I actually moved here to Australia. I'm currently based in Sydney. As far as women all the big Australian cities are excellent. Sydney is the biggest city and has the most variety. Perth is one the West coast and is the most laid back Australian city. Perth is good if you like Asian women and there are a lot over there. Melbourne also has a lot of laid back bohemian types, there's even a brothel that is traded on the stock exchange in Melbourne. Brisbane has a lot of blonde Pamela Anderson look alikes. Queensland and a lot of resort areas will be filled with lots of eye candy. The American accent works wonders with Australian women so its pretty easy to score, to them its something refreshing, kind of the reverse with American women who like Australian guys.
New Zealand also has a lot of sexy women, there are a lot of mixed Polynesian-European women in New Zealand and they have to be seen to be believed, some of them are Tia Carrere clones.
I bought a gigantic four bedroom home just outside Sydney for only $150,000US. Actually Sydney is expensive relative to other Australian cities but compared to New York or Los Angeles it is nothing like LA or New York. Apartments in downtown Sydney are generally more expensive than private homes in the outskirts. The Bondi Beach area though is the happy hunting ground for lovely ladies.
CBGBConnisur, did you apply for and gain Aussie citizenship, or is the country a "base of operations" for you? My interest grows with each of your posts.
Rastaman, your posts are hooking me too...
There is definitely a difference in the behavior of most Australian women versus their US counterparts. One of the biggest is that they don't ask what I do for a living, the car I drive, where I live, where I went to school, which are basically probing questions to determine my earning capacity. An American woman often sees a new guy as a potential piggy bank. I really don't see this attitude with Australian ladies in fact some women I have ran into here are turned off by greedy corporate types. Things that Australian ladies generally value more are personality, attitude, and looks.
I'm not from the US but I live in NY, and most of the women I've met (whether american, black, latino) living in this city, are liberal and cool to hang out with; however, when dating them it's a completely different issue as they play too many mind games and have lots of restrictions.. And worst, they complain too much!
Just yesterday, on Fox, a woman presenting her book- "What a Lucky Dog: How to Understand Men Through Their Dogs" was saying so much crap about keeping men on a leash, and I cannot believe they allow this on tv.
Here's a recent transcript from an interview with CNN
[b]DIAMOND: Absolutely. I think the very important thing, like with dogs and men, is at the beginning train them. All men love to be trained. Just like dogs, they all want to be trained.
KAGAN: Do you crate train them? Do you crate train your men, Wendy?
DIAMOND: Oh, my -- well, not that much. We keep him on a short leash at the beginning. You know, no tricks without treats.
KAGAN: Very good. DIAMOND: And also, you know, it's basically really important that, like, no means no, and you get all of, you know, the boundaries of where you want that relationship to be straight out at the beginning.
KAGAN: At the beginning.
DIAMOND: So, yes...
KAGAN: No bad habits develop. They're harder to break.
DIAMOND: Absolutely. And it's really important, like, that you go through everything with them so that you know, like, at the end of the day this is how the relationship is going to be from now on, and he understands straight out at the beginning that you train him.[/b]
let me preface this by saying that since discovering wsg, this has become one of my favorite threads to follow. the discussions that take place here are great.
paddy, cutting edge, and cash works,
my two cents on the issue of pheromones and wedding bands:
it does seem sometimes that when it rains, it pours. go thru a dry spell and then get one phone number and then they start filling up you pockets till you can't keep them all straight. (almost :-)
immediately after popping a nut, you feel like king of the world. your speech, actions and overall demeanor reflect this both overtly and subtly. females pick up on this like crazy! this tells them two things: 1) that you have no problem getting access to pussy. and 2) that you must be something worth having if other girls want you.
chicks are very much into group think. they always like to get together, share opinions and form consensus. so if one girl gives you passing marks, then they all buy into the idea that you're a hot property.
same thing for the wedding band. on one hand, yes it indicates a possible no strings attached fling. but it also signifies that you must be something worth having if another chick already has her claws in you.
and let's not forget this is the fuck-up female mind we're dealing with here. they only want what they cannot have: aka a married man.
I'm going to say it again but to a brick wall, that American women are the worst value in the world. Visit other countries and you will see a big difference in the female attitude of women outside of the North America. But most guys just believe the crap they see on TV and movies and buy it like a bunch of gullible idiots.
