We could call the site "The Idealist and The Pragmatist," similar to El Gordo y La Flaca.
It is my opinion that if condoms were to be used for oral sex between boyfriends and girlfriends, that would remove the final remaining reason to have a girlfriend.
Did you hear about the Irish guy who was told to use a condom each and every time he had sex? After three days, he had to [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140][CodeWord140][/url] so bad he cut a hole in the end of it.
Yes Dickhead... Niagara Falls is not exactly the cultural centre of Canada by any means. I don't really see any part of North America that has much culture anyway... we're too busy selling it for SUV's and Big Mac's. As far as sightseeing goes the east and west coasts have the most scenery anyway. Check out Vancouver if you like the mountains... but expect rain.
I'll also agree with you in that the day I need to use a rubber for GF sex is the day I'll change my alias to Fuckthishit, and start scoping out tall bridges.
Thanks RN :)
>>Did you hear about the Irish guy who was told to use a condom each and every time he had sex? After three days, he had to [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140][CodeWord140][/url] so bad he cut a hole in the end of it.<<
No, Dickhead (love writing that), didn't hear that one but did you hear about the the two Canadian junkies sharing needles in a heroin shooting gallery? One of them asks the other if he was scared of getting AIDS. The other goes, "No fucking way, you hoser! I'm wearing a condom!"
Hmm, RN, I dunno if I could take being in charge of another website. Although, generating the proper amount of good content for that one might not be as unpleasant a research process as some of the others...
El Gordo y La Flaca, eh? Guess that's better than Click and Clack :)
Hi Guys & RN,
Had an interesting experience in a bar over the weekend which I thought really depicted the "American Woman" at her worst.
Was in a bar after playing tennis with some friends and 4 large women sat down at the table next to us. They were not only huge, but loud, on stage, smoked like fiends and had Coke bottles for glasses. How may of you have seen this syndrome before???
In walk two nice looking blond girls who were well dressed, slender, etc. Really nice girls who proceeded to sit at the bar.
Well, the 275 pounders at the next table started laughing out loud and were calling them "Snow White," "Barbie Doll," etc. They were really rude and were loud enough so that the girls at the bar could hear them. It was a pretty distgusting display of American womanhood at its worst.
I thought that this really depicted what many American women are like and woe to those few women who still look and act like women. Anyone ever catch this "act" before??? It was appalling.
Other women are every woman's worst enemy. Fat women criticise thin women, pretty women criticise unattractive women. I (with a slim/athletic body type) have been told I am fat by little skinny rakes and told I am too thin by heavier women. If I wear a short skirt I am called a tramp, in jeans I am a slob. Women are judgemental cows who are never happy with what they have and are always jealous of someone who has what they want. I have to say, I pretty much squarely blame the media for this. Also, men who constantly point out our failings or compare us to other women (right in front of us) have a lot to answer for too. We are always being told we are not "good enough"...not slim enough, not busty enough, not blonde enough, etc. I think we tend to blame the women who DO fit these profiles (even if only in our minds) for making us look bad. (Kind of a "If SHE wasn't here then maybe men would look at ME" type attitude).
As for the girls you mentioned, I bet I know what sort of reaction the blonde girls' entry into the bar received. I have a busty blonde friend that attracts the same attention. All heads swivel, conversation quiets briefly, and all other women in the bar are momentarily ignored. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it can cause a bit of bitterness in the ignorees! LOL What the heavy girls said was cruel, but it is just a reflection of their insecurities. My bet is, they were trying to discredit the girls in front of the other patrons, make them look a bit silly and ultimately DENT THEIR SELF CONFIDENCE. That is a nasty trick, but it works. Most of a woman's sex appeal (in my opinion) has to do with their air of confidence...take that away and make them look uncomfortable or self conscious, and they don't "shine" as much as they did when they walked in.
Like I said, a woman is a woman's worst enemy...
I've witnessed that sort of stuff before too Paddy.
In my observation women (if they can be called that) who have reached that stage have already realised how fat and unattractive they are, and have resigned themselves to that fact. They have lost their sense of jealousy and replaced it with a sense of self loathing and have the whole "fuck everybody else... I am who I am and if you don't like me you can kiss my ass" attitude. They're herd animals at that point... living off the strength of the others. If one of them was separated from the other three they would be meek and unaggressive, their attitudes of the pack (helped with a bit of alcohol I'm sure) will have evaporated and they are left only with their own insecurities. The most disagreeable part of their behaviour is that any one of them would give up their fat asses in a heartbeat to look like one of the two attractive girls they were insulting.
