Michael Strahan NY Giants linebacker get's screwed over bigtime.....
Strahan screwed by ex wife Jean Strahan. [url]http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/488346p-411226c.html[/url]
Jean Strahan recieves...................
Prenup payout
$7.5 million plus $1.2 million in interest
Half of all assets
$6.6 million
Dream house
She can buy the family's $3.6 million "dream house" in Montclair, N.J., from her husband for $1.4 million
Luxury car
A leased Cadillac Escalade
She gets half of the money from the sale of 256 pieces of furniture and other property
Child support
$214,745 a year; Michael Strahan also must pay 91% of the cost of their children's private schooling, camp and higher education fees. She will cover the rest.
Poor guy...
Those atheletes are dumbass for not seeing goldiggers comin at them.
In a way I don't feel sorry for him cause he can afford it.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I didn't say that and your taking my post out of context.
I never said baggin Paris Hilton was the best America has to offer. [B]What I was saying was, don't let your financial situation be the sole reason you can't pull famous pussy. [/B]Make connections, its not what you know, its WHO you know. I'm not famous and not rich (yet, give it a few weeks).
As I said, clubs are not the ideal place to meet anybody really. But parties are! [B]These jokers always have parties, just try and get on the guest list. If you don't know anybody, then find somebody in the "know". [/B]The beauty of those people, while fake as a 4 dollar bill, are a reliable source of info. [/QUOTE]
Listen to yourself! Don't you realize that when a man needs to work, spending time trying to get on party guest lists is a complete and utter waste????
That's what I meant about getting a better perspective! Regular guys need to work to earn money. We do not have time to find somebody in the "know" and chase down a party.
51% of U.S. women are now living without spouse
[b]International Herald Tribune[/b]
By Sam Roberts
Monday, January 15, 2007
For what experts say is probably the first time, more American women are living without a husband than with one, according to a New York Times analysis of census results.
In 2005, 51 percent of women said they were living without a spouse, up from 35 percent in 1950 and 49 percent in 2000.
Coupled with the fact that in 2005 married couples became a minority of all
American households for the first time, the trend could ultimately shape social and workplace policies, including the ways government and employers distribute benefits.
Several factors are driving the statistical shift. At one end of the age spectrum, women are marrying later or living with unmarried partners more often and for longer periods. At the other end, women are living longer as widows and, after a divorce, are more likely than men to delay remarriage, sometimes delighting in their newfound freedom.
[i]Furthermore, men have become [b]sick to death[/b] of the bullshit that women put them through just to get laid every now and then. These men are voting with their feet by heading for the exits in record numbers. Also, a select few intelligent men have discovered the allure of overseas pussy through the use of Internet Message Boards like the International Sex Guide. Apparently, once you've experienced the joys of a relationship with an attractive, caring, sincere foreign woman, there's no going back to fat American cows.[/i]
In addition, marriage rates among black women remain low. Only about 30 percent of black women are living with a spouse, according to the Census Bureau, compared with about 49 percent of Hispanic women, 55 percent of non-Hispanic white women and more than 60 percent of Asian women.
In a relatively small number of cases, the living arrangement is temporary, because the husbands are working out of town, are in the military or are institutionalized. But while most women eventually marry, the larger trend is unmistakable.
"This is yet another of the inexorable signs that there is no going back to a world where we can assume that marriage is the main institution that organizes people's lives," said Prof. Stephanie Coontz, director of public education for the Council on Contemporary Families, a nonprofit research group. "Most of these women will marry, or have married. But on average, Americans now spend half their adult lives outside marriage."
Professor Coontz said this was probably unprecedented with the possible exception of major wartime mobilizations and when black couples were separated during slavery.
William H. Frey, a demographer with the Brookings Institution, a research group in Washington, described the shift as "a clear tipping point, reflecting the culmination of post-1960 trends associated with greater independence and more flexible lifestyles for women."
"For better or worse, women are less dependent on men or the institution of marriage," Dr. Frey said. "Younger women understand this better, and are preparing to live longer parts of their lives alone or with nonmarried partners. For many older boomer and senior women, the institution of marriage did not hold the promise they might have hoped for, growing up in an 'Ozzie and Harriet' era."
Emily Zuzik, a 32-year-old musician and model who lives in the East Village of Manhattan, said she was not surprised by the trend.
"A lot of my friends are divorced or single or living alone," Ms. Zuzik said. "I know a lot of people in their 30s who have roommates."
Ms. Zuzik has lived with a boyfriend twice, once in California where the couple registered as domestic partners to qualify for his health insurance plan. "I don't plan to live with anyone else again until I am married," she said, "and I may opt to keep a place of my own even then."
Linda Barth, a 56-year-old magazine editor in Houston who has never married, said, "I used to divide my women friends into single friends and married friends. Now that doesn't seem to be an issue."
Sheila Jamison, who also lives in the East Village and works for a media company, is 45 and single. She says her family believes she would have had a better chance of finding a husband had she attended a historically black college instead of Duke.
"Considering all the weddings I attended in the '80s that have ended so very, very badly, I consider myself straight up lucky," Ms. Jamison said. "I have not sworn off marriage, but if I do wed, it will be to have a companion with whom I can travel and play parlor games in my old age."
Carol Crenshaw, 57, of Roswell, Ga., was divorced in 2005 after 33 years and says she is in no hurry to marry again.
"I'm in a place in my life where I'm comfortable," said Ms. Crenshaw, who has two grown sons. "I can do what I want, when I want, with whom I want. I was a wife and a mother. I don't feel like I need to do that again."
Similarly, Shelley Fidler, 59, a public policy adviser at a law firm, has sworn off marriage. She moved from rural Virginia to the vibrant Adams Morgan neighborhood of Washington, D.C., when her 30-year marriage ended.
"The benefits were completely unforeseen for me," Ms. Fidler said, "the free time, the amount of time I get to spend with friends, the time I have alone, which I value tremendously, the flexibility in terms of work, travel and cultural events."
Among the more than 117 million women over the age of 15, according to the marital status category in the Census Bureau's latest American Community Survey, 63 million are married. Of those, 3.1 million are legally separated and 2.4 million said their husbands were not living at home for one reason or another.
That brings the number of American women actually living with a spouse to 57.5 million, compared with the 59.9 million who are single or whose husbands were not living at home when the survey was taken in 2005.
Some of those situations, which the census identifies as "spouse absent" and "other," are temporary, and, of course, even some people who describe themselves as separated eventually reunite with their spouses.
Over all, a larger share of men are married and living with their spouse — about 53 percent compared with 49 percent among women.
"Since women continue to outlive men, they have reached the nonmarital tipping point — more nonmarried than married," Dr. Frey said. "This suggests that most girls growing up today can look forward to spending more of their lives outside of a traditional marriage."
Pamela J. Smock, a researcher at the University of Michigan Population Studies Center, agreed, saying that "changing patterns of courtship, marriage, and that we are living longer lives all play a role."
"Men also remarry more quickly than women after a divorce," Ms. Smock added, "and both are increasingly likely to cohabit rather than remarry after a divorce."
The proportion of married people, especially among younger age groups, has been declining for decades. Between 1950 and 2000, the share of women 15-to-24 who were married plummeted to 16 percent, from 42 percent. Among 25-to-34-year-olds, the proportion dropped to 58 percent, from 82 percent.
"Although we can help people 'do' marriage better, it is simply delusional to construct social policy or make personal life decisions on the basis that you can count on people spending most of their adult lives in marriage," said Professor Coontz, the author of "Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage."
Besse Gardner, 24, said she and her boyfriend met as college freshmen and started living together last April "for all the wrong reasons" — they found a great apartment on the beach in Los Angeles.
"We do not see living together as an end or even for the rest of our lives — it's just fun right now," Ms. Gardner said. "My roommate is someone I'd be thrilled to marry one day, but it just doesn't make sense right now."
Ms. Crenshaw said that some of the women in her support group for divorced women were miserable, but that she was surprised how happy she was to be single again.
"That's not how I grew up," she said. "That's not how society thinks. It's a marriage culture."
Elissa B. Terris, 59, of Marietta, Ga., divorced in 2005 after being married for 34 years and raising a daughter, who is now an adult.
"A gentleman asked me to marry him and I said no," she recalled. "I told him, 'I'm just beginning to fly again, I'm just beginning to be me. Don't take that away.' "
"Marriage kind of aged me because there weren't options," Ms. Terris said. "There was only one way to go. Now I have choices. One night I slept on the other side of the bed, and I thought, I like this side."
She said she was returning to college to get a master's degree (her former husband "didn't want me to do that because I was more educated than he was"), had taken photography classes and was auditioning for a play.
"Once you go through something you think will kill you and it doesn't," she said, "every day is like a present."
Ariel Sabar, Brenda Goodman and Maureen Balleza contributed reporting.
"Furthermore, men have become sick to death of the bullshit that women put them through just to get laid every now and then. These men are voting with their feet by heading for the exits in record numbers. Also, a select few intelligent men have discovered the allure of overseas pussy through the use of Internet Message Boards like the International Sex Guide. Apparently, once you've experienced the joys of a relationship with an attractive, caring, sincere foreign woman, there's no going back to fat American cows."
Absolutely classic, you should have left it in the same type though...LOL
[QUOTE=George90]Listen to yourself! Don't you realize that when a man needs to work, spending time trying to get on party guest lists is a complete and utter waste????
That's what I meant about getting a better perspective! Regular guys need to work to earn money. We do not have time to find somebody in the "know" and chase down a party.[/QUOTE]
That depends on where you work. You have friends don't you? I kicked most of my "friends" to the curb. I have a few true friends that I have known since high school that I say in contact with. Only 1 of them is married, the others are single and somewhat sucessful at it.
One friend works at the Warner Bros studios in Burbank. Another used to work for Motown Records and I used to be a member of a very popular record pool (and plan to rejoin this year). I used to get on all kinds of guess list, been at parties where Frankie Knuckles Dj'ed (that wasn't cheap!) for example.
However you want to look at it LA is about money and connections. If you don't have money or connections you spend alot of time at home, alone. I just got tired of it frankly. Alot of fake arse women, alot of women that judge you before even talking too you. I just didn't want to deal with it anymore.
But that doesn't mean they aren't good FUCKS, they can be. I myself have never banged a famous woman. But several of my friends have banged famous and minor porn stars, flash in the pan recording artist and a few actresses.
Its very possible if you're willing to put up the effort. If your working for your early retirement, then yes I understand you don't have time to party and hope to party on the back end. Well that can be flawed as much as women fucking around with Alpha Males and Loosers until they hit 30, the "clock" starts runnin and like the Unknown poster said, starts looking for a "Beta" male to take care of her and her yet to be born children.
Nothing in life is guranteed and you need to live it. Women can be apart of it or don't have to be, its up to you. I can leave dealing with women at the drop of the hat and go straight with p4p, but I rather be a father and roll model for my children, when I have some and I know I can find a woman that would love me without the BS, without the lies and without the games.
Its just not likely to happen here, so I don't bother with American women for dating purposes, sex is another matter.
Your Chances of Getting Rich....
....according to this article anyways.
It's actually kind of depressing, but worth checking out.
Interesting post from the genius @ russianwomen.wordpress.com
I am constantly amazed at how our society has come to a point of repression to where we are not supposed to be free to use the words “Ugly” or “Fat”.
The road to HELL is always paved with “good” Feminist intentions. So in their zeal to further control our behavior by controlling our language they decide to invent new terms like “alternative appearance” or “appetite challenged”.
Communism was such a great experiment to see if these ideas for promoting “equality” were right. According to it.. if we could just make “everyone equal” we would all have a more harmonious and prosperous existence.
But what many people don’t realize is that to make everyone “equal” is to forcefully degrade everyone to the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR.
Or in other words let’s force everyone to be lazy, un-motivated, jealous and ignorant. Once people reach this point the only way they can make themselves feel good is by tearing into someone else that has something they don’t like money, beauty, or a husband.
And then this turns into a vicious cycle.
You see when a virus like this is firmly embedded within any culture it leads to outright sabotage and “theft” on a massive scale so that no one can move up.
In Western Countries such as the US this “theft” manifests itself in the divorce courts where the majority of Men face the prospects of having their property, parental rights, and even their liberty taken from them.
I once heard of a ghetto term that perfectly illustrates this and it’s called “crabs”. If you’ve ever seen a bucket full of crabs then you know that once one crab tries to rise and leave the bucket.. all of the other crabs will drag this poor crab back down.
If anyone doesn’t believe me about how destructive this system of crab-like “equality” is then they should come to any ex-Soviet country and see how thoroughly it crushes a Man’s spirit and turns millions of people into the walking dead. Russia’s demographics and it’s very ability to hold the country together in the no so distant future is endangered because of this very reason.
Kill a person’s spirit and you will soon kill their bodies..
Try to make everyone “equal” within any society and watch it slide into the WORST that human beings and history has to offer.
So get this… Did you know that there is a growing movement primarily in the US to start promoting physically UGLY and FAT women as being on “Equal” physical terms with women who are beautiful.
Well guess what this means for you Guys?
It means that US and Western women who have any potential at beauty will start to physically degrade themselves in order to go with the new LOWERED STANDARD of beauty which becomes the NORM.
Just like with Communism our society starts to believe that we can alter nature’s most basic fundamental principals of CAUSE and EFFECT. ie. We try to cushion or remove people from experiencing the consequences of their own decision.. like getting FAT… and that encourages all other women to get laxed and to do the same…
And consequences always follows.
So US and Western women allow themselves to get Fat, to wear loose baggy “hood” style clothes everywhere, not shave their arm pits or legs, get large tattoos, have piercings in strange places, etc. etc.. you starting to get the picture?
Unfortunately I’m sure you do..
Because it’s all around you. American & Western Women are letting themselves go to complete dog do-do because they believe that’s this is the NORMAL thing to do. In this nasty cultural environment ALL WOMEN even naturally beautiful ones would face a strong and growing temptation “to blend in” with the rest.
AND just for added measure..
Just to make sure that we are forced to complete their DENIAL for them..
We are “supposed” to ignore this and “accept them” for who they are.. We are not supposed to say that the women that surround us are FAT and UGLY. If any of you guys DARE do this then be prepared for a Harassment complaint or even a Lawsuit.
Guys I hate to say this but..
Welcome to the New Feminist USSR.
So next time you are out and about.. take special notice of the Women around you. Look at how they dress and hear what they say.. and more importantly HOW they say it. Hopefully after reading this you will gain a whole new perspective on the sad state of affairs that our female counterparts are unconsciously wallowing in.
In anycase let me just close this off on a positive note by sharing a very old Russia proverb with you..
“Women fall in love with their ears..”
“While Men fall in love with their EYES..”
Gentlemen.. Certain Truths never change..
And THANK GOD Russian Women understand this.
Rock Dog,
Being rich is not a magic passport to being happy. I used to make a stack of cash (at least it seemed to me) but was deeply unhappy.
I quit my job, traded it in for a similiar position paying 20% less but only gave me 5% of the stress. Hell of a deal, if you ask me. Overnight, my happiness level increased 3x.
Another interesting post from russianwomen.wordpress.com
I just read a great post from Mr. Rule 62 and he said the following,
“We are so beat up and bashed by feminist nonsense. I feel like an alien every time I go back to the States now. “
Well Mr. Rule 62.. I know EXACTLY how you feel about feeling like an Alien in your own country! Nothing like Feminist Political Correctness to ruin a Man’s day with.. or life..
Feminism is a POTENT Adversary in many ways. And in some key areas I would even consider them a “Worthy Adversary”.
Why in the world would I call them “Worthy” you might ask?
Because of this..
They Ingeniously CONTROL Our LANGUAGE and Our Thinking.
You see if the Feminist control the language that we speak in our society then they EASILY control the Society itself!
Let me explain this with a little history..
During the dark ages of the Soviet Union ANY RELIGION or SPIRITUALITY WAS COMPLETELY BANNED by the Communist State. Churches, Synagogues, Temples or any place of worship were either outright destroyed or condemned. Marxist-Leninism was the only belief allowed. In many ways it was it’s OWN RELIGION. A Religion of complete obedience and subservience to the power of an all powerful state. God did not exist.. because Marx, Lenin and Stalin were all cunning enough to realize that any belief in God would be competition for the belief that they themselves were Gods. We define this today as a “Cult of Personality”.
Any normal person would recognize this as a hellish nightmare come true. Since the Soviet State was so threatened by the idea of “God” they were ruthless and absolute in their desire to ban the very concept of God or the Human Soul. They EASILY did this on a public level by DEFINING and CONTROLLING the language that people were allowed to interact in.
Any Person who DARED to believe in God or Spirit was labeled either SUPERSTITIOUS, STUPID, or INSANE.
Years of Propaganda films were effectively used to manipulate public opinion to create a sense of deep shame for anyone who even spoke about God. Very public examples were made of religious believers being hauled off to receive “Psychiatric Treatment” for their “Mental Illness”. MILLIONS more were simply thrown into the Gulags which was an inevitable death sentence or just outright killed..
SO EFFECTIVE was the control of language through the “labeling” of people that 2 different social classes emerged. “Educated” and “Proper” people believed only in the State… While un-educated people believed in stupid superstitions such as God. This is the exact phrasing they used by the way. Even today 15 years after the collapse of Communism there is hardly any open discussion of spirituality or relgion in this society among the people. You have no idea how many YOUNG people I’ve met who have a carry over attitude from these days. YOUNG people who still believe it’s stupid to talk about such things. Or young adults who have literally said, “NO Way I don’t believe in such things!” to each other and to me personally.
And people wonder why this country is self-destructing demographically..
If I’m bringing up a very dark subject it’s for a very good reason.. As I’ve said in an earlier post.. Feminism is a very prominent branch from this root of terrible evil. It’s ideologies are variations of a Communist Utopian theme and it’s methods have frightening similarities to what was once done here.
Feminism has greatly succeeded in also creating a deep sense of SHAME for any man who DARES to reject them and exit their circle.
“You are a Loser!”
“You can’t find a girlfriend or a wife in your own country!”
“You obviously are an Awful man since you are rejected by any women you meet!”
“What is wrong with you?
“You are not a REAL man”
“Foreign women are desperate green card hounds!”
We Men most likely find ourselves shutting up instead of having to constantly fight and defend ourselves from this barrage of criticisms and “group think”.
We Men find ourselves needing to justify or apologize for our every move especially when it comes to Women.
Sound familiar? It’s all around us and usually your subconscious just says.. “to hell with it.. it’s not worth getting into a fight over.”
And in many ways you are right.. because most of the time it isn’t worth it to spend the energy.. especially when you believe that you are mostly all alone in thinking this way as a MAN.
But at that moment a part of your soul and a part of a free society has been lost.. And I believe on some level.. most of us men understand this and silently despair..
Gentlemen.. We have all been through this in one form or another.
We can choose to play defence to this for the rest of our lives and ultimately lose..
We can go on the offense.. kick some serious ass.. and win BIG for ourselves, our families, and ultimately for society itself.
I know in my heart and soul that finding yourself a traditional loving & supportive wife is the most potent tool you have to combat this.
It’s that easy.. because this IS the solution.
Or to put it in another way..
Your happiness and joy as a Man is a stealthy all weather GPS guided high yield NUKE against the Fortress of Feminism..
And I know Damn well that the Feminist know this too.
So therefore, they will do ANYTHING they can to prevent you from gaining this either by squeezing the relationship market shut with political or legislative action or by pulling the “mail order bride” card out on you.
If we Men cannot stand-up to their attacks then we should just hang it up and wait for our number to be called to be admitted into their Gulags. Humiliating and demoralizing prisons which are cleverly disguised as things like non-objectionable restraining orders, child protective service investigations, financial disclosure interrogatories, mandatory sexual harassment & anger management workshops, and the list goes on and on. Within their fortress, these are all the weapons at their disposal and you cannot win fighting it within their walls because it is all designed to sap your strength and bleed you to death no matter if you cooperate or resist.
No gentlemen to me it is very clear. The only way you can win is to first find sanctuary in the loving arms of a woman who nourishes your soul and allows you to regain your strength and self-awareness. And with that ever increasing strength and clarity you will ultimately have no fear to take on the world. Deep down inside you know that this is what you were meant to be as a man. And if you think about the hero’s that you looked up to as a kid (or even now) I’m sure you will recall a man like this.
For me that hero was and forever will be Ronald Reagan.
I have studied this great man’s life and the great things he did for our world and I’m always awe-struck as to how he did it. How did he boldly know the future and how to get there when it seems that everyone said he was just a stupid old washed-up 2nd rate actor who worked with Bonzo the chimp. When they were screaming in the streets of Europe, New York and Washington DC.. screaming bloody murder that this man was about to lead us straight into the Apocalypse of World War III. Where did he get the courage and the fortitude that he seemed to so effortlessly wield against the endless onslaught of those who would do him harm including a nearly successful assassin? How did he deal with the un-imaginable pressure of literally changing the world at such a key moment in history?
The more I studied him the more I realized it was because he had one HELLUVA wife behind him. Nancy Reagan was his rock, his loving muse and his soul-mate. He simply had no fear because Nancy was always behind him.. Always loving him, always protecting him, and always there for him.
Ronald Reagan was once quoted as saying,
“You know in my position I am often in the company of many people.. perhaps millions that I need to reach out to.. But the only time I really get lonely is if Nancy leaves the room..”
When I gained this insight I realized that of all things life has to offer.. This is what I wanted the most..
And I believe you do too.
Yet another winner from russianwomen.wordpress.com...If you ever been played, abused or used by an american woman, you'd know where this guy is coming from....
A story of a female "player" after 40...
Many years ago when I was back in California I was driving up to a seminar and had volunteered to pick up another lady on a car pool list who was also attending it.
Let’s call this Woman “Carol”.
Carol looked like she was in her early to mid 40’s. Typical nature-mama look with disheveled clothes, tangled hair and a face that had an equally confused expression.
Frail and depressed were the two words that came to mind as I saw her for the first time.
After our greetings and introductions we later on settled into a conversation about Men, Women and Relationships..
Carol was sad and upset as she talked in a surprisingly candid and neurotic tone when she said…
I don’t understand why Men don’t want me anymore..
When I was a teenager in the 70’s I was a hot little girl and every man wanted me and I could completely do as I pleased. I could get him to buy me drinks, take me out for expensive dates, and buy me gifts. And then I could get rid of him and another Man would quickly do the same. But now that doesn’t happen anymore..
Now since I had vivid memories of being on the receiving end of this kind of evil sexual manipulation..
I just wanted to stop the car and say..
You Stupid *****!
You got what you deserved.. you wasted the best years of your life throwing Men out like pieces of trash when you should have used that precious time to find someone who would love you for the rest of your days.. You played with fire and now you’re going to pay the price until you are old and gray..
Part of me REALLY wished that I would have said that to her..
But the other part of me just said to relax and to let an unforgiving Mother Nature do the talking for me instead. As each passing year would creep forward for her it was obvious that Carol was condemned to a prison from which there was no escape.
It’s because she made the WORST Judgment a Woman can do in her Life..
She FAILED to realize that Lasting Love is MUCH MORE Valuable and HARDER to Find then any number of Men with a few more Dollars in their pockets.
However there was simply no need for me to tell her this important truth..
Because my silent response was far more punishing to her then what my words could ever say.
For all intensive purposes this woman had become addicted to what I call the “Prostitute’s Game”.
She foolishly thought that the free ride for her as a Woman would last forever..
She was like the jaded prostitute who judged all Men only by the size of their wallets and in doing this she actually turned herself into a mere commodity.
A commodity that was already cheap to start with.. but now at this point in her life even when it was “free” there were no more men willing to accept it.
(Maybe except for the bi-polar, alcoholic, and nearly homeless artist that she claimed she had sex with 6 months previously)
Now unfortunately there are large numbers of materialistic women around the world and in Russia who fit this description. I met one the other day who was trying to impress me with how much of a “Queen” she thought she was because of her looks and it reminded me of Carol’s story.
On one hand it’s hilarious to see foolish Women acting this way..
But on the other hand it’s a total tragedy.
Because they always assume that they will stay young and beautiful forever. And they just never consider the future which is always closer then they think when their looks and hopes have faded with the wind.
It reminds me of an airplane that is dropping into a steep dive.
* At what point does the pilot need to safely pull up before he crashes into the ground?
* At what point in these Women’s lives do they cross the point of no return..
* At what point in their “fun” and exploitative lifestyle did they just lose the last chance to have a Good Man in their life..
* Just who was this remaining Good Man who stepped onto the last train leaving her station when she thought that more would come..
Mother Nature can be so often cruel and unforgiving.
So many people just never realize the exact moment they consign their lives to Hell when it happens..
And insidiously enough for them.. it is usually within the addictive haze of some fleeting experience of “freedom and fun” that this moment actually happens.
Or in other words.. she just can’t stop doing it because she like it way too much.
(Kinda like how an addiction to cigarettes can kill you many years after your enjoyment of smoking them is done..)
And so many women like Carol never realize it until it’s just way too late.
In the US and in the West this point of no return for a Woman is typically somewhere in her mid to late 30’s.
While in the unforgiving and merciless dating environment that Russian Women face over here.. this range is more between her mid 20’s to early 30’s.
So especially when I see a small percentage of Russian Girls in their early to mid 20’s playing this exploitative game against Men..
A part of me just want’s to scream at them..
Hey you STUPID Girl!
Don’t you know that TIME is NOT on your side as a Woman! Keep on playing this game and you will be forced to play it FOREVER!
But then common sense takes over as I take a deep breath.. exhale.. and shut my lips..
And again I allow Mother Nature to take over and to speak for me with her silence..
A silence that speaks with so much more darkness and eloquence…
Like it did on that drive with Carol so many years ago.
This is a rebuttal, of sorts, to the article I referred to in my last post.
I was thinking about the content of that article and realized that the guy's whole thesis was based on one or two assumptions.
First, he makes the assumption that, to be rich, you need an income of 400k per year. This is all wrong. You don't have a high standard of living because you make a certain amount of money. The standard of living is based on what kind of things you can afford with the money you make.
For example, in New York, 400 thou doesn't go all that far. It will buy you an average house. You might be able to get laid 1000 times @ $400/per. It will buy 4 luxury cars at 100k each.... if you like to dine out, 400 grand could pay for 2000 nice meals with drinks.
But, what if you were somewhere else? Somewhere where these things didn't cost anywhere near as much..... would it then be possible to be considered rich (indeed to LIVE like you're rich) for far less money? Try some place in South America. A nice house might cost 80 to 100 thousand. By that measure, 100 grand a year would be enough to be rich. Eating out? $40 for 4 people.... times 2000 would be only 80 grand a year to be rich. Getting laid? $50 a pop in a lot of places..... by that measure you could live like a rich guy if you only made 50 grand a year.
I'm sure there's some places where some of the things I mentioned might cost more, but there's also quite a few places where those things are even cheaper.
Yet more motivation to expatriate.
Excellent post, Wet Nose!
Wet Nose,
I posted about this very same situation several times last year. You just happened to do it a bit more eloquently than I did. If I were you, I’d feel the same way about Carol. In fact, I’d have a huge grin on the inside and the word that would come to mind is: “Karma”. Your idea of Mother Nature doing the speaking for you is worthy of a major-league high-five and a chest bump. Young women (WESTERN women) are besotted with their own sexual powers to the point that they A] feel it will last forever, B] don’t exercise it wisely when it is at its peak and C] they are actually SURPRISED that there comes a day when they can’t even get positive male attention. What comes around truly DOES go around.
Enlightened Self-Interest
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]Try some place in South America. A nice house might cost 80 to 100 thousand. By that measure, 100 grand a year would be enough to be rich. Eating out? $40 for 4 people.... times 2000 would be only 80 grand a year to be rich. Getting laid? $50 a pop in a lot of places..... by that measure you could live like a rich guy if you only made 50 grand a year.[/QUOTE]I couldn't agree more.
If I can twice resist the temptation to do a call girl, it pays for my ticket to anywhere in South America.
One more time, and it pays for the apartment for a week or two.
For each additional time, I will have enough cash to get laid five times (minimum) in a county like Costa Rica or Colombia or Argentina.
So if I skip just five temptations here in the States, I can use the money saved to travel to an exciting monger destination, stay for a week or more, and get laid at least ten times with young, beautiful, appreciative GFE chicas.
And yet all of my family and friends are totally amazed that I can afford to travel outside the country a few times every year!
So while I am able to travel just enough to keep the juices flowing for now, my eventual goal is to someday take my savings, social security, pension and the equity from my home, and then retire as a rich man in chica paradise, wherever the U.S. dollar is strongest.
I literally cannot afford to "waste" any of my sperm in the good old U.S. of A. I am saving it all for the chicas who deserve it so much more.
I thank god every day that Jackson created this board and enlightened me about the world outside this sex prison of ours.
Thank you so much, Jackson.
I love you, man!!!
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]....according to this article anyways.
It's actually kind of depressing, but worth checking out.
Rich is a relative term, someone in a Western country that makes an average income would be considered rich in another part of the world. I know a guy who works in McDonalds but goes to Thailand every year for a few months because his money goes that much farther.
Sinanju, unfortunately I can't take credit for the piece I posted. I copied it from the blog I found at russianwomen.wordpress.com, written by an expat american who is living in Russia and absolutely loving it. But I have been in your position, and man, karma is a *****.
Toxic Trophy Wife Syndrome
Guys: This is a forum that puts women in their place. We look for women to fuck becasue many Western women think they are too good for it. Even a couple of trolling hookers want their say as if they have something positive to contribute. Here is what can happen if you marry one of these fucktards and we all know examples.
Once, powerful men wanted trophy wives. But now, according to research to be published in the journal Labour Economics, the earnings gap between married couples is narrowing. Men today are more likely to want a dynamic high-flier.
A victory for feminism? Sadly not. The reason for this change, I believe, is that rich men have cottoned on to the sinister side of the stay-at-home wife: unless you marry an equal who's going to pay her own way, you will end up with a lazy, over-pampered slug.
Many men of my acquaintance have become deeply bitter and disappointed about how their wives have changed since they hung up their working wardrobes, and made the transition from trophy wife to toxic wife. These are university-educated women who work for a couple of years before harnessing themselves to a milch cow and "having it all".
In the 1970s, "having it all" meant effortlessly maintaining a beautiful home, raising perfect children, keeping the husband sweet and having some sort of career and financial independence. Today it's a whole new ball game.
"It's a perversion of the evolution theory: they have evolved into creatures whose function is to get the most for doing the least," an exhausted husband recently told me. "I wouldn't mind providing her with so much if she did something for me occasionally. She's never even cooked me a meal."
"She doesn't know the definition of sacrifice," said another angry husband. "Relationships are meant to be about compromise, but all she gives me are ultimatums."
"Can't you just divorce?" I asked.
"I'd lose everything I've worked for, including my children, and be paying her an indecent amount of money for life."
One irate husband remarked: "They not only become utterly vacant, they never entertain anyone outside of their small circle of other vacant wives. They become obsessed with perfection, grooming...in a word, boring."
"I have to take the children out of the house every Sunday morning and wander around with them," added another, "because my wife must have a lie-in. Sunday is the nanny's day off, you see."
"My wife," said a third, "gives over the whole of the weekend to what she calls 'me time'. Retreats, mini-breaks, a spa, even art classes...all of which I pay for. What do I get in return? Nothing."
There are five tell-tale signs that the trophy wife is turning toxic, apparently.
* She gives up work, ostensibly to care for the brood, only to pack the children off to boarding school or private day schools.
* She wants to move somewhere more rural/suburban that suits her idea of family life, yet location-wise is exhausting for her commuting husband.
* She demands wall-to-wall help, which nearly always includes an abused Filipina who works 12-14 hours a day.
* She refuses to fulfil the traditional contract of the non-working spouse in terms of doing anything for her husband.
* She expects her husband to fulfil the traditional but anachronistic male role (such as paying all the bills).
Here is a typical day outlined by one husband of a toxic wife:
5.30am: Husband leaves for work.
7.45am: Filipina brings wife tea in bed.
8am: Nanny takes children to school.
8.30am: Breakfast and the papers.
9.30am-4pm: God knows; possibly gym, spa, shopping, boozy lunch with friends, nap or massage.
4pm: Nanny collects children from school.
5.30pm: Nanny gives children tea and goes home.
7pm: Filipina gives children bath.
7.30pm: Wife goes to book group.
9pm: Husband returns and roots around for a ready meal.
10.30pm: Wife returns. Bed.
10.35pm: Sex? In your dreams.
The above timetable is hideously parasitic, and so is the woman behind it. The other day I nervously accepted an invitation for lunch with an old school friend who had married a rich banker.
She led me into her kitchen and held up a fork. "How shoddy is that? It has a disgusting piece of encrusted potato on it. She can't even unload a dishwasher. I'm going to have to sack her. And this morning she stacked the pink towels amongst the white ones. Can you believe it?"
The terrified Filipina maid was in the room with us. "Juanita!" snapped Olivia. "This is your last chance. Do you understand me? You'll be back in Manila in a week."
This was surreal. I had no idea real people lived like this. Yet, minute by agonising minute, it got worse. In her pre-toxic wife days, Olivia was amusing and droll. Now she spent her days rotting her brain with alcohol, and bossing an army of staff. I asked her, "Don't you miss your old job, your financial independence?"
"Why on earth would I want to struggle, feel tired and look old before my time?" she replied.
I left, suffering from toxic-wife rage. The outside world felt like a haven of normality. How I pitied these successful men who had naively hoped for a domestic goddess, only to end up with a diva.
But the game is over, toxic wives; your milch cows have seen the light. You are toxic, trouble and about to become extinct.
Feminism is largely an American/Anglo creation, it seems to be limited to mostly Anglophone/philic countries. America is going to decline in power over the next two decades. With the USA's decline, feminism will lose. There is already proof that feminism is largely contributing to the decline of Western society with low birth rates and family problems contributing to social ills.
Toxic Trophy Wives
Billy, I don't know what your problem is. You are one hell of a misogynist!
Most of us less hateful men fully realize what Western women are like these days. AND we take responsibility for our actions and decisions. WE ARE MEN AFTER ALL, NOT BOYS! I am not moved by your attempt to start a pity party. Those men said "I do" to those women. They were not forced to marry toxic wives. That they, and you, can't realize that you chose wrong, is your problem. The fault lies with men for choosing to marry such women. It does not lie with those women.
Next time, choose better. There is a whole foreign introductions industry devoted to helping us find better, non-toxic wives. Such wives are to be found in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe. If you are too lazy or prejudiced to go find a non-toxic foreign wife, then you deserve all the misery you will get from marrying a Western woman. [B]It was YOUR choice![/B]
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]Feminism is largely an American/Anglo creation, it seems to be limited to mostly Anglophone/philic countries. America is going to decline in power over the next two decades. With the USA's decline, feminism will lose. There is already proof that feminism is largely contributing to the decline of Western society with low birth rates and family problems contributing to social ills.[/QUOTE]
You are correct. Unfortunately, I don't think most people will realize what you are saying. The US has a great deal of prestige in the world with regards to women's rights. We have a female Secretary of State, a female Speaker of the House, female Supreme Court justices, and now a female presidential candidate. Women of the world look to this as progress, and want to emulate it.
They don't see the fatherless households, the low marriage rates, the high amount of both male and female homosexuality, the increasing violence (ex. the recent murders in New Orleans), low academic achievement compared to Europe, and other social ills. Many countries of the world are going follow the same path. I fear the backlash from it.
Extremists like bin Laden will be able to point to our society and its failings and say "That is what happens when you follow the infidels.". Chavez in Venezuela is already saying something similar. He points to the fiasco in New Orleans and says "That is what US style capitalism brings you.".
If too many countries follow our lead, there will be few desirable places to find a wife, monger, or even just enjoy female company.
Why More Anger?
George, You are attacking me here as well. I thought the article I posted would have hit a chord with many posters on this thread who are always b-tching about AW. I am glad I do not have you as a friend George as your advice seems to consist of "Life is shit", "tough sahit", "make yer bed and lie on it".
The idea is to have a good wife and fuck around as much as posible and to keep all women in their place. You mention Osama and Chavez. Both of them get laid a LOT.
Get the point?
Many European and even Latin American countries have FAR greater involvement by women in politics than the USA. You don't believe me, look at the makeup of the Colombian or Argentinian or Chilean congress compared to the US one. Chile doesn't have a female presidential CANDIDATE, it has a fucking female PRESIDENT! AND it's still easier to get laid in these places.
Back to the drawing board guys!
Females in Government
You guys should try New Zealand if you think the US is bad,
We have a female priminister, a female cheif justice, a department of Womans Affairs, a female Governer General and a transexual member of parliament.
You think you got bad in the states.
At least if Hilary get in you know she has her husband helping her out.
Also in Asian places such as The Phillipines have greater involvement of women.
The Phillipines is practically a colony of the USA. There are some European countries where women are near the top of the political system, most of these are generally heavily influenced by the US. The way things are going, America is going to become more a more inward society in the future. There are many countries where women's rights are unheard of and some of them are going to be the biggest powers of the new century. China is one such example, and even in the ever more modern China women are lower than men. Japan is another country where women have lower status. European countries like the UK, France, Germany, Scandinavia have the same level of feminism as the US but go to Eastern and Southern Europe, women have lower status, Italy and Spain have the lowest divorce rates in the Western world.
[QUOTE=Billy Ibrox] George, You are attacking me here as well. I thought the article I posted would have hit a chord with many posters on this thread who are always b-tching about AW. [/QUOTE]B.I. - Despite your slightly amusing but predictable polemics in other threads, your "toxic wives" post was pretty insightful, right down to their daily routines. (In fact, are you sure you're not speaking from first-hand experience?)
In Dubai, I know of too many western women who live their idle lives (and mistreat their literally poor, powerless and hard-working Filipina maids) *exactly* as you describe. Not all of them, but too many. These women are basically lower-middle class, acting upper class when they suddenly have a few extra dollars and too much time on their hands. They have nothing more to do than have coffee mornings, tanning salon and hair-peroxiding sessions while complaining, as you say, that the maid simply must go because she didn't fold the towels correctly. Desperate housewives. Partly their husbands' fault for giving them blank checks instead of reality checks.
[QUOTE=Billy Ibrox] The idea is to have a good wife and fuck around as much as posible. [/QUOTE]Works for me. ;)
america will never ever..i repeat never ever will decilne ever.
and i'm not an american. just look back to the history,,,,what made ameircan so great today..is 'cos your great grandfather sacrificed their life for the land.
the foundation of your country is rock solid..you guys still have that giving mentality.
do you think anyone can win against sacrifice..be it bush or hillary or all the bad boys you can think of and make them president..but still....the land is free and the giving boys will stand up to balence it out.
yeah..hate gates for his shrewd business ethics..but at the end of the day ..he is still "giving" all that he has got...may be he is not the best guy to judge..but how about...buffet..ohh..how about rockfeller..he is dead..but boy can he give..i wish we have guys like that back in my country.
america is still the largest charity giver in the whole wide world.
if all guys are bad and the countries on a decline..how come year after year..you guys give..it just shows that..ther are still more good guys out there than bad guys in america.
i never read in my history books on mayan or incan or egypt civilization or the great queen of england "giving" so much back to the country.
this is americation civilization folks..unless this planet earth turns around or we go to the next age..america will rule.
this century is for greater co-orporation, community, sharing, trust and taking along your peer, making everyone stand equal...i can't think of any country right now who has the potential to knock of america.
china is just copying the stuff from the west..it does not have anything of its own...yeah i remember gun powder and kite was discovered in china way back then jackie chan was in the forbidden city sent out to get princess pepe from carson city and met wild west owen wilson along the way and they both became best pals and knocked the bad guys..yeah nothing more to show off from china
they want to rule the world not give anything back to the world.
finally, does anyone here thinks we could have got internet from any country on earth than america..others would have kept it for themselves not give away anything but not america it gave to the people the greatest discovery of mankind. thanks you america for that !
[quote=cbgbconnisur]feminism is largely an american/anglo creation, it seems to be limited to mostly anglophone/philic countries. america is going to decline in power over the next two decades. with the usa's decline, feminism will lose. there is already proof that feminism is largely contributing to the decline of western society with low birth rates and family problems contributing to social ills.[/quote]
Toxic Trophy Wife Syndrome
I read this and thought well you know just thought about it, glad that you managed to make the break from this toxic shock. Need to get back to the days that men were men instead of this doing all for their wives. There is a limit and it is a game, if you play by thier rules and up the game every once in a while you can keep em in their place.
I had a lucky escape but now I'm with someone who I can deal with and manage to play the game she knows where she stands in the grand scheme of things and keeping that and making it work is what it is about. Don't let them hen peck you. Pick away at them as they pick away at you. I'm sure that you can think on ways to make think twice about doing ya over.
Working out how they tick and then keeping it on a short leash works. As I said I don't get what I want or I'm unhappy then I sure as hell make it miserable for her but I keep it in the confines of the game and make sure that she can't get back at me or cite me for anything wrong.
Just make sure that you keep enought of your life seperate that she can't mess up and you will be laughing. As long as she knows that she don't control you 100% then she will be kept keen. Make like you like her but your not going to stay with her if she don't keep her end of the deal.
Goes to bed and you have to look after the kids yeah right thats the mark to make as much god damn noise as you can and you make a mess where you can to annoy the hell out of her. She will soon learn thats not a viable game plan, it hurts her more than you! Just make sure that she knows where she stands.
Toxic Waste. You dispose of this in a proper and safe manner!
Oh boy...
[QUOTE=Born Loser 5]
The foundation of your country is rock solid..You guys still have that giving mentality.[/QUOTE]
Ever heard of giving it all away? Or there is a sucker born every minute? Most of the rest of the world has, which is why Westerners overpay and hand over even more money on the slightest sob story or temper tantrum.
Maybe they are just too used to doing it at home :).
Yeah I dunno who'se giving and who'se receiving anymore, but you'd have to be a complete fucking idiot to think that America still has what it once had that made it great. My hope is that we will get it back but I'm not going to put all of my money on it either!
Toxic Wuves
[QUOTE=Piper1]B.I. - Despite your slightly amusing but predictable polemics in other threads, your "toxic wives" post was pretty insightful, right down to their daily routines. (In fact, are you sure you're not speaking from first-hand experience?)
In Dubai, I know of too many western women who live their idle lives (and mistreat their literally poor, powerless and hard-working Filipina maids) *exactly* as you describe. Not all of them, but too many. These women are basically lower-middle class, acting upper class when they suddenly have a few extra dollars and too much time on their hands. They have nothing more to do than have coffee mornings, tanning salon and hair-peroxiding sessions while complaining, as you say, that the maid simply must go because she didn't fold the towels correctly. Desperate housewives. Partly their husbands' fault for giving them blank checks instead of reality checks.[/QUOTE]Piper, I am very careful about women I keep longer than a fuck session. Hookers don't count as God made them for one reason only. The ideal women is the girl next door who understands your make up and is into partnership, not this kind of shit. I don't take shit like this from women but I have met quite a few in my day. The problem with these ones is they drive us away from the good ones. And, no, the good ones do not include LBFMs or their AW sisters.
I'll keep this short and sweet about the U.S of A. If you have alot of money and I'm talking a networth of at least $10million+++...........America is probably the best country in the world to live. IMHO if you are middle class(lower, middle, upper) you are screwed bigtime. Madison Ave does a good job of promoting BS to the middle class that if you work hard enough anyone can live the American dream....total BS.
Here's an interesting article: What are your true chances of getting rich in America??? [url]http://jmooneyham.com/your-true-chances-of-getting-rich.html[/url]
over there
[QUOTE=Astor Bryan]I'll keep this short about the U.S.A. If you have alot of money and I'm talking a networth of at least $10million+++...........America is probably the best country in the world to live. The middle class(lower and upper) will always get screwed.[/QUOTE]
That's why I'm looking at other places to retire. Thailand and Phils prices are great, but asian women are kinda skinny to me. Like bangin a 2x4...
[QUOTE=Naked Gunz]Asian women are kinda skinny to me. Like bangin a 2x4.[/QUOTE]Just hammer away son. Also, pussy alone should not cause you to relocate.
[QUOTE=Naked Gunz]asian women are kinda skinny to me. Like bangin a 2x4...[/QUOTE]
Whoa not necessarily......I'm seeing an attractive 30yrs+ Chinese lady right now and she's a complete freak in the bedroom.
I bang Asian (not Asian-American...bananas all) women exclusively, and will never go back! Best sex ever.
Sorry you've been conditioned to accept AW porkers. You're welcome to them all.
To me, pussy is the ONLY reason to relocate!
[QUOTE=Astor Bryan]Madison Ave does a good job of promoting BS to the middle class that if you work hard enough anyone can live the American dream....total BS.[/QUOTE]Hahaha. I think that George Carlin would agree with you entirely! check it out on youtube, his piece on "owners of this country" is a must see! [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL6ULruYjNA[/url]
Back to the topic, to me, a pussy is a pussy, it comes in all sizes and different colors and always tastes like heaven (well, hopefully) LOL.
The Deadly 1920 Trick
dear gentlemen,
it is safe to say that the reason why most of us attend to this forum is because we want to fuck more
meat.it might be a good thing, however, what is the use of "fucking more meat" if we not also have a good
life at the same time. such as comfortable living conditions, security, peace of mind, reasonable health,
good company and control over our affairs.
travelling to far-away "****-ries" has some merits and can make us more independent from us females, we
certainly gain some freedom and immunity from manipulation by sex or the lack of it. i can testify for it
because it works. but there are various hardships on the way and the benefits are only temporary, needing
to top-up frequently. all this has made me realise that our real work is at home, in our own "****-ry",
(wherever we may live). (notice the spelling? it is no mistaik.)
to improve our conditions right here and regain control as we used to have long ago.
the writer proposes that year 1920, the enactement of the 19th amendment to the us constitution was the end
of us democracy. for the purpose of eventually doubling the income tax-base and in an instant to create a
mindless, screaming mass of voters/consumers who can be most easily and predictably controlled by well
aimed propaganda: "american women were given voting rights and could be nominated for position in
government". thereby "real" democracy died.
this mindless mass of most easily manipulatable consumers/voters -who only care about their appearance and
the outside appearance of things- comprise at least 51% of the population. they can be most easily
hypnotised by flashing bright images in their faces, are hysterical, insecure, paranoid, emotionally
driven, unable to think logically by nature and are totally indecisive.
by appealing to this mass of "puppets", any senseless policy can be passed -by the sheer number of female
voters, (51%++) - and yet bear the sign of "democracy". even though the result is always easily
predictable. they will vote for it.
by flashing the images of "increased police, sick-care, child-welfare", no matter how stupid the general
agenda is, they will vote for it. we are not even asked because 51%++ already decides without us.
surely you will realize this. the minimum you can do is that you abstain from any voting at all. why
bother? it will make no difference at all. do they think you are stupid?
under this regime, by flashing selected graphic images in the faces of mindless public (51%++), all kinds
of hysterias can be created such as: aids hystery, drug hystery, cancer hystery, smoking hystery, terror
hystery, and so on.
all these, supported by the screaming masses, create absolutely huge profits to selected groups. the writer
proposes that without the "huge screaming" of the mislead masses none of these would be issues of any
importance. the writer can individually dismiss all of these artificial hysterias as "false". detailed
discursion may follow later but surely, instinctively we all know that they are false. and yet they roll in
absolutely astronomical revenues by keeping the masses of 51%++ screaming ever louder.
the writer also proposes that they are deliberately antagonising men and urge us for aggression, using open
and covert education for this purpose from a young age. purposefully creating ideals of "individual
heroes", thereby reducing our chances of ever agreeing, especially in matters concerning females.
even though the problems are evident the writer admits that nothing can be done against it on the short
term. most (but not all) nations of this planet run by the same "global syndicate" and the "screaming,
mindless masses of 51%+" have become the principal building pillar of global economy. as well as
representing more than 51% of voters they are the spenders, moneyspinners and even principal tax-payers.
so, reducing their influence is not a matter of great urgency anywhere. quite to the contrary, previously
cautious and conservative "****-ries" (now you know the reason for the alternative spelling) are opening up
to "women rule", in order to increase spending and spin the fast cash.
but why is it "bad"?
if it hasn't occured to you before then ask first: "why did a forum like this have happen?" with 150,000+
subscribers, and the multitude of other forums and the legions of sex-traveller men just like you. was that
by chance or for a reason?
under the present "regime", problems are treated the usual female way: on the surface, by scraping the top
a bit and giving it an attractive paint-job. this pleases 51%+ of (legally equal) voters and does the job
fine. however temporarily. problems resurface soon with increased ferocity and again oppressed by even
increased forces. in the meantime of course earning solid profits and comfortable living to various
industries that specialise in "fighting".
yet it still pleases at least 51%+, so no probs because the other 49% don't make any difference. plus they
are so deprived of the "object of their pleasure" that they do anything for minimal favours. in effect the
screaming, mindless 51% easily becomes 51%++++++.
in this fashion police suppresses uprisings and "irregular behaviour", bacterias and viruses are "killed",
tumors cut out, surface players of drug distribution are regularly skimmed (while demand kept all high),
police are featured as "heroes", new "magical" face creams and "no effort" weightloss programs are sold by
the truckload. looks very rosy, let's all rejoice.
new infections crop up, new tumors, masses screaming bloody murder at anyone looking different, demanding
more security cameras for "safety". and new lies. in fact we all rot in shit while looking very happy on
the surface and we are supposed to smile and cheer when the national flag is raised. we are a bunch of
mindless morons. how happy...
the plain truth of today:
salivating, pumped-up "pussimen
mindless, screaming mass of "face-painting ladies" 51%+, closely followed by salivating, pumped up
"pussymen" running around in circles and screaming -"oh no, another bacteria, another deadly virus,
terrrrorists all over the place, we all gonna diiiiie now, will someone please save us, oh, oh...dear."
as you have probably figured it out by now: without screaming ladies (51%+++) and "pumped-up pussimen"
there would be no issue of virus, tumor or terror. as it was explained to you above you have no vote at all
any more. then why do you bother voting at all? and if you are not one of the "pumped-up pussymen" then
please stop the screaming about aids, terrorists, global warming and other ridiculous shit. if you cannot
live as a man then why bother. you might as well be taken by any of the above and it will be no loss at all.
not equal, by nature
wear a t-shirt or something: "i am not equal with women". refuse to vote until votes are taken away from
the "puppets". buy a ticket to phnom penh where they are still treated like common shit. you can make up
your own list. just don't believe in "magic" treatments like women do. this curse will take a long time to
go away.
so, yes this tumor has been growing since at least 1920. possibly longer. the russians made them "equal"
first in 1918 to fully support their totalitarian system. easiest handle is where the mind is absent. the
us had no choice, but to follow course. now, being an economic "super-****-ry" the basic condition for
trading with any other ****-ry is that they liberate the shit. otherwise no deal. surely you knew all this
already just didn't know how to say it. if we were just whingeing about it to exercise our mouths then we
would be like women. the difference is that we understand and act accordingly. pointless whingeing is for
women. tell us, what is the list of things that "you" can do?
stop screaming
the first point on your list will be: "from today i will think, and stop screaming like ladies and
pussi-men." -you see? aids, terror and the like already disappeared.
stop being a "hero"
the second point:"from today i will stop fighting. especially in front of women. if we fight they just
think shit of all of us. no matter how they urge me to be violent, i will say: no to violence against men."
the end
dude..this has to be one of the top post i have read in recent years..hats off..
[quote=that asshole]dear gentlemen,
it is safe to say that the reason why most of us attend to this forum is because we want to fuck more
meat.it might be a good thing, however, what is the use of "fucking more meat" if we not also have a good
life at the same time. such as comfortable living conditions, security, peace of mind, reasonable health,
good company and control over our affairs.
travelling to far-away "****-ries" has some merits and can make us more independent from us females, we
certainly gain some freedom and immunity from manipulation by sex or the lack of it. i can testify for it
because it works. but there are various hardships on the way and the benefits are only temporary, needing
to top-up frequently. all this has made me realise that our real work is at home, in our own "****-ry",
(wherever we may live). (notice the spelling? it is no mistaik.)
to improve our conditions right here and regain control as we used to have long ago.
the writer proposes that year 1920, the enactement of the 19th amendment to the us constitution was the end
of us democracy. for the purpose of eventually doubling the income tax-base and in an instant to create a
mindless, screaming mass of voters/consumers who can be most easily and predictably controlled by well
aimed propaganda: "american women were given voting rights and could be nominated for position in
government". thereby "real" democracy died.
this mindless mass of most easily manipulatable consumers/voters -who only care about their appearance and
the outside appearance of things- comprise at least 51% of the population. they can be most easily
hypnotised by flashing bright images in their faces, are hysterical, insecure, paranoid, emotionally
driven, unable to think logically by nature and are totally indecisive.
by appealing to this mass of "puppets", any senseless policy can be passed -by the sheer number of female
voters, (51%++) - and yet bear the sign of "democracy". even though the result is always easily
predictable. they will vote for it.
by flashing the images of "increased police, sick-care, child-welfare", no matter how stupid the general
agenda is, they will vote for it. we are not even asked because 51%++ already decides without us.
surely you will realize this. the minimum you can do is that you abstain from any voting at all. why
bother? it will make no difference at all. do they think you are stupid?
under this regime, by flashing selected graphic images in the faces of mindless public (51%++), all kinds
of hysterias can be created such as: aids hystery, drug hystery, cancer hystery, smoking hystery, terror
hystery, and so on.
all these, supported by the screaming masses, create absolutely huge profits to selected groups. the writer
proposes that without the "huge screaming" of the mislead masses none of these would be issues of any
importance. the writer can individually dismiss all of these artificial hysterias as "false". detailed
discursion may follow later but surely, instinctively we all know that they are false. and yet they roll in
absolutely astronomical revenues by keeping the masses of 51%++ screaming ever louder.
the writer also proposes that they are deliberately antagonising men and urge us for aggression, using open
and covert education for this purpose from a young age. purposefully creating ideals of "individual
heroes", thereby reducing our chances of ever agreeing, especially in matters concerning females.
even though the problems are evident the writer admits that nothing can be done against it on the short
term. most (but not all) nations of this planet run by the same "global syndicate" and the "screaming,
mindless masses of 51%+" have become the principal building pillar of global economy. as well as
representing more than 51% of voters they are the spenders, moneyspinners and even principal tax-payers.
so, reducing their influence is not a matter of great urgency anywhere. quite to the contrary, previously
cautious and conservative "****-ries" (now you know the reason for the alternative spelling) are opening up
to "women rule", in order to increase spending and spin the fast cash.
but why is it "bad"?
if it hasn't occured to you before then ask first: "why did a forum like this have happen?" with 150,000+
subscribers, and the multitude of other forums and the legions of sex-traveller men just like you. was that
by chance or for a reason?
under the present "regime", problems are treated the usual female way: on the surface, by scraping the top
a bit and giving it an attractive paint-job. this pleases 51%+ of (legally equal) voters and does the job
fine. however temporarily. problems resurface soon with increased ferocity and again oppressed by even
increased forces. in the meantime of course earning solid profits and comfortable living to various
industries that specialise in "fighting".
yet it still pleases at least 51%+, so no probs because the other 49% don't make any difference. plus they
are so deprived of the "object of their pleasure" that they do anything for minimal favours. in effect the
screaming, mindless 51% easily becomes 51%++++++.
in this fashion police suppresses uprisings and "irregular behaviour", bacterias and viruses are "killed",
tumors cut out, surface players of drug distribution are regularly skimmed (while demand kept all high),
police are featured as "heroes", new "magical" face creams and "no effort" weightloss programs are sold by
the truckload. looks very rosy, let's all rejoice.
new infections crop up, new tumors, masses screaming bloody murder at anyone looking different, demanding
more security cameras for "safety". and new lies. in fact we all rot in shit while looking very happy on
the surface and we are supposed to smile and cheer when the national flag is raised. we are a bunch of
mindless morons. how happy...
the plain truth of today:
salivating, pumped-up "pussimen
mindless, screaming mass of "face-painting ladies" 51%+, closely followed by salivating, pumped up
"pussymen" running around in circles and screaming -"oh no, another bacteria, another deadly virus,
terrrrorists all over the place, we all gonna diiiiie now, will someone please save us, oh, oh...dear."
as you have probably figured it out by now: without screaming ladies (51%+++) and "pumped-up pussimen"
there would be no issue of virus, tumor or terror. as it was explained to you above you have no vote at all
any more. then why do you bother voting at all? and if you are not one of the "pumped-up pussymen" then
please stop the screaming about aids, terrorists, global warming and other ridiculous shit. if you cannot
live as a man then why bother. you might as well be taken by any of the above and it will be no loss at all.
not equal, by nature
wear a t-shirt or something: "i am not equal with women". refuse to vote until votes are taken away from
the "puppets". buy a ticket to phnom penh where they are still treated like common shit. you can make up
your own list. just don't believe in "magic" treatments like women do. this curse will take a long time to
go away.
so, yes this tumor has been growing since at least 1920. possibly longer. the russians made them "equal"
first in 1918 to fully support their totalitarian system. easiest handle is where the mind is absent. the
us had no choice, but to follow course. now, being an economic "super-****-ry" the basic condition for
trading with any other ****-ry is that they liberate the shit. otherwise no deal. surely you knew all this
already just didn't know how to say it. if we were just whingeing about it to exercise our mouths then we
would be like women. the difference is that we understand and act accordingly. pointless whingeing is for
women. tell us, what is the list of things that "you" can do?
stop screaming
the first point on your list will be: "from today i will think, and stop screaming like ladies and
pussi-men." -you see? aids, terror and the like already disappeared.
stop being a "hero"
the second point:"from today i will stop fighting. especially in front of women. if we fight they just
think shit of all of us. no matter how they urge me to be violent, i will say: no to violence against men."
the end[/quote]
Hey guys,
I heard about some legislation (in Florida and a couple of other states) where, if a guy finds out he's not the father of the wife's kids... he doesn't have to make support payments. It's supposedly coming through for more states in the future.
I read about it in a very recent issue of Time magazine. Has anyone else heard about this? It only seems fair that, if some other guy has been porking your wife, you should be able to get rid of her without having to pay support for someone else's kids.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]Hey guys,
I heard about some legislation (in Florida and a couple of other states) where, if a guy finds out he's not the father of the wife's kids... he doesn't have to make support payments. It's supposedly coming through for more states in the future.
I read about it in a very recent issue of Time magazine. Has anyone else heard about this? It only seems fair that, if some other guy has been porking your wife, you should be able to get rid of her without having to pay support for someone else's kids.
It was reported in todays Miami Herald. I am pasting some paragraphs. The key aspect of the law, as I understand it, is that the woman must have committed fraud. That means she must have misrepresented the pregnancy (lied about it) to her husband.
"Florida's Supreme Court unanimously ruled Thursday that the Fort Lauderdale boat worker missed a one-year deadline to file a claim against his estranged wife, Margaret J. Parker, for fraudulently representing his paternity when a court ordered him to pay support for the 3-year-old boy in 2001.
Parker didn't even know he wasn't the father until 2003 -- long after the deadline expired -- through a paternity test he ordered when his ex-wife sued him for failure to pay about $1,200 monthly in child support.
In delving into the often-vicious world of divorce and paternity cases, the high court failed to discuss Florida's ''paternity fraud'' law that the Legislature passed last year, when male lawmakers inveighed against deceptive women, and female legislators fretted about callous men abandoning children.
The new law gives men the right to avoid child-support payments if they gain ''newly discovered evidence'' that the child isn't theirs. The law requires the man to file a court petition 90 days after getting the paternity test.
Whether it will apply to Parker's long-standing case or other old paternity cases in the courts is unclear, said his Miami lawyer, Scott A. Lazar, who is considering filing a challenge under the new law. Lazar said he's sure the law will help blunt what would be a bad result from Thursday's court ruling."
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]It only seems fair that, if some other guy has been porking your wife, you should be able to get rid of her without having to pay support for someone else's kids.[/QUOTE]Well I certainly hope so. Actually he should be able to seek Divorce and get more than half of the Goods. Women should not get rewarded anything if they cheat. (same goes for men).
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]It only seems fair that, if some other guy has been porking your wife, you should be able to get rid of her without having to pay support for someone else's kids.[/QUOTE]
Note that that is EXACTLY the current situation under the current laws!!! The guy in the case IS paying to support a child that is not his!!
You seem to be operating under the illusion that family law in the US is intended to be 'fair'!
Best interest of the child..
The court will deem it's in the best interest of the child that you continue to pay support if you have started to ,regardless of paternity, vice no one paying any support at all. There will NEVER be a male pill. Your choice is latex or a good doctor with a knife....
[QUOTE=Yogin]I bang Asian (not Asian-American...bananas all) women exclusively, and will never go back! Best sex ever.
Sorry you've been conditioned to accept AW porkers. You're welcome to them all.
To me, pussy is the ONLY reason to relocate![/QUOTE]AWs are far far far inferior and can never compare to the women of other countries when it comes to sex. I can say that because I have banged women from over 15 different countries and AWs are the least enjoyable experience of all (fast food quality though exceptions may exist). Now I take atleast 5 trips a year abroad and even here I look for ethnic/asian/europeans. Why waste our juices on something like AW.
I think it's the problem of our society. Society made AW the beast they are. Let's begin with a simple thing like language. Who wants to get fucked ? Who wants to get screwed ? Who wants to get creamed ? Funny it may sound but it does go deep into the unconscious and sex becomes a "bad" thing for AW from an early age as they listen to their dad, brothers and friends. They do sex because their body demands but deep inside they think, they are getting fucked. Quality of the sex goes down. Situation is only worsened by stupid magazines. I flip through once at a hair salon. It had an article on the front page: 7 must have things for women. Number 2 was a dildo.
Then this is this "AGE" thing. This has gone ridiculous. I try to bang older women here and younger ones outside the country. I like both. It's just that so little effort is required to get a good looking older women here than UGLY YOUNG one. Young ones do like us but just that her friends and the whole society come down on her asking " what are you doing with that old man ?" As I said it has gone beyond being ridiculos.
Then there is this career thing. How can a woman do a full time job, cook, and take care of kids. Sex has to be sacrificed. Family encourages: " you can do better" Freinds encourage "you can do better".. Her ambitions and expectations go sky high. poor thing pushes hard only to realize that attention she was getting when she was 21 has vanished into thin air faster than the blink of the eyes, Dad is busy with other things and Bothers screwing women. She tries in vain to "make love" with some "SUPER MAN" as opposed to getting "fucked". Problem is that the there is no such thing as a "SUPER MAN". She keeps looking, keeps searching. Finally finds her love in a cat or a dog, takes depression medicins and becomes bitter.
Then when we hit on her some day somwhere, she drives us to Asia or Europe or Brazil !! I haven't seen such a strong repulsive force LOL.
AWs can be great friend however. When you meet them, tell them casually that you have a girlferiend in China, Japan or Brazil etc. She will open up and tell you things you may have never heard before. I, in fact, feel sorry for them and our society is to blame. It's a miserable sad life when she is crossing 40 and there is nothing but a cat at home and no prospects outside the country.
i read this a while ago somewhere but i find the article a great reading that's why i kept it:
i have found that american women are the most reverse sexist women in the world. they think their rep001 doesnt stink; it smells like ice cream. they expect men to pay for the privilege of being in their presence. they have the most rights of any human beings to ever live on the planet, yet they are still unhappy. they believe men conspire to pay them 76 cents on the dollar, [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] them, sexually harass them. they think that cooking or doing anything else nice for a man is slavery. so they will refuse to do it. they believe being argumentative and confrontational is what makes a strong woman. they prefer the frat boys, rich kids in bmws, and bad boys while theyre young and in their prime, then when they have 3 kids, sagging breasts, stretchmarks, varicose veins, they expect the nice men they ignored in their youth to come be a surrogate daddy to kids who arent his. american women complain that men are too aggressive in their approach. but if american women actually did their half of the work (initiating a conversation every once in a while or asking men out); if american women knew how to flirt (and meant it instead of flirting for attention then turning the guy down); if american women actually knew how to flirt instead of acting like cowards, then men wouldnt have to jump at the slightest sign of interest.
american women think their sexuality is worth more than men's. i know cause i've been to europe where women exchange sex.in- exchange for sex. here the women want to be impressed with both social and financial status before they will have sex with a man.
their ideal man is a rich excon/thug. they don't realize that these two are polar opposites. you hear women saying "i like bad boys", and in the same breath they will say "i just want a man who won't treat me like crap. " newsflash, sister. a bad boy will treat you like crap.
basically women don't have any social constraints on their behavior, because that is "oppressive", but it was for the good of everyone that women's behavior was regulated. men have violence, and there are laws against it. women have emotional terrorism, attention-whoring, acceptable prostitution, etc. these can not be legislated against. there must be social constraints against them. american society has convinced women that they are always right; that anything bad is a man's fault. so women will act free to do as they wish, with no consideration for anyone else.
i've come to realize that most american women have a princess mentality. this manifests itself when they need their "attention fix. " their parents fully convinced them that they were entitled to everything, and that few men are good enough for what they have.
american women will stare at you from across the room, smile, and gawk at you for hours. then when you approach one they will say they have a boyfriend. they will come up to you on a daily basis, rub your arm, smile and say hi,. then when you ask them to hang out they will say you got the wrong idea. they will initiate a conversation with you every time they see you for weeks, as if they're interested (yes i'm aware that it doesnt always mean theyre interested). they will exchange numbers with you and say "call me anytime. " then when you call and leave messages they won't answer. they won't call you either. or they will talk to you or date you a few times and you'll think everything's fine. then she will stop taking your calls. the next time you see her she's got her fat nose up in the air, laughing at you, as if she were some highly sought after prize.
since the victorian age, in anglo societies (us, uk, canada, oz, nz), women were put on a pedestal because they were the mothers of future generations. this was a probably a good idea at the time, because up to one-third of women died during child birth. so this inspired men's natural chilvarous nature to protect women. it is ok to put women on a pedestal as long as they are going to adhere to the rules of sexual constitution. not sleeping around. once a woman starts to sleep around, then her sex isn't of higher value than men's. the whole reason for putting women on a pedestal was because they would be mothers and they werent having sex with many men. the moment that women became sexually liberated, putting women on a pedestal should have been eliminated. but unfortunately women still hold onto the old notions that their sexuality is worth more than men's simply because theyre women. so they arent interested in a man who's on their level. no, a normal man is invisible. women want men who are many levels above them. but the women don't want to provide anything in return except for sex. this is in no way an equal partnership if one person brings more to the table and does most of the work while the other brings nothing and does no work.
as a result, women have almost nothing to offer men. except sex. they are no longer women, but instead walking caricatures of men in women's bodies. women are fully convinced of their moral superiority. just try disagreeing with one, especially if your opinion is not politically correct. you will find that you are no longer entitled to your own opinoin. in fact, you're an ignorant bastard, and you'd better change your opinion to fall in line with hers. these women have no problem with nagging, shaming, guilt tripping, insulting, withholding affection, etc to get their way. this is what happens when you convince women that they are always right; that women can do no wrong; that women are the ones who are really 'fair, just' etc.
the whole concept that a man should buy a woman a ring worth two months of his salary is further evidence of how degraded society is and how spoiled women are. in every other society, the father has to pay a dowry for the husband to accept his daughter. in america, women expect some diamond so she can impress her friends. that's fine, but is she going to spend $12, 000 on her husband? is she going to put $12, 000 down on the house?
i know some guys think certain western women are just as bad as american women. but in europe, being male isn't seen as being a crime as it is here in the states. women will automatically become more materialistic when their nation acculumates wealth (even in eastern countries, women's number one past-time is shopping). what is not natural is women thinking they are entitled to something just because they're women; that they are morally superior; that they should be catered to; that the man should always pay; that they are entitled to all the benefits of equality with none of the responsibilities and men should treat them in an old fashioned manner while the women snub that role.
i could go on forever.
Vote vs Capitalism...
dear that asshole,
your premise that women's vote ruins the party for men has some basis, but i am not sure that is the greatest part of the problem with american women. i think the problem is the messages from rampant capitalism. constant advertisement teaches them to hate their bodies to fill their emptiness with material goods instead of filling themselves with cock.
is it any wonder? we leave their education in the hands of women hating, gay **** priests and fashion designers and money hungry ad execs. but who here on the forum really wants to take the effort to try and change our culture.
many of the countries you have fucked women in have voting for women. yet the women still are good or tolerable. it's not the vote... it's capitalism and religion.
you'd have better luck going up against the oil companies...
[quote=that asshole]dear gentlemen,
...to improve our conditions right here and regain control as we used to have long ago.
the writer proposes that year 1920, the enactement of the 19th amendment to the us constitution was the end
of us democracy. for the purpose of eventually doubling the income tax-base and in an instant to create a
mindless, screaming mass of voters/consumers who can be most easily and predictably controlled by well
aimed propaganda: "american women were given voting rights and could be nominated for position in
government". thereby "real" democracy died...[/quote]
Are you a loser or a pussy?
Let's translate "loser" from AW American Women.
"Loser" in woman-speak simply means a man who is smart enough to do things that are in HIS best interest.
You don't spend your hard-earned money on women - you are a loser.
You expect regular sex - you are a loser.
You are not interested in marriage - you are a loser.
You don't want to be stuck with kids - you are a loser.
You don't want to slave away 60 hours a week so a woman can buy a new SUV every year - you are a loser.
You prefer non American women who treat you better - you are a huge loser.
The alternative to "loser" is a pussyfied man, or simply a pussy. A pussyfied man does what a woman wants - he is a docile schmuck who slaves away at work and pays her bills and not pesters her for sex. Another words, he is an ideal husband.
[QUOTE=Dr X Man]Let's translate "loser" from AW American Women.
"Loser" in woman-speak simply means a man who is smart enough to do things that are in HIS best interest.
You don't spend your hard-earned money on women - you are a loser.
You expect regular sex - you are a loser.
You are not interested in marriage - you are a loser.
You don't want to be stuck with kids - you are a loser.
You don't want to slave away 60 hours a week so a woman can buy a new SUV every year - you are a loser.
You prefer non American women who treat you better - you are a huge loser.
The alternative to "loser" is a pussyfied man, or simply a pussy. A pussyfied man does what a woman wants - he is a docile schmuck who slaves away at work and pays her bills and not pesters her for sex. Another words, he is an ideal husband.[/QUOTE]
Your other post is on point as well, but its a dead horse, we beat that on a daily around here, but none the less good reading and solid points.
I just heard on the local news cast, that in a recent survey, 60% of the 1,000 women survied, they would give up sex for 15 months for the wardrobe of their dreams.
They then interviewed a couple of random women and 2 of them said NO WAY would they do that, but one Asian girl said she would have no problem with it. They asked a older man how he felt about it and he said he would just pay for it and put the kobosh on no sex for 15 months. He was coined "A Problem Solver". He's a FOOL!
But that's what our culture has done to some men.
If that's not a form of "acceptable prostitution" I don't know what is!
They then interviewed a couple of random women and 2 of them said NO WAY would they do that, but one Asian girl said she would have no problem with it. They asked a older man how he felt about it and he said he would just pay for it and put the kobosh on no sex for 15 months. He was coined "A Problem Solver". He's a FOOL!
But that's what our culture has done to some men.
If that's not a form of "acceptable prostitution" I don't know what is![/QUOTE]
Sadly gentlemen it is acceptable prostitution. Women the world over know that difference between men and women is.
Men need sex, women like it.
Being that women can go without it even though we enjoy it. If we don't get it we don't have the same need for it as men. Unfortunately for men as soon as a woman learns this it means that she is going to use it against you. The clothes question is the perfect portrayal of it.
This is the reason that most women hate working girls. We know the same rules that the office lady knows, its just we don't care. We will provide the service that most women don't. (Guess what we even end up with the presents that they would get if they did provide.)
I suppose you could say the working girl is your defence against the evil wallet grabbers.
The Gender Gap Myth
I'm back in grad school now, and you wouldn't believe the angry pathetic idiotic whiny ramblings I have to listen to from my fellow students, 80% in my program who are women. The following were about so-called gender pay inequity:
Bitter faded beauty who was hot at 20, but now at 40 has lost most of her looks at a rapid pace due to horrible attitude: Why do airline pilots make so much more than flight attendents? (um, maybe because the talent, training, skills, experience, and education is far beyond that required to be a stewardess...supply & demand...also that from the moment the door closes countless lives literally are in their hands perhaps??!)
