[QUOTE=Goga Fung; 1131997]I believe there is a second problem. Busy American lifestyle. Most people are so busy with their work, education, training and other crap, that they don't have time to have "good" time.
When I'm in FSU or South America I can get a date with a "normal" or working girl any day. There are always possibilities. In contrast in USA most people's lives are structured and follow some kinda schedule, when they plan everything in advance. I don't like this bullshit. [/QUOTE]If AW think you are a catch they will "find" the time for you.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy; 1131814]Kudos to you for getting your priorites right. I hope you are beginning to recognize the farce it is to think that in this "the world is flat era" that running abroad to find a woman is anything but asinine. Get you money right and the pusssy will flow no matter where you are unless you are ugly, fat, and have no personality.
Reality Check: The EU does not really hire Yanks to work in the IT sector; however, if you can get on with a multinational you can work wherever they have projects. Your best bet is to get a security clearance and do DOD IT work in Europe or wherever else. Those guys make good $$ and the jobs can't be outsourced to an Indian or EE for 20% of the cost of a Yank.
Cheers[/QUOTE]Actually they do. I've seen it. DHL is multi-national. Also Denmark's Positive List doesn't mention where you're coming from and I recently watched an episode of International House Hunters with a Danish guy that married an American Girl, had a daughter and they moved back to Denmark. She's working at a teacher.
What do you mean priorities? I needed to make money to afford a family, not so I can buy a C63 AMG though that would be nice. I also didn't do it to buy some posh apartment downtown or in West LA. If women didn't come near me when I had nothing (not completely true) then I don't want them either. That seems to be a problem you have, you never know if a woman is interested in you as a man or the scrilla. So you just default to paying for it, that might work for you, but it won't work for me.
The world isn't flat, not sure what that means but you're starting to sound like "ThatGuy". He always saying something similar, running overseas won't solve anything, never claimed it did. I still beg to differ and frankly I have to keep saying it, I want children and I don't want to have children with a 35 year old woman. Nor do I want skinny Asian chicks, so that doesn't leave a ton of choice, Latinas or Caucasians from Europe where I can find women 25-30.
And why would I want to work for DoD of all things? You're x-military you can handle that. I'd say fuck no somewhere along the way, no paycheck is worth my personal morals.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy; 1131825]You have absoutely no clue and write from a disturbingly myopic perspective. Like the guy who reads a book on airplanes and claims to be an expert on aerodynamics. Funny and entertaining but dead wrong.
First: Machismo culture and boorish Slavic behaivor is what these people know. It's their dads, their uncles, and their brothers. Right or wrong it's what they are taught and what is imbued in them from a early age. I don't know why any woman would want to live in an Islamic Republic but plenty do and like the protection that they are afforded from living in such a system.
Biaatches lie:They yap to you that they are above their culture and like senstive and carring American men because that's what they think you want to hear. They tell their own men that Western men are pussies and cheap. Ever hears the term "real man" before. For those of us that lived in the FSU its a very common theme. These girls tell black guys on vacation that they luv black skin and they tell their own men that they could never imagine a monkey touching them. People lie and are hyprocrites and those Latins and EE's embody this the most.
Some folks really are outliers, but I rarely trust people that knock their own cultures and proclaim another better even if it's true.
You mean well, but traveling vacariously leads you to draw some really errant conclusions. [/QUOTE]Okay I'll bite. Mister World Traveler, X-Military, Contract Merchant whatever your doing now. What would you have me do?
Be some single bastard, chasing skirts, paying women to leave, forget having my own children, travel the world until I need new pages for my passport?
I'm all ears, most suggestions fall on deaf ears they are 180 degrees of what I want. My overall knowledge is fairly narrow, but I've also seen your post elsewhere on this site and its seems your very cynical, so how can I take any advice about women from you seriously?
[QUOTE=DirkDingy;1132162]If AW think you are a catch they will "find" the time for you.[/QUOTE]I doubt that seriously. I'm 40, 25 year olds don't want me. If you say money changes that, I don't want them.
Needle In the Haystack nonsense a good woman from America is hard to find and you would spend years looking for her. As you get older and older, and older. No thanks, the time is now to do something, so I'm doing it.
Here Here: From Sea to Shining Sea
[QUOTE=Golfinho; 1131882]Very true: the unrealistic Expectation Level is a big factor.
You've experienced American Woman who have it; you go to poor countries becuz you have unrealistic expectations.
The Alpha Male gets the top women wherever he goes.
'dead ass ugly people' are everywhere. No one country has a monopoly on that. [/QUOTE]This is a very interesting comment that deserves further comment. There is something about the American mentality which hones an individual's sense of (unreasonable) entitlement. The sense that I can always obtain more than I currently have and that one must alway strive for more. It's what makes white males who earn 37K a year in a blue collar job vote for candidates that espouse tax policies that favor the monied and educated at ther own expense. It's what makes some on this board who are broke and have little going for them think that they are entiitled to anything more than a woman that it broke and has little going for her.
In most countries, people accept their lot in life. They know what they are and comfortable in their own shoes. When a former thai bar girl is asked to go to a club around Thong Lo she will likely decline because she knows that such locations are not her place. She does not think of what she can do to become high-soc, but rather looks upon her snobby countryman as being born deservedly lucky while she was not. It's what makes the 2 Billion Indians and Chinesse voluntarily submit to a stiffling caste system.
In our country, even the brokest most uneducated fool chersihes the fact that he can be someone. It's true; there is opportunity here, but not nearly as much as the media makes it out to be.
This eternal optimism is what makes us ALL think that we are entitled to more than what is righfully ours. And sadly this includes the type of women that we think we can get.
As the OP noted, the alpha male-successful, nice ride, nice home that he owns, good looking- gets play anywhere. One does not have to travel for pussy. Yes, AW view their pussies as a puritan present whereas many women in Africa, LA, and EE, SEA, see sex as little more than another bodily function and one does have to play a game to get in a AW's panties. But dating is a game everywhere on the planet.
Most AM are just mirror images of the AW that they so despise.
Sage Advice
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney; 1132160]I didn't think we were talking about American Women directly. However as I said, Men only let Women get away with stuff because of the power of pussy. But its actually a shortage of attractive, intelligent, available women.
That's the problem.
Money? I don't know had 60K and burned it up on a trip to Europe and the car and various other things. Lost the car, lost both jobs, don't have shhh, don't to my last $26 from my meager tax return. More money would just make me do more foolish stuff with it, which is fine, I don't hurt anybody, but as I have said before randomly fucking women for money is not a replacement for a loving relationship and children.
As I have said before, you are anti-Car, anti-Marriage and anti-Children, so in turn I don't think you can give me any sage advice is going to be extremely biased in those directions. [/QUOTE]Did you ever think that maybe marriage and reproduction is not for you? You pissed away 60K, lost your car and lost both your jobs. What would you do if you had a woman and some kids to support? Hot white and Latina women are not going to stick with a man with no money. Women marry because they want better not worse. An older guy with no money is not going be chosen by hot girls for marriage or reproduction in any part of the world. It's just not going to happen. Forget about it. At 40 yrs of age and broke you hardly have enough time to earn enough money to avoid a retirement on a cat food diet much less breed a woman 10 to 15 years your junior and support a family. Middle-aged guys have a tough time in the new global economy unless they have decades of experience in a highly specialized field that is difficult to staff. DD gave you some advice that you should probably consider. Perhaps, it is time to accept your lot in life. Stop running from your destiny like in The Adjustment Bureau. Everyone is not entitled to hot young pussy and a family.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy;1132162]If AW think you are a catch they will "find" the time for you.[/QUOTE]I think there is still a problem.
Even though it is like this, lets say I got an AW interested in me like I'm a "catch", don't you think it should be the other way around?
If I think she is a good one and if I want to, I could find time for her. I want to be able chose among a bunch of women, I do not want women (AW) to chose me among a bunch of competing guys.
DJ you have to realize, the way the car is used in the USA counts for much of the cultural problems, not to mention people's sorry-ass physical state. It's not that easy to separate them.
I really think in the US it's more about money. In other parts of the world being good-looking counts for more. But who knows. I plan on going back to NYC good-looking (and broke) in June for a few weeks, let's see what pops.
Some friend of mine in NYC somebody wanted to insult her they called her a "groupie to a broke music manager". Note the "broke" in the statement. The implication is a man with money DESERVES NO PUSSY. I was kinda shocked by it, now that I no longer live in that culture, it was like a slap in the face to me. But that's the reality of the culture.
Here in Colombia it's the reverse of what you might expect. I will tell you know that I'm going on 3 years here, I have it absolutely statiscially proven, the richer girls here are more after money, with most of the girls from the poorer neighborhoods. They will NOT give it up for you unless you are physically very easy on the eyes, this is the most aesthetically oriented place you can imagine. There are exceptions but they are few and far between.
Tough Love
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger;1132380]Did you ever think that maybe marriage and reproduction is not for you? Perhaps, it is time to accept your lot in life. Stop running from your destiny like in The Adjustment Bureau. Everyone is not entitled to hot young pussy and a family.[/QUOTE]So true. To be honest I wouldn't be able to deal with all the BS some guys go through with relationships and marriage. I think that is totally obvious to women. On the other hand I wouldn't want to be classified as a guy who can deal with all the BS. That doesn't appeal to me either. I disliked it when women in my past were trying to size me up and figure out what their limits / potential was. It's just plain gross and not my way of living.
No need to accept defeat or look at yourself as a loser. Not true. I know many men in my family environment that have been winners in life from society's perspective but in reality they LOST OUT big time when you look at the big picture.
The only crime is the hoops we need to go through to get a piece if it doesn't come naturally and the harsh reality of our puritan culture. Not to mention global economy woes gay sex STDs social stigma etc. No wonder everybody wants a winner in the dating game. You can gain a lot of security and relief of stress by finding the right mate.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger;1132380]Did you ever think that maybe marriage and reproduction is not for you? You pissed away 60K, lost your car and lost both your jobs. What would you do if you had a woman and some kids to support? Hot white and Latina women are not going to stick with a man with no money. Women marry because they want better not worse. An older guy with no money is not going be chosen by hot girls for marriage or reproduction in any part of the world. It's just not going to happen. Forget about it. At 40 yrs of age and broke you hardly have enough time to earn enough money to avoid a retirement on a cat food diet much less breed a woman 10 to 15 years your junior and support a family. Middle-aged guys have a tough time in the new global economy unless they have decades of experience in a highly specialized field that is difficult to staff. DD gave you some advice that you should probably consider. Perhaps, it is time to accept your lot in life. Stop running from your destiny like in The Adjustment Bureau. Everyone is not entitled to hot young pussy and a family.[/QUOTE]I spend 60K cause I wanted too, I could and I did, no regrets. If I had a family to support I would have 90% of that money still, that's the difference.
I didn't say I was entitled to anything. I made a career change in time for retirement which is basically not a concern at the moment, if I have to live off SS and it will be here so be it but I seriously doubt it.
Misery loves company, if you're not happy, why allow somebody else? That's your problem, you hated your life in NYC, you left it for 2nd tier economy in Colombia. For you that might be okay, but you still didn't address my issues with you handing out advice. Would I ask you what car to buy if I already knew you thought cars were pointless vessels keeping people from connecting with each other? No, just like I wouldn't ask you about Marriage (you're divorced) or children (you don't have any and could care less about them).
I am not some old guy, you have no idea what I look like, I constantly pass for mid 20's, I am not overweight, nor ugly. If I listen to you, I would think I have no chance at all, but I don't think that is the case. I could have chosen a woman that at the time was 6 years younger with two sons and was willing to have a third because she wanted (like most women do) a daughter. I didn't want to be an instant father, that's my choice.
There was a 42 yr old woman that was childless and wanted to have children. Well, I'm not ready, even if I had it to fork over a few thou for IVF because its much harder to have your first child at that point, than it would have been 15-16 years ago. Plus she hung onto her last relationship too long.
So here in America, my effective age range is mid to late 30's. That's not based on looks, its based on a number, my age. Woman 25-28 are still focused on career options and generally not interested. I also believe the US is much more of a crap shoot and too much of a compromise. I chatted up a girl on the bus about. 4-5 months ago, still don't know why I didn't get her information, but a very attractive Latina, I doubt she was much more than 22-23.
A friend of mine recently (about a year ago) married a woman from Ukraine. He's Black. 38 and she's obviously White and 26. They are expecting their first child as well. He makes decent money, nothing specular and it took him 3 separate tours to find her. I am just hoping it doesn't take 3 trips.
So I know it can be done. As long as I keep my expectations in-check I'll be fine. Finding an attractive Slavic girl is a given, what you want to know is what is inside their head.
I don't have to accept anything and I don't have a destiny.
[QUOTE=Artisttyp; 1132466]So true. To be honest I wouldn't be able to deal with all the BS some guys go through with relationships and marriage. I think that is totally obvious to women. On the other hand I wouldn't want to be classified as a guy who can deal with all the BS. That doesn't appeal to me either. I disliked it when women in my past were trying to size me up and figure out what their limits / potential was. It's just plain gross and not my way of living.
No need to accept defeat or look at yourself as a loser. Not true. I know many men in my family environment that have been winners in life from society's perspective but in reality they LOST OUT big time when you look at the big picture.
The only crime is the hoops we need to go through to get a piece if it doesn't come naturally and the harsh reality of our puritan culture. Not to mention global economy woes gay sex STDs social stigma etc. No wonder everybody wants a winner in the dating game. You can gain a lot of security and relief of stress by finding the right mate. [/QUOTE]100, I don't like drama. But American Women like drama, even when they say they don't. I've ended every relationship but one. That was based on internet communications though and could happen to anybody, not just me.
My lack of success is based more on me and what I won't accept. At times I have accepted single mothers and fat women. It was just a focus of mine until later in life. Sure I like companionship like any human being does, I found my interest keep me plenty busy though. I've lost a few chances here and there. I have accepted those loses, learned and moved on.
Being married does not have to mean accepting things you don't like, on the contrary it means accepting another person's faults. If those faults don't really concern you, then everything will be fine. If 50-70% of marriages fail, that still means 30-50% don't fail. So its really a half empty or half full scenario.
However K-1 marriages based on what information is available have a 20% failure rate. It could be higher, it could be lower, nobody is really keeping track of this, its gleaned from Labor and State Dept data.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1132452]DJ you have to realize, the way the car is used in the USA counts for much of the cultural problems, not to mention people's sorry-ass physical state. It's not that easy to separate them.
I really think in the US it's more about money. In other parts of the world being good-looking counts for more. But who knows. I plan on going back to NYC good-looking (and broke) in June for a few weeks, let's see what pops.
Some friend of mine in NYC somebody wanted to insult her they called her a "groupie to a broke music manager". Note the "broke" in the statement. The implication is a man with money DESERVES NO PUSSY. I was kinda shocked by it, now that I no longer live in that culture, it was like a slap in the face to me. But that's the reality of the culture.
Here in Colombia it's the reverse of what you might expect. I will tell you know that I'm going on 3 years here, I have it absolutely statiscially proven, the richer girls here are more after money, with most of the girls from the poorer neighborhoods. They will NOT give it up for you unless you are physically very easy on the eyes, this is the most aesthetically oriented place you can imagine. There are exceptions but they are few and far between. [/QUOTE]Sure I understand how its used in cultural terms, its used as measure to size up several things from economics, social and cultural norms. If you own a lowered sport compact that can be deemed as a guy that lacks maturity. If you own a BMW, it could me you have attained a level of success, depending on model. But the 3 series is often regarded as the car to have for mid-level management or up-and-coming white collar workers.
So yes I know how it works, but I like mechanical things, especially cars and I enjoy racing, not only myself but watching it, attending events, whatever. As I said you likely don't understand so I can't really explain it in terms you might understand it in and its largely foreign to most NYC dwellers as well.
CM you view your sex life from a position of a formerly overweight person, as you have often mention needing to loose weight. Then you transpose it on top of my live, I don't think that's fair. I like White Women and not every White Girl is "Down For The Brown", so that limits my pool and selection. It still hasn't been proven to me that Latinas especially from South America like Black Men beyond the P4P market and that's a bit hard to tell on this forum. That is why I need to investigate South America, in Europe I already know where to be Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany. I do know some Slavic women like Black and not the type of women that DD has been running into which I assume is the model type. I've been contacted by several Slavic women on various sites but I haven't returned those messages because of my financial problems at the moment. So I know its possible to find somebody.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney; 1132523]Sure I understand how its used in cultural terms, its used as measure to size up several things from economics, social and cultural norms. If you own a lowered sport compact that can be deemed as a guy that lacks maturity. If you own a BMW, it could me you have attained a level of success, depending on model. But the 3 series is often regarded as the car to have for mid-level management or up-and-coming white collar workers.
So yes I know how it works, but I like mechanical things, especially cars and I enjoy racing, not only myself but watching it, attending events, whatever. As I said you likely don't understand so I can't really explain it in terms you might understand it in and its largely foreign to most NYC dwellers as well.
CM you view your sex life from a position of a formerly overweight person, as you have often mention needing to loose weight. Then you transpose it on top of my live, I don't think that's fair. I like White Women and not every White Girl is "Down For The Brown", so that limits my pool and selection. It still hasn't been proven to me that Latinas especially from South America like Black Men beyond the P4P market and that's a bit hard to tell on this forum. That is why I need to investigate South America, in Europe I already know where to be Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany. I do know some Slavic women like Black and not the type of women that DD has been running into which I assume is the model type. I've been contacted by several Slavic women on various sites but I haven't returned those messages because of my financial problems at the moment. So I know its possible to find somebody. [/QUOTE]DJ,
I think you're mixing up Bango and I, probably because I did not post for almost a year. Anyway, that's not important. You do realize that you're on a monger forum when you're seeking a wife? The advice and information here is primarily oriented to finding women and fucking them at the lowest financial risk to men. Therefore you will find that it is "anti-marriage." There ain't no love in this shit. If you seriously want a wife you should participate in a forum of like minded men. Sex tourism and wife hunting do not mix. Don't be a sex tourist or associate with them if you're seeking to commit to one woman.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1132590]DJ,
I think you're mixing up Bango and I, probably because I did not post for almost a year. Anyway, that's not important. You do realize that you're on a monger forum when you're seeking a wife? The advice and information here is primarily oriented to finding women and fucking them at the lowest financial risk to men. Therefore you will find that it is "anti-marriage." There ain't no love in this shit. If you seriously want a wife you should participate in a forum of like minded men. Sex tourism and wife hunting do not mix. Don't be a sex tourist or associate with them if you're seeking to commit to one woman. [/QUOTE]Bingo you hit it on the nail CM!
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney; 1131674]I choose IT because its one of the few careers that don't require a college degree and requires English in many cases. I was already well versed in computers so it just made sense and for my meager investment of $70 at a local occupational center I will get enough information to pass not only the CompTIA A+ but the Network + as well in 9 weeks! The class across the street (Jr College) takes an entire semester and you'll only get enough info for A+. My instructor had run his own computer business since the 5. 25 floppy days.
I am on the right track, I just need some experience and I can gain that at home while I work locally and search for my bride online and make trips abroad as needed. By the time I have 2-3 years of experience I can start applying for jobs with the UN in Geneva, NATO in Brussels or with international companies like DHL who currently has opening in IT as I write this, as well as the two places I just mentioned, don't believe me? Have a look at their job boards. [/QUOTE]I'd hate to burst your bubble. But now more than ever. A degree is necessary for any IT position. Sure there are people who work from experience alone. Just like there are HS players who make the NBA. Thats about the chances you have of finding an IT without REAL job experience and no degree. Not some part time fixing the neighbors computers. Or I networked the churches system down the street crap. Every HS kid is doing that these days.
For Multi National companies you will be up against all those individuals who have been layoff because of outsourcing. With Degree's and certifications. Because its cheaper to outsource and. And most companies that don't outsource. Import H1B's from India and soon China.
So you have big time competition. And thats not even mentioning those top college grads who like you. Also did part time work. . But also got a degree.
Very few companies hire non specialist who need no type of supervision or guidance and send them overseas to work.
I'm not saying don't try. I'm just saying be realistic in your projections. Yeah you might get a job in the IT field. Which would be hard enough. But to realistically think your 1st full time job would send you overseas. Is very optimistic.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney; 1132523]Sure I understand how its used in cultural terms, its used as measure to size up several things from economics, social and cultural norms. If you own a lowered sport compact that can be deemed as a guy that lacks maturity. If you own a BMW, it could me you have attained a level of success, depending on model. But the 3 series is often regarded as the car to have for mid-level management or up-and-coming white collar workers.
So yes I know how it works, but I like mechanical things, especially cars and I enjoy racing, not only myself but watching it, attending events, whatever. As I said you likely don't understand so I can't really explain it in terms you might understand it in and its largely foreign to most NYC dwellers as well.
CM you view your sex life from a position of a formerly overweight person, as you have often mention needing to loose weight. Then you transpose it on top of my live, I don't think that's fair. I like White Women and not every White Girl is "Down For The Brown", so that limits my pool and selection. It still hasn't been proven to me that Latinas especially from South America like Black Men beyond the P4P market and that's a bit hard to tell on this forum. That is why I need to investigate South America, in Europe I already know where to be Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany. I do know some Slavic women like Black and not the type of women that DD has been running into which I assume is the model type. I've been contacted by several Slavic women on various sites but I haven't returned those messages because of my financial problems at the moment. So I know its possible to find somebody. [/QUOTE]The problem I have with the car is that it keeps people aparte and breeds isolation and alienation.
And no, I would say on the average that South American women STRONGLY do not prefer black men, sorry to say. Maybe in Brazil it would be the only place that would be the exception to that.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax;1132614]Bingo you hit it on the nail CM![/QUOTE]While your doing hand stands, I dabble in P4P. I did so in Germany with the help of this web site, I do so when I can afford it down in Mexico due to this web site.
Being single does not mean begging other single women for it by taking them out and expecting them to put out by the 3rd date.
Instead of dealing with that, I go the P4P route because what I ultimately want is sex, so I BELONG HERE just as much as you do.
In the end however, I have my "defenders" on this site and I'm not the only one. The LTR forum doesn't get much traffic but it does get used.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1132779]The problem I have with the car is that it keeps people aparte and breeds isolation and alienation.
And no, I would say on the average that South American women STRONGLY do not prefer black men, sorry to say. Maybe in Brazil it would be the only place that would be the exception to that. [/QUOTE]I guess that would be appliance users you're talking about. I react with many people on the road. Usually people that own the same car I did, since only 30, 000 were built from 2003 to 2005. I connect with other "car guys" at weekly events like "Cars and Coffee" or another spot where normal types like me get to bump elbows and trade stories with guys that are successful and like to show it off it bit by buying exotic Italian sports cars.
Buses are awful silent as well, I've been taking the bus on a regular basis since the last time I drove my Protetge 5 on June 25, 2009. In fact so is the Red Line (subway) , not much is being said and people keep to themselves so its not just cars are to blame.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1132590]DJ,
I think you're mixing up Bango and I, probably because I did not post for almost a year. Anyway, that's not important. You do realize that you're on a monger forum when you're seeking a wife? The advice and information here is primarily oriented to finding women and fucking them at the lowest financial risk to men. Therefore you will find that it is "anti-marriage." There ain't no love in this shit. If you seriously want a wife you should participate in a forum of like minded men. Sex tourism and wife hunting do not mix. Don't be a sex tourist or associate with them if you're seeking to commit to one woman. [/QUOTE]As you said it might be Bango, but LTR is of interest to me and to others that use and view this thread. There other websites like Relationshit and No Marriage and I belong to those because I understand that Men in America are under fire.
But I have every right to be here. I don't expect either of you to have answers most of you come from failed relationships to start with and getting only your side of the story. I give you the benefit of the doubt because I understand how AW can be.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1132734]I'd hate to burst your bubble. But now more than ever. A degree is necessary for any IT position. Sure there are people who work from experience alone. Just like there are HS players who make the NBA. Thats about the chances you have of finding an IT without REAL job experience and no degree. Not some part time fixing the neighbors computers. Or I networked the churches system down the street crap. Every HS kid is doing that these days.
For Multi National companies you will be up against all those individuals who have been layoff because of outsourcing. With Degree's and certifications. Because its cheaper to outsource and. And most companies that don't outsource. Import H1B's from India and soon China.
So you have big time competition. And thats not even mentioning those top college grads who like you. Also did part time work. . But also got a degree.
Very few companies hire non specialist who need no type of supervision or guidance and send them overseas to work.
I'm not saying don't try. I'm just saying be realistic in your projections. Yeah you might get a job in the IT field. Which would be hard enough. But to realistically think your 1st full time job would send you overseas. Is very optimistic. [/QUOTE]WRONG.
Several Students out my instructors class have gotten jobs with Citibank, Dell and HP / Compaq right out of school they come into the class to recruit. There are several jobs I have found on Dice. Com that strictly list "A+ is preferred". To gain "experience" I have already considered donating my talent and time to a non-profit.
Did I say somewhere my first IT job would be overseas? Stop putting words into my mouth or get your reading glasses out and read my post again. I never said straight out of school I would get a IT job in Europe or anywhere for that matter. However stranger things have happen and like I said my instructor is a savvy guy.
Also you make it sound as though IT is crowded, its not its still considered "Geek" work and "uncool". Not every dude is going to be the founders of Google or the founder (s) of Facebook, My Space, etc. Women like them and Bill Gates because they have money.
DD is saying Money Solves everything, when I come from a perspective that says "More Money, More Problems"
Back to your rant about Americans not being hired in the EU. Just to let you know I have seen the same handful of jobs open for DHL in the Czech Republic for almost a year. Seeking NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS, which would cover all the Anglo-Saxon countries and I come from one. The United States.
Those jobs are still open, I wonder why Brits aren't beating a path to Prague?
I would develop some experience locally I never said I would go fresh out of school and apply for jobs overseas, but just because I have blocked you and you seem to chase me around this thread, I might look into it in-spite of you.
Going into A+, I already know 70% and have built my own PC's before including the HTPC I use every single day. But why would I go into a $240 test unprepared, so I'm taking this class for $70 and get a discount on both 701 and 702 test. All 50 of his students from the previous 9 weeks all have A+ CompTIA certificates. 8 of them have Network + without having to take an additional class.
Don't underestimate me, for $70 I'm getting enough info for not only A+, but Network +, MS Help Desk and Security +, which the instructor just took and passed himself.
He produces quality students and companies know that. It seems people like you are butt hurt that you spent thousands of dollars on degrees when people taking classes at Trade School can get those same jobs. Sorry but almost every Kid in his Saturday class is a "Gamer", talk constantly about Call of Duty 4 and Diablo 2, they aren't setting up networks for the local Church cause they don't know how and they ignore the instructor. My homie lays cable for networks and he didn't go to college either. Going to university doesn't mean you're best prepared for a job. Seems to me people that didn't go to college are considered loose cannons by some companies and harder to control, which is likely why they might pick the in-debt college student over the trade school graduate.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney;1132848]WRONG.[/QUOTE]My point was not that you could or could not work if the end goal is to work overseas. It was the length of time it is going to take before the likely hood of it being possible / or happening will be years down the road.
So are you going to sit around. Waiting for that time before you again seek to have a relationship with a woman. If you start working full time. As a new employee you probably won't get enough vacation time, usually only 2wks, to have any decent relationship with a women overseas.
You will be older and the world (and womens attitudes) are changing rapidly, what might be available now. Maybe a totally different situation. 10 yrs ago Brazil and Thailand. Were dirt cheap destinations. Now look. No more. And the women's attitude in both have changed.
With the internet and women's organizations. Women's attitude's around the world are going to become closer to the AW. Egypt the women are demanding more rights, and to be written in their new constitution. This would have been unheard of 10 years ago in a Middle eastern country.
I'm just saying I'd keep looking with AW for what you want. Ok, if you don't find her. What have you lost. But what if she is there. And you have the opportunity. But you don't. Only because you have closed yourself off to AW and therefore you miss opportunities. Thats all I'm pointing. Out Keep looking while you put your plan in motion. There are over 30 million single women in america. To say there isn't a woman that meets your needs would suggest one has to look at their own self then to see If they have realistic criteria.
In fact you are in fact acting in the same manner as the AW you so despise. You have set your standard based on a certain criteria. And unwilling to compromise. But yet the woman are fucked up because they have criteria that you don't meet for quite a few AW. (like a good paying job, not living with parents showing responsibility and independence).
I mean why are they screwed up. But your view is not?
That's the big issue isn't it. What's the best way to get laid. With money, with game, or with just plain good looks. I used to think exactly like DD (or like Jackson) that money is the way to do it, hands down. Now I'm not so sure, I see plusses and minuses to every aspect. I think it depends on specifically what your goals are as far as "getting laid". Some people want a different girl every day, some don't want so much variety but want a lot of kink and experimentation, some want more romance than others etc.
I also think the line between "good girls" and "bad girls" is bullshit. In a perfect world they'd ALL be bad. Women are naturally actually HORNIER than men, but society puts a lot of pressure on them to repress their sexuality. But given the right bunch of circumstances, good girls turn bad real fucking fast and viceversa.
My friends here in Bogota and I debate this shit on a daily basis and what's more we are scientifically exploring all the options to see what actually works best. .
The only thing I can say is, don't come down here expecting to find"true love", even IF you think you know the culture, much less if you don't at all. Colombia is an awesome country for P4P. I strongly recommend people who visit here leave it at that.
Wife-hunting for import for Cuero99 a non-starter
Although a few could be different, based on my experiences I've learned never to trust in the concept of any of these better-looking south american girls being faithful or honest. During my numerous stays in Colombia and Peru I've been with too many innocent seeming girls "committed to" unknowing boyfriends local or foreign who banged me for money (while incidentally usually seemed to enjoy the act as much as I did and were happy to repeat, and text me the "cuando vienes" when I am far away).
Emotionally like DJ4M I love the idea of having a faithful and lovely life companion by my side. But add to the above the reality of the ongoing decline in the value of the dollar and its likely eventual complete collapse, and the result is, even if I happened to fall in love with a lovely Colombiana or Peruana that I really trusted, I consider the idea of me importing her to be my wife with the idea that I can offer her a better life in the US long-term than what she has a total non-starter and bad bad idea, even as a very experienced technology worker taking home an income in the top 10% of the current US salary range.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney; 1132835]As you said it might be Bango, but LTR is of interest to me and to others that use and view this thread. There other websites like Relationshit and No Marriage and I belong to those because I understand that Men in America are under fire.
But I have every right to be here. I don't expect either of you to have answers most of you come from failed relationships to start with and getting only your side of the story. I give you the benefit of the doubt because I understand how AW can be. [/QUOTE]For the record, because the album is too motherfucking long, everyone has "failed relationships" unless they marry the first person they fuck and remain married to that person until they die period! The only other exception is if you're like That Asshole, the monger who said that he never had a girlfriend in his life, and paid for each and every piece of ass you ever got. Otherwise if you ever had a girlfriend and broke up then the relationship failed. That means pretty much everyone has failed relationships in the West.
Also, some of us have had girlfriends for longer than most marriages last. I have dated women for years that I decided to let go because they wanted marriage. In fact, the last one I let go married another guy and in less than a year the marriage came to a violent end. I think I made the right decision. I also have a very attractive college educated girl running my business and making monthly desposits into my account. I love pussy but I love it even more when it pays me. I could marry and give up strange pussy anytime I choose. However, I don't see any compelling reason for doing so.
Anyway, I'm getting what I want out of life there is no need for static. Other young cats with money like DD and Warbucks tried to give you advice on how succeed but you don't want it. So, just do you man. Live your life. I wouldn't comment on your shit.
S. A. W & bm
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1132779]The problem I have with the car is that it keeps people aparte and breeds isolation and alienation.
And no, I would say on the average that South American women STRONGLY do not prefer black men, sorry to say. Maybe in Brazil it would be the only place that would be the exception to that. [/QUOTE]Spoken like a true non South American Woman.
Women like men. (except in North America). I personally know more than a handful of black men married to S. A. Women. Mostly professional university educated women. A number of these guys still live in S. A.
[QUOTE=Drlawyer; 1133046]Spoken like a true non South American Woman.
Women like men. (except in North America). I personally know more than a handful of black men married to S. A. Women. Mostly professional university educated women. A number of these guys still live in S. A. [/QUOTE]I have to go with bango on this one. Around 2 years ago I met a really attractive peruvian black girl online. When I arrived to Lima we met and all went very well. However I was amazed how quickly sweet peruvian people turned sour when we were walking hand in hand. I've never gotten so many shady looks in my life. She was hot and I was totally into it but it did come at a price.
Secretly latin girls have asked me with a disgusted face if I've ever slept with black woman. Taxi drivers have done the same thing.
* I helped out a fellow monger in Lima who happened to be african american. We are both from NYC so we hit it off very well. We did the chongos and a few other places and people were giving us shady looks or smirking. That doesn't happen when I am alone. It really affected me because I felt so much pain for this guy. Even worse was knowing it was coming from people I considered to be nice. It was ugly to see.
Latin people like to disassociate themselves from any sort of african heritage they might have. Most try to align themselves with their spanish roots.
I personally visit SA for the moreo / inigenas culture. Two cultures that are severely marginalized in latin america.
IMHO there is no flavor or vibe without these races in SA. It is them who make SA interesting.
Same ol same ol. Those with identity issues need to make up for it through negativity.
I'd say there are better places for african american men. If you brake the mold and succeed all the power to you. These days I try to spend time where I am appreciated not somewhere I have to keep my guard up. Life is too short.
it would be way too much of a generalization to state that "south american chicas prefer white / black", because you know, a "south american" can be a lot of things; ranging from pitch-black bahiana to a mulata from rio to a javanese or indostaanse from suriname or guyane to a trigueña from santa cruz de la sierra and so on and on all the way 'till you hit the blonde of german descent you see here and there in porto alegre or buenos aires.
as a rule of thumb tho, i would agree that women everywhere tend to prefer fairer skin tones than their own, unless of course they are as white as it gets to start off with. there is plenty of exceptions tho, and much is also up to personal tastes so one can never tell, but yeah; if getting yourself some white tail is what you aim for dj4m, i'd say your best bet would be to head for ee / fsu countries. in those places you would be some kind of novelty and everybody knows that out-of-towners always have extra pussy-points anywhere at a certain level.
being black in latin america is more something that relates you to being of a poorer heritage, and there is plenty of blacks around anyways so you're nothing strange.
fairer skin-toned latinas are, most often than not, quite racist in my experience. dd is right to say that these beeatches lie a lot so you can't rely on a woman's word, but even then all you need to figure it out is to pay attention to what they say indirectly and notice its implications.
for instance, in latin america they have maybe 20 different terms to identify different mixes of race and the resulting rainbow of skin-color / hair quality combinations. what does that tell us, that they don't pay attention to such things or that it doesn't matter to them? lol!
in some places like cuba they refer to the typical african hair-type as "malo", which means "bad". what does that tell you?
once in south africa i 've heard some black guys making fun of a colored one by saying that he was "half white and half black, but the white half was his lower half, while the black was the upper". everybody seemed to get it straight and laughed wholeheartedly while it just flew over my head, so i asked my (black) chick what was so funny about that? she told me something along the lines of "white downstairs, black upstairs; small dick, no brain!"
interestingly enough, some days later i asked her whether she regarded herself as belonging to a race of idiots (i am latin btw) and sure thing she replied "of course not!", so i called her out on the funny half-white / half-black joke of hers and her peers from the days before and needless to say she no longer knew what to run her beak about so i've had her running it over my dick instead that's better.
but enough of this.
also, i regard the idea of money bringing chicks as rubbish.
money won't bring you any more chicks than you're getting already, it will only bring you more leeches and vultures, just the same way better looks bring you shallow materialistic beeatches.
if you got money and / or looks you become a commodity or a toy in the view of a woman, so if casual meaningless nuts-busting is what really does it for you then alright, be happy. but when you mean something deeper you will have to take charge, get some game and get it going so that you can steer yourself towards wherever it is that you want to go. game is free and can be learned / improved by anyone quickly with a bit of dedication.
back on topic, as unbelievable as it might sound to you usa guys, aw have a reputation for being among the easiest lays in the whole motherfuckin' world, along with aussies. like unreally-easy. but then again, this is from the point of view of the 'round 30 years old foreigner with decent looks, mildly interesting character and proper lenguage skills. no nice ride and no house owning needed.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1132590]DJ,
You're on a monger forum when you're seeking a wife? The advice and information here is primarily oriented to finding women and fucking them at the lowest financial risk to men. Therefore you will find that it is "anti-marriage." There ain't no love in this shit. If you seriously want a wife you should participate in a forum of like minded men. Sex tourism and wife hunting do not mix. Don't be a sex tourist or associate with them if you're seeking to commit to one woman. [/QUOTE]It does not have to be like that.
I have a friend in FSU. He got married last fall. Now his wife is pregnant. The guy still fucks chicks like for $5-$10 in his car or the apartment I rent all the time. His sex life did not change at all after marriage.
I guess this kinda lifestyle is unacceptable or rather impossible in USA where people got to commit to only one way. Single / dating or married.
But I like the idea when you can have best of both worlds. Nice family life with a loving wife (BTW some may have several wives there) and whoring around whenever you feel like doing that. Don't all men would like this kind of lifestyle?
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1132734]I.
For Multi National companies you will be up against all those individuals who have been layoff because of outsourcing. With Degree's and certifications. Because its cheaper to outsource and. And most companies that don't outsource. Import H1B's from India and soon China.
So you have big time competition. And thats not even mentioning those top college grads who like you. Also did part time work. . But also got a degree.
Very few companies hire non specialist who need no type of supervision or guidance and send them overseas to work.[/QUOTE]I agree, IT now is really hard field. In addition to outsourcing Indians, there are also lots of talented young IT / programmers in Eastern Europe. How a non college graduate beginner programmer in his 40s could compete with them I have no idea. Of course anything is possible, but it seems to be a hard way.
If I were D. J. I would go into an own online business. Of course there is a lot of competition too, but it is very realistic to make some money. You could also do import / export biz. For example you can send stuff from USA to other countries and profit. I do not see a problem to make $1000 or even $2000 or more per month, which can be good money in some countries where average salary is $300-$500.
[QUOTE=Littletruths;1133073]if getting yourself some white tail is what you aim for DJ4M, I'd say your best bet would be to head for EE / FSU countries. In those places you would be some kind of novelty and everybody knows that out-of-towners always have extra pussy-points anywhere at a certain level.[/QUOTE]Not necessarily anymore. It used to be more like this, but now people in those countries are more familiar with blacks than before (10-20-30 years ago).
Still a black person there can be successful and popular in case if he's got lots of money and / or he is famous, for example if he is a participant in a musical group or show. I've heard black singers have some very big value over there and can be in high demand for entertainment industry.
But to be a regular black person, just living normal daily life in Eastern Europe may not be a good idea. There are at least a couple of problems. Some Africans are associated there with drugs and illegals. Another problem there is racism exists. Once in a while skinheads do attack blacks and nonwhites. But south of EE / FSU is much more tolerant and friendly with that aspect.
[QUOTE=Littletruths;1133073]Back on topic, as unbelievable as it might sound to you USA guys, AW have a reputation for being among the easiest lays in the whole motherfuckin' world, along with Aussies. Like unreally-easy.[/QUOTE]I have also noticed this a number of times. I think Hollywood and other bullshit propaganda (such as porn, magazines, etc.) have made it's job.
One time a guy in FSU asked me, is it true that AW are really easy and will go have sex with you right away? I asked him if he is out of his mind and where he got this crazy idea. The guy continued complaining that local women (in FSU!) are too hard to get, and he'd heard that AW are a much better with that respect.
I told him that this is total bullshit, and he should be lucky to drive a mercedes (though old but nice looking) in this FSU country where he gets many looks from women all the time. So he gets a lot of opportunity to meet friendly girls everyday. They see him driving a mercedes, it means they get interested who is that guy who probably has a good job, can be a provider or just cool to be / fuck around with.
In contrast, in USA most women would do not give a shit about your car unless it's something rare and very expensive, so this guy would not have a chance in USA. He is also not young and not too good looking.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung; 1133123]I have also noticed this a number of times. I think Hollywood and other bullshit propaganda (such as porn, magazines, etc.) have made it's job.
One time a guy in FSU asked me, is it true that AW are really easy and will go have sex with you right away? I asked him if he is out of his mind and where he got this crazy idea. The guy continued complaining that local women (in FSU!) are too hard to get, and he'd heard that AW are a much better with that respect. [/QUOTE]Out-of-towner effect it is then! (this thing can really be ridiculous, but we all love it)
I have personally often been directly approached by USA chicks here and there, and even tho I haven't had any reason to go there myself some close friends did and all came back with the same stories of how damn easy it is. Now, it could be BS of course, but when you know for a fact that the guy has been all around the world on that trip, then why would he insist on how tuna trow themselves at you in that specifical place?
One of these guys, I have once been to OZ with, and mind you in OZ I entered house parties without even saying "good evening" and found myself in girl's bedrooms within half an hour with no effort whatsoever, so talking of this easy USA pussy I asked my buddy "is it as easy as in OZ?" and he replied with "even easier!".
In the end I guess that beside the money transaction thing, this whole fucking around of ours and this website owes a lot to the out-of-towner effect. You know what I mean, you might be a regular guy in your home town but the simple fact of being on the other side of the world at some given time adds some exotic aura to the way people sees you and so you're suddenly more interesting than you'd be back home and gain pussy-points as a result.
It works wonders for me because I love all kinds of exotic pussy and I'm around the world most of the time, in the meantime pussy loves me too so it's a win-win situation. The only downside is that like this it's difficult to get emotionally attached and even when it happens it is difficult and painful to try and keep it going.
LOL, Mr. Internationals need love too!
[QUOTE=Goga Fung; 1133101]It does not have to be like that.
I have a friend in FSU. He got married last fall. Now his wife is pregnant. The guy still fucks chicks like for $5-$10 in his car or the apartment I rent all the time. His sex life did not change at all after marriage.
I guess this kinda lifestyle is unacceptable or rather impossible in USA where people got to commit to only one way. Single / dating or married.
But I like the idea when you can have best of both worlds. Nice family life with a loving wife (BTW some may have several wives there) and whoring around whenever you feel like doing that. Don't all men would like this kind of lifestyle? [/QUOTE]Yes and no, any healthy hetero man loves the chucha and a lot, and most of us variety, but we are all different in our specific preferences. Anonymous sex with cold-hearted putas doesn't excite me and I prefer to have the GFE feeling with each sexual encounter and feel like I am friends with the girl before and after the session as opposed to feeling like a customer. I don't know of any place where $10 purchases can provide the GFE.
My own ideal lifestyle in a perfect world would be building and maintaining a small harem of perhaps 3 or 4 hotties, all non and semi-pro types, rotating in and out fresh and stale ones from the stable, plus occasional hunting trips out of town, and no pretenses of being faithful to minimize dramas and BS with the girls. If I relocate to LAm this is a possibility but only if I can keep a certain income stream flowing; most women agreeing to the "no strings" bit will need something else to keep them interested in staying in the loop which is some kind of financial help.
Is This Really a Bad Thing?
As more women enter the workforce the less likely women will choose a partner based on his ability to provide. If women see themselves as "breadwinners" (or potential "breadwinners"), the more likely they will choose partners based on the same criteria that men choose their mates, looks and sexual aptitude.
If men are being viewed by women more and more as sex objects, then men may be better served by spending more time at the gym and less time working.
-Helpmann :)
Quick Q
[quote=goga fung; 1133120]not necessarily anymore. it used to be more like this, but now people in those countries are more familiar with blacks than before (10-20-30 years ago).
still a black person there can be successful and popular in case if he's got lots of money and / or he is famous, for example if he is a participant in a musical group or show. i've heard black singers have some very big value over there and can be in high demand for entertainment industry.
but to be a regular black person, just living normal daily life in eastern europe may not be a good idea. there are at least a couple of problems. some africans are associated there with drugs and illegals. another problem there is racism exists. once in a while skinheads do attack blacks and nonwhites. but south of ee / fsu is much more tolerant and friendly with that aspect. [/quote]hi. we hung out in the fsu before. what do your peeps consider me? just want to know before i go off on a diatribe. thanks.
I agree with this, it is the novelty factor. Where I live now in northeast USA I am a cubicle-worker with little to offer personality-wise or financially (despite a very good salary and being more than financially solvent) that can attract or stimulate the gina tingles inside of any decent available local woman, at least not a caucasian US born woman. There is a married asian woman where I work that flirts with me a bit and seems to have a crush on me, if I was motivated or interested I could probably get an ok asian girlfriend but asians except the real hot ones that are uncommon and probably out of my league here don't do much for me.
But every time I return to Lima Peru I am seen as exciting and interesting, so many girls call me "guapo" or "lindo" it is hard to believe they are just saying that to me for no reason. Part of it is I change when I touch down there, I become a much more engaging and outgoing and humorous guy, even when the skies are overcast the place puts me in a good mood with great food and just the good feeling knowing quality pussy is always in the picture if not with the girl I am hitting on at the moment then another one.
As the Peruvian economy booms and opportunity for locals and materialism expand I see it is getting more difficult over time and guys like me seem less novel, but the city is so big there are still lots of places where my game limited as it is continues to play well. Plus there are other many smaller cities outside of the capital to explore where the girls know very little of foreigners. The cities especially to the north and in the jungle have lots of possibility, for awhile I had a sweetie from Lambayaque, a lovely pretty face, simple and always happy to be with me. That one would still be in play but she sadly has gone from from slightly gordita to plump and I had to drop her.
[QUOTE=Littletruths; 1133233]In the end I guess that beside the money transaction thing, this whole fucking around of ours and this website owes a lot to the out-of-towner effect. You know what I mean, you might be a regular guy in your home town but the simple fact of being on the other side of the world at some given time adds some exotic aura to the way people sees you and so you're suddenly more interesting than you'd be back home and gain pussy-points as a result.
[QUOTE=Cuero99; 1133260]I am a cubicle-worker with little to offer personality-wise or financially. But every time I return to Lima Peru I am seen as exciting and interesting, so many girls call me "guapo" or "lindo" it is hard to believe they are just saying that to me for no reason. Part of it is I change when I touch down there, I become a much more engaging and outgoing and humorous guy.[/QUOTE]You have solved the mystery: Sitting in the back of a plane for half the night magically transforms you into an 'interesting person. '
The Answer is Simple
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney; 1132164]Okay I'll bite. Mister World Traveler, X-Military, Contract Merchant whatever your doing now. What would you have me do?
Be some single bastard, chasing skirts, paying women to leave, forget having my own children, travel the world until I need new pages for my passport?
I'm all ears, most suggestions fall on deaf ears they are 180 degrees of what I want. My overall knowledge is fairly narrow, but I've also seen your post elsewhere on this site and its seems your very cynical, so how can I take any advice about women from you seriously? [/QUOTE]Simple: You need to do whatever you need save donning a hoodie and a Saturday nite special to better yourself. You are 40 and a complete and utter failure. You are a fuking disgrace. This is a forum for men who have the means to pay for sex. You obviously do not, so do yourself a favor and get off this board. Try monster. Com or vault. The rules of the game are simple: first you get job / status, then you get the accoutrements of the status, and then you enjoy the aforementioned—including women. These are the rules of the game for life since the beginning of time.
You need to stop indulging in your fantasies of EE buxom blondes and face the fact that you are broke, uneducated, and unsuccessful which makes you desirable to NO WOMEN ON THE PLANET.
The truth hurts but so be it. The other ass clowns on this board who place pussy atop the pantheon of life are also worrisome. Traveling to poor countries where you may be considered less of a looser to permanently chase ass is also pathetic. This board is great for the 2 week a year sex tourist but to someone like yourself it's a poor man's shrink. And we all we be committing malpractice is we continue to indulge your drivel.
You will not be hired as an IT professional to work in the EU with a degree from a community college, you will likely never have a woman that can be considered even remotely desirable in ANY country, and you will likely be considered just another bum. If you were 22 or even 32 maybe not, but at 40 you have made your bed and now must sleep in it. You will not pass go and you will not collect $200.
I told your sorry ass a few years ago that you needed to take a huge risk to get out from the hole that you are in and you just continued to lurch around this board and beat off to the pictures that I posted in the photo gallery. I told you to sign up for the EOD—human bomb sniffer—course. It's good $$ and for an uneducated 40 year old like yourself it would have been a good deal for you. I even PM'the you the hiring manager's contact info and agreed to split the referral fee with you. If you had your legs blown off you would get a 500k payout and 5K a month for the rest of your life. With prosthetics nowadays you could have moved to Tajikistan and had a late 20s ethnic Russian dyev to take care of you as long as that 5k came in every month. If you would have died in a bomb blast neither you nor the world would be much. And at least you would have died serving your country.
I don't fault you for being a pernnial looser; I fault you for not doing anything concretely to better yourself.
Not Really
[QUOTE=Helpmann; 1133252]As more women enter the workforce the less likely women will choose a partner based on his ability to provide. If women see themselves as "breadwinners" (or potential "breadwinners") , the more likely they will choose partners based on the same criteria that men choose their mates, looks and sexual aptitude.
If men are being viewed by women more and more as sex objects, then men may be better served by spending more time at the gym and less time working.
-Helpmann. [/QUOTE]AW talk that feminist nonsense but gender roles are still alive and even dominant in America. Women seek security, stability, and want to be taken care of. It's biological.
As I date more and more in America I have found that women refuse to date men less successful than they are. This just raises the bar with even more unrealistic expecations. She does not think I make 70k a year thus I will settle for a walmart sales associate who makes 27k. She thinks with my 70k and his 80k we can have two cars and a nice house.
The average AM is getting squeezed out of the market due to unrealstic expectations of the AW.
Socialist European women from rich small countries are more likely to date men less stable than they are though.
[QUOTE=Cuero99; 1133246]Yes and no, any healthy hetero man loves the chucha and a lot, and most of us variety, but we are all different in our specific preferences. Anonymous sex with cold-hearted putas doesn't excite me and I prefer to have the GFE feeling with each sexual encounter and feel like I am friends with the girl before and after the session as opposed to feeling like a customer. I don't know of any place where $10 purchases can provide the GFE.
My own ideal lifestyle in a perfect world would be building and maintaining a small harem of perhaps 3 or 4 hotties, all non and semi-pro types, rotating in and out fresh and stale ones from the stable, plus occasional hunting trips out of town, and no pretenses of being faithful to minimize dramas and BS with the girls. If I relocate to LAm this is a possibility but only if I can keep a certain income stream flowing; most women agreeing to the "no strings" bit will need something else to keep them interested in staying in the loop which is some kind of financial help. [/QUOTE]A few months ago someone posted an article about this dude who went to live in jungles of the Phillpines; I think he had a liftestyle similair to that which you seek. If you locate to a 2nd or 3rd tier city in Peru and have the $$ to do it I am sure that you can have a few Sugarbabbies.
You wrote that you make good $$ in the USA. You can acquire a few NSA girls from the south between 27-30 for between 500-1000 a month.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy;1133278]You wrote that you make good $$ in the USA. You can acquire a few NSA girls from the south between 27-30 for between 500-1000 a month.[/QUOTE]Is this using those sugardaddy websites?
[QUOTE=Toronto;1133301]Is this using those sugardaddy websites?[/QUOTE]Tha Canucks normally require less $$ than the AW. Less attitude too.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy;1133276]Socialist European women from rich small countries are more likely to date men less stable than they are though.[/QUOTE]True that. A good part of the population over here doesn't suffer from such a competitive mindset as it seems to be the case in the USA and as a result money and status is not the only thing you, as a man, can bring on the table. Not every man needs to be a provider anymore. Having game or looks or being good in the sack or having an enormous dick or all of the above will also get you far with a lot of women but that's everywhere; then it depends on where you want to place yourself in how and to who you relate to.
Just like pussy ain't the top and only thing of life, neither is material possessions and the work you have to do to keep it all up and running.
Don't sell yourslelf short
[QUOTE=Cuero99; 1133260]I agree with this, it is the novelty factor. Where I live now in northeast USA I am a cubicle-worker with little to offer personality-wise or financially (despite a very good salary and being more than financially solvent) that can attract or stimulate the gina tingles inside of any decent available local woman, at least not a caucasian US born woman.
As the Peruvian economy booms and opportunity for locals and materialism expand I see it is getting more difficult over time and guys like me seem less novel, but the city is so big there are still lots of places where my game limited as it is continues to play well. Plus there are other many smaller cities outside of the capital to explore where the girls know very little of foreigners. The cities especially to the north and in the jungle have lots of possibility, for awhile I had a sweetie from Lambayaque, a lovely pretty face, simple and always happy to be with me. That one would still be in play but she sadly has gone from from slightly gordita to plump and I had to drop her. [/QUOTE]Dude, stope selling yourself short and believing that you have little to offer AW. You have a good job and appear to be a gentleman. The bar scene is not for everybody and caters to the wrong qualities anyway. Try its just lunch and / or meet women at social events. Keep trying. If the woman can't see your value then move in because she is not the one for you.
[quote=dirkdingy;1133258]hi. we hung out in the fsu before. what do your peeps consider me? just want to know before i go off on a diatribe. thanks.[/quote]one cannot generalize here, there are very different people and attitudes. are you asking abut yourself only or all blacks in general?
as you have noticed, it depends a lot on the region and area type (city, village, suburbs) in fsu. generally in fsu south attitude to blacks is good. in north there are more racists. still most people have no problems with blacks, and some love to see them on tv, musical concerts, etc. but at the same time there some racist movements exist. they are against everybody who is not white and comes from another country.
even in the north people from fsu south are sometimes called "blacks", and it actually sounds offensive. may be that's why in fsu south people are much more tolerant to anything that is not white since they are "black", asians or both themselves.
[QUOTE=Cuero99;1133246]My own ideal lifestyle in a perfect world would be building and maintaining a small harem of perhaps 3 or 4 hotties, all non and semi-pro types, rotating in and out fresh and stale ones from the stable, plus occasional hunting trips out of town, and no pretenses of being faithful to minimize dramas and BS with the girls. If I relocate to LAm this is a possibility but only if I can keep a certain income stream flowing; most women agreeing to the "no strings" bit will need something else to keep them interested in staying in the loop which is some kind of financial help.[/QUOTE]This is what actually some people are doing there. Of course not many can afford this. GFE on the side can be expensive.
But people with money can have several "wives". Sometimes they buy for those extra wives apartments or cars, plus other financial help. So supposedly because of such generocity those wives are committed to only this guy and not supposed to cheat. In a muslim culture this is acceptable, some people would not like that, but nobody gets pissed off much. As long as the guy provides for his women, nobody can complain.
[QUOTE=Helpmann; 1133252]As more women enter the workforce the less likely women will choose a partner based on his ability to provide. If women see themselves as "breadwinners" (or potential "breadwinners") , the more likely they will choose partners based on the same criteria that men choose their mates, looks and sexual aptitude.
If men are being viewed by women more and more as sex objects, then men may be better served by spending more time at the gym and less time working.
Helpmann[/QUOTE]This is exactly what is hapenning in USA and probably other feminist societies.
Few years ago I went to a gym for about a month in USA. Sometimes I was counting the ratio between men and women attending. Most of the time there were about 10 men and 2 women! Or a similar ratio. Often zero women and only men. Definately something is very wrong here. It means that men are getting into shape while women eating pizza and sitting on their ass watching TV. The ratio should be at least 50/50.
On the other hand when I was going to a kickboxing gym, the ratio often was much better. But I think it had a lot to do that women want to be able to fight and be able kick men's ass. I think there is a propaganda like this in USA.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung; 1133120]Not necessarily anymore. It used to be more like this, but now people in those countries are more familiar with blacks than before (10-20-30 years ago).
Still a black person there can be successful and popular in case if he's got lots of money and / or he is famous, for example if he is a participant in a musical group or show. I've heard black singers have some very big value over there and can be in high demand for entertainment industry.
But to be a regular black person, just living normal daily life in Eastern Europe may not be a good idea. There are at least a couple of problems. Some Africans are associated there with drugs and illegals. Another problem there is racism exists. Once in a while skinheads do attack blacks and nonwhites. But south of EE / FSU is much more tolerant and friendly with that aspect. [/QUOTE]Most of what you guys are talking about is nonsense.
I know of no place in particular where black guys. And by that I mean Black Americans don't kill.
North America, South America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, Oceana, Africa.
Although Latin America and North America has its racist history. And overarching cultural biases. On the individual level this ends up meaning very little when interacting with females.
The easiest place for black guy to score white tail is right here in the USA.. No need to travel far for that.
Just because the men of a particular place hate on the brothers (sexual competition) does not mean that the women share the same view. Especially, when she is behind closed doors or her "rep" (I. E. Opportunity to find a beta to marry) is not jeopardized.
[QUOTE=Drlawyer; 1133442]Most of what you guys are talking about is nonsense.
I know of no place in particular where black guys. And by that I mean Black Americans don't kill.
North America, South America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, Oceana, Africa.
Although Latin America and North America has its racist history. And overarching cultural biases. On the individual level this ends up meaning very little when interacting with females.
The easiest place for black guy to score white tail is right here in the USA. No need to travel far for that.[/QUOTE]Why nonsense? I believe I know what I'm talking about. I'm very well familiar with Easter Europe, know many people there. There are various attitudes (from love, non different, and to hate) towards blacks (and actually non whites in general) as I wrote before. There are also some women who do get married to black men. I know one personally from Eastern Europe who moved to USA, also had kids with a black man.
So in general DJ4M has an opportunity to meet a nice family oriented woman of the age he wants. The main issue here, as Dirk Dingy explained, the guy must be successful and be able to provide well for the new family.
Eastern European women are not as naive and desperate as they used to be 15-20 years ago.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy;1133324]Dude, stope selling yourself short and believing that you have little to offer AW. You have a good job and appear to be a gentleman. The bar scene is not for everybody and caters to the wrong qualities anyway. Try its just lunch and / or meet women at social events. Keep trying. If the woman can't see your value then move in because she is not the one for you.[/QUOTE]Thanks, but it's not just me, I also feel AW generally have little to offer me. There are a few good ones I am sure, but the decently hot and nonfat ones have lots of choices and are going to go for either the bad boys, smooth-talking salesman / sportscar types, or high-level power corporativos. If I had some other qualities, sure I do have the money required to spend on them, if I was serious I would trade in my Honda Civic for a sportscar or Lexus.
But I'm basically a STEM guy with a quiet personality to match and not in those categories. Also I am 1. 68 mts, unless one is a muscular little napoleon lack of height is a big drawback in USA in the dating market, while pretty much a non-issue in much of LAm, especially Peru. I feel its important to realize in life when certain things just aren't going to happen.
Life is not perfect, it never is, but thanks to air travel and my near-fluent Spanish LAm continues to offer me the ability to live my dreams at least intermittently, so certainly things could be much worse.
Is it worth that much
[quote=cuero99; 1133281]yes, in peru that could be trujillo or chiclayo, or tarapoto, lots of hot women in these cities. check out this tarapotana that is on my radar, can you say hot:
but keeping a solid money flow is less challenging from a first-tier city, in my case remote programming work for a us company. better high-speed internet connectivity is more available in these large international cities plus easier ability to fly back on site to us if needed. [/quote]do you really want to live in some ass backwards location with no real friends for some pussy? you can't fuck 24/7. remember that the 2nd world is the 2nd world for a reason-limited infastructure, sporadic rule of law, corrupton, limited access to decent medical care, insurgenices and kidnappings in la (shining path in your case) , etc. not to mention how fukcing boring it will be with no decent mates.
i am not saying its a bad idea; just giving you the flip side of the coin.
i am normally against the importation of foreign women for most expats because they have no clue who they are buying, but in your case, as long as you are sober about the transaction, you seem like a strong candidate for a foreign bride. especially if you meet her on one of your extended sojourns to bfe in peru.
[QUOTE=Cuero99; 1133512]Thanks, but it's not just me, I also feel AW generally have little to offer me. There are a few good ones I am sure, but the decently hot and nonfat ones have lots of choices and are going to go for either the bad boys, smooth-talking salesman / sportscar types, or high-level power corporativos. If I had some other qualities, sure I do have the money required to spend on them, if I was serious I would trade in my Honda Civic for a sportscar or Lexus.
But I'm basically a STEM guy with a quiet personality to match and not in those categories. Also I am 1. 68 mts, unless one is a muscular little napoleon lack of height is a big drawback in USA in the dating market, while pretty much a non-issue in much of LAm, especially Peru. I feel its important to realize in life when certain things just aren't going to happen.
Life is not perfect, it never is, but thanks to air travel and my near-fluent Spanish LAm continues to offer me the ability to live my dreams at least intermittently, so certainly things could be much worse. [/QUOTE]Peru is great for GFE. I too have fallen for peruvian women. If Lima was as cheap as it was a few years ago I would be envious of anybody living there. These days are different. It's gotten too pricey to go out on GFE dates and the pfp IMHO has not gotten better in years. Actually it's gotten worse. Places have closed and those that were affordable are now accepting credit cards.
I've heard that each town has a chongo but I can tell you from experience that any town south of Lima is good for a few hours if that. I will never venture south again. The amazon is cool for a few days and the woman are AMAZING looking but what to do when the milk dries up?
Lima was my dream for a long time. I've never felt more manly anywhere else! Things change though and places change. To be honest I have no idea where I could stay for 2 months without getting antsy.
If you have enough money and time renting on the fly and moving around is the way to go.
Unmanly: Who is the *****?
[QUOTE=Littletruths; 1133304]True that. A good part of the population over here doesn't suffer from such a competitive mindset as it seems to be the case in the USA and as a result money and status is not the only thing you, as a man, can bring on the table. Not every man needs to be a provider anymore. Having game or looks or being good in the sack or having an enormous dick or all of the above will also get you far with a lot of women but that's everywhere; then it depends on where you want to place yourself in how and to who you relate to.
Just like pussy ain't the top and only thing of life, neither is material possessions and the work you have to do to keep it all up and running.
Bless[/QUOTE]First: Yes, being amusing for a lack of a better term, can attract women anywhere in the world. For a fling but stability wins 8/10 times in the long term. Yes, in places like Sweeden they are not as concerned with material stuff as in the rest of the world.
Second: I find the way some Scandavanians live as in some perverted Mr. Mom movie to be very emasculating. I am a man, not a fucking nurse or a maid. I could not sit on my ass and have some woman by my master. That's some pussy ass junk.
Third: You are correct, $$ is not everything as long as you have your needs met at an accepetable level.
[QUOTE=Artisttyp; 1133546]Peru is great for GFE. I too have fallen for peruvian women. If Lima was as cheap as it was a few years ago I would be envious of anybody living there. These days are different. It's gotten too pricey to go out on GFE dates and the pfp IMHO has not gotten better in years. Actually it's gotten worse. .
If you have enough money and time renting on the fly and moving around is the way to go. [/QUOTE]The world is flat. Even BKK is damn expensive now. Tell us more about these Amazon women please.
[quote=goga fung; 1133379]one cannot generalize here, there are very different people and attitudes. are you asking abut yourself only or all blacks in general?
as you have noticed, it depends a lot on the region and area type (city, village, suburbs) in fsu. generally in fsu south attitude to blacks is good. in north there are more racists. still most people have no problems with blacks, and some love to see them on tv, musical concerts, etc. but at the same time there some racist movements exist. they are against everybody who is not white and comes from another country.
even in the north people from fsu south are sometimes called "blacks", and it actually sounds offensive. may be that's why in fsu south people are much more tolerant to anything that is not white since they are "black", asians or both themselves. [/quote]
i mean what race/ethnicity am i viewed as by your peeps?
[QUOTE=DirkDingy;1133549]The world is flat. Even BKK is damn expensive now. Tell us more about these Amazon women please.[/QUOTE]The link to that chica I posted, from Tarapoto, that is amazon jungle blood. If you saw those pics I think they say 1000 words. These provincial girls are simple and humble, the most important thing in the world to them unless they have a bebe is snaring a man either short or long time. Of course when they have a bebe they still want and need what a man can offer for obvious reasons. There are different types, she may pursue or work regular jobs or careers, or she may simply live off men for the most part, but inside of them pursuing and ultimately pleasing a man she wants comes first in her heart. For the masculinized AW it is usually the opposite, life revolves around / work and career and all the energy needed to succeed in a more complex economy. The hot provincials like any hot woman knows what she has and how to get men and will settle for local men, but a decent foreign man with some means appeals to them on multiple levels, whether in P4P terms she is a non-pro, semi-pro, or pro-in-denial. Linked Tarapoto girl is category 2 or 3, she already tried to get 300 WU dollars from me, I refused to send her anything and she is ok, still wants very much to see me, implicit is she will get some benefits from me after I tap her. If it happens she is just a flake who was just hoping to steal my money it is no big loss to me.
The other downside with these simple chicas besides their craftiness is after you bang them you often don't have much to talk about. But my Lima and Lima-born favorite girl is a big city girl and great conversationalist and we can spend hours with her between sessions doing whatever and never get bored which is unusual and along with her passionate bedroom performance has made her a keeper for me. I mentioned previously in this forum I have sent this one modest amounts by moneygram, she is a true non pro with a genuine need for money and has yet to abuse the privilege. Tarapoto girl knows all about the favorita, sometimes I like to get their competitive juices flowing when it makes sense to do so.
More amazonas
More amazonas. Tarapoto Peru. These women are like the best brasilianas, built for sex, thighs and asses to die for and nice faces to boot. I'd like to check out an event at this place when I visit, my knowledge is still limited but certainly there have got to be some very satisfied upper-crust local businessmen in that city:
[quote=dirkdingy;1133631]i mean what race/ethnicity am i viewed as by your peeps?[/quote]i did not ask them, i'd guess african-american.
[QUOTE=Artisttyp;1133546]Peru is great for GFE. I too have fallen for peruvian women. If Lima was as cheap as it was a few years ago I would be envious of anybody living there. These days are different. It's gotten too pricey to go out on GFE dates and the pfp IMHO has not gotten better in years. Actually it's gotten worse. Places have closed and those that were affordable are now accepting credit cards.[/QUOTE]Unfortunately President Garcia is an inflationist and Peru has been purchasing $ to keep up with Bernanke and the US money printers, keeping the $ to soles stuck at 2. 75 despite the ongoing dollar devaluation. And no need for it there, Peru long-term would be better off with a more sustainable 3 or 4% growth rate instead the current 8% or so that creates risk of a bigger bust eventually.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy;1133549]The world is flat. Even BKK is damn expensive now. Tell us more about these Amazon women please.[/QUOTE]Very true. There are a few places left IMHO where a guy on a budget can get laid.
Peruvian women from the jungle are HOTTT. There is no other way to describe it. However time after time I have fallen in love with photos of girls from piura. A city close to the border of ecuador.
All I need to see is golden brown skin and I am sold.
Women in General
All women in general are looking for basically the same dream.
A knight in shining white armor (Attractive a definite bonus) to pick them up take them some where nice, set up camp and look after their immediate and future needs.
This holds true if they come from Beverly Hills or the Amazon.
Although I do agree there needs and expectations vary widely.
If it looks like can deliver this your are in? If not don't waste your time.
As they say in BKK. No Money, No Honey.
Its not a matter of what you need to be comfortable its a matter of the women think they need to be comfortable.
In Peru, Where I live you can get an attractive 20 yr old for $USD 50 per night (12 hours).
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1133041]For the record, because the album is too motherfucking long, everyone has "failed relationships" unless they marry the first person they fuck and remain married to that person until they die period! The only other exception is if you're like That Asshole, the monger who said that he never had a girlfriend in his life, and paid for each and every piece of ass you ever got. Otherwise if you ever had a girlfriend and broke up then the relationship failed. That means pretty much everyone has failed relationships in the West.
Also, some of us have had girlfriends for longer than most marriages last. I have dated women for years that I decided to let go because they wanted marriage. In fact, the last one I let go married another guy and in less than a year the marriage came to a violent end. I think I made the right decision. I also have a very attractive college educated girl running my business and making monthly desposits into my account. I love pussy but I love it even more when it pays me. I could marry and give up strange pussy anytime I choose. However, I don't see any compelling reason for doing so.
Anyway, I'm getting what I want out of life there is no need for static. Other young cats with money like DD and Warbucks tried to give you advice on how succeed but you don't want it. So, just do you man. Live your life. I wouldn't comment on your shit. [/QUOTE]What advice is that? Work for the same Military Industrial Complex they do? I checked into that, KBR and others want X military. I thought about going to school to learn how to find land mines. At $15, 000 that's a non-starter.
Joining the Army as some others have suggested is a non-starter.
Then relationship advice from two guys that are never home and for the most part have no permanent address?
I understand this site is mainly for looking for pussy. But some of you seem to think that involves everything but monogamous relationships which is false. You desire to have sex with multiple partners based on the Eddie Murphy "Same Old Crackers" line. That's fine and if you want to live that lifestyle then that's for you, I don't make light or fun of it.
But you don't show me the same level of respect the other way. My ex wanted to marry me, I didn't want to marry a woman with weight problems. That was the main but not the only reason I let her go.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung; 1133115]I agree, IT now is really hard field. In addition to outsourcing Indians, there are also lots of talented young IT / programmers in Eastern Europe. How a non college graduate beginner programmer in his 40s could compete with them I have no idea. Of course anything is possible, but it seems to be a hard way.
If I were D. J. I would go into an own online business. Of course there is a lot of competition too, but it is very realistic to make some money. You could also do import / export biz. For example you can send stuff from USA to other countries and profit. I do not see a problem to make $1000 or even $2000 or more per month, which can be good money in some countries where average salary is $300-$500. [/QUOTE]I don't think I want my own business, I've been a DJ since high school I'm too lazy to promote myself and owning a service oriented business means finding your customers. I'm not much of a self-promoter. I am task oriented, give me something to do and I'll do it as long as it doesn't insult my intelligence.
All this fear of outsourcing is ridiculous and here's why.
They are handing HB1's out like candy but even with that, there still jobs open.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung; 1133101]It does not have to be like that.
I have a friend in FSU. He got married last fall. Now his wife is pregnant. The guy still fucks chicks like for $5-$10 in his car or the apartment I rent all the time. His sex life did not change at all after marriage.
I guess this kinda lifestyle is unacceptable or rather impossible in USA where people got to commit to only one way. Single / dating or married.
But I like the idea when you can have best of both worlds. Nice family life with a loving wife (BTW some may have several wives there) and whoring around whenever you feel like doing that. Don't all men would like this kind of lifestyle? [/QUOTE]I have heard before that FSU Women find sex only acceptable as long as they don't embarrass the family.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy; 1133273]Simple: You need to do whatever you need save donning a hoodie and a Saturday nite special to better yourself. You are 40 and a complete and utter failure. You are a fuking disgrace. This is a forum for men who have the means to pay for sex. You obviously do not, so do yourself a favor and get off this board. Try monster. Com or vault. The rules of the game are simple: first you get job / status, then you get the accoutrements of the status, and then you enjoy the aforementioned—including women. These are the rules of the game for life since the beginning of time.
You need to stop indulging in your fantasies of EE buxom blondes and face the fact that you are broke, uneducated, and unsuccessful which makes you desirable to NO WOMEN ON THE PLANET.
The truth hurts but so be it. The other ass clowns on this board who place pussy atop the pantheon of life are also worrisome. Traveling to poor countries where you may be considered less of a looser to permanently chase ass is also pathetic. This board is great for the 2 week a year sex tourist but to someone like yourself it's a poor man's shrink. And we all we be committing malpractice is we continue to indulge your drivel.
You will not be hired as an IT professional to work in the EU with a degree from a community college, you will likely never have a woman that can be considered even remotely desirable in ANY country, and you will likely be considered just another bum. If you were 22 or even 32 maybe not, but at 40 you have made your bed and now must sleep in it. You will not pass go and you will not collect $200.
I told your sorry ass a few years ago that you needed to take a huge risk to get out from the hole that you are in and you just continued to lurch around this board and beat off to the pictures that I posted in the photo gallery. I told you to sign up for the EOD—human bomb sniffer—course. It's good $$ and for an uneducated 40 year old like yourself it would have been a good deal for you. I even PM'the you the hiring manager's contact info and agreed to split the referral fee with you. If you had your legs blown off you would get a 500k payout and 5K a month for the rest of your life. With prosthetics nowadays you could have moved to Tajikistan and had a late 20s ethnic Russian dyev to take care of you as long as that 5k came in every month. If you would have died in a bomb blast neither you nor the world would be much. And at least you would have died serving your country.
I don't fault you for being a pernnial looser; I fault you for not doing anything concretely to better yourself. [/QUOTE]So not following your advice I've become a looser? Interesting. I didn't want to be in the sandbox. What your doing is what I call gaming the system. So you found a way to make money, travel at random, screw all types of women and don't have a permanent address.
I do use P4P as I prefer not to go sexless. That's perfectly acceptable here and I've never gotten a PM from Jackson saying I don't belong here.
I'v never beat off to pictures you have posted, now that's funny. I only beat off to moving pictures you haven't posted any of those.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung; 1133502]Why nonsense? I believe I know what I'm talking about. I'm very well familiar with Easter Europe, know many people there. There are various attitudes (from love, non different, and to hate) towards blacks (and actually non whites in general) as I wrote before. There are also some women who do get married to black men. I know one personally from Eastern Europe who moved to USA, also had kids with a black man.
So in general DJ4M has an opportunity to meet a nice family oriented woman of the age he wants. The main issue here, as Dirk Dingy explained, the guy must be successful and be able to provide well for the new family.
Eastern European women are not as naive and desperate as they used to be 15-20 years ago. [/QUOTE]Which is why I went back to school Goga. Can't do it on 25K a year. You can try to do it, but I rather not because to be honest low rank pussy goes with lower income earning.
Define "Successful"? Material Success? So if I'm in debt up to my eye balls (recent Loyola Grad school bill is $85K) but still manage to pay rent on a posh $3, 000 apartment near the Staple Center and drive a fancy German car, that's considered Successful?
I don't think any FSU Women is desperate even in very poor countries like Moldova or the 'Stans but there are still plenty of women to go around.
I would agree with D-Law about with one small change. There are more IR couples in the UK than in the US, more than double as many (27% vs 4%). I would argue the best place for black men to pick up Anglo chicks is Britain and Canada, not the US.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney;1133767]There are more IR couples in the UK than in the US, more than double as many (27% vs 4%). I would argue the best place for black men to pick up Anglo chicks is Britain and Canada, not the US.[/QUOTE]Need a % breakdown on which is the black and which is the white half of the inter-racial couple.
[quote=dj fourmoney; 1133750]what advice is that? work for the same military industrial complex they do? i checked into that, kbr and others want x military. i thought about going to school to learn how to find land mines. at $15, 000 that's a non-starter.
joining the army as some others have suggested is a non-starter.
then relationship advice from two guys that are never home and for the most part have no permanent address?
i understand this site is mainly for looking for pussy. but some of you seem to think that involves everything but monogamous relationships which is false. you desire to have sex with multiple partners based on the eddie murphy "same old crackers" line. that's fine and if you want to live that lifestyle then that's for you, i don't make light or fun of it.
but you don't show me the same level of respect the other way. my ex wanted to marry me, i didn't want to marry a woman with weight problems. that was the main but not the only reason i let her go. [/quote]dj,
i think that you are confused about my profession. i do not work for the military industrial complex per se. i worked for the emerging markets division of a huge multinational consulting firm for about five years. i am not some x-jarhead slinging a weapon. i have an ivy league degree, worked on wall street after graduation, and then migrated to the consulting world. i have spent about 60% of my time in conflict zones namely because of the dearth of qualified peers willing to go, the amount of authority granted, copious vacation time, and (for what this middle class kid from so cal considers) good money; however, the remaining time i have worked on donor funded projects in eastern europe, central asia, and non middle east. 90% of the projects i work on are economic / fiscal related no matter the location. i also worked for my previous employer on projects in the us.
i have met a few people from this site and my bonafides have been firmly established.
as i have been deemed sufficiently competent and reliable by various donor agencies, i have cut the middle man out and now work for various donor agencies directly on short and medium term contracts at a rate between $550—$1100 per day plus 4 star level hotel accommodation and an extra 2k-4k a month per diem. when i was a jr. guy i spent quite a bit of my time in the 'sandbox', but now, having paid my dues, i am pickier about the locations which i work. i used to take any project offered at whatever rate offered but those days are (hopefully) in my rearview mirror.
contrary to your assertions, i do have an address-three actually- a condo in sea, an apartment share in a recent eu country in the balkans, and a 5200 sq ft house in the usa that i recently purchased. but yes, consultants do spend the bulk of their time on the road and some may consider it a drawback of the profession.
unlike you, i had little scruples about making $$ when i had little, and am still hungry for a buck now that i have a few. hell, if there is a de minimus chance of indictment, i will probably take the contract.
when i was broke, ostracized by my "freinds", and living in my mom's house with no pussy i took a job doing menial labor in iraq which was humbling to say the least, but was better than being broke with no possibility of pussy.
i do not think nor do i recall saying that $$ is the only thing that matters when attracting women; however, in materialistic cultures like our own and in poor countries where stability is paramount it is the dominant factor. nevertheless one should not focus on $$. it's an effect rather than the cause of what attracts women. what attracts women is success. that's what you lack. losers are no more popular in bangladesh than they are in oslo.
in america, where the 'reach factor' is always in play it stops many men on this board from getting what they are entitled to. if a man is successful in his career but short and not overly engaging he may have a hard time getting a woman of comparable value. aw, especially when they are young, desire a successful, handsome, and entertaining mate. even though she is a 5, she thinks she can score a 7. and that 7 thinks she deserves no less than an 8. when in reality the 5 should be with 5 and the 7 with the 7. as they got older they get wiser, but unfortunately by that time they are no longer as desirable as they once were.
in poorer countries, the women are primarily concerned with stability above all else. this is where traveling poses the most value to some on this board. money can mask 'deficiencies' in looks and personality in the developing world.
you must note that the mentality in much of the developing world is completely different than in the west.
for instance, with russian women, because of the instability of their community, they value stability above all else. it does not matter what one looks like or what one's personality is, it only matters what you one provide for her as a husband and boyfriend. these women are taught from an early age 'the prettier you are the better man you will have; the better man you have the better your life will be. ' the man is viewed primarily through the lens of a provider. that's what a man is for. to provide for his woman. if one is a good provider, as goga fung indicated, one can have many girlfriends, mistresses, and generally do shit that would earn one divorce papers in the civilized world.
because you can't provide for yourself let alone a pretty gal, you have little chance with these women.
in scandinavia, in america, most of the women can equate success with something other than a car and the area code of a home. for instance, if one is a successful artist, a materialistic american woman will think 'great, but how can that pay the bills? ' while a person who lives in a small homogenous liberal rich socialist country will think, 'great, i think his unique passion is cool'.
just as some aw erroneously conflate success with $$ you should not believe that scandinavians equate a lack of success with attractiveness.
that tuition for that landmine course i turned you onto would have been paid by the firm. but if you quit within a year of graduation-as i am sure many thinking people do-you would be liable to repay the firm for the tuition. another fellow i turned on to this job worked for a year in africa and afghanistan, claimed some bs mental disorder, and now lives of 5k a month disability in manillla.
