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07-12-11, 15:10
Dear Sirs.

Can I respectfully ask two questions please (and yes I have RTFF extensively which is why I am finally resorting to asking).

I know the area that Hotel Travel is in but what is the address or how exactly do I get there.

Second question is whether that bizarre Saturday afternoon disco in the same area is still open these days? That was a bizarre place but I sort of liked it. Is that still running on Saturdays?

Many thanks for any help anyone can offer.



07-12-11, 15:35
Try not to use your credit card in Jakarta except for 5 star hotels as my card was cloned & I'm now in the process of either being sued by the bank or suing them for allowing this fraud! :(In 15 years I've had my card cloned twice. I'm not going to say there is no risk but given thousands of transactions and two clonings I don't think the risk is unreasonably high. In both cloning instances I know exactly where they occurred, one was a Turkish restaurant and the other was a cigar bar in Plaza Senayan. Depending on where your card is issued your liability may be limited. In my case my maximum liability is $50 but in both cases the credit card company absorbed as it was obvious it was a fraudulent act. If you have an Indonesian credit card you may not be so lucky which is why I have a low credit limit on my Indonesia issued credit card.

07-12-11, 22:43
Dear Sirs.

Can I respectfully ask two questions please (and yes I have RTFF extensively which is why I am finally resorting to asking).

I know the area that Hotel Travel is in but what is the address or how exactly do I get there.

Second question is whether that bizarre Saturday afternoon disco in the same area is still open these days? That was a bizarre place but I sort of liked it. Is that still running on Saturdays?

Many thanks for any help anyone can offer.


BB1. Some time ago I've posted the address, but here it is again: Jalan Mangga Besar VIII number 21. Any cabby would know where Hotel Travel is located.

2. Are you referring to Stadium? There are recent postings about the place.

Maybe you should have used the "search" function in this forum. BTW, I "googled" hotel Travel.

07-13-11, 12:20
1. Some time ago I've posted the address, but here it is again: Jalan Mangga Besar VIII number 21. Any cabby would know where Hotel Travel is located.

2. Are you referring to Stadium? There are recent postings about the place.

Maybe you should have used the "search" function in this forum. BTW, I "googled" hotel Travel.When you come from Jl Hayam Wurk / Gajah Mada end driving on Jalan Mangga Besar with Lokasari shopping centre on left hand side always remember it is the second street back from the overhead railway bridge. Turn right into jl Mangga Besar No. 8. If you go past the overhead bridge you have gone too far.

I think he is talking about TC's but unfortunately for some ithas been closed for quite some time now.

It was raided by police and shut down for good. Either that or milles disco which is right beside it.

07-13-11, 12:56
Thanks for the address, I really appreciate it.

Yes thats right TC's (Town and Country or something). That place was totally bizarre. Too bad they closed it down.

Thanks again.


07-13-11, 18:57
In 15 years I've had my card cloned twice.Two years back my business associate, traveling with me had his backup / emergency CC posted on the internet. It was locked in the safety box, along with his travel documents, etc. And we were at the Shangrila Hotel! I know the Singapore hotel management and relayed a complaint. It was obviously an inside job.

07-16-11, 03:10
So I had one night 'on my own' in Jakarta.

I've visited Jakarta before and visited Alexis and Malioboro. I had coordinates for Hotel Classic and Travelers as a back up, but was looking for a 'pick up' experience. Comments from Jakarta based folks discouraged me from going to the Jayakarta, and it was a toss-up between 30 and BATS. A great price on the rooms at Le Meridien put me there.

I arrived at Jakarta at night on AirAsia and had a heckuva time getting a taxi at terminal 3. I arrived at Le Meridian about 10, had supper and ventured into Tiga Puluh somewhere before 11:30. Going to the club, I followed a pair of women with absolutely spectacular legs and great figures, who disappointed me by getting on the 'up' elevator. Oh well!

I was a little surprised by the small crowd (this was Saturday night) but thought I would give it an hour to liven up before I bailed. The club has a large stage with small tables and a little bit of dancing area on the perimeter. The band was playing music from my youth, but playing well. Within minutes people started coming in – yes, many female people. Good looking female people. The game was on.

A group of 4 women came in and sat two tables from me. All of them were good looking. 8s at least. One in particular caught my eye. Very nice shape, jeans that were painted on her legs and butt, and a spaghetti-strap top that showed nice boobs. I've been in Asia too long to be expecting that the boobs were anything but a product of a push-up bra.

Anyway, the 4 wanitas were fooling around with some questionnaire from the bar and not paying much attention to me. I asked the waitress to offer the girls a drink on me. The night took off from there.

There was a series of one-by-one chats, while the girls sorted out who I was interested in. I was fairly set on Ms F, the girl with the spaghetti-strap top, but was having a great time with all of them. Ms F is in her late 20s, I found out later, but she could have said 23 and I would have believed her. After a bit Ms F said she had to get one of the other girls in a taxi, blah blah, and would be back shortly. Ok.

I amused myself by dancing with the remaining two, one at a time and both together. One of them was a smoking hot dancer and I found myself hoping that Ms F might not return. At that moment, of course, she appeared like a genii from the bottle. We said our good-nights and headed upstairs.

Did I mention that Ms F has excellent English among her other charms? She was yakking away up to the room and says she likes Trivial Pursuit and other word games. I'm fine with it all, I'm well educated, we have all night, and I propose interesting prizes for the winner.

I wasn't even in her league. Riga is the capitol of Latvia. Who knew? She was a gracious winner, promptly hopped into the shower, and f*ked me silly 3 times during the remainder of the night and into the next morning. She likes touching and being touched. I like her touch.

Money was never discussed, ever, but I put some cash in her purse the next morning while she was in the shower. Enough so she will answer her phone when I'm in Jakarta next time.

One last time I was wrong. The boobs were not a product of a push up bra. A very, very nice set of knockers!

Tiga Puluh requires you to have a game. I saw several guys sitting alone nursing their drinks. I saw pairs of women obviously on the game. I bought some drinks, had a lot of fun, and met a lady I hope to see again. Jakarta never disappoints.

Pro Quest
07-16-11, 10:48
I have read the many methods of getting a lay in Jakarta. Starting at the high end. 1 million plus CJ's SYT's, along through the various soap shops at the half million bracket, and then the students who are more than happy with 250, 000.

There is however, those out there who may not be the drop dead gorgeous type, and are happy with a dinner date, before returning to your room and giving everything they have got to receive; and give you a good time. These are to be found in the various dating forums. My latest success is DateInAsia which is free of any charge.

I signed up two weeks ago, I kept my profile basic and admitted being married so I was clearly not looking for a wife. Within days the enquiries came flooding to my in-box, some of their profiles were from marriage seekers, so I replied that I was not suitable for them. Others clearly showed interest to become friends and 'show me around the town'.

The first few mails are kept as information on where I came from and my likes and dislikes. Once they are comfortable, you offer the meet for coffee or dinner date, allowing them to choose the place.

I have 4 dates planned. 2 this weekend and the other 2 for evenings during the week. I have potentially 4 or 5 more who are in the stages of releasing their personal emails and phone numbers.

Last night was the first date, she was a widower with a 7 year old kid, she took me to restaurant in Melawai followed by a club, before coming back to my place for the evening romp. I made the point to leave hints but never actually made a direct request for her to return to my room. Once at my place she proceeded to shower and jump into my bed for a wonderful pre-sleep session. This morning she was eager for a second round to celebrate my morning glory. She even ironed my shirt before she left this morning, No mention of money was ever discussed.

My second date is tonight, where she has already hinted to me that she is curious about foreigners. I guess that means its another wonderful night on the way.

So don't just think about the formal outlets, play the field and you can save your wallet and find the babes with much more enthusiasm.

PQ Out

07-16-11, 21:04
The interactive Jakarta Monger Map on Google Maps is now ready for use:

Jakarta Monger Map (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=203117349039894693981.0004a343aac9183165750&z=12)

As of today, 16 July 2011, only the hotspots in the Block M area are marked (since my knowledge of the Jakarta scene is very limited) plus a few SPAs added by Menteng, who graciuosly agreed to do a test ride. There are frequent requests in the forum regarding the location of certain venues, and there are repeated responses with detailed road directions. I think it might be good to also add a placemark when giving a location response: the advantage of the map is that the information in placemarke can be changed at any time, thus the map can always be updated.

The map is open for editing for the account Jakarta.Monger, which is a gmail account. Login instructions as well as instructions on how to do things is included in the attached PDF files.

With the Jakarta.Monger account you can navigate freely between Google Maps, Google Photos and Google Mail. To Google Photos you can upload pictures of e. g. the exterior of a venue, like the entrance (for easier location); pictures that can be used in the description in the map. From Google Mail you should send a message to the owner, Barri.ISG, when you have made an update. The reason for this is that I can then take a back-up.

Creating a placemark in the map and adding a photo is pretty straight forward and intuitive, but nevertheless I have written a comprehensive maintenance manual (the attached PDFs). Unfortunately, due to the size limitations for uploading PDFs, the document had to be split in two parts. The latest revision will always reside at the Jakarta.Monger gmail account.

Some discipline and structure is required for the Jakarta Monger Map:

Only add a placemark if you are (almost) 100% certain of the location.

Give the placemark a name that starts with the area, e. g. South, North, Kota etc.

Enter as much details as possible about the venue in the description field.

Sign the description field with your ISG handle and date (month + year will do)

Add if applicable a reference to a Jakarta Thread post number.

Follow the legend, i. e. the colour code, which is found at the top left in the map and also in the maintenance manual Legend

Blue pin – Spa and massage with HJ / BJ.

Blue pin with dot – Spa and massage with FS.

Gren pin – Bar with FL / WG.

Gren pin with dot– Bar with ST rooms.

Yellow pin – Disco with FL / WG.

Salmon pink pin – Fishbowl (take out only)

Salmon pink pin with dot – Fishbowl with ST rooms.

Hot pink – ST hotel: Bring your own girl.

Hot pink pin with dot – ST hotel where girls will be brought to you.

Violet pin with dot – Fleapit / local brothel.

Aqua pin – Not verified venue: till now no reports from the place.

Red warning sign – Landmark.

Violet line – Street walker area

Please enjoy the map in a responsible way!


Pak Mike
07-16-11, 22:36
I have read the many methods of getting a lay in Jakarta. Starting at the high end. 1 million plus CJ's SYT's, along through the various soap shops at the half million bracket, and then the students who are more than happy with 250, 000.

There is however, those out there who may not be the drop dead gorgeous type, and are happy with a dinner date, before returning to your room and giving everything they have got to receive; and give you a good time. These are to be found in the various dating forums. My latest success is DateInAsia which is free of any charge.

I signed up two weeks ago, I kept my profile basic and admitted being married so I was clearly not looking for a wife. Within days the enquiries came flooding to my in-box, some of their profiles were from marriage seekers, so I replied that I was not suitable for them. Others clearly showed interest to become friends and 'show me around the town'.

The first few mails are kept as information on where I came from and my likes and dislikes. Once they are comfortable, you offer the meet for coffee or dinner date, allowing them to choose the place.

I have 4 dates planned. 2 this weekend and the other 2 for evenings during the week. I have potentially 4 or 5 more who are in the stages of releasing their personal emails and phone numbers.

Last night was the first date, she was a widower with a 7 year old kid, she took me to restaurant in Melawai followed by a club, before coming back to my place for the evening romp. I made the point to leave hints but never actually made a direct request for her to return to my room. Once at my place she proceeded to shower and jump into my bed for a wonderful pre-sleep session. This morning she was eager for a second round to celebrate my morning glory. She even ironed my shirt before she left this morning, No mention of money was ever discussed.

My second date is tonight, where she has already hinted to me that she is curious about foreigners. I guess that means its another wonderful night on the way.

So don't just think about the formal outlets, play the field and you can save your wallet and find the babes with much more enthusiasm.

PQ OutYep, been down this route for years and have developed a few long-term relationships where we just have a good time together. Good sex, nice night out, and all that this entails. Fits a lot better into my work schedule (I actually need to get up in the morning and go to work) than cruising the bars late at night. But on the odd occassion can also do the bars for variety.

07-18-11, 15:34
Tried the theme rooms in the Sparks hotel. Pretty fun in a weird kind of way. Not a lot of girls to choose from when I went there, but.

Some nice-looking ones all the same. It costs something like 790. 000. Kind of steep. But they have a bunch of different themes and the

Girls wear outfits accordingly: classroom, office, and some weirder ones like brain scan. Sparks hotel is good stuff, generally, I think, at.

Least for a couple nights if you want to get into some trouble and don't mind the noise from the club, which goes on and on. But the

Pool is nice. The club is funky. The whole place just has this vibe of anything goes.

07-18-11, 15:37
I have read the many methods of getting a lay in Jakarta. Starting at the high end. 1 million plus CJ's SYT's, along through the various soap shops at the half million bracket, and then the students who are more than happy with 250, 000.

There is however, those out there who may not be the drop dead gorgeous type, and are happy with a dinner date, before returning to your room and giving everything they have got to receive; and give you a good time. These are to be found in the various dating forums. My latest success is DateInAsia which is free of any charge.

I signed up two weeks ago, I kept my profile basic and admitted being married so I was clearly not looking for a wife. Within days the enquiries came flooding to my in-box, some of their profiles were from marriage seekers, so I replied that I was not suitable for them. Others clearly showed interest to become friends and 'show me around the town'.

The first few mails are kept as information on where I came from and my likes and dislikes. Once they are comfortable, you offer the meet for coffee or dinner date, allowing them to choose the place.

I have 4 dates planned. 2 this weekend and the other 2 for evenings during the week. I have potentially 4 or 5 more who are in the stages of releasing their personal emails and phone numbers.

Last night was the first date, she was a widower with a 7 year old kid, she took me to restaurant in Melawai followed by a club, before coming back to my place for the evening romp. I made the point to leave hints but never actually made a direct request for her to return to my room. Once at my place she proceeded to shower and jump into my bed for a wonderful pre-sleep session. This morning she was eager for a second round to celebrate my morning glory. She even ironed my shirt before she left this morning, No mention of money was ever discussed.

My second date is tonight, where she has already hinted to me that she is curious about foreigners. I guess that means its another wonderful night on the way.

So don't just think about the formal outlets, play the field and you can save your wallet and find the babes with much more enthusiasm.

PQ OutStudents, huh? How do you meet the students?

07-19-11, 05:02
Tried the theme rooms in the Sparks hotel. Pretty fun in a weird kind of way. Not a lot of girls to choose from when I went there, but.

Some nice-looking ones all the same. It costs something like 790. 000. Kind of steep. But they have a bunch of different themes and the

Girls wear outfits accordingly: classroom, office, and some weirder ones like brain scan. Sparks hotel is good stuff, generally, I think, at.

Least for a couple nights if you want to get into some trouble and don't mind the noise from the club, which goes on and on. But the

Pool is nice. The club is funky. The whole place just has this vibe of anything goes.Sparks Hotel ROCKS! I love the place as its nice and handy to HT and the Big House plus also Jl Mangga Besar really comes alive at night time.

07-19-11, 05:07
Students, huh? How do you meet the students?They are everywhere and once you tune into them they will drag all of their m8s along for the ride as Dorman has proven to us.

Attached is a photo of one I met at TG and introduced her to my m8 but he passed on as he had just finished a all day session at HT.

I thought she was 20 but it turns out she is a horny 18.

07-19-11, 06:50
Hey guys,

As usual, some excellent information being shared here. I thought I'd add my own little bit to the pile (even though it's nothing new).

Went to Hotel Classic twice last week (once on Wednesday and once on Sunday, both at around 4pm). The Wednesday session was actually pretty disappointing; both girls gave the most unenthusiastic and unskilled BJs I've ever had. The sex was average as well. I didn't do my due diligence as I was selecting my mates, so it's my own fault.


400k to bar.

100k tips (they asked for 100k each)

100k Drinks.


Sunday was much better. I told the pimpette that I wanted two slim girls with big breasts and that they needed to be very good at BJs. She certainly delivered. She brought over the first one, and I started drooling a little bit. We sat and talked for a bit (I speak VERY little Indo, but we made do) , then I asked about the second girl. She pointed to a very unattractive girl sitting on the bench and said 'my friend'? I said 'Hell no, ' and called the pimpette back over. I told her to get a second girl who was just like the first. Well, she brought out a somewhat reasonable facsimile and downstairs we went. Turns out the first girl (the stunner) was pretty drunk, but in a fun way. The not-so-stunner was an excellent performer and, as promised, both girls gave excellent suckage.


400k to bar.

100k tips.

100k Drinks.


Same damage in each case, but a vastly different experience, simply because I added the BJ criterion to my list. Specificity is the order of the day, it would appear.


07-19-11, 06:53
Also, I was wondering if I might be able to re-post my question from a couple of weeks back:

Is there any way to get Kamagra jelly in Jakarta? I had toyed with the idea of bringing some with me from Thailand, but I chickened out, since I didn't want to get into any sticky situations (aside from the kind you find at Hotel Classic, anyway).

If not Kamagra, does anyone have a good substitute? I don't suffer from ED, but I must say I certainly benefit from ED drugs!

Any info would be greatly appreciated!


07-19-11, 11:21
They are everywhere and once you tune into them they will drag all of their m8s along for the ride as Dorman has proven to us.

Attached is a photo of one I met at TG and introduced her to my m8 but he passed on as he had just finished a all day session at HT.

I thought she was 20 but it turns out she is a horny 18.I thought I was in the photo section but no problemo giving some work for Jackson to clean up my mess, not intentional.

07-20-11, 05:10
If not Kamagra, does anyone have a good substitute? I don't suffer from ED, but I must say I certainly benefit from ED drugs!

Any info would be greatly appreciated!

BCrudViagra, Cialis and Levitra are available over the counter at Apoteks (pharmacies) certainly in the big cities of Indonesia. The best and most reliable chain of Apoteks is Kimia Farma, it's government owned and as far as I have been able to work out, does not stock pirated medications. Look for the big blue and orange signs. Prices are similar to anywhere in the world for these drugs as they are the real deal. Street vendors also sell them but so cheaply they can only be knock-offs.

As for local stuff, there are "jamu" stands and shops throughout Indonesia. Two high profile chains are Air Mancur and Nyonya Mynheer. They have locally produced stay hard capsules for a couple of dollars for a packet of two. Two brands I have tried are Top Sex, and Black Ant. I suspect they contain the active ingredient of Viagra, but not the full dose, as well as other herbal stuff. Most of the time they work, but I think they fill the caps by hand, so dosage is all over the place.

As for bringing Kamagra from Thailand, next time just bring as many as you think you need. I am Bangkok based but come to Indonesia two weeks out of four, and I always bring a box or two for friends there. Indo Customs have taken no interest in them at all, probably because there is nothing illegal about bringing them in.

07-20-11, 05:43
Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are available over the counter at Apoteks (pharmacies) certainly in the big cities of Indonesia. The best and most reliable chain of Apoteks is Kimia Farma, it's government owned and as far as I have been able to work out, does not stock pirated medications. Look for the big blue and orange signs. Prices are similar to anywhere in the world for these drugs as they are the real deal. Street vendors also sell them but so cheaply they can only be knock-offs.

As for local stuff, there are "jamu" stands and shops throughout Indonesia. Two high profile chains are Air Mancur and Nyonya Mynheer. They have locally produced stay hard capsules for a couple of dollars for a packet of two. Two brands I have tried are Top Sex, and Black Ant. I suspect they contain the active ingredient of Viagra, but not the full dose, as well as other herbal stuff. Most of the time they work, but I think they fill the caps by hand, so dosage is all over the place.

As for bringing Kamagra from Thailand, next time just bring as many as you think you need. I am Bangkok based but come to Indonesia two weeks out of four, and I always bring a box or two for friends there. Indo Customs have taken no interest in them at all, probably because there is nothing illegal about bringing them in.Thanks so much, DnC! That's great information. I'm sure I've seen a Kimia Farma somewhere around here, so life is good. Just in time too, as I had my last packet of the jelly last night!

07-21-11, 09:40
A female friend of mine is working in one of the karaoke clubs in Little Tokyo behind LT6 and told me I should check the place out as there are heaps of hot chicks there. I tried a couple of times in the 90's to try these clubs but was knocked back either by the satpams or the girls saying that if the Japanese or korean guy sees the girl with a bule she will be ostracised and won't get any more patrons. Over the many years here in Indo I have seen many many absolute stunners walking in or out of these clubs. Anyway on Tuesday night before catching my plane back to work I ventured forth and visited the club she is working in and was very pleasantly surprised.

Walked in and was greeted by a very doable mamasan who instructed me to sit down while she called the 60 girls down for the "Parade". Unfortunately the room can only fit about 40 of them so the other 20 stayed upstairs but I was certainly feeling pretty damned good inspecting the wares on offer. I must admit I have never been a fan of karaoke bars but I will definately be going back to this one club as there were 4-6 big full round breasted ceweks who were above average and the same again absolute stunners. Th initial outlay is not cheap but its certainly a good way to meet some good quality pussy get their numbers and meet them off site. 250 for the room. 180 for one girl for 3 hours and 30k for a beer. I played the gentleman and took my female friend and went to the room and got a BJ. There are no bedrooms only karaoke rooms. Next time I plan on getting 2-3 girls getting their numbers and employ them directly. The trick is look for a club without a Korean or Japanese name.Decided to tell my friend who works there to start taking photos of her friends / work colleagues then send me their photos and costs via mms but then I remembered why I stopped frequenting karaoke bars because most of the hot ones ask for 1-2 jta ST. Too many Japanese and Koreans willing to pay these amounts. I have got a couple of her friends for 700 & 800k but it still is too much.

Master Diver II
07-22-11, 04:07
So I had one night 'on my own' in Jakarta.

I arrived at Jakarta at night on AirAsia and had a heckuva time getting a taxi at terminal 3. I arrived at Le Meridian about 10, had supper and ventured into Tiga Puluh somewhere before 11:30. Going to the club, I followed a pair of women with absolutely spectacular legs and great figures, who disappointed me by getting on the 'up' elevator. Oh well!I'm surprised that you didn't follow the legs and persuade them to stay. Although it does seem that you managed pretty well after that. It's been a while since I've been to Tiga Puluh, although this used to be the place for many happy hunting expeditions. Memories.

1. Some time ago I've posted the address, but here it is again: Jalan Mangga Besar VIII number 21. Any cabby would know where Hotel Travel is located.

2. Are you referring to Stadium? There are recent postings about the place.

Maybe you should have used the "search" function in this forum. BTW, I "googled" hotel Travel.Bro,

There seems to be a number of people too lazy to do their own homework of late. Have you been kidnapped by the ladies over in Colombia or might we see your face sometime in the foreseeable future?

Now I realised why Fisherman is back active in the forum but really surprised at the path he has taken! To each his own they say! All the best in your endeavors Fish!Hi Bro,

I read your posts. I have my own set of issues with him and it seems I have kept myself more restrained than you. It is a bit rich him calling other people cheapskate. I have also discovered what he has said regarding me to other people but have refrained from mentioning it here. Well it's "caveat emptor" to his clients and good luck. How have you been bro? It's been a while since I heard any news from you.


07-23-11, 13:41
I'm surprised that you didn't follow the legs and persuade them to stay. Although it does seem that you managed pretty well after that. It's been a while since I've been to Tiga Puluh, although this used to be the place for many happy hunting expeditions. Memories."Managed pretty well" is a nice compliment and a definite understatement about Ms F. Legs to die for! I really wish to be in Jakarta tonight! TTG

07-23-11, 15:54
This was we need more in the forums. Too bad there wasn't a like button or + button. Then these forums wouldn't be filled w / where is where is that! Easy to search! Thanks.

The interactive Jakarta Monger Map on Google Maps is now ready for use:

Jakarta Monger Map (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=203117349039894693981.0004a343aac9183165750&z=12)

As of today. 16 July 2011, only the hotspots in the Block M area are marked (since my knowledge of the Jakarta scene is very limited) plus a few SPAs added by Menteng, who graciuosly agreed to do a test ride. There are frequent requests in the forum regarding the location of certain venues, and there are repeated responses with detailed road directions. I think it might be good to also add a placemark when giving a location response: the advantage of the map is that the information in placemarke can be changed at any time, thus the map can always be updated.

The map is open for editing for the account Jakarta. Monger, which is a gmail account. Login instructions as well as instructions on how to do things is included in the attached PDF files.

With the Jakarta. Monger account you can navigate freely between Google Maps, Google Photos and Google Mail. To Google Photos you can upload pictures of e. G. The exterior of a venue, like the entrance (for easier location) ; pictures that can be used in the description in the map. From Google Mail you should send a message to the owner, Barri. ISG, when you have made an update. The reason for this is that I can then take a back-up.

Creating a placemark in the map and adding a photo is pretty straight forward and intuitive, but nevertheless I have written a comprehensive maintenance manual (the attached PDFs). Unfortunately, due to the size limitations for uploading PDFs, the document had to be split in two parts. The latest revision will always reside at the Jakarta. Monger gmail account.

