[QUOTE=Australiasucks]No it does not, who cares.[/QUOTE]
We do.
Would you like to go forth and multiply? Do you like sex and travel? :D
Then kindly do so.
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[QUOTE=Australiasucks]No it does not, who cares.[/QUOTE]
We do.
Would you like to go forth and multiply? Do you like sex and travel? :D
Then kindly do so.
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]There are. Go to any upscale disco or club in a major city and you'll find a lot of nubile 18-24 year olds, model quality at least in terms of body. Many of them have attractive, yet plain faces.
My favorite places for girl-watching in Germany are Hamburg and Düsseldorf. Both Claudia Schiffer and Heidi Klum (neither of which I like BTW) are from the Düsseldorf area. Again, great bodies... plain faces.[/QUOTE]
I like both but I for one never question your taste your photos stand on their own merit...
Like I said I knew you would be useful around here...
A couple of years ago me and my then Argentine girlfriend went on a double-date in Chinatown with a buddy of mine and his girl. Both of them Italian blondes with similar traits, except mine was new in country and lovably naieve. My friends girl was not very friendly, loud, and talked over mine and acted like she was not even there. I didn't pick up on too much on it then, but it retrospect it helped spoil the relationship.
Anyways, thinking about my lost Cordobesa chica, whats with this affectatious tone of voice alot of females speak in nowadays. Almost like a preconceived british accent drawing out a one syllable word into two syllables effect. Statements that sound like questions. Haughty tone of voice. Guys talking that way also to fit in. Watch "The Hills", "The City," reality shows, or listen to any Kesha song - "Tick Tock," for example, ad naseum. I don't find it sexy or intelligent in the least. Give me the
"me so horny" Viet girl from "Full Metal Jacket" anyday.
[QUOTE=Piper1]Geez, CBGB, that was very un-Australian of you. :D
Yes, Gentlemen, Mr. Sucks is officially CBGBconnisur, so be aware you're dealing with an American ex-poster who for some unknown reason has come back to ISG under a new "Aussie" identity to criticize his host country.
CBGB - good work on suddenly turning up the Aussie vernacular (but you're overdoing it a bit). Good onya mate!
I remember the good ole CBGB, who, just like Mr. Sucks, almost daily posted short rants in the AW and the American Politics threads (repeating them almost verbatim every week or so). He (just like Mr. Sucks) had a thing for dairy-body-odor on women, was obsessed with Obama, Kim Kardashian, Jessica Alba, Asian people taking over Sydney, travelled to FKK Clubs occasionally, hates Australia almost as much as he hates his homeland America. And, just like Mr. Sucks, he usually has a tale to tell that starts with "I knew a guy once who told me that ..." or "I had a friend who once who said ..."
Ring a bell?[/QUOTE]
I looked at some of your recent posts, its obvious you are based in the Gulf region, so why are you so incensed about my comments. I like Australia and am in Australia and spent 11 of 12 months of the year in Australia. And a very large percent of the people I deal with on a given day are Asian, its a fact. Oh I forgot to give credit to the huge WOG population in Sydney, the Italians, and the Lebanese. Saw the police throw a whole bunch in the dock the other night. I actually do have a Lebanese friend who is going to accompany me on my trip with a Pacific Islander. The local white Aussie girls suck, and any male will admit that fact to you, also when an alternative is available, why bother? Duh. I have practically banned all white women from my cock....unless its in Europe. Don't want to deal with the female descendants of the trash that Europe threw on the colonies such as the one I am currently residing and another one that I love to rag on :). Another fact, I can throw on you is that one third of Australians travel outside the country at least once a year, a lot more than most Americans and even Euros.
Also I find European tourists in Sydney to complete dumb fucks, especially the Germans, but when I go their country, I don't meet these same dumbasses, the Germans in Germany tend to be well behaved. The French tend to be alright though especially their females. I prefer dealing with Asian of all kinds including Indians whose mass media claims Australia hates Indians(but we give visas to them more than any other Western country). The other things is that American tourists I meet in Australia tend to be very nice people but these represent the small percent of Americans who actually travel overseas, and most of the time they are older. If I am not mistaken, international travel makes up no more than 5 to 10 percent of tickets sold for American travelers. Canadians are a more common sight here, the poorer and more backward neighbors to the North.
I also used the Australisucks as my name largely because I was angry over a custody fight with my ex and I know our stupid Aussie government loves to fuck over men.
