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InternationalSexGuide FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

What is the difference between types of Memberships?

Newly registered members are automatically classified as Users Awaiting Email Activation upon registering a User Name and password.

Users Awaiting Email Activation may search and read the Forum. However, they cannot post reports, view or upload photographs, or use the private message system.

Users Awaiting Email Activation are automatically promoted to Regular Member upon activating their membership by responding to the Activation Email.

Viewing Members are an old category for members who only wanted to view the photos. The Viewing Members category is being phased out as all Viewing Members are being encouraged to upgrade for FREE to Regular Member.

Regular Members may post reports, view and upload photographs, and use the private message system. However, Regular Member's reports are temporarily held until they are reviewed by a Forum Moderator. This results in a delay of a few hours.

Senior Members are former Regular Members who have been members for at least 6 months and have made 25 or more contributions to The Forum. Senior Member's reports are temporarily held until they are reviewed by a Forum Moderator.

Unmoderated Senior Members are Senior Members who's past reports have never need to be edited to meet the Forum's Posting Guidelines. Reports by Unmoderated Senior Members are not held for review and thus are immediately displayed in the Forum.

The purpose of this entire hierarchy is to exercise some controls over new members with the specific intent of stopping serial spammers and reducing garbage posts.

Membership Categories
$19.95 per year
Guest/Logged Out
View Reports
Viewing Member
View Reports
Modify Profile
Edit Username
Regular Member
View Reports
Modify Profile
Edit Username
Post Reports
Upload Photos
Senior Member
View Reports
Modify Profile
Edit Username
Post Reports
Upload Photos
View Photos
Private Messaging
View Reports
Modify Profile
Edit Username
Post Reports
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View Photos
Private Messaging
Photo Gallery
Stealth Mode

The Private Messaging is an internal system for sending email-type messages to and from other Forum Members.

The Photo Gallery is a thumbnail viewer of all the Forum's photographs that may be sorted by date, poster or area.

The Stealth Mode is a banner-free version of the Forum that is specifically designed to be used in public locations such as an office or an Internet cafe where you may not be comfortable with others possibly viewing the InternationalSexGuide header or The Forum's banners.

Revised 09-06-07

Why do you charge for Memberships?

Software costs, software upgrades, software programmers, domain name fees, bandwidth costs, server contracts, server administrator fees, server monitoring, firewall appliances, email accounts, adminstrative assistant to answer emails, and legal bills.

Revised 09-12-05

How does a Regular Member become a Senior Member?

Regular Members are automatically upgraded to Senior Member when they have been a Forum Member for 6 months AND have posted 25 or more reports.

Revised 02-20-06

Can an Unmoderated Senior Member be changed to a moderated Senior Member?

Absolutely. Any Unmoderated Senior Member who begins posting questionable reports may find their membership changed to moderated status, thus resulting in their reports being delayed until the are reviewed by a moderator.

Revised 01-22-07

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