing in this forum.

Attitude: 4/10

Face: 8/10

Body: 100/10

Boobs: Foot Ball but no use.

WIR: No.

Its my bad. I should not have opened Locanto.

Sorry if the FR is long atleast let the FR match my 5 K.

07-06-14, 16:32
Check your inbox.Ye checked, didn't see any new msg.

07-06-14, 18:08
Hi guys,

Please let me know of any spas with boob access and a HJ. Anywhere in Bangalore.

07-06-14, 18:27
Can you be little more specific about the concerned girl.


First I would like to thank sameer bro for making me courageous. Had my next fruit of ecstasy today. Girl from the spa that has been the talk of this forum recently. Contacted them directly. Asked for a girl through watsapp. They had asked me to check the pics through the net. Selected one. Then started bargaining. Initially they had asked 10 k for ST. Thanks to the previous reports came down to 5 k for a shot. Entered into their place. My johny was waiting to enjoy the pleasure that the god has ever created. Bang came the girl. Looks were average but her dress made me horny with her curvy figure. Had a chit chat with her. I gave her kisses actually poured kisses on her which she reciprocated with some moans. Loved those sounds then got into some foreplay. Sucked her tits. Was licking her all over. But she politely stopped me not to lick everywhere. I stopped. She slowly kissed my neck which made me to ignite with passion. Was not in the mood for DATY. Got into MISH and banged her for almost 4 minutes. Loved her fake moans I guess. But her soft body made me to thrust with the maximum force. Completed the job. Dropped down in the bed. Licked her ass which she loved. Donno why I did that.

Looks - 6/10

Boobs - 6/10

Service - 7/10

Attitude -7/10

WIR. Not the same gal, but yes to the place.

Damage - 5 k st.

07-06-14, 18:29
Trip to Bengaluru.

Like minded mates, drop me a pm, lets have fun together.

See you guys.

07-06-14, 18:41
Bhai, I wish I could meet you. You guys are legends.



Trip to Bengaluru.

Like minded mates, drop me a pm, lets have fun together.

See you guys.

07-06-14, 18:52
Got this girl for 2.5 k from Love Lee spa. Another 1 k as tips to stop her nakhras and she was open to most things. Had a really good time and enjoyed a lot. Didn't occur to me that I probably overpaid her until now.

She's in mid-late 20's though and works in some Spa in See Yem H road.

Funny thing is we live nearly 3 km apart and both of us were 20 km away from our homes. She had no hesitation to give her number and asked me to drop by some time.

Face- 5/10

Boobs- 4/10 (A cup but not saggy).

Body- 6/10 (Slim, but a not so small belly with stretch marks, cellulite ass).

Attitude- 7/10 (Was bad initially. Improved only after the tips).

Damage- 2. 5 k for 1 pop + 1 k tips.

Place- 0/10 (2 bhk with no attached bathroom. Luckily we were the only ones in it. SP had gone out. Room and bathroom weren't hygenic. Will not come back to this place even if the SP pays me).


SP. Yes. Always gives what he advertises. No nakhras. Friendly guy.

Girl. Promised a good massage (she claims to be a professional masseur) with multiple happy endings if I dropped by her place. Also claims she's the ugliest in her 'friend' circle. So probably, yeah.

07-06-14, 19:09
Hi All,

I am filing FR after a long time. Earlier I used to interact with fellow ISG members kris. Etc.

I met Ms "M" who is about 32 years & Ni. She is inde, having her own place but very selective in her clients. She speaks very good english, fair, about 5'2' in height, good mellow tits. She is works in Hospitality industry. She does this for fun & she has very selective clients.

When you go her place, she welcomes in sexy dress and she has good collection of lingerie and gives you a real GFE feeling. She offered me beer, even if you you are not drink, you can't resist her offer. She started with good DFK, licks all over my body and finally down to balls. She gave very good BBBJ. She spent lot of time on foreplay that her VFM. If you are weak, you will come in foreplay only...Bijoy,

Cany you PM me her contact.

07-06-14, 19:10
I would be in Bangalore from 18th. Would love to get in touch with you.

Trip to Bengaluru.

Like minded mates, drop me a pm, lets have fun together.

See you guys.

07-06-14, 19:29
Hi fellow mongers,

Can anyone share contacts of any of the below? I really like to try each one of them starting from Angel and Rose.

I just got transferred here. Earlier I was in Pune and have some contacts there if anyone like to try.

Sakshi - 3 k (1 shot), 5 k (2 shots).

Alisha - 3 k (1 shot), 5 k (2 shots).

Geetha - 2 k (1 shot), 3 k (2 shots.

Maya aka Mimi - 2 k (1 shot), 3 k (2 shots).

Angel - 1. 5 k (1 shot), 2 k (2 shots).

Angel and Rose - 3 k (1 shot with each + massage.

Lisha - 2. 5 k (2 shots).

Aleena - 4 k (2 shots).

Puja jp nagar - 3 k (2 shots).

07-06-14, 19:47
Had been to the pace near the Bookstore a couple of days back there was a printout saying closed for renovation. Hope it opens soon. If you want some MP action the one on Kora 80 ft road is good. The one that gives the four hands massage.

Heard / Read posts reg raid on Bookstore spa? Is it safe to venture out now? Any went recently?. How about the one near RR Residency in Kora? Who will be the best to take now. Been long a time since I went to RR.

07-06-14, 20:12
I had an awesome experience recently in Electronic city. I was put up in a hotel there and searched the net to look for somebody who can come to my hotel and make me happy. Exchanged mails with many of them and then finally one girl asked for my number to which I readily provided. She called me back and we setup time at 8 pm for her to come to my hotel. I was scared of how to handle it at the hotel. But had noted the previous day that nobody would stop you from coming into the hotel or going to a room as long as you confidently walk in. So, I asked this girl L to come straight into my room at 8 pm.

I was all excited, took nice bath, shaved down under, took a forzest half pill for some extra fun and was all set at 8 pm. Ordered some beer as well to the room at around 7. 45 pm. 5 minutes before 8 - the door bell rang. I was all eager to see the girl. When I opened the door a nicely dressed girl was standing at the door and she smiled and said Hi. I asked her to come in and quickly closed the door. She gave me a nice hug and I reciprocated it well. I had hidden the dues under the newspaper and I opened and showed it to her and asked her to pick it up. She picked it up all 20 K! And was all smiles. Now, I felt comfortable and so did she. She kept her bag down on the table and came near me. I put my hands around her waist and gently pressed her round ass. Felt nice. I sat on the bed and asked her come and sit between my legs. She sad there and started rubbing my thighs. She also started feeling my hardness and smiled. I gently squeezed her boobs and started kissing her on the neck. It was pure GFE experience. I asked her to take off the dress and she obliged by doing it slowly. I removed all of mine except my bottoms. I wanted her to remove it. I asked her to give me a massage and touch me all over and play with my privates. It was fun. After sometime, I asked her to sleep on her stomach and gave her my penis massage. She was giggling all the time. Soon after, it was lot of fun, lot of different positions until I was tired. She was literally trying to pursue me to have her stay there for the whole night with probably small incremental amt. But I had lost all appetite by then. Having cum 3-4 times.

I have her genuine contact number and she wanted me to share it with my friends who may be interested. I am willing to do so- if you can exchange a few numbers with me as well. I am looking for any independent housewife or college girl sort of contact.

Face: 7/10

Boobs: 9/10

Attitude: 10/10

Shape: 6/10

Pics: I did not ask or take.


07-06-14, 20:30

Get a subscription.

Hello guys,

I have a good number of independent female contacts in Bangalore and after 5 years of mongering experience in Bangalore, I think its time to share and exchange my contacts with my friends here so that we can taste more variety. Please reply if you have any similar independent (aunties, college girls) for exchange.

07-06-14, 20:58
Is this SP number ending 557?Yes. But the girl said she'd be with him only for the weekend. No idea if its true though.

07-06-14, 22:58
She quotes 12 k fr 1 hour and 40 k fr night. Not my type. Any one interested, am willing 2 share digits.Please pm me her digits. Thanks in advance.



It appears from your post that you don't quite understand the Forum's Private Message service.

To use the Forum's Private Message service, both you and the Forum Member you are trying to contact must be either a subscriber or a Senior Member.

For more information, please read: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-subscriptions.php?

If you cannot afford $20 dollars to buy a subscription, then perhaps you can convince another forum member to purchase a subscription for you.


Ace of Hearts
07-06-14, 23:18
I had an awesome experience recently in Electronic city. I was put up in a hotel there and searched the net to look for somebody who can come to my hotel and make me happy. Exchanged mails with many of them and then finally one girl asked for my number to which I readily provided. She called me back and we setup time at 8 pm for her to come to my hotel. I was scared of how to handle it at the hotel. But had noted the previous day that nobody would stop you from coming into the hotel or going to a room as long as you confidently walk in.