I'd love to take anybody up on it, come down here to Bogota and see how well you do with the non-pros. Don't flash cash because you're a strong black brother and that "kills" anywhere. If someone would care to properly define what "killing" is we could make a bet even :P.
I personally have no problem with women of any color, I'm not picky at all. Myself I'm very very white and tend to avoid women who look too much like me with pink skin and yellow hair, but if one came knocking on my door naked I doubt I'd turn her away. So don't shoot the messenger. I'm just passing on my observations and not making value judgement.
People here in Colombia tend to equate "black" with "ugly" and in most of the rest of this part of the world it's the same. I've seen stunning black women go by and my friends don't even give her a second look. I show people here pictures of my black ex-wife and I've had people practically go into SHOCK. And it's mainly the WOMEN that react that way, not so much the men. And I know people here from every class and every walk of life. My life here takes me everywhere. Women here tell me point blank that they would never have anything sexually to do with a black man. I dunno how much of it is cultural influence or what people's sexual preferences really are.
For the record when they see pictures of my two fairly light-skinned kids, everybody says how beautiful they are. So there's a definite color-line here. In other words, if you're considered "black" in the USA and are light-skinned enough you'll do fine here.
I have a black friend, amazing drummer, in perfect shape, picks up girls in the US left right and center, but he's NEVER nailed a Colombian woman. When he told me THAT, it clicked instantly for me.
For the record, both here AND in the USA and just about anywhere else I've been mongering, the darker-skinned the woman is, the lower the value she has on the market. When I used to monger in NYC (which in the general population has quite an even balance) black girls always commanded the lowest fees, and whites were at the top of the scale, with the Asians a close second. I saw dudes happily shell out $300 to fuck a barely passable looking white chick and pass over a gorgeous black girl for $80.
Last time I was in Montreal, I went to an incall and they had a bunch of real average looking white chicks and a brown-skinned stunner (obvious choice for me, hands down). My favorite spot here in Bogota has a whole bunch of real good looking chicks of all styles, shapes and colors but they have one former beauty queen who is real dark skinned, stands out like a motherfucker even among all the beauties there. Her rates are among the cheapest. I just thank the Goddess I don't have any ingrained cultural prejudices and can see the forest for the trees. . But to me the phenomenon is world-wide.
For the record, I was born and raised in Canada. Canada is the most segregated place on Earth. In Toronto, each little group of immigrants has its own little neighborhood and people don't really mix well with each other. I had a serious case of jungle fever in Toronto because I could NEVER get a dark-skinned chick and I was curious. But there was no way a black woman was going to date a white guy in Toronto. Never happen. It might work a little easier the other way around, but the girl's family is NEVER going to be cool about it. I had a Portuguese friend there who married an Ecuadoran and his family disowned him for marrying "that spic *****".
I'd say any place is easier to get laid in if you're coming in from out of town. That's always a strong factor. I use it to my advantage when I travel to various cities in Colombia.
I personally think many of you guys are overestimating the effect of money on women. I'm not denying it exists, because it does and it's a powerful force. But I think now the most powerful force is sheer physical attraction, and if you can learn to work that, everything else becomes easier. I've watched a couple of my gorgeous broke-ass male friends pick up girls no problem, even have the girls pay the hotel room and buy dinner etc. They inspired me so much, I stopped using money as leverage alltogether, and instead I put that money into my own appearance. :P it's working better and better.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1133896]one former beauty queen who is real dark skinned, stands out like a motherfucker even among all the beauties there. Her rates are among the cheapest. I just thank the Goddess I don't have any ingrained cultural prejudices and can see the forest for the trees. . But to me the phenomenon is world-wide.[/QUOTE]May be this will sound weird for you, but there are places with quite opposite situation. If you check escort girls in Russia, you may see that black girls may ask for much more than white girls. Because it is something unusual and very exotic for those kind of places.
I also kinda get feeling that when you talk about Colombians you talk like about Bogotenos / rolos. I think Colombians in other places such as from the coast, Medellin, etc. Can be different. More tolerant to races and / or more laidback.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1133902]I put that money into my own appearance.[/QUOTE]Just curious, what do you mean by that?
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1133902]I personally think many of you guys are overestimating the effect of money on women. I'm not denying it exists, because it does and it's a powerful force. But I think now the most powerful force is sheer physical attraction, and if you can learn to work that, everything else becomes easier. I've watched a couple of my gorgeous broke-ass male friends pick up girls no problem, even have the girls pay the hotel room and buy dinner etc. They inspired me so much, I stopped using money as leverage alltogether, and instead I put that money into my own appearance. :P it's working better and better.[/QUOTE]Good looking and charming men can pick up lots of women. If one was kissed by the pretty gods then sex is easily avail. Sure, you can have a bunch of one nite stands with good looking women. However, if a woman is looking for a serious relationship she values the stability-read $$- more than the eye candy. Yes one can fuck cougurs and other women picked up from the bar if one is handsome.
I have been the fuck buddy of many oht EE women, but until they knew that I was a "serious man" they would always view me as nothing more than a fun dick and treated me accordingly. It made me very uncomfortable. Being a "serious man" in the FSU and EE is the difference between her picking up the phone when you call 24/7 and her texting you back 7/10 times that she is "very busy" or "feeling sick"
Some men may be content to be the *****. To each their own, but when one is a boy toy you have little power in the relationship. I hate being powerless. I have fucked many girls for free and also have sponsored a few girls and prefer the latter.
In the USA, I don't think you have to be rich, good looking, or charming to get a one nite stand; you just have to go to a bar and feed a woman drinks.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy; 1133914]Good looking and charming men can pick up lots of women. If one was kissed by the pretty gods then sex is easily avail. Sure, you can have a bunch of one nite stands with good looking women. However, if a woman is looking for a serious relationship she values the stability-read $$- more than the eye candy. Yes one can fuck cougurs and other women picked up from the bar if one is handsome.
I have been the fuck buddy of many oht EE women, but until they knew that I was a "serious man" they would always view me as nothing more than a fun dick and treated me accordingly. It made me very uncomfortable. Being a "serious man" in the FSU and EE is the difference between her picking up the phone when you call 24/7 and her texting you back 7/10 times that she is "very busy" or "feeling sick"
Some men may be content to be the. To each their own, but when one is a boy toy you have little power in the relationship. I hate being powerless. I have fucked many girls for free and also have sponsored a few girls and prefer the latter.
In the USA, I don't think you have to be rich, good looking, or charming to get a one nite stand; you just have to go to a bar and feed a woman drinks. [/QUOTE]I used to think that way too. I've seen things in my time here that made me re-think things. You see in the USA people tend to be fat, ugly and unkempt. Here they tend to be very good-looking and EXTREMELY concerned about their appearance. This isn't the plastic surgery capital of the world for nothing! That actually changes the whole sex and relationship dynamic, making people hornier on average and more willing to fuck around.
I've been observing my best friend here, who is a total horndog, drop dead gorgeous and gets laid almost daily with a different girl, often with them picking up the tab for everything. I used to think that, and that's the common wisdom about him, that he's just good for a fuck, and not long term material. That's what people SAY but. Watch the girls' actions. Many of them would MARRY the motherfucker if they had half a chance. That's the honest truth. Attraction is attraction, it doesn't have all these little compartments we think it does. It's just one big continuum.
DirkDingy, your last two posts pretty much hit the bullseye as far as I can tell. But Bango has some good points too. In my case I find the Peruvian and Colombian chicas love that I am very white and have green eyes. I can't count how many times I have heard "tus ojos son lindos" (your eyes are beautiful). And I agree that a broke-ass guy can get laid anywhere with a hot girl if he has the right style personality and look for his environment. My negatives, lack of height and athletic build and age in middle 40s don't hurt me much in LAm, but I do look much younger and can pass for 35.
Among many factors responsible for my youthful appearance is never having had a wife and kids, especially one born and bred in USA. Though I am not fat I could be somewhat and it also would not hurt too much as far as scoring unless I was truly obese and gross. But besides looking better being fit I feel better and perform better sexually.
I do think the tall and fat combination would go over better at least with some LAm women than short and fat which could be me if I ate poorly and didn't exercise. Big and tall, fat and white and middle-aged in a place like Lima is not a bad thing to be = novelty, money, status equals sexual opportunity. Incidentally gaining muscle and even better fitness which I do work on but is hard for me would be to my benefit in multiple ways. I am a slender hard-gainer who has to eat 5 or more meals a day to gain muscle no matter how much I work out.
I do feel if I was black or Chinese I am sure I would have a much harder time getting the attention of these latinas. It seems like I often at some point ask a Peruvian or Colombian date in a playful way "te gusta los chinos" (do you like the Chinese) and almost always the answer is a strong no, as in nooooooo, like disgust. That true even as there is a strong Chinese component in the Peruvian population. One can dislike such intolerance but reality is reality, laughing with the girl instead over that or just teasing her about her preferences is certainly better than giving her a lecture if you hope to score.
Colombianas of course for their part consider all Peruvians ugly and inferior. I respond to them that, no, not all of them and that the Peruvians are better in the bedroom and that gets their competitive fires going.
Here is an interesting case study on age and dating in Lima Peru. One of my pretty friends in Lima that I met on the beach years ago, is from a relatively poor family but a regular girl working an office job. She is now 22 and a relationship girl, her two serious boyfriends since I met her were locals, alpha-male types aged over 40. The last one got her preggers late last year and promptly dumped her. Since then she has been extra sweet to me sending me many texts and facebook messages unprompted, I think she may be looking at me as a provider in some way after she pops the kid in a couple of months. She has invited me to her house to meet her dad. I would not mind hitting it, she is a solid 8 and she didn't give it up to me before. We met several times after I had picked her up on the beach for informal dates and I always felt on the verge and if I could have gotten her back to my apartment she would have been mine, but either she was actually loyal to the bf or didn't have enough attraction to me. Her best friend is even hotter, a solid 9, if I had real serious game I'd like even more tap that.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1133941]I used to think that way too. I've seen things in my time here that made me re-think things. You see in the USA people tend to be fat, ugly and unkempt. Here they tend to be very good-looking and EXTREMELY concerned about their appearance. This isn't the plastic surgery capital of the world for nothing! That actually changes the whole sex and relationship dynamic, making people hornier on average and more willing to fuck around.
I've been observing my best friend here, who is a total horndog, drop dead gorgeous and gets laid almost daily with a different girl, often with them picking up the tab for everything. I used to think that, and that's the common wisdom about him, that he's just good for a fuck, and not long term material. That's what people SAY but. Watch the girls' actions. Many of them would MARRY the motherfucker if they had half a chance. That's the honest truth. Attraction is attraction, it doesn't have all these little compartments we think it does. It's just one big continuum. [/QUOTE]I don't know man. My experience in LA is not as extensive as your's so I will defer. I will, however disagree with your assertions that women in America are ugly. I have been all over LA but the prettiest Latin girls can be found in Miami International Airport.
I find the women in Los Angeles to be hottest I have ever seen, Vegas, per capita is not bad either. Go to any college campus or a good big city club and the girls are bangin'. I used to work in Mankato, MN and found the blondes there to be gorgeous without the Cali attitude. One of the best times in my life.
I guess your mileage may vary.
[QUOTE=Cuero99;1133960]Her best friend is even hotter, a solid 9, if I had real serious game I'd like even more tap that.[/QUOTE]Or, I can be your wingman and do that for you; the four of us go out and when time comes for me to hit that 9 real bad I'll go "This is from Cuero99, beeyotch!" BAAAM! LOL.
Jokes apart, you guys are talking sense. Well done.
1 photos
[QUOTE=Cuero99;1133960]Here is an interesting case study on age and dating in Lima Peru. One of my pretty friends in Lima that I met on the beach years ago, is from a relatively poor family but a regular girl working an office job. She is now 22 and a relationship girl, her two serious boyfriends since I met her were locals, alpha-male types aged over 40. The last one got her preggers late last year and promptly dumped her. Since then she has been extra sweet to me sending me many texts and facebook messages unprompted, I think she may be looking at me as a provider in some way after she pops the kid in a couple of months. She has invited me to her house to meet her dad. I would not mind hitting it, she is a solid 8 and she didn't give it up to me before. We met several times after I had picked her up on the beach for informal dates and I always felt on the verge and if I could have gotten her back to my apartment she would have been mine, but either she was actually loyal to the bf or didn't have enough attraction to me. Her best friend is even hotter, a solid 9, if I had real serious game I'd like even more tap that.[/QUOTE]My heart always pains when I hear stories of young women being knocked up and abandoned by men. In these cultures they will never find a decent man as no man's mom will allow him to marry a woman with a child. She's 22 and will be denied a normal life with a normal man. The influence of the Catholic Church prevents the smart course of action from being taken.
This is an ideal opportunity for you though!
Some of my best mistresses have been 22-26 yo single moms. She will be highly appreciative of the stability which you can provide, and, for the next few years, as long as you are nice and respectful, she will esentially do whatever you want because she will fantasize about you marrying her and whisking her away to live in Pittsburgh or whereever. If you meet her family they will also reinforce this notion.
The attached photo is of a 21 yo single mom from the FSU. She is a working model in Italy and a legit 8 on anyone's scale. When we walk through the airport in Europe she turns people's heads. I sponsor her. Her aunt hooked her up with me thinking that I would marry her and support her extended family, including the aunt, after she determined me to be a man of means. When other members of the expat community or local men try to hit on her the entire family promptly shooes them away.
It's not free and I get SMSs every so often to help with tuition, doctor's bills, rent, etc. But in exchange for this I can call her whenever and fly her to me for days of raunchy sex and partying. She even brings her HOT model friends occasionly.
I am bored in Asia and think I will call for her now.
DJ, my friend, the fruits of your so called military industrial complex. .
[QUOTE=DirkDingy; 1133998]I am bored in Asia and think I will call for her now.
DJ, my friend, the fruits of your so called military industrial complex.[/QUOTE]Now, that is utilizing some affirmative action.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy;1133998]My heart always pains when I hear stories of young women being knocked up and abandoned by men. In these cultures they will never find a decent man as no man's mom will allow him to marry a woman with a child. She's 22 and will be denied a normal life with a normal man. The influence of the Catholic Church prevents the smart course of action from being taken[/QUOTE]On one hand you're right, of course it is sad in a way.
But if we mention the religion here, arn't they supposed to get married first, with a decent man who is approved by the parents that he can provide for the family, and only then to have sex and babies? This is how it is done in Central Asia in traditional families. I'm sure other religions have the same idea.
Instead, those girls fuck around with broke ass boyfriends, eventually get pregnant by somebody, and of course the baby's father is gone.
Now these single moms start taking advantage of gringos charging them a lot of money and requiring wearing condoms for what they used to give out for free and without condoms to local jobless motherphuckers.
All of a sudden these young mothers became smart!
So in the end we get a fair situation.
Tall is also generally an advantage anywhere, but me I'm 6'3" (191cm) and a lot of girls here are like 150cm (5ft) and even under. That much of a height difference scares the fuck out of them sometimes, they literally get scared of disappearing under you in missionary.
Being fat is a BIG BIG BIG faux pas here in Colombia socially. People on other forums have made note of the fact that women who apply for jobs here have to attach photos with their resume. MEN HAVE TO DO THAT TOO! This is almost like ancient Greece, being fat is like an unforgivable sin here. Women practically kill themselves to look as good as possible, and THEY EXPECT MEN TO DO THE SAME. And the more you go down the social ladder the MORE intense the body-culture is, not the other way around. For that matter gold-digging is incredibly looked down upon in Colombian culture. Most North Americans come here to bottom-feed and so are blissfully unaware of this. They have no idea what a reject from society the girl they are hanging with is, and how their dealings with her represent the OPPOSITE of accepted standards of behavior in Colombian culture.
Every millimeter of stomach that I lose here means more opportunities with women, and the ones that do come around for me treat me better as well. I have now almost 3500 people on my Facebook account and 90% are female. I can put an ugly-looking profile pic up, and connect all day on chat, and nobody will say boo to me. I put a sexy-looking profile pic, and I can connect and guaranteed within an hour some girl I don't know is either adding me as a friend or chatting me up.
The other thing is dress. Especially if you're not in perfect shape, you need to wear clothes that hide it. I have a bad habit of going around dressed like the typical denizen of the Bronx where I used to live, where the ethic is jsut throw on whatever is most comfortable. That dries up pussy like you would not believe, especially here. BUT I personally think you can get away with wearing sports clothes if you get your body in perfect shape. Otherwise you need to find clothes that give the illusion of you being in the best shape possible. The other thing is that at least here in Bogota, guys with lots of hair go over better than in other places (head hair NOT body hair!).
As for the age difference, it depends on the girl. I've had girls pushing 30 who think I'm too old for them, and others who are 17 who don't give a fuck, or even PREFER older guys. It's not a universal thing at all.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy; 1133987]I don't know man. My experience in LA is not as extensive as your's so I will defer. I will, however disagree with your assertions that women in America are ugly. I have been all over LA but the prettiest Latin girls can be found in Miami International Airport.
I find the women in Los Angeles to be hottest I have ever seen, Vegas, per capita is not bad either. Go to any college campus or a good big city club and the girls are bangin'. I used to work in Mankato, MN and found the blondes there to be gorgeous without the Cali attitude. One of the best times in my life.
I guess your mileage may vary. [/QUOTE]Miami International Airport. I would explain that one with the "recent arrival" theory.
Back in the 90s when I first landed in NYC my friends and I would totally be scouting out the recent arrivals all the time. They weren't hard to spot, they were the women who hadn't turned fat yet and still dressed nice.
[QUOTE=Golfinho;1134006]Now, that is utilizing some affirmative action.[/QUOTE]Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
[QUOTE=Golfinho;1133776]Need a % breakdown on which is the black and which is the white half of the inter-racial couple.[/QUOTE]I don't think its equally split both ways, I would say its bias towards Black Men being married to White Women. No information on that, the original number if from a BBC Documentary.
[quote=dirkdingy; 1133887]dj,
i think that you are confused about my profession. i do not work for the military industrial complex per se. i worked for the emerging markets division of a huge multinational consulting firm for about five years. i am not some x-jarhead slinging a weapon. i have an ivy league degree, worked on wall street after graduation, and then migrated to the consulting world. i have spent about 60% of my time in conflict zones namely because of the dearth of qualified peers willing to go, the amount of authority granted, copious vacation time, and (for what this middle class kid from so cal considers) good money; however, the remaining time i have worked on donor funded projects in eastern europe, central asia, and non middle east. 90% of the projects i work on are economic / fiscal related no matter the location. i also worked for my previous employer on projects in the us.
i have met a few people from this site and my bonafides have been firmly established.
as i have been deemed sufficiently competent and reliable by various donor agencies, i have cut the middle man out and now work for various donor agencies directly on short and medium term contracts at a rate between $550—$1100 per day plus 4 star level hotel accommodation and an extra 2k-4k a month per diem. when i was a jr. guy i spent quite a bit of my time in the 'sandbox', but now, having paid my dues, i am pickier about the locations which i work. i used to take any project offered at whatever rate offered but those days are (hopefully) in my rearview mirror.
contrary to your assertions, i do have an address-three actually- a condo in sea, an apartment share in a recent eu country in the balkans, and a 5200 sq ft house in the usa that i recently purchased. but yes, consultants do spend the bulk of their time on the road and some may consider it a drawback of the profession.
unlike you, i had little scruples about making $$ when i had little, and am still hungry for a buck now that i have a few. hell, if there is a de minimus chance of indictment, i will probably take the contract.
when i was broke, ostracized by my "freinds", and living in my mom's house with no pussy i took a job doing menial labor in iraq which was humbling to say the least, but was better than being broke with no possibility of pussy.
i do not think nor do i recall saying that $$ is the only thing that matters when attracting women; however, in materialistic cultures like our own and in poor countries where stability is paramount it is the dominant factor. nevertheless one should not focus on $$. it's an effect rather than the cause of what attracts women. what attracts women is success. that's what you lack. losers are no more popular in bangladesh than they are in oslo.
in america, where the 'reach factor' is always in play it stops many men on this board from getting what they are entitled to. if a man is successful in his career but short and not overly engaging he may have a hard time getting a woman of comparable value. aw, especially when they are young, desire a successful, handsome, and entertaining mate. even though she is a 5, she thinks she can score a 7. and that 7 thinks she deserves no less than an 8. when in reality the 5 should be with 5 and the 7 with the 7. as they got older they get wiser, but unfortunately by that time they are no longer as desirable as they once were.
in poorer countries, the women are primarily concerned with stability above all else. this is where traveling poses the most value to some on this board. money can mask 'deficiencies' in looks and personality in the developing world.
you must note that the mentality in much of the developing world is completely different than in the west.
for instance, with russian women, because of the instability of their community, they value stability above all else. it does not matter what one looks like or what one's personality is, it only matters what you one provide for her as a husband and boyfriend. these women are taught from an early age 'the prettier you are the better man you will have; the better man you have the better your life will be. ' the man is viewed primarily through the lens of a provider. that's what a man is for. to provide for his woman. if one is a good provider, as goga fung indicated, one can have many girlfriends, mistresses, and generally do shit that would earn one divorce papers in the civilized world.
because you can't provide for yourself let alone a pretty gal, you have little chance with these women.
in scandinavia, in america, most of the women can equate success with something other than a car and the area code of a home. for instance, if one is a successful artist, a materialistic american woman will think 'great, but how can that pay the bills? ' while a person who lives in a small homogenous liberal rich socialist country will think, 'great, i think his unique passion is cool'.
just as some aw erroneously conflate success with $$ you should not believe that scandinavians equate a lack of success with attractiveness.
that tuition for that landmine course i turned you onto would have been paid by the firm. but if you quit within a year of graduation-as i am sure many thinking people do-you would be liable to repay the firm for the tuition. another fellow i turned on to this job worked for a year in africa and afghanistan, claimed some bs mental disorder, and now lives of 5k a month disability in manillla. [/quote]i did mistake you for warbucks who is a "jarhead" but he knows that. i knew from previous post, you as i come from middle class background.
as i said a made a change so i can afford a) better woman be) a family by that woman. i rid myself of what debt i did have, still have one of those stupid federal student loans to get rid of but that's all now. i am not chasing any women i am not in a economic position to do so, but what your saying assumes i'll always been in this position and will always be in this position, that is not true.
i think with it i have found something considering as much time i as i spend in front of a pc. having built my own pc's, being mechanically inclined and learning more about my data recovery, security issues, networks, etc.
i don't remember all the details about landline school but i think it was 12-15k and i don't remember any firm saying they would pick up the bill are you sure you sent me the correct information and not somebody else?
when i'm done with this, i'll see about going a bit further, but i also think i want to go to tuner school as well, yes that's automotive tuner school and one exist. i'm a complete car nut, but i can't stand getting dirty anymore so tuning is one way to stay clean and still have fun, i can do it at my own pace and my next car could be used as my promotional tool.
finally i was never about the "hustle", lying about mental disorders is not something i would do. another friend suggested that as well, i can't do it.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy; 1133998]My heart always pains when I hear stories of young women being knocked up and abandoned by men. In these cultures they will never find a decent man as no man's mom will allow him to marry a woman with a child. She's 22 and will be denied a normal life with a normal man. The influence of the Catholic Church prevents the smart course of action from being taken.
This is an ideal opportunity for you though!
Some of my best mistresses have been 22-26 yo single moms. She will be highly appreciative of the stability which you can provide, and, for the next few years, as long as you are nice and respectful, she will esentially do whatever you want because she will fantasize about you marrying her and whisking her away to live in Pittsburgh or whereever. If you meet her family they will also reinforce this notion.
The attached photo is of a 21 yo single mom from the FSU. She is a working model in Italy and a legit 8 on anyone's scale. When we walk through the airport in Europe she turns people's heads. I sponsor her. Her aunt hooked her up with me thinking that I would marry her and support her extended family, including the aunt, after she determined me to be a man of means. When other members of the expat community or local men try to hit on her the entire family promptly shooes them away.
It's not free and I get SMSs every so often to help with tuition, doctor's bills, rent, etc. But in exchange for this I can call her whenever and fly her to me for days of raunchy sex and partying. She even brings her HOT model friends occasionly.
I am bored in Asia and think I will call for her now.
DJ, my friend, the fruits of your so called military industrial complex. . [/QUOTE]You know good and well I am not a hater.
I've been to Europe before, I shall return with a plan in hand.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy; 1133998]Some of my best mistresses have been 22-26 yo single moms. She will be highly appreciative of the stability which you can provide, and, for the next few years, as long as you are nice and respectful, she will esentially do whatever you want because she will fantasize about you marrying her and whisking her away to live in Pittsburgh or whereever. If you meet her family they will also reinforce this notion.
The attached photo is of a 21 yo single mom from the FSU. She is a working model in Italy and a legit 8 on anyone's scale. When we walk through the airport in Europe she turns people's heads. I sponsor her. Her aunt hooked her up with me thinking that I would marry her and support her extended family, including the aunt, after she determined me to be a man of means. When other members of the expat community or local men try to hit on her the entire family promptly shooes them away.
It's not free and I get SMSs every so often to help with tuition, doctor's bills, rent, etc. But in exchange for this I can call her whenever and fly her to me for days of raunchy sex and partying. She even brings her HOT model friends occasionly.
I am bored in Asia and think I will call for her now.
DJ, my friend, the fruits of your so called military industrial complex. . [/QUOTE]Very nice one, is that a popsicle? I get the sense she is quite skilled in the oral arts.
Anyway who knows what will happen with this single-mom to be, we get along nice, lots of laughs and smiles and she is one of those always positive and happy girls, but she is a little immature and I could see myself getting annoyed and tired of her quickly if I spent too much time with her.
Incidentally I turned down the latest RFM from the favorita yesterday, ROI would be getting out of balance and it was time to say no. But she digs me and was not upset about it and the relationship will continue when I return to Lima, she just had an opportunity I guess. Mom-to-be knows I am banging favorita, the women can sense anyway when you are sexually satisfied with someone so no need to say too much. As for favorita she just knows in general I'm uncommitted but I don't fill her in on details, I like to visit Colombia like I did 4 times last year and enjoy what is on offer there. It's nice that I don't have to explain myself or lie like I would if I was in a traditional relationship or closed marriage.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung; 1134034]On one hand you're right, of course it is sad in a way.
But if we mention the religion here, arn't they supposed to get married first, with a decent man who is approved by the parents that he can provide for the family, and only then to have sex and babies? This is how it is done in Central Asia in traditional families. I'm sure other religions have the same idea.
Instead, those girls fuck around with broke ass boyfriends, eventually get pregnant by somebody, and of course the baby's father is gone.
Now these single moms start taking advantage of gringos charging them a lot of money and requiring wearing condoms for what they used to give out for free and without condoms to local jobless motherphuckers.
All of a sudden these young mothers became smart!
So in the end we get a fair situation. [/QUOTE]Yeah, I'm not really imputing fault, just commenting on the lack of opportunity these girls will have.
Of course: they made a dumb decsion and now must suffer the concequences of their poor choices.
When I was 22 I made plenty of dumb decsions but they did not damn me to a particular lot in life.
Sigh, daughters, may I never have one.
But really man, are there that many gringos in these places? There are more single moms than sex tourists in Colombia. And in your country, can gringos even get visas to go there? LOL.
Unrealistic and Uncontrollable
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1134047]Tall is also generally an advantage anywhere, but me I'm 6'3" (191cm) and a lot of girls here are like 150cm (5ft) and even under. That much of a height difference scares the fuck out of them sometimes, they literally get scared of disappearing under you in missionary.
Being fat is a BIG BIG BIG faux pas here in Colombia socially. People on other forums have made note of the fact that women who apply for jobs here have to attach photos with their resume. MEN HAVE TO DO THAT TOO! This is almost like ancient Greece, being fat is like an unforgivable sin here. Women practically kill themselves to look as good as possible, and THEY EXPECT MEN TO DO THE SAME. And the more you go down the social ladder the MORE intense the body-culture is, not the other way around. For that matter gold-digging is incredibly looked down upon in Colombian culture. Most North Americans come here to bottom-feed and so are blissfully unaware of this. They have no idea what a reject from society the girl they are hanging with is, and how their dealings with her represent the OPPOSITE of accepted standards of behavior in Colombian culture.
Every millimeter of stomach that I lose here means more opportunities with women, and the ones that do come around for me treat me better as well. I have now almost 3500 people on my Facebook account and 90% are female. I can put an ugly-looking profile pic up, and connect all day on chat, and nobody will say boo to me. I put a sexy-looking profile pic, and I can connect and guaranteed within an hour some girl I don't know is either adding me as a friend or chatting me up.
The other thing is dress. Especially if you're not in perfect shape, you need to wear clothes that hide it. I have a bad habit of going around dressed like the typical denizen of the Bronx where I used to live, where the ethic is jsut throw on whatever is most comfortable. That dries up pussy like you would not believe, especially here. BUT I personally think you can get away with wearing sports clothes if you get your body in perfect shape. Otherwise you need to find clothes that give the illusion of you being in the best shape possible. The other thing is that at least here in Bogota, guys with lots of hair go over better than in other places (head hair NOT body hair!).
As for the age difference, it depends on the girl. I've had girls pushing 30 who think I'm too old for them, and others who are 17 who don't give a fuck, or even PREFER older guys. It's not a universal thing at all. [/QUOTE]People can't control their height nor their looks. In any case, the kind of panty snapping good lucks you refer to is relatively rare. If one is blessed to look like Matthew McCounough, Ricky Martin, or Tom Brady great. But not many of us on that board are in this category thus we must focus on what we can control.
Besides, being a dandy is difficult to do when broke. Once a man hits 30 that movie star physique requires no less than two hours a day in the gym five days a week (and not lollygagging around the gym but one hour of weights with another 30-60 minutes of HIT cardio) AND, perhaps most importantly, a diet of friggin chicken breasts and leaves with no beer.
I guess being good looking and broke is being better than being ugly and broke but being cute is not as important as other qualities are for a man.
Yes, in Colombia the girls spend all their money on looks so they can be attractive to a rich man so he will give them shit. They only have their looks to offer as they can't advance themselves through their own gumption. The poor do not control their own destiny.
RE Bottomfeeders: You are correct. Sex tourists and many other expats do fuck with lower rungs of society and many of them don't even realize it. But so what? Most of these men are thilled to stick their dick into any pussy and are quite content to screw a pretty illiterate 20 yo barrio girl. Such transactions seem to fulfill everyone's needs.
I look at the SOBs at Scott's bar at Nana and can't believe they are happy with long term relationships with bar girls.
Whatever though.
Live and Let live.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy; 1134261]RE Bottomfeeders: You are correct. Sex tourists and many other expats do fuck with lower rungs of society and many of them don't even realize it. But so what? Most of these men are thilled to stick their dick into any pussy and are quite content to screw a pretty illiterate 20 yo barrio girl. Such transactions seem to fulfill everyone's needs.
I look at the SOBs at Scott's bar at Nana and can't believe they are happy with long term relationships with bar girls.
Whatever though.
Live and Let live. [/QUOTE]I know the girls that I fuck in LAm are by and large lower-tier, both the regular office girls in Lima and the prepagos and poor students in Medellin. But I don't care, they are sweet, sexy, appreciative and sometimes even make good conversation which makes for a potential keeper if her performance in the bedroom is on par. They may be financially poor, some are hard workers like my favorita and others are lazy and live purely off their female qualities and the men willing to pay for that. But in all cases of the ones that interest me, the humble beauty and natural sexuality of these women certainly make them incomparable to low strata AW (aka trailer trash).
To sum, my parameters in prospecting in LAm are: 1. How hot she is? And 2. Her potential availability and desire to have sex with me, likely with a little prodding needed ($). If a candidate is upper-middle class and attractive to boot, parameter 2 becomes much more unlikely thus I am better off focusing on lower-strata girls.
[QUOTE=Cuero99;1133960]In my case I find the Peruvian and Colombian chicas love that I am very white and have green eyes. I can't count how many times I have heard "tus ojos son lindos" (your eyes are beautiful). And I agree that a broke-ass guy can get laid anywhere with a hot girl if he has the right style personality and look for his environment. My negatives, lack of height and athletic build and age in middle 40s don't hurt me much in LAm, but I do look much younger and can pass for 35.[/QUOTE]LOL. I'm in Peru right now. What I always get here and Colombia is,"I love your skin. I always wanted to have a black baby." Hell I'm not even dark. And this is from non-pros. I rarely deal with pros in LA & SA. But like you say everything is style and personality. I was sitting in the airport in Tokyo a couple of days ago and a Japanese girl came up to me and asked where I got my t-shirt. It had Thai script on the front and English on the back. What kind of line was that? It's a damn t-shirt. But I rode it out. Just so happens she works at a university in Philadelphia. We exchanged info and will see each other soon.
[quote=dirkdingy; 1134249]yeah, i'm not really imputing fault, just commenting on the lack of opportunity these girls will have.
of course: they made a dumb decsion and now must suffer the concequences of their poor choices.
when i was 22 i made plenty of dumb decsions but they did not damn me to a particular lot in life.
sigh, daughters, may i never have one. [/quote]from what i have seen it is only the dullest, stupidest and most ignorant girls coming from ignorant and / or disfunctional families who end up knocked up by the cat with the boots and then have to suck it up for the rest of their lives.
i have no sympathy for none of them really.
it is that kind of girl that consistently came up telling me the most amusing inanities. e. g. one that i was having dinner with, in bolivia, she gave me some head the night before and i took her out planning to hit that thing more thoroughly after dinner, so the gal was yapping away and believe it or not she had the guts to ask whether i was going to marry her. lol. sure, by 26 if i'd married every gal who gave me head i'd have had around 200 wives already, whiskey tango foxtrot was wrong with that beeyotch?
a bit of a different story perhaps in africa, if you consider that in many countries abortion is illegal and [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] is consistently big, but still, the level of ignorance is sky-high. with all the stories i've heard i still can't say i have ever met one single lady with a baby whose daddy wasn't around and thought of her as of a great girl.
you do your bed you sleep in it, i have no babies here and there and rightly so, why is that so? sure it isn't because i don't know how to drunkenly bust a nut into some even drunker dumbass chick's guts. lol
[quote=littletruths; 1134536]from what i have seen it is only the dullest, stupidest and most ignorant girls coming from ignorant and / or disfunctional families who end up knocked up by the cat with the boots and then have to suck it up for the rest of their lives.
i have no sympathy for none of them really.
it is that kind of girl that consistently came up telling me the most amusing inanities. e. g. one that i was having dinner with, in bolivia, she gave me some head the night before and i took her out planning to hit that thing more thoroughly after dinner, so the gal was yapping away and believe it or not she had the guts to ask whether i was going to marry her. lol. sure, by 26 if i'd married every gal who gave me head i'd have had around 200 wives already, whiskey tango foxtrot was wrong with that beeyotch?
a bit of a different story perhaps in africa, if you consider that in many countries abortion is illegal and [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] is consistently big, but still, the level of ignorance is sky-high. with all the stories i've heard i still can't say i have ever met one single lady with a baby whose daddy wasn't around and thought of her as of a great girl.
you do your bed you sleep in it, i have no babies here and there and rightly so, why is that so? sure it isn't because i don't know how to drunkenly bust a nut into some even drunker dumbass chick's guts. lol[/quote]i hear you. it's a lot harder to work behind someone else's mess. after they get a nut busted in them and been abandoned a lot of these girls get bitter and swear to fuck over the next man that comes along. after that their sole aim is to get someone to take care of them and their roaches. they never ever really get over the dude that filled their guts because the little gift he left behind is always there to remind them. it's best to turn something out fresh off the press. it's much easier to write a new chapter on a blank page.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger;1134773]I hear you. It's a lot harder to work behind someone else's mess. After they get a nut busted in them and been abandoned a lot of these girls get bitter and swear to fuck over the next man that comes along. After that their sole aim is to get someone to take care of them and their roaches. They never ever really get over the dude that filled their guts because the little gift he left behind is always there to remind them. It's best to turn something out fresh off the press. It's much easier to write a new chapter on a blank page.[/QUOTE]Amen to that. Pain seems to be more contageous than love is. When somebody receives some serious pain such as abuse, chances are that not only that that pain will hurt the person there and then, but stick inside of them and start fermenting and developing in twisted ways untill it grows and poisons the victims altogether turning them into offenders themselves. So eventually they start giving back to who's around the shit they've had to deal with themselves before. It's a legacy that breeds more and more pain as it passes from hand to hand and leads to nowhere good. Lampant example are child molesters, who as far as I've heard all (or the great majority anyways) have a past history of having been victim of the same kind of horror they inflict on their own victims. God forbid.
Please tell me.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1133896]I saw dudes happily shell out $300 to fuck a barely passable looking white chick and pass over a gorgeous black girl for $80.
Last time I was in Montreal, I went to an incall and they had a bunch of real average looking white chicks and a brown-skinned stunner (obvious choice for me, hands down). My favorite spot here in Bogota has a whole bunch of real good looking chicks of all styles, shapes and colors but they have one former beauty queen who is real dark skinned, stands out like a motherfucker even among all the beauties there. Her rates are among the cheapest. I just thank the Goddess I don't have any ingrained cultural prejudices and can see the forest for the trees. . But to me the phenomenon is world-wide. [/QUOTE]This is slightly off topic, but if you could tell me where in NYC I can get gorgeous black chicks for $80, I would be extremely grateful. I would jump in my car and go there every week. I live in the DC area and the girls I see on Backpage and sites like that are plain ugly, with a few exceptions.
[QUOTE=Tbird;1134932]This is slightly off topic, but if you could tell me where in NYC I can get gorgeous black chicks for $80, I would be extremely grateful. I would jump in my car and go there every week. I live in the DC area and the girls I see on Backpage and sites like that are plain ugly, with a few exceptions.[/QUOTE]When I lived in NYC, partially thanks to this board and other places. I hooked up with the underground party scene starting in 2001. But by the time I finally more or less permanently left in 2008 it was totally dead. I'm out of the loop now and so is most of the great talent that used to work that circuit. Sorry.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy; 1134261]People can't control their height nor their looks. In any case, the kind of panty snapping good lucks you refer to is relatively rare. If one is blessed to look like Matthew McCounough, Ricky Martin, or Tom Brady great. But not many of us on that board are in this category thus we must focus on what we can control.
Besides, being a dandy is difficult to do when broke. Once a man hits 30 that movie star physique requires no less than two hours a day in the gym five days a week (and not lollygagging around the gym but one hour of weights with another 30-60 minutes of HIT cardio) AND, perhaps most importantly, a diet of friggin chicken breasts and leaves with no beer.
I guess being good looking and broke is being better than being ugly and broke but being cute is not as important as other qualities are for a man.
Yes, in Colombia the girls spend all their money on looks so they can be attractive to a rich man so he will give them shit. They only have their looks to offer as they can't advance themselves through their own gumption. The poor do not control their own destiny.
RE Bottomfeeders: You are correct. Sex tourists and many other expats do fuck with lower rungs of society and many of them don't even realize it. But so what? Most of these men are thilled to stick their dick into any pussy and are quite content to screw a pretty illiterate 20 yo barrio girl. Such transactions seem to fulfill everyone's needs.
I look at the SOBs at Scott's bar at Nana and can't believe they are happy with long term relationships with bar girls.
Whatever though.
Live and Let live. [/QUOTE]EVERYBODY controls their own destiny, no matter their socioeconomic situation, no matter which "world" they live in (I think the US is officially part of the 3rd world by now by any reasonable standard) , no matter their external circumstances. Willpower is the greatest power of all.
I moved here to Colombia at age 35, looking every bit of 40. I'm now almost 38 and look 25! Before the year is over I will look 21, without resorting to any invasive procedures, surgery etc, . Part of the problem is the food supply in the USA is utterly shot to hell, and it makes people fat and sick. There are other factors as well.
Those movie star good looks are EARNED, they don't just happen to someone. In fact, nobody looks that good without working on it. My gorgeous friend I keep referring to spends his last dime on clothes, hair etc. And I've seen him even go as far as putting foundation and eye-liner on when he goes out, not enough to really be noticed, but enough to smooth over the face and bring out the eyes a bit. And it WORKS! Can't argue with success.
Once again the problem here is the typical American mentality with that fucked up Protestant work ethic, the idea that you really need to work your ass off in order to be an acceptable member of society, and overwork to the point where it chokes off every other area of your existence is acceptable and appropriate as a lifestyle. That mentality exists here but it's not as prevalent as it is up north. Which ALSO explains why men and women are so much more attractive here. The thing is, you can be broke and survive a lot better here than there. And it WORKS.
That's the good news actually, being good looking is well within the reach of many, and even a decade or more of bad lifestyle can be undone with 6 months of applying yourself. Most people are lazy, it doesn't take much to distinguish onesself from them. Besides, Mother Nature wants ALL of us to be attractive to the opposite sex, we are the product of millions of years of successful evolution, WE are the ones who want to spit in her face and let ourselves degenerate into blobs.
Protein and "leaves". That's the diet Nature intended for us. If you really think about it why would you even want to eat some garbage out of a package if fresh natural food is available?
Colombians tend to totally take care of themselves all week, then they go out drinking and dancing all weekend. The dancing burns the calories of the alcohol, helps you get laid, and teaches you about human nature while you're at it. If you don't dance, life is REALLY passing you by in ways you can't even imagine.
If girls here really were looking for money as option #1, then they would never give my friend the time of day, and they wouldn't look at my broke ass either, even less. Yet, the better looking I get, the more I take care of myself, the more interest I get. Money cannot buy that 100. Those kisses you get from a girl who is with you for the money are not HER kisses.
Another article on men not meeting women's expectations in America
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1135024]Colombians tend to totally take care of themselves all week, then they go out drinking and dancing all weekend. The dancing burns the calories of the alcohol, helps you get laid, and teaches you about human nature while you're at it. If you don't dance, life is REALLY passing you by in ways you can't even imagine.[/QUOTE]By that theory blacks in america been on that game since the beginning of time. Cause blacks as we know have a reputation for being good dancers. So a good looking black from america should clean up there.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1135024]If girls here really were looking for money as option #1, then they would never give my friend the time of day, and they wouldn't look at my broke ass either, even less. Yet, the better looking I get, the more I take care of myself, the more interest I get. Money cannot buy that 100. Those kisses you get from a girl who is with you for the money are not HER kisses.[/QUOTE]There are alot of poor guys on welfare in America screwing plenty of women. Same with trailor park dwellers. Or the poor in projects in NY. So then I guess AW arent looking for money either. Its just women of their same level of income or lower.
If you stated you were dating a lot of beautiful young wealthy women from wealthy families. Not just the occasional I dated a lawyer one time. But that you regularly easily date upper middle class to wealthy women. Then a statement. Colombian women don't see money is believeable.
As long as you have USA citizenship, I don't care how much you make in real currency. Just that citizenship makes you at minimum, middle class, if not upper middle class in every country in the WORLD.
That is the perception no matter what the reality is. And as we all know perception is reality.
A lot of guys would tell you hat what you are doing in Colombia. If you do that in the USA. You get the same quality women. That's working out to get in shape, dressing well, and doing all you can to look your best. And like you said. You'll attract women. Because there are women EVERYWHERE who like good looking and guys who take care of themselves. So they give them a try. Its the same the WORLD over.
And don't fool yourself the food in Colombia is no better. The food one eats is a choice. America has organic foods at every store.
If you want to eat healthy you can. If a person want to eat fast food they can.
Farmers in Colombia use pesticides just like anywhere else. Especially the industrial farms.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1135362][url]http://www.mydaily.com/2011/03/13/manning-up-kay-hymowitz-men-boys-pre-adults/?icid=main[/url]
%7Chp-laptop%7Cdl3%7Csec1_lnk3%7C206559[/QUOTE]Sure, its a real phenonemon. Seems to me what has happened as the pool of desireable AW has dwindled due to american cultural factors including poor diet and feminization and equal rights in the workplace up to the managerial levels (which amounts actually to masculinization and decreased desireability of these women). Then add the increasing difficulty in new graduates in finding professional work in a crap economy, and more and more young men realize the futility of the whole thing and are giving up and retreating to their basements with WOW and porn.
These days it is a only a quite small minority of young adult AM, the general categories being the most physically fit and beautiful (the Bango Cheitos) , the most natural socials, and the most technically brilliant (young Hacker News types) , that seem to have hope of finding a place to get good rewards out life and reasonable satisfaction from the opposite sex. And also a few of inherited wealth can use their money and status to access poon but they have their own issues if they don't have other things going for them. The rest of young AM, the majority, have little hope or opportunity and either end up settling sadly for some poor quality overweight or ugly woman, or a series of short or long term but equally unfulfilling hookups with same, or otherwise largely retreat into the extended preadulthood noted above.
If I was in that situation and just didn't feel I had what it takes to lay a decent quality woman, decent to me being 6. 5 and not fat at bare minimum, and didn't know about or have the means to travel to lands of easier and better pussy, I might prefer option 2 as I've never been able to fuck obese or ugly chicks let alone consider them for serious relationships. Porn is not all bad, but perhaps for me the fact that I can enjoy the real thing from time to time makes it more enjoyable- if I was never getting laid perhaps I'd feel more resentment about the male performers than anything else that I can't be a man like him. But I have never been into computer games.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1135362][url]http://www.mydaily.com/2011/03/13/manning-up-kay-hymowitz-men-boys-pre-adults/?icid=main[/url]
%7Chp-laptop%7Cdl3%7Csec1_lnk3%7C206559[/QUOTE]A story written about a thing that calls itself Kay Hymowitz is one that begs to be ignored. Enough said
The Sad Truth About The Typical American Relationship
Some probaby have already seen this. An interesting video summarizing a Typical American Relationship:
Also look at the comments people leave there.
[QUOTE=Golfinho;1135827]A story written about a thing that calls itself Kay Hymowitz is one that begs to be ignored. Enough said[/QUOTE]Sure she is a nasty feminist with an agenda and I don't like her, but still there is some 50% or so of truth in that article.
1) People who put effort into being good dancers, who bother to learn the steps and who spend the hours in front of a mirror are good dancers. They could be black or white. Your statement smacks of racism. There's nothing in black people's DNA that prioritizes dancing over mathematics :P the subculture in which one lives in may be a different story. Colombians are by and large NOT black but are better dancers than most Americans of ANY color, because it's a big part of the culture here. That's actually the typical fucked-up gringo attitude that will get you nowhere fast here."I'm black so I have it in my blood". Then you come down here and the locals are dancing CIRCLES around you :P.
2) I date in all social circles, I have no prejudices. The one thing I see is that the lower-class a woman is here, the MORE she is into how you look. For that matter, something else lost on the average North American but very much present down here, class has NOTHING to do with your bank balance. And LESS to do with your passport. Class is a completely different concept. Having a blue passport here means you're a foreinger and they envy your ability to go over the world without a visa. It might make you a conversation piece. If you think it buys you admiration and respect in any way shape or form you are really fucking fooling yourself. It may possibly generate the perception that you have lots of money and start people thinking about the best way to separate you from it. That's about it son.
3) The "same quality women" don't exist in the USA. And it's really really ignorant to claim the food isn't any worse. Look at the goddamn life expetancy. It's dropped by 9 years in one generation. That's SCARYYYY. I'm on a regimen now because the 7 inchest I lost off my waist aren't enough down here. They're more than enough to put me officially in the "good looking" category anywhere in the low-standards having USA but here women expect guys to be in REAL good shape. Which brings me to.
4) I've always gone on the record here as saying Colombian women are NOT easy prey. They are actually famous in Latin America for being the women who most make men jump through flaming hoops before giving anything in return. I totally concede and agree that I could get laid far easier in NYC or Miami or LA than here in Bogota. But now that I live here WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT TO? That would be like going back to Mickey D's after tasting the filet mignon.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1135588]By that theory blacks in america been on that game since the beginning of time. Cause blacks as we know have a reputation for being good dancers. So a good looking black from america should clean up there.
There are alot of poor guys on welfare in America screwing plenty of women. Same with trailor park dwellers. Or the poor in projects in NY. So then I guess AW arent looking for money either. Its just women of their same level of income or lower.
If you stated you were dating a lot of beautiful young wealthy women from wealthy families. Not just the occasional I dated a lawyer one time. But that you regularly easily date upper middle class to wealthy women. Then a statement. Colombian women don't see money is believeable.
As long as you have USA citizenship, I don't care how much you make in real currency. Just that citizenship makes you at minimum, middle class, if not upper middle class in every country in the WORLD.
That is the perception no matter what the reality is. And as we all know perception is reality.
A lot of guys would tell you hat what you are doing in Colombia. If you do that in the USA. You get the same quality women. That's working out to get in shape, dressing well, and doing all you can to look your best. And like you said. You'll attract women. Because there are women EVERYWHERE who like good looking and guys who take care of themselves. So they give them a try. Its the same the WORLD over.
And don't fool yourself the food in Colombia is no better. The food one eats is a choice. America has organic foods at every store.
If you want to eat healthy you can. If a person want to eat fast food they can.
Farmers in Colombia use pesticides just like anywhere else. Especially the industrial farms. [/QUOTE]
Oh so you can say Colombians dance culturally and its cool. I say black americans dance culturally so they would fall in the same category. And that smacks as racism. Wow.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1136738]2) I date in all social circles, I have no prejudices. The one thing I see is that the lower-class a woman is here, the MORE she is into how you look. For that matter, something else lost on the average North American but very much present down here, class has NOTHING to do with your bank balance. And LESS to do with your passport. Class is a completely different concept. Having a blue passport here means you're a foreinger and they envy your ability to go over the world without a visa. It might make you a conversation piece. If you think it buys you admiration and respect in any way shape or form you are really fucking fooling yourself. It may possibly generate the perception that you have lots of money and start people thinking about the best way to separate you from it. That's about it son.[/QUOTE]They don't seek money and LOOKS are SO important to COLOMBIAN women. Why is Colombia becoming a Mongering destination. And GUYS. OLD FAT GUYS are getting young non pros there too. How is that? You can read it on a lot of threads here.
And those party's where the colombian women go 100 to 10 guys seeking husbands. Mainly OLD OUT OF SHAPE AMERICAN's. Oh yeah. Its not because the American has MONEY. Right. Oh yeah. The guys must be great dancers. Yeah that's it.
I have NEVER seen an ad ANYWHERE where 100 AW will meet 10 foreign men in a party situation to seek husbands.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1136738]3) The "same quality women" don't exist in the USA. And it's really really ignorant to claim the food isn't any worse. Look at the goddamn life expetancy. It's dropped by 9 years in one generation. That's SCARYYYY. I'm on a regimen now because the 7 inchest I lost off my waist aren't enough down here. They're more than enough to put me officially in the "good looking" category anywhere in the low-standards having USA but here women expect guys to be in REAL good shape. Which brings me to.[/QUOTE]1st your info is wrong. Its like. 9 of a year. Insignificant in the real scope of things. And the latest report now says Life expectancy for Americans is at an all time high. So its constantly changing.
But one thing that has never changed. Its ALWAYS HIGHER THAN COLOMBIA. Even with so call "Bad food". In the USA life expectancy worst times it still beats Colombia.
Increase: more recent
And if you had that regime in the USA you just might have got some quality pussy there too. Obviously you didn't. Its there?
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1136738]4) I've always gone on the record here as saying Colombian women are NOT easy prey. They are actually famous in Latin America for being the women who most make men jump through flaming hoops before giving anything in return. I totally concede and agree that I could get laid far easier in NYC or Miami or LA than here in Bogota. But now that I live here WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT TO? That would be like going back to Mickey D's after tasting the filet mignon.[/QUOTE]To each his own. That's one man's opinion. And there's nothing wrong with that.
I never dispute who is better than who. I only know there are "Good looking" with "great personality" AW just as there are in every country.
Just as there are FAT people in every country. And obesity is rising all over the WORLD in industrial countries.
Number One Baby!
Number One city in the WORLD for MEN. Drum roll please. You guess'd it. NEW YORK.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1136840]Number One city in the WORLD for MEN. Drum roll please. You guess'd it. NEW YORK.
IN THE WORLD. FOR MEN! [/QUOTE]Did they mean for homosexual men.
Ok, I'm not saying NYC is bad. It's good in some ways, although expensive and way too metrosexual and homosexual.
Strange in the list of the "best for men" cities they did not include Moscow and St. Petersburg, Kiev, etc. But included places such Sanfrancisco, Kiyoto, Itsanbul. Does not make sense at all.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1136840]Number One city in the WORLD for MEN. Drum roll please. You guess'd it. NEW YORK.
IN THE WORLD. FOR MEN! [/QUOTE]If you accept their value judgments. Personally, I might vote for Pattaya.
"Colombian" is not a race, nor an ethnicity, it's a NATIONALITY, and also a geographic region. So you could say it smacks of nationalism :P Something like ability to dance is heavily dependent on where and how you were brought up, my whole point. It's not a "color" or DNA thing. So if you're black and dance good, it's a cultural thing. But being black or white is a purely physical phenomenon, which has nothing to do with culture.
Unfortunately I can't find the link to the study I read that talked about the decline and showed why it's actually more severe than the major news outlets let on. I'll have to call up the people who sent it to me and re-send the link.
The whole debate is about just that. People on this forum often think that Colombian women don't care about looks at all, that other things are important to them, becuase they don't know what time it is down here. I was precisely talking about those kinds of situations.
1) The women that go to those kinds of "husband seeking" events are the absolute bottom of the barrel here, they are desparate women who can't find their niche in society and are generally considered rejects and expendable. Hooking up with some fat foreigner is usually the last straw for them. They just happen to be better looking than your average AW because people here on average are so much better looking.
2) I never said money doesn't attract women. Gold diggers exist all over the place. What I said is attracting women by looks and other factors is actually more efficacious than attracting them by money, because with money you can lube a girl up, but you'll never get her wet to the extent that she'll get wet by seeing a guy that really is attractive to her five senses! Everything else is secondary. For example, I'm not as attractive as my friend, but I have a great voice. I will get women into bed with me by singing to them, but if I were in better shape it would be an even better experience.
3) Women are complex, and they tend to have different aspects that get presented in front of different people, depending on the situation. Men tend to be very one-dimensional and invariable in this manner. For example, I have a female friend who I met through my gorgeous male friend. She's a very open minded girl and very into sex and uninhibited. But that doesn't mean the whole world gets to see that part of her. Some guys she rejects outright (could be for one of many reasons, she's actually a bit of an exception that she really doesn't look for the Adonis type, but the guy could be too unkempt, or just too stupid, or not interesting enough, whatever). Some guys she will eventually fuck but make them take her out a couple times first while she makes the decision. Some guys she will fuck but instead of getting them to take her out she just demands money outright (the guys always seem to find the money hehehehe). Some guys she will fuck without expecting anything in return (the value of the sex to her is equal in this case, I fall into this category with her). Some guys (2 of my friends) she will pay their bus fare to come to her town (5 hours out of Bogota) , or even charge a local dude for sex and use the money to come and visit.
So these are the grades of attraction I'm talking about. Money is a definite factor, but if you're really on your game you don't even NEED money. To each his own, but I know where I want to be in the food chain. I want the women to conform to MY schedule, not viceversa. I want them paying their way and rearranging their schedule to be with me, not viceversa. I want them to see the value in me from jump, and act on it.
Another example, a girl who is MILDLY attracted to you will play the moral card and tell you things like "I want to know this is serious and that I'm not wasting my time with you". A girl who is WILDLY attracted to you, YOU set the terms of the relationship and she WILL accept them, as long as it means she gets to fuck you!
My big success story of last year was a girl in another town outside of Bogota who I met on a gig there. I made a big impression on her, and we wound up on a 2 month roller coaster ride. Best sex I've ever had, hands down. She charges up to 2 million a night, and no foreigner would even be able to enter via those channels, because she keeps a really low profile in that aspect. I'm very proud that I was able to land a dime piece like that who fucks better than many porn stars, without outlaying any money (I paid my transport and hotel room, she paid food and taxis etc in town) , especially since I'm still on the fat side. Part of it was the singing again, part of it was I landed a girl who isn't as strongly physically repulsed by fat as most women are here (as is my friend the example in #3). Still, it took till the 4th date before we fucked. If I were in perfect shape and a better dresser, guaranteed she woulda given up the pussy on the 1st date!
As for my regimen, I've had periods in both countries where I was more serious and disciplined and periods where I lazed off. The difference between being disciplined with the lifestyle and not is FAR less than the difference between the two environments and their general effect on my health. And it's a difference that shows up not only in my appearance but in my bloodwork as well!
I managed things much more differently in the US because first I was in a monogamous marriage and then when I broke it off, I still moved in many of the same circles and had to do the same thing girls here do, keep a low profile and maintain 6 degrees between my fun activities and the rest of my life. I was also employed by the catholic church up there, which meant a certain degree of discretion was in order. Here I'm employed by a bunch of hippies so I can pretty much be in the open here as long as I don't bring the orgy to the workplace. Plus when I WAS still married here to my 2nd wife it was an open marriage, so no secrets there!
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1136839]Oh so you can say Colombians dance culturally and its cool. I say black americans dance culturally so they would fall in the same category. And that smacks as racism. Wow.
They don't seek money and LOOKS are SO important to COLOMBIAN women. Why is Colombia becoming a Mongering destination. And GUYS. OLD FAT GUYS are getting young non pros there too. How is that? You can read it on a lot of threads here.
And those party's where the colombian women go 100 to 10 guys seeking husbands. Mainly OLD OUT OF SHAPE AMERICAN's. Oh yeah. Its not because the American has MONEY. Right. Oh yeah. The guys must be great dancers. Yeah that's it.
I have NEVER seen an ad ANYWHERE where 100 AW will meet 10 foreign men in a party situation to seek husbands.
1st your info is wrong. Its like. 9 of a year. Insignificant in the real scope of things. And the latest report now says Life expectancy for Americans is at an all time high. So its constantly changing.
But one thing that has never changed. Its ALWAYS HIGHER THAN COLOMBIA. Even with so call "Bad food". In the USA life expectancy worst times it still beats Colombia.
Increase: more recent.
And if you had that regime in the USA you just might have got some quality pussy there too. Obviously you didn't. Its there?
To each his own. That's one man's opinion. And there's nothing wrong with that.
I never dispute who is better than who. I only know there are "Good looking" with "great personality" AW just as there are in every country.
Just as there are FAT people in every country. And obesity is rising all over the WORLD in industrial countries. [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1136840]Number One city in the WORLD for MEN. Drum roll please. You guess'd it. NEW YORK.
IN THE WORLD. FOR MEN! [/QUOTE]This article is complete bullshit. What they are talking about is this superficial carrie bradshaw world / bubble that the media has created. Only a small population of NY fits into that mold. Hanging at the latest lounge eating overpriced grub hiring personal trainers shopping at whole foods. The rest of us here live like animals and whack of to free craigslist photos.
The funny thing is most of the people into that scene aren't true new yorkers! These are people who moved here in the past ten years since it became a safe police state. They see sex and the city on TV and they come here searching for it OR better yet CREATE IT.
This city is monkey see monkey do. This has been going on for ten years now. If anybody has the brains or money they would leave. Most people are stuck here. Its a vicious cycle to get out of.
If you live in the outeer boroughs like the bronx queens or Brooklyn you might do a little better. Things are a little more kickback but you need to be with your own group or sect ie puerto rican men find women black guys find women in their area asians etc. But when you look at it universally most men will tell you Saturday night is a dud!
Don't believe all these little quirky NYC is so fabulous articles that pop up. They are written by people that have no idea what NYC is. The new TREND is to upsell NYC because so many locals view it as a living hell.
I guess if I shopped at whole foods and had some shmuck buy me dinner a few times a week. Plugged into a huge social network I might think differently but that isn't where most guys here fit in.
Did I mention no smoking in parks and beaches in 2 months? There goes the only pick up line I know " do you have a light?"
[QUOTE=Artisttyp; 1136904]This article is complete bullshit. What they are talking about is this superficial carrie bradshaw world / bubble that the media has created. Only a small population of NY fits into that mold. Hanging at the latest lounge eating overpriced grub hiring personal trainers shopping at whole foods. The rest of us here live like animals and whack of to free craigslist photos.
The funny thing is most of the people into that scene aren't true new yorkers! These are people who moved here in the past ten years since it became a safe police state. They see sex and the city on TV and they come here searching for it OR better yet CREATE IT.
This city is monkey see monkey do. This has been going on for ten years now. If anybody has the brains or money they would leave. Most people are stuck here. Its a vicious cycle to get out of.
If you live in the outeer boroughs like the bronx queens or Brooklyn you might do a little better. Things are a little more kickback but you need to be with your own group or sect ie puerto rican men find women black guys find women in their area asians etc. But when you look at it universally most men will tell you Saturday night is a dud!
Don't believe all these little quirky NYC is so fabulous articles that pop up. They are written by people that have no idea what NYC is. The new TREND is to upsell NYC because so many locals view it as a living hell.
I guess if I shopped at whole foods and had some shmuck buy me dinner a few times a week. Plugged into a huge social network I might think differently but that isn't where most guys here fit in.
Did I mention no smoking in parks and beaches in 2 months? There goes the only pick up line I know " do you have a light?"[/QUOTE]Sounds like a personal problem. N. Y. Has always been pricey to live. If you can't hang then you need to leave.
That article was written by those who can afford to live in New York and the comforts that come with it, like shopping at whole foods. And for a man who can afford to live there. Its the best place in the WORLD for them.
Should you even be in this game called Mongering. If your money is that tight.
[QUOTE=Member #2041;1136894]If you accept their value judgments. Personally, I might vote for Pattaya.[/QUOTE]I voted for Pattaya as well; that is why I live here. After knowing 80 countries and hundreds of cities I can say that this is definitely the best city for men hands down. My rent is US$150/month and I can walk outside any hour of the day or night and be back in 5 minutes with a 24 hour serving of pussy for US$30.
[QUOTE=Artisttyp;1136904]This article is complete bullshit. What they are talking about is this superficial carrie bradshaw world / bubble that the media has created. Only a small population of NY fits into that mold. Hanging at the latest lounge eating overpriced grub hiring personal trainers shopping at whole foods. The rest of us here live like animals and whack of to free craigslist photos.[/QUOTE]Yeah it was definitely some bullshit. I don't know anyone who has even been to Melbourne, Australia, much less lives there. I don't know many guys who could even afford to buy a bowl of cereal in most of the cities they named. The most affordable ones are Capetown and Bogota. All the other ones are hella expensive. Maybe the article means the best places to go if you are a gold digging woman.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1137029]I voted for Pattaya as well; that is why I live here. After knowing 80 countries and hundreds of cities I can say that this is definitely the best city for men hands down. My rent is US$150/month and I can walk outside any hour of the day or night and be back in 5 minutes with a 24 hour serving of pussy for US$30.[/QUOTE]I must admitt that it doesn't sound too bad; cheap living and plenty of punani. One can already imagine wearing neither shirt nor shoes for months at a time in that kind of reality! LOL.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1136976]Sounds like a personal problem. N. Y. Has always been pricey to live. If you can't hang then you need to leave.
That article was written by those who can afford to live in New York and the comforts that come with it, like shopping at whole foods. And for a man who can afford to live there. Its the best place in the WORLD for them.
Should you even be in this game called Mongering. If your money is that tight. [/QUOTE]Not a big discovery that plenty of money to dispose of makes life sweeter, but that's EVERYWHERE in the world. By any means, what the upper crust can get out of reality means fuck-all to the average guy. In Saudi Arabia sheikhs possess whole harems of women all to themselves, it doesn't mean that the average arab fucker scores as well as the ones born into that level of privilege. If you have a billion in your pocket you might just as well live at the north pole and still you'd thunder "let there be hoe$" and hoe$ would be, no matter what. Look at Dubai; they have a freaking indoor ski resort in the middle of the desert! First time I was there got out the plane at 1:00 am and there were 40 damn degrees celsius, but you can still rock your skis and go down that chilly snowy slope.
[QUOTE=Littletruths;1137041]Not a big discovery that plenty of money to dispose of makes life sweeter, but that's EVERYWHERE in the world. By any means, what the upper crust can get out of reality means fuck-all to the average guy.[/QUOTE]The day before yesterday I was watching the documentary Inside Job. The hohouse lady was telling how the Wall Street guys would order up hookers for $1000 / hour. One guy even placed an order and told them the girl needed to pick him up in a Lamborghini. But it was cool; wasn't their money they were squandering.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1137029]I voted for Pattaya as well; that is why I live here. After knowing 80 countries and hundreds of cities I can say that this is definitely the best city for men hands down. My rent is US$150/month and I can walk outside any hour of the day or night and be back in 5 minutes with a 24 hour serving of pussy for US$30.[/QUOTE]If pussy is all you want out of life. Then you have a good argument.
[QUOTE=Littletruths;1137041]Not a big discovery that plenty of money to dispose of makes life sweeter, but that's EVERYWHERE in the world. By any means, what the upper crust can get out of reality means fuck-all to the average guy. In Saudi Arabia sheikhs possess whole harems of women all to themselves, it doesn't mean that the average arab fucker scores as well as the ones born into that level of privilege. If you have a billion in your pocket you might just as well live at the north pole and still you'd thunder "let there be hoe$" and hoe$ would be, no matter what. Look at Dubai; they have a freaking indoor ski resort in the middle of the desert! First time I was there got out the plane at 1:00 am and there were 40 damn degrees celsius, but you can still rock your skis and go down that chilly snowy slope.[/QUOTE]Damn. Whole foods must be a lot more expensive in New York than in L. A. . I can afford whole foods in L. A. And I'm not a sheik. But what you are saying a guy in New York who eats at whole foods is the same as the sheiks in Saudi. . Damn.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1136976]Sounds like a personal problem. N. Y. Has always been pricey to live. If you can't hang then you need to leave.
That article was written by those who can afford to live in New York and the comforts that come with it, like shopping at whole foods. And for a man who can afford to live there. Its the best place in the WORLD for them.
Should you even be in this game called Mongering. If your money is that tight. [/QUOTE]When I moved to NYC from Toronto in 1997, it was expensive, but really not that much worse than Toronto. There were ways to leave cheaply and well, especially if you spoke good Spanish. That has changed a lot now. They really fucked up that city taking the drug money out of it. Totally crashed the economy.
What are the "comforts" that you refer to? Sweating your balls off waiting on that non-airconditioned platform to get a subway train that never comes, and then needing a new shave by the time you get to your destination because that shit is so slow? Or. If you have the money you can take a curry-smelling taxi driven by a maniac. Even a $12000 a month apartment in NYC has roaches, and the rats eat dogs for breakfast, there's garbage everywhere. Etc. Not to mention Whole Foods is fucking CRAP. None of that shit they sell there can even legally ENTER into Colombia right now because it violates environmental and health laws!
And the p4p scene? Bogota KILLS NYC in any dimension you could care to mention. Quality, quantity, variety. For that matter Bogota kills NYC for resaturants, music, and theater these days!
If you're money is that tight and you want to monger here, it's not that much of a problem. There's a *****house every second BLOCK, and there are places to meet any price range. Nobody in their right mind would claim that about NYC. Not to mention it's illegal there. They can impound your car, do a whole bunch of shit to you just for trying to get laid.
Not to mention if it's pussy you're looking for Bogota is FAR from being the top city in Colombia. I'd put just about any other city here above it in fact. I'm here for many other reasons other than pussy not to mention I'm not independently wealthy and have to work for a living, but if I were here for the pussy I'd be in Medellin Manizales Pereira Armenia Ibague Cali or just about anywhere in Santander as well.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865;1137066]Damn. Whole foods must be a lot more expensive in New York than in L. A. . I can afford whole foods in L. A. And I'm not a sheik. But what you are saying a guy in New York who eats at whole foods is the same as the sheiks in Saudi. . Damn.[/QUOTE]It's good to read between the lines. Really. Not so good when you read things that simply are not there to begin with tho, but anyways.
Artisttyp here is an average guy like so many of us, unlike you he's a NewYawker, he's given us his point of view about the city he lives in and that's worth much more than the sexandthecity-esque drivel link that you provided in your vain attempt to convince us that "none got nothing over the good ol' USA, fuck yeah!".
I was just trying to point out that it doesn't make any sense whatsoever to judge a place from the point of view of someone loaded with cash, for the simple reason that money make it happen anywhere anyhow and at any given time.
Let me take it a step further than that tho and state that all of these "best city" rankings are complete and utter bullshit. A few years ago I came across another one of such lists and the top city in that one was Zurich. I pissed on myself in laughter because Zurich was the worst place I have ever had the misfortune to be to at the time (hadn't been yet to Sao Vicente in Cape Verde back then). And if you don't believe me just apply for a passport, hop on a swiss air flight and go there; look at people's faces and tell me that is one of the best cities in the world that they live in. Look at them with those green faces of theirs, look at them smoking cigarettes like obsessed at the bus stops, you can smell the stress and unhappiness in the air. Then take the article and wipe your ass with it.
A good friend of mine has been living there for ten years, I have been there to visit him and for my own business countless times, from the very first time I have told him to drop that city and run away and try and be happy, to no avail. Finally his dumbass wife dumped him last month and so he's now packing his shit up ready to leave and I feel like popping some champagne about it.
There is no such thing as "The Best City" to live in, it's all up to you and your very personal likes and dislikes, wants and needs and possibilities. We all look different and have different tastes, and so what does it for you could not do it for me just as well. But honestly, I can't see how an enormous, rotten to the core, rats and roaches infested, perennially traffic-jammed metropolis could make it for anyone other than the guy going to the office in his own elicopter with Louis Vuitton interiors.
What a shame. Bitterness
New York. Surely does have Rats. And yes for $1200 a month you could easily have roaches. All this is true. And I don't dispute any of that. Its expensive to live comfortably in New York.
On the other. Hand.
It has to be at least if not #1 its #2 in the World for Fashion. So what does that mean. Models. So the most beautiful women from all over the WORLD go to this one city seeking to be TOP MODELS.
Its one of the top cities in the world for true Stage acting. There's no where as famous as BROADWAY. So again it draws beautiful women from around the world to be BROADWAY stars.
Its one of the top cities in the world for TV / Movie production. This draws beautiful women from all over the WORLD.
As far as within the country it has probably the most prestigious school for Arts with the Julliard school which has been featured in countless movies. Drawing beautiful teens girls which will stay in the city for work. Make a new crop coming constantly
Not to mention all the high price secretaries for the Wall street types / Bankers etc etc which is one the most influenctial and wealthy financial industries in the world.
To say there aren't PLENTY of Beautiful women in New York city is just plain silly.
Is it just me who thinks this, or in general are American women very often saddled with subpar bodies and outrageous demands who treat sex as much as a transaction as the average prostitute? Except with American women, there's no guarantees to the service provided?
As I drove around my city here and fruitlessly tried to find a massage provider with a decent attitude, I couldn't help but daydream of my recent trip to Buenos Aires.
One girl there did in-call in her apartment. And as she escorted me back down in the elevator, it was easy to see that neighbors had to know what she did for a living, since they were in the elevator, too. And they didn't seem to judge her at all for it, not even with a horny gringo like me to be seen with her. And I'm talking about other women with kids who were exchanging friendly greetings with my provider.
Yes, Buenos Aires was nice. If only here I had the option to go get my dick sucked twice in an hour for a reasonable sum and then go look at paintings.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1137957]New York. Surely does have Rats. And yes for $1200 a month you could easily have roaches. All this is true. And I don't dispute any of that. Its expensive to live comfortably in New York.
On the other. Hand.
It has to be at least if not #1 its #2 in the World for Fashion. So what does that mean. Models. So the most beautiful women from all over the WORLD go to this one city seeking to be TOP MODELS.
Its one of the top cities in the world for true Stage acting. There's no where as famous as BROADWAY. So again it draws beautiful women from around the world to be BROADWAY stars.
Its one of the top cities in the world for TV / Movie production. This draws beautiful women from all over the WORLD.
As far as within the country it has probably the most prestigious school for Arts with the Julliard school which has been featured in countless movies. Drawing beautiful teens girls which will stay in the city for work. Make a new crop coming constantly
Not to mention all the high price secretaries for the Wall street types / Bankers etc etc which is one the most influenctial and wealthy financial industries in the world.
To say there aren't PLENTY of Beautiful women in New York city is just plain silly. [/QUOTE]I didn't say $1200 a month. I said $12000! You'll have roaches if you live in the South Bronx. You'll also have them even if you live in Tribeca or Carnegie Hill, just keeping it real.
I live in Bogota now and still regularly visit NYC, the only reason being because I have kids there.
NO WAY IN HELL there are plenty of beautiful women in NYC. Not even on the best day does it come CLOSE to Bogota, and like I just said, Bogota is FAR from the place where the most beautiful women are in this country.
As far as live music and theater, NYC is DEAD! Which is why I moved out in the first place. I can take the roaches and rats and shitty food, but when the culture dies, CIAO BELLA! . What's Broadway these days, $3 million budget for flashy sets, and subpar singing acting and dancing. A bunch of uncultured fucks from flyover country come in and think they're seeing good theater because how the fuck would they know better? No fucking thank you.
In music, well, that's my FIELD. There's even LESS left in music. Nightlife. Pffff. TRY and find even ONE swingers club in NYC. I challenge you. I could show you 16 here in Bogota! Try and find Sandoz acid in NYC. Try and find MDMA or K. Try to even find cocaine that's not been stepped on a dozen times. Hell, try to find a nice juicy succulent orange. NO, that garbage you're eating from Whole Foods is NOT fresh. Come here and you'll know the difference with the first bite!
[QUOTE=Artisttyp; 1136904]This article is complete bullshit. What they are talking about is this superficial carrie bradshaw world / bubble that the media has created. Only a small population of NY fits into that mold. Hanging at the latest lounge eating overpriced grub hiring personal trainers shopping at whole foods. The rest of us here live like animals and whack of to free craigslist photos.
The funny thing is most of the people into that scene aren't true new yorkers! These are people who moved here in the past ten years since it became a safe police state. They see sex and the city on TV and they come here searching for it OR better yet CREATE IT.
This city is monkey see monkey do. This has been going on for ten years now. If anybody has the brains or money they would leave. Most people are stuck here. Its a vicious cycle to get out of.
If you live in the outeer boroughs like the bronx queens or Brooklyn you might do a little better. Things are a little more kickback but you need to be with your own group or sect ie puerto rican men find women black guys find women in their area asians etc. But when you look at it universally most men will tell you Saturday night is a dud!
Don't believe all these little quirky NYC is so fabulous articles that pop up. They are written by people that have no idea what NYC is. The new TREND is to upsell NYC because so many locals view it as a living hell.
I guess if I shopped at whole foods and had some shmuck buy me dinner a few times a week. Plugged into a huge social network I might think differently but that isn't where most guys here fit in.
Did I mention no smoking in parks and beaches in 2 months? There goes the only pick up line I know " do you have a light?"[/QUOTE]This is likely closer to the truth.
But there is "race mixing" in NYC. There quite a few White Women "Down For The Brown" From Albany to New Jersey.
You still have the same problems however.
Most of the better looking women want the guy on Wall St or the guy in the entertainment industry. Not in any of those? You're likely assed out. The Millionaire Match Maker Patti
Stanger says these women are NUTZ. They claim they want "Family Oriented" men but aren't willing to venture out to the suburbs where former Wall St. Types have bought homes, hoping to fill it with a Wife and children down road.
Basically the Women of New York who you say correctly are mostly TRANSPLANTS believe its a hell hole to date men, when its their expectations that are out of control. Local men have a better chance with the Foreign Women that are in NYC for various reasons. I've found all sorts of Western and Eastern European Women living in New York.
My homie who lives on Long Island has been with the same Polish immigrant girl for the last 4 years.
New York has to be the dirtiest, most unsanitary, crowded ass hell, snobbish city on planet Earth. Data manipulation is extremely easy, put together the right criteria and Tibet could be the warmest and friendliest place on Earth. Have you been there? Holy crap! What a freaking dump! Their people are rude beyond reason, I saw nothing but raisin shaped AW with attitudes to boot, trash and graffiti everywhere. I have no agenda and I don't wish to argue any point / counterpoints but man, NYC is one disgusting tourist trap.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1137957]New York. Surely does have Rats. And yes for $1200 a month you could easily have roaches. All this is true. And I don't dispute any of that. Its expensive to live comfortably in New York.
On the other. Hand.
It has to be at least if not #1 its #2 in the World for Fashion. So what does that mean. Models. So the most beautiful women from all over the WORLD go to this one city seeking to be TOP MODELS.
Its one of the top cities in the world for true Stage acting. There's no where as famous as BROADWAY. So again it draws beautiful women from around the world to be BROADWAY stars.
Its one of the top cities in the world for TV / Movie production. This draws beautiful women from all over the WORLD.
As far as within the country it has probably the most prestigious school for Arts with the Julliard school which has been featured in countless movies. Drawing beautiful teens girls which will stay in the city for work. Make a new crop coming constantly
Not to mention all the high price secretaries for the Wall street types / Bankers etc etc which is one the most influenctial and wealthy financial industries in the world.
To say there aren't PLENTY of Beautiful women in New York city is just plain silly. [/QUOTE]
ps. they have been ticketing bicycle riders for speeding in central park this week. this happened at 6am to people trying to workout before going to work. its a joke!
yes in a city a large and diverse as nyc you will see race mixing like most places in america. however since minorities have been pushed further away from the city the landscape has turned more vanilla.
there was an era when i lived uptown and could bike into harlem (another world) in just a few minutes. these days harlem is crawling with white families and tour buses. imho nyc has gone more the way of la in the sense that your neighborhood defines you. people have gotten more segregated due to money issues. there have been many people uprooted with ny's improvement.
the problem with dating in nyc is finding the right way to meet someone in a city where each move is contrived. nobody hangs out in nyc. mainly due to the weather conditions and that overall personalities don't match up here. i personally like southern hospitality but that doesn't fly here. its cold. chances are you will be looking for love in all the wrong places. clubs gyms offices. if you arent plugged into any network or getting invited to industry parties or private get togethers you are at the mercy of clubs and public gatherings. at 41 its a huge turn off especially with all the rules. i used to party in the good days of nyc. now they want to feed me this crap they call nightlife with airport security at a premium. you're buggin!
i also wanted to mention that transportation stops onnthe weekends. good luck exploring the party scene in brooklyn. it will take you over an hour to get back to midtown late at night. sometimes they cut service all together so you have to go backwards to go forwards. you can take a cab if you want. add that to your bar bill entrance fee and drinks you might buy for a lady friend. you need rip up money to play in nyc.
every blue moon i get laid in nyc but its always a fluke and always a one nighter. there is no time to date here. it is extremely expensive and the fall of the good times has killed any enthusiasm i had left. instead i assume lock down position and save until i can travel which luckily enough happens once every 2 months.
i have a choice to spend my money here or save up for a trip. saving for trips takes precedent over everything at the moment. i can't spend money on both.
