[QUOTE=Thatguy865]You have it wrong gonga fung. I was busy doing the family thing so I had limited amount of time to pursue women. It was not a monger vacation. It just so happens I stayed with my cousin and I was describing his lifestyle.[/QUOTE]I actually got it exactly right. people here always come up with stupid reasons. And you just did it again.
yeah your cousin scores always, even though his life styles sucks... but you cant score because it's "non monger" vacation and actually these girls have higher standards...what the fuck...
you do not need wheels to fuck. every girl has a car. what can be easier. or are you trying to say that she will fuck you for the car?
have you known that you need only few minutes/hours to score? and you do not tell your dick if it's "family" or "monger" time for it?
Dude, why don't you admit, you cannot simply do that in LA/USA
people want to fuck, but they can't, so they come up with BS reasons.
if you could you would do it. You would not be even on this forum BTW. Do not say "could" or "maybe" crap.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]The reason in Russia people will fuck in any shithole. Is because most don't have their own place or a decent place to take you to anyway. So what difference does it make. A shithole is all they can get. The average russians wage is like $450 a month. The majority is shithole poor.[/QUOTE]I do not understand the point. So it is actually about money?
I thought it was about "confidence";) Read you own posts.
Ok, well my GF's in Russia and Ukraine make each about $2000 per month.
They are managers/supervisors. They buy themselves vacations, etc.. I'm actually going with one of them to Spain this week. I did not pay shit for her.
And they do have higher standards than AW, regarding looks, style, behavior etc..
This makes it clear. It's not about money or poor girls.[QUOTE]In america. You won't find too many women willing to fuck in a shithole. Thats just the bottome line. They have a higher standard.[/QUOTE]Yeah, especially looks and behavor:)
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]You guys can't even get a conversation with AW and you then you have the nerve to comment on what someone else should or could do.
[/QUOTE]I have had many conversations with AW. I'm not from USA or LA. A third party opinion: I prefer a conversation with a latin woman. Does not matter working or non working girl.
[QUOTE]This from guys who's only way to get laid is to travel thousands of miles to another country. I wouldn't comment on anyone if I were you guys. What you should be doing. Is trying to learn how to get some pussy without having to make it a business deal or traveling to another country.[/QUOTE]I used to have some GFs in USA. But it turned out that it is actually much cheaper and more rewarding to travel overseas then to have one GF in USA who will fuck with your brains.
Also after my ex-wife, not too many girls in USA attract me. Can you find a girl who is young beautiful, smart, cooks, cleans the house, size 2, virgin when married, etc... in USA?
[QUOTE]But then if you could, you wouldn't be on here bitchin about AW. Would you. Yeah you guys are right. Keep traveling and leave the AW to those who got game. Pimpish ass thatguy is out of here. And as they say. "Don't hate the players. Hate the game" Later.[/QUOTE]I kinda find it interesting often I see guys overseas with even worse looking girls than back in USA. Of course it's the personal preference. But i can only imagine how bad it has to be in USA that a guy goes overseas to fuck a not good-looking girl.
For me it's no problema, i'm not american, i do not care, but it's interesting that many AM cannot get along with AW, then it must be really bad.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]Reminds of my old college days in Pennsylvania, when guys would travel down to Florida for spring break and claim the gals were handing out free pussy like ice cream. I cornered one of these sorry souls, when he returned, and asked him if it was true, free pussy was available on every street corner, and he told me truthfully it was just a myth. Out of a group of five guys who had travelled to Florida none of 'em scored. Amazing.
