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07-14-03, 02:49
I was surprised that Mire the girl I like best at the party was able to understand almost everything I was saying to the other guys and seemed to be able to take charge of the situation and was aware of who was feeling a little uncomfortable and tried her best to speak what little English she had. The number of girls in the place had gone down with only four girls total at the party but then there were only four of us and the girls there seemed acceptable. Two of the girls who showed up later were interesting one was a J-girl and the other one was picked out almost as soon as she walked into the room. We will try out a Korean DC next.

07-14-03, 04:02
I was in Shin Okubo too and it was a pleasant experience.I want to thank Sailing who kindly allowed me to be introduced in the adult party.I think everyone must try because you can feel very relaxed and nobody is in a hurry. You can have beer or tea, and eat something waiting and also you can chat with the girls. They were all kind, especially because I can speak only very poor japanese, but nevertheless the did their best to fell me confortable.The Korean girl I choose was very nice, but unfortunately she cannot speak english at all...I must study japanese harder!

07-14-03, 08:47
I have not posted for a while, sounds like you guys are having too much fun there in Japan, wish I was there.PRC HUNTERI always try to stay in the Akasaka Mitsuke area, the Prince or New Otani.Walking around or coming back late at night, especially near the station I am always approached by Chinese girls hustling customers. They will follow you for blocks. I got them to show me where the house is but it was definately a bait and switch tactic. I never took them up on it but they mentioned oral, massage, etc. range 10-15,000I did come back late one night and being rather drunk one of them talked me into the hostess bar thing. I was just at a hostess bar that had Latin girls, invited by business associate. I could take the blonde girl back for 40,000 , declined, too much. I was told if I went to the hostess club I would be able take the girl back for 10,000 addn. I ended up with this girl who could down beers like soda pop and she never went back with me. Lesson learned.Guys from Huston and ChicagoJust go to bars in Roppongi and you will find lots of action. May not be J girls though. Watch out for she-men.LaterEndowed.

Max Jenius
07-15-03, 18:02
Had an intresting nite meeting up with Sailing and Teppanyaki. Sailing took us to a Korean DC in Uguisudani. Checked into a hotel, the girls came. Everyone got their girls. I ended up with this one named Sora. She wasn't that pretty but for the few seconds that I saw her before having to decide, she was good enough. I talked to her for a little bit before showering. She seemed nice but her skills were pretty bad. I felt I was doing all the work. But thats not the only thing because afterwards, we were resting and talking and she was telling me about all the weird guys that she meets. Saying how she gets requests to do this and that and how she won't do it. Stuff like CIM, anal, bareback. She had a huge list. Then she starts talking about STDs and diseases, telling me that I should always wear a condom no matter what. She told me that she heard stories of a guy that is out spreading diseases and that she had see a few customers with crabs. We paid for a double but I just could not go on after that. She also said a bunch of other stuff but I don't even want to remember. I kinda feel like I got hussled.Now get this, as we were leaving the room, she takes my cell phone and enters her number and then proceeds to call herself from my phone. She enters my name into her phone and asks me to call her sometimes! Sailing felt that I should have changed the girl from the beginning. I would have if I had known. Once again, her name is Sora. Try and avoid. Want to thank Sailing again for hooking things up. His girl was the best looking out of the bunch. Also, dinner was awesome and you have some intresting friends.

07-15-03, 18:58
Hey folks--I'm in Japan very intermittently (maybe 4 times a year)--have posted reports here before. I'll be in Tokyo for a few days in the 3rd week of August (ugh!).My question for the board--I'd like to find a place where I can get a good quality massage and something short of full service in Tokyo. Not sure if I should go for an este or something else. I'm on a budget too, so please no smart-ass answers about places that cost Y40K and don't allow gaikokujin. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please post here or backchannel to me (my e-mail is roman_hans@excite.com).Thanks,Roman

Dave Williams
07-15-03, 19:44
Hi guys!First of all, props to Jackson. This is really a useful guide around the world!And this leads to my post today. I will be going on a trip to Tokyo / Hong Kong / Hawaii in a few days time.I have read up posts and threads in these sections, but since this is one of the active boards.. Could you give me some advise on what to look out for, while looking for some fun in these cities.I belive that the place I am staying at in Tokyo is Narita. Not sure about Hongkong though, and definitely sure about Honolulu in Hawaii.If you all could be kind enough to pass on good prices accrording to the services you get in return, i would greatly appreciated.Charges please in EUR or $, and in the local currencies Am I asking too much?Thank you very much!EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions for capitalization and punctuation. To avoid future delays, please refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no caps or punctuation. Thanks!

07-16-03, 05:18
Roman,I think most Chinese estes might suit you. There are some which are just fronts for FS, but others which are mostly massage plus HJ. I think many Chinese think of a HJ as an extension/completion of a massage, rather than a sexual act. Hence it is sometimes hard to get Chinese to go for the BJ. The Chinese are also unlikely to discriminate. Look for bars on the ceiling and a proper sturdy table as an indication of whether they are concerned about giving a good massage or not. In Kyoto I had a great 45 minute massage for Y6,000 where the girl walked on my back with just the right amount of weight. For another Y4,000 she would have done a HJ, but she wasn't interested in stripping or anything like that. One more hint is to avoid chosing the small, sexy type-they are probably too weak to do a decent job.Of course a real massage by a Japanese can be had for about Y1,000/10minutes, but so sexual services included or possible.

07-16-03, 06:36
Korean DC!!!Another interesting and relaxing experience. Again, Sailing managed all perfectly. We 3 WSG fellows went to Uguisudani and first of all we searched for a good but cheap hotel. Sailing found it, it was 5000 Yen for 2 hours. Everyone of us picked his room key. At this point, Sailing played his fundamental role and called the delivery agency, of course speaking in fluent japanese. He requested 3 girls, for 100 mins, 25000 Yen. Reasonable price, it isn't?Generally, you can ask the agency for the kind of girl you want, but no pics available in this case. We waited 15 mins in Sailing's room then the girls knocked the door. One was as I requested (slim, petite and with nice face). The other two were so and so. As a rule (Sailing explained us) you can change the girl if you don't like her, but just one time. In this case, she goes back and another one will go a little bit later. I was satisfied so I picked mine and we went to my room.She was a 22 Y/O art student that needs some money, so she is not a pro. A little bit shy, maybe not so skilled but very kind and sweet. It was a good choice. We had a shower together, then BBBJ and two shots. Between one thing and another one we had also a relaxed and interesting conversation (maybe it sounds not so important for someone of you in WSG, but I greatly appreciate it).Finally, we exchanged phone numbers. I think I'll call her soon...I am very grateful to Sailing for sharing his great experience and knowledge of Tokyo action with us newbies. What about next one ;-) ?

The Long Rooste
07-16-03, 06:50
I've been getting tired of the same old ichi-man yen for 30 minutes in dirty ass Kogane-cho and don't want to travel up to Shin-Okubo for the same thing.I've found some of the best sex available is with the girls that are working for the escort agencies.I'm still recovering from last week when I met up with Amy.One of the best BJ techniques I've ever had and she seems game for anything. If interested: amybaby211@hotmail.comAnother great one is Tina from Nagoya: pinbambino@hotmail.comShe will travel to Tokyo if you pay the fare. She usually charges ni-man yen for overnight and if you live in tokyo then you also pay the Y25,000 for her train ride. True it is expensvie but for Y45,000 you're getting a woman that enjoys sex all night but in Kogane-cho and elsewhere your paying Y10,000 for 30 mins and all the better soaplands and escort agencies are charging you even more for three hours or so.Hope this helps.

07-17-03, 19:03
Lion--Thanks for the tips.Anyone here tried a Thai-style massage parlor in Tokyo? I found one called Miss Puke (I think that translates to "Miss Phuket"):http://home.att.ne.jp/moon/mebius/misspuke/Seems interesting--especially with the optional "testicles massage" for Y2000.Roman

07-18-03, 00:11
So that is what 睾丸 means, not a Kanji you see frequently . Has anyone been to the thai places? The prices seem quite competitive but it is not clear what they really provide.Separately, last night walking back to Shibuya staion was going towards the station about a block from 109 (near the lawsons) when a chinese women acosted me. 10K for a BJ. Was not really in the mood, but agreed to check it out into dogenzaka, turn left, and then in the basement on the left. Got 60 mins with a nice girl ( plus two showers) but she kept asking for ridiculous amounts to do sumata or FS (10k and 20 k MORE). What was interesting is that they then took me up an elevator and out an back entrance - not sure if it was for my protection or not to scare off japanese customers. Lots of action in dogenzaka, but then this was a Thursday so not that busy.

07-18-03, 09:42
Hey guys, I'll be back to Tokyo really soon. Is Hinumaru in Shinjuku still a good place ?Do you know if Mika still works there, as I had FS with her and 2 loads.Thanks

07-18-03, 14:08
roman,yes, i just tried miss puke on okachimachi. 13,000 for 2 hr- body wash and massage.lovely ladies there, went with a miss aiko from chiang mai.small 2nd story mansion, you pick from a variety menu. begin with simple body wash show in very tight shower stall, she simply does a wash over. massage is pretty straight, she stays in her outfit.i didn't request the specials menu. two hours seemed too long for this. light chitchat but she couldn't speak much jpnz nor eng.nothing special to report. not really recommendable. maybe i missed the special treatment which i'm now regretting.by the way, i met a roman from europe who used to be in health food industry and grapeseed oil business. you're not that roman, are you?ginkgoeditor's note: posting of this report was delayed pending revisions for capitalization and punctuation. to avoid future delays, please refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no caps or punctuation. thanks!

07-20-03, 14:10
Just a short post for this first one, because my first two posts failed to get through for some reason and I spent a lot of time on them telling my personal mongering history here in Japan over the last 5 years or so! Not a good feeling to see them disappear into cyberspace.I'll try the personal history approach next time, if I see this has made it through okay. But for now, I'll tell you that I am the UN guy on the maharoba.ne.jp (?) website that was run by a nice Japanese guy named Sailor. Website is still there and is occasionally mentioned on this board along with its URL, but it hasn't been updated in about three years because Sailor found a girlfriend. Have experienced a couple SW in Hiroshima. That was my introduction to these services. I can post on those to the General Info board later, or Hiroshima if it has its own board. They hang out in kind of a dark place, off the beaten track.Sailor took me to a PS called Ponytail, in Nara. Was so satisfied with that experience that I went back twice on my own. Heavily recommended, if you can speak Japanese. I wrote up a lengthy report and Sailor kindly put it on his website, which I just remembered the name of: Japan Pink Salon Research Institute. I was very proud just to be the first gaijin Sailor personally took to a service place. Having my report on his website was the frosting on the cake.Other than that, have been kind of "dormant" the last couple years, at least where the service places are concerned. Been lurking here forever, and finally went to Hinomaru last year. Wasn't too happy with the particular girl, as she seemed kind of mechanical and totally non-GFE, but will try the place out again. I generally would like more privacy, but the lack of it can kind of be a challenge or an additional kick.Well, as I said, I will make this short. Just will end by thanking all the people who have made this board so great and spread the wealth. I'll do my best to help out, but as I said, I've not been too active lately. Maybe that will change though...yoroshiku onegaishimasu!Hi,I always suggest to everyone who is writing a long report that they write it in a word processing program first, then proofread and spell check, then save it as a file on their computer, AND THEN copy and paste it into the forum.With this method, there is no danger of losing your work, and besides, it's easier to write in a real word procession program first. Even if you're in an Internet Cafe computer with no word processing program installed, you can always use Notepad or WordPad.Jackson

07-20-03, 16:41
PART I: Haven't posted anything in a while, so here it goes. A few WSG contributors and myself checked out an adult party in Shin Okubo last week and it was great. More details to follow in my next post.

Cadillac Lover
07-21-03, 08:43
Howdy!I am new to the game, and will be in Tokyo for the first time in a couple of weeks. I will be in Tokyo for about one week and am looking for advice to make the most of my time/yen. Maybe I can find a willing guide?In reading through the various posts, I still do not feel I have a good overview of the "game"Could I get some posts (the more, the merrier) on what is happening. Pros v. cons of SW, MP, other (what is Yuyu?) Where should a firsttimer go? Looking for BBBJ, & FS primarily. Would like decent GFE, and prefer service (play?) in my hotel (not sure where I will be at this point). I would even entertain same provider for the entire week.I am a foreigner (American), with absolutely NO language skills (japanese). I have some experience in China and Thailand so I can relate to examples.Thanks friends!

Lubricate It
07-21-03, 22:58
Originally posted by Former LurkerHowdy!I am new to the game, and will be in Tokyo for the first time in a couple of weeks. I will be in Tokyo for about one week and am looking for advice to make the most of my time/yen. Maybe I can find a willing guide?In reading through the various posts, I still do not feel I have a good overview of the "game"Could I get some posts (the more, the merrier) on what is happening. Pros v. cons of SW, MP, other (what is Yuyu?) Where should a firsttimer go? Looking for BBBJ, & FS primarily. Would like decent GFE, and prefer service (play?) in my hotel (not sure where I will be at this point). I would even entertain same provider for the entire week.I am a foreigner (American), with absolutely NO language skills (japanese). I have some experience in China and Thailand so I can relate to examples.Thanks friends! My views for what they're worth (others should comment too): 1. There are always going to be exceptions, but Japanese women are generally not friendly to foreigners, and especially foreigners who don't speak Japanese.2. Japanese women are the most affluent women in the world. They're generally not doing it because they really have to. Some need pocket money, but they want to do it with reasonably attractive Japanese men only, in situations in which they're in control or the Japanese shop is in control, with rules they accept.3. There are plenty of foreign (especially Chinese and Thai) women who are foreigner-friendly. Try the red light districts (Shinjuku, Kawasaki, and Kogane-cho - see the Yokohama board for the latter two).4. Chinese massage can easily be found near most significant railway stations. Quality is variable, often no FS. But there are some gems. Eg spontaneous free FS, two girls massage with FS (when only paid for one). There can be lousy downsides (see my post on Yokohama board).5. If you're prepared to pay lots of money, then anything is possible, even with J-girls.

07-22-03, 05:44
Howdy. for someone with no language skills at all, and no idea of how to get around Tokyo, I think the best bet would be to call someplace like Cherry Blossom, and get a girl to come to your room. The girls are supposed to be great, and give great service (especially Amy), and they can send a girl who can speak English.For a nice BBBJ at a pink salon, try Seiki 21 in Shibuya, you will get 2 BBBJs from 2 girls for about 7,000 yen. IT is in Shibuya, the directions are on this board somewhere. It is worth a trip.

07-22-03, 07:31
Former Lurker,Fish Monger is right on. If you need some directions to Seiko 21 let me know. I have done the outcall routine and if you have the money it is the most straitforward and reliable way to go. The contacts you make can be used later on follow-up trips. I also have some advise on bars if you want to go try your luck.

07-22-03, 16:13
Or 3 BBBJ from 3 girls from the other place in the same building.

Wine Guy 247
07-22-03, 19:28
Originally posted by EndowedFormer Lurker,Fish Monger is right on. If you need some directions to Seiko 21 let me know. I have done the outcall routine and if you have the money it is the most straitforward and reliable way to go. The contacts you make can be used later on follow-up trips. I also have some advise on bars if you want to go try your luck. I would love to hear your advice on the bars Endowed. Last time I was in Roppongi (Motown and the like) there was a high male/female ratio and the females were mostly working or with someone. Any suggestions for pro or non-pro bars? My Japanese is not enough to hold a prolonged conversation. :(MJ

07-23-03, 05:42
Originally posted by EndowedFormer Lurker,Fish Monger is right on. If you need some directions to Seiko 21 let me know. I have done the outcall routine and if you have the money it is the most straitforward and reliable way to go. The contacts you make can be used later on follow-up trips. I also have some advise on bars if you want to go try your luck. I'm always looking for advice about the bar scene...can you share here, or do you prefer to backchannel info via e-mail?I speak pidgin Japanese, and have browsed the bars in Roppongi on my occasional visits, but without much luck...Roman

07-23-03, 07:49
RomanI included my back email on that post but it must have been edited out. it is @yahoo my name42Try me thereEndowed

07-23-03, 09:47
Hello All,I have only posted here once before, but have been doing some research. I will be comming over to Japan Aug 9th for about a week. I will be staying at Camp Zama, but am willing to travel. I am looking for someone to show me around or help me with a hook up. Last month when I was there I stumbled across a RLD in Machida, but other than that had a hard time in Roppongi. Any help would be Great. If anyone need info on Hawaii, I am willing to help out there.Thanks

Cadillac Lover
07-25-03, 07:16
Originally posted by EndowedFormer Lurker,Fish Monger is right on. If you need some directions to Seiko 21 let me know. I have done the outcall routine and if you have the money it is the most straitforward and reliable way to go. The contacts you make can be used later on follow-up trips. I also have some advise on bars if you want to go try your luck. Any and all information is appreciated, including directions to Seiko 21. 7K for 2 BBBJ from 2 girls (as posted from another user)? Is that right? That sounds like a bargin complared to what I have heard about Tokyo. I will attempt to get in touch when I know where I will be staying.What are the prices like for take out from Cherry Blossom? Is LT available? What is a "Pink Salon"? Sorry about all the questions, but I have been looking forward to this destination for some time, and I want to get it right. I won't say money is no object, but I am willing to increase my normal budget.

Mikie Nes
07-28-03, 11:42
I'm hoping one of you Tokyoites can help me out here.I've found a lot of quite sensational pros in Tokyo, but I really want to find an escort agency or massagi joint that accepts gaijin and will do cosplay. Call me perverse, but I really like the sailor suit look & I'll be damned if I can find a gaijin friendly place that has it.BTW, re Roppongi, I'm REALLY shy in bars, but willing to go, if, as people say, you're pretty much guaranteed to get laid. I've heard the Lexington's amazing, but the crowd there's all sub-30 & I'm 37. I'm not scarily ugly, but maybe a "guy 6.5 to 7". Advice would be most appreciated, gentlemen.

07-30-03, 08:08
OK here it is boys,Yo get to Seiko21, Take the Ginza line to Shibuya station, it is the last stop so you can't get lost. when you get off the subway head for the Hachiko exit, Hachicko is this dog that the Japanese worship because it was dedicated and showed up at the train station even after it's master was dead. Stop for a few minutes and hang out with Hachicko statue as there are loads of women just hanging out there hoping to meet with someone, similar to Hachiko's situation. Really, you can meet Jgirls there if you know what to do. Or just check it out and watch the black guys do it. Now you?re faced with a multiple of streets and its very busy with people there so cross the main road with everyone else verring a little to the left and head toward Starbucks, there is a large one facing Hachiko station. Other bearings you can use are huge HMV music store a little farther up, walk up the street with Starbucks to the right of you, you should also see a HMV sign and as you walk up that street you will come to HMV on the right, Seiko is 30 metres away sort of to the left. Look for a Java store on the right , 21 Seiko is facing the Java coffee store across the street. There is a sign on the outside and an elevator on the right hand side of a restaurant and a stair well on the left. 3rd floor. This is right on a main drag.For first timers hanging out I suggest Roppongi bars, the girls are there to meet westerners, free or paid. If you pay an amature demand all night. Don't feel bad, it costs alot of money for those girls to dress so sexy.Motown; Popaganda; Trading Places; Wall street and thevarious Gas Panic bars are good bets. Each has their night. You just have to luck out. I have gone in some with a date and wished I could make her disappear, other times I totally strike out. It helps to get there early to get in the mood. Lots of working girls out and about, no specific time. If you are out late there is a shot bar called Deep Blue above the cheap gravy and chicken place Called POT & POT, spitting distance from Almond, elevator to 5th floor. If you go in there real late like 4-6:30 am the russian hostesses hang out there and cut loose. The place is run by greeks and the bartenders are beautiful. If Helana is there tell her Hi from Tony. Trading Places is a basement level semi-outdoor bar in a buildingacross the street from the ROI Building. It alsohorizontally-across from the bar Propanganda. Motown is reliable if crowed. 50% of the crowd are regulars, watch out for men altered as women (and a damn good job too). If you have a doubt, ask it or ask the guy next to you. If strange guys start buying you beers, you are making out with a transvestite!If you want to get off the beaten track try "The Rockza" in Asakusa. strip dance club. You can try a place called "Muse" near Azabu crossing, where many local foreigners hang around. It's a good place to check out model material girls.I am writing all this because I want to improve my Karma and also to hear some of the stories when you strike gold.Endowed

07-31-03, 19:10
I remember somebody was asking about Mika at Hinomaru. Dude, she is still there and she is skanky! The whole story is that I was in Tokyo last month and found Hinomaru using Sailing's excellent directions. As I was walking past the street that I was supposed to turn into, the tout at the door took one look at me and came running and nearly dragged me in. The place is fine and seems to be designed for the purpose it serves. The booths are spacious and quite private. I walk in and there is only one guy there and I see three girls hunched over his pants !!! Goddammmit.Mika comes over and looks a little surprised that I still have my pants on. Once I took em off and sat down, she laid on the couch and started the BBBJ and opened her legs making it pretty clear that I was to suck. She was about a 4/10 in looks but with good size breasts. I slowly worked my way to the Y and once I got there I was frankly disgusted with the stench. She's clearly filthy or has some fungus. Needless to say I just pulled back and enjoyed what she was doing to me. Her BBBJ technique is amateurish, about a 3/10 in my books. I have had CBJs which were much better.Long story short, forget about Mika.Directions to Hinomaru:From the Shinjuku JR station take the east exit to Kabukicho. As you step out, you will see the Alta Studio across the street.Take the narrow street to its left two blocks and you will run up against the Koma stadium.Walk around it and in the back of the stadium you will see a high rise hospital building with a police station at the corner. If you look to the left, you will see the end of this street and train tracks.Walk the opposite way for a couple of blocks and look for Hinomaru in one of the small streets to your left. You cant miss it. The tout out front will make sure you cant miss it.Its 80000Y for 40 mins.Thanks Sailing bud. You are the best.

08-01-03, 15:02
Nolatex I think you have an extra zero in your price for the services at Hinomaru. The price I`ve seen there, I pass that way often, is 8,000 during the day until around 6 pm then it goes up to 10,000 yen till it closes around midnight. I have never been there but I have checked it out casually. Though the prices are like McDonald`s I can`t get into it. I prefer going to a DC or adult party myself as evidenced by my posts but according to a non-posting member of this group who is no longer active, the place to go for better quality girls is NIJYU ISSEIKI (21st Century) in Shibuya. The price is about 2,000 yen cheaper for two BJ`s and the girls for the most part are very friendly.At the last session at an adult party I got the cell phone number of one of the girls there I had done twice with talk of going out for dinner. I have since lost her number during a mishap with my cell phone but plan to visit her this weekend and get her number again. I also go her picture with my phone but the quality of the photo is not worth posting. Will try again with a digital cam the next time.Have a great weekend people, especially those of you who are lucky to excape the heat of this late summer.

