On this trip I only went to Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta. Very different places, both recommended, the former more than the latter. I have been many other places in Mexico over the years. The border towns suck. I like Baja, San Miguel de Allende, León, and Monterrey. I haven't spent much time on the Gulf coast.
I didn't do the tourist after the five hookers. I had two hookers in Guadalajara, then went to PV to stay at a resort for three weeks. That was a long time to stay there. She was just there. She was playing cards and board games by the pool with her friends. I like card and board games so I wormed my way in. She was with two married couples so she was the odd one out and I was one of the few people there alone. She was a waste of time but then I was sort of there to waste time until the sale of my house cleared. Then I did the two hookers in PV the next week, then one more in Guadalajara on my way back this past week.
Sold my house, sold my car, not looking back. Looking forward. I do plan to come back to work in the fall but that could change if I get a better offer. The world is a great big place. Maybe I'll try out your Prague at some point.
Have you ever been in any of those countries? Because I did, and all you wrote there is just a chain of the old nonsense legends. It is not that discrimination?
Funny how this once very active thread has all but disappeared now that RN is gone . . .
Yes, this was a very active board. Since RN exited, it has died out. I hope that she's OK and has found whatever it is that she's looking for. She was awesome.
Also, Dickhead left for Buenos Aires and is posting on that thread now. Sounds like he's having a great time and doing it his way. Darkseid moved to Rio I think.
Both of those guys basically sold everything off and moved to new cities in South America. We can only admire their courage and refusal to put up with American women anymore.
Yes indeedy I am having a fine time and I do not miss any aspect of the United States. I will be mighty sorry to leave in a month and serve my 4.5 month sentence in the US to obtain the needed funds to once again escape. I don´t miss the women, the food, or driving. I wonder if I will remember how to drive after two and a half months.
Quebec Canada is a nice escape from the bitches of the USA, especially for those stuck in the Northeast, Montreal is an Oasis of Beautiful women. They are everywhere and don't have the kind of shit attitude you will run into in the States. I rode the Montreal metro and saw total female strangers smiling at me, you won't see that in Boston, Chicago, and of course not New York. One lady turned her head to me while on an escalator and nearly fell down, and I moved so that she wouldn't fall.
Yep I do look American with my neatly cut sideburns, blue jeans, blue collar shirt, people often comment I look like Elvis.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by McGarah
[i]The last dude said it all. American women are definately the worst. On top of all of his adjectives I'd like to add that they want and expect to have the best of both worlds, meaning: the best of the man's world and and the woman's world.
They want to be treated like women in the old fashioned sense, but also want to get everything a man gets. I say the next woman that bitches about equality should be sent to the front lines in combat in Iraq. [/i][/QUOTE]Rock on MAN!!!
In fact, there are many things I don't understand.
"Some Japanese women may be the worst of both worlds. Had a good time like western girls, then surgically sew the pussy back and get ready for marriage." -Nonsense. I live there. Ask in the forum...
" In Czech and Slovak, the girls don't want to marry at all as nobody has money..." -Again nonsense. Nice sentence, anyway.
"Spain is small but the taller darker people in the south had been treated badly and wanted to separate." -Lie. It's the Basque people who wants to separate. They are not darker. They are not from the south.
Shall I go on...?
Tall, I agree that living in a country for a year is different from trying to gain residence. The culture and language themselves takes a lifetime to learn. I only know portugese in the present tense. Not to mention, you must know about the laws, home ownership, taxes and getting a job to make a living in that country. I stayed there for several 3 mont intervals and still don't kow every aspect of their culture. Samba dancing and capoeira only scratches the surface of Brazilian culture. In fact I don't know their history.
What I did find out is that their divorce laws are not as favoring to women as divorce laws are in the States. The States give the woman halfof anything the man owns. Let's take for example a guy who owns $100,000 before marriage and earned $20,000 during the marriage. In Brazil, I asked a divorced guy how much he lost in his divorce and he said he lost just the money he earned DURING the marriage and he keeps the money he owned before he got married. He would therefore lose just $10,000 (half of $20,000). In the States, the poor guy would lose $60,000 - $50,000 (half of $100,000) plus the $10,000 (half of $20,000) then he has to pay alimony for as long as the **** is unmarried. Unfortunately for the poor guy, no one would marry the old crow or ifshe happens to find a boyfriend, she would get half his paycheck to support her new family she has with her new boyfriend. In Brazil, alimony is unheard of. Some guys have to pay child support however but that is determined by the judge. If there is such a thing as a financial venereal disease, it is American divorce. And the American women carry that virus.
Well, I had to move from San Jose (CA) to Indianapolis (IN), and it looks like I may be out here for the duration. Anyway, having been here a couple of months compounds my seething sentiment that American women are poison.
That said, I really pissed off a bunch of women in a bar here in Indy when I announced that I wanted my future wife to make more money than me. You should've seen them squirm ... it was glorious!