[quote=dj fourmoney; 1138131]this is likely closer to the truth.
but there is "race mixing" in nyc. there quite a few white women "down for the brown" from albany to new jersey.
you still have the same problems however.
most of the better looking women want the guy on wall st or the guy in the entertainment industry. not in any of those? you're likely assed out. the millionaire match maker patti stanger says these women are nutz. they claim they want "family oriented" men but aren't willing to out to the suburbs where former wall st. types have bought homes, hoping to fill it with a wife and children down road.
basically the women of new york who you say correctly are mostly transplants believe its a hell hole to date men, when its their expectations that are out of control. local men have a better chance with the foreign women that are in nyc for various reasons. i've found all sorts of western and eastern european women living in new york.
my homie who lives on long island has been with the same polish immigrant girl for the last 4 years. [/quote]
I'm a Midwestern white boy who lived in the Bronx for about five years, in the Pelham Bay neighborhood. Worked in the south Bronx. I was there in early 2004 to late 2008.
I actually miss New York in a lot of ways because of its great outdoors and the hustle attitude of the people. Everyone knows how to make a buck there.
As far as dating and all that, I'll say there could be some very attractive women there, but there were plenty of dumpy, Newport smoking women, too. As far as Manhattan, I'd describe it as a place people go when they want to take their career to the next level. I think there are many transient residents who go there to accelerate their career then leave.
If you want to see local demographics, just take the 6 train north. You'll still see some white folks and Asians up until 86th Street, but after that it's largely Latin and black and a few crackas like me.
From my experience, I will say that big cities like this are often segregated. Nice thing about New York is that people don't hide their beefs with other races so much. They're pretty open about it.
Far as race mixing, you see a few mixed couples, sure. I was in my mid- to late 30s there, and I dated a few women outside my race. To be sure, the women seemed attracted to me because I might afford them some financial stability. Ones with kids weren't shy about putting on the full court press.
But I'm not too keen on being the economic savior, especially when it involves taking care of someone else's baby batter.
Met some attractive Dominican and Puerto Rican girls. Often times, I think when these broads are young they're way into the bad boys who don't do shit with their lives but knock the girl up. Then a guy like me comes along and their standards skyrocket.
Briefly dated a Colombian girl who later tricked some dude 15 years older than me into knocking her up and marrying her.
Every place has its ups and downs. My experiences in Latin America have taught me that as an obvious white American, I'm often going to be seen as a cottage industry by poorer locals. Friendships abound when you have money.
But New York ain't so bad. It might not be as cool as it was when you were a kid, but what is?
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1138105]I.
NO WAY IN HELL there are plenty of beautiful women in NYC. Not even on the best day does it come CLOSE to Bogota, and like I just said, Bogota is FAR from the place where the most beautiful women are in this country.
As far as live music and theater, NYC is DEAD! Which is why I moved out in the first place. TRY and find even ONE swingers club in NYC. I challenge you. I could show you 16 here in Bogota! Try and find Sandoz acid in NYC. Try and find MDMA or K. Try to even find cocaine that's not been stepped on a dozen times. Hell, try to find a nice juicy succulent orange. NO, that garbage you're eating from Whole Foods is NOT fresh. Come here and you'll know the difference with the first bite! [/QUOTE]Man you just sound stupid now. NYC draws every TOP NOTCH performer of any kind in the world.
If you are anybody you play NYC.
12K a month. I doubt seriously they have 12K apts in south bronx. And if you live in S bronx then yes you suppose to have roaches. Rats.
I've been to Colombia. And there are fuglies running around there just like anywhere else. I did not see a whole lot of superstar babes running around. Just average looking like in any city. Some fuglies. Some average and a few good looking. But it wasn't like every other women was a beautiful woman.
I don't judge a city by whether or not I can get MDMA or K. Or how strong the coke is in the city. I'm not a DOPE HEAD so those things don't rate high on my."What makes a good city" list. To each his own though.
And lastly we have farmers markets in the USA too. You know. Local farmers bring their FRESH fruits and vegetables to sell.
Oh thats right. USA farmers don't know how to grow as good as Colombian farmers. Oh. The soil is better in Colombia. Oh. Pesticides have not been used in ANY colombian farms. Every where in the world uses them. Except Colombia. Just like everyone pops out only beautiful slim babies.
Damn Colombia. The world biggest secret. All the beautiful women. The best food. Drugs. Damn you got it BC. You the man. Livin Large in that head of yours.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1138247]Man you just sound stupid now. NYC draws every TOP NOTCH performer of any kind in the world.
If you are anybody you play NYC.
12K a month. I doubt seriously they have 12K apts in south bronx. And if you live in S bronx then yes you suppose to have roaches. Rats.
I've been to Colombia. And there are fuglies running around there just like anywhere else. I did not see a whole lot of superstar babes running around. Just average looking like in any city. Some fuglies. Some average and a few good looking. But it wasn't like every other women was a beautiful woman.
I don't judge a city by whether or not I can get MDMA or K. Or how strong the coke is in the city. I'm not a DOPE HEAD so those things don't rate high on my."What makes a good city" list. To each his own though.
And lastly we have farmers markets in the USA too. You know. Local farmers bring their FRESH fruits and vegetables to sell.
Oh thats right. USA farmers don't know how to grow as good as Colombian farmers. Oh. The soil is better in Colombia. Oh. Pesticides have not been used in ANY colombian farms. Every where in the world uses them. Except Colombia. Just like everyone pops out only beautiful slim babies.
Damn Colombia. The world biggest secret. All the beautiful women. The best food. Drugs. Damn you got it BC. You the man. Livin Large in that head of yours. [/QUOTE]I don't even do those drugs. I just know they're there. But if you want to talk about a place where ANYTHING is available, that's here. NYC USED to be like that a long time ago.
You seem to have a huge problem actually reading what I type. If you live in the South Bronx, you have roaches. If you live in Carnegie Hill, which is the most expensive neighborhood in the city, on the Upper East Side, and a cup of coffee on the corner costs you $5 and a decent lunch costs you $20, and your rent is $12000, YOU HAVE FUCKING ROACHES! If DeNiro and Yoko Ono are your neighbors, YOU HAVE ROACHES. There is no getting away from the roaches NO MATTER HOW "NICE" YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD IN NYC. They are everywhere. There is no getting away from them. Anybody who has actually LIVED THERE knows this.
Top notch performers, sorry bro, most of us have moved on to greener pastures. Up until 15 years ago you would have been correct. Stop watching so much TV and get out on the street! And I was one of the few up there that didn't have to get a day job. I made a decent living there playing gospel music. But I saw the writing on the wall and left. NYC is O V E R! Period. It's a city for has-beens and want to-bes now. And that includes the fashion world, music, theater, culture in general. It had a good 80 year ride from the Harlem Renaissance on but it's DONE now.
As for the food, you said it. Colombia has health an environmental standards that are ENFORCED that just don't exist in the US, and this affects the food supply in a major way. American farming methods are shit. Along with health care and education, it's near the bottom of the world. The rest is just hype. Throughout recent history people have flocked to the USA for one reason, to make money and bring it back to their homeland. This has always been the plan. Some people got caught up and ended up staying long term, or you had cases like Holocaust survivors who really had nothing to go back to. But in general, that was the plan. Now that the US economy is in the shitter the one big reason to emigrate there has disappeared.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1138341]You seem to have a huge problem actually reading what I type. If you live in the South Bronx, you have roaches. If you live in Carnegie Hill, which is the most expensive neighborhood in the city, on the Upper East Side, and a cup of coffee on the corner costs you $5 and a decent lunch costs you $20, and your rent is $12000, YOU HAVE FUCKING ROACHES! If DeNiro and Yoko Ono are your neighbors, YOU HAVE ROACHES. There is no getting away from the roaches NO MATTER HOW "NICE" YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD IN NYC. They are everywhere. There is no getting away from them. Anybody who has actually LIVED THERE knows this.[/QUOTE]Can those places get roaches. Yes. Do they have an infestation of roaches. NO. And you know that. If just one roach is seen. Maintenance is "Johnny on the spot" to spray insecticide or whatever you deem necessary to rid the problem. So don't make it out like they are living with roaches running around like they are a normal everyday issue for people who live in $12k apartments.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1138341]Top notch performers, sorry bro, most of us have moved on to greener pastures. Up until 15 years ago you would have been correct. Stop watching so much TV and get out on the street! And I was one of the few up there that didn't have to get a day job. I made a decent living there playing gospel music. But I saw the writing on the wall and left. NYC is O V E R! Period. It's a city for has-beens and want to-bes now. And that includes the fashion world, music, theater, culture in general. It had a good 80 year ride from the Harlem Renaissance on but it's DONE now.[/QUOTE]This is such a ridiculous statement. I laughed when I read it. You are too funny. You have a sense of humor if nothing else. Hahaha. New York is done as one of the fashion capitals. And Broadway is over. And of course Top Musicians. Shun New York now. No. Its not worth playing there. And what the hell is this "US". Pleeeaaasssseee oh yeah. You sung at a church. Of course you're a ex top notch Gospel singer living in Bogota. Who visits the city maybe twice a yr. But you know exactly every thing about whats going on in both cities. Damn you are remarkable. I guess that big Yearly INTERNATIONAL Fashion week N. Y. City is known for will be cancelled next year. Bango say's NYC is "So Done".
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1138341]As for the food, you said it. Colombia has health an environmental standards that are ENFORCED that just don't exist in the US, and this affects the food supply in a major way. American farming methods are shit. Along with health care and education, it's near the bottom of the world. The rest is just hype. Throughout recent history people have flocked to the USA for one reason, to make money and bring it back to their homeland. This has always been the plan. Some people got caught up and ended up staying long term, or you had cases like Holocaust survivors who really had nothing to go back to. But in general, that was the plan. Now that the US economy is in the shitter the one big reason to emigrate there has disappeared.[/QUOTE]Just to show your ignorance
Immigration from Colombia to the USA has increased since the 80's. Each year. And they are still coming.
Would you like to compare which has the biggest migration. Americans to Colombia. Or Colombians to america. Would you like to prove your point. Lets see how many colombians. Agree with you.
Immigration to America from Colombia should be small. It should have one of the lowest number for countries around world. Why would someone leave such a great place.
Yeah a government that couldn't stop drug dealers. Without getting Military and Billions of dollars in Aide from the USA. Which still has a big rebel army running around its jungles kidnapping people. But yet you know for a fact it ENFORCES its agricultural process. Its TOUGH on pesticides. Give me a break.
Now don't get me wrong. Colombia is not a bad place to live. But don't make it out to be some "Over the rainbow" utopia. With nothing but fine women, good food, everyone with good medical care, and great education.
That guy. Breakin it down. Peace Out
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1138408]Can those places get roaches. Yes. Do they have an infestation of roaches. NO. And you know that. If just one roach is seen. Maintenance is "Johnny on the spot" to spray insecticide or whatever you deem necessary to rid the problem. So don't make it out like they are living with roaches running around like they are a normal everyday issue for people who live in $12k apartments.
This is such a ridiculous statement. I laughed when I read it. You are too funny. You have a sense of humor if nothing else. Hahaha. New York is done as one of the fashion capitals. And Broadway is over. And of course Top Musicians. Shun New York now. No. Its not worth playing there. And what the hell is this "US". Pleeeaaasssseee oh yeah. You sung at a church. Of course you're a ex top notch Gospel singer living in Bogota. Who visits the city maybe twice a yr. But you know exactly every thing about whats going on in both cities. Damn you are remarkable. I guess that big Yearly INTERNATIONAL Fashion week N. Y. City is known for will be cancelled next year. Bango say's NYC is "So Done".
Just to show your ignorance
Immigration from Colombia to the USA has increased since the 80's. Each year. And they are still coming.
Would you like to compare which has the biggest migration. Americans to Colombia. Or Colombians to america. Would you like to prove your point. Lets see how many colombians. Agree with you.
Immigration to America from Colombia should be small. It should have one of the lowest number for countries around world. Why would someone leave such a great place.
Yeah a government that couldn't stop drug dealers. Without getting Military and Billions of dollars in Aide from the USA. Which still has a big rebel army running around its jungles kidnapping people. But yet you know for a fact it ENFORCES its agricultural process. Its TOUGH on pesticides. Give me a break.
Now don't get me wrong. Colombia is not a bad place to live. But don't make it out to be some "Over the rainbow" utopia. With nothing but fine women, good food, everyone with good medical care, and great education.
That guy. Breakin it down. Peace Out[/QUOTE]Once again, you show your ignorance of NYC. The roaches there are resistant to just about any poison humans cook up to kill them. So your $12k a month apartment STILL has freakin roaches. Anybody who has actually spent any time LIVING THERE knows this. There is NO easy solution to getting rid of roaches in NYC.
And there really aint that many Colombians in the USA, not anymore. Since the late 90s more have gone back than those who have come up. In fact, Colombia has about 10% of its population living outside of the country, which is comparable to Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. So it's not like people are leaving in droves either. There are like maybe 250k Colombians living in the USA in total. Compared to over 3 million Canadians for example.
For The Record
Sorry for all the typos. I am working off my ipad and cant edit how i would like to.
I am sure there are some very expensive apartments in NYC but usual rent for a manhattan person is between $2200 and 6K on the high end. 3k and under will get you a studio or maybe a one bedroom depending what part of town you are in.
Mice and roaches are problems everywhere not just in poor areas. If you keep your apartment clean they won't come. Instead they will go to where there is food.
Art is dead in NYC. I am an veteran fringe person from the east village days. Those days are gone. The color is gone and so is the flavor. People still com here searching for it and some think they find it when in reality its like everything else. Contrived. This is mainly due to crackdowns and new rules. Inflated prices that keep a certain elk out. However there will always be poeople who buy into the crap about NY being americas city etc. The truth is most of us hate outsiders and most of them are to blame for the current condition that NYC is in.
Gone are the days of alan ginsberg richie havens new york dolls the ramones wharhol etc.
Now you have FAB want to be's tattle tale do gooders Brooklyn hipsters (the 80s revisited) and right wing homosexuals. Extremely edgy indeed!
Lets not forget the high priced sluts that keep us in line.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1138564]Once again, you show your ignorance of NYC. The roaches there are resistant to just about any poison humans cook up to kill them. So your $12k a month apartment STILL has freakin roaches. Anybody who has actually spent any time LIVING THERE knows this. There is NO easy solution to getting rid of roaches in NYC.[/QUOTE]I guess you've been to ALL the 12K apts in NYC to know. Dam you are so knowledgeable on just about everything. You know music, women, roaches and where they dwell and what will and will not kill them.
And Yes I know NY. At least crooklyn,"money makin" manhattan, and the "boogie down" bronx.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1138564]And there really aint that many Colombians in the USA, not anymore. Since the late 90s more have gone back than those who have come up. In fact, Colombia has about 10% of its population living outside of the country, which is comparable to Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. So it's not like people are leaving in droves either. There are like maybe 250k Colombians living in the USA in total. Compared to over 3 million Canadians for example.[/QUOTE]Yeah. But less than 4% of American's live outside the country. Goes to show you.
For Americans. Dorothy was right."there's no place like home" at least American's think so.
Also your comparison is ridiculous. Canadians and Mexicans can walk across the boarder, so of course there would be more and millions of them.
Just like the majority of Americans who live outside the USA live in Mexico and Canada. 50% dam near of all american's who live "Abroad" are just next door. We don't go far from the Greatest country. So we can easily get back.
Based on Wikipedia. Colombia is in the top 10 countries for legal immigrants to America. 43K for 2006 alone.
More in one year than all Americans living in Colombia. Period (from the beginning of time to now).
The top twelve emigrant countries in 2006 were Mexico (173, 753) , People's Republic of China (87, 345) , Philippines (74, 607) , India (61, 369) , Cuba (45, 614) , Colombia (43, 151) , Dominican Republic (38, 069) , El Salvador (31, 783) , Vietnam (30, 695) , Jamaica (24, 976) , South Korea (24, 386) , Guatemala (24, 146)
I mean come on. No one is his right mind would tell you they thought Colombia would be a better place to live than the USA. We get more people in one year trying to come to the USA than has migrated or tried to go to Colombia in its entire history.
Please enough already. There is nothing that Colombia has BETTER than the USA. Its an emerging country. Which means. It trying to get where America is already at. . But if you like the place. Good for you. Enjoy yourself and be happy.
It's all relative, there are roaches all over New York city. The roaches residing in the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens are about as big as a medium sized dog. The roaches around the Upper West side are about the size of a rat. On the Upper east most roaches are the size of a house mouse.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1138780]I guess you've been to ALL the 12K apts in NYC to know. Dam you are so knowledgeable on just about everything. You know music, women, roaches and where they dwell and what will and will not kill them.
And Yes I know NY. At least crooklyn,"money makin" manhattan, and the "boogie down" bronx.
Yeah. But less than 4% of American's live outside the country. Goes to show you.
For Americans. Dorothy was right."there's no place like home" at least American's think so.
Also your comparison is ridiculous. Canadians and Mexicans can walk across the boarder, so of course there would be more and millions of them.
Just like the majority of Americans who live outside the USA live in Mexico and Canada. 50% dam near of all american's who live "Abroad" are just next door. We don't go far from the Greatest country. So we can easily get back.
Based on Wikipedia. Colombia is in the top 10 countries for legal immigrants to America. 43K for 2006 alone.
More in one year than all Americans living in Colombia. Period (from the beginning of time to now).
The top twelve emigrant countries in 2006 were Mexico (173, 753) , People's Republic of China (87, 345) , Philippines (74, 607) , India (61, 369) , Cuba (45, 614) , Colombia (43, 151) , Dominican Republic (38, 069) , El Salvador (31, 783) , Vietnam (30, 695) , Jamaica (24, 976) , South Korea (24, 386) , Guatemala (24, 146)
I mean come on. No one is his right mind would tell you they thought Colombia would be a better place to live than the USA. We get more people in one year trying to come to the USA than has migrated or tried to go to Colombia in its entire history.
Please enough already. There is nothing that Colombia has BETTER than the USA. Its an emerging country. Which means. It trying to get where America is already at. . But if you like the place. Good for you. Enjoy yourself and be happy. [/QUOTE]
Random comment about NYC roaches
[QUOTE=Artisttyp; 1138730]Sorry for all the typos. I am working off my ipad and can't edit how I would like to.
I am sure there are some very expensive apartments in NYC but usual rent for a manhattan person is between $2200 and 6K on the high end. 3k and under will get you a studio or maybe a one bedroom depending what part of town you are in.
Mice and roaches are problems everywhere not just in poor areas. If you keep your apartment clean they won't come. Instead they will go to where there is food.
Art is dead in NYC. I am an veteran fringe person from the east village days. Those days are gone. The color is gone and so is the flavor. People still com here searching for it and some think they find it when in reality its like everything else. Contrived. This is mainly due to crackdowns and new rules. Inflated prices that keep a certain elk out. However there will always be poeople who buy into the crap about NY being americas city etc. The truth is most of us hate outsiders and most of them are to blame for the current condition that NYC is in.
Gone are the days of alan ginsberg richie havens new york dolls the ramones wharhol etc.
Now you have FAB want to be's tattle tale do gooders Brooklyn hipsters (the 80s revisited) and right wing homosexuals. Extremely edgy indeed!
Lets not forget the high priced sluts that keep us in line. [/QUOTE]That's why I used Carnegie Hill as an example. Anything in the 90s close to the park on the East side is generally over $10 a month. There are some condos with $10k plus MAINTANENCE in that neighborhood.
Under 4% of Americans, Brazilians, Russians, Indonesians and Chinese live abroad. The bigger countries tend to have lower %'s in that regard.
Colombia may be behind the US in everything ON PAPER. But on the street it's a hell of a lot nicer place to live, especially if like me you hate cars, lawns, and suburbs! And it's the best place I've ever seen to make a living as a musician, I'll tell you that hands down.
Please enough already. There is nothing that Colombia has BETTER than the USA. Its an emerging country. Which means. It trying to get where America is already at. [/QUOTE]Obviously you've never been to Colombia let alone traveled there extensively so how the fuck can you make such a statement?
Lets get back on Topic and continue. Talking about the blessing it is to get an AW.
Its about being a hunter.
Some Guys are big game safari hunters. They go after successful AW. The most sort after prize in the WORLD.
Some Guys are back woods hunters. They go after any AW. They may settle for less attractive. But being AW is still a prize.
Then some guys are small game hunters. They want ez prey. They go out of the country where they prey (women) are easier to catch.
None are wrong for what they like. Its just each has their own level of work they are willing to put in to capturing their prey.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1139130]Lets get back on Topic and continue. Talking about the blessing it is to get an AW.
Its about being a hunter.
Some Guys are big game safari hunters. They go after successful AW. The most sort after prize in the WORLD.
Some Guys are back woods hunters. They go after any AW. They may settle for less attractive. But being AW is still a prize.
Then some guys are small game hunters. They want ez prey. They go out of the country where they prey (women) are easier to catch.
None are wrong for what they like. Its just each has their own level of work they are willing to put in to capturing their prey. [/QUOTE]Colombian women are a lot harder to bag than AW bro. The only advantage people from the US have here is that their currency is still overvalued, and that people have a false perception about the US mostly based on shit that was true 30 years ago.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1139157]Colombian women are a lot harder to bag than AW bro. The only advantage people from the US have here is that their currency is still overvalued, and that people have a false perception about the US mostly based on shit that was true 30 years ago.[/QUOTE]Well since I'm a MONGER. And its about the P4P scene when I'm there. Who gives a damn. I'm not trying to score with non P4P anyway. And I have NEVER been turned down at a Casa. So the rest who cares.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1139130]Lets get back on Topic and continue. Talking about the blessing it is to get an AW.
Its about being a hunter.
Some Guys are big game safari hunters. They go after successful AW. The most sort after prize in the WORLD.
Some Guys are back woods hunters. They go after any AW. They may settle for less attractive. But being AW is still a prize.
Then some guys are small game hunters. They want ez prey. They go out of the country where they prey (women) are easier to catch.
None are wrong for what they like. Its just each has their own level of work they are willing to put in to capturing their prey.[/QUOTE]Most of this is cool, just have 2 questions.
1) What makes AW a prize? What is in them that makes them more of a prize than in other women? Still on average AW are not as good looking, and not as feminine as most other women. Unless she pays you a lot of money, what makes her a prize?
2) You are right, there are different types of guys. They have their own ways to get women. You have not mentioned the guys who get nothing. I've seen intelligent successful guys making good money in USA guys who get ZERO women! It is really ridiculous, because there is no way they would be without women in other countries where I see lots of much less successful guys, or outright losers who get nice women, date or marry them.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865;1139248]Well since I'm a MONGER. And its about the P4P scene when I'm there. Who gives a damn. I'm not trying to score with non P4P anyway. And I have NEVER been turned down at a Casa. So the rest who cares.[/QUOTE]Wait a minute. Now you're talking about P4P? Are you seriously saying the P4P is better in the US than here? O_o
Check out this American morality report on prostitution in Acapulco. If this American mentality regarding prostitution spreads to other countries, hopefully I'll be dead by then. I'm having flashbacks of mongering in sex prison.
HPV Grabs You By The Throat!
Think twice before going down on AW skanks!
[QUOTE=Jon32; 1139490][url]http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/americas/03/29/mexico.acapulco.child.prostitution/index.html?hpt=T2[/url]
Check out this American morality report on prostitution in Acapulco. If this American mentality regarding prostitution spreads to other countries, hopefully I'll be dead by then. I'm having flashbacks of mongering in sex prison.[/QUOTE]And this story brought to us courtesy of CNN, which means: can you imagine how many USA cops are collecting salary to sit in front of computers to monitor this problem and tracking people who visit mexico.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1139339]Wait a minute. Now you're talking about P4P? Are you seriously saying the P4P is better in the US than here? O_o[/QUOTE]NO. Colombia definitely beats the USA for P4P action. Now when it comes to that. The USA does rank close to the bottom.
You said non-P4P Colombian women are harder to pick up than AW. I'm just saying when I am there. I'm only looking for P4P. So I really don't go out hunting for non-P4P. If it happens. Its not because I really put forth an effort or really tried. . It just happens.
But if I was going to a place to meet non-P4P women. I wouldn't pick a place where woman are harder to pick than AW. No matter how good they looked.
I follow that motto "All cats look black in the dark". So it doesn't take Ms Universe to make me bust a nut. I've come to the point where for me it's more the performance than looks. I've had some of my best sex with plain average women and most of my worst have been with stunners.
Wow this forum has heated up in the last few weeks, nice to see.
I wanted to respond to a lot of posts made the last few weeks about AW, about feminism, about race, about roaches, about diet etc. I REALLY think we need an Off-Topic forum and I've made this suggestion in the past.
To be brief here are a few bullet points:
- Race: men would be better off hitting on those within their own race, in GENERAL. That's where they have the highest chance of success. I can't stand guys talking about how they're discriminated against by women of other races and, let's be honest, most of the time they're blaming white women. So a white woman or light-skinned hispanic finds you less attractive than someone your own race does, so what? That's life. There's differences between races - TOUGH. GROW THE FUCK UP. We can't all have a blonde with big tits or a Beyonce.
Blame Hollywood and TV for glamorizing light-skinned women and making you lust after them, but realize you can't change people's nature.
As Fat Joe says to his haters: "It's a cold world and this is ICE / half a mil' for the charm n**ga THIS IS LIFE."
It's life, get it?
BTW I used to be into pick-up or seduction, and a lot of the guys there would be nerdy, scrawny or chubby or asian, or both. Some would be little asian or Indian dudes fresh off the boat, grad students or computer programmers, and when we hit the clubs or bars most would go after white women. I would think to myself "You're a 24 year old virgin nerd with a thick accent and right away you're going after the hardest girls to get, WTF is wrong with you?"
If I were to do it again I would tell them them to go after their own kind OR fat / ugly women, regardless of race. Then maybe, after some experience, go for hotter women. These guys were just setting themselves up for disappointment. I wasn't getting laid much either tho so I kept my mouth shut.
The worst part is many of the guys kept thinking if they learned just ONE MORE routine or opened one more woman, or attended one more 2, 000 dollar seminar, then THAT would get them laid.
- Re: the Hymowitz article, AW and their expectations and attitude. I need to be reductionist to make my point, so forgive me for the shallowness of what I am about to say: when it comes to looks, there are 3 types of men and women. There are HOT, DOABLE and UGLY.
Feminism and the sexual liberation has hurt the sex lives AWA the relationships of DOABLE men, and totally fucked the relationships of HOT and DOABLE women.
It used to be harder to get laid, women really worried about their reputation and it was not sexually acceptable to have sex outside a relationship. So people more or less went after what came naturally to them. They did not have a "shoot for the stars" mentality and were happy to find someone, get married, have kids, whatever. Like attracted like and so on.
Now that unattached sex is part of our culture, HOT guys get laid more than ever because guys being the hound dogs they are, will fuck both hot and doable women. This presents a problem to doable women, because hot guys are within reach, they can have fun with them, they can literally taste the prize, but they can't HAVE the prize, because a hot guy ain't going to marry them.
So doable girls end up with way too high standards which unless they wake up, leads to loneliness and bitterness. (Sex and the City did not help matters here, as that c**t rejected all the nice guys to wait for the handsome millionaire, Mr. Big. As if Mr. Big would marry a 40+ scrawny **** with a huge nose and beady eyes!)
The bitterness and ridiculous standards of doable girls hurts the sex life and relationships of doable guys who want to be with them since they can't have the hotties and don't want the uglies. The doable guys lust after women and get bitter be / see they have a hard time getting either doables or hotties.
Hot girls get screwed over be / see hot guys cheat on them and break their hearts and constantly look for new poon. Eventually they may settle on a doable guy or end up with a cuckolding hot guy.
UGLY people are still cool though, not much changes for them. As long as they realize their limitations, they will probably be the happiest.
The dissatisfaction of doable men and women, and of hot women, leads to divorce, messed-up children and emnity between men and women.
-Roaches: I live in NYC and killed them off for 8 months by placing a ton of traps, but they came back. Maybe they come up through the sink?
-I met a 40 yr old EE woman (Polish) , I have a date with her tonight and am hoping to bang her. She is awesome, so far. Great shape, sexy dresser, good conversation, she actually picks up the phone, returns my calls and calls when she says she will. Unbelievable. If things work out with her, great. If not, I may just go on one of those wife tours to Poland or Ukraine.
We all know foreign women can change for the worse once back in the USA but fuck it, if they're like this woman then I can take the risk. I'm getting tired of looking for a good woman, real tired.
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1140409]Wow this forum has heated up in the last few weeks, nice to see.
- Re: the Hymowitz article, AW and their expectations and attitude. I need to be reductionist to make my point, so forgive me for the shallowness of what I am about to say: when it comes to looks, there are 3 types of men and women. There are HOT, DOABLE and UGLY.
Feminism and the sexual liberation has hurt the sex lives AWA the relationships of DOABLE men, and totally fucked the relationships of HOT and DOABLE women.
It used to be harder to get laid, women really worried about their reputation and it was not sexually acceptable to have sex outside a relationship. So people more or less went after what came naturally to them. They did not have a "shoot for the stars" mentality and were happy to find someone, get married, have kids, whatever. Like attracted like and so on.
Now that unattached sex is part of our culture, HOT guys get laid more than ever because guys being the hound dogs they are, will fuck both hot and doable women. This presents a problem to doable women, because hot guys are within reach, they can have fun with them, they can literally taste the prize, but they can't HAVE the prize, because a hot guy ain't going to marry them.
So doable girls end up with way too high standards which unless they wake up, leads to loneliness and bitterness. (Sex and the City did not help matters here, as that see*t rejected all the nice guys to wait for the handsome millionaire, Mr. Big. As if Mr. Big would marry a 40+ scrawny * with a huge nose and beady eyes!)
The bitterness and ridiculous standards of doable girls hurts the sex life and relationships of doable guys who want to be with them since they can't have the hotties and don't want the uglies. The doable guys lust after women and get bitter be / see they have a hard time getting either doables or hotties.
Hot girls get screwed over be / see hot guys cheat on them and break their hearts and constantly look for new poon. Eventually they may settle on a doable guy or end up with a cuckolding hot guy.
You're some philosopher king. Word! Some hot girls get fucked over big time-I've seen this happen (heck, I've dated more than my fair share of them). They lash out by going after the average guy that is not really available. The situation is totally fucked.
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1140409]Now that unattached sex is part of our culture, HOT guys get laid more than ever because guys being the hound dogs they are, will fuck both hot and doable women. This presents a problem to doable women, because hot guys are within reach, they can have fun with them, they can literally taste the prize, but they can't HAVE the prize, because a hot guy ain't going to marry them.
So doable girls end up with way too high standards which unless they wake up, leads to loneliness and bitterness. (Sex and the City did not help matters here, as that see*t rejected all the nice guys to wait for the handsome millionaire, Mr. Big. As if Mr. Big would marry a 40+ scrawny * with a huge nose and beady eyes!)
The bitterness and ridiculous standards of doable girls hurts the sex life and relationships of doable guys who want to be with them since they can't have the hotties and don't want the uglies. The doable guys lust after women and get bitter be / see they have a hard time getting either doables or hotties.
Hot girls get screwed over be / see hot guys cheat on them and break their hearts and constantly look for new poon. Eventually they may settle on a doable guy or end up with a cuckolding hot guy.
UGLY people are still cool though, not much changes for them. As long as they realize their limitations, they will probably be the happiest.
The dissatisfaction of doable men and women, and of hot women, leads to divorce, messed-up children and emnity between men and women. [/QUOTE]Well said. And I think that a population of those "dissatisfied doable" guys turn to mongering. And a percentage of them get so disgusted they consider moving out of the country. Rightly or wrongly.
The other groups "Hot guys" and "Ugly guys" will eventually find their happiness. Cause "Hot guys" evenutally get a "hot girl" or settle on a "doable" girl. And "Ugly guys" have it the easiest because they have the whole field to choose from.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1139157]Colombian women are a lot harder to bag than AW bro. The only advantage people from the US have here is that their currency is still overvalued, and that people have a false perception about the US mostly based on shit that was true 30 years ago.[/QUOTE]I can't believe that.
AW are not BIG GAME, if that was true there would be droves of men from all over the world trying to tag and marry them. That is NOT the case and its not because their isn't a huge promotional machine out there either. Man there even American Women modeling in Europe on billboards! There's no shortage of admiration of American Women.
What That Guy is saying is another page out of American Expectionalism manifesto. America's the greatest country on earth, so our women must be superior as well.
If our standard of living is behind Europe how is that even possible to say our women are better than in other locations and cultures?
That's a might presumptive.
American Women are only "better" for American Men because there's no culture or language barrier to deal with.
Cherchezfemme its obvious you've never been Black so I'll keep it tidy. 90% of what you see and hear about Black Women is TRUE. 10% is overheated rhetoric, like Planned Parenthood is targeting African-American communities; Nope they are just going where their is money to be made.
Sorry but I grew up middle class in suburbia. So while I have relatives that have lived in places like South Bronx or Watts, in fact the infamous Nickerson Garden's Projects. When I moved to Los Angeles (Inglewood) from the Bay Area (San Jose) in 1981, it was a culture shock. When we moved into the Western San Fernando Valley in 1983, it was 90% Caucasian and I felt much more at ease.
Black Women in the inner city thought I was corny. Now explain to me how I would be "better" hitting on women from my own race when being smart and intelligent is seen as being something other than "Black"? The general thought in the Black Community about Obama was "Is he Black enough?", while the line between Derek Jeter, Vin Diesel and Jennifer Beals is blurred so that if you told people they were mostly Black or at least bi-racial they would think your nuts. I bet almost none of you knew when you saw Beals in Flashdance that her father is in fact Black as the Ace of Spades.
Anyway the whole question of "Blackness" effects your chances with a majority of Black Women. My chances were never good. Besides, it wasn't like a) Black Women were in abundance where I lived b) I had no desire to spend time in South Central Los Angeles where at that time a majority of Black People lived in Los Angeles. The vast majority of Black People I knew were bused into the Valley for school. We didn't socialize outside of school.
So basically B I've been dating White Women since day one. You're a product of your environment, chasing around White Women is normal to me, its not odd at all, even if some may find it odd. Beyonce is a bad analogy because she came from a very upper middle class background but is married to a ghetto street urchin turned well known rapper. That's Thug Life at work. Be a successful "Thug" gets the hot chicks = Beyonce Knowles, Tiffany Lane (Chari Baltimore) , Lisa Raye (Wooo! - Master P) , Angie Martinez, Stacy Dash, etc, etc.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1139130]Lets get back on Topic and continue. Talking about the blessing it is to get an AW.
Its about being a hunter.
Some Guys are big game safari hunters. They go after successful AW. The most sort after prize in the WORLD. [/QUOTE]My constipation has been solved, thanks a lot for this and for the good laughter too.
P.S.// No really, sorry but "American Woman" doesn't ring any bell at all. If you really think of it real hard tho perhaps you can come up with the image of a slutty, loud, spoiled whatever woman of sort. I'm saying this and it is my point of view as an European; there is nothing that makes AW a prize nor getting one of them a "blessing".
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1140409]-I met a 40 yr old EE woman (Polish) , I have a date with her tonight and am hoping to bang her. She is awesome, so far. Great shape, sexy dresser, good conversation, she actually picks up the phone, returns my calls and calls when she says she will. Unbelievable. If things work out with her, great. If not, I may just go on one of those wife tours to Poland or Ukraine.
We all know foreign women can change for the worse once back in the USA but fuck it, if they're like this woman then I can take the risk. I'm getting tired of looking for a good woman, real tired. [/QUOTE]Ok, cool post. A agree with some and disagree with some. This is the problem (not yours. In general). Too much "thinking".
You got to get out. I'm going back to Eastern Europe soon. Stuff happens there naturally. If you tell people there about "$2000 seminars" or any other crap. They are going to laugh at you and won't believe you. Compared to foreign this is just ridicuolus.
If you were there you would date everyday if you with a 24 whyear old instead of 40year old When I am there I have trouble get rid off them. In USA I have a problem get a date.
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1140409].
If I were to do it again I would tell them them to go after their own kind OR fat / ugly women, regardless of race. Then maybe, after some experience, go for hotter women.[/QUOTE]Maybe it makes some sense, but I the woman is ugly, no way I would go for her. No attraction, no interest, why? When young I did one fat and' ugly American girl, and some others not very attractive, just for the heck, still regret about it.
Like one my Eastern European friend is saying "your dick does not come from a trash can". Another point, if people pay attention more to better looking girls, then the ugly ones will have more incentive to look better. So I would say, go for good looking ones only.
DJ4M. My post was not directed at you in particular but rather the overall concept of guys complaining (here and in Colombia) about the lack of interest of white / light-skinned women, but if you identified with it, I find that interesting. BTW I chose Beyonce since she is considered one of the most beautiful AA women and is light-skinned. And please don't talk about her being married to an ugly thug, we ALL know that if you are rich and famous you can have just about any woman you want.
The issue is not Beyonce's personal life but the fact that I feel cultural brainwashing has led everyone to believe that certain types of women (light-skinned, thin) are more desirable but yet those women may have normal, natural and healthy desires to date those within their race. Doesn't make 'em rayciss and it doesn't make life unfair.
I really don't know and don't care what AA women think or what they are like, it just doesn't interest me SO I don't know where you are coming from. I DO however understand what you wrote about black US culture denigrating book smarts and studying and glamorizing any way of life that produces and flaunts $$. It's a shame and one of the causes of the ills that afflict AA society.
Just so you know, of my 4 black friends (2 close and 2 friends from jr high I keep in touch with) the 2 who are African and came here young are married with a young child, one is married to an African woman and the other to an AA woman.
The 2 other gentlemen are AA and both are unmarried and have baby mommas.
Just thought I'd throw that in there.
I also understand to what you said about relating to the middle class white kids better than 2 the poor AA kids who were bused in. A (white) friend of mine who immigrated to the US had the same experience- he had a funny name, was not cool and was picked on by the other kids in his lily-white suburb. He got along really well with the poor AA kids who were bused in from the ghetto since they were both outsiders.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung; 1141041]Ok, cool post. A agree with some and disagree with some. This is the problem (not yours. In general). Too much "thinking".
You got to get out. I'm going back to Eastern Europe soon. Stuff happens there naturally. If you tell people there about "$2000 seminars" or any other crap. They are going to laugh at you and won't believe you. Compared to foreign this is just ridicuolus.
If you were there you would date everyday if you with a 24 whyear old instead of 40year old When I am there I have trouble get rid off them. In USA I have a problem get a date. [/QUOTE]Goga.
So I did not have sex with this Polish woman after 4 dates and I ended up feeling a bit used for entertainment. At the end of our 4th date when she said we weren't sleeping together I left her outside while I went into a bar to watch a band. She ended up taking a cab home, which would be the only money she spent with me.
I am too 'nice' and I can't get into women's pants. 3 women in the last 2 weeks (including this Polish woman) have kissed me in clubs and told me how nice and sweet I am but they didn't suck my see*k and here I am again, frustrated.
If anyone has ANY advice on how I can break out of the 'nice' guy mold, please help!
We all know women want 'bad boys', how the F*K do you become one?
Goga- what do you mean by thinking too much? Please explain in detail. Maybe you see something I don't.
Nothing personal, but I hate these stories of how better it is in EE. Its just not in my reality. I've looked a little bit into teaching abroad but for now I don't have the qualifications. Plus I don't want to go abroad just for pu$$why, I have an entire LIFE I'm trying to build here. Maybe for the summer, we'll see.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung; 1141049]Maybe it makes some sense, but I the woman is ugly, no way I would go for her. No attraction, no interest, why? When young I did one fat and' ugly American girl, and some others not very attractive, just for the heck, still regret about it.
[/QUOTE]Out of curiosity Goga, are you Asian?
Also, I think that when someone is a virgin any and all experience is needed, just to see what it's like. Practice makes perfect and all that.
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1141222]If anyone has ANY advice on how I can break out of the 'nice' guy mold, please help!
We all know women want 'bad boys', how the F*K do you become one? [/QUOTE]Not everybody is a "bad boy", nor everybody needs to "become one" in order to get pussy.
Life comes without instructions booklet and so what we do in it is TRY and see what happens. Learning how to accept and deal with defeat is an important step of becoming a man, and not only as far as women are concerned but on all fronts; you try and fail, then try again in a different situation and see what happens, down the line you start seeing what works and what doesn't and so start acting accordingly.
You don't "become" a bad boy in order to get pussy, the one and only best thing you can become in life is becoming yourself, whatever that is.
Just be patient, try and keep a positive outlook on things, know what you want and go for it untill you get it.
Of course, what we experience in our day by day life makes up for what we turn into; but that's not really something over which you have much or any control, so just keep the ball moving and live life trying to get your slice of it according to your tastes.
That said, I would add don't let these beeatches take advantage of you, and when you get played once try not to be played twice over the same game.
In time it all comes together.
These were my two cents.
Good luck
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1141222]Goga.
So I did not have sex with this Polish woman after 4 dates and I ended up feeling a bit used for entertainment. At the end of our 4th date when she said we weren't sleeping together I left her outside while I went into a bar to watch a band. She ended up taking a cab home, which would be the only money she spent with me.
I am too 'nice' and I can't get into women's pants. 3 women in the last 2 weeks (including this Polish woman) have kissed me in clubs and told me how nice and sweet I am but they didn't suck my see*k and here I am again, frustrated.
If anyone has ANY advice on how I can break out of the 'nice' guy mold, please help!
We all know women want 'bad boys', how the F*K do you become one?
Goga- what do you mean by thinking too much? Please explain in detail. Maybe you see something I don't.
Nothing personal, but I hate these stories of how better it is in EE. Its just not in my reality. I've looked a little bit into teaching abroad but for now I don't have the qualifications. Plus I don't want to go abroad just for pu$$why, I have an entire LIFE I'm trying to build here. Maybe for the summer, we'll see. [/QUOTE]Cherchezfemme,
You fucked up! This woman was 40 yrs old which means you should have made a play for the pussy on the first date. At that age women know what they want. If she didn't give you any action like tongue hockey and heavy petting on the first date and the pussy on the second date then she was never going to give it to you at all. This is from a guy who has knocked the dust out of the rugs of more AW MILFs than I care to remember! LOL Anyway, women know if they're going to fuck you or not at the start of the first date and many times even before that. Learn to make an early play for the poon and cut your losses if the game is against you. When a stock drops you drop the stock. You don't ride that shit to the bottom.
[QUOTE=Littletruths; 1140599]My constipation has been solved, thanks a lot for this and for the good laughter too.
P. S / No really, sorry but "American Woman" doesn't ring any bell at all. If you really think of it real hard tho perhaps you can come up with the image of a slutty, loud, spoiled whatever woman of sort. I'm saying this and it is my point of view as an European; there is nothing that makes AW a prize nor getting one of them a "blessing". [/QUOTE]My sentiments exactly. However, I will concede that AW are indeed big game. They're in the same size classification with elephants, hippos and cape buffalo, and just as dangerous to any would be hunter.
Smarter hunters choose to go after lithe gazelles or tender doves.
Oh chocha. You had to go for the obvious joke didn't you? .
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1141242]Cherchezfemme,
You fucked up! This woman was 40 yrs old which means you should have made a play for the pussy on the first date. At that age women know what they want. If she didn't give you any action like tongue hockey and heavy petting on the first date and the pussy on the second date then she was never going to give it to you at all. This is from a guy who has knocked the dust out of the rugs of more AW MILFs than I care to remember! LOL Anyway, women know if they're going to fuck you or not at the start of the first date and many times even before that. Learn to make an early play for the poon and cut your losses if the game is against you. When a stock drops you drop the stock. You don't ride that shit to the bottom. [/QUOTE]Why didn't I know this before? Well thanks for the advice re:milfs. Believe me I will follow it. 2 dates max. In fact I kept thinking to myslef 'She's an older woman, she's decided if she's going to bang me or not"
But a younger girl I can give more time than just the 2nd date- correct? I know the rule is usually 3 dates for something sexy to happen.
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1141222]Goga.
I am too 'nice' and I can't get into women's pants. 3 women in the last 2 weeks (including this Polish woman) have kissed me in clubs and told me how nice and sweet I am but they didn't suck my see*k and here I am again, frustrated.
If anyone has ANY advice on how I can break out of the 'nice' guy mold, please help!
You have to stop acting nice, act in a way that expresses what you really want. Sex from her and that's it. If she's cool, then that's a bonus but you don't really care if she is cool or not.
When I started acting like all I wanted was sex from women the pussy I got increased times 20. Once you learn how to do that you can play the game when you want. If you ever do meet a REALLY cool girl worth your time, then be yourself, but that's about <1% of women you meet.
This method will leave you with your dignity 100% of the time. You never follow a girl around like a puppy, if she doesnt do what you want when you want... you will have a new girl who will by next weekend. Play the game by your rules not hers.
There is so much bullshit in American culture brainwashing the country that they are #1 for everything. I am constantly arguing with my friends who are still stuck there that America is awful and there are much better countries to live in.
With only 28% of the population having passports, what do we expect? 70% having never left the country is pure ignorance if they have any opinion whatsoever on where the best place to live in the world is. I'm always surprised when ThatGuy comes on here praising America. ThatGuy have you lived in any places that were not 3rd world?
As far as hip hop culture in America, I can't stand it. As it keeps getting bigger I think it is making AW even less desirable (if that's even possible). Again one of the many things from America I hope does not spread far and wide.
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1141317]Why didn't I know this before? Well thanks for the advice re:milfs. Believe me I will follow it. 2 dates max. In fact I kept thinking to myslef 'She's an older woman, she's decided if she's going to bang me or not"
But a younger girl I can give more time than just the 2nd date- correct? I know the rule is usually 3 dates for something sexy to happen. [/QUOTE]Don't play by their rules. Play by yours. That means you start sweating her for that pussy on the first date. If she starts acting funky then cut her loose right there. A lot of women fuck on the first date and those who don't will at least give you some hot kissing and touching to keep you interested. The 3 date rule is just an excuse for women who use dating as a means to obtain free meals and entertainment. Save yourself some money next time and invite the woman over for a meal and a movie at your place. If you must meet outside your place limit it to coffee or ice cream and use that ecounter to get inside her head. If she is only after free dinners, lunches and entertainment you'll know really quick.
[QUOTE=Jon32;1141379]ThatGuy have you lived in any places that were not 3rd world?[/QUOTE]A bit of a personal question. But Yes. 2 yrs and Europe.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger;1141247]However, I will concede that AW are indeed big game. They're in the same size classification with elephants, hippos and cape buffalo, and just as dangerous to any would be hunter.[/QUOTE]
LOL, classic!
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1141317]Why didn't I know this before? Well thanks for the advice re:milfs. Believe me I will follow it. 2 dates max. In fact I kept thinking to myslef 'She's an older woman, she's decided if she's going to bang me or not"[/QUOTE]Feel free to get rid of this nonsense and flush it down the toilet together with whoever is supporting it. You don't wine and dine random beeatches just to check if some good might come out of it, well, unless you receive some kind of twisted satisfaction by doing that.
Don't be a sucker, it's nice to be nice but just to people who deserves it, people who you are really interested in and that harbor the same interest towards you in return. Other than that you're putting yourself in to be taken for a free ride or free meal ticket. Two or three dates my dick! Who you think you're dating, the virgin mary perhaps? These women have been giving heads to random dudes in club's toilets, what the hell are you trying to get out of them that'd take dates and dates to get? It baffles me.
You meet someone, if there is a good vibe about it and interest on both sides then there is no miracle to be made nor rabbit out a hat to be pulled, your goal is penis in vagina and that's what you go for, as quick as possible, straight out the club if possible or even into it! If that's not the case (sometimes it isn't) , then you exchange digits and try working it out; a few sms, maybe a quick call, you'll know if she is interested. If she is, you call her out on a date, bearing in mind that date means "I take you dining, I might take you for drinks or clubbing even, but then I fuck you up the ass", and that's what it is.
You don't need to waste your perfectly good money on random h0es' entertainment, you can buy yourself some good pussy with that same money instead! And here we been talking about girls in thir twenties! 'cause if we talk milfs then she should have your dick in her mouth even before you ever get to sit together at the ice cream parlor.
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme;1141317]But a younger girl I can give more time than just the 2nd date- correct? I know the rule is usually 3 dates for something sexy to happen.[/QUOTE]
No, you can't. Unless you like to waste time, that is. They know it straight away if they're going to fuck you or not, no need to waste time and money and effort into cultivating immaginary relationships.
So why do you guys complain if you're able to get AW. Like that. No meal. Get the digits. Call her over. Throw a DVD in and you strokin that ass. Whats to complaints about. If thats how its working for you guys.
Or are you telling. Cherchez. Just a load of BS. So he too. Can be bitter about not getting laid. Cause the guys says. She should be willing to suck my dick without any dates. After all you did talk to her for a few minutes when you met. Right. What more should it take.
If you guys were getting laid that fast and like that with AW you wouldn't be here complaining. Cherchez. You can listen to the "Simple Jack" bullshit if you want. That's the way you pick up a bona fide hoe.
But if you trying to get a woman. If it only took her 5 mins to suck your dick. How fast will she be on another.
Littletruths is totally on.
Not only that, even if a girl DOES put out after a few dates, you've just set the whole relationship up for sex in return for expensive entertainment and favors.
I always start out on real cheap dates with girls to get a sense of if they're really interested in me or not.
Playing us for dinner
I did some field research lately with online dating, on a whim I tried it. I never sent any emails to any woman, rather waited to see if anyone was interested in meeting me. To my surprise, many did, I have a couple pictures showing my "good side" maybe?
I learned a little bit more about their bullshit. On a couple of dates, the discussion was not going well, if my conversation catches them in bullshit or nonsense, this means we've got a problem. What interested me was I got the distinct feeling that two of the women extended our date into having dinner together *to get back at me for spite*. At the time I didn't think about it, but afterwards I realized it.
Some of them were really hot, I was surpised. They all have issues making them somewhat "radioactive" however. Ukranian with 5 year old twins. Gorgeous Chinese with 3 yr old boy. A former Chinese model who was looking for a sugar daddy.
One was also nice, but I could tell she would not let me fuck her. But she does not to expect me to feed her if I see her. So I agree to see her once every week or so, have a coffee and then she makes me a nice meal.
She told me she had been out with some dude a few times and she thinks he won't see her again."I didn't have sex with him, and we had been on a few dates." She KNEW that if she didn't put out her pussy, he would stop taking her out. He didn't text her back since their last sexless meeting. She was a little bit bummed, now she's going to be bored on Saturday night.
She is still hoping to meet some prince charming who will marry her. She is divorced and has kids but they live with the father. This unusual situation may be a red flag, she may be a bit nuts.
I make her laugh when I mentioned some of the fat old women who contacted me on the dating site, I think they're nuts to even think some guy would like to meet them.
She knows that men don't want to just hang out with women, we want sex or we don't spend much time.
She also agrees that all women think their pussy has value, they never trade pussy for nothing. It is traded for meals in restaurants, trips, gifts, and serious relationships and commitment, sometimes houses, kids and retirement accounts.
I'm not on that website any more, it was an experiment but although I met some pretty hot women, they all were seeking marriage and financial salvation, which is not on my agenda. Others were just so over the hill and fat it wasn't even possible.
The American women whom I had contact with had such amazingly unreal expectations and posted pics of them traveling around the world, riding horses and cavorting inside their beautiful (ex husband's) house.
So, to meet someone it's for coffee only. I'll spend just $5 to see if she looks like her pictures.
Society as a whole. Has a double standard for women. While most guys (me included) wish women would have sex as quickly as a man would. The overall Majority of men in the world would not accept this woman as a partner. Considering her a **** and not worthy to marry or be associated with on a serious relationship. That's just the facts.
So women who act ([B]like a man when it comes to sex[/B]) get labeled and have a much harder time ever finding a boyfiend / husband. Which is the goal of most people in society. Raising a family.
Therefore one has to blame society and the established culture that sets the environment that you guys complain about. If a woman, wants a husband / boyfriend. It to her benefit. Not to appear to be [B]ALWAYS[/B] Easy.
Not sure of the authors name, it's an oldie but a GOODIE! All so TRUE!
[QUOTE]The mindset of american women and their valuation of their pussy is so fucked up, IMHO. It's all about what your looking for, and the research you put into it. I've been in the game a super long time, and I'm a cheap ass, so I read alot, and have learned to read between the lines. I'm also willing to compromise on a couple of things to get a better deal and / or a better outcome.
I'm willing to sacrifice on a really smoking hot body for a little less perfect that will work harder to compensate.
I'm willing to sacrifice on a young 'un just getting into the game who doesn't know jackshit about life or sexuality for somone a little older who knows what she's in the game for, and how she can get some pleasure out of the deal while she's in.
I'm willing to spend a little more time trying to get the chick off so that she won't remember me as the dude who fucked like a jackrabbit. Don't get it twisted, I'm not giving her the BFE, but I just don't beat it up, and run. Women remember who did what and how, and remember to not answer your next call. And those that don't remember, put a note next to your name and phone number in their address book that reminds them. I've seen it.
I could probably write a book with all of the shit that goes into calculating the risk / reward of a particular target, but I won't bore you.
Light skinned women have been told all their life that they're fine as wine, and that it doesn't get better than them. A mixed girl has been told that she's exotic and that she has the best from both (whatever her parents are) worlds. American women have been told all their life that thin is in. Put the 2 together into a small light-skinned or mixed girl, and you've got a bad azz combination. Literally! You're looking for a woman who thinks she's the cream of the crop, and has been told so over and over. She hasn't had to work hard for shit in her life. No surprise that most of them don't perform.
Women in the game (meaning: strip clubs, CL, women you date) use either their looks to attract you. If she doesn't have looks, she'll use the pussy. Usually IN THAT ORDER. Best believe that if they have the looks, they'd rather not use their pussy, or use it as little as possible. If they have no looks, they'll have amazing pussy, or amazing tricks to show you.
We could go on for a while, but I'm going to put my Ph. D. In Punany Philosophy away for a while, and step off the soap box.
Now, back to the pussy. All this talk is putting me on the hunt. [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1141670]So why do you guys complain if you're able to get AW. Like that. No meal. Get the digits. Call her over. Throw a DVD in and you strokin that ass. Whats to complaints about. If thats how its working for you guys.
Or are you telling. Cherchez. Just a load of BS. So he too. Can be bitter about not getting laid. Cause the guys says. She should be willing to suck my dick without any dates. After all you did talk to her for a few minutes when you met. Right. What more should it take. [/QUOTE]Chill, the only one around here having an agenda is you, even tho it is a terribly hopeless and kinda funny one at that.
Bottomline, I was trying to point out how you don't need much to see any signal of interest in women you interact with. For a thing to work there must be interest that goes both ways, and you see that right from the start; you talk nice and she talks nice, you get close and she gets close, you send an sms and she gets back at you. Naturally. It's about two persons taking steps towards each other, that's what attraction is.
You don't need to lure a woman with dinners and entertainment in the hope that she developes interest towards you because that just won't happen. If she is interested in you then you both will be happy to find some time for each other and hopefully get comfortable and intimate as a result. It's pretty simple.
Try to fault THAT advice if you can.
WTF should it take to get some? You can take a girl out, but there HAVE to be something beforehand that encourages you to do so (and not only your wishful thinking) and the prospect of a "closing" afterwards of course; in the end, are you taking her for dinner so that you can get comfy and then fuck her silly or is it just so that you can then go back to your place alone and play with your dick while calling her name?
And you know what? I also think that the whole PUA thingy is utter bullshit. Making it come across like in order to get women you need to learn and carry out a bunch of tricks, LOL. All you "need to do" is to simply fucking talk to them, to show that you're not a weirdo and you're comfortable, confident, have some grip on reality. And even if at first you might not be comfortable nor confident and somewhat awkward perhaps, sure after having talked to ten or a hundred of them it will all come together, that's the "trick"; no trick at all. In the end some will like you and some will not, but the whole point is you making contact and opening the door for things to happen.
BTW, personally I have never complained of how hard it is to get laid; all I have ever been complaining about, if anything, is women being a bunch of h0es, but that's another story.
You guys are hitting the nail on the head if I ever saw it. Sex has never been a problem. For me it is the bad attitudes of the AWs that is the problem. And that over time, coupled with the amount of traveling that I do has taught me that there is better out there and I don't have to put up with their shit. Guys that never leave their block don't know any better so it is natural to them to have to put up with the bull shit.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865;1141863]Society as a whole. Has a double standard for women. While most guys (me included) wish women would have sex as quickly as a man would. The overall Majority of men in the world would not accept this woman as a partner. Considering her a **** and not worthy to marry or be associated with on a serious relationship. That's just the facts.[/QUOTE]I have never thought of a woman who fucked on the first date any different than one who waits until the 10th. Actually I like the first one better and don't consider her to be a ho. I consider her to be a woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid of herself. Sometimes women talk about guys who have sex a lot. My response to them is,"Well who are they fucking?" Women. That is the answer. They are not going around fucking each other. Women are fucking just as much as guys but society wants to act like they are not. There are no imaginary beings that a guy pulls out of thin air when he wants to fuck. He calls up Suzy down the street or the girl at the grocery store; if they don't call him first.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1141863]So women who act ([B]like a man when it comes to sex[/B]) get labeled and have a much harder time ever finding a boyfiend / husband. Which is the goal of most people in society. Raising a family.
If a woman, wants a husband / boyfriend. It to her benefit. Not to appear to be [B]ALWAYS[/B] Easy. [/QUOTE]I don't get this. You are assuming that most people want to get married but women can't if they have sex on the first few dates. IMHO it is just the opposite. I think most long term relationships develop when the people consummate it on the first few dates. If not then one or the other is going to be fed up and soon be ready to kick the other person to the curb even if sex takes place soon after. If I have to get married then I want it to be to someone who is just as big of a freak as I am and not to Conservative Constance.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1142029]I have never thought of a woman who fucked on the first date any different than one who waits until the 10th. Actually I like the first one better and don't consider her to be a ho. I consider her to be a woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid of herself. Sometimes women talk about guys who have sex a lot. My response to them is,"Well who are they fucking?" Women. That is the answer. They are not going around fucking each other. Women are fucking just as much as guys but society wants to act like they are not. There are no imaginary beings that a guy pulls out of thin air when he wants to fuck. He calls up Suzy down the street or the girl at the grocery store; if they don't call him first.[/QUOTE]Come on let not kid our selves. The girl who was easy to fuck has always been called a ****, hoe, or what ever. Where did these terms come from if society has a whole. Not specifically you guys because that goes against what mongering is about. So of course it doesn't describe most here. But society as a whole does look at women like that. As I said most guys. Don't want to think their wife was some one who every guy she went on a date with was able to fuck her. .
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1142029]I don't get this. You are assuming that most people want to get married but women can't if they have sex on the first few dates. .[/QUOTE]I said after ONE date. If that was ALWAYS all it took for her to screw, she would be labeled a hoe. . But. Sure after a FEW dates. It does seem feasible.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1142029]IMHO it is just the opposite. I think most long term relationships develop when the people consummate it on the first few dates. If not then one or the other is going to be fed up and soon be ready to kick the other person to the curb even if sex takes place soon after. If I have to get married then I want it to be to someone who is just as big of a freak as I am and not to Conservative Constance.[/QUOTE]I'd agree with after a FEW dates. Its definitely expected. 3 to 4. No more than that. If 3 or 4 dates are too expensive / not worth the time or hassle for you. Then leave the "dating" game to those who don't mind.
Don't hate the players. Hate the game
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1141218]DJ4M. My post was not directed at you in particular but rather the overall concept of guys complaining (here and in Colombia) about the lack of interest of white / light-skinned women, but if you identified with it, I find that interesting. BTW I chose Beyonce since she is considered one of the most beautiful AA women and is light-skinned. And please don't talk about her being married to an ugly thug, we ALL know that if you are rich and famous you can have just about any woman you want.
The issue is not Beyonce's personal life but the fact that I feel cultural brainwashing has led everyone to believe that certain types of women (light-skinned, thin) are more desirable but yet those women may have normal, natural and healthy desires to date those within their race. Doesn't make 'them rayciss and it doesn't make life unfair.
I really don't know and don't care what AA women think or what they are like, it just doesn't interest me SO I don't know where you are coming from. I DO however understand what you wrote about black US culture denigrating book smarts and studying and glamorizing any way of life that produces and flaunts $$. It's a shame and one of the causes of the ills that afflict AA society.
Just so you know, of my 4 black friends (2 close and 2 friends from jr high I keep in touch with) the 2 who are African and came here young are married with a young child, one is married to an African woman and the other to an AA woman.
The 2 other gentlemen are AA and both are unmarried and have baby mommas.
Just thought I'd throw that in there.
I also understand to what you said about relating to the middle class white kids better than 2 the poor AA kids who were bused in. A (white) friend of mine who immigrated to the US had the same experience- he had a funny name, was not cool and was picked on by the other kids in his lily-white suburb. He got along really well with the poor AA kids who were bused in from the ghetto since they were both outsiders. [/QUOTE]I understand manye no sweat. My point about Mrs Jay Z is that he was a hustling drug dealer (much like 50 Cent) before it looked like he could make money the legit way. Because he owned his own label with Damon Dash a brotha from a Upper Middle Class upbring looking for Street Cred. Like much of Rap its Studio Gangstas with a few real former (can current) criminals thrown in for again "Street Cred".
Its BECAUSE he had money she overlooked his past and married him anyway. He's lucky he never got caught and didn't do a bid on the island.
I've always had friends it didn't matter what side of the tracks you came from. Women however size you up from early on. Just like that white hoochie who attached herself to my cousin Brian when he was the star running back at Idaho State. You should have heard her, spending his NFL signing bonus and he still had a full season to play. Now luckily he saw what she was about and dropped her because she would have been disappointed about him getting drafted but only spending 3 years in the league mostly on injured reserve. Besides his British Wife is MUCH BETTER LOOKING.
I do agree about some BM being butt hurt about some of the problems with South American Women. Most don't understand there is a color problem in South America as well. Just look on TV, look at the women who win major competitions. That's why much of Western Media was shocked when Evo Morales became President of Bolivia, he looks much more like the native population of Bolivia than the White Skined conquistadors that typically are apart of the ruling elite in these countries. I will say its much more of a class issue than racism. The poorest people in Mexico are Mexican Indians (sound familiar?) and its no different in Colombia where Afro-Colombians are often the poorest in the country.
[QUOTE=Jon32; 1141379]There is so much bullshit in American culture brainwashing the country that they are #1 for everything. I am constantly arguing with my friends who are still stuck there that America is awful and there are much better countries to live in.
With only 28% of the population having passports, what do we expect? 70% having never left the country is pure ignorance if they have any opinion whatsoever on where the best place to live in the world is. I'm always surprised when ThatGuy comes on here praising America. ThatGuy have you lived in any places that were not 3rd world?
As far as hip hop culture in America, I can't stand it. As it keeps getting bigger I think it is making AW even less desirable (if that's even possible). Again one of the many things from America I hope does not spread far and wide. [/QUOTE]Too late. Its all over, you're not one of the ones complaining about 50 Cent being played in Help! Before it closed in Rio where you?
[QUOTE=Littletruths; 1141475]LOL, classic!
Feel free to get rid of this nonsense and flush it down the toilet together with whoever is supporting it. You don't wine and dine random beeatches just to check if some good might come out of it, well, unless you receive some kind of twisted satisfaction by doing that.
Don't be a sucker, it's nice to be nice but just to people who deserves it, people who you are really interested in and that harbor the same interest towards you in return. Other than that you're putting yourself in to be taken for a free ride or free meal ticket. Two or three dates my dick! Who you think you're dating, the virgin mary perhaps? These women have been giving heads to random dudes in club's toilets, what the hell are you trying to get out of them that'd take dates and dates to get? It baffles me.
You meet someone, if there is a good vibe about it and interest on both sides then there is no miracle to be made nor rabbit out a hat to be pulled, your goal is penis in vagina and that's what you go for, as quick as possible, straight out the club if possible or even into it! If that's not the case (sometimes it isn't) , then you exchange digits and try working it out; a few sms, maybe a quick call, you'll know if she is interested. If she is, you call her out on a date, bearing in mind that date means "I take you dining, I might take you for drinks or clubbing even, but then I fuck you up the ass", and that's what it is.
You don't need to waste your perfectly good money on random h0es' entertainment, you can buy yourself some good pussy with that same money instead! And here we been talking about girls in thir twenties! 'cause if we talk milfs then she should have your dick in her mouth even before you ever get to sit together at the ice cream parlor.
No, you can't. Unless you like to waste time, that is. They know it straight away if they're going to fuck you or not, no need to waste time and money and effort into cultivating immaginary relationships.
Bless[/QUOTE]Classic +1
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney; 1142136]I understand manye no sweat. My point about Mrs Jay Z is that he was a hustling drug dealer (much like 50 Cent) before it looked like he could make money the legit way. Because he owned his own label with Damon Dash a brotha from a Upper Middle Class upbring looking for Street Cred. Like much of Rap its Studio Gangstas with a few real former (can current) criminals thrown in for again "Street Cred".
Its BECAUSE he had money she overlooked his past and married him anyway. He's lucky he never got caught and didn't do a bid on the island. [/QUOTE]I don't buy into anything these bullshit entertainers say. It is fashionable to niccas to be an ex-con or a thug that made it big and got out of the game, but it's all complete and utter bullshit. Master P can sing about how to cook crack but then he goes back home and gets bitched at by his wife, he doesn't get back home and start cooking bricks to keep a spot running. In the meantime, these idiots glorify this kind of bullshit and fuck up the perception of young impressionable guys that take the shit they talk about for good. It's really pathetic actually. No one of the past and present entertainers has ever been anything in the street other than a poor fuck that sold a couple of rocks to buy some bread to eat. And the whole concept of "street cred" is nothing but more idiocy, how comes an idiot that has been arrested 15 times on car theft is anything good? It's a poor idiot that can't even steal cars without getting arrested, it's an idiot that can't get away with anything, now how can THAT kind of guy make you look good in any way for fuck's sake? LOL.
Beyonce married Jay Z because we live in the present and he is filthy rich. No matter that perhaps he might have sold a bag of weed 20 years ago.
[QUOTE=Littletruths; 1142164]I don't buy into anything these bullshit entertainers say. It is fashionable to niccas to be an ex-con or a thug that made it big and got out of the game, but it's all complete and utter bullshit. Master P can sing about how to cook crack but then he goes back home and gets bitched at by his wife, he doesn't get back home and start cooking bricks to keep a spot running. In the meantime, these idiots glorify this kind of bullshit and fuck up the perception of young impressionable guys that take the shit they talk about for good. It's really pathetic actually. No one of the past and present entertainers has ever been anything in the street other than a poor fuck that sold a couple of rocks to buy some bread to eat. And the whole concept of "street cred" is nothing but more idiocy, how comes an idiot that has been arrested 15 times on car theft is anything good? It's a poor idiot that can't even steal cars without getting arrested, it's an idiot that can't get away with anything, now how can THAT kind of guy make you look good in any way for fuck's sake? LOL.
Beyonce married Jay Z because we live in the present and he is filthy rich. No matter that perhaps he might have sold a bag of weed 20 years ago.
Bless[/QUOTE]This is true, however its a double standard. Women often times hold your past relationships and activities against you. Yes his money covers his tracks I didn't say it didn't and his old activities will not be held against him, legally anyway.
Still a bad analogy, I was bumping around Latin Euro and found a Dominican cutie that would give Beyonce a run for her money.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney; 1142460]This is true, however its a double standard. Women often times hold your past relationships and activities against you. Yes his money covers his tracks I didn't say it didn't and his old activities will not be held against him, legally anyway.
Still a bad analogy, I was bumping around Latin Euro and found a Dominican cutie that would give Beyonce a run for her money. [/QUOTE]Actually, most women would try and use whatever they can against you sooner or later. But it's up to you what they'll eventually get away with. Whenever a woman tries to use against me some about my past relationships / women (and mind you I carry tattooed on my chest the name of an ex gal of mine!) what I shut their beaks with is something along the lines of "if you wanted me virgin you should have come around about twenty years ago, but the truth is that you wouldn't want me virgin so shut the fuck up!". I give you permission, feel free to use it if you need! LOL.
P.S.// Latin Euro you say huh? Might go and have a look! Thanks!
Prostitute, Accused Of Killing Client Over Report Of Herpes
Related to women's aging and the discussion going on a few days ago touching the subject of dating milfs; [url]http://www.imdb.com/news/ni5030686/[/url]
The Ladder Theory
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1141317]Why didn't I know this before? Well thanks for the advice re:milfs. Believe me I will follow it. 2 dates max. In fact I kept thinking to myslef 'She's an older woman, she's decided if she's going to bang me or not"
But a younger girl I can give more time than just the 2nd date- correct? I know the rule is usually 3 dates for something sexy to happen. [/QUOTE]Here, Cherchezfemme, read this:
It kind of puts things regarding AW behavior into proper perspective, IMHO.
And why does everyone always say I'm bitter just because 99. 999% of chicks are bitches?
Criticism: I have lots of male friends who would never think of me that way blah blah blah.
Answer: Your friend doesn't find you attractive, or he's currently doing better, or he's gay or you're wrong.
Criticism: That's not true.
Answer: Yes it is.
Love it!
[QUOTE=Bunny Hunter; 1143667]Here, Cherchezfemme, read this:
It kind of puts things regarding AW behavior into proper perspective, IMHO. [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Oh Ya Papi; 1143693]And why does everyone always say I'm bitter just because 99. 999% of chicks are bitches?
Criticism: I have lots of male friends who would never think of me that way blah blah blah.
Answer: Your friend doesn't find you attractive, or he's currently doing better, or he's gay or you're wrong.
Criticism: That's not true.
Answer: Yes it is.
Love it! [/QUOTE]And there is one of the bigger cultural differences between Colombia and North America. Here you can be friends with a women and LATER seduce her. Happens all the time. The question is, why would you want to waste so much time on such a thing?
Putin's Angels
Russia will rise again! LOL.
[QUOTE=Oh Ya Papi; 1143693]And why does everyone always say I'm bitter just because 99. 999% of chicks are bitches?
Criticism: I have lots of male friends who would never think of me that way blah blah blah.
Answer: Your friend doesn't find you attractive, or he's currently doing better, or he's gay or you're wrong.
Criticism: That's not true.
Answer: Yes it is.
Love it! [/QUOTE]One thing this guy misses is the phenomena of "guy friends" seems to be much more prevalent than just ten years ago. When I'm out on the prowl, the vast majority of groups consist of one or two women with three to four guys around them. I used to assume they were dating, but instead its a sick abuser game of boring women that can't entertain themselves and desperate guys in waiting. Ten years ago, women had women friends because women usually had different interests, like decorating or fashion. It's become so prevalent that I don't know if it's concious anymore, for the guy or the girl.
One thing for certain is, even if a guy has no romantic interest in a woman, it is very unlikely he would really want a close female friend anyway. He can't talk about girls to the woman or sports or any many topics. Even if the woman did have identical interests, let's face it: one casualty of living in a chivalrous, sexually oppressed society is that women aren't forced to be as witty or cultured as men (since men will be gravitating toward them regardless). I suppose it's like being a minor celebrity, just sit back and let others entertain you. Men aren't the only ones suffering from this distorted turn of events; women can no longer stand each others' company and are too boring to create diversions.
And then there are the fag hags who can't stand either one. Lets face it. We annoy each other. It pains me to even gaze upon those types of situations you mentioned. Why do guys let themselves melt like that?
A long time ago a very attractive girl invited me to her house for what I though was a nice time. Once I get there another guy shows up. Two guys and one hot girl. Too bad she was missing popcorn because that was all that was missing. I said f it and left.
It happened to me again later in life by a MILF. When a MILF tries that crap it leaves you scared for life.
I don't entertain for women in those types of situations. Some guys are into it though.
QUOTE=Jesterl; 1145506]One thing this guy misses is the phenomena of "guy friends" seems to be much more prevalent than just ten years ago. When I'm out on the prowl, the vast majority of groups consist of one or two women with three to four guys around them. I used to assume they were dating, but instead its a sick abuser game of boring women that can't entertain themselves and desperate guys in waiting. Ten years ago, women had women friends because women usually had different interests, like decorating or fashion. It's become so prevalent that I don't know if it's concious anymore, for the guy or the girl.
One thing for certain is, even if a guy has no romantic interest in a woman, it is very unlikely he would really want a close female friend anyway. He can't talk about girls to the woman or sports or any many topics. Even if the woman did have identical interests, let's face it: one casualty of living in a chivalrous, sexually oppressed society is that women aren't forced to be as witty or cultured as men (since men will be gravitating toward them regardless). I suppose it's like being a minor celebrity, just sit back and let others entertain you. Men aren't the only ones suffering from this distorted turn of events; women can no longer stand each others' company and are too boring to create diversions. [/QUOTE]
pussy access is part of a meritocracy. if you earned or inherited mad paper then you'll have all the access to pussy that you could ever want or need. poor men will always be denied access to quality pussy. it's just the way our species work. the men who are better at accumulating wealth, power, and status get to bust big ass nuts in the prettiest girls. the poor guys with little and nothing can cream in their hands or [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url]. that's just the way it is. even mongering is not exempt from economic reality. the higher quality girls charge more for their services. mongering does allow poor guys to scrape together some funds from time to time for a shot at some quality ass but it doesn't truly allow them to cheat the system. guys from the lower eco-economic strata who import women from abroad will find that they cannot hold on to those women for long as they inevitably trade up. the laws of nature apply. this is not a bad thing. if unsuccessful men were allowed the same access to top tier pussy as successful ones our society, and indeed, our entire species would collapse. it makes sense for nature to reward wealthy ambitious men with good pussy and to prevent the failures from breeding or limiting their options to women on their level. even animals protect the integrity of their dna in a similar manner.
[quote=chocha monger;1145782]pussy access is part of a meritocracy. if you earned or inherited mad paper then you'll have all the access to pussy that you could ever want or need. poor men will always be denied access to quality pussy. it's just the way our species work. the men who are better at accumulating wealth, power, and status get to bust big ass nuts in the prettiest girls. the poor guys with little and nothing can cream in their hands or [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url]. that's just the way it is. even mongering is not exempt from economic reality. the higher quality girls charge more for their services. mongering does allow poor guys to scrape together some funds from time to time for a shot at some quality ass but it doesn't truly allow them to cheat the system. guys from the lower eco-economic strata who import women from abroad will find that they cannot hold on to those women for long as they inevitably trade up. the laws of nature apply. this is not a bad thing. if unsuccessful men were allowed the same access to top tier pussy as successful ones our society, and indeed, our entire species would collapse. it makes sense for nature to reward wealthy ambitious men with good pussy and to prevent the failures from breeding or limiting their options to women on their level. even animals protect the integrity of their dna in a similar manner.[/quote]granted i'm still pretty young, but money doesn't buy love. i've dated some pretty high powered women in relationships with older, wealthier men. i've also observed the expat criminals in miami and their rinse and repeat cycle with high-end women. money may garner increased interest from women, but bought love will find a man used and divorced by their trophy wife.
as someone familiar with medical education, i see this all the time. in fact, professional men are the easiest targets for mercenary women. our income is tied to a license, which is arbitrarily wielded by a state agency. upon divorce, the woman gets everything; any private matter that comes by the police enters the public domain and the licensing board takes action. there is no legal recourse. it's called moral turpitude.
people in the medical field can have all they worked for taken away at the drop of a hat-this breeds meekness. if you've ever wondered why physicians worked in concentration camps or participated in the phs's syphills study for decades without blowing the whistle, this is the reason.
as someone who has had the pleasure of living abroad (albeit all-too-briefly) , i've dated some amazing, pure women without spending a dime. even in the usa money will only take you so far.
On the above Webcam site. This is the exact example of how shity American Chicks are compared to the rest of the Market out there. Notice distincly how much more beautiful the other Women from Latin America, South Afr, Europe are in Comparison to the overpriced chicks from the States. Jeez not to mention some of the ridiculous rates from some of these same American CHICKS $3. 99. $5. 99 per minute!
A sexy Columbiana, or Brazilian young or old is only $1. 99. A lucky fella can jack to something looking like Shakira or Rihanna for way less!
They'll never learn. MONGER ON BRETHEREN!
Surprised no one mentioned the problem with Cox
Did I miss it, or did anybody already offer opinions on this:
While David Arquette's TMI rampage following the announcement of his separation from Courteney Cox was a surprise to fans, what may be more shocking is that Cox is now getting in on the action.
In an interview with Howard Stern yesterday, the estranged couple discussed their sex life at length, leaving little to the imagination.
When probed by Stern regarding Arquette's reported advances on Cox during a trip to Disney World with their daughter Coco. 6, the actress said frankly,"It was early in the morning. This is one of our problems in our relationship. Whenever I would need consoling from David, he could not literally put his arm around me for one second without completely getting a boner."
Cox told Stern that, despite her husband's admitted flings following their separation,"I have not had sex," since the split, denying that she is romantically involved with her 'Cougar Town' co-star Josh Hopkins.
While Cox had said just weeks before of her ex, who recently celebrated his 100th day of sobriety,"He looks the best he's ever looked. He's doing great. He's just awesome," she admitted that she was hesitant to become intimate with him again."I don't want to confuse the issue," she said."We're going through a hard time."
"I'm always ready for [Courteney]," said Arquette."I know I'm more in touch with what she needs now. She takes one sort of thing and she clumps it [and says] that's what happens all the time in our relationship. It's not really true."
Cox told Stern that in the past, Arquette had supported her through difficult times, including her father's death in 2001, but she seemed far from ready to get back together. After Arquette accused her of being "over it," Cox admitted,"The truth of the matter is that we love each other so much. We have such affection for each other but we are very different."
Well, I am almost eligible for parole after eight long months in SP. Fortunately I got down to Argentina for 23 days and Costa Rica for 6 so I managed to stay sort of sane. The medical marijuana was very helpful in that regard. Basically I just stayed totally baked and worked my ass off. Screwed a total of four AW in eight months and none of them were any good. The one who was even average was a complete nut job. I guess it was a success because I saved up about forty grand (I worked two jobs most of the time and three jobs the first two months) , got a bunch of medical work done because the insurance was good, and now I can fuck off on unemployment and COBRA for a good long while. Too bad I have to go back to smoking bunk, though.
[QUOTE=Vaquero;1145900]When probed by Stern regarding Arquette's reported advances on Cox during a trip to Disney World with their daughter Coco. 6, the actress said frankly,"It was early in the morning. This is one of our problems in our relationship. Whenever I would need consoling from David, he could not literally put his arm around me for one second without completely getting a boner."[/QUOTE]How is that a problem? She should enjoy it while it lasts.
[quote=chocha monger;1145782]pussy access is part of a meritocracy. if you earned or inherited mad paper then you'll have all the access to pussy that you could ever want or need. poor men will always be denied access to quality pussy. it's just the way our species work. the men who are better at accumulating wealth, power, and status get to bust big ass nuts in the prettiest girls. the poor guys with little and nothing can cream in their hands or [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url]. that's just the way it is. even mongering is not exempt from economic reality. the higher quality girls charge more for their services. mongering does allow poor guys to scrape together some funds from time to time for a shot at some quality ass but it doesn't truly allow them to cheat the system. guys from the lower eco-economic strata who import women from abroad will find that they cannot hold on to those women for long as they inevitably trade up. the laws of nature apply. this is not a bad thing. if unsuccessful men were allowed the same access to top tier pussy as successful ones our society, and indeed, our entire species would collapse. it makes sense for nature to reward wealthy ambitious men with good pussy and to prevent the failures from breeding or limiting their options to women on their level. even animals protect the integrity of their dna in a similar manner.[/quote]that is nonsense, what you say mainly applies to the usa. i live in australia, and any good looking bloke with a job can get laid with good pussy. its in america, where you are poor, you are fucked. europe is also way superior to america in this regard.
america sucks ass these days. fuck the usa.