08-02-03, 17:31
Hey guys I tried an new Korean place with Teppanyaki this afternoon, it was very good both of us enjoyed ourselves. The two they sent were very young and mine was very friendly and had a great tight body and equipment. When I told them that Teppanyaki was a foreigner they baulked and tried to get an additional 5K for being a foreigner but I told them that the other Korean delivery did not charge any additional fees and that I would take my business there they agreed to match the other place`s fees I did not mention that the other place was pretty bad in terms of the quality of girls. The girls this place sent was spot on, great. Try it out K-girls is the name of the place and they have a home page on yukan.net, if you read Japanese. If not, get in touch and I will give you the number and my recommendation on the girl to ask for but you must speak at least a passable level of Japanese. I told them that Teppanyaki was a customer from abroad who I was entertaining. I paid for everything in advance and later he reimbursed me. If you don`t speak Japanese get someone who is either Japanese or can pass as a Japanese to go with you.

08-04-03, 09:26
I agree with Sailing (thanks again!). This second DC experience was really better. Finer girls and more friendly too.I don't have the great knowledge of Tokyo scene that Sailing has, but in my opinion the DC has the more convenient service/price ratio. Worth trying it!

08-04-03, 14:44
Well NoLatex, it seems the price you mention is too low.Anyway I had a great experience there with Mika. I do not know if she is the one you had at that place, as I would rather give here a 7/10, nice body, big breast, nice skin (this is rare), long hair, smily, etc. and seems to enjoy what she does.BJ with no latex ;), HJ, FS, GFE. She is lovely. actually she was to me.10k 1 hours, 2 beers. Her technique was good for the massage.

08-04-03, 18:11
Sailing, you are right, it is 8000Y if you dont want to choose the girlYou have to admit that it is worth it in terms of the novelty factor for a Gaijin. I really wanted to try Seiki 21 and the saloon on top of it where they offer to get you off 3 times, but ran out of time.

Carl LaFong
08-05-03, 03:38
Here's an update on Utamaro in Shibuya. They changed their policy to two girls for 30 minutes instead of three girls @ ten minutes each. This is in line with Seiki 21.Also, they open at 5 pm but girls don't show up until 6. Unless you want to wait around for a long time, don't go at 5.Cheers.

08-06-03, 14:56
I am wondering if places where you can have sex with multiple partners exist in Japan, like in Europe, specially in Germany (see Germany FFK)I mean a place where you can either go with your wife or a girlfriend, or hire a prostitute (which I agree may be difficult) or a place where you can talk to lot of women and make your choice and not only choose one from a picture.I think those clubs exist, but should be reserved for Japanese.BTW last time I spent time to Tokyo I went to that lingerie pub where the girls were really pretty. I remember a Korean-Japanese who was really cute, wearing nice white lingerie on her 'big' tits. Is there any place like that were we could have sex, and not only talk and get the girl Meishi then trying to make an appointment.As well I am looking for a place like Hinumaru where they have costumes, like school girls or manga stars, that could be fun.

08-07-03, 05:34
Originally posted by NoLatexSailing, you are right, it is 8000Y if you dont want to choose the girlYou have to admit that it is worth it in terms of the novelty factor for a Gaijin. I really wanted to try Seiki 21 and the saloon on top of it where they offer to get you off 3 times, but ran out of time. I admit it--I haven't taken the time to scan the archives for the answer to this question:'what are the directions to Seiki 21?"Roman

08-07-03, 09:38
What are the current laws regarding prostitution in Japan? Can one be arrested for soliciting? Also, what is the age of consent?

08-07-03, 12:33
Was in Hamamatsucho last night and went to a Korean Este, whose name was the characters for heaven and dream. Go along the tracks (Daimon side and in the Shibuya direction) and then at the 2nd or 3rd street turn right. It is about 1.5 blocks up on the right. No problems being a foreigner (speaking Japanese).13K for sumata, 1 hour with a very nice girl, who was not gorgeous but cute though a bit plump. The deal was pretty straight forward, went in asked for the details of different courses, asked for the 2000yen discount on the 15k course and it was a done deal. It is not a honban place as she did not even have condoms which I found a amazing. Still very much a GFE once started and it was a good massage too.

08-07-03, 19:34
FYI, my dates for my next trip to Tokyo are pretty much finalized. Therefore, if anyone has any desire to meet up late on Thursday, August 21, for a drink or something else, please send a note to me. My address is Roman_Hans at excite.On a related note, one activity I was looking into was to see what a show is like at the DX Kabuki-cho strip theater. While I'm there, it looks like they have some kind of amateur show, which from previous reports I've heard can be a bit wild. If anyone who knows kanji is in a charitable mood, I'd appreciate it if you could post a summary translation of the promo flyer for the 8/10 to 8/31 show. You can find it at the club Web site:http://www.dxk.co.jp/special_performer02.html(Mod--please don't delete this URL! Thanks.)Roman

Stiff Drink
08-08-03, 08:36
So has anyone been to Hinomaru recently? Do the girls still offer FS. The last time I was there about two months ago. The girl I was with didn`t. I have been there often and this was the first time. I checked out a few places in Kabuki cho. One was near the Mr. Donut Shop. It was 15,000 for a nice cbj, fs, shower , and a nice massage. She was about a 8 out of 10 young and thin. I had a good time.It is easy to find. Just walk down the street parallel to the Mr. Donunts after 6pm, you are likely to be approached frequently, especially if you look like a foreigner.

08-08-03, 15:35
Hi, guys, I am an Asian, let me talk about my experience in Japan and your comment is highly appreciated. Since I do not know what I have met are special cases or very common for most others.I do not have so much confidence for myself but it seems I am easy to get special care from women, they like to call me "handsome boy" though I am adult n feel abasement for my image sometimes, if not always. There are 4 members of us to take a business trip to Japan. All of us do not know japanese. Once we were missed in Tokyo, i tried to find a person to ask for way out, I noticed a very beautiful girl and could not help asking her, I felt she was so lovely that I asked to "shashin " together after she gave me instruction, she thought it was to let her to take picture for us & said OK, when I told her "together", her expression told me (if i did not made a wrong judgement) she could not believe it was true & so happy, i embraced her waist tightly n both smiled happily like a couple, I also got her tel number. During the whole stay in Japan (14 days) I pictured with about 40 beautiful women, in most cases just directly told her I want to "shashin esho" , most of them show their exciting and unbelieveable expression immediately without considering the usual manner disguise of girls, some even cried happily, all let me touch their flesh /waist or face by face or even hug her in my arms (it seems they do not mind it at all, all laughted happily !), in several cased I embraced 2 girls, most left me with tel no afterwards. except the most beautiful one with expensive japanese style dress in Tokyo I met, but I dared not to ask for her tel No since she was with more than perfect face/body,when I embraced her silky flesh/waist my heart cried: it was beyond my expection too much already, thanks god,.i could not be more averice. When I took a train to Kyodo, a girl besides me was cute, I asked her for a word in japanese n continued to read my book, after a while she found i had no intention to talk to her more she passed me a chewing gum to express her intention. we huged n shashin, she initiatively left her address / tel no & seemed eager to date with me earlier.One nigh I went to "shinjuku" i asked for a cute girl walked in the street for something, she did not understand English n I did not know Japanese, but it seemed that a megnet attracted us together, we were just talking though no content just would like to be together, I boosted my courage to touch her tit n fondled it but she looked like nothing happened to let me continue my game. In a grand department a beauful girl with traditional jananese dress was welcoming guests, my mates saw my numerous success girl friend-like "shashin"n they did not confident enough to attract the beautiful girls in the street n thought this was a chance, since the girl should consider caring customers n may gave a favour no matter she likes or not, they asked for "shashin esho" but the girl refused, they told me later n when I asked , the girl immediately accepted , our fingers crossed since i had already found to ambrace a japanese style dressed girl's waist was n not very touching. she smiled really like a flower.SINCE IT WAS MY FIRST TRIP TO JAPAN, I DARED NOT TO MAKE FURTHER ACTION. ANYBODY CAN TELL ME BY YOUR EXPERIENCE WILL SOME OF THESE JAPANESE GIRLS GO TO BED WZ ME FREE OF CHARGE? SINCE I DO THAT IN MY COUNTRY WITH SOME BEAUTISE, EASILY SOMETIMES. AM I RIGHT? I DOUBT ABOUT IT SINCE MAYBE THESE JAPANES GIRLS WERE JUST POLITE, EVEN IF THEY LIKE A MAN, THEY LIKES MONEY MORE. THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENT IN ADVANCE.

Love Rascal
08-09-03, 13:47
Greeting everyone,I'll soon be traveling to BKK with a stopover at Narita (6.5hrs.) and I hate waiting in airports.Is it possible to head into Tokyo during my layover for a little diversion? Have never been there so any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. Started reading through the posts and saw about Seiki 21 in Shibuya Would it be possible to catch a train or Limousine from the airport to Shibuya and make it back to the airport in 6 hours?One Limousine service I found says it takes approx 90 minutes. So it seems it might be do-able.Or other suggestions for places closer and easy to get to.Many Thanks,Love RascalEDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions to remove the multiple periods at the ends of sentences. To avoid future delays, please use just one period at the end of sentences in future reports. Thanks!

Woody For Asians
08-10-03, 04:04
Originally posted by Love RascalGreeting everyone,I'll soon be traveling to BKK with a stopover at Narita (6.5hrs.) and I hate waiting in airports.Is it possible to head into Tokyo during my layover for a little diversion? Have never been there so any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. Started reading through the posts and saw about Seiki 21 in Shibuya Would it be possible to catch a train or Limousine from the airport to Shibuya and make it back to the airport in 6 hours?One Limousine service I found says it takes approx 90 minutes. So it seems it might be do-able.Or other suggestions for places closer and easy to get to.Many Thanks,Love RascalIt's doable. If you have no experience navigating in Tokyo, the safest way would probably be limo. If you had more time or wanted to live dangerously, a cheaper alternative would be to take the Keisei Skyliner to Nippori. I think the cost is 1,000 or 2,000 yen. Transfer to the JR Yamanote line at Nippori and it's an additional 190 yen to Shibuya. Takes about 2 hours each way,which doesn't allow a first-timer much margin for error. The Yamanote line makes a loop around Tokyo and either direction will get you there. About 12 stops if you go north and about 16 if you go south. Confirm this with Narita information counter when you get there. Woody4asians

Ralph Kramden
08-10-03, 04:08
love rascalwhat you propose is doable, but my question is: why risk missing your flight to partake in a second rate experience? to accomplish your task it will cost you 6000 yen round trip on the bus or train and at least another 9000 to get serviced. this amounts to about 5000 baht for the good chance of getting 30-40 minute assembly line mechanical like service by a 6 or 7 looking provider or 2, in cramped quarters where it is possible for others to peep at you, and you get no choice as to who you pay for. you might luck out and get so called full service, but it will cost you extra.but if you can keep your pants zipped up for a few more hours you will be able to enter countless establishments where you can choose from up to 80 girls( some 9 and 10's), get real fine full service, all in the comfort of your own hotel room or a spacious private room designed for a truly satisfying experience. and you can do all this 2 or 3 times for the same money you would have spent for the above. my suggestion is to save your juice and money for a place where it is really welcome.

08-10-03, 08:46
Wells - sounds like you had a pretty good time in Japan! Yeah, I think the key to picking up Japanese girls is just to be friendly and to try to talk to a lot of girls. From your rate if success I imagine that you must be quite good-looking, and maybe charming too. Japanese girls are used to Japanese guys who generally treat them pretty crappily. So, I think that in general Japanese girls have a lot of interest in foreign guys, and are curious what it would be like to date a foreigner. You said you are asian, I think that Japanese girls are quite interested in non-Japanese asian guys as well as in white or black guys. Maybe even more so, because non-Japanese asians are more physically similar to Japanese, but the culture is very different, so you are "exotic" to Japanese girls. How many of the phone numbers did you follow up on? My advice to you would be to follow the "2 date" rule. On the first date, try to come across as a nice guy, seem really interested in her, and don't try anything ... not even a goodnight kiss. Just give her a handshake or even a bow. If there is a second date .... anything goes, you have a good chance of going all the way. Invite her back to your hotel room at the end of the second date, and I bet she will go. Good luck, I bet you willl have a lot of free Japanese pussy if you follow my advice.

08-11-03, 02:03
Monger,Your advice is pretty good. I have also been given the 2 date advise also. Let me add my observations from my limited experiance in Japan. Yes, the Japanese women have an extreme curiosity and often a wild side which is counter to their everyday work life. Often they want to be with you and look at you with lusty eyes on the trains, etc, but have no way of providing the introduction and more importantly the follow thru. This is where you have to be somewhat aggressive but not in the extreme sense as in the states since it is considered "dangerous" to go home with a non-japanese guy. I have had girls that are with their moms rubbing up against me with their legs and preening on the trains. I have had no sucess with the off the street (0r train) pick up.Basically it has to be the girls idea in a safe arena or a formal "business" relationship. Then that can often turn into a GFE. I have found that if you let the internet be the intro (chat, bullitien boards, pen pal clubs, personals) say exactly what you want in a kind and playful way and the girls will contact you for the "thrill of it". The intro is done and then you need to condense the 2 day thing into a one night senario if you are short on time or on a business trip. Give it a sense of urgency. This is done by taking them out like you say for a nice safe date and then "desert" or "special treat" at your place. Bang your in. This has worked several times for me with the result being some steady squeeze. As far as the curiosity with western and blacks in particular, I was told by the Japanese girfriend of a western guy I know, that it is the cock size that intrigues them. Of course if it is too big then they back off in a hurry and go with a BJ. (speaking from experiance here, LOL)

08-11-03, 08:06
Love RascalI think it is not worth going downtown. I would take you a lot of time, even with the Narita Express, and you will spend to much.In that case I suggest that you contact an outcall service and you go to a love hotel next to the airport, there are hundreds, where you can stay for 2-3 hours. The rate is like 6000yen, and the outcall service for this period of time would cost you 20k.good luck!

Cadillac Lover
08-11-03, 14:15
Howdy!Looking for some detail on outcall services such as one called "Cherry Blossum" mentioned on this board. Detail such as:1) A phone number(s)2) Do they speak english (I do not speak any Japanese)3) Cost4) The process (what are they going to ask, what do I need to do and to tell them).Likewise, I have an address for Seiko 21, but what is available and what should I expect when I walk in the door.Lastly, if anyone is on the ground here and would like to play tour guide, I would love the guidance. Tell me how to reach you at: Cometomyweb@hotmail.comI would appreciate some timely info since I am on the ground here and running out of time

08-11-03, 23:41
Hi all,Just thought I'd post about a trip to Tokyo a few months back. I visit Asia on a fairly regular basis, but I only visit Japan once a year or so. To set the scene, I'm caucasion, and I don't speak any Japanese.A few months prior to my trip I used some of the email friend boards listed here in the spring. I sent out a few innocent emails along with a picture. Surprisingly, I had about a 70% response rate (the picture probably explains why the 30% didn't answer :-)). Over the next few weeks I chatted and emailed several women. Some dropped off and I never heard from them, and I pruned some as well. A few weeks before my visit I arranged a date with a few of them, and my hope was that I'd find a connection with one, or more of them.My first night in Tokyo I met with a woman who was a few years older than myself (I'm in my mid 30's and she was late 30's), but was a very nice looking 7 and spoke passable English. We met early and saw a few sights, and then headed for a nice expensive dinner. We hit it off, and I was operating on the "two date" plan, i.e. make the major move on the second date. But, she insisted on walking me back to my hotel and up to my room. At that point, I figured I was on the "one date" plan, and I was correct. She stayed until about 3am, and was amazing. The moaning in Japanese sent me over the top every time. She said she was saying - "feels so good", but I can't remember what it was in Japanese.Needless to say- I cancelled the other dates for the week, and she came to my hotel every night for the next five nights and stayed until the morning resulting in my best road trip in ages.The moral of the story is that- You too can get lucky on the free boards if you treat the women with respect and don't take them to McDonald's for dinner! Granted you may get burned as well, but it has worked most of the times for me.The sad part of the story was that I was hoping to hook up with her on my next trip in a few weeks, and she dumped me! Says she wants to concentrate on her boyfriend (which one of you mongers out there grabbed her from me! lol) Oh well- back to the hunt and the boards!

08-12-03, 07:46
Bikerider, I am glad you had nice time in Japan.I used to post some adds on free boards, and one of my best hit was the post in tokyo classified magazine and website, which is now called metropolis (www.metropolis.co.jp).On my first post I received like 60 replies. Then I sent my pictures, most of the girls replied with theirs. I could select a few. In the meanwhile some of them became real friends. I could have sex with 3 of them, and this is the morale of the story, I guess:meeting women, and specially nice looking women, around 30, in Tokyo, who can speak some English, is rather difficult. I am not talking about the chicks hanging out in Roppongi. But to meet them over the net is easy ans simple, to establish a good relationship is pleasant, then when you meet them you have a high degree of chance to have sex with them.Enjoy

08-12-03, 08:21
LURKER,Here is the URL for escorts in Tokyo, http://classifieds.japantoday.com/biz.asp?action=home&pid=81 this will lead you to the classified ads for girls looking for guys too if you are interested and have the time to try finding a girl friend type. The cost will vary depending upon where you have the girl delivered but from my sources the cost will be 35,- 40 K for full service. The girls can speak English and you can check them out on the home page link that is supplied on the URL given above.Have fun.

08-13-03, 06:08
LurkerInfo For Cherry Blossoms:Cherry Blossoms cell. 090-9374-3404 or tel:03-5563-1433Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo They speak English. Ask for english speaking girl. Tell them to come to your room. don't ask too many details. Be gentleman to girl.

08-13-03, 13:12
Hi all,Visited Hinomaru on Saturday around 2pm in the afternoon and found that it was closed-don't know if it was an obon thing or whether they have decided to close down the 1-5pm shift..Recently visited Madonna in Meguro (they have branches in Gotanda/Roppongi). Although they are pricier (14k for CBJ allowed to do anything else except Greek or FS..if you take the longer course FS is available). Not as good value as Hinomaru but the quality of the girls is better.Last time I was at Hinomaru,had Kaori on the am shift (5am-1pm) and thought she had gone completely downhill. She looked pretty used up compared to the first time 6 months ago and her lower area smelled if you catch my drift..(Mssr.Stiff Drink-sorry can't help was end of March and got FS)Happy hunting!Bullet

08-15-03, 08:19
Any of you guys out there know of any places that will allow gaijin to join in some bukakke? Probably off limits of us non-Jap.s but I would like to try it some day.One other thing I was wondering about, but it probably doesn't exist .... anybody know about a place where you can pay to take part in an orgy? It is a big time fantasy of mine. The kind of system I am envisaging would be a place where guys pay maybe 2 or 3 man yen, and then get to enter a play room with maybe 5 to 6 young, sexy Jap. girls, and other costumers (hopefully all the customers would be wearing masks or something), and then anything goes for like 45 min. or however long you paid for. Of course no touching other guys is allowed. Does this kind of thing exist in Japan?

08-15-03, 08:38
I know a place where a very good friend of mine went, close to Osaka. I can get some more details of the place if you want.The system was the following: There were about 8 men around a table, and one woman doing a striptease and showing her stuff on this table. After a while a second woman came, but they did no leasbian action. They invited 2 men on the table (which actually was more like a stage...) and they took their clothes off, wore a condom and fucked them live.But in Tokyo I am still looking for an orgy place... which I could not find yet. It would be fun if in place like Hinomaru we could change the girls after a while and do a bukkake. But in Japan it is rather 'just see a but what the others are doing but do not share...'

Nut Scratcher
08-15-03, 14:29
Sounds like oje of those places in Okinawa back in the day ... there used to be a joint outside the base where you could roll the dice to see if you could fuck one of the South American women on stage... in factI think it was called the stage... I think back then it cost about 40 bucks to get in... screwing on stage or not.

08-17-03, 00:34
Hi Tokyo vets,I've practiced our hobby across Europe and the U.S. extensively , but never in Japan. I'll be in later this month and have 2 free evenings to monger. I'm looking for good first time advice for sampling the best places and women, tips on getting the best out of the performers, favorite places, etc. Cost is not the problem but a consideration.Thanks

Lubricate It
08-17-03, 01:29
[QUOTE]Originally posted by fishmonger[i]Any of you guys out there know of any places that will allow gaijin to join in some bukakke? Probably off limits of us non-Jap.s but I would like to try it some day.A lot of BJ ('Fashion Health') shops offer Gansha (ejaculation in face) as a regular option. This is in a one-on-one situation, of course. If you want to try it I suggest asking at the door at a number of shops. The manager will want to be satisfied about the following1. You speak enough Japanese2. You are presentable, will be well behaved and play by the rules3. He has a girl prepared to take you on4. Your presence won't damage his regular clientele base.

08-17-03, 05:45
1. Anyone have any success with girls from the Filipino clubs in Roppongi? I have a thing for these Filipino girls, and many can be stunningly beautiful, but in a few years of trying I have had little success. Their culture is much more conservative, but given what can be had in the Philippines proper (where and with my schedule I have zero chance of gettng to visit any time soon) some of that access has to be exported when these girls are in Japan. Their lives outside the clubs seem very tightly controlled (dorm checks through the night, though this may just be part of the official patter) though you can go on dinner dates with them, and the mind games sitting in the clubs with the girls cattily policing each other interfere with making progress. Perhaps there are some filipino clubs outside Roppongi that are more liberal? Yokohama direction? Earlier in my career, a few girls at a club in Shibuya suggested standing outside their club that things were available but that club is no longer around (perhaps no surprise). Is there some secret handshake for a bar fine, or is this strictly in a star chamber domain where mere mortals can't play?2. New strip club, Tantra, apparently reopening in Roppingi in a few weeks. How was the previous incarnation? How's this one looking to be?

08-18-03, 03:29
Originally posted by fishmongerOne other thing I was wondering about, but it probably doesn't exist .... anybody know about a place where you can pay to take part in an orgy? It is a big time fantasy of mine. The kind of system I am envisaging would be a place where guys pay maybe 2 or 3 man yen, and then get to enter a play room with maybe 5 to 6 young, sexy Jap. girls, and other costumers (hopefully all the customers would be wearing masks or something), and then anything goes for like 45 min. or however long you paid for. Of course no touching other guys is allowed. Does this kind of thing exist in Japan? [/i] I was at a Korean Adult party where they have 3P option for various times. You get two girls who will work with you for however long you paid for. I think the 90 min. option with three pairs of girls was around 40,000 but didn`t pay that much attention to it. If interested I will call them and ask for the exact price. I know the shop will take foreigners as I took three there the last time. Post if you want more info and I will get it for you.

08-18-03, 08:12
Question about Japanese womenI'm not being sarcastic or trying in any way to cast a negative view on your preferred taste of Japanese women but I have a few questions.Why do you mongers here prefer the company of Japanese women and travel to Japan for it, when just a hop, skip and jump away you can go to Thailand and have many beautiful women at 1/6 the price or less? I ask this not to create turmoil, but curious if there is something Japanese women have over Thai's or Filipino girls? I know Japanese girls are very sweet and pretty etc, but so can many Thai girls and there are far more to choose from at a fraction the cost. That being said, money is not exactly an obstacle for myself, so I'm curious if there is something big I have been missing demanding the much more premium rate? Any mongers who would not mind filling me in would be greatly appreciated.I am again planing a trip to LOS (land of smiles) and have a chance for a three day layover in Japan, should I take it?GETTINGTANG~!

