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11-25-15, 07:56
Slightly irritating. I'm in the Century Park hotel in Jakarta which has cabled internet with good speed in the rooms. Unfortunately this faithfully blocks sites like ISG and Hookers.nl. However, there is also wifi in the entire hotel which does not block anything. Indonesian logic or the hotel being client friendly?
Try using a VPN.

11-25-15, 08:03
Dear Folks, Not sure this question might asked before, even though things are changing very fast and fellow mongers please provide some suggestions for taking a choice to visit either one of the location in December 2nd week.


Member #4410
11-26-15, 13:27
I went to Pelatehan yesterday evening. Arrived at 10 and found everything dark. Listrik mati! Ever since 7 in the evening there was a power cut and D's place only had candles for lights. No AC, no dancing dancers, but surprisingly quite a lot of customers. I sat down at the bar and chatted with the dancers. At around 12:30 management gave up and allowed the dancers to go home.

I took Erna (she of the wonderful blowjob) with me and we had a pleasant night. Good kisser, excellent BJ, hesitant rimmer at first but after I told her I liked it she really went for it.

Pictures in the picture thread.


Member #4410
11-26-15, 13:52
Try using a VPN.The wifi works 99 % of the time so that's good enough for me.

Pipe Layer99
11-26-15, 19:21
Not cheap, but compared to an all nighter in USA, not bad. At least it's not ST like a couple girls wanted at bats. All that matters that you had a good time.You can not compare the prices in Indonesia (or any Asian country) to a the USA Or Germany or another Western country. Our cost of living is way higher (as is the cost of poon tang).

11-27-15, 04:46
I arrived in Jakarta shortly after midnight and surprisingly made it through Immigration and got my luggage very quickly and was on my way to my hotel. I booked a room at the Doubletree Hotel which is a relatively nice new hotel but I would not recommend it due to its poor proximity to most of the activity I was there to indulge in.

I decided that given that I was going out around 2 am that I would try out Malioboro on my first night. When I arrived the spa was closed and everything was going on in the club. As some have described, the club is sort of like a strip club with stages and a bar in the middle and with booths around the perimeter. The upstairs area is open to the downstairs and has VIP booths all along the perimeter that have curtains for additional privacy.

To my disappointment I did not find that any of the girls sitting in the booths were to my liking. At first I was afraid that Jakarta might be a bust for me then I begin to see some of the dancers and one really caught my eye. Unfortunately she was in a booth dancing for some other customer and then disappeared upstairs with him. Not seeing anyone more to my liking, I decided after about 20 minutes to go upstairs and find her. She was actually just coming out of a little VIP booth area which was curtained off. I grabbed her and took her back in the VIP booth and paid the 20 shot price for 30 minutes with her which basically consisted of a bbjcim and a few dances. I am not sure what the exact amount came to but I remember doing the conversion at the time and it came to about $100 USD.

After I finished I decided to hang around the club until it closed and take in the scene. I had read great reviews about how hot the dancers at Malioboro are and quite frankly I had a hard time finding any real hotties except for the one that I took for the 30 minutes and didn't see any other of the girls in the booths that I wanted.

Day 2.

I left my hotel around 1 pm and after fighting terrible traffic arrived at Alexis shorty before 2 pm. The club on the first level obviously wasn't open but I was there for the spa on the 7th floor anyway. As I entered I noticed I was one of the few customers there this early on a Sunday afternoon but there were plenty of girls and the girls kept coming in so my timing was actually perfect. The lounge area at Alexis isn't all that impressive but the women definitely were and I thought it was I nteresting to see the girls separated by country. I could never imagine this in any strip club in my politically correct country which I live. After about 30 minutes I picked a pretty girl from China that caught my eye when she was first coming into work.

So here is how it works at Alexis once you pick a girl. Assuming you are in street clothes, you go into the locker room and change into shorts and robe while your girl is changing into a bikini. She then meets you and takes you into the pool area which is actually kind of nice. Nothing happens in the pool except for some pampering and you actually keep your shorts on in the pool. What I did notice while in the pool area was that some other girls were definitely not as hot in their bikinis as they were when I saw them earlier in their dresses / skirts. Particularly a girl from Vietnam that I almost picked.

My girl from China was pretty cute but she had a big ass tatoo on her belly and not the nicest teeth / smile which are kind of turnoffs for me. We went to our room which was actually pretty nice and had big mirrors on the walls which I like. After a quick shower we got down to business with an amazing BBBJ and then everything else covered. After reading that bareback was common in Jakarta this sort of surprised me but I was okay with it. My 90 minutes with this girl was okay but nothing worth flying to the other side of the world for.

I decide to leave Alexis after my session and then head to Classic to check it out. Driving through Jakarta I could not help but question why I came to such a sh*thole of a city and then I pulled up the Classic. Since it was still mid-afternoon, I went to the spa on the lower level and changed into a robe. Upon entering the sitting area there were a lot of girls. I was quickly approached by a mamasan that didn't speak a lick of English and for some reason she brought over a girl she wanted me to take. I politely tried to explain that I like to pick and not have anyone pick for me. After about 20 minutes I saw a little spinner come out in short back skirt and black heels. She really looked good from a distance so I asked for her. I don't know what it is but some times I like a very thin / petite framed girl. When she came up to me her faced had lots of acne and she wasn't all that pretty but I decided to take her otherwise. Quite honestly this girl was probaby the least attractive girl I have been with in years but I decided to not be a picky bastard and take her anyway.

The rooms at Classic, or at least the one I went to was really small and only had a bed and small shower (Alexis was much better). Not being all that attracted to this girl, I got right to it and made it a quick cum and go session which lasted less than 30 minutes. Tired from a lack of sleep, I decided to head back to the hotel for a quick nap before going out later.

I headed back out again shortly after 10 pm and made my way back to Alexis. Upon arriving I decided to check out the club and the dancers were just taking the stage as I walked in. There weren't many customers there this early and I was just trying to understand how things worked because the dancers all came out and danced on stage but then went back to some room or something. The dancers did not hangout in the club and with customers. This kind of bummed me out because there were some really hot dancers.

After watching a few sets of dancers rotate, I decided to make my way upstairs and but first stopped on 3 A. This is apparently the karaoke floor which is a form of entertainment that I have never participated. I saw some extremely beautiful woman sitting on couches so I inquired how it worked. I was shown to a room where I was told that since it was Sunday there was no charge for the room but it was 1,500,000 for a bottle plus the girl. I was also told that I could just pick a girl and take a girl upstairs for 3,000,000. As I write this post and reflect upon it, I don't know why I didn't pick a girl but instead went back up to the 7th floor. I ordered a beer and some disgusting terryaki chicken and rice while I checked out the available girls.

Scoping out my options, I saw a lot of beautiful girls from Vietnam and China, but for some reason I got focused on the Indonesian girls. I then noticed a girl that was kind of cute and sort of sexy with just a different look. She wasn't all that pretty but just different looking. We went right to a room and got to it. My time with her was good but nothing too exciting to write about.

It was almost 2 am by this point so I decided to make my way back to the club on the first floor. The club was much busier now but it had a weird mix of people. Additionally, the sexy stage dancers were finishing their last set and then I saw them all leave the stage. Oddly enough, this is when some of the customers got on stage and started dancing. There were a lot of really attractive girls in the club but it was pretty obvious that they were just there as customers to party and not looking for a guy to take upstairs or back to a hotel. While the club is pretty cool, I thought it was sort of odd that girls would go party in a club where there is basically a brothel upstairs.

As I was walking around the various areas of the club and contemplating leaving, one of the guys with a security shirt on asked me if I was looking for a girl. He then told me that one part of the bar were just customers but the other side had girls for hire. I did see two of the dancers in street clothes now talking to a small group of guys and flirting it up, but they appeared to be occupied. The other girls just didn't spark my interest. I left Alexis around 3:30 am impressed with what I saw upstairs but really disappointed with the club. I was sort of hopeful it would have been like Malioboro where you could get personal attention from the sexy dancers but that isn't how it works here.

Member #4410
11-27-15, 13:38
I was feeling horny in the morning so I texted Silvi if she was at the 6th floor. She replied in the affirmative so I walked in around 11 AM and found her waiting for me. We briefly chatted and then I saw Novi kecil standing at the bar. She had also started early so I decided to take them both. They both like pictures (to be uploaded tomorrow; I'm going out shortly) and are astute rimmers.

One hour passed quickly and I gave them both a good tip before leaving the room. The girl gets to keep IDR 300,000 of the standard 600,000 charge, so tips are always welcome.

11-27-15, 18:45
Slightly irritating. I'm in the Century Park hotel in Jakarta which has cabled internet with good speed in the rooms. Unfortunately this faithfully blocks sites like ISG and Hookers.nl. However, there is also wifi in the entire hotel which does not block anything. Indonesian logic or the hotel being client friendly?

I am thus able to report. See Picture thread and Jakarta thread. Happy reading.


Ko.As I also mentioned on hookers. NL (but of course if you can't get to it you cannot read it), you can work around it by using an anonymous proxy server such as https://hide.me/en/proxy. I just returned from my first visit to Jakarta today (or Indonesia for that matter) but using that site I had no problems browsing nor writing reviews.

11-28-15, 06:57
The girl gets to keep IDR 300,000 of the standard 600,000 charge, so tips are always welcome.300 k? That's pretty generous. I think the girls at Malioboro who are billing out for 1 million rupiah only get 300 k for their cut.

11-28-15, 10:28
I decided that given that I was going out around 2 am that I would try out Malioboro on my first night.
To my disappointment I did not find that any of the girls sitting in the booths were to my liking. She was actually just coming out of a little VIP booth area which was curtained off. I grabbed her and took her back in the VIP booth and paid the 20 shot price for 30 minutes with her which basically consisted of a bbjcim and a few dances. I am not sure what the exact amount came to but I remember doing the conversion at the time and it came to about $100 USD.
Good FR AtexGuy.

Very contradicting experience however. When I had visited in May, Malio club was the best collection / congregation of sexy Indo gals I had seen across venues including Alexis. I didn't engage with the dancers in Malioboro lounge. I am visiting Jakarta in next couple of weeks and Malio is high up on my list alongwith Alexis. I will also try and engage with the dancers in Malioboro Lounge area. I hope things haven't changed so much in 6 months.

It was almost 2 am by this point so I decided to make my way back to the club on the first floor. The club was much busier now but it had a weird mix of people. Additionally, the sexy stage dancers were finishing their last set and then I saw them all leave the stage. Oddly enough, this is when some of the customers got on stage and started dancing. There were a lot of really attractive girls in the club but it was pretty obvious that they were just there as customers to party and not looking for a guy to take upstairs or back to a hotel. While the club is pretty cool, I thought it was sort of odd that girls would go party in a club where there is basically a brothel upstairs.

As I was walking around the various areas of the club and contemplating leaving, one of the guys with a security shirt on asked me if I was looking for a girl. He then told me that one part of the bar were just customers but the other side had girls for hire. I did see two of the dancers in street clothes now talking to a small group of guys and flirting it up, but they appeared to be occupied. The other girls just didn't spark my interest. I left Alexis around 3:30 am impressed with what I saw upstairs but really disappointed with the club. You missed the 5th floor. Slightly mature gals but famous for the helicopter ride. Do try if your are still in Jakarta and it interests you.

Thanks for the intel on the club as well. I had been twice but both times before 8 pm hence couldn't indulge in the club. Guess I would rather try nightclubs.

Member #4410
11-30-15, 10:08
300 k? That's pretty generous. I think the girls at Malioboro who are billing out for 1 million rupiah only get 300 k for their cut.I was quoting two of the Maribaya girls. If the girls get 300,000 out of 1,000,000 at Malioboro they get a raw deal.

Member #4410
11-30-15, 10:10
As I also mentioned on hookers. NL (but of course if you can't get to it you cannot read it), you can work around it by using an anonymous proxy server such as https://hide.me/en/proxy. I just returned from my first visit to Jakarta today (or Indonesia for that matter) but using that site I had no problems browsing nor writing reviews.The wifi works 99 % of the time, so that's good enough for me. See my reports of the last week.

11-30-15, 10:43
If the girls get 300,000 out of 1,000,000 at Malioboro they get a raw deal.No doubt about that. But I think it's the norm around town that the girl gets about 30% of whatever you pay the house. And she gets to keep whatever tip you give her above that. As far as I know, Maribaya girls are among the highest paid percentage wise. I'm not sure why that is.

12-01-15, 03:03
Maribaya girls are among the highest paid percentage wise. I'm not sure why that is.

It's called "Bule Pay" which is greater compensation for the type of 'clientele' they are forced to serve. For example, they usually are old, fat, hairy, out of shape Bule with gynecomastia. Some are so fat the girls would get 'KO'd by the shear weight. Some are further shamed by being forced to take pictures with such butterballs having unprotected bareback sex which are then posted on various forums without their consent (faces exposed and unblured) resulting a lifetime of humiliation. This is not a problem in other establishments with more local clientele. Therefore, management gives them a greater percentage of pay to compensate for such pain, humiliation, suffering and drudgery.

12-01-15, 04:47
It's called "Bule Pay" which is greater compensation for the type of 'clientele' they are forced to serve. For example, they usually are old, fat, hairy, out of shape Bule with gynecomastia. Some are so fat the girls would get 'KO'd by the shear weight. Some are further shamed by being forced to take pictures with such butterballs having unprotected bareback sex which are then posted on various forums without their consent (faces exposed and unblured) resulting a lifetime of humiliation. This is not a problem in other establishments with more local clientele. Therefore, management gives them a greater percentage of pay to compensate for such pain, humiliation, suffering and drudgery.Oh snap. There is my new word for today, gynecomastia. I admit, I had to Google it.

12-01-15, 05:02
In other news, when I am not worrying about the onset of gynecomastia, I am banging Indonesian cuties. Tagged just served up another provincial girl that I had meet me in a motel. There are a few discussions about pricing going on, and this girl did not bring up money in advance, I usually do, but I just could not figure out from her profile if she pro / semi-pro / bored housewife. So I decided to just have her meet me and if she goes through with the deed then I have all the pricing power!

Long story short, she eagerly agreed to meet and arrived on time. Bonus points for this girl. Had a good session with her trying to mount me bareback but I made her stop and I put on a condom which she watched with a puzzled look on her face. All done and I made my apologies about having to get back to work, she dressed and I slipped 600.000 into her handbag and told her to go buy herself something nice. She did not count it in front of me, just said thank you and headed out the door.

I figured the test if I got the pricing right or not would be if she wants to repeat. Sent her a 'it was nice to meet you message' awhile later and sure enough she is keen to meet again.

12-01-15, 05:26
In other news, when I am not worrying about the onset of gynecomastia, ... Had a good session with her trying to mount me bareback but I made her stop and I put on a condom ... I slipped 600.000 into her handbag and told her to go buy herself something nice. She did not count it in front of me, just said thank you and headed out the door.KOngrats on not having GyneKOmastia, and having the sense to wrap up your KOlbasa sausage. That's alot more than I can say for some forum members who believe they are impervious to the onset of HIV and other diseases, and potentially spread them to other girls who we may ourselves encounter someday. It just goes to show that that these KOmrades are as as uneducated as the girls they bang.

As for pricing, most sideline gals I've met (I. E. Girls I've met in bars, coffee shops etc. Not brothels and bordellos) that are avail for P4P will settle for 400-500 K short time, and double that for overnight. Although, ST with me to these gals are usually mean 2-3 HRs and at least 2 shots, and sometimes 3 if we are having fun and a good time. Your payment of 600 k is within the typical ballpark, perhaps slightly more but consider that a bit of a tip if she was good to you.

Robert Long
12-01-15, 07:24
KOngrats on not having GyneKOmastia, and having the sense to wrap up your KOlbasa sausage. That's alot more than I can say for some forum members who believe they are impervious to the onset of HIV and other diseases, and potentially spread them to other girls who we may ourselves encounter someday. It just goes to show that that these KOmrades are as as uneducated as the girls they bang.

As for pricing, most sideline gals I've met (I. E. Girls I've met in bars, coffee shops etc. Not brothels and bordellos) that are avail for P4P will settle for 400-500 K short time, and double that for overnight. Although, ST with me to these gals are usually mean 2-3 HRs and at least 2 shots, and sometimes 3 if we are having fun and a good time. Your payment of 600 k is within the typical ballpark, perhaps slightly more but consider that a bit of a tip if she was good to you.That's good. Please never stop writing and continue the one liners.


LA Guy 5
12-01-15, 07:41
That's good. Please never stop writing and continue the one liners.

RL.Just so long as he doesn't milk "GyneKOmastia" too often.

12-04-15, 14:17
I've read through quite a lot of FRs but I'm confused about the Classic Hotel. I understand that there are 3 floors to choose from in Classic: 2nd, 5th and the basement, but unsure which has the best quality / service. A lot of FRs seem to have omitted the floor info. Could anyone clarify the floor-wise rating please?


12-04-15, 14:35
I've read through quite a lot of FRs but I'm confused about the Classic Hotel. I understand that there are 3 floors to choose from in Classic: 2nd, 5th and the basement, but unsure which has the best quality / service. A lot of FRs seem to have omitted the floor info. Could anyone clarify the floor-wise rating please?

ThanksBasement: 7. 37314/10. 00000.

2nd floor: 7. 50262/10. 00000.

5th floor: 5. 20001/10. 00000.

Please keep in mind that these ratings are not exact. I have rounded to 5 decimal places.

Card Boy
12-04-15, 20:04
Hi Buddies,

Does anyone have a recommendation for a funny Monday night apart CJ's, BATS or TopGun?

How about Tiga Puluh? Is it still worth a try or is the business still down?

12-05-15, 00:15
Hi Buddies,

Does anyone have a recommendation for a funny Monday night apart CJ's, BATS or TopGun?

How about Tiga Puluh? Is it still worth a try or is the business still down?Stick with BATS or CJs.

Card Boy
12-05-15, 22:22
Stick with BATS or CJs.All right. Since I am staying in the LE Meridien anyways I might pay a visit at Tiga Puluh also. But I do not expect any good action there.

12-06-15, 10:52
All right. Since I am staying in the LE Meridien anyways I might pay a visit at Tiga Puluh also. But I do not expect any good action there.Your hotel is right across the street from Fortune spa as well. That's a great place for a ++ massage. You can walk there from your hotel if you want.

12-11-15, 12:35
Forum's fairly quiet this week but Jakarta doesn't seem to be, as in the news.

At Kempinski Hotel local celebrity entertainers caught in a state of undress are being quoted as charging $4600 for a punt. Does anyone know if this is ST or LT price?

Further uptown at the debatable Classic Hotel a regular visitor accidently fell down the stairs and killed himself beside the security desk. Unfortunately the CCTV was broken at the time. Does anyone know if Fast Eddie is still posting?

Member #4537
12-11-15, 16:16
What's with everyone suddenly asking for payment upfront? If they succeed at doing so, it means the guys are.

Paying upfront defeats any incentive in providing service and as soon as they are done with the first shot they take the money and leave in a heartbeat. In addition, service is rushed and they want to get it over with ASAP.

Even putting it on a table won't work, as it happened several times that they took the cash and just ran off.

Do us a favor and don't fall for this ridiculous demand. Always pay at the end.

Member #4410
12-14-15, 00:00
Forum's fairly quiet this week but Jakarta doesn't seem to be, as in the news.


Further uptown at the debatable Classic Hotel a regular visitor accidently fell down the stairs and killed himself beside the security desk. Unfortunately the CCTV was broken at the time. <SNIP>
According to the Jakarta Post he was beaten to death. How unfortunate that the CCTV was malfunctioning.

Pipe Layer99
12-14-15, 00:07
What's with everyone suddenly asking for payment upfront? If they succeed at doing so, it means the guys are.
.....Paying upfront defeats any incentive in providing service and as soon as they are done with the first shot they take the money and leave in a heartbeat. In addition, service is rushed and they want to get it over with ASAP. Even putting it on a table won't work, as it happened several times that they took the cash and just ran off. Do us a favor and don't fall for this ridiculous demand. Always pay at the end.That's right! No need to pay upfront. If she doesn't want to play ball, take another lady. It's your money and your rules (your choice to take a different one). A request for money upfront is a big red flag.

Card Boy
12-14-15, 21:01
Hi Buddies,

Just came back from a trip from Jakarta. CJ's and BATS quite vibrant last week. CJ's with for sure better girls.

Meet my regular before and partied one night. Quite fun, but broke with her the next night.

Talked to a very cute and friendly girl in CJs on the third night. Starting price was 2 mil, negotiated her down to 1. 5 mil and even 1 mil. But then only for one shot.

Went to BlokM another night around 3 am. MyBar only few girls left, but a wonderful one for 1 mil LT -.

The next night another MyBar girl of my choice quoted 2 mil after having spent 2 hrs in the bar with me. She was a stunner but I refused. When the bar closed she followed a very very very drunken guy in the cab. It was more the fact, that she jumped into the cab cause she smelled money. F**k off, glad that I refused her offer.

Any other bar. Even TOPGun sucked last week.

12-14-15, 21:45
Since when are MyBar girls quoting 2 million? I've never had one of those girls (even the stunners) ask for more than a million, and normally they are happy for less than that. That girl must have been the top stunner of all time in that bar.

Girls at CJs ask for more than girls at MyBar (even if it's the same girl) simply due to supply and demand and the fact that CJs is a far more upscale venue. Girls at MyBar do not expect 2 million rupiah (at least not in my experience).

I'd love to see a photo of that girl.

12-14-15, 21:52
That's right! No need to pay upfront. If she doesn't want to play ball, take another lady. It's your money and your rules (your choice to take a different one). A request for money upfront is a big red flag.I've not had a girl ask for money up front in Jakarta. But if they were to tell me in the bar that I have to pay up front, I would tell them that I will give them money after sex. And if they don't agree with that, I would look for a different girl. If they waited until they got to my place to ask for money up front, I would tell them they are free to leave, but I am not going to pay them until they have done something to earn that money.

I've had girls in South America ask for money up front. Every one of them was a horrible shag. The last thing I want is for that trend to come to Indonesia.

12-14-15, 22:03
Any other bar. Even TOPGun sucked last week.I think Top Gun pretty much always sucks for quality women. But it's still a fun place to hang out, have some fairly cheap drinks, and listen to the band.

Places for free lancers have fallen off big time in the last 10 years. There are so many huge brothels up in north Jakarta now that it seems many people go to those now rather than picking up free lancers. It also seems that as soon as a really nice free lancer hits the market, she's snapped up by some guy living locally much more now than in the past. In the past, most of the guys picking up the free lancers were married oil and gas guys who had no interest in a long term relationship with working girls. Now it seems there are far less married guys in town.

CJs, BATS, Top Gun, MyBar are the top choices. You can find some talent in Kemang on the weekends as well at places like Eastern Promise. Milles and Golden Crown discos in north jakarta are places you can pick up free lancers as well, but that's a totally different environment. Honestly, you can meet free lancers all over. JW Marriott in Mega Kuningan has a bar there that has some decent free lancers on occasion. Grand Mahakam Hotel has some decent girls at times. Le Meridien will have a couple of decent girls on occasion. Even Park Lane Stix bar still had a decent girl in there the last time I visited (not recently), so it's hit or miss. If there's a bar in a hotel, there are likely at least a few girls available.

12-15-15, 01:53
Forum's fairly quiet this week but Jakarta doesn't seem to be, as in the news.

At Kempinski Hotel local celebrity entertainers caught in a state of undress are being quoted as charging $4600 for a punt. Does anyone know if this is ST or LT price?

Further uptown at the debatable Classic Hotel a regular visitor accidently fell down the stairs and killed himself beside the security desk. Unfortunately the CCTV was broken at the time. Does anyone know if Fast Eddie is still posting?Fast Eddie posts on many of the Asian sites here. Well posts is an incorrect word. He makes a comment that generally reflects someone elses comment but its rare (if ever) that he adds anything new or meaningful to what had been previously stated.

Card Boy
12-15-15, 09:37
Since when are MyBar girls quoting 2 million? I've never had one of those girls (even the stunners) ask for more than a million, and normally they are happy for less than that. That girl must have been the top stunner of all time in that bar.

Girls at CJs ask for more than girls at MyBar (even if it's the same girl) simply due to supply and demand and the fact that CJs is a far more upscale venue. Girls at MyBar do not expect 2 million rupiah (at least not in my experience).

I'd love to see a photo of that girl.Hi Smoothy,

Don't have a picture of this girl, but she was really a stunner. Assured. However it also happens the first time that a girl in MyBar asked for 2 mils. Crazy. I rather put 2 mils in the sink than giving a MyBar girl this amount of money. And as said: She jumped quickly in the cab of the very drunken guy cause she smelt easy earned money. The guy was not even more able to walk. -.

Fast Eddie 48
12-16-15, 02:03
Fast Eddie posts on many of the Asian sites here. Well posts is an incorrect word. He makes a comment that generally reflects someone elses comment but its rare (if ever) that he adds anything new or meaningful to what had been previously stated.Talking about meaningful post you shouldn't talk if you look yourself in the mirror there will be a dick in your mouth.

Fast eddie 48.

12-16-15, 02:15
Talking about meaningful post you shouldn't talk if you look yourself in the mirror there will be a dick in your mouth.

Fast eddie 48.Carry on posting Eddie, it's not difficult to ignore the idiots.

12-16-15, 02:57
Carry on posting Eddie, it's not difficult to ignore the idiots.Ah, a new subspecies of poster has now evolved and makes an appearance. The 2 post expert. Lots of those here. Keep posting and reporting, sunshine (or maybe its " Novice " or " Junior ") Were all looking forward to it.


Ibn Buttita
12-17-15, 23:48
There's something about a mongering destination that boosts my memory power. My own neighborhood, I can't remember the street names, but whenever I visit Jakarta I have things mapped out so well in my mind. Maybe it's the rotting stench of durians on Mangaa Besar that energizes my brain cells.

Back after a few months' absence, I stayed at the old Mercure Kota on Hayam Wuruk, that was something new after always staying at the more modest Astika on nearby Mangaa Besar. One nice homecoming of sorts were the taxis, larger, more confortable and resaonably driven, with polite, uniformed drivers, vastly different from where I live. The Blue Bird advice everyone gives is sound, usually when I could only find another variety they refused the meter and asked for crazy fares (50 K from Malioboro to the Mercure! But often the Blue Bird drivers just had no clue about where I wanted to go, and these were club names they should have known, and they were so disinclined to take my directions (when I knew the way), or to ask for directions (when I did not). Still as good a monger transport service as is out there, I guess. While I am on a rant about directions: signage, it's really not the Indonesians' forte. But then if I start on this I will never get to the mongering.

While Jakarta fit me like a comfortable old shoe, I wanted to try new venues this trip. It's astounding how many there are, which is welcome but maddening when you realize that in so many countries even one of the big clubs would be the main event in town. For coming up with my list of places to try I relied on Jakarta 100 Bars, which is something of a bible, as well as posts here at ISG, especially Smoothy's October post on "places to try if you want to find a change of venue. " My biggest problem was where to start, I was overwhelmed by the embarassment of riches.

Ibn Buttita
12-17-15, 23:50
I only got to my hotel after midnight and went out at half past one, a mistake in retrospect, I should have gone to bed. The nearest place I knew that was open late (oh, how I miss Stadium) I figured would be Malioboro, and since I wanted to see some titties on stage I decided to try Malio Club. I'm not sure how but on one of my earliest trips to Jakarta I had been able to access Malio Club from the main entrance of Malioboro without paying separate entry (which does not seem possible now), so the place looked familiar. The nude dancers were quite hot, though they only had their panty bottoms off briefly.

The girls circulating and approaching me on the floor were cute enough, though not really special, but since I had just gotten into town I wasn't really ready to commit so I left to check out the club at V2 a couple of blocks south. It was my first time in this place, but when I got there I got a peek into the club and it looked incredibly dark. I did briefly see one topless dancer, but not sure if they had girls and rooms on site I didn't feel like paying the 100 K cover charge.

Back at Malioboro, the main club was closed at this point, nearing 3 AM, and paying to enter Malio Club again was something I didn't want to do. So I headed back to the Mercure and figured with Club 36 nearby (in the Jakayakarta Hotel) I would check that out. I paid the 100 K there and it was a complete waste: there were about a dozen dancers on the long bar but none were topless and I could notice no working girls available: it appeared to be a regular club. So I finally headed to bed.

Ibn Buttita
12-17-15, 23:52
My late and unproductive night had its consequences, as I only awoke after noon; jet lag did not help any. First I made my way over toward Loksari Plaza to get a sim card, and on the way passed by Bintang Mawar (but did not go in), and stopped into Olympic Hotel to check out the spa. Alas, it is no loner operational. After lunch I headed across Mangaa Besar over to Travel Hotel, where there was only a skeleton crew on hand at 3 PM, which didn't stop the mamasans from being pushy as ever. I did get to see the back pool room area where there were some couches with a few girls, a room I never noticed before.

With the aim of trying out a new place I made the not so pleasant walk down to the east end of Mangaa Besar and over to Fashion Hotel to see their spa. Smoothy's post on new places to explore inspired me, as had the girls' photos on their Facebook page. No change of clothes was necessary for the main lounge, so I sat down and eyeballed the 20 or so girls on the couches before the papasan used some basic English to explain things and the price. He called over a lineup and I chose Leah, a girl I had seen smiling and joking with her friends. I paid him the 550,000 Rupiah and went to the locker room to change into spa attire.

Leah, now bikini-clad, joined me and took me over to the warm pool on the outdoor terrace, and sat massaging my shoulders and then dick through my shorts. This pool session only lasted a few minutes before she said we should go. The concept of hanging out in the pool wiht the girl is cool, but nothing special when it 's done this perfunctory way.

After I showered Leah took me to the room, where her lack of enthusiasm was clear. That said, I did enjoy her thick, curvy body. Leah did accept DATY but in a businesslike way, and it annoyed me when she put on a condom for the BJ. The fucking was good, especially the doggy finish, since I liked the look and feel of her bouncy, round ass cheeks. But overall Fashion was poor vaue, the facilities were showing some wear, and Leah ranked near the bottom of the girls I met this trip.

Ibn Buttita
12-17-15, 23:55
One of the glaring gaps in my past Jakarta experiences was never having visited the famous 6th floor bar at the Melawi hotel in Blok M. I decided to take advantage of this being a Sunday, with presumably less traffic, to make the trek south from Kota to Blok M. I used the Transjakarta bus to get there, and it was a pretty painless ride, and easy enough to find Melawi once I exited the bus at the Blok M terminal.

Up on the 6th floor, Maribaya Bar was basically as I pictured it, but a lot more empty; I was the only guest and there were only five women in the room. To avoid signalling definintive interest I tried to avoid their gazes as I scanned the room several times. I also tried to avoid making an eye contact commitment with the three smiling women standing outside the barroom door (I never did understand why they did not just come into the bar, it seemed really strange).

I was ultimately drawn to the sweet smile of one petite woman's sitting on a couch near the door. Mela was very friendly and I liked the way she caressed my hand, arm, and thigh, so we soon headed to a room, which was very substandard considering this was a hotel, more like the rooms in Berlian / Kartika / Royal Mas.

Thirty-year old Mela (and the other women) fit the MILF profile I had expected of Maribaya, except that she was slender and petite, not as thick as the others. She had good English so we communicated very well, with her playing teacher instructing me in some Bahasa vocabulary. More importantly we communicated well physically. The kissing was superb, the best I had on my entire trip, The sex was very hot too; the great thing about women in their 30's is how horny they are, and Mela orgasmed a few times as we fucked. I tipped Mela 100,000 as I left with warm feelings for her and the place. But not with intention to return: the lineup just wasn't good enough to make me want to make the trip down from Kota, especially on a weekday.

Since I was in the neighborhood I wanted to check out the Blok M bars on Falatehan Street, though I realized that 7 PM on a Sunday was not prime time. Nevertheless, I tried to find the place without luck, until I gave up and in trying to find the correct bus platform I emerged from the subterranean terminal right at the end of the right street. I dropped into the's Place, which had only a guest near the door and a robust older gent playing pool, surrounded by about a dozen ladies in that part of the bar, sitting around or playing billiards too. These ladies were a well-aged crew, and I politely declined one's approach. I had ideas about just taking a look into the private VIP room, and was glad that I did not do so when the older guy headed in there and like a vacuum all of the women whooshed in behind him. I would not have wanted to fend off that bunch on my own. I finished my drink and left to catch the bus back to Mangaa Besar.

Ibn Buttita
12-17-15, 23:59
Explore new places: that was my mantra this trip. And nowhere did it pay off more than deciding to visit FM1. I had read about it on Jakarta 100 Bars and scattered mentions elsewhere, and I had notived it on my way from the airport. It was only around 10-15 minutes by taxi away from my hotel so I headed there Sunday night. The flashy colored lights outside and gaudy statuary in the lobby made me know I was in the right kind of place.

FM1's upstairs lounge (I skipped the spa) quickly became a favorite for a few reasons. First, it was not too big, not too small. I like having options, but some of the places that have huge lineups and girls scattered all over are hard to process when selecting a girl. Here they sat in just two couch-lined rooms, with 20 girls being the most I saw. The mamasans (a couple of whom were young and hot and who I would have liked to select) were friendly and attentive without being pushy. The dining area managers and waitstaff were very welcoming (joking with the flirty, cute waitresses was a lot of fun, I kind of wish some of these "regular" girls were available for takeout like in Angeles City).

The place's design was cool too, with ancient Egyptian statues and reliefs of Roman legionnaires at war. More classy than it sounds, with professional lighting. One design flaw though was that there was no real place to sit where you had a view of the girls on the couches, to browse your options while having a drink, like at Classic. Instead, all the seating. Some couches but mostly the high chrome tables and chairs bolted to the ground like at Classic. Was by the bar and the dance floor. That's where I saw a live band, but more importantly the dancers.

When I first saw them I thought it would be a lame performance, their dresses didn't reveal much and these four girls were much too cute to strip out of them, to my mind. I am glad I was wrong, because they indeed discarded the dresses and danced in their bras and panties for a while, then topless, and then went fully nude. And they had really nice young bodies to go a long with the cute faces. Not model bodies, but figures that got me really horny for these girls next door. Which was part of the idea, since they soon circulated the room in pairs seeking lady drink shots. I 'm not usually so inclined for this, but with these girls it was lots of fun and pretty good value at 30,000 per shot. Unfortunately, I was not too good about shooing them away so I rang up a pretty big bill on the drinks, partly out of concern to be egalitarian and reward all four with drinks. But I must admit having some of them grind me with a lap dance, while I squeezed some young titties, was fun.

The girls were friendly but there was a weird incident at the end of the night: when I moved up to a table at the edge of the dance floor to get a better view of the girls as they had just skipped out of their panties. Just as I get settled in at the table one of the girls pointed at me with a scowl and another called over to the manager. At first I thought it was a joke of some sort since earlier I had these girls in my lap and plied them with plenty of lady drinks. But the manager came over and told me that taking photographs with my phone was not permitted. I explained that I had done no such thing and my phone was not working anyway. What had apparently happened was that the shiny, disk with my customer number handing from my writs had caused a reflection from the dance floor lights and the girls though it was a camera flash. When I told the manager this he went to tell the girls, who gave me a smile and bow of apology, and then the manager politely apologized for the misunderstanding. I considered how in a club like this in other parts of the works there would have been no explanations permitted before the bouncers would have gone to work on me. I did see the girls in the lobby at the end of the night as they waited for a ride, and all was well between us. And bantering with them then did let me meet a nice Indonesian-American guy who had the luck of dating one of those fine dancers.

All this about the dancers, when the highlight of the night was the girl I went to the room with before all that. In another sign that cost does not equate to quality in Jakarta, when I spoke with one of the mamasans she let me know that the price for a hour with a girl was a mind-bogglingly low 275,000 Rupiah, the second-lowest I paid on this trip. I spent some time after I arrived standing near the couches, in deciding who to choose. The mama helped out, calling over a cute, slender girl named Nancy with a birthmark by her nose that made her stand out.

Only as we went up to the room did we learn something we had in common. Nancy's ability in speaking Arabic, having spent time in Egypt and Jordan, meant we didn't need to rely on my pigin Bahasa, but could have a real conversation. I think this connection warmed things up between us, sparking some of the least inhibited sex I've ever had.

Kissing was not part of this, which is usually a problem for me but with Nancy everything else was so off-the-hook I didn't mind much. After she washed me off in the shower and followed in turn, Nancy took my dick into her mouth for a wicked blowjob, probably the best I had on this trip, the kind that has you clutching the sheets to avoid blowing your load early. I wanted to save that burst, so I had us switch positions and applied my own mouth to Nancy's pussy, reaching up to caress her small breasts and watching the pleasure written on her face.

When Nancy had enough of my tongue, she motioned me to lie next to her and reached over to the side table for a jar of lube. With one hand she coated my cock, getting it harder and harder, and I knew what was coming: she wanted my bare dick inside of her pussy. I was too aroused to object and so climbed above to mount her in missionary, sliding deep and grinding her hard, eliciting soft moans. I began to pump her faster and faster until I needed a breather and flopped onto my own back. Nancy took this as an invitation to sit on my dick, sliding her velvet pussy on my shaft slowly before revving up into a quick bounce while I grabbed her ass cheeks tightly.

Nancy's sleek body was made for one of my favorite positions, so I asked her to turn around first Asian cowgirl style, and then leaned her back the way I really like it. With her back against mine, I held her hips as she moved her lithe body up and down, producing delicious sensations from the pressure of my dick against the walls of her pussy. More acrobatic maneuvers were next as we entwined ourselves in a pretzel-like scissoring position that was a first for me but felt so good for both of us.

