I don't see why women being independent in and of itself has to be the kiss of death for relationships. Maybe if you think that way you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and examine your OWN philosophy regarding relationships.
Look, here in NYC it would be the easiest thing in the world for me to hook up with some 20 or 30 something Bronx Dominican hood rat with a VERY traditionalist, socially conservative mentality, conditioned to being a good hausfrau, cooking, cleaning and staying home. All you need is some half-decent Spanish and a little (not tons of) money in the bank and not to look like a troglodyte and you're set.
I would want a serious relationship with one of those types of girls like I'd want a case of HIV though! Those are the MOST JEALOUS BIATCHES IN THE UNIVERSE. I have friends who married girls like that, some of them can't even so much as grab a bite to eat on the way home because they will be greeted with a jealous rage if they do so!
Bottom line, if you want a girl that is willing to have her freedom and mobility severely curtailed for the sake of the relationship, you better be prepared to have your own wings clipped too!!
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]I don't see why women being independent in and of itself has to be the kiss of death for relationships. Maybe if you think that way you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and examine your OWN philosophy regarding relationships.
Look, here in NYC it would be the easiest thing in the world for me to hook up with some 20 or 30 something Bronx Dominican hood rat with a VERY traditionalist, socially conservative mentality, conditioned to being a good hausfrau, cooking, cleaning and staying home. All you need is some half-decent Spanish and a little (not tons of) money in the bank and not to look like a troglodyte and you're set.
I would want a serious relationship with one of those types of girls like I'd want a case of HIV though! Those are the MOST JEALOUS BIATCHES IN THE UNIVERSE. I have friends who married girls like that, some of them can't even so much as grab a bite to eat on the way home because they will be greeted with a jealous rage if they do so!
Bottom line, if you want a girl that is willing to have her freedom and mobility severely curtailed for the sake of the relationship, you better be prepared to have your own wings clipped too!![/QUOTE]
I couldn't agree more...
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]I don't see why women being independent in and of itself has to be the kiss of death for relationships. Maybe if you think that way you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and examine your OWN philosophy regarding relationships. [/QUOTE]
[quote=DJ FourMoney]I couldn't agree more... [/quote]
I don't know if you guys are directing your comments specifically at me, but my post did not mention relationships at all. I was speaking SOLELY about how men are treated in US society in modern days.
The degree of independence that a man may desire in his wife is an issue to be negociated between the couple. No one has the same mileage.
[QUOTE=George90]I don't know if you guys are directing your comments specifically at me, but my post did not mention relationships at all. I was speaking SOLELY about how men are treated in US society in modern days. [/QUOTE]
I agree with George, I don’t know who you were directing your comments too but my post was about how men are treaded in the USA .
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]I don't see why women being independent in and of itself has to be the kiss of death for relationships. Maybe if you think that way you need to take a long hard look in the mirror and examine your OWN philosophy regarding relationships.
[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I couldn't agree more...[/QUOTE]
Sounds like it came right out of a neo-feminist handbook. They have been trying to brainwash all of us into thinking this way for many years. (Seems to be working)
Again this is just IMHO.
[QUOTE=Punter 127]I agree with George, I don’t know who you were directing your comments too but my post was about how men are treaded in the USA .
Sounds like it came right out of a neo-feminist handbook. They have been trying to brainwash all of us into thinking this way for many years. (Seems to be working)
Again this is just IMHO.[/QUOTE]
I vividly remember a small conversation during my training driving for "The Great Pumpkin" that if you have the kind of wife that calls you for the smallest things at home and you can't handle it, maybe you should seriously think about another career choice.
I want my other half to believe she can handle things if I was away from the house or can be counted on to make important decisions without consulting me first.
I agree with George that is to be worked out before being married...
But I also agree with Bango, I don't think it was completely directed at George.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]Brainwashing? .[/QUOTE]
Yes, I believe there has been a Brainwashing/Propaganda campaign by neo-feminist in the USA for years.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]
I vividly remember a small conversation during my training driving for "The Great Pumpkin" that if you have the kind of wife that calls you for the smallest things at home and you can't handle it, maybe you should seriously think about another career choice.