Some discipline and structure is required for the Jakarta Monger Map:

Only add a placemark if you are (almost) 100% certain of the location.

Give the placemark a name that starts with the area, e. G. South, North, Kota etc.

Enter as much details as possible about the venue in the description field.

Sign the description field with your ISG handle and date (month + year will do)

Add if applicable a reference to a Jakarta Thread post number.

Follow the legend, I. E. The colour code, which is found at the top left in the map and also in the maintenance manual Legend

Blue pin – Spa and massage with HJ / BJ.

Blue pin with dot – Spa and massage with FS.

Gren pin – Bar with FL / WG.

Gren pin with dot– Bar with ST rooms.

Yellow pin – Disco with FL / WG.

Salmon pink pin – Fishbowl (take out only)

Salmon pink pin with dot – Fishbowl with ST rooms.

Hot pink – ST hotel: Bring your own girl.

Hot pink pin with dot – ST hotel where girls will be brought to you.

Violet pin with dot – Fleapit / local brothel.

Aqua pin – Not verified venue: till now no reports from the place.

Red warning sign – Landmark.

Violet line – Street walker area

Please enjoy the map in a responsible way!


07-24-11, 07:43
It's been a while since I've been to Tiga Puluh, although this used to be the place for many happy hunting expeditions. Memories.Early 2000's Tiga Puluh was great. Now, not so much. Unfortunately, the band at Tiga Puluh right now isn't very good. Put that together with the small crowds these days and it's pretty dire there. Ever since they renovated that place, it's been dead. That being said, I went there the other night and had a pretty good time. It was a special salsa night and fairly entertaining. There were a couple of stunners there as well!

07-26-11, 07:41
So probably most of you know about this place already, but if you're looking for a bar to have a drink before or after some mongering, I definitely recommend Jaya Pub. The oldest pub in jakarta is what they say, by which I guess they mean the oldest western-style place to drink in Jakarta. The place is classic, friendly, and very easy to be in. I don't think there are any professionals there-or at least there weren't when I was there, but still, a great place just to chill.

And while I'm in the Menteng area, what's the story with The Pitstop? I was there early in the week, and it wasn't so active, but it seemed like it got pretty active on weekends. And there definitely seemed to be some pros about.

07-26-11, 10:13
Fasting starts on Saturday morning so I imagine the bars will be shut from Friday night onwards for a few days, what's the score however on Thursday? Is it business as usual or early shut down? I know I should remember but every year I forget and, like the night before Idul Adha, invariably I get caught out.

07-26-11, 10:40
Fasting starts on Saturday morningSaturday already? Sure?

I thought Monday 1st August.


07-26-11, 15:06
So probably most of you know about this place already, but if you're looking for a bar to have a drink before or after some mongering, I definitely recommend Jaya Pub. The oldest pub in jakarta is what they say, by which I guess they mean the oldest western-style place to drink in Jakarta. The place is classic, friendly, and very easy to be in. I don't think there are any professionals there-or at least there weren't when I was there, but still, a great place just to chill.

And while I'm in the Menteng area, what's the story with The Pitstop? I was there early in the week, and it wasn't so active, but it seemed like it got pretty active on weekends. And there definitely seemed to be some pros about.I'm surprised that Jaya Pub still exists. Is it still located behind the Jaya building?

Maybe those who stayed at Sari San Pacific hotel recently can tell more about Pitstop?

07-26-11, 19:10
--- Too bad there wasn't a like button or + button. ---Something that should be proposed to Google.com, perhaps? The possibility to do an internal search on loaded map? Please do!

By the way, there has been some good additions lately, but the area where the venue is located has not been stated as part of the landmark name, so I can't do sorting the way I intended. Would it be better just to sort everything alphabetically?


07-26-11, 22:30
Saturday already? Sure?

I thought Monday 1st August.

Cheers!Ramadhan starts on the 1st August tentavely as it is actually determined by the start of the new moon.

07-26-11, 23:45
And the day before Ramadan is the absolute worst day of all. July 31 everything will be closed.

07-27-11, 02:11
I stand corrected, the fasting starts on Monday, shut down begins Sunday, the last hurrah ends on Saturday night then.

Jkt After Dark 2
07-27-11, 05:52
No surprise if Hotel Travel, Hotel Klassik, upmarket spas like Malioboro and Hotel Alexis, Blok M bars, and hotel bars will start operating again on Tue, 2 Aug until the day before Idul Eid.

Siepko Bach
07-28-11, 16:12
Spent a few nights in Jakarta. Slept in Mercure Kota (formerly Mercure Rekso) as usual.

Went to Hotel Travel on three successive nights & ordered two girls. Damage 450000 Rps. All three nights the couple was in effect chosen by the mamasan and consisted of a skinny girl and a rather chubby one . But good figure as well. Making a good couple. I enjoyed being with two girls as it soehow seems to take the tension of being with a no-bahasa foreigner from them. In all three the skinny one was the most active.

I think I prefer Hotel Travel to Hotel Classic. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with the quality of the girls, and the place is less overwhelming without mandatory drinks etcetera. More relaxing.

Ibn Buttita
07-29-11, 10:17
'don't be sad that it's over, be happy it happened. ' i read those wise words on the back of a guy's t-shirt at hotel classic, while looking over his shoulder at four naked indonesian girls simulating sex on stage. i tried to accept that philosophy, but it wasn't easy. that was the second of three nights on my brief trip to jakarta in april, and i was worse on the morning of my departure; at the airport i struggled with the idea of changing my flight to hong kong for the next day. i didn't, and ultimately was satisfied that i didn't (the saunas of macau and the pleasures of pattaya, thailand awaited) , but i missed jakarta then and do now.

after a mid-afternoon flight arrival my taxi got me to mangga besar without too much traffic problems. i had tried to get a room at sparks at the indotel hotel reservation desk at the baggage claim, attracted by the good value (compared to the internet rates i had seen) , but they were sold out. instead, i had the cabbie drop me at the peninsula. i'm glad i looked at some rooms, since despite the decent price (r330, 000) , the rooms were shabby and depressing. the astika just a few meters away was a much better choice at r340, 000 for a deluxe room, and i was settled in by 4:00. the best part about the astika was that i was just a short walk from the hotel travel, around the corner on mangga besar 8.

in a matter of five minutes i reached hotel travel. the greeters graciously held the door of the lounge open for me, and i took my number disc from the desk girls. the lounge inside was not yet crowded with guests, but the four coves of couches along the far wall brimmed with girls. as soon as i sat at a table a mamasan came over and before i had time to order a drink had guided little yati to my table. what i came for was the two-girl special for r450, 000 for 90 minutes, so i asked her to call over a friend, another petite cutie, itsa. a little chatting with the help of my bahasa vocabulary cheat-sheet warmed things up (especially the page of 'dirty' words for use with hookers) , and we soon headed upstairs to a room. while like most of my threesomes on this jakarta trip the gfe factor was not high (no kissing) , it was a fine start to my trip.

a nice thing about hotel travel is that on the street outside, like all of the mangga besar area, there are a few tented warnings serving up tasty food. i had a nice plate of fried duck and coconut rice and was ready for my next destination, malioboro hotel. in less than ten minutes i was there, and paid my 100, 000 entry. i first checked out the club, uncrowded except for some couples (interesting spot for a date, considering the topless dancers on the corner platforms of the stage). i soon found out where the crowds were downstairs in the main lounge. my impression, except for the presence of scantily dressed dancers on the stage (few girls on stage seemed to go topless) , was of a high school cafeteria with disco lighting. the rectangular lunchroom tables were generally filled with either guys or girls, without lots of mixing, and you had your cliques around the room: the chinese in one corner, latinas in another, indonesian girls along the other two sides.

of course, in the high school cafeteria topless hot girls generally don't go around offering to grind against you for the price of a lady drink. i passed on most girls who came by as i sat at the bar, but one was gorgeous and so i fondled her a bit as she rubbed up against me. worth the r100, 000 only because she was so hot. warmed up, i asked a mamasan about the prices. as expected, the foreign girls were very expensive and just not worth it for me: the chinese were attractive but with my upcoming trip to macau i didn't see the point; though i felt a sense of western hemisphere solidarity with the colombianas and other latinas, they were not stunners worthy of the r1. 7 juta (or so) price tag, just more of a novelty item. even the indonesians didn't seem worth it at around r700, 000 after the great value of hotel travel; they certainly weren't any better looking than the ones i'the seen earlier in the day. so i decided to move on.

but not too far, just across the hallway to the wine lounge. it's a pretentious name for a glorified karaoke hall filled with high school girls (back to high school, again) , but exactly the kind of place i was looking for. i sat on the side of the room with the bar, and a young papasan with pretty good english sat beside me. the girls sat on clusters of couches on the other side of the stage where a high-energy cover band was joined by an audience member channeling elvis and frank sinatra. the papasan (alex?) offered to call some girls over, necessary since they were sitting too far away to get a great view of them. he was in charge of one batch and the two mamasans had their own, each group identifiable by a particular style of dress. i'the say the girls here were on par with the indonesians in the other lounge, but a vastly better value at only r350, 000.

i looked on ruefully as guys at nearby couches chose cute girls from the mamasan's lineups to sit with them, so i finally asked the guy to send over a few girls. i quickly chose cindy, an absolutely tiny girl with an awkwardly cute face and braces (or were they teeth that needed braces, i forget) : not beautiful, but adorable. as usual, my strategy of going for the smiley-est girl paid off. as we waited in the lounge for a room to become available, she draped herself over me and flirted with me using her broken english. in the room i drooled as i watched this innocent cutie strip down to black lacy bra and panties. soon the gfe i expected morphed into a wild session, belying her barely-legal appearance. since she was so tiny. a true 'super-spinner'. i could manipulate her in plenty of fun positions, like fucking her standing up while she clung to me with her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

i recovered by spending some time listening to the wine lounge cover band, but eventually felt the urge again and realized that with closing time approaching i had to get a session in. i asked one of the mamasans to see a lineup, and i again went with the tried and true strategy of choosing the friendliest, bubbliest girl, who looked great in tight jean shorts. it turned out that my strategy was not so foolproof. as soon as i chose her she looked reluctantly at her friend in the lineup. when she sat beside me on the couch she stiffened up and stared straight ahead, refusing to look at me. not even my pidgin bahasa indonesia did the trick! this called for an emergency intervention, so i summoned alex from the next couch over where he was consulting with a punter. i explained the problem of this dramatically bad chemistry (which i attributed to bule-phobia) , and asked if there a way out, despite the fact that the mamasan had already filled out the slip for the girl.

what i specifically asked was whether i could dump this girl and take cindy again? to my relief he said yes; it was an even bigger relief to the girl next to me, who jumped up and made record time out of there as soon as she learned she was off the hook. cindy came right over and resumed her cuddling and caressing. on our return to the bedroom we resumed some more exciting activities. we closed down the place; malioboro had completely cleared out by the time we finished. i later regretted not coming back to see cindy like i promised her, but other venues made their own claim on my time, cash, and energy. no wonder i miss jakarta so much.

Ibn Buttita
07-29-11, 10:22
Between the late night at Malioboro and my jet lag, I was pretty knocked out and so got a bit of a late start the next day. I wanted to check out the neighborhood, so walked over to Loksari Plaza just across Mangga Besar. I noticed several spas in the building surrounding the mall, but I didn't try any since I had other plans. After lunch at a hole in the wall restaurant (where the owner, and older lady, asked if I needed a girl) , I headed to the famous Kartika massage parlor. It's easy find, at the end of the alley next to the Dutch Bakery. I passed a few similar places, ignoring invitations to come in. Once in Kartika I struggled to adjust to the dim lighting as I was swarmed by just about all 20 women in the house. I felt under siege drinking a Coke at the bar, with ladies in front of me stroking my chest, massaging my shoulders, winking – not exactly hell on earth, but a little overwhelming, especially since my main goal was to survey the scene and weigh my options. The women were ok but not great looking, mostly in their late 20s to 30s, and a little thicker than I prefer in Asian women. Fortunately, the short haired woman who was right in front of me as I sat at the bar, Mia, was probably the cutest and most petite and had a great smile, so I chose her, along with a thicker girl nearby, Esia.

We proceeded upstairs through a dumpy hallway to the room, which was, more of a large bathroom than a bedroom, but that makes practical sense. Right outside the door was a desk with one of the old mamas, which was a bit strange. The girls washed me up real well, and began going through a well choreographed soapy routine. When I say routine I don't mean to say it was mechanical, it was very energetic and the girls had the moves down to a science. The highlight was the patented Kartika 'Hamburger, ' which was more of a hot dog with the weiner between the buns, if I need to paint a picture. A very nice technique and both girls had enough meat on their own buns to make it right. When we moved onto hide the sausage I pumped Esia while she lay her on her stomach in lazy doggy; her butt made a nice cushion. But with all the moves to go through I didn't have time to give the Mia proper attention, so I after the other girl headed downstairs I took another hour just with that cutie.

Mia, who was in her late 20s, was very friendly throughout but things got a little strained with the requests for tips. Even after we got downstairs the other half of the duo found me at the cashier to ask for reimbursement for the condom, which I found very annoying. As was the sticker shock. I knew going up to the room that the price at Kartika had gone up to R350, 000 per hour for each girl, but as I paid the bill I had the feeling that it wasn't really worth it. After some amazing soapy action in Macau I feel this even more strongly. Kartika is probably coasting on its reputation in charging these kinds of prices, since given the so-so looks of the girls and the fantastic value on threesomes to be had at places like Hotel Travel and Hotel Classic, it's not really worth it.

I walked back from Kartika toward my hotel, refueling along the way with some Cobra satay and hoping for it to have some sexual potency, since I had more fun planned for that night. As I was sitting at the warnung chewing snake, I spotted an older Chinese woman trailed by a tall teenie, kind of cute with enough baby fat to make her tasty. She made a point to stop and greet me and ask if I wanted to take her niece back to my hotel. She quoted me R400, 000 for three hours. I was tempted, but Hotel Classic was next on my itinerary, where I could get two girls at the same time for this price, and girls who would likely be cuter, based on my experience at Hotel Travel. So I gave her my hotel room number so she could call me again to arrange things. She did eventually call on a couple of occasions, but both times I had alternative plans. Still, it was great to know that this kind of option was on offer, and it added to the sex-saturated atmosphere of Mangga Besar.

A real plus for Mangga Besar is that it's easy to get to nearby mongering destinations, like Malioboro. With the metro station just a couple of blocks from my hotel, it was also a quick and easy ride to Hotel Classic. I took the train one stop south to the Sawah Besar stop, and from there just walked south a bit and I just made a left onto the first major street, and within a couple of minutes was at Hotel Classic.

I admired Classic's opulent atrium as I rode the elevators up to the Terminal Club. There was much more to admire there: my breath was taken away by what was a seemingly endless line of cuties sitting on couches stretched as far as the eye could see. The frenetic pace of this meat market also made me marvel; I felt like I was on the trading floor of the New York Stock exchange. Mamasans worked the customers to steer them over to the couch of their costume-coordinated honeys: zebra stripes here, a red crew there, evening gowns in the corner. They highlighted choice selections with laser pointers, playing the matchmaker by summoning a girl or two to charm the prospective buyer.

I took in this scene for a while, taking a break to check out the topless dancers on the low stage where a high-energy cover band played later that night. I ignored the lapdance-for-a lady drink girls and returned to make my first selection of the night. One mamasan got hold of me and called over Angela, very sleek and slender but with wavy caramel hair and superlong eyelashes. She had a more sophisticated look than a lot of the young girls there, and a sly and sexy smile. At first that less-innocent look gave me pause, but eventually I was hooked and was ready to choose a partner (always from the same mama-family). I asked if she had a friend and indeed she did. Lita, another Cirebon girl, was essentially her opposite number: chubby, cute in an innocent, vacant sort of way, and as ungainly as Angela was smooth. The classic 'friend of the hottie' that the other guy always gets set up with on the double date. I wanted a good session with Angela though, so I agreed to go ahead with the match. It turned out that the second fiddle was as passive as Angela was passionate, so I was sufficiently occupied to care much. I actually kind of got off on Lita's status as a kind of voyeur as Angela and I 69'the exquisitely and as I guided Angela's slender frame back and forth on top of me, her back against my chest. She had the perfect body for that, my favorite position (I shudder to think of trying it out with her friend). My only real regret about the session was the room design; why they placed a mirror alongside the bed with its bottom edge a couple of feet higher than the sheets I'll never understand, since it made a decent view of the action next to impossible. And this session with Angela was worth the look.

For my second threesome of the night (they go for R400, 000 for the duo for an hour) I looked to the other end of the room. I had passed this corner of couches earlier, set apart from the rest, as I scouted the club. A girl with a kewpie-doll adorable face caught my eye again, so I chose Tonomi and her recommended friend Sophie. Both girls were cute, very short, and baby-fat chubby, with air-head personalities. They reminded me of cartoon characters, and had me both smiling at their bff interactions and rolling my eyes at their tv and mobile phone obsessions. I liked how I could roll them around, but it definitely was not top-caliber sex.

The other session I had that night (sequenced between the two threesomes) was with Resa, and she was probably the main reason for my melancholy and t-shirt philosophizing at the end of the night (see the beginning of my report from Day 1). It will be best to write about her in my report for Day 3, since she was the capstone and highlight of my Jakarta trip.

Ibn Buttita
07-29-11, 10:25
Late nights and jetlag took their toll, and combined with an outing for souvenir shopping it all made for a late start to my final day in Jakarta. In the late afternoon I headed back to Hotel Travel. A mamasan brought over a cute but serious-looking spinner named Dina. For her partner she called over a friend, Honey, who made for the perfect contrast: tall, with big boobs and a nice, curvy rear. Honey's smile was infectious; her friend not so much, I had to keep reminding her to smile. Why so serious? I don't know, but she did know how to ride me. But I had the most fun fucking Honey as she lay face-down, with that lovely, round ass as a cushion, as Dina caressed my ass.

After a tasty warnung dinner I took the train over to Hotel Classic. The place was rocking, and girls were getting snapped up quickly, which caused me to miss out on having a session with Angela, who said Hi but was on the way to the room with a guy when I saw her. Eager to get started, I took a mamasan's suggestion to select a pair of very young looking girls. This was a case where I should not have gone with the package deal. Nikki, the girl I preferred, was short and baby-fat chubby, and I liked that she looked different from most of the girls at the club, with porcelain-white skin and a Chinese facial appearance. Her Cleopatra eye makeup and a delicious pony tails and straight-bangs haircut also made a big impression. The other girl, Mira, met the requirements of a nice high school girl fantasy, but besides her teenie looks she was otherwise non-descript. She also acted testy and distracted (those damn phones!) in the room, so I got a little BJ action from her but didn't bother to push for more. I had much more fun fucking Nikki. Overall the session confirmed the pattern I had been noticing: the threesomes at these Jakarta clubs, while great value price-wise, didn't really live up to expectations when it came to the girls' performance.

But I was disturbed my something else for much of the night. The night before I had done a session with Resa from Bandung (one hour at R270, 000). The second I saw her that night I made a bee-line for a mamasan to claim her; it was her ever-present smile that did it. Or maybe the sparkle in her eyes, or her tall slender body, the cute birthmark on her face, or her shy laugh and soft voice as we sat on a couch together. Yes, I admit it, I fell in love. Something that did foster a great connection was that she spoke English pretty well, unlike a lot of the girls I met on the trip. In the room she started out shy and then gave it up with abandon. With so much intense kissing, extended pussy-licking and blowjob, and sensual fucking, Resa's combination of sweetness and passion understandably stayed on my mind the next day and cemented my plan to end the trip at Classic.

So when I returned on my last night I looked for her, but without success. After the session with Nikki and Mira I found her mamasan and asked to reserve time with Resa. The mamasan promised, but I waited and waited and waited. My despair grew; I was a sorry sight. The mamasan came over a few times to reassure me that she would send Resa my way, but it looked grim. But finally she appeared. We greeted, and the mamasan sent us on our way. I won't go into much about the session except to say that I stayed in the room with her for four hours, which says it all. They were four of the most intense hours I ever spent with a woman; we even came to tears at one point. Which was the main reason why I could hardly bring myself to leave this city.

The next morning I took a reluctant taxi ride to the airport. The first thing I did when I arrived was to hunt down the Garuda airlines ticket counter, and I took a seat nearby, weighing the pros and cons of changing my ticket to Hong Kong in order to get at least one more day in Jakarta and go back to Classic. In the end I decided against it, and in retrospect that was a good thing, given that I barely had enough time to fit in all the saunas I wanted to check out in Macau. But I didn't completely leave Jakarta behind; when the opportunity arose at one of the saunas, I said 'no thanks' to the Chinese and picked two nice Indonesian girls for a threesome. But it's that one girl from Classic that will be the reason I'll never forget Jakarta.

Continued on the Macau-Sauna Reviews Forum.

07-29-11, 17:01
Nice three day report. Looks like you made the most of it!

Cowboy Brew
07-30-11, 06:20
The interactive Jakarta Monger Map on Google Maps is now ready for use:

Jakarta Monger Map (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=203117349039894693981.0004a343aac9183165750&z=12)

As of today. 16 July 2011, only the hotspots in the Block M area are marked (since my knowledge of the Jakarta scene is very limited) plus a few SPAs added by Menteng, who graciuosly agreed to do a test ride. There are frequent requests in the forum regarding the location of certain venues, and there are repeated responses with detailed road directions. I think it might be good to also add a placemark when giving a location response: the advantage of the map is that the information in placemarke can be changed at any time, thus the map can always be updated.

The map is open for editing for the account Jakarta. Monger, which is a gmail account. Login instructions as well as instructions on how to do things is included in the attached PDF files.

With the Jakarta. Monger account you can navigate freely between Google Maps, Google Photos and Google Mail. To Google Photos you can upload pictures of e. G. The exterior of a venue, like the entrance (for easier location) ; pictures that can be used in the description in the map. From Google Mail you should send a message to the owner, Barri. ISG, when you have made an update. The reason for this is that I can then take a back-up.

Creating a placemark in the map and adding a photo is pretty straight forward and intuitive, but nevertheless I have written a comprehensive maintenance manual (the attached PDFs). Unfortunately, due to the size limitations for uploading PDFs, the document had to be split in two parts. The latest revision will always reside at the Jakarta. Monger gmail account.

Some discipline and structure is required for the Jakarta Monger Map:

Only add a placemark if you are (almost) 100% certain of the location.

Give the placemark a name that starts with the area, e. G. South, North, Kota etc.

Enter as much details as possible about the venue in the description field.

Sign the description field with your ISG handle and date (month + year will do)

Add if applicable a reference to a Jakarta Thread post number.

Follow the legend, I. E. The colour code, which is found at the top left in the map and also in the maintenance manual Legend

Blue pin – Spa and massage with HJ / BJ.

Blue pin with dot – Spa and massage with FS.

Gren pin – Bar with FL / WG.

Gren pin with dot– Bar with ST rooms.

Yellow pin – Disco with FL / WG.

Salmon pink pin – Fishbowl (take out only)

Salmon pink pin with dot – Fishbowl with ST rooms.

Hot pink – ST hotel: Bring your own girl.

Hot pink pin with dot – ST hotel where girls will be brought to you.

Violet pin with dot – Fleapit / local brothel.

Aqua pin – Not verified venue: till now no reports from the place.

Red warning sign – Landmark.

Violet line – Street walker area

Please enjoy the map in a responsible way!

BarriMarvellous effort here, bro. Endless praise for your work. Wonder how many of these places are still alive during the coming Ramadan.

El Greco
07-30-11, 07:55
Thank you very much indeed for your excellent reports.

I'll be following your steps the opposite way, China, Macau, Hong Kong, Angeles City and Jakarta.

Although I've been there before I do believe I will learn something more from your fine reports.

Thank you Sir and have a good time.

Ibn Buttita
07-30-11, 11:16
"Jakarta inundated with proliferating ills"


Coincidentally, I saw this article in the paper version of the J. Post as I was leaving Jakarta. For an investigative report it's a pretty decent summary and mongering map of the city. I bet the reporters had a great time doing the research!

07-30-11, 22:17
Fasting starts tonight so today is the last day of daytime sex for most of us eventhough I've already been puasa for the last 8 days after being cast back into the dark depths of the wild jungle. Good time to get professional GF's at a cheap price!

Cowboy Brew
07-31-11, 06:03
As I will be in Jakarta during Ramadan, I expect the day to be less eventful. I am thinking of going out of Jakarta on a day-trip for some sight-seeing. Set off morning and return to the city in the evening.

Any bros have any suggestion?

07-31-11, 10:00
Hi Guys,

Just returned from a visit to Jakarta. But this time around the prices seems to have increased, most girls at My Bar started at 1M IDR whereas in the past they started at 500, 000 IDR.

Of course I negotiated when I was in the mood for it but can't really say what the reason is for this price increase.

Also there wasn't as much variety as I have seen before, but I guess it's hit and miss sometimes. Did see a few regular My Bar ladies who have been around for years and some new faces.