Manlike Lesbian: Why do Women's National Basketball Association players make only a fraction that the male thugs of the NBA make? (I've no love for these guys either, but someone is paying $500 for a seat to see them, $300 for a pair of shoes he's endorsing, or watching them on TV, so they are creating incredible wealth and deserve to share in it).
I kept these responses to myself, knowing that reason, logic and fact would not hold a candle to their precious "feelings". I'd be accused of "feminist backlash" and dismissed as irrelevant. So much for academic freedom.
I facetiously suggested the government step in and fix salary levels for each and every job. Some of these stupid sows actually seemed to buy that idea!
I chose not to point out that male models make a fraction of female, same for porn stars.
Everyone! Read The Myth of Male Power by Ferrell. The guy debunks feminist BS, all the dogma that has been crammed down our throats over the past 40 years. All with well-documented sources, not just a hit piece.
Anyone have any advice for me? I'm in this for two years, so I must find a way to work with and get along with them. Just keep it to myself and let off steam here and to my friends?
SNL - Timelife Valentines. Funny vid. "Keeping up with the Jones" part rings true with some AW.
Reverse Migration
Check this one out:
She is coming here with an ad flashing.
Just like we go outside the US to find quality women, they come here to find quality men. I don't blame them. LOL
Good to see women in other countries becoming rich. Now they can afford to come here. Welcome.
Acceptable Prostitution
I have read a great article a while back. I can not find it. It might have been post even here.
I have this female friend. The first time I took her out and was not a date. The second time I took her to my place. She said you paid for two dinners and want to have sex!! She was expecting and waiting for me to spend more before I get in her pants.
I am interested to read more about women acceptable prostitution.
40 days 40 nights
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney] They then interviewed a couple of random women and 2 of them said NO WAY would they do that, but one Asian girl said she would have no problem with it. They asked a older man how he felt about it and he said he would just pay for it and put the kobosh on no sex for 15 months. He was coined "A Problem Solver". He's a FOOL!
But that's what our culture has done to some men.
If that's not a form of "acceptable prostitution" I don't know what is![/QUOTE]The oldest profession in the world will never die and would take different forms. Working girls rock. It is simple and easy. No mind games.
Though, everywho you would find good and bad. As there is non-working girl who will waste your time, money and play you games. There are working girls who will irritate you.
Have you seen the movie "40 days and 40 nights"?
It says it all.
[QUOTE=Sasha Coffee]Sadly gentlemen it is acceptable prostitution. Women the world over know that difference between men and women is.
Men need sex, women like it.
Being that women can go without it even though we enjoy it. If we don't get it we don't have the same need for it as men. Unfortunately for men as soon as a woman learns this it means that she is going to use it against you. The clothes question is the perfect portrayal of it.
This is the reason that most women hate working girls. We know the same rules that the office lady knows, its just we don't care. We will provide the service that most women don't. (Guess what we even end up with the presents that they would get if they did provide.)
I suppose you could say the working girl is your defence against the evil wallet grabbers.[/QUOTE]
Accept Reality
Friends, I read this forum and sense a lot of resentment and bitterness. It can not be this way. The fact of the matter is that gender roles in our society have changed and the frustration we feel is a result of it. Since the beginning of time men have been the hunter-gatherers and women have been the caretakers of home and children.
500,000 years of evolution is suddenly redundant.
A man is better with an axe or a spear, etc. A woman is better at raising children, organizing homes, etc.
Traditional things like lawyer, banker, clerk, programmer, teacher, doctor, accountant. Man and woman are the same. There is no longer a traditional role for man or woman, husband and wife. They are equal and the same except for sexual organs. Not sure why there is such a fuss over gay marriage because it is the same thing.
Remember classic TV? The man comes home from work, sits on the couch, the wife brings him a beer? This is history. Forget it. Finished. If you want this you need to go to rural counties in Iowa. They still make women who like to bake.
Not sure what I am talking about.
How to be happy w/ American Women
Remember the song.
And from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you.
She sure could cook.
Dr X Man
Don't think I've seen it. But next time I get day off work and I'm not sleeping through it I will look for it the DVD shop.
As for baking and bringing a man a beer.
Well I think I can do both. The trick is do I want to. Well that depends on the man and the attitude. No I'm not going to bake and bring a beer to a man who sits on the couch and doesn't have a job. And I'm not going to do it if I've been working all day and he's had the day off. But I will do it happily if I've had the day off and he's been at work. I will even cook dinner and do the housework.
Its not about feminism or money its about respect and working together.
Perhaps thats what women need to learn and remember. Respect is a two way street. All the men I know would do anything to make me smile but then I work hard to put the same smile on their face.
Good luck guys. But if you get bored paying for a few dinners and heaps of drinks. Remember a holiday in New Zealand will remind how women are.
[QUOTE=Misinformation]And from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you.[/QUOTE]
Many women do exactly that! I have met some women who believe that good-looking men have too easy a time being unfaithful. They prefer to marry plain looking men who will have a harder time finding a woman to be unfaithful with.
In mongering I have found that to contain some truth for WGs. Really gorgeous women are duds in bed. The plainer women know their looks alone won't cut it so they work harder to please a man.
[QUOTE=George90]Many women do exactly that! I have met some women who believe that good-looking men have too easy a time being unfaithful. They prefer to marry plain looking men who will have a harder time finding a woman to be unfaithful with.
This might go some ways towards explaining why you often see really attractive women with average-looking joes. I call it "The Safety Factor". The idea, from the woman's perspective, is that he will be so thankful for getting a good looking woman, that he'd never dream of looking for something else.
In reality, this idea is completely wrong. Guys are guys no matter where you go. There's always going to be that need for variety. There's always going to be the need for a little excitement. Sure, the wife might be good looking. But after doing it a couple hundred times, things get to be a routine. There will always be a significant percentage of men who are going to go out and find themselves a little something extra.
Not surprisingly, women absolutely HATE this idea. The only ones that seem to understand it are the ones who benefit from it..... like dancers, MP workers and WGs. I've had many enlightening discussions with them on this subject. It's funny how something becomes a lot more acceptable to women when they can make money off of it.
And why would anyone ever think an ugly guy would be more faithful? Not getting laid for all those teenage years. When they get a little older and have some money..... it's like a dam bursting, they're gonna go nuts!
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]This might go some ways towards explaining why you often see really attractive women with average-looking joes. I call it "The Safety Factor". The idea, from the woman's perspective, is that he will be so thankful for getting a good looking woman, that he'd never dream of looking for something else.
In reality, this idea is completely wrong. Guys are guys no matter where you go. There's always going to be that need for variety. There's always going to be the need for a little excitement. Sure, the wife might be good looking. But after doing it a couple hundred times, things get to be a routine. There will always be a significant percentage of men who are going to go out and find themselves a little something extra.
That may be the case, but it isn't what I was referring to.
I made no mention of how attractive or unattractive the [I]woman[/I] was. I spoke only about the man. The issue is not one of being grateful for having a woman. The issue is how much selection a plain-looking man has. Can he get to choose whatever woman he wants? Many women believe the answer to be NO!
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]And why would anyone ever think an ugly guy would be more faithful? Not getting laid for all those teenage years. When they get a little older and have some money..... it's like a dam bursting, they're gonna go nuts!
The bursting dam analogy may be correct. But again, it is not the issue.
The issue is not whether or not a man [I]wants[/I] to be faithful or not. The issue is whether a man can [B]successfully[/B] be unfaithful, should he so desire. Many women believe that an ugly man who desires to be unfaithful will not be as successful in that goal as a handsome man who wants to be unfaithful.
According to the women I spoke with about this, a woman is more likely to have sex with a handsome man than with an ugly man, all other things being equal.
But of course, money is the great equalizer.
There's a "reality" show called Beauty & the Geek, where they team up idiotic young hot women with brilliant nerds some of whom have never kissed a girl. I imagine these women in 15-20 years, their looks totally shot, fat, bitter and angry at being alone, cast aside and ignored. Possibly a minority of them will have married/divorced money a few times to accumulate a little wealth, but men will have no use for them, with their negativity.
Meanwhile the nerds will have created and sold the next Google or YouTube, and no matter their looks, will have their choice of women.
Btw: I've seen plenty of of guys married to gorgeous women who cheated on them with fat ugly broads. Variety, boredom, need for grateful attention? Perhaps.
[QUOTE=Yogin]But of course, money is the great equalizer.
There's a "reality" show called Beauty & the Geek, where they team up idiotic young hot women with brilliant nerds some of whom have never kissed a girl. I imagine these women in 15-20 years, their looks totally shot, fat, bitter and angry at being alone, cast aside and ignored. Possibly a minority of them will have married/divorced money a few times to accumulate a little wealth, but men will have no use for them, with their negativity.
Meanwhile the nerds will have created and sold the next Google or YouTube, and no matter their looks, will have their choice of women.
Btw: I've seen plenty of of guys married to gorgeous women who cheated on them with fat ugly broads. Variety, boredom, need for grateful attention? Perhaps.[/QUOTE]
Wow this report is insightful and perfectly correct. Very well put Yogin, hope you are the YouTube type.
Down here in New Zealand we have a saying. Be nice to the Nerds one day they will be your boss.
No 'Justice'
Yogin I would just like to briefly dispute the notion that intelligence leads to economic reward - in fact such an occurrence is rare. Economic 'success' results almost entirely from one's class origins, and the 'geeks' such as Bill Gates were mostly sons of multi-millionaires. Many poors are intelligent, and of course they die poor just as they lived. In our economic system, the elite propagates the elite, Yogin. If it didn't, believe me they would change it to make it so.
More money, better sex
I thought this would be a good place to post a copy of this article.
Here's the link:
More money, better sex
If you ask the superrich, wealth is an aphrodisiac, especially for women, a recent survey finds.
By MarketWatch
The richer you are, apparently, the better sex you have. That's according to a recent survey of more than 600 high-net-worth individuals. And rich women, it seems, enjoy sex the most.
"In seeking a higher-quality sexual experience, the number of well-heeled women that lead more adventurous and exotic sex lives, have had an affair or joined the mile-high club far outdistances that of men -- and the affluent gender gap in views on sex doesn't end there," Hannah Shaw Grove and Russ Alan Prince, two well-known researchers on the habits of the rich and famous, found.
Grove and Prince surveyed people with an average net worth of $89 million, and who make more than $9 million per year. They found that money is an enabler in a number of ways to enhance sexual experiences.
"The majority of men and women credit their private wealth with achieving a better sex life. When viewed separately, a larger percentage of women agree with the statement, perhaps indicating that females derive a greater degree of empowerment from their financial independence than their male counterparts," the survey, "Money as an Aphrodisiac -- Being Rich Means Getting Lucky on Your Own Terms," found.
Some 84% of rich women and 63% of rich men say having money means having better sex.
In the survey, three-quarters of men cited more frequent sex and a greater variety of partners as the primary benefits of having wealth, revealing a fascination with quantity. "In short, men equate more with better," Grove and Prince write.
By contrast, women placed significantly less value on the volume of sexual interactions and partners they had than the overall excellence of the experience: Nearly 93% of women cited higher-quality sex as the greatest sexual benefit of personal wealth -- and the biggest benefit overall to being rich.
"And while having sex with multiple partners simultaneously was less important to both genders, more than three times as many men cited it as a benefit than women did," Grove and Prince said.
Membership in the mile-high club
The rich people surveyed believe their fortunes allow them to lead more daring and exciting sex lives than they otherwise would have if they had less money.
"It is difficult to identify the benchmark for adventurous and exotic sex -- since what might entice one person could leave another indifferent," Grove and Prince noted. "But the much higher response rate from wealthy women once again underscores the liberating byproducts of money as it relates to sexual exploration."
For example, 72% of wealthy women say they have now joined the "mile-high club," which means they have had sex in an airplane. Meanwhile, 33% of men say they have had sex in flight.
The survey found that all of the participants owned private jets, either partly or outright. So wealth affording privacy may explain the high membership percentages there.
The average age of the survey respondents was 57 and most of them, 85%, are currently married. More than half of respondents had been divorced at least once and almost half, 44%, had already remarried.
Yet, money doesn't instill a sense of fidelity: 53% of the wealthy men surveyed, and 73% of the wealthy women surveyed, say they have had extramarital affairs.
According to "The Monogamy Myth: A Personal Handbook for Dealing with Affairs," 60% of men and 40% of women will have an extramarital affair.
And while Grove and Prince point out that the world's wealthiest men and women feel the same way about sex as their less wealthy counterparts do -- that is, feel sex is important -- clearly having more money can add to the experience.
Click here to see the full survey results and find out more about the habits of the wealthy.
This article was reported and written by Thomas Kostigen for MarketWatch.
Published Feb. 10, 2007
Wow, a net worth of not less than $89 million, AM are screwed!!!!!!!!
[QUOTE=Cyberdas]More money, better sex
If you ask the superrich, wealth is an aphrodisiac, especially for women, a recent survey finds.
By MarketWatch
The richer you are, apparently, the better sex you have. That's according to a recent survey of more than 600 high-net-worth individuals. And rich women, it seems, enjoy sex the most.
"In seeking a higher-quality sexual experience, the number of well-heeled women that lead more adventurous and exotic sex lives, have had an affair or joined the mile-high club far outdistances that of men -- and the affluent gender gap in views on sex doesn't end there," Hannah Shaw Grove and Russ Alan Prince, two well-known researchers on the habits of the rich and famous, found.
Grove and Prince surveyed people with an average net worth of $89 million, and who make more than $9 million per year. They found that money is an enabler in a number of ways to enhance sexual experiences.
"The majority of men and women credit their private wealth with achieving a better sex life. When viewed separately, a larger percentage of women agree with the statement, perhaps indicating that females derive a greater degree of empowerment from their financial independence than their male counterparts," the survey, "Money as an Aphrodisiac -- Being Rich Means Getting Lucky on Your Own Terms," found.
Some 84% of rich women and 63% of rich men say having money means having better sex.
In the survey, three-quarters of men cited more frequent sex and a greater variety of partners as the primary benefits of having wealth, revealing a fascination with quantity. "In short, men equate more with better," Grove and Prince write.
By contrast, women placed significantly less value on the volume of sexual interactions and partners they had than the overall excellence of the experience: Nearly 93% of women cited higher-quality sex as the greatest sexual benefit of personal wealth -- and the biggest benefit overall to being rich.
"And while having sex with multiple partners simultaneously was less important to both genders, more than three times as many men cited it as a benefit than women did," Grove and Prince said.
Membership in the mile-high club
The rich people surveyed believe their fortunes allow them to lead more daring and exciting sex lives than they otherwise would have if they had less money.
"It is difficult to identify the benchmark for adventurous and exotic sex -- since what might entice one person could leave another indifferent," Grove and Prince noted. "But the much higher response rate from wealthy women once again underscores the liberating byproducts of money as it relates to sexual exploration."
For example, 72% of wealthy women say they have now joined the "mile-high club," which means they have had sex in an airplane. Meanwhile, 33% of men say they have had sex in flight.
The survey found that all of the participants owned private jets, either partly or outright. So wealth affording privacy may explain the high membership percentages there.
The average age of the survey respondents was 57 and most of them, 85%, are currently married. More than half of respondents had been divorced at least once and almost half, 44%, had already remarried.
Yet, money doesn't instill a sense of fidelity: 53% of the wealthy men surveyed, and 73% of the wealthy women surveyed, say they have had extramarital affairs.
According to "The Monogamy Myth: A Personal Handbook for Dealing with Affairs," 60% of men and 40% of women will have an extramarital affair.
And while Grove and Prince point out that the world's wealthiest men and women feel the same way about sex as their less wealthy counterparts do -- that is, feel sex is important -- clearly having more money can add to the experience.
Click here to see the full survey results and find out more about the habits of the wealthy.
This article was reported and written by Thomas Kostigen for MarketWatch.
Published Feb. 10, 2007[/QUOTE]
I was going to clarify my position, but Yogin did such an excellent job that there isn't any need.
It's true that a guy who isn't physically appealing has the same opportunities as a handsome hunk. This is even more true for females.... and I think that is the reason why they think it will keep their homely hubby from gettin' some extra side action.
The truth is: A.) looks aren't everything. B.) guys LOVE variety. C.) the best looking woman in the world is going to get routine eventually.
Think about it...... you've made a connection with some woman you just met. Tonights the night! There's a certain thrill that comes from doing it with that woman for the first time..... even the first few times. But after a while it always starts to get routine. That's the reason why some guys, no matter what their looks, will always be tempted. It's the thrill.
Ummm, Rock...are you suggesting that women will purposefully condemn themselves to a lifetime of sex with a man they don't find attractive, just so that other women won't try to steal him????
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]George90,
The truth is: A.) looks aren't everything. B.) guys LOVE variety. C.) the best looking woman in the world is going to get routine eventually.
Think about it...... you've made a connection with some woman you just met. Tonights the night! There's a certain thrill that comes from doing it with that woman for the first time..... even the first few times. But after a while it always starts to get routine. That's the reason why some guys, no matter what their looks, will always be tempted. It's the thrill.
Your points are valid. That's why I made the all important caveat of "all other things being equal". The appropriate comparison is between 2 guys who are identical in everything except looks. Same money, same desire for variety, etc, just different looks.
[QUOTE=Rubber Nursey]Ummm, Rock...are you suggesting that women will purposefully condemn themselves to a lifetime of sex with a man they don't find attractive, just so that other women won't try to steal him????[/QUOTE]
No, he isn't. I am suggesting that!
And I didn't say that the wife didn't find him attractive, or at least attractive enough. I said the wife felt he wasn't attractive enough to be able to easily find women to be unfaithful with. He wasn't so attractive that other women were throwing themselves at him.
I guess you disagree? What are your comments then?
Well, for a start, logic dictates that whatever the guy had that attracted *me* to him, could end up attracting someone else. Unless your guy is a 40 year old virgin when you hook up, the fact that he's slept with other women before you generally confims this theory.
Secondly - and this is only a generalisation - looks aren't necessarily a deciding factor in who a woman sleeps with. Most girls I know fall for that undefinable 'X-factor', rather than chiselled cheekbones or a nice arse. If your guy has that 'X-factor' something; be it his sense of humour, his charisma or, as constantly stated in this section, his money or power; other women are likely to find it sexy too.
And thirdly - he could always pay for sex with a hooker. Or get some tramp drunk at the local bar. Or help some desperate Uni student with her tuition fees. Fact is, if a man really wants to screw around on his wife, there will always be someone willing to help him out, regardless of his looks.
I think most hot women who hook up with average looking men, do it because THEY LOVE THEM. Because he's smart or funny or treats her like a princess. Because he's a good husband and provider. Because he'll make a good Dad. Whatever. I just can't see any woman consciously deciding to spend her life with someone she honestly believes is not smart/funny/cute/rich/hot enough to ever pick up anyone else.
[QUOTE=Rubber Nursey]
Secondly - and this is only a generalisation - looks aren't necessarily a deciding factor in who a woman sleeps with. Most girls I know fall for that undefinable 'X-factor', rather than chiselled cheekbones or a nice arse. If your guy has that 'X-factor' something; be it his sense of humour, his charisma or, as constantly stated in this section, his money or power; other women are likely to find it sexy too.
And thirdly - he could always pay for sex with a hooker. Or get some tramp drunk at the local bar. Or help some desperate Uni student with her tuition fees. Fact is, if a man really wants to screw around on his wife, there will always be someone willing to help him out, regardless of his looks. [/QUOTE]
RN, you have partly answered your own question. There is always that x-factor that will attract a woman to a certain man. However, it's the third point that you made that really confirms what I've been trying to say. Regardless of his looks, a man who wants a little variety will always be able to get some if he's sufficiently motivated.
Some women see a guy who isn't so great to look at..... and this actually makes him more attractive because of a false sense of security. This false sense of security comes from the WOMAN'S idea that the man is guaranteed to be faithful because of his looks. I've been trying to make the point that this is not always true.
Come on people.
It is impossible for either sex to sustain a committed and monogamous relationship.
Both men and women will eventually stray. Although it is normally the man first, Buts let not be ostriches.
Human beings are like most other animals and not designed to mate for life.
[QUOTE=Sasha Coffee]Come on people.
It is impossible for either sex to sustain a committed and monogamous relationship.
Both men and women will eventually stray. Although it is normally the man first, Buts let not be ostriches.
Human beings are like most other animals and not designed to mate for life.[/QUOTE]
Sasha, well put!!
I couldn't have said it better myself!
So true.
There's ample anthropological/biological/ethological evidence that both are meant to stray. For men it means spreading seed as widely as possible to ensure his genes are carried on. For women it means taking in as much variety as possible to increase chances of at least some offspring surviving. This means the woman will sneak out to be impregated by a man she finds exciting (aggressive, strong, etc) and then "bond" (haha) with another man who is more nurturing, providing, and will act the good father, raising the other guy's kids.
We evolved this way.
Y'all right
I think there is an exception to each rule. There are faithful and unfaithful humans (men or women). Personally, I have never cheated on a girl call me whatever you want to call me but it's the truth. When I loved I made love and I felt different. I am talking about my own exprience. Though, I had the chance to cheat on her (one of my lovers). This lover girl drove me crazy. I made her jeoulous and took her friend home. I kept on talking about my lover girl and did not have sex with her friend though she gave me a bj.
I felt it's pure sex.
[QUOTE=Sasha Coffee]Come on people.
It is impossible for either sex to sustain a committed and monogamous relationship.
Both men and women will eventually stray. Although it is normally the man first, Buts let not be ostriches.
Human beings are like most other animals and not designed to mate for life.[/QUOTE]What you say is true but not all the time. As per the other members discussions both are valid. Only statistics can tell which opinion is more valid but there are things that can't be quantified as looks or taste. No offense but I do not like, not attracted to, black women. She might be very pretty but it's a personal thing.
Just a thought
Sasha have you seen the movie? It's nice thoughtful comedy.
[QUOTE=Dr X Man]I think there is an exception to each rule. There are faithful and unfaithful humans (men or women). Personally, I have never cheated on a girl call me whatever you want to call me but it's the truth. When I loved I made love and I felt different. I am talking about my own exprience. Though, I had the chance to cheat on her (one of my lovers). This lover girl drove me crazy. I made her jeoulous and took her friend home. I kept on talking about my lover girl and did not have sex with her friend though she gave me a bj.
I felt it's pure sex.
What you say is true but not all the time. As per the other members discussions both are valid. Only statistics can tell which opinion is more valid but there are things that can't be quantified as looks or taste. No offense but I do not like, not attracted to, black women. She might be very pretty but it's a personal thing.
Just a thought
Sasha have you seen the movie? It's nice thoughtful comedy.[/QUOTE]
I agree with X -
I have been faithful, its quite easy actually. I only started talking to other women (online) when I felt I could do better than my current gf. There was basically nothing wrong with her, just a weight issue that until pushed wasn't going to solve itself. In the end, she still wasn't all I needed (key word - NEED) , even though she lost quite of bit of weight, there were other issues about her personality that bothered me more.
I can be satified, I know what I need.
DrX, your real name must be Clinton. You had your dick in her mouth, and she sucked on it until you had an orgasm....... but that wasn't sex.
I guess that means all across the nation, guys like us are paying $$$ to not have sex either :D
[QUOTE=Sasha Coffee]It is impossible for either sex to sustain a committed and monogamous relationship. [/QUOTE]
Then why is it that there are MANY who do sustain monogmous relationships?
Because some people CAN'T find willing mates outside their relationship.
[QUOTE=Sasha Coffee]
Human beings are like most other animals and not designed to mate for life.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. But my point was NEVER about design or desire for other mates. It was about CAPABILITY of finding and keeping other mates.
Uh huh sure, not sex. Reminds me of all the religious fanatics who've done handjobs, BJ's, even anal intercourse, yet claim to be virgins. This shows the dangers of strict puritanical rules on sex. It always leads to seeking loopholes to get around all our retarded rules and conventions.
OH no!
After having been raked over the coals by his divorce. After pissing and moaning on the air about marriage. The King of all media, who proclaimed he would never marry again, got engaged to his long time GF, Beth O. It goes to show that if you have what they want, especially money..the tender trap will wait you out, wear you down and pull you in- no matter how long it takes.
Let's be careful out there...
Ok yes, she gave me a BJ but I did not even get a hard on. I was thinking about my female friend at that time. That was the time I realized she loves me and I love her. It's her jealousy.
I did not disagree with you or Sasha either.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]Hahahaa!
DrX, your real name must be Clinton. You had your dick in her mouth, and she sucked on it until you had an orgasm....... but that wasn't sex.
I guess that means all across the nation, guys like us are paying $$$ to not have sex either :D
If That Was Me
If I was really rich.... let's say in the 10 to 50 million dollar range, I wouldn't under any circumstances EVER get married.
I'd have a series of long-term girlfriends, but I'd also fuck whatever attractive women I could. I'd fuck them wherever and whenever they'd let me..... which would be quite often seeing as I was so rich. When the long-term GF's got pissed off about this, I'd trade em in no problem at all.
Kids? Just pay some healthy woman with a good set of ovaries to have some for me. I'd even come around to visit once in awhile. But never, would I ever get married. How these rich guys ( who are presumedly supposed to be smarter than me) keep getting sucked into these arrangements is totally beyond me. Ah well.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog] But never, would I ever get married. How these rich guys ( who are presumedly supposed to be smarter than me) keep getting sucked into these arrangements is totally beyond me. Ah well.
That is because the sex prison goes away when you have enough money. It even becomes a sex paradise! When I was a teen in high school, I worked in a hospital on week-ends with dozens of other teen-agers.
We would see all kinds of young doctors getting played by the nurses! These guys spent every waking moment studying in med school. Now they finish and do their residencies in hospitals and all the young unmarried nurses go after them like vultures after road kill. Most of the docs are so naive they don't know what is happening. Some play the nurses right back.
The problems start after the nurses marry them. You should see the wives of the some of the seasoned doctors. You would wonder what a man could see in them, and their personalities are worse than their looks.
But when these nurses were young, they were hot enough to distract a new doctor and hook him. Ordinary guys don't get that kind of treatment so we don't understand how rich guys can marry.
Marriage usually happens when a man gets the idea that there is something more to his relationship with women than sensually gratifying sex. Eventually, he figures out that there isn't but by then it's usually too late to do anything about it.
Anyway, most American men will get pressured or duped into matrimony one or more times. Most guys only see marriage for what it really is in this country after some life altering experience.
Feminism is primarily an Anglo American creation and will decline as Anglo American civilization declines, which is already about to happen over the next 20 years, the fall of the US Dollar over the past five years is not an abnormality, it is the beginning of the decline of the US dollar as the world's premiere currency. Within the Western world(actually feminism is largely confined to the West) I see feminism dying in Europe before America, Papal influence is growing rapidly on the Continent and with it will come more traditional values, "feminism" is not a traditional value, and the Catholic church has long been a target of the feminist controlled media. Europe's Christian right is just beginning to take power and it the not too soon future the feminist controlled leftists will fade into obscurity. Once in Europe this trend will make its way across the pond into the US as Europe supplants the US as the world superpower. The other coming superpower, China, doesn't value feminism since its a totalitarian state.
We can look back and blame the feminist movement with hastening America's decline. Why? Feminism largely disrupts the traditional social hierarchy of the family where father knows best, this has led to skyrocketing divorce rates in all Anglophone countries, an increasing number of single parent households(usually led by a female), children raised by single mothers are far more likely to become dysfunctional adults, and there is the root source of the problem. Another problem is falling birth rates, most strong societies need young people, because they work, pay taxes, fight wars, etc.
Old, cold, ugly, angry women
While I have no doubt that many of you are correct in stating that feminism has something of a destabilizing effect on the function of societies, particularly in the production of more workers, how can anyone dispute the reasoning of individuals wanting not to be treated as inferiors by other individuals? I mean, yes, I can understand your desire to 'keep them down', but surely you can admit that, in their shoes, you would desire to not be 'kept down'?
[quote=opebo]... i can understand your desire to 'keep them down', but surely you can admit that, in their shoes, you would desire to not be 'kept down'?[/quote]
feminism is not content to get equal opportunity & rights, free & easy birth control access etc. it will not have accomplished its goals until they have the upper hand in all areas of life (which they already do in laws, customs, and institutions). look at the whining about "gender parity" in wages, jobs with few women, & the so-called "glass ceiling". maybe the explanation is more simple: they don't want to work in the sciences, or jobs that require 80 hour work weeks, or are dangerous, or that require extensive travel or moving to a crappy city. anglo-american feminism demands all the benefits but none of the responsibility.
sex abuse of women on boys is waaay underreported, as police & prosecutors won't do anything save for a handful of "show" cases, especially if the woman is hot, as in the fla. case where she got house arrest. a man doing that with a 13 year old girl would do 25 years of hard time. same for spousal abuse of women on men.
this doctrine and dogma that they are oppressed victims must no longer go unchallenged. read "the myth of male power". it will debunk all the lies we have internalized, even the most independent thinkers among us.
how can anyone, even women, and most of my women friends agree with me on this, defend a school of thought that calls all straight sex [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url], all men [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127][CodeWord127][/url], and calls for the male population to be reduced to 10%? i sure wouldn't want to be a college student these days, what with the "date [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url]" mass hysteria. if i did have sex as one, i'd demand she sign a detailed release form approved by my attorney, where she initials and dates each and every activity that will be permitted. that way, when her roommate drags her to a "womyn's center" meeting three months later and they fill her with bile and she realizes that she had too much to drink and was "raped", i'll whip out my handy document.
Part 1
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]Feminism is primarily an Anglo American creation and will decline as Anglo American civilization declines, which is already about to happen over the next 20 years, the fall of the US Dollar over the past five years is not an abnormality, it is the beginning of the decline of the US dollar as the world's premiere currency. Within the Western world(actually feminism is largely confined to the West) I see feminism dying in Europe before America, Papal influence is growing rapidly on the Continent and with it will come more traditional values, "feminism" is not a traditional value, and the Catholic church has long been a target of the feminist controlled media. Europe's Christian right is just beginning to take power and it the not too soon future the feminist controlled leftists will fade into obscurity. Once in Europe this trend will make its way across the pond into the US as Europe supplants the US as the world superpower. The other coming superpower, China, doesn't value feminism since its a totalitarian state.[/QUOTE]
I disagree. I think feminism will continue for several more generations. It may change its form. Feminism has already evolved a bit away from the militant, confrontational form it was in the 60's and 70's. It has now a more sublte persuasive form that is more insidious and dangerous. Now, our media, educational system, and entertainment are infused with feminist propaganda that passes for social development.
Children's books have stories of same sex parents and single mother households as if these are not only the norm, but the ideal. Entire generations are growing up viewing men and males as at best unnecessary.
This education is reinforced by the entertainment industry. I read last week about the proliferatoin of TV shows and movies based on 'Doofus Dads'. These are men who are portrayed as incompetent to manage a household. I have posted in the past about the TV commercials that protray men are idiots. There is the Vonage ad where the woman describes how easy it is to use while the man acts like a ******* in the background. There is another one where 2 women are talking about window shades while a man blows up his barbeque grill. There are 2 new ones; one about 2 women describing a product (cable TV I think) while one's husband builds a comedy club in the background and its falls apart, and one about a man who can't figure out his income tax and the wife sarcastically talks to a box for help.
Response to CBGB, Part 2
Last week, a columnist wrote about how he is being attacked for speaking out against the baby that Cheney's daughter is having with her partner. I am posting a few paragraphs.
"The source of this ire? A column I wrote about Mary Cheney, who is a lesbian, pregnant and the daughter of the vice president. I thought it was a bad idea for Cheney and her life mate, Heather Poe, to have a baby, and I noted that this is an opinion I share with Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family fame.
That argument, for me, at least, is not about sexual orientation. My objection to Cheney and Poe is precisely the same one I have to heterosexual single women who decide to conceive children without benefit of a stable and involved father. I believe that our slide toward a fatherless society, a society where the male parent is considered optional, irrelevant or interchangeable, is toxic for our children.
So dad's involvement would seem vital to a child's well-being. And in reading those e-mails, I was repeatedly struck by the blithe way people disregarded that fact, by how eagerly they assured me fathers bring nothing to the table that cannot be replaced by an uncle, a coach, a family friend or other ''father figure.'' As one woman put it: ``To say that chromosomes or genitalia dictate the chances of happiness or success . . . for a family really makes no sense.''
But as 16 percent of white kids and a whopping 51 percent of black ones grow up father-free, facing all the difficulties that portends, I definitely have something against the idea, whether advanced by straight women or lesbians, that father is unnecessary, that so long as there's some uncle around to show a boy how to hit the mark in the toilet, everything is hunky dory.
So, American families are raising their children to believe that men are [B]not[/B] an [I][B]INTEGRAL[/B][/I] part of the American family! That belief and conditioning is not going to change in 20 years. It will take several, possibly many, generations and possibly up to 60 or 70 years to reverse this effect. And that is if we start NOW!!! We are not starting now so I believe the adverse effects of feminism are going to last, in the US at least, for more than the next 100 years.
Men in the Media.
What you said is true. There is a total bias against men in the media. This is particularly true in advertising. Why is this so? The answer is political correctness.
No one wants to be seen as beiing biased against ay other group. You can't use stereotypes in any way without risking some kind of backlash. EXCEPT for one..... the white heterosexual male. Somehow, WHMs are supposed to be the one group that's OK to make fun of. Maybe because we are somehow the ones "who control everything" so we don't mind being made fun of. Whatever.
This is why we see the same shitty commercials that rely on the same lame-ass premise. The advertisers don't have any other options.
Even more interesting, political correctness came into being directly though feminism. Most guys can take a joke. Historically, if someone did or said something that bothered us, we'd put up with it or go punch them in the nose. It's the women who can't take a joke. It's the women who fuss and fret over whether or not someone get's their feelings hurt. And it is the WOMENS way to all get together and organize a social resistance against something they don't like..... because the punch-the-nose option was never available to them.
[quote=yogin]feminism is not content to get equal opportunity & rights, free & easy birth control access etc. it will not have accomplished its goals until they have the upper hand in all areas of life (which they already do in laws, customs, and institutions). [/quote]
you are absolutely correct, yogin.
a recent example is the new law, imbra, that limits who an american man may marry. under the bogus claim that us men have an unfair superiority over non-us women, us men must submit a criminal, marital, and residential background history to a foreign woman [i]before[/i] he can talk to her, if he used a dating/marriage agency to help him. also, a us man is now limited to 2 fiancee visas (k-1) in his lifetime. this effectively inhibits men from searching outside the us for wives.
there was an additional law that passed in late 2006 that prohibits any man with a sexual offense from ever receving a k-1 or spousal visa for a foreign wife. so, if a us man is even [i]accused[/i] of something like date [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url], it goes on his record, and now he can't bring a foreign wife to the us. those duke lacrosse players are in for a nasty surprise should they fall in love with a non-us woman and want to bring her here.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]george90,
What you said is true. There is a total bias against men in the media. This is particularly true in advertising. Why is this so? The answer is political correctness.
No one wants to be seen as beiing biased against ay other group. You can't use stereotypes in any way without risking some kind of backlash. EXCEPT for one..... the white heterosexual male. Somehow, WHMs are supposed to be the one group that's OK to make fun of. Maybe because we are somehow the ones "who control everything" so we don't mind being made fun of. Whatever.
This is why we see the same shitty commercials that rely on the same lame-ass premise. The advertisers don't have any other options.
Even more interesting, political correctness came into being directly though feminism. Most guys can take a joke. Historically, if someone did or said something that bothered us, we'd put up with it or go punch them in the nose. It's the women who can't take a joke. It's the women who fuss and fret over whether or not someone get's their feelings hurt. And it is the WOMENS way to all get together and organize a social resistance against something they don't like..... because the punch-the-nose option was never available to them.
Do you really think that feminism and anti-male crap is limited to White guys???? Have you not seen any commercials with Black guys being treated by Black women as just as big idiots as White women are seen treating their White husbands???
Ther was an insurance commercial about a newlywed couple who were moving into an apartment together. EVERYTHING that belonged to him that he wanted to keep, she felt was trashly, turned up her nose, and ordered it thrown in the garbage. The ONLY thing of his that was worthy enough for her to approve of was his insurance policy.
So, I strongly disagree that PC stuff limits feminist insults and degradation to White men. It is aimed at ALL men regardless of our individual race!
If there is anything that we men should be uniting on, across racial lines, it is being against the goal of feminism to make us irrelevant and humiliate and degrade us in the process.
Guys, insults do not work if the person you are trying to insult is in the dominant position in the social heirarchy. For example you can't have a racial insult against a white, or a gender based insult against a male (you have to call him gay or effeminate to insult him). Insults have to have the weight of social oppression behind them to really hurt. In other words you are calling attention verbally to the person's very real inferior status.
Another way of putting this is there is no realistic way of insulting someone like George Bush.
[QUOTE=Opebo]Guys, insults do not work if the person you are trying to insult is in the dominant position in the social heirarchy. ....Another way of putting this is there is no realistic way of insulting someone like George Bush.[/QUOTE]
Women, especially white ones, are on the top, in case you didn't notice.
I've heard many priceless & hilarious jokes that insult Bush, mostly regarding his intellect.
Q: How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: That's not funny!!!
I saw a great cartoon (by a brilliant guy named Callahan) with this guy at the info counter in a store. He's being told: "This is a feminist bookstore. We don't have a humor section!"
Can't insult a white guy? Let's see:
cracker, honkey, asshole, dick, cock, mother**er, redneck...do those usually apply to white straight men? Are they offensive and meant to cause hurt? You bet.
It's true that institutions such as academia have become totally pervaded by subtle sneaky feminist dogma at every level. They run these places now. Most students are women. Yet they still pretend they are an "oppressed minority" in order to further promote their agenda, which includes controlling men and their sexuality (IMBRA, banning of porn & prostitution etc).
[quote=opebo]another way of putting this is there is no realistic way of insulting someone like george bush.[/quote]
i always thought it was george bush's emotional fragility that caused him to give speeches in front of captive audiences of military personel. they'll either laugh at his bad jokes or be courtmarshalled.
Before anyone should laugh at George Bush
He or she should just stop driving his/her SUV for a year.
Stop flying on fuel-guzzling jumbo jets to their favorite mongering spots.
Stop taking hot showers.
Stop turning on the heaters all winter long...
[QUOTE=Yogin]...which includes controlling men and their sexuality (IMBRA, banning of porn & prostitution etc).[/QUOTE]
Banning prostitution is about controlling WOMEN'S sexuality.
[b]in the past[/b]
women requested and fought for equality
men can not even ask for their equality. women would say “you are a man. it's a man world. are you going to cry like a baby or like a girl?”
they maintain their advantages while adding more rights.
feminism already surpassed in rights and opportunities
[quote=yogin]feminism is not content to get equal opportunity & rights, free & easy birth control access etc. it will not have accomplished its goals until they have the upper hand in all areas of life (which they already do in laws, customs, and institutions). look at the whining about "gender parity" in wages, jobs with few women, & the so-called "glass ceiling". maybe the explanation is more simple: they don't want to work in the sciences, or jobs that require 80 hour work weeks, or are dangerous, or that require extensive travel or moving to a crappy city. anglo-american feminism demands all the benefits but none of the responsibility.
[b]sex abuse of women on boys is waaay underreported, as police & prosecutors won't do anything save for a handful of "show" cases, especially if the woman is hot, as in the fla. case where she got house arrest. a man doing that with a 13 year old girl would do 25 years of hard time. same for spousal abuse of women on men.[/b]
this doctrine and dogma that they are oppressed victims must no longer go unchallenged. read "the myth of male power". it will debunk all the lies we have internalized, even the most independent thinkers among us.
how can anyone, even women, and most of my women friends agree with me on this, defend a school of thought that calls all straight sex [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url], all men [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127][CodeWord127][/url], and calls for the male population to be reduced to 10%? i sure wouldn't want to be a college student these days, what with the "date [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url]" mass hysteria. if i did have sex as one, i'd demand she sign a detailed release form approved by my attorney, where she initials and dates each and every activity that will be permitted. that way, when her roommate drags her to a "womyn's center" meeting three months later and they fill her with bile and she realizes that she had too much to drink and was "raped", i'll whip out my handy document.[/quote]
Nothing to Thank Bush For
[QUOTE=One Wing Low]He or she should just stop driving his/her SUV for a year.
Stop flying on fuel-guzzling jumbo jets to their favorite mongering spots.
Stop taking hot showers.
Stop turning on the heaters all winter long...[/QUOTE]Damn, I could have sworn I did all of those things when Clinton was in office. And Reagan and Carter, too. (Well, I guess the SUV hadn't been invented that long ago.)
What the hell do any of them have to do with George W. Bush? Maybe YOUR world began the day he got into office, but the rest of us were already doing quite nicely, thank you.
Please come to your senses, OWL.
The Dow
The market is at record highs while unemployment is at record lows. Interest rates are moderate and housing is taking a long awaited chill. I'm no Bush groupie but let's keep things in perspective. I'm sure w did a few (female) cheerleader at Yale and has more pressing things on his mind than what the fe-nazis are up to. Personally our mayor Michael Bloomberg has done more to curtail our liberties than the current admisistration in Washington.
I personally think those gals get nothing but lip service (no pun intenended) from the current administration. Maria Cantwell is the chic to watch out for.
[QUOTE=One Wing Low]He or she should just stop driving his/her SUV for a year.
Stop flying on fuel-guzzling jumbo jets to their favorite mongering spots.
Stop taking hot showers.
Stop turning on the heaters all winter long...[/QUOTE]
You think oil is our only choice? Brazil runs all their cars on sugar cane.
[QUOTE=Rubber Nursey]Banning prostitution is about controlling WOMEN'S sexuality.[/QUOTE]I don’t think so.
One prostitute could serve hundreds of men.
So banning the prostitution hit the men hundreds time harder than prostitutes.
I have not been on this forum for 3 years.
It has been changed dramatically.
I remember 3 years ago so lot of naïve guys posted here.
Fiancée Visa
[QUOTE=George90] Also, a US man is now limited to 2 fiancee visas (K-1) in his lifetime. This effectively inhibits men from searching outside the US for wives.[/QUOTE]I did not know that. A friend of mine had his girlfriend from Rio here in the states on a fiancée visa from Dec 2005 to March 2006. His son was born in Brazil in October 2006 and when he went to the U.S. Consulate in Rio to get his son a passport they pulled up his record and automatically asked him if he wanted to apply for another fiancée visa. He told them no and that he did not think that he could. But the foreign service officer told him that he could do it as many times as he wants as long as the person returns home before the visa has expired.
[QUOTE=Mr Enternational]I did not know that. A friend of mine had his girlfriend from Rio here in the states on a fiancée visa from Dec 2005 to March 2006. His son was born in Brazil in October 2006 and when he went to the U.S. Consulate in Rio to get his son a passport they pulled up his record and automatically asked him if he wanted to apply for another fiancée visa. He told them no and that he did not think that he could. But the foreign service officer told him that he could do it as many times as he wants as long as the person returns home before the visa has expired.[/QUOTE]
Check the provisions for IMBRA. There are a few sites that discuss it and several immigration lawyers who know it well. Googling it will yield effective results.
The IMBRA law came into effect in March of 2006. The immigration agencies were not prepared for it. A backlog of over 10,000 spousal visa requests developed by the summer and made those couples wait 9-12 months extra. In addition, there were not enough new forms, updated for the new law, printed up and another backlog for new petitions developed while more updated forms were printed. This was reported in the New York Times in December of '06 using a few couples in limbo as examples.
It is entirely possible that in Oct. 2006, consulates were not aware of it.
The IMBRA law-a blessing in disguise?
a recent example is the new law, imbra, that limits who an american man may marry. under the bogus claim that us men have an unfair superiority over non-us women, us men must submit a criminal, marital, and residential background history to a foreign woman [i]before[/i] he can talk to her, if he used a dating/marriage agency to help him. also, a us man is now limited to 2 fiancee visas (k-1) in his lifetime. this effectively inhibits men from searching outside the us for wives.
there was an additional law that passed in late 2006 that prohibits any man with a sexual offense from ever receving a k-1 or spousal visa for a foreign wife. so, if a us man is even [i]accused[/i] of something like date [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url], it goes on his record, and now he can't bring a foreign wife to the us. those duke lacrosse players are in for a nasty surprise should they fall in love with a non-us woman and want to bring her here.[/quote]
hello, gentlemen, how is everything going in sex prison? are the women still cold and fat?
anyways, i just wanted to quickly comment on this imbra law that has been brought up. perhaps i am just drunk on the $7 usd pussy that is available here to me in ecuador, but i have a different perspective on this. although i oppose the premise of this law (actually, i can't believe it's even constitutional, but whatever) i personally could care less about it; perhaps this is a blessing in disguise?
here's the way i see it; you should not be bringing foreign women to the u.s in the first place. we have already established on this thread that aw are not born the way they are, they are a product of their environment. therefore, if this is true (and i believe it is), why the hell would you want to bring a women from a foreign country to the u.s (or western europe, or canada, or whichever sex prison you live in)? so that they can just turn into aw? no need to search abroad for that!
george90 mentioned that this new law "effectively inhibits men from searching outside the us for wives". no it doesn't! it doesn't do that at all, my friend! it prohibits men from bringing back women to the u.s. but it does not prevent you from leaving the country and getting married in any foreign country you want! and as for using dating agencies, forget them! just learn a little of the native language (i know, it might require some of you to crack open a book!) and just find women on your own, the old fashioned way. dating agencies are completly unecessary in the third world, trust me; it's a uniquely american/western creation, and there's no need for them. just walk up to a woman/group of women on the street and start talking, easy as that!
i always love reading this thread on the isg, but i get an especially big chuckle from it when i'm living abroad. i gotta really hand it to you guys that are still on here, fighting aw, feminism, and all the ridiculous laws that get passed by "our representatives" and signed into law by "our president". it's kind of like trying to save a ship that has already sunk to the bottom of the ocean. you guys are still on the [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord116][CodeWord116][/url] deck, desperately trying to clear the water from the ship.
as for me, i grabbed a life boat and got the hell out! hopefully, it will be a permanent escape within the next five years or so, but i suggest others on here do the same. you can call me lazy for not wanting to stick around and fight the good fight, but i just consider myself realistic.
[QUOTE=Ezinho]Here's the way I see it; you should not be bringing foreign women to the U.S in the first place. We have already established on this thread that AW are not born the way they are, they are a product of their environment. Therefore, if this is true (and I believe it is), why the hell would you want to bring a women from a foreign country to the U.S (or Western Europe, or Canada, or whichever Sex Prison you live in)? So that they can just turn into AW? No need to search abroad for that!
George90 mentioned that this new law "effectively inhibits men from searching outside the US for wives". No it doesn't! It doesn't do that at all, my friend! It prohibits men from BRINGING BACK women to the U.S. But it does not prevent you from leaving the country and getting married in any foreign country you want! [/QUOTE]
What you wrote is very true. We still have the legal option of moving to another country, marrying there, and living happily ever after there. For most US men, that is only a long-run dream, essentially to retire someplace else. The vast majority of US men are still tied to the US due to our jobs and the incomes we can earn here. For those men, IMBRA is a real and effective c?ckblocker!
[QUOTE=Ezinho] And as for using dating agencies, forget them! Just learn a little of the native language (I know, it might require some of you to crack open a book!) and just find women on your own, the old fashioned way. Dating agencies are completly unecessary in the third world, trust me; it's a uniquely American/Western creation, and there's no need for them. Just walk up to a woman/group of women on the street and start talking, easy as that!
Dating agencies have their place. Some men and women don't need them. Some don't like them. Others find them useful. Men and women hwo have used them have told me that they liked the way an agency can screen men and women and get information about them to passon to an interested person before actually meeting them. To each his own. YMMV.
Greetings from Sex Prison
You make some good points. Our protests are somewhat like re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic. But there's nothing futile about our finding ways to make the best of things if we feel we need to stick around here, either by fighting oppressive laws, traveling, etc. I find women on my own too, but a guy should be free to use an agency.
But no I disagree with you. Sure, if they are trying to escape from a poor desparate crappy situation and are 18, they will surely change immediately upon arrival to our sorry shores. But if they are a little older, have a decent education & career, I doubt they'll change much, according to my observations. Especially if from a more prosperous place such as Japan.
[QUOTE=One Wing Low]He or she should just stop driving his/her SUV for a year.
Stop flying on fuel-guzzling jumbo jets to their favorite mongering spots.
Stop taking hot showers.
Stop turning on the heaters all winter long...[/QUOTE]
Bush's policies are most likely going to save the US in the long run but he no longer has the mandate to finish the job. As a result, the US dollar is falling, why? International investors are fleeing the greenback like rats on a sinking ship. If the US overwhelmed the world with its military might, this would not happen. The other problem is that Middle America is quickly disappearing, you see overwhelmingly rich people and poor people as well as lots of third world immigrants, my hometown looks more like Juarez Mexico than America. Guess where world bankers are now placing their confidence? The Euro, Europe is getting its act together big time, despite more unemployment, they have tradesurpluses and their governments are not neck deep in debt. You also don't see the superwide gaps between rich and poor, I am no Communist, even Theodore Roosevelt valued economic equality. Expect the dollar to tumble further this year. The media in America is constantly weeping about the fucktard Anna Nicole Smith, the plus sized model, who probably DO'd on some drug, what a new low.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]Bush's policies are most likely going to save the US in the long run but he no longer has the mandate to finish the job.[/QUOTE]
Hah, what policies are those? Wiping out prostitution around the globe?
I'm just looking at history, most major powers of the past engaged in aggressive military action, almost all of these societies eventually declined due to forces from within. Rome, Britain, Napoleonic France, Portugal, Spain, and the Ottoman Empires were all brutal imperialistic powers.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]As a result, the US dollar is falling, why? International investors are fleeing the greenback like rats on a sinking ship. If the US overwhelmed the world with its military might, this would not happen. [/QUOTE]
The value of the dollar is related to interest rates in the US and other countries. The United States in recent years raised interest rates and this helped make the dollar more valuable, but over the past year the Fed has slowed or stopped or maybe it's starting to reduce (if you know the answer please PM me) interest rates.
At the same time, interest rates in Japan and the EU have been way lower than US rates. Money has been cheap in those places. As those economies have started to "heat up" the central banks in those places have started to toy with increasing interest rates for the yen and the euro. This increases the value of those currencies and makes it more attractive to park money in yen or euros.
Not sure this all adds up to rats moving off the boat or signals the decline of the USA. But. If you are convinced this is a trend, well, there are ways you could make a buck off of it.
However, currencies are a very risky place to make bets. Conventional wisdom in, say, 2005 was that the dollar was going to decrease in value, but in the end it did not. If you made a bet that it was going to decrease in value you would have lost money.
I do think that it's interesting that the Vietnam War had what seemed to be such a direct relationship on inflation increasing in the US in the 1970's (during that time the Nixon administration gave up on the idea of a fixed exchange rate for the dollar), but that the Iraq War - which is certainly very costly - has not had the same impact. But, really, what does this have to do with American women?
Of course, Anna Nicole Smith has everything to do with American women, but it blows my mind that MSNBC, CNN and Fox News are giving this thing more attention than it's getting here. Blows my mind. Smith was all the things readers here expected from an AW. I was watching a couple of Fox people nearly crap themselves over Britney Spears latest haircut. Nuts. I wish they would at least spend some cycles on Bridget Moynahan. All these chicks are in the running for 2007 American Women of the Year for this thread.
The thing that is relevant is that its getting expensive for those of us who are paid in US dollars to go abroad for fun. Meaning that it will be harder to flee the clutches of the American female that many of us dread.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]The thing that is relevant is that its getting expensive for those of us who are paid in US dollars to go abroad for fun. Meaning that it will be harder to flee the clutches of the American female that many of us dread.[/QUOTE]
Right. Like I said, if you think the dollar is going to continue to decline there are ways to hedge against it, there are mutual funds out there which increase in value based on decreases in the value of the Lehman US Dollar Index. Sometimes these are set up in such a way as to do a 2x increase for every point the dollar loses.
It sort of makes sense if you are sure you are going to travel overseas. To spell it out - if the dollar goes down, your vacation expenses are higher, but you've made money. On the other hand, if the dollar goes up, you lose money, but your vacation expenses are lower. It's a hedge of a kind for vacation planning, probably not the best idea for longer term investment plans. Depends on your situation.
At any rate, it's all risky and, since I'm not a financial advisor and I don't know your circumstances, it would be impossible for me to recommend anything more than looking into it.
Losing Iraq has much bigger consequences than Vietnam, first of all it has to with the "Petrodollar" trade, much of the reason we can borrow as much as we can and the reason the dollar has been strong up until recently has to do with the fact that oil is traded solely in dollars. If countries start to switch their oil trade in Euros, that means we are going to have to pay our debts, we have a lot of debt, and that will be a major catastrophe for the US economy.
Take the following example: Japan needs to import oil for domestic use. To do so it must first acquire dollars, as the dollar is the main currency in which oil is traded. To acquire these dollars, Japan must sell goods and services to the U.S. economy. The Japanese build a Honda to sell to the U.S. The U.S. federal reserve prints a certain amount of dollars and gives these to the Japanese in exchange for the Honda. The Japanese buy oil from Saudi Arabia using these dollars. The Saudis take the dollars and reinvest them in the Federal Reserve Bank of the U.S., and from then on they will only be used as a reserve currency. Therefore, all the U.S. had to do to acquire a Honda, was to print dollars. In essence, it has its very own money tree.
Knowing this its almost better to be paid in gold.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]Losing Iraq has much bigger consequences than Vietnam, first of all it has to with the "Petrodollar" trade, much of the reason we can borrow as much as we can and the reason the dollar has been strong up until recently has to do with the fact that oil is traded solely in dollars. If countries start to switch their oil trade in Euros, that means we are going to have to pay our debts, we have a lot of debt, and that will be a major catastrophe for the US economy.[/QUOTE]
I don't think this is correct. Oil contracts may be denominated in dollars but that doesn't mean they have to be settled in dollars. They can be settled in whatever currency the buyer and seller agree.
Even if oil contracts are denominated in euros, we can still settled our contracts with Saudi Arabia, Mexico, etc in dollars. There is no need to immediately repay dollar denominated bonds.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur] The Japanese build a Honda to sell to the U.S. The U.S. federal reserve prints a certain amount of dollars and gives these to the Japanese in exchange for the Honda. The Japanese buy oil from Saudi Arabia using these dollars. The Saudis take the dollars and reinvest them in the Federal Reserve Bank of the U.S., and from then on they will only be used as a reserve currency. [/QUOTE]
Did you get this from an international finance book? Where did you get this information?
Yes, when we import goods from Japan or China, we pay them in dollars. But the dollars do not come from the federal reserve. They come from us, the consumers. Car dealerships pay Honda with dollars it got from selling cars to US consumers. Yes, China and Japan pay for oil in dollars, leaving Saudi Arabia with a shitload of dollars.
Here is where I disagree. If the Saudis (or Chinese) were permitted to by a boatload of expensive military aircraft or expensive military ships, then they would pay us back in the dollars we used to pay for imports. Ideally, our exports are supposed to pay for our imports.
Unfortunately, we have not been producing much of anything that the rest of the world wants to buys lots, or at least lots at the price we offer. That leaves the Saudis with a bunch of dollars and nothing to buy with them. So they invest them in dollar denominated assets.
Sometimes those assets are US firms. Most of the time those assets are bonds our federal government needs to issue in order to finance our huge budget deficits. The federal reserve has little to do with this. It is the Treasury Dept. that issues the bonds. The only role the Fed plays is that the bonds are sold at a trading desk in New York City that is controlled by the Fed.
There is nothing FEDERAL about the Federal Reserve!
Report deleted by Admin
[size=-2][b][u]EDITOR'S NOTE[/u]:[/b] [blue]This report was deleted because the subject was not related to the purpose of this Forum, which is as follows:
The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex.[/blue][/size]
This system only works if all oil transactions are conducted in US Dollars, that was the real reason we went into Iraq, Iraq sold oil in Euros in 99', and that was the real reason for the invasion of Iraq. The government has been sabre rattling Venezuela, why? Venezuela is a Christian country, it has little to do with Islamic terrorism, but its a major oil producing nation. Russia and Iran are going to price their oil in Euros too. The Saudis and other oil producing nations reinvest their surplus dollars into US treasury bonds, then the Treasury prints money that could be used to purchase more goods. The Euro threatens this mechanism, the damage to the US economy would be catastrophic. European nations partly introduced the Euro to purchase oil without US Dollars thereby reducing their economies' dependence on exporting goods and services to the US.
The only ace is the fact that China keeps buying US treasuries to artificially reduce the value of their currency to the US dollar, so they can pour cheap goods into the US, but its only a matter of time before they stop financing our debt. So in effect China has been holding up the US economy.
The US has kept the petrodollar system intact with a powerful military force, the will to use that force is waning, with a Democratic Congress and a high chance of a Democratic President, you will see a softening of US foreign policy, so more oil producing countries will not be intimidated, and will start pricing their oil in Euros. Its not going to happen overnight, but within two decades at maximum, the US dollar will not be the world's dominant reserve currency. Even the Euro will be threatened once China becomes transforms from an export economy to a consumer based one in the next 20 years.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]This system only works if all oil transactions are conducted in US Dollars, that was the real reason we went into Iraq, Iraq sold oil in Euros in 99', and that was the real reason for the invasion of Iraq. The government has been sabre rattling Venezuela, why? Venezuela is a Christian country, it has little to do with Islamic terrorism, but its a major oil producing nation. Russia and Iran are going to price their oil in Euros too. The Saudis and other oil producing nations reinvest their surplus dollars into US treasury bonds, then the Treasury prints money that could be used to purchase more goods. The Euro threatens this mechanism, the damage to the US economy would be catastrophic. European nations partly introduced the Euro to purchase oil without US Dollars thereby reducing their economies' dependence on exporting goods and services to the US.
The only ace is the fact that China keeps buying US treasuries to artificially reduce the value of their currency to the US dollar, so they can pour cheap goods into the US, but its only a matter of time before they stop financing our debt. So in effect China has been holding up the US economy.
The US has kept the petrodollar system intact with a powerful military force, the will to use that force is waning, with a Democratic Congress and a high chance of a Democratic President, you will see a softening of US foreign policy, so more oil producing countries will not be intimidated, and will start pricing their oil in Euros. Its not going to happen overnight, but within two decades at maximum, the US dollar will not be the world's dominant reserve currency. Even the Euro will be threatened once China becomes transforms from an export economy to a consumer based one in the next 20 years.[/QUOTE]Again, where are you getting your information? Can you cite a source, or better yet sources, that supports your version of how international finance / international payment system operates?
Here's one link:
Here's a book written about the Petrodollar:
The Hidden Hand of American Hegemony: Petrodollar Recycling and International Markets, the author is David E Spiro.
On the topic of American Women. How?
There's a politics thread. Please use it, gentlemen.
Yes, I'm sure you can conceivably connect anything to AW, but this is becoming a stretch.
How about we discuss the price of eggs in S. Africa?
Thank you.
Well once again the relevance is that most of us use US Dollars to finance our escapes from the American female, so of if something happens to that we lose our escape hatch.
Just because things change in the financial world it doesn't necessarily mean you "lose your escape hatch".
Things might get more expensive. But that's nothing new is it? The only way things will change significantly is if there is a total financial collapse of some sort. This may very well happen some day considering the 10 trillion dollar cumulative trade imbalance the US has with the rest of the world.
However, I seriously doubt that, all of a sudden you're gonna wake up poor, and the rest of the world is rich. Anytime things change, some people come out losers and some come out winners. The best thing to do is do what you should be doing anyways. Save up some of your $$$ each time you get paid and don't keep all your eggs in one basket.
The UK used to be called Great Britain.... they're not so great anymore. Not relative to the other world powers. But, from what I've seen, the average Brit still does OK for themselves. I seriously doubt there will ever be a time that most Americans will be poor compared to people in other countries.
That means, for a guy who works hard and makes something of himself, there will always be good-looking foreign women out there ready to be claimed.
Re: Hubris
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]That means, for a guy who works hard and makes something of himself, there will always be good-looking foreign women out there ready to be claimed.[/QUOTE]
This is not accurate, Rock. People don't 'make something' of themselves, rather, society makes them what they are. The lower classes work harder than anyone, Rock, and, in the US, can never afford foreign travel or prostitutes. No, Rock, in our capitalist society one's economic condition is determined by forces outside one's control - namely economic class, rigidly enforced by State power.
Little Britain
Hi All,
Quote from Rock Dog: "The UK used to be called Great Britain.... they're not so great anymore."
Great Britain is in fact a geographical term and nothing to do with empire or the people or government of Britain thinking they are great! It is made up of England , Scotland and Wales ( not Ireland )
The "British isles" are all the islands in the region including the island of Ireland
NB The "United Kingdom" is a political term refering to the "United Kingdom or Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
Check out the link
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]Just because things change in the financial world it doesn't necessarily mean you "lose your escape hatch".
Things might get more expensive. But that's nothing new is it? The only way things will change significantly is if there is a total financial collapse of some sort. This may very well happen some day considering the 10 trillion dollar cumulative trade imbalance the US has with the rest of the world.[/QUOTE]
When things get too expensive, one DOES lose one's escape hatch! And people DO wake up poor(er) one day!
Tens of thousands of middle-income homeowners took out second mortages in 2002, 2003, and 2004. Now those same homeowners are facing falling home values, rising interest rates, higher mortgage payments, and stagnant income.
Mongering is not a low cost hobby. Preparing to retire abroad is not a low cost proposition. When costs rise and US incomes fall due to poor management of the economy, we do end up fewer options for escaping from AWs.
My caveat is that if you are rich enough, none of what I said applies to you.
An article in the New York Times about a sorority which appears to have discriminated against women based on weight and race.
Bridget Moynahan (36), born in Binghamton, New York, USA. Three months pregnant with Tom Brady's child. Tom Brady (29) is hanging out with Gisele Bundchen (26), a Brazilian model.
res ipse loquitur ~ "the thing speaks for itself"
How much damage?
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I agree, not all American women are bad - in fact, I have had my fair share of freebies in NY and SF because of my British accent and young age [25]! :-)
Seriously though, how much damage (in $) would some of these girls set you back, if you don't mind me asking? Of course, if you would rahter not say on here, I would appreciate a PM.
Many thanks,
Sugar Babies
I normally put $140 in my cookie jar and tell the girl to help herself to my cookie jar. I had one girl call me later and say it was not enough, I raised it up to $200, she was from New York and told me some high money she had made there.
I had one girl last week that had driven 1 1/2 hours to be with me, I put $180 in the cookie jar and she noted that it was alot of money for her. So I told her to leave some in the cookie jar for next time.
BTW I removed the photos this morning. I did not realize that they had the girls name on them and someone could find the girls on one of the 3 sugar daddy websites.
Sugarbaby.com sugarbabyforme.com and seekingarrangement.com are the 3 that I know of. Enjoy.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]Just because things change in the financial world it doesn't necessarily mean you "lose your escape hatch".
Things might get more expensive. But that's nothing new is it? The only way things will change significantly is if there is a total financial collapse of some sort. This may very well happen some day considering the 10 trillion dollar cumulative trade imbalance the US has with the rest of the world.
However, I seriously doubt that, all of a sudden you're gonna wake up poor, and the rest of the world is rich. Anytime things change, some people come out losers and some come out winners. The best thing to do is do what you should be doing anyways. Save up some of your $$$ each time you get paid and don't keep all your eggs in one basket.
The UK used to be called Great Britain.... they're not so great anymore. Not relative to the other world powers. But, from what I've seen, the average Brit still does OK for themselves. I seriously doubt there will ever be a time that most Americans will be poor compared to people in other countries.
That means, for a guy who works hard and makes something of himself, there will always be good-looking foreign women out there ready to be claimed.
Well Britain coasts off the US, the entire British government licks American boots, thats why the country does well. Australia is the same, John Howard has Bush so far up his ass, that when Bush spits its comes out of Howard's mouth. The real issue is that the economic center of gravity is shifting away from English speaking countries. Continental Europe and China are going to dominate the world. The US is almost certain to leave Iraq, the whole war was a way to intimidate OPEC countries from switching the oil trade to Euros, which would effectively destroy the US economy. Iraq is a big failure, once the US leaves, most OPEC nations particularly Venezuela and Iran will be supporting a Euro based oil bourse.
I have to agree with CBGB for the most part with what he said about the US UK Canada and Australia. The US, for better or worse, is the cultural and economic center of the english speaking world.
However, Europe isn't going to supersede the US anytime soon. They have the combined problems of socialism, low birthrate, cultural/political stagnation and growing internal populations of muslims. If present trends continue, Europe will be a semi-islamic shithole in about 40 or 50 more years. Can you think of any islamic country (sans petrodollars) that is an economic success? Neither can I.
China may very well be the country to compete economically, culturally and militarily. They are currently hard at work competing with America for access to resources in third world areas like Africa and Latin America. Their economy is overheated though.... and their whole economic system is riddled with bad debt and corruption. China might look hot right now, but I remember we used to look at the Japanese the same way back in the 80's..... and where are they now? China is probably inevitable, but and economic meltdown might set them back 10 or 20 years (if it happens).
Even India is worth watching. I've seen parts of Africa where there are as many Indians as Africans.
Fifty years from now, the US might be just one of several world powers.... instead of the only one. Perhaps China will become the hyperpower that some fear. I'm betting that other trends (ecological/demographic) are going to come into effect before this ever happens. Think rising sea level, climate change + failure of organized food and energy production = hundreds of millions of starving chinese with subsequent political collapse. This has happened many times before and there's no reason it can't happen again.
Why is a low birthrate a problem? I'd say for the next 100 years or so, the lower the better! Do we really need 6 billion of us?
As for the next economic powers, it will be Russia, then Brazil. China and India's populations keep them back. Both countries are also headed for a civil war a lot sooner than most think.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Why is a low birthrate a problem? I'd say for the next 100 years or so, the lower the better! Do we really need 6 billion of us?
As for the next economic powers, it will be Russia, then Brazil. China and India's populations keep them back. Both countries are also headed for a civil war a lot sooner than most think.[/QUOTE]
Birthrate isn't a problem in the US, which is already a multi-ethnic nation. It's our future, our destiny, our strength. At least that's the official version. :) Since it's the only version we have though, it is prudent to at least make our best effort.
Europe has a real problem with birthrate, as "native" populations from Sweden to Italy are losing their demographic advantage to immigrants from Africa and Asia, not to mention Eastern Europe. The influx of foreigners into European countries, especially those from Muslim cultures, has gone from an insignificant curiousity to a major social and economic headache.
As intellectually critical as Europe was of the racial problems in the United States in the 70's and 80's, their tone has become much less condescending in recent years as the realities of racial integration have taken hold in their own countries. The religious aspect, particularly Islam contra Christianity, adds considerably more powder to the powder keg.
I do not foresee Europe becoming Muslim, however this is the proclaimed goal of many Muslim leaders in Europe and it certainly is time that Europe adamantly defend it's cultural heritage and values. Time will tell.
China and India are significant powers already, perhaps not the superpowers they'd like to be, but both carry economic weight, and both economies are strong enough domestically to ride out any international crisis. Nonetheless, neither is even close to achieving America's financial strength. America's strength is not only measured in the well-being of the individual citizen, but rather in it's ability to dictate economic trends world-wide and control financial markets. Militarily the US is still leagues ahead of anybody else, even if we still haven't learned how to fight and win against an insurgency in a guerilla war.
Russia is also destined to become a major player, and provides balance to world affairs. They have the resources to stay rich for decades, the intellectual skills to make it work and the political will to get what they want. It would make sense to ally with them, at least on a loose basis.
No idea on Brazil... can't imagine any South American nation having power that extends beyond it's own continent... with the exception perhaps of Venezuela and it's oil, a country criminally restricted in growth potential by it's own government.
The key for us men is to keep our game on top as long as we can. Earn good money, get travel opportunities and stay fit so we can enjoy the opportunities we have.
One significant advantage of the overseas female, perhaps the most significant for me, is that older guys can still date very young girls. It isn't unheard of for 40 or 50-yr olds to have girls 20-25 yrs old. I'm mid-30's and date almost exclusively girls 18-22. I only take older girls if I am looking for a woman with the kind of skills only an experienced women can have... :)
outstanding analysis
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]Russia is also destined to become a major player, and provides balance to world affairs. They have the resources to stay rich for decades, the intellectual skills to make it work and the political will to get what they want. It would make sense to ally with them, at least on a loose basis.[/QUOTE]Only thing I'd disagree about is Russia. They may well reemerge as a major force, but there won't be anything positive about it for the rest of us. A nuclear armed petro power run by the KGB (you didn't think they went away did you) with a tradition of empire building can only be dangerous to everyone else. Their collapsing population makes everything about them wildly unpredictable.
[QUOTE=hardbarg]Only thing I'd disagree about is Russia. They may well reemerge as a major force, but there won't be anything positive about it for the rest of us. A nuclear armed petro power run by the KGB (you didn't think they went away did you) with a tradition of empire building can only be dangerous to everyone else. Their collapsing population makes everything about them wildly unpredictable.[/QUOTE]
Well I agree that the verdict is still out on Russia. Russia is a major part of my life for various reasons, so maybe my optimism is just wishful thinking. There are also plenty of negative aspects to the Slavic mindset, that is for sure.... but I get along with them just fine. Their political future is indeed a gigantic question mark right now.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog] If present trends continue, Europe will be a semi-islamic shithole in about 40 or 50 more years. [/QUOTE]
Total nonsense.
A recent and very detailed survey shows that only 4 % of the french population is muslim. Inside those 4 %, only 7 % claim applying the strict rules of islam. This is roughly 0.35 % of the total population.
The figures are about the same in Germany and Netherlands, and lower in mediterranean countries (Spain , Portugal, Italy, ect).
1 photos
Sugar babe!
Here is a photo of a cum guzzling girl I met online, looking for a sugar daddy! This photo is right before I came all over her face.
[quote=prosal]total nonsense.
a recent and very detailed survey shows that only 4 % of the french population is muslim. inside those 4 %, only 7 % claim applying the strict rules of islam. this is roughly 0.35 % of the total population.
the figures are about the same in germany and netherlands, and lower in mediterranean countries (spain , portugal, italy, ect).[/quote]
agreed that "the muslim question" in europe is somewhat overplayed, but it is an issue of growing significance.
france is 10% muslim and rising statistically. the interesting figures aren't necessarily total population figures, but rather figures from urban populations. recent immigrants, and in fact 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants, live primarily in large urban centers... paris, marseille, lyon. the same is true in holland. according to some studies predictions, the 3 largest cities in holland will be more than 50% of non-dutch heritage by 2030.
there is no mystery why the perceived percentage of muslims in any given european country is higher than it actually is, the demographics of european youth in germany, france and holland show a much higher percentage of foreign and muslim youth than in previous generations. like blacks in america, whom many young muslims see as their cultural role model in their "struggle" against the state, they are more "visible" than native youth. well-publicized crimes, particularly [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] and honor killings, add to the stigma. more traditional muslims don't exactly encourage integration of their youth either, with headscarf clad women, arranged marriages and discouragement of their women getting higher education.
been in paris, london or central berlin lately? enter the "wrong" neighborhood and you'll understand recent european paranoia, whether it's justified or not.
ultimately, it seems likely that europe.. so often the site of world wars and religious conflict.. will soon be the testing ground whether or not islam and christianity can live peacefully together.
but since this forum is about american women, banged any lately? i haven't. can't say i've really missed it much either though. :)
Well put, Dr Skank.
In Holland, Van Gogh was murdered for making a film Muslims didn't like.
Roving bands of Muslims are beating up & murdering gays.
In France they are disrupting efforts to teach about the Holocaust in the public schools, calling it a complete hoax.
Don't forget all the riots in Europe where people died last year. The reason? A cartoon about Muhammed they didn't like. Were there such an offensive cartoon about any other religion, for sure there would be objections and perhaps protests. But clergy calling for a "Day of Anger"? Violent rioting? I don't think so. No sense of humor about themselves. Hatefully, virulently intolerant of the ways of others, yet mysteriously demand (often violently so) respect and tolerance.
