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Member #4163
09-14-09, 22:14
My dear Axman 911

I do not agree with you. Let me put things in proper perspective. In the first place we are not talking about SWs here. Nobody needs a contact to get the services of SWs. You just visit a place, pay up and do the act. Why the hell do you need contacts?

When we talk of contacts, we are dealing with semi professionals or girls who do this for some extra money. These girls have a status in the society and are reluctunt to divulge their identity to each and every tom, dick and harry. So it is necessary that we need to protect them from the harrasment that they face if we pass their contacts to someone who is not careful or mature enough to understand the necessity to do so. If you think that every girl who is into this is a sw then I beg to disagree.

MGWell said. I completely agree with MG.

Bombay Guy
09-15-09, 04:24
I reckon a person who has developed contacts has every right to share them with the people he chooses to. It does take a lot of time and effort to develop a contact and indiscriminate sharing of contacts does have its share of complications.

09-15-09, 08:36
Nothing personal but if I may say without any prejudice ,JSF has helped me twice,without a frown,I presume he must be cooperating in the same manner with other mongereres too.

I therefore think it is incorrect to say he has an attitude problem.

Lastly, each to his own,if he does not wants to share a contact it is absolutely his sweet will and he or any other mongerer is under no obligation to share the contact.

We should accept and respect anyone's wish.

I also appeal to all let us put a lid to it and move on from here.

I reckon a person who has developed contacts has every right to share them with the people he chooses to. It does take a lot of time and effort to develop a contact and indiscriminate sharing of contacts does have its share of complications.

09-15-09, 15:36
JSF, I don't mean to be rude but you say that you have invested a lot of time, money, sweat, blood, tears, whatever in establishing your contacts. I think you should take a reality check and realize that you've scored a session with an SW and not discovered the remedy for global warming or the cure for AIDS. It's not the biggest deal on earth. Today if I met your contact and paid her 5k to change her phone number and keep her distance from you, I can bet she'd do it. You need to realize what kind of commercial enterprise you are dealing with here.
. Well I guess you ahve not had to lose a contact that you really liked just because you were a nice guy and gave it to all and sundry who asked for it.

Reality check. Check your posts. 14?? says a lot about you doesn't it. For a guy who will give my girl or anyone's girl 5k to change her number you are very poor in the experience department. Practically a pauper. Not trying to be Rude of course.

And from your post it is apparent that you dont lack english writing skills so I guess the conclusion is that you dont have any good contacts to write about or you are a selfish person who does not want to write about it because you might have to give the contact to every one who spams your in box. Since according to you everyone else is selfish and by implication you are not. Not trying to be Rude naturally.

Before trying not to be Rude think and then put pen to paper or fingers wherever on the keyboard as the case maybe mate if the hand are free of course.

Not trying to be Rude at all .



09-15-09, 15:54
Jsf and SatyaB

I must admit to being one of the "spammers" who wrote to JSF.

What about the folks that actually do Not have any interesting anecdotes to share?
Those are the kind who need to go out find some SW and write about their experience so that we know they are genuine mongers.

Is this a Site meant solely for the ones that are already kneck-deep in 'mongering'? My take is, that those who are, don't need this Site anyways, because they are in too deep and well enough dug in the domain to have some A, B or C or whatever. Ready for a quick lay at short call.

I think there Must be some other way to assess genuineness of a request or of a person who's joined up here and insistence on public posts can be done away with. how pray tell. Shall we ask them to cross their fingers and hope to die? Pity we wont be able to see if they actually crossed their fingers beacasue we cant see them in front of us. Maybe if they post their experiences they will gain creidibility? just a thought.

One way would be to exchange contacts and recounts through PM. I for one recall having specifically indicated to the 3 or 4 Seniors to whom I PM-ed, that I would be happy to share whatever little info I Do have, in exchange for their help. Infact I did too, hoping to demonstrate bona-fides by giving the first information. Fair enough, I thought. A private forum within forum you mean. Then we will only have guys asking for contacts on the forum. The rest will be exchanging their experiences with only those they fancy I guess. Hey Satya I met blah blah blah. Hey Mumbai guy I met blah blah blah. Just example Satya and Mumbai Guy. That would mean that only the guys you want something from (contact perhaps) will get to benefit from your experience. the rest can go jump in a lake or two.

But if pinging posts on open forum is a must-do, then that is more than a little sad. Sad?? that is the reason why the forum is still alive. Can you imagine just requests for contacts on the forum. How long would you like to read the requests? a day a month a year? Remember we wont have any FRs as per your idea. SAD

I would like to identify share-able people through their style of writing, the overall feel of the post etc. This I think can be guaged even through PM. Why numerous must-do public postings? In due course, one may get much more comfortable and get it out to public posts, but thats not a Forum prescription or is it? OK. Sigh.!!!! You have me there. Although all this time I thought I knew that the forum was for helping genuine mongers enjoy some variety. And towards that end we used to post FRs about the girls we met and how they were in the sack. And reading the FR the genuine mongers would send a pm asking for the contact and we would share it with them. Remember the key word here is Genuine. Those who have 5-10-15 posts asking for contacts or criticising others do not qualify as genuine monger.

Tell me what the forum is here for. What is the prescription. Educate us.

There is no question of denigrating anyone as a pimp or whatever, this is a great portal idea whose time had come etc etc- the concept of fairness and sharing is well understood.

Also appreciated that every "discovery" takes a lot of time/resources and so should not be freely sprinkled away.

To answer the Bard. A Post by another name (public or PM), would still smell the same.

Still looking for my first Real help from here.

I'm Thank god for small mercies. The Bard will RIP after you generous concession. But perhaps you should go back to the drawing board and start thinking. Maybe if you do as we do (post FRs on the forum) it might actually result in some good contacts coming your way. Dont laugh. Funnier things have happened. Ask those guys who got the contact from me. They contributed they got. Those who dont contribute dont get it. got it? dont get it



It was fun. Keep it up mate. I love debates.

09-15-09, 17:43

This is my first post here so I am certainly a junior. I think we should all stop this bickering over sharing contacts. If some seniors want to follow certain norms before they share contacts, then its their right. I think developing such contacts does take some effort and it must pay off for them.

On The Wings
09-15-09, 18:40
Could not stomach this and the way the Postings and counter Postings (I won't say that they are arguments and they don't Merit to be called as arguments) are being carried out by JSF and others. Though it all started out with the posting of JSF (who came out with his big drummer anouncing the arrival of the infamous lady under question) and eventually who is bound to reply for the postings by other menbers, its a big fun and surprise to see the replies of few other positngs who joined the Lady Wagon. Like " hard earned conatcts", "it took days and months", "the money and time spent", babre, what a herculain task all these guys had done & the pride boasted by few. Pooh. Pooh. I wonder what they will say if they really attempt one such deed in their life and its fearsome to imagine the trouble and upper handedness these guys might unleash on others. If they really did accomplish something worthy. Because that much smoke is bellowing out but as a matter of fact there is no fire within. Thats true.

I too don't want to stretch this further, this silly act (as mentioned by one member). Now, whoever had raised his Drum (I meant the Drum only) in favour of and against the lady of JSF (now this issue must be perceived from this point only)-must put their contributions/recent venture/ new potentials-which could be more meanigful to be a monger and a member of ISG-and very certainly here comes my report. Follows.

09-15-09, 20:10
Shakespeare posed a question along those lines (similar question I mean).

I was recently asked by a zero poster to let him have the contact of the young independant lady I have been posting about. Not getting a reply he sent me another one and a third one. Finally I replied and told him in no uncertain words that since he is a non poster I cannot pass on the contact.


Send me pm asking for contacts only if you have a posting history. My inbox cannot stand the strainHi,

It was irresistable not to join the debate and support my old friend JSF.

This is a free forum meant to share info of the like minded people keeping in mind the safety of the service providers and also of ourselves. The only way to distinguish a regular monger from a ME or non poster is to see his reports. I think it is fair on the part of JSF to decline to non posters. Read the forum and go, venture out , share your experience and then ask for favours from seniors. That is the way it should be.

I am with you mate, JSF. good to see you back in action and your writing skills have only improved over a period of time.

Thanks for your sms and hope my friend has contacted you and had a good time with non other than 5k lady. I will see in few days time here and will share the experience in person.

Take care..

09-15-09, 20:25
Dear Friends

Well that hot chick monica who had Navalkar Lane burning has relocated top khar.

So guys don't seek her at navalkar, instead just go to khar.

She is now being quoted at 2.3


Keep mongering

09-16-09, 02:37
Here comes another one 10-15 post man And what beautiful insight. A voice to be heard. A voice of Reason. No Bickering mates.

By the way I am looking forward to your solution to global warming and cure for AIDS since that is probably why you came to this forum. Not the wisest choice of forums mate but then what can anyone say about wanderers. They come they go as they please and they try their best to change the world. Like you aer trying to change the forum before you leave it. That is if you came here by mistake. If you came here to talk about mongering then you are welcome mate. Lets hear your tales of mongering.

Dear Senior Mongers. Just pass all your contacts to guys like this who have never posted their experiences. Just take a chance. He might, eventually, turn out to be a genuine monger and not a jerk who jerks off when he calls up the lady you gave him the contact for. He might not be the jerk who will pass on your hard earned contact to other jerks in "Exchange" for another contact.

Sadly we will not know because he never posts his experiences for us to be able to judge. And the reason why he does not post his experiences? perhaps he does not want to share the contact with genuine mongers Unless they give him something in return.

He might not be the guy who will pay your girl money to change her number so that you can never contact her again. Stranger things have happened so perhaps we can give them (14 post posters) a benefit of doubt until all our contacts are distributed and perhaps ruined. The ladies change their numbers, after being harrassed out of their skull, or after being paid to change their number so that you cannot contact them again.

And about the idea of sharing experiences over the pm. Just a thought. How will we be able to tell who the genuine mongers are who we can share the experiences with????

The genuine mongers will not be posting on the forum, according to this idea, right? So in effect we will be left with only guys who want contacts who will be posting on the forum. And we will have to select from those guys to send our experiences by PM to. What a thrill for the zero poster to get a pm from a genuine monger telling him how he enjoyed with a particular lady. And another thing.

How will you be able to send your experience to 2000 odd members? Will you be selective? but wait you dont like us senior members being selective about who to send the contact to. So obviously you wont be like us. And obviously you will send the contacts as well to all 2000 plus members of the forum.

You will be pretty busy mate. the forum allows only 200 pm. So you will have to be quick, you will have to be nimble like Jack in the nursery rhyme.
Good luck mate.

For those who do not like reading FRs on the forum there is an easy way out instead of trying to flame genuine contributers. Just put us on ignore list then you wont be bothered with our posts and experiences ever.

The debate is getting interesting. drum rolls :) Hope the stomach is ok now..


Could not stomach this and the way the Postings and counter Postings (I won't say that they are arguments and they don't Merit to be called as arguments) are being carried out by JSF and others. Though it all started out with the posting of JSF (who came out with his big drummer anouncing the arrival of the infamous lady under question) and eventually who is bound to reply for the postings by other menbers, its a big fun and surprise to see the replies of few other positngs who joined the Lady Wagon. Like " hard earned conatcts", "it took days and months", "the money and time spent", babre, what a herculain task all these guys had done & the pride boasted by few. Pooh. Pooh. I wonder what they will say if they really attempt one such deed in their life and its fearsome to imagine the trouble and upper handedness these guys might unleash on others. If they really did accomplish something worthy. Because that much smoke is bellowing out but as a matter of fact there is no fire within. Thats true.

I too don't want to stretch this further, this silly act (as mentioned by one member). Now, whoever had raised his Drum (I meant the Drum only) in favour of and against the lady of JSF (now this issue must be perceived from this point only)-must put their contributions/recent venture/ new potentials-which could be more meanigful to be a monger and a member of ISG-and very certainly here comes my report. Follows.

Bombay Guy
09-16-09, 05:56
Dear Friends

Well that hot chick monica who had Navalkar Lane burning has relocated top khar.

So guys don't seek her at navalkar, instead just go to khar.

She is now being quoted at 2.3


Keep mongeringHi,

Is she at the place opp McDonalds or some other place ? Could you give directions if it is some other place.


09-16-09, 06:09

Don't waste your time on the likes of OTW and the 911. They are just being the trolls they are.

All the Best

Take Care


09-16-09, 10:15

I need a hotel in navi Mumbai around vashi. Where I can take some one.

Any one can guide. Has to be safe and also allow 2 hrs or so.

09-16-09, 11:33

JSF Sir, we all know your value and the same is not going to diminish if you decide not to prolong the debate any further.

Take care!



Don't waste your time on the likes of OTW and the 911. They are just being the trolls they are.

All the Best

Take Care


Satya B
09-16-09, 13:00


It is good suggestion to share our contacts freely to our 14 poster friend who is more worried about global warming & finding solution in ISG forum. But when I tried to send all my contacts thru PM I found that he has no PM facility, for that again we have to contribute Re.1 from 1000 members. Instead I would suggest to ask him his address & send the girls to his address turn by turn as he is very busy with global warming problem & may not get time to read PM sent to him.

In my opinion, now we must stop waisting our time to discuss on the issue because aim behind raising this issue was the distruction of the purpose of this forum.

Just neglect silly coments of insane person.



09-16-09, 14:52

Is she at the place opp McDonalds or some other place ?

ThanksHi BG

No its not Mcdonalds. This place is accessible from sv road. Once you come out form Khar station on the 2nd road (I hope thats what its called) you will see a police chowkie on sv road signal, keep going and make the first left after that signal. Its next to a tailor shop, you are bound to see some pimps hanging around.

Its on the first floor.

My contact told me that there is another Monica type girl the called "ruby" will check her out and kepp you posted

Happy hunting

Bombay Guy
09-16-09, 15:48
This debate/discussion seems to be turning into a slanging match - something this forum is definitely not meant for.

09-16-09, 16:30
This is just a waste of time and bandwidth. If you notice most of the 10-15 posters have joined in and raised their voice on this issue so obviously they all are hoping this guy's diatribe will get the results in their favor. Well they can but hope. My stance will not change.

I usually dont respond to general posts like this. But when someone addresses me directly in his post then I think it is Rude not to reply and that is the reason why I bothered. Otherwise I would not have.

The only thing they dont realise is that by this flaming they have sort of ruined their own reputation.

I usually go through posts of guys before I pass on the contact, even posts of those who have only 5 or 10 or 15 posts to see if they have any decent posts. if all they have done is ask for contacts I ignore them. On the other hand if they have even 2-3 good posts I make an exception. And I am sure other seniors also do the same. They pass on contacts to guys who show some promise of becoming good mongers and contributers.

I am sure the guy who got the contact from me before this debate started yesterday will vouch for it. He is a 10-15 poster but he had 3 good posts right in the beginning of his career at the ISG. So I gave him the contact because I am sure he will post his FR when he meets her. You will wont you mate? You know who you are.

As far as I am concerned this issue is over unless one of zero posters wants this debate to go on. I am indifferent either way. I can continue or not depends on them

Cheers mate




It is good suggestion to share our contacts freely to our 14 poster friend who is more worried about global warming & finding solution in ISG forum. But when I tried to send all my contacts thru PM I found that he has no PM facility, for that again we have to contribute Re.1 from 1000 members. Instead I would suggest to ask him his address & send the girls to his address turn by turn as he is very busy with global warming problem & may not get time to read PM sent to him.

In my opinion, now we must stop waisting our time to discuss on the issue because aim behind raising this issue was the distruction of the purpose of this forum.

Just neglect silly coments of insane person.



Anand Nag
09-16-09, 17:11
Recently visited Go.... in panvel. All the past good ones were not to be seen and new ones were there. Had a beer and kept sitting for some time but the quality it seems has gone down as fear of police raids etc is ther and it seems swine flue has also taken a toll.

Any way for time pass sake took a gils 'ishu' for a short time session.

Good body but falling short on service - tried to run off half way.

Pissed off, and went back to my hotel room and slept off.

Damage 2100 , Girl 1300, 500 AC room, 200 waiter etc.

Anand Nag
09-16-09, 17:15
I had been rteading comments on this topic since last one hour.

Kind of agree that contacts should be shared only with people whome you can rely for not making the contact bad. But it is a difficult task, I for one have not posted much on this site. Kind of neglected it. Am not even a paying member. But this debate make me feel that I must submit more and then expect some help in sharing.

Keep up the good job seniors.


This is just a waste of time and bandwidth. If you notice most of the 10-15 posters have joined in and raised their voice on this issue so obviously they all are hoping this guy's diatribe will get the results in their favor. Well they can but hope. My stance will not change.

I usually dont respond to general posts like this. But when someone addresses me directly in his post then I think it is Rude not to reply and that is the reason why I bothered. Otherwise I would not have.

The only thing they dont realise is that by this flaming they have sort of ruined their own reputation.

I usually go through posts of guys before I pass on the contact, even posts of those who have only 5 or 10 or 15 posts to see if they have any decent posts. if all they have done is ask for contacts I ignore them. On the other hand if they have even 2-3 good posts I make an exception. And I am sure other seniors also do the same. They pass on contacts to guys who show some promise of becoming good mongers and contributers.

I am sure the guy who got the contact from me before this debate started yesterday will vouch for it. He is a 10-15 poster but he had 3 good posts right in the beginning of his career at the ISG. So I gave him the contact because I am sure he will post his FR when he meets her. You will wont you mate? You know who you are.

As far as I am concerned this issue is over unless one of zero posters wants this debate to go on. I am indifferent either way. I can continue or not depends on them

Cheers mate


[QUOTE=Satya B]

Mumbai Guy
09-16-09, 17:41
Dear JSF Your decision is absolutely right my friend. Just ignore the spammers who want to increase their posts by creating a controversy and go on raising dust hoping to get their way. My dear friend, me and most of the senior members on this forum know you and your stature as a friend and guide when it comes to mongering experience. So it is in the interest of all of us that we ignore these guys and get on with the main purpose of this forum. however shrill they may shout and cry we all know you and none of this mudslinging is going to change our opinion about you.

Cheers mate...

09-16-09, 18:51
Went to Sheesh Mahal & congress house. Saw around 40-50 ladies combined but not my types. Then went to Voodoo, it was a Friday night and I was expecting good fun. There were around 15-20 girls around 10 pm, and most of them looked like rejected bar girls. Totally disappointed and came back. In andheri read some reports about lotus petrol pump, and started searching this place. The rick walas told that this place was closed. Dejected cam bak and met a pimp, who told about a Hi fi place in seven bungalows. I also read about this place somewhere. So went there about 1 am. The local pimp there asked us to come back after half an hour. Went back there by 1.30 and he showed 4 girls. And he quoted 12k, and I selected one called reena, bengali, for 8k. Good service, but not worth more than 5k. While coming back I happen to see another girl, very nice. The pimp told her name is susmita, and she charges 15k.

Next day. Went to brightness parlour, no selection and came out. There is another parlour, 2-3 shops away from brightness in the same lane, sneha parlour. The manager told he has young girls and he showed me, and there were 3 igrls and they were really young must be around 20. Selected one girl, don't remember the name, she claimed she was from mangalore. Good figure but too young for a good service.1.5k. Then took a train went directly to nerul. Went to white house, it was around 5 pm, and I think I was the first customer, and all the girls- around 15 were lurking at me. I told the pimp I will come later and went to panvel. Visited gopika and suncity bar, the pimps there were too pushy and the girls also not up to the mark. Came back to whitehouse and it was around 9pm and it was lookign like a disco, around 40 girls and most of them dancing. The pimp recognised me and tried to sell one girl, he was almost kissing my ears. I had to take that girl, because whichever I chose seemed to be busy, or told as sch. Her name was rathi, marvadi, good chubby girl, ok service. 1.5k for gal, 0.5k for room and around 0.5 for the bar, pimp etc. And the auto wala charged 50 rs for the trip to hotel which was not even 50 mts.

Other day saw a ad on TOI, saying air hostesses, russians available.

Called up that nbr fixed a appt at bandra, the pimp came with a Russian and a indian gal, said ok for the Russian gal, because its been a long time since I went with a foreign gal. Paid 7.5k (6k for gal, 1k for room, 500 for pimp)

After entering the room, she told me, that her boobs are really small.

I said I can't do anything now, since I paid already. But I've to say his is the least quality Russian I've gone with.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Pat Gera
09-16-09, 19:50
I do not agree to any of the posts about passing on contacts freely. As a matter of fact, JSF has passed on contacts to me without any prejudice when I proved to be a genuine monger to him. I think there is a reason behind diligence in sharing contacts considering the characters of some people who ruin the purpose of mongering when contacts are shared.

I too started off as a newbie and am having good contact in Mumbai (ofcourse) due to some great guys who could pass on info.


This is just a waste of time and bandwidth. If you notice most of the 10-15 posters have joined in and raised their voice on this issue so obviously they all are hoping this guy's diatribe will get the results in their favor. Well they can but hope. My stance will not change.

[QUOTE=Satya B]

09-16-09, 20:38
Hi Coolshag,

Cool report.Can you please share more precise location / name of this MP.Just take an auto from goregaon west and ask for bangur nagrr signal. its on the right hand side(3-4 shops from the signal). a very clean place. it just started 2 weeks back. like a 5 star hotel. probably coz its new. try the jaquizzi. most palces dont have his. they will quote for Rs.1500 for massage and jaquizzi, but will give both for 1200.

Cool Nomad
09-17-09, 02:19
Greetings from Houston!
How are you my friend? I was kinda UTR for the last couple of years and was scrolling the boards after a long.. long time. Tried sending you an e-mail and it bounced back. Anyway, I will PM you pretty soon. There is a good chance that I will be stationed in DXB for a couple of years. I will know in the next couple of weeks. Keep in touch. My e-mail is still good.
Seems like you got into some controversy...

Take care & Cheers!

09-17-09, 06:48
I agree. And duly apologize. All rules are "assumed" and very few can be "enforced", so there.

Amen. RIP.

Will try post some good exps.

Here's one:

This one is about a MP thats certainly more than just a MP at J. You opposite H. Y I. N (a joint that was famous for the movie parties at one point. Still happens). This Hotel RG is allegedly a 4* but should not be given more than a 3* rating as a hotel.

All the rooms on the top floor (adjoining a gym etc) are typically small and functional. But there is central AC, nice soft music, aroma oils burning. So makes life more comfortable. The sauna and gym are also functional and nice. The towels could be cleaner though. And you need to ask for fresh soap bars.

Had taken a membership for 10 (Ten) 1-hour sessions for 10K (discount!. Usually its about 1.8/2K per session normally), with any of the four/five gals there + the usual steam/sauna added to the deal.

Over a period of about 5/6 weeks, visited the place intermittently and tried out four of the gals.

There is a plump wheatish gal (aggressive, big b. Bs, permits finger-play, open to go out. Not tried) a thin dark one (no good! ), one plump-ish fair gal (very professional, no-nonsense, permits all but sx, open to go out. Not tried). All are happy to take 5/7 Hundred. For 1K, they'll do CBJ/DT happily.

But the best there was a chinky gal who was there for about 3 or 4 weeks I think. Her name was R. Y and her skin fair and peachy and to die for! Visited her twice

Second time around she softened up and gave it how I like! Her hands were like bird-feathers and could suddenly turn vice-like when holding the rod! After the initial hesitation which lasted 60 mts, I requested for extension by a further 60 mts (Discounted time! ), she was happy to allow fondling (milky white, small ink buttons for nips), fingering (soft, soft, brown-black bush which I think will Never require a shave. The smell of mild perfume (or must just be my Head! ) and also give a DT CBJ.

Extra 1K tip to her.

Was dying to properly do her. Asked for her number/go out. She said no, can't, don't, won't blah. But promised to give her number next time I went since she'd applied in the hair salon at Hotel Intercontinental, airport. But I missed her by a week's time. Lost her since. Maybe someone has seen her in that place?

Next time, will write about a 5* near the airport and a couple of nice ones there. Some info have shared with a few Seniors already!

One hereby submits to the rules of the 'rulers', to unfreeze the frozen ones!


This is just a waste of time and bandwidth. If you notice most of the 10-15 posters have joined in and raised their voice on this issue so obviously they all are hoping this guy's diatribe will get the results in their favor. Well they can but hope. My stance will not change.

I usually dont respond to general posts like this. But when someone addresses me directly in his post then I think it is Rude not to reply and that is the reason why I bothered. Otherwise I would not have.

The only thing they dont realise is that by this flaming they have sort of ruined their own reputation.

