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Little Jared
12-13-11, 05:24
I'm sorry to ask, but where is that Delicious place? I didn't quite get it.

Smith Ed
12-13-11, 07:13
I'm sorry to ask, but where is that Delicious place? I didn't quite get it.Http://www.delicious-deli.net/top.html.

12-13-11, 08:38
To contribute sth as well: Just went to Jan Jan. They're still very open to Gaijin and 3000 for 20min BBBJ seems like a fair price. The place is okay, a little bit smokey but walls are high enough to provide at least a bit of privacy. I had Asami, a girl around her 30s, very small cups but a nice ass. Kissing. 69, open for all but lacked a bit the BJ skills. Nice moaning however, would recommend it for that price! Trying out Hinomaru and Emotion the next days, if requested I'll share my opinion about them as well.

12-13-11, 09:28
I'm sorry to ask, but where is that Delicious place? I didn't quite get it.Jared and KingD, go to tokyonights. Jp or erolin. Net and you can do an online reservation. I speak Japanese so I called them directly after checking into the LH. I think Erolin. Net provides some assistance on what to say on the phone, too. Check one or both of those sites and try it out. They might even speak some English. Simple English. Good luck.FYI the deli site for delicious is delicious-deli. Net. I think they gave an English page.

12-13-11, 11:57
When and where in Shinokubo do the street walkers come out? I passed by there around 11:00pm last night and only saw groups of friends and no one "suspicious." I later passed through northern Ikebukuro and there were two Chinese streetwalkers who made things pretty obvious. One might of been soliciting for a shop because she asked "massage?" She looked "doable" but definitely not "hot." The other was clearly a streetwalker but was quite old and not that pretty. I'm interested to see if the ones in Shinokubo are much better looking so any information would be appreciated.I've stayed in Shinokubo past the last train many times and I have seen a handful of girls hanging out in front of the train station even though the koban is only a few meters away. For streetwalkers, it's pretty hit and miss, but I have seen some cute and hot girls among the old and ragged. Also, in the alleyways from the station to the Don Quijote, sometimes they will be hanging about. There's a 7-11 on the same street as Donki, and I've seen some girls hanging around there late a night.

12-13-11, 16:11
What are the guesthouse rules about having visitors?I can bring one guest for 2 nights. But will delivery health girls go to guesthouses?

12-14-11, 11:35
To contribute sth as well: Just went to Jan Jan. They're still very open to Gaijin and 3000 for 20min BBBJ seems like a fair price. The place is okay, a little bit smokey but walls are high enough to provide at least a bit of privacy. I had Asami, a girl around her 30s, very small cups but a nice ass. Kissing. 69, open for all but lacked a bit the BJ skills. Nice moaning however, would recommend it for that price! Trying out Hinomaru and Emotion the next days, if requested I'll share my opinion about them as well.Thanks for the report. Where is this Jan Jan?

12-14-11, 12:43
Ok- had a chance to visit both gaijin-friendly Pink Salons in the past several days, and I am interested to know what you think about the differences. Here is what I think.Jan Jan (Sugamo) Price (off-peak).3000 yen for 20 minutes. Gaijin welcomed enthusiastically.Play. Everything short of FS. BBBJ is standard, with GFE style friendly service.Environment. Dimly lit medium sized room with vinyl sofas that all face the front of the room with semi-high partitions between, so a modicum of privacy. Except of course when people enter and leave, they walk up the aisle right next to you, and can see EVERYTHING. But then again, they are usually looking at the girl, so no big deal, right? Procedure. No pictures on display (if I recall). You are shown the stairs down by the friendly tout, and the mama-san asks for 3000 yen. Then, you are shown a booth. The room used to be too dark, but it appears that they turned up the house lights recently, so you can see everything more clearly. A host comes by and asks to check your fingernails, and then sprays your hands with sanitizer. After 5 minutes, the girl comes with hot and cold towels, which she uses to clean up before and after.Staff- Went twice recently, and both times had the furthest booth in the front left, which appears to be Asami's playspace. She is as described below, not stunningly beautiful, but pleasant enough- BBBJ technique is very, very average.Extras- There is no FS, but depending on how you get on with the girl, you might get sumata, or other creative way to get you off.Hinomaru (Shinjuku) Price (off-peak 4000 yen for 20 minutes, Gaijin welcomed enthusiastically.Play- Same as Jan Jan.Environment. Rather amazing building- it is a converted movie theater from the 80s, I think. Must have been quite a place. About 15 years ago. Faded red carpet up 2 flights of stairs to a sliding glass door. Hosts wear tuxedos, which is laughable, when you think about it, and you feel like you are in a time-warp. Two large boards are placed just inside the sliding doors, with the pictures of all girls shown as B5 sized headshots. The available girls are shown arranged in a row at the top of the board, and you can choose which girl you like for no extra charge (which I guess is nice). Judging from my experience, the girl in the photo looked EXACTLY like her picture (okay- plus a year or two) , but with the dim lighting, it doesn't really matter.Procedure- At the time, there was no tout, so I just walked up. I was greeted quickly by the tuxedoed host, who gestured to the board and asked me what kind of woman I liked. I chose one of the three available at the time, and asked how long I would like to play. Then, I was led to the cashier who is hidden behind a partition (as if THAT will save you the embarrassment of paying for a BBBJ). Then, I was led to the booth, which is almost 50% larger than Jan Jan- and a low vinyl sofa. Relatively private booth. With mirrored walls, separated from other booths by beads hanging from the ceiling. I could be wrong, but this area actually appears to be the hallway leading to a theater area which they modified to hold a series of booths.Here is where there are troubling signs. Yes, the BBBJ was fine. The girl was fine. But there were no hot towels, or cold towels for that matter. Instead, only those cheap oshibori paper towels wrapped in plastic, a bottle of disinfectant, and a box of tissues on the table. The girl would unwrap one of those towels, and apply a lot of disinfectant to each towel, and do all the proper cleaning. Chatting with the girl after the deed, she said that things are slooooooooow, with the place basically being absolutely dead until at least 7pm, and even then, it isn't that great.Extras- In the past, there are reports of protected FS being offered at NO extra charge by SOME girls at certain times at Hinomaru. YMMMV.It would be a shame to lose Hinomaru- but all things considered, you pay less at Jan Jan, and other than not being able to pick your girl, Jan Jan seems to be better in every way. I sure hope I'm wrong, but Hinomaru has a bit of the smell of slow death around it.

12-14-11, 14:03
I can bring one guest for 2 nights. But will delivery health girls go to guesthouses?Most delivery websites stipulate that private residences are okay, but there's an extra travel expense that is charged. I genuinely have no idea if it covers guesthouses but I can't imagine why not; however, every delivery place has their own policy on non hotels so the unfortunate answer is,"you need to call and ask the shop."

12-14-11, 16:08
Most delivery websites stipulate that private residences are okay, but there's an extra travel expense that is charged. I genuinely have no idea if it covers guesthouses but I can't imagine why not; however, every delivery place has their own policy on non hotels so the unfortunate answer is,"you need to call and ask the shop."Of course there's also the issue of a shared bathroom in guest houses. Bringing a hooker into shared accommodation is probably not going to impress many people.

12-14-11, 23:16

I tried Angell DH from the erolin website earlier this week.

This place is a ripoff. The girls are Chinese. The girl who showed up looked nothing like the girl who I requested, even though the operator said that the girl I requetsed was available.

I asked the girl who showed up at my apartment if all of the girls at the shop are Chinese and she said yes.

I guess I can't complain about value. 25, 000 JPY (20, 000 for 100 minutes plus 5, 000 tip for FS). The girl let me go twice in the time.

However, if you order from this place, don't expect any of the cute 20 year old gyaru in the pics to show up.

12-15-11, 07:16
I had the pleasure of seeing two Delicious girls, Harumi and Miyuki, over the weekend (not at the same time. Both girls were excellent and I would not hesitate to repeat with either of them: great service provided with a great attitude. Service levels were as reported earlier so I won't repeat them. Their English was limited but this was not a hindrance in any way.Miyuki was the standout. She's a gorgeous 23-year old with a great body and a very playful personality. A very memorable session for me.A thank you to Marwar58 for the inspiration to try Delicious.Hey Horstw,Could you describe Harumi a bit more? As the site doesn't post much info on the girls, I'd be curious for more first hand review.Thanks

12-15-11, 07:25
I've had I think 7 Delicious girls and all were full service for ?5000 they always tell you right up front that it's going to be ?5000 for FS. Even had the mama-San tell me by email. Once you get to know the girls it's funny to hear them talk about her apparently she has quite a temper on her LOL! One note when I banged Yumi (Umi) on the site she looks maybe thai or something? She never mentioned the 5k until she was riding on top of me sumatra style and saying hoshi hoshi once I put it in her she said can you tip ?5000 kinda bait and switch making it seem like a freebie then asking for tip once the deed was done. I've never had any of the other girls do this. So long story short if you stick your Willie in a Delicious girl have an extra ?5000 note on hand.Hey BigManJapan,You've had a number of the delicious deli girls. Who else would you recommend outside of Eri and Misaki?

12-15-11, 10:20
Ok- had a chance to visit both gaijin-friendly Pink Salons in the past several days, and I am interested to know what you think about the differences. Here is what I think.

Jan Jan (Sugamo)

Price (off-peak).3000 yen for 20 minutes. Gaijin welcomed enthusiastically.

Play. Everything short of FS. BBBJ is standard, with GFE style friendly service.

Environment. Dimly lit medium sized room with vinyl sofas that all face the front of the room with semi-high partitions between, so a modicum of privacy. Except of course when people enter and leave, they walk up the aisle right next to you, and can see EVERYTHING. But then again, they are usually looking at the girl, so no big deal, right?

Procedure. No pictures on display (if I recall). You are shown the stairs down by the friendly tout, and the mama-san asks for 3000 yen. Then, you are shown a booth. The room used to be too dark, but it appears that they turned up the house lights recently, so you can see everything more clearly. A host comes by and asks to check your fingernails, and then sprays your hands with sanitizer. After 5 minutes, the girl comes with hot and cold towels, which she uses to clean up before and after.

Staff- Went twice recently, and both times had the furthest booth in the front left, which appears to be Asami's playspace. She is as described below, not stunningly beautiful, but pleasant enough- BBBJ technique is very, very average.

Extras- There is no FS, but depending on how you get on with the girl, you might get sumata, or other creative way to get you off.

Hinomaru (Shinjuku)

Price (off-peak 4000 yen for 20 minutes, Gaijin welcomed enthusiastically.

Play- Same as Jan Jan.

Environment. Rather amazing building- it is a converted movie theater from the 80s, I think. Must have been quite a place. About 15 years ago. Faded red carpet up 2 flights of stairs to a sliding glass door. Hosts wear tuxedos, which is laughable, when you think about it, and you feel like you are in a time-warp. Two large boards are placed just inside the sliding doors, with the pictures of all girls shown as B5 sized headshots. The available girls are shown arranged in a row at the top of the board, and you can choose which girl you like for no extra charge (which I guess is nice). Judging from my experience, the girl in the photo looked EXACTLY like her picture (okay- plus a year or two) , but with the dim lighting, it doesn't really matter.

Procedure- At the time, there was no tout, so I just walked up. I was greeted quickly by the tuxedoed host, who gestured to the board and asked me what kind of woman I liked. I chose one of the three available at the time, and asked how long I would like to play. Then, I was led to the cashier who is hidden behind a partition (as if THAT will save you the embarrassment of paying for a BBBJ). Then, I was led to the booth, which is almost 50% larger than Jan Jan- and a low vinyl sofa. Relatively private booth. With mirrored walls, separated from other booths by beads hanging from the ceiling. I could be wrong, but this area actually appears to be the hallway leading to a theater area which they modified to hold a series of booths.

Here is where there are troubling signs. Yes, the BBBJ was fine. The girl was fine. But there were no hot towels, or cold towels for that matter. Instead, only those cheap oshibori paper towels wrapped in plastic, a bottle of disinfectant, and a box of tissues on the table. The girl would unwrap one of those towels, and apply a lot of disinfectant to each towel, and do all the proper cleaning. Chatting with the girl after the deed, she said that things are slooooooooow, with the place basically being absolutely dead until at least 7pm, and even then, it isn't that great.

Extras- In the past, there are reports of protected FS being offered at NO extra charge by SOME girls at certain times at Hinomaru. YMMMV.

It would be a shame to lose Hinomaru- but all things considered, you pay less at Jan Jan, and other than not being able to pick your girl, Jan Jan seems to be better in every way. I sure hope I'm wrong, but Hinomaru has a bit of the smell of slow death around it.Always meant to ask, where is hinomaru? I go on a lot of dates in shinjuku and Shibuya so a place for a quick BJ after a date that didn't end in sex would be great. From shinjuku station how would I reach hinomaru?

12-16-11, 03:00
Always meant to ask, where is hinomaru? I go on a lot of dates in shinjuku and Shibuya so a place for a quick BJ after a date that didn't end in sex would be great. From shinjuku station how would I reach hinomaru?Easiest thing to do is paste this phone number into Google Maps and click search.03-3209-0088 &8206; Then zoom in like crazy. Streetview also works fine, as well.To put it in words, if you come out the JR Shinjuku Central (East) exit, and go up the stairs, you will be in a plaza area with a statue of a lion behind you, and Studio Alta building in front of you. Walk straight ahead, cross the street, choosing the major shopping street that is to the left of Studio Alta. You will then reach another major intersection, and should see a Don Quixote Store across the street on the corner to the right. Keep going straight (cross the major intersection) and the road dead ends into a large construction area. Turn right at the dead end, and a quick left. Walk straight. Then you will hit a T intersection (- a large building with "Hotel Liste" written in English in front of you). Turn left, and then take the first right. Hinomaru is on the right- you can't miss it. Its a 2 story building with a large golden lightbulb facade. THe sign is hanging off the side of the building. Its red with Hinomaru written in yellow Kanji characters).It really isn't hard to get to- just a little hard to describe. Again, check street view if you need help.

12-16-11, 12:03
With all this talk of JanJan and Hinomaru. I was also inspired to head out to get some BJ action. So, I headed out to Kabukicho and was walking towards Hinomaru when I spotted New Hot Point.I haven't been there in a long time, so I wondered if they are still foreigner friendly. It was about six in the evening and about the time of the start of the 2nd shift. I headed inside, and the manager said that one of the girls had just gone home because she wasn't feeling well. He offered me a 500 yen discount on the entry fee and I said okay. The girl that left was Aoi. Apparently she was also there during the first shift and was supposed to work a double shift.Anyways, the lone dancer was Asuka. She has F cup breasts and she was gorgeous! Like a hostess or a model. I asked for the lip and touch service which costs 4000 yen. She danced for a few minutes and when she finished came into my small booth for the extra service. There was only one other guy there, but I was her first customer of the night.She started the CBJ and was going at it for a while. She was good, but not great. She then asked if she could finish me off with an HJ since it was apparent I wasn't going to come with a CBJ. I said sure, and after a few minutes it was over. Her HJ is quite good. Now, she had great breasts, and I'm no expert. Her breasts looked too perfect to be real, but felt really soft, so I'm not too sure if they were fake or not. After everything, she gave me her card with a 500 yen discount for next time, gave me a hug and said goodbye.The girls here are extremely gorgeous, but the price is double that of JanJan. I would probably go again on a night where Asuka is working.

12-17-11, 09:47
Does anybody have any experience with this DH place? Are they gaijin OK?


12-18-11, 23:45

Does anyone know if FS is available at Cutie Bomb? www.1919ikebukuro.com

There have been a few reports and it seems like the posters didn't get it, although the reports didn't make it clear if they tried. AF is an option, so it seems like it should be available, although you might have to tip.

12-21-11, 14:15
For Kei's fans, she's back on the schedule at Asian Relax

Harlem Blade
12-23-11, 14:36
Is there any action to be had at Takadanobaba? I wandered a bit and found an oppai pub, but it was true to the name and all I could do was look at and touch the oppai. Any areas near the station you can get some more action?Thanks a lot!

12-24-11, 03:26
For Kei's fans, she's back on the schedule at Asian RelaxCan you please provide a link or location. Thanks!

12-24-11, 07:02
All.Here is an interesting option for DH. The website says which girls are OK with gaikokujin. Interestingly, most of the top-rated "VIP" girls are OK with gaijin.http://www.lr-shinjuku.com/cast/If anybody checks this place out, then please post a report.

12-24-11, 07:07

I had a good experience at Ageha: www.wbc2008.com

I had Kitazawa-san. She did not look as good as her photos, but she was a freak. She told me up front "70 minutes 1 play", so it was clear from the start the FS was OK. She let me put all five fingers inside of her. I couldn't quite get my whole fist in. She also let me put my finger in her ass while I was fucking her. She was strict about "1 play" in the 70 minutes, but she let me jerk off a second shot into her mouth.

Of course, I don't know if all of the chicks are as dirty as Kitazawa-san. So be sure to request her in particular.

So if you don't mind older J ladies, then this place is a good value.

12-24-11, 11:08
Is there any action to be had at Takadanobaba? I wandered a bit and found an oppai pub, but it was true to the name and all I could do was look at and touch the oppai. Any areas near the station you can get some more action?

Thanks a lot!I know of these two shops out in Takadanobaba, but I haven't tried them yet myself. Let us all know what the shops are like if you decide to try their services.



12-24-11, 11:35
i've been lurking here for a long time and learned a lot about mongering in tokyo. it's time for me to start giving back. i'll write a series of reports on some of the better places i've been. i'll start with aoi chiryoin in ueno where i started my mongering career.disclaimer: this shop welcomes non-japanese with a respectibly high level of japanese skills. they will test you that you can read their rules. recommend for mongers with jlpt level 2 or higher.the website is here:http://aoi-r.netit is nominally a message with a happy handjob. go to the frot desk, choose your girl, go to the hotel and she shows up shortly thereafter. the girls are all japanese, early twenties to mid thirties, concentrated in the late twenties. they are more of the ol and girl-next-door types. most of the girls are real office ladies, nurses, or message therapists supplementing their day jobs. every girl i met has been attractive with a great figure. some of the messages are quite good, and the topless handjob has never failed to disappoint. some of these girls can do amazing stuff with their hands.you will not get fs. don't even try, it is rude. however, i have gotten extra services like dfk and bbbj from a couple girls, and one who i've seen several times gave me a sumatra session to die for.if you go, i recommend mao. she is a veteran and it is starting to show on her face, but her skills are among the best i've known. as for other girls that are still there, alice is a real message therapist, speaks good english, and usually lives in australia. she comes home on holidays, makes a pile of money then goes back, but i see she is in town when i checked yesterday. maybe you can catch her between now and the new year. the other girls i knew have left (i was a regular for two years).that's all for now. next time i'm on the train and in the mood, i'll post a review of another place. i've been to a few that i haven't seen mentioned on the forum.

12-25-11, 00:46
All.I had a good experience at Ageha:www.wbc2008.comI had Kitazawa-san. She did not look as good as her photos, but she was a freak. She told me up front "70 minutes 1 play", so it was clear from the start the FS was OK. She let me put all five fingers inside of her. I couldn't quite get my whole fist in. She also let me put my finger in her ass while I was fucking her. She was strict about "1 play" in the 70 minutes, but she let me jerk off a second shot into her mouth.Of course, I don't know if all of the chicks are as dirty as Kitazawa-san. So be sure to request her in particular.So if you don't mind older J ladies, then this place is a good value.So is this place gaijin friendly? And what level of japanese would be acceptable to get in here.

12-26-11, 05:23
hey all, i've been a long time reader, this is my first post.it has been about 6 months since my visit, but hopefully this info will be of some use.search in google," est hana okubo" it should be the first link that comes up.i opted for the double therapist course, i think i paid 14, 000 yen. mama-san was quite welcoming. i let her know that i preferred busty girls, and she suggested nana and maki. nana was def busty, about e / f cup, and a cute face. she did look quite different from her pictures online, and even the picts mama san showed me. she was a bit chubby, but i didn't mind. maki was exactly like her photos.i was hoping for a little more play between the girls, but they pretty much stuck to their routine. nana was more outgoing, but she got pretty embarrassed when i asked if i could touch her cans. she let grope them for a bit, but not as much as i would have liked. maki was pretty shy and let nana lead. massage was decent, but i was pretty disappointed with the ending. i was hoping for a hand job with maybe a bit of co-op from the girls, but instead, nana suggested that i jerk myself off while they watch. :/nana sat behind me and rubbed my back and chest, and with maki in front, i managed to get her to fondle my balls before i shot a load on her arm. she giggled about it. then off to the shower and back for tea. they wanted to meet up that night, but i had plans already. maybe could have been good, but we'll never know.all in all, not too bad, but hopefully someone can enlighten us on a good esute shop that offers a 3p course and girls that are a little more into it.i'll post more soon.

12-26-11, 11:46
According to Kitazawa-san, some of the girls are gaijin friendly and some aren't, so you will have to call and ask about the girl you want to see.

They actually post on the Erolin website as being OK for non-Japanese speakers. They also have an English speaking operator, so you should be able to get in with no Japanese at all.

So is this place gaijin friendly? And what level of japanese would be acceptable to get in here.

12-27-11, 01:43
This is from a couple weeks ago, but I went to Hinomaru, and I chose the new girl, Azusa. She is mid-twenties, cute face and bob haircut, big boobs. However, her she had no BJ technique whatsoever. To top it off, her pussy smelled like BO, like she doesn't use soap down there. I like to finger the girls while they blow me, but I couldn't bring myself to do it to her.Hopefully, they've schooled her on BJ techniques by now.Someone commented on it below, but it looks like Hinomaru is slipping away. The stereo has been busted for a while now, and most of the girls I liked have left or drastically cut their shifts to the point I don't see them anymore.

12-28-11, 09:56
Geez- went to Hinomaru again, hoping disappointing visit from a couple of weeks ago was just a fluke. It wasn't. Picked Mimi, who might have resembled the picture on display a couple of years ago, and about 10 kg ago, too. Basically terrible provider- very little conversation, absolutely terrible technique (I actually had to stop her at one point, as she was causing me considerable pain.) Had to use serious Jedi mind tricks on myself to force climax. That, plus she moaned like a 50 year old chronic smoker with every breath- it was almost comical if it wasn't so disappointing.I mean, seriously- her technique was as if she never gave a BJ in her life. All the beginner mistakes- using teeth, sucking like a hoover vacuum with no other stimulation, death grip on the shaft- Hell- ANYONE with common sense could do a better job, beginner or not.That, PLUS like the poster below, Mimi was stinky down there. I would say an 8 on the scale of stinkiness. I mean, come on! On the other hand, maybe that is what the girls do there to avoid getting fingered.I have decided that it would be a long, long time before I consider going back.