07-31-11, 11:47
Fasting starts tonight so today is the last day of daytime sex for most of us eventhough I've already been puasa for the last 8 days after being cast back into the dark depths of the wild jungle. Good time to get professional GF's at a cheap price!Tomorrow morning I.


Member #4194
07-31-11, 16:54
Tomorrow morning I.

MeantIt's ok KangK,

Many option can be get during the fasting month. Either affordable or not, that's the question.



07-31-11, 17:58
Many option can be get during the fasting month.True. The following places will be open during fasting month.



Hotel Classic

Hotel Travel

I would call the 275k for local girls at Classic and Travel to be quite affordable. Malio has locals for 350k.

Most of us who live in Jakarta have a phone full of numbers where we can call the girls to come to our place whenever we want. Fasting month is the month they need money more than any other so they are more than happy to come to visit.

Member #4537
07-31-11, 18:49
True. The following places will be open during fasting month.



Hotel Classic

Hotel Travel

I would call the 275k for local girls at Classic and Travel to be quite affordable. Malio has locals for 350k.

Most of us who live in Jakarta have a phone full of numbers where we can call the girls to come to our place whenever we want. Fasting month is the month they need money more than any other so they are more than happy to come to visit.Damn, I wish P-Jay was open.

Member #4537
07-31-11, 18:52
I would call the 275k for local girls at Classic and Travel to be quite affordable. Malio has locals for 350k.Thought I'd correct you about Travel: it's 300k, not 275k like Classic. To be frank, I thought Classic was more bang more buck and had even better quality and quantity.

Still, nothing beats P-Jay.

KL Guy
07-31-11, 20:39
Firstly to those fasting happy fasting & now to my good friend MDII;

I've also heard of the remarks made not only about you but others including me but like you let's not bother to discuss this over an open forum. ! I've had a turn of good luck perhaps & my health is better than predicted & I'm thankful for this extended lease on life! . I really would like to go back to Jakarta & meet up with all if my health conditons permit! Take care all! .

Hi Bro,

I read your posts. I have my own set of issues with him and it seems I have kept myself more restrained than you. It is a bit rich him calling other people cheapskate. I have also discovered what he has said regarding me to other people but have refrained from mentioning it here. Well it's "caveat emptor" to his clients and good luck. How have you been bro? It's been a while since I heard any news from you.


08-01-11, 03:09
It's ok KangK,

Many option can be get during the fasting month. Either affordable or not, that's the question.


FishI'm at the other end of the archipeligo nearly at the most eastern point of Indo in the jungle with lots of smelly muddy disease ridden women so I'm already puasa until the 26th August then its party time with the GF.

08-01-11, 12:57
Is Date In Asia legit? Whats up with needing to give the cell phone to register. I'm not real comfortable with that? Anyone have any thoughts?

08-01-11, 13:21
Is Date In Asia legit? Whats up with needing to give the cell phone to register. I'm not real comfortable with that? Anyone have any thoughts?I been on dia for some time and works well. Just give a fake cell number when signing up. Then can sell it to the world who cares as long as your not geting the calls.


Charlie Horse
08-01-11, 14:04
I been on dia for some time and works well. Just give a fake cell number when signing up. Then can sell it to the world who cares as long as your not geting the calls.

KevinHow does that help? DIA texts the access code to activate the account to the cell phone # provided.

08-01-11, 14:28
How does that help? DIA texts the access code to activate the account to the cell phone # provided.My worry is getting a text in the middle of the night from DIA and my wife finding it. Do they ever text other than the access code?

08-01-11, 16:05
My worry is getting a text in the middle of the night from DIA and my wife finding it. Do they ever text other than the access code?I'm guessing you live in the USA. In much / most of the rest of the world, you would buy a new sim card (with a new tel number) and use it once.

In the USA, get a throw-away phone from Radio Shack or Target or some such place. You might spend only US$10, maybe as much as $19. You probably get a few dollars phone credit with the phone or you can "top up" with $10.

A small price to pay for peace of mind. TTG

08-01-11, 16:56
I'm guessing you live in the USA. In much / most of the rest of the world, you would buy a new sim card (with a new tel number) and use it once.

In the USA, get a throw-away phone from Radio Shack or Target or some such place. You might spend only US$10, maybe as much as $19. You probably get a few dollars phone credit with the phone or you can "top up" with $10.

A small price to pay for peace of mind. TTGSounds like a good plan. Thanks timtimguy

Member #4194
08-02-11, 02:38
I'm at the other end of the archipeligo nearly at the most eastern point of Indo in the jungle with lots of smelly muddy disease ridden women so I'm already puasa until the 26th August then its party time with the GF.Kk,

I'll be in Jakarta by 20th August with some fishes. Care to tag along?

08-02-11, 06:24

I'll be in Jakarta by 20th August with some fishes. Care to tag along?Thanks for the offer and appreciate it and I know you don't want to hear this but I'm going to hang out with my GF whilst in Jakarta then heading off to a tiny coconut tree brimmed tropical island paradise going surfing and just hanging out with the GF. My GF is extraordinarily HOT and looks after all of my needs. I also have a bevy of beauties I can call on anytime to come to my hotel room for special services rendered!

D Cups
08-02-11, 15:31
Ja, it's legit, man. I've hooked up with some nice ones there and also some flakes but the site is legit. Cherry Blossums, however, has too many scammers in my opinion.

Is Date In Asia legit? Whats up with needing to give the cell phone to register. I'm not real comfortable with that? Anyone have any thoughts?

Run Mann
08-02-11, 15:46
My worry is getting a text in the middle of the night from DIA and my wife finding it. Do they ever text other than the access code?Signed up about a year ago and never had any more texting from them other than the initial access code. You do seem to be way too concerned about this and have much to lose if your wife finds out so Murphy's Law may very well apply to you here.

08-02-11, 19:35
Signed up about a year ago and never had any more texting from them other than the initial access code. You do seem to be way too concerned about this and have much to lose if your wife finds out so Murphy's Law may very well apply to you here.LOL. Thanks run mann for being concerned. Just want to be able to cover my ass haha.

08-05-11, 03:38
Been bad news for Aussies this week as so far 3 aussies been killed in accidents this week in indo. One was killed on Tuesday at Freeport by a landslide and 2 more were killed on Wednesday when a chopper went down flying to Gosowong Halmahera with 10 dead. 2 Aussies 2 Yarpies and 6 indons. Odds are we should be safe to fly for the next 6 months or so without mishap.

Siepko Bach
08-05-11, 14:58
Been bad news for Aussies this week as so far 3 aussies been killed in accidents this week in indo. One was killed on Tuesday at Freeport by a landslide and 2 more were killed on Wednesday when a chopper went down flying to Gosowong Halmahera with 10 dead. 2 Aussies 2 Yarpies and 6 indons. Odds are we should be safe to fly for the next 6 months or so without mishap.Chances of being killed in an accident in the next 6 month are exactly what they were before this week, even for Australians. Unless Kangk has some secret info proving that both accidents were related, and that there are more to follow.

08-05-11, 22:09
Chances of being killed in an accident in the next 6 month are exactly what they were before this week, even for Australians. Unless Kangk has some secret info proving that both accidents were related, and that there are more to follow.Statistics dude! Just plain statistics!

08-05-11, 22:20
Is Date In Asia legit? Whats up with needing to give the cell phone to register. I'm not real comfortable with that? Anyone have any thoughts?Yes, it is legit. I have no reasons to complain and got me some nice Thai girlfriends and one Chinese Malaysian girl. Most of the girls there are Pinays though.

The access code thing weeds out the most obvious and lazy scammers and any that slip through get their accounts blocked as soon as you complain to the admins.

The ads might annoy you a bit, but if you are on FireFox and install Adblocker you will never ever be bothered by the ads again.

08-05-11, 22:22
Statistics dude! Just plain statistics!Indeed statistics say that the chances to be killed in an accident remain exactly the same, whether or not some luckless people died a few days ago. Or are you one of those people who gambe on "heads" because the coin came up "tails" three times in a row before?

08-07-11, 03:28
Indeed statistics say that the chances to be killed in an accident remain exactly the same, whether or not some luckless people died a few days ago. Or are you one of those people who gambe on "heads" because the coin came up "tails" three times in a row before?When nearly every second day you are hopping into either a twin otter, mallard seaplane or a chopper its nice to have little superstitious beliefs like that as the odds are very likely that you will one day have an accident. Try exploration work in Papua flying anywhere from sea level to 16, 010 feet and you might understand what I'm on about.

08-07-11, 09:21
Flew in to Jakarta last night and from recommendations was booked at Sparks Hotel Mangga Besar. Close to the action, clean and reasonable price. Did a walk around and saw some gals across the street outside a mall that looked available but wasn't ready to take anything yet. Just getting a feel for the area first.

Back to the room for a shower and then headed over to Hotel Travel, which is just a 5-10min walk. Was a little concerned there wouldn't be much action due to Ramadan but I needn't have worried. Place was packed. Quite an interesting place. My first time there. Giant room with lounge with groups of girls on the left hand wall; bar in the center and I assume karaoke on the right based on the bad vocals pervading the room and coming from that direction.

A mama-san quickly grabbed me and introduced me to a girl who spoke some English from the second set of couches. She was okay looking and I told mama I wanted 2 girls so the first girl picked another (I was willing to over rule as there were a few total dogs on the sofa) and luckily the second was even a bit better looking than the first. I didn't get their names, I wasn't interested in that, but both are from Bandung.

Up to the room; showered with one and then onto the bed while the first girl showered herself. From there on, not much to say, a very very poor performance by this duo. Both of them lazy and and 2 minutes wiping everything dry with tissue. All they wanted to do was have me mount one and finish so they could hang out and do nothing. Once the deed was done the first girl interpreted whilst the second girl gave a sales pitch to be my gf. Sorry, not interested. No tip due to the lousy service.

Total damage 450k.

Girls looks 6/10 (but on a 10 scale not of general public girls which would put them higher but a scale of LBFMs)

Service 2/10.

Would go back just because the place is a lot of fun, watching the girls and the punters, and I think the rest of the experience depends on the girl (s) you end up with.

Tonight I'm supposed to meet a DIA girl but may not call her and try Hotel Classic instead.

08-07-11, 11:30
Next year I will visit jakarta. But I'm looking for sisters. Twins. Anybody?

08-07-11, 18:17
Do tell, please. I heard it was packed with over 100 beauties from different countries. I am specifcally looking for big boobs. Prices, too, please. Many Thanks.Been there done that. Just try searching? I wrote the report before that. And some others too.

08-07-11, 19:18
its nice to have little superstitious beliefs like that as the odds are very likely that you will one day have an accident.Might I interest you in a rabbit's foot or a lucky Buddha?

08-08-11, 04:15
Seems like everyone in Jakarta knows Lokasari but never writes about it (I went back 40pgs in this thread). Since it's just across the street from Sparks Hotel and I was eating outside anyway I picked up one of the girls available hanging out near the KFC. She was probably 20-21yo, brown skin, dark hair (obviously) , and good shape. Just the kind I like. We went back to my hotel room and she was a really good GFE. DFK, DATY, multiple positions and she came multiple times. Really good attitude too. I paid her 300k and then gave her 100k afterwards tip because she was so much fun.

I know there are places pinned on the monger map as Lokasari brothels and I was going to try one of them before I met this girl. However, not sure if they are open or not except for Olympic Hotel spa and sauna because of Ramadan. There is one place that says Lokasari Spa but it seemed only the KTV was open unless its the same door for both.

08-08-11, 07:47
Went to Jakarta a couple of weeks back and landed up at BATS for the first time. My limited experience in Jakarta has always been in CJ's.

BATS is better lit and has a far better band than CJ's and has far less smoke. On the negative side, the female to male ratio is far better for us punters in CJ's and the girls in CJ's IMHO were of better quality. Went for a few rounds and did not see anything too interesting.

Met a girl who 'did not do this too often since I am a teacher'. But she seemed to know every girl and waiter at the place. I asked her about this and she seemed to be quite upset at these unwelcome deductions. Was about 170 cms and looked quite nice but I hate liars. So just a bourbon and coke for her.

Went for a round again and found a dark Indonesian girl wearing a white top and black minis. Not a stunner but slim (I like them slim) and very presentable with a cheerful attitude. She doesn't drink so it was just fruit mocktails for her. Got chatting and danced to the band. Asked her if she wants to go with me and then it was hand-in-hand upto the room at around 2 am.

She went to the shower and came out to reveal dark nipples, B cups and a nice hard body. Quite normal stuff in bed. BBBJ, followed by various positions for about 20 mins, off with the cover and COF which she took like a champ and did not complain. Had quite a few drinks before-hand and so cuddled up in bed. She said she had a 6 month old. Her body surely did not show that. Woke up around 6:30 with a hard-on and poked her with it until she woke up for the second round LOL.

This time BBBJ and some more positions followed by CIM. She had to go to work and I handed her 700, 000. She said the normal rate is 1 million. She was sweet and nice about it and 300, 000 is not a big deal so handed it over to her. I know I overpaid (I am a keen reader of the forum) but I don't mind paying for good attitude. If she was one of those bitchy ones, I would not have paid a rupiah over 600, 000.

Next time, I have to check out Malioboro.


Tenth Legion
08-08-11, 16:21
Paid a visit to Classic on Saturday July 30. The sofas were packed and there were far too few punters. Guess the ISG intel on the pre-Lebaran rush is right. Anyway, my girls told me that Classic is going to be closed till Ramadan end. Anyone knows if it's true? Maybe they lied to keep me in their "clutches" (been seeing these two for four times a row. Yeah, I know it ain't healthy).

With one of my GFs gone home for Ramadan and the other one adamant on observing Ramadan laws it's been a dry nine and a half days. I have RTFF and seen that Alexis will be open, but can anyone confirm? Like. 100% sure Alexis is open this year also? And what about the clubs at Blok M? After an erotic yet funny-in-a-creepy-way experience with Ingga from Top Gun I have stuck to the Classic-Alexis venues and DIA and Mall Hunt. Yet, willing to take a plunge again.

08-08-11, 18:38
Paid a visit to Classic on Saturday July 30. The sofas were packed and there were far too few punters. Guess the ISG intel on the pre-Lebaran rush is right. Anyway, my girls told me that Classic is going to be closed till Ramadan end. Anyone knows if it's true? Maybe they lied to keep me in their "clutches" (been seeing these two for four times a row. Yeah, I know it ain't healthy).

With one of my GFs gone home for Ramadan and the other one adamant on observing Ramadan laws it's been a dry nine and a half days. I have RTFF and seen that Alexis will be open, but can anyone confirm? Like. 100% sure Alexis is open this year also? And what about the clubs at Blok M? After an erotic yet funny-in-a-creepy-way experience with Ingga from Top Gun I have stuck to the Classic-Alexis venues and DIA and Mall Hunt. Yet, willing to take a plunge again.Can confirm that Alexis was open last Friday evening. Went to Classic afterwards and it was heaping full of people also.

Fast Eddie 48
08-08-11, 19:41
Seems like everyone in Jakarta knows Lokasari but never writes about it (I went back 40pgs in this thread). Since it's just across the street from Sparks Hotel and I was eating outside anyway I picked up one of the girls available hanging out near the KFC. She was probably 20-21yo, brown skin, dark hair (obviously) , and good shape. Just the kind I like. We went back to my hotel room and she was a really good GFE. DFK, DATY, multiple positions and she came multiple times. Really good attitude too. I paid her 300k and then gave her 100k afterwards tip because she was so much fun.

I know there are places pinned on the monger map as Lokasari brothels and I was going to try one of them before I met this girl. However, not sure if they are open or not except for Olympic Hotel spa and sauna because of Ramadan. There is one place that says Lokasari Spa but it seemed only the KTV was open unless its the same door for both.To Ronin 500.

Did you go to the Hotel travel it is just around the corner, I think they open last yr during Ramandan maybe not many girl avalible, there are also Millie disco and night club inside Lokasari on the top floor of the parking garage.

Fast Eddie 48

08-09-11, 07:49
To Ronin 500.

Did you go to the Hotel travel it is just around the corner, I think they open last yr during Ramandan maybe not many girl avalible, there are also Millie disco and night club inside Lokasari on the top floor of the parking garage.

Fast Eddie 48I did go to Hotel Travel, check down a few reports, I think #5607,

Have left Jakarta and now enjoying myself in SG. Suprising to me there are still many indo gals working. I thought most would have stopped here due to Ramadan but I guess they want that extra cash before idul-fitri

Mighty Spearsman
08-10-11, 17:21
I did go to Hotel Travel, check down a few reports, I think #5607,

Have left Jakarta and now enjoying myself in SG. Surprising to me there are still many indo gals working. I thought most would have stopped here due to Ramadan but I guess they want that extra cash before idul-fitriThis subject has been written about during past Ramadans, but it's worth repeating.

Almost all of Jakarta's working girls go back to their home villages at some point during Ramadan, to stay there during Lebaran ("Eid") and then return to Jakarta 5-7 days after Eid. However, they don't dare go home unless they have lots of cash in their pockets and presents to give to relatives. Remember, the relatives back home may think that the girl has a respectable, well-paying job in Jakarta, and it's expected that this good fortune is shared with the desperately poor relatives back in the village. Also, many working girls have one or two kids who have been left behind in the village, so they're expected to have cash for school fees, new clothes, etc. For their children.

So, many girls continue to hang around in Jakarta for at least the first 2-3 weeks of Ramadan, either working at one of the hotel MPs that have remained open (Alexis, Travel, Malioboro, etc.) , in one of the low-low end MPs in Kali Jodo or else freelancing in the bars, malls or near the train stations, trying to save up 2 million rupiah (or more) before returning home.

Many of the girls who work at the Maribaya Spa (which is closed during Ramadan) on the 6th floor of Hotel Melawai will cram into one or two rooms at that same hotel, waiting for customers to come by. I remember seeing "Tatik" regularly in one of these rooms during Ramadan in both 2006 and 2007, either alone or as part of a threesome with one of the other girls hanging around. The payment from the first male customer of the day was usually enough to pay for the room and a meal for each girl, so the money from any customers after the first one would be put into the "shopping / travel fund."

You'll find that most of these girls will eventually leave Jakarta around 20-25 days into Ramadan to return to their home village, and most (if not all) of the hotel spas that have remained open during Ramadan will shut down just before the Eid holiday. So, plan your mongering accordingly!


P. S. Some of the working girls are Christians who are happy to work during Ramadan.

08-10-11, 19:02
Hi Spearsman,

Thank you very much for this very informative report, which was worth repeating.

Please give me your predictions regarding availability of girls for the first 2 weeks in September in Jakarta?



This subject has been written about during past Ramadans, but it's worth repeating.

Almost all of Jakarta's working girls go back to their home villages at some point during Ramadan, to stay there during Lebaran ("Eid") and then return to Jakarta 5-7 days after Eid. However, they don't dare go home unless they have lots of cash in their pockets and presents to give to relatives. Remember, the relatives back home may think that the girl has a respectable, well-paying job in Jakarta, and it's expected that this good fortune is shared with the desperately poor relatives back in the village. Also, many working girls have one or two kids who have been left behind in the village, so they're expected to have cash for school fees, new clothes, etc. For their children.

So, many girls continue to hang around in Jakarta for at least the first 2-3 weeks of Ramadan, either working at one of the hotel MPs that have remained open (Alexis, Travel, Malioboro, etc.) , in one of the low-low end MPs in Kali Jodo or else freelancing in the bars, malls or near the train stations, trying to save up 2 million rupiah (or more) before returning home.

Many of the girls who work at the Maribaya Spa (which is closed during Ramadan) on the 6th floor of Hotel Melawai will cram into one or two rooms at that same hotel, waiting for customers to come by. I remember seeing "Tatik" regularly in one of these rooms during Ramadan in both 2006 and 2007, either alone or as part of a threesome with one of the other girls hanging around. The payment from the first male customer of the day was usually enough to pay for the room and a meal for each girl, so the money from any customers after the first one would be put into the "shopping / travel fund."

You'll find that most of these girls will eventually leave Jakarta around 20-25 days into Ramadan to return to their home village, and most (if not all) of the hotel spas that have remained open during Ramadan will shut down just before the Eid holiday. So, plan your mongering accordingly!


P. S. Some of the working girls are Christians who are happy to work during Ramadan.

Mighty Spearsman
08-11-11, 16:09
Hi Spearsman,

Thank you very much for this very informative report, which was worth repeating.

Please give me your predictions regarding availability of girls for the first 2 weeks in September in Jakarta?Hi Jager,

Eid (known as Lebaran in Indonesia) is probably going to fall on Wednesday, August 31, 2011; the exact date depends on the sighting of the new moon.

Realistically, this means that Jakarta will shut down for the entire week, as the government will declare August 29 & 30 and Sept. 1 & 2 as holidays. There will be a mass exodus of Jakarta residents to their home villages beginning Saturday, August 27. Up to 2 million people will leave town, not to return to Jakarta until September 4th.

Most of the MPs and spas should be open for business by Monday, September 5th, give or take a day or two, and the girls who work at places like Kartika, Berlian, Maribaya, etc will be back to work by then, ready and eager to please their male customers since they'll be totally broke at that point.

One nice phenomenon is that, when the working girls return to Jakarta, they often bring with them some young "barely-legal" girls who are interested in working in Jakarta, especially if the girls are from places such as Indramayu or Semarang. So you'll often find many cute and somewhat-inexperienced 18 year olds working in your favorite spots! Today Country in Lokasari Plaza was particularly well known for this, too bad this place closed down.

The reality here is that there are very few jobs in the villages, and young uneducated girls are lucky to find a job that pays 500, 000 to 600, 000 rupiah a month, so the thought of coming to Jakarta and earning 200, 000 rupiah or more per sex act (or up to 1 million overnight if she finds a generous gentleman at CJ's or BATS) is too good to resist!

08-12-11, 03:20
Hi Mighty Spearsman,

Thank you for taking the time and describing in detail what will happen regarding our hobby and the availability of girls. Your in-sight and knowledge of the scene is appreciated.


Hi Jager,

Eid (known as Lebaran in Indonesia) is probably going to fall on Wednesday, August 31, 2011; the exact date depends on the sighting of the new moon.

Realistically, this means that Jakarta will shut down for the entire week, as the government will declare August 29 & 30 and Sept. 1 & 2 as holidays. There will be a mass exodus of Jakarta residents to their home villages beginning Saturday, August 27. Up to 2 million people will leave town, not to return to Jakarta until September 4th.

Most of the MPs and spas should be open for business by Monday, September 5th, give or take a day or two, and the girls who work at places like Kartika, Berlian, Maribaya, etc will be back to work by then, ready and eager to please their male customers since they'll be totally broke at that point.

One nice phenomenon is that, when the working girls return to Jakarta, they often bring with them some young "barely-legal" girls who are interested in working in Jakarta, especially if the girls are from places such as Indramayu or Semarang. So you'll often find many cute and somewhat-inexperienced 18 year olds working in your favorite spots! Today Country in Lokasari Plaza was particularly well known for this, too bad this place closed down.

The reality here is that there are very few jobs in the villages, and young uneducated girls are lucky to find a job that pays 500, 000 to 600, 000 rupiah a month, so the thought of coming to Jakarta and earning 200, 000 rupiah or more per sex act (or up to 1 million overnight if she finds a generous gentleman at CJ's or BATS) is too good to resist!

08-12-11, 19:51
Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions and pointers for mall mongering?

Member #4537
08-15-11, 19:48
Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions and pointers for mall mongering?Never seen the point in mall mongering but I was at Atrium Mall the other day by coincidence and couldn't really gather what the scene was about. I mean, it's just shoppers going about their business and apart from a few smiles from shopkeepers nobody really cares. I went through the entire mall between 7-8 PM I didn't notice any single girls hanging around as reported here by someone before. I look more like a mixed local than a foreigner though so maybe you might have a better chance when you go there. Or maybe it's because it's Ramadan time.

08-16-11, 15:04
Hey guys,

I'll be in Jakarta (my first time there) for a week in October as part of a 2 month mongering trip around Asia.

Staying in Gran Mahakam in Blok-M, from the research I've done it looks like there's quite a bit of action around there in the BlokM bars as well as Maribaya.

Just double checking what the deal is with Maribaya. Still 500ish for 2 shots?

I'm planning to hit up Hotel Travel and CJs / BATS as well to check out some variety

Member #4410
08-16-11, 19:26
Hey guys,

I'll be in Jakarta (my first time there) for a week in October as part of a 2 month mongering trip around Asia.

Staying in Gran Mahakam in Blok-M, from the research I've done it looks like there's quite a bit of action around there in the BlokM bars as well as Maribaya.

Just double checking what the deal is with Maribaya. Still 500ish for 2 shots?

I'm planning to hit up Hotel Travel and CJs / BATS as well to check out some varietyPrices in Maribaya are calculated per hour and per girl. If you manage four pops in one hour that's up to you (and a stunned silence

Will greet you as you head for the checkout counter). You will be entered in the hall of fame :-D.



08-17-11, 00:12
Prices in Maribaya are calculated per hour and per girl. If you manage four pops in one hour that's up to you (and a stunned silence

Will greet you as you head for the checkout counter). You will be entered in the hall of fame :-D.