We were coming to the end of our hour and so we took a break as Nancy called down to arrange the second hour I requested. We relaxed and chatted a bit before Nancy called this second session to order by applying her mouth to my dick, another fine suck on her part spiced up with ball licking I like when done lightly and expertly. The story of our second hour was Nancy's ass, not for anal but for how I worshipped it as we fucked. We began by lying side by side spooning as I fucked her, a position giving me sublime views in the wall mirror.

Despite being a slim girl, Nancy's ass looked fine when she got on all fours to offer me her pussy from behind. Grabbing the pillow underneath her generated exceptional leverage for me to impale her wet pussy with abandon. Watching our own little porno in the mirror made it all the more delightful. As I got more eager to release my load I yanked the pillow out from under her and pushed Nancy down flat. Holding her ass cheeks, then pressing our sweaty bodies together, I pumped her from above ever more rapidly until I finally unloaded with a burst, flooding her tight pussy with cum.

Ibn Buttita
12-18-15, 00:04
After my ho-hum experience at Fashion Hotel, I hoped for a better spa experience my second day, and hoped for a fitting follow-up to my amazing experience with Nancy at FM1. A place I had known about for years but never tried was Orchardz Hotel's spa, so I headed to the branch at the hotel on Jalan Industri off Gunung Sahari, an easy cab ride from my own hotel (I later noticed an Orchardz on Pangeran Jakayakarta too).

My aim was to try one of the specialty massages, and I considered the soapy "butterfly" massage and the licking of honey off my body, before settling on the ice-smoothy (a fire-and-ice blow job). This brought back fond memories of my visits to Macau's saunas, but at a fraction of the price there (including use of the spa facilities. I used the pools and sauna, watched movies sipping complimentary sweet tea and soup, and then napped in the lounge after my massage (cost: just under 700,000 Rupiah).

Something new for me here was that they choose the masseuse for you, which added an element of risk, but the desk attendant assured me she would pick a good girl for me, and she definitely delivered. Yanny was a fine-looking 24 year old with a sexy bit of braiding in her hair on one side. She was strong, and she put that strength so use in giving me a wondeful leg and back massage, the best I had on thie trip. As she massaged me she engaged me in smiley banter using a smattering of English, sign language, and some Bahasa. She was topless during this phase, wearing tight polka-dot cotton panties revealing a curvy ass, the memory of which is getting me hard as I write this.

After the body massage she called for the thermos of hot tea and bucket of ice and treated my dick to alternating sensations of her fiery and then frigid mouth. Done with this, she gave me a catbath with exquisite attention to my nipples, titty fucked me, and inscribed circles around her own nipples using my dick as a pen (essentially giving me the best of all the massage packages).

Overcome by these sensations, I grabbed Yanny's ass and pulled her up onto my bare cock, kissing her passionately as she bucked on my rod. I flipped her over and ground hard into bringing on expressions of ecstasy as I hit her G-spot. When she turned again to proffer her ass I slid my dick inside her pussy as we both looked at the infinite cascading images in the wall mirror of me pumping her furiously. Yanny dropped flat as I continued to grind into her when she began to squeeze her pussy and ass muscles and thrust upwards, leaving me helpless to continue much longer as a stream of cum burst from mu cock into her wet pussy.

The concept of being fucked by a masseuse has a strong hold on my imagination, I think partly for the transgression of a medical treatment transformed by carnal lust. I have had this experience a scant number of times (a professional quality massage followed by sex) but it was never as good on both ends, and with such passion, as with Yanny.

Orchardz was I suppose a middle-brow option up here in north Jakarta, but I figured down-market also had its charms. My taxi driver from the hotel dropped me off at the Kota complex I'd visited on past trips, and the puddle-filled alleyways, dark, shuttered shops that had sold God-knows-what, and the occasional rat all felt familiar.

At the first bar, LA, I tried, the mamasan plucked a cutie from the fishbow for me, a continued stretch of luck (at the more humble venues) when the selections was made for me. Nindy was cute and slender and friendly, but the fact is I remember little more about her. Which I am a bit sad about because I recall having an enjoyable hour with her.

I planned to head home but did some window shopping in the area and next door (another re-visit from a previous trip) I had a Royal deja-vu moment. On a past visit had selected from the hallway outside the fishbowl busty girl in a tight to and tighter blue jeans. This time my attention was again drawn not to one of the uniformed girls behind the glass but a girl standing outside the glass in civilian clothing, tight jeans and a bustier all showing off a wicked, curvy figure to go a long with a cute face. As I understood it a session with her cost a bit more than the fishbowl girls, about 400,000.

Her name was an unfamiliar local one hard for me to remember, something like Ukip. Up in the room her rocking body did not cause the bed to be a-rockin, though. She was very laid-back, kind of sedate, and we had slow-paced sex that wasn't bad despite the low passion factor. I do remember sucking her torpedo-like breasts being a highlight. With my afternoon complete I headed back to my hotel to get ready for the night's activities.

Ibn Buttita
12-18-15, 00:06
Sex pervades Mangaa Besar, thanks in part to the freelancers and pimps you pass in Loksari plaza or on the street. It sometimes feels like girls fall into your lap. This was almost true; as I hailed a taxi in front of my hotel, sitting at a food cart was a mama and the Chinese-Indonesian woman she was hawking. The mama made me an offer, 400,000 for two hours with Linda, a moderately attractive woman looking stylish in a skirt. I was off to do some more exploring, so I declined, but the mama, named (and the size of a) Shanty, gave me her business card so I could call her later.

My destination was Newtown Executive Club, which 100 Bars had described in interesting terms as an alternative to places like Hotel Travel. I had stopped by earlier in the day to learn there was no spa, but a lounge which a sign claimed had sexy dancers. I arrived at a quarter to midnight and paid the cover charge. I immediately wished I had looked inside first. Instead of sexy dancers, on the stage was a hard-rock band performing covers of groups like AC-DC with varying success. Though the room was ringed with couches, there were no girls on them, just a couple at tables with men. And no sexy dancers to be seen.

After a little while I got fed-up and marched to the front desk to get my long-awaited change for my cover charge, and complained about the lack of dancers. I was told they would come on at midnight, so I returned to a table to wait a bit longer. Four girls did appear on stage, but they were fully dressed in frilly Spanish-dancer outfits. Doubting these would be coming off, and not seeing any girls available, I left, with the hopes that Linda would still be outside my hotel.

She was not, but I did have Shanty's card. They must have been nearby because within five minutes of ordering Linda up Shanty began calling me. Incessantly, even when I kept telling her I was coming right down. Shanty tried to charge me 500 K but I stuck to the original 400 price and took Linda upstairs.

It took a while to get started, since Linda wanted to take selfies of us, and then we had to shower. The next disappointment was that her dress had hidden a very average body. I quickly realized that there was little sexual chemistry between us, Linda was kind of clumsy in bed and nothing really flowed. Her BJ was weak, and she was too chatty. I am usually ok with pillow talk but she yapped more than fucked. While trying to get Linda to stroke me or blow me well enough for me to get hard, she stated that our hour was up, denying that the agreement had been two hours. I was too tired and unimpressed to argue, and let her go on her way. Not before she gave me her own printed business card, which I knew I would never use after this fiasco. At that point I figured had some good sessions earlier in the day and that it was best to get some sleep.

Ibn Buttita
12-18-15, 00:17
Sightseeing was on the agenda in old Kota this day, with some reconnaissance as well. After museum-hopping I decided to check out the Pool at 1001, a high-end brothel at the hotel connected with the Coliseum night club, just a couple of blocks away from tourist central Fatahilah Square. The concept was a swimming pool where you would carouse with the ladies, watching them frolic in their bikinis, before fucking the girl of your choice in the room. Based on a user review in 100 Bars, where I had learned of it, the place was pricey at upwards of 2 million Juta. But I wanted to see for myself.

I entered the hotel via the driveway (a very discreet entrance!) and was sent up the elevator to the pool reception. There a robust Chinese mama explained that imported girls cost 2 million, and locals 1. 4 million, and the program included a half hour with the girl in the pool and then an hour in the room. 200,000 was the charge for looking, which I assumed was for guys to swim, lounge, and hang out without taking a girl.

She led me to the indoor pool area, which was swank, with plants around it and sophisticated lighting and lounge chairs submerged in the water. The girls were sitting on rows of couches on one end of the pool. They did look good, enhanced I am sure by their elegant dresses. But there was no frolicking going on (it was around 4 PM), no sexy beach party. I assumed it would be just like the spa at Fashion where you got a perfunctory period of time with the girl in the pool who would rush you to the room. At least this is what I expected to happen if there was a language barrier. So I said my apologies to the mama and she complained in a huff that I should pay for looking, but I made my way outside. Having had some of the wildest sex of my life (at FM1) for a fraction of the cost, I didn't see the need to make the investment here.

Still on the search for new places to explore, I headed for Ruko Robinson and one of the spas there that Smoothy had suggested on the forum, Griha Sehat. I had expected the place to be closer to F Square but actually took a little while to get there by taxi. The location was one of those grim commercial complexes, but at least clean. Griha was one of three or so spas I noticed, and I went in. Everyone was friendly enough though I doubted many bules showed their faces here. Clad in shorts and robe, I headed up to the selection / bar room and was shown a lineup. I picked the tallest girl, a cutie appropriately named Bella. Off to a room similar to the one at Orchardz, Bella gave me a pretty good massage, though she was too shy to take her bra or panties off, but she did strip when we moved onto the main event.

I cradled her pretty head in my lap as she took my cock into her mouth, a beautiful sight. Rather horny from her good blow job skills and the fact that I hadn't fucked in almost 24 hours, I laid her down for some covered missionary position. She ultimately rode me to the finish, but after the blow job the rest of the sex was pretty vanilla (communication was halting), but she was quite cute and so it was worth it. After some sauna time and a hot soak I headed out.

As I was walking through the complex I noticed a couple of brothel-bars and decided to check these out. At the first one, "Satu" something, I went upstairs to the fishbowl where the girls did not look as good as the photos on the front desk. The friendly mama did call one of the available girls down for me to see, but she seemed bule-phobic so I passed and moved on (the price here was in the 300's). Across the alley was a bar called Peach Blossom. Here the desk staff ushered me into the bar room where the girls stood up from a couch in the corner for me to choose. I picked one with a cute smile belying her witchy name of Hilda. What I hadn't noticed until I followed her as we walked upstairs was how amazing her ass was. In a tight, tight skirt, her ass was one of the best I've ever seen, in Indonesia or elsewhere.

Hilda's smileyness and our kidding around (pigin Bahasa is actually pretty good for this) made this session lots of fun. I think she had a lot of fun getting eaten out. The room was pretty nice (probably why the price was 415,000), with an expansive side mirror giving me good views of us fucking. I also liked looking up into Hilda's smiling face as she rode me; she was cute in the way comedian Amy Schumer is hot, where personality boosts looks.

Ibn Buttita
12-18-15, 00:18
A return to FM1 was a must, with the hopes of getting together with Nancy again. I actually had planned to do be'Fashion Hotel spa first that evening, but my taxi driver did not know where it was, so I had him drop me at FM1 when we passed it. The evening was young so I first checked out the spa, where only a few girls sat waiting (I did meet a guy from my home country paying at the counter, so we had a little chat in Arabic). But at 550,000 Rupiahs for the spa girls I declined, unable to see how they were worth double the price of the girls upstairs.

Up at the lounge I learned from the mamasan that Nancy was on her period and so out for a few days. This is something that had happened at least twice to me in Jakarta, having an amazing session with a girl and then finding her missing when I returned, thanks to her monthly visitor.

I still had choices, and there was one very choice girl sitting there on the couch. She had a face that had only hints of east-Asian features, looking almost like a Latina. More than this, she looked like a model, in body as well as her tight skirt revealed. And yet she was still in the 275,000 Rupiah price category, half that of a few girls on the facing couches whose appearance was decidedly mediocre. In Indonesia, you do NOT get what you pay for, and that is a good thing!

Eka was eating noodles, however, so I decided to let her finish before having the mama summon her. The look on her face when this happened did not inspire confidence. Not utter bule-revulsion, maybe, but still she did not appear enthusiastic, no smile evident. When she came over to me she right away asked if I wanted a second girl to join. I hadn't had a threesome yet on this trip, so decided yes. But I've come to be so wary of Indonesian threesomes, which have 9 times out of 10 been underwhelming; this is one area in Jakarta mongering where low prices are linked with a mediocre product.

I motioned to the girl in a red dress who had been sitting next to Eka, and we all proceeded to the floor of rooms. Ewa was her name and she was similarly tepid in her greeting; standing together waiting for a room to become available was uncomfortable and awkward.

Inside the room it was a bit better, partly because I had distractions, number one being the insanely hot body of Ewa, in view after she stripped off her red dress. Her curvy ass and pefectly round, large boobs on a slender frame were mouth watering, and made you understand where they got the inspiration for the sexy stone goddess carvings from ancient temples in this part of the world. What I really loved was that body combined with a very cute, almost innocent, face. With top model Eka in the mix, this session would be a satisfying optifick if nothing else.

That is what is basically was. Model Eka did warm up to me more, and took the role of the girl I focused more attention on as usually happens with my threesomes. Both girls did put in reasonable effort, but without kissing, and DATY only available on Eka, there was little passion. Part of this was due to Ewa's hygeine fetish, using tissues to wipe off every part of my body as soon as she kissed or licked it, afterward leaving a blanket of crumpled kleenex on the floor. When we still had some time remaining at the end of the session, the girls tried to engage me a bit, but in a turnaround I ignored them as I was busy messaging someone on my phone, which I found somehow satisfying. Still, you can't beat some time in the sack with two hotties like these as at less than 50 bucks.

Back in the lounge later the dancers from the other night were back, and I dutifully bought a few lady drinks in return for some titty grabbing. I put a tighter limit on the number I bought for them, finding it unacceptable to pay more for a fondle than for a fuck, as I had done on my previous visit.

Ibn Buttita
12-18-15, 00:22
With half of my trip over it was high time to get back with one of my favorite ladies at Berlian massage parlor. No venues were closer to my hotel than Berlian and its neigbors Kartika and Royal Mas in the first alleyway down from Mangaa Besar, but it did mean crossing that busy street which required keeping my wits about me.

One thing was sure, Kartika was scratched firmly off my list, having sworn that I would not return after high prices and pushy MILFs on a previous visit to Jakarta. Royal Mas I was considering for later, but I wanted to reunite with cute Irna at Berlian. I arrived at around 11 AM and the place was open but Irna had not yet come, so the desk girl called her and after a short wait Irna arrived. I paid the very reasonable 300,000 price and I was ushered up to a simple but clean room (curtained off instead of a door).

We greeted each other with a hug and Irna's shy, brace-full smile warmed my heart. Of course, I well knew that I was more into Irna than she into me, she must have thought this bule a bit strange for summoning her every time he came into town. But we still had a lovely session together, with some very hot mutual oral sex, and Irna getting really sweated up riding me cowgirl. I loved wrapping my arms around her, clutching her breasts, and finishing with a strong cum taking her from behind as she lay flat.

Exhausted (me in part from jet lag and my busy trip activities so far), we collapsed in each other's arms and snoozed for a while. With her body next to me I started to again feel desire, but decided against another session right away, as time was running out. I'm not sure if it reveals a closeness in her comfort with me, or her practical view of things, but after dressing I opened my wallet and first fingered a 50,000 note, and Irna quickly reminded me of the 100,000's behind it that would make a better tip! So it did, and I told Irna that I would be back to see her again soon.

While my goal had been to try new places on this trip, I also didn't want to overlook the advantage of my hotel location. Visiting Berlian was part of that. Another nearby venue was Illigals, just another block or so away on Hayam Wuruk, which represented some unfinished business for me. On a previous visit I had gotten just a legitimate massage and used the good spa facilities, without taking a girl, so I wanted to go further this time.

Once in shorts and robe I entered the main room and approached a mamasan to ask about what was on offer. I probably should have done the spa stuff first as I had planned, but her salesmanship got me on the path to a room in a hurry. She told me that the day's special was a four hand massage, clever language for a threesome, for a total of about 1. 2 million Rupiah.

She steered me to three girls whom she said spoke English, and they were on par with the other 10 or so girls there, kind of cute but nothing exceptional. All three girls wore teddy lingerie, but that was where the similarity ended. One girl, Ola, was quite skinny with a very cute, young face, Yuli was more medium in build, and the third was a full-sized girl, chubby and tall and cute with full boobs. What I should have done was to go with the girls who made for the greatest contrast, which would have been most interesting, But instead I went for the two smaller girls.

At the start, like my earlier threesome, there was little connection or chemistry. And throughout the session the girls did their jobs, but there was not a lot of heart in it. That said, skinny Ola seemed to warm up to me a bit and me to her. The problem was that it was barely possible to fuck her, her pussy was so small. I could manage to get my dick inside only part way, so Yuli ended up taking the brunt of the fucking. So in the end I got the same kind of experience as I would at a place like Classic or Travel, but at three times the price.

There was the spa to take advantage of, but even here Illigals missed: the sauna was not much more than lukewarm, and I could not use the pools due to the dancers' show taking place nearby. The dancers wore lingerie, so the lack of nudity was a minus (granted, it was only 7 PM). My biggest gripe was that while sitting in the sauna the waitress came in with two dancers trolling for lady drinks! They were not rewarded for this.

This was the night when I finally got to catch up with a forum friend. We met at my hotel and headed out on the town, by my request to M-Star, near Mangaa Dua mall, so I could check out another new place. My taxi driver had been unable to find it the night before and now I realized why, the place was all dark. He hopped out of the cab to check it out and came back to report that someone told him it had been ordered closed recently, apparently for not paying the right person we later learned.

So where to go? On my last visit he had introduced me to King's Cross, so we decided on a replay. Once out there we looked into MTR but the music was so deafening that we left quickly. At King's Cross we first checked out the fifth floor lounge and the foreign imports, who apparently were all from Vietnam. There were a few excellent looking women, but at a price of something like 1. 5 juta we opted to head to the ground floor.

There we got a table between the stage with topless dancers and the couches where the lower priced girls sat (we could see no difference from the more costly ones on the other side of the room). As I scanned the group one girl at the end immediately began waving at me with a big smile, and giggling with her friend whenever I would return her gaze. We played this kind of peek-a-boo for a while as I looked back and forth, and this all made it an easy decision on whom to pick, though the selection was rather good and I was spoiled for choice.

I called her over and my friend likewise for his choice, and we had drinks with the girls, me and my girl enjoying lots of banter and laughing, the smidgen of each other's language we possessed helping things along. We finished our drinks and me and Onya and my buddy and his girl headed upstairs to the rooms, our girls looking like sisters in matching black skirts and cobalt blue blouses.

I had such a good vibe about Onya, and in the room things were as I expected. We got right to kissing. She was very good at it. And fell onto the bed, Onya on top of me, as I ran my hands under her skirt and grabbed her ass. We began pulling off each other's clothes, and now I could really see what a great body she had. Despite a trim frame, Onya had large tits and the aforementioned curvy ass.

In short, we had some great sex. Onya's face said it all when I ground deeply into her in missionary, and I loved squeezing her full boobs while she rode me. Her ass was made for doggy style so that's how we finished, my body flat against hers as I shot my load. As we cleaned up and traded contacts (though I never got back to King's Cross to see her again), she told me that this had been her first or second night at the club, maybe explaining why this was such a GFE session.

Ibn Buttita
12-18-15, 00:27
Keeping with the theme of staying local, my first stop of my sixth day was at Royal Mas on the Kartika alleyway off Hayam Wuruk. I had found a cute, friendly girl there two trips ago. This time, like back then, the papasan was very friendly (in a way I appreciated), and though a small bar the place had a dozen or so girls to choose among, most of them attractive enough (certainly no worse than Maribaya, but younger), all wearing a themed outfit for the day.

I settled on a petite girl who smiled at me as I was pondering my choice. Her name, Nikki, fit her sunny personality. With a pony tail flipped over to the side, dimples, and impossibly long eyelashes, she was super cute. She took my hand as we headed upstairs, where I paid one of the staff the amazingly low price of 260,000 Rupiah.

Once in the room we hugged and got acquainted, with lots of laughs despite the language barrier. As Nikki slipped off her dress with a sexy, smiley strip-tease, I could see how compact and curvy her tight little body was. When she unexpectedly asked me if I wanted a soapy body massage, I quickly said yes and showered while she stripped the bed down to the plastic mattress. When I lay down she soaped my back and began vigorously sliding over me with her naked body. Her tits were not large, but Nikki's nipples were pointy and felt great on my back, as did her pussy grinding against my butt.

After I made the flip Nikki soaped up the front of my body before moving on to some more slipping and sliding, paying special attention to my dick with her firm titties. When she straddled my cock and held still for a moment I ran my hands up and down that slippery, tight little body, grabbing her soapy boobs as best I could.

With this portion of the program brought to an end, we showered and once toweled off I embraced Nikki and bent down to meet her mouth in a kiss. I lay down for a blow job but then pulled Nikki up to sit on my face. Once I got her pussy nice and wet we got onto fucking. I loved clasping Nikki's hips as she rocked back and fotrth in cowgirl, but it all came to a great finish with her showing off her round ass doggy style, until I lay her flat on her stomach to take my cum. As we said our goodbyes, I let Nikki know that I would definitely be back.

A day in Jakarta without some sort of wellness is not a complete day, especially given how cheap these services are, even the legit ones. So a spa visit was in order, and one place I had heard about was V2 on Hayam Wuruk, whose club I had briefly seen their club on my first night. I got to the spa at 5 PM which turned out to be a mistake, since I arrived from the locker room into the main area just in time to see the girls file out from the fishbowl, to destination unknown, and it was a good half hour until any returned.

But this did give me good chance to try out the facilities, and it was an impresive place in some ways (though not as swank and new as Illigals). The fishbowl I mentioned ran the length of the long main room, and was very well lit, good for viewing the girls. A row of small table booths ran in front of it so you could check out the ladies while eating, and along the length of the far wall were three large hot, warm, and cold pools, ideal for lounging around while you deliberated on which girl you wanted to select after your soak. On a side wall there was a steam room next to the sauna whose glass wall also allowed some views into the fishbowl. The sauna also was properly super-hot, unlike the tepid one at Iligals.

So V2 had an excellent layout. As for the girls, that was something else. Besides the dopey shift change I ran up against, the girls that day the girls were all wearing jeans and white button shirts, outfits lousy for judging their bodies. While the girls looked fine, there was nothing exceptional about them. The desk staff told me that they went for either 700,000 or 1+ juta, but I never learned which ones were in which category. It didn't matter, since there was no distinction in looks to justify it. Simply put, there was no hook, nothing making me want to choose any of these ladies, so I just enjoyed the pools and sauna before paying the 120,000 facilities charge and leaving.

The evening had just begun and I had plenty of time before going out on the town for the night. I decided again to stay near my hotel for some fun and paid another visit to Berlian, where Irna was waiting, and we had another lovely time together. That was sweet, but now I was hoping for something more raunchy for the night.

Kota would be the place to find a bar with some nude dancers, and so I met up with a friend at the bar in the ruko I visited the other day. There was other familiar company too, a couple of the dancers from FM1, from which I gleaned that the dancers rotated among bars. Which surprised me given the swankiness of FM1 vs, the present joint's working-class ambiance. I enjoyed the enthusiastic greeting (and barenaked boobs and wriggling behinds) of the dancers, but it did mean shelling out for lady drinks. I held the line this night with a reasonable number of drinks, especially since, surprisingly, shots here were 50,000 each compared with the 30 K at FM1.

Again the mamasans set me up in a big way, ensuring I had pleasing company. With my friend and his buddy squeezed in next to their own girls, I felt a bit incomplete all alone. This was rectified in a flash, as a cute young thing materialized beside me. Tiny Marsha and I instantly had a great comfort level. Placing my arm around her shoulders and Marsha caressing my chest, we made an immediate physical connection. Out smiles communicated deeper affection, and I said cheers to my mates as I got up to pay the cashier the 315,000 and let Marsha escort me up to the room, my eyes fixed on the little black dress clinging to her tiny frame.

Once we were on our own the chemistry between us was apparent right away, as we chatted and joked in our limited vocabularies. I wrapped Marsha's doll-like body in my arms and met her lips with a sweet kiss, gradually dropping my hands lower to cup her squeezable ass cheeks and draw the hem of her skirt upward and over her head to reveal the skimpy black panties and bra underneath.

These too fell prey to my fingers as I slipped them off while continuing to kiss Marsha. She reciprocated by getting me undressed and into the shower, where she ran her hands over my body soaping me up and rinsing me down, cupping my balls and stroking my shaft as she looked up into my eyes with the face of an angel and the smile of a devil.

On to the bed, where I had Marsha lie back to lick her pussy, which got progressively wetter as she squirmed. She was a bit ticklish (helping me learn my favorite Bahasa word, geli), so could not take this too long so she had me lie back. At this point Marsha gave me what was possibly the best catbath of my life, her warm tongue giving me goosebumps. Things got even better when she reached my cock and took it in her mouth. I could take her delicious sucking for only so long, until I motioned for her to mount me; she applied a condom and then complied with my request, lowering herself slowly onto my dick and riding me with increasing speed.

From here we shifted to missionary, a great chance for me to kiss Marsha and dip down to lick Marsha's perky nipples. With all this activity our time was running out, but I could not let sex this incredible, with such a special girl, draw to a close so soon. So I extended to another hour (after that was completed I just paid the bar afterward, something I appreciated rather than have to be distracted by arranging the payment during the session). Over the course of the second hour Marsha deepened our connection with more humor, cuddling, caressing, licking, sucking, and sensual sex. I was tired, but Marsha gave herself over completely to ensuring my pleasure, for which I was exceedingly grateful. As we fondly said our goodbyes I told her I would be back the next day, and on my way out of the bar I made sure to thank the mamasan for setting me up with this fantastic girl.

Ibn Buttita
12-18-15, 00:30
I've established a practice on the final days of my visits to Jakarta to try to repeat with girls that I have enjoyed. Despite the fun I had exploring new venues, with limited time due to a midnight flight out, it felt right to stay with the tried and true. It also meant eliminating some fun possibilities: I was not certain Nancy would be back at FM1 but the potential Friday traffic made a visit there fraught with difficulty; the distance to King's Cross made it unrealistic to seek out Onya there. I did try to book Yanny at Orchardz, but the language barrier thwarted my attempted phone booking (plus I had forgotten her masseuse number, remembering only her name which did not help much).

Fortunately, some of my best experiences were within striking distance. I began with a late-morning visit to Royal Mas to see Nikki. I had to come back after a half hour as she was with another guest, but when I finally got to see her she greeted me with a big smile. Upstairs she treated me to another slippery and sensual soapie, followed by some vigorous shagging of her tight little body. I loved this kewpie-doll of a girl, so unbelievably cute and friendly. More unbelievable was that all this came at a price that barely crossed the 20 dollar mark.

Though I had more repeat visits to make, having Sun City Club just a couple of blocks north of my hotel on Hayam Wuruk made it imperative to at least check it out. Well, the place was nearby as the crow flies, but thanks to the maze that is the Lindeteves Trade Center mall, on whose 6th floor Sun City is located, it took over half an hour just within that befuddling building. The mall, specialized in construction materials, is as unlikely a location as you could imagine for a swank sex club. Getting through the mall itself was like navigating an Escher painting, with elevators that moved in slow motion and only went to certain floors, and few signs, which were mostly misleading (news flash: accurate signs for how to find a stairwell, without getting routed to a dead end, is useful to have in a big building). I think keeping Sun City off the beaten path was by design; guests must typically arrive by car to make very discreet entrances. At the time this should have signaled to me how exclusive (and expensive) the place was.

But that is something I realized once I entered Sun City's main lobby and entrance hallways, clad entirely in marble with soaring ceilings and mirrors in gilded frames (a drastic contrast with the plain mall). The place felt like a palace or the receiving rooms in a foreign ministry building. It was completely empty, and I wandered the halls a bit before finding an employee to direct me to the spa.

That had more of a Japanese feel to it, with lots of wood and water, and two cute receptionists. One walked me over to the locker rooms, giving me all the details. The cover charge for the facilities and real massage was about 300,000, and then in the room I would negotiate with the girl for extra services, but she then told me that the price for that would be something like 1. 7 million Rupiah. The women were Chinese, she told me, but if I decided to take a massage I would not have the chance to select my masseuse, one would be provided sight unseen. What 2-Juta stratospheric price did not do to make me do an about-face, this inability to select the girl did. So I thanked her and left.

Besides mall-exploring and sex, pirated DVD shopping was on my to-do list up at Glodok Plaza, but another essential item to be ticked was a return visit to see cutie Marsha. I was hoping against a replay of FM1 where my great girl was a no-show at work the next day. Fortunately this time, my girl was there and I just had to wait a bit for her to finish her beauty regimen here in the mid-afternoon.

Marsha was such an adorable young thing that once we were in the room my teacher-student fantasy washed over me. As Marsha sat on the edge of the bed and I stood there fully-dressed, I gently pushed her back and hiked up her sexy short skirt. Unzipping my fly and maneuvering my rock-hard cock out of my pants, I leaned in and pulled the crotch of her sheer black panties aside and placed the head of my cock on Marsha's warm pussy lips. She gave a half-hearted cluck of disapproval but then nodded when I pushed my throbbing boner into her tight, hot vagina. I built up a rhythm as I looked down at her face, our eyes locked on each other.

We soon shed more clothing and Marsha climbed on top to ride me. Throughout the rest of our two hours together I held her small body close as we fucked. We alternated between penetration and oral play, as Marsha would apply her hot little tongue from my toes to all points north with her exquisite cat-bath skills. Throughout this time together we would exchange smiles and Marsha would tease me playfully. I was sad to see it all come to an end but like all good things it had to run its course, and I parted with Marsha with a mixture of elation and sadness. I let the prospects of the remainder of my busy day take my mind off the latter.

Only one more appointment remained for this Jakarta visit. After I finished at Royal Mas in the morning I stopped by Berlian to arrange an evening appointment with Irna, to guarantee she would be the capstone to my trip. When I turned up at 7:30 there she was, with her adorable shy smile, braces showing between her soft lips. To show my appreciation for facilitating all this, I gave the mamasan (also named Irna, tiny in stature but big in personality) a warm hug and the tip she solicited.

Then it was up to the room with Irna, my island girl, her brown skin, jet black hair, and precious face out of a Henri Matisse painting. Another sweet session followed, the whole time my eyes drawn to the mirror beside the bed to watch her small naked body against mine, our skin glistening as we perspired from our exertions. We parted with a hug as I promised to be back on my next trip to Jakarta, hoping for a reprise of our time together. Then it was off to the hotel for me to pick up my bag and settle in for the cab ride to the airport, exhausted but happy: it had been a good trip.

12-18-15, 05:55
*snip* Then it was off to the hotel for me to pick up my bag and settle in for the cab ride to the airport, exhausted but happy: it had been a good trip.Exhausted for sure! Sounds like it was a great week. Thanks for sharing. TTG.

12-18-15, 06:54
I've established a practice on the final days of my visits to Jakarta to try to repeat with girls that I have enjoyed. Despite the fun I had exploring new venues.
Then it was off to the hotel for me to pick up my bag and settle in for the cab ride to the airport, exhausted but happy: it had been a good trip.Absolutely great report IBN BUTTITA: Shukran Habibi Shukran:

It seems Jakarta is an awesome cheap place for outstanding south Asian Latino fun. I've had some indo girls in HK but Jakarta is cheap and these girls are so GFE you can just go on and on and on. What we pay here in Dubai is outrageous as the prices you have mentioned for the fun you have had is almost nothing. I think the price you paid for 7 days of mongering is what we end up wasting in 1 night or max 2 nights. DXB is outrageously expensive no wonder all EE and European girls want to work here than in any other part of the world. Crazy it is:

Anyhow a great report and thanks in advance from all of the newbies, Jakarta is the new place we want to visit.


12-18-15, 09:29
Ibn Buttita, one thing for sure is that you are adventurous. Some of those places you went are rarely ever mentioned here on this forum. I always find it strange that the same places like Travel and Classic are mentioned over and over and over again on this forum when there are hundreds of places to go in this city. Excellent reports!

LA Guy 5
12-19-15, 02:05
Great series of reports IBN! Really helpful. Although I have visited most of the places you did, there are a few that I missed that I am now interested in checking out, e.g.. , Orchardz (actually, on one of the holidays when the Penjay Kotah Indah places were closed for a holiday, I was directed to Orchardzf on Pangaran Jayakarta, but it was closed too, so never got over there when it was open). It is kind of funny how many restrict themselves to Classic or Travel in North Jakarta, when from a service standpoint they are probably the worst places.

Marioboro might be a bit better, but there are plenty of other options in that area, many of which offer equal or better service for less cost.

Anyway, thanks again for sharing your experiences.

Ibn Buttita
12-24-15, 23:39
Thanks all, it was definitely my pleasure to revisit the memories of my visit with the reports. I have to say.

There's some really good forum guys in Jakarta, who've been great guides to me, like EgyMonger (who has set me.

Up at Kings Cross multiple times now! And Smoothy, I visited a number of those places based on that.

Report of yours without even knowing who wrote it, so thanks for the guidance from that.

On that note, places like Ruko Robinson do have possibilities, the King's Cross area has so many places.

In that neighborhood most of which I did not try, there's so many options that it's almost scary. The big takeaway I think is that in Jakarta it is an inverse proportion, in my opinion.

Between price and quality, but I did like the places like Orchardz that cost a little more but the whole.

Experience of getting pampered plus the sex was part of what made the holiday.

Alex7 J, maybe in Dubai there is a little bit of that value too with the Pinays vs. The Eastern Europeans and Russians? But there the base-line is so high.

That you (and I as I remember from a couple of visits) do have to pay a lot more than desired.

12-25-15, 03:00
Just returned from my trip to Jakarta, and will periodically write reviews on various places I have visited. This may be my last foray to JKTA, I may return to visit Bandung, but have my eyes set on other places such as Phnom Penh next time.

BFashion Hotel.

Lots of Hype behind BFashion Hotel, so wanted to check it out. Left rather disappointed and feeling there are better options considering the cost and my time spent. Since it is an actual hotel (where people stay at) it may be a good option if you are coming in from a late flight, and want a place fairly close to the airport where all the 'entertainment' is in the same building.

O'ppai lounge: Arrived around 11 pm on a weekday and quite dead. Only one of 3-4 groups of customers. Dancers dance in groups of 5, including Thai dancers. Quality of dancers would rate 6/10 in looks. Entrance fee is 100 k including drink (beer or whiskey coke). Not nearly the same amount of energy and vibe you would experience at Tease or Malio Club. Low ceilings. Hear there is a shower show on Fridays, but this visit did not please me enough to come back. As usual, dancers will harrass you for LDs.

Spa: After you dress into your robe, you may enter the Lounge on left side to select FS gals. There were about 12 on display, quality about 6-7/10 dressed in full gown. A few SYTs, 1-2 CFM types but nothing to my liking. Price is 1 Juta. For the same price, I would rather goto Emporium spa, as they have better facilities and slightly better looking girls. Since the FS gals were disapointing, went to check out the massage gals on right side (see the main counter upon exit of changeroom, and there is prices menu). Prices ranged from 300-600 k for massage gals depending on service, but disapointed that I could only choose these gals based on handphone pics, and not in person. Left BFashion rather dissapointed, and did not get any action.

Overall Rating (4/10), I give BFashion a miss. There are better options for the $, such as Emporium, KC, Classic, etc. I'm sure there are some gems at BFashion, and better selection on Weds-Sat, but given the location (Grogol), time to travel there, and potential for failure, I've written this place off in my future visits unless someone convinces me otherwise. I would have had a better time had the bro who joined me wasn't as much of a pussy than the ladies in there.

01-04-16, 03:55
Gents, below report from a Jakarta resident thought Id the share a little about my activities over NYE week in the capital. Starting on Sunday met up with a previously met 27 yr SKOUT girl, took to my house for a two sessions and lots of drinking. No money paid, no condom and no cum inside.

Monday night, met up after work with a 21 yr girl, this time a hotel on Sabang for real GFE passionate session. She was a hijab virgin and a maid when I first met her, whom I have been seeing now for 2 yrs, originally off wechat. Its kinda cool when a your fucking a girl hard and she's is begging you with 'oohhh mister fuck me harder' I love the 'oohh mister' comments. She wants a double penetration so we practiced that with me in the ass and vibrator in her pussy. A fellow forum member, who is in town next month has volunteered to join so we talked about that a lot and she is really excited about it. Anyway, after first pop off to Garuda padang on sabang (Garuda sells beer :) ), this girl is real kampung and eats with her fingers. Hahaha. After that back to the room for another pop. No money spent except hotel and dinner (and a vibrator and perfume gift). No condom, but no cum inside, except ass.

Tuesday night, after work went to a legit massage place. No happy ending, but full nude massage performed I love that mixture of exhibitionist and self control with a raging hardon and the girl massaging your thighs and belly with your cock staring her in the face. Then met up with an old flame for dinner we didn't go back to a room, but we planned to this week, so that should be good. She is a no condom, no cum inside and no anal girl. She is 33 yr business executive and very picky, doesn't like Indo men. Hence hasn't had sex since me about a year ago, so I know when we meet she will go off. Went home with no sex, but I needed a rest anyway.