I have her genuine contact number and she wanted me to share it with my friends who may be interested. I am willing to do so- if you can exchange a few numbers with me as well. I am looking for any independent housewife or college girl sort of contact.

Face: 7/10

Boobs: 9/10

Attitude: 10/10

Shape: 6/10

Pics: I did not ask or take.

JohnOne of Sanjay Shitty's girls? How about you te her that your friends are smarter and won't pay more than half what I paid?

As the going trend in the forum you should have taken a pic and posted.

07-06-14, 23:24
going thru locanto as usual and found an ad with "tamil lady"
sorry if the fr is long atleast let the fr match my 5 k.bro,

do they really exists in this world of mongering, i am surprised. hope your fr would save rest of bretheren hard earned money. impressed by your way trying to compensate your paid up money. rather you should have asked her to pay you for your time and chance to see a men inside.

this is help.

road doesn't end here, it was just a speed breaker, lol.

07-07-14, 04:33
Check your inbox.Hi Kishor,

Can you please clear your mail box. Can't send you PM's.

07-07-14, 06:11
Can anyone help me how to attach a pic in PM. No such provisions are available or I don't see it simple. Sorry if its a silly doubt.

07-07-14, 07:24
Called the SP today morning and blasted him for the worst service provided yesterday. He convinced me that he does not know about the service and asked me to try new inde's which are available today. My budget for mongering for this month is exceeded so no idea of indulging in any activity. Hope if it helps you guys will share the SP contact.

Rokr Blore
07-07-14, 09:19
I saw today that the famous B Spa has opened again with 'opening offer' and ST of 4 k. Anyone has any more news or insight into what happened post the LE raid and current situation?

07-07-14, 10:04
How do you expect to share numbers without getting your pm activated mate! Pity your 5 years of experience can't be shared here. LOL!

07-07-14, 11:18
Bro you should have changed direction and walked away assessing her from a distance, saving valuable 5 k. Sorry to hear your bad experience.

Going thru Locanto as usual and found an ad with "Tamil Lady" in subject, not once but at many places with same SP name. I called him and inquired about the budget which he told 5 k. Asked him to send the pic and got it after 5 minutes, WTF a dream lady whom any MILF fans will be dreaming to screw. Jumped on the phone to call him and fixed the appointment after several rounds of bargaining to 4 k. Evening visited the place near Total mall on Sarjapur road. The lady called me and guided me to her home so clearly without any hickup and I was in dreams as something which I imagine all the time is just happening. Happy mode ends here...

07-07-14, 11:21
Middleman SP quoting 20 k Lt but looks one can bring down if real SP is found.

Any FR on her.She really looks good yaar.

07-07-14, 11:43
In Mumbai, same girl is available for 8 k. Please be cautious.

She really looks good yaar.

07-07-14, 12:28
Can some one guide how to attach a pic in PM.


07-07-14, 13:53

I am new to this site though have been to Rose and Angle. Some how entire thing was very mechanical. I always wanted to experience something which you did. Will be greatful to you if you can share her number if you need any of my above contact do let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Hi All,

I am filing FR after a long time. Earlier I used to interact with fellow ISG members kris. Etc.

I met Ms "M" who is about 32 years & Ni. She is inde, having her own place but very selective in her clients. She speaks very good english, fair, about 5'2' in height, good mellow tits. She is works in Hospitality industry. She does this for fun & she has very selective clients.

When you go her place, she welcomes in sexy dress and she has good collection of lingerie and gives you a real GFE feeling. She offered me beer, even if you you are not drink, you can't resist her offer. She started with good DFK, licks all over my body and finally down to balls. She gave very good BBBJ. She spent lot of time on foreplay that her VFM. If you are weak, you will come in foreplay only...

07-07-14, 15:14
Hi All,

I am filing FR after a long time. Earlier I used to interact with fellow ISG members kris. Etc.

I met Ms "M" who is about 32 years & Ni. She is inde, having her own place but very selective in her clients. She speaks very good english, fair, about 5'2' in height, good mellow tits. She is works in Hospitality industry. She does this for fun & she has very selective clients.

When you go her place, she welcomes in sexy dress and she has good collection of lingerie and gives you a real GFE feeling. She offered me beer, even if you you are not drink, you can't resist her offer. She started with good DFK, licks all over my body and finally down to balls. She gave very good BBBJ. She spent lot of time on foreplay that her VFM. If you are weak, you will come in foreplay only.

After 15-20 minutes of foreplay, she put a condi and started CG and then changed to missionary and session lasted about 8 min.


Body: 9/10.

Service: 10/10.

WIR: Yes.

JB.I am on pm. Could you PM me this contact please.


07-07-14, 15:24
Hello ISGians,

How are you all?

News about Preethi being tranny is scary, I am happy that I did not take any risk with her.

I have a sexy tale to share this time again credits to SameerARoadie bhai. Keep showering bhai you rock like Linkin Park not visible regularly but worth the presence.

Got in touch with Miss Kanika, she is 36-28-38, 5'4".

She was college girl and not pro a fresh pussy is like cherry on the cake I seriously don't like 12 lane highways..Hello Bro,

Can you please share the contact number of Kanika with me? I can give you a exchange contact which will be similar to what you have mentioned. Just wanted to experiment with a new one, Let me know if we can exchange contacts.



It appears from your post that you don't quite understand the Forum's Private Message service.

To use the Forum's Private Message service, both you and the Forum Member you are trying to contact must be either a subscriber or a Senior Member.

For more information, please read: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-subscriptions.php?

If you cannot afford $20 dollars to buy a subscription, then perhaps you can convince another forum member to purchase a subscription for you.


07-07-14, 16:31
I am on pm. Could you PM me this contact please.

ThanksHe doesn't have PM Service activated, would like to have this Contact too).

07-07-14, 16:41
Bro, This is the only way. Send a PM and ask for the email ID of the person to whom you want to send the Pic. Then send the pic over to that person through email separately.

Can anyone help me how to attach a pic in PM. No such provisions are available or I don't see it simple. Sorry if its a silly doubt.

07-07-14, 16:57

I am new here. Had bad luck so far. Looking for some good experience. It will be of great help if you can PM me her details.


Hi All,

I am filing FR after a long time. Earlier I used to interact with fellow ISG members kris. Etc.

I met Ms "M" who is about 32 years & Ni. She is inde, having her own place but very selective in her clients. She speaks very good english, fair, about 5'2' in height, good mellow tits. She is works in Hospitality industry. She does this for fun & she has very selective clients.

When you go her place, she welcomes in sexy dress and she has good collection of lingerie and gives you a real GFE feeling. She offered me beer, even if you you are not drink, you can't resist her offer. She started with good DFK, licks all over my body and finally down to balls. She gave very good BBBJ. She spent lot of time on foreplay that her VFM. If you are weak, you will come in foreplay only...

07-07-14, 17:47
Called the SP today morning and blasted him for the worst service provided yesterday. He convinced me that he does not know about the service and asked me to try new inde's which are available today. My budget for mongering for this month is exceeded so no idea of indulging in any activity. Hope if it helps you guys will share the SP contact.There are some FR's about blue dress Allena / Nisha-indi. I have never tried her but she quoted 5 K for 1 hr (1 month back) including place.

07-07-14, 17:48
Hello all,

Please PM me any good indie or sp contacts in north Bangalore.

I will return the favor with equally good or better contacts?

07-07-14, 17:55
Hi all,

What happened to Shadashivanagar spa (rm spa). One on the opposite side of the petrol bunk and on top of the hardware shop. They used to have more than 10 girls of different type and they do good B2 B and HJ. They do have branches in HSR & Indira nagar as well. Have you guys have any idea about it.


07-07-14, 18:41
Thanks for the suggestion bro. I am using the same method to share the picture among our fellow bretherens.

Bro, This is the only way. Send a PM and ask for the email ID of the person to whom you want to send the Pic. Then send the pic over to that person through email separately.

07-07-14, 18:43
Dude, clear your inbox.

I would be in Bangalore from 18th. Would love to get in touch with you.

07-07-14, 19:15
Once you choose to send a PM, just scroll below. You will get a option of attaching the photo or a file. The steps are simple as you send an attachment over any mail.

Bro, This is the only way. Send a PM and ask for the email I'd of the person to whom you want to send the Pic. Then send the pic over to that person through email separately.

07-08-14, 04:11
I at least agree that its your view (and somewhat mine too). We all have our views. Now I believe AceOfHearts had been right (probably just too practical), so what?. Don't abuse, don't exploit and don't cheat. Lets just have pure fun.

Take a chill pill. Abuse of women is prevalent everywhere. More in some places, less in others. Remember you are as much an Indian, so don't generalize and you are so moved by it, why don't you all open a relief fund for her and fund her out of her obligations, and hope that she stops being a prostitute sooner than later? What say guys? Until then fuck her and if its fun, enjoy. Don't be a preacher. Funny part is, except for the person who posted the first one to whom I replied, everybody else if jumping around her. Male dominated society indeed, even in the digital world!