Official China is downplaying any pig imagery this year (it's the year of the pig!) in order not to offend Muslims. Oil? Hmmm....
In the US, oversimplifying a bit, the tradition is that immigrants assimiliate and become "American". Muslims here, as a result, are far better off economically than in Europe. They aren't an underclass at all. Perhaps there's a parallel with African Americans. Blacks engage in so many behaviors that are self-destructive, that they bring upon themselves: not valuing education, allowing obesity, substance abuse, seeing sports & entertainment as realistic career goals, and criminal behavior. And then use the excuse of "marginalization" to say there's no point in trying to succeed in the "white man's world", which is a self-fulfilling prophesy. They've had equal opportunity for the past 40-50 years, yet a great many have squandered it. Sure there's still racism. But my grandparents came here 100 years ago from E. Europe with nothing, faced poverty & discrimination, and their kids made something of themselves. They made & accepted no excuses.
My Good Doctor:
Here in Sex Prison USA, I've gotten laid here plenty in these past ten years. But I'm pleased to announce that not one was an AW. All were from Japan, China, Taiwan, & Singapore. Whoo hoo!
I stand by what I said earlier. What's more, watch for a "hardening" of Christianity in Europe now that they are finally awakening to the problems represented by non-assimilating internal muslim populations.
In the Netherlands they are literally referred to as "the enemy within". Some of it is racism. Some is explained by economics. Maybe if they had Sony and satellite TV they'd just shut the fuck up and quit being such an uppity pain in the ass. But I doubt it. Right now Islam is in about the same state of maturation as Christianity was back in the dark ages.
Wait till some of these asswipes finally get their hands on some nukes. We'll see.... and thanks to an almost renegade nuclear program in Pakistan, that day is not far off.
Malaysia is a very successful Muslim country, a number of high tech companies including Dell and Sony have moved their manufacturing there. Malaysia though is strongly controlled by Chinese, Japanese, and American business interests, its also a fairly decent place for p4p, kind of a more upmarket version of Thailand. Regardless, everything in America is linked to the petrodollar, that is the reason why its very easy for us to get credit to fund whatever we want, a car, a house, education, trips abroad to lay cute exotic women, if this system was tampered with it would ruin all of this.
I saw a program about Indonesia, which is the largest Muslim country on the planet, its also a major sex destination, more Australians I know go there than even Thailand. They were showing Jakarta's Red Light District which looked huge. It was real interesting program, they even interviewed an Indonesian porn star who said she was a devout Muslim, weird.
Regardless, I think Europe is going to become more right wing, especially with the events of the past few years, the bombings in Spain and the UK, riots in Paris, the Pope's comments, etc..
CB, you're right, Indonesia is the best country in Asia for mongering and skirt chasing, and one of the best in the world. Personnaly I find that for beauty and heartiness, indonesian women are the gold standart in Asia. About islam, as you said, Indonesia is the largest muslim country in the world, but islam there is just a cultural heritage and almost 90% of the indonesian muslims follow an easy-going blend of islam, hinduism and javanese beliefs. Indonesians are the nicest and most peaceful people I ever met in all my journeys.
Going into left feild..
I thought the topic was "American Women"
The USA's military power is linked to its economic power, the economic power is largely based on the current petrodollar and the ability to finance nearly unlimited debt. This is not going to last, I personally do not keep any of my personal holdings in US dollars, the nearly 40 percent drop in value of the US Dollar is a serious warning sign not a short term trend. No money = no military. Even the public is getting sick of the war hype of the Neocons, so they have no credibility without any public support you can't have any foreign interventions. Wonder how Americans will behave when things aren't as rosy as they are in the present day? Think New Orleans times 1000. Despite all the political correctness, the US is still very much a society divided by race, religion, and economic status, its the economy that binds everything together. Why do millions of people from different nationalities leave their families and cultures behind and move or try to move to the US? Money!!!
American Women
Does any American here generally pull a higher quality of woman in the USA than they do abroad? If you do, what are the reasons for this? I think that I am one of the few men on this board--for better or for worse--that does and wanted to hear from other men who are in my same boat.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy]Does any American here generally pull a higher quality of woman in the USA than they do abroad? If you do, what are the reasons for this? I think that I am one of the few men on this board--for better or for worse--that does and wanted to hear from other men who are in my same boat.[/QUOTE]
You must be a higher quality man than most of us here, or at least me! That said, quality, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. So more power to you, Bro'! Have at these AWs to your heart's content!
Women from outside of North America are considerably better than those found in Canada and the US. Even if Australian women aren't perfect, they are a level above what I found in the US. European women, especially those from Eastern and Central Europe are a world above anything found in the USA. The only thing, from an economic point of view America is not as secure as it was in the past, outsourcing and globalization is starting to take its toll, as is uncontrolled unskilled immigration which lowers the average wage. Even if American women sucked in the past it least we were able to live in reasonable comfort but that is being threatened due to stupid corporations sending their operations overseas. The loss of the petrodollar scheme is another big pillar that is about to fall. Political Correctness in America is out of control, a state governer tried to shoot down a bill that required government workers to speak English, what is the crime in this?
The Great Illusion
CBGB has some good points again.
The petrodollar scheme, as he puts it, is an important symbol of the US's economic power. Guess what used to be the "petro-currency"? The British Pound! When that went to the US dollar, it was the final notice that economic supremacy had passed away from the former "Great Britain".
The perception right now is that the US is some kind of invincible superpower. That it is, in fact, the world's ONLY true superpower. This just isn't true. There aren't any superpowers in the world at all. The slightest little problem and any country can fall apart.
For example, homeland security..... a true superpower should be impregnable right? No army, no matter how mighty, should be able to cross it's borders. Yet every day the US is apparently powerless to stop armies of mexicans from swarming across. Maybe "armies" is the wrong word to use since they are unarmed, uneducated and apparently welcomed as a cheap labor source. What's more, nobody even knows for sure how many of them are living inside the US border. If you really wanted to know for sure, you better ask the Mexican Gov't, they probably have some idea!
Finicially a superpower? Wrong again, the US is the worlds largest debtor nation and it only gets worse every single day. Imports outweigh exports in every single category except weapons sales. They can't afford to rebuild New Orleans, but somehow have an extra hundred billion to spare for the mess in Iraq.
Technological leader? Sure, until the Chinese and Indians copy the ideas and start selling their own versions for 10% of the cost.
Right now we are living in an illusion of comfort, prosperity and security. But there's a disaster coming, that's for sure. I live in Canada it's true, but we're so closely linked to you guys that we'll get sucked into the downfall too... so there's no escape for anybody. I just pray it doesn't happen for another 10 or 15 years so I can make my third world escape before it hits.
ps. when it all happens, the women can look after their OWN asses..... equality right?
Everyone talks of India China this and India China that, India and China might become major players...if they continue to grow the way they do for at least another 20 to 30 years. I have actually visited India, its highly unstable, I don't think you could call a country where nearly 85 percent of the population nearly starve a major world power. China also has a lot of poverty not as severe as India but still its living standards is not comparable to a Western country. You can't control a population if their stomachs are empty. The next major power over the next couple of decades is one that seems unknown to most Americans, its Europe, and Europe is being largely dominated by Germany. The Germans who tried to unite the continent by two world wars and failed have created a united Europe that stretches from the North Atlantic to the Black Sea(with the recent inclusion of Bulgaria). This the Europe that Hitler imagined, Europe may look peaceful and innocuous now but a set of events are occurring that will bring Europe back to its imperialistic roots.
Britain an example of resilience against Continental Europe is soon becoming an energy importer instead of an exporter, Germany will be the nation providing the UK's energy needs in the coming decades.
There really is no major Muslim problem in Europe, of course there are problems in Britain and France, Italy is having problems with the Muslim Albanian Mafia that even the Italian gangsters fear. Germany and Austria are two countries where the Muslims fear their Germanic neighbors.
Hey fellas,
I haven't enjoyed Pattaya since the end of Aug, last year. Looks like a lot might have changed starting with the exchange rate. I have read some of your reports, so I am a bit discouraged. I plan on being there between 3/31 and 4/15. I'll be coming from the US. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like my normal traveling buddies will be able to join me on this one. If any of you will be around during that time, would love to meet up.
I've good some pretty good info that Germany imported large numbers of Turks as "gastarbeiten" or foreign workers. They did this because it was an easy way to get cheap labor to do jobs that average Germans didn't want to do. Sound familiar?
An the Krauts are getting a lot of their energy from Russia, so they aren't in any position to push anyone around that way.
The Germans are getting chummy with the Russians, Russia like Iran wants world oil trade to be dominated by the Euro, the writing is on the wall for the US Dollar. The ECB, the organization that introduced the Euro is based in Frankfurt. The Germans are buying the continent left right and center.
CB, you been reading the Philadelphia Trumpet, or what? I like Strafor's reports myself.
Yeah, the Germans have been making a lot of moves lately. It's inevitable that they'd get over their WWII blues after a generation or two. They have a large population, a big economy, and they are just plain dynamic as far as people go. Except maybe for France, Germany is the natural cultural and economic center for europe as a whole.
Personally, I don't ever see a strongly unified europe coming into being. Too many languages, too many different countries spread across the map..... and wayyy too much history. Think of a herd of cats, they might all be running in the same direction at one time, but it doesn't last for long.
Now, if there was some kind of major external threat to europe as a whole ..... AND if they were able to perceive that threat quite clearly, then you might see some kind of unified europe.
Even then, they aren't invincible..... just look at Airbus and the mess they have with that stupid A380 superjumbo. They'll be lucky if it doesn't sink them.
What's the Philadelphia Trumpet?? Back to the topic a dollar run is a real prospect, so if you are looking to travel abroad its going to become extremely expensive to do so. I never said Europe was invincible, a couple of years ago, the media was talking about the everasting American Empire, what happened to that? I guess that was washed down the Gulf Coast after Katrina. Stratfor or another bulletin was talking about the US being hit by three major disasters, a terrorist attack in NYC, a flood in New Orleans, and the Big Earthqauke that is overdue in California.
The dollar has fallen nearly 40 percent in value over the past five years that is a major red flag. As I mentioned US wealth is tied to the petrodollar monopoly which is going to end soon, within the next decade.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]As I mentioned US wealth is tied to the petrodollar monopoly which is going to end soon, within the next decade.[/QUOTE]
I read the site on link that you gave citing this petrodollar stuff. That guy mixes half-truths with utter nonsense to come up with off-the-wall theories that are not supported by any data or any other recognized economic theories.
I am not going to debunk it here; inappropriate and would take too long. I strongly suggest to members that they learn about the crude oil market, how OPEC functions, international financial markets, the role of a reserve currency, international trade, and then read that link and come up with your own opinion.
The US dollar is weak, the US economy faces threats, 'petrodollar' theories do not explain the reasons why.
Regardless, the sudden drop in value of the greenback is making travel or migration overseas are difficult prospect. I suggest reading The Hidden Hand of American Hegemony: Petrodollar Recycling and International Markets by David E Spiro book petrodollar, its published by the Cornell University Press. I don't think a university like Cornell would publish rubbish. Another one is Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar by William R Clark, who is a researcher at Johns Hopkins University which is another top academic institution.
Ask yourself, why are so many right wingers rattling about Venezuela and Hugo Chavez? It has a lot to do with the business of world oil trade. Venezeula is a major oil producer with a leader that is hostile to the US.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]Regardless, the sudden drop in value of the greenback is making travel or migration overseas are difficult prospect. I suggest reading The Hidden Hand of American Hegemony: Petrodollar Recycling and International Markets by David E Spiro book petrodollar, its published by the Cornell University Press. I don't think a university like Cornell would publish rubbish. Another one is Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar by William R Clark, who is a researcher at Johns Hopkins University which is another top academic institution.
Ask yourself, why are so many right wingers rattling about Venezuela and Hugo Chavez? It has a lot to do with the business of world oil trade. Venezeula is a major oil producer with a leader that is hostile to the US.[/QUOTE]
One, a university and its press are two different entities. University presses can and do publish rubbish from time to time.
Two, the 'petrodollar' that academics refer to is not what you or the site you linked are talking about. The academic 'petrodollar' refers to the revenues from oil exports to the US. These revenues are in dollars. They are important because those countries, including Venezuela, then have purchasing power for goods produced in the US or assets located in the US. Since we are not exporting much beyond weapons, we face the option of selling weapons to potential enemies or have them buy up the country. China tried to buy an oil company in 2006, and a Dubai firm did buy 6 port facilities in the US.
It does not refer to the oil revenues from Europe, which are in euros, NOT dollars. The same issues face Europe, but they are in a better position because they are more effcient is in their use of energy than is the US. More sales are made to the US than to Europe so the dollar revenues are more important. It does not refer to the oil revenues from China which are in yuan, NOT dollars.
The problems with the dollar are due to our bad economic policies that have resulted in huge budget and trade deficits. There are not due to the oil market.
However, the low vallue of the dollar makes it cheaper for foreigners to visit the US. Maybe some foreign women would want to monger with us men here, instead if us going there? LOL!
There's another seemingly obvious point that's being overlooked here with regards to the "weak" dollar. It's not all bad news!
Sure, you go on a trip somewhere and everything costs more because your money isn't as valuable as it used to be. But for US companies and manufacturers (the ones that are still left), their products....priced in US$.... become a lot more competitive.
That helps out with the trade imbalance. At the very least, it keeps it from getting worse even faster. In Canada, we used to [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140][CodeWord140][/url] and moan about how our dollar was only worth 60 or 70 cents US. Then, when our dollar shot up to over 90 cents US, all the exporters started pissing and moaning about how they were losing their competitive edge.
It cuts both ways.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]Personally, I don't ever see a strongly unified europe coming into being. Too many languages, too many different countries spread across the map..... and wayyy too much history. Think of a herd of cats, they might all be running in the same direction at one time, but it doesn't last for long.
Even then, they aren't invincible..... just look at Airbus and the mess they have with that stupid A380 superjumbo. They'll be lucky if it doesn't sink them.
The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.
Euro currency was laughed at among Manhattan banking elite, or at least everything was done to play down its future role on international markets. Nobody is laughing today.
EU has achieved a lot, and Airbus is just a little example, not a "stupid A380". Ask gents at Boeing's board of directors. I'm sure they have their hands full. Keep also in mind that main source of Airbus profit comes from smaller models like the A320, not from the superjumbo.
"Too many languages" is a laughable argument. Perhaps you aren't aware but people in Brussels speak either English, French, German or combination of several languages, and as of today they agreed on [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6432829.stm]cutting carbon emissions[/url]. Global warming, hello?
"Wayyy too much history" didn't stop Germany and France from being best mates in EU. Dude, you live in the past, and keep wishthinking.
Finally regarding "petrodollars". Ever asked yourself why Arabs are forced to charge for oil in US dollars? Ever asked yourself what neverending demand for US dollars ment to Federal Reserve and finally the USA as whole?
Now, ask yourself if you would feel comfortable watching Russia and Iran charging in euro currency, and maybe others like Venezuela. Needless to say, demand for US dollars drops, and China having huge trade surplus with the USA perhaps decides to cash in its stockpile of dollars. What then? US dollar has already fallen 40% against the euro. The answer is to be find in desperate wars, like the one in Iraq, and perhaps an upcoming in Iran.
still barking!
Wow, they agreed on cutting carbon emissions. Now I'm impressed.
People in Brussels speak English German AND Francais? That's pretty good I guess. Maybe when they can include Polish, Czech, Spanish, Romanian, Italian, Bulgarian, Swedish and whatever other of the languages you guys have over there, then I'll start believing in real european unity.
By the way, Germany and France are definitely NOT best mates in the EU. They both have their own ideas of what the union is all about and where it should be heading and WHO should be at the helm. About the only thing that even came close to uniting them was their opposition to the war in Iraq.
Upcoming war in Iran? You must be smoking some pretty cheap drugs over there..... youare hallucinating. There isn't going to be any war with Iran anytime soon. The US can't afford it after the half $$$Trillion they spent already in Iraq. What's more, there isn't much appetite for even continuing the current war, never mind starting another one.... and that's even if the republicans win in '08. It's true that there has been a lot of effort to engineer public consent towards such a conflict. However, my bet is that the US will continue it's conflict with Iran through proxies such as Israel or, perhaps, some of the Sunni arab states in the region.
Anyways, my position has never been that the US was invincible. If you read some of my recent posts, you'll see that I think that the US+Canada is headed for an eventual economic setback. Trade imbalances and unsustainable deficit spending will do as much damage as anything else. It's just a matter of when it will happen and how bad it will be.
Farther off into the future? That's mostly up to the greater, supra-national effects of demographic and environmental trends. You guys in Europe could go to zero carbon emissions next year and it won't make much difference when the Chinese are burning umpteen gazillion tons of hi-sulphur coal every year to keep their overheated economy going.
just can't help myself
Actually, according to the BBC, they havn't all exactly agreed on cutting carbon emissions. Countries like Poland have the same excuses ... er, problems, as China and India. There won't be much compliance by anyone until everyone agrees to suffer simultaneously.
I just can't help myself, but I'll promise not to post about international politics here anymore if everyone else will. How about an ip forum?
This discussion, while stimulating and enjoyable, has gotten way too political! Gentlemen, it appears we are off topic. Someone needs to come up with a new one.
Ideas anyone?
[QUOTE=hardbarg]Actually, according to the BBC, they havn't all exactly agreed on cutting carbon emissions. Countries like Poland have the same excuses ... er, problems, as China and India.[/QUOTE]
Looks like [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6433503.stm]they have[/url], after all.
[i]"European Union leaders have agreed to adopt a binding target on the use of renewable energy, such as wind and solar power, officials say."[/i]
Not every state was in favour of a deal, but majority decides. This deal is not about saving the world from global warming, but an initiative in right direction since world needs someone to set an example. Looks like Bush also figured out that something needs to be done:
[i]"The US and Brazil sign a deal to develop alternative fuel sources, in an attempt to reduce dependence on oil."[/i]
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]By the way, Germany and France are definitely NOT best mates in the EU. They both have their own ideas of what the union is all about and where it should be heading and WHO should be at the helm. About the only thing that even came close to uniting them was their opposition to the war in Iraq.
Don't sweat it. EU existed long before the made up WMD in Iraq. Already told you live in the past. France and Germany basically run EU, and it was them together with the Benelux countries who founded EU. Get your facts right, or don't start such discussions and then complain they get too "political".
Peace out guys...Even if you bomb this universe a million times and you Co2 this universe 10 trillion times..you and me still gonna be here.
There is no easy way out..karma has to work its way in and through this world and all the bad deeds and good deeds combine will keep this universe alive for each one of us..untill we all get liberated.
Im not sure..Why we try hard to make this world a better place...can;t we just live with what we got..No gods incarnation or Humans can change this world period..This is what we call "Maya".
Have we not learned any lesson from history, the more you try to sort out the problem the more you get into the mess..just live it alone and work out your karma and everything will be fine.
Not even one inch, we can help this world. This world will remain AS IT IS.
When you had less CO2 emmisions and global warming, were we in the better world..common..more people died..when we had less CO2 and global warming than now :) remember WW1 WW2
Have a spiritual perspective on life and things will calm down.
Just relax, have a beer and chill out..we are in this world for only 30 sec and we take re-birth else where :)
A war in Iran has a very slim chance of happening at this stage, the entire catastrophe in Iraq has pretty much demolished Bush's credibility and support by the general public as well as those in the government, as a result the Republicans have lost a lot of power. Theoretically, if Gore was President had the Florida recount went his way, I think history would be a lot different, the US would definitely be in much better standing in the world. I am sure that Gore would have confronted Iraq because his VP, Joe Lieberman has connections with the Neocons.
The European stance against Iran is much stronger than the US yet Europe is would still only use diplomacy. Angela Merkel I recall had some strong words for M. Ahmadenijad. So there is no chance of a military confrontation with Iran, I read somewhere the state department might open up diplomatic relations with the country. Within the next 15 to 20 years, the US will look more like a regional power than a world power, especially with China's growth and Europe becoming increasingly more integrated. Europe and China are making connections with Latin America as well.
With the loss of the debt machine, consumers in the US will be tightening their belts, maybe American females might not be as demanding as they are now, sure it sounds like pigs flying, but anything is possible.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]A war in Iran has a very slim chance of happening at this stage, the entire catastrophe in Iraq has pretty much demolished Bush's credibility and support by the general public as well as those in the government, as a result the Republicans have lost a lot of power. The European stance against Iran is much stronger than the US yet Europe is would still only use diplomacy. Angela Merkel I recall had some strong words for M. Ahmadenijad. So there is no chance of a military confrontation with Iran, I read somewhere the state department might open up diplomatic relations with the country.
Within the next 15 to 20 years, the US will look more like a regional power than a world power, especially with China's growth and Europe becoming increasingly more integrated. Europe and China are making connections with Latin America as well.
With the loss of the debt machine, consumers in the US will be tightening their belts, maybe American females might not be as demanding as they are now, sure it sounds like pigs flying, but anything is possible.[/QUOTE]
Which is exactly what I've been saying all along.
As for the US/Brazil ethanol deal, that has a whole lot more to do with securing energy supplies than any concern for the environment on Bush's part. You can also imagine how welcome US dollars will be to the ethanol producing countries in the region. That's a plus for the US and may even help limit the influence Hugo Chavez has been having.
So France and Germany RUN the EU? Whoopy-do! Maybe I run the local grocery store, that's about as impressive. Let's face it, european countries don't have all that much influence. They always compromise, never taking a strong stand on anything for long. They like to play temselves off the US as being the reasonable folks while making the US look like the bad guys. Usually this is so that non-competitive, state-subsidized european businesses can make deal$ in the countries that are run by these a-holes.
Rock Dog
ps. Let's see if anyone still thinks that the rock-dog is barking up the wrong tree
A peace Offering!
OK, for all the european forum members here....you know who you are :)
Europe has some really good things about it that I like.
Better cars.
Better food.
Better women.
Perhaps we can agree on these points?
Rock Dog, for the record I am an American, yes under the current system Europe is weaker than the US, but I am beginning to notice shift to right wing politics and a new mindset in Europe. For the record the Euro has been thrashing the US dollar and is likely to replace the greenback as the world currency, this will definitely result in a major scaleback of the US economy. We are also living in a globalized world, where transnational governments are quickly becoming the norm, there are EU like organizations in Asia. America is doing the same but with Mexico and Latin America, still I think forming transnational alliances with mostly corrupt and poor third world nations is going to be a major failure for the US. Thats why millions of Mexicans come to the US unchallenged by US immigration, big business and the wealthy want cheap labor. The rise of China and India as low cost production centers are threatening the middle class of the US. I know if I stayed at my job in America, my job would have been sent to India. Right now America looks invincible and is definitely the top power on the planet, but within the next couple of decades that dominance is being challenged, the world is going to become a multipolar one. As far the Brazil-US deal, Brazil actually has much warmer relations with the European Union than the US, in fact, many South American countries particularly the Brazilians feel that the US seems to just ignore them or right them off as inferior.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]OK, for all the european forum members here....you know who you are :)
Europe has some really good things about it that I like.
Better cars.
Better food.
Better women.
Perhaps we can agree on these points?
Instead of better cars, lets just say fast cars since the European vehicles aren't very reliable anymore. IMHO Germans still build the best engines, suspensions etc, but the electronics in their cars aren't worth a hill of beans.
Back to Subject: American Woman not competitive like sme american products.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]Women from outside of North America are considerably better than those found in Canada and the US. Even if Australian women aren't perfect, they are a level above what I found in the US. European women, especially those from Eastern and Central Europe are a world above anything found in the USA. The only thing, from an economic point of view America is not as secure as it was in the past, outsourcing and globalization is starting to take its toll, as is uncontrolled unskilled immigration which lowers the average wage. Even if American women sucked in the past it least we were able to live in reasonable comfort but that is being threatened due to stupid corporations sending their operations overseas. The loss of the petrodollar scheme is another big pillar that is about to fall. Political Correctness in America is out of control, a state governer tried to shoot down a bill that required government workers to speak English, what is the crime in this?[/QUOTE]
Lets go back to subject: American Woman' and not ' American Politics'.
Reading the above post it says all.
Similar as for many business branches, other countries have been becoming more competitive with the cheap labor and improved infrastructure. So many jobs are transferred to Asia, as well from the US or EU.
And doesn't the same happen to the American women? She is not competitive anymore, reflecting rights, contract cost, maintenance cost etc. by in return being a difficult (unreliable?) 'product' to operate and 'functionality' and 'service standard' by worse 'design' is also lacking compared to the Asian 'products' offered.
So what happens with the call center jobs, accounting and other middle class
jobs, happens also with the relations male female over long time. Being married and find a partner will be more challenging for AW when more and more us citizens tie up with women outside US.
Result must be (following supply and demand) and I think will be over time that the AW will improve and catch-up for ‘survival’. But unfortunately this may probably take some ages.
The same happens in the ‘core EU countries’ and is just not so visible due to the EU extension where the former ‘Eastern European women imports’ have now become simply inside EU transfer members.
Well Said, "Brain"
The marketplace analogy applies well. It will take many years, perhaps 35, to undo the toxic combo of feminism & puritanism that have made AW the obese unattractive bitter confused messes they are today. They won't cave early as they ever-so-slowly come to the realization that their competitive edge is gone. More & more men will wake up to obtainable far happier hunting grounds for both short (freebies flings p4p) & longterm companionship (GF wife). Eventually AW will wake up and realize why we are avoiding them by traveling 5000 miles to find inconvenient yet infinitely more desirable alternatives. They will finally stop blaming us as the problem & calling us losers. But I'm not waiting & holding my breath. I am and will continue to chase & enjoy all the Asian-bred tail I can find!
And what's with all the fake blondes?
Have you ever watch CNN lately? It seems like every single female appearing on just about ANY news channel just has to have blonde hair..... fake or otherwise. That's actually a turn-off for me. I'd rather see nice natural dark hair anyday over fake coloured hair. There's something sexy about a woman who is confident enough to run with her REAL hair colour.
I don't mind all that much about hair colour one way or another, but if you're making over $100 k/yr yo think they'd be able to keep those dark fucking roots from showing. From what I've seen, even Anna Nicole was really a brunette.
Just goes to show you what these women are all about..... anything to get the slightest edge. Don't bother doing a good job, as long as they haven't given up the advantage to someone else. That's actually funny because just about any foreign born woman beats the local girls hands down.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]And what's with all the fake blondes?
Have you ever watch CNN lately? It seems like every single female appearing on just about ANY news channel just has to have blonde hair..... fake or otherwise. That's actually a turn-off for me. I'd rather see nice natural dark hair anyday over fake coloured hair. There's something sexy about a woman who is confident enough to run with her REAL hair colour.
I don't mind all that much about hair colour one way or another, but if you're making over $100 k/yr yo think they'd be able to keep those dark fucking roots from showing. From what I've seen, even Anna Nicole was really a brunette.
Just goes to show you what these women are all about..... anything to get the slightest edge. Don't bother doing a good job, as long as they haven't given up the advantage to someone else. That's actually funny because just about any foreign born woman beats the local girls hands down.
Fake or non fake hair color is a minor issue compared to the overall body style and body maintenance over year regarding skin, weight etc.
And we are not talking about some exceptional beauties at LA beaches as every country has it's stunners, we are talking about the huge average 'availeble' for the majority of the male population as a potential regional Partner.
Just came back from Phuket/ Thailand and had 1st hand many nationes mixed at the beach shore. If you see the female population from Europe (excluding Eastern Euirope) and US, you have about 70% an average between 0 and 4 in our scale, while the e.g. the Japanese female bodies are rather maintained and average in the range of 6-7 in body style.
Road to Wigan Pier
I find the criticism of white women for their unfortunate physiques to be a bit unfair, for are we not all fat, aging, and unattractive? Eric Blair says it better than I could:
[i]"if one faces the fact one must admit that most Mongolians have much nicer bodies than most white men. Compare the firm-knit silken skin of the Burman, which does not wrinkle at all till he is past forty, and then merely withers up like a piece of dry leather, with the coarse-grained, flabby, sagging skin of the white man. The white man has lank ugly hair growing down his legs and the backs of his arms and in an ugly patch on his chest. The Burman has only a tuft or two of stiff black hair at the appropriate places; for the rest he is quite hairless and is usually beardless as well. The white man almost always goes bald, the Burman seldom or never. The Burman’s teeth are perfect, though generally discoloured by betel juice, the white man’s teeth invariably decay. The white man is generally ill-shaped, and when he grows fat he bulges in improbable places; the Mongol has beautiful bones and in old age he is almost as shapely as in youth. Admittedly the white races throw up a few individuals who for a few years are supremely beautiful; but on the whole, say what you will, they are far less comely than Orientals."[/i]
[QUOTE=Opebo]I find the criticism of white women for their unfortunate physiques to be a bit unfair, for are we not all fat, aging, and unattractive? ...[/QUOTE]
Do you travel much? Have you seen how an AVERAGE girl in Thailand, China or Japan for example would be considered a stunner in the US? We aren't talking about random cultural & genetic differences & variation here. We are talking about choices they make as to how to be in the world. They choose to be actual women instead of wannabe men in drag, for starters. Sure there are a tiny handful of attractive white girls here with decent healthy enlightened attitudes. But the odds, the numbers are awful. Even the Asian-Americans who are born here and are totally hot have been brainwashed by Christian conservatism & feminism, becoming mercenary men-hating castrating frigid bitches, in many cases learning and taking on the odious role even better than their white sisters. So this isn't about race, at least for me. We just advocate going where the picking is better than a needle in a haystack.
Btw: I'm not fat, take good care of myself, & am often mistaken for being ten years younger!
Perhaps on this thread we are a tad unfair and over the top at times. But it is a much-needed counterpoint to our daily lives where we are faced with fat, angry, entitlement-imbued, gold-digging cows who do nothing but moan about how they are such oppressed victims of the so-called "patriarchy" while at the same time complaining that there are no "real men" left...what a contradiction! If I dare speak up and challenge this idiotic dogma, my life and career as I know it would be over. So I come here to let off some steam and feel better.
[QUOTE=Yogin]Do you travel much?[/quote]
Well, brother, I live in Thailand. And I suppose I've travelled and a little - Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, the Philippines, Madagascar, Switzerland, Czechy, South Korea, and Singapore, plus many many more, but I will only count those within which I engaged in our wonderful hobby.
[quote]Have you seen how an AVERAGE girl in Thailand, China or Japan for example would be considered a stunner in the US? We aren't talking about random cultural & genetic differences & variation here. We are talking about choices they make as to how to be in the world. Sure there are a tiny handful of attractive white girls here with decent healthy enlightened attitudes. But the odds, the numbers are awful. Even the Asian-Americans who are born here and are totally hot have been brainwashed by Christian conservatism & feminism, becoming mercenary men-hating castrating frigid bitches. We just advocate going where the picking is better than a needle in a haystack.
Btw: I'm not fat, take good care of myself, & am often mistaken for being ten years younger![/QUOTE]
Yogin, I do not dispute the advisability of searching for prostitutes in the third world as opposed to the first (I wholeheartedly embrace this strategy). Nor, if you notice, do I dispute that Southeast Asian girls are more attractive generally than whites. I merely made the point that it was a bit unfair not to mention that we white males are unattractive in a similar way - lumbering, flabby, lumpy, smelly, etc. This is kindly overlooked - for a fee - by the prostitute in asia, but, I rather doubt by anyone else.
They are not simply better merely because they are getting paid. They are superior in all ways. I can easily get it for free from hotties in Japan. My GF's from China & Japan have been great experiences; I'll never go back to American. So far my part anyway, I'm not talking just about the "hobby".
[QUOTE=Opebo]I find the criticism of white women for their unfortunate physiques to be a bit unfair, for are we not all fat, aging, and unattractive? [/QUOTE]
Well, I'm no Chippendales dancer, but I'm none of those things you've mentioned.
Actually, that is a pretty stupid statement you made, it sounds like something some of my buddies would say that have never left the U.S. in their entire lives. And besides, this thread isn't about "White Women" as you put it, it's about "American Women": they can come in any race/religion/etc.
Anyways, why do you think we are all fat, aging and unattractive, because we pay for sex? In case you haven't noticed, all men pay for sex, no matter how "handsome" they are. Just to give you an example, Charlie Sheen has probably banged more hookers than any member here on the ISG, would you call him fat and unattractive? Just curious.
Actually, I wonder what Mr. Sheen's screenname here on the ISG is?
[QUOTE=Yogin]I can easily get it for free from hotties in Japan. My GF's from China & Japan have been great experiences; I'll never go back to American. So far my part anyway, I'm not talking just about the "hobby".[/QUOTE]
I congratulate you! I have also gotten 'free' sex here in Thailand, but only with various old maids and less attractive women which the Thai men won't have. I much prefer prostitutes.
Perhaps perversely, my girlfriends in America were hotter by far than any freebie I've had in Asia, and actually hotter than most prostitutes I have had here. To be fair I'm a very economy minded shopper, and I left the US at about 32 (anyone can get hot girls in his twenties), and now I'm nearing 40.
Overall my impression has never been one that the women are generally that much better here or there. I also find sexual skills to be comparable. My expatriation is more about price and availability - as well as general quality of life issues like cost of living and good food - than about any innate preference for Asian women or dislike of American ones.
[QUOTE=Ezinho]Anyways, why do you think we are all fat, aging and unattractive, because we pay for sex? In case you haven't noticed, all men pay for sex, no matter how "handsome" they are. Just to give you an example, Charlie Sheen has probably banged more hookers than any member here on the ISG, would you call him fat and unattractive? [/QUOTE]
Well, yes, Ezinho, Mr. Sheen is now a rather old man is he not? I doubt he could be considered so attractive these days. My point was not about what sort of man pays for sex, or how, or how much, but rather about a bit of hubris in some of the posts here.
Certainly we may all complain about the devious American woman, but I see no difference between them and the women here. I have never tried marriage with either sort, but I'm sure it would be equally disastrous.
I'm also ready to admit that we men are unlikely to be very attractive as we age, though I admit also that I know nothing about what women find 'attractive'.
To me the 'secret' is not locale as much as it is the elixir of prostitution. If this wonderful practice were legalized in the Bad Place, I'm sure it would improve life there immediately, just as here in Thailand things get worse every year as prostitution is slowly but surely brought to heel.
[QUOTE=Ezinho] Charlie Sheen has probably banged more hookers than any member here on the ISG, would you call him fat and unattractive? Just curious.
Actually, I wonder what Mr. Sheen's screenname here on the ISG is?[/QUOTE]
Awww damn! I knew I was gonna get busted one of these days!
ps. just kidding..... as if.
In reality, in China, fat women are considered status symbols the same way platinum blondes are considered "trophies" in the West. I saw a program on TV about a modern Chinese couple in Shanghai, the husband was fit but the wife was HUGE, during the show the husband took his wife to the supermarket. Still most Asian women are slim and conform to the Western notion of beauty that most of us value but that's just part of the attitude in a part of the world where there is a lot of economic disparity and food is never taken for granted. Thailand is getting expensive by Asian standards, not quite Westernized but Indonesia with over a population of 150 million women offers a lot more.
Prices change quickly, in the 90's, Prague was considered a bargain basement place to meet beautiful women, now its one of the most expensive places in Europe. You will have to go further East into former Soviet territory to find good value. I heard amazing things about Kazakhstan, maybe Borat wasn't kidding.
Charlie Sheen banging hookers, that is not strange at all even though someone like that should be able to get it for free. Some people actually like that because they just want a moment of hot sex and to make everything else go away. Rich and famous guys attract gold diggers.
Some statistics:
My company is quite multinational and we are sending people across the world. We have subsidiaries in Thailand and Brazil.
Each project in Brazil and Thailand, also Indonesia, China etc. results in a 70% divorce rate within or shortly after the assignment. This happens from People out of Europe, US, UK and also Australia and affects all rankings from hourly paid people to vice president with higher %-tag for the higher ranking. Lets say 60% 'only' for the hourly and 100% for sure for vice president and executive directors. The non-divorces have to 100% a girlfriend, mostly a pay-freebee (you know what I mean: Compensation indirect). Divorce rate is 0 % for Brazilians, Asians moving to US or Europe.
This has been said a number of times in different forums, but is worth repeating here. Society(in reality, female propaganda) has it all wrong. Most of us pay for it when we choose to..... and we do so for the convenience. We do so for the variety. We do so because we are the lucky ones who can afford to have that kind of fun.
Women, and society in general (which seems to add up to the same thing these days) just don't understand this concept. What's more, they don't WANT to understand it. There are always a few guys that go the P4P route bc it's their only option, but they are definitely a small minority.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]This has been said a number of times in different forums, but is worth repeating here. Society(in reality, female propaganda) has it all wrong. Most of us pay for it when we choose to..... and we do so for the convenience. We do so for the variety. We do so because we are the lucky ones who can afford to have that kind of fun.
Women, and society in general (which seems to add up to the same thing these days) just don't understand this concept. What's more, they don't WANT to understand it. There are always a few guys that go the P4P route bc it's their only option, but they are definitely a small minority.
Exactly. Women just don't want to hear it. Just like they don't want to hear that some of those pros are smokin' hot.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]
Women, and society in general (which seems to add up to the same thing these days) just don't understand this concept. What's more, they don't WANT to understand it. There are always a few guys that go the P4P route bc it's their only option, but they are definitely a small minority.
Unfortunately, I belong to that "small minority". If it weren't for the proximity to Mexico that I enjoy having being located in Los Angeles, I would've been like a dead fish out of water. I'm pretty much like a fish out of water over here except with the opportunity to dive into water now and then so as to avoid becoming completely dead. LOL!! Not a gratifying experience, that's for sure and definitely nothing to brag and much less so, feel happy about. I consider myself to be average looking, I exercise, diet and take good care of myself (i.e. clean-cut, well groomed, etc...) I'm 35 years old and with a relatively normal lifestyle (i.e. college graduate, versed in several languages, no drugs, stable employment, etc..) And yet again, I have to travel abroad to get it, one way or another, either through p4p or through non-pro women. I totally agree with the posters here who complaint about AW and their horrific attitudes and personalities. Funny how most of that goes away the moment I'm only a few yards south of the U.S. border. Go figure!!!!
To paraphrase Charlie Sheen, " I don't pay them for sex, I pay them to leave"!
What is the definition of small minority that absolutely needs to pay? I'm 44, average shape, great career, I can definitely afford to take out AW and show them a good time. But frankly its not worth my time and effort, because the better looking one will require more time and effort to unlock. Sure I can easily cruise local places and pick up less attractive women, but I'd rather go abroad and have my feast of hotties in their 20's.
Cyber et al.
Naw man, there's nothing strange about that at all. I myself have experienced what I like to call "the superman effect".
In one place, you're joe average, then you go somewhere tropical.... and all of a sudden you're superman! No woman too good looking to talk to. No pussy that's too classy to have a taste of.
I'd take a few pics while on vacation. Nothing "incriminating" if you know what I mean. Just some pics of you and one or two of the local hotties shopping, hangin' at a nice restaurant or whatever.
Show them to some of your local AWs and watch as they re-evaluate. Be very obscure when they start asking te inevitable questions. If they can't tell whether or not your hot friends are "for real"....(but they are, photos!! ) they will slowly go nuts.
[QUOTE=Paesano63]What is the definition of small minority that absolutely needs to pay? I'm 44, average shape, great career, I can definitely afford to take out AW and show them a good time. But frankly its not worth my time and effort, because the better looking one will require more time and effort to unlock. Sure I can easily cruise local places and pick up less attractive women, but I'd rather go abroad and have my feast of hotties in their 20's.[/QUOTE]
perfectly summed up.
The Superman effect happens when you come from a wealthy country and go to a poor one. There is a hierarchy of needs, a psychological theory that explains this, in poor countries women need their most basic needs met, while in rich ones women are more complicated.
I don't think that covers it. Plenty of mongering destinations are poor by US standards (US is after all still in the top 5 richest countries), but people there are by no means starving. Most of Latin America is like that, DR, CR, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela. Most people are struggling to get by but there is still food on the table, so they aren't THAT desperate.
On the contrary I think it's the way we FOCUS on material things here, that makes us never satisfied even though the fridge is full and the bills are paid. We always keep worrying about material things and never even make it up to the next level.
For that theory to make sense, NOBODY moving to the US from a (comparatively) poorer nation would EVER want to go back under any circumstances. Yet most of them want to, and in fact 50% or in some cases even more of them do!
I really think it boils down to cultural differences, that they just have something we have lost up here. I actually think the same thing that is carrying loads of gringos on planes down to Latin America is the same thing that draws people BACK to it, despite better economic conditions in the US.
Don't forget Class and the Cops
A lot of generalizations about nationality fail to take into account economic class. I'm sure most of those who post upon this board are of the upper middle class (by the american definition, or middle class by the English definition). The lower working classes in the US, I can tell you, are rather similar to the classes in the 'third world' from which our service providers are drawn. And after all they are the great majority of americans.
I frequently found reasonable service and a rough but adequate level of attractiveness for $50 to $100 back in the Bad Place, which is actually cheaper relative to the cost of rent or of a meal than here in Thailand. It is true they're likely to be a bit fatter, but that is due to corporate food (i.e control) more than standard of living.
Those girls were of the lower class - more likely to be beaten by their male compatriots than to be imbued with 'feminist' sensibilities. By the same token, upper-middle class Thai girls I have dated seem relatively 'american' to me - they certainly don't take a lot of guff or remove my shoes for me.
Of course in all four cases - upper-third, lower-third, first-lower, or first-upper, intimacy to the level of bondage (marriage) is [b]absolutely inadvisable[/b].
The main difference we find between the 'third world' and the Bad Place is simply enforcement - america is much more of a police state than those places. There are simply VAST numbers of poor people in the US, and most of those who used to have middle income jobs are rapidly declining to the working poor status. There is a huge supply of desperate people there - in many ways more desperate than here in Thailand. I think the big difference is simply that here you used to be able to 'get away with it', while in the US enormous resources are expended in trying to prevent sex and drug use - with a surprisingly high degree of success. Recently here Thailand has been catching up as a police state very rapidly.
Come to the third world soon fellows - the Forces of Social Control are working as hard as they can to close it down just as they did with your neighborhood streetcorner.
Bango, well said.
I've noticed some similar things in my travels. WE are wealthy in terms of having lots of "stuff" ie. material possesions. Yet, often find ourselves somehow happier when we are spending time in a so-called third world country. Maybe it's just because we can finally get laid or maybe it's something more. I suspect the latter is true.
I've noticed that guys posted at jobs in these countries invariably go chasing after the local girls soon after arriving. If they are married, have a GF or whatever, it doesn't matter..... they inevitably discover the superior qualities possesed by the local women.
I knew a guy who worked for the US state department at an embassy in one of these countries. His wife was actually there too and they were living together. Guess what? She was insanely vigilant.... to the point of being paranoid, that hubby was scoring on the side with the local talent. My guess is that he was. In any case, they aren't married anymore. He's probably a poorer, but happier man now.
Opebo thinks the third world is catching up to us somehow in terms of social attitudes or something. I disagree. There's always going to be cross-cultural influences, whether good or bad, but the gap is too great. Be patient my friends, life is filled with little disappointments, but all things change. Opebo has suggested as much. Perhaps someday we will see the equivalent of a third world class of people within the borders of the US itself. Good looking women get a lot less cocky when times are tough.
Doesn't cover it at all. Wealthy countries such as Japan are pussy paradise for visiting Americans and other westerners. It's easy to get it for free! So a country's wealth or lack thereof doesn't tell the whole story of our prospects.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]
Perhaps someday we will see the equivalent of a third world class of people within the borders of the US itself. Good looking women get a lot less cocky when times are tough.
Hey Rock Dog, I hate to be quoting you so frequently but I couldn't avoid doing so this time again. Trust me, it's all in good spirits.
I think we have had for a very long time a "third world class of people within the borders of the US itself". This has been more so the case since the current administration has been in power. I don't mean to get political here because I know that the main purpose of this forum is for other, better-suited purposes. But as happens here, now and then, you can't avoid talking about it.
Looking at what happened in the gulf region after hurricane Katrina and about the great number of people that slide down from middle-class to working poor every year - does say a lot about our own "third world class of people". And this is just to mention two things, I'm not even talking about the number of public kitchens and homeless families that we don't hear about through the corporate media but that exist and are real and true.
I'm not sure that the attitudes of AW have changed at all, if anything, for the worst. Considering how hard it is to land good paying jobs (or a decent job, altogether) in order to be able to afford all the materialistic and superficial lifestyles required by the status quo - one would imagine that on an overall basis, the attitudes of AW would be more in par with those of women in the "third world". But I think that the opposite is true.
I do agree with you, Rock Dog, in that we should keep the faith in looking forward to positive changes. Hopefully things here in Sex Prison USA will change for the better and with that the attitudes of our beloved (but not coveted) AW. However, I'm not sure if I have the will or the patience to wait for either to happen. And from the look of things, it seems as if the trend will only get worse in every aspect. Don't mean to be pessimistic here - maybe just realistic, IMHO.
Bango Cheito, I couldn't agree with you more. Maybe having all the materialistic possessions in the world will still not bring about true happiness. We have definitely lost our focus in seeking the material for the real. People in the "third world" may be poorer but as has been said here - happier. I certainly prefer to be happier too.
another brilliant post from craigslist, written by a female, no less...
as usual, i was cruising the internet looking for something to read when i came across my latest target. a “women’s only” website posted the list below. now, normally i’m all for debunking myths. for example i am glad to know that not all mexicans work as gardeners. it also makes me happy to see that not all black people are in gangs and that all white people are not preppy annoying penis holes. those myths are a pleasure to debunk. now, the myths below perplex me. why you might ask? well, because i don’t think they’re myths at all. being a female, i can say with a decent degree of certainty that numbers 1-7 are indeed true.
i know an assload of you women out there swear you are the perfect girlfriend and you’re probably cursing in the general direction of your monitor right about now. well fuck you, you’re not perfect and neither is anyone else. lets get on with it shall we?
the seven myths men believe about women
women are never satisfied
women are high maintenance
women want to control men
women are jealous and possessive
women are too emotional
women who appear to be strong and competent don’t need to be taken care of
women want to rob men of their freedom
ok let’s take this slowly and one step at a time…
women are never satisfied. correct!
no, women are never satisfied. if you get a better job, she’ll want you to get a nicer car or a bigger apartment or a larger house. if you have the more desirable accommodations, she’ll then expect you to take her on better (read: more expensive) dates. oh and don’t forget, the more you make the more expensive your fucking christmas and valentine’s day gifts should be. god help you if you show up with some shitty valentine and a box of chocolates. hell hath no fury like a woman jipped, trust me. fuck being scorned; we’re scorned every week when we get a smaller paycheck for doing the same job as the dude in the next cube. scorn we can deal with, cheap gifts we cannot.
women are high maintenance. bingo!
of course we’re high maintenance. an individual who makes you call them before you go out, expecting a briefing on the activities for the night, is high maintenance. a person who expects yet another call the moment you cross the threshold of your dwelling to let them know you’ve gotten home, is high maintenance. a woman, who makes you plan every date you go on because you are the guy, is high maintenance. a lady that expects you to buy her flowers every time some street vendor comes along to offer his wilted flora is high maintenance. a chick who makes you wait an hour before you can leave the house because she must first paint her face and do her hair and pick out seven different outfits, until she finds the one that makes her look desirable, but not slutty is high maintenance.
women want to control men. ¡sí!
if you hadn’t realized by now that a woman who buys you the clothes she wants you to wear, as opposed to the clothes that you want to wear, is attempting to control you, you’re hopeless and you should jump off a tall building. splat *****, you’re clueless.
women are jealous and possessive. true!
what? you don’t think you’re jealous? you’re seriously going to sit there and tell me that, if you and your man were in a bar and some pretty, young thing were sending him drinks or winking at him, you wouldn’t get jealous? fuck off, mother theresa, i don’t buy it. the next time his cell phone rings at 3:00 am i don’t want to see you flinch or scramble to grab it before he does so you can get a peek at the incoming call. as a matter of fact strike the phrase “that’s my man” from your vocabulary while you’re at it, since you’re not possessive either.
women are too emotional. you got it!
i don’t see a whole lot of men crying at the movies. i also don’t see a lot of men that break down into tears when a particularly sappy commercial comes on the television. i’ve led a pretty diverse and interesting life and i’ve had the privilege/carry the bane of, having seen a lot of things. i’ve seen a lot and i can report to you, dear reader that i’ve seen ten times as many women throwing hissy fits in the street directed at their significant others than i have seen men doing the same. i also don’t know of too many men that get together and rent movies that are meant to be emotional roller coasters so they can cry in unison. i do though, know a shit load of women that do.
women who appear to be strong and competent don’t need to be taken care of. [yes i know of is preposition, fuck off] right!
well, well, well, you only “appear” to be strong and competent, but really you’re neither. so, in essence you’re deceiving in order to manipulate. hmmmm, that sounds pretty fucking female to me, but i digress. women who appear to be strong and competent don’t need to be taken care of. what they need is therapy so they can stop pretending to be something they’re not.
women want to rob men of their freedom. oui!
freedom (n.) - a right or the power to engage in certain actions without control or interference.
-the preceding definition kind of infers independence then doesn’t it?
independence (n.) - freedom from control or influence of another or others.
now that we’ve gotten an idea of what freedom actually entails lets continue with our deconstruction of number six.
i’m assuming here that the bullshit website that posted this list of “myths” meant that these are seven “untruths” men believe about women they’re dating not just every woman under the sun. with this in mind, i’d like to delve a little deeper into the meaning and ultimately, the purpose of dating.
dating (v. tr.) - an engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of romantic interest.
ok so now that we know the definition of dating we can continue. when we date we go out with someone we like because we’re romantically interested in them and would like to spend more time getting to know this person intimately. so what exactly is the purpose of dating in the long run? do people intend on dating forever? not the people i know. most of those that call themselves my friends tell me that they’re dating to weed out the freaks and find someone they wouldn’t mind sharing a life with. now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they want to be married. it just means that they’re dating in an effort to elect the most appropriate life partner. now, what i hear when they tell me this is: “i’m dating around to find someone i can live with and who i won’t want to choke the life out while they lay sleeping next to me a month or two into the relationship.”
ok well that’s all well and good, but when you’re in a relationship (married or not) then you have to begin thinking for two (no boys, you’re not already halfway there, thinking for your trouser snake does not count). what i’m saying is that in a relationship you have to compromise. i’m sure you’ll all agree with me there. here’s the kicker though: there is no mention of compromise in the definitions of freedom or independence. i’m guessing it’s because if you want to be free and independent then it would be counterproductive to begin compromising. so, if you want to be in a relationship with a woman than you better learn to fucking compromise now. if you’re looking for freedom and independence, go read the declaration at the national archives because you’re not going to find it in a woman who’s ass-deep in a “relationship.”
that’s right i said it, as women we’re all of the above. i’m not excluding myself because i already know i’m crazy and deranged, but guess who got me this way? yup, a man, so don’t be so quick to high five each other you misogynistic fucks. you dudes are just as fucked as we are. remember, in penguin territory, no one is safe.
Rock Dog, I was born in the town you now live in. I live in NYC now but I'm through with this place. They are already building my apartment in Colombia. I have my whole life ahead of me there. And I'm moving to Bogotá, which is hardly a city where the women are passive little pushovers either. But the place just OOZES sex, it is so wonderful to be in a place where an adult can be an adult.
you're doing pretty much the same thing i've always planned to do. this city i'm living in does have a few bright spots..... that is, until i come back from a trip. then it looks and feels like the dullest, coldest, most boring place on earth.
you just can't talk to women here. you can't even look at them for fucks sake. it's like all the halfway decent looking ones have perfected this art of completely avoiding eye contact. can't blame them though. what with the way guys makes total asses of themselves trying to ask them out all the time.
then you go "somewhere else". it's like waking up from a nightmare, or like finally escaping from some kind of asylum where you're the only one who wasn't crazy. girls don't just look at you, they even smile at you! i know that part of it is because they think you're rich or something, but that can't be all of it. in many overseas countries, people actually know their neighbours. the kids aren't raised in a climate of fear (don't talk to strangers!) where any person they don't know is a potential lunatic molester.
my wife, who is from africa, commented on this one time. she tried saying hi to a couple of boys (maybe 8 or 9 yrs old) who were hanging around outside by the sidewalk. my wife is a beautiful, well dressed young woman who speaks perfect english, but these 2 kids just stared at her like she was crazy for trying to say "hi". i just told her that's the way things are here. everybody is suspicious and afraid.
we've got this woman, lindor reynolds, who writes editorials in the local newspaper. classic armchair do-gooder. the funny thing is, she's supposed to be so good and pure, but she's always writing about the sex trade, child exploitation, ****s or whatever. it's almost like she's fascinated by this stuff and her writing about it is a means of being in contact with it. of course she's divorced, with a teenage daughter who i'm sure will soon grow up to be as fucked up as her mom. it's all a bunch of hypocrisy and bs.
they do these occasional street sweeps "to eliminate" prostitution in certain areas of town. meanwhile, there are mps where you can go inside and get fs anytime with whoever you like..... and plenty of escort ads in the phonebook, paper and internet. all the talk and half-measures are just window dressing to keep the do-gooders happy in their little fantasy world.
that's why i like places like mexico, jamaica, eastern europe and africa.... they have a realistic attitude. the women haven't taken control and men can still do what they like to do. latin america? to me that's the place where the normal people are!
ps. wet nose, i suspect that article you posted actually was written by a guy. there's just something about the writing style..... too forceful, too direct and too confrontational to be written by a woman.
You do better in 3rd world countries
[QUOTE=Yogin]Doesn't cover it at all. Wealthy countries such as Japan are pussy paradise for visiting Americans and other westerners. It's easy to get it for free! So a country's wealth or lack thereof doesn't tell the whole story of our prospects.[/QUOTE]
As someone living in Tokyo I tend to disagree with you. While there will be exceptions and once-in-a lifetime one-night-stands, regular Japanese chicks (office workers and the like) here tend to look down on non-Japanese and Western men as prospective sex partners. They consider Americans and Brits and others to be beneath them. Just take a good look at the Japan thread to see how perplexed and shut out we expatriate guys are here. These chicks are so cashed up and full of themselves that even Japanese guys have a hard time.
Our prospects are much, much better in places like China and the Philippines.
Hi guys,
I am from Russia.
I found recently on internet a pickup community who name
themselves as Pick-Up artists
All these guys like Mystery, Style, David DeAngelo, Tyler Durden and
many others achieved unbelievable results with AW simply
by experimenting, analyzing and sharing their experience.
It seems to me it is very powerful movement and it is so successful that even Russian
Men in Russia started copied some of their techniques.
I agree with most of the posts that social and sexual life
sucks here but may be you guys missed something?
May be you have not used all opportunities here in US?
I would like to hear your opinions about this new movement.
3rd world countries
I love it when either a working girl or a regular girl thinks I'm lying to them when I say " I dont have a girlfriend" I start laughing because they look at me dead in my eyes to see if I'm telling the truth .
For me the jury is still out on Japan. I used to think that Japan was way too tough on non-Japanese men for pussy, but I am hearing way too many reports to the contrary to ignore. I think it boils down to learning the culture and the language just like anywhere else on Earth (I do NOT recommend Bogotá for mongering for non-Spanish speakers).
I also have heard that some circles of Japanese women like to sleep with Westerners because it's almost like a bestiality fantasy for them, they see us as a bunch of fucking primates :)
I also notice a BIG difference in North America compared to when I was a kid in the 70s and 80s. The social fabric was in much better condition then IMHO. And p4p was certainly easier then. I remember thinking to myself as a teenager, how the fuck do these women stand out there when it's like -35 and they are wearing a goddamn mini-skirt. Must have been some chemical aid at work there!
[QUOTE=Lenin]Hi guys,
I am from Russia.
I found recently on internet a pickup community who name
themselves as Pick-Up artists
All these guys like Mystery, Style, David DeAngelo, Tyler Durden and
many others achieved unbelievable results with AW simply
by experimenting, analyzing and sharing their experience.
It seems to me it is very powerful movement and it is so successful that even Russian
Men in Russia started copied some of their techniques.
I agree with most of the posts that social and sexual life
sucks here but may be you guys missed something?
May be you have not used all opportunities here in US?
I would like to hear your opinions about this new movement.[/QUOTE]
A man named David DeAngelo wrote a book some years ago on how to pick up women. Note that 'picking-up women' is not the same as developing a relationship. Most of the complaints about AWs relates to long-term relationships, not one night stands.
I think one of the reasons why long-term relationships sucks here because a woman don’t need to compete for her man.
In Russia, for example, mostly a man is a prize for the woman.
Here a woman is a prize for the man. Such situation in US corrupts woman’s mentality.
A lot of Pick-up artists claim what they have good long term relationships partially
because their girlfriends afraid that they can be replaced easily.
Also their techniques help to filter out hundreds of women so it is easy for them to find good one.
I like about Pick-up Artist’s philosophy what they kick out woman from the
Pedestal. Practically they teach how to restore balance which
already exists in others countries.
Well, this forum has gotten pretty boring lately. Or maybe you guys are all still hung over from St. Patricks?
Or may be guys are reading DeAngelo?
[QUOTE=Lenin]I think one of the reasons why long-term relationships sucks here because a woman don’t need to compete for her man. [/QUOTE]
I think it is worse than that. Women here don't need a man at all!!!!
I and others ran into so many American women whose mantra was "I don't need no man! I don't need you! I only [i]want[/i] a man." that we gave up on them.
I am glad to here that Russian women are not like that, though I am not into ruskayas.
I and others ran into so many American women whose mantra was "I don't need no man! I don't need you! I only [i]want[/i] a man." that we gave up on them.[/QUOTE]
Well, do you 'need' or 'want' a woman? I don't see anything particularly troubling about the attitude you describe, other than the bad grammar.
I am glad to here that Russian women are not like that ...[/QUOTE]
I think if most of American guys would not act like wussy, the situation here could be different too.
[QUOTE=Lenin]I think if most of American guys would not act like wussy, the situation here could be different too.[/QUOTE]
OOoohhh SNAP! Now you went and started it.
Well yes, in a way it's true.... we sat by and did nothing while they got worse and worse. First they wanted a few rights, like the right to vote etc. Well there's nothing wrong with that. But those women just kept on going. They went slowly at first so we men didn't really see what was happening until it was too late.
Now it's too late. Any man here who acts like a real man runs the risk of losing his job, getting legal hassles (ie. harassment) or getting labelling as a "chauvinist".
There was this show on TV a week ago where the wives in 2 families trade places. One wife came from a lower income "slob family". The other wife came from a higher income "show-off" type of family.
They both had 3 kids. But the wife from the slob familiy actually had a pretty good attitude. The other one was a high-maintenance **** with a really shallow bitchy attitude. Her husband was selfish ass too. He'd just through money at her and the 3 daughters so they'd leave him alone while he went off to play golf.
So, do these women create themselves or do we men make them the way they are? My guess would be that the high maintenance ones tend to seek out assholes like her husband. Guys like him provide women like her with the thing that is most important to her. Women usually go for the guy they figure can help them achieve their most important goal. If that goal is to have a couple of kids and a close-knit family, they go for the family type of guy. If t goal is a big house wit new cars and lots of expensive stuff, they marry the high income jerk.
It's not the mens fault that women are the way they are, but we do often help them reach their full potential.
At work, we recently hired a chick (22-23) who is attractive enough to have about three schmoes to buy her furniture, take her to restaurants, drive her around in high-performance sports cars and other emasculating tasks. She tried to work me by saying: "Now that you got your profit-sharing check, you can take me out to dinner". I thought to myself: "Man, she has some COJONES, not even KNOWING me." I told her: "Doll, women take ME out to dinner. NOT the other way around". She had a comeback, but the ground rules were set. After seeing her on a daily basis, I don't think she's attractive enough to get into a fight for. On the other side of the coin, she works what she's got SUCCESSFULLY, so, I can't hate. In fact, I can't hate on ANY AW if they can pull it off. It's the fault of the AM if he surrenders his balls.
Verbal javelins, while expected, are welcome.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Rock Dog, I was born in the town you now live in. I live in NYC now but I'm through with this place. They are already building my apartment in Colombia. I have my whole life ahead of me there. And I'm moving to Bogotá, which is hardly a city where the women are passive little pushovers either. But the place just OOZES sex, it is so wonderful to be in a place where an adult can be an adult.[/QUOTE]I just dumped a Colombian woman from Bogota who is as selfish, insensitive, and rude as the "best" of any American woman I have known. It was a pleasure to do it after 4 months too since I know she's more used to guys kissing her ass than telling her how much of a rude, self-absorbed person she can be.
Why did you give the ***** 4 months?
I'm very fortunate to have a gf that is the complete opposite of that. I'd trust her with my life ten times over. However if I didn't have a girl like that, I'd be availing myself of all the opportunities for p4p down there.
Actually we HAVE been availing ourselves together, check out my report in that section :P
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]
It's not the mens fault that women are the way they are, ...
In their core the women in all countries are same.
They want to be parasite on men.
In Russia feminism was official policy and was supported
by full power of communist regime since 1917, but men in Russia didn’t let
this shit happened.
It is AM fault that they let women did all this shit here in US.
Also when AM go abroad they spoil girls there too.
AM really have bad social virus.
[QUOTE=Sinanju Master]At work, we recently hired a chick (22-23) who is attractive enough to have about three schmoes to buy her furniture, take her to restaurants, drive her around in high-performance sports cars and other emasculating tasks. She tried to work me by saying: "Now that you got your profit-sharing check, you can take me out to dinner". I thought to myself: "Man, she has some COJONES, not even KNOWING me." I told her: "Doll, women take ME out to dinner. NOT the other way around". She had a comeback, but the ground rules were set. After seeing her on a daily basis, I don't think she's attractive enough to get into a fight for. On the other side of the coin, she works what she's got SUCCESSFULLY, so, I can't hate. In fact, I can't hate on ANY AW if they can pull it off. It's the fault of the AM if he surrenders his balls.
Verbal javelins, while expected, are welcome.[/QUOTE]
Since I came to US I still can not accustom that such idiots exist.
In Russia they would be ridiculed by friends and coworkers and lost any respect.
Here is a Russian style. I know one Russian man, construction worker. 58 old years, but he still has “alpha man” behavior. He lives in Brooklyn, NY. He has a cute 30 years old Russian girlfriend. She has university degree. He beat her once a week and keep telling her that she is garbage in comparison with his ex wife. One day he decided that $100/month which he spend for her entertainment is too much. He gave her drink, called police and kicked out her from his apartment. A lot of young Americanized woosy men wanted her but she didn’t care and returned back to him.
[QUOTE=Sinanju Master]At work, we recently hired a chick (22-23) who is attractive enough to have about three schmoes to buy her furniture, take her to restaurants, drive her around in high-performance sports cars and other emasculating tasks. She tried to work me by saying: "Now that you got your profit-sharing check, you can take me out to dinner". I thought to myself: "Man, she has some COJONES, not even KNOWING me." I told her: "Doll, women take ME out to dinner. NOT the other way around". She had a comeback, but the ground rules were set. After seeing her on a daily basis, I don't think she's attractive enough to get into a fight for. On the other side of the coin, she works what she's got SUCCESSFULLY, so, I can't hate. In fact, I can't hate on ANY AW if they can pull it off. It's the fault of the AM if he surrenders his balls.
Verbal javelins, while expected, are welcome.[/QUOTE]
Hey Sinanju Master you've hit the nail right on the head. We only have ourselves to blame for the behavior of AW.
Also when AM go abroad they spoil girls there too.[/QUOTE]
This is very true, though also some Western European and Japanese men are very bad as well, particularly about overpaying.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]
First they wanted a few rights..nothing wrong with that. But those women just kept on going. They went slowly at first so we men didn't really see what was happening......
Now it's too late. Any man here who acts like a real man runs the risk of losing his job, getting legal hassles (ie. harassment) or getting labelling as a "chauvinist".
So true. I'm back in school now for a professional degree. These uber-feminist cunts run higher education now, in my area. If I dare publicly challenge the accuracy of their assumptions & dogma that they are still an oppressed group, I would be branded a number of unpleasant things and they'd make things very difficult for me.
"Chauvinist" has been replaced by the fancy more academic-sounding "Patriarchical". Same thing. Dismisses as irrelevant anyone with the balls to disagree.
You see, that is the danger of being a fanatical true believer in any belief system, be it religion, a political philosophy, social model, etc. If I disagree with them I'm not just differing in opinion. I'm wrong, bad, and therefore demonized & dehumanized.
[QUOTE=Yogin]So true. I'm back in school now for a professional degree. These uber-feminist cunts run higher education now, in my area. If I dare publicly challenge the accuracy of their assumptions & dogma that they are still an oppressed group, I would be branded a number of unpleasant things and they'd make things very difficult for me.
"Chauvinist" has been replaced by the fancy more academic-sounding "Patriarchical". Same thing. Dismisses as irrelevant anyone with the balls to disagree.[/QUOTE]It was that way back in 1978 when I was working on a graduate degree in business.
The topic for group discussion/interaction was the right of a woman to choose to have an abortion or not. I interjected that the man should have some say in the matter too, since he was subject to 18 years of child support. All the feminist bichtes stared at me like I was on some other planet.
BTW I will vote for Hilary Bich Clinton when women get drafted and open doors for me.
Younger hotter girl or 30+yr soccer mom.........
If I had a choice between a younger hotter girl and a 30+yr old soccer mom. I would pick the soccer mom without any hesitation. Why you ask?? The younger, hotter girls are scarcely worth the effort. "They seem to think lighting shoots out of their pussy-------'Oh, you want sex, what are you going to give me?' The soccer mom is like, "I just want you to fuck the living shit out of me."
Salma Hayek
This just in.....
Apparently Salma Hayek, you know her....the hot latina babe with the big boobies!! Anyways, Salma has found her one true love. Yes, he's some European guy (French maybe) and not only are they getting married, but he's already got her knocked up. Oh and btw, he's a billionaire of course.
Smart comment by a blogger on the whole thing. "How nice that Salma has found her soulmate.... and he just happens to be a billionaire. It's amazing how, even in our age of advanced technology, love can be so unpredictable."
Good sarcasm! Little bit disappointing though. What with Salma being a latina and all, I figured she might be attracted to something besides money. Same old pattern though. Push the movie career untl you're in your late 30's. Then right about the time the offers for good parts are drying up, the actress decides "it's time for a family"..... English translation (from feminese): I selfishly pursued money, fame and career until recently, but now I need to get pregnant before I hit menopause and it's too late.
Lenin is right about one thing. Women DO want to become parasites on men. Mostly, it's a reproductive thing..... first they find a guy who's fairly easy to get along with. Then, they sucker him into marriage, or some similar arrangement where he ends up footing the bill for everything. Yeah, there are women who work for a living too, but they still usually try and find a guy that makes more than they do.
My own wife has been PUSHING me to have a kid. You wouldn't believe the pissy attitude when another month goes by without the "good news". I promised her we could have kids as soon as certain conditions were met. Now everything is set and we've been trying, but she's being so fucking impatient about the whole thing. I don't think many men out there understand how strong this motivation can be for women.
[QUOTE=Npaul1]It was that way back in 1978 when I was working on a graduate degree in business.
Trust me: it's far worse. Those angry entitled bitches you went to school with are now the tenured full professors running the show, having been installed as such by retiring old guys with misplaced misdirected white man's guilt.
I complained to a male longtime professor about this. While he did validate some of my concerns and admitted to being the target of ridiculous entitlement-imbued demands from his colleagues, he suggested I have more of an open mind, compassion, & empathy. Doubt he'd say that to the feminazis. So ironic this, as in most instances I'd consider myself a flaming liberal. But as to feminism, it's such a crock.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]Little bit disappointing though. What with Salma being a latina and all, I figured she might be attracted to something besides money. [/QUOTE]
Why would you expect Latina women to be different? Women (and indeed, females of all species) are selected to seek out resources for themsleves and their offspring. I would not begrudge women for seeking resources (by marrying someone who can be a good provider; in case of other animals by mating with males that can hold territory or otherwise provide resources to the female) any more than I do men who want to sleep around. This is for the simple reason that women can maximize their reproduction by garnering resources for themselves and their offspring; similarly males can maximize their reproduction by mating with as many females as possible. Think about this: a female that mates with 10 males has no more offspring than a female that mates with only 1-2 males. On the other hand, the number of offspring a male can have is directly proportional to the number of females he can mate with. This equation is fine - in so far as it is common throughout the animal and plant kingdom. The problem, however, is the justice system in the US and elsewhere - the courts have decidedly swung in favor of mothers in every case regardless of the fact that it may not be the best outcome in all cases.
This is true, because...
[QUOTE=Astor Bryan]If I had a choice between a younger hotter girl and a 30+yr old soccer mom. I would pick the soccer mom without any hesitation. Why you ask?? The younger, hotter girls are scarcely worth the effort. "They seem to think lighting shoots out of their pussy-------'Oh, you want sex, what are you going to give me?' The soccer mom is like, "I just want you to fuck the living shit out of me."[/QUOTE]
... Soccer mom may be experiencing a waning sex life at home due to kids, a job (IF she has one), housework, feeding and caring for a family that is a constant burden, a hubby who has let himself go and is no longer attentive to her needs, etc. By this time, she may have gained enough experience in the sack to make a Bengal tiger seem like a sedated housecat. I saw an example of what one just may look like (provided she still keeps herself looking great) on a swimsuit site called Wicked Weasel. Her name is Marilyn. Here is the link to see what she looks like.
The younger, less experienced honey would only have her body (with little or NO useful sexual experience) to offer.
Your post rings so true. I grew up believing the bullshit spewed out by Hollywood about the golden-hearted guy getting the girl, because she eventually dumps the player and sees in golden-hearted guy the qualities she'd been seeking in a guy all along. I'll be the first to admit to the world that what I needed was for a bunch of guys to line up, one after the other, to punch me dead in the face to make me see the world for what it really is. Pragmatism rules, and the second a guy realizes that, he can employ cunning instead of following a bullshit script written for chicks to enjoy.
[QUOTE=Crypton] ...males can maximize their reproduction by mating with as many females as possible. Think about this: a female that mates with 10 males has no more offspring than a female that mates with only 1-2 males. On the other hand, the number of offspring a male can have is directly proportional to the number of females he can mate with. QUOTE]
True, however if a female mates with multiple males while duping her mate that all the kids are his, she has the best of both worlds: a mate who provides resources & protection, and the chance to pick & choose genetic material from a variety of males. So there is an evolutionary advantage for both sexes to pretend to pair off while cheating.
There is no question that in women the biological drive to get pregnant is VERY strong.
My ex wife never mentioned them when we first met, but a couple years later it was her ONLY topic of conversation. I finally told her we could have kids but she would have to pick up my slack as I could easily be too busy and travelling to much to do my share, and that as long as that was fine with her, we could have them.
So 9 months later my daughter was born and SHE SHOWED HER TRUE COLORS. I don't think she had any intention of keeping her part of the bargain from jump. She probably thought that having kids would 'change me' fat fucking chance!!
yeah, i see the same thing coming. it's like "you promised me we could have kids". so i say yeah, but you're gonna be busy taking care of them..... it's not gonna be like back home where you've got a bunch of sisters, nieces and other female family relatives to chip in with taking care of the kids.
of course she doesn't see things that way. she's so blinded by this baby fever she just ignores anything that might be contrary to her goal. i'm evening wondering if she cares about me anymore, or if my sole function is to assist in her procreational scheme.
there's not a chance that i'm going to be hanging around 7 nights a week listening to a squawking baby while i change crappy [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord131][CodeWord131][/url]. if she wants to experience "the joy of motherhood", she's welcome to it......all of it.
[quote=Npaul1]Trust me: it's far worse. Those angry entitled bitches you went to school with are now the tenured full professors running the show, having been installed as such by retiring old guys with misplaced misdirected white man's guilt.[/quote]
I think it also depends on the field of study. In English, Psychology, Medicine, Art, yes, women dominated in those fields and male students are subjected to feminist prejudice.
However, women are either not attracted to (or not suited to) fields like Engineering or Computer Science. Men still dominate in those fields and the male students in them are relatively free of feminist forces.
