beatten man with baseball bat for sex
Today a Canadian friend sent me this:
A group of teenagers misunderstood a woman's screams during sex and, thinking they were stopping an assault, beat a 25-year-old man in her bedroom, police said....
Next time think if you wanna have sex in North America:)
An article-advice by an Aussie guy about dating Russian women
An interesting article-advice by an Aussie guy about dating Russian women, how not to get gold diggers and how it compares to USA and Asian women, and which(Russian or Asian) women one should date and why.
From his point of view, women from different places are different and I think he makes a lot of sense and it can be applicable to Latin America women too, although some guys here might get offended and disagree.
There are gold diggers there, but about as many as in the US or many other countries. However, if you are a money-oriented person, and think that you will impress people with your money- you will attract just that- a person who will use you for your money. Isn’t logical? Many Americans are money-driven, and they think that if they are successful businessmen and are into careers, Russian women will like them. In other words, they approach Russian women the way they would approach American women. I am this and that and I have this car and this house, do you like me now? Sure, a gold digger will be the one who likes you. Then, do not complain when you get taken for a ride.
However, if you go there and do not make adjustments, are always in a hurry, always talking about business and money, do not respect their ways, and do not learn Russian, you will only find the woman that is interested in a money-making man- in other words, “an American woman from Russia” so to speak.
If you are, however, a lupine businessman type whose only interest is making big bucks and who has no time for soulfulness, humour, culture and romantic aestheticism, don’t go to Russia. Your choice should be Chinese girls. From China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Or the Vietnamese ones. Even the Japanese. These do not like jokers or funny, friendly guys, as a rule. These are seen as not worthy of respect. They like sullen-looking, glum and busy fat cats. These will be running business with you, working hard and being happy with you the way you are. You will find no gold diggers among those as a rule- mostly good business partners and good wives. Just make sure you are really successful and are making good money. And working your rear off for 12-15 hours a day.
The Quest for The Big Bamboo
Female sex tourist flock to Caribbean to enjoy rental dreads:
“80,000 white female sexual predators flock to the Caribbean islands each year to molest and abuse the 'Big Bamboos' of illiterate, poverty stricken 'rent-a-rastas'. Unsurprisingly, feminists don't seem to object to this form of sexual tourism”
A woman prepares for her journey in search of the big bamboo.