I usually go through posts of guys before I pass on the contact, even posts of those who have only 5 or 10 or 15 posts to see if they have any decent posts. if all they have done is ask for contacts I ignore them. On the other hand if they have even 2-3 good posts I make an exception. And I am sure other seniors also do the same. They pass on contacts to guys who show some promise of becoming good mongers and contributers.

I am sure the guy who got the contact from me before this debate started yesterday will vouch for it. He is a 10-15 poster but he had 3 good posts right in the beginning of his career at the ISG. So I gave him the contact because I am sure he will post his FR when he meets her. You will wont you mate? You know who you are.

As far as I am concerned this issue is over unless one of zero posters wants this debate to go on. I am indifferent either way. I can continue or not depends on them

Cheers mate


[QUOTE=Satya B]

Bombay Guy
09-17-09, 07:22

No its not Mcdonalds. This place is accessible from sv road. Once you come out form Khar station on the 2nd road (I hope thats what its called) you will see a police chowkie on sv road signal, keep going and make the first left after that signal. Its next to a tailor shop, you are bound to see some pimps hanging around.

Its on the first floor.

My contact told me that there is another Monica type girl the called "ruby" will check her out and kepp you posted

Happy huntingHi Maverick,

Thanks a lot for the directions. Will check it out.


Bombay Guy
09-17-09, 07:40

No its not Mcdonalds. This place is accessible from sv road. Once you come out form Khar station on the 2nd road (I hope thats what its called) you will see a police chowkie on sv road signal, keep going and make the first left after that signal. Its next to a tailor shop, you are bound to see some pimps hanging around.

Its on the first floor.

My contact told me that there is another Monica type girl the called "ruby" will check her out and kepp you posted

Happy huntingHi Maverick,

Quick question - is this by any chance the old Sheesh Mahal ? I was told that it was operational again.


Zen Redstone
09-17-09, 09:17
I agree with Zen.Let me add a recent vashi experience.
..........experts to guide.Gents,

Entire stretch from Panvel to Thane has something to offer.

Below are few which could recollect easily ,but there are many more across the creek.

Panvel - G*pik* & Su*cit*
Belapur - Nigh*ang*e
Nerul - Whi*e H*use ,Pratee*sha ,Kul*aj
Sanpada & Vashi -At*thi & ,Kap*l
Turbhe and beyond towards Thane -Rasn* ,Sad*n*nd ,Nig*t bir*
Turbhe & beyond towards Kalyan - R*ythm H*use ,T** l ,
Damages between 1300 to 3000



09-17-09, 12:45
Hi Maverick,

Quick question - is this by any chance the old Sheesh Mahal ? I was told that it was operational again.

ThanksYou re dead right, if you get a chance to take Ruby please post your report


Peter Patros
09-17-09, 13:30
JSF has given me an excellent contact; the lady in question, who is a great performer, has high respect for him. He can not afford to ruin it all by passing numbers to peple he does not really know. Don't foregt, the ladies can get turned off very easily if they start getting the wrong kind of calls..

I do not agree to any of the posts about passing on contacts freely. As a matter of fact, JSF has passed on contacts to me without any prejudice when I proved to be a genuine monger to him. I think there is a reason behind diligence in sharing contacts considering the characters of some people who ruin the purpose of mongering when contacts are shared.

I too started off as a newbie and am having good contact in Mumbai (ofcourse) due to some great guys who could pass on info.


[QUOTE=JustSumFun]This is just a waste of time and bandwidth. If you notice most of the 10-15 posters have joined in and raised their voice on this issue so obviously they all are hoping this guy's diatribe will get the results in their favor. Well they can but hope. My stance will not change.

09-17-09, 15:42
Hiya mate. Good to hear from you. Well I thought you must be visiting dubai like the old times. Guess you stopped coming a couple of years after I left dubai. I am now settled in Mumbai. but I do pop over to dubai for a day or two once in a while on official business, like you used to do. So if you are going to be stationed there I will give you a shout. I am putting my email address on the pm so we can correspond in a more private way.

Still have your number... Is it still the same?



The controversy. Yeah well seems like someone cooled down so there is no controversy anymore.

Mumbai Guy: Thanks mate. I am always cool. Until someone tries to attack me. Had to respond cos he addressed me directly. Anyways seems like things have cooled down so I wont start the debate again. Cheers

Greetings from Houston!
How are you my friend? I was kinda UTR for the last couple of years and was scrolling the boards after a long.. long time. Tried sending you an e-mail and it bounced back. Anyway, I will PM you pretty soon. There is a good chance that I will be stationed in DXB for a couple of years. I will know in the next couple of weeks. Keep in touch. My e-mail is still good.
Seems like you got into some controversy...

Take care & Cheers!

Black Python
09-17-09, 22:31
Three days back i went to this bandra mcdonalds incall along with one of my friend. The place is bang opposite Mcdonalds and u gotta search for this very dark entrance. There are 3-4 pimps sitting outside and u can easily recognise them.

We were escorted to the first floor of a building there. I told the pimp i would be paying 3k max, he was asking for 3.5k ST.

Showed a lineup of 5 girls...2 were pretty good. Asked him to show more girls and he got 1 more in there who was a 7/10 easy. Wheatish and nice slim body. I selected her and was given a nice AC room.

Had a chat for 5 mins and started with a nice smooch. She had lovely mango like tits and a nice arse. Tried 2-3 positions and finished after 45 mins, was drunk and hence had a nice long session. Also have to mention, she gives an amazing bbbj.

Overall i felt it was worthwhile. 3k for 1 shot might be slightly high but u get what u pay for.

Girl - 7/10
body - 8/10
service - 8/10
room - 7/10

Oh and her name is SHIKHA.


Black Python
09-17-09, 22:34
You re dead right, if you get a chance to take Ruby please post your report

ThanksGood to know that the Khar sheesh mahal is up and back in business. Will find time to visit this place soon and post my experience.

What kind of rates can i expect here mate?


Anand Nag
09-18-09, 04:14
Day before yesterday, called up a old provider and went to a incall place near the khar area.

This provider was earlier active in Colaba but since long closed now reopened a new incall place in khar area. As expected a good place but limited choice of girls. Got to call him earlier for better quality. From the lineup picked a tall fair girl, sunny and booked for two session 3 hours.

Good session, CBH, Loghts on, allowed photos (nude too while performing), and had great 3 rounds as had her orgasm repeatedly. Good fair body, GFE.

Damages: 5000. + tips to waiter etc.

Quality : 7/10
Service : 8/10

09-18-09, 07:44
No its not Mcdonalds. This place is accessible from sv road. Once you come out form Khar station on the 2nd road (I hope thats what its called) you will see a police chowkie on sv road signal, keep going and make the first left after that signal. Its next to a tailor shop, you are bound to see some pimps hanging around.

Its on the first floor.
My contact told me that there is another Monica type girl the called "ruby" will check her out and kepp you posted
Happy hunting

Bombay Guy, This is the earstwhile infamous Sheesh Maal .. Should be very easy to find out. If you want their number lemme know vide pm.

09-18-09, 15:26

Today went to this famous MP in Thakur Village, Kandivali- E. I asked for Swati since I always had a good experience with her. But she was busy and I had to select Priya. Experience was good. AC was working! I must say this place has become really very famous. I went there assuming that odd day so not much waiting. But as I said Swati was already busy and I could hear many voices when I was in cabin. Priya was good, not in hurry. Average looking but nice body and attitude. Proceeded with usual MP stuff. Kissing, sucking and caressing and all that. Then CBJ (used to get BBBJ there, but Priya informed that its stopped). Overall good experience.



09-18-09, 21:35

If anybody arranging week-end parties, please let me know. I am interested.


Mumbai Guy
09-19-09, 03:18
I know a few in chembur. PM me if you are interested, as it is risky to post the details on the open forum.


Hi All,

Want to know Decent GF hotels in Chembur or Bandra.

Appreciate your inputs.



09-19-09, 04:25
Well. I am one more who would vouch for the J*** again.

Thanks to JSF to provide the digits and trust me. It is definately a worthwhile experince to have.

The girl is no fuss girl. Intelligent for sure. As that is one think I look in girl when I am paying a bit more. But once I met here I think it was money worth spent. Would recommend any time.

My ratings. Won't matter as you have seen a lot already. But definately would be 9/10 in everything.

Cheers. And thanks JSF.

09-19-09, 04:53
Yes, it has become quiet famous because of the quality service which they provide. Sw*ti is indeed the best there. I use to visit it frequently earlier but stopped it because of no new girls. Is Kaj*l back?

Directions -

This MP is in Thakur Village. Take Right from the Thakur circle (after fame cinema). You have to ask for directions to Go*dec*a School. It is on the same lane as the school is. 3rd Shop on your right as you enter the lane. Before this parlour there is a Hukka joint. Just next to this hukka joint is the parlour. You can identify it as it is a door with curtains as most parlours are.

Damages -

Counter - 500

Min. Tip - 500

Total - 1000

But worth the money.


Today went to this famous MP in Thakur Village, Kandivali- E. I asked for Swati since I always had a good experience with her. But she was busy and I had to select Priya.


09-19-09, 05:00
I had visited to another parlour in Thakur Village. It is before the famous parlour which DJNasha is talking. The parlour is called R*cha It is newly opened. They allow full sex in the parlour. When I had gone it was Sunday and only 3 girls where available. All were between 3 and 4 / 10. Did not take any because of the looks and figure.


Take right from Thakur Circle (after fame cinemas). This parlour on the same lane on your right side after you take right from Thakur Cirlce. Keep moving, you will see one Bank and then a couple of restaurants. After all that you will see a Full Black Glass Door and a board called "Ric*a Beauty Parlour Ladies and Gents" Outside the parlour there is a tree and a Panwalla shop attached to the tree.


Rs. 400 - For half Service
Rs. 800 - For full service
Rs. 1200 - for full service with sex

Rs.800 and Rs.1200 can be negotiated to Rs.600 and Rs.900

Post your experience if any one visits there.


Today went to this famous MP in Thakur Village, Kandivali- E. I asked for Swati since I always had a good experience with her. But she was busy and I had to select Priya.


Member #4163
09-19-09, 07:19
Hi guys,

Please refrain from giving directions in an open forum. Use the PM facility instead.

The MP in question is constantly under the police scanner and if directions are posted openly, it will have more crowd than the usual. It is a proper residential place. So they would be forced to relocate if the Society pressurized them to do so, because of unwarranted attention.

There have also been instances wherein the police has entered and asked for hafta from the customers inside.


Dude 69
09-19-09, 12:20
Hey how does one get in touch with him?

I am from Pedder rd and would like to get in touch with him.

Any ideas?


Any one knows about. Mangesh from pedder road who was having good pvt. Contact and lotsof item available with him from4k to 25k. If any one having his contact than PM.
Yes, I know him.

Also taken service throw him.===============================================

Greetings Dude 69,

Here's how you can contact other members:

1. Buy a subscription.

2. Send them a Private Message.

For more information, please read: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-subscriptions.php?


Dude 69
09-19-09, 12:36
Great assets mate.

Hi guys the lady I have been "advertising" has sent me a few of her pictures. I am posting two of them as the others would identify her and mark her. So hope you guys like what she has sent me.



Dude 69
09-19-09, 12:39
Non-English text deleted by Admin

Hunt is a random process. Some time you rely on proven leads and it ends up with KLPD (khade land pe dhokha, fraud on an erect penis). At other times, you are not even seriously looking and you end up with a fresh body like this.

This girl belongs to jhopar-patty (shantytown or favela) of Mumbai. How I stumbled upon her is a series of random events. Here is the bottom line: If you like the hunt, are willing to take chances, know the language and are not desperate for the kill—you can stumble upon unexpected things.

My fellow members: do not always seek the path of least resistance (Mira Rd, Congress House, Nawalkar Ln, etc.). Try the road less traveled. Indulge in random acts of kindness, help the needy, sponsor a girl who has no one to turn to—and you will be handsomely rewarded. As they say Non-English text deleted by Admin (you may get pearls without asking, and may get nothing after repeated begging). That is life. Jai Ho! EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited because it was not written in English[/u]. While I encourage contributions from all volunteers, the Forum is an English-only website. Please do not post reports in any language other than English. If you wish to post text in any language other than English, then please include a full English translation. Thanks!

Herry Hot
09-19-09, 15:52

Any update on dahisar DBs? RH, milli still operational? Will be in city next month after a year, so will appreciate any updates.



Satya B
09-19-09, 19:15

After a long time I am posting on MP. I got ref from my friend &Tuesday I went to Progress Health Care @ Santacruz west S V Road opp Khira Nagar Bus stop, lane between Chicken Shop & Paper mart. Small but has good stuff. Lined up 4 girls all were of 20-24 & rating 6- 7\10. I picked black buity Manisha who is just 20, short but has good rack, firm body & excellent boobs. She is Marathi.

I cleared it in the first instance only that I am interested in service than massage. She freed her upper treasure for me to suck, fondle & started to play with my body & little johny. She has good skill to made me to reach at climax. I paid her 300 only as she told me that she doesn't like BBBJ, but other girls Simran, Neha, Mayuri provide all the facility except FS. Though the place is small I like the stuff & certianly try other 3 girls too. I am sure PM mongers would like these girls & service.

Damage 800 counter + 300 tip


Uni Den
09-20-09, 07:52

Any update on dahisar DBs? RH, milli still operational? Will be in city next month after a year, so will appreciate any updates.


HHNot sure about mili, but RH is very much operational ... infact it just got better!

Check my update on RH v2.0:


On The Wings
09-20-09, 11:14

Any update on dahisar DBs?This is response to Herry Hot and again my pre-Qualification for the Tender thats being announced whenever the hottie stuff visits out city:

Redhorse has been given a new touch and after renovation it looks still better. The singing guys had taken the opposite side (vaasthu?) and the seat arrangements are so cozy and comfortable than previous one.Umm,on the gals side,as usual u find some new additions and still u see the regular faces.Charges remains the same.The message that could be comforting to all is,the time is extended upto 1am and everything is avbl till such time. The curtain has been raised and there is no time limitation.

A New Star has born in the Constellation of Dahi Pickup Bars.

Its Hotel Minerva. The monent you step into the Left Side lane for Hotel Springs,this Minerva is the corner building.Earlier this was a regualr bar and now has been converted to Pickup. The scene is same. But, you must appreciate the space utility they had done. In such a small place,they have brought everything. Really good job.

Other DBs,saddle up,milli,saturday nite,pinky-as usual.

Chennai Kumar
09-20-09, 15:23
Hi Mumbai Guy,

I am new to this forum and Mumbai as well. I will be coming to Mumbai on 30th for a night will be staying in a 5* hotel in Parel.

Please help me to find a good contact.

Thank You in advance,


I know a few in chembur. PM me if you are interested, as it is risky to post the details on the open forum.



Xper 1
09-20-09, 17:29

Any update on dahisar DBs? RH, milli still operational? Will be in city next month after a year, so will appreciate any updates.



Yes, are very much operational and in full form. Happy mongering!

Member #4163
09-20-09, 17:42
Recently visited another MP at Goregaon W, since happened to pass by. Was expecting average stuff, but surprise surprise there was a hottie by the name of R*m*a. Charges were Rs 1000 and the ambience was not bad at all.

Anyways, made it clear to her that was looking for BJ. However, she declined instantly. However, as the time passed during the initial massage, she became very friendly and gradually agreed for BJ for abt INR 800 more (after negotiating). Before the BJ, sucked on her yummy tits which she allowed for few minutes. BJ was average, so had to tell her how to do it...she laughed whilst I explained. The best part was she was not too reluctant thereafter and she tried deepthroating too (after little bit insisting).

Overall good experience. Asked her if she comes out to which she declined and asked me to visit her in the parlour itself. Guess, repeated visits might change her mind.

Here are my ratings:

Looks 8/10
BJ skills 5/10 progressing to 8/10 (after coaching) :)
Price INR 1000 + 800 tips (steep but couldnt help it)

Will repeat again.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Chennai Kumar
09-21-09, 04:24
Dear JSF,

I am newbie to this forum and Mumbai. It is amazing to read your reports and your support to other members of this forum to find good girls for fun.

I will be coming to Mumbai on 30th of this month for a day and going to stay in a hotel at Parel. Please help me to get a girl for GFE.

Advance thanks


Share Xprience
09-21-09, 10:44
Last month I visited Bangalore for 2 days and stayed in a lavish suite in Hotel Leela Palace at Airport Road. By the second day, I was feeling very horny seeing lots of beautiful Bangalore chicks and more so after watching a new porn flick on my laptop. So I decided to try the local escort services which advertise in leading daily newspapers. I'd heard stories about how these agencies promise to send you up market escorts and then rip you off either sending you an ugly street hooker or none at all. But I thought what the heck and decided to give it a try.

My first call was a damper as the guy at the other end asked for Rs.7, 000 for 2 hours. On asking why, he justified that since I was staying at a 5 star hotel I could afford to pay this amount. Damn, my company pays for my business accommodation, not me. But he did not dip his rates. My next call met with some success. The pimp asked for Rs.3, 000 for 2 hours and promised to send a decent (not up market) escort. I agreed and he said he will call back in 30 minutes after checking who is available. He never called. I tried calling him again but his mobile phone was busy.

Later I went for a drink with my friends and while coming from MG Road to the Airport Road, I saw a bunch of voluptuous, attractive street hookers. I suddenly remembered the pimp and decided to try again. This time he answered and said he was near my hotel with a girl and could meet me by 10 pm. I agreed to take the girl only if I liked her and if he decreased the rates. And now the killer part! As it was late and he had to go home, he said I could keep her the whole night till 6 am for just Rs.1, 500! Wow! I could not believe my luck and wished the girl would be decent looking and cheeky (in bed) enough!

At 10 pm he called on my mobile to say he had arrived in a Maruti 800 car parked in the hotel's parking lot. I quickly popped a pill of Penegra (local version of Viagra. Most of the Indian *****s can't understand why I can bang them for hours without ejaculating. Now this is my secret.

I went out and the pimp beckoned me to sit in the car and check the girl. I promptly did that and found to my luck that she was petit, pretty attractive, slim figure, silky hair, clean complexion and a smiling face. I double checked if she was ready to give me a blow job which she coyly agreed. I paid Rs.1, 500 to the pimp and walked with her to my room.

She was flabbergasted on seeing my plush suite and settled on the sofa. Now that I had this chick for the entire night, I decided not to rush with the main course. Anyways I hate rushing and more so when the girl is pushy. I offered the girl a beer which she declined. I went to the bathroom and opened the bath tub tap came out and chatted casually with the girl whose name was "Pinky". She was from Bengal who had some whoring experience in Delhi and was now in Bangalore since a month. We smooched and I caressed her boobs. Without a word, she fondled my dick. I undressed her slowly (which she liked and kept giggling) and then asked her to undress me. We then slipped into the bath tub with her back facing me and her arse on my dick. I kissed her neck and earlobes (which she liked immensely). Again without a word, she put her hand behind and started shagging me slowly. Meanwhile I was fondling her breasts. My dick was slowly rising to ovation, so I turned her to face me with her legs encircling my hips and told her to glide my "pole" in her "tunnel". She moved with easy vigor. We soon started smooching furiously and she had no problem when I slid my tongue in her mouth. In fact she sucked my tongue with hers. Yummm! It was the first time we both were trying this stunt and believe me it was awesome! I even tried my kinky habit of spitting in her mouth. Twice! I'd seen that some years back in one Antonio Banderas. Angelina Jolie flick and ever since, I always do that with all the fuck-babes.

After spending some good 30 minutes in the bath tub soaping and fucking each other, we proceeded in the bedroom. My laptop was on, so I made her sit on my dick and started the porn film and sucked on her tight tits. In 15 minutes flat she was HOTTT and started moaning and fondling my hair and pinching my tits. I sat on the sofa, made her squat on the floor and shoved my dick in her mouth. Without condom. Man the way she sucked on it! As though it was full of divine nectar! By now my dick was so long and hard that I could have easily killed someone banging it on the head. I heaved her up and decided to emulate the porn flick scenes.

So we started doggie style with her leaning against the table and me shoving my pole in her pussy from back. I banged her for some good 20 minutes furiously squeezing her tight breasts and fingering her pussy. I stopped when I felt the cool juice from her pussy and then opted for the 69 position. She gain proceeded to give my dick a warm shower with her saliva while I ate her juicy wet pussy. At the same time, I fingered her arse hole which seemed to amuse yet arouse her because her groans grew louder. I hate the extra soft beds in 5 star hotels as you don't get a good grip on them. So I lay down on the floor and told her to ride me. She liked this position of authority and happily bobbed up and down while I again crushed her tits and sucked on them. I believe she cummed the second time then as she started whispering "Chodo Chodo" (fuck me) and then "Paani Mut Girao" (Don't leak now, go on). Another 20 odd minutes in this postion and then it was time to change.

I quickly toppled her and went into the missionary position. Now in this position and with a healthy dose of Viagra, I can bang furiously for a loooong time. I engulfed the petit girl in my arms and started banging in her pussy. Due to the height difference, it was easy for her to suckle my tits (which feel nice) while I banged her with no mercy. By now she was actually yelling the Aahs and the Oohs peppered with "Mere Raje / Janu" (My King / Darling). After about 20 minutes, I ejaculated in her mouth and forced her to eat the cum (the ultimate conquest). I ensured she sucked my dick to clean the remote traces of semen on it. At the end of it she was breathless and totally red in the face.

She collapsed in bed asking me how I could fuck consistently for more almost an hour. She asked for some beer to chill down. As I slept next to her I told her to massage my back and press my legs. Hell! She was my absolute slave. While pressing my legs, she even squeezed and kissed my arse. I told her to lick my arse crack and after some slight hesitation but repeated persistence from me, she agreed. Ooh, it felt good. We cuddled up together and spent the rest of the night.

At about 5:00 am I awoke at some noise and found her up in bed. She looked delicious with her messed up hair coyly smiling at me as though it was our first night after marriage. I pulled her towards me and we smooched as I slowly glider her hand to my dick. I simply told her, "You know what you are supposed to do next" at which she quietly slid down and engulfed my dick in her warm mouth this time spitting on it and then licking the bulb like an excited child licking her favorite ice-cream.

Soon my dick rose again and this time I decided to go anal. I have done anal with Thai girls before but never with an Indian girl because most of them shudder at the very thought with an outright NO. I whispered to her how much I find her attractive and then told her what I find. She thought about it for a few seconds and said OK. I told her to wash her arse and come. As I didn't have any KY Jelly which I normally use, I applied "parachute hair Oil" in her arse crack, a bit on my dick bulb, pushed her into doggie style position against the bed, parted her crack and gradually glided my standing dick in her crack.

At first it seemed ok for her but as my thrusts grew in vigor, it pained her unbearably. Her painful groans grew louder and she urgently whispered me to retract. But I am brute when aroused and was in no mood to retract without success. In fact her pain made me grow more nasty and determined to persist. I clasped her hair and pulled it back, bit on her neck hard and with one hand to manage her arse started thumping my dick in and out her arse. After another 10 minutes, I decided to cum as it was past 5:30 am and the hotel staff would have woken up.

I cummed with full glory in her arse as I wasn't wearing a condom for all the activities through the night till dawn. Finally I made her again lick all the remaining semen on my dick. She had tears in her eyes due to the pain, but who cares anyways? She was a ***** and this is her job, isn't it? . I threw her clothes at her telling her to dress up quickly. Tipped her Rs.200 and accompanied her upto the elevator. She requested I see her till the hotel gate which I politely declined. I wasn't going to risk my status at any cost. At the elevator, she kissed me goodbye while I pinched her bum the last time.

Now I am eagerly waiting for my next trip to Bangalore (which should be soon) to contact the same pimp for another similar girl. Als, I didn't store his number and will have to look up the newspapers and try my luck again.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-21-09, 11:40

Can you give me the parlor name & address?

Recently visited another MP at Goregaon W, since happened to pass by. Was expecting average stuff, but surprise surprise there was a hottie by the name of R*m*a. Charges were Rs 1000 and the ambience was not bad at all.

Anyways, made it clear to her that was looking for BJ. However, she declined instantly. However, as the time passed during the initial massage, she became very friendly and gradually agreed for BJ for abt INR 800 more (after negotiating). Before the BJ, sucked on her yummy tits which she allowed for few minutes. BJ was average, so had to tell her how to do it...she laughed whilst I explained. The best part was she was not too reluctant thereafter and she tried deepthroating too (after little bit insisting).

Overall good experience. Asked her if she comes out to which she declined and asked me to visit her in the parlour itself. Guess, repeated visits might change her mind.