12-29-11, 06:51
Hey Horstw, Could you describe Harumi a bit more? As the site doesn't post much info on the girls, I'd be curious for more first hand review.ThanksSorry for the late reply. Harumi has a medium build. I would not describe her as petite (taller and a bigger frame than Miyuki). She looks more Chinese than Japanese to me but I'm not going to claim any special expertise here. She still looked great and was a lot of fun. She was a bit shy at first but that melted away pretty quickly. She was very accommodating during the session and I was very respectful and that worked out quite well. Damn. I miss the Japanese level of service (in all things) already. Must. Go. Back.

12-31-11, 10:41
First extended stay in tokyo in over a year so I checked the website schedule for new hot point. I've only been there once and chose yuria. The other girl from that time was really hot too but I forgot her name. Anyway haruka was on duty that day so I decided to try her since her reviews were so good. One of the new girls was supposed to be working that day but she didn't turn up. I arrived at around 10. 15am and was the third guy (there was a japanese guy with me in the lift but he almost got off on the wrong floor, and when he was at the correct floor he wasn't even sure if it was the place so I went ahead. Amateur.) Haruka only arrived at 10. 20 and the show only got going close to 11, so there were like 9 guys waiting. Since there was only 1 girl I only got 1 strip show (the strip show isn't the main thing but still.). Since I was no. 3 I didn't have to wait that long. What can I say, she's hot, her attitude is very good and she has skill. I can pretty much tell her what to do and she will know how to do it. Too bad that because of the circumstances she was rushed. She said something like "it probably doesn't feel as good with a condom does it?" and I said "that's right. Is it not possible to do it without a condom?" (gomu nashide dame desuka) she said "if I did so many guys without a condom it probably would not be good" to which she had a point. She let me kiss her on the lips but no DFK. I rubbed her through her panties and nothing beyond that. Finished by hand so that I could have my hands on her tits.After that I decided that I wanted something more, so I headed to jan jan in sugamo. I don't get these in my neck of the woods, only soaplands and fashion healths which get expensive. As usual, every other tout tries to get you in first. I actually stop to listen to one of them to get a measure of the competition, didn't get much out of him except him asking me to step away from the street for a bit then gesturing to me a blowjob, which was amusing to say the least.My past experiences in jan jan were always positive. I've had eri the most, probably 6 times, which speaks for itself. This time I got yukari or something. She looked like she was over 40 and wasn't even pretty. She wasn't a whale but wasn't exactly slender either. Worst of all she was smelly down below. Started off scrubbing my dick with a wet towel which is probably one of the most frightening experiences I've had. Technique was generally non-existent. I tried my best to cum before any more damage was done to my dick, but that was easier said when there was very little in terms of stimulation. In the end I was glad that it was only 3000 yen.

12-31-11, 20:50
Pink salon booth are open concept? Meaning you can see and hear what others are doing?

01-01-12, 06:55
All.I had a good experience at Ageha:www.wbc2008.comDo you know the address? Are they near the Sugamo Station by Jan Jan? I couldn't find the address or any information about there location? If you can give me the google direction number that would be great!

01-01-12, 12:58
Pink salon booth are open concept? Meaning you can see and hear what others are doing?You can definitely hear what is happening in the seat immediately behind you, but since all seats face forward, you can't really see what is happening, unless you stand up and look behind your bench. Also, when you leave, since you walk up the aisle, you get a FULL view of all the fun happening behind you, which often makes you want to come back, and try what someone else was enjoying.

01-02-12, 00:01
There is no shop front. Everything is arranged over the phone.

First, you call the number on the website and make an appointment for the girl you want. They will then tell you to call back an hour before the appointment to confirm. When you call back to confirm, you agree on where to meet. I think they will send the girl anywhere in Tokyo. I met Kitazawa-san at a love hotel in Ikebukuro. If you meet at a love hotel, they will then call your room in the love hotel to confirm that you are actually there. I guess they have had a lot of problems with fake appointments. You then pay the girl at the end of the appointment.

As I mentioned before, they have an English speaking operator, so you can do all of this in English if necessary.

I think the girls are physically located somewhere near Sugamo.

Do you know the address? Are they near the Sugamo Station by Jan Jan? I couldn't find the address or any information about there location? If you can give me the google direction number that would be great!

01-02-12, 00:03
Actually, the one time I went to Jan Jan, the guy in the booth in front of me stood up to get his BJ. He didn't look into my booth though, so it was OK. Still, this place is not exactly private. That is part of what addds to entertainment of the whole situation.

You can definitely hear what is happening in the seat immediately behind you, but since all seats face forward, you can't really see what is happening, unless you stand up and look behind your bench. Also, when you leave, since you walk up the aisle, you get a FULL view of all the fun happening behind you, which often makes you want to come back, and try what someone else was enjoying.

01-02-12, 01:47
There is no shop front. Everything is arranged over the phone.First, you call the number on the website and make an appointment for the girl you want. They will then tell you to call back an hour before the appointment to confirm. When you call back to confirm, you agree on where to meet. I think they will send the girl anywhere in Tokyo. I met Kitazawa-san at a love hotel in Ikebukuro. If you meet at a love hotel, they will then call your room in the love hotel to confirm that you are actually there. I guess they have had a lot of problems with fake appointments. You then pay the girl at the end of the appointment.As I mentioned before, they have an English speaking operator, so you can do all of this in English if necessary.I think the girls are physically located somewhere near Sugamo.Thanks for the quick reply back. It's good to know that they will take appointments in English. I guess I will need to get the love hotel first then call them for confirmation with the detailed location.

01-02-12, 04:50
Actually, the one time I went to Jan Jan, the guy in the booth in front of me stood up to get his BJ. He didn't look into my booth though, so it was OK. Still, this place is not exactly private. That is part of what addds to entertainment of the whole situation.How about Sekai ni hitotsu dakeno hana?

01-03-12, 01:00
When I used Ageha, I stayed at Hotel Ayer's Rock in Ikebukuro. It is in the group of love hotels near the north exit of Ikebukuro station. They already knew where it was, so I didn't need to give instructions.

Thanks for the quick reply back. It's good to know that they will take appointments in English. I guess I will need to get the love hotel first then call them for confirmation with the detailed location.

01-03-12, 01:28
I think I am done with Shibuya Smile. Although the management is friendly to foreigners, only the ugly girls will take foreigners, and they are too expensive for the quality of service. So if any of you want to experiment with this place, here is a brief review of each of the girls I saw. Let me know if you want more explicit detail on any of the girls.If I am ever able to book Kanna, I will give her a try, but for now, she is gaijin NG.Aina. Much cuter than the photos. A little bit chubby, with small boobs that make her look like an obese 13 year old boy. Very shy and had to take the lead with everything. FS at no extra charge.Miu (first visit). Again, much cuter than the photos. Also very shy and had to take the lead with everything. Terrible BJ technique. FS at no extra charge.Ran. Uglier than the photos. Very good DFK and BJ, but no FS. Tried to offer a tip, but no FS at any price. Let me cum all over her face, though. Hahahaha.Rina. Much cuter than the photos. Looks maybe mid-twenties. Great DFK and BJ. Great FS at no extra charge. Strange scar on the side of her stomach. Not a C-section scar.Kizuki. Killer body and great tits. Ugly ugly ugly face. No DFK but good BJ. 10000 for FS. Kept on asking me if I was done yet. I said "for 10000 I am going to plow you all day, so get out a magazine"Anna. Cuter than the photos. Great tits and ass. Says that she likes gaijin. Terrible hemorrhoids, I guess from getting plowed in the ass all the time. I think she is the only girl at the shop to do AF. FS for 5000. Good deal.Miu (second visit, two hours). She has gained some weight and has gotten an ugly tattoo on one of her thighs. Still terrible BJ technique. Seems to have lost her enthusiasm for the job. Now wants 5000 for FS. Kept on asking if I was finished and bitching about how I was hurting her legs. Maybe she thought because I was repeater she could get away with being a bittch. Got off two shots for the 5000 though.

01-03-12, 01:37
Unbelievably pretty. 10 out of 10. The prettiest girl I have met in DH. When I opened the door, I could not believe my luck.

Grimpeur has a terrible photographer. Her photos make her look terrible, but believe me, she is probably the prettiest girl I have ever spoken to in Japan.

Unfortunately, FS is no good. Tried to offer a tip, but no FS at any price. Let me jerk off onto her tits instead.

If FS were open, even for 20000, it would be worth it.

01-03-12, 01:46
Thanks to this board, I discovered AM soon after coming to Japan.As you can tell by my recent posts, I have started experimenting with DH instead.Although people often bittch about the quality of AM, I am beginning to think that AM is altogether a better deal. At AM, it is understood that there will be FS. For 38, 000, you get as many shots as you can handle in two hours. Usually, I have gotten three shots in the two hours. One time I got 4. The girls have generally had good technique.At DH, you never know if there is going to be FS, and if there is, there is often a tip, so it ends up being almost as expensive as AM, generally for one shot. Although the girls have been younger than at AM, I would not say they have been better looking, and I have had a few with downright bad technique, as if they had never touched a dick before.I am thinking of just going back to AM.I do not see the point in paying if there is no FS, so places like Jan Jan, although cheap, are not an option for me.I really miss Nana at Saranes. For 10000, I got wall to wall FS (actually BBFS if I wanted, but I never had the guts) for an hour. Anybody found something else like this? I should have seen her every day when I could have. I guess her tourist visa has expired, so she must have gone back to Korea by now.

01-03-12, 02:44
Unbelievably pretty. 10 out of 10. The prettiest girl I have met in DH. When I opened the door, I could not believe my luck.

Grimpeur has a terrible photographer. Her photos make her look terrible, but believe me, she is probably the prettiest girl I have ever spoken to in Japan.

Unfortunately, FS is no good. Tried to offer a tip, but no FS at any price. Let me jerk off onto her tits instead.

If FS were open, even for 20000, it would be worth it.Ai is amazing indeed, with nicely trimmed and shaven pussy, but she is generally off limit to foreigners unless the tencho vouchers for you.

01-03-12, 03:11
Thanks to this board, I discovered AM soon after coming to Japan.

As you can tell by my recent posts, I have started experimenting with DH instead.

Although people often bittch about the quality of AM, I am beginning to think that AM is altogether a better deal. At AM, it is understood that there will be FS. For 38, 000, you get as many shots as you can handle in two hours. Usually, I have gotten three shots in the two hours. One time I got 4. The girls have generally had good technique.

At DH, you never know if there is going to be FS, and if there is, there is often a tip, so it ends up being almost as expensive as AM, generally for one shot. Although the girls have been younger than at AM, I would not say they have been better looking, and I have had a few with downright bad technique, as if they had never touched a dick before.

I am thinking of just going back to AM.

I do not see the point in paying if there is no FS, so places like Jan Jan, although cheap, are not an option for me.

I really miss Nana at Saranes. For 10000, I got wall to wall FS (actually BBFS if I wanted, but I never had the guts) for an hour. Anybody found something else like this? I should have seen her every day when I could have. I guess her tourist visa has expired, so she must have gone back to Korea by now.I've been using Korean DH a lot recently. The girls are generally worse looking than the photos because they overuse photo shop, but I've never had a girl that was plain ugly. It usually ranges from okay to unbelievably gorgeous. Korean DH places always offer FS at no extra charge. It's usually not all you can shoot and the level of service does of course vary with the girl, but overall I've never been disappointed and wished for my money back. I usually go to KDH shops just because I feel a lot of the BS I usually have to go through at other places is non existent. Everything has always been straight forward but sometimes it's hard to understand the Korean mama-san's Japanese.

Quite a few shops are "Asian only," because it's kind of stupid to make a Korean shop "Japanese only." I recently used Kanbi because they offered a killer discount but that shop for sure is Asian only. I used k-girls a couple of times and many have confirmed that they are gaijin friendly. They recently changed names and websites to.


But it's the same girls etc. They usually offer some sort of discount if you read the homepage details. As with any shop I'd ask to make sure they're completely foreigner friendly when you call in just to avoid some mishap after you pay for a hotel.


This website is a Japanese review site of KDH girls. I can't read and understand everything but the star rating system is enough to let you know if a girl is good or not.

I really miss Nana at Saranes too. I've never gotten better service from anyone regardless of price (a couple of yoshiwara soap girls came close, but if you factor in price.). She worked for a KDH for a short time after Saranes closed.


But sadly she's gone home and hasn't returned.

01-03-12, 04:39
Hi guys. I am new here.I am thinking to try sibuya-smile. Com today and get ringo. But I don't know if she does FS no extra charge.Does anybody know. How many shots can I have on 60min course in shibuya-smile?

01-03-12, 05:10
Hi guys I new here, I am thinking to try shibuya-smile today and get ringo.But I don't know if she does FS with no extra charge.By the way. How many shots can I have on 60min course?

01-03-12, 05:17
I think I am done with Shibuya Smile. Although the management is friendly to foreigners, only the ugly girls will take foreigners, and they are too expensive for the quality of service. So if any of you want to experiment with this place, here is a brief review of each of the girls I saw. Let me know if you want more explicit detail on any of the girls.If I am ever able to book Kanna, I will give her a try, but for now, she is gaijin NG.Aina. Much cuter than the photos. A little bit chubby, with small boobs that make her look like an obese 13 year old boy. Very shy and had to take the lead with everything. FS at no extra charge.Miu (first visit). Again, much cuter than the photos. Also very shy and had to take the lead with everything. Terrible BJ technique. FS at no extra charge.Ran. Uglier than the photos. Very good DFK and BJ, but no FS. Tried to offer a tip, but no FS at any price. Let me cum all over her face, though. Hahahaha.Rina. Much cuter than the photos. Looks maybe mid-twenties. Great DFK and BJ. Great FS at no extra charge. Strange scar on the side of her stomach. Not a C-section scar.Kizuki. Killer body and great tits. Ugly ugly ugly face. No DFK but good BJ. 10000 for FS. Kept on asking me if I was done yet. I said "for 10000 I am going to plow you all day, so get out a magazine"Anna. Cuter than the photos. Great tits and ass. Says that she likes gaijin. Terrible hemorrhoids, I guess from getting plowed in the ass all the time. I think she is the only girl at the shop to do AF. FS for 5000. Good deal.Miu (second visit, two hours). She has gained some weight and has gotten an ugly tattoo on one of her thighs. Still terrible BJ technique. Seems to have lost her enthusiasm for the job. Now wants 5000 for FS. Kept on asking if I was finished and bitching about how I was hurting her legs. Maybe she thought because I was repeater she could get away with being a bittch. Got off two shots for the 5000 though.What a great post, thanks very much for your input, agree with your comments, yen for yen these places arent reliable enough. I tried Haruna at smile, much uglier than photos and hopeless technique, no FS. I also tried Seri, who was very preety, and gave a great BJ, not sure if she was up for FS thou.Would say at 5A Kasumi and Kitty were both good, avoid new girl Reika, to be fair does say inexperienced, and she was just that, waste of money.Your list off girls at Smile, like you I like the Shibuya style chix, short minis and thigh high boots. Any of the ones you listed fit this bill?

01-03-12, 05:50
Hey Blue Rose,

Did you get FS from Ai?

Ai is amazing indeed, with nicely trimmed and shaven pussy, but she is generally off limit to foreigners unless the tencho vouchers for you.

01-03-12, 05:59
Thanks for the info.

That is interesting about Nana. She must have been older than the other girls at that shop by 10 years or so. Still, I doubt anybody complained. She said that she had a kid in Korea, so I guess its hard for her to come here.

I've tried searching for another shop like Saranes (ie at the same price level. 10000 per hour, less expensive than KDH) but can't find anything. All the shops I find at that price level only have Chinese girls. Do you know of any good places?

I've been using Korean DH a lot recently. The girls are generally worse looking than the photos because they overuse photo shop, but I've never had a girl that was plain ugly. It usually ranges from okay to unbelievably gorgeous. Korean DH places always offer FS at no extra charge. It's usually not all you can shoot and the level of service does of course vary with the girl, but overall I've never been disappointed and wished for my money back. I usually go to KDH shops just because I feel a lot of the BS I usually have to go through at other places is non existent. Everything has always been straight forward but sometimes it's hard to understand the Korean mama-san's Japanese.

Quite a few shops are "Asian only," because it's kind of stupid to make a Korean shop "Japanese only." I recently used Kanbi because they offered a killer discount but that shop for sure is Asian only. I used k-girls a couple of times and many have confirmed that they are gaijin friendly. They recently changed names and websites to.


But it's the same girls etc. They usually offer some sort of discount if you read the homepage details. As with any shop I'd ask to make sure they're completely foreigner friendly when you call in just to avoid some mishap after you pay for a hotel.


This website is a Japanese review site of KDH girls. I can't read and understand everything but the star rating system is enough to let you know if a girl is good or not.

I really miss Nana at Saranes too. I've never gotten better service from anyone regardless of price (a couple of yoshiwara soap girls came close, but if you factor in price.). She worked for a KDH for a short time after Saranes closed.


But sadly she's gone home and hasn't returned.

01-03-12, 06:08
Anyone see Yuko yet? She's been around for a good while and haven't seen a single report on her. I'm going to be in Japan this month- I like the 'spinner' petite girls, and her body looks nice and tight compared to Ai or a few of the others, but I always wonder how attractive her face is, etc.Thanks in advance!

01-03-12, 08:39
Hey; I've been in town a few months and I've had no luck meeting women, so I've been thinking about calling a Deliheru place. Has anyone got experience with Lonely? Is it crazy to have them come to your apartment? Admittedly I haven't tried going to Gaspanic or some place yet. I'm young (25) , white, blue-eyed, not tall, speak Japanese adequately, and I'm not an English teacher, for what it's worth.I'm pretty clueless, so any advice would be appreciated.

01-03-12, 08:45
Hey; I've been in town a few months and I've had no luck meeting women, so I've been thinking about calling a Deliheru place. Has anyone got experience with Lonely? Is it crazy to have them come to your apartment? Admittedly I haven't tried going to Gaspanic or some place yet. I'm young (25) , white, blue-eyed, not tall, speak Japanese adequately, and I'm not an English teacher, for what it's worth.I'm pretty clueless, so any advice would be appreciated.

01-03-12, 10:52
Thanks for the info.That is interesting about Nana. She must have been older than the other girls at that shop by 10 years or so. Still, I doubt anybody complained. She said that she had a kid in Korea, so I guess its hard for her to come here.I've tried searching for another shop like Saranes (ie at the same price level. 10000 per hour, less expensive than KDH) but can't find anything. All the shops I find at that price level only have Chinese girls. Do you know of any good places?I haven't been able to locate a good Korean place which is why I use KDHs now. I came across a couple of good Chinese places in Sugamo which I wrote about, but they went out of business shortly after I wrote the reports. I believe this place took over for one of the shops I went to and they feature a mix of girls (Korean, Chinese, Japanese halves, and some other random nationalities).http://www.s-diamond.net/top.html Every time I thought about calling the place up, I wound up finding a good deal on a KDH and not going. If you try the shop let me know how it is. From what's on the website it looks like a good place.

01-03-12, 17:31
Hey Blue Rose,

Did you get FS from Ai?No, I didn't ask and am fine without FS. But it took me a while to get an appointment with Ai after being refused several times.

01-04-12, 01:35
I hear there is (was?) a pink salon near JanJan where you can choose to do a 30min session with 3 girls 10min each. Is it true? What if you cum with the first girl? Can you still go for the other 2? Share your experience please.

X Tamron
01-05-12, 04:55
Hi, I'm in Tokyo only for one more week and really wanted to have a sexual experience with a Japanese girl before I leave. As I'm staying with my uncle and his family here, I can't have a Delivery to my place.I read parts of the Thread and it seems like DELICIOUS seems to be a good place, yet I can't find the adress of the webpage. Can you please provide me with it? Also, I'd be happy if somebody could answer following questions:1. Is it possible to have a (Delicious) Delivery with almost no Japanese Knowledge, only English? Do they understand English when I call? 2. Is it possible to have them delivered to a love hotel and will there be no problem with the love hotel? 3. Are there any hidden costs for a guaranteed FS (I read you have to tip them 5. 000, is there a minimum duration to get FS)? If there is any problem with the points above, what is the best (and maybe not most expensive) way to get laid with 0 Japanese knowledge and without being fooled? Thanks a lot!Since I live in Shinjuku, I am able to get the special 70m for 12000 (I think). I can't choose the girl for the special, but I kinda like the surprise! FS is ALWAYS 5000 extra, and both time I tried the service, they both thought I knew about it (I didn't the first time, but she was the one putting a condom on my dick, it's not even like I had to ask if FS was available).I'm not sure if they speak English, but you should try, you can meet in front of an hotel afaik.I got 2 shots in 70 minutes both times. I had the girls come at around 7pm when it opens, one girl said she had 5 guys in one night the night before, and fell asleep with the last guy. So get them while they are still genki.Both girls were cute and very GFE, probably the best value in Tokyo.BUT, don't be fooled, these girls are CHINESE and not Japanese. They can probably fool a tourist, they both spoke good Japanese, but I caught on their accent withing a second. Look wise, they both could have fooled me and they can pass for Japanese no problems.Good luck!

01-05-12, 12:04
I'm in the mood to write, so here's a review of a place I haven't seen mentioned on the forum. It's a hotel health in my old stomping grounds of Ueno. Here's the site:http://www.ueno-lip.comWord of warning: This place is gaijin friendly, but even then very choosy about its customers. They will grill you to make sure you have good Japanese ability (I am very fluent, JLPT 1) and know and will follow the rules. Be polite, clean, and dress well. Most of the other customers are clean cut, suited salaryman types. You will not get FS here, do not try, you will most likely be banned and make the establishment rethink serving us. Be polite and treat the girls well.That said, I have never paid a gaijin tax here, and I have always been offered my pick of any girl on duty and have never been refused service by any girl I've chosen (but they all ask tencho about your Japanese ability). If you can do everything right you will get the same treatment as the Japanese customers.On to the fun part! Check in at the desk and pay the fee (be sure to use the discount on the site if it is your first time!) then head to the hotel. I used Diamond because it is cheap, but clean. Girl will arrive around 10 minutes after you call from the room.The girls are mostly college students, OLs, or girls you would find working at the department store. All of the girls were very clean, attractive, and in their early to late twenties. Chat a bit, disrobe, and hit the showers together. She'll wash your parts and make you gargle something that looks like iodine, then back to the bed for the main event! There is no limit to the number of shots you can take within the time limit. I averaged two. One girl was CBJ, but no condom for sumata, the rest didn't bother with rubbers. Each girl is different in how she plays so ask the tencho if you have any concerns. I've never had any complains about any of the girls' techniques. This shop knows how to pick them! Or at least I do.Bonus: All of the girls have great hygiene and apparently the shop has a contract with a clinic where the girls can get tested for free and most if not all do. I've never come across bad pussy here. Great place for a day at the Y. I love licking clit here! If you like good, clean fun, can follow the rules (no FS!) , and can talk your way out of a paper bag in Japanese, then I highly recommend Ueno Lip. Can't speak for the rest of the chain though.