Now you can go to areas of London, Frankfurt, Paris, Amsterdam, the Caribbean and find AW easily giving up their pussies to foreign men for free.[/QUOTE]
Me and my bro Blaked095 were sitting down in a coffeee shop in the center of Kiev. In front of us the next table were 3 women from the USA. 2 were obiest the other was normal. I could hear them talking LOUD typical North American loud mouths devouring cakes and shit gulping down drinks and it was funny and there speach was something like "What ever" "YouKnow"typical attitude jargon. It was pathetic they glanced at us once in a while hoping we would talk to them because they heard us talking Enlish. I felt SORRY for these attrocities of nature. The other Ukrainian women in the coffee shop look like Run Way models. The women in Kiev DRESS better than the women in Moscow. hard to believe but true. I am heading back to the west coast and putting my home up for sale. Ukraine is BETTER than Moscow cheaper by far and the Ukrainian women have NO attitudes compare to Russian women in the cities. Its hard for me to write this because I have been in LOVE with Moscow for the past 10 years. p4p in Kiev is cheaper and better quality than in Moscow for the price. Food and hotels are cheaper in Kiev than Moscow. Though I have spent countless visits to the Crimea I never spent any time in the North of Ukraine (KIEV) its been 1 month here in Kiev and I can honestly say KIEV is paridise. The rest of the world knows about this financial global meltdown, but it seems that MOSCOW hasnt heard of this, the prices keep going UP UP UP .. Apartments in the center of the city in Kiev are DIRT CHEAP!!!!!!! 300K for a 2 bedroom same flat in MOSCOW 3 million dollars. Yes after staying almost 10 years in Moscow on and off, I NEVER thought I would say this but KIEV is better by far. The OIL and GAS money in Russia has spoil the Russian womens way of thinking. But Rusian women are still easier to talk to than LARD ASS NORTH AMERICAN WOMEN..The way I see it Ukraine will always be a poor country NO natural resources like Russia, So the women will ALWAYS be down to earth. The food is FRESHER in Ukraine than in Russia. Plus there are NO documents needed in Ukraine like Russia.. So the end conclusion I make is TOURISTS will and are now FLOCKING to Ukraine and eventually FUCK IT UP... So thats why I will keep my flat in Moscow... Ukraine will probably be a good place for the next 7 years before it gets fuck up.. Ex pats can afford to live there on a budget very easily, so Moscow being expensive as it is, will have very very very little ex pats living there. I say mongers looking for paridise go to Ukraine. It will soon be polluted in the next 7 years. The writting is on the wall. Oh how I miss Moscow expensive as it is but the writting is on the wall. Moscow will always be Moscow Elites as they are, but at the end of the day it all makes sense to me, A country that will NEVER be control by the WEST and NOT many westerners polluting the country with their way of thinking and living. Ukraine is better for NOW, but all good things come to an end eventually like in the next 7 years.
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]Me and my bro Blaked095 were sitting down in a coffeee shop in the center of Kiev. In front of us the next table were 3 women from the USA. 2 were obiest the other was normal. I could hear them talking LOUD typical North American loud mouths devouring cakes and shit gulping down drinks and it was funny and there speach was something like "What ever" "YouKnow"typical attitude jargon. It was pathetic they glanced at us once in a while hoping we would talk to them because they heard us talking Enlish. I felt SORRY for these attrocities of nature.[/QUOTE]haha I love this phrase "atrocities of nature":)
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]But Rusian women are still easier to talk to than LARD ASS NORTH AMERICAN WOMEN..The way I see it Ukraine will always be a poor country NO natural resources like Russia, So the women will ALWAYS be down to earth. The food is FRESHER in Ukraine than in Russia. [/QUOTE]Yesterday I happened to go to a shopping mall with my neighbor. We drunk some wine, and I was trying to talk to some girls. I do not know what it is , either my weird look(I wore a Colombian Tshort, maybe that's why people got freaked out) or the bad economy. The girls seem to be even more unfriendlier and pissed then ever! One stupid ***** saw me from a distance and already made a pissed face even before I started talking to her.
She was selling some women's crap so I would not buy anything for sure, but why does she has to get pissed, I do not understand. It looks like the sales are low, no customers around, so maybe that's why those chicks are pissed at everybody. Maybe they should start learning selling their ass.
As Brian Moloney says, I felt SORRY for these atrocities of nature:) But my money for sure will go to South America and Eastern Europe girls. And those American mall chicas can continue getting pissed. What a waste of female meat.
Only one out of about 10 girls was actually friendly and gave me her email. Which of course does not mean anything, but at least one girl was able to behave without giving nasty looks.