Here are my ratings:

Looks 8/10
BJ skills 5/10 progressing to 8/10 (after coaching) :)
Price INR 1000 + 800 tips (steep but couldnt help it)

Will repeat again.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Neuro Manc
09-21-09, 14:17
Hi All,

First of all, thanks to Satya B for passing on this excellent contact to me.

Called this girl S**** to a hotel in Khar. She was fair, had a nice sexy face but was a bit plump. She stripped down to her undies and started kissing my face and then licking and biting my nipples. Then proceeded to give a CBJ.

Then had her stripped down completely. She had soft skin and nice big boobs. Boobs you can play with all day. She kept moaning all time I was fingering her. Then started pumping her mish style. Also tried cowgirl. Completed the session in 2 hours.


1) Sexy face
2) Very fair
3) Nice boobs
4) Very friendly
5) Good hygiene

1) No BBBJ
2) Doesn't allow lip kissing
3) A bit on the heavier side

Looks: 7/10
Body: 7/10
Experience: 7/10

Total damage: 4K + 1.5K(hotel)

PS: Are there any cheaper GF friendly hotels in Khar area?

09-21-09, 21:40
Last month I visited Bangalore for 2 days and stayed in a lavish suite in Hotel Leela Palace at Airport Road...
Who are you trying to impress with your plagiarism?
A simple search on the Web will reveal identical reports elsewhere, dated 31 May 2007, 25 March 2008, and "sometime in April this year..."
Have fun...play safe...be yourself :)

09-22-09, 11:03
Can you help me find this place.

Recently visited another MP at Goregaon W, since happened to pass by. Was expecting average stuff, but surprise surprise there was a hottie by the name of R*m*a. Charges were Rs 1000 and the ambience was not bad at all.

Anyways, made it clear to her that was looking for BJ. However, she declined instantly. However, as the time passed during the initial massage, she became very friendly and gradually agreed for BJ for abt INR 800 more (after negotiating). Before the BJ, sucked on her yummy tits which she allowed for few minutes. BJ was average, so had to tell her how to do it...she laughed whilst I explained. The best part was she was not too reluctant thereafter and she tried deepthroating too (after little bit insisting).

Overall good experience. Asked her if she comes out to which she declined and asked me to visit her in the parlour itself. Guess, repeated visits might change her mind.

Here are my ratings:

Looks 8/10
BJ skills 5/10 progressing to 8/10 (after coaching) :)
Price INR 1000 + 800 tips (steep but couldnt help it)

Will repeat again.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Brad Pitts007
09-22-09, 11:05
Even I have been to this place. they have a mezzanine where the action takes place & downstairs they have put some alternative health medicines for sale to divert LE attention. Manisha's racks are simply awesome i must say. However i had paid 800 + 500 tips then for b2b message.


After a long time I am posting on MP. I got ref from my friend &Tuesday I went to Progress Health Care @ Santacruz west S V Road opp Khira Nagar Bus stop, lane between Chicken Shop & Paper mart. Small but has good stuff. Lined up 4 girls all were of 20-24 & rating 6- 7\10. I picked black buity Manisha who is just 20, short but has good rack, firm body & excellent boobs. She is Marathi.

I cleared it in the first instance only that I am interested in service than massage. She freed her upper treasure for me to suck, fondle & started to play with my body & little johny. She has good skill to made me to reach at climax. I paid her 300 only as she told me that she doesn't like BBBJ, but other girls Simran, Neha, Mayuri provide all the facility except FS. Though the place is small I like the stuff & certianly try other 3 girls too. I am sure PM mongers would like these girls & service.

Damage 800 counter + 300 tip


09-22-09, 11:08
Hey thanks Satya for sharing.

Did this mp have closed cubicles or curtains as partition?


After a long time I am posting on MP. I got ref from my friend &Tuesday I went to Progress Health Care @ Santacruz west S V Road opp Khira Nagar Bus stop, lane between Chicken Shop & Paper mart. Small but has good stuff. Lined up 4 girls all were of 20-24 & rating 6- 7\10. I picked black buity Manisha who is just 20, short but has good rack, firm body & excellent boobs. She is Marathi.

I cleared it in the first instance only that I am interested in service than massage. She freed her upper treasure for me to suck, fondle & started to play with my body & little johny. She has good skill to made me to reach at climax. I paid her 300 only as she told me that she doesn't like BBBJ, but other girls Simran, Neha, Mayuri provide all the facility except FS. Though the place is small I like the stuff & certianly try other 3 girls too. I am sure PM mongers would like these girls & service.

Damage 800 counter + 300 tip


Dil Beat
09-22-09, 13:36
Dear Pinga98.

This is the amazing find. Just beyond par. Could you please give us the hint as to which Gundaree we should now venture into to find this Diamond. Please revert.


Hunt is a random process. Some time you rely on proven leads and it ends up with KLPD (khade land pe dhokha, fraud on an erect penis). At other times, you are not even seriously looking and you end up with a fresh body like this.

This girl belongs to jhopar-patty (shantytown or favela) of Mumbai. How I stumbled upon her is a series of random events. Here is the bottom line: if you like the hunt, are willing to take chances, know the language and are not desperate for the kill—you can stumble upon unexpected things.

My fellow members: do not always seek the path of least resistance (Mira Rd, Congress House, Nawalkar Ln, etc.). Try the road less traveled. Indulge in random acts of kindness, help the needy, sponsor a girl who has no one to turn to—and you will be handsomely rewarded. As they say [Non-English text deleted by Admin] (you may get pearls without asking, and may get nothing after repeated begging). That is life. Jai Ho!

09-22-09, 15:56
Dear Chennai Kumar. How can anyone help? I see that you have posted the same message to others as well. 5 messages. But you do not have pm facility. I checked. So how is anyone going to be able to help?

And also instead of asking for help from members individually you could have addressed all of us on one post.

I suggest you go through the forum. You will find lots of tips.. Maybe you can use some of the tips. And you can then post your experience on the forum.

Good luck


Dear JSF,

I am newbie to this forum and Mumbai. It is amazing to read your reports and your support to other members of this forum to find good girls for fun.

I will be coming to Mumbai on 30th of this month for a day and going to stay in a hotel at Parel. Please help me to get a girl for GFE.

Advance thanks


Member #4163
09-22-09, 19:23
Well said JSF.

ChennaiKumar, JSF is not an agent out here. It is very simple. Pick up any newspaper and you are bound to find providers depending upon your budget. Alternatively, browse through the forum and you are surely bound to find leads. Once you zero in on your preference, post the FR. All of the senior members here gained their experience and reputation with time. There were mistakes too, but all of us learnt through it.


Dear Chennai Kumar. How can anyone help? I see that you have posted the same message to others as well. 5 messages. But you do not have pm facility. I checked. So how is anyone going to be able to help?

And also instead of asking for help from members individually you could have addressed all of us on one post.

I suggest you go through the forum. You will find lots of tips. Maybe you can use some of the tips. And you can then post your experience on the forum.

Good luck


Play Pal
09-22-09, 20:59
Last time when I visited Mumbai, thanks to JSF, I could contact J***. Since she was not in town, I couldn't meet her- much to my disappointment.

Going through TOI, I called a number from the escort service. Foreigners always fascinate me, so I insisted on Russians or australians. (last time I had a wonderful experience with an australian in Mumbai). I always ask to give me choices of atleast two girls. He said he has enough good Indians, why go for foreigners. I was surprised at this because I was willing to pay for a foreigner then why the hell he wants me to go for Indian. I flatly refusd no. Then he said he can arrange. I guess, he is gonna arrange them from some one else.

He asks me to come to near pali residency, pali naka. I reach there and soon one fellow comes to pick me up. We reach this incall place. I notice that this place is very very close to the famous "brightness" massage parlour.

The incall place is pretty clean and plush. This guy (I forgot his name), asks me again to go for Indians. He explains, for the rate of a Russian, he can arrange two good indians for full fun. He promised the best 'sandwitch " girls. Since I was in mood for white skin, I said no. Then he said he has only one Russian available with him and the rate is Rs 6000. I said I need to see atleast two girls, and that was my pre requisition. He then said it will take some time and the second girl gonna cost more. I said I am ready to wait and pay.

After some long 30 minutes, two Russian girls turn up, and believe me both were good. The one who was quoted higher was not as good as the first one. So without any confusion, I selected Christina.

Christina was slightly on the plum side, but with nice assets and fair skin. She was pretty good at English too. I made her comfortable once we were in the room, and then she undressed herself. She was into foreplay and soon we were both in good rhythm. Believe me, these russians are good at everything. I tried all positions and she was good at doggie like I never seen before. She came riding me and after some ten minutes I came in mish too.

Its been an amazing experience.

Damage: 6, 000 + 1000 tip to girl+ 500 to condy guy

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-22-09, 23:27
Pinga's No Dap Post w/Pic

Good post

Which city this post?

09-23-09, 12:44
This is response to Herry Hot and again my pre-Qualification for the Tender thats being announced whenever the hottie stuff visits out city:

Redhorse has been given a new touch and after renovation it looks still better. The singing guys had taken the opposite side (vaasthu?) and the seat arrangements are so cozy and comfortable than previous one.Umm,on the gals side,as usual u find some new additions and still u see the regular faces.Charges remains the same.The message that could be comforting to all is,the time is extended upto 1am and everything is avbl till such time. The curtain has been raised and there is no time limitation.

A New Star has born in the Constellation of Dahi Pickup Bars.

Its Hotel Minerva. The monent you step into the Left Side lane for Hotel Springs,this Minerva is the corner building.Earlier this was a regualr bar and now has been converted to Pickup. The scene is same. But, you must appreciate the space utility they had done. In such a small place,they have brought everything. Really good job.

Other DBs,saddle up,milli,saturday nite,pinky-as usual.I have always found that springs is the one with the prettiest women.

Much better than redhorse. And the rest.

Herry Hot
09-23-09, 18:41
Chennai Kumar,

Mumbai scene is relatively easy to crack. You can try any of the DB or some places mentioned in this forum (Banrda Mcdonald, Navalkar lane etc).

If you can't find a chick here then either you are too new (hence should try on your own to get experience) or too afraid.

I started mongering in Mumbai on my own and always find it easy and cheap as compared to other cities like Bangalore.

My Mumbai adventures helped me to bang all over places including Europe/us and certainly this forum is great help anywhere you go in world.

Hats off to Jackson!


Dear JSF,

I am newbie to this forum and Mumbai. It is amazing to read your reports and your support to other members of this forum to find good girls for fun.

I will be coming to Mumbai on 30th of this month for a day and going to stay in a hotel at Parel. Please help me to get a girl for GFE.

Advance thanks


Member #4163
09-23-09, 19:08

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Reshma from C**ze Parlour in Andheri West?

Have stopped going to the parlour ever since she left that place. Been searching for her but no success. Anyone providing her whereabouts would be rewarded :)


09-24-09, 03:43
Herry Hot,

I agree with you.Even though i joined ISF recently, my Mumbai xperiances helped me finding good one in the US.


Chennai Kumar,

I started mongering in Mumbai on my own and always find it easy and cheap as compared to other cities like Bangalore.

My Mumbai adventures helped me to bang all over places including Europe/us and certainly this forum is great help anywhere you go in world.

Hats off to Jackson!


09-24-09, 05:13

Place 1: Spa at The ITC Grand S...n, L...r P...l, Mumbai

Two gals, both neat..

Face: 6-8/10

Racks: 8/10

Ass: 7-9/10

CBJ, Fondling, FIV, BLS. About 60 minutes of uninterrupted fragrance, fluids and warm skin. After three/four visits, you may go in for covered mish, doggie as well.

Damages. 3K for the Hotel, 2 to 4 K for the gals.

Tread easy and both are fairly ok GFE as well (with a few "$" experiences to share I suspect) for half/full-day etc. Damages 5 to 7 K + lodge (wherever decent) per actuals.

Place 2: The G. D H. T near the univ campus, kalina. Will write about that later.

Blue Day
09-24-09, 22:06
Sorry to say but this forum is not for sex story, request you to be in brief and please share the good place to visit rather then your detail experience.

Last month I visited Bangalore for 2 days and stayed in a lavish suite in Hotel Leela Palace at Airport Road. By the second day, I was feeling very horny seeing lots of beautiful Bangalore chicks and more so after watching a new porn flick on my laptop. So I decided to try the local escort services which advertise in leading daily newspapers. I'd heard stories about how these agencies promise to send you up market escorts and then rip you off either sending you an ugly street hooker or none at all. But I thought what the heck and decided to give it a try.

My first call was a damper as the guy at the other end asked for Rs.7, 000 for 2 hours. On asking why, he justified that since I was staying at a 5 star hotel I could afford to pay this amount. Damn, my company pays for my business accommodation, not me. But he did not dip his rates. My next call met with some success. The pimp asked for Rs.3, 000 for 2 hours and promised to send a decent (not up market) escort. I agreed and he said he will call back in 30 minutes after checking who is available. He never called. I tried calling him again but his mobile phone was busy.

Later I went for a drink with my friends and while coming from MG Road to the Airport Road, I saw a bunch of voluptuous, attractive street hookers. I suddenly remembered the pimp and decided to try again. This time he answered and said he was near my hotel with a girl and could meet me by 10 pm. I agreed to take the girl only if I liked her and if he decreased the rates. And now the killer part! As it was late and he had to go home, he said I could keep her the whole night till 6 am for just Rs.1, 500! Wow! I could not believe my luck and wished the girl would be decent looking and cheeky (in bed) enough!

At 10 pm he called on my mobile to say he had arrived in a Maruti 800 car parked in the hotel's parking lot. I quickly popped a pill of Penegra (local version of Viagra. Most of the Indian *****s can't understand why I can bang them for hours without ejaculating. Now this is my secret.

I went out and the pimp beckoned me to sit in the car and check the girl. I promptly did that and found to my luck that she was petit, pretty attractive, slim figure, silky hair, clean complexion and a smiling face. I double checked if she was ready to give me a blow job which she coyly agreed. I paid Rs.1, 500 to the pimp and walked with her to my room.

She was flabbergasted on seeing my plush suite and settled on the sofa. Now that I had this chick for the entire night, I decided not to rush with the main course. Anyways I hate rushing and more so when the girl is pushy. I offered the girl a beer which she declined. I went to the bathroom and opened the bath tub tap came out and chatted casually with the girl whose name was "Pinky". She was from Bengal who had some whoring experience in Delhi and was now in Bangalore since a month. We smooched and I caressed her boobs. Without a word, she fondled my dick. I undressed her slowly (which she liked and kept giggling) and then asked her to undress me. We then slipped into the bath tub with her back facing me and her arse on my dick. I kissed her neck and earlobes (which she liked immensely). Again without a word, she put her hand behind and started shagging me slowly. Meanwhile I was fondling her breasts. My dick was slowly rising to ovation, so I turned her to face me with her legs encircling my hips and told her to glide my "pole" in her "tunnel". She moved with easy vigor. We soon started smooching furiously and she had no problem when I slid my tongue in her mouth. In fact she sucked my tongue with hers. Yummm! It was the first time we both were trying this stunt and believe me it was awesome! I even tried my kinky habit of spitting in her mouth. Twice! I'd seen that some years back in one Antonio Banderas. Angelina Jolie flick and ever since, I always do that with all the fuck-babes.

After spending some good 30 minutes in the bath tub soaping and fucking each other, we proceeded in the bedroom. My laptop was on, so I made her sit on my dick and started the porn film and sucked on her tight tits. In 15 minutes flat she was HOTTT and started moaning and fondling my hair and pinching my tits. I sat on the sofa, made her squat on the floor and shoved my dick in her mouth. Without condom. Man the way she sucked on it! As though it was full of divine nectar! By now my dick was so long and hard that I could have easily killed someone banging it on the head. I heaved her up and decided to emulate the porn flick scenes.

So we started doggie style with her leaning against the table and me shoving my pole in her pussy from back. I banged her for some good 20 minutes furiously squeezing her tight breasts and fingering her pussy. I stopped when I felt the cool juice from her pussy and then opted for the 69 position. She gain proceeded to give my dick a warm shower with her saliva while I ate her juicy wet pussy. At the same time, I fingered her arse hole which seemed to amuse yet arouse her because her groans grew louder. I hate the extra soft beds in 5 star hotels as you don't get a good grip on them. So I lay down on the floor and told her to ride me. She liked this position of authority and happily bobbed up and down while I again crushed her tits and sucked on them. I believe she cummed the second time then as she started whispering "Chodo Chodo" (fuck me) and then "Paani Mut Girao" (Don't leak now, go on). Another 20 odd minutes in this postion and then it was time to change.

I quickly toppled her and went into the missionary position. Now in this position and with a healthy dose of Viagra, I can bang furiously for a loooong time. I engulfed the petit girl in my arms and started banging in her pussy. Due to the height difference, it was easy for her to suckle my tits (which feel nice) while I banged her with no mercy. By now she was actually yelling the Aahs and the Oohs peppered with "Mere Raje / Janu" (My King / Darling). After about 20 minutes, I ejaculated in her mouth and forced her to eat the cum (the ultimate conquest). I ensured she sucked my dick to clean the remote traces of semen on it. At the end of it she was breathless and totally red in the face.

She collapsed in bed asking me how I could fuck consistently for more almost an hour. She asked for some beer to chill down. As I slept next to her I told her to massage my back and press my legs. Hell! She was my absolute slave. While pressing my legs, she even squeezed and kissed my arse. I told her to lick my arse crack and after some slight hesitation but repeated persistence from me, she agreed. Ooh, it felt good. We cuddled up together and spent the rest of the night.

At about 5:00 am I awoke at some noise and found her up in bed. She looked delicious with her messed up hair coyly smiling at me as though it was our first night after marriage. I pulled her towards me and we smooched as I slowly glider her hand to my dick. I simply told her, "You know what you are supposed to do next" at which she quietly slid down and engulfed my dick in her warm mouth this time spitting on it and then licking the bulb like an excited child licking her favorite ice-cream.

Soon my dick rose again and this time I decided to go anal. I have done anal with Thai girls before but never with an Indian girl because most of them shudder at the very thought with an outright NO. I whispered to her how much I find her attractive and then told her what I find. She thought about it for a few seconds and said OK. I told her to wash her arse and come. As I didn't have any KY Jelly which I normally use, I applied "parachute hair Oil" in her arse crack, a bit on my dick bulb, pushed her into doggie style position against the bed, parted her crack and gradually glided my standing dick in her crack.

At first it seemed ok for her but as my thrusts grew in vigor, it pained her unbearably. Her painful groans grew louder and she urgently whispered me to retract. But I am brute when aroused and was in no mood to retract without success. In fact her pain made me grow more nasty and determined to persist. I clasped her hair and pulled it back, bit on her neck hard and with one hand to manage her arse started thumping my dick in and out her arse. After another 10 minutes, I decided to cum as it was past 5:30 am and the hotel staff would have woken up.

I cummed with full glory in her arse as I wasn't wearing a condom for all the activities through the night till dawn. Finally I made her again lick all the remaining semen on my dick. She had tears in her eyes due to the pain, but who cares anyways? She was a ***** and this is her job, isn't it? . I threw her clothes at her telling her to dress up quickly. Tipped her Rs.200 and accompanied her upto the elevator. She requested I see her till the hotel gate which I politely declined. I wasn't going to risk my status at any cost. At the elevator, she kissed me goodbye while I pinched her bum the last time.

Now I am eagerly waiting for my next trip to Bangalore (which should be soon) to contact the same pimp for another similar girl. Als, I didn't store his number and will have to look up the newspapers and try my luck again.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-25-09, 09:40
Last month I visited Bangalore for 2 days and stayed in a lavish suite in Hotel Leela Palace at Airport Road. By the second day, I was feeling very horny seeing lots of beautiful Bangalore chicks and more so after watching a new porn flick on my laptop. So I decided to try the local escort services which advertise in leading daily newspapers. I'd heard stories about how these agencies promise to send you up market escorts and then rip you off either sending you an ugly street hooker or none at all. But I thought what the heck and decided to give it a try.

My first call was a damper as the guy at the other end asked for Rs.7, 000 for 2 hours. On asking why, he justified that since I was staying at a 5 star hotel I could afford to pay this amount. Damn, my company pays for my business accommodation, not me. But he did not dip his rates. My next call met with some success. The pimp asked for Rs.3, 000 for 2 hours and promised to send a decent (not up market) escort. I agreed and he said he will call back in 30 minutes after checking who is available. He never called. I tried calling him again but his mobile phone was busy.

Later I went for a drink with my friends and while coming from MG Road to the Airport Road, I saw a bunch of voluptuous, attractive street hookers. I suddenly remembered the pimp and decided to try again. This time he answered and said he was near my hotel with a girl and could meet me by 10 pm. I agreed to take the girl only if I liked her and if he decreased the rates. And now the killer part! As it was late and he had to go home, he said I could keep her the whole night till 6 am for just Rs.1, 500! Wow! I could not believe my luck and wished the girl would be decent looking and cheeky (in bed) enough!

At 10 pm he called on my mobile to say he had arrived in a Maruti 800 car parked in the hotel's parking lot. I quickly popped a pill of Penegra (local version of Viagra. Most of the Indian *****s can't understand why I can bang them for hours without ejaculating. Now this is my secret.

I went out and the pimp beckoned me to sit in the car and check the girl. I promptly did that and found to my luck that she was petit, pretty attractive, slim figure, silky hair, clean complexion and a smiling face. I double checked if she was ready to give me a blow job which she coyly agreed. I paid Rs.1, 500 to the pimp and walked with her to my room.

She was flabbergasted on seeing my plush suite and settled on the sofa. Now that I had this chick for the entire night, I decided not to rush with the main course. Anyways I hate rushing and more so when the girl is pushy. I offered the girl a beer which she declined. I went to the bathroom and opened the bath tub tap came out and chatted casually with the girl whose name was "Pinky". She was from Bengal who had some whoring experience in Delhi and was now in Bangalore since a month. We smooched and I caressed her boobs. Without a word, she fondled my dick. I undressed her slowly (which she liked and kept giggling) and then asked her to undress me. We then slipped into the bath tub with her back facing me and her arse on my dick. I kissed her neck and earlobes (which she liked immensely). Again without a word, she put her hand behind and started shagging me slowly. Meanwhile I was fondling her breasts. My dick was slowly rising to ovation, so I turned her to face me with her legs encircling my hips and told her to glide my "pole" in her "tunnel". She moved with easy vigor. We soon started smooching furiously and she had no problem when I slid my tongue in her mouth. In fact she sucked my tongue with hers. Yummm! It was the first time we both were trying this stunt and believe me it was awesome! I even tried my kinky habit of spitting in her mouth. Twice! I'd seen that some years back in one Antonio Banderas. Angelina Jolie flick and ever since, I always do that with all the fuck-babes.

After spending some good 30 minutes in the bath tub soaping and fucking each other, we proceeded in the bedroom. My laptop was on, so I made her sit on my dick and started the porn film and sucked on her tight tits. In 15 minutes flat she was HOTTT and started moaning and fondling my hair and pinching my tits. I sat on the sofa, made her squat on the floor and shoved my dick in her mouth. Without condom. Man the way she sucked on it! As though it was full of divine nectar! By now my dick was so long and hard that I could have easily killed someone banging it on the head. I heaved her up and decided to emulate the porn flick scenes.

So we started doggie style with her leaning against the table and me shoving my pole in her pussy from back. I banged her for some good 20 minutes furiously squeezing her tight breasts and fingering her pussy. I stopped when I felt the cool juice from her pussy and then opted for the 69 position. She gain proceeded to give my dick a warm shower with her saliva while I ate her juicy wet pussy. At the same time, I fingered her arse hole which seemed to amuse yet arouse her because her groans grew louder. I hate the extra soft beds in 5 star hotels as you don't get a good grip on them. So I lay down on the floor and told her to ride me. She liked this position of authority and happily bobbed up and down while I again crushed her tits and sucked on them. I believe she cummed the second time then as she started whispering "Chodo Chodo" (fuck me) and then "Paani Mut Girao" (Don't leak now, go on). Another 20 odd minutes in this postion and then it was time to change.

I quickly toppled her and went into the missionary position. Now in this position and with a healthy dose of Viagra, I can bang furiously for a loooong time. I engulfed the petit girl in my arms and started banging in her pussy. Due to the height difference, it was easy for her to suckle my tits (which feel nice) while I banged her with no mercy. By now she was actually yelling the Aahs and the Oohs peppered with "Mere Raje / Janu" (My King / Darling). After about 20 minutes, I ejaculated in her mouth and forced her to eat the cum (the ultimate conquest). I ensured she sucked my dick to clean the remote traces of semen on it. At the end of it she was breathless and totally red in the face.