I now wish I had studied computer science when I was in college. But at that time, the PC had not yet evolved and computers were not nearly as powerful and versatile as they are now.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]There is no question that in women the biological drive to get pregnant is VERY strong. [/QUOTE]
I have seen this and been told this by some honest women, but I am also confused by it because the numbers of children women (in the US and Europe) are having is declining, while the numbers of childless women is rising.
There is a rash of adoptions also going on. Many women who don't want the difficulties of a man around the house, adopt children from China or Eastern Europe.
From what I have seen of how [i]some[/i] women behave with their children, is that they want to recreate the artificial doll family man had as little girls. I am thinking about the pageants that some mothers go crazy over. Its the JonBenet syndrome; she wasn't treated like a child, she was treated like a toy. Some many want to have a real live toy doll to play with, to dress up, to show off, to see sing and dance in pageants, to make beautiful.
Then some other mothers want to have a 'best friend' and treat their daughters like buddies instead of children. I had a former colleague, a mother, who slept with her daughter, then 5, in her daughter's bed more often than she slept with her husband in the marital bed. She told me this without any hint of shame or inkling that it was weird.
I am not sure how strong the motive of passing on one's genes are in women generally.
[QUOTE=George90]I am not sure how strong the motive of passing on one's genes are in women generally.[/QUOTE]
Trust me, it can be very strong. Women are especially driven by this need in their late teens all the way up to their early 30's.
I call it "Baby Rabies".
The only known cures are a.) having one, or b.) menopause.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]I call it "Baby Rabies". [/QUOTE]
Exactly! For some women any baby will do. And what is important is having the baby around to play with and show off to everyone.
As opposed to bearing one's own biological child, focusing on being the parent, not the friend, and guiding the child through childhood so that he/she develops into a well-rounded, well adjusted, successful adult.
I see too much of the former, 'Baby Rabies', and too little of the latter. normal motherhood.
[quote=rock dog]yeah, i see the same thing coming. it's like "you promised me we could have kids". so i say yeah, but you're gonna be busy taking care of them..... it's not gonna be like back home where you've got a bunch of sisters, nieces and other female family relatives to chip in with taking care of the kids.
of course she doesn't see things that way. she's so blinded by this baby fever she just ignores anything that might be contrary to her goal. i'm evening wondering if she cares about me anymore, or if my sole function is to assist in her procreational scheme.
there's not a chance that i'm going to be hanging around 7 nights a week listening to a squawking baby while i change crappy [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord131][CodeWord131][/url]. if she wants to experience "the joy of motherhood", she's welcome to it......all of it.
dude be prepared. as it stood i spent a lot of time with my kids when they were younger but it was never enough. i went out with friends once during the first six weeks of my first kid's life. i even told my then wife to get a babysitter and come along! she wouldn't have it, and i was a bad father. she still brings it up from time to time!
True, however if a female mates with multiple males while duping her mate that all the kids are his, she has the best of both worlds: a mate who provides resources & protection, and the chance to pick & choose genetic material from a variety of males. So there is an evolutionary advantage for both sexes to pretend to pair off while cheating.[/QUOTE]
Good point and I agree. However, my point was about the assumption that Selma Hayek would not be attracted to money just because she is latina!!
Also when AM go abroad they spoil girls there too.
AM really have bad social virus.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Opebo] This is very true, though also some Western European and Japanese men are very bad as well, particularly about overpaying. [/QUOTE]
Some AM men have a tendency to overpay but at least some have the opportunity not to do so. Most Japanese men have to spend more on pussy because they have zero game.
[QUOTE=The Corn Hole]Some AM men have a tendency to overpay but at least some have the opportunity not to do so. Most Japanese men have to spend more on pussy because they have zero game.[/QUOTE]
Beware, The Corn Hole, your pride is nothing more than a tool she will use to trick you! See posts by the excellent 'Humble Turd' (aka 'That Asshole') for further explication.
Perhaps if you have 'game' you should be the pimp, not the john?
If you have one girlfriend or wife. You are a boyfriend or husband.
If you have two girlfriends at the same time. You are a player.
If you have three girls and more at the same time. You are a pimp.
[QUOTE=Opebo]Beware, The Corn Hole, your pride is nothing more than a tool she will use to trick you! See posts by the excellent 'Humble Turd' (aka 'That Asshole') for further explication.
Perhaps if you have 'game' you should be the pimp, not the john?[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=The Corn Hole]Some AM men have a tendency to overpay but at least some have the opportunity not to do so. Most Japanese men have to spend more on pussy because they have zero game.[/QUOTE]
Italians have good game. French Canadians not bad too.
Who is playing and who is getting played?
[QUOTE=Lenin]Italians have good game. French Canadians not bad too.[/QUOTE]
That might depend on the environment they are in. In Europe or America they might do well, but it's also a question of perspective Lenin.
In EE, Italians are notorious overpayers in Romania, Moldova and Ukraine and are essentially ruining those markets with their clumsy "game". They think they have much better game than they actually do. Don't buy into their advertising. The only people they are cheap to are the waiters and service staff... actually the people you SHOULDNT be cheap to. They throw money at women, much of it thrown straight out the window.
I know some Italians with excellent game, but also watch in horror as most of them completely fuck things up. Seen it too many times. With a lot of girls in areas that Italian sex tourists frequent "Italiano" is a running joke.
I do give them credit for style and effort though... they are everywhere that pussy is... and they make good wingmen. :)
Most men of every nation stop thinking clearly as soon as pussy in involved. It's a fundamental weakness.
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]Most men of every nation stop thinking clearly as soon as pussy in involved. It's a fundamental weakness.[/QUOTE]
I completely agree with this comment.
Italians are ALL OVER Cuba and Brazil. RTFF! Porco Dio!
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Italians are ALL OVER Cuba and Brazil. RTFF! Porco Dio![/QUOTE]
I can't speak for SA and the Caribbean... nor for LOS or SEA... but from my experience they are really everywhere in Europe and Eastern Europe... some of the world's most prolific mongerers... I actually respect that. That doesn't mean they have game though.
It is often lamented that where they go (in groups) the prices for pro sex usually go up and the local "freebie" girls "mysteriously" become less interested in foreign men Italian or otherwise.
Whether or not this is really due to them is up to some sociologist to decide, but that is a common consensus among those travelling in EE... see Latvia, Ukraine, Moldova... that an influx of Italian mongers means the market will soon go to shit... for everybody, including the Italians.
The problem isnt the professional monger. He is skilled and generally knows how to behave in a smart manner. The problem is the amateur sex tourist who doesn't know what he is doing and throws money in the wrong directions, chases every average-looking girl as if she is some sort of goddess and generally pisses everybody off in the country he has chosen to play in and swing his dick around.
EE is full of amateur sex tourists with Italians being one of the most prominent national groups. I don't blame them for travelling abroad to get laid... but wish they'd be a little more skilled in their methods.
This goes for mongers of all nations... I don't think any one... Italians, Americans, English or otherwise... can be entirely blamed for the price increases and other problems. We are all part of the problem I suppose... but many of the "problems"...particularly economy, modern ease of travel and spread of Western attitudes via mass media... are beyond our control.
I think the biggest single factor is ease of cheap travel. I know that a lot of tourist mongers get happy when they learn of cheap airfares to their favorite mongering destination, but I wince. It's the first sign that a good thing is about to go sour.
My attitude is that if you find something good, enjoy it while it lasts... it won't last forever.
Draculas daughters? WTF is that supposed to mean anyways?
Doesn't matter what country you come from, if you run around blowing extra $$$ on the girls (above and beyond the going rate) you are a loser. Not just that, but you fuck things up for everyone else.
You can't say "Oh, it's the Italians, or Oh those Americans with their money!" There's always dummies from every country who overdo it.... with the end result being a bunch of spoiled women with overvalued pussies.
This happens in EVERY place where there are lots of tourists. Eg. Cancun you can get inexpensive, quality pussy pretty much anywhere in Mexico. Everywhere that is, except for Cancun. There, you will pay for it. We're talking $200 for getting laid in a country where it usually costs 40 or 50 bucks. That's because Cancun is choked with tourists. Tourists who bring money and don't care about overpaying for sex.
Go somewhere where there aren't a lot of tourists and the price is alway lower. Even going in the off-season means prices are better. That's economics 101, low demand + steady supply = lower prices. Tourists represent demand, regardless of their nationality.
Tourist Friendly Mongering
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]Doesn't matter what country you come from, if you run around blowing extra $$$ on the girls (above and beyond the going rate) you are a loser. Not just that, but you fuck things up for everyone else.[/QUOTE]
Yes very true but what about a place that is set up for the mongering tourist such as Angeles City, Philippines and people still get it wrong. The bars there have set prices and you tip a certain percentage of the bar fine if you liked the service or girl. If you did not like the service or if you are cheap, you can tip nothing. But you have Korean and Japanese dudes comming in and tipping 5 times the bar fine! Even the women there see these guys as cash cow suckers!
I think if American went the same places where Italians go
situation would be worst
Most men of every nation stop thinking clearly as soon as pussy in involved. It's a fundamental weakness.[/QUOTE]
I would say that mostly men from Westernized countries stop thinking clearly.
Western society makes weak men.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog] Tourists represent demand, regardless of their nationality.
Not all nationalities the same. It is not just depend on demand but also on national mentality.
I’ve rarely seen Russian men overpay. Often they don't pay at all. In fact before these f**king political changes in Russia the Russian girl would be beaten my man if she asked money for sex.
And all this is on-topic...how??
Please, my brothers. This is for the discussion of American women.
[QUOTE=Lenin]I think if American went the same places where Italians go
situation would be worst
I would say that mostly men from Westernized countries stop thinking clearly.
Western society makes weak men.[/QUOTE]
Agreed that American tourist hordes would be at least as bad as the Italians... my point being exactly as RockDog said, there is no nation of inherent "players". Even the coolest and suavest get silly when they think they "have to get laid tonight." I'm quite skilled at getting a good price or will even go without getting any if I don't like the terms. Some may even call me cheap. But I like to be the one doing the screwing and not be the one being screwed if you know what I mean.
Western society has indeed bred weak men when it comes to relations with women, but when was the last time you were in Moscow and observed the sexual politics there? It's still vastly superior to the West in terms of women, but things are slowly changing for Russian men as well...
Men can behave like strong bruts and get what they want as long as the balance of power and sexual/economic demographics are in their favor. As soon as they start competing for the same women however, they start cutting into their own flesh as well. That's one of the things that has happened in America... combined with fucked up pseudo-morality left over from Victorian England.
But back to Russia and in particular Moscow... currently nobody overpays MORE than new Russians in Moscow for example, where among the circles of elite prostitutes and "sponsporship brides", Western people, whether American, Italian or German, are considered cheap. It's not just a matter of the local men paying more because they can. I've seen Russian men make utter fools of themselves on many occasions, toting around their girlfriend's shopping bags from one shop to the next like some browbeaten retarded slave. In most cases, the girls weren't even that hot. Girls are realizing that they don't have to put up with abuse or beatings from their oafish men... they quickly find another guy who also has the cash to keep her happy. The guys can of course still relatively easily find another girl... but this market is changing. Worst off, the attitudes of the local boys are changing. I know a lot of Russian guys in Moscow, guys with good jobs and money... and many of them let their women control them almost as bad as Western guys do. Things are certainly different in the provinces and other towns where the women have to take whatever they can get, but as soon as the balance shifts...
Fundamentally I agree with some of the Russian attitudes of sexual relations and when dealing with Slavic women, it is the most effective way... and fun too... but also see the wind changing in that country as women achieve more financial and sexual independence. It's particularly noticeable in Moscow. But like all good and bad things, eventually everything that begins in Moscow trickles down to the provinces... just as trends in America begin in California and New York. For us men these trends are regrettable and seemingly global. We can keep going farther and farther "into the country" to find things they way they should be, but globalization is catching up to us in that sense as well.
I say get laid as often as you can, I don't think things are going to get easier for us. We are just going to have to get better and better at playing the game. And maintain self-pride. No pussy is worth emasculating yourself for... American, Thai, Russian or otherwise.
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]I say get laid as often as you can, I don't think things are going to get easier for us. We are just going to have to get better and better at playing the game. And maintain self-pride. No pussy is worth emasculating yourself for... American, Thai, Russian or otherwise.[/QUOTE]
I generally agree with your post. Your last paragraph is not very encouraging. At least in the US, marriage, work, and sex laws ARE emasculating us. I see gays as the only men who can escape the new oppression. They are gaining more rights just as male hetero rights being are restricted. However, that road is not an option for me.
In addition, getting more 'game' is expensive in that most of us work hard at our jobs and don't have the time to improve our 'game'. It may mean losing promotions or even jobs.
Indeed, unless we are willing to relocate to less advanced countries, we are facing a bleak future.
I found this forum by accident. Unfortunately I had no time to read closely every post in the thread about AW. Forgive me if I don’t remember all nicknames and so on.
Anyway I’m neither a prostitute nor a mongerer. I just, with curiosity, read your thoughts about American girls or maybe rather about American society.
Now I live in an EE country (where I was born). In the past I lived in Ukraine and in USA (about a few months in every country, so not so long) and I have another remarks about Eastern Europe and US.
1) Most of you agreed that AW are bitchy, greedy, overweight, picky, ugly, unfaithful. Etc. Creatures. I hope, gentlemen, that it’s only temporary resentment/ embitterment after meeting some gold diggers. Such people exist of course (not only in US) but I don’t believe that all AW are so horrible and even that the number of "good"AW is +- 5% of all females. To tell the truth they aren’t better or worse then American men. I’ve met different Americans who I would describe as jerks and they were both men and women. So don’t write that only AW are greedy, obese and superficial. AM can’t behave this way? This is exactly the same as I would say that all Americans are fat and stupid because such stereotype exists in EE. I think it’s a problem of all society not only AW.
But you write about 2 processes: globalization and economic development. For you the last one is a reason of AW’s horrible behaviour. Why? Because they earn good money and they don’t need a man? It doesn’t convince me.
It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor. Loneliness doesn’t care about it. And everyone wants to have a beloved person, am I right? If someone’s criterion when seeking a partner is his/her wealth I can only say that this person looks for nonexistent ideal. Nobody can guarantee that he/she will be rich through all life. Life is ironical and tomorrow you can lose your well-paid job because the company will restructure. And what will your sweetheart do when it turns out that you aren’t irreplaceable? Greed also has nothing to do to nationality or wealth. You can be greedy being a model in NYC as well as being a waitress in China.
If I have to point processes which have influence on people’s (not only women) behaviour I would say it’s: development of technique what’s connected to globalization, feminism and of course spreading of American culture or rather American popular culture. The mix of the processes caused that we want everything and we want it now. Magazines as "Cosmopolitan", TV, commercials changed people’s brains into water. People think that e. G. "Sex in the City" is real and stars aren’t improved in e. G. Photoshop and they really look like on the photos.
Another problem is that people can’t communicate with each other anymore. They simply forgot how to talk. Someone wrote here as a request to AW: " Don't use sex as a weapon to get what you want". It’s very sad statement.
For me, in normal relationship, woman says" "Honey, I didn’t like you beahviour today. I felt horrible. Why did you say/do this? " or "I think we need to buy a new car because 1). 2). (here put the good reasons). " But instead she’s often angry and she says "You acted like a jerk. I don’t want to look at you. Go to sleep on the couch" or "Why don’t you want a new car? You spend money on these useless. (put what you want). And you never think about my needs. Go to sleep on the couch". I don’t know if I gave good examples but the result is the same. They don’t have sex, they are frustrated, angry at each other and for a few days they change their life in hell.
Sometimes, gentlemen, you compared people to animals using words as "alpha male, " giving theory about females who look for the best genes etc. Personally I prefer a comparison made by a psychologist in my country. She said that people and love they give to each other are like plants. You have to take care about them all the time otherwise they will die.
The rules in the world of plants are simple:
- they need water like people need tenderness, understanding, care, compliments etc in a relationship
- they need helping hand like people need support
- they need space. I remind myself a post where someone complained that he couldn’t visit his parents without his wife and that she read all his letters so privacy was a thing of the past. It’s sad that some people can be like ivy trying to take somebody’s space.
- And the last one but maybe the most important: you can’t change a plant into another one e. G. A rose into tulip. This is so obvious when we think about watering cactus too often because it doesn’t need a lot water, it’s not an orchid. But it becomes more complicated when we expect that a person who likes spending evenings at home suddenly will change into a barfly. And after we can read that " She expected that I will change when we have a baby, even if I didn’t want it. "
So I think that it’s the easiest way to say "There’s something wrong with AW". No, there’s something wrong with our societies. Don’t think that EE is a paradise where women aren’t fat, people don’t divorce and girls don’t care if you’re rich or not. Problems are everywhere. 2) I wanted to write about EE (and other things) but maybe another time. Sorry it’s quite late in EE.
And sorry for any mistake in my English.
I found this forum by accident...[/QUOTE]
Did you ever date American women?
Might there be Hope????
i read in the newspaper today, the washington post, an article about the recent release of british soldiers by iran. it was written by a woman, kathleen parker. i was flabbergasted by the huge amount logic, reason, and sanity she displayed.
here are some paragraphs.
it is not fashionable these days to suggest that women don't belong in or near combat -- or that children need their mothers. yes, they need their fathers, too, but children in their tender years are dependent on their mothers in unique ways.
why the west has seen it necessary to diminish motherhood so that women can pretend to be men remains a mystery to sane adults. it should be unnecessary to say that the military is not a proper vehicle for social experimentation but is a machine dedicated to fighting and, if necessary, killing.
what kind of man, one shudders to wonder, is willing to allow his country's women to be raped and tortured by men of enemy nations? none that i know, but our military is gradually weaning men of their intuitive inclination to protect women -- which, by extrapolation, means ignoring the screams of women being assaulted.
at the point when our men can stand by unfazed while american servicewomen are raped and tortured, then we will have no cause to fight any war. we will have already lost.
the link to the complete article is [url]http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/06/ar2007040601549.html?hpid=opinionsbox1[/url]
another right-wing journalist, george90? i didn't notice any logic in the peice, just appeals to emotion and tradition (that most irrational of human institutions). the funniest, or perhaps oddest, part was where she suggests that a woman being raped by a man is 'worse' than a man being raped by a man!
women and men are raped and tortured domestically in all our nations as a matter of course, george, and no one seems sufficiently troubled by it to do anything. only a xenophobic nationalist would think it were more objectionable if done by foreigners.
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]..there is no nation of inherent "players". .[/QUOTE]
I can not agree with that.
For example from my experience,
English-Canadians men are so scary to approach or talk to women.
They are so insecure. It is such a pain to have them like wingmen.
The Cuban men from Cuba from opposite ends of spectrum,
they act so natural around the women. It is funny. Last year I read in
the local Russian forum the posts of the Russian woman who was not
careful enough and brought her Cuban husband from Cuba to Russia.
He fucked many of her university and school friends and still managed to
save relationship with her.
I have not been in Moscow for long time but I check the local Russian
Forums and often talk with Russians who came from Moscow.
It is true that a lot of men from Moscow prefer to go to the
province or to others countries.
But as they saying Moscow is not Russia.
It always was special place, the state inside the state
with its own rules and women with worst attitude.
“New Russians” got easy money and spending them to brag and
show off. But “New Russians” are only small part of Russian society.
Woosy men exist in any culture but in Russia their percentage is much smaller
than in the West and they won't become mainstream as in US. Russian patriarchal culture is very strong and most of
Russian men are not going to change their attitude toward women.
Financial independence is not biggest problem.
Women in Russia in last century made approximately same money as the men and this not spoiled them.
Also the number of beautiful women in Russia is much more than the number of rich men.
So I don’t see how balance in whole Russia could be changed.
George90, what is the hope you talking about?
All women the same, they all have garbage in their heads.
Until American guys stop paying any attention that women saying
and start to do that they have to do, there is no hope for this country.
[quote=lenin]i can not agree with that. for example from my experience, english-canadians men are so scary to approach or talk to women. they are so insecure. it is such a pain to have them like wingmen. the cuban men from cuba from opposite ends of spectrum, they act so natural around the women. it is funny. last year i read in the local russian forum the posts of the russian woman who was not careful enough and brought her cuban husband from cuba to russia. he fucked many of her university and school friends and still managed to save relationship with her.[/quote]
i don't any russian men but i do know several canadian men. you are correct that canadian men are much less aggressive with women than cuban men or, say, russian men. what you are perceive as fear of approaching women is viewed in canada as respect for women. to just go up to a strange women and intrude on her privacy by starting to talk with her about anything you want is considered very rude, even in some social settings. the man is supposed to wait until she signals that it is ok for him, not just anyone but specifically him, to approach her and talk to her. this is usually done by a smile, a nod, a wink, or other gesture. any woman who won't make eye contact with a man and signal that she it is acceptable for him to approach her will be left alone for all decent men, at least in canada. the only canadian men who will approach her anyway are the scumbags, [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127][CodeWord127][/url], criminals, and other men who don't care whether or not a woman is really interested in him. they will make her interested in them.
the other aspect of what you perceived can be condsidered fear, but not of the woman herself, of the problems she can create if she lies about him. like most western countries, canada has strong laws against sexual assault, sexual discrimination, sex abuse, etc. that heavily favor the woman. women can, and some do, lie to authorities about what a man may or may not have done. for example, if a man touches a woman on her arm or shoulder and he is not handsome enough or rich enough or whatever enough, she can tell police that the man fondled and molested her. he will be arrested for sexual assault. this happens far more often than people think. men learn to be careful and only approach women whom they feel won't them sorry for it afterwards.
[QUOTE=Lenin]George90, what is the hope you talking about?
All women the same, they all have garbage in their heads. Until American guys stop paying any attention that women saying and start to do that they have to do, there is no hope for this country.[/QUOTE]
Maybe that is my problem, Lenin. I keep thinking that there is a woman who doesn't have garbage in her head and I keep looking for her.
I have not found any such women in the US who were very interested in me. I have found many in non-Western countries.
American men won't start doing what we have to any time soon. The laws and society are too stacked against us for that. American society will have to get really bad before women and society change their tunes. The war in Iraq is starting to get us there, though.
They don't publicize it much, (Jessica Lynch notwithstanding) but because of all the women in our military driving convoys and such, many of the soldiers getting blown up in Baghdad are women. And because of low marriage rates here, most of these women are single mothers. So American mothers are dying and getting maimed, leaving their children without capable parents. Grandparents are being called on to raise these children. When enough women are killed, have their arms and legs blown off, or have their faces burned off, then US society may decide to re-think the roles and places of women in it. But not until then. Sad.
Well put!
[quote=opebo]another right-wing journalist, george90? i didn't notice any logic in the peice, just appeals to emotion and tradition ...oddest part was where she suggests that a woman being raped by a man is 'worse' than a man being raped by a man!
women and men are raped and tortured domestically in all our nations as a matter of course, george, and no one seems sufficiently troubled by it to do anything. only a xenophobic nationalist would think it were more objectionable if done by foreigners.[/quote]
agreed. i saw no rational logic of any kind, just a load of jingoistic right-wing emotional nonsense.
here in the us, spousal abuse especially among elderly, is way underreported when it comes to abuse by women against men. and sexual abuse by grown women against young boys is rarely prosecuted. we have so many double standards, so much bs that favors women. if they want to act like men, let them. if that means getting blown up or raped in iraq along with the men, so be it. give them all the equality they demand. i'll find my women elsewhere. feminism & religious conservatism (funny paradox how supposed opposites aren't all that different, especially when it comes to sex!) have ruined this country. contrary to what the newbie below posited, there is a difference between aw's & women of most countries of the world. i'm not fat, greedy, shallow, or stupid, and i'm as american as they come.
[QUOTE=Lenin]I can not agree with that.
For example from my experience,
English-Canadians men are so scary to approach or talk to women.
They are so insecure. It is such a pain to have them like wingmen.
The Cuban men from Cuba from opposite ends of spectrum,
they act so natural around the women. It is funny. Last year I read in
the local Russian forum the posts of the Russian woman who was not
careful enough and brought her Cuban husband from Cuba to Russia.
He fucked many of her university and school friends and still managed to
save relationship with her.
I have not been in Moscow for long time but I check the local Russian
Forums and often talk with Russians who came from Moscow.
It is true that a lot of men from Moscow prefer to go to the
province or to others countries.
But as they saying Moscow is not Russia.
It always was special place, the state inside the state
with its own rules and women with worst attitude.
“New Russians” got easy money and spending them to brag and
show off. But “New Russians” are only small part of Russian society.
Woosy men exist in any culture but in Russia their percentage is much smaller
than in the West and they won't become mainstream as in US. Russian patriarchal culture is very strong and most of
Russian men are not going to change their attitude toward women.
Financial independence is not biggest problem.
Women in Russia in last century made approximately same money as the men and this not spoiled them.
Also the number of beautiful women in Russia is much more than the number of rich men.
So I don’t see how balance in whole Russia could be changed.[/QUOTE]
Perhaps Lenin, I do not know. I am not Cuban... But you are right... one thing is true about Russian women, it is much easier just to tell them what to do. They "respond well". .
Ladder Theory
I had read the entire site and it was incredibly insightful. It could be similar to a nuclear deterrent: a broad threatens to put you in the classification of "Just a friend" and you retailate with the ICBM loaded with the truth (where you're coming from). You may not get laid, BUT she understands the ground rules.
The Order of the Day: Caution
It's been a few days but I notice quite a few new posts. One particular post caught my eye.
What was so eye-catching? Well, for starters it was the very first ever post written by Mmbmmb. Next, they claim to have found the forum "by accident" and that they are neither a prostitute nor a monger. Then they say they are from eastern europe and have only lived in the US for a fairly short time.
Next comes a lengthy post, written in fairly good english, coming to the defense of AWs and asking for our understanding of them. ???
Now who do you think ever comes in here and writes something like that for their very first post? My guess is it's a woman, and she's not from somewhere in EE. The writing style seems feminine. The post is about relationships and attempts to appeal to our emotions. Not only that, but it's way too well-written.... never mind apologies for "mistakes in my english".
I'm very suspicious of this Mmbmmb character.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]It's been a few days but I notice quite a few new posts. One particular post caught my eye.
What was so eye-catching? Well, for starters it was the very first ever post written by Mmbmmb. Next, they claim to have found the forum "by accident" and that they are neither a prostitute nor a monger. Then they say they are from eastern europe and have only lived in the US for a fairly short time.
Next comes a lengthy post, written in fairly good english, coming to the defense of AWs and asking for our understanding of them. ???
Now who do you think ever comes in here and writes something like that for their very first post? My guess is it's a woman, and she's not from somewhere in EE. The writing style seems feminine. The post is about relationships and attempts to appeal to our emotions. Not only that, but it's way too well-written.... never mind apologies for "mistakes in my english".
I'm very suspicious of this Mmbmmb character.
Rock[/QUOTE]I agree with this COMPLETELY. That is a big amount of crock.
I decided to walk into this part of the forum due to a situation that happened at work. I am fed up with this situation in which it is expected of men to act like women.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]...My guess is it's a woman, and she's not from somewhere in EE. The writing style seems feminine. The post is about relationships and attempts to appeal to our emotions. Not only that, but it's way too well-written.... never mind apologies for "mistakes in my english".
I'm very suspicious of this Mmbmmb character.
Me too. Notice in such a long post, not a word about any personal sexual/romantic experiences with women, of any nationality. Way too much emotion, waxing philosophical, with no facts or experience to back it up.
I’m sorry I answer so late, especially after your suspicions about my person. As an explanation I can only say that we have Easter and I had to visit my family.
1) Of course I’m a women but I’m not American. English language isn’t so "complicated" as Slavonic ones and it lets to use adjectives, verbs etc without specifying gender. You can’t blame me for that. I can say that I’m from Poland. If you want to check it asking about something connected with my country don’t be shy. To tell the truth I have no idea how I could prove it. Anyway is it really so important? Believe me nobody pay me for writing this:.)))
2) Rock Dog wrote that my post was "written in fairly good english, coming to the defense of AWs and asking for our understanding of them? "
So thank you for this "fairly good English":.) Believe me, it’s easier for me to write something then to say. Sometimes I still want to make a tomato soap instead of soup:.) But it’s good to know that my stay in US improved my English a little. And I decided to add my post because what you write about AW, gentlemen, is scaring.
Did you ever date American women?
No, I didn’t because I’m not a lesbian. I’ve dated only American men and I have very nice memories:.). And even if nobody bought me expensive presents I have to say that American men are in the top of list the most cute guys I’ve ever met;.) Anyway a far as I remember my EE friends (male) didn’t have a lot of problems with picking up American girls. And believe me they weren’t millionaires. I would even say that AW spoiled my EE friends. [Here I agree with you that they are horrible;.)] At the beginning my handsome, Slovak friend said I can do with him anything what I want for 30 $;.) I said "What? ! For 30$? I won’t pay so much. ". I hoped to beat the price, after all I’m only a poor girl from EE;.) but I thought over his proposition and said to myself "Don’t be greedy. ". So I agreed to pay the price but he told me " Now it’s 100$. " "What? ! 100$, why? " It turned out that for AW 30$ isn’t exorbitant price or at least he told me that and he didn’t want to date with me. Oh, c’est la vie! Thanks God there were AM who wanted to kiss my breasts absoloutly for free and particularly one AM did it with such passion as he would work for 100$;.) I’m a lucky girl;.)
But seriously, I guess gentlemen that you’re still convinced that AW are the worst in the world. But for me people are the same all over the world. The difference between USA and other, not so developed countries is that US society is very consumable, maybe more then other societies. What doesn’t change the fact that they try to catch us society up.
How do you call it in English? Keeping up with the Joneses? Is it typical only for AW? It’s the behaviour of brides in the reality show you wrote about "Bridezilla". They wanted an expensive wedding and engament rings because their female friends got them. (By the way, if they are so horrible why their fiancés are so in love with them? Why they agree for everything what the brides want? Please, can someone explain me this? ).
In my country it’s the same. The wedding has to be expensive because otherwise "What will the people say? " People care about it more then about the their financial condition.
Lately I was even shocked that one of my female friends took credit for her wedding and she’s going to take another one for the house. It’s a lot of money and the salaries in EE unfortunately aren’t so good as in US. I didn’t ask her for how many years she will repay it. Simply stupidity isn’t typical for one nationality.
Another things you listed (in posts before, sorry if I don’t remember everything) are:
- rate of divorces is low in EE then in US
Maybe it is but I guess I have a bad luck and I see too many divorced couples around me. Maybe people from middle class just don’t hesitate to get a divorce because they have better knowledge of law, more money for lawyers, they are more liberal etc. Remember that EE countries are still relatively poor and people have no money to get a divorce. There’s also an attitude that it’s better be in unhappy marriage "for children sake", " because I can afford to live on my own" and so on. I think that the rate of divorce has little to do with the level of happiness in marriages, at least in my country.. Girls in Europe are more beautiful, feminine then in US I noticed one rule. Usually the bigger city and the bigger salary is the more attractive girls are. It’s the same in US and in EE. Did you see people in small villages in EE with high unemployment? Of course there’s a lot of beautiful girls in EE (and in US) but there’s also a lot of unkempt ones.
I’ve noticed fat people in US. I think it’s only a lack of exercices and too many "trashy" food. In US you can take money from ATM, buy food, medicines etc not getting out of the car. Portions in restaurants are huge and eating at home isn’t so popular as in the past. Saying it in the simplest way, in EE you have to move your butt and walk to these places. But slowly it changes too. There was a film "Super size me" and even if the autor simplifies some things it shows many bad changes which took place in US.
I saw different obese people, they were different, black, white, Asians and they weren’t only women.
Obesity becomes slowly a problem in all European countries, even in China children are more and more obese. The reason is one: too much "McDonald" and TV instead of vegetables and exercises.
And if it’s about feminity and beauty? Yes, I partly agree that competition among girls is big. Luckily in EE there’s still a lot of cute girls so everyone wants to look the best. What’s not so bad on the oher hand. Thanks to it we try to be more and more beautiful.
But I saw feminine women in US too. At last the beauty is a question of personal preferences and taste.
- AW are greedy bitches
Gentlemen what you write about, one can name only "prostitution". If you write that a woman is ONLY interested in your money it doesn’t matter if she’s a prostitute from agency, your friend from work or a girlfriend. Please don’t call it love or attraction (fascination) because the only one love and attraction I see here is towards money. Prostitute is sincere at least and tells you in the beginning what she expects for her time. I don’t understand why you waste your time on someone with such behaviour. I respect myself and my time. I wouldn’t waste it for someone who ask me on the first date how much I earn. The first date is time to get to know each other not to make common decision about buying house.
I remember my American friend from work. Once he told me that I’m beautiful etc. I thanked him for compliments and joked that his wife would be jelous if she heard it. He answer" Oh no, we have open-realtionship". I thought: "What? I can’t believe" Before he showed me photos of his family. 3 beautiful daughters who he won’t send to school, as a Baptist, because someone can demoralize them there. For sure the example of the open-relationship with his wife (if it’s truth) is more moral;.) But on photos they seems such perfect family. Talking to him I could think that AM are jerks but I KNOW that’s not truth. And don’t get me wrong, gallantry is a different thing. Every woman likes when you treat her like a lady, when you give her flowers and invite for diner but everything has limits. For me my man hasn’t to buy me expensive roses I’ll be happy when he gives me cheap bouquet of lilies of the valley or daisies because what’s really important it’s his memory about me and willingness to show me that he loves me. I understand how hard people have to work to earn money. When I’m not interested in man I tell him that at the beginning (of course as politely as I can) and I expect the same e. G. That nobody will treat me as a plastic doll. I’m not one. And I believe that I’m not the only one woman who thinks that way, neither in EE nor in US.
LENIN: English-Canadians men are so scary to approach or talk to women.
They are so insecure. It is such a pain to have them like wingmen.
The Cuban men from Cuba from opposite ends of spectrum, they act so natural around the women. It is funny. Last year I read in the local Russian forum the posts of the Russian woman who was not careful enough and brought her Cuban husband from Cuba to Russia. He fucked many of her university and school friends and still managed to save relationship with her.
I don’t know Canadian men but American ones hadn’t these problems. I didn’t notice that they were insecure or scary talking to me:.) And there isn’t written on my forehead "I’m not American":.)
If it’s about Cuban guy. What’s funny in it? That he was unfaithful to his wife? How someone can expect his woman to be faithful if he isn’t? Isn’t it an example of double standards some men wrote about in this thread?
LENIN: I know one Russian man, construction worker. 58 old years, but he still has "alpha man" behavior. He lives in Brooklyn, NY. He has a cute 30 years old Russian girlfriend. She has university degree. He beat her once a week and keep telling her that she is garbage in comparison with his ex wife. One day he decided that $100/month which he spend for her entertainment is too much. He gave her drink, called police and kicked out her from his apartment. A lot of young Americanized woosy men wanted her but she didn’t care and returned back to him
All I can say is that this girl has serious psychological problems. Any of my Russian or Ukraianian female friends wouldn’t behave this way. What does it mean that he was beating her? Violence isn’t normal neither in Russia nor in Poland or US. The fact that it’s happens too often is sad but for sure not normal. How would you feel if your girlfriend kept telling you that you’re a garbage and a zero at bed, specially in comparison with her ex boyfriend?
GEORGE90: Women can, and some DO, lie to authorities about what a man may or may not have done. For example, if a man touches a woman on her arm or shoulder and he is not handsome enough or rich enough or whatever enough, she can tell police that the man fondled and molested her. He will be arrested for sexual assault. This happens far more often than people think
I don’t know what to write George. It’s terrifying. I rememeber a situation when I was in public restroom. I was wahing my hands and there was a black woman next to me. Then a little girl appeared. She asked us to help her because she can’t reach the faucet. And do you know what? I was afraid to touch her and I saw that this woman was afraid too. Any of us didn’t want to be accused about harassment of her. It was a sick situation. Finally the woman helped her. After she started to joke with me and I guess she wanted to make sure that I won’t call the police telling them that she touched her lower then she should.
George, I hope the situation, I was in, will show you that it’s not only problem AW. It simply showed me how high level of paranoia us society reached.
Do you think I felt comfortable with AM all the time? Once one AM showed me a book. I wanted to see a picture in it and I stood very close to him. Then he said" Please don’t do this. You stay too close to me. Don’t get me wrong but I just need space around me". I know he didn’t want to be rude but I felt strange. And that’s how I learnt that Americans need at least 1m of space around them;.)
I have to finish gentlemen. I have no time to write about everything.
Anyway I don’t want to justify AW. Of course they have disadvantages too but when I read your posts I had impression that too many of you hate AW, or generally women.
I’d like to write as George "I keep thinking that there are men who don't have garbage in their heads".
Sorry if my style of writing is too emotional or feminine. I’ll try to work on it if it’s a problem:.)
Now who do you think ever comes in here and writes something like that for their very first post?
I guess I do this:.) I’m not afraid to say what I think and besides sometimes simply I can’t shut up;.) I really found this forum by accident what not so hard in modern world and I started to read your posts about AW because it’s interesting to see men’s point of view. I didn’t make any post in other threads because as I said luckily I hadn’t pay AM for sex;.) and Slovak guys are too expensive for me:.(
Secondly, I really believe in what I write. I don’t know, is it too naïve for you?
There’s also another explanation: maybe I had luck and my AW friends were in this 5% of "good women":.) But if I have a date with AW, I promise I’ll write about it;.) Sorry, I have experience only with AM and it’s not interesting for you so I didn’t write about it.
I'm not fat, greedy, shallow, or stupid, and I'm as American as they come.
I didn’t write that you are. But unluckily I met fat, shallow AM and next to them handsome and nice ones (lickily:.)). I was writing generally about US society and its problems not particularly about you.
PS Sorry I don't know how to quote you.
Beware of Palimony
Mmbmmb is likely a woman. No man would write that way. She is tying to infiltrate into the system like an insurgent.
Mmbmmb is not in search of Panoche, she has one!
Her writing was many paragraphs of emotional theory. If Mmbmmb were a man, especially from Eastern Europe, he would never be writing that crap.
That's just my opinion, and it should be your's.
[QUOTE=Baby Dragon][url]http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/index.ssf?/base/news/1175912721308490.xml&coll=7&thispage=1[/url]
Here is an Oregon story detailing how an overpaid doctor put a hooker through university, bought her a car, paid her rent and got fucked over by her. Guys, please remember hookers exist only to be fucked and to catch our sperm. If you do anything else, you will get fucked.
No matter whether we are talking about the sluts of Thailand or the States, the message stays the same. Cum on them, pay them and leave. Do not get involved.[/QUOTE]
Excellent advice, it says volumes about a woman's character when one lives in a rich Western country and has sex with men to make money, in general this rule is for women in all societies, rich and poor. Thai women can never be trusted.
Well, I appreciate your appreciation of American men and I'm happy you think the guys you met were "nice".
I'm a bit confused by the whole section that you write after that point. Are you joking around? Are you flipping sex roles in order to make a point?
I guess so.
Anyway, it's true. There are a vast number of fantastic American women here in the United States. It sounds like they would be happier in Poland. Maybe we can work out a swap of some kind?
Did you ever date American women?
No, I didn’t because I’m not a lesbian. I’ve dated only American men and I have very nice memories:.). And even if nobody bought me expensive presents I have to say that American men are in the top of list the most cute guys I’ve ever met;.) Anyway a far as I remember my EE friends (male) didn’t have a lot of problems with picking up American girls. And believe me they weren’t millionaires. I would even say that AW spoiled my EE friends. [Here I agree with you that they are horrible;.)] At the beginning my handsome, Slovak friend said I can do with him anything what I want for 30 $;.) I said "What? ! For 30$? I won’t pay so much. ". I hoped to beat the price, after all I’m only a poor girl from EE;.) but I thought over his proposition and said to myself "Don’t be greedy. ". So I agreed to pay the price but he told me " Now it’s 100$. " "What? ! 100$, why? " It turned out that for AW 30$ isn’t exorbitant price or at least he told me that and he didn’t want to date with me. Oh, c’est la vie! Thanks God there were AM who wanted to kiss my breasts absoloutly for free and particularly one AM did it with such passion as he would work for 100$;.) I’m a lucky girl;.)
But seriously, I guess gentlemen that you’re still convinced that AW are the worst in the world. But for me people are the same all over the world. The difference between USA and other, not so developed countries is that US society is very consumable, maybe more then other societies. What doesn’t change the fact that they try to catch us society up.
dear mmbmmb,
thanks for the followup. thanks for telling us who you are. nothing wrong with being a woman, writing like one, and posting on this site. so please don't apologize for sounding like one or trying to change. unlike most aw, you own your femininity, a refreshing change of pace for us here in sex prison usa. your response was that of a thoughtful mature adult, without any recriminations against us. but you know what? 95% of aw, after reading this thread, would be furious, full of ridiculous denials, and would call us women-hating/beating, perverted losers. truth is, the ideas & opinions presented here are either typical of am who can't espouse them publicly for fear of reprisal, or they are so desperate for lack of decent aws that they will accept any loud cow who moos their way, or they truly are ignorant of the big wonderful world out there that offers far better choices of women.
yes "keeping up with the joneses" is not a uniquely american thing, but our consumerist society has perfected it to a new low. we treat people as disposable consumer commodities. the first thing a woman asks me upon meeting is "what do you do" meaning "how much $ you make". often the 2nd-3rd question is "what kind of car you drive".
this site is for men to exchange information on how to get sex, whether or not for money. i like to think that most guys here want to treat a woman like a lady (whether she is a prostitute or a prime minister) and don't hate women. we are just fed up with all the paranoia & suspicion, as if we're potential [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127][CodeWord127][/url] & molestors. i open doors for women, offer them my seat on the train, even when i get a dirty look for doing so. were i to apply for job teaching children, they asked me why i want the job, and i said "because i love kids", they would call the police on me. and we're sick of feminists complaining about how "oppressed" women are here, when in fact they run the country in every sense of the word.
I am sure that this small clip will be appreciated here.
Had me in stitches. The daughter is portrayed perfectly.
Dear gentlemen,
1) Viva Chicas: Mmbmmb is likely a woman. No man would write that way. She is tying to infiltrate into the system like an insurgent.
Yes, I am a woman. I already wrote it and I’m not an insurgent. I repeat on more time, nobody pay me for my writing. I would like someone to do this but nobody wants to waste his/her money.
Besides it’s an internet forum. Everyone can write what he/she thinks. You wrote that my post was a crap. Why? I don’t understand what crappy was in it. Please, when you write something like it, write also what caused your opinion.
And by the way, what’s Panoche? Sorry my English isn’t so good. Isn’t it a Spanish word?
2) Jelly Donut: I'm a bit confused by the whole section that you write after that point. Are you joking around? Are you flipping sex roles in order to make some kind of point?
Yes, I was joking a little. But this situation was true, even if he was only joking with me (at least I hope he was). My Slovak friend really thought he’s very handsome: .) and wanted 100$. I think that if I would smile nicely to him he agreed for the 30$; ) Anyway my chances were small from the beginning because he had too many pretty Slovak and AW around him. But as I wrote: c’est la vie; .)
I wrote about him because I wanted to say that my EE male friends hadn’t problems with picking up AW and these American girls didn’t look like Quasimodo (from the Hunchback of Notre Dame by V. Hugo).
Besides I noticed that most posts in the thread were so serious, without any humor but full of bitterness and I don’t like to take life seriously.
Wasn’t it Shakespeare who wrote:
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
But enough of philosophy. I noticed that it’s not popular lately. You have to forgive me my humanistic education: .)
And would I pay the Slovak guy 30$? I don’t know, unluckily I had no chance to find out it.
"Maybe we can work out a swap of some kind? "
Interesting idea but I like my country even if it’s far away from being perfect. Why life is always so problematical?
3) Yogin: Your response was that of a thoughtful mature adult, without any recriminations against us.
Why should I have any recriminations? Because you don’t like AW or, maybe, you pay prostitues for sex? Yogin, what can I tell you? I understand who created this forum but I don’t really care about it. I mean I don’t know you and to tell the truth I don’t want to know where you live, work and if you have family or not. It’s not a purpose of our "conversation". I think noone has right to judge other people. I saw too many good catholics (peculiar character of my country, nothing against Catholicism) who were more saint then pope; .) Unfotunately judging the others they forgot about Christ’s words from St Luke gospel " Why do you see a splinter in your brother’s eye and you don’t notice a beam in yours? "
And I don’t want anyone to judge me too. It’s my own business if I pay handsome Slovak guys for sex or not. Luckily our deputies hadn’t such stupid ideas as their Russian colleagues that Russian women should belong only to Russian men and it should be approve as a law: .) But it’s a subject for another discussion.
"Yes "Keeping up with the Joneses" is not a uniquely American thing, but our consumerist society has perfected it to a new low. We treat people as disposable consumer commodities. "
I guess you found an answer why some AW behave in the bitchy way. But what’s sad that you can expect such behaviour from different people and in different places. Good example is what you wrote about teaching job. When I was in US I tried not to touch any child, but also generally people. And I think that people at this forum aren’t the only ones who are fed up of it.
"The first thing a woman asks me upon meeting is "what do you do" meaning "how much $ you make". Often the 2nd-3rd question is "what kind of car you drive". "
Not even 1, only 1 woman, asked if you like your job and she didn’t mention the money or car?
Give me hope.
Thanks for the vid. So funny because it's true. Captured perfectly the essence of AW who demand it all, play by no rules, take no responsibility for their actions, believe they can control the sexuality of all men, and then cry & pout like a little girl when it all comes back to them.
Don't Judge a Book by its Cover
[QUOTE=Mmbmmb]Dear gentlemen, .........And I don’t want anyone to judge me too. It’s my own business if I pay handsome Slovak guys for sex or not. .........Give me hope.[/QUOTE]
You sound fascinating. To give you hope, to show my appreciation for your intelligence, your education, and as I am not Slovak I would be honored if you accepted my offer of a 50% discount .
Angus Magee, the clip only confirmed me in my belief that there are still wonderful AW. Look at the mother of this girl. Maybe she isn’t so young and beautiful as her daughter but she hasn’t “garbage in her head’. Gentlemen, you have a woman with experience, full of life, who doesn’t want your money because she has her own one and what’s the most important she loves AM. How can you complain now :)?
Polvo, believe me that there was a big smile on my face when I saw your post and proposition but I’ll be sincere. As long as AM will give me sex for free I won’t pay even 1 cent for it.
[QUOTE=Mmbmmb] Why life is always so problematical?
I think it has something to do with desire.
You should take Polvo's offer. 50 percent off for a guy with his kind of experience is a fantastic deal. He knows things about vertical wall push-ups and side-scissor positions - makes me blush just thinking about it.
The indoctrination that goes on in "women's studies" in Columbia
article written by a good ol' southern girl who appears to have ended up on another planet, which just so happened to be columbia university
"one particularly disturbing day, my professor said, "all of you who are victims of [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] or attempted [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] raise your hands." as more than half the class raised their hands, i began to think weird thoughts. i wondered if my college required a solid sat score and emergency room records for admission.
it took me weeks to realize their definition of [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] was not exactly webster's. we began to study andrea dworkin who said, "romance is [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] embellished with meaningful looks." and catherine mackinnon who said, "politically, i call it [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] whenever a woman has sex and feels violated." and marilyn french, who famously said, "all men are [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127][CodeWord127][/url] and that's all they are." you can imagine my disillusionment to learn mister rogers of "mister rogers' neighborhood," and mahatma gandhi were predators."
fascinating story about erin prizzey - a woman i take my hat off for:
how feminists tried to destroy the family
erin pizzey, founder of the battered wives' refuge, on how militant feminists - with the collusion of labour's leading women - hijacked her cause and used it to try to demonise all men.
during 1970, i was a young housewife with a husband, two children, two dogs and a cat. we lived in hammersmith, west london, and i didn't see much of my husband because he worked for tv's nationwide. i was lonely and isolated, and longed for something other than the usual cooking, cleaning and housework to enter my life.
by the early seventies, a new movement for women - demanding equality and rights - began to make headlines in the daily newspapers. among the jargon, i read the words "solidarity" and "support". i passionately believed that women would no longer find themselves isolated from each other, and in the future could unite to change our society for the better.
within a few days i had the address of a local group in chiswick, and i was on my way to join the women's liberation movement. i was asked to pay £3 and ten shillings as a joining fee, told to call other women "sisters" and that our meetings were to be called "collectives".
my fascination with this new movement lasted only a few months. at the huge "collectives", i heard shrill women preaching hatred of the family. they said the family was not a safe place for women and children. i was horrified at their virulence and violent tendencies. i stood on the same platforms trying to reason with the leading lights of this new organisation.
i ended up being thrown out by the movement. my crime was to warn some of the women working in the women's liberation movement office off shaftesbury avenue that if it persisted in cooperating with a plan to bomb biba, a fashionable clothes shop in kensington, i would call the police.
biba was bombed because the women's movement thought it was a capitalist enterprise devoted to sexualising women's bodies.
i decided that i was wasting my time trying to influence what, to my mind, was a marxist/ feminist movement touting for money from gullible women like myself.
by that time, i'd met a small group of women in my area who agreed with me. we persuaded hounslow council to give us a tiny house in belmont terrace in chiswick. we had two rooms upstairs, two rooms downstairs, a kitchen and an outside lavatory. we installed a telephone and typewriter, and we were in business.
every day after dropping my children at school, i went to our little house, which we called the women's aid. soon women from all over chiswick were coming to ask for help. at last we had somewhere women could meet each other and bring their children. my long, lonely days were over.
but then something happened that made me understand that our role was going to be more than just a forum where women could exchange ideas. one day, a lady came in to see us. she took off her jersey, and we saw that she was bruised and swollen across her breasts and back. her husband had taken a chair leg to her. she looked at me and said: "no one will help me."
for a moment i was somersaulted back in time. i was six years old, standing in front of a teacher at school. my legs were striped and bleeding from a whipping i had received from an ironing cord. "my mother did this to me last night," i said. "no wonder," replied the teacher. "'you're a dreadful child."
no one would help me then and nobody would ever imagine that my beautiful, rich mother - who was married to a diplomat - could be a violent abuser.
until that moment 35 years later, i had buried my past and assumed that because we had social workers, probation officers, doctors, hospitals and solicitors, victims of violence had enough help.
i quickly discovered, as battered women with their children poured into the house, that whatever was going on behind other people's front doors was seen as nobody else's business.
if someone was beaten up on the street, it was a criminal offence; the same beating behind a closed door was called "a domestic"' and the police had no rights or power to interfere.
the shocking fact for me was that there had been a deafening silence on the subject of domestic violence.
all the social agencies knew about domestic violence, but nobody talked about it. i searched for literature to help me understand this epidemic, but there was nothing to read except a few articles on child abuse in medical journals.
so in 1974 i decided to write scream quietly or the neighbours will hear, the first book in the world on domestic violence. i revealed that women and children were being abused in their own homes and they couldn't escape because the law wouldn't protect them.
if a husband claimed he would have his wife back, she couldn't claim any money from the department of health and social security, and social services could only offer to take the children into care.
meanwhile, our little house was packed with women fleeing their violent partners - sometimes as many as 56 mothers and children in four rooms. all had terrible stories, but i recognised almost immediately that not all the women were innocent. some were as violent as the men, and violent towards their children.
the social workers involved with these women told me i was wasting my time because the women would only return to their partners.
i was determined to try to break the chain of violence. but as the local newspaper picked up the story of our house, i grew worried about a very different threat.
i knew that the radical feminist movement was running out of national support because more sensible women had shunned their anti-male, anti-family agenda. not only were they looking for a cause, they also wanted money.
in 1974, the women living in my refuge organised a meeting in our local church hall to encourage other groups to open refuges across the country.
we were astonished and frightened that many of the radical lesbian and feminist activists that i had seen in the collectives attended. they began to vote themselves into a national movement across the country.
after a stormy argument, i left the hall with my abused mothers - and what i had most feared happened.
in a matter of months, the feminist movement hijacked the domestic violence movement, not just in britain, but internationally.
our grant was given to them and they had a legitimate reason to hate and blame all men. they came out with sweeping statements which were as biased as they were ignorant. "all women are innocent victims of men's violence," they declared.
they opened most of the refuges in the country and banned men from working in them or sitting on their governing committees.
women with alcohol or drug problems were refused admittance, as were boys over 12 years old. refuges that let men work there were refused affiliation.
our group in chiswick worked with as many refuges as we could. good, caring women still work in refuges across the country, but many women working in the feminist refuges, about 350, admit they are failing women who most need them.
with the first donation we received in 1972, we employed a male playgroup leader because we felt our children needed the experience of good, gentle men. we devised a treatment programme for women who recognised that they, too, were violent and dysfunctional. and we concentrated on children hurt by violence and sexual abuse.
yet the feminist refuges continued to create training programmes that described only male violence against women. slowly, the police and other organisations were brainwashed into ignoring the research that was proving men could also be victims.
despite attacks in the press from feminist journalists and threatening anonymous telephone calls, i continued to argue that violence was a learned pattern of behaviour from early childhood.
when, in the mid-eighties, i published prone to violence, about my work with violence-prone women and their children, i was picketed by hundreds of women from feminist refuges, holding placards which read: "all men are bastards" and "all men are [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127][CodeWord127][/url]".
because of violent threats, i had to have a police escort around the country.
it was bad enough that this relatively small group of women was influencing social workers and police. but i became aware of a far more insidious development in the form of public policy-making by powerful women, which was creating a poisonous attitude towards men.
in 1990, harriet harman (who became a cabinet minister), anna coote (who became an adviser to labour's minister for women) and patricia hewitt (yes, she's in the labour cabinet, too!) expressed their beliefs in a social policy paper called the family way.
it said: "it cannot be assumed that men are bound to be an asset to family life, or that the presence of fathers in families is necessarily a means to social harmony and cohesion."
it was a staggering attack on men and their role in modern life.
hewitt, in a book by geoff dench called transforming men published in 1995, said: "but if we want fathers to play a full role in their children's lives, then we need to bring men into the playgroups and nurseries and the schools. and here, of course, we hit the immediate difficulty of whether we can trust men with children."
in 1998, however, the home office published a historic study which stipulated that men as well as women could be victims of domestic violence.
with that report in my hand, i tried to reason with joan ruddock, who was then minister for women. the figures for battered men were "minuscule" she insisted and she continued to refer to men only as "perpetrators".
for nearly four decades, these pernicious attitudes towards family life, fathers and boys have permeated the thinking of our society to such an extent that male teachers and carers are now afraid to touch or cuddle children.
men can be accused of violence towards their partners and sexual abuse without evidence. courts discriminate against fathers and refuse to allow them access to their children on the whims of vicious partners.
of course, there are dangerous men who manipulate the court systems and social services to persecute their partners and children. but by blaming all men, we have diluted the focus on this minority of men and pushed aside the many men who would be willing to work with women towards solutions.
i believe that the feminist movement envisaged a new utopia that depended upon destroying family life. in the new century, so their credo ran, the family unit will consist of only women and their children. fathers are dispensable. and all that was yoked - unforgivably - to the debate about domestic violence.
to my mind, it has never been a gender issue - those exposed to violence in early childhood often grow up to repeat what they have learned, regardless of whether they are girls or boys.
i look back with sadness to my young self and my vision that there could be places where people - men, women and children who have suffered physical and sexual abuse - could find help, and if they were violent could be given a second chance to learn to live peacefully.
i believe that vision was hijacked by vengeful women who have ghetto-ised the refuge movement and used it to persecute men. surely the time has come to challenge this evil ideology and insist that men take their rightful place in the refuge movement.
we need an inclusive movement that offers support to everyone that needs it. as for me - i will always continue to work with anyone who needs my help or can help others - and yes, that includes men.
mmbmmb -
One other thing, I read your last post completely just now.
I can't resist the irony of correcting you on this point - since you seem to celebrate Easter this past weekend and you are not among saints here. I'm pretty sure you are quoting the book of Matthew, not Luke. Sermon on the Mount.
Not that I'm being judgmental or anything like that....
Unfotunately judging the others they forgot about Christ’s words from St Luke gospel " Why do you see a splinter in your brother’s eye and you don’t notice a beam in yours? "
Jelly Donut,
I think that only partly it’s a problem with desire. We simply should support the financing of researches on cloning. Maybe it would solve the problem of desire.
And nobody undermines Polvo’s skills. I just can have the same for free. You can’t know the skills of AM I’ve met.
And you’re right. These words are also from St Matthew’s gospel (7:1-6) but you can find them in St Luke’s version of Sermon on the Mount (6:41-42).
I simply don’t remember all Bible by heart. I translated the sentence from memory and now I see that I even made some mistakes. Sorry.
Besides I’m not a good catholic. I don’t go to the church. For me celebrating Easter means visiting friends and family, going to the graves of relatives etc.
Don’t think that Poland is very catholic country. Most people don’t read encyclics although sometimes a stain on glass can become a Mother of God’s miraculous portrait and gatheres a crowd of believers.
Anyway the level of faith and its maturity in Poland has nothing to do with the thread about AW.
Lemon With That?
[QUOTE=Mmbmmb].....And nobody undermines Polvo’s skills. I just can have the same for free. You can’t know the skills of AM I’ve met......[/QUOTE]
OK. What about a Gin and Tonic then?
And if I can quote Blazing Saddles - sung with a German accent - "...American Men are always coming and going, coming and going, and coming too soon....."
Well I'll be damned.
I stand adjusted on my understanding of The Bible. Thanks.
And you’re right. These words are also from St Matthew’s gospel (7:1-6) but you can find them in St Luke’s version of Sermon on the Mount (6:41-42).
Jesus Wept.
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]Well I'll be damned......[/QUOTE]
I have spoken with Him and that has been arranged.
....so I got that going for me.
[QUOTE=Polvo]I have spoken with Him and that has been arranged.
Standing on the Corner
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]....so I got that going for me.[/QUOTE]
You will not be lonely!! See you there!! :-)
OK. What about a Gin and Tonic then?
And if I can quote Blazing Saddles - sung with a German accent - "...American Men are always coming and going, coming and going, and coming too soon....."
Polvo[/QUOTE]If any cowboy doesn’t want to look at me anymore I always can console myself with the thought that there are still English men, the most manly men in the world :-)
And if any AW doesn’t want to look at you gentlemen you can always console yourselves with the thought that you can find beautiful English girls. There’s only one condition, you have to get the right key ;-) to their hearts of course.
Gin and Tonic sounds better then 50% discount :-)
Wha's a sassenach????
[QUOTE=Mmbmmb]If any cowboy doesn’t want to look at me anymore I always can console myself with the thought that there are still English men, the most manly men in the world :-)[/QUOTE]
English??? English?? The emasculated effetes who surrendered without a shot being fired???
Nope. Wrong pigeon hole! The Gin and Tonic threw you. I am a gentleman though, and one who would leave you stirred, not shaken!
Gentlemen, isn’t there any English man? Does a Polish girl have to defend your honour?
Polvo, isn’t it a first agent (or rather 7th one) of her Majesty who’s a dream of all women? And even if sometimes he has the face of Irish guy Pierce Brosnan, who would remember such details?
[QUOTE=Polvo]Nope. Wrong pigeon hole! The Gin and Tonic threw you.
Polvo[/QUOTE]Why men are so cruel and radical in their behaviour?
Well, I guess the only one thing I can do for goodbye it’s dedicating you another song.
And if any AW doesn’t want to look at you gentlemen you can always console yourselves with the thought that you can find beautiful English girls. There’s only one condition, you have to get the right key ;-) to their hearts of course.
You bring up a good point.
English girls are close cousins of the AW, along with Canadians, Australians and whatever you call people from New Zealand.
Most anything you can say about American girls you can tag onto an English girl. And for these reasons, most American guys step lightly on that territory. An English girl can bring impeccable manners, a more refined sense of propriety and a solid understanding of the common law to any relationship - all of these things work to the disadvantage of American men. She is likely to speak with an accent which either reminds Americans of Tony Blair or Queen Elizabeth II. In the United States this is considered a disadvantage in bed.
In fact, the American understanding of English culture marks probably one of the great dividing lines in American culture. If you asked an American guy to name a famous Englishman he would probably need a second and come back with something like Mick Jagger or Winston Churchill. On a good day, he might throw in Austin Powers or James Bond. But there are a lot of American girls who would kick off the list with Princess Diana and her sons, then take you on a remarkable tour of the extended royal family, a brief history of Romantic & Victorian novelists (and their impact on American television and movies) and top off the list with J.K. Rowling or, on a good day, Madonna. Many American girls love British culture and are captivated by "the royals".
This plays off a sick strand in American culture of sucking up to the British monarchy. You would think we would be over it after 230 years of independence. But a lot of American girls are raised with the idea of being a princess, I know this happens in other places and cultures as well, but in the United States a girl can hold onto these ideas for a very long time. I've met women here well into their 50s who proudly underscore their self-perception as a 'princess'. It's a nice fantasy, but an expensive reality, and something that I think breeds a degree of unhappiness in relationships. A lot of American girls look to British royalty and novels for models of bourgeois and royal behavior. They point to England with it's real, live princesses - well-branded and idle - as a model of how to live.
Antipodean Viewpoints
you thoughtful individual you!!
[quote=jelly donut].....english girls are close cousins of the aw, along with canadians, australians and whatever you call people from new zealand. ....anything you can say about american girls you can tag onto an english girl. [/quote]is it not simply, any female from a "developed" country?
[quote].....she is likely to speak with an accent which either reminds americans of tony blair or queen elizabeth ii. in the united states this is considered a disadvantage in bed....[/quote]in europe it is considered bad manners to talk when your mouth is full!!
[quote] "....a lot of american girls are raised with the idea of being a princess..." [/quote]is it a "princess" orientation or more the "hollywood barbie starf*cker" + "beauy pageant queen" ideal??
[quote]....american culture....[/quote]now, a smart arsed englishman would be quick to inform you that your phrase is an oxymoron. whereas, in reality, they arrogantly fail to understand that it is just a different set of "rules". i am always intrigued by americans rigorous defence of not only personal liberties but also national liberties and the pursuit, albeit sometines elusive,of free speech, the american constitution is in fact an astounding document if time is taken to read it. however, the feminazis have hijacked free speech to a large extent and are using it to restrict much real discourse as dissent is not called free speech! as a point of interest, and other than pure revenge, would anyone, really, really, want to pork rosie o'donnell??
jelly, you have always struck me as a hugely entertaining indiividual, and i now see that the river also runs deep. my compliments.
now, a propos nothing, i have had a dump in buckingham palace and it was not as a tourist! beat that for a royal flush!
This is precisely what the AW builds her dream fantasy wedding on: Anglophilia. All that mumbo jumbo ritual, ridiculous expense, unrealistic expectation of the "perfect" wedding are based on some idiotic vision of a mythic British royal wedding. Planning their wedding since age 4.
Then eventually (?) they wake up to be disappointed disillusioned angry biddies who blame us for their unhappiness.
I have to deal with on a daily basis being marginalized, demonized, & blamed for being a man, because I'm in grad school. Either they are young with their newly minted Women's "Studies" degree uncritically spouting ill-conceived dogma, or they are returning to school after three divorces (always the man's fault of course!) Either way, anything I say in class is shouted down & summarily discarded, simply because it came from my mouth. Then the identical thing is spoken by one of these b*****s and her sisters all nod sagely in agreement.
[QUOTE=Mmbmmb]Well, I guess the only one thing I can do for goodbye it’s dedicating you another song.[/QUOTE]Polvo,
There should be a link to this song. Sorry, for sure it's my fault.
It's Marilyn Monroe's "Bye bye baby", very nice song.
Polvo -
You've always got such good words, man. I have to admit I am jealous of the royal dump.
Yogin -
Don't get too worked up. In twenty years, by the time that 4 year old is carrying out her diabolical plans, if you keep your head about you, you are going be to hanging out on some sunny beach with a girl about half your age and twice as sexy as any girl in your discussion group now. The best revenge.
Kto się czubi, ten się lubi
[QUOTE=Mmbmmb]Gentlemen, isn’t there any English man? Does a Polish girl have to defend your honour?.....Polvo, isn’t it a first agent (or rather 7th one) of her Majesty who’s a dream of all women? And even if sometimes he has the face of Irish guy Pierce Brosnan, who would remember such details?....Why men are so cruel and radical in their behaviour?.....Well, I guess the only one thing I can do for goodbye it’s dedicating you another song......It's Marilyn Monroe's "Bye bye baby", very nice song.[/QUOTE]
My apologies - the time lag between your post being reviewed by the moderator and my reading the thread meant I missed this post!!
You nearly got it, I am deeply impressed. The first agent 007 was Sir Sean Connery, a Scot. Who liked his Martini shaken, not stirred. I, however, always feel a lady should be stirred - not shaken by an encounter. It is important to be nice and respectful to everyone! I was attempting a very obscure and subtle juxtaposition.
A sassenach is a "lowlander" to be classically correct. So, although it is now a derrogatory term by a Scot for the English, it should really encompass the borderers who live in Scotland adjacent to the physical English border.
But I am puzzled by your later question:[QUOTE=Mmbmmb].......Why men are so cruel and radical in their behaviour?....[/QUOTE]I am trying to work out how that thought was triggered.
Hate to see you say goodbye! You provoke thought. Do not go gently into that dark night.
you thoughtful individual you!!
is it not simply, any female from a "developed" country?
in europe it is considered bad manners to talk when your mouth is full!!
is it a "princess" orientation or more the "hollywood barbie starf*cker" + "beauy pageant queen" ideal??
now, a smart arsed englishman would be quick to inform you that your phrase is an oxymoron. whereas, in reality, they arrogantly fail to understand that it is just a different set of "rules". i am always intrigued by americans rigorous defence of not only personal liberties but also national liberties and the pursuit, albeit sometines elusive,of free speech, the american constitution is in fact an astounding document if time is taken to read it. however, the feminazis have hijacked free speech to a large extent and are using it to restrict much real discourse as dissent is not called free speech! as a point of interest, and other than pure revenge, would anyone, really, really, want to pork rosie o'donnell??
jelly, you have always struck me as a hugely entertaining indiividual, and i now see that the river also runs deep. my compliments.
now, a propos nothing, i have had a dump in buckingham palace and it was not as a tourist! beat that for a royal flush!
aussie women differ from other english speaking females since they are good for a cheap date and a night of good sex. they are not women to marry though. with american, british, and canadian women you will have to wine and dine them until they will spread their legs for you. an australian woman will be a horrible wife.
After a year of intensive education in the ways of American law and society, three men walk free. "This case shows the enormous consequences of overreaching by a prosecutor"
isn’t it ironical that from 6 actors who impersonated bond only 2 were englishmen (moore and craig) and the ideal of englishman is still a scot sean connery? but i admit that i didn’t watch "casino royale" so it would be unfair to judge daniel craig. i remind myself also another proof that life is malicious. isn’t it ironical that the ideal of a scot is american, mel gibson, who wonderfully played the role of william wallace?
anyway i watched "robin hood: men in tights" so my opinion about englishmen (that they‘re manly men) is still the same:.)
[blue][non-english text deleted by admin][/blue]
and if it’s about my question, i guess i misunderstood you.
your nickname misled me;.) no offence but "dust" doesn’t fit to you. you should rather name yourself "rojo león" because you join the spanish temperament and the bravery of scottish lion. i think that’s way you dared to insult englishmen and you decided to withdraw your offer of gin and tonic.
but now everything’s clear.
unfortunately i’ll have to say goodbye soon. on monday my vacation is over and i have to come back to work and at university. so gentlemen, forgive me but i won’t be able to devote my time to the forum.
but i was thinking about your opinions all the time. it’s hard to throw out of my head the imaginations of polvo’s skills;.) so unintentionally i think about this forum. i wonder why the situation of "developed", rich societies (and i guess polish people aspire to be the one) is so horrible as you describe is. why people who have everything (money, health, good jobs, friends, families, and what the most important unlimited possibilities) are unhappy?
you write, gentlemen, about "a princess syndrome" (i have to remember "hollywood barbie starf*cker". i didn’t hear it:.)) but i’d like to ask who put the idea of being the world’s centre into aw’s heads. i don’t think it’s genetic disease. aw aren’t born as monsters with twisted psyche (i still think they aren’t them).
and please, gentlemen, don’t write that it’s feminism because it would be a simplification. one of you wrote that he doesn’t need and he doesn’t want a slave. thanks to feminism women can vote, work in the same professions as men and they aren’t anyone’s property. feminism, as ideology, caused improvement women and men’s life. besides feminism has a lot of faces/directions.
[quote=polvo]however, the feminazis have hijacked free speech to a large extent and are using it to restrict much real discourse as dissent is not called free speech!
[/quote]it’s not a problem of free speech, polvo. i know the better words to describe it: “political correctness” or rather it’s about a level it reached. there are still some taboos you can’t talk about e.g. homosexual marriages or also “princess syndrome”. and you can’t talk about them because you have to declare for or against. unluckily there’s nothing between, only attitude “you’re with us or against us. and if you’re against us you’re an enemy.” besides as i wrote earlier people forgot how to communicate but it’s another issue.
and political correctness isn’t only a problem of us.
[size=-2][u]editor's note[/u]: [blue]this report was edited to [u]remove text not in english[/u]. while i encourage contributions from all volunteers, the forum is an english-only website. please do not post reports in any language other than english. [i]thanks![/i][/blue][/size]
[QUOTE=Yogin]This is precisely what the AW builds her dream fantasy wedding on: Anglophilia. All that mumbo jumbo ritual, ridiculous expense, unrealistic expectation of the "perfect" wedding are based on some idiotic vision of a mythic British royal wedding. Planning their wedding since age 4.
Then eventually (?) they wake up to be disappointed disillusioned angry biddies who blame us for their unhappiness.[/QUOTE]Yogin, I still think that it’s a problem of consumer society. Anglophilia is a symptom not a reason. The British royal family is simply in fashion. Now it’s good business which brings money from tourists, media and also Englishmen. And of course it’s the best advertisement of England.
The same is with J.K. Rowling. Her books aren’t bad but they aren't also outstanding. Isn’t it a question of good marketing?
I’m not sure how to describe it to you so maybe I give you an example. When I came to US and I started to work there I could afford to buy different goods of brands which are perceived as luxurious in EE. But when I put on a Donna Karan’s shirt and I had a Dior’s mascara on my eyelashes I still looked normally. I mean nothing changed, I wasn’t prettier then before. The brutal truth is that if you have a big butt, even jeans from Armani can’t change it but when your butt is quite nice it doesn’t matter if you wear “no name” jeans or Armani ones because you still look good. I want to say that some AW (but also AM) think they can buy happiness, that they will be together to the end of their lives if they have 15 bridesmaids and expensive limousine on their wedding. It’s similar to situation when your neighbor has new Audi TT and you have old Ford. You can be sure that your neighbor will boast his new purchase. He can think that with this car he can pick up more pretty girls then with old Ford. Maybe it’s truth but it doesn’t guarantee that the girls won’t have “garbage in their heads”.
Bingo! Consumerism, which is just a fancy word for greed, is a big part of the problem. This isn't limited to USA/UK/Canada but it is very pronounced here. Now you add materialism, (the brother of consumerism) with some unrealistic expectations and a strong sense of entitlement. Voila! you have the perfect recipe for a bunch of unhappy people.
All the D+G, Armani, Prada, Lexus and Chanel in the world won't make you happy if you're empty inside. That's a big part of the problem here, women AND men are empty on the inside. There's no sense of higher purpose, no deeper meaning to anything we do. Everyone scurries around trying to be some kind of big-shot, trying to fill their lives with useless stuff so that the people they know will be impressed.
That's the reason behind these stupid overdone weddings and bigass houses with 2 SUVS in the driveway and 6 TV's inside. That's why all these average looking women keep trying to come across like they are something special. This is why so many people these days have this overblown sense of self-esteem. Everybody wants to be a somebody, they want to be "special". They usually don't have what it takes to actually BE special, but that doesn't stop them from wanting it.
Isn’t it ironical that from 6 actors who impersonated Bond only 2 were Englishmen (Moore and Craig) and the ideal of Englishman is still a Scot Sean Connery? [/QUOTE]
In fact 7 actors have portrayed Bond. The 7th was also an Englishman. He is almost always forgotten.
What is his name?