01-05-12, 12:08
Thanks to this board, I discovered AM soon after coming to Japan.As you can tell by my recent posts, I have started experimenting with DH instead.Although people often bittch about the quality of AM, I am beginning to think that AM is altogether a better deal. At AM, it is understood that there will be FS. For 38, 000, you get as many shots as you can handle in two hours. Usually, I have gotten three shots in the two hours. One time I got 4. The girls have generally had good technique.At DH, you never know if there is going to be FS, and if there is, there is often a tip, so it ends up being almost as expensive as AM, generally for one shot. Although the girls have been younger than at AM, I would not say they have been better looking, and I have had a few with downright bad technique, as if they had never touched a dick before.I am thinking of just going back to AM.So any of the chix you met at Shibuya Smile look like shibuya gyaru girls, mini skirt and boots type?

01-05-12, 22:58
What I don't get about Ai is that she is by far the best looking girl I have gotten in DH, but she seems to have trouble getting customers. She is usually one of the "pick up" girls when she works (ie Grimpeur usually has to put her "on sale"). Her photos on the website are terrible, but the unblurred photos that they show you in the store look just like her.

I wonder if the Japanese customers avoid her because they know that she is no FS.

No, I didn't ask and am fine without FS. But it took me a while to get an appointment with Ai after being refused several times.

01-05-12, 22:59
Anna, Aina, and Miu had that look the most. Aina even wore those plastic glasses without lenses.

So any of the chix you met at Shibuya Smile look like shibuya gyaru girls, mini skirt and boots type?

01-05-12, 23:04
Thanks for your reply.

I was thinking Haruna looked good too. This makes me rethink trying out Kanna. Her photos on the website are hot, but who knows what she looks like in real life.

At Smile, some of the girls keep blogs, and even post pictures of themselves on their blogs which you can compare with the photos on the website. Thanks to her blog, I avoided Suzu. Suzu's photos on the website look cute, but her real photos on the blog are terrible.

Thanks to the blogs, I can confirm that Riri's, Shiho's, and Mei's photos are accurate. They are stunners, but are gaijin NG.

What a great post, thanks very much for your input, agree with your comments, yen for yen these places arent reliable enough. I tried Haruna at smile, much uglier than photos and hopeless technique, no FS. I also tried Seri, who was very preety, and gave a great BJ, not sure if she was up for FS thou.

Would say at 5A Kasumi and Kitty were both good, avoid new girl Reika, to be fair does say inexperienced, and she was just that, waste of money.

Your list off girls at Smile, like you I like the Shibuya style chix, short minis and thigh high boots. Any of the ones you listed fit this bill?

01-07-12, 06:55
What I don't get about Ai is that she is by far the best looking girl I have gotten in DH, but she seems to have trouble getting customers. She is usually one of the "pick up" girls when she works (ie Grimpeur usually has to put her "on sale"). Her photos on the website are terrible, but the unblurred photos that they show you in the store look just like her.

I wonder if the Japanese customers avoid her because they know that she is no FS.I think you are right since Grimpeur is well-known for FS among Japanese (just read the Japanese ni-chanelu will tell you that instantly) or at least many girls offer FS or AF.

01-07-12, 11:51
Can you show me where to find the Japanese ni-chanelu?

I think you are right since Grimpeur is well-known for FS among Japanese (just read the Japanese ni-chanelu will tell you that instantly) or at least many girls offer FS or AF.

Michael 1973
01-07-12, 13:41
Hi all, I am will be back in Japan in February after some time.I went about 3 years or so often JANJAN. And it was 3 or 4 girls sucking you one after each other and last one make you come.Now I read only one girl. So didi it change? What other options around there? Any option for a gajin for FS? Thanks sfor the help. I will post of my experiences when I was there.Michael

01-07-12, 14:11
Tried out Aina from Smile the other day, and she was really cute, and sure enough FS was on the menu without extra tips. A really nice experience all in all. She didn't wear any glasses though.What should be mentioned about Smile, though, is their gaijin tax. They added 10k to the basic play price, a 3k membership fee (on their site, they currently advertise free memberships) and 3k for choosing a girl (2k on the site). All in all 14k on top of a relatively normal price, and then the hotel on top of that added up to around 35k for an hour, which for me is probably too expensive to go again, even if I have a member card. Also, you can't reserve by phone, but have to show up at their shop if you're foreign, which I found unnecessary and annoying.

01-08-12, 01:57
Can you show me where to find the Japanese ni-chanelu?Just randomly pick up from google:


Coded language is used throughout discussion.

&22522; &30436; full sex.

&22522; full sex.

&22522; &12398; &20154; girls who offer FS.

For those who can read Japanese, an extensive BBS site on Japanese fuzoku industry.


01-08-12, 02:13
Hey Ektelontt.

Do you know of a KDH other than k-deli which is gaijin OK?

I'm concerned about trying k-deli since they seem to have to offer discounts. Also, there are no videos on the pages, so you can't tell how accurate the photos are.

Are any mainstream KDH gaijin OK?

So far I've been told with varying levels of politeness by Korean mama-sans that Oppa, First Class, and Nineteen are all gaijin NG. Of course, one other time I got through the appointment making with Oppa, but then the girl turned out to be gaijin NG.

Too bad about about First Class. I would like to try out this chick, even if the tits are fake: http://firstclass-d.com/popup.php?id=1391

I've been using Korean DH a lot recently. The girls are generally worse looking than the photos because they overuse photo shop, but I've never had a girl that was plain ugly. It usually ranges from okay to unbelievably gorgeous. Korean DH places always offer FS at no extra charge. It's usually not all you can shoot and the level of service does of course vary with the girl, but overall I've never been disappointed and wished for my money back. I usually go to KDH shops just because I feel a lot of the BS I usually have to go through at other places is non existent. Everything has always been straight forward but sometimes it's hard to understand the Korean mama-san's Japanese.

Quite a few shops are "Asian only," because it's kind of stupid to make a Korean shop "Japanese only." I recently used Kanbi because they offered a killer discount but that shop for sure is Asian only. I used k-girls a couple of times and many have confirmed that they are gaijin friendly. They recently changed names and websites to.


But it's the same girls etc. They usually offer some sort of discount if you read the homepage details. As with any shop I'd ask to make sure they're completely foreigner friendly when you call in just to avoid some mishap after you pay for a hotel.


This website is a Japanese review site of KDH girls. I can't read and understand everything but the star rating system is enough to let you know if a girl is good or not.

I really miss Nana at Saranes too. I've never gotten better service from anyone regardless of price (a couple of yoshiwara soap girls came close, but if you factor in price.). She worked for a KDH for a short time after Saranes closed.


But sadly she's gone home and hasn't returned.

Ben Linus
01-08-12, 03:35
i've been lurking here for a long time and learned a lot about mongering in tokyo. it's time for me to start giving back. i'll write a series of reports on some of the better places i've been. i'll start with aoi chiryoin in ueno where i started my mongering career.disclaimer: this shop welcomes non-japanese with a respectibly high level of japanese skills. they will test you that you can read their rules. recommend for mongers with jlpt level 2 or higher.the website is here:http://aoi-r.netit is nominally a message with a happy handjob. go to the frot desk, choose your girl, go to the hotel and she shows up shortly thereafter. the girls are all japanese, early twenties to mid thirties, concentrated in the late twenties. they are more of the ol and girl-next-door types. most of the girls are real office ladies, nurses, or message therapists supplementing their day jobs. every girl i met has been attractive with a great figure. some of the messages are quite good, and the topless handjob has never failed to disappoint. some of these girls can do amazing stuff with their hands.you will not get fs. don't even try, it is rude. however, i have gotten extra services like dfk and bbbj from a couple girls, and one who i've seen several times gave me a sumatra session to die for.if you go, i recommend mao. she is a veteran and it is starting to show on her face, but her skills are among the best i've known. as for other girls that are still there, alice is a real message therapist, speaks good english, and usually lives in australia. she comes home on holidays, makes a pile of money then goes back, but i see she is in town when i checked yesterday. maybe you can catch her between now and the new year. the other girls i knew have left (i was a regular for two years).that's all for now. next time i'm on the train and in the mood, i'll post a review of another place. i've been to a few that i haven't seen mentioned on the forum.i went and had yui.http://aoi-r.net/girl.php?id=1312114635i wasn't really asked to read anything by the tenjo, we just conversed normally and he made sure that i understood the rules. that said, i agreee that you need a good level of japanese. they made up a members card for me and i asked to have held at the counter.i had the special massage for one hour. they were running a special for y14, 000. it's normally y16, 000. it's basically a thai style ball massage. it felt great, but she went a little harder than i would like sometimes. then, about 3/5 of the way through she took of her uniform and got down to her panties. i was allowed to touch the top part of her ass and her tits (which were very firm). no licking allowed.yui was a really sweet, cute, next door kind of girl. she was very friendly throughout. i would have liked her to be a little more sexy at the end, though.it's a very similar service to gotanda's tokyo imagine, with the main difference being the girl will be topless. tokyo imagine's girls will always keep their uniform on and you aren't supposed to touch them at all, but i can usually get them to bend the rules a little. some of them will be extremely sexy during the service portion so it can be very satisfying even with their uniform on.

01-08-12, 05:26
New girl@AM.

Mature and slim. Relatively tall, Nao is smart and articulate. She has been living in London for a while and her English is good.

Looks fine. Eyes a bit average.

FS is fine. BJ still hesitant, probably due to her recent start.

Evan Stoner
01-08-12, 06:16
New girl@AM.Looks like she must have been something before electricity, but if she's currently anywhere near 35 I'll eat my hat.

Still, decent legs, might be good for a MILF shot.


Evan Stoner
01-08-12, 06:30
http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/sports/30205/storage/1236049191.htmlThat thread is outdated, try the following for recent discussion:



01-08-12, 10:16
I went for a Korean akasuri at Star in Nippori (mentioned here in the past) and it was closed and the web site shutdown. Based on the age of the fittings this shop must have been there a long time. A Japanese friend told me there had been raids in Nippori and most likely this place has been shut down by the constabulary. Choose your own reason why.

It's a shame, I'd had some wicked fun there, I did just every thing possible including bare back with one girl (yes I know I shouldn't have).

01-08-12, 12:35
Hi LoveShibuyaGirls, I've used many KDHs mentioned on the Delirepo site, including Oppa, without problems. I used to be frequently turned down for being a foreigner when I actually said I was a gaijin on the phone and asked if it's OK. Nowadays I usually just check into a hotel and call some sites to ask who is available, conducting the whole conversation in fast Japanese, and never mention I'm a foreigner anymore. When the girl comes, they are fine with it everytime (I'm half Japanese, but look more western). I would say to just call any KDH and use the same approach.You might want to try 'Eve'http://www.ugu-eve.com/Used to be called 'Love Call'. I've had a couple of girls from here and never any issues. Girls are usually cool and FS (sometimes BBFS offered if you're crazy) is no problem. If you have any questions, shoot us a PM, and don't forget to report! Happy hunting, BC.
Hey Ektelontt.Do you know of a KDH other than k-deli which is gaijin OK? I'm concerned about trying k-deli since they seem to have to offer discounts. Also, there are no videos on the pages, so you can't tell how accurate the photos are.Are any mainstream KDH gaijin OK? So far I've been told with varying levels of politeness by Korean mama-sans that Oppa, First Class, and Nineteen are all gaijin NG. Of course, one other time I got through the appointment making with Oppa, but then the girl turned out to be gaijin NG.Too bad about about First Class. I would like to try out this chick, even if the tits are fake:http://firstclass-d.com/popup.php?id=1391

01-08-12, 16:57
Hey Ektelontt.

Do you know of a KDH other than k-deli which is gaijin OK?

I'm concerned about trying k-deli since they seem to have to offer discounts. Also, there are no videos on the pages, so you can't tell how accurate the photos are.

Are any mainstream KDH gaijin OK?

So far I've been told with varying levels of politeness by Korean mama-sans that Oppa, First Class, and Nineteen are all gaijin NG. Of course, one other time I got through the appointment making with Oppa, but then the girl turned out to be gaijin NG.

Too bad about about First Class. I would like to try out this chick, even if the tits are fake:

http://firstclass-d.com/popup.php?id=1391Unfortunately, I personally don't know of any other KDH that is confirmed gaijin friendly. S-Rank's mama san seems to get good things said about her on the Japanese review site, but that might just mean a polite rejection for foreigners.

I've been to a shop where they very cleverly angled the camera in ways to make the girl look better than reality in videos as well, so the videos don't always confirm everything sadly.

I went into the green colored info booth on the main street with the highway overpass one time, and the guy working there was super friendly and seemed to know which shops were okay with servicing whom. The nice thing was that he even called the shops to make the bookings for me. I wound up with a booking with "Best" at ml-dh. Com and she was the best looking woman I've ever seen. If you have time to spare I would recommend going into an info booth to find a foreigner friendly shop. Just as a warning though I went into the small info booth next to the green colored booth first and that guy very rudely asked me leave because he claimed,"Very few shops serve foreigners and your Japanese isn't good enough for these shops!" This happened after he asked "so what kind of service are you looking for?" and I answered "I'm not sure yet, what's on offer?" so it was a really strange experience.

01-09-12, 01:59
Haha, thanks for the encouragement guys.

My Japanese is not very good, so the mama-san can immediately tell that I am a foreigner over the phone. I was thinking of just lying and saying that I am nissei or halfu or something like that, and then seeing what happens when the girl shows up.

Thanks for pointing out the eve website. Those girls look good.

Hi LoveShibuyaGirls,

I've used many KDHs mentioned on the Delirepo site, including Oppa, without problems. I used to be frequently turned down for being a foreigner when I actually said I was a gaijin on the phone and asked if it's OK. Nowadays I usually just check into a hotel and call some sites to ask who is available, conducting the whole conversation in fast Japanese, and never mention I'm a foreigner anymore. When the girl comes, they are fine with it everytime (I'm half Japanese, but look more western). I would say to just call any KDH and use the same approach.

You might want to try 'Eve'


Used to be called 'Love Call'. I've had a couple of girls from here and never any issues. Girls are usually cool and FS (sometimes BBFS offered if you're crazy) is no problem. If you have any questions, shoot us a PM, and don't forget to report!

Happy hunting, BC.

01-09-12, 11:47
Hi all.Was at Hikari yesterday and had a session with CoCo. I did mention the internet discount so it was 12000 for 80 min. CoCo had a really good attitude and frankly, I think I'd prefer this place to Asian Relax as it's more intimate (she got fully naked) although the Thai oil massage feels a bit better to me (at Hikari they put on about 875 hot towels, then a blanket, and then walk on you).Sadly, I couldn't make the finish happen with the HJ. I'm now 0/3. Still enjoyable, but I don't know why I can't make it happen. If anyone has tips for this let me know.Manta Ray. I think you and I are looking for the same kind of massage place based on your posts. As part of my way of giving back to the forum, let me know if there is a new place that looks good and I'll take one for the team (probably can't make it until my next trip back here).Later last night I went to Princess (Kabukicho). See my earlier post as it's still the same. Was talking to a girl who said gaijin who don't speak Japanese have been in there before, so it looks like it's ok to try if you'd like. I'd still suggest you study up on the numbers though. Also, if it's your first trip, during selection time put your hand up and the guy will come by to ask you what number you want.One last question for Little Jared: Awhile ago you accidentally sent your boss an informative, but probably inappropriate email. What happened? (by the way thanks for the PM you sent me a long time ago, I just checked it).

01-14-12, 20:06
I have been in Tokyo few years back and it seems that foreigners still have troubles there. Especially those with no Japanese skills what so ever.I remember I tried getting a soapy massage only to be refused entry to a dozen of them.So the question is. Is it getting any better? Can a fellow like me with no Japanese skills get a massage, maybe a BBBJ in a decent place? I have seen few suggestions. But I don't know how it works if you don't know Japanese at all. And should I ask for a BBBJ at the start. Or how is it done? Your help is greatly appreciated.Many thanks

01-14-12, 23:08
Hi,I have a question for you guys.Somebody posted a Japanese report site for Korean DH girls a few posts earlier. Does anyone know of a site with reports on Japanese DH-girls? Any link would be appreciated.Thanks!

01-15-12, 02:22
I have been in Tokyo few years back and it seems that foreigners still have troubles there. Especially those with no Japanese skills what so ever.

I remember I tried getting a soapy massage only to be refused entry to a dozen of them.

So the question is. Is it getting any better? Can a fellow like me with no Japanese skills get a massage, maybe a BBBJ in a decent place? I have seen few suggestions. But I don't know how it works if you don't know Japanese at all. And should I ask for a BBBJ at the start. Or how is it done?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Many thanksIt is getting better albeit very slowly, but you cannot afford to be hapless. Do read through the discussion threads, you will be more ready and know what you can find.

01-15-12, 03:43
I'm so surprised there are almost zero report about.http://www.lr-shinjuku.com/top/ That actually is the only company that explicity has GAJIN OK Ladys on their website, and almost all are wonderful girls, Mostly at top level. The prices are also very concorrential.So where is the problem? Why so many insist finding poor services.And ugly girls? Is this site a scam? Thank you

The Tanuki
01-15-12, 08:51
I'm so surprised there are almost zero report about.


That actually is the only company that explicity has GAJIN OK

Ladys on their website, and almost all are wonderful girls,

Mostly at top level. The prices are also very concorrential.

So where is the problem? Why so many insist finding poor services.

And ugly girls?

Is this site a scam?

Thank youWhy not go try it yourself instead of just asking? TOFTT and let us know! Rui takes it up the ass, so go get her man!


01-15-12, 14:36
I'm so surprised there are almost zero report about.http://www.lr-shinjuku.com/top/That actually is the only company that explicity has GAJIN OK Ladys on their website, and almost all are wonderful girls, Mostly at top level. The prices are also very concorrential.So where is the problem? Why so many insist finding poor services.And ugly girls? Is this site a scam? Thank youProblem is is this real deal?

01-15-12, 14:49
http://www.tokyonights.jp/shop/roppongi-Escorts-Angell-enWould this be real deal? Looks just too good and for the price.Anyone have tried?

01-15-12, 15:18
www.moenorinjin.netHighly recommended if you like them big. Foreigners ok if you speak some Japanese.Kaede.Short, slim girl with big soft tits. Excellent service.Shino.Not as slim as Kaede, but not chubby. Big tits (as usual with this shop) and great service.Emili.Quite tall and slightly chubby, with huge tits. Friendly, but somewhat shy and passive. OK service, but not as good as Keade or Shino.

01-17-12, 02:08
FS at this place?
www.moenorinjin.netHighly recommended if you like them big. Foreigners ok if you speak some Japanese.Kaede.Short, slim girl with big soft tits. Excellent service.Shino.Not as slim as Kaede, but not chubby. Big tits (as usual with this shop) and great service.Emili.Quite tall and slightly chubby, with huge tits. Friendly, but somewhat shy and passive. OK service, but not as good as Keade or Shino.

01-18-12, 08:37
Last year, around this time, there were quite a few posts relating to openings for gaijins at Yoshiwara. I myself wrote about it, and my good experience at Kings club, for a reasonable price.

Later on, I saw a few posts mentionning that kings club had sort of disappeared, but that fantasy was still open to gaijins. Since then no more news.

Hence my question: has anyone (gaijin) been able to book a session in any of the Yoshiwara soapland recently?

01-18-12, 08:39

Highly recommended if you like them big. Foreigners ok if you speak some Japanese.


Short, slim girl with big soft tits. Excellent service.


Not as slim as Kaede, but not chubby. Big tits (as usual with this shop) and great service.


Quite tall and slightly chubby, with huge tits. Friendly, but somewhat shy and passive. OK service, but not as good as Keade or Shino.Would JLPT 5 level be sufficient? That is enough to exchange a few basic info, and show understanding of the rules.

01-18-12, 11:45
It is getting better albeit very slowly, but you cannot afford to be hapless. Do read through the discussion threads, you will be more ready and know what you can find.Thanks for your reply.I have been going through the forum very carefully. But the problem is that even if SOME places accept foreigners. They must have a certain level of understanding of the Japanese language. Which makes it totally closed for visitors like my self. And thus I was looking for some hints about places that I can go to without having to deal with being denied service.I am specially interested in a soapy massage. The last I checked in this forum that there were a couple of soapy massage places which got closed!

01-18-12, 14:03
Last year, around this time, there were quite a few posts relating to openings for gaijins at Yoshiwara. I myself wrote about it, and my good experience at Kings club, for a reasonable price.Later on, I saw a few posts mentionning that kings club had sort of disappeared, but that fantasy was still open to gaijins. Since then no more news.Hence my question: has anyone (gaijin) been able to book a session in any of the Yoshiwara soapland recently?I've shared the same curiosity and asked the same questions a little while back with no reply. I have since done some research and have found three places that are said to be foreigner friendly.http://www.kinpei.net/home.phpThis place actually has it written on their website but requests that you come with a Japanese friend. But I'm sure if you can speak decent Japanese the friend part will be waved.http://www.pinpon1.jp/top.phphttp://www.y-gokuu.com/top.phpTo be honest I forgot what website had information about these two places, but people posted that they were foreigner friendly. I simply just bookmarked the web addresses.I haven't gone to any of these shops yet so I have no personal experience on just how gaijin friendly they are. I used to go to Kikoushi, but their website went down sometime last year and I've recently only used K-delis. Hopefully this information proves useful.

01-19-12, 08:02
I've shared the same curiosity and asked the same questions a little while back with no reply. I have since done some research and have found three places that are said to be foreigner friendly.


This place actually has it written on their website but requests that you come with a Japanese friend. But I'm sure if you can speak decent Japanese the friend part will be waved.



To be honest I forgot what website had information about these two places, but people posted that they were foreigner friendly. I simply just bookmarked the web addresses.

I haven't gone to any of these shops yet so I have no personal experience on just how gaijin friendly they are. I used to go to Kikoushi, but their website went down sometime last year and I've recently only used K-delis. Hopefully this information proves useful.Thanks!

Looks like I will have to do the rounds myself.

Last year I went on a Sunday afternoon, and walked around Yoshiwara. I was called by the touts at least 30% of the time, if not more. Will see and report, but would be nice if, in the mean time another member has some additional info.