Wednesday lunch met up with another 29yr ex-skout business woman, great lunch and kinky talk, she paid half for lunch. She owns her own house (small ok) and car and also doesn't like to screw Indo men, she was 2 yrs without sex first time I met her. She doesn't want to goto my house or a hotel and her mother is in Jakarta for New Yr, so she didn't want to do anything. She is no condom and cum inside girl, but no anal. Headed off to Kalibata city for a pre-arranged after work twitter hooker fuck, so what happens here is for about a 4week period, some guy rents a room and 5 girls work there, they live there, its during school and uni holidays. The room was typical of young girls living together - empty cigarette packets everywhere, clothes hanging all over the place, dirty bathroom, fridge empty, except for water. The price was 800k, of that a 200k deposit - you arrive at the lobby and the girl appears. It was so weird and exciting to be sitting in a 2 bedroom apt, with 5 girls who were there during their school holidays - they were all so sweet and with little little english - between 18 (maybe?) and 21, all giggly. Pretty good GFE with the girl Gege I had including DATY and BBBJ, and great firm tits - I opted for a condom which meant I had to pound her hard. Funny to be pounding away and the girlfriends are in the room next door watching tv no doubt hearing the bed bashing the wall, when I left another punter turned up- I'm not sure how many they do an hour, but it was 2 bedrooms and just me for most of the 45mins I was there.

Thursday night, new years eve as I couldnt find anyone to party with - I met up again with my Skout girl from Sunday night. And spent NYE out then in a villa in the south, fucked a total of 5 times in two days. Included anal sex, pool sex, and a whole day spent naked in the pool, no condom and no cum inside, except ass. No money spent (except NYE drinks) she left midday Saturday. Pics in photo gallery.

Saturday afternoon, picked up a hijab girls number whilst getting phone card topup will see how that goes, cute thin and young and can't wait to get her naked, been texting already.

Sunday, decided to treat myself to a lunchtime FJ massage. Off to Kartika, about 12 girls working, of which 4 or 5 I would do, but its always hard to tell in the low light. Chose Leah, who was maybe 30, 3 kids from Semarang, small tits which is unusual for a Kartika girl, usual overuse of white makeup, but a really really hairy Bush, which is unusual for a hooker. Anyway, the typical awesome soapy massage, finishing in blowjob and FJ, somehow she even slipped a condom on and I didn't even notice, I never had this before, I asked her for the condom and she said sudah, so I'm like ok lets go. Session ended, she question why I didn't produce much cum (because I'm fucking drained!) photos in gallery, hard to get a good pic because she wouldn't really let me.

My phone is going crazy with Wechat, Skout, tinder.... Gents it is so easy to score, these girls love white guys and most don't want anymore than dinner, drinks and someone who treats them nice and fucks them hard. And they don't care how many girlfriends you have, so long as you are nice to them when you are with them. This week I will meet some fresh blood and see how that goes.

Now wheres the triple lecithin :)

Esh Boston
01-05-16, 10:06
Tuesday night, after work went to a legit massage place. No happy ending, but full nude massage performed Thanks for your post with lots of useful information. Where did you get the massage? This sounds like a great experience.

01-06-16, 02:07
Thanks for your post with lots of useful information. Where did you get the massage? This sounds like a great experience.I get these all the time, at legit places like Mitra Sehat or Bersih Sehat. At todays exchange rates. At $10 USD, why wouldn't you?

Not usually a problem, sometimes they throw the towel back on when you roll onto your front. Sometimes not.

It actually allows them to massage you better anyway. Long strokes over your butt, instead of being interfered with by a rogue towel.

Try get a nude massage in the west and they will call the cops. Asia no problem at all.

01-07-16, 14:04
Gents, below report from a Jakarta resident thought Id the share a little about my activities over NYE week in the capital. Starting on Sunday met up with a previously met 27 yr SKOUT girl, took to my house for a two sessions and lots of drinking. No money paid, no condom and no cum inside.
And so on. And so on.

Pardon, but do you actually think it's cool to bang around with no condom on? We might end up with the stuff you are spreading around!

01-08-16, 05:01
*snip* We might end up with the stuff you are spreading around!Not if we use a condom. Let's not launch a safe sex debate (again). For the record, I liked Masbule's report.

Member #4698
01-08-16, 05:42
Two thumbs up for MasBule's report.

Master Diver II
01-08-16, 06:41
And so on. And so on.
Pardon, but do you actually think it's cool to bang around with no condom on? We might end up with the stuff you are spreading around!That was an incredible first post in this forum. Chock full of information and interesting suggestions; I have to say it's members like you that keep this website buzzing and alive. Do have a happy new year as it seems you have started with getting out of the wrong side of the bed - which seems to be the opposite of MasBule's new year where he could barely get out of bed.

While I'm at it, what a terrible FR MasBule: it makes me positively fraught with jealousy and unabated envy (at least until I can get my butt over to Indonesia again later this month). I am concerned with the state of your health as you're searching for Lecithin. Clearly you have hypo-spermatotitis (shortage of the little swimmers) as opposed to my current condition of hyper-spermatotitis (it's coming out of my eyes dammit)! I follow a similar procedure in hooking up, but have yet to try Skout; I'm not a bule, but I do okay. I have heard similar things from the girls as they want a foreigner as oppose to a local guy, albeit that it's somewhat akin to shooting fish in a barrel if you're a bule. Perhaps some of us should arrange a little get together for a chat one of these days.


01-09-16, 06:03
December 21(Day 1: Monday)

Touchdown at CGK at around 12 pm from Singapore. I started the trip with a mistake, but then it was Christmas time, so I guess some saint must be watching over me. I walked towards VOA counter, got into the queue to pay VISA fees which I remembered from last time. I was carrying 35 USD in exact change to avoid getting ripped in exchange returned like my earlier visit. I paid the VISA fees and got into the queue to get the VISA stamped on my passport. There were hardly 2 or 3 people around getting their VISA processed. The officer asked me the reason and duration of my visit. I told him I was there for tourism and would stay around 5 days. He then signaled me to come close to the counter. He told me that he would help me get a free VISA and my money could be refunded. I told him thank you and asked him how that can be done. He told me that if I did something for him then he could help me. I sensed bribe and nodded positively to him. He then asked me to go back to the cash counter and get my money refunded. I left my passport with him and went back and got my 35 USD refunded. By the time I was back he had already stamped my passport with a small VISA, not the sticker I got on my last visit. It was valid for 15 days. He then asked me what I was going to do for him. I just laid out the 20,10 and 5 dollar notes on his counter and asked him to take what he wanted. He looked around and picked a tenner. So it's confirmed now that if you are travelling for tourism and up to 15 days you get free entry into Indonesia. He showed me a list of countries for which this courtesy had been granted and is also available online if you need to check for yours.

I got out and smoked thinking the tenner could have been avoided if I knew for sure about this VISA rule. I immediately got a Bluebird taxi to my Hotel, thankful there was no queue. I had booked 5 nights in Mercure Kota, Executive room again for my stay in Jakarta basis my earlier experience. The room costed me approx. 395 SGD without breakfast.

I got myself a new 4 G connection and instantly fired up Wechat and Badoo for prospects. Changed dollars and got a good rate of 16500 IDR per USD. Was offered lower but I quoted and was given higher rate. I went back to my room and relaxed for a while.

I was waiting for this experience for quite some time. I got in around 9.30 pm collected my token and moved straight to Malio Club. I walked around the entire club. Good set of girls on the sofas seated to the left and right of the entrance, local as well as imports, mainly Viets. Hot dancers on stage as usual and some were moving around sharking for drinks. I got myself seated and like sharks the girls pounced upon me. Usual pleasantries. Some were straight enough and asked whether I can buy drinks for them. I told them to leave me alone for some time. They left but 1 remained seated around me. I ordered for a Corona and started sipping slowly taking in the ambience. I had a good look at the girls on stage and the bikini girls around. The girl seated beside me was trying to warm me up with some conversation. Her name was Rishma. She was a slim gazelle with a decent rack and pouty lips. I gave in and bought her 2 tequila shots (91k IDR each). The drinks got her into a mood and she then made some space between my stool and the the table and squeezed herself in. Some good kisses and smooching started. She got my hands on her B sized rack and was helping me massage them. She had natural ones and I was loving their feel.. Rishma smelled and tasted sweet. She then removed her top and let loose her breasts. I was now getting a good grip on them and she was also enjoying it. She started massaging my tool with one hand while holding my left hand on her breast. I immediately got my hand in her panties which she stopped. She then looked around and I got the message that I would not be able to get my hands inside her panties. Not where we were, at least. I refrained and we continued. I was having a good time with a stunning girl. 2 more drinks ordered and now Rishma was really getting me in the mood. I managed to get my hand inside her panties, clean shaven she was soft and moist. I got a good feel of her and she was clearly enjoying it. We smooched some more and now I really wanted her. 2 more drinks followed. I asked her whether she would like to go to a room with me to which she agreed. I was not anticipating a positive response hence to reconfirm I asked her whether she would have sex. She declined. She told me that she could only give me a BJ and it would cost me 20 drinks. Fuck! This ruined my mood. I asked the guy standing behind me to call for the mamas an. I was hard and had to get my load off. She came and wrote down the prices of locals I wanted. Two categories of girls - 800k IDR and 1.5 Mill IDR. Imports were priced 2 Million IDR. I asked her to show me both sets of girls. As soon as the girls came Rishma got up and vanished. Protocol, it seemed to me. After spending time with a dancer its really difficult to choose a girl from the lot shown. They were beautiful but not as slim and toned as the dancers. I made my selection and the girl sat down next to me. I had chosen a girl purely on basis of body and looks and she turned out to be an 800k IDR girl. A drink for her and some chit chat. Soon we went away to the room.

Dewi was a sweet girl. Usual shower in room. Good session with her. She gave me good DFK but insisted on a CBJ, what a bummer. She was flexible on the positions. Enjoyed with her for a brief time. Tipped her 100k IDR

Overall experience: 7/10.

I went to Malioboro Lounge to check out the scene there. Few local girls, some Chinese and Uzbek girls as well. Mamasan came to me asking to choose her Chinese girls which I declined. I wanted to check out the dancers and see if any of them could be had. There were approx. 6 odd dancers and few were on the floor with guys drinking. Two came up to me but were not my type hence I asked them to come back later. I was more interested in the girl dancing but they seem to be busy chatting amongst themselves and dancing. It seemed to me that the girls asking for drinks and sitting were a different set compared to the ones dancing. Another dancer came up to me. She was slurring and seemed to have had one drink too many. She told me that she could go to a room with me. I politely declined looking at the state she was in. Had to ask her to go as she was quite insistent. She then asked if I could give her some money. I wasnt expecting this and said I couldnt. She eventually moved on.

The dancers then changed. New set of girls came and the earlier ones went and got themselves seated down the hall at the very end. None of them sharked for any drinks. Not seeing any lock with them I decided to call it a night and got back to Hotel.

I struck with a lady on Badoo back at the hotel named Ida and she seemed to be interested to meet me the next day evening. She was a working girl and would drop by my hotel after finishing her work. I told her that I would take her out for dinner and drinks to which she agreed. Pics looked good so I didnt mind taking a chance.

01-09-16, 06:06
December 22(Day 2: Tuesday)

Alexis Hotel
I reached Alexis around 5 pm. Got into the lift and straight up to the 7th Floor spa. As I was alone I was made to sit on the long chair by the mamasan. She then explained to me the options available. Imports were 2. 35 Mill whereas the local gals were 1. 35 mill. I knew the range as I had visited twice on my earlier trip. I ordered for a Corona and then had a good look at the girl available around. To my left were 5 Thai girls, 1 looked pretty. To my right at back were few Uzbeks, nothing fancy about them. To my right were the PRC girls, 7 of them but nothing to jump over. The Viets were slightly far on my left after the seating area. The largest crowd was of locals. I was here for them so told the mamasan about my requirement. Tall, slim and natural. She walked over to those 25 girls and described the requirement and started picking out girls. She got approx. 6 of them to my table. I had a good look at them and they were beautiful and smiling. Mamsan told me to remember their token no in case I liked anyone. I did and pointed her out. Thanked the rest and they walked away. Got her a drink. She sat beside me and was a good looking gal with slim toned body. Usual pleasantries. Her name was Aulia. Got up and went to change to meet her at the pool. She gave me a short face and back massage, got naughty in the pool.

Back in the room we showered and started kissing. She was very responsive and seemed to be comfortable with me. We lay on the bed for some time playing with each other. She then opened the Sagami I had given her. I knew I was going to get a CBJ here as well. She did a decent job. She kissed my inner thighs and my balls but wanted a condom for BJ. I just couldn't get my head around it and continued with the flow. We had sex in WOT, Miss and finished in doggy. Tipped her 100 k IDR cash. Not happy with CBJ at all. This was bumming me out now.

Overall experience: 7/10.

Not wanting to do another session of CBJ I decided to leave. My bill came up to approx. 1. 8 Mill with both drinks and a pack of Marlboros for the girl. I was carrying crisp 100 k notes. I counted 18 and gave it to the cashier. She took the notes and then ran it through an automatic counting machine. She told me that it was 17. I thought maybe I would have counted less. I gave her one more note and left. Back at the room I counted my cash again and I had 31 notes remaining. I had paid her 19. It was my mistake and I couldn't do anything about it.

The Badoo girl Ida had meanwhile arrived and was waiting in the hotel lobby for me. I froze when I saw her. She was at least 5 to 7 years older and plumper compared to the pics she had posted on her profile. I just didn't like her. She insisted on going to my room. Not wanting to create a scene in the lobby I took her to my room. We settled in and I told her that she was not the person I wanted to meet. She should have updated her current pics on the profile. She started cribbing. I told her that I had to go out and could not stay with her. I gave her 300 k IDR for taxi and all her troubles and got rid of her.

Overall experience: 0/10.

Dragonfly / Immigrant:
I went to Immigrant around 11 pm. It was closed. I took a cab from there and went to Dragonfly. When I walked into the building basis Google maps the security guard told me that the club was based in another building across the road named BIP. I walked over there to find out that it was closed as well. Lesson learnt after spending 2 hours and almost 200 k IDR on Taxi fare is to avoid discos on Tuesday.

01-09-16, 06:07
December 23(Day 3: Wednesday)

Kings Cross:
I took a taxi for Kings cross around 5 pm from Kota. After a good 1. 30 HR and 80 k IDR plus in fare I managed to reach Kings Cross. Place was quite empty with few locals and Japanese guys around. The ground area had a lounge with seating area for girls on the left as well as the right hand corner. 50+ girls in total. Much better selection than Malioboro. I was quite bored with the long taxi ride and went up to the 2nd floor to get a massage. Small seating area with 15+ girls. Chose one, name was Dewi, seems to be common girl name in Jakarta.

600 k IDR for 90 minutes. Room was good. Got ourselves a drink. Dewi gave me a good 40 minute hard massage. We showered and got back on bed. A good ball licking session followed by CBJ (Bummer again) and some good kissing. I failed to understand the logic of licking everything around the shaft but not wanting to suck it. Didn't want to delve into it further and left as it is. Gave her 200 k IDR tip primarily for the massage.

Overall experience: 7. 5/10.

I came downstairs and settled into the seating area in the centre. I wanted to do another session considering the time and money spent in reaching Kings Cross. I had a few beers and got something to eat. There were some good girls and I could easily select 6 or 7. Unfortunately I had to restrict myself to only 1. I identified a girl and got the papasan to get her to my table. The girl was a real PYT. I liked her more when I saw her up close. Got her seated and ordered her a drink. Her name was Raisa. We went up to the room. Raisa was a cat. She started kissing me as soon as we entered the lift. I had to hold her till we got to the room. She was frenching me once inside. I was sensing a good time ahead. We got into shower and some deep kissing followed. To my surprise Raisa went down on me in the shower. Finally after 2 days I was getting a BBBJ. I let her continue. We got back on the bed and this PYT took charge. She kissed me all over and a deep sloppy BBBJ followed. I was completely taken aback by this sexual behavior from a cutie. We spent some more time kissing and cuddling. I got my rubber on and entered her in missionary. She sucked the juice out of my lips. We continued for some more time changing position to her on top and then doggy. I couldn't hold on more and finished soon. It was an amazing session. I got her contacts but unfortunately she could not meet me outside. She told me that she worked everyday and took a break only during her periods. What a bummer. I gave her 200 k IDR as tip and left. Both the girls costed same.

Overall experience: 8/10.

Kings Cross had really been worth all the trouble and cost to me. I really liked the place and quality of girls available.

I went to BATS around 11.30 pm. 165 k IDR entry charge for a Corona. Got myself seated by the bar. Hardly any crowd. Few old gals. Stuck around for some time. Some crowd did come in but nothing too my fancy. As I was about to leave two girls walked in and settled across me on the left side of the bar. Smiles exchanged one of them waved to me. I took my beer and walked up to them. General chit chat. They offered me threesome. I refused and told them that I could only take one. I then asked the girl I liked, named Pinky what it would cost me if I wanted to take her. Her reply was 200 USD for the night. I went cold. I didn't negotiate and was not going to pay that price to her. I got her no and told her that I will text her if I want her. I moved out and went to CJs.

Entry into CJ was 200 k IDR. Got my Corona and started scanning the place. Seemed lively with the band playing and there was a good crowd. I got offered a threesome for 3 Million IDR from two Indo oldies. LT for 1 Million IDR from an old and fat Uzbek. ST for 2 Million IDR from a sweet gal, expensive and lastly LT for 700 k from an old Indo lady. Liked another girl but she refused to travel to Kota and immediately got picked up by an old East Asian guy. I called it a night.

01-09-16, 06:08
December 24(Day 4: Thursday)

B Fashion spa
I went to be Fashion spa around 5 pm. You cannot choose girl for massage. They might show you 2 snaps if you insist and you need to decide basis that. Full service option is better at 800 k IDR. Picked a Javanese girl. Average Session. Light kissing and CBJ. Did not enjoy much. I would avoid this place in future.

Overall experience: 6/10.

I went around 9 pm. Got a stunner to join me at Malio Club. Name was Yulia. Amazing body and great breasts. Light kisser. Spend good 40 minutes with her costing me 6 drinks. She was worth it. Unfortunately she also offered only a BJ for 20 drinks. I went to Malioboro Lounge to check out the dancers there. Same scene as earlier, girls dancing in the centre moved away to their seating area and were not accessible. Dancers who were on the floor sharking for drinks were not upto my fancy. I checked the local indo gal collection but again didn't find anyone to my taste. Girls at Kings Cross were indeed better.

Paid 700 k IDR and left.

Dragonfly / Immigrant
I reached Dragonfly around 12 am. Paid 200 k IDR to get in. Decent crowd but mostly in groups. Had 2 shots of JD with cola. Moved around but didn't find anyone alone or approachable. Most of the girls were in groups or accompanied. No eye contact or prospect in sight so I moved on to Immigrant. I would avoid this places unless I am with people or am wanting to party here with some local friends.

Immigrant was slow as well. Hardly a crowd. Few girls around but not worth approaching. Stuck around for 45 minutes and left. CJs is a better option. I had been to North Jakarta clubs on my earlier trip like Colosseum and Golden Crown and didn't want to visit this time. With ZERO Bahasa my chances at picking up a local gal were considerably reduced or nonexistent.

01-09-16, 06:10
December 25(Day 5: Friday)

After an amazing time at Kings Cross I returned to Kelapa Gading to check out Sumo. Being Christmas, holiday traffic was thin and I was here in 25 minutes. I got in and seated myself at the lounge. Approx 30+ girls available. Some of them really beautiful. Got mamasan to call 2 girls as I couldn't decide. Chose the better looking one when I saw both up close. Session cost was 900 k IDR for the girl. Room was decent. Girl name was Sari. Good body, perfect round arse and be sized breasts. She had a latino look on her face and body. Room was small but decent. Sari also turned out to be a cat in the room. BBBJ and multiple positions. Great kissing. Enjoyed my time with her very much. Sari came twice and was satiated. I had to let her rest for good 5 to 10 minutes after the session. Gave her 200 k IDR tip.

Overall experience: 8/10.

My visit to Kings Cross and Sumo had been good. I really liked the quality of girls available. Both places were small and no pushy papasan or mamasan. Girls were sweet, patient and flexible. I would definitely spend more time here on my next visit. Only bummer is the time required to travel from Kota.

Being Christmas night I went with high expectations to BATS. It was just an average night there. Few girls' mostly old ones. Not wanting to waste time I immediately moved on to CJs. The crowd was much better. Within minutes of getting my beer had a cute girl approach me. She introduced herself as Nida. She was a salesgirl at a mall and came to CJs once in a while to supplement her income. We got chatting. I offered her a drink but she didn't consume alcohol so an orange juice was good enough for her. I liked her vibe and she was quite chirpy and sweet. She didn't want to do LT and I didn't want to let her go. She started with 2 and we eventually settled for 1 Million IDR for 3 hours. Back in the hotel she gave me a good 15 minute soothing back massage. Light kisser but good BBBJ. I had a good session with her. She wanted to finish with her on top and I obliged her. She cleaned me up after the act and put me to bed and left.

Overall experience: 7/10.

The night scene has been same as my earlier trip, not very good. Options are really limited or not worth the money being asked for. After 5 days it just gets boring to visit the spas. The MO starts to feel extremely monotonous. I think it will be quite some time before I visit Jakarta again.

Member #4698
01-09-16, 17:42
Hey IllusionHeart, it sounds like you had a pretty good time in Jakarta and met some nice girls. After reading your report and Ibn Buttita's report I think I have to go to King's Cross. It is now at the top of my to do list. I love Malioboro too. It is presently my favorite bordello. I think some of their dancers are just amazing. Fortunately they never offered me a CBJ. I hope this covered crap is not a new trend. At Malioboro prices it would really sour me on the place. As to CJ's vs Bats: it was my experience too, the last time I was in Jakarta, that CJ's is much better with a ton more attractive girls. Why fight it? Last trip I met a semi pro at CJ's who has a regular 9 to 5 job. After we met I took her out 3 nights in a row. We still Line chat and I am looking forward to seeing her again. She is a darling, but danger danger, I think (I know) she wants a boyfriend and a family. Ha Ha. It ain't going to be me!

So although you had a good time in a few places and met some great gals, I was not all that surprised by your concluding comment and I think I know how you feel:

The night scene has been same as my earlier trip, not very good. Options are really limited or not worth the money being asked for. After 5 days it just gets boring to visit the spas. The MO starts to feel extremely monotonous. I think it will be quite some time before I visit Jakarta again.

IMHO Megalopolis Jakarta, like Metro Manila, can feel a little cold and boring in the daytime when it is hard to get around and there is a lack of things to do until nighttime rolls around unlike Bangkok where there is always something to do. I part company with you on visiting Jakarta, however, because I think the Jakarta girls are worth the extra effort and trouble (? LOL). It is not that they are better ie better looking, better performing, or just better at GFE than Thai girls and they are definitely not cheaper. No, to me the reason I still want to return to Jakarta and can't seem to get enough of the girls here is because they are pretty and sexy in a slightly different way physically and culturally than Thai and Filipina girls and I crave this variety. Also I have never had a CBJ in Jakarta. I think this is a relatively small thing, but it would affect my thinking too if that became the default offering. Truth is I have barebacked or been offered bareback by quite a number of my girls so the opposite is my experience in Jakarta. For me, the issue I have with this large city that has the potential to depress me and get me down, is the lack of interesting things to do during the daytime. So to fill my days as best I can, I stay at hotels with good swimming pools and are close to high end malls and I go out and about all to make the time in between girls pass as quickly as possible. Reading Ibn Buttita's report and those of other worthy board members, I think I may begin to check out some of the daytime places like Berlian, Royal Mas and Maribaya Bar and Spa. In other words, I think that for my 3rd trip to Jakarta, it is high time I go out exploring more. I think it might be fun.

01-09-16, 19:42
December 25(Day 5: Friday)

Being Christmas night I went with high expectations to BATS. It was just an average night there. Few girls' mostly old ones. Not wanting to waste time I immediately moved on to CJs. The crowd was much better. Within minutes of getting my beer had a cute girl approach me. She introduced herself as Nida. She was a salesgirl at a mall and came to CJs once in a while to supplement her income. We got chatting. I offered her a drink but she didn't consume alcohol so an orange juice was good enough for her. I liked her vibe and she was quite chirpy and sweet. She didn't want to do LT and I didn't want to let her go. She started with 2 and we eventually settled for 1 Million IDR for 3 hours. Back in the hotel she gave me a good 15 minute soothing back massage. Light kisser but good BBBJ. I had a good session with her. She wanted to finish with her on top and I obliged her. She cleaned me up after the act and put me to bed and left.

Overall experience: 7/10.

The night scene has been same as my earlier trip, not very good. Options are really limited or not worth the money being asked for. After 5 days it just gets boring to visit the spas. The MO starts to feel extremely monotonous. I think it will be quite some time before I visit Jakarta again.
Awesome FR's Illusion Heart:

It seems Bats / Cj's are the only two options for club pick ups in Jakarta. The clubs in Blok M are no longer that good for the FL'rs to work for.

Keep up the good work Ibn Batuta and your report are excellent for newbies like us.



Fast Eddie 48
01-10-16, 01:05
Awesome FR's Illusion Heart:

It seems Bats / Cj's are the only two options for club pick ups in Jakarta. The clubs in Blok M are no longer that good for the FL'rs to work for.

Keep up the good work Ibn Batuta and your report are excellent for newbies like us.


AlexTo Alex73.

There are many club and Disco all over Jakarta you need to know your options most of them in North near Kota, you can also pick up freelance in the Mall during daytime HR.

Fast eddie 48.

01-10-16, 07:17
December 21(Day 1: Monday)

Touchdown at CGK at around 12 pm from Singapore


December 25(Day 5: Friday)

I think it will be quite some time before I visit Jakarta again.

Great, detailed, informative reports Illusion. As always, your reports can easily be reference material for some newbie wanting to visit a city. Thanks.

I am looking forward to the FR on the time that followed after Jakarta. *wink wink*.

01-10-16, 08:03
So although you had a good time in a few places and met some great gals, I was not all that surprised by your concluding comment and I think I know how you feel:

IMHO Megalopolis Jakarta, like Metro Manila, can feel a little cold and boring in the daytime when it is hard to get around and there is a lack of things to do until nighttime rolls around unlike Bangkok where there is always something to do.
For me, the issue I have with this large city that has the potential to depress me and get me down, is the lack of interesting things to do during the daytime. So to fill my days as best I can, I stay at hotels with good swimming pools and are close to high end malls and I go out and about all to make the time in between girls pass as quickly as possible. Natty, I did have a good time with some of the girls. The extra long trip to Kelapa gading was worth it. I found more beautiful local gals and the best ones in this trip I met there. I consciously avoided Travel and Classic as I wanted to explore more. The dancers in Malio club and Malioboro lounge were the biggest draw for me in this trip. I did sample two at Malio club and it was worth the time and money. Unfortunately they only had a BJ on offer at a curtained room upstairs.

I have been to daytime places like Kartika and Berlian, although I did one session there I didn't like the women available, too old and big for my taste. I am sure you will not enjoy there unless your preferences have changed recently. I don't mind a girl having 2 kids but her body should not scream about it. 555.

City is dead during daytime. Mall hunting is not my game. Nothing else to do.

Awesome FR's Illusion Heart:

It seems Bats / Cj's are the only two options for club pick ups in Jakarta. The clubs in Blok M are no longer that good for the FL'rs to work for.

Keep up the good work Ibn Batuta and your report are excellent for newbies like us.


AlexThanks Alex. I avoided Blok M this trip as well. I didn't want to make the trip after reading the quality and age of girls available there.

To Alex73.

There are many club and Disco all over Jakarta you need to know your options most of them in North near Kota, you can also pick up freelance in the Mall during daytime HR.

Fast eddie 48.FE, I had visited Milles, Golden crown and Colosseum in my earlier visit. Though there are some good local gals communication would a challenge. I could see local boys speak to girls and invite them to their table. All I was able to do was eye contact and a smile but the girls looked hesitating hence never approached. Must be their lack of english speaking ability or my inability to speak Bahasa. Mall hunting is definitely not my game hence I don't try or attempt.

Great, detailed, informative reports Illusion. As always, your reports can easily be reference material for some newbie wanting to visit a city. Thanks.

I am looking forward to the FR on the time that followed after Jakarta. *wink wink*.Thanks Blanqui, 5555, I have finished Manila and will be completing AC shortly. It sure was fun in the philippines.

01-10-16, 11:59
To Alex73.

There are many club and Disco all over Jakarta you need to know your options most of them in North near Kota, you can also pick up freelance in the Mall during daytime HR.

Fast eddie 48.Hey Edd,

I am not a daytime monger, I would rather stay in with the catch of the night till next noon or evening if she is happy with me, I never force anything on a lady rather go with the flow. For me it is all night clubbing IE hunting, I find a lady hot only after a bottle of absolute or Grey goose goes inside me, till then all of them are ugly for me LOL, vodka makes the lady beautiful and sexy trust me for that and then back home humping sleeping humping sleeping eating humping again. I usually never come out in the day I am a night owl that's why I stay in big nice clean apartments mostly in the center or downtown, always use a taxi because I come out in the night and they are always free and helpful, for me the apartment or hotel has to be very chic have stayed in one of the best places in shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lampur, Hong Kong the best till date has been the Ambassador suite in Davis corner wing Bangkok, it is a beautiful two bedroom suite with a jacuzzi right inside your drawing room so even if the lady is sleeping in the other room I can easily work or rest in the jacuzzi. The best sex I have had is in the hot jacuzzi the ladies are just flattered, never in my life in BKK has any Thai lady quoted me the price or asked money upfront after she has stepped with me in the Ambassador suite.

Secondly for me clubbing is hunting I don't want a 8 or 9 or 10 starfish, I would be rather happy with a 5 , 6 or 7 , I am not that handsome but I like the lady to be nice, she does not need to be beautiful just decent enough and then alcohol will make her wild, she should feel it is the best night of her life in club, I make her feel like a princess when she is with me and trust me I have begged ladies to leave my room. Language has never been a problem for me I have hunted in vast regions of China from the northern part of Shandong province to the depth of Shenzen and to the no talked about regions of Urmuqui. Then with the Colombians and Moroccans, I had a steady indo GF in HK a couple of years back she was a young hot indo awesome in bed so I learnt Sayang from her in Bahasa, no worries for language just the place should be good enough and ladies ready to be taken rest I leave on destiny mate.

Any how thanks for your advice, I just want to step into Jakarta for a couple of days for change.



01-11-16, 02:36
Hey man, don't forget this was Christmas day, this is the second quietest time of the year after idul fitri.

Alot of people, due to the 4 day long weekend, leave the city and goto Bali or Singapore.

December 25(Day 5: Friday)

After an amazing time at Kings Cross I returned to Kelapa Gading to check out Sumo. Being Christmas, holiday traffic was thin and I was here in 25 minutes. I got in and seated myself at the lounge. Approx 30+ girls available. Some of them really beautiful. Got mamasan to call 2 girls as I couldn't decide. Chose the better looking one when I saw both up close. Session cost was 900 k IDR for the girl. Room was decent. Girl name was Sari. Good body, perfect round arse and be sized breasts. She had a latino look on her face and body. Room was small but decent. Sari also turned out to be a cat in the room. BBBJ and multiple positions. Great kissing. Enjoyed my time with her very much. Sari came twice and was satiated. I had to let her rest for good 5 to 10 minutes after the session. Gave her 200 k IDR tip.

Overall experience: 8/10.

My visit to Kings Cross and Sumo had been good. I really liked the quality of girls available. Both places were small and no pushy papasan or mamasan. Girls were sweet, patient and flexible. I would definitely spend more time here on my next visit. Only bummer is the time required to travel from Kota.

Being Christmas night I went with high expectations to BATS. It was just an average night there. Few girls' mostly old ones. Not wanting to waste time I immediately moved on to CJs. The crowd was much better. Within minutes of getting my beer had a cute girl approach me. She introduced herself as Nida. She was a salesgirl at a mall and came to CJs once in a while to supplement her income. We got chatting. I offered her a drink but she didn't consume alcohol so an orange juice was good enough for her. I liked her vibe and she was quite chirpy and sweet. She didn't want to do LT and I didn't want to let her go. She started with 2 and we eventually settled for 1 Million IDR for 3 hours. Back in the hotel she gave me a good 15 minute soothing back massage. Light kisser but good BBBJ. I had a good session with her. She wanted to finish with her on top and I obliged her. She cleaned me up after the act and put me to bed and left.

Overall experience: 7/10.

The night scene has been same as my earlier trip, not very good. Options are really limited or not worth the money being asked for. After 5 days it just gets boring to visit the spas. The MO starts to feel extremely monotonous. I think it will be quite some time before I visit Jakarta again.

01-11-16, 15:45
Hey man, don't forget this was Christmas day, this is the second quietest time of the year after idul fitri.

Alot of people, due to the 4 day long weekend, leave the city and goto Bali or Singapore.MasBule, Agreed and I also had the holiday season and probable impact in my mind while planning the trip. However it was surprising that there were enough gals in all Spas to choose from.

I faced issue only during night time I. E. In Clubs regarding quality. The only night I picked up a girl from CJs was also surprisingly on Christmas night. My experience with Clubs has not been good in my earlier trip as well which was in month of May. I didn't do well in this trip either. Hope the next one whenever I visit, things would have improved.

01-14-16, 15:46
How is the situation on ground now in Jakarta? I hope all our friends on this forum who live in Jakarta are safe. Does today's incidents seem to have affected the markets we operate in?

Stay safe folks!

01-14-16, 19:41
How is the situation on ground now in Jakarta? I hope all our friends on this forum who live in Jakarta are safe. Does today's incidents seem to have affected the markets we operate in?

Stay safe folks!There was a bit less traffic than usual, while some central roads where blocked. So on balance perhaps not such a big effect on movement in the city.

In Classic the girls complained that there were fewer customers than usual, but the customers who were there were not complaining.

As an Australian Jakarta-based expat tweeted: Perhaps they should evacuate the Sidney opera.

01-24-16, 13:41
I went to CJs last week on Wednesday night. I was quite disappointed by the talent there that night. Normally there is a throng of hotties on a ladies night there, but it was not the case that night. I will say that the blonde lead singer of the band has greatly improved over the years. She used to be stiff as a board (5 years ago) and was a poor singer as well. Now she can move and is quite sexy dancing and can sing much much better. I enjoyed just watching her for a change.

That Friday night we went to Golden Crown and it was much better. I don't particularly like to go there alone, but if going with a buddy it's usually a good time as long as I've slept before going there. The main problem with the place is the girls like to do X all night and don't want to go home until the sun is about to come up. We don't do X ourselves, but we picked up a couple of girls who claimed to be college students (you never know if that's actually true). By the time I got my girl to my place, she just wanted to sleep. But we had a good shag when we both woke up, and she didn't ask for any money. I still gave her 500 k taxi money regardless. I find that if I don't slip them some money, I normally don't hear back from them. But if I do, I will, and sometimes these college chicks will circulate my number to their friends and I will get random messages from girls I don't know asking if they can meet me (to make some extra money for school). I love having some mystery girl coming to visit.

01-24-16, 18:22
Report ia a bit late but nonetheless I do have some details to report. Was again in Jakarta over the holidays and this time around it was really disappointing. Hung out in my usual spot in Blok M but the lack of ladies was a sorry sight.

Between Christmas and New Year at Blok M in the past there has always been an overrun of females in all of the bars, however this year there were few and I mean a few hanging around in these bars. Top Gun had it's usual bad band playing which draws a bit of a crowd but My Bar was not as rocking as it used to be. I'm my.

Opinion (aside from the politics) is the music they really need to change that DJ who plays just one type of music all night. Met a few regulars but no new talent and the numbers were very few. On New Years eve I was one of four people in My Bar for countdown, it certainly has changed.

Now I have read the forum and some of you say that bars in the North are good but with details on the method of operation it's difficult to operate in new territory.

I stayed in Kota once again and in Sarinah (see hotel section) for report. And in the Gaja Madah area there are a lot of of activity around the McDonalds.

Did have a delivery to my room from a guy offering delivery service and the experience was ok, not great GFE as I am used to in Jakarta, times / service certainly has changed. I was tempted to try one of the clubs in the Kota area but the front desk clerk talked me out of it, said Kemang clubs were better, but never identified which club in Kemang.

Anyway I hope that my summer trip is better.

01-25-16, 01:02
Hung out in my usual spot in Blok M but the lack of ladies was a sorry sight.

Kemang clubs were better, but never identified which club in Kemang.

I wasn't in town for Christmas and New Years, but I did go to Top Gun just after New Years. I was greatly impressed by the talent there. Unfortunately I had met a girl there. I was regretting it after I arrived because the talent that night was excellent.

Kemang has so many places now. You can actually just take a taxi down that main road in kemang and when you see a place that has lots of cars out front and is very busy, stop in. Haha. 999 is a popular place. Eastern Promise is good on the weekends. Kemang isn't really my scene though, I prefer Top Gun.

01-25-16, 02:17
Somebody out there who knows the going rate at Bintang Mawar? Thanks!

01-27-16, 22:12
I recently spent some time in Jakarta. Not to repeat too much from older reports, here is a brief summary:

Classic was true to form, a good bordello IMHO. Yeah mamasans are pushy, but you just have to learn to ignore or negotiate and not let them take decisions for you. But confusing info about medical checks. Girls say they have regular checks, blood sample, vaginal swab, and a couple of pills (said before on this form to be antibiotics). This info was repeated by three different girls, but one said it was weekly, another monthly and a third quarterly. And, I came across to girls with bad cases of genital warts. The worst case said she had seven customers already that night. It seems they just fuck without tasting or looking, so they never realize.