08-18-03, 08:52
Originally posted by SailingI was at a Korean Adult party where they have 3P option for various times. You get two girls who will work with you for however long you paid for. I think the 90 min. option with three pairs of girls was around 40,000 but didn`t pay that much attention to it. If interested I will call them and ask for the exact price. I know the shop will take foreigners as I took three there the last time. Post if you want more info and I will get it for you. Hi, I am visiting Tokyo beginning Sept. And I am very interested in the place you mentioned. I am Chinese, can't speak Japanese-will that be a problem to visit the place?Can you please please give me more information about the place and information?Thank you very much

08-18-03, 14:09
Newell,The place is located in Shin Okubo, yes not being able to speak Japanese will be a problem you will not get in. This may be a problem in getting any service. Find someone who will take you who is able to call and tell them that he is entertaining a customer who is visiting Tokyo and wants a good time. Tell your friend to look in the Yukan Fuji sports newspaper and look for an adult party advertised in the paper. The one you want is called Face. If you don`t have a Japanese speaking friend, get in touch with me. My address is on file on this site, do a search for posts by me and you will be able to get all information you will need on adult parties. I have written about them in length.Have fun

Ralph Kramden
08-20-03, 01:52
Getting TangHere is the opinion of one who lives in Japan but travels to Thailand as often as possible. Japanese girls are great, I would rate them as the best along with the Thais. The difference is how you will be treated as a foreign tourist. As you know, in Thailand you are at the top of the heap, but in Japan you are at the bottom. You also know about the price difference. Then there is the matter of selecting your girl. Here there is little to no selection for foreigners.I would suggest that if you particulary like BBBJ and CIM service, which is common, not so expensive and easy to get here, then make a stayover. But if you much prefer a soapy MP, then you will be disappointed here because they are mostly off limits to you and very expensive. The cost is why so many Japanese men jump at the chance to make a so called business trip to Thailand. I live only one hour from Tokyo but would never consider a 3 day stay there for pleasure because for the same money, I can enjoy my self more fully in LOS.

08-20-03, 05:01
Getting tang - I think that most of us frequent contributors to the Tokyo board are in Japan for other reasons, and since we are here anyway, we partake in the poon tang scene that is to be had here. I do happen to like J. girls, but I also like Chinese, Korean, Thai, Malaysian .... girls. I would love to get over to China or Thailand one of these days. If you have never been to Japan though, I suggest a visit, it is a pretty amazing place. And while you are here why don't you head over to Yoshiwara and experience a high-end soapland?

08-20-03, 06:31
Hey Prince,Why r u even looking at the strip clubs. There are tonns of pinays in Roppongi hanging out. I have been with 2 so far on 2 seperate trips. It's really not that hard.Send me your email address and I can tell you all about it. I will be in Tokyo in the next few weeks. We can meet up and hunt together :)JM

08-20-03, 09:32
originally posted by gettingtangquestion about japanese womeni'm not being sarcastic or trying in any way to cast a negative view on your preferred taste of japanese women but i have a few questions.why do you mongers here prefer the company of japanese women and travel to japan for it, when just a hop, skip and jump away you can go to thailand and have many beautiful women at 1/6 the price or less?(edit)gettingtang~! this is a bit of a pet peeve of mine...i look for the company of japanese women b/c i'm here and i'm not in a position (due to work and family) to jet off to thailand whenever i feel like it. one does the best with the hand one is dealt. that being said, it's not like i need a pity party--the value of this board is that it shows how much fun you can have in tokyo at fairly reasonable prices.roman

08-21-03, 03:11
Joesmarti. When in Tokyo I usually head off to Raponggi for at least 1 night. Where do you come across these Pinays? In the clubs? Any suggestions? The strip clubs are nice, usually filled with Eastern Euro's which are pretty hot, but never tried to take one out, not even sure if it's possible, but I asume if it were it would be quite expensive!I will be there for a few days staring Sept 3rd.

08-21-03, 04:27
It'd be very rare to find Filipino girls in the strip clubs in Japan. I think it's partly cultural - but mostly an institutional thing, with a whole industry to get Filipino girls up to Tokyo on the pretext of their being singers, when they end up as hostesses. They earn a fraction of what a stripper earns. Their lives are very tightly controlled, living in dorms with rigid attendance checks through the day. It's a mix of government (who issue the performer visas), industry (the talent agencies - check out www.zengeirin.com) and organized crime.There are at least a half dozen of these Filipino hostess clubs in Roppongi; Stancia (a few buildings up on the street north of Almonds) is reputed to be the best, and does have some stunning women - actresses and models, A-list girls. If you have an hour and a few hundred dollars to blow for nothing you can have drinks with them. Getting anywhere with them is a huge amount of work. But's it supposed to be quite rewarding if you get there.It is easy to take them out to dinner; the system allows them to meet a customer for dinner as long as they bring that customer to the club when they arrive. It's part of the marketing strategy since things are slow at the beginning of the evening, releases some of the pressure on the girl, and gets more guys into the clubs.

08-21-03, 04:29
I never have luck meeting any type of women in Roppongi but no doubt I am not going to the right bars. No illusions that the Lexington Queen isnt it. Which one is?

08-23-03, 00:49
The prince,You may try some of the Filipino Clubs other than Roppongi and have better luck. Mirage in Ikebukuro allows foreigners and is a lot cheaper than the majority of clubs in the Tokyo area. I have found that the girls that are having problems getting their points raised for the month are more likely to go to a motel, but it will take several visits with a shimei. The Mirage site is http://www.big-place.co.jp/mirage/index.html. A site that gives you a listing of some of the most popular clubs is http://www.geocities.co.jp/SilkRoad-Oasis/8698/sub2.html. Also see http://village.infoweb.ne.jp/~fwjb3300/tokyo.htmI believe you will have better luck in the Yokohama area to score. The clubs there are of lower quality, but more Yakuza problems.Also some people that I know have suggested going late (i.e. 2 hours before closing) and taking the girls out after, but this depends on how they are regulated. There are certain shot bars with Philipino dinners that are hang outs for the girls after work. Try Colombia (I think it is) in Shinjuku. They have a shot bar and a sari sari shot. Also Tia Maria is a place where some girls eat after work.However, I believe that in general the girls that work in Japan are not the Angeles City go go bar type. They learn Japanese quickly and their long term contracts make them more cautious of one nighters. Horus

08-24-03, 06:05
h, thanks for the suggestions. i will try to get to the cho in yokohama at some point. can you suggest a filippino club there?and give good directions as this is a new area for me.

08-24-03, 07:56
Theprince,Try Kamata ???c on the ???l - Keihin line. Although not in Yokohama it is on the way. There are many, many filipino clubs in that small city. In fact there are 2 excellent filipino restaurants in town just to serve the girls and their douhans. Just walk across the street from the JR line and that is the normal adult entertainment area.I went to one in Kamata several weeks back, but I'm sorry to say I don't remember the name (either the Manila Garden or the Manila Angel). I usually just ask some the touts and they show me, especially if they are working at a Japanese only place. This last time I went with HK from a club in Ueno to she her sister.Remember also that the girls usually get 2 days off a month. It is usually Sunday. I like to take a HK out to the catholic church in Yotsuya for the service and then try to make a day and night of it on their day/nite off. Most have to be back by 2 a.m., but still . . . .BTW the church at Yotsuya is packed with filipino club hostesses. It is really amazing. I think you will have the best luck with the girls that don't take communion ;-) Also, if you do score, most will not take money. But then you have probably dropped a lot of money on the way to getting friendly.Horus

08-24-03, 08:03
Originally posted by HorusThe prince,Mirage in Ikebukuro allows foreigners and is a lot cheaper than the majority of clubs in the Tokyo area. Also some people that I know have suggested going late (i.e. 2 hours before closing) and taking the girls out after, but this depends on how they are regulated. There are certain shot bars with Philipino dinners that are hang outs for the girls after work. Try Colombia (I think it is) in Shinjuku. They have a shot bar and a sari sari shot. Also Tia Maria is a place where some girls eat after work.However, I believe that in general the girls that work in Japan are not the Angeles City go go bar type. They learn Japanese quickly and their long term contracts make them more cautious of one nighters. Horus Horus;You are right about the girls. They are definitely not the same girls that work in Angeles City. Their goals are a bit higher, they usually have a long term plan, the money is definitely better so they are a bit more cautious, etc. They are definitely more interesting to talk to than the girls in AC. They have experienced more and their english skills are a notch up. I often use the late night hour or two before closing strategy to get the most bang from your buck. Tokyo is notoriously expensive for the hostess bar scene. Every hour will cost you between $50-$100, depending on the rate structure, the drinks you buy, and the food you purchase.Can you give me the info on the Mirage. I'm familiar with Ikebukuro, and would like to try that club out. I go to Roppongi and have also tried out the clubs in Ueno and Shinjuku. Roppongi's the most expensive, but I have had fun there. Shinjuku is a mixed bag. There's alot of clubs, but many are ripoffs. Any info you can give on the Mirage would be appreciated. Looking primarily for the location. Near Ikebukuro station? Which side? Near any landmark? Mitsukoshi .. Seibu .. Sunshine Dori? Thanks again.AT2

08-24-03, 08:15
originally posted by romanhansthis is a bit of a pet peeve of mine...i look for the company of japanese women b/c i'm here and i'm not in a position (due to work and family) to jet off to thailand whenever i feel like it. one does the best with the hand one is dealt. that being said, it's not like i need a pity party--the value of this board is that it shows how much fun you can have in tokyo at fairly reasonable prices.roman roman;i don't think alot of guys realize what a paradise you have over in japan, if you live there and speak the language. i'm asian, but unfortunately my japanese is very limited and i've only scratched the surface of the fun that's available. the other thing is that most guys suggest flying to angeles city or thailand and say how cheap it is. well you have to add in the plane fair and hotel expense and then compare. you will spend about $1,000 to travel and stay in thailand or ac. you can get alot for that amount of money anywhere in the world. i have been to thailand many times, and while the rates are cheap, i have no illusion that the entire experience is cheap. you definitely do not need a pity party .. in fact i envy you! look forward to hearing from you more on this board, since i always appreciate an insiders view and info. thanks!at2

08-24-03, 12:16
Originally posted by SailingI was at a Korean Adult party where they have 3P option for various times. Post if you want more info and I will get it for you. That sounds cool. Hell. I would like that info.There are lots of places like that now in Tokyo. I know one in Shinjuku (diff to explain location) and another in Roppongi Just go down the hill toward the US Embassy and just past the convenience store on your right you will see a lit signboard that says S&M or something kinky like that up in that building is a swingers club. It is the 2nd or 3rd floor and the door on the left. You have to pay even as a couple but its there! (25,000yen)Report back!

08-24-03, 12:23
So lets see...Where are the best new places to get laid in Tokyo now. FREEMy news is 911 before 12 you can probably pick up a Japanese girl and fuck the first or second date. Then after 3 you can hook up the Eastern European chicks for a faster fuck but you will sponsor drinks.Of course Gas Panic and Motown and Wall Street are the same too. Gas Panic is a little younger crowd. Also Thursday is jumping with lots of chicks so dont hesistate to go out that day either.If you need info. I, the Roppongi Hillbilly, have gott it!

08-24-03, 18:29
Originally posted by WestsanThat sounds cool. Hell. I would like that info.There are lots of places like that now in Tokyo. I know one in Shinjuku (diff to explain location) and another in Roppongi Just go down the hill toward the US Embassy and just past the convenience store on your right you will see a lit signboard that says S&M or something kinky like that up in that building is a swingers club. It is the 2nd or 3rd floor and the door on the left. You have to pay even as a couple but its there! (25,000yen)Report back! The place is located near Shin Okubo Station. The place is named and the URL for the place is in one of my previous posts. Mire understands English but is afraid of the "huge" foreigners. I think the name of the place is Faces but not sure I just have the number in my cell phone. get in touch w/ me at my handle plus 4123 at yahoo. you know the rest.

08-24-03, 23:03
Asiatraveler2,To get to Mirage, exit the East exit at Ikebukuro (Seibu side). Go across the street and walk toward the right. Turn left at the Lotteria and a few meters further you will come to the Fuji Building. It is on the 5th floor there.The web site has a map also.Have fun! 5,000 yen for 120 minutes, although you will have to buy the usual expensive tsumami. They have a band, dancing with girls and Karaoke.Horus

08-27-03, 11:59
Originally posted by HorusAsiatraveler2,Have fun! 5,000 yen for 120 minutes, although you will have to buy the usual expensive tsumami. They have a band, dancing with girls and Karaoke.Horus Horus;Thanks for the info! 5,000 for 120 minutes is a bargain by Tokyo standards. In Roppongi it's about that for 60 minutes.AT2

08-27-03, 12:12
A new trend in the Shibuya and Shinjuku area is the availability of hard-core porn. For 10,000 yen you can get 4 or 5 dvds from the US or Japan. Nothing blocked out!

08-28-03, 06:29
Hey!,Just checking in to see if anyone as any recommendations for the Ueno area. Have tried the famous NYNY (give it a 6/10 - 8/10 for the service but 4/10 on looks). How about it's "sister" soapland Champs D'Elysee? Have also tried most of the main Estes. As with most in Tokyo, the Korean ones are far superior to the Chinese.Not looking for FS, just a good time.

08-28-03, 10:57
Of course Gas Panic and Motown and Wall Street are the same too. Gas Panic is a little younger crowd. Also Thursday is jumping with lots of chicks so dont hesistate to go out that day either.If you need info. I, the Roppongi Hillbilly, have gott it! [/i][/QUOTE]Are these the best places to get free action in Tokyo? Will any of these girls go for a one-night stand?

08-28-03, 15:14
Was in japan for a 5 days but only one night free fo rthe hobby.Have done the Rappongi scene and couldn't get a local to take me to a party so I thought I'd try the "pink salons" in shibuya.Walked around the area first , and with no Japanese reading skills, found at least 15 places in a 3 block area.Following recent reports here went to Seiki 21. Couldn't miss the palce especially with the goon standing outside herding in all the gaijins. I

08-28-03, 15:28
oops, here's the rest of the report...I should have walked right out o fthe place at the start, when I asked if I could see the girls first, and they wouldn't let me...Was led to a booth given a beer and first girl came in, Misa, fat, small breasted, nothing to look at, but when I tried to get them to switch for another, I was made to understand in no uncertain terms., that I've already paid my 8k yen for 2 BJ's and take it or leave.Anyway, the BBBj was spirited and she swallowed all - which really got me worried and turned me off for the rest of the night.Another hygiene concern, when the man undresses and sits down to get the service he sits bare assed on the vinyl. My mind began to work overtime, on the types of history I was sitting on.I waited for the second girl, Yuki, and although at least she wasn't fat, she was also not pretty, with even smaller breasts. After making introductions she tells me that when she BJ's me "no touching down there" - she had her monthlies.That was it for me. I said thank you very much and walked out with out claiming my second spurt.I noticed this my previous time here. The streets, clubs, bars, shops, subway are loaded with lithe, beautifully-featured, short skirted angels parading around. Yet other than the Rappongi models, most of the service givers in the sex business are subpar lookers. Why is that?

08-29-03, 03:21
Originally posted by IseeuI noticed this my previous time here. The streets, clubs, bars, shops, subway are loaded with lithe, beautifully-featured, short skirted angels parading around. Yet other than the Rappongi models, most of the service givers in the sex business are subpar lookers. Why is that? In a nutshell, you are not spending enough. There are fantastic looking Japanese women providing "services", but they are usually only for Japanese, since foreigners are not willing to pay 30,000+ to get laid/blown. Pink salons are near the bottem of the service ladder, so it's no surprise the quality is wanting. Still, I have seen a few cuties, but it is mostly luck I think.

08-29-03, 05:23
Yeah, you definitely get what you pay for. Although I have always been pretty satisfied with the looks of the girls at 21 or at Utamaro. I guess it depends on your expectations ... if you are expecting a girl to look like Hamasaki Ayumi, then you will be disappointed. I am just happy if they are not old, and fat. Yes, there are many, many hot girls on the streets of Tokyo. Many are receptive to enjo kosai or compensated dating. My advice is the approach any cute girl in a schoolgirl uniform and ask her "how much for Bang-bang?", while making a hand motion of inserting your index finger into your other hand which is in the shape of a hole. This approach can't fail. If you approach 10 girls this way probably 6 willl go off with you to a love hotel. REally!

08-29-03, 06:10
Prince and JTL,The pinays are in places like 911, WallStreet Bar and House, Motown (both). They usually travel in packs. For pinays you have to be nice to them. They usually aren't hostess girls, but most of them work as nannies in homes. Some have boyfriends and will kinda act inerested but they really aren't dont waste your time. So act like your genuinely interested, go for a date or 2 and be cool. Some have boyfriends and will kinda act interested but they really aren't, dont waste your time. It takes some practice, but you'll figure it out. Plus you will start to recognize the regulars too.On the other hand I have had the luck of scoring on the first night. If we're in town around the same time I can show you the spots.But my experience might be biased as I am not white. I'm brown and many pinays I have been with over the years think I'm a looker. On the other hand my looks are a negative with J-girls.Good Luck.JM

08-29-03, 16:29
Here's a big thanks for all the info on this board. Just arrived in Tokyo a few weeks ago -- found my way to Hinomaru tonight, and will try 21 Seki in a few days, thanks to this board!Here's a question: my best buddy is coming to visit, and I owe him a favor. I'd like to get him into a pink salon or image club where the girl dresses in a school uniform. (He'd get a huge kick out of it.) Can anyone recommend a gaijin friendly place for this, and fairly affordable?Thanks in advance.

08-29-03, 18:20
Fishmongerer,You gotta be joking! I won't get arrested for propositioning teen girls? Or worst- introduced to her yakuza boyfriend! Hand motions in the subway??? Have you actually done this? Are you a gaijin?I'll probably have to be back next month - I'll be practicing moving my index finger in and out until then :-)

Lubricate It
08-30-03, 01:58
Here's a question: my best buddy is coming to visit, and I owe him a favor. I'd like to get him into a pink salon or image club where the girl dresses in a school uniform. (He'd get a huge kick out of it.) Can anyone recommend a gaijin friendly place for this, and fairly affordable?Thanks in advance. [/i]You could try the gakuen place in the street that runs off Dogenzaka in Shibuya behind 109. I think the shop's name is Heisei Gakuen. It's upstairs. When I went a few years ago, the manager was happy to take Japanese-speaking Gaijin if he had a girl who was prepared to do so. Y16,000 to remove the school uniform, have a nude cuddle and BBBJ.Otherwise at Koganecho in Yokohama there are always Thais in school uniform with loose socks. 30min FS with covered BJ for Y9000 or Y10,000.

08-30-03, 04:39
Iseeu - no, I was just being silly. I don't recommend the finger-in-the-hole motion. But, I do recommend going up to girls on the streets. What have you got to lose? There are so many hot girls, that if you approach a shitload, some will give you a phone number or go off with you right then and there to dinner or a movie. Shibuya is famous for girls going there and hanging around waiting to be "nampa-ed" or picked up. Sometimes they are looking for a free meal, sometimes free karaoke, sometimes they are looking to get paid for sex. This is a fact. Hang out around the hachiko, the dog statue thing, and watch for a while. I bet you will see a lot of chicks getting picked up, and even some foreign guys doing the picking (probably black guys).

08-30-03, 06:00
Fishmonger is correct about the goings on in Shibuya near the Hachiko exit of JR. I dont know what line these black guys have for these girls, but having watched this off and on at various times just to kill time once in a while, they seem somehow to have a disproportionate success rate to what one might reasonably expect at least compared with just going up and asking numbers of girls at random.

08-30-03, 19:06
I have also checked out the Hachiko situation but have not had any luck with that, most people are waiting for someone.With the black guys, I believe it has to do with the sexual power mystique or the bigger schlong theory. This is confirmed after asking several older J women who work in office pools point blank about it. I also hear that the young women complain later that they get treated badly. So the age old, treat them bad and they ask for more. I am sure the back guys, have clued in their buddies to this as there are no lack of them out there.Monger, I always thought Nampa was "hunter" and applied to the female hunting the male.

09-01-03, 10:16
Which pink salon in Shibuya would be the best, to your point of view.I am looking for a nice place where they would allow japanese speaking gaijin (caucasian) and where I could choose the girl, and the uniform she would wear, such as schoolgirl, manga-type, nurse, etc... I am not looking for FS in that case, but jsut sex plays, BJ, HJ and potentially cum on her face or body.cheers

Woody For Asians
09-01-03, 14:58
Originally posted by Rene02Which pink salon in Shibuya would be the best, to your point of view.I am looking for a nice place where they would allow japanese speaking gaijin (caucasian) and where I could choose the girl, and the uniform she would wear, such as schoolgirl, manga-type, nurse, etc.I am not looking for FS in that case, but just sex plays, BJ, HJ and potentially cum on her face or body.cheers Hina at Avenue-A offers "costume play" in a schoolgirl uniform. It's outcall (you make a reservation, then phone when you're in your hotel and she comes to you). The ladies at Avenue-A speak at least basic English.

09-01-03, 19:21
Hi bikerider,Nice review of Tokyo, I am going there in November.Would you point me in the right direction for email friend boards.If you like pls send me PM wazi_tinkin@yahoo.comThanks

09-01-03, 19:23
Hello,I am a Houston, Texas USA hobbyist coming to Tokyo for 5 days in November ( 15-19 ). I will only be in town 4 nights and do not know where I am staying yet. I speak no Japanese and have never been to Tokyo before. Could someone pls give me a brief how-to or point me to a post, I would appreciate it.Any hotel recommendations ? ( within budget )Any girls come to the hotel?Is it easy to find a red light district?What kind of prices can I expect?What kind of ripoffs should I look out for?please email me at wazi_tinkin@yahoo.comThank you very much in advance and will return the favor if you come to Houston or Bangkok.BTW Thanks for the post i got some ideas from.

Empire Baby
09-01-03, 21:16
When I lived in Japan, my favorite place would be Uguisudani on JR line. I would get off and take the north exit. If you make a right and keep walking along the JR line, some love hotels come up on the left side. There are always some Spanish/Latin-American girls hanging out. If you are a guy and walking alone, they would grab you to talk you into the deal. They always ask for 20K but they would bring easily down to 15K or even 12K. You'll pay for the hotel room, which is about 4K. No kissing. CBJ and FS.The rest of the area sucks ass unless you love 50-something Korean ladies. They are always hanging out in the park in the love hotel area.If you're lucky, sometimes during the day, you'll see Asian ladies with white umbrellas. They are Japanese house wives trying to keep some change in their pocket. They're usually in the 30s or 40s but they are really good in bed. BBBJ and FS. Around 20k. I don't see them out there any more though.

Three I
09-01-03, 23:45
Hey got to www.adultfriendfinders.com and look in the Japan section!