She collapsed in bed asking me how I could fuck consistently for more almost an hour. She asked for some beer to chill down. As I slept next to her I told her to massage my back and press my legs. Hell! She was my absolute slave. While pressing my legs, she even squeezed and kissed my arse. I told her to lick my arse crack and after some slight hesitation but repeated persistence from me, she agreed. Ooh, it felt good. We cuddled up together and spent the rest of the night.

At about 5:00 am I awoke at some noise and found her up in bed. She looked delicious with her messed up hair coyly smiling at me as though it was our first night after marriage. I pulled her towards me and we smooched as I slowly glider her hand to my dick. I simply told her, "You know what you are supposed to do next" at which she quietly slid down and engulfed my dick in her warm mouth this time spitting on it and then licking the bulb like an excited child licking her favorite ice-cream.

Soon my dick rose again and this time I decided to go anal. I have done anal with Thai girls before but never with an Indian girl because most of them shudder at the very thought with an outright NO. I whispered to her how much I find her attractive and then told her what I find. She thought about it for a few seconds and said OK. I told her to wash her arse and come. As I didn't have any KY Jelly which I normally use, I applied "parachute hair Oil" in her arse crack, a bit on my dick bulb, pushed her into doggie style position against the bed, parted her crack and gradually glided my standing dick in her crack.

At first it seemed ok for her but as my thrusts grew in vigor, it pained her unbearably. Her painful groans grew louder and she urgently whispered me to retract. But I am brute when aroused and was in no mood to retract without success. In fact her pain made me grow more nasty and determined to persist. I clasped her hair and pulled it back, bit on her neck hard and with one hand to manage her arse started thumping my dick in and out her arse. After another 10 minutes, I decided to cum as it was past 5:30 am and the hotel staff would have woken up.

I cummed with full glory in her arse as I wasn't wearing a condom for all the activities through the night till dawn. Finally I made her again lick all the remaining semen on my dick. She had tears in her eyes due to the pain, but who cares anyways? She was a ***** and this is her job, isn't it? . I threw her clothes at her telling her to dress up quickly. Tipped her Rs.200 and accompanied her upto the elevator. She requested I see her till the hotel gate which I politely declined. I wasn't going to risk my status at any cost. At the elevator, she kissed me goodbye while I pinched her bum the last time.

Now I am eagerly waiting for my next trip to Bangalore (which should be soon) to contact the same pimp for another similar girl. Als, I didn't store his number and will have to look up the newspapers and try my luck again.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Jan 14 is the Festival of Kites and that when we need to wind up our threads for kites to fly high. This guy has started to wind it from now itself. Thats what we call in Mumbai is Slang " Lapaat" and "Fhaak"

09-25-09, 11:41
Can you give me the address please.

Recently visited another MP at Goregaon W, since happened to pass by. Was expecting average stuff, but surprise surprise there was a hottie by the name of R*m*a. Charges were Rs 1000 and the ambience was not bad at all.

Anyways, made it clear to her that was looking for BJ. However, she declined instantly. However, as the time passed during the initial massage, she became very friendly and gradually agreed for BJ for abt INR 800 more (after negotiating). Before the BJ, sucked on her yummy tits which she allowed for few minutes. BJ was average, so had to tell her how to do it...she laughed whilst I explained. The best part was she was not too reluctant thereafter and she tried deepthroating too (after little bit insisting).

Overall good experience. Asked her if she comes out to which she declined and asked me to visit her in the parlour itself. Guess, repeated visits might change her mind.

Here are my ratings:

Looks 8/10
BJ skills 5/10 progressing to 8/10 (after coaching) :)
Price INR 1000 + 800 tips (steep but couldnt help it)

Will repeat again.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

On The Wings
09-25-09, 13:15
I have always found that springs is the one with the prettiest women.Much better than redhorse. And the rest.Well said.In terms of environment,setup,music (esp.the gals who are singing are so sexy in h.springs) and ofcourse gals ,no doubt, H.Spriings takes the lead in Dahi area. But,the quality of these gals are not always a sure bet.

I was regularly visiting H.Springs in July,but,could not spot any stunner or the kind of temperature raiser. I know so many guys there and one captain by the name Gopi whispered that 'mother' (the provider it seems and he said like that only) is out of town and hence the 'inflow' of new faces had gone down.

However, thats one nice place to quench your thirst.

La 1976
09-25-09, 13:23
Hey Guys,

Just signed up. Needing some coaching on the in's and out's of hooking up in Mumbai. I am from the US and here for a couple months staying out in Andheri W. If anyone has a few minutes to put me in contact with some one or doesn't mind having someone else along, please get in touch. Would love to have someone show me the ropes here.

Many Thanks!

09-25-09, 16:49
Mate. Including the full text of the post that you have an objection to was really not a necessity. Perhaps you could have just put the first two three lines of that post which was so offensive to you and deleted the rest in the attachment. It would save so much band width.

Appreciate your sensibilities ofcourse. You do not like long stories. How about some short stories from your side eh?

A couple of lines to describe the fun you haev with some lady would do nicely. And it would also help us seniors who are always looking for some new action. WE will send you pm, once we read your short story, asking for the contact of the lady you mention on your FR.

Please do mention the what the lady looks like, the service she offers, the cost etc etc so that whoever is interested can send you a pm asking for the contact. I hope you will be able to fit it in a couple of lines though.


ps: by the way did someone tell you that just by joining this forum you have a right to demand that others share some good contacts and places to visit. I ask because I did not know that. If I hjad known I would perhaps not have bothered to post 500 plus posts which helped lots of members. I could also just have demanded from my very first post. Life would have been so much easier.

OOOPS sorry you dont like long posts. But then who cares what you like. :))

Sorry to say but this forum is not for sex story, request you to be in brief and please share the good place to visit rather then your detail experience.

Dil Beat
09-25-09, 19:08
Hi all,

Have heard about Sharon who stays at Thakur Village, Kandivli.

Has anybody used her services.

Sameer Good
09-25-09, 22:08
Oh boy -- brings back memories -- if this is a NE middle aged lady named Sharon, I've had her like 5 years ago... had a very nice apartment, clean and tidy. quite a polished babe but had loads of makeup on and wasn't really good looking. it was a sunday afternoon quickie... so wasn't a bad deal.

Hi all,

Have heard about Sharon who stays at Thakur Village, Kandivli.

Has anybody used her services.

09-26-09, 05:35
Invisible string..black string

Hard to fight a kite in Mumbai with all the obstacles on the roof.

Jan 14 is the Festival of Kites and that when we need to wind up our threads for kites to fly high. This guy has started to wind it from now itself. Thats what we call in Mumbai is Slang " Lapaat" and "Fhaak"

09-26-09, 07:12
I am new to Mumbai, Staying near film city... any actions around this area. PM the details of whereabouts around this area.

Thanks in advance

09-26-09, 07:55
Yes ,had sharon at kandivli about 4 yrs ago.

As already mentioned is middle aged ,Very talkative, but ready for all except anal.

Nice figure ,would be around late thirties at that time.

Dont think she is active any more.

Member #4163
09-26-09, 08:21
Hi all,

Have heard about Sharon who stays at Thakur Village, Kandivli.

Has anybody used her services.

She is not a NE but a Goan. I met her only once, but never repeated again. Very commercial minded, so kinda put me off big time!

Best avoided.

09-26-09, 11:32
Can you pass me her contact please.

Best avoided. I met her only once, but never repeated again. Very commercial minded, so kinda put me off.

Blue Day
09-26-09, 13:04
It was said in much formal manner I suppose, there was nothing to take it so seriously!

In any case I'm least bothered, it just that I didnt like n so I replied to same.

Mate. Including the full text of the post that you have an objection to was really not a necessity. Perhaps you could have just put the first two three lines of that post which was so offensive to you and deleted the rest in the attachment. It would save so much band width.

Appreciate your sensibilities ofcourse. You do not like long stories. How about some short stories from your side eh?

A couple of lines to describe the fun you haev with some lady would do nicely. And it would also help us seniors who are always looking for some new action. WE will send you pm, once we read your short story, asking for the contact of the lady you mention on your FR.

Please do mention the what the lady looks like, the service she offers, the cost etc etc so that whoever is interested can send you a pm asking for the contact. I hope you will be able to fit it in a couple of lines though.


ps: by the way did someone tell you that just by joining this forum you have a right to demand that others share some good contacts and places to visit. I ask because I did not know that. If I hjad known I would perhaps not have bothered to post 500 plus posts which helped lots of members. I could also just have demanded from my very first post. Life would have been so much easier.

OOOPS sorry you dont like long posts. But then who cares what you like. :))

Satya B
09-26-09, 16:41

What I could gather about her that she consented one customer to offer FS & caught red handed, hence expelled from the Parlour. But no where abouts. Anyways, if you wish to get similar services visit " Mazdar" at Borivali West, Saibaba Nagar,Near Bhatia School, Opp HDFC & ask for "Priya". She is better than Reshma but strictly no FS.


Satya B


Does anyone know the whereabouts of Reshma from C**ze Parlour in Andheri West?

Have stopped going to the parlour ever since she left that place. Been searching for her but no success. Anyone providing her whereabouts would be rewarded :)


Satya B
09-26-09, 16:48

It has upper deck cabins with good privacy though no door cabins. But good stuff.

Satya B.

Hey thanks Satya for sharing.

Did this mp have closed cubicles or curtains as partition?

09-26-09, 17:07
Read Mumbai postings for what you are seeking.

Good Luck in Mumbai.

Hey Guys,
Just signed up. Needing some coaching on the in's and out's of hooking up in Mumbai. I am from the US and here for a couple months staying out in Andheri W. If anyone has a few minutes to put me in contact with some one or doesn't mind having someone else along, please get in touch. Would love to have someone show me the ropes here.

Many Thanks!

09-27-09, 09:31
Hello mates,

The young lady is arriving on the 1st of oct. Those of you interested in meeting her can send me a pm.

And again I request zero posters and newbies not to send me pm. I will simply delete the pm from newbies and zero posters. So dont waste your time and mine.


09-27-09, 10:23
Had a bad experience in Pali Naka in house, where I did not like the girls. The pimp asked me to pay500 for seeing 4 gals. Paid him to avoid any trouble. Is there any other in house in these areas, other than the Mcd, seven bungalows?

On The Wings
09-27-09, 14:13
this is to support my case w. r. t to the pre-qualification bid following the arrival of the young lady, or else, my request could be rejected. so it is.

it was h. springs, just one of my favourite stops in dahisar. the ritual was as usual and soothing. i always had one point. what this nice hotel with good rooms and other excetras does in the morning and noon hours. ofcourse, not sleeping and snoring. must be some thing in stores for the visitor who makes a emergency landing at an inappropriate time. just made the hush-hush enquiry and the grapevine flowed, slowly. i was asked to check in the hotel, in the morning. yeah, next day with all curiosity and swollen veins, got into the hotel as a regualr guest. it was quite. neat room. tv, a/c, some fragrance-good.

after some 30 minutes, called the waiter, asked for drinks and just floated the question-how to make the event much more spicy and live. he had his laugh and just said softly that i had wasted 30 mins. after some 20/30 mins, i was shown some goodies (2), which he explained that they are locals and not bar gals. for bar gals, have to wait till 4/4.30 evening.

it all went cool and pleasant. the quality was just average, but, this was never expected in the noon hours. the waiter asked to wait till 5pm for the arrival of nice stuff, but, already exhausted (? )and drunk, had to say bye bye.

hope, i am qualifying myself for the enocunter with the young lady at the mercy of, mercy of, mercy of. okay, bye

Blue Day
09-27-09, 14:13

The best way to find out the places is you go through this forum (atleast last 50 posts).

If you are interested in MP then you can go through to the classifieds of newspaper. I'm sure this will take you to some or the other place & you'll get success.

If this also doesn't get you, do let me know I'll help you.

Enjoy mongering.

Blue Day

Hey Guys,

Just signed up. Needing some coaching on the in's and out's of hooking up in Mumbai. I am from the US and here for a couple months staying out in Andheri W. If anyone has a few minutes to put me in contact with some one or doesn't mind having someone else along, please get in touch. Would love to have someone show me the ropes here.

Many Thanks!

Satya B
09-27-09, 16:12

I got this contact from Senior Member "BAT WINGS". She is really excellent in service as discribed by him. Like the pics?


Neuro Manc
09-27-09, 16:52
Hi Satya,

How much would you rate her in the looks department?


I got this contact from Senior Member "BAT WINGS". She is really excellent in service as discribed by him. Like the pics?


Member #4163
09-27-09, 16:52

I got this contact from Senior Member "BAT WINGS". She is really excellent in service as discribed by him. Like the pics?


Thanks for sharing the pics. We have something called the "Photo Gallery" :)

09-27-09, 19:17
Dear Folks,

I need some serious help here. I have been visiting MPs notably in Vashi, Thane and chembur.I would like to know some safe places where there would be no risk of police check ups or raids. I hv nearly run into trouble..twice.. pls dont laugh. ;)

On a serious note, please tell me where should I go. i hvnt had real action since a long time.

You people can either reply to this post or PM me.

Waiting for replies desperately.

Blue Day
09-27-09, 20:23

I dont think she's not upto the mark, though how much does she charge?



I got this contact from Senior Member "BAT WINGS". She is really excellent in service as discribed by him. Like the pics?


09-27-09, 21:03
Hi all,

It's been a while since I posted. I have mostly been hitting the two incall places I know. MCD and 7 B*ngalows occasionally Voodoo.

MCD - great provider for me. Although it's not the cleanest joint. It does the job. The girls have been all 5 - 9 out of 10. Sometimes I see the walking in to collect their pay off. That's a little scary. But if you wait a while they leave and the pimps will come and escort you in.

7 B*ngalows - I have had a couple of amazing experiences here. One girl named Sonali, around 21, gave me the best bbbj I have ever had. Had another plump girl with big tits but don't remember her name. This place is cleaner than MCD but is very expensive and it's very difficult to talk the guy down.

I am looking to branch out. I was wondering if any one could suggest some other incall places or contacts. I would greatly appreciate it. I wouldn't mind finding an independent college girl who I could make my regular.

Thanks to everyone on this forum for providing me with all the info necessary to monger here in Mumbai. PM me if you think you can help.

Satya B
09-27-09, 21:12
Hi Bro,

You can judge from the PICs man. It depends on one's choice. I personally would rate her 8\10 as she has firm body, good size boobs, little extra flesh on body which I like, for me skin color doesn't matter. I prefer good rack & service than look.

Follow the principle "Cover the face, concentrate on the base".



Hi Satya,

How much would you rate her in the looks department?

Satya B
09-28-09, 09:39
Don't like, forget her man.



I dont think she's not upto the mark, though how much does she charge?


Red 1001
09-28-09, 10:39

After a long time I am posting on MP. I got ref from my friend &Tuesday I went to Progress Health Care @ Santacruz west S V Road opp Khira Nagar Bus stop, lane between Chicken Shop & Paper mart. Small but has good stuff. Lined up 4 girls all were of 20-24 & rating 6- 7\10. I picked black buity Manisha who is just 20, short but has good rack, firm body & excellent boobs. She is Marathi........

SATYA MEYesterday went to Progress helth centre in the afternoon at 3 pm Easy to locate as per direction given by Satya B, it is located lane between paper mart & chicken shop opp. Khira nagar bus stop santacruze (W). Went inside Simran attended me & told the charges 800 for 1hr. I negotiated to 400 & selected kajal (since only 3 gal are available (manisha was not there, \) simran, Kajal & 1 other). Went up stair. 2 massage table, curtain partition. Simran also come along with me & insisted to take 2 gal I. E. Herself along with Kajal, when I said no she hug me & offer 300 extra for herself I. E. Total 700. Since I'm not interested, I rejected her offer. Kajal is also blackfish. Started with massage, took half hr. Then she ask me for extra services (HJ, fondling, fingering, CBJ etc.) for 500 negotiated to 200. Massage was good. She also perform B to B (boobs to body) massage which is good but her boobs were plump so I could not enjoy much. Finaly I fingerd her & she perform HJ. Overall experience was good. Best part is that I enjoyed full 1hr. Next time I will take Simran.

Rating – Looks : 5/10
Body : 6/10
Attitude : 8/10
Service : 9/10

Total damage : 400 + 200 tip

Uni Den
09-28-09, 12:34
Hey all, this report is from a session i had last week with an independent escort.

Had a friend of mine gave this contact, said she was an independent escort and only goes out with specific ppl on reference basis only. Even with me she had a discussion for like 30mins before she even committed for the deal. (for a moment i thought she worked for the FBI :-))

Nyways, we meet up at andheri and went to her friends place at 4 bungalows, andheri. Quite a decent flat in a completely residential society. She was carrying a bit of american accent but just loved her communication skills. From her topics of conversations she seemed quite educated as well. Once we reached at her place she was decent enough to make a cup of coffee and gave some snacks.

She was a perfect GFE and didnt mind DFK, BBBJ, gave me a boob job too :-) tried all the positions and blah blah!

Overall had 2 pops in like 3 hours. I had a amazing time with her, not just sex but the perfect GFE exp which i always look for.

Sadly she would be moving to singapore as she's got a decent job now.

Paid 15K for her service but was worth every bit of it!

Dil Beat
09-28-09, 14:27
Hi Satya B,

She is nice, although slightly plumpy. But should not bother. Nice find and nice snaps.

Is it possible to have the contact no. Pl PM.


I got this contact from Senior Member "BAT WINGS". She is really excellent in service as discribed by him. Like the pics?


Dil Beat
09-28-09, 14:32
Hi Mushimushi73,

Nice short report. Is it possible to get Sonali's contact no. Pl PM.


Hi all,

It's been a while since I posted. I have mostly been hitting the two incall places I know. MCD and 7 B*ngalows occasionally Voodoo.

MCD - great provider for me. Although it's not the cleanest joint. It does the job. The girls have been all 5 - 9 out of 10. Sometimes I see the walking in to collect their pay off. That's a little scary. But if you wait a while they leave and the pimps will come and escort you in.

7 B*ngalows - I have had a couple of amazing experiences here. One girl named Sonali, around 21, gave me the best bbbj I have ever had. Had another plump girl with big tits but don't remember her name. This place is cleaner than MCD but is very expensive and it's very difficult to talk the guy down.

I am looking to branch out. I was wondering if any one could suggest some other incall places or contacts. I would greatly appreciate it. I wouldn't mind finding an independent college girl who I could make my regular.

Thanks to everyone on this forum for providing me with all the info necessary to monger here in Mumbai. PM me if you think you can help.

Champak Lal
09-28-09, 18:31
When I slid my tongue in her mouth. In fact she sucked my tongue with hers. Yummm! It was the first time we both were trying this stunt and believe me it was awesome! I even tried my kinky habit of spitting in her mouth.

Dont try this in US. You might get hurt!

She collapsed in bed asking me how I could fuck consistently for more almost an hour.

I cummed with full glory in her arse as I wasn't wearing a condom for all the activities through the night till dawn. Finally I made her again lick all the remaining semen on my dick. She had tears in her eyes due to the pain, but who cares anyways? She was a ***** and this is her job, isn't it? . I threw her clothes at her telling her to dress up quickly. Tipped her Rs.200Pal,

You re either an upcoming best porn star or one of the best story teller. In any situation based on your unsafe habits, may god bless you with at least 10 more years of life. 5 star...200 tip..

Vista Man
09-28-09, 19:57
Or Saga of an amateur

Last months story. Sorry for late feed.

I arrived in Mumbai international airport on a late night flight and my connecting flight was after 6 hrs. Internally I was transferred to domestic airport. I still had 5-6 good hrs to kill. SO I tried to go out (the only hitch is you will need to pass security again). I had asked earlier in ISG Forum if there was anything near Airport where I can spend some funtime. Since there as no reply or PM, I had contemplated that there is nothing near airport I can do. I thought to get into a taxi and ask the cabbie to take me to a club near by. But as I came out of the domestic airport after midnight, few guys approached me with visiting cards of various hotels near the airport. I told them that I have a connecting flight at 6, they offered 50 to 75 % discount, and one of the guy said " sab facility milega" (you will get all facility).

My radar caught the waves and I ignored rest of the guys and started talking to him, I asked him sarcastically what service you guys can offer for 4-5 hrs. I told him that I am tired and I need a good massage. Now this guys told me that he represents "L---V--- hotel or palace" and they have all the service for massage. SO I told him that is close to 1 Am and how can you arrange anything this late. He told me that they have 24 hrs masseuses available and they give GOOD service. He also told me that they will take me to hotel in hotel vehicle and drop me back to airport on time, free of cost.

So I went to the said hotel and to my surprise there was NO massage facility in the hotel, that guy told me that they are PRIVATE masseuses and we need to call them. He quoted 8000 for full service even without calling the girl. I understood that I was getting into trap. SO I said I don't want any service or massage.

But he told he can mange till 6 and he called an MADAM. But he never let me talk, he tricked me saying "sab mai sambhal lunga". To cut the crap, this girl came and she as 7/10. She never spoke any English but still looked polished. We did foreplay and did some action. She was good. After an hr we were done and She asked me if you can drop her on some bridge on the way to Airport.

But on the way the hotel guys asked me money 100 Rs for 2 condoms. 50 buck for a pack of cig. And the manager asked me 1000 Rs to distribute among the staffs and watch man. Also he tried to charge the room without discount.

The loss 6k+room charge + tip + hotel tip. Total 8k. Beware of those hotel guys in airport.

The girl gave me her direct number but when on my next visit when called her, it was some guy who picked the phone and he told me that I cannot talke to her directly.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-28-09, 20:23
Hey all, this report is from a session i had last week with an independent escort.

Had a friend of mine gave this contact, said she was an independent escort and only goes out with specific ppl on reference basis only. Even with me she had a discussion for like 30mins before she even committed for the deal. (for a moment i thought she worked for the FBI :-))

Nyways, we meet up at andheri and went to her friends place at 4 bungalows, andheri. Quite a decent flat in a completely residential society. She was carrying a bit of american accent but just loved her communication skills. From her topics of conversations she seemed quite educated as well. Once we reached at her place she was decent enough to make a cup of coffee and gave some snacks.

She was a perfect GFE and didnt mind DFK, BBBJ, gave me a boob job too :-) tried all the positions and blah blah!

Overall had 2 pops in like 3 hours. I had a amazing time with her, not just sex but the perfect GFE exp which i always look for.

Sadly she would be moving to singapore as she's got a decent job now.

Paid 15K for her service but was worth every bit of it!Never heart of a boob job.

Can you explain?

09-28-09, 21:46
Sadly she would be moving to singapore as she's got a decent job now.

Paid 15K for her service but was worth every bit of it!

Good report and beautiful and hot looking chick.. I am not sure about the price paid by you (I definately think it was on a higher side) but like you said, you could afford and you thought you were happy, that is what matters. Indirectly though I must add, it is this kind of customers who help to raise the price level.. and we all end up paying more...no offence my friend..


Nxtgen Mgr
09-28-09, 22:39
Just coming from Navalkar Lane.

In the second building on the first floor of the two floors, there is a fresh babe come in from NE. Name is Riya, she is very short and has just arrived about a month back. New to this trade but was amazed at the kind of service she gave me. Just went along with me and did what ever I said.

I had a true GFE experience with her, gave me a BBBJ and tried four different positions.

She was ready to give a shot without a condom just because the condom was hurting her. I declined dont wanna take chances.

Looks: 7/10
service: 9/10
cost: 1200, +tips( I was a bit generous)

Sorry no fotos as I dont carry any kind camera's, nope not even a camera phone.

Uni Den
09-29-09, 03:21
Good report and beautiful and hot looking chick.. I am not ...
RgdsNot at problem mate! Its just that I do passive mongering and am extremely particular on picking up my kind of vodka. I take my time and patience to find one, but when I do find someone. I really don't care much about the prices! Plus with this girl, she had everything I needed!

Because in the end whtevr amount you pay. If you are satisfied. Its worth very penny!

Blue Day
09-29-09, 04:56
Hey Guys,

Last night went to MCD, went to this place for the 1st time with the help of senior members

Saw 4 girls lined up. I took p**ja, nice fair chick with excellent racks. The guy quoted me 4.5k, negotiated till 3.5k (though I think could have could have gone till 3k). There are 8-10 girls but they online lined up 3-4 at a time.