[QUOTE=Australiasucks; 1146655]That is nonsense, what you say mainly applies to the USA. I live in Australia, and any good looking bloke with a job can get laid with good pussy. Its in America, where you are poor, you are fucked. Europe is also way superior to America in this regard.
America sucks ass these days. Fuck the USA. [/QUOTE]Last time I checked this was a forum about AW........No!
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax;1146873]Last time I checked this was a forum about AW........No![/QUOTE]I was responding to Chocha, he said that all around the world you need money to get pussy, its not necessarily true, and its not true in Australia. Many guys get laid who not have boatloads of money.
Life in these United States
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax;1146873]Last time I checked this was a forum about AW........No![/QUOTE]Yeah, true, but badmouthing AWs and badmouthing America go hand in hand. Some recent observations:
1. Has anyone that mongers in the USA on here noticed an increase in the amount of girls selling themselves in this country? It seems like every apartment complex / chain hotel in my area has women hooking out of them. Just today I got back from a two-bedroom apartment only 10 miles from where I live that has essentially been converted into an Asian brothel. Has this always been going on and I'm just late to the party, or is this a recent phenomenon because of the economy?
2. Another observation, is it just me or are people getting ruder here? Common courtesy and good manners seem to have gone the way of the dodo. And many Americans seem pissed off, stressed out or just plain depressed. Maybe I'm just meeting the wrong ones?
3. Gas is at $4. 29 / gal for regular here in CA, gold is at $1, 500 / oz. And USA dollar is at a three-year low. Can anyone else say double dip?
Re: Life in these United States
[QUOTE=Ezinho; 1147658]Yeah, true, but badmouthing AWs and badmouthing America go hand in hand. Some recent observations:
2. Another observation, is it just me or are people getting ruder here? Common courtesy and good manners seem to have gone the way of the dodo. And many Americans seem pissed off, stressed out or just plain depressed. Maybe I'm just meeting the wrong ones? [/QUOTE]I know one thing for sure; I'm a gun dealer in VA. And I see a lot of single women and middle aged folks buying guns for the first time. The fear is palpable. BC
[QUOTE=Artisttyp; 1136904]This article is complete bullshit. What they are talking about is this superficial carrie bradshaw world / bubble that the media has created. Only a small population of NY fits into that mold. Hanging at the latest lounge eating overpriced grub hiring personal trainers shopping at whole foods. The rest of us here live like animals and whack of to free craigslist photos.
The funny thing is most of the people into that scene aren't true new yorkers! These are people who moved here in the past ten years since it became a safe police state. They see sex and the city on TV and they come here searching for it OR better yet CREATE IT.
This city is monkey see monkey do. This has been going on for ten years now. If anybody has the brains or money they would leave. Most people are stuck here. Its a vicious cycle to get out of.
If you live in the outeer boroughs like the bronx queens or Brooklyn you might do a little better. Things are a little more kickback but you need to be with your own group or sect ie puerto rican men find women black guys find women in their area asians etc. But when you look at it universally most men will tell you Saturday night is a dud!
Don't believe all these little quirky NYC is so fabulous articles that pop up. They are written by people that have no idea what NYC is. The new TREND is to upsell NYC because so many locals view it as a living hell.
I guess if I shopped at whole foods and had some shmuck buy me dinner a few times a week. Plugged into a huge social network I might think differently but that isn't where most guys here fit in.
Did I mention no smoking in parks and beaches in 2 months? There goes the only pick up line I know " do you have a light?"[/QUOTE]I completely support Artisttyp. The NYC is a big dud. A hellhole.
It is the best of times. It is the worst of times. Life in the US is great for the monger with a good reliable income. There are a lot of desperate women that have fallen on lean times. The credit card companies tightened the noose around their necks and opulent lifestyles on borrowed money came to sudden halt. Men got hit pretty hard by the recession so there are less suckers willing or able to take women shopping or pay their bills. Instead of doing without, a lot of women have turned to hooking. Those positioned to take advantage of the local market couldn't be happier.
A lot of Americans saw their dreams of home ownership dashed and their job security blown away like leaves on an autumn wind. Rising gas prices hasn't helped. Most Americans love their large SUVs and trucks. Rather than change their vehicles and driving habits they chafe at the higher price at the pump. It's a perfect storm of frustration that manifests itself is rudeness and dour dispositions.
Fear and loathing is definitely at an all time high. I am not surprised that single women and middle aged people may be buying guns for the first time in increasing numbers. I know a few people who turned guns on themselves at the height of the recession when all hope was lost.
[QUOTE=Ezinho; 1147658]Yeah, true, but badmouthing AWs and badmouthing America go hand in hand. Some recent observations:
1. Has anyone that mongers in the USA on here noticed an increase in the amount of girls selling themselves in this country? It seems like every apartment complex / chain hotel in my area has women hooking out of them. Just today I got back from a two-bedroom apartment only 10 miles from where I live that has essentially been converted into an Asian brothel. Has this always been going on and I'm just late to the party, or is this a recent phenomenon because of the economy?
2. Another observation, is it just me or are people getting ruder here? Common courtesy and good manners seem to have gone the way of the dodo. And many Americans seem pissed off, stressed out or just plain depressed. Maybe I'm just meeting the wrong ones?
3. Gas is at $4. 29 / gal for regular here in CA, gold is at $1, 500 / oz. And USA dollar is at a three-year low. Can anyone else say double dip? [/QUOTE]I can.
I think when gas hits $5 a gallon as the national average, not just California all bets are off.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger;1147765]It is the best of times. It is the worst of times. Life in the US is great for the monger with a good reliable income. There are a lot of desperate women that have fallen on lean times. The credit card companies tightened the noose around their necks and opulent lifestyles on borrowed money came to sudden halt. Men got hit pretty hard by the recession so there are less suckers willing or able to take women shopping or pay their bills. Instead of doing without, a lot of women have turned to hooking. Those positioned to take advantage of the local market couldn't be happier.[/QUOTE]This is the absolute truth. I live in San Diego, and I happened to retire comfortably after cashing out in the tech bubble. I used to travel overseas many times a year, and go down to Tijuana every couple of weeks when I was home to get my action. Nowadays, there is an extreme abundance of supply of hookers at great prices right here in the USA. I haven't been to Tijuana in a year, because I can't justify the 40 minute each way drive, and then the border wait, when I can find all the pussy I want on the American side of the border. I've been paying generally $80-100 for half hour FS sessions from good looking ladies who also provide good service, and occasionally as low as $60. That's a Tijuana price, and it can be gotten here in San Diego. I've even been getting BBBJ from many of the ladies I see at those prices, and the ones that don't, are generally stunners in looks.
Nowadays, whenever I call a new lady and she quotes me a price in the 3 digit range, I ask them if they can do $80 for a half hour, and more often than not, they say sure, no problem. These chicks need cash, and if you have it and are ready to spend it right now, the world is your oyster. I've got a handful of regulars who are reliable, and give me 30 minute sessions with DATY and BBBJ for $80, and I keep adding more ladies to the list. At those prices, I've been hitting it around twice a week over the past several months right here in San Diego.
[QUOTE=D Cups;1147498]... it is almost impossible to have a fling with a good-looking young American girl unless she is drunk or high...[/QUOTE]Fortunately a fair number of them are either drunk or high (often both) a good portion of the time. Really is it that different anywhere else? Tell me where you can consistently have one night stands (for free) with good-looking, young, classy (sober) women on a regular basis and I'm there.
[QUOTE=BocaJr;1148371]Fortunately a fair number of them are either drunk or high (often both) a good portion of the time. Really is it that different anywhere else? Tell me where you can consistently have one night stands (for free) with good-looking, young, classy (sober) women on a regular basis and I'm there.[/QUOTE]Who said anything about "classy"?
[QUOTE=Australiasucks; 1146655]That is nonsense, what you say mainly applies to the USA. I live in Australia, and any good looking bloke with a job can get laid with good pussy. Its in America, where you are poor, you are fucked. Europe is also way superior to America in this regard.
America sucks ass these days. Fuck the USA. [/QUOTE]You need to go fuck yourself, asshole
Recently Kay Hymowitz's book came out. Where have all the good men gone?
The comments on the article were revealing:
A sample:
Fembot: What happened to all the good guys?
Men: You did!
And here is why?
1. Feminism intentionally drove a wedge between the sexes, you lose if you're over 30.
2. You are a nag.
3. You talk too much about irrelevant stuff.
4. You are overly emotional.
5. You over value your looks.
6. Men don't like older women.
7. You are quickly passing child rearing years.
8. You don't put out.
9. You have put out too much in your 20s.
10. You act superior despite being a basket case, you're fake.
11. You have the courts at your back to rob a man of his assets (many men know this now)
12. You can rob a man of his children (many men know this now)
13. You can falsely accuse a man of sexual assault and not face jail (men go ghost)
14. You can lie about domestic violence and rob a man of his home (men go ghost)
15. You view men as wallets.
16. You treat men as success objects instead of human beings.
17. You date bad boys and thugs, then visit the psychologist and ask,"why"?
18. You can cheat in a marriage, and still cash out his assets and get the children.
19. Despite bragging about independence, you still require alimony if he makes more than you.
20. You can force him into fatherhood against his will; usually correlated with his income.
It's amazing the author is blaming men. Men have checked out because the price is too high and the value very LOW.
Here's the crux of the issue. Its not that men are man-childs. Men are in fact the more self reliant gender and better at, and more comfortable with, going it alone. Women tend to be more interested in unnecessary material possessions while men are more interested in the good life of enjoyable experiences.
Many male interests can be purchased if necessary (including sex) , and men have the biological advantage of being able to father children at almost any age. Accordingly men are more likely to be satisfied with the single life than women are. For us to give that up, the reward has to be worth the sacrifice. Traditional gender roles did this for the most part.
Over the past 50 years women have progressed to have more opportunities and can earn more money than ever before. All well and good. But what has gone hand in hand with this progress is the greater threat women pose to men.
Upon divorce, men can and are routinely (1) excluded from seeing their children, (2) made to pay spousal support, and (3) forced to give up half of the assets that they earned on their own. Meanwhile women are providing less incentives than before for marriage. It used to be that the one primary benefit of getting married was that you could have sex without any moral frowning by others. Now however, sex can be readily had outside of marriage, while its frequency during marriage has tended to drop.
So what is the value for men to get married? They get less and are victimized more. Moreover, as nice as it is that women are making more money, no self respecting man looks at a woman as a financial object other than to make sure she's not a financial basket case that is going to cost him what he has built. We have no princess fantasy that some woman is going to ride along and take our problems away. Men's requirements from marriage can be simply put as being with someone we enjoy for the long term.
So when we see that women are responsible for 80% of divorces and are rewarded for them at our expense, the problem is not man childs, but woman childs who are prone to take their ball home as soon as things don't go their way, and the ball was probably brought into the relationship by the man. The more relevat question is where have all the real women gone? Time to woman up ladies. We can make it fine on our own if need be. Can you?
Here's another one from a younger guy (read #10271, below, first)
Women wanted independence and equality and they got it. The problem now is there is no reason for anyone to get married. I am 28 years old and I have a lot of friends, both male and female, and I have only been to one wedding since high school. Virtually all my friends are either single or in semi-long term relationships that will probably not end at the grave. Even the ones that have children are mostly single. Feminism has destroyed marriage, plain and simple.
I personally as a man don't really consider this all that bad. I've only had one serious relationship in my life, and a few that the women involved thought were serious but weren't to me. Why should I put up with nonsensical, over emotional, irrationality when I simply do not have too? I can pack up and leave whenever I want. This is the issue: perhaps men are starting to see relationships as disposable while women are the ones still clinging onto the past.
I never plan to marry or "settle down" ever. I may have children, I may have long term relationships, but I will never fully commit to one woman. The risk is just too high, female independence has taken away relationship security for men. Why would I risk losing everything I've spent my life working for in a divorce?
The fact of the matter is that I simply don't need a committed relationship. If I want sexual gratification I can pretend I care about a women long enough to get that, sometimes it only takes one night. Paying for it is an option for a lot of men as well, as is internet porn. This might sound cynical but it is simply the reality of life. Considering their expectations the losers from all this are mostly women but I would say men lose too, particularly those that actually want a marriage. I see no solution to this and for people like me perhaps there really is no problem solve.
Maybe women have to change their attitudes to be more in line with what I have just said in the proceeding paragraphs. Perhaps if woman change their attitudes and expectations to be more in line with men this great misunderstanding will evaporate and we can all enjoy peace harmony and free love.
Unfortunately, and contrary to feminist beliefs I am familiar with, this simply won't happen because womens brains are hardwired to seek out committed relationships and mens are programmed to spread the love. Woman are just reaping what they have sewed. Our society has become feminized. Men don't even know what it means to be men anymore.
OK, you say, what about just "bad dating relationships"?
How do you define "bad"? It does not live up to expectations. However, are these expectations realistic?
My friend's divorce lawyer said 80% of divorces are initiated by women. If we say 80% of all relationships are ended by women (for example), that means 80% of all relationships did not meet the WOMAN's expectations.
This means either
(1) the woman has TOO HIGH expectations
(2) the expectations are realistic, but the man simply didn't meet them.
If (2), then why could practically NO MAN meet these expectations (remember, 80% were initiated by women). How could all these women have such BAD LUCK to meet one of those MANY "bad men".
So, logically, only answer (1) is realistic, because if very few men can live up to those expectations, then those expectations are too high.
Men have had enough. All the marrying up/down crp. What happened to getting married because you love someone? maybe Im naive.
Im very unhappily married with a child. Love the child cant stand the wife. She feels the same way yet wont let me go.
Every married man I know except 1 or 2 hates their marriage also. And most of it revolves around the wives wanting to run the show and/or change the man.
Bottomline is women are taking men for granted and men have had enough. Though some are still naive enough to believe in marriage. Even with the odds right in front of them.
When all you bring to the marriage is booobs and a warn out vagina, paired with a holier than thou attitude. How can you expect love to stay in the air?
[QUOTE=Member #2041;1148407]Who said anything about "classy"?[/QUOTE]I did. But really American women can be a little up tight.
Tom Leykis on YouTube
Hey Wet Nose,
If you haven't heard of this guy, I think you might want to check him out. He's not on the radio anymore (will be back in a year) , but I find listening to him to be like therapy regarding the topic of women in America.
[QUOTE=Member #2041; 1148025]This is the absolute truth. I live in San Diego, and I happened to retire comfortably after cashing out in the tech bubble. I used to travel overseas many times a year, and go down to Tijuana every couple of weeks when I was home to get my action. Nowadays, there is an extreme abundance of supply of hookers at great prices right here in the USA. I haven't been to Tijuana in a year, because I can't justify the 40 minute each way drive, and then the border wait, when I can find all the pussy I want on the American side of the border. I've been paying generally $80-100 for half hour FS sessions from good looking ladies who also provide good service, and occasionally as low as $60. That's a Tijuana price, and it can be gotten here in San Diego. I've even been getting BBBJ from many of the ladies I see at those prices, and the ones that don't, are generally stunners in looks.Nowadays, whenever I call a new lady and she quotes me a price in the 3 digit range, I ask them if they can do $80 for a half hour, and more often than not, they say sure, no problem. These chicks need cash, and if you have it and are ready to spend it right now, the world is your oyster. I've got a handful of regulars who are reliable, and give me 30 minute sessions with DATY and BBBJ for $80, and I keep adding more ladies to the list. At those prices, I've been hitting it around twice a week over the past several months right here in San Diego. [/QUOTE]I wish I could say the same for the east coast but it is the complete opposite. We have backpage craigslist and a few other classifieds but these woman are asking for $250. 500. I guess they are getting it from somebody.
You would expect people to be even more desperate in an overpriced city like NY but but that just
isn't the case. I think alot of it has to do with access to certain types of people. Woman in NYC can meet guys with a lot of money and you don't need to live in an exclusive neighborhood to find them. NYC is crawling with them. I would imagine that would be much harder to do in Cali since people are confined to their cars and close circle of friends. Not to mention the border is only 30 minutes away. That in itself creates much needed competition.
How bad does it have to get to see lower prices in NYC? I think the burbs can be a lot cooler these days. It seems to me that cities are under lock and key with all the terrorism threats which hampers any kind of criminal activities. While in the suburbs massage places etc. Can fly under the radar if managed properly. Is this wrong?
[QUOTE=Wet Nose; 1148457]Recently Kay Hymowitz's book came out. Where have all the good men gone?
The comments on the article were revealing:
A sample:
Fembot: What happened to all the good guys?
Men: You did!
And here is why?
1. Feminism intentionally drove a wedge between the sexes, you lose if you're over 30.
2. You are a nag.
3. You talk too much about irrelevant stuff.
4. You are overly emotional.
5. You over value your looks.
6. Men don't like older women.
7. You are quickly passing child rearing years.
8. You don't put out.
9. You have put out too much in your 20s.
10. You act superior despite being a basket case, you're fake.
11. You have the courts at your back to rob a man of his assets (many men know this now)
12. You can rob a man of his children (many men know this now)
13. You can falsely accuse a man of sexual assault and not face jail (men go ghost)
14. You can lie about domestic violence and rob a man of his home (men go ghost)
15. You view men as wallets.
16. You treat men as success objects instead of human beings.
17. You date bad boys and thugs, then visit the psychologist and ask,"why"?
18. You can cheat in a marriage, and still cash out his assets and get the children.
19. Despite bragging about independence, you still require alimony if he makes more than you.
20. You can force him into fatherhood against his will; usually correlated with his income.
It's amazing the author is blaming men. Men have checked out because the price is too high and the value very LOW.
Here's the crux of the issue. Its not that men are man-childs. Men are in fact the more self reliant gender and better at, and more comfortable with, going it alone. Women tend to be more interested in unnecessary material possessions while men are more interested in the good life of enjoyable experiences.
Many male interests can be purchased if necessary (including sex) , and men have the biological advantage of being able to father children at almost any age. Accordingly men are more likely to be satisfied with the single life than women are. For us to give that up, the reward has to be worth the sacrifice. Traditional gender roles did this for the most part.
Over the past 50 years women have progressed to have more opportunities and can earn more money than ever before. All well and good. But what has gone hand in hand with this progress is the greater threat women pose to men.
Upon divorce, men can and are routinely (1) excluded from seeing their children, (2) made to pay spousal support, and (3) forced to give up half of the assets that they earned on their own. Meanwhile women are providing less incentives than before for marriage. It used to be that the one primary benefit of getting married was that you could have sex without any moral frowning by others. Now however, sex can be readily had outside of marriage, while its frequency during marriage has tended to drop.
So what is the value for men to get married? They get less and are victimized more. Moreover, as nice as it is that women are making more money, no self respecting man looks at a woman as a financial object other than to make sure she's not a financial basket case that is going to cost him what he has built. We have no princess fantasy that some woman is going to ride along and take our problems away. Men's requirements from marriage can be simply put as being with someone we enjoy for the long term.
So when we see that women are responsible for 80% of divorces and are rewarded for them at our expense, the problem is not man childs, but woman childs who are prone to take their ball home as soon as things don't go their way, and the ball was probably brought into the relationship by the man. The more relevat question is where have all the real women gone? Time to woman up ladies. We can make it fine on our own if need be. Can you?
-[/QUOTE]Excellent Post!
Men are waking up, though a bit slowly. I do see a storm brewing though. You just have to show men, like one showed a man how to make fire, it takes time for that information to get around to all men.
More and more men are finding happiness overseas. The last straw will be tightening of IMBRA if the Feminazi's try to turn the screws more. But there plenty of web sites that skirt IMBRA anyway, that will just continue and more personalized bride search companies are popping up run by married couples, giving you access to women outside of the agency loop.
That's not to say you can't find a honest women through some long time agencies but they have a fee based service, there's a fee for everything. When its been proven writing letters / email even Skype are not a replacement for real-time meetings.
All it takes is money and its a modest investment compared to marrying some AW you're barely attracted too.
Compare this case:
with this case:
In the first case, the woman was caught red-handed and admitted to having sex with the student, who was 16. In the second case, it was only alleged that the man had sex with the student, who was 17. The woman got probation since she "had already suffered greatly":
Anybody want to bet how many years in prison the man gets? I am guessing about 6-8 years.
Sure am glad I don't have to go back to that place for eight more months.
"Red Pill or the Blue Pill?"
Welcome to the real world.
Read, and understand.
"Emotional outpouring bombs"? Please. What a stupid article. Talking about [B]when[/B] to emit these EOBs only validates them. And saying to wait three [B]months[/B] before dropping these EOBs? How about three [B]years[/B]? How about [B]never[/B]?
A better tactic would be: When she says,"I love you," say,"That's great! Me too!" She will [I]think[/I] you are saying "I love [B]you[/B] too," when you actually mean,"I love [B]me[/B] too."
Selfishness and arrogance are their own rewards. Oh, and boy does Jackson's auto "correcting" software really suck. Automatically capitalizing everything after a bracket? Get a clue, Buckwheat.
"Men also reported being significantly happier than women to hear 'I love you' one month into the relationship if they had not yet had sex."
What kind of a fucking pussy would even still be [B]around[/B] After a month if there was not yet any sex? The third date is when you say,"Do you believe in the hereafter?"
Because if you're not here after what I'm here after, you're going to be here after I'm long gone.
I could edit the capital letter out of that last post but I'd rather show how stupid it looks. It's not quite as stupid as how the software turns "y" ("and" in Spanish) into "why" but it's close.
IMF chief accused of sexual assault at NYC hotel
Unbelievable s*t. And of all places too. Read on:
All women are bipolar
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1141222]Goga.
So I did not have sex with this Polish woman after 4 dates and I ended up feeling a bit used for entertainment. At the end of our 4th date when she said we weren't sleeping together I left her outside while I went into a bar to watch a band. She ended up taking a cab home, which would be the only money she spent with me.
I am too 'nice' and I can't get into women's pants. 3 women in the last 2 weeks (including this Polish woman) have kissed me in clubs and told me how nice and sweet I am but they didn't suck my see*k and here I am again, frustrated.
If anyone has ANY advice on how I can break out of the 'nice' guy mold, please help!
We all know women want 'bad boys', how the F*K do you become one?
Goga- what do you mean by thinking too much? Please explain in detail. Maybe you see something I don't.
Nothing personal, but I hate these stories of how better it is in EE. Its just not in my reality. I've looked a little bit into teaching abroad but for now I don't have the qualifications. Plus I don't want to go abroad just for pu$$why, I have an entire LIFE I'm trying to build here. Maybe for the summer, we'll see. [/QUOTE]As a much older guy I can see that you are making a fundamental mistake. Firstly, women need sex just like guys do but they don't want to be seen as sluts or ho's. Secondly, women basically classify men into two categories (1) nice guys with good jobs who are suitable for taking home to meet the folks (girls don't put out for these guys on the first or second date but will marry them after a year or so) , and (2) bad ass or Alpha type males that they just want for sex. If you are in category (1) then you have a problem. You need to move to category (2) lickety split. Everything you are doing in regards to the way you are treating women is wrong. You are putting them on a pedestal and they don't respect you for it. I recommend that you try the following:
1) change your image. Copy some bad ass dude that you admire but don't overdo it. Remember girls want sex too but you got to take the lead.
2) stop being so polite to women. Turn up late for your dates. Never be on time. This makes them think that they are not so important after all.
3) check your personal hygene. This is a huge turn off for women no matter who you are.
4) you got to get the message through their heads right from the start that you want pussy. This is best done by subtle inference rather than some mornic outburst.
5) when you are on a date make casual comments about other women that you see such as. "wow that girl has a perfect ass". This really freaks women out. They get competitive and will want you to comment on their ass and confirm that it is ok. This could be a lead in to talking about her body and discussing sex. But don't try this if your date has a realy fat ass because she will just be upset.
6) Keep reminding her that you want pussy. Drop subtle hints. For example. Drop a hint that you like sexy lingerie and get her talking about her underwear.
7) apart from getting her to talk about sex in a subtle way so that she hardly realises that she is being led into something, remember that women are attracted to successful outgoing men, not sexual perverts.
Good luck and please post reports here!
To summarize the previous post, the way to get pussy is to act like you don't need it. And the way to act like you don't need it is to have just had it, by mongering. Just like money follows money around, pussy follows pussy around.
For those of you interested in foreign brides.
[QUOTE]In some parts of Russia there is a tradition in which the husband to be takes his bride to the sauna before the wedding. Some think this done for some filthy purpose, but elders explain this in a different way:
"'When you go with your "chosen one" to the banya (Russian word for sauna) , you see the "real" person, without all the make-up and cosmetics that can decieve you and affect your choice." [/QUOTE]
Here are photos of Russian brides before the visit to the stylist and after to prove that this tradition might be wise to follow.
1 photos
The Price of Beans Just Went Up
Damn! If Tiger Woods lowered the bar, Arnold Swartznegger broke it!
-Helpmann :(
[quote=helpmann; 1157089]damn! if tiger woods lowered the bar, arnold swartznegger broke it!
-helpmann. [/quote]thank you for saying that. i couldn't believe it when i saw the images of her on the news. we all know he could have done a lot better yet he chose her. his choice probably had to do with emotional issues. maids hear and see everything. considering the fact that she had been around for awhile she probably knew all his (issues) and was able to identify with him in his comfort zone. an outsider wouldn't have that advantage.
remember he married up in the world. he was a male prostitute in paris while he was in the bodybuilding world. he was lucky with the movie pumping iron. otherwise those guys get lost into
the world of enhancement drugs pain management and drug abuse. shriver looks like all the males in her family. same face! she isn't the least bit attractive. didn't she know that she was getting used?
on another note i think the french imf guys case is fishy. i have a hunch he solicited the maid in a crude way and things went wrong. however the last place i would put my penis is in the mouth of someone i was [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125][CodeWord125][/url]. if i had a gun different story. couldn't she have bitten down on the thing?
all is ugly in the world of love.
She had to look better than that 12 years ago when they screwed. There's just no way. Latin women can have looks decline fast so I'm assuming that's what happened. Thank you Arnold for proving all men cheat, some just aren't bright enough to get away with it.
Let the Tally Begin!
[QUOTE=Artisttyp;1157100]Thank you for saying that. I couldn't believe it when I saw the images of her on the news. We all know he could have done a lot better yet he chose her. His choice probably had to do with emotional issues. Maids hear and see everything. Considering the fact that she had been around for awhile she probably knew all his (issues) and was able to identify with him in his comfort zone. An outsider wouldn't have that advantage...[/QUOTE]If Arnold could impregnate his homely looking maid, he must have shagged every woman (of equal or better quality) who propositioned him.
-Helpmann :)
The Sperminator
I, for one, think that calling her a ho is out of line. I understand what is meant but still. As to the IMF guy, I think that a luxury hotel should be full-service, if you paying $3,000 a night. I think that this is the common element in the Arnold and IMF case: When you are well-known, you tend to go for low-hanging fruit. Sometimes you are welcomed, sometimes -- particularly if you are gross, old and fat -- you are repelled. A regular Joe, paying $3,000 a night, probably could have just gone to a doorman. Pssst. send some pussy upstairs. Works in most other cities, why wouldn't in work in NYC?
Banging the Boss for a Decade, Doesn't Make You a Ho. It Makes You a Super Ho $$
[QUOTE=Vittu;1157241]I, for one, think that calling her a ho is out of line. I understand what is meant but still...[/QUOTE]Sorry to burst your bubble, but grandmas can be hoes too. If you spent some time with your elders, you would know who was a freak then and who is a freak now.
I know one thing. Mildred Baena was the highest paid maid on the block.
-Helpmann :D
The age-old dilemma
I guess the whole Sperminator affair may be explained by the age-old dillemma: Who did the swallowing? Maybe his wife didn't.
I agree the IMF thing is fishy. NYC is a shit mongering destination, probably worse than it's ever been, but if you can afford a $3k a night suite, you can afford to have pussy delivered. Something is really rotten in the state of Denmark.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1157544]I agree the IMF thing is fishy. NYC is a shit mongering destination, probably worse than it's ever been, but if you can afford a $3k a night suite, you can afford to have pussy delivered. Something is really rotten in the state of Denmark.[/QUOTE]I don't know. A lot of mongers go to foreign countries and as soon as a girl follows them back to their hotel room they drop their pants and whip their cocks out. They assume that because it's the Third World and the girls are poor that they came to the hotel ready to fuck. The IMF dude might have made some assumptions about the maid being ready to fuck due to her socio-economic status. Perhaps, as is the case with some mongers, his assumptions were invalid.
[QUOTE=Helpmann; 1157089]Damn! If Tiger Woods lowered the bar, Arnold Swartznegger broke it!
-Helpmann. [/QUOTE]Damn she's just as ugly as he is!
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax;1158624]Damn she's just as ugly as he is![/QUOTE]Yeah, but she must have some real good pussy or suck like a Dyson DC25 because he obviously thought she was cream pie worthy. :D
And the hoes are all ugly.
AW doesn't understand why recently divorced boyfriend doesn't want to put his balls in her purse.
Things to live by
1. It's important to have a woman, who helps at home, who cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job.
2. It's important to have a woman, who is beautiful.
3. It's important to have a woman, who you can trust and who doesn't lie to you.
4. It's important to have a woman, who is good in bed and who likes to be with you.
5. It's very, very important that these four women do not know each other.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1158877]AW doesn't understand why recently divorced boyfriend doesn't want to put his balls in her purse.
[url]http://www.denverpost.com/style/ci_18099655?source=pop_section_style[/url][/QUOTE]They have being going out for a year and he "just got" divorced. Hmmm. She says,
"If you love someone, and she (read: I) isn't cloying and controlling (which he agrees I'm not) , isn't it kind of NICE to be accountable to that person?"
Actually, no, it isn't, and wouldn't requiring "accountability" constitute control? Envision the conversation:
"Honey bunny, am I cloying and controlling?"
Umm, yes, and also those pants DO make your ass look big.
I'm not surprised by this. Arnold is a known womanizer and flirt, ever since his BBing days.
And are people on this forum REALLY surprised he fucked his maid? You know, that he did what powerful men have done since the beginning of time? Fuck the help?
Arnie is one of the most driven people on this planet. He has found success in anything he has wanted to do. Legendary bodybuilder, self-made millionaire (before he became famous and before he met Maria) , the highest paid actor on the planet and Governor of California.
He is the definition of high-testosterone, alpha behavior. He is known for his enthusiasm and lust for life. These kinds of guys FUCK and fuck a LOT.
Plus, we don't know what she looked like years ago.
Shriver will get 1/2 the money. And Arnie will be be having 3somes with California 10s before the divorce is settled.
[QUOTE=Dickhead; 1159040]They have being going out for a year and he "just got" divorced. Hmmm. She says,
"If you love someone, and she (read: I) isn't cloying and controlling (which he agrees I'm not) , isn't it kind of NICE to be accountable to that person?"
Actually, no, it isn't, and wouldn't requiring "accountability" constitute control? Envision the conversation:
"Honey bunny, am I cloying and controlling?"
Umm, yes, and also those pants DO make your ass look big. [/QUOTE]As the response said, if she has to ask him if she's being cloy and controlling, guess what? You're being controlling by having a rigid view of relationships.
I have said this elsewhere on the web, WOMEN have to be retaught how to behave with men in relationships. They have forgotten how and the last people to ask are divorced women, including likely your own mother. This is another effect of 50+% divorce rate.
If dude was crazy about home girl he would say so, most men are not shy with their emotions if they feel strongly about something or some one.
I think you said it before DH, Men get into relationships hoping the woman doesn't change. Women get into relationships hoping to mold / change a man into the person she wants to be with. Functionally doesn't work. Both parties have to be happy "with what they got" for it to work.
Well, I was pretty happy with the two sisters I fucked the other night, but then of course they weren't American. They've known me for seven or eight years and the only thing they have tried to change is the amount of money I give them. Unsuccessfully, I might add.
Thinking of having kids with an AW? Might want to read this first:
Kind of a tough way to avoid child support.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger;1158636]Yeah, but she must have some real good pussy or suck like a Dyson DC25 because he obviously thought she was cream pie worthy. :D[/QUOTE]The only women I know who are cream pie worthy are the ones that don't know my real name nor address, and the only phone number they have of mine is an anonymous pay as I go phone.
Good sex is a duty.
So simple and straight forward! American women just cannot seem to understand this simple concept. This simple concept works for both women and men.
[QUOTE]Malaysia 'obedient wives' club: Good sex is a duty.
As a new bride. 22-year-old Ummu Atirah believes she knows the secret to a blissful marriage: obey her husband and ensure he is sexually satisfied.
[url]http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110605/ap_on_re_as/as_malaysia_obedient_wives[/url]; _ylt=AjxIddtqZ9kj4iK. L. BP76. S0NUE; _ylu=X3oDMTFpdmZpb2VkBHBvcwMzNwRzZWMDYWNjb3JkaW9uX21vc3RfcG9wdWxhcgRzbGsDbWFsYXlzaWFvYmVk[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax;1162935]So simple and straight forward! American women just cannot seem to understand this simple concept. This simple concept works for both women and men.[/QUOTE]What people write here about AW reminds "Kosher sex" laws in Judaism :
"Sex for selfish personal satisfaction, without regard for the partner's pleasure, is wrong and evil. A man may never force his wife to have sex.
Sex is the woman's right, not the man's. A man has a duty to give his wife sex regularly and to ensure that sex is pleasurable for her."
Is it just a coincidence?
[QUOTE=Goga Fung; 1162963]What people write here about AW reminds "Kosher sex" laws in Judaism :
"Sex for selfish personal satisfaction, without regard for the partner's pleasure, is wrong and evil. A man may never force his wife to have sex.
Sex is the woman's right, not the man's. A man has a duty to give his wife sex regularly and to ensure that sex is pleasurable for her."
Is it just a coincidence? [/QUOTE]Sounds like good advice to me! Only an idiot would have sex with a woman without thinking of her pleasure!
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1163079]Sounds like good advice to me! Only an idiot would have sex with a woman without thinking of her pleasure![/QUOTE]Depends on the occasion I'd say. If the sex partner is a pro, your aim is to get pleasure not to give pleasure. The fact that WGs pretend to have pleasure is just to care for our male ego which bruises easily and so that we are more willing to part with the money.
In summary if it's a service you get the pleasure and she gets the money. If it's another arrangement where both are looking for sexual satisfaction then it seems to be stating the obvious that both sides need to put in some effort if it's meant to be more than a one off
[QUOTE=Jhack111; 1163223]Depends on the occasion I'd say. If the sex partner is a pro, your aim is to get pleasure not to give pleasure. The fact that WGs pretend to have pleasure is just to care for our male ego which bruises easily and so that we are more willing to part with the money.
In summary if it's a service you get the pleasure and she gets the money. If it's another arrangement where both are looking for sexual satisfaction then it seems to be stating the obvious that both sides need to put in some effort if it's meant to be more than a one off[/QUOTE]Even with pros, the best route is to look for her pleasure. At least in my books! .
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1163483]Even with pros, the best route is to look for her pleasure. At least in my books! .[/QUOTE]Yes I agree!
Arnold and the maid
and others.
to me, the question is this. is / was his wife meeting his sexual needs?
if she is not, then that is formally defined as domestic violence.
and if his wife is not meeting his sexual needs, does that give hime some degree of licence to get his needs met elsewhere?
i was talking recently with a sex therapist and relationship counsellor. she had just launched a new book.
we were discussing the expectation of fidelity in marriage, while ignoring the fact that it is the responsibility of each partner to meet the needs of their spouse to the best of their ability.
otherwise, the wife has total control of her husband's sex life.
once upon a time, this was recognised at law,. "conjugal rights"
but that was one of the first targets of the feminist movement. get rid of that law that might put any responsibility on the wife.
the result is now a country full of emasculated men.
AW Tries To Entrap Ex-husband Using Fake Teen Facebook Profile
[quote=gangles; 1164700]and others. to me, the question is this. is / was his wife meeting his sexual needs? if she is not, then that is formally defined as domestic violence. and if his wife is not meeting his sexual needs, does that give hime some degree of licence to get his needs met elsewhere?
i was talking recently with a sex therapist and relationship counsellor. she had just launched a new book. we were discussing the expectation of fidelity in marriage, while ignoring the fact that it is the responsibility of each partner to meet the needs of their spouse to the best of their ability. otherwise, the wife has total control of her husband's sex life.
once upon a time, this was recognised at law."conjugal rights" but that was one of the first targets of the feminist movement. get rid of that law that might put any responsibility on the wife. the result is now a country full of emasculated men. g[/quote]if your wife or so refuses you sex one time, beat off. if she refuses a second consecutive time, lie next to her, beat off, and wipe it all over her. that's if you live in the us.
if you live here, tell her you are going for a walk. go to a cheap *****house, fuck a skank, make sure you get her cheap perfume all over you, and don't wash your dick afterwards.
neither of these methods is actually conducive to lasting bliss, but both are very useful in separating the wheat from the chaff.
LittleTruths, Chocha, Bango and whoever else gave advice : just wanted you guys to know that I did follow your advice re: milfs and dating. I am now banging a MILF on a regular basis after going for it HARD on the first date and banging her on the 2nd. I spent no money on the first dates, just cooked her a salad with lemon chicken and a couple bottles of inexpensive wine. She pays sometimes, sometimes I do, but we never go anywhere expensive. Yesterday was a diner, the time before that Wendy's LOL.
She ain't all that, in fact she's pretty much the lowest tier of what I am willing to bang. But she let's me bang her bareback in all 3 holes and loves to f*see* so for now I keep seeing her.
I keep using plenty of fish but so far the only women I've gone on dates with have been ones who contacted me first. I can get women to respond to my emails but so far no luck in dating them.
But, at least I have a FB now to have fun with.
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1165034]LittleTruths, Chocha, Bango and whoever else gave advice : just wanted you guys to know that I did follow your advice re: milfs and dating. I am now banging a MILF on a regular basis after going for it HARD on the first date and banging her on the 2nd. I spent no money on the first dates, just cooked her a salad with lemon chicken and a couple bottles of inexpensive wine. She pays sometimes, sometimes I do, but we never go anywhere expensive. Yesterday was a diner, the time before that Wendy's LOL.
She ain't all that, in fact she's pretty much the lowest tier of what I am willing to bang. But she let's me bang her bareback in all 3 holes and loves to f*see* so for now I keep seeing her.
I keep using plenty of fish but so far the only women I've gone on dates with have been ones who contacted me first. I can get women to respond to my emails but so far no luck in dating them.
But, at least I have a FB now to have fun with. [/QUOTE]. Ha-haaa. Well done bro! I'm happy if any of the advice I and the guys gave you has been of any help.
Keep up the good work!
[QUOTE=Dickhead; 1164829]If your wife or SO refuses you sex one time, beat off. If she refuses a second consecutive time, lie next to her, beat off, and wipe it all over her. That's if you live in the US.
If you live here, tell her you are going for a walk. Go to a cheap *house, fuck a skank, make sure you get her cheap perfume all over you, and don't wash your dick afterwards.
Neither of these methods is actually conducive to lasting bliss, but both are very useful in separating the wheat from the chaff. [/QUOTE]Ernest Hemingway wrote in the short story [I]The Three-Day Blow[/I]:
'Once a man's married he's absolutely bitched, ' Bill went on. 'He hasn't got anything more. Nothing. Not a damn thing. He's done for. You've seen the guys that get married. '
Nick said nothing.
'You can tell them, ' Bill said. 'They get this sort of fat married look. They're done for. '
Papa Hemingway then went on to marry 4 times before finally blowing his brains out.
I guess marrying for money might make some sense to some people. Me, I would not want to be with a woman who had more money than I do. And, I sure don't want to marry someone who is marrying me because I have (or she thinks I have) more money than she does.
My guess is, a lot of the people on this board have been married multiple times.
[QUOTE=Dickhead; 1165153]I guess marrying for money might make some sense to some people. Me, I would not want to be with a woman who had more money than I do. And, I sure don't want to marry someone who is marrying me because I have (or she thinks I have) more money than she does.
My guess is, a lot of the people on this board have been married multiple times. [/QUOTE]Many mongers have married 2 or 3 times before finally deciding to give it up and some will never quit.
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1165034]LittleTruths, Chocha, Bango and whoever else gave advice : just wanted you guys to know that I did follow your advice re: milfs and dating. I am now banging a MILF on a regular basis after going for it HARD on the first date and banging her on the 2nd. I spent no money on the first dates, just cooked her a salad with lemon chicken and a couple bottles of inexpensive wine. She pays sometimes, sometimes I do, but we never go anywhere expensive. Yesterday was a diner, the time before that Wendy's LOL.
She ain't all that, in fact she's pretty much the lowest tier of what I am willing to bang. But she let's me bang her bareback in all 3 holes and loves to f*see* so for now I keep seeing her.
I keep using plenty of fish but so far the only women I've gone on dates with have been ones who contacted me first. I can get women to respond to my emails but so far no luck in dating them.
But, at least I have a FB now to have fun with. [/QUOTE]Good to see that you finally got some relief without getting used and fleeced in the process. Keep standing up for yourself.
Right on, man, funny!
[QUOTE=Dickhead; 1153655]"Men also reported being significantly happier than women to hear 'I love you' one month into the relationship if they had not yet had sex."
What kind of a fucking pussy would even still be [B]around[/B] After a month if there was not yet any sex? The third date is when you say,"Do you believe in the hereafter?"
Because if you're not here after what I'm here after, you're going to be here after I'm long gone. [/QUOTE]Thanks, dickhead!
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1165146]Ernest Hemingway wrote in the short story [I]The Three-Day Blow[/I]:
'Once a man's married he's absolutely bitched, ' Bill went on. 'He hasn't got anything more. Nothing. Not a damn thing. He's done for. You've seen the guys that get married. '
Nick said nothing.
'You can tell them, ' Bill said. 'They get this sort of fat married look. They're done for. '
Papa Hemingway then went on to marry 4 times before finally blowing his brains out. [/QUOTE]He's right. I had that look from 2000-2004 :P Now in 2011 I look almost better than I ever have in my life!
Regarding Hemingway
I've thought about that quote a lot. I guess my question is: If it comes down to getting married again or blowing my head off with a shotgun, what size shells should I use?
Since You Asked...
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1165508]I've thought about that quote a lot. I guess my question is: If it comes down to getting married again or blowing my head off with a shotgun, what size shells should I use?[/QUOTE]
I believe Hemmingway used a 12-gauge. That'll definitely get the job done! ;)
Pussy rule is more tyrannical than colonialism!
There is a movie filmed in Jamaica called "The Lunatic." It shows what happens when Inga, a white female sex tourist, appears on the scene and imposes "pum pum rule" on two native men to get them to do her bidding. Aloysious, the main protagonist, declares that the pum pum rule is more tyrannical than colonialism!
It gives a nice perspective on how pussy dominates men in Europe and North America. When Aloysious asks Inga why one person must make all the decisions and she replies it is because only one person has the pussy then puts him to work building a house to shelter her. The entire movie can be viewed at the following link:
FWIW a wise old man says................
[QUOTE]There is no such thing as free Pussy!
You pay upfront.................... Hooker!
You pay as you go................ Date!
You pay at the end................Divorce! [/QUOTE]
The closest thing to free pussy is if you marry her and then you drink and fuck yourself to death as fast as possible. But, there is a problem with that. When I left the US 8 years ago I was pretty sure I could drink and fuck myself to death in 5 years. It's harder than it looks. But I have made some progress. When I left the US, I was an alcoholic and now I am just a drunk. I think you'd need to add cocaine, and then you maybe could do it in five years. But I never liked that shit. I really don't think you can fuck yourself to death. I tried as hard as I could.
I guess you could get "free" pussy from rich women but I don't think that would work for me. The initiation fees would be too high, and then you'd run into the golden handcuffs syndrome.
So all of that is another argument against marriage, I think.
[QUOTE=Dickhead; 1166221]The closest thing to free pussy is if you marry her and then you drink and fuck yourself to death as fast as possible. But, there is a problem with that. When I left the US 8 years ago I was pretty sure I could drink and fuck myself to death in 5 years. It's harder than it looks. But I have made some progress. When I left the US, I was an alcoholic and now I am just a drunk. I think you'd need to add cocaine, and then you maybe could do it in five years. But I never liked that shit. I really don't think you can fuck yourself to death. I tried as hard as I could.
I guess you could get "free" pussy from rich women but I don't think that would work for me. The initiation fees would be too high, and then you'd run into the golden handcuffs syndrome.
So all of that is another argument against marriage, I think. [/QUOTE]If you're attractive enough to women, pussy is free.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1166693]If you're attractive enough to women, pussy is free.[/QUOTE]Actually an ugly, hideously looking guy can pull in free pussy if has money to throw around.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax;1166793]Actually an ugly, hideously looking guy can pull in free pussy if has money to throw around.[/QUOTE]In that case it wasn't actually free. There were costs associated, which no doubt would have been more than an actual rental agreement.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1166693]If you're attractive enough to women, pussy is free.[/QUOTE]I agree. There is plenty of free pussy. But it only remains free if you keep it casual and short term
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1166811]In that case it wasn't actually free. There were costs associated, which no doubt would have been more than an actual rental agreement.[/QUOTE]Again, no such thing as free Pussy!
You pay upfront. Hooker!
You pay as you go. Date!
You pay at the end. Divorce!
Aren't you forgetting something here?
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax; 1166905]Again, no such thing as free Pussy!
You pay upfront. Hooker!
You pay as you go. Date!
You pay at the end. Divorce! [/QUOTE]There is one more category.
You pay nothing. Fuck Buddy!
I have done that several times. Doesn't work like a date. Just simply someone you like to shag and vice versa. No strings attached. I admit it doesn't happen very often. Last one for me was one of the single mums in my son's school. She was a hottie from Guayana. She had 2 small kids (1 and 5) and wanted someone in the convenience of her own home when the kids are sleeping. No taking out for dinner, no presents, no payment. Just go, fuck and then get the hell out of there. She was a MILF and pretty open minded. Plus I got home cooked dinner. I stopped when she thought we should have a proper relationship. Hence the remark. Keep it casual and short.
I wonder how much time this guy Jack has spent in the United States.
There is no such thing as 'free sex. ' Sex involves expenditures of energy and vital fluids. It involves assumed risk of disease, injury and paternal liability. There is also the opportunity cost of having sex assuming that you have capacity to earn income or create value with the time used to engage in sex.
That being said, some guys screw girls raw dog in poor foreign lands and then disappear leaving them to fend for themselves. I guess you can say the sex was pretty close to being scot free for the guy.
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1166946]I wonder how much time this guy Jack has spent in the United States.[/QUOTE]Not much. I try to avoid it actually. Reason being: AW
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger;1166996]...There is also the opportunity cost of having sex assuming that you have capacity to earn income or create value with the time used to engage in sex...[/QUOTE]Umh. Engaging in sex creates incredible value for me. Just not monetary value. Its simply priceless. Engaging in work on the other hand while you could have sex instead is seriously depressing.
I have quite a few fuckbuddy relationships running. The problem is that of low priority. In many cases we go a longgggggg time without even seeing ecah other apart from online, because of schedule conflicts and it just not being priority in our lives. That especially happens when fuckbuddy gets a serious bf or gets back together with one. Otherwise, those relationships are awesome.
I think the ultimate pinnacle of human relationships would be a polyamorous relatiionship between a big group of people where everybody loves and fucks everybody else. Aside from that, I think open relationships are great.
I doubt I'd ever enter into a monogamous relationship again at this point.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1167438]I doubt I'd ever enter into a monogamous relationship again at this point.[/QUOTE]You either. Especially over here in Thailand. I have gotten so used to telling women that I don't want a girlfriend. If I have already been fucking them before the subject comes up they usually get sad for a minute but afterwards they are fine to keep it as a fucking friendship.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1167498]You either. Especially over here in Thailand. I have gotten so used to telling women that I don't want a girlfriend. If I have already been fucking them before the subject comes up they usually get sad for a minute but afterwards they are fine to keep it as a fucking friendship.[/QUOTE]I'm going out with a girl right now who picks girls up for us to have threesomes. Now THAT is gf material! Everybody else is a distant second!
Professor Busted For Running Non-profit Mongering Site
This is what happens when you grow up in SP and can't afford to monger
AW Article Against Younger Women Dating Older Men
I wonder how she feels about older women preying on younger men? She never mentioned Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. I guess young men suffer no harm from being cougar meat? A woman 10 to 15 yrs older than an 18 yr old boy can ruin his life permanently by putting him on child support for 18 yrs or more.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1171878][url]http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/30/age-gap-relationship-consequences-older-men-younger-women_n_887205.html?icid=main[/url]
I wonder how she feels about older women preying on younger men? She never mentioned Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. I guess young men suffer no harm from being cougar meat? A woman 10 to 15 yrs older than an 18 yr old boy can ruin his life permanently by putting him on child support for 18 yrs or more.[/QUOTE]I've just read the article and I feel grateful that in this age this kind of stuff gets put up on the internet and no trees are destroyed in order to be transformed into paper to serve as support to print this rubbish on. Thanks for posting the link anyways.
WTF has happened.
What happened to the original board format? This new format is so fucked up that I have no desire to hang around here anymore!
I see two possible solutions. One would be to use Firefox instead of that shit Bill Gates puts out, in which case the layout will look much better. Another would be to make sure the door does not hit you in the ass.
Marry an AW or monger as necessary, an economic analysis
i've been drinking a lot lately as usual and i have a lot more experience with mongering than i do with marriage, but the following would seem to be true. the longer you are married, the greater the absolute probability you will get divorced. and, as you get older you will build wealth, if you are successful at something. as a man, as you get older, at some point you can't have as much sex as you used to, all else held equal, unless you use performance-enhancing drugs. leaving drugs out of the equation, that would result in you having less sex with your wife every year, but with an increase in the probability she would take some of your wealth away. this would seem to increase economic risk geometrically.
now, another form of economic risk is leverage, or the presence of fixed costs in your cost structure. this is known as the "nut" that you have to pay no matter what happens. it has some similarities to a "jones" in that regard. assuming the woman is paying half the expenses, which is certainly a possibility with an aw, you could be getting some economies of scale on rent and so forth. let's take that out of the picture and look at it from the standpoint of any sane person who is considering getting married. for the moment we will ignore, as well, the possibility of a contradiction in terms in that last sentence. so this person has neither married an aw nor mongered excessively, at the time the decision needs to be made.
paragraph one illustrates the risk if you are successful. now let's look at the risk if you are unsuccessful and broke or scraping by. mongering is far more scalable. try moving to a smaller apartment or a cheaper country if you are married to an aw. this might be very difficult indeed. if you are a monger and you are broke, you don't have to monger. if you are married to an aw and you are broke, you still have to be married to an aw, with all the associated fixed costs.
looking at both the upside and the downside, the initial analysis would seem to favor mongering.
[quote=dickhead; 1173769]i've been drinking a lot lately as usual and i have a lot more experience with mongering than i do with marriage, but the following would seem to be true. the longer you are married, the greater the absolute probability you will get divorced. and, as you get older you will build wealth, if you are successful at something. as a man, as you get older, at some point you can't have as much sex as you used to, all else held equal, unless you use performance-enhancing drugs. leaving drugs out of the equation, that would result in you having less sex with your wife every year, but with an increase in the probability she would take some of your wealth away. this would seem to increase economic risk geometrically.
now, another form of economic risk is leverage, or the presence of fixed costs in your cost structure. this is known as the "nut" that you have to pay no matter what happens. it has some similarities to a "jones" in that regard. assuming the woman is paying half the expenses, which is certainly a possibility with an aw, you could be getting some economies of scale on rent and so forth. let's take that out of the picture and look at it from the standpoint of any sane person who is considering getting married. for the moment we will ignore, as well, the possibility of a contradiction in terms in that last sentence. so this person has neither married an aw nor mongered excessively, at the time the decision needs to be made.
paragraph one illustrates the risk if you are successful. now let's look at the risk if you are unsuccessful and broke or scraping by. mongering is far more scalable. try moving to a smaller apartment or a cheaper country if you are married to an aw. this might be very difficult indeed. if you are a monger and you are broke, you don't have to monger. if you are married to an aw and you are broke, you still have to be married to an aw, with all the associated fixed costs.
looking at both the upside and the downside, the initial analysis would seem to favor mongering.[/quote]i agree that the costs to exit marriage increases the longer a man remains in it. the common figure quoted is 50% of a man's wealth but when children are involved the loss of wealth is actually about 70 to 75 percent. there is also the question of opportunity costs. a married man may forego career opportunities in order to keep his wife happy and spend more time close to home. i think the real challenge for men living in the usa is being able to delay gratification until they can travel abroad to monger. many marry thinking that it is the best way to guarantee a readily available source of sex without factoring the long term costs.
Common sense!
Since I was married before I can say this from an experienced point of view, because I've learned things the hard way. For a man, there is a lot to gain from a marriage, only if he wants to have children. They are priceless and something to be protected, cherished and taken care of. It is the greatest benefit from the entire institution of marriage. Your kids. They will always be a part of you no matter what.
However, as far as the other issues, economic, emotional, and conjugal, the AW has all the chips in their corner. Why, the man has no rights basically except in the most extreme cases. An average guy needs to have an ironclad pre-nuptial agreement. Period. I learned that lesson the hard way. The AW is allowed to cheat, steal, lie and will be taken care of in the US judicial system. Judges there have lost their minds.
The USA is supposed to be a first world country. However, countless guys are paying child support for children they did not father, proven by DNA testing. The mother cheated on their fathers, had a child by another man, yet, judges in the USA are forcing men to support these kids, even though they are not the fruit of their loins? Go to any 'Third world country' and that bullshit will NEVER happen. Oh, yeah, and we are calling THEM third world. Go figure. Common sense can prevail elsewhere, except in the USA where we overthink the logical conclusions to an open and closed scenario. I think they are more enlightened than we are in that sense, because nonsense should not be rewarded.
Also, as mentioned before, conjugal rights have gone out the window along with common sense. We as men in the USA, the minute we say, like fools 'I DO' belong to the AW not as soulmates, or husband and wife; but as a cash register. Your net worth has just taken a hit if, like most dummies like me, who chose, out of their own free will, to take the plunge believing in the cunning, low-down, good for nothing AW who made a promise to you.
Even if you have it all in writing, with a great pre-nuptial agreement, there is no guarantee that the agreement will be enforced as written. Once again, our judicial system gives our judges great latitude in the enforcement of written agreements, including pre-nuptial agreements. Common sense has disappeared from our system of jurisprudence. This is the fallout from our lack of core values. Our laws evolve and can change with the times, but, once a gain, where is the common sense?
What's my point? Why would any sane human being marry ANYONE and live in the USA? If you are truly looking for the living happily thereafter, you have to live somewhere else where the laws have meaning. Pretty much all 1st world countries have lost their appeal; that is why in extreme cases governments are paying citizens to have children, like in Germany. The population of Japan is aging extremely fast, virtually no one is having children there. For a hard working man in any developed country, marriage has become a tremendous liability. This is because no system of laws in developed countries wants to give us males the right to be right about anything when it comes to marriages.
You've noticed that I've left out women rights groups' altogether? Their impact has virtually eliminated the rights for all of us and the law has evolved to the point that it makes no sense, especially in the USA. Sexless marriages, paying child support for what basically IS a bastard child, no visitation rights for many great providers and fathers out there, etc, etc.
So monger on! Women hate that we are getting what we want. Let them make that Hatorade in barrels! This is what they wanted for us to find better than them. I know I did and so did many of you out there. Have fun, and remember not to fall in love because you may find yourself in an unwinnable situation.
Sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to give my humble opinion.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger;1173871]I agree that the costs to exit marriage increases the longer a man remains in it. The common figure quoted is 50% of a man's wealth but when children are involved the loss of wealth is actually about 70 to 75 percent. There is also the question of opportunity costs. A married man may forego career opportunities in order to keep his wife happy and spend more time close to home. I think the real challenge for men living in the USA is being able to delay gratification until they can travel abroad to monger. Many marry thinking that it is the best way to guarantee a readily available source of sex without factoring the long term costs.[/QUOTE]
Woman Cuts Off Husband's Dick And Throws It Down Garbage Disposal
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger;1175986][url]http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/12/catherine-kieu-becker-cut-off-husbands-penis_n_895771.html[/url][/QUOTE]Jesus Christ! And everyone here is ragging on American Women? Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT fuck with a pissed off Cambodian woman! And she turned the garbage disposal ON, with him watching! Nothing left to even re-attach. Poor bastard. I'm glad I'm not him.
Update on Mr. Dickless
Apparently, our dickless friend is doing quite well.
Garden Grove Police Lt. Jeff Nightengale said Kieu called police Monday night to report a medical emergency and told arriving officers "he deserved it" before pointing to the room where the victim was found bleeding profusely. She was taken into custody without incident and refused to talk to officers further.
The couple was married in December 2009. When the victim filed for divorce, he cited irreconcilable differences, court records show. Kieu was slowly moving her things out of the condo, authorities said.
The victim declined to comment when he was reached by phone Tuesday by the Register.
"This is a private matter," he said.
A call by The Associated Press to a phone number listed on court documents for the victim was answered Wednesday by a person who promptly hung up.
Officers visited the victim on Tuesday and found him in "amazingly good spirits considering everything he has gone through," Nightengale said.
Our hero is in "amazingly good spirits" after he's had his dick cut off and turned into hamburger by a garbage disposal. I wonder what he considers a bad day?
Actually I believe it's not the size of the shells that matter, it's the direction of the shot. You don't want to aim the gun upwards, you want to aim it backwards so the blast will sever your spinal column.
[QUOTE=BoneDaddy; 1177379]Apparently, our dickless friend is doing quite well.
Garden Grove Police Lt. Jeff Nightengale said Kieu called police Monday night to report a medical emergency and told arriving officers "he deserved it" before pointing to the room where the victim was found bleeding profusely. She was taken into custody without incident and refused to talk to officers further.
The couple was married in December 2009. When the victim filed for divorce, he cited irreconcilable differences, court records show. Kieu was slowly moving her things out of the condo, authorities said.
The victim declined to comment when he was reached by phone Tuesday by the Register.
"This is a private matter," he said.
A call by The Associated Press to a phone number listed on court documents for the victim was answered Wednesday by a person who promptly hung up.
Officers visited the victim on Tuesday and found him in "amazingly good spirits considering everything he has gone through," Nightengale said.
Our hero is in "amazingly good spirits" after he's had his dick cut off and turned into hamburger by a garbage disposal. I wonder what he considers a bad day?[/QUOTE]Keep in mind that since his dick led him to this beyotch in the first place, he may be glad to now be without it.
[QUOTE=BoneDaddy;1176143]Jesus Christ! And everyone here is ragging on American Women? Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT fuck with a pissed off Cambodian woman! And she turned the garbage disposal ON, with him watching! Nothing left to even re-attach. Poor bastard. I'm glad I'm not him.[/QUOTE]She had also drugged him into a state of unconsciousness, but waited for him to wake up before removing the family member and putting it into the aforementioned disposal unit.
$7 million prostitution ring busted in New York City
$7 million prostitution ring busted in New York City, police say.
By Chris Boyette, CNN.
July 20, 2011 6:42 pm EDT.
New York (CNN). Seventeen people and five "corporations" connected to a New York City escort service were indicted in Brooklyn Wednesday, charged with running a high-price prostitution and drug ring.
The alleged racket earned more than $7 million in three years, catering to high-rolling customers who could drop more than $10, 000 a night, according to the Kings County District Attorney's Office.
The 144-count indictment includes allegations of enterprise corruption, promoting prostitution, money laundering, and criminal sale of a controlled substance against High Class NY, an escort service based in the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood of Brooklyn.
Among the individuals named in the documents are High Class NY's owners: Mikhail Yampolsky; his wife, Bronislava; a son, Alexander; and a stepson, Jonathan Yampolskaya. Eleven High Class NY managers and two of the escort service's largest financial investors, Efim Gorelik and Yakov Maystrovich, also are indicted. They could face up to 25 years in prison if convicted.
"We are not going to run from this. We intend to fight these charges," said Joseph Mure, attorney for Yampolskaya and the younger Yampolsky.
Two escorts are separately indicted on prostitution and drug-related charges.
Fees for High Class NY's escort services allegedly ranged from $400 per hour to more than $3, 600 per hour, and clients often spent more than $10, 000 in one night, according to the indictment. Authorities claim the money paid for sexual contact with the escorts as well as cocaine and other controlled substances.
The indictment charges that High Class NY concealed client's credit card charges in monthly billing statements. The names of five shell corporations were used on the billing statements in place of High Class NY, the prosecutor's office said.
Escorts, called "models," were required to sign employment contracts prohibiting sexual contact with clients in an effort to mask the illegal nature of the business, the indictment says.
"There is no such thing as a high-class pimp, and as we do with all other pimps, my office will prosecute these defendants and seek the maximum sentences available under the law," said District Attorney Charles J. Hynes.
The indictment charges the High Class NY operates several escort websites, including highclassny. Com, discreteclub. Com, nyadultdating. Com, cupiddirect. Com, and angelofyourchoice. Com, in addition to advertising its services on backpage. Com and craigslist. Com.
"If any models were engaged in sexual activities, it was beyond the scope of their employment," said Albert Y. Dayan, the Yampolskys' attorney. He also asserted that prosecutors have failed to make the case of enterprise corruption against his clients because they cannot establish the alleged prostitution ring as a criminal enterprise.
According to the company's records, the escort service earned more than $7 million between September 2007 and November 2010, according to the indictment. Yampolsky faces charges of laundering these profits to hide the illegal income.
Yampolskaya and the Yampolskys pleaded not guilty at an arraignment Wednesday afternoon.
[QUOTE=Cyberdas; 1178542][url]http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/07/20/new.york.prostitution.bust/index.html?hpt=hp_t2[/url]
The 144-count indictment includes allegations of enterprise corruption, promoting prostitution, money laundering, and criminal sale of a controlled substance against High Class NY, an escort service based in the Sheepshead Bay neighborhood of Brooklyn.
Among the individuals named in the documents are High Class NY's owners: Mikhail Yampolsky; his wife, Bronislava; a son, Alexander; and a stepson, Jonathan Yampolskaya. Eleven High Class NY managers and two of the escort service's largest financial investors, Efim Gorelik and Yakov Maystrovich, also are indicted. They could face up to 25 years in prison if convicted.[/QUOTE]Another jews-from-russia success story gone bad. See if they get convicted, serve time. And how much the fine is.
My presidential platform 2012.
Because of the huge increase in mongering rates due to the weak US dollar I have decided to make mongering my #1 platform for the US presidential race. What I'm going to do is seperate a section of the country and take away all worker rights, get minimum wage down to around. 25 / hour which will hopefully get the working girl prices down to around $25. I will build a fence so that those less fortunate can not come into the A zone. In America we have the most diverse women look wise in the world and it is essentially the best place to monger, unfortunately we have to create a system that will spur that kind of movement. As President I am ready to make those tough decisions. Instead of trying to increase the economy everywhere I will narrow in on the best areas and cut out the portion of the country that would make best for mongering. Do I have your vote?
Well we now see how our tax payer funded bailout of Wall Street has been put to good use!
[QUOTE=Cyberdas; 1178542][url]http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/07/20/new.york.prostitution.bust/index.html?hpt=hp_t2[/url]
$7 million prostitution ring busted in New York City, police say.
The alleged racket earned more than $7 million in three years, catering to high-rolling customers who could drop more than $10, 000 a night, according to the Kings County District Attorney's Office.
Fees for High Class NY's escort services allegedly ranged from $400 per hour to more than $3, 600 per hour, and clients often spent more than $10, 000 in one night, according to the indictment. Authorities claim the money paid for sexual contact with the escorts as well as cocaine and other controlled substances.[/QUOTE]
Fuck no
Fuck no, you don't have my vote. Just like any politician you are looking at band-aid solutions. The problem is the weak dollar and low wage mentality does nothing to solve that. This statement,"In America we have the most diverse women look wise in the world and it is essentially the best place to monger," is flat out ludicrous. If your idea of diverse is fat, fatter, and grossly obese, then that would be a good description of the available variety. Of course, coming from one of the most obese states in the US you may not notice that, or may not care, or may be a "chubby chaser" at heart. Now I will go check your posting history and see if you have ever actually been anywhere.
But since Jackson's software sucks, I could only access your last 25 posts, which were all from the Philippines. That is probably where your 25c per hour concept comes from. Pussy is essentially a commodity product and attempts to differentiate the product, while amusing, are largely misguided. So we have capital fleeing the US in search of pussy, which exacerbates the trade deficit and further weakens the dollar. If they legalized prostitution in the US it would still suck, and would not change anything, because it would be provided by fat, obnoxious, asexual AWs who have been brainwashed from birth. Hence the focus needs to be on either improving the US economy and strengthening the US dollar for those who monger on vacation, or strengthening the dollar without regard to the economy for those of us who have already come to our senses and left, but still get paid in dollars.
My platform for 2012 is to shoot all the fundies. They will go to heaven, or so they believe, and so should not mind dying. Then I have a reasonable shot at getting elected. I still won't want to return to the US, so after I win the election overwhelmingly I will merely appoint a regent to rule on my behalf. I will immediately cease to fund the military. I won't even spend money to bring them back. They freely enlisted and hence agreed to go to Whatthefuckistan, so I will give them two weeks' severance and they can do whatever. I will immediately cease to fund the CIA and those fuckers won't even get two weeks severance. I will deny they ever existed. Then I will cease to fund the Border Patrol and very soon the US will have plenty of cheap Latina and Asian hookers and the problem will be solved. The elimination of these useless and counterproductive tools of imperailism will balance the budget and we can collect payroll taxes from the illegal aliens and then deport them right before they reach retirement age. That will fix the problems with Social Security and Medicare. I will also deport ignorant rednecks who were born in the United States. This will be like a reverse Mariel boatlift. Somalia, Haiti, and Venezuela will be the main destinations. The prison population could be included in the deportation, or could be gassed and used as feed for cattle and hogs. Either way would be fine by me.
Wow you are the stereotypical can't get laid in the US monger. You definetely have some issues and I don't need to see back 1 post to figure that out, nor have I ever looked in the past at someones posts. That is kind of stalkerish and could potentially be part of your problem with women. I suggest first you seek professional help, then you open your eyes and realize how many hot women of different nationalities mixed together are here in the US. I agree in general their attitudes are a bit much, but saying they are all fat is like calling all women period fat because there are so many asian and latin women in the country, along with indian, european, the list goes on and on. No other country is like that. That is why the US has the hottest women, with out variety you're at a seafood buffet with one type of clam. There's 2 types of mongers and unfortunately we are the opposites, I'm the monger who has an addiction and just can't get enough, you're the monger who can't get it and needs to pay. I can't say which is worse.
[QUOTE=Madisonguy;1178932]Wow you are the stereotypical can't get laid in the US monger. You definetely have some issues and I don't need to see back 1 post to figure that out, nor have I ever looked in the past at someones posts. That is kind of stalkerish and could potentially be part of your problem with women. I suggest first you seek professional help, then you open your eyes and realize how many hot women of different nationalities mixed together are here in the US. I agree in general their attitudes are a bit much, but saying they are all fat is like calling all women period fat because there are so many asian and latin women in the country, along with indian, european, the list goes on and on. No other country is like that. That is why the US has the hottest women, with out variety you're at a seafood buffet with one type of clam. There's 2 types of mongers and unfortunately we are the opposites, I'm the monger who has an addiction and just can't get enough, you're the monger who can't get it and needs to pay. I can't say which is worse.[/QUOTE]I also have to wonder how much you've travelled. The food supply in the US is horrible, thus, people don't look good. If I were a hetero woman, I'd be bitching about fat gross nasty USA men! It's the ugliest country in the world, PERIOD!
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1178953]I also have to wonder how much you've travelled. The food supply in the US is horrible, thus, people don't look good. If I were a hetero woman, I'd be bitching about fat gross nasty USA men! It's the ugliest country in the world, PERIOD![/QUOTE]Not that I'm really checking out guys, but compared to latin and asian men I think we do quite well. After all it's the latin and asian women that generally prefer us over their own men. But the point of the post was for fun, and if you're too old to go out in a college town and party it up then you're not going to be seeing many hot women in the US anyway. It's still a long way off before the US isn't the best country for women because of the variety, I never said anything about consistency. If I want a red head, blonde, asian, latina, and black chick back to back I sure can't get that in any other country.
[QUOTE=Madisonguy;1179066]If I want a red head, blonde, asian, latina, and black chick back to back I sure can't get that in any other country.[/QUOTE]Ever been to Europe?
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1178911]The problem is the weak dollar and low wage mentality does nothing to solve that.[/QUOTE]"weak dollar" LOL. Sounds like not enough weak dollars in your pocket is the problem.
[QUOTE=Littletruths;1179067]Ever been to Europe?[/QUOTE]Hell, I can get all that without even leaving Bogota! And they take MUCH better care of themselves too. Not to mention you can actually have a conversation that doesn't make you want to stab yourself with an icepick to alleviate the boredom!
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1179123]Hell, I can get all that without even leaving Bogota! And they take MUCH better care of themselves too. Not to mention you can actually have a conversation that doesn't make you want to stab yourself with an icepick to alleviate the boredom![/QUOTE]Now you're really dreaming. Ha ha those highly educated blonde columbians are falling from the sky. Columbian women are hot I will give you that, but they are the most shallow of the latin community and some of the hottest tempered. We've got plenty of them in the midwest no reason to go get killed in a third world country for girls who only want your money regardless of where they live. When in Costa Rica the second I find out they are columbian I cut them loose, I definetely wouldn't put that country on a has all list.
[QUOTE=Madisonguy;1179134]Now you're really dreaming. Ha ha those highly educated blonde columbians are falling from the sky. Columbian women are hot I will give you that, but they are the most shallow of the latin community and some of the hottest tempered. We've got plenty of them in the midwest no reason to go get killed in a third world country for girls who only want your money regardless of where they live. When in Costa Rica the second I find out they are columbian I cut them loose, I definetely wouldn't put that country on a has all list.[/QUOTE]Now you're DEFINITELY showing your lack of experience. Outside of Colombia you get all the scum from here. For the quality stuff you have to be here.
As for highly educated, there is NO country with WORSE education than the USA bro!!!
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1179207]Now you're DEFINITELY showing your lack of experience. Outside of Colombia you get all the scum from here. For the quality stuff you have to be here.
As for highly educated, there is NO country with WORSE education than the USA bro![/QUOTE]Hey bro, you should do some fact checking first before you throw out statements with certainty like that. The USA happens to be #2 in the world, behind Canada and ahead of Japan. Colombia fails to make the top 10, they also fail to make the top ten in most beautiful women. The US is somewhere around 6. The term they use around here for people running around screaming things that aren't true is village idiot.
"Hey bro, you should do some fact checking first before you throw out statements with certainty like that. The USA happens to be #2 in the world, behind Canada and ahead of Japan."
Based on what criteria? Do you have a source for that? Because I have taught at institutions of higher education in four countries on three continents so are we talking about:
1) Years of average education? I think you are basing off that. Problem there is it ignores quality.
2) Qualification of the teachers? Because that depends on where they went to school.
3) Standardized test scores?
4) Some shit you pulled out of your ass?
There are a lot of ways to have an "educational system," up to and including (in my opinion) teaching things that are largely ignored in the US educational system, such as how to cook, manage a budget, treat older or disabled folks, or raise non-hysterical children.
One problem in the US is that the parents tend to be pretty hysterical and dysfunctional and obsessive, and so this rubs off on the children. That is also an example of an educational system.
Bad guess. I'm certified in TEFL but have only done a little of it on the side. As an example of a country which I believe has a better educational system than the US, I would give you The Netherlands. BTW "free" public education in the US is no longer a given with all the textbook fees and such. Although, the ACLU made California stop doing that stuff, but only because their state constitution doesn't allow it. Do you have a source as to the US giving out more free college educations than any other country? I'm sure the US has a better educational system than the majority of countries in the world, but it is definitely not improving.
I love the way the moment anybody says anything remotely negative about the shitbag USA has-been country, people have to go ad-hominem immediately. The reason for this is because they are also products of the flawed educational system and lack objectivity and the ability to analyze things in a critical fashion. Thus they have to result to low-level rhetoric, stupid out-of-date slogans, and personal insults.
I have both a Canadian and American passport, and am applying for Colombian residency. I intend to continue making my home here in Colombia, stay here and put roots down. It's far from perfect, but I love it here.
The US has the 6th most beautiful women in the world? ONLY an American would be naive enough to swallow that one. Anybody else from anywhere out of North America would HOWL with laughter at such a ridiculous proposition. That's as good as people here who think that Colombian women actually LIKE the typical fat pasty badly-dressed gringo look HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAH!
All you have to do to verify how much better educated Colombians are is TALK TO ONE. Oh wait, none of you guys slagging me on here can even string more than two words of Spanish together. Well, I guess that explains your total lack of perspective on the subject :P
Colombians are the shallowest women of all women and they'd be the most likely of all chicas to "LIKE the typical fat pasty badly-dressed gringo look". I wouldn't be surprised 1 bit that the "the typical fat pasty badly-dressed gringo" would live on the cheap in a 3rd world country like Colombia, flashing his US & Canadian passport to get some wetness going between the chicas' legs.
[QUOTE=Vielendank;1179531]I'm guessing you don't because you know as well as everyone else that it's the best passport / citizenship in the world to have and the benefits of being American are remarkable.[/QUOTE]You will forgive my getting into this heated propagandistic stretch of yours, but I'm curious to know what makes you think that an American passport / citizenship carries advantages compared to those of any other first-world country. As far as I've heard, and correct me if I'm wrong, an American citizen's income is still taxed back home even if the person is resident abroad and makes that income abroad with no relation whatsoever to the USA. If that's so, I wouldn't call that an advantage. Cavity inspection and no-fly lists don't ring any bell in the advantages list either. The special dedicated areas in major airports that cater to American and Israelis and the flights to their countries aren't meant to offer some sort of privileged treatment, if you know what I mean. Seeing the world outside of your own country's borders as a dangerous place where bad guys are out hiding in the bushes to get you doesn't look like much of an advantage either.
I'm not trying to trow shit at you, just pointing out that each and every country has its ups and downs and that your propagandistic views sound pretty much like a "My dad could beat your dad up." kindergarten-level argument.
The subject of this forum is American Women, and since genetically-speaking there is no such a thing (unless we want to consider Native Americans) it must be then cristal-clear that it refers to a "cultural" phenomenon.
[QUOTE=Littletruths;1179572]You will forgive my getting into this heated propagandistic stretch of yours, but I'm curious to know what makes you think that an American passport / citizenship carries advantages compared to those of any other first-world country.[/QUOTE]If it had no advantages, why are so many people in so many other places trying to get one?
US citizens are taxed on world-wide income but if they are out of the country 11 months or more (330 days actually) of the year, they aren't taxed on [b]earned[/b] income, only on dividends, interest, rents, royalties, and so forth. This is true of American Women as well, just to keep the thread 2% on track. Me, I would much rather have an EU passport because I could live permanently in what is it, 27 different countries now?
I like fucking Native American women. I have fucked Navajos (Dine'h if you prefer), Utes, and Sioux that I know of and would give the Sioux the edge. Actually the best one was half Ogallala Sioux and half Navajo. But they pale in comparison to the Guaraní from Paraguay. Mapuche are good fucks but are kinda cube shaped.
B s
Your worldwide income is subject to USA income tax, regardless of where you reside and regardlesss of the time overseas. In the UK, you get an exemption if you are overseas 12 months or so.
The top rate of Federal tax is 28, about 6 states have no income-tax. Many others have no sales-tax (VAT to the Euros). Most Euros have tax deducted at source, unlike US, UK, Oz and other English-speaking states.
US has the lowest income-tax of the devloped world; countries like Hong Kong, Sing and the like being the exception.
Over 1/2 of the US citizens/residents pay no income-tax, due to out-of-control deductions. But everyone is required to file.
PRC income tax is 45% for those making $13,000/year. They have double taxation treaties with Hong Kong (top rate is 15%) , USA and others.
Many have gotten away with not filing/not paying for decades, before they get the creeps and then make a deal (with the assistance a tax-agent) with the IRS. A fat old hag (American Woman) working for the IRS represents Uncle Sam and no one ever gets away cheating or abusing US.
Stay on the right side of Uncle Sam
Yes, but a minute ago you were agreeing with someone about not having to pay US income-tax on overseas income.
Dickhead is vaguely referrring to Canadain income tax; where income overseas is not subject to Canuck taxes [b]provided you have no tax-liablility in Canada[/b]. So, if Dickhead is a canuck and sells his Igloo or his apt he is liable to canuck authorities for his income sourced in Euroland or elsewhere.
[QUOTE=Vielendank;1179610]How much are igloos going for these days?[/QUOTE]Far less than an American Woman I'd imagine.
I ain't "vaguely referring" to Canadian income tax, about which I know nothing. Any moron who can spell google can find out the top US tax rate is 35% and not 28, and I am referring to the foreign earned income exclusion claimed on Form 2555. Top rate will revert to 39. 6% in 2013 absent legislation to the contrary. The vast majority of the states in the US have sales taxes. Can we get back to pussy now?
[QUOTE=Lustforthrust;1179615]Far less than an American Woman I'd imagine.[/QUOTE]Right but more to the point, which is more frigid, your typical Igloo, or your typical American Woman?
[QUOTE=Vielendank; 1179543]Sounds like a great system for higher learning:
The Colombian higher education system comprises technical institutes, and technological and academic universities. Most of these align with government programs with the exception of those with church affiliations. Academic strata include undergraduate degrees, graduate programs, masters degrees and doctorates.
Sadly, access to tertiary education currently remains restricted to the sons and daughters of wealthy city dwellers. Until this changes, a tertiary education remains a dream for children trapped in rural squalor.[/QUOTE]Dude that's just plain wrong. Public universities in Colombia are FREE for anybody smart enough to pass the admissions exam, and if you're of limited economic means you can even get a stipend for books and such. The same as they USED to be in the USA back in the day. And Colombia is one of many many countries that still has this.
Not to mention we have a multi-tier healthcare system that actually WORKS most of the time, as opposed to 1 in 6 people having NO access to even the most basic healthcare.
I keep my US passport because I still have kids living there unfortunately, and because sometimes it's good to fly THROUGH there on the way to better destinations :P should both of those change I will gladly wipe my ass with it.
Sometimes I lie about where I'm from when people ask me here, or I just tell them I don't want to talk about it.
The pasty gringo look here in Colombia is a hit with a limited minority of girls who see $$$ in their eyes. As long as you remember that you'll be fine here. But once you take money out of the equation it's a whole different ball game. This is the most body-conscious country in the whole world. Fortunately I've gone from a 44 waist to a 37 due to the fact I no longer have to eat damaged USA food :P.
