If any one ever tells you that men discussing "tutes on the internet is disrespectful to women, just show them this.
Your daily reminder indeed.
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If any one ever tells you that men discussing "tutes on the internet is disrespectful to women, just show them this.
Your daily reminder indeed.
So so true.
Man I don't really try much any more. I have friends paying 1000, and 1400 respectfully in child support each month. Financial prison. They are single now with this debit. Ouch and white girls pssssss whatever. Only USA has these stupid age discrimination culturally.
And so good but nicer than I would be:
Asians and latinas! 1
Check it out!
[QUOTE=Oh Ya Papi; 1206837][url]http://www.the-niceguy.com/articles/Sexism.html[/url]
Check it out![/QUOTE]Excellent Article, Totally agree
Fuck not cool she should Fry!
[QUOTE=Oh Ya Papi; 1206810]So so true.
Man I don't really try much any more. I have friends paying 1000, and 1400 respectfully in child support each month. Financial prison. They are single now with this debit. Ouch and white girls pssssss whatever. Only USA has these stupid age discrimination culturally.
And so good but nicer than I would be:
Asians and latinas! 1[/QUOTE]And Eastern Europeans bro! The ones not corrupted by Western culture that is.
[QUOTE=Oh Ya Papi; 1207157][url]http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14131133[/url]
Fuck not cool she should Fry![/QUOTE]No. I believe she is Viet.
On a german radio show a guy sayed that his girlfriend bite a little but off from his cock.
Definitely a painfull thing I guess.
[QUOTE=Sawassdee; 1200564]I had a years subscription 2 years ago. I added 12-13 ladies to my roster that year from it. 3 stunners. 1 21yo, a handful of 6. 5.8 and a couple of lower marks quiet as kept. All freebies (no money spent except my own gas) except 2.
One stunner (older) kept waiting till I was enroute to call and request I stop by the store and get her a sprite (doesn't cost much but shows her mentality- even though it"s what we both wanted she felted she needed to get something more out of the deal. I did that acouple of times and she started requesting we get breakfast first before the deed and I cut her off completely I saw where she was trying to take things.
The finest one made me a baby daddy for the first time which is why I quit using it. Overall in my opinion good results, subscription more than paid for itself. Also liked online bootycall (less stunners). However afrointroductions and badoo have serious stunners since they have a broader base of locations around the world. I find beautiful women of all nationalities and races wanting to hook up even better a good bit live locally.
Happy punting[/QUOTE]Congrats on being a Baby Daddy.
So, baby daddy, are you supporting your child or did you run like a coward?
Another reason to keep your dick in your pants or get "snipped" if you've got a ton of money. As one person who commented on this article said: [i]"If she is telling the truth, she has landed a 22-year CASH COW. Not bad for 30 seconds of "laying there." His mom will be so mad! Stupid is as stupid does."[/i]:
[b]Woman claims Justin Bieber is Father of her Baby[/b]
"Teen idol Justin Bieber allegedly lost his virginity–and impregnated a young woman–during a 30-second tryst in Los Angeles late last year..."
Read more: [url]http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2011/11/02/la-woman-claims-justin-bieber-is-father-her-baby/#comment#ixzz1cY3l1T7N[/url]
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1212716]So, baby daddy, are you supporting your child or did you run like a coward?[/QUOTE]I do pay support, nonetheless, I've established a court ordered DNA test for next week. Results due back in six weeks nothing personal just ensuring. As far as cowards, there are plenty out there who willingly plan to procreate and after a breakup from the relationship disappear from the scene. That in my quiet opinion is a coward. I personally don't think ill of someone who has been tricked for a long term check.
When adults get together in an adult friendship or on a fling, online booty call, hit it the quit. Com etc. The responsibility if something happens is both of theres not 1 persons. Especially if they discuss the no wanting children and that this is what it is sexual relationship. (Oh yeah this is going to spark some real arguments) There is a difference between a coward and someone who is a victim of the (this persons going to provide me a better life than I can for myself. In my humble opinion I would like to see the finanacial abortion bill passed, I believe it will slow down the amount of tricks used to create the great amount deadbeat parents.
[QUOTE=Sawassdee; 1213105]I do pay support, nonetheless, I've established a court ordered DNA test for next week. Results due back in six weeks nothing personal just ensuring. As far as cowards, there are plenty out there who willingly plan to procreate and after a breakup from the relationship disappear from the scene. That in my quiet opinion is a coward. I personally don't think ill of someone who has been tricked for a long term check.
