[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]That's the part people don't seem to get.... why does a relationship that's sexually exclusive get to be labelled "caring" and one that's sexually open HAVE to be labelled as "cold" and a relationship between people who "don't give a fuck" ... why can't we be loving and caring WITHOUT giving up our NATURAL freedom? Why is it that if I LOVE somebody ENOUGH to share them, that means I "don't have feelings" for them??
The thing I like best about p4p is the total and utter TRANSPARENCY in the relationship... In my experience that's WAY better than the average "traditional" relationship I have been in where everything is one big fucking lie... I recognize the need to lie socially under certain circumstances but i DON'T accept it with people I'm close to... THAT is why I will NEVER enter into another monogamous relationship, more than any other reason.[/QUOTE]
To be fair I don't assume sexually open relationships are always cold, it just takes to very mentally mature people to be involved in it. This make these types of idealized relationships nearly impossible to find. I mentioned before that the Ukrainian woman I know mentioned she didn't have a problem with wandering eyes nor even pursuit of tail as long as I didn't "throw it in her face".
In some cultures it is understood that men will not always be faithful, while in Western culture we're constantly "shocked" by prominent men being guilty of infidelity and the list currently in the news is as long as your arm.
The reason is our media has been captured by Manginas and Women.
The good news is bothers are getting smarter, I was watching International House Hunters and this nice looking brother was married to an olive skined beauty named Luna with a thick accent and they bought a pricey pad in Nicaragua.
[QUOTE=Jon32]lol, I immediatly thought the same thing when I first read this. Why do this with an American girl??? It's suicide![/QUOTE]
Nobody accused Steve of being smart... Down to earth and a "guy's" guy sure, but smart, I dunno.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]Nobody accused Steve of being smart... Down to earth and a "guy's" guy sure, but smart, I dunno.[/QUOTE]
I really think a lot of these guys think they can get away with anything. That is why they have a team of publicists, managers, etc for much of their careers to hide the fuck ups. Many times they get away with it, just because of their personalities, lifestyles, etc, but sometimes someone somewhere slips up and it gets to the press, lawyers, etc.
I saw a clip of his new cop show on youtube, and for sure he seems as dumb as a brick and his team of worshippers aka fellow cops seem even dumber, but he does seem like he'd be fun to shoot the shit with for an hour or two. But he does come off as a bit of a creep and that would bother me after much more than that.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]That's could be in a theory. In reality when you go to another country you can see lots of extremely hot women with average or old local guys. You would almost never see this in USA.
You're talking only about some type of women who are interested in foreigners and just having fun. Including working girls, etc. But there are different types of women too.
I have actually had problems getting to some women "closer" in Central Asia. One of the reason was. I was considered a foreigner and will probably leave the country soon. They would prefer a local but reliable guy than me. Who would less likely to leave them. Many women there do not like to fuck around, it is bad for their reputation. And they do not want to get hurt if somebody leaves them after they get fucked. But if you are there of a long time, then it can be a paradise. Nothing like compared to YewEss.[/QUOTE]Goga,
I can only take it from your name that you are probably asian, and asian men in particular have a harder time with non asian women no matter where they are. It again has to do with perception. They tend to be smaller in hieght and women gravitate to men who are taller than them. Also the nerd perception of asian men. There have been numerous shows on in America about asian men complaining how asian women are dating non asian men, which leaves alot of the asian men out in the cold. Because they don't have the same opportunities. Of course there are always exceptions to the rules and you will find the occasional Asian guy who can score. But on the whole. They have a much harder time with non-asian women.
You brag about your exploits in poorer asian countries. Well everyone knows anyone with money can get laid by women in those countries. But how many westerners would really want to live there. Having access to pussy is nice but there are also other qualities of life which are needed to live good.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]That's the part people don't seem to get.... why does a relationship that's sexually exclusive get to be labelled "caring" and one that's sexually open HAVE to be labelled as "cold" and a relationship between people who "don't give a fuck" ... why can't we be loving and caring WITHOUT giving up our NATURAL freedom? Why is it that if I LOVE somebody ENOUGH to share them, that means I "don't have feelings" for them??
The thing I like best about p4p is the total and utter TRANSPARENCY in the relationship... In my experience that's WAY better than the average "traditional" relationship I have been in where everything is one big fucking lie... I recognize the need to lie socially under certain circumstances but i DON'T accept it with people I'm close to... THAT is why I will NEVER enter into another monogamous relationship, more than any other reason.[/QUOTE]
This is a great point. I would also like to add about the idea the married man who raises their own child is very caring and unselfish versus the single childless man who is very selfish.
The married man spends a significant amount of time/energy/resources dedicated to one woman, most likely at the exlusion of time that used to be spent with various other friends. That could be argued to be selfish behaviour. Also think of all the poor children across the world. Rather than potentially sending money to poorer countries to help these children, we often decide to have our own. Most likely this is due to the love our children will show back to us. Think of how much money couples in advanced countries spend on raising their children, and what a similar amount of money could do to those in poorer nations. Does thw world population really need to expand further?