Girl. 7/10

Service. 6/10

Had a good experience but could have a better.

Credit goes to all senior members



09-29-09, 06:30
Jackson's RoD, Vista Man
What an experience for 160 bucks.

Congratulation !

Did you exchange the money at the Internationa Airport ?

Uni Den
09-29-09, 07:35
Never heart of a boob job.

Can you explain?Google it mate ;)

Dude 69
09-29-09, 08:48
Hey that was a good FR. And a good chic too! However if one equates the amount paid. Would say as long it didn't burn a hole in yr pocket who cares. Have fun.

[QUOTE=Uni Den]Hey all, this report is from a session i had last week with an independent escort.

09-29-09, 09:49
Hi Dil Beat,

Unfortunatley, I didn't get her contact as she quoted me the same price as 7 B$ngalows. If you have the pimps contact you can call and ask for her. I tried to see her again but she wasn't available about a month back.

If you need directions I can help. Let me know.

Hi Mushimushi73,

Nice short report. Is it possible to get Sonali's contact no. Pl PM.


09-29-09, 10:26
Is this the place near Zig-Zag road?

Or is it somewhere else?

Had a bad experience in Pali Naka in house, where I did not like the girls. The pimp asked me to pay500 for seeing 4 gals. Paid him to avoid any trouble. Is there any other in house in these areas, other than the Mcd, seven bungalows?

09-29-09, 10:30

Can you guide me to this 7 bungalows joint.

I have tried a lot but could never locate it.

Hi all,

It's been a while since I posted. I have mostly been hitting the two incall places I know. MCD and 7 B*ngalows occasionally Voodoo.

MCD - great provider for me. Although it's not the cleanest joint. It does the job. The girls have been all 5 - 9 out of 10. Sometimes I see the walking in to collect their pay off. That's a little scary. But if you wait a while they leave and the pimps will come and escort you in.

7 B*ngalows - I have had a couple of amazing experiences here. One girl named Sonali, around 21, gave me the best bbbj I have ever had. Had another plump girl with big tits but don't remember her name. This place is cleaner than MCD but is very expensive and it's very difficult to talk the guy down.

I am looking to branch out. I was wondering if any one could suggest some other incall places or contacts. I would greatly appreciate it. I wouldn't mind finding an independent college girl who I could make my regular.

Thanks to everyone on this forum for providing me with all the info necessary to monger here in Mumbai. PM me if you think you can help.

09-29-09, 11:46
Hi all,

Been a inactive member of the community for a long long time. So here is a request and some info.

Since I only visit india on vacation once a year, most of my time is spent either sleeping or visiting family so don't do much of mongering but 10days ago we were in dombilivi.

Dombivili is in central line beyond thane and 2 stops before kalyan. Mumbai.

If you come by train get out at Dombivili station on th eastern side and find a rikshaw: the place to head is pingara hotel near tata power house on route to kalyan.

All the rishaw guys know the place, the ride should cost you 50 to 70bucks.

Inside it is a dance bar type place with loads of DB girls, standing, walking and basically strutting their stuff around. Beer is atrociously expensive 280 per KF.

Get a beer, you can call any of the girls and sit them next to you and ask a few questions a. Get know kinda thing.

And if you like what you see, the prices should start at 1200 for the whole deal including the room. So 500 for the girl, 500 for the room and 200 for tips and shit.

It can go higher but 12 to 15 hundreds is normal. There are about 40 to 50 girls to choose from, so plenty of choices. Some are pretty good looking. Basically the place caters to all tastes and fantasies.

There are a few other places in Dombivili but this one is the best of the lot.

Now my request\question: I am looking for housewife types, non CSW type of females. Since I don't monger all that much my itch isn't that great. I am into the more homely indian girl thing at least for now. Back in europe that is a very rare commodity

Anyone with such contacts or info please PM me.

And why asterix name of places. All the cops know all the places. It is open because of corruption and burocracy and won't shut down or get raided because you put the name on a forum plus if we can guess the name of the place very cleverly hidden with asterix. Then so can the cops

Looking forward to some phone numbers and some clear directions.



09-29-09, 14:41
Had a session with Sophia @ V's place on his recomendation.

Tall/slim dusky babe with long straight hair / 34D boobs and a awsome Ass.

I was more than satisfied @ the service.

She completely worships ur body.

Complete with feet licking(slurping) , anal rimming , complete body licking.

All positions with she on the top . OMG i could have a mild heart attack just looking at the jugs while she was gresing my johny from the top.

She is worth the 3.5K ...I have a hint that she may go A.

She declined ( but I guess as I am thicker on the Knob.

Try this one...very intimidating and totally in control

Face: 7/10
body:9/10 ( well toned)
Service: 10/10

Member #4171
09-29-09, 18:14
Dude, Are you doubly sure with the pictures ? There are 100s of this lady's pics on the internet under the name of Neha aunty. Google might also help, if you know how to search. :-)

Hey all, this report is from a session i had last week with an independent escort.

Sadly she would be moving to singapore as she's got a decent job now.

Paid 15K for her service but was worth every bit of it!

Vista Man
09-30-09, 00:49
Jackson's RoD, Vista Man

What an experience for 160 bucks.

Congratulation !

Did you exchange the money at the Internationa Airport ? Yep I had no option of exchangeing it else where since it was late night. But here is the trick, they charge 6% but if you bargain, they will come down to 4%.

Fun In Mumbai
09-30-09, 03:20
Is this the lady that appears in Uni den's report? Must admit there is some similarity to the lady in his pics. Small world, huh?

Dude, Are you doubly sure with the pictures ? There are 100s of this lady's pics on the internet under the name of Neha aunty. Google might also help, if you know how to search. :-)

09-30-09, 10:13
Hello mates,

The young lady is arriving on the 1st of oct. Those of you interested in meeting her can send me a pm.

And again I request zero posters and newbies not to send me pm. I will simply delete the pm from newbies and zero posters. So dont waste your time and mine.

JSFWhy are you risking the LE problem for this lady. Arranging the meeting can be unlawful.

09-30-09, 15:55
The asterix are there so that not everyone can guess the name. If we put the name openly there are hundreds of wanna be's who will go over to the place and the place will suddenly come into limelight. Now we all know that the cops turn a blind eye so long as things are smooth and they get their tuppence.

But with the increased interest and traffic of wannabe's in that particular place the locals (ladies from good families) will find it difficult to negotiate that stretch of the road or foot path with all the guys giving them leering looks and glad eye. Maybe some lady will complain. And if a few ladies complain together the senior cops will have to take action. They will get pressure from top to raid the place.

Guess what? A good place will be shut down because we post the name and exact location on the open forum which anyone can read even without becoming a member.

That I guess is why most experienced mongers will refrain from posting names, locations, telephone numbers etc on the forum

They use the pm facility. But from someone who does not have a pm facility (perhaps you have or perhaps you dont) this question comes naturally. Now the question is do you have pm facility? If you do ask on the pm. If not then dont spoil a good place by posting the details and directions like you have.

Hope that explains the asterix. :)


By the way the young lady is delayed by a few days. PM me for the code and new number. No newbies please.

Hi all,

And why asterix name of places. All the cops know all the places. It is open because of corruption and burocracy and won't shut down or get raided because you put the name on a forum plus if we can guess the name of the place very cleverly hidden with asterix. Then so can the cops

Looking forward to some phone numbers and some clear directions.



Red 1001
09-30-09, 17:14
Today again went to P**gress health centre at 4 p.m. Counter charges is 500 (today they have not come down to 400). Selected S*m*an. Started with massage for half hr. This is one of the best massages I had. Then she ask me now masti (enjoyment). Without negotiating price said yes. She is very talkative. She started with B to B (boobs to body) massage which is very good. Her boobs are plump but the way she is massaging is very good so enjoy the whole act. She is very GFE. Then she give HJ. Overall experience was very good. Give her 300 tip. Today also enjoyed full 1hr. I will repeat S*m*an. I strongly recommend S*m*an.

Rating – Looks : 6/10
Body : 6/10
Attitude : 9/10
Service : 9/10

Total damage : 500 + 300 tip

10-01-09, 11:21

There have been number of request for sharing your Vasai (e) joint, which you have not replied to.

Agreed that it is entirely your perogative to share or not to. But I feel it should be more restrictive incase of an individual contact. Not an open contact/joint as your report suggested.

Anyone can report saying he has seen a lineup of 10/10 Russian/lebaneese babes near say Govandi station. But will that be true!

Saw ue post after a long time and was compelled to ask this Q.

10-01-09, 12:30
Dude, Are you doubly sure with the pictures ? There are 100s of this lady's pics on the internet under the name of Neha aunty. Google might also help, if you know how to search. :-)

Nope the pictures though similar, on very close inspection i found some small variances. One variance is the tone of skin ; another is quality / age of skin, this one appears to be a young female. Whilst Neha's seems a bit more aged. Just my 2 paise worth. It could also be the same female in which case it could be a pleasant coincidence.

10-01-09, 16:56
Nope the pictures though similar, on very close inspection I found some small variances. One variance is the tone of skin; another is quality / age of skin, this one appears to be a young female. Whilst Neha's seems a bit more aged. Just my 2 paise worth. It could also be the same female in which case it could be a pleasant coincidence.I wrote a report under name Faker uniden, but I donno it never appeared.

Is Uniden the moderator of this forum. Anyway I wantd to say why such a senior member with more than 75 posts is lying in this forum. Its only becos of these guys, the indian forums credibility going low. I have all his pictures unmasked, does that mean I'm the owner of these photos. Guys get awake. Don't get fooled by people like Uniden.

10-01-09, 17:17
Is this the place near Zig-Zag road?

Or is it somewhere else?All your seven previous posts have been questions. Instead of asking ques, pay Rs.2.50, get a Mumbai mirror, and there will be a section called classifieds, I hope you know how to use a mobile. Grow Up buddy. Even we used to newbies at one point of time, but we never used to pester the forum with questions.

Cool Shag
10-02-09, 00:45
Hi Friends.

Apologize for the delay.

The MP I had visited is called K**s*I and is located next to the IC*** Bank in Bangur Nagar. There are a few other MP's around like the Ro**n* and Lu**y but haven't been there.

The girls in this parlor may vary from a 6-8. Sometimes you might get a 9 as well but over the last 2-3 times I have visited found arnd 4-5 girls in afternoon at arnd 2-3 PM but the number of girls increases after 6 PM because I saw arnd 8-9 girls at arnd 7 PM the girl I took was R*p* wud say arnd 6/10 but she was ready for everything including a BBBJ with a CIM for about a 1K (after lots of discussions) + 400 for the Counter (20 mins/Half body) in my first visit.

In my consequent visits she came down to 500 for a BBBJ + CIM + a complete strip. She said she was also ready to go to a lodge nearby Aksa for FS (3-4 hrs) for arnd 3K and also offered FS for 2K in the MP itself. Full night after 10 PM till 8 in morning wud cost 4K for as many pops as you can.

She also informed that if you take the other girls they wud say no at first but after a couple of visits even they allow FS in the MP for 2K (which seems to be fixed if you do it in the MP) and wud happily go out for 3-5K for a 3-4 hr session to full night for as many pops and are also open to a*al for 1K extra.

Guys just 1 word of caution. Once you enter the MP make sure you select the girl otherwise the girl that you would get by default is a 4/10 and provides pathetic service.

Happy mongering

Cool Shag
10-02-09, 01:31
Hi guys,

Visited this MP called M*h*k near the A*d**ri S***ts C****ex. Was a bit late going there arnd 8.30 PM. 3 girls were available but the madam said that the MP wud close arnd 9.00 so they do not take any customers after 8.30 (was a bit shocked when I heard that). So I said what the heck I will leave but then the madam insisted that I can go for a 30 mins session. Agreed for 0.5K and took a girl. Wud say the girl was an 8/10 on looks was about 5'2" a bit fair and nice tits.

So went inside with the girl and she started with a decent massage.10 mins down the line the madam shouted that the girls are leaving and asked the girl who was with me to lock the door from inside and she will lower down the shutters. Cool! So I was left alone with an almost georgeous (as comapred to the girls I had seen in some other MP's) girl and no disturbance.

The girl seemed relaxed and was in no hurry at all and once she locked the door and came back started with the massage. She was apologetic at what the Madam had told me and was eager to please.

So I enquired as to what are the services provided other than massage she said a HJ was provided for 200 bucks. I asked for a BJ and as there was no one else in the MP agreed for a full strip and fingering which she agreed for 0.5K. Asked for FS which she denied. So I told her to undress completely and started with a DFK while she started rubbing her titties on my chest and I tried to finger her wet pussy. Then she slowly moved her attention to junior and continued with a BBBJ (It was one of the best BJ's that I ever had) while I continued to finger her. 2-3 mins down the BJ she asked me whether I had a Condi and said she would allow FS for 2K (What the heck) provided I do not tell this to anyone. Especially her madam. Agreed. So she put on a condi on my junior and asked me to come on top of her in mish. But considering that the MP had chairs it was a bit difficult to continue with mish so she came up in cowgirl. Even then it was not working so started with a standing doggy and finished in the standing mish position (forgive my ignorance as I don't know what that position is called). She then cleaned my junior with a spray bottle and asked whether I needed a massage. Agreed and continued with a head and back massage for another 20-30 mins. By this time my junior was ready to go again so she started another session of BBBJ which I insisted she finish off with a CIM which she reluctantly did.

Overall a good experience for 2 hrs considering I was told that the massage wud last for only 30 mins.

Girl - 8/10
Bj skills - 9/10
Attitude - 10/10
Overall Exp - 8/10

Total Damages
0.5K for the MP
3K for the girl including a FS session and BBBJ with a CIM
Overall quite a satisfactory Session and 3.5K well spent

10-02-09, 06:37

There have been number of request for sharing your Vasai (e) joint, which you have not replied to.

Agreed that it is entirely your perogative to share or not to. But I feel it should be more restrictive incase of an individual contact. Not an open contact/joint as your report suggested.

Anyone can report saying he has seen a lineup of 10/10 Russian/lebaneese babes near say Govandi station. But will that be true!

Saw ue post after a long time and was compelled to ask this Q.Friends;

After every FR posting I get a lot of PM requests for contact details. My personal view is that such contacts need not be exchanged with strangers, as they can cause a problem for the owners of the joints. I believe that posting such a report will give people who are really serious to find places a indication of prices and the area. There can be a many places in that area which can help you all guys. I remember once I just got a lead from a member to visit Mira. Bhayander road for Massage parlours and when I visited the road I found 1 MP every 50meters. Over few month I tried them and found all had a almost similar quality of girls and price range. So getting exact name is not needed. By the way don't think of visiting this road now as all places are close since last year or so.

I am not a provider that I should give you all details of address and phone numbers to any guy who asks me here. Why should I risk that? What benifit will I get from that? There are a few members who post names of girls and say they will provide contacts if PM is sent. I think they are in a way connected to the girls business. I don't want that fame.

Yes, if the place is a popular one which all know anyway I do post the name so that guys know the kind of service I got there and compare with others.

Earlier I did give leads of places in Bangalore and Mumbai to guys here but even after people actually visiting these places every other guy who wants the contact will ask me and tell me to prove I am true by providing the contact.

I don't want to prove anyone here anymore. I have all contacts I need for myself in all cities I visit. This is not a classified Ad column of newspaper. This is a place to post your experiences.

Uni Den
10-02-09, 06:55
Wow, preety surprizing to see the reactions! Is it becoz some are jealous that after all these years your little sad and lonely tool was not able to jack such a pie?

I don't feel imp to justify or provide any explanations on the pics of a SW I had a session with. If any women or aunty pics are found posted on the internet does that mean she doesn't exist in real life and can't be hunted? Why is it so been so hard to digest?

AtFun In Mumbai: quite possible. It really is a small world!

AtTydecksa: Who said the creditability of indian forum is low? FYI. This forum is one of the most popular, top viewed forum at ISG. I don't think forum with low credibility get so many hits on any day to compare with what the india forum gets. Btw I appretiate you comment on the fact of the report, do you have any base to support that? Did I ever mention in the report that the pics were fake and that I lied or grab attention?

So much for your unwanted tip on creditability. No ones gives a dime to it anyways.

Who I am and how my creditability stands is quite clear among the people who are worth and deserve knowing it and I do not need to lie or fake to influence tht. FYI. I also don't really care about me being famous on the forum or what my post count is. I am just here to share my experience and interact with people with mutual interest.

Nyways, I always restrain myself from getting involved into useless arguments and controversies like this, but then some "nerds" just don't get it!

Everyones free to argue on this topic, but don't expect any further explanations or reverts from me on this topic.

Happy Mongering!

On The Wings
10-02-09, 09:08
Guys get awake. Don't get fooled by people like Uniden.Hi..Tydecksa.Thanks for the concern but same time no one will allow himself for a ride just by seeing the pictures.Frankly speaking,when I saw the pictures I was not impressed and was sure will definitely wont vouch for 15k.

I opine most of us will/may arrive to the same conclusion.That being the bare truth,why to bother whether it's a real one or Fake. So,lets play it cool.

Now,one thing has been made sound & Clear- no.of posting is not the yardstick to gauge the quality and reliability of a report/member.

10-02-09, 10:06
Wow, preety surprizing to see the reactions! Is it becoz some are jealous that after all these years your little sad and lonely tool was not able to jack such a pie?

Happy Mongering!Buddy, ive seen better stuff all over the world,

If you are the real owner of these pics, why do you blurr the face in ISG and post it as such in other websites. Didn't you check the unblurred pics are available as of lately. Btw next time you can dwnload it from here.


10-02-09, 10:10
No I don't know how to use a mobile.. Y don't you come over & teach me buddy.. V juniors should get tip's & help from seniors like you buddy. Y are you a senior? Because you have the experience. Right? So juniors like us expect some guidance from experience guys like you. So that v don't get stuck at a wrong place.. This forum is to share experiences & help each other dude. I hope you understand.If you want help why don't you get PM and msg seniors. There has been lots of information on the Mumbai forum itself, have you ever done a RTFF, if you wud have done it, for sure you could have got a lot of leads. As I told you, why don't you get the nbrs from classifieds, because thats where most people start first.

10-02-09, 10:18
Had a nice massage with HJ st the itc. The lady was a fair skinned Aunty... Not really my type. Thanks to Indian Montreal for the tip.

Body 4/10
Face 5/10
Service 7/10
Massge 7/10

3500 hotel 1000 to girl.

Pretty pricey

10-02-09, 19:32
Thanks Cool for writing two good report.

Hi guys,

Visited this MP called M*h*k near the A*d**ri S***ts C****ex. Was a bit
Hi Friends.

Apologize for the delay.

The MP I had visited is called K**s*I and is located next to the IC*** Bank in

10-03-09, 09:15
Had a nice time at I*C and R***E in Juhu. I*C was bit costly and no young girls, but R***E well within the budget and good gals.since i am new here and not good in hindi they asked for 1.5k, played with tits,hs & fiv. on the way out saw two beautiful gals, so have to go twice again

Member #4171
10-03-09, 10:34
Hey all, this report is from a session i had last week with an independent escort.

Well, somehow, the same set of pictures were available way back in Jan2009. :-) It is allright, dude. You had uploaded the wrong set of pictures from your collection, that is all. :-). We all understand that it was a sincere mistake on the picture part alone. Take it easy. You dont owe anyone any explanation. :-)

On The Wings
10-03-09, 16:05
Btw next time you can dwnload it from here.


Your reply supplemented with the exbii.com/showthread was just astonishing and exposing the loose loose situation of of the other member. I/we never anticipated you can pull a string like this making all the counter arguments vapourize into nowhere. Just laudable man, just laudable.

It reminds everyone that since this being a Net Forum, one can't just put in some pictures/message with tall tall claims and go away unnoticed and leave the scene scotfree.

Members like you are here to set right the things. That's great.

10-03-09, 16:17
First of all my apologies for a long break. Work pressure is the only excuse that I can offer.

There is an Uncle who is an old provider in Borivali area. I have been to his place quite a few times. Good material is available at his place however, the place is lousy. It is a chawl typy of house in a fish market. The place to do the deed is kitchen and you have just a lousy matress to make you comfortable. But as I said, you get gems at times, so I continue visiting the Uncle's place.

About 2 weeks back I went there. Besides the two HWs, this Black Diamond was on offer. About 20 YO, nice rack, 32 breasts, nice, tight and rounded. The girl was jet black but attractive smile and good attitude. Uncle asked for 1500 but I negotiated for 1000.

Back to the room (sorry! Kitchen) we started with DFK, no issues at all. I was massaging her boobs and she was feeling my johny. About 10 minutes into foreplay, I found her to be hot and wet. She started with BBBJ and I kept fingering her wet pussy. She requested me to enter which I did immediately. I was in heaven, after a long time, I tasted such a tight pussy. I could not last for more than 10 minutes and came in mis.

We talked for some time, she was a divorcee at such a young age and she does this for a living. She is willing to go out even for an overnight. Unfortunately, her cell number was not available as the SIM card had got corrupted. Hope I would meet her again at Uncle's place.


Body -7
Boobs -7
Pussy -8
Attitude - 8
Overall experience - 7.5
WIR - Yes, definitely

Mumbai Guy
10-03-09, 17:12
Visited N Lane yesterday. First called up Gopi and went to the white building at about 4.30PM. He showed me a line up which was below my expectations.
Started to leave the place when he told me that he will arrange for something special for me. Took me to the adjoining building (opposite the floor mill on the first floor) Showed me a girl named S**hia. She was tall and had a good figure. gave amazing GFE.

Looks: 7/10
Figure: 8/10
Service: 8/10
Cost: 4K
Repeat value: 8/10

Gave me her digits and was willing to meet me outside.

Overall a great experience.

10-04-09, 06:42
The price for Sophia is 3.5k guys. Unless you've given her a tip. There are only 4 slabs for indian girls in N Lane.1.7, 2.2, 3.5 and 5.5. Tips extra. The 3.5 girls give great service, the 2.2 ones are also quite good. But some of the 1.7 ones are not that enthusiastic. No DFK. No BBBJ. Etc.

Have had quite a few girls from N Lane. Yet to find a joint which gives better value for money. But here are the best girls that I have had so far.

Kareena: If you like a beautiful, and petite girl. Great boobs and a great body. Does not do doggy for long. Prefers mish.3.5k but great service.

Sophia: Tall and dark. Slightly large. Great ass. And great DFK. But great service again.3.5k. Allows fingering of her ass.

Anju: Plump would be an understatement. But very very enthusiastic and does a great DFK. Allows fingering of her ass too. And a great fuck.1.7k

Apart from this already discussed Monica, Muskan (not that great). Would have written about quite a few. But have forgotten the names.

Went to Red Horse. Good chicks. Took one and was wholly disappointed. Was worse than a starfish. She just lay there. Even a dead fish would have been more responsive. Wasted money without the goods. The girls name was vaishali. Tall and slim. Good looking but the whole point is lost. Don't fall for her looks.

Also tried an MP is Powai. In the powai plaza. Ground floor towards the back end. Not too great. Avoid

If anyone has some pointers regarding Red Horse. Do tell. My subscription has recently run out. And it coincided with my losing my credit card. So couldn't renew it.

Will try to be more regular with reports



Figure: 8/10
Service: 8/10
Cost: 4K
Repeat value: 8/10
gave me her digits and was willing to meet me outside. Overall a great experience.

10-04-09, 09:41
Last Sunday I visited the place opp macdonalds bandra.

It was around 4pm. I was asked to pay 4.5k bought it down to 3k. I was shown 3 girls selected one called S*N*A*A. I guess this was where I made a mistake. She had just woken up I guess and was not that interested so it got over very quickly. Looks wise she was flat and had no boobs. Wrong choice. I guess I choose the wrong time to visit the place. Thus not a great exp. I was told visiting it later in the eve wud be much better by the guy downstairs. Overall not a memorable exp.

Cost:3K+ 100 to the condi guy.
Attitude: 2/10
Looks 5/10

10-04-09, 09:48
A couple of days back I went to progress the santacruz MP. This place has been around for a while and I remember going here around 6-7 months back. It was run by a girl named V***S*A. Who has gone to her native place for a few weeks. As I entered the girl S*M*AN recognised me and said you have been here before though I dint remember her. Paid 800 for a full body massage for an Hr. This girl looked good 7/10. And had great service. Though she kept asking for 800 Rs as a tip and I was like, you lost it. Too much bargaining and finally paid 500rs to her. I know I overpaid but dint want to argue and jhony was really desperate. The massage lasted for 53 mins. (I always time to the minute) the service was good. Great racks on her. There is another chick called neha out there whom I just had a glance at as she was busy with another client. May try her out soon. Overall a decent place but guys be ready to negiotiate hard if required.

