$5000 would pay to spend some time with a bunch of Yab Yum women for the entire day? I would be surprised about that, I bet the real cost would be $50,000 plus.
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$5000 would pay to spend some time with a bunch of Yab Yum women for the entire day? I would be surprised about that, I bet the real cost would be $50,000 plus.
But then you thought Ivana got a billion dollars, specially printed by the US treasury. So, Yab Yum probably would charge [b]you[/b] $50,000. Anyway the dope would put me to sleep after a couple of hours and then if I had any money left they would just steal it so I don't see where it is a problem as long as I save 40 Euros for a hostel every day.
Tell you what. You go to their website and send them a message saying you want five hookers for all day for 5,000 Euros and do it in English. I will do the same thing in Dutch and we will see what they say.
Honestly, I would rather rent Cafe Foto in Sao Paulo or K5 in Prague for a weekend with that much cash. The Prague women completely blow away the women in Amsterdam.
Well, to get back on topic, why is it that all American women, including my ex-wife were seriously twisted? With the notable exception of my Mother (yours too!), it goes without saying. ;)
In my case, when I look back at the good old USA from the perspective of a 25 year expat, I am very saddened. Oh, how things have changed.
A wise friend of mine once asked me, "have they changed, or have you?"
Damn good question.
Longstroker and ILAS,
Thanks for the recent kind words and sorry about the delay in posting.
The question was asked about what steps I had taken to prevent the "americanization" of my new wife. I think there are some things that can be done.
First, selection is everything. I went through a LOT of women before I decided which one was right for me. Just like you have to taste a few mediocre wines before you can know a good one, so it is with women.
Second, I had an age cutoff point of 25 years old. Any younger than this and it will be too easy for most women to take on some of the more undesirable aspects of our western culture. My theory is that the older the girl, the more set in her ways she will be. Her traditional culture and values should hopefully be more deeply ingrained.
Third, I chose a girl that already had a decent (by local standards) job. It's been my experience that girls claiming to be students, models or hairdressers are usually part-time hookers. A girl with a regular job is way more likely to appreciate your money and what it takes for you to earn it.
Fourth, I took a lot of time to get to know my girl. That meant long hours at 1 AM chatting online, hundreds of dollars in phone bills and 2 separate trips to go visit her in her own country. Unlike those guys in that video clip that went down to Colombia and blindly picked out some chica because she was the prettiest one in the room.
While I was there for my visits, I met many of her friends and most of her family as well. Often times, a girls friends and family can tell you a lot about what kind of person she is.
Now that she is here with me, I encourage her to spend her social time with some people from her country that happen to live here. I subtly discourage her from making too many friends with the girls that live around here.
All in all, if it's gonna happen, it will eventually. The best policy is probably prevention by picking a woman who will be less susceptible to our bad western influences.
Hope this helps out anyone who is looking to do the same as I did.
Even though I have had two failed marriages, I am not anti-marriage. My parents are still married after 35 years, their only marriage, high school sweethearts. Now I do recognize that my parents are from a different generation. Nonetheless, I still believe that marriage can work for generation-Xers, so I wish you the best, Rock.
A few days ago while having a cup of my favorite brew at a coffee shop I was reminded why I have nothing to do with American women.
Maybe it was the caffeine that caused them to chatter so freely, but I couldn't believe what I was hearing. None in the group was over a 7 on a scale of 10, but neither were they obese either. It would be safe to say that they all were under 26 yrs of age.
They were talking about how lame guys were for buying them lunch or asking them out on a date. They criticized the physical attributes of particular men and laughed in amusement. Every man who made an attempt to get to know them was considered a stalker. Compliments on their dress or hair were seen as supplications for access to their vaginas. It seemed that these women grew happier and felt better about themselves by the minute as they busted balls.
I felt concerned, not for myself but for the unsuspecting men who were going to try date these women. The best that they could hope for was to be shot down and laughed at. The worst that could happen would be to get into a relationship with one. I have always known that American women were materialistic but I forgot that they also thrive on inflicting emotional damage on men. They thrive on dealing blows to the male ego. I recall that this was quite common among teenagers at school but I always thought that girls grew out of it as they became women. Perhaps I was wrong, it may be the viciousness only becomes more sophisticated and covert.
These same women will be wondering why they can't get a date tens years from now. They will try to figure out why they get fucked and chucked. I sipped my coffee and savoured memories of the land from whence it came. Some things will never change.
Those women are losers. Quite often, people will criticize something and make negative comments because they can't have that same thing. Making it seem bad makes them feel better about not having it.
Consider this example. You're sitting with a friend at a cafe as a brand new Mercedes drives past. Then your friend starts up about how stupid that car is, costs as much as a house, too much for insurance and maintenance etc etc. Deep down inside he would dearly love to be able to afford such a car, but he can't..... so he makes himself feel better by trying to convince himself that having one is a bad idea.