01-19-12, 08:22
Last year, around this time, there were quite a few posts relating to openings for gaijins at Yoshiwara. I myself wrote about it, and my good experience at Kings club, for a reasonable price.Later on, I saw a few posts mentionning that kings club had sort of disappeared, but that fantasy was still open to gaijins. Since then no more news.Hence my question: has anyone (gaijin) been able to book a session in any of the Yoshiwara soapland recently?As far as I know King's Club has changed to Fantasy, and I don't know if Fantasy still exists, but the manager have moved to Naniwa.So I guess some girls from King's Club still works at Naniwa and its open to gaijin.

01-19-12, 08:30
When I go to Yoshiwara then I always goto the same place.I have been to kings club and few other places but the best place so far was Oushitsu.They also charge extra 10000 yen for gaijin tax so I am looking for some other place Which don't have gaijin tax and good quality of girls.If anyone can shair me good quality soapland with no gaijin tax I would be appreciated.

01-20-12, 06:44
When I go to Yoshiwara then I always goto the same place.I have been to kings club and few other places but the best place so far was Oushitsu.They also charge extra 10000 yen for gaijin tax so I am looking for some other place Which don't have gaijin tax and good quality of girls.If anyone can shair me good quality soapland with no gaijin tax I would be appreciated.Looks like you can make online booking, for the nihongo challenged. At tokyonights. You also get a 5000 yen discount, so the 10k gaijin tax becomes 5. So 25k for 120mins is not bad at all.However, from the instructions in english it looks like it's an outcall, not soapy.LaidBackDude can you please elaborate on your experience with this shop? I assume there's no english, but how good does your japanese have to be? Do they accept walk-ins?

Manta Ray
01-20-12, 07:13
I would just like to confirm with any of you who have recently been to Hikari massage in Nippori. Am I correct in understanding that the system there is quite similar to Asian Feeling / Relax: Oil massage with happy ending HJ, the only difference being that the gals at Hikari end up nude for the happy ending? I'm thinking of giving them a try this eve.Cheers.Manta Ray

01-20-12, 07:41
It's a little different than the session I had at Asian Relax.You start off in a bath, then a table shower, then the Korean scrub. Then you move back to the room and get the a hot towel compress and massage (they walk on you). After that is the oil slide (which I thought would have lasted longer) , and then they finish with the HJ. This is for the 80 min course.

01-20-12, 07:44
It's a little different than the session I had at Asian Relax.

You start off in a bath, then a table shower, then the Korean scrub. Then you move back to the room and get the a hot towel compress and massage (they walk on you). After that is the oil slide (which I thought would have lasted longer) , and then they finish with the HJ. This is for the 80 min course.Looks good, but the question was also about whether the girls end up in the nude. And, may I add, whether there is any chance of physical contact with them.

01-20-12, 07:46
Looks like you can make online booking, for the nihongo challenged. At tokyonights. You also get a 5000 yen discount, so the 10k gaijin tax becomes 5. So 25k for 120mins is not bad at all.

However, from the instructions in english it looks like it's an outcall, not soapy.

LaidBackDude can you please elaborate on your experience with this shop?

I assume there's no english, but how good does your japanese have to be? Do they accept walk-ins?What kind of shop are you referring to, which cost "only" 25k for 2 hours? Is it really classical Yoshiwara soapland? With FS and mattress play?

01-20-12, 07:49
When I go to Yoshiwara then I always goto the same place.

I have been to kings club and few other places but the best place so far was Oushitsu.

They also charge extra 10000 yen for gaijin tax so I am looking for some other place

Which don't have gaijin tax and good quality of girls.

If anyone can shair me good quality soapland with no gaijin tax I would be appreciated.Thanks for the info. Can you share some more info about Oushitsu such as location, total price inc gaijin tax, and services? Any website? And open to nihongo-impaired people?

01-20-12, 07:50
As far as I know King's Club has changed to Fantasy, and I don't know if Fantasy still exists, but the manager have moved to Naniwa.

So I guess some girls from King's Club still works at Naniwa and its open to gaijin.I can't find Fantasy anywhere anymore. Can you share details about Naniwa?

I'll be happy to scout it for the bros, , as well as outshisu, if I get enough details to go there.

My nihongo level is basic, JLPT 5.

Manta Ray
01-20-12, 07:53
It's a little different than the session I had at Asian Relax.

You start off in a bath, then a table shower, then the Korean scrub. Then you move back to the room and get the a hot towel compress and massage (they walk on you). After that is the oil slide (which I thought would have lasted longer) , and then they finish with the HJ. This is for the 80 min course.Thanks for the info. I'll give it a try and report back.

Manta Ray

01-20-12, 15:21
Looks good, but the question was also about whether the girls end up in the nude. And, may I add, whether there is any chance of physical contact with them.Sorry. I missed that point. Yes, she does get completely naked for the HJ portion (I couldn't tell for the oil slide as I was facing down. But that's possible).The HJ is a little more interactive than Asian Relax, there's some sumata, and definitely more contact. With Asian Relax I felt the girl kind of positioned herself so that she's a bit out of reach. With Hikari it's much more personable.

01-20-12, 16:12
Would JLPT 5 level be sufficient? That is enough to exchange a few basic info, and show understanding of the rules.Most probably yes. Just go to the shop and you will see.

Manta Ray
01-21-12, 03:55
sorry. i missed that point. yes, she does get completely naked for the hj portion (i couldn't tell for the oil slide as i was facing down. but that's possible).the hj is a little more interactive than asian relax, there's some sumata, and definitely more contact. with asian relax i felt the girl kind of positioned herself so that she's a bit out of reach. with hikari it's much more personable.i tried hikari last night. arrived around 7pm (easy to find using the map on their website) , and probably since it was cold and raining, it wasn't too busy. i chose the 80 min course for ?13, 000, but the tencho gave me a ?1000 discount without me asking, so i paid ?12, 000. i asked for a slender gal and i was quickly shown into rumi's 'room' (not exactly a room, more like a curtained off half-room-but clean and spacious enough, if you don't mind hearing the customer in the next 'room').rumi is definitely slim, quite cute and with excellent japanese as she completed a 2 year fashion design course in tokyo. she is also sweet, with a nice attitude. the shower was being used when i arrived, so we did the therapeutic massage (walking on back, etc.) and hot towels in the room first. then to the shower area for the bath and scrub-exactly as it was described in earlier reports. i came out of there feeling squeeky clean! then back to the room, where rumi turned down the light, undressed completely (lovely slim body just as i like) , and got on top of me-though at this point no oil was used. she was very ok with me kissing her neck (not lips) , and also her breasts, as much as i wanted. she was also very ok with me stroking her nether region, but asked me not to put my finger inside-no problem. she then started kissing my nipples, fondling junior, and finally slathered on some lotion before straddling me with sumata and the hj. i had no problem unloading after about 5 minutes of that as she was quite gentle and i didn't feel rushed.then another shower, back to the room for a cup of tea and short chat, and i was out the door. all in all very pleasant and good value for ?12,000. their discount point card also seems quite generous as it indicates ?2000 off every third massage. moreover, there is also a korean asakuri massage place in the basement of the same bldg, which is apparently connected to hikari, so the point card can be used in both shops.the only downside for me is that nippori is quite a trek from where i live, so if any of you can report back on a similar type of massage place around shibuya, shinjuku (other than asian feeling/relax) or gotanda (other than choraku), i'd be a happy man! manta ray

01-21-12, 13:30
I can't find Fantasy anywhere anymore. Can you share details about Naniwa? I'll be happy to scout it for the bros, , as well as outshisu, if I get enough details to go there.My nihongo level is basic, JLPT 5.Hi dream.Naniwa. Soso quality not too bad not too good for the price.Oushitsu. Top quality soapland you could ever find in yoshiwara but very high price.If you have enough budget for oushitsu I definitely recommend you to go oushitsu rather than going to naniwa or any other random place

01-21-12, 13:33
My nihongo level is basic, JLPT 5.Oh and if your nihongo is not very good you should probably use online booking from tokyonights.http://www.tokyonights.jp/shop/yoshiwara-Soaplands-oushitu-en

01-21-12, 13:45
Looks like you can make online booking, for the nihongo challenged. At tokyonights. You also get a 5000 yen discount, so the 10k gaijin tax becomes 5. So 25k for 120mins is not bad at all.However, from the instructions in english it looks like it's an outcall, not soapy.LaidBackDude can you please elaborate on your experience with this shop? I assume there's no english, but how good does your japanese have to be? Do they accept walk-ins?I guess you are talking about oushitsu right? It is true that you get 5000 yen dicount if you book in tokyonights which makes your gaijin tax become 5000 yen but.The 20000 yen for 120 min session you mentioned is entrance fee only.They charge 5k for service fee so total price is 70000yen + gaijin tax of 10000yen. 5000 yen tokyonights discount = 75000 yen for 120min.Service is very good, top quality but very very expensive,

01-24-12, 08:29
Last week I phoned a couple of the so called VIP deri shops with Japanese girls. If you speak Japanese then it doesn't seem to be a problem if you're a gaijin, although the selection of girls might be somewhat lower.Anyway, the provider I selected was specializing in girls up to 25. They work out of Shibuya. After the standard procedure of arranging the delivery, I booked into the room. The girl arrived 10 minutes later. Extremely nicely dressed and with a very positive and friendly attitude. I handed over 38, 000 for 90 minutes. We had a little chat, which was nice, and set a nice mood. GFE then began with leg rubbing and DFK. From that shower, DFK, and back to bed. There it was standard play but totally GFE. So GFE that it was actually a bit confusing.Anyway, bed play was BBJ with CIM followed by some stroking and petting.It was really such a good experience. I've been using Kdeli the past few months as I was always a bit reluctant about rejection from Japanese places. With kdeli though I've always felt rotten afterwards as it seems just like a transaction, even though FS is included. I think from hereon I will be more inclined to go back to the Japanese providers, even though it's more money overall levels of satisfaction were a lot higher.After that I went and had a couple of drinks, then phoned a couple of different places to see about something else. They were also receptive, but it was already end of business for the day. I certainly didn't fancy any of the skanks they serve drunks on dogenzaka so left it at that.If you speak Japanese, and don't mind paying a bit more then you can have a very nice girl. These shops are easy enough to find.

01-24-12, 14:20
It's been a while since I've been on this site so thought I would mention my recent fave fashion health Pandora in Ueno (http://www.ueno-pandra.com/top.html). Don't confuse it with the other Ueno Pandora (http://www.ueno-pandora.com/top.html) which is fun though more in a drinking / making-out kind of way.

Had Sekine last week though she already seems to be gone. Girls all look like their picture (though Sekine admitted she was older than listed on the site. I had no idea). Basically everything but FS. It was 9000 Yen for 30 minutes (after 5 pm) though 500 Yen off with net coupon. Japanese required.

01-26-12, 11:40
Went to Hinomaru for the first time in a long time. Ayaka still gives me the most mind-blowing orgasms, the kind that have you that cause a humming reverberation throughout the entire body. She's a BJ master.Word is that Hinomaru has been dead, but when I came in on a Wednesday night, five of the seven girls on duty were servicing customers and I had to wait for mine. One thing that still is dead is the stereo. Still busted, so you can only hear the high mids. Thankfully they have turned it down low enough it doesn't kill your eardrums. Also easier to hear the conversation, which I know isn't why we go to pink salons, but Ayaka is a sweetie, so I like talking to her! Any other girls at Hinomaru worth picking anymore? I'd be interested to try your favorites.

Greg Davis
01-26-12, 16:59
Hi all, Having read quite a lot of the advice and information given here I still do have some questions as this coming May I will do my first trip to Tokyo.To keep it as easy and quick as possible I would like to ask some questions that can simply be answered by yes or no and I would appreciate it a lot if some experienced member could give me a short answer.1. Can you pick up girls from the striptease bars? 2. In the striptease Bars. Will they take away mobile phones with build in camera at the entrance? (I understand that it is strictly forbidden and of course do not even think about using, but I just want to know whether I'the better leave my phone in the hotel.) 3. Do Hotels accept it if I bring back a lady (are they girlfriendly)? (Talking esp. About Sunlite Shinjuku Hotel and Hotel Wing International Shinjuku, both in Kabukicho.) 4. Do I better book a double room in a Hotel or not? (will any possible action rather take place in lovehotels?) 5. Can you name soaplands with Japanese girls that are gaijinfriendly? Thanks very much in advance for your kind help.

01-26-12, 22:05
Hey Ektelontt.

I'll have some time this weekend and will try to go to the green colored info booth. Just so I don't end up getting lost, do you remember more specific directions on how to get there? Which exit from Uguisuidani station, etc?


Unfortunately, I personally don't know of any other KDH that is confirmed gaijin friendly. S-Rank's mama san seems to get good things said about her on the Japanese review site, but that might just mean a polite rejection for foreigners.

I've been to a shop where they very cleverly angled the camera in ways to make the girl look better than reality in videos as well, so the videos don't always confirm everything sadly.

I went into the green colored info booth on the main street with the highway overpass one time, and the guy working there was super friendly and seemed to know which shops were okay with servicing whom. The nice thing was that he even called the shops to make the bookings for me. I wound up with a booking with "Best" at ml-dh. Com and she was the best looking woman I've ever seen. If you have time to spare I would recommend going into an info booth to find a foreigner friendly shop. Just as a warning though I went into the small info booth next to the green colored booth first and that guy very rudely asked me leave because he claimed,"Very few shops serve foreigners and your Japanese isn't good enough for these shops!" This happened after he asked "so what kind of service are you looking for?" and I answered "I'm not sure yet, what's on offer?" so it was a really strange experience.

01-26-12, 22:07
Holy crap! 38, 000 + hotel and no FS? Please tell us the anme of this shop so we can avoid it.

Last week I phoned a couple of the so called VIP deri shops with Japanese girls. If you speak Japanese then it doesn't seem to be a problem if you're a gaijin, although the selection of girls might be somewhat lower.

Anyway, the provider I selected was specializing in girls up to 25. They work out of Shibuya. After the standard procedure of arranging the delivery, I booked into the room. The girl arrived 10 minutes later. Extremely nicely dressed and with a very positive and friendly attitude. I handed over 38, 000 for 90 minutes. We had a little chat, which was nice, and set a nice mood. GFE then began with leg rubbing and DFK. From that shower, DFK, and back to bed. There it was standard play but totally GFE. So GFE that it was actually a bit confusing.

Anyway, bed play was BBJ with CIM followed by some stroking and petting.

It was really such a good experience. I've been using Kdeli the past few months as I was always a bit reluctant about rejection from Japanese places. With kdeli though I've always felt rotten afterwards as it seems just like a transaction, even though FS is included. I think from hereon I will be more inclined to go back to the Japanese providers, even though it's more money overall levels of satisfaction were a lot higher.

After that I went and had a couple of drinks, then phoned a couple of different places to see about something else. They were also receptive, but it was already end of business for the day. I certainly didn't fancy any of the skanks they serve drunks on dogenzaka so left it at that.

If you speak Japanese, and don't mind paying a bit more then you can have a very nice girl. These shops are easy enough to find.

01-26-12, 23:33
Hey Ektelontt.

I'll have some time this weekend and will try to go to the green colored info booth. Just so I don't end up getting lost, do you remember more specific directions on how to get there? Which exit from Uguisuidani station, etc?

Thanks.The place is out the north exit. Once you're out of the ticket gate, make a right towards Kototoi Dori which is the really big and busy road. Don't cross the street then turn right. It's a short walk down Kototoi Dori, maybe not even one minute. I remember the booth was green and had "I love Uguisudani" type of things written on it. Hopefully you get the same patient guy that was working there when I went and not some new jerk.

What was funny was that the guy was a bit nervous at first and said he wasn't sure if the shops would take a foreigner, but he would check. He showed me a Japanese staffed place on the computer and when I said "what about the Korean places?" he suddenly went "oh that should be no problem." I'm guessing the general feeling is that foreigners are naturally trying to tap the natives and as we all know the Japanese staffed places are far more picky about taking foreigners. Anyways good luck and I hope everything goes smoother than your usual k-deli experiences.

01-28-12, 01:35
Holy crap! 38, 000 + hotel and no FS? Please tell us the anme of this shop so we can avoid it.I have to agree to that statement. Sure the service is better than a kdeli, but it better be for that price! At that price it's better to compare the place to a mid grade soapland (even with a gaijin tax applied). I've never heard anyone complain about the service from a mid to high level soapland and FS is included for as many times as you can go.

01-29-12, 12:36
In answer to my own question. Yes, FS is available at this place. I got it from Kozue. She said she doesn't do it with everyone though, so maybe I got lucky. I don't think I will go back to this place though. As others have mentioned, Kozue was quite a bit heavier than her photos would lead you to believe. Furthermore, her breasts were nowhere near as large as advertised.


Does anyone know if FS is available at Cutie Bomb?


There have been a few reports and it seems like the posters didn't get it, although the reports didn't make it clear if they tried. AF is an option, so it seems like it should be available, although you might have to tip.

01-31-12, 06:01
I have to agree to that statement. Sure the service is better than a kdeli, but it better be for that price! At that price it's better to compare the place to a mid grade soapland (even with a gaijin tax applied). I've never heard anyone complain about the service from a mid to high level soapland and FS is included for as many times as you can go.It's not definitive that FS is NG. I was a bit enervated and for the most part am not that into FS with hookers anyway. Nonetheless, I'm only aware of gaijin friendly soap in Yoshiwara or Ueno. Those websites I've seen and read about in Ueno have been skanky. As I also like plumpers, I've been thinking of the dream7000 group shops out in Yoshiwara but that part of town is just too far away. That and the fear of returning home smelling soapy has acted as a bit of a deterrent.

01-31-12, 22:26
If you like plumpers, then you should check out this place:


This place has the biggest girls of any of the "fat chick" specialty shp[s that I have seen.

It's not definitive that FS is NG. I was a bit enervated and for the most part am not that into FS with hookers anyway. Nonetheless, I'm only aware of gaijin friendly soap in Yoshiwara or Ueno. Those websites I've seen and read about in Ueno have been skanky. As I also like plumpers, I've been thinking of the dream7000 group shops out in Yoshiwara but that part of town is just too far away. That and the fear of returning home smelling soapy has acted as a bit of a deterrent.

02-01-12, 22:56
At this DH in Shibuya, on each girls profile, they rate her on which "neighborhood type" she is. There are four types: Shibuya type, Shinjuku type, Ikebukuro type, and Roppongi type.

Does anyone have any insight into what the meanings of the four types are? What makes a "Shibuya type" girl different from a "Shinjuku type" girl?


02-02-12, 03:22
http://galdeli-sy.com/top/[/url]IMHO, The type of girls / young women in those 4 cities are distinctly different. Roppongi girls are generally not tan, stylish, rich, sophisticated. Shibuya are younger, tan, more childish personality and materialistic. Ikebukuro girls are a little cheap, 'dirty', and perhaps slutty. Shinjuku girls are half-way between Roppongi and Ikebukuro, classy, but not over the top.Just my opinion, but if you look at the listings, I think all the 'White' girls are in Roppongi class, and all the 'Dark' garu types are in Shibuya class, so I think I am on the right track.

02-03-12, 05:11
If you like plumpers, then you should check out this place:http://max-body.com/top/This place has the biggest girls of any of the "fat chick" specialty shp[s that I have seen.Have you any experience of this shop? I have been reviewing their website for a while but haven't taken the plunge as I was a bit unsure of quality (photos look way too touched up). Another such specialist shop is Ribbon Special. They are another provider of chubby girls that are gaijin friendly, though there isn't much in the current roster that appeals.

Member #4680
02-03-12, 09:31
It's not definitive that FS is NG. I was a bit enervated and for the most part am not that into FS with hookers anyway. Nonetheless, I'm only aware of gaijin friendly soap in Yoshiwara or Ueno. Those websites I've seen and read about in Ueno have been skanky. As I also like plumpers, I've been thinking of the dream7000 group shops out in Yoshiwara but that part of town is just too far away. That and the fear of returning home smelling soapy has acted as a bit of a deterrent.Dream 7000 is the way to go with plumplers.

02-06-12, 16:51
It's been a while since I've been on this site so thought I would mention my recent fave fashion health Pandora in Ueno (


). Don't confuse it with the other Ueno Pandora (


) which is fun though more in a drinking / making-out kind of way.I've been keeping an eye on their schedule, they have some nice looking ladies but they seem to put the chubby ones on in the evening.

02-08-12, 03:37
Hi,I'm new and just found out about this site. In America, I utilize another site / preferred411 / datecheck but I couldn't find an equivalent for overseas so I guess this site would be the next best thing. Anyways, I'm going to Tokyo next month (Seoul afterwards) for business trips. I was wondering if anyone could provide a good site where I can find outcall, girl straight to my hotel?Thanks!

02-08-12, 15:56
Has anyone been to Tama crystals? I'm stationed near Tama which is on the outskirts of Tokyo and thinking about going there. Do they accept foreigners? And how does the system work. Will be the first time I'm going to such a place.

02-09-12, 06:37
Has anyone been to Tama crystals? I'm stationed near Tama which is on the outskirts of Tokyo and thinking about going there. Do they accept foreigners? And how does the system work. Will be the first time I'm going to such a place.Haven't been there, but on the webpage, they don't say that gaijin are no good, so you have a chance.Here is the procedure- Choose length and course, and pay at the counter.Then, they will bring you to the selection area, where you can see all the available girls through one way glass, and choose your favorite.Then the girl is called out, she brings you up to the second floor, and the fun ensues.If you go, be sure to post a report!

02-09-12, 06:49
Has anyone been to Tama crystals? I'm stationed near Tama which is on the outskirts of Tokyo and thinking about going there. Do they accept foreigners? And how does the system work. Will be the first time I'm going to such a place.Just checked site again-http://www.tama-crystal.com/system/They do accept foreigners! If you TOFTT, let us know what happens

02-09-12, 09:05

I'm new and just found out about this site. In America, I utilize another site / preferred411 / datecheck but I couldn't find an equivalent for overseas so I guess this site would be the next best thing. Anyways, I'm going to Tokyo next month (Seoul afterwards) for business trips. I was wondering if anyone could provide a good site where I can find outcall, girl straight to my hotel?

Thanks!Asian Mystique seems to be the most popular providor here. Do a search for more information.