I've never been able to figure out where a person's attitudes in life stem from. Those twats should have been ashamed to leave the house in their flower patterned bed sheets; Yet they did, and were even so bold as to insult others. Perhaps they need to be shown a video of themselves before they can rein themselves in off the farm.
It's cunts like that that make me...
Hi RN & Fedup,
Your analyses of the situation which transpired were both correct and compelling to say the least. Thanks.
I guess that I was startled by the ferocity of their attacks on these two girls who were complete strangers. I had thought that this type of behavior was indigenous to American women alone. According to RN, however, it's a universal phenomenon.
I spend a lot of time abroad and have never seen an attack like this before. I've only seen these "herds" of fat girls pullling this stuff in the good old US of A. Believe me, these girls took no prisoners. One of the other guys suggested that we move to another table to get away from these loud and abrasive louts. When me moved they started smiling at us and chuckling (i.e. what a bunch of wimps). I began to stare menacingly at the ringleader and they finally backed off.
I agree Fedup, it's women like this that make me want to ....
Assholes come in all shapes, sizes, sexes, etc. It's so odd to me how one group that experiences discrimination will often choose to act just as horribly to another group.
This is NOT representative of American Women. This is representative of the fact that people who are dumped on will almost always look to dump on someone else. Just look at all of the people in this section of the board who try to put everyone else down just because they themselves feel inferior deep down inside.
However, I wonder if all the people who reacted so negatively to these "ladies' " antics would react as strongly if the shoe were on the other foot and the overweight women were being insulted by a group of "beautiful" women.
Well said Miller...
A **** is a ****... whether they be thin or fat, black or white, tall or short... makes no difference to me. I hold attractive women who bash unattractive women in the same contempt as the ladies Paddy had to put up with.
I could reverse the argument and point out the many attractive women who feel the need to insult and embarrass unattractive ladies in order to make themselves feel better about their bodies. The next morning those same attractive women will be standing in front of the mirror and wondering "augh!!! why are my feet so big?... did that mole have to grow RIGHT THERE!!!... Has my ass grown while I was sleeping???" etc.
Both of these examples seem to be exacerbated by being an AW. The old adage "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" seems to have been lost in our culture. I wonder if anyone in this country is immune to insults from others. Even Tom Cruise (he's sooooo short!) and Britney Spears (could she B any blonder?) are targets. Some of America's more exotic exports to the rest of the world? How about bulimia and anorexia.
We have to open up a new discussion on European Women and other regions as well such as Asia and South America. Anyone who thinks American women are the only game in town is a sucker severely limiting his options. It's ironic my open mind to meeting people from various different countries has created a close mindedness to American women. I guess the grass truly is greener on the other side. It sure is. Oh well we live in a contradictory planet.
CBGB, I don't mean any disrespect, nor do I want to argue with you, but I must say that you've made your point over, and over, and over, and over again. We all understand perfectly well that you've found women in Europe to be more receptive to intimacy than US women. OK OK OK OK OK. We've heard you. We respect your opinion. But do you think that by stating it over and over again that you're going to convince anyone who doesn't already agree with you? C'mon now.
Again, I truly mean no disrespect, but please stop saying the same thing over and over again. I for one am getting tired of it, and I can't imagine that I'm the only one.
50% of all US women are fat? Overweight by some margin, perhaps. But fat? As in obese? Maybe so, but it never struck me that way. Then again I don't count fat people and thin people. Don't know why anyone would either. What's with the hatred of fat people that seems to be present on this board? Are y'all slender as can be then? Strikes me as odd that a group of folks who have to pay for sex wouln't contain any fat bastards. What's so bad about fat people anyway. OK, so if they're unattractive to you, then don't fuck one. Jeez.
By the way, from my "folks that have to pay for sex" comment, don't gather that I'm some anti-prostitution zealot, or a moralizer of some kind. I myself have to pay for sex when I want it on an emergency basis, that's how I discovered this board. But I just have to say that the degree of "fat bashing" that goes on here is disturbing. It's a reflection of our National obsession (I live in the US) with being slender, which is not so healthy. Refer to Fedup's post about the US's "more exotic" exports, anorexia and bulemia (well put Fedup).
jwny72 ,
I disagree with you. I enjoy hearing the same shit over and over again. CBGB, please, get on your soapbox again and enlighten us with your many (and I do mean MANY) insightful insights (was that redundant enough for you my fearless swami?) into American, European and Martian women. Have you and FEDup pricked your fingers, tasted each other's blood and repeated the secret oath yet? Also, can you please send me an audio tape of your posts concerning the American female. They are classics... almost as good as DEAR ABBY.