10-04-09, 14:20

Members like you are here to set right the things. That's great.Thx for that. Ive never seen any other forum, where there has been so many fake fantasy reports than the Indian forum. Better we should create a seperate section called stories, and let these guys write there.

10-05-09, 03:04

I got this contact from Senior Member "BAT WINGS". She is really excellent in service as discribed by him. Like the pics?

SATYA B.Nice pics.

What's her price?

10-05-09, 07:32
My pleasure dude.

Shall PM you a couple of other neat joints in Andheri area.

Happy Mongering!

Had a nice time at I*C and R***E in Juhu. I*C was bit costly and no young girls, but R***E well within the budget and good gals.since i am new here and not good in hindi they asked for 1.5k, played with tits,hs & fiv. on the way out saw two beautiful gals, so have to go twice again

10-05-09, 07:37
Once you work on them, they help you reduce the price.

You didn't go for the small young one, I see. Take by name, next time!


Had a nice massage with HJ st the itc. The lady was a fair skinned Aunty... Not really my type. Thanks to Indian Montreal for the tip.

Body 4/10
Face 5/10
Service 7/10
Massge 7/10

3500 hotel 1000 to girl.

Pretty pricey

Uni Den
10-05-09, 11:01
If anyone has some pointers regarding Red Horse. Do tell. My subscription .... Never go on looks for bar girls, you would always have dead fishes. You can ask the waiters out thr, the guys in the black coats. Tell them clearly wht you want and they will show you your perfect match. The looks of bar girls and inversely propotional to their service for obvious reasons. Kajal, Neha, Uma are personally tried and tested thrice with UMA.

Try hunting her on your next trip and let us know how it goes!


Motor Man
10-05-09, 11:22

Am just back from a nice satisfying FU*K at the place opposite McDonalds on Linking Road. Went there at about 1.30 in the afternoon. Three girls to chose from. Picked a new girl, Pr*Ya. About 28 years. Big boobs, 38 D I would guess. Not a flat stomach, but was really passionate. She said she had just come to Bombay from Muradabad a fortnight back. She came in wearing a t shirt and track pants without bra or panty, but her boobs held up nicely, not teenage firm but nice all the same. She took my clothes off, kissing me and nibbling and scratching gently all the time, on my nipples and sucking my ears. I had a real boner!

Took her top off and lay on the bed, where she proceeded to give me an amazing blow job. Didn'tseem to mind if I came in her mouth. But I held back. Had her suck and chew on my balls. All in all lots of TLC from the girl. Finally she rode me cowboy style and then I turned her around for a doggy till I came.

Great fun. The provider wanted 4.5. I settled at 3.5 would have come down to 3, but what the hell its still just about 50 Pounds!

I gave her Rs 500 at the end and I could a huge hug and kiss in return. So will be assured of great service the next time!

Total Damages 3500 + 500 tip +100 to the condom guy

Body 7.5 (great boobs, sweet face, longish hair, bit plump on the stomach and slightly saggy on the arse!)

GFE 8.5

Well worth it.

Went to a new MP near St Andrews Church Last week. Bit pricey, but girls in Kingfisher Kind of uniforms. Quite a turn on. Shall post that another time!

Blue Day
10-05-09, 12:02
Hey Guys,

I'm looking for some MP in South Mumbai (should get quality service).

Have been looking for it since long, can't locate any more then 2-3 of them. One is at JSS Road, other one at Girgham Chowpatty & one at Grant Road. Among these only the one which is at JSS Road is good (Infact Strictly Good) none of them are upto the mark.

Would appreciate if anyone can guide me.


Blue Day

Blue Day
10-05-09, 12:04
I agree, infact there are more arguments among the members than reports.

Thx for that. I've never seen any other forum, where there has been so many fake fantasy reports than the Indian forum. Better we should create a seperate section called stories, and let these guys write there.

Motor Man
10-05-09, 14:11
This is about a month lod. Noticed the number in the Mirror and Midday. H*mLi*e. Opp Andrews Church, PM me for exact location, if you are interested. Must warn you that this is more pricey than most others in the area.1200 for Powder and 1500 for oil and a minimum tip of 500 if you want to finger booth the boobs and the pussy and only a hand jonb. So why would I go there again!

Well because its nice and clean, unlike most others. Decent lobby with four fair sized cabins and nicely air conditioned. There were three girls there all dressed in red skirts, black inners and red coats with stockings! Trying to look like KF air hostesesses, right down to black slip on shoes! I would give them 8 for effort! Friendly service, it better be at that price. Nice massage oil poured into the ars* crack and rubbed in with a finger shoved in. Balls massaged while you lie on your stomach so she reaches under you and then oils your pole to hardness as well. No rush.

I had a girl called She*t*l. Tallish, small boobs, shoulder length hair and wet pussy! Would I go there again. May be as I find it very relaxing. But at about Rs 2, 200. Yeah I paid 1500 and a 700 bucks tip, its expensive.comapare it to a full Bare blow job at Archies/Saphire in Khar which costs me max Rs 1400 (700 + 700) with some really busty babes. Only this place is much cleaner and you don't leave wondering if your clothes have picked up ticks or some other crawlies which is the feeling I get in a lot of MPs in my lovely Amchi Mumbai!

Take care

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

10-05-09, 14:50
I had been to an Mp in goregaon a few weeks back. Forgot the name. When you come from hupercity towards goregaon there is an ICICI bank out there on the opp side. This MP exists.

Neways coming to the point, was asked to pay 1K for fullbody bought it down to 800. Selected a girl that looked good. Decent service, though only HJ was given. Asked to have a condi if I wanted a BJ. Dint have one at that time. Overall a decent exp. If people need directions give PM me.

10-06-09, 08:09
Hey all, this report is from a session i had last week with an independent escort.

Had a friend of mine gave this contact, said she was an independent escort and only goes out with specific ppl on reference basis only. Even with me she had a discussion for like 30mins before she even committed for the deal. (for a moment i thought she worked for the FBI :-))

Nyways, we meet up at andheri and went to her friends place at 4 bungalows, andheri. Quite a decent flat in a completely residential society. She was carrying a bit of american accent but just loved her communication skills. From her topics of conversations she seemed quite educated as well. Once we reached at her place she was decent enough to make a cup of coffee and gave some snacks.

She was a perfect GFE and didnt mind DFK, BBBJ, gave me a boob job too :-) tried all the positions and blah blah!

Overall had 2 pops in like 3 hours. I had a amazing time with her, not just sex but the perfect GFE exp which i always look for.

Sadly she would be moving to singapore as she's got a decent job now.

Paid 15K for her service but was worth every bit of it!If the price was 1500 it was a catch, at 15000 it is useless. At this price a much better girls are available. Also looking at her armpits I can feel the stink even from the pictures. Wonder what other members have to say?

Satya B
10-06-09, 11:19
Nice pics.

What's her price?

2.5k for ST, but value for your money.


Motor Man
10-06-09, 11:42

in my quest for slightly more upmarket mps called up r*mee gue***ne hotel in juhu. the spa said non guests could come by for a massage. i checked to see if it would be given by a female, yes they said.

the spa is on the sixth floor. they charge 1770 for an aroma therapy massage. but overall poor experience. was handed over to therapist called you*ha. nothing much to look at. asked me to strip and lie down on my stomach. removed my towel and proceeded with an indifferent massage with loads of oil. suggestively rubbed my arse and brushed against my balls, i had arched up!

but when i turned around she wanted 5000 for fs. i said no. she wasnt all that hot and her attitude turned me off. she then said 2, 500 for a hj and fondling her tits. i said no.

finally she said she would do it for 1000, even that was too much but i agreed. what followed was a hj and access to her tits with great difficulty, she refused to take off her apron and i had to grope them through her shirt, wouldn't let me take a look at them or get my mouth anywhere near them! they felt fairly good. but never again.

take care and play safe.

On The Wings
10-06-09, 15:19
Went to Red Horse. Good chicks. Disappointed. Dead fish vaishali. If anyone has some pointers regarding Red Horse. Do tell.Sorry, for that Chengiz. But, even in the best possible circumstances (when you call someone from club/escorts at a package of 10k/15k), its not guaranteed what will be in stores and and as we all know, its always a trial & hit. In the case of DB Gals and that too in Dahisar PBs, the attitude is almost same with most of the gals. You get access to naked flesh and can exhaust yourself doing missionary and if you start thinking of other mischieves, you can only think because the gal would have left already and won't be in the scene. They can't hold beyond 30/40 mins and she is back to the bar, waiting for the next. This is exactly what's happening in the Bar run fun rooms. Ofcourse, if you like and she agrees, you can take her out which might turn into one helluva of things.

Regarding Vaishu, she is one well spent doll (can v say spent force? ). Real cute compelling face and I think you were deceived by her looks. Quite sexy. Know her pretty well and the moment you enter Redhorse, you can't miss it.

But, knowing or unknowingly I maintain a good wavelength with these Black suite guys. They give very nice tips (Thankyou, Mr. Uniden. What you said is correct) and I was warned about this Vaishu following complaints from many clients and was suggested not to take her. So, it is.

Better luck next time, Chengiz.

Now, I can't give the names but just work it out. Ask for one 'Master'-black coat guy/tall/fair/lean. Present your needs, really he will suggest the rite stuff.

Another- little less than 5ft, well built/broad shoulder/fair/raised forehead-easy to spot among the black coat wallahs-name s*a*k*r-he can help you identify the right one. But, I forewarn you-don't expect too much, at the least can escape from starfish/deadfish-rite na. Keep it going.

10-06-09, 19:43
Got a call centre girl contact thro a local pimp. She said she charges 10k for 2 hours. But said ok for 8k. It was bit too mch, but it was raining, and I cud not go for another one, so I did accept.

Also I wantd someone who could speak english.

Body -7/10
GFE- 9/10
Cost - 8k + .5 for room +.5 for pimp and condi boy
Wud i repeat - yes but if shes ok for 5k.

10-07-09, 06:00
Visited vishnus place had a st session with meggi what a fantastique experience I neaver had such a wonderful experience.

Dfk, ass rimming than ass f**king, doggy, cow boy and finally missionary she is a gorgeous female and nothing is imposible with her.

Overall good experience. Every one should try her atleast once.

Total damage 2k
1700-for her
250 - tips
50 - condy guy

10-07-09, 16:06
You are absolutely right raju. I already posted a report about her some time back.


Visited vishnus place had a st session with meggi what a fantastique experience I neaver had such a wonderful experience.

Dfk, ass rimming than ass f**king, doggy, cow boy and finally missionary she is a gorgeous female and nothing is imposible with her.

Overall good experience. Every one should try her atleast once.

Total damage 2k
1700-for her
250 - tips
50 - condy guy

10-07-09, 17:42
I had gone to an MP in Khar recently. Got the contact from Mid-day. Its near Khar Station. When you ask for Directions they give you jewellery shop and tailor shops name as landmarks.

This was my second visit out there, the first one being well over a year ago. However the girl I selected remembered me. Asked 1000 for a fullbody massage, came down to 700. Selected a girl called Sh***A.

Moment we entered the cabin I made it clear I want service. She said FS is not done, agreed for a BJ but asked for a 1000. I said I won't pay that much. Came down to 600.

Anyways she had good boobs but service was ok, just thrusting the boobs on my face does not qualify for service for me. Overall not that satisfied with the service considering the amt. 700+600.

Try it out guys only if your in the aread and jhony's desperate.

Cripler God
10-07-09, 19:35
[QUOTE=Motor Man]Hi

Hey thanks for all this experiences, I had been to the same place by 8 P.M. I went there & there were couple of Pimps. I just asked them about the girls & they took me to the 1st floor where there were about 5 Gls. I chose a girl y name Priya trust me guys she will turn you on like hell. She has 38 size boobies. She gave me finest sucking & she played her boob all over me. Then she gave me a BJ which was simply fantastic then later I fucked her for 45 mins

3.5k for the grl.
100 rs tip for service guy

I think there are more girls at tat place, its really worth a try.

10-08-09, 03:25
Fellow Mongers,

Does anyone know if the joint next to Lotus PP is still active ? I had very good experience at that joint few months ago. The pimp name was "R.j...h". I did a bengali girl named "shibani" couple of times, very good GFE. He also had couple of foreigners.


10-08-09, 08:20
I am a regular visitor of D*na MP in Th*ne. It is bang opposite Gaj*n*n Vadapav, Na*pad*. Just take a rik from anywhere in Th*ne n ask him to take u to Ga*anun Vadapav, Naupada. Bang oppsite is the MP. At evenings u will find a line up of 8-9. In afternoons about 4-5. It was my 3rd visit.

I ussually don't make a choice and go for whatever is sent. So, during my 3rd visit to the MP the madam herself came to the cabin. She started with oil m*ss*ge. All of a sudden, during the massage, I felt her rim*ing me. It was the one of the best ones ever. M*ss*ge was folllowed by a HJ & B2B Mas*ge

Looks 5/10
Body 6/10
Massage 10/10
HJ 9/10
Overall 8/10

Cost 2K - too much for a HJ. But with the r*mming I think it was worth it.

10-08-09, 09:15
Hi Guys,

I been a member of this forum for about a month. Went to a new Parlour in Bandra. Its opp. Moti Mahal, on top of Po*l*y J*w*l*ers on the second floor. They ask for Rs. 1000 as counter charges but will settle for Rs. 800 for 1 hr another 300 for the girl. Tried Ma*h*vi. Nice tits no DFK,no BJ & not too cooperative. She seemed to be in a hurry to wank me off. They have 3 more girls but very bad. The place is run by a couple. This lady who runs the place is the best out there. But she does not give massage. It was an ok experience but have had better ones. One thing the place is nice and clean just started on the 20th of Sept. Its a new place.


Cripler God
10-08-09, 12:46
My pleasure dude.

Shall PM you a couple of other neat joints in Andheri area.

Happy Mongering!Hey,

Can you gimme some pick up joints Andheri(W) & wat time its better to visit.

Thanks in advance

10-08-09, 14:32
Tried finding it a coupla weeks back, at 1 am, no luck, few people I asked there, told me its shut down.

Fellow Mongers,

Does anyone know if the joint next to Lotus PP is still active ? I had very good experience at that joint few months ago. The pimp name was "R.j...h". I did a bengali girl named "shibani" couple of times, very good GFE. He also had couple of foreigners.


Uni Den
10-08-09, 15:41
Thanking JSF for the jewel!

Well meet up at vashi station and went to a hotel at sanpada. The hotel was quite clean, would rate 3/5. But then she was brilliant, amazing communication skills, a 10/10 GFE experience. It was a full bundled package of doggy, mission, 69, etc etc. She was open for everything expect anal and CIM (which is quite understandable).

Had an excellent time with her! Just didn't realize how 2 hours and 2 pops just passed by and well I still wanted more. But BEEP BEEP. Times up.

Sure gonna meet her again!


10-08-09, 17:14
I had asked the same question fe wmonmths back. No one replied. I remember this guy, had his cell no, deleted it by mistake. It wa sa vodaphone no. Noone replied, the place you talk about was (could be is, if its still active) awesome. I had komal a kashmiri girl out there, she was good, had a few other babes as well. But don't know the latest update on this. If you get any let me know.

Fellow Mongers,

Does anyone know if the joint next to Lotus PP is still active ? I had very good experience at that joint few months ago. The pimp name was "R.j...h". I did a bengali girl named "shibani" couple of times, very good GFE. He also had couple of foreigners.


Peter Patros
10-09-09, 10:39
She IS something isnt she!

i see she is getting quite a fan club here!

she is really worth the time and money you spend on her.

Thanking JSF for the jewel!

Sure gonna meet her again!


10-09-09, 15:20
The pleasure is mine mate. It is always nice to pass on some good contacts to others who contribute to the forum.



Thanking JSF for the jewel!

Well meet up at vashi station and went to a hotel at sanpada. The hotel was quite clean, would rate 3/5. But then she was brilliant, amazing communication skills, a 10/10 GFE experience. It was a full bundled package of doggy, mission, 69, etc etc. She was open for everything expect anal and CIM (which is quite understandable).

Had an excellent time with her! Just didn't realize how 2 hours and 2 pops just passed by and well I still wanted more. But BEEP BEEP. Times up.

Sure gonna meet her again!


Future Man1
10-10-09, 06:28
After long tried this old MP at worli near atria mall. Quality was not good. But selected a girl called shreya.

Lookwise 5/10 but good firm boobs. Excellent gfe and real good service. Her BJ skills are not so good but she was full into it.

Cost counter 500 and her 500.

Try if you want good service.

Mumbai Fun
10-10-09, 09:17
Fellow Mongers,

Does anyone know if the joint next to Lotus PP is still active ?

RahulAs far as I know, it shut down quite sometime back. Had gone there a yr back without any pimp, just landed up cause I had been there a couple of times earlier, but figured that the entire place was shut.

Has anyone been there in the last one year? cause it would mean that like most of these in call places they shut down for sometime and then again reopen.

10-10-09, 12:50
Went to craze spa in Andheri after a long time... Selected a girl called M**A. Looks wise 6/10. Service was excellent. Had gr8 fun. paid 1K for 1hr. At the very outset i told her all i wanted was service and she did not disappoint. I got a DFK, BJ, HJ. she has gr8 racks as well. Tipped her 600Rs as i felt she really wanted to please me and the effort deserved it. saw some other girls out there who were worth a try. I though would not mind repeating her again and again.She was earlier at an MP in Khar (ground flooor near the station) and at another mp in ghatkopar.

Cost: 1k for the massage + 600 Tip.
Service:Cant quantify as was outstanding.
Overall Exp: Very Memorable.

Mumbai Fun
10-10-09, 16:47
There used to be an mp in adarsh nagar (andheri) in a lane right next to adarsh wines. The owner of that, shruti, used to provide an excellent massage. Probably the best at 500 bucks. Shes not good looking and neither do they offer anything apart from hjs. Went there today after a long time for and figured that the place has shut down.

If theres anyone who has shruti's contact no, can you please pm me. Thanks.


10-10-09, 17:49
As far as I know, it shut down quite sometime back. Had gone there a yr back without any pimp, just landed up cause I had been there a couple of times earlier, but figured that the entire place was shut.

Has anyone been there in the last one year? cause it would mean that like most of these in call places they shut down for sometime and then again reopen.
I went there recently with a pimp as i donno the place, it was locked down. its no more functioning, also yesterday the khar road , and linking road joints were closed temporarily due to strong le presence. donno hw long it will take for them to open again.

Raju Kumar
10-11-09, 08:46
Hi Uni Den

I am new to this forum, I have been introduced here by senior member Mirza Galeeb of Pune. Writing my experience to keep tempo of forum and share contact of vashi girl.

I was in Nightangle bar. There is a girl P**k*, slim, tall and fair. She has nice assets, very cooperative and the could not realise how time passed with her. Had two shots, on top. She has very nice boobs and totally flat stomach. Smiling face. I enjoyed her to the fullest, initially she showed attitude but I gave a additional 500 to agree to terms

Total damage 1500+ tip 500 + room 600+ other 500.

It was my first time, so waiters succed.

Just a request, cud you share details of vashi girl. I am new but will certainly contribute to forum. Please msg me


Thanking JSF for the jewel!

Well meet up at vashi station and went to a hotel at sanpada. The hotel was quite clean, would rate 3/5. But then she was brilliant, amazing communication skills, a 10/10 GFE experience. It was a full bundled package of doggy, mission, 69, etc etc. She was open for everything expect anal and CIM (which is quite understandable).

Had an excellent time with her! Just didn't realize how 2 hours and 2 pops just passed by and well I still wanted more. But BEEP BEEP. Times up.

Sure gonna meet her again!


Running Man Raj
10-11-09, 11:08

Guys are in this forum are here to know the basic question ,in Mumbai which are 4star/5 star hotels which are 100% guest friendly..The seniors here can please type the list and in future all those newbies can be directed to this answers.

Thanks for replying

Boy Oh Boy
10-11-09, 16:05
Dana has a branch in Sanpada with some very good girls, now temporarily closed "due to the elections"!

[QUOTE=Madhushala]I am a regular visitor of D*na MP in Th*ne. It is bang opposite Gaj*n*n Vadapav, Na*pad*. Just take a rik from anywhere in Th*ne n ask him to take u to Ga*anun Vadapav, Naupada. Bang oppsite is the MP. At evenings u will find a line up of 8-9. In afternoons about 4-5. It was my 3rd visit.

10-11-09, 16:12
I went there yesterday and asked around with no luck. Looks like that place is closed (atleast for now).


I had asked the same question fe wmonmths back. No one replied. I remember this guy, had his cell no, deleted it by mistake. It wa sa vodaphone no. Noone replied, the place you talk about was (could be is, if its still active) awesome. I had komal a kashmiri girl out there, she was good, had a few other babes as well. But don't know the latest update on this. If you get any let me know.

Boy Oh Boy
10-11-09, 16:25
Quite possible, all MPs in Navi Mumbai are closed already.

There were some news on raids on MP in Thane.

Can anybody throw some lights on this?

10-11-09, 18:30
I had the pleasure of fucking an 8, bordering 9 for Rs. 1, 200. I had mentioned about the Uncle's place near Borivali. Went there about a week back. This time an 18 year old girl was available. S*m*a*n. I was asked to pay Rs. 2, 000 but negotiated for Rs. 1, 200 only for a pop. Went to the room (sorry again! The kitchen) and had an introductory talk. She had lost her cherry some time back to her boy friend. She was just one week (in business) old in the line. An important fact that I noticed was that her panty was torn and the pussy was visible. Though I felt bad about it (her poverty, the sight was good). I promised to get a panty-bra set next time for her. Had some conversation before she stripped. I was shocked to see her boob. Erect like the piramyds of Egypt and hard. Though the pussy was not fully shaven, it was not a forest. Entered her and the pussy was reasonably tight (she was not telling a lie that she is just one week old in business). I could not last for more than 5 minutes and came. She gave me her digits but told me that she would prefer Uncle's place.


Body 8
Boobs 9
Pussy 8
Attitude 7 (did not allow DFK)
Overall 8
WIR - Yes


10-11-09, 20:50

I will be in Mumbai for about A 6 hour stopover.
Anyone want to advise their favorite streetwalker tracks or brothels near the airport. please PM me or post here.

Although locals describe places, I have been to Mumbai twice before and never figured out where these areas are.


Dil Beat
10-12-09, 07:39

Please give the exact direction for benefit of the interested ones.

I had the pleasure of fucking an 8, bordering 9 for Rs. 1, 200. I had mentioned about the Uncle's place near Borivali. Went there about a week back. This time an 18 year old girl was available. S*m*a*n. I was asked to pay Rs. 2, 000 but negotiated for Rs. 1, 200 only for a pop. Went to the room (sorry again! The kitchen) and had an introductory talk. She had lost her cherry some time back to her boy friend. She was just one week (in business) old in the line. An important fact that I noticed was that her panty was torn and the pussy was visible. Though I felt bad about it (her poverty, the sight was good). I promised to get a panty-bra set next time for her. Had some conversation before she stripped. I was shocked to see her boob. Erect like the piramyds of Egypt and hard. Though the pussy was not fully shaven, it was not a forest. Entered her and the pussy was reasonably tight (she was not telling a lie that she is just one week old in business). I could not last for more than 5 minutes and came. She gave me her digits but told me that she would prefer Uncle's place.


Body 8
Boobs 9
Pussy 8
Attitude 7 (did not allow DFK)
Overall 8
WIR - Yes


10-12-09, 09:31
Any help on se* toy avaliablity. I have seen vibs in palika in delhi. Any clue bout male toys in mum/delhi or anywhere.

How safe is it to order online?

10-12-09, 12:50
Came back to India after 9 months. Stepped out of my house today to check out the local scene. An auto driver took me to this place called kapurbawdi. You can see a series of lodges and hotels. Checked out one such place. The person quoted 1300 for 2 hours. He took me to a room where I was awaiting the girl. He brought 2 girls after about 30 minutes. If I didn't like the girls then I would have had to pay 100 RS for their auto charge. The two girls were pretty ordinary looking. Anyways, I unwillingly accepted one of them (Assamese lady). But, just because the girl had a horrible looking body I did not do much. Left the place in 15 minutes. Total damage (=1300 + 100 (tip) + 50 (condom)). My feeling is that the other lodges might be offering girls of similar quality. I do not think that I would be going to this place again. But it does seem to offer a reasonably cheap alternative for people who are okay with these type of women. I will continue my quest for decent oppurtunities in the Mulund/thane area and post experiences.

