examples/observations of AW behavior
This Week
Getting off the train a bunch of nice looking blondes all walking with luggage towards some stairs on the platform during rush hour. Classy looking older gent in a suit stops to offer assistance just as I was about to. The lead blonde sticks a hand in his face to halt him and petty slaps his hand away. I just kept steppin.
Was exiting a door near an elevator on the 4th floor and held it open for a chick and got no acknowledgement. No big deal. She then stalks over to the elevator and presses up silently. Elevator opens after a short while and I am left there looking stupid while she steps in and goes up, while then I press the down button. This happened a few times already for it to be really saying something about women. Never any problems like this with dudes.
Walk all the time past a Thai restaurant near work. See the same Thai or Asian chicks in there every day rollin silverware doing chores sitting down looking outside. They see me enough to recognize me I figure so I give a little recognition wave and they look rite through me like I don't exist. Now I'm a big young guy, so whats up? If that was in Thailand damn sure it wouldn't go down like that. Sometimes walking down whole blocks and avenues I gotta pinch myself to see if I am like Bruce Willis in Sixth Sense. Lots of rolled eyes, averted gazes, and cold looks, even sometimes if my head turns in a girls direction. Meanwhile all the gay dudes walking their dogs got no problem seeing me, unfortunately.
Was checking out the new Brazilian pornos in a shop on 8th ave. This hood Rican dude all hoodied down and doo-ragged up came in with a little blonde princess type. Said real loud "wheres the boothes I need this ***** to give me some mother!@@# brain rite now". The Indian attendant said no you cant go not allowed. The dude is pushing her in there talking " I'm gonna !@@
this ***** in her ass rite now up against the wall here". She looks embarassed as all eyes are on them and says lets wait till we go home. So they leave and the Indian dude looks at her says something, I look at her and say "you found yourself a real prince there" another dude is like "can I get some too".
Glad I Do Not Live in America Anymore
I know how it is, the indescribably barbaric behavior of New Yorkers, people in other parts of the world, think the typical New Yorker is a sophisticated person who lives in a fancy apartment and is well educated, in reality this represents 5 percent of the population. I used to belong to the bottom 95 percent who toil each day to keep the bastards at the top 5 percent up on my shoulders. I am glad I don't live in New York and am happy I no longer live in America, because everywhere I go in the US its becoming like New York with all that hip hop shit.
Thanks for the great advice, Abby
Soldier's Tour Of Duty Is Tearing At His Marriage
Abigail Van Buren, Thu Oct 27
DEAR ABBY: I'm an American soldier serving in Iraq. When I went on leave for two weeks to see my family, I found out that my wife had posted a profile in a chat room on a public Web site. When I asked her about it, she denied it. When I showed her what I had found, she confessed.
I wouldn't have been upset, but she lied to me -- besides, the profile presented her as single. It included a picture and information about how she looks and what she's "looking for." This has really put a dent in our marriage. I can't trust her, particularly from over here. She claims it was a one-time thing because she was bored.
I don't want to leave her and my three daughters, but now I have no trust in her whatsoever. It's tearing me up inside. Everything she does I question, and it's wrecking our marriage. I want to trust her, but what should I do? Please help me. -- SSG HURTING IN IRAQ
DEAR SSG HURTING: Until your tour of duty is over, your most important priority must be your own safety. That means you must develop tunnel vision for a while and think of nothing but yourself and your mission. For now, accept what your wife says. Time and distance can do strange things to people's relationships, and there is nothing more stressful than what both of you are experiencing right now.
If your daughters are being well taken care of, accept that for the time being. When your tour of duty is over, there will be time to deal with this -- through marriage counseling or spiritual counseling. So listen up: Please trust me and stay strong.