[QUOTE=Angus Magee]In fact 7 actors have portrayed Bond. The 7th was also an Englishman. He is almost always forgotten....What is his name?[/QUOTE]Angus:
Complicated. There were three "official" English James Bonds'. Mmbmmb did not mention George Lazenby, who was crap, and his Bond girl (Diana Rigg) hated him so much she ate garlic when they did scenes together to [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140][CodeWord140][/url] him off.
However, David Niven did do an "unofficial" film. He could be your 7th, as there were only six "official" actors.
Sean Connery (1962-1967; 1971)
George Lazenby (1969)
Roger Moore (1973-1985)
Timothy Dalton (1987-1989)
Pierce Brosnan (1995-2004)
Daniel Craig (2006-present).
[QUOTE=Mmbmmb]Your nickname misled me;.) No offence but "dust" doesn’t fit to you. You should rather name yourself "Rojo León" because you join the Spanish temperament and the bravery of Scottish lion. I think that’s way you dared to insult Englishmen and you decided to withdraw your offer of gin and tonic.[/quote]Mmbmmb:
The Scottish Lion is a "Lion Rampant", whereas the English Lion is a "Lion Passant" - guess which one I would prefer and thank you for the compliment.
[QUOTE=Mmbmmb]Isn’t it ironical that the ideal of a Scot is American, Mel Gibson, who wonderfully played the role of William Wallace?[/quote]In fact I did go to the very same school that William Wallace did - I firmly believe I had the same damn desk!! But I am not Scottish.
So, you can see that I do have an identity problem sometimes. But "Polvo" is Peruvian slang for a specific activity - dust is one of the "proper" translations.
And, I have not withdrawn my offer for you to buy me a Gin and Tonic. I would love to see you in, or out, of those no-name jeans!
Work to live - don't live to work!!
angus magee,
is polvo right and you think about david niven? he was bond in “casino royale” in 1967.
and of course i forgot about george lazenby. he was born in australia but it doesn’t mean that he’s a worse subject of her majesty then moore or craig
[quote=polvo]and, i have not withdrawn my offer for you to buy me a gin and tonic. i would love to see you in, or out, of those no-name jeans!
work to live - don't live to work!![/quote]polvo,
your proposition flatter me and i can’t believe that so charming and talented man decided to be interested in my modest person.
however for one reason i have to (with sorrow) reject your offer. you see, this cowboy who’s the master of kissing women’s breasts is still my favorite provider of free sex. and because he joins the temperament of asian tiger and strenght of american grizzly ;-) it’s hard to satisfy him. even if i like sport, my condition isn’t so good to spend an evening with the “american grizzly” and after a night with the rampant scottish lion. i’m afraid it’s the fastest way to get a heart attack ;-)
and besides i didn’t stop to believe in the theory about plants and people. if my faithfulness is like water for the grizzly how could i deprive him of it? so please, don’t be disappointed of my attitude
rock dog,
i agree with what you wrote but i want to draw your attention to one more thing (i don’t want you to misunderstand what i wrote before).
consumerism is only one side of problem but old ford, instead of new audi, also won’t guarantee you happiness. because the problem isn’t in the things, it’s in people’s heads. a dior’s mascara or lexus are only a piece of plastic or metal, nothing more. you wrote that there’s no higher purpose in people’s behavior but i think there is. we all want happiness even if, as you wrote, we can’t describe what it is.
buying dior’s mascara i decided to spend x dollars more for it then for maxfactor’s product because my female friends told me” mmbmmb, it’s better then maxfactor. you’ll see the difference. you will look like models on the commercials”.
(the question if the product is really better and worth the x dollars more it’s another issue.) anyway i thought, quoting l’oreal’s slogan, “am i not worth of it?” ;-)
and i wanted to look nicely for a date with my cowboy. of course as a simple man he noticed only a new bra (which was also pretty) but he didn’t say anything about my eyelashes. and because i’m sure he’s a man with a big sense of beauty i understood that i simply didn’t look like models on billboards ;-) tell me, how do you think, is it a fault of dior’s mascara or my unrealistic expectation? on the other hand, do you think that grizzly would say anything about maxfactor’s mascara? i don’t think so :-)
similar situation is with ford and audi. both are a piece of metal and both give you the same chance to pick up a valuable girl because the valuable girl looks at you, not at your car. if you knew that your car is more important for her then you, would you still want her? so is it fault a car that you can’t meet any valuable women or your expectation that with audi you must meet her and with ford you have no chance for it?
and, gentlemen, because it’s a thread about aw (not about eew or am :-)) let they be another example. i’m sure you watched/ heard about a programme called “swan”, “i want to be a sawn” or “to be a swan”. sorry, i don’t remember the exact title but it was something about swan. in reality the programme wasn’t about animals but about women who from ugly duck wanted to change into beautiful swan. i saw 2 or 3 episodes but i remember only one woman who really needed help. she hadn’t her own teeth, generally all teeth, and i think they helped her paying for an expensive dental treatment what was even better for her health then for appearance. the rest of the ladies needed more a good psychotherapist then this programme. don’t think they weren’t normal, they were. they only had very low self-esteem. to tell the truth they didn’t need plastic surgery. they should go to the gym and lose some kilos, buy new, pretty dresses, go to the hairdresser and to a person who would show them how to make-up themselves. they would look better after these things then after the programme. by the way, did you notice that after changes ladies looked like the sisters? i mean the ideal of beauty was a big breast (the best long-hired and blond) barbie and they tried to change all women into it, even if they were petite brunettes.
anyway, do you think that the real life of the women changed so much after the programme? were they better employees, wives, mothers? or they were the same but only with the new breasts and haircut? i wonder what will be with them in 20, 30 years? will they accept with cheerfulness and distance that they don’t look like a barbie ideal? and i wonder how they look after a few years. will someone, who didn’t have a habit of caring about oneself, be able to keep the regime of the exercises and diet?
so gentlemen, i think that the ladies were happier after the programme but did it bring them the real happiness? does it mean that without this programme their life would be nothing, that without this programme they couldn’t enjoy it? i hope not.
it would be frightening if someone conditions the sense of life from the his/her appearance.
i don’t say that beauty isn’t important. everyone likes to have around oneself beautiful things and we like to look at beautiful people. so it’s nothing wrong if you have money and want to buy a nice painting or armani jeans. the problem is when you believe that only because you bought the armani jeans your butt will look slimmer then it is in reality. it’s nothing wrong that you want to look like a barbie (we don’t discuss here about people’s tastes, some people like pamela anderson and the others angelina jolie, it’s normal). it’s something wrong when you believe that the barbie look will make you a better person. when you think it will give you people’s admiration or love only because you have big breasts and pretty face.
[QUOTE=Mmbmmb]Angus Magee,
Is Polvo right and you think about David Niven? He was Bond in “Casino Royale” in 1967.[/QUOTE]
Yes, David Niven is the forgotten Bond. Though it is also true that the original "Casino Royal" was not part of the official Bond franchise and he is therefore not considered an official Bond character. As for me, I find him one of the best. Of course Sir Sean is, for my money, Top-Bond.
Six days and not a single new post.
I hereby move that the previous line of discussion be considered dead and buried and forgotten for all time. Surely someone has something relevant to say. Relevant that is, to the topic of this forum.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]Six days and not a single new post.
I hereby move that the previous line of discussion be considered dead and buried and forgotten for all time. Surely someone has something relevant to say. Relevant that is, to the topic of this forum.
Maybe its time we quit bashing and start actually doing something about it.
Mmbmmb has tried to point out that the "grass might not be greener" and that maybe we should focus more locally and on ourselves.
Fact is, I can live life without a woman in it, its pretty easy. I could have gone to Europe as early as mid Jan, but I choose to focus on one of my favorite hobbies instead.
I'm finally tired of local woman so I have decided to go now before the summertime rush.
As I have mentioned before my situation is unique and that doesn't go over too well with American women. Of the European woman I have come into contact with locally, they don't care about my living arrangement but so far that hasn't worked out too well. I think its strictly a numbers thing, eventually I'll "hit" on something and it will click.
But I rather go to the source than deal with local competition, which tends to leave women a bit jaded by the time you meet them.
I refuse to spend any more time and money on American woman and I will not go to other locations within our shores to find somebody, I rather venture beyond our shores, its more exciting anyway...
I was reading some of the original posts on this thread. I've made it to post #12. Only about 5369 to go...
'Mill Just' has some interesting thinking going on in Post #12, June 2002. Some very provocative stuff, basically floating some very un-WSG kind of thinking around. "Women are experiencing growing pains as a gender and this, my friend IS a monster that we DID create because we held women as inferiors and took advantage of them for ages" What sort of person capitalizes the verb TO BE? Was this guy shipped off to a WSG reeducation camp? It seems like he's whoring around Mexico these days. So I think the story has a happy ending.
Freaking Marxists. I swear they will move any idea forward if they think it will get them laid. I myself kept a copy of Gerder Lerner's "Creation of Patriarchy" on my bookshelf for years in the hope it might help move the ball forward. Not sure that it worked, although I did nail a Yalie while it sat on my shelves.
There's an excellent book called "The Botany of Desire", by Michael Pollan. He argues from the perspective of plants - makes a case for how men have been manipulated by various plants in order to promote the plants respective biological agendas. It's an interesting read and I can't do justice to his arguments here - but I think someone reading it might reflect that just because something seems "inferior" does not mean it's failing to accomplish it's biological destiny or that it's being taken advantage of...
I think I just compared women to plants. So I think I'll stop there.
For Whom The Cash Register Rings
[QUOTE=Rock Dog].... I hereby move that the previous line of discussion be considered dead and buried and forgotten for all time. Surely someone has something relevant to say. Relevant ....Rock[/QUOTE]Rock:
Dammit man, I was trying to get my leg over Mmbmmb. Surely that is the ultimate relevancy of this forum!! :-)
One thing that struck me , and I think with the authors that Jelly discussed amply demonstrated, that perhaps we are simply being too erudite.
There is an immutable law in nature called The Golden Rule. (He who has the gold rules.) Now, in old legal circles "He" covers all genders. So, is the problem not simply a case of economics. Look at our board. The countries where we males have the most fun tend to have the lower GDP and a poor distribution of income. So, as you go up the GDP scale the women have more money (without the aid of the court system yet) so they now have the gold as well! We end up with an problem. The result is that they then have an "elevated" sense of the worth of their goods, that is beyond what the market will now pay. Impasse. This is amply demonstrated in the way they "sell" their wares; a different , complex and completely obnoxious manner to us simple folk (men) who want a straightforward transaction. And American women have the highest disposable income of any other society.
Could it be this simple? Economics?
Dammit man, I was trying to get my leg over Mmbmmb. Surely that is the ultimate relevancy of this forum!! :-)
One thing that struck me , and I think with the authors that Jelly discussed amply demonstrated, that perhaps we are simply being too erudite.
There is an immutable law in nature called The Golden Rule. (He who has the gold rules.) Now, in old legal circles "He" covers all genders. So, is the problem not simply a case of economics. Look at our board. The countries where we males have the most fun tend to have the lower GDP and a poor distribution of income. So, as you go up the GDP scale the women have more money (without the aid of the court system yet) so they don't need to be subservient. They just sell their wares in a different , complex and completely obnoxious manner to us simple folk (men) who want a straightforward transaction. And American women have the highest disposable income of any other society.
Could it be this simple? Economics?
I think there alot of factors internationally compared to nationally.
Nationally we are up against the Media at large, weather it be Oprah, The View, Fox News or E!
Combine that with the larger income of American women and you have the problems we have now with unrealistic expectations of a relationship. That is if she's from the top say 10% of woman in your area. Those with children, social problems and/or physical problems BETTER have a lower expectations otherwise they'll spend a majority of life SINGLE.
No matter how beautiful a single mother is, chances are she's been views as a easy sex target by many younger single men and more often than not, that is very much the case, they are easier targets.
So I that goes to Social Economics, more than financial economics.
If your a 8-9 or 10 and childless, your social value is very high and woman play that to their advantage, I don't care if they live in the US or in the Ukraine.
But because we are taught to be impressive to woman to win them over in the US, we try those same tactics on European, South American and Asian women when its really not needed.
In other words, YOUR social worth is measured not so much by how you look, where you work, what car you drive or where you live, its the content of your personalty and your soul that's more important to these woman, as many of them are very traditional when it comes to families.
Many American woman loath the idea of being traditional as that is passe to many of them, especially in large urban areas like Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Dallas and Miami.
Look at personal ads, how many of them claim to be great cooks? Very few and if they are, they come from where they "grow" such woman. Those same women that want something beyond that shiet-kicker moron they dated in high school. But "city life" as upped their expectations and its more difficult than it needs to be to date such woman.
Its simple; American woman, all shapes, color and sizes put a perceive value on there pussy. Its usually over-valued, which it explain the sense of entitlement behavior of BBW's....
Women from other counties, know there's another woman around the corner that if they don't grab you, somebody else will. That raises your value as a man to these woman.
American women don't value you the same way.
But that plays differently depending on some factors.
If your American, while that might seem to be played out, it actually isn't you just have to play to a crowd that accepts you.
All I'm really saying is this -
As an American Man, Black, White, Latino, Asian, whatever, your best SERVED by Freebies & potential "wifey" material by women NOT FROM NORTH AMERICA.
And American women have the highest disposable income of any other society.
I did not know that. Is it that much higher than the other original OECD countries?
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]
Look at personal ads, how many of them claim to be great cooks?
Yeah, none, of course. I'm a reasonably good cook; I learned mainly in order to help get women in the sack. I think this helped, but these days I do my own cooking in order to eat well while keeping expenses down. As a "confirmed" single guy I need to pay more attention to these things. As I understand it, my life expectancy is lower than the life expectancy for married guys.
I don't really understand how that is possible. The majority of the married guys I know are stressed and apparently miserable. I go out of my way not to show them my lastest "friends" from South America, since it would only add to the misery all the way around. Anyway, since I'm free I have way more time than married guys to be outside and recreating; I have less stress. It seems like I should be able to out-pace those miserable husbands.
Death Grip
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]I did not know that. Is it that much higher than the other original OECD countries?
....... As I understand it, my life expectancy is lower than the life expectancy for married guys.........[/QUOTE]
I will check and see if I have the figures.
Regarding life expectancy, I saw that report and immediately decided it was complete rubbish - mainly for the reasons you have stated - so I didn't read it very closely. Thinking back though, I cannot recall if "single" also included divorced. Of whom there are a shit-load. I can see them going tits up before anyone else, because that is a much more stressful environment (emotionally, physically, financally). BUT - if one is the standard issue American male and single, have not heard of ISG or the prepondarance of pussy beyond the shining seas, and trying to deal with American women, one might just be simply masturbating to death!
No big deal with the figures of course - I'm just trying to grapple with the differences between American girls and girls in other rich countries. I think we have more weight, but I'm optimistic the Indians are going to crush us in that category in a few years.
The whole cooking thing is funny. Just one more thing I did mostly to seem more attractive and charming for the AW. I think about the amount of time, effort, money and resources I tossed into the American Dating Sweepstakes - I really should have spending more time learning Spanish or, I guess, Polish. Indonesian sure would be a nice thing to have in my toolkit just now. Of course, when you are playing the ADS you assume you are going to win and that keeps you from thinking things through.
I will check and see if I have the figures.
Regarding life expectancy, I saw that report and immediately decided it was complete rubbish - mainly for the reasons you have stated - so I didn't read it very closely. Thinking back though, I cannot recall if "single" also included divorced. Of whom there are a shit-load. I can see them going tits up before anyone else, because that is a much more stressful environment (emotionally, physically, financally). BUT - if one is the standard issue American male and single, have not heard of ISG or the prepondarance of pussy beyond the shining seas, and trying to deal with American women, one might just be simply masturbating to death!
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]......I think we have more weight..... [/QUOTE]
It's the McDonalds - not your cooking!
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]......I really should have spending more time learning Spanish or, I guess, Polish. Indonesian sure would be a nice thing to have in my toolkit just now. .[/QUOTE]
Accuerdo! I was trained as a French linguist and I speak gutter German (Is this your tank? Hands up etc.). Complete waste of time. Spanish fluency is essential in this axis. I worked a lot in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. I found that limping along in English worked most of the time as a "bule".
Dammit man, I was trying to get my leg over Mmbmmb. Surely that is the ultimate relevancy of this forum!! :-)
What if I’m fat, ugly and bald. Do you still want to get your leg over someone who Greenpeace confuses with a whale? ;-) Be careful what you ask for ;-)
Gentlemen, I had to write something because I can’t believe in what you wrote.
Money,money,money. I understand they’re important but if it’s only about money what am I doing here? Hmm, sometimes I think that I just liked you gentlemen :-) because even if in reality you can be bald, fat and ugly, you showed me your second, nicer face on the forum. And gentlemen, I really would like a girl to grab you and to harass sexually so much that you wouldn’t have strenght to discuss with me anymore ;-)
And because I can’t believe that such people as you, who are intelligent and charming, are still full of bitterness. So I decided to write the second part of my golden thoughts ;-)
Ok gentlemen. I guess that at the beginning we have to fix one thing. Even if it’s the forum about “P4P” I understand we talk about true love and true feelings, not about how much you have to pay for love. There are another threads for that. Otherwise you wouldn’t complain so much that you can’t meet the woman of your life.
So, you claim that women outside US are subservient (because they’re poor, yes?), or rather they have to be if they don’t want to be single. Maybe it’s partly truth.
But no offence, with such attitude, soon you will have to look for your ideal princess on Mars. Nothing against green beauties but you have to remember that the fly tickets are expensive in this case :-)
Do you really think that my only one ambition is to find a stupid American and to use him for his money? Gentlemen, believe me, I wouldn’t waste my life for it because it’s too short.
I remind myself a document about Russian brides and after I watched it I thought: “ Jesus Christ, what happened to Russia if these poor girls have to marry a guy who doesn’t even understand them?” Don’t tell me it’s a true love when the only one thing between them is sex. I understand that she wants better life for herself and her children but what about this guy? What is he looking for? And don’t use “creative linguistics”. We can name it “a hope for happiness with Russian woman” but in reality it’s a form of prostitution (very sad form). She doesn’t get money but a visa to US (it’s some kind of benefit). He gets free cleaning lady, cook and (forgive me my language) free pussy, at least to the moment she will learn English. I don’t want to judge it. If they are happy, it’s their own business but why after he complains that she’s a b**ch and wants a divorce?
Here I’d like to ask you what true love means to you? I hope it’s not only sex or subservient attitude and you don’t look only for it.
Gentlemen, besides I have impression that you think they sell happiness in a store at the corner. And what’s the most funny that they even will give you a guarantee for it :-) I mean you think that if you get a wife for Europe ,SA, or Asia she has to be wonderful, to be a good cook and the hot lover. Of course she can be a wonderful girl but the nationality has nothing to do with it.
DJ FourMoney:
In other words, YOUR social worth is measured not so much by how you look, where you work, what car you drive or where you live, its the content of your personalty and your soul that's more important to these woman, as many of them are very traditional when it comes to families
And what does it mean “traditional”? Yes, you’re right that personality and soul is the most important but what it has to do with the “traditional” family?
And by the way, I admire to cook because nothing tastes so good as a whipped cream with strawberries, made by myself :-), when I feed them my favorite grizzly ;-) Is it traditional? maybe it’s not original but traditional ;-)?
So, DJ FourMoney, let’s go to the part of your post where you wrote about less valuable girls, these ones who are with social problems and children. I’m afraid to ask but what kind of social problems you think about? I hope it’s not something like: ”I’m illegal immigrant, please good mister, take care of me.” ;-) In this case I agree she would do everything for you and she won’t care if she’s valuable or not.
And do you think that if she really loves you the children are problem? I don’t want to be an authority here, I don’t have children. For sure children are expensive, emotionally and financially, but I guess we talk about a situation when you both want to create a normal family, not about situation when you’re an ATM (then it’s love for dollars not you). So if you had a child would you feel less valuable only because you want to love someone again? But maybe single fathers are also passé on the US dating scene? Does it mean that even if they have a beautiful soul any women won’t look at them because they have children? I don’t believe in it.
I wonder where you look for your perfect woman if you have such experiences. And please, don’t think I’m malicious.
And I would forget about the people with physical problems. Do they also have to show lower expectations (= it means to agree for dating with people who have garbage in their heads ???) to find love? And what if, for example, you have burnt skin on your face? Would you be another person inside or the same DJ FourMoney? So the only one thing which left is to shoot oneself because now you won’t find any valuable girl? Maybe it’s better solution then to live next 30 years with "Hollywood Barbie Starf*cker" girl ;-)
Life isn’t only economy (social or financial, it doesn’t matter).
I’m sorry gentlemen I can’t write more. I’ll check what you answered next week. It’s quite late in EE.
A few AW observations
Good evening, Gentlemen. It's been about a month now that I've been back in the U.S. from South America, and I wanted to share with other posters on here a few things I've noticed about AWs. Please tell me if I'm correct, or I'm just going crazy and seeing things from the decrease in sexual activity that is affecting me now that I'm back in Sex Prison:
1. Is it just me, or has anyone else here seen these fat AWs that have somehow snagged good looking, handsome dudes?? Have you guys seen this, I'm talking about the 200+ pound AW wearing bumble-bee glasses going out with a slim, fit AM. Is this some new fad that happened while I was out of the country? Maybe this is the "In" thing to do now, and no one told me (as usual!). The men usually seem like the effeminate types, so maybe it is some sort of dominant/submissive relationship. Or maybe he is gay and just going shopping with his best friend? Help me out here, guys.
2. Has anyone here noticed an increase in AW dating FOREIGN men?? Now, I live in California, so I am specifically talking about the AW that are dating Mexican men. Most of the AW that I see with Hispanic guys are the worst of the worst. I mean we're talking obese, 300+ lbs. Mostly I have seen this combination at the local shopping mall. It seems like the AW is usually bigger than the hispanic guy, and in some instances, seems to be the one "in charge" of the relationship. In a few instances, these poor bastards actually knocked up these women and have kids with them now! Has anyone else seen this? Are these guys just doing it to get the citizenship (that HAS to be it!) or maybe they have a thing for morbidly-obese gringas? And these are the women that won't let *US* bring back women from other countries??? This one really makes me scratch my head.
3. For the fatties that don't have boyfriends: are they now going out on dates....with their girlfriends? Here is the scenario: I was at one of these new restaurants a couple weeks ago in the suburbs. Maybe you know the setup: one half of the place is like a family restaurant, and the other half is a full blown sports bar (this is what happens when Yuppies design restaurants in the 'burbs!). Anyways, I'm sitting at the bar with my beer, watching a Giants game. During the commercial, I look around the other part of the restaurant and notice something interesting. Of course, I see some tables with the typical middle-aged man with his fat AW wife, and his three, bratty, snot nosed kids eating dinner.
*Let me pause this story for a minute and just add one thing, in reference to a prior post made on here: as a single man, there is no way in HELL I am going to die before all these poor, married bastards. No way in hell.*
Ok, back to the story. So, in addition to the family types eating there, I noticed another group of individuals. At at least a few different tables there were groups of young AW's (I would say age 21-25, maybe?) three to four to a table, dressed up like they were out on a date. They were larger girls, but not any bigger than the fatties I was speaking of in bullet number one. Some of them would actually be attractive if they lost 50 pounds. At each table, they had ordered multiple pitchers of beers, and plate after plate of appetizers. As a side note, you should have seen this one girl eat this entire plate of potato skins! It was like watching a deadly car crash; you know you shouldn't look, but you have to!
I didn't see any men with them, but they were all dressed up like they were out on a date. In addition, these types of restaurants aren't really the kinds of places you go to meet people, so I assumed that their boyfriends were in the bathroom or something. I must say I've never heard of a bunch of dudes going to the bathroom together but, hey, this is California.
Fifteen minutes passed and all these girls were still sitting by themselves. Mostly just stuffing their faces with buffalo wings or nachos, but they seemed to be having a good time; they actually seemed to be enjoying themselves. I can't say I've ever seen anything like this before, has anyone else witnessed this? Are some AWs just giving up on men and turning to appetizers and beer to "fill" them (pun intended). Or maybe it was lesbo night at this particular establishment?
I feel like a stranger in my own country!
A Sojourn in Hell
[QUOTE=Ezinho].....Please tell me if I'm correct, or I'm just going crazy and seeing things from the decrease in sexual activity that is affecting me now that I'm back in Sex Prison:[/quote]Ezinho - I laughed my ass off when I read this. I am always going back and forth to sex prison and I feel as if I have suddenly arrived in a sexual and cultural desert!!
[QUOTE=Ezinho].....1. Is it just me, or has anyone else here seen these fat AWs that have somehow snagged good looking, handsome dudes?? Have you guys seen this, I'm talking about the 200+ pound AW wearing bumble-bee glasses going out with a slim, fit AM. .....[/quote]They probably did not start out fat. They ended up that way by gorging on dressed salads, eating steaks and baked potatoe plates that would feed an Ethiopian family for a week - oh, and having a [b]diet[/b] coke. I have a friend who married a model from the Ford agency. Smoking, smoking hot (and I am fussy). Now she is a 300lb wonder and if she bends over you can park your bicycle wheel in her ass.
[QUOTE=Ezinho].....2. Has anyone here noticed an increase in AW dating FOREIGN men?? .....I mean we're talking obese, 300+ lbs. ....It seems like the AW is usually bigger than the hispanic guy, .....or maybe they have a thing for morbidly-obese gringas?[/quote]Some darker complexioned gentlemen like girls with "back". Many Latin American men mistake buttocks like sandbags for Brazilian Bunda. Mind it has its uses. You can block open a door or block out the sun!!
[QUOTE=Ezinho].....3. For the fatties that don't have boyfriends: are they now going out on dates....with their girlfriends? [/quote]Yes. It is called Girls Night Out (GNO)! Usually a "formal" night every single fucking week. They dress up and play sophisticate. While chopping up their food into little itty, bitty, pieces and then using just a fork to shovel it into their gaping maw. Jesus.
[QUOTE=Ezinho].....*Let me pause this story for a minute and just add one thing, in reference to a prior post made on here: as a single man, there is no way in HELL I am going to die before all these poor, married bastards. No way in hell.*[/quote]I arranged a place in hell for Jelly with Him. I also got him possible absolution but he chose to stay in a warmer place! You may die before these people if you stand between the salad bar and the fatties. Do you want me to make arrangements for you?
[QUOTE=Ezinho].....So, in addition to the family types eating there, I noticed another group of individuals. At at least a few different tables there were groups of young AW's (I would say age 21-25, maybe?) three to four to a table, dressed up like they were out on a date. They were larger girls, but not any bigger than the fatties I was speaking of in bullet number one. Some of them would actually be attractive if they lost 50 pounds.[/quote]Girls Night Out. I wonder if they get wet when they have their manicure before they go out???
[quote]I feel like a stranger in my own country, help![/QUOTE]
You are.
American women with social problems -
The accuser - A woman with a checked history claims Chris Rock fathered her child.
The accused - Actor/Comedian Chris Rock
And I quote -
[quote]Chris Rock is under fire from a woman who claims he's her 13-year-old baby's daddy, but cops say the woman behind the allegations has been full of s**t for years.
TMZ has learned that 36-year-old Kali Bowyer, who Rock never denied having a fling with several years before he met wife Malaak, has an extensive criminal past riddled with numerous bizarre police encounters, and a penchant for telling wild stories. According to a thick stack of government documents obtained by TMZ, Bowyer was convicted of DUI in Georgia, charged with theft by deception last summer, and is facing charges of running an elaborate cell phone scam.
And it doesn't end there! In the last two years, more than [i]ten incident reports[/i] detail some truly strange encounters with police, including one in which cops say she claimed to have been held at gunpoint and forced to "ingest some white powder," a tale which her own son contradicted under questioning. [i]Bad checks, domestic disturbances, and several veracity-questionable incidents left police scratching their heads[/i].
Bowyer first popped up ten years ago when the boy in question was 3-years-old, claiming that Rock was the dad, but then, we're told, she disappeared after Rock agreed to a DNA test. Though she claims that the comedian's the dad, Bowyer oddly didn't list Rock on the birth certificate.
Yesterday, Rock indicated that he would still take a DNA test to determine paternity, even offering to help support the child if he is, in fact, the dad.[/quote]
A proven liar and wild story teller, that qualifies as a SOCIAL PROBLEM.
You want another example?
Women who have several children from several different fathers and they aren't prostitutes. Making Father's Day and "Career Day" in 2nd grade very confusing for those children...
A sign of opening our legs in hoping said man will stay with you. When that fails, you're left with the child and he's no where to be found for responsibility.
A proven Baby Factory and somebody who's sexually irresponsible, that qualifies as a SOCIAL PROBLEM.
Speaking of children -
Hooking up with a single mother complicates things to no end. Theres an overabundance of single mothers in the US. I guess that means their alot of shady Men in the US as well. But both self-control and responsibly go both ways.
Why are these women letting some men run up in them without any form of birth control???
That's a question that if asked is often returned with a hateful stare.
Like: "How dare you ask me such a question!" :mad
Umm if you want me involved with you, I want to know what kind of decision making produces a child and a father you have to chase with the help of tax payer's money to find and make pay for his responsibilities.
If you make such decisions in the heat of passion, Uh what else are you capable of in the "heat of passion"; which has me wondering to no end. Either that or you take child bearing LIGHTLY. After going through natural child birth, I can say without a doubt that these woman don't take child bearing LIGHTLY anymore....
As a woman Mmbmmb, this might bother you, but woman like these examples are DAMAGED GOODS.
I am single and childless, I would love to be a father someday, I do have a CHOICE in that I would like for both myself and my wife to be FIRST TIME PARENTS.
Is that horrible? I didn't think it was.
I'm not quite sure I'm ready to take on the responsibly of being a husband and father as soon as I get deeply involved with a single mother. That's a bit too much too soon and as long as I have control over that decision, I will not take it lightly.
As for my looks -
I'm 6'0, Brown Hair (shaved head), Brown Eyes, 190lbs, Slim, Single Black Male
As one Ukrainian woman told me on Monday - "Your Handsome!"
As a German lady always texts me with the opening line of "Hi Handsome!"
Not to toot my own horn, but I do a fair amount of damage if given the chance...
Oh yeah -
By Traditional I mean -
A woman wants to be successful at home and at work.
She wants it all! I would love to give it too her... I feel 90% of the AW don't deserve such a shot.
I should mention that any of my European propects are several notches better looking than any of the American women that would "let me" date them in the last several years.
As Jelly Donut said and I agree, I'm not wasting any more money in the American Dating Sweepstakes where you chances of being successful are only 1 in 5 million if your not Brad Pitt, Tyrese or Freddie Prince Jr.
I am going where I am wanted, that is Europe, they want me, they always ask WHEN AM I COMING OVER... I don't need any more incentive than that!
What if I’m fat, ugly and bald. Do you still want to get your leg over someone who Greenpeace confuses with a whale? ;-) Be careful what you ask for ;-)
Gentlemen, I had to write something because I can’t believe in what you wrote.
Money,money,money. I understand they’re important but if it’s only about money what am I doing here? Hmm, sometimes I think that I just liked you gentlemen :-) because even if in reality you can be bald, fat and ugly, you showed me your second, nicer face on the forum. And gentlemen, I really would like a girl to grab you and to harass sexually so much that you wouldn’t have strenght to discuss with me anymore ;-)
And because I can’t believe that such people as you, who are intelligent and charming, are still full of bitterness. So I decided to write the second part of my golden thoughts ;-)
Ok gentlemen. I guess that at the beginning we have to fix one thing. Even if it’s the forum about “P4P” I understand we talk about true love and true feelings, not about how much you have to pay for love. There are another threads for that. Otherwise you wouldn’t complain so much that you can’t meet the woman of your life.
So, you claim that women outside US are subservient (because they’re poor, yes?), or rather they have to be if they don’t want to be single. Maybe it’s partly truth.
But no offence, with such attitude, soon you will have to look for your ideal princess on Mars. Nothing against green beauties but you have to remember that the fly tickets are expensive in this case :-)
Do you really think that my only one ambition is to find a stupid American and to use him for his money? Gentlemen, believe me, I wouldn’t waste my life for it because it’s too short.
I remind myself a document about Russian brides and after I watched it I thought: “ Jesus Christ, what happened to Russia if these poor girls have to marry a guy who doesn’t even understand them?” Don’t tell me it’s a true love when the only one thing between them is sex. I understand that she wants better life for herself and her children but what about this guy? What is he looking for? And don’t use “creative linguistics”. We can name it “a hope for happiness with Russian woman” but in reality it’s a form of prostitution (very sad form). She doesn’t get money but a visa to US (it’s some kind of benefit). He gets free cleaning lady, cook and (forgive me my language) free pussy, at least to the moment she will learn English. I don’t want to judge it. If they are happy, it’s their own business but why after he complains that she’s a b**ch and wants a divorce?
Here I’d like to ask you what true love means to you? I hope it’s not only sex or subservient attitude and you don’t look only for it.
Gentlemen, besides I have impression that you think they sell happiness in a store at the corner. And what’s the most funny that they even will give you a guarantee for it :-) I mean you think that if you get a wife for Europe ,SA, or Asia she has to be wonderful, to be a good cook and the hot lover. Of course she can be a wonderful girl but the nationality has nothing to do with it.
DJ FourMoney:
In other words, YOUR social worth is measured not so much by how you look, where you work, what car you drive or where you live, its the content of your personalty and your soul that's more important to these woman, as many of them are very traditional when it comes to families
And what does it mean “traditional”? Yes, you’re right that personality and soul is the most important but what it has to do with the “traditional” family?
And by the way, I admire to cook because nothing tastes so good as a whipped cream with strawberries, made by myself :-), when I feed them my favorite grizzly ;-) Is it traditional? maybe it’s not original but traditional ;-)?
So, DJ FourMoney, let’s go to the part of your post where you wrote about less valuable girls, these ones who are with social problems and children. I’m afraid to ask but what kind of social problems you think about? I hope it’s not something like: ”I’m illegal immigrant, please good mister, take care of me.” ;-) In this case I agree she would do everything for you and she won’t care if she’s valuable or not.
And do you think that if she really loves you the children are problem? I don’t want to be an authority here, I don’t have children. For sure children are expensive, emotionally and financially, but I guess we talk about a situation when you both want to create a normal family, not about situation when you’re an ATM (then it’s love for dollars not you). So if you had a child would you feel less valuable only because you want to love someone again? But maybe single fathers are also passé on the US dating scene? Does it mean that even if they have a beautiful soul any women won’t look at them because they have children? I don’t believe in it.
I wonder where you look for your perfect woman if you have such experiences. And please, don’t think I’m malicious.
And I would forget about the people with physical problems. Do they also have to show lower expectations (= it means to agree for dating with people who have garbage in their heads ???) to find love? And what if, for example, you have burnt skin on your face? Would you be another person inside or the same DJ FourMoney? So the only one thing which left is to shoot oneself because now you won’t find any valuable girl? Maybe it’s better solution then to live next 30 years with "Hollywood Barbie Starf*cker" girl ;-)
Life isn’t only economy (social or financial, it doesn’t matter).
I’m sorry gentlemen I can’t write more. I’ll check what you answered next week. It’s quite late in EE.[/QUOTE]
[b]ezinho -[/b]
Funny stuff. I was on a flight with an older AW and a younger dude from the islands. I was thinking she cut herself a pretty good deal. It would be excellent if the first test case against those visa restrictions is brought by an AW.
[b]polvo -[/b]
re:hell. I've been meaning to ask if my years here in the USA count as "time served"?
[b]mmbmmb -[/b]
When a guy talks about "my wife" he is expressing ownership. Without going too deep into the atavistic details of it, I can tell you - whatever language, whatever words, are used to express "true love" and "true feelings" at the wedding - the guy is, in large part, feeling like a caveman. "This is my woman. Don't take another step toward her or I will club you over the head. We're going back to the cave now. Thanks for the gifts."
I know that women go through something like this - I remember talking with an ex girlfriend about feelings after having had an excellent experience with her where I felt completely dominant. I think I had taken her doggy style in the kitchen or something like that. Afterward we had a conversation where she was explaining how powerful the experience made her feel - that she felt a vast amount of power in that situation.
This was something I found a little hard to believe - after all I was the guy who ripped off her clothes, I was the guy who made it happen - until I started reading about how the g*ddamn plants have been using me for years. Stupid little plants, using attractive tricks, to accomplish biological ends.
At any rate, you can flavor the arrangements between men and women up however you please, but I think it boils down to some fairly simple stuff.
[QUOTE=Mmbmmb]Polvo, What if I’m fat, ugly and bald. Do you still want to get your leg over someone who Greenpeace confuses with a whale? ;-) Be careful what you ask for ;-) [/quote]It's your mind, really!!
[QUOTE=Mmbmmb]So, you claim that women outside US are subservient (because they’re poor, yes?), or rather they have to be if they don’t want to be single. Maybe it’s partly truth. [/quote]
I wrote the word subservient. That was a poor choice of words and a badly formed thought. I have now edited my original. It now reads: "So, as you go up the GDP scale the women have more money (without the aid of the court system yet) so they now have the gold as well! We end up with an problem. The result is that they then have an "elevated" sense of the worth of their goods, that is beyond what the market will now pay. Impasse. This is amply demonstrated in the way they "sell" their wares; a different , complex and completely obnoxious manner to us simple folk (men) who want a straightforward transaction. "
Possibly still ill formed but getting closer....
The Inner Circle
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut][re:hell. I've been meaning to ask if my years here in the USA count as "time served"? [/QUOTE]
I communed with Dante. He told me it is Purgatory. Sorry.
Thanks guys for making me laugh. The Pope just proclaimed limbo to not exist. Perhaps purgatory is next, hahaha.
I would be thrilled to see sex tourists prosecuted by US laws to be the AW's who go to the islands.
Mmbmmb: yes, marriage is in fact a form of prostitution, putting it in a cynical realistic manner. I don't want subservience. I just want honesty. AW aren't content with equality, much less honesty. They want to totally run the show, and in fact do.
Yes, I believe in love.
I'm not anti-kid. I might have them some day. But I won't support or put up with someone else's kid.
Thank you for your input. Your perspective and thoughts add a valuable dimension to the discussion. Please keep writing.
DJ: I've just as much contempt for a guy who has multiple children by several girls. If they can't be responsible (and that includes making sound choices about whom to boink) they should keep their pants on.
Ezinho: Not sure what you mean by "Foreign" guys in the US liking fat women. Am sure many of these Mexican-American guys have been here for three generations. African-Am guys also like them big. I don't know, perhaps there's a parallel to liking huge oversized clothes & cars: a symbol of being significant, an illusion of being important for the have-nots of lower social status.
As for the poor bastards who are slender & handsome with the 300 lb piggies: mommy complex or some other mental disorder, simply desparate, too ignorant of the wealth of foreign opportunities? Take your pick.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]
Maybe its time we quit bashing and start actually doing something about it.
Personally, I DID do something about it. As many long-time ISG members know, I passed over the local girls where I live (Canada) and searched abroad. Actually found someone and brought her back as my wife.
She's very attractive, 15 years younger, nice body, good personality and very dependable. No way I could have found a woman with all of those qualities here. Are they all like her? No, there's no way..... I definitely got lucky. But that's not the point. The point is, I did as you suggested, I went out there and did something about it.
DJ, that stereotypical description of single mums was just plain cruel. :( I, for one, am sick of single mums being painted as somehow more 'sexually irresponsible' than the fathers who had sex, made a baby and (for whatever reason) are no longer involved. Why are the men not deemed irresponsible as well? If anything, women who make mistakes and then rise to the challenge and deal with the consequences (ie have the baby and bring it up themselves) are a whole lot more responsible than those men who knock someone up and then do a runner. If men don't want to become a father, they should [i]insist on using a condom[/i]! Men are not just some hapless bystander in all this.
There's also the fact that MANY single mothers were not single women who had casual sex and ended up pregnant. More often than not, we were married or in long-term relationships and the relationship broke down, leaving us to raise the children alone. (Like in my own case). Making the decision to have a baby within a relationship that you believe will be long-lasting, is not sexually irresponsible behaviour. And for the record, it's hardly fair that when the relationship breaks down, the man gets to go back out into the dating scene and start again as a single man, while his ex-wife becomes 'damaged goods' with too much baggage to attract anything more substantial than the occasional quick shag.
I am also tired of the 'multiple kids by multiple fathers' line being used against us, to make us sound like sl*ts. My own two children are the product of two separate long-term relationships, a number of years apart. Yes, that probably suggests I'm not a terribly good judge of men, but I don't believe it should automatically qualify me as a sl*t, either. My current partner is also a single father, with three children by two different mothers. Funny thing is, nobody ever sees [i]him[/i] as sexually irresponsible. Most feel sorry for him and many actually say they [i]admire[/i] him for bringing up a child by himself. Hmmm...
You have every right to choose not to be become an 'instant father', DJ. It's a difficult situation to deal with (and I know, 'coz I recently became an 'instant mother' to my partner's children!) and if it's not something you want in your life, then I have absolutely no issue with you actively avoiding it. But you shouldn't slag off single mums as being 'damaged goods' and 'social problems' (in capital letters, no less) just because it's not a choice that [i]you[/i] would make. Plenty of couples make it work.
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]Personally, I DID do something about it. As many long-time ISG members know, I passed over the local girls where I live (Canada) and searched abroad. Actually found someone and brought her back as my wife.
She's very attractive, 15 years younger, nice body, good personality and very dependable. No way I could have found a woman with all of those qualities here. Are they all like her? No, there's no way..... I definitely got lucky. But that's not the point. The point is, I did as you suggested, I went out there and did something about it.
I'm right behind you!
I have since gained a "wingman" so I can prospect and mine the streets, nightclubs, shopping center, etc
The woman I know with children at 34 and 28 respectively both from what's considered Western Europe.
The woman I know form Eastern Europe, specifically Ukraine are childless at 24 and 25 respectively
That would be 11 and 12 years my junior - I didn't think it was possible!
I guess they aren't joking then they said EE women want to settle down at an early age, yet most of the local men don't feel the same way. Well I have no problem making a "wifey" out of somebody that wants to be.
AW at that age only want to settled down so they can find some poor bonehead to help her pay her bills and end the pain of being uses as free sexual provider to single men looking for easy targets.
I am REALLY looking forward to my trip!
Stereotyping or not, I have met/dated women who were not involved in long term relationships. How could that be when they are only 19??? In one case of a young lady in Colo, she was a mother 3 times before even hitting 22.
How about the girl I knew that was pregnant again 4 weeks after giving birth to child number 1???
I fully agree that men are just as responsible, its a two-way street. I say woman have a larger share in that, because they are the ones that end up with a surprise in 9 months or have to go through the painful process of having an abortion, not men.
That's when women should say NO, we're not fuckin tonight without a condom!
Enough of them DON'T SAY THAT, cause woman are passionate creatures; when the juices are flowing I know its hard to say NO all of a sudden because there's no condom to be found. But that also goes to the typical American attitude that nothing is taken seriously until its too late.
I wasn't saying all single mothers are damaged goods, I said those with multiple children from multiple fathers are damaged goods.
C'mon Nursery, it takes a special man to take on a woman with 5-6 kids... I know 2 woman in such a situation, from long term failed relationships. They get a pass, but more than 2 kids is asking too much, at least from me.
I have been responsible from day one, I am childless because I have held up my end of the bargain by not letting my little head do the thinking for the big one.
I really don't have a problem with single mothers...
[QUOTE=Rubber Nursey]DJ, that stereotypical description of single mums was just plain cruel. :( I, for one, am sick of single mums being painted as somehow more 'sexually irresponsible' than the fathers who had sex, made a baby and (for whatever reason) are no longer involved. Why are the men not deemed irresponsible as well? If anything, women who make mistakes and then rise to the challenge and deal with the consequences (ie have the baby and bring it up themselves) are a whole lot more responsible than those men who knock someone up and then do a runner. If men don't want to become a father, they should [i]insist on using a condom[/i]! Men are not just some hapless bystander in all this.
There's also the fact that MANY single mothers were not single women who had casual sex and ended up pregnant. More often than not, we were married or in long-term relationships and the relationship broke down, leaving us to raise the children alone. (Like in my own case). Making the decision to have a baby within a relationship that you believe will be long-lasting, is not sexually irresponsible behaviour. And for the record, it's hardly fair that when the relationship breaks down, the man gets to go back out into the dating scene and start again as a single man, while his ex-wife becomes 'damaged goods' with too much baggage to attract anything more substantial than the occasional quick shag.
I am also tired of the 'multiple kids by multiple fathers' line being used against us, to make us sound like sl*ts. My own two children are the product of two separate long-term relationships, a number of years apart. Yes, that probably suggests I'm not a terribly good judge of men, but I don't believe it should automatically qualify me as a sl*t, either. My current partner is also a single father, with three children by two different mothers. Funny thing is, nobody ever sees [i]him[/i] as sexually irresponsible. Most feel sorry for him and many actually say they [i]admire[/i] him for bringing up a child by himself. Hmmm...
You have every right to choose not to be become an 'instant father', DJ. It's a difficult situation to deal with (and I know, 'coz I recently became an 'instant mother' to my partner's children!) and if it's not something you want in your life, then I have absolutely no issue with you actively avoiding it. But you shouldn't slag off single mums as being 'damaged goods' and 'social problems' (in capital letters, no less) just because it's not a choice that [i]you[/i] would make. Plenty of couples make it work.[/QUOTE]
Dj FourMoney,
Ok, irresponsible people who produce children without any sign of thinking are social problem and everyone agrees that it doesn’t matter if it’s a woman or a man. But as Rubber Nursey wrote, people have different situations in life and what you write about isn’t a problem of children but irresponsibility and immaturity. You only gave the "examples" of people who have children. I guess that’s why I misunderstood you. I’m glad that you don't have a problem with single mothers:.) And about being "instant father". As I wrote before life is ironical and someone else’s child can love you more then its biological father. It’s not the sperm and DNA what makes you the real parent. It is important if it’s about genetic diseases etc but it can’t replace the safety, trust, care or simply love which you give the child. And no, it’s not horrible if you want you and your wife to be the first time parents. Being "instant father", quoting RN, "it's a difficult situation to deal with". I understand it, but on the other hand, tell me what kind of love between two people is simple? :.)
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney] By Traditional I mean. A woman wants to be successful at home and at work. [/QUOTE]And what does it men "successful"? You know, people can understand a success in different ways. So I ask you for a few more details.
And one more thing, you wrote that you’re "6'0, Brown Hair (shaved head), Brown Eyes, 190lbs, Slim, Single Black Male" and Ukrainian girls say you’re handsome. Hmmm, DJ FourMoney you look like Tyrese:.) so please don’t write that your chances of being successful are like 1 in 5 million;.)
Jelly Donut,
When I read about you experiences I see that Polvo isn’t the only one lion on this forum;.) But seriously, I didn’t read "The Botany of Desire" but it’s interesting what place in his theory Mr. Pollan intended for men and what’s their biological destiny. Will you tell me?
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]I started reading about how the g*ddamn plants have been using me for years. Stupid little plants, using attractive tricks, to accomplish biological ends[/QUOTE]When in my first post I wrote the theory about people and plants I didn’t think that you would take it so seriously;.)
You see, even if I like this theory I think that we’re something more then animals and plants. In XVII century Rene Descartes described animals as machines (only very complicated) and he claimed that only people have soul because the features of soul are thinking or awareness. Later, scientists, as features which distinguish people and animals, added: abstract thinking, ability of using languages and self-knowledge. Some of them claim also that it’s a society (other people) what gives peculiar character of human nature.
Of course you can say that researches on apes, dolphins etc show us another facts, which weren’t accessible for Descartes, but I guess we still know too little about their behavior and mind. Especially if we want to compare them to human beings. And I write about it all because I want to draw your attention to the features of "soul". I want to say that people can have "higher feelings" ( inaccessible for animals and plants) what lets them to sacrifice themselves, to suffer, to love, to cry, to feel compassion etc I realize that "atavistic details" also play a role in human behavior but for me it isn’t the most important role.
I understand that your ex-girlfriend (s? ) wanted to get pregnant with you (biological ends, yes? ) and to keep you as "a provider of food":.). That’s why she claimed she had the power. She simply wanted you to feel as a real man and to stay with her as "a good provider". Sorry that it’s so long but I don’t know if I understand you. Write if I miss something.
It’s an interesting theory but, Jelly Donut, maybe she just didn’t know how to tell you that the sex was great and that she wants to repeat it;.) So she told you "how powerful the experience made her feel". Maybe you just made her day;.) and she meant" Sweetheart, you gave me power (energy? ;.)) for the rest of the week". But ok, I don’t want you to think that I am, how they call it in my country, a malicious bonus to a pussy. Forgive me my language again.
So let’s think over the "the arrangements between men and women" which, for you, "boil down to some fairly simple stuff".
Jelly Donut, the abstract thinking lets us to predict what can happen in the future. If your relationship bases only on sex you haven’t to be genius to know that in a few weeks the ideal women will stop to be so ideal. We don’t live in the Stone Age. We need "true love" and "true feelings" if we don’t want to change a cave too fast. But maybe I missed something again. Remember that English isn’t my native language:.)
I promise that writing the next part of my golden thoughts;.) I’ll comment this nonsense "yes, marriage is in fact a form of prostitution, putting it in a cynical realistic manner" (I’m sure that Rock Dog doesn’t feel like a prostitute, am I right? ;.)) and other things. Yogin, I can’t believe you wrote it.
If I looked like Tyrese I wouldn't have to deal with the shenanigans I have to put up with. I do have a "fair amount" of sucess, when I desire to look for it. However my desire to look wanes. Only women well on the otherside of 30 are interested in me, you know "Empty Nest" syndrome.
Empty Nest meaning, their kids are gone, now its about ME. Me includes banging younger men (when available) because men my own age (meaning her) can't handle me sexually (without some assistance from "The Blue Pill", "The Weekender" or "The Purple Pill"). Some guys are happy to waste sprem into a "bottomless pit" (reproductive organs have been removed) and figure that hey "pussy is pussy". I have never felt that way, sex has value to me, I don't wanna just bang for the sake of doing so.
In some respects I hate being 36, because it puts me into that no man's land of reproduction. In America, women over 32 aren't terribly "thrilled" about having kids, especially if they have one or two already.
Where the F' does that leave me?
Women under 30 barely want anything to do with me because I have no "added value" or so they think. I live at home, my mother is present at home, so that makes me a "loser". While my friend gets a "pass" for staying at home because that's not UNSUAL in Asian familes. My Latino friends get the same "Get Out Of Jail Free" card as well.
Where the F' does that leave me?
In the US, the BOTTOM 70%!
BBW's, Single Mothers with 2 or more children (and not willing to have more), Those missing bodyparts, that can't walk, can't hear, can't see (Helen Keller???) - You get the idea...
That has me going overseas because -
A) I prefer Causasian Women
B) None of the Single Mothers I have talked too, past or present have not ruled out having another child, even if they have 2-3 already
C) Most EE girls under 28 are single and childless and don't mind the 11-12 year age difference
D) All the woman I know over there are under 150lbs...
I cannot find those woman in California, in Neveda, Washington or Arizona. That rules out any local talent. Looking further out is OUT OF THE QUESTION.
90% don't want to relocate, especially if they have children because the father has vistiation rights. So I should seek out those with absent fathers then??
I don't wanna move to any other of the lower 48 because they don't interest me in the least bit. And for sure not to "seek" a love interest, that's insane.
For one thing black men are stereotyped and pigoned holed.
If your not Thugged Out, Can't Dance or Don't Listen to Black Music your Blackness is called into question. Lucky for me, my Screen name gives you an idea into what I enjoy doing with music so that's never called into question. I can dance, but those under 28 generally want "Tyrese", "2Pac or "The Game" look-a-likes because they are "thugged" out. I will never be a Thug, nor do I wanna be and nor do I wanna continue to wait for American women to be BURNED by those type of men, left holding the baby, hit their early 30's and figure out its NOW okay to seek that "nice guy".
I will not lower my standards, which would mean "settling" I rather remain single, but that's foolish when I can go where I am wanted by the kind of woman I want.
In terms of being sucessful, for me its simple.
When I talk about relationships, money is never a factor nor a measure of sucesss. We will be fine finanically, it doesn't worry me.
A woman that wants just as much sucess in her home life as she does in her job, if she chooses to have dual careers. Being a homemaker is a full time job, responsiblies should be SHARED. I want it to run smoothly like a well-oiled machine.
Communication is KEY to making that happen.
I don't minse words, why should I? This is a REAL TALK forum, so I choose to keep it REAL.
Oh one other thing -
When I said 1 in 5 Million I meant in the US and its true and I didn't apply it myself, because my "market" is somewhat "limited", I have narrowed it down on purpose, because that's what I want. So my chances in the US are even higher, like 1 in 10 Million.
Go back a few pages and look at my post from last year, I've had strangers argue with me about living at home, when they DID SO THEMSELVES and that's what men have to deal with in America, why would I lie about something like that????
Botany of Desire
"Botany of Desire". Let's see. The idea is that, say, if you were a gardener you would think that the choices you made about which plants to grow, care for and harvest are entirely yours. Human beings are the subjects working the plants, which are passive objects.
Pollan flips that around. He points to bumblebees. If you could ask a bumblebee, who makes things happen in the world?, the bumblebee would probably tell you he is the subject and flowers are the object. But from a human perspective, it's not so clear that the flower is the object. You could say the flower is just manipulating the bee in order to move pollen around. The relationship is not a dominant subject to a passive object. It's a coevolutionary relationship where different things are being traded and different interests are being advanced - both for the bee and the flower. The flower has power.
Pollan goes on to describe various relationships between humans and some plants - the apple., the tulip, marijuana, and the potato. The decisions a gardener makes may not be entirely his own. For me it's interesting, I like applying it as one metaphor for relationships between men and women.
On this board, and certainly in Yogin's discussion group, a lot of people have pointed to men as dominant subjects and women as passive objects; that the history of men and women is a history of oppressive dominant subjects over passive objects. That's good as far as it goes. It's the perspective of economists, Marxist historians and, I think, most men ride that assumption as well. Guys like to think of themselves as the dominant subject. But I think taking a biological view of things makes the conversation more interesting.
Anyway, it's a good read. I can't really do it justice. Just PM your address and I'll have Polvo drop off my copy.
"If your relationship bases only on sex you haven’t to be genius to know that in a few weeks the ideal women will stop to be so ideal". Excellent. My relationships based on sex these days generally don't last that long at all and, consequently, I can walk through the world thinking it is filled with ideal women.
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]"If your relationship bases only on sex you haven’t to be genius to know that in a few weeks the ideal women will stop to be so ideal". Excellent. My relationships based on sex these days generally don't last that long at all and, consequently, I can walk through the world thinking it is filled with ideal women.[/QUOTE]It’s only a pity that your thinking about world filled with ideal women is an illusion. But it doesn’t change the fact that I admire your optimism ;-)
Ok, now “Botany of Desire” is more clear for me but I don’t think we can say here that “the flower has power”. Rather it’s as powerful as bumblebee. You give something to a woman and she gives something to you. You both need each other and you both have benefits. This rule (giving/getting) you can apply to other relationships eg mother-child, employee-employer etc. So such words as manipulation or “g*ddamn plants have been using me for years. Stupid little plants, using attractive tricks, to accomplish biological ends” aren’t proper.
And if it’s about the history of relationships between men and women. It’s really complicated and describing “men as dominant subjects and women as passive objects” you talk only about a part of this history. But it’s a subject for another thread.
“Guys like to think of themselves as the dominant subject”.
And I like to believe that sweets don’t fatten and the others that Elvis is still alive but life rectifies our beliefs. It’s nothing new. I think that some things seem obvious and you haven’t to read “wise books” to know them. JD, sorry if sometimes
I’m “brutal”. It doesn’t mean that I want to be malicious.
DJ FourMoney, I’m sorry but I have to answer you later. I’m going to a party tonight and I have no time to write more.
Man, reading your postings like reading the writings of a twin. Same height, same weight, same tribe, same crap to deal with in California.
On thugs: my roomate is the 210lb Justin Timberlake from Oakland. East Oakland, straight thugged out. He gets so many girls who want to "tame" him or whatever. I just sit back and laugh to myself. These girls are falling in love, calling him on the phone while another girl is on his lap. It makes me laugh, because you KNOW in 5 years the girls are going to be jaded and bitter and talking about jerks.
I don't hate, though. I just enjoy the show.
INteresting thing of note. I made a Myspace account and tried to meet some girls in my area. Only 2 expressed any interest, and they never write more than 4 words total. I tried contacting girls from Poland, I get 15 girls who are interested and love to chat back and forth.
You're 100% right about the condom thing. Even if it wasn't to prevent unwanted pregnancies, Hep C and HIV alone are good enough reasons to ALWAYS wear one...... and not just for the first 4 or 5 weeks either.
Your "thug friend" may be getting the play right now.... but wait til he gets a bit older. In my experience, older thugz tend to be lonely thugz..... unless they're willing to settle for some nasty lookin ho's.
The grass IS greener on the other side of the fence.... but that isn't saying much when you consider how much it sucks here. I've said it a zillion times before but it's wort repeating. Women are still women no matter where they're from. Sometimes settling isn't such a bad option.
Rock sez, if you gotta get married, marry one you can get along with. She doesn't have to be a hottie..... and even if she IS, looks don't last forever. If you NEED that physical attraction, there's always ways to get a little on the side. Know what I mean?
Furiouz -
I feel you mayne, just hang in there, get your butt to Europe and you won't be sorry.
Haven't talked to any Polish girls yet, but my boy in NY has a Polish girlfriend, she's only been here for about a year and when all her friends went back to Poland, she stayed to be with HIM.
She likes cars, he's a car guy. She's sweet, she 100% supportive. She has DD boobs, he's a boob man.
He wanted a stunner, that she is.
Perfection? Close enough if you ask me...
In Germany you'll have to go around with a sign that says "Not In the Military" as the women are very JADED by our Uniformed men. Understandable , but you can still have success, trust me.
I might have to try the My Space to Poland route... I got some Ukrainian women on the docket, so that might not be necessary.
Rock Dog -
Looks are not everything, the only thing? (I kid!) I don't need a "stunner", a high "7" is good enough. If I can get an "8" that's just extra mustard. The Momma I know in Germany is around 115lbs and 5'4 tall (a solid 7), we get along great, she believes in a brother, that's all great. I would be happy if this is what I ended up with trust me.
I just feel, that I might be [i]slightly[/i] happier with somebody a bit younger and starting off fresh as a family. Not to mention a step or too above the "Girl Next Door" type, which the Momma is. Also Momma is a bit submissive and I want a girl that is a bit more independent.
That's splitting hairs, but you know this is my life we're talking about and I want to be 100% happy with my choice, not 90%, that isn't good enough.
That nagging feeling shouldn't be there.... Its kinda like my car, I love it, Im happy about it, its much faster than it was. I'm not doing back flips, but I'm over the moon happy otherwise, I just keep it internal. That's what I believe will happen when everything comes together. Inside I'll be like "Flipper" the dolphin, on the outside I'll be calm, cool and collected.
I think the word is CONTENT
[QUOTE=Yogin]Mmbmmb: yes, marriage is in fact a form of prostitution, putting it in a cynical realistic manner.[/QUOTE]And what is it prostitution Yogin? It seems quite simple question, doesn’t it?
I can help you and I give you a definition from a dictionary: “the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money”.
We all know that a prostitute (a man or a woman) gets different benefits for his/her services. It can be money but also others goods like expensive perfume, clothes, food etc. When he/she lets you to make love with him/her and gives you what you call “GFE” he/she makes it for money (benefits). Here I’d like to ask: why do you want GFE?
Are you looking for love, warmth, tenderness?
This is the difference between marriage and prostitution. In marriage, at least in theory, you get it for free because your wife/husband has “true feelings” for you, and ONLY for you. A prostitute can like you, be nice and plays your boyfriend / girlfriend but for the next client he/she behaves in the same way. You’re just a client. For some people it’s enough. If someone is satisfied with a substitute of love it’s all right for me. How they say it “Live and let to live”. But I don’t understand why after people complain for the all world and its women/men.
To say it in the brutal and simple way, a prostitute won’t give you her/his kidney if you need it for transplant. Someone who loves you will do this for free, because he/she cares about you. You haven’t to buy it.
You wrote that you believe in love. One more time gentlemen, what is love?
You write about it but no-one of you tried to describe it.
In Poland we have a phrase ”paper marriage”. It’s when people’s marriage exists only on paper. There’s no love between them. They are with each other because they have children, no money for divorce, they got used to each other etc. But for me, people have an inclination to mix of words’ meaning. I wouldn’t call it marriage
I know at least one pro that would give me her kidney. [i] ~ the jelly donut suggests helpfully [/i]
Naturally, I don't think she would be wildly happy about the deal, it's not the sort of activity most people relish. Of course, I could be wrong. You do find out who your friends are in situations like that, but I have a feeling I'd be running the same odds with a lot of people, regardless of the background relationship.
Otherwise, to repeat the mantra, there are many costs in maintaining a relationship. Keeping a girlfriend and having a good relationship requires a lot of time and respectable percentage of your money. Having a good relationship involves dedicating hours and commiting resources - if I spend my Sunday morning listening to your thoughts on, say, cats that's a Sunday morning I invested in our relationship. I could have been doing something I would rather be doing. These costs are higher when you deal with American girls. The American girl expects her soul mate to [i]really[/i] want to listen her thoughts on cats, so you need brainwash yourself, which requires some additional time and effort.
The costs explode when you get married and have a family. When I look at those costs, for me, it's just not worth it when I compare them against the benefits.
To say it in the brutal and simple way, a prostitute won’t give you her/his kidney if you need it for transplant. Someone who loves you will do this for free, because he/she cares about you. You haven’t to buy it.
It's long but to all of you gentlemen
i promised to write an answer for dj but so many things appeared that i’ll try to answer to all of you, especially to jd.
i admit that i didn’t took into consideration one thing. in my naïveté i assumed that some things/ideas are universal and obvious but it isn’t truth to the end.
maybe because i’m a woman and because i’m not a prostitute ( + i’ve never paid someone for sex) i have so different view of reality then you have.
here i guess i have to say some things about myself. just some general information which would make my thoughts more clear then they are, i hope. it’s hard to understand my real thoughts without them. and i’m glad that you devote your precious time to my writing. i also decided to devote a part of my sunday afternoon to you. so it’s a proof that it’s worth to invest in “our relationship” ;-)
so, i have luck or bad luck to live in poland. a country where people went through so many changes in society during 25 last year that it completely changed all their lives. i was born when communism/socialism (you can call it how you want) was falling down. but i could still experience its aspects. as a child i wasn’t getting accustomed to the luxurious brands, cartoon network or mcdonalds. i remember how happy i was when i got grapefruits or a jar of chocolate as a present for the child’s day. now try to give a polish child chocolates for birthday and she/he will tell you “i’m not hungry” and after she/he will ask you where’s his/her new nokia. anyway a lot of things changed and now people, if they only have money, can buy everything. my acquaintances are rather from middle class. they aren’t millionaires but i keep hearing that someone will go on holidays to italy or egypt. they are people whose parents paid for private lessons of foreign languages, music or horse riding. i know only one girl who worked as “a prostitute” (she wasn’t selling herself physically but through an internet camera. i’m sure you know what i mean. i just don’t know how to name it in english). anyway i like her very much. for me she’s nice and she has a great sense of humor. she hadn’t to work this way (her parents are wealthy people. i guess they don’t know about anything) but the money was so good that she couldn’t resist. if a am send her 1000$ because she’s a poor girl from romania ;-) i don’t wonder anymore why she chose this work. 1000 $ is a good salary in poland and she wasn’t faithful to only one guy.
even if i like her i couldn’t do the same job. it’s not about “what will the people say” attitude. it’s about respect for myself. my family and friends taught me that if i don’t respect myself nobody else will do this too. i was taught respect for my body and my mind. i treat it as an unity. i couldn’t split it as my friend did it. in the morning she loves her boyfriend and at evenings she loves the guys on chat.
and i write about her because even if you’re relatively wealthy “keeping up with the joneses” is a global attitude now.
here i’ll admit to one more thing. some friends of mine thinks that i’m simply stupid. well maybe i am ;-). i guess they would say that the fact i decided to discuss with you is the best proof of it but i always answer: “ people learn all their life so there’s still hope for me.” ;-) of course i don’t add the second part of this saying “but they die as stupid as they were” ;-)
anyway they think i’m stupid because i didn’t find a nice am and i didn’t stay in “the hamburger land”. or maybe i found but i didn’t stay. and it was a height of stupidity. when i answer them that i don’t want his money or the green card they simply can’t believe. i can’t understand why the green card is such a wonderful good. i understand if people are poor and economy of their country is in tragic condition. but gentlemen, we talk about poland 2007 not about poland 1980. my friends aren’t poor mexican villagers, with all respect for these people. their situations are different but they live in conditions which people from poorer countries dream about. believe me, internet, dishwashers or cable tv aren’t luxuries goods anymore, at least not in big cities where people earn the better money. instead of being happy (complaining is unluckily our national sport) they all the time grumble that poland is horrible. i tell them that i don’t want to wake up, being 35, with a man who i don’t know at all or what worse i don’t love. i can’t imagine sleeping with a man who i don’t even understand and to work as eg waitress in fast food. and it’s all for the stay in the usa. is this the happiness they talk about? hmm, i don’t think they need their studies for it, just a moron who will be so naïve and who will take them to the land of their dreams. maybe i have no ambition but life is so short and i don’t dream about a big house with suv but about someone who would love me, even if i’m 80 and i don’t look like at the first date ;-)
my family taught me that the material goods are nice but they aren’t necessary to be happy. if there’s a war you can lose your beautiful house but my memories from the stay in us, where i’ve met a master of kissing ;-), nobody can take from me. i don’t know if the example is good but as i wrote in the others post things can’t make you happy, only the other people who love you.
jelly donut i didn’t want to write that a prostitute can’t love. and i didn’t want to write about prostitutes like about creatures without heart. i just don’t want to judge this profession. for sure the rule “live and let to live” is very good. everyone makes choices in his/her life. if being a prostitute is a bad choice he/she will pay somehow for it in the future. i think it’s sufficient “punishment” if i can name it in this way. and because i have impression that you are interested in bible i have another sentence for you: “he who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” if you know who told this and where, there’s a reward-surprise ;-)
and yes, you’re right. it can be your brother, mother, father or friends who can help you but it can also be your wife. it’s more about feelings, not the kind of relationship. i just wanted to write yogin that marriage isn’t a form of prostitution. if some people make it in this way it doesn’t mean that in theory it is prostitution. first of all it should be a sign of love between two people.
i don’t know what kind of wives aw are. i just want to believe that girls you describes aren’t the majority. i mean that they are still people(men and women) who also give something, not only they take. you can have attitude of b.jones. i mean “i want to meet the right guy who is gonna love me for who i am”. the film was funny but it’s only a film and in real life we have to reach a compromise and to work on ourselves. these things are obvious for me.
i also guess that i misunderstood your post about “the botany of desire” but it’s not important anymore. anyway it was more about feeling as a real men (here and now), not generally about the history of men’s domination and marxist historians, yes? ;-)
and if we talk about marriage. rock dog, for sure as a loving husband you will sponsor your wife a hotel room and a nice male stripper ;-) as you wrote “looks don't last forever. if you need that physical attraction, there's always ways to get a little on the side. know what i mean?”. i understand that if your wife need more physical attraction, then you give her, it’s nothing wrong that she “gets a little on the side”.
and if it’s something wrong how can you complain for aw( or rather canadian in your case)? you see, first we have to demand something of ourselves and after to demand of the others.
dj fourmoney, at last i can answer you :-)
i don’t think you lie. i believe that nobody wants to pay you for your writing too ;-)
i only have impression that you look for an ideal princess even if you really don’t know who she is. on the one hand submissive, on the other hand independent? it’s hard to join fire and water ;-) you wrote that “that's splitting hairs, but you know this is my life we're talking about and i want to be 100% happy with my choice, not 90%, that isn't good enough.” it remains me a little when women are waiting for an ideal man but you want a princess imprisoned in a tower who’s waiting for her prince to give him true love. but remember that even if she exists probably an ogre and donkey already released her ;-)
[quote=dj fourmoney]a woman that wants just as much sucess in her home life as she does in her job, if she chooses to have dual careers. being a homemaker is a full time job, responsiblies should be shared. i want it to run smoothly like a well-oiled machine. communication is key to making that happen.[/quote]i agree that communication is the key but, even with it, woman’s life isn’t simple. (on the other hand who has simple life :-)?) it’s hard to be the best mother, wife, employee 24/7. you always has to sacrifice something to get something else. i think your employer won’t care that nobody can stay with the children (grandma is far away) and you can’t come regularly to work. who will stay with your 6 months old child then?
a nanny? she can but soon your child will start to call her mommy because the real mom is at work. and maternity leave lasts only 3 m-ths. will you resign of your own job and you will replace your wife? but how will you feed the baby if it still needs the breasts? :-) you see, it’s not so simple and you’ll need a lot of oil.
but if something is hard it doesn’t mean that it’s impossible :-) here living with grandma who can help is a big plus ;-)
Your ability to meet an American woman is tied to the size of your income and bank account. AWs have become such an afterthought after living overseas for so long, on another note, since I made my post about the petrodollar, it has continued to fall, so much that in Europe an American official was questioned by the press as to what the hell is happening. Ask Fan Gang from China about what he thinks about the US Dollar.
My gf (now fiancée) does the webcam sex thing for a living. She doesn't consider herself a prostitute, although she DEFINITELY is a sex worker.
And she doesn't 'love' the guys on chat, any more than porn actresses 'love' the guys with whom they are doing a scene!! She is selling a fantasy more than any reality just like any sex worker.
And we both 'get a little on the side' every now and again. :P
I don't want the princess in a tower, waiting for somebody to rescue them (that's "Capt Save A Hoe" in the ghetto).
If she wants to stay home, that's fine. I'm NOT expecting a 21st Century version of "Donna Reed".
My ex was pretty much ideal personality wise, its the other stuff that lead me to continue my search. No matter how frivolous some might believe the value I put on "other stuff", that's what I look for. I'm not in search of perfection, that is not reality.
I am looking for a nice balance however.
I'm not sure why we would need nannies and all that. Honestly if things go the way I think they'll go we won't have to work for anybody, we can build our own businesses and work when WE want too. I already wanted to spend extended time at home once the kids got around school age. I believe they need their mother more early on and their father around more in their formative years.
Even if it doesn't work out like that, I much prefer somebody that is willing to do what's needed, rather than AW thinking that "YOU" should do what's needed, I'll continue to do what I am doing.
Dating in the US is just too much trouble. The only interested party here is a 41 year old woman with grown children. You might find that hard to believe, but more often than not, that's who usually contacts me.
I shouldn't have to buy a new condo, a BMW and a metrosexually styled wardrobe just to have access to single American woman around 25-32 years old.
But that's what they would have you believe and like I said investing time and money inside the US but outside of California is suicide. You'll basically end up with the same problems but a much smaller pool to access form.
I have spent alot of time around the US; in cities and towns, large and small. I see the same problems only WORST in those areas because you're not left with alot of options if you live in Ark for example, work at Walmart and drive a Geo Metro.
The upper 30% in town are not going to come any where near you!
C'mon I drove a truck for awhile, that's totally unpopular with any woman I consider attractive here. But over "there" THEY DON'T CARE. The Norwegian girl even suggested as much as her brother-in-law drives a truck in Norway.
I am not saying you can find or not run into unscrupulous women. I can only say if you fall into something blindly then you deserve whatever happens to you.
Another long post
I’m sorry I couldn’t answer you earlier. Well, last time I wanted to write something more but as usually I had no time But maybe firstly I’ll answer to your posts.
