Hi guys,
It is quiet here.
There are not much complains about American women here
Are American women improved for last couple weeks?
Paddy, For learning conversational Spanish is best Pimsleur courses.
It is much more effective than Berlitz
Full course 45 cassettes, quite expensive but you
Can find it on Internet for free.
I have same ideas, to learn Spanish and
get out from this f*king country.
You are absolutely right
In Russia women professionally are doing
better than men. And this not destroyed the balance
between men and women.
Actually Russian women
more educated then American women and
easily beat them professionally when they
come here.
Problem in this F*king American System and
F*king American Culture. It is really horrible place
To live here for the men.
jak, enjoy one more story from american man
most that i am amazed, that this *****
could never do such things in russia.
here in us the system so rotten what the
american man is completely defenseless.
i ended up taking a european connections
tour to st petersburg
to move things along, i met oksana and we were
as much in love at that time as we were in our letters.
to cut things short, we married, lived for a year
and a half before she went nuts on me.
she beat me, called the police, brought her 4 boyfriends
to my house to threaten me and more.
she glued my penis to my balls when i was sleeping and
when i woke up to [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134][CodeWord134][/url] i couldn't because the hole
was glued shut with super glue.
i think the nurses in the hospital are
still laughing at me.
she would come home from her esl classes at
college and climb on top of me in bed and wave
her pussy in my face showing me the sperm from
the other guys who fucked her that night,
asking me to lick it out of her.
this was the sweet, house cleaning, bible
reading russian woman i married.
i hope men are finally starting to see that
this is nothing more than a scam to get russian
woman into the usa.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Lenin
[i]Actually Russian women
more educated then American women and
easily beat them professionally when they
come here.
Problem in this F*king American System and
F*king American Culture. It is really horrible place
To live here for the men. [/i][/QUOTE]
There's a 'long term stay' hotel in San Diego where most Russian women stay upon arrival in San Diego (fresh off the boat). Know how they get out of the hotel? They find an American or Russian boyfriend. Personal experience doesn't agree with your statement about how they do professionally.
Lenin, your story says more about the Russian woman than about the US system. That chick is obviously a pshycho nut *****. And, unfortunately, the guy was obviously to stupid to kick her ass to the curb at the first sign of it. Hell, they'd only been married a year and a half. Her green card, if she even had it at that point, was not permanent. All he had to do was file for a divorce, call INS, and she's back in russia drinking vodka to drown her skanky ass sorrows.
Wait a minute, Lenin -- you're now saying that getting involved with a mercenary Russian woman who obviously used an American guy as a way of getting out of Russia and into this country, treated him like crap once she got here and cheated on him, a guy who even labels the whole thing as a scam, this somehow demonstrates something about America and American women? C'mon! This is just the classic "use some stupid American loser" immigration scenario, and it's something that's played out not only with Russian brides, but those from the east as well. This says nothing about the American system whatsoever -- if anything, it should be a caution to guys here who want to find women from other countries that there are scam artists and heartless gold-diggers outside of the borders as well as inside.
I'd suggest that you [i]do[/i] learn Spanish and get out, as your bitterness toward all things American shows through. Really sorry we messed up your nice little perfect repressive oligarchy back home.
Purplengold, I am working in computer industry for 10 years for different
And I didn’t see even one professionally good North American women working there.
And I sow a lot excellent software developers - women from Russia.
joe_zop, this chick is not alone. There’s thousands and thousands cases like that,
just may be they are not so exotic. It is too easy for women to use this stupid system against the men. And not only me who are learning Spanish to get out from this sh*t. Your position is very strange. It seems for you is everything fine with American System. I don’t think so. If it was fine, you would f*ck chicks instead of spending time for this forum.
Da Svydania Lenin!
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Lenin
Problem in this F*king American System and
F*king American Culture. It is really horrible place
To live here for the men. [/i][/QUOTE]
You know what, Vladimir Ilych? You can get on the next plane back to Moscow if you think it's so terrible here. We don't want your type of complainer polluting our country. Head on back to Perm, Omsk, or whatever shithole you call home.
Kiss my huj!
-Uncle Otto
Lenin, my point was very simple -- posting something about an international marriage scam really doesn't have a lot to do with the topic of American women, or, as you've extended it, how the American man/woman scenario somehow corrupts foreign women once they're here. That's true no matter how many thousands of foreign broads scam foolish American men into being visa conduits. If you want to prove your point, then how about using examples that have something to do with it? Screaming out that you got sun poisoning because you laid out in the sun for six hours does not somehow prove that the ozone layer is disappearing.
And it's simply not an either/or equation -- I can fuck women [i]and[/i] spend time in this forum, and I do both, thank you very much! I've plenty of problems with American society and the system, but the fact that I also deal a lot with computers doesn't mean I have to be only binary, where I have to think or act only one way or another. It's possible to disagree with your points and still accept portions of your arguments -- but I'm not somehow obligated to accept off-the-point examples as saying something meaningful if they don't, and in this particular case, that's what you've done.