Enjoy your mongering, while I do too, and stop being judgemental about others in this forum. If you don't like a post, just move on..

Rutvik Savanth
07-08-14, 04:13
Hi bro,

Could you kindly PM me her contact details.


Hi All,

I am filing FR after a long time. Earlier I used to interact with fellow ISG members kris. Etc.

I met Ms "M" who is about 32 years & Ni. She is inde, having her own place but very selective in her clients. She speaks very good english, fair, about 5'2' in height, good mellow tits. She is works in Hospitality industry. She does this for fun & she has very selective clients.

When you go her place, she welcomes in sexy dress and she has good collection of lingerie and gives you a real GFE feeling. She offered me beer, even if you you are not drink, you can't resist her offer. She started with good DFK, licks all over my body and finally down to balls. She gave very good BBBJ. She spent lot of time on foreplay that her VFM..

07-08-14, 04:35
This is a good deal. Noticed the mirror in the pic back ground. Next in my wish list.

I did her in evening for 4 k bargained with busty spa SP.
Vfm- 8 as got for 4 k.

Satisfaction meter - 7

I will post long fr tomorrow.

07-08-14, 04:37
Are these 2 pics of same girl. #16486. Sorry, I may be bad at recognising people by looking at their pics.

She quotes 12 k fr 1 hour and 40 k fr night. Not my type. Any one interested, am willing 2 share digits..

07-08-14, 04:57
Called the SP today morning and blasted him for the worst service provided yesterday. He convinced me that he does not know about the service and asked me to try new inde's which are available today. My budget for mongering for this month is exceeded so no idea of indulging in any activity. Hope if it helps you guys will share the SP contact.Hi Gun,

Can you please PM me SP's digits?


Rokr Blore
07-08-14, 08:19
Rokr bro, not sure if you didn't read my FR on her. It was not an impressive experience. Sorry that you had a bad exp. She has a funny sense of hygiene. I visited her in the morning hours and she was doing Pooja for about an hour. Made me wait for about 30-45 min and she was frowning at me as I was waiting and walking in the living room as if I was making her premises impure.

The pics in the forum give a very wrong impression. She is not even half as good looking as them. Also she is ugly on opening her mouth and smile. I was turned off by a stinky smell from her mouth also. Her ass has got some lumps and is a big turn off.

She keeps on calling me some 5-6 times every day but I don't attend. She qualifies well for the avoidables list. And don't go for any of the girls she arranges also as all of them are of the lowly category with stinky smell and poor hygiene.I guess I forgot about your FR or didn't read it at all. Anyway, I'm not going to visit her any more. In pics she looks quite decent unlike in real life. She was messaging me quite a bit on Wtsap. She even sent a pic of one of her girls. It looked avoidable too and lowly just like you said. Example is attached. She was saying even that day that she's a very nice girl and would be perfect for my looks and height. After seeing the pic, I feel insulted. LOL. She was insisting I come and meet this girl. I told she doesn't look good at all and refused quite bluntly. Haven't heard back from her since.

07-08-14, 10:59
Been to four hands massage. Not good. They are damn pushy in asking to take the packages. Wowed never to return again. Seems Orh is the only option left.

Had been to the pace near the Bookstore a couple of days back there was a printout saying closed for renovation. Hope it opens soon. If you want some MP action the one on Kora 80 ft road is good. The one that gives the four hands massage.

07-08-14, 11:57

How is Spa S near GCC.

Is it still in operation?

Haven't been there from ages.

Rakesh Sharma
07-08-14, 15:17
Recently visited twice to the acient budda spa at Bansaawadi / Rajajinagarra. Checked in paying at the counter & chose ANUU. The massage was like erotic streching exercise.

The massage was average & the finest part is best HJ available with lot of nakras / pleasing.

Very cost effective at month end budget.

Now anu is available this week at Rajaji branch.

Cost 1300 + 300.

07-08-14, 15:41
Can someone post comments about her service?

07-08-14, 18:51
From face, it doesn't look appealing to me at least. Looks like quality has gone for a toss in Bangalore. Have seen better days.

Not sure, if somebody has experienced her in this forum.

Can someone post comments about her service?

07-08-14, 19:05
Can anyone please PM any contacts of north eastern girls.

07-09-14, 06:52
Hi Romance,

Having her contact wanted to try her. But after she had sent her pic. I decided not to go. I can find better girls for 5 k Short time.

If you really like her, try going through her FR's in the forum.

Happy Mongering.



Can someone post comments about her service?

07-09-14, 07:09
Can someone post comments about her service?Seriously, there are mongers out there paying to fuck WGs like Latha, Preethi, Puja and Sakshi?

If I were a gigolo and they were paying me fortunes, I wouldn't want to fuck them. Women like these should realize they don't qualify for this profession as they don't have the goods and focus on making their money elsewhere.

07-09-14, 07:10
I guess I forgot about your FR or didn't read it at all. Anyway, I'm not going to visit her any more. In pics she looks quite decent unlike in real life. She was messaging me quite a bit on Wtsap. She even sent a pic of one of her girls. It looked avoidable too and lowly just like you said. Example is attached. She was saying even that day that she's a very nice girl and would be perfect for my looks and height. After seeing the pic, I feel insulted. LOL. She was insisting I come and meet this girl. I told she doesn't look good at all and refused quite bluntly. Haven't heard back from her since.I love how the tits and the pot belly seem to align perfectly. Isn't this the classical Indian look? LMAO.

07-09-14, 07:12
Thanks to PassionateMBlr for sharing the contact details.

This Spa as mentioned in earlier threads is located right on the main road with a name completely deceiving. I feel hardly anyone doubt this spa for such happenings atleast going by its name.

I visited the spa today as I live in this locality and I was really waiting for some budget spa to serve sudden cravings. I enjoyed those days when I give a visit before going to office, to the "H at ppy H3 at rts" which was operating on ECC road till 8 months back. After its demise its really boring to travel so long to meet good quality girls. Anyways coming back to today's story, based on the detail given in JD I could easily locate the spa without any confusion. There were four girls (1 NE /3 NI) and all girls were ok kind or a similar type available in "H at ppy H3 at rts". The person quoted 2.5 k for B2B and I told him that over phone it was told 2 k only (yes morning when I called them it was told 2 k). He readily agreed and asked me to pick one among them. I picked the one whom I had met at ECC road parlour a year back. Later I asked, is it with full nude or only topless. He told its only topless, and for full nude I need to pay more. So I straight away refused and walked out as the later would become very costly with the girl tagging price for each and everything inside the room...I too am the guy missing ECC road MP. Accidentally I met that (huge guy with a limp) in Kammanahalli SP place last week. In reply to my question, the guy said the same place will open in couple of months.

Which is this SP in whitefield, please PM.

07-09-14, 07:33
However good the girl is, never go with prices like 8 k, 10 k, 15 k etc for 1 shot. There is a big risk here. The girl might be looking great in photo. Once you are the place, hand over money to the SP, the girl might be bad in bad / service / attitude. You realize within some min that you wasted your 10 k.

Better to stick at prices of 5 k / 6 k for 2 (multi shots) and never bend.Thanks guys for your advise.

Stuck to 6 k and it worked. If one sticks harder, it might come to 5 k I believe.

Girl was not the same, it pissed me off. But the other girl was quite friendly and I said let me give a try. The girl is from Kol and pretty decent in interaction. The act started with mutual exploration by undressing with good kisses and rubbing each other.

Decided to do first pop missionary. She had good assets with no saggy whatsover. Been wild on first action and she resonded suitably.

We laid down on bed and did trivial talk. She was proactive in exploring between the legs. After sometime we started again with CBJ. Got my guy ready.

She suggested doggy! And she had a clean pussy and tight bum. Hell of an experience to bang accentuated with increasing moans! Turned around did missionary, standing ending up with doggy in the end.

Face: 6/10

Body: 7/10

Hygiene: 5/10 (mouth was stinking so no dfk).

WIR: for others, might be.

Rokr Blore
07-09-14, 07:43
Can someone post comments about her service?Service isn't bad but overpriced for her looks. There are many FRs as many people have met her over the past one year including myself. You can search and read those reports.

07-09-14, 14:12
Planning to try Eg (pura) Angel. Is it worth?? For 2. 5 k for 2 hrs

Please let me folks. She agreed to come to my place.