KoIn '95 my best effort was 6 girls in the course of the whole day from lunchtime till midnight then went downstairs after the 5+1 closed and proceeded with another 3 girls one by one from the infamous Lintas Melawai as I had a room in 609 at the Melawai Hotel. I would have a heart attack nowadays but at least I would be dead with no skin on my dick and a smile on my face. What a way to go!

08-17-11, 08:19
In '95 my best effort was 6 girls in the course of the whole day from lunchtime till midnight then went downstairs after the 5+1 closed and proceeded with another 3 girls one by one from the infamous Lintas Melawai as I had a room in 609 at the Melawai Hotel. I would have a heart attack nowadays but at least I would be dead with no skin on my dick and a smile on my face. What a way to go!I think the record in this thread is 10, by XXL or something (long time no see nor hear!). Thanks to enhancers of course and the girls from Stadium.

08-17-11, 10:38
I think the record in this thread is 10, by XXL or something (long time no see nor hear!). Thanks to enhancers of course and the girls from Stadium.I only started taking the blueys about 8 years ago after I picked up this absolute gorgeous girl got her back to the room but couldn't screw her because willy wouldn't stand to erection. I promised myself never for that situation to happen again as there is nothing worse than when you have a hot chick on your bed with awesome tits and hot bod but all you can do is feel and watch but can't perform.

Its funny how the strippers have taken over the most of the floors at the stadium abd I have even seen them come onto the 4th Floor strutting their stuff which was totally uncool in my books as one minute everyone is off their face headbanging then lights come on and strippers appear with trippers being hassled to buy shots for them. Keep them on the lower floors but not on the 4th floor.

08-19-11, 16:53
I visited Alexis 2 nights back, lots of girls, nice looking. I picked a local indo girl. 160cm, good tits, but she had too many don't do this, don't doo that. Quite a put off. I like some 4play and kissing for arousal, can you recommend anyone who is cooperative, GFE types, plan to go back on Sunday

08-19-11, 17:05
I visited Alexis 2 nights back, lots of girls, nice looking. I picked a local indo girl. 160cm, good tits, but she had too many don't do this, don't doo that. Quite a put off. I like some 4play and kissing for arousal, can you recommend anyone who is cooperative, GFE types, plan to go back on SundayHave a good talk with the papasan about what you want. They know what the girls can do and won't do. I was dissatisfied (but not disappointed) twice due to my own mistake of not quite listening to the papasan.

Lots of the papasan and relationship managers there speak excellent english.

Asia Butterfly
08-19-11, 18:08
Hey guys,

I'll be in Jakarta (my first time there) for a week in October as part of a 2 month mongering trip around Asia.

Staying in Gran Mahakam in Blok-M, from the research I've done it looks like there's quite a bit of action around there in the BlokM bars as well as Maribaya.

Just double checking what the deal is with Maribaya. Still 500ish for 2 shots?

I'm planning to hit up Hotel Travel and CJs / BATS as well to check out some varietyHi Dr.

When are you in Malaysia? I am also planning a trip there but I will go to Indonesia fitst. I am also currently in Bangkok soi 11 so send me a PM if you are still here. We can have a beer and talk about the P4P scene in Malaysia.

A. B

08-20-11, 02:33
Have a good talk with the papasan about what you want. They know what the girls can do and won't do. I was dissatisfied (but not disappointed) twice due to my own mistake of not quite listening to the papasan.

Lots of the papasan and relationship managers there speak excellent english.Thanks Bro! Will surely check with papasan. Any recommendations are welcome anyway

08-20-11, 07:48
When are you in Malaysia? I am also planning a trip there but I will go to Indonesia fitst.Sounds like you are already there? I don't get into Asia till mid Sept (around 22-Sept. Starting with BKK and Patts of course :P). Would definitely be up for getting a beer or two.

I'll be in KL for 4 days starting 9th Oct and then Jakarta for a week after that. Been to KL a few times for work before always had fun, never been to Jakarta before, looking forward to it.

I'm also doing Burma and Cambodia during this trip. Purely p4p / pleasure trip this time no work distractions for 2 months, can't wait!

08-20-11, 10:31
Thanks Bro! Will surely check with papasan. Any recommendations are welcome anywayIt is hard for me to give recommendation as I never tried any local when I was in Alexis. Also, the place has pretty good turnover. I am not sure any info about the girls are still up to date anymore. Perhaps some other senior here can answer that question.

08-21-11, 23:50
Thanks Bro! Will surely check with papasan. Any recommendations are welcome anywayCheck my report from December 2007 which is report number 1596 in this thread. My choice for the night is almost certainly long gone, but I am very, very happy to have listened to the poppasan. Enjoy! And prepare for sticker-shock! TTG

Member #4410
08-22-11, 01:01
any mall or basically any place in jakarta is a pickup spot. but blok m mall is nowhere near what atrium is for an easy pickup. i wouldn't rate blok m plaza as a good pickup spot at all.

menteng is right, there are no internet cafes in blok m plaza anymore.there is a warnet in plaza blok m at the third floor.

i used it a number of times in july; decent speed.



08-22-11, 09:23
there is a warnet in plaza blok m at the third floor.

i used it a number of times in july; decent speed.


koyou must be quoting an old report.

08-22-11, 18:26
The glory days for Mal Atrium have long since passed. Well, I can't comment on the "glory days" as I have been in Jakarta only a few years. Inspired by the forum, I visited Mal Atrium several times to see what I could find. My results: not much! However, something is still going on there.

There are many older men, om-om, lurking about. They are alone, which is unusual in Indonesia. Om-om stand near the escalators. They drink coffee at the Dunkin Donuts. They watch. I see them looking at any likely woman who passes by. I see them negotiating.

The girls there, however, are not too hot. Usually they are older. 30s or older and fatter and look low class. These Indonesian women look there age. The women congregate by the Cinema21 theater around movie time, at the juice store next to the cinema and at the tables along the side of the food court.

I actually made eye contact with several other women hotter women there before, on separate occasions, and they followed me. But I lost interest. I just went to my regular at Travel.

People waiting for friends and the gay hustlers also wait by the Cinema, so be cool.

Don't approach everyone. Walk around the mall to check things out.

Security comes by and disperses the crowd near the cinema from time to time. Sometimes the women wait inside the cinema, sometimes they walk around the mall. I have also seen likely candidates in the bookstore, one level below the cinema.

The women usually have tight tee shirts, jeans, a big purse.

Some carry small bags from a mall department store as cover, I think, to avoid harassment by the'man.

I think if eye contact is returned you can charge ahead, player.

Invite her for food or a drink or to your hotel. I leave that to your discretion.

After dark, as others have said, women congregate to the far left of the entrance outside.

I see the similar women gathering by the Transjakarta busway bridge outside.

Sometimes as my taxi leaves, a woman will wave as we pull onto the street. So immediately outside the mall is also a good spot.

I was at Atrium after it closed, son't ask, walking along the street in the directions of the McDonalds. I saw a young, smiling pretty girl on a motorcycle.

I could see her manager, a Betawi guy, in the background. That was a first.

I do have limited success. Once I approached a young 18-year-old girl with two friends who had been hanging out near the cinema. She was cherubic, tall and had sexy dress on. Her friends had short shorts and were sexy but not really pretty.

The tall girl had dark skin and could not speak English, but I can speak bahasa. I had already purchased two tickets for a movie and invited her to watch with me.

I offered to give her friends money to watch the film, too.

We went in together and sat to the side of the theater.

Her friends sat in the last row somewhere.

As the movie started I took her hand. I touched her thigh gently. I reached down the front of her dress and held her breast. I took her breast out of the dress and touched her nipple. I started licking it. She moaned. She kissed me deeply and opened her legs and pushed my hand in. It was erotic. It was sexy.

After a few more minutes she "had to go". I gave her Rp 100, 000 and watched the rest of the movie. My first and only experience at Atrium after about a dozen attempts.

I think established places like Travel or Central or the websites offer a lot more opportunity.

Enjoy Jakarta!

Never seen the point in mall mongering but I was at Atrium Mall the other day by coincidence and couldn't really gather what the scene was about.

08-23-11, 01:15
Heading to Jakarta and staying at the Hyatt. Is it going to be easy to getbto Stadium and Maibaya? Any lull in action this week?

08-25-11, 03:08
Hi guys,

I am planning to be in Jakarta this coming month and need some help in connecting with independent girls. Usually looking for LT. Anyone can suggest? With decent price please! I not a very high budget guy. Thanks.


Member #4537
08-27-11, 17:29
Hi guys,

I am planning to be in Jakarta this coming month and need some help in connecting with independent girls. Usually looking for LT. Anyone can suggest? With decent price please! I not a very high budget guy. Thanks.

Bye.I'm not a high-budget guy either but LT options are really limited in this city. There are the Blok-M bars but you won't find anyone to go with you LT for under 700, 000 or maybe 500, 000 if the girl is desperate and you are a good bargainer. Otherwise you can try getting their numbers from places like Classic and Travel then ask them to meet when it's their holiday or during public holidays.

Gonzo Two
08-29-11, 19:17
I went down to Kota today, without any real expectations of finding any action. Just as well. I went down past Berlian and Kartika, and there was a sniggering ojeg driver, clearly delighting in the fact that a bule had made the trip down north and was not going to get his rocks off. Okay, fuck you too, asshole. Have a nice Idul Fitri. I bought a few beers at the Circle K, and had them on the median strip on Jalan Gajah Madah. Fuck you and happy lebaran, everyone.

Back through Jaksa. Marina, who is good for a round of hard anal, was chatting up some young tourists, more good luck to her and charge them hard currency, darling. So there was a girl at Memories, Ani, kind of filling in as a waitress. She was chatting me up with the usual bullshit, all very well and all, I bought her a drink, but it was eleven o'clock here and I didn't want to be jerkin' off on my own. So I just asked her straight out, did she have a room, could she take me back, was she okay for three hours, with no issue of meeting someone else later. So I went back to her little room in the warren behind Jaksa. And she was a good, solid worker. I was feeling a bit tired and spun out, clubbing and substances, why'know. So I just asked her if she was okay with sucking my balls for a while, don't hurry it, I hope you aren't expecting this to be over soon. Well, she said she appreciated the business like attitude, we all know where we stood. Since she seemed so agreeable, I asked her if I could fuck her up the arse, but she said she didn't do that. I asked her if she'd find a friend who did next time. She blew out her cheeks and said "You don't mind if she's a bit fat?" I laughed and said, next time, bring on fatso.

She did ask me to do a session of DATY on her, and I was happy to oblige. I'm a bit cynical about girls who do over the top orgasms, but it is possible to find girls in bars in Indonesia who DO actually enjoy sex. Yeah, yeah, beer googles and all. I don't care anyway, but if she wants me to suck her **** for a while, I'm up for it. And she did have very convincing spasms with my fingers up her. If she was faking, she did it very well (a physics teacher at school once told me."If you fake your prac results so convincingly that I can't tell they are faked, then I don't care." He could have been talking straight to Ani. She almost snapped my finger off.)

My house is in Menteng, so it's very convenient to have this Ani girl on call just around the corner. She doesn't seem to have any other job during the day, and she said she'd be quite up for an afternoon session. I don't know if that holds for the fat friend, too, but we'll play it by ear. I did tell her business only, I'll give you some good money, if you're good I'll come back. Don't be surprised if I hit on your friends in the bar. It's a free market economy.

She sucked and she sucked. I gave her Rp 400, 000 but it's lebaran and I'm a softy. She would have been happy with half that. Still, if she's eager to get her fat friend into that tiny room again, I'm happy too.

Has anyone else had any good luck just going up to bars and bordellos and asking up front if they do anal? I respect a woman's right to say no on this, but I'd like to make it clear that that's what I'm looking for. In the past, I've been known to spring for a loss leader, just pick a girl and see what she's good for. It's the first time I've tried this more up-front approach, I'd like to see what the regulars have to say.

Gonzo Two
08-29-11, 19:26
I went down to Kota today, without any real expectations of finding any action. Just as well. I went down past Berlian and Kartika, and there was a sniggering ojeg driver, clearly delighting in the fact that a bule had made the trip down north and was not going to get his rocks off. Okay, fuck you too, asshole. Have a nice Idul Fitri. I bought a few beers at the Circle K, and had them on the median strip on Jalan Gajah Madah. Fuck you and happy lebaran, everyone.

Back through Jaksa. Marina, who is good for a round of hard anal, was chatting up some young tourists, more good luck to her and charge them hard currency, darling. So there was a girl at Memories, Ani, kind of filling in as a waitress. She was chatting me up with the usual bullshit, all very well and all, I bought her a drink, but it was eleven o'clock here and I didn't want to be jerkin' off on my own. So I just asked her straight out, did she have a room, could she take me back, was she okay for three hours, with no issue of meeting someone else later. So I went back to her little room in the warren behind Jaksa. And she was a good, solid worker. I was feeling a bit tired and spun out, clubbing and substances, why'know. So I just asked her if she was okay with sucking my balls for a while, don't hurry it, I hope you aren't expecting this to be over soon. Well, she said she appreciated the business like attitude, we all know where we stood. Since she seemed so agreeable, I asked her if I could fuck her up the arse, but she said she didn't do that. I asked her if she'd find a friend who did next time. She blew out her cheeks and said "You don't mind if she's a bit fat?" I laughed and said, next time, bring on fatso.

She did ask me to do a session of DATY on her, and I was happy to oblige. I'm a bit cynical about girls who do over the top orgasms, but it is possible to find girls in bars in Indonesia who DO actually enjoy sex. Yeah, yeah, beer googles and all. I don't care anyway, but if she wants me to suck her **** for a while, I'm up for it. And she did have very convincing spasms with my fingers up her. If she was faking, she did it very well (a physics teacher at school once told me."If you fake your prac results so convincingly that I can't tell they are faked, then I don't care." He could have been talking straight to Ani. She almost snapped my finger off.)

My house is in Menteng, so it's very convenient to have this Ani girl on call just around the corner. She doesn't seem to have any other job during the day, and she said she'd be quite up for an afternoon session. I don't know if that holds for the fat friend, too, but we'll play it by ear. I did tell her business only, I'll give you some good money, if you're good I'll come back. Don't be surprised if I hit on your friends in the bar. It's a free market economy.

She sucked and she sucked. I gave her Rp 400, 000 but it's lebaran and I'm a softy. She would have been happy with half that. Still, if she's eager to get her fat friend into that tiny room again, I'm happy too.

Has anyone else had any good luck just going up to bars and bordellos and asking up front if they do anal? I respect a woman's right to say no on this, but I'd like to make it clear that that's what I'm looking for. In the past, I've been known to spring for a loss leader, just pick a girl and see what she's good for. It's the first time I've tried this more up-front approach, I'd like to see what the regulars have to say.

Gianni Versace
08-31-11, 02:23
Hi there.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good reliable driver with nice car in Jakarta that is reasonably priced. Thanks in advance.


Fast Eddie 48
08-31-11, 05:51
Hi there.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good reliable driver with nice car in Jakarta that is reasonably priced. Thanks in advance.


I am not sure why you need a private car it can be done just ask the hotel manager to get you one don't think is going to be cheap, just get a blue birl taxi with meter is very cheap Jarkata unless you are going long distance out of town.

Fast Eddie 48

Gonzo Two
08-31-11, 06:48
. just get a blue birl taxi with meter is very cheap Jarkata unless you are going long distance out of town.There are times when a taxi won't do. For example, you go out to some industrial estate on the edge of town: if you go there in a taxi and just get dropped off, you might have trouble finding another one for ages. Even if you get someone to ring for you, it might take 45 minutes, even on an ordinary day. Lebaran, forget it! Silver Bird is a good intermediate step, they are used to sitting around and waiting for their fare and it's not so bad for an hour or two (although nothing like the old days, when you could merrily use them to drive to Puncak or the beach for ridiculously cheap prices!) Otherwise, you can rent a car for around Rp 500 thou per day if you ask around through local contacts, maybe double that if you arrange it through a hotel. Out of town is extra and if you take a driver over night, you have to negotiate meals and a sleep package for him. Lump sum works best for everyone, if you pay his room at a cheap place the price will be inflated, if he organizes it himself everyone's happier.

08-31-11, 08:33
Hi there.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good reliable driver with nice car in Jakarta that is reasonably priced. Thanks in advance.

GVI know that in Kompas, the newspaper, you can find ads. But that's in Indonesian, so maybe Jakarta Post can help.

08-31-11, 12:56
Hi there.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good reliable driver with nice car in Jakarta that is reasonably priced. Thanks in advance.


Check out this link:


This is the option I'm using for my transportation while in Jakarta. It's around 250$ US per day for 12 hours for car and English speaking driver. I know it's expensive but to me it's worth having a reliable, English speaking driver and a nice Mercedes in an unfamiliar area. Hope this helps

Cuba Tourist
08-31-11, 13:06
Is Today Country reopened?

Plaza Lokasari Lantai 1 Blok B Unit 36.

Jl. Mangga Besar Raya No. 81.

Taman Sari, Jakarta Barat.


Looking for authoritative information.

08-31-11, 13:19
I'm not a high-budget guy either but LT options are really limited in this city. There are the Blok-M bars but you won't find anyone to go with you LT for under 700, 000 or maybe 500, 000 if the girl is desperate and you are a good bargainer. Otherwise you can try getting their numbers from places like Classic and Travel then ask them to meet when it's their holiday or during public holidays.Thanks. Anyone can recommend any independents?

John Aldrich
09-01-11, 23:16

Check out this link:


This is the option I'm using for my transportation while in Jakarta. It's around 250$ US per day for 12 hours for car and English speaking driver. I know it's expensive but to me it's worth having a reliable, English speaking driver and a nice Mercedes in an unfamiliar area. Hope this helpsThe same blue bird group also offers normal cars with English speaking drivers at a price starting from@7 million per month. Petrol is yours. Or you can just flag down a silver bird Merc and go in the meter rate. Most silver bird drivers speak English

John Aldrich
09-01-11, 23:22

Selamat Idul Fitri. Your mail box is full. Can you clear it up.


Tawau Guy
09-02-11, 08:36
Hello, Every Brother,

I was new in this field will plan to visit Jakarta a few month later,

Did anyone can recommend me some hotel that can easily for find some action during night time?

Thank You and appreciate it.

09-03-11, 00:04
Hello, Every Brother,

I was new in this field will plan to visit Jakarta a few month later,

Did anyone can recommend me some hotel that can easily for find some action during night time?

Thank You and appreciate it.Hotel Mulia or Shangri La.

Both of which have clubs in the hotel that are well known pick up joints. Enjoy my friend.

09-04-11, 12:19
I will be travelling to Jakarta in a few weeks, will land on a fridat night at 9 pm. And leave on Sunday at 6 pm.

Have bee reading many great reports but would like to aks you where it's best to stay for a first timer like me, I would like to find a girl for the night in my hotel for a reasonable price (any hotel suggestions are wellcome as well)

Any help is apreciated!

Master Diver II
09-05-11, 07:23
Hi there.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good reliable driver with nice car in Jakarta that is reasonably priced. Thanks in advance.

GVThat depends on your definition of a nice car. I did hire a car and driver which my cousin normally uses in Jakarta. He uses a Toyota Innova in very good condition. The cost was 700k a day + petrol (if I remember correctly). There are many like him and I have had a few reliable ones recommended at the airport too with similar rates. You can also ask the guys at the Indotel counter or even just after customs. I have yet to have problems, although I rarely hire a vehicle and driver. If you take a smaller vehicle (equivalent to Toyota Avanza) the cost can drop to 450k a day. As another member has suggested, you could take a Silverbird on a need basis and ask him to wait for you with the meter running. It all depends on what you need the vehicle for.


Mighty Spearsman
09-06-11, 19:59
I will be travelling to Jakarta in a few weeks, will land on a Friday night at 9 pm., and leave on Sunday at 6 pm.

Have bee reading many great reports but would like to aks you where it's best to stay for a first timer like me, I would like to find a girl for the night in my hotel for a reasonable price (any hotel suggestions are wellcome as well)

Any help is apreciated!You are not only a first-time visitor to Jakarta, you are also a first-time poster to the board. Who are you? and why should we help you if you've never bothered to contribute to the board before now? RTFF!

And even if you were a long-time contributor, it would still be difficult to help you since you want to pay "a reasonable price" but you don't define what reasonable means to you. The "Hotel Le Meridien" is very girl-friendly (as are most hotels in Jakarta) and has a night club in the basement (the "Tiga Puluh" bar) that's a well-known pick-up spot; you could probably book a room here for USA $80-$90. Is that a reasonable price? or is it too high?

Cheaper possibilities are the Sparks Hotel and the Mercure Rekso (name may have changed) in the Jalan Mangga Besar area, both around $50. Again, RTFF, meaning you should do your research on the board. Check out the "Hotels" section of the board, or look up the KAHA website.

Also, why not post a few reports on the place where you currently reside?

09-07-11, 12:40
You are not only a first-time visitor to Jakarta, you are also a first-time poster to the board. Who are you? And why should we help you if you've never bothered to contribute to the board before now? RTFF!

And even if you were a long-time contributor, it would still be difficult to help you since you want to pay "a reasonable price" but you don't define what reasonable means to you. The "Hotel Le Meridien" is very girl-friendly (as are most hotels in Jakarta) and has a night club in the basement (the "Tiga Puluh" bar) that's a well-known pick-up spot; you could probably book a room here for USA $80-$90. Is that a reasonable price? Or is it too high?

Cheaper possibilities are the Sparks Hotel and the Mercure Rekso (name may have changed) in the Jalan Mangga Besar area, both around $50. Again, RTFF, meaning you should do your research on the board. Check out the "Hotels" section of the board, or look up the KAHA website.

Also, why not post a few reports on the place where you currently reside?Thank you for your information Mighty Spearsman, I have checked out all posts in the last 10 months, I found a lot of useful information but got also confused by some post.

I was considering the Mercure Rekso, if I can find Le Meridien for 80 or 90 $ that would be fine too.

Am looking for some girl to spend the night LT, can you still suggest BLOK M as a pick-up place or is there anything better.

I will of course report once am back from the trip, unfortunately there isn't anything to report from where I come from.

Thanks again!

Gonzo Two
09-08-11, 08:09
Am looking for some girl to spend the night LT, can you still suggest BLOK M as a pick-up place or is there anything better.Magimbe, I sort of agree with Mighty Spearsman, but here's 10 seconds worth of info: go to Top Gun on Jalan Pelatehan any day of the week after 11 pm. You will be fresh meat and all the girls will know it, so expect to pay Rp 700 thou a night. Old timers get it cheaper, but you'd be very lucky as a newbie. Earlier than 11 is no good. TG is by no means my favourite bar in Jakarta, but it's probably the easiest for someone like you looking for an all nighter.

Good luck.

Someone else can help out with the hotels.

Master Diver II
09-09-11, 09:29
I will be travelling to Jakarta in a few weeks, will land on a fridat night at 9 pm. And leave on Sunday at 6 pm.

Have bee reading many great reports but would like to aks you where it's best to stay for a first timer like me, I would like to find a girl for the night in my hotel for a reasonable price (any hotel suggestions are wellcome as well)

Any help is apreciated!Magimbe, I totally understand where MS is coming from. Your join date is 04-01-04 ie more than seven years ago and this is your first post! Check the hotel section and please remember that the term reasonable is VERY subjective. I know some people who wouldn't think twice about spending several million rupiahs a night on a girl and others who wouldn't pay more than 500, 000. Likewise as far as hotels are concerned. There is more than enough information here for a first time visitor to use. Kindly use it and report and you'll be surprised how much more welcome you'll be made to feel. Just my two cents worth.

MD: I tried to PM you yesterday and it seemed your Inbox was full. Anyway, if you haven't resolve your "domestic staff" situation I suggest you to Google BUGITO Penyalur Pembantu. This agency is a reputable one.
Bro, sorry my inbox was kind of full. I managed to clear some of it now. I googled but will have to read carefully - almost too much information - maybe I have to go there to sort it out? :p ;)


El Greco
09-09-11, 14:57
I will be travelling to Jakarta in a few weeks, will land on a fridat night at 9 pm. And leave on Sunday at 6 pm.

Have bee reading many great reports but would like to aks you where it's best to stay for a first timer like me, I would like to find a girl for the night in my hotel for a reasonable price (any hotel suggestions are wellcome as well)

Any help is apreciated!Book hotel Mercure Reckso now called Mercure Kota I think.

Pay for your visa on arrival at the airport for about 20 euros or the equivalent in USD, then change some money or use an ATM.

Avoid all the taxi touts outside and use only the 'BLUE BIRD' taxi company, with light blue colored cars. 10-15 meters to your right.

There is a young guy there, list with him and within 10-15 min your turn will come. About 120-130k to the hotel.

Go to Top Gun as others suggested or to the Stadium which is within walking distance to your left exiting Mercure and across the big road very close to a starbucks cafe.