And perhaps this sh*t could never happen in Russia because there aren't loads of people lining up to emigrate there. Or am I wrong, and are there a whole bunch of "brides for Russian men" organizations I don't know about? Perhaps paradise just has such a long waiting list that we never hear about it?
i agree with the poster who said "get on the next plane back to [east buttfuck, russia]."
sure, things aren't perfect here. we currently have an ultra war-mongering executive office. we are getting raped at the gas pumps (partly due to that same executive office). we have a lot of stupid laws driven by religious stupidity. and, we allow too many negative-minded immigrants into the country. but, there are problems anywhere you go, and the problems here are less than other places. isn't that the reason you're here as opposed to ebr?
i'm also in agreement with the posters who say that american women are, more often than not, a bunch of money grubbing skanks. btw, i think this applies to the majority of women, not just those in america. that doesn't mean that i don't have relationships with them. hell, life would be pretty shitty without those relationships.
and, btw, jz was spot on when he pointed out the ability to fuck women and post to the forum. in fact, the forum is for posting about fucking women.
If it was healthy system such b*tches would not do so much harm to the men.
If you read this story carefully you will notice the same pattern what happened everywhere: women beat husband and then call to police.
This is typical only in America.
I could handle such b*tch in Russia
But Here the men defenseless not only against bitches but against any greedy women
And similar cases are not necessary scam. Lot of Russian women comes here with serious intention to build families, but once they here the System spoils them.
About 50% immigrants from Russia divorced here in the first few years
and mostly because of their wives.
< posted by joe_zop
< And perhaps this sh*t could never happen in Russia because <there aren't loads of people lining up to emigrate there. Or am <I wrong, and are there a whole bunch of "brides for Russian <men" organizations I don't know about?
This sh*t could never happen in Russia because once American woman would come there the Russian System would teach her how to respect the man.
And Russian don’t need "brides for Russian men" organizations. Russian man in
Russia doesn’t have deficit of normal women like American man have here
If Russia shithole Why did you go to Russia? if you like so much your American System just stay here and enjoy self sucking your huy.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Lenin
[i]If it was healthy system such b*tches would not do so much harm to the men.
[/i][b][red]Dude, this applies all over the world. Note that we are supposed to be talking about [i]American[/i] women.[/red][/b][i]
If you read this story carefully you will notice the same pattern what happened everywhere: women beat husband and then call to police.
[/i][b][red]Yeah. I hear about this on the news all the time. It's so common that there are special task forces just to deal with sending the men to jail. Are you smoking something?[/red][/b][i]
This is typical only in America.
I could handle such b*tch in Russia
[/i][b][red]And how would you [i]handle[/i] her?[/red][/b][i]
Lot of Russian women comes here with serious intention to build families, but once they here the System spoils them.
[/i][b][red]I agree with this. Ever see Eddy Murphy's Raw? He talks about bringing an african chick back to the states and how she ends up learning to say: "I want half!"[/red][/b][i]
About 50% immigrants from Russia divorced here in the first few years and mostly because of their wives.
[/i][b][red]Relationships end. More than likely both partners are to blame (if any blame needs to be assigned at all). But, I'm sure, from the crap you've posted that nothing is ever your fault.[/red][/b][i]
This sh*t could never happen in Russia because once American woman would come there the Russian System would teach her how to respect the man.
[/i][b][red]As before, How? This sounds to me like an implied thread of brutality.[/red][/b][i]
And Russian don’t need "brides for Russian men" organizations. Russian man in Russia doesn’t have deficit of normal women like American man have here
[/i][b][red]Then get the fuck back there. Go. We won't miss you in this country, but all those russian women are waiting for you to teach them respect.[/red][/b][i]
If Russia shithole Why did you go to Russia? if you like so much your American System just stay here and enjoy self sucking your huy.
[/i][b][red]The same can be asked of you. One last time. Get the fuck back home if you are so dissatisfied here. And, what's a huy?[/red][/b][/QUOTE]
Lenin -
Good to see you're back!
It seems your main argument is that the American system is set up to give more power to women (no matter where they are from), and that this power is recognized and abused by any women that feel inclined to use it. You do not seem to say or imply that women are inherently different anywhere in the world, but that the systems they live under has a lot to do with how they relate to and interact with men. You do make some allowances from past posts for slight variations in this - namely, that Russian women are probably inclined to be even more bitchy than American women if brought under our system, and that many Latin women would be a little better than American women if brought under our system.
I do not think you should go back to Russia, as some of the posters advise, since this is the forum to discuss American women and the various issues surrounding them - which is what I think you are trying to do. Every country has its areas of upside and downside - and I think you are simply trying to do your best to present your perceptions of one of the downsides being the American system relating to the power it gives women in their personal interactions with men.
America is a great place to make money, but the systems in many other countries make their women much better in the personal relations area with men.
>Posted by purplengold
>And, we allow too many negative-minded immigrants into the >country.
Thanks purplengold, I’m glad what I hit American painful spot.
Here is American problem! You are American so stuck with old thinking, political correctness and stereotypes that
you don’t want the fresh ideas because the new ideas could be quit painful.
Actually you have same kind of mentality what Russians had 15 years ago
When I Live in Communist Russia I had nickname dissident because I tried to
show to people that the old System is completely rotted.
They didn’t like to hear it. It is funny, they told me: "Get out from Russia and go to your f*king America."
Now when I see the same people they ask me how did I knew this in that time? Simple - Just open your eyes
It is funny, I feel like my old story repainting here again.
Negative-Minded people create progress. Positive-Mind people don’t need to change anything
America high tech revolution was created by hundred of thousand negative-minded immigrants programmers. If American afraid negative-minded immigrants is nothing going to be changed here.
Just complains, complains and more complains how bad American women.
C’mon purplengold,
Are you so upset just because of simple arguments!?
How old are you?
I had better opinion about you before.