09-02-03, 07:39
Here is some back ground info about Shibuya girls. This was published in Japan today a few days ago.------------You'd think the items sold at these stores would be too expensive for such young girls. Yet they are buying hair bands for 1,600 yen, socks for 1,400 yen, T-shirts from 5,000 yen and mini skirts for more than 10,000 yen.One 11-year-old elementary school girl who came from Yokohama to shop at 109 said, "My monthly allowance is only 5,000 yen but that is almost nothing to me. There are many things I want to get, so I need to beg my grandma for more money."According to research conducted by Mizuho Bank last January, Tokyo's elementary school students receive around 666 yen allowance per month in average, so the Yokohama girl isn't doing too badly.Nearby, men aged around 30 years old with brown hair and clad in flashy suits are roaming the streets. As soon as they spot a girl who looks like an elementary school or junior high school student, they say hello and strike up a conversation with them.One young girl, who claims she is 13, said, "I come to Shibuya two or three times a week. Whenever I come here, these guys approach me. If he is a nice-looking man, I will go with him to chat. If he is willing to pay just for a chat, why not? I need money. I've got bills to pay, including a cell phone, so I need 50,000 yen allowance per month at least. My parents do not know anything about me. Even if I get paid to go on a date, they won't know anything if I keep my mouth shut. I think they are not interested in me."Late afternoon, just before 5 p.m., some of those young kids rush to Shibuya station to catch the train back home, but others drift off to hang out at game centers.One 12-year-old girl who was playing at a game center said, "I was scouted by some guy who wanted me to be a cabaret hostess just before I came here. But when I told him my age, he said he better wait for me to age more."It's not just the scout who hit the wrong target. Today's young girls grow fast and are easily mistaken for adults.Blame cell phonesSays one reporter: "Young girls' appearance nowadays completely exceeds how older people imagine them to be. They wear expensive clothes, makeup and are often dieting. Their overall values and physical levels are just like an adult. However, the instrument for these young girls to enter the world of sordid sex is the cell phone. Almost 50% of young girls have one. These gadgets are fueling underground youth prostitution. Unless we regulate cell phone usage, we cannot expect any progress in preventing sex crimes involving minors."The reporter recently tried a cell phone dating service to see who he could meet. He arranged dates with two girls who live in Tokyo's suburbs ?Egirl A, a second grade junior high school student, and girl B, a sixth grade elementary school student.Both were about 160 cm tall. Their hair has been dyed brown and their eyes clearly defined with lines, mascara and well-brushed eyebrows. They both had beautifully painted fingernails. The girls said they had earned almost 300,000 yen from compensated dating since April.The following is the reporter's interview with them.How do you know each other?Girl B: A is my sister's friend. They got to know each other through an Internet chat room. Coincidentally, A lived near my house, so my sister introduced her to me in March.How did you start compensated dating?Girl A: B said she needed money, so I started to help her. That's all.How do you arrange dates?Girl A: Once you post a message on a cell phone Net chat site, such as "Would you like to go out with an elementary student?" you can get many responses.How did you learn the method?Girl A: From my cell phone mail friend. She's been doing compensated dating a lot and she came up with that idea one day.Do you have more friends who do this sort of thing with you?Girl A: I know three other girls ?Eone junior high school student and two high school students. I've been organizing them.What do you mean by organizing them?Girl A: I put advertisements on the chat site and when I receive requests from a man, I introduce him to a girl close to his type.Do you meet many men yourself?Girl A: No, I do not. I hate old farts. They make me nauseous. Plus, I have a boyfriend. I've been going out with him for almost six years. I met him when I was in the third grade. I lost my virginity to him when I was 12 years old and I won't cheat on him, so I do not put myself on sale like that. I just receive an agent's fee, 10,000 yen per request.If you get 10,000 yen as your fee per request, how much does compensated dating cost?Girl A: It's about 30,000 yen for sex. For touching, we charge 15,000 yen. If it's just chatting, that's 1,500 yen per hour. Some people say if we can provide a girl with a uniform, they will pay 50,000 yen. If she is a virgin, they will pay 200,000 yen.Do you have sex with your customers?Girl B: No, I do not. I am still a virgin.How many men have you dated so far?Girl B: About eight so far, ranging in age from 19 to 50 years old. They are most likely serious businessmen.What do you do with the money you make?Girl A: I have a band, so I use my money for it. I also spend 10,000 yen on clothes every month but sometimes I splurge up to 100,000 yen.Girl B: My allowance is 5,000 yen but that's not enough. I have no choice since I am an elementary school student and I cannot get a job. So I've got to do compensated dating.What do your parents do?Girl B: Our fathers are both businessmen and our moms are housewives. Our curfew is 10 p.m., but they do not really care about what we do when we go out. They don't know I am doing compensated dating.How about school?Girl A: I go to school everyday but don't study very much.Girl B: I always get the highest scores on English and math tests. I think I am one of the best students at my school.How long are you going to do this?Girl A: Until I no longer need money.Girl B: When I find a boyfriend, I will quit this job.

Three I
09-02-03, 19:15
It is funny how all societies treat young girls and women like they are so innocent! But the questions we should ask is how do young boys pay their bills cellphones, video games, DVD expenses subway money etc... More excuses from more greedy bitches!

09-02-03, 19:54
Olap,The sites were posted on this board back in the spring. Just do a search for http in the Japan board and you should find it easy enough.One thing to keep in mind is that you have to do some leg work going this route, and you won't end up saving any money. Treat the woman right with a nice dinner etc., and you may get lucky. You will have to correspond with them for about a month, and you may have to go on two or more dates. It just depends.If you're just after sex, then I'd say go with the professionals. You won't be disappointed. If you like the "chase" as I do, then the board route is fun.Good luck!BR
Originally posted by OlapHi bikerider,Nice review of Tokyo, I am going there in November.Would you point me in the right direction for email friend boards.If you like pls send me PM wazi_tinkin@yahoo.comThanks

09-03-03, 02:05
Originally posted by Three XHey got to www.adultfriendfinders.com and look in the Japan section! If anyone has had any luck with this website, which I will call AFF, please post about it here. I've been a paying member for over a year, and it seems to be a major trolling ground for spammers. However, I joined with the view of getting some freebies; if you are looking to pursue the hobby there, there are some ladies' profiles that lead me to believe there is potential for that there. Such things as "looking for rich businessman..."This site has many sister sites, such as asiafriendfinder and one for the P.I. and China. Those sister sites are mostly straightup, looking for a lifetime mate kind of sites. The adultfriendfinder site is for those seeking discrete relationships, one night stands, threesomes, S & M, etc. But you occasionally see some innocent, single Japanese woman posting her profile, and she will say she is looking for a longtime relationship. Obviously not aware of her "surroundings"!The reason I say I think it is a trolling ground for spammers is that very few of the members pay money; for a free membership, basically you get to post your profile and hope that others see it and email you through the site. You are only allowed to send one email a day, I believe, and you have very limited search capabilities. (When you look at more than a few profiles in a day, you get a page that asks you to upgrade your membership to silver or gold in order to see more.) Almost all the emails I have received, and there haven't been many, ask me to email their yahoo account or whatever; the only way to do that is with your own email account; the AFF website email system is totally self-contained. So after you email them at their non-AFF account (and often they ask you to include a nude pic; probably for them to post up on some website somewhere...NO THANK YOU!), they have your non-AFF email account address and from there who knows who gets it! I've rarely gotten a reply, causing me to further doubt the sincerity of their requests. Actually, the account I use for these kinds of things is yahoo and I don't have a junk mail problem with it yet, only about 5 a day (my hotmail account gets 20 - 30 junk mails a day...thanks Microsoft), but I am put off by the lack of serious people there. Another obvious problem is people posting false profiles. There are way too many supposedly 20ish supposedly Japanese supposedly girls posting in fluent English about sexual matters. I can easily see some military dependents posted with their dad in the Tokyo area using this website to get their kicks and grins. (If you are one of these dads, do you know where your kid has logged in tonight ;-)I thought I had some great dialogue going with an AFF guy in another part of Japan, another gaijin, who was looking for a guy for a 3P with his Japanese wife. (He and I are both straight; you can imagine my haste in making that clear!) In our off-AFF emails, he spent a fair amount of time answering my questions, such as how many times he and his wife had done this, what they expected from the second guy, etc. Then just when my business trip to his city got suspended until October and I told him, he sent me a one line email telling me to go F myself! That really bummed me out and I'm still wondering if he was ever serious or was always a pretender. So why do I continue to pay for a membership you ask? Good question! I guess it is an escape and it has enriched my cyberlife. With my membership, I can see as many profiles as I like, send as many emails in the AFF system as I like, etc. I'm still hoping to hook up with a Japanese lady or two or three through AFF, maybe a housewife who is just looking for a sexfriend. I never considered a 3P before, but since reading many profiles of couples on AFF (unfortunately, most looking for a second female...), a 3P intrigues me now and I would like to try it. (Is it possible to double up on one of the ladies in Koganecho?) So, to sum up, adultfriendfinder can be interesting and a neat diverstion, but don't have unrealistically high expectations. That has been my experience anyway.

Empire Baby
09-03-03, 10:06
For those who like white women and who can afford escorts: http://www.blonde-roppongi.com/index.htmWhen I was gathering info on 2ch.net (bulettin boards in Japanese) I came across this website. I believe it's located in Roppongi as its name suggests.For some of you, it may be much easier to pick them up in the clubs in Roppongi. I used to go to Club Isn't It (is it still there?) when it was free and met some pretty Euro girls.The cool place to pick girls up is "manga kissa" where you can stay reading comic books and drink some tea/coffee/juice. There's at least one in Roppongi and I've seen some girls whoi were wandering around in there to be spoken to. Have anyone tried it?

09-03-03, 14:05
Hi,everybody,I am an Asian of 25 n would like to ask a question. One day about 8pm I walked in the street (in Tokyo) an Arabian man approched me n guessed exactly where I was from (Hongkong), he said he was from Saudi Arabia, lots of Hongkong people worked in his previous company so he knew i was from HK, he asked me the way to shinjuku but i did not know the direction, he invited me to go with him to shinjuku n said he would drive me there since he had his own car, I declined but he insisted to do that, a japanese woman passed by n he asked for the woman for the same question n invitation , the woman declined too, so he left by driving his car . As that was my first trip to Japan, anybody could tell me what the man want to do and why he had a car licence as an Arabian but did not know direction of Shinjuku.

Three I
09-03-03, 18:10
Hey I used it here in the states and got maybe 10 write backs! But you should send a nude picture and write something interesting to catch their interest!

China Lover
09-03-03, 19:11
Hi guys,I guess you some of you guys having trouble in language and cultural difference in Japan. So may be I can help you while I am staying here.Although I do not know knight scene in Tokyo well, I think, I can help by translating, giving geographical direction, and some advice of Japanese culture. Feel free to ask any questions. I am Japanese and I do this just for curiosity and appreciation of this website. CL

09-04-03, 05:22
I'd like to hear more about your AFF cyber encounters, Three X. In particular, did any of them lead to face-to-face meetings? Or do any of them seem to have that potential?Any info appreciated.Anybody else here toyed with the AFF site? Any luck? It's a worldwide operation, and apparently English oriented. My computer, which can usually display Japanese characters with no problem, shows mojibake for some AFF profiles, which leads me to believe the people tried to write their profile in Japanese but AFF is incapable of handling Japanese characters. What I was leading to, before digressing on the mojibake issue, is that the general Japanese population seems unaware of AFF's existence on the web. If there was a way to publicize AFF in the ladies' comics here in Japan, I wonder if that would help our chances of hooking up with Japanese women who desire one or two (or three ...) encounters of the gaijin kind. Not a relationship; just a one-night stand or a sex friend kind of agreement. On the asianfriendfinder site, the longlasting relationship sister site of AFF, there are a lot of Japanese women. And ladies of other nationalities living in Japan. I managed to hook up with one of them in Tokyo, a Chinese lady who was teaching Chinese at some semmon gakko I think. We met at the outdoor meeting junction at My City (Shinjuku Sta.), went to a restaurant across the street, something like Orchid Cafe, then went to a small jazz bar, then I kind of led her to a love hotel in Kabuki-cho. When she realized what I was doing, she said something like, "If we do this, we can't date anymore. Do you still want to do it?" I was a little tipsy from the beer drinking, and said, "Yes!" (Well, our whole conversation was in Japanese actually. She was impressed by my Japanese, compared to most white foreigners, but I can't speak it that well.) So we paid for the room and . . . met each other more completely. She claimed to be divorced (Japanese man) with no kids. But I think you can tell by the nipples if kids have been born from the lady, and her nipples gave that part of her life away. No problem to me; I actually like bigger nipples and any color (pink, light brown, nearly black) will do. Never heard from her after that, and never tried to email her again. I was living far from Tokyo then, so there really was just a chance for a one night thing. I dated another lady through asianfriendfinder, Japanese this time. It was in Osaka, but I didn't live near Osaka either (I made up some story about living about an hour from there, in the boonies). She was so sweet, and really serious about finding a mate; I think she was about 30 at that time, the age when Japanese females are really starting to feel like they need to find a husband or else they will spend their whole lives as old maids. She spoke fluent English, working as a translator. I just didn't feel like I could take advantage of her to the extent of having sex based on her belief in my lie that I lived relatively close and was seeking a long-term relationship. That's a road I just can't go down. The Chinese lady was different for me because I could sense that she wasn't being totally honest with me either and would be willing to go for a one-night fling under the right circumstances. She proved me right.Sorry to be so longwinded here. Again, if anyone has had luck with adultfriendfinder, let us know!

09-04-03, 16:26
I have just enrolled in both adultfriendfinder and asiafriendfinder and am trying to setup some appointments for sex... in looks that it is not so easy, and as usuall, when you see that you have 10 times more men looking for girls than the opposite, it just makes you understand that the few ladies posting their pictures should get 100 of emails per day...

Three I
09-04-03, 16:28
None of them lead to face to face.Here are some reasons1. I didn't have a face picture nor a "body" picture.2. Some girls recieve to many pictures so it takes a long time to screen interested people.3. Some didn't like my profile.4. Some want their husbands to watch and/or participate.5. One plump latina was to far and I felt would propably flake.6. And some lived to close to me.7. I spot on co worker from work on AFF so that x'ed her out .8. I only had a one month membership.The bottom line is I feel it will work but it takes time and money nice pictures and a cool profile!

09-04-03, 17:52
Hello All,I have signed up on the AFF network and have recieved reply's to my profile but I cannot seem to get on to the part where you can look at the womens profile without a full membership. Has anyone been able to accomplish this without sending in some money? Also I think the time lag problem is that some of these girls use internet cafes with occasional checkin of email.You never know if you will find a friend you already know on there or maybe your present girlfriend.ThreeX, I would have gone after the co-worker myself! What a find!If there was a www.hotornot.com in Japan would it work?

Lubricate It
09-14-03, 09:05
Interesting post, Erbavore.I'm encountering this phenomenon too. Last Sunday at the local railway station here in Tokyo I encounter a crash hot blond chick aged about 20, dress with nice tits 70% revealed sitting on a bench looking desperate, but is toying with a mobile phone. I'm in my forties/fifties but I go up to her and offer to be of assistance. Japanese is the only language that works. She Is very pleased to talk to me and we go to a coffee shop. She IS 20, from Ukraine, been here three months working at a hostess bar in Kinshicho. She lives in a small apartment with 5 other similar Ukranian girls. She has a holiday two Sundays a month only. She wanted to go bowling but got lost. I suggest going to a hotel for cash (and show her the condom in my pocket) but she is not ready for that, but not overly alarmed. She is quite a sweet kid.Nevertheless we hit it off really well, and exchange mobile phone nos. At her request I take her back to Kinshicho. She promises to meet me on her next day off (28 September). I am toying between Disneyland and my lodge in the mountains...

09-14-03, 14:15
Lubricateit, I met one of these Eastern European entertainers a few months ago at the Thai Embassy in Phnom Penh. She was spending her cash down there after working a few months in Tokyo. This girl was from I think Poland, can't remember for sure - anyway she had huge, perfect, real breasts, great European body. She told me what she did for a living, but claimed that no sex was involved. At the time I thought that sounded absurd, but I guess there's no figuring out what Japanese men are up to eh?Sadly I had to catch a flight immediately after my embassy visit so didn't try to pursue her. Probably out of my league/price range anyway. Apparently used to getting paid big yen just to stare at her tits over dinner and drinks.

09-15-03, 12:09
The whole hostess thing is long-running in Japan, and most that I know of, will not have any sexual relations for money with their customers. I've had a few girlfriends who were hostesses, and it's basically just working at a bar while having your ear talked off and getting paid extra to go out for a bite to eat (and extra if you can pull them back to the club).Anyway, anyone with information for "health" salons in Tokyo that accept foreigners? Seems to be a rarity.

09-15-03, 13:47
Most of health salon do not accept gaijin, even if you are speaking Japanese. But if you go there with Japanese friends, it could be fine. That is what I have done last time, even if I did not really understand the system and time ran out.

09-16-03, 03:30
If anyone plans to hit Gas Panic on Frinday September 26, look for an American 35 year old white man beer in hand. You ***** mongers stop by and say hi!I don't know a soul in Tokyo and I am just hanging out on a two night layover between Thailand and the states.At what time should I come in Gas Panic so as not to find a line at the door.By the way which Gas Panic is best? the first one on the left as you come down Almond or the second one with the Gas Panic Pizza sign?

09-16-03, 05:07
Gringo,You might find yourself in the retirement line at Gas Panic. Mostly girls in their very early 20's (not to say late teen) and young GIs.Would suggest you hit either the Motown (basement or upper) or Trader's Place or Propaganda if you are looking for girls who won't call you daddy. Then if you want a spicy action, go to Acaraje Tropicana in Nishi Azabu (rather close from Roppongi, in front of Roppongi Hills). You will find Brazilian girls to put you water in mouth... Better on Sunday nights as the pros and the semi pros come to spend their night out there.Then you could also go to Muse down to Nishi Azabu crossing where I am sure you will meet a girl you will like. Will she like you in return will depends on the way you can use your miles!EnjoyWolf

Rick Steves
09-17-03, 08:03
In January I'll have a 20-hour layover in Tokyo on my way from Bangkok back to the states. I land at Narita at 7:30 p.m. Assuming that I still have a sex drive left after two weeks in the Land of Smiles, can anyone recommend a course of action for a non-Japanese speaking white American? Is there any action around the airport or should I take the train into Tokyo? On my last trip to Tokyo I visited a bj bar called 21 Seki, or something like that. It was kind of fun and I wouldn't mind revisiting it. Can anyone tell me how late they stay open?One last question: Do you know if they have lockers at the airport? I'd like to stash some of my luggage if possible.

09-17-03, 09:20
Spent the weekend in Tokyo on business, I was feeling in a western girl mood. So I thumbed through the phone book and dialed up HOTS escorts, the woman on the phone spoke very good English, and My Japanese is not so bad. She asked me what type of girl I wanted. I asked for a blonde. About 30 minuteslater a Hungarian woman was at my door. "this was at 1:30 AM" She was atractive but nothing I would every approach. She said she was 24 but look older more like 30. She collected 30,000 plus5 grand for the taxi, and proceeed to get down to business, a CBJ and FS She was very pleasing, and gave a wonderful GFE. She wanted to stay longer, but I had a business meeting early that morning, and needed sleep. Looks 6-7 Body 6 Big BoobsCBJ 8 Very good FS 8 very enthusiasticHere name was Jannette, I don't know if I would call here again, but I did like the HOTS service. I might have to try a J-girl from there. Their number is 03-5791-2217

09-18-03, 09:43
Rick - I'm not sure about Narita but at least at Haneda I know there are big coin lockers around. I bet there are some at Narita too. If you have a 20 hour layover, why not spend one night in Tokyo at either a love hotel or a capsule hotel? If you know where 21 Seiki is, just wander a little bit and you should find the love hotels. You can stay there by yourself no problem ... about 9,000 yen. Try Gas Panic Shibuya for a J. girl freebie :-), you might find some company for the love hotel!

Rick Steves
09-19-03, 07:44
Fishmonger,Thanks for the tips. A love hotel might be just the thing. Can you get a decent night's sleep in those places?

09-19-03, 16:16
CHINA LOVER, I wish to know your answer for this question, if anybody else can tell me I would be appreciate too :If an Asian man met a very cute japanese girl/s in the street and ask her / them to "shashin eshio", the girls accepted very happily and let the man embrace her / them closely, or show other friendly gesture to the man and give phone/address to the man under the man's request. Generally is this just politeness or sign of friendship? Since I heard that japanese do not like to refuse others very obvious so I guess maybe that is just politeness.But if the man can do the above-mentioned to almost every cute japanese woman he meet in the street, still politeness?Thank you.

09-20-03, 01:49
hi all. it has been quite a while since i have posted anything on the wsg. i have been meaning to hang out with sailing, but time and money has been keeping me away from the favorite hobby. fishmonger, how are things?okay, here is what i have gathered over the past several months. tokyo classifieds - 1 girl who seemed cool at first, but turned out to be kind of a nut case, so a quick session of kissing in the movie theater and restaurant but that was it. i would be careful of tokyo classified chix, some are 30 something leeches that will fall for any guy with a non-japanese name...let's just say they are not my speed.found 2 girls off this site: http://www.tokyofriends.com/ 1 is a < 20 year old cutie that i certainly did not expect to find on this kind of site, and am still working on her....need some more time to crack this young safe -> meeting her tomorrow afternoon! the next is a 20 something girl who is around a 7 on my cute scale, and has fallen for me....but have to be careful cause i still have a gf ;) this one i am hammering pretty much on a regualar basis.in my honest opinion, the best and quickest way to hook is the old fashioned way - nampa. it is the most fun and by far worth the rush you get out of the initial few fumbles. i did a pull at 1am in the morning the other day, quickly walked up to a girl and just simply told her the truth -> this is nampa and here is my card (in japanese of course), needless to say the rest is history. why fool around with verbal foreplay, just go right in and say what is on your mind. business card normally works, one of the most efficient ways to start a conversation is to have a japanese language book with you and act like you are studying, which you are since you are talking to the girl practicing your japanese ;) this worked back in college, and still works as a worker here, considering i am gearing up for the 2kyuu exam in dec 03'.the key is to not 2nd guess yourself, and don't wait on some kind of opening, if you do the pretty jpn girl will smell fear and you will get shot down, or even worse you may look like a stalker if you are following her around just to get the gumption to ask her out. i know too many gaijin buds who always say 'man that girl is so hot, i wish i could just go up and ask her out', just go do it. are you going to be a social outcast if you fumble the initial few words? i am kind of curious if anybody has hooked through the deai sites. i tried the deai site thing one time dumping 5000 jpy, which i have no idea if the girl on the other end is really worth it or not....so i quit this deal and just went back to the old faithful method of talking to hot girls in shinjuku or wherever for that matter. for those fellows who are just passing through, performing nampa may be kind of a new way of thinking for you but my advice is to not hold back and just fire away at any pretty girl that strikes your fancy. try coffee shops, bookstores are always good.sailing if you are still reading this forum, let's head over to ugusuidani sometime in october.