02-09-12, 15:13
Decided to try Delicious delivery health for the first time tonight.Called the shop from the koban in Kabuki-cho, and mama-san came and picked me up in her car and took me to Hotel Rio. She asked me for my preferences. I said tall and slender and went up to wait in the room.15 minutes later Aya shows up. Korean. 21 years old, genuinely cute. 162 cm and average figure. I can work with that.Chose the 70 min. Local course for 13, 000, skipped FS because I'm fine without it and didn't want to dish out the extra 5, 000. (Good thing too because when I fingered her, I knew I wasn't going to fit up there. That's happened before.) Anyways, short chat, shower and back to the bed. She asked how I like it, and I like GFE. Seems she's a major M who likes to be told what to do. Apparently, nobody else refuses FS, which is how she is used to getting customers off, but she gave it a good college try with BBBJ, but it wasn't going to happen, I stared getting soft. We slipped a condom on (prolly thought I was going to try at stick it in.) and finished me off in Sumata, girl on top. She moaned and tried to create a good atmosphere.We had quite a bit of time left when I got my rocks off, and I knew I probably wasn't going to get another shot out of her, so I decided to see what I could do to her. I made her lay back and I dined at the Y for 25 minutes! About halfway through she started to get into it, then I found her sweet spot and kept tickling it until by the end she had my head in a leglock, the timer had gone off minutes ago, and she just ignored it until I put my head up and asked,"you going to get that?"She sat up and gave me probably the most genuinely passionate kisses I've ever had from a prostitute. Her aura had completely changed. I thought she might hop on me for a freebie. She cursed something about mama-san, stopped the timer, and we started to get dressed, chatting animatedly the whole time. She left the room first. After I tidied myself up and looked around to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything, I saw that in her moment in the afterglow, she had forgotten her bottle of lube!

02-10-12, 23:53

Does anybody have any insight into which girls at Grimpeur offer AF?

I searched on the forum and found a very old post which said that Kasumi does AF. Any others?

If a kanji ga yomeru member of the board could search some of the Japanese message boards and let me know, I would very appreciative.


02-11-12, 05:07
Just checked site again-


They do accept foreigners! If you TOFTT, let us know what happensTama is just a bus ride away for me, so I too would like to know about this place. In general, is FS available at this kind of establishment. After tipping?

02-11-12, 15:34
All.Does anybody have any insight into which girls at Grimpeur offer AF? I searched on the forum and found a very old post which said that Kasumi does AF. Any others? If a kanji ga yomeru member of the board could search some of the Japanese message boards and let me know, I would very appreciative.Thanks.AF was an option on quite a few menus at the hotel-health shops around the Dogenzaka area. Early in 2009 many took that off the menu. I asked one shop clerk (at Garden Gals) why and he said it was preemptive. It was seen as a bit like FS and before they got cracked down on, they took it off the menu. Kasumi did offer AF. Whether she still does is a question. Her service is top-notch regardless. Give it a try. YMMV. My sense is she still would for the extra 10, 000 yen, though she would ask you to keep it a secret (naisho).Best of luck.

02-12-12, 15:07
Hi, I went to Gotanda to check out this place.http://www.es-raku.com/main.htmlThey don't really give out their address on the website, and when I called them, while eager to serve gaijin, were not able to guide me to the shop since I do not understand any Japanese. Has anyone tried this place out and know the address? I'm usually able to find places as long as the website gives the address, even if it is Japanese. If someone can call them up and get an exact address, or share directions that would be great.Thanks, Mftptg

02-12-12, 23:27

I went to Gotanda to check out this place.


They don't really give out their address on the website, and when I called them, while eager to serve gaijin, were not able to guide me to the shop since I do not understand any Japanese. Has anyone tried this place out and know the address? I'm usually able to find places as long as the website gives the address, even if it is Japanese. If someone can call them up and get an exact address, or share directions that would be great.


MftptgThere's a map at the bottom of the website and it says the shop is a 3 minute walk from the station. It seems that you just go out the west exit and follow Sakurada Dori until you get to the Meguro River and turn right before crossing it. The map shows the shop next to a Santouka Ramen shop. Hopefully that helps. Good luck and be sure to write a report about this place if you find it!

02-13-12, 16:25
There's a map at the bottom of the website and it says the shop is a 3 minute walk from the station. It seems that you just go out the west exit and follow Sakurada Dori until you get to the Meguro River and turn right before crossing it. The map shows the shop next to a Santouka Ramen shop.I saw the map so that's where I looked, but I did not find anything. After a while I gave up. Just walked around again using google maps as well. Turned right just before crossing the river, but no signs, or even a hint of where it might be.

02-13-12, 23:25
I saw the map so that's where I looked, but I did not find anything. After a while I gave up. Just walked around again using google maps as well. Turned right just before crossing the river, but no signs, or even a hint of where it might be.I just took a quick look on google maps out of curiosity and I found the place at 35. 625905, 139. 720615. If you use street view and look closely you'll see a small blue sign with Raku written on it in small letters and a huge Kanji which says "Raku." The place is past a Santoka Ramen shop and between a sushi restaurant and a steak house with loads of green cacti outside of it. The sign indicates that it's on the 3rd floor of that building. Since this is a google street view thing, I can't guarantee the area still looks like that now. Good luck!

02-14-12, 12:03
All.Here is an interesting option for DH. The website says which girls are OK with gaikokujin. Interestingly, most of the top-rated "VIP" girls are OK with gaijin.http://www.lr-shinjuku.com/cast/If anybody checks this place out, then please post a report.I've been here twice. Had it with himeka and nana. I paid extra for nana to swallow. Himeka is great at using her tongue when going in her mouth and she has nice tits. Nana is cute and has a great ass.

Billcan 2
02-14-12, 12:47
Headed over on Friday afternoon, had some free time before I met up with my friends. Paid the Y10500 and was met by a Thai girl, went into the small room and was told to undress. She came back with tea and we headed for the shower room, after a very quick and boring shower, we were back to the room, and told to lay down. She gave a half-hearted massage, and then soon, had me flip over. After only a short time massaging my front, it was on to the happy ending, with her sitting as far away as possible. After she had finished, she remembered the hot towels, and went and got them and had me lay back down and covered me with the hot towels, but I had wanted them before the deed was done. Then back to the shower room and an even faster second shower, change and out the door. Was very disappointed, since I had been there this past August and the girl at that time was great, both the massage and the happy ending, snuggled up close and let me feel her up. This girl has a lot to learn if she wants repeat customers, because I will never go back to her.

02-14-12, 15:28
I just took a quick look on google maps out of curiosity and I found the place at 35. 625905, 139. 720615. If you use street view and look closely you'll see a small blue sign with Raku written on it in small letters and a huge Kanji which says "Raku." The place is past a Santoka Ramen shop and between a sushi restaurant and a steak house with loads of green cacti outside of it. The sign indicates that it's on the 3rd floor of that building. Since this is a google street view thing, I can't guarantee the area still looks like that now. Good luck!That sign was not there when I went, I guess they had to remove it. I walked that path a few times. I might check it out if I get time later on.

02-14-12, 23:03
I will check this place out this weekend and post a report. Hopefully this place will turn out to be a good replacement for Saranes.

Cany anybody confirm, though, that since this an este, it means you have your appointment in the shop? You don't go to a LH?

That sign was not there when I went, I guess they had to remove it. I walked that path a few times. I might check it out if I get time later on.

02-15-12, 00:02
I have never been to Japan, but I hear the girls are big into hardsports (shitting) over there. Is this true?

02-15-12, 00:54
i have never been to japan, but i hear the girls are big into hardsports (shitting) over there. is this true?not that many, but you can find them in a few sm places. [CodeWord103] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord103) is more widely available.

02-15-12, 05:27
I will check this place out this weekend and post a report. Hopefully this place will turn out to be a good replacement for Saranes.Cany anybody confirm, though, that since this an este, it means you have your appointment in the shop? You don't go to a LH?I believe that a member here, Herpes, has been to Raku several times. You can find his review by searching the forum, and according to the review, yes, it is Askari Estee shop, so everything happens in the shop itself (shower, massage, and FS).I also checked for Japanese review sites, and while there wasn't a lot of info about Raku, the 3 reviews I saw all said that FS was offered. (I also learned that to Japanese, SP means "Special Service", which equates to honban, and NS means BBFS.Raku was specifically mentioned as SP.

02-15-12, 08:59
i tried hikari last night. arrived around 7pm (easy to find using the map on their website) , and probably since it was cold and raining, it wasn't too busy. i chose the 80 min course for ?13, 000, but the tencho gave me a ?1000 discount without me asking, so i paid ?12, 000. i asked for a slender gal and i was quickly shown into rumi's 'room' (not exactly a room, more like a curtained off half-room-but clean and spacious enough, if you don't mind hearing the customer in the next 'room').

rumi is definitely slim, quite cute and with excellent japanese as she completed a 2 year fashion design course in tokyo. she is also sweet, with a nice attitude. the shower was being used when i arrived, so we did the therapeutic massage (walking on back, etc.) and hot towels in the room first. then to the shower area for the bath and scrub-exactly as it was described in earlier reports. i came out of there feeling squeeky clean! then back to the room, where rumi turned down the light, undressed completely (lovely slim body just as i like) , and got on top of me-though at this point no oil was used. she was very ok with me kissing her neck (not lips) , and also her breasts, as much as i wanted. she was also very ok with me stroking her nether region, but asked me not to put my finger inside-no problem. she then started kissing my nipples, fondling junior, and finally slathered on some lotion before straddling me with sumata and the hj. i had no problem unloading after about 5 minutes of that as she was quite gentle and i didn't feel rushed.

then another shower, back to the room for a cup of tea and short chat, and i was out the door. all in all very pleasant and good value for ?12, 000. their discount point card also seems quite generous as it indicates ?2000 off every third massage. moreover, there is also a korean asakuri massage place in the basement of the same bldg, which is apparently connected to hikari, so the point card can be used in both shops.

the only downside for me is that nippori is quite a trek from where i live, so if any of you can report back on a similar type of massage place around shibuya, shinjuku (other than asian feeling / relax) or gotanda (other than choraku) , i'd be a happy man!

manta raythanks to both of you for finding this new place for us.

i went yesterday evening around 9 pm. extremely easy to find with the website map, even for those kanji impaired people like me.

pap-san does not speak a work of english, but one can get by even without any nihongo. there was only one girl available, all others busy. soso face, but very ncie body, slim, but with nice c natural cups.

there is currently a discount, which explains why you paid 12000, not 13000.

the routine was exctly as you described. my girl, korean like all other, spoke better japanese than me, but we coud maintain conversation. very friendly and bubbly. excellent massage, different form the thai massge, and since i just arrived form bkk, it was a pleasant change. she kept her clothes on until the last part, when all were removed. unfortunately, she kept strategic positions preventing me to accces the nether region, but i had full acces to her spendid breasts. excellent hj technique leading to very relaxing release. sadly did not get sumata, did not ask, maybe for repeat customers.

a good vfm and imay go back.

Lost For Words
02-16-12, 01:23
I will check this place out this weekend and post a report. Hopefully this place will turn out to be a good replacement for Saranes.Cany anybody confirm, though, that since this an este, it means you have your appointment in the shop? You don't go to a LH?I went to this place yesterday. There was a sign outside. Blue sign with raku written in kanji in orange. And it was easy to find. Up to the 3F and the tencho explained the courses. Apparently with the lowest course (9000/8000 depending on time of day you go) is just HJ, and all the other courses are FS. I chose the 12000/11000 course and indeed FS was included.

02-16-12, 08:29
I went to this place yesterday. There was a sign outside. Blue sign with raku written in kanji in orange. And it was easy to find. Up to the 3F and the tencho explained the courses. Apparently with the lowest course (9000/8000 depending on time of day you go) is just HJ, and all the other courses are FS. I chose the 12000/11000 course and indeed FS was included.Thanks, one more place to explore. 12000Y for FS is a real bargain.

In the mean time, can you expand a bit? Typeof girls? Nationalities? Service? Any routine? Whatever you feel like telling us.

Will try going anyway and will report.

02-16-12, 08:48
All this talk about Raku, so I decided to check it out.http://www.es-raku.comFirst, a couple of notes. You have to call before you come, because the front door is deadbolt locked at all times. Simply call from Gotanda station, ask them if they are open, and if it is ok to come by, and they will be ready to open the door when you come by. Second, a previous poster put the google coordinates of the shop on this site, and it is exactly there. They have a new sign, but it really is there, on the third floor. Right between the sushi shop and steakhouse, in front of the river.Ring the doorbell, and the tencho will let you in, and lead you down a hall to the waiting room. He will ask you which course you want, collect your money, and even gives you a point card (which is labeled "Raku" and says in Japanese "Foreign Food iizakaya restaurant (ha!)" and ask you to wait for a while. At this point, if you want to specify your choice of girl, you can pay 1000 uen extra and ask for hon-shime, and the available staff will be brought in for you to appraise.I didn't state a preference, and after a few minutes, the tencho came back, and guided me to a room. Just FYI, the 'rooms' are 3 wall wooden cubicals with plastic curtains. None of the walls reach the ceiling, so you can hear everything happening around you.I had Yuyu, who was around 30 years old, but although she could barely speak any Japanese and no English at all, she was pleasant. Not fat, quite average in appearance, and perhaps a stunner 10 years ago. Anyways, after a greeting, she asked me to disrobe, and place everything on hangers and in a basket, and the led me to the shower room, which is quite large.After a sexy soaping, with careful attention to the fun bits, she towled me off, led me back to her room, and asked me to wait while she herself showered. When she returned, she immediately dropped her towel (so much for pretext) so she was buck naked, and asked what I would like. I asked for a massage, and she with a smile "ok, massage and then service time"The massage was my first, and it wasn't bad (or sexy at all) even though she was doing it naked. After 20 minutes, she asked me to flip over, turned off the light, and the fun started. Excellent BBBJ skill (not like a pink salon at all) , and then she reached for a condom, and after a couple of positions, I finished, but as I was doing so, she asked me to continue pounding because she was getting off, too. I ablidged, and could feel her contractions against the shaft. That was hot. Even if she was faking, it was very considerate.Then, some tissues to clean up, and then back to the shower to clean up. Back to the room, dressed, and out the door. Total damage 11, 000 yen for 65 minutes.I'll go again, but maybe ask for hon-shime, since I prefer someone a bit younger. All in all, not bad at all.

02-16-12, 15:22
Thanks, one more place to explore. 12000Y for FS is a real bargain.

In the mean time, can you expand a bit? Typeof girls? Nationalities? Service? Any routine? Whatever you feel like telling us.

Will try going anyway and will report.It is safe to assume that it is Chinese place. You won't find J-girls offering FS at that rate.

02-16-12, 22:58
The girls at this place are Korean, not Chinese.

It is safe to assume that it is Chinese place. You won't find J-girls offering FS at that rate.

02-16-12, 23:00
Thanks for the detailed report, and for confirming that there is BBBJ. I read in a very old report that it was CBJ.

At this price, I am not expecting a stunner. JUst hoping for a good bargain. Japanese DH gets expensive after a while.

All this talk about Raku, so I decided to check it out.


First, a couple of notes. You have to call before you come, because the front door is deadbolt locked at all times. Simply call from Gotanda station, ask them if they are open, and if it is ok to come by, and they will be ready to open the door when you come by. Second, a previous poster put the google coordinates of the shop on this site, and it is exactly there. They have a new sign, but it really is there, on the third floor. Right between the sushi shop and steakhouse, in front of the river.

Ring the doorbell, and the tencho will let you in, and lead you down a hall to the waiting room. He will ask you which course you want, collect your money, and even gives you a point card (which is labeled "Raku" and says in Japanese "Foreign Food iizakaya restaurant (ha!)" and ask you to wait for a while. At this point, if you want to specify your choice of girl, you can pay 1000 uen extra and ask for hon-shime, and the available staff will be brought in for you to appraise.

I didn't state a preference, and after a few minutes, the tencho came back, and guided me to a room. Just FYI, the 'rooms' are 3 wall wooden cubicals with plastic curtains. None of the walls reach the ceiling, so you can hear everything happening around you.

I had Yuyu, who was around 30 years old, but although she could barely speak any Japanese and no English at all, she was pleasant. Not fat, quite average in appearance, and perhaps a stunner 10 years ago. Anyways, after a greeting, she asked me to disrobe, and place everything on hangers and in a basket, and the led me to the shower room, which is quite large.

After a sexy soaping, with careful attention to the fun bits, she towled me off, led me back to her room, and asked me to wait while she herself showered. When she returned, she immediately dropped her towel (so much for pretext) so she was buck naked, and asked what I would like. I asked for a massage, and she with a smile "ok, massage and then service time"

The massage was my first, and it wasn't bad (or sexy at all) even though she was doing it naked. After 20 minutes, she asked me to flip over, turned off the light, and the fun started. Excellent BBBJ skill (not like a pink salon at all) , and then she reached for a condom, and after a couple of positions, I finished, but as I was doing so, she asked me to continue pounding because she was getting off, too. I ablidged, and could feel her contractions against the shaft. That was hot. Even if she was faking, it was very considerate.

Then, some tissues to clean up, and then back to the shower to clean up. Back to the room, dressed, and out the door. Total damage 11, 000 yen for 65 minutes.

I'll go again, but maybe ask for hon-shime, since I prefer someone a bit younger. All in all, not bad at all.

02-17-12, 07:33
All this talk about Raku, so I decided to check it out.http://www.es-raku.comFirst, a couple of notes. You have to call before you come, because the front door is deadbolt locked at all times. Simply call from Gotanda station, ask them if they are open, and if it is ok to come by, and they will be ready to open the door when you come by. Second, a previous poster put the google coordinates of the shop on this site, and it is exactly there. They have a new sign, but it really is there, on the third floor. Right between the sushi shop and steakhouse, in front of the river.Thanks for the very helpful post. I'll be checking this place out next weekend when I get to Tokyo and I wouldn't have gotten past that locked front door. BTW, does the tencho speak English? My Nihongo is pretty limited but I hope it will be enough.

Lost For Words
02-17-12, 07:42
Raku is not a bad bargain if it's the middle of the day, but if you're in Gotanda at night and you don't mind a Chinese girl, you can get FS for 10000 JPY with girls that are better looking than the girls at Raku. There's a number of Chinese FS places in Gotanda, but the one that consistently has the best quality is here:http://bit.ly/yy2L0h.This is the Google maps of the place. Outside there will be some Chinese girl asking you if you want a massage and tell you you want to go up to the 5F. Take the elevator up to the 5F and the door will be open for you. Go in and tell them that you want to choose by the real person (hon-nin de kimetai desu) and they should get all the girls ready and take you in the back and show you the girls one by one. You choose the one you like and pay the guy 10000 JPY. The service is the same as everywhere else. Shower, massage if you're interested, and then FS.I've been to a number of these places in Gotanda but keep ending up back at this one because they allow you to choose the girl by looking at the real person, and because the girls are consistently cute and young. The only problem with this place is that it opens at 7pm on the weekdays and 6pm on the weekends. If they're crowded, they might redirect you directly across the street to the 3F. It's the same place, same girls and same owners. Just used when it's crowded.If you go and don't see anybody you're immediately interested in, ask for Aya. She's cute and definitely a lot of fun.

02-17-12, 09:02
All this talk about Raku, so I decided to check it out.


First, a couple of notes. You have to call before you come, because the front door is deadbolt locked at all times. Simply call from Gotanda station, ask them if they are open, and if it is ok to come by, and they will be ready to open the door when you come by. Second, a previous poster put the google coordinates of the shop on this site, and it is exactly there. They have a new sign, but it really is there, on the third floor. Right between the sushi shop and steakhouse, in front of the river.

Ring the doorbell, and the tencho will let you in, and lead you down a hall to the waiting room. He will ask you which course you want, collect your money, and even gives you a point card (which is labeled "Raku" and says in Japanese "Foreign Food iizakaya restaurant (ha!)" and ask you to wait for a while. At this point, if you want to specify your choice of girl, you can pay 1000 uen extra and ask for hon-shime, and the available staff will be brought in for you to appraise.

I didn't state a preference, and after a few minutes, the tencho came back, and guided me to a room. Just FYI, the 'rooms' are 3 wall wooden cubicals with plastic curtains. None of the walls reach the ceiling, so you can hear everything happening around you.

I had Yuyu, who was around 30 years old, but although she could barely speak any Japanese and no English at all, she was pleasant. Not fat, quite average in appearance, and perhaps a stunner 10 years ago. Anyways, after a greeting, she asked me to disrobe, and place everything on hangers and in a basket, and the led me to the shower room, which is quite large.

After a sexy soaping, with careful attention to the fun bits, she towled me off, led me back to her room, and asked me to wait while she herself showered. When she returned, she immediately dropped her towel (so much for pretext) so she was buck naked, and asked what I would like. I asked for a massage, and she with a smile "ok, massage and then service time"

The massage was my first, and it wasn't bad (or sexy at all) even though she was doing it naked. After 20 minutes, she asked me to flip over, turned off the light, and the fun started. Excellent BBBJ skill (not like a pink salon at all) , and then she reached for a condom, and after a couple of positions, I finished, but as I was doing so, she asked me to continue pounding because she was getting off, too. I ablidged, and could feel her contractions against the shaft. That was hot. Even if she was faking, it was very considerate.

Then, some tissues to clean up, and then back to the shower to clean up. Back to the room, dressed, and out the door. Total damage 11, 000 yen for 65 minutes.

I'll go again, but maybe ask for hon-shime, since I prefer someone a bit younger. All in all, not bad at all.Thanks. You beat me to it.

When you called from the station, I assume you had to speak japanese. Are very basic phrases like "watashi wa ikitai desu."sufficient, or do you need highler level of conversation?

Seems very much like Hikari, except for the hon ban and BBJ, a huge difference for the same price

02-17-12, 10:04
Was allowed into Raku, but after the guy at the desk had chat with the girl, she did not seem interested in gaijin and I was sent packing.How about.www.lr-shinjuku.comDo you need to be able to speak Japanese? How exactly does the place work.Sorry, but my Japanese is non-existant, and google translate doesn't help much with that site since it is all pictures.They showed a map, but no address, and the map is also in japanese.

02-17-12, 12:53
Thanks. You beat me to it.When you called from the station, I assume you had to speak japanese. Are very basic phrases like "watashi wa ikitai desu."sufficient, or do you need highler level of conversation? Seems very much like Hikari, except for the hon ban and BBJ, a huge difference for the same priceYeah- basic Japanese is fine. The guy working there spoke Japanese with a noticeable Korean accent anyway, so no worries about broken communication skills Something like.Kyou yattemasuka? (are you open today?) if he says yes, then you can say thanks, then, Basho o wakarimasukara ima sugu ikimasu (I know the location, I am headed there right away). He will Have fun

02-17-12, 17:18
www.lr-shinjuku.comDo you need to be able to speak Japanese? How exactly does the place work.Sorry, but my Japanese is non-existant, and google translate doesn't help much with that site since it is all pictures.I'm a recent new member there (haven't got around to writing a report yet). Japanese is absolutely required both conversational and reading; although if someone contradicts me then I'm happy to hear that.I think you're better off with http://www.hipness.jp/ Asia Mystic or others mentioned here or http://erolin.net/?ac=top

02-17-12, 18:27
Is Tokyo a great time to visit during Easter? Weather, party atmosphere etc.