[QUOTE=Vaquero]So I hooked up with a woman I've known in my professional field for a number of years, a big girl but a nice heart.
She lives a few hours away from me, and I suggested we go away for a weekend. Never had had any physical contact with her before that. She was game.
Now I wasn't necessarily expecting anything, and by the time the trip arrived, I'd caught a nasty flu, and I gave her the option out. She still wanted to go. And all this time, I'd told her I really wasn't looking for a steady relationship, what with starting a new job and all that.
So we went, and she put the moves on me first, and I nailed her nine times that weekend. And that was with the Nyquil and Jager.
A couple weeks later, she had to fly away on business from my city, so I invited her to stay before and after her flights, and we screwed then, too.
Last time I saw her she said if this relationship wasn't going anywhere, there'd be no more sex.
This was after I told her repeatedly if she felt like hooking up with someone else to feel free, that I wasn't looking for serious ties now.
So then she began a little character assassination, and I don't hear much from her now.
She's a nice girl, and she actually drove for our trip and insisted on covering meals. Always wants to go Dutch otherwise.
What's strange to me is that she initiated the sex, with basically me doing all the work, and her just laying there. Then she said she was disappointed I didn't give her a massage.
And she can't cook, and her house is worse than mine in terms of cleanliness.
So basically, if I just get access to her vagina, I'm supposed to adhere to the party line. I can't quite get that.
My most meaningful relationship in years has been a fleeting one with the married mamasan of an AMP. Things don't get complicated there.[/QUOTE]
Thank you for posting your experience here so that we can all share. This whale's behavior is typical of American chicks. You harpooned that whale in her blow-hole over nine times like Captain Ahab. It was hard work and understandably you expected a bit of gratitude. Instead you got slander and an ultimatum. This is a fine example of why a perfectly normal American male would rather choose to pay a good looking woman for some ass instead of riding a cetacean for "free" only to face demands and then have his good name dragged through the mud.
It is said that if you can't kill a man the next best thing is to assassinate his character. Plain and simple, you can't put a price on your good name. That is why companies spend millions of dollars on public relations. Some guys can get laid easily at home but they prefer to travel thousands of miles away and pay some foreign woman to get their jollies for this very reason. Most American women believe that having pussy gives them exclusive power to make the rules, break the rules and exercise veto over men. Funny how you granted her a mercy fuck then suddenly found yourself indebted to her for this act of pity. If she was skinny she'd have expected nothing less than a marriage proposal after the starfish sex.
For those that tout the fine qualities of American women, I say have at them but don't come here lying to us about your or some else's supposedly great experiences. If Victoria Secrets type American women are serving you pussy like free ice cream at a social then don't waste your time telling us about it. We don't don't need to hear about all the pussy we could be getting if we had the right luxury car, mansion, Armani suit, six-figure salary or movie star looks. Of course, American women would take it up the ass if we had all those things and were offering to share it with them. So please don't insult our intelligence.
Peace Brother
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]
For those that tout the fine qualities of American women, I say have at them but don't come here lying to us about your or some else's supposedly great experiences. If Victoria Secrets type American women are serving you pussy like free ice cream at a social then don't waste your time telling us about it. We don't don't need to hear about all the pussy we could be getting if we had the right luxury car, mansion, Armani suit, six-figure salary or movie star looks. Of course, American women would take it up the ass if we had all those things and were offering to share it with them. So please don't insult our intelligence.[/QUOTE]
Wow! I sense some animosity. Peace brother CM. We have an opinion man. No one is right or wrong. I just posted my experiences in the local mall here in PI. Received the fuck off face the same face you will receive in States in fact.
DJ has told us about his friends who are not doing so well financial but still managed to bag quality American chicks. No one is insulting anyone's intelligence just saying women are women. Again peace brother CM if you ever make it out to PI drinks and the WGs are on me.