Certain groups of women do have a peculiar aroma, but so what, its normal. That is why deodorant and soap sell but some people obviously do no use it, the last time I went to Germany, I went on Air France, and that plane REEKED of Brie after nearly 28 hour flight. Flew on long haul on Asian carriers, and no Brie smell. Though one pleasant memory was a French guy asked me to trade his seat, he wanted to sit with his mates and I got the option of being sandwiched between to very nice French females, dirty old man I am. He was probably gay because that one 18 year old's cleavage made my 28 hours seem short.
[QUOTE=Australiasucks]I looked at some of your recent posts, its obvious you are based in the Gulf region, so why are you so incensed about my comments.[/QUOTE]Not incenced at all - I just missed you CBGB. ;) Your posts can be fun. I find most posts in this thread (including yours, if you want honesty) to be vacuous stereotyping, or guys with axes to grind (angry divorcees, rejected guys, etc). Not my style to be so negative, so I don't have much to add here. But to be relevant to the thread, I'll add one:
My experience with American women (in the States, Australia, Dubai, anywhere), has usually been great - but then again, I never married them. :) I found the novelty factor of being an Australian always worked well for me in the US - a few well-worded ads and my mugshot on dating sites, and I always had more American girls than I could handle. All of those I dated were good fun, and, contrary to stereotype, almost all of them banged (heartily) on the first date. I'm no Brad Pitt, so it's not my looks, but I think they appreciated a guy who was confident, chilled out, a bit of a bad-boy (girls love that), has a sense of humour, doesn't moan and groan about the world, and can carry a conversation easily.
You've got me thinking about my days in Boston again - all those college girls - aaah!
I think American women stink, yes, they are receptive to your accent but watch what happens. I should have told you more about that wannabe porno star, she tried to really screw me over where it hurts.
And I like Australia, I make a good living here, the weather is great, not living on the street, do not have to worry about heating bills like most of my American friends. Some North Americans in Oz whinge about the heat, its not that bad in Sydney, well only from December to February. I wonder why many of us go overseas? I guess some people like getting hit by a train. Life in Oz is easy.
Also Australian Rugby League vs. American Football, no contest, NRL!!! I remember those Super Bowls and that stupid half time show and all that commercial bullshit and constant time outs!!! NRL is a faster game.
The Aussie is doing real well, you must love being overseas. I am wishing the Aussie now gets on par with the Euro, now that those dumb Wogs in Greece have nearly sabotaged the European financial system.
I am trying to get my name changed to AussieAussie Oi Oi!!!
[QUOTE=Australiasucks]The Aussie is doing real well, you must love being overseas. I am wishing the Aussie now gets on par with the Euro, now that those dumb Wogs in Greece have nearly sabotaged the European financial system.[/QUOTE]The Euro isn't threatened by Greece's problems, it's a tiny country in terms of GDP and population.
It will only get serious if Spain and Portugal crumble next.
I'd be tickled pink if Germany went back to the Deutschmark, but that ain't gonna happen.
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]The Euro isn't threatened by Greece's problems, it's a tiny country in terms of GDP and population.
It will only get serious if Spain and Portugal crumble next.
I'd be tickled pink if Germany went back to the Deutschmark, but that ain't gonna happen.[/QUOTE]
The Euro is just as overvalued as the American Dollar, most European countries are in the toilet. I even see German kids in Oz picking fruit in the hot sun. One of them started crying after a half an hour, sissies. Spain has 20 percent unemployment, maybe I should monger there too and help some unemployed Spaniards. Australia is in the best shape of all developed nations, its a fact.
The Aussie was barely half a Euro a while back and now nearly 70 Euro cents, more pussy for me.
Spain is going down next. Italy is in the shits.
No wonder those gorgeous beauties in FKK Clubs fuck for peanuts. The same thing in Sydney would set me back a minimum of 600 bucks easy.
Australia is doing great mostly because of Asian trade. China is not going anywhere but up and so is India. Aren't those Russkies betting the farm on Asia with their new oil pipeline? Either that or Putin might wind up like one of those czars. Still those Russian girls, mmmmmm. But those Russian blokes seem like Borats, good for a laugh.
The dollar is not overvalued. The currency is at mid-1980's values.
The dollar has to increase at least 80% before overvaluation can be considered. Sales tax in Euro countries are 3-6 times USA rates. Purchasing power is less than half its current rate for a tourist using dollars to exchange. That's why pussy is very expensive in most EEC member countries except the old eastern block.