I want my other half to believe she can handle things if I was away from the house or can be counted on to make important decisions without consulting me first.
I don’t know anything about your experiences with "The Great Pumpkin", but I assume you are looking for that “other half” (are would that be the “better half” ) outside USA. I wish you luck with that, but I don’t really see what your comments have to do with AW considering….[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]
I don't like how AW behave I am done with them, I was just making a comment.[/QUOTE]
DJ I’m not trying to bust your balls or flame an august poster such as you, I’m just stating my opinion, and believe me when it comes to AW I have graduated from the school of hard knocks. Just connect the dots AW and neo-feminist.
Punter, I'm just speaking from what I have seen and experienced myself, both first and second hand. My ex and I didn't work together because we didn't want the same things out of life, and because she had an entitlement mentality that was driving me crazy. But it wouldn't have been made better if she were a June Cleaver type. It woulda been even WORSE, she woulda wanted a whole bunch of expensive shit I had no intention of buying with MY hard-earned money, and the whole thing woulda been a shambles. Worse, back in the day, divorces were much less common and much harder to get, so instead of splitting up amicably we woulda been at each other's throats.
I just don't think the root of the problem is feminism. I think some people on the board (I'm not pointing fingers here nor was I in my previous post) are using feminism as a scapegoat for a general cultural malaise that's eating the whole country alive.
At any rate my current fiancee who has yet to be out of Colombia has a much more "feminist" outlook on life than does my AW ex.
Bango, I’m also just speaking from what I have seen and experienced myself. I suspect we share some similar life experiences, but came away with different conclusions.
I think the “entitlement mentality” and feminism go hand in hand.
I lived through the second and third wave of feminism in the USA and I can’t see where it has done anything but hurt men and families, it’s about power not equality, and I think most feminist are hypocrites.
As for “general cultural malaise” I think you under estimate the feminist movement, their constant belittling of men and male bashing is very much apart of that “general cultural malaise”.
I don’t know where you live or how old you are, but wave two of feminism gave us no fault divorce and it has been the law of the land since at least the 70’s in the state I live in, and it’s a very conservative red state.
I also don’t know anything about your fiancée and she may be an exception. But I have known a lot of Latino chicas, and most them haven’t got a clue what AW mean by feminism. If you ask AW and Latino chicas to define feminism I think their replies would be like night and day.
Just because a woman is of a particular ethnicity(eg. Hispanic, Asian, etc) does not mean a thing because she is still influenced by the dominant culture of her surrounding society. Asian women living in America are no different than white females in between the ears. I have also met plenty of nose in air hispanic girls in the US, spend some time in South Florida, you will have no difficulty finding premadonna Latinas. Contrast this with an Eastern European woman living in her own country, on the outside she might appear to be no different than you average Anglo American female but most likely she is not.
Feminists are hypocrites, incidentally many are racist, and its been proven in the past that feminists have often used racism to further their cause, look up women's suffrage, the suffragists of those days appealed to racists.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]Just because a woman is of a particular ethnicity(eg. Hispanic, Asian, etc) does not mean a thing because she is still influenced by the dominant culture of her surrounding society. Asian women living in America are no different than white females in between the ears. I have also met plenty of nose in air hispanic girls in the US, spend some time in South Florida, you will have no difficulty finding premadonna Latinas. Contrast this with an Eastern European woman living in her own country, on the outside she might appear to be no different than you average Anglo American female but most likely she is not.
I agree ethnicity means very little if they’re living in the USA. When I said "Latino chicas" I was speaking of chicas in Spanish speaking countries.
Not my experience at all.
I'm 34, born and raised in Canada, but now a dual citizen, living in the Bronx. Since my late teens I have never really been super-short on pussy, although the 6 years I spent in Toronto was I guess comparatively a bit of a dry spell. :P I'm not Adonis but I'm not horrid either, I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. Girls who like the way I look say I'm really good looking but that's probably because I just fall within their specific parameters IMO. And I'm not only far from rich, I'm actually a super cheap motherfucker :P I live almost like a monk!