[quote=goga fung]i do not understand the point. so it is actually about money?
i thought it was about "confidence";) read you own posts.
ok, well my gf's in russia and ukraine make each about $2000 per month.
they are managers/supervisors. they buy themselves vacations, etc.. i'm actually going with one of them to spain this week. i did not pay shit for her.
and they do have higher standards than aw, regarding looks, style, behavior etc..
this makes it clear. it's not about money or poor girls.yeah, especially looks and behavor:)[/quote]
thatguy85 you are definately a dumb fuck, you have no clue in life. i am dumb but at least i am rich and i travel the world!!!! moscow is the most expensive city in the world. their are more millionaires and billionaires in moscow than in the usa and canada combined. before and after this melt down. you more than likely can not afford to bring your sorry broke ass to moscow.. yeah the phillipines and thailand thats in your budget for broke ass losers such as yourself i can see you counting your pennies and bahts you are a joke you cry sour grapes because you will never taste a true white slavic beauty. stay in a poor country like the philipines and fuck those $20.00@hour pigs. russia has beautifull hotels . but thats out of your price range and will always be you loser. their are 2 types of people in this world. the haves and the havenots.. you will always be a have not. no money no class no looks ha ha ha ha ha you really lost out in life i actually feel sorry for you.
[QUOTE=Illogic] I just posted my experiences in the local mall here in PI. Received the fuck off face the same face you will receive in States in fact.[/QUOTE]I think the problem is that in USA generally 9 out of 10(or 99 out of 100) chicks would be either mean, nasty, mean, ugly, nonfeminine, unfuckable, or combinations of those, etc.. And this makes the small leftover % of good-looking potentially nice women actually worse then they are already, since the competition for them is really high. So now they have to become bitches, since many of them do not know how to handle males' attention in a decent way.
On the other hand in many other countries much higher % of women are nice, feminine, and fuckable. When I'm in Colombia I have hard time to find a not-good looking woman. Of course they are there, but hard to find. Its not that I really need, just sometimes interesting to look around and be surprised of the contrast with USA. And many the worst looking Colombian women there would be considered good-looking by American standards.
Here we were talking something about 'American standards". Something is really wrong with it.
Check this out, pretty funny discussion. Its not just me, I definitly could have been mistaken(I look weird to AW), but it's actually American guys write the funny things about AW:
Example’s allot of men are seeing and in all honesty not wishing to subject themselves to any longer. (Mind you not all American women are like this but a growing share have fallen into the following category’s from many men’s perspectives)
1) Selfish - to the point where they don't know the difference between love of self and plain downright greed.
2) Deluded - into thinking they "deserve" a rich, model-handsome husband who will "take them away from all of this"--whatever the "this" might be--and leading to resentment when they discover that the universe does NOT revolve around them.
3) Angry - ALL the damn time about things which are so far out of their control as to be nonsensical--and constantly wanting to "discuss" this mind numbing drivel ad nauseam.
4) Psychotic - multiple personalities in the same woman - as "Nomad" put it in the "Star Trek" episode: "Woman...a mass of inconsistencies...", and also when the feminist voices in their heads start with the regrets and victim acculturation.
5) Worthless - anything that does not immediately resolve itself in her favor or to her benefit is meaningless to her, especially husband and family.
6) Lazy - drilled into their head that they "deserve" a maid, nanny and personal slave to take care of every detail - and that their husband/boyfriend is REQUIRED to cater to their each and every mindless whim.
7) Resentful - especially of other women who have things that they do not, in material, spiritual and esoteric senses.
8) Greedy - to them, "housekeeping" means getting the house in the divorce (thanks to Zsa Zsa for that immortal line) and sucking the guy for every last cent, even if they had nothing to do with the building of the nest egg.
9) Mindless - constant, irritating, idle prattle about topics they read about in some women's magazine and then become instant experts--particularly pop psychology and the latest crap they see on “ News Stand “.
10) Vain - believing that they are irresistible to everything in pants and therefore are allowed to behave sluttish and without any honor.
[QUOTE=Illogic]Wow! I sense some animosity. Peace brother CM. We have an opinion man. No one is right or wrong. I just posted my experiences in the local mall here in PI. Received the fuck off face the same face you will receive in States in fact.
