i've met a few guys from australia who were raped by their divorce. in fact one of them left the country to go live in colombia because he got fed up with the aussie women.
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i've met a few guys from australia who were raped by their divorce. in fact one of them left the country to go live in colombia because he got fed up with the aussie women.
[QUOTE=Lennox]I'm not interested in getting in a flame war here, not my style and certainly not why I come to this board. I agreed with much of what you said, I just thought I'd point out that Australia is most certainly not the place to go to escape westernized women. Now you're saying you want to beat my ass if I ever go to Sydney because I pointed out AW and Aussie women have similar obesity, similar divorce laws, similar English culture....
There are plenty of other internet sites where you can find people to argue with, I'm not even arguing with you, I agreed with the basic premise of this thread!
By the way thanks for the warm invitation, but at this current time I'm not interested in meeting a dude who brags about his weight lifting ability and who has emotional problems that manifest themselves on internet message boards. Have a nice life.
As far as Australian women there is an increasing number of Eastern European and Asian women here. There is cheap airfare to Asia for those who want to go and Australians tend to take long vacations. Anyone working a fulltime job in Australia gets about 4 weeks a year, some places give the option to extend this to 8 and many Australians who have been working for while take a couple of months off. When you have this much time you can go to a lot of places, in places like Sydney and Melbourne, I see a travel agency on every other block, people here get opportunities for exciting international travel more often than in the US. I spend three months of the year outside of Australia. Like I said if you did not READ, the Australian women are good for Short Term fun, they are good when times are good and not so great when times are sour, in the long run they aren't so great for relationship but the sex is good, fyi Western European women are similar in this regard. Still they are a considerable improvement over bulldyke American females who are the ultimate incarnation of evil. At the very least you will get plenty of good sex in these places. If you are looking for a wife material type, you will have to avoid another industrialized country and try Latin America or some parts of Asia but the latter is developing at a rapid pace so they won't be much different than what you find in the West. I have a lot of Asian friends from Singapore and Hong Kong and they tell me that the Asian women in both places are very superficial but both places are rich and affluent areas.
Every AW I have met wants a nice rich meal ticket husband that will give them a life of luxury and put them on a pedestal. In other countries, women still look for a breadwinner but they seem to be more realistic about it. AWs are no good for STR or LTR. In my experience for STR, Western Europe(EU) and Australia are about equal, for LTR you need to go to SA, Eastern Europe or Asia.
I see most women below the age of 40+ as having unrealistic expectations, bitter, angry, extreme emotional and mental problems, unpredictable behaviour, difficult to be around and just have a plain old good time with, difficult to please, moods that vacillate constantly, taking exorbant amounts of medication, not able to keep a goal in mind and complete it, complain and nag, highly negative and far too masculine in my humble opinion, eat too much, enjoy fast food far too much, expect for the guy to pay everything, base most of their joys on going out clubbing, purchasing clothes, and finally: status
Most of them invest a lot of effort into making themselves appear pretty, special, and different than other females, but it is completely transparent.
The modern American female is an empty shell of a human being, and apparently there are few exceptions.
Australia, Canada, USA.
3 different countries with a common cultural and linguistic background. Yet things seem to be different in these countries. Canada and the States are extremely similar when it comes to women. Australia (according to some posts) seems to be noticeably better when it comes to finding some short term fun from the local girls.
In my opinion, there's always an underlying reason for differences like this. CBGB may have given the best clue in his recent post. Aussie guys are located fairly close to some of the best mongering locations in the world. Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Phillipines and let's not forget Thailand! What's more, these guys have the money AND the time to go enjoy themselves.
It occurs to me that Aussie women face a higher level of competition for the attentions of their men. I think this is one major reason why they generally have a better attitude. "You don't wanna put out? Fine, I'll head to Manila for a month and screw 20 or 30 little Filipina babes while I'm there!"
Imagine what would happen if the average guy here could do the same thing.
Let's hear some posts from some WSG members in Europe. I'll bet the same thing is going on the countries that border on the former Soviet Bloc countries.
I find it hard to imagine (for example) a German/French/Belgian girl holding out on her boyfriend when he can easily drive over to the next country and get some hot young Czech or Slovakian babe to be his woman.
A few nights ago I accompanied an English guy to a pool hall. There were two AWs playing on the pool table next to our own. One of them was a fat dyke looking blond with too tight clothing and a big gut that jiggled and rippled everytime she bent over the pool table and shot a ball into the pocket. The other one was a short once petite brunette with a pretty face and long silky hair but her ass was in the early stages of an expansion and strained against the seams of her jeans.