This just to say that AW AND AM are considered gross by the vast majority of the rest of the world.
[QUOTE=Vielendank;1179588]Don't be a hater just because I live in a country that is one of the best in the world. Hate where your from.[/QUOTE]ROFLMAO; you almost convinced me!
Chill down now. Drink a glass of water, breath deeply and don't worry, everything is fine.
Let's get back to pussy.
Last week a friend of mine working in a restaurant in Amsterdam told me a story (complete with pictures) of how two A girls walked in and created a show, eventually ending up sucking a waiter's dick in the bathroom and the other one fucking in the back room. They were pretty hot too.
I've thought wow, and to think that people complains about AW giving no game! LOL
[QUOTE=Dickhead; 1179269]"Hey bro, you should do some fact checking first before you throw out statements with certainty like that. The USA happens to be #2 in the world, behind Canada and ahead of Japan."
Based on what criteria? Do you have a source for that? Because I have taught at institutions of higher education in four countries on three continents so are we talking about:
1) Years of average education? I think you are basing off that. Problem there is it ignores quality.
2) Qualification of the teachers? Because that depends on where they went to school.
3) Standardized test scores?
4) Some shit you pulled out of your ass?
There are a lot of ways to have an "educational system," up to and including (in my opinion) teaching things that are largely ignored in the US educational system, such as how to cook, manage a budget, treat older or disabled folks, or raise non-hysterical children.
One problem in the US is that the parents tend to be pretty hysterical and dysfunctional and obsessive, and so this rubs off on the children. That is also an example of an educational system.[/QUOTE]Unlike you I don't pull stuff out of my ass. That's great that Columbia has great teachers, but if they are only teaching 1% of the population what good is it. If you are smart enough to google top 10 countries of education I'm sure you will find plenty of info. They use the percentage of people that have went to college. I'm a little concerned after your last post though that there is a little pot calling the kettle black here. From your waist size you went to severly obese to obese and you're calling all Americans fat? Don't be mad because you couldn't stop yourself from going to McDonalds too often, obviously it's going to be hard to pick up good looking American women when you are obese so it's not even a fair account of women here if you're only sleeping with the ugly.
"They use the percentage of people that have went to college."
I rest my case.
[QUOTE=Vielendank;1179860]I also think the reason you moved to Colombia is because you are one of the overweight, pasty, bald, overweight Americans and couldn't get a girl in his own country so he moved to a third world country where the women care more about money then looks. There's no way you could be sexually appealing to the women in Colombia ever with a 37" waist.[/QUOTE]Alpha males get the alpha females. True the world over. Lower-caste males far down on the food chain can always go to other countries where women there either can't get a true read on their status, or else are just looking for a walking wallet. Anyone who thinks he is magically transformed into an attractive and interesitng person by sitting in the back of a plane for half the night is self-deluded. But hey, if its working for him, more power to the little Boingo Cheetos doing the best they can for themselves.
[QUOTE=Vielendank;1179860]Just a couple comments on what you wrote. First, and most importantly, you expose yourself as a liar by not remembering what you said in previous posts. You stated that you have both US and Canadian passports. If this is so then there is no need to keep your USA passport to "Stop through on the way to better countries". Your Canadian passport is good enough for that and you can stay 90 days. So why don't you wipe your ass with it now and give it up. Your reasoning is bogus and I'm guessing your kids are smarter then you for knowing a good place when they see it. I also agree with the other poster that stated if you had a 44" waist that you were obese. No one forced you to walk into McDonalds and eat crap food. Put the burger down pudgy! You can eat good or you can eat bad in America. Just because you had no self control doesn't mean that everyone can't eat a proper diet. I also think the reason you moved to Colombia is because you are one of the overweight, pasty, bald, overweight Americans and couldn't get a girl in his own country so he moved to a third world country where the women care more about money then looks. There's no way you could be sexually appealing to the women in Colombia ever with a 37" waist. Sounds like you have self esteem problems. Maybe you should come back and get some counseling to deal with your deep seated issues. I[/QUOTE]Man debating with BC on Columbia vs the USA is like talking astrophysics to a 6th grader.
There isn't one statistic that can be shown where Columbia tops the USA. In any area.
But if he loves it there. Let him rave. He had a 44 inch waist while living in the USA and wonders why he wasn't getting women. Obviously he went there and finally realized he had to lose weight to get even poor 3rd world women. So that in itself speaks volumes. Now that he's finally able to get women "he ecstatic" and thinks he's in heaven. More power to him.
As for Columbia being the most "body-conscious" country in the world. I think a lot of Brazilians would disagree. And those who have been there.
"There isn't one statistic that can be shown where Columbia tops the USA. In any area."
I can think of a few areas where Col[b]o[/b]mbia tops the US.
1) Murders.
2) Availability of cocaine (useful for weight loss)
3) Counterfeit money.
I used to add availability of marijuana to that list but that's no longer true, at least regarding the last place I lived in the US.
We could take this to Best Countries for STR or something if we wanted to stay on topic. But who gives a shit? We don't have too much original left to say about AW any more
Dude. I know English is your second language but this is known as sarcasm. Colombia has more murders than the US, so Colombia "tops" the US in murders (on a per capita or percentage basis). More cocaine is available in Colombia so it "tops" the US in that category. And so forth.
I didn't actually put the quote marks in the original posts. That kind of spoils the sarcasm. BTW I saw a chick here today carrying a purse that said "Pürne" on it. Think it was counterfeit? You'd think if they went to the trouble to put the umlaut on there, they could spell it right.
OK fine, so Colombia has a high murder rate. Why would I give a fuck? That's not #1 in my criteria for choosing a place in which to live. Every time some moron gets killed it's another seat on the bus for the rest of us.
To me this place tops the US in areas where statistics don't show. And some areas where statistics DO show, like for example 98% of the population here has access to basic healthcare, as compared to 84% in the USA. That's a pretty big number.
I came down here, started partying like I was a teenager again. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll baby! When I was in NYC I slept more, took better care of myself, and drank and partied a helluva lot less. But I was in way worse shape. Here the weight just comes off. There IS no way to eat healthy in the US. It's all been injected and altered and stuffed with chemicals.
Colombian cities also have way better public transit than US cities. I hate cars and HATE driving. For me it's several notches DOWN on the quality of life somewhere I can't use a bicycle or public transit. I can't STAND that in the US you are forced to drive everywhere most of the time. I also don't have a statistic for that one. But I notice the difference every time I have to go out.
And actually USA women are FAR more forgiving of a fat man than Colombian women are, once you take the gold-digging factor out the equation (in my case it's out completely these days because I'm STONE BROKE). BUT. Colombian women are such better catches I couldn't be bothered to even worry what a fat ignorant nasty smelly US girl thinks of me. I doubt the general would even salute at this point. I can't back my point up with statistics because there ARE no meaningful statistics on those sorts of things, I just once again notice the difference every time somebody opens their mouth here, and even more so every time a girl's panties come off.
But hey, if you guys want to pork those trolls up there, more power to ya and less competition for me down here!
Another thing, TOTALLY classeless to insult me calling me a fucking "6th grader" and you can't even spell "Colombia" right after being corrected RIGHT ON THE BOARD.
You can talk shit all you want about your great USA education, but the way you carry yourself even on this forum proves my point. Blissfully unaware of your own gross ignorance. Pull up your fucking pants, your ass and balls are showing my nigga!
This is exactly the shit I NO LONGER have to put up with since I moved from the US. I'll honestly say it's WORTH IT to not be able to keep a nice cell phone here just to not be surrounded 24/7 by THAT class of people!
Areas where Colombia beats out the US STATISTICALLY:
% of people with access to healthcare (98)
-average age (26. 3) important for those chasing pussy I guess.
% of people living in cities (78%) also important for chasing pussy, they're more conveniently contained, plus people living in cities take better care of their appearance.
-import / export ratio of oil (Colombia breaks even, USA has to import tons)
-trade deficit.
-energy footprint (10% of USA)
None of that is why I'm here, I'm here mainly for the music, the pussy is a nice fringe benefit, but a BIG BIG one. Out of all the women I've slept with the top 10 best fucks have ALL been Colombian women. So I guess there's another statistic for you to put in your pipes and smoke. Unfortunately I lost count of the # of women I've slept with back in 1996 or so, so I guess the data's a little incomplete.
In the end, statistics don't mean shit to me. The USA and Canada are puritanital anti-sex anti-social miserable places to live. There's no way to describe that with numbers.
Well, one thing a high murder rate will do is keep that average age down. Actually a high average age has a lot of negative economic implications, when you have fewer workers in comparison to retirees. Japan, Italy, and Spain in particular are finding that out, but the US is affected increasingly as well. I have no idea if Col[b]o[/b]mbia has a retirement system or not.
BC does make a good point about the mass transit. There are some cities in the US where you can live without a car but not many, and public transportation is rather expensive as well. Public transportation in the US is improving somewhat, though. The whole car thing is probably the second worst thing about living in the US, after the whole woman thing. The third worst thing about the US is probably the whole having to go to a doctor when you know you have strep throat (or the fucking clap) and need penicillin thing. You got to wait and wait and then they look in your throat for five seconds, tell you you have strep, give you the script, and charge you an outlandish amount. Of course the flip side of it is, at least here in Argentina, they take antibiotics all the fucking time, for anything and everything, without having any idea what they are doing.
But if I had to choose between living in the US and living in Col[b]o[/b]mbia (I only know Medellín and and Bogotá) that would be a very tough call. If I didn't look like such a bog-trotting little Mick, I might be able to live in Colombia but I just found it too dangerous, and I can handle a pretty good level of that shit.
Fortunately I don't have to worry about it because my Argentinean favorita is a dead ringer for Shakira so that gives me my colombiana fix when I need it. I got a major, major thing for Shakira. Intelligent women are very sexy, especially when they are very sexy to begin with.
I think you're still way off the beginning topic. It's not about what country is better in general it's about what country would be best for mongering if you could pick any. I just got back from Chicago and I saw every type of beautiful woman from every country with mixtures of breast sizes, waists, tattoos, anything you could dream up I'm sure I saw it. I think the US sucks when it comes to politics and it is a rapidly decaying country, but regardless of the % of fat women there's still unbelievably hot ones and the variety is unmatched. Someone said Europe, well maybe but that really isn't a country and I don't think there's one city with as much diversity as a New York or Chicago. If women were forced to monger there I would have died and gone to heaven. I get bored easily as I'm sure a good number of mongers do, so that includes any type of girl from a country where the gene pool is still pretty similar, ie Colombia, Philippines, Costa Rica. Even in Europe they have had similar looks the places that I went. I want to screw an irish red head one day and a dark latin girl the next with out hopping on a plane. If you really don't like white women then I would agree that America wouldn't hold the same draw. I like them all so I still have to deal with the bull here.
[QUOTE=Dickhead; 1180414]Well, one thing a high murder rate will do is keep that average age down. Actually a high average age has a lot of negative economic implications, when you have fewer workers in comparison to retirees. Japan, Italy, and Spain in particular are finding that out, but the US is affected increasingly as well. I have no idea if Col[b]o[/b]mbia has a retirement system or not.
BC does make a good point about the mass transit. There are some cities in the US where you can live without a car but not many, and public transportation is rather expensive as well. Public transportation in the US is improving somewhat, though. The whole car thing is probably the second worst thing about living in the US, after the whole woman thing. The third worst thing about the US is probably the whole having to go to a doctor when you know you have strep throat (or the fucking clap) and need penicillin thing. You got to wait and wait and then they look in your throat for five seconds, tell you you have strep, give you the script, and charge you an outlandish amount. Of course the flip side of it is, at least here in Argentina, they take antibiotics all the fucking time, for anything and everything, without having any idea what they are doing.[/QUOTE]I agree but you don't need to live there for medicine. I stock up anytime I leave the country, I would assume most monger outside US atleast once a year that's plenty if you're taking more than that you're probably just looking to screw yourself down the road because taking to much can make it not work so I've been told. I will say I think I got gringo fucked in the Philippines, it was like $25 for amoxocillin and doxocycline which I don't think the people there can afford. From now on I think I will just have the bell boy get me shit because I'm too damn american / european looking.
[QUOTE=Madisonguy;1180483]I I don't think there's one city with as much diversity as a New York or Chicago. If women were forced to monger there I would have died and gone to heaven.[/QUOTE]I totally agree with this statement. I live here (Native NY'er) and I can tell you that right now the streets are SWARMING with beautiful women of all shapes sizes and nationalities. Whatever you want you got it. Now that the weather has been so warm women are wearing almost nothing. It's beautiful.
I think what happens to guys here like me is our experiences have jaded us. Deep down we know the limits with these women. There is no sense of "hope" for some guys so the attraction goes away.
Lately there has been an influx of east indian and pakistani women which is driving me nuts.
Big US cities are a tease. Once you reach a certain age the hope fades and you stop looking at it or lusting after it.
If you have never seen a cute puerto rican girl from the bronx in her summer clothes it might be worth a trip here. Otherwise yeah. Candy store without any money to purchase anything.
Say what?
You hit the nail in the head! No one said tha there are not beauties here in Sex Prison. It is their attitudes that make them completely undesirable. The percentages of "cute" women in the US is where I have a serious problem in comparison to just about any other country I visited, though. I say, in the US when walking down the street or just people watching, I'd say the ratio is about 1 or 2 in 10 worth looking at if at all. That's anywhere in Sex prison. By comparison I leave the US and go to say the DR, Central or South America anywhere, the ratio of women worth looking at goes from anywhere from 5 to sometime 6 in 10 worth a second look.
Go to any gym in any of these other countries and it is just unbelievable what you will see as far as a sexy looking, healthy, well cared for female. In Puritan Land I can't stand all the beefaloes that go to the gym in full make-up, wanting every fan turned on in the place along with the AC because they don't want their mascara to run; they must look cute while at the gym! Yes, at least they are trying to improve their appearance, but I can't stand the bovine shaped whales that seem to be the norm everywhere I look around in my Prison Yard! Again, if it is just numbers you seek, you need to get out of wherever you are in the US, take your passport and the amount of women with better looks and attitude goes way up if you stay out of first world countries.
[QUOTE=Artisttyp; 1180502]I totally agree with this statement. I live here (Native NY'er) and I can tell you that right now the streets are SWARMING with beautiful women of all shapes sizes and nationalities. Whatever you want you got it. Now that the weather has been so warm women are wearing almost nothing. It's beautiful.
I think what happens to guys here like me is our experiences have jaded us. Deep down we know the limits with these women. There is no sense of "hope" for some guys so the attraction goes away.
Lately there has been an influx of east indian and pakistani women which is driving me nuts.
Big US cities are a tease. Once you reach a certain age the hope fades and you stop looking at it or lusting after it.
If you have never seen a cute puerto rican girl from the bronx in her summer clothes it might be worth a trip here. Otherwise yeah. Candy store without any money to purchase anything.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Dickhead; 1180414]Well, one thing a high murder rate will do is keep that average age down. Actually a high average age has a lot of negative economic implications, when you have fewer workers in comparison to retirees. Japan, Italy, and Spain in particular are finding that out, but the US is affected increasingly as well. I have no idea if Col[b]o[/b]mbia has a retirement system or not.
BC does make a good point about the mass transit. There are some cities in the US where you can live without a car but not many, and public transportation is rather expensive as well. Public transportation in the US is improving somewhat, though. The whole car thing is probably the second worst thing about living in the US, after the whole woman thing. The third worst thing about the US is probably the whole having to go to a doctor when you know you have strep throat (or the fucking clap) and need penicillin thing. You got to wait and wait and then they look in your throat for five seconds, tell you you have strep, give you the script, and charge you an outlandish amount. Of course the flip side of it is, at least here in Argentina, they take antibiotics all the fucking time, for anything and everything, without having any idea what they are doing.
But if I had to choose between living in the US and living in Col[b]o[/b]mbia (I only know Medellíand and and Bogotá) that would be a very tough call. If I didn't look like such a bog-trotting little Mick, I might be able to live in Colombia but I just found it too dangerous, and I can handle a pretty good level of that shit.
Fortunately I don't have to worry about it because my Argentinean favorita is a dead ringer for Shakira so that gives me my colombiana fix when I need it. I got a major, major thing for Shakira. Intelligent women are very sexy, especially when they are very sexy to begin with.[/QUOTE]I prefer Colombia to live for many reasons, I was literally looking all over the place and I chose here.
Argentina is not for me because there are just too many flat-assed big-nosed women there, the music scene is totally faded, probably as bad as NYC or maybe worse, and I just don't like the Argies' constant attitude. I find them hard to take except for in very small doses. I'd love to be able to eat matambre every day though :P.
I also considered Brazil but Brazil is too insular and ignorant of the rest of the world. Big countries seem to get like that.
I'd say for mongering it's between Colombia and Brazil. Colombia has more volume of places and girls working (no lie the latest data says 210, 000 WGs in Bogota ALONE) , and the price is right here. Brazil perhaps has better quality of service, but maybe depends where you go.
[QUOTE=Voyajer1; 1180506]You hit the nail in the head! No one said tha there are not beauties here in Sex Prison. It is their attitudes that make them completely undesirable. The percentages of "cute" women in the US is where I have a serious problem in comparison to just about any other country I visited, though. I say, in the US when walking down the street or just people watching, I'd say the ratio is about 1 or 2 in 10 worth looking at if at all. That's anywhere in Sex prison. By comparison I leave the US and go to say the DR, Central or South America anywhere, the ratio of women worth looking at goes from anywhere from 5 to sometime 6 in 10 worth a second look.
Go to any gym in any of these other countries and it is just unbelievable what you will see as far as a sexy looking, healthy, well cared for female. In Puritan Land I can't stand all the beefaloes that go to the gym in full make-up, wanting every fan turned on in the place along with the AC because they don't want their mascara to run; they must look cute while at the gym! Yes, at least they are trying to improve their appearance, but I can't stand the bovine shaped whales that seem to be the norm everywhere I look around in my Prison Yard! Again, if it is just numbers you seek, you need to get out of wherever you are in the US, take your passport and the amount of women with better looks and attitude goes way up if you stay out of first world countries.[/QUOTE]I think artistt knows exactly the way I feel. As I turn 30 I start to have faded hopes of picking up a fresh girl out of high school, but damn some of them are looking so good and they are mixed more and more 1/2mex 1/2amer. 1/2greek 1/2amer. It's just becoming a more normal place to have mixtures than be pure here. As far as a ratio I would have to agree some what that in other countries there is a higher rate if you like whatever that particular country has. But it's not fair to take only that into consideration because what if the guy doesn't like latin women, or black, or asian, that is what makes the US so great is that it doesn't matter what you like you will find it here. I think the gym was a poor comparison because if you go to the gym here the women are hot too, that's where they go to stay hot. It's the others than think going to McDonalds or Walmart is a work out that ain't so great. Actually where I live if you go to Target it's like do-me-R-us. Sometimes I just go to Target to look at the trim.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1180515]I prefer Colombia to live for many reasons, I was literally looking all over the place and I chose here.[/QUOTE]Many reasons? There are hot women EVERYWHERE. You just needed to find a place where they were in your price range.
Ummm. Not getting why he would have to pay her spousal support. Isn't she already super rich and has enough money to support herself? Maybe it would be better to change the name to revenge fee (at least in this case).
The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES — Arnold Schwarzenegger has amended a divorce filing and withdrawn a request that a judge terminate Maria Shriver's rights to spousal support.
The actor and former California governor's filing replaces a document he submitted last week that also indicated he wanted Shriver to pay her own attorney's fees. The amended response filed Monday in Los Angeles states Schwarzenegger is also willing to pay his estranged wife's attorney.
The former couple's 13-year-old son remains hospitalized after a recent body-boarding accident left him with a collapsed lung.
Shriver filed for divorce July 1. Her petition to end the couple's 25-year-marriage came weeks after Schwarzenegger revealed he fathered a child with a member of his household staff years ago.
July 26, 2011 12:40 PM EDT
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational; 1180748]Ummm. Not getting why he would have to pay her spousal support. Isn't she already super rich and has enough money to support herself? Maybe it would be better to change the name to revenge fee (at least in this case).
The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES — Arnold Schwarzenegger has amended a divorce filing and withdrawn a request that a judge terminate Maria Shriver's rights to spousal support.
The actor and former California governor's filing replaces a document he submitted last week that also indicated he wanted Shriver to pay her own attorney's fees. The amended response filed Monday in Los Angeles states Schwarzenegger is also willing to pay his estranged wife's attorney.
The former couple's 13-year-old son remains hospitalized after a recent body-boarding accident left him with a collapsed lung.
Shriver filed for divorce July 1. Her petition to end the couple's 25-year-marriage came weeks after Schwarzenegger revealed he fathered a child with a member of his household staff years ago.
July 26, 2011 12:40 PM EDT[/QUOTE]I wish I could get a divorce and have my wife pay for me to live in Costa Rica or Philippines for a couple years, that would be awesome. Unfortunately a lawyer would get most of it and I would end up with enough to live in the ghetto which won't work for me.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1180376]Areas where Colombia beats out the US STATISTICALLY:
% of people with access to healthcare (98)
-average age (26. 3) important for those chasing pussy I guess.
% of people living in cities (78%) also important for chasing pussy, they're more conveniently contained, plus people living in cities take better care of their appearance.
-import / export ratio of oil (Colombia breaks even, USA has to import tons)
-trade deficit.
-energy footprint (10% of USA)
None of that is why I'm here, I'm here mainly for the music, the pussy is a nice fringe benefit, but a BIG BIG one. Out of all the women I've slept with the top 10 best fucks have ALL been Colombian women. So I guess there's another statistic for you to put in your pipes and smoke. Unfortunately I lost count of the # of women I've slept with back in 1996 or so, so I guess the data's a little incomplete.
In the end, statistics don't mean shit to me. The USA and Canada are puritanital anti-sex anti-social miserable places to live. There's no way to describe that with numbers.[/QUOTE]Actually Bango. You don't beat the USA in health care either. 100% of Americans can get health care. Its against the law for public hospitals to turn away ANYONE from an emergency room. Even illegals get health care in the USA. That why they are claimed to be a burdened on our society.
For that matter anyone can go to public schools in the USA. Even illegals. And you say that about Colombia.
As for average age being 26. That shows how poor the quality of health care and availability is in Colombia. Because it low because the life expectancy age is lower than the USA. Do to the quality, and availability of health care in America.
Import to export ratio. Of course. America has the most money. So where do you think countries are going to ship their goods to sell.
Somalia beats us in import / export ratio too for that matter. How many countries send good there.
Carbon footprint. Well we have 3 times as many people. Again of course.
Comparing Colombia to the USA is like comparing apples to oranges. Their on two different levels. America has budget problems. The world suffers. Colombia has budget problems. Nobody notices.
But let get on to women. As previously stated in another post good Beautiful women are everywhere.
Guys are getting married every day. Yeah divorce is high. But a lot of that has to do with the ease of which a person can get a divorce in America. And the support that women can get when leaving. There are shelters every where now to help AW.
AW are making more money and getting better jobs now than ever in the past. AW are less dependent on a man than in other countries. The less opportunities for women. The more they will be dependent on men. Right now more women are attending college than men.
Sure there are a few women who make it in the corporate world in Colombia. But the numbers are no where close to the number of women making it in America
All this come into play in American relationships. Good or bad. It is what it is.
But I'm happy for you. If you love it in Colombia. Each guy has to find the place that makes them happy. But that doesn't make that place better. Its just right for him. Enjoy Colombia and I hope it works out for you there. Peace.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865;1181179]Actually Bango. You don't beat the USA in health care either. 100% of Americans can get health care. Its against the law for public hospitals to turn away ANYONE from an emergency room. Even illegals get health care in the USA. That why they are claimed to be a burdened on our society.[/quote]The law is they have to STABILIZE them. They don't have to do anything about long-standing conditions or non-life-threatening conditions. So sorry, doesn't count. Those people are missing BASIC medical care. Now to be fair there ARE "disaster relief" programs in SOME states.
[quote]For that matter anyone can go to public schools in the USA. Even illegals. And you say that about Colombia.[/quote]Wrong again bro. The Colombian constitution guarantees the right of every child to a free public education. There's also food stamps, free or subsidized school lunches and breakfasts depending on income range, and public housing. I'm not in favor of many of these things on principle, but they're there.
[quote]As for average age being 26. That shows how poor the quality of health care and availability is in Colombia. Because it low because the life expectancy age is lower than the USA. Do to the quality, and availability of health care in America.[/quote]The average age is low because there was a baby boom in Colombia from 1987-1993. The life expectancy is at 71. The extra 8 years you live in the US are spent rotting in a nursing home somewhere.[quote]Import to export ratio. Of course. America has the most money. So where do you think countries are going to ship their goods to sell.
[/quote]That money America "has" has been LENT BY THE CHINESE. I don't know why this doesn't enter into so many people's skulls. The Chinese decide to stop bankrolling the USA it's OVER!
[quote]Carbon footprint. Well we have 3 times as many people. Again of course.[/quote]Not 3 times. 9 times as many. But of course, the statistic is per PERSON. Of course :P.
[quote]But let get on to women. As previously stated in another post good Beautiful women are everywhere.[/quote]You can find SOME smokingly hot women in almost any big city on Earth. But the AVERAGE looks of women is way higher in Latin America than anywhere else in the world, and to me Colombia takes the lead.
[quote]Sure there are a few women who make it in the corporate world in Colombia. But the numbers are no where close to the number of women making it in America.[/quote]Google a photo of the Colombian Congress, then of the American one, and honestly tell me where you see more women.
[QUOTE=Golfinho;1180709]Many reasons? There are hot women EVERYWHERE. You just needed to find a place where they were in your price range.[/QUOTE]I'm a lot younger and poorer than you're giving me credit for. I have to work on the local economy and make Colombian pesos. I'm there mainly for the music to tell you the truth, but I still don't see how you guys can even look TWICE at an ugly pushy nasty bitchy ignorant American after being in a place like Colombia.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1181298]The law is they have to STABILIZE them. They don't have to do anything about long-standing conditions or non-life-threatening conditions. So sorry, doesn't count. Those people are missing BASIC medical care. Now to be fair there ARE "disaster relief" programs in SOME states.[/QUOTE]You are wrong. People go to emergency rooms with non lethal injuries and are taken care of. Colds, flu and the such. Yes when its life threatening all they do is stabilize you. Which is basically all they do in Colombia for the low tier.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1181298]Wrong again bro. The Colombian constitution guarantees the right of every child to a free public education. There's also food stamps, free or subsidized school lunches and breakfasts depending on income range, and public housing. I'm not in favor of many of these things on principle, but they're there.[/QUOTE]Not only citizens get educated in the USA. ANYONE in the USA Illegals too can you say that. And even with that the country is lower on literacy
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1181298]The average age is low because there was a baby boom in Colombia from 1987-1993. The life expectancy is at 71. The extra 8 years you live in the US are spent rotting in a nursing home somewhere.[/QUOTE]Please show this statistics of such a baby boom and it being the reason for low age.
Regardless of where. We live longer. I'll take that to dying. And nursing homes conditions are based on what one can afford. There are some which I WISH I were living in now.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1181298]That money America "has" has been LENT BY THE CHINESE. I don't know why this doesn't enter into so many people's skulls. The Chinese decide to stop bankrolling the USA it's OVER![/QUOTE]Chinese loan the government money. Goods are imported to the USA because Americans have the "spare money" to spend buying goods.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1181298]You can find SOME smokingly hot women in almost any big city on Earth. But the AVERAGE looks of women is way higher in Latin America than anywhere else in the world, and to me Colombia takes the lead.[/QUOTE]Thats an opinion.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1181298]Google a photo of the Colombian Congress, then of the American one, and honestly tell me where you see more women.[/QUOTE]Well in america. Women can get jobs outside of congress. Google who has the most women CEO's. Women millionares. Women executives.
I show links to facts. You talk opinions.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1181301]I'm a lot younger and poorer than you're giving me credit for. I have to work on the local economy and make Colombian pesos. I'm there mainly for the music to tell you the truth, but I still don't see how you guys can even look TWICE at an ugly pushy nasty bitchy ignorant American after being in a place like Colombia.[/QUOTE]So. You had a 44 waist as you said. And you're poor. Wow. And you wonder why AW didn't flock to you.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865;1181391]So. You had a 44 waist as you said. And you're poor. Wow. And you wonder why AW didn't flock to you.[/QUOTE]You really need to learn to read before you type. How many goddamn times do I have to repeat I DID NOT HAVE A PROBLEM GETTING PUSSY IN THE USA.
My ***** has nothing to do with the AVAILABILITY of American pussy. My ***** has to do with the QUALITY. READ THAT!
I would say I have to work HARDER to get pussy in Colombia than I did in the USA. BUT it's WORTH IT. I consider it a good tradeoff because I'm enjoying a QUALITY previously unknown to me.
The rest of the stuff I'm not even going to respond to. I just don't care anymore and it's too much of a tangent. And you did the same thing, you just ignored what I typed and took it all the wrong way.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1181728]You really need to learn to read before you type. How many goddamn times do I have to repeat I DID NOT HAVE A PROBLEM GETTING PUSSY IN THE USA.
My * has nothing to do with the AVAILABILITY of American pussy. My * has to do with the QUALITY. READ THAT!
I would say I have to work HARDER to get pussy in Colombia than I did in the USA. BUT it's WORTH IT. I consider it a good tradeoff because I'm enjoying a QUALITY previously unknown to me.
The rest of the stuff I'm not even going to respond to. I just don't care anymore and it's too much of a tangent. And you did the same thing, you just ignored what I typed and took it all the wrong way.[/QUOTE]I'm sorry Bango your posts just don't seem to make sense, you would like us to believe that you were a fat hobo music guy in the US and you didn't have a problem getting girls in the US, not only that but it was harder to get girls in Colombia. That's pretty hard to believe those two things, I haven't been to Colombia but any other third world country it is a piece of cake to pick up a girl compared to US.
[QUOTE=Madisonguy;1181804]I'm sorry Bango your posts just don't seem to make sense, you would like us to believe that you were a fat hobo music guy in the US and you didn't have a problem getting girls in the US, not only that but it was harder to get girls in Colombia. That's pretty hard to believe those two things, I haven't been to Colombia but any other third world country it is a piece of cake to pick up a girl compared to US.[/QUOTE]That's EXACTLY what I'm saying.
Remember, I'm not coming down to visit Colombia, I LIVE in Colombia. And I make local currency and struggle on the local economy like any Colombian. That means instead of just attracting a few gringo chasing gold diggers, I'm actually dealing with the WHOLE population. The good part is I get to meet people of a quality that the average visitor isn't even aware exists. The hard part is that I'm now playing by the REAL rules of engagement that exist in Colombia. And Colombia is NOT the DR, not Brazil, Peru etc. Once you take the $$$$$ out of the question, it's no longer easy to get laid. Believe me, it's WORTH it though. I have access to a world you can only DREAM of now, although I have had to work like a dog for it.
Once again, when you eliminate $$$$ from the equation, the truth is that Colombians are actually LESS materialistic and MORE demanding in the looks department than their gringa counterparts. IME a NYC girl will forgive any physical defect, not care about how ugly or ridiculously dressed or ignorant etc. A man is, as long as he has $$$$$ in his pocket. In the USA the cardinal sin is being BROKE. Nothing is more looked down on. In Colombia the cardinal sin is not looking good. Broke, pfffff. Colombian women are USED to that, just like in the USA girls are USED to people looking like shit, because both things are respectively very common in those places.
This is some sick shit
Note that the father of the child whom she was found innocent of killing remains "unidentified." Since there is no advantage for an AW not to name a putative father to go after for child support, one would suspect she got fucked by so many guys she truly had no idea, or the father is a relative, or someone paid her to keep her mouth shut. The latter could be ruled out since she did not know how to keep her mouth shut, the second can be ruled out because she would have used that in her pathetic defense, leaving only the first scenario as plausible.
She will probably end up marrying O. J. Simpson since they have so much in common.
"College female students" looking for Sugar Daddies to help pay for tuition.
You guys need to read this. Young "college students" looking for sugar daddies to help pay for schooling debt and claiming that what they engage in should not be considered to be "prostitution" and that they should also not be seen as "working girls". Interesting read (and video) for sure!
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1181827]Once again, when you eliminate $$$$ from the equation, the truth is that Colombians are actually LESS materialistic and MORE demanding in the looks department than their gringa counterparts.[/QUOTE]My sentiments exactly as far as money is concerned. I don't know where people keep coming from with this materialistic Colombiana view. Maybe that is in the prepago world that I don't know anything about. My experience is just the opposite and part of the reason I don't deal with gringas. As far as the looks, I can't speak on how demanding they are since I'm actually a handsome devil to start with.
[QUOTE=Cyberdas; 1182736][url]http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/29/seeking-arrangement-college-students_n_913373.html?page=1[/url]
You guys need to read this. Young "college students" looking for sugar daddies to help pay for schooling debt and claiming that what they engage in should not be considered to be "prostitution" and that they should also not be seen as "working girls". Interesting read (and video) for sure![/QUOTE]That was an awesome read.
Regarding the comments, I can't stand people who write "It's sad that some men have to pay for sex". FUCK OFF.
In my opinion, it's sad that some men DON'T pay for sex. What the hell kind of life are you living that you never had a massage, or stripper, or (fill in the blank).
[QUOTE=Jon32; 1182847]That was an awesome read.
Regarding the comments, I can't stand people who write "It's sad that some men have to pay for sex". FUCK OFF.
In my opinion, it's sad that some men DON'T pay for sex. What the hell kind of life are you living that you never had a massage, or stripper, or (fill in the blank).[/QUOTE]Those people are on the outside looking in. Once they join the party there is no turning back for them.
Is the vagina the most powerful thing on Earth?
This shows how American women view their vaginas.
Guys, my jaw dropped when I saw this. At first I was laughing then I just felt bad!
[QUOTE=Jon32; 1183939]Guys, my jaw dropped when I saw this. At first I was laughing then I just felt bad!
[url]http://candy27rare.com/[/url][/QUOTE]Felt bad for her or for the clients who pay $300 per hour for such "entertainment"?
The Dumbing Down of AW's
just a random rant:
television plays a very large role in the dumbing down of our culture. had the tube on usa network with no plans on sitting down and actually watching anything until later. a show called "covert affairs" was on:
here we have a hot-ass chick and her hot female sidekick (in this episode that was on) parachuting into the backyard of somewhere in russia to do some cia stuff. it's not even 5 minutes before they are surrounded by 5 russian military guys holding ak's on them, and the two hot-ass female cia agents are thrown into the back of a vehicle and are transported somewhere (stopped paying attention at this point).
now, if you are a fan of history then you know as well as i do is that usa network left out the part where the 5 russian military guys gang-bang the hell out of the two hot ass cia agents before tossing their asses into the back of the transport vehicle. and then the part where they get gang-banged some more by everyone at the holding station until the usa makes up their mind if and when they will rescue the two ditzes.
this is the stupidest concept for a show that i've seen in a long while. to have the audience assume that the female lead character is somehow left "untouched" in a holding cell, tied up, etc. while waiting on the usa gov. to come and rescue her is ridiculous. and i am positive she is captured more than once across the tv series. you'll then have some dumb hot broad watching this show and thinking to herself "wow, it would be soo cool to be a cia agent!" not realizing that if she gets captured in the field it is more than likely she gets her dumb-ass raped given that other countries don't play by the same rules that the u.s. does.
but at that point, her beef is with usa network since it is not in their best interest to reveal what would more than likely happen to a hot-ass female spy captured in a foreign country.
It always puzzles me how often I hear people talk about the stupid stuff they watch on television. Why do you watch it then? I am fortunate that I grew up without television. I watch sports sometimes but even then, the commercials drive me nuts. I am in some small town in Argentina now (Concordia, in Entre Rios province) and listening to ESPN baseball on the radio, and reading my Kindle. TV is fucking obnoxious.
Nice Guys Get No Ass!
AW tells the cold hard truth to young guys trying to get pussy.
[quote=chocha monger; 1186360]aw tells the cold hard truth to young guys trying to get pussy.
[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n5s9tqeqxu&feature=related[/url][/quote]i can understand wanting to be tossed by a burly alpha male versus a metro sexual biatch but that's where it ends for me. alpha male guys are usually good at earning so that makes sense but then they suck at the majority of other elements needed to make a relationship work. they will never be the guy she needs to talk to or have an available shoulder for her to cry on. the answer i guess is to date an alpha male and have biatch male friends?
this is the point where i refused to buy into women's neurosis and continued mongering. treat her like shit because you like her and pretend that she turns you off then go in for the kill when you have the opportunity. try explaining that to a developing mind. it doesn't surprise me what happens on college campuses with date [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] drugs and all the other crap. work in progress.
if you strip everything away you get."women like to fuck and make money. the rest is bullshit". the same thing guys are into!
[quote=artisttyp; 1186395]i can understand wanting to be tossed by a burly alpha male versus a metro sexual biatch but that's where it ends for me. alpha male guys are usually good at earning so that makes sense but then they suck at the majority of other elements needed to make a relationship work. they will never be the guy she needs to talk to or have an available shoulder for her to cry on. the answer i guess is to date an alpha male and have biatch male friends?
this is the point where i refused to buy into women's neurosis and continued mongering. treat her like shit because you like her and pretend that she turns you off then go in for the kill when you have the opportunity. try explaining that to a developing mind. it doesn't surprise me what happens on college campuses with date [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] drugs and all the other crap. work in progress.
if you strip everything away you get."women like to fuck and make money. the rest is bullshit". the same thing guys are into![/quote]
take that last statment of yours and you'll realize that that's pretty much summing up everything the girl says in her video. she's spot on. men despise weak men. women despise weak men too. if you're a man, be strong or be unloved.
one thing i notice that seems to be some kind of bizarre bias in colombia is women often really dig skinny men, like so skinny i could knock them down with my little finger. i don't get what the sexual attraction is to men who look like a bunch of fucking aids victims. i get that fat is gross, but i'd rather be a little bit fat than too skinny any day of the week!!!
Man who says he's running for City Council arrested in prostitution sting
Was just about to rummage through Backpage, but just saw a friendly reminder on the local news to make me just wait until I can get paroled from sex prison in a couple of months:
[I]"Registered or not, Hall is making his political aspirations abundantly clear. He has a Facebook account identifying himself as a candidate for District B, and he also had what appears to be a campaign video posted on YouTube.
But his mug shot is how voters in District B may remember him from now on. On Thursday, the 25-year-old was arrested during an undercover police sting and charged with prostitution..." [/I]
Trying to pay for sex in sex prison just ain't worth it.
[QUOTE=SavePros321; 1186661]Was just about to rummage through Backpage, but just saw a friendly reminder on the local news to make me just wait until I can get paroled from sex prison in a couple of months:
[I]"Registered or not, Hall is making his political aspirations abundantly clear. He has a Facebook account identifying himself as a candidate for District B, and he also had what appears to be a campaign video posted on YouTube.
But his mug shot is how voters in District B may remember him from now on. On Thursday, the 25-year-old was arrested during an undercover police sting and charged with prostitution." [/I]
Trying to pay for sex in sex prison just ain't worth it.[/QUOTE]Eh I've had good luck off backpage and have a couple friends who I bounce stuff off and we share notes to weed out the dogs. To get convicted would be almost impossible unless you're an idiot, and the chance of getting in a sting I think is highly unlikely. I've heard of them at MP's but never heard of one off backpage, I got to imagine they would hit the MP first. The only bad thing about it is instead of seeing a bunch of girls on a stage or at a bar and picking you kind of just get stuck with whatever roll of the dice you get. To date I have had only 1 amazing experience off backpage, she was total GFE and super hot girl next door. Unfortunately she was in the biz for about 3 months and vanished. Other than that it's a bunch of smoking working girls who can't shut there damn trap, but the search for the diamond in the rough keeps me coming back for more.
[QUOTE=Madisonguy;1186716]Eh I've had good luck off backpage and have a couple friends who I bounce stuff off and we share notes to weed out the dogs. To get convicted would be almost impossible unless you're an idiot, and the chance of getting in a sting I think is highly unlikely. I've heard of them at MP's but never heard of one off backpage, I got to imagine they would hit the MP first. The only bad thing about it is instead of seeing a bunch of girls on a stage or at a bar and picking you kind of just get stuck with whatever roll of the dice you get. To date I have had only 1 amazing experience off backpage, she was total GFE and super hot girl next door. Unfortunately she was in the biz for about 3 months and vanished. Other than that it's a bunch of smoking working girls who can't shut there damn trap, but the search for the diamond in the rough keeps me coming back for more.[/QUOTE]I agree with you. I think the biggest concern I've ever had on BP was getting robbed by an escort and her pimp or a female turning out to be completely different from her pics (more weight, no updated photos to give an accurate depiction of her aging ass). I still don't like the "give me the money first. Now, let's discuss what I don't do; no BBBJ, dfk, cim, etc." approach. In all of my 5 trips to the DR I've only been offered CBJ twice (and I usually bang 7-8 chicas per trip) and any "finishing" BBBJ had always been cim. Those two times I got CBJ was only because I failed to negotiate BBBJ beforehand. With Backpage escorts there is ZERO negations. The standard is CBJ and I've only gotten BBBJ three times. One of those times I literally had to beg for it in addition to offering a tip (whereas in the DR BBBJ is standard).
What I also like about the DR is that you pay the chicas AFTER your session; not before. If a chica tries to renege on anything the two of you negotiated beforehand, then her fee gets adjusted accordingly (like if she agreed to TLN but then tries to bail after you bust a nut).
No experience with MP's in sex prison though.
Commitment craze
This Mexican woman I've been seeing long distance for nine months insists I demonstrate a commitment to her or she will date other men.
I care quite a bit for her, but suddenly the relationship has been converted to a high stakes card game. Actually, not such high stakes. I mean, she's a great travel companion, great in the sack, and seems to value the right things. On the flip side, she's nearing 40, a bit overweight, and hairier in some places than I am.
Now I'm basically being told if I don't commit, she'll be moving on after our vacation coming up. (She's insisted on paying her half of the expenses, by the way.)
Physically, I'm no Brad Pitt, have a head the size of a cinder block, but I'm in good shape and financially sound. I see her really for the beautiful person she is, but suddenly when she's trying to bulldog me into marriage, it pisses me off. Basically, she's saying if she doesn't get what she wants, she'll move on. Not much of a stretch to think that once in the marriage, they'll voice similar options.
I did compromise, though. I went to Facebook and noted that I am currently in a relationship. Now there's an entry with a heart by my name. Maybe that'll save my vacation.
[QUOTE=Vaquero; 1187822]This Mexican woman I've been seeing long distance for nine months insists I demonstrate a commitment to her or she will date other men.
I care quite a bit for her, but suddenly the relationship has been converted to a high stakes card game. Actually, not such high stakes. I mean, she's a great travel companion, great in the sack, and seems to value the right things. On the flip side, she's nearing 40, a bit overweight, and hairier in some places than I am.
Now I'm basically being told if I don't commit, she'll be moving on after our vacation coming up. (She's insisted on paying her half of the expenses, by the way.)
Physically, I'm no Brad Pitt, have a head the size of a cinder block, but I'm in good shape and financially sound. I see her really for the beautiful person she is, but suddenly when she's trying to bulldog me into marriage, it pisses me off. Basically, she's saying if she doesn't get what she wants, she'll move on. Not much of a stretch to think that once in the marriage, they'll voice similar options.
I did compromise, though. I went to Facebook and noted that I am currently in a relationship. Now there's an entry with a heart by my name. Maybe that'll save my vacation.[/QUOTE]Come on mannnnn. You are cracking under pressure. I won't even let my main chicks on my facebook. They try to add me as a friend and I just ignore them. When they ask about it I tell them I'm never on that thing. If a woman gives you an ultimatum the best thing to do is bid her adieu and good luck. If she's that much into you then she will be back. But it appears yours would rather have a commitment regardless of who it's from.
"If a woman gives you an ultimatum the best thing to do is bid her adieu and good luck." Precisely. Anyway what the fuck do you care if she sees other men? You are seeing other women, right? And never send a woman money. Helping her out when you are there and getting pussy is one thing and sending her money when you are not there and not getting pussy is another thing.
You've been sending her money, right?
[QUOTE=Vaquero; 1187822]This Mexican woman I've been seeing long distance for nine months insists I demonstrate a commitment to her or she will date other men.
I care quite a bit for her, but suddenly the relationship has been converted to a high stakes card game. Actually, not such high stakes. I mean, she's a great travel companion, great in the sack, and seems to value the right things. On the flip side, she's nearing 40, a bit overweight, and hairier in some places than I am.
Now I'm basically being told if I don't commit, she'll be moving on after our vacation coming up. (She's insisted on paying her half of the expenses, by the way.)
Physically, I'm no Brad Pitt, have a head the size of a cinder block, but I'm in good shape and financially sound. I see her really for the beautiful person she is, but suddenly when she's trying to bulldog me into marriage, it pisses me off. Basically, she's saying if she doesn't get what she wants, she'll move on. Not much of a stretch to think that once in the marriage, they'll voice similar options.
I did compromise, though. I went to Facebook and noted that I am currently in a relationship. Now there's an entry with a heart by my name. Maybe that'll save my vacation.[/QUOTE]Not long ago I faced a similar situation. I stood my ground. The woman said I was forcing her into the arms of another because I wouldn't give in to her marriage demands. She ended up marrying another guy shortly after. Six months later the marriage ended in a pistol duel between the couple. Now she has a baby from the brief marriage that the ex-husband refuses to recognize and support. She asked me to take her back and adopt her child as my own. Oh, and she still wants me to marry her.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1186360]AW tells the cold hard truth to young guys trying to get pussy.
[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N5S9tqEQxU&feature=related[/url][/QUOTE]She's not telling the truth. The truth is there is no such thing as a nice guy or bad boy. There is only. *are you actively trying to fuck her or not? (that's what they really mean when they say bad boy)
So anyway
I've been out of touch for awhile, so to update my situation, since I'm going to Cabo with this woman, I decided to humor her and say on Facebook that I'm in a relationship.
Now she didn't request that. It was just my smartass way of dealing with things. Didn't write to say exactly whom I was in a relationship with. She is eager to get married, but my history is that when a woman pushes too hard, I split. Whole free will thing.
I've never really given money to women who've asked for it. Sure, I've bought plane tickets, but never on request.
Back in my mid-20s, I was head over heels in love with a voluptuous black woman who also happened to be quite a head case, an actress with plenty of frequent flier miles at the abortion clinic before me. We split up after going different directions for our careers and failing at the long distance thing. Anyway, I was going through serious pussy withdrawal, and occasionally she'd come visit.
On her last trip to see me, she asked to borrow a thousand bucks. Didn't consider giving her the money at all. Actually, I found it a bit offensive. But I'm sure plenty of men would pony up the cash.
[quote=vaquero;1193122]i've been out of touch for awhile, so to update my situation, since i'm going to cabo with this woman, i decided to humor her and say on facebook that i'm in a relationship. now she didn't request that. it was just my smartass way of dealing with things.[/quote]you just set yourself back my man. pretty soon you will be the one cooking dinner, washing dishes, and changing [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord131][CodeWord131][/url]. and she will be in your ez chair on sundays watching football.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1187888]Come on mannnnn. You are cracking under pressure. I won't even let my main chicks on my facebook. They try to add me as a friend and I just ignore them. When they ask about it I tell them I'm never on that thing. If a woman gives you an ultimatum the best thing to do is bid her adieu and good luck. If she's that much into you then she will be back. But it appears yours would rather have a commitment regardless of who it's from.[/QUOTE]Man I second that, never let any trick on your face book. I found out that the hard way last year. This crazy Dominicana went and pm all the females in my face book. She called my Aunt fat and ugly, and said to every female that I was her guy and to not fuck with me. To make matters worse she couldn't spell, so instead of putting guy she put gay. That gay is mine. Man I turned my phone on after a meeting and had 32 messages. I thought someone died. When my Aunt asked who is Anny I said"aw shit" and "what did she do". I blocked her ass asap.
Always the same song
[QUOTE=Cyberdas; 1182736][url]http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/29/seeking-arrangement-college-students_n_913373.html?page=1[/url]
You guys need to read this. Young "college students" looking for sugar daddies to help pay for schooling debt and claiming that what they engage in should not be considered to be "prostitution" and that they should also not be seen as "working girls". Interesting read (and video) for sure![/QUOTE]First time commenting in this section, I see some members from other sections as well. At the end of the day, this article isn't that interesting only becomes it manifests what has been going on in other poorer third world countries since like FOREVER. Ask Bango, he know what I'm talking about. Colombianas have been using their twats to pay for their education and support their families for many years now. It can only mean one thing: USA is becoming more of a third world country for women who hopelessly see no way out except to practice the OLDEST PROFESSION since the Roman Empire or before that even. Could she have worked three jobs and taken less units and graduated in a few more years instead of resorting to a game of Semantics?
Any money exchanged no matter what the ultimate outcome can only be called Prostitution if sex is the medium or expectation at the end of the day. In the Colombian General Info section, this point is argued all day long about the differences between Pros and Semi-Pros. Guess what? There is no difference. Once a day, once a year, or once in a lifetime. It's all the same shit. As Legal Tender said in an older post,"There hasn't been a female homo sapien born on this planet that didn't know the value of their vagina". Here is simply another instance of the same UNIVERSAL truth. Peace.
Florida Man Does It Doggy Style In Sex Prison USA
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger;1193550][url]http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/2011/06/florida_man_arrested_after_his.php[/url][/QUOTE]Wow, just some of the horrible things AW cause us to do! Poor Dog I hope he got compensated for partaking in this dastardly act!
[QUOTE=Mr Gogo;1193249]Man I second that, never let any trick on your face book. I found out that the hard way last year. This crazy Dominicana went and pm all the females in my face book. She called my Aunt fat and ugly, and said to every female that I was her guy and to not fuck with me. To make matters worse she couldn't spell, so instead of putting guy she put gay. That gay is mine. Man I turned my phone on after a meeting and had 32 messages. I thought someone died. When my Aunt asked who is Anny I said"aw shit" and "what did she do". I blocked her ass asap.[/QUOTE]Hahahaha. I have the same story. But the Dominicana who did it to me was Isamar. Then come to find out later a girl who I was already fucking was her sister! Talk about small damn world.
[QUOTE=D Cups; 1198617]Has anyone here used fling dot com in the USA? I've been getting a lot of naughty photos from doables there but it is probably just another scam. Thanks for any replies.[/QUOTE]Datingsitesreviews. Com / forum / viewtopic. Php? Showtopic=2599.
I believe that most of USA dating sites are either scam or full of low quality women. Unless they are foreign recently arrived women.
Nafissiatou Dialo
The money-hungry * looks like a WWE superstar. Nobody in his right mind or with a bit of objectivity could imagine that an old man like DSK could have gained the upper hand on such a large and dreadful Gorgon, or at least without being himself badly hurted.
Checked it out
[QUOTE=D Cups; 1198617]Has anyone here used fling dot com in the USA? I've been getting a lot of naughty photos from doables there but it is probably just another scam. Thanks for any replies.
Meanwhile I have been banging some rather large black breasts (H Cups, I swear that's what they said) for $100 a pop, one a former porn star, to keep happy between trips to Asia.[/QUOTE]I had a years subscription 2 years ago. I added 12-13 ladies to my roster that year from it. 3 stunners. 1 21yo, a handful of 6. 5.8 and a couple of lower marks quiet as kept. All freebies (no money spent except my own gas) except 2.
One stunner (older) kept waiting till I was enroute to call and request I stop by the store and get her a sprite (doesn't cost much but shows her mentality- even though it"s what we both wanted she felted she needed to get something more out of the deal. I did that acouple of times and she started requesting we get breakfast first before the deed and I cut her off completely I saw where she was trying to take things.
The finest one made me a baby daddy for the first time which is why I quit using it. Overall in my opinion good results, subscription more than paid for itself. Also liked online bootycall (less stunners). However afrointroductions and badoo have serious stunners since they have a broader base of locations around the world. I find beautiful women of all nationalities and races wanting to hook up even better a good bit live locally.
Happy punting
Backpage Ads
Would a member be willing to answer a few questions regarding BP protocol via PM ? I am interested in testing the waters.
I don't know if there is a difference between East / West BP but I live on the East Coast.
[QUOTE=D Cups;1198617]Meanwhile I have been banging some rather large black breasts (H Cups, I swear that's what they said) for $100 a pop, one a former porn star, to keep happy between trips to Asia.[/QUOTE]Sounds good to me. A chick I used to mess with in Riverside, CA is 38K @ 6'2", bisexual, with 6 kids to boot.
Black 48HH breasts? Sounds like Mr. Mammaries titty fucked Madea and actually paid to do it! LOL Please no photos. LOL
Why one woman quit her $70, 000 a year office job to become a High-End Escort girl. The interview:
Breast Obsessed Geezer Busted!
A boob obsessed geriatric fondles some tits for free then goes to jail.
If any one ever tells you that men discussing "tutes on the internet is disrespectful to women, just show them this.
Your daily reminder indeed.
American women what did we do wrong, we have one of the worst women in the world.
So so true.
Man I don't really try much any more. I have friends paying 1000, and 1400 respectfully in child support each month. Financial prison. They are single now with this debit. Ouch and white girls pssssss whatever. Only USA has these stupid age discrimination culturally.
And so good but nicer than I would be:
Asians and latinas! 1
The best must read!
Check it out!
[QUOTE=Oh Ya Papi; 1206837][url]http://www.the-niceguy.com/articles/Sexism.html[/url]
Check it out![/QUOTE]Excellent Article, Totally agree
Is that ***** a filipina america?
Fuck not cool she should Fry!
[QUOTE=Oh Ya Papi; 1206810]So so true.
Man I don't really try much any more. I have friends paying 1000, and 1400 respectfully in child support each month. Financial prison. They are single now with this debit. Ouch and white girls pssssss whatever. Only USA has these stupid age discrimination culturally.
And so good but nicer than I would be:
Asians and latinas! 1[/QUOTE]And Eastern Europeans bro! The ones not corrupted by Western culture that is.
[QUOTE=Oh Ya Papi; 1207157][url]http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14131133[/url]
Fuck not cool she should Fry![/QUOTE]No. I believe she is Viet.
Well. It looks like everything happends.
On a german radio show a guy sayed that his girlfriend bite a little but off from his cock.
Definitely a painfull thing I guess.
[QUOTE=Sawassdee; 1200564]I had a years subscription 2 years ago. I added 12-13 ladies to my roster that year from it. 3 stunners. 1 21yo, a handful of 6. 5.8 and a couple of lower marks quiet as kept. All freebies (no money spent except my own gas) except 2.
One stunner (older) kept waiting till I was enroute to call and request I stop by the store and get her a sprite (doesn't cost much but shows her mentality- even though it"s what we both wanted she felted she needed to get something more out of the deal. I did that acouple of times and she started requesting we get breakfast first before the deed and I cut her off completely I saw where she was trying to take things.
The finest one made me a baby daddy for the first time which is why I quit using it. Overall in my opinion good results, subscription more than paid for itself. Also liked online bootycall (less stunners). However afrointroductions and badoo have serious stunners since they have a broader base of locations around the world. I find beautiful women of all nationalities and races wanting to hook up even better a good bit live locally.
Happy punting[/QUOTE]Congrats on being a Baby Daddy.
So, baby daddy, are you supporting your child or did you run like a coward?
Bieber Banging
Another reason to keep your dick in your pants or get "snipped" if you've got a ton of money. As one person who commented on this article said: [i]"If she is telling the truth, she has landed a 22-year CASH COW. Not bad for 30 seconds of "laying there." His mom will be so mad! Stupid is as stupid does."[/i]:
[b]Woman claims Justin Bieber is Father of her Baby[/b]
"Teen idol Justin Bieber allegedly lost his virginity–and impregnated a young woman–during a 30-second tryst in Los Angeles late last year..."
Read more: [url]http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2011/11/02/la-woman-claims-justin-bieber-is-father-her-baby/#comment#ixzz1cY3l1T7N[/url]
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1212716]So, baby daddy, are you supporting your child or did you run like a coward?[/QUOTE]I do pay support, nonetheless, I've established a court ordered DNA test for next week. Results due back in six weeks nothing personal just ensuring. As far as cowards, there are plenty out there who willingly plan to procreate and after a breakup from the relationship disappear from the scene. That in my quiet opinion is a coward. I personally don't think ill of someone who has been tricked for a long term check.
When adults get together in an adult friendship or on a fling, online booty call, hit it the quit. Com etc. The responsibility if something happens is both of theres not 1 persons. Especially if they discuss the no wanting children and that this is what it is sexual relationship. (Oh yeah this is going to spark some real arguments) There is a difference between a coward and someone who is a victim of the (this persons going to provide me a better life than I can for myself. In my humble opinion I would like to see the finanacial abortion bill passed, I believe it will slow down the amount of tricks used to create the great amount deadbeat parents.
[QUOTE=Sawassdee; 1213105]I do pay support, nonetheless, I've established a court ordered DNA test for next week. Results due back in six weeks nothing personal just ensuring. As far as cowards, there are plenty out there who willingly plan to procreate and after a breakup from the relationship disappear from the scene. That in my quiet opinion is a coward. I personally don't think ill of someone who has been tricked for a long term check.
When adults get together in an adult friendship or on a fling, online booty call, hit it the quit. Com etc. The responsibility if something happens is both of theres not 1 persons. Especially if they discuss the no wanting children and that this is what it is sexual relationship. (Oh yeah this is going to spark some real arguments) There is a difference between a coward and someone who is a victim of the (this persons going to provide me a better life than I can for myself. In my humble opinion I would like to see the finanacial abortion bill passed, I believe it will slow down the amount of tricks used to create the great amount deadbeat parents.[/QUOTE]Are there times when a man should run like hell? Some will argue that the child has rights that trump those of the unsuspecting man regardless of trickery on the woman's part. Those that support that view generally believe that men have no reproductive rights beyond abstinence. They underestimate the lengths women go through to deceive and enslave men for decades all in the name of a child. Once the woman gets pregnant it is okay for her to fuck the man over because it's really not about him anymore. It's about the little cute helpless baby. Who would argue against destroying a man's life in the name of saving a baby?
A woman gives an inside view of how women see the matter of getting a man's consent for conception with his sperm with the resulting 18-21 yrs of financial support and sacrifices.
Baby Daddy, glad to hear you are doing the right thing. Chocha Monger, if you don't want to take the risk, use a condom properly or have a vasectomy. Now people will jump in and say condoms are only 90% effective. Well, those studies are based on believing people did what they say they did. I believe the true effectiveness rate to be much higher, especially when combined with a spermicide.
Regarding the article, I am snipped but before that, I was wise to the old dumping out the condom trick so I always took care of them myself. That contributed to my reputation for being a gentleman, but really I am just a very cautious pig.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1213568]Are there times when a man should run like hell? Some will argue that the child has rights that trump those of the unsuspecting man regardless of trickery on the woman's part. Those that support that view generally believe that men have no reproductive rights beyond abstinence. They underestimate the lengths women go through to deceive and enslave men for decades all in the name of a child. Once the woman gets pregnant it is okay for her to fuck the man over because it's really not about him anymore. It's about the little cute helpless baby. Who would argue against destroying a man's life in the name of saving a baby?
A woman gives an inside view of how women see the matter of getting a man's consent for conception with his sperm with the resulting 18-21 yrs of financial support and sacrifices.
[url]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2056875/Liz-Jones-baby-craving-drove-steal-husbands-sperm-ultimate-deception.html[/url][/QUOTE]Good article, still only one view out of many for child bearing deceptions. People throwing around heartstring pulling situations and negative terms such as coward, deadbeats etc. don't affect me as it does most men because I've gone thru something they personally have'nt.
I was tricked by my ex-wife many years ago (even admittedly to me by her) with the baby then marriage thing. She was spitting out the pill I was putting in her mouth daily, I found them in a tissue in her purse. Needless to say years later our marriage due to baby didn't workout, I continually supported my daughter (step) and our blood child came to live with me a couple of years down the road.
To garner that deal I had to agree to pay ALL of her bills for 1 year while she saved her money for a better life.
During the next 5 years with no outside child support payments coming in I came to find that a child needs chiefly what you should already have for yourself. A roof, running water, electricity, transportation, and food.
Whats left out of that equation is clothing, daycare if it's a baby and extra curricular activities. Basically I realized it did not cost me too much more than I was already spending on myself to raise a child. My child is currently away at college on a full academic scholarship. Goes to show there is nothing terribly bad about our public education system with the help of parents.
My ex wife has been and still is a excellent mother to our child regardless of her financial status. And still a close friend of mine. As with many other things in the world people tend to misrepresent conditions because they need you to believe in giving more money to the situation rather than trying to jump in and work with it. Why do you all think that the majority of women do not turn kids over to their fathers when they claim too costly. They want a better lifestyle than they can afford for themselves without having to work for it.
Many men have got to stop watching television drinking the koolaid of Hard working, honest and used women while every man is potrayed as either monsters or gay.
As far as condoms its the smart thing to do.
But lets stop Bsing ourselves, we know that condoms create limp di@k syndrom the majority of the time used which means no sex for you. And when you do use them lack of feeling creates even more pressure to start the highlight reel in your head in order to keep an erection. Women have 20 + contraceptive devices in every variety or form possible. You have 2. Condom (lack of enjoyment) or vasectomy (no children ever in the future). Not pointing fingers but damn sometimes you have to open your eyes and recognize the game that being played on you.
[quote=savepros321; 1212942]another reason to keep your dick in your pants or get "snipped" if you've got a ton of money. as one person who commented on this article said: [i]"if she is telling the truth, she has landed a 22-year cash cow. not bad for 30 seconds of "laying there." his mom will be so mad! stupid is as stupid does."[/i]:
[b]woman claims justin bieber is father of her baby[/b]
"teen idol justin bieber allegedly lost his virginity–and impregnated a young woman–during a 30-second tryst in los angeles late last year."
read more:
[url]http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2011/11/02/la-woman-claims-justin-bieber-is-father-her-baby/#comment#ixzz1cy3l1t7n[/url][/quote]whats even worst is the threat of statutory [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] nor lifelong public label of child predator means nothing to her compared to her future payoff. quite calculating. how many men grown men would go to a tabloid and announce i've just impregnated a famous child star? can we say 2 diffrent sets of laws.
You make some good points. Note that I did not assume you ran away, but rather asked. Now, one thing that is no longer the case (and this is important) is that a vasectomy means "no children, ever." There are (at least) two options. You can freeze your sperm, or you can have a reversible vasectomy, which is basically a valve that can be turned on and off in the doctor's office. Also, there are the three-month birth control shots. She can't spit those out. I guess she could bribe the doctor or pharmacist to give her a placebo, but at least where I live, you can just take her to any pharmacy and tell her to bend over and it's hard to think she could arrange in advance to circumvent that.
Are you kidding me?
despite the statutory [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] she commited, i have not heard even once, anywhere the indignation and disgust of child predators in action. if the roles were reversed i would have liked to know how things would have been portrayed. the 20 year old is clearly the adult and should know better. i hope they nail her with the "fruit from a poisoned tree" doctrine and don't allow her to profit from her crime. doubt it, but i hope his lawyer can really argue well on his behalf and prevent this **** from cashing in on her crime.
[quote=sawassdee;1213596]whats even worst is the threat of statutory [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] nor lifelong public label of child predator means nothing to her compared to her future payoff. quite calculating. how many men grown men would go to a tabloid and announce i've just impregnated a famous child star? can we say 2 diffrent sets of laws.[/quote]
she's probably lying anyway. she probably thinks she can get some hush money. notice how she says "he must be the father because she can't recall any other sex around that time" or some such shit. i am paraphrasing here. but it's interesting how the paradigm has changed. you say she is a ****. i got involved in a sexual relationship with a 27 year old woman when i was barely 15. did she seduce me? probably, but i was totally up for it. this was the mid 70s and the prevailing opinion was that it was my fault because she was married. i certainly did not feel "raped." she taught me what i needed to know.
i would say, looking back, that it could be said she "ruined my life" but in my [b]particular[/b] case, my life was so fucked at that point that the "negative" aspects such as: i could never go back to my home town, her husband wanted to hunt me down and kill me, and i did not speak to anyone in my family for six more years, paled in comparison to the positive aspects. i did not go back to my dysfunctional family and i learned to fend for myself. i developed good sexual skills and a basic understanding of the positive and negative aspects of women, and i never looked back.
i wasn't a virgin; she was my third sexual experience. i doubt very seriously that bieber is / was a virgin and if he is / was he is not taking advantage of his fame. what is the point of being a famous musician if you don't get any pussy out of the deal? it's not like he was some innocent kid in an isolated environment. more like a greedy be! tch than a ****, to my way of thinking. let's see how it all plays out. why would she wait until she gave birth to go after him?
[quote=sawassdee;1213596]whats even worst is the threat of statutory [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] nor lifelong public label of child predator means nothing to her compared to her future payoff. quite calculating. how many men grown men would go to a tabloid and announce i've just impregnated a famous child star? can we say 2 diffrent sets of laws.[/quote]good points. but there is a different outlook when the woman is the predator. with that being said, i'm sure we all had teachers that we would hope would fuck us. personally i don't see the teacher as being the predator. my sick mentality says, that if i found out my sons teacher was fucking him after class, i would negotiate a deal where i could get a tuesday piece of the action. but i would not tolerate a daughter fucking her teacher. honestly we look at men getting forbidden ass as opportunistic, but vise versa its predatory. go figure?
[QUOTE=Mr Gogo;1213632]Good points. But there is a different outlook when the woman is the predator. With that being said, I'm sure we all had teachers that we would hope would fuck us. Personally I don't see the teacher as being the predator. My sick mentality says, that if I found out my sons teacher was fucking him after class, I would negotiate a deal where I could get a Tuesday piece of the action. But I would not tolerate a daughter fucking her teacher. Honestly we look at men getting forbidden ass as opportunistic, but vise versa its predatory. Go figure?[/QUOTE]Hey Gogo, if you're sick then I need to be hospitalized. I truly would be looking for my opportunity as well.
I think the underlying issue with our daughters sleeping with older men truly fall on the support factor for her and potentially their baby. Parents believes that a young female virgin is a good thing and for her to lose that she should be wedded to a man that will support and treat her kindly. Even we as grown men we treat virgin adult women differently, typically with much more kindness than we show other people. Truth is no father wants her in his home with her baby. They want her in the home of the schlep who introduced her to sex, married and being treated kindly. Then its more acceptable.
Its true we are viewed as predators, but ask yourself the obvious those who have sisters- Why is it girls get to sit in the company of women from the time they can talk listening to the schemes and scams while boys are dismissed by dads when men get together? Whos really the predator?
[quote=dickhead; 1213624]she's probably lying anyway. she probably thinks she can get some hush money. notice how she says "he must be the father because she can't recall any other sex around that time" or some such shit. i am paraphrasing here. but it's interesting how the paradigm has changed. you say she is a ****. i got involved in a sexual relationship with a 27 year old woman when i was barely 15. did she seduce me? probably, but i was totally up for it. this was the mid 70s and the prevailing opinion was that it was my fault because she was married. i certainly did not feel "raped." she taught me what i needed to know.
i would say, looking back, that it could be said she "ruined my life" but in my [b]particular[/b] case, my life was so fucked at that point that the "negative" aspects such as: i could never go back to my home town, her husband wanted to hunt me down and kill me, and i did not speak to anyone in my family for six more years, paled in comparison to the positive aspects. i did not go back to my dysfunctional family and i learned to fend for myself. i developed good sexual skills and a basic understanding of the positive and negative aspects of women, and i never looked back.
i wasn't a virgin; she was my third sexual experience. i doubt very seriously that bieber is / was a virgin and if he is / was he is not taking advantage of his fame. what is the point of being a famous musician if you don't get any pussy out of the deal? it's not like he was some innocent kid in an isolated environment. more like a greedy be! tch than a ****, to my way of thinking. let's see how it all plays out. why would she wait until she gave birth to go after him?[/quote]sad part is it doesn't matter if she's lying or not she's still coming out on top. i bet she was paid more than $25k by the tabloid for that story already.
[QUOTE=Sawassdee;1213593]But lets stop Bsing ourselves, we know that condoms create limp di@k syndrom the majority of the time used which means no sex for you. And when you do use them lack of feeling creates even more pressure to start the highlight reel in your head in order to keep an erection. Women have 20 + contraceptive devices in every variety or form possible. You have 2. Condom (lack of enjoyment) or vasectomy (no children ever in the future). Not pointing fingers but damn sometimes you have to open your eyes and recognize the game that being played on you.[/QUOTE]They need to invent a BCP for us.
Bieber accused as the Second aledged father.
[url]http://gma.yahoo.com/video/celebs-26594247/justin-bieber-will-take-paternity-test-27181092.html[/url]#crsl=%252fvideo%252fcelebs-26594247%252fwill-and-kate-s-move-feed-baby-rumors-27181089. html.
first aledged father was her boyfriend, that didnt pan out to well. now bieber raped her. lol
"i don't recall having sex with anyone else around that time." the accuser.
my eyebrows are raised to the top of my head. (singing) for the love of money, people would statutory [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] a superstarr. yea
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1213776]They need to invent a BCP for us.[/QUOTE]Condoms. I guess depends on the brand. I've never had a problem with them. I was a teenager in the mid to late 80s when AIDS went all over the globe and I watched classmates die from that shit so I learned early on, wrapping it up is the way to go!
Amen brother! But we have to be careful
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1000858]Westy:
You made some wonderful points, the most poignant being that American women did not stop upon achieving equality with men but continued beyond that point. Now if one side goes beyond being equal then that is not equality by definition but rather a new status quo. Just as Hitler had convinced Neville Chamberlain that he had no greater ambitions beyond occupation of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia, so American women had convinced their men that they sought nothing more than economic and social parity. American men bought into the equality deal. Women entered the workforce, politics and many other areas of American society previously considered the domain of men. However, after being given access these women began to use their gender in combination with laws meant to protect them from discrimination in the workplace to eliminate the males who they could not compete with on an equal footing. Women now had jobs and advanced degrees but they were still demanding and receiving preferential treatment in divorce courts. Alimony, child support and custody were favorable to women by default. Men were still picking up the check at restaurants and paying the tab at bars. Women scorned men who expected them to bear part of the expense of dating. They slapped men in the face and threw drinks on them, all acts of assault and battery, while filing ex parte domestic violence restraining orders to have boyfriends and husbands removed from the home. Soon virtually every man knew someone who got put through the works by a woman who wasn't paying on a level field. Men looked at the rampaging females with alarm. Some started taking action to protect their careers and assets. They realized that women don't want to be equal to men. They want to dominate men while being catered to as they have been in the past. Not long ago I listened in dismay as a little girl said, 'Boys are always supposed to pay. '
American women believe that men should always pay and men generally do. Why is that? As a man do you consider your time and companionship any less valuable than that of a woman? If American women do not need a man why are men paying? Why are American women [B]always[/B] Pushing for marriage?[/QUOTE]You hit nails on the head bro. But I can't help but play the and try to be more objective, and give thought to the fact that we do the p4p in our monger stations around the world. If we are going to use the argument that we are disgusted because AW don't pay / reciprocate, and claim our company is just as good as the womans, why arent we using that argument with foreign women too? Our time and companionship with foreign women is just as valuable as theirs? But yet we pay, and don't expect them to pay. Sure we can say, because the woman is giving us sex in return. But still we are paying for their time and companionship, even though we are claiming with AW our time and companionship is just as valuable. See the double standard we put ourselves in?
I don't think we should be kidding ourselves. If these AW were offering sex on the dates we initiated, and were paying for dinner and drinks, we wouldn't be saying jack about our time and companionship being as valuable. We would pay and be happy. And this whole thing of being taken advantage of by AW would be a non issue. We don't care that much about paying, we have a problem not getting what we expect to get for our efforts. And AW know all too well that we arent paying simply just to get to know them better. Were paying because we want pussy plain and simple. The bottom line is, the pussy game in america is full of unwritten and unspoken expectations. We are taking a chance with AW and losing most of the time in the process. But where we monger the terms and expectations are usually a lot clearer and the reciprocation more likely (not necessarily good quality or performance) without any worries of looking like a nasty bastard for wanting sex.
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You've been Tebowed! Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone
[quote=wrx2005; 1229017]you hit nails on the head bro. but i can't help but play the and try to be more objective, and give thought to the fact that we do the p4p in our monger stations around the world. if we are going to use the argument that we are disgusted because aw don't pay / reciprocate, and claim our company is just as good as the womans, why arent we using that argument with foreign women too? our time and companionship with foreign women is just as valuable as theirs? but yet we pay, and don't expect them to pay. sure we can say, because the woman is giving us sex in return. but still we are paying for their time and companionship, even though we are claiming with aw our time and companionship is just as valuable. see the double standard we put ourselves in?
i don't think we should be kidding ourselves. if these aw were offering sex on the dates we initiated, and were paying for dinner and drinks, we wouldn't be saying jack about our time and companionship being as valuable. we would pay and be happy. and this whole thing of being taken advantage of by aw would be a non issue. we don't care that much about paying, we have a problem not getting what we expect to get for our efforts. and aw know all too well that we arent paying simply just to get to know them better. were paying because we want pussy plain and simple. the bottom line is, the pussy game in america is full of unwritten and unspoken expectations. we are taking a chance with aw and losing most of the time in the process. but where we monger the terms and expectations are usually a lot clearer and the reciprocation more likely (not necessarily good quality or performance) without any worries of looking like a nasty bastard for wanting sex.[/quote]i don't disagree that there would probably be a lot less grumbling about being financially exploited if aw gave sexual access in exchange on a consistent basis. however, even in cases where sexual favors are granted to males in return for resources and time, the trade is usually disproportionately in the favor of the female. even monkeys trade food in return for sex so human females may be wired to expect something other than a fair exchange of time and companionship for sex. the difference between foreign and american women lies primarily in the cost of the relationship to the man and manner in which he is treated in that relationship.
one cannot ignore the fact that american women have managed to put the laws and courts in their favor by default on matters of reproduction, child custody, alimony, property division and child support. even with modern forensic techniques men will face an uphill battle proving innocence in cases of allegations of assault, sexual harassment and [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url]. in fact, even in cases where men are exonerated the stain of having been accused never goes away.
in fairness, foreign women are not a panacea for the state of gender inequality in the us. many men have been cheated out of houses, condos, cars, money and land by foreign wives or girlfriends. yet, a man taking some basic precautions to protect his wealth will generally find it easier to have a relationship with women outside of the west. some foreign women can just as materialistic as american women but they usually don't expect the man to wait on them in addition to bearing the financial burden.
overall, men will find life a lot simpler without the sacrifices involved in living with or being legally tied to a woman no matter what happens to be her culture or nationality. trying to find a stable match of personality, attitudes towards money, and life goals between a man and a woman is no easy business.
[QUOTE=Wrx2005;1229017]You hit nails on the head bro. But I can't help but play the and try to be more objective, and give thought to the fact that we do the p4p in our monger stations around the world. If we are going to use the argument that we are disgusted because AW don't pay / reciprocate, and claim our company is just as good as the womans, why arent we using that argument with foreign women too? Our time and companionship with foreign women is just as valuable as theirs? But yet we pay, and don't expect them to pay. Sure we can say, because the woman is giving us sex in return. But still we are paying for their time and companionship, even though we are claiming with AW our time and companionship is just as valuable. See the double standard we put ourselves in?[/QUOTE]Easy answer. For me it is the ability and the willingness to pay. AWs are able to pay but refuse because to them the man is supposed to do blah blah blah. Many of the foreign women you speak of are not able to pay (although sometimes they do when or what they can) , but if they were then they would. And that is what makes all the difference in the world. Just like when you go to court you can be charged with murder, manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter. Hell, somebody is still dead in either case, but it all has to do with intent. And AWs don't INTEND to pay for shit as long as there is a man around!
*P. S. Sometimes I do make foreign women pay as well if I know they are able.
This is a conversation I was just having with a Brazilian woman 2 seconds ago:
12/24/2011 4:37:21 PM dafni: now i want one second change (supposed to be "a second chance")
12/24/2011 4:37:40 PM mrenternational x_x_x: i do not think i will come back here anyway. too expensive
12/24/2011 4:37:51 PM dafni: wow well i can pay ur cost
12/24/2011 4:38:10 PM mrenternational x_x_x: we will see. beijo. i have to go take shower now
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational; 1229872]Easy answer. For me it is the ability and the willingness to pay. AWs are able to pay but refuse because to them the man is supposed to do blah blah blah. Many of the foreign women you speak of are not able to pay (although sometimes they do when or what they can) , but if they were then they would. And that is what makes all the difference in the world. Just like when you go to court you can be charged with murder, manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter. Hell, somebody is still dead in either case, but it all has to do with intent. And AWs don't INTEND to pay for shit as long as there is a man around!
*P. S. Sometimes I do make foreign women pay as well if I know they are able.
This is a conversation I was just having with a Brazilian woman 2 seconds ago:
12/24/2011 4:37:21 PM dafni: now I want one second change (supposed to be "a second chance")
12/24/2011 4:37:40 PM mrenternational x_x_x: I do not think I will come back here anyway. Too expensive
12/24/2011 4:37:51 PM dafni: wow well I can pay your cost
12/24/2011 4:38:10 PM mrenternational x_x_x: we will see. Beijo. I have to go take shower now[/QUOTE]I just think that in this day and age, the woman should pay as well. One thing is to buy sex for money in a straight transaction, another entirely is to have to pay for a non-pro. Pros can charge because they are real good at it. Normal women in my book just have to get it for free. I think that's a big part of the problem is that guys are stupid enough to pay for shit in a lame attempt to get into a girl's pants. Save your money and just go to the nearest incall! OR if you live in a sexually repressed nation get on a plane!
This is an extreme case, but the reason I don't f*ck with AW's
I don't think this woman ever brought Phil Ivey a drink while he earned his place in the Poker World. I don't see any woman taking an NBA player on, taking a hit during a football game, take a punch during a boxing match; yet, there is a laundry list of former athletes broke as hell because of some woman taking them to the cleaners in our courts. There is just way too much to lose with an AW and our courts are making it legal. For women, its like taking candy from a baby.
[QUOTE=Voyajer1; 1232145]I don't think this woman ever brought Phil Ivey a drink while he earned his place in the Poker World. I don't see any woman taking an NBA player on, taking a hit during a football game, take a punch during a boxing match; yet, there is a laundry list of former athletes broke as hell because of some woman taking them to the cleaners in our courts. There is just way too much to lose with an AW and our courts are making it legal. For women, its like taking candy from a baby.
[url]http://www.lvrj.com/news/ex-wife-of-poker-star-ivey-unhappy-with-divorce-settlement-136458598.html[/url][/QUOTE]As the saying goes on ManWomanMyth. "What mine is mine and what's yours is MINE."