One thing I really enjoy about Classic is the walks with the girls through the maze of corridors to the rooms and the interaction with the service staff that populates those corridors. It's surreal.

I also tried Kings Cross and Fashion Hotel. My experiences both places were exactly as described in recent reports. Kings cross was best, but it took me over an hour to get there in a taxi in not very heavy traffic. Like many things in Jakarta it is further than it looks on the map. I had a really nice SYT there though.

Blok M sucks, really there are very few girls of interest there. On the other hand, the one girl I took back from there was OK. But in the future I am staying up north.

CJs is has some pretty ladies and a nice, quite stylish party atmosphere, but prices are high.

At Travel I had one of their budget threesomes (480 rupiah + tips for two girls or whatever it is). I don't like threesomes and the service was mediocre as expected, but the girls were just so beautiful I couldn't resist. A 9 and a possible 10 - if you like shorty, skinny, long-legged girls with medium-small breasts and pretty faces. I find the fallback option for this situation is to play forced sex with them: one holds they others risks while I fuck her. Even if they won't go down on each other or the like, they are usually happy with this. Now if only I could get them to do real three-way DFK. Few things beats that feeling.

My experience at Travel was similar to the past, and similar to some other reports here: mamasans really too pushy, service not so good. But I started wondering whether perhaps one just has to take a more serious approach: Come in a bit earlier, sit at a table and order some drinks, let the girls come to the table and buy lady drinks and interview thoroughly. Certainly there is no doubt there are some beautiful women in that place, one just has to work out how to connect with the right ones and get them to do what one wants.

01-28-16, 06:03
Prior to my Indonesia side of my trip, I did read a lot of reports and I want to thank all the long time contributors to Jakarta and Indonesia forums for their instant help to any questions I had before my trip. This is one of the best forum where the long time punters go out of their way to help other punters. Thanks to all for all your help.

I am entering my stage 3-A of my travels. The plans was to leave Cebu for Manila Sunday November 22 2015 on 5. 55 pm on Cebu Pacific and catch the connecting Cebu Pacific flight to Jakarta Leaving Manila at 20.45 pm. I thought I had enough time for the connecting flight in Manila while I making my bookings months earlier. Little did I know that there would be the APEC conference in Manila ending about that time. With President Obama attending the conference, there was a no fly zone in Manila for several kilometers and that included the Manila airport. It led to severe backups of flights and the weather also was not helping with cloudy skies. My 17.55 pm flight left late one and a half hour and by the time I made it to Cebu Pacific check in for Jakarta, the flight had already left. That screwed up my plans completely for the three nights stay in Northern Jakarta. The next flight was next day at night at 20.45 pm. Cebu Pacific would not put me on another airline flight nor offer accommodation for the night. As it was getting late and Manila traffic in mind and not done any RTFF for hotels on Manila, I opted to spend the night at the hotel. I was frustrated, hungry and tired.

I had made bookings to stay at the Redtop for 3 nights. Before I went to Mkenko Spa, I sent e-mails to Redtop Hotel explaining the flight delays that led to me being unable to come to Jakarta as planned on November 22 and I would be spending the night at the airport and catching the flight next day. With the Asian culture, they replied back that I would be regarded as 'no show' and they will cancel my booking, plus charge me a day's rent. I tried explaining to them the circumstances but to no avail.

I had to make another booking for a hotel. Being tired and frustrated, I was looking up Agoda and in haste looked up the wrong area, Mangga Dua. I booked at the'primahotel Mangga Dua 2, Jl. Pangeran Jayakarta 73 Blok A / E-01, Jakarta.

I found a place at the airport that offered 'accommodation' from a few hours to a night stay. I went upstairs and checked it out. It is called Mkenko Spa, a Japanese Health Spa. You can store your luggage there, has 'lounge type chairs' for sleeping and relaxation and also some private full size beds and sheets with alarm clock etc. Very quiet for a decent sleep. There are showers and toiletries, towels and sleepers supplied. Drinks and snack plus breakfast are available for free and there is a eating and dining area. Quiet good for about USD 20.00 I paid for the night stay in the 'bedroom'. The chairs are cheaper. I slept well.

November 23 2015, Cebu Pacific left for Jakarta on time at 20.45 pm. A no frills airline where everything is charged for. OK for short flights and they provide the same no service on international flights as well. Arrived in Jakarta a bit early and took a taxi to the the'primahotel Mangga Dua 2 hotel. Hotel was acceptable and a decent size room with good service. There was no mongering around and I decided to sleep the night away. I had booked the room with breakfast and it was served at the acfe next door. It was just a pastry with one coffee. I had booked the room for two and asked for two coffee and two pastries. Beware hotels that come with breakfast.

November 24 2015, I had to get a sim card and change some money. I had brand new USD 100 dollar notes and I put them in my wallet. There was Bank nearby that had a very good rate. I went in and gave my notes for Rupiahs. The girl did her stuff and took the notes and came back saying that as the notes had a fold from my wallet, they would not accept them! I went back to the hotel and got some straight notes and now, they could not change the money as it was past 2. 00 pm and no buy and sell after 2. 00 pm! I could come tomorrow. Little did they know that I badly needed some cash for the mongering that night. They said that there were money changers at the mall and I should go there. Went to the mall and had a lot of difficulty finding money changers there. After a lot of walking I did find one. The rate was good and no issues with any notes. On the way back in the mall, I walked by some cell phone sellers and noticed some sim cards. I explained to the girl who spoke very little English that I wanted talk, text and internet. She found one and also went through the process to setup my card as all the communication was in the local language. Thanks to that young girl, I was set.

Returned to the hotel to rest a bit after an eventual day. Later I noticed a night market starting right across from the mall. There were no restaurants nearby and I walked the length of the market to find something to eat before I embarked to The Classic Hotel as I had only today and the next day I was taking a taxi to south Jakarta.

Took a Taxi around 9. 00 pm to the Classic Hotel. Can't remember the costs but it was some distance.

I was surprised that the hotel looked good and it was a hookers joint. Usually such places are greasy smelly places.

Found the area where girls are and got my 'ticket' at the entrance. Mamasans pounce on you as you enter. I found a table close to the stage and ordered a large Bintang. Drank the beer and surveyed the scene. There was a very good local band playing on stage. A lot of girls sitting alongside the walls on couches. They seemed to wear different color dresses, signifying different groups and mamasans. Personally, I thought that slouching on couches did not present them well and you may not know what the selected girl looks like when she gets up. There were quite a few punters too. I was still thirsty after the first beer and decided to have another one before some action. When the band took a break, the girls wearing black dresses, got up on to the stage and did perform dance routines to techo music. They actually danced than one step forward and two back. Later in their routine, they would start shedding their clothes and would be completely naked and continue dancing till the end of their routine. These girls were quite entertaining.

After they had finished their routine, some of the naked girls would be around the area where the punters sit. Now, watch out for this routine. They would go to some unsuspecting men and go close up to them, hug them with their breasts close to the guys faces and ask the punter to buy them a shot and they would drink the shot BEFORE the punter had a say and demand 10 K rupiah! Watch out for that as they look quite enticing, those beautiful naked bodies with gorgeous breasts, feeling your penis and next popping a shot! I saw that happening with other punters and waved them away before they got too close to me.

I was ready for action. I walked the area to check out other girls and did see some at the other end to where I was sitting. Did not take the mamasan to notice what I was checking out and she brought the girl over to me at a table I was sitting. She was about 5 feet 4 inches tall, not too skinny, nice body and a beautiful face. We talked a little and she seemed good to me. Before I got to talk to the mamasan, she brings another girl and she offered both to me for 525 k rupiah. Though she was not a bad looker, I was not interested in her and told the mamasan that I would take the first girl. Gave her 350 k rupiah for one hour.

Off we went towards the rooms. The girl stopped to get her stuff and then we went to a room. Decent size, clean with a shower and a big enough bed with sheets and pillows. I hugged the girl, kissing her slowly undressing her. She had big breasts and a nice size bottom, that I like, not jello. She grabbed my erect penis and unfastened my belt and undid my trousers. We felt each other on the bed and talked a bit. She was 20 years old. She had a two year old baby. I could not see any signs of any birth marks or extra weight. I got the impression that her breasts may need milking! She looked even better without clothes with erect pencil sharp nipples and a shaved pussy. She was lighter skinned.

We both got up and had a shower. After that, it was all action on the bed. I kissed her all over from her lips, face, neck, breasts and then went down on her. She loved me eating her out and was moaning and groaning with her pussy getting all moist. We did 69 position first with me on top and then her on the top. She was very good at BBBJ. She kept sucking and sucking like she could not get enough. I was getting all too excited and it was time for intercourse. I had brought my own rubbers and she put one on. First, she was on top and really working her hips. He screams were getting louder but I did not give a shit. Her body would shudder with each orgasm she had and would tighten her grip on my penis for a long time every time while she caught her breath. First her pussy was tight when I first entered her but with her fluids flowing, I was ramming her full. We changed to dogie position and fucked her that way for a while. I was also sweating a lot but really enjoying pounding the young sweetie. She did anything I asked her without any qualms. She would suck my dick, lick around it, suck my balls at down to anal rimming. Last, we went to missionary position with a pillow under her ass. I grabbed her round bottom and went as deep as I could and the girl grabbed my ass and pushed my penis deeper in her till she came a few times again. I continued to banged her and as I was ready to come, I took off condom and she came down to suck my dick till I came in her mouth. She would still not let go off my dick. She seemed like someone that enjoyed giving blowjobs and got pleasure from it. Eventually she let go of it and we cuddled and talked. I kissed her face and breasts, and yes, there was milk in the offering!

I had read from the reports that it was a single shot thing at Classic but this girl was in hurry to go. As I was kissing her, she responded by going down on me again and it did not take much more time for her to make my dick hard again. This time, I put her in the missionary position and started pounding her. She again grabbed my ass and kept pushing my dick deeper inside her. I am no longer a 20 something young lad who gets a hard on at the sight of a woman. Those days have been over for a while! Two times in a hour does happen but it takes a sexy woman in bed with me to get me that excited so quick. She wanted more and more. I was happy to oblige and fucked her sideways with her throbbing hot ass beside me and her tits and breasts in my hands. I kept going as long I could and this time shot my load in her. Her body was throbbing and she was panting hard till she came again. We curled up in that position for a short time but the girl wanted my dick in her and any cum still left in my dick. She sat up, removed the condom and went down on my dick, sucking it as hard as she could and using her other hand to excite me. There was no way I could come third time in an hour! She would not let go of my penis and I was enjoying. Eventually there was knock on the door and I guess, the hour was over. She still kept sucking for another five minutes and then let go. I embraced her and kissed her again slowly. It was time for shower. After shower, we dressed and she showed me a 'hickey' on her neck that I gave where I must have kissed her deeply! She was a sweet little thing. I had so much fun with her. She did not even ask for a tip but I did give her a decent tip. We both left and the cleaning crews came in the room. Did not ask for any pictures and not sure if it was allowed. The girl went back to the area where they leave their things and I went back to areas near the stage as I wanted to watch the band and also see the girls do shows in between the band playing. I had a work out and needed a beer badly. The beer girls were also playing with me but I did not think I had anything left in me for a few more hours. Later that night, I took a taxi back to the hotel for a decent sleep and next day head to South Jakarta.

As I was getting everything here at the Classic, good sex, good band, good beer, good shows by the girls, plus I had just a few more hours till the next day, I decided against trying other places like 4 Play, Alexis and Malioboro. Too much travelling wasted time as I was having fun where I was. So, that was my single night in North Jakarta. Had everything gone to plans, I would have visited the other places as I would have had more days. Looking back, I got a great gal at Classic who gave me all and I had a great time. If there is a next time, I will spend a week between Central and North Jakarta next time as I just touched a single place and there is still 99% more to be explored. In spite of the average reports on Classic, I think Classic is great bang for your money and on the night I was there, Tuesday, I had good entertainment, good sex and good band playing. I will recommend Classic on my experience.

The picture below is of the young lady at the mall who helped me with the sim card setup. She said she was 25 years old and single. As it is, I had only a single night in North Jakarta and would have asked the young lady for lunch or dinner and then who knows. Just thoughts. Enjoy.

01-29-16, 09:08
For your health and safety use a Taxi. AC and pretty well protected. Why suffer the heat, rain, dust and traffic when you can relax in an AC Taxi? And Jakarta Taxi are cheap.

RL.Will be visiting Jakarta for the 1st time, planning to stay at Teduh Hostel at JL. Pintu Basar. Can anyone suggest the best way to get to Travel / Classic. Google Map recommend I walk to Mangga Besar commuter station then take the commuter to Travel and Classic respectively. Is that really the best option?

01-29-16, 18:49
Will be visiting Jakarta for the 1st time, planning to stay at Teduh Hostel at JL. Pintu Basar. Can anyone suggest the best way to get to Travel / Classic. Google Map recommend I walk to Mangga Besar commuter station then take the commuter to Travel and Classic respectively. Is that really the best option?It's possibly the quickest and most reliable on a hostel budget, , certainly from Kota / Hostel =Classic. While Classic is only a two minute walk from the KRL station, Travel is a good 5-10 minutes round the corner. If travelling on the KRL buy a commuter ticket for multijourneys upfront.

Ojek is your other option which if you walked out of one of those venues the ojek driver will certainly know the quickest route to the other for 50 k.

Before I get disparaging comments I should point out I've often got my driver (who drives the same erratic speed as a taxi) to drop me off at Gondangdia or Manggaria KRL Commuter to take me to Kota and always beaten him by at least 1/2 an hour.

Fast Eddie 48
01-30-16, 02:27
Will be visiting Jakarta for the 1st time, planning to stay at Teduh Hostel at JL. Pintu Basar. Can anyone suggest the best way to get to Travel / Classic. Google Map recommend I walk to Mangga Besar commuter station then take the commuter to Travel and Classic respectively. Is that really the best option?To AdikaDik.

Just take a taxi don't be cheap it only 30 k about 2 dollar USD being a newbie in town why walk, the taxi will take you to the front door.

Fast eddie 48.

Sam Suffit
02-01-16, 12:30
I went for CJs for the first time on Friday night based on recommendation given by a girl in Singapore. I really enjoyed the place. The bar is nicely populated with Expats from all over the world and girls. Girls are pro and non-pro. That night an Australian band was playing live music and later a DJ took over. The bar in divided into two ambiances: the night club with live bands and two bars at each ends and a cozier place with a square shape bar with chairs around where people can talk in a quieter atmosphere. I met a couple of nice chicks to make up my mind about the pricing. I have the feeling that LT is the rule there and I could obtain offers varying from 100 USD to 150 USD for LT and I also had an offer of 200 USD for a threesome with two girls. I was there for a couple of hours when I decided to go to the quiet place where I noticed a nice girl alone at the bar. I approached her and started chatting with her. Her name is Marlyn, tall (1 m75) mixed indonesian / thai, beautiful face. I offered her a whiskey cola and we have a nice discussion. She works in a bank and goes to CJs sometimes when she needs money. As we were clicking we agreed to finish the night together for 150 USD. In my room we started with nice DFK kissing and as she was obviously enjoying I went for pussy licking and fingering to warm her up. Marlyn was responding extremely well and had an orgasm surprisingly quickly, then another one, a third one and a fourth one!! Okay at this stage I know my readers will wonder how I knew she was so hot or maybe I am so self-confident that I didn't notice she was a good actress. Well the reason I know she was not lying is simple: Marlyn squirts and she did four times! Until we decided to have a shower break. In the shower she told me this was the first time but I don't think this is right considering how easy I made her squirting. After the shower we return to bed and she had another three before I asked her to look after me (finally! My mistake because after 7 orgasms she was very tired and her focus was not there. I then asked her to just BBJ me and I finished with CIM. We then went to sleep and woke up around 9 in the morning for a nice morning session. This time I didn't repeat the mistake so I gave her 2 orgasms only before fucking her in various positions and she asked me to finish her doggy style so she had a final explosion. She left my room at 10:30 as she had to go to work. I don't want to share her mobile number as I am still in contact with her: meanwhile we decided to start a kind of easy relationship as we want to meet again during my next visit in Jakarta. I like Marlyn actually She still goes to CJs so mongers can find her there.

Sam Suffit
02-01-16, 12:30
I had few hours to kill before takeoff so I went to DFashion on Saturday afternoon 3 pm. My first time there. Man I was impressed by the setting. The two upper floors of the hotel are dedicated to the Spa and a bar when people can choose girls sitting on a kind of podium. There are receptionist at the entrance explain the menu going from normal massage / massage +BJ / Body 2 Body massage +BJ / Body 2 Body massage +FS / free lance. Free lance is when you choose a girl from the podium for sex. They offer promotion early in the day so I opted for the 60 min B2 B+BJ and them the receptionist asked me to choose a girl from pictures and her mobile. I chose a Cindy and then I had a beer at the bar until they prepared the room. After 10 min one staff lady accompanied me to the room where Cindy was waiting for me in a long sexy dress. The room is simply a hotel room with a large bed, a bathroom and a TV. Cindy's English is very limited so the interaction was not so easy but she tried her best to make me happy. The session started with a back massage and the B2 B actually started after the flip over. Cindy is short but her body is perfect in shape. Her face is also beautiful. B2 B was nicely executed and after a while she asked whether I was interested by a full sex option. At this point I told her I was not and therefore BJ will be enough. She then put the condom and started sucking me very nicely. After few minutes I was enjoying so much that I changed my mind and asked for the full sex extra. Cindy then informed the reception, put a porn movie on the TV (LOL) and off we go. The sex was really good. I did her mish, cowgirl, cowgirl reverse and doggy for at least 15 minutes. I exploded on her butt. I had really great time with Cindy! I then had a shower gave her a tip 100 kR and left the room to pay my bill at the reception. WIR: yes for sure.

02-01-16, 19:05
I had few hours to kill before takeoff so I went to DFashion on Saturday afternoon 3 pm. My first time there. Man I was impressed by the setting.That was an excellent report! Thanks for taking the time to write it. It would have been even better if you broke it down into paragraphs with adequate spacing.

02-02-16, 06:15
I had few hours to kill before takeoff so I went to DFashion on Saturday afternoon 3 pm. My first time there. Man I was impressed by the setting. The two upper floors of the hotel are dedicated to the Spa and a bar when people can choose girls sitting on a kind of podium. There are receptionist at the entrance explain the menu going from normal massage / massage +BJ / Body 2 Body massage +BJ / Body 2 Body massage +FS / free lance. Free lance is when you choose a girl from the podium for sex. They offer promotion early in the day so I opted for the 60 min B2 B+BJ and them the receptionist asked me to choose a girl from pictures and her mobile. After few minutes I was enjoying so much that I changed my mind and asked for the full sex extra. left the room to pay my bill at the reception. Great you had a good time. Do you mind sharing the prices for the various options? Thanks.

02-06-16, 11:19
Hi to all members,

I'm looking to go in Indonesia, one big week, just for fun and Sex.

There is a lot of information here, thanks guys, but I have some question to be sure.

I'am Looking first to go 3 days in BATAM, this is a good idea, do we find easily freelancer? Big choice? And what their price for ST or LT?

The second place where I want to go, is Jakarta:

- Someone tried Red Light Districts in Jakarta? It's seem to have 3 RDL, it is safe? What are the prices?

- About the Spa, I don't have much question, it's seem to be clear for me.

- What about bars and Disco, what are the real price of Freelances for ST and LT??

I got some contact with girls on Craigslist, but the price are amazing, even if I negotiate, they ask between 1. 5 millions to 2.5 millions for ST, so for that price, I stay in Europe, Spain or Germany.

What is the best place to get an Hotel?

So thanks in advance for your help, be sure, I will let a report here.

Pipe Layer99
02-06-16, 17:11
Read back a lot of pages and take notes! Everything you could possibly need to know is already there.

I went to Jakarta last year. I planed the trip, took notes on the places I liked and the costs involved, and I didn't need any additional information. I even posted about the places that I planned to check out. Stop being lazy and do your homework!

Hi to all members,

I'm looking to go in Indonesia, one big week, just for fun and Sex.

There is a lot of information here, thanks guys, but I have some question to be sure.

I'am Looking first to go 3 days in BATAM, this is a good idea, do we find easily freelancer? Big choice? And what their price for ST or LT?

The second place where I want to go, is Jakarta:

- Someone tried Red Light Districts in Jakarta? It's seem to have 3 RDL, it is safe? What are the prices?

- About the Spa, I don't have much question, it's seem to be clear for me.

- What about bars and Disco, what are the real price of Freelances for ST and LT??

I got some contact with girls on Craigslist, but the price are amazing, even if I negotiate, they ask between 1. 5 millions to 2.5 millions for ST, so for that price, I stay in Europe, Spain or Germany.

What is the best place to get an Hotel?

So thanks in advance for your help, be sure, I will let a report here.

02-06-16, 19:55
Can someone tell me where is DFashion? Or is it be Fashion Hotel?


I had few hours to kill before takeoff so I went to DFashion on Saturday afternoon 3 pm.

02-07-16, 06:30
Is it B Fashion Hotel? Sorry for the typo.

Can someone tell me where is DFashion? Or is it be Fashion Hotel?


02-07-16, 14:23
Can someone tell me where is DFashion? Or is it be Fashion Hotel?

ThanksI think its Bfashion Spa, Near The Taman Anggrek Mall. At least I went to this one and fits the description, Hotel with Spa in dedicated two floors on 5th or 6th.

Sam Suffit
02-07-16, 16:44
I think its Bfashion Spa, Near The Taman Anggrek Mall. At least I went to this one and fits the description, Hotel with Spa in dedicated two floors on 5th or 6th.Sorry I am new in Jakarta. I am referring to the hotel near a big mall and also at a stone throw from the Pullman Central Park where I was staying BTW. I was asked the total damage for my session: 600 kidr for the massage - 200 kidr discount +400 kidr extra FS + 100 kidr tip so 900 kidr in total.


Member #4537
02-08-16, 01:15
I got some contact with girls on Craigslist, but the price are amazing, even if I negotiate, they ask between 1. 5 millions to 2.5 millions for ST, so for that price, I stay in Europe, Spain or Germany..All your questions have already been answered. Just RTFF.

And why would you even negotiate with the Craigslist hookers? They're obese MILFs calling themselves "BBWs. Local Indonesian mongers wouldn't even touch them for free. Hell, you may even find they have used a 10 year old photo or photoshopped their photo.

02-08-16, 06:50
I wasn't in town for Christmas and New Years, but I did go to Top Gun just after New Years. I was greatly impressed by the talent there. Unfortunately I had met a girl there. I was regretting it after I arrived because the talent that night was excellent.

Kemang has so many places now. You can actually just take a taxi down that main road in kemang and when you see a place that has lots of cars out front and is very busy, stop in. Haha. 999 is a popular place. Eastern Promise is good on the weekends. Kemang isn't really my scene though, I prefer Top Gun.I was in Top Gun a few times in the first week on Jan. Did see quite a few nice ladies in there. Funny though how the clientele in Top Gun is much different than those in My Bar.

There is one striking lady in Top Gun but she looked as though she has a steady. Didn't jet her name but the few times I saw her she had on the same outfit. Tight jeans with a short top exposing her very fit abs, not tight but very nice to look at.

I will try your suggestion about Kemang in July, however I will try Kota as well.

02-16-16, 04:40
Pro vs. Non-pro. An ongoing dilemma for me.

I find that the pros give better service, are more open to things like anal, rimming etc. However I worry about the pros being high mileage and the increased risks of STDs. Sometimes they try to kiss me and all I can think of is all the other cocks that have been there. Yuck.

Non-pros. Just had a sweet young thing over for some morning delight. She was prompt (for Indonesia), communicative, is always available when I ask her to come over. No discussion of money, never counts what I do give her, is always happy to come back for more. The thing is, this girl clearly does not have a lot of experience sucking cock and says she is still an anal virgin. I always wear a condom, so I think my risk with her is pretty low.

Yesterday I had a pro come over. Plenty of ball sucking, ass licking and she takes a facial with pride. I have repeated her several times over the last year or so and she is good value. She works in a massage place, so she sees more than her fair share of man meat and she has become a bit familiar and tries to kiss me after she has been licking my ass. The sex with her is better than with the non-pro, but as soon as she makes me cum with her tongue up my ass my mind turns to working out the probability of her having some nasty STD that could come back to bite me later.

Anyway, that is my post orgasm morning ramble.

02-16-16, 06:52
Yesterday I had a pro come over. Plenty of ball sucking, ass licking and she takes a facial with pride. I have repeated her several times over the last year or so and she is good value. She works in a massage place, so she sees more than her fair share of man meat and she has become a bit familiar and tries to kiss me after she has been licking my ass. The sex with her is better than with the non-pro, but as soon as she makes me cum with her tongue up my ass .It's a rough life.

02-17-16, 02:31
It's a rough life.Hey, somebody has to do it. You seem to be doing just fine as well. :-)

02-19-16, 08:44
Belated reports due to home and work commitments.

Wednesday November 25 2015

Had my pastry and coffee breakfast at the the'primahotel Mangga Dua 2 hotel cafe, packed and was ready to take a taxi from Mangga Dua to Blok M at about 12.00 noon. This was going to be my first taste of being in Jakarta traffic during the day. It was an experience to remember. I had never seen so many cars not moving and motor bikes whizzing around non-stop. It took forever to get to Blok M and I was getting frustrated with the traffic. I was staying at the Oak Tree Urban Hotel, Sampit Street V Number 3, Jakarta. In order to find the hotel tucked behind Blok M, you have to tell the Taxi to take you to Mahakam Hotel / Street which they know as this hotel is huge and grand and Sampit street is off Mahakam. Eventually found the boutique hotel. The staff tried to be helpful but were lazy. I had booked a Superior room and it was not bad, fair sized with a safe in the room. The bed was good size and clean sheets daily. Had a glass enclosure shower. The hotel assisted me with a socket to use with their power points for my tablet. Wi-Fi was free and decent. There was restaurant attached that was quite decent. The breakfast was huge with lots of different cooked items available and you can also order omelets etc if you prefer. Well worth it. If wanted to eat the small tiny Indonesian food dishes, there were plenty of places close to the mall. There is a 7 Eleven close by if you needed anything else. This hotel has one of the most expensive laundry. I did not know. I gave my clothes to them and the bill was huge, over 400 k. Would have cost about the 1/10 outside.
I rested a bit and walked about to get to know the area. A lot of Japanese Restaurants' around this area. Do not know why. Was difficult to find anything else.

Anyway, tonight was the Ladies Night at CJ's bar in the Hotel Mulia. That's why I came down to South Jakarta today. Hotel Mulia as others know is a expensive grand hotel where you are body searched before entering it. Took taxi from hotel to Hotel Mulia. Got there about 2200 hours. It is not that close to Blok M. Went upstairs to CJs. Was asked if I stayed at the hotel and I said No and had to pay 200 k entrance fee. Wonder what would have happened if I said Yes and I was not staying there.
Went inside and saw quite a few ladies lining up the place, from the bar to towards the stage and around. A British band was playing. I did not think this band was any good. Along one long table, some Asians, looked like Koreans were having bottles of Champagne and some girls doing their best to be part of the high rollers. There was another table where men who looked Arabic where doing their own thing, this time with Whiskey and some more girls were trying to be part of the act. For the rest like us, I grabbed a beer that cost around 90 k for a small bottle. You get better value in Classic with a large bottle for lesser price. Got my drink and decided to stay near the bar first and survey the scene. There were a number of girls lining up the bar. The girl closest to me looked more Chinese and quite plain. She started the conversation. This was my first time with the 3 main questions the girls at CJs ask right off the bat. What's your name, Where are you from, Where do you stay? You'll get bombarded with those 3 questions throughout the night. I talked a bit with the wallflower and then got to the business. She asked for 2 mil. A plain Jane wallflower at CJs asking for 2 mil. I refused and she came down to 1. 5 mil. Way too much for a wallflower. I refused and she looked annoyed that I wanted to pay less and that was the end of the story with her for me. The women in CJs generally dress better but not all of them. There may be some 8's but not too many. But majority I would say looked decent and hopefully a good fuck. CJs is nothing but a unofficial brothel with just about every girl there for sale. So, I talked to some girls there during the night, not being too pushy. They all were asking the 2 mil and least 1. 5 mil. No one was coming down. I had decided that I would be taking a girl home no matter what. I must say that the staff at CJs is very good. Just played around hoping some girl may ask lesser. Past midnight, I noticed that the wallflower was leaving with a Chinese looking guy. I would not be surprised that he paid the 2 mil. Have fun.

A short time later 3 three women came and two were very average but one young looking girl very cute. They stood near me and the young looking one kept looking at me with a smile and I returned the favor. I really liked the super sexy cute girl and started conversation with her. Again 2 mil. But whatever I said had to go through the ugly sisters and if they said no to my offer, the cutie would refuse the offer. The cutie told me that she had to go to work next day and leave at 6 AM. That is 2 mil for about 5 hours, including taxi time back to the hotel. I said no. I found that most of the girls at CJs would be leaving very early in the morning though charging LT prices. All looking for a fast buck. So, next my line of questioning also included as to how long the girls would stay. You want the best fuck for your buck! I joked around with other girls and had some more beer and it was beginning to get late. About 1. 30 AM I thought that even 1. 5 mil for the cutie may be too much as she would only be staying for a few hours. I started talking to her again and she said that she would stay till 7. 00 AM at the most. Still not much but I offered 1. 2 mil. She seemed interested but then looked at the ugly sisters and the ugly sisters said no. OK, that's that. They can stay fuck free for the night. I walked away to another girl I had been playing with and offered her the same money and she would stay till 12 noon next day. I took her hand and walked right by the ugly sisters and cutie and out of the bar. You should have seen the look on Cutie's face. Not of my making. Her fault.

Off to my hotel with the girl. She was pleasant and had told me that she was new to CJs and did not know many girls there. Most girls there know each other. Neither did she like CJs much.
After the small talk and relaxing, we both had a shower together with me feeling and rubbing her body. Her hard nipples were standing out and I got to kiss them. After shower on to the bed, with me first kissing her and then progressing slowly down her body, neck, boobs, nipples and then the pussy. She was getting very excited and we got in the 69 position with me on top. This went on for a while till I got off her and she rolled down to give me a blow job. These Indonesian girls know how to please a man. I was getting hard and she got on top and was moving her hips rapidly and her juices were rolling down on to my body. She came a few times but continued gyrating her hips till I came inside her. If I had not cum, I am sure she was going to rip my dick off and run away with it. She slowed down a bit but kept a hold on the dick, sucking every bit of the cum. She got off and licked my dick and sucked it for a while. Then we lay in each other's arms, kissing and feeling each other. As it was late at night, we both took a short nap. One thing I like sleeping with a woman after fucking her ass. Their asses are nice and warm against your body after all that pounding. I just like holding the girl with her red hot ass against me in bed. Couple of hours later, I was getting horny again. I turned her around, face down and started kissing her body from her face downwards. This girl liked being kissed, I mean bitten hard on her neck and she was getting real excited. While 'biting' her neck, I started fingering her pussy and it was real moist. After a few minutes of the Dracula neck biting, I moved on to her hard rounded ass and then eat her pussy before I put a pillow below her pussy and started screwing her slowly initially. It was nice to lay on her rounded ass and pump her slowly. The girl was getting all excited and I started pumping her a little harder. She shivered a few times and must have cum a few times before I came. I let my dick inside her for a few minutes till we both relaxed a bit and then turned her around and held her in my arms till we slept again. Breakfast at the hotel is till 10.00 AM. I woke the girl up about 9. 15 AM, kissing her slowly and she went down to give me a blowjob. A long and a hard one. Then I fucked her doggy style to start with and ended up missionary with her legs around me and a pillow underneath her ass. I loved this girl's passion and she actually drained me with her love to be fucked and she gave all herself. We both came, stayed motionless for a few minutes and then showered. I gave her the money and then we went downstairs to have breakfast. In any other circumstances, I would have exchanged numbers but I wanted to try other women in the short time I had and did not take any numbers. She was sweet.

Thursday, November 26,2015 - DIA. Date In Asia.

Prior 3 months, I had been checking the DIA website for contacts for my trip to Philippines and Indonesia. I had made contacts with 6 from Jakarta. One wanted to keep her legs crossed till she got married. Me being a helpful guy suggested that she take it up her ass till she got married and she'll still be virgin but the girl did not bite on that! Another lived far on the east side of Jakarta and I was not sure if I wanted to waste too much time with her in case she was not the right girl. She stated that she was an English teacher. Anyway, it seemed that she was also looking to make a few bucks as just before I was about to suggest a place to meet, she told me she had to go to Bali that night for a date and if we could meet another time! Two others turned out to be call girls looking for Mr. Stupids' who would pay big bucks for a fuck. One said that her friend got USD $300.00 from someone at a bar and she expected the same even though she was a bit overweight and not too good in bed. I wished her well. Another wanted USD $200 for an hour. I said good luck to her. Another girl I checked weighed the same as me and that could be a lot for a woman. So, that left me with a girl who lived on the south side, had a very cute photogenic face. I arranged to meet her at the hotel that evening. She was late 20's. It was all kisses and sweet talk with her on WhatsApp. I was getting all excited. I was hoping that I could sweet talk this girl over dinner at the hotel or close by and then fuck her that night. That was the plan. I got a call from her that she was at the hotel. I walked out and did not see anyone. Called her and she said that I just walked by her in the lobby. No way did I think that average looking fat woman was the girl I had been talking to in the lobby. She had double size ass and body. As she was here and I was hungry, I decided to go along with the dinner plans. Guess what. This office worker had her own driver! She said that it is not that expensive to have a car and a driver in Jakarta. OK. We went to a really nice Indonesian restaurant that seemed like a big house had been turned into a restaurant, top tier. The food was really good, well presented. I enjoyed the food. While at the restaurant, this girl spent a lot of time taking selfie's. I looked at the pictures and yes, her face was quite cute in the pictures. I decided to call it end of the day and told her that I had been feeling tired and would like to rest that night. She dropped me back at the restaurant and I did decide to rest that night. A no sex night. I had been suffering from something I caught in Philippines and felt tired. Got nothing from my DIA contacts.

Friday, November 27,2015 - Kalijodo and Blok M bars.

I did sleep well and decided to go to Kalijodo to check it out during the day. I had written the name out on a piece of paper together with Kali Angke road name. The Taxi driver was not too sure and eventually figured what it was and was hesitant to go there. The Jakarta traffic of course made it a very slow and frustrating ride. It was not close at all and a number of times I wondered what I was doing. The posts had said it was the local sex scene and not really inviting for foreigners. A cheap sex corridor. After a long drive, the driver got to the edge of Kalijodo and told me here it was. I was on a busy street with only the locals there. Kalijodo is a Local thriving area where the locals live, have their shops that sell everything from groceries to electrical stuff to restaurants etc. I was the only foreigner there. It was like being in the local hood. Tread carefully as hardly any English is spoken here and it is their place. I walked around the shops, went back across the dirty river and looked around the local alleyways for any signs of sex places or bars. Did not see any. I walked and walked but again to no avail. At no time did I feel afraid. I decided to have a haircut hoping to ask the barber where any sex places maybe. I got the haircut but the barber did not know of the places. I was hungry for some lunch and saw one of the most beautiful Indo woman, tall, nice breasts and booty at a restaurant on the main road. She was very pretty and I decided to have lunch there. She was very helpful and so were the men there. I was not sure if the man was her husband or not. She sat next to me when I was having lunch and smiled and tried talking to me. All the people there were very helpful. I wanted to fuck her but was not sure about who the smiling man behind was and did not want to be shot or chopped into pieces. She was the most beautiful woman I had seen in Jakarta. There has to be some bars and sex places in the area serving the community but where? On what side of the main road going through Kalijodo? Unless someone really knows the exact pinpoints of where the sex places are in Kalijodo, it would be a long tiring drag. I had spent a lot of time here but did not find the spots. So, it was time to head back to Blok M. It was very difficult to find a taxi that would go to Blok M. Most were local taxis and full and also local buses only. Took me a long while to get one to take me back to Blok M. This driver took all the back roads that were very slow than the freeway when I got here. Fighting traffic, I eventually got back to Blok M, late evening.

Rested and decided to go to the Blok M bars later in the evening after dinner.
Took taxi and got there a bit earlier as the bars were empty. Walked round the area and then went inside all the bars on that short street to check them out. There was one bar where a couple of girls just stand on a small stage and hang on to the pole. A few older foreigners there and not any girl there to write home about. MyBar did look nice but I did not see any punters there. Top Gun seemed to be getting busy with a number of girls, more down to earth, easy going and reasonable priced beer. The girls tended to dress casual in this place. Got myself a beer and as there was plenty of time, I stood at a table where I could watch the band and the girls. The girls were not bad at all. They seemed to range from younger to older. I found some girls coming over to me and chatting and even if I did not like them, they would not go away. They tended to latch on to you regardless. I changed tables to get rid of the girls I did not like. The local band that was playing was very good. Good music and good singers. Highly entertaining. I noticed some girls that I had seen at CJs dressed up there and now at Top Gun more cheerful and casual. They also recognized me and came over. I decided to ignore these girls who were asking 2 mil at CJs and trying to latch on for I do not know how much. I talked to some other girls to just to know them. I had another beer and saw a tall shapely woman sitting close to me, very cheerful and went over to talk to her. Very pleasant. She asked me to take her friend but I had interest in her and asked her outright about going back to the hotel. She quoted 800 rupiah and I offered 700 which she accepted. I thought that was reasonable for all night. The taxis also have a racket going on there at night. Though my hotel was close by, they wanted to charged a fixed high price. Took me half that money to get to the bars.

