TJA? - Currency Peso coversion 6% savings
Converting $100 USD results in 1300 peso ( give or take 50 pesos) in 13 x 100's peso notes amd thank good it is not in 50's 26 x 50's. Lot of bulk to carry. Lucky if one has 500's or 1000's.
Being a good negotiator that is where the advantage lies and acting like a local. 30% to 40 % saving with no tips (a local).
Good language command with decent dialect, local looks and confidence in a particular situation. Savings !
[QUOTE=Cobra Comander]Good call HT!
No, but everyone has good points. I don't wanna restate what has already been said but all of you are pretty much on the same page as I am. I ONLY use pesos and spend FAR less money in the long run than I did when I used dollars.
My point was that there is alot of BS chit chat about nonsense most of the time rather than trip reports. I generally DON'T post because it usually isn't very exciting and/or I am keeping the girls info to myself until I am DONE with her. Some of you have seen my posts on TJA.
To each his own...
You can go back to your in depth discussion of chip scams and other assorted waiter hijinks now.
Chicas USD vs MXN In Clubs
Using USD:
Chica session negotiations used are about $50,$55,$60.
$5 and $10 room extra Tips.
$1 for cumboy. $12 room.
Using MXN :
Chica session negotiations used are (in pesos) 650 ,700,750,800 (650 is slightly under $50 and 800 Is slightly under $60).
50 and 100 pesos for room extras tips.
10 peso cum boy. 150 pesos room.
The difference is more steps in the negotiations for more savings.
You should at the least ,depending on your bargaining results ( should be more), save enough for another beer.
Combine this part with the other in bar savings and it does add up.
This is just walk in the bar order a drink and take a chica up stairs [b] one[/b] time.
Yes I play the dumb gringo card until deal is in my favor sometimes (meaning I let them think I believe it is a 10:1 conversion like last time I was there (he he). " I always paid 500-600 pesos for a session last time").
What I do depends on the chica just like what they try depends on me.
Not to Change Subject from How much To Tip but HK was LOUSY This Weekend
For the record I think 50 cents is PLENTY (16%) to tip the waiters on a $3.50 drink. If they complain I take the 2 quarters back from their tray!
Back to HK, the lineup this weekend was the worst I have ever seen at HK. AWFUL. 90% were way overweight; not merely cute chubby but I mean borderline obese. Adelitas was MUCH better. Chicago is on life support as even on Saturday night late it was scary how few customers (and girls) there were. LOADS of cute SWs however.
Despite lot of buzz about biggest ever raids on Friday, tension level on Saturday was much lower than recent months. VERY quiet on Revolution with many businesses shuttered including my ATF Tijuana restaurant La Especial (operating since the 50s but finally went under).
PS: despite new rule going into effect June 1 requiring passports or "augmented drivers licenses", I forgot mine and had no difficulty crossing back into US. You will be let back in but MIGHT get additional interrogation (I did not get any extra questions).