Next day take a taxi, always blue bird, to the left inside that big road and for about 7k go to hotel Travel for an early afternoon delight for about 330-350k. Alternative on the way to Starbucks on the small streets to your left there are a lot of massage places like Berlian and others where you can also have an afternoon delight for 250-300k. Best and more selection at hotel Travel though plus better and cleaner rooms. You can also pay them with a credit card for a small extra fee at Travel hotel. Classic hotel is a little farther from the hotel lets say about 12-15k. Up the mechanical escalator and you'll have the same experience as in the Travel hotel.

Get your self another bluebird to the airport and have 150k handy for the airport departure tax.

Have fun and report in order not to have the same very reasonable arguments again.

Primo Bolan
09-10-11, 12:44
Forgive my memory, but as the hottest ladies was in HT, ok for that price, is it possible to take them out? Or is it only an ordinary brothel?


Gonzo Two
09-11-11, 03:40
Forgive my memory, but as the hottest ladies was in HT, ok for that price, is it possible to take them out? Or is it only an ordinary brothel?

PBOthers may have different experiences, but I wouldn't think Hotel Travel is a good place for take out. You could do it through the mama-san, but it would cost a lot. At some other places (Berlian springs to mind) , if you like the girl, it's usually pretty easy to get her number to meet her again later. She's usually quite eager to do it and the price is usually quite reasonable, because she's cutting out the middleman.

09-11-11, 05:49

I got so many useful information here so just want to pay back.

(I am a Korean so my English is not that good.)

Tried to check Patatehan and Tiga puluh yesterday (Sep. 10)


As ususal, so many girls in Top Gun. I still am used to be there and pick one of them, when I am alone.

And after Idul fitri, some of them are more aggressive.

D's place is re-open and G string is closed.

Oscar is almost empty.

Taxi drivers on the street are alway big problem. They asked Rp 100, 000 to Karet.

So walk for 3 minutes to Bus terminal and got a taxi.


Want to go Tiga Puluh because I started to live in 'Karet' area.

Rp 130, 000 for entrance fee. More expensive than before.

When I was there 3 years ago, there were many girls,

But now, not many and most of them already with their man.

Talk with a guy (an Indonesian) in front of the bar, Tiga puluh is not so popular nowdays.

He recommand Hotel Mulia for me, because I am an Asian.

If westerner, Hetel Shangrila is better, according to him.

I am not sure if it is true or not.

Anyway, maybe I will not go Tiga Puluh again.


Cuba Tourist
09-11-11, 06:27
Jakarta After Dark-what do you mean?

"Cuba Tourist: Today Country is closed for good but the network for that profile still exists at Lokasari."

The girls are still hanging around the area?

Gonzo Two
09-12-11, 02:22
PB: It is possible to take the girls at Hotel Travel out but at overnight rate. The overnight is defined as multiple pops until 10 am. If I am not mistaken the overnight rate is 850k after 12 pm and you have to pay 300k extra for every hour before 12 pm. So, when are you going to visit Jakarta again?Is that right? Cheaper than I would have thought! Last time I was at HT, the girl I was with was sulking and pouting and complaining about some guy downstairs who wanted to take her out for the whole night. She wasn't into it, said the money (for her!) wasn't good enough. I remember I was done and wanted to go, but she asked me to stay in the room for the full hour so that maybe the guy would have given up and taken someone else. First time that's happened!

Fast Eddie 48
09-12-11, 06:08
Is that right? Cheaper than I would have thought! Last time I was at HT, the girl I was with was sulking and pouting and complaining about some guy downstairs who wanted to take her out for the whole night. She wasn't into it, said the money (for her!) wasn't good enough. I remember I was done and wanted to go, but she asked me to stay in the room for the full hour so that maybe the guy would have given up and taken someone else. First time that's happened!To Gonzo,

Did you get to pop her one more time most girl don't want to go all nighter because they don't get alot of the money, the house get a large percentage of it better to get two girl for one hour.

Short time is a good vaule.

Fast Eddie 48

Jkt After Dark 2
09-12-11, 07:39
D Cups: If you have the look and the charm like Master Diver II or Freebie Fan or Jritz than it should be that hard to pick up non-pros. Good luck!

GT: The figure is right but you are expected to tip the girls for good service. Hotel Travel allows take out on their terms and conditions but the girls can also say they don't want to do overnight job or they don't want a certain "overnight" clients like they say no to a certain in-calls clients.

Re ..., said the money (for her!) wasn't good enough. Most bordello massage parlors and I think all bordello spas work with adult manpower suppliers. These girls or their parents withdraw money in advance so basically they work against the balance. This is the reason they really appreciate good tippers.

Master Diver II
09-12-11, 08:10
Hi guys, I'm going to Jakarta for the first time next March. I have a DIA date lined up and plan on visiting Alexis Hotel but I'm curious how easy is it to pick up non-pros? Is it like PI? Thanks for any replies. And if you see any slim and STACKED babes kindly point me in that direction.D Cups,

It's easy enough if you're used to the game; you just have to be observant enough and show yourself as a fun person to be with, then anything is possible. Go with the profile, some want a wild night out, others want a softer more romantic approach (bedding on the first date is possible but not always on the cards YMMV). If you're making dates from DIA, much as it sounds somewhat ungentlemanly, it does pay to make a few appointments staggered at 15-30 minute intervals (45-60 if you don't mind waiting) so if you hit one, you can call the others off. Jakarta women can be unreliable with first dates. Anything might cause them to call it off. For all you know, you might not be the only date for that particular evening. And if it rains, be prepared for cancellations due to rain / traffic etc. Try to make the appointments in nearby locations convenient to you. You won't want to travel an hour and a half in a taxi to find out your date is called off. Good luck.

MD: Hmm, you just found a reason to visit Jakarta again - right?! Hehe, see you around mate.
I wish it was that simple bro, but i do have other "valid" reasons... ;)

Is that right? Cheaper than I would have thought! Last time I was at HT, the girl I was with was sulking and pouting and complaining about some guy downstairs who wanted to take her out for the whole night. She wasn't into it, said the money (for her!) wasn't good enough. I remember I was done and wanted to go, but she asked me to stay in the room for the full hour so that maybe the guy would have given up and taken someone else. First time that's happened!
JAD's correct, I've done this before when we were out once. You just take the girl at midnight. The usual rules apply - if the girl thinks you're a nice friendly guy, they're happier to do it.


Gonzo Two
09-12-11, 12:19
Most bordello massage parlors and I think all bordello spas work with adult manpower suppliers.Interesting. I suppose they have some kind of "recruitment centers" in Indramayu? HT seems to be almost all Indramayu girls. I always think it's a bad sign when all the girls come from Indramayu. Some of the places like Berlian have much more mixed demographic. Come to think of it, the most fun I ever had at HT (the girl I mentioned) , she said she was a Betawi.

Member #4537
09-12-11, 22:29
I find the Pangeran Jakarta bars in Jakarta Barat to be more personal and inviting, as they have a less pushy feel than Hotel Travel, Classik and the likes. It also seems to me that the newcomers from the kampung typically end up here first then the abovementioned places.

Unknown, next to Astik disco: Forgot the name. Mainly focused on the Karaoke but in the tiny room at the corner there were about 8-10 ayams for picking. None had decent looks and the youngest looked 35. Very poor, broken and old design, place looks filthy. Didn't take anyone but mamasan said damage was 295, 000.

Astik disco: Empty and nobody inside. Weird as it always has huge techno noise coming from inside.

MTR1 One or two do-ables out of 20, the rest same as that Unknown place I talked about. Ayam are seated in a small room. Interior design very poor and shabby and the rooms had a bad smell coming from the shower as well as the hallway leading to the rooms. Damage was 300, 000.

Royal Very modern and clean, it looks like a lot has been spent renovating it. 30-40 girls, pushy mamasan and papasans but clear view from outside fishbowl-style. Although this place had the best stunner, out of 4 girls I picked they had bad attitude upstairs (no BBBJ, no duo-showering, no catbath, rushy attitude). Damage was 350, 000, most expensive in area.

Laras Ayu Most expensive drinks. 49, 000 for a Bintang bottle. They follow some kind of system unique where girls greet themselves to you theirself instead of through a mamsan or papsan. 20 girls in small room in corner but the girls are free to roam around. Good DJ. Young and fresh-from-kampung type and very good service. Damage 300, 000.

SariAyu My favourite. System is free-roaming as there is no room where the ayam are seated like the other bars. Mamasans and papasans pushing girls left and right to you. Once you like a girl they find for you, you can stay in the bar with your new-found company whilst finishing a drink or chatting. If you want a new girl, just politely signal to her you want her to leave. If you decide to take her just ask the mamsan or papsan who will check up on you every now and then. The girls are rotated weekly so there is always new faces. Girls are youngest (18-25 max) in the whole Pangjay area and out of 8 or so girls I tried they beat the service of all the others in the area. Damage 280, 000

09-13-11, 04:40
Howdy ya'll, first time. Monger. I'm not 100% sure what the word is, I assume it is the same as punter.

Regardless I've been looking around this forum and enjoyed the reports. I actually have spent a LOT of time in Jakarta but never really tried mongering before, seems like a nice thing to try.

On that note the tricky part is trying to find places that have girls that do anal, it isn't that I always need or want it I just like having the option. I find women that do it tend to be better in bed overall. Given this particular fetish does anybody have any specific place recommendations? Maybe even know somebody they have the number of I could poke and see? I'm more for LT, if I like the girl enough I'd offer her a weekly gig even. I don't have an office or a boss so tend to need companionship for stress relief, working for yourself can be great financially and free time wise but it can be hard to find people who can spend time with you during normal business hours.

Before I just always picked up lokals, I am white, young (ish) , decent enough looking and really tall so it isn't that hard for me to do. Trouble is 90% of them are kinda meek and terrible in bed with no chance of anal whatsoever without it feeling like they have to do it out of obligation which shits me.

Any tips or recommendations with an emphasis on anal would be welcome, I do know a fair bit about Jakarta and my bahasa is passable. I've never liked CJ's, feels way too business like and pretentious for my tastes.

09-13-11, 21:02
Hi guys,

I hoe I don't get my head bitten off for asking this question and yes I've went through the forum and haven't found too much info on my specific.

I'm seriously considering visiting jakarta, I was just wondering, in hotel travel and other MPs, when you enter, are there always other mongers in there or is it usually empty, just you and the selection.

Yeah I'm a shy and timid person and I like to be very discrete, always was that way, would appreciate any help.

If these places are not private, I would much prefer to make an incall or stay at a hotel where there is lots of street action (street walkers) around, where I can pick one up and take her upstairs without too much commotion. Any recommended?

Thanks in advance

09-14-11, 05:31
Hi guys,

I hoe I don't get my head bitten off for asking this question and yes I've went through the forum and haven't found too much info on my specific.

I'm seriously considering visiting jakarta, I was just wondering, in hotel travel and other MPs, when you enter, are there always other mongers in there or is it usually empty, just you and the selection.

Yeah I'm a shy and timid person and I like to be very discrete, always was that way, would appreciate any help.

If these places are not private, I would much prefer to make an incall or stay at a hotel where there is lots of street action (street walkers) around, where I can pick one up and take her upstairs without too much commotion. Any recommended?

Thanks in advanceHello,

Although I don't have enough experience in Jakarta, I tried HT, HC and Oasis spa recently.

All of the places are not private. When I visited HT and Hc, there are many guys drinking and watching with girls.

I could not approach girls who were sitting on the corners and Mamasan came to me and showed a girls for me.

It was around 8 pm. I am not sure if the situation is different afternoon.

You can easily pick up on the street (Blok M or Kota).

Maybe, Hotel Melawei, Golden Boutique Hotel Melawei or Hotels in Kota area are most convenient for your need.

Hope you will find good one!

M Squared
09-14-11, 05:56

We have a group of 5. 6 guys who go every year on a mongering trip. We have done Bangkok and HK recently and are looking for our next destination. Would Jakarta or Bali be the right place? We are planning 3 days of fun and frolic predominantly featuring wine and women. The other places we have been considering are Manila and Tashkent. Which would be the best of these places?



Gonzo Two
09-14-11, 10:55
We are planning 3 days of fun and frolic predominantly featuring wine and women.

Wine? Forget Indonesia. Finding a good bottle of wine at a reasonable price these days is impossible.

As to the other part of the equation, you can do okay in either place. For hard core mongering, Jakarta is better than Bali, I have a whole group of friends who regularly come over to Jakarta just for that purpose. On the other hand, for every other consideration, Bali is a more fun place for a holiday. And you can still get laid there, of course, quite easily. But not quite the same range of options that you get here. On the whole, though, I'd still go to Bali for a holiday rather than Jakarta, particularly if I'd never lived here and didn't have other things to do and friends to hang out with here.

Primo Bolan
09-14-11, 10:57

We have a group of 5. 6 guys who go every year on a mongering trip. We have done Bangkok and HK recently and are looking for our next destination. Would Jakarta or Bali be the right place? We are planning 3 days of fun and frolic predominantly featuring wine and women. The other places we have been considering are Manila and Tashkent. Which would be the best of these places?


MMTried Pattaya?

09-14-11, 13:17
I'm seriously considering visiting jakarta, I was just wondering, in hotel travel and other MPs, when you enter, are there always other mongers in there or is it usually empty, just you and the selection.

Yeah I'm a shy and timid person and I like to be very discrete, always was that way, would appreciate any help.Mongers only care about the selection of girls, they won't even look your way. Relax and go have some fun!

09-14-11, 15:41
Hi All

Avid visitors of one of the most famous dating sites might have noticed the inflammatory message in her personal description posted by a not so bad looking 31YO about one of us with an I'd starting with rwk. Said lady is online now.

Content of the message is, summarized, that rwk is a cheater a liar and ladies should beware. In short RWK has banged her and maybe her best friend too, I assume. Or even better who knows?

Congrats RWK. She looks hot enough to deserve the flaming.

In any case, and if you are interested, I'd be happy to exchange information about some others. PM me.

09-14-11, 16:51
The other places we have been considering are Manila and Tashkent. Which would be the best of these places?Tashkent is great but by no means a "sex-marathon" or "bachelor party" destination. It's very much a insider place. With many drawbacks, hoops and hurdles to get there. Better you stick to sex-meccas like Thailand or Filippines (or Jakarta for that matter).

09-14-11, 19:46

You can easily pick up on the street (Blok M or Kota).

Maybe, Hotel Melawei, Golden Boutique Hotel Melawei or Hotels in Kota area are most convenient for your need.

Hope you will find good one!Thanks for the info, do these hotels require the girls to leave I'd at the front desk or would I be able to take them up without much of a hassle.

Thanks again.

Gonzo Two
09-14-11, 23:16
Mongers only care about the selection of girls, they won't even look your way. Relax and go have some fun!And seriously, they are there for the same reason that you are! You are they and they are you and we are the walrus goo goo be chooo ......

M Squared
09-15-11, 13:13
Tashkent is great but by no means a "sex-marathon" or "bachelor party" destination. It's very much a insider place. With many drawbacks, hoops and hurdles to get there. Better you stick to sex-meccas like Thailand or Filippines (or Jakarta for that matter).Thanks guys for all the prompt responses.

I guess we can always carry the booze in. I meant wine figuratively. The guys in the group mostly prefer hard liquor. The mongering should be fun as well. I would love to go to Bangkok. But one of my friends is convinced that his significant other might object. .

So it looks like Manila or Bali. Which is better? Or should I post this query in the Manila thread as well?



09-15-11, 17:52
On plane to Jakarta now. Have something set up with a hottie from DIA for Saturday night. Will post pics and for sure give report if possible. She says she's never had sex for money hahaha! We will see how it goes! Wish me luck and will keep you posted

09-16-11, 01:46
Thanks guys for all the prompt responses.

I guess we can always carry the booze in. I meant wine figuratively. The guys in the group mostly prefer hard liquor. The mongering should be fun as well. I would love to go to Bangkok. But one of my friends is convinced that his significant other might object. .

So it looks like Manila or Bali. Which is better? Or should I post this query in the Manila thread as well?


MMManila will offer you more options at a lower price than Balli. If you like to blend mongering with touristic activities then Bali might be the better choice.

09-16-11, 03:42

We have a group of 5. 6 guys who go every year on a mongering trip. We have done Bangkok and HK recently and are looking for our next destination. Would Jakarta or Bali be the right place? We are planning 3 days of fun and frolic predominantly featuring wine and women. The other places we have been considering are Manila and Tashkent. Which would be the best of these places?


MMI do not know about Tashkent. Why not Pattaya? Or Dongguan in China? You will need visa to China. I would say Angeles City is better for mongering than Manila. Maybe 4 days in AC and a couple of days in Manila.

09-16-11, 07:13

We have a group of 5. 6 guys who go every year on a mongering trip. We have done Bangkok and HK recently and are looking for our next destination. Would Jakarta or Bali be the right place? We are planning 3 days of fun and frolic predominantly featuring wine and women. The other places we have been considering are Manila and Tashkent. Which would be the best of these places?


MMI apologize if I'm being presumptuous by saying this but you can't be too hardcore if you're only going once a year. Bangkok and Hong Kong have become, or are way too commercialized for any proper 'mongering' as I, for example, do every month or two or so.

Based on your description, I would second the suggestion of Manila and AC, with Jakarta as an alternative. Either way, the respective threads offer enough information for a first time visitor. I suggest perusing those threads to get an idea of the scene then narrow your choices from there. Note that IMO Jakarta would require just a little bit more research for a trip there to be productive.

Happy travels!

09-16-11, 19:30
Sadly enough nobody really responded to my post so I more or less tried my best on my own, this being only the second time in my life I've paid for sex. Last time was with a thai chick in Singapore.

Anyway started the night asking the taxi driver to take me to Classic, kinda nodded off in the care and fucking ended up at Hotel Alexis with him saying "This is Classic". Irritated the hell out of me but the fuck could I do? Entry fee to 4play in the lobby was 150, 000rp which comes with a decent drink. I turned up just as they opened so there was nothing, asked the guy that was (I assumed, he kept offering girls later) a papa if any of them did anal and got a flat 'no'. I went fair enough and left to go to my original destination. Was irritating because at Alexis they played good music which made me want to dance and I got a tad upset that there wasn't relaly anywhere for me TO dance.

Got to Classic and wasn't sure where to go so I went to the club in the lobby first (Entry = 75, 000rp) and there was a lot of fairly decent women inside. However I have no idea if they were working girls or not, I couldn't distinguish one from the other and most looks that I got I returned and scared some (I'm 6'5"/195cm). Had my drink, watched some pool and scanned the girls. Couldn't see any functional way to make things happen so left and went to see if there was anything else in the building.

On the 4th floor there is a club (the only thing there actually) which you get a little token to wear on your wrist, min. Charge of 30, 000rp which you pay on exit (along with any drinks you bought for yourself or the women (s). They had a dancing group of girls with some REALLY nice tits and I'm an ass man so yeah, really nice tits. I love indo girl chub, best kind there is. Anyway. Walked around for a bit and they had a lot of really pushy mama's who did not really try to even communicate even though my bahasa is perfectly sufficient. I asked who did what etc. But dear god they did not really want to talk to me that much so I settled on the one girl that didn't appear petrified by talking to me. Was horrible, condom with blowjob and she could only fit the head in (I'm not THAT huge) and couldn't even get me inside her. I like pleasing women so I did my best but I could tell she's not the kind to be able to relax with clients so to speak. Cost was 250, 000rp and she harassed me for a tip and all that other crap for what was not even a half assed effort on her part.

Night was a waste but my own fault really, I let a pushy mama and my despair of seeing women being somewhat initially scared of me then watching their face do a 360 when I speak bahasa with a bit too much slang sometimes. I'd say Alexis is the better of the two, cheaper too apparently. The guy there quoted 150, 000rp a pop.

Seriously though any tips? I actually want a list of things I can just give them and say "Can she deep throat and does she do anal?" because I don't know the word for deep throat (if there even is one) or anal (usually just saying anal in an indo accent is enough for most). Going to scour the forum for a bit. Seriously though at this point I'd settle for anyone with a half decent attitude and who gives a shit if I'm hard or not soooo if anyone has a number for an independent they can recommend I'd appreciate it.

Or if someone wants to show me the ropes / go to one of these places I'd appreciate the assistance.

El Greco
09-16-11, 22:23
Any tips or recommendations with an emphasis on anal would be welcome, I do know a fair bit about Jakarta and my bahasa is passable. I've never liked CJ's, feels way too business like and pretentious for my tastes.Try this.




On that small street between MANGGA BESAR RAYA and KEBON JERUK 19.

Ask the old papa and he will help you choosing the right one.

KARTIKA, another similar place, only a few meters away. But try BERLIAN first.

STADIUM is close by as you can see on the map.

Gonzo Two
09-17-11, 04:53
Sadly enough nobody really responded to my post so I more or less tried my best on my own, this being only the second time in my life I've paid for sex. Last time was with a thai chick in Singapore.BabaBoo, if you speak reasonably good Indonesian, which it sounds like you do, then you've probably spent a fair bit of time here. So, do you have any more experienced friends who could show you around a bit? Considering, at a rough guess, around half of all male expats go out mongering at some stage, you probably do! If you're a bit shy, just ask around if anyone is interested in having a "drink" down in Kota. That should open the doors. Or maybe consider using JAD (Jakarta After Dark)? He's a guide who participates in this forum and gets good reviews. He's not that cheap, $100+ for an evening's tour, but if you are going to get introductions that you could use again later on your own, it might be worth. Particularly with your specialist interests (You dog, you!).

I never like fish bowls and line ups, I always prefer bars where you can go up and talk to the girls, you can screen the ones with the bad attitudes much better. Maybe try Berlian? That's easy enough.

Did you say you got a quote of Rp150, 000 for Alexis? Haha! You must be missing a zero! For 150, you'd be lucky to get a knee trembler on the railway line these days, not since 2002 or something like that.

Also, even though most people on ISG don't like to dwell on their failures that much, you do get occasional bad experiences, no matter much experience you have. With new girls, I'd say out of three, one is usually good, one is just okay, and one is pretty crappy from lineups and fishbowls. I get a better average than that at bars, though, hardly ever get a real bummer. (Again, considering your stated tastes, that might not be the right expression!). By the way, deep throat is pretty standard, but you might have better luck with slightly older girls than with the sweet young things (not always! But as a rule). Anal is not really standard, hit and miss, girls are often more willing to do it for you the second time you meet them, after they get the impression that you're not a jerk. A trick at Berlian is to ask for a threesome: select one girl first, tell her to find a second one for you, but make sure that her co-partner does anal. Next time, you can go straight for the three-holer.

Good luck on you travels.

09-17-11, 05:09
Greetings Gents. Just a quick report from CJ's.

I've read many reports and learned a lot from this thread so this is my attempt to contribute. I know its CJ's and everyone knows about CJ's so please forgive another report. Plane arrived in Jakarta around 10:30pm. From airport to Hotel Mulia about 30 minute taxi. Upon arrival and check in I went straight to room and cleaned up. Then straight down to CJ's and arrived about 12:00am midnight. Place was packed out. So crowded you could barely walk through the place. Lots of girls. Some gorgeous some just ok. Probably 90%

Working girls. Maybe more. Approached by a beauty from Indonesia, Probably an 8 or 9 out of 10. Nice beautiful fake tits and petite little body. Bought her a drink and talked in the lounge area for about an hour and headed to the room. After a bath together went straight to the bed. Made her cum while DATY, sex in every position imaginable, BBBJ, and nice CIM at the end. One shot but lasted what seemed like forever. She agreed to stay the night with me for $120. I tipped her 100, 000 for taxi home this morning. All in all a very enjoyable first night in Jakarta. CJ's is nice with a good band but way too crowded for my taste on the weekend. Hopefully during the week it will be much less crowded.

Face: 8-9/10.

Body: 9/10.

GFE: 7/10.

BBBJ: 6/10.

Sex: 6/10.

Well worth the $120US + 100, 000 tip.

I asked her if I could take pics but she said NO! She said she didn't want them to end up on the internet! Imagine that HAHA!

More reports to come. Hopefully with pics.

I'm meeting a girl from DIA today. Should be a good time!



M Squared
09-17-11, 06:58
Based on your description, I would second the suggestion of Manila and AC, with Jakarta as an alternative. Either way, the respective threads offer enough information for a first time visitor. I suggest perusing those threads to get an idea of the scene then narrow your choices from there. Note that IMO Jakarta would require just a little bit more research for a trip there to be productive.

Happy travels!Thanks.

Too tough to get everyone together at a time more than once a year.

Looks like it will be the Philippines this year. We will try Manila / Angeles city.

Will go over to that thread. Probably do Jakarta or Bali next year.


09-17-11, 08:22
CJ's is nice with a good band but way too crowded for my taste on the weekend. Hopefully during the week it will be much less crowded.Sunday night is the best night to go there. Same prostitutes, but far less guys. The current band is ok. I like that blond French girl they have as a singer. I didn't like the last band, but the one prior to that with the Filipina girl was awesome! I find it strange that the one black guy who is in the current band has been in every band Cj's has had there the last few years. The bands leave, but he stays in Jakarta. And he's the weakest link in every one of those bands. It's surprising they keep accepting him.