DJ has told us about his friends who are not doing so well financial but still managed to bag quality American chicks. No one is insulting anyone's intelligence just saying women are women. Again peace brother CM if you ever make it out to PI drinks and the WGs are on me.[/QUOTE]
I don’t doubt you in the least. Of course, not all foreign women are going to be nice to us. Some of them come from families with enough money to send them to the USA to study. They’ve seen our trailer parks and projects. So they may think we’re full of shit when they see us in their country. Some of them belong to their country’s elite. They have maids and the best of what their homeland has to offer. They look down on everyone and they learn the “fuck off” face early.
We shouldn’t assume that we’re welcomed by everyone in a country. I’ve been to countries where the US military, and European or American tourists have been blamed for bringing AIDS to their country. Once on a visit to the Caribbean I saw a group of attractive Swedish girls with a couple of native beach boys. I commented to a local guy next to me that the beach boys were lucky. He laughed and said that they were extremely unlucky because everyone knew that Swedish female tourists were spreading AIDS among the beach bums through bareback sex and cunnilingus. That pretty much explained why other local men seemed to steer clear of tourist women. I also noticed a sign along the road to the docks warning locals about engaging in sex with tourists because of the AIDS risk. It was sponsored by an NGO. So guys who fuck tourists on the island are pretty much at the lower levels of society. This is ironic because in the US they would be considered studs with a lot of game.
Yes. We have different points of view. Your belief that there is a dark side to prostitution isn’t erroneous. There are mongers out there who inflict pain on hookers by insisting that they continue sexual acts previously agreed upon. I think a hooker has a right to back out of a deal if she discovers that she can’t handle a butt-fucking. No amount of money paid justifies butt fucking another human to the point of injury. I suspect that most butt-fuckers really sadists to some degree.
Thank you for the offer. I certainly will look you up when in the Philippines.
[QUOTE=Illogic]Asian women are not known for having voluptuous / thick body parts. But if you have the time, energy and the financial resources to weed through all the skinny girls in Asia (this is one of the main attractions of Asia… slim girls) then more power to you. I think a man looking for big tits would be wiser to go elsewhere]
I have had quite a few slim and stacked Asian beauties, Illogic, and I never said I liked FAT women with big boobs so don't be a dolt.
[QUOTE Illogic] What does being married, single have to do with what you just said? I have said once and I am saying it again this shit is not all good. Do you like to have sex with out of shape old women? What do you think most WG girls are doing? Since Dick Head said my analogy was invalid would you like to lick the pussy of fat old western women for money? I don’t even like fat young girls]
See my comment above.
[QUOTE Illogic] So a woman’s role is to be subservient to a man? Why? I got a friend who has earns double my salary and has traveled with me overseas I have had women in various countries refer to him as easy on the eyes . I never hear him moaning and groaning about American woman. I really think a lot of you guys are just bitter]
Not bitter. Realistic. I still date AWs (sometimes slim n stacked but usually at least stacked) and occasionally get laid but prefer the exoticity, friendliness and fu**ability of foreign women.
Perhaps arguing with you is futile. After all, you are ILLOGIC.
[QUOTE=Illogic]Wow! I sense some animosity. Peace brother CM. We have an opinion man. No one is right or wrong. I just posted my experiences in the local mall here in PI. Received the fuck off face the same face you will receive in States in fact.
DJ has told us about his friends who are not doing so well financial but still managed to bag quality American chicks. No one is insulting anyone's intelligence just saying women are women. Again peace brother CM if you ever make it out to PI drinks and the WGs are on me.[/QUOTE]
I dunno the 23 year old finally dropped my 39 year old friend because FRANKLY he's a looser. Likes to go out on other people's dime and keep the attention of the women he meets by constantly fucking them, kissing them and fondling them to keep their minds off the fact -
He's not working, constantly saying he's hustling for tv/movie work and extra casting calls.
He still owes back child support and works under the table usually to avoid California's tax board.
Yeah they hook up, but its never for a long time and he has burned many bridges in his 39 years, including his mother, brother and sister who all have stable but boring lifestyles.