The Euro is a scam among member countries. When they agreed to the introduction of the Euro, goods and services increased in every country associated with it. It was something like 10-25%. Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal had to adjust their prices accordingly so Euroland would be reasonably equal as possible (their preference, not mine). Denmark and GB was wise to maintain their currency as well as Sweden and Norway staying away from the EEC group completely. Denmark has Europe's most stable economy today with the lowest EEC unemployment.
Probably one of the best economies in the world is right here in Western Canada, where our loonie has soared to near-par against the US$, and is figured to go over par sometime this summer. To go with our strong economy and dollar is probably the worst female situation in the world, which gives me the opportunity to save a lot and spend it on far more worthy (and willing) women in Latin America....but I have GOT to get to Ghana one of these days, every time I read a Ghana post, I want to get on the next plane outta here!
No, actually the US Dollar was overvalued during the late 1990s and early 2000s, it is still a little bit overvalued. From what Bernanke is trying, he is attempting and trying to maintain a weaker dollar policy. The massive deficits that the US carries will weigh down on the Dollar making it undervalued in a few years.
The Euro is a scam currency, most EU countries are in serious trouble. The Aussie is the best. The Loonie is good too but Australia is overall in a better position. High unemployment is a serious issue in Spain, France, Italy, some of the countries that use the Euro.
The most undervalued currency is the Chinese Yuan. The Chinese are still keeping it at probably half of what its fair value is currently.
[QUOTE=Australiasucks]No, actually the US Dollar was overvalued during the late 1990s and early 2000s, it is still a little bit overvalued. From what Bernanke is trying, he is attempting and trying to maintain a weaker dollar policy. The massive deficits that the US carries will weigh down on the Dollar making it undervalued in a few years.[/QUOTE]
I really need to reply to your incorrect info. The dollar is not overvalued now. The exchange rate is exactly the same as it was during the Reagan years. The US$ increased in value to an acceptable exchange rate during the Clinton Admin. Mongers and tourists traveling to Europe received a fair exchange rate never being overvalued. Remember goods and services in Europe was and still is approx. 50%-100% more expensive than US cost. When GWB took office, his strategy was to allow the dollar to fall to boost exports, thus improving the economy. It never happened. His admin. dollar policy was a complete disaster.
Now we have an economic crisis making it difficult for the dollar to recover because of low interest rates. Foreign investors have no incentive to invest or buy dollars. In the first four years of the last decade the dollar lost over 40% of its value making it extremely expensive for Am. tourists and hobbyists to travel and visit Europe. Trust me I know my facts. I ran a business for many years with a website dealing with many worldwide currencies 3 x longer than your living in Calif. I also had customers in Aust. and Asia.
The current exchange rate today is equal to what it was 25 years ago. The Euro has increased in value almost equal to the dollars lose in value. I think the A$ vs. US$ had different rates compared to Euro currencies and later the Euro itself. Euro ecomomists use the price of a Big Mac as a barometer. US price vs. Euro price. Yeah LOL. It's true. Any Am. citizen member on this board now in Europe can confirm comparison pricing. Members on this board whom visited S. Am. can also confirm an undervalued US$ including myself in Colombia and Brazil. Somewhere between 15-25% since 2004 in those 2 countries most popular among hobbyists.
Now end the currency comments and more AW.
Few Americans go overseas anyway, so most people do not see the difference. Goods in America still tend to be cheaper than anywhere else, a $20,000 US dollar Honda in America costs $30,000 US in Australia, etc. That Big Mac index has its flaws because it assumes all goods have the same relative price.
If you look at the cost of a car in China, such as a BMW, they are more expensive their than in the USA. The Chinese love big American cars too, GM is making money there but losing money in the US, the CEO of GM said so much good about the Chinese, since they are buying his products.
Even a Mac costs less in America than in Australia, so even the strong Aussie has not changed prices for the better. The prices for them in Europe are outrageous too. If you replaced the Big Mac index with an Apple Mac Index, the Dollar looks undervalued but only by around 20 percent.
Yes lets get back to saying why AWs are terrible, I keep getting sidetracked by other posters.
BMW costs more in its homeland. Because of quantity sales and price competition the car is cheaper in USA. Same for M-B and VW. GM is doing well in China because the Chinese dream of material Americanization and the cars are unique status symbols. It won't last because German auto makers will reduce pricing and they already have the quality and safety advantageous over GM automobiles. Imagine a 5'4" Chinese man needing a ladder to get into his Hummer or obese short US man driving his penis extender Hummer. LOL, lol.
Stop your sidetracking boring other members.
So what else can we say about American women that make them so horrific.