09-17-11, 08:43
Anyone have any ideas for a mid-morning / afternoon shag? I am not into going to MP's and the such. Maybe a website to call a girl in? Thanks for any responses

09-17-11, 15:18
Or if someone wants to show me the ropes / go to one of these places I'd appreciate the assistance.TOP GUN bar, jalan falatehan, Blok M area. Quit dicking around with mama / papasans, trying to give them your laundry list. It will get lost in translation, or, even if they do understand you, they will ignore your list and just try and set you up with any available girl. Choose any of the many girls Top Gun, tell her your laundry list (they understand "ass" in english means anal) , she will tell you what she will / will not do. She may refer you to a friend in the bar who can do those things for you. Move on to the next one until you find one who can do your stuff. A lot of guys don't like that protocol: telling multiple girls what they want until they get one who can do it. Who cares? The gals have heard it all. Nobody else will know what you are saying into the girl's ear (over the loud band). Cost will be 300-400k for ST. 600-800k for LT. Don't like any of the 100+ girls in Top Gun bar (THAT will be telling all by itself)? Walk across the street to the two other freelance bars. Put pics on your list of needs when you talk to the girls. Indo girls (unlike pinay) rarely say NO due to pics. They say no to other stuff on my list, but not to the money offer or pics (see my photos in that thread).

You will see girls in discos earlier in the evening, who ask for large amounts upwards of 1 million rp for ST (and get it from guys who either don't care the girl is gouging, or are naive and don't know she is). If she doesn't get a customer by, say, midnight-1am, she and her friends will taxi down to TG, and once there she will be fine with 350k for ST.

Member #4410
09-17-11, 17:33
Anyone have any ideas for a mid-morning / afternoon shag? I am not into going to MP's and the such. Maybe a website to call a girl in? Thanks for any responsesGo to Maribaya in Hotel Melawai. From about 11 am there are girls available (not for take out) with a shift change at around 6 pm.



Gonzo Two
09-17-11, 17:42
Cost will be 300-400k for ST. 600-800k for LT.Westcoast, you old softy. 500k for long time, not a penny more, I say. Haha. But I suppose you do make them work extra hard.

09-18-11, 02:47
First off thanks for the replies.

TOP GUN bar, jalan falatehan, Blok M area. Quit dicking around with mama / papasans, trying to give them your laundry list. It will get lost in translation, or, even if they do understand you, they will ignore your list and just try and set you up with any available girl. Choose any of the many girls Top Gun, tell her your laundry list (they understand "ass" in english means anal) , she will tell you what she will / will not do. She may refer you to a friend in the bar who can do those things for you. Move on to the next one until you find one who can do your stuff. A lot of guys don't like that protocol: telling multiple girls what they want until they get one who can do it. Who cares? The gals have heard it all. Nobody else will know what you are saying into the girl's ear (over the loud band). Cost will be 300-400k for ST. 600-800k for LT. Don't like any of the 100+ girls in Top Gun bar (THAT will be telling all by itself)? Walk across the street to the two other freelance bars. Put pics on your list of needs when you talk to the girls. Indo girls (unlike pinay) rarely say NO due to pics. They say no to other stuff on my list, but not to the money offer or pics (see my photos in that thread).

You will see girls in discos earlier in the evening, who ask for large amounts upwards of 1 million rp for ST (and get it from guys who either don't care the girl is gouging, or are naive and don't know she is). If she doesn't get a customer by, say, midnight-1am, she and her friends will taxi down to TG, and once there she will be fine with 350k for ST.I've nothing wrong with going through that process but as I've never really done this before I'm not sure if it is ok to just assume (and where to assume) that the girls are working girls. In Hotel Classic it was kind of obvious as they all wore 'uniforms' but in Hotel Alexis (may have been because I was there 'early') it seemed a mixture of more normal girls than working ones. I have no fear of upsetting working girls I just have no wish to upset some girls night out by being propositioned by a random white guy.

BabaBoo, if you speak reasonably good Indonesian, which it sounds like you do, then you've probably spent a fair bit of time here. So, do you have any more experienced friends who could show you around a bit? Considering, at a rough guess, around half of all male expats go out mongering at some stage, you probably do! If you're a bit shy, just ask around if anyone is interested in having a "drink" down in Kota. That should open the doors. Or maybe consider using JAD (Jakarta After Dark)? He's a guide who participates in this forum and gets good reviews. He's not that cheap, $100+ for an evening's tour, but if you are going to get introductions that you could use again later on your own, it might be worth. Particularly with your specialist interests (You dog, you!).

I never like fish bowls and line ups, I always prefer bars where you can go up and talk to the girls, you can screen the ones with the bad attitudes much better. Maybe try Berlian? That's easy enough.

Did you say you got a quote of Rp150, 000 for Alexis? Haha! You must be missing a zero! For 150, you'd be lucky to get a knee trembler on the railway line these days, not since 2002 or something like that.

Also, even though most people on ISG don't like to dwell on their failures that much, you do get occasional bad experiences, no matter much experience you have. With new girls, I'd say out of three, one is usually good, one is just okay, and one is pretty crappy from lineups and fishbowls. I get a better average than that at bars, though, hardly ever get a real bummer. (Again, considering your stated tastes, that might not be the right expression!). By the way, deep throat is pretty standard, but you might have better luck with slightly older girls than with the sweet young things (not always! But as a rule). Anal is not really standard, hit and miss, girls are often more willing to do it for you the second time you meet them, after they get the impression that you're not a jerk. A trick at Berlian is to ask for a threesome: select one girl first, tell her to find a second one for you, but make sure that her co-partner does anal. Next time, you can go straight for the three-holer.

Good luck on you travels.Thanks for the tips, my bahasa is good enough to pick up lokal girls easily enough and make lokal friends but I haven't been back here for 5 years so any friends I knew obviously I am not in contact with anymore. I might just end up using JAD as I REALLY don't have a problem with money or spending it to get what I want / need, picking up lokal girls is ok but finding those that are ok with anal and one that doesn't require 2 dates worth before getting to sex which they can only do on weekends because they have a 9-5 (I'm self employed so FREE TIME can kill you when you're by yourself).

Out of curiosity what's a fish bowl? Is that where the girls are all sitting on couches lining the walls like in Hotel Classic? I wouldn't mind an actual line-up, I could at least then get an initial facial reaction from the girls as to who is scared or who is a million miles away mentally.

It is what I heard for a single pop, no mention of 'juta' anywhere. I may have misinterpreted 'what' it was specifically for but again the boy was actually quite friendly in trying to get me some action unlike the fucking mama's at Hotel Classic. Also thanks for the trick, it does seem like I'm going to have to still do that whole 'second date' type approach before I get down to what I really want but at least this way it is a bit faster and on my timeframe.

Try this.




On that small street between MANGGA BESAR RAYA and KEBON JERUK 19.

Ask the old papa and he will help you choosing the right one.

KARTIKA, another similar place, only a few meters away. But try BERLIAN first.

STADIUM is close by as you can see on the map.Is the papa here actually helpful? That pushy mama really made me want to punch her in the face at Hotel Classic but I REALLY just needed to get my dick into something. Not even cum, if I just got 'in' a girl I could tell my brain that it has had sex and that would tide me over.

Still I'll try Top Gun and Berlian. Would just like to know if I can just approach anyone and start talking before I go there, whatever the usual protocol is would be appreciated. A description of the process as such as at the end of the day it would just make me more comfortable, even though eating pizza is a simple process if you've never seen one before you'd still like to know the best way to eat it before you tuck in.

09-18-11, 03:10
Don't know how to edit my posts, no obvious controls so hmm.

Anyway my question here is that Hotel Classic / Alexis had music that made conversation a pain in the ass. I hate fumbling back forth with 'what? ' as it just drags the process out and it can take some steam out of you if you go through girls and keep going 'what' every 3rd sentence. Is Top Gun / Berlian the same?

09-18-11, 03:39
Go to Maribaya in Hotel Melawai. From about 11 am there are girls available (not for take out) with a shift change at around 6 pm.


KoThanks Ko.

Thanks Ko. Will try it out

09-18-11, 04:19
I've nothing wrong with going through that process but as I've never really done this before I'm not sure if it is ok to just assume (and where to assume) that the girls are working girls. In Hotel Classic it was kind of obvious as they all wore 'uniforms' but in Hotel Alexis (may have been because I was there 'early') it seemed a mixture of more normal girls than working ones. I have no fear of upsetting working girls I just have no wish to upset some girls night out by being propositioned by a random white guy.

Still I'll try Top Gun and Berlian. Would just like to know if I can just approach anyone and start talking before I go there, whatever the usual protocol is would be appreciated. A description of the process as such as at the end of the day it would just make me more comfortable, even though eating pizza is a simple process if you've never seen one before you'd still like to know the best way to eat it before you tuck in.Top Gun, and the two bars across the street (My Bar and D's Place) are freelance bars (like Manila Bay Cafe in Manila). Every girl in the place is a working girl. Takes all the guess-work out of the game. Unlike the discos, where you never know which girl is working.

Gonzo Two
09-18-11, 05:26
Out of curiosity what's a fish bowl? Is that where the girls are all sitting on couches lining the walls like in Hotel Classic? I wouldn't mind an actual line-up, I could at least then get an initial facial reaction from the girls as to who is scared or who is a million miles away mentally.A real fish-bowl is when there is a window and you look through at girls sitting around, yawning and playing with their mobiles. Hotel Classic is "fish-bowl like". Yes, with a line up you get a bit more interaction, but not much. They usually have strict rules about the girls not pushing ahead of each other.

Westcoast is right about Top Gun. You are unlikely to see a girl swoon away with shock and horror because of your crude proposition. If the client looks like he needs the GFE, then most of them are happy to oblige, if they want to go straight down to business, that's okay too (for what it's worth, they generally prefer a businesslike approach, less trouble. Nothing worse for them than a punter who chats for a while and can't make up his mind or bottles at the last minute.)

09-18-11, 11:28
I have never been in Jakarta but want to go there for "entertainment" end of January.

I heard about Blok M. Is this the right place for meet prostitutes?

What girlfriendly Hotel (4 Star) is recommed?

Thankyou for information.

09-18-11, 12:10
I have never been in Jakarta but want to go there for "entertainment" end of January.

I heard about Blok M. Is this the right place for meet prostitutes?

What girlfriendly Hotel (4 Star) is recommed?

Thankyou for information.Blok M is fine, take taxi to Jalan Felatahan, or Jalan Fellatio. Top Gun seems the best, but D's Place across the road is less loud, and My Bar is also a chance. For 4 star hotel I usually use Le Meridien, it is owned by the same as Sheraton / Westin etc, but with a french name the local idiots don't think abouy trying to remodel it. The Tiga Pulah disco downstairs in this hotel I have usually found something, but I believe it has gone off a bit. Very GF hotel.

09-18-11, 12:40
Hi All.

Am a regular traveller to JAKRTA. Last time the Today country ws closed. Does anyone know if its re opened? One of the girls I know from there say theres a new place in Hotel Lokasari, any one know this place? Is there any place similiar to TC around.


09-18-11, 15:52
I heard about Blok M. Is this the right place for meet prostitutes?I do believe you should be able to find some of those there.

Haggis Man
09-18-11, 18:56
Hi All.

Am a regular traveller to JAKRTA. Last time the Today country ws closed. Does anyone know if its re opened? One of the girls I know from there say theres a new place in Hotel Lokasari, any one know this place? Is there any place similiar to TC around.

FOGI can confirm as of 2 days ago Today Country is still in the form a construction site although the renovations which have gone on at Lokasari Plaza make it much more refreshing and a better mall.

Fast Eddie 48
09-18-11, 22:44
Hi All.

Am a regular traveller to JAKRTA. Last time the Today country ws closed. Does anyone know if its re opened? One of the girls I know from there say theres a new place in Hotel Lokasari, any one know this place? Is there any place similiar to TC around.


TC been closed for almost 2 yr now don't think it will reopen, I don't why you like this place so much most of the girl there is too young and serivce is lousy anyway, there is Millie disco a late night pick up place in the plaza and so many place for pick up like Hotel travel and stadium near by and you miss TC are you sure you go to Jarkata alot.

Fast Eddie 48

09-20-11, 18:24

TC been closed for almost 2 yr now don't think it will reopen, I don't why you like this place so much most of the girl there is too young and serivce is lousy anyway, there is Millie disco a late night pick up place in the plaza and so many place for pick up like Hotel travel and stadium near by and you miss TC are you sure you go to Jarkata alot.

Fast Eddie 48Thanks, it was a good afternoon bar but I also found one similiar to TC . As U-turn left at KFC and walk around by the massage places and cross the road,

Rooms upstairs are ok, I forget the name but will update on next trip.


Fast Eddie 48
09-21-11, 00:22
Thanks, it was a good afternoon bar but I also found one similiar to TC. As U-turn left at KFC and walk around by the massage places and cross the road,

Rooms upstairs are ok, I forget the name but will update on next trip.

FOGTo Fog.

I know this place is called Sierra something club it is a tiny club with a few low quality yourn girl, I did a girl there about 8 yr ago my first trip to jarakata for 250k with room up stair when there 2 month ago didn't see any thing good no band and dancing nothing like TC.

Fast Eddie 48

09-22-11, 06:15
Don't know how to edit my posts, no obvious controls so hmm.

Anyway my question here is that Hotel Classic / Alexis had music that made conversation a pain in the ass. I hate fumbling back forth with 'what? ' as it just drags the process out and it can take some steam out of you if you go through girls and keep going 'what' every 3rd sentence. Is Top Gun / Berlian the same?Classic tend to have a very loud music, with DJ, live music band, and also sexy dance. Music is blaring loud to the point of half screaming when we tried to make conversation unless you were in the secluded corner around the back.

Whilst Alexis is more relax, with soothing atmosphere, where you can easily make conversation between you, the girls, and your guests or friends. You can even occasionally heard what people is talking on the next table or sofa.

Both have different concept and market segment. I'm sure you will enjoy both depending on what you like and your mood at the time. Hahaha.


09-22-11, 06:23
Thanks, it was a good afternoon bar but I also found one similiar to TC. As U-turn left at KFC and walk around by the massage places and cross the road,

Rooms upstairs are ok, I forget the name but will update on next trip.

FOGThere are many simillar places as you mentioned. One of my favourite is called Cheery Spa. You can have massage and Full Service afterward.

Price is very reasonable. Sometime when they have promo, we can even take a dip in their pool with the girls at the same price. Location is next to dunkin donut.

The good thing about this place is, we can choose the gals by ourselves and not based on number. So at least you know the quality of what you're paying.

Hotman 666
09-23-11, 13:36
Have you seen any big boob girls>.Well, it depends on what you mean by BIG but they ARE around!

I am in Jakarta at the moment and have spent the last 4 nights with a early 20's girl with a BEAUTIFUL pair of NATURAL 38D's,

But SORRY, I am keeping this one for myself.


Hotman 666
09-23-11, 14:01
Hey I don't blame you, Hotman. Giver her a squeeze from me.Will do D Cups, BUT EACH ONE takes TWO hands!

Hmmmm, Beautiful!


09-24-11, 08:15
Will do D Cups, BUT EACH ONE takes TWO hands!

Hmmmm, Beautiful!

Hotman.So your with suci / chichi. Good gal.

09-24-11, 12:59

Did a quick search for stadium club over here and nothing turned up. Any info on the place, any gf hotels near by and what are the possibilities of getting a Polish in the club?

09-24-11, 13:43

Did a quick search for stadium club over here and nothing turned up. Any info on the place, any gf hotels near by and what are the possibilities of getting a Polish in the club?Yeah, I have been there, I just asked the bell hop at my hotel, and yes, they do have rooms, and very pushy girls and even pushier mamsans. I did not like the place though, but YMMV.

Hung Man 1808
09-24-11, 13:56

Did a quick search for stadium club over here and nothing turned up. Any info on the place?Www.stadiumjakarta.com

What it doesn't say is the 2nd floor is karaoke rooms / bar. 3rd floor is bar / girls / private rooms. 4th / 5th is nightclub. 6th is rooms for use with the girls from the club. Walk into the nightclub (or for that matter, the bar) alone and you will be accosted to take a girl within 10 seconds.

Just say to any taxi "Stadium" and you'll get there. Getting out, walk to Mercure Kota (look north and you can't miss it) and get a bluebird from the stand out the front. Don't even try getting a taxi from in front of Stadium. You'll see why.

Good luck, you won't need it.

If not to your liking and you want to spend more, just tell the taxi driver "Malioboro" and 10 mins or less down the road and you'll be there.

John Marigold99
09-24-11, 14:41
Are you referring to getting a Polish girl or are you referring to getting your knob polished?

Hi, . what are the possibilities of getting a Polish in the club?

09-24-11, 23:28
Or scarfing down a Polish sausage?Yeah, real funny the cups, actually that did make me laugh.

I meant a knob slob in some corner of the club without getting a room, why would I be looking for a Polish girl in jakarta?

In anycase I really appreciate the info and help. Since were on the topic, can you please provide me this info that would be a great help to me and other like minded newbies, instead of asking for different spots, I want to know if this type of situation exists in Jakarta and if so where I can find it:

I'm looking for a hotel where I can stay which actually has on location action, where I can go down to the lobby, pick someone and take her upstairs. I heard there were hotels where they bring a line up of girls to your room and you can choose, or someone brings you pictures and you choose and the girl will be up shortly. Or call the reception and ask them to send up a working girl. I'm not speaking about hotel clubs or bars where you have to mingle or distinguish between normal and working girls. I'm speaking about a real deal type place which has working girls in the hotel that you can pick up or call up. The type of hotel where just the fact that you took a room alone would mean that a girl would be knocking on the door soon after.

If that is not available, is there a hotel where there are street walkers close by where you can pick one up on your way in?

Gonzo Two
09-25-11, 16:19
I'm looking for a hotel where I can stay which actually has on location action, where I can go down to the lobby, pick someone and take her upstairs. I heard there were hotels where they bring a line up of girls to your room and you can choose, or someone brings you pictures and you choose and the girl will be up shortly. Or call the reception and ask them to send up a working girl. I'm not speaking about hotel clubs or bars where you have to mingle or distinguish between normal and working girls. I'm speaking about a real deal type place which has working girls in the hotel that you can pick up or call up. The type of hotel where just the fact that you took a room alone would mean that a girl would be knocking on the door soon after.I stopped going to Hotel Melawai regularly a few years ago, but the Sixth Floor had a bar / brothel that probably still runs, even if it's not up to the standards of yesteryear. A friend of mine stayed there, he had a girl that he either picked up from the bar or from one of the nearby clubs. There's a website at http://www.hotelmelawai.com/

09-25-11, 17:02
I met with a 20-year-old friend the other day and we started to talk about Mal Atrium.

Dewi is a good girl. A little nakal, sure. She knew a lot about short time hotels and yeah, she slept with me the first time I met her. And the second. But Dewi is not a player for hire. She had a story about her last time in Atrium. Dewi was waiting for a friend, walking around the mall and window shopping. An Arab was following her and came up behind her when she bought a drink. He offered to pay, and Dewi let him. When he asked for her number she said she did not have a phone and walked away.

Eventually her friend, Ria. 25, a chesty girl in tight jeans, showed up. The girls went shopping and then to the arcade to play games, and then a different group of foreigners hit on her. The lads struck out.

As Dewi and her friends left, though, mall security approached and asked them both to go to the little room for an interrogation.

In the little room, the guards sai asked who they were talking too. What were you doing? Did you give those men your number? Are you going to meet them? Then, surprisingly, they said, we were watching you on camera. We saw you talking to the Arab. Did he ask for your number? Did you give him your number? Why did you meet those men in the arcade?

Dewi was fiesty, and said nothing was going on, I will not talk to you. I don't know these men. I'm just shopping. I did nothing wrong.

The guards would not let her leave until she signed a form and handed over her KTP. Dewi was unclear on the document; she did not know if she was banned from the mall.

As she left the little room, she said she saw a very young girl sitting shamefacedly, talking to another officer. This girl had no "back-up" story, as Dewi said it. The young girl was near tears. Why did you bring these men to so many stores. Oh, I come her often, she said. I am always here. They needed a guide.

Then Dewi left the little room and the mall and never went back.

I thought the guards just worked the escalators and the balconies, looking for obvious prostitutes. But they are coordinated and using cameras, too, in an active campaign to push the girls out.

So we're all under surveillance. That's not surprising. But now looking for girls in the mall becomes like meeting an agent behind the Iron Curtain during the cold war. It becomes a body language, few glances, quick walk-and-talk meetings.

It's Tinker Tailor Soldier, uh, P*ssy*hound.

Non Olet
09-25-11, 20:38
Have you seen any big boob girls, Cognac? . How about anyone else? Any recommendations for this boob hound? . Thanks for any replies, mates.

Last April I met a few times a really big boob girl in Bali Hai Bar in the afternoons. One time she gave me a massage with some "knob polishing" at the bar and then invited me upstairs for the serious work. I also encountered her regularly in the evening in My Bar (I forgot her name but if she is walking around you can't miss her!).

I'm looking for a hotel where I can stay which actually has on location action, where I can go down to the lobby, pick someone and take her upstairs. If that is not available, is there a hotel where there are street walkers close by where you can pick one up on your way in?

Maribaya spa on the sixth floor of hotel Melawai 1 was (in May) still in bussiness and steaming. Just take the elevator to the sixth floor and you can't miss it. No non-working girls in the spa, the massage is just a cover-up, short time rooms available but if you stay in the hotel the girls also want to come to your room. Be sure you take Melaway 1, because Melaway 2, across the street is more a family type of hotel.

Another option is to go to Hotel Ambhara, just three minutes walk from Jalan Palatehan. In the six or seven bars in this street you only will find pro's and free lancers only, no mistake possible. At the end of Palatehan you also find (non expensive)street walkers with their ojeck friends. They are waiting for dispatch if you would place an expensive order through the bell boy of your hotel, but they are very willing to join you for a much lower price.

Have fun,


Gonzo Two
09-26-11, 05:38
Dewi is a good girl. A little nakal, sure. She knew a lot about short time hotels and yeah, she slept with me the first time I met her. And the second. But Dewi is not a player for hire.I suppose it depends on your definitions. Umm, are you saying you didn't give her any money? Maybe not full time, hard core hookers the way a girl in Hotel Travel or somewhere like that is. I knew one from Atrium who was a pembantu most of the time. She spoke good Arabic from her time in Saudi, so she liked picking up Arabs for extra money. I wouldn't call that an amateur, though!

Fast Eddie 48
09-26-11, 06:11
[QUOTE=OmBule; 1200461]I met with a 20-year-old friend the other day and we started to talk about Mal Atrium.

Dewi is a good girl. A little nakal, sure. She knew a lot about short time hotels and yeah, she slept with me the first time I met

To Ombule

Mall hunting in Jarkata now day is a hit and miss 10 yr ago Atrium Mall are full of young girl looking to get pick up, I also have good pick up at Sarinah and Plaza indoneaisa maybe is bad for business most of the working girl are now gone but you still have a good chance to meet sales lady in the Mall, I got many cell phone number from them on last 3 trip to Jarkata most of them just want to meet foriegner.

Fast Eddie 48

Non Olet
09-26-11, 21:46
Much obliged N O. What section of town is Bali Hai in, please? .Blok M in South Jakarta. Tell the taxi driver: "Blok M, Jalan Palatehán". In this street you also find the infamous bars: D's Place, Top Gun, and My Bar. Walk in the direction of the bus station, at the end of the street turn left (this is the place of the scooter girls in the evening) and at the end of the street turn left again. Bali Hai is the second house from the corner and has black glass doors and often some girls are sitting outside. BTW, opposite to Bali Hai is Hotel Ambhara at the other side of the (very) busy street. All Jakarta taxi drivers know Palatehan, hardly any know Bali Hai.

For further clarification go to:


Happy hunting.


09-28-11, 00:58
After researching this thread and parsing through all the info people gave, I decided to concentrate on Malioboro on my first trip to Jakarta. Wasn't in the mood for the pick-up scene at Block-M or the hotel bars. My main goal was just to enjoy the company of Indonesian girls so the 350k girls at Malioboro sounded like a great deal.

There's been quite a few posts about Malioboro, but I found some of them confusing. Some people confuse Malio Club with the spa. Most posters on here are Jakarta vets and so they leave out details that might be helpful to a total newbie who doesn't speak the language. Since I've visited the establishment a few times on my trip, I thought I'd spell everything out in great detail for the newbies who might be reading this thread.

1.) How to get there.

The easiest way is just to write down the name and address and give it to your cab driver. Problem is, it seems some drivers don't know where it is, even with the address. I spent a good 25 minutes circling the area in a cab in the pouring rain until I finally spotted it. The building is very easy to miss as there's no large sign and it's basically just one big drive way.

The address is: Jalan Gajah Mada no. 13.

Jalan Gajah Mada is the major street in that area. It's the one the TransJakarta Bus goes down and that section of the street is split down the middle by a small river.

