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InternationalSexGuide FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

Do I need to register a User Name to read the Forum?

1. You DO NOT need a User Name or Password to visit the site and read the Forum.

2. You MUST register a FREE Regular Membership to post reports and upload photographs.

3. You must BUY a subscription to post reports, view the photographs, use the Private Messaging system, use the Photo Gallery and to switch to the banner-free Stealth Mode.

Revised 09-12-05

How do I register a User Name?

1. Registration is FREE.

2. You will need to provide a valid email address to register.

3. All registrations will be confirmed by email prior to activation.

4. Your email address will remain strictly confidential and will not be released to any third party.

5. Please read our Privacy Policy for further details.

6. To Register a User Name and Password, please select the menu command on the top of this screen labeled Register.

Revised 09-12-05

What are the limitations on selecting a User Name?

Please read the User Name Guidelines below for more information.

General Information

Please realize that 99% of all potential User Names are perfectly acceptable. Just exercise common sense when determining your choice and I'm sure it will be fine.

Most rejected User Names are submitted by spammers, perverts, or by previously banned members attempting to re-register and spam the forum again, which of course is why I have to list all the examples of what is not acceptable.

The most important requirement is that User Names must actually be pronounceable words. In other words, if you can't actually pronounce the User Name (and I don't mean spell out the letters), then it probably won't qualify.

Do not rely on other current user names as a guideline for what's acceptable. Many current user names in the forum were approved BEFORE these guidelines were developed.

Suggestions for User Names

1. The name of an actor or a character from a movie.
2. The name of a famous athlete or entertainer.
3. The name of a city or a geographical area.
4. A word picked out of the dictionary. (How hard can that be?)

Revised 06-12-05

What are the User Name Guidelines


  • Between 5 & 15 characters.
  • This fits the Forum's page layout.
  • Recognizable, prounceable words in English.
  • Joe Smith
  • Smith 2002
  • Running Man
  • Big Swinging Dick
  • Chica Lover
  • Carrot Top
  • Spaced if more than one word.
  • Brian Palmer
  • Vinnie Barbarino
  • Cosmo Kramer
  • Red Buttons
  • In Proper Case.
  • This is intended to improve the Forum's appearance.
  • Don't distress, you don't have to capitalize your user name when you log in.


  • Begin with a Small Letter.

  • Remember, these are Names!
  • johnson
  • crazy pilot
  • bill2002
  • lajones
  • Be in ALL CAPS.

  • Contain puncuation or
    similar characters.

  • A space between words is okay.
  • ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { } [ ] : ; " ' < > , . ? /
  • Begin with a Number.

  • A name can't begin with a number.
  • 11Johnson
  • 123CrazyPilot
  • 433445093Bill
  • 305-432John
  • Have numbers in the middle.

  • Don't get cute.
  • Joe423Smith
  • Love4You
  • Live2Love
  • Big44Magnum
  • End with more than 2 Numbers.

  • How can you pronounce this?
  • Joe534395-0934
  • LoveMe409595
  • FlyBoy406049
  • PussyLicker893954
  • Consist of all Numbers.

  • These aren't names.
  • 111111
  • 123456789
  • 434.546.3432
  • 3054-786-7
  • Consist of totally
    nonsensical letters.

  • Again, these aren't names.
  • sssXXXrrr
  • 22222rrrr
  • fksa'l;kdf
  • rtyurtyu
  • 11111111asdf
  • #$%^^%!$%*
  • Consist of more than
    3 Individual Words.

  • It's a name, not a sentence.
  • I Like Big Tits
  • Lets Go Play Today
  • I Tease LE Chumps
  • Big Tall Mean Ugly
  • Lick Her Boots Clean
  • Include Repeated Words

  • Is your imagination this limited?
  • Dou Dou
  • Pussy Pussy
  • Lips Lips 323
  • Big Big 324
  • Condom Condom
  • FlyBoy FlyBoy
  • Imply a Political or
    Religious Agenda.

  • Don't look to start trouble.
  • Marxist Man
  • Viva Castro
  • Death to Muslims
  • Communist Party
  • Praise the Pope
  • Sinners Prayer
  • Zionist Lover
  • God Hates Sinners
  • Masterbater
  • Little Girl Lover
  • Transvite Seeker
  • Homo Man
  • Big Dick Sucker
  • Police Officer Joe
  • Fuck Admin
  • God Hates Sinners
  • Zelda2003   ("Zelda" is a banned member)
  • 10LtlGirlLover   ("LtlGirlLover" is a banned member)
  • LACallStreet   ("CallStreet" is a banned member)
  • If you have any doubts, please review the Forum's Banned Users List.
  • Incorporate any of the
    following words:
  • Admin
  • Diablo
  • Jefe
  • Forum User
  • Editor
Revised 01-22-20

How can I change my User Name?

There are a number of legitimate reasons why you might want to change your User Name, including:

  • You want to have your User Name match your User Name on other Forums.

  • You are concerned that someone may have come to associate your User Name with you personally.

  • The User Name you originally submitted didn't meet the User Name Guidelines and you were given one of those generic "Member #1234" User Names.

  • You've simply identified a more suitable User Name for yourself.

Changing your User Name is easy, and I'll be pleased to accommodate your request, as follows:

  • Review the User Name Guidelines and check that your proposed new User Name conforms with the guidelines.

  • Please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of every page of the Forum to send me a message advising me that you want to change your User Name. All you need to say is "I want to change my User Name".

  • I will use the return address of your email to verify your membership record, and then I will send you the instructions for changing your User Name to your email address in the Forum membership records.

VERY IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ THIS - Instructions for receiving our email!

  • YOUR email program will probably treat our email like a SPAM email, and therefor it will probably be put in your SPAM or Bulk Mail folder.

  • This is because our email has the letters "sex" in the email address, and because the email contains a link to a website with the word "sex" in the domain name.

  • Your solutions are...

    1. Look for our email in your SPAM or Bulk Email folder, or...

    2. Use your email program's search function to search your email message for the words "internationalsexguide", or...

    3. Or simply set your email program to automatically approve any emails from "internationalsexguide".

  • We frequently receive multiple requests for username changes from the same member who eventually complains that we're ignoring him, when in fact we have sent the instructional email to him several times. He has received it, but he simply didn't look for it in his SPAM or Bulk Email folder. There's nothing we can do about this as it's not our fault.

Other Notes:

  • Changing your User Name does not effect your current Membership Status, does not effect your password, and does not effect your current or future Private Messages.

  • Changes in your User Name will be reflected in all your past reports. In other words, all your existing reports and your future reports will display your new User Name.

Revised 05-31-08

Reserved to future use.

Reserved to future use.
Revised 09-12-05

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