02-18-12, 00:08
Except for Ageha, I think all of the places that advertise for foriegners on Erolin are staffed by Chinese girls. Furthermore, the photos on those places are totally fake. If you order from those places, you will get an early to mid twenties Chinese girl for Japanese DH price. That is a ripoff.

Ageha is all Japanese girls, and the order can be done entirely in English, but the women are in their thrities. I had a good experience at Ageha and would recommend them over any of the other places on Erolin. YOu can search for Ageha to reead my report.

I'm a recent new member there (haven't got around to writing a report yet). Japanese is absolutely required both conversational and reading; although if someone contradicts me then I'm happy to hear that.

I think you're better off with http://www.hipness.jp/ Asia Mystic or others mentioned here or http://erolin.net/?ac=top

02-18-12, 00:09
Easter is not a holiday in Japan, so if you were expecting some kind of special party, like you would find in a Latin American country, you will be disappointed.

The weather is very good at that time of the year. It will probably be Sakura season, so you will be able to see cherry blossoms while walking aroujnd during the day.

I guess it is about as good a time as any of the year to come.

Is Tokyo a great time to visit during Easter? Weather, party atmosphere etc.

02-18-12, 06:06
Raku is not a bad bargain if it's the middle of the day, but if you're in Gotanda at night and you don't mind a Chinese girl, you can get FS for 10000 JPY with girls that are better looking than the girls at Raku. There's a number of Chinese FS places in Gotanda, but the one that consistently has the best quality is here:


This is the Google maps of the place. Outside there will be some Chinese girl asking you if you want a massage and tell you you want to go up to the 5F. Take the elevator up to the 5F and the door will be open for you. Go in and tell them that you want to choose by the real person (hon-nin de kimetai desu) and they should get all the girls ready and take you in the back and show you the girls one by one. You choose the one you like and pay the guy 10000 JPY. The service is the same as everywhere else. Shower, massage if you're interested, and then FS.

I've been to a number of these places in Gotanda but keep ending up back at this one because they allow you to choose the girl by looking at the real person, and because the girls are consistently cute and young. The only problem with this place is that it opens at 7pm on the weekdays and 6pm on the weekends. If they're crowded, they might redirect you directly across the street to the 3F. It's the same place, same girls and same owners. Just used when it's crowded.

If you go and don't see anybody you're immediately interested in, ask for Aya. She's cute and definitely a lot of fun.Without Kanji reading skills, it is difficult to read the map. How do you get there from Gotanda Yamanote station? I guess once you reach the crossing, the picture will help to find the buildong. Also, has the place a name? Writeen in wich script? And a website?


02-18-12, 09:54
Except for Ageha, I think all of the places that advertise for foriegners on Erolin are staffed by Chinese girls. Furthermore, the photos on those places are totally fake. If you order from those places, you will get an early to mid twenties Chinese girl for Japanese DH price. That is a ripoff.Ageha is all Japanese girls, and the order can be done entirely in English, but the women are in their thrities. I had a good experience at Ageha and would recommend them over any of the other places on Erolin. YOu can search for Ageha to reead my report.LSG, you mentioned you can even order in English at Ageha. Do you mean they have an English speaking operator or you can write in english on their website request form? Thanks for your help!

02-18-12, 10:45
Was allowed into Raku, but after the guy at the desk had chat with the girl, she did not seem interested in gaijin and I was sent packing.How about.www.lr-shinjuku.comDo you need to be able to speak Japanese? How exactly does the place work.Sorry, but my Japanese is non-existant, and google translate doesn't help much with that site since it is all pictures.They showed a map, but no address, and the map is also in japanese.I've used this store 3 times. If there is a globe on the profile it means that girl will take a foreign customer. I've had Anjou, himeka and nana. All great girls. Anju let me cum on her face for 4000 and she was cute and had a firm ass. Nana has a firm ass too. Himeka gives good head and gives a good tittymfuck.

Lost For Words
02-19-12, 05:00
Without Kanji reading skills, it is difficult to read the map. How do you get there from Gotanda Yamanote station? I guess once you reach the crossing, the picture will help to find the buildong. Also, has the place a name? Writeen in wich script? And a website? ThnaksOh, sorry. I didn't realize if you zoom out it doesn't show you where on the map. The easiest way is to go out of the east exit of Gotanda. There should be a Mos Burger and a Yoshinoya across the street. Go across the street to the Mos Burger. With the Mos Burger at your back, go left, straight past the Yoshinoya to the intersection with the light. The "Remy" building will be across the street in front of you if you're standing at the intersection. Take a left, and you'll pass the SMBC bank on your left. Then take your first left onto that street. You'll pass one small road and you'll see two vending machines on the right hand side. The building in on the right there. One of the signs says "Girls Bar B1" in pink. If you made it that far, though, just tell the Chinese girls on the street that you want to go to the 5F and they'll take you there.

02-19-12, 09:18
I found a handy site with maps of various locations in Tokyo and love hotels there: http://www.lovehomap.com/index.html.On to the report:I decided to try Ageha (http://www.wbc2008.com/) after reading about it here. 70 minute course for 20k.I called them and mentioned that I was a foreigner, which led to being transferred to an English-speaking operator. My first choice was "Japanese-only", so I made an appointment with Kotani. For location I told him I'd be using a love hotel in Otsuka. I was told to call back one hour before to confirm.I called back and confirmed. Was told to call them again from the hotel. Chose Hotel Frontier, got a room (for about 5k) , and informed Ageha of the hotel and room number. They called on the hotel phone to make sure I was there.After about 10 minutes, Kotani showed up. Not as attractive as she might seem in the pictures, but still good-looking. Bed-play involved kissing, BBJ. 69 and FS. Afterwards we took a short bath together and then headed out.She had a good attitude, very willing to please. She took initiative to FS before I even asked. All in all a very good experience.PS. Kotani mentioned having poor English skills, but as we spoke Japanese the whole time, I don't know what level she is at.

02-19-12, 12:41
Without Kanji reading skills, it is difficult to read the map. How do you get there from Gotanda Yamanote station? I guess once you reach the crossing, the picture will help to find the buildong. Also, has the place a name? Writeen in wich script? And a website? ThnaksI haven't been to this place yet, so I can't speak to LFW's actual report, but in terms of finding the place: the only real Kanji you need to know is the name of the station that's to the west of the shop, and that's Gotanda. The rest is taking the closest exit, which looks to be A5 and walking the 2 1/2 blocks there. Since I have a little bit of Japanese knowledge and was bored last night, I figured out the exact address to this place:http://g.co/maps/h5h3dOr Tokyo higashigotanda 1-20-14.This probably isn't going to do you much good unless you are going to take a taxi to the building. Doing a google search for that address (in Japanese) didn't pull up a website, so I'm not sure if they have one. I should be in Tokyo soon, and I'll definitely give this place a try.I'm attaching my post from the Nagoya section on figuring out addresses in Japan, since doing that and using Google Maps (especially when you have a smart phone with you) is in my opinion infinitely easier than basing instructions on various landmarks.
I'm not sure if this has been posted elsewhere, and since people obviously keep asking where something is when the address is posted, I wanted to explain the bizarre nature of the Japanese address system.If you have no interest in 'learning to fish' and just want to be 'given the fish', if someone says that a place is located in Nagoya at Sakae 4-11-10 as previously posted in a report, you can just go to maps. Google. Com and plug in "Japan Nagoya Sakae 4-11-10" in the search box, and it will show you the exact block you are looking for.For everyone else, read on.There are many streets in Japan that have no names, so an address like 123 Main Street makes no sense in many / most cases. This is far more true in Tokyo than Kyoto or Nagoya, in my experience. Regardless, no address in Japan is formatted the way we do in the west. They format based on a 'subset' model, where the next entity down in the address is a smaller part of the its upstream entity. Generally for larger cities, these entities follow this pattern:Country- Prefecture. City. Ward. District. Cho. Land number The 'Cho' and 'land number' make up the 3 digit number you see in many addresses, where 'Cho' is a numbered subsection of town, and the land number, being the 2nd and 3rd numbers, represent the numbered block within that Cho, and then the numbered building on that block. In some cases the cho will be listed separately.So 'Japan Nagoya Sakae 4-11-10' where Aichi Prefecture and Naka Ward are left out because Google Maps knows where Nagoya and Sakae are, says that it's the 4th Cho (usually when talking about 'Cho', it will actually be written 'Chome', so 4-Chome- in Japanese yon-chome) , then the 11th block within 4-Chome, then the 10th building of that block. Google Maps is smart enough to put a dotted line around the block if you leave the building number off (it also lists the block number on the block itself) , and if its mapping system has the building number in it, it'll point to the right building.For a Tokyo example, lets look at the Hinomaru BJ bar: Tokyo, Shinjuku, Kabukicho. 2-36-3, where Tokyo is the city, Shinjuku is the ward, Kabukicho is the district, it's the 2nd Cho (2-Chome, or in Japanese Ni-Chome).36th block of that cho, and 3rd building on that block.Depending on the website, you can often just cut and paste the address into Google Maps. Learning to recognize the kanji for Japan and the city in question is pretty easy, and look for the 3 sets of numbers. Unfortunately a lot of sites use image files instead of text for their information (to keep it from being searchable?) , so easy cutting and pasting for various reasons is regrettably unavailable.Double-bonus hint: This can be useful the other direction too. Instead of writing up reports saying "It's 50 meters from the Family Mart on the west side of the station." You can be much more accurate in your reporting by going to Google Maps and finding the district of town and block in question.As previously described, having the City-Ward-District-Cho-Land Number and handing them to a taxi driver will usually get you right there (although recently my taxi driver couldn't find my hotel in Tokyo based on its address. GPS may have issues with new buildings). Hopefully this info helps with your mongering and other tourism needs in Japan.

02-19-12, 16:09
And so the question comes down to, do you speak Japanese? And what about those girls, did they speak english?
I've used this store 3 times. If there is a globe on the profile it means that girl will take a foreign customer. I've had Anjou, himeka and nana. All great girls. Anju let me cum on her face for 4000 and she was cute and had a firm ass. Nana has a firm ass too. Himeka gives good head and gives a good tittymfuck.

02-19-12, 22:07
And so the question comes down to, do you speak Japanese? And what about those girls, did they speak english?Yes, I speak Japanese and none of the girls I know of speak English.But I hears at Naniwa at Yoshiwara that 3 girls there can speak English.

02-20-12, 01:17
Except for Ageha, I think all of the places that advertise for foriegners on Erolin are staffed by Chinese girls. Furthermore, the photos on those places are totally fake. If you order from those places, you will get an early to mid twenties Chinese girl for Japanese DH price. That is a ripoff.

Ageha is all Japanese girls, and the order can be done entirely in English, but the women are in their thrities. I had a good experience at Ageha and would recommend them over any of the other places on Erolin. YOu can search for Ageha to reead my report.This is not true, every shops (don't know about X-Ray) advertsied in the section of Shibuya normally have only Japanese girls. Diana, M-Style and CC cats are m-seikan, not really cup of tea for most.

02-20-12, 07:32
I don't post here often but I concur with Bluerose.In fact I have tried some of the Erolin shops in listed Shinjuku and made it clear on the phone and email beforehand that I wanted a native Japanese girl ONLY and not to try and misrepresent with a Chinese or Korean as I can tell the difference. I meet the girl in front of the hotel and if I suspect or even doubt a non-Japanese. I will walk. No money out of my pocket.This "threat" appearantly works as each time a nice early 20's Japanese hottie arrives and I get what I want.The CC cats, M-style shops I would say are more fetish / SM than traditional DH and I would say most if not all are Japanese girls.Koreans don't really have a cultrue of SM or understand the concept fetish while the I think the Chinese just want your money and don't understand Japanese customer service. Why anyone would deal with the Chinese working girls in Japan is beyond me but to each his own.So not all of the Erolin shops are only Chinese / Korean.My advise is state clearly beforehand that you will only accept Japanese and threaten to walk if you do not get what you want.

02-20-12, 22:23
Sorry, I should have been more clear.

I suspect that all of the shops that advertise as being OK for people who don't speak Japanese have only Chinese girls.

Grimpeur and Smile both advertise there, but they say you have to speak Japanese. Obviously they have only Japanese girls.

I like Korean chicks. I would pay as much for Korean as Japanese. Chinese though should be 10000, no more.

Are there any shops with Korean girls on Erolin?

I don't post here often but I concur with Bluerose.

In fact I have tried some of the Erolin shops in listed Shinjuku and made it clear on the phone and email beforehand that I wanted a native Japanese girl ONLY and not to try and misrepresent with a Chinese or Korean as I can tell the difference. I meet the girl in front of the hotel and if I suspect or even doubt a non-Japanese. I will walk. No money out of my pocket.

This "threat" appearantly works as each time a nice early 20's Japanese hottie arrives and I get what I want.

The CC cats, M-style shops I would say are more fetish / SM than traditional DH and I would say most if not all are Japanese girls.

Koreans don't really have a cultrue of SM or understand the concept fetish while the I think the Chinese just want your money and don't understand Japanese customer service. Why anyone would deal with the Chinese working girls in Japan is beyond me but to each his own.

So not all of the Erolin shops are only Chinese / Korean.

My advise is state clearly beforehand that you will only accept Japanese and threaten to walk if you do not get what you want.

02-21-12, 03:21
Again. Not true. I have tried some of those "English OK" shops and have had native Japanese at both. And I do speak Japanese.You need to demand up front that you will only accept native Japanese and ask if the girl (s) you are interested are native Japanese.I think most Japan newbie guys do not either because they are too shy, forgetful, or whatever. They will accept anything they can get.I do think it is kind of B. S. That they are not more upfront on their website and state the nationality of each girl.But us veterans who have lived over here is Asia are no fools and can tell the difference. And Japanese guys obviously are not fooled either.If I want a Chinese girl. I will go to Shanghai.
Sorry, I should have been more clear.I suspect that all of the shops that advertise as being OK for people who don't speak Japanese have only Chinese girls.Grimpeur and Smile both advertise there, but they say you have to speak Japanese. Obviously they have only Japanese girls.I like Korean chicks. I would pay as much for Korean as Japanese. Chinese though should be 10000, no more.Are there any shops with Korean girls on Erolin?

02-21-12, 06:10
Asian Mystique seems to be the most popular providor here. Do a search for more information.Thank you, this seems like the best option!

02-21-12, 07:38
Oh, sorry. I didn't realize if you zoom out it doesn't show you where on the map. The easiest way is to go out of the east exit of Gotanda. There should be a Mos Burger and a Yoshinoya across the street. Go across the street to the Mos Burger. With the Mos Burger at your back, go left, straight past the Yoshinoya to the intersection with the light. The "Remy" building will be across the street in front of you if you're standing at the intersection. Take a left, and you'll pass the SMBC bank on your left. Then take your first left onto that street. You'll pass one small road and you'll see two vending machines on the right hand side. The building in on the right there. One of the signs says "Girls Bar B1" in pink. If you made it that far, though, just tell the Chinese girls on the street that you want to go to the 5F and they'll take you there.Thnaks very much, will try tomorrow most likley.

02-21-12, 08:01
Went to both places recently.

Hinomaru still alive and kicking. Same as usual. 4000 Y, don't trust the tencho to choose a girl with your request. I got a girl with a so so face, but nice body. Good service as usual, DFK, DATY, fingering, whatever but FS. Hinomaru remains a good reliable place for quick release.

JanJan delivers the same service, except that I got really lucky this time, since my girl was unusually stunning, tall, long legs, long hair, see cups with thin and long nipples. After a short chat, I started to work on her nipples and fingered her, within seconds she started to get excited, all wet, and finally almost screaming. If fake, best price for acting. After which she returned the favors to me, best BBJ I have ahd in recent times in pink salons. Great pity that iIcould not get into this tight wet ****, I guess she also would have liked.

But this was pure luck, since I saw another girl going to another booth, and she was very ordinary.

Conclusion: both places offer similar service at the same price, so no need to travel far to any of them.

Last: Dis anyone try any of the 2 other joints in the alley, which both offer the service for 3000? I think I will make the jump next time and check it.

02-21-12, 08:13
went to this one, which used to be one of my favorite strip theaters in the long time past.

well, i supsected, having sort of read the website, that this was a special show, which seems to run all of feb, after which they will resune usual strip theaters routine.

and special it was. first high price:8000k, but i paid 5000 only thanks to senior citizen discount.

in short: about 10 girls and 30 men. no real show, but a succession of@situations@in which each patron stand in a line to take part in. asituations are; lie down on your tummy on stage and get shoulder massge by one naked girl for 30 seconds. putt a golf ball aiming at the. hole of a naked girl. drink a cup of wine, after wine had been poured over a girl's pussy. dance on stage with a naked girl for about 2 min, with some chest and buttocks touching allowed. etc. all this lasted 3 hours. ah, i forgot, watch 3 girls [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) on stage.

well, we knew that the japanese were weird, and they are. i could have taken part into all this if i so wanted, gaijin daijobu desu, but frankly, the wine tasting pussy.

anyway, interesting from an anthropological point of view.

another thing: they have a vip room, clearly saying it is not a pink room. for 2k, you can chat for 15 min with the naked girl of your choice and touch her more or lessanywhere.

at the end, there is very little eroticism in all that, and if you want real audience participation, the only one in the aera that i know of is the kogane at yokohama.

02-21-12, 15:02
And so the question comes down to, do you speak Japanese? And what about those girls, did they speak english?I speak Japanese I'm level 2 on the jlpt. And none of the girls speak English but I heard 3 girls at naniwa can.

Smith Ed
02-22-12, 04:03
I was at the shop cross the street from janjan 3 weeks ago. 3000yen seems a good price, but the service was something I never tried before and not willing to repeat in the short future. Its a 3 girls rotation. You stay in the 69 position at all time. And first second girls cleans you up and did a semi-ok BBBJ. Then the last girl will finish you off. The whole thing is about 30 mins and I had to concentrate really hard to release since all the girls there are either fluffy, old or far from attractive.
Went to both places recently.Hinomaru still alive and kicking. Same as usual. 4000 Y, don't trust the tencho to choose a girl with your request. I got a girl with a so so face, but nice body. Good service as usual, DFK, DATY, fingering, whatever but FS. Hinomaru remains a good reliable place for quick release.JanJan delivers the same service, except that I got really lucky this time, since my girl was unusually stunning, tall, long legs, long hair, see cups with thin and long nipples. After a short chat, I started to work on her nipples and fingered her, within seconds she started to get excited, all wet, and finally almost screaming. If fake, best price for acting. After which she returned the favors to me, best BBJ I have ahd in recent times in pink salons. Great pity that iIcould not get into this tight wet, I guess she also would have liked.But this was pure luck, since I saw another girl going to another booth, and she was very ordinary.Conclusion: both places offer similar service at the same price, so no need to travel far to any of them.Last: Dis anyone try any of the 2 other joints in the alley, which both offer the service for 3000? I think I will make the jump next time and check it.

02-22-12, 06:49
I was at the shop cross the street from janjan 3 weeks ago. 3000yen seems a good price, but the service was something I never tried before and not willing to repeat in the short future. Its a 3 girls rotation. You stay in the 69 position at all time. And first second girls cleans you up and did a semi-ok BBBJ. Then the last girl will finish you off. The whole thing is about 30 mins and I had to concentrate really hard to release since all the girls there are either fluffy, old or far from attractive.Thanks. Seems like everywhere else, you finallly get what you pay for.

Jpn Dude
02-23-12, 05:37
I was at the shop cross the street from janjan 3 weeks ago. 3000yen seems a good price, but the service was something I never tried before and not willing to repeat in the short future. Its a 3 girls rotation. You stay in the 69 position at all time. And first second girls cleans you up and did a semi-ok BBBJ. Then the last girl will finish you off. The whole thing is about 30 mins and I had to concentrate really hard to release since all the girls there are either fluffy, old or far from attractive.There is (or was) a similar shop on the right side before Jan-Jan as you walk down from the station. I went there about 3 years ago. Just about the same report as Smith Ed wrote. Brighter lighting, louder music, unappealing / unattractive girls. I went mid-afternoon and paid 3000yen. The first girl was plumpy and after 10 minutes of trying, I couldn't even get erect. Another girl was called for the last 15 minutes or so. She was rail thin and had nasty teeth. I was able to spew my baby juice only while imagining my last lay with a bed buddy I had at the time. Waste of time and a little cash.

02-23-12, 12:37
I had azusa at hinomaru some time ago. She has an average face but her tits make up for it. But yeah, her BJ skills are awful but her tits are. It just big, but also very soft. Probably the softest tits I ever felt. Plus, her hands are really small so at least with smaller hands it will do well for the confidence of your full erection. She has her flaws but she has her other qualities.Ayaka I've had 3 times. She's the girl next door type to me. She's very affectionate and she has a cute smile. She has a good figure but she has no ass. But her BJ feels great and when I go in her mouth, I feel like I'm Peter North with the quantity I cum out.At naniwa, I've had Tomomi. She is really cute and comes across as the school girl type. She's real easy to p, ease and knows how to tickle with her tongue. I believe 3 girls at naniwa speak English.I've been meaning to try kinpei but don't know yet.

Mark Cuban
02-23-12, 14:37
Well, I'm not getting anywhere with the hot girl at work after months of trying so I finally caved to my manly needs and called Hipness recently to see either Bia or Mira. It was easy enough to get by with a little broken nihongo on my end and a little broken english on theirs. Mira, I was told, is nihonjin-only. It's always funny the lines people draw for themselves. But I shan't digress. Bia was available but a bit busy at the time so I booked a time later in the evening.After arriving in Uguisudani I picked out a love hotel, chose a room, and headed up. I called Hipness to let them know I was there, gave them my room number, and they sent Bia right over (no callback needed). She arrived promptly in about 5 minutes. I greeted her at the door with some relief, as she is relatively cute with a bubbly, jokey personality. As for the differences between reality and website profile, well Bia is about 35 (not 25) with a nice face and clear skin, decent-sized natural tits for a short Thai girl (I'm still not sure what "F" is supposed to mean in Japan, but whatever, they're nice) and a roundish tummy, but not chubby or overweight. From start to finish she was really funny and pleasant and that goes a long, long way for me.I chose the 80 minute course, and started the shower while Bia checked in with the office. She joined me shortly and got me nice and clean and hard, rubbing my little guy between her tits and then cleaned up herself while I dried off and headed to the bed. After her shower she came to join me after some more joking / playing around we got down to business. Bia followed a standard script, but I can't underscore enough how great her attitude, sense of humor, and service was throughout. Round one was mutual oral followed by finishing in missionary. Bia immediately set about giving me a massage afterwards. She has strong hands and it felt good. After the massage we chatted and french-kissed a bit and started in on round 2 with cowgirl. She put a lot of effort into it, but we eventually switched back to missionary for the finish.Here's a few more highlights:I didn't bring my own condoms. Had to use the Japanese-size ones at the love hotel. I sometimes get anxious that it's going to be a big hassle getting them on because they're too small, but Bia had me rock-hard both times and had no trouble helping me get my raincoat on.Bia speaks a bit of Japanese and a bit less of English. We made out just fine as far as 90% of the chit chat though with my pathetic Japanese. She's very easy to communicate with.I really don't like it when the girls make that face like "OMG itai itai you're so fucking big I can't handle it". It doesn't matter if it's a total put-on or 100% real. The idea of "hurting" my partner during sex does not appeal to me at all and it can be really distracting. Welcome to Japan I guess. But, I couldn't look at Bia's face while we were fucking because she does this too.Tonikaku, good times, great value. I'd love to meet a cutie who's 170cm or taller for once though, so any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

02-23-12, 22:52

Does anybody have any experience with the girls at Grimpeur recently?