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1229920]I just think that in this day and age, the woman should pay as well. One thing is to buy sex for money in a straight transaction, another entirely is to have to pay for a non-pro. Pros can charge because they are real good at it. Normal women in my book just have to get it for free. I think that's a big part of the problem is that guys are stupid enough to pay for shit in a lame attempt to get into a girl's pants. Save your money and just go to the nearest incall! OR if you live in a sexually repressed nation get on a plane![/QUOTE]100% as Marc Rudov has said in America (or any country with a mature economy) mature parties show mutual interest and women should also offer to pay. If you (a man) thinks a way to woman's p*ssy is to open your wallet, you're an idiot. Who's the bigger horndog, women or men? I agree with Marc and I would argue look at how much sexual advice is constantly given to women and how many different types of massage devices are sold. Men buy porn and magazines and beat off, women imagine a lagoon with a waterfall in Hawaii. A friend of mine disappeared one weekend and that's what happen. They found a secluded lagoon in Hawaii, she took a picture of him under the waterfall and then fu*ked his brains out. She paid (flight for two from LAX to Maui).
If a woman your interested in can't afford to pay, stop dating broke-ass women! A woman dissed me because I had payed all the way up to dinner for all of us (her and her two sons) at a local restaurant, the only time she paid for ANYTHING that weekend. She complained how dare I make a single mother of two boys pay for dinner. She paid, I left later that evening, I got no pussy out of it and then she shacked up with some moron from North Carolina who already has a girlfriend, got her pregnant and then shipped his butt by bus back to NC after he spend the previous 6 months on her couch playing her son's PS3.
Some of these women deserve what happens to them.
[QUOTE=Voyajer1; 1232145]I don't think this woman ever brought Phil Ivey a drink while he earned his place in the Poker World. I don't see any woman taking an NBA player on, taking a hit during a football game, take a punch during a boxing match; yet, there is a laundry list of former athletes broke as hell because of some woman taking them to the cleaners in our courts. There is just way too much to lose with an AW and our courts are making it legal. For women, its like taking candy from a baby.
[url]http://www.lvrj.com/news/ex-wife-of-poker-star-ivey-unhappy-with-divorce-settlement-136458598.html[/url][/QUOTE]Wow! Helluva article. Greed is a motherf-ker. High dollar award alimonies are outrageous, the majority of the recipients find themselves flat broke quickly due to 1) overspending with everything including on friends and family (showing off. I meant celebrating the courts fair descion) 2) Never have earned any any real money in the past they didn't realize it was not an endless stream of income like from an earning spouse.
Ex mel Gibsons wife; Soon to be New Example Tiger Woods Wife who recently purchased a 12 million dollar home and completely demolished it. She was a nanny before marriage now she has someone elses money to burn.
And I have to say this especially to the men. Read the comments beneath the articles and count the number of chumps (american men) that make the comments " that the men deserve to lose what they worked for beacause of divorce? Or even more they deserve to be taken back to court to satisfy an ex's poor judgement in spending and their greed?" Honestly it sickens me to watch them brainwashed by america's ridicules culture.
This is going to make some people (mostly frustrated chumps) mad but here it goes.
1. Any person big or small, male or female that bullies or puts their hands on someone with out warrant deserves to have their ass kicked regardless of size or gender.
Some people who think that they are Billy Badass have the fortune of one day meeting Billy Badass (without no one to protect them after theyve started the fight) and with no one elses guidance come to the realization that they are better at math or reading as opposed to provoking others. A lesson many women today are saved from learning.
2. Every child at birth needs to have a mandatory non invasive dna test, these children deserve to know who their real parents are. For ex. Heriditary health issues, extended familial knowledge and support as well as guidance and finacial support.
3. Not only should a woman have the right to her body with the purpose of choosing to having a child, giving a child up for adoption or aborting a fetus; But the man should have a right to choose his life not leaving it in the hands of the pregnant mother whom he may not have wanted to co parent with. Support the financial abortion movement.
4. In a divorce procceeding you should leave with whatever percentage you put into it. Child support will cover the children.
5. Child custody cases. Should allow the children to live 1 year at a time with the opposite parent if they or one opts to live within 50 miles of the other and the children attend the same school regardless as well as get rid of the support agreement in this case. And if one parent opts not to, fine let them recieve it and then pay the same amount to the opposite parent on their year. That would put a stop to false needs of more support.
6. Quit paying for everything, women like and want sex more than men, (the dick has value too, we all travel the world and know that women are freakier than men). Paying her to leave without drama or future drama is OK.
Role Models
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational; 1229872]Easy answer. For me it is the ability and the willingness to pay. AWs are able to pay but refuse because to them the man is supposed to do blah blah blah. Many of the foreign women you speak of are not able to pay (although sometimes they do when or what they can) , but if they were then they would. And that is what makes all the difference in the world. Just like when you go to court you can be charged with murder, manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter. Hell, somebody is still dead in either case, but it all has to do with intent. And AWs don't INTEND to pay for shit as long as there is a man around!
*P. S. Sometimes I do make foreign women pay as well if I know they are able.[/QUOTE]I think you guys who are whining that AW and others ought to pay when you are dating them, or that foreign women should, are barking up the wrong tree.
The problem isn't that the man has to pay, or even that he has to pay with no guarantee of sex at the end.
The problem is that he has to pay and get a lecture on women's equality and stereotyping at the same time.
It is the hypocrisy of AW. That there are no "gender roles" in today's society. At the same time as expecting to be supported, whether on dates or in marriage or after divorce, that is the problem.
The old model of Man as Provider (of financial / material goods and security) and Woman as Provider of Home Comforts (cooking, kids, sex) still operates in many countries and is a good model for many of us.
When you date a woman in Eastern Europe she expects you to pay for dinner (as well as take the lead) but she knows that she is expected to be beautiful and lady-like and (maybe / eventually) provide sex.
And it usually works out that way. No matter how well educated she is or income level, she will do her part if you do yours. Sure sometimes they will offer to pay, or will pay for the small things, but that is more to demonstrate that they are not a total leech, rather than trying to balance things out.
If you want to be the dominant person in a relationship, you need to assert yourself and paying is the easiest way to do it.
You just have to make sure that your date is keeping up her half of the bargain. Which is not guaranteed sex, even in EE. But playing up the feminine role, with all its fixings.
If she shows up in track pants and messy hair and complains about the way she is treated by men, then abandon ship.
But frankly, I see much more of the reverse. I woman with a good job, who is probably paying her way, dressed to the nines, out with a guy wearing a t-shirt and baseball cap.
And he is probably on this web-site complaining about AW!
Some women are just crazy!
Tiger Woods' ex-wife bulldozes $12 million home.
[quote]There are times when divorce forces people to do strange things. Burn sheets. Throw out clothes. Toss rings into the ocean. But when you get $100 million in your divorce, you can trump just about anything and that's what happened with Tiger Woods' ex-wife when she bought a $12 million home and bulldozed the whole thing.[/quote][url]Http://goo.gl/rKzgK[/url]
IN my case I'm not old fashioned at all. I don't WANT a traditional woman. I can hire a maid cheaply, I don't need my SO to be cleaning and cooking for me. I want a life partner, not a domestic servant! And I want the ***** to pay her fucking way, pure and simple, not support MY ass either, just pull her weight financially. True equality.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel; 1234321]I think you guys who are whining that AW and others ought to pay when you are dating them, or that foreign women should, are barking up the wrong tree.
The problem isn't that the man has to pay, or even that he has to pay with no guarantee of sex at the end.
The problem is that he has to pay and get a lecture on women's equality and stereotyping at the same time.
It is the hypocrisy of AW. That there are no "gender roles" in today's society. At the same time as expecting to be supported, whether on dates or in marriage or after divorce, that is the problem.
The old model of Man as Provider (of financial / material goods and security) and Woman as Provider of Home Comforts (cooking, kids, sex) still operates in many countries and is a good model for many of us.
When you date a woman in Eastern Europe she expects you to pay for dinner (as well as take the lead) but she knows that she is expected to be beautiful and lady-like and (maybe / eventually) provide sex.
And it usually works out that way. No matter how well educated she is or income level, she will do her part if you do yours. Sure sometimes they will offer to pay, or will pay for the small things, but that is more to demonstrate that they are not a total leech, rather than trying to balance things out.
If you want to be the dominant person in a relationship, you need to assert yourself and paying is the easiest way to do it.
You just have to make sure that your date is keeping up her half of the bargain. Which is not guaranteed sex, even in EE. But playing up the feminine role, with all its fixings.
If she shows up in track pants and messy hair and complains about the way she is treated by men, then abandon ship.
But frankly, I see much more of the reverse. I woman with a good job, who is probably paying her way, dressed to the nines, out with a guy wearing a t-shirt and baseball cap.
And he is probably on this web-site complaining about AW![/QUOTE]
My Hero!
Shit, making £20million in 14 months is an amazing feat! But I can hear AW laughing and saying "that's nothing Russell; I can do far better than that in 6-12 months!"
[b]It's going to cost you, Katy: Russell Brand stands to make £20million from his divorce from pop star wife Perry[/b]
Last updated at 10:53 AM on 2nd January 2012
"Russell Brand is set to make up to £20million from his divorce from wife Katy Perry, according to reports. The comedian is in line for the huge lump sum in a 50/50 split of the couple's earnings even after just 14 months of marriage. Brand. 36, and Perry. 27, didn't sign a pre-nuptial agreement when they married in October 2010 so under Californian law, he could be entitled to half of her fortune...":
Read more: [url]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2080925/Katy-Perry-divorce-Russell-Brand-stands-make-20m-split-pop-star-wife.html#ixzz1j0YSkqWO[/url]
[QUOTE=SavePros321; 1235621]Shit, making £20million in 14 months is an amazing feat! But I can hear AW laughing and saying "that's nothing Russell; I can do far better than that in 6-12 months!"
[b]It's going to cost you, Katy: Russell Brand stands to make £20million from his divorce from pop star wife Perry[/b]
Last updated at 10:53 AM on 2nd January 2012.
"Russell Brand is set to make up to £20million from his divorce from wife Katy Perry, according to reports. The comedian is in line for the huge lump sum in a 50/50 split of the couple's earnings even after just 14 months of marriage. Brand. 36, and Perry. 27, didn't sign a pre-nuptial agreement when they married in October 2010 so under Californian law, he could be entitled to half of her fortune.":
Read more:
[url]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2080925/Katy-Perry-divorce-Russell-Brand-stands-make-20m-split-pop-star-wife.html#ixzz1j0YSkqWO[/url][/QUOTE]That just goes to show you how fucked up the divorce laws are. I got divorced, had a prenup, the judge wiped his ass with it and she still took half my shit. I wouldn't get married again for anything. FFFF, find 'them, feel 'them, fuck 'them and forget 'them.
[QUOTE=Manizales911;1235627]I got divorced, had a prenup, [b]the judge wiped his ass with it[/b] and she still took half my shit. I wouldn't get married again for anything.[/QUOTE]I almost spit all of my drink at the screen laughing at that comment, LOL! I'm not laughing at your situation; just the way in which you stated it.
Damn Kobe!
[b]Kobe Bryant Wife Scores Big In Divorce[/b]
"Kobe Bryant's wife Vanessa is the big winner in their divorce property settlement, TMZ has learned.
Sources connected to the couple and with direct knowledge of the situation tell TMZ the property settlement agreement is signed, sealed and delivered -- a done deal.
Vanessa is walking away with $75 million, which we're told represents close to half of their total assets, estimated at around $150 million.
TMZ previously reported several transfers of property earlier this year between Kobe and Vanessa. * It turns out, based on the property settlement, Vanessa scored a clean sweep, snagging ALL THREE of the former couple's mansions in the Newport Beach area.
Vanessa gets the estate the couple was living in, the estate her mom is living in, and she gets the new estate that had been under construction for 2 years and was just completed. * We were told Kobe was moving into the new estate, but that's not true. * It's Vanessa's crib, lock stock and barrel.
Vanessa just scored 3. Where it counts."
I don't feel so bad about what I spend on chicas.
[QUOTE=SavePros321; 1239450][b]Kobe Bryant Wife Scores Big In Divorce[/b]
TMZ. Com.
"Kobe Bryant's wife Vanessa is the big winner in their divorce property settlement, TMZ has learned.
Sources connected to the couple and with direct knowledge of the situation tell TMZ the property settlement agreement is signed, sealed and delivered. A done deal.
Vanessa is walking away with $75 million, which we're told represents close to half of their total assets, estimated at around $150 million.
TMZ previously reported several transfers of property earlier this year between Kobe and Vanessa. * It turns out, based on the property settlement, Vanessa scored a clean sweep, snagging ALL THREE of the former couple's mansions in the Newport Beach area.
Vanessa gets the estate the couple was living in, the estate her mom is living in, and she gets the new estate that had been under construction for 2 years and was just completed. * We were told Kobe was moving into the new estate, but that's not true. * It's Vanessa's crib, lock stock and barrel.
Vanessa just scored 3. Where it counts."
[url]http://www.tmz.com/2012/01/20/kobe-vanessa-bryant-divorce-settlement/#.Txku-aVSR-U[/url][/QUOTE]I know it's got to hurt like hell getting shafted like that in the court system. And here we are in forums like this discussing overpaying chicas for few measly dollars. I guess it's really about the principle. Because if I bought some chica a laptop or was sending her money only to find out I was being scammed, I'd be pissed off just as much as Kobe might or should be over the outcome of his divorce.
On A Brighter Note
You can now get laid in the USA for a 6-piece box of McNuggets. [url]http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/18/sex-for-mcnuggets_n_1212891.html[/url]
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1239682]You can now get laid in the USA for a 6-piece box of McNuggets.
[url]http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/18/sex-for-mcnuggets_n_1212891.html[/url][/QUOTE]Super Value Menu pussy
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1229920]I just think that in this day and age, the woman should pay as well.[/QUOTE]They do pay for it too but not in their home countries. They also keep a lot quieter about it than guys who monger. Lots of women go to Bali to spare a horse and ride a kuta cowboy. Some of them are paying for it with the alimony check from some poor sucker back home.
Of course there are women who pay for sex these days, it's all part of that empowerment shit. More power to 'them.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1244419]They do pay for it too but not in their home countries. They also keep a lot quieter about it than guys who monger. Lots of women go to Bali to spare a horse and ride a kuta cowboy. Some of them are paying for it with the alimony check from some poor sucker back home.
[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kq5Si3oSdkg[/url][/QUOTE]I was referring to in non-pro situations. I expect women I date to contribute financially. P4P is different, one pays for immediate sexual gratification and expects a certain level of professionalism on the part of the pro.
Isn't that a big part of the appeal of P4P?
Everything is clear, no games.
American women want to walk some sort of rediculous line where they expect to be taken care of but at the same time be equal. I'm not saying mongering is a reversion to old fashioned gender roles but there's no mistaking the nature of the things (hopefully).
Why AWs are Dangerous
Although an ISG member for years, I only post when I believe I have something new to contribute.
Back in July. 2011, Catherine Kieu cut off her husband's dick, and ground it up in a garbage disposal.
This was briefly discussed in this thread, circa July 17, 2011.
Every member of ISG should Google Kieu CBS "The Talk".
The segments in question aired July 15th. 2011 and a follow up,"apology" segment on July 20th.
The host's, guest's, and audience's conduct, (I believe the audience is 100% female) in both segments are highly enlightening.
Since this is a "live" show, it shows AWs in their true light.
Also instructive is the lack of "blow back" CBS and the show's host got for this garbage.
I'm going to use these clips an educational tool for men who are still unable or unwilling to see AWs for what the really are.
NOTE:I'm technologically challenged.
Perhaps Jackson or a more tech savvy member could provide a direct link to the segments mentioned above.
Good grief. Poor guy
How is this even possible? Just blows my mind.
Here you go!
This is why there is a 0. 0% chance of ever even asking an AW to join me for a glass of water. They are sinister and evil on a level I have experienced personally and their methodology for relationships is warped beyond comprehension. I tried the the marriage game once. I learned a valuable lesson then: That the US Domestic Court System is completely biased against men. The trap is the marriage certificate. Even with a legally signed and certified pre-nuptial agreement, DNA evidence, video and witnesses corraborating infidelity from your spouse, you can't win. Sorry for my rant, here is the link: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81D9W4DD8Kg.[/url] May all the ladies who laughed at the guy and had fun have a scorching case of a venereal desease!
[QUOTE=Laser Eye; 1245423]Although an ISG member for years, I only post when I believe I have something new to contribute.
Back in July. 2011, Catherine Kieu cut off her husband's dick, and ground it up in a garbage disposal.
This was briefly discussed in this thread, circa July 17, 2011.
Every member of ISG should Google Kieu CBS "The Talk".
The segments in question aired July 15th. 2011 and a follow up,"apology" segment on July 20th.
The host's, guest's, and audience's conduct, (I believe the audience is 100% female) in both segments are highly enlightening.
Since this is a "live" show, it shows AWs in their true light.
Also instructive is the lack of "blow back" CBS and the show's host got for this garbage.
I'm going to use these clips an educational tool for men who are still unable or unwilling to see AWs for what the really are.
NOTE:I'm technologically challenged.
Perhaps Jackson or a more tech savvy member could provide a direct link to the segments mentioned above.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Laser Eye; 1245423]Although an ISG member for years, I only post when I believe I have something new to contribute.
Back in July. 2011, Catherine Kieu cut off her husband's dick, and ground it up in a garbage disposal.
This was briefly discussed in this thread, circa July 17, 2011.
Every member of ISG should Google Kieu CBS "The Talk".
The segments in question aired July 15th. 2011 and a follow up,"apology" segment on July 20th.
The host's, guest's, and audience's conduct, (I believe the audience is 100% female) in both segments are highly enlightening.
Since this is a "live" show, it shows AWs in their true light.
Also instructive is the lack of "blow back" CBS and the show's host got for this garbage.
I'm going to use these clips an educational tool for men who are still unable or unwilling to see AWs for what the really are.
NOTE:I'm technologically challenged.
Perhaps Jackson or a more tech savvy member could provide a direct link to the segments mentioned above.[/QUOTE]I have completely (well not completely, about 95%) given up on AW locally or elsewhere because the problem as been often repeated here is the culture we live in, not so much women themselves.
ManWomenMyth is an excellent site and You Tube is also full of sources of opinion that are often correct.
I am talking to foreign women exclusively now and things are moving along smoothly. I will update this soon, but this goes to my plan I hatched back late 2011 to; Wait for it!
Get married! Yes I know most of you do not support that but I want to have children and most of you are childless and plan on staying that way for whatever reason and frankly I am not interested in why.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney; 1245498]I am talking to foreign women exclusively now and things are moving along smoothly. I will update this soon, but this goes to my plan I hatched back late 2011 to; Wait for it!
Get married! Yes I know most of you do not support that but I want to have children and most of you are childless and plan on staying that way for whatever reason and frankly I am not interested in why.[/QUOTE]What does having a child have to do with getting married? I am all for the former, but the latter is when you screw yourself. Don't get the two confused and think you have to combine them. You can most certainly do one without doing the other. Then again it could work out in your favor. I found myself thinking of all the friends and family members who I have known that have gotten married (more than one time for several people). Are they still together? For me, in most cases (including my own) they are not. Who is on the chopping block now? My 29 year old brother (10 years younger than me). You always think that the younger people will learn from the mistakes of the older people. The fact is though that everyone has to learn on their own. He ran off and got married to a psycho woman without telling anyone and now 3 years later he is about to lose his house and a car and who knows how much child support he will have to pay. Fortunately he works for himself so he can just about say he makes whatever he wants as far as the numbers are concerned. Also, my aunt who is 62 is about to get married for the third time.
[QUOTE=Manizales911;1235627]I got divorced, had a prenup, the judge wiped his ass with it and she still took half my shit.[/QUOTE]Forgive me for being naive, but how did that happen?
Judge orders man to take his AW wife on a date!
[QUOTE=Chill Out;1245608]Forgive me for being naive, but how did that happen?[/QUOTE]I can't comment on the Manizales911 situation, but did you see this news story today? Apparently, judges in America have the power to force a guy to take his wife on a date-as a punishment? So, I guess they can wipe their asses with a prenup too, if they feel like it.
Just in time for Valentine's Day, a Florida judge ruled on Tuesday that a man involved in a scuffle with his wife treat her to an evening at a local bowling alley and a romantic meal at Red Lobster.
Judge John Hurley ordered that Joseph Bray. 47 and his wife Sonja. 39, also visit a marriage counselor.
Hurley handed down this ruling instead of setting bond or slapping Bray with a prison sentence after he deemed domestic violence charges leveled by Bray's wife to be "very, very minor."
According to Bray's arrest affidavit, Bray and his wife got embroiled in a spat after he failed to wish her a happy birthday. Bray's wife claims that her husband shoved her against a sofa and grabbed her neck.
The judge, citing Bray's otherwise clean record and the incident's apparent lack of serious violence, did not consider Bray's behavior a major offense. However, Bray must follow the stipulations of Hurley's ruling very closely if he wants to avoid potential jail time.
"He's going to stop by somewhere and he's going to get some flowers," Hurley said at a hearing, according to Florida newspaper Sun Sentinel."And then he's going to go home, pick up his wife, get dressed, take her to Red Lobster. And then after they have Red Lobster, they're going to go bowling."
Hurley noted that he would not typically treat a domestic violence charge in a similarly jocular or light-hearted manner.
"The court would not normally [make this ruling] if the court felt there was some violence but this is very, very minor and the court felt that that was a better resolution than the other alternatives," Hurley said.
According to Google Maps, there is a Red Lobster conveniently located in Plantation, Florida—Bray's city of residence—adjacent to a Kohl's and nearby the Broward Mall.
Fortunately for Bray and his wife, the Plantation Red Lobster receives high marks in Google Maps' Review section.
Google user Georgia Valente writes that "of all the Red Lobsters in South Florida," the couple's dinner destination is "quite possibly the best."
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1245603]What does having a child have to do with getting married? I am all for the former, but the latter is when you screw yourself. Don't get the two confused and think you have to combine them. You can most certainly do one without doing the other. Then again it could work out in your favor. I found myself thinking of all the friends and family members who I have known that have gotten married (more than one time for several people). Are they still together? For me, in most cases (including my own) they are not. Who is on the chopping block now? My 29 year old brother (10 years younger than me). You always think that the younger people will learn from the mistakes of the older people. The fact is though that everyone has to learn on their own. He ran off and got married to a psycho woman without telling anyone and now 3 years later he is about to lose his house and a car and who knows how much child support he will have to pay. Fortunately he works for himself so he can just about say he makes whatever he wants as far as the numbers are concerned. Also, my aunt who is 62 is about to get married for the third time.[/QUOTE]So what your saying is that your dysfunctional family / friend network with poor picking skills means I can do one or the other but not both?
I am not planning to return to the United States long term (bank crash is coming, oil shock is coming). This girl is interested in living just about ANYWHERE, has a mind for business (currently a self-employed graphic artist working as an art consultant for the Government) and is competitive (previous life as a professional show jumper). She's also 6'0 and we know how most men don't like tall women, they like small petite women they can dominate either mentally or physically or both (which is why Latin America and Asia are so popular on here). She has found it difficult to find the men she likes in Poland (Black Men) who have something going for themselves and not shorter than her.
I tick all her boxes.
Now with that said, there is risk of it turning pear shaped. Are you saying most men have become risk adverse? I am not, I have stated from day one what I want and frankly that is what most women want a man that knows what he wants and knows how to get it. As I said wanting to get married is not popular with a bunch of people that are either bitter from their own divorce or those that are risk adverse based on their parents divorce or relationships of others. I should tell you, a majority of my immediate family is married with children, while a majority of my friends are either never married (several) or divorced (one).
Why they haven't gotten married, I sort of know why and its not for the reasons often sited on this board. But while they sort themselves out, I'll move on to what I want. I am not interested in chasing women around the world for temporary relationships with no binding agreement. You can scream about all the legalities in the favor of women all you want and while the divorce rate is over 50, that means the other half is not getting a divorce.
It is easy for me to maintain a relationship anyway.
[QUOTE=Chill Out;1245608]Forgive me for being naive, but how did that happen?[/QUOTE]His lawyer was incompetent, how else can you explain it? IMHO if you need a prenup that is a bad omen.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney;1246189]IMHO if you need a prenup that is a bad omen.[/QUOTE]Kobe Bryant probably thought the same thing and look at where it got him (see the article a page back or two). People change over time and a prenup is supposed to protect your assets in case your spouse later says "fuck till death do us part" and decides to hit the eject button.
These days you are a fool to not have a prenup (ask Katy Perry) before getting married. You are even more foolish if you allow a foreigner to jack you for all of your assets by marrying one without a prenup.
Jay-Z: "I got this African chick with Eddie Murphy on her skull, she like 'jigga man, why you treat me like animal? ' I'm like 'excuse me Ms. Fufu, but when I met your ass, you were dead broke and naked; and now you want half (of my shit). '"
[QUOTE=Ezinho; 1246129]Apparently, judges in America have the power to force a guy to take his wife on a date-as a punishment?
I wonder what the guy's side of the story is. His wife is probably an ugly whale and can't even give a decent BJ or cook a decent meal. I wouldn't marry an AW even if she was rich, beautiful, big-titted and paid me. And I'm an AM. Dated them when I was younger, though. I will only date foreign women because AWs have too many ridiculous needs and unrealistic expectations. Plus they are too fat.
[QUOTE=SavePros321; 1246198]Kobe Bryant probably thought the same thing and look at where it got him (see the article a page back or two). People change over time and a prenup is supposed to protect your assets in case your spouse later says "fuck till death do us part" and decides to hit the eject button.
These days you are a fool to not have a prenup (ask Katy Perry) before getting married. You are even more foolish if you allow a foreigner to jack you for all of your assets by marrying one without a prenup.
Jay-Z: "I got this African chick with Eddie Murphy on her skull, she like 'jigga man, why you treat me like animal? ' I'm like 'excuse me Ms. Fufu, but when I met your ass, you were dead broke and naked; and now you want half (of my shit). '"[/QUOTE]A prenup only helps if a guy has some shit to lose in the first place. If a guy doesn't have shit then he doesn't need a prenup. Marriage without a prenup is not a big deal for men without assets. Poor men actually benefit from marriage. Half of nothing leaves nothing.
American Women
Well have to say that I drank from the AW cup and found it to be quite a horrible experiance. One that taught me to be wary.
I had struggled to get to a position to be with her and when I did and we were together the changes came about gradually but constant. Issues that had me thinking and then they had me reaching for the exit. I was soooo glad I had not married this one as she would have done what she could to get her hands on my assets. Got her ass and then she got my assets sounds about right. But I saw sense and I walked and then she was suddenly faced with the prospect of losing her meal ticket.
I don't mind halping and putting in when I get out but if it goes one way then I sure as hell won't be looking to hang about there are more fish in the sea and a lot more fun to be had in life. Its a mutually beneficial relationship. And they know that hence the reason they try to get a kid on the scene so that you get ties in to a financially committed relationship.
Wasnt even married but we ended up at a relationship counsellor as I had anger issues. Yeah fucking right I did. Five months down the line the sex was zero the issues she brought were way out of proportion. Kid issues from a previous relationship with a guy who was a fuckwit asshole. Wondering what the next disaster would bring. An understanding of where it was going wrong and that I simply would not get it fixed. The sex was out of this world to begin with. This girl knew what to do when to do it and how to do it. Oral was like nothing I had ever had before then that became a chore then it was a song and dance when I came in her mouth a mad rush to the toilet to spit it out with as much noise and barfing as she could manage. Yep. Drama queen and she had a nasty little addiction to painkillers. So one morning I smelled the coffee and I got my arse out of there pronto. Never looked back and I ensured that I have my fun now without guilt or remorse.
Women wonder why us guys think with our dicks? Well they have given us much pleasure for most of our lifes and if you don't want to get with the program then we know women that will.
I like my cock sucked and I prefer it to have my cum swallowed. You don't like that then Ill move on. You start to develop issues then Ill have issues myself. As you can imagine my cock is attached to my wallet get scarce wi my prick and my wallet becomes shy get my drift?
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney;1246188]She's also 6'0 and we know how most men don't like tall women, they like small petite women they can dominate either mentally or physically or both (which is why Latin America and Asia are so popular on here). She has found it difficult to find the men she likes in Poland (Black Men) who have something going for themselves and not shorter than her.[/QUOTE]I guess Poland would be the place for me because I am black and like tall women. But too bad it gets so damn cold there and I am under 6'0". Guess I will have to stay here in Thailand, the land of milk and honey. Light on the milk and heavy on the honies. On my way to the beach....
I like Latina and Asian women in spite of the fact, not because of the fact, that they are short. All else equal I prefer tall women, but since I'm not tall they don't give me the time of day. There is a woman in my Spanish class now who is about 6'2" and I would love to go up on her. She has a hell of a sense of humor, too. But she won't go out with me. I don't know if it is because I am short, because I am old, because I am ugly, or because of all the crass things I say in class. Gee, maybe it is a combination of all of those? Ya think?
There are two other women in the class who [b]would[/b] Like to date me but one is all tatted up with a bunch of shrapnel hanging off her face and the other one talks like this: Like I was you know like umm like you know [insert stupid bullshit] when like you know umm I don't know, you know, [some other insipid bullshit] and I couldn't, like, deal with it you know so I umm, like, I don't know, whatever.
[QUOTE=Dickhead; 1246455]I like Latina and Asian women in spite of the fact, not because of the fact, that they are short. All else equal I prefer tall women, but since I'm not tall they don't give me the time of day. There is a woman in my Spanish class now who is about 6'2" and I would love to go up on her. She has a hell of a sense of humor, too. But she won't go out with me. I don't know if it is because I am short, because I am old, because I am ugly, or because of all the crass things I say in class. Gee, maybe it is a combination of all of those? Ya think?
There are two other women in the class who [b]would[/b] Like to date me but one is all tatted up with a bunch of shrapnel hanging off her face and the other one talks like this: Like I was you know like umm like you know [insert stupid bullshit] when like you know umm I don't know, you know, [some other insipid bullshit] and I couldn't, like, deal with it you know so I umm, like, I don't know, whatever.[/QUOTE]Don't know about AR but here in CO being tall is NOT considered a plus physically. In North America I remember it was always that way that women would NEVER date a guy shorter than them (must suck to be a 6'2" woman in the US or Canada I guess) but here in Colombia nobody cares much about that.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1245603]What does having a child have to do with getting married? I am all for the former, but the latter is when you screw yourself. Don't get the two confused and think you have to combine them. You can most certainly do one without doing the other.[/QUOTE]Sure you can have a kid without getting married, but that vastly increases the difficulties of raising a child and the odds of him / her turning out badly.
All the statistics and studies show that children brought up in stable, supportive households are happier, better adjusted, do better in school and life and are more likely to have stable relationships of their own.
Single parents have a much tougher time raising kids properly and it shows in drop-out rates, delinquency, etc.
Of course it depends on many other factors as well. Income, education, involvement of both parents, etc.
And a kid of a middle class, mid-life marriage breakdown is not in the same boat as a kid whose father was absent from the start.
Anyone who thinks they should have a kid, without the prospect of a stable, nurturing family, just to propagate his seed, is liable to end up with a bad seed.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel; 1247619]Sure you can have a kid without getting married, but that vastly increases the difficulties of raising a child and the odds of him / her turning out badly.
All the statistics and studies show that children brought up in stable, supportive households are happier, better adjusted, do better in school and life and are more likely to have stable relationships of their own.
Single parents have a much tougher time raising kids properly and it shows in drop-out rates, delinquency, etc.
Of course it depends on many other factors as well. Income, education, involvement of both parents, etc.
And a kid of a middle class, mid-life marriage breakdown is not in the same boat as a kid whose father was absent from the start.
Anyone who thinks they should have a kid, without the prospect of a stable, nurturing family, just to propagate his seed, is liable to end up with a bad seed.[/QUOTE]When I made the statement about not having to be married to have a kid, I was doing it under the assumption that the male (such as DJ FM) who wanted to have the kid would be in the kid's life and not just pork the mom in order to see what comes out. Several of my female friends who are educated and well off but are getting older and have yet to find a suitable partner have asked me to help them have children with no strings attached. (I don't think the court looks upon that with the same eyes though.) But there is no way that I'm trying to make a child and not be in their life.
Statistics can be bent to say anything. There are several outliers, then there is all of the general population inside of the bell curve. I don't think that a kid will turn out badly just because one parent is not or seldom is in his life. What about the cases when a parent has died while the kid was young? Just because there are two parents in a house does not mean it is stable or supportive. It could very well be a hell hole.
In my situation my parents divorced when I was 12 and my brother was 2. My dad still came to see us everyday and my mom had no problem with that. We are his kids and from her standpoint he should be able to spend time with us whenever he wanted. The thing is that most women are not like my mom and most men are not like my dad. Some guys can't be begged enough to go spend time with their kids and some women refuse to let their kid's father spend time with them. A lot of AWs want to shelter their kids from the father because of some ill will or resentment that they harbor against him. My parents' kids turned out alright though. I have an MBA in International Business and I'm doing well in life and my brother has a BS in Criminal Justice and Sociology and is a police officer and owns his own security business in which he has many contracts. Hell, my dad even works for my brother now. My brother is another good example. He got custody of his son when he was only a couple months old because his mother was not being a responsible parent. Now my nephew is 10 and has always had all As in school.
The whole thing boils down to responsibility. If you don't plan on being a responsible parent then you have no business having fucking kids. But in the end you must remember that the child is an individual and has a mind of it's own. You can give it the best raising possible but it will eventually and always go the way that it wants when all is said and done.
Bastards, Marriage, and Mongers
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel; 1247619]Sure you can have a kid without getting married, but that vastly increases the difficulties of raising a child and the odds of him / her turning out badly.
All the statistics and studies show that children brought up in stable, supportive households are happier, better adjusted, do better in school and life and are more likely to have stable relationships of their own.
Single parents have a much tougher time raising kids properly and it shows in drop-out rates, delinquency, etc.
Of course it depends on many other factors as well. Income, education, involvement of both parents, etc.
And a kid of a middle class, mid-life marriage breakdown is not in the same boat as a kid whose father was absent from the start.
Anyone who thinks they should have a kid, without the prospect of a stable, nurturing family, just to propagate his seed, is liable to end up with a bad seed.[/QUOTE]That is quite an interesting hypothesis regarding bastards. Do you think most mongers are bastards from dysfunctional homes or legitimate children from loving married couples who never divorced? Keep in mind that society would generally consider mongers bad seed. As far as most people in America are concerned a bunch of guys who reject traditional relationships and instead fly around the developing world fucking poor girls must be a really bad bunch. I've heard people say such a lifestyle is selfish and degenerate. On many non-monger travel and expat forums mongers are met with blatant hostility. Some people even went so far as to join this forum to make threats against mongers. Do you think that American parents would consider their sons normal well adjusted individuals if they were to find out that they spend their time and money flying around the globe fucking hoes in poverty stricken countries?
If your hypothesis is true then very few mongers should come from happy loving two parent households. After all, if marriage created such a positive environment wouldn't men seek to emulate their fathers rather than avoiding commitments?
Hi CM, no more flaming, ok? The bastard theory does not hold water. No sociological study suggesting this unlike say, recidivism. I'm case-in-point. My folks were happily married 56 years. My brother has been happily married over 30 years. I've never been married. Always been a monger. After my first girlfriend, a Japanese-American, dumped me for another stud. As the saying goes, why buy the cow when you can milk for free? (or at least cheaper). Peace.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger;1247779]If your hypothesis is true then very few mongers should come from happy loving two parent households. After all, if marriage created such a positive environment wouldn't men seek to emulate their fathers rather than avoiding commitments?[/QUOTE]
Playing the odds
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational; 1247646]Statistics can be bent to say anything. There are several outliers, then there is all of the general population inside of the bell curve. I don't think that a kid will turn out badly just because one parent is not or seldom is in his life. What about the cases when a parent has died while the kid was young? Just because there are two parents in a house does not mean it is stable or supportive. It could very well be a hell hole.
The whole thing boils down to responsibility. If you don't plan on being a responsible parent then you have no business having fucking kids. But in the end you must remember that the child is an individual and has a mind of it's own. You can give it the best raising possible but it will eventually and always go the way that it wants when all is said and done.[/QUOTE]True there are always outliers and exceptions and lots of cases that prove opposite things.
Some kids can grow up great in the most adverse conditions.
And lots of loved and nurtured kids end up bad or useless.
And sure lots of kids survive divorces pretty well. In fact that is a big chunk of the population.
I am talking about playing the odds and not starting a kid's life with the odds stacked against him / her.
Good Seed, Bad Seed
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1247779]That is quite an interesting hypothesis regarding bastards. Do you think most mongers are bastards from dysfunctional homes or legitimate children from loving married couples who never divorced? Keep in mind that society would generally consider mongers bad seed. As far as most people in America are concerned a bunch of guys who reject traditional relationships and instead fly around the developing world fucking poor girls must be a really bad bunch. I've heard people say such a lifestyle is selfish and degenerate. On many non-monger travel and expat forums mongers are met with blatant hostility. Some people even went so far as to join this forum to make threats against mongers. Do you think that American parents would consider their sons normal well adjusted individuals if they were to find out that they spend their time and money flying around the globe fucking hoes in poverty stricken countries?
If your hypothesis is true then very few mongers should come from happy loving two parent households. After all, if marriage created such a positive environment wouldn't men seek to emulate their fathers rather than avoiding commitments?[/QUOTE]That's not my theory. I don't hold mongering out as evidence of a "bad seed" or bad upbringing.
I meant things like dropping out of school, drugs, violent crime, dysfunctional relationships, failure to find a productive place in society.
Maybe some mongers fit that description, but most of us are just ordinary guys who want more sex and fun in their lives. That is as American as apple pie.
It is only the puritanical stream of America (which is currently pretty dominant, at least in public life) that treats this behaviour as unnatural or dangerous to society. Other societies (and time periods) are much more relaxed about this.
I agree that mainstream Americans would view our hobby as you describe, but we know better.
And not all mongers reject traditional relationships. Many just use mongering to supplement their everyday relationships. This does not make those relationships or people dysfunctional, in fact it is highly functional to create coping mechanisms to deal with problems / lacks in your life.
So I am guessing that mongers come from the same diverse backgrounds as any other segment of society. Actually, maybe a little more educated and elite and self-aware because we travel and immerse ourselves in other cultures and clinically examine the shortcomings in our own.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel; 1248350]That's not my theory. I don't hold mongering out as evidence of a "bad seed" or bad upbringing.
I meant things like dropping out of school, drugs, violent crime, dysfunctional relationships, failure to find a productive place in society.
Maybe some mongers fit that description, but most of us are just ordinary guys who want more sex and fun in their lives. That is as American as apple pie.
It is only the puritanical stream of America (which is currently pretty dominant, at least in public life) that treats this behaviour as unnatural or dangerous to society. Other societies (and time periods) are much more relaxed about this.
I agree that mainstream Americans would view our hobby as you describe, but we know better.
And not all mongers reject traditional relationships. Many just use mongering to supplement their everyday relationships. This does not make those relationships or people dysfunctional, in fact it is highly functional to create coping mechanisms to deal with problems / lacks in your life.
So I am guessing that mongers come from the same diverse backgrounds as any other segment of society. Actually, maybe a little more educated and elite and self-aware because we travel and immerse ourselves in other cultures and clinically examine the shortcomings in our own.[/QUOTE]Beautiful post!
Mongering is for malajusted basterds? Maybe this generally true. If a man were to substitute P4P completely for normal relationships, were to build there social interactions around paying for action, surely this behavior would be unhealthy at best. But what's wrong with getting a little tail when I'm on vacation / away on business?
There is nothing wrong with that
True, once in a while you will run into some really screwed up, drugged up, drunk as a skunk people in our hobby, but that's the exception, not the rule. On the other hand, in my travels I've been priviledged to have met some truly elite gentlemen who enjoy the hobby tremendously. We share a bond and know that our choices will never be accepted by our brethen in our countries or cities (Depending on where they are from) , so we know how to stay low key about the serious amounts of tail we engage in defiling in either P4P activities or freebies which happen from time to time. The amount of lifestyle conditioning people in our society go through (I'm speaking of good 'ol sex prison, the USA!) is seriously twisted: Give yourself to one woman, watch woman take all your sh*t even if she cheats on you; a real eye opener for those of us who have experienced marriage and the US court systems.
Ever since I started down this path, this hobbby has given me the greatest highlights, the highests highs I've ever experienced and there is no way in hell I plan on giving myself to an AW to take all my sh*t ever again. There is no way to convice me that there are better choices than this lifestyle. IMHO, I just don't buy it.
[QUOTE=BocaJr;1248779]Mongering is for malajusted basterds? Maybe this generally true. If a man were to substitute P4P completely for normal relationships, were to build there social interactions around paying for action, surely this behavior would be unhealthy at best. But what's wrong with getting a little tail when I'm on vacation / away on business?[/QUOTE]
The nightmares of the US legal system and the leverage AWs have in divorce court is more than enough to keep a few hobbyists in the game.
I personally can't imagine myself compromising my liberties by marrying / impregnating an AW. Maybe I'm just a bitter asshole, a misogynist, anachronistic jerk but I'll take my casual foreign lays to a domestic alimony payment any day.
"It used to be called illegitimacy. Now it is the new normal. After steadily rising for five decades, the share of children born to unmarried women has crossed a threshold: more than half of births to American women under 30 occur outside marriage."
I never wanted kids and I am divorced. My ex-wife also did not want kids, until of course she did. Hence divorced. Having said that, I don't think intentional single parenting is right, and I think it is more likely to produce a screwed-up kid. Kids need and deserve two committed parents, and by that I mean one male parent and one female parent and not two fags or two dykes. Those two parents don't have to be legally married but they do need to be committed. Now, are two committed fags or two committed dykes better than one fucking crack addict? Probably. Two of my nieces have gone the single parent route, probably due to being grossly obese neurotic bitches. In one case the father is an ex-boyfriend who signed a lengthy agreement to just be a sperm donor with no financial responsibility. He keeps dropping in and out of the kid's life, while of course maintaining the whole no financial responsibility thing, which confuses the shit out of the kid. In the other case the father is? And the kid is 17 and has already gotten three different girls pregnant.
Allowing gay couples to adopt is suboptimal but probably necessary at this point because there are so many of these throwaway children that someone has to do it. The thing about being gay, while I have nothing against it, is that you just can't naturally procreate that way. All this in vitro fertilization and surrogate parenting is just fucking weird. Yes, it's unfortunate when you want kids and are infertile. This happens to a certain percentage of people. It's unfortunate that I want to dunk a basketball and can't. Deal with it.
Also, since in the US parents are legally responsible for any bastards their children create before turning 18, parents should be able to grind up birth control pills in their children's corn flakes.
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1249533]I don't think intentional single parenting is right, and I think it is more likely to produce a screwed-up kid. Kids need and deserve two committed parents, and by that I mean one male parent and one female parent and not two fags or two dykes.[/QUOTE]Sorry to rain on your parade, but the only thing that is significant in the upbringing of a kid is the commitment of its parent (s) and the fact there are 1, 2 or 20 parents around of whatever gender or persuasion is absolutely irrelevant. Both my parents have been teachers all their life and have literally seen thousands of kids growing up in all kind of normal or strange surroundings. None of these matter for one bit and are not in the least predictive of "success". You'd be surprised how many absolute bastards are raised in church-going WASP pillar-of-society "normal" households.
[QUOTE=Wolvenvacht;1249556]Sorry to rain on your parade, but the only thing that is significant in the upbringing of a kid is the commitment of its parent (s) and the fact there are 1, 2 or 20 parents around of whatever gender or persuasion is absolutely irrelevant. Both my parents have been teachers all their life and have literally seen thousands of kids growing up in all kind of normal or strange surroundings. None of these matter for one bit and are not in the least predictive of "success". You'd be surprised how many absolute bastards are raised in church-going WASP pillar-of-society "normal" households.[/QUOTE]How do you think I got to be as bad as I am? My mom always made me go to church 2 or 3 times / week. So I started hanging with a couple of other teenage guys from the church. Little did anyone know they were pimps on what was then Stewart Ave in Atlanta. And that is how I got my start. But I was able to escape that lifestyle when I graduated high school and moved out from my mom's and didn't have to go to church anymore. LOL.
[QUOTE=Wet Nose; 1249395]"It used to be called illegitimacy. Now it is the new normal. After steadily rising for five decades, the share of children born to unmarried women has crossed a threshold: more than half of births to American women under 30 occur outside marriage."
[url]http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/18/us/for-women-under-30-most-births-occur-outside-marriage.html?_r=1[/url][/QUOTE]Interesting article, although maybe not as analytical as would be helpful.
My first question was whether they were focusing on simple non-marital status as opposed to single-parent situations (and they seem to be).
For the most part, common-law relationships have the potential to be as stable and useful and marriages, although where the dividing line is between that and just living together is not clear to me.
Also, they introduce an important caveat vis-a-vis the US.
"Almost all of the rise in nonmarital births has occurred among couples living together. While in some countries such relationships endure at rates that resemble marriages, in the United States they are more than twice as likely to dissolve than marriages."
But then they seem to contradict this."Like other women interviewed here, she described her children as largely unplanned, a byproduct of uncommitted relationships."
So maybe there are two parents at the outset, but no real commitment to the child or the relationship.
However, you do see a lot of women PLANNING to have children, regardless of whether there is a permanent partner or not. I know many women who have gone this route.
We see this especially in places like Eastern Europe, where there is a strong cultural norm that women must have kids to complete their lives, yet eligible men are rare and divorce rates have been high for a generation. I guess if they are prepared for the commitment and the sacrifices and have the support (in the west from their own income or government support and in the east from a family network) then they can overcome any disadvantages.
Anyway, the initial point of this thread was to give DJ4$ gratuitous marital and child-rearing advice. And DJ, I am with you. Keep looking for a relationship with a woman who wants to marry and have kid. On its good days, this is a great life. Just make sure she understands your expectations. That the sexual fun has to go on, regardless of the daily grind.
I don't even really think 2 stable parents are enough to raise a kid or kids anymore. It's 2 poor oppressed souls against the whole rest of their often very competitive environment. I'm beginning to see the sense of the African proverb "it takes a village to raise a child."
This is why drugs and mongering are a bad combination. [url]http://www.spike.com/video-clips/o0i2tl/1000-ways-to-die-em-bear-assed[/url]
$200 million Divorce for Deon Sanders?
Talk about going for the jugular! This is the price men in the USA must endure to get together with an AW. There ain't enough incentive to give up and give these AW the satisfaction of being manipulated into giving up all personal assets and sacrifices. This is plain BS!
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1249570]How do you think I got to be as bad as I am? My mom always made me go to church 2 or 3 times / week. So I started hanging with a couple of other teenage guys from the church. Little did anyone know they were pimps on what was then Stewart Ave in Atlanta. And that is how I got my start. But I was able to escape that lifestyle when I graduated high school and moved out from my mom's and didn't have to go to church anymore. LOL.[/QUOTE]Hi Mr. E and All. Nothing wrong with going to church (I do, almost every week) but I wouldn't join one. In the old testament it was quite common for wealthy men to have many wives and concubines and that was completely acceptable. I am not a religious scholar but the new testament seems to contradict the old testament as well as have many other inconsistencies. Most religions have mutated the bible or their version of the bible into some self-serviing, self-righteous, ritual-laden bullshit. Still, I don't know how anyone could logically challenge the existence of God even though He has a twisted sense of humor having created woman, so beautiful and yet so anti-man (at least in this part of the world). Sorry if I'm rambling.
As far as AWs I don't even date them any more. I have a steady black hooker "on call" for when I need a $60 blow job that she performs expertly and while being filmed. She's my little porn queen that keeps me happy in-between jaunts to Asia or Tijuana or elsewhere I am blessed to go for business trips.
We international mongers are much smarter than the average American married or single man because we have figured out that the only place we absolutely have to put up with AWs and all their self-centered, fat-ass bullshit is in the workplace. I wouldn't date a AW now if she paid me. They are not worth my time.
Base price
[QUOTE=D Cups;1254394]As far as AWs I don't even date them any more. I have a steady black hooker "on call" for when I need a $60 blow job that she performs expertly and while being filmed. She's my little porn queen that keeps me happy in-between jaunts to Asia or Tijuana or elsewhere I am blessed to go for business trips.[/QUOTE]I have a similar service provider. A big breasted French girl who does BBBJ CIM for $80. And when you establish that kind of cost / service base line it puts everything else in perspective.
I mean taking a girl out on a dinner date would cost more each time with a guarantee of no sex for the first several dates and not much chance of CIM even if you become regular lovers.
Still, I would date (and do, although limited since I am already married) but at least I know what my options are and what things are worth.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel; 1248350]That's not my theory. I don't hold mongering out as evidence of a "bad seed" or bad upbringing.
I meant things like dropping out of school, drugs, violent crime, dysfunctional relationships, failure to find a productive place in society.
Maybe some mongers fit that description, but most of us are just ordinary guys who want more sex and fun in their lives. That is as American as apple pie.
It is only the puritanical stream of America (which is currently pretty dominant, at least in public life) that treats this behaviour as unnatural or dangerous to society. Other societies (and time periods) are much more relaxed about this.
I agree that mainstream Americans would view our hobby as you describe, but we know better.
And not all mongers reject traditional relationships. Many just use mongering to supplement their everyday relationships. This does not make those relationships or people dysfunctional, in fact it is highly functional to create coping mechanisms to deal with problems / lacks in your life.
So I am guessing that mongers come from the same diverse backgrounds as any other segment of society. Actually, maybe a little more educated and elite and self-aware because we travel and immerse ourselves in other cultures and clinically examine the shortcomings in our own.[/QUOTE]Most hookers report that the vast majority of their clients are married men or men in sexless relationships.
Contrary to it being the single loser who can't get a wife / girlfriend, its predominantly men in sexless relationships who are forced into the arms of prostitutes.
Why should anyone feel bad about mongering?
Or even. Attempt to justify it?
Mongers are normal people. Just like anyone else. They come from poor families and rich families. And all the families in between. They come from bad homes and outstanding homes. And all the homes in between.
What's wrong with going to a poor country to pay for sex from a woman who's hard up and willing to perform the service? How many women working at WalMart are there for career advancement? You can compare working girls to women working at WalMart. Some are there because they actually LIKE the work. Some are there because it's the only job they can get. Some of them actually have husbands or brothers or boyfriends who require them to work at WalMart, when they'd rather do something else. Does this mean that you shouldn't shop at WalMart?
What's a worse job? Working for minimum wage at WalMart for 40 hours a week. Or an exceptional wage giving blow jobs to ten men a night and working LESS than 40 hours a week?
What fuckin' planet are we living on here?
Men like variety, I'm married. Three kids (two grown and through college. And I paid their way through it). I do my job as a provider and head of household. Who's business is it where I put my dick? I love my wife. She's my soulmate. I don't need, nor want, to fall in love with another woman. So I'm not going to go out and try to find "free" pussy."Free" pussy falls in love with you."Free" pussy calls you at 2am in the morning and follows you around."Free" pussy says it's okay to cum inside her and when you do, you get the clap. Or she gets pregnant. Or both."Free" pussy destroys marriages.
LOL."Free" Pussy, no such thing! Free pussy is the most expensive kind! Also. I'll tell you I'm a very muscular and decent looking guy. But if I trolled for the free pussy. I'd get all the hassles and headaches of it and would end up with only about "6" or "7" type woman.
I can pay to have a "10" professional woman on every trip I take. Go to a German FKK. I could run through at least 10 girls in a week without breaking a sweat. And all of them in the 8-10 range.
They don't follow me home. They don't call my house. And they make me wear a rubber. So I don't get the clap!
How is this dysfunctional? I want something. The woman wants something. I give her hers and she gives me mine. Sounds like capitalism doesn't it? My dollars are made here in the United States (a rich country). If I go to pay for a working girl in Moldava (a poor country). I'm transferring physical wealth from a rich country to a poor one. This wealth redistribution at it's finest and it helps poor nations (and poor people). It's really a beautiful thing.
Heh. I'm a big guy. I was born big and I used to work as a bouncer in a nightclub. I was born with physical power and I made money off that power.
Women. Beautiful women. Are born with sexual power. Yet they aren't allowed to make their livelihood off that power? What fucking principle of LIBERTY is that idea based on? WTF? Seriously.
Not all poor women enter prostitution. Only the ones who wish to. This trafficking shit is 99 percent garbage by the way. I know a woman from Russia who "trafficked" herself to Copenhagen to make big bucks as an escort. And now she's "trafficked" herself to Italy to make even more. She's damn good at what she does. She lays out on the goddam beach most of the day and fucks one guy a night and makes six figures a year. And she's a SEX SLAVE?
Anyone who says what we're doing is wrong is either a fool, or jealous, or a control freak. Or quite possibly ALL THREE.
here's an excellent analysis of american women / men sexual dynamics.
[quote]1. sex is a primary emotional need for most men, but not so needed by most women. we all, to some degree, project our own hierarchy of values onto others and essentially assume that things that are unimportant for us are also unimportant to other people. if sex isn't a big thing for her, she will project that it isn't a big thing for you. the solution to this is to communicate and tell her how important it is to you. she can't meet your needs if she doesn't know what they are. so tell her. not just a hint. really tell her. don't be accusing or bullying or threatening. wrap it up nicely but still be truthful."i love you like crazy but i have a primary need you are unable to meet, and it is a problem for me. i know it isn't as important for you but its really important to me."
keep in mind that you likely already meet emotional needs for her that are more important to her than they are for you. you are really just asking her to make a similar accommodation.
2. a lot of things can affect how eager a woman is with you sexually. one of them is what i would call "perceived differential in value in the mating marketplace." essentially, if she believes that her odds of being able to get a man who is better than you are substantially greater than your odds of being able to get a woman who is better than her, she will be less sexually eager.
though it is indeed important that you be in shape and look as much like prime mating material as possible, it is unfortunate but true that many women assign mating value based upon a man's wealth or earning power. studies even show that on average a woman has more orgasms and enjoys sex more with a man she perceives to be more wealthy. so you need to definitely stick with making the body good, but also develop either higher earning power (if that is an issue) or if you already earn plenty, figure out a way of raising your public status / visibility such as speaking in public about something at which you are an expert. over time, with this sort of sideline, you'll start getting fan mail from attractive women. set up a separate email account for that endeavor that people who attend your speeches will use, and put her in charge of correspondence from that account. let her deal with the attractive women who want to ask you questions or give you accolades.
this will raise her perception of your mate value and therefore raise her desire to mate with you.
3. though the credibility of some of these studies is not so good due to the sources, there are at least some studies both in europe and the us that suggest that a division of labor such that the woman gets stuck with all the housework diminishes both her sexual availability and enthusiasm. it may help to look over the home responsibilities very carefully, and see if the division is unfair and she is pulling more than her fair share. if that is the case, re-mediate that by undertaking some of the home chores for which you are suited. most men can't iron, and the 5-million categories of laundry that women invent are too painstaking for a man to undertake successfully, but you can probably do dishes, clean the bathroom, etc.
4. back to the differential in prioritization of sex.
women in ordinary relationships will not be in the mood for sex unless all of their other needs are met. things like financial security, trust and other factors are very important, and without these there's no sexual desire or enthusiasm. a man has lots of desire and enthusiasm even if he's living in a cardboard box. lol consider the possibility that some fundamental needs of hers are unmet. i would recommend the book "his needs, her needs." this book contains tools to help you identify her needs so you know where you may be falling down. it may be that meeting one simple need consistently will be all it takes to turn on an enthusiastic sex switch.[/quote]
@CAPT Ajax.
Just about everything you posted is true.
From personal experience, I can tell you that women don't necessarily jump on a good looking guy. Now, I'm no George Clooney certainly. But I am 6'2" and weigh 225 lbs. At 10 percent bodyfat with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. My face is decent. But.
Women don't just "jump" on me. Oh. Yes they will move in and "probe" me. They'll ask questions and most of those questions are based on what I do for a living. If I'm in my work clothes. They won't even usually do that because I do a difficult and sometimes dirty job. So they assume I don't make much money (but I do).
So yes, women are foremost attracted to a man's ability to be a provider. Then after that I would say, his ability to commit to a relationship.
My wife tells me that I am the most attractive to her when I do the dishes. She knows that sex motivates me so she turns into a kitten when she wants something from me. And I've told her I know she's manipulating me and it's perfectly acceptable! She doesn't even buy me birthday presents anymore. SHE presents herself as my birthday present. She'll think up something sexy for us to do. That we've never done before. Like once we fucked on a public beach after dark. One time she rented a hotel for two days and we fucked almost continuously. We took breaks for showers, bathroom calls, Starbucks and restaurants. Then went back at it. Once she played a slave girl for me. She knows I enjoy these things better than any present she could buy for me!
I loved your previous post.
But I think that honestly your own self-assesment may not be the assesment women are giving you. Maybe you don't have the face you think you have and are running into "face control".
I can honestly say that the more I take care of my appearance, the more attention I get from women. And the difference between when I go out in bummy clothes and when I go out dressed nicely is NIGHT AND DAY.
[QUOTE=Arctic; 1258195]Just about everything you posted is true.
From personal experience, I can tell you that women don't necessarily jump on a good looking guy. Now, I'm no George Clooney certainly. But I am 6'2" and weigh 225 lbs. At 10 percent bodyfat with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. My face is decent. But.
Women don't just "jump" on me. Oh. Yes they will move in and "probe" me. They'll ask questions and most of those questions are based on what I do for a living. If I'm in my work clothes. They won't even usually do that because I do a difficult and sometimes dirty job. So they assume I don't make much money (but I do).
So yes, women are foremost attracted to a man's ability to be a provider. Then after that I would say, his ability to commit to a relationship.
My wife tells me that I am the most attractive to her when I do the dishes. She knows that sex motivates me so she turns into a kitten when she wants something from me. And I've told her I know she's manipulating me and it's perfectly acceptable! She doesn't even buy me birthday presents anymore. SHE presents herself as my birthday present. She'll think up something sexy for us to do. That we've never done before. Like once we fucked on a public beach after dark. One time she rented a hotel for two days and we fucked almost continuously. We took breaks for showers, bathroom calls, Starbucks and restaurants. Then went back at it. Once she played a slave girl for me. She knows I enjoy these things better than any present she could buy for me![/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1258273]I can honestly say that the more I take care of my appearance, the more attention I get from women. And the difference between when I go out in bummy clothes and when I go out dressed nicely is NIGHT AND DAY.[/QUOTE]It depends.
Sometimes it works exactly the other way around; you go out all slick and looking good and not much happens, then you're all dirty and sweat in some situation and some fine pussy steps up to you on her own without you doing anything for it.
Based on my personal experience I think it depends on the socio-economic status of the women in question.
Most people are intimidated by relating to a "too slick-looking person" (I mean for example a man wearing an Armani suit with awesome shoes and accessories) , looking flawless doesn't make people comfortable, but it certainly attracts a cartain type of girls.
Just the same, some other kind of girls see a man in his dirty work's clothes, maybe he even is muscular and sweat, and the girl's dirty mind does the trick.
Women. Amazing!
[QUOTE=LittleTruths; 1258371]It depends.
Sometimes it works exactly the other way around; you go out all slick and looking good and not much happens, then you're all dirty and sweat in some situation and some fine pussy steps up to you on her own without you doing anything for it.
Based on my personal experience I think it depends on the socio-economic status of the women in question.
Most people are intimidated by relating to a "too slick-looking person" (I mean for example a man wearing an Armani suit with awesome shoes and accessories) , looking flawless doesn't make people comfortable, but it certainly attracts a cartain type of girls.
Just the same, some other kind of girls see a man in his dirty work's clothes, maybe he even is muscular and sweat, and the girl's dirty mind does the trick.
Women. Amazing![/QUOTE]The better shape you're in, the less the clothes make a difference. And here they are biased against fat people, SEVERELY.
[QUOTE=LittleTruths;1258371]It depends.[/QUOTE]I agree. You need to look slick without "looking" slick. The ED HARDY look just doesn't cut it.
IMO it's a fine line. You can't do too much or else AW's question your sexuality. Not enough and you are considered clueless and gross.
This week I was making a copy at a printing place and an old lady asked me if I was gay because she noticed that I was wearing cologne. I laughed and said that is only in american culture. I grew up with europeans. We all wore cologne. No offense to anybody but those kinds of cultural norms have left american guys to not care about their appearance. American males are well known worldwide to dress like average "joes". Now AW's decide men need to be more metrosexual and do more manscaping.
Confused neurotic flip flop wearing motor mouths. Get lost.
There is hope, there are still a few AW with their heads screwed on tight.
[quote]Written by EdrienneCole.
Women make the rules. At least, until men decide to start making them again.
Having casual affairs and mistresses used to be insanely common. Expected even. And right out in the open. So long as you treated both well, you could have your wife and mistress in the same opera box and still enjoy the show. Women were also permitted their indiscretions but were a bit more quiet about it. If a man *did not* have mistresses and bastards running around, he was considered a failure financially, sexually and socially.
Somewhere along the way, women got this crazy notion that men should only love / be sexual with their wives. Men certainly didn't come up with that idea! (I could go on and on about where I think it came from but that's not the point here.) They withheld the kitty, lost their feminine ways and wiles, became harsh and demanding shrews. And men sacrificed their balls. Most now only get to see them when wifey says it's ok to take them out of the mayonnaise jar on the mantel (generally for procreation purposes only).
Now we live in a crazy, mixed up world where certain celebrity men can be rakes and it's ok. But if the average man is a rake, he's shunned. Men certainly don't shun him (they're jealous) , but women do and so to keep from pissing their women off (and losing access to the kitty) the men will intone the same BS as the women.
Women are supposed to look and act the part of being huge sluts (short of actually doing the deed) but that just gives other women something to judge and gossip about. Is she too slutty? Yes, but let us all wear the same clothes to look like her. Is she too much of a prude? Yes, she has a great figure and should show it off more. She looks like a huge **** and we love her look BUT OMG she ACTUALLY *IS* a ****? Off with her head! See. Women are crazy. Men tend to love sluts (go figure, easy kitty!) but can't verbalize it for fear of having their own access to kitty be put on lockdown.
Until men regain their balls and don't let women dictate what is ok for them to do / say / think / want, women will continue to make all the decisions.
If a guy wants to tell his civvie GF that he used to see hookers, or that he slept around, or whatever and she freaks out. Don'tcha think that's a sign that she ain't THE ONE (cue angels singing in the background)? Why is he going to give her his balls to put in the mayonnaise jar before he's even signed the contract?
My last serious relationship started off with him confessing that his marriage had broken up because she caught him seeing hookers (nevermind that she'd spred 10 times in 12 years, how DARE he see hookers?). He was truly and terribly anxious that this would be a deal breaker for me. After I covered my giggles with a fit of coughing, I assured him that whatever he did before was his history and I have mine as well. Who are either of us to judge what the other did at previous points in our lives? Fast forward several years and we had a wonderful, open relationship with both of us knowing all the dirt on the other.
I am who I am. He is who he is. Our values will either line up or they won't. It's not the end of the world either way. And being in a relationship is certainly not worth subjugating who *I* am just to please someone else or avoid their judgement.
Until men take that road more often than not, women will make the rules about what they can / cannot do. A person can only have power over you if YOU GIVE it to them.[/QUOTE]
Angry ex-girlfriend goes ballistic, rips off man's scrotum
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax;1262942]There is hope, there are still a few AW with their heads screwed on tight.[/QUOTE]But there are still a lot of crazy ones out there. Be careful!
Here Here, I'll toast to that.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax;1262942]There is hope, there are still a few AW with their heads screwed on tight.[/QUOTE]Truth I'll drink with you on this Capt.
AW. The bomb. You just have to catch the right one.
Ok fellas.
I met this AW over the weekend. I was at one of those local fairs. I was in line for a drink, she walked over. Fine as can be. Bam. Bam and bam. We commence to talking. She's telling me how she just graduated from culinary school, got this great job. Blah blah blah. So I get the digits. I call that night to chit chat. We make plans to meet the next day for lunch.
Well low and behold. We meet for lunch. Its going great. Laughing, margarita's are flowin. It was great. To my surprise. She insists on paying for the meal. I offer and offer. But she insist. Who am I. To refuse. I tell her the least I can do is take her to dinner.
Fast forward to last night. I called to arrange for dinner and she tells me. She bought a great bottle of wine and would prefer if I came by and she would cook one of her specialties for me. Now w / a offer like that I couldn't refuse, I hop into my ride. Woosh bam boom. I'm knockin on the door. To make a long story short. We ate, drank a COUPLE of bottles of wine. She leads me to the couch, throws on some music, does a little sexy dance and commences to FUCK my brains out. She said she had been to busy working and going to school and had not been w / anyone for 3yrs and it showed.
Damn. Hot, sexy and loves to cook. I may have to turn in my "Players" card. These women. Can make a grown man cry.
AW. Can't live w / them. Dam sure can't live without them.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1278755]Ok fellas.
I met this AW over the weekend. I was at one of those local fairs. I was in line for a drink, she walked over. Fine as can be. Bam. Bam and bam. We commence to talking. She's telling me how she just graduated from culinary school, got this great job. Blah blah blah. So I get the digits. I call that night to chit chat. We make plans to meet the next day for lunch.
Well low and behold. We meet for lunch. Its going great. Laughing, margarita's are flowin. It was great. To my surprise. She insists on paying for the meal. I offer and offer. But she insist. Who am I. To refuse. I tell her the least I can do is take her to dinner.
Fast forward to last night. I called to arrange for dinner and she tells me. She bought a great bottle of wine and would prefer if I came by and she would cook one of her specialties for me. Now w / a offer like that I couldn't refuse, I hop into my ride. Woosh bam boom. I'm knockin on the door. To make a long story short. We ate, drank a COUPLE of bottles of wine. She leads me to the couch, throws on some music, does a little sexy dance and commences to FUCK my brains out. She said she had been to busy working and going to school and had not been w / anyone for 3yrs and it showed.
Damn. Hot, sexy and loves to cook. I may have to turn in my "Players" card. These women. Can make a grown man cry.
AW. Can't live w / them. Dam sure can't live without them.[/QUOTE]Dude, come back when you find a girl that picks up other girls for you and masturbates in front of you while you fuck the shit out of them! Happened to me several times here in Colombia.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1280263]Dude, come back when you find a girl that picks up other girls for you and masturbates in front of you while you fuck the shit out of them! Happened to me several times here in Colombia.[/QUOTE]Been there. Done that. I was just relating my latest escapade.
I guess it was something you never had. Til you got to Colombia. What a Shame.
I don't blame him I blame the 11 Dumb-assed AW he had children with
Read this crap. Unbelievable!
[url]http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-tennessee-man-has-30-kids-20120518[/url].0, 4036567. Story
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1280422]Been there. Done that. I was just relating my latest escapade.
I guess it was something you never had. Til you got to Colombia. What a Shame.[/QUOTE]I had a lot of crazy sexual experiences, but no, never that till I got here, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. You have NO IDEA what you're missing.
American Women
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1278755]Ok fellas.
I met this AW over the weekend. I was at one of those local fairs. I was in line for a drink, she walked over. Fine as can be. Bam. Bam and bam. We commence to talking. She's telling me how she just graduated from culinary school, got this great job. Blah blah blah. So I get the digits. I call that night to chit chat. We make plans to meet the next day for lunch.
Well low and behold. We meet for lunch. Its going great. Laughing, margarita's are flowin. It was great. To my surprise. She insists on paying for the meal. I offer and offer. But she insist. Who am I. To refuse. I tell her the least I can do is take her to dinner.
Fast forward to last night. I called to arrange for dinner and she tells me. She bought a great bottle of wine and would prefer if I came by and she would cook one of her specialties for me. Now w / a offer like that I couldn't refuse, I hop into my ride. Woosh bam boom. I'm knockin on the door. To make a long story short. We ate, drank a COUPLE of bottles of wine. She leads me to the couch, throws on some music, does a little sexy dance and commences to FUCK my brains out. She said she had been to busy working and going to school and had not been w / anyone for 3yrs and it showed.
Damn. Hot, sexy and loves to cook. I may have to turn in my "Players" card. These women. Can make a grown man cry.
AW. Can't live w / them. Dam sure can't live without them.[/QUOTE]Most American woman are selfish and feel that their pussy is made of gold. They are all working girls in one way or another. Bottom line in america you are paying for pussy, maybe not with cash but you have to give to get. I have lived this for 50 years now, take my word for it. What you found was the exception not the usual.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1282852]I had a lot of crazy sexual experiences, but no, never that till I got here, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. You have NO IDEA what you're missing.[/QUOTE]If Colombia is where you are able to fulfill your fantasies. Great. I can pull up a thread for almost every location. And there is a guy that will say the exact same thing about that place. DR. BKK. EEU. PI. The list goes on.
Each guy can find what they call their "sexual" paradise. Where ever they are able. There are different reasons and variable that come into play why some do in one place and others another.
I mean let face it. You can pull up video sites all day and see millions of amateur video's of AW doing any and all sexual freakness. It wasn't happening for you or not to the degree that you would have like. Sorry. Oh well. Thats life.
If it works for you in Colombia. Hey I'm happy you are living swell. Great. Wish you nothing but happiness. But like wise. Why can't you accept that I can be just as happy and getting all my sexual pleasures. I'm just doing it here. Who knows maybe I'm doing things. You are missing out on. One never knows.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1283030]If Colombia is where you are able to fulfill your fantasies. Great. I can pull up a thread for almost every location. And there is a guy that will say the exact same thing about that place. DR. BKK. EEU. PI. The list goes on.
Each guy can find what they call their "sexual" paradise. Where ever they are able. There are different reasons and variable that come into play why some do in one place and others another.
I mean let face it. You can pull up video sites all day and see millions of amateur video's of AW doing any and all sexual freakness. It wasn't happening for you or not to the degree that you would have like. Sorry. Oh well. Thats life.
If it works for you in Colombia. Hey I'm happy you are living swell. Great. Wish you nothing but happiness. But like wise. Why can't you accept that I can be just as happy and getting all my sexual pleasures. I'm just doing it here. Who knows maybe I'm doing things. You are missing out on. One never knows.[/QUOTE]Dude, you are the one talking about some INCREDIBLE experience with an AW and as YOU YOURSELF just pointed out, the board is full of other MORE INCREDIBLE experiences in other countries. You can't post that shit here and then turn around and come out with "well don't step on my dick if I'm happy". The whole purpose of this thread is to argue whether AW as a CLASS of woman compare favorably to women from outside of the US or not. You presented some anecdotal evidence and I refuted it.
In all fairness, I think that a guy who thinks he "doesn't have to pay for it" with non pros in other countries is generally fooling himself. If you watch the typical Colombian couple closely, the man is sexually attracted to the woman and the woman very much NOT SO to the man. The man is making it up with some sort of other benefit for her to be with him, almost always economic. This is typical all over the world. The big difference is that in Colombia the ROI is many many times greater. And to me the biggest benefit is that Colombian women, be they attractive or not so much so, are almost always WAY BETTER IN BED than their North American counterparts!
TG865 is a *stud*. A real pickup artist! Wonder what he's doing on a P4P board hanging out errr. Looking down on us lowly mortals?
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1280422]Been there. Done that. I was just relating my latest escapade.
I guess it was something you never had. Til you got to Colombia. What a Shame.[/QUOTE]
Another cute female teacher
Another cute female teacher gets caught with one of her students. There were more pictures in the paper, I tried to find them on the website but I couldn't. Trust me, this teacher is cute as hell! She's 26, in her prime, in NYC and she can't find a guy? She has to hit on a student?
WTF is wrong with these women? Another reason why so many of us run abroad.
1 photos
Found one picture, she is on the left. That's an attractive woman, no doubt.
She has a slutty vibe; she's got a decent amount of tats and there were more photos of her double-fisting beers and drinking out of a beer bong. Which I guess is normal behavior for a young woman.
There's a lot of men, 25-40, that would love to date a cute young woman like that.
Of course, she's not the brightest bulb in the closet- school's out in a month and the kid is a senior!
The funny thing is the comments where some women say he's 18, so technically it's not illegal. Riiiighhhhtttt, because if it was a male teacher with a female student, they'd be TOTALLY Ok with it.
F' ing hypocrites.
1 photos
I bet going back to high school she has a ton of guy friends who got friend-zoned. She was probably giving it up to everyone except the guys who were nice to her. That was once me, not anymore thank goodness.
3 photos
The next time you hear someone complaining about guys overpaying
'Crouching Tiger' Star Denies Prostitution Claim
"The Hong Kong news outlet Apple Daily is at the center of the story, claiming that Ziyi was unable to promote her upcoming film, Dangerous Liaisons in Cannes because she had been barred from leaving the country while under investigation for a sex scandal linked with China's former Minister of Commerce, Bo Xilai.
The paper alleges that a wealthy associate of the former Chinese official [b]has confessed to paying Zhang nearly a million dollars in 2007 to have sex with her[/b]. She is also accused of sleeping with a myriad of other government officials and businessmen for large amounts of cash between 2004 and 2007.
Zhang Ziyi is best known to American audiences for her starring roles in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Memoirs of a Geisha and Rush Hour 2 opposite Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker."
[quote=cherchezfemme; 1287294]another cute female teacher gets caught with one of her students. there were more pictures in the paper, i tried to find them on the website but i couldn't. trust me, this teacher is cute as hell! she's 26, in her prime, in nyc and she can't find a guy? she has to hit on a student?
wtf is wrong with these women? another reason why so many of us run abroad.
[url]http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/teacher_caught_kissing_her_boy_toy_flmmp2atyj6iwsnestm8go[/url][/quote]lovey dovey:global-studies teacher julie warning gets cozy in the lap of 18-year-old student eric arty. the romantic scene in a greenwich village park was caught on camera by another of her students.
seriously? camera phones in conjunction with the internet has put this world to shit. there is absolutely no such thing as privacy anymore. what gave his peers the right to fuck his good thing up like that? it probably won't make a difference though because he is 18. although in my state it would also be illegal if he is one of her direct students and she is responsible for giving him grades.
[QUOTE=SavePros321; 1287332]'Crouching Tiger' Star Denies Prostitution Claim.
"The Hong Kong news outlet Apple Daily is at the center of the story, claiming that Ziyi was unable to promote her upcoming film, Dangerous Liaisons in Cannes because she had been barred from leaving the country while under investigation for a sex scandal linked with China's former Minister of Commerce, Bo Xilai.
The paper alleges that a wealthy associate of the former Chinese official [b]has confessed to paying Zhang nearly a million dollars in 2007 to have sex with her[/b]. She is also accused of sleeping with a myriad of other government officials and businessmen for large amounts of cash between 2004 and 2007.
Zhang Ziyi is best known to American audiences for her starring roles in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Memoirs of a Geisha and Rush Hour 2 opposite Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker."
[url]http://www.etonline.com/news/122222_Crouching_Tiger_Hidden_Dragon_Star_Zhang_Ziyi_Denies_Prostitution_Claim/index.html[/url][/QUOTE]Holy moly. I hope that poontang was worth it! Ya got to think there's a point of diminishing returns in how good the sex is, I wouldn't imagine much better or likely worse than some of the hottest Issarn girls working in gogo bars provide better sex than this gal, but I guess they can say they banged a movie star LOL
Herpes lawsuit
Oregon woman sues man for giving her herpes, jury awards her $900, 000.
The guy was a douche, she asked him to wear a jimmy but he didn't. He told her after that he had the herps.
This could set a bad precedent though, couldn't it? What if a woman has sex with 4-5 guys over 2 months and then has an outbreak. Is she going to sue all 5? The one with the most money? She would have to get all 5 men to submit to blood tests.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1293234]I saw a fairly attractive Asian woman walking down Third Avenue in Midtown Manhattan and decided to make an overture to her. I did a hockey style stop on my inline skates, skated beside her and introduced myself. She made I contact with me- I was about a foot away from her, but did not say a word. I certainly was not going to ask her for her phone number, so I turned away from her and skated away.[/QUOTE]Yeah. I can't understand that. Why a women. Wouldn't jump at the chance to talk to some strange guy.
Cause Nothing says. Style and class. Like a guys making a "hockey style" stop. On "Roller skates". Approaching a strange woman on the street.
How could a "Fine Attractive women". Pass on that. She most definitely had to be a snob.
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme;1287316]I bet going back to high school she has a ton of guy friends who got friend-zoned. She was probably giving it up to everyone except the guys who were nice to her. That was once me, not anymore thank goodness.[/QUOTE]Is this location pic from India? The babes and their outfits look "Made in India".
It's not just NY, Lugal. It's an epidemic in America. Fueled by media and TV shows like Criminal Minds and CSI: NY. Whenever I see I woman I like in California where I live I just think of her Asian counterpart and go to Asia 2. 3X a year where the women treat you nice.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1286923]As I skated down Third Avenue on the Upper East Side I saw an attractive woman dressed in a beautiful summer outfit, quite appropriate for the oppressive heat and humidity we were presently bearing the brunt of. I quickly made an abrupt hockey style stop on my skates, took off my helmet and jumped onto the sidewalk. As I approached her from behind I noticed that she looked at herself in a window three times in about fifteen seconds. I was going to say that there are others interested in how you look besides yourself, but I figured I would spare her the humor and startling revelation of her inherent narcism. I simply skated along side her and said,"Good morning. How are you? You look quite attractive today. ' She kept on walking and did not say a word to me. I regreted not taking the more humorous approach.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=D Cups;1294990]It's not just NY, Lugal. It's an epidemic in America. Fueled by media and TV shows like Criminal Minds and CSI: NY. Whenever I see I woman I like in California where I live I just think of her Asian counterpart and go to Asia 2. 3X a year where the women treat you nice.[/QUOTE]Come on do you really think a woman. That isn't desperate in any country would go for that.
Its only 3rd world Asian countries where women are desperately poor. Would that work.
Try that in Japan or on a Chinese in HK (not a desperate filippino house girl). Roll up on skates and try to get a number. Lets see how well that goes over.
China's super-capitalists
A new, distinct class of the super rich, the has emerged in China in the last decade of open market. They are usually powerful government officials who can sell power or influence to business people, the capitalists. These powerful people make sure they squeeze capitalists for everything so they have both more wealth and power than capitalists, therefore they are known as China's super-capitalists,
Central government in Bejing has been trying to stamp out corruption among its officials, but it's pretty much an impossible task given the complexity of modern business and banking structures and the size of China's economy. There were reports in the press of many prosecution and execution of corrupt government officials, including a few top party members. However, corruption inherently thrives in nontransparent systems that are closed to open and fair competition.
I know a few of the children of China's super capitalists. They are arrogant, living high at the center of the universe, thinking theyare better than anybody else. These guys tend to treat everybody, including their girl friends or wives, like crap. It would be interesting to find out who else, and how many of the top Chinese communists, regularly spring US$1 mil for a fuck.
Got to to give the HK press guys good credit for having the balls to expose the stupid, arrogant Chinese government assholes who suck the blood out of every Chinese citizen, and blow their illicit wealth on their extravagant sexual kinks.
Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of young Chinese girls, many more beautiful, honest and far younger than Zhang Ziyi, even children, slave away everyday in run-down, exploitative prostitution dens for pittances, just for food, or to feed their hungry children.
[QUOTE=SavePros321; 1287332]'Crouching Tiger' Star Denies Prostitution Claim.