07-09-14, 17:12
so a few days ago, i decided to treat myself to some nice "therapy".

was doubtful of the koramangala spa and of course, the bookstore spa is closed. decided to try the twelfth main spa.

as soon as i walked in, i felt a calming effect come over me. the ambience is nicely done in reds and golden sprinkled with wooden everywhere. silent, peaceful. the only thing missing was probably the chime of distant bells this automatically has the subtle trickle down effect of eliminating any nervousness, which helped, because i'm just venturing into this world of mongering.

i sheepishly asked the person at the counter for a non-oily massage and went for the basic one. i was assigned ms. j, who stated that she'd just been there for less than a month. went into one of the "rooms" (scary point: i say rooms in quotes because there is no door. anyone can peek in. a worrisome thing.) she started off with a bunch of different karate seeming bending exercises and bodywalks until she turned me up front. the massage itself was okayish though the experience was overall decent.

i began to get the feeling that there were no extras on offer until she quietly brushed her hand against my lower private parts once or twice. johnny started to wake up finally and this was not lost on her. she giggled a couple of times and started playing with it. she signalled with her fingers (2 index fingers up). i shook my head and said no. after a lot of negotiating. read pouting from her / frowning by me, brought it down to 1 (please note: i know i need to improve my negotiation skills but i wasn't thinking with my mind), handshake began and ended. i was done. she smiled and talked, said next time would be better. i actually managed to get her number but am not planning to contact her in the near future at least. i left feeling that it was okay but could have been better.

damages 1.8 k+1 k (early days, so will work harder to resist).

looks: 5.5/10

attitude: 7/10

wir: maybe (want to play the field a bit).

overall experience: okayish for a noob.

note: no doors, only a curtain. little unnerving to try anything. if someone can suggest better places, please do.

07-09-14, 17:36
I was also a regular to this parlour for some years at different locations in Bangalore before they had shutdown.

Had some really gd experiences. Anticipating that they resume shortly and continue their service.

Thanks to PassionateMBlr for sharing the contact details.

This Spa as mentioned in earlier threads is located right on the main road with a name completely deceiving. I feel hardly anyone doubt this spa for such happenings atleast going by its name.

I visited the spa today as I live in this locality and I was really waiting for some budget spa to serve sudden cravings. I enjoyed those days when I give a visit before going to office, to the "H at ppy H3 at rts" which was operating on ECC road till 8 months back. After its demise its really boring to travel so long to meet good quality girls. Anyways coming back to today's story, based on the detail given in JD I could easily locate the spa without any confusion. There were four girls (1 NE /3 NI) and all girls were ok kind or a similar type available in "H at ppy H3 at rts". The person quoted 2.5 k for B2B and I told him that over phone it was told 2 k only (yes morning when I called them it was told 2 k). He readily agreed and asked me to pick one among them. I picked the one whom I had met at ECC road parlour a year back. Later I asked, is it with full nude or only topless. He told its only topless, and for full nude I need to pay more..

07-09-14, 17:53

I have the place to myself for the weekend, would really appreciate if you guys could PM some good contacts for Outcalls, Indes preferred.

Looking to make the most of this opportunity with the help of fellow mongers.



07-09-14, 18:49
Hi dude,

I feel its OK for 2.5 K. She is not in age and goddess in beauty, but if you are lucky you will get some nice company. There is nothing much big to loose or gain at that price boss. Enjoy and good luck buddy.

Planning to try Eg (pura) Angel. Is it worth?? For 2. 5 k for 2 hrs

Please let me folks. She agreed to come to my place.


07-09-14, 19:53

This is your first post and if you had a good time paying 20 k be happy for yourself. All along seniors have been yelling do not pay more 5-6 k, why do you come up with such posts, have you not been reading all posts out here, do not exaggerate the prices. You had a good time paying 20 k fine. Your post might make newbies think they are probably staying behind in getting good females because they aren't shelling out money like you, a totally wrong perception. Isn't it?

To the brotherhood, keep safe, know what risk you are taking, and happy mongering.


I had an awesome experience recently in Electronic city.

I opened and showed it to her and asked her to pick it up. She picked it up all 20 K! And was all smiles. Now, I felt comfortable and so did she.


Horny DK
07-10-14, 02:45
She's not a looker, but definitely worth 2.5 k, when compared to the rest of girls on offer in Bglr for much higher price.

And, I think you should negotiate wrt no of shots and not no of hours.

Let us know how it goes.

Planning to try Eg (pura) Angel. Is it worth?? For 2. 5 k for 2 hrs

Please let me folks. She agreed to come to my place.


07-10-14, 04:31
Few months back I was in Bangalore for office work. Long that I have heard of that place of having good qualities of girls. So I was dying to get one for a night. Lots of searching could not yield anything. Then I went back to my old mails and found one very old contact. He is not any regular SP nor his girls are permanent CG. I called him and fortunately he recognised me (WOW after 3 long years). I spoke to him about my requirements and told him my budget. He said that he will send one but I have to pick her up from a mall near her place. So after office I went to the place to pick her up. She was not a model, she was athletic, 5 ft 6 inch and 60 kg, wheatish in complexion. I asked her name and there came a general response, Rekha. I wondered that was not her name. Later on asking she divulged her real name, she was muslim from nearby Bangalore. She was very down to earth person and homely. We went to the hotel, I already told the front desk that I would be having a guest for a night. There was no much hassel as she walked few meters behind me while entering the hotel. She speaks very less, homely attitude. After dinner we started. Long foreplay, good boobs, DATY and then CBJ. After eating her out she was begging me to come inside her so started with missy-doggy-cowg finished missy. Cuddled and rested for sometime and then second session and then third. In the morning she asked me whether I would like to accompany her in the shower and I was happy. While in shower, she kneeled down and gave me a BJ, we washed ourselves and I put my condi and rammed her while standing. Did that for a while and then finished missy on the bed.

Overall exp. Good.

WIR: No as she was little heavy for me. With the SP definitely yes.

Damage: 15 k for whole night.

The SP send me another pic of another girl, she looked homely.

07-10-14, 06:41
I am new comer here. Just last night stumbled upon the site and was up until 3 reading nearly 30 pages. Very informative.

I am new to mongering as well. Tried couple of times in US in my business trips all were frustrating exp.

I am looking for a good b2 b massage along with HJ / BJ. I have time set aside tomorrow afternoon. Pl pm me with any contacts. And the kinda price I should negotiate for.

Looking forward to your guidence. Was going to pick something from LC but now will wait for the experts advise.


07-10-14, 06:53
John is so obviously a pimp peddling his pro. No point in responding.


This is your first post and if you had a good time paying 20 k be happy for yourself. All along seniors have been yelling do not pay more 5-6 k, why do you come up with such posts, have you not been reading all posts out here, do not exaggerate the prices. , you had a good time paying 20 k fine. , your post might make newbies think they are probably staying behind in getting good females because they aren't shelling out money like you, a totally wrong perception. Isn't it?

To the brotherhood, keep safe, know what risk you are taking, and happy mongering.


07-10-14, 10:32
been to four hands massage. not good. they are damn pushy in asking to take the packages. wowed never to return again. seems orh is the only option left.the four hand spa which is the name of a hero honda bike is the worst place to visit its too much expensive and also the massage is quite okayish and the therapists there are below average and hygiene is also below par and the worst part is getting extras for newbies there will take time and after a few sessions only they will give which is definitively not worth.

07-10-14, 10:56
20 k bro seriously? As long as you've got a small time actress, model or something then its fine, if its for a normal WG then bro seriously you need to go through the forum thoroughly before shelling out so much. And that too not for the night. She should have stayed for 2 nights at this price. Man Bangalore is seriously too steep to monger. But who am I to say anything, as long as your happy its all good but next time do not mention the amount in your FR's as its going to attract serious comments as well as blind the newbies (They might think they are underpaying that is why they do not get good stuff).

I had an awesome experience recently in Electronic city. I was put up in a hotel there and searched the net to look for somebody who can come to my hotel and make me happy. Exchanged mails with many of them and then finally one girl asked for my number to which I readily provided. She called me back and we setup time at 8 pm for her to come to my hotel. I was scared of how to handle it at the hotel. But had noted the previous day that nobody would stop you from coming into the hotel or going to a room as long as you confidently walk in. So, I asked this girl L to come straight into my room at 8 pm.

I was all excited, took nice bath, shaved down under, took a forzest half pill for some extra fun and was all set at 8 pm. Ordered some beer as well to the room at around 7. 45 pm. 5 minutes before 8 - the door bell rang. I was all eager to see the girl. When I opened the door a nicely dressed girl was standing at the door and she smiled and said Hi. I asked her to come in and quickly closed the door. She gave me a nice hug and I reciprocated it well. I had hidden the dues under the newspaper and I opened and showed it to her and asked her to pick it up. She picked it up all 20 K! And was all smiles. Now, I felt comfortable and so did she. She kept her bag down on the table and came near me. I put my hands around her waist and gently pressed her round ass. Felt nice...