I'm such a bastard. :)
-- L
[QUOTE]Originally posted by TallnHandsome
[i]Indigo, of course you don't understand. LIVING there for a year or so is NOTHING compared to living enough to get a citizenship or permanent resident. Most of all, you need a lifetime to understand the culture. If you ask in the forum, most are the same as you who don't understand the culture, the blind leading the blind.
Japan is the pioneer, or the only country, that 'invented' the surgery to allow girls to pretend to be a virgin again. Some girls in some other asian countries went there to do it. Yes there are still virgins around. I personally know a pretty girl who is born and educated in Europe, married several years ago. Of course a lot of girls are not virgins when they marry nowadays. Asians still value female virgins but not enough to do the surgery. It's not a common thing in Japan, but for some culture reasons I don't understand, they have that kind of surgery. Don't ask travelers in the forum. Ask Japanese or some nationals in nearby developed countries.[/i][/QUOTE]Well, I guess you are just making a lot of assumptions here, because I've lived in Spain for nine years, and for the last six I maintain two homes in Kyoto and Shanghai. My wife is Japanese. I wouldn't have posted without knowing what I am talking about, but I am sure I am not as blind as someone that only goes out of California (if so) for holidays.
Very nice, your point about Japan! Here I send you a link. Maybe that "sewing the pussy" thing is closer to you than what you would expect. This doc from L.A. claims to be able to "Restore the Natural Virginal State". Heheheh... There are many like him there back in the U.S. Of course, it is perfectly possible for all their customers to be Japanese, Chinese or Korean, isn't it? ;)
Not all of the states in the US are against the man. Texas seems pretty fair. I am in the process of being divorced, and it should be complete within 2 weeks.
First, there is no alimony. If your wife has some skill, has a degree or is seen as employable, then you don't HAVE to pay. If your wife has no skills, then you will have to pay her some amount per month to get her on her feet. They don't call it alimony, but something like rehabilative assistance. This assistance can't last longer than 3 years, and goes away if she gets re-married.
Child support is a formula based off of your income and the number of children. Nothing to fight there.
Any asset you had before marriage is yours, she is not entitled to half of everything. She is entitled to half of anything you accumulated during the marriage.
Oh, and if it goes uncontested, it is complete in 61 days.
Texas is a no-fault state, so you can leave for any reason. Even if you get caught with your dick buried 6 inches in a ho, it won't change the outcome much, except for having to deal with a woman scorned and the fact she may tie things up to waste all your money.
I like Texas. I lived in Florida and Colorado before this, and I don't plan on moving from here.
I have the coast and offshore fishing an hour away. I have great hunting opportunities (ducks, geeses, deer, hogs, turkey, exotics). The cost of living is cheap in comparison to other places. For example, I bought a 3,100 Sq. ft. custom built home for $174K.
And the government here is more hands-off than other states from what I can see.
Lot's of wide open space, and if you want city living, you have your choice of Dallas, Austin or Houston. Houston has a ton of museum's and fine arts events. And the sex industry in Houston is big!
I'm talking *****houses all over town with beautiful women. Full on sex in strip clubs if you want, an independent escort scene that will blow you away. I love this place!
Let me tell you about my American experience. First of all I have live in this country for 8 years and have seen many different women.
First, when i came to this country in 1995 I had chance to be in the environment of low level society. Most of the girls at my High School were very easily accessible. In other words, it was not hard to get them to bed. All you had to do was to have a car to drive her around the town. Afterwards, it was easy to bring her to your place, undress and fuck. At that time, chikcs all were between 15-18 years of age. There were three things that I noticed. First is that there were no really beautiful girls, the majority of them were simpy average looking but never beauties. Second, many of those girls get pregnant during their High School years. This, in my opinion denies the accusation that American Women don't let there men to fuck. In fact, they do. Third thing is that there are a lot of FAT and UGLY females in America, who nobody wants. To me this is quite surprising because if you visit Europe(Germani is exception) you will not see so much ugliness on the streets of Europe. In my opinion, this is the direct consequence of American SUBURBAN and AUTO oriented style of life. In fact, life is probably not very hard for a fat person in the United States.
Second, relationships between sexes in college are much more coplicated. Contrary to what they show in those stupid Hollywood movies, sexual life in college was really passive. In four years of being at school I have got only one college pussy and that girl was from Poland. Partly, it was because I was very busy studying for tests. Partly, because I lived out of campus. The biggest problem, however, was that those females at college were very "hard to get." They go out with you but don't fuck. In fact, sexual life at universities of other countries is much more simple and girls are more accessible. On the other things, in America I found a lot of beautiful girls at colleges especially on easy lieberal arts programs.
Third, after college it is much harder to MEET girls. The problem is that you just don't know where to meet them. You don't go to school, college. American dance clubs are not suited for hooking up with girls.(those who have been to Europe will understand me) American dumb clubs are stupid and created for idiots who listen to stupid American music. I believe that there are girls who are willing to fuck but I don't know where to meet them. Regularly people meet girls through friends but I don't have many of American friends. Girls from immigrant communities are much easier to get and fuck but it is still hard find them.