Here's the Google Maps page:


If you look at the map, Malioboro is on the west side of the street just a bit south from Gajah Mada Plaza. You can always just tell your cab to go to Gajah Mada Plaza and walk a bit south from there. The TransJakarta Bus has a stop called Sawah Besar that's at the Gajah Mada Plaza, so if you're comfortable taking the TransJakarta, that's a convenient way to go, as well.

The building itself is just a big box with a driveway on the left. There's a large HSBC sign on the building next to it, so that's a decent landmark if you need one.

2.) Entrance procedure.

Right when you walk down the driveway there's an entrance with some security guards and a metal detector. The first few times they just waved me through, but later at both the Spa and the Club, they made me check my camera at the reception desk. I see people on the phone and texting all the time in there, so I'm guessing they don't care about phones. Don't stress if they ask you to check your camera or something at the front desk. It's all very professional.

When you enter the ground floor, there's a reception area with a lot of employees milling around. Go up to the reception desk and they'll give you a wrist band thing with a number and a key. They'll inform you of the cover charge of 120k (which I believe gets waived if you take a girl) that you're supposed to pay at the end. I'm going to skip the whole sauna and locker part because you don't need to do any of that if you just want to go up and see the girls.

So check in downstairs and get your wrist band and then go up the elevator to the second floor.

Once you get out you see what looks like another reception desk with some well-labeled doors around it. To the left is the "Wine Bar". Straight ahead is the "Theater". To the right is the "Resto & Lounge". I have no idea what the Theater is since I didn't come across it on reports I've read and didn't bother checking it out.

3.) Resto & Lounge. The main room with 800k local girls and higher priced imports.

This is the main room of the spa. People have described it as a big high school cafeteria and the description seems to fit. It's a big boxy room with a bunch of small tables and chairs. On the left side as you enter, you can see all the girls sitting in their groups. They're usually eating, chatting, killing time. The other tables on the right are where the guys sit. Some of the tables might have a little reserved card on them so ask a waiter where you should sit. Also on the right side of the room there is also a strangely out of place go-go platform. You'll see a bunch of waiters running around and the mamasans and papasans are dressed in black.

Once you sit down and sometimes even before you order a drink, the mamasans will start coming over to ask if you want to see their girls. Just tell them you want to wait till later and they won't really bug you much after. A waiter will be by shortly and if you order a drink or food, they'll bring you a receipt to sign. You sign slips for everything inside (food, drinks, girls) and then pay it all when you leave.

At some point, when you're ready, you can ask for a lineup. The various mamasans and papasans all look after different groups of girls. I never actually took a girl from the main room, but the prices I've seen reported are 800k for the local girls and up to almost 2 million for the exotic imports. Once a lineup is requested, the mamasan / papasan will call their girls over. They'll come over and line up in front of the customer for him to get a good look. If the customer doesn't like, they might bring over another group or turn it over to another mamasan / papasan to do lineups for their groups. The mamasans / papasans don't seem that competitive with each other and all seem to be working together to get you the girl you want.

Sometimes some girls will get on the go-go stage and do a little dancing. The dancing's not very good. The good ol' go-go shuffle and checking themselves out in the mirror. Not very inspiring, but they did go topless.

I didn't feel that the 800k local girls in this room were any different from the 350k girls in the other room. The imported non-Asians were kind of meh. One thing I will say is I saw some very endowed Asian girls in this room. Not sure what ethnicity they were. Maybe Chinese? There were definitely some very hot girls in the room as a whole, but I wasn't willing to pay the premium. Others might, though.

4.) Wine Bar. The room with 350k local girls.

This room is even more poorly laid out than the main room. It's a long dark narrow room with couch booths on both ends. In the middle is a stage where they have some lounge-singer type bands sometimes. When you enter the room, you directly face the middle stage. On the left are the booths where the girls are. On the right are the booths where the guys sit. There aren't that many booths for the guys, but this place never seemed very crowded.

The room is darker than the main room and the layout makes checking the girls out without a lineup really difficult. However, with as cozy as the room is, whenever another guy asks for a lineup you can get a good look as they walk by. The number of girls vary by how busy they are. The times I've been there, I would estimate the number ranged between 20 and 40 girls total. I personally felt the selection was very good. There aren't a ton of stunners there, but there were always plenty of girls I thought were very cute. Personal tastes may vary!

All the girls in this room are 350k, but if you're picky they can even bring in a lineup from the other room where the price would be more.

5.) After selection.

Once you select a girl she comes over and sits next to you. I suppose this is where you make chit chat if you can speak Indonesian. Being linguistically impaired, I usually just spent a few minutes to finish my beer or have a cig and then tell the girl when I'm ready to go.

The mamasan will write up a receipt with the price for you to sign.

Once all is ready, the girl will go check to see which room is free. I've been there when all the rooms were full. The mamasan asked if I wanted to upgrade to a VIP room (extra 50k) , but I said I would just wait.

When the room is ready, the girl will grab her stuff and then lead you to the room. The rooms themselves are very clean and new. They're a bit small and cozy, but it felt nicer than many other rooms used for these kind of activities I've encountered in other countries.

What happens in the room itself depends on the girl you pick. Usual course of events is shower then sex. Neither of the girls I picked ever even made an attempt at a massage even though I'm pretty sure the mamasans described them as massage girls in the lineup.

Once you're done, the girl will lead you back out to the second floor where this all started. At this point you can go to the Resto and order food or a drink or whatever. I usually just leave after the deed is done.

6.) Checking out.

To get back to the first floor lobby where you entered, you can take the elevator down or walk down the stairs to the sauna area and turn right. You should see a little doorway out to the reception.

You give them your wrist band and they tally up your bill. They'll ask if you want to pay with cash or charge. And then they'll give you a nice itemized receipt of all the drinks and what not. I think for the 350k girls, the receipt shows 150k for the massage and the 200k for the girl is kept off the main receipt and added in later. Malioboro adds a couple of service fees in, but it's all shown on the receipt.

Just as an example, I went in and had a beer and a 350k girl and the total at checkout was 433k. I believe that breaks down to 350k for the girl. 45k for the beer, and some service fees but the door fee was waived.

Once you pay they give you a little laminated "exit pass" that you hand over to the doorman and he lets you out.

I was really impressed with how professional everything was and blown away by the itemized receipt at the end. Definitely the least shady massage parlor / brothel I've ever been to.

09-30-11, 02:42
Most posters on here are Jakarta vets and so they leave out details that might be helpful to a total newbie who doesn't speak the language. Since I've visited the establishment a few times on my trip, I thought I'd spell everything out in great detail for the newbies who might be reading this thread.Thank you so much for a very informative post. Just what I nedded.


09-30-11, 03:44
There are many simillar places as you mentioned. One of my favourite is called Cheery Spa. You can have massage and Full Service afterward.

Price is very reasonable. Sometime when they have promo, we can even take a dip in their pool with the girls at the same price. Location is next to dunkin donut.

The good thing about this place is, we can choose the gals by ourselves and not based on number. So at least you know the quality of what you're paying.Being in the area and with an hour to kill before my next appointment I decided to check this place out, it's called "Cherry Spa" by the way. A nice enough spot, a previous poster said he was looking for a TC style operation well this is certainly not that, it's a standard massage parlour, not a bar disco and all the ladies look like they left senior high school a few years ago.

I walked in, went directly upstairs, sat at the bar and ordered a beer, then perused the line up. Not a bad selection, quite a few lookers certainly. The mamasan took my order for the beer and explained the prices were Rp150k for the room and Rp350k for full service, nice and clear and upfront, I liked that, she wasn't pushy and suggested I could choose whichever lady I liked. I asked for one to come over, she came, shook hands and sat down again, standard practice I believe which I like as you're not saddled with a girl if you decide she's not for you (as this lady on closer inspection wasn't).

All good so far but this is where it went downhill. I am well used to the phenomenon of bule-fear among ladies working in establishments north of Harmoni, I've written about it before and I can live with it. They have an idea that we have john thomases like tree trunks and want to shove it in every orifice, maybe so but not in my case. So I asked for another lady, she came forward, I said to the mama I liked her but she informed the mama that she wasn't available today, nonsense of course but I let it go. I then chose the girl beside her (big mistake as I imagine they had been chatting about me as I perused the line-up and convinced each other of the horrors of sex with a bule).

Perhaps like a taxi-rank only the first driver can knock back a fare and the next in line has to take what's coming because she expressed no objection and we went to the room.

The massage was fine, if not particularly sensual with no accidental-on-purpose touching to get the client in the mood. After an hour (the time is a decent 1. 5 hours) we were chatting, she told me about her husband and how he wasn't aware of what she does, she even showed me pictures of her and him at home in Bogor at Idul Fitri, he's a handsome cove and she looked fetching in her jilbab. However by this stage I was getting rather anxious to get her kit off and to get down to business, despite the pictures of her happy marital status and her jilbab, heck who am I kidding? Probably because of those photos, yeah, I'm weird, get over it.

This is where it all came apart, she was simply unwilling to do what I had come for. She talked about the size of my organ (perfectly normal), she lied it was her period, as if, and hunched by the side of the bed. I am old enough to know that arguing with a provider is the most pointless activity under the sun as it will give you no satisfaction whatsoever. I simply got up showered, dressed and walked out of the room,"Jangan marah ya" she said as I left her, tipless.

No I didn't bother complaining, it achieves nothing, chalk it up to experience and move on. I had one of my student girls waiting by the hotel so I had better things to do.

If you go there be sure to emphasise that you expect full service and if the girl has any reservations say so right at the start. Alternatively go to the newly refurbished Oasis or Olympic spas where you'll find the same services without the hassle.

Master Diver II
09-30-11, 07:53
Yeah, real funny the cups, actually that did make me laugh.

I meant a knob slob in some corner of the club without getting a room, why would I be looking for a Polish girl in jakarta?

In anycase I really appreciate the info and help. Since were on the topic, can you please provide me this info that would be a great help to me and other like minded newbies, instead of asking for different spots, I want to know if this type of situation exists in Jakarta and if so where I can find it:

I'm looking for a hotel where I can stay which actually has on location action, where I can go down to the lobby, pick someone and take her upstairs. I heard there were hotels where they bring a line up of girls to your room and you can choose, or someone brings you pictures and you choose and the girl will be up shortly. Or call the reception and ask them to send up a working girl. I'm not speaking about hotel clubs or bars where you have to mingle or distinguish between normal and working girls. I'm speaking about a real deal type place which has working girls in the hotel that you can pick up or call up. The type of hotel where just the fact that you took a room alone would mean that a girl would be knocking on the door soon after.

If that is not available, is there a hotel where there are street walkers close by where you can pick one up on your way in?Norweez,

There are a few hotels in Jakarta which cater for your needs. Although whether they are spas / brothels with a hotel or hotel with a spa / brothel attached could be a matter for argument. Take note that in almost any hotel, the bellboys / concierge could easily accommodate your needs, albeit at a higher than normal cost. Hotels Travel, Malioboro, Alexis, Classic, FM1 Boutique could all cater to your needs. Sparks Hotel has streetwalkers in close proximity. I have to state for the record, that this is all by word of mouth and not my own experience really so I couldn't tell you which is better. Good luck and have fun.


John Marigold99
09-30-11, 10:47
I didn't think Alexis Hotel was really a hotel where you can stay. Has that changed? I would consider staying there. That would be like getting stuck inside a box of chocolate; I'm not sure I would ever venture outside for my entire stay.


There are a few hotels in Jakarta which cater for your needs. Although whether they are spas / brothels with a hotel or hotel with a spa / brothel attached could be a matter for argument. Take note that in almost any hotel, the bellboys / concierge could easily accommodate your needs, albeit at a higher than normal cost. Hotels Travel, Malioboro, Alexis, Classic, FM1 Boutique could all cater to your needs. Sparks Hotel has streetwalkers in close proximity. I have to state for the record, that this is all by word of mouth and not my own experience really so I couldn't tell you which is better. Good luck and have fun.


Tiny 12
10-01-11, 02:30
John, I don't know about Alexis, but believe Malioboro actually does have rooms available for accommodation, just like a conventional hotel. I remember seeing that on their website.

10-01-11, 14:10
Hi All,

Yeah, I know it is short notice but would like to meet up fellow mongerers if keen for all the 3 nights (and the days as well) and seriously have some fun. Please advise if anyone keen. The more the merrier!



10-02-11, 05:14
Hotel Classic *

Spa & club. Local 700k, Foreign 1. 2Mil

Upstair. 1 girl 270k. 2 girls 400k.

Kingcross *

Local. 700k-1. 2mil.

Foreign. 1.2mil.

Hotel Alexis *

Local. 1.2mil.

Foreign. 2mil

Gonzo Two
10-03-11, 00:54
All good so far but this is where it went downhill. I am well used to the phenomenon of bule-fear among ladies working in establishments north of Harmoni, I've written about it before and I can live with it. They have an idea that we have john thomases like tree trunks and want to shove it in every orifice, maybe so but not in my case. So I asked for another lady, she came forward, I said to the mama I liked her but she informed the mama that she wasn't available today, nonsense of course but I let it go. I then chose the girl beside her (big mistake as I imagine they had been chatting about me as I perused the line-up and convinced each other of the horrors of sex with a bule).

Perhaps like a taxi-rank only the first driver can knock back a fare and the next in line has to take what's coming because she expressed no objection and we went to the room.Dorman, I had a very similar experience in, what's the name of the place, V or Virgin or whatever, just off Taman Fatahillah. This is why I don't really like line-ups. The dynamics at Berlian are a bit different from the bar you mention, because it's enough on the beaten Bule path that the girls have come to realize that foreigners are no worse customers than locals, and may even be slightly more likely to tip well. Even so, you can sit and chat for a bit. You'll often find one girl looks shifty and sullen, but she points to her friend, who has a big, welcoming grin: she's the one who has a particular talent for dealing with the foreign clients and she's much more likely to offer good service. With lineups, particularly in provincial towns, I've tried asking Mamas to pick out a girl who is okay with foreigners, but mixed success: sometimes they help you out, but more often than not they just palm you off with some slow-moving goods or otherwise follow their own interests, not yours. I really do prefer bar-type brothels, where you can chat first.

Member #4410
10-03-11, 20:17
Good to know, NO. Thanks. Just curious, what is an Olet?Just Google "Pecunia Non Olet".

(Sorry NO, I couldn't resist that).



Non Olet
10-03-11, 20:41
Just Google "Pecunia Non Olet".

(Sorry NO, I couldn't resist that).


KoYou are most welcome, geen probleem,

All the best and good hunting Ko,


Gonzo Two
10-04-11, 08:00
Just Google "Pecunia Non Olet".Haha. Is that where the word "pecun" comes from?

10-04-11, 14:02
I will be in Jakarta staying at the Mandarin Orient for two weeks in the near future and am looking on advice for places to go or services to us and bring girls in, websites would be great.


Primo Bolan
10-04-11, 17:14
I will be in Jakarta staying at the Mandarin Orient for two weeks in the near future and am looking on advice for places to go or services to us and bring girls in, websites would be great.

ThanksContact JAD, he is a member here.


Non Olet
10-04-11, 20:52
Haha. Is that where the word "pecun" comes from?If you mean the Italian "pecun", well, Italian and Latin are closely related!


10-05-11, 01:01
Contact JAD, he is a member here.

PBThanks Primo,

I'm a bit new to this forum so please forgive my ignorance, how to I contact JAD?

Gonzo Two
10-05-11, 02:20
If you mean the Italian "pecun", well, Italian and Latin are closely related!"Pecun" is also pretty standard Jakarta slang for hooker or *****. I didn't know it came from Italian, I thought you were making a really clever pun!

Primo Bolan
10-05-11, 08:01
Thanks Primo,

I'm a bit new to this forum so please forgive my ignorance, how to I contact JAD?Jakarta After Dark 2 is his name here. Or google jakarta after dark and you will probably find him.


10-05-11, 09:33
Jakarta After Dark 2 is his name here. Or google jakarta after dark and you will probably find him.

PBThanks I had seen his page before but did not know if it was reliable.

Member #4410
10-05-11, 22:20
If you mean the Italian "pecun", well, Italian and Latin are closely related!

NOTrue, but when the phrase was first coined (pardon my pun) not even Batavia existed, let alone Jakarta.



Member #4410
10-05-11, 22:25
If you mean the Italian "pecun", well, Italian and Latin are closely related!

NOI have logged in four times now, but every time I post a message, the site insists that I log in again. Let's see what happens now.



Non Olet
10-05-11, 22:33
"Pecun" is also pretty standard Jakarta slang for hooker or *****. I didn't know it came from Italian, I thought you were making a really clever pun!The Italian "pecun" means money, so there is a certain connection. Both Italian pecun and Jakarta pecun are most welcome to me.

Have fun,


10-06-11, 01:20
The Italian "pecun" means money, so there is a certain connection. Both Italian pecun and Jakarta pecun are most welcome to me.

Have fun,

NOI've never heard them called pecun before as I thought pecun was "Loser" short for pecundang. Slang words for prostitutes that I know are Lonte, Pelacur, cewek tunasusila, sundal, cabo, wts. Need to ask Menteng or JAD.

10-06-11, 01:32
I've never heard them called pecun before as I thought pecun was "Loser" short for pecundang. Slang words for prostitutes that I know are Lonte, Pelacur, cewek tunasusila, sundal, cabo, wts. Need to ask Menteng or JAD.Pelacur and tunasusila are the right bahasa whereas the others are the slang words.

10-06-11, 02:41
I have logged in four times now, but every time I post a message, the site insists that I log in again. Let's see what happens now.


KoI've noticed a time-out function, about 10 minutes of inactivity. I go make a sandwich, come back to the computer, everything appears normal. I try to post something and it makes me log back in. Jackson, please turn this off. Or increase it to 30 minutes. I sometimes have 5-7 threads open in different windows at once. By the time I've read through them all, I've timed-out.

10-06-11, 11:29
I've never heard them called pecun before as I thought pecun was "Loser" short for pecundang. Slang words for prostitutes that I know are Lonte, Pelacur, cewek tunasusila, sundal, cabo, wts. Need to ask Menteng or JAD.Pecun ("c" like "ch" in choose) is one of the many."Ayam" and "jablay" are the first others that come to my mind. Then there are "bisyar" and "bispak". Although a "bispak" (=bisa dipake) is not necessarily one who wants money in return for her services. A night out, a gift usually will do.

Hostes (hostess) is also used and bokep, though bokep originally meant stagmovie.

Maybe my good brother JAD can add other words?

10-06-11, 11:31
I've noticed a time-out function, about 10 minutes of inactivity. I go make a sandwich, come back to the computer, everything appears normal. I try to post something and it makes me log back in. Jackson, please turn this off. Or increase it to 30 minutes. I sometimes have 5-7 threads open in different windows at once. By the time I've read through them all, I've timed-out.I'm not a fast writer, so after typing a small posting, I have to login again.

10-07-11, 02:32
Pecun ("see" like "ch" in choose) is one of the many."Ayam" and "jablay" are the first others that come to my mind. Then there are "bisyar" and "bispak". Although a "bispak" (=bisa dipake) is not necessarily one who wants money in return for her services. A night out, a gift usually will do.

Hostes (hostess) is also used and bokep, though bokep originally meant stagmovie.

Maybe my good brother JAD can add other words?Pak Menteng, jablay = (Jarang Dibelai) Bispak = (Bisa Dipakai) but what is Bisyar short for? (Bisa?)

10-07-11, 05:12
Pak Menteng, jablay = (Jarang Dibelai) Bispak = (Bisa Dipakai) but what is Bisyar short for? (Bisa?)Bisyar = Bisa Bayar aka freelancer.

Double Shooter
10-07-11, 19:27
The Shooter has returned to Jakarta after several years. So far he has restricted himself to South Jakarta. To date there have been 2 clear winners in terms of venue:

1. BATS.

2. Top Gun.

BATS had the best chicks in a classy venue. Well dressed, good English. Fun atmosphere. Cost was 8-900, 000, about $100. That's for prime pussy and the locals claim it's expensive! He picked up one-Arabesque mega-titty with amazing vaginal control. Another pull was an SYT FL looking for college money. Cracking stuff and excellent price-performance if you are not a Jakarta expert.

Top Gun has a fantastic band and a good vibe, albeit distinctly downmarket compared to BATS. The Shooter plucked and fucked some good performers at an incredibly reasonable price.

Also tried:

CJ's at Mulia Hotel. Nice set-up with "communal tables" that facilitate social intercourse. Much more hard core than BATS. An old fattie tagged onto the Shooter and was devilishly difficult to shake off. He eventually pulled a real cutie, later to improve her looks with some old-fashioned face-splodging.

Red Square. The Shooter had high hopes but it was a quiet night. He was hassled by a cross-dresser and her (its) emotional boyfriend, so he beat a hasty exit.

All Blok M joints except Top Gun were REALLY quiet, several with no customers at all. Sad. D's place was quiet but looked like it had potential: some MILF's with character. The Shooter made a note for another visit.

Mo Bar in Mandarin Oriental. Accidentally went there on Tuesday night, which is apparently the most lively night. Some nice eye candy. Lots of girls eyeing the guys and vice versa, but not many "new friends" being made. The Shooter received some subtle invitations, classic boy-meets-girl body language stuff, but opted to play it cool.

Mistere in Ritz Carlton (the Shooter's residence in Jakarta). Up-market and a very good set-up, with 2 separate bars. Mostly western customers (male and female). Only a few WG's, older and stylishly dressed.

Blue Martini in Marriott. Very quiet indeed. The Shooter got talking to a MILF. Not particularly good-looking but with decent suspension and a spark about her. The Shooter took a chance and was well-rewarded with a superlative bedroom performance. She did however request "executive compensation" in the morning.

Loewy Bar at Oakwood. A poser's paradise. At one table all the diners had an Ipad. They did not converse; they just ate gluttonously and plucked at their Ipads. Fat pluckers! The Shooter was not impressed although to be fair there was some quality eye candy.

Delta Spa. A capital way to spend an afternoon. Swimming, sauna, plunge pool, refreshments, massage and HJ. If any criticism can be levied, it is that the HJ is about as asexual as you can get. But the massage is excellent.

Floor 5+1 at Hotel Melawai. Very much a WYSIWYG joint. The girls are not exactly stunners but are curvy in the right places and very welcoming. The Shooter tarried for a while in the bar because he could not decide on the girl. In the end he chose two. The room was crap so he changed it to a slightly better one. Pretty good performance from the girls, including 2-tongues-on-one-dick, which the Shooter had not experienced before. After the session he needed a drink to calm the nerves, during which there was a change of shift with some better looking girls. One in particular had a spectacular body and urged the Shooter for a second session. The spirit was willing but the flesh was weak, so he politely demurred.

As a final note, Jakarta is an excellent location for those who prefer a curvaceous figure, an urge that can be difficult to satisfy in Asia. Each girl the Shooter pulled had more than a sufficiency in the titty department, and twixt cup and lip there was many a slobber. The Shooter has one more week of debauchery and is looking forward to it.

10-08-11, 13:37
I've never heard them called pecun before as I thought pecun was "Loser" short for pecundang. Slang words for prostitutes that I know are Lonte, Pelacur, cewek tunasusila, sundal, cabo, wts. Need to ask Menteng or JAD.Ok, another one: perek (both "e's" like "e" in "bed")

10-08-11, 14:28
Ok, another one: perek (both "e's" like "e" in "bed")Perempuan eksperimental, but aren't a few of these slang terms just for naughty girls who like to play and screw around but aren't actually prostitutes?

Member #4410
10-09-11, 00:56
The Shooter has returned to Jakarta after several years. So far he has restricted himself to South Jakarta.


Floor 5+1 at Hotel Melawai. Very much a WYSIWYG joint. The girls are not exactly stunners but are curvy in the right places and very welcoming. The Shooter tarried for a while in the bar because he could not decide on the girl. In the end he chose two. The room was crap so he changed it to a slightly better one. Pretty good performance from the girls, including 2-tongues-on-one-dick, which the Shooter had not experienced before. After the session he needed a drink to calm the nerves, during which there was a change of shift with some better looking girls. One in particular had a spectacular body and urged the Shooter for a second session. The spirit was willing but the flesh was weak, so he politely demurred.


Some names would have been nice (and helpful). Also a little contribution to the photo gallery is always greatly appreciated by all.



Ken Shamrod
10-09-11, 08:44
How big do the girls tits get their? Can you find DDD girls. Looking for some girls that look like this.

Tokyotopless. Com.

Were any of the girls that size? I see a few of these types in Maccau or Japan but not too much in other countries. Thanks!

The Shooter has returned to Jakarta after several years. So far he has restricted himself to South Jakarta. To date there have been 2 clear winners in terms of venue:

1. BATS.

2. Top Gun.

BATS had the best chicks in a classy venue. Well dressed, good English. Fun atmosphere. Cost was 8-900, 000, about $100. That's for prime pussy and the locals claim it's expensive! He picked up one-Arabesque mega-titty with amazing vaginal control. Another pull was an SYT FL looking for college money. Cracking stuff and excellent price-performance if you are not a Jakarta expert.