As has been discussed, Grimpeur has a very high churn rate, and all of the girls I have seen before have left except for Ai. As I have noted previously on this board, Ai is H NG.

Anybody have any recommendations on the current girls at Grimpeur?

02-24-12, 09:45

Does anybody have any experience with the girls at Grimpeur recently?

As has been discussed, Grimpeur has a very high churn rate, and all of the girls I have seen before have left except for Ai. As I have noted previously on this board, Ai is H NG.

Anybody have any recommendations on the current girls at Grimpeur?Aina offers great service and GFE, but not in the league of Ai in terms of body, but FS possible and she was even considering to offer her ass if I were to become her regular down the road. Yu recently appears in an AV, good body, less reliable.

02-24-12, 09:56
Decided to give bgc-deli dot com a shot the other night. They have a mix of Chinese and Japanese girls, mostly Chinese I think. I ordered Rika, the one with the big tits. I made it clear to the Chinese mama that if the girl didn't resemble the girl in the pic, then I would send her away and not pay a cancellation fee. She understood and agreed. About 20 minutes later Rika showed up at my place. As always with the Chinese places she wasn't the girl in the pic. But. She had a really really pretty face and figure. She was cool from the get go, good personality with decent English. Got naked and took a mutual shower. Her body was slim and big saggy boobs. From a little pudgy area in her belly and saggy boobs I am guessing she had a baby before.Got down to business. BBBJ, rimming, cowgirl and missionary. She wasn't in a rush at all and very vocal. All in all it was time well spent.

02-24-12, 15:02
http://l-mark.com/Well, I went to a high class soap land, landmark. It's 55000 fot 70 minutes and 75000 for 2 hours. A good number of the girls here did porn. I chose a favorite of mine from my high school days, Emily yoshikawa. 12 years ago, I was jacking off to her and just tonight, we had 70 minutes of hot passion.The site says she is 23, but she is 31. But she does look 23. And she is half Dominican. Emily in person has much bigger tits and a great ass. Her figure is certainly Latina with a japanese face.Her kiss is out of this world. I've never had anything like it. The girl took me to new levels. In her hand, even without stroking it, I cam close to cumming. On top, she is wild. The most wildest girl I've ever fucked. I was in heaven. And giving it to her doggy style was awesome. Her figure was meant for it.With her tits and ass, I was on her like that guy that fucked Pamela Anderson in the alley way scene from raw justice. The pictures of her on the internet don't do her tits or ass justice. In person they are a sight to behold. And her ass is so firm and her tits are so soft.In the end I gave her a nice pearl necklace. Also, you can take a pic for free! If you got the money, check this place out

R The Man
02-24-12, 23:08
I've pooned all over the world and had to try a Soapland in Tokyo, even though I speak no japanese at all (although I am Asian American). Tried phoning a couple but struck out getting someone to speak English, so just headed out to Yoshiwara, took a cab from Ueono JR station (about 1200 yen) to Fantasy, but driver couldn't find it. Just got out and walked around ? lots of shops with various prices and touts in doorway, but no one willing to talk to me once they learned I didn't speak Japanese. Never found Fantasy but ended up at King's Club, and they were happy to take my yen ? 35, 000 in fact, which is 10K more than locals rate (Gaijin tax, I guess).

I ended up with (I think) Hime, but her photo on web site is heavily photoshopped. She was plain looking (a 3 or 4) , maybe 30, and thicker around the middle than I like, but had nice tits and was friendly enough even though she didn't speak any English. Things started well but ended up disappointing. The careful washing and soapie (on an air mattress) were terrific ? I love the tease, sometimes even more than FS, and thought I might cum when she was kissing my nipples and stroking my member. But, then the cover came on ? no BBBJ or kissing ? which kinda ruined it for me. Short BJ (only average) , she rode me in cowgirl and mish, and finished up with HJ (my choice) while she was nipple-kissing.

Overall, not good value for money, for me. I didn't think the Soapland service was interesting enough for the price. A younger prettier slimmer girl may have helped, and maybe GFE might be better if you can speak the language, but I am in this hobby for the sex, not the emotional connection. It was nice having a submissive Japanese girl administering to you, but the prices are silly.

Good luck pooning, boys.


02-25-12, 01:29

Well, I went to a high class soap land, landmark. It's 55000 fot 70 minutes and 75000 for 2 hours. A good number of the girls here did porn. I chose a favorite of mine from my high school days, Emily yoshikawa. 12 years ago, I was jacking off to her and just tonight, we had 70 minutes of hot passion.

If you got the money, check this place outDo they service foreigners / those who aren't fluent in Japanese? Are all girls available, or only selected ones? Thanks.

02-25-12, 03:51
Do they service foreigners / those who aren't fluent in Japanese? Are all girls available, or only selected ones? Thanks.Well I speak Japanese and read and write it so it does help. One of the guys did try his best to talk to me in English for fun. I guess if your Japanese is basic it should work enough. For what I paid it was well worth it to live an adolescent fantasy. I can't speak for those who can't understand Japanese but give this place a shot regardless.The waiting lounge is also high class and very relaxing. I can tell you landmark is a very hospital place and is worth the price. I hope I can fuck Hitomi tanaka some day.

02-25-12, 09:24
Went to Hinomaru for the first time in a long time. Ayaka still gives me the most mind-blowing orgasms, the kind that have you that cause a humming reverberation throughout the entire body. She's a BJ master.Word is that Hinomaru has been dead, but when I came in on a Wednesday night, five of the seven girls on duty were servicing customers and I had to wait for mine. One thing that still is dead is the stereo. Still busted, so you can only hear the high mids. Thankfully they have turned it down low enough it doesn't kill your eardrums. Also easier to hear the conversation, which I know isn't why we go to pink salons, but Ayaka is a sweetie, so I like talking to her! Any other girls at Hinomaru worth picking anymore? I'd be interested to try your favorites.Try Rumi. Fantastic. For the 12K course she just goes at it time and again until you can go no more. Don't even have to pull up the trousers in between for a break.Maria is an old favourite. Not an amazing body or face but amazing skills.

Ralph Kramden
02-25-12, 14:52
Thanks for sharing JB84. I read when Emily first entered the soapland profession she was booked solid for 7 straight weeks.

02-25-12, 15:09
thanks for sharing jb84. i read when emily first entered the soapland profession she was booked solid for 7 straight weeks.read that too. i booked her for 7pm but i found the place much sooner and i started much earlier. but when she first started, i was still a little **** for her.

02-25-12, 15:55
Well I speak Japanese and read and write it so it does help. One of the guys did try his best to talk to me in English for fun. I guess if your Japanese is basic it should work enough. For what I paid it was well worth it to live an adolescent fantasy. I can't speak for those who can't understand Japanese but give this place a shot regardless.The waiting lounge is also high class and very relaxing. I can tell you landmark is a very hospital place and is worth the price. I hope I can fuck Hitomi tanaka some day.I have almost zero knowledge of Japanese and I really want to try out the place you mentioned. Do you think it will be possible for me to get in?

02-25-12, 17:05
Raku is not a bad bargain if it's the middle of the day, but if you're in Gotanda at night and you don't mind a Chinese girl, you can get FS for 10000 JPY with girls that are better looking than the girls at Raku. There's a number of Chinese FS places in Gotanda, but the one that consistently has the best quality is here:http://bit.ly/yy2L0h.This is the Google maps of the place. Outside there will be some Chinese girl asking you if you want a massage and tell you you want to go up to the 5F. Take the elevator up to the 5F and the door will be open for you. Go in and tell them that you want to choose by the real person (hon-nin de kimetai desu) and they should get all the girls ready and take you in the back and show you the girls one by one. You choose the one you like and pay the guy 10000 JPY. The service is the same as everywhere else. Shower, massage if you're interested, and then FS.I've been to a number of these places in Gotanda but keep ending up back at this one because they allow you to choose the girl by looking at the real person, and because the girls are consistently cute and young. The only problem with this place is that it opens at 7pm on the weekdays and 6pm on the weekends. If they're crowded, they might redirect you directly across the street to the 3F. It's the same place, same girls and same owners. Just used when it's crowded.If you go and don't see anybody you're immediately interested in, ask for Aya. She's cute and definitely a lot of fun.So I decided to try check out this place after arriving at Gotanda with my original plan to visit Raku. The girls do look younger, but with the Chinese pop music, hearing everyone's conversation and moaning sounds from the other rooms was a real turn off. It didn't help the girl I got wouldn't allow my hands to roam beyond her arms, legs and back, and she was pretty much a dead fish with an occasional moan was not help me get off any faster.Bad experience over all and I probably won't repeat. One thing I thought was funny was when I was about to leave, mama-san stopped me just to ask me if one of the girls in my way was cute in her nightgown.Maybe I got the wrong place? I ended up heading to Raku anyway, and although they are older, it was a lot more fun.

02-25-12, 21:07
I have almost zero knowledge of Japanese and I really want to try out the place you mentioned. Do you think it will be possible for me to get in?Well I asked them if non Japanese were ok and they to, the me yes. I already mentioned one of the clerks does his best to talk in English Give it a shot

02-25-12, 21:08
Try Rumi. Fantastic. For the 12K course she just goes at it time and again until you can go no more. Don't even have to pull up the trousers in between for a break.Maria is an old favourite. Not an amazing body or face but amazing skills.I heard good things about Rumi.I do want to try mirai

R The Man
02-26-12, 01:20
Finished off my hobbying in Japan last night with a visit to JanJan. Easy to find, thanks to all the directions and photos from fellow hobbyists in posts here. Also surprisingly close to the Sugamo station. Can't miss the big sign with B1 on it, didn't need to talk to the tout before heading down the stairs and paying the 4K to mamasan. Vinyl couches are a bit skanky. I got Sumi (at least, that's what I think she said) , pretty enough. 30's, tall, slim with small tits, friendly. No chitchat with my non-existent Japanese skills, so she goes right for the BBBJ. Pretty good, although not as good as the girl I had in Osaka. In the end I had to help it along it a bit, but the CIM was still terrific. Then a quick cleanup and I was back out the door. The BJ bar is a great service!

Enjoy, R.

Ralph Kramden
02-26-12, 03:10
You can see about half of the Landmark AV girls in action on the Internet. After what I viewed I would be very reluctant to pay their VIP pricing for a couple of them. What you see on the Photoshopped pictures at the site is somewhat different than the videos. However, most do have one thing in common, that being a healthy patch of pubic hair. I found only two older videos of "Emiri" Yoshikawa. She certainly does have a lovely body, and she doesn't do that annoying screeching like most do. I think I would pay the price for her and go away satisfied like JB84 did. If she lies about her age by eight years, then I am sure several of the others do. One AV provider claims to be 28 on the site, so I would add at least 10 years for her.

02-26-12, 10:57
You can see about half of the Landmark AV girls in action on the Internet. After what I viewed I would be very reluctant to pay their VIP pricing for a couple of them. What you see on the Photoshopped pictures at the site is somewhat different than the videos. However, most do have one thing in common, that being a healthy patch of pubic hair. I found only two older videos of "Emiri" Yoshikawa. She certainly does have a lovely body, and she doesn't do that annoying screeching like most do. I think I would pay the price for her and go away satisfied like JB84 did. If she lies about her age by eight years, then I am sure several of the others do. One AV provider claims to be 28 on the site, so I would add at least 10 years for her.If I want to make an appointment with Emily Yoshikawa, I will have to call in advance right? Will the girl be available even on days that she is off if I make an appointment? Haven been to soaplands before, so pardon me for asking.

02-26-12, 11:03
Another qns, can someone tell me what is the price range at this place because I can't read jap at all.Thanks

02-26-12, 11:26
You can see about half of the Landmark AV girls in action on the Internet. After what I viewed I would be very reluctant to pay their VIP pricing for a couple of them. What you see on the Photoshopped pictures at the site is somewhat different than the videos. However, most do have one thing in common, that being a healthy patch of pubic hair. I found only two older videos of "Emiri" Yoshikawa. She certainly does have a lovely body, and she doesn't do that annoying screeching like most do. I think I would pay the price for her and go away satisfied like JB84 did. If she lies about her age by eight years, then I am sure several of the others do. One AV provider claims to be 28 on the site, so I would add at least 10 years for her.I know that Maria yumeno works there. It says she's 28 but she's 33. She's 77500 yen for 2 hours. I am considering her in the future once I save up the money to do so. When I was with emiry she didn't really have much pubic hair.Also, after your first visit they give you this nice gold membership card

02-26-12, 13:35
I finally got a chance to try KDH this weekend.

I went to the info booth with the green onning by Uguisuidani station. The guy in the booth was very helpful. I asked if he knew a KDH shop that would be OK with foreigners. He said that Clover was OK with foreigners and called them up for me. I ended up with Moe. She was OK. As others have reported about KDH, BBFS was available. I paid 20000 for 80 minutes. At about 55 minutes, I tried to go for round 2, but then she said she wanted to take a shower.

She spoke some Japanese but no English.

Now having had the experience of KDH, I don't think I would repeat. It seems like most of the hot KDH stunners are off limits to haku jin, and I'd rather take a chance with a hot J girl who might not be FS than with an average K girl.

02-26-12, 13:38
Thanks for the info an Aina. I try her out sometime. Did she want a tip for FS? There is a Japanese report on the internet somewhere saying "The workload of becoming Grimpeur's #1 girl has put some wear and tear on her body".
Aina offers great service and GFE, but not in the league of Ai in terms of body, but FS possible and she was even considering to offer her ass if I were to become her regular down the road. Yu recently appears in an AV, good body, less reliable.

02-26-12, 17:20
Thanks for the info an Aina. I try her out sometime. Did she want a tip for FS?

There is a Japanese report on the internet somewhere saying "The workload of becoming Grimpeur's #1 girl has put some wear and tear on her body".It depends. She certainly was not fresh and her skin was also not really smooth, but her attitude and service compensate physical shortcomings. She is charming and looks sexy after all.

02-26-12, 22:16
If I want to make an appointment with Emily Yoshikawa, I will have to call in advance right? Will the girl be available even on days that she is off if I make an appointment? Haven been to soaplands before, so pardon me for asking.I called to make the appointment I already explained the prices.

Jpn Dude
02-27-12, 05:30
I know that Maria yumeno works there. It says she's 28 but she's 33. She's 77500 yen for 2 hours. I am considering her in the future once I save up the money to do so. When I was with emiry she didn't really have much pubic hair.Also, after your first visit they give you this nice gold membership cardI first saw and fell in love watching Maria Yumeno about ten years ago. That would have made her in the early 20s. However, I didn't think she looked that young at that time. Later I had read somewhere she was already in her late 20s, which matched my impression. Anyway, after her comeback a few years back, she had gained considerable weight even thought that face and chest was still amazing. Not sure about her current condition but i'm guessing she's in her late 30s.

02-27-12, 09:35
I first saw and fell in love watching Maria Yumeno about ten years ago. That would have made her in the early 20s. However, I didn't think she looked that young at that time. Later I had read somewhere she was already in her late 20s, which matched my impression. Anyway, after her comeback a few years back, she had gained considerable weight even thought that face and chest was still amazing. Not sure about her current condition but i'm guessing she's in her late 30s.I think being able to fuck a famous porn star in a twisted way is cool regardless. Even if I had to pay a load, I had the greatest time of my sex life LOL but I guess in the near future ill try the other porn stars. I have found a database of which porn stars are in the sex industry but it's all in Japanese.But hey, if, you got the money, time and desire, go with what you like and experience it for yourself.

02-27-12, 09:45
Sorry for all the questions. I searched this website for countless days and hours and can't seem to find answers to these questions so I would really appreciate it if someone could answer them or least some of them. Sorry again for the loaded mouthful of questions here. I will try to keep things organized.Personal Request:The ideal FS place I would like to visit would be a walk up spot where I don't have to get a love hotel and buy a cell phone to make calls. I will be on vacation most of April staying in Saitama area near Soka Station. I plan on using around ?1000, 000 for my mongering pleasures over a 3 week period so I don't want to blow everything in one place like Yoshiwara! 1. I was curious if Champs the'Elyssee and New York New York, both in Ueno are still operating? The women on this New York New York website look in 50's. http://newyork2.jp/pf/ladies.php I'm not sure if this is worth a visit and is FS available? 2. Also does anyone here know of a place I can go to get FS for ?100, 000 or less around Tokyo? (women must be 40 or younger and at least fuckable looking, perferably a walk up spot or english service is available and j girls) 3. I was also curious if there are any new places that will accept gaijin in Shimbashi area. I know Supergirls aint around but was wondering if any new places are accepting gaijin with very basic japanese language skills. This would be for BBBJ or FS.4. I'm looking for a place like High Top 3000 from my older report here.http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?977-Tokyo&p=1067105#post1067105I don't want to go back to High Top 3000 since old Chinese in there 40's work there and I was not too thrilled about it but the price was pretty good.I'm looking for FS for around ?100, 000 or less. I will pay a slight bit more if the girl is super young and hot! 5. One final question and thing I noticed little or no mention about Nishi Kawaguchi station and Red Light District in the last few years on this site. Is this place still going and anyone know of any places that will accept gaijin with very basic Japanese skills around this area for FS or BBBJ? My Description: White Male 40, I look in my 30's. 168 pounds. 5' 11". Full head of hair cut very short. No balding. I don't have a huge dick. I can understand and speak very basic japanese. I understand more than I can speak actually.Thanks in advance! .

Some American
02-27-12, 13:20
my last couple days in tokyo, i enjoyed janjan twice. the second girl was incredible, with a great cim. i would like to find a peep show with hand job service before i leave, can anyone direct me to one that will accept gaijin? thanks!

Ralph Kramden
02-27-12, 14:20
I was referring to Maria Yumeno. I saw one clip of her in which she looked overweight and was covered by a fishnet stocking. I agree with Jpn Dude that she must be pushing late 30's.

02-27-12, 21:35
Try Rumi. Fantastic. For the 12K course she just goes at it time and again until you can go no more. Don't even have to pull up the trousers in between for a break.

Maria is an old favourite. Not an amazing body or face but amazing skills.I lost the new link to their web site. Could someone please post it?

02-27-12, 21:58
I lost the new link to their web site. Could someone please post it?H-hinomaru. Com

02-27-12, 22:38
Sorry for all the questions. I searched this website for countless days and hours and can't seem to find answers to these questions so I would really appreciate it if someone could answer them or least some of them. Sorry again for the loaded mouthful of questions here. I will try to keep things organized.Personal Request:The ideal FS place I would like to visit would be a walk up spot where I don't have to get a love hotel and buy a cell phone to make calls. I will be on vacation most of April staying in Saitama area near Soka Station. I plan on using around ?1000, 000 for my mongering pleasures over a 3 week period so I don't want to blow everything in one place like Yoshiwara! 1. I was curious if Champs the'Elyssee and New York New York, both in Ueno are still operating? The women on this New York New York website look in 50's.http://newyork2.jp/pf/ladies.phpI'm not sure if this is worth a visit and is FS available? 2. Also does anyone here know of a place I can go to get FS for ?100, 000 or less around Tokyo? (women must be 40 or younger and at least fuckable looking, perferably a walk up spot or english service is available and j girls) 3. I was also curious if there are any new places that will accept gaijin in Shimbashi area. I know Supergirls aint around but was wondering if any new places are accepting gaijin with very basic japanese language skills. This would be for BBBJ or FS.4. I'm looking for a place like High Top 3000 from my older report here.http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?977-Tokyo&p=1067105#post1067105I don't want to go back to High Top 3000 since old Chinese in there 40's work there and I was not too thrilled about it but the price was pretty good.I'm looking for FS for around ?100, 000 or less. I will pay a slight bit more if the girl is super young and hot! 5. One final question and thing I noticed little or no mention about Nishi Kawaguchi station and Red Light District in the last few years on this site. Is this place still going and anyone know of any places that will accept gaijin with very basic Japanese skills around this area for FS or BBBJ? My Description: White Male 40, I look in my 30's. 168 pounds. 5' 11". Full head of hair cut very short. No balding. I don't have a huge dick. I can understand and speak very basic japanese. I understand more than I can speak actually.Thanks in advance! .1. Never tried those places but if the sites are up then I guess they are in business.2. Yoshiwara is the only place I know of. Shinjuku and shibuya are mostly bjs and sumatas.3. Can't answer.BTW, I live right by nishi kawaguchi but never tried it out. Lots of people tell me it's dangerous to go there.But I do have a new favorite soap land, land mark. Former and active porn stars work there. Of course it's highly priced but was worth it for me

02-28-12, 09:40
Sorry for all the questions. I searched this website for countless days and hours and can't seem to find answers to these questions so I would really appreciate it if someone could answer them or least some of them. Sorry again for the loaded mouthful of questions here. I will try to keep things organized.

Personal Request:

The ideal FS place I would like to visit would be a walk up spot where I don't have to get a love hotel and buy a cell phone to make calls. I will be on vacation most of April staying in Saitama area near Soka Station. I plan on using around ?1000, 000 for my mongering pleasures over a 3 week period so I don't want to blow everything in one place like Yoshiwara!

1. I was curious if Champs the'Elyssee and New York New York, both in Ueno are still operating?

The women on this New York New York website look in 50's.


I'm not sure if this is worth a visit and is FS available?

2. Also does anyone here know of a place I can go to get FS for ?100, 000 or less around Tokyo? (women must be 40 or younger and at least fuckable looking, perferably a walk up spot or english service is available and j girls)

3. I was also curious if there are any new places that will accept gaijin in Shimbashi area. I know Supergirls aint around but was wondering if any new places are accepting gaijin with very basic japanese language skills. This would be for BBBJ or FS.

