Apologies And Thoughts On Being Rich
First would like to apologize to DJ4M and DH and the American Women board for there is a better way to debate than without shooting off personal insults. I am emotional dude and I shoot from the hip sometime without taking a step back and looking at what I am saying. Also I think DH you have been on your tirade the last few post just to [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140][CodeWord140][/url] me off and you succeeded.
Now I will answer your last few questions/rebuttals:
[QUOTE=Dickhead]"I said I earn six-figures."
"I am in my 20s and I will retire into my early 30s. I could retire now if I wanted to."
Boy, you and I both picked very appropriate screen names (referring to your latest one anyway)
So let's do multiple choice:
a) anyone who makes six figures (over $100k US per year) is rich.
b) anyone who can retire and isn't even 30 is rich.
c) anyone who both makes six figures and has enough to retire is rich.
d) anyone who makes six figures, has enough to retire on, and lives in a gated community is rich.
e) all of the above.
I'm rich too, by any kind of reasonable world-wide standard, and I'd probably be richer if I just took the best-paying job without considering the [b]morality and social value of what I am doing[/b].
DJ, bro, you all set to retire? You making six figures?
Nah, me neither.[/QUOTE]
Being rich is a relative term. Say a guy retired gets a pension of $2000 a month and he will get it for the rest of his life. While he doesn't have much to shake a stick at in his savings he doesn't have to work. Some would consider him rich.
Another person has saved up an odd amount of $100,000s. He can live off the interest of that money but his retirement would be dependent on what national interest rates is and he has to pray like hell a tragedy doesn't strike and knock down that lump sum of money because then that means a lower interest return but this guy by all intents and purposes still does not have to work.
Then you got the guy in my mind what I would call rich. The guy who has millions. Nothing can set him back. That is a rich guy. If that anit you you anit rich. Of course anyone of us if we don't watch our money can fall from grace Mike Tyson, MC Hammer are poster child's for that.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]"I wouldn't call myself successful."
"A guy who comes from nothing and becomes rich is not sucessful?"
Dude, so are you successful or not? But no; someone who comes from nothing and becomes rich is only successful if they are happy. Look at Michael "I hate myself so much I had to get my skin bleached" Jackson. Look at Mike "I'm a disgwace and I'm gonna wetire" Tyson. Money don't buy happiness although of course poverty doesn't prove much either.
I'm making much less money than I did in Yew Ess and I'm much less successful career-wise (job's a total dead end) but I am much happier than I was living in the Yew Ess. Success![/QUOTE]
In my mind if you "HAVE" to work for a living especially until your old as hell you are not successful. I don't care what your profession is. Once you can free yourself from the yolk of bondage that is work and enjoy your life 100%. I have friends who use to do the same work I do. They quit early now they are (bean counting) fuck that. I will slug it another 2-3 years. So can retire the right way.
[url]http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bean+counter[/url] (2)