Brett, you should check out the NBC Dateline website, there's an interesting article about fat in the American diet, where NBC reporter Josh Mankiewicz talks about his experience with weight loss. You wouldn't believe what he said, but he lost weight eating steak everday!! He mentioned he didn't even excercise that much while he was on this diet and lost almost 47 pounds in a year! I'm not kidding. He was referring to the Atkins Diet, where you can eat high fat foods but have to avoid sugars and starches. We Americans have been duped into thinking that a high carbohydrate low fat diet is healthier for our weight, we've been fooled. I just picked up a copy of the New York Post today, this reporter didn't blink about saying that America has become a fat country, and its not because we're inactive in fact everyone I know goes the the gym and we excercise more than Europeans. He pointed out to Hungary where the food is notorious for its high fat content and noticed that he didn't see a single fat person.
When I met a German woman here in New York, she was almost 42 and didn't have an ounce of fat on her yet she ate a of fatty foods, when we went out I used to order all the 'healthy' things and she used to order a lot of things that you would consider fat, yet she was thin and I was just ok, I work out, but I still have trouble staying thin. Then it all clicked she avoided sugar completely and didn't drink fruit juices or ate starchy foods. I remember she would have a steak and salad. And I would often have pasta and a little bit of bread. So I guess I figured out her secret. PS she didn't work out at all.
"Say it isn't so! The Tango is NOT a great way to meet women? How is that possible? I had been planning to make tango my next "new project"! Explain please before I make a terrible mistake . . ."
*For Me* it isn't a great way ... namely, because I live in Arizona. The "Tango Community" here is *very* small. I suspect there are around a dozen women I see in the one small weekly Milonga they have in Phoenix. Most of the women are 20 years my senior. That leaves a *very* small pool. Moreover, in the past month the guy/girl ratio has been something like 3/2.
While the (Argentine) Tango might be a great way to *romance* women, whether it is a great way to meet women (seems) to depend on your location. As Lotsafun meantioned, in NYC there is a large Argentine Tango community.
However, let me caution you ... don't learn Argentine Tango *just* to meet women. If that is your goal, then you would have to invest a lot of time that could (probably) be better spent in other ways.
Still, if you want to learn to dance, it isn't (at all) a bad dance to choose as a "first dance". As far as meeting women goes, it seems like Salsa and Swing are a bit more poplular. (Even in NYC, dancing Tango, you can probably get a passing acquaintance with all of your potential mates in a year or two ... the same thing couldn't be said of Salsa or Swing).
P.S. Don't let me scare you away from Argentine Tango, even with all I've said, it probably is (or at least, can be) one of the most intimate of dances, and it teaches you things that will help you in an almost any other type of dancing. There is a wonderful focus on connection to music, and connection with partner.
David & LotsA,
Sounds like some guys from Phoenix ought to go to NYC to even things out . . .
And no, I realize that ANY dancing is hard work and it's not JUST to meet women. But having seen several tango films + the "Tango Argentino" and "Forever Tango" shows, I can't help but think how "right" this dance looks. The "macho" attitude makes everything else seem kinda "fruity" including Salsa. Plus all these shows will feature several older couples (50's or 60's) - and it still works. Ever see guys in their 50's or 60's disco dancing? Pretty damn sad. So I'm planning for the next 25 years instead of looking back to my 20's. Plus I hope to be in Buenos Aires next year. Thanks for the info. - P
Seems to be a hell of a lot of this section missing all of a sudden...
Good call I think, Jackson :)
I think CBGB got too violent with Johan that is why Jackson cut out a huge number of postings. There is no point in picking fights in this forum but this forum should be about discusing our problems with most American women and their over moral and snobbish issues with men. CBGB, stop threatening people on this forum because it will get you nowhere. It is okay to express your disagreement but don't talk about punching people out.
And then the other thing we don't need is racism such as was displayed in many of the deleted posts. I may be a Dickhead but I am an equal opportunity Dickhead. I report any and all racist posting I see to Jackson and urge others to do the same. If I say I'm going to kick your ass over the internet, that's just a great big joke in my opinion as it is not possible using the current technology. But the racism destroys the spirit of the board and will drive people away. A main purpose of the board is to help guys meet women of all races (or ethnicities to be more accurate) and colors and screw the hell out of them.
What if we had compulsory intermarriage and no one was allowed to procreate with anyone of the same ethnicity? In two or three generations everyone would be sort of brown or beige and racism would disappear. Plus it'd improve the gene pool. Just a thought.
I'm still hook on black girls cause of the body. But why most of them have stinky pussy although they are well dressed, combed and smell good otherwise. I use too finger them and sniff it to check for cleanliness. Most of them failed at this test. Why to they pay attention to their body and neglect their intimate part? It seems that you guys don't tell me them that you don't want to bang a garbage can. Black are better in my view but most of them here are negligent and encourage to stay so by too accomoding men
Boy they really have some fucked up people on this board, bootylover you are one sick fuck.