Back at the hotel, we both showered. She had an awesome body and gave a great blowjob. Very eager to please me and we fucked in just about every position before I came and she went down on me again. We talked a bit and she was still playing with my cock and the dick as getting aroused even after I had just fucked her. I am no 20 something year old that my dick gets aroused at the sight of a woman. I just let her play with it while I felt her tits and the body. Nice hard ass too. My dick as getting erect and she went down and started her wonderful blow job. Once it got crazy, she got on top and let her ass do the job. I just let her do all the work and enjoy her crushing ass arousing my dick. Being warmer country, I was sweating a bit and then came inside her while she kept a hard grip on my penis. She lay on top of me with my dick still inside her. She was a really good fuck. We slept for a few hours and then halfway during the night, I had an erection again. I grabbed some lube and felt her a-hole and put some lube inside and on my dick. Got her to lay face down and I slowly pushed my dick up her a-hole and enjoyed the tight hole around my penis. Got into doggy position and pumped her a-hole and finally in missionary style till I came. Both showered again and slept till morning when it was time for some more fucking and blowjobs and this time I came in her mouth. This chick allowed me to do anything to her. We showered and went down to breakfast. She gave me another BJ after breakfast before she left mid morning.

Saturday, November 28,2015 - Malls and Blok M bars.

In the afternoon, I went to change some more money and then went down to Robinson's mall. It was hot and I was sweaty as I was looking for a mobile hotspot. Downstairs, I saw these two really beautiful kittens buying selfie sticks. One was in the tight fitting gold Robinson's dress and the other was in a white top and a black skirt. They kept looking at me while they were doing their shopping. This was a store I had to go into. I tried just saying Hi etc to the girls while I went inside the store. Seemed like the girls probably did not speak much English and I spoke none of their language. These girls were just so gorgeous. Then later after they had made their purchase, one girl came a little closer to me with some rupiah notes in her hand and saying "Money, Money. " with a smile on her face. The message was quite clear that they were available for Money. Unfortunately, not speaking their language, I really did not know how to carry this forward. One thing is pretty clear. There is pussy all over Jakarta and also in Malls. I would have loved to take back these girls back to the hotel and showed them how to make Money. Will try and learn some local dialect next time.

As there were a lot of girls in Top Gun, I went there again and the price is right. I really like the girl who works behind the bar with her big smile and would have loved to fuck her.
Once again, the place was full of crumpet. Lots of women. I sat close to the band and some Indos who did not seem like WGs sat on my table. Two men and 4 girls. They were pleasant to me and I wondered if they were available or just there for the entertainment.
Later moved back a bit to check out the women. Once again, a older woman tried very hard to latch on to me and I had to really tell her that I was not interested in her. I did see the girl from the previous night and we chatted a bit and I told her that I would like to see her next day in the afternoon for about 3-4 hours as I was leaving the next day early for Bali and could not do a trip to the bars. She agreed to come over the next day. I wanted a different pussy and this time a skinner tall girl started talking to me. She seemed fine. She asked 700 rupiah and I offered her 600 for all night. She agreed and we went back to the hotel. I am not one of those wait till closing time and then you can have a girl for cheaper but really, for shorter time too.

Again, we showered and this seemed like she was from country. She would kneel down to wash her pussy. I had no problem with that. Each to their own habits.
Her blowjob skills were not that good to start but she seemed ready to learn. I had to tell her what to do and she was willing to do that, which I found quite acceptable. After first some minutes, her blowjobs were getting really good. She was becoming a pro to the extent that I had to get her mouth off dick as I did not want to come so early and enjoy her body by kissing her and eating her which she liked a lot. Even fucking wise, she did not seem that experienced and I had to direct her a lot. She again was a willing partner. She was far from a star fish as she would get into it once told how to do it. Her pussy was very tight too. Possible that she was a new comer to the scene. After the initial too big dick, her pussy would get very moist and she would be breathing hard and her ass would be shaking. Must have had many orgasms. I fucked her whatever position I wanted about 5 times during the night and morning. Though she was skinny, she ate a whole lot of breakfast. I had no problem with that as I had paid for breakfast for two. She could eat all she wants. She was a rookie and pleasant. Mid morning she left.

Sunday, November 29,2015 - Afternoon Fuck and pack.

I tried to get some rest and then have a big lunch afterwards. I have a early morning flight to Bali next day and hence decided not to go to bars and instead have home delivery of one of the girls already met. This was the girl I had met prior at Top Gun in the white dress. She is quite a tigress. She does not need any direction and leads the way. Just what I wanted. She came around to the hotel as I had asked her and we chatted a bit. I had offered only 200 plus taxi money for 3-4 hours and she did not mind at all. After chit-chat we came down to business and she was unzipping my shorts and sitting on the edge of the bed and took my dick into her mouth. She is an expert Bjjober. Takes her no time to get my penis very large and hard. I did not have time to get down to eat her and pushed her on to the bed, removed her panties and felt her pussy. It was already moist and I pushed my dick into her warm moist pussy. I pushed her long legs on to the bed and kept ramming her. Then turned her around and fucked her doggy style and as I was about to cum, I whipped my dick out and put it in her mouth so that she could enjoy all the ice cream as a welcome gift for the session. She took it all and swolled it and kept sucking the dick for all the cum left. What a player. She took all her clothes off and went to have a shower and wash her pussy. Then we lay for just a half hour before she had my dick in her mouth again. Seems like she wanted to give me a really good Jakarta farewell. She kept sucking my dick, balls and anal rimming for a good half hour and I was hard as a rock. This time I lay her missionary style and pumped her pussy well. Then I turned her over and put a pillow under her ass and fucked her with her round ass against my body. I love this position as the pussy feels tight in this position. Kept pumping her as sweat rolled off my forehead. Then I came and her too as she shuddered about the same time. We relaxed a bit, ate some food I had and drank beer. Something about Jakarta chicks is that they seem pleasant, enjoyable and fun to be with. I like their features as they are not short, have good bodies and could be considered as Asian Latinas. I was not sure how much I had left in my body after all that fucking.

It had been about 3 hours since she had come and before I could ask for anything, she was hard giving me a blow job again. I felt a bit worn out but was just enjoying the BJ. She was quite an expert at it. Someone to hire for a morning wake up session. It was not long that my penis senses the enjoyment of the BJ and started to stiffen up. It looked very hard and big in a very short time. She kept sucking it and then showed me what she had done. Nothing to worry, you are going to get it in your ass. Put the lube on and gently guided my dick into her ass in doggie style. In and out and then at a faster pace till I got the whole of the penis in. She seemed to be enjoying it to as she pushed my ass into her ass. I kept pumping her and then sideways and finally in missionary style in the ass till I came. I was done. A lot of fucking in a short time but worth it. I pulled out, we both showered. She did not want any taxi money as she was taking a Bajaj. I gave her a tip though. What a gal. A nice farewell from Jakarta.

Pictures have already been posted prior to New year of girls I had permission from.

My time in Jakarta was short due to flight delays. I tried to make the best with the short time from the regular monger places. I must have visited only about 10% of Jakarta has to offer in terms of pussy available. There is a lot more that I have not experienced in Jakarta. After I had overcome the frustrations of Jakarta traffic which I hate very much, Jakarta is a haven of the pussies available just about anywhere. Girls just make them available from the known hotels to malls to anywhere you want. As long as Indonesian politicians remain corrupt, the people need money and the girls become available. These are great women with great culture and beauty. One does not have to pay extreme prices at some places as a vagina is a vagina and can be had much more cheaply at other places. There are great deals available everywhere. I am not into massage places as I do not travel thousands of miles for a HJ.

My best places for the best bang for the buck would be The Classic Hotel and Top Gun.
Best entertainment live music I had was in the Classic Hotel and Top Gun.
The hottest Indonesian woman I saw was in Kalijodo.
All of these observations are mine alone and from what I ventured into and not a scientific study. Just enjoy and have a good fucking time.

Joel Goodsen
02-20-16, 02:30
Friday, November 27,2015 - Kalijodo and Blok M bars.

I did sleep well and decided to go to Kalijodo to check it out during the day. I had written the name out on a piece of paper together with Kali Angke road name. The Taxi driver was not too sure and eventually figured what it was and was hesitant to go there. The Jakarta traffic of course made it a very slow and frustrating ride. It was not close at all and a number of times I wondered what I was doing. The posts had said it was the local sex scene and not really inviting for foreigners. A cheap sex corridor. After a long drive, the driver got to the edge of Kalijodo and told me here it was. I was on a busy street with only the locals there. Kalijodo is a Local thriving area where the locals live, have their shops that sell everything from groceries to electrical stuff to restaurants etc. I was the only foreigner there. It was like being in the local hood. Tread carefully as hardly any English is spoken here and it is their place. I walked around the shops, went back across the dirty river and looked around the local alleyways for any signs of sex places or bars. Did not see any. I walked and walked but again to no avail. At no time did I feel afraid. I decided to have a haircut hoping to ask the barber where any sex places maybe. I got the haircut but the barber did not know of the places..Something tells me you actually did not visit Kalijodo? Kalijodo has many bars! And girls. Well, at least the last time I visited. Likely, the taxi driver took you somewhere else.

For your next outing. Kalijodo location images from Kaskus.

02-20-16, 04:26
Tonight is My Bar's birthday party. Supposedly they are going to have sexy dancers dressed as sexy secretaries.

02-20-16, 14:08
Something tells me you actually did not visit Kalijodo? Kalijodo has many bars! And girls. Well, at least the last time I visited. Likely, the taxi driver took you somewhere else.

For your next outing. Kalijodo location images from Kaskus.Any chance that you enlarge the location pics??

LA Guy 5
02-20-16, 14:27
Something tells me you actually did not visit Kalijodo? Kalijodo has many bars! And girls. Well, at least the last time I visited. Likely, the taxi driver took you somewhere else.

For your next outing. Kalijodo location images from Kaskus.Joel, how recent is your information? A few months ago, it seemed after a few false starts the local government might go through with their plan to close the place down, similar to what happened to Dolly's in Surabaya. I never heard whether in fact the sex places were closed down, but it seemed like a real possibility it would happen. Anyone else with recent information?

02-20-16, 17:14
Alexis is supposedly going to be closed for a few days.

02-20-16, 17:43
Joel, how recent is your information? A few months ago, it seemed after a few false starts the local government might go through with their plan to close the place down, similar to what happened to Dolly's in Surabaya. I never heard whether in fact the sex places were closed down, but it seemed like a real possibility it would happen. Anyone else with recent information?Like this?


02-21-16, 03:59
The thing I love about predicting doom and gloom all the time (and I've been doing it for the best part of ten years) is that eventually events start to prove you right.

The gentrification of Jakarta proceeds apace, the old free-wheeling, lawless, anything-goes attitude is changing as the good citizens of Jakarta decide that they want a nice respectable town and not the open-air shebeen that we all fell in love with when we first arrived.

So a drunken rich kid crashes his Fortuner coming back from a night out in Kalijodo killing four people and like a flash the excavators move in to uproot 3,000 people from a community that has been there for decades. Isn't it amazing how quickly the usually lethargic Indonesian authorities are when it comes to morality issues? They can't solve the traffic or the flooding or real problems that affect the city but by heavens they can move like avenging angels when it comes to imposing morality on us deviants.

Beer could be bought freely in supermarket shelves for years and then overnight it disappears, one of the priorities in the House of Representatives this year is a total ban on booze.

Porn is banned from the internet, Reddit is inaccessible, they even tried to block Tumblr last week, how long before Tinder and the other apps are blocked? Fun is rapidly being outlawed in this once fun town.

The latest wheeze? Titty dancers, yup, they've banned the nudie shows. Just like that. Two weeks ago the girls danced topless (bottomless too if you stuck around until midnight) and the ones out and about seeking drinks walked around as nature intended, with the exception of tiny g-strings that could be easily moved aside.

All stopped. First the girls on the dance-floor had to remain dressed, but that was actually a benefit, they wore virtually transparent baby dolls without panties and it was actually a better show and you could easily slip these off the girls on the floor.

Not now, the girls dancing are in t-shirts or tops with short skirts, and wearing bras and panties, sure you can, just about, get access to the tits of the ones doing the rounds if you heave and pull at the tops and bras but frankly it's hardly worth the effort, and who knows how long before this is banned too?

All done virtually over-night, no mention of it anywhere, like that the titty dancers are a thing of the past. Like so many other things that have gone from this town by next year people will not believe you when you tell them about how things once were.

02-21-16, 09:07
Something tells me you actually did not visit Kalijodo? Kalijodo has many bars! And girls. Well, at least the last time I visited. Likely, the taxi driver took you somewhere else. For your next outing. Kalijodo location images from Kaskus.Hard to tell from your smaller images. It appears that I was in the area but a few blocks off and on the other side of the main road. I recognize those freeways going across. If you have bigger images, that would help.

Joel Goodsen
02-21-16, 11:32
Hard to tell from your smaller images. It appears that I was in the area but a few blocks off and on the other side of the main road. I recognize those freeways going across. If you have bigger images, that would help.Those images were from Kaskus as I told you. For bigger maps, in Google you can also type:

"Jl. Kepanduan II, Pejagalan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta".

Click on Google maps and a place marker will appear right in the centre of Kalijodo. You can make the map as small or as large as you want.

The Jakarta government clearing Kalijodo next week, on February 29? Don't they have respect for history?

It is the oldest red light district of Jakarta, if not Indonesia! Coming from the aiport, for decennia the colorful lights of Kalijodo have welcomed us home. What a disappointment.

02-21-16, 13:59
the titty dancers are a thing of the past. I was in North Jakarta on Thursday night and they had naked titty dancers. I'm not sure what place has been cracked down on, but I haven't noticed it yet.

These things have been going on ever since I have been in Jakarta. One week the police crack down on the nudity, the next week the girls are nude again. Same with the selling of pirate DVD and computer software. They crack down on that on occasion, get their bribes, and they are back again in a week. When I first came to Jakarta, the city used to have nothing going on at all during Ramadan. Remember the attacks on JJ's disco back in the day that caused every place to shut down completely during Ramadan? That's not true anymore, they still have places like Travel, Classic, Malioboro, etc open during Ramadan. I think things are actually more lax now then they were back then.

The one thing they cracked down on that remained was when they banned the sexy tabloids. And that was a damn shame because those were awesome. I used to try to bed as many of the models from those various tabloids as possible. I knew some of the photographers and guys in charge of those tabloids so I had some connections. It was good fun. The FHM type of girls want too much money, but those down market tabloid girls were very much affordable and were quite nice.

Here's a scan of an old calendar that was inserted inside the Lipstick tabloid back in the mid 2000's. I remember that tabloid always posted only photos of girls in bikinis and the shots were taken at an apartment pool in Jakarta. Talk about low overhead. There were much better ones as well like Exotica that used to dress them up in much more interesting outfits, and I have the calendar from that one also but can't seem to find it at the moment.

02-22-16, 07:51
Those images were from Kaskus as I told you. For bigger maps, in Google you can also type:

"Jl. Kepanduan II, Pejagalan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta".

Click on Google maps and a place marker will appear right in the centre of Kalijodo. You can make the map as small or as large as you want.

The Jakarta government clearing Kalijodo next week, on February 29? Don't they have respect for history?

It is the oldest red light district of Jakarta, if not Indonesia! Coming from the aiport, for decennia the colorful lights of Kalijodo have welcomed us home. What a disappointment.It appears that the taxi driver from Blok M did not know the sex places and dropped at the wrong end of the main road. Never mind. It made sense for folks in West Jakarta and North Jakarta. Let's see if it's still open in March 2015. Prices there seemed what I paid at Dolly's about 12 years ago! 80 -100 rupiah!

02-22-16, 09:02
It appears that the taxi driver from Blok M did not know the sex places and dropped at the wrong end of the main road. Never mind. It made sense for folks in West Jakarta and North Jakarta. Let's see if it's still open in March 2015. Prices there seemed what I paid at Dolly's about 12 years ago! 80 -100 rupiah!Every taxi driver in Jakarta knows Kalijodo.

Either you went too early in the day and the brothels were closed or the driver was too afraid to drop you close because they are going to shut it down soon.

Too bad.

Good luck for you for the next time if it s still opened but I very doubt it that you will succeed to pay dolly prices from 12 years ago there even if you speak bahasa.

Fast Eddie 48
02-22-16, 23:59
Every taxi driver in Jakarta knows Kalijodo.

Either you went too early in the day and the brothels were closed or the driver was too afraid to drop you close because they are going to shut it down soon.

Too bad.

Good luck for you for the next time if it s still opened but I very doubt it that you will succeed to pay dolly prices from 12 years ago there even if you speak bahasa.To Prison Break.

Not all taxi driver know if you got a one that is new in town he will not know just ask for the Western hotel Hariston near the Ciliwung river yes is better after 6 pm but it is also a danger place to be at night, I been there once don't think I will go back there are so many place in town you can get FS for under 35,000 ,I don't see the point of saving some money go to a dump like this I remember the biggest red light district in asia Kramaatunggak in Ancol over 100 brothels there it closed down back in 1999 you can spend 5 HR there still not cover the whole place 5 time bigger than Dolly Surabuya.

Fast eddie 48.

02-23-16, 03:48
Don't get much opportunities to visit anymore so need to take advantage when I do come. Landed at 5:20 pm and by 8 pm was busy with some old friends. Some of the old timer might recognize the one on the right. Can go all night.

02-23-16, 03:56
A hilarious report in today's Jakarta Post states that the city council will inspect Alexis Hotel next week to see if there is prostitution going on there.

Quite apart from the public announcement that you are going to raid somewhere next week thus giving them time to clear up whatever needs clearing up, it was the thought of some council official trying to keep a straight face as he said that there were reports, just reports mind you that he will check up on, that Jakarta's biggest and best known high-end brothel might actually be involved in some way in prostitution cheered me up.

One recalls Claude Raines' character in Casablanca "discovering" that gambling is going on in Rick's Cafe, just prior to being handed his winnings by the croupier.

Mirth aside however, it does appear that the crackdown is proceeding apace.

02-23-16, 06:59
A hilarious report in today's Jakarta Post states that the city council will inspect Alexis Hotel next week to see if there is prostitution going on there.

Quite apart from the public announcement that you are going to raid somewhere next week thus giving them time to clear up whatever needs clearing up, it was the thought of some council official trying to keep a straight face as he said that there were reports, just reports mind you that he will check up on, that Jakarta's biggest and best known high-end brothel might actually be involved in some way in prostitution cheered me up.

One recalls Claude Raines' character in Casablanca "discovering" that gambling is going on in Rick's Cafe, just prior to being handed his winnings by the croupier.

Mirth aside however, it does appear that the crackdown is proceeding apace.I don't think there is one Indonesian anywhere in Jakarta (male or female) who does not know what goes on at Alexis - and has known for many years. However, what's going to be even funnier is when the city council member's report finds that there is no prostitution going on there (even though the city council member has been a regular at Alexis for the past 10 years). That the establishment is on the up and up and that there was one occasion where a massage girl went rogue and seems to have taken things a bit too far in the massage room, but she has since been fired and disgraced for such absurd behavior.

02-23-16, 12:26
I stopped to peek into Alexis earlier today and saw the renovation on the ground floor being 80% complete. Probably why they won't visit till next week, LOL!

On another note, one drop dead gorgeous girl from harbin China available at 2 pm.

02-23-16, 13:16
I don't think there is one Indonesian anywhere in Jakarta (male or female) who does not know what goes on at Alexis - and has known for many years. However, what's going to be even funnier is when the city council member's report finds that there is no prostitution going on there (even though the city council member has been a regular at Alexis for the past 10 years). That the establishment is on the up and up and that there was one occasion where a massage girl went rogue and seems to have taken things a bit too far in the massage room, but she has since been fired and disgraced for such absurd behavior.Agreed Smoothy. Alexis is an enigma for Indonesians. I have a retired Indo relative (old meaning of Indo) who according to his wife & family has been sponsoring an orphan girl's schooling in Ancol. He has a direct debit setup (for what seems very good value) and every year he chooses a new girl to adopt / sponsor. He manages to vist this girl once or twice a month. You can see his antique Mecedes Benz parked in a hotel on Jl Martidinata some afternoons, though from reading these comments he might not be paying a visit for the next few weeks.

02-24-16, 07:55
24 February 2016 - 06 H45.

Indonesia plans to close all red-light districts in the country by 2019, an official said Wednesday, stepping up a campaign against prostitution after a controversial push to clear up a brothel area of Jakarta.

The government will instruct local authorities to shut down an estimated 100 red-light districts across the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, said Sonny Manalu, a senior official at the social affairs ministry. "We believe that red-light districts will affect children who live nearby negatively," he told AFP.

"Prostitution can never be erased from the Earth but we must try to stop it corrupting our youth. ".

The move comes after a weeks-long push to close down one of the capital's most notorious red-light districts, called Kalijodo, and replace the illegal brothels and bars with parks.

Jakarta authorities decided to take action after a fatal car accident early this month blamed on a man who had been drinking in the riverside shanty.

But the plan has angered residents, as many are set to be evicted and see their houses demolished in the coming days.

Prostitution is illegal in Indonesia but is rampant in major cities. Local governments, who have substantial power, have already closed 68 red-light districts in recent years, according to Manalu.

This includes Dolly in the country's second-biggest city Surabaya, which was thought to be the largest red-light district in Southeast Asia.

The government is promising to provide training, counselling and assistance for sex workers who their lose their jobs after the closures.


02-24-16, 12:00
To Prison Break.

Not all taxi driver know if you got a one that is new in town he will not know just ask for the Western hotel Hariston near the Ciliwung river yes is better after 6 pm but it is also a danger place to be at night, I been there once don't think I will go back there are so many place in town you can get FS for under 35,000 ,I don't see the point of saving some money go to a dump like this I remember the biggest red light district in asia Kramaatunggak in Ancol over 100 brothels there it closed down back in 1999 you can spend 5 HR there still not cover the whole place 5 time bigger than Dolly Surabuya.

Fast eddie 48.Can you recommend any of the local cheap places?

I will be in Jakarta next month and by then Kalijodo will probably closed down:

02-24-16, 19:07
Indonesia plans to close all red-light districts in the country by 2019Other than Kalijodo, what area in Jakarta is considered a "red-light district"? There are plenty of single establishments all over town, but I can't think of a red-light district in town that compares to a Dolly or Kalijodo.

Fast Eddie 48
02-25-16, 01:19
Can you recommend any of the local cheap places?

I will be in Jakarta next month and by then Kalijodo will probably closed down:To Kuaranyi.

I alreay told you there are many low end massage place all over Jakarta you can get service for around 350 k. I don't know what is cheap for you, I am sure there are place you can get service for under 200 k for the local just ask them.

Fast eddie 48.

John Traveller
02-25-16, 10:02
I will soon come to Jakarta for my second visit, last time I was here was in 2013, but it looks like not that much have changed. I plan to visit Hotel Classic again and maybe Blok M (although it seems to have lost value). I have one week to spare.

Reading from this board FM1 and Kings Cross come as interesting places, I will check them out.

That's the ST-places, but what about LT? It seems to be very expensive in Jakarta. Last time I visited Bats, but this time I will go to CJs instead. The issues, I think, are not only with the prices, but also that it's not really LT. If you find a girl at 11 pm and she just stays until 5 am, that's more like Medium Time. Reading from this board I get the impression that often this is the case. If I find someone willing to stay until noon the next day I would gladly pay 1500 k (or even 2000 k if she's really hot) but not if she leaves in the middle of the night. Then it will be better just to have two ST-sessions at another place.

The question is: how make it long time? Is some days of the week better for this? And what time should I arrive in the bar?

Member #4537
02-25-16, 10:42
That's the ST-places, but what about LT? It seems to be very expensive in Jakarta. Last time I visited Bats, but this time I will go to CJs instead. The issues, I think, are not only with the prices, but also that it's not really LT. If you find a girl at 11 pm and she just stays until 5 am, that's more like Medium Time. Reading from this board I get the impression that often this is the case. If I find someone willing to stay until noon the next day I would gladly pay 1500 k (or even 2000 k if she's really hot) but not if she leaves in the middle of the night. Then it will be better just to have two ST-sessions at another place.

The question is: how make it long time? Is some days of the week better for this? And what time should I arrive in the bar?There's no such thing as what day of the week is better than this. They're being paid more than a month's salary of nearly half of Indonesian women in this country yet they still have the cheek to ask to leave early?

In the old days they'd stay till the next day no problem. 4 or 5 hours is definitely not my definition of LT, and I make them fully aware I won't tolerate them leaving early.

The tried and tested excuses of "my kid needs to go to school" or "key to my place is with me and someone needs to get in" are what they'll say to justify leaving early. There's no reason they should be allowed to take advantage of us.

If they insist on going home early, don't give them the full amount as then they'll do that same trick with the next monger.

02-25-16, 11:22
Other than Kalijodo, what area in Jakarta is considered a "red-light district"? There are plenty of single establishments all over town, but I can't think of a red-light district in town that compares to a Dolly or Kalijodo.I think most lokalisasi closed down when Ali Sadikin opened up Kramat Tunggak in Tugu such as the legendary Macao Po and Suwean (Jassenberg). Bongkaran and Boger are still open for tricks. Kaligot (taken from the French Aligot Theater) in Sawah Besar has some activity.

Senen Planet has got a mention in this forum recently. It's at the carriages between Senen Station and Jl Tanah Nyonya. If you want to find them I'd hire a Betawi Taxi driver in his late 60's as some of these streets and places have been renamed.

Pipe Layer99
02-25-16, 11:38
.... The question is: how make it long time? Is some days of the week better for this? And what time should I arrive in the bar?Show up around 11 pm. When you screen the lady you want, you ask her how long she will stay. If she says 5 am or something that you don't want, then you tell her you want her to stay until noon. If she can't, then you negotiate for the short time. In the mean time, you can still look for the next one who can stay LT.

I agree with you. I'm not paying a LT price for a few hours (plus her sleeping for a few) only to have her leave at 5 or 6 am.

02-26-16, 03:45
I think most lokalisasi closed down when Ali Sadikin opened up Kramat Tunggak in Tugu such as the legendary Macao Po and Suwean (Jassenberg). Bongkaran and Boger are still open for tricks. Kaligot (taken from the French Aligot Theater) in Sawah Besar has some activity.

Senen Planet has got a mention in this forum recently. It's at the carriages between Senen Station and Jl Tanah Nyonya. If you want to find them I'd hire a Betawi Taxi driver in his late 60's as some of these streets and places have been renamed.I thought Planet and Boker (Boger?) were closed in similar actions to the one in Kalijodo, a long long time ago. Or have they risen from their ashes?

02-26-16, 03:58
For me, what really matters is the unproportional increase of the money they want. And considering the quality that is offered I can not stop wonder how they dare to ask. But is it their fault or the mongerer's? If I compare it with Medellin, where girls in the casas are arguably far better looking, I praise myself lucky to be there regularly. For less than 150 K in rupiahs, including the room, you can find stunners all over el centro.

02-26-16, 15:43
I thought Planet and Boker (Boger?) were closed in similar actions to the one in Kalijodo, a long long time ago. Or have they risen from their ashes?Can't imagine Gang Boker in Ciracas ever really closing as it's prime market is for the military personnel stationed in the area.

Planet Senen is a very eccentric place, worthy of turning into a tourist attraction where the jablay / girls sometimes dance on soap boxes and flirt with passers by. Popular with teenagers the short-time stalls may well be closed.

It's this bloody internet media that is causing all the pricing confusion and mayhem not the local authorities. Ohh and all the sexpats drifting into town to my utter despair.


02-27-16, 00:32
Well I finally bite the bullet and visited the downmarket alley where Royal Max, Berlian and Kartika are located. Incidentally there are two other darker, narrower, dingier alleyways where there are more bars between them and Illegals. But anyway, all three soapies are rather extremely challenged in finding anyone half way decent looking. Royal Max at 260 k for a soapy was the cheapest with Kartika the highest at 370 k. Of course I took the lowest option and requested someone who wasn't too too bad. I mean she went through the motions of body to body and did followed directions of what I wanted her to do; however, the overall atmosphere / ambience of the area, the bar and the room were a big big detraction leading me to unable to get in much of any mood. Oh, well life goes on and at least I did one there.

Based on some recent reports I went out to FM1 (in grogol) and found it to be a big new find. Cheaper that Classic / Travel at 275 k for over half the girls in the 5th floor club. Overall not very many to pick from at.

maybe 30; however, a good percentage were what I like: young, slim and busty. I took the one who looked like she had the biggest rack (e cup) and got a great GFE experience with plenty of deep french kissing.

This is definitely a place to go back to, needless the say not easy to get to.

BTW two last points, the bars appear to be in extreme low key mode with lots of places having girls dancing on stage in street or near street clothes and it was great to get through customs / immigration without paying $35. The pay windows are still there so I don't know who has to pay or not.

LA Guy 5
02-27-16, 12:31
it was great to get through customs / immigration without paying $35. The pay windows are still there so I don't know who has to pay or not.The $35 VOA fee is waived for tourists from a list of countries including the United States. If one is there on business or is not from one of the countries for which the fee is waived, one still has to pay the $35 fee, or at least that is the rule.

Incidentally, there was a bit of a kerfuffle here a few months ago where some said their average wait from the time they got off the airplane until they got through customs was over an hour at CGK. I suggested my experience was different, and given the disagreement that developed I decided to time how long it took for me to get from my airplane to the taxi stand my last two visits. It was 27 and 18 minutes, respectively. If I didn't have to pay for the VOA, I would have gotten out of there in less than 27 minutes the first time because while I was paying the VOA fee a long line was queuing at immigration. It should be noted though I am usually one of the first ones off my airplane, and I then proceed to the VOA window and immigration at a rather brisk pace. And because I fly business class, my luggage gets priority when they put it on the conveyor belt, but if I recall correctly one of the guys here who claimed it usually took an hour or more before he got through customs also said he flew business class, and in any event, I doubt the fact my luggage is marked priority saves more than five or ten minutes at the most. .

On the other hand, there have been occasions where I had to wait as long as about 45 minutes before getting to the taxi stand, but for me that has not been the norm and I do not recall ever waiting as long as an hour (knock on wood)..

Member #4716
02-28-16, 14:39
Does anyone know what happened to Korpern Ko, his posts, and his photos? He used to be a regular on this forum?

02-28-16, 16:30
After 10+ trips in 15 years Jakarta is finally fired. Not any single monstrous event, instead a host of aggravations.

Getting in.

No waiting in customs (second off the plane), however the official requested (for the first time) to see my onward ticket. I'm a 40+ average Rolex and Rimowa business dude. I hardly look like a backpacker. I just shook my head like I didn't have one and he called a senior guy over and said to gain entry I need proof of exit. Fine, dig through my carry-on for the printout and will admit they seemed crestfallen when I produced it. They spent a good 10 min going through the hundreds of stamps in my fat passport and only begrudgingly let me in. I was polite the entire time. I think that was a smile on my face and not a smirk.

No proper lineup for taxis, everyone bunches together on the curb (the smarter ladies sat down on curb), 5 min later someone comes by and gives you a slip of paper with a number on it. Mine was '13' - of course they call out the numbers in Indonesian and for forget about you. Finally I just went over and said get me a Silverbird. If I remember correctly the normal fare is like 20 - 25 k to Shangri-la?

Fuck, it took us 35 min to get out of the airport to the first turn off to the expressway, 35 min sitting standstill in a taxi looking at the airport you just left can get infuriating while the meter slowly climbs. All-in it was a 2 HR 20 min ride to the hotel (430,000) - when I was half laughing about it to the check-in gal she said I was lucky, it took people 3 HR the day prior. (groan).

Of course to even GET to the hotel check-in gal, and have that conversation I had to go through beefed up security at the door, was forced to take out my single-packet astroglide, cock ring, phone and everything else and put it on the plate for all the nice dressed up Indonesians to see.

Mongering fail.

Went to Lokasari Plaza in evening to see if any of the mamasans still working, nope, just a few fat girls and one mama that brought me to a cluster of other fatties. Always still bemoan the loss of Today Country.

Hit Bintang Mawar, some good memories of a few girls, this time every seat if full of local sausage and girls are very few. Had to suffer through two drunk locals trying to make conversation with me and raising their glasses at every sip to cheers me. Meh.

SA and LA Cafe. Only a handful of bars open here now, started on the left side (facing in), appeared to be a massage place with half open fishbowl, no obvious signs of 'upstairs' so gave it a pass. On to LA Cafe. Same as before. In years past would sit in here all day and go from beer to girl until late evening running through 4 or 5 of them. There were a lot of girls (weekend) but they were all chubby chasers, cute but fat. Not FAT really like fat girls are in the Philippines with rolls of flesh, but 'fat' like a slug after it just had a blood feast. Full, or overfull if you will. Took an average looking girl upstairs, mama quoting 380,000 tho I swore last time I was here it was 30. Girl gave me a good wash down and proceeded to try to blow me with the tips of her teeth so her lips didn't have to touch my cock. Ate her out for 10 min and then when I went to fuck her nothing was working, just looking at this bloated farm girl with a massive gaping hole that looked like you could fist without touching the sides. I couldn't get it up (unusual for me). Just left, not upset. My fault, not hers.

Next night took Silverbird, was going to hit SA & LA again but we got to talking and he knew all the spots, heard Kalijodo was closing next week. So asked him to take me. He said 'cannot' it's closed down. I thought it was just the typical BS (let me take your somewhere else) or fear about imminent closing, but indeed the place is closed down and they appear to be doing demolition. There were a lot of people still around (the day of closing I guess) so we kept going.

Back to LA and took another girl, no warning signs at all, seemed nice enough to share a drink with. Took her upstairs and alarm bells began to chime. She washed my dick no less than 3 x with 3 different soaps, then made me use mouthwash. (again I'm a very clean looking guy, no bad breath, wearing clean clothes and cologne etc). Fine. We settle on the bed and she gets ck up to get the Listerine again and proceeds to wipe my dick down again with Listerine this time (little burn there) before she blows me. Once her lips came in contact with my leg (instead of just my dick and she proceeded to spit on the sheets and then pointed at my leg like I would understand). Completely average, I'd say on par with turning your moms vacuum cleaner on and sticking your knob in it. One speed (light-speed) no finesse if-I-can-only-manage-to-yank-this-thing-hard-and-fast-enough-I-can-get-out-of-here. Rgh. Tell her to lay down and I'll eat her out, no cannot. WTF? Cannot lick you? No cannot. Normally when a girl says this I listen, they know their pussy better than I do, warts, STD, stink. Fine. However this girls pussy was beautiful, almost no hair, clean etc. She just had some kind of disease fetish. Didn't even want to tell her I'm ready for boom-boom, no condom but will pull out and cum on her tits. (sigh) WTF, already paid my 380,000 + 140,000 (my beer (900) and her water (500)) so what the hell. No cannot. I just got up, put my pants on and left while she was jabbering away about condom. I turned around and said it's not the condom it's that you won't even let me lick your twat. Whatever. Downstairs mamasans could care less, I told one and she shrugged and brought another girl. Since the first girl was her recommendation I declined.

SA had just a few girls (9 pm) and the were in street clothes, nothing more off putting then seeing a dozen girls in jeans and t-shirts playing on their cellphones not even bothering to look up at you.

Back to Lokasari for a look around, still no mamasan, a few 35 yo hookers by the Pizza hut.

Thought about hitting CJ's but really. What's the point, can get better (and easier) service in PI or TH or Germany. Just about anywhere really.

1) Traffic is a nightmare here (always been bad, worse than ever) 3 miles from Lokasari to Shangri-la takes 35 - 40 min (you could almost walk faster than a taxi at 15 min mile).

2) Government seems to have the funds, willpower and moral fortitude to demolish places like Kalijodo, Dolly and RLD but they don't care about intense poverty, infrastructure, helping kids, crime, education, or tourism.

3) Never know what you will get in brothels. If girls fail to deliver you have no recourse (and the girls seem to know it) Never an issue before cause they all gave good service.

4) Girls addicted to phones and no rules about phones in bars. No way to compete with Facebook or candy crush.

Always hate to write-off a mongering destination, esp one I had good fun in. In the past. But surely this is my last trip to Jakarta. For the rest of you. Good luck!

Joel Goodsen
02-29-16, 08:27
Kalijodo's closure hitting the Australian news.


Wonder why this has to be Australian news? I always had the feeling some Aussie journalists reading these pages.

02-29-16, 11:05
Kalijodo is gone:


02-29-16, 14:12
Can't imagine Gang Boker in Ciracas ever really closing as it's prime market is for the military personnel stationed in the area.

Planet Senen is a very eccentric place, worthy of turning into a tourist attraction where the jablay / girls sometimes dance on soap boxes and flirt with passers by. Popular with teenagers the short-time stalls may well be closed.

It's this bloody internet media that is causing all the pricing confusion and mayhem not the local authorities. Ohh and all the sexpats drifting into town to my utter despair.

Tambora.Haven't been to Boker for a long time for it was (going to be) closed down. Primemarket or not, Dolly, Bangun Redjo, was supposed to cater to the biggest naval base in S. E. Asia. See what happened.

LA Guy 5
03-01-16, 01:08

If they go through with the threat to close Alexis, it would seem Classic, Travel, Malioboro, and a lot of other locales in North Jakarta could be in jeopardy.

Normally, if all that was being talked about was Alexis, I would suspect it might be an attempt to get bigger bribes. But that they are going after Kalijodo (now closed) and Alexis at the same time suggests it may be a real attempt to close down prostitution venues.