"The Hong Kong news outlet Apple Daily is at the center of the story, claiming that Ziyi was unable to promote her upcoming film, Dangerous Liaisons in Cannes because she had been barred from leaving the country while under investigation for a sex scandal linked with China's former Minister of Commerce, Bo Xilai.
The paper alleges that a wealthy associate of the former Chinese official [b]has confessed to paying Zhang nearly a million dollars in 2007 to have sex with her[/b]. She is also accused of sleeping with a myriad of other government officials and businessmen for large amounts of cash between 2004 and 2007.
Zhang Ziyi is best known to American audiences for her starring roles in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Memoirs of a Geisha and Rush Hour 2 opposite Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker."
Sugar Daddies
They have the right idea but it comes at a high cost.
Who says Men are NOT getting a fair break with AW. Ask Halle Berry
[B]Halle Berry Child Support: Actress Ordered To Pay Gabriel Aubry $20, 000 A Month [/B]
Having a child with ex-girlfriend Halle Berry turned out to be profitable for Gabriel Aubry.
In April Aubry filed legal documents asking a judge to force Berry to give him $15, 000 to $20, 000 a month for a proper home, so that the couple's 4-year-old daughter, Nahla, would keep living in the surroundings to which she has become accustomed.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1295130]Come on do you really think a woman. That isn't desperate in any country would go for that.
Its only 3rd world Asian countries where women are desperately poor. Would that work.
Try that in Japan or on a Chinese in HK (not a desperate filippino house girl). Roll up on skates and try to get a number. Lets see how well that goes over.[/QUOTE]Though that route of pick-up is crude, it would work, after some numbers and effort in Japan, maybe Korea. I know. It's called nampa. Japanese young men do it the way of this poster. I bring Western finess, forged from years of dodging the minefield of sex prison; and hence, am much more successful on my, too few, trips to Asia.
[QUOTE=Jesterl;1297345]Though that route of pick-up is crude, it would work, after some numbers and effort in Japan, maybe Korea. I know. It's called nampa. Japanese young men do it the way of this poster. I bring Western finess, forged from years of dodging the minefield of sex prison; and hence, am much more successful on my, too few, trips to Asia.[/QUOTE]I've been to Tokyo, several times for work. I have never once saw guys skating up to women. Getting numbers.
Besides He is not Japanese. That is the thing. What a Japanese guy can do. Is MUCH different than what a foreigner can do. In Japan.
If we are talking numbers. Well any approach will work. If you do it enough times. Sooner or later. You will get a bite.
I'm sure if he keeps it up even in New York. Sooner or later. He might get a number. It might take 100 to 1000 times. But he'll get a number
What I'm saying is. His method is more than likely not a good method. ANYWHERE. Except where women perceive westerners as rich. Which is mainly 3rd world countries. And then they are only responded because of finance. Not his approach.
Glad I put That Guy on Igg
I can get laid in the US or Canada, its not hard. However the selection is terrible, I rather not. I will find and marry a woman from another country and likely relocate to that country because the US is about to get what's coming to it.
No amount of calling me a looser under his breath is going to change that.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney; 1297676]I can get laid in the US or Canada, its not hard. However the selection is terrible, I rather not. I will find and marry a woman from another country and likely relocate to that country because the US is about to get what's coming to it.
No amount of calling me a looser under his breath is going to change that.[/QUOTE]The dating scene in America is absolute shit for us over 40 plus guys. I travel Eastern Europe for the fresh and impressionable. Please keep in mind that if you find a winner, you can't bring her back to America because our culture will eat away any relationship like a cancer if there is a significant age difference. So if you don't want to be stuck in a pussy desert, move your ass to a poor country where girls will appreciate you and of course your wallet.
[QUOTE=Climaxnow;1297695]The dating scene in America is absolute shit for us over 40 plus guys. I travel Eastern Europe for the fresh and impressionable. Please keep in mind that if you find a winner, you can't bring her back to America because our culture will eat away any relationship like a cancer if there is a significant age difference. So if you don't want to be stuck in a pussy desert, move your ass to a poor country where girls will appreciate you and of course your wallet.[/QUOTE]I definitely can agree with you on this point. Although I would put the age at 50. Yes. America has age discrimination.
Although moving to a poor 3rd world country. Is not going to be for everyone.
I guess each person has to weigh how much. Having the ability to have sex with a younger woman. Is worth
Compared to
Giving up ones rights, in a foreign country you will have none. Turning your back on YOUR culture. Having to deal with language and cultural differences. Lower your standards of living. To live in a poorer country.
Is pussy worth that. If so. Then AW must have a point to be picky and demanding.
Because. Look what one is willing to give up. Just for young pussy.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1298291]As far as approaching women on inline skates Is concerned, whether it is a crude or ineffective method for meeting women in Manhattan is irrelevant, for I am on my way to work, about five miles from my apartment. I don't like the subway- one's chances of meeting women in the subway in Manhattan are far worse than if on inline skates in the street- so I go to work via bicycle, inline skates, or a skateboard. I could put on my dress clothing that I wear at work and walk, but it would take more than an hour, whereas on skates or a bike I can get to work in twenty-five to thirty minutes and I don't think it would significantly increase my chances of getting phone numbers off the street anyway. I have nothing to lose by asking women for their phone number to and from work while on a bike, skates, or skateboard because I am going to work anyway and the women are simply passing by.[/QUOTE]In a city where nice looking women. Probably gets approached several times a week. Every week. Of every year. (including men with means). Especially beautiful women. And in a city that is super fashion conscious.
Most would figure from the start. Rolling up on a woman. On skates / skateboard. Is something more expected of a teens rather than a MAN. And having the expectation that a BEAUTIFUL woman. Somehow. Out of the many approaches that she receives. Was holding out for the roller skating guy. To fuck.
That would be some real penthouse forum. Shit. Especially for Manhattan.
Now I'm not saying it can't happen. I'm sure if you keep trying it may work out.
I'm just saying. I think there are a lot of other approaches that might have more success.
But hey. Whatever works for you. You keep letting us know how its working out. Ya hear.
Lugal, you are too funny!
What country are you from?
Keep skating and hitting on the AWs.
Good luck
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1297612]In Midtown Manhattan I saw an attractive woman, in her mid-twenties, with large firm tits, black hair, and ample hips carrying a heavy sack of laundry. I skated up beside her and told her that she was carrying quite a heavy load and that I would help her. She said that it was okay and that she did not need my help. I told her that my motives for carrying her laundry were ulterior on account of the fact that I thought she was attractive and that I wanted her phone number. She said thank you and that it was okay. I skated away.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1298245]I definitely can agree with you on this point. Although I would put the age at 50. Yes. America has age discrimination.
Although moving to a poor 3rd world country. Is not going to be for everyone.
I guess each person has to weigh how much. Having the ability to have sex with a younger woman. Is worth
Compared to
Giving up ones rights, in a foreign country you will have none. Turning your back on YOUR culture. Having to deal with language and cultural differences. Lower your standards of living. To live in a poorer country.
Is pussy worth that. If so. Then AW must have a point to be picky and demanding.
Because. Look what one is willing to give up. Just for young pussy.[/QUOTE]Dude I had a Dominican and a Mexican chick step to me while I was just in NYC, both good looking and half my age. I didn't even bother to get their FB or phone#s.
I had some English girl come and chat me up in a pub on Monday here in London where I'm vacationing, and blew her off, not interested.
I'll wait till I'm back in Colombia with the finest pussy in the world. Maybe I'll tap the Dominican chick because she really is nice looking and into me. If I have time. No big deal. The REAL deal waits for me back home.
Dude, standards of living? Rights, FREEDOMS? What the hell are you talking about? You seriously think that America is *A* free country, much less the ONLY one?
I'll let you guys in on a little secret. If you have English AND Spanish FLUENT, you can land in Bogota or Medellin and INSTANTLY be in the top 10% of society and get a GOOD job down there, one that affords you a lifestyle you could only DREAM of in the United States. Or better yet, you could go independent and make even MORE money, and get your health insurance without having to pay the ridiculous amounts they charge in the US.
Of course let's be straight up here, most Americans couldn't speak decent English to save their goddamn lives here, much less dominate a second language. But for those that can, or have uncommonly good artistic ability, paradise awaits.
As for free, you're as free in this world as you stay off of the radar of people more powerful and influential than you are, it's really that simple.
As for nice places to live here's a quick rundown of what I've seen in my life, places I've lived in or been in enough to know thoroughly: this is NOT looking at them as vacation destinations but rather as places to live and do your thing day in and day out.
Food abysmal, water excellent, air mediocre, cost of living high, crime moderate, climate OK.
Food decent, water abysmal, air abysmal, cost of living high, crime moderate, climate bad
Food bad, water abysmal, air bad, cost of living high, crime moderate to high, climate pretty good (summer too hot)
Food good, water abysmal, air mediocre, cost of living ridiculous, crime moderate, climate real good (little too much rain)
Food good, water good, air good, cost of living cheap, crime low, climate horrible.
Santo Domingo.
Food good, water abysmal, air mediocre, cost of living moderate, crime high, climate pretty good (summer too hot)
Food excellent, water mediocre, air mediocre, cost of living high, crime high, climate pretty good (summer too hot)
Food excellent, water excellent, aire mediocre, cost of living cheap, crime high, climate very good (some may prefer a little hotter)
So I don't really see the downside of living anywhere else in the planet outside of the US. At the very least you won't have to eat garbage food or worry about medical insurance anymore. And if you really want to stick with places more or less close to the US in culture, Montreal or London both kick the shit out of ANYWHERE in the US as far as quality of life AND are more friendly to the mongering lifestyle.
so did you succeed in fucking her?
[quote=lugalzaggizi; 1297638]an asian woman i met in midtown today responded to my text inquiring for a date with the following text:
lol. do you normally talk like this? am i part of some kind of social science experiment?
i responded by texting:
consider my speech an apostacy to the current obsession with credentialism that currently afflicts education in the united states. i thought it might be a breath of fresh air- on average a female brain is wired to have much higher verbal skills than that of a male. in addition, you come from an ethnic lineage which lauds education. ironically, i don't have any opportunity to engage in sophisticated conversation at work on account of the fact that my students- juniors and seniors- will not be able to understand me. in regards to your perception that you might be part of a social science experiment, i can assure you that i am a layman, with no intention of ever going for a phd, and am merely interested in why humans behave the way they do. in addition, i am also quite satirical. as far as my reasoning for approaching you today is concerned, i deemed you attractive and i wanted to workout and have sex with you- training and sex are my passions, being inextricably linked together. that really is all it is in a nutshell.[/quote]
she sends you a one liner and you reply with a long ass text explaining why you're not creepy? needy much? maybe send something that doesn't sub communicate low self esteem next time.
[quote=lugalzaggizi; 1297638]an asian woman i met in midtown today responded to my text inquiring for a date with the following text:
lol. do you normally talk like this? am i part of some kind of social science experiment?
i responded by texting:
consider my speech an apostacy to the current obsession with credentialism that currently afflicts education in the united states. i thought it might be a breath of fresh air- on average a female brain is wired to have much higher verbal skills than that of a male. in addition, you come from an ethnic lineage which lauds education. ironically, i don't have any opportunity to engage in sophisticated conversation at work on account of the fact that my students- juniors and seniors- will not be able to understand me. in regards to your perception that you might be part of a social science experiment, i can assure you that i am a layman, with no intention of ever going for a phd, and am merely interested in why humans behave the way they do. in addition, i am also quite satirical. as far as my reasoning for approaching you today is concerned, i deemed you attractive and i wanted to workout and have sex with you- training and sex are my passions, being inextricably linked together. that really is all it is in a nutshell.[/quote]
[QUOTE=Climaxnow;1297695]The dating scene in America is absolute shit for us over 40 plus guys. I travel Eastern Europe for the fresh and impressionable. Please keep in mind that if you find a winner, you can't bring her back to America because our culture will eat away any relationship like a cancer if there is a significant age difference. So if you don't want to be stuck in a pussy desert, move your ass to a poor country where girls will appreciate you and of course your wallet.[/QUOTE]I know we are using our so-called economic advantage in so-called economically disadvantaged countries. That advantage is weakening however long term so the time is now for those that aren't so keen on economics or even paying attention won't notices your economic power has decreased.
Bring them back to America? Short term, not likely, long term? Yes, weather sucks in Northern Europe. Southern Europe is an option, South / Central America is an option. But that's cart before the horse talk.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1298418]Dude I had a Dominican and a Mexican chick step to me while I was just in NYC, both good looking and half my age. I didn't even bother to get their FB or phone#s.
I had some English girl come and chat me up in a pub on Monday here in London where I'm vacationing, and blew her off, not interested.
I'll wait till I'm back in Colombia with the finest pussy in the world. Maybe I'll tap the Dominican chick because she really is nice looking and into me. If I have time. No big deal. The REAL deal waits for me back home.
Dude, standards of living? Rights, FREEDOMS? What the hell are you talking about? You seriously think that America is *A* free country, much less the ONLY one?
I'll let you guys in on a little secret. If you have English AND Spanish FLUENT, you can land in Bogota or Medellin and INSTANTLY be in the top 10% of society and get a GOOD job down there, one that affords you a lifestyle you could only DREAM of in the United States. Or better yet, you could go independent and make even MORE money, and get your health insurance without having to pay the ridiculous amounts they charge in the US.
Of course let's be straight up here, most Americans couldn't speak decent English to save their goddamn lives here, much less dominate a second language. But for those that can, or have uncommonly good artistic ability, paradise awaits.[/QUOTE]Yawn, don't care about learning Spanish when I know the ugly dark secret about Latin America. When I stop seeing brothers fucking with ugly women down there, I'll think about visiting.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1298429]As for free, you're as free in this world as you stay off of the radar of people more powerful and influential than you are, it's really that simple.
As for nice places to live here's a quick rundown of what I've seen in my life, places I've lived in or been in enough to know thoroughly: this is NOT looking at them as vacation destinations but rather as places to live and do your thing day in and day out.
Food abysmal, water excellent, air mediocre, cost of living high, crime moderate, climate OK.
Food decent, water abysmal, air abysmal, cost of living high, crime moderate, climate bad
Food bad, water abysmal, air bad, cost of living high, crime moderate to high, climate pretty good (summer too hot)
Food good, water abysmal, air mediocre, cost of living ridiculous, crime moderate, climate real good (little too much rain)
Food good, water good, air good, cost of living cheap, crime low, climate horrible.
Santo Domingo.
Food good, water abysmal, air mediocre, cost of living moderate, crime high, climate pretty good (summer too hot)
Food excellent, water mediocre, air mediocre, cost of living high, crime high, climate pretty good (summer too hot)
Food excellent, water excellent, aire mediocre, cost of living cheap, crime high, climate very good (some may prefer a little hotter)
So I don't really see the downside of living anywhere else in the planet outside of the US. At the very least you won't have to eat garbage food or worry about medical insurance anymore. And if you really want to stick with places more or less close to the US in culture, Montreal or London both kick the shit out of ANYWHERE in the US as far as quality of life AND are more friendly to the mongering lifestyle.[/QUOTE]Bias towards Colombia much? Let me get this straight you're taking a vacation from Colombia in London?
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney;1298801]Bias towards Colombia much? Let me get this straight you're taking a vacation from Colombia in London?[/QUOTE]Yup. I said to myself I couldn't die without coming here at least once, so much history, so much culture. But as a musician if you want to make money, it's Latin America all the way right now! I even met a cat from New Orleans who now lives in Guatemala and makes great money off of music there. :P
Besides, I'm in London becuase I don't want to fuck with that nasty hot weather. I HATE hot weather with a passion. London never goes above 85 degrees! Right now in southern Italy and Spain it's like 100 degrees, fuck that shit!
[QUOTE=Durrman;1298618]She sends you a one liner and you reply with a long ass text explaining why you're not creepy? Needy much? Maybe send something that doesn't sub communicate low self esteem next time.[/QUOTE]Yeah dude, that's just nuts. Remember the mirror law, respond with the same tone as she has in the message!
If I were a woman I'd run screaming too!
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1298291]As far as approaching women on inline skates Is concerned, whether it is a crude or ineffective method for meeting women in Manhattan is irrelevant, for I am on my way to work, about five miles from my apartment. I don't like the subway- one's chances of meeting women in the subway in Manhattan are far worse than if on inline skates in the street- so I go to work via bicycle, inline skates, or a skateboard. I could put on my dress clothing that I wear at work and walk, but it would take more than an hour, whereas on skates or a bike I can get to work in twenty-five to thirty minutes and I don't think it would significantly increase my chances of getting phone numbers off the street anyway. I have nothing to lose by asking women for their phone number to and from work while on a bike, skates, or skateboard because I am going to work anyway and the women are simply passing by.[/QUOTE]Is this you trying to score pussy in the United States?
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1299134]Is this you trying to score pussy in the United States?
[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHpi_Y3TV60&feature=player_embedded[/url][/QUOTE]LOL if I used those pick up lines in the streets of Kiev I probably would get the number of 50% of the girls I talk to.
So what is the ugly dark secret about Latin America? We can't help it if the brothers have lousy taste in women and like them all fat and skanky. Latinas are much hotter, sexually, than other ethnic groups. Of course they are also more jealous. Can't have everything.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1299894]On a run-swim-run I spotted an attractive Asian woman at the Central Mall, Jones Beach, so I figured I would come back to meet her after I got done with my sit. When I got down there on the next hour I noticed she was with an overweight ghostly pale guy who was completely comatose on the blanket while she stared at the ocean. You could fly me to Australia and back and inject me with enough tranquilizers to knock out an elephant and there is no way I would so much as shut my eyes for a millisecond while in proximity to her.[/QUOTE]Always remember. For every Attractive woman you see. There is a guy that kicked her to the curb saying."been there. Done that. And it ain't all that". All women begin to look average. After you've been with them awhile.
Looks attract a man. Personality keeps him.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1300233]At the beach I walked past a woman on two occasions of which she smiled at me both times. Fortunately, she went into the water by herself, leaving her friend on the towel. I approached her when she got out and said,"Hello. How are you." She replied, ' hello and thank you. 'Unfortunately, she walked by. It was extreme arrogance on my part because I assumed she would come to me when I said hello, enabling me to start my conversation. I should have asserted myself and got into her personal space and told her my name, essentially crossing the Rubicon and signaling interest in an actual conversation. If she continued to walk away at that point then I would know for certain that she was not interested. The bottom line is one only has one shot with a female and it may only be seconds in duration, hence the need for massed practice, so that the approach becomes second nature.[/QUOTE]Hi Lugalzaggizi,
I like your reports on pickups with American women and was just wondering if your having any success. Can you give us a basic description of yourself and the kind of ass that you are finding. I wish I had your spirit in approaching American girls on the streets. I gave up on that back in my mid thirties when I noticed girls looking at me funny as if I'm some kind of creeper. How about Manhattan? That seems like a pussy desert for us over 40 guys unless you are an investment banker or something.
Happy hunting,
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1300233]At the beach I walked past a woman on two occasions of which she smiled at me both times. Fortunately, she went into the water by herself, leaving her friend on the towel. I approached her when she got out and said,"Hello. How are you." She replied, ' hello and thank you. 'Unfortunately, she walked by.[/QUOTE]If you really are a lifeguard you need to come up with a gimmick, an approach. Even if it's just a BS line about how there's astrong tide today and you don't want them to get hurt, or watch out for x, why, x. You are an authority figure and authority figures automatically have social standing and can approach girls "with impunity".
If you are halfway good-looking you should get a lot of phone numbers but getting laid may be difficult be / see of logistics: manypeople come to Jones Beach from far away, they're not staying at a hotel across the street.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1302451]A really attractive blond walked by on the boardwalk while I was training Muay Thai. By the time I finished the round she was 200 yards away. I closed that gap faster than Usain Bolt would have. I said to her,"I apologize for not introducing myself sooner rather than run you down like quarry, but you are extremely attractive, so I couldn't let you slip by. May I have your phone number. She said,"Thank you, but I just got engaged." I told her good luck with your engagement and got back to my workout.[/QUOTE]American women are simply not needy enough, otherwise an outstanding citizen such as yourself Lugalzaggizi would actually score with some of these pickup lines. The American government needs to give out about a million or so visa's to the poor and beautiful of Russia or Ukraine. This way fine men such as yourself can tell these feminists that believe there pussy is gold to fuck off.
[QUOTE=Climaxnow;1302614]American women are simply not needy enough[/QUOTE]This is the smartest thing mentioned about AW. They are not NEEDY. Such as POOR 3rd world women. Climaxnow. Hit it on the nose.
It has nothing to do with AW being bitchy or snooty. Its merely a financial thing. They are financially doing better, therefore their choice in men is not dictated by strictly finances. They can afford to be choosier in their selection.
[QUOTE=Climaxnow;1302614]This way fine men such as yourself can tell these feminists that believe there pussy is gold to fuck off.[/QUOTE]Well actually. Its men who make women feel pussy is gold.
How many men fly around the world in search of inexpensive Gold. How many pay hundreds to thousands to be with gold for ONLY one night. Not many.
Now how many men will do that for Pussy? . And you wonder why women think Pussy is valuable. AW just realize their worth and Men who can deal with it. Have to seek out women from other places that don't.
Nothing wrong with either. The AW knowing her worth. Or a guy going to a place where women are not as independent.
Obviously men are having success with AW. AW are not walking around celibate
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865;1302718]AW just realize their worth and Men who can deal with it. Have to seek out women from other places that don't.[/QUOTE]As a forty something, I absolutely refuse to be stuck in this pussy desert known as America. I am proud of my country, but the reality is I can not score the attractive twenty somethings anymore. That's why I have made a couple of trips to Eastern Europe so far and have studied Russian like a mad man for the last year. I can either accept this comfortable life in America empty of attractive women or I can move myself to a place where I actually stand a chance of finding girlfriends. I choose the later!
Well, I see your point, ThatGuy, but it is not just financial need. Hell, I've dated millionaire AWs who have no financial needs but are tremendously emotionally needy. They are always selfishly whining about some damn thing. I don't see that in most Asian women. Latin women tend to be Americanized IMO but great for banging with that hot blood.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1302718]This is the smartest thing mentioned about AW. They are not NEEDY. Such as POOR 3rd world women. Climaxnow. Hit it on the nose.
It has nothing to do with AW being bitchy or snooty. Its merely a financial thing. They are financially doing better, therefore their choice in men is not dictated by strictly finances. They can afford to be choosier in their selection.
Well actually. Its men who make women feel pussy is gold.
How many men fly around the world in search of inexpensive Gold. How many pay hundreds to thousands to be with gold for ONLY one night. Not many.
Now how many men will do that for Pussy? . And you wonder why women think Pussy is valuable. AW just realize their worth and Men who can deal with it. Have to seek out women from other places that don't.
Nothing wrong with either. The AW knowing her worth. Or a guy going to a place where women are not as independent.
Obviously men are having success with AW. AW are not walking around celibate[/QUOTE]
Needy women
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1302718]This is the smartest thing mentioned about AW. They are not NEEDY. Such as POOR 3rd world women. Climaxnow. Hit it on the nose.
It has nothing to do with AW being bitchy or snooty. Its merely a financial thing. They are financially doing better, therefore their choice in men is not dictated by strictly finances. They can afford to be choosier in their selection.
Obviously men are having success with AW. AW are not walking around celibate[/QUOTE]I disagree that it is "merely a financial thing". Certainly many EE women are driven by that, but that is mostly in the P4P sector (which includes a whole range of options from hard-core pros to semi-pros to college girls who want pretty clothes). But the other part of "needy" for them is the availability (or lack thereof) of suitable men for dating, relationships and sex. They are not being chased the way American beauties (and even dogs) are, so they are less secure about their own value and value a "nice" western guy very highly, even if they don't expect such a relationship (or night on the town) to enhance their material lifestyle. The attention of an average western monger validates their self-worth, whereas AW don't feel that need.
The final part is that EE women (and probably in many other mongering countries) require a male partner for status or to complete their ideal of what their life should be. They are not happy just building a career in their 20s, and being independent and liberated. For them to be single is a kind of failure in life. And the final, final part is that they LOVE sex! In that way they are more liberated than their AW counterpart. While an EE woman will certainly have sex just to please her partner, date or nice guy who just bought her dinner, she also has sex just to please herself. I have had EE women THANK ME after first-date sex, since they hadn't had any for months!
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel;1302897]The final part is that EE women (and probably in many other mongering countries) require a male partner for status or to complete their ideal of what their life should be.[/QUOTE]So here you are saying they are not independent and need a man to feel competent. Basically they lack self esteem and need a man to validate their worth. Sort of like AW were in the 50's.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel;1302897]he final, final part is that they LOVE sex! In that way they are more liberated than their AW counterpart. While an EE woman will certainly have sex just to please her partner, date or nice guy who just bought her dinner, she also has sex just to please herself.[/QUOTE]So you are telling me these women. You can pull up on these amateur Porn sites of AW (some with obviously hidden cameras). Some it appears are having fun (but I guess not. Since you say so)
These are women who don't enjoy sex. They are doing these video's ONLY to please a man. Let alone the millions of AW that don't do video's
How does America ever get Porn stars. Or are those the ONLY ones who like sex?
Are you saying somehow. Sexuality is not a part of a person's makeup. But that its where you live that determines whether you like sex. Women born in the USA some how get their sex genes turned off. They don't like sex. They only do it to please a man.
What about lesbians. Does this phenomenon skip them. Since they don't care about men. Do American Lesbians not enjoy sex too.
In the EE. Somehow. It gets turned on.
WOW. But I guess with American men. It don't work that way. The geographic location doesn't affect them. Only women.
Wow. You learn something new everyday they say.
[QUOTE]D Cups.
Well, I see your point, ThatGuy, but it is not just financial need. Hell, I've dated millionaire AWs who have no financial needs but are tremendously emotionally needy. They are always selfishly whining about some damn thing. I don't see that in most Asian women. Latin women tend to be Americanized IMO but great for banging with that hot blood.[/QUOTE]I would say you don't see that in Asian women. Because Asians period as a whole. Men or Women. Don't speak up on ANYTHING.
I work with in a company which is largely Asian men (only 5 Americans in my dept of 20). And if I had a dime for every time one of them told me they hated one policy or another and we then walk into a meeting and the discussion turns to the policy. All the Americans will voice their opinions. And not ONE Asian will speak up. They are timid by culture when it comes to speaking out or voicing a strong opinion. So yes. The women would be even less outspoken. So I can see your point when it comes to Asian women.
I too like Latin women. But they will give you hell just like an AW. Extremely jealous, hot blooded, and feisty.
I understand your point. And if that is your view. Have at it. Keep on keepin on. I figure someday. You'll run across a woman that goes for you. I just would think. There are more effective ways about getting it done. But if you are happy with your success ratio. Then who am I to say anything.
As for a 45 yr old guy expecting 20 yrs to really want to be with him. In your 20's would you have dated a 45 yr old woman. I seriously doubt it. And if you think most 20 yrs old in other countries are doing it. Becos. Well they respect older guys. Yeah right. Get real. Its becos they "think". You have money (perception is reality). Whether you do or not and that goes for those EE / Russian girls too.
[quote=lugalzaggizi;1303074]they usually date men in their ethnic and racial group as well as socioeconomic status, even the hot ones that could get wealthier men.[/quote]that's an interesting point. it is a similar situation in london where i found that most girls from low income groups (those living in council estates) date mostly guys from the same background. it appears to be more peer pressure however than anything else. white young girls in the uk generally regard older men as creepy, while black girls from middle class families tend to be happy to date successful white middle aged men as they are fairly happy to trade up in terms of socioeconomic status.
[quote=jhack111;1303307]that's an interesting point. it is a similar situation in london where i found that most girls from low income groups (those living in council estates) date mostly guys from the same background. it appears to be more peer pressure however than anything else. white young girls in the uk generally regard older men as creepy, while black girls from middle class families tend to be happy to date successful white middle aged men as they are fairly happy to trade up in terms of socioeconomic status.[/quote]you see it all the time in nyc. usually ethnic groups trapped in a nordic world stick to themselves. they don't need the stresses that the white man brings. most times their culture is more civilized than what is presented to them in daily nordic life. latin people in nyc tend to be attracted to other latin people and rarely mix. i don't blame them. they have a good looking race and their own culture.
imo people don't like to mix as much as we are made to believe. the "melting pot" is a lie. the "money pot" is more like it.
* walking up to strange women in manhattan is nuts. i give you credit. your practice will pay off when you travel to more a civilized dating scene. bravo.
[quote=lugalzaggizi;1303074]being well off financially is not entirely the reason why american women have a poor attitude. some of the poorest women in the united states have the worst attitudes and are among the most unapproachable. i teach in an inner city school. do you think the female students in my school have pleasant attitudes? their family incomes put them in the working poor and working classes, certainly putting them in financial need. when they graduate high school they live financially distraught lives, especially when going to college. are they receptive to men that approach them of whom they don't know and are not part of their social mileu? are they going to go out with a guy that works on wall street? certainly not. and i know this for a fact, for when they graduate they get on my facebook page and i see exactly how they act and who they date by their posts. they usually date men in their ethnic and racial group as well as socioeconomic status, even the hot ones that could get wealthier men.[/quote]i would venture to say there are many reasons why low income women stay within their own socioeconomic status. for one. a low income woman would feel completely out of place at any function a wall street / professional person would take her. can you see her at a party of his peers talking about investments, wearing clothes that cost more than her family spends in a month. not knowing what to talk about with any of them. or at a restaurant. thinking what the hell is le coq de vin or escargot? and why i got so many forks
besides that. how many wall street types would even approach a girl of that status. when they can seduce women of their own status.
just becos a women is beautiful does not mean she is date material. fuckable yes. also do you think she want to be someones fuck toy. knowing full well. he's not going to bring her into his world. if she's beautiful. she will get the best of the lower to middle income guys and feel comfortable in that status range.
also. where are they suppose to meet. would he be at one of her functions. would he be willing to go to her "hood" to hang out with her friends? i doubt it.
not very many guys use your approach running up on strange women any where and every where. so where would they meet? .
so yes most people date in their socioeconomic status. becos its safe, comfortable, where they know how to act.
same with ethnic groups. date mainly within their own ethnicity. becos its familiar. asians with asians. latinos with latinos. blacks with blacks. whites with whites. of course there are some from every race who integrate. but for the most part most don't.
i'm sorry to tell you guys but most women don't walk around just looking to fuck a stranger and go. most want relationships.
can you blame a women for not accepting an offer from a strange man. women have to worry about being raped, beaten and robbed. this is what a woman has to consider when a strange man runs up on her. the guy doesn't. you've never heard of a man being held as a sex slave in the basement of a house. but you have heard of it happening to several women.
that's what make your approach so outlandish. but eventually you might find a aw who is bold enough to take you up on your offer
good luck with that.
tg out
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865;1303055]As for a 45 yr old guy expecting 20 yrs to really want to be with him. In your 20's would you have dated a 45 yr old woman. I seriously doubt it. And if you think most 20 yrs old in other countries are doing it. Becos. Well they respect older guys. Yeah right. Get real. Its becos they "think". You have money (perception is reality). Whether you do or not and that goes for those EE / Russian girls too.[/QUOTE]With all due respect I think your point of view is a bit extremist. I used enjoy banging a 40-something Czech ex-model when I was in my twenties and there is really plenty of MILF. The other way round I had a really hot summer romance with a Chinese girl from Shanghai who was 24 at the time when I was approaching 50. Her father bought her a million $ penthouse in Shanghai for her 18th birthday and she was definitely financially independent. Money was not an incentive to her. She wouldn't have agreed to marry someone of my age but she didn't mind fucking me for some months until she went back to China.
While people might generally follow stereotypical patterns with respect to status, race, religion, age etc, it doesn't mean that one can't get lucky! The chances are way better than for those foolish people who are trying to win the lottery week by week. So, I'd say to Lugalzaggizi. Keep on going. No harm in trying.
[QUOTE=Artisttyp; 1303351]You see it all the time in NYC. Usually ethnic groups trapped in a nordic world stick to themselves. They don't need the stresses that the white man brings. Most times their culture is more civilized than what is presented to them in daily nordic life. Latin people in NYC tend to be attracted to other latin people and rarely mix. I don't blame them. They have a good looking race and their own culture.
IMO people don't like to mix as much as we are made to believe. The "melting pot" is a lie. The "money pot" is more like it.
* Walking up to strange women in manhattan is nuts. I give you credit. Your practice will pay off when you travel to more a civilized dating scene. BRAVO.[/QUOTE]Um, do you know what "Nordic" means? If not, here is a link: [url]http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/nordic?s=t&ld=1032.[/url] For the record: the white people in America come from lots of other places than Nordic countries. (Look them up. Don't take my word for it.) Of the Latin American countries: If they were such civilized places, then why don't they stay there? It reminds me of Chinese people waffling on and on about the innate superiority of Chinese culture- and yet they have the largest diaspora of any race of people on the face of the planet. (There are some qualifications to this statement, but I digress.)
[QUOTE=Clandestine782; 1303545]Um, do you know what "Nordic" means? If not, here is a link:
For the record: the white people in America come from lots of other places than Nordic countries. (Look them up. Don't take my word for it.) Of the Latin American countries: If they were such civilized places, then why don't they stay there? It reminds me of Chinese people waffling on and on about the innate superiority of Chinese culture- and yet they have the largest diaspora of any race of people on the face of the planet. (There are some qualifications to this statement, but I digress.) [/QUOTE]Very true. I am "white" but not nordic. I thought using the term nordic would sound less crude. However in this politically correct world maybe not.
My point about different ethnic groups and dating is that most stick to their own culture when they arrive to america. You don't see them suffering the ills of dating that americans do. They go into a tight nit community and choose from that pool of potential mates.
People come here to make money. Not to assimilate into an american lifestyle. Otherwise you would see more "mixing".
[QUOTE=Artisttyp; 1303598]My point about different ethnic groups and dating is that most stick to their own culture when they arrive to america. You don't see them suffering the ills of dating that americans do. They go into a tight nit community and choose from that pool of potential mates.
People come here to make money. Not to assimilate into an american lifestyle. Otherwise you would see more "mixing".[/QUOTE]This is not necessarily true. From the mid nineties to about 2005, many educated European girls migrated to the US and quickly realized they were socially trapped in the promised land. There male counter parts were not desirable because they had yet no footings in life (less than 10 years post communism) and were forced into the world of manual labor. The girls mixed quickly with American guys and were more quick to break American social controls of age.
You guys are making weird comparisons as if a white wall street banker wants anything to due with an uneducated Columbian freshly arrived in America. Unless, of course, she is very hot and twenty years younger. (Smiley)
[quote=jhack111;1303523]while people might generally follow stereotypical patterns with respect to status, race, religion, age etc, it doesn't mean that one can't get lucky! the chances are way better than for those foolish people who are trying to win the lottery week by week. so, i'd say to lugalzaggizi. keep on going. no harm in trying.[/quote]you stated it yourself "people [b]generally[/b] follow stereotypical patterns" that's all i was saying.
we are speaking in generalities here. of course there are exceptions to every rule.
shit i was fucking milf's when i was in my 20's. but i wouldn't have dated them. they were booty calls. we went places. my peers didn't go or hers. but that was about fucking. and most women. again speaking in generalities. think / want relationship not fuck buddies.
i too as i stated in my earlier post. agreed if lugalzaggizi keeps it up. sooner or later. he will find a babe who will say yes.
its just most guys don't want to take that day in and day out rejection. if he can handle it. which it appears he can. i say keep on keeping on.
i don't know if you guys ever heard of "ugly george". he used to walk manhattan and would convince women to strip for him on the spot while he video them. so if he could do that. i'm sure lugalzaggizi. will get a number.
[quote]mr. urban was no ordinary ladies' man. he was known as ugly george, and he roamed manhattan in an open-chested silver vest and short-shorts, wearing a huge silver backpack full of early videotaping gear. he approached women in the street and tried to wheedle them into the broom closets of midtown office buildings. (his trademark come-on was, "let's flex into a dimly lit hallway.") then he coaxed them, camera rolling, into taking off their clothes. he also sometimes persuaded them to go to his apartment, a crimson-sheeted basement lair.[/quote]
[QUOTE=Artisttyp; 1303598]My point about different ethnic groups and dating is that most stick to their own culture when they arrive to america. You don't see them suffering the ills of dating that americans do. They go into a tight nit community and choose from that pool of potential mates.
People come here to make money. Not to assimilate into an american lifestyle. Otherwise you would see more "mixing".[/QUOTE]I agree with you totally Artist. Try talking to some Ethiopians and you will gain no ground. I am able to penetrate some cultures because I speak certain languages. But the average American guy would be shit out of luck unless he encounters a girl in such a situation that Climax has described - one who feels she can move up on the social ladder by being with the guy, which as you said is their primary reason for being here in the first place - Money/Status. If they can do it without the American guy that will be their first choice. But if they realize their chances of "success" may be increased then they will date out of the community. [QUOTE=Climaxnow;1303608]From the mid nineties to about 2005, many educated European girls migrated to the US and quickly realized they were socially trapped in the promised land. There male counter parts were not desirable because they had yet no footings in life (less than 10 years post communism) and were forced into the world of manual labor. The girls mixed quickly with American guys...[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1303668]If they can do it without the American guy that will be their first choice.[/QUOTE]Absolutely.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1303534]I believe the sex workers are attracted to my fit swimmer's build, but I have no way of knowing for certain due to the fact I am paying them.[/QUOTE]Try not paying them and see what happens, Lugal.
[QUOTE=D Cups;1303742]Try not paying them and see what happens, Lugal.[/QUOTE]But then again, does it really matter? If you get a good fuck out of it, do you really need to explore the true motivation? Good sex remains good sex, whether you pay for or not!
[QUOTE=Artisttyp; 1303598]Very true. I am "white" but not nordic. I thought using the term nordic would sound less crude. However in this politically correct world maybe not.
My point about different ethnic groups and dating is that most stick to their own culture when they arrive to america. You don't see them suffering the ills of dating that americans do. They go into a tight nit community and choose from that pool of potential mates.
People come here to make money. Not to assimilate into an american lifestyle. Otherwise you would see more "mixing".[/QUOTE]Well, if you live a certain place you can't help but doing some assimilation. So, I have lived in China for about 9 years now. And even though I don't live like a Chinese man (spitting on the floor indoors / wife beating / not knowing how to hold a toothbrush / general lack of manners / lying about everything under the sun) , there are some aspects of Chinese culture to which I've become accustomed (learning how to haggle / learning how to properly read meanings from subtext / eating at barbeques / outdoor restaurants / learning to take the bus). If you live around some people, you can't help but imitate some of the things that they do as the best solution to extant problems. But how many people say to themselves: "I am going to go to China so that I can spit on the floor indoors / on the bus" the same way that they say "I am going to go to America and eat 3 meals a day at oddly spaced intervals and become morbidly obese?"
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1303668]I agree with you totally Artist. Try talking to some Ethiopians and you will gain no ground. I am able to penetrate some cultures because I speak certain languages. But the average American guy would be shit out of luck unless he encounters a girl in such a situation that Climax has described - one who feels she can move up on the social ladder by being with the guy, which as you said is their primary reason for being here in the first place - Money/Status. If they can do it without the American guy that will be their first choice. But if they realize their chances of "success" may be increased then they will date out of the community.[/QUOTE]Ethiopian? Well, if you have a stomach for black women and you want light skin. How many light skinned black be. It. Ches have you already passed over from the United States? If you are a man who is interested in black women, then you have a lot to choose from- even discounting for the premium that goes for light skinned women. (I've never given a second thought to Ethiopians or Eritreans. Or any black women for that matter. But I am aware that the market is there.)
[QUOTE=Clandestine782;1303917]Ethiopian? Well, if you have a stomach for black women and you want light skin. How many light skinned black be. It. Ches have you already passed over from the United States? If you are a man who is interested in black women, then you have a lot to choose from- even discounting for the premium that goes for light skinned women. (I've never given a second thought to Ethiopians or Eritreans. Or any black women for that matter. But I am aware that the market is there.)[/QUOTE]Well I am black from the United States but I think you have missed the meaning of Artist's post because you have replied off topic in your last 2 posts.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel; 1302897]I disagree that it is "merely a financial thing". Certainly many EE women are driven by that, but that is mostly in the P4P sector (which includes a whole range of options from hard-core pros to semi-pros to college girls who want pretty clothes). But the other part of "needy" for them is the availability (or lack thereof) of suitable men for dating, relationships and sex. They are not being chased the way American beauties (and even dogs) are, so they are less secure about their own value and value a "nice" western guy very highly, even if they don't expect such a relationship (or night on the town) to enhance their material lifestyle. The attention of an average western monger validates their self-worth, whereas AW don't feel that need.
The final part is that EE women (and probably in many other mongering countries) require a male partner for status or to complete their ideal of what their life should be. They are not happy just building a career in their 20s, and being independent and liberated. For them to be single is a kind of failure in life. And the final, final part is that they LOVE sex! In that way they are more liberated than their AW counterpart. While an EE woman will certainly have sex just to please her partner, date or nice guy who just bought her dinner, she also has sex just to please herself. I have had EE women THANK ME after first-date sex, since they hadn't had any for months![/QUOTE]Thanks for posting GT is this basically the truth with EE women. You can find the typical Western Careerist in FSU but they are fairly easy to avoid and don't always look the best, so you're not missing much. That's not to say their aren't successful, attractive women, especially in Russia, but the difference it as you correctly state even with that success they don't see themselves as "complete" without a loving husband and children. Based on personal experience about 99% of EE women want at least one child and want to be married when they have that child (ren).
I know this site likes to focus on the best looking women available which is natural but there is much "gold" to be found mining in the 8, 7.6 zone (on the classic scale).
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1303893]I saw a beautiful woman from either Eastern or Central Europe outside the supermarket last night on Long Island, New York. She did not have an ounce of fat on her and she had ebullient blond hair. She was with her boyfriend, Eastern or Central European, of who was smoking and possessive of a pendulous gut. There is no way an American woman as hot as her would go out with him.[/QUOTE]Not sure what you want Lugalzaggizi, but if you only get 10 days off and you want an EE wife that's plenty of time to find one actually.
Just in the last two years -
Friend (Black) married to a Russian Woman, no MOB agency involved, not even EE web sites like Elena's...
Friend (Black) married to Ukrainian Woman, Well Known MOB agency involved, she is slightly taller than him, they just had a child.
Friend (White) started K1 process for PH Woman after being divorced from ex he found at drug rehab (had two sons, he has full custody)
Deadbeat dad flees to Philippines to avoid court-ordered spousal support & FRO.
Toronto Star.
His 10-year-old son was fighting cancer.
His 14-year-old daughter is a special-needs child coping with all the challenges of Down syndrome.
His 17-year-old daughter, once an A student, is struggling at school and depressed.
His 19-year-old son has substance abuse problems and is currently on a methadone program.
Last fall, after an Ontario judge awarded his ex-wife spousal and child support of nearly $4, 000 a month, Hans Mills, an education software expert with extensive work contacts in Southeast Asia, sent Donna Mills an email telling her he had left Canada for good.
'The result of the legal instrument which you recently designed and implemented is that there is no possibility of a comfortable life or a (secure) retirement for me in Canada at all, ' Mills. 53, wrote in the email dated November 2, 2011. 'Therefore I have left the country to seek greener pastures elsewhere, and will never return. Well done Einstein. '
'Good luck and goodbye. '
With that missive sent from an unknown location, Mills joined the more than 120, 000 parents in Ontario who are in arrears on spousal and child support payments. Collectively, they owe more than $1. 8 billion to ex-wives and children.
This is a story about a marriage breakup, a protracted legal battle and the decision of the ex-husband to flee Canada and avoid his court-ordered duty.
The Star tracked Hans Mills to the Philippines. From his hideaway on the outskirts of Manila, Mills says he knows what he did is wrong. He blames a 'broken' Family Court system that pushed him to the brink of ruin for his decision to cut and run.
'I did a terrible, awful thing, because I had no reasonable option, ' Mills says of his decision to flee and stop making spousal and child support payments. 'I miss my children terribly. I abandoned Canada, but not my children. My hope is that some day I can reconcile with my children, but not in Canada. A morally bankrupt state.
'The Philippines is about as far as I could go. If I had a spaceship I'the be much further away. '
At the time he absconded, Hans Mills was under court order to pay his ex-wife, Donna Mills, $2, 235 per month for the support of their children and $1, 537 a month for spousal support. He also had been hit with substantial retroactive payments and ordered to pay his ex-wife's legal costs.
His kids are 'innocent bystanders who got caught in the crossfire, ' Mills says in his email to the Star. 'It was not my intention to hurt them. '
He is adamant about two things — he will 'never, ever, ever, ever' pay spousal support, and he will never return to Canada.
That is bitter news for Donna Mills, who has spent the past eight months urging Canadian authorities and Ontario's Family Responsibility Office (FRO) to find her ex-husband and force him to comply with the court order.
The day after she received the email, Donna Mills' lawyer sent the Family Responsibility Office, which enforces court orders for support, a fax urging his arrest, but Mills was already out of the country.
'Financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, I am approaching bankruptcy, ' Donna Mills said in an email she sent the Star asking for help in locating her ex. 'If I go down, the kids go down, and I can't let that happen. '
The story is complicated by the house Donna Mills and the children live in. The imposing home, on a large lot backing on Lake Ontario near Hamilton, is valued at about $1. 2 million, but has a $600, 000 mortgage on it.
The couple split in 2005. A deal was finally brokered after a two-day trial and on May 1, 2008, both parties signed the Minutes of Settlement. Donna would have sole custody and stay in the house with the children while Hans paid child support. Donna would pay Hans $175, 000 to buy him out of the matrimonial home.
In subsequent court pleadings, Donna maintains she was 'rushed and pressured and did not read' the documents before she signed them. She said she did not understand she was signing away the right to any future spousal support, even if her circumstances changed.
'Donna got the million dollar lakefront mansion and full custody of the children with child support, but no spousal support, in exchange for the house, ' Hans Mills writes. 'Everyone at the time agreed that my spousal support obligation had been met fully. '
He notes the deal also provided Donna with a built-in revenue stream because the house contained a separate apartment that was rented for nearly $2, 000 a month.
Over the next few years, a feud simmered between the once-happy couple. Three years after their 'Final Order, ' all kinds of issues had arisen about the kids and Donna's inability to work, and a new trial was scheduled for the fall of 2011.
According to Donna Mills, her ex-husband took her to court three times and at one point tried to foreclose on the house. With her bills piling up, Donna Mills says she used this as an opportunity to ask a court to grant her spousal support.
In June 2011, a judge issued a 'Temporary Order' for Hans to pay spousal support, also awarding her both retro payments and court costs. Stung by the order, Hans left Canada before the new trial could take place.
'I was effectively ordered to pay for my crucifixion. Ouch. Plus I still had to pay my own lawyer, ' he writes. 'Having been buggered once left me no appetite for a second serving, thank you very much. '
So he sold his house, cashed in his pension, paid his bills, and took off.
He left behind an ex-wife who says she is unable to work due to onerous family responsibilities — looking after four kids, three of whom have substantial medical needs, especially Steven, who has just finished two years of cancer treatment.
'I am not receiving any financial support from my former spouse, ' Donna Mills says. 'I don't have life insurance or benefits. The house is the only thing that I have left. My RSPs are quickly dwindling and failure to sell the house in a timely fashion will lead to foreclosure. '
In addition, Donna Mills says she had to borrow another $122, 000 through a line of credit on her mother's house to buy out Hans. 'I came away from this with no money. '
Hans Mills now lives in Dasmarinas City, about 50 kilometres south of Manila, with his new wife, Rosemarie Espiritu, a former caregiver he met during his frequent business trips to southeast Asia.
He would not submit to a personal interview but agreed to answer written questions.
His furtive exit from Canada was a 'purely tactical response to an untenable situation. ' A classic 'fight or flight' brought on by a spiteful ex-wife, an unjust Family Court system and the FRO that descended on him like a pack of wolves, he says.
He accuses his ex of 'using Steven's disease as a weapon against me, which I find most repugnant. ' As far as he knows, Steven's cancer has been conquered, or is in check, and his eldest, Tom, is an adult, and no longer a dependent child of the marriage.
'She is simply lazy and does not want to work, ' Mills says of his ex-wife, adding that the toughest decision of his life has left him exiled. His mother and brother live here in Ontario, as do most of his friends.
'I live in the Philippines for Heaven's sake. This is not a country club. I have to keep a loaded shotgun beside my bed at night in case of attack, of which there have been several. '
He has not yet found greener pastures 'but I can see one from here. ' In the Philippines, he is beyond the reach of Canadian laws, he says, and the FRO is a 'paper tiger' that can do him no harm.
Donna Mills. 51, was once a teacher. She argues her role as primary caregiver during her 22-year marriage forced her out of the traditional work force. She once held down three jobs to make ends meet, but caring for the children consumed all her time.
Besides the $800, 000 debt she says she carries, she owes 2 ½ years in back taxes on the home. Her only source of income is the $2, 500 monthly she gets for her two youngest from the Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities branch of the Ministry of Children and Youth Services.
Hans Mills says his ex-wife's claims of hardship are exaggerated and 'designed to squeeze more cash out of me by appearing pathetic and helpless. '
One thing is certain.
When he left Canada last fall, Mills left behind a 10-year-old son who had just completed two years of cancer treatment.
Diagnosed with Wilms tumour, a cancer of the kidneys, at age 8, Steven underwent surgery to remove a 1. 4-kilogram tumour that entailed removal of his left kidney and adrenal gland. The latest tests show him to be free of cancer, but he will be tested every few months for the next year.
Mills said she always knew her ex-husband would flee to the Asian subcontinent where he had worked extensively during the past 15 years, and where he met his future wife.
She implored the Family Responsibility Office to try and stop him from leaving, asking that a lien be put on his house in Grimsby, and to seize his passport, but the FRO did not move on those requests. Mills, a Danish immigrant, has both a Canadian and European passport.
Hans Mills was granted a probationary visa by the Philippines government last December, with his common-law wife as his sponsor. The two have since married.
According to the FRO, Hans Mills is more than $28, 000 in arrears and his debt to his family is growing at $3, 772 a month, plus interest.
'The unfortunate reality is that some parents simply refuse to support their children, while others cannot afford to meet their court-ordered obligations, ' said Annette Phillips, director of communications with the Community and Social Services ministry.
WOW, I didn't think anybody else on the net would ever know who Ugly George is! (assuming his ass is still alive, he drinks pretty heavily) , but he started in 19 fuckin 79, it was a different world then, New York was a much more tolerant place and people were interested in experimenting with sexuality and breaking barriers a lot more.
NY is the one place on EARTH where you see mixing of cultures more than anywhere else. Almost anybody under the age of 30 there claims at least two different ethnicities. And as for being financially comfortable, sorry, ladies and gentlemen, having lived for years in both places, a college age girl in Bogota who lives with her parents may not be rolling in money or financially free, but she is a lot more comfortable and taking less financial risks than ANY New Yorker of her age, and nobody in Bogota winds up paying 80% or 90% of their income solely in rent, as they do in NYC COMMONLY! So there must be other factors at work here.
The better question is, why was it so much better to get laid in NYC 30 years ago than it is now?
[QUOTE=Clandestine782;1303917]Ethiopian? Well, if you have a stomach for black women and you want light skin. How many light skinned black be. It. Ches have you already passed over from the United States? If you are a man who is interested in black women, then you have a lot to choose from- even discounting for the premium that goes for light skinned women. (I've never given a second thought to Ethiopians or Eritreans. Or any black women for that matter. But I am aware that the market is there.)[/QUOTE]The one kind of pussy I've never had is South Asian (india pak bangladesh etc) because those cultures are very religious and very old-school and super-hard to penetrate.
And that Ontario story sounds fake to me, this guy would truly be stupid enough to grant the Toronto Star an interview and tell them the TOWN he lives in and his new wife-s FULL NAME? Nahhhhhhhhhh sorry!
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South asians are hard to penetrate. I am one of them and I strongly think that these people do not know how to fuck. Forget about random dates: even husband and wife don't enjoy sex. Sex to them is only to make progenies. LOL. As far as impressing them and dating them, good luck with that. They won't think out of the box. But if you really want those pussies, fly to their countries and with right connections, you can lay a girl as less as 10 dollars. But a good one costs more.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1304145]The one kind of pussy I've never had is South Asian (india pak bangladesh etc) because those cultures are very religious and very old-school and super-hard to penetrate.
And that Ontario story sounds fake to me, this guy would truly be stupid enough to grant the Toronto Star an interview and tell them the TOWN he lives in and his new wife-s FULL NAME? Nahhhhhhhhhh sorry![/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Nsd1983;1304810]South asians are hard to penetrate. I am one of them and I strongly think that these people do not know how to fuck. Forget about random dates: even husband and wife don't enjoy sex. Sex to them is only to make progenies. LOL. As far as impressing them and dating them, good luck with that. They won't think out of the box. But if you really want those pussies, fly to their countries and with right connections, you can lay a girl as less as 10 dollars. But a good one costs more.[/QUOTE]I'll have to leave it in the "one day" file. I thought here in London would be my best bet, but man, the women here don't do shit from me, of ANY color or culture really
I also love indie paki and bang women. Add arab to the mix.
NYC is loaded with beautiful women of this nature but if you arent asian or butt white you are out of luck. These girls are amazing to look at but that is where it ends.
[QUOTE=Nsd1983;1304810]South asians are hard to penetrate. I am one of them and I strongly think that these people do not know how to fuck. Forget about random dates: even husband and wife don't enjoy sex. Sex to them is only to make progenies. LOL. As far as impressing them and dating them, good luck with that. They won't think out of the box. But if you really want those pussies, fly to their countries and with right connections, you can lay a girl as less as 10 dollars. But a good one costs more.[/QUOTE]I didn't need any connections in Mumbai. I just RTFF and told a taxi to take my ass to Congress House. It was a big headache though. Every apartment I went to kept trying to pull the bait & switch. They show you a lineup. Then after you pick and go to the room all of a sudden that girl is busy and they try to stiff you with another chick. Besides that everyone wants tips. A pimp asking for a tip? Get the fuck out of here. Then when I finally got a chance to fuck, the girl wanted me to leave a tip for the maid too. I said the only person getting money out of me is the one with my dick in her mouth. Here is the report with pics: [url]http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?954-Bombay-Mumbai&p=546451#post546451[/url]
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1303893]I saw a beautiful woman from either Eastern or Central Europe outside the supermarket last night on Long Island, New York. She did not have an ounce of fat on her and she had ebullient blond hair. She was with her boyfriend, Eastern or Central European, of who was smoking and possessive of a pendulous gut. There is no way an American woman as hot as her would go out with him.[/QUOTE]That's normal) The same is in Central Asia, lots of gorgeous girls with regular guys.
On the other hand in USA / W. Europe one can see lots of good-looking and successful guys with not good-looking women, right?
Dude get into matured women between 30-38. Really. They know the importance of our time. Women between 20-30 are bitches. Thats all they got is the skin. Too much bullshit to listen and do for a free fuck.
MUmbai is full of HIV and STDs. I read your report. The girls are not pretty and neither passionate about what they do. Pimps suck big time and lie all the time with no exceptions. They will suck your money like a vampire. You get to fuck for 5-10 min a women of 2-3/10 scale with a horrible hygiene in a non ac dirty room.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational; 1305327]I didn't need any connections in Mumbai. I just RTFF and told a taxi to take my ass to Congress House. It was a big headache though. Every apartment I went to kept trying to pull the bait & switch. They show you a lineup. Then after you pick and go to the room all of a sudden that girl is busy and they try to stiff you with another chick. Besides that everyone wants tips. A pimp asking for a tip? Get the fuck out of here. Then when I finally got a chance to fuck, the girl wanted me to leave a tip for the maid too. I said the only person getting money out of me is the one with my dick in her mouth. Here is the report with pics:
I didn't say that. You are (as so often) making a fallacious argument.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1303055]So here you are saying they are not independent and need a man to feel competent. Basically they lack self esteem and need a man to validate their worth. Sort of like AW were in the 50's.
So you are telling me these women. You can pull up on these amateur Porn sites of AW (some with obviously hidden cameras). Some it appears are having fun (but I guess not. Since you say so)
These are women who don't enjoy sex. They are doing these video's ONLY to please a man. Let alone the millions of AW that don't do video's
How does America ever get Porn stars. Or are those the ONLY ones who like sex?
Are you saying somehow. Sexuality is not a part of a person's makeup. But that its where you live that determines whether you like sex. Women born in the USA some how get their sex genes turned off. They don't like sex. They only do it to please a man.
What about lesbians. Does this phenomenon skip them. Since they don't care about men. Do American Lesbians not enjoy sex too.
In the EE. Somehow. It gets turned on.
WOW. But I guess with American men. It don't work that way. The geographic location doesn't affect them. Only women.[/QUOTE]I AM saying the Eastern European women need a man to feel their life is complete. I did not say it is because of low esteem (although absence will cause that) but probably more due to cultural and social norms.
I AM NOT saying that AW do not like sex (and porn stars or sex videos are no indication of anything real) but I do say that ordinary AW (that we are likely to meet or have a chance of dating) are not nearly so sexually open as EE women. Again I would argue that this is not biological or geographical as you imply, but due to socialization."Good girls don't have sex on the first date (or second or third)." "Professional women don't dress sexy / slutty." Normal women don't date too far out of their age range or ethnic group. These things are generally true in America, at least once you get out of the partying demographic (college girls). The exceptions you see are mostly in magazines and movies, you don't see these behaviours amongst your co-workers or at the shopping mall. But in Eastern Europe you do. Lawyers and doctors wear sexy clothes and stiletto heels at work will dress like hookers on a date and might well end up in your bed just for fun.
Many American women also "need a man" to complete their dream life (although this is becoming increasingly less true) but for them this means a permanent relationship and a family. We all know women who start to panic when they hear their biological clocks ticking and realize that they are running out of time to find a mate, and they no longer have the looks or attitude to play the game. EE girls are highly motivated to find a mate (and are prepared to settle for a boyfriend or even just a date) from a much earlier age, and are fully aware of the tools they need to be successful and work hard at it.
But my original point was really that it is not all about money (although often it is) for EE women. Sure they want to hook up with someone who can provide financial security for them and a future family, but they also are preprogrammed for mating and have not been "de-programmed" as American society, women's lib and "political correctness" have done to AW.
What a load of BS
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel;1305838]"Good girls don't have sex on the first date (or second or third).[/QUOTE]. Could it be AW are more educated about STD's. STD's that can kill you. While this may not be a concern for you. It is for a large segment of the population. The 60's thru the late 80's. America went thru the "free love" era. Too bad if you missed it.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel;1305838]Professional women don't dress sexy / slutty.[/QUOTE]I guess you have never been to South beach or Hollywood. Besides "Sexy" is a matter of opinion. I see plenty of sexy dressed women. I guess you've never seen women in daisy dukes. Thongs on the beach. Its just in America. We believe in you dress appropriate for the place. Most people don't want to see a woman dressed like a **** going to the Mall. As far as at night, I can pull up video's all day long of night club scene's in the USA where the girls dress as sexy / provocative as any EE women.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel;1305838]Normal women don't date too far out of their age range or ethnic group.[/QUOTE]I definitely can't blame them. While I like late 20's and early 30 yr old women to FUCK. Every time I see a guy over 50 with a woman more than 15 yrs younger. It creeps me out. So I can definitely understand it. I can't see why any woman with anything going for herself, would date a guy that much older. Unless he was keeping her knee deep in luxuries she can't afford for herself.
If I personally knew a woman that did. I would comment about it as I have in the past. If / when I saw a girl out with a older guy. I would pass them my number and tell her."Call me. Once Grandpa goes to bed". Or anything to that effect. They always laughed and took the number. Not saying they all called. But none. NONE. Ever defended the guy, cause they knew it was about the money. And was laughing at him.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel;1305838]EE girls are highly motivated to find a mate (and are prepared to settle for a boyfriend or even just a date) from a much earlier age,[/QUOTE]You obviously have never been to the "Bible belt" areas of America. Cause if you had. You'd know a lot women in those parts want to marry right after School (HS or College). That is their dream and goal in life.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel;1305838]But my original point was really that it is not all about money (although often it is) for EE women. Sure they want to hook up with someone who can provide financial security for them and a future family, but they also are preprogrammed for mating and have not been "de-programmed" as American society, women's lib and "political correctness" have done to AW.[/QUOTE]Again this is about economics. Because AW have MORE opportunities when it comes to having a career. So they have MORE options than a EE woman. Sure some EE women have careers. But not close to the abundance of opportunities as AW. So there is a larger population of AW who are career minded. Sure. Who don't need a man financially for security. Therefore they don't have to SETTLE like EE women.
There is no "One shoe fits the whole bunch" with AW. There are differences depending on area of country, size of the city, and education. There are AW of all kinds.
You're vastly overestimating the US economy. These days there are a lot of hella desparate AW but they continue being frigid insipid bitches. And I know a lot of Colombian girls who have all their needs met and are still raging sluts! So I don't buy the pure economics theory. Plus in a lot of European countries they have BIG social safety nets, UNLIKE in the US people in that part of the world don't have to worry so much about food and shelter and ahem MEDICAL CARE. Many countries even have free university, dental etc! Yet one country is sexually very liberal and the next is frigid!
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1306284]You're vastly overestimating the US economy. These days there are a lot of hella desparate AW but they continue being frigid insipid bitches.[/QUOTE]I agree with you about the economy in America, I'm back here after leaving (again) for almost fourteen months and outside of a few areas (Silicon Valley, for example) the economic situation overall is still pretty bad. There doesn't seem to have been a real recovery. Lots of people I know are living on credit (student loans, credit cards, etc.) but that's unsustainable and at some point that bubble will pop too.
Having said that, I must say that the price of paid pussy in this country has come down; it seems you can get decent looking girls for a quickie at under $100 bucks a pop; if you like fatties the prices are even lower. Of course stunners are still pricey but that's to be expected, I guess.
Some on here call this place sex prison, but check out some of the online sites and find a couple of regulars and it's not all that bad. Might explain why international mongering locales seem to have fewer western mongers participating than before; just basing this on my trip to the Philippines last month where the majority of the bars were either semi-empty, or full of Asian sex tourists. Sometimes, I'd be the only American in the bar.
Any thoughts on this? Are more of you mongers on here banging AWs?
I said it was about ECONOMICS. Not the ECONOMY.
AW have more opportunities for upward mobility. Career options. More Financially capable / independent.
In most of the countries guys talk about. For women to afford to have kids (which most women want). They need another income for the most part from a man. Or they fall deep into poverty
Where A LOT of AW can afford to raise / have a family and luxuries. Without a man. This makes them less dependent on men and the ability to be choosy.
I concede. It might be a sex prison for some guys. Especially the undesirable, who are rarely chosen. For those guys it is a sex prison.
There will always be a percentage of guys who will be unhappy. No matter what the situation.
If women were walking around in thongs and have sex with every guy that asked. There would be guys on here complaining. AW are nothing but sluts.
So I guess you guys fit into that percentage unhappy with the current environment. But Marriages happen in EVERY city EVERY day of the year. So guys are finding AW sexy and desirable.
But of course. Its easier to blame the women. Right!
TG. Keeping it real.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1306009].
I definitely can't blame them. While I like late 20's and early 30 yr old women to FUCK. Every time I see a guy over 50 with a woman more than 15 yrs younger. It creeps me out. So I can definitely understand it. I can't see why any woman with anything going for herself, would date a guy that much older. Unless he was keeping her knee deep in luxuries she can't afford for herself.
If I personally knew a woman that did. I would comment about it as I have in the past. If / when I saw a girl out with a older guy. I would pass them my number and tell her."Call me. Once Grandpa goes to bed". Or anything to that effect. They always laughed and took the number. Not saying they all called. But none. NONE. Ever defended the guy, cause they knew it was about the money. And was laughing at him.[/QUOTE]I don't understand. When I was 24 with a good banking job and a new apartment in the Gold Coast and I had a line of women knocking at my door, was it because I was so special and they were all in real love with me? In those days, I thought I was keeping it real by seeing myself as a tool for a woman to meet there social and financial needs. If it's just about the money, can someone explain to me why it feels exactly the same when I meet an Eastern European significantly younger than me as compared to those twenty something days of mine.
I don't understand why ThatGuy thinks he's a better fit and entitled to some girl than grandpa. I thought we lived in America, where all men are not created equal.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1306533]An educated upper-middle class man can still be in sex prison in the United States even if he is chosen by an American woman for a relationship or marriage. There are numerous financially successful and attractive men stuck in sexless or sexually dysfunctional marriages or relationships to American women in the United States.[/QUOTE]Well that is nobody's fault but his own. Get out of the relationship if it is not giving you what you need. The door swings both ways.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865; 1306355]I said it was about ECONOMICS. Not the ECONOMY.
AW have more opportunities for upward mobility. Career options. More Financially capable / independent.
In most of the countries guys talk about. For women to afford to have kids (which most women want). They need another income for the most part from a man. Or they fall deep into poverty
Where A LOT of AW can afford to raise / have a family and luxuries. Without a man. This makes them less dependent on men and the ability to be choosy.
I concede. It might be a sex prison for some guys. Especially the undesirable, who are rarely chosen. For those guys it is a sex prison.
There will always be a percentage of guys who will be unhappy. No matter what the situation.
If women were walking around in thongs and have sex with every guy that asked. There would be guys on here complaining. AW are nothing but sluts.
So I guess you guys fit into that percentage unhappy with the current environment. But Marriages happen in EVERY city EVERY day of the year. So guys are finding AW sexy and desirable.
But of course. Its easier to blame the women. Right!
TG. Keeping it real.[/QUOTE]Except for girls in the US really DON'T HAVE THAT MUCH FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE ANYMORE. That may have been true 20 years ago, not so much anymore. I don't know how anybody could be naive enough to believe that an AW can just go ahead and have kids at will and be able to support them with ANY decent lifestyle with absolutely no outside help. And from what I've seen from my month here in the UK is that it's even LESS possible here.
There are acres and acres of fat stupid boring ugly poorly dressed Colombian men not getting any from Colombian women as well. And acres and acres of Colombian working girls go home cold dry and broke every night, the expectation gap is huge all over, but all is said and done, there is a LOT more sex going on per capita in Colombia than in the USA. AW are dumb enough to let themselves get caught on film, THAT is the big difference!
American Women
"But Marriages happen in EVERY city EVERY day of the year. So guys are finding AW sexy and desirable."
Nope I disagree, these people are compromising and have low expectations. Or they resign themselves to the only reality that they know.
Forget about Russia and Ukraine, where the girls are hot and the guys awful, so mongers have a lot of choice.
I went to a college campus with some of the most sexy girls around in the USA. I thought I knew what a beautiful girl was. Then just after graduating I went to Sweden, as soon as I got of the plane, I realised in no time what beauty really was.
Swedish girls have some of the same values, American girls have, but they are far more attractive and sexy. American girls are just not attractive or sexy by and large.
Eastern European girls are super sexy with the right attitude, Swedish girls are quite sexy with the wrong attitude.
This is not only about economic alternatives and choice, American girls are really few people's cup of tea, once Americans have been abroad, Colombia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and so on.
They realize how unsexy and unattractive American women are.
There are a few gems to be had, but not that many.
I would tell people in the US, take the best 10% here and that is the Swedish average. By the way go to Slovakia and it gets better.
[QUOTE=Delta Indigo; 1306890]I went to a college campus with some of the most sexy girls around in the USA. I thought I knew what a beautiful girl was. Then just after graduating I went to Sweden, as soon as I got of the plane, I realised in no time what beauty really was.
Swedish girls have some of the same values, American girls have, but they are far more attractive and sexy. American girls are just not attractive or sexy by and large.[/QUOTE]Beauty and sexiness is different things to different people and by and large can not be quantified. I find a good number of AWs sexy and to my taste. It is their bad attitudes that I have a problem with.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1306910]Beauty can not be quantified.[/QUOTE]Beauty can be quantified. Any talent scout will tell you that it is anything but subjective.
[QUOTE=Prosal;1306924]Beauty can be quantified. Any talent scout will tell you that it is anything but subjective.[/QUOTE]Well there are certainly norms of beauty which differ in different societies and change with the ages. But I know from my own obsessions with certain types that beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder. I friend of mine finds women who most of us would call obese unbearably attractive. I have spoken with him and I honestly can say that he feels about them the same way I feel about 20 something, skinny EE girls. The only diference is that my idea of beauty (perhaps I should say hot) tends to conform more to the norm. More fool me really. This guy has his pick of girls as he lives in the Land 'o Lard, the USA.
[QUOTE=Angus Magee;1306934]Well there are certainly norms of beauty which differ in different societies and change with the ages.[/QUOTE]Exactly.
[QUOTE=Prosal;1306924]Beauty can be quantified. Any talent scout will tell you that it is anything but subjective.[/QUOTE]Would this talent scout happen to be in Eastern Europe or West Africa?
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational; 1306936]Exactly.
Would this talent scout happen to be in Eastern Europe or Central Africa?[/QUOTE]No matter the skin color. But it is not only a question of mensurations, height, bust and waist measurement, marked camber, impish nose, mellow lips, or of perfect geometry between eyes interval and neck nobility. Beauty is very much a mathematic equation. Any specialist will tell you that per exemple, the distance between the base of the nose and the chin must be the same than between the crest of the forehead and the eyebrows. Or the lenght of the mouth must be 2. 5 its width. Or if you divide the girl's height by the distance between the ground and the navel, you must obtain a certain "Golden" number. Among other recognized criterions. Esthete's criterions, or what is universally recognized as measures of beauty.
[QUOTE=Angus Magee;1306934]Well there are certainly norms of beauty which differ in different societies.[/QUOTE]Not so. The norms are now universal. Look at China, which is ranked third in plastic surgeries, with more than million operations annually. Chinese women operate their eyes to appear larger, raise the bridge of the nose to make it more prominent, sculpt their cheekbones, ect. Not even talking about skin whitening.
The UNIVERSAL norm is those girls that one see in the glam magazines. It's a pure fact.
[QUOTE=Angus Magee;1306934]But I know from my own obsessions with certain types that beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder.[/QUOTE]Of course you're right. But you'll agree that there is "objective" measures for beauty. For exemple, I dislike the simian faces of isaan girls, but it's because their faces usually DO HAVE repulsive features. If a girl has, let's say, the eyes too far apart, a flat nose or a head too spherical, no one can deny that she does NOT enter in the criterions that define a beautiful and "aristocratic" face with a perfect geometric harmony.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational; 1306936]Exactly.
Would this talent scout happen to be in Eastern Europe or West Africa?[/QUOTE]Had to search for this a bit but I remembered this news item from a few months back about the most beautiful girl in Britain, according to a "mathematical formula".
Is she beautiful? No doubt in a certain way. But for my taste she is a little too wholesome looking. I like a girl who looks a little "slutty" and who radiates a little more sex than this girl. So in the end I have to say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
[QUOTE=Angus Magee; 1306970]So in the end I have to say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
AM[/QUOTE]I've come to the conclusion that almost EVERY woman looks much more beautiful with a cock in her mouth. Preferably mine!
[QUOTE=Ebauche;1307003]I've come to the conclusion that almost EVERY woman looks much more beautiful with a cock in her mouth. Preferably mine![/QUOTE]Well it would certainly make the Miss America pageant more interesting if they replaced the on stage questioning with a BJ contest. But that would really make the AW feminists squawk even lounder about the contest.
I agree
[QUOTE=Prosal;1306924]Beauty can be quantified. Any talent scout will tell you that it is anything but subjective.[/QUOTE]I think the biggest lie on earth is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That being said beauty does not exist in only one form, I agree with that. But I think what I will consider beautiful, any refined soul will. It is like good wines, you have to be able to appreciate them.
Many people are unable to appreciate very high standards of beauty. That is what I truly believe. And anyone who tells you Miami or Los Angeles is on par with Belgrade, Kiev or Bucharest is either hopelessly retarded or totally blind.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1307500]Today, I saw a woman who was in the top five of all the women I have seen at Jones Beach this summer. She was of Dominican lineage, but born in the States. I have been to Dominican Republic five times and I have never seen a woman there as attractive as her. I saw her near the water with a guy, but there was no way in God's green earth she could have been involved in any type of socio-sexual relationship with him considering the fact that he was unattractive and unwholesome, low socioeconomic strata to boot. I introduced myself to her while he was in the water and she was not opening up to me at all as evidenced by the fact that she was not asking questions about myself- an immediate red flag- and le behold he comes back and I find out they are involved in a sociosexual relationship. I was shocked. It really is bizarre how homely and downtrodden some of the men these extremely attractive women sociosexually interact with. This conundrum requires more investigation on my part.[/QUOTE]And these guys on here keep saying. Guys are not getting "extremely attractive AW" (your words). Sounds like you've found out some American Men DO know how to score. And doing it well. Even guys who are. How did you say it."unattractive, unwholesome, and of low socioeconomic strata to boot".
I know "You guys will say". [B]WITHOUT[/B] Knowing the girl. She's AW so she has to have a bad attitude. Don't like sex.
Lugalzaggizi 1st rule. Looks are more important to men. Women can be won over with personality and charm. To date. You haven't shown much of either. When approaching a woman.
But keep on keeping on. There is one out there for you. It might take some time. But you are bound to run into her.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1307500]Today, I saw a woman who was in the top five of all the women I have seen at Jones Beach this summer. She was of Dominican lineage, but born in the States. I have been to Dominican Republic five times and I have never seen a woman there as attractive as her. I saw her near the water with a guy, but there was no way in God's green earth she could have been involved in any type of socio-sexual relationship with him considering the fact that he was unattractive and unwholesome, low socioeconomic strata to boot. I introduced myself to her while he was in the water and she was not opening up to me at all as evidenced by the fact that she was not asking questions about myself- an immediate red flag- and le behold he comes back and I find out they are involved in a sociosexual relationship. I was shocked. It really is bizarre how homely and downtrodden some of the men these extremely attractive women sociosexually interact with. This conundrum requires more investigation on my part.[/QUOTE]How were you able to ascertain that this guy was of "low socioeconomic strata?" Did you just look at him and make that determination along with your assessment of his "unattractive and unwholesome" nature? It seems that you are really jealous that the guy is going balls deep in that tasty Dominican ass and she wouldn't give you the time of day. Maybe she didn't think a lifeguard was at the socioeconomic level to be granted access to her pussy. That would put the guy fucking all her holes at a higher level. LOL
I find myself agreeing with Prosal. I think the Greeks were really on to something.
A lot of it is just how much effort a woman puts into BEING attractive. Colombia ranks real high on this part, as does many EE destinations. You can't put all of that down to genetics. Hell, most of us our gene pool is so thoroughly mixed we are really guessing what makes us up unless we pay for a mitochondial analysis.
I agree, somebody who thinks Miami is chock full of gorgeous woman is like somebody who thinks a Mickey D's happy meal is gourmet food. And I HAVE seen many times culturally retarded Americans abroad eating good food for the first time in their lives and complaining because it's not the same as IHOP or Applebees.
I'm pretty flexible when it comes to a woman's physical appearance and not very demanding (other qualities are more important to me) but after 4 years in Colombia my PERCEPTION of beauty has opened up tremendously, I pick out details now that I was completely BLIND to 4 years ago.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1308317]I told her that I lifeguard during the summer- a means of maintaining perpetual adolescence- and that I don't have kids. She asks me why and I told her that I can't convince any women to have sex with me. She didn't get my sense of humor.[/QUOTE]Along with probably 99. 99999% of all other women. Women generally find this sort of humor very unattractive.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1307500]I saw her near the water with a guy, but there was no way in God's green earth she could have been involved in any type of socio-sexual relationship with him considering the fact that he was unattractive and unwholesome, low socioeconomic strata to boot.[/QUOTE]You are making a lot of assumptions. Why would you try to second guess her motives for being with that guy? He might be driving her crazy in bed. He doesn't need a fine face or body for that. What do you know? His tool might be awesome, he might be rich without showing off or simply a really nice person. Please don't bring this kind of judgmental crap to the forum.
[QUOTE=Jhack111;1308759]You are making a lot of assumptions. Why would you try to second guess her motives for being with that guy? He might be driving her crazy in bed. He doesn't need a fine face or body for that. What do you know? His tool might be awesome, he might be rich without showing off or simply a really nice person. Please don't bring this kind of judgmental crap to the forum.[/QUOTE]I second that!
AW just too sweet
For "ALL" AW to be considered so fat (as guys so often claim). They. Dominated. I mean. DOMINATED. In the Olympics. And looked good while doing it. Guess 2013 like 2012 for me. Its all about AW poontane. Still The GOLD standard.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865;1314886]For "ALL" AW to be considered so fat (as guys so often claim).[/QUOTE]Maybe it's only the bitter guys who claim that as an excuse. There are fat people in every society.
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865;1314886]For "ALL" AW to be considered so fat (as guys so often claim). They. Dominated. I mean. DOMINATED. In the Olympics. And looked good while doing it. Guess 2013 like 2012 for me. Its all about AW poontane. Still The GOLD standard.[/QUOTE][url]Https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=336719116394113&set=a.309496309116394.77603.136893956376631&type=1&theater[/url]
NO gringa can touch that shit. And the real sick part is not how they look it's knowing they both would be absolute DYNAMITE in bed!
[QUOTE=ThatGuy865;1314886]For "ALL" AW to be considered so fat (as guys so often claim). They. Dominated. I mean. DOMINATED. In the Olympics. And looked good while doing it. Guess 2013 like 2012 for me. Its all about AW poontane. Still The GOLD standard.[/QUOTE]Obesity rates by country! Enuf said.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax; 1316461]Obesity rates by country! Enuf said.
[url]http://www.nationmaster.com/red/graph/hea_obe-health-obesity&b_printable=1[/url][/QUOTE]Those numbers are IMO total BS (as most numbers of Nationmaster). Per example, according WHO (which a priori divulges right numbers) , some 22% of the adult female population in Brasil suffered from obesity in 2008. I've read somewhere that it had increased to 27% since then. A study reported that the city with the highest obesity index is Rio, with alarming numbers among the 15/20 yo population. Furthermore, goverment says that almost half of Brasilians are now overweight. In the next 10 years, this will rise to 60.
Obesity is a matter of alarming importance in South America. I guess the numbers are more or less the same in Colombia, Venezuela, ect and are even more alarming in Carribeans (french goverment announced recently that 31% of the population suffered from obesity in french Carribean departments and french Guiana).
I'll stick to FSU. I like my women thin and tall.
[quote=capt ajax; 1316461]obesity rates by country! enuf said.
[url]http://www.nationmaster.com/red/graph/hea_obe-health-obesity&b_printable=1[/url][/quote]usa. only 30%. good. that means 70% (still the majority) of women must be not only beautiful but [b]fit[/b] too
i can operate within that 70%.
lets see 350 million peeps. 1/2 being women. 150 million. by 70%.
that give me roughly 100 million beautiful women. i can deal with that.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1316029][url]Https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=336719116394113&set=a.309496309116394.77603.136893956376631&type=1&theater[/url]
NO gringa can touch that shit. And the real sick part is not how they look it's knowing they both would be absolute DYNAMITE in bed![/QUOTE]What I dislike in South American women is that many are SHORT. The woman's average height in Brasil is 5'2" (1, 58cm, which is admittedly short) , and in Colombia even less (AW are also short BTW). A HUGE a turn-off for me. I like my women about 5'8". And slender (yet curvy, but with no excess). And in this respect, no part of the world can beat the Former Soviet Union.
