[QUOTE=Oh Ya Papi]i travel all the time 35 countries. not just 4 p4p but culture i can speak spanish, i cannot find a chick to approach even to try in this sorry large urban city. and fat, stuck up, curt, snob, scenesters. i and ihave had mass aw gfriends it just changes when you get older 40. please repond to this mid life crisis of middile age straight man has no options for good pussy. and we americans are sooooo prude and age conscous, whats up with that every other country is cool 45 with a 25 gfriend no questions.
i agree from past posts too much work for little gain, my friend is killin match.com, i did well 4 years ago, but his chicks are fat and he does them? i will fuck my left hand for ever instead of a fat chick. i go to tj soon, then c.r. then s.e.asia. focus on myself get a hot 19-26 year old elsewhere, and yes i date regulars abroad tambien, a mi me gusta los dos lados de la moneda. regulares y prepagos jaajajaja[/QUOTE]This I have to agree with this for the most part americans period are hung up on age. Both sexes.
But I think that is not a American thing. The countries where women have more opportunities as far as job, education. Then the less likely hood of a women in her 20s will date and older man. Of course there are always exceptions. You can even find them in the USA but its not the norm.
I have to admit even myself. Even though I want a younger women. When I see 40 to 50 yr guys with 20 something women. I think to myself. Damn you know she's taking him for his money. No real interest besides his wallet.
I can remember when I would see a old guy with a young girl I liked. I would always shoot her a line like. "when you get tired of seeing granddad, give me a call" or "when your granddad is sleeping. Give me a call".
So I understand the sentiment.