07-10-14, 12:00
i am thinking of giving the 12th main indiranagar or the one opposite sony center a try next. been to orh kora, didn't get any extras there, never asked, but the massage was pretty good. after the massage and shower the girl asked if i was there before, i said yeah really long back, then she had a naughty smile and said you come next time i take good care of you. whatever that means.

the four hand spa i got a 4 hand hj at the first visit only. its probably how you talk to them. but the room was super shady, the table was behind some curved wall. and a jacuzzi tub. was wondering how me and two other people were going to fit there. was my first time with a four hand massage and i actually enjoyed it. the girls were fun too actually, joking around and she asked me. sir you want me to massage your bum. and i was like do you think i am going to say no? they laughed and continued. was not a bad experience actually.

the scariest one i have been to yet is a place called soft touch at commercial street. after aroma closed down the land line is transferred to that place. was an idiot to go ahead there. please avoid at all cost that place.

i now am missing the bookstore. at a time i went there every week!! s was the therapist and she was simply awesome!

please do let me know if there are any more slightly nice places to try out. orh was i think the most nice place i have been to yet in terms of ambience. have to try the indiranagar sony one and the 12th main one. i like a good massage too. you are anyways paying for the hj so might as well make sure the money one spends on the massage is also worth it.

more reports as i go try this out!

other than this. i am not really interested in fs but a nice makeout and maybe a bj is on my mind. any places where i could get this?

i don't have the pm facility yet. will get it in a weeks time!

the four hand spa which is the name of a hero honda bike is the worst place to visit its too much expensive and also the massage is quite okayish and the therapists there are below average and hygiene is also below par and the worst part is getting extras for newbies there will take time and after a few sessions only they will give which is definitively not worth.

07-10-14, 12:08
The first one is a girl from Kolkata Manisha but working in hyd since sometime. Very talkative. Charges 4-5 K in Hyd.

Hiee guys,

I got these pics from my known sp's. She was quoting 20k for full night 10k for short time. When I said I can pay 6k for short time she immediatley agreed without much argument. I am just surprised. I am attaching those pics. Kindly let me know if any one tried these gals? I got these pics from different SP's.

Give your feed back.

07-10-14, 12:38
the four hand spa which is the name of a hero honda bike is the worst place to visit its too much expensive and also the massage is quite okayish and the therapists there are below average and hygiene is also below par and the worst part is getting extras for newbies there will take time and after a few sessions only they will give which is definitively not worth.i too feel the same, had worst experiences there rooms seperated with bamboo partitions and stinking. avg looking girls and lot of bargain.

Man InLove 1
07-10-14, 13:12
Hi guys.

Since I am not mongering till end of month wanted to share this pic of new kannadiga gal new with puja in her own new place in jp nagar 1st phase which I have seen is good and safe.

Anyone want to try pm me as puja has new number.

Please negotiate price and post fr.

Be safe.

07-10-14, 14:09
This girl was previously with Sagar pharmacy opposite place. She has nice assets. Firm boobs and clean shaven pussy. She provided B2B with allowed to cum on her boobs. One of the best in my experience.

Hi guys.

Since I am not mongering till end of month wanted to share this pic of new kannadiga gal new with puja in her own new place in jp nagar 1st phase which I have seen is good and safe.

Anyone want to try pm me as puja has new number.

Please negotiate price and post fr.

Be safe.

07-10-14, 16:32
The shirt wala one is a Kannadiga. Rates are like 5 k for Kannadiga and 7 k for Tamilaian anyone met the Tamilian girl?Can anyone send me the number of the first girl (kannadiga).

07-10-14, 16:58
Got an inde aunty Brindha at Yelankha working as a nurse. Had her 2 times already. This time she introduced her close friend working as a teacher in primary school. Insisted that I want only in saree. She finally agreed and fulfilled her promise. Brindha aged 32 yrs and vani 28yrs. Was like heaven as they liked talking sexy and doing naughty acts with little shy. Spent almost 2hrs with foreplay only. Fucked one infront of the other. Second time released during bbj. As the other one was licking my chest. Really enjoyed 3some.

Damages: 6k 3hrs.Hi,

Can you PM me their digits? Also do they have place? Your experience sounds very exciting.


07-10-14, 17:26
Hi Everyone,

Thank Bro Sid for sharing the digits. I have mentioned the experience for our fellow mongers reference.

This is a weeks old report and I tried the contacting the girls suggested by Sid. She asked for the reference initially and finally agreed. She has asked me to come to Kathruguppei big bazaar and from where the directions were provided.

Please note that I am staying at BG Road and travelling that far was more of pain to me. Anyways finally reached the require place, which was an apartment. I was greeted well as soon as I entered the room. There were three aunties and main girl was in one of rooms. Though, its an empty apartment, seats and sofa's are available. Apartment is neatly cleaned. After a brief chat for couple of minutes, I was shown the girl (Sania).

This girl is fair and young. Lady has asked her to cooperate and went outside. After a brief chat with the girl, I lied down on the bed and she started caressing and gave me a gentle massage. Johnny responded immediately and I realized that action has to begin...Hi,

Please help me with digits. I am new here and so far no luck.

07-10-14, 17:35
Middleman SP quoting 20 k Lt but looks one can bring down if real SP is found.

Any FR on her.Hi Ace,

Did you try her? Feedback? Please do share the digits. Very new here and no luck so far.

07-10-14, 17:50
Hi BI Joy,

I want to meet some good NI inde. I have met few, but not satisfied with hygiene. Please PM me her number.

Thank you

Hi All,

I am filing FR after a long time. Earlier I used to interact with fellow ISG members kris. Etc.

I met Ms "M" who is about 32 years & Ni. She is inde, having her own place but very selective in her clients. She speaks very good english, fair, about 5'2' in height, good mellow tits. She is works in Hospitality industry. She does this for fun & she has very selective clients.

When you go her place, she welcomes in sexy dress and she has good collection of lingerie and gives you a real GFE feeling...

07-10-14, 17:54
I had an awesome experience recently in Electronic city. I was put up in a hotel there and searched the net to look for somebody who can come to my hotel and make me happy. Exchanged mails with many of them and then finally one girl asked for my number to which I readily provided. She called me back and we setup time at 8 pm for her to come to my hotel. I was scared of how to handle it at the hotel. But had noted the previous day that nobody would stop you from coming into the hotel or going to a room as long as you confidently walk in. So, I asked this girl L to come straight into my room at 8 pm.

I was all excited, took nice bath, shaved down under, took a forzest half pill for some extra fun and was all set at 8 pm. Ordered some beer as well to the room at around 7. 45 pm. 5 minutes before 8 - the door bell rang. I was all eager to see the girl. When I opened the door a nicely dressed girl was standing at the door and she smiled and said Hi. I asked her to come in and quickly closed the door. She gave me a nice hug and I reciprocated it well. I had hidden the dues under the newspaper and I opened and showed it to her and asked her to pick it up. She picked it up all 20 K! And was all smiles. Now, I felt comfortable and so did she. She kept her bag down on the table and came near me. I put my hands around her waist and gently pressed her round ass..I am interested in independent college girl around for 2 k-3 k.

Just less than for about 1 hour in a place which she chooses and something familiar with.

But the girl has to be good looking and I should feel worth spending little time with her even though I may not give as much shots to her.

Atleast I should feel happy touching her feeling her body.

07-10-14, 18:44
Why don't we get such beautiful girls when we look for marriage. All good educated decent homely brides are either fatty or too much demanding.

I can even marry if I get a girl like her to live a disciplined husband for the rest of my life.

All fate. Girls don't know to respect true love. No wonder they end up in getting screwed / tasting many dicks.

Anyways dude please share the digits. If you help me then its first in que for next month quota.

Hi guys.

Since I am not mongering till end of month wanted to share this pic of new kannadiga gal new with puja in her own new place in jp nagar 1st phase which I have seen is good and safe.

Anyone want to try pm me as puja has new number.

Please negotiate price and post fr.

Be safe.

07-10-14, 19:35
Of course not a pimp dude! Yes, I might have paid more as I was new to Bangalore. Now that I have read many FRs and seen the pics, she is probably not worth more than 5 or 6 K.

John is so obviously a pimp peddling his pro. No point in responding.

07-10-14, 20:21
I tried her couple of months back. In real, she does not looks as good as in the photo. She is a bengali and travelled from Delhi. She told that she had kids and her tummy is full of stretch marks. She is a chain smoker and asks your permission to smoke. She does give BBBJ. My bad was. I was new and I bargained for 6 k 1 shot. As a newbie, I was so exited and got cummed during the BBBJ itself. She immediately stopped and started dressing. Upon asking one pop is done and walked out. Room was okay and the service was mechanical. I gave feedback to SP but not a positive response. They just said ok and kept the phone. For her kind of personality 6 K may be more. Bargain hard.


Kammanahalli SP send this pic and quoting 10 k. I am sticking to 6 k 2 shots.

Any feedback? Is she worth?

Jay Purohit
07-10-14, 20:54
Hey guys,

I'm all alone tomorrow. Jonny is super hot to get into action. Please PM me good inde contacts.



07-10-14, 23:26
Hi Bro,

A big no for that red outfit girl with tattoo.

