I went to a Scores with a bunch of my friends and had a lapdance and her crotch stuck like rotten garbage. Woooo.. I noticed that the American bathrooms need bodees badly. There are none in our bathrooms but when I go to a foreign bathroom even in Brazil, they have bodees for women to wash their crotch. That may be one of the problems with hygiene. There are also 90% percent of them having implants. I like natural boobs that are found in foreign countries. They also have surgical scars from liposuction and the implants. That means that these are the fat women that are willing to fork out money to be thin to work in strip clubs. In New York, there is a McDonald's every 2 blocks. Also the restaurants open 24 hours 7 days a week while everything else closes. There is nothing else to do after 10PM but eat or go to the movies (and eat more junk food). I never had a smelly twat in Europe or South America. They are cleaner by far than AWs.
As far as hygiene is concerned I have to agree with CBGB and disagree with Lennox. But I do agree with Lennox that there are still a few AWs left. The way to weed them out is not to be pussywhipped. Being pussywhipped ATTRACTS feminazis. My older brother acted like the tough male so that repelled feminazis from him. Also, he moved out of New York which has laws that are more favorable to feminazis than any other part of the country. That explains why NYC women are such crap and why I am still single with my tough guy attitude. I did not take crap from a woman in NYC so she left me to search for a wimp she can control and walk over. He moved to Pennsylvania which is less of a feminazi state than New York. My brother is not pussywhipped by his wife and he keeps his wife in check. He is the boss of his family. He threatens to leave her if she gets out of hand and also fortunately for him, his wife grew up in a small suburban town where women typically have lower self esteem than the big city girls who think they are all that and a bag of chips. The women from smaller towns are more likely to stay married than the big city girls.
The reason women come out of college Oprahsized is because college forces ALL women students to take a woman's studies course which teaches them the philosophy of feminism. College in itself is feminist. I met my ex-fiancee who was a freshman at the time I met her while I was teaching courses in her school. Junior college does not offer these horrible women's studies courses so she was a great girlfriend. After she made it to a 4-year school called New York University, she was forced to take a woman's study course that was offered in all 4-year colleges. She met a rotten fat Black ***** and became the complete opposite of the girl I met. Instead of a relationship of give and take, She just takes, takes, takes, and demands more. She started making up "anniversaries" (meaning yearly) but these "anniversaries" happened more and more frequently and she started making me remember more and more non-sensical dates like "the time she got her first piercing, now buy me some jewelry". I put up with this BS for 2 more months but then left her and demanded the ring back or she suffers a lawsuit for a breach in contract.
2-year colleges don't offer these "How to be a feminazi" courses and that is why teachers, nurses and other women of these professions from 2-year colleges are the good ones and the rotten ones are the lawyers, CPA, and doctors from the 4-year schools. And this happened to me twice. My high school sweetheart quoted a book saying that "All men are dogs" and she went to Barnard College of Columbia University.