I note the mayor of North Jakarta, Rustam Effendi, is one of the politicians taking the lead (I didn't even realize North Jakarta had a mayor). Out of curiosity, does anyone know whether he is Chinese (with an assimilated name), Muslim, or some other religion? I ask because I'm trying to figure out whether there is some sort of ethnic thing going on here (it being North Jakarta) or whether it is a pure anti-prostitution play. Then again, I don't know the ethnicities of most of the former residents of Kalijodo, perhaps primarily Muslim?

Then again, is this really going to be the trend, i.e., vigorous attempts to close red-light districts, in Indonesia going forward?


03-01-16, 02:52
Fuck, it took us 35 min to get out of the airport to the first turn off to the expressway, 35 min sitting standstill in a taxi looking at the airport you just left can get infuriating while the meter slowly climbs. All-in it was a 2 HR 20 min ride to the hotel (430,000) - when I was half laughing about it to the check-in gal she said I was lucky, it took people 3 HR the day prior. (groan).

!Great report and good wordsmithing.

35 minutes to get out of the airport. Nasty. Recal leaving LE Meridien once on a Friday afternoon. To get to the road going to airport, you had to go up a road, make a you turn, go down that road, mke another you turn and finally you were on road to airport. Distance, probably 400 metres. On that particular Friday afternoon, took 2. 5 hours to do the 400 metres. Two planes home missed and some rather challenges times with the then Mrs Freebie, trying to explain why I arrived home 8 hours later than scheduled. Jakarta. Never without some fun and games and a sting in the tail.

03-01-16, 03:09
I note the mayor of North Jakarta, Rustam Effendi, is one of the politicians taking the lead (I didn't even realize North Jakarta had a mayor). Out of curiosity, does anyone know whether he is Chinese (with an assimilated name), Muslim, or some other religion? I ask because I'm trying to figure out whether there is some sort of ethnic thing going on here (it being North Jakarta) or whether it is a pure anti-prostitution play. Then again, I don't know the ethnicities of most of the former residents of Kalijodo, perhaps primarily Muslim?

Then again, is this really going to be the trend, i.e., vigorous attempts to close red-light districts, in Indonesia going forward?Apart from the governor Ahok there are no Chinese or indeed non-Muslim senior officials in the Jakarta administration. One Christian woman was appointed a district head in South Jakarta last year and that caused a brouhaha.

It has been suggested to me that this is a big play by Ahok to recreate the old official red-light district that used to be in existence in North Jakarta and which was shut down in the early 90's (if I am not mistaken). Ahok has already said that he believes that prostitution cannot be outlawed but it should be regulated and controlled in one specific venue.

I can't help but think he is on to a loser with this strategy. He will certainly be able to close all the current venues (all complacent ideas that big business interests would prove stronger than the local administration were conclusively rebutted when Stadium was closed) but the idea that he will be able then to open a super, official red-light district is absurd. Not with the febrile atmosphere that is going on now, not with this whole anti-LGBT, anti-porno, anti-booze sentiment that is being whipped up.

Face it gentlemen, things are changing here more rapidly than we realise. Accept it in the way you have accepted everything else. Just like booze there will still be plenty of opportunities available, but just like booze it will take much more time and effort to get it, you won't just be able to pop out and pick it up as you feel like, and it's going to cost a lot more too.

Sad, but there you have it.

03-01-16, 03:16
Does anyone know what happened to Korpern Ko, his posts, and his photos? He used to be a regular on this forum?I suspect he is keeping a very low profile after the chastening he received from his regular girls at Dee's Place after he published their pictures here.

To say that they were furious about what he did would be a mild understatement. He is persona non grata now and given that he limited his forays to the dancers at Dee's and the girls at Marabaya he presumably has little to report these days.

Gonzo Two
03-01-16, 04:28
Well I finally bite the bullet and visited the downmarket alley where Royal Max, Berlian and Kartika are located. Incidentally there are two other darker, narrower, dingier alleyways where there are more bars between them and Illegals. But anyway, all three soapies are rather extremely challenged in finding anyone half way decent looking. Royal Max at 260 k for a soapy was the cheapest with Kartika the highest at 370 k. Of course I took the lowest option and requested someone who wasn't too too bad. I mean she went through the motions of body to body and did followed directions of what I wanted her to do; however, the overall atmosphere / ambience of the area, the bar and the room were a big big detraction leading me to unable to get in much of any mood. Oh, well life goes on and at least I did one there.
Oh, come on, those places aren't that bad! For a hot tip, try Vivi at Berlian. Fun, nice tits, you can come in her mouth, she swallows, and she suggests she'll give you a quick one at the beginning, followed by a long, excellent massage and then a second shot at the end. Her idea, not mine, but it didn't seem like such a bad one. I think the official fee is something like 285 k, but I usually give 400 k. It generates enthusiasm for my next visit.

LA Guy 5
03-01-16, 05:04
I suspect he is keeping a very low profile after the chastening he received from his regular girls at Dee's Place after he published their pictures here.

To say that they were furious about what he did would be a mild understatement. He is persona non grata now and given that he limited his forays to the dancers at Dee's and the girls at Marabaya he presumably has little to report these days.Isn't he one of the guys here (or formerly here) who severely criticized the contributions of others because they chose not to post girls' photos without their permission?

03-01-16, 05:50
I suspect he is keeping a very low profile after the chastening he received from his regular girls at Dee's Place after he published their pictures here.

To say that they were furious about what he did would be a mild understatement. He is persona non grata now and given that he limited his forays to the dancers at Dee's and the girls at Marabaya he presumably has little to report these days.I wonder who showed them the pics? There is no way they would ever be viewing them here on their own. My bet is that it was one of the 2 dilweeds that were insulting him here about being fat.

03-01-16, 06:02
Isn't he one of the guys here (or formerly here) who severely criticized the contributions of others because they chose not to post girls' photos without their permission?What a coincidence. He posts photos like that on here for 10 years, then right after arguing with you about posting photos, someone from this site shows them to the girls.

Gonzo Two
03-01-16, 07:50
Face it gentlemen, things are changing here more rapidly than we realise. Accept it in the way you have accepted everything else. Just like booze there will still be plenty of opportunities available, but just like booze it will take much more time and effort to get it, you won't just be able to pop out and pick it up as you feel like, and it's going to cost a lot more too.

Sad, but there you have it.My guess is commercial sex is going to become more internet-based. There's already a bit of a move in that direction, but with the closing of brick-and-mortar venues, it's going to intensify.

But perhaps there's no need to worry. As for the move to "eliminate red light districts by 2019", well, has anyone seen any evidence that any Indonesian government agency can consistently implement ANY policy of ANY sort for three years in a row? Quite often, they'll announce some new regulation in the morning and then cancel it by the afternoon (eg. The regulation banning Gojek). In other cases, it might remain in force for a full month or two (eg. Banning cattle imports from Australia). But three years?! It will be a first!

03-01-16, 09:45
After reading a couple reports on B'Fashion going both strong positive as well as negative I figured I had to give it a try. The rooftop open spa is really nice especially with an attached swiming pool. Of course owing to the weather the pool isn't really useable at this time of year. I saw the side line girls but felt like a good relaxing massage ending with a blow job. I was quoted around 650 k; however it ended up costing 720 k, but I was ok with it. I told the mamasan I wanted one with big boobs and ended up with someone similar to #33 at Kimiochi. I was told that if I didn't like what I saw a changed could be made. Very decent massage followed by an oily boby to boby rub and lastly, the ok covered blow job. I can see coming back; probably in a future trip.

Additionally, a trip was out to King Cross. Friends had mentioned to me previously who ventured there in late 2015 that prices were way up, but there had been recent indications that they might have dropped down a bit. Well all the first floor local ladies are now 670 k for the hour service. They looked overall a bit better from what I remembered in 2015; however, back then it was only 345 k (competing against MTR2 at the time). Now the second floor sauna price was slightly lower at 600 k for an hour and a half service. Only like 12 girls were available there and all had a slightly lethargic attitude. Of course at that price I figured the sauna was a better value and took the best looking one with a rack. She did go through the motions; however no blow job at all. Not happy with that, I may still go back on some future trip figuring I'll verify next time a CBJ is on the to do list.

03-01-16, 12:13
Titty dancers, yup, they've banned the nudie shows. Just like that. I had thought the dancers were continuing on in certain spots. But now it seems everywhere has stopped the naked dancers. I haven't checked every club in town, but I have checked many, and I'm guessing you are right that now a ban on all naked dancers in Jakarta is fully in force. Although this has happened many times in the past, when I talk to the management, they seemed seriously concerned that perhaps the naked dancing has come to an end.

03-01-16, 12:28
But three years?! It will be a first!I don't know about that. They banned the sexy tabloids back in 2006 and they still haven't come back.

03-01-16, 16:19
Apart from the governor Ahok there are no Chinese or indeed non-Muslim senior officials in the Jakarta administration. .Hilo77 I'm afraid you're picking up fag ends from the newspapers. I guess you haven't tried getting a license from the Jakarta bureacracy in recent years. If you had you'd find yourself bombarded by Christian Batak's offering to help and expidite your paperwork, one of whom Pardede is a very effective but low profile Mayor of Jakart Pusat.

....As for the move to "eliminate red light districts by 2019", well, has anyone seen any evidence that any Indonesian government agency can consistently implement ANY policy of ANY sort for three years in a row? Quite often, they'll announce some new regulation in the morning and then cancel it by the afternoon (eg. The regulation banning Gojek). In other cases, it might remain in force for a full month or two (eg. Banning cattle imports from Australia). But three years?! It will be a first!Still on this religious theme (the changes in Jakarta are about votes not religious opinions or sentiments IMHO) if you huff and puff your way up the stairs in the Sarinah building, Thamrin on one of the boarded up doors on the 9 or 10th? Floor you'll see a small sign that say Moslems can not enter. This floor was the site of one of the licensed casino's in the 70's. The casino closed and lost it's permit in about 1974.

Many Jakartan's have been waiting 40 years for it to reopen.

03-02-16, 03:23
Hilo77 I'm afraid you're picking up fag ends from the newspapers. I guess you haven't tried getting a license from the Jakarta bureacracy in recent years. If you had you'd find yourself bombarded by Christian Batak's offering to help and expidite your paperwork, one of whom Pardede is a very effective but low profile Mayor of Jakart Pusat.I stand corrected, no need to get snarky about it.

(the changes in Jakarta are about votes not religious opinions or sentiments IMHO) if you huff and puff your way up the stairs in the Sarinah building, Thamrin on one of the boarded up doors on the 9 or 10th? Floor you'll see a small sign that say Moslems can not enter. This floor was the site of one of the licensed casino's in the 70's. The casino closed and lost it's permit in about 1974.

Many Jakartan's have been waiting 40 years for it to reopen.I agree, it's not a religious thing, I have said this in previous posts. It's a middle-class thing, when booze, porn, sex and drugs were the preserve of the very wealthy, deadbeats or bules no one much cared about them. Now, however, the respectable ibu-ibu have got themselves a nice house in Bekasi or Depok, with a Honda parked in the drive, hubby has a good job with the bank and the kids get to go to a half-decent school, and they don't want their lately acquired bourgeois lifestyle, or more importantly their kids, infected with all this nasty business of LGBT / narkoba / prostitusi / porno / oplosan* (delete as appropriate) that seems to be everywhere these days.

It's no different to how our own home countries got gentrified in the past.

The casinos are gone, the swimsuit model magazines are gone, the titty dancers are gone, Stadium is gone, Kalijodo is gone, the internet is censored, the booze is disappearing, none of it is coming back.

No worries, we will still be able to get what we're looking for but the good old days are now officially at an end.

03-02-16, 03:28
I wonder who showed them the pics? There is no way they would ever be viewing them here on their own. My bet is that it was one of the 2 dilweeds that were insulting him here about being fat.Probably not, more likely a lurker who gets a kick out of messing things up. You will recall I got into a spot of bother a few years ago on another site for posting a perfectly innocent, indeed complimentary, picture and comment on one of our favorite waitresses, the person who showed it to her was, I am sure, not even a contributor, just an irritating sneak. I learned my lesson then.

I feel sorry for Ko, he liked to lounge in Dee's with the girls all around him (at least I am guessing it was him), he seemed to enjoy the ego trip it gave him but he really should have cleared it with them before he posted the pics the way he did.

03-02-16, 05:17
It may be a blessing in disguise. The current girls at Dees are not very attractive relative to what's out there in Jakarta. I always thought the hottest one was Anjani, but I visited Dees the other night and took Anjani into the VIP room. When her clothes came off, I was so disappointed. Her body is saggy and soft now. She has obviously pumped out a kid. She's been there at least 10 years now anyway. Unfortunately, like Maribaya, Dees has not been refreshing their stock lately. Especially VIP room workers.

There have been some cuties in Dees over the years, but the place is pretty dire these days. Girls like Cweety, Ani, and Ana were very cute little spinners that are no longer there. Those girls were young and comparable to any cuteness anywhere in town. However, the last truly beautiful girl working the's was the waitress you reference. She was marriage material.

Dees is still good to hang out and have a relatively quiet beer. But as far as finding cute girls, these days there are much better alternative hang outs in town and I'd be glad to show Ko a few of them if he's interested.

03-02-16, 05:20
the titty dancers are goneI'm still not sold on that one. I think they will be back.

LA Guy 5
03-02-16, 06:59
What a coincidence. He posts photos like that on here for 10 years, then right after arguing with you about posting photos, someone from this site shows them to the girls.If you are insinuating (with no evidence whatsoever) that I showed Ko's photos to the girls, you are every bit the asshole that the person who showed them the pictures is. This assumes someone indeed showed the pictures to the girls and the girls didn't stumble on them on the internet. In this regard, in Thailand many of the girls monitor this forum and I wouldn't rule out the possibility that some of the girls working in Jakarta could do the same (although they would have to use an internet provider that doesn't block this site, which in my experience is not so difficult to find). But given the girls from different venues both found out around the same time, that does tilt it towards someone showing the photos to them or there being some crosstalk between some of the girls who work at D's Place and those who work at Maribaya..

In any case, if you had followed the earlier posts on this subject, most since deleted by the administrator, your thinly-veiled accusation against me would also suggest you are not good at processing information or drawing logical conclusions. Quite apart from the fact I wasn't the only poster involved in the argument, and quite apart from the fact many here saw the argument but were undoubtedly lurkers (lurkers can be offended by behavior here too, including the posting of unauthorized photos), my first interaction here concerning photos was when one of the seniors slammed me when I revealed I take photos of the girls, but will not post them without permission. So, I like taking photos. Showing the girls their photos off the internet would be the fastest way to shut down all photo taking at a particular venue. That would entirely go against my own interest in obtaining photos in the future for my personal use.

If you have had trouble following the above, the short answer to your post is stop making unsubstantiated and defamatory accusations.

03-02-16, 10:09
Me thinks thou dost protest too much.

It's pretty obvious what happened.

LA Guy 5
03-03-16, 02:49
Me thinks thou dost protest too much.

It's pretty obvious what happened.

Yeah Einstein, you got it. If I did not respond to your defamation, that would be an admission it was true. On the other hand, if I responded by stating your accusation was false and defamatory, that would be an admission it was true, at least by your twisted logic. Unfortunately, the anonymity of the internet provides a place for dregs like you to make such outrageous accusations against others without real consequences.

You have been on this forum for somewhere around ten years and have a total of 17 posts, assuming your handle is not an alter-ego handle, which if it were wouldn't surprise anyone. Four of your negative posts are reproduced here (one above, and three follow); I suspect they give a good sense of the type of person you are.

Glad you enjoyed yourself. I doubt that girl stayed with her parents. Almost all of these girls parents live in kampungs far outside Jakarta. It's more likely that she had to get back to her herpes infected bajaj driver indonesian boyfriend who was waiting on the blok for her to finish so he could collect the money you gave her and give her some dick. I'm sure he was watching you from his bajaj as you were taking her to the Ambhara. Those guys are out trying to shag anything they can while their girl is away, so she would be rushing back to him to avoid him doing one of the other girls there. As much as I enjoy shagging the Blok M girls, DATY with those girls is not something I would be interested in. I consider it tantamount to sucking off one of those bajaj drivers. The chances he was barebacking her just a few hours prior are extremely high.
Well that was certainly informative, if not a bit pathological, wasn't it?

You are correct. It's best to ignore posters like him.
Does anyone have any recommend for a place to go Sunday night?
So there is no misunderstanding, the above was directed at another poster. A really informative and helpful contribution.

What a coincidence. He posts photos like that on here for 10 years, then right after arguing with you about posting photos, someone from this site shows them to the girls.
See my response earlier in this thread. I guess the fact I was one of a few people who argued with that Ko guy about what did and did not represent a legitimate contribution to this forum (I stated it did not necessarily require photo documentation) means I must have shown the girls at Maribaya and D's place his photos. How moronic.

Fast Eddie 48
03-03-16, 04:32
Me thinks thou dost protest too much.

It's pretty obvious what happened.To Orangganteng.

LA is right old Ko have been accused many ISG member included myself for not posting photo than I am not for real, Yet all his photo is from the same girl over and over again he pick up at the place and maurabya some is old from 10 yr ago.

Fast eddie 48.

03-03-16, 04:46
Apart from the governor Ahok there are no Chinese or indeed non-Muslim senior officials in the Jakarta administration. One Christian woman was appointed a district head in South Jakarta last year and that caused a brouhaha.

It has been suggested to me that this is a big play by Ahok to recreate the old official red-light district that used to be in existence in North Jakarta and which was shut down in the early 90's (if I am not mistaken). Ahok has already said that he believes that prostitution cannot be outlawed but it should be regulated and controlled in one specific venue.

I can't help but think he is on to a loser with this strategy. He will certainly be able to close all the current venues (all complacent ideas that big business interests would prove stronger than the local administration were conclusively rebutted when Stadium was closed) but the idea that he will be able then to open a super, official red-light district is absurd. Not with the febrile atmosphere that is going on now, not with this whole anti-LGBT, anti-porno, anti-booze sentiment that is being whipped up.

Face it gentlemen, things are changing here more rapidly than we realise. Accept it in the way you have accepted everything else. Just like booze there will still be plenty of opportunities available, but just like booze it will take much more time and effort to get it, you won't just be able to pop out and pick it up as you feel like, and it's going to cost a lot more too.

Sad, but there you have it.Hate to admit things will change but I do believe you will be proven correct.

Once the govt sets there sights on an agenda it will happen but just how long is the question.

Remember when govt said they will close Dollyworld, some argue Dollyworld in Surabaya would never close. Well, guess who won on that.

Now the govt has set its sights on Jakarta. Said will take 3 yrs. It may take more than 3 yrs but in the end the govt will always get their way.

LA Guy 5
03-03-16, 06:11
Hate to admit things will change but I do believe you will be proven correct.

Once the govt sets there sights on an agenda it will happen but just how long is the question.

Remember when govt said they will close Dollyworld, some argue Dollyworld in Surabaya would never close. Well, guess who won on that.

Now the govt has set its sights on Jakarta. Said will take 3 yrs. It may take more than 3 yrs but in the end the govt will always get their way.Here is a timeline with links to various articles on the events leading to the closing of Kalijodo. http://jakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/kalijodo (you will need to scroll down to see the timeline)..

Here is an article about how some of the sex workers from Kalijodo moved to another area but the authorities essentially intercepted and removed them. http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/03/01/kalijodo-girls-move-nearby-red-light-districts.html

To my eyes this continues to look like a serious situation that could eventually affect many, if not most, of the venues we like to frequent. But I guess the Alexis Hotel will be an initial test of how far they want to go with this and whether they are also serious about closing down the mid- to upper-class places..

03-03-16, 07:43
Got to agree with previous poster, The blok as we knew it is in its death throws, Its as if the same girls that were there ten years ago never left, the VIP room ladies will be arriving in wheelchairs soon and I guess we won't have to worry about about teethmarks there almost down to there gums. Mybar doesn't start until 2 am and even then its full of tattooed hacks and ambone's mafia. Theres the odd young dancer in DS that's worth shagging but that's about it. Thanks God I know how to work the dating sites, internet has always been my preferred option anyway. The Oktagon has got it nailed every chick I see coming out of there is smoking hot, no grannies in there, but Kareoke not my scene either, ahhh if only there was a time machine.

03-03-16, 13:20
Got to agree with previous poster, The blok as we knew it is in its death throws, Its as if the same girls that were there ten years ago never left, the VIP room ladies will be arriving in wheelchairs soon and I guess we won't have to worry about about teethmarks there almost down to there gums. Mybar doesn't start until 2 am and even then its full of tattooed hacks and ambone's mafia. Theres the odd young dancer in DS that's worth shagging but that's about it. Thanks God I know how to work the dating sites, internet has always been my preferred option anyway. The Oktagon has got it nailed every chick I see coming out of there is smoking hot, no grannies in there, but Kareoke not my scene either, ahhh if only there was a time machine.I know you score most of your talent from dating sites and web apps. And there is good talent to be found there if you have the time to put in to chat them up. But there is something to be said about going to a bar, having a drink, and chatting the girls up live.

I have visited the blok a few times in the last few weeks and I was impressed. I was in Top Gun a week or so ago and there were about 10 girls who I would have considered taking home. I can't even remember the last time I saw that. Hell, I was in CJs on a ladies night and there weren't 10 girls I would have considered taking home. The girl I took home that night was 20 years old. If she was on the blok 10 years ago, it must have been as one of the little girl street beggars. There has been some very nice talent on the blok recently. And the band in TG was absolutely rockin'. I like the bands at TG way better than the ones at Bats or CJs. My Bar has some good talent too starting around 2 am. Yes, the majority of girls in there are nightmares, but they are invisible to me. There were over 5 girls in there the last time I was there that I would gladly have taken home. Other than Dees place and that absolutely worthless Obama place, I don't think the Blok is dead at all at the moment. I don't think the Blok is as good as it was in 2001, but it's not bad.

John Traveller
03-03-16, 19:18
From the beginning I didn't plan this visit to be on a budget or like Cheap Charlie, but it turned out a bit like that.

Three years ago since my first visit, but most things are like I remember them. At arrivals I was qouted ridicously high prices (200-250 k) for taxis (unknown companies, no Bluebirds at T1 b). I walked a few meters over to departures, lots of taxis dropping off, but they are not allowed to pick up. So I wanted to try the Damri airport couch, I knew from last time that taking it is easy. Yes, no problem, a porter helped me with my luggage and found the right bus (destination Gambir, 40 k). The bus started at once and drove quickly to the city. Note that this may be quicker than waiting for a taxi. At Gambir there are always becacs (tuktuks) waiting. It was raining so it was difficult to negotiate, 40 k to my hotel, G7. This hotel is nearby Hotel Classic and only costs 336 k. A simple place, but very nice.

John Traveller
03-03-16, 19:20
I chose G7 Hotel due to the walking distance to Classic, so the next day I went there. Same as in 2013, and the price is only slightly up. I have a feeling the line-up is slightly down though, same with the service (CBJ seems to be the standard now). There are clubs on the ground floor, on 2nd and on 5th. No topless dancing anymore. Karaoke on 3rd and 4th. Spa in the basement. I only tried the clubs. First I went with a girl from 5th, pretty, but basic services, still ok for the price, 350 k. Later I found one from ground floor, same same, but here only 300 k. I suggest going here early, after 10 pm scores of local party goers arrive. Don't expect to much in bed though. But the good things about Classic are the prices, the easy procedures and many girls too choose from (some pretty, some mediocre. Insist on choosing yourself).

The next evening I went to CJs in hotel Mulia. Wednesday girls' night. The place was packed, that means it were many girls too. BUT: few attractive ones! This surprised me a bit since CJs is an expensive place (it is said the FLs here quote 1. 5 to 2 M for LT). I scouted around there for a while, the quite room to the left of the entrance seemed to be the best area. Then I got tired and left, but I might be back another night, as there were some hotties and I want some LT.

The third evening I took a taxi to Hotel Fm1. They have a spa on the 3rd floor, 300 k for an hour, I didn't ask if this is only to use the spa or if it also includes time with a girl. Instead I went to the club on 5th floor. Same setup as Hotel Classic, only on a smaller scale. The girls here seemed more personal and friendly compared to Classic. Tiered pricing, girls in one group are 270 k, in another 550 k. I didn't notice much of a difference in looks. I went with one from the former group, nice girl, but also here the service was somewhat mecanical.

03-04-16, 03:09
The next evening I went to CJs in hotel Mulia. Wednesday girls' night. The place was packed, that means it were many girls too. BUT: few attractive ones! This surprised me a bit since CJs is an expensive place (it is said the FLs here quote 1. 5 to 2 M for LT). I scouted around there for a while, the quite room to the left of the entrance seemed to be the best area. Then I got tired and left, but I might be back another night, as there were some hotties and I want some LT.I noticed that as well the last time I went to CJs on a ladies night. The place was packed, but very few hotties. But I went on a Thursday night and the place had quite a few very nice girls. I asked the girl I was talking with (stunner) where the hot girls were on ladies night. She told me she refuses to go to CJs on ladies night because there are too many girls and it drives the price down. I'm not sure if that's why the other stunners didn't show up, but I would prefer getting a stunner on a normal night over a lower priced mediocre chick on ladies night.

03-04-16, 04:16
Here is a timeline with links to various articles on the events leading to the closing of Kalijodo. http://jakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/kalijodo (you will need to scroll down to see the timeline)..

Here is an article about how some of the sex workers from Kalijodo moved to another area but the authorities essentially intercepted and removed them. http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/03/01/kalijodo-girls-move-nearby-red-light-districts.html

To my eyes this continues to look like a serious situation that could eventually affect many, if not most, of the venues we like to frequent. But I guess the Alexis Hotel will be an initial test of how far they want to go with this and whether they are also serious about closing down the mid- to upper-class places..Thanks for the links.

I have not kept up with the Kalijodo situation and didn't realize the rumors just 2 yrs ago had gone from rumors to full demolition and eviction. It's sad to see another establish RLD wiped out for good. Even sadder is there's almost never any new RLD to replace the old ones. The mongering world is indeed getting smaller.

Now that Kalijodo is gone I suspect their eyes will be on other venues of vice as the dominate Muslim govt don't want the stigma of sex associated with their country. It will spread like a bad cancer. First it was Dollyworld, then Stadium, then Kalijodo and next everything else in future will be fair game.

Wonder where all the displaced girls from Kalijodo ended up?

03-04-16, 05:52
I'd be curious how many people here have actually even visited Kalijodo once in their life. It was definitely not a popular place among foreigners.

Now if they close Hotel Classic, that will be something. But closing Kalijodo is a non factor as far as I'm concerned.

03-04-16, 07:30
Now if they close Hotel Classic, that will be something. But closing Kalijodo is a non factor as far as I'm concerned.Agreed. Most folks on this form had not even heard of Kalijodo, till just before my trip when some monger brought it up as to what that area was. Then I visited, a bit more talk and that's all that is, mostly talk from mongers here and just a handful who have actually visited it. I think it's just more talk about Alexis too and once the owner agrees to higher bribes, we'll never hear about any more shut downs.

03-04-16, 11:53
I'd be curious how many people here have actually even visited Kalijodo once in their life. It was definitely not a popular place among foreigners.

Now if they close Hotel Classic, that will be something. But closing Kalijodo is a non factor as far as I'm concerned.I spent a few hours there last year. It was and interesting experience roaming the area, exploring the nooks and crannies, and visiting the bars. The beers were large room temperature bottles at 50 k rupiah, served with ice in the glass.

It didn't feel unsafe and people / touts were generally cool. A few touts seemed a little aggressive or drunk / drug affected but it was nothing worse than pulling on your arm for you to go into their bar.

It was 150 k for the women, but there weren't any that interested me. Most of the girls were rough close up.

Not worth it when you can get a girl at Travel or Classic for 350 k.

LA Guy 5
03-04-16, 15:32
Agreed. Most folks on this form had not even heard of Kalijodo, till just before my trip when some monger brought it up as to what that area was. Then I visited, a bit more talk and that's all that is, mostly talk from mongers here and just a handful who have actually visited it. I think it's just more talk about Alexis too and once the owner agrees to higher bribes, we'll never hear about any more shut downs.I hope you are right, but the political atmosphere right now seems to be getting increasingly anti-prostitution. It looks like another low-end red-light district, Dadap, is now looking at a forced closure suggesting the government is getting rather serious about this. http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/03/04/prostitution-business-dadap-well-organized-regent.html.

I agree though whether they go through with their threats against the Alexis Hotel will be a better test of how far this thing is likely to go.

03-04-16, 16:43
Wonder where all the displaced girls from Kalijodo ended up?Dadap maybe?

03-04-16, 20:36
Dadap maybe?http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/03/04/prostitution-business-dadap-well-organized-regent.html

03-05-16, 06:55
http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/03/04/prostitution-business-dadap-well-organized-regent.htmlNo need to read the entire article as the last line said it all.

All of Indonesia, not just Jakarta, will be RLD free by 2019 if the govt plan is fully implemented. This govt is serious about getting rid of the sex trade and they seem to be winning with the tear down entire neighborhoods tactic. With hundreds of police to enforce evictions, the businesses don't stand a chance.

John Traveller
03-05-16, 15:51
Again I used the map function on Agoda to find a hotel: Falletehan Hotel by Satin is on Blok M, on the same street as the Bule bars. Price: 490 k. A good hotel except for the noise from the nearby mosque. Different from Hotel G7, Internet is censored here. (G7 is the only place in Indonesia I have got uncensored Internet.).

At 1 am I hit the bars in Fallatehan street. It hasn't changed nuch in the last three years: not very interesting, really. D's, My Bar and Top Gun seem to be the best places. Then there are two more places that seem boring. D's or My Bar have dancers (don't remember which of them). Top Gun is the largest and most popular, so I stop for a drink there. By the bar at the entrance a really cute girl is sitting, 23. I buy her a drink. She will go for 1 M, but can only stay until 6 am. Still, she is so good looking that I say yes. But then she wants the money up-front. I say I always pay after. So I cancel the deal and leave the place. I take a taxi down to Hotel Mulia and CJs. Then I misread the meter when I'm paying and pay too small an amount. The driver notifies me, he seems annoyed. I excuse myself and give the balance. He takes it and replies: "dickhead".

Inside CJs there are less people than Wednesday, but still quite a lot. Also today it's a mixed crowd, and not many attractive girls. In fact it's only marginally better than Wednesday. The problem in this kind of FL place is that it's difficult to evaluate their bodies due to clothing and the fact that most are sitting down. I chat up one that looks good, after a some small talk she mentions 2 M, she will stay all night, and it's ok for me to pay after. I counter with 1. 5 M, something she accepts, and off we go.

She's quite nice, but seeing her without make-up and clothes I get a bit disappointed. We shower together, bbbj. FS in multiple positions. But it's not like what I am used to from Thailand and Philippines. We sleep, then it's repeat in the morning.

03-05-16, 17:05
No need to read the entire article as the last line said it all.

All of Indonesia, not just Jakarta, will be RLD free by 2019 if the govt plan is fully implemented. This govt is serious about getting rid of the sex trade and they seem to be winning with the tear down entire neighborhoods tactic. With hundreds of police to enforce evictions, the businesses don't stand a chance.According to Wikipedia a red-light district is a part of an urban area where a concentration of prostitution and sex-oriented businesses, such as sex shops, strip clubs, adult theaters, etc. Is found. Strictly speaking places such as Classic and Malioboro are not red light districts. They are buildings and not districts. If the report said the plan to shut down Dadap is in line with the central government's plan for a prostitution free Indonesia by 2019 rather than a red-light district free Indonesia then that would mean that places like Classic an Malioboro would be targeted as well, otherwise, it would be wise to interpret the report as an intention to retain in operation the prostitution in the hotels and spas.

03-05-16, 17:58
Apart from the governor Ahok there are no Chinese or indeed non-Muslim senior officials in the Jakarta administration.Didn't read through all of the replies yet, but just wanted to say that the Governor is Chinese-Indo. And before Governor, he had a high position within the city.


He is apparently anti-corruption, a very straight shooter, and wants to clean things up.

I talked to a local who said the government wanted to create one red light district in the city instead of having everything spread out. I have no idea if it is true.

My feeling is that the city is getting much less fun. I'm afraid they are just starting on the obvious, and then will tighten all screws until it is just no-fun city.

John Traveller
03-06-16, 14:48
The last day I walk to the bus terminal at BlokM, it's just across the street, so very convenient. Again I notice how helpful and honest Indonesians are. (An interesting comparison to the Phillippines here.) The hotel portier carries my luggage to the bus, and he refuses any tips. The Damri airport bus is very good, better seats and leg space than in a taxi.

I won't be back in Jakarta if I don't have to though. Mongering and entertainment is better in some of the other Asian countries, even more so now than before.

Arn Poddict
03-06-16, 15:24
I won't be back in Jakarta if I don't have to though. Mongering and entertainment is better in some of the other Asian countries, even more so now than before.What countries and cities in Asia do you consider better for mongering than Indonesia / Jakarta? I am just curious.

Caffe Hermano
03-06-16, 21:00
Got plenty of time to get naughty in Jakarta this time around. We hit up Alexis, Blok M and Classic as we did plenty of research before touch down. My friend is really good at this. FRs go as follows.

FR#1: Alexis on night one.

My friend loves to splurge. He wants to hit the best thing in town first. Plus his eternal love for Russian poonanis. First we spend like 2 hours in the 4 play club. There my friend picks up a chick who's good to go and would also arrange another girl for me. Asking for 2 M. We said we will look around. We come out and head to level 7. I like how they have arranged the whole thing up. I have no interest in karaoke so 2 floors are wasted on me. The level 5 we meet a cute gal who is selling us rooms if we get our gals. We don't have our gals yet so we roam around like tourists: the and go the F up. Level 7 is where you need to be! My friend is instantly drawn to this hot tajikh, she is smoking! Well he can afford that for 2. 4 M a pop. I am poor, I get the indo lineup. 1.4 M for a tall, buxom, 20 yr old chick. She asks later why I chose her, well she was the tallest in the lot and I like my gals tall since I am 1. 83 myself. Go into the room, no mood for baths (maybe next year), huge rooms! No wonder Alexis is number one. Girl is awesome, zero English skills but built like a feather. Fun to lift and fuck. Most of the time spent in doggy and the mirrors are an added delight. Finally job is done and here is the funniest thing. She has this feedback sheet with 4 grades, bad means 200 k, then poor is 300 k, good is 500 k and excellent is 1 M. Now her English is so poor, I am not able to understand that its not extra tip. I am not ready to shell out 500 k more though she keeps pointing at it. I mark 300 k and cry a tear. Come out and wait for my friend who is like 30 minutes late! The 2. 4 M really makes a difference, the gal dint watch time and they also slept together for 10 minutes. Solid GFE. Finally before coming out, we pay the bills and then I realize that my chick was not asking for tips. Feel so guilty even now, I would have marked her for 1 M if I knew that was her appraisal!! I hope karma doesn't bite my appraisal this year but it was an honest mistake. I always treat them gals well.

FR#2: BlokM for night two.

No score for me tonight. Friend goes with a nice indo. I drink the night away and watch the dancers. Some of them have really good figures. It was a slow night with one private party upstairs which got out all the sexy gals.

FR#3: Classic for night three. Three calls for threesomes.

We went up to level 5 first, not knowing that level 2 is same thing. As usual mamasans will hound you and try to give "bules" shit gals first. We thankfully knew this trick. We got our drinks and started chatting with the mamasans. They were very friendly as the place was not yet crowded at 8 pm. Finally after 1 HR of eat and drink, we decide on our 2 chicks each. Thankfully our choices don't clash Cute chicks and petite boobies. 350 k for one gal and 525 k for two. I try to find the anxious looking chicks first as they are generally the noobs. I got one this time as well. The rooms are good with one giant erotic painting at the head of the kings bed. One chick gives the beginning shower and another gives the end shower. As I am not much of a BJ person, I hardly allow 2 minutes of CBJ from both and then get to the deed. 3 some are always a pleasure and I don't get them as frequently. Completely enjoyed both the gals and they did look minors. Amazingly tight pussies. Completed job, tipped them 5 USD each and they are grinning ear to ear. Realized I should have tipped them before the deed, it might have made service even better. Not that I am complaining about current one. Will try this trick on my next visit soon.

P.S. : We also took a walk down Kalidojo just for the thrill. Will not recommend to anyone, only lowlifes hang around that place. The bars are super shady as everyone has noted already and the girls are more like hags.

03-07-16, 00:52
I get the indo lineup. 1.4 M for a tall, buxom, 20 yr old chick. She asks later why I chose her, well she was the tallest in the lot and I like my gals tall since I am 1. 83 myself. Go into the room, no mood for baths (maybe next year), huge rooms! No wonder Alexis is number one. Girl is awesome, zero English skills but built like a feather. Fun to lift and fuck. Most of the time spent in doggy and the mirrors are an added delight. Finally job is done and here is the funniest thing. She has this feedback sheet with 4 grades, bad means 200 k, then poor is 300 k, good is 500 k and excellent is 1 M. Now her English is so poor, I am not able to understand that its not extra tip. I am not ready to shell out 500 k more though she keeps pointing at it. I mark 300 k and cry a tear. Finally before coming out, we pay the bills and then I realize that my chick was not asking for tips. Feel so guilty even now, I would have marked her for 1 M if I knew that was her appraisal!! I hope karma doesn't bite my appraisal this year but it was an honest mistake. I always treat them gals well.I hate to be ripped off but I also hate to rip off someone even though done inadvertently. If it were me I personally would return to Alexis and give that girl extra Rupiahs. Be aware that I am not criticizing you. Thanks for the post.