Bango Cheito,
Maybe the word "love" wasn’t proper. I didn’t mean that she cares of her clients as of her boyfriend but on the other hand this work leaves some "scars" on her psyche. Writing "scars" I want to say that my friend has problems to cut off her job from personal life. She doesn’t like some clients, or rather she thinks that they are naïve idiots who she can "milk" for the money. But there are also clients she likes. They are nice and intelligent. When she sometimes told me about them I had impression that she cares of them in some way. She feels pity for them that they have problems with wives, at work etc. The job she had is very specific. You wrote "She is selling a fantasy more than any reality just like any sex worker". It’s truth but this sort of fantasy is peculiar because the clients try to buy the real feelings. She told me that some of them fell in love with the girls. They even want to take them to US. But unfortunately there’s always an uncle or grandma who’s dying; .) and they can’t come to America. This situation is, for me, a hunting for people’s hope. Even if these people are naïve idiots it doesn’t change the fact that you know what kind of bullshit you "sell" them. It leaves also "scars" on their psyche. You wrote about porn actresses. I think it’s a very hard job, especially for a woman. Even if some people are convinced that all you have to do is making love, or rather f*cking because "love" also isn’t a proper word here. I don’t know what kind of robot you would have to be, to not feel anything when 3 guys f*ck you, asking all the time "do you like it be**ch? " For some reasons they decided to take this job. I don’t know why. For sure something forced them to it but as I wrote everyone has his/her own life and we have to pay for all decisions we made. And the price we pay is sufficient "punishment" for all bad decisions.
It’s great if you feel ok with your fiancée’s style of life. I can only wish you luck. I hope you’ll be happy. I only don’t understand why gentlemen write so many unpleasant things about AW. It’s all right when your girlfriend uses other men but when AW do it it’s bad? It’s obvious, gentlemen, that you like to "get a little on the side". But why it’s so horrible when AW is unfaithful? Why are you complaining if you accept such behavior in other women and in yourselves?
BTW, you’re the second guy I know who accept such job of his girlfriend. Now I more understand what Jelly Donut wrote about "ownership". Most EE men would say "What? ! My woman works at webcam sex? ! I’ll simply kill her! "
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]Honestly if things go the way I think they'll go we won't have to work for anybody, we can build our own businesses and work when WE want too. [/QUOTE]DJ FourMoney,
So you have luck because a lot of people need nanny. They work for banks, stores, police, night clubs and so on. They can’t stay at home. When the family doesn’t want to help, or they can’t, someone has to take care of your child. Will you leave it alone at home? I agree that child needs a mother very much during the first 3 years of its life but after these 3 years, when you stay at home, you’re less and less valuable worker. That’s why having a child is very serious decision for me. Child isn’t a toy you can have because you feel that your biological clock is "in the state of alarm". I’d like to give my child everything what I got from my parents. To teach him/her how beautiful life can be, to show my child everything what’s wonderful in life, from the renaissance art to the taste of French crepe Suzette or Ukrainian borsch:.) Did you know that when a child is listening to the music of Mozart, even as a fetus (it can hear when it’s 16 weeks), its brain is stimulated and music therapy is used to fight against such diseases as epilepsy or autism? But to know it you need a lot of time and willingness to work with your child. How many people come back so tired from work that all they dream about is an evening in front of TV? Life isn’t ideal. You ‘re definitely a lucky man if you can afford to let your wife for being "a mom at home".
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I shouldn't have to buy a new condo, a BMW and a metrosexually styled wardrobe just to have access to single American woman around 25-32 years old.
But that's what they would have you believe and like I said investing time and money inside the US but outside of California is suicide. You'll basically end up with the same problems but a much smaller pool to access form. [/QUOTE]Why California is an exception?
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]see'mon I drove a truck for awhile, that's totally unpopular with any woman I consider attractive here. But over "there" THEY DON'T CARE. The Norwegian girl even suggested as much as her brother-in-law drives a truck in Norway[/QUOTE]I guess people admire cars so much in US because they are more necessary then in Europe. In USA you haven’t good public transport. I don’t have a car. I don’t even need one. Everywhere I want to go I can use buses, trams, taxi, trains or planes. Car is a car. I mean if it lets you to go to a store or a post office it’s a good car. The smaller and the less fuel it uses the better. I couldn’t also understand the love for the SUV but it’s maybe because in my country fuel costs 5, 67$ for gallon. (4, 1-4, 2 zlotych for 1 liter; 1$=2, 76 zl and 1 US gallon= 3, 7854l). Anyway I wrote already an example where I made a difference between Ford and Audi. You wrote truck, you mean this?
[url]http: //trucks. About.com/cs/dodgetruckphotos/l/bl_05dakota_04. Htm[/url]
Of course it’s not popular:.) It’s good for someone as you, if you’re 6’0. I’m only 5’26. Can you imagine me trying to get into this car? Especially if I wear a nice, tight skirt. Now you have an answer why it’s not popular;.)
Ok gentlemen. I have to admit to one more thing. A I wrote I found your forum by accident. And when I saw a thread about AW I was really interesting what you write. It’s a little about men ‘s point of view but I was really surprised that you’re so unsatisfied with AW. To tell the truth my EE male friends didn’t complain so much or they complained for all women of the world;.) But what’s more important for me, someone I care about was/is? Convinced that EE women are better. It was only an accident that I was born in Poland. It only gives you information that English isn’t my native language but it can’t say if I have garbage in my head or not.
Lately I found also another thread at this forum: "Marrying Foreign Women". Rock Dog wrote there a post:
"Let's make up a little "Service Comparison".
Local women.... mostly (50 - 75%) fat and/or out of shape.
Foreign women..... very few (5 - 10%) fat or out of shape.
Local women...... poisoned by feminist ideology.
Foreign women..... what's a feminist?
Local women...... view men as adversaries, at best.. someone to be exploited.
Foreign women...... View men as caregivers and therefore someone to be supported and respected.
Local women.... 60% chance of getting a divorce.
Foreign women.... Don't know for sure, but it's got to be less than that.
Local women...... want to marry one that's 10 yrs younger? Mission Impossible
Foreign women..... 5, 10, 15 yrs younger?..... not a problem!
Local women..... have expectations bordering on fantasy, when they look between their legs they see a million dollar asset.
Foreign women... tend to be far more practical and realistic in their expectations. For them, owning a vagina is no big deal, because they know every other girl has one too.”
I won’t comment the part about shape. You can find fat people all over the world. And I know what the feminism is. You perceive it as an ideology who changed women from ideal angels into creatures without hearts. It’s not truth. Feminism let women to be independent and equal individuals in the positive way. The behavior you describe (greed, lack of respect for other people etc) has noting to do with feminism. It’s about someone’s character, so don’t blame feminism.
I don’t think that AW view you, gentlemen, as someone they can exploit. If some of them view you this way I think they would also look in the same way at e. G. EE men and EE women. You simply had a bad luck to meet such people who see only your money. And if someone gives you love it’s normal that you treat this person with respect. It doesn’t mean if he/she from Europe, US or Australia.
Especially for you I found some data from 2004. It was a very important year because it had the biggest amount of divorce in all history of Poland. Sic! In all history. So maybe you’ll find it interesting.
In 2004 there was +- 56 000 of divorces. It’s 293, 2 for every1000 of new marriages and 14, 7 for 10 000 of people (Poland has 38mln of people). The reasons: 32% incompatibility of spouses’ character, 24% unfaithfulness, 9% reprehensible attitude toward the members of family, 9% financial problems, 3% others. In 75% of cases it was a woman who asked for divorce. 70% of divorces is without verdict about someone’s fault. I’m interested from where you took this 60%. Did you find any data or you aren’t sure again?
Yes, you’re right. 15 years of difference isn’t a big problem, at least for me. Do you want to know why? Because I don’t look at these 15 years but at a man. I don’t know where’s the problem. That he will die first, yes? :.) I don’t remember that someone gave me a guarantee that it would happen. And what if I die in a car accident and he will be healthy to the old age? What if I get a message that I have a leukemia, being 35, and he won’t even get a cough? We don’t know gentlemen what’s waiting for us. I don’t like to make plans for the next 20 years of my life because I can’t be sure anything. Besides if I had leukemia and I knew that I have only 1 year of life I would like to enjoy it even more. I wouldn’t care if the beloved person is 20 or 40.
And no, I don’t see a million $ between my legs. I guess I would be a polish national treasure if I had it there;.) And because I had biology at school I know also that other girls have vagina (not only in my country). But gentlemen, I promise that if I’m so famous as J. Lo I’ll insure my precious butt for 1 million $. Then Rock Dog will be able to say that even Polish girls see between their legs a million dollar asset.
I only don’t understand why gentlemen write so many unpleasant things about AW.[/QUOTE]
For what it's worth, I know there are a lot of women here in the USA that are outstanding, if I were thinking about living in the United States and having a family here I would almost certainly marry an American woman. That's just me - my opinion based on my experiences.
Also, from my experience, money is a relatively less important factor to American women than it is for women where the per capita GNP is lower. American women are more removed from thinking about money - many worry more about finding something deeper, something more about the contrasts, colors and textures of life. I think this makes it more difficult for a lot of guys to understand them, since money plays a major part in the way a lot of guys think about themselves and their place in the world. A lot of girls in other countries have a much more "grounded" way of thinking about things, so there's often more common ground between American men and these women.
I know a few guys, divorced guys specifically, that will point out that money is what it is all about when a American marriage is falling apart, but I don't know that territory. I just think money is not the only, or even the principle, thing on a woman's mind leading up to the marriage.
Amen J.D.
""A lot of girls in other countries have a much more "grounded" way of thinking about things, so there's often more common ground between American men and these women.""
I agree with Jelly D, and by grounded, my feeling is that foreign women think in terms of "the family" and not themselves so much.
Men, absolutely are brought up to be the bread winners and having a good source of income is crucial for the support(house, cars, vacations, etc) , AW do not think of the family in the same respect, AW think( clothes, cosmetics, etc)....
I was married to an AW, and now have a Panamanian GF, the difference in family values is mazing. My AW ex, now remarried, still not work, still goes to school at age 36, has house cleaners, and stops at the grocery store for a take out dinner. My Panamanian GF works, comes home cooks, and the kids help clean the house, it is a family effort.
Sure there are probably some good AW, but it is so difficult to find amongst the rubble. AW as a group, think more of themselves than of a commitment to family. I work in an office and listen to the AW complain about their men. Apparently, us AM are not living up to what the AW are reading in their novels. Again, these AW are living in a world apart from reality of being part of a family.
FourMoney was talking about driving a truck, a 5 ton truck with 18 wheels and 40 feet long carrying goods across the country. We not only don't use trains much to transport people, we don't use them much for freight either!
And personally I have never complained about AW using men IN THAT WAY. There are some big cultural differences at work here.
My biggest problem with my AW wife whom I divorced was simply that she couldn't accept me as the person that I am and felt she needed to change me. My current fiancée would cut off both her breasts before she would do something like this, and I feel the same way towards her. I want her to be herself forever and only want to help her change the things about her that SHE wants to change.
And yes her job is extremely difficult. It affects her sex drive of course, because she is not made of wood, she has REAL orgasms while she's working and that tires her out. Her work is very physically demanding in many surprising ways, and because of all that she probably won't be working at it full time for the rest of her life. But there are positives about it too, she gets to work on her languages, especially English, and she gets an insight few of us have into human nature.
I actually have the highest respect for women who work in the sex industry in any way. I think many of them are the wisest people on the planet.
I think America as a country and as a culture (if one could even say America really has a culture in the same way a place like Poland has), is suffering like it never has before in its history, and it's not really a problem with women, it is a combination of deep rooted problems with its cultural institutions. I think part of the problem is the car, like you pointed out, people are just FASCINATED with it here, which is something I never understood, I love my bicycle! :P but part of it also is that people have very unrealistic expectations of each other here, both women AND men.
I don't think too many AM are going to solve the problems by marrying foreign women either, because the expectations are still artificially high, and eventually ANY woman is going to fall short, in many cases. Likewise, I think many foreign women actually DO believe bullshit like 'American men don't cheat' etc. and they hold a lot of myths that can be dangerous.
Also the big problem between two people from two different countries and two different cultures is that unless you are really really well off financially you have to live in ONE country which means that generally the person who moves is going to have to learn a new culture. First off, that means there is a very real danger of sometimes very severe culture shock.
This is especially a big deal for Latin American women coming up to Canada or the US. Many of them have only heard the positives of North America and none of the negatives, and they are totally mentally unprepared for what actually awaits them. Many women from Latin countries come up here for the first time and just BURST INTO TEARS at what they see, especially if they were actually from a nice middle-class neighborhood in some South American city and they wind up living somewhere real gritty up here. Not to mention the loss of closeness to family and friends etc. it can be a big problem.
That is one of the many reasons I'm moving to Bogota to be with my girl, instead of she up here with me. Fortunately in my case I've been hanging out with Colombians for the past 12-13 years or so, already speak the language well, and have a good handle on the culture.
NYC may not exactly be hell on Earth, hell, I still consider it the best part of the whole USA, but for her it would be a horrible experience. The dirt, the rats, the garbage etc. all doesn't bother me but it would drive her up the wall! Not to mention she has a son and can send him to a REALLY good school in Bogota, it's expensive for her but it's possible. Here to duplicate THAT quality of education would cost $20k a year or more, which is just impossible for most mortal humans.
yes i meant 5 ton freightliner trucks, 10 forward speed, 2 reverse, alum 23" wheels, sleeps 2, room for my laptop, fridge and tv... if truck drivers stopped all of a sudden the us and canada would come to a screeching halt! only about 30% of the freight in america moves by train, its just too slow.
the passenger trains are deathly slow, that's why people don't use it. if we had a high speed rail system like they have throughout most of europe and japan, things would be different.
i had fun driving trucks, i may do it again. i can't think of an easier way to make 35k or more a year.
i love cars, i have 2 bikes, what's wrong with that? i do this with my cars -
red car on the left...
i don't know why mmbmmb thinks we are generalizing, some of the things we say are generalizations but not far from reality.
i can't escape the fact that i connect with european women on a different level than american women. clearly you haven't been through the lower 48 states. i much rather stay here and i really, really don't care what most people's personal views on our state are. yeah the ground moves, it moved on sunday. it moves all the time, you don't always feel it.
i don't see the purpose in moving to say nebraska just to find a woman.
have you been to nebraska???
to visit is fine, to live..... not for a city boy like me!
bango -
i don't think marrying foreign woman is an answer either. however for some of us, i feel its our only shot at happiness. i wouldn't worry about it either, enough american and canadian men are brainwashed into thinking this is the only place they should be looking for a mate.
i don't know what i have to tell mmbmmb that dating here for me is a complete lost cause. i don't like the women i have available to me. just what am i suppose to do with that, make lemonade out of lemons???
i already tried that.
i don't want to date single mothers (not ideal but...)
i don't want to date bbw's (been there, done that)
i don't want to date women older than me (for obvious reasons)
so as krs-one once say "so what the fuck am i suppose to do?"
i'll tell you what i'm going to do.
i'm going to put the 2-3 german single mothers on the backburner and seek some childless, younger and single women. american women 25-30 think i'm too old, you said it yourself mmbmmb you don't mind a 15 year age difference. i'm only shooting for 10-12 years. any younger than that is just too young imho.
is that horrible???
the women here childless and over 30 are that way for reasons i don't always agree with and i wouldn't want to get trapped into a relationship with them anyway.
not looking doesn't work for me either. if i don't look, i don't hang around in areas where women are always and the women i currently work with, well, hell no!
i don't think all aw are generally horrible, but the bad ones out number the good ones!
2 photos
I don’t know why but the links don’t work, both mine and yours.
Anyway now I understand what kind of truck you talked about (the photo number 1) I thought that you meant the car from the second photo. It’s also described as a truck, at least in internet.
It doesn’t change the fact that the both are too big for someone who’s 5,2, wearing a hat ;-)
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]I think America as a country and as a culture (if one could even say America really has a culture in the same way a place like Poland has), is suffering like it never has before in its history, and it's not really a problem with women, it is a combination of deep rooted problems with its cultural institutions. I think part of the problem is the car, like you pointed out, people are just FASCINATED with it here, which is something I never understood, I love my bicycle! :P but part of it also is that people have very unrealistic expectations of each other here, both women AND men.[/QUOTE]Well, so here’s the problem, not because AW are greedy, bitchy, overweight, picky, ugly, unfaithful and so on. All these features are only the symptoms.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]I don't think too many AM are going to solve the problems by marrying foreign women either, because the expectations are still artificially high, and eventually ANY woman is going to fall short, in many cases.[/QUOTE]Truth because if you don’t respect your partner (or you look for a submissive toy) it won’t help even if your girl is from Mars or an other planet of Solar System.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Also the big problem between two people from two different countries and two different cultures is that unless you are really really well off financially you have to live in ONE country which means that generally the person who moves is going to have to learn a new culture. First off, that means there is a very real danger of sometimes very severe culture shock. This is especially a big deal for Latin American women coming up to Canada or the US. Many of them have only heard the positives of North America and none of the negatives, and they are totally mentally unprepared for what actually awaits them. Many women from Latin countries come up here for the first time and just BURST INTO TEARS at what they see, especially if they were actually from a nice middle-class neighborhood in some South American city and they wind up living somewhere real gritty up here. Not to mention the loss of closeness to family and friends etc. it can be a big problem
[/QUOTE]I agree but one could write a book about it. Latin American women aren’t the only ones who have to go through it. That’s way my polish friends call me “stupid”. They simply think that US looks like in TV. I have to admit that US have a very good propagandistic machine called Hollywood. Don’t get me wrong. United States has its own disadvantages and advantages, like every country. But for sure it’s not a paradise where you’ll change into a millionaire already at the airport
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]And personally I have never complained about AW using men IN THAT WAY. There are some big cultural differences at work here.[/QUOTE]I wrote about AW here because I meant that they “sell” you fantasy about happiness and after you end with an empty bank account after divorce. This is what I meant. Your fiancée, as AW, sell fantasy but in her case you know in advance what you can expect (if you’re not a naïve idiot). You know that it’s just her work. If it’s about AW, you really believe that she loves you even if it’s only an illusion
[QUOTE=Paesano63]Married a Russian girl and brought her back to the US , mind you we were both in our 20's at the time, I thought it would really work. She divorced me and married a doctor (20 years senior), now she she's back in school, does no housework (has cleaners come in) and spends $100 on her haircuts, the typical spoiled american woman.
I agree with Jelly D, and by grounded, my feeling is that foreign women think in terms of "the family" and not themselves so much.
Men, absolutely are brought up to be the bread winners and having a good source of income is crucial for the support(house, cars, vacations, etc) , AW do not think of the family in the same respect, AW think( clothes, cosmetics, etc).
I was married to an AW, and now have a Panamanian GF, the difference in family values is mazing. My AW ex, now remarried, still not work, still goes to school at age 36, has house cleaners, and stops at the grocery store for a take out dinner. My Panamanian GF works, comes home cooks, and the kids help clean the house, it is a family effort.[/QUOTE]So your wife was from Russia, not Unites States? You mean that now she has the citizenship, yes? I guess you ex-Russian wife isn’t the best example of a girl “in family values”. I’m sure your Panamian girlfriend has a wonderful soul but you see that that the problem is in someone’s character not the nationality
[QUOTE=Paesano63]Sure there are probably some good AW, but it is so difficult to find amongst the rubble. AW as a group, think more of themselves than of a commitment to family. I work in an office and listen to the AW complain about their men. Apparently, us AM are not living up to what the AW are reading in their novels. Again, these AW are living in a world apart from reality of being part of a family.
[/QUOTE][QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I don't know WHAT I have to tell Mmbmmb that dating here for me is a complete lost cause. I don't like the women I have available to me.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I don't think all AW are generally horrible, but the bad ones out number the good ones![/QUOTE]Ok gentlemen, let’s say I believe you. But before I’ll answer you “what the fuck you’re suppose to do” I want to ask you about something.
What AW answered you when you told them the same what you told to me? What was their argumentation?
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]Have you been to Nebraska?[/QUOTE]No, I haven’t. Neither in California. I was only on the east cost of US. That’s why I asked why California is better. I simply wasn’t there and I’d like to know the difference. And I don’t talk about climate but about relationships between men and women
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]American Women 25-30 think I'm too old, you said it yourself Mmbmmb you don't mind a 15 year age difference. I'm only shooting for 10-12 years. Any younger than that is just too young IMHO.Is that horrible?[/QUOTE]No, it’s not horrible. It’s a little similar to attitude of AW who want someone eg no more then 5 years older. If your attitude isn’t horrible, I also don’t think their expectations are.
And if it’s about me, I don’t mind if someone is 15 years older OR younger then me because I look what this man has in his head, not what he has in ID
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Mmb:
FourMoney was talking about driving a truck, a 5 ton truck with 18 wheels and 40 feet long carrying goods across the country. We not only don't use trains much to transport people, we don't use them much for freight either!
And personally I have never complained about AW using men IN THAT WAY. There are some big cultural differences at work here.
My biggest problem with my AW wife whom I divorced was simply that she couldn't accept me as the person that I am and felt she needed to change me. My current fiancée would cut off both her breasts before she would do something like this, and I feel the same way towards her. I want her to be herself forever and only want to help her change the things about her that SHE wants to change.
And yes her job is extremely difficult. It affects her sex drive of course, because she is not made of wood, she has REAL orgasms while she's working and that tires her out. Her work is very physically demanding in many surprising ways, and because of all that she probably won't be working at it full time for the rest of her life. But there are positives about it too, she gets to work on her languages, especially English, and she gets an insight few of us have into human nature.
I actually have the highest respect for women who work in the sex industry in any way. I think many of them are the wisest people on the planet.
I think America as a country and as a culture (if one could even say America really has a culture in the same way a place like Poland has), is suffering like it never has before in its history, and it's not really a problem with women, it is a combination of deep rooted problems with its cultural institutions. I think part of the problem is the car, like you pointed out, people are just FASCINATED with it here, which is something I never understood, I love my bicycle! :P but part of it also is that people have very unrealistic expectations of each other here, both women AND men.
I don't think too many AM are going to solve the problems by marrying foreign women either, because the expectations are still artificially high, and eventually ANY woman is going to fall short, in many cases. Likewise, I think many foreign women actually DO believe bullshit like 'American men don't cheat' etc. and they hold a lot of myths that can be dangerous.
Also the big problem between two people from two different countries and two different cultures is that unless you are really really well off financially you have to live in ONE country which means that generally the person who moves is going to have to learn a new culture. First off, that means there is a very real danger of sometimes very severe culture shock.
This is especially a big deal for Latin American women coming up to Canada or the US. Many of them have only heard the positives of North America and none of the negatives, and they are totally mentally unprepared for what actually awaits them. Many women from Latin countries come up here for the first time and just BURST INTO TEARS at what they see, especially if they were actually from a nice middle-class neighborhood in some South American city and they wind up living somewhere real gritty up here. Not to mention the loss of closeness to family and friends etc. it can be a big problem.
That is one of the many reasons I'm moving to Bogota to be with my girl, instead of she up here with me. Fortunately in my case I've been hanging out with Colombians for the past 12-13 years or so, already speak the language well, and have a good handle on the culture.
NYC may not exactly be hell on Earth, hell, I still consider it the best part of the whole USA, but for her it would be a horrible experience. The dirt, the rats, the garbage etc. all doesn't bother me but it would drive her up the wall! Not to mention she has a son and can send him to a REALLY good school in Bogota, it's expensive for her but it's possible. Here to duplicate THAT quality of education would cost $20k a year or more, which is just impossible for most mortal humans.[/QUOTE]
America is definitey suffering a major crisis that it never has in the past, not really an economic one, but a cultural and moral one that would eventually effect its economic and political future. There is a lot of unprecedented competition around the world for global supremacy, coming from Asia and Europe, this is happening at a time when the American culture, particularly its youth culture is failing to produce strong leaders. The feminists have completely castrated the American male to be completely useless in a very chaotic world this is dangerous.
the same page....
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]
This is especially a big deal for Latin American women coming up to Canada or the US. Many of them have only heard the positives of North America and none of the negatives, and they are totally mentally unprepared for what actually awaits them. Many women from Latin countries come up here for the first time and just BURST INTO TEARS at what they see, especially if they were actually from a nice middle-class neighborhood in some South American city and they wind up living somewhere real gritty up here. Not to mention the loss of closeness to family and friends etc. it can be a big problem.
That is one of the many reasons I'm moving to Bogota to be with my girl, instead of she up here with me. Fortunately in my case I've been hanging out with Colombians for the past 12-13 years or so, already speak the language well, and have a good handle on the culture.
NYC may not exactly be hell on Earth, hell, I still consider it the best part of the whole USA, but for her it would be a horrible experience. The dirt, the rats, the garbage etc. all doesn't bother me but it would drive her up the wall! Not to mention she has a son and can send him to a REALLY good school in Bogota, it's expensive for her but it's possible. Here to duplicate THAT quality of education would cost $20k a year or more, which is just impossible for most mortal humans.[/QUOTE]
Exactly! You've thought all this stuff through. It sounds like you're a few years ahead of me in terms of making it happen. I hope you'll keep updating the board when you move to Bogota. It sounds like you've already laid the groundwork and know most everything to expect.
I can't remember where it is on this board, probably the Bogota thread, but Straight Shooter wrote a report called "Hope This Will Explain Life Here Compared To The United States" which discusses life in Bogota for an ex-pat. It seems like the most common-sense way to move through life.
Bango spend a good amount of time in another city, one with a reputation for a good quality of life, I moved to Sydney from New York City, I absolutely love Sydney but wouldn't go to NYC if you gave me $10 million(well maybe).
When you bring up any of the subjects to American Woman -
They Say: [i]Housework is beneath them[/i]
If your at home all fricken day what else are you SUPPOSE to be doing???
They Say: [i]I don't need a man, but if the right one came along it would be nice...[/i]
Career and Status are more important to most women. So they go to school, work hard and make it to the top. Around 35 their lives are empty and the biological clock is forever ticking. So they RUSH to find somebody like themselves.
When they can't find a male carbon-copy, they claim "There Are No Good Men Left"
California isn't better, its actually WORST from a relationship stand point. The woman have Stars and Dollar Signs in their eyes. If your game is tight, can flash some green, get seats next to Jack at the Laker games or down 1st base line at Dodger Stadium, you're cell phone will hardly stop ringin and you'll have a selection of women from East Coast, NoCal and the Mid West.
FSU Women already here have a small network. I dated a Hungarian girl about this time last year. For whatever reason she dissed me. I dunno, just didn't click I guess. I did hit it, twice so it wasn't a complete LOST.
But she's the only non-American woman I have dated in the last 11 months.
I did meet a 41 year old divorced woman with style reminiscent of the 90's. She has financial problems and frankly I don't wanna be apart of that, while she struggles to pay her mortgage.
The only other girl I have had more than one conversation wanted to spend more time with her dog than me.
Oh I also can't forget the overweight single mother of 3 that couldn't seem to find time to meet me either.
Whatever it is I'm doing here its not working.
Its time to take my "act" overseas. The Hungarian took a brother shopping (I paid!), cooked for a brother (more than once) and even cut my hair a couple of times.
Only my EX even approached that level of appreciation for her man, but she was from a small town in Arizona.
All younger than me by at least 8 years as well.
I'm doing the right thing for me. It might not be the right thing for somebody else.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]When you bring up any of the subjects to American Woman -
They Say: [i]Housework is beneath them[/i]
If your at home all fricken day what else are you SUPPOSE to be doing???
They Say: [i]I don't need a man, but if the right one came along it would be nice...[/i]
Career and Status are more important to most women. So they go to school, work hard and make it to the top. Around 35 their lives are empty and the biological clock is forever ticking. So they RUSH to find somebody like themselves.
When they can't find a male carbon-copy, they claim "There Are No Good Men Left"
[/QUOTE]Hmm, it’s interesting. At the beginning I didn’t know what to think because it’s not an argumentation which leads to a discussion but “a defense” or whishes.
I’d like to ask you DJ FourMoney, and you gentlemen, have you ever read a women’s magazine like “Cosmopolitan”, “Glamour” or “Elle”? Sometimes I buy them. I’m always astonished when I read them. The amount of commercials, full of beautiful girls who aren’t real, is huge. Anyone can’t equal such ideal:
But I like reading there articles about fashion, make-up etc. Sometimes interviews with different people but most of them are simply not interesting. Anyway articles about relationships, sex, psychological problems etc. are the most frightening in these magazines. You can find there for example “a guy decoder” or read “guy-advice guru” who answers the reader’s questions. Let me copy some question for you:
-"I hate my boyfriend's best friend! What should I do?"
-"Does my boyfriend's online chatting count as cheating?"
-"Should I go to a strip club with my boyfriend?"
-"He's a guy — shouldn't he be wanting sex all the time?"
-"Is it a mistake to have sex on the first date?"
-"How can I get him to do what I want to do?"
- "Why won't he do the laundry like I asked?"
- "Why does he get so naughty during sex?"
-"Why doesn't he care about the wedding?"
-"How can I convince the guy I went home with that I'm not a sl*t?"
-“His weird seduction moves turn me off"
-"I think my boyfriend is gay"
-"How do I tell my guy I'm a 25-year-old virgin without freaking him out?"
-"I make a lot more money than my man does"
- "My guy and my mom have more in common than he and I do"
-"Why do I always get dumped after the third date?"
Ok, it’s enough gentlemen. Am I the only one person who has impression that I don’t read magazines for adult people but for teenagers?
The message all media try to give people, especially women, is simple. If you want o be “a hot chick” you have to buy a handbag from Gucci, to look like Lindsay Lohan, to work as a model, to sleep with everyone who’s famous(=in fashion) and to spend holidays in Paris. And when you have it all you’ll be happy. There’s no deeper reflection what it is “happiness”. Sex is like drinking a Starbucks’s coffee. They don’t write about any STD ( only how not to get pregnant) or the influence of sex into psyche (your and your partner’s one). Sleeping with 5 guys at the same time is normal. When they write about beauty they only advice what kind of cream you have to buy, not that beauty is also in your attitude to life.
Do you know what I want to say gentlemen? That the only one pattern of happiness is being of extra slim model with Moschino’s coat who drinks caramel frappuccino. And money for all this stuff you have from 1) your man or rich daddy/family 2) salary for photo session or 3) inheritance.
And people believe in that. Another problem is that many women think they should be perfect in everything. (It’s hard to look like Paris Hilton if you have 3 kids and you work from 8 to 18 o’clock) But nobody can. You can’t be the best employee, mother, wife, sister, friend 24/7 etc. because it’s even the faster way to get a heart attack then sex with Polvo ;-)
They think that if they work harder and they demand more they will be happy one day. The problem is that if we can’t enjoy our lives now we probably won’t enjoy them in the future. It doesn’t matter how rich we will be.
I think Bango Cheito was right writing “I think America as a country and as a culture (if one could even say America really has a culture in the same way a place like Poland has), is suffering like it never has before in its history, and it's not really a problem with women, it is a combination of deep rooted problems with its cultural institutions.”.
We already wrote about eg consumerism, greed, materialism, selfishness. And it’s not only a problem of US.
CBGBConnisur wrote ” I made my post about the petrodollar, it has continued to fall, so much that in Europe an American official was questioned by the press as to what the hell is happening. Ask Fan Gang from China about what he thinks about the US Dollar”.
In a few years, maybe 10, maybe 15, you’ll see what will happen to all those “paradises full of good women” when economy of their countries is better. If someone can’t respect an other person now, he/she will never do this. It has nothing to do with money. I respect a dustman and his work because without it I would live in a dump. But there are people who say “He’s only a dustman. I won’t talk to him” or people who say ”He’s only a stupid, fat American. What he can know?”
And now: “what the fuck you’re suppose to do”
Well, DJ FourMoney, if your situation in US seems so hopeless you should go overseas. I think it’s the only one way to find out if the foreign women are better for you. If they aren’t, at least you will visit some places, you’ll meet new people and you won’t regret: “I didn’t even try”.
Anyway I hope you’ll be happy and you’ll find what you are looking for. I wish you luck.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]Bango spend a good amount of time in another city, one with a reputation for a good quality of life, I moved to Sydney from New York City, I absolutely love Sydney but wouldn't go to NYC if you gave me $10 million(well maybe).[/QUOTE]
I lived 6 years in Toronto before NYC. And NYC is MUCH better than Toronto. Toronto has worse air pollution, worse water, worse traffic, higher taxes, AND more crime to boot! TO has a better reputation than NY as a city but it's TOTALLY UNDESERVED IMO.
I've been all over the US too. I hate it. I like riding my bicycle, and taking transit I HATE cars and can't stand driving. In most of the US you have no choice but to get a car and drive if you ever wanna get anywhere.
I'm moving to Bogota, which has a HORRIBLE reputation as a city but actually is a quite nice place. It has a great climate, great food, great public transpotation (AND bike paths), incredible nightlife and people, the cost of living is super cheap, even by shitty local economic standards, it's probably the most underrated place on Earth. Of course even 10 years ago it was still a total dump, dangerous and choked with some of the world's worst traffic and air pollution.
Not to mention, the whole city just SCREAMS sex, kind of like NYC did back in the day. Of course I wouldn't recommend it for just anyone, especially if you don't have a great command of Spanish, you'll totally miss out on everything there without it!
MMB, the media just about everywhere on the planet does that these days, it aims at stupid and immature people, and encourages stupidity and immaturity. They can sell more shit to more people if they aren't very good critical thinkers and can't control their emotional impulses very well. I haven't owned a TV in years and I think I have gotten a lot LESS stupid because of it :P
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito] I'm moving to Bogota,..It has ... great public transpotation (AND bike paths),[/QUOTE]Bogota, Colombia? As in drug cartels and gun culture? And bike paths? Would that it were true.
Thanks Mmbmmb
The majority of Americans are "sheep" they follow what they are told. Which is why Cosmo has no problem filling over 200 pages of a magazine with ads.
In Men's Magazines like Men's Health, they actually look at it as most of us on forum look at it and is sort of a defense guide, because nobody else is willing to write one as its not PC. After all MEN don't need help right? We already have all the answers...
I never said I couldn't find anybody here. I'm just saying the time and money needed to invest in the local market or even extending my search to other states would cost just as much as flying overseas several times to meet women until I find a match.
I just felt my money is better spent in a more interesting place, meeting people and learning about other cultures for the betterment of ME. If in that I find somebody that has all the things I'm looking for then great! I just feel my chances are about 50% better than here.
Biking is popular in Bogotá. So, yes, it is true.
[QUOTE=Happy Bigamist]Bogota, Colombia? As in drug cartels and gun culture? And bike paths? Would that it were true.[/QUOTE]
In a few years, maybe 10, maybe 15, you’ll see what will happen to all those “paradises full of good women” when economy of their countries is better.[/QUOTE]
Yes. This is a big issue, it seems like it's going to suck being a guy on planet earth in 50 years.
But that's someone else's problem.
Let's flip your perspective. Yes, those magazines are filled with mindless drivel for women, as most things in media are. But those magazines are aimed only at women. BY women. Now take a look at any TV commercial featuring a man and woman in the US. The male will ALWAYS be made to look like an incompetent childish idiot. ALWAYS. And these commercials are seen nationwide by both genders. The same goes for any comedy on TV. Hell, even the dramas only have male villains. If a female is a villain, which is hardly ever, she is super-hot.
Basically media caters to the LCD, the lowest common denominator. It hurts our perception of men and women. It tells women they can be a CEO a mom and a supermodel all at once. It tells women that men are dumb and incompetent. It fills the minds of people with luxury items that few can really really afford comfortably, but many go in debt to achieve. If folks looked within themselves for happiness instead of some material goods, then maybe we wouldn't have so many postings on this forum.
Then again, what do I know? I'm powerlifter/video gamer/history buff that likes to think their is an attractive sweet girl somewhere on the planet for me.
I really need to learn how to paragraph. =)
Happy Friday, folks!
[QUOTE=Furiouz]Let's flip your perspective. Yes, those magazines are filled with mindless drivel for women, as most things in media are. But those magazines are aimed only at women. BY women. Now take a look at any TV commercial featuring a man and woman in the US. The male will ALWAYS be made to look like an incompetent childish idiot. ALWAYS. And these commercials are seen nationwide by both genders. The same goes for any comedy on TV. Hell, even the dramas only have male villains. If a female is a villain, which is hardly ever, she is super-hot.
Basically media caters to the LCD, the lowest common denominator. It hurts our perception of men and women. It tells women they can be a CEO a mom and a supermodel all at once. It tells women that men are dumb and incompetent. It fills the minds of people with luxury items that few can really really afford comfortably, but many go in debt to achieve. If folks looked within themselves for happiness instead of some material goods, then maybe we wouldn't have so many postings on this forum.
Then again, what do I know? I'm powerlifter/video gamer/history buff that likes to think their is an attractive sweet girl somewhere on the planet for me.
Chances are she's in Europe and I pretty much can confirm that. I don't believe there is only one match. I feel your matches can range from 80%-100% compatible. It really depends if you want to put up with her personalty faults and weather she'll put up with yours.
I learned a long time ago you should eliminate the ones that bother you the most.
For me is indecision, smoking, obesity & general lack of common sense
European women seem to be better informed, but that doesn't mean they automatically make the best decisions, after all I know one girl in Germany with 3 kids from 2 different fathers and she's never been married...
Smoking is big in Europe but I always felt if they loved you enough they would quit...
Obesity is a given because just how many fat girls are in Europe? If you go OUT OF YOUR WAY you'll find some, but generally most are slim to average, which suits me perfectly
Common sense you can really only find out by spending extended time with the woman in question and just see how she reacts to problems and questions. Is she a problem solver or a complainer? I think we can agree problem solvers are better in touch with common sense...
I'm always up for Wingmen... I'm pretty sure I'll be making at least 2-3 more trips before I find somebody.
1 photos
Writing about magazines I wanted to draw your attention to expectations towards women, not only AW. And exactly, magazines "say" to women that they have to be, not that they can be, "a CEO a mom and a supermodel all at once". I already wrote it’s hard because if you work 10-12h a day to be a CEO you can’t find time to go with your child to art classes or to prepare dinner for your husband. The problem is that "modern world" expects that you can do this. And women feel guilty. If they are "a mom at home" and they don’t make a career then they have no ambition and in my country people call them "home hens". It means that someone is stupid and good only for house cleaning. Unluckily people didn’t learn yet that it’s also work and cleaning ladies are expensive if they don’t work at their own houses. On the other hand if you work hard to be a CEO and you haven’t children you’re selfish old maiden without heart because it’s the role of woman to take care of family.
Do you understand gentlemen? Whatever you do it’s always wrong. And I have impression that women got lost in that all. They aren’t stupid "sheep". They don’t hurt you because it’s funny for them. They want happiness but they don’t know to the end what it is and how to get it. Gentlemen, there’s no man or woman who doesn’t make any mistakes. We all are imperfect but we can learn. If we made a mistake and we haven’t to do it again. Women’s magazines show only one version of happiness and people believed in it because media has a huge power all over the world. It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman in Poland, US or China. We all read the same version of articles and we see the same photos. To tell the truth if I see a young girl with fashionable clothes I can’t say where she comes from. H&M, Gap, Benetton or Banana Republic are well-known everywhere.
And the fact that "those magazines are filled with mindless drivel for women, as most things in media are" is a problem. I think it’s only about money. They try to sell as much bullshit as they can. Lately I went to H&M to buy some clothes. I saw a sale and I bought a blouse. I paid for it about 5$ but the first price, before sale, was 25$. Now gentlemen, tell me, how do you think, how much does it cost to produce this blouse? It’s a product made in China. They had to transport the blouse to Poland, to pay the duty and fee for factory which made it. The store also had to earn its own money so I started to wonder how much it costs to produce my blouse. I’m not astonished anymore that Madonna design for and advertise H&M because without her interview eg in Cosmo that " I love Viktor & Rolf collection for H&M and I’m happy that I can design for them. Etc. " nobody would buy their clothes. The quality of it is even below "the sea level";.)
And it’s not only H&M which makes its clothes in China. Look at your Nike shoes or Tommy Hilfiger’s jeans.
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]Yes. This is a big issue, it seems like it's going to suck being a guy on planet earth in 50 years.
But that's someone else's problem.[/QUOTE]Jelly Donut, I prefer when you are an optimist :-) Think that you have at least 10 or 15 years to find the “super women” ;-)
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]In Men's Magazines like Men's Health, they actually look at it as most of us on forum look at it and is sort of a defense guide, because nobody else is willing to write one as its not PC. After all MEN don't need help right? We already have all the answers...[/QUOTE]I have to admit gentlemen that you inspire me to get to know new things. I’m not omniscient. I’ve never read any men’s magazine so I decided to do it. I checked Men’s Health, Playboy and AskMen.com.
Well, it was even funny. I couldn’t believe that your female neighbors look like on the photo “The girls next door” (I attached it) ;-) And I found also some questions/tips which are interesting for men:
-4 Sex Tricks Women Use
-7 Lap Dance Moves To Make You Melt
-5 Types Of Men Every Woman Wants
-What to do when she won’t return your calls.
-Why Women Like Jerks
-Places To Find Kid-Friendly Women
-Female Qualities Single Dads Should Look For
-Wanting Your Friend’s Girlfriend
-Is Her Flirting Serious?
And so on :-)
Sometimes, gentlemen, I have impression that, in these magazines, we are “alien creatures” for each other ;-)
One of my favorite books is “Solaris” by Stanislav Lem. There was a film based on it, by Steven Soderbergh, but it wasn’t outstanding. It was more famous for George Clooney’s naked butt so you haven’t to watch it ;-) Anyway the book was about a psychologist, Chris Kelvin. He was sent to a space station to checked why the commander of an expedition to the planet “Solaris” died. Well, the plot is interesting but the real “hero” of the book is the planet. It’s a big, alive organism. They try to examine it and to establish any contact but it’s no use. They are tired and don’t understand it. It’s not what they expected to meet. They rather thought that they would meet different races similar to human race but they weren’t prepared for something like Solaris. The author states that people like searching mirrors ,their own image in all new things. In naivety we thinks that everything feels (thinks?) in the same way how we feel. It’s not truth to the end. Luckily we don’t have to establish contact with alive planets :-) but with other people.
I agree with you that communication is the key but to communicate with the others we need understanding, a little imagination and a lot of good will :-) You really don’t need the tips what to do when she keep telling you “Not tonight, sweetheart. I have a headache” ;-) All we can do it’s to tell our partner what we feel and what’s wrong. After it’s up to her/his what to answer and how to solve the problem. If she/he doesn’t want to talk or rejects offer of counseling etc what else you can do? You can’t live instead of someone. One should do all what one can but anyone can’t make decisions for someone else. I always try to be sincere and to do everything to fix up the things but to create/keep a relationship we need also the second side.
[QUOTE=Furiouz]Now take a look at any TV commercial featuring a man and woman in the US. The male will ALWAYS be made to look like an incompetent childish idiot. ALWAYS[/QUOTE]And what’s wrong with this guy?
Never say never (or always) ;-)
Or maybe you haven’t this commercial in US?
[QUOTE=Happy Bigamist]Bogota, Colombia? As in drug cartels and gun culture? And bike paths? Would that it were true.[/QUOTE]
Dude, why write when you obviously don't know??
1) the two big cartels were in Medellin and Cali, NOT Bogota
2) Muggers use knives there, not gunsas a rule. How do I know, I've seen it, THREE TIMES! The US is the 'gun culture' country, dude.
3) [url]http://www.idu.gov.co/sist_trans/ciclorrutas.htm#[/url] ... go to the bottom, click on "Descargar Plano de CicloRuta" ... it's the best bike path system IN THE WORLD!
Next time think before you vomit. Thanks.
MMB what I think would make things better is if everybody threw their TV in the garbage, left their cars at home, and started transporting themselves by other means that might actually mean contact with the rest of the human race. I doubt it's going to happen anytime soon in America!! BUT it would certainly go a long way towards curing us of our alienation and isolation and our anti-social tendencies!
Jelly Donut, I prefer when you are an optimist :-) Think that you have at least 10 or 15 years to find the “super women” ;-)
Excellent. Well, by nature I am an optimist - I feel damn fortunate when I look around me, but that does not mean I can afford to ignore the future and the fickle nature of God.
Besides, your projection is an optimistic one - in the not-to-distant future the circumstances of women around the world will be much improved - and I agree with it or at least I hope it will turn out true. I think if things do not improve for women, and the poorest countries, in the next couple of generations things will be worse for everyone, everywhere.
Still, that has implications for men. Right now, I live in a country with a relatively high standard of living and this gives me advantages in terms of finding women in countries where the per capita GNP is lower. To my way of thinking, that's not any different than a guy who grew up in Palm Springs romancing a girl from suburban Seattle; he has some advantages. It's just the way it is.
But as the GNP of both China and India and Brazil and so on increase, it's naturally going to throw a big series of problems in the ISG mix. Demand is going to increase as guys from, say, Poland can increasingly afford to go to Thailand. And supply will decrease as the quality of life improves in, say, Brazil. It's a grim long-term forcast for many future ISG readers - but it's probably not going to be a major issue for current readers. By the time things get really hard, most of us will be to old to care anymore.
And again, in the big picture it may not serve the best long-term interests of ISG readers - but it's an optimistic vision for the world.
Mmb, I think we are sort of arguing the same point from a different angle. In general, the media fosters unrealistic expectations through print and video for both genders. I think the case is too many people fall for it, for that stereotype.
Case in point. One of my clients is 5'1 140lbs. Now that sounds like a big woman, and she can stand to gain some lean mass and drop her body fat percentage. But she is easily one of the most attractive women I have ever met. I could easily easily make love to this girl for the next couple of decades. I was watching the other guys in the gym as I was training this client and they ALL just STARED at her. But she is looking to drop 25lbs to fit in some ridiculous size. I keep telling her don't worry about the weight, worry about your health and how you feel. I think she is almost perfect as she is.
As Western men it is becoming more and more difficult to find a true partner in our consumer driven culture. Women can have their run of men as they wish, so they have different problems in that regard. But this is a forum for men. There are ample enough places on the Net for women to vent about their problems.
"Cash Rules Everything Around Me, C.R.E.A.M get the money...dolla dolla bill y'all".
PS-Regarding that commercial, there are anomalies throughout all of nature =P
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]
I'm always up for Wingmen... I'm pretty sure I'll be making at least 2-3 more trips before I find somebody.[/QUOTE]
I'm a pretty good Wing, if I do say so myself =)
Jelly Donut,
Maybe I’m stupid but not so stupid to believe that prostitution will disappear or it will decrease widely. I wouldn't worry so much about ISG's readers. I like to think that it’s a question of poverty but it isn’t, at least not to the end. Prostitutes work also in USA, Canada or Japan. And these countries are wealthy. Even if you don’t work in these countries as a lawyer but as a waitress you aren’t hungry and you can rent a place to live. Of course it’s not a house in the center of Manhattan but you don’t worry that you can’t buy shoes for winter or you have no money for food. I understand that poor girls from eg SA can come to US and to work there as escorts but I don’t believe that all prostitutes are from foreign countries. If you’re a healthy, American girl who graduated high school you have a lot of possibilities eg army or part time job and credit for studies ect. You haven’t to be a sex worker. So why do they decide to work as prostitutes if they aren’t poor? I wrote more about the gentlemen’s “dreamlike princess”.
I have no ambition to save the morality of the world and I have no illusions that my attitude to life is universal.
I know JD that you can say: “I’m too old for that shit she tries to “sell” me.” ;-) But what’s important in life it isn’t only sleeping with as big amount of women as you can. You wouldn’t discuss with me if all what you expected from life is mongering. I also didn’t start any post here.
I just wanted to write gentlemen that you haven’t to agree for all this crap. I mean what you pay for you should get for free from a beloved person. That’s why I wrote “the theory about plants” and all my “golden thoughts”. I was surprised and scared when I was reading your posts before. Let me quote some of them (partly from thread about AW and partly from this about marrying foreign woman):
[QUOTE= Gentlemen]Big Bubba (thread: MFW, 03-03-06)
I was married to a sexy brazilian lady ffor 5 years. treated her like a lady didn't cheat on her. did all my husband duties, kept roof over her head all bills paid food on table even gave her a nice car mazda protege 5 wagon. Even treated her son like a king. Well life was great until her temporary green card arrived then sex slowed down and life started getting crappy, and when the permanent green card arrived she left me in the dirt. Didn't even take shit just walked out of my life.
Now I treat all women for what they are tricks and ho's. And I do plan on bringing a foreign bride over and she will be my live in prostitute I will screw her so much that when her green card gets here she will have a bowling ball sized vagina and thats a fact.
If it sounds like I am sour yes I am and many of you are also thats why we are all on the sex web page discussing sex and sharing women.
I would just rather have *****s for the rest of my life. Not many headaches and I never have to say I love you.
Thats my 2 cents worth. don't even put me down because many of you are on same boat as me for feelings no matter where you live in the world.
NoFatso (AW, 05-30-02)
American women are so nasty, fat, saggy, obese, not taking care of themselves.... all these have to do with the guys! American men make them so. Why? The bad attitude, the lack of taking care of oneself, the "endowment mentality" does not exist in vacumn. It is through ages of reinforcement, encouragement, pampering, from girlhood to womanhood. Everytime you take a fat woman out, everytime you let your woman cheat your money, everytime you wine and dine a woman and did not get laid, everytime you pamper her without a reward of love. The monster is not created overnight. So, guys, blame yourself, not the women.
Chocha Monger (AW, 11-23-06)
The truth is AW are only after one thing. Cash. Their means and methods may vary but the end result is always the same
NicFrenchy(AW, 11-22-06)
American women are completely worthless creatures. Materialistic and heartless.
Ezinho (AW, 10-28-06)
We have a major problem in this country, gentlemen. There is, obviously, a war against men in this country right now, but it's more than just that. There is a war against HETERO men. It is no longer appropriate in this country to find a woman attractive; that's considered a crime now.
OwnaFord1994 (MFW, 03-09-06)
What foreign women offer to these guys is claimed to be "relatively young, attractive wife, who doesn't have her brain poisoned by feminism, materialism and puritanism-at least to start with".[/QUOTE]It’s enough. I guess you know what I mean. I know it’s a forum for men and their problems but if it’s about relationship and love women’s problems are also men’s problems and vice versa. We agreed that the reason of your “failures” with AW is partly a problem of culture, personal character of woman and changes in the American society. So it’s not only fault of AW.
I admit gentlemen that I simply like people and I love life, generally. I like listing to what people have to say because I’m not omniscient and maybe I’ll learn something new. I don’t like to take life seriously and I try to be an optimist. Your posts gentlemen were so full of bitterness. I had impression that every morning you wake up and you start the same mantra: “AW are worthless creatures who declared war against us”. No wonder that life is hard. Do you think gentlemen that Polish men are ideals? So no, they aren’t but life without them would be very boring and without any taste ;-)
Well, I want to think, gentlemen, that even if it’s hard to find a true partner it’s not impossible. But if you think:
“And I do plan on bringing a foreign bride over and she will be my live in prostitute I will screw her so much that when her green card gets here she will have a bowling ball sized vagina” or “There is, obviously, a war against men in this country right now”
You’ll probably never trust anyone again.
[QUOTE=Furiouz]PS-Regarding that commercial, there are anomalies throughout all of nature =P[/QUOTE]In my country people say that an exception confirms the rule. Well, I just like to look for the exceptions and to believe that I can find them more and more ;-)
I haven't had the time to post in the past 2 weeks but some people made interesting points that I want to comment on.
[QUOTE=Ezinho]1. Is it just me, or has anyone else here seen these fat AWs that have somehow snagged good looking, handsome dudes?? Have you guys seen this, I'm talking about the 200+ pound AW wearing bumble-bee glasses going out with a slim, fit AM. Is this some new fad that happened while I was out of the country? Maybe this is the "In" thing to do now, and no one told me (as usual!). The men usually seem like the effeminate types, so maybe it is some sort of dominant/submissive relationship. Or maybe he is gay and just going shopping with his best friend? Help me out here, guys. [/QUOTE]
I have been seeing that for several years. I don't have a definitive answer to the phenomenon. My suspicion is that many of these men just don't know any better. My other suspicion is that the majority of these men need to get married right away for some reason, know that they are marrying WAY down, and plan to get primo pussy on the side throughout their marriage(s).
[QUOTE=Ezinho]2. Has anyone here noticed an increase in AW dating FOREIGN men?? Now, I live in California, so I am specifically talking about the AW that are dating Mexican men. Most of the AW that I see with Hispanic guys are the worst of the worst. I mean we're talking obese, 300+ lbs. Mostly I have seen this combination at the local shopping mall. It seems like the AW is usually bigger than the hispanic guy, and in some instances, seems to be the one "in charge" of the relationship. In a few instances, these poor bastards actually knocked up these women and have kids with them now! Has anyone else seen this? Are these guys just doing it to get the citizenship (that HAS to be it!) or maybe they have a thing for morbidly-obese gringas? And these are the women that won't let *US* bring back women from other countries??? This one really makes me scratch my head. [/QUOTE]
In many 3rd world countries, wher food is scare, being fat is a sign of welath. Fat women aree a sign of good child-bearing ability and are considered beuatiful. There was a movie on this theme recently on HBO called 'Phat Grilz'. It is about American fat women who meet African men who find them beautiful and want to romance them. Maybe some parts of Mexico that is still the standard.
When I was in college, guys form Mali, Senegal, Kenya, etc. were ALL OVER the 300 lb. women like white on rice.
[QUOTE=Paesano63]""A lot of girls in other countries have a much more "grounded" way of thinking about things, so there's often more common ground between American men and these women.""
I agree with Jelly D, and by grounded, my feeling is that foreign women think in terms of "the family" and not themselves so much.
Men, absolutely are brought up to be the bread winners and having a good source of income is crucial for the support(house, cars, vacations, etc) , AW do not think of the family in the same respect, AW think( clothes, cosmetics, etc)....
I was married to an AW, and now have a Panamanian GF, the difference in family values is mazing. My AW ex, now remarried, still not work, still goes to school at age 36, has house cleaners, and stops at the grocery store for a take out dinner. My Panamanian GF works, comes home cooks, and the kids help clean the house, it is a family effort.
Sure there are probably some good AW, but it is so difficult to find amongst the rubble. AW as a group, think more of themselves than of a commitment to family. I work in an office and listen to the AW complain about their men. Apparently, us AM are not living up to what the AW are reading in their novels. Again, these AW are living in a world apart from reality of being part of a family.[/QUOTE]
I agree with this statement in principle. I have dated South American women. Some young pretty ones are just like AWs, have attitudes of wannabe Paris Hilton. Most of the older (past 27) and plainer women are [i]exactly[/i] as described above; very family oriented, willing to work very hard to keep their man satisfied with them and interesting in looking around, very loyal. They make excellent wife material, but only if a man is not looking for a trophy wife to show off to his friends.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney] I don't think all AW are generally horrible, but the bad ones out number the good ones![/QUOTE]
Exactly! The wife material in the US is few and far between, and a man must jump through 100 hoops to find out. It is simply a better use of our scarce time and money to look where the prospects are better. That is outside the US, in whatever part of the world tickles our fancies.
[QUOTE=Mmbmmb]Jelly Donut,
Maybe I’m stupid but not so stupid to believe that prostitution will disappear or it will decrease widely. I wouldn't worry so much about ISG's readers. [/QUOTE]
I think you are right. I remember from economics...prostitution is some kind of "good" that does not go away, even if incomes increase. Still, I think prices can go up quite a lot and the supply will decrease. Oh well.
The problem with American Women is ...
That they are too much like American Men. Fat, self centered capitalists, always looking for a buck, lousy in bed.
Look in the mirror. How much weight have you gained in the last 5 years? Well this stuff is being said behind your back in the 3d world counties. They don't say it to your face because you have $$$.
No fear JD
Do not fear JD, it will never go away, that is why it is the oldest profession.
Also, the laws of economics. As long as there are rich and poor, there will be people selling whatever they can.
Actually I have not done p4p for a year and a half, I am happy with my current GF and do not stray. We vacationed at a beach resort recently and had a great time. I truly wish to make her happy.
I do not think all or most AW are poor prospect. But us divorced or single gentlemen over 35 or 40 and up, need to realize that the truly good family oriented AW probably got married in the 20's and stayed married. So the pool of available AW that men in that age bracket are seeing are not the best prospects, but rather prospects that have issues.
I do agree with mmmb on one issue, many AW have been sold a bag of goods that they can be a doctor, lawyer, ceo and be a great mother at the same time. I call it the liberal lie, created by elitist feminists, that tell AW to have a full career and a parent at the same time. Then many of these elite feminists turn around and hire foreign nannies to raise ther kids, which to me is hypocritical because they are paying some foreign women a typically miniscule wage.
There is no substitute for a parent and no more fulfilling job. Just take a look at the poor education for our american children, education starts in the home, and with a decent breakfast/dinner I might add. Not Mcdonald or Dunkin Donuts to/from school. How about helping your child with homework. Etc. But the elitsit AW like Hillary downplay the importance of motherhood.
Mmbmmb - Your assertion that people living in a wealthy country would never find themselves without a place to live, without shoes to wear or without food on the table, is not correct. To afford a house in a developed country, even if it's a dump in outback Australia, many people are left with little or no money for food or clothes. Just because they're not begging on the street, doesn't mean they're not desperately poor by LOCAL standards.
But that wasn't the point I wanted to make. There are a multitude of reasons why people would choose prostitution and poverty is only one of them. Sex work is a means of earning income, which is the same reason people choose to work in factories or retail stores or offices. Sex workers need no formal education or qualifications to get the job. They can (generally) work their own hours, which is especially desirable for single parents or students. And most importantly, there is the potential to earn large amounts of money in a comparatively short amount of time. Why would a single Mum choose to work a 60 hour week in a supermarket (not only missing out on being with her kids, but having to pay for someone else to look after them, as well) when she could earn the same amount of money working one or two days a week in a brothel, during school hours?
And, hard as it is for many people to believe...some of us just love the job. :)
Jelly Donut - An interesting thing is happening here at the moment. My state is going through a MASSIVE economic boom, largely due to mining. People are flooding the state for their chance to earn thousands of dollars a week on the mines. The 'average' WA income has skyrocketed - and traditionally, the sex industry has always operated alongside the mines in WA, servicing thousands of cashed-up miners working away from home for weeks at a time.
But this time, sex workers are making less money than they ever have. My theory? The resources boom has led to a real estate boom, with WA housing prices more than doubling in the past two to three years; mortgage repayments have gone through the roof and in many places, particularly in the mining towns, it's often cheaper to buy than it is to rent. The price of fuel is also astronomical. In a state like mine, where we can travel hundreds of kilometres just to get to the nearest bank, fuel is our lifeblood. As well as our personal vehicle expenses, increasing freight costs have pushed up the price of food and other goods. And the list goes on...
This huge increase in the cost of living has had a rather dramatic effect on the sex industry. People have much less disposable income to fritter away on P4P, so business is getting quieter. However, the gap between the 'haves and the have-nots' has grown considerably, meaning more people are turning to prostitution to make ends meet. Our resources boom has left us with more hookers and less clients. Prices are going DOWN. Service quality (as well as unsafe sex practices) is going UP.
"slavery"? "legalized [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url]"? how could anyone think of marriage in such terms? let's travel back to the 1960s and '70s and listen to the feminist drumbeats. and keep in mind that, like much of what was being preached and written about with religious zeal in those days of cultural revolution, even the most absurd ideas had a way of magically morphing into public policy a few years later.
* "we have to abolish and reform the institution of marriage ... by the year 2000 we will, i hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not god ... we must understand what we are attempting is a revolution, not a public relations movement." – gloria steinem, quoted in the saturday review of education, march 1973
* "being a housewife is an illegitimate profession ... the choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family-maker is a choice that shouldn't be. the heart of radical feminism is to change that." – vivian gornick, feminist author, a tenured professor at the university of arizona, the daily illini, april 25, 1981
* "we can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage." – feminist author robin morgan, who became an editor at ms. magazine
* "if women are to effect a significant amelioration in their condition it seems obvious that they must refuse to marry ... the plight of mothers is more desperate than that of other women, and the more numerous the children the more hopeless the situation seems to be ... most women ... would shrink at the notion of leaving husband and children, but this is precisely the case in which brutally clear rethinking must be undertaken." – germaine greer, author, scholar and lecturer at the university of warwick, england, in "the female eunuch" in 1971
* "like prostitution, marriage is an institution that is extremely oppressive and dangerous for women." – radical feminist author andrea dworkin in 1983
* "until all women are lesbians, there will be no true political revolution." – feminist author and journalist jill johnson, in "lesbian nation: the feminist solution," 1973
* "the legal rights of access that married partners have to each other's persons, property, and lives makes it all but impossible for a spouse to defend herself (or himself), or to be protected against torture, [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url], battery, stalking, mayhem, or murder by the other spouse ... legal marriage thus enlists state support for conditions conducive to murder and mayhem." – claudia card, professor of philosophy at the university of wisconsin-madison, in 1996
first, let's be very clear about what we're looking at – pure rage, an all-consuming hatred of men.
[quote=panamajack]"slavery"? "legalized [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url]"? how could anyone think of marriage in such terms? let's travel back to the 1960s and '70s and listen to the feminist drumbeats. and keep in mind that, like much of what was being preached and written about with religious zeal in those days of cultural revolution, even the most absurd ideas had a way of magically morphing into public policy a few years later.
* "we have to abolish and reform the institution of marriage ... by the year 2000 we will, i hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not god ... we must understand what we are attempting is a revolution, not a public relations movement." – gloria steinem, quoted in the saturday review of education, march 1973
* "being a housewife is an illegitimate profession ... the choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family-maker is a choice that shouldn't be. the heart of radical feminism is to change that." – vivian gornick, feminist author, a tenured professor at the university of arizona, the daily illini, april 25, 1981
* "we can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage." – feminist author robin morgan, who became an editor at ms. magazine
* "if women are to effect a significant amelioration in their condition it seems obvious that they must refuse to marry ... the plight of mothers is more desperate than that of other women, and the more numerous the children the more hopeless the situation seems to be ... most women ... would shrink at the notion of leaving husband and children, but this is precisely the case in which brutally clear rethinking must be undertaken." – germaine greer, author, scholar and lecturer at the university of warwick, england, in "the female eunuch" in 1971
* "like prostitution, marriage is an institution that is extremely oppressive and dangerous for women." – radical feminist author andrea dworkin in 1983
* "until all women are lesbians, there will be no true political revolution." – feminist author and journalist jill johnson, in "lesbian nation: the feminist solution," 1973
* "the legal rights of access that married partners have to each other's persons, property, and lives makes it all but impossible for a spouse to defend herself (or himself), or to be protected against torture, [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url], battery, stalking, mayhem, or murder by the other spouse ... legal marriage thus enlists state support for conditions conducive to murder and mayhem." – claudia card, professor of philosophy at the university of wisconsin-madison, in 1996
first, let's be very clear about what we're looking at – pure rage, an all-consuming hatred of men.[/quote]
i'm going to cut and paste this onto a text file, you know why?
any woman that wants to claim that they are disadvantaged by men, i'll just bust one of those quotes on them. that will shut them up in a hurry...
thank you jack!
oh, for goodness sake. you think a few quotes from radical lesbian feminazis are really representative of the thoughts and beliefs of ordinary women? there are freaks and zealots everywhere. the people you quoted are the freaks and zealots of feminism. but they are not representative of the average woman who considers herself a feminist. i'm a feminist wh*re...an oxymoron according to most feminazis. a true feminist believes simply in equality and the right to 'a choice and a voice' as they say.
as for the last quote, (which quite cleary says herself or himself, by the way) it is a fact that for a long time, a woman could not be raped or physically assaulted by her husband in the eyes of the law. men ruled the household, controlled the property and finances (regardless of who actually earned them) and 'owned' the wife and children. in many jurisdictions, these laws still exist. i will not apologise for believing that these archaic laws have no place in modern society - that men and women should be equal partners in marriage and that legislation should treat women as human beings, not property to be bought and sold.
real feminists are not man haters. and real feminists do not advocate for the abolition of marriage. if the essence of feminism is to allow women a choice and a voice, then it would be unacceptable for one group of women to drown out the voices and mock the choices of another group of women who choose to be homemakers. the feminazis you quoted are despised as much by real feminists, as they are by you guys.
I don't think marriage should be abolished but I don't think it should be the norm in an enlightened society either. If you look at it from a statistical standpoint, marriage IS more dangerous to a woman than prostitution, so those ladies ARE starting with a rational idea (but taking it way too far).
In American society, the big problem is, Pandora's box of sexual freedom got opened in the 60s and 70s, and there really is no going back, but we are REALLY REALLY trying because right now we are riding this huge wave of nostalgia and paranoia. We're collectively like a typical angst-ridden teenager who is upset at his life and joins the skinheads :P
And ironically, in America we pretend to play "family values" but we really don't have a fucking clue just what they are, wouldn't know em if it hit us in the face.
But more ironically yet..... we are the most libertine and self-indulgent people on the face of the earth, we spare no effort in avoiding effort and pampering ourselves at every moment and at all costs in every conceivable way, from the ridiculously thick toilet paper we wipe our asses with to the fact that there is more than 1 car per PERSON in the USA (that's 40% of the world's TOTAL!), to heating our homes to 85 degrees during the winter and cooling them to 60 in the summer just because we can, to buying our kids so many toys at Xmas that they probably won't even get around to OPENING them all, to eating all the richest highest calorie foods the known universe has ever seen.....
We spoil ourselves in every conceivable way, yet we totally DEPRIVE ourselves of sex, which should be the #1 indulgence! We especially deprive ourselves of VARIETY in sex, which is also crazy because in any American city, even a small one, you can eat food from half the nations on Earth, probably ersatz and mediocre at best, but at least the idea is there. But as far as sex is concerned, it is deep in the American mentality that the less people you've fucked the BETTER A PERSON YOU ARE. And fucking more than one person in the same relationship is even more reprehensible.
And at the very bottom of the ladder are prostitutes and people who pay for their services!!! I also don't think there has ever been a country in history where prostitution has been driven more deeply underground than it is in America right now in the year 2007! In EVERY other country on Earth, there is some kind of quiet understanding reached where that sort of thing goes on and you can find it without much hard looking.
If what I'm saying sounds over the top to you (and I imagine it does to many people), I invite you to RTFF. There is NO better evidence for what I am talking about than THIS VERY FUCKING FORUM. Especially check the NYC section for the BIG shocker.
5 photos
Girls I have met and funked online = sugar daddy websites
Here's some of my fresh meat. I give the girls $150 to get them into my bed. Most have never P4P before. I am training them right.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]Furiouz -
I feel you mayne, just hang in there, get your butt to Europe and you won't be sorry.
Haven't talked to any Polish girls yet, but my boy in NY has a Polish girlfriend, she's only been here for about a year and when all her friends went back to Poland, she stayed to be with HIM.
She likes cars, he's a car guy. She's sweet, she 100% supportive. She has DD boobs, he's a boob man.
He wanted a stunner, that she is.
Perfection? Close enough if you ask me...
Damn, sweet, big boobs and supportive?!?!?! *Books a flight to Warsaw* My friend in Warsaw is always telling me to come stay for a month.....
[QUOTE=Rubber Nursey]...a few quotes from radical lesbian feminazis are really representative...of ordinary women? ...The people you quoted are the freaks and zealots of feminism. But they are not representative of the average woman who considers herself a feminist....REAL feminists are not man haters...If the essence of feminism is to allow women a choice and a voice, then it would be unacceptable...to mock the choices of women who choose to be homemakers. The feminazis you quoted are despised as much by REAL feminists, as they are by you guys.[/QUOTE]
That's a laudable view, but radical feminism has sneaked into our laws, culture, customs, and institutions without most people noticing. Its assumptions & goals are everywhere. It is not content at equality & human rights. They want the upper hand, and to control & limit men's sexuality, wealth, thoughts, and rights (angry payback I guess). The graduate degree program I'm in openly demonizes men as they yammer mindlessly about "patriarchy", blaming men for everything & everything. If I said in class that "No I don't believe women in 2007 US are oppressed", I'd be run out of there in a blink. Were I to interview for a job teaching small children and asked why I want to and I replied "Because I love kids" they'd call the police on me as a child predator. 7 year old boys caught slapping classmates on the ass are branded "sexual abusers" in their permanent record. Young boys are overwhelmingly being diagnosed ADD and drugged into submission, courtesy of male phobic female dominated teachers & administrators. In Illinois if there's a divorce with kids, the mom gets a state-paid custody lawyer at her disposal until kids are 18, f*** the dad and his rights. Is it any wonder prostitution & customers are so relentlessly hounded & shamed here? Of course, for the latter much of the blame goes to the religious wackos too.
i know what you're saying, yogin and i agree with it to a degree - women are finally getting the rights they asked for, but it seems sometimes they're being granted at the expense of men's rights. i don't support that at all. like i said, i believe in equality.
but i don't entirely agree that these trends are a result of radical feminism. truth is, women still don't have a whole lot of clout in the political arena. yes, there are some very powerful feminazi lobby groups - but ultimately, men are still the ones making the laws in almost every corner of the globe. i think religion has a much stronger influence on public policy.
apologies to the americans amongst us, but the puritan/fundamentalist beliefs of the american government have played a huge part in this, particularly in the last few years. the bush administration seems incapable of separating church and state and their influence is spreading worldwide like a plague. dubya's little pet weasel, the australian prime minister, is one of the worst offenders, with much of our recent federal legislation emulating that of the us.
what we're seeing now, is a move away from women's rights. abortion laws are being overturned. access to contraception is being limited. in my state, they're even discussing new legislation to stop women choosing to deliver by c-section! australian women (if they're married) are being offered welfare payments to stay at home and pop out children. single parents, however, are being forced back into the workforce - a not so subtle hint that we should make honest women out of ourselves, get married and take advantage of the new family payments. what i see is an attempt by the government to return us all to our 'traditional' gender roles. married couples, men as breadwinners, women as baby factories. (and i see the barriers to men working in 'women's' roles, such as the childcare jobs you mentioned, as a direct result of this trend).
but more than anything, i think we are witnessing a return to the day when religion was used as a tool of the aristocracy, to control the masses. anything to do with sex, from prostitution to condom dispensers in school toilets, is being cracked down on. drugs, alcohol and smoking regulations are getting tighter. all forms of misbehaviour (ie. fun!) are being limited. and to make sure we don't complain about it all too loudly, they've even limited our right to public demonstration! i think a lot of the things you mentioned, like sexual assault charges against children and the doping of boys with 'add' are a symptom of this trend, not a result of feminism. i know it might seem that way, because men are the primary target, but traditionally men are the ones responsible for disrupting the 'social order'. they commit the [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord124][CodeWord124][/url] and child abuse, they get drunk and beat people up at nightclubs, they deal the drugs, they pimp the hookers...blah, blah, blah. they are the ones who challenge the authority of the bourgeois.
you should try telling your class that all of us are being oppressed in 2007.
Now that last sentence was a stroke of genius, RN. I would kiss you but I just ate dinner :P
I really think over-the-top radical feminism and religious fundamentalism are the same thing anyways, they may differ on the very surface, but below that they are exactly the same thing, the same mentality.
[QUOTE=Furiouz]Damn, sweet, big boobs and supportive?!?!?! *Books a flight to Warsaw* My friend in Warsaw is always telling me to come stay for a month.....[/QUOTE]
Insider information PM for details and Warsaw is NOT where you want to go.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Now that last sentence was a stroke of genius, RN. I would kiss you but I just ate dinner :P
I really think over-the-top radical feminism and religious fundamentalism are the same thing anyways, they may differ on the very surface, but below that they are exactly the same thing, the same mentality.[/QUOTE]
I couldn't agree more...
I have no love for radical feminazis. Like I said, REAL feminists advocate for a woman's right to a choice and a voice. As an ex-hooker, the feminazis constantly try to drown out my voice and crap all over my choices, portraying me and all my hooker friends as pathetic victims of the patriarchy. Well they can stick their moral judgements up their Khyber. As can the religious right. I'm an intelligent, consenting adult - they're not the boss of me. :)
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Now that last sentence was a stroke of genius, RN. I would kiss you but I just ate dinner :P
I really think over-the-top radical feminism and religious fundamentalism are the same thing anyways, they may differ on the very surface, but below that they are exactly the same thing, the same mentality.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Now that last sentence was a stroke of genius, RN. I would kiss you but I just ate dinner :P[/QUOTE]
Hey, are you worried about your garlic breath, or are you saying that you'd bring up your dinner if you kissed me? That's not very nice!!! :(
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]
But more ironically yet..... we are the most libertine and self-indulgent people on the face of the earth, we spare no effort in avoiding effort and pampering ourselves at every moment and at all costs in every conceivable way, from the ridiculously thick toilet paper we wipe our asses with to the fact that there is more than 1 car per PERSON in the USA (that's 40% of the world's TOTAL!), to heating our homes to 85 degrees during the winter and cooling them to 60 in the summer just because we can, to buying our kids so many toys at Xmas that they probably won't even get around to OPENING them all, to eating all the richest highest calorie foods the known universe has ever seen.....