Personally I bet if you ask two AW for their definition of feminism you will get two totally separate answers, or two LA women. Not to mention Latin America is HUGE, and you can find any subculture you like within it, just like in the USA, but if we are talking social norms, that's another thing.
I don't get why I always hear this line about girls falling all over guys in Latin America somwhere (ESPECIALLY Colombia), but they couldn't get arrested for murder by a decent looking Latina here in NYC. I have no problems hooking up with them here, as a matter of fact the p4p scene here has gotten so pathetic I'm actually considering banging one. Which shows really how bad it's gotten because I vastly prefer just paying for it and not having any issues after.
I Was Wrong!
[quote=bango cheito]not my experience at all.
i'm 34, born and raised in canada, but now a dual citizen, living in the bronx. since my late teens i have never really been super-short on pussy, although the 6 years i spent in toronto was i guess comparatively a bit of a dry spell. :p i'm not adonis but i'm not horrid either, i guess i'm somewhere in the middle. girls who like the way i look say i'm really good looking but that's probably because i just fall within their specific parameters imo. and i'm not only far from rich, i'm actually a super cheap motherfucker :p i live almost like a monk! [/quote]bango, i was wrong your life experiences and mine are totally different. i don’t mean to flame or belittle but i have over twenty years of life experiences on you, and i’m old enough to remember what life was like before "wave 2" of feminism. that doesn’t make my opinion any better than yours, just more experienced. i think in the end you and i will just have to agree to disagree, but i wonder how you will feel about aw twenty years from now. it’s not just about getting pussy; it’s about living a life of servitude to women.
nac’s (north american cunts’ ) don’t want equality they want superiority!
btw i’ve been in toronto several times and the pussy flowed pretty freely for me. (go figure.)
[quote]personally i bet if you ask two aw for their definition of feminism you will get two totally separate answers, or two la women. not to mention latin america is huge, and you can find any subculture you like within it, just like in the usa, but if we are talking social norms, that's another thing. [/quote]well i’ve known chicas from at least 7 spanish speaking countries,(but not living in the usa) and going by what i hear from them they think aw are fat, stupid, sexually cold, and that aw don’t realize how good they have it.
[quote]i don't get why i always hear this line about girls falling all over guys in latin america somwhere (especially colombia), but they couldn't get arrested for murder by a decent looking latina here in nyc. i have no problems hooking up with them here, as a matter of fact the p4p scene here has gotten so pathetic i'm actually considering banging one. which shows really how bad it's gotten because i vastly prefer just paying for it and not having any issues after.[/quote]you didn’t hear that from me, and of all the chicas i’ve known colombian is not on the list. (but i’ll work on it.) you speak of the p4p scene in nyc, well the last time i checked prostitution is illegal in ny, who do you think is responsible for that, men perhaps? the neo-feminist nac’s would cut your balls off and hand them to you for partaking in prostitution, if they could.
i hope you will look past your own personal experiences, and lend an ear to what others have to say, and consider the experiences of your brothers that passed before you.
you might start with this old post, i don’t agree with all of it, but its good food for thought.
[quote=that asshole]dear gentlemen,
it is safe to say that the reason why most of us attend to this forum is because we want to fuck more
meat.it might be a good thing, however, what is the use of "fucking more meat" if we not also have a good
life at the same time. such as comfortable living conditions, security, peace of mind, reasonable health,
good company and control over our affairs.
travelling to far-away "****-ries" has some merits and can make us more independent from us females, we
certainly gain some freedom and immunity from manipulation by sex or the lack of it. i can testify for it
because it works. but there are various hardships on the way and the benefits are only temporary, needing
to top-up frequently. all this has made me realise that our real work is at home, in our own "****-ry",
(wherever we may live). (notice the spelling? it is no mistaik.)
to improve our conditions right here and regain control as we used to have long ago.
the writer proposes that year 1920, the enactement of the 19th amendment to the us constitution was the end
of us democracy. for the purpose of eventually doubling the income tax-base and in an instant to create a
mindless, screaming mass of voters/consumers who can be most easily and predictably controlled by well
aimed propaganda: "american women were given voting rights and could be nominated for position in
government". thereby "real" democracy died.