The single man has the potential to care and positively impact many more lives through more friendships/relationships. If they die they can then leave their wealth to some charity. The rich couples pass their wealth down to their offspring, probably some ungrateful spoilt twits.
Not really saying for sure whether I believe in the above, just food for thought. Being single and childless at a relatively old age I do come across the selfish label as per the stereotype above. In an ideal world I would like to have my own children. If I do have my own children though I don't think I will preach to others about what an unselfish and caring act it is.
I can only take it from your name that you are probably asian, and asian men in particular have a harder time with non asian women no matter where they are. It again has to do with perception. They tend to be smaller in hieght and women gravitate to men who are taller than them. Also the nerd perception of asian men. There have been numerous shows on in America about asian men complaining how asian women are dating non asian men, which leaves alot of the asian men out in the cold. Because they don't have the same opportunities. Of course there are always exceptions to the rules and you will find the occasional Asian guy who can score. But on the whole. They have a much harder time with non-asian women.
[/QUOTE]Regarding my nickname, you had already made a strange conclusion before that I'm Chinese.
I have no idea what you were trying to say. That Asians cannot get laid much, no matter where? How about millions of Americans in USA. How come they cannot get laid? Unless they get lucky to have a buttugly loud obnoxious girlfriend or wife there are not much other ways. Except Asian massage parlors, and nasty hookers. I'm sure Asians in Asia have much more opportunities to get laid than Americans in USA.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865]You brag about your exploits in poorer asian countries. Well everyone knows anyone with money can get laid by women in those countries. But how many westerners would really want to live there. Having access to pussy is nice but there are also other qualities of life which are needed to live good.[/QUOTE]Exploits? I was writing about the difference in culture and women behavior. Which does not have to do much with money. I have one GF there who does not ask any money, I never spent any money on her except few $ for taxi. We went to a restaurant one time, I paid around $15. She told me I spent too much so we are not going to restaurants anymore. She was coming to my home almost everyday to hang out and fuck. Sometimes she came in the morning before her work. She could not stay overnight since her mother would not allow that.
If it looks like I brag about it, fine. Can someone in USA brag like this? Probably no, no matter how much money he's got. So Americans need to go to other "poorer" countries and offer money to women, what you ThatGuy actually do while telling that USA is no different that other places.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]I just spent 11 days in sex prison. I fucked an old friend of mine (literally as she is 57). It was good sex and she is in very good shape for her age. I have known her for 30 years and fucked her off and on for 18 years.
So what was the problem? She kept complaining about her boyfriend/common-law husband, who she's been with for about fifteen years. He's fat, he doesn't do anything around the house, he spends all his time on the computer. He's "emotionally unavailable," whatever the fuck that means. In fact she complains about him constantly to anyone who will listen and often criticizes him in public when he is there.
Hmmm. He pays 100% of the mortgage and utility bills. It was his house to begin with. He puts up with her six stupid little dogs and takes care of them on her frequent trips out of town to be with her friends, trips on which he is never invited and on which she often fucks around. I spent half a Saturday at her house, drinking (his beer) and smoking weed and playing cards. Meanwhile he was taking all the baseboards off and refinishing them, laying paving stones in HER garden, and he went and did the grocery shopping.
I sort of felt sorry for the guy as I was fucking her, but not really.[/QUOTE]
Well, after being unable to connect with this site due to Middle east blockage and govt technical problems, I'm finally stateside and able to jump in again fresh off a plane from Singapore.
Wow, you guys have been busy I see putting your opinions online and venting frustrations. Seems you guys are fighting more with each other more than usual, which I have never understood when it comes to men discussing women. Personally when it comes to the AW forum, I have no more frustrations because they are virtually OUT OF MY LIFE. Yet I was drawn here because like a car wreck..I have to look as I drive by.
Mr. Heads post was the closest to what I can relate to in that as I recall the young sweet Thai I banged before coming home, I am so happy to be single and just can't imagine getting married again.
I admit, I do feel that the whole happy fam thing, but I am bombarded with images in my own country
-how the fat assed car rental chick, (size 50 waist min), sighed to me how she needs a life.
-how the equally fat cell phone chick wished she lived in my hometown
-how John Edwards cock truly got his ass in deeper trouble than just being with a fat, ugly,controlling and seriouslly ill wife.
-jeez how many freakin McDonalds are there here?
Well, I love AW p*ssy too, except the fat ones, so I'll leave that for my amigos stuck here...all the best! NG
i don't usually go ballistic over idiotic posts, especially on this thread,
which is always well provided with such posts, but this one is so egregiously
stupid that it deserves special attention...