Top Gun has a fantastic band and a good vibe, albeit distinctly downmarket compared to BATS. The Shooter plucked and fucked some good performers at an incredibly reasonable price.

Also tried:

CJ's at Mulia Hotel. Nice set-up with "communal tables" that facilitate social intercourse. Much more hard core than BATS. An old fattie tagged onto the Shooter and was devilishly difficult to shake off. He eventually pulled a real cutie, later to improve her looks with some old-fashioned face-splodging.

Red Square. The Shooter had high hopes but it was a quiet night. He was hassled by a cross-dresser and her (its) emotional boyfriend, so he beat a hasty exit.

All Blok M joints except Top Gun were REALLY quiet, several with no customers at all. Sad. D's place was quiet but looked like it had potential: some MILF's with character. The Shooter made a note for another visit.

Mo Bar in Mandarin Oriental. Accidentally went there on Tuesday night, which is apparently the most lively night. Some nice eye candy. Lots of girls eyeing the guys and vice versa, but not many "new friends" being made. The Shooter received some subtle invitations, classic boy-meets-girl body language stuff, but opted to play it cool.

Mistere in Ritz Carlton (the Shooter's residence in Jakarta). Up-market and a very good set-up, with 2 separate bars. Mostly western customers (male and female). Only a few WG's, older and stylishly dressed.

Blue Martini in Marriott. Very quiet indeed. The Shooter got talking to a MILF. Not particularly good-looking but with decent suspension and a spark about her. The Shooter took a chance and was well-rewarded with a superlative bedroom performance. She did however request "executive compensation" in the morning.

Loewy Bar at Oakwood. A poser's paradise. At one table all the diners had an Ipad. They did not converse; they just ate gluttonously and plucked at their Ipads. Fat pluckers! The Shooter was not impressed although to be fair there was some quality eye candy.

Delta Spa. A capital way to spend an afternoon. Swimming, sauna, plunge pool, refreshments, massage and HJ. If any criticism can be levied, it is that the HJ is about as asexual as you can get. But the massage is excellent.

Floor 5+1 at Hotel Melawai. Very much a WYSIWYG joint. The girls are not exactly stunners but are curvy in the right places and very welcoming. The Shooter tarried for a while in the bar because he could not decide on the girl. In the end he chose two. The room was crap so he changed it to a slightly better one. Pretty good performance from the girls, including 2-tongues-on-one-dick, which the Shooter had not experienced before. After the session he needed a drink to calm the nerves, during which there was a change of shift with some better looking girls. One in particular had a spectacular body and urged the Shooter for a second session. The spirit was willing but the flesh was weak, so he politely demurred.

As a final note, Jakarta is an excellent location for those who prefer a curvaceous figure, an urge that can be difficult to satisfy in Asia. Each girl the Shooter pulled had more than a sufficiency in the titty department, and twixt cup and lip there was many a slobber. The Shooter has one more week of debauchery and is looking forward to it.

Vahaza Be
10-09-11, 20:09

Nice report.

I love Delta Spa too. If the girl likes you and you are generous / rich / lucky / handsome (take your pick) , a VERY sensual HJ can be had. Last time she kissed me with gusto, pinched my nips and she allowed access to her perfect breasts, as she stroked me off with excellent technique, her nubile body smashed up against mine. I always try to get a BJ, but have never succeeded at Delta (at 2 different locations). Incredible massage and good spa facilities are a + (but no ++;) )

10-09-11, 21:31
The Shooter has returned to Jakarta after several years. So far he has restricted himself to South Jakarta. To date there have been 2 clear winners in terms of venue:

1. BATS.

2. Top Gun.


As a final note, Jakarta is an excellent location for those who prefer a curvaceous figure, an urge that can be difficult to satisfy in Asia. Each girl the Shooter pulled had more than a sufficiency in the titty department, and twixt cup and lip there was many a slobber. The Shooter has one more week of debauchery and is looking forward to it.Informative and with style. A joy to read. (Even the FAC could not spoil it.) No pics required. Enjoyed His Dubai report too.

10-09-11, 21:35
Perempuan eksperimental, but aren't a few of these slang terms just for naughty girls who like to play and screw around but aren't actually prostitutes?Aren't they all (wink!)?

Master Diver II
10-13-11, 08:47
Aren't they all (wink!)?Only with you bro.;) Meanwhile I have to read this forum in frustration waiting for clients to make up their minds on dates... :(


Offshore Swell
10-15-11, 14:07
Good evening gentlemen.

Will be in Jkta end of month and the logic of taking JAD's tour is quite strong.

What I was wondering is will he tailor the tour to suit tastes, IE different parts of town or lowmarket / upmarket or is it a standard loop?

JAD, Hi if you read this. Hopefully will talk soon.



Travel Bandit
10-16-11, 07:12
Based on great reviews, decided to inaugurate Jakarta visit with a trip to Top Gun. Off to a bad start, power failure had taken out the whole street. Sometime after 11pm things heated up when the power came on. Interesting to see that all of the top honey's accumulate on the dance floor and WGs get progressively older towards the shadows, eventually turning into LBs.

That was my cue to head straight towards the dance floor. Great talent on Sat, with many 8-9 in the looks department. Caught Mia as one of the few girls out there partying with her friends, rather than on a specific man hunt. She has a killer smile and really knows how to grind on the dance floor. You can really get a good feel for how great the bed action will be when you dance with them. I knew tonight was going to be very good indeed.

Cutting to the chase, back to hotel great session with DATY, BBBJ, FS, DFK and few rules. She is a "good girl" that works as a waitress and does this for some extra cash. Round 2 in the morning did not disappoint either with her riding me to the completion.

Looks: 9/10.

Height: 5'2"

Breasts: B.

Size: 6.

Service: 10/10.

Age: 24.

Repeat? : Definitely, have her contacts for next trip.

Damage: $600 incl tip.

Before any beating me up overpaying, tipped so well to secure her as a regular. Finally managed to snap off a pic. She is much better looking in her sexy little black dress & makeup, so it does not do justice.

Thanks to all of the guys on the forum for sending to the right places! BATS tonight for round 2.

Park I
10-17-11, 00:43
Damage: $600 incl tip.

Before any beating me up overpaying, tipped so well to secure her as a regular.Please tell me this is a typo!

Us$ 600? Thats about what 5-6 million rupiah (inc tip! LOL)

Surely you meant 600, 000 rupiah.

Really? $600.

Hell I'm all for being generous at times, but $600 for a girl in indonesia "who is really a waitress but just does for extra money"

Not any mate. Expect her to retire immediate.

You just gave her 6 months salary for one night. Nice of you I'm sure but I hope it was a typo!

Master Diver II
10-17-11, 03:03
Knight1001: Is everything on schedule?

Menteng: How are things coming along at Medellin mate? And when are you going to visit Jakarta again?

KangK: Bispak = Bisa Dipakai means fuckable. Bisyar = Bisa Dibayar means available in exchange of money?

MD: I have been expecting for your call mate.


The frustration of having clients who can't make up their minds. My stress level has compelled me to make my own arrangements. Most likely tomorrow evening until Friday. Trying to sort out schedule for a couple of meetings, a few women and some down time. Hope you don't get too busy.

Service: 10/10.
Age: 24.
Repeat? : Definitely, have her contacts for next trip.
Damage: $600 incl tip.
Before any beating me up overpaying, tipped so well to secure her as a regular. Finally managed to snap off a pic. She is much better looking in her sexy little black dress & makeup, so it does not do justice.

USD600??? You can tip her a lot less and still secure her as a regular. Ask most of the guys here who have a regular. That is a shocking amount to pay for anyone in TG!


10-17-11, 05:55
Damage: $600 incl tip.

Before any beating me up overpaying, tipped so well to secure her as a regular. Finally managed to snap off a pic. She is much better looking in her sexy little black dress & makeup, so it does not do justice.

Thanks to all of the guys on the forum for sending to the right places! BATS tonight for round 2.She's cute. Is that 600 dollars, or 600k IDR? You can get the girls to spend the night like that for about $80-100USD (600-800idr). Assuming she didn't dislike you in the morning, you have then secured her as a regular forever.

10-17-11, 09:43
I don't find that very shocking. I'm sure our brother from Singapore didn't raise his eyebrows, when reading the amount. Maybe she was one of the girls of Hartono or Fisherman, moonlighting in TG. If she's not, then she has won the first prize in the "How to trick a dummy" contest. :wink:

10-17-11, 10:02
If she's not, then she has won the first prize in the "How to trick a dummy" contest. :wink:And the price money for winning the contest is how much? Exactly. 600 dollar. Everything alright then.

Master Diver II
10-18-11, 01:48
I don't find that very shocking. I'm sure our brother from Singapore didn't raise his eyebrows, when reading the amount. Maybe she was one of the girls of Hartono or Fisherman, moonlighting in TG. If she's not, then she has won the first prize in the "How to trick a dummy" contest. :wink:Bro,

I'm certain the amount of money wouldn't make our friend from Singapore raise his eyebrows :D but any girl moonlighting in TG knows the quantum to be expected. If she wanted to moonlight for sillier numbers, she'd be in CJs. So she definitely won the first prize in the contest. :p What amazes me is that the member in question had done some homework about where he wanted to go, but completely neglected to follow advice on how much he should be paying. Have you scheduled when you will make your reappearance again bro? I was supposed to be going tonight but a couple of meetings cropped up and I have had to reschedule - again. :(


10-18-11, 03:00
Aloha Mongers,

This is a little long but I bet many of you can relate to some of this first field report of mine.

I finally made it here in Jakarta. To put it mildly, this place rocks! It can be overwhelming with all the traffic, humidity and generalize chaos that actually is organized. I got in Sunday night and had already set up a tour with this forums wise elder JAD. I didn't want to do Sunday so that I would have a day to rest and enjoy the evening tour the following night. But that didn't stop me from doing some exploring.

From the time I knew I was going to be coming through here although only for a short stop over, I started researching and found this site. I'm usually on the USA side. After reading for hours and doing countless searchs, I had about five pages of notes. But there is so much information, its as if you are cramming for a final exam the night before. Where as the older more eperienced guys on this board have been doing this for a while and its already a second nature of where and when to go and do things while in town. Until some one like me actually experiences that, we can't fanthom what it really is like here. I know the standard response to newbies is ROTFF, but even with the hours spent reading posts and threads, its just hard to store all the great info on this board. First thing I want to do is thank all of you that have spent the time to write your reports and give your feedback and experiences. Back to my first field report.

After checking into the Le Meridian hotel which I got as a recommendation off this board, I changed showered and headed down to Tiger Pulah. Why not? It's right down stairs. Wrong. Sunday idiot, they were closed. Plan B. I chose LM because it seemed centralized for some of the spots I wanted to check out. BATS was close so I took a Bluebird Taxi which I learned about from here and arrived at the Shangri La. Did I mention I was floored by the amount of security here at the hotels. Felt very assuring.

Bats was open and arriving at 11:45 pm, there was good sized crowd. Firsth thing I noticed was the amount of Bule there. I'm an Asian guy and most of the mongers were Bule or Tourists from Asia. There were quite a few girls in there and it was easy to pick out the working girls because as soon as I got a drink and settled down they would come on up to say Hi. Man I wished I could speak the lingo. I didn't see too many that I liked and the few I did see were already hanging out with someone. I guess you have to get in early and snap up the one you like fast. I was still jet lagged from my 10 hour flight to Seuol and 7 hour flight to Jakarta so I picked a nice slim young girl named Eney. She spoke little if any english.

But numbers are international. She asked for 1 million and I offered 650 for LT. It was late already for me. She wanted 850. 00 and we finally settled on 700 and I pay for taxi when she leaves.

We left and arrived at my room and showered. She had a great body and was pretty nice. We did the usual positions and I ended in Doggy. I popped pretty fast. After a short rest I was ready to go again and she complained about her "pussy too sore". Huh? Its not like I'm John Holmes in size so WTF. So I said well lets end this and she said she wanted 800 for the LT. I told her she wasn't even in the room more than an hour and a half, so I ended up giving her 400. 350, 000 for the one pop and 50 for taxi. She asked for more but didn't argue when I said she wasn't here LT. Its a learning experience which I would learn about later from JAD. I need to negociate better.

The next evening, I met up with JAD. It was great to finally meet him. Super nice guy, humble and treats you as if you are an old friend. We grabbed a bite to eat in the hotel restaurant and over dinner we learned about each other and more importantly what I wanted and what he could do for me for my first real mongering experience in Jakarta. I wanted to experience the Travel hotel? Classic hotel scene, yet also see what the bars were like and what other places that would be of interest. I also wanted to have a LT for that night after we checked out the town.

I want to take the time to tell anyone who is thinking about spending time in Jakarta to seriously ask someone like JAD to get you started. Its like hunting. Why go to a strange place to look for trophies when you can have an experienced guide from the area who loves the same thing you do and knows all the hot places! Just about every stop we went to, the locals knew him and would stop and chat. We even went to places that I would have never known existed even with ROTFF.

First JAD told me what each place was like, what the prices were and how to pick the girls. Having a guide like JAD is Priceless.

First stop was Classic hotel. We went up and it was packed! Never in my life have I seen so many girls in one spot. It was an endless parade of pretty girls. The problem was there were too many to choose from. You know how it is when you have too many to choose. It makes you numb. JAD said it was early so we left and went to another place. This was an off the track side street with no floor, just a room like someones Garage. It had at least a dozen young girls to choose from. There were two in particular that I liked and this would be where I would get my LT later. That left us with time to check out more places and come back. The girls here would have been 350kfor ST and 500k for LT.

The next stop was by Delta spa. It was called King Cross. Man that place was rocking too. It was mostly local guys and a few Asian tourists like me. The parade of girls were endless and there were two tiers of girls. Some had badges that meant they were 350k and the others had badges meaning they were a little more. Me. I couldn't tell the difference between the quality. But this is coming from a guy with sensory over load that night. The great thing is the prices for two or three or more girls at one ST only went up a little. I opted for a cute lithe girl and she picked out her friend to go with us for the threesome.

I left JAD hanging out with the Mamasans and the three of us got a very nice clean room with a shower and bed. You could see it was meant for one thing. Bed, shower and mirrows.

We took a shower together and then it was off to the races. Man two girls at once is a killer. One on the shaft and the other on the balls. Almost went right there. The only down side is the constant changing of the condoms. Would have been great to just use one, but such is life. I can't remember thier names but the skinny one I first picked was my favorite. Tight and small cute butt. Not big on top maybe A's. Her friend was see's but a little plumper, not fat, but not toned like the skinnny one. They were both 7's in looks and 7's in body, but 8 for attitude and fun. If they both could speak any english it would have been 9's. We showered after finishing and it was back to the showroom.

Since is was getting late we headed for Block M. It was drive there in traffic but fun since like a tour, JAD would point out all the places I have read about. Sumo spa, V2, Illegals and all the other spots which only made me want to come back again soon to check them out too!

We got to Top Gun and before you even got there, there were women all over the street and the music was booming. We went to a few of the other bars across the street but clearly TG was the happening place. Outside one of the cuties came up to JAD and they looked like old friends. We all went in and WOW. The place was packed. The music was live and good. After checking out so many girls previous, I was getting picky. I wanted to see if there were any stunners. I saw one or two, but like anything else, the grass always looks greener on the other side. We hung out listening to the great band and I realized that girl in the band was actually one of the best looking in the room? One obviously knockere up Bule was putting a stool in front of him and waiving for her to sit there. Of course she just made like she didn't even notice. We spent so much time cruising in there that JAD told me that the Side street place was closing up and it was too late to get back there for one of the girls. That's cool. JAD's friend was nice, young, and she was available and he said she had some great reviews for his other friends. So we headed back to the hotel which was actually really close. JAD planned it so we came full cirlce back. He left before the hotel to get a taxi home and we continued to the Le Meridian. But not before him reminding me to pay only 550 K and tip for the LT. We confirmed a lunch date the next day to recap and he was on his way.

Back a the LM, we showered and since I'm not a young geezer we didn't do to much and I just finished in Doggy. I wanted to rest and wake up to a young cutie in the morning and spend quality time. JAD's friend is named Keysha. She's young about early twenties, nice body about a 7. And very warm. It was total GFE. I got up early because of the time difference and she could sense my morning hard on. She started to play with it and then it was off to the races! We did DATY, DFK, Doggie, Mish, Cow girl, Reverse cowgirl and finished in my favorite doggy. Its still early and she's sleeping again as I'm typing this.

Man, what an adventure! Like a guy who gets his cherry popped the first time, I will always remember these events and forever be thankful to JAD for helping me out to have one of the best times of my life. What could be better? Another tour with JAD!

Alohas OM

10-18-11, 03:02
I'm sure he meant IDR600,000.

She is much better looking in her sexy little black dress & makeup, so it does not do justice.Isn't that always the way? The little hottie in the slinky dress bumping and grinding on the dance floor looks so damn amazing when you've had a few drinks. Next morning, in the cool light of day and without the make-up she just looks like what she is, a fairly unremarkable looking young woman.

I recall a night in Singapore in Orchard Towers where I met an amazing, curvy looking Indonesian girl in a skin tight low coat black dress which revealed an interestingly proportioned cleavage, long black hair sweeping over her shoulders. She was selling shots as I recall and wasn't available that night but gave me her Jakarta number so we could meet up when she returned. I looked forward to seeing her very much and yet did not recognise her the afternoon we met up in Starbucks. She had just been able to pop out for an hour or two as her mother had come round to look after her kids and here she was. A nice, pleasant, woman in her late twenties, mother of two, wearing jeans and a polo shirt, her hair tied back and no make up.

We had a pleasant chat and left it at that.

Gonzo Two
10-18-11, 03:44
Isn't that always the way? The little hottie in the slinky dress bumping and grinding on the dance floor looks so damn amazing when you've had a few drinks. Next morning, in the cool light of day and without the make-up she just looks like what she is, a fairly unremarkable looking young woman.I think if you stopped a crowded city bus and picked out all the women on it over the age of sixteen and under 43, you'd probably have a pretty good matching set for the women in Top Gun.

10-18-11, 07:01
Isn't that always the way? The little hottie in the slinky dress bumping and grinding on the dance floor looks so damn amazing when you've had a few drinks. Next morning, in the cool light of day and without the make-up she just looks like what she is, a fairly unremarkable looking young woman.Strange how that works.

When I look back at all the pictures I took of girls I thought were extremely hot at the time, it's disappointing. LOL!

10-18-11, 09:01
I don't find that very shocking. I'm sure our brother from Singapore didn't raise his eyebrows, when reading the amount. Maybe she was one of the girls of Hartono or Fisherman, moonlighting in TG. If she's not, then she has won the first prize in the "How to trick a dummy" contest. :wink:Wow that's no hartono girl.

What I remember that those look like models. For that money. You can bonk a semi pro model.

KL Guy
10-19-11, 13:00
Just FYI on my last trip to Jakarta I was offered a true Magazine Model through a Mamasan for a price of 2 Million for ST with the option to convert to LT upon direct nego.

Wow that's no hartono girl.

What I remember that those look like models. For that money. You can bonk a semi pro model.

10-19-11, 13:37
Repeat? : Definitely, have her contacts for next trip.Damage: $600 incl tip.Before any beating me up overpaying, tipped so well to secure her as a regular. Finally managed to snap off a pic. She is much better looking in her sexy little black dress & makeup, so it does not do justice.Really? Really? I don't know if I should feel sorry for you or laugh out loud. You really thought this tart was worth $600 for an evening of bliss? Mate don't take this the wrong way but you need to get a new pair of glasses.

A fool and his money are soon parted?

KL Guy
10-19-11, 13:58
Bisa di bayar perhaps Translation; Can be paid.

Pak Menteng, jablay = (Jarang Dibelai) Bispak = (Bisa Dipakai) but what is Bisyar short for? (Bisa?)

10-22-11, 16:15
Hi guys. My friends and I, have been visiting Thailand all these while, and since this time its flooding there, we decided to move to jakarta. Anyone here can share with us some guide on where to stay, what to do, which place to go pickup LT, what time can pickup and how much it'll cost for it?

Thanks in advance.

10-23-11, 02:13
Hi guys. My friends and I, have been visiting Thailand all these while, and since this time its flooding there, we decided to move to jakarta. Anyone here can share with us some guide on where to stay, what to do, which place to go pickup LT, what time can pickup and how much it'll cost for it?

Thanks in advance.I tried to PM you, but can't. Spend the $20 and get a real account.

10-24-11, 05:42
I went to Tiga Puluh this weekend in Le Meridien hotel. They do not charge a cover anymore to get in. The reason for that is they do not have international bands anymore, but have local bands. Normally, I would think that was a good thing. I would much prefer to have some cute indo girls up there singing than some white tart from the states. But the band they had on Saturday night was lame. The bands in Top Gun are far superior. Tiga Puluh has been pretty dead for years now, but this move just killed it for me. Tiga Puluh used to be on a par with Bats and CJs. Now it's dropped down to being on a par with places like Pit Stop at the Sari Pan Pacific hotel. After all these years, I think it's finally time to cross Tiga Puluh off the list of places to go in Jakarta. Bad music and ugly women is not what I'm looking for in a night spot. I most likely won't be going back. It's a shame.

10-24-11, 10:05
I tried to PM you, but can't. Spend the $20 and get a real account.Hi. How do I do that? I thought just click on PM only and it will work just like other forums?

10-27-11, 02:42
I went to Tiga Puluh this weekend in Le Meridien hotel. They do not charge a cover anymore to get in. The reason for that is they do not have international bands anymore, but have local bands. Normally, I would think that was a good thing. I would much prefer to have some cute indo girls up there singing than some white tart from the states. But the band they had on Saturday night was lame. The bands in Top Gun are far superior. Tiga Puluh has been pretty dead for years now, but this move just killed it for me. Tiga Puluh used to be on a par with Bats and CJs. Now it's dropped down to being on a par with places like Pit Stop at the Sari Pan Pacific hotel. After all these years, I think it's finally time to cross Tiga Puluh off the list of places to go in Jakarta. Bad music and ugly women is not what I'm looking for in a night spot. I most likely won't be going back. It's a shame.Sad, when I first arrived in 2003 Tiga Puluh was certainly one of the top three spots, but there's no doubt is was already on the way out even then, the atmosphere and the bands, oy veh the bands, just weren't quite of the standard of CJ's and BATS.

It's funny how some hotels seem to get the right formula and others can never crack it. Marriott and Ritz Carlton had nice clubs but no atmosphere, the Hyatt's club, the one with the loud techno music never worked for me but was popular with others. Tiga Puluh had it and lost it yet BATS and CJ's (although the latter is simply outside my price range at this stage) have maintained their standards for almost a decade.

Mighty Spearsman
10-27-11, 21:01
How big do the girls tits get there? Can you find DDD girls? Looking for some girls that look like this.

Tokyotopless. Com.

Were any of the girls that size? I see a few of these types in Macau or Japan but not too much in other countries. Thanks!Hey, you've reminded me of one of my all-time favorite web sites. Still remember looking at the photos of Miki Sawaguchi with her "J" cup tits when she was in her 20s. Incredible stuff!

Unfortunately, there are very few working women in Jakarta (or elsewhere in Indonesia) who could qualify to appear on Tokyo Topless. I've spent a total of over 3 years in Indonesia and was very active with girls throughout that period (just read my old posts) , yet I can remember only 2 really large-breasted girls, one in Jakarta and one in Solo.

Of course, I never went after any real "fatties" so I suppose some of them might qualify as DDD, but generally Indonesian girls are what they are. Petite, slender and small-breasted, primarily A or B cup. Even the few girls who have had breast implants are probably not as big as what you can find on Tokyo Topless.

10-29-11, 15:23
I'll be down in Jakarta on the 5th of Nov and was wondering what's is going to be like during the 5-7 as its going to be Hari Raya Qurban, the muslim religious holiday. Is everything going to be as normal, a bit less activity or a total standstill in Jakarta? Planning to do a bit of touristy stuff like hitting Pasar Baru and Senen market on top of the regular mongering and was hoping that it won't be a boring weekend there during that holiday period.

Thanks guys

10-30-11, 05:35
Had Cici / Suci a freelancer few years back. Massive D Cups on a small frame. And game for anything.

Hey, you've reminded me of one of my all-time favorite web sites. Still remember looking at the photos of Miki Sawaguchi with her "J" cup tits when she was in her 20s. Incredible stuff!

Unfortunately, there are very few working women in Jakarta (or elsewhere in Indonesia) who could qualify to appear on Tokyo Topless. I've spent a total of over 3 years in Indonesia and was very active with girls throughout that period (just read my old posts) , yet I can remember only 2 really large-breasted girls, one in Jakarta and one in Solo.

Of course, I never went after any real "fatties" so I suppose some of them might qualify as DDD, but generally Indonesian girls are what they are. Petite, slender and small-breasted, primarily A or B cup. Even the few girls who have had breast implants are probably not as big as what you can find on Tokyo Topless.

10-31-11, 15:37
Have any of you guys been with Nurhasana from Top Gun? She has HUGE breasts. She looks to be fairly fat when clothed, but when the clothes come off, it's apparent, it's all breast. The girl is not fat.