09-20-03, 08:54
Hi there!Been living in Tokyo a year. Have alot of opportunity to travel and started to post some reports. Anyways, Hinomaru, Seiki 21, etc have been haunts inthe past and present. Just came back from China and still horny from all the fun so I dropped into Hino early AM (9) to see what's shaking. Chubby girl named Emi was there, not my type, but what the hell. She has big tits and nice attitude. Also seemed kind of fresh and ready. Gave a nice slow BBBJ then offered a 'secret'. So managed to get a nice FS,too. That hasn't happened at Hino in a long while.Things at 21 are about the same, maybe slacking. Kanna used to be my favorite and also some chick that was shaved smooth and petite. Haven't seen either for quite awhile. Lately they are basically 3's - 6's, uninspired, talkative and a little skanky.Up the street on the right are a couple of chinese MP. You can get FS for 10k. I get it cheaper because I go there a little early and bargain - remember, they are Chinese, not Japanese! Usually new girls rotating in every week or so. Not a bad deal considering Japan prices. And chinese, korean so they are less 'bushy' and shy about FS.Over by the Mark, just opposite the station is a sister club to 21. It's called Aruba ?A???o?@And alot better than 21, but priced a little more. Ask at 21 and they'll give you directions. Or Karen will! She's not much for BJ anymore, but can hip you on all the adult services in the area.Nampa action - this is easy picking too. Just dress nice and go to clubs NOT in Roppongi. Like small pubs in Hiroo, Nakameguro, Ebisu (best). Almost any OL (office lady) will be delighted to talk to you and give you her number. A couple dates later and bamm - hotel time. Just be firm, assured and polite. Don't forget the Metropolis ads - if you have a couple weeks advance to travel in Tokyo then send some emails, you WILL make friends, I guarantee it!

09-20-03, 15:21
RickPlease see below about Baggage Services in Narita-airport.Good travel!http://www.narita-airport.or.jp/airport_e/guide/service/index.html

Woody For Asians
09-21-03, 03:16
"Over by the Mark, just opposite the station is a sister club to 21. It's called Aruba ?A???o?@And alot better than 21, but priced a little more. Ask at 21 and they'll give you directions. Or Karen will! She's not much for BJ anymore, but can hip you on all the adult services in the area."Karen told me Arabu closed last year. If you know different I'd like to get directions.

09-23-03, 04:48
Hi all,Today is a national holiday in Japan and I had to get up early to check on some business things so I decided to cruise over to HinoMaru on the way home. It was open and the friendly tout outside happily greeted me. Time was about 10.30am. Paid my 8k and sat down up front - I was the only customer. Waited a few minutes and the girl walks up - Kumi, if I read her card right. About 160cm, slender, nice D cup (Japanese measure) and nice ass. She sat next to me and basically fell asleep. Taking that as a 'do anything' hint I began to touch her thighs which were very smooth and firm. She opened her legs and I went deeper. Her pussy was quite wet, nice firm clit and not shaved as is typical of most Japanese. I did a quick, casual 'sniff test' and all seemed quote in order. However, her early morning halitosis nearly sent me out the door. Luckily there were some mints available so I gave her one! Always keep them handy! SHe let me finger fuck her - even getting one of my fingers deep in her ass. I sucked on her breasts and then she asked if she could get on top me. She gave a decent bbbj for about 3min, grabbed some lube and huiced up her pussy. Then she climbed on top and performed a pretty decent sumata - which is lubed mutual masterbation. I had a nice orgasm, cleaned up and she asked if I wanted more. I declined, so we just hung out and chatted about 15min - no rush, almost GFE. Looks - 7.5, Technique - 5.5, GFE - 6.0, Hygiene - 5.0 (breath - hell if she doesn't take care her mouth, what else doesn't she wash in the morning?) She was really tired - again like most Japanese women in the morning. But maybe she was still drunk or stoned from the night before. Anyways, for 8K it was on par with anything a gaijiin can get for 10k - 14k in a health or image place. PLus - in the mornings, no rush and you are likely to get the place to yourself.Enjoy!

09-24-03, 04:48
Just got into Tokyo and have indulged in Kawasaki and Yokohama red light districts. Reminds me of Amsterdam! Good value for your yen and the directions given on the site are very good. What is Nampa? Could somone please educate me on this?

Tokyo via AA
09-24-03, 10:26
Question: Most hotels I've stayed at in Tokyo offer in-room massage services. They are usually available quite late, even to like 2 AM or 4 AM.The question is -- are these "just a massage", or is there a way to turn them into a little more action?

09-24-03, 10:45
hi woody!thanks for the note. i haven't been over there for a few months, so it's possible. since i live in the area, i'll take some time to check it out. i noticed that there is now 3 amp on the same street of 21 - towards the end walking away from the station - that are offering fs to any foreigner. the touts will happily greet you as you walk up the street anytime from around 8pm. the going rate is 10k. imho, its a better deal to ask for sumata (mutual masturbation) because since the girls value it less, they spend a little more time on it! also - you can deal! you should only pay around 7k or 8k before 10pm. or just ask for longer time.nampa - originally means 'soft group' or guys who had too much sexdrive. now it loosely refers to the art of meeting opposite sex by quick, sure conversation. kind of japanese 'speed seduction'. there are many nampa clubs and japanese otaku (obsessive) groups about nampa. the guys dressed in black suits at the station trying to get girls to join the hostess clubs are not 'nampa' - they are 'scouts' or 'crows'.

09-25-03, 02:45
soujourn, thanks for the clariffication. I would like to indulge in Nampa. Could you please give me some of the names of these clubs in Hiro, Ebisu, or Shibuya? Also, is speaking Japanese mandatory?

09-25-03, 03:51
Tokyo via AAThese massages are Shiatsu. Very good to break all your musles in pieces. Actually very relaxing though very painfull at the beginning.In absolutely all cases, they are performed either by old ladies in their 70's or by blind people, if not both.Perfect after a long flight and to sleep immediatly after.Do not expect any action, even from the old blind lady. Or you will be very very disappointed. Already when you will open the door...But enjoy it anyway as it is one of the very good things Japan has to offer to visitors.I personnaly have it any time I can.Wolf

09-25-03, 07:17
Tokyo via AA,I have to echo Wolf on that one. I remember my first trip to Japan, wasted from the flight, the small sign on the dresser was just too tempting. I called for a massage and they send up an old lady who really worked me over. Believe me, there are no thoughts of sex when this wiry little thing is throwing you around the bed and snapping everything. You just keep your eyes shut and try to keep from getting damaged. It is relaxing though. I remember I asked at one hotel to "send up your youngest lady" This turned out to be a 60 year old. They all could see though! I will be back in Japan in November and can not wait!Wolf, I will drop you an email

09-25-03, 09:23
hi amjeck and all.. here are a couple small 'nampa' tips. it' smuch the same as speed dating or nlp things. remember the goal is to take her to the hotel!1) establish a small yes - make a compliment, say something about the weather that is mutually true, etc.2) establish rapport - say something that indicates both of you have in common.3) split her from the pack - ask her to go have a drink, visit a shop, anything to get her to walk away with you.4) 'anchor' any positive experience with touch. so if you are at starbucks ordering a coffee or tea with her then it's easy to do something like gently touch her arm and say 'oh, that cake looks good!' the touch 'anchors' something positive and will put her at more ease to accept more touch.5) smile honestly and point out humor.6) be honest and hold her hand and say something like ' you are so kind and pretty. i would love to spend any small time with you!' 7) from here - if her reactions and response are still positive then it's simply a matter of risk! you could go directly to a little more rapport building or just ask to visit a relaxing place. (love hotel) or you may want to establish some cushion in your success and then invite her for dinner later. i prefer this method - i like to get her to like me a little, then retreat. japanese women get concerned if you suddenly retreat. they immediately think you don't like them and will generally start to nampa you! but i don't mean retreat like go away - just retreat like schedule something in advance of the current action!language - you don't really need to know japanese. and one of the best place to nampa is right outside any nova or gaba school! these schools try to teach english and are filled with women of all types eager and paying alot to learn it!places - i personally like ebisu the best. go towards the exit for the hibiya subway. across the street is the place for many small bar and cafe. and of course what the dicken's pub! i have taken 2 or 3 girls directly from there.meishi - business card. make alot of business card to indicate your name, position and phone number. you can get these even at narita. or most kinkos in tokyo. of course you may have your company card - but might not be appropriate for 'nampa'.keitai - celphone - you must have one when you are in japan. the cheapest is tuka. you can even buy them at almost any lawson's or 7-11. just go to the tuku store and get a pre-pay phone. total cost including phone and card should be less than 5000jpy.happy nampa!

09-27-03, 14:14
Soujourn,Great tips! I hadn't thought of getting Japanese business cards for the purporse, but it is a great idea. How long does it take to have them made at NRT? Also, the tip on the pre-paid phone will save me a fortune. I've been renting and paying way too much.BR

09-28-03, 15:40
I just returned from a 'massage' in Shibuya. It was one of the chinese massage places just off Center Gai. If you walk past Century 21 - on the left - and continue past the intersection towards the end of the street. Its on the right side about 30m before the end of the street. Don't worry how to find it, they always have 2 or 3 touts out looking for customers. 1 of the touts is usually a cute japanese chick. The place is on the 3rd floor. It's small and typical of these type of massage joint - 3 or 4 small paperboard rooms with a massage table. Why I like this one -1) The rotate the girls often, about every 3mo and usually every week or so will be a new girl.2) You can pick the girl out from the book - usually its a fair match - the pictures are really airbrushed - but at least you have some idea.3) You can reject any choice and just walk away4) They deliver as promised - most Japanese massage places will hook you with something like 8000Y and say everything is inlcuded - but then while you are naked on the table the girl won't do anything except light massage until you pay about 10,000 or 15,000 more!5) You can negotiate the price - earlier in the evening is better and on weekdays. They will demand 14,000Y for 30min of sex - I generally offer them 7,000 and if its not busy, they will say OK. If you are a repeat visitor its better.Tonite -1) Picked a girl name Julie (close translation) she seemed about 23 with nice face an attitude. In her dress, quite cute. When she stripped I was a bit disappointed - augmented breasts that were still only a B or C. But nice large funky nipples. She had some scar on her belly - maybe kind of c-section scar. Her attitude bumped her body weakness about a point.2) She didn't mess around with massage (it digs into your play time) and cleaned me after shower with baby wipes (nice touch and good hygiene) She gave a nice slow, deep CBJ and when I was fully erect, asked me to get on top her. I'm a little large compared to her regular customers, she said, so she was anxious to try it! Her pussy was nice and lubed and trimmed too. She responded nicely to slow deep thrusting - nearly GFE. Then she let herself enjoy some nice fucking in many positions. She had 2 orgasms that I could discern by her vaginal spasms and vocals.3) I didn't nut after 40min so I asked for 'ensho' which is extension. I paid another 3000Y and tipped her 1000Y. She grabbed me again we started fucking. She really dug me deep fucking her and pulled me as close as she could. Her pussy was really throbbing and nothing gets me off faster than to feel that! I came nice and hard deep in her. Pulled out and we cleaned up in the shower.4) They were busy so there were lots of guys waiting and you can hear all the action in each room. If you are shy, this may affect your experience- I don't mind, its kind of natural japanese way to be around many people, but avoid interaction, so you can feel comfortable.Wrap up. She's from Shanghai, most of the girls there are from Shanghai - its easier for them to get travel visa, Or taipei. The mainland girls are best though. In Shanghai she would be around 400RMB ST - 600RMB for the night. In Tokyo the total cost was 13,000JPY. So cost is about double in Tokyo with minimal chance of long time.Most japanese guys prefer japanese girls so they can indulge in fantasy or image play. They also think chinese girls might be 'dirty'. I really prefer the chinese girls - their sex play vocals are easier on my ears than the typical japanese whining and they are usually less hairy which I prefer. Also, its not likely you will get sex from Japanese girl unless its in Soaplands, SW or maybe a near-skanky pink salon girl. Most chinese massage places are a rip off - this one delivers! I recommend it if you are horny, have a little extra cash and want (re)experience a little Shanghai or Bejing barbershop type service.Cheers,SFacility - 3.5Girl looks - 3 - 7 (YMMV)Attitude - 4 - 8Cost - 3 (APAC) 8 (Japan)Service - 6

Member #1276
09-28-03, 15:58
Brothers, I have really benefited from WSG over the years and I would like to give back. So here goes my first post:Over the passed 2 months I have become a minor expert on "deai sites" (hook-up websites). If you read and write Japanese these can be a gold-mine for dates.The routine is that you either (1) read a post some girl made and e-mail her, or (2) you post a profile of yourself and wait for e-mail to come. The beauty of the system is that if you make it through the e-mail exchanging phase (including exchanging a photo), you are almost guaranteed to get laid on the first date. In two months I have met 6 girls, laid 5 of them -- 4 on the first date. And I am 35 with average looks. The girls ranged from 19 to 33 years old and they were all good looking -- 6 to 10.Since success at this kind of pursuit requires written Japanese language skills, I will reserve the details of how to suceed for those who want to contact me directly. My e-mail address appears below.shinjuku_paul@yahoo.co.jpBy the way, if you can't read and write Japanese, don't forget Adult Friend Finder or Alt.com. These sites are in English and have Japanese chicks too. A friend of mine has also had success with Match.com.I am happy to see the discussion go in the direction of picking up amatuer girls versus pros. Happy hunting.

Member #1276
09-28-03, 16:10
Why wait? Here is my second post:Some of you were asking about "healths" that accept gaijin. Take a look at the Madonna chain of establishments (http://www.madonna.gr.jp/). If you click on the English button on their website, you will only get the Roppongi info. But I have been to the one in Meguro many times and they have no problem with foreigners. By the looks of the staff, I doubt they speak English in Meguro though. The Hamamatsu-cho and Yoyogi locations do not accept foreigners. I have called to confirm this.Good luck.

09-30-03, 00:39
Hey Member:How hard has it been to pick up and then drop them after just one lay?Can you post any deai leads/web addresses? I take it these are not the kind of girls who are looking for cash, right?Thanks.

09-30-03, 00:57
Hey member1276 - I'm curious --1) Do they offer AF at Madonna? I called and couldn't get clear answer. What about 'secret' services (i.e. FS) My experience is that if you have a good session or repeat session sometimes this is possible. Otherwise 17k for a sumata shagging seems a little steep. Especially with as you know, so many willing email dates available!2) What about any SW action in Meguro - I see quite a few latin hotties walking up the street to the station?3) Any news about Gotanda area? It seems a pretty good hang for the nasty girls - especially Champions. I haven't tried to to get in there yet - my Japanese is passable, but not proficient enough to satisfy most of the health/soap standards.Ciao

Bill R
09-30-03, 02:29
All,This doesn't only work in Japan. It also works in the US. Try any Japan related website that has penpal like exchanges.The caveat is you have to be able to read/write Japanese.

Member #1276
09-30-03, 07:06
Lion,In answer to your questions:1) It is really no problem to part ways with the girls from deai sites after one lay. I usually only give them my first name and Yahoo! e-mail address, so there is really no way for them to pester me if I don't want to meet them again.2) They site I recommend you try is <dr.to>. The entire site is in Japanese including credit card payment, so I can't recommend it to you folks out there who don't read Japanese.

Blue Mist
10-01-03, 03:47
Hi AllI was strolling through Kabukicho on Sunday Sept. 28 not paying much attention when this really cute Chinese girl asked me if I needed a blow job. I thought for a moment and it dawned on me that , yes , I did need a blow job. Since the cute tout girl was obviously not the one who would do the deed, I headed for Hinomaru.I paid my money and sat down. After a while, Ami, #26 shows up. She is about a 3, but that's fine, I wasn't expecting much. The pre-blow job conversation covered a number of topics including; 9-11, the Iraq war, WW II, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, The Great Kanto Quake and finally, how she used to hate Americans for killing so many of her compatriots, but she thinks she's over it now.I had to agree that war and earthquakes are not good and promised her that I would one day visit the A-bomb sites , but how about that blow job?She whips out a condom. Am I the first man to get a covered BJ at Hinomaru?It was a very bad cbj. She has a nasty cold and can't really do the job, so it turns into a covered hand job. Am I the first man in Japan to get a covered hj? After what seemed like an eternity I fill the balloon and leave with my dick thrashed from the no-lube covered hj. Is this standard operating procedure at Hinomaru?If so, next time think I'll save myself the hassle and jerk off myself, then light a cigar with a 10,000-yen bill to get that feeling again.Ciao Bros,Blue Mist

10-02-03, 01:26
Hi Blue Mist,Yep, I think you might be the first. Sorry to hear about it! I usually visit the Hinomaru early in the morning, between 8 and 11am, and while the girls are usually never that cute - rarely above a 5, they offered quite extended services compared to the standard pink salon fare - ala Century 21. My guess is that you just got a girl with a chip on her shoulder. In any case, thanks for the update - we can now note #26 as a definite 'NG'. You were correct, though, in bypassing the chinese tout -- you would have paid 10k - 14k for a 'massage' and asked to tip another 10k for a CBJ and maybe 20k for FS. If you know some japanese you can deal, if not, you are just another victim. For cheap, consistent FS, I suggest the 3rd floor massage parlour in Shibuya, up the street on the right from 21. I'll post a map here so anyone can find it. The girls are from mainland China, generally 3's - 7's, but they deliver as promised and and you won't be burning any extra 10spots.Ciao.

10-02-03, 03:46
I feel so sorry for Blue Mist-I take it you didn't ask about a refund?Hinomaru used to be known for FS, but lately that seems less common, judging from the number of posts and my experience there. Still, a CHJ-never even heard of that one...Maybe a new addition to the dictionary...

10-02-03, 04:57
Blue Mist:Great report (side-splitter), finally able to pick myself up off the floor after reading it. Admire your sense of humor about the whole thing. Hinomaru obviously doesn't give psych-evals to the girls during the interview process. Will definitely keep an eye out for #26.Cheers,JFX

10-03-03, 06:08
My experience at Hinomaru is about the same--A CBJ that mysteriously degrades into a less than satisfying HJ. In Japan, for the cost of a couple of sex massages and a few CBJs, might as well just buy an airline ticket to the Philipines--and have enough spare change left over for a night of San Miguels and a barfine. However, if your situation doesn't often allow for that (like me), I have had some decent luck through Udate.com. (Match.com and others offer the same thing as well.) Three out of the five I've met face to face have put out after a 2-3 dates--that's not bad for Japan in my experience. And the only cost is for dinner, drinks, and a hotel (and good girls don't mind chipping in for the bill).For one night stands, I've had some luck in Shinjuku 3-Chome. Lots of small and interesting bars, and occasionally lone girls getting drunk and looking for company. Bottom line is if you need to bust a nut, you need to pay up. But a little patience will get good results as well.

10-04-03, 05:14
Gents,Went to the same building Sojourn mentioned earlier in Shibuya,but unfortunately the wrong floor ! Don't go to the sixth floor-most of the girls I would rank 5 or below on a scale of 1 to 10 !Highly recommend the Madonna in Meguro-all the women are Japanese and the level of service is excellent-started off with cbj and then received FS several different ways but it does cost more-an hour is 20,000.Blue Mist sorry to hear about your bad experience at Hinomaru but yours is the first one I've heard about.Hinomaru still remains very good value for money in my book but I've noticed the quality of the girls has gone down over the last couple of years.I think CBJ is standard operating procedure as that's all I've gotten there.

10-05-03, 05:43
Wow, I haven't been to Hinomaru in a while, but CBJ is the SOP? You gotta be kidding me! I don't think I would pay for that. In the good old days (maybe a year and a half ago+) the SOP was an expert BBBJ from a fairly hot girl (7+), and then she would ask you if you wanna come in her mouth or her pussy, and if you said pussy she would put on the hat, and start riding you. If you could last, you could do her in several positions, I usually finished in doggy-style. So, for 1-man it was a GREAT deal. The last couple of times I went I just got a BBBJ, and I wasn't very happy about it. CBJ? or even worse CHJ (BTW "What the f*ck"?)? No way, that is not worth 1 man yen.

10-05-03, 07:22
Yo fellows,I had to sample some of Skinless' meat so I took a stroll to the Kabukicho. I haven't hooked any of the hos in over a year because frankly I've been too busy at the Hino for 8k and 10k max in Shibuya. In between that Taipei and Beijing keep me pretty well sated, and the few OL's that I hunt in Ebisu. Anyways , to the point. Many girls working the hospital stroll and I picked a Taiwan chick with large tits and small ass. Augmented, but a good job. She hassled for 15k and I said no way - 10k plus hotel, 2 pops. She agreed and of we went - like 20m to the nearest hotel. They like that side of the hospital cause its got the cheapest and easiest hotels. Just walk across the street and bang. She was happy to oblige a decent BBBJ while I fingered her pussy and played with the tatas. Then we did some nice CG fucking. I fingered her ass and she responded positvely so - damn I got to pump 2 fingers in there while I fucked her. I didn't want to shoot my first load that way, so I rolled her over and gave her a nice doggy, pulled the wrap and came all over her cute ass! We cleaned up and went for round 2. I tried to get anal, but whe wasn't into it - maybe another 5k would have consumated the deal, but I dont wanna give more than 10k to any SG. Anyways - I pumped her missionary then did the same thing, pulled and shot over her tits. She cleaned up and scrammed! Minimal GFE, not rude, but no cuddle - damn I still had another 10min on the love hotel clock, too!Looks - 6Tits - 8Technique - 5GFE - 3Price - 4Tip - learn some basic japanese, especially the numbers. Chances are you'll know more than girls you are hooking out there because most of them are chinese, korean and don't speak much japanese either. Lesson 1a) Ima hima? --- (are you free) this is your pickup line.b) Ikura desuka? (how much does it cost) obviousc) Ichi-man-en kudesai! (10,000 yen, please) it helps to be polited) Ikimasenka! (Well, shall we go??)Regardless of any other babble you hear - this all you really need. Just as I was leaving a cute J-girl was walking in with her john, she smiled - hmmmmm, maybe i gotta return later this evening!As far as Hino goes. I'll make a personal inspection this week and report accordingly. If 26 is there I will reprimand the owner for allowing such behavior! I've always gotten at least BBBJ and usually FS or sumata. Usually I gotta push them off and tell them I need to go to work. Maybe they just like me. One thing - I never go there after noon.Shibuya AMP - 3rd floor! Not the 6th and I think the 5th is just a HJ parlour. Negotiate for 10k/40min after 10pm. Before that or midweek you should get 8k/40min. Oh - get the girl's number too, they do have spare time and it can be well rewarded, hint hint. Another reason to carry your own mongering meishi and throw away keitai! NEVER give your work/personal number!

Member #1276
10-06-03, 01:26
Bullet & All:A reminder: when you go to Madonna in Meguro, please remember that paid full service is illegal in Japan. It is not on the menu and don't ask the manager about it. Most "health" don't accept gaijin because we don't know the rules. So let's keep Madonna gaijin-friendly.Yes, FS is possible at Madonna, but negotiate it with the girl. An additional 10,000 or 20,000 should get you there if the girl is open to FS.Good luck.

