For "ALL" AW to be considered so fat (as guys so often claim). They. Dominated. I mean. DOMINATED. In the Olympics. And looked good while doing it. Guess 2013 like 2012 for me. Its all about AW poontane. Still The GOLD standard.
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For "ALL" AW to be considered so fat (as guys so often claim). They. Dominated. I mean. DOMINATED. In the Olympics. And looked good while doing it. Guess 2013 like 2012 for me. Its all about AW poontane. Still The GOLD standard.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865;1314886]For "ALL" AW to be considered so fat (as guys so often claim).[/QUOTE]Maybe it's only the bitter guys who claim that as an excuse. There are fat people in every society.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865;1314886]For "ALL" AW to be considered so fat (as guys so often claim). They. Dominated. I mean. DOMINATED. In the Olympics. And looked good while doing it. Guess 2013 like 2012 for me. Its all about AW poontane. Still The GOLD standard.[/QUOTE][url]Https://[/url]
NO gringa can touch that shit. And the real sick part is not how they look it's knowing they both would be absolute DYNAMITE in bed!
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865;1314886]For "ALL" AW to be considered so fat (as guys so often claim). They. Dominated. I mean. DOMINATED. In the Olympics. And looked good while doing it. Guess 2013 like 2012 for me. Its all about AW poontane. Still The GOLD standard.[/QUOTE]Obesity rates by country! Enuf said.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax; 1316461]Obesity rates by country! Enuf said.
[url][/url][/QUOTE]Those numbers are IMO total BS (as most numbers of Nationmaster). Per example, according WHO (which a priori divulges right numbers) , some 22% of the adult female population in Brasil suffered from obesity in 2008. I've read somewhere that it had increased to 27% since then. A study reported that the city with the highest obesity index is Rio, with alarming numbers among the 15/20 yo population. Furthermore, goverment says that almost half of Brasilians are now overweight. In the next 10 years, this will rise to 60.
Obesity is a matter of alarming importance in South America. I guess the numbers are more or less the same in Colombia, Venezuela, ect and are even more alarming in Carribeans (french goverment announced recently that 31% of the population suffered from obesity in french Carribean departments and french Guiana).
I'll stick to FSU. I like my women thin and tall.
[quote=capt ajax; 1316461]obesity rates by country! enuf said.
[url][/url][/quote]usa. only 30%. good. that means 70% (still the majority) of women must be not only beautiful but [b]fit[/b] too
i can operate within that 70%.
lets see 350 million peeps. 1/2 being women. 150 million. by 70%.
that give me roughly 100 million beautiful women. i can deal with that.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1316029][url]Https://[/url]
NO gringa can touch that shit. And the real sick part is not how they look it's knowing they both would be absolute DYNAMITE in bed![/QUOTE]What I dislike in South American women is that many are SHORT. The woman's average height in Brasil is 5'2" (1, 58cm, which is admittedly short) , and in Colombia even less (AW are also short BTW). A HUGE a turn-off for me. I like my women about 5'8". And slender (yet curvy, but with no excess). And in this respect, no part of the world can beat the Former Soviet Union.
[QUOTE=Prosal;1316557]What I dislike in South American women is that many are SHORT. The woman's average height in Brasil is 5'2" (1, 58cm, which is admittedly short) , and in Colombia even less (AW are also short BTW). A HUGE a turn-off for me. I like my women about 5'8". And slender (yet curvy, but with no excess). And in this respect, no part of the world can beat the Former Soviet Union.[/QUOTE]Tell me about it, I once did a 69 with a girl and wound up sucking on her toes hahahahaha but it depends on what part of the country, the Paisas and Costeņos are taller.
30% of AW are OBESE, which is fatter than fat. Most of the rest are FAT. And then most of the rest who are not fat OR obese (not even 10% of the population) are emaciated. The US is an extremely unhealthy country.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1316920]30% of AW are OBESE, which is fatter than fat. Most of the rest are FAT. And then most of the rest who are not fat OR obese (not even 10% of the population) are emaciated. The US is an extremely unhealthy country.[/QUOTE]Most commonly obesity is still referred to by a BMI 30. BMI isn't a very good measure and has been abandoned by many serious health practitioners. BMI would put most body builders into a 30-35 and nobody would suggest they are fat. Equally many of the female track stars that were referred to earlier in posts would be easily classified as overweight by BMI, which is obviously utterly ridiculous. Having said that, for many who lead a very sedentary lifestyle it's a good indicator. For a woman to be BMI 30 at 5'8" she'd have to weigh 200lbs and no way I'd ever consider doing a cowgirl with that kind of weight on top LMAO.
Body fat percentage or the inverse, lean mass is a much more interesting measure. A woman (or man) can still be horribly fat at ideal weight with 40% of the tissue being fat, which leads to a thin person with a kind of porky, sausage meat like tissue texture. Nothing you really want to consider for sex.