this mindless mass of most easily manipulatable consumers/voters -who only care about their appearance and
the outside appearance of things- comprise at least 51% of the population. they can be most easily
hypnotised by flashing bright images in their faces, are hysterical, insecure, paranoid, emotionally
driven, unable to think logically by nature and are totally indecisive.
by appealing to this mass of "puppets", any senseless policy can be passed -by the sheer number of female
voters, (51%++) - and yet bear the sign of "democracy". even though the result is always easily
predictable. they will vote for it.
by flashing the images of "increased police, sick-care, child-welfare", no matter how stupid the general
agenda is, they will vote for it. we are not even asked because 51%++ already decides without us.
surely you will realize this. the minimum you can do is that you abstain from any voting at all. why
bother? it will make no difference at all. do they think you are stupid?
under this regime, by flashing selected graphic images in the faces of mindless public (51%++), all kinds
of hysterias can be created such as: aids hystery, drug hystery, cancer hystery, smoking hystery, terror
hystery, and so on.
all these, supported by the screaming masses, create absolutely huge profits to selected groups. the writer
proposes that without the "huge screaming" of the mislead masses none of these would be issues of any
importance. the writer can individually dismiss all of these artificial hysterias as "false". detailed
discursion may follow later but surely, instinctively we all know that they are false. and yet they roll in
absolutely astronomical revenues by keeping the masses of 51%++ screaming ever louder.
the writer also proposes that they are deliberately antagonising men and urge us for aggression, using open
and covert education for this purpose from a young age. purposefully creating ideals of "individual
heroes", thereby reducing our chances of ever agreeing, especially in matters concerning females.
even though the problems are evident the writer admits that nothing can be done against it on the short
term. most (but not all) nations of this planet run by the same "global syndicate" and the "screaming,
mindless masses of 51%+" have become the principal building pillar of global economy. as well as
representing more than 51% of voters they are the spenders, moneyspinners and even principal tax-payers.
so, reducing their influence is not a matter of great urgency anywhere. quite to the contrary, previously
cautious and conservative "****-ries" (now you know the reason for the alternative spelling) are opening up
to "women rule", in order to increase spending and spin the fast cash.
but why is it "bad"?
if it hasn't occured to you before then ask first: "why did a forum like this have happen?" with 150,000+
subscribers, and the multitude of other forums and the legions of sex-traveller men just like you. was that
by chance or for a reason?
under the present "regime", problems are treated the usual female way: on the surface, by scraping the top
a bit and giving it an attractive paint-job. this pleases 51%+ of (legally equal) voters and does the job
fine. however temporarily. problems resurface soon with increased ferocity and again oppressed by even
increased forces. in the meantime of course earning solid profits and comfortable living to various
industries that specialise in "fighting".
yet it still pleases at least 51%+, so no probs because the other 49% don't make any difference. plus they
are so deprived of the "object of their pleasure" that they do anything for minimal favours. in effect the
screaming, mindless 51% easily becomes 51%++++++.
in this fashion police suppresses uprisings and "irregular behaviour", bacterias and viruses are "killed",
tumors cut out, surface players of drug distribution are regularly skimmed (while demand kept all high),
police are featured as "heroes", new "magical" face creams and "no effort" weightloss programs are sold by
the truckload. looks very rosy, let's all rejoice.
new infections crop up, new tumors, masses screaming bloody murder at anyone looking different, demanding
more security cameras for "safety". and new lies. in fact we all rot in shit while looking very happy on
the surface and we are supposed to smile and cheer when the national flag is raised. we are a bunch of
mindless morons. how happy...
the plain truth of today:
salivating, pumped-up "pussimen
mindless, screaming mass of "face-painting ladies" 51%+, closely followed by salivating, pumped up
"pussymen" running around in circles and screaming -"oh no, another bacteria, another deadly virus,
terrrrorists all over the place, we all gonna diiiiie now, will someone please save us, oh, oh...dear."