10-06-03, 02:29
Hi all!This is my first posting so I hope you'll be kind to a newbie like me. I've been hanging out in Saitama for the last three months. I'm not a pro or anything like some of you folks, so there's really nothing to report other than it's hard as hell to get into some joints even if you look asian and speak passable Japanese. (Seems to be a common complaint anywhere)Anyway, just needed some pointers on where I can find some Korean action. My Korean is better than my Japanese at this point and can pass as a near-native Korean (except for the bedroom vocabulary). Shucks. So, anywhere in Tokyo where I can find a DC that I can call in Korean? Or any recommendations on any good Korean AMPs or SWs?Thanks in advance. Sorry I couldn't offer too much help.

10-06-03, 12:55
New_00145, Are you saying that you've had success by just going up to any hot chick and handing out your card? You make it sound so easy! Is it? If so, please elaborate on this fine art of seduction. I am very intrigued! Could I have any success without speaking Japanese?

10-06-03, 13:08
Hi, I used to go to Himomaru every time I visited Tokyo, but according to recent posts it looks like the quality is not as good as it used to be... and that most of you did not get FS. I usually had FS there, but haven't been to the place for 1 year.As I am going to Tokyo next month, I am thinking to try Madonna. Which one is the best ? If I can, I would avoid Roppongi... Do you manage to get FS easily ? are the other salon gaijin-ok ? I do speak a little of Japanese.I am trying to get fun for an hour, even if no FS, but at least some role play, play with the pussy, asshole, etc... with a very nice woman...

10-06-03, 13:15
I would also like to know about getting sex at the Madona's in Roppongi. I do not speak any japanese but would like to know if the action is easy there. Their site says that there is NO INTERCOURESE but I have heard that one in more than one place before in other parts of the world but have been able to score some action with a little extra cash.

10-06-03, 23:56
amjeck,>Could I have any success without speaking Japanese?the answer to this is yes. you will most likely need the bare language essentials to open up the conversation, but I have known guys who have no japanese skills and have done very well.one point about the business cards (an obvious one but just in case) do not hand out your current work business cards, or meishi with your home address, etc. you can purchase a new set of business cards with say your name, general work title, and your cell (2nd cell phone if you are really slick). you wouldn't want some type of problem to occur and start calling your office would you? enough said. prices should run between 2500 - 5000 JPY per 200 cards (100 -200 cards should be enough until you get rid of your strike out fear).nampa is a little like the matrix, to coin lawrence fishburn, it is anywhere and everywhere, it is all around you. all i can do is show you the door you have to walk through. each person has their own style, mine is more on the aggressive side which when I see someone I want to talk to, i just go up and talk to them no matter what they are doing. could be at a bank, could be at an am/pm, could even be when they are sleeping on the train.some guy on this forum wrote several steps on his style, one good point that he mentioned and that all nampa guys use is humor. this does not mean you have to pull out the local humor (bokke & tsukkomi), but something witty and charming will do....after all when have you ever known a japanese dude become witty and charming? this is your edge. no offense to any japanese nationals of course ;)i think your kill ratio will be pretty high once you start out, and then you will hone your skills at the same time narrow down your selection targets thus making this a true hunter/huntee game scoping out new places for challenges and rewards. as for me, I am going to plunge into the area of even more deai sites, will keep all informed of my efforts. btw deai sites are preferred in this case because i can purge different age classes and social rankings while kicking back and surfing the net.good luck.ps. if sailing is still reading this forum, sorry for not grabbing your call this weekend, came back from singapore and was dead tired. what was up?

10-06-03, 23:59
nikkei,talk to the member named sailing. he will either take you or tell you how to do the Korean delivery thing near Ueno.i don't have his email address on me right now, but you can write to me and I will forward this info to him - new_00145@yahoo.com

10-07-03, 05:06
Hi,I have been monitoring the reports and would like to let Nikkei know that though it is great to be able to speak Korean, it would not be a good idea to call the delivery places in Korean. The girls get reallly very paranoid about having to service a Korean, they fear getting busted by someone who knows them?@their family back home. When I told them I was bringing a Korean to their place they wanted to know where the guy was from and relaxed once I told them that the gentleman in question was an American of Korean ancestry. If you are able to get in touch with the women at the Korean delivery keep in mind that they are paranoid and let them know at the outset that you are not native Korean but a "civilized" Korean speaking foreigner. Would help to let them know you are of Asian ancestry as they have this notion that all non asian guys are hung like a horse and will rip their delicate parts apart.Have fun.

10-07-03, 11:23
To all,Any specific recommendations on where to go to find some good Koreans? I've been rubbed raw a few times by the Chinese (pun intended) and don't want to mess with that stuff again. Japanese joints always give me the "x" with their hands and tell me to find another place. I'm sure most of you know what I mean.Sailing,So how fluent does one have to be to get into the DC scene in Uguisudani? It's been mentioned that they charge extra for being a foreigner right? Also, any recommendations on a particular one?

10-08-03, 12:06
Guys - out of curiosity I checked out ublove.com ... it looks like a goldmine! Most of the pics look like they were taken with cell phones - so it looks legit. Lots of 20 something J. girls looking for casual or meaningful relationships. Looks like you have to become a preferrer member to contact the girls, but it seems worth it. Many girls had logged on today. Here is what one girl wrote in her profile "Nice to meet you. I am a woman who lives in Japan. I started the study of English for the reasons which were recently. It will dream in the future it is possible to do of the mixed-race marriage. The person who gives it for the first time is looking for from the exchange of e-mail. Sincerity in humour, and stout man." and she is a 27 year old cutie! I somehow think it wouldn't be too hard to get her to do lots of naughty stuff! :-)Go Red Sox!!

10-10-03, 09:06
Does anyone can explain us how to go to Madonna Meguro ?I could not find any map on their website...Are the pictures real ?

10-10-03, 13:21
Nikkei, Drop me a line and we can talk about what is available.sailing4123@yahoo.com

Member #1276
10-11-03, 15:23
Rene 02:Yes, the photos on Madonna Megura are real. Here is how you get there. Go to JR Meguro Station and exit the main exit (Hilltop Garden). Out of the wicket turn right and go out the East side of the station. Out of the station turn right and walk south. At the corner there will be a police box to your right. Cross the street going straight. Once you have crossed the street, turn left. After about 20 meters, you will see the Madonna sign. It is always out there.Madonna is on the 8th floor of the building with the clothing store -- the one where you walk down the stairs from the street into the store. To catch the elevator, go up the stairs to the left of the clothing store. Once you get to the 8th floor, turn left and go to the door at the end of the hall.You will have to get a members card when you go the first time. I think it costs 1,000 or 2,000 yen. After that, they will have you on file. The place has been there for 23 years and is popular, so I suggest going in the early evening like 6 or 7 when most of the salarymen are just getting started drinking. They close at 12, so if you go at 11 it is packed.Good luck.Paul

10-19-03, 06:14
Saw the East European pimp again but I did not bite. I got a cbj for 3,000 yen from an old dog by the rail tracks near Seibu S. Small road beside the track, very safe places behind the houses. It was a quicky. Sje hj me, got me hard, covered it, put it in her mouth, I came, she cleaned me up, I left. We only spoke 5 or so words. I might fuck her another night o nthe same principle.One of my hooker friends tells me they have a video camera around the hospital and Seibu Shinjuku station and if you go a lot, like I do, they pull you and contact your employer saying you need an Aids etc as etc etc. Apparently the guys doing this are the hospital and other security guards. If true, this would be a risk for gaijin who would have to explain why they are with Japanese/foreign "ladies". There are also good happy hour deals to be had by walking around Kabukicho - nearer the temple, 10 k yen all in for one hour. East European pimps/barkers.

Baka Guy
10-20-03, 03:24
Machida,Have you guys seen the Thai Window Girl thing in Machida. At the Machida JR Station towards Yodobashi Camera. Cross the bridge and to the left are a several dozen apartments with Thai working girls hanging out the windows. Extremely alluring 7-9??s are friendly and say they will do anything. They claim you can get 30 minutes of FS for 10K . Please, do not be fooled. It is a total rip off. Twice I tried and it was the worst experience I??ve ever had. Once the clothes went off, so did their alluring personalities?? no kissing, no BJ, no touching, just straight FS with nothing on the side. The 30 minutes was no more than 5 and the girl would say, ??Hurry up and come?? for the entire duration. She even put me up against an egg timer, ??You have 1 minute to finish and then you are done??.There are Koreans, Chinese, Latino, and even Japanese street walkers that ask for 15K but I??d rather go to a well established place with quality service. I recommend the same for you gents. Bakaguy

10-20-03, 05:36
I saw some recent mentions of Hinomaru in Kabuki-cho, and I thought I would post my experiences from late June 2003. As always, YMMV, but from what I have read, you have a much better chance of better service if you pay the extra 2,000 Yen and pick a girl here. If the house picks for you, the girls gets less money, and is therefore less inspired.-------First time experiences at Hinomaru -- June, 2003.I tried to go to Hinomaru in Kabuki-cho on a Sat. afternoon in June 2003. I found the place OK using the directions found elsewhere on the net. However, when I got there, the door (corrugated metal door) was closed, and there was a paper sign with Japanese writing stuck to the door. I cannot read Japanese, and so I do not know why they were closed at 3 PM. Maybe police troubles again?It is really annoying to walk all the way there and find it closed.I went back over to Hinomaru 2 days later, and this time they were open. Two mama-sans were on the street beckoning me inside. I climbed the long staircase, and was shown the photos of the 4 girls working. This was around 1 pm, and Kaori #23 was working. Kaori was probably the second best looking from the pictures (one other girl might have been slightly better looking), but mama-san said she spoke some little English, and because she had good reviews on the net, I picked her. Paid the 10,000 yen.I was led to a booth, and asked if I wanted beer, whiskey or oolong tea. There were no other customers in the place. Peanuts on the table in the booth. Lots of mirrors on the walls, like a strip club. Soon Kaori appeared. We tried to chat a bit, but then got down to business. She did light French kissing, and then we got undressed. She did some bbbj, and then slipped on a condom, and did some fs without being asked. I wanted to finish with bbbj, and so eventually we switched back, and she gave me a nice bbbj cim. Overall about 30 minutes. I left happy.A good deal in any country.Kaori told me that the busy time at Hinomaru is 5:00 AM to 8:00 AM when people finish up in the bars and clubs around Kabuki-cho (at least I think this is what she was telling me).Kaori did ask me some questions about where I was from, did I live in Japan, etc., and I am caucasian. So, perhaps she felt safer stretching the rules.I walked by Hino Maru a few days later around 1:30 pm, and it was open. Looked good, and so I decided to grab some lunch and head back. I got back there around 2:30 pm and found it closed. It stayed closed from 2 pm until 5 pm. Seems to close daily from 2 pm til 5 pm (?).I went back at 5 pm, and the doorman welcomed me. There were 4 girls working. I think he was trying to tell me that more would be available at 5:30 pm. I picked #20 Mizuki. She was fairly attractive, early 20's. She spoke almost no English at all, but we got by. She did not offer kissing or fs, but she had a good bbbj technique that served the purpose (bbbjtc cim). I left happy.I seemed to be the first one up there, but when I was leaving there were at least 2 or 3 other guys up there (Japanese men in suits who seemed to be chatting -- can you buy times longer than 30 mintues?).One odd thing: I asked for a beer and got one when they seated me. I had read here that you are not supposed to drink while getting your BJ, but Mizuki seemed to be telling me to drink. I waited until she was finished, and by that time I did not have enough time to finish the beer. They really rush you out of there at 30 minutes.This time they had me exit down the front stairs the way I came in, but the previous time I left via an elevator which opened up behind the Korma Stadium, on the Listo Hotel street.

10-20-03, 05:48
One more report from June 2003. This time at a massage place in Kabuki-cho.I decided to get a massage after I found Hinomaru closed. I was accosted by a street tout near the Korma Theater. I ended up on the 5th Floor of the building on the corner across from the Green Cross pharamacy at the T-intersection at the Koma stadium / Theater. 10,000 Yen basic and 10,000 more for full service.Very cramped little room with a mat on the floor, no chair in the room. Had a quick shower, and then awaited the girl on the thin mattress. The girl was not the same as the one I picked in the polaroids. Also, her technique was terrible, and she would not do BJ or even HJ without a condom. Very disappointing performance on her part, but I managed to finish and get out of there. The mama-san spoke English and gave me the phone number and told me that if I come back alone (no street tout to share the fee), the total price for full service would be 15,000 Yen. Still, I told mama-san how disappointed I was in the service (bait and switch of the girl, and the girl's poor service).I have had one great experience in massage parlors in this vicinity, but several poor experiences like this one. Truly a hit-or-miss experience.

10-21-03, 01:56
Viagrant,Yes, Hinomaru does close in mid-afternoon, I'm not sure of the exact hours. As to your other experience, I got a partial ripoff a couple of years ago similar, but not as bad if you paid the full 20K. Mine was at USA IIRC. They wanted 10,000 for basic, and 13000 for BJ. Paid the 13,000, but the girl would not do the BJ. Finished by hand, then went out of the room. The guy wouldn't do anything but when I went downstairs I saw the girl who had brought me upstairs. I told her (in Japanese) about the situation. She went back upstairs with me, refunded 3,000 to me, and verbally reamed out the girl who wouldnt do the service. She just shrugged her shoulders and walked off down the hall.

10-21-03, 06:35
I have to agree with Viagrant regarding Kabuki-cho and massages. More miss than hit.I find it's usually best to stick with Korean massage joints, stay away from the Chinese (oftern poor service). Ueno, possibly followed by Ikebukuro or Shimbashi, as your best bet.

10-22-03, 06:53
Baka guyToo bad you had a bad time in Machida, Thais there do seem to be the worst girls there but sometimes you find a real gem. Usually it is 10,000 yen for 20 mins, sometimes 30 depending and the girl/business sometimes some girls will come down even to 7000. There are usually lots of mainland Chinese and Thais. Lots of girls claiming to be from Vietnam loas etc...all Thai same for the girls calling to be taiwanese of singaporea n, just chinese I did have once a girl the spoke perfect English and claimed to be Malay-chinese, seemed to be true. There are usually some South American street walkers nearby sometimes they are flexible in their pricing and services tend to be more friendly too, but basically these place is exactly liek the deal in Yokohama just slighty smaller and gets LE attention for time to time but never saw a client get in trouble. The girls are all illegals. If you try this place be quiet and choose well there are some real winners justas as well as the losers just like anywhere else in the world you go.

10-22-03, 09:57
Thought I would give some news:The Yokohama window scene is once again open from 7-10pm. For awhile the cops cracked down and all windows were closed during this time. Also girls change shifts around that time so not all windows will be filled.Also a bit of advice for those who deal with the girls who promise 30 minutes but bait and switch 15 or less once you got your pants off. I now bring in my own digital timer and confirm 30 minutes beforehand and set the clock myself and show the girl as we begin. If she isn't cool with it I know I have a bait and switch liar girl and I leave. I find the Thai girls the coolest and least clock watching while the Chinese are the worst. All they care about is the money. Stay away from Chinese!!And also I went to Madonna in Meguro, during the day. My Japanese is terrible and they refused to service me. Any poor Japanese speakers get service there?

10-23-03, 07:53
Report for Seiko 21. Everything written here, especially the directions, is dead on right.Had #20 Kanna - neck up: fugly. Neck down, great. Took the top down and let me play with her tits while she gave a really pretty good BBBJ.Next up was a Chinese girl, didn't get the number or name, put her hair up and went right to work without introduction. Very cute and good looking, great body. Didn't take the tits out and wasn't really interested in me helping them out, either.One note, I forgot I was going to get escorted out when the business was complete. I stood and sort of head-faked towards the door and the head dude was there to sit me back down until the girl came back to take me out. This is the only time she talked to me and she was quite nice.Overall a satisfied customer but it was almost too weird for words. A BJ parlor right there in downtown!

10-27-03, 02:25
Yup weird at first, but after you become a regular, you can't imagine going back to the US or someplace where you don't have these BJ parlors. If you think that is weird try taking a sex friend or GF to a couples kissaten. Now that is an experience!

Wine Guy 247
10-28-03, 01:29
Yesterday I decided to try the Este up the street from Seiki 21. It is 2 or 3 blocks past, on the right hand side and on the 6th floor. Usually there is a tout outside who speaks English so it is pretty easy to find (others have described it here). I was offered two courses: A is 30 minutes which is 10k and is sex only and C which is 60 minutes, includes some massage time and is 15k. I went for the A course. She takes you to the shower, washes you (she didn't take off her dress though) and back to the room and straight to it. She gives you a tongue bath, back and front, BBBJ, and covered FS. I saw Mimi. She said she was 23, of Taiwanese/Japanese descent, I'd say a 7. Technique was a bit mechanical but wasn't bad (probably also a 7). Good value overall, I will probably try the C course next time.All for now, happy mongering!MJ

10-28-03, 17:30
Hi,Anyone up for some fun this weekend on Saturday? Give me a call guys, you know who you are.

10-29-03, 02:12
Meguro Joe - the question that begs to be asked - no B course? 7 is pretty good, how would you rate the girls at Seiki 21?

Wine Guy 247
10-29-03, 05:39
Fishmonger,There was a B course but she didn't explain what it was and I didn't ask.I've only been to Seiki 21 two or three times so I may not be the best judge. I would guess the girl I saw is probably better looking than 3/4 (maybe more) of those at Seiki. I was pleasantly surprised.MJ

10-30-03, 15:53
Skinless-Where is this place you got the cbj in the behind the houses? Where did you see her?

11-01-03, 17:45
Guys,I'm a regular reader but occasional poster. However, I just had an amazing experience in Tokyo and have to pass it on.I was wondering around the far end of Shinjuki late last Tuesday afternoon. I wasn't there for sex as it was too early but a lady walked up to me and offered 2hrs 2 pops for Y15000. She was about 40 and decent looking so I thought what the hell, OK.We went to a local love hotel and I paid Y3900. I thought it was a bit strange because she didn't know the place or routine. Any way we went to the room, had a good shower, hot tub, massage and great full sex.This took about an hour, after this we lounged around and had a drink. Then after a rest she started on me again but this time it was clear she wanted me to make love to her. So I did, I did the romantic lovemaking thing and she was really into it. Then I started on her G-spot and she exploded, I don't think anyone had ever touched her there before.So after two hours of great lovemaking we headed out. This again was really strange because so far she hadn't asked for the money and I had to remind her. Outside the hotel she grabbed hold of me and started walking back to the train station with me.I don't speak much Japanese and she spoke little english so I was having a hard time understanding what was going on. Anyway when we got to the station she didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave so I asked her to go for dinner.Over dinner we realized we could both speak some Chinese and so we started to communicate. Although, if any Chinese had overheard us they would have thought we were speaking some other wierd language.It turns out that she is single and wants sex about once a month and so goes to an area like Shinjuku and picks someone up. Usually Japanese. Does it once and goes home. Great deal when you can get it. The story doesn't end hear though. After the meal she asked me if I want to spend the night in a hotel. I agreed and we went on to another hotel for a full nights stay where we did it again and once more in the morning.Before leaving she made sure I had her number to call her next time I return to Tokyo, which cannot be too soon for me.

Crazy Jim Wood
11-02-03, 10:57
Yokosuka Massage Scene:There are at least 3 Korean Massage Parlors (KMP) within a 5 minute walk of the Keikyu Yokosuka Chuo Station.There is a new place, Orange, which I have not been to. There is also Ruby and the third place, which I cannot remember the name. Well, the names don?t really matter, do they? These places often change management?Ruby girls give assisted shower then a decent massage. For the B and C (16,000 yen) courses after massage the girl will strip, give CBJ and then rub your dick all over her body, remove the rubber and ride you while giving a simulated vaginal release with her hand, etc. The A course (10,000 yen) gets you only CBJ and straight HJ without all the antics.Girls are pleasant and professional. They get upset if you?re in a hurry and don?t want to go through the full program, and if they aren?t busy or depending on the girl you can get more service for the A course (topless seems to depend on the girl).The other place is similar to Ruby, except no assisted shower. Had to stop going because one of the girls (the best looking one, very affectionate) seemed to get possessive, always insisted on serving me, put me in the front of the line, went out for drives and dinner, etc., but dating was pretty much impossible due to her schedule and she started to get jealous and rough if I showed up suddenly after a period of absence which just wasn?t what I was looking for.But, I recommend both for you.Getting to the Yoksuka KMPs:From Tokyo area go to Shinagawa and take the Keikyu line to Yokosuka Chuo (it is the stop after Shioiri). It will take about 45 minutes.From Yokohama Station take the Keikyu line to Yokosuka Chuo (it is the stop after Shioiri). It will take about 30 minutes.At the station take a left down the main street. Don?t go right unless you are interested in Chinese Massage Parlors (CMP). CMPs have several decent young Chinese exchange students who will accost you in the street and drag you back to the den, where they will engage you in lame massage and banter until your time is up. These girls provide no service because they are legal residents and don?t want to get in trouble with the law. There is usually one illegal who will provide HJ but be sure to be up front about what you want and know that it won?t be the girl you saw in the street. If you play your cards right it will be cheap (as low as 5000 yen) but quick and no amenities (shower, etc.).Well, on to the KMPs? after you take a left out the station you will soon come to the entrance to a shopping arcade. Go through the arcade and take a left on the first street after it. There is a small pedestrian alley right after it but go on to the first real street and take a left. Go down the street and Orange will be on the left (sign hanging over street) and Ruby on the right (2nd floor, lit sign on street). To get to the third place, don?t take the first left after the arcade but take the third left. You will see the KMP with lit sign on the right of the street, across the street from a hip hop clothes store and next to a bar. It is on the 2nd floor (there?s a video place on the third floor).Avoid Friday nights?lots of sailors from the Yokosuka Navy Base. By Saturday their money is all gone, though.Happy hunting,Jimbo

Fatty Joe
11-03-03, 09:12
Max220,Can I have that women's phone number?ThanksEDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions for capitalization and punctuation. To avoid future delays, please refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no caps or punctuation. Thanks!

11-03-03, 10:17
John Skinless Community Alert: I got the cbj on the lane beside the Sobu track. Cross from Kabukicho (Seibu Shinjuku), head towards Okubo: the lane the older hookers are on: thereare plenty like that around. Make sure the woman is safe as there is no escape. You climb over a small fence and walk around the back (200% privacy, not like some other places I got blown around there). Skinless has to tell all of you to take care for the following reasons:1. Cops all over the place and women are jumpy (they are cracking down on illegal Asians, males too - as part of the Mayor's fucked up agenda). However, I did see A, the Thai hoker I fucked twice for 5,000 yen.2. I fucked a Korean beauty Friday night but she short changed me and then thrashed the room, throwing things at mirrors. Skinless beat a retreat. He meant to steal her shoes and dump them but decided against it on security grounds. This 3,000 yen hotel was Skinless' favorite: beside the park on the Shin Okubo side. Lisa as the ***** calls herself, can be found with her bicycle on the walkway beside the park after dark. I think she has a young pimp and I also think she tried to dip me when I showered (so I took my pants into the shower). I only played with her like the lovey toy she is. But she is fucking dangerous. I was within an ace of kicking the shit out of her. And imagine what that might have led to. Older ladies are better: less shit.3. I stopped in on Metropolitan in Ikubukero Sunday. Emi, the little dwarf I fucked, was working there, skanky pimp in tow. Lots of schoolgirls with old pimps and young bfs, Indians and Japanese hanging around. Too open for me.4. I fucked Keiko in Shinjuku today (the one with no tits). She told me the cops are doing stings and arresting for soliciting. No confirmation on that but there have not been many women out recently and that is why Skinless got stuck with the mad Korean.