I agree with you that the US like many other highly industrialised countries is a place of extremes. The reason for that is simply that there is too wide a choice of processed foods and little practical help for people to make healthy choices. The food industry isn't helping, being a completely immoral bunch they have no moral issues with people getting unhealthy by consumption of their products. How long for example has this insane low-fat campaign of the food industry been going on and still many consumers have no idea that fats at not their enemies per se, but the increasing amount of sugar that is being put into foods to compensate for the lack of fat. How many people really know that fatty foods keep you satiated for longer and that foods high in sugar make you just eat more and more?
This doesn't affect developing countries as much because the choice is simply not there.
On the other hand, I have to agree with ThatGuy. In such a big population there ought to be plenty enough fit girls to last a lifetime. Women have never been a reason for me to leave any country. Rather issues like work / life balance, climate, society in general etc.
[QUOTE=Jhack111;1317083]there is too wide a choice of processed foods and little practical help for people to make healthy choices.[/QUOTE]While the former might be true, the latter is not. How about reading the fucking label? That is really all that is necessary. I personally think you could eat Big Macs and Doritos exclusively and not be obese, if you were working the way most people worked in by-gone eras. I think it is the sedentary lifestyle more than the nutrition. And, I go to the gym and I see how the average woman "exercises" and it's not too impressive for the most part. Like you are trying to work out without sweating to where your mascara would run. Doesn't really work. A lot of men are just pigs, eating way too much, too often, in too large of portions. The result is a lot of fat fucks cluttering up the place and being eyesores in general.
99% of the fattness in America comes from poor choices and lifestyle
We have affluent lifestyle that most other countries don't. Most Americans DRIVE EVERYWHERE they go. So little to no walking, do NOT have strenuous jobs, so no energy exerted there, and come home and lead sedentary lifestyles watching TV.
Compound that with the "EASY access", convenience and low cost of. Fast food, and processed meals
Along with LARGE portion sizes. And you have a recipe for "Fatness"
The rise of Single family households. Means ONE person is working and raising the kids and while it not best for them."fast food" and "processed" foods is cheap and convenient. When you are rushed for time.
[B]Those who want to stay in shape. Have plenty of 'Healthy" food alternatives [/B].
"Organic" food is sold everywhere and Local "Farmer's markets" are held in most cities. And of course "Gyms" are everywhere.
For some its time and convenience, others its about getting off the couch, and some need to be educated about their choices. And portion size.
It all comes down to choices. And a desire to be fit. It all available. You have to want it.
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1317089]How about reading the fucking label? That is really all that is necessary. I personally think you could eat Big Macs and Doritos exclusively and not be obese, if you were working the way most people worked in by-gone eras.[/QUOTE]Personally I have never noticed a nutritional information label on a Big Mac or any other hamburger, but even so they don't really help.
The biggest problem in the US is that nearly ALL the food in supermarkets or restaurants is processed with added sugar and salt, so it is really hard to avoid. Even the BREAD has sugar added. Cakes and pies are ridiculously oversweetened, people drink bottles of Coca-Cola that have 20 teaspoons of sugar in them.
Yes, people can eat healthy in the US if they always eat at home, bake their own bread, avoid processed foods, sodas, etc, but it is much harder than in other countries. Also the sedentary lifestyle and going everywhere by car does not help. In most countries it is not hard to buy a plate of ready cooked food on the street that does not contain added sugar, etc.
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1317089]While the former might be true, the latter is not. How about reading the fucking label? That is really all that is necessary. I personally think you could eat Big Macs and Doritos exclusively and not be obese, if you were working the way most people worked in by-gone eras. I think it is the sedentary lifestyle more than the nutrition[/QUOTE]Most people haven't got a clue what their Base Metabolic Rate is. Therefore food labels are completely irrelevant because there is no valid frame of reference. Many people are still assuming that a daily intake of 2, 500kCal for a man is normal. Truth is that many will find themselves with a BMR of only 1, 600kcal, women even down to 1, 400kcal on sedentary lifestyles. Overstepping your BMR, if you don't exercise, by only 500 kcal per day, will add a pound of body mass (or shall we say fat) per week.
Also, for example UK RDAs find it acceptable for an adult male to ingest 120g of simple sugars every day. This is way too much and possibly the greatest fat booster ever. Sugars are being added everywhere. To yogurts, bread, milk shakes and what not else. I wonder sometimes what is going on in the head of food agencies? My only assumption is that the food industry blows so much money up their asses that they really don't care.
I've taken a lot of time to research things as an athlete and taking responsibility for myself instead of relying on misinformation that comes from government approved authorities. But I really don't think everyone has the time and ability to do this. It comes back to one fundamental conclusion: don't buy anything in the supermarket and cook all your food from basic ingredients yourself and you know what you're eating without someone messing with your organism to support their own agenda!