I agree with Dickhead. We should ALL marry outside of our race so that racism would vanish and there would be no more "Black, White, Asian, or Latino" race or preferences. I suffer the most being an Asian man in America because people hate us and are jealous of us for no reason. Most Asian people work lower than miminum wage in America and make less than even the welfare cases and yet some racists from these poor areas blame the Asian population and pick fights with us. It is only a very few handful that includes myself that went to college, studied hard and got a job in corporate America. My job requires that I dres sharp but this gets me into a lot of trouble with the handful of racist Black people that hate us and blame us for their family's poverty. I was once accused on the train for "coming to America to take away their parent's jobs". They also say that they were fed cat from a Chinese restaurant. I tried to ignore them but then suddenly, five guys and three women stood up and started throwing punches at me. I got hit a few times but I coordinated the fight using grappling techniques and evasive manuevers I learned from kung-fu and capoeira to get out of the surrounding situation. I then threw some kicks and punches at some of them then I gouged the eye and struck the groin other another. The wounded group of 8 picked up and ran then the cops showed up too late. I looked down and my nose was bleeding because I took a punch while I was surrounded. I filed a police report but none of them were caught because they avoided this route after i beat them.
This is the type of persecution Asians face in America. Asian women also think we have small dicks. If we all mixed and got rid of these races, then no one would be white, black, latino or Asian and we would all be human beings. If I was a human being instead of an Asian among the whites, blacks, and latinos, I would have a much higher batting average. Instead we have this shit called racism. We would also treat each other like human beings. America may be a melting pot but we do not get along. That is why there are segregated neighborhoods for each race. As soon as I date a black girl from let's say East New York, I get stares from the locals of that area. The black guys there gave me dirty looks when I dated a black girl who lived in that area. This relationship didn't last too long because she got threats from her parents and neighbors. Trust me, racism for Asians is this bad in New York.
Wouldn't Asian women be in a pretty good position to know whether Asian men did, or didn't, have small dicks? Anyway, you only need a big organ if you're playing in a cathedral.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dickhead
[i]What if we had compulsory intermarriage and no one was allowed to procreate with anyone of the same ethnicity? In two or three generations everyone would be sort of brown or beige and racism would disappear. Plus it'd improve the gene pool. Just a thought. [/i][/QUOTE]
Iggy Pop wrote a tune about this called "Mixing the Colors" on his "American Ceasar" album. Part of the refrain is "It's what Hitler didn't want..."
I think it's a totally fabulous idea. But an extension of the idea should be made to encompass people of different religions within the same ethnic group intermarrying as well. For instance, Israelis and Palestineans are both of the Semitic ethnicity and it's their religious preferences that have them blowing each other up and whatnot. If they were raising children together though...
OK JW, I will check Iggy out. Although, I saw a television special on him a while back and he knocked up some white groupie for his go at procreation. Not exactly practicing what he preached. But, maybe that was before he wrote that song ...
Great point about religion vs ethnicity. As a disbelieving heathen atheist apostate nihilist, I hadn't thought of that. However, I think if we mix up the colors we'd do a fairly good job of mixing up the religions as well. Oh, wait a minute, religions are all mixed up anyway.
The god in whom I do not believe is an equal opportunity deity despite his or her non-existence and all racists will have their time of reckoning. One time I wrote in a philosophy paper, "Although I do not believe in God, I do believe in karma." The prof wrote in the margin, "Maybe God is karma." Maybe at some point my karma ran over my dogma, but I do believe that what goes around, comes around.
An additional benefit of our proposal is that some fantastic new cuisines should emerge, and maybe some new music as well.
I read a message of yours on 7-21.
I just wanted to thank you for sharing your information and experiences.
Many of us probably had the same questions. (But were afraid to ask) I know I did :)
Again thanks for your input
Even if there were mixed marriages, there would be other forms of discrimination. I would suggest people here to visit Brazil, its one of the most mixed societies on the planet. You see mixed couples everywhere, yet there is another form of discrimination, class. The rich literally run the country of Brazil, the government is a puppet of the wealthy. The gap between rich and poor is increasing, even in wealthy countries like America you see it. When this happens the rich have too much power and they often abuse it and the lower classes to entrench their positions. There are still many other forms of discrimination out there, class, sexuality, gender, education, religion, and others. Racism and discrimination is a very complicated matter.
The mixed ethnicity in brazil is the reason no one there tried to jump me (or ambush) me in Brazil. In Brazil, they all get along because there is no concept of racial discrimination. And dickhead, yes I do have an above average organ (about 7" measured with a tape ruler on the top from tip of head to before the pubic hair starts.) This horrible assumption even spreads to Asian women (or maybe the men THEY dated have small dicks and they assume the rest of us Asian men have small dicks too.) As a matter of fact, some of the blacks or caucasians in some of the amateur or low budget porno movies have smaller dicks than I have. Some even only have 5 inch dicks (2 inches smaller than mine). All women who assume I have a small dick never even pulled down my pants to find out. I did something stupid in the Exit club in New York. Some caucasian girl I talked to who rejected me and said "you know what they say about Asian men, small dicks". I immediately got angry because this is obviously a big hangup for me. I grabbed her, pulled her to the men's room and pulled down my pants in front of her. Then she said, "Oh, guess I was wrong". Two bouncers came into the bathroom after she saw me in my glory, grabbed me and literally tossed me out of the club. I had to tuck and roll out of the throw. When I went to Brazil, these people never heard of the stereotype. Even women in China never heard of this stereotype. This small dick thing is an AMERICAN stereotype created to persecute the Asian man. This is shit I put up with in this country and I was born here too.