03-07-16, 03:34
She has this feedback sheet with 4 grades, bad means 200 k, then poor is 300 k, good is 500 k and excellent is 1 M. Now her English is so poor, I am not able to understand that its not extra tip. I am not ready to shell out 500 k more though she keeps pointing at it. I mark 300 k and cry a tear. Come out and wait for my friend who is like 30 minutes late! The 2. 4 M really makes a difference, the gal dint watch time and they also slept together for 10 minutes. Solid GFE. Finally before coming out, we pay the bills and then I realize that my chick was not asking for tips. Feel so guilty even now, I would have marked her for 1 M if I knew that was her appraisal!! I hope karma doesn't bite my appraisal this year but it was an honest mistake. I'm not saying you are stretching the truth, but I find this hard to believe. The card I am given at the end of the massage is indeed a tip card, not a card that is asking how much I will pay for the girl. The amount for the girl is set before ever going into the room with the girl. At least that has always been the case for me. Perhaps this is something new? Regardless, had I been given a bill of 300 k at the end, I would have realized the mistake and told the cashier to add an extra 700 k tip for the girl (if she was as good as your report indicates).

Caffe Hermano
03-07-16, 05:50
I'm not saying you are stretching the truth, but I find this hard to believe. The card I am given at the end of the massage is indeed a tip card, not a card that is asking how much I will pay for the girl. The amount for the girl is set before ever going into the room with the girl. At least that has always been the case for me. Perhaps this is something new? Regardless, had I been given a bill of 300 k at the end, I would have realized the mistake and told the cashier to add an extra 700 k tip for the girl (if she was as good as your report indicates).No we did pay 2.4 + 1.4 + some more for drinks and eats between me and friend. I forgot to retain the bills which I generally do for my expensive ventures. Perhaps we did get a bit tipsy after the drinks at 4 play. Hence could not process what was happening as much as I would have wanted to. I doubt the cash counter at Alexis would make this mistake of not adding the tip amount if I was expected to pay the tip. Other patrons please help me solve this feedback card puzzle.

All the places I visited had nude dancers though the dancing was very routine. Only the girls in Classic seemed to enjoy it as they were teasing each other and having fun. It's always more fun to watch when the girls are enjoying themselves and not putting up plastic smiles. I will be very sad if these became a thing of the past!

LA Guy 5
03-07-16, 07:22
FR#1: Alexis on night one. . . , 1.4 M for a tall, buxom, 20 yr old chick. She asks later why I chose her, well she was the tallest in the lot and I like my gals tall since I am 1. 83 myself. Go into the room, no mood for baths (maybe next year), huge rooms! No wonder Alexis is number one. Girl is awesome, zero English skills but built like a feather. Fun to lift and fuck. Most of the time spent in doggy and the mirrors are an added delight. Finally job is done and here is the funniest thing. She has this feedback sheet with 4 grades, bad means 200 k, then poor is 300 k, good is 500 k and excellent is 1 M. Now her English is so poor, I am not able to understand that its not extra tip. I am not ready to shell out 500 k more though she keeps pointing at it. I mark 300 k and cry a tear. Come out and wait for my friend who is like 30 minutes late! The 2. 4 M really makes a difference, the gal dint watch time and they also slept together for 10 minutes. Solid GFE. Finally before coming out, we pay the bills and then I realize that my chick was not asking for tips. Feel so guilty even now, I would have marked her for 1 M if I knew that was her appraisal!! I hope karma doesn't bite my appraisal this year but it was an honest mistake. I always treat them gals well.
I have only been to Alexis once, about two or three years ago. After the session on level 7 I was given a card to indicate a tip, not a rating. The card was given to me by the girl and was returned to her; if it were a rating card I doubt this is the procedure that would be followed. Perhaps the reason your bill did not reflect the amount you indicated on your card was because of an error.

03-07-16, 15:00
Sounds like a good time. I rarely venture to Alexis. It's too rich for my blood.

I still think the naked dancers will be back. It's happened so many times in the past where they were banned from dancing nude, just to have them dancing nude again not too long afterwards. I'm hoping it's the same this time.

03-08-16, 07:38
All the places I visited had nude dancers though the dancing was very routine. Only the girls in Classic seemed to enjoy it as they were teasing each other and having fun. It's always more fun to watch when the girls are enjoying themselves and not putting up plastic smiles. I will be very sad if these became a thing of the past!I also noticed that too at Classic. They actually danced, laughed and had fun than just stay at one spot, one step forward and half back.

03-08-16, 08:01
Finally decided to give it a try. It decidedly had a local atmosphere to it where one wouldn't go out of there way to get to. Overall the sauna facilities were way below the standard of be'Fashion and probably at the same level or a little higher than Kimochi. Although I got a VIP room I found it a bit small and composed of an elevated wood floor topped with a thin hard mattress. I guess what made it a VIP room was a narrow shower area. I did asked for a provider mentioned on another forum which made the trip worthwhile (obviously had a huge rack). I did passby a few other girls going to various rooms and no one stood out. I know I got one than an hour service but probably not one and a half hour. Total cost was 706.5 K and what with King Cross in the same area I think I would pick that place to repeat versus the'Heaven.

03-08-16, 17:51
made the trip worthwhile (obviously had a huge rack).Any photos? I love big tits.

03-09-16, 06:13
Indisputably, the Indo gov't is more focused on clamping down on VICE in the country. First Dolly in Surabaya, then Stadium, then Kalijodo, now another RLD is targeted, and a high-end establishment (Alexis) is within its sights. All it needs is one single isolated incident/excuse (i.e. overdose in Stadium, drunk driving death in Kalijodo) to justify making a sweeping instantaneous change affecting the lives of many. These places are dropping down like flies, but do you see any new ones pop up to replace them at the same rate? Nope, and for good reason.

We know that the new Govenor Ahok, and this new regime is more focused and determined to stamp out VICE and corruption, and have been more successful in doing such than the past regimes which probably benefited financially from it.

This all sounds eerily familiar to an ex-China monger, who used to frequent the playgrounds of Changping which was arguably wilder and more infamous than Jakarta. A new regime focused on clamping down on VICE and corruption forcefully cracked down on all activities, instantly eradicating the city of all such 'fun'. Most people thought it was just another one of the periodic "sweeps" by the Gov't to flex its muscles, acquire more $$kickbacks from these 'institutions', while appearing to the public that they are trying to clean up the city with some news footage of raids etc. However, this was over 3 years ago, and since then, not a single peep as everything has been driven out of sight and underground. It is clear now that Changping is closed for business, and it will NEVER return to the way it was. ChangPing was one of the ugly "black marks' to the new Chinese gov't, and as it was gaining an international reputation for sin, the new gov't wanted to eradicate it before it achieved the infamy of Thailand, Amsterdam, etc.

So those that think things will return back to the same way it was in Jakarta, I beg to differ. The gov't is clearly headed in the direction of 'cleaning' up the city, and not letting it get more out of control. Until we see a new RLD, or new Alexis / Malio / Classic type establishment open its doors, not sure how you could disagree. I think it's only a matter of time. It may take a few years, a decade, or perhaps two, but it will happen sooner or later. Sorry for delivering the bad news.

In the meantime to all here, enjoy your time in Jakarta while it lasts, because you never know when the ride will end. And I also suggest everyone to keep a low profile in Jakarta, and not post too many egregious stories (or even pictures) here about Jakarta, as this website IS monitored by the Indo gov't and we shouldn't provide more reasons for them to speed up their plans, or overtly draw more negative attention which they are trying to avoid. Jakarta does not want to be known as the next Bangkok to the international community.

03-09-16, 16:45
Indisputably, the Indo gov't is more focused on clamping down on VICE in the country. First Dolly in Surabaya, then Stadium, then Kalijodo, now another RLD is targeted, and a high-end establishment (Alexis) is within its sights. All it needs is one single isolated incident/excuse (i.e. overdose in Stadium, drunk driving death in Kalijodo) to justify making a sweeping instantaneous change affecting the lives of many. These places are dropping down like flies, but do you see any new ones pop up to replace them at the same rate? Nope, and for good reason.

We know that the new Govenor Ahok, and this new regime is more focused and determined to stamp out VICE and corruption, and have been more successful in doing such than the past regimes which probably benefited financially from it.

This all sounds eerily familiar to an ex-China monger, who used to frequent the playgrounds of Changping which was arguably wilder and more infamous than Jakarta. A new regime focused on clamping down on VICE and corruption forcefully cracked down on all activities, instantly eradicating the city of all such 'fun'. Most people thought it was just another one of the periodic "sweeps" by the Gov't to flex its muscles, acquire more $$kickbacks from these 'institutions', while appearing to the public that they are trying to clean up the city with some news footage of raids etc. However, this was over 3 years ago, and since then, not a single peep as everything has been driven out of sight and underground. It is clear now that Changping is closed for business, and it will NEVER return to the way it was. ChangPing was one of the ugly "black marks' to the new Chinese gov't, and as it was gaining an international reputation for sin, the new gov't wanted to eradicate it before it achieved the infamy of Thailand, Amsterdam, etc.

So those that think things will return back to the same way it was in Jakarta, I beg to differ. The gov't is clearly headed in the direction of 'cleaning' up the city, and not letting it get more out of control. Until we see a new RLD, or new Alexis / Malio / Classic type establishment open its doors, not sure how you could disagree. I think it's only a matter of time. It may take a few years, a decade, or perhaps two, but it will happen sooner or later. Sorry for delivering the bad news.

In the meantime to all here, enjoy your time in Jakarta while it lasts, because you never know when the ride will end. And I also suggest everyone to keep a low profile in Jakarta, and not post too many egregious stories (or even pictures) here about Jakarta, as this website IS monitored by the Indo gov't and we shouldn't provide more reasons for them to speed up their plans, or overtly draw more negative attention which they are trying to avoid. Jakarta does not want to be known as the next Bangkok to the international community.I can only speak for myself. I used to have a great time in Changping but since the clamp down have focused on other destinations. In many of my trips in the past I used to have a hard time choosing between Asia and Latin America or Europe. Closures in Asia will only mean that I will have an easier decision to make. I am presently having a great time in Medellin Colombia. Clampdowns in Asia really will not affect me at all. There are many great destinations all over the world.

03-12-16, 17:34
According to Wikipedia a red-light district is a part of an urban area where a concentration of prostitution and sex-oriented businesses, such as sex shops, strip clubs, adult theaters, etc. Is found. Strictly speaking places such as Classic and Malioboro are not red light districts. They are buildings and not districts. If the report said the plan to shut down Dadap is in line with the central government's plan for a prostitution free Indonesia by 2019 rather than a red-light district free Indonesia then that would mean that places like Classic an Malioboro would be targeted as well, otherwise, it would be wise to interpret the report as an intention to retain in operation the prostitution in the hotels and spas.Although I agree that RLD as interpret within Wiki is true, I'm just suggesting that not all govt crackdowns follow that guideline. I've seen other countries crackdown on everything sex related even though they start out with the more obvious larger RLD area first. They often don't follow what definitions we or Wiki consider RLD, they will easily close any place that have sex for sale. Just saying this seems the direction the current govt is headed in my view. Of course I'm always hoping I'm wrong as I love the Jakarta sex scene.

03-12-16, 17:37
What countries and cities in Asia do you consider better for mongering than Indonesia / Jakarta? I am just curious.Perhaps the usual suspects comes to mind, such as Angeles and BKK or Pattaya.

03-12-16, 17:45
I can only speak for myself. I used to have a great time in Changping but since the clamp down have focused on other destinations. In many of my trips in the past I used to have a hard time choosing between Asia and Latin America or Europe. Closures in Asia will only mean that I will have an easier decision to make. I am presently having a great time in Medellin Colombia. Clampdowns in Asia really will not affect me at all. There are many great destinations all over the world.I do envy you as you can have more selections everywhere you go. Perhaps you have a better speaking ability in Spanish as mine is non existent.

Even though I don't have Any speaking ability in any Asian countries other than PI, I generally feel safer in most Asian countries than elsewhere.

03-13-16, 11:06
I am sorry if I missed this in the pages and pages of info.

1. How do I book a room to stay in (a regular hotel type room, not the VIP short term rooms) at Classic or King Cross? The prices are on the website, but no booking ability, nor on anywhere else I find. Do I just show up and ask for a room? Is there a chance of them not having availability / my no Bahasa making that impossible.

2. If I stay at these places, can I bring someone up for Long Term?

I'll have a few days in Jakarta and like the high-end and multiple partner sounds of Classic & Kings. But I would also like to grab myself an overnight stay girl. I'm not sure if I should plan a trip down to Blok M to try that one and just sleep alone when I stay at Classic / King Cross?

Thank you for any help. I went back like 50 pages and got tired.

03-13-16, 13:17
I do envy you as you can have more selections everywhere you go. Perhaps you have a better speaking ability in Spanish as mine is non existent.

Even though I don't have Any speaking ability in any Asian countries other than PI, I generally feel safer in most Asian countries than elsewhere.I have very basic Spanish speaking skills. When I first started going to Latin America I had none. You do not need to know the language for p4 p you just need to have the money. You do need some Spanish speaking skills to make out with non-pros.

John Aldrich
03-13-16, 17:04
I am sorry if I missed this in the pages and pages of info.

1. How do I book a room to stay in (a regular hotel type room, not the VIP short term rooms) at Classic or King Cross? The prices are on the website, but no booking ability, nor on anywhere else I find. Do I just show up and ask for a room? Is there a chance of them not having availability / my no Bahasa making that impossible.

2. If I stay at these places, can I bring someone up for Long Term?

I'll have a few days in Jakarta and like the high-end and multiple partner sounds of Classic & Kings. But I would also like to grab myself an overnight stay girl. I'm not sure if I should plan a trip down to Blok M to try that one and just sleep alone when I stay at Classic / King Cross?

Thank you for any help. I went back like 50 pages and got tired.Just got booking.com and book your room. There are many other web portals too. Almost all hotels except the Sofiyan group hotels are girl friendly.

03-13-16, 23:18
I am sorry if I missed this in the pages and pages of info.

1. How do I book a room to stay in (a regular hotel type room, not the VIP short term rooms) at Classic or King Cross? The prices are on the website, but no booking ability, nor on anywhere else I find. Do I just show up and ask for a room? Is there a chance of them not having availability / my no Bahasa making that impossible.

2. If I stay at these places, can I bring someone up for Long Term?

I'll have a few days in Jakarta and like the high-end and multiple partner sounds of Classic & Kings. But I would also like to grab myself an overnight stay girl. I'm not sure if I should plan a trip down to Blok M to try that one and just sleep alone when I stay at Classic / King Cross?

Thank you for any help. I went back like 50 pages and got tired.You don't particularly need to stay in the same hotels as the action. There is a Favehotel Pasar Baru right next door that is cheaper and newer than Classic. You can walk from there to Classic easily. Redtop Hotel is also very near, but the traffic might require you to take a taxi even though it's very much within walking distance. The Alila Hotel is nicer and not too far away, but you would need to take a taxi. A lot of people stay at Grand Mercure hotel.

You can of course stay at King Cross, and it's not a bad idea at all if your intention is simply to shag there as much as possible. If you want a quieter place with something to do during the day, Kelapa Gading has a hotel called Harris Hotel that is connected to the shopping mall. That hotel isn't too far from King Cross (definitely need a taxi though).

No free lance girl is going to be thrilled about going to either Hotel Classic or King Cross hotel. (Especially not King Cross) But that depends on whether you are taking a hard core Blok M girl or a less hard core free lancer. For your free lance night, you may want to book a hotel closer to South Jakarta. Maybe the NEO hotel in Blok M right across the street from Blok M Plaza or the Holiday Inn Express hotel in Thamrin not too far from the biggest and nicest shopping malls in town (close to BATS as well).

Gonzo Two
03-16-16, 07:55
All of Indonesia, not just Jakarta, will be RLD free by 2019 if the govt plan is fully implemented. This govt is serious about getting rid of the sex trade and they seem to be winning with the tear down entire neighborhoods tactic. With hundreds of police to enforce evictions, the businesses don't stand a chance.No denying that Jakarta is a different place to what it was fifteen years ago. Ada untung, ada rugi: On the one hand, there were a lot more red light districts in small provincial towns and the bars in Jakarta were a fair bit wilder. On the other hand, I'd say that there has also been a bit of a sexual revolution over that time, and you're far more likely to meet normal young women who just want a shag than back then, when you had to worry that you were going to get rail-roaded into a marriage or something like that.

But regarding the government's anti-commercial sex initiative: if the Indonesian government can be consistent about ANY policy for more than a few months at a time, I'll be very surprised. Flip-flops are the name of the game.

03-17-16, 04:31
No denying that Jakarta is a different place to what it was fifteen years ago. Ada untung, ada rugi: On the one hand, there were a lot more red light districts in small provincial towns and the bars in Jakarta were a fair bit wilder. On the other hand, I'd say that there has also been a bit of a sexual revolution over that time, and you're far more likely to meet normal young women who just want a shag than back then, when you had to worry that you were going to get rail-roaded into a marriage or something like that.

But regarding the government's anti-commercial sex initiative: if the Indonesian government can be consistent about ANY policy for more than a few months at a time, I'll be very surprised. Flip-flops are the name of the game.I'm not disbuting anyone or anyones concepts. I'm just thinking out only what's on my mind on the matter (right or wrong). Only time will tell what will eventually happen down the road with current govt. But just saying that the current govt have been very aggressive with anti mongering actions compare to in the past and just drawing a conclusion that it don't look good long term.

03-17-16, 04:36
No denying that Jakarta is a different place to what it was fifteen years ago. Ada untung, ada rugi: On the one hand, there were a lot more red light districts in small provincial towns and the bars in Jakarta were a fair bit wilder. On the other hand, I'd say that there has also been a bit of a sexual revolution over that time, and you're far more likely to meet normal young women who just want a shag than back then, when you had to worry that you were going to get rail-roaded into a marriage or something like that.

But regarding the government's anti-commercial sex initiative: if the Indonesian government can be consistent about ANY policy for more than a few months at a time, I'll be very surprised. Flip-flops are the name of the game.I've only been to Bali and Jakarta for action and not to the small provinces. If you have any knowlege of those areas then PM me with details and I could always go and do a fact finding trip to compare on my next outing to Indo. I'm always open to new suggestions on new places for fun. Cheers.

03-17-16, 13:08
My apologies this is completely off topic but was wondering what any good amateur wife sharing porn movie sites there are?

03-18-16, 14:51
Apologies, Long time since contributed.

Finally made it out to Kelapa Gading and lucky enough to score this fine pair on first visit.

Needless to say will repeat.

John Traveller
03-18-16, 19:59
Perhaps the usual suspects comes to mind, such as Angeles and BKK or Pattaya.Yes, that was what I was thinking about. Still I might be back in Jakarta next month, as I have some unfinished business.

Some questions for you who know this city: D's place: Seems to be best in the weekends. But what time? Those dancers, are they available for take-out? What's the system there? Are they employed by the bar? What prices?

Top Gun: Seems to be interesting all week, I arrived there at midnight, seems to be the best time. What prices can I expect from the freelancers there?


03-18-16, 20:23
Apologies, Long time since contributed.

Finally made it out to Kelapa Gading and lucky enough to score this fine pair on first visit.

Needless to say will repeat.Awesome! For whatever reason, the places at Kelapa Gading seem to have girls with the biggest tits in town.

03-18-16, 20:31
Some questions for you who know this city: D's place: Seems to be best in the weekends. But what time? Those dancers, are they available for take-out? What's the system there? Are they employed by the bar? What prices?I'm no expert on that. However, if you do a quick search of the Indonesian photo gallery for the username Koperen Karel. He has posted many times with detailed information on that exact topic including photos.

03-20-16, 23:10
Yes, that was what I was thinking about. Still I might be back in Jakarta next month, as I have some unfinished business.

Some questions for you who know this city: D's place: Seems to be best in the weekends. But what time? Those dancers, are they available for take-out? What's the system there? Are they employed by the bar? What prices?

Top Gun: Seems to be interesting all week, I arrived there at midnight, seems to be the best time. What prices can I expect from the freelancers there?

Thanks.Have been to the D's place only once, walked in and didn't really like what was available at the time so decided to venture elsewhere. Hoping to come back later to check out further but never had the time for return visit.

Top Gun (and most other bars) are hit and miss. Could be lucky and score on first time or could never connect with any. But I've found most bars including Top Gun in this area have more middle age women than younger girls. Its not bad but if you are only into younger girls then it may be more miss than hits. But that could change just as quickly when other venues close and more cuties decide to hang out here, but for the record, I've not seen that many younger ones though during my visits.

Prices: again varies with the quality, but mostly found that the more english they spoke, the more they want (sort of like a language surcharge I guess). Some of the middle ager will go ST for 750-1 mill. without any hassle but some will want more (like double) for LT. Prices are always negotiated, but 750-1 mill is fair price for LT.if she speaks some english.
Note: even for ST, most will be willing for 2 bongs within about 2 hrs before they leave but best to confirm beforehand.

Also, must have them agree to LT if that's what you want as I had one girl wanting to leave after 1 bong as I forgot to confirm. Sometimes I forget to ask as I've found many automatically assume its LT and will be spending the whole night with you at these places.

03-20-16, 23:20
D's place: Seems to be best in the weekends. But what time? Those dancers, are they available for take-out? What's the system there? Are they employed by the bar? What prices?

Top Gun: Seems to be interesting all week, I arrived there at midnight, seems to be the best time. What prices can I expect from the freelancers there? Thanks.I have detailed my experiences at Blok M bars in this thread. I did not find a single woman in D's bar that was at all attractive. There was one dancer who just talked but seemed happy standing and talking to an unattractive girl. I paid between 600 - 700 LT in Top Gun.

Member #4698
03-22-16, 09:44
I usually do not post while I am on the road, but I will temporarily suspend my silence to add a few words about my last night's visit to Blok M.

Top Gun was DEAD! There were maybe 4 customers, about a dozen un-doable 30 something / out of shape girls, and a live band. The singer in the band was the best looking women in the bar. I left in less than 10 minutes.

Dee's Place was MUCH better! I liked Nita, the friendly waitress who greeted me and took my beer order. I would do her. I also liked a couple of the dancing girls too, in particular a slender little spinner with a cute face. She was actually dancing. LOL. And once she saw that she had my attention, she began to dance for me. Nice! But I had to take a break last night. I have been shagging at least one girl every night since I landed in BKK on Feb 25. But I plan to return to Dee's. I liked this bar. Nita suggested I come back Wednesday or Friday night when she said the place was more lively, but I don't care about that as long as the girl or girls I want happen to be there on the night when I am free.

Anyway, that's my snap shot of Blok M Monday night.

I have been in Jakarta for 4 nights. Tonight will be my 5th night. I had an outstanding time at Malioboro on my 1st night in town. The girl was wild and amazing. I have a date to see her again tomorrow.

I also visited Alexis Hotel twice and had the pleasure of 2 19 year old darlings there. They were delectable, but both girls insisted on CBJ's. You have to be joking! Unfortunately, no I am not. And neither girl let me take pictures. What is happening to Alexis?

Let's see, I also stopped by Bats and CJ's on Saturday night after one of my romps at Alexis. Bats was a tomb! Jesus, I have seen better action at the Dubuque Holiday Inn off I90. What a disaster. 11:30 - 5 or 6 fugly girls and 20 or 25 cocks. I left in a hurry.

CJ's was better, but a far cry from how good it was the last time I was there in April 2015. Girl quantity and quality was way down this time. I saw only two girls that I considered really hot. I did not expect that on a Saturday night around midnight.

Oh well. I have a date tonight with my favorite CJ's FL from 2015. Marsya is a really sweet and pretty girl and we have kept in touch for 11 months. Tonight should be good. And like I said above, I also expect to go back to Malioboro and pick up with my girl there from 5 nights ago. Then I will take it from there.

I plan to hit a few more bordellos and also go back to Dee's when I am ready for some action.

PS: while I was at Alexis, I stopped off on floor 3 A which is their Karaoke bar. It was around 11 pm on Sunday night. They had no customers, but plenty of very pretty girls. The hostess was real friendly too and suggested I sit down for awhile. Ha Ha. I had just had a session with a 7th floor spa girl so I wasn't quite in the mood. But I took note of the girls. There were some girls there of very high quality.

03-29-16, 21:34
Does anyone know if the Indonesian Elvis is still performing around town? He used to be a regular on the Blok and at Amigos, but I haven't seen him in a while.

03-29-16, 21:38
I also visited Alexis Hotel twice and had the pleasure of 2 19 year old darlings there. They were delectable, but both girls insisted on CBJ's. You have to be joking! Unfortunately, no I am not. And neither girl let me take pictures. What is happening to Alexis?My guess is your mistake was taking 2 girls at once. In Jakarta, it seems that whenever you get 2 girls together in the same room, they cover their ass and become more conservative than they do if they are alone with you. They don't want the other girl coming out and telling the mamasan that the other girl went without a condom. I often take 2 girls in Bangkok, but rarely in Jakarta simply because it's almost always a poor experience with 2 girls in Indonesia.

04-01-16, 21:01
Are those police check points I read about a concern late at night? For instance traveling from Classic to Alexis, would that put me at great risk at being pulled over and having to pay a bribe? How about traveling from Classic to Blok M late at night?

04-02-16, 19:55
Are those police check points I read about a concern late at night? For instance traveling from Classic to Alexis, would that put me at great risk at being pulled over and having to pay a bribe? How about traveling from Classic to Blok M late at night?I wouldn't worry about it. It's rare. I haven't been stopped in over a year. The "bribe" is only 100k anyway. That's less than $8 USD. On the very rare chance that you get stopped, just pay it and go on your way. No big deal.

04-02-16, 22:54
It has been number of years that I have been in Jakarta. In which hotel is Bats located and the same question for CJ's?

Many thanks for the info.

Mighty Spearsman
04-03-16, 05:21
It has been number of years that I have been in Jakarta. In which hotel is Bats located and the same question for CJ's?

Many thanks for the info.BATS is located in the Shangri-La Hotel (BATS stands for "Bar at the Shangri-La). The Shangri-La Hotel is located around 1 1/2 kms. South of Plaza Indonesia, half-a-block west of Jalan Sudirman.

"CJ's" is in the Hotel Mulia, in the Senayan section, maybe 8 kms. South of Plaza Indonesia, just north of Plaza Senayan and Senayan City Mall, west of the Bung Karno Stadium.

Reputable taxi drivers (Blue Bird, Silver Bird, Express, Gamya) should definitely know how to get to both hotels.

04-03-16, 10:32
BATS is located in the Shangri-La Hotel (BATS stands for "Bar at the Shangri-La). The Shangri-La Hotel is located around 1 1/2 kms. South of Plaza Indonesia, half-a-block west of Jalan Sudirman.

"CJ's" is in the Hotel Mulia, in the Senayan section, maybe 8 kms. South of Plaza Indonesia, just north of Plaza Senayan and Senayan City Mall, west of the Bung Karno Stadium.

Reputable taxi drivers (Blue Bird, Silver Bird, Express, Gamya) should definitely know how to get to both hotels.Mighty Spearsman, many thanks for all the details.

04-04-16, 14:21
The latest wheeze? Titty dancers, yup, they've banned the nudie shows. Just like that. Two weeks ago the girls danced topless (bottomless too if you stuck around until midnight) and the ones out and about seeking drinks walked around as nature intended, with the exception of tiny g-strings that could be easily moved aside.

All stopped. First the girls on the dance-floor had to remain dressed, but that was actually a benefit, they wore virtually transparent baby dolls without panties and it was actually a better show and you could easily slip these off the girls on the floor.

Not now, the girls dancing are in t-shirts or tops with short skirts, and wearing bras and panties, sure you can, just about, get access to the tits of the ones doing the rounds if you heave and pull at the tops and bras but frankly it's hardly worth the effort, and who knows how long before this is banned too?

All done virtually over-night, no mention of it anywhere, like that the titty dancers are a thing of the past. Like so many other things that have gone from this town by next year people will not believe you when you tell them about how things once were.The nude dancers are back in full force.

04-05-16, 04:52
Does anyone know if the Indonesian Elvis is still performing around town? He used to be a regular on the Blok and at Amigos, but I haven't seen him in a while.Saw him walking out of the 7 eleven on Falatehan 4 nights ago.

04-05-16, 10:47
Sounds like traffic is a real bittch in Central / North Jakarta. I have to do some business in South Jakarta off the 2nd ring road and then would later like to have some time over at King Cross in the NE. I hate sitting in a crappy old taxi with shitty AC and a bad driver for an hour+. How bad is the average taxi? Singapore quality is fine, but HK quality is not.

If taxi quality is low or hard to find, has anyone used Uber or tried a private car and driver (this would be a business expense). Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Thank you. Looking forward to my first visit in a few weeks.

LA Guy 5
04-05-16, 15:05
Sounds like traffic is a real bittch in Central / North Jakarta. I have to do some business in South Jakarta off the 2nd ring road and then would later like to have some time over at King Cross in the NE. I hate sitting in a crappy old taxi with shitty AC and a bad driver for an hour+. How bad is the average taxi? Singapore quality is fine, but HK quality is not.

If taxi quality is low or hard to find, has anyone used Uber or tried a private car and driver (this would be a business expense). Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Thank you. Looking forward to my first visit in a few weeks.Silver Bird taxis are very comfortable and most of their drivers are very good. A good percentage of the Silver Birds are Mercedes Benzes. Although they are the most expensive of the taxis in Jakarta, they actually are quite reasonable. Going from the airport to most centrally located hotels will run around $25 US, for a ride that can take an hour or more (taking into account the traffic) and is close to 20 miles. Usually if I go from my hotel in Central Jakarta to the Sudirman business district the charge for the approximately 20 minute ride is around $5 US. I have said before the Silver Birds are one of the best taxi bargains in the world.

One downside is they tend to congregate at five-star hotels and high-end shopping centers. Therefore they may be difficult to find around most P4 P venues.

If one wants a cheaper option Bluebirds and Express taxis are also reasonably good. However, they have clutches rather than automatic transmissions, which can make for a rougher ride, particularly in traffic. Also, the drivers are less consistent than the Silver Bird drivers although generally not bad. I myself use Silver Birds, Bluebirds, and Express taxis, depending on such things as where I am going, how available each type is, and the length of the trip (e.g., for a short trip I don't care much which type of taxi I use and since Bluebirds and Express taxis are often easier to find, I end up using them a lot).

Uber is also a good option and generally the cheapest although when I use it in Jakarta I have a friend fluent in Bahasa Indonesia book it for me. The cars generally are quite good and most of the Uber drivers I have had were good. Many Uber drivers do not understand English though, if that is important. And although your best chance to find an English speaking taxi driver is highest with Silver Birds, many Silver Bird taxi drivers understand only a little bit of English.

04-05-16, 15:58
Silver Bird taxis are very comfortable and most of their drivers are very good. A good percentage of the Silver Birds are Mercedes Benzes. Although they are the most expensive of the taxis in Jakarta, they actually are quite reasonable. Going from the airport to most centrally located hotels will run around $25 US, for a ride that can take an hour or more LAG. Thanks! Can I easily find a Silverbird at the international airport or is there a hack? And, does the Mercure count as a five star for taxi pick up?

LA Guy 5
04-05-16, 16:20
LAG. Thanks! Can I easily find a Silverbird at the international airport or is there a hack? And, does the Mercure count as a five star for taxi pick up?At the international airport there is a Silver Bird stand. Go left as you exit the terminal after customs and you will find it. Sometimes there are touts near the door as you exit who claim to be Silver Bird drivers but ignore them. The Silver Bird stand is clearly marked and is the place for Silver Birds. There often are some Silver Bird vans but I tell them I want a car on those occasions they try to put me in one. The cars are more comfortable.

I doubt there will be Silver Birds at the Mercure; more likely Blue Birds. If after riding a Silver Bird from the Airport you decide you want to stick with them to the extent possible, you probably could have the hotel call one for you. They usually come fairly quickly.

04-05-16, 16:20
LAG. Thanks! Can I easily find a Silverbird at the international airport or is there a hack? And, does the Mercure count as a five star for taxi pick up?On recent visit for business, hired a private driver / car from Blue Bird, they call it Golden Bird service. Toyota Innova, excellent driver. 160 K / HR with 4 HR minimum. And driver knew every hot spot in town, we even checked out Alexis and a few other places after business meetings, LOL.

LA Guy 5
04-06-16, 06:45
Some years ago, after hearing some glowing reports about the level of service of the girls at Maribaya (in the Melawai Hotel, Blok M) I had a bad session there and didn't return for a few years. Then more recently I did return and had great sessions with Dewi and Deela (Dila or Della as alternate possible spellings). GFE, two shots without any problem, and pretty much everything one could ask for (except for anal). I should mention though on one occasion with another girl on the night shift, the manager knocked on the door around 30 to 35 minutes into the session because he wanted to close early (of course without giving me any kind of refund) but it didn't seem this reflected badly on the girl I had selected.

I returned yesterday, and for variety picked Nicky. Unlike many of the girls at Maribaya her English was close to non-existent but that in itself was not a big problem for me as I can speak very rudimentary Indonesian. The session initially went reasonably well, and because I had come to expect that two shots were available with the girls at Maribaya, I came a bit sooner than I otherwise would have, perhaps 25 minutes into the session; there was about 35 minutes left on the clock when we then both took showers. But coming out of the shower Nicky started putting her clothes on. I asked her not to, and she complied and asked if I wanted a massage. The massage lasted about ten minutes and I then wanted to proceed to the second act at which point she refused unless I paid for another session. After a couple of minutes of this, I finally told her the two previous girls I had seen at Maribaya had offered two shots, no problem, and given she would not there would be no tip. I then left before she had her clothes fully on.

So, first of all I can recommend both Deela / Della as well as Dewi from the current afternoon lineup. Although my session with Nicky did not go badly through the first shot, I would not recommend her based on her refusal to go a second round when there was sufficient time left on the clock. Seemed rather mercenary. .

However, I am wondering whether in the sessions with Deela / Della and Dewi I was just lucky to get two shots, or whether this is, as a friend of mine suggested (who also got two shots from another girl on one of our recent trips to Maribaya), the norm at Maribaya, at least for those who want a second shot.

Any feedback on this would be appreciated.

04-06-16, 14:02
*snip* feedback on this would be appreciated.TTG has not visited Jakarta in almost two years (sniff! Sob!) but I was about a weekly noon time visiter to Maribaya, for about 3 years. ALWAYS satu jam, dua kali, pak! (2 x in one hour) Alas, TTG occasionally did not launch on the second try, but ALL the girls gave it THEIR best shot. Better to negotiate in advance, 'tho.

04-06-16, 16:49
...I had an outstanding time at Malioboro on my 1st night in town. The girl was wild and amazing. I have a date to see her again tomorrow.

Tonight should be good. And like I said above, I also expect to go back to Malioboro and pick up with my girl there from 5 nights ago. Then I will take it from there. ...Just curious: Did you find the Malioboro girl from among the dancers at the spa, or from the girls sitting on benches on the slightly lower level at the spa? I haven't had any luck with the girls sitting on the benches, though I maybe haven't paid them enough attention due to being distracted by the dancers.

04-07-16, 05:27
I have never had a Maribaya girl refuse a 2nd shot. Hell, on the times when I was able to do 3 shots, they didn't complain about that either. That's the advantage of Maribaya over the North Jakarta places. The service is great.

04-19-16, 16:38
However, I am wondering whether in the sessions with Deela / Della and Dewi I was just lucky to get two shots, or whether this is, as a friend of mine suggested (who also got two shots from another girl on one of our recent trips to Maribaya), the norm at Maribaya, at least for those who want a second shot.

Any feedback on this would be appreciated.

When I went there earlier this year, there was one attractive girl. Asked her if 2 shots are OK, and she wanted to up the price from 600 k to 1 m. Way too much given the surroundings, so I didn't partake. So, I guess 2 shots are not the norm any longer (if they had been before, I do not know).

Honestly, I'm not that impressed by Maribaya. The selection is meager, and although from the forums I got an impression that service would be good/relaxed, not allowing 2 shots basically makes it a quickie place. That I can get at Travel/Classic for 350k (with a wider selection of better looking girls), no need to pay 600k.

04-20-16, 00:11
Field report of my maiden voyage to Indonesia. Its about 2 months behind and I haven't been keeping up with the boards. Not sure what info is out date yet.

Landed at Jakarta and started going through arrival process. At one of the stations I was asked, "Why are you here? Tourism. "How long will you be here?" You can answer anything less than 30 days. 30 days or more and you'll be hit with the $35 usd visa fee.

Little backdrop, I got tired of not having internet service on my trips unless I was at the hotel. To remedy I bought a skyroam. Its supposed to be a mobile hot spot that connects to the local network of whatever country you're in. Said to be a better alternative to having a bag full of sim cards from several countries. Anyway, I'm at the Jakarta exit and stumble through the setup of the sky roam. Connect to network and sign up for uber. I see and estimated fare of 108 k for my chosen hotel. Uber GPS kinda sucks so the driver canceled when he couldn't find me. Go to the taxi mafia and they ask for 350 k. I decline and he says, okay okay 300 k. I decline and call another uber driver. We manage to connect (only because he parked and found me). Sure enough it was 103 K to my hotel.

As my usual, no reservation but get a room no problem. The hotel exchange rate was 13 k:1 usd. Exchange 100 and relax a bit in the room.