She has so many marks on her body, she eats gutka. She smokes, her hole is very deep and wide. Does not enjoy sex. She is a time watcher and eager to finish off. I went and had to finish the deed in bleady 5 minutes and I was not interested for more. Not even worth 1 k.

Please don't go with her.

There are several FR's about her long back. Not able to recollect her name.

If you try other chicks, do write an FR. Don't pay much for a ST. Keep it 4-5 k for this girls.



Hiee guys,

I got these pics from my known sp's. She was quoting 20k for full night 10k for short time. When I said I can pay 6k for short time she immediatley agreed without much argument. I am just surprised. I am attaching those pics. Kindly let me know if any one tried these gals? I got these pics from different SP's.

Give your feed back.

07-11-14, 02:40
Mates. I tend to monger in China / HK / ANZ. Visiting Bengaluru for a few nights later this month. What local delights (of the flesh kind) to explore near the ITC Gardenia?

In the past, I've brought girls into ITC / Leela hotels elsewhere. Is the Gardenia girl-friendly?

TIA. And have a good one!

07-11-14, 04:35
My gut feeling says that the girl might not be as good in real as it loooks in the photo, from past experiences. Do please post your experience for us.

Why don't we get such beautiful girls when we look for marriage. All good educated decent homely brides are either fatty or too much demanding.

I can even marry if I get a girl like her to live a disciplined husband for the rest of my life.

All fate. Girls don't know to respect true love. No wonder they end up in getting screwed / tasting many dicks.

Anyways dude please share the digits. If you help me then its first in que for next month quota.

07-11-14, 05:06

Visited the spa mentioned last week by one of the BM, the spa having a "unique" name.

Rates are fixed similar to any other B2 B place, but the rooms & girls are not up to the mark.


07-11-14, 07:28
Mates. I tend to monger in China / HK / ANZ. Visiting Bengaluru for a few nights later this month. What local delights (of the flesh kind) to explore near the ITC Gardenia?

In the past, I've brought girls into ITC / Leela hotels elsewhere. Is the Gardenia girl-friendly?

TIA. And have a good one!Bro. You know the tricks of the trade, way beyond advise. If they blend it and I'd at disposal. Should be a cakewalk with Leela, not sure on the ITC front.

Better bet would be to book a serviced apartment and load off, instead of your place of stay. Either ways, that's your judgement. Please keep the rates in check, they have sky rocketed.

Enjoy. Stay Safe. Bang Safe.

Man InLove 1
07-11-14, 07:36
One more pic of the gal I posted yesterday who is with puja.

One more gal also avail.

Guys please post fr after deed to whom all I have given her new number.

New members with no fr please domt pm me till you build a good rapport here.

07-11-14, 07:43

Could you tell me the modus operandi, to get girls up to your room at the Leela. There is always a security chap near the elevators?

Bro. You know the tricks of the trade, way beyond advise. If they blend it and I'd at disposal. Should be a cakewalk with Leela, not sure on the ITC front.

Better bet would be to book a serviced apartment and load off, instead of your place of stay. Either ways, that's your judgement. Please keep the rates in check, they have sky rocketed.

Enjoy. Stay Safe. Bang Safe.

07-11-14, 08:47
Mates. I tend to monger in China / HK / ANZ. Visiting Bengaluru for a few nights later this month. What local delights (of the flesh kind) to explore near the ITC Gardenia?

In the past, I've brought girls into ITC / Leela hotels elsewhere. Is the Gardenia girl-friendly?

TIA. And have a good one!Bro,

Be very careful taking girls to Gardenia. Strongly suggest you don't do it. Do you remember the software CEO getting busted there?? The cops were tipped off about it by the hotel staff. Here is the link.


07-11-14, 09:46
Thanks for sharing contact. Tried the red one. A total waste off money. Attitude is very bad. Place is very stinky. Guys a big no.

One more pic of the gal I posted yesterday who is with Puja.

One more gal also avail.

Guys please post fr after deed to whom all I have given her new number.

New members with no fr please domt pm me till you build a good report here.

07-11-14, 11:17
Hello friends.

Writing a FR after long long time. Though I had some minor mongering in the last few years but couldn't write FR. Lot of unexplained reasons which even I don't understand.

In the last 2-3 years I was in touch with some of the mongers through forum PM. Exchanged numbers with some of them also.

Finally though of writing a FR with some of my encounters in the garden city. 4 in last 1 year. Main reason for such low count is that I am not ready to waste more than 4-5 K (one shot) for OK type girls so thought of sticking to my porn movies (and use hand) instead of some half decent girl.

1. Rose and Angel: was curious to try them out after reading lot of FR. Paid 3 K. Experience was good though it was not FS. I told them that I would be having FS. But some times nice massage with happy ending seems better than FS. Overall good deal for 3 K. "Imraan, Don't know what your real name is but thanks anyway".

2. Suraj In North Bangalore: paid highest amount of my life 5 k for 1 shot. Girl was good looking not good attitude. OK experience but not OK for the price paid.

3. one SP in Kamannahalli: Paid 3 K for 1 girl. Short height, attitude not good, didn't want to chat, she was like fuck me and get out. So not good. I remember this SP asked for 5 K and was not ready to negotiate. I went to his place in kammanahalli from sahakarnagar after discussion and saying that I would pay 4 K only if the girl is good. He started asking 5 K saying 4 k is busy. I left the place and in 5 min got a call from him to come back.

4. had one no from some "orange Spa" guy in vidyaranyapuram. OK type girl 3 K. OK experience.

5. Swetha I also feel she might be converted Shemale. She gave me a relaxing massage though. No sex though she was very nice with me. Thtoal paid was 3 K +0. 5 K (this she added later after I reached her place saying it is room rent).

I am planning to continue this not going to budge attitude. So you might expect some FR in 4-5 months.

Happy mongering.


07-11-14, 11:29
Hello friends.

Writing a FR after long long time. Though I had some minor mongering in the last few years but couldn't write FR. Lot of unexplained reasons which even I don't understand.

In the last 2-3 years I was in touch with some of the mongers through forum PM. Exchanged numbers with some of them also.

Finally though of writing a FR with some of my encounters in the garden city. 4 in last 1 year. Main reason for such low count is that I am not ready to waste more than 4-5 K (one shot) for OK type girls so thought of sticking to my porn movies (and use hand) instead of some half decent girl.

1. Rose and Angel: was curious to try them out after reading lot of FR. Paid 3 K. Experience was good though it was not FS. I told them that I would be having FS. But some times nice massage with happy ending seems better than FS. Overall good deal for 3 K. "Imraan, Don't know what your real name is but thanks anyway".

2. Suraj In North Bangalore: paid highest amount of my life 5 k for 1 shot. Girl was good looking not good attitude. OK experience but not OK for the price paid.

3. one SP in Kamannahalli: Paid 3 K for 1 girl. Short height, attitude not good, didn't want to chat, she was like fuck me and get out. So not good. I remember this SP asked for 5 K and was not ready to negotiate. I went to his place in kammanahalli from sahakarnagar after discussion and saying that I would pay 4 K only if the girl is good. He started asking 5 K saying 4 k is busy. I left the place and in 5 min got a call from him to come back.

4. had one no from some "orange Spa" guy in vidyaranyapuram. OK type girl 3 K. OK experience.

5. Swetha I also feel she might be converted Shemale. She gave me a relaxing massage though. No sex though she was very nice with me. Thtoal paid was 3 K +0. 5 K (this she added later after I reached her place saying it is room rent).

I am planning to continue this not going to budge attitude. So you might expect some FR in 4-5 months.

Happy mongering.

Manna.Its sad to hear. From my experience in Bangalore, I really had a nice time in Bangalore, though it is little costly than Pune / Mumbai. Pl try gals in koramangala area. Nice service is avbl in that area.

07-11-14, 11:38
Lot of heated arguments going on in the forum for price hikes.

I personally feel that paying 10-15 K one shot is not always wrong, it is right if the girl is worth it.

And definitely most of the girl available here (contacts I am aware of) are not worth it.

Even the imported ones are not really worth more than 6-7 K. As they are available in the market only for their fair skin and not beauty.

07-11-14, 11:53

New to Bangalore mongering scene. Appreciate if senior members can assist with contacts of providers, WGs. I have PM facility.

Thanks in advance.


07-11-14, 11:58
Hi Bangalore,

Travelling to B next week for 4 days and will be staying somewhere near Indira nagar (never heard). If I get some information about available SPAs who offer extras, MP near this area or any other information for hot fun would be helpful. Please PM me.

Can help with Pune information in return if any one need.

Thanks and looking for good information.

Ace of Hearts
07-11-14, 12:13
Lot of heated arguments going on in the forum for price hikes.

I personally feel that paying 10-15 K one shot is not always wrong, it is right if the girl is worth it.

And definitely most of the girl available here (contacts I am aware of) are not worth it.