We spoil ourselves in every conceivable way, yet we totally DEPRIVE ourselves of sex, which should be the #1 indulgence! We especially deprive ourselves of VARIETY in sex, which is also crazy because in any American city, even a small one, you can eat food from half the nations on Earth, probably ersatz and mediocre at best, but at least the idea is there. But as far as sex is concerned, it is deep in the American mentality that the less people you've fucked the BETTER A PERSON YOU ARE. And fucking more than one person in the same relationship is even more reprehensible.
And at the very bottom of the ladder are prostitutes and people who pay for their services!!! I also don't think there has ever been a country in history where prostitution has been driven more deeply underground than it is in America right now in the year 2007! In EVERY other country on Earth, there is some kind of quiet understanding reached where that sort of thing goes on and you can find it without much hard looking.
If what I'm saying sounds over the top to you (and I imagine it does to many people), I invite you to RTFF. There is NO better evidence for what I am talking about than THIS VERY FUCKING FORUM. Especially check the NYC section for the BIG shocker.[/QUOTE]You have summed it up perfectly!
spring break/tyra banks show
i know who gives a hoot about tyra banks however i was watching her show yesterday because she had the founder of "girls gone wild" on it and a couple of springbreakers they followed around filiming in south padre island texas. one segment was tyra lashing out at a mother who attended spring break with her daughter and let her go topless for the video. the mother was a little ditzy but she seemed to relate very well with her daughter so i saw it as a plus. i dont understand why people pay $25 to buy a video of mainly tits anyway. i'd rather invest in gonzo porn or a nice german rep001 video .
the point where i got really pissed off was when tyra was showing the now sober girls the video of them getting drunk and acting stupid...as to protect them from future problems. the girls had a little competition going on amongst each other to see who could make out with the most guys then they would chart it with lipstick on the mirror in bar codes like a prisoner would on his cell wall. all the time they were talking about the competition they were saying how scared they got when they had a hard time getting guys to get off them and go home. they were scared things could get out of hand. i almost kicked the tv.
why the fuck do you think you can go pulling guys dicks then till them to get off or feel threatened when they come on to you more. it is a totally selfish game that can get guys in a shitload of trouble that was invited upon by these bitches. it just so happens these idiots are going to be in the work force sitting right next to you. college educated my ass. what a bunch of redneck no nothings. its scary spring break and those people are america.
rubber nursey,
i understand that poverty can mean something completely different to people from usa and to inhabitants eg ethiopia. you’re right, writing "there are a multitude of reasons why people would choose prostitution and poverty is only one of them". i agree and i think it depends more on the individual case. it easy for me to say i wouldn’t work as a prostitute. having no children i can decide to eat only bread and to drink only water if i have no money for another food. definitely you have another perspective when you have to take care of the child. i can’t say what i would do if i desperately needed money and i had children to feed. luckily i’m not in this situation and i hope i’ll never be but i can understand people who faced such dilemma.
i wrote about people who aren’t in such situation. i gave an example of usa but i guess i should write something about my country. there’s also something wrong with polish society if i read in newspapers about "szlaufy". i don’t know exactly how to translate it from my language into english. i guess the best word is "hoses". it’s a word which describes young girls who like going to the local malls and to look there for "sponsorship". they look for a wealthy guys who will buy them something fashionable (cell phone, clothes, cosmetics, perfumes etc.) in exchange for sex in the car. they don’t take money for their service, only goods, so they don’t consider themselves as prostitutes. you wrote that "sex workers need no formal education or qualifications to get the job" but they need some more important features as eg mental maturity which lets to understand the influence of their work on their psyche. they also need at least basic knowledge about std and their bodies. a lot of gentlemen on the forum has attitude "i pay so i demand. it doesn’t matter that something hurts her and i didn’t took a shower. i paid 100$ so i can do with her what i want". i think you know the best how hard prostitution can be. and i know that it’s obvious for you but not necessary for other people. that’s why i’m astonished when people who aren’t in a desperate situation (eg student girls who need money for new clothes) choose this job, considering all disadvantages which are connected to prostitution. you have a mature psyche and you can cope with all problems of being a prostitute but not all of people are so lucky.
and one more thing, it’s ironical how situation in australia is similar to the polish one. after we joined to european union the economy is slowly improving but the prices "went mad" when people’s salary improved only a little bit. you wrote "to afford a house in a developed country, even if it's a dump in outback australia, many people are left with little or no money for food or clothes" well, in big cities of poland the average price of 1 sq m costs 2500$. so when i want to buy 50 sq m of a normal, but without any luxury, apartment (555 sq f? ) i have to pay 125 000 $. so you see that buying a place to live isn’t only a problem of developed countries. there’s also another similarity i see between poland and australia. our governments want to support women and family but they don’t do anything about it. in my country nobody will give such idea like condom dispensers in school toilets. contraceptives won’t be subsidized for the poorest women because the minister of health said "sex isn’t an illness". abortion is legal only in 3 cases: the pregnancy is a result of a [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url], the pre-natal examination shows irreversible damage to the fetus or an incurable disease, the pregnancy constitutes a threat to the life of mother. officially there’s only about 150 abortions annually (and we have almost 9 million women in reproductive age) but it’s not a problem to have an abortion in a private clinic. and prostitution doesn’t exist in such good catholic country as poland;.) and even if it exists there’s no public discussion about it (to legalize it or not). unluckily it’s often connected to an organized crime and i guess that’s why it’s very dangerous for the sex workers. but the government doesn’t seem to see a problem. and there’s no dispute how to really help the women. it doesn’t matter if they are prostitutes or not. everyone talks about family’s values but nobody care about an average family’s problems.
[size=-2][b][u]editor's note[/u]:[/b] [blue]i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please [url=http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?]click here[/url] for more information.[/blue][/size]
[QUOTE=Rubber Nursey]Hey, are you worried about your garlic breath, or are you saying that you'd bring up your dinner if you kissed me? That's not very nice!!! :([/QUOTE]
It has to do with the garlic breath babe! :P It's an expression of respect and gratitude from my native land. 8) I seriously dig your posts and your point of view, trust me!
Mmb, that phenomenon exists thoughout many other countries. It's very common. Here they are usually called 'kept women' if they have EVERYTHING paid (like even the apartment.) In Spanish they are called 'gasolineras'.
And down in Colombia those women are called 'prepagos' (prepaids) with the idea of like a cellular plan where you pay up front, you know what you get for how much you pay and there is less messing around. Also like in Poland abortion is still illegal in Colombia (athough a recent bill vastly widened the exceptions to the rule), but readily available in just about any clinic nonetheless.
I actually like the idea of the 'prepago' thing because it's better than a guy actually thinking some girl he's just fucking for cash is REALLY his gf, or some girl really thinking a guy loves her when he's just using her for sex. This was is more stictly quid pro quo, although personally if I'm going to pay for sex I want a professional to do the job!
Rubery Nursey is right about oppression - it is coming from the same source it always has: the owners. And they're using the same method they always have - religion. It is ridiculous to blame 'feminism', when the government is controlled by the religious. Feminists have little or no power - if their policy prescriptions are being implemented it is merely coincidental.
Bango Cieto is right as well - the US is an astonishingly sexless society. It is not unlike the Middle East. Alas here in Thailand you can see the Control coming - every year more venues and options close. I think of it like an African water hole, drying up, and we're the frogs. Pattaya is the last puddle, and when one day it is gone - and that day is coming very, very soon - we will be, in a very real sense, castrated, regardless of gender.
Bango Cieto is right as well - the US is an astonishingly sexless society. [/QUOTE]
Wow. Why is that? Is it because sex is seen as commodity to be brokered away to the highest bidder versus natural act that is as necessary as food, water and music? Or is it because we DO live in a theocracy that is blinded by their own religious ideals while oppressing the will of the people they supposedly represent?
i think it's probably both reasons. We have an unholy alliance here between big multinationals and religious interests. So the bible thumper crowd tries to supress sexuality because of their convictions, and business interest try to suppress it because THEY ain't making any money off of it, and surpressing it allows them to subvert that energy into more rampant consumerism.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]i think it's probably both reasons. We have an unholy alliance here between big multinationals and religious interests. So the bible thumper crowd tries to supress sexuality because of their convictions, and business interest try to suppress it because THEY ain't making any money off of it, and surpressing it allows them to subvert that energy into more rampant consumerism.[/QUOTE]
And now there is another tidbit to suppress sexuality. Researchers claim that oral sex can cause throat and other oral cancers. The link is that the HPV virus that causes cervical cancer can do the same damage to tissues in the mouth and throat from oral sex that it does to the cervix through vaginal sex.
What is left out is that there are 7,000 cases of fatal cervical cancer in the US each year out of 120-130 million women over 18 years old. The incidence of cervical cancer caused by HPV is very small and it is probably even smaller for oral cancer. But the 'vested interests' want to scare the US population into not doing oral sex.
Women and the Workplace
I have a question for both the men and women who read this thread. I recently overheard two women in their late 20s talking about life. The topic drifted to jobs and one of them said rather strongly that she hates working for a woman boss or in an office that is all or predominantly women. She stated plainly that she wants a man in the office, preferably in charge.
Why? Because, in her opinion and experience, women are too bitchy, jealous, and fight too much for her liking. She said she needs a workplace that is not stressful and has found that women bosses create undue stress in their offices. She described women bosses who brought their personal lives into the office, who had screaming matches with other women in the office, who hurled biting personal insults at the staff, and behaved like they were all back in high school in cliques.
I don't know how many jobs this woman had, not that many if she is under 30. I have had female bosses and male bosses over the years. Both have been good and bad. I was not treated very differently by one sex or the other. I have witnessed some differential treatment and heard more complaints, from women, about the females bosses I had than the male bosses. But that was in the 80's and 90's.
I knew a female college athlete 3 years ago who said male coaches were far better than female coaches. Why? Because her male coaches didn't single out and pick on individual players. The team won or lost as a [i]team[/i], while her female coaches routinely singled out individual players to praise or blame for a loss or win. She said she was one of the best players so that when the team lost a game, the female coaches often blamed her for not playing her top game and causing the team to lose. Her male coaches never did that.
These statements are coming from modern women in the US. What do you think of that? Is there a big difference between male and female bosses? And does it say something about US society that it is women who seem to be complaining the loudest about female bosses?
I have heard the same thing from a girl who used to work for me too. She said she'd never work in a woman-dominated office and she was about 40+ when she said that.
I have had 1 crazy female boss and 1 awesome female boss. So I really can't say for sure.
Personally, I think it really shouldn't matter. Good bosses are good bosses no matter what. Management is a skill and people (men or women) can be trained to be good bosses. Nobody is born to be an awesome boss.
[QUOTE=George90]I have a question for both the men and women who read this thread. I recently overheard two women in their late 20s talking about life. The topic drifted to jobs and one of them said rather strongly that she hates working for a woman boss or in an office that is all or predominantly women. ... These statements are coming from modern women in the US. What do you think of that? Is there a big difference between male and female bosses? And does it say something about US society that it is women who seem to be complaining the loudest about female bosses?[/QUOTE]George, a large part of my work is researching and training workplace communication, including cultural and gender issues. You've hit the nail on the head. Depending on the studies, approx 90% of women prefer a male boss (and approx 70% of men prefer a male boss).
There are many reasons why women overwhelmingly prefer a male boss than a female boss. Here's a few:
Men are seen as more competitive than women, and that is generally true, but in reality, women are more competitive against each other in the workplace. Women tend to be jealous of other women's success - they are literally their own worst enemies.
Women managers generally feel the need to prove themselves more than male managers do (usually for good reason), so they sometimes overcompensate authoritarian behavior (or at least they are perceived as overcompensating. So as you mention, they are often seen as 'b*tches', especially by other women).
In general, women are driven more by emotion than men, so they tend to take workplace politics very personally, especially if it involves other women. Men are more likely to have their workplace political fights, then have a drink and a laugh at the bar together at the end of the week, then pick up the fight again on Monday morning.
There are plenty of exceptions to these generalizations, but the stats speak for themselves. Before anyone mentions I'm being politically incorrect, I'm just stating the facts, Ma'am.
[QUOTE=Piper1]George, a large part of my work is researching and training workplace communication, including cultural and gender issues. You've hit the nail on the head. Depending on the studies, approx 90% of women prefer a male boss (and approx 70% of men prefer a male boss).
There are many reasons why women overwhelmingly prefer a male boss than a female boss. Here's a few:
Men are seen as more competitive than women, and that is generally true, but in reality, women are more competitive against each other in the workplace. Women tend to be jealous of other women's success - they are literally their own worst enemies.
Women managers generally feel the need to prove themselves more than male managers do (usually for good reason), so they sometimes overcompensate authoritarian behavior (or at least they are perceived as overcompensating. So as you mention, they are often seen as 'b*tches', especially by other women).
In general, women are driven more by emotion than men, so they tend to take workplace politics very personally, especially if it involves other women. Men are more likely to have their workplace political fights, then have a drink and a laugh at the bar together at the end of the week, then pick up the fight again on Monday morning.
There are plenty of exceptions to these generalizations, but the stats speak for themselves. Before anyone mentions I'm being politically incorrect, I'm just stating the facts, Ma'am.[/QUOTE]
Those are the facts from what I have seen on the Wall Street Journal web site and Forbes web site.
This broad is about as FAR from politically correct as it can get in America without somebody shutting down the forum and exposing its users on Dateline.
PC is a joke and is unqiuely American...
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]Those are the facts from what I have seen on the Wall Street Journal web site and Forbes web site.
This broad is about as FAR from politically correct as it can get in America without somebody shutting down the forum and exposing its users on Dateline.
PC is a joke and is unqiuely American...[/QUOTE]DJ - It's not Rocket Science. This is my work, and it's easy. Stop reading Forbes and Wall Street Journal online, and stop watching Dateline. Most of it is BS, and it'll only make you feel inadequate. ;)
PC may be uniquely American, but I doubt it. I have many American friends, and I love 'em, but damn, some of them are uptight. I'm pretty much un-PC, but I usually have a good time with American girls when I visit the US. They seem to like laid-back guys.
Wait a minute. Maybe wimpy American guys are the problem here. Should we start a new thread?
Do Not Donate
AngloAmerican civilization is on its way down, anyone who thinks its not is in a fantasyland. Things like VTech shooting and increasing incidents of crime and sociopathic behavior are rooted in the breakdown of traditional family values. America and Britain today are both examples of societies that deviated from their core roots and as a result they will both eventually fall from their high perch. Why? Look at the young generation in both countries, they have no direction, their adults don't behave like adults. Both countries lack leaders, and future generations will have a much tougher existence. True human society needs a man at the helm, in the Anglophone world men have become lower than women, that is why you see the collapse of society, its based mostly on the collapse of the traditional family unit.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]AngloAmerican civilization is on its way down, anyone who thinks its not is in a fantasyland. Things like VTech shooting and increasing incidents of crime and sociopathic behavior are rooted in the breakdown of traditional family values. America and Britain today are both examples of societies that deviated from their core roots and as a result they will both eventually fall from their high perch. Why? Look at the young generation in both countries, they have no direction, their adults don't behave like adults. Both countries lack leaders, and future generations will have a much tougher existence. True human society needs a man at the helm, in the Anglophone world men have become lower than women, that is why you see the collapse of society, its based mostly on the collapse of the traditional family unit.[/QUOTE]
I partially agree with this and partially disagree...
I certainly DO see American society in big trouble right now, and it doesn't look like it's gonna get any better unless something drastic is done. I also agree that many people under 30 in this country are really fucking useless, lacking any sense of personal discipline, integrity or even ambition.
BUT, the collapse of the traditional family is happening all over the globe! Nor do I necessarily see this as a bad thing. I bet many people reading this will relate when I say that for a lot of us, a traditional family is a fucking PRISON! And let's face it, for women it can even be WORSE than it is for us.
I blame the social malaise up here on two things mainly: the car and the media, especially TV. This has gotten worse in recent years as more and more giant media conglomerates are taking over the entire industry and less and less people have more and more control over what we see and hear. Between the TV the internet and the car, one can wind up living a life where one has ZERO human contact whatsoever.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]I partially agree with this and partially disagree...
I certainly DO see American society in big trouble right now, and it doesn't look like it's gonna get any better unless something drastic is done. I also agree that many people under 30 in this country are really fucking useless, lacking any sense of personal discipline, integrity or even ambition.
BUT, the collapse of the traditional family is happening all over the globe! Nor do I necessarily see this as a bad thing. I bet many people reading this will relate when I say that for a lot of us, a traditional family is a fucking PRISON! And let's face it, for women it can even be WORSE than it is for us.
I blame the social malaise up here on two things mainly: the car and the media, especially TV. This has gotten worse in recent years as more and more giant media conglomerates are taking over the entire industry and less and less people have more and more control over what we see and hear. Between the TV the internet and the car, one can wind up living a life where one has ZERO human contact whatsoever.[/QUOTE]
I don't know why your always banging on cars.
Most of my social life is surrounded by cars. I have friends into cars, we go racing with as many as 300-400 others that feel the same way. We talk about everything car related, including how to make them run clean, yet still remain fun to own and drive.
I didn't have a car for almost 3 years and I didn't like it.
I am a CAR person and it hasn't made me anti-social
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]AngloAmerican civilization is on its way down, anyone who thinks its not is in a fantasyland. Things like VTech shooting and increasing incidents of crime and sociopathic behavior are rooted in the breakdown of traditional family values. America and Britain today are both examples of societies that deviated from their core roots and as a result they will both eventually fall from their high perch. Why? Look at the young generation in both countries, they have no direction, their adults don't behave like adults. Both countries lack leaders, and future generations will have a much tougher existence. True human society needs a man at the helm, in the Anglophone world men have become lower than women, that is why you see the collapse of society, its based mostly on the collapse of the traditional family unit.[/QUOTE]
I hear you man, BUT... I haven't been to a MODERN country yet where it wasn't that way. I mean, you could move to Papua New Guinea and live in the jungle eating grubs and drinking rainwater... and even though somebody might eat you and wear your head around his neck as jewelry, thankfully you wouldn't get fat playing Madden on PS3 or feel the urge to shoot up a shopping mall.
China and India? Have nightmarish problems headed their way.
Europe? Having the same problems as the US... just manifested differently.
Russia? Will eat itself.
Modern society is getting crazier and crazier and there are a number of reasons.. beyond just the car and media and breakdown of the traditional family. Globalization has just accelerated the metamorphosis of society into something new. Personally I find it entertaining that some of the science fiction films of the 70's, 80's and 90's are turning out to be true.
Only a question of time before "the Running Man" is on television, we fly cars and replicate people like in "Blade Runner" or eat each other like in "Soylent Green".
Me, I wouldn't mind being the meat stuck in between a Raquel Welch and Ursula Andress replicant sandwich.
The big difference is that China is a police state, I have been there several times already, yes there are some extremely poor people there, but the country is clearly on an upward trajectory. There are many Chinese living in Australia, most come to the country because Australia is place that they can slack off and take it easy. Some of those who are more ambitious always keep telling me about the opportunities there. China has also been the reason why the US dollar has not collapsed outright but they are now getting rid of it as a result its soon going to be real expensive to travel outside of the us
wow australia is on easy street compared to the rest of the world sure its not perfect but i cant find a better place to live
shanghai looks like los angeles in blade runner
The real Bladerunner
shanghai looks like los angeles in blade runner[/QUOTE]
No, that would be Jakarta. I had the most Blade Runner-ish moment there, and the camera chose that moment to die. Dark, rain, heat, people swarming everywhere etc etc.
No need to make hot replicate women in that place.. unlike what you would need in the US, as I get back to topic..
[QUOTE=Lomusa][url]http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/05/09/america/NA-GEN-US-Sperm-Donor-Child-Support.php[/url][/QUOTE]This is absolutely INSANE.
Yeah. Bikes are as much of a problem. :)
Read Steven Kern's "The Culture of Time and Space". Bikes only pre-date the automobile by a few years and it's all part of the same culture shift toward velocity. If you are out for a reflective walk in the woods and a mountain biker comes up quickly behind you may see my point...which I'm sure has something to do with American women in some way....
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I don't know why your always banging on cars.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]AngloAmerican civilization is on its way down, anyone who thinks its not is in a fantasyland. Things like VTech shooting and increasing incidents of crime and sociopathic behavior are rooted in the breakdown of traditional family values. America and Britain today are both examples of societies that deviated from their core roots and as a result they will both eventually fall from their high perch. Why? Look at the young generation in both countries, they have no direction, their adults don't behave like adults. Both countries lack leaders, and future generations will have a much tougher existence. True human society needs a man at the helm, in the Anglophone world men have become lower than women, that is why you see the collapse of society, its based mostly on the collapse of the traditional family unit.[/QUOTE]
I agree. But what scares the living daylights out of me is thinking about what type of 'civilization' is on its way up to replace the Anglo-American one. [b]Nothing good![/b] Certainly nothing better.
Chinese society? With its one child per woman law and its super pollution in urban areas? Middle-Eastern society? With its religious radicals and violence worship? Latin American? With the likes of Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, etc. on the rise? African society? Can anyone name a socially and economically progressive, forward moving country in Africa?
I think the world is heading towards a Dark Ages type of situation, where a small group of ultra rich elites living in ultra secure and insulated islands among masses controlled by ignorance and ultra conservative religious doctrine. Life will be very different in 30-40 years.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]BUT, the collapse of the traditional family is happening all over the globe! Nor do I necessarily see this as a bad thing. I bet many people reading this will relate when I say that for a lot of us, a traditional family is a fucking PRISON! And let's face it, for women it can even be WORSE than it is for us. [/QUOTE]
I usually would not agree with such a statement. I believe that the traditional family unit, [b]TWO[/b] parents of the opposite sex raising their [i]own[/i] biological children, is the best.
However, I saw "60 Minutes" yesterday and the interview with Mitt Romney and his family. I did not see even one smile for even one nanosecond on the faces of any of his five children. [b]That[/b] says something a lot of at least one traditional family.
[QUOTE=George90] I did not see even one smile for even one nanosecond on the faces of any of his five children. [b]That[/b] says something a lot of at least one traditional family.[/QUOTE]Says his kids are not retarded. Did you ever see an idiot that was not smiling? LOL
Would you rather have smiling, drooling kids from a man running for president?
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]Yeah. Bikes are as much of a problem. :)
Read Steven Kern's "The Culture of Time and Space". Bikes only pre-date the automobile by a few years and it's all part of the same culture shift toward velocity. If you are out for a reflective walk in the woods and a mountain biker comes up quickly behind you may see my point...which I'm sure has something to do with American women in some way....[/QUOTE]
Well, you missed the point entirely. I was talking about the car as a vehicle of social isolation. But then again, probably half the world is missing the point.
If every car were actually full of people shooting the shit with each other shoulder to shoulder then it wouldn't be such a problem. It's not just the car per se it's the fact that each car is occupied only by the driver!!
The Useless Generation
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito] I also agree that many people under 30 in this country are really fucking useless, lacking any sense of personal discipline, integrity or even ambition.
As a member of the under-30 crowd myself (I'm going to call us the "useless generation") I couldn't agree with you more. I can't tell you how many guys I know aged 27, 28, 29 who still live at home with their parents, playing X-Box in their basement! I see them as kind of like Bud Bundy (from that TV show Married...with Children) but at least Bud got some tail every now and then! And a lot of these guys are college graduates, but since they recieved Humanities degrees, the only job they can do is working the register at Starbucks. And we're the future of this country? Jesus Christ, get me the hell outta here!
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I don't know why your always banging on cars.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I'm with Bango, I'm anti-car as well. Well no, not anti-car; actually, I like cars. I'm more anti-driving. That's one of the many reasons why I love to travel outside the U.S., so that I can take public transportation. Or just fucking walk somewhere! There's a reason why we're the fattest nation on earth, and it's because we don't get enough physical exercise as a country. Cars have a lot to do with that.
Besides, from all my time spent in South America, I learned that taking the bus/metro was a GREAT way to meet women; there's some primo pussy riding the bus in Brasil, trust me!
However, I saw "60 Minutes" yesterday and the interview with Mitt Romney and his family. I did not see even one smile for even one nanosecond on the faces of any of his five children. [b]That[/b] says something a lot of at least one traditional family.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I watched that too. But can you blame them for not smiling? They're Mormons! Poor guys have probably never gotten a BJ in their entire lives.
I'd be sulking too if I were them.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Well, you missed the point entirely. I was talking about the car as a vehicle of social isolation. But then again, probably half the world is missing the point.
I understand that point. Everyone who drives and has a capacity for mild self-reflection ought to be able to understand that point on some level. You are not alone.
I can't stand driving, or maybe I just don't enjoy sharing the road, but I sure do love the car.
I decided to write one more time because I found something what will cause a smile on your faces and what will give you a hope ;-)
Personally, I wouldn’t buy such service but I’ve heard about the real cases of such rental in China and India (it’s connected to a small amount of young women in comparison with a big number of young, unmarried men). So we never know what is waiting for us in the future. Maybe they will even propose same male models :-)
China has a police state a very successful one, I even know people who would admit that their system of government is probably the best one in a post 911 world, scary, but then again the Chinese rarely have worries about terrorism, terrorists target free and Democratic societies, police states can easily smash terrorist groups, look at Europe during World War 2.
Too many young people in America are becoming too dependent on their parents, I know people who hold full time jobs still living with their parents, but then again the USA has become a more dangerous place since I was a youth, a lot of things happen today I never thought about.
Even America at its peak during the 1950s was no paradise...but it was a model for order on the planet.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]China has a police state a very successful one, I even know people who would admit that their system of government is probably the best one in a post 911 world, scary, but then again the Chinese rarely have worries about terrorism, terrorists target free and Democratic societies, police states can easily smash terrorist groups, look at Europe during World War 2.
Too many young people in America are becoming too dependent on their parents, I know people who hold full time jobs still living with their parents, but then again the USA has become a more dangerous place since I was a youth, a lot of things happen today I never thought about.
Even America at its peak during the 1950s was no paradise...but it was a model for order on the planet.[/QUOTE]Sorry CBGB, but I have to be honest - you don't make a lot of sense.
I can see you want to go back to your Mom and Dad's family life in the 1950s. But it's not going to happen.
Besides, you're living in Australia now (a nice place to live), and as a school-teacher, you have a reasonably good job. Be happy.
[QUOTE=Piper1]Sorry CBGB, but I have to be honest - you don't make a lot of sense.
I can see you want to go back to your Mom and Dad's family life in the 1950s. But it's not going to happen.
Besides, you're living in Australia now (a nice place to live), and as a school-teacher, you have a reasonably good job. Be happy.[/QUOTE]
I take issue with being dependent on my parents.
I live here because I want too and I have a plan. I can understand for some "freedom" and "privacy" are issues with living at home. But honestly, I'm not that deeply involved in American Dating Sweepsteaks so I really don't need to have my own dwelling at the moment. I'd also hate the idea of picking up "brownie" points with AW based on the fact I live in my own apartment and not at home.
I've said it before, in Europe, South America and Asian countries its not uncommon for children to be at home until marriage.
AW take exception with that and feel I lack independence because of the choice I have made in returning (I left 2 times before) home.
In a few months I'll be in a position to finally buy the land to build my house, yes you heard correctly, no tract homes for me!
And I'll be honored to enjoy my new home with a woman that didn't give a rat's ass about me living at home as long as we didn't live with my parents when she came to live with me.
European women just don't CARE.. Some do I'm sure but I haven't met any.
Lookin for love in all the wrong places.....
While NOW focuses on helping pear-shaped women in the United States feel good about themselves, women are being shot in Pakistan for encouraging girls to take part in outdoor sports. "I think the conditions are [i] exactly [/i] the same.." according to one feminist.
Toys for the Boys
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]Lookin for love in all the wrong places.....
[url]http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/17/fashion/17Dating.html?em&ex=1179547200&en=d5d76a6f64f44deb&ei=5087%0A[/url][/QUOTE]This was a very good article and men do like toys. And we do take our hobbies seriously. The best toy of all, the pussy, is strictly for fucking. Could you imagine if dykes got into the act? The only networking is group sex. With lots of toys.
Needing some advice, guys...
I had a girl from another town 45 minutes away, that I met thru the internet on one of these dating sites, seekingarrangement.com, and had sex with her about 4 times. The first time was with a condom. The other times we used spermacide. I only knew her first name and did not have an address for her. I had a cell phone number for her, and she had mine, because she called me a couple of times, wanting to get together for sex and some spending cash.
2 weeks ago I received an email, thru the website, from her that she was one month pregnant and I was the father, despite use of our spermicide. She said we must not have waited the 10 minutes like it required. (though I think we did). She asked me to pay for an abortion or else, if the kid was born it would be my responsibility to pay child support.
I called her and told her I would pay for an abortion. She said she had checked out the prices, wanted to get it quickly, and it would cost $350 because she needed anesthesia. I said I would pay the clinic directly so I could put it on a credit card, not her directly. I said we should keep in touch.
Now, a couple of weeks later, no calls from her. Her cell phone number is out of service. I tried to call her back to see if she had an appointment at the clinic.
I called my local abortion clinic and they said it would cost $440 with them.
I am wondering how to read into this correctly. I think it may have been a scam and when I did not say I would pay her the $350 directly, but pay it to the clinic, she prolly gave up on me. Wondering if I read her correctly. I guess I have no other way of doing anything else, since her phone is no longer in service and I did not know her address, work number etc.
I hope she was scamming me and not really pregnant, or else paid for the abortion herself.
Any thoughts?
I have come to the realization that humans are humans and will do stupid things and things that will annoy others.
Npaul1 what the fuck were you thinking????? I use condoms at all times period. I've had a few ladies try to feed me some bullsh!t story that it's not necessary. A few times I've put the session on hold, driven out to the store to buy some condoms, return and begin where we left off.
I remember way back when I was 22 or 23 years old. some girl I'd been boffing tried to run the same game on me. I'ts an old scam, one of the oldest. But it often works because the guy gets so scared initially that he doesn't see the scam until it's too late.
Hookers are Killers
Here is what happened to a rich British dude who forgot hookers are to fuck and forget. Unless you want to end up like this unfortunate dude, just use, abuse and lose them. They are not like us.
This applies to American women and all women who have moral shortcomings. Always remember why these women exist anbd never trust one longer than a fuck. That way you stay happy and alive.
[QUOTE=Happy Bigamist][url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/6693813.stm[/url]
Here is what happened to a rich British dude who forgot hookers are to fuck and forget. Unless you want to end up like this unfortunate dude, just use, abuse and lose them. They are not like us.
This applies to American women and all women who have moral shortcomings. Always remember why these women exist anbd never trust one longer than a fuck. That way you stay happy and alive.[/QUOTE]
HB are you telling us only hooker's commit these atrocious acts. I read recently about a psychologist who was married to a damn good divorce attorney and was in the middle of a messy divorce........The psychologist realized he was just about to lose everything, so he invited her down to the Caribbean Islands for a last pre-divorce vacation. To cut a long story short he poisoned her and cremated her body. He returned and gave her cremated ashes to her parents. No one could prove a thing and the divorce case was closed.
So, does this mean psychologists are killers? No, it only means there are a lot of fucked up people in this world.
The link provided by Happy Bigamist (who is right, by the way...I am nothing like him and for that, I'm grateful) led me to two other articles.
I know they don't have anything to do with American Women, but they do support the discussion we were having a short while ago. The world is taking a giant step backwards when it comes to sexual freedoms - particularly anything that threatens 'traditional' heterosexual relationships, such as homosexuality and prostitution. I don't believe feminism has much to do with this rapid erosion of our rights as sexual beings. It's all about religion.
I really think that what you said is true, but it is also going the other way in many localities, the world is polarizing and getting ready for a BIG culture war.
Remember Brazil and Colombia recently legalized prostitution, and Ecuador may soon follow suit.
Bango: Without going into the whole legalisation vs decriminalisation debate (probably better suited to the Morality section), legalisation is as much of a backward step for sex worker rights and sexual freedoms as prohibition is. Legalisation is all about tighter controls and regulations and, more importantly, removing the power from the sex workers and putting it into the hands of the state.
More often than not, legalisation has abolitionist aims and objectives.
Hookers Kill
And try to justify it by digging up some bs Polish story about a cartoon and drawing attnetion to a gang of Western poofters egging on Moscow's finest and complaining when they get the response they wanted. Bashing a provocative political activist on the nose does not correspond to getting chopped up by a hooker and her brother.
Hookers are creatures of the night, things of physical pleasure. They have their place, like the rake and the hoe and the other staples of the garden shed. Find them, fuck them, pay them to leave and then forget them after you delouse yourself. That is the secret to a happy fuck.
[QUOTE]....a psychologist who was married to a damn good divorce attorney and was in the middle of a messy divorce........The psychologist realized he was just about to lose everything, so he invited her down to the Caribbean Islands for a last pre-divorce vacation. To cut a long story short he poisoned her and cremated her body. He returned and gave her cremated ashes to her parents. No one could prove a thing and the divorce case was closed....[/QUOTE]
This "news item" has all the trappings & smell of an urban legend.
Well not in THOSE two cases.
What happened in both countries was, they got new Constitutions, in 1988 and 1991 respectively, and THEN the Supreme courts noted that prohibiting prostitution would be unconstitutional under the new arrangements. So it's very much an individiual rights issue in both countries.
Of course some of the right-wing hardliners are trying to reverse this but they've found themselves shut out. And I can say from personal experience that it is NOT going away.
Of course, prostitution was perfectly legal in the USA until 1915, so continued vigilance is required.
[QUOTE=Happy Bigamist]Hookers are creatures of the night, things of physical pleasure. They have their place, like the rake and the hoe and the other staples of the garden shed. Find them, fuck them, pay them to leave and then forget them after you delouse yourself. That is the secret to a happy fuck.[/QUOTE]
If every hooker you've met so far has tried to kill you, it's not because they're hookers. It's because you're a complete asshole.
Killer Hookers
I posted this story. One guy responds with what is probably an urban legent, a few more make interesting comments and one specimen makes a series of posts to denigrate me and the victim of this deranged and greedy prostitute. Let's take a few quotes from the story to put them in the context of this thread and this site.
It was a case full of tales of sex and money.
For this case was very much about money. Jamila M'Barek and the late Earl of Shaftesbury met in 2002 as prostitute and client.
They began seeing each other as a couple and were married within nine months.
Two years later to the day she lured him to his death, afraid that their impending divorce would cut her out of his multi-million-pound will.
In early November 2004 the earl arrived on the Cote D'Azur from England.
The following day he went to see his wife at a flat he had given her in Cannes. He was never seen alive again
The case has fascinated many. It has had sex, money, murder - and revealed the clash between two very different worlds.
Prostitutes and their families are not like the rest of us. Sup with a long spoon. Find them, fuck them, forget them. Don't get involved with them at all. They are damaged, dangerous goods.
The same goes for heroin addicts, depressives, fatties and any other defectives. It takes a special kind of woman to drop her panties to all comers. No one - pimps, fellow hustlers - has respect for them or trusts them. Why should you?
[QUOTE=Yogin]This "news item" has all the trappings & smell of an urban legend.[/QUOTE]
This really happened because the lawyer who was killed by her husband was representing the wife of a casual friend of mine in their own divorce case. He described this woman as very ruthless in the court room. Unfortunately her psychologist husband figured he had a lot more to lose in a divorce case and decided he would do her in first.
Update on situation
[QUOTE=Rock Dog]I remember way back when I was 22 or 23 years old. some girl I'd been boffing tried to run the same game on me. I'ts an old scam, one of the oldest. But it often works because the guy gets so scared initially that he doesn't see the scam until it's too late.
Rock[/QUOTE]Apparently it was not a scam. The girl called me yesterday and has an appointment at the abortion clinic for Saturday. So I went to the clinic and paid $440 to the clinic for it.
I had been bonking her off and on for a couple of months, and we had been using a spermacide. She said she must not have put it in for the full 10 minutes before we went at it... ???
Just wondering if I should have offered to pay half? Or would that be tacky to try to negotiate the bill?
Selfishly, I am glad I don't have to pay for child support for 18 years, like some dads. It was her decision to get the abortion, and the man has no choice in the matter anyway, so the moral decision was up to her. I am over twice her age, so I am prolly too old to be a good daddy again.
Npaul consider yourself lucky you got off so easy. Like you said, you could have been paying through the nose for YEARS.
Why is this article posted in here anyways? It belongs in the "Morality" section. I would ask that people please respond to it there after this post if they want to continue the discussion.
It DOES take a different kind of girl to "drop her pants for all comers", but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Your little theory is kinda short on logic. Plenty of prostitutes have never killed anyone, and plenty of killers have never had sex for money. You'd have to prove POSITIVELY that the fact that she was a prostitute was more than a mere coincidence in order for your argument to have any weight.
It certainly goes against 100% of my personal experience with WG's. My personal dealings with them has actually INCREASED my respect for them.
Rubber Nursey,
The link you gave to the article about Poland and Teletubbies is unfortunately a proof for what I wrote before that “everyone talks about family’s values but nobody care about an average family’s problems” in my country. Through a few days Poland has entertainment on TV. Most people laugh at Mrs Sowinska and they wonder what another idiotic problems our politicians will create in the future. Maybe it is some kind of method, to focus people’s attention on moronic actions of our spokesperson for children's rights then rather on the real problems, political and social ones. One should also remember that Mrs Sowinska belongs to “League of Polish Families”, the political, conservative party which promoted her for the position of the spokesperson. She’s well know in Poland of her other controversial actions, for example a letter to the Pope Benedict XVI. She was writing about the lay and masonic Polish media which declared the war on “Church, its shepards and God’s people”. I guess I haven’t to write anything more about her.
Personally I’ve never thought that Tinky Winky who has a woman's handbag can be a gay :-), neither anyone of my friends. And I think that Polish children who are 3 or 4 don’t even know what it is gay but thanks to Mrs Sowinska they will know it for sure :-)
[QUOTE=Rubber Nursey]The world is taking a giant step backwards when it comes to sexual freedoms - particularly anything that threatens 'traditional' heterosexual relationships, such as homosexuality and prostitution.[/QUOTE]Ironically Poland isn’t a good proof for your thesis. Prostitution and homosexuality were, are and will be present in my country. The article about Teletubbies is rather a proof for hypocrisy. I’ll give you another example. A son of my acquaintances has a girlfriend. She has a child from her previous relationship. They don’t want to accept the girl because a childless woman is always better as a daughter-in-law. I don’t know her but for some reasons this guy loves her so probably she’s nice. Anyway it isn’t about her, it’s about these people’s attitude that a girl with child is worse because one can’t hide it. For them it would be better if she was a hooker because you can hide this fact and it’s hard to hide the child. Do you understand what I mean? Mrs Swinska won’t say to the cameras that she doesn’t accept gays. Instead of it she claims that she wants to protect innocent children from Masonry, homosexuality, atheists and all kind of heretics.
I think it’s not about religion, and for sure not about feminism. It just depends on someone’s character. There are people who think that they have monopoly for the truth.
[QUOTE=Npaul1]Just wondering if I should have offered to pay half? Or would that be tacky to try to negotiate the bill?[/QUOTE]Well, Npaul1 , if you talk about the responsibility I can give you only one advice. Forget about the money and just be happy that you won’t pay for the child support. Imagine what would be if she gave birth to twins ;-) Next time think about responsibility a little earlier or at least ask about her last name and address. A propos the moral decisions: if you had a choice, would you make another decision about baby? Hmm, anyway I think you have more luck then you could expect
[QUOTE=Happy Bigamist]Prostitutes and their families are not like the rest of us[/QUOTE]What does it mean? That they don’t pay for sex? They have no feelings? That they like money more then average John or Jane? :-) Please, tell me, I’d like to really know why they are different from the “rest of us”.
[QUOTE=Happy Bigamist]No one - pimps, fellow hustlers - has respect for them or trusts them. Why should you? [/QUOTE]Because you are a human being who respects people and who expects the same from the others?
And if you write about trust, don’t people kill each other for money, power or sometimes just for fun? Should I be afraid to go to my university after I watched the news from VA? You can’t predict the life.
Besides you can’t really know what happened between M'Barek and her husband. “Nicholas Ashley-Cooper said his father was a "gentle soul" who descended into "alcohol and depression".” So he wasn’t the ideal husband, what of course doesn’t justify the murder. And journalists usually look for bloody, tragic news because people like to read about them. Would someone notice the case if he wasn’t a rich earl?
But as always I’m an optimist. For sure Mrs M’Barek will write a book about her life full of money, sex and earls. And she will make more money on it then she could get from her lovers. It should be enough for retirement on the Cote D'Azur.
Although in some ways, the killer hooker story does not belong in this thread, in another way it does. It is not about whether hooking is right or wrong, it is about hookers who kill.
Let's not fool ourselves. Many posters here get conned into mistaking a paid fuck for a GFE and we have threads on all kinds of women here. If she is much younger that you, she is most likely in love with your wallet. If she is a hooker, or someone else with no conept of the work ethic, watch your back. Better still, dump her.
Paul McCartney, formerly of The Beatles and Wings, was caught big time by a one legged hooker. Then we have that old Texas dude who got snared by the ex Playboy bunny. Who knows how many love lorn losers in Thailand, Brazil, Colombia, the Philippines etc have been done in by the hooker and her associates?
Hookers have no concept of money because all they do is spread their legs for dough. Not for them the 10 hour grind. They regard you as a cash register. And if the cash register can be kidnapped and disemboweled to empty it, all the better.
I could have posted other links here like the Texas women up for murder suiciding her kids. But I thought this one was more relevant. Whether in the good ole US of A or anywhere else, alaways stay on the right side of the tracks. Anyway, my 2 cetabos. Take the floor.
[QUOTE=Mmbmmb]Well, Npaul1,
If you talk about the responsibility I can give you only one advice. Forget about the money and just be happy that you won’t pay for the child support. Imagine what would be if she gave birth to twins ;-) Next time think about responsibility a little earlier or at least ask about her last name and address. A propos the moral decisions: if you had a choice, would you make another decision about baby? Hmm, anyway I think you have more luck then you could expect.[/QUOTE]There is no point in speculating on moral questions which are totally beyond our control. Women have the law and right to decide when to abort, men have nothing to say about it. I do not like that, but that is the law since Row v. Wade.
If you do not like that, write your Congressman/women and they will laugh at you.
[QUOTE=HappyBigamist]Hookers have no concept of money because all they do is spread their legs for dough. Not for them the 10 hour grind.[/QUOTE]
Ummm....hello? The thing that makes hookers different from 'regular' people who have sex, is that they do it as a means of earning income. The specifics of the job description are completely irrelevant - they are still gainfully employed. Whether a person is 'spreading their legs for dough' or flipping burgers in Maccas, they're out there earning a living. By your logic, 'regular' women who stay at home and look after the kids while the hubby goes to work and earns the money, must be another step below sex workers.
This has nothing to do with being a hooker. What you're talking about are golddiggers. Freeloaders. People who want to live the high life at someone else's expense.
You make it sound like men are just innocent bystanders in all this - that these money-hungry women are attacking them like vampires and sucking them dry. Obviously you've never seen a wealthy man in action. My best friend, who has never been a hooker, works in a place wealthy men frequent. Even though she is happily married with a couple of kids, EVERY WEEK she gets offered jewellery, cars, weekends away on tropical islands...they assume because she's working (not staying at home with the kids) that her husband is not a huge earner and she'll jump at the opportunity to run off and live like a princess. And if they're doing it to her - a married woman in her thirties with two children - then it's likely they're doing it to any woman they take a fancy to.
IF men are more likely to find themselves in this situation with a hooker than a regular woman, it's probably only because they feel more comfortable broaching the subject with a hooker. A regular woman might take offense at being offered money or goods for sex - a hooker won't. A lot of men also think a hooker needs to be 'rescued' and it makes them feel good to play Knight in Shining Armour....or they straight out think that hookers are sad, pathetic victims who can be bought and sold. I've had clients flash money in my face with such an air of superiority and arrogance that it's taken all my strength not to slap them.
Whether the girl is a hooker or a regular woman, I don't condone screwing someone over to get hold of their money. But I don't see men as innocent victims in all this. These guys are chasing women, often way out of their league, and offering them the world. They shouldn't be surprised when some women try to take it.
Bango, Mmbmmb - I'll move this discussion to the Morality section.
I figured Happy Bigamist's discussion was better suited to this thread, though - the fact that he has no respect for other human beings made his post [i]look[/i] like a morality issue, but I think it's more about golddiggers, etc, which is definitely an AW subject.
Let me just say HB that you have NO FUCKING IDEA how hard it is to fuck for a living. It's one of the harder jobs on Earth. It's hard on you physically AND emotionally.
What's an easy job? In NYC it's the cocksucker who gets paid $60k a year just to open and close the subway doors. Or building doormen. Make no mistake about it. WGs EARN their money.
I think this issue does have more of an ethical component to it and for that reason belongs in the Morality section.
BC I completely agree with your comments. These ladies have to drop their pants for guys that look like shit......Guys who are fat/obese, unclean, smelly asses, bad breath, toothless idiots, mental nut cases etc you all get my drift. These ladies have my respect for putting up with all this crap.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Cool.
Let me just say HB that you have NO FUCKING IDEA how hard it is to fuck for a living. It's one of the harder jobs on Earth. It's hard on you physically AND emotionally.
What's an easy job? In NYC it's the cocksucker who gets paid $60k a year just to open and close the subway doors. Or building doormen. Make no mistake about it. WGs EARN their money.
I think this issue does have more of an ethical component to it and for that reason belongs in the Morality section.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Rubber Nursey]IF men are more likely to find themselves in this situation with a hooker than a regular woman, it's probably only because they feel more comfortable broaching the subject with a hooker. ...[/QUOTE]Most hookers are easier to fuck than non-hookers. I approached a girl at the YMCA gym last week and she mentioned she was a rower and that it was all in the legs. I later complimented her on how nice legs she had. She complained to the managment and they said I had "crossed the line" and threatened to cancel my membership! How can you even flirt with a non-hooker any more?
Plus, the damn YMCA now is run by a bunch of FEMINISTS! Yet they solicit contributions by claiming they are a religious organization that helps young inner city black boys (these are their poster boys)
Now if she works as a waitress in a restaurant or bar, then her tips depend on how jovial she gets you and flirting is cool! You could make some compliment about how good her legs are, and it would be fine.
But if the woman is in a salaried job, not for tips, they get rights and think they are being sexually harassed!
AW and EU feminism- toxic waste
Reason why aw suck is dworkins and scum manifestos of the world were droped like nuclear cloud on the Hiroshima and women said "you go grrrrlllllllllll". They destroyed family unit, created millions fatherless woman zombies who want equality without responsibility, created child support debt prisoners against constitution etc ad nauseam.
I don't speak to you anymore. And I know you find this unthinkable. In your mind, what young single guy wouldn't leap at the invitation to be a bit player in the drama that is your life, in which you're the lead actress? After all, you're young, female, attractive, sexually nubile, maybe even single. Aren't all guys supposed to leap at that? Yet, I refuse to speak to you.
What you're seeing is the pinnacle in the evolution of an attitude created and reinforced by thousands of minor transgressions. Each a grain of sand in size, but so numerous, they collectively create a mountain.
I don't speak to you because I've tried before. I've been genuinely interested in your life. Yet, when I ask questions in an attempt to build a bridge of friendship between us, to seek a common ground upon which we can both meet, I receive a glassy-eyed look as if I'm bothering you. As if, deep inside, you're screaming "Why are you bothering me, won't you please shut up and leave? " Eventually, I learned that the common ground is neither there, nor is a place upon which I wish to walk. So, I quit building bridges.
I don't speak to you because I've tried before. I've tried to develop interests in the things that interest you. No matter how insipid, trivial, or dull I find the stories of your friends I've never met, of people I do not know, of things on TV that have no interest in watching, I try to make the effort to learn about these things. Because what interests you is a part of who you are, and if you are going to matter to me, I'd like to see what you like. Exposure to new things is part of growing as a person, and each person can learn from the other. A cross-pollenization of ideas. However, you never seem to be interested in my life. You behave as if my life is a bother to you. You're not interested in finding out who I am. I'm supposed to be off in the shadows, only to step into the limelight when the central drama needs me to support you. When my time has passed, it's back into the shadows I go, replaced with someone else. So, I quit trying to learn from you. After all, trying to drive the wrong way down a one-way street is as foolish as the experience is nerve-wracking.
I don't speak to you anymore because you're no different than anyone else. You're not unique anymore. There's nothing special about you. The colors may vary, but you dress the same as everyone else. The names and faces of the other bit-actors and actresses in the central drama that is your life may be different, but the plots the same. You're no different than a low-budget porno movie. Any novelty you may have is purely superficial, the substance is the same. Forgive me if I leave early, I've seen this movie before, I know how it ends, and it's never worth the price of admission.
So, I refuse to speak to you anymore. It doesn't surprise me why you do not understand why I do not speak to you, though it does astonish me that you find my silence odd. Perhaps, you mistake the noise that emanates from you for my voice. Perhaps it's because you're so busy communicating you never bother to listen for a response. What ever the underlying cause for your lack of comprehension, one thing remains clear, what you have to say simply does not matter to me anymore. Written by Voodoojock read read read and think go to [url]http: //awomanagainstfeminism. ********.com/[/url] [url]http://www.the-niceguy.com/forum//index.php? Act=idx[/url] read, think scrutinize
the previous poster made a rambling reference to the scum manifesto. it was written by valerie solanas, who attempted to murder andy warhol. scum=society for cutting up men. here are some lovely excerpts, written 40 years ago:
quotations from the scum manifesto
solanas advocating the elimination of males:
"life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex."
assertion that males are inherently inferior to females:
"retaining the male has not even the dubious purpose of reproduction. the male is a biological accident: the y(male) gene is an incomplete x(female) gene, that is, has an incomplete set of chromosomes. in other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. to be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples."
on the role of the individual in society:
"a true community consists of individuals - not mere species members, not couples - respecting each other's individuality and privacy, at the same time interacting with each other mentally and emotionally - free spirits in free relation to each other and co-operating with each other to achieve common ends. traditionalists say the basic unit of "society" is the family; "hippies" say the tribe; no-one says the individual."
describing her vision of a coming revolution:
"scum will keep on destroying, looting, fucking-up and killing until the money-work system no longer exists and automation is completely instituted or until enough women co-operate with scum to make violence unnecessary to achieve these goals."
"the sick, irrational men, those who attempt to defend themselves against their disgustingness, when they see scum barreling down on them, will cling in terror to big mama with her big bouncy boobies, but boobies won't protect them against scum; big mama will be clinging to big daddy, who will be in the corner shitting in his forceful, dynamic pants. men who are rational, however, won't kick or struggle or raise a distressing fuss, but will just sit back, relax, enjoy the show and ride the waves to their demise."
(also: andrea dworkin is a feminist who believes that all men are [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127][CodeWord127][/url], and that heterosexual sex is by definition [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url].)
No Justice
The poster below is a little confused. Yes the rich get richer. Bill Gates took his fathers $100M and turned it into $50B. Same like you had $100 and turned it into $50K
If you want to be sucessful with women in the US you have to go out and get them. Trust me. Watch 'Leave it to Beaver'. This is 50 years ago. The man is working at a stupid job where he would never have to wear a suit today. Happy woman home waiting. Ward Cleaver wants to pay the boys 50 cents each to paint the trash cans but they goof off and the wife paints them herself and spends $5 on a hat. Mrs. Cleaver serves her family 24/7 and is sooooo happy to get a cheap hat. OK honey, you painted the garbage cans, you can have the hat.
Imagine this today?
Imagine your two sons were supposed to paint your garbage cans but instead they went out to play and your wife painted them? Then she went and bought a $20 hat without your permission?
Angry Harry
Hey all,
Angry Harry (popular men's blog) needs your support!
h t t p://w w w.bloggerschoiceawards.com/categories/19
Join and vote today - let's put down the feminists competing blog!
[QUOTE=Misinformation]The poster below is a little confused. Yes the rich get richer. Bill Gates took his fathers $100M and turned it into $50B. Same like you had $100 and turned it into $50K
Though it is the same ratio mathematically, turning $100M into $50B
IS NOT the same as you turning $100 into $50K. Because tax law and other financial structure in the USA heavily favor the wealthy to remain and keep and grow there wealth
Violence Against Women
"Stopping Violence Against Women..."
Recently my average western town (could be anywhere in N. America, Europe, Australia, UK) hosted a conference and expose about "Stopping Violence Against Women". This seemed rather ridiculous to me for the following reasons:
.........sorry, who is violated?
The most absolutely exceeding majority of violence in this world is committed against "men". It is nearly exclusively always "men" who get bashed, smashed, beaten, bullied, violated on a daily basis, everywhere. Starting at school, then at work, on the street, in the bars, clubs and by police. And of course there is the contionuous violence against men on the battlefields of war, by other men.
.....being peaceful, etc.
Compared to this absolutely massive amount of violence, the minuscule tiny portion that is committed against women is ridiculously little. Insignificant, even not worth to mention. It is also fair to say that generally those men who are sensible, respectful and walk away from fights get much less hurt and beaten. Those who are aggresive in nature, are assertive, loud, violent and non-sensible themselves get most of the beating. Why should then we use different measures for women?
...equal share, anyone.....?
Especially when they (the women) are concurrently trying to advocate "equality" at the same time. In that case it is fair to mention that they should consider to "equally suffer their fair share" of violence too - as at least 51% of the population being women - and presently all violence that committed specifically against women would not amount to more then 1% of the total. It is so obvious, we see it every day. You do too.
For all fairness, please let the women be "equal" at last and take some of our burden away by suffering 51% of the total violence in the world as their share in the population would dictate. That way the men will be 50% less subjected to the total of everyday violence which the men suffer at present at least 99% of the time (while consisting only 49% or less of the population).
.....the sharpest weapon.....
So, this "violence against women" issue is clearly no more than some more mindless feminine propaganda, aiming to stupify the population even more with still another unfounded argument. At worst it is another tool to expand "violence against men" by urging them to take a violent stance against men who are "accused" of violence against women.
I say "accused" because just by having this finger pointed, any man can be blacklisted by their society, without the need for actual proof. Even if an accusation proves false, the stigma stays and the damage to the man stays unchangeable by losing status, legal costs and even losing jobs originating in a simple false, malicious accusation. It's the perfectly sharpened weapon against any man. The proof you see every day.
Why on earth are men partners in this "crime against other men" by supporting totally silly and unfounded issues such as the above ("propaganda to stop violence against women")?
Are we so deprived by now that we have no other ways to get laid than by betraying each other (and thereby our very selves) and convey our total commitment to all kinds of unnatural and stupid femine issues (breast cancer research, childrens charities, child abuse craze being the others and so on and on) ?
...being a man.... or puppet...?
Gentlemen, how do you feel about yourselves? Are you a man? Or a puppet of some femine-biased, man-hating rulers?
Do you ever do a bit of thinking like you really should (because you are a man)? What does make you a man, if you paint yourself up like women do, pose in front of the mirror daily like women do .......or the fact that you subscribe to issues about men's freedom and rights (and not to issues about women's mindless ravings)?
...in the bin.....
So, next time they hold seminars about the above mindless issue, you will know where their stupid leaflets best go. Straight to the rubbish bin. What an appaling idea this whole thing is.....
Are there any "men" reading this forum who do not act like women? I wonder....Are there any left in America?
But of course. We have all been silly some time. Time to wake up though.....
The "evil" 25.......
BTW there also was a list of photos (25 in total) of the "lowlife" men accused in our area with some sort of assault against a woman. (What exactly the "assault" was not detailed. Could be anything, taking "no for a yes", a touch or even just saying "b*tch). All that they could come up was 25 gentlemen for some vague offences against the majority (51%+) of the population. Now, if we took photos of those people who assaulted men (the smaller 49% of citizens) in the same period, would be the whole wall surface of the town-hall be enough to hold the photos???
.......yes, they are right, but...
Let's not be hypocrits. We only go along with them because they are strong. Stronger than ever before. And the strong is always right in this world. The opposition simply doesn't get a say. Why do we have to suffer this discrimination every day in modern American (western) society, and how much longer?
So, the next time you are about to hit another man, think again. Who are you actually hitting? Are you giving another blow to your own already battered status? Are you not smashing yourself to stupid?
...No To Violence Against Men...
So, I say:
"No to violence against men first. After then we deal with the other creatures."
But you already knew all this, for sure..........
"Sexual Predator" Laws
In Georgia a 17 year old honor student & star athlete was sentenced to 10 years of prison without chance of parole for having consensual oral sex with a 15 year old girl. She initiated giving him a BJ! They called it "aggravated child molestation".
This is the result of Georgia getting tough on "sexual predators". Even after prison he'll have to register for life as one, wherever he goes.
Like we have been saying, its RELIGION you have to watch out for, not feminism!
For the ladies...
[QUOTE=Astor Bryan]BC I completely agree with your comments. These ladies have to drop their pants for guys that look like shit......Guys who are fat/obese, unclean, smelly asses, bad breath, toothless idiots, mental nut cases etc you all get my drift. These ladies have my respect for putting up with all this crap.[/QUOTE]So agree with you. Some mongers give charming fellows like myself a bad rep. Fortunately I am nice enough to the gals that they tend to REALLY fuck my brains out as they want to be done likewise.
As for the rant on feminism. Bull**** baby. You've had too much sex and not enough conversations with women methinks.
Open Letter to Our Brother: Mr Bango....
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Like we have been saying, its RELIGION you have to watch out for, not feminism![/QUOTE]
Hi Bro,
Please think about this:
Everybody has a "religion" and nobody has "no religion".
Religion is a set of things that you belive in. Everybody believes in something, even if those beliefs do not have space for a "supernatural being". What you make of the world, what different things and concepts mean to you are "Mr Bango's own religion".
When several people agree on certain things and sacrifice some of their own ideas for a common purpose is the situation when a so called "formal religion" is created. However, it is still just a belief and nothing more.
Therefore "catolicism" is a religion and so is "communism" and "feminism", nothing more than a set of ideas that someone either accepts or not. We (well, some of us) cannot accept "feminism" simply because it's ideals are not supportive for us, who we "believe to be" and who "we want to be".
Either way, you still have a "religion" and in fact your ideas might even encompass several so called "religions". Sorry, the ideals of feminism are some that I cannot accept, simply because they are stupid and insulting.
So, we do not support "feminism" and I am greatly surprised why any men do. Obviously not for any reason than to get laid in a very lowly, subservient way.
I think that "men" shouldn't be like that.
Allright, Mr. Semantics, it's religious DOGMA that's anti-sexual in nature that's the problem.
But it's not any form of feminism. Mainstream feminism is NO threat to a guy getting laid, trust me. And the more hardcore kinds everybody keeps throwing examples of on here are very rare in today's society.
People keep turning this into a women vs men thing, when the issue really is that American CULTURE AS A WHOLE has gone down the toilet.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Allright, Mr. Semantics, it's religious DOGMA that's anti-sexual in nature that's the problem.
But it's not any form of feminism. Mainstream feminism is NO threat to a guy getting laid, trust me. And the more hardcore kinds everybody keeps throwing examples of on here are very rare in today's society.
People keep turning this into a women vs men thing, when the issue really is that American CULTURE AS A WHOLE has gone down the toilet.[/QUOTE]
That US culture as a whole is going down the toilet does NOT mean that feminism is not hurting men!
There is no more 'mainstream' feminism. It died in the late 60's / early 70's. The feminist movement was hi-jacked decades ago by the hardcore left-wing.
That hardcore movement is now into man-bashing and male oppression. They, through the public school system, have succeeded in f'ing up an entire generation of men by transforming normal boyhood behavior into a desease called ADHD and doping up millions of boys for their entire childhood.
Frankly, we need to be on the lookout for both hardcore feminism AND extreme religious dogma.
[quote=george90]..there is no more 'mainstream' feminism...died in the late 60's / early 70's...the movement is now into male oppression...through the public school system, have succeeded in f'ing up an entire generation of men by transforming normal boyhood behavior into a desease called adhd and doping up millions of boys...[/quote]
totally agree. radical feminism over the last 30 years has insidiously crept into the mainstream "thought" of all education, psychology, and the social sciences, resulting in institutionalized male oppression codified into law & public policy. it is the most intellectually vacuous & bankrupt movement to appear in the modern era. read "the myth of male power". the current prevailing dogma is that all gender roles are learned, maleness is to be feared & quashed at every turn, and that all males are [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127][CodeWord127][/url] past present or future. any poor sap who goes along with feminist bs just wants to get laid in good ol' sex prison usa.
Of course, if someone gave me the option of 30k which I could spend on a few months vacation in Thailand vs. some more practical goal, I would be torn, too.
For those who so love AW
I cannot believe some men will fall for this BS. Unfortunately women like this have thousands of male suitors lined up as far as the eye can see.
Young female seeking benefactor - w4m - 22
Reply to: [email]pers-356140662@craigslist.org[/email]
Date: 2007-06-20, 8:34AM EDT
I am a 22 year old girl seeking a generous man to help me finacially in exchange for companionship, drinks, dinner, shopping etc..
I am looking for a gentleman! Someone who will treat me with kindness and respect. No weirdos please! You must be somewhat fit, attractive and very kind.
I have a very positive attitude, I like to smile and laugh!
I love going to local taverns and having drinks and dinner.
I work 7am-5pm and am available anytime after that =)
Ideally I'd like to meet once or twice a week.
If interested please send a very detailed email (including a photo. i will not respond to emails without a photo).
Go to Thailand... and don't come back. The way the global economy is going you really do not have to live in the US to live well. Look at the way the US Dollar is crumbling on international markets. Europeans are beginning to flood the US because it is becoming a cheap destination for them. It used to be the other way around in the past. Or stay in the US, assuming you have friends and family that you are still attached to. There are a lot of nice women around the world, but if you look at their logic, it would not be difficult for them to Americanize once they are in the USA.
Astor Bryan,
So she wants a Sugar Daddy...isn't she doing the right thing by openly asking for one, rather than stringing some rich shmuck along? You guys complain that women play games and manipulate men, but you're annoyed by an ad like this as well. She's being honest about what she wants and the men who reply to this ad will know exactly what to expect from the relationship. Why is that a bad thing?
[QUOTE=Rubber Nursey]Astor Bryan,
So she wants a Sugar Daddy...isn't she doing the right thing by openly asking for one, rather than stringing some rich shmuck along? You guys complain that women play games and manipulate men, but you're annoyed by an ad like this as well. She's being honest about what she wants and the men who reply to this ad will know exactly what to expect from the relationship. Why is that a bad thing?[/QUOTE]
I agree with you to the extent that it is MUCH better to be honest and upfront about ones desires than to be dishonest and manipulate someone into doing something they would not do if they had full information. I am not very annoyed by that ad.
What does annoy me is the attitude that a certain amount of money is DESERVED due soley to one's appearance. I am not sure if this particular ad does that, but I am offended that in addition to the money she wants respect and kindness adn for him to be fit and attractive. SHE is the prostitute looking for a john! She has no business telling the world who is worthy of paying her and who is not! The ARROGANCE of it all bothers me. I hope she gets a man who treats her like the commodity she is displaying herself as.
Methinks she doth expect too much as well.
What's incredible is there probably are some saps out there who will take her up!
I've seen so many examples of idiots here in NYC who pay so much for SO little it wouldn't surprise me.
My two cents (pesos)
While this forum tends to be overly harsh, the essence of the complaints ring clearly a bell.
IMH experience, AW invariably have extraordinary expectations verus what is offered by their counterparts. For myself, I have a BS in CS and a MS in Mathematics. However somehow that makes me "uncreative", while a "writer" is somehow "creatve". I could not buy a date because of being too smart.
My opinion, as a WASP who views the world in a tech/science/entrepeneurial view, is that I could honestly let the white girls whither while commit to Latina/Asian beauties. I could commit to some women not becuase of their perceived permissiveness, but rather their concern for family and nothing is ever for free. Any husband must be very vigilant to protect his budding family. There is no delusion that a WASP or Asian/Latina marriage would be easy. However, a WASP lady would be MUCH more likely to be concerned about the "CASH OUT" aspect of a marriage versus an Asian woman.
Honestly, there is a dwindling number of wasp guys in the sciences. The sciences class tends to do the most startups. However, white girls expect the world and tends to alienate the ones who are most likely to achieve success. If a Chinese guy invents simple nuclear fusion, he is still a Chinaman and not "HOT". Western values need a kick in the a**. I say this as a white guy who identifies with SOME those beliefs.
[QUOTE=Striker]Honestly, there is a dwindling number of wasp guys in the sciences. [/QUOTE]
I would think you feel down right LONELY as a White in Computer Science / Mathematics. When I graduated from college in NYC, 99% of the names for C.S. were Asian.
I am not White and I am impressed with your world view. There are lots of men on some foreign wife forums who have quite racist views and seem only want arm-candy to impress other White guys.
What I don't understand is that if even White guys with graduate degrees are writing off American White women, who exactly are they (AWs) marrying?
I have seen many marriages of White American women with Indians, Chinese, Koreans but I don't know if that is a trend. What I saw was confined to the medicine / biological sciences fields.
[QUOTE=George90]I would think you feel down right LONELY as a White in Computer Science / Mathematics. When I graduated from college in NYC, 99% of the names for C.S. were Asian.
Is that degree even worth the effort anymore? Your jobs are being outsourced.
Back on topic of women:
Got the USA blues -oh yeah!
Just back into the Cali, went on a date.
Spent money on dinner and whew eee! I got two kisses! WOW!
I guess I have to wait for the 3rd date..Boy that is how it works right?
F*ck u and all you c*unts waiting for Mr. Right, cuz I'm all wrong.
Can't wait to get on the first plane outta here, maybe a couple weeks or so.
I still think we are better off seeking outside of the US. While I have been in Europe for the pass month, I have not talked too, had sex with or got looks from any woman over 130lbs....
I can't get over it! I couldn't even remember what it was like to have sex with a woman that didn't outweigh you! Even as I sit here I got a wink from some trollop that just moved "behind the Orange Curtain" aka Orange County, CA (Irvine for those with knowledge of SoCal) and surprise, surprise she's about 190-200lbs....
I just got back from the Ukraine (most of that trips insights are posted where they should be) and yes you see some "classic" soviet shaped and sized women, however the reports of model types being everywhere are dead spot on! Now its not to the level of Scandinavia because if you like flat asses, small tities, go chase Slavic women.
In any case its funny and I'm in no hurry to go home, I'm trying to figure out how I can stay here, earn some income and chase women all over Europe until I find somebody worth having an LTR with.
A full report on my "findings" when I return...
2 photos
Here's a girl i met on the internet and screwed yesterday.
Very nice legs, feet and ass. I plan to do her again in a couple of weeks.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I still think we are better off seeking outside of the US. While I have been in Europe for the pass month, I have not talked too, had sex with or got looks from any woman over 130lbs....
on! Now its not to the level of Scandinavia because if you like flat asses, small tities, go chase Slavic women. [/QUOTE]
Sad and true! Just got back from Panama. SAME,SAME,SAME...
American diet is horrendous...although I will not put all blame on the ladies.
It's just to easy to grab McD's, Pizza Hut when it's there and cheap. Not to mention so much crap to keep up with in this country. Esp if she is single mom.
Women in the countries we visit don't have half the opportunities that are in the USA, so their looks is their only option for good life and they have more time to devote to that...Just my opinion.
[QUOTE=Naked Gunz]Sad and true! Just got back from Panama. SAME,SAME,SAME...
American diet is horrendous...although I will not put all blame on the ladies.
It's just to easy to grab McD's, Pizza Hut when it's there and cheap. Not to mention so much crap to keep up with in this country. Esp if she is single mom.
Women in the countries we visit don't have half the opportunities that are in the USA, so their looks is their only option for good life and they have more time to devote to that...Just my opinion.[/QUOTE]
We talked about that with the girl I know in Kiev, she was wondering how women got so fat and to be honest I agree, its not what we eat really, its not even access, its the fact that people stuff their face too often for a variety of reasons.
Women are taught from a young age, your hobbies are to be a girl and chase men, thats it. Anything you take up in High School is only to help you secure funding for college and nothing else.
Once you leave college your full time activities include -
Working and Chasing Men
How many women do you know that do more than that? They only work out to stay slim so men will find them more appealing.
Some women are large to start with and have to struggle to stay thin, I get that. But c'mon a steady diet around 4000 calories is going to make you very big over time, its not OVERNIGHT.
And men generally fill there time doing something, even if its playing video games, running remote controlled planes/car, racing cars, playing sports, or just going out every night, that burns up calories and generally if you stay busy you have a much harder time stuffing your face.
FSU women, ha! My lady-friend makes 200HV a MONTH. Let me repeat that 200HV a month! That's like what $60US?? She might get another 100HV from her worthless ex-husband (she calls him lazy, only bring in 300HV a month)
She doesn't have a car and walks and used the Metro. How many US women do that? Okay in NYC maybe, but then they do nothing else and eat while they watch Idol.
Yes go out in the world and find your woman, she is out there..
Women in many other countries are nicer for the reason Naked Gunz mentioned, there are more opportunities for people in the US and in most Western countries. If the circumstances were different you would see different behavior.
A New York Times article about women looking to put on pounds in Mauritania. "fat is sexy" is the thrust the NYT reporter puts on the article; men like it. "Other cultures prize corpulent women".
Other cultures used to burn widows not long ago, too.
It's escaping me, just this moment, what other culture celebrates corpulent women? I can't think of any country with a really fat sex symbol. Bollywood sure is not producing them; I have not seen them in Chinese films.
Mauritania is one of the poorest countries in the world; good luck finding a fast-food drive-thru in Mauritania. Fat means "not poor" in Mauritania and a pragamatic man would do well to accumulate such women. I'm not really sure how many wives a man can have in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, but I'm guessing more than one, and I suspect they cost a few camels (my buddy was offered 4 for his traveling companion in Morocco in the 80's). This sort of color escapes the attention of the NYT reporter as she spoon feeds apologia to the AW.
McDonald's vs Mauritania
Different type of fat you become if you eat lots of healthy food vs junk and sugar.
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]A New York Times article about women looking to put on pounds in Mauritania. "fat is sexy" is the thrust the NYT reporter puts on the article; men like it. "Other cultures prize corpulent women".
Un-equal in-Justice
Can you imagine the same thing happening to a 17 y.o. white kid?
the injustice is sickening... (ps: I'm white)
[QUOTE=Yogin]In Georgia a 17 year old honor student & star athlete was sentenced to 10 years of prison without chance of parole for having consensual oral sex with a 15 year old girl. She initiated giving him a BJ! They called it "aggravated child molestation".
This is the result of Georgia getting tough on "sexual predators". Even after prison he'll have to register for life as one, wherever he goes.
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]A New York Times article about women looking to put on pounds in Mauritania. "fat is sexy" is the thrust the NYT reporter puts on the article; men like it. "Other cultures prize corpulent women".
It's escaping me, just this moment, what other culture celebrates corpulent women? I can't think of any country with a really fat sex symbol. Bollywood sure is not producing them; I have not seen them in Chinese films.
Some other cultures are India, Indonesia, most sub-Saharan African countries, some of the eastern 'stan countries of the former USSR.
You nailed it when you wrote "FAT = NOT POOR". It means you earn enough money to keep your woman more than adequately fed. In prehistoric times, fat women were also considered sexy and beautiful. Then the reason was that a woman who had ample fat stores would bear healthier children, in the event of a scarcity of food during her pregnancy.
You won't see fat sex symbols in movies. But you will see overweight wives of well-off men in Asian and African countries. I have seen them when they come here to the US.
Open Letter to That Asshole
Dear Mr. Asshole,
I hope that this letter finds you in good health and the joys of rooting. I have oft read your warnings about the dangers of communicating with women outside of brothels. It is about this matter that I wish to share a recent and most unfortunate experience. Perhaps, if I had I heeded your calls to caution regarding these communications I might have spared myself some unnecessary discomfort.