Mally malones: First stop and I arrive about midnight. They close at 2 am. This spot has two sides, 1 is a sports bar and the other is a live band with dance floor. The live band side I think I counted about 20 tables with room enough for 3 people each. 15 or so stools around the bar. It was kind of dead this night but I stayed for a vodka / sprite (150 k).

Walk out front and taxi to hotel mulia. Driver asked, how much you pay? I offer 50 k and quickly agrees. Hindsight knowledge and it probably should've been like 20 k. It was only a 5 minute ride.

Cj's (hotel Mulia): I arrive about 1:30, they close at 4 am. I can't vouch for the rooms but the lobby is really nice. Huge piano bar (that was almost empty) on the first floor. I ask, this is cj's? He laughs and says no its upstairs. First question is get is are you staying at the hotel. No. I get hot with 300 k for entry. Can't say for sure but maybe hotel guests get free or reduced entry. The fee comes with a ridiculous sized beer. It was maybe 4 beers in one. When I order it a second time (LOL. Don't judge) it was 245 k. The place is big with a live band and dance floor. Lots of people and girls. Not sure what the % of girls are for play. Find a spot and post up. As the girls make their rounds if you make eye contact they will stop and give you a sec to check them out. If you don't pull the trigger in "X" amount of time, they simply move on. This is how it worked for me. I talked to a few and most were asking 1.5 mill. I'm thinking this is too much. One agreed to 1 mill for 2 hours. I semi-agreed and took her number. Told her I was going to get more rupiah and we'd meet up if she was still available. Once I left decided 1 mill wasn't in the cards so I texted and told her so. Was no problem and I ended day one solo.

04-20-16, 01:11
Pacific place mall: Upscale modern mall with like 8 floors. Walked around and TONS of beauties. Probably some could be for take out but be prepared to pay hefty. Didn't look like any were hurting for cash. Had lunch and found a spot to get a sim card. This is what I didn't want to do but I needed a local number to connect with the uber drivers. Sim card was 50 k and 150 k for more data than I used during the entire stay in the country. Worked out to like 15 usd but he still f*the me because not until after did I look at see the sim was 20 k. No telling what the mark up was for the data. Later, my tinder babe told me she could have gotten it for much less. On the bottom floor by the grocery store is a place called DUA SISI. The exchange rate was 13390 for (20's). Little higher for 50's and higher still for 100's. The exchange rate for damaged 20's was 9 k. Everywhere was quick to call a bill damaged. From my experience of the whole trip, is it best to have either new or very clean 100's or just use the ATM.

Regular taxi back to the hotel and its double the uber price going to the mall.

Loewy bar and restaurant: Later from hotel I uber to jw Marriott. I wanted to go to a spot called Loewy that is right across the street. Anyway super nice hotel with Chinese restaurant in the lobby. Since it Chinese new year time they had a big production and show in the lobby. After the show I walk across the street to the plaza and find loewy. Its a relatively small spot and it for a Sunday it was packed. Drank a couple beers with an expat / monger that lived upstairs. He said Thur & Fri get super packed and were the nights to come. Finished beer and took off. Took regular taxi to Shangri-La hotel. Blue bird meter drops at 7500, silver bird (Mercedes, etc) drops at 11500.

Bats (Shangri-La hotel): Little bit of a maze to find but finally noticed the signs. I think it was maybe 15 people there when I arrive around 10:30 p. Nice live band and zero fee for entry. 137 k for large local draft. Repeated beer with food that was pretty darn good. All of a sudden the place was packed. I ask one to join me and she orders virgin mojito. Says she doesn't really drink. After awhile she downs gin & tonic. Feeling good and we agree to leave together for 600 k. Leaving bats about 2:30 am and there was no sign of closing soon. 37 K back to the hotel in silver bird taxi. Good time had by all and she leaves after few hours.

Day 3 (Monday): Sleep longer than I wanted and wake up pissed because I missed the super bowl. Talk to my tinder babe, she comes to get me and we go to a spot in south Jakarta that is showing it. Ate breakfast and enjoyed a good game. Back to hotel after for great BB cum inside sex (smiles). Spend the day with her showing me the sights and checking out spots that night. Great sex again that night before we crashed out.

LA Guy 5
04-20-16, 04:13
When I went there earlier this year, there was one attractive girl. Asked her if 2 shots are OK, and she wanted to up the price from 600 k to 1 m. Way too much given the surroundings, so I didn't partake. So, I guess 2 shots are not the norm any longer (if they had been before, I do not know).

Honestly, I'm not that impressed by Maribaya. The selection is meager, and although from the forums I got an impression that service would be good/relaxed, not allowing 2 shots basically makes it a quickie place. That I can get at Travel/Classic for 350k (with a wider selection of better looking girls), no need to pay 600k.I'm not quite ready to give up on Maribaya as a two-shot place. Two of the last three girls I had sessions with this year gave two shots, no problem. One did not. Then again, I had the misfortune about four or five years ago of having a session there with a girl who only allowed one shot (and was sub-par in other respects as well). So, I think we need more information as to whether recently more than one or two girls there is asking for more money for two shots and whether things have really changed (or instead whether there now is, and always has been the occasional girl who does not give standard Maribaya service). Indeed, there is a reasonable possibility the girl you spoke with and the one I recently reported on as only allowing one shot is the same girl, as I thought she also was fairly clearly the most attractive of the girls in the line-up the day I sessioned with her.

Indeed, the only way I can justify the price there (almost double what Classic and the Pangeran Jayakarta places such as Sari Ayu and LA Bar charge) is that one gets two shots and better service most of the time (if not the greatest looking girls). If it turns into a one-shot place, or the girls otherwise give bad service generally, I'm out of there.

LA Guy 5
04-20-16, 04:28
Field report of my maiden voyage to Indonesia. Its about 2 months behind and I haven't been keeping up with the boards. Not sure what info is out date yet.

Landed at Jakarta and started going through arrival process. At one of the stations I was asked, "Why are you here? Tourism. "How long will you be here?" You can answer anything less than 30 days. 30 days or more and you'll be hit with the $35 usd visa fee.

Pacific place mall: Upscale modern mall with like 8 floors. Walked around and TONS of beauties. Probably some could be for take out but be prepared to pay hefty. Didn't look like any were hurting for cash. Had lunch and found a spot to get a sim card. This is what I didn't want to do but I needed a local number to connect with the uber drivers. Sim card was 50 k and 150 k for more data than I used during the entire stay in the country. Worked out to like 15 usd but he still f*the me because not until after did I look at see the sim was 20 k. No telling what the mark up was for the data. Later, my tinder babe told me she could have gotten it for much less. Blue bird meter drops at 7500, silver bird (Mercedes, etc) drops at 11500Thanks for the report. There are a couple of things though that need correction. If you are a tourist and haven't received a visa in advance, you are allowed in for 30 days without charge assuming you are from one of the approximately 50 countries this applies to. If you are there on business, you have to pay $35 and similarly can stay up to 30 days. There are no visas on arrival that allow you to stay more than 30 days irrespective of whether you pay $35 or not (I believe it is possible to renew a 30-day visa on arrival for another 30 days, but the process is more trouble than it is worth).

As to the Silver Birds, if you get a Mercedes the drop charge is 16,000 rupiah as a general rule in my recent experience. If you get a Toyota car (I believe the Silver Bird alternative to a Mercedes) the drop charge may be a bit lower, but not as low as 11,500 rupiah. If a van, you are back up to about 16,000 rupiah drop charge, even if a Toyota.

With regard to Ubers, they are a relatively inexpensive way to get around. However, I only use it when a friend who speaks fluent Indonesian orders it. It is not uncommon for the driver, who often does not speak English, to have some trouble finding one's exact location and a phone call is often needed to clarify this, at least that has been my experience with perhaps twenty Uber pickups in Jakarta. I wish there was a way around this because if I could avoid the potential language problem I would use Uber for my solo trips.

Also, I have purchased many SIM cards in Jakarta at malls, and never have felt I was ripped off. The prices have been consistent, and yes there generally is a small service charge on these purchases. Differences in data charges often reflect differences in the specific data plan purchased.

04-20-16, 15:44
Sim card was 50 k and 150 k for more data than I used during the entire stay in the country. Worked out to like 15 usd but he still f*the me because not until after did I look at see the sim was 20 k. No telling what the mark up was for the data. Later, my tinder babe told me she could have gotten it for much less. You can get Sim cards for 20 k, but they also have them for 50 k. I've seen them as high as 300 k (for the same type of sim card). Believe it or not, it's not usually foreigners paying higher prices, it's the locals who pay the higher amount. The reason for the higher priced sim cards is they supposedly have "nomor cantik", or a nice number. Meaning that it's a number that's easier to remember or a special sequence of numbers. For example, 08127348139 will be 20 k, but 08123456789 or 08122222222 will cost more. The 100 k more for extra data is simply a top up of the card. When you initially buy the card, you only get about 10 k on the card (whether it's the 20 k or a 300 k nomor cantik card), and that ain't much, so you are going to need to top it up a bit. 100 k is probably a bit too much for a short visit, but it's the amount I always use. You could have gone with 50 k top up and been fine. Better safe than sorry. I hate it when I need to use my phone and don't have any credit.

Bats (Shangri-La hotel): I ask one to join me. Feeling good and we agree to leave together for 600 k. 600 k at Bats? That's far below the going rate. That's even lower than the average Blok M rate. No offense, but did you take the ugliest girl in the place? I'd be interested to see a picture. I can't imagine any self respecting Bats girl going even short time for 600 k.

04-20-16, 17:26
I hd read up on the Gran Boutique hotel and spa on the internet. So on return to Jakarta I wnt to the orchardz hotel at jl Industrie. Got there about 18:30 to 19:00 and was by chance received by the head mamasan that spoke quite well English. There was a selection of about 15 girls but nothing really striking, so I first had something to eat. While waiting Mamasan kept pointing out a few girls to me and made sure I understood their other service. I understand that they had two girls there with a bit more English and she strongly advised one of them for good service so I went along.

The 90 min massage started out wth a totally nude massege that any spa would be proud of. Then after a few teases nd an quick shower it was down again to some rimming, BJ and a pleasing fuckroutine. As I tipped the girl she advised me to pay her directly as it was cheaper thn a package. (Damage 350 for a Nasi Goreng+Bintag+Room and 300 +100 Tip for the girl). Would return there antime again. When I got out at 21:30 there were only 3 girls left on the couch. I gues it is peak time for them.

On a second occasion I then tried the Grand Boutique spa at Jayakarta. After getting my lockerkey at about 19:30 I walked into a big hall like a dancefloor where a few mamasans where organising everything. No girls to be seen or to be picked. Instead there was a group of blokes sitting and watching television. One of the mamasans asked if I wanted a massage with sex to whch I agreed. She then put down the Butterfly package for me at 705000 INR whch I assumed was inkluding the room but it is not.

She asked me for my target and then ignored my description totally, which might have had something to do with the group of 8-10 guys that got up just in front of me. I was led to my room and had to wait for my girl. Quite short, a little plump but still sexy and no word of English. What followed was a much shorter massage wth only her bra off, then a good cleaning. After that I was attaclked by a little brown fuckmachine for more than 30 min. After rimming and a pornstar BJ we did it in about every position that I can remember. After I had spilled my load I was pepped up again untill he respondend and of we went again. I was totally worn out. Total cost was 1.000.000 INR plus 25.000 for a coke. In total a good experienvce but I did not get to pick the girl myself and I assume as a regular you can get at least two shots as well without having to book the expensive package.

04-22-16, 07:43
1) THE WOMEN: These are some beautiful Asian girls with an abundance of large breasts, round plump asses and sweet personalities. They have beautiful eyes, almost Indian. It was a new and kind of exciting experience to be screwing so many Muslim girls who I think of as very private and untouchable. I found a reasonable selection of attractive teenagers working and not a lot of MILFs unlike the Philippines. On the other hand, I found that that a surprising portion of the girls I saw were big units, a bit fat and chunky. Charitably, some are not so much fat as big-boned or just pretty well fed. Much more so than the slender Vietnamese, Chinese, Burmese, Thai, etc. But there are fewer flat asses and flat chests which is a plus. Lastly, it seems that close to 90% of the girls smoke which is a turn-off for me and something that I don't see among most other Asian girls.

2) THE SERVICE: Many of the girls have a nice GFE way about them and I can see that the sex can be enthusiastic if you choose a girl with some experience. I mostly chose young inexperienced girls but was happy with that. The fact that at least two of the main venues seem to have a strict 100% condom policy for everything is totally bad. I have no interest in that sort of service as a strong wet BJ is integral to my enjoyment of a session. I found that in the bordellos / fish bowls the use of condoms was much less strict and I'the go back to those places.

3) THE ACTION: I really liked the bordellos and well lighted clubs with mamasans to assist you in finding a girl. It makes it fairly quick to identify an attractive girl and gives you time to test the chemistry in a place that isn't a loud, dark bar like you find in AC or Thailand bar scenes. There seem to be hundreds of "outlets" or places to pick up girls and I can see that the city rewards some experimentation. In sheer number of venues and the variety this is city much more like Bangkok than say HCMC or Phnom Penh.

4) THE CITY: Jakarta seems nice enough and although I was there for only a few days I can see how one could stay a week and not be bored. However, the traffic is horrific and you need to plan your whole day and night around that especially if you are not a late night hunter like me. The logistics between north and south are daunting any time before 7:30 pm. But, the availability of good taxis like the Silver Bird (Camry or MBZs) makes life a bit better. Google Maps worked excellent for me with good real time reporting of traffic and accidents. I sure wish there was a true 5 star hotel in the north of city as the Mercure was not really very satisfying but if / when I return I don't want to go any further south since the bars I liked were all in the north.

In total, it was a great few days and I will definitely return. Thanks to all for excellent posting and generous PMs. This is great forum.

04-22-16, 07:44
MALIOBORO: I went to Malioboro around 7:00 pm and it was still pretty quiet. I know this place has multiple floors but the upper floors seemed to be closed so I just had the one room to check out. There were 20-30 girls sitting around on couches with good light on them. A mamasan approached and led me to a table and asked what I wanted. 18-19, slim, no baby, big tits. Looking over the crowd, I didn't see anyone that looked like that. Most were kind of chunky and looked late 20's to my eye. Nonetheless the mamasan found one real diamond. A very pretty innocent looking girl with wide dark eyes, large tits and reasonably slim. She sat and we talked and touched for 5-10 minutes before I decided that she would do fine. I just wanted to make sure the blowjob with be "natural". Here is where I got frustrated. Both the girl and the mamasan insisted that all blowjobs would be with a condom. I even indicated that I'the tip a little extra if required. But the girl was total firm and I sent her away. The mamasan basically said that if that's what I wanted then she couldn't help me. Shit, I'm not going to pay 700,000 and not get my dick wet. So I left. 0/10.

CLASSIC: This was much nicer than I expected considering the reasonable prices. I think there were 3 floors open and I checked them all. I'll make this short and just conclude by saying that I did find an attractive slim young girl who spoke pretty good English (a first on this trip) which was nice. We established some rapport and enjoyed some "heavy petting" and DFK. But after this I learned that she too insisted on a condom for the blowjob. No amount of money would convince her otherwise I offered as much as 300,000 just to test her resolve. She said none of the other girls would give a BBBJ. I was unhappy about this and quickly fucked her hard and left. 1/10.

04-22-16, 07:46
Smoothy had suggested this place over Classic as had a couple of other members so I was eager to check it out.

But, what a goddamn pain in the ass to get there. The driver got lost multiple times as Google Maps kept navigating us eastward through a neighborhood that had blocked streets. I think it's impossible to get there from the west. Walking I could have been there in 4 minutes, but we had to double back and drive 30 minutes all the way around a perimeter to access the entrance from the east side. Tip: stick to the main road and enter this from the east side (coming from north or south) before turning west for ½ block and into the nice gated parking area.

King Cross is a 5 story black building and you drive all the way to the back before coming around to the entrance. I asked my Silver Bird to wait for me and went inside.

Very nice upscale place compared to the prior venues. As you enter they give you a plastic card with a number on it – you charge everything against this number and are presented with a bill upon leaving. I went into the main room (1st floor?) and was immediately greeted by a mamasan who showed me to a table. Surrounding the room and several rows of well-lighted couches covered with maybe 50 girls. To my eye, the average quality of this only marginally better than what I'the seen at the Jl. Pangeran Jayakarta bars. However there were a few girls who looked much nicer.

I told the mamasan my request: 18-19, big tits, slim, no baby. She brought up a couple of girls which were just too fat. Finally she arrived with ChiChi (SV#325 her badge said) who had a very, very innocent face, nice looking the cups spilling out of her top. She said she was 19 and had been there only one month. Based on her performance I think that was about right. She was bigger than I'the have preferred but those innocent eyes got me and I said yes. I believe the charge was 700,000 which I signed for.

ChiChi lead my out the back of the hall to an exit. There I was asked if I wanted to pay 100,000 ($7. 50) for a "hotel room". Sure, why not? We went through another set of doors and were in what I guess is the Kings Cross Hotel. Very nice rooms compared to the brothels with TV, large bed, nice shower area. Probably 30 SQM with a nice, clean king bed with decent sheets.

I undressed ChiChi and found a beautiful body and a wide-eyed inexperienced girl. Beautiful tits, almost hairless pussy, smooth warm soft skin. We showered and got into the bed. She just wanted to be cuddled. After doing that for a while I gently moved her head as she lay on her side into my lap and opened her large mouth and eased my cock right in. I gently fucked her mouth for a while this way until she had gagged too many times and then had her lay on her back with my balls hanging in her face to allow bit of tea-bagging. The sex was acceptable but she didn't really doing much work. Still watching her big tits slapping back and forth as a I pounded her and her eyes getting wide when I went deep was plenty to get me to blow my load in a very nice teenage pussy. I think I tipped her 100,000. Left and paid my bill.


04-22-16, 07:49
New Royal bar & massage, GRAND MTR BAR & MASSAGE, GRAND LA.

These were a great find thanks to LAGuy for his detailed directions. This group of 4 bars with fishbowls and private rooms upstairs were very difficult to find. They are in a horseshoe shaped road off of the *north* side of the main Jl. Pangeran Jayakarta No. 45, RT. 1/ RW2, just south of Jl Mangga Dua Raya. (if you search Google Maps looking for "Grand LA" and "New Royal Bar" you may see them near an OMA Pomade Store. If you can't find just get close and have the taxi ask a local.

I initially checked out these bars around 2:30/3:00 before going further south to Orchardz. At that time they have maybe a dozen girls all too old and fat for my taste. When I returned at 4:30 they were much improved. This is a very local and somewhat dirty place if that bothers you, skip it. But I'm sometimes up for these places if they yield off the farm girls. And, this time they did, twice.

In each of the bars there is invariably a semi-circle bar in the center and a fishbowl in the back right-hand corner (the same architect must have done all of them). Fairly quickly I was approached by a mamasan who spoke a little English. I pointed to my google translate app which said (18-19, tipis, payudara besar, tidak ada bayi" (18-19, slim, big tits, no baby) This seemed to work and she would bring out several girls.

From looking at what each of them brought and what I saw in general in my brief time in Jakarta, I would say that finding slim young girls with no kids is the challenging. I found lots of young girls but so many of them were big, some certainly fat, but most are what we might call big boned. Slim young ladies are in short supply let alone with ample see / the breasts.

GRAND LA: Following that I went to Grand LA (was this LA Bar before?) I was introduced to 19 year old JayJay who was of the big-boned, big tits variety but with lots of tattoos. I usually hate tattoos, but JayJay's face was with big black eyes and very nice skin that I relented and took her upstairs, paying 300,000 first. The room was small and unattractive with a shower and a few mirrors. We had a good time, she was cute and fun in the way that, shall I say, a less-than-Menza material girl can be? Her skills were pretty limited and she seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time admiring herself in the mirror in a perfect reference to Narcissus. I caught her batting eyes at herself a few times. Still I enjoyed a reasonable blowjob (no condom). She was a sweet girl who seemed to enjoy me taking charge of her. Entering her from the back, pulling her up to her knees, pinning her arms behind her so that she arched her back thrusting her large tits toward the mirror as I pounded her ass was almost enough to put me over the edge. She made all the right noises of enjoyment. We exchanged numbers and are so far still in touch.

ROYAL MASSAGE: Royal Massage is next door to Grand LA Bar. Same routine and was introduced by the mamasan to a gorgeous young girl with exactly the body and face I was hoping for. 18 year old Asta (#855) was 5 feet tall, weighed perhaps 40 kilos dripping wet, had perfect full C+ cups. Paid the requested 300,000 in advance and took her to a similar brothel style room. Sex with her was excellent and she may have been the best of my trip. Fair BBBJ. Very tight pussy, had to go easy but she took my cock like a champ.

After this I peeked into the other two bars to see what had changed but decided to move on to Kings Cross to end the evening. Fortunately, my Silverbird taxi was waiting on site and we quickly headed that way.

CONCLUSION: I really like this area, it is a little down scale and dirty compared to Classic but while the price is the same as Classic, but the girls are fresher and less polished and the blowjobs are natural without condoms. 90% of the girls were too old or too stout for my taste but many had pretty faces and willing attitudes. The younger girls that I chose were less experienced and the GFE was limited but OK and better than what I find in other SEA mongering places from new girls. I will definitely return. Anytime between 4:30 and 11:00 pm there would seem to be plenty of girls.

04-22-16, 07:52
ORCHARDZ HOTEL SPA (15:00 mid-week): Based on terrific reports from our intrepid Arabian stud (5-6 shots per day I count) "Ibn Buttita "I decided to start my afternoon at the spa of Orchardz Hotel (Orchardz Hotel, Jl. Industri Raya No 8, Gunung Sahari, Daerah Knusus Ibukota Jakarta. It is ID'ed in Google Maps). The drive from the airport took about 75 minutes and the time was about 3:00 pm. I went up to the hotel's spa. As previously mentioned, the spa staff select the girl based on your request. I immediately asked if Buttita's girl Yanny was working, but was told she had "resigned". Nevertheless since it went so well for Ibn Buttita I decided to go with this approach and requested: "18-19 years, slim, with big tits. " So they got 33% of this correct and matched me with a 22 year old, thin, small tits, but absolutely gorgeous face. I must say these big dark-eyed Indonesian girls can have beautiful faces, almost South Asian eyes.

As it turned out, as I undid her bra from behind and slipped my hands to cup each of her breast, getting my first feel of what was hidden under the push-up, damn! My heart and pecker fell a full inch: they were small saggy mother tits. As I completed the undressing we revealed the unfortunate stretch marks. This wasn't what I paid 700,000 for, but I made the best of it and eventually had a decent shag. But her performance was uninspired. A BBBJ that took little more than the tip of my cock into her warm mouth. But she was happy to lick and suck my balls so I climbed on her face and had her lick my balls and ass as I fingered her, surprisingly tight pussy. I left without blowing my load as it would have been a waste.

5/10 and probably would not go back since they seemed to insist on picking a girl for you.

04-22-16, 07:56
This was my first visit to Jakarta and I have to say the lads on this section do an excellent job of researching and writing about this city. Especially a shout-out to Smoothy and LAGuy whose PMs and posts turned out to be especially helpful.

A few practical experiences before I get down to the mongering:

I arrived on Garuda at 13:00 and after carefully scrutinizing this respected forum's November diatribe, I "walked very briskly" but did not "make a fool of myself" by running to immigration alas, there was zero waiting. Immigration Tip – don't say you are there on business if you qualify for the Visa free treatment as do most Europeans, Aussies, and Americans. If you do they will charge you – at least they tried to do so for me.

1) TAXI: Smoothy's suggestion to consider booking a Silverbird or Bluebird for 4 hours was brilliant. I booked the car from the desk as you exit customs. You can get a Silverbird Camry for 700,000 for 4 hours. For my afternoon and Jakarta traffic this was a great luxury since I just kept my bag in the car and hit several places before going to my hotel at 10:00 pm. It save lots of time and hassle to not have to worry about catching taxis when I changed venues and to go straight from the airport to the bordellos.

2) SIM card: my first FAIL. I'the done a little research and wanted to get the #2 provider's card Indosat-Ooredoo's which I have used in other places and found Ooredoo's service to be cheap, fast and easy to understand. Also Ooredoo / Indosat has the only LTE network in Jakarta. Unfortunately I found only one mobile phone desk near the exit from customs and the vendor claimed to only sell Indosat SIMs but no data package. That makes no sense but I speak no Bahasa and couldn't really understand. He kept pointing me to the national service, Telkomsel's prepaid service, SimPATI, which he had displayed with advertising of 2 GBs of data. Usually the national provider has the most complicated and expensive data plans because they've never had completion whereas the new overseas providers are cheaper and faster, but often weaker networks in the provinces.

Anyway, I got SimPATI because I knew the guy would get it working on my phone and I'the have data for the long congested drive into town and 2 GB would certainly last 2 days. The cost was very high, 220,000 including 60,000 for the card. And, the data was gone in 14 hours – I wasn't streaming Pornhub so I'm not sure what got screwed up. Anyway, I suggest if you are staying only in Jakarta get another telco provider's card.

3) HOTEL: I stayed at the Grand Mercure Harmoni: I think this place is fine due solely to its good location in the North of the city. But. The breakfast sux if you like Western, Japanese, or Chinese food. The place is very sparsely decorated and has a cold feeling. The sheets are cotton / poly. Much of the hotel has that hospital restroom smell of disinfectant mixed with roses and durian. But, I protest too much. It was fine, just fine for the location and price. Oh, and the free internet is weak, but the front desk staff attractive and helpful. I wish there were a better option in this area or more likely north as I didn't really appreciate Classic and Malioboro and probably wouldn't return for the reasons listed below (100% condoms 100% of the time I was told).

04-22-16, 12:33
Interesting. A buddy of mine was in Jakarta for his first visit ever this past week. He claims he took 6 girls at Classic in 4 days and only one girl required him to use a condom, and that one only required the condom during sex, not for the BJ. Then again, he claims that every girl he took there also spoke English well enough to have a fairly nice conversation in English, so who knows? I find that harder to believe. Haha.

In my personal experience, most of the girls at Classic do not demand a condom for the BJ so when that girl told you that none of the girls there would give BBBJ, she was either a liar or ignorant. There are some there who have demanded a condom for BJ with me, and when they do, I just walk out on them immediately and find another girl. You were likely just unlucky that day, while you were lucky at other venues. I've had girls at royal demand a condom too, as well as pretty much every place I've ever been to in Jakarta at some point.

Although I've had it happen many times at Classic, It's rare that I have had a local indo girl at Malioboro request a condom for the BJ. I've had them ask in the room, but when I vehemently refuse it, they have always relented. Many times the girls there will have sex without a condom as well. I've don't ask the mamasan about their policy, I just speak with the girls in the room. Maybe I've just been lucky there. I do speak bahasa, so that may be an advantage.

That same buddy last week went to King Cross as well. He sent me a text the night he went there saying there were not many girls to choose from and the ones he saw were not attractive. (he went on a Friday night at 10 pm.) he has basically the exact same taste in girls as I do, so I found that surprising. Trying to help him out, I sent a text to a girl I know there at KC to see where her and her hot co-workers were that night. She claimed she was there, but on the weekend a lot of girls get booked into the karaoke rooms. She said there were plenty of girls there that night, but at the moment she was booked in a karaoke room with 1 guy who wanted a karaoke party and he took 10 of the best looking girls in the place for hours. She said many of the other girls were in other karaoke rooms as well. However, she said if my buddy waited until 1 am he would likely have a very good selection because they will almost all be back downstairs. That can be a problem with those places that double as a massage / karaoke place.

I suggested to him that he not wait until 1 am, but wait about an hour to see if any stunners came down from upstairs rooms. And if he did see a stunner, to jump on her immediately. The stunners there are very hot, and they aren't on the market long once they come back downstairs. He decided not to wait, so who knows if / when the girls came back downstairs.

I like the rooms at KC and the girls always seem to have great attitudes relative to the other places in town. I've always thought the selection there was pretty darn excellent. Then again, I have never gone there on a weekend as far as I know. I pretty much stay home and order delivery on the weekend because there are so many guys out on the town those nights. But the same girls as during the week.

Regardless, it sounds like you had fun. My bet is that if you returned to the places you had a 1 or 0 out of 10 experience, you would have a better experience the next attempt and may even love them. (it's hard not to improve on a 1 or 0 rating, haha) The particular girl you happen to select is key. Once you are in the room with her, anything is up for negotiation. Then again, when you are asking the mamasan to bring you an inexperienced 18 year old girl, the chances of good service from that girl are random at best.

I liked your report on Grand Mercure Harmoni. I agree with you. So many guys here talk that hotel up as if it's some great hotel. In my opinion, it is not. It's very mediocre. But North Jakarta is not a nice area in general, it's not easy to find a nice hotel near the brothels. I always stay at the nicer hotels in the nicer areas and spend the extra time in traffic. It's definitely a trade off one way or the other.

Offshore Swell
04-22-16, 17:54
Having stayed at Grand Mercure Harmoni many times, I like the place, more often than not now they will upgrade me. There is a group of ojek drivers just outside to the right of the overpass who will drop you speedily to your preferred destination. 20 000 will get you to Classic while Malioboro is walking distance. My idea of a world class night out is some chemical enhancement of the E variety top up with the V and then into one of the spots for 5 or 6 hours of sheer hedonistic pleasure. Then if in the mood, a take out at closing time, preferably one who also enjoys some enhancement and back to the hotel for another two or 3 hours of bliss. Have done this a few times and it's pretty damn good. Although have now backed off due to short term memory concerns but recommend everyone trying this at least once before you die.

Jakarta, and this part of the town in my opinion is as good as it gets anywhere. A lot of the girls are negotiable on protection although it must be done discreetly. The girls at my favorite complex are just lovely and I just love the way they approach getting naked and down and dirty with you with such ease, It's like they are just working at the lunch bar making sandwiches. Chat chat chat, blah blah suck suck suck, now stick it in here, blah blah blah. I do love them so.

In all my mongering across Indonesia I have only felt unsafe once and that was getting worked over by some fat pig of a gangster at Sunan Kuning in Semarang which is a pretty downmarket lokalisasi. Mind you getting in and out of Milles can be a little creepy.

The place that I have given up on is Medika, although in the past have done OK there, management seems to have let the girls run the show. The last few times they have been cold, bossy and very poor service so really can't be bothered to venture over to Grogol anymore. Theres an even skankier place in the next alley where 200 000 will get you FS and they often have good singers. But be prepared to have the girls all scowl and hide their faces if you are bule, and the mamasan is pretty creepy as well. These spots are more for the hardened punter. Girls from this place work by day at a real dive of a place on jl Muwardi Raya in Grogol, concrete stall for the shower, curtain for a door and filthy old mattress. I think it cost me 175 000 but may have gone up now to 200 000. It was interesting and the girls were young enough but I haven't been falling over myself to go back.

Enjoy, OS.

04-22-16, 20:17
It's funny you mention Medika. That's a place that rarely gets mentioned. I have never seen another bule there. I think that's the cheapest place I have ever been to in Jakarta. Robinson is just slightly more, but the rooms are nicer.

I used to sit there in the lobby and wait for girls to come downstairs so I could know what they actually looked like and get their numbers. It was always so hard to pick a good one there by photos or that pitch black disco.

I have fond memories of the first time I went. I looked over the photos as they had over a hundred glamour shot type photos on the counter top and wall. I picked a girl I thought was stunning in the photo. When she showed up to the room, she was so ugly that I refused her. I went back downstairs to pick another. The indo guy who had brought me there recommended number 100. He said she was beautiful but a bit of a *****. At the time, the price was only 100 k, so I took his advice and agreed to go with 100 for 100. When the chick showed up at the room, I was happy as hell. What an absolute stunner! I don't remember her being a *****, but my God what a beautiful creature. I didn't see her again after that.

A while ago, many of the places I visited just had a curtain as the door to the room. Nowadays, I can't even remember the last time I went to a place that didn't have an actual door to the room. I may have to try that jl Muwardi Raya in Grogol place if just for an adventure.

05-05-16, 16:53
Tonight is the soft opening of the New Red Square. Is anyone going? I'd be curious to hear a field report.

It's not in it's old location. It's still in senayan, but they've moved it to the building near the pizza guy statue where the old Tony Roma's restaurant used to be.

05-05-16, 17:53
This was my first visit to Jakarta and I have to say the lads on this section do an excellent job of researching and writing about this city. Especially a shout-out to Smoothy and LAGuy whose PMs and posts turned out to be especially helpful.

A few practical experiences before I get down to the mongering...Nice set of reports! Thanks for taking the time to write them.

05-07-16, 02:53
I visited Jakarta for one day in January 2014 , didn't write the report as I was not member at that time.

I stayed at Mercure Harmoni which is near Malioboro spa within walking distance, took a bluebird cab from airport reached hotel and went to Malioboro spa, was looking for foreign girls was not available that time so just took a normal massage and left than at night went to hotel classic and travel but didn't find any girl to my liking, than I took taxi and went to Bats Shangri la, there were a lot of girls there leaving with old men as I was in casuals and my age was 30 at that time no girl approached me, a listen the band playing and had some drinks, and than I made some eye contacts a girl approached me she offered 1 million for short time but I declined as I didn't like her as most of girls had left so I decided to leave the club back to hotel. Next day wake up t about 12 noon and went Malioboro spa, no foreign girls was available only local girls, I took a local for million, she was good. Very slim and young with good looks. After one session left to hotel and than airport.

05-11-16, 17:11
Stayed in H Santika Slipi in recent trip. Initially asked the Bluebird to take me to Classic, but changed my mind after thinking I haven't really tasted Malioboro. The fare was Rp30 k and arrived around 8 pm. Door cover charge is Rp110.4 k.

Went for their massage first. A chubby local lady with strong hand pressure and not pushing for HJ etc. Not that I want any though as I want to save my shot to the FL there. Face: 5/10, Body: 4/10 (not a fan of chubby), Skin: Brown, Massage: 6/10 (I do prefer Chinese style pressure massage), Damage: Rp300 k.

Then went to their strip club. Ordered Seafood Noodle (Rp74.4 k) with Coke (Rp36 k). Nothing is tastier than slurping noodle in front of topless ladies . The strip club ladies are mostly foreigners (PRC, Viet, Uzbeks, Mongol) with minimum rate of Rp1 mil. Quite a number are 8 9/10 but have decided to try locals. Went to the opposite Bar M. The bar plays live band and have only locals. Took Sisi, a petite Bekasi girl. Face: 7/10 (GND looks), Body: 8/10 (Firm and curvy, I usually prefer tall, slim and leggy but most slim one are non looker), Boob: 7/10 (B and firm), Ass: 8/10 (this is her best asset), GFE: 6/10 (a bit shy and does not allow FK or fingering), Damage: Rp400 k + Tips Rp200 k.

05-12-16, 08:15
New royal bar. In a murcky backwater north of jl. Pangjay in a strip reminiscient of the 90's blora bars. Tepid large bottles of bali hai beer with ice and the challenge of a straw from barmen that for once could cope in a very very busy bar. Genuinely laid back locals of all ages.

My night's highlight was a perplexing indohouse remix of How Deep is your Love which would have left calvin harris smiling in his filled up boots.

Decent squads of girls for hire in back corners low key but convenient. Active seat-hopping girls with freelance manners who pulled the most tricks making good effort over us lazy mongers. For those traditionalists there's also a fishbowl with the usual smorgasbord of girls crammed together in a nonchalant mood.

10 pm Gogos start but because of the low suspended ceiling the girls over 5 ft had to bend down while jiggling their stuff. It's the first gogos I've seen in their real birthday suits. Shoeless. Rather like the upper floor bars in soi cowboy. Didn't see anyone taking up the ladies drink farce though being foreign looking I was picked upon constantly. Great banter in the unisex toilets with the girls cleaning themselves up.

The damage. Rp 330 000 for a room and chosen tryst. Didn't partake, as on a post Alexis afternoon session but promised shower and towels. Old school Mamasan commented that anything was on the cards in the room, and I think if you did your due diligence with the right girl it would be. Ladies drink standard Jakarta 50000 rp. Large bottle of Hai or Guiness 60000 straw not optional. No drugs offered thankfully.

Jakarta's Royal bar rocks. Finally gentlemen after 6 years of trips to Jakarta somewhere to write home about. Neighbouring bars looked just as good following a quick head poke on the way out.

Tambora DJ.

05-12-16, 11:11
reminiscient of the 90's blora bars.Is that a good thing? Haha. I remember my driver back in the 90's used to always say "this place no good. Too much mafia. Not safe. " whenever we drove past those blora bars. I ignored him and went in, but I left fairly quickly and agreed with him that it was not so safe and had him drive me to Tanamur.

05-14-16, 12:55
On my way out of Jakarta I had made a reservation at one of the airport hotels, which gave me the chance to try the airport branch of above mentioned spa. At the Spa reception I tried to avoid the expensive Butterfly package and asked for a normal massage and an English speaking girl.

Got a girl of pleasant looks, which gave every impression of a newbie. She was just there for about 1 month and I had the impression I was her first bule. When asked for specials she did only come forward very hesitant. Obviously the tip managed to convince her in the end.

The massage was quite good but she had left the bra and pants on. She was quite teasing, but she expressed she was not sure about full service as her pussy was so small and I was so big. She then told me she could not blow me because of something in her mouth and when she finally took of her bra it showed the most hanging tits I have ever seen. I did fuck her but it was definitely nothing to come back for. I would try the Spa, which was quite pleasant, again, but ask for a different girl next time, may be even consider the package to get a more experienced wilder girl.