Even the imported ones are not really worth more than 6-7 K. As they are available in the market only for their fair skin and not beauty.I have never paid more than 5 for imported stuff. The 15 k a pop ones I have met were all starfish and had the pricing based on silly moneybags dying to instead of their service level or looks. People have paid 15-25 k mark to silver and big screen starlets.

But if you feel that this amount is justified to any self proclaimed model, it is a personal opinion.

I think not long ago, similar Assrtion on paying top bucks to outwardly trash girl has been debunked by few senior.

The dignity of women is one thing, but advocating that just any SW can expect exaggerated amount even though she looks at clock, rushes up, has a long No-No list, act like dead fish, low on hygiene, not a looker etc would surely be taken as pimping.

Just my 2 cents.

07-11-14, 12:17
Lot of heated arguments going on in the forum for price hikes.

I personally feel that paying 10-15 K one shot is not always wrong, it is right if the girl is worth it.

And definitely most of the girl available here (contacts I am aware of) are not worth it.

Even the imported ones are not really worth more than 6-7 K. As they are available in the market only for their fair skin and not beauty.Agree with you in some points.

Gals being discussed here isn't worth of 2 k also.

10-15 k for shot?? Its ok if beautiful gal is ready to spend full day with you. O else its nt worth of paying 15 k for one shot to any kind of gal.



07-11-14, 12:23
Dear Prem.

That was an old post.

I didn't try any of these gals.



Hi Bro,

A big no for that red outfit girl with tattoo.

She has so many marks on her body, she eats gutka. She smokes, her hole is very deep and wide. Does not enjoy sex. She is a time watcher and eager to finish off. I went and had to finish the deed in bleady 5 minutes and I was not interested for more. Not even worth 1 k.

Please don't go with her.

There are several FR's about her long back. Not able to recollect her name.

If you try other chicks, do write an FR. Don't pay much for a ST. Keep it 4-5 k for this girls.



07-11-14, 13:10
Lot of heated arguments going on in the forum for price hikes.

I personally feel that paying 10-15 K one shot is not always wrong, it is right if the girl is worth it.

And definitely most of the girl available here (contacts I am aware of) are not worth it.

Even the imported ones are not really worth more than 6-7 K. As they are available in the market only for their fair skin and not beauty.I know that still you can get good gal for around 3 K-4 K, even some of them are avbl for 2. 5 k for night. Search for Peter on crlist in Bangalore call girls section, morlika was avbl with him earlier. Try and let us know.

Jay Purohit
07-11-14, 13:15
Lot of heated arguments going on in the forum for price hikes.

I personally feel that paying 10-15 K one shot is not always wrong, it is right if the girl is worth it.

And definitely most of the girl available here (contacts I am aware of) are not worth it.

Even the imported ones are not really worth more than 6-7 K. As they are available in the market only for their fair skin and not beauty.I feel the same. I've seen people paying 20 k per night too. We got to keep things under control.


Rohit Thokya
07-11-14, 18:10
I am new to Bangalore and this site.

Can anyone please share good contacts?

Rohit Thokya
07-11-14, 18:44
don't go its a TRAPShe is not worth it. Don't go. Pics are fake.

07-11-14, 19:48
Its true people are desperate to get true experience here and there, but only few lucky ones get the good experience, if lucky from wife or from girl friend, but many won't get even they register to these sites, that's why people go and pay more money to get a True one time Experience, its a sad scenario for some.

07-11-14, 20:07
Happy to report my first outing. Thanks Gun4 fun, Deepublr and Shaboink for sharing the contacts and a very very thanks to Thuppaki for all the guidance and advise.

Thuppaki shared both a MP and a SP contact. I earlier called the SP contact Naveen and he didn't pick up earlier, but later asked 5 k. Mentally not prepared for a FS so declined it and call the uniq MP. Called and confirmed that services are as intended.

Went at 3, there were 4 girls, picked the best among the worst collection. She said her name was Pinky, very short petite girl, but had a good figure. No tummy and handful on top. Went to the room, though asked for massage, without doing any of massage started hugging and kissing. She was very accommodative and soon down the undies. Sucked her boobs and played with her body for a while, she was also seem to enjoy it, did a dry hump. After that I thought she reached out to do a BBBJ, and stopped to get the cover. Not sure what she thought, she refused to do CBJ after that. Didn't insist did a ok HJ and got out. Though an hour was promised she was hurrying me out in 15-20 minutes.

Place was a real turn off, a dump. Without current, it was like a dungeon.

There was another girl who just finished as I got on with her who looked better though.

Overall, for a first I cannot complain. Got what I wanted. And most importantly not got cheated thanks to this forum.

Total damage is 2 k for ms. 2 k tip and. 02 k for the room prep? Is that normal. He came and asked for it.

I am really looking forward for my next adventure. If you have any contact of any PM turned inde please share, like the girls photo shared yesterday. Greatly appreciate it.

Please pardon me for a long winding report. First time curiosity.

07-11-14, 21:02
Thank you for the overwhelming response folks. I am back now and I will respond to all the mails.

In the meanwhile, I have attached the pics that I had received. Quotes are fairly high. 40 k for one night. Can you beat it. I am not interested anyways. I have attached the pics for our fellow monger. Enjoy and shag!

Request: prices are highly inflated in Bangalore. Please do not pay more than what they deserve. Correction will happen automatically.




EDITOR's NOTE: This report was originally written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING and thus was edited to normal case text. Writing in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING in the internet equivalent of shouting and is thus is prohibited on this forum.

In the future, please do not write reports in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING. Thanks!

07-11-14, 23:07

Not sure how that was showing as latest, which made me comment. Sorry about that.

Dear Prem.

That was an old post.

I didn't try any of these gals.



07-12-14, 00:53
I also got same pic. Sp is quoting 6 k for one shot of this girl.

07-12-14, 02:30
Thank you for the overwhelming response folks. I am back now and I will respond to all the mails.

In the meanwhile, I have attached the pics that I had received. Quotes are fairly high. 40 k for one night. Can you beat it. I am not interested anyways. I have attached the pics for our fellow monger. Enjoy and shag!

Request: prices are highly inflated in Bangalore. Please do not pay more than what they deserve. Correction will happen automatically.




EDITOR's NOTE: This report was originally written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING and thus was edited to normal case text. Writing in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING in the internet equivalent of shouting and is thus is prohibited on this forum.

In the future, please do not write reports in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING. Thanks!Friend, am guessing you got the pics from SP Akhil or someone like that. Firstly, 40 k is a preposterous amount for any girl by any standards. Secondly, this very girl (I don't remember the name she goes by) was available with SPs in Mumbai and Pune for 3-4 k for ST. Please check those threads for details. All said and done, her service is said to be more than satisfactory. The SP agents keep circulating the same women from New Delhi to Chennai and hence it might help to keep tabs on these threads also at times. Cheers and play safe!

07-12-14, 04:41
Went Tuesday morning (since it's less crowded and easier to get an appointment). Got a 90 m appt with the short, fair Darjeeling girl. She has been well reviewed in this forum. Conversation was good and the massage was good, with touching at the right places. But strangely I was not aroused by this and found the whole experience boring. I have done this too many times in the last year, that I am starting to get bored with the whole routine.

Does anyone else have this problem? I'm thinking of taking a break from MPs.

Damage: 2.5+1 k.

WIR: Not sure.

07-12-14, 04:55
Unbelievable! Maybe we should have some ground rules on how to behave / what to say with the SPs. Many of the newbies get all excited and yak too much with them. I had a very similar experience and have lost a good contact forever.

I got the contact of this BSQ chick called Tina. She would do outcall only, have shower with you, massage+fondling+daty+69+FS for 3 k.

I had her thrice. Some fucker who I gave contact to, ruined it by telling her about ISG and my FR (I shared the contact with many people, so I don't even know who). She doesn't even reply to SMS anymore.

07-12-14, 05:26
Has it reopened? If not, any idea where the Bookstore girls are at now (especially K and I)?

Romeo Juliet
07-12-14, 05:27
Thank you for the overwhelming response folks. I am back now and I will respond to all the mails.

In the meanwhile, I have attached the pics that I had received. Quotes are fairly high. 40 k for one night. Can you beat it. I am not interested anyways. I have attached the pics for our fellow monger. Enjoy and shag!

Request: prices are highly inflated in Bangalore. Please do not pay more than what they deserve. Correction will happen automatically.




EDITOR's NOTE: This report was originally written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING and thus was edited to normal case text. Writing in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING in the internet equivalent of shouting and is thus is prohibited on this forum.

In the future, please do not write reports in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING. Thanks!I received same pics from a SP and the price was just 6 k for ST. I'm a newbie haven't even fucked once and I thought of giving her a try but then thought 6 k was too much and said no.

07-12-14, 05:37
I saw this same girl pic in busty spa whatsapp number.