When adults get together in an adult friendship or on a fling, online booty call, hit it the quit. Com etc. The responsibility if something happens is both of theres not 1 persons. Especially if they discuss the no wanting children and that this is what it is sexual relationship. (Oh yeah this is going to spark some real arguments) There is a difference between a coward and someone who is a victim of the (this persons going to provide me a better life than I can for myself. In my humble opinion I would like to see the finanacial abortion bill passed, I believe it will slow down the amount of tricks used to create the great amount deadbeat parents.[/QUOTE]Are there times when a man should run like hell? Some will argue that the child has rights that trump those of the unsuspecting man regardless of trickery on the woman's part. Those that support that view generally believe that men have no reproductive rights beyond abstinence. They underestimate the lengths women go through to deceive and enslave men for decades all in the name of a child. Once the woman gets pregnant it is okay for her to fuck the man over because it's really not about him anymore. It's about the little cute helpless baby. Who would argue against destroying a man's life in the name of saving a baby?
A woman gives an inside view of how women see the matter of getting a man's consent for conception with his sperm with the resulting 18-21 yrs of financial support and sacrifices.
Baby Daddy, glad to hear you are doing the right thing. Chocha Monger, if you don't want to take the risk, use a condom properly or have a vasectomy. Now people will jump in and say condoms are only 90% effective. Well, those studies are based on believing people did what they say they did. I believe the true effectiveness rate to be much higher, especially when combined with a spermicide.
Regarding the article, I am snipped but before that, I was wise to the old dumping out the condom trick so I always took care of them myself. That contributed to my reputation for being a gentleman, but really I am just a very cautious pig.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1213568]Are there times when a man should run like hell? Some will argue that the child has rights that trump those of the unsuspecting man regardless of trickery on the woman's part. Those that support that view generally believe that men have no reproductive rights beyond abstinence. They underestimate the lengths women go through to deceive and enslave men for decades all in the name of a child. Once the woman gets pregnant it is okay for her to fuck the man over because it's really not about him anymore. It's about the little cute helpless baby. Who would argue against destroying a man's life in the name of saving a baby?
A woman gives an inside view of how women see the matter of getting a man's consent for conception with his sperm with the resulting 18-21 yrs of financial support and sacrifices.
[url]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2056875/Liz-Jones-baby-craving-drove-steal-husbands-sperm-ultimate-deception.html[/url][/QUOTE]Good article, still only one view out of many for child bearing deceptions. People throwing around heartstring pulling situations and negative terms such as coward, deadbeats etc. don't affect me as it does most men because I've gone thru something they personally have'nt.
I was tricked by my ex-wife many years ago (even admittedly to me by her) with the baby then marriage thing. She was spitting out the pill I was putting in her mouth daily, I found them in a tissue in her purse. Needless to say years later our marriage due to baby didn't workout, I continually supported my daughter (step) and our blood child came to live with me a couple of years down the road.
To garner that deal I had to agree to pay ALL of her bills for 1 year while she saved her money for a better life.
During the next 5 years with no outside child support payments coming in I came to find that a child needs chiefly what you should already have for yourself. A roof, running water, electricity, transportation, and food.
Whats left out of that equation is clothing, daycare if it's a baby and extra curricular activities. Basically I realized it did not cost me too much more than I was already spending on myself to raise a child. My child is currently away at college on a full academic scholarship. Goes to show there is nothing terribly bad about our public education system with the help of parents.
My ex wife has been and still is a excellent mother to our child regardless of her financial status. And still a close friend of mine. As with many other things in the world people tend to misrepresent conditions because they need you to believe in giving more money to the situation rather than trying to jump in and work with it. Why do you all think that the majority of women do not turn kids over to their fathers when they claim too costly. They want a better lifestyle than they can afford for themselves without having to work for it.
Many men have got to stop watching television drinking the koolaid of Hard working, honest and used women while every man is potrayed as either monsters or gay.
As far as condoms its the smart thing to do.
But lets stop Bsing ourselves, we know that condoms create limp di@k syndrom the majority of the time used which means no sex for you. And when you do use them lack of feeling creates even more pressure to start the highlight reel in your head in order to keep an erection. Women have 20 + contraceptive devices in every variety or form possible. You have 2. Condom (lack of enjoyment) or vasectomy (no children ever in the future). Not pointing fingers but damn sometimes you have to open your eyes and recognize the game that being played on you.