[quote=happy chappy]this is a great point. i would also like to add about the idea the married man who raises their own child is very caring and unselfish versus the single childless man who is very selfish.[/quote]
i would not use "selfish" or "unselfish" to make this distinction.
maybe self-centered or self-indulgent, but even then it is a dubious proposition.
family men can be very selfish and single people can be very selfless,
that depends on a lot of factors beyond the presence or absence of children.
but a caring parent is going to have to be unselfish much of the time;
they have to give attention, time and resources to their children,
when they might prefer to be doing other (self indulgent) things.
[quote=happy chappy]the married man spends a significant amount of time/energy/resources dedicated to one woman, most likely at the exlusion of time that used to be spent with various other friends. that could be argued to be selfish behaviour.[/quote]
only by a very stupid person.
you are suggesting it is selfish of a man to spend time with his family rather than out drinking with his buddies?
this is a new and bizarre definition of the word "selfish"!
[quote=happy chappy]also think of all the poor children across the world. rather than potentially sending money to poorer countries to help these children, we often decide to have our own. most likely this is due to the love our children will show back to us. think of how much money couples in advanced countries spend on raising their children, and what a similar amount of money could do to those in poorer nations. does thw world population really need to expand further?[/quote]
so the time and effort and money i spend raising my own children (selfishly),
you selfless donate to poor children across the world, right? bullshit!
fyi, giving an ****d asian orphan $5 to suck your limp dick does not count as a charitable donation!!
[quote=happy chappy]the single man has the potential to care and positively impact many more lives through more friendships/relationships. if they die they can then leave their wealth to some charity. the rich couples pass their wealth down to their offspring, probably some ungrateful spoilt twits.[/quote]
well, speak for yourself, i am sure your parents (if you even knew them) were disappointed with the ungrateful spoilt twit they raised.
how kids turn out has a lot to do with how they are raised.
invest time and energy and care in them and they'll probably turn out okay.
so your will dedicates your worldly wealth to charity? again, bullshit!
i work with charitable wills every day and i know the typical profiles of those who leave legacies, and it ain't mongers...
face it chappy, you are not an aging single man because you have selflessly decided to refrain from populating an overburdened world with little chappies.
you are old and alone and childless because you could never find anyone who would fuck you for free!
hey, i have no problem with mongers living hedonistic, self-indulgent lives, i indulge in this a bit myself.
go to it! fill your boots! if you don't want children or marriage, don't do it!
just don't pretend that it is a more natural or honourable lifestyle than having a family and social responsibilities.
[quote=gentleman travel]
just don't pretend that it is a more natural or honourable lifestyle than having a family and social responsibilities.[/quote]
i don't think he was saying that in his post, he was merely playing devil's advocate when it comes to the pc belief that men should marry and have kids for the good of society.
but this made me crack the fuck up:
[quote=gentleman travel]fyi, giving an ****d asian orphan $5 to suck your limp dick does not count as a charitable donation!![/quote]
"fyi, giving an ****d asian orphan $5 to suck your limp dick does not count as a charitable donation!!"
shit. now i have to go amend my tax return. i hate it when that happens.
calm down
Some should read my post carefully..
"Not really saying for sure whether I believe in the above, just food for thought"
I thought it was pretty clear from the above that I am trying to challenge widespread beliefs and convention, and as BH Bound successfully managed to grasp in his post, attempting to play devil's advocate.
GT I think my personal opinion is best summed up from when you said "Family men can be very selfish and single people can be very selfless,
that depends on a lot of factors beyond the presence or absence of children.
But you seem to have formed your own personal opinion of me, I assume you must know me very well.
Say It Ain't So
i hope this isn't true.
[quote=artisttyp]i hope this isn't true.
its been reported she lied about her age, but as you know in our inverted legal system that's much more of a crime for lt than for the 30 year female teacher that just got 1 year in jail including time served (so many 90 days in jail if that), 3 probation and has to reg as a "sex offender" here in california.
lt being black and of course the legal system wanting to make an example out of him will throw him under the jail.
sad sad day...
[quote=dj fourmoney]its been reported she lied about her age, but as you know in our inverted legal system that's much more of a crime for lt than for the 30 year female teacher that just got 1 year in jail including time served (so many 90 days in jail if that), 3 probation and has to reg as a "sex offender" here in california.
lt being black and of course the legal system wanting to make an example out of him will throw him under the jail.
sad sad day...[/quote]
i just saw that she lied about her age. 19 is a number used by many **** girls. just coming to the conclusion that 19 "will pass" with the customer should have been a deterrent.
if you are going to bust lt you might as well bring in the *girl and the pimp.
lt messed up by dealing with pimps and not thinking straight but the girl is just as easy to blame.
ummm ... ****d people often use poor judgement and that is a big part of the reason statutory [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] laws exist. and they did arrest the pimp. what do want to arrest the girl for, getting beat up or getting raped, or what exactly?