From one young monger to another.
At a very tender age I tried marriage for six faithful years. Thankfully, a lack of good sex was never an issue. It was the other things that finally made me get out. I was a very frugal person and most of my paycheck went to maintaining my wife and kid. If my wife wanted something she always got it from me. For the most part I lived to support my family and didn't spend much on myself, however one payday I bought something for less than $30 to entertain myself at home since I was no longer allowed to go anywhere unaccompanied. Well, that turned out to be a mistake because she bitched at me for a week about being selfish. Visiting my parents without her was out of the question even though she hated them, so I was expected to not visit them period. She read all my letters from friends and family, privacy was a thing of the past. I couldn't even run to the grocery store or pharmacy without her wanting to come along. Her friends added to the drama with stories about how their men did them wrong. I was prohibited from sending gifts to my parents at Christmas because "they didn't need it" but she sent to hers.
Eventually, I re-grew my balls and asked for a divorce. She flew into a rage and vowed to make me pay for "ruining" her life, and pay I did. Now tens of thousands of dollars later I'm finally free again. You don't know what freedom is until you've lost it and then regained it. I'm not saying that mongering is the best way to spend the rest of your life and neither am I saying that marriage is always bad. However, I will say this. Never marry an American woman, and never marry any woman and bring her into the USA or any Western country where the divorce laws are biased against men. You will regret it. Of course, you can choose to ignore my advice and find out all of this yourself much like I did when wiser folks warned me.
There is something in North American society that causes women to believe that men exist solely to provide for their needs. I'm not interested in finding out exactly what that is, but at least I can help stop someone else from unwittingly becoming a slave or a lap dog. It will always be sweet and nice before you sign that contract, then it will change. The change might be overnight or it might be gradual but it's guaranteed to be more than you bargained for.
If you want to stop mongering and enjoy your relationship with your girlfriend then by all means do so, but do not marry. Eventually, when you do not give her the diamond ring, the house in the suburbs, the SUV and a few kids she will move on and look for another sucker. Meanwhile, save and invest your money so that you can move abroad to a country where women still care about men and don't use kids as the ultimate weapon. You have more time than you realize. At 40-45 yrs of age you can settle down somewhere and have a family if that's what you want. For now enjoy your girlfriend, mongering or both because you'll only be young once.
Judge gives cheating wife $40 million...
Ouch, not sure if they had grown kids or anything.
Not sure the court system would award a cheating husband that much if she was the wealthier partner.
Hope for the best but prepare for the worst
Have you ever noticed that the eagle on our nation's emblem holds an olive branch in one set of talons and arrows in the other? We wish for the best case senario, world peace. On the other hand we are prepared for the worst case senario which is having to wage war. In fact, we're so well prepared that we're better than anyone else at waging war.
Now, I'm aware that my case was pretty close to or at as bad as it gets. This will not be the case for everyone. People will have different experiences and that is why we come to this forum to exchange the lessons learned from them. Every fisherman will not catch a sardine, some will catch a shark and have to cut it loose. Anyway, that is just probability at work and not necessarily due to any action on the part of the hapless fisherman who gets ripped apart by the shark.
Another thing I would like to mention is that these women who sound as though they've come right out of a Grimms Brother's fairytale work pretty hard to conceal their evil side until they get the one ring. After my disaster I learned to flush out even the most skillful actresses but sometimes it can take a while depending on their talent. I'm sure that bad women are not limited to the USA I have met a few from abroad also, hence my advice to Hedonist to stack the odds in his favor as much as possible.
Maybe Lady Luck will smile on Hedonist and he will never know the pain of being neutered by his woman. In the end he will read all these posts and make his own decision. If he walks down the aisle I'll be right there with Sinanju Master throwing rice, and if she lops off his balls down the road I'll be there to comfort him too.
Better make sure she swallows!
Court dismisses man's theft claim against lover who kept semen
CHICAGO - An appeals court said a man can press a claim for emotional distress after learning a former lover had used his sperm to have a baby. But he can’t claim theft, the ruling said, because the sperm were hers to keep.
The ruling Wednesday by the Illinois Appellate Court sends Dr. Richard O. Phillips’ distress case back to trial court.
Phillips accuses Dr. Sharon Irons of a “calculated, profound personal betrayal” after their affair six years ago, saying she secretly kept semen after they had oral sex, then used it to get pregnant.
He said he didn’t find out about the child for nearly two years, when Irons filed a paternity lawsuit. DNA tests confirmed Phillips was the father, the court papers state.
Phillips was ordered to pay about $800 a month in child support, said Irons’ attorney, Enrico Mirabelli.
'Trapped in a nightmare'
Phillips sued Irons, claiming he has had trouble sleeping and eating and has been haunted by “feelings of being trapped in a nightmare,” court papers state.
Irons responded that her alleged actions weren’t “truly extreme and outrageous” and that Phillips’ pain wasn’t bad enough to merit a lawsuit. The circuit court agreed and dismissed Phillips’ lawsuit in 2003.
But the higher court ruled that, if Phillips’ story is true, Irons “deceitfully engaged in sexual acts, which no reasonable person would expect could result in pregnancy, to use plaintiff’s sperm in an unorthodox, unanticipated manner yielding extreme consequences.”
The judges backed the lower court decision to dismiss the fraud and theft claims, agreeing with Irons that she didn’t steal the sperm.
“She asserts that when plaintiff 'delivered' his sperm, it was a gift — an absolute and irrevocable transfer of title to property from a donor to a donee,” the decision said. “There was no agreement that the original deposit would be returned upon request.”
Phillips is representing himself in the case. He could not be reached for comment Thursday.
“There’s a 5-year-old child here,” Mirabelli said. “Imagine how a child feels when your father says he feels emotionally damaged by your birth.”
© 2005 The Associated Press
Now that is a worst case scenario!
i had read that article posted by long stroker a while ago and debated it with a few of my buddies. the whole not swallowing the semen thing is indeed extreme but the artificial insemination part is not new. while i was in college i heard of cases where guys had sex with girls and used a condom but then left it in girl's waste paper basket or somewhere else within her reach, the guys would think that it was all over after cumming and going in a hurry. however, once in a while a scheming girl would apparently use the still viable sperm in the condom to inseminate herself. given the age group involved, i wouldn't imagine that anything more complex than a finger dipped in the sperm and then inserted in the vagina would be necessary to accomplish the goal.
girls can get very serious about trapping mr. right by any means necessary once they hit that 25 to 30 yrs old stretch and the looks start fading and the ass widening. therefore, be sure that you use spermicidally lubricated condoms to render your gift useless and if you blow your tor**** in her oral cavity then confirm ingestion. this all sounds like a hassle but it might save you $800 per month in child support payments and the mental anguish. ;-)
young mongers beware! i stand ready to be chided for posting the negative.