4. I'm looking for a place like High Top 3000 from my older report here.


I don't want to go back to High Top 3000 since old Chinese in there 40's work there and I was not too thrilled about it but the price was pretty good.

I'm looking for FS for around ?100, 000 or less. I will pay a slight bit more if the girl is super young and hot!

5. One final question and thing I noticed little or no mention about Nishi Kawaguchi station and Red Light District in the last few years on this site. Is this place still going and anyone know of any places that will accept gaijin with very basic Japanese skills around this area for FS or BBBJ?

My Description: White Male 40, I look in my 30's. 168 pounds. 5' 11". Full head of hair cut very short. No balding. I don't have a huge dick. I can understand and speak very basic japanese. I understand more than I can speak actually.

Thanks in advance! .1 yes still operating. You are unlikely to find any young girls there. No FS, but ususally, BBBJ and good sumata to completion.

2. Asian Mystique.

3. Nothing as far as I know

02-28-12, 10:07
But I do have a new favorite soap land, land mark. Former and active porn stars work there. Of course it's highly priced but was worth it for meHow high is the price? ?200, 000 or more? Gaijin Accepted? What's on there menu? And where is the location? Any names of AV Stars? I watch plenty of AV movies like the Sky Angel porn etc. So I might of seen her before.Thanks for the all the replies back! I'm going to google around a bit to see if I can find any gaijin friendly places that might exist in Nishi Kawaguchi. I'm not sure how dangerous it is in the day I would probably not go alone at night but day might be ok I guess. I saw a few Youtube movies on it but nobody mentioned getting any action that's gaijin.So far my April 2012 line up spots are: (I think all of these spots offer the same BBBJ CIM service). There must be some walk up FS spot for around ?100, 000 open to Gaijin and no appointment requirements.1. Jan Jan.2. Hinomaru.3. Champs (I'm not sure if I will try New York New York since I keep hearing Champs is better.) 4. Dio (I want to try the 2 girls one after the other option here) 5. Emotions

02-28-12, 10:08
But I do have a new favorite soap land, land mark. Former and active porn stars work there. Of course it's highly priced but was worth it for meHow high is the price? ?200, 000 or more? Gaijin Accepted? What's on there menu? And where is the location? Any names of AV Stars? I watch plenty of AV movies like the Sky Angel porn etc. So I might of seen her before.Thanks for the all the replies back! I'm going to google around a bit to see if I can find any gaijin friendly places that might exist in Nishi Kawaguchi. I'm not sure how dangerous it is in the day I would probably not go alone at night but day might be ok I guess. I saw a few Youtube movies on it but nobody mentioned getting any action that's gaijin.So far my April 2012 line up spots are: (I think all of these spots offer the same BBBJ CIM service). There must be some walk up FS spot for around ?100, 000 open to Gaijin and no appointment requirements.1. Jan Jan.2. Hinomaru.3. Champs (I'm not sure if I will try New York New York since I keep hearing Champs is better.) 4. Dio (I want to try the 2 girls one after the other option here) 5. Emotions

02-28-12, 11:06
I visited Baby Heart, Kanda and had a good time.


It's much the same as Asian Relax / Feeling but with Chinese girls. The decor is nice and I was greeted warmly by the tencho. The rooms are tatami with mattresses on the ground and a small lamp.

I saw Haru and the photo is accurate, she's quite attractive and in her 20s. The shower was by myself but she towelled me off. The massage was good, shiatsu style I think, very sensual and great hand job finish. She was dressed in lingerie and nothing came off or out. For the end she lay along side me and I could grope her (nice tight) ass.

Damage is 8000 yen for 60 minutes.

All conversation was done in Japanese. Haru was very chatty and her Japanese is very good but Chinese accents can be hard to follow. I don't know if non Japanese speakers would be accepted but I think it would be worth trying. The menu is laid out on the desk, just pick 60 minutes 8000 yen.

I can't complain about anything, it's simply up to you to decide if you're interested in what I've described.

02-28-12, 12:50
The ideal FS place I would like to visit would be a walk up spot where I don't have to get a love hotel and buy a cell phone to make calls. I will be on vacation most of April staying in Saitama area near Soka Station. I plan on using around ?1000, 000 for my mongering pleasures over a 3 week period so I don't want to blow everything in one place like Yoshiwara!

I'm looking for FS for around ?100, 000 or less. I will pay a slight bit more if the girl is super young and hot!

Thanks in advance! .You are very unlikely to get FS (especially with a Japanese girl) from a 'walk-up' place (besides gaijin-friendly soaplands) for all the reasons that have been rehashed countless times here. If you have Y100, 000 for full service (I'm not sure if you have an extra zero in your first listing, that's a million yen to play with?) , see a girl from Asian Mystique for 2 hours plus love hotel. You don't have to buy a phone, you can either email them or use Skype, etc. If you are just talking about Y10, 000, there's been a number of posts suggesting places that are non-Japanese where FS can be had for that. I was just in Kabukicho the other night getting the lay of the land (what was I thinking, I ended up getting hassled by nigerian touts for about 6 blocks) , but at the north end of the area near where all the love hotels are there were various girls offering massages. They weren't that attractive, and FS probably would be difficult to negotiate with basic Japanese, but those are the sorts of things you'd have to try for if you can't / won't order 'take out' or go to a soapland.

02-28-12, 17:42
But I do have a new favorite soap land, land mark. Former and active porn stars work there. Of course it's highly priced but was worth it for meHow high is the price? ?20, 000 or more? Gaijin Accepted? What's on there menu? And where is the location? Any names of AV Stars? I watch plenty of AV movies like the Sky Angel porn etc. So I might of seen her before.Thanks for the all the replies back! I'm going to google around a bit to see if I can find any gaijin friendly places that might exist in Nishi Kawaguchi. I'm not sure how dangerous it is in the day I would probably not go alone at night but day might be ok I guess. I saw a few Youtube movies on it but nobody mentioned getting any action that's gaijin.So far my April 2012 line up spots are: (I think all of these spots offer the same BBBJ CIM service). There must be some walk up FS spot for around ?10, 000 open to Gaijin and no appointment requirements.1. Jan Jan.2. Hinomaru.3. Champs (I'm not sure if I will try New York New York since I keep hearing Champs is better.) 4. Dio (I want to try the 2 girls one after the other option here) 5. Emotions

02-28-12, 22:28
Hey Johnnyboy84.

I have a question that is not related to P4P.

What do you mean that Nishi Kawaguchi is dangerous? You mean that it is a dangerous neighborhood, like you might get mugged if you go walking around there?

I am surprised to hear this. I did not think that "bad neighborhoods" like that existed in Japan.

1. Never tried those places but if the sites are up then I guess they are in business.

2. Yoshiwara is the only place I know of. Shinjuku and shibuya are mostly bjs and sumatas.

3. Can't answer.

BTW, I live right by nishi kawaguchi but never tried it out. Lots of people tell me it's dangerous to go there.

But I do have a new favorite soap land, land mark. Former and active porn stars work there. Of course it's highly priced but was worth it for me

02-28-12, 22:30
I figured you meant 10, 000 in your first post, not 100, 000.

There is no FS place with Japanese girls for 10, 000 that I can think of. At that price, if you want FS, you will have to go with older Korean or Chinese girls. This place was mentioned recently. It is a little more than 10, 000. Es. Raku. Com.

How high is the price? ?20, 000 or more? Gaijin Accepted? What's on there menu? And where is the location? Any names of AV Stars? I watch plenty of AV movies like the Sky Angel porn etc. So I might of seen her before.

Thanks for the all the replies back! I'm going to google around a bit to see if I can find any gaijin friendly places that might exist in Nishi Kawaguchi. I'm not sure how dangerous it is in the day I would probably not go alone at night but day might be ok I guess. I saw a few Youtube movies on it but nobody mentioned getting any action that's gaijin.

So far my April 2012 line up spots are: (I think all of these spots offer the same BBBJ CIM service). There must be some walk up FS spot for around ?10, 000 open to Gaijin and no appointment requirements.

1. Jan Jan.

2. Hinomaru.

3. Champs (I'm not sure if I will try New York New York since I keep hearing Champs is better.)

4. Dio (I want to try the 2 girls one after the other option here)

5. Emotions

02-28-12, 23:04
I already said in my first post that land mark is between 55000 and 75000 yen. The location is in yoshiwara next to the kadoebi, the biggest soap land chain in Japan. I'm gaijin and they let me in. I speak Japanese so it helped but I can't speak for non Japanese speakers. The most foreign friendly place I know of is hinomaru which has descent girls.Here is there website.L-mark. Com.As for nishi kawaguchi, a Japanese friend of mine got into a nasty fight there last week.

02-29-12, 05:00
Finished off my hobbying in Japan last night with a visit to JanJan. Easy to find, thanks to all the directions and photos from fellow hobbyists in posts here. Also surprisingly close to the Sugamo station. Can't miss the big sign with B1 on it, didn't need to talk to the tout before heading down the stairs and paying the 4K to mamasan. Vinyl couches are a bit skanky. I got Sumi (at least, that's what I think she said) , pretty enough. 30's, tall, slim with small tits, friendly. No chitchat with my non-existent Japanese skills, so she goes right for the BBBJ. Pretty good, although not as good as the girl I had in Osaka. In the end I had to help it along it a bit, but the CIM was still terrific. Then a quick cleanup and I was back out the door. The BJ bar is a great service! Enjoy, R.I think I enjoyed her services as well over the weekend. I heard her name as "Asumi" but your description is dead on. Super friendly and she took her time with the BBBJ. When I did finally come she drained me nicely. I was able to converse with her a little bit with my limited Nihongo. I could at least tell her that I really liked her tits. I'll definitely return next time I come back to Tokyo. They appreciate your business: the tout outside was acting like he was guiding in airplanes. All he needs are the lighted orange wands.

Jpn Dude
02-29-12, 06:01
As for nishi kawaguchi, a Japanese friend of mine got into a nasty fight there last week.I've been going to Nishi-Kawaguchi for over 10 years for various activities. Never had any problems. It's a lot "cleaner" than it was years ago, but it's still kinda dingy. It's my "PLAN A" place for love hotels (west exit) for some of my Saitama trysts.

02-29-12, 06:59
USD exchange rate to JPY is 1. 000 to 80. 515 Yen today. Just doing the exchange rate and getting Yen for my hard earned cash I'm losing over 20% already. With that said L-Mark, and all these other places mentioned in Yoshiwara look very tempting but if I'm budgeting my fun at 100000 yen then I would only be able to go here once and be left with enough yen to get a few BBBJ's@Jan Jan and Dio.@Jpn Dude, What did you mean by "It's my "PLAN A" place for love hotels (west exit) for some of my Saitama trysts."? I did not see any postings recentlyh here about Nishi-Kawaguchi can you please fill me in on where to go and if things are gaijin friendly? Is this a place where mostly Chinese and korean Street Walkers roam? I know there was a crack down back in 2009 http://www.tokyoreporter.com/2009/04/20/pimpin-pork-saitama-town-pushes-out-pink/Does this travel information look correct to get to Nishi-Kawaguchi? http://www.tokyo-subway.net/app/flash/norikae/N3?SF=3044&ST=2716&RP=0&OUTPUT=1Matsubara-Danchi 50M Travel Time / Fare 530Yen Tobu-Isesaki line.2m Transfer Soka.Tobu-Isesaki line.10m 240Yen.Transfer.Kita-Senju.JR-Joban line.9m Transfer Nippori.JR-Yamanote line (uchimawari) 3m.Transfer Tabata.JR-KeihinTohoku line.15m.Nishi-Kawaguchi

02-29-12, 09:57
How high is the price? ?200, 000 or more? Gaijin Accepted? What's on there menu? And where is the location? Any names of AV Stars? I watch plenty of AV movies like the Sky Angel porn etc. So I might of seen her before.

Thanks for the all the replies back! I'm going to google around a bit to see if I can find any gaijin friendly places that might exist in Nishi Kawaguchi. I'm not sure how dangerous it is in the day I would probably not go alone at night but day might be ok I guess. I saw a few Youtube movies on it but nobody mentioned getting any action that's gaijin.

So far my April 2012 line up spots are: (I think all of these spots offer the same BBBJ CIM service). There must be some walk up FS spot for around ?100, 000 open to Gaijin and no appointment requirements.

1. Jan Jan.

2. Hinomaru.

3. Champs (I'm not sure if I will try New York New York since I keep hearing Champs is better.)

4. Dio (I want to try the 2 girls one after the other option here)

5. EmotionsOut of curiosity, where did you heaar that Champs was better than NYNY? It is exactly the same system, same owners etc. Seems to me that it is a matter of chance, whichever place you go to, to get a slightly "younger" women than not. Althopugh, it is allowed to politely ask if they have a young woman availoable. But please, do accept the answer politely, whatever that may be. During why last visit, some weeks ago, I ask for a "wakai" girl, and the papa=san smiled and asked me to wait. I got Mari. 38 years old. Ypung by Champs standard, and very friendly and attentionate. As often, excellent service withon the limits of this kind of place. Mari was definitively not a stunner though, but you know what you come here for.

02-29-12, 11:18
I've been going to Nishi-Kawaguchi for over 10 years for various activities. Never had any problems. It's a lot "cleaner" than it was years ago, but it's still kinda dingy. It's my "PLAN A" place for love hotels (west exit) for some of my Saitama trysts.I see. Ever since my friend got into a bar fight there, I've been re-considering. I have done martial arts for 20 years and it won't be that good against yakuza with knives and guns LOL.But if I do go there, what places are for gaijin?

Some American
02-29-12, 12:09
my last day. i'm still looking for what i understand to be a peep show with "service," probably a hj or bj as you watch a stripper. i found a couple that would not service gaijin. it's a fantasy of mine to try this once.

went back to jan jan and saw asumi-she was wonderful, a true pro. a gifted cocksucker, she didn't leave a drop. attentive to a fault. damn, i wish we could get that kind of service at home. (please don't ask why i just don't go back there. i will if i can't find what i'm looking for but ever since i read about the peeps i've had this fantasy.)

Jpn Dude
03-01-12, 05:56
@Jpn Dude,

What did you mean by "It's my "PLAN A" place for love hotels (west exit) for some of my Saitama trysts."? I did not see any postings recentlyh here about Nishi-Kawaguchi can you please fill me in on where to go and if things are gaijin friendly? Is this a place where mostly Chinese and korean Street Walkers roam? I know there was a crack down back in 2009.

http://www.tokyoreporter.com/2009/04/20/pimpin-pork-saitama-town-pushes-out-pink/Sorry for not being very clear. I never used any p4p services in Nishi-Kawaguchi, so I can't help you there. There are plenty of love hotels in the area with reasonable rates and times. So whenever I have a "date" around Omiya or Urawa, I usually take a girl there.

I can help you with MUCH easier directions from Matsubara-Danchi to Nishi-Kawaguchi.

Take ISESAKI Line to SHIN-KOSHIGAYA Station. (3 stations)

Change to MUSASHINO Line. (towards FUCHU-HONMACHI)

Take MUSASHINO Line to MINAMI-URAWA Station. (3 stations)

Change to KEIHIN-TOHOKU Line. (towards TOKYO)

Take KEIHIN-TOHOKU Line to NISHI-KAWAGUCHI Station. (2 stations)

03-01-12, 08:59
"wakai" girlHey I did not know I could do this but I will give this a shot. Pretty much gomen gomen. (pause then I will follow with. Maybe "ano.") wakai garu onegashimasu. Daijobu? That's what I could come up with off the cuff. I remember back in 2008 or so at SuperGirls the pa pa san would bust out with a small photo album of the girls that were currently on duty just around 4 to 6 pics but at least you had some choice but the choice came with a ?1000 bump up price wise. I only thought that Champs was a better choice judging by the post here recently and in the past everyone seemed to say champs sometimes had a slightly younger girl there and New York New York you're basically getting an older ma ma san type service. Any Champs website available I could not find a link from New York New York to this place? @Jpn Dude, Thanks for updating me with the directions. Just thought the 6 minute walk might be confusing from Shin-Koshigaya to Minami-Koshigaya for the transfer but probably not a long walk. I see. So for dates you can get a love hotel and have fun around this area for a nice price but no picking up Street Walker experience? Mmm. I'm still googling around trying to get more info about this place.Thanks for all the replies I still wish there were more options for j-girls especially FS for a slight bit cheaper rate or Nampa if I had the time and energy for it. Delicious or AM might be worth a shot at least you get to do FS with a j-girl and the selection and post on this site look promising and rate seems reasonable.I live in Los Angeles not to far from K-Town (K for Korean) it's the next biggest Korean filled area outside of Seoul. So I can get Korean service out here for the same or cheaper price and girl quality would be the same so I'm not interested in K-Girls and Thai Chicks. This is part of the reason I'm not really interested in KDH or some other places mentioned here.

03-01-12, 10:16
I have found a database of which porn stars are in the sex industry but it's all in Japanese.Please post the link.

03-01-12, 11:42
Please post the link.Http://blog.livedoor.jp/hero3d-link/

03-01-12, 12:59
Please post the link.Probably this one: http://fuzokuav.com/

03-01-12, 13:45
Please post the link.He probably means this one:


There's a ton of girls listed there, but be aware that many of the listings are for hostess clubs (not full-contact).

03-01-12, 22:08
He probably means this one:http://fuzokuav.com/main.htmlThere's a ton of girls listed there, but be aware that many of the listings are for hostess clubs (not full-contact).Mostly in Roppongi of course.

Jpn Dude
03-02-12, 23:36
Please post the link.In addition to the others sites already posted, this site below tells you exactly the kind of shop each girl works at (e.g. fashion health, image club, soapland, etc.)http://avfuzoku.x.fc2.com/name_a.html

03-03-12, 05:01
In addition to the others sites already posted, this site below tells you exactly the kind of shop each girl works at (e. G. Fashion health, image club, soapland, etc.)

http://avfuzoku.x.fc2.com/name_a.htmlFound my girl Makoto Yuuki, god the things I would do to her!

03-03-12, 06:49
I think I enjoyed her services as well over the weekend. I heard her name as "Asumi" but your description is dead on. Super friendly and she took her time with the BBBJ. When I did finally come she drained me nicely. I was able to converse with her a little bit with my limited Nihongo. I could at least tell her that I really liked her tits. I'll definitely return next time I come back to Tokyo. They appreciate your business: the tout outside was acting like he was guiding in airplanes. All he needs are the lighted orange wands.The ladies name is Asami.

03-03-12, 07:42
I only thought that Champs was a better choice judging by the post here recently and in the past everyone seemed to say champs sometimes had a slightly younger girl there and New York New York you're basically getting an older ma ma san type service. Any Champs website available I could not find a link from New York New York to this place? There you are Sir, enjoy! http://www.shanze.jp/

03-05-12, 08:41
I've been trying to read up on where to go in Tokyo for some "fun" and I've been seeing a lot of links to websites in Japan, problem is that all these sites are in Japanese. Is there any place someone can direct me to thats easy to get to in English? Any help would be wonderful!

03-05-12, 09:27
I only thought that Champs was a better choice judging by the post here recently and in the past everyone seemed to say champs sometimes had a slightly younger girl there and New York New York you're basically getting an older ma ma san type service. Any Champs website available I could not find a link from New York New York to this place? There you are Sir, enjoy! http://www.shanze.jp/Thank you!

03-05-12, 11:02
Is this high-end deli-heru even within distance of a gaijin with semi-capable JP comprehension? http://www.tora-shinjyuku.jp/main.htmlMaria Ozawa would totally be worth it! Unless she's only for premium members.

03-05-12, 21:33
Is this high-end deli-heru even within distance of a gaijin with semi-capable JP comprehension? http://www.tora-shinjyuku.jp/main.htmlMaria Ozawa would totally be worth it! Unless she's only for premium members.I called this place one time and they told me Japanese only. And I asked in Japanese.

03-06-12, 05:27
Is this high-end deli-heru even within distance of a gaijin with semi-capable JP comprehension?


Maria Ozawa would totally be worth it! Unless she's only for premium members.Plus, I don't think Maria regularly if ever works there anymore. They have a number of 'headline' girls that seem to work there once, and then never show up on their schedule. Also note that the 'diamond level' or whatever Maria is on doesn't even have a price listed. A blow job from her can't be cheap.

Dinotrex / English sites You'll probably have to use asianmystique or erolin. The former is dot-com and the latter is dot-net.

03-06-12, 07:08
The ladies name is Asami.Thanks for the correction. Hearing has never been a strong suit for me.

Manko Hunter
03-06-12, 09:48
Is this high-end deli-heru even within distance of a gaijin with semi-capable JP comprehension? http://www.tora-shinjyuku.jp/main.htmlMaria Ozawa would totally be worth it! Unless she's only for premium members.Yeah, she's a "diamond tier" girl. Which means only members that have achieved diamond status with Tora No Ana can even request her. Then it's on her schedule, not yours, and goes for Y200, 000 for 70 minutes.No criteria given for diamond status though, so it's anyone's guess as to the legitimacy. But my trusted Japanese coworker did all the legwork on this one because I can definitely think of worse ways to spend $2500!

03-06-12, 12:50
Is it fair to say that 20, 000/80 minutes at KDH means one shot, but that 30, 000/120 minutes means two shots?

03-06-12, 12:58
Is it fair to say that 20, 000/80 minutes at KDH means one shot, but that 30, 000/120 minutes means two shots?In my experience the 80 minute course is one shot. Usually it's one shot and some cuddling or a massage. One time I still had over 30 minutes left on the clock and the girl started packing up. I've done 100 minute courses which were two shots, so basically I'm lead to believe that 80 is one shot. 100 is two, and if you do 120 you might be able to get three off.

03-07-12, 19:50
. so basically I'm lead to believe that 80 is one shot. 100 is two, and if you do 120 you might be able to get three off.I think 100 min and up is two shots. If you read the Japanese boards that review the KDH places, they usually talk about two shots for the 120 min course and only talk about three shots with overnights.

03-08-12, 22:50
That is what I figured. Thanks for confirming.

I will go back to the I Love UG booth this weekend and try to find out which other KDH shops are OK with foreigners.

I think 100 min and up is two shots. If you read the Japanese boards that review the KDH places, they usually talk about two shots for the 120 min course and only talk about three shots with overnights.

03-09-12, 03:54
Went to love hotel and had a girl from Ageha delivered. Found her on Erolin guide- English no problem. Waited 1 hour for her arrival-what a major disappointment. Her picture on web site looked like nice young girl, very sexy. A 40 plus year old arrived who smelled like smoke. What a total bummer. I will never recommend this place. They totally ripped me off.Curious if anyone has used Erolin guide and had a positive result. Is it common that the girls are not what the picture is- I mean not even close. That picture of her most have been 20 years old and major touch up.