The dyke blond got a call on her cell and began cursing out someone at full volume. The caller appeared to be some female who lost the keys to her trailer and needed some assistance from Miss Jiggles. After she hung up half an hour passed with relative calm. Then the brunette got a call on her cell from her boyfriend who wanted her to come home. She proceeded to curse that poor bastard very loudly and the entire pool hall turned to look at her. She would stop every few minutes to take her turn at the table, smoke a cigarette or swallow some beer and then return to cursing the poor bastard with even greater zeal. There was a guy accompanying these two AWs from hell and he put his head down and fiddled with his fingers in obvious embarassment but he was too intimidated to even make a suggestion that they behave a little less shamelessly.
Some of the other male patrons in the establishment egged the brunette on by saying things like, "Tell it to him baby!" and "He ain't treating you right honey!" They seemed to condone her rotten spoilt child behavior. I suspect that they were hoping to take her home after she finished cursing her boyfriend over the phone and possibly dumping him. The English guy was disgusted and said that was one of the reasons that he wouldn't date an AW, they were way too bitchy. However, it was an even greater shock to him that the men seemed ready to line up for a chance to go out with these women and be subject to the same treatment eventually, and the fact that they were not asked to leave by the management.
I touched a few weeks ago on the subject of even AW's behavior being better in places where men have easy access to a national border, such as San Diego, Seattle, etc.
That's 100% right. In fact it was your post that gave me the idea when I read what CBGB said in his post. I think that anywhere you find a nearby country where the local guys can access a supply of eager females, the local women seem to have a better attitude.
They might not be conciously aware of it, but I'm sure it affects their behaviour to some degree.
The major factor with Australia is its proximit to Asia and that unlike North America, Australians get at least four weeks off a year. In many cases, a lot of Australians take a month off, so they can run off to Asia if the sheilas become a pain in the ass. North Americans have been pressured into being "gentlemen" while in other areas its a bit different. I have seen guys in Europe full out burping in front of women, I have even seen this in Oz.
Bart has a good point about guys border hopping for a better girl. I have an easier time getting laid in Las Vegas than in New York. Guys from the southern west coast have the option of driving 3 hours to Mexico (San Diego is just a walk away from the border and it is the most fit state in the US because the AW have some competition) to do some chicas while here in New York, I would have to travel on a 4 hour flight to Dominican Republic as the nearest sex destination. Montreal is okay for mongering but for they can be just as racist and prejudice against older men as Americans for local sex. They also make you pay for everything. However, there are fewer porkers than here in New York.
Here's an Interesting webpage with statistics on homosexuality around the world:
Geez, we are second. AU is first but they are more bisexual than being in the "boys-only" club. AWs drive the non-travelling typical ignorant American man into homosexuality because the non travelling American dude does not know any other alternative. Thank god for foreign women. I would probably be one of those statistics if ALL women were like AWs.
i was surprised about australia having that high a rate because this country is extremely hostile to homos, its not rare for someone to get beaten here for being a fag. there is a strong redneck mentality in australia, some of it has rubbed off on me. [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] and violence against women is a lot higher in the us than in europe because the latter has legal prostitution.
I bet a disproportionate amount of people who have slept with the same sex are women. Women are herd creatures, and they tend to follow whatever trend is popular at the moment. A recent survery showed that by 4-5 percentage points, more women would rather sleep with Angelina Jolie than Brad Pitt.
American women are sick creatures.
I never considered homosexuality. I did discover Quebecoise at the tender age of 17. So I wanted to move there badly. Then I met a Swedish girl when I was 19, heard about european women, then I took off.
I still thought something was wrong with me for quite some time in between the Swedish girl and my trip to Europe. But just realizing that everything is about status, and what they can get from us while giving nothing in return, has increased my self esteem greatly. I was seriously depressed before my trip. Now it is like a heavy burden has been lifted off my chest.
It's funny how AW dont even find you attractive until you are in the top ten percent of men. Just shows their mentality. If you gain 40lbs of muscle and/or pull up in a Porsche, all the bitches who thought you were beneath them will want to be the first one to give you head.
Ty pretty much said it good, I gained one of two things AWs like, muscle, from working out a lot down under do lack of fewer activities versus NYC, going to the gym is a great way to meet some nice pussy down under. One thing that troubled me about Europeans is their lack of good hygiene. I really didn't notice it until I spent some time there, sitting in between 2 young German women who were quite attractive on a flight to Europe from Oz, I noticed a strange odor, and realized it was coming from them. Still a bar of soap would correct that, one of them really digged me and was studying English and asking me to tutor her little bit, at 19 but legal, still she was too young for me.
You can add 40 lbs of fat and pull up in a Porsche and American chicks will still be in line to suck your dick. Like one AW told me once, "Muscles are nice but money is better."
I have a friend who looks like a toad, only much larger. You wouldn't believe how much young AW pussy he pulls, they almost trip over themselves to get their claws in him when he goes out. What is his secret? Well, he owns two bars in popular party areas and he has two private planes along with a pilot on the payroll. Regardless of what you look like AWs will fuck you if you have enough money period.