Thanks for reading

10-13-09, 08:24
Thanks for sharing the recipe of Uncle's Kitchen.

Please do share the venue for such good kitchen.

Tkx buddy!


Please give the exact direction for benefit of the interested ones.

Member #4284
10-13-09, 09:15
Guys, I keep visiting south Mumbai often on business. I have noticed this guy standing mostly opposite "not just jass by the bay" on marine drive and he would approach you and ask if you are looking for fun. He says he will get you girls from inside that pub and they will english speaking hifi types. He iniates the nego with 5 k but goes down till3k as well. He will ask you to look at the babes standing at the gate (which in my opinion are only waiting for the tables inside to be vacated) and make a selection. After you supposedly do the "selection" he asks for the money and says the girl will be there in 5mins after one pays up.

I have been vary of this guy and have never gone beyond. Any of you have tried this? I am sure one cannot miss this guy if you have the mongers eye. Please let me know if any one of you have actually any experience with him. Because the girls he shows are really hot.

10-13-09, 13:15
Hello fellow forum members, I have been a silent lurker on this forum for some time now as this website is blocked in the country where I reside, so it's a cat and mouse game trying to beat the proxy servers.

Anyways, a big Hello, and maximum respect to JSF, a true veteran, who was generous enough to share his contacts in the good old sand pit days –thank you again, mate.

I have a business trip to Mumbai, slated for the end of the month and thanks to all the informative reports on this forum, I have already compiled my to-do lists, whilst here in Mumbai, on previous trips I used to confine my mongering to the Juhu and the Dhaisar areas, mainly the dance bar scene and was mostly disappointed with the quality of service that was on offer.

This time, I am making it a point to stay away from the Dhaisar dance bars and make a beeline to the much talked about N lane in South Mumbai. Also I have received a couple of references from my mates in Mumbai about a couple of freelancers, who would be more than willing to accompany you back to the hotel for the night. My issue is that my company would be putting me up at one of the hotels next to the airport and I am not too sure if these hotels are girl friendly, anyways, would probably have to find this out the hard way.

Thank you again guys, and keep up the excellent work!

Keep safe and remain safe.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

Cool Sunny
10-13-09, 15:45
I had been to this MP yesterday night on my way back to home from work. Took lead from the Mumbai Mirror and called up MP named REFLECTION. A Lady answered the call and told they are opened up till 9:30 pm. I requested them whether they can wait as I will be late to reach after office. She politely obliged to wait and took the directions on how to reach there.

It is situated in Powai Plaza opposite to Hiranandani Gardens. As you enter walk towards right side towards end till you reach Shop No. 23.

There were 3 girls including owner averaging 6-7 on a scale of 10. They were very polite & hospitable and offered water on entering the parlor. The owner who had very nice aesthetics asked me what you will prefer. I counter questioned her, asking what you have in store for me as I was bit reluctant to ask for extra services in front of all girls. She showed me the rate card told me to opt for body massage for Rs. 1000. I politely accepted it and she took me to mezzanine floor. There were two cabins with spring beds with powder and cream stuffs. Took a chance and straight way asked her that will I get extra services. She hesitated for a moment and told that you will get topless and hand job. But I insisted on full service to which she promptly denied and told take the services of two girls and they will give you best service and you can make them full nude. Eventually, I agreed to it and bargained for 1600 for both.

Both the girls (Meena and Rakhi) came and asked to undress and started with powder massage. Rakhi had a whitish complexion; very thin and nice smile where as the other girl was dark in color and medium built. They switched off the lights and started hindi music. I started casual chat asking whereabouts and mother tongue etc, realized they stay at Andheri and speak marathi. I started touching Meena on her ass. Realizing what I am up to, she signaled the other to go out and come after she was finished. Once she went out, Meena sat beside me and pulled her top up. She has nice firm boobs. I started sucking her boobs and zipped her pants off and started fingering her pussy. I can hear her moan as she was enjoying it and gripped me further and started smooching. After 10 minutes she told me that it's too late and have to go home but can take service from the owner. On an instance my dream was coming true and decided to enjoy her too also. I completed with her and asked for Rakhi. She dressed up and send Rakhi inside. As soon as she cam in she undressed immediately. I was tuned off as her boobs were very thin. Anyways, since I have already paid upfront, decided to enjoy her. Pressed her boobs and rubbed her pussy. After 10 minutes I told her that I want to take service of her owner. She agreed and dressed up and went out.

Owner's name is Dimple and was bit dark in color. She was good assets compared to other girls. She was wearing white colored top and blue jeans. She came in and started with erotic chat and told that she charges 3000 for service. I asked for sex to which she refused. I told her that I was tired and want to be relaxed and enjoy her and ready to pay more than what she asked for but for sex. After some hesitation she told even she want to enjoy but doesn't have condom. I responded that I have a full packet. She told me to wait and went down and came back after 5-6 minutes. She send the other two girls to home and lowered the shutter down so that no one comes in. She came up and started erotic chat. I saw cross chain in her neck and guess to be Christian. Dimple might be her trade name. She removed her top and undressed her jeans till knee, put the rubber and started sucking my cock. Since the bed is not big enough to accommodate both, she told me to fuck doggy style. I did that for 5-10 minutes and then changed position to missionary. While thrusting her, bed was creating lot of noise to which she told to do slowly. In some time in cummed on her and completed the action. We dressed up and went down. She told me next time when you will come she will offer much more good service since it is very late.

This was an amazing experience of my life of enjoying three girls and having sex in a massage parlor.
Cost: 1600 + 400 tip (two girls)
3000 + 500 tip (lady owner)
Looks: 6/10.
Attitude: 8/10.
Service: 8/10
Ambience: Very Good
Overall Exp: Amazing

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

10-13-09, 19:54

I think the name is da*I*I. Its opp to the petrol bunk near S*I* S*n* office. I choose a girl called neha. Very cute face, very friendly. Since I normaly don't go for FS at mp's, so just choose minimum service. HJ with fondling at top and bottom., anyway I don't think this girl was ready for FS. Charges 500 at counter, 500 fr the girl,

Andheri west. R*s*. This is on the veera desai road opp to m*h*k parlour. Girl name is s*f*a. Nice boobs, very chatty, charges. 500 at counter 700. For the girl, extra 200, because she would sit on top of you and put her boobs all over you.

Juhu. Near ramada inn, don't remember the parlour name, but there is a good report on this girl in earlier posts- bipasha with 34c. But its expensive. 1200 for counter, 1000 for girl.

10-13-09, 20:08
I've never been to the khar sv road place, so ventured along there, but looks like the place is still close, but I saw the pimp from McD there, looks like both these places are maintained by same guy. Opposite to this building, there we two traffic police just keeping an eye. So I didn't go and speak to pimp and left the place, and as usual ended up in dahisar. Springs- there were very few girls around 7, but none of them attracted me. A girl approached me. She was the same girl with whom I went last time at springs, even thou her face is attractive, she had the smallest boobs (should I say booblet) I've ever seen, so I said no. I proceeded to red horse, wait wait I just saw a new bar popped up suddenly just before red horse. Lot of bikes and car parked outside that bar, went inside, but it was too conjested, and the waiter said its opend just last week, there were around 15-20 girls, but as usual I was not quite satisfied so came out and wen to red horse. I've seen a girl quite a few times there, she is quite dark, and she smokes. I called her and asked wats her name and where is she from. She said she is a local the way she replied, showing some attitude, I didn't like. I turned away from her and saw another cute girl. She said 2k for short time, I asked for 1.5k but finally settled at 1.8 inside the room, she was so friendly, she didnot switch off the lights, which is quite normal at these places. She could also converse in english. I was so surprised by her attitude, that I forgot to hand over her money. She dint ask me till I myself remembered after 10 minutes. She was also not in a hurry. If you want good gfe at redhorse, I would recommend this girl priya. There are about 3-4 priyas at this plce I think, so better ask for Priya Maharastrian.

10-14-09, 03:53
Tried an MP near Makhmali Talao called Aa*na. This place is in the lane which has Dainiks take out joint. Went there around 12:30 pm. They had 3 girls and one mamasan. All girls were average to below average. The mamasan though was slightly better. I decided that I will only go for the massage. The quoted price for massage was Rs.600. I agreed and chose one 35+ year old lady. The massage was great. I became a bit horny and stopped thinking :-) Went for the additional servfices on offer. She quoted 1000 and some more for the service which included oral as well. The service was good and she did allow lot of roaming. She offered to come to a hotel with me for 3000 (overnight). I am sure this price is negotiable. However, I do not think I will partake. Total damage 600+1000+400(tip+condom). A bit overpriced but the massage was great.

Thanks for reading.

10-14-09, 10:45
Guys, I keep visiting south Mumbai often on business. I have noticed this guy standing mostly opposite "not just jass by the bay" on marine drive and he would approach you and ask if you are looking for fun. He says he will get you girls from inside that pub and they will english speaking hifi types. He iniates the nego with 5 k but goes down till3k as well. He will ask you to look at the babes standing at the gate (which in my opinion are only waiting for the tables inside to be vacated) and make a selection. After you supposedly do the "selection" he asks for the money and says the girl will be there in 5mins after one pays up.

I have been vary of this guy and have never gone beyond. Any of you have tried this? I am sure one cannot miss this guy if you have the mongers eye. Please let me know if any one of you have actually any experience with him. Because the girls he shows are really hot.
Remember, though: when it looks too good to be true, it ususally is.

10-14-09, 12:57
Tried this place in Mulund (W) just outside the station and opp. Sai Plaza. It was 12:30 pm and girls were having their lunch. I saw 4-5 girls but didn't check their faces bco they were eting. The guy who seems to be the manager took me to one of of the cubes. The cost is 1500 for the hour. I told him that I was looking for service. He said that you get lot of cooperation. Anyways, he sent me a girl called Yasmin who is about 5-6 in looks but her body is really firm (boobs and butt). Hence I would rate her between 6-7. She gave me a wonderful massage. After about 45 minutes into our session she started playing with my c**k. When she saw that it was hard already she took out her top and started playing with me think again. She undressed almost completely and hugged me. It was pretty good. I am not sure if full service is allowed here as I do npt partake in it anyways. But my guess would be "no". I gave her about 400 in tip so that my total cost for the experience was 1900. She even combed my hair before I was leaving :-). Anyways, while I was leaving this place I got a chance to check out the other babes. One of them was a real stunner. The other two were also in the range 5-7. All in all a great experience. I will repeat.

Thanks for reading.

10-14-09, 15:11
Yes dreams. I too met the guy at the same location. He shows the guests enjoying themselves inside & says these girls are available, but believe me, am too good for frauds like him. Cheers

Remember, though: when it looks too good to be true, it ususally is.

10-14-09, 17:44
Yest i had gone to craze MP again.

Ma*a, my fav was busy and i was getting impatient so tried a girl called N*K*I.This girl looked quite young and had a firm body. Later she told me she was new to this "line" and had been here for only 2 months.

Neways had a decent massage, with an ok HJ. She does not give a BJ though. Girl obv lacked experience and that showed. However she tried really hard to please me and for me its always the effort that matters as it always gets u good results.

Paid 800 for half an hr...(this mp does not negiotiate at all, or is it just me??? plz clarify fellow mongers)

Cost:800 for the massage + 300 Tip.
Overall Exp: 7/10.

10-15-09, 03:37
I had bargained for Rs. 800 for 1 hr. This was some time in May.


Yest i had gone to craze MP again.

Ma*a, my fav was busy and i was getting impatient so tried a girl called N*K*I.This girl looked quite young and had a firm body. Later she told me she was new to this "line" and had been here for only 2 months.

Neways had a decent massage, with an ok HJ. She does not give a BJ though. Girl obv lacked experience and that showed. However she tried really hard to please me and for me its always the effort that matters as it always gets u good results.

Overall Exp: 7/10.

10-15-09, 07:39
I had been to this place called S*mit Pa**ce near Vartak Nagar yesterday. It was about 3 pm in the afternoon. You basically enter the bar, select the girl and go upstairs with her. There were 7-8 girls. I would rate them at 5 or less in term of looks. I chose a girl who looked decent in the dim light :-) She was not such a great looker. Anyways the cost is 750 for 30 mins. The girl had decent attitude. But this place is more suited for people looking for full service. Since I am not one of them it was an okay experience. Last year I did find a cute looking girl who was dark complexioned. But very friendly. This place might be good for those looking for sex at a cheaper rate but also for a safe experience. I may not go back to this place. Total damage: 750 (house fee)+ 250 (Condom+tip)

Thanks for reading.

10-15-09, 15:57
I am fast becoming an expert on craze spa I guess.

There arfe four girls out there and I tried my third.

Her name was Pr**T*.

She had seen me earlier and insisted on trying her out. She said you won't be disappointed in my service sir, saying this she just grabbed my dick.

I obviously became tempted and agreed. She was quite good looking and had decent racks. Had her for half an hr, paid 800Rs. She dosent do a BJ as well but said Ma**e*a does. I would be trying her later. Quite a decent exp as always.

Will post my exp. With Ma*a, my fav and Ma**e*a later. I spoke to the owner outside and he said he dosent negotitate because quality comes at a price. Watever. But quite a nice exp. Overall. I tipped her Rs 200.

Cripler God
10-15-09, 16:28
I had bargained for Rs. 800 for 1 hr. This was some time in May.

AlienYep the way you mentioned she did a wonderful job.

Very polite & beautiful.

Test Master
10-15-09, 17:13
Did not find this mp in dadar. The petrol bunk next sh*v se*a bh**an has closed. and there is one diagnally opposite but no sign of this joint. Possible to reconfirm directions please?


Friends Vjjk
10-16-09, 11:50
Dear friends

Yesterday evening as little jonny was very hungry, So to full his thirst called MP no got from MM, visited their but return back with upset jonny.

This mp is in thane West and their last ending contact number is 557(9820***557) near dutt mandir and just go straight and take left you see vijaya podi bhaji kendra oppsite there is gate of TEEN-Patra as you enter there is black door nd as you knock it they will open door.

I saw 2Gals and 1chick asked for charges they said it is 400 and For extra service topless 500 and top- bottom less 1200 I said tpls 300 and tp-bl 700 but they said its normal charge, as jonny had service at other Mp and thier charges are less so decided to leave as jonny felt better go to any pickup bar where 1200-1500 you get FS

1chick was good means fair there but CHGS were issue and her BatatB were very small or I can say play Carrom board

So if you wanna spend more bucks than normal rate in market you can visit this mp.

10-16-09, 17:22
I know what you all Morons are replacing the asterisk with.

Hold on, I meant Jsf and his recommendation J** Simply Fantastic.

I refrained myself from writing this report for the past 10 days since I didnot want to get pestered with pm's. Anyway I'm writing it now.

If you had seen my earlier posts, you could have found that I'm very choosy in selecting the girls. Once I chose a girl after seeing 163 girls in around 9-10 bathhouses in BKK.(I know the exact nbr becos the pimp/driver kept on reminding me the total nbr of girls I saw that night). And I rarely repeat a girl. Only once I repeated a malay girl thrice over a four month period. But this J**, even I cannot believe, I met her three times in 10 days.

She is very smart, intelligent, and very responsive, more than that very GFE.

And normally the rating of a girl goes down a point or two when they are naked. For very few girls, the rating would be upped once they go naked. And shes one among them.

My ratings are:

Looks- 8/10 with dress, 9/10 naked, 10/10 with bra/panty

GFE. 10/10.

Newbies sorry no PM from me on this girl, I will give that duty to JSF, because he is the best person to decide to whom the contact should be passed on.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

John S Smith
10-16-09, 20:54
Hello Guys,

It was till recently I had no clue about this site, but I had been mogering around in Mumbai since past couple of years mostly through Classifieds, and I must say that you guys are doing a great job! Kudos!

My First experience starts at Adhri(W), where in I called up a pimp via MM classifieds. He asked for 4000, but I negotiated it to 2500. He asked me to wait at Chakala cigarette factory. It was almost 12:30 in the night and I had asked him for a room for full night, but let the lady leave after 2 hours. After a 10-15 min wait; with by BP going up with the police rounding up the area in their jeep, I must say that was a dreaded experience that night, The pimp and the girl came in an AutoRickshaw. He asked me to come along, asked for the payment and got down at andheri itself. He had asked the rickshaw driver to take us at some hotel in GhatKopar!! I was totally freaked out, as it was my first experience. After a 20 min ric ride, we reached a hotel named Ai*Wa*s near GhatKopar Stn, on the way towards Kurla. (The hotel is now closed or perhaps under construction). Once we got down, the girl asked me to pay to the rickshaw guy. I paid him. We went to the hotel... I was really nervious as to what the hotel guy would say. I went in at the reception, he asked me to write the correct address, at which I wrote some fake address and tel number. I booked the room for entire night for 700 bux. We went upstairs at a decent room, A/C, TV, bathroom and stuff. About the girl, her name was S*nu, and dude, she was gorgeous! She had nice done hair, she was wearing a decent tee and jeans and had put up a nice perfume. I asked her if she knew english, for which she sed yes. All in all, I spent 1 and 1/2 hour with her, of which she gave me a BJ with condom, a bit of pussy licking for which she was reluctant.. and asked me stop, fucking in missionary and she on top in the end, .... and more over she allowed me to kiss her lips. She had decent boobs but her attitude was really great! I really liked her.

Before starting our fuck, I had said that you'll spend 2 hours and leave... for which I feel she was a bit hurt. In the end when we were done, I was still naked, lying on the bed,She wore her panties and came besides me, put her arms across me and we stayed in each others arms for almost 10 mins, while having a nice chat.

The last part was really worth for the money! I asked her, where was she from, and she replied Goa. I didn't ask for her phone number, for which I really regret till date!

All in ALL:

Girl: 9/10
Damage: Rs. 3500/-
2500 (PIMP)+ 700(Hotel room full night)+
200 (GIRL Conveyance) +50 (Condom guy tip)

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

10-17-09, 07:04
You are welcome mate. And all the guys who got the number from me and sent me pm thanking me for the contact. All of you are welcome.

I guess that is the purpose of this forum. And I am just doing my part. Passing contact, of someone good I mean, to some good guys.



I know what you all Morons are replacing the asterisk with.

Hold on, I meant Jsf and his recommendation J** Simply Fantastic.

I refrained myself from writing this report for the past 10 days since I didnot want to get pestered with pm's. Anyway I'm writing it now.

If you had seen my earlier posts, you could have found that I'm very choosy in selecting the girls. Once I chose a girl after seeing 163 girls in around 9-10 bathhouses in BKK.(I know the exact nbr becos the pimp/driver kept on reminding me the total nbr of girls I saw that night). And I rarely repeat a girl. Only once I repeated a malay girl thrice over a four month period. But this J**, even I cannot believe, I met her three times in 10 days.

She is very smart, intelligent, and very responsive, more than that very GFE.

And normally the rating of a girl goes down a point or two when they are naked. For very few girls, the rating would be upped once they go naked. And shes one among them.

My ratings are:

Looks- 8/10 with dress, 9/10 naked, 10/10 with bra/panty

GFE. 10/10.

Newbies sorry no PM from me on this girl, I will give that duty to JSF, because he is the best person to decide to whom the contact should be passed on.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

10-17-09, 12:07
Good day fellow forumers,

I'll be headed to Mumbai for the first time in my life this coming week. Ideally, its my intention to sample the local flavour where I go. Been reading this thread to try get a grasp of how the whole thing works but it hasn't been easy. So, here I am hoping for some pointers for where to look at when am there. Am staying at the area of Approach Road, Marol, Andheri (East). Furthermore, am asian chinese, am a little concerned if I'll be safe just walking into any MP. I don't have much to offer other than Singapore. Be glad to return the favour in my area of expertise.

Many thanks!

Love Guru
10-18-09, 07:57
I m choosy about girls. But reading the reports from you and that guy named I wana experience the girl as early as possible. I don't the rules of this forum that well, so let me no how I will get the information about that girl without breaking laws of this fourm.

Love Guru

10-18-09, 10:27
Hi Bro,

There is an MP L**r*k* on the Andheri Kurla Road (may not be very far from your place of stay) where girls co-operate but be very clear about the services that the girl would offer before paying up. The counter charge is INR 700 but do not pay before you talk to the girl (take the girl in the cabin inside and talk to her). However, kindly note that most of the MPs in Mumbai are not very clean and FS is generally not available, hence you may be disappointed. Can you not take the girl to your place of stay? If yes, you may have many more options.

Kindly see my reports on the forum.

Best regards,


Good day fellow forumers,

I'll be headed to Mumbai for the first time in my life this coming week. Ideally, its my intention to sample the local flavour where I go. Been reading this thread to try get a grasp of how the whole thing works but it hasn't been easy. So, here I am hoping for some pointers for where to look at when am there. Am staying at the area of Approach Road, Marol, Andheri (East). Furthermore, am asian chinese, am a little concerned if I'll be safe just walking into any MP. I don't have much to offer other than Singapore. Be glad to return the favour in my area of expertise.

Many thanks!

Mumbai Guy
10-18-09, 12:41
Hi Mate!!

I fully agree with you and endorse your assesment of the girl and the ratings given by you. She is simply fantastic and true value for money.

We all owe our good old friend, JSF for this find and more importantly, sharing it with us fellow mongers. Three cheers for JSF.


I know what you all Morons are replacing the asterisk with.

Hold on, I meant Jsf and his recommendation J** Simply Fantastic.

Looks- 8/10 with dress, 9/10 naked, 10/10 with bra/panty

GFE. 10/10.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

10-18-09, 14:35
Hi Guys,

After a long gap I went mp hunting last week end. I had some work near malad west, so I ventured in that area!

Went to a new mall in malad west and went to an MP, Aroma, newly opened and was very clean. They were free did not have any people there, so I though will have a good time. They had 2 chicks, one was good looking local gal and one busty back chick, from south india, but nice bust. I took the local chick, 800 on the counter for an hour!

The chick was pr**ty, had a nice body, only a hand job, was kinda loaded so took that service from here for 400, she did was too greedy will not recommend her.

Girl, Body 7/10
face 6/10
attitude 3/10
hygiene of the place 9/10
VFM 5/10

Total damage, on the counter 800

Per Service 400.

Over all rating Not Recommended.

The next stop was K**g's. The place was buzzing with people and they were full. I know the lady on the counter, I got a spl preference and was bumped up the queue. She said they have fresh stock, and I went inside, the room is cloth partition and dark, not very clean. A new chick came in and she called herself Sm**le. Was avg looking gal and told me that manager had told her to take spl care of me.

For the next 1 hrs she was all over me! A nice HJ, a wholesome BJ, she stripped fully and was me, let me finger her p***y, danced naked, man, she rubbed her ass on my member, she was the most awesome experience. Highly recommended, if you can live with the shabby place.

Girl: 9/10

Body 8/10

Attitude 11/10

Recommendation Must visit

Damage: Rs. 800+400 tip

PM me is if you need more details!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

10-18-09, 15:25
Fellow Mongers,

Does anyone know if the joint next to Lotus PP is still active ? I had very good experience at that joint few months ago. The pimp name was "R.j...h". I did a bengali girl named "shibani" couple of times, very good GFE. He also had couple of foreigners.

RahulYes that will be good to know!

Russian pussy is what my Johnny is been waiting for!

Please help guys!

10-18-09, 15:31

place opposite McDonalds on Linking Road.Dude,

Can you please help me with the location?

Bob Vealie
10-18-09, 20:14
Hi friends

It has been a while since I posted on the forum. I had a quick visit to india and had 6 hours of transit time in Mumbai on the way back. I thought of using it for some mongering fun.

To utilize the time to the maximum potential I did not venture into any new place, I visited the same incall place in lokhanadwala with the help of a taxi driver.

Pimp did remember me from prior visits and showing several girls. Since I don't speak hindi he pretty much knows I don't live in india. So he kept the prices above 6k for ST. And there was one girl who was extremely good looking, amrita. Scale of 8 or 9. She was very fair / had the right propotionate body, I only liked her and he would not budge less than 10k for ST. After long negotiation he agreed 15k for 2 girls over period of 4 hours.

He also agreed that I can pay after the deed and it is free if I don't like it. So, I took amrita to upstairs and she is hot. Extremely well shaped, smooth skin. Wow. CBJ, doggy, missonary, DFK had a blast with her. She kept mentioning that she goes on weekend trips to goa for 1 lakh etc. I was thinking mumbaites must be really rich.