as you have probably figured it out by now: without screaming ladies (51%+++) and "pumped-up pussimen"
there would be no issue of virus, tumor or terror. as it was explained to you above you have no vote at all
any more. then why do you bother voting at all? and if you are not one of the "pumped-up pussymen" then
please stop the screaming about aids, terrorists, global warming and other ridiculous shit. if you cannot
live as a man then why bother. you might as well be taken by any of the above and it will be no loss at all.
not equal, by nature
wear a t-shirt or something: "i am not equal with women". refuse to vote until votes are taken away from
the "puppets". buy a ticket to phnom penh where they are still treated like common shit. you can make up
your own list. just don't believe in "magic" treatments like women do. this curse will take a long time to
go away.
so, yes this tumor has been growing since at least 1920. possibly longer. the russians made them "equal"
first in 1918 to fully support their totalitarian system. easiest handle is where the mind is absent. the
us had no choice, but to follow course. now, being an economic "super-****-ry" the basic condition for
trading with any other ****-ry is that they liberate the shit. otherwise no deal. surely you knew all this
already just didn't know how to say it. if we were just whingeing about it to exercise our mouths then we
would be like women. the difference is that we understand and act accordingly. pointless whingeing is for
women. tell us, what is the list of things that "you" can do?
stop screaming
the first point on your list will be: "from today i will think, and stop screaming like ladies and
pussi-men." -you see? aids, terror and the like already disappeared.
stop being a "hero"
the second point:"from today i will stop fighting. especially in front of women. if we fight they just
think shit of all of us. no matter how they urge me to be violent, i will say: no to violence against men."
the end[/quote]
Well at any rate I'm out of the country in another half a year, give or take.
I always blamed the illegality of prostitution in the US to christianity, NOT feminism first.
Also, the fact that it was illegal but so BLATANTLY tolerated up through the early 90s that many local residents just got fed up and now the pendulum has swung the other way. In some areas in the Bronx is was still pretty blatant right through the late 90s. Hunts Point there used to be girls walking naked in broad daylight. And in some areas they used to break into parked cars to use them as quickie hotel rooms, sometimes leaving the car open to get rained in and leaving the used condom on the seat etc. :p
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Well at any rate I'm out of the country in another half a year, give or take.
I always blamed the illegality of prostitution in the US to christianity, NOT feminism first.
Also, the fact that it was illegal but so BLATANTLY tolerated up through the early 90s that many local residents just got fed up and now the pendulum has swung the other way. In some areas in the Bronx is was still pretty blatant right through the late 90s. Hunts Point there used to be girls walking naked in broad daylight. And in some areas they used to break into parked cars to use them as quickie hotel rooms, sometimes leaving the car open to get rained in and leaving the used condom on the seat etc. :p[/QUOTE] It may have been “Blatantly tolerated” in the Bronx but that certainly shouldn’t be considered the norm for all of the country.
Why is it so many people especially those who don’t originate in the USA think NYC is indicative of the rest of the country? :confused:
Some religious groups fight against prostitution, but I think you will find many feminist especially early feminist are/were also Christians.
You really should do a little research on “women’s suffrage” and check some feminist websites for their position on prostitution.
I think you will find thinking like this;
[i]“Nineteenth century feminists including Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harriet Martineau and Margaret Sanger were inspired by the movement by early feminists to start looking at prostitution not viewed in the male terms but see women as victims of male society. Victorian feminists saw women in prostitution not as the horrible man-sucking vampires [b][u]some Christians[/b][/u] portrayed them to be but as victims of men’s desire to keep women oppressed. These new views lead to a growing change in the status and aggressiveness of women in the nineteenth century.”[/i]
If you find a feminist group that’s demanding women have the [b] [size=+1] “ [u] right to choose[/u] ” [/b][/size] prostitution as a profession. Let me know I may make a contribution, it is after all her body. :rolleyes:
[QUOTE=Punter 127] I’m old enough to remember what life was like before "wave 2" of feminism. .[/QUOTE]
Man...Wave 1 has already began in Asian countries..more and more feminist are taking admiration from the feminist west and have started sort of movement in Asia.
Its better to fukc today and not wait for tommaorw :)