'" it does seem sometimes that when it rains, it pours. . .
immediately after popping a nut, you feel like king of the world. your speech, actions and overall demeanor reflect this both overtly and subtly. females pick up on this like crazy! this tells them two things: 1) that you have no problem getting access to pussy. and 2) that you must be something worth having if other girls want you."
this is very true and has happened to me many times. women love confidence in a man. there is a genetic need to find someone who can provide a stable life for her and any potential family. while this usually manifests inself as "gold digging", someone with little status but an attitude of confidence and the attention of other women can work just as well. there must be something there that attracts the other ladies, or so they think.
years ago, i was involved with co-ed volleyball at the local ymca. i asked several girls for a date and was shot down. i then hooked-up with the most beautiful woman at the gym and was the envy of all the guys. suddenly i was the man. within a couple weeks i was propositioned by both girls who had rejected me as well as 3 different married women - despite the fact that their husbands and kids were at the y too. kind of blew my mind at the time - but now seems rather normal. try getting a good job after being laid off. if a company thinks they are stealing an employee from the competition, you can get some unbelievable offers. but someone without a job - not so attractive. that's life . . .
"A job" isn't a requirement to meet a good looking woman, its more like a very high paying job, a nice car, a nice place with US females. Outside North America " a job " is good enough, it shows your responsible.
Very good point, I would go to a club in the states. Walk in by myself and be igonored. Walk in to the same club with a woman friend on my arm and every woman in the club would check me out.
I discovered this behavior is more so with women then men. Men usually don't care if a woman is with another man. But it spikes a woman's interest if a man has a woman with him.
Yep yep! One of the things I've noticed having moved out here to the Midwest from California (believe me, I sure as hell didn't want to make this move, it was for the (currently dead-end) job) is that I don't have to worry about women who try to "out-man" me.
Now I have to worry about women who "want to be taken care of."
You know, it's sad when I look forward to spending my evenings home alone rather than going to my favorite hangouts & dealing with the spontaneous unmitigated bullshit of American Women.
There was one poster I saw the other day that really made me laugh: It's a picture of this totally hot babe, with the following caption beneath:
"Right now, someone somewhere is putting up with her shit."
-- L. :)
Praise the lord in Heaven, that I moved to Sydney.
There is no doubt that American women are spoiled… spoiled by American “morality”. American women provide pussy as a reward to men who put-up with their B.S. And, we (men) allow that to happen. In countries where prostitution is legal and you can get laid for less money than you spend on a date, women are much more attentive and considerate. They tend to enjoy our company more because they realize that other pussy is readily available, at a much cheaper price. Why put-up with a ***** full time, when you can get a better looking GFE for a short time. Like they say, the difference between a girl-friend and a wife is 45 pounds!
I understand that “misery loves company”, but why do American men continue to let “pussy whipped” liberals in congress legislate our morals. We go-out-of-our-way to make America a safer/better place for our children, so in that process let’s also correct our social problems. The divorce rate in America is 50%, primarily because American women do not tend to their husband’s needs. Why should they, when they can file for divorce and receive alimony for the rest of their life. In countries where prostitution is legal and mistresses are accepted, men are not held hostage by that little-hole-with-hair around it.
Look R,
"There was one poster I saw the other day that really made me laugh: It's a picture of this totally hot babe, with the following caption beneath:
"Right now, someone somewhere is putting up with her shit". I saw that same ad on a hustler website, funny shit. That one ad explains American women in one full sentence.
I tired of hearing all this ranting and raving about how bad American women are. I have a daughter who is entering the dating age, and is an American, so I'm going to stick up for her and other American women.
The fact is all women all over the world like to fuck, if they find a man they like/love.(not my daughter lets take her out of here now) They have a perfect right to fuck whoever they want, just like we men enjoy fucking young women with nice big/ small tits, and tight women.( most mongers don't want fat ugly women to have sex with, they just marry them, then look for something on the side.)
If an American women rejects you because you're so ugly, fat, or poor, then too fucking bad. You should get over it, and monger like you been doing all over the world and yes even in the U.S.
( I'm in the same boat as most of you: I feel I'm a little to old to go to clubs to pick up young 20 year old girls to fuck.) You don't see my crying over it, somehow I still get the young 20 year old anyway.
I realize thats its easier to to get a young girl overseas, but do you really think she is falling in love with you, and wants to fuck you because of whats inside your heart? More then likely she is desperate for money and will do anything to get out of the situation she is in.
American women on the other hand are very educated, more women then men in the U.S. are getting advanced degrees and earn a very good income. Can you blame them for wanting a little more then a fling with a Mexican in Cancun earning $50 a week, or for them rejecting losers.
Get over it!!!! or go on a diet and get a better job.