[QUOTE]Originally posted by darkseid
[i]Another thing I might add on JZ's list against AWs is UNAPPRECIATIVE. [/i][/QUOTE]
Got that right!! Janet Jackson summed up the AW attitude when she sang "What have you done for me lately?"
BTW, [i]AW[/i] = American Women, [i]AWs[/i] = American Womens.
joe_zop, interesting list.
Problems 6. Boring and 7. Paranoid I notice right away when I came here.
Same complained I heard from my Russian friends.
Number 7. Paranoid, especially frustrated. I never experienced something like that in others countries.
You feel like something wrong with you.
I think that one of the reason why American men have such a low self-esteem.
I am not sure that you mean in 5. Too children-oriented?
If AW wants have children more than woman in other countries why such a low birth rate in US? Or you mean they care more about children than about husband?
I don't think AW are any more paranoid than women from other cultures. In fact, I think AW are more secure due to their heightened self-confidence.
Of course the heightened self-confidence is often not deserved :)
Hmm, strange. You mean not paranoid during LTR?
At least in the beginning of the relations or at the first dates my friends and me noticed that they are much more paranoid.
Again, these are not my complaints per se, simply my distillation and interpretation of what I've been reading here for the past many months. I'm very much open to correction. Darkseid's addition is a good one, and it's one I overlooked, despite there being many complaints here about it. Thanks!
PNG, self-confidence and security does not cancel out being suspicious of men's intentions. I agree with you that in general American women have a different degree of self-confidence, as it manifests itself in knowing their place in the social order is secure, than many women in other countries. On the other hand, while they're more confident as [i]people[/i], they're often less confident and secure as [i]women[/i], torturing themselves over their personal choices, their balancing of career versus family, how the media tells them they should be, etc. But the general climate of society here is essentially that women have a degree of purity and selflessness about their intentions and men are basically animals who need to be watched out for -- and that very much suffuses American women's outlooks.
And Lenin, the complaint exactly is that the children are important, the husband is not.
Lenin -
You and your Russian friends noticed right away that American women were boring and paranoid.
What are some specific examples of how you and your friends quickly felt this in your experiences after coming here? How are American women boring? What are they paranoid about?
JZ and Lenin,
I didn't say they weren't paranoid. I said they weren't any more paranoid than women in other cultures. And, I augmented that with the idea that I thought they might be less paranoid. But, certainly, the paranoia is there.
Regardless, I should probably have just said "suspicious" as opposed to "paranoid" as that's probably more to the point, since it wasn't really a general statement about their mental health, just about their attitude toward men. And I personally do find that American women are more suspicious of men's intentions than their counterparts abroad. (And, as I've argued here before, given that the stats say that one woman in three in this country will be assaulted at some point during her life, I'm not at all saying that it's not a deserved perspective.)
Darkseid’s UNAPPRECIATIVE is good one.
For better clarity term paranoid could be split in tree: suspicious, trust, emotional contact.
AW boring because you don’t feel emotional contact with them as
you feel with Russian or Latin girls, not just because their knowledge are limited.
When you starting with AW you get feeling you are treated like criminal
Not much trust. Faked and weak emotional contact. Faked smile.
Suddenly her mood could be dropped and I have no idea what is going on
in her head. Sometimes I have feeling that I am talking to computer
not to real women. More you trying to be sincere, less you get trust.
I is funny, when I go to Russia after long time living here
I am surprised that the girls are not afraid to go with you in anyplace
alone even if they know you just one hour.
I am surprised girl tell you lot of private secrets about herself.
I am surprised she let you go in her apartment at first evening.
I feel a lot of trust and emotional contact
After couple days I have feeling that I know this girl already one month.
Same feeling I had in Cuba with Cuban girls.
Hey guys listen to Lenin, Brazilian girls are the same way!
Hey Darkseid,
Thanks for the information. It was exactly what I needed. By the way, where did you stay and would you recommend it?
Am looking forward to the comprehensive posting on your trip and experiences that you had mentioned. "Blame it on Rio" as they say!
i'm just wondering how much of your experience with aw is tainted because of cultural barriers? i mean, you are not completely fluent in english. you obviously dislike america and americans. so, maybe it's no surprise that aw treat you with suspicion and dislike.
also, given the implications of how you would treat a woman to 'keep her in line,' and assuming your attitude is prevalent among russian men (which russian women have told me that it is), it is truly scary to think russian women would be so incredibly stupid to be so trusting.
truth is, aw are paranoid with good reason. [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] is not so uncommon as to be disregarded. and, this is definitely a case where 'better safe than sorry' applies.
jz, i agree with your rephrasing from paranoid to suspicious. in this context, i'll use paranoid to refer to fear of being victimized by [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] or brutality. and, i'll use suspicious to refer to feelings of insecurity concerning the boyfriend's possible extra-curriculurs.
I still think that AW are no more suspicious than their foreign counterparts. I've had a total of 6 serious relationships. 3 Were with Asians, 1 with a latina and 2 with AW. The most suspicious were the Asians, by far. The chica and 2 AW's were both suspicious, but healthily so.
Of my friends, there are mixed couples and couples of like ethnicity (not necessarily American). Again, I gotta say, with one exception, the American women never come off as hyper-suspicious. The asian women on the other hand keep their hubbies/significant others on very tight leashes.
An aside that sort of goes against my argument: the TG that got me all giddy was the least suspicious of all. I talked with her about how she would feel about me continuing to go pick up girls, and she said that she understood that I was a man and needed that kind of thing.
Three x, I know that too :)
purplengold, I have even more cultural barrier with Cubans or Brazilians but it has never been the problem. I did not talk to North American girls about liking or disliking America. When I go out with Canadian guys I also see that there is
not much emotional interaction between them and AW.
I also have women friends: Brazilian, Iranian, Hungarian, Rumanian, Poland and Czech women. This pattern is consistent also with women friends. I feel them like normal people; I feel something wrong with AW. I don’t feel that they normal. I also have similar complains from Brazilian, and Rumanian friends about AW. I even have similar complains From Russian, Brazilian and Czech women friends about AW. There is really something emotionally wrong with AW. I would like to know, but probably I never will because I don’t want to have anything with them.
About 'keep women in line’ I am afraid you didn’t understand me right.
There are no reasons why Russian woman cannot trust Russians man.
It is very intuitive relationship. She know limits what she can do and what cannot.