So if you call that a "Successful" hook up, I dunno you like to by Lemon cars? I mean its NEW you won't know its a Lemon until things constantly go wrong with it.
But he offers women in America who usually have a BORING life of constant working and paying bills some excitement and adventure, by showing them you can be irresponsible totally and still be alive...
He wears out his welcome many times, gets laid more than I do, but in the end, when his looks go away, he'll either shack up with some horrible looking whale or something worst just to have a roof over his head and eat out her nasty snatch....
Another buddy his living with some hollywood producer (she is NOT CUTE AT ALL) and sends my homie rent money every month, on time and he hasn't lived there full time for at least 8 months now.
I don't call these success stories. In typical American hype media machine these might be termed successes but you can't believe that with a straight face can you???
I can't keep saying it, I don't go out as much as I use too because its just a waste of time, my valuable time...
Any man who would let a woman support him or finance his lifestyle is a [i]de facto[/i] pimp, not a real man, a waste of skin, and a complete defuckingenerate. Look at this Clark Rockefeller. Women are so fucking stupid sometimes. She made millions of dollars a year. She was married to him for [b]TWELVE YEARS[/b] and did not know who he really was. Said in court she never saw his passport, never saw his driver's license (he told her he had an "eye problem" and couldn't drive; shit there are people who are LEGALLY BLIND who can legally drive), he never had a checkbook (other than hers, as she noted wryly). And it ain't like the guy is cute. He sat on his ass for years and finally he agreed to accept a million dollars cash to give her sole custody of their kid, and he [b]still[/b] fucked it all up.
DJ what you oughta do is move the hell away from wherever you grew up with these fucking "homeys." Just go anywhere. You have a CDL, right? Just go and get away from all this negative energy.
Trying To Say
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I dunno the 23 year old finally dropped my 39 year old friend because FRANKLY he's a looser. Likes to go out on other people's dime and keep the attention of the women he meets by constantly fucking them, kissing them and fondling them to keep their minds off the fact -
So if you call that a "Successful" hook up, I dunno you like to by Lemon cars? I mean its NEW you won't know its a Lemon until things constantly go wrong with it.
I don't call these success stories. In typical American hype media machine these might be termed successes but you can't believe that with a straight face can you???
I can't keep saying it, I don't go out as much as I use too because its just a waste of time, my valuable time...[/QUOTE]
DJ not calling them success stories (whatever the fuck that is) as I don't know your boy. I simply saying he was able to bag American chicks. Court them and get them into bed.
[quote=brian moloney]thatguy85 you are definately a dumb fuck, you have no clue in life. i am dumb but at least i am rich and i travel the world!!!! moscow is the most expensive city in the world. their are more millionaires and billionaires in moscow than in the usa and canada combined. before and after this melt down. you more than likely can not afford to bring your sorry broke ass to moscow.. yeah the phillipines and thailand thats in your budget for broke ass losers such as yourself i can see you counting your pennies and bahts you are a joke you cry sour grapes because you will never taste a true white slavic beauty. stay in a poor country like the philipines and fuck those $20.00@hour pigs. russia has beautifull hotels . but thats out of your price range and will always be you loser. their are 2 types of people in this world. the haves and the havenots.. you will always be a have not. no money no class no looks ha ha ha ha ha you really lost out in life i actually feel sorry for you.[/quote]damn what hostility.
did i touch a nerve or what. are you that sensitive about russia. you obviously are a wizard or something. from my post you can detect my income, my status in life, my success with women, where i have or have not been. you are something like a nostradamus.
so let me enlighten you on one thing. as i previously stated. you can enjoy all those pale fish belly white slavic hoes. i wouldn't go to russia if you paid for it. well maybe if you paid, but only to see the city, culture and to say i been there done that and one time only. not for the women. pale ass white women don't do anything for me.
i won't even comment on your insults cause that only shows your ignoranc to state such things without ever talking/seeing/or knowing who i am.
bm as you stated you are dum,
if you think russia has the most billionares or millionares. but then you did admit "you are a dum ass". now didn't you. just goes to show you even a dum ass can make money. check any list you want. russia isn't even close.