11-03-03, 13:12
Max220,Good report. As I will be in Tokyo in 2 weeks. I would not mind meeting your friend. Could you give me her number? Please contact me via a private message using the WSG Forum's Private Message service.

11-03-03, 23:17
Enjoyed reading your story Maxx. Reminds me of a similar experiance. I have been in Tokyo for a few days now and will be here for about a week.Please contact me via a private message using the WSG Forum's Private Message service and I will trade you a contact for next time.For those into the Nampa scene there is a place in the New Roppongi Hills complex that I stumbled into the other night while wandering around that is just full of J women looking. Called Heartland (www.heartland.jp) Well worth a try if you are into that. I plan to hit it again.While I was there I engaged in a conversation with a young lady who was a 10+ drop dead georgous thing in transparent white pants with a glimpse of a thong. I thought she was asian but turns out Brazilian and speaks no Japanese. Been here one month. Well turns out that she is a hostess at a club called Tantra Show club. She was there with her sister who is an OL in Tokyo. She gave me a few passes to the place but I am wondering if any of you guys have had any experiance in that club good or bad?En

Asian Travels
11-04-03, 02:51
Skinless: Are you a native English speaker? The reason I ask is that while I enjoy your posts and the information you provide, your style to writing is a bit uncommon. Sometime you use the first person (I), and other times the third person (Skinless). I would suggest that you stick with either one or the other-it will improve your writing and make it easier for us to follow what you are saying in your posts.Please don't take this the wrong way-I just want to help keep the WSG posts up to the English standard that Jackson appreciates.

11-04-03, 12:13
Endowed;Roppongi Hills is a cool place to visit. Great food, great bars, and the Movie Theatre actually runs till about 5:00am for all of the Roppongi Zombies! Where's the Tantra Club at? Roppongi? Sounds familiar. So many bars in Tokyo, though, hard to remember any of them. Location on that Tantra club would be appreciated. Sounds interesting.AT2

11-04-03, 12:36
Crazy Jim;Great info on Yokosuka .. wish I had it a week ago. Just got back. Did not know about that place. Sounds great. I guess I need to book a trip soon!AT2

11-04-03, 16:02
Asian TravelerThe Tantra is in Roppongi I don't think the address will help you but there is a website on the card www.tantra-mensclub.comI have not checked out the website. I have the feeling if I go in there I will just spend alot of money but this girl was one of those one's where when she looks at you you almost feel like you could lift off the ground and float over to her.I have had to go out of the area to Yokohama for a few days so it will have to wait until this weekend. I will post my experiance if I get over there.En

Crazy Jim Wood
11-04-03, 23:30
Asian Traveller,Glad to be of service.There was a BJ bar that I forgot to mention in Yokosuka but looks like it closed. Hopefully temporary. Perhaps it will be open when you get back to Yokosuka. Nothing super and it did require minimal Japanese but it was worth it (8,000) because she spit it out in the beer glass just like in American Pie. And it was right by a good curry restaurant. I wonder if she could tell?Stay safe,Crazy J

11-05-03, 02:26
Endowed;Thanks for the info. I checked out the website. I think I know where it is, but the map is not specific enough to be sure. In any case should be easy to find, since it's only 3 blocks from Roppongi Crossing, from Almond. Straight down Roppongi Dori. Check out the website. It's great. Complete with pics of the dancers .. wow! Model level quality! I know that the flyers in Shinjuku are usually deceptive .. pics of girls not even working in the bars. The websites I have seen from the clubs and escort services, however, have been pretty accurate. It looks like it's worth a look. Looks like the club is on the basement level 2. I hope this helps, although I think you already figured it out by now. Rates .. about $50 US per hour for Happy Hour and $65 per hour thereafter. Be sure to check if they tack on the typical tax of 50% .. yes that's 50% of the bill. Many Roppongi hostess bars/clubs do. Have fun!AT2

11-05-03, 11:23
AT,Thanks for the tips.I just read my card the girl handed me and it is good for the happy hour rate at any time of the day. Also checked out the website. 3 of the girls on there were at the Heartland bar I mentioned earlier. The one I talked to is the 2nd one displayed on website animation. I guess I made money that night because I got to talk to her for free!Does anyone have any leads on some Kobe action, that is where I am headed next ?

11-06-03, 05:58
Endowed:Kobe is filled with dozens of places just across the street (north) of Hankyu Sannomiya station. Many places will say "no", but if you speak Japanese, dress nice and are persistant, you will succeed.Let us know how it goes and who let's you in etc...

11-06-03, 06:19
Hi Guys,New come here.I had been to Tantra Club (show dance) once and had a goo time. Yes, all the girls are very beautiful, there are also Japanese there. The guy who introduce me the club was French so I could get a bargain to get in. I paid 3,000 yens for 3 hours. Two free drinks, one for me and one for the girl. I ask for a JG, she is named Janis. Not a super face but a real great body. She just amazed me as a dancer.We then met a many times after (beside the work) and went to the hotel for an AMAZING time!I don't know if all of them will do it, Janis was looking for a BF and I have been the lucky one. Unfortunately I had to move to another city last week, so no more Janis in my bed.If you have few Kyens to spend, just give it a try.Happy hunting

11-06-03, 10:49
Thanks LionI have walked around that area. I can dress nice but I don't speak Japanese and that is the problem. One time I was with some Japanese guys and they tried to get me in a few pink salons but did not have any luck so they stuck me in a cab and I had a rearview mirror look at them entering. En

Woody For Asians
11-06-03, 11:26
Crazy Jim Wood,Where was the BJ bar? Any other venues in Yokosuka?

Lubricate It
11-08-03, 09:52
Today tried the Este up from Century 21 in Shibuya (see Meguro Joe's report 10/27). Excellent value and service. Chinese Mamasan welcomes me, offers a choice of Chinese girls from a catalog for Y10 k for 30 min. After choosing she goes in to see the girl and explain what needs to be done. Ai is a sweet young thing from Shanghai, and tried her best at what evidently is not standard fare for all her customers. First a shower, then lights dimmed, clothes off, lengthy tongue service over body, covered BJ. FS entry needed to be done very gingerly and she asked me to withdraw and try again. But then she relaxed and penetration was good. After she did a nude massage to fill out the 30 mins, followed by a shower. No rush at all, she was trying her best throughout. As she would have cleared less than 5K from the transaction after VAT, I tipped her 1K. Only downsides were that she didn't like me touching her (and asked me to stop), and the rat scurrying around the premises. But overall very worthwhile.

Woody For Asians
11-08-03, 17:42
this was my first visit to hinomaru in shinjuku. it was easy to find with the directions previously posted. there was a tout at the entrance watching for gaijin customers, so it would have been difficult to miss. the manager spoke good english. on a saturday night at 9:15 i was their only customer. there were only six ladies available and i chose sayuri, listed as number 1 in the the displayed photos. i paid a total of 12,000 yen for 40 minutes. they also accept credit cards but there is a 10% surcharge. hinomaru is pretty nice, as pink salons go. very spacious with large, comfortable booths. there are at least two dozen booths in four rows. sayuri was a real treat, with a pretty face, cute body, and a perky personality. she was raised in yokohama and we chatted about that a few minutes. then she peeled off her clothes, asked me to remove my trousers, and got right to work. nice technique with mouth and hands. i like a no-hands blow job, but there was no way this dimutive lady was going to deep throat me and i've grown to accept that in japan. she kept remarking about my size. i told her that where i'm from i'm a little smaller than average :-). she encouraged touching while she worked. i held out for about 15 minutes, during which sayuri didn't miss a stroke. i rewarded her efforts with a large load and after a few seconds she had to jump for the handy wipes. she dribbled a little but cleaned it up like a pro. a little snuggling and then we exchanged name cards. she made a nice display of surprise when i gave her my card. then she walked me down the stairs, almost to the street, and asked me to return. i saw some other photos of attractive ladies who weren't working this evening, so there are more wares to be sampled at hinomaru. sayuri is definitely worth a repeat. she works every evening except sunday. photo attached.

11-09-03, 06:11
Lubricate it - how would you rate the girl on a scale of one to ten? Was she slender? Sounds like I might have to check it out. p.s. you didn't really see a rat did you?

Lubricate It
11-09-03, 06:44
FishmongerShe was slender, very young and innocent. Breasts soft but good shape, large nipple area. Nicely rounded bottom. A 7 or 8. The rat was in the room when we came back from the shower and ran out when we arrived. This is on the 6th floor!

11-09-03, 08:58
Hello Happys - PSA time ---1) As Skinless so aptly noted the LE is sweeping Okubo (and other areas) I saw them this morning in packs of 3's ranging far and wide. This won't really affect any gaijiin mongers, but will definitely cut down on the SG population - the primary targets are of course, foreign ladies 'working'. As it makes the gov't feel-goods happy when they can prove to 'honest' Japanese citizens that they are kicking the 'trash' out of their country.2) I'm happy to see fellow mongers honing in my fav 'esute' in Shibuya! Keep it safe and fun and please don't tip! You are in Japan now - tipping isn't required. The girls rotate there every 2 weeks or so - YMMV. There are many such places around town - my advise - avoid the ones around Kabukicho or Ikebukuro proper 'cause your more than likely to get shorted. Gotanda is cool and if you practice your Japanese - please check out the Madonna in Yoyogi --- especially Sumiere <sp> She's a super hottie from another fav image club in Shibuya.3) Big Red (HinoMaru) seems to be slacking in the FS dept. But not much else - depending on your choice (or what's chosen for you) expect a nice, leisurely BJ, DATY or more... It REALLY helps to speak just a few words Japanese - like:a) Ohayou Gozaimasu! (Good morning!) Because if you visit there after noon - you aren't gonna get the best treatment.b) Anata wa kirie desu! (You are pretty!)c) Ie desu (I like it) pronounced 'eee' -- and you can make it a question by just saying 'eee' des-ka? This is really important, ok? Before you touch or do anything with the girl its just basically polite to ask if it's 'good'. It will definitely improve your mileage.d) Arigatou Gozaimasu (Thank you very much!) Yes - in Japan we even thank politely our sex workers!4) I had dinner with a yummy biz-exec in her late 30's, courtesy of Metropolis (god I love that mag!) And she even mentioned how many Japanese OL are 'hungry' for foreign guys - especially on thursday nites - they even have special games to play about how many guys they can 'catch'. Imagine that! Best hunting places? Ebisu, Fujimama`s (Omotesando), Heartland (Roppongi Hills), Motown. It's amazing - the most plain and demure Japanese woman in her late 30's is going to transform into a sex-hungry unleashed tiger in the love hotel -- but you gotta request it. Politely, confidently. They will please you, fuck you, amaze you, then you'll prolly never find them again! Where did they go? It's a mystery - maybe only John Skinless can unravel. ANother hotspot --- Jiyogaokoya <sp>, there's a couple Irish pubs that I've never gone home alone from.And yes -- there are many rats in Shibuya, some the size of large cats - it's a problem noted by the local government and they are working on it. When the weather gets cooler they unfortunately move indoors - ugh!Also - please check out PURE on the same street as the esute. It's an 'all you can drink' hip hop club every fri/sat. For a mere 2500y or so you drink, play pool and dance. Around 12.30am it becomes a hotspot for 'last train leaving' and hanging - so I suggest going there about then. Packed with dozens of drunk, t-backed, hip hopping, freaking j-girls looking for badness.

11-09-03, 15:25
I will be in Tokyo Nov 16th through 19th. Would like to hookup with fellow hobbyists and explore Roppongi or other places.ThanksPlease contact me via a private message using the WSG Forum's Private Message service.

11-10-03, 00:20
Soujourn;Great info. Just a couple of questions ...Where exactly in Ebisu is the hot spot? Always saw that as just the connecting point to Roppongi. Does not look like Ebisu had much to offer. Where is Jiyogaokoya? Is that the name of the town or the place?About Pure .. big place? On street level or upper level? So I know where to look.Thanks!AT2

11-10-03, 00:58
Hello! Fill in Info --1) Ebisu - head to the Hibiya subway exit. At the base of the escalators first thing you will notice is like 15 -50 beautiful OL just waiting for a 'date'. They prolly are since the Ebisu Garden Place is home to Chanel among other companies. Anyways cross the street towards the KFC. There are many small jazz cafe, bars, hip restaraunts, etc. The 2 larger places to play are What the Dickens pub and MILK. Thurs/Fri nights are best, but Sat is ok too! There's also a Naitai main office there, hehe. Naitai is the 'official' mongering mag for men - it's all Japanese, but a fun <read> in any case!And , you can always ask some Japanese guy hhanging there if he can give a fellow monger a tour.2) Jiyogouka - it's a 15min train ride from Shibuya on the Inokashira line (2F Mark building across from the main station) Try this pub first -- O' Carolans http://club.nokia.co.jp/tokyoq/reviews/archive/club/ocarolans.html3) Club Pure - http://www.clubpure.com/shibuya.html Map is on this page. You can also use this for the map to the chinese esute - its just a few buildings up the street on the right. You can't miss it cause the touts will be grabbing you. GasPanic Shibuya is close by, too -- also the HUB is a good nampa place. But PURE is the best bet these days - at least on a Fri/Sat.

Woody For Asians
11-10-03, 10:41
AsiaTraveler2, I think Soujourn means Jiyugaoka ("Freedom Hill" in Japanese). It's about 12 minutes west of Shibuya on the Toyoko or Oimachi lines. Fshmonger,The rats in Shibuya are one of its charms :-).Crazy J, Be nice and share. Where's that BJ bar in Yokosuka?

11-10-03, 20:44
Soujourn;Thanks for the fill ins. I heard about Milk, but always thought it was in Shibuya not Ebisu. Could never find it. Now I know why! lol! I know the area around Ebisu station very well .. I had no idea there was so much action in that small little spot. Thanks again!AT2

11-11-03, 02:03
Woody4asians is correct about Jiyugaoka: either Toyoko or Oimachi lines of Tokyu railway.

Captain Pi
11-11-03, 07:15
First off, I just wanted to say thanks for Member #1276 and Sailing for their help and advice when I was in Japan last week.I did end up having FS w/a Chinese girl at a place Sailing took me to in Ikebukuro near my hotel and also got FS at a soapland in Yoshiwara. The party w/the Chinese girl wasn't bad and she was pretty cute, maybe a 7 or so. The soap experience was quite nice, although the girl was maybe only a 6.5 in looks, the service was quite good. I'm not sure the name of the place, as the taxi driver took me there and asked me about me "soap?" and "ladies?" after I mentioned my destination, to which I replied yes. He kept mentioning "New York". I do have a slip of paper he handed me w/a map on the back, but the whole thing is in Japanese.Too bad I got a little sick on my trip and couldn't party more.Dumb question: I was wandering Roppongi and near the bars, I saw quite a few Japanese women usually in twos or threes in long coats and VERY high heels. They'd be on the sidewalk usually at corners and sometimes in the middle. Were they SW or something else? I didn't talk to them as I don't know Japanese.

11-11-03, 16:38
Hey, board! Long time since I posted. New job and the duties that go with it have taken priority over mongering, but now that's under control, time to get back into the swing of things.About a year ago, I had a wild experience with a woman in her late-40s in Ikebukuro. Started talking to her and thought I was going to a hotel, but we went to the handicapped restroom at Metropolitan Plaza and did the deed there. The story is in the archives.RIP-OFF ALERT (and DUH)! Roppingi, late-August. Got screwed over for Y20,000 big time. Should be a no-brainer for anyone here more than six weeks, but I was suffering from a major stupid attack. You know those Chinese chicks who ask if you want a massage? They tout Y3,000 for a 30-min session.I went dumb and started talking to a girl named "Kaze" (Wind). She got me to fork out Y3,000 for the 30-min, then another 3,000 at the door. DUMB! Then, I was REALLY stupid and paid another Y14,000 for "special service". Any of you out there know that this is horses**t, but, like I said, I was having a stupid attack, and went for it. After about 10 minutes of a semi-decent, innocent rubdown, "Kaze" put a warm cloth across my face, disappeared, and another girl came in to do a handjob. The problem is, the other girl didn't know the difference between a handjob and a session of "kill the penis." I guess she thought my dick was a member of Al-Qaida or something because she went after it with a harsh vengence usually reserved for beating confessions out of suspected criminals. NOT an erotic experience, but a penis torsion test. After a while, I had to stand up for my pal who was wilting under this brutal interrogation and I told girl #2 that her technique sucked and I was outta there. Of course, I'll never see my 20,000 again, and I spent the next two days kicking myself in the ass for being so dumb as to spend that. I've been in Japan a long time, folks. I'm not a newbie here and how I made such an elementary mistake is beyond me. But, as they say, even monkeys fall from trees. It has been said here many, many times, but I will say it again: STAY AWAY FROM CHINESE IN JAPAN! Jack yourself off; you and your dick (not to mention your wallet) will thank you!Now then, Soujourn. Where in Omotesando is Fujimama's? I have heard of the place but have never found it.I'm thinking about sliding into the nampa thing if the getting is as good as has been posted. Any tips on nampa, too? There's been a lot that's been posted, but breaking the ice is the hardest part. I'm a little rusty on the hustling scene.Happy mongering!

11-12-03, 04:37
Hi Gentlemen,Shazam, no post for a long time but this one worths it! Sorry but really funny.For those who can speak Japanese (average may be enough), here are two places that would accept you. - G-style is the best I think, more choices of girls for gaijin, and possible FS sometimes (usually, with girls that have never experienced gaijin size c...k).The building is quite hard to find, it is after the Bank (don't remember which one), and the entrance has been rehabilitated. Located on the 3 rd floor, a door with lots of stikers on it (you can some music sometimes). (map on the website)Girls are quite good looking, some of them, really good looking.I always got BBBJ there, and twice FS.http://www.g-style.us/Another one is Woman (Image club: http://www.woman2002.jp/).It is located in a big building (see the map on the site), and you need a code to enter (which is the room number: 1008 I think. If I am wrong, I will correct it soon!)Really great looking girls, but most of them won't service gaijin, but some will. I took Ayano And Tsubasa, really good BBBJ technique but FS is definitely forbidden there. A bit more pricy than G-style but still a good place. Both are Japanese places, good service and no rat! ;PCould somebody give me some advices for Nampa at Ebisu and so on? I can speak fluent Japanese, but don't know what to say to make her spend the night with me. When you are in your late 20s', good-looking, it shouldn't be a problem, but I look so serious that they might think I am not a player ;PIf somebody wants to join me for Nampa this week, welcome!I have a friend (who works in a Fuzoku) who is looking for an English teacher (a cheap one). I guess you can be paid with an amazing BBBJ. I give her number if thanks to you I can strike at Nampa.Happy huntingPlease contact me via a private message using the WSG Forum's Private Message service.

11-12-03, 08:55
I went to a soapland in Shinjuku by the name of Kadoebi (http://www.kadoebi.co.jp/f/info/shinkado.html). Kadoebi is a huge franchise with "shops" in most of the major areas throughout Japan. Anyway, it was 27k for FS and everything else you get at a typical soap (70 minute course). I had a go with Shinobu who was overall pretty good. She had a decent little body and her face was above average. However, she probably was a little too short for me (152cm) as I'm over 180cm. Although I'm Japanese, I asked about service for foreigners and found out that asian foreigners are charged an extra 8-10k for the exact same service. White/Black foreigners are weeded out more depending on language ability, appearance and the desires of the girls working. Even though soaps are a little pricey, I do recommend it at least once for everyone. It definitely is an experience to behold.

11-12-03, 10:39
I heard a story from a female Japanese who went to a Chinese massage parlor in Ginza. Her credit card was somehow copied then used for transactions around Tokyo. The credit card company said there have been a lot of such cases recently. The massage parlor has closed down in the last few weeks. I guess those Chinese massage girls will be sucking a few cocks in Shinjuku now their 'legit' business has closed.Just be careful of Chinese places - I don't trust them unless they have been given a recommendation on this board!

Crazy Jim Wood
11-12-03, 12:14
(relatively) close to narita airport nippori massage parlor ?paradise?keisei liner is one of two express trains connecting tokyo and narita international airport (the other is the narita express). keisei liner stops in nippori and ueno station.nippori station is about 1 hour trip from narita airport by keisei liner and costs about 2000 yen (20$) one way. conceivably you could make it to nippori from narita, get a massage, and be back within 3 hours. depending on service, you could be as little as 12,000 yen poorer after this experience.or, this might be your first or last stop on a longer trip to japan.?paradise? is a 2 minute walk from nippori station (when you exit the station, go down the stairs to the square. take a right at the bottom of the stairs, walk past a pachinko parlor and walk past the foot bridge on your right. stay straight past one alleyway on the left and take the next left. it is like the second building on the right. you should see an english sign that says ?paradise-2nd floor.?korean staff spoke limited japanese, no english, but appeared happy to work with foreigners to overcome language barrier.i was offered massage with release for 8000 yen, topless/bottomless 2,000 yen extra.after settling on 10,000 i was given assisted shower by the very young (but legal), bashful, playful attendant. apparently she comes from cheju-do and had never given a massage before. after a friendly if not all together expert massage, she took off her clothes and offered interfemoral frottage (sumata) for another 3,000 yen. i decided to go with the original plan to which she readily acquiesced. she got on the table buck naked and rubbed her breasts all over me then lay down next to me and gave a nice, soft finish with appropriate moaning.very nice girl, bashful but playful, much younger than the usual.there were 4 other girls. can?t beat the price, location and girl?s youthful exuberance was refreshing.there were at least 2 other massage establisments in the area, but one (akasuri-massage on 6th floor of building across the square from the station) did not accept foreigners and one in another back alley nearby looked therapeutic (didn't go in either).jimbo

11-12-03, 15:24
Captain Pi, the ladies you saw in Roppongi are not SW, but bar hostesses. They prance around and try to get guys to come into the clubs. It is not uncommon to get a guy to spend upwards to US$500+ in one of those places. Japanese language fluency is a must, except in extremely rare circumstances. If you have the time and money, be my guest. I'll be content with my little Y20,000 mistake described in my previous post.