[QUOTE=Prosal;1316557]What I dislike in South American women is that many are SHORT. The woman's average height in Brasil is 5'2" (1, 58cm, which is admittedly short) , and in Colombia even less (AW are also short BTW). A HUGE a turn-off for me. I like my women about 5'8". And slender (yet curvy, but with no excess). And in this respect, no part of the world can beat the Former Soviet Union.[/QUOTE]Tell me about it, I once did a 69 with a girl and wound up sucking on her toes hahahahaha but it depends on what part of the country, the Paisas and Costeños are taller.
30% of AW are OBESE, which is fatter than fat. Most of the rest are FAT. And then most of the rest who are not fat OR obese (not even 10% of the population) are emaciated. The US is an extremely unhealthy country.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1316920]30% of AW are OBESE, which is fatter than fat. Most of the rest are FAT. And then most of the rest who are not fat OR obese (not even 10% of the population) are emaciated. The US is an extremely unhealthy country.[/QUOTE]Most commonly obesity is still referred to by a BMI 30. BMI isn't a very good measure and has been abandoned by many serious health practitioners. BMI would put most body builders into a 30-35 and nobody would suggest they are fat. Equally many of the female track stars that were referred to earlier in posts would be easily classified as overweight by BMI, which is obviously utterly ridiculous. Having said that, for many who lead a very sedentary lifestyle it's a good indicator. For a woman to be BMI 30 at 5'8" she'd have to weigh 200lbs and no way I'd ever consider doing a cowgirl with that kind of weight on top LMAO.
Body fat percentage or the inverse, lean mass is a much more interesting measure. A woman (or man) can still be horribly fat at ideal weight with 40% of the tissue being fat, which leads to a thin person with a kind of porky, sausage meat like tissue texture. Nothing you really want to consider for sex.
I agree with you that the US like many other highly industrialised countries is a place of extremes. The reason for that is simply that there is too wide a choice of processed foods and little practical help for people to make healthy choices. The food industry isn't helping, being a completely immoral bunch they have no moral issues with people getting unhealthy by consumption of their products. How long for example has this insane low-fat campaign of the food industry been going on and still many consumers have no idea that fats at not their enemies per se, but the increasing amount of sugar that is being put into foods to compensate for the lack of fat. How many people really know that fatty foods keep you satiated for longer and that foods high in sugar make you just eat more and more?
This doesn't affect developing countries as much because the choice is simply not there.
On the other hand, I have to agree with ThatGuy. In such a big population there ought to be plenty enough fit girls to last a lifetime. Women have never been a reason for me to leave any country. Rather issues like work / life balance, climate, society in general etc.
[QUOTE=Jhack111;1317083]there is too wide a choice of processed foods and little practical help for people to make healthy choices.[/QUOTE]While the former might be true, the latter is not. How about reading the fucking label? That is really all that is necessary. I personally think you could eat Big Macs and Doritos exclusively and not be obese, if you were working the way most people worked in by-gone eras. I think it is the sedentary lifestyle more than the nutrition. And, I go to the gym and I see how the average woman "exercises" and it's not too impressive for the most part. Like you are trying to work out without sweating to where your mascara would run. Doesn't really work. A lot of men are just pigs, eating way too much, too often, in too large of portions. The result is a lot of fat fucks cluttering up the place and being eyesores in general.
99% of the fattness in America comes from poor choices and lifestyle
We have affluent lifestyle that most other countries don't. Most Americans DRIVE EVERYWHERE they go. So little to no walking, do NOT have strenuous jobs, so no energy exerted there, and come home and lead sedentary lifestyles watching TV.
Compound that with the "EASY access", convenience and low cost of. Fast food, and processed meals
Along with LARGE portion sizes. And you have a recipe for "Fatness"
The rise of Single family households. Means ONE person is working and raising the kids and while it not best for them."fast food" and "processed" foods is cheap and convenient. When you are rushed for time.
[B]Those who want to stay in shape. Have plenty of 'Healthy" food alternatives [/B].
"Organic" food is sold everywhere and Local "Farmer's markets" are held in most cities. And of course "Gyms" are everywhere.
For some its time and convenience, others its about getting off the couch, and some need to be educated about their choices. And portion size.
It all comes down to choices. And a desire to be fit. It all available. You have to want it.
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1317089]How about reading the fucking label? That is really all that is necessary. I personally think you could eat Big Macs and Doritos exclusively and not be obese, if you were working the way most people worked in by-gone eras.[/QUOTE]Personally I have never noticed a nutritional information label on a Big Mac or any other hamburger, but even so they don't really help.
The biggest problem in the US is that nearly ALL the food in supermarkets or restaurants is processed with added sugar and salt, so it is really hard to avoid. Even the BREAD has sugar added. Cakes and pies are ridiculously oversweetened, people drink bottles of Coca-Cola that have 20 teaspoons of sugar in them.
Yes, people can eat healthy in the US if they always eat at home, bake their own bread, avoid processed foods, sodas, etc, but it is much harder than in other countries. Also the sedentary lifestyle and going everywhere by car does not help. In most countries it is not hard to buy a plate of ready cooked food on the street that does not contain added sugar, etc.
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1317089]While the former might be true, the latter is not. How about reading the fucking label? That is really all that is necessary. I personally think you could eat Big Macs and Doritos exclusively and not be obese, if you were working the way most people worked in by-gone eras. I think it is the sedentary lifestyle more than the nutrition[/QUOTE]Most people haven't got a clue what their Base Metabolic Rate is. Therefore food labels are completely irrelevant because there is no valid frame of reference. Many people are still assuming that a daily intake of 2, 500kCal for a man is normal. Truth is that many will find themselves with a BMR of only 1, 600kcal, women even down to 1, 400kcal on sedentary lifestyles. Overstepping your BMR, if you don't exercise, by only 500 kcal per day, will add a pound of body mass (or shall we say fat) per week.
Also, for example UK RDAs find it acceptable for an adult male to ingest 120g of simple sugars every day. This is way too much and possibly the greatest fat booster ever. Sugars are being added everywhere. To yogurts, bread, milk shakes and what not else. I wonder sometimes what is going on in the head of food agencies? My only assumption is that the food industry blows so much money up their asses that they really don't care.
I've taken a lot of time to research things as an athlete and taking responsibility for myself instead of relying on misinformation that comes from government approved authorities. But I really don't think everyone has the time and ability to do this. It comes back to one fundamental conclusion: don't buy anything in the supermarket and cook all your food from basic ingredients yourself and you know what you're eating without someone messing with your organism to support their own agenda!
[QUOTE=Jhack111; 1317083]Most commonly obesity is still referred to by a BMI 30. BMI isn't a very good measure and has been abandoned by many serious health practitioners. BMI would put most body builders into a 30-35 and nobody would suggest they are fat. Equally many of the female track stars that were referred to earlier in posts would be easily classified as overweight by BMI, which is obviously utterly ridiculous. Having said that, for many who lead a very sedentary lifestyle it's a good indicator. For a woman to be BMI 30 at 5'8" she'd have to weigh 200lbs and no way I'd ever consider doing a cowgirl with that kind of weight on top LMAO.
Body fat percentage or the inverse, lean mass is a much more interesting measure. A woman (or man) can still be horribly fat at ideal weight with 40% of the tissue being fat, which leads to a thin person with a kind of porky, sausage meat like tissue texture. Nothing you really want to consider for sex.
I agree with you that the US like many other highly industrialised countries is a place of extremes. The reason for that is simply that there is too wide a choice of processed foods and little practical help for people to make healthy choices. The food industry isn't helping, being a completely immoral bunch they have no moral issues with people getting unhealthy by consumption of their products. How long for example has this insane low-fat campaign of the food industry been going on and still many consumers have no idea that fats at not their enemies per se, but the increasing amount of sugar that is being put into foods to compensate for the lack of fat. How many people really know that fatty foods keep you satiated for longer and that foods high in sugar make you just eat more and more?
This doesn't affect developing countries as much because the choice is simply not there.
On the other hand, I have to agree with ThatGuy. In such a big population there ought to be plenty enough fit girls to last a lifetime. Women have never been a reason for me to leave any country. Rather issues like work / life balance, climate, society in general etc.[/QUOTE]In men the body fat % should be from 8-12, in women from 18-25.
Most US bodybuilders ARE too fucking fat because they have in excess of 12% (assuming male bodybuilders). I'm at 14% right now, considered in shape by US standards, still a little bit fat in the rest of the world. A lot of world class bodybuilders and shotputters etc ARE too fucking fat. They may be world class athletes but they're still too fucking fat!
I just shed 20 pounds in 3 weeks in the US, but I did it by being in ketosis for 2 of those weeks. It works, but it's not a good long term strategy, and it has its side effects, it makes you smell horrible, and in my case gave me reflux a couple of nights. But I have no idea how else to NOT gain weight here in the US.
Gaining or losing fat on your body has very little to do with ANYTHING else than body insulin levels. Not even calories really matter that much. If you're SWIMMING in insulin, you can take in 800 calories a day and your body will put on 800 calories worth of fat, and burn muscle tissue for energy! Which is my big beef (sic!) with the American food supply. EVERY last goddamn thing in the supermarket has shit in it that spikes your insulin levels. Even a whole chicken is now injected with a broth containing soybean shit and a nasty witches brew of insulin-supporting garbage! I've been subsisting on eggs and canned fish but the sodium levels are also unacceptable.....
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1298418]Dude I had a Dominican and a Mexican chick step to me while I was just in NYC, both good looking and half my age. I didn't even bother to get their FB or phone#s.
I had some English girl come and chat me up in a pub on Monday here in London where I'm vacationing, and blew her off, not interested.
I'll wait till I'm back in Colombia with the finest pussy in the world. Maybe I'll tap the Dominican chick because she really is nice looking and into me. If I have time. No big deal. The REAL deal waits for me back home.
Dude, standards of living? Rights, FREEDOMS? What the hell are you talking about? You seriously think that America is *A* free country, much less the ONLY one?
I'll let you guys in on a little secret. If you have English AND Spanish FLUENT, you can land in Bogota or Medellin and INSTANTLY be in the top 10% of society and get a GOOD job down there, one that affords you a lifestyle you could only DREAM of in the United States. Or better yet, you could go independent and make even MORE money, and get your health insurance without having to pay the ridiculous amounts they charge in the US.
Of course let's be straight up here, most Americans couldn't speak decent English to save their goddamn lives here, much less dominate a second language. But for those that can, or have uncommonly good artistic ability, paradise awaits.[/QUOTE]I enjoy your reports on Colombia and AW comments. For some time now I've wanted to work outside the USA-mostly Asia, but I have seen it is quite difficult to get gainful employment.
You mention an American with Spanish fluency could do quite well professionally. I'd love to have an opportunity like that. Would you care to elaborate on such opportunities in some depth. Thank you very much! I couldn't message you, as your mail box is full.
[QUOTE=Frannie;1317147]Personally I have never noticed a nutritional information label on a Big Mac or any other hamburger, but even so they don't really help.[/QUOTE]At least in the US, the nutritional information is on the wall. One Big Mac has over half the recommended daily allowance of fat (34g) , and about 2/3 of its 590 calories are from fat:
Bread needs a bit of sugar to interact with the yeast and a little bit of salt to keep the dough from getting rubbery when it's kneaded. If you want to avoid the sugar, all you have to do is eat tortillas instead of bread. Very simple to do in the US. A whole wheat tortilla has more protein than fat and fewer than 25% of its calories are from fat.
And I don't know that you [b]have[/b] to cook at home all the time to avoid junk food. Subway is a good place to start. Applebee's has several low sodium dishes that are pretty good. Apologists for Mickey D's would probably point out that a Big Mac has 24 grams of protein. 24/34 is not a good ratio. The RDAs are 50g of protein and 65g of fat. That is 77% protein / fat and a big Mac is 71. That all sucks. I try to get 60-80 grams of protein a day and I look for foods with a 2/1 protein to fat ratio. Rice, beans, pasta, oatmeal, quinoa (a cup of cooked quinoa has over 8 grams of protein) , and Gardenburgers all have a 2/1 ratio. Poultry is 8 or 9 to 1. I eat about 2-3 ounces of white meat a day and 3-4 eggs a week, and I avoid candy, chips, and soda pop completely. An added advantage is that I eat well on only about $200 a month.
I am watching the Mets' game on TV and the hot dog vendor had a button with the price ($6) and the number of calories (310). I will try to see if other concession items are similarly labeled.
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1318107]I try to get 60-80 grams of protein a day and I look for foods with a 2/1 protein to fat ratio. Rice, beans, pasta, oatmeal, quinoa (a cup of cooked quinoa has over 8 grams of protein) , and Gardenburgers all have a 2/1 ratio. Poultry is 8 or 9 to 1. I eat about 2-3 ounces of white meat a day and 3-4 eggs a week, and I avoid candy, chips, and soda pop completely. An added advantage is that I eat well on only about $200 a month.[/QUOTE]Beer? What about the beer? LOL
[QUOTE=Dickhead; 1318107]At least in the US, the nutritional information is on the wall. One Big Mac has over half the recommended daily allowance of fat (34g) , and about 2/3 of its 590 calories are from fat:
Bread needs a bit of sugar to interact with the yeast and a little bit of salt to keep the dough from getting rubbery when it's kneaded. If you want to avoid the sugar, all you have to do is eat tortillas instead of bread. Very simple to do in the US. A whole wheat tortilla has more protein than fat and fewer than 25% of its calories are from fat.
And I don't know that you [b]have[/b] To cook at home all the time to avoid junk food. Subway is a good place to start. Applebee's has several low sodium dishes that are pretty good. Apologists for Mickey D's would probably point out that a Big Mac has 24 grams of protein. 24/34 is not a good ratio. The RDAs are 50g of protein and 65g of fat. That is 77% protein / fat and a big Mac is 71. That all sucks. I try to get 60-80 grams of protein a day and I look for foods with a 2/1 protein to fat ratio. Rice, beans, pasta, oatmeal, quinoa (a cup of cooked quinoa has over 8 grams of protein) , and Gardenburgers all have a 2/1 ratio. Poultry is 8 or 9 to 1. I eat about 2-3 ounces of white meat a day and 3-4 eggs a week, and I avoid candy, chips, and soda pop completely. An added advantage is that I eat well on only about $200 a month.[/QUOTE]
You must be rail thin on only 80 grams of protein per day or less. I eat 150 on a non-gym day. 200 if I go to the gym. MINIMUM. And I don't eat, bread, rice, or pasta. I get all my protein from real meat, and then count the beans and stuff as a carb with a little added protein. On top of that I eat mostly vegetables, and some fruit. And nothing but water and tea to drink!
Of course everything has been fucked with in the US, nowadays even a chicken in the meat section is injected with this broth shit that's really a witch's brew of soy prodcuts other chemicals that spike your insulin levels, and carbohydrate fillers usually based on GMO corn.
If you get access to good PURE protein sources (almost none in the vegetable kingdom) and cut all the rice and bread and potato garbage out of the diet, it almost doesn't matter how much fat you take in. It's the CARBS you have to cut if you want to get rid of bodily fat.
But the whole point is that this is next to impossible in the USA for any length of time, because you´d have to be eating shit like canned fish which is notoriously high in sodium, or spending a LOT of money on decent free-range meat eggs etc.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1319947]You must be rail thin on only 80 grams of protein per day or less.[/QUOTE]No.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1319947]It's the CARBS you have to cut if you want to get rid of bodily fat.[/QUOTE]Wait a minute. I thought I was rail thin. You stay with your Atkins and I will stay with my low-fat and high-carb. Neither one of us will be overweight. There are a lot of ways to eat sensibly and just because a person is not overweight doesn't mean their diet is good. But you have an [B]approach[/B] To eating that works for you and I have an [B]approach[/B] To eating that works for me. And neither approach includes salty, sweet, or fatty snacks, soda pop, or similar EMPTY calories. And I am sure you have a different approach to exercise than I do, but we [B]exercise[/B]. I don't give a shit about having six-pack abs or anything like that.
[QUOTE=Punter 127;1318154]Beer? What about the beer? LOL[/QUOTE]They don't put the protein on the label so I figure that's all gravy.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1319947]You must be rail thin on only 80 grams of protein per day or less. I eat 150 on a non-gym day. 200 if I go to the gym. MINIMUM. And I don't eat, bread, rice, or pasta. I get all my protein from real meat, and then count the beans and stuff as a carb with a little added protein. On top of that I eat mostly vegetables, and some fruit. And nothing but water and tea to drink!
Of course everything has been fucked with in the US, nowadays even a chicken in the meat section is injected with this broth shit that's really a witch's brew of soy prodcuts other chemicals that spike your insulin levels, and carbohydrate fillers usually based on GMO corn.
If you get access to good PURE protein sources (almost none in the vegetable kingdom) and cut all the rice and bread and potato garbage out of the diet, it almost doesn't matter how much fat you take in. It's the CARBS you have to cut if you want to get rid of bodily fat.
But the whole point is that this is next to impossible in the USA for any length of time, because you'the have to be eating shit like canned fish which is notoriously high in sodium, or spending a LOT of money on decent free-range meat eggs etc.[/QUOTE]Ummm, you only need about 4-5% dietary protein to be perfectly healthy. All attainable through a purely vegetarian diet."Needing" animal protein via meat, eggs or dairy really isn't needed. Tasty, but not necessary.
Research has shown that fastest weight loss is through an "Adkins" style "Paleo diet" approach, but that such weight loss is less sustainable and significantly increases cardiovascular and diabetes risks. A plant-centered "Mediterranean diet" rich in veggies, high fibre carbs, seeds, nuts, fatty fish,"healthy" fats like olive oil, and minimal meat / dairy / eggs does best at delivering weight loss at a sustainable rate (0. 5-1kg / week) , keeping that weight off, and simultaneously reducing cardiovascular and diabetes risk factors.
[QUOTE=Ebauche; 1319956]Ummm, you only need about 4-5% dietary protein to be perfectly healthy. All attainable through a purely vegetarian diet."Needing" animal protein via meat, eggs or dairy really isn't needed. Tasty, but not necessary.
Research has shown that fastest weight loss is through an "Adkins" style "Paleo diet" approach, but that such weight loss is less sustainable and significantly increases cardiovascular and diabetes risks. A plant-centered "Mediterranean diet" rich in veggies, high fibre carbs, seeds, nuts, fatty fish,"healthy" fats like olive oil, and minimal meat / dairy / eggs does best at delivering weight loss at a sustainable rate (0. 5-1kg / week) , keeping that weight off, and simultaneously reducing cardiovascular and diabetes risk factors.[/QUOTE]I don't know anybody really STRONG that gets less than 30% of their calories through protein.
Carbs such as rice and bread and shit are totally unnatural foods and IMO don't belong in a human stomach!
But back to the topic of AW, the American diet is the most screwed up one of all, because everything tends to come from a package. So people (NOT just women) in other countries have an advantage of already living in a healthier environment. It doesn't help that in all but a few places in the US you are FORCED to get around in a car either!
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1319960]I don't know anybody really STRONG that gets less than 30% of their calories through protein.
Carbs such as rice and bread and shit are totally unnatural foods and IMO don't belong in a human stomach!
But back to the topic of AW, the American diet is the most screwed up one of all, because everything tends to come from a package. So people (NOT just women) in other countries have an advantage of already living in a healthier environment. It doesn't help that in all but a few places in the US you are FORCED to get around in a car either![/QUOTE]I would much rather be quick than strong but saying rice is an unnatural food is just absurd and destroys your credibility. Have fun at the gym!
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1320132]I would much rather be quick than strong but saying rice is an unnatural food is just absurd and destroys your credibility. Have fun at the gym![/QUOTE]Agree with you on this one. I don't eat much proteins but train almost daily on the Concept 2 indoor rower. The more often for 10 000 meters best score, but also for 6 X 2000 mts hard rowing. 30 minutes challenging intensity, one hour best score, half marathons, and one in a while, a 42 200 mts marathon that I usually finish, half-dead, in less than 3 h 30 mts.
Cardio training is the best for the sport we like (sex). Weights, machine? It's useless.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1319960]I don't know anybody really STRONG that gets less than 30% of their calories through protein[/QUOTE][url]Http://eatdrinkbetter.com/2011/02/21/top-mma-fighters-raving-about-vegetarianism/[/url]
[QUOTE=Ebauche;1320179][url]Http://eatdrinkbetter.com/2011/02/21/top-mma-fighters-raving-about-vegetarianism/[/url][/QUOTE]HAHAHAHAH all welterweights, put them in the ring with a heavyweight and watch what happens.
Natural foods are foods we ate BEFORE agriculture. Wild fruits and veg and freshly caught meat. Human beings were healthier in the Paleo era than they are now, even with all the modern medicine and shit!
Anyways getting back to our sheep, that's why AW are so unhealthy as well. The food supply is garbage. Anybody who moves to the US from another country notices it immediately.
Take the eggs for example, in the US even the organic ones don't hold a candle to the ones commonly available on every street corner in Colombia. These eggs are HUGE, and the yolks are a deep orange color as opposed to the insipid canary yello of a US egg which indicates lack of micronutrients....
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1320465]HAHAHAHAH all welterweights, put them in the ring with a heavyweight and watch what happens.[/QUOTE]Doesn't matter how they might or might not fare against heavyweights, but I bet they'd kick YOUR ass. :-)
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1320465]Anyways getting back to our sheep, that's why AW are so unhealthy as well. The food supply is garbage. Anybody who moves to the US from another country notices it immediately.[/QUOTE]So why does the beef taste like shit in most other countries besides the USA? I take it you have never tried to get a decent burger or steak in Asia (with the exception of Japan. The McDonald's in Narita airport has the best 1/4 pounder.)
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1320759]I take it you have never tried to get a decent burger or steak in Asia[/QUOTE]Why in the world would one even try, except for in trying to assuage a gnawing craving after many moons away from home. Deciding to indulge in a steak in Asia and hoping against hope for a good experience is like trolling for white girls in Orchard Towers or Nana Plaza. Yeah, you might find something, but it won't be that good. If you're hankering for white meat it will only make longing for it worse. The best produce is generally locally grown.
Back to the AW topic. The best produce is usually NOT locally grown there.
I agree with you 100%! The quality of food here in the USA sucks! All the beneficial nutrients have been processed out. Chickens / Cows are fed corn mixed with bone meal and loaded up with antibiotics. It sucks!
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1320465]HAHAHAHAH all welterweights, put them in the ring with a heavyweight and watch what happens.
Natural foods are foods we ate BEFORE agriculture. Wild fruits and veg and freshly caught meat. Human beings were healthier in the Paleo era than they are now, even with all the modern medicine and shit!
Anyways getting back to our sheep, that's why AW are so unhealthy as well. The food supply is garbage. Anybody who moves to the US from another country notices it immediately.
Take the eggs for example, in the US even the organic ones don't hold a candle to the ones commonly available on every street corner in Colombia. These eggs are HUGE, and the yolks are a deep orange color as opposed to the insipid canary yello of a US egg which indicates lack of micronutrients.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1320759]So why does the beef taste like shit in most other countries besides the USA? I take it you have never tried to get a decent burger or steak in Asia (with the exception of Japan. The McDonald's in Narita airport has the best 1/4 pounder.)[/QUOTE]Beef in the USA is loaded with hormones. This is why it is banned for import in most of European countries.
See here [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhlhSQ5z4V4[/url] For understanding how industrial food is made in the USA. You are being poisoned!
[QUOTE=Bimbo Boy; 1320787]Beef in the USA is loaded with hormones. This is why it is banned for import in most of European countries.
See here.
For understanding how industrial food is made in the USA. You are being poisoned![/QUOTE]You missed the question. I didn't ask what it was loaded with. I asked why it tastes so much better than other places. You are being poisoned by living. Everybody is going to die eventually. My grandfather ate pork, drank liquor, smoked cigars, and chased women until the day he died at 90 years old. He was even shot once by my grandmother who was hiding in the back seat when he went to pick up a woman. That didn't stop his roll. And y'all are being punked out by food. Don't fucking eat then if you are afraid of the food. I went to school in Europe and I travel there frequently, and the food tastes like shit, but at least you think it's not poisoning you. Wasn't Paul McCartney's wife a vegetarian? And she died at what 56? My dad is 61 and looks as young as his 40 year old son. He never told me don't eat this or that or don't drink his daily drink (Hennessy) because it's all poison. He taught me to live life to the fullest. Shit, me and an old college / navy buddy had steaks at Fleming's in Los Angeles last night that made me want to slap my mama. It tasted just like the porterhouses that I buy at Walmart and put on the grill at home. So you just might be talking to a dead man.
P. S. Don't even let me get started on India. Aren't they supposed to be vegetarians? Yet look at them when they get older. Somebody is sneaking some meat in some damn where.
[QUOTE=Ebauche;1320686]Doesn't matter how they might or might not fare against heavyweights, but I bet they'd kick YOUR ass. :-)[/QUOTE]This is hardly the place for such a discussion, but on the street I'll step to ANY vegetarian.
As for good steaks, nothing was better than getting back to Colombia so I could get my teeth into a REAL piece of beef. I think USA beef tastes like shit! And Argentia Uruguay and Brazil all have better beef than here even. And the eggs, the yolks here are a deep orange, instead of a pale pathetic yellow like in the US. Ask ANY immigrant, the food in the US is the world's WORST.
The best burger I had in my entire life was at the corner of 46th and 8th in BOGOTA. Hamburguesas Baquero, look for them on Facebook.
Anybody who thinks that the food in London is worse than anywhere in the USA really seriously lacks taste buds.
As for healthy, anything that you can't eat in its natural state is bad for you. I eat my fruits and veg mostly raw in salad or shit like that and the meat blue rare or sometimes tartare if I can. Try eating rice or wheat right from the field and see what happens to you.
Is the topic American Women?
From the Philippines, I borrow the term Caribao. It's Phils for 'water buffalo. ' At the American mall, you find herds of Caribao.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1321715]This is hardly the place for such a discussion, but on the street I'll step to ANY vegetarian.
As for good steaks, nothing was better than getting back to Colombia so I could get my teeth into a REAL piece of beef. I think USA beef tastes like shit![/QUOTE]And Argentia Uruguay and Brazil all have better beef than here even. And the eggs, the yolks here are a deep orange, instead of a pale pathetic yellow like in the US. Ask ANY immigrant, the food in the US is the world's WORST.[/QUOTE]I can show you [B]MANY[/B] Articles listing the USA in the top 5 to 10 countries for Food Nutrition and safety. USA and New York in particular are Ranked in the BEST restaurants in the World.
Bet you can't find ONE list anywhere stating COLOMBIA is even in the top 50 of anything on a world level
I haven't seen any list that has Colombia on it PERIOD. Oh sorry, I didn't look for "Best 3rd world food".
I have been to 34 countries and I would rank the food in Colombia around 25th or so. Well below average. Number one? Spain.
I'm not talking about good gourmet cooking here. I'm talking about healthy food that doesn't spike your insulin. There's a big difference!
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1320857]You missed the question. I didn't ask what it was loaded with. I asked why it tastes so much better than other places. You are being poisoned by living. Everybody is going to die eventually. My grandfather ate pork, drank liquor, smoked cigars, and chased women until the day he died at 90 years old. He was even shot once by my grandmother who was hiding in the back seat when he went to pick up a woman. That didn't stop his roll. And y'all are being punked out by food. Don't fucking eat then if you are afraid of the food. I went to school in Europe and I travel there frequently, and the food tastes like shit.[/QUOTE]That's why I developed this rig for mongers out patrolling urban environments in search of street meat. Now you can have quality American rations to keep you in good form and at peak performance.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1322219]I'm not talking about good gourmet cooking here. I'm talking about healthy food that doesn't spike your insulin. There's a big difference![/QUOTE]Colombia farmers may not introduce hormones into cattle or chickens. But the governments standards and ability to regulate pesticides used or sanitary conditions on produce and farm animals is minimal at best.
[quote=chocha monger; 1322394]that's why i developed this rig for mongers out patrolling urban environments in search of street meat. now you can have quality american rations to keep you in good form and at peak performance.
[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vdditkmdf6g[/url][/quote]hahhahhahaahah chocha nice one!
getting back on topic, i was just away from colombia for three months, and i had girls in nyc hitting on me, wasn't interested, turned them all down. ditto on the english chicks in london. didn't move a molecule of me. english girls were intelliegent but boring and insipid, and often didn't take care of themselves, do their hair nice, brush their teeth. some smelled like they didn't bathe too often. the aw at least always bathe daily, but have often nothing in their heads, and tend to be fatter and dress horribly.
finally got back to colombia and had a mini orgy with two friends who are also gf and gf, and one of my roommates. it was worth waiting. i have a whole new perspective of sensuality and beauty to fulfill now!
plus i finally had some decent grapes and a decent orange for the first time in three months. and i personally love the way the meat tastes here, as long as you avoid the tons of restaurants where they overcook it :p
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1322394]That's why I developed this rig for mongers out patrolling urban environments in search of street meat. Now you can have quality American rations to keep you in good form and at peak performance.
[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vdDItKMDf6g[/url][/QUOTE]Yeah that was some funny shit. I was looking at the pictures on the right hand side and expecting to see a guy with guns or something. Then when they panned the camera out I started rolling. He said we can be away from home for 2 or 3 hours with nothing to eat. LOL.
Lugalzaggizi what are you trying to prove by getting rejected by 30 American women? That it's impossible for you to get pussy in America? Most guys here have already concluded that it's a waste of time approaching AW and begging for phone numbers or dates. Your blow by blow accounts of rejection are entertaining though. Let us know when you get sprayed with mace or detained by the cops. LOL
Not only American women
When I read these posts about US women I can't help thinking women in major industrialized countries are hardly any better. Don't forget that if you can get sex eg in Germany, it's because women from non EU countries are still allowed to work there. As sex mongers we should remember to spend some time reading MRA blogs and become active as MRAs (men's rights activists). Feminists are closing in on our lifestyle. If we don't put up a fight soon we will have nothing more to report.
[QUOTE=XXL;1327417]Don't forget that if you can get sex eg in Germany, it's because women from non EU countries are still allowed to work there.[/QUOTE]Women from NON-EU countries are hardly allowed to work in Germany. But you are right, most WG are from the poorer EU countries as Romania or Bulgaria, or Poland, Hungary, CZ.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub; 1327431]Women from NON-EU countries are hardly allowed to work in Germany.
HB[/QUOTE]Yeah, I should've said "non Schengen countries". But you still have a good 30% from outside the EU (mainly from South America these days, non longer from SE Asia). Of course these are or were married to an man from inside the EU otherwise they would not be allowed to work.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1326786](snip) nor do you ever accept an e-mail address if she offers it.[/QUOTE]And why would that be?
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1326786]Today, I asked a fairly attractive Asian woman for her phone number and she said I will take her number. I replied,"I will give you my phone number and you can give me yours. She then said she would give me her e-mail address. I told her I don't set up dates with e-mail. She replied," I don't give out my phone number." I replied,"I respect your decision. Have a good day." Never give a woman your phone number without her giving yours nor do you ever accept an e-mail address if she offers it.[/QUOTE]Actually this is the sanest thing that I have seen Lug write. Fair exchange is no robbery. Everything should be quid pro quo. I give you mine and you give me yours. No exception. None of this one up stuff of you having more info on me than I have on you. If you are expecting an American woman to call you and she hasn't given you her number then you are out of your fucking mind. Maybe 1 time out of 100. And email? Even if it is the right email she will either not answer or answer a couple of times and brush you off or string you along because she has a boyfriend. Just politely decline any one-way exchanges and go about your way.
Not to mention they always have excuses. I just ran into a woman 15 minutes ago that I know and that I have gone out with before but she just said she didn't have my number anymore because she has a new phone and asked why I haven't called her. I told her because I have been waiting for her to call me.
Even my own (ex) wife. The first time I met her and gave her my number she never called. When I saw her a few days later I asked her what had happened and she said that she had lost the number. Then we did a proper exchange. We got married 7 months later.
[QUOTE=XXL;1327417]When I read these posts about US women I can't help thinking women in major industrialized countries are hardly any better. Don't forget that if you can get sex eg in Germany, it's because women from non EU countries are still allowed to work there. As sex mongers we should remember to spend some time reading MRA blogs and become active as MRAs (men's rights activists). Feminists are closing in on our lifestyle. If we don't put up a fight soon we will have nothing more to report.[/QUOTE]Two FFKs (2007) and three women.
One Polish. Terrible.
One Hungarian. Very Nice.
One German. Ideal GFE.
Not all feminist are closing in, some support us. That said MRA is not cohesive IE: Its very White Male and Libertarian, not a good combination for Men of Color IMHO to support. We have different issues with women that can be addressed different ways. I have less problems with White American / Western European Women than the average White man does because I take no sh*t and back it up. I don't bargain or plead with women either, they can take it or leave it.
Then again, I don't date Western women if I can avoid it. They are too old, I want to have children. If you need money or overt game to get a woman, you can count me out.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub; 1327431]Women from NON-EU countries are hardly allowed to work in Germany. But you are right, most WG are from the poorer EU countries as Romania or Bulgaria, or Poland, Hungary, CZ.
HB[/QUOTE]Hmmm, I did a Bulgarian, Polish and Hungarian while in Germany, does that count as some sort of hat trick?
The Polish was by far the worst."Hurry up and come."
The others "I live to fuck, I'm a nympho" = German girl.
"I love Black Men" = Hungarian (and by far the best looking woman I have ever dated / screwed by a long way.)
The Bulgarian spoke no English what so ever, but it was GFE otherwise.
Who cares about phone numbers?
All this talk about getting a ladies phone number is missing the point.
1. Having a conversation, flirting and chatting comes first, then.
2. Exchanging phone numbers is a sign of the followup.
So, first there has to be the motivation to return calls, make calls and even answer calls, answer emails.
So, we come down to the quality of the pickup line. We need a line that says to the lady that she needs to think about her and yo together. If this qualification is done then the number exchange is meaningful. Where it doesn't come, the lady has already decided to burn you off, even if she does give you her work mobile (instead of her personal cell number).
An opening NLP question that has worked for me is"
"Would a lady like you date a guy like me?"
In the mind this triggers off a series of
Am I looking for a date? Yes / no.
What kind of guy is he? Intrigue / no interest.
What kind of lady like me does he think I am? Intrigue / offense.
When I say it works for me, it catches the ladies that are interested and also, discounts the ones that aren't open to what I'm looking for.
If you have time this autumn, please give it a try 4-5 times and let me know via the forum.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1317277]In men the body fat % should be from 8-12, in women from 18-25.
Most US bodybuilders ARE too fucking fat because they have in excess of 12% (assuming male bodybuilders). I'm at 14% right now, considered in shape by US standards, still a little bit fat in the rest of the world. A lot of world class bodybuilders and shotputters etc ARE too fucking fat. They may be world class athletes but they're still too fucking fat!
I just shed 20 pounds in 3 weeks in the US, but I did it by being in ketosis for 2 of those weeks. It works, but it's not a good long term strategy, and it has its side effects, it makes you smell horrible, and in my case gave me reflux a couple of nights. But I have no idea how else to NOT gain weight here in the US.
Gaining or losing fat on your body has very little to do with ANYTHING else than body insulin levels. Not even calories really matter that much. If you're SWIMMING in insulin, you can take in 800 calories a day and your body will put on 800 calories worth of fat, and burn muscle tissue for energy! Which is my big beef (sic!) with the American food supply. EVERY last goddamn thing in the supermarket has shit in it that spikes your insulin levels. Even a whole chicken is now injected with a broth containing soybean shit and a nasty witches brew of insulin-supporting garbage! I've been subsisting on eggs and canned fish but the sodium levels are also unacceptable.[/QUOTE]I lost 35lbs over 3 months, BF is 12% (started at 18. 4%). For your abs to show you need to be 11% of below. I stopped for awhile to save money (yes saving $40 a month matters.) before I take my trip this late winter / spring I will address that by getting it down to 9-10% or less or cutting as its called.
I'd like you to tell these people they are "fucking fat", you won't have any teeth.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney;1327920]I'd like you to tell these people they are "fucking fat", you won't have any teeth.[/QUOTE]Where I live chicks love you more if you look like the Buddha.
[i]That said MRA is not cohesive IE: Its very White Male and Libertarian, not a good combination for Men of Color IMHO to support.[/i]
Conservative yes, in the sense that if they're Americans, they would be either non-partisan or republican, hardly ever democrat. But white supremacists? That's a myth. The problem is black males think Obama is their friends. He isn't. Look here: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y4_ndYL_IM&feature=plcp[/url]
You'll find every trend in the MRA movement because all types of men are being victimised. Personaly I often argue on MRA sites against "American divorced fathers" who don't see the connection between feminism and anti-sex legislation (age-of-consent laws, prostitution bans etc.). But expat pussy hunters like us should also get involved in the bigger fight. You can't deny that in any part of the world, opportunities of getting laid are inversely proportional to feminism. The fems are sitting right now to devise ways of preventing men to travel for sex or marry foreign girls. Most of us still manage to get laid and do not expect to be prevented from doing so but I see bad legislation ahead. Pensions will be cut for men who retire in cheap countries (=pussy havens) for example. The drive against prostitution is now led by feminists, with the indictment of the men seeking prostitutes (rather than the prostitutes themselves). Whenever I travel for sex or business these days I carry my MRA leaflets with me. I can think of no better way to kill time in Airports.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1328042]I asked out thirty-four women last week off the street in Manhattan and got four phone numbers. One woman responded and agreed to a date to go with me to the Dream Hotel at the Alva Lounge on Thursday. In addition, I got another phone number today, so I can hedge- a concept which I will discuss extensively in my book. I will text the new woman about a date on Friday and I will mention that my intention is to partake in a sexual interlude with her after the outing at the nightclub. Since the date for Thursday is already set it will be of less consequence if my proposition to the other woman is denied. Darwinism is brutal.[/QUOTE]I think trying to be sure of the outcome by talking so blatantly about sex before even the first date is bringing your numbers down. If a woman is attracted to you, there is no NEED to say anything, as a matter of fact the more you say the more you run the risk of fucking it up!
And if a woman is interested but not enough, the kind of talk you have to engage in with her to win her over should have NOTHING to do with sex.
AND if she's not interested at all, nothing else you say or do will make a difference!
as a native ny'er i applaud your efforts and your enthusiasm for an otherwise mundane dating scene.
people who get laid in nyc have these things going for them :
1. a social circle. i can't stress this enough. this is nyc and although people like to meet other people they are weary of them. get yourself into a group or some kind of click. someplace where you are introduced to new people through people you already know. date [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord124][CodeWord124][/url] and freaky fellows are real in this city. not many girls will feel comfortable being around a strange fellow.
2. have some kind of purpose in life that makes you interesting. ie. you work for peta. your best friend works for russell simmons and you go to all the industry parties. your click of friends are brooklyn hipsters who know where the cool loft parties are on the weekends. value. what value can you bring to the table?
3. money. self explanatory.
4. drop dead good looks and a rebel mentality (good for bklyn bad for manhattan)
* if you need to take a girl out on a date to get laid then you are imo already on the losing end of the deal. guys who get laid don't have to date to get laid! i can't stress this enough. they might go on dates after they get laid but "dating" will not affect their sexual experiences either way. when a girl want to "hang out" with you then you have it made. if she "allows" you to take her on a date she is playing you for a sucker. what kind of a privilege is it to be able to spend money on a woman in hopes of getting sexual favors in return? that's called desperation. throwing "whatever" up against the wall and seeing if it sticks. on your dime.
Your posts are interesting. But I don't have time to read every single one of them, so could you just give us the Cliff's Notes version; have you gotten laid by any of this nonsense that you're doing, or not?
Instead of wasting all this time that you're spending persuing AWs, why don't you just get a second job and then use that money to go on mongering trips abroad? It's hard to understand why any senior member who has traveled abroad would even waste their time with AWs.
I wish I had half the free time you have!
What I can't understand is what insight would Lug's book be able to provide.
So you hit on every woman in eye sight. Of course. You are bound to get a positive response with one sooner or later.
I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure that out. I don't see where you provide any thing than that.
99% of guys do not want to go thru 40 or 50 rejects to get to 1 "Possible" "Maybe" at best. Most don't consider that success.
Now if you can give insight with PROOF. That you can LOWER the rejection rate to something like 1 out of 3 or close to that.
Then you have something to write about.
Such as "Pick up" Artist profess. Otherwise. You just stating plain common sense.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1327997]Where I live chicks love you more if you look like the Buddha.[/QUOTE]Really? Where is that? I have to go there.
Well Said
[QUOTE=Ezinho; 1328542]Loogie:
Your posts are interesting. But I don't have time to read every single one of them, so could you just give us the Cliff's Notes version; have you gotten laid by any of this nonsense that you're doing, or not?
Instead of wasting all this time that you're spending persuing AWs, why don't you just get a second job and then use that money to go on mongering trips abroad? It's hard to understand why any senior member who has traveled abroad would even waste their time with AWs.
I wish I had half the free time you have![/QUOTE]I couldn't agree more. It's such a futile effort when you can predict very accurately what the outcome will be. I'm a native new yorker that swore off AW a long time ago after my trip to latin america.
You'll find every trend in the MRA movement because all types of men are being victimised. Personaly I often argue on MRA sites against "American divorced fathers" who don't see the connection between feminism and anti-sex legislation (age-of-consent laws, prostitution bans etc.). But expat pussy hunters like us should also get involved in the bigger fight. You can't deny that in any part of the world, opportunities of getting laid are inversely proportional to feminism. The fems are sitting right now to devise ways of preventing men to travel for sex or marry foreign girls. Most of us still manage to get laid and do not expect to be prevented from doing so but I see bad legislation ahead. Pensions will be cut for men who retire in cheap countries (=pussy havens) for example. The drive against prostitution is now led by feminists, with the indictment of the men seeking prostitutes (rather than the prostitutes themselves). Whenever I travel for sex or business these days I carry my MRA leaflets with me. I can think of no better way to kill time in Airports.[/QUOTE]
I think it's more complex than feminism. In Sweden, where feminism is strong, people get laid much more often, and nudity is much more prevalent than USA / UK. It goes to our peculiar brand of conservative social norms, in conjunction with old-time Chivalry, fat chick population, and lack of traveling, etc. There are many turds in the zeitergeits of USA culture that can't be replicated, in toto, in any other society.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1331143]The Colombian woman texted me while I was in the movie theater, just two hours after meeting me. I was going to hedge the liaison with her by setting up an outing at the museum for next Sunday and refrain from any concupiscent overtures until the second date, if indeed she did agree to a second date. However, due to the fact that she texted and rather quickly at that I am going to change my game plan. I texted her for a date at Persepolis. I rarely ever get a woman to send the initial text, so for her forthrightness I am going treat her to a fine meal at a nice restaurant and then I am going to ask her if she would be interested in partaking in a concupiscent interlude in which I will do my best to satisfy her sexual desires. I am confident that she will except my overtures and if she doesn't then I will have enjoyed a scrumptious dinner with companionship. We can't have everything we want now can we. This is what I live for and prepare for. I am going for it.[/QUOTE]No need to lie, just say anything is possible at this point, and tell her to win you! :P If she's Colombian there's a good chance she will succeed too!!!
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1327634]The Velvet List on Facebook is an effective way to effectuate sociosexual liaisons. Send out friend requests to women on the list that come up on your page. One can also hedge by sending friend requests to 25% of the friend suggestions that come up on your page and 75% of the women just a message in order to meet for a date. If you can get some to accept your friend request you now have their entire friend's list at your disposal. Your dating pool has now gone viral.[/QUOTE]I've never tried the velvet list (what is it?) but have always had a terrible time with USA girls on facebook. I've seriously sent out 45 messages to random girls in one day and not gotten a single response. I'm not old or bad looking by the way, but looking for girls on facebook these days is impossible. I blame the whole "creepy stalker" thing which is stupid because random guys at bars are totally 100% more dangerous.
I've actually given up on USA dating.Too much work for too few rewards.
[QUOTE=Great Muta; 1332670]I've never tried the velvet list (what is it?) but have always had a terrible time with USA girls on facebook. I've seriously sent out 45 messages to random girls in one day and not gotten a single response. I'm not old or bad looking by the way, but looking for girls on facebook these days is impossible. I blame the whole "creepy stalker" thing which is stupid because random guys at bars are totally 100% more dangerous.
I've actually given up on USA dating. Too much work for too few rewards.[/QUOTE]In today's social makeup. It is definitely harder for the average guy to succeed with the "above avg" woman. 6+ and above. You have to think from their perspective.
6+ women are approached by guys (wealthy to poor). In person and social media. Their available choices have quadrupled. So now the "6" in a small town. Who in the pass, was only approach was limited to the local guys. Now gets Friends request from."wealthy" Ted from the big city. Who will fly her out, wine and dine her to get into the panties. Show her a night (no one or only a few) in her area can.
Just as you send out Friends request. So has the guy who lives in "bum fuck" Idaho. But with money to burn. Before FB he had to choose from his locals. Especially if he was not the "Rico swavvay" kinda guy. But now he can send FR to 6+ girls everywhere. With offers of weekend rendezvous to nice hotels on the beach. They even have that one site."Sugar Daddys". Just for these kind of guys. So if a woman is really the type who is going to respond to a FB approach. These are the type of guys and type of dates "Most" expect. So when they check out your site to decide whether to accept or not. It should reflect that.
But all in all. Social media has given 6+ women access to more guys willing to lavish them with dates and gifts. Its about the same as Guys going abroad for women. Only difference AW don't have to go abroad. Because. There is a large supply of men in the USA willing to lavish them. Social media just gave them a means of contact. So now there is a larger segment of 6+ women who don't even consider guys who don't treat them in this manner. Making the available pool of 6+ who will smaller and tougher to find for the average guy.
I too have changed my views on the matter. And can see why guys consider women outside of the USA. But I think much can be blamed on the USA culture itself. Where people put more value in "material" wealth than value in family. So women grow up with a "what can you do for me" attitude.
I do really miss the old days. Back in the day before cell phones and the internet, if you were travelling or if she was travelling (or both of you) it was understood that a one night stand started and ended there. Now there's a whole bunch of expectations that you'll keep in touch and you can never move on. And people talked with each other because they REALLY wanted to, because reaching out to somebody else took more than zero effort, now people just talk with each other in a vain attempt to kill the boredom.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1333019]I do really miss the old days. Back in the day before cell phones and the internet, if you were travelling or if she was travelling (or both of you) it was understood that a one night stand started and ended there. Now there's a whole bunch of expectations that you'll keep in touch and you can never move on. And people talked with each other because they REALLY wanted to, because reaching out to somebody else took more than zero effort, now people just talk with each other in a vain attempt to kill the boredom.[/QUOTE]Well in my "old" days before cell phones and the internet there was the chat line. 976-GABB. It cost but I always had a hookup. Back in those days calling card numbers would circulate and if that didn't work you could always stick a safety pin into the mouthpiece of a pay phone and rub it on the silver part of the main box and voila, free call. It was always understood when you met one of those girls in person that fucking was mandatory. The internet became more widespread a few years after, giving way to chat rooms. These days if you bag a chicks number they never tell you to call. It's always "send me a text." WTF?
My opinion
My opinion on american women is that they need security and want to get married and have kids. I came across with a few women who were trying to tell me no sex before marriage. LOL. And some wanted to fuck without condom and get kids asap. Its dangerous game out there for guys who don't understand american women thinkings. And the WOMEN worry about feminist rights and always talk about how men abuse women.
Nobody has ever raised questions about how manipulative these women can be. Guys get trapped badly and pay hefty penalty to get out including divorce settlement, child support when they did not wanted kids. Not to mention these once pretty chicks turn fat after marriage and don't want sex anymore.
[QUOTE=Nsd1983;1333044]Not to mention these once pretty chicks turn fat after marriage and don't want sex anymore.[/QUOTE]This is the real issue and all that other shit is just noise.
[QUOTE=Great Muta; 1332670]I've never tried the velvet list (what is it?) but have always had a terrible time with USA girls on facebook. I've seriously sent out 45 messages to random girls in one day and not gotten a single response. I'm not old or bad looking by the way, but looking for girls on facebook these days is impossible. I blame the whole "creepy stalker" thing which is stupid because random guys at bars are totally 100% more dangerous.
I've actually given up on USA dating. Too much work for too few rewards.[/QUOTE]Dating in the USA has very few rewards period. In New York unless you are a rich banker, business man, play for a major sports organization or have killer good looks, the average pretty girls (5) is out of your reach. They will allow you to spend lots of money on them and string you along but you may not even get to first base.
That is why, with AW, on the third date I always talk about the hereafter. If you're not here after what I'm here after, you're going to be here after I'm gone.
[quote=lugalzaggizi;1333338]really. one of my former students organizes parties in nyc. he invited me to a party in brooklyn last saturday and there were nineteen-year old guys with 18-year old girls with model looks up against the wall practically [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125][CodeWord125][/url] them and the only money they spent was the twenty dollar cover charge. none of them were investment bankers or famous sports stars. i was the only guy in there dressed like an investment banker, ralph lauren casual wear, and the only looks i was getting from women, other than alumni that know me, were ones of perplexity.[/quote]ironically the poorer the neighborhood the less they care about money and the more it's all just about looks :p
Before I developed a social conscience, I used to go to bars in the western US and fuck drunk Indian women. Now that I have developed a social conscience, I go to bars in the western US and fuck drunk Native American women. I don't notice a big difference.
So, who let it happen?
[QUOTE=Carlos3000;1333210]Dating in the USA has very few rewards period. In New York unless you are a rich banker, business man, play for a major sports organization or have killer good looks, the average pretty girls (5) is out of your reach. They will allow you to spend lots of money on them and string you along but you may not even get to first base.[/QUOTE]Question is why do you American men put up with that shit?
Is it because most American women are lard assed, fat monstrosities and there are too few hard bodies to go around?
Or, sorry to say this, American men are pussies and let women dictate terms?
I am in Asia. 58 years old, while not bad looking (certainly can't be described as being good looking by any stretch of the imagination). Only yesterday, I saw this cute little, barely nineteen year old, waitress at this fast food place. Smile, chat and few hours later. There she was bent across my sofa moaning "please don't stop".
Ask yourselves, why does this not happen in America? Who is stopping the American men?
[QUOTE=Kingforking;1337567]Question is why do you American men put up with that shit? Is it because most American women are lard assed, fat monstrosities and there are too few hard bodies to go around?[/QUOTE]It's funny how I constantly read derogatory comments on this board about the physical appearance of American women, yet no matter what country I go to on this planet the local women are always in awe of how beautiful American women are and don't think of themselves the same way as you guys rave about them.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1337679]no matter what country I go to on this planet the local women are always in awe of how beautiful American women are[/QUOTE]Hum. Really? Never heard such thing in Former Soviet Union or in East Europe. (rolleyes)
So, once again, who let it happen?
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1337679]It's funny how I constantly read derogatory comments on this board about the physical appearance of American women, yet no matter what country I go to on this planet the local women are always in awe of how beautiful American women are and don't think of themselves the same way as you guys rave about them.[/QUOTE]With respect, you misunderstand me Mr Enternational.
It is not my point that there is NO American woman who is good looking. Far from it. As in any country USA has its fair share of good looking women (but IMHO, certainly no more than in Asia, where I live or as others may claim with justification, in South America or in Africa or wherever).
My point is that so many American men complain on this board that women in USA are manipulative, they trap men into marital servitude, deny husbands sex in marriage unless the husbands stand on their hind legs and beg for it; and if they are unmarried, get men to spend money on them, string them along and not let them get to first base etc.
Man up for god sake! Why do you put up with that crap? That is my point.
For starters, you American men can slam down whenever you hear your women say they are "putting out" or that they "give sex" to men. How ugly is that? Sex is something beautiful to be shared equally between two consenting adults. It is not something to be dished out by one high and mighty partner to another, undeserving pussy.
[quote=kingforking;1337567]who is stopping the american men?[/quote]sexual harassment and date [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] laws,"john tv," and civil lawsuits are high on the list.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1337679]It's funny how I constantly read derogatory comments on this board about the physical appearance of American women, yet no matter what country I go to on this planet the local women are always in awe of how beautiful American women are and don't think of themselves the same way as you guys rave about them.[/QUOTE]Duh. They see the American women who are attractive enough to be in the media, and only those women. Double duh.
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1337807]Duh. They see the American women who are attractive enough to be in the media, and only those women. Double duh.[/QUOTE]Since when does media=beautiful / slim / or whatever you find attractive? If I could just say one word, "Oprah." You act as if American women don't travel everyday to where these people live or that some of them have never traveled to the USA. Triple duh.
"It's nothing new that public figures, even minor ones like local newscasters, get critical emails. It comes as no surprise to me, then, that a morning news anchor in Lacrosse, Wisconsin, recently received one telling her she was not fit to be a role model to young girls. Why? Jennifer Livingston, the anchor in question, is fat.
The email she received, while ostensibly concerned with Livingston's "community responsibility" to her viewers, reads as little more than an effort to shame a fat woman who dares to appear in public."
Discombobulation of Mr. Enternational
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational; 1337843]Since when does media=beautiful / slim / or whatever you find attractive? If I could just say one word,"Oprah." You act as if American women don't travel everyday to where these people live or that some of them have never traveled to the USA. Triple duh.
"It's nothing new that public figures, even minor ones like local newscasters, get critical emails. It comes as no surprise to me, then, that a morning news anchor in Lacrosse, Wisconsin, recently received one telling her she was not fit to be a role model to young girls. Why? Jennifer Livingston, the anchor in question, is fat.
The email she received, while ostensibly concerned with Livingston's "community responsibility" to her viewers, reads as little more than an effort to shame a fat woman who dares to appear in public."
[url]http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/oct/03/jennifer-livingston-newscaster-fightback-bully[/url][/QUOTE]Mr. Enternational your argument is a classic case of ignoratio elenchi. Or simply put, attacking what the other fellow never said.
When did Dickhead say that only women in American media are beautiful? He was merely pointing out that women in other countries are more likely to have American celebrities as their point of reference when talking about beautiful AW. Surely, a reasonable proposition?
After mischaracterising what Dickhead said (you are making a habit of this Mr. Enternational. Refer also to your earlier mischaracterisation of my comments) you then jump to some crackpot's email about how fat women should not appear in public as if this was the argument any of us were mounting!
Now read again what YOU wrote:
"no matter what country I go to on this planet" . ANY country on earth?
"the local women are always in awe". ALWAYS that is. 100% of the time?
"of how beautiful American women are". ALL American women?
"and don't think of themselves the same way as you guys rave about them". That is, NONE of the women, in ANY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, think of themselves as beautiful when compared to ANY American woman?
Are you capable of lucid thought Mr. Enternational? Or, are you a closet femnazi?
Here in Colombia usually a Colombian woman will tell you Scandinavian women are the most beautiful in the world, or otherwise Colombians or Venezuelans are. NOBODY thinks AW are beautiful here.
If you talk about what country has the hottest women, you need to set some parameters. The highest average "hotness" score? The most 10s on the one to ten scale? I don't think you get the same answer.
It's useful to examine alternatives to the traditional 1-10 scale. I will offer two such alternatives. One is the Hillbilly Scale and the other is the Budweiser Scale. The HS runs from 0 to 5 and is as follows. A 0 is a woman you would not fuck or eat. A 1 is a woman you would fuck but not eat. A 2 is a woman you would fuck or eat. A 3 is a woman you would eat and then fuck. A 4 is a woman you would fuck and then eat, and a 5 is a woman you would eat after your buddy just fucked her. Now your Budweiser Scale (BS) is entirely different: how many Clydesdales it would take to drag her off my face.
Unfortunately the two scales are not directly comparable; hence, the debate rages on.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1342766]The lights are dim and the Sambo music is playing in the background.[/QUOTE]It's actually SamBA music amigo.
I thought this was a thread on AMERICAN Women? Can we get back on topic please? ROFLMAO. Sambo music? WTF?
Hey when did this become Lugalzaggizi's blog? Seriously dude I think you're mistaken.
The Game
Hi guys,
Reading the Game by Neil Strauss. And its seems to me that becoming a successfull pua or to monger will require more or less the same amount of money and time. And the result will be pretty much the same. Both in terms of quality and quantity. I know it might be more noble to pick up a woman (freebie) but on the other hand if you go have to go thru such a huge tranformation just to get laid (which is the ultimate goal) then mongering might be an alternative, after all.
What are your thoughts?
[QUOTE=MrAdams;1347100]What are your thoughts?[/QUOTE]I have some thoughts, but they are not entirely built out.
You would gain more in a workshop on say "The Fundamentals of Wooden Boatbuilding" on how to pick up women than in Pick Up Artist (PUA) Workshops. That is, if you did something with your time that seemed interesting, physical and handy, you would have something charming and magnetic to contribute. Of course, taking a weekend workshop is the stuff of a dilettante. In my opinion, women are attracted to men who demonstrate a real commitment to the things they love. The guy that loves football and watches it all Sunday is one thing, a professional player is what I am talking about. Being an exceptionally good yoga instructor is an 'easy' way to meet women, but it takes years of dedication and a certain style. It's almost pointless to measure the costs of going down this path, it's very costly to become good at something and, if part of your plan is to attract women, you need to pick something that both fits you and serves that goal. In other words, you might be an exceptional accountant, but unfortunately those skills probably are not going to bring you to the attention of many attractive young women; you need to find a second passion.
The cost of being a good sex tourist is fairly high, too. In order to optimize results, you often have to learn a foriegn language. For most folks, that is a significant commitment in time and resources. And there are other costs as well. Of course, since you are posting here, I'm sure you understand I think these costs and the benefits profile way better than PUA methods. For me age is a factor. In my twenties I never would have seriously considered traveling in order to find women, there was no point. As I got older, in my thirties, I found I had to start thinking more about how I was going to attract women; I worked some of the ideas I suggested above. That worked out. But, getting older, I feel like the ISG path offers 'better optimization' of my time. Basically, as you get older, the economics of this route make more sense.
Dude, seriously, what you do if you don't have money for a hotel is you fuck her in the bathroom somewhere. :P.
And as for your method, I think the big problem with it is that the success rate is always going to be low with random women. You can't just go around and see a woman you like and expect success, the odds of that happening are akin to being struck by lightning. The attraction has to be MUTUAL. And the woman has to like you and notice you FIRST, or she's not going to have any interest.
It is possible to win a woman over if there is no inicial interest, but to do so you have to work your ass off and invest not only money but significant time and energy over a period of weeks or even months or more, and the relationship never really has the same quality as one that is based on mutual attraction.
If you're looking for sex quickly you can either 1) approach women ONLY after being given some sort of a signal by them 2) pay for it.
Lugz: You've got almost the last 3 pages of this thread with only your posts. You're responding to [I]yourself[/I]!
BC: Glad that [I]somebody's[/I] Listening to him!
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1353269]Dude, seriously, what you do if you don't have money for a hotel is you fuck her in the bathroom somewhere. :P.
And as for your method, I think the big problem with it is that the success rate is always going to be low with random women. You can't just go around and see a woman you like and expect success, the odds of that happening are akin to being struck by lightning. The attraction has to be MUTUAL. And the woman has to like you and notice you FIRST, or she's not going to have any interest.
It is possible to win a woman over if there is no inicial interest, but to do so you have to work your ass off and invest not only money but significant time and energy over a period of weeks or even months or more, and the relationship never really has the same quality as one that is based on mutual attraction.
If you're looking for sex quickly you can either 1) approach women ONLY after being given some sort of a signal by them 2) pay for it.[/QUOTE]I completely agree with you BC. Also might I add, the easiest sex you will ever get is college sex, after college the degree of difficulty in accessing easy sex increases considerably.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax;1355243]I completely agree with you BC. Also might I add, the easiest sex you will ever get is college sex, after college the degree of difficulty in accessing easy sex increases considerably.[/QUOTE]Speak for youself. I went to an all male college!
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1350074]Just look at some of the lines and deliveries that were being used by guys at party last night and they were doing a hell of a lot better than I, albeit I did effectuate interest in one woman. They are tw.[/QUOTE]What a verbose motherf#$cker. Dude, the strength of a forum is in the differences of opinions. Not in the force feeding of yours.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational;1355257]Speak for youself. I went to an all male college![/QUOTE]Precisely why you know a heck of a lot about the relationship dynamics between male and females in a "normal" (male/female) college environment.................. LOL
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1337258]I got a phone number from a woman from Russia while I was in the health food store. She said I was quite direct when I told her she was attractive and that I wanted her telephone number. She couldn't respond and I just looked at her and waited for her answer. She asked if I was serious. I told her that I certainly am. She then said it was quite direct and funny. I told her that I get right to the point. I thought to myself if she thinks that is direct wait until she goes on a date with me and direct I will be about having sex with her.[/QUOTE]Dude, you are the damn man LOL. I'm very bold and direct with woman all the time. I simply play the numbers game. Somebody has to like me if I keep campaigning until I get elected.
I'm impressed you replied to my post.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1350059]An avocation can only take one so far. One needs to have the techniques for meeting women and seducing them. No amount of acounting or woodworking courses or sport expertice will give one those techniques, hence Game and The Pick Up Artist are beneficial readings.[/QUOTE]That's an interesting observation based on your posting history. Your methodology seems to be classic shotgun, you don't plan the geography out ahead of time; you just fire away if you see something you like, right? How much style comes into play? I'm not hating your strategy here, just pointing out what it is. If you are hunting duck, the shotgun is your best choice. I'm sure some rare women find it curious and original; on the other hand, I imagine a lot of other folks take a much dimmer view.
Anyway, I agree that women generally select on personality and status. To the extent that self help books to improve your personality those books might be beneficial, but if you saw a copy of either of those books on a friends bookshelf, well, it would simply not suggest a strong and assertive personality. Whereas, say, a copy of Popular Mechanics suggests a level of utility, initiative and confidence. A resourceful and confident man will always bank the dollars; you don't find alpha males in the self-help section of the bookstore.
[QUOTE=KingForKing;1337567]Only yesterday, I saw this cute little, barely nineteen year old, waitress at this fast food place. Smile, chat and few hours later. There she was bent across my sofa moaning "please don't stop".[/QUOTE]Freebie or paid?
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1338266]Now your Budweiser Scale (BS) is entirely different: how many Clydesdales it would take to drag her off my face[/QUOTE]I like your idea of the Budweiser Scale, very innovative. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
[QUOTE=Carlos3000;1333210]Dating in the USA has very few rewards period. In New York unless you are a rich banker, business man, play for a major sports organization or have killer good looks, the average pretty girls (5) is out of your reach. They will allow you to spend lots of money on them and string you along but you may not even get to first base.[/QUOTE]Yeah it's tough. Everyone's too busy and everyone thinks they can do better. Only girls I've dated lately have been through POF except for one Russian girl that I met in a Russian club and I never heard back from her after the first date.
I think more and more guys are waking up to how messed up the dating situation is here in the US. So they're only a few years behind most members of this forum LOL.
Spending money on women is weak and ineffective, it places men into a provider / beta role instead of guy she will bang role.
The trend today, especially among young people, is that there are fewer and fewer traditional dates. It's hooking up at a bar / club or approaching girls online through Facebook, and inviting them over to your place to "watch a movie". I think it's a carryover from college dating (and I'm sure the economy influences this as well).
The better-looking the guy is, the more this holds true.
With older guys, 30+, like me, they are learning that a traditional dinner date is useless and a waste of money. Either meet for coffee and go from there or take 'em to a dive bar and try to get them drunk asap.
My FB I met on POF didn't even have a date, she came over and we banged right away.
1 photos
"dating" is the better option!
This, is why marriage in North America is not the best alternative. $12K PER MONTH! For many women in FSU, that would be enough for the entire year! She could take care of your children and have as much sex with you as you want. You could support 12 such women for the price it takes to support ONE in North America. Not only that, she would look deliciously beautiful, sexy and feminine at least until she is 40. Actually, the two factors are related. They HAVE to keep themselves looking good to make sure you keep them around and not trade them for someone younger so easily. It is the gravy train of marriage and the equal division of assets that ruined the women in North America.
So, yes, as long as you can resist the urge of a family (and yes, men have a biological clock too) , it is better to just date, or better yet, just hook-up as the kids say.
[QUOTE=Cherchezfemme; 1374262]I think more and more guys are waking up to how messed up the dating situation is here in the US. So they're only a few years behind most members of this forum LOL.
Spending money on women is weak and ineffective, it places men into a provider / beta role instead of guy she will bang role.
The trend today, especially among young people, is that there are fewer and fewer traditional dates. It's hooking up at a bar / club or approaching girls online through Facebook, and inviting them over to your place to "watch a movie". I think it's a carryover from college dating (and I'm sure the economy influences this as well).
The better-looking the guy is, the more this holds true.
With older guys. 30+, like me, they are learning that a traditional dinner date is useless and a waste of money. Either meet for coffee and go from there or take 'them to a dive bar and try to get them drunk asap.
My FB I met on POF didn't even have a date, she came over and we banged right away.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Westcoast1; 1353282]Lugz: You've got almost the last 3 pages of this thread with only your posts. You're responding to [I]yourself[/I]!
BC: Glad that [I]somebody's[/I] Listening to him![/QUOTE]What happened to this thread?
I have gone through 8 pages to find only few posts on the subject.
Can be Lugz's posts be moved to a separate blog about dates?
American women are great unless you are married. Then anywhere
[QUOTE=Goga Fung; 1382371]What happened to this thread?
I have gone through 8 pages to find only few posts on the subject.
Can be Lugz's posts be moved to a separate blog about dates?[/QUOTE]American women are great unless you are married. Then anywhere over the border is the safest choice. I'm meeting a Medellin paisa in Cartagena this week. Haha. Leave tomorrow!
Check out job fairs
[QUOTE=Goga Fung; 1382371]What happened to this thread?
I have gone through 8 pages to find only few posts on the subject.
Can be Lugz's posts be moved to a separate blog about dates?[/QUOTE]Yeah, I think Loogies is writing a book. He should probably get his own thread,"Loogies in NYC".
Anyway, this thread has died because this topic has died. What else is there to say?
BTW, for those of you looking for AWs, here's a tip. I went to a hotel restaurant the other day to meet someone for lunch, but I had arrived early and so I was just wandering around the hotel to kill some time. It so happened that there was a "career fair" going on in one of the conference rooms at the hotel. This is where companies come and set up a booth to meet with potential hires. So anyway, I was just walking around this career fair and I noticed that there were many young, hot looking AWs. I was surprised at the quality, to be honest. Some of them were dressed quite slutty, so I'm not sure what kind of job they were looking for exactly, or perhaps they wanted to hook up with a hiring manager. I overheard some of them complain about how hard it is to get a job nowadays, and that they were desperate for work. So, this may be a good place to go to find some AWs if you're stuck in America; just check out your local newspaper for any job fairs in the area!
An Exercise in Inherent Female Greed via Briffault's law and Feminism
From the comments to the video:
" I'm a female, and seeing this done to my father by my mother, have seen first hand how this messes with a man. My father wanted to marry my mother, but she wanted his child support check. She said "no thank you." My mother used those checks to buy drugs. I was neglected and abused by my mother, taken from her and became a ward of the state. I was in the care of the state for 3 years. My father was paying child support, to my mother for three years while I was not even in her care."
This will hurt.
Wow! Some men will never learn.
[quote]It's the divorce that could split up control of America's fastest growing oil company and lead to a record-breaking paycheck for the wife who claims her husband cheated. Harold Hamm. 67, who ranks No. 35 on Forbes' list of richest Americans, is a self-made man worth more than $11 billion.
Sue Ann Hamm. 56, Harold's second wife, filed for divorce on May 19, 2012, claiming that she discovered he was having an affair in 2010, eventually prompting her to end their nearly 25-year marriage.[/QUOTE][url]Http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/hamm-divorce-could-most-expensive-time-191806531--abc-news-topstories.html[/url]
"My father was paying child support, to my mother for three years while I was not even in her care."
Sounds like a great reason for homicide.
[QUOTE=Stevie69; 1377628]You could support 12 such women for the price it takes to support ONE in North America. Not only that, she would look deliciously beautiful, sexy and feminine at least until she is 40. Actually, the two factors are related. They HAVE to keep themselves looking good to make sure you keep them around and not trade them for someone younger so easily. It is the gravy train of marriage and the equal division of assets that ruined the women in North America.
So, yes, as long as you can resist the urge of a family (and yes, men have a biological clock too) , it is better to just date, or better yet, just hook-up as the kids say.[/QUOTE]Well said, Stevie. I have resisted this urge my entire life and am now 57 and a frequent flyer to PI, Viet Nam, occasionally Carribean, Thailand and Cambodia. The only women I see in US now are P4P because the rest of them are way too much trouble, fat and selfish. It seems to me they want to be in charge of everything. Some make good bosses but most are ruled by their emotions. In their forties they all start to fall apart physically and after that they become menopausal psychotics. All of my married buddies are jealous as hell of me and take every chance to come visit my bachelor pad / man cave as a sanctuary of masculine freedom (football artifacts, centerfold pictues, rock music, manly art and decor, smoking and drinking, and pissing in the back yard). Not to mention the photos of my international twenty-something scantily clad girlfriends with trim tummies, firm boobs and little heart-shaped asses.
I've got sweet asian honeys in Manila, Cebu, Angeles City, Ho Chi Minh, Bangkok, Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur. And sexy busty latina chica / tica / dominica / novias. Who cater to my every whim and wham bam thank you ma'am for a fraction of the price and hassle. So I will continue with my occasional bouts of American loneliness and plan for my next escape out sex prison USA. I plan on retiring in PI in less than 10 years and might consider marriage there then but certainly keep bachelorhood as an option.
In previous centuries and cultures the women had to pay the man to marry them. It was called a dowry and it existed for good reason: a man has to give up everything when he gets married. He gives up his money, his home, his freedom and even sex, eventually. What a price to pay. To me, it is not worth it, especially in the states.
Happy horndogging, my internet friends. Our hobby may well be the last statement of our manhood!
Not only are these b!tches fat but they can't take a joke:
"Manatee Gray." I love it. It kind of reminds me of how some fat women wear those shapeless and colorless dresses and then they look like they just got dumped out of a vacuum cleaner bag. Like a huge dust bunny. Or, they wear those shapeless brownish sweaters that make them look like a bag of half melted caramels.
You know how there is that one spot in the middle of your back you can't quite reach with the soap? Well, these fat chicks have that one spot in the middle of their butt they can't quite reach with the toilet paper. Does the term "angelberry" mean anything to you?
"Dude, that gal you fucked last night was FAT!"
"Yeah, but the gal YOU fucked last week was MANATEE fat!"
[QUOTE=D Cups; 1402520]. I have resisted this urge my entire life
Happy horndogging, my internet friends. Our hobby may well be the last statement of our manhood![/QUOTE]Your right. I don't know what I was thinking twenty-years ago when I got married. Sure she had big tits and a decent dispostion, but soon after we got married she was not cooking, or cleaning and asleep by six at night. She gave me a son- that's GAY! Collected thousands in child support after I got rid of her. Marriage and kids are WAAY overrated!
I finally got a job that keeps me OUT of the USA in 2005. Thailand, PI, Africa ect. You know the drill. I only wish I could get that money back that I wasted trying to be married. Thanks for letting me vent.
[QUOTE=Naked Gunz; 1409391]Your right. I don't know what I was thinking twenty-years ago when I got married. Sure she had big tits and a decent dispostion, but soon after we got married she was not cooking, or cleaning and asleep by six at night. She gave me a son- that's GAY! Collected thousands in child support after I got rid of her. Marriage and kids are WAAY overrated!
I finally got a job that keeps me OUT of the USA in 2005. Thailand, PI, Africa ect. You know the drill. I only wish I could get that money back that I wasted trying to be married. Thanks for letting me vent.[/QUOTE]I am currently going thru this! LOL
NG, that could've easily been me. At least you got out of it and on with your life. Enjoy!
[QUOTE=Naked Gunz; 1409391]Your right. I don't know what I was thinking twenty-years ago when I got married. Sure she had big tits and a decent dispostion, but soon after we got married she was not cooking, or cleaning and asleep by six at night. She gave me a son- that's GAY! Collected thousands in child support after I got rid of her. Marriage and kids are WAAY overrated!
I finally got a job that keeps me OUT of the USA in 2005. Thailand, PI, Africa ect. You know the drill. I only wish I could get that money back that I wasted trying to be married. Thanks for letting me vent.[/QUOTE]
Jon, the only antidote is getting laid on a regular basis by beautiful, inexpensive, foreign women. Big boobs all the better!
[QUOTE=Jon32;1409409]I am currently going thru this! LOL[/QUOTE]
I was surfing on the forums and I finally found this funny thread. Even if it seems to be sometimes a sort monologue.
When I was a student in Venice (not so many) years ago, I can remember that the american girls were the most wild, drunk and sexually hungry among the tourists!
I remember to have read not so many time ago about a couple of american tourists caught during a sexual intercourse in the middle of the Piazza di Santa Croce, more or less in front of the famous basilica.
Just to laughs, I tell to you fellow mongers this story happened to me some years ago. I knew this american girl visiting Europe, she was a sort of iron maiden, becuase she told to me that she wanted to get pure for marriage. In a nutshell, after I paid marked attention to her for days, thanksfully a lot of drinks she decided to gave me her a*s (not the tightest I've seen in my life, moreover). So, I has been a lucky guy, but it seemed to me a sort of ancestral way of thinking by her. I mean, it seems to me much more related with some backward tradition than with the first economical power of the world.
But after reading this thread, US are shown as a sort of sex cage. Maybe after the marriage, I don't know.
[QUOTE=PunterWanderer; 1410360]I was surfing on the forums and I finally found this funny thread. Even if it seems to be sometimes a sort monologue.
When I was a student in Venice (not so many) years ago, I can remember that the american girls were the most wild, drunk and sexually hungry among the tourists!
I remember to have read not so many time ago about a couple of american tourists caught during a sexual intercourse in the middle of the Piazza di Santa Croce, more or less in front of the famous basilica.
Just to laughs, I tell to you fellow mongers this story happened to me some years ago. I knew this american girl visiting Europe, she was a sort of iron maiden, becuase she told to me that she wanted to get pure for marriage. In a nutshell, after I paid marked attention to her for days, thanksfully a lot of drinks she decided to gave me her a*s (not the tightest I've seen in my life, moreover). So, I has been a lucky guy, but it seemed to me a sort of ancestral way of thinking by her. I mean, it seems to me much more related with some backward tradition than with the first economical power of the world.
But after reading this thread, US are shown as a sort of sex cage. Maybe after the marriage, I don't know.[/QUOTE]It's a well know fact among European men that HS / college age American Women tourists are the easiest to get laid. While stateside (U. S) they act like their pussies are made of GOLD.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax;1410708]It's a well know fact among European men that HS / college age American Women tourists are the easiest to get laid. While stateside (U. S) they act like their pussies are made of GOLD.[/QUOTE]It's only because of the accent dude. I used to fuck European women on that same account.
Black American woman throws her baby aside so she can fight another crazy woman. Now you can understand what most American men are up against.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1411305]Dude, that's a Boricua.[/QUOTE]My bad, she looked Black mixed with something else. Here's a small inkling of what Black American males have to put up with on daily basis.
Domestic sponsorship
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax;1410708]It's a well know fact among European men that HS / college age American Women tourists are the easiest to get laid. While stateside (U. S) they act like their pussies are made of GOLD.[/QUOTE]I agree that there is some kind of schitzo thing that sometimes goes on, they behave completely different when away than at home.
But I think there is also a post-feminist thing going on with the younger women, the "Girls Gone Wild" generation. Now, mostly those women are not available to us older guys, but there is a sub-sector that is.
I have tried "sponsoring" local co-eds from time to time, usually with mediocre results.
But recently the market seemed to heat up and my recent campaign generated some really good leads.
I don't know if it's the economy or if girls are tired of banging guys their own age and getting nothing for it (like a relationship or even simple respect).
So now I have a regular 25 year old big-breasted GF who does EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I want for about $1000 per month.
Sure I could use escorts for the same rate, but my experience with them is mixed, and this girl does everything (COF, swallowing, bareback, etc) , including very much GFE and being my arm candy, and no clock.
She is just like a lot of women I have met in Russian / Ukraine (in beauty and sexuality) and it is a hell of lot cheaper and easier to sponsor her than to travel thousands of miles to spend as much in incentives for EE women!
So don't give up on the domestic market entirely, just look for the right opportunities!
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel;1418063]So now I have a regular 25 year old big-breasted GF who does EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I want for about $1000 per month.[/QUOTE]Do you pay her at the end of the month or every week? Aren't you concerned that she could hustle you at some point? I am sure she knows a lot about you by now. Was this done through a sugar daddy site?
He says he gives her 'about' $1, 000 so my guess is he pays her rent and maybe some bills. That way she can pretend she is not a prostitute.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel;1418063]I agree that there is some kind of schitzo thing that sometimes goes on, they behave completely different when away than at home.[/QUOTE]I would assert that most men are the same as well. How many of you act the same at home as you do when you are off in mongerland?
I didn't know whether to put this in American Women or Morality of Prostitution but I hate it when this happens:
I don't know what is wrong with America's youth. I did not hire my first prostitute until I was fifteen. But there was no internet.
[QUOTE=Dickhead; 1418658]I didn't know whether to put this in American Women or Morality of Prostitution but I hate it when this happens:
I don't know what is wrong with America's youth. I did not hire my first prostitute until I was fifteen. But there was no internet.[/QUOTE]The kid is well on his way to being world class monger. Not that he does not have a bit to learn but, hey, have we not all been ripped of from time to time in this hobby?
Best part of the story IMO is when the 'ho got busted when she turned on the iPad. Have not people figured out yet that those things are traceable?
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel; 1418063]But recently the market seemed to heat up and my recent campaign generated some really good leads.
I don't know if it's the economy or if girls are tired of banging guys their own age and getting nothing for it (like a relationship or even simple respect).[/QUOTE]Interesting that you mention this GT. I don't know what it is, but the last few months for me has been a significant turn in my hometown sex life. I hang around clubs frequented by EE's and something is very different. I can actually feel the poverty now among the foreign men in the nightclubs. Young guys show up on these dance floors with t-shirts washed dozens of times and worn shoes. The fresh "just arrived" babysitters from Poland can quickly see the "nothingness" of these prospects.
I must be one of the few guys out there that actually hopes the economy gets worse. I now have a 28 year old girlfriend which I thought would be impossible for me last year. Maybe I can get a 22 year old if we go into a depression. (smiley)
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1407663]I have done everyone a favor by taking a hiatus from posting in the American Women forum on account I was immersed in preparation for trips to Poland and India.[/QUOTE]Well, here's the thing: this is an Opinions section, not a reports section. There's a US-only sister site if you want to regale them with stories of skeeving out women while rollerblading around Manhattan like a nudnik.
I imagine you as the "Mi Scusi" guy from the movie Eurotrip.