I think that's what those women were really trying to do. Make themselves feel better by cutting someone else down. Sexism isn't limited to men.
As an aside, I recently heard a statistic that claims over 70% of women are unable to have an orgasm. I'd bet that these women are probably in that group. Otherwise, they might be enjoying a good lay instead of sitting around criticizing men and complaining to each other in some stupid coffee shop.
I bet that excluded Latinas, they are the most orgasm happy group I've ever seen.
American women just suck, why waste your time? Even the ones I love as friends I would never, ever get involved with.
The reasons that American women suck are numerous and complex, you could write volumes about it. But the underlying reason is contemporary American culture and society, which is full of contradictions and conflicting views. On one hand women are taught to be women and on the other they are taught to be something else. The superpowerful US media pretty much has brainwashed about 98 percent of the American male population, most of us on this board represent an enlightened minority, who have traveled the world and have seen how life can be different. The Domino's Pizzas and the other ones who defend American women are just hooked into the US media mind manipulation.
Chocha, sad but true, these women will probably go out on dates and land someone to cling on to - some pussified/chump male - which abound by great numbers.
I totally agree with CBGBConnisur which pretty much explains why these women will go out on dates but probably (and hopefully) not with those of us on this forum who "represent an enlightened minority".
Before, I used to drool over American/ Americanized women, now I know better. It's funny actually because of the way in which I view them. They might take me for being one of those unenlightened majority, but they're dead wrong. When I deal with them (not very often) inside I'm cracking up and saying "yeah right, dream-on, whatever!!".
I've not heard from Domino in some time now. I guess he really has abandoned the AW thread for the Thailand thread, which brings me to my question.
I don't know if Domino has ever made this comparison before, but I'd love to know what he thinks about Thai women. Or better yet, which does he prefer, Thai or AW & why?
I'm just really curious to know his response.
Hi All,
I am amazed reading this threat. Are really American women so bad?
Granted I do not leave in the USA, but I did had Australian and British girlfriends that basically do come from the same Anglo-Saxon culture tradition. I have done my bit of travelling around the globe and have had esperiences with Latin and Slavic women. And I find that in many respects it maybe far easier to be with a western woman.
True with Latin/Slavic woman, you can be a king, and everything is at your wish, but you always have to pay, as a woman never pays. You have to pay while taking her out, buying her presets, and entertaining her. You are a breadwinner, and a woman takes care of your domestic and sexual happiness.
A western woman is different. They tend to be mere independent and do what they like. The relationship is more like a partnership. They would fuck you only if they feel horny, not just to please you. But there are advantages. You never have to pay for them, as they pay there way, be it a restaurant bill, or 50% of holiday expenses.
In my experience it works out to be this way. You can go and have a beach/skiing holiday with Latin/Slavic 8s and 10s but you have to pay 100%. You can also go and have a holiday with a Western woman which would be 5s-7s, but she would pay her half of the costs. Experiences would be different but equally enjoyable. Sex with Latina probably would be more caring / passionate / sweet. But with a western woman it is likely be more “dirty”, as they have seen a fair amount of porn as well, and quite easily can act as a porn actresses and are fluent in dirty talk.
I see the above as a fair trade-off, and I think this thread is well anti-western women biased, and perhaps driven by man, who simply do not know how to handle a western woman?
a) There is no way in the world that American women are more "dirty" than Latina women, unless you are referring to personal hygiene.
b) Which is it, you don't leave the US or you have done your share of traveling around the globe? The two are mutually exclusive.
c) While I agree AWs pay for more than Latinas do, in the initial stages the man is still paying for most things most of the time.
d) "They would fuck you only if they feel horny, not just to please you." Thus getting back to one of the roots of the issue, which is that AWs aren't nearly horny enough.
e) Latina women also watch porn, not that this is any particular advantage.
You need to get your feet wet in order to understand what it is we're talking about regarding American Women. The horror stories of watching them crush a guy's ego in front of their friends for the pure sport of it, the manupulation in order to separate a guy from his money and resources, the ease with which they will lie in order to fuck with a guy's mind just so she can have some fun... these are REAL EVENTS, not some fabrication. My advice to you, beware...
In my travels overseas (even to some countries that have robust economies that have high standards) I encountered women that are the complete OPPOSITE of American Women: Polite, well-mannered, pleasant, easy to talk to, and a complete delight to be around. In over 20 years of traveling, I've met LESS THAN a handful of foreign women that I'd kick to the curb for their attitudes alone.
It's as if the rest of the world's women has the maturity and class that American Women LACK. Mingle with them some more and THEN I'd like to see the nature of your posts