After her I had a choice of a very young may be 18 to 19, andhra girl vs a busty 30 yrs old punjabi. Punjab wins over always. I took her to upstairs, she is very good in service but her pussy was kind of smelling bad which was a big turn off.

Anyway all in all I had a blast in Mumbai. Mumbai never disappoints me. It was a good experience to enjoy bharth pussy after 2 years of non-stop american pussy fair.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

On The Wings
10-18-09, 20:50
Hi Guys,

next stop was K**g's. I got a spl preference and was bumped up the queue. Was avg looking gal
Girl: 9/10
Body 8/10
Attitude 11/10Hello Red Mercury,

If anyone wants to know what is 'oxymoron' then your report could be cited as one nice example. Its my long long unending question-

How the grading is done of a gal and if so on whats basis/scale/reference for that. Your report says that the Gal was Average Looking. Whereas your Grading says as 9/10 and Body 8/10. Do you understand what your are commenting here? Sorry, to say this-whatever it is, justify yourself before penning your report. One more surprise-a queue in a MP? Its one Diwali Dhamaka for me.

Uni Den
10-19-09, 09:34

Can you please help me with the location?Try using the search feature of this site, It helps!

You will find the detailed directions of this place.

Thanx and cheers!

10-19-09, 11:58
Mate if anyone is giving information on open forum that is alright with me. They are putting the MP or the lady they give information about in the limelight and making things dangerous for the MP or the lady.

I dont give information on open forum. I believe discretion is better. First of all read the various FRs about the girl. Then send a pm. But dont expect to get a reply just because you sent a pm. I will go through your posts to see if you have contributed to the forum before deciding whether I should be passing on the contact.


I m choosy about girls. But reading the reports from you and that guy named I wana experience the girl as early as possible. I don't the rules of this forum that well, so let me no how I will get the information about that girl without breaking laws of this fourm.

Love Guru

10-19-09, 14:10
Thanks for the valuable advice, bro. I hope I'll be able to come back with a decent FR. Most grateful for your time.

Anyone knows if there are those that come to the rooms, like that way some joints in Shanghai operate?

Hi Bro,

There is an MP L**r*k* on the Andheri Kurla Road (may not be very far from your place of stay) where girls co-operate but be very clear about the services that the girl would offer before paying up. The counter charge is INR 700 but do not pay before you talk to the girl (take the girl in the cabin inside and talk to her). However, kindly note that most of the MPs in Mumbai are not very clean and FS is generally not available, hence you may be disappointed. Can you not take the girl to your place of stay? If yes, you may have many more options.

Kindly see my reports on the forum.

Best regards,


10-19-09, 18:16
You're right,

Apparently there is a lot of money in india. A bit too much if you ask me.: /

I'm a reasonably rich guy, but upon visitin the dance bars once upon a time, and seeing the rates some of these call girls charge and get nowadays, I beginning to feel quite poor myself. Might have to try my hand at becomin a gigolo if its anywhere near the kinda money some of these girls are making.

If someone like me finds these rates harsh, what bout the avg guy.


10-20-09, 05:27

There Is a lot of money floating around.

There is one sure way to reduce that spend. Be nice, befriend.

Speaking of which, had a decent scene a few days ago at a 5 Star situated in the hills of Goregaon near film city. They have recently started again (open for non-residents).

A franchisee from Hyderabad has taken over the rather sad scene that used to be there. Its now called 't. G. R. E' like in a tangy fruit.

Has five NE babes. Good thing I notice about them is all have decent racks and clear skin (a basic minimum I would say! ). After the initial "sorry, we don't blah blah, got two of them to 'open' up a tad. Yum. No holds barred. CBJ, FIV, the usual MP works. Will push to take them out. Am sure that would work out as well.

Moral of the story:

Befriend them my friends. So that you may spend less after the initial bit.

About that place.

Face: 7/10
Skin: 9/10
Racks: 9/10
Ass: 6-7/ 10
Attitude: 8-9/10 (after you break through i.e. - if not, 3-4/10)


JSF my friend, waiting for the J..h link.


You're right,

Apparently there is a lot of money in india. A bit too much if you ask me.: /

I'm a reasonably rich guy, but upon visitin the dance bars once upon a time, and seeing the rates some of these call girls charge and get nowadays, I beginning to feel quite poor myself. Might have to try my hand at becomin a gigolo if its anywhere near the kinda money some of these girls are making.

If someone like me finds these rates harsh, what bout the avg guy.


Sandy Men
10-20-09, 16:43
Completely agree. I have myself been using the services of a website (ch***di.com). The stuff they send is sometimes good but really expensive. The best one I had was 35k for 4 hours - though she was really good.

You're right,

Apparently there is a lot of money in india. A bit too much if you ask me.: /

I'm a reasonably rich guy, but upon visitin the dance bars once upon a time, and seeing the rates some of these call girls charge and get nowadays, I beginning to feel quite poor myself. Might have to try my hand at becomin a gigolo if its anywhere near the kinda money some of these girls are making.

If someone like me finds these rates harsh, what bout the avg guy.


10-20-09, 16:57
Hi Bro,

There is nothing which is not available in Mumbai and most often is safe too. There are plenty of advertisements in Times of India, Hindustan Times and Midday (see the classified ads. Fitness column). Call them up and specify your requirement and be very clear that no money would be paid in advance till the girl comes to your room. Make sure that the girl comes to your room on her own, this way you can be assured of good quality (Hotels do not allow street walkers).

I have quite a few numbers but can not post in open forum and you do not have PM facility.

How long are you there in Mumbai? This place would not disappoint you.

Enjoy & Cheers,


Thanks for the valuable advice, bro. I hope I'll be able to come back with a decent FR. Most grateful for your time.

Anyone knows if there are those that come to the rooms, like that way some joints in Shanghai operate?

Coolraj 2001
10-21-09, 06:37
Can I get the MP address dear?

Coolraj 2001
10-21-09, 14:07
Hi friends

I have been to Rakhi massage, it on the way to milan subway. On tht way only.

Well I have been there in afternoon, only two girls was there. Well I both was ok type. They take me upperside. There was two room separted by curton.

I ask for extra service /. FS but she only give me BJ.

Overall good

Girls 4/10

Rooms 7/10

Message 6/10

Total damage: 500 + 500tip

10-21-09, 14:56
Can you help me to get decent girl in vashi my budget is 3000 RS.

MP will also do.

Pat Gera
10-21-09, 19:14
First of all, a big thanks to JSF for the introduction and sharing me the contact. I couldn't wait after the session to thank him so msgd him right after the session .

I dont want to clog this forum describing again about the girl - enough is said about her in this forum already, but just want to reiterate that everything said about the girl in here is true and she is a keeper.

Great catch JSF! your rock mate!



10-22-09, 02:53
Hi IM,

What were the damages like and how to get there?


There Is a lot of money floating around.

There is one sure way to reduce that spend. Be nice, befriend.

Speaking of which, had a decent scene a few days ago at a 5 Star situated in the hills of Goregaon near film city. They have recently started again (open for non-residents).

A franchisee from Hyderabad has taken over the rather sad scene that used to be there. Its now called 't. G. R. E' like in a tangy fruit...

Coolraj 2001
10-22-09, 05:52
Well Hello, friends, I have few contacts in which you can go to the lady's place and you can enjoy there.

I have numbers of college going girls, housewife and some MP girls.

Will anyone wants to exchage number with me?

Just PM me

Coolraj 2001
10-22-09, 09:34

I am looking to exchange some contacts. Anyone keen to exchange college or call center gals pm me.I have contact just reply me.

10-22-09, 14:13
Hello Red Mercury,

If anyone wants to know what is 'oxymoron' then your report could be cited as one nice example. Its my long long unending question-

How the grading is done of a gal and if so on whats basis/scale/reference for that. Your report says that the Gal was Average Looking. Whereas your Grading says as 9/10 and Body 8/10. Do you understand what your are commenting here? Sorry, to say this-whatever it is, justify yourself before penning your report. One more surprise-a queue in a MP? Its one Diwali Dhamaka for me.Dude, I dont need to justify, if you dont like the report, dont read it, the skip to the next page!

10-22-09, 16:27
I would advise guys to be cautious of anyone who says that he has contacts for exchange. Most times the contacts he has are useless. Other wise why would he be so desperate to exchange it? The girls could be ugly or fat or unhygenic etc. Or even carrying some disease.

But that is not the worst that could happen. The guy could pass on a number of a innocent female who has jilted him just to get revenge from her. There was this case reported by one of the members on the other forum. He got a number in exchange. When he called that number and asked for the girl and talked the normal monger talk she cut him off. Then after a while he started getting calls from the same number and some male started third degree. So guys it is apparent the girl in question was not a SW or and independent but a innocent victim of someone's (sick) sense of humour. Don't get conned into this exchange business. It might back fire.

Or it could be a number he has got from some senior member and he has no right to pass on such a number with out the express permission of the senior who gave it to him

A lot of guys will request numbers from seniors and then once they have had their fun they don't care who gets the number as long as they get another number in exchange. The lady whose number is thus exchanged is at the mercy of these exchangers. The exchangers only care to get some new contact. They are least bothered about the person who they give the contact to. Let the lady suffer if the contact has gone to a wrong person. At least these exchangers got an number in exchange. That is all they care about.

My policy is never to pass on the contact to anyone who sends me a pm asking for my contacts in exchange for another contact.

I would like to see an FR about the lady and then if I like what is written about her attitude and service etc and of course the rate, I will send a request to the writer of the FR. I never promise him a number in exchange. If he wants to pass it on fine. If not then no hard feelings.

There are a lot of guys on this forum who think that just because they took the trouble to register themselves with an anonymous id they have a right to send off a pm to anyone asking for contacts. And then if they get no response or a negative response they start badmouthing the member who refuses or ignores them. Such members should be totally ignored and no one should pass on any contacts to them. It is a pity that no one takes time out to read the old posts of those who request contacts from them. Just read their posts and make a judgement based on their behaviour and attitude on the forum. That is the best way to judge if the fellow is worth passing on your good contacts to.


I have contact just reply me.

Dil Beat
10-22-09, 17:06
I second JSF's thoughts. I have seen lots of reports posted here asking for exchnage, which I am not able to figure out as to why? Genuine mongerers does not require to do all these things. It is really sick.

JSF thanks a ton for commenting on this issue. It will really help the society, especially the victimised girls.

I also appeal everybody on this forum that do not go for this kind of exchange.



I would advise guys to be cautious of anyone who says that he has contacts for exchange. Most times the contacts he has are useless. Other wise why would he be so desperate to exchange it? The girls could be ugly or fat or unhygenic etc. Or even carrying some disease.

But that is not the worst that could happen. The guy could pass on a number of a innocent female who has jilted him just to get revenge from her. There was this case reported by one of the members on the other forum. He got a number in exchange. When he called that number and asked for the girl and talked the normal monger talk she cut him off. then after a while he started getting calls from the same number and some male started third degree. So guys it is apparent the girl in question was not a SW or and independent but a innocent victim of someone's (sick) sense of humour. Dont get conned into this exchange business. it might back fire.

Or it could be a number he has got from some senior member and he has no right to pass on such a number with out the express permission of the senior who gave it to him

A lot of guys will request numbers from seniors and then once they have had their fun they dont care who gets the number as long as they get another number in exchange. The lady whose number is thus exchanged is at the mercy of these exchangers. The exchangers only care to get some new contact. They are least bothered about the person who they give the contact to. Let the lady suffer if the contact has gone to a wrong person. At least these exchangers got an number in exchange. That is all they care about.

My policy is never to pass on the contact to anyone who sends me a pm asking for my contacts in exchange for another contact.

I would like to see an FR about the lady and then if I like what is written about her attitude and service etc and of course the rate ,I will send a request to the writer of the FR. I never promise him a number in exchange. If he wants to pass it on fine. If not then no hard feelings.

There are a lot of guys on this forum who think that just because they took the trouble to register themselves with an anonymous id they have a right to send off a pm to anyone asking for contacts. And then if they get no response or a negative response they start badmouthing the member who refuses or ignores them. Such members should be totally ignored and no one should pass on any contacts to them. It is a pity that no one takes time out to read the old posts of those who request contacts from them. Just read their posts and make a judgement based on their behaviour and attitude on the forum. That is the best way to judge if the fellow is worth passing on your good contacts to.


Coolraj 2001
10-22-09, 19:18
Hey JSF,

I m here to make friends and give contacts to people so tht they also enjoy with the girls with whome I enjoy.

Well I have few only 5 contact numbers and I enjoy a lot with them, now I want different contact.

So I have seen here tht people do exchange contact here so I also feel to contribute to this site.

Thts why I post here.

I m not here to fool anyone here. I m here to make good friends.


10-23-09, 09:28
Nice comments dear.


I second JSF's thoughts. I have seen lots of reports posted here asking for exchnage, which I am not able to figure out as to why? Genuine mongerers does not require to do all these things. It is really sick.

JSF thanks a ton for commenting on this issue. It will really help the society, especially the victimised girls.

I also appeal everybody on this forum that do not go for this kind of exchange.



Satya B
10-23-09, 13:23
How one can exchange the contacts with you he wish, as you don't have PM facility & posting of any contact details in this forum is not allowed. So get PM facility first without which you can't proceed further.


Satya B

Hey JSF,
I m here to make friends and give contacts to people so tht they also enjoy with the girls with whome I enjoy.

Well I have few only 5 contact numbers and I enjoy a lot with them, now I want different contact.

10-23-09, 15:51
Mate it is nice that you want to give contacts to other members. Why dont you post your experience with the 5 contacts that you have. Put some details about the ladies and how your experience was with them. And what it cost you. If the ladies are slim,good shape etc write it. If they are fat but give good service write it. How can anyone blindly take a contact and then find out after meeting the lady that he does not really want to go for a session with her.

Everyone has his own preferences. Maybe the contacts you think are great, someone else thinks are not so great. Write FRs and let others judge if they want the contacts.

That way if someone is interested in the contact he can ask you for it. By saying that you want to exchange what is the procedure you have in mind?

Will you send your contact to someone first? or will you ask someone to send his contact first.?

There have been cases where someone says exchange. So a member sends his contact to the fella and waits. But he does not get anything in return. The fella just does not respond after getting a contact and he does not keep his promise of exchange.

How will you solve this problem? Are you ready to take a chance and send your contacts first? or do you want someone else to take a chance and send you his contact first?

You must first establish a presense on the forum before someone can trust you and send you his contacts. For that you have to write FRs and let the others decide if they want your contact.

Right now I can see some new comers without too many posts asking you for exchange. Do you know them? by reading their posts do you think you can absolutely trust them? Make sure.

And these 5 contacts that you have. Where did you get them from? write about it.

And before trying this exchange business get the pm facility. Just send $19.95 to Jackson and you will get pm facility within a day I believe.



Hey JSF,

I m here to make friends and give contacts to people so tht they also enjoy with the girls with whome I enjoy.

Well I have few only 5 contact numbers and I enjoy a lot with them, now I want different contact.

So I have seen here tht people do exchange contact here so I also feel to contribute to this site.

Thts why I post here.

I m not here to fool anyone here. I m here to make good friends.


10-23-09, 17:19
EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove personal comments regarding the management of The Forum.

The Forum itself is not the place to post your personal comments about the management of The Forum. Instead, please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page to send me an email voicing your complaints about the management of the Forum, and I will respond as quickly as possible. Thanks!

On The Wings
10-23-09, 19:14
Dude, I dont need to justify, if you dont like the report, dont read it, the skip to the next page!My boy-you have not got it right.

This is no exam paper-answer any 5 questions out of 7-where one can skip and go to the next and again 'liking' a report is quite debatable. There is no need for one to Like (or) Dislike a report. At the core is must be a reasonable report, thats all (here, we like only gals, of course lovely ones).

However,to make things easy for you-will you please address these two issues.

-Average looking: will you elaborate and clarify with nice examples.

-Grading 9/10: please,explain sir.

On The Wings
10-23-09, 19:24
[QUOTE=JustSumFun]Why don't you post your experience with the 5 contacts that you have. How can anyone blindly take a contact. By saying that you want to exchange what is the procedure you have in mind?

And these 5 contacts that you have. Where did you get them from? Write about it. And before trying this exchange business get the pm facility. Just send $19.95 to Jackson and you will get pm facility within a day I believe.

Off late this is one best hit from your side JSF. You make me remember EL every now and then. What you have said is quite apt and reasonable. Though my score is less which I know pretty well, you can just await for some of my authentic reports shortly. Keep going and if the situation warrants I may have to raise my sword (hehe).

Cheers man

On The Wings
10-23-09, 19:30
I second JSF's thoughts. JSF thanks a ton for commenting on this issue.Your comment on JSF's report was quite commendable.Same time,there is no need to reproduce his entire report (that appears under Quote).Just have a look into ELs reports where there are plenty of Flashes and Illumination on posting a report and replying to a report. You are a senior member here.Lets save digi space.

Coolraj 2001
10-23-09, 20:25
Hi friends,

Well today I been to place called Jo*ti. Seen ad in MID-Day news paper.

So I called them and I ask them the price ut they said we not told price on phone.

So I gone there at 8:00 pm. I open door. Seen 3 girls sitting inside there. Well one male person welcome me and ask me for wht you want. I said massage. So he said half body massage for 1/2 hr for 500 and full body massage for 800 for 1 hr.

So I ask him for cooprative. He said all are good. So I ask him to show me again. So I like on girl whoes name was Gudia. Welll she have small height but had lovely asset among them.

When we goes inside I ask him diectly tht I want FS. BJ. She said for half body massage we do not provide but I said I will give you extra. Then she said ok. She tell me how much you will give I said 200 but she said 300 so I agree.

One thing I must say I really fall in love with her boobs. She have big boobs. She was almost 20 yr old and she was new to this field. So I ask for FS. She said I not do FS but other two girls do. I ask how much they take she told me 1700 around. So I diverted topic

I tell her come on top of me. She said I wann come but they will watch. So I told her to give me HJ. So she remove my pant and give me HJ. I ask for BJ. But she refuse. Even after more money. T

Then I remove her pant. She had big ass tooo. I enjoying with her pussy. She like it a lot. Then I was sucking her boobs. Her boobs was so cute and so much soft toooo, . The I wasenjoying her pussy. It was become desparate and she kisss me near my chic and then to my ear. And giving me had BJ. I was enjoying with her boobs a lot. Then finally my cum out.

Really she was really good for enjoy


Place: 9/10

Girls: 7/10

Talks: 8/10

Total damage: 500 + 300 Tip

Enjoy people

Cool Shag
10-23-09, 22:27

I have seen some action in the joggers park behind Hypercity/InOrbit Mall. Malad after dark.

Is it just some couples getting naughty or do we have something interesting going over there.

Also heard that Call Center girls are available around that area late at night Also how about the MP's opp ST. Pius college. Actually there are 3-4 in that area. If anyone could shed some light on this would be great.

Went through most of the reports and was quite fascinated about the info posted on this site. Guys You are AMAZING. Hats Off to you for providing so much of valuable info

So a small query for all you wonderful folks out here.

Most of the reports I have read were about Pro's who would indulge in ST for probably 30. 90 mins or 1 shot for anything between 1.5K. 3K.

If I was to take someone for the whole night. Is that possible. If yes, what would be the damages. What if I happen to take a Russian. Do they go out for full nights. If you guys could provide me any info about girls ready for full night and the damages (Should not be a pro or MP types) would be great.

Hope I am not asking too much.

Once again Thanks guys for that wonderful Info. Keep UP the Good Work.

Member #4163
10-24-09, 04:38
I have seen some action in the joggers park behind Hypercity/InOrbit Mall. Malad after dark.

Is it just some couples getting naughty or do we have something interesting going over there.

They are couples indeed. Police Vans do patrol that area and arrest couples who get too intimate publicly.

Also heard that Call Center girls are available around that area late at night

Girls there are not pros. Those are couples walking by, since it is also a residential area and the staff of companies nearby.

Also how about the MP's opp ST. Pius college. Actually there are 3-4 in that area.

The MPs near St. Pius College are not worth it. There is a police station close to the turning (near a hotel). The staff inside these MPs are Servant-type looking staff. If you are desperate, you can visit there for a normal HJ. You would certainly avoid BJ if you just have one look at them.

10-24-09, 05:43
Hi friends,

Well today I been to place called Jo*ti. Seen ad in MID-Day news paper.

So I called them and I ask them the price ut they said we not told price on phone.

So I gone there at 8:00 pm. I open door. Seen 3 girls sitting inside there. Well one male person welcome me and ask me for wht you want. I said massage. So he said half body massage for 1/2 hr for 500 and full body massage for 800 for 1 hr.

So I ask him for cooprative. He said all are good. So I ask him to show me again. So I like on girl whoes name was Gudia. Welll she have small height but had lovely asset among them.

When we goes inside I ask him diectly tht I want FS. BJ. She said for half body massage we do not provide but I said I will give you extra. Then she said ok. She tell me how much you will give I said 200 but she said 300 so I agree.

One thing I must say I really fall in love with her boobs. She have big boobs. She was almost 20 yr old and she was new to this field. So I ask for FS. She said I not do FS but other two girls do. I ask how much they take she told me 1700 around. So I diverted topic

I tell her come on top of me. She said I wann come but they will watch. So I told her to give me HJ. So she remove my pant and give me HJ. I ask for BJ. But she refuse. Even after more money. T

Then I remove her pant. She had big ass tooo. I enjoying with her pussy. She like it a lot. Then I was sucking her boobs. Her boobs was so cute and so much soft toooo, . The I wasenjoying her pussy. It was become desparate and she kisss me near my chic and then to my ear. And giving me had BJ. I was enjoying with her boobs a lot. Then finally my cum out.

Really she was really good for enjoy


Place: 9/10

Girls: 7/10

Talks: 8/10

Total damage: 500 + 300 Tip

Enjoy peopleNice report.

Can you please provide direction to reach this place.

10-24-09, 08:53
Any idea on MP which was there at Bandra opp National college and next to Subway on way to Zenzi Restaurant on Waterfield Road. Its on ground floor and bit inside from main road. Just few days back I went and guy told me its closed due to Election and police. But promised that will get open after Election Results.

Anyone has idea whether it is opened or not. Its good and secured place. You will 5-6 good quality girls. Cost around 1200-1300 bugs + tips for short time+Rs.50 for condoms. Not very expensive compared to other MP. Actually its not not an MP. Girls do all BJ and FS. Some girls do DFK other refused. I do not why they do that. But place is awesome with AC rooms. Worth trying.

Also went few days back in Andheri (West), Kalinga lane. Saw Craze MP. There is another one called Glamour has opened ahead of Craze. Any one has any experience in Glamour.

But I feel these MP are looting as most of them do not allow FS as there is no place for lying down and charges exorbitant. You may for Massage then to Girl for BJ, HJ, etc. The total cost is much higher than what you get outlets like Khar one.

There is one opposite McDonoulds in Bandra. I have read on posting here and heard lot. But is this on the 1st or upper floor as there nothing on Ground Floor. But heard as bit expensive.. Please shed some light on this.

In case Members has information on other outlets like Khar, please share.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

Member #4163
10-24-09, 09:10
I miss JSF's old style of writing amazing FRs.

10-24-09, 09:26
Well mate. To be honest I miss writing the FRs too. The thing is that I am not active for the last 6-8 months. So far have not found anyone that would drag me out of the comfortable couch in front of the TV. Guess I am becoming a couch potato. The only one who could drag me out of my couch would be the young lady that everyone is talking about and giving me credit for.. From the reports by other members she seems to be a Hot Tamali. Pity her rate is beyond my budget. I dont bargain. And i would not expect her to go down to my budget. That would be like taking a kickback for helping her. That is not my style.

The day I find someone I fancy, within my budget, you can be sure of an FR from me. And if the lady turns out to be good then you guys can expect me to share the contact.

I believe in sharing my experiences and also my contacts with the members of the forum. But only with those who share their experiences and their contacts with like minded people. I usually ignore members who dont believe in sharing their experiences. They do not deserve to get contacts if they are not willing to share.

Anyways I dont want to get into that. I am oblivious to such members because I use the ignore function on the forum. Very useful thing. I put a few members on my ignore list and now they cannot send me PM and i dont have to bother reading their posts because their posts dont show up when I log in. Anyways I doubt they would write something worthwhile since they have shown a tendency to critisize and bad mouth rather then share.



I miss JSF's old style of writing amazing FRs.