Thank you for the overwhelming response folks. I am back now and I will respond to all the mails.

In the meanwhile, I have attached the pics that I had received. Quotes are fairly high. 40 k for one night. Can you beat it. I am not interested anyways. I have attached the pics for our fellow monger. Enjoy and shag!

Request: prices are highly inflated in Bangalore. Please do not pay more than what they deserve. Correction will happen automatically.




EDITOR's NOTE: This report was originally written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING and thus was edited to normal case text. Writing in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING in the internet equivalent of shouting and is thus is prohibited on this forum.

In the future, please do not write reports in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING. Thanks!

07-12-14, 05:52
Quotes are fairly high. 40 k for one night. Can you beat it. I am not interested anyways. I have attached the pics for our fellow monger. Enjoy and shag!

Request: prices are highly inflated in Bangalore. Please do not pay more than what they deserve. Correction will happen automatically.


M77Seriously 40 k or was it a typo! I know Bangalore prices are inflated but for 40 k her pussy must be made out of gold.

07-12-14, 07:14
Friend, am guessing you got the pics from SP Akhil or someone like that. Firstly, 40 k is a preposterous amount for any girl by any standards. Secondly, this very girl (I don't remember the name she goes by) was available with SPs in Mumbai and Pune for 3-4 k for ST. Please check those threads for details. All said and done, her service is said to be more than satisfactory. The SP agents keep circulating the same women from New Delhi to Chennai and hence it might help to keep tabs on these threads also at times. Cheers and play safe!Please be careful with this guy Akhil. He is a cheat. He shows great pictures and then the usual stuff of bringing some crap in a Maruti in the back seat and asking to choose one among the rubbish. He is a con. Go only to the contacts suggested by Senior members on this forum or get ready to be ripped off.

07-12-14, 07:15
Happy to report my first outing. Thanks Gun4 fun, Deepublr and Shaboink for sharing the contacts and a very very thanks to Thuppaki for all the guidance and advise.

Thuppaki shared both a MP and a SP contact. I earlier called the SP contact Naveen and he didn't pick up earlier, but later asked 5 k. Mentally not prepared for a FS so declined it and call the uniq MP. Called and confirmed that services are as intended.

Went at 3, there were 4 girls, picked the best among the worst collection. She said her name was Pinky, very short petite girl, but had a good figure. No tummy and handful on top. Went to the room, though asked for massage, without doing any of massage started hugging and kissing. She was very accommodative and soon down the undies. Sucked her boobs and played with her body for a while, she was also seem to enjoy it, did a dry hump. After that I thought she reached out to do a BBBJ, and stopped to get the cover. Not sure what she thought, she refused to do CBJ after that. Didn't insist did a ok HJ and got out. Though an hour was promised she was hurrying me out in 15-20 minutes...2 K as tip is not necessary. You could do with 0. 5 k to 1 k unless of course you are just blown away by the service / girl. Its a subjective thing.

07-12-14, 07:30
Friend, am guessing you got the pics from SP Akhil or someone like that. Firstly, 40 k is a preposterous amount for any girl by any standards. Secondly, this very girl (I don't remember the name she goes by) was available with SPs in Mumbai and Pune for 3-4 k for ST. Please check those threads for details. All said and done, her service is said to be more than satisfactory. The SP agents keep circulating the same women from New Delhi to Chennai and hence it might help to keep tabs on these threads also at times. Cheers and play safe!Certainly she used to showup with some SPs in Hyderabad as well. There were mixed reports about her in HYD forum, some reported she is good and some had bad experience. However as per hyd standards she used to be available for 5 K / hr.


07-12-14, 07:55
I also got same pic. Sp is quoting 6 k for one shot of this girl.Which SP dude, is it the same guy number ending with 565. He quoted 15 k for ST and finally came down to 12 k, don't think she's worth so much so told him to FO.


07-12-14, 07:58

Can you please tel which SP quoted you 40 k for this gal??

I got the same pics from SP, but he quoted 6 k for ST. Which I felt bit high and denied.

This gal isn't worth 40 k at all.



Thank you for the overwhelming response folks. I am back now and I will respond to all the mails.

In the meanwhile, I have attached the pics that I had received. Quotes are fairly high. 40 k for one night. Can you beat it. I am not interested anyways. I have attached the pics for our fellow monger. Enjoy and shag!

Request: prices are highly inflated in Bangalore. Please do not pay more than what they deserve. Correction will happen automatically...

Man InLove 1
07-12-14, 08:33
Guys, don't take the red dress girl as bad reviews from guys who took her service, seems she has arrogant attitide.

If any such stuff just walk out and don't take the services, I have blasted puja the SP regarding this.

One more pic of the gal I posted yesterday who is with puja.

One more gal also avail.

Guys please post fr after deed to whom all I have given her new number.

New members with no fr please domt pm me till you build a good rapport here.

07-12-14, 10:09
Thank you for the overwhelming response folks. I am back now and I will respond to all the mails.

In the meanwhile, I have attached the pics that I had received. Quotes are fairly high. 40 k for one night. Can you beat it. I am not interested anyways. I have attached the pics for our fellow monger. Enjoy and shag!

Request: prices are highly inflated in Bangalore. Please do not pay more than what they deserve. Correction will happen automatically.

Brethren, This girl in pink was in HYD and was quite a sensation, SP who was circulating her PICS as recent as January was quoting 8 K for ST and 15 K for LT. OMG where did 40 K come from.

I don't think she is worth 6 K+ leave alone 40 K. Stay Away and save your hard earned buck for a better hole.

So long. Happy Mongering weekend.

Stay Safe. Bang Safe.

07-12-14, 10:53
No ending with 699. Let me know if you want his no. I will PM you.

Which SP dude, is it the same guy number ending with 565. He quoted 15 k for ST and finally came down to 12 k, don't think she's worth so much so told him to FO.


Man InLove 1
07-12-14, 11:05
One of my non ISG friemd went allover from hebbal to jp nagar to see the blue dresss girl but piuja did not tell him she has left only had the red dress girl.

Blasted her for not telling this to me so I can post here.

She is best avoided as she is not good in her dealings.

Sorry to guys here please please call confirm and if girl is not as per your liking walkouit.

07-12-14, 11:21
Thanks a lot for the prompt post ManInLove1. This would save a lot of us folks a lot of trouble, apart from the money and of course, not to mention the KLPD.

Thanks again.

One of my non ISG friemd went allover from hebbal to jp nagar to see the blue dresss girl but piuja did not tell him she has left only had the red dress girl.

Blasted her for not telling this to me so I can post here.

She is best avoided as she is not good in her dealings.

Sorry to guys here please please call confirm and if girl is not as per your liking walkouit.

Jay Purohit
07-12-14, 11:23
Thank you for the overwhelming response folks. I am back now and I will respond to all the mails.

In the meanwhile, I have attached the pics that I had received. Quotes are fairly high. 40 k for one night. Can you beat it. I am not interested anyways. I have attached the pics for our fellow monger. Enjoy and shag!

Request: prices are highly inflated in Bangalore. Please do not pay more than what they deserve. Correction will happen automatically.


M7740 k for this lady? Dude, Back in 2011, I remember this lady being circulated by SPs in Pune (by then I wasn't aware of ISG). Never heard a gal being quoted 40 k in Pune in my 2 yearsof active mongering in Pune / Mumbai. She isn't actress / Model too. Don't waste your hard earned money. Instead you can spend on fair north Indes for 4-5 night with same amount.

Bangalore is getting very costly day on day.

Play safe guys. Happy mongering.


Jay Purohit
07-12-14, 11:28
One of my non ISG friemd went allover from hebbal to jp nagar to see the blue dresss girl but piuja did not tell him she has left only had the red dress girl.

Blasted her for not telling this to me so I can post here.

She is best avoided as she is not good in her dealings.

Sorry to guys here please please call confirm and if girl is not as per your liking walkouit.That's disgusting for any hungry johnny. Mere humiliation.

Man InLove. Love the way you are being helpful to the forum. Thanks bro.



07-12-14, 11:51
Thank you for the overwhelming response folks. I am back now and I will respond to all the mails.

In the meanwhile, I have attached the pics that I had received. Quotes are fairly high. 40 k for one night. Can you beat it. I am not interested anyways. I have attached the pics for our fellow monger. Enjoy and shag!

Request: prices are highly inflated in Bangalore. Please do not pay more than what they deserve. Correction will happen automatically.



Was just group hopping. Will be moving to Bangalore soon so thought must do some research before I monger in Blore. No offence, but the chick doesn't look beautiful either. Would never pay 40 K for this one. You get way more beautiful chicks in Delhi / Pune for just 4-5 K (per shot). Is Bangalore generally this expensive for chicks?

07-12-14, 12:10
She quotes 12 k fr 1 hour and 40 k fr night. Not my type. Any one interested, am willing 2 share digits.Is she working Independent or through SP?