11-12-03, 16:29
Guys,I will be staying at the beginning of December a week at the Makuhari Exhibition Center, does anyone have information of any street action or other places near by where I could find some action.Thanks

11-13-03, 02:00
Captain Pi;Those girls were definitely hostesses, although there are a few "massage girls" in the area as well. The difference is the massage girls are usually alone, and will quickly make eye contact and say massage? The girls in 2's and 3's are hostesses, trying to get you into their clubs. They are generally dressed better and will invite you into their hostess club. Figure on $150-$250 for 1-2 hours. The charge is $45 to get in for 50 minutes to an hour, but lady drinks and food is extra. They charge an additional $45 per 1/2 hour additional and a 30-50% tax on the end total. That's the big kicker. Some of them can be fun though. There's a few Phillipine and Thai Clubs, where the girls do speak english. You might want to try it the next time.AT2

11-13-03, 06:54
Just a warning for those of you headed over to Hinomaru:A number of the girls have recently come down with oral gonorrhea infections. A few friends to whom I've recommended the joint have been making trips to the doctor thereafter.According to a few recent articles in the Japanese press, gonorrhea and chlamydia are making a comeback in a big way in Tokyo and Osaka right now, and are being passed around the pink salons and soaplands like wildfire.The streetwalkers, on the other hand, have a much lower oral infection rate apparently - most likely because they tend to spend less time on BJ action and more time with FS.Strong recommendation that, no matter how good that BBBJ is, to bag your boy.

Crazy Jim Wood
11-13-03, 09:16
Woody 4 Asians,The BJ bar is gone--it is boarded up and has a "for rent" sign up.Sorry!

11-13-03, 11:34
just a quick report about some fun that i had in uguisudani. i got hooked up with a korean lady with sailing's help. he helped me secure a hotel and a good looker too. it was a little pricey (25,000 for two shots plus hotel fee), but it was some good fs without any worries of people peeping over a couch. a quick question about nishi kawaguchi. i know it's in saitama prefecture and not really tokyo, but anyone head out there before? any suggestions on places open to gaijin? anyone know about this place specifically? www.kame-man.com if you enter the website and look under "play info" there are instructions in english. does that mean they are foreigner friendly? any help will be appreciated.

11-13-03, 11:55
Fredo wasn't kidding about the quality of the girls at "woman" in Shibuya, here are some images I lifted from the website. Looks like a trip to Shibuya is in order for me this weekend :-)

11-13-03, 11:56
another ...

11-13-03, 11:56
and one more

Needle Dick
11-14-03, 05:24
like most posting here, i?d like some help/guidance.i?m currently in tokyo on business and like everyone looking to have a little fun. i?m in akasaka, which is walking distance from roppongi, i strolled around there last night. way too many hustlers on the prowl, i just knew my wallet would be raped if i took advise from any of them. tons of smokin? babes out, unbelievable.rather than massage parlors etc, i?d really like to find an ol to hook up with. no i don?t speak any japanese, i know this doesn?t make life any easier. anyone have any ideas or could off me a some guidance, either via the message board or in person. i?ll be here until the 24th.thanks fellow mongers.

11-14-03, 14:44
Tonight John Skinless visited Aki and Nana in their tiny Okubo apartment (so no hotel charge). Nana's bf lives there too - his clothes were over JS. As Aki went out to get condoms, JS got a great rim, bbbj, FS from Aki, Chinese, young and pretty by my standards. Then she fucked off with the $$ (about 15,000 yen) and Aki came back and gave me a BBBJ and CIM which she did not like. Nana hit the pachinko and Aki ironed her panties and went out looking for someone else to fuck. She looks like a junkie but no track marks. Both spent a long time in the john before doing John. I felt it was a bit like bait and switch. Good value but I wanted better.Community alert: a big police raid down by the railway tracks between Seibu and Okubo - just where JS wanted to get a fuck up an alley for 4,000 yen. JS doubled back and a cop was taking about 20 people (locals) on a slow walkabout, looking for I don't know what. The place is dangerous now (LE) but lots of cheap bargains if but most likely a clean up of hookers and ahem Johns. if I go again with Aki and friends, I will look for more perversions. Nana gives a great rim and is sexy. Business is very slow I think with the LE presence. Some thoughts for the wise.

11-14-03, 22:19
Needle Dick;Please read the last 25 or so posts. There was a bunch of stuff regarding Nampa .. picking up woman, in Tokyo. Roppongi Hills is one of the places. Too much to repost, so I suggest you read the most recent 3-5 pages from this board. Lots of info.AT2

11-15-03, 03:54
Needle I was at Muse last night at it was 2-1 women. Maybe not so good on Saturday.You need to turn on your PM function if you want to get private messages.En

11-15-03, 05:50
Denis, Street action at Makuhari? Ummmm...nope, but there is a Costco close by. I don't know if this is your first time in Tokyo, but Makuhari is like an enclosed city to itself. Ain't nuthin' around. But, that being said, just make the hike to the train station and shunt into Tokyo - about a 20-30 min. ride. That will get you on the Yamanote line and, from there, you can go to just about any of the places the board talks about. If you don't speak Jpns, you may need to go to only places which will take foreigners. Again, the board has a lot of info on that. Good luck.

11-15-03, 07:46
Johnnie Skinless, Could you let usknow how enter in contact with Aki and Nana ? Any need of speaking good Japanese ?Thanks for the help.RegardsWolf

11-15-03, 08:50
Wolf chan: You could try phoning: 090.1103.7598 which should be Aki's number.Aki. John desu. Osube. Anata to Nana. Ima. Obubo eki. This tells her you are John, you want sex. Now. You are at Okubo station. I have this number, which is written in black eyeliner, marked Yuri but I am sure it is Aki. Aki is skinny and skankish. Her friends are hot. 10,000 yen for the pair should do it; they would probably go for less next time. They (?) live about 3 minutes walk from Okubo's main entrance off the lane on the Higashi Nakano side. You be at the entrance to the lane. Make your time in advance if you like. Nobuko is a 40 y old fattie, over dresses, good hooker sense, somewhat asthamtic. Her no is 090.8172.8447. She lives in Nakano so you might have to make a date. Arrange to meet her in fornt of Prince Hotel and go to a love hotel. Just a back up. I might start doing the pachinko palaces; the games arcades are good pick up joints.Nana is the one you (I) want. ki is on something and it is worth paying the $$ just to see this lunatic in action. She sniffed my cock for 10 minutes b4 the bbbj. Then she went to the john for about 10 minutes, emerged and ironed her panties for 20 minutes in front of me. Tell us how you get on. There are a warm of them around there. But beware the bait and switch.As regards Nihongo, money does the talking and it is a good and cheap way to practice.Now I'm outta here to go score some beaver.

11-15-03, 10:01
Skinless;Interesting info, but one correction ... Osube .. should be Asobi (pronounced "Ah" "So" "Bee"). Means play around or have a good time. AT2

11-15-03, 10:38
Thanks Shazamthis is not my first time in Tokyo and I will follow your advise and take the train to Tokyo.I may try JS recommendations.Denis

11-15-03, 16:17
Hi guys,It has been awhile since I last posted, went to the usual adult party in Shin Okubo this evening but I went on a Saturday later than usual. I usually beat the crowd by going around 3 or 4 on Sunday. I called the place and asked whether my usual was there and was told she went back to Korea and didn`t know when she would be back. Dejected I thought I would pass up and went to my usual hang out but it was dead no women just guys sitting around drinking. I got restless and at 8 called the place and talked to the president who said the place was not very busy and would I please go to the party. I asked how many women were working he said 7 so I thought there would be at least one that was worth doing. Walked in paid my 15K for a single and was shocked there were at least four I would gladly play with. Norika, Kim, Haru, Ayumi, and there were two more I didn`t catch the names of who were sitting with four guys. The place was packed. I sat around for 30 minutes before getting in the shower, but it was fun talking with the women wondering which one I would do first. I promptly went back to the receptionist and payed another 10K for a double. Would have done a triple if the flesh cooperated. Started with Ayumi, about 5`1" C cup had a 6 face but everything was tight and she was very eager. I think that the 6 among 8`s and 9`s is really flattered when she is chosen first. She really performed well got really soggy and she was sweating alot by the time the deed was done.Then went back to the main room sat with the girls waiting for the shower again but hey it takes some time to recover for the second round so I was not in any particular rush. Talked with the girls again finding out which ones seemed personable and fun to talk to. Finally the shower became available, in and out quickly then back to the party room to talk with the girls checking them out. Wanted to do Norika, a tall 5`4" sweet looking girl. you know the kind that looks like she doesn`t know anything sweet and innocent just the kind that would be defiled by touching her. But alas, she is taken out of the play room by the guy sitting next to her. As I wait for her return, I started talking to Haru, I find out this is her first day and she seems really uncertain about what is going on and she says she doesn`t speak Japanese very well but talk about her home town, up North, She says she is a spy for North Korea and we joke around. Norika doesn`t come back for 30 minutes so I take Haru to the play room. great face but body is not that great, She is eager to please and gets to kissing and doesn`t seem to know what to do so I take over and guys she is great, tight and wet. all in all a great experience I have to evaluate my strategy and perhaps go when it is busier I spent a good three hours there drinking and chatting with good looking women.Let me know if you are interested by dropping me a line if you speak Japanese you can get in, if no go with someone who does.

11-16-03, 04:59
Sailing - sounds great, could you give directions to the place? Is the party just on Saturdays or other nights too? Will they accept a Japanese speaking gaijin from the street?I thought I would pass along some info on a 20 year old (supposedly) University student doing a little "H arubaito". Her name is Maho, and she quoted me 3.5 man for 2 hours and 4.5 man for 3 hours. I decided to pass, but she looks pretty good in the pic she sent me (attached to this). She said she is available on weekends and on most weekday nights. If she strikes your fancy, give her an e-mail at :mahoishere@hotmail.comand report your experience here!

Captain Pi
11-16-03, 11:37
Hopefully people don't think I'm weird for suggesting this, but I think it might help if when posting directions to a place to also include the longitude and lattitude of the place. The reason why I ask is because when I travel (esp. to Japan), I bring my GPS receiver w/me when. In Japan, if I when somewhere new via train or subway, when I arrive at the station exit, I'd set a waypoint so that I could find my way back w/o needing to worry too much about the street name or anything (esp. since I can't read Japanese).If people posted the coordinates, it'd give us a better idea if we were on the right track or not. Also, I think we should all ensure that we're using the same datum (I suggest WGS-84, which seems to be the default on GPS receivers, at least mine and a few others). If you use the wrong datum, you could be pretty FAR off. See http://www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/notes/datum/gif/shift.gif for an example.On my most recent trip to Japan, I wanted to scope out Hinomaru, but never found it after trying to look for it in Kabukicho... But, I think two years ago, I might have stumbled across it (based on the descriptions here).

11-16-03, 13:23
Hello all, I am looking for a guide or friend. I am comming over for work. But will have alot of free time. I am currently living in Hawaii and this will be my third trip in the last six months. Have been to Yokohama and the area onder the tracks two stops down. Also Gas-Panic in Roppongi and Machida. Would love to try one of the parties Sailing is talking about or 21.Thank you all for your info and assistance. This will be my last trip for a while as work is taking me to Afganistan in Jan.I will be there Dec 6-12thThanks

11-16-03, 17:26
Fishmonger,I took a non Japanese speaking totally non Asian to the party this evening though there was a surcharge of 5K added to the regular price might work if you are native sounding and look Asian enough to pass as a Japanese guy. Went late and the selection was not great but got my rocks off again. Had an new girl Aoi 25 years old worked in a hostess bar in Akasaka before starting at the party today. She was a great lay though body was a 6 face a 7 but 8 in performance. There was a girl I think her name was Mami really small shy and easily flustered who according to my partner this evening performs great in the sack. I plan to go there again early on Saturday before the crowds and before the good ones go home. Seems they leave when they have done their quota for the day so best to hit the place early guys. If you want more information drop me a line.

11-16-03, 18:25
Hello! Tonite's report as follows:Went to a movie in Shinjuku with an aquaintance that we've always had this 'thing' but never acted. During the movie it was nearly FS with nice HJ, teasing BJ etc -- but I kept from doing her. Too risky due to biz connections, etc. Afterwards we went to HUB in Shinjuku near KOMA theatre --- at the counter ordering beers I talked up a couple OL's waiting for their order - absolutely no problem to get them to any love hotel -- I can't believe it! I'm continually surprised about the nonchalance and ease which agreeable parties consumate! Anyways - it would be in bad form to fo so with my friend there so I withheld the offer and we enjooyed a couple beers and departed for the last train. At the train she asked again to stay the night but I refused. Gotta separate business and pleasure, darn it! Then of course the little guy asoko was howling for action - so I stopped in at my favorite 6th floor esute in Shibuya. You should know it by now. Mr. Yo told me some new girls just arrived so I had to see. He gave me extended time because of my repeats <yey>. I chose a sweet southern chinese girl whose name I forget - but she was totally hot! About 5'4 34B with super nice nipples, amazing soft skin and sweet smile. She gave me about 70min rapture then I awoke from the dream and wandered myway home. I still recommend this place! Please treat the girls well, my friends, for an 'official' place in Tokyo it has to rank very high in consistency, quality and service - especially to non-japanese. I've had similar offers in Ikebukuro, Shinjuku, etc -- but always ended up feeling a bit shorted or even ripped off. Honest FS, DATY,CBJ, Sumata, etc -- if the girl digs you who knows how lucky you might get! On any other night It would have been OL time --- but tonite I dropped a few yen in favor of my local hang. BTW - Not much happening of interest on the Tokyo Hospital stroll except a few SW that are less than 4's. Seems like the LE cleaned up the hood. I'm sure they'll be out to play again soon - in the meantime - checkout the local hangs just before last train! Which is generally 12.45am. Nampa favs ---Shinjuku: HUB(s), Dubliners, Pachinko places around Koma theatreShibuya: Gaspanic, Pure, Xanadu, HUB(s), Starbucks,La FabriqueEbisu: Milk, What the Dickens, many other small bars same streetRoppongi: Heartland, Muse, MotownJiyogakoa: O'Carrolans Of course YMMV, but my guess is that you should have somewhat close to a 1:7 hit rate -- meaning for every 7 visits you should have 1 solid 'hit'. Maybe higher if you really try. But trying can backfire - better just to go and have good time at these places and let the positive energy rub off on the cuties around you. Also -- it's a good idea to start with the ugliest girl in the crowd. Same rule as real estate - never buy the best house on the block!Over and out!

11-16-03, 18:31
BTW - I would seriously steer clear of the 21 or HM Pink Salons until the oral clap thing is cleared. I talked to a friend who got it - really nasty! Took IV anitbiotics to kill it. If you DO venture ^ at least 21 girls practice some hygiene - but the shop above and Hino girls are really slack, lucky if you don't get them hopping from another booth directly to you without any washup, damn!

Mister H
11-16-03, 23:03
Wow! Great board! Found this goldmine of information not to long ago and I?m impressed. Lots of good, useful bits of info about the often cryptic Tokyo sex scene. Special thanks to Sailing, Wolf, Fishmonger, Lion and Endowed for their especially useful posts?if any of you guys come to the Shibuya/Shinjuku area, I?d like to buy ya?s a beer!Rankou Party I have one experience to report that might be of interest to some of you mongers that hasn?t been discussed much. This concerns the rankou (orgy/group sex/?adult?) parties that seems to have become popular recently. If you?re not familiar, the idea works like this: someone organizes a circle of members interested in group sex and arranges a time to meet at a special apartment or a hotel room. The pay is scaled with single men usually paying 15k-30k (depending on the circle), couples usually 5k and single women pay nothing. They also have some common sense rules about hygiene, behavior, and using condoms. Since these ?circles?, or clubs, are really a business, they are always advertising for new members. Most don?t seem to be very gaijin friendly--I called about 4 places asking if they accepted single male gaijin and was turned down at all but one. The one that accepted me had the party at an apartment in Shibuya. The first time I went, I was a bit nervous since I didn?t know what to expect and I?m not as fluent in Japanese as I?d like to be. But I joined the group and was able to handle the chit-chat questions without too much problem. I was there with three other Japanese guys and two Japanese girls. There were two girls there?one , R, was very attractive?about 23, nice face and smile, with a very sexy body with large, firm breasts, long legs and beautiful golden skin (about an 8 or 8.5 out of 10). She was acting as the leader as the ?mama-san? was off that day. The other girl, M, was about 21, short and cute with white skin and a thin body?about a 6 in my book. After about 30 minutes of chatter and drinks with the girls, R took us into a room covered with mats and pillows. We got started--six of us in one room. The guys weren?t sure how to start, so R had M take of her tight, one-piece dress and panties and lie naked on the mats. R then started kissing her, starting with her mouth and then slowly moved down to her shaved pussy while the guys looked on in amazement and lost their shyness. The girls then separated and took two guys each. R started to give me a wonderful BBBJ with a firm, energetic tongue while the other guy pleased her from the rear. I often looked over at the other threesome doing similar things. I held off until the other guy finished R from the back. R then put a condom in her mouth and put the little jacket on me?a nice touch, I thought. I then had a nice ride before finishing to R?s ?iku-iku-iku? moanings. Everyone showered, and returned to the lounge area where we had food and some more drinks and chit-chat. Maybe 45 minutes later we had another round, this time switching girls. Although less beautiful, M was smaller and tighter. After similar foreplay and a lot more pumping, I was able to finish, and lay exhausted on the mat under M. Another shower, some beer, and after some parting good-bys and heartfelt thank-yous I was out the door with a new and deeper respect for the country I was living in. Sorry, this is going on longer that I expected?I?ll report (more briefly!) about the other two times I went and about the conversation I had with the mamasan about gaijin attending the party in another post.)

11-18-03, 00:26
Had a little fun on the Shin-Okubo stroll last nite.It was relatively early, around 7:30 PM, so not a lot out, especially with the recent immigration sweeps. I figured that it might make for decent bargain hunting, given that the girls would be eager to get off the street ASAP, but not much luck there.Mostly dogs, 3's and below, including the scariest looking Korean woman I've ever seen in my life, but I ran into a nice mid 30's Thai gal going by the name of Lisa. Cut a deal for 15 thou, off to the hotel, and she was explaining that this isn't a full time gig for her, she's here on a proper work visa and works at a proper (no hanky panky) Thai massage joint in Saitama. I was a little dubious until we got to the room, she sat me down, and proceded to leisurely work out every crick and ache in my back, off to the bath, where she gave me a full body soaping and a very good massage on legs, arms, feet and hands, interspersed with some lovely BBBJ action. From there, off to the bed, where she demonstrated an amazing flexibility - riding me whilst licking my nipples and using her fingers to advantage elsewhere. She offered another go, but unfortunately I was strapped for time (the massages took nearly an hour!) and had to demur.Easily the best experience I've had since being treated to a truly expensive soapland more than a decade ago.If anyone wants to hook up with her, you can call her at 090-5815-9909. She tends towards late afternoon/early evening, and you need to call a few hours ahead. She doesn't speak English, and her Japanese is quite strongly accented, but the outstanding service is well worth the effort.

11-18-03, 21:06
Mr. H, you can ramble on anytime, it is good to read a great long posting.En is on his last day in Japan and will report more fully after coming up for air and the sleep deprivation wears off.Attached is a photo of Seiko 21 in case anyone needs a reference or confirmation photo after following the directions in previous posting. Didn't go in, kind of scared after all the posting about possible infections. But if you are brave and maybe bring a flavored condom, it basically feels the same and may help you last longer.By the way if any of you new to Japan and don't bring your own hats along and you have problems finding the right size or kind. There is a well stocked Condomania store in Omote Sando area that is right on a major street crossing, MEJI Dori, by the GAP store. You take the Ginza line to Omote Sando station and then take the main stroll down then up toward the Meiji Shrine area near Harajuku station. A side benefit is that this area is swarming with hot chicks and is worth the stroll just to look around. On Sunday it is packed. You may get lucky at the condom shop as it is full of curious women handling every type of sex toy.

11-18-03, 21:11
Also had to add a photo of same place, not as good a shot of building but it had a hot J girl passing by right when I shot it.

Fire Wolf
11-19-03, 03:58
Hello, This message is to Fishmonger, Sailing, etc.I hear everyone talk about this private parties, but how do you join them and how do you contact them? I have been in Japan now for a year and havent really gone out anywhere. I have been to Hinodecho but kind of bored with that, its like a quick rush service there.Someone please help.I can speak some Japanese. Want to meet some girls but dont know how.

11-19-03, 04:12
Sailing, I checked out the Maho photo.Isn't that a toilet she is sitting on? What does that mean, anal is allowed? After some email contact with her I am convinced you can get either more time or a reduced rate per hour if you try. We really have to stay together on this so they get the message. 2 man tops.attached is photo of the condomania store in Omote Sando

11-19-03, 05:25
The Maho pic is from fishmonger. Not me. I am however going to the adult party on Saturday if interested get in touch with me.

11-19-03, 05:49
Yeah - I have no idea about the toilet pic ... I think it doesn't have any "special" significance though. I like the way she looks though ... kind of like Ryoko Yonekura. I offered her 1.5 man for a 45 min. date and she shot me down. Let us know if she agrees to 2 man yen. Maybe we can get a group discount! ;-)Mr. H - the rankou party sounds pretty wild. Is there a website for the party that accepts gaijin? How often are the parties?

11-19-03, 23:41
FMonger - I got it to 3 hrs for 3.5 man but told her I had too many offers at 2, so I am doing my best to soften for you guys. I tell you mongers, 2 man should be tops. If we all hold out that's what it will be. Japan is in deflation, don't these babes know economics? and they claim to be university students?Sailing - too late for me, I am back in the land of fat chicks with attitude. Have a good time and I will catch you next time around.Still jet lagged ```````````````En

11-20-03, 03:57
Endowed: Much thanks for those shots of C-21. Brought to life the mystery of the much spoke about sex shop. All: Not sure if the following site has been mentioned before, but the WaiWai section of the Daily Mainichi is an interesting read. Mostly comical, always sexual in nature. May provide some useful intel for the gents on-assignment in the homeland.http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/waiwai/index.htmlCheers,JFX

11-20-03, 12:37
Soujourn, A few posts back, you mention Fujimama's in OmoteSando. Where in OS is it? I've heard of the place, but never been. Legend has it that the hit rate is remarkably high there.

11-20-03, 14:46
Hello,Here is the URL for map to Fujimama's - it's a hip dessert cafe in Omotesando and quite well known for pick up place for chic Japanese women (and foreign models). http://metropolis.japantoday.com/tokyorestaurantsarchive299/256/Fujimamamap.htmAlso - just up the street (Omotesando) in the same building as Gold's Gym is the SoHo's restaraunt. It's super cool and has a great view bar. Anyone you meet at Fujimama just ask them to join you for a drink at SoHo - this will surely impress and most likely get you a very nice evening ;)But I gotta tell you - please say 'hi' to any cute japanese woman you see. They won't likely approach you first because it's simply not done. But expected and desired that you approach to them. So just go for it! In a polite, casual way. Like comment about their nice shoes or dress or something. Japanese women spend ALOT of time and money on their apppearance. If you express that - then they are so happy and ready to talk to you.Tonite I spent some time with an older (40's) executive Japanese woman who is quite cute and sexy. She talked at length how the typical Japanese career woman worries about love, romance and sex. More than cooking or anything else. The number 1 thing on their mind was if they could meet some nice sexy guy. And foreign guys are top on the list. There ya go. You should dress nice too, btw - at least a sport jacket and nice shoes. Japanese women always notice your shoes.Ciao