False Child Support Case Exposes System's Failures
I've always felt that the mission of government agencies in the US is to perpetuate their own existence. This case is a perfect example of that. Rather than scrap a child support case & lose the menial fee attached to each child support payment, the system would rather ignore obvious red flags & screw over another citizen - and in this case, the citizen was himself a “Law Enforcement Officer." Talk about cannibalism.
I cannot really say that I want democracy to spread to other parts of the world. I'm not too thrilled with what it has produced within our own government. And the idea of an entire planet conforming to the ideals, mores & practices we espouse here in the US is more frightening to me than any nuclear weapon they could develop in N. Korea.
Women in the US never cease to amaze me.
about 45 minutes ago i was in wal-mart’s parking lot walking into the store when 3 ladies pushing 3 baby strollers rushed up to me (now, i was not wearing name-brand clothing or any jewelry, so i did not look like someone with tons of money). the mother/grandmother proceeds to give me some story about how they cannot get any welfare/w.i.c. benefits for several more days & asks if i could help them out with milk & [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord131][CodeWord131][/url]. i said, why not.
once in the store, the daughter with 2 of the children asks if i have a spending limit, to which i answer yes. i told them i could spare about $25.00 because i have to do my own shopping - obviously. this girl starts talking to me about her ordeal with the welfare/w.i.c. people here in las vegas & telling me about how different the system is in canada. i then ask the obvious, you’re from canada? she replies, yes, i’ve been here for only 5 days. she starts asking me about my job, telling me about her brother who does auto work & other general chit chat.
well, once we get to the checkout line, the bill rang up to $76.82. grandma, the two daughters & the 3 babies in the strollers all look at me in unison with this pitiful oh pleeeeeeeze look on their faces (kind of funny now that i think back on it). i respond, “oh no” & i remind the girls that i agreed to contribute $25 to help them out & that i have my own shopping to do. immediately their faces drop as they have to unload all of the baby shit they were trying to purchase.
the cashier got the formula, [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord131][CodeWord131][/url] & bottles to about $29 & some change, which i agreed to pay. but what pissed me off was that after the transaction, the two ungrateful daughters didn’t even thank me. grandma did thank me for my kindness, but the other girls left as though they were disappointed.
now, i usually feel good when i can help a person out. but for some reason, this time is different. i have just helped out 3 hungry kids, but yet this act today has left a bad taste in my mouth.
i tell you, women have a way of ruining even a charitable act because they are always trying to be so damned slick. 5 days in the united states & these girls are already trying to take advantage of the men in this country as well as our social services. i agreed to donate $25, why try to bilk me for 3 times that amount?
i could halfway understand it if i were fucking these tramps – women often use their pussy for leverage, especially financial leverage. but to walk up to a complete stranger & think that i would fork over $76 just because you want it? hell, they didn’t even introduce themselves, nor did they ask for my name.
there must be something in the air in the us that makes women feel that men here are supposed to satisfy their every whim. has it gotten so bad that 3 women pushing 3 baby strollers can expect any random man in a parking lot to support their children without so much as a formal introduction, handshake, smile or a thank you?
i thought i’d seen it all. actually, i hope i’ve seen it all; it scares me to think that i may not have.
Npaul1, Sinanju Master, CBGBConnisur & hardbarg
Hey guys. Thanks for your input. I must say I get so sick of these chicks trying to pull silly shit like this on men. Yet women are always complaining about how MEN are dogs & are always taking advantage of THEM.
I kind of expect some possible shenanigans when I’m out on a date or on a mongering adventure. I just couldn’t believe that these 3 chicks with their infants in tow would have the gall to try some crap like this on a stranger in a parking lot.
I did not know about the baby formula scam thing. That’s a new one on me. If they did not use the formula for the purpose intended, then that’s on them. I was trying to help out the 3 kids, so I’m OK with that aspect of it all.
I just hate feeling like a fool. I felt that way with my 2 ex-wives (yes, my dumb ass did not learn from the first marriage) & I swore that I’d never let some tramp take advantage of me again. I guess there are treacherous women all over & we just have to be careful with women everywhere anymore – even the ones we aren’t trying to fuck.