All Around The World Same Song
[QUOTE=Dickhead]There is not any point on posting anything on this thread about "facilitating sex with American women" as an [b]entire separate forum[/b] exists for this purpose: the USA forum. And that is a sad place indeed.
So I think the intended purpose of [b]this[/b] thread, since it exists on the [b]International[/b]SexGuideForum, is to discuss differences between and similarities among AWs and their [b]international[/b] counterparts, and how that might affect the hobbyists who comprise the clientele of this [b]international[/b] forum.
But if you would like me to bring this back on topic, as I often have, I will try to do so. Last night I went to a bar in Buenos Aires called The Spot. I used to go there often when I lived in the neighborhood in 2004-2005 and now I have, perhaps propinquitously, returned to the same neighborhood (three blocks from my previous apartment).
The place has cheap drinks, relative to other places in this fairly expensive neighborhood, and a good happy hour. Previously it got a lot of patronage from Americans who were down here studying English, but the majority of the clientele were Argentineans. I'm happy to say the prices are still reasonable and the bartenders pour quite freely, but I'm unhappy to say that 80% of the people in there were speaking English.
Now, I have to say, most of the AWs in there were cute and few were fat. However, there were other issues. Sloppy dress, baggy clothing, loud voices which drove home the point that they could not speak a full sentence without like you know I mean two or three like um er uh you know it was like totally you know like bogus. So I, Richard T. Head, a very social animal, attempted to approach several with basic things like, "Hi, my name is Dick. I see you are from the You Ess. Would you like to sit and have a drink?" Just basic bar stuff.
I wasn't drunk and was decently dressed and had showered, shaved, brushed my teeth, and used deodorant. I am older and do not resemble Brad Pitt but I am not fat or bald or covered with oozing sores. I performed this experiment five times with the following results:
#1 said she was with someone. I had been there half an hour and remained there another hour and a half and deem this to be bullshit.
#2 looked me up and down and said, "Umm I have to leave soon," then stayed another hour during which time two American suckers were buying her drinks, several drinks each.
#3 said she just there to practice her Spanish so I said, "Hace mucho tiempo vivo en Buenos Aires y hablo castellano fluido si quieres practicar." We determined her Spanish was virtually non-existent and she got embarrassed (because lying) and walked away.
The other two just blew me off rudely. So, I left and went to a privado where I got laid for about the amount it would have cost me to have two rounds of drinks with any of these women. And, the gal I fucked was better looking than four of the five I attempted to talk to.[/QUOTE]
DH so what are you saying? The American women suck or you suck? I don’t think neither of you suck. The women just were not interested. Nothing wrong with that. So you went to a “privado” not sure what that is but I am assuming it is a *****house and got laid. Have you ever rejected a girl?
After my three straight weeks of mongering decided to take a short hiatus. Hit the local mall just to flirt with normal girls this afternoon. because I was simply bored. Did I get lucky? Nope. Am I disappointed? Nope.
Let me tell you the whole story I live in upscale area of the Philippines where 15 mil PHP about $300,000 houses is not an uncommon sight. The girls that frequent this mall are not strapped for cash…..Second thing is the whole Filipinas love foreigners is a myth. When I am out and about the most beautiful Filipinas you see are with successful Filipino men (or ones with inheritated money). You smell what I am cooking.
Now I was not bold as you I didn’t try to start up a conversation I didn’t approach any. I only made eye contact. Some kept a plain face. Some ignored. Some looked angry(the universal fuck off face) but there were no inviting smiles. I had one girl who came and sat way too close to me. She was waiting on me to make a move. But she was unattractive and looked poor. I simply ignored her.
Now if I went to a poorer area of the Philippines maybe I would have got more inviting smiles. Now tell me what is the difference between choosy American women and women everywhere else. I mean *****s are *****s right?
Woulda, shoulda, coulda...
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]Good to hear about LA and your cousin. The problem is that not everybody lives in LA where all the horny girls are!:)
But what's more interesting, that in USA you always here this "if' and "could"!
You made this excuse about sleeping on the couch for a week.(at least you're honest, thanks!) So that was the excuse for not scoring? One whole week! You can score with about 10-20 women! If what you say is true.
So you did not have confidence to get into some girl's place? You did not have confidence to take a girl to the couch?? Cannot fuck on the beach? One my EE friend fucked a girl in Florida on the fucking beach!
Why would do you need wheels to score??? Are you kidding?
Sorry dude, you just made a million stupid reason not to score in USA. And to make it worse in LA. So it must be something else, not the reasons you talk about.
For example in Russia that's never a problem! does not matter where you sleep. people would fuck in any shithole possible. Also one GF in Russia told me she always wanted to have her own apartment so she can invite a guy over.
Anyway, only in USA I hear "Ifs", "could" and "maybe" bullshit all the time.
Some my friends used to go to "spring breaks" while I was going to other countries and had fucked lots of girls. They loughed at me since I was spending 2-3 times more money. but they were always coming back with "ifs", "buts" and "coulds". "Yeah that girl was friendly and nice, but if that.. then maybe. And "yeah we saw many topless girls but..."
'If I want a girl I would go to that party, there are plenty of horny 18 y.e."
-have you done that?
-nope.. but I can if i want to..
-lets do it now
-no I can't...
I never never ever hear this crap in Latin America or EE. Only in USA(or similar)[/QUOTE]
Goga Fung makes some excellent points. All these hypothetical situations of where you could have fucked if the moment was right sounds like a Viagra ad gone bad. The bottom line is did you fuck or not? If you did not fuck then you DID NOT FUCK! You went home with a dry wrinkled penis. End of story.
I remember guys telling hundreds of these bullshit stories in college. My response was always, you did not score STFU! Some would even stoop so low as to lie on their cocks and claim they fucked when they didn't. A few of the unlucky ones got their cards pulled in public when the girls they claimed to have fucked exposed them as the liars they were. Many of these guys were jocks and they had to lie about getting laid. Face it. When it comes to getting quality pussy in the US the majority of guys have pathetic sex lives.
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Japan..... A Different Brew
[QUOTE=Yogin]I had identical experiences as DH did, but in an affluent area of Tokyo where I was for a few days last year. In various coffeeshops and bars I had no trouble at all striking up friendly conversations with numerous attractive Japanese women (average by Japanese standards/knockouts by US standards). Did I get lucky? Only once but that's ok. But they were all friendly, kind, and open to conversation and a little company. I was not dressed in expensive clothing and am no Brad Pitt. But I am not gross. I am not fat, am healthy, and clean up well.
Where I have done this in comparable places in the US I have been given the "f-off stare" or saw them reach into their purse presumably for the pepper spray. That's right. Back home I'm suddenly a suspected sexual predator or stalker.[/QUOTE]
Japanese women have an infatuation with foreigners for the most part a lot of them also want a chance to practice English with a native speaker. Especially the ones that hang out in foreigner dominated areas. I must admit though they are very approachable. I lived there for the whole year of 2007. That time if you notice I didn't post much on ISG LOL. Way too busy :D