While at work business matters took me to the office of a female co-worker. During my time there I had to wait for her to retrieve some information and she began making small talk during the pause. She innocently asked, “What do you do after work for excitement?”
I, not seeing where this conversation was headed, casually replied, “I go to a place on H Drive where…” I was cut off in mid sentence.
“H Drive with the prostitutes? Do you pick up prostitutes?” she inquired accusatorily.
Needless to say I was quite shocked and at a loss as to how the conversation had taken this most unexpected turn. After recovering from this surprise attack I asked her what in the world made her say something like that since I barely even knew her. She then said that H Drive was usually frequented by prostitutes and when she was several pounds lighter as a college student she rode up and down H Drive with a car load of friends harassing the poor creatures and laughing at them. You see, she was laughing at the prostitutes on the street because she knew that she could sell her meat for much more by marrying a man and monopolizing control over his life earnings. She was a smart prostitute! Why root with many when she could root with one for much more money?
I expressed my lack of appreciation for her wild accusations, the inappropriateness of it all and then pointed out that the place I was referring to was actually a restaurant and bar before she rudely interrupted me with her imagination. I realized then that any single male with a good income and no attachments would be subject to such verbal assaults by AW feminists. It also dawned on me that all of her previous seemingly innocent questions were not so innocent after all. Indeed, it seemed that pained her, and other AW that my resources were not going to maintain one of their kind. They assume that if a man refuses to be a marital slave, though having a steady income, then he must be spending it all on rooting numerous prostitutes and they disapprove of this very strongly.
Therefore, in the future I resolve to minimize any type of conversation with AW seeing that this can only lead to danger as these women only spin evil, destruction and confusion with their words.
Best regards,
The fat is sexy idea is actually quite true in some countries where there is widespread poverty and having food is more valued than it is in a rich country where it is easy to find.
I think it is still possible to find good women outside of America, in fact it is quite easy, the hard part is finding a way to build a life with them in their country. Some women still stay good even when you bring them back but it depends on a lot of factors. If you live in a big city, especially a very liberal one, there is a good chance she will cut and run from you. If you are in a small town its a different story.
The distinction between what makes a good wife and what is "sexy" is getting a little foggy with some of these responses. Case in point, it might be exciting to sport screw Paris Hilton, but she's poor material for a wife. At least by conventional standards. So, she's desirable in one sense of the word, but not in the other.
I don't think the article is claiming these girls are sexy. They just seem like good wife material. I think the Mauritanian men who chase them are driven entirely by practical ideas, not because they are hotties.
This is an interesting discussion; for me, at least. But I need some examples - can you point to a celebrated model or actress in these countries with significant heft? We all know there are a lot of big women in countries like the United States and, increasingly, in India - but you don't see large Indian or American screen stars.
Here's the Miss Universe contestants from India, Kazakstan and Zambia - to fuel the discussion.
Also. I think an archaeologist might have some interesting things to suggest about pre-historic statuettes of corpulent women, but since it's pre-history it's difficult to know exactly what people felt. I think "sexy" is a reach - it tells you more about the person making the judgement about the object than the object itself, right? There certainly is a market out there for the earth mother; there are a lot of large women who want to be "sexy". Maybe it's easier to try and change the definition of "sexy" than to put down the cheese doodles and go for a walk.
Even when they don't cut and run all is not roses. I almost cried when I saw my friend's wife. Why you might ask? Well, she no longer looked like the slim dark-eyed beauty that came to the USA 2 years ago. Instead, she looked like a fat cannibal who came into my friend's bedroom one night, ate his lovely slender wife and quitely took her place before he awoke. Now that she has become heavy she has become insecure and will not leave her husband alone for one minute when he is not working for fear that he will root with skinny women.
I checked out those links with some interest. All 3 women are fine examples of "hotness". Of course they don't represent the average woman anywhere but still......
With regards to Chocha's post, I've seen this same thing more times than I could remember. Decent looking woman with a decent body gets married, and after a few short years it's gone!
Of course having kids will take an inevitable toll on a womans' body but that can't explain away everything. They can still do a little bit of exercise, eat right and dress nicely. And having kids doesn't mean you have to go out and get one of those goddamn shortass haircuts that are so popular with middle-aged career women types.
Sometimes I see 5 or 6 of them hanging around together in their business suits, looking for all the world like a group of retarded little men.
If you want to avoid AW (which is really American CULTURE like I said) why not just permanently move out of the USA? What is keeping all you guys here?
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]If you want to avoid AW (which is really American CULTURE like I said) why not just permanently move out of the USA? What is keeping all you guys here?[/QUOTE]
Debts, Bango, debts. Many of us owe money on education and all the other things they tell us we need to get ahead in America. Also, guys who have to pay alimony and child support to AW will find it hard to make enough money abroad to pay those bills with few exceptions. Some might say that you can leave without paying but that would turn you into a fugitive from debtor's prison. Eventually, you'll need to renew your passport and that would be a big problem unless you somehow acquired citizenship in the new country of residence.
One option is to find an American company that would pay you a US salary to work abroad but many times the jobs are in Western Europe or the Middle East, hardly ideal destinations. Once, I considered the bar business in Latin America but changed my mind when I noticed that Americans in that line of business always seem to end up dying quite violently.
Still, there are ways to leave permanently without becoming a wanted man back in the US but it requires time and capital for the young who are still far from retirement.
Well that is the downside of Western culture, the more have to eat chances are the more fat you become. Obesity in Western Europe is almost as bad as it is in the USA, Eastern Europe will soon share the same fate. So will Asia as its economies become more affluent. In fact, I have seen some absolutely HUGE Indian and Chinese women. If you think the average Indian female looks like that Miss Universe contestant, take a trip to India and you will be back in reality, in fact Indian dudes go gaga over European type females even those that are pretty average looking.
Its not that easy to pick up and leave the US, debts arent the only reason, we are accustomed to a modern convenient life, I have met people who have moved overseas only to realize that many of things they got without fuss are harder to find outside of North America. I like European women from Russia and Poland, but would not want to live in either country.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Debts, Bango, debts. Many of us owe money on education and all the other things they tell us we need to get ahead in America. Also, guys who have to pay alimony and child support to AW will find it hard to make enough money abroad to pay those bills with few exceptions. Some might say that you can leave without paying but that would turn you into a fugitive from debtor's prison. Eventually, you'll need to renew your passport and that would be a big problem unless you somehow acquired citizenship in the new country of residence.
One option is to find an American company that would pay you a US salary to work abroad but many times the jobs are in Western Europe or the Middle East, hardly ideal destinations. Once, I considered the bar business in Latin America but changed my mind when I noticed that Americans in that line of business always seem to end up dying quite violently.
Still, there are ways to leave permanently without becoming a wanted man back in the US but it requires time and capital for the young who are still far from retirement.[/QUOTE]
Nothing is really keeping me here...
I no wife, no kids and hardly any bills. The main concern is trying to earn income without any sort of tech training which seems to be most of the jobs available overseas. So I am considering that...
If I can figure out how to make money with just a net connection I would be down to move.
I can more than likely be a "lorrie" driver, but I dunno about that.
So for me its what in the world will I be doing for income???
I ran into an American that moved to Sweden after he got involved with a Swedish Au Pair in the Chicago area. Well after 5 years it didn't work out and he's moving back to the States. He didn't really have any skills in demand in Sweden and it took him 14 months to find employment at the Casino near the main train station in Stockholm and that took a toll on their relationship, weaken it and they were never able to recover it.
He finally moved out on his own about a year ago and hooked up with a girl he went to high school with here in Pasadena, CA (not Texas). He's coming back and we'll keep in contact so we can hook up when he moves back full time.
But yes you do need a plan, you can't just pick up and move unless you don't have shiet, then it wouldn't matter, but many countries won't let you stay without some form of employment especially in many Eastern European countries especially Russia.
I would do it and I have some other things happening that would let me stay long term, even without working. However unless I can figure out how live off the interest gained, it would be hard to live in Europe, but easier maybe in South America or some cheap Asian country.
I believe I can find a spot in a cheap Eastern Europe country (my secret) that's fairly close to a major airport that most of the low-cost airlines use and use that as a "base of operations".
Smart people might know where I am talking about and frankly if its get invaded by Westerners, the key is getting there FIRST and mining all the talent and leaving the leftovers and changing culture to the 2nd tier players as Doc Skank has termed those with lesser skill in "the game".
I am so tired of American women I wanna go back full-time I just have to make sure that when I come back (and I will) that I can come back when and how I want, not be forced into coming back.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]Well that is the downside of Western culture, the more have to eat chances are the more fat you become. Obesity in Western Europe is almost as bad as it is in the USA, Eastern Europe will soon share the same fate. So will Asia as its economies become more affluent. In fact, I have seen some absolutely HUGE Indian and Chinese women. If you think the average Indian female looks like that Miss Universe contestant, take a trip to India and you will be back in reality, in fact Indian dudes go gaga over European type females even those that are pretty average looking.
Its not that easy to pick up and leave the US, debts arent the only reason, we are accustomed to a modern convenient life, I have met people who have moved overseas only to realize that many of things they got without fuss are harder to find outside of North America. I like European women from Russia and Poland, but would not want to live in either country.[/QUOTE]
I'm not sure I would want to live in Kiev either...
But we're human we can adapt and its not that hard.
But I will say that getting over the counter drugs was an issue in most of Europe and I spent the first 3.5 weeks of my vacation suffering from post nasal drip and stuffy nose. I only found relief when I hit Germany and was able to get something strong enough over the counter to solve my problem in about 12 hours....
I know most people's concerns are over our Media in American and its availability in Europe is on the top of most "need to have" list. Right now the only REAL option is Sky in the UK, but you can't get that outside of the UK really and the other options just don't measure up. Your only option now is a Slingbox or some other streaming over the net product.
Outside of that and the fact and NOBODY speaks English really can cause major problems. English speaking girls are in high demand as well, so you have no other choice but to at least learn the native language. I'm lazy like most Americans (so sue me) and I would think wisely about moving into places like Poland and Russia where not even the people at the mobile phone shops speak English for example, only at touristy places like River Palace in Kiev, even most of the girls speak more than passable English....
Oh the options are wide and varied though...
Gentlemen and the lady
Nearly a month passed when I wrote my last post here. I checked what changed in this thread and I see that you still complain, not so much about women but about United States, its culture and generally society.
And for all these problems you have still the same solution: to go to ( Thailand, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Brazil, Argentina etc. )
Hmmm, ok, so let’s start from the beginning
[QUOTE=Naked Gunz]Women in the countries we visit don't have half the opportunities that are in the USA, so their looks is their only option for good life and they have more time to devote to that...Just my opinion[/QUOTE]
Of course it depends on the country and especially on the girls you meet. I could say “ Women in the small village in USA/ Poland don't have half the opportunities that are in NY/ Warsaw.
Women in the countries you visit aren’t “created according to one pattern”. They have different families, education, characters. During my stay in US I had friends from Thailand and these girls had conservative vision of life. I mean no sex before marriage, family is the most important etc. They studied at universities in their country and had hope to find a decent job at home after their stay in America. If you pay a girl for sex she agrees for it only because she needs money. That’s the idea of prostitution. It’s another issue if she sleeps with you because she has to feed children or because she needs a new Dior’s lipstick. Besides someone has to be really naïve if she/he thinks that US is paradise where one can find a great job because in US everything is possible. It doesn’t matter where you live if you want to make good money you have to 1) know local language (fluently) 2) graduate university ( best a local one) 3) have an idea for your own business 4) to be a specialist for example in cardiosurgery (= university + years of work experience)
Gentlemen, you look for a women who’s beautiful, intelligent, feminine, who will take care of your children and who will work at an office making extra money.
Of course she has to be well educated too because it would be a shame to introduce a “stupid blond” to your friends. Don’t write me that it’s not true because I remember how my boyfriend was boasted “Mmbmmb speaks French. Mmb, X speaks French too, you can talk in this language”. Unluckily I forgot a lot of words because I didn’t use French lately, anyway I reminded myself some phrases where X could hear the nasal sounds so he was enchanted :-)
Do you know what I mean? If you pay a girl for sex she probably works in this way because she can’t find another job or she hasn’t influential family/ friends who can help her. Believe me, if someone is well educated, beautiful and intelligent it means that this person has money for it. You aren’t a women so you don’t know how much one can spend on clothes, cosmetics, beauty salons, sport etc to look nicely. I don’t mention here language courses or tennis lessons. It’s expensive, especially “in the countries you visit”.
There’s still a question if you want to fall in love with a woman who cares only of her appearance and who wants to date with you because you’re American, not because you’re handsome, intelligent man.
I guess I wrote it somewhere, the bigger city and the bigger salary the more beautiful a girl is. When you write about Asian or African countries you’re right, it’s connected to the lack of food what is unimaginable for people in developed countries. But obesity isn’t only a problem of aesthetics but also a problem of health. If you have 20 kg of overweight it means that you have or you will have problems with heart, joints, cholesterol and diabetes. Besides ironically, often people are obese because they can’t afford to buy healthy food or to cook. They have to work all day so the only one thing they do is eating a meal from microwave. Lately I read a book “ The French women don’t get fat”. Well, I don’t believe that all French girls are slim but I liked the general idea of the book that cooking is art and people should enjoy the taste of food. The author forgot only that if someone earns minimum wage this person has no money and time to prepare chicken in champagne or home made tarte aux fraises.
DJ FourMoney,
I see you decided to visit Eastern Europe. I checked your posts and I had impression that you’re disappointed of Ukraine but you are in love with Scandinavia. I’ve never been there so maybe I should go to Sweden or Norway for holidays. I’ve always wanted to see the fjords :-)
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]Smart people might know where I am talking about and frankly if its get invaded by Westerners, the key is getting there FIRST and mining all the talent and leaving the leftovers and changing culture to the 2nd tier players as Doc Skank has termed those with lesser skill in "the game".[/QUOTE]
What a strange idea. But ok, I guess you know “my” theory about plants and human beings so I’ll write about something else.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]Women are taught from a young age, your hobbies are to be a girl and chase men, thats it. Anything you take up in High School is only to help you secure funding for college and nothing else.
Once you leave college your full time activities include -
Working and Chasing Men
How many women do you know that do more than that? They only work out to stay slim so men will find them more appealing.[/QUOTE]
I can’t restrain myself to ask again where do you meet such women? :-)
Anyway when I was in Ukraine I’ve heard how Ukrainian men complained about local girls that they get fat when they are married. Well it has to be the international problem ;-)
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I just have this "feeling" that with a enough time spent I could find somebody around 24-25, without children and pretty much fluent in English (yes I know those women are in HIGH DEMAND generally) or somebody about 21-23 willing to take English lessons and she'll have plenty of time to learn since K1 visas don't become available overnight.
Did I just expose my overall plan??
Yes I want LTR, I only dabble in P4P[/QUOTE]
Why Ukrainian girl? Don’t you like Brazilian, Hungarian or Chinese girls? It sounds like discrimination ;-)
Anyway I wish you luck. Maybe put in an advertisement in “Kiev Post”. It’s local newspaper in English :-)
Just do this for fun and write that you look like Tyrese and you love Ukraine, its culture and people generally and you want to learn Ukrainian (Russian) language, or the best both. Don’t write that you’re lazy ;-) and don’t write about K1 visa ;-)
And first of all don’t think I’m malicious. I really wish you luck :-)
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]My dating profiles are setup nicely but that doesn't stop fat chicks for example from contacting me... They don't read, they look at pictures just like the men do
I could put something like NO SINGLE MOTHERS in my profiles, but that's a bit harsh and some MILF's are just too hot to say NO too, its just these examples are basically forgettable, nothing special about them really[/QUOTE]
Write in that ad that you look for an “intelligent woman who reads a lot. You love literature and you always read the books with deep understanding of text”. Don’t put in your photo ;-) You can mark that if someone’s hot you won’t say NO. Maybe your image of intellectual will suffer but on the other hand as I wrote I wouldn’t expect a bunch of innocent young ladies.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]Where in the hell do I find these women???
I'm starting to think this quest for a wife, children and LTR is rather pointless at my age. If Kiev if filled with nothing but "hoes", no honest women (that can't be true) and I'm not willing to deal with all the visas and shhh with Russian based women yet, so what am I to do???[/QUOTE]
I hope DJ FourMoney that you don’t prepare for death at your age :-)
I think there’s still a chance for you to have a wife (who’s not a hooker) and children.
Maybe try to find them in Norway or Sweden ;-)
Just start to treat the girls not like cheap commodity for one night but as human beings, with respect and kindness. It’s a problem that you don’t speak in the local languages but did you learn Spanish, Russian, Swedish etc when you were in US? I guess no because you didn’t need it in your own country. So don’t expect that all people will speak English. Anyway most young Ukrainians should speak English, at least a little bit.
This is a café where you can take your laptop and to use there Wi-Fi connection.
Sorry it’s in Russian. I speak this language so I hadn’t problems to find places with Wi-Fi.
map of Kiev
A café where you can find books, a cup of coffee and Wi-Fi.
Something similar to Barnes & Noble I guess but much more smaller.
You can “pretend” there that you are really interested in literature and Ukraine :-) if you still want to find girls who aren’t hookers.
It’s near the opera house, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Street 39 (the city centre)
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I can't jump on the "pay" for it bandwagon, I still got hope in Germany, but they again are single mothers, not ideal at all.
So yes you can find suitable women to marry in the Ukraine it just might be harder to find the model/eye candy types than it was 15 years ago that aren't consumed with Western Culture.
River Palace is a must-see for even non-mongers, but as you said Skank would we REALLY visit Kiev if we couldn't -
A) Bang HQ regular women inside of 2-3 dates (as Telos has been able too)
B) Rent A Girlfriend for a resonable cost
C) Bang model quality woman for half what it would cost you elsewhere, but maybe FKK's and that's the take home rate
D) If you dig deep enough there's a nice, attractive girl willing to return back to your western country to be your wife, have your children and do all the things American women used to do, but with a modern flare and desire for their own identity within your relationship.
Sure they would make good wifey material because the Germans have been cheated on or abused or both and the Ukrainian needs a strong man, but I truly believe beautiful women have dating problems that average and below women have no knowledge of and can't begin to understand.[/QUOTE]
Believe me I have no dating problems. I weigh below 130 pounds and as my boyfriend says I have a very sexy accent when I speak English ;-)
And seriously, as much as it can be serious :-), put in this ad, just for fun, really.
And remember that you can always go to Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and all over the rest of Europe. Don’t lose the faith ;-)
If you go to the English speaking girls in these countries, chances are that they are not the best. In my life experience the best ones almost never speak English. On my current trip I met a girl who speaks very broken English but enough that we can communicate and she seems to like me. She has a pretty messed up family, dad is an alcoholic, and mom lives alone. She works a number of odd jobs..but she is drop dead beautiful. Rarely will you see too many American women in this situation(I have seen quite a few gorgeous Canadian and Australian women of modest means).
Downright I have BANNED AMERICAN women completely, even on the rare occasion when they are nice I shoo them away like flies. Why bother? Look at how major corporations are now outsourcing their operations left and right to China, India, Russia, etc. I am outsourcing my Johnson overseas for better returns on my investment too.
Honestly, if you do bring a woman back from overseas, make sure you dont stay in a big cosmopolitan city where it will be easy for her to run away. Also never say you are rich or American because that will always attract the gold diggers. Pretend you are dirt ass poor. I did this with the girl I met and only revealed the fact that I am American later on, even then she did not seem to give a damn.
With CNN all over the world, people are not naive that the USA is some kind of perfect paradise, heck no. Relatively speaking though the average middle class person in North America generally lives better than most people in Europe or around the planet.
Mmbmmb -
Alot of what I said is tongue and cheek mostly and serious some of the time.
Of course their are nice Ukrainian girls out there. I was only there 4 complete days and actually instead of spending 5 meaningless days in Germany at the end of my vacation, I should have stayed in Kiev.
I am open to just about anything, but Asian countries are not on the "I must visit" list.
I wasn't disappointed with the Ukraine as much as I made it sound. There some beautiful women, however its not quite ready for prime-time.
I am not focusing on just Eastern Europe and I already stated you need several weeks in Scandinavia to have success long term or at least make contact with a girl online.
I had mild success on my trip, but I jumped around too much and I need more time. I will give myself more time next trip.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]If you go to the English speaking girls in these countries, chances are that they are not the best. In my life experience the best ones almost never speak English. On my current trip I met a girl who speaks very broken English but enough that we can communicate and she seems to like me. She has a pretty messed up family, dad is an alcoholic, and mom lives alone. She works a number of odd jobs..but she is drop dead beautiful. Rarely will you see too many American women in this situation(I have seen quite a few gorgeous Canadian and Australian women of modest means).
Downright I have BANNED AMERICAN women completely, even on the rare occasion when they are nice I shoo them away like flies. Why bother? Look at how major corporations are now outsourcing their operations left and right to China, India, Russia, etc. I am outsourcing my Johnson overseas for better returns on my investment too.
Honestly, if you do bring a woman back from overseas, make sure you dont stay in a big cosmopolitan city where it will be easy for her to run away. Also never say you are rich or American because that will always attract the gold diggers. Pretend you are dirt ass poor. I did this with the girl I met and only revealed the fact that I am American later on, even then she did not seem to give a damn.
With CNN all over the world, people are not naive that the USA is some kind of perfect paradise, heck no. Relatively speaking though the average middle class person in North America generally lives better than most people in Europe or around the planet.[/QUOTE]
I don't know how I avoid being American, as my Ukraine lady friend told me "You don't look like any African". My Norwegian lady friend said the same thing, she said "I can tell Africans a mile away..."
I can't avoid being American.. and gold-diggers wouldn't want me because the gold-diggers here don't want me.
My search is not over by any means, its just beginning...
I guess that's what it boils down to is HOW bad do you have a problem with the way things are here?
Me, I know I'm outta here permanently soon, maybe in the next 6 months or so. I'm buying a place in Bogota with my gf and will be living and working there.
I guess I don't have a lazy bone in my body. I wouldn't even consider VISITING a country where I couldn't get by in at least one of the local languages. And I don't think anybody would ever regret that. LTFL and you won't either.
Damn, the other night I was in Chinatown here in NYC and wanted directions for this place and asked this lady walking by. I was trying out my absolutely pathetic Mandarin on her, and she wasn't even a native Mandarin speaker, she was probably Fujianese or something, she was so impressed by me even trying to speak a Chinese language with her she called somebody on her cell phone just to make sure she was giving me the right directions. THAT is the kind of respect you get back from people when you make even the SLIGHTEST attempt to communicate in their way.
But you have to ask yourself, do you hate AW (and by extention the social aspects of culture here in general) to an extent that you would be prepared not only to learn another language but
-Shower with and wash clothes and dishes in cold water,
-Go without your TV shows or even a TV period
-Have no access to a car and take public transit everywhere (but it will be a lot more servicable than in any US city).
-Live where it's hot out with no AC
-Live on a local salary somewhere
I think a bold and corageous person who really knows what he wants could do these things and be happy with the tradeoff. Hell, if enough of us thought that way culture in America itself could be changed, and then nobody would have to go anywhere else just to have a fucking social life!!
check this feminist shit Man Arrested After Telling Women They Were 'Extremely Beauti
I lived in Australia long enough to become an Ozzie yobbo that most people never really know. Its an art that takes time. I did it playing a lot of footy, rugby in North American lingo.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]
But you have to ask yourself, do you hate AW (and by extention the social aspects of culture here in general) to an extent that you would be prepared not only to learn another language but
-Shower with and wash clothes and dishes in cold water,
-Go without your TV shows or even a TV period
-Have no access to a car and take public transit everywhere (but it will be a lot more servicable than in any US city).
-Live where it's hot out with no AC
-Live on a local salary somewhere
I have had to shower with cold water in tropical climates and actually found it preferable to using hot water. I've gone without a TV for 3 of the last 4 years. I find TV to encourage time wasting and even news broadcasts to be of questionable value due to bias. Ironically, I found getting around South and Central America to be easier without a car than here in the US. Many people there didn't seem to understand why a North American would find being free of car payments, insurance payments and maintenance costs to be so liberating. I guess some of them look on car ownership as a status symbol since they're not forced to own one as many of us are here in the US. I have no problem with hot climates inspite of the fact that sleeping and rooting around midday isn't a lot of fun. I speak the local language fluently. The only true challenge would be finding local employment and meeting my current commitments on that salary. However, once those commitments no longer exist in a few years and I can set up a viable business to generate income in the country of my choosing then there would be no reason to remain here. When I leave it must be a clean break with no reasons to look back and no reasons for anyone to coming looking for me. I'm making progress towards my goal so it's just a question of patience I guess.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]But you have to ask yourself, do you hate AW (and by extention the social aspects of culture here in general) to an extent that you would be prepared not only to learn another language but
-Shower with and wash clothes and dishes in cold water,
-Go without your TV shows or even a TV period
-Have no access to a car and take public transit everywhere (but it will be a lot more servicable than in any US city).
-Live where it's hot out with no AC
-Live on a local salary somewhere
I think a bold and corageous person who really knows what he wants could do these things and be happy with the tradeoff. Hell, if enough of us thought that way culture in America itself could be changed, and then nobody would have to go anywhere else just to have a fucking social life!![/QUOTE]I agree very strongly with BC and CM! One must be able to give up a large amount of the material comforts the US has to offer. I have travelled enough now to see how many people in developing countries live and don't think that is such a big deal. I have no problem with giving up my car. City buses, taxis, inter-city buses all function better in countries like Colombia and Brazil than they do in most US cities. I have no problem giving up the US diet. When you eat meals prepared with FRESH fruits and vegetables and hormone-free meats, you really begin to appreciate food and well prepared meals. Giving up all of that stuff in exchange for a relationship with loving sincere woman in her country is a no-brainer.
My main concerns are with education and health care. I have noticed that health care in many SA countries is just as good or better than here in the US. The problem is that not everyone has good access to it. Very similar to here in the US. The public school system is in a shambles in many SA countries. The private school systems are in good shape but you need to have money for your children to attend them. Essentially, it is the same as in the US. In fact, I believe that if Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, etc. got their educational systems in order, their economies would surpass the US in just a decade or so. From what I have been told, some elites intentionally do not want to educate the masses, so their countries stay backward.
Like others, I prefer to earn a US income rather than a local income. I am working on that. That is my biggest hurdle right now. I do not want to struggle economically in a 3rd world country. It is better to struggle in a 1st world country.
We are really getting off topic here but George, I swear to fucking God I would take my two children down to Colombia and have them educated there without a qualm. Of course their mom has custody and she does quite well with them. They get by pretty well because we did INSANE amounts of research and found just about the best educational bang for the buck in the whole Tri-State area so I'm not too worried about them. But my gf's son in Bogota is gonna graduate 2 whole years ahead of them in terms of what they learn, and his education is still quite a bit cheaper than my kids' is.
I think if SA ever really gets their shit together with Mercosur they will REALLY come into their own. It's still a rocky road now, but nobody thought the EU would do it either.
Armed with the "Law..."
the end of "good-will"
first there was courtesy....
then came the law.....
thsi is not a perfect world. in fact it seems to be more rotten every year. maybe we were all "innocent" one day, however it was long ago for most of us.
as i said, first there was common courtesy...... then came the "law". you cannot deny the fact that ever more increasingly the women try to "arm themselves" with an ever growing multitude of laws and regulations about interaction between the sexes.
"we should review the law regarding the conditions of sexual assault and [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url]......" or "we need more cops and sex-laws ...."is a never ending national headline.
yes, babe you have the cops watching your ass now and the cameras on every street. but as far as a growing majority of men are concerned, this is also the end of common courtesy.... see what happens in town. was it worth it with all the stupid laws?
one day:
i was travelling on the bus. crowded peak traffic. pregnant woman stands in the middle, hanging desperately to the bar on the roof. several men sitting around. i can't resist smiling voyeuristically, while thinking like this:
'you know what baby? just stand like everyone else. after all we are equal. for what i know, you might even be a lesbo, and your kid came from a test tube. you are no man's girl. fuck yourself and call the cops if you want. they will give their seat to you.'
obviously many guys felt the same because she was left standing to the last stop.
another day:
a young woman's handbag gets caught in the door of a train pulling out of the station. she desperately calls for help: "help, somebody help, please! "
am i evil to think like this?: 'you know what, lady? get your own fucking bag out ......or call the cops, they will help you!'
obviously other guys felt the same way while doing nothhing but watching her amusedly. hehe....
and again:
woman loaded with shopping, with a small kid in tow and another on the arm calls me:
"could you please help me and carry my baby carriage to the car?"
am i evil to think this way?: 'you know what? carry your own fucking baby carriage for yourself. ......or call the cops, they will carry it for you. i give you the number of the cop-station to call.'
plus my favorite:
crippled woman in the wheelchair trying to get on the train, hopelessly unable to bridge the gap between the platform and the carriage.
are we evil to think this way?: 'you know what? call the cops, they will help you. i sure as fuck that won't.'
i watched her struggle for a while and then walked on.
and one day i am sure even this will happen:
woman screaming under two attackers, trying to get into her panties (for free!) on a dark streetcorner in downtown ny. "help! hellllllppppp! plleeeeesssss!"
are we evil to think this way?: 'you know what? why don't you call the cops....for yourself, you fuck! '
we watch the show for a while as the two poor street-dwellers please themselves on her meat (for free!), (because they could never afford it otherwise) and then we walk on totally disinterested.
hmm, yes ma'am. make more laws. pleeeessss.
you have probably realised the same by now. there might be a multitude of new laws every year, and ten times as many cops plus the cameras. enjoy it ladies. however, the courtesy is all gone. the goodwill? none of that left. none what-so-ever. so, if you are in shit...... call the cops. for yourselves.
and we have to please you no more. because we get laid "cheaper than free" in cambodia, south america or thailand. (long live sex-tourism...!).
oh, yes then there will come the "laws against sex-tourism". it is inevitable. in fact already coming. under the disguise of "anti-aids campaigns" and "child-protection".
what i am surprised is that how many men still believe them. if you take the effort and look into them, both issues will prove superficial and totally malevolent, simply more attacks against men.
but who has the time to actually think? it is much easier to just repeat what we hear on the news. why think? just repeat. fuck, it seems to work well.....
guys, you have to talk more with women. they will tell you the truth about everything. 'cos they know....
"darl' i need a new haircut, don't you think? and this color really doesn't suit me....maybe i should try pink instead?"
end of story
My God. I now understand COMPLETELY why American Women are the way they are.
I'll never criticise Aussie men again...
Well in life you have to give some and take some. Americans have probably the most comfortable living standard on the planet. Spend some time overseas, I have been in Europe over the past two months spending an extended period of time and it is nowhere near as comfortable as living in North America. People even stare at my clothes and shoes in amazement, and I am spending time in the richest country in Europe, Germany. In general I have found German women to be easier to pick up than those in America, I have also met of a lot of EE women as well who I think are better. People will be people, a lot of the reason why these women appear to be nicer has to do with their circumstances, they do not have half of the opportunities that women in the US, Canada, UK, or Australia have. I met a beautiful EE type and she was talking about her life, doing a lot of dead end jobs in Germany, working in McDonalds, cleaning motels, etc., you do not see women of this calibre doing this kind of work in an English speaking country.
[QUOTE=That Asshole]Woman screaming under two attackers, trying to get into her panties (for free!) on a dark streetcorner in downtown NY. "Help! Hellllllppppp! Plleeeeesssss!"[/QUOTE]
Well, it's happened in Queens, right?
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur].... doing a lot of dead end jobs in Germany, working in McDonalds, cleaning motels, etc., you do not see women of this calibre doing this kind of work in an English speaking country.[/QUOTE]
That's because women "of that calibre" never need to work at those kind of jobs.... not in cities anyways. Sometimes you'll see some pretty hot girls working at a lowly job of you're in a small town, but that's about it.
Why would this be so? Simple, a hot woman is too highly valued by men to ever work at a job like that. If she doesn't know it, the men will soon make her aware of the fact. Even if a really good-looking girl was working a job like that..... guess what would happen? A never-ending parade of guys hitting on her until one comes along that she likes. Pretty soon, she either has a better job cause he's hooked her up..... or she doesn't need to work anymore cause she's married (or the guy's paying for everything which amounts to the same thing).
I'd love to hear anyone try and convince me it aint so.
That is exactly my point, there is a lot more economic comfort in NA than in other parts of the world. So of course women will behave differently. Montreal is
an exception,its one of the few places in North America where you will find hot women working in McDonalds.
Environment plays a major role in how a person behaves.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]Americans have probably the most comfortable living standard on the planet. Spend some time overseas, I have been in Europe over the past two months spending an extended period of time and it is nowhere near as comfortable as living in North America. [/QUOTE]
A complete falsehood CBGB.......Here are the World's Top 10 - Countries with Highest Standard of Living
1. Norway
2. Sweden
3. Canada
4. Belgium
5. Australia
6. United States
7. Iceland
8. Netherlands
9. Japan
10. Finland
These lists are a dime a dozen, and they're based on so many different factors. Many of which don't have as much influence on the kinds of attitudes people have.
Still, I would suggest you go ask the men in these countries what they think of the local women. You might be surprised at how low the opinions would be. Not too sure about Norway and Belgium, but you see a ton of guys from the other countries you listed..... where? On international dating websites.
USA ranked 6th place? That's still pretty high considering there's like 192 countries in the world. Right?
The UN probably makes up the lists *NOT*
Get over it, you are #6 this year and that's it. Damn right all essential factors have been taken into account when publishing these lists.
Guys from Germany and other EU countries go for P4P in SEA or elsewhere for fun. It's simple and a different experience. Anyone marrying an imported wife is tagged 'loser'. It's basically written on your forehead didn't-meet-local-standards.
[QUOTE=Leeuwen]Get over it, you are #6 this year and that's it. Damn right all essential factors have been taken into account when publishing these lists.
Guys from Germany and other EU countries go for P4P in SEA or elsewhere for fun. It's simple and a different experience. Anyone marrying an imported wife is tagged 'loser'. It's basically written on your forehead didn't-meet-local-standards.[/QUOTE]
It is true that white guys with Asian brides in particular are looked at with disdain, as is often the girl... particularly if the guy isn't good looking in any way. It's not really fair, after all some of the relationships could be excellent.
Sometimes it occurs with EE or Brazilian wives as well, but then the looks are often one of jealousy... guys jealous of the sex the guy is getting and girls jealous of how hot she looks in them tight jeans... :)
As for the standard of living list, it means very little. Would I rather live in Belgium? I think not. Is Europe a better place for women than the US? It is for me. It's all relative.
As for it's effect on sex tourism/bride-seeking/sexual tastes, there are plenty of German, Scandi etc. guys in EE and SEA looking for brides... so something isn't going right at home.
Plenty of German and Scandi women looking for foreign men in Southern Europe, Turkey or the Caribbean, usually of a different skin shade, on a poorly disguised sex holiday too, so I guess the pendelum swings both ways.
[quote=astor bryan]a complete falsehood cbgb.......here are the world's top 10 - countries with highest standard of living
1. [i]norway[/i]
2. [i]sweden[/i]
3. canada
4. belgium
5. australia
6. united states
7. [i]iceland[/i]
8. netherlands
9. japan
10. [i]finland[/i][/quote]
scandinavia is one of the more expensive places to live period, i don't believe it has to do with standard of living compared to ours. after spending time in norway, they have access to the same things we do, its a socialist country so health care is not an issue and also the government will not children go uneducated, hungry or unclothed. my friend who lives there is a single mother with 4 kids, gets no support from any of the children's fathers (2 have been deported africans), works as a nurse and is better off than 90% of the single mothers i know in the states with half as many children or even one child.
both countries (norway and sweden) are semi-isolated, which makes getting products more costly. companies and businesses have to pass the extra expense onto to consumer.
they also have very rude winters and that adds to transportation cost.
as rock said there several factors to consider before using such list to back up your argument.
we have a high standard of living because things are fairly cheap; mostly because of the shear size of our population and country.
we produce more wheat & corn in iowa than they do in many countries. we product 2-3 times as many soybeans as the next country on the list and this is generally done by 4-5 states in the middle of the country with a total size larger than germany.
we produce more cars than anybody else, including japan. when you add up gross production, that's why we can afford cars because the price is less than it is in europe for many of the same products.
competition also brings about affordablity (that's not a word) and even with a low paying job such as pep boys, walmart, and taco bell, you can still afford a place to stay, even some entertainment and maybe a car if bought it used.
you can't do that in more than 95% of the countries on earth and that's even with national health care systems in place and we don't have that, yet.
you can convert your american dollars which are pretty much worthless in europe and for sure in england to pesos and live like a king in angel city for example. i can take $1500 us and live high on the hog in kiev (that's $7300 grivna).
if i stayed away from p4p and only focused on "freebies" in ee, i would have plenty to live on for 6 months or more and even maintain my standard of living (high speed internet, cable tv, nicely furished flat, lcd tv, even a car...)
i am seriously considering that...
but in the end, even if my to be wife wants to stay in europe i feel our best opportunities are still in the us of a.
norway and sweden are too cold in the winter, for me to tolerate that i my girl would have to be a 9 and minx in bed for real. i don't want to even think about how cold it is or i have to put snow tires on the car.
for my money germany is the place to live, though berlin is where i would live and unemployment is i believe 12% as was told to me by a berliner visiting frankfurt for some while doing contract work.
finding work overseas is your biggest issue and unless you can find suitable work to maintain your standard of living you might want to reconsider being an expat...
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]It is true that white guys with Asian brides in particular are looked at with disdain, as is often the girl... particularly if the guy isn't good looking in any way. It's not really fair, after all some of the relationships could be excellent.
Sometimes it occurs with EE or Brazilian wives as well, but then the looks are often one of jealousy... guys jealous of the sex the guy is getting and girls jealous of how hot she looks in them tight jeans... :)
As for the standard of living list, it means very little. Would I rather live in Belgium? I think not. Is Europe a better place for women than the US? It is for me. It's all relative.
As for it's effect on sex tourism/bride-seeking/sexual tastes, there are plenty of German, Scandi etc. guys in EE and SEA looking for brides... so something isn't going right at home.
Plenty of German and Scandi women looking for foreign men in Southern Europe, Turkey or the Caribbean, usually of a different skin shade, on a poorly disguised sex holiday too, so I guess the pendelum swings both ways.[/QUOTE]
One of Doc's loaded answers...lol
Scani women complain how locals treat them. That's why they look elsewhere but as English is there 2nd language if they consider relocation is almost always universally the United States...
You can say that about many Western European women, they want to maintain that same standard of living and its hard to do that elsewhere.
Eastern European women have reservations about culture differences, the lack of Russian people in whatever area they move too and if they are over 30 their general lack of English speaking skills often scares them into wanted to stay "locally" in Europe.
Younger women are a bit more adventurous...
My lady friend told me about her best friend who's husband was a local airline pilot that was offered a job in the States to fly for one our international carriers for substantially more income. He had reservations about living in the US and his wife threaten to leave him if he didn't take the job.
Well he took the job, came back to visit his wife twice a year until he earned his green card and eventually became a American citizen. Now an American, he went and got his wife, simple and now they live in San Fran.
She complains about the lack of Russian meeting places, Russian people, Russian speaking friends, etc, etc, but would she move back to the Ukraine - HELL NO
Proving ONCE again OUR standard of living is KING, period end of story...
America is what you make of it, I can't say it any simpler than that.
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]Plenty of German and Scandi women looking for foreign men in Southern Europe, Turkey or the Caribbean, usually of a different skin shade, on a poorly disguised sex holiday too, so I guess the pendelum swings both ways.[/QUOTE]
Seriously, these women are either elderly, often divorced, perhaps abandoned, and looking for spicey romance with black beach boys in Gambia, West Indies and such, OR young and horny and fucking around in Greece, Spain or Turkey. Of course when back home they put on the good girl mask and behave like nothing have ever happened.
Marriage with a lover boy from some distant country is in most cases out of question. Social stigma is even more pronounced when it comes to women, as they are supposed to be chosen (by local men). Men on the other hand have to 'meet standards'.
Also men, despite very liberal mindset among Europeans, are supposed to be bread winners, providers and have a future to offer. It makes me wonder how successul seasoned Britons, Germans in SEA actually are. Personally I'm busy making money and watching professional career.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]One of Doc's loaded answers...lol
She complains about the lack of Russian meeting places, Russian people, Russian speaking friends, etc, etc, but would she move back to the Ukraine - HELL NO
Proving ONCE again OUR standard of living is KING, period end of story...
America is what you make of it, I can't say it any simpler than that.[/QUOTE]
With all due respect, but you can't make a statment like that, based on some _Ukrainian_ couple's choice where to live. I bet they had not too many options, did they? People in former Soviet republics tend to believe anything is better than where they currently live. Of course I don't question higer salaries in the USA vs. Ukraine.
A qualified guess is telling me there are more Eastern Europeans in EU that in the USA. Analogy - Is OUR standard of living KING, or is yours? Nevermind, it was a rethoric question, but I hope you understand your conclusion was inaccurate.
1. Anyone marrying an imported wife is tagged 'loser'. It's basically written on your forehead didn't-meet-local-standards.
2. Marriage with a lover boy from some distant country is in most cases out of question. Social stigma is even more pronounced when it comes to women, as they are supposed to be chosen (by local men).
Hey there Leeuwen,
You made a couple of points that I would like to respond to.
1. This idea is for people that have been brainwashed by female propaganda. Why is it assumed that the man didn't meet "local standards"? Maybe the man got sick and tired of crappy local women and went somewhere else for a woman that met HIS standards.
This is exactly what I did. I went to Zambia and found the hottest woman you could imagine. Me? I'm 6'1" and 190 lbs in good shape too. That's 1.85 M and 90 kilos. I have my own business and make over 200,000 dollars a year. I honestly doubt that the local women here could seriously say I fail to meet their standards.
2. Women do not get chosen by men. Men get chosen by women. Men may approach a woman that they are interested in, but it is the woman who decides whether or not things will ever progress beyond "hello".
Here in Canada and the USA, it has become rather futile to bother approaching an attractive woman in the hopes of starting a relationship of any kind. Why? Because they are such a slim minority (pun intended) the ratio of willing men to attractive females is probably more than 50 to 1. As a result, you have a lot of desperate men hoping for a chance with one of these local women...... and a few smart ones who go and actually get one somewhere else. Or they just say "the hell with it" and pay for sex with a good looking one rather than compromise their standards.
[QUOTE=Leeuwen]With all due respect, but you can't make a statment like that, based on some _Ukrainian_ couple's choice where to live. I bet they had not too many options, did they? People in former Soviet republics tend to believe anything is better than where they currently live. Of course I don't question higer salaries in the USA vs. Ukraine.
A qualified guess is telling me there are more Eastern Europeans in EU that in the USA. Analogy - Is OUR standard of living KING, or is yours? Nevermind, it was a rethoric question, but I hope you understand your conclusion was inaccurate.[/QUOTE]
People come to the United States from [i]everywhere[/i], mostly because in the USA it's easier to get good work than in most other places & you get to keep more of your money here than in most other places. We even have a Western European, I think.
Moreover, there's pretty much zero chance that a foriegner will ever have a child in the United Kingdom, Canada or Austrialia...or even France or Japan...or Sweden...most anywhere...that will ever become Head of State of those countries - but that can happen in the United States. This is just one example of how there's less anti-opportunity BS in the United States than elsewhere.
[QUOTE=Leeuwen]With all due respect, but you can't make a statment like that, based on some _Ukrainian_ couple's choice where to live. I bet they had not too many options, did they? People in former Soviet republics tend to believe anything is better than where they currently live. Of course I don't question higer salaries in the USA vs. Ukraine.
A qualified guess is telling me there are more Eastern Europeans in EU that in the USA. Analogy - Is OUR standard of living KING, or is yours? Nevermind, it was a rethoric question, but I hope you understand your conclusion was inaccurate.[/QUOTE]
If were talking about making money and becoming wealthy, as a standard of living and the various way to do it, US is still King.
My Ukrainian lady friend is actually quite happy in Kiev, her concern is that she likes African-Americans and as we all know they are NOT in great supply in Kiev or EE in general, so she wouldn't mind leaving for the US if that's where her relationship takes her.
Yes Money and Good Looks only make up about 20% of what makes you happy and the rest is made of self-confidence, family, friends and fun activities.
I live at home, over 30, make about 25K a year, with a $11K car and most American women don't touch me, so my standard of living is well under what most American women would consider ideal.
Americans put far more importance on material acquisitions than many other cultures do. So many women form Europe and other areas main concerns are being happy, having a healthy family and a loving spouse.
So your definition of a standard may be different than mine....
I think the smart thing to do is exactly what Rock Dog did, say "FUCK YOU" to your own culture and act in your own best interests. No point in even pretending to help the world if you can't help yourself first!
The US vs other countries thing is a complex issue... BUT....
I'd say that what the real difference is in the US vs other countries is that in the US you can much easily have your own car, the downside to that is that you HAVE to have your own car, whether you want to or not.
In every other area you are better off in MANY other countries than in the US. We have a huge problem with availability of healthcare and decent education, not to mention an even bigger problem with poor quality food. I include Canada in this BTW, Canada has ALL the same problems the US has, except for in healthcare instead of an availability problem they have a QUALITY problem.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]
Scani women complain how locals treat them. That's why they look elsewhere but as English is there 2nd language if they consider relocation is almost always universally the United States...
More Scandi women in the UK than you can shake a stick it. They do tend to stick to Anglo places, for whatever reason there is a strong Scandi-Anglo bond.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]
Eastern European women have reservations about culture differences, the lack of Russian people in whatever area they move too and if they are over 30 their general lack of English speaking skills often scares them into wanted to stay "locally" in Europe.
Younger women are a bit more adventurous...
Europe is much closer to EE culturally than the US, after all Europe is Europe, but the US is a very easy culture to adjust to. It's essentially a neutral culture and designed to accept people from any other culture. People will always miss "their people" though, no doubt about it. A lot depends on where they end up. Russians in major metropolitan areas will have no trouble meeting other Russians there, but if they get stuck in the boondocks somewhere, their only connection out will be visa email and internet.
Not only geographically, but psychologically America is much farther away from EE than WE.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]
Proving ONCE again OUR standard of living is KING, period end of story...
America is what you make of it, I can't say it any simpler than that.[/QUOTE]
Compared to Gambia, Ukraine or Romania, sure. Compared to central and northern Europe, Canada, Australia or a number of other countries, no. Several countries around the world offer a high standard of living at essentially the same level, and more and more, it is possible to live with a high standard of living in EE. This doesn't include the working class, but anybody in the growing middle class (still small but growing steadily) and above is seeing real progress. Sometimes there are even standard of living advantages to living in EE.
I know a lot of people in Kiev, Warsaw, Moscow or whereever who live very very well... actually at a higher standard than they could live in the US or Europe on the same money, as tax and general services are cheap in EE. Imagine paying 13% flat tax.... and that's it. Or hiring a personal driver for $400/month and a maid for $300/month and a personal secretary to do your laundry, runs your errands etc. $500/month. That's the reality of the upper class in EE, they can afford tons of amenities that would cost an arm and a leg in the US or Europe.
[QUOTE=Leeuwen]With all due respect, but you can't make a statment like that, based on some _Ukrainian_ couple's choice where to live. I bet they had not too many options, did they? People in former Soviet republics tend to believe anything is better than where they currently live. Of course I don't question higer salaries in the USA vs. Ukraine.
A qualified guess is telling me there are more Eastern Europeans in EU that in the USA. Analogy - Is OUR standard of living KING, or is yours? Nevermind, it was a rethoric question, but I hope you understand your conclusion was inaccurate.[/QUOTE]
There are almost certainly more EEs in Europe than the US, but this is based on three factors:
1) proximity/ease of travel/cultural connections. Plenty of Albanians, Serbs, Romanians, Ukrainians, Russians etc. came to WE in the 90's, some of these countries now even integrated into the EU. Some came legally, many came illegally. It wasn't nearly as easy for them to enter the US.
2) visa stipulations (incl. ethnic Russians living in Germany as re-imports). Although visa stipulations have gotten tougher in Europe, it is still considerably easier for EEs to enter Europe or get European work permits as opposed to entering the US, particularly after 9/11. Tons of Poles in the UK, Russians and Croats in Germany, Romanians in France and Italy etc.
It's also quite easy for Ees to get student visas. I was screwing a tiny cute Bulgarian med student in Germany for awhile and quickly discovered she had a whole network of Bulgarian friends. Most of them "officially" students, all of them doing some kind of other work on the side. They were interestingly enough some of the most enterprising people I have ever met. Studying, collecting government support, working jobs on the side for tax-free cash and still managing to party like animals every single weekend. Respect.
3) promise of welfare, government support. It's no secret that if you get established in Europe, European taxpayers will pay for your apartment, Playstation and booze. This appeals to the average EE lout.
[QUOTE=Leeuwen]Seriously, these women are either elderly, often divorced, perhaps abandoned, and looking for spicey romance with black beach boys in Gambia, West Indies and such, OR young and horny and fucking around in Greece, Spain or Turkey. Of course when back home they put on the good girl mask and behave like nothing have ever happened.
Marriage with a lover boy from some distant country is in most cases out of question. Social stigma is even more pronounced when it comes to women, as they are supposed to be chosen (by local men). Men on the other hand have to 'meet standards'.
Also men, despite very liberal mindset among Europeans, are supposed to be bread winners, providers and have a future to offer. It makes me wonder how successul seasoned Britons, Germans in SEA actually are. Personally I'm busy making money and watching professional career.[/QUOTE]
Exactly, my point being that women just as men often look beyond their own social/racial/national group to find mates. In the case of young Scandi women, they are usually just looking for adventure and a sex-filled holiday. They'll almost all end up marrying "one of their own" later on, or at least someone from their own social group.
Men are more likely to leave their social group to marry a foreign women and bring her home. Whether out of love or necessity is irrelevant to them, but society generally looks at the couple as if the guy "bought" the girl... even if this isn't necessarily true.
As for Germans and Britons living in Thailand, for the most part they are what many would consider to be failures in their own society. You can take that for what it is worth.
I never said your money doesn't go further in some places.
But you underestimate the rich (and just how many politicians didn't get caught in the illegal alien nanny scandal???) and they will try and look for cheap workers their homes as well. (I only kid about the underestimation part...)
The fact that you can maintain the same standard of living or improve it, makes being an expat very popular for the 4 million Americans living abroad... Did anybody notice the UAB little league baseball team being made up of almost entirely of UAB born American children?? lol
Ah the American Oil Industry at work.... Anywhere on earth there is OIL there we are so we don't have to give up our Caddy Trucks...
Hey Doc who do I talk too about DJ'ing in Kiev?? lol
Compared to Gambia, Ukraine or Romania, sure. Compared to central and northern Europe, Canada, Australia or a number of other countries, no. Several countries around the world offer a high standard of living at essentially the same level, and more and more, it is possible to live with a high standard of living in EE. This doesn't include the working class, but anybody in the growing middle class (still small but growing steadily) and above is seeing real progress. Sometimes there are even standard of living advantages to living in EE.
I know a lot of people in Kiev, Warsaw, Moscow or whereever who live very very well... actually at a higher standard than they could live in the US or Europe on the same money, as tax and general services are cheap in EE. Imagine paying 13% flat tax.... and that's it. Or hiring a personal driver for $400/month and a maid for $300/month and a personal secretary to do your laundry, runs your errands etc. $500/month. That's the reality of the upper class in EE, they can afford tons of amenities that would cost an arm and a leg in the US or Europe.
There are almost certainly more EEs in Europe than the US, but this is based on three factors:
1) proximity/ease of travel/cultural connections. Plenty of Albanians, Serbs, Romanians, Ukrainians, Russians etc. came to WE in the 90's, some of these countries now even integrated into the EU. Some came legally, many came illegally. It wasn't nearly as easy for them to enter the US.
2) visa stipulations (incl. ethnic Russians living in Germany as re-imports). Although visa stipulations have gotten tougher in Europe, it is still considerably easier for EEs to enter Europe or get European work permits as opposed to entering the US, particularly after 9/11. Tons of Poles in the UK, Russians and Croats in Germany, Romanians in France and Italy etc.
It's also quite easy for Ees to get student visas. I was screwing a tiny cute Bulgarian med student in Germany for awhile and quickly discovered she had a whole network of Bulgarian friends. Most of them "officially" students, all of them doing some kind of other work on the side. They were interestingly enough some of the most enterprising people I have ever met. Studying, collecting government support, working jobs on the side for tax-free cash and still managing to party like animals every single weekend. Respect.
3) promise of welfare, government support. It's no secret that if you get established in Europe, European taxpayers will pay for your apartment, Playstation and booze. This appeals to the average EE lout.
That is debatable, I have been in Germany for the last two months, and think the quality of life is a big drop below what I experienced in Australia and the USA. Most Americans own their own home, have car, TV, computer, etc. Many Germans live in an apartment, go to internet cafes to surf the web, take public transport because cars are mostly unaffordable due to high fuel prices.
Australia is roughly comparable to the US in most ways, healthcare is far more affordable as is housing and food, but luxury items like cars, brand name clothing(Polo and Tommy Hilfiger CK etc.) and electronics are insanely expensive. A Mercedes S Class in Australia which costs about $70,000 to $80,000US is about $250,000US in Australia. Australians for the most part have to buy a car, Americans can lease an auto and this makes luxury cars more within reach for Americans than anyone else. Cars in some European countries are also ridiculously more expensive, in Britain an Audi Q7 costs $100K US while that same car can be purchased for $60K.
Burger flippers in Western Europe earn around $12 to $15 and hour.
Still one of my best friends who is British and went to college with me in the US moved back to the UK after school because he just didn't hack life in America.
Education and profession plays a big role in an American's earning power assuming you work for someone else, most Physicians, Dentists, Accountants, and Lawyers in the US earn six figure salaries. Physicians in Germany earn about one third what their American counterparts make. The same is true for Australia, Canada, and other socialist countries. People with limited education and talent tend to better off in Western Europe, Canada, and Australia.
There is more disparity in the US than in other industrialized countries but that does not mean America is an unfair society, in fact, I have met many people, particularly from third world countries who have been able to succeed.
In fact, an Indian fellow who ran a store where I shopped in NY owned his own home, an SUV, and only lived in the US for three years. I also think the US and Canada are more accommodating to people of different races than most other industrialized countries. There is a lot of skin color racism in Australia and many European countries. I particularly remember this one girl I met a couple of weeks ago in Germany whose parents are from Cameroon, she was born in Germany but says she is not German because she is "dark". A lot of Europeans also made a big stink when Barak Obama announced that he was running for President.
When it comes to monetary and material matters, the US will be on top for quite a while.
Everyone thinks differently, and no two pairs of eyes see the same world.
[quote=cbgbconnisur]that is debatable, i have been in germany for the last two months, and think the quality of life is a big drop below what i experienced in australia and the usa. most americans own their own home, have car, tv, computer, etc. many germans live in an apartment, go to internet cafes to surf the web, take public transport because cars are mostly unaffordable due to high fuel prices.
australia is roughly comparable to the us in most ways, healthcare is far more affordable as is housing and food, but luxury items like cars, brand name clothing(polo and tommy hilfiger ck etc.) and electronics are insanely expensive. a mercedes s class in australia which costs about $70,000 to $80,000us is about $250,000us in australia. cars in some european countries are also ridiculously more expensive, in britain an audi q7 costs $100k us while that same car can be purchased for $60k.
still one of my best friends who is british and went to college with me in the us moved back to the uk after school because he just didn't hack life in america.[/quote]
i can back this up....
out of the 5 german women i know, only 2 have a car. one used to have a car until it burned to the ground on the side of the a5 i (jeep wrangler). the others can't afford it, i would believe that is because of children (only 1 has no children, the others have 2, all four of them) and lack of "real" job skills.
the childless woman works for ing and travels for work often, wears a very expensive german time piece as well. she choose not to replace her car with the insurance money and she is also getting married and moving to the states, where she'll buy a car when she gets here.
one had a beat up opel corsa 5 door before her father who gets a company car, but rather drive his lexus, bought a car for her with his allowance.
the others simply can't afford it....
nobody at the hostel i stayed at (the workers) drove, they don't make enough. i got to know the hostel staff quite well, i was there 10 days total in 2 parts. they all take the s/u bahn or the ic/re home. including one that rides the train for 45 mins one way to come to work at the hostel. low skill labor doesn't pay well enough for you to own many material items in germany.
as i said before, several jobs in america play between $1300-1700 a month net and you can afford to live in a studio apartment, have high speed internet, computer, cable tv, lcd tv, a decent amount of furniture and a 7-10 year old used car with insurance.
you can do this in canada but less likely, which is why we still have a high number of canadians still coming across the boarder.
if your talking strictly material items, its hard to beat the price tag in the us.
i can get a '07 suzuki swift in kiev for $1200 givna a month or about $240 a month, i don't believe i can find a job in kiev that pays even half that a month. but i can convert some of my us dollars to afford that car outright and as i said before, live pretty good in kiev off my american money, not the income i would make locally say from dj'ing which i sure comes out to around $400-500us, which is enough for rent in most cases.
as i said before, if my lady friend can do it with a baby for 300 givna a month, then i know i can do it on 10 times that amount....
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]That is debatable, I have been in Germany for the last two months, and think the quality of life is a big drop below what I experienced in Australia and the USA.
When it comes to monetary and material matters, the US will be on top for quite a while.
Everyone thinks differently, and no two pairs of eyes see the same world.[/QUOTE]
As DJ already said, purchase power, especially for consumer goods and automobiles, is truly highest in the US. Many things simply cost more in Europe, not only in terms of cash value, but in terms of percentage of income.
Other factors that contribute to quality of life... such as health care, stress levels and holiday time, also factor into quality of life though. Ever meet an unhappy Italian? They might earn less, but they seem to universally love life.
Most Europeans enjoy 5-6 weeks paid vacation a year. Most Americans 2.
Maybe you can by your Q7 for $60k in the US, but in Europe you can drive a BMW 330i for that price and spend 2 weeks in Spain, 2 in Greece and 2 in Italy a year on holiday.
I'm making no judgement, having spent considerable time in both the US and Europe, where both have advantages and disadvantages. Everyday life is more comfortable in the US in my opinion, however I tend to get more OUT of life in Europe.
Beyond that, the women in Europe are more my taste. Better bodies, better style, better attitudes.
Regarding Standard of Living
While it is certainly true that the middle- to upper-middle-class represented by the membership of this forum have a higher standard of living in the US, this is only a small minority of the population - perhaps 20-25%. Of course it is a minority that is commonly exaggerated in number because it is the subject of many TV shows and movies (second only to the rich, who are at most 1 or 2 percent of the population but are obsessed over by popular culture).
As for most people - the working class - they obviously fare far better in social democratic Europe than right-wing America. Doubtless great efforts are being undertaken in Europe to end this egalitarianism post haste.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney] Hey Doc who do I talk too about DJ'ing in Kiev?? lol[/QUOTE]
Put together a demo, dress nice, go to the top clubs and ask to see the art director, introduce yourself as an LA-based DJ, talk the talk and walk the walk. :)
If they can't help you, they can probably network you to guys that can. You might start at other clubs, but if you are good, you could make it.
Even if you don't get work right away, you'll be meeting the "right" people. Worth a shot... cue Eminem anthem Lose Yourself... :)
Ok, now come on guys...it's exactly this attitude that has led to the 'ugly American' stereotype that the rest of the world despises so much. It's understandable that you would proclaim your own country as 'King', but we ALL do that - Australians call Australia 'The Lucky Country' and we compare our health systems, welfare systems and education systems to America and consider ourselves much better off than you guys. We have 1.5 square kilometres of space per person in my country. The region I live in has the most hours of sunlight per year, and the most temperate conditions, in the world. Australia produces a third of the world's wool, a huge proportion of the world's gold and minerals and, to whoever said that America produces more wheat that anyone else, we would also be the world's primary exporter of wheat if it wasn't for American sanctions and interference - the American farmer's union refuses to allow our grain (and our lamb, recognised as the best in the world) into the US, and America STOLE one of our biggest wheat importers, Iraq, during the invasion. Try reading something other than American media.
But that's beside the point. Point is, we all think that our living standards are better than everyone else's. That's why a worldwide, unbiased survery is the only way to gauge the true 'winner'. You guys ended up at number 6. Deal with it.
As for beautiful women working in McDonalds...when are you going to learn that each nation has their own ideas of what's beautiful and what's not? And that more often than not, the 'exotic' will be considered more beautiful than the average local? I would be hard-pressed to find a negro or latina working in my local McDonalds (and I don't mean to offend with the word 'negro' - I'm just distinguishing them from our Australian Aboriginals). Negro and Latin men and women are considered very attractive by a lot of Australians, probably because they are pretty hard to come by in this country.
Fact is, beautiful people, of BOTH genders, have it easier than the rest of us. Beautiful people never have to work for a bloody thing - it's just handed to them on a plate. There's no beautiful people working in McDonalds because they have already been handed the great jobs, or are in relationships, simply BECAUSE they are beautiful. If you ask the locals from these other places you're always talking about, I'm sure they'd say that there's no beautiful women working in dead-end jobs in THEIR countries, either.
Beauty is totally subjective. You guys find it odd that beautiful women in Europe are working in Maccas, but they are only beautiful to YOU, not necessarily to the local men. And the standard of women working in fast food joints, proves absolutely NOTHING about the standard of living in a particular country. That's just ridiculous.
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]Everyday life is more comfortable in the US in my opinion, however I tend to get more OUT of life in Europe.
Beyond that, the women in Europe are more my taste. Better bodies, better style, better attitudes.[/QUOTE]
......having also lived in Europe, I completely agree with your comments Dr_S.
I think Montreal, Canada offers the best of both worlds.....pretty women with better style, better bodies and better attitudes. I also think everyday life for your average middle class French Canadian is quite comfortable and I would live there in a heart beat.
Folks, we have an obesity problem here in the good ol USA. Desperate guys actually paying $$$$ to see women like this....eeeeeewwwwwww
[QUOTE=Rubber Nursey]America STOLE one of our biggest wheat importers, Iraq, during the invasion. Try reading something other than American media.
I know some Australians did pretty well under the oil-for-food kickback scheme, where a few of your fellow Aussies were paying around $220 million to Iraqi officials working for Saddam Hussein in order to secure the Iraqi wheat market. At least today, Iraq imports wheat from a variety of countries, Australia, United States, Canada, maybe others - at least some competition exists - which I think benefits the average Iraqi.
Maybe you should try some other media? :)
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]I know some Australians did pretty well under the oil-for-food kickback scheme, where Austrailia was paying around $220 million to Iraqi officials working for Saddam Hussein in order to secure the Iraqi wheat market.
Sorry if there's competition these days...[/QUOTE]
You're absolutely right and that was utterly disgraceful. However, we had the market cornered in that country for a very long time and when America went in (long before the AWB scandal came to light) they imposed sanctions on imports - cutting off the supply of Australian wheat - and then started bringing their own into the country. Australia couldn't do anything to stop it, because our pathetic weasel of a Prime Minister had already promised your pathetic weasel of a President that we (along with other countries) would stop exporting to Iraq. That was exceptionally underhanded on the Bush Administration's part.
Mind you, I'm certainly not blaming the average American for any of that - just as I don't blame the average Aussie for the shameful oil-for-food debacle. And it has absolutely [i]nothing[/i] to do with American Women, so I shouldn't really have brought it up. I just got defensive when whoever it was said that America produced more wheat than anyone else - as a farmer's daughter, I'm probably a bit biased. :)
*** Jelly updated his, so I'll update mine - for the record, I'm glad there's now competition in Iraq and I'm sure it does benefit the Iraqi people. I guess I'm just still sore over how it happened and, more than that, the huge losses that Australian farmers suffered because of it.
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]As DJ already said, purchase power, especially for consumer goods and automobiles, is truly highest in the US. Many things simply cost more in Europe, not only in terms of cash value, but in terms of percentage of income.
Other factors that contribute to quality of life... such as health care, stress levels and holiday time, also factor into quality of life though. Ever meet an unhappy Italian? They might earn less, but they seem to universally love life.
Most Europeans enjoy 5-6 weeks paid vacation a year. Most Americans 2.
Maybe you can by your Q7 for $60k in the US, but in Europe you can drive a BMW 330i for that price and spend 2 weeks in Spain, 2 in Greece and 2 in Italy a year on holiday.
I'm making no judgement, having spent considerable time in both the US and Europe, where both have advantages and disadvantages. Everyday life is more comfortable in the US in my opinion, however I tend to get more OUT of life in Europe.
Beyond that, the women in Europe are more my taste. Better bodies, better style, better attitudes.[/QUOTE]
True, most Americans get only 2 weeks a year unless they work for the government or are a physician or nurse. Yes European women have better style and looks and are less expensive.
[QUOTE=Astor Bryan]Folks, we have an obesity problem here in the good ol USA. Desperate guys actually paying $$$$ to see women like this....eeeeeewwwwwww[/QUOTE]
It is true that men in the US are more desperate than others, and certainly the nation is fat, male and female. But I would like to interject a note about Drugs.
Gentlemen it is the recreational drug which creates thin, motivated women who will provide us with what we want.
Even here in Thailand the Police State is in operation, destroying this life-giving trade - of course not to the level of the Original Police State, but getting worse every year. Nowadays I see a lot more chubby Thais, and I think it is due to more than just the Western diet (most of them still don't eat that crap). Non-drug users are much more apt to say 'no' to various enjoyable acts such as anal sex or bareback.
While the Forces of Social Control do their violence against prostitutes in an attempt to prevent we men from having sex, their War on Drugs has an even greater eunichization effect.
RN -
Australia is roughly the size of the upper 48, however we have more people in California alone and our GDP is $1.62 Trillion with a "T" as its known has a larger GDP than MANY nations on this earth.
Plus the middle part of the country as I said produces more corn, soybean and wheat than anybody else on the planet and we're loosing farmers on a daily basis because kids don't wanna stay on the farms, they want to work in the cities.
We have been trading wheat for oil with Russia even when it was part of the USSR and still have enough to sell to other countries and for everybody to have at least 4 loafs of bread in the States.
You also have to understand the dynamics of our political system and we have cut back funding on infrastructure since the 1970s. Our schools systems were once the world standard and we STILL teach many of the world's young people at the University level.
I met one Brazilian that goes to Univ of "Mazzu" (Missouri) on a Football (Soccer) scholarship in Germany and met a Univ of Florida "Gators" (Snap, Snap) student from Peru. So while I'll agree that primary and secondary education has leap frogged us, it would only take a grand investment by the federal government to put us right back on top, I say roughly a 1/3 of what's being spent on fighting Iraq.
As Doc said, your qualify of life and what you consider a standard of living may be different than mine. As my Ukrainian lady friend told me, she's happy even though she doesn't have any money to have real options.
I wouldn't mind relocating, however I do like my American TV (what little of it I watch) and I am a car nut, so I can make that work anywhere. For instance I wanna drive on the left side of the car and the right side of the road, so no Australia or British Empire for me. Germany has the mildest climate for the most part, especially the southern half of the country. I just don't know what type of work I would be doing over there and like I said in places like Berlin unemployment is high. You better have an idea of what your doing before you move anywhere.
Plus the women are better looking especially in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. The woman elsewhere aren't really better looking than American women, when you find one that doesn't weight over 200lbs.
I met some Kiwi's while in Sweden and they were quite attractive but not [i]down for the brown[/i] as far as I could tell as they liked hanging out with loutish, heavy drinking, college aged US types.
For those looking long term you need time to invest. The days of you being able to walk into a country and pick from its best women are largely over because local competition has improved and EU membership gives them options they never enjoyed before.
I found an interesting stat not too long ago and its very rough, so take it with a gain of salt.
Roughly .07% of the female population in Russia would consider to marrying a Western man (Europe, Canada and the US). That doesn't sound like much, but according to this guys calculations that means roughly 54,000 women available every year with more turning 18 by the minute.
That sounds about right though because while my lady friend would leave, her other two friends wouldn't do it and she said they were nice. I saw pictures, not that impressive, not ugly either.
So yeah get out there while the gettin is good...
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]Put together a demo, dress nice, go to the top clubs and ask to see the art director, introduce yourself as an LA-based DJ, talk the talk and walk the walk. :)
If they can't help you, they can probably network you to guys that can. You might start at other clubs, but if you are good, you could make it.
Even if you don't get work right away, you'll be meeting the "right" people. Worth a shot... cue Eminem anthem Lose Yourself... :)[/QUOTE]
Awwww man I thought you had the hook up!
I guess I could put a demo together....
Notice how it all comes back to the car.
That's the biggest stumbling block for an American living abroad. They don't wanna give up the fucking car, no matter how impractical it is where they are going to live. They feel it's an outrage that gas prices are high, costs of cars are high, and there's no parking. That's done ON PURPOSE guys. Too many cars in a city make it miserable for people.
The town I'm moving to (Bogota) by 2015 won't even allow private vehicle traffic during rush hours. I say good for them. And you are NEVER going to get me to drive down there, I'll leave it to the pros.
That's also one of the biggest causes of culture shock for immigrants here, if not THE big cause. The car culture makes us very isolated and anti-social. Not to mention they can't FATHOM a place where you couldn't just walk to the store and pick up a few things.
Interesting exchange of ideas and opinions over the last few days. I don't have much to add.
I would just say that each individual has his/her own tastes and preferences. Not everyone American wants to drive aorund in a small car 3 hours a day. I lived in NYC for a few years and a car in Manhattan is a hindrance, not a help. Parking can cost $3,000 a year.
I would welcome living in a city where public transportation was fast enough and reliable enough and taxis were plentiful enopugh and cheap enough for a car to be unnecessary. I have many more things I would rather spend my money on. Sex being foremost among them. Almost every large South American city fits that bill.
@Obepo, "While the Forces of Social Control do their violence against prostitutes in an attempt to prevent we men from having sex, their War on Drugs has an even greater eunichization effect."
I hope you aren't advocating the use of illlegal drugs so that strung out women will engage in unsafe sex!?!?!?!? That would be just plain sick!
DJ, as you said, Australia has a ridiculously small population. Comparing us to America using total figures, is comparing apples to oranges. To get a true comparison (particularly if we're talking about overall quality of living in various countries) we really have to use per capita figures. I got the following stats from nationmaster.com.
GDP: America's total GDP is by far the largest, almost three times more than the number two country. However, America's per capita GDP is $39,452.74 and Australia's is $31,421.40 - not such a huge difference.
Wheat: In total wheat production, America is rated number 3, Australia number 5. But per capita, Australia is number 1, producing almost twice the amount of its nearest competitor and nearly 6 times more wheat than America, who comes in at number 7. FYI, Australia accounts for more organic cropland then the next 36 countries on the list combined. We're number 1 in gross amount of land devoted to agriculture and America is at number 4. Per capita, we're still number 1 and the US drops down to number 23.
Exports: For total exports, America is number 2 and Australia is down at number 28. Per capita, we both drop waaaay down, but Australia comes out ahead at number 53, with America at number 62.
But anyway, more interesting for you guys - and more on topic! - are the female population stats on the nationmaster site. You can search the number of women in a particular age group in every country, according to actual numbers or percentage of the population.
For sheer numbers of women aged 20-24, for example, the top three countries are China, India and Indonesia. But guess what...America is at number 4! Don't bother coming to Australia to find 20-24 year old women, though. We're rated number 61!!
The top four are the same again for women aged 25-29 (with Brazil at number 5). Australia does only slightly better with this age group, coming in at number 58.
With all the discussions recently about marrying foreign women, this site could be quite handy. You could find out who has the most females in the desired age group and then cross-reference to find info on income, lifestyle, marriage rates, divorce rates, childbirth, education levels, etc. I had lots of fun messing around with it.
[QUOTE=George90]@Obepo, "While the Forces of Social Control do their violence against prostitutes in an attempt to prevent we men from having sex, their War on Drugs has an even greater eunichization effect."
I hope you aren't advocating the use of illlegal drugs so that strung out women will engage in unsafe sex!?!?!?!? That would be just plain sick![/QUOTE]
Yes, George. That's exactly what he's advocating.
George that's my point entirely. Most Europeans, Asians, Latin Americans etc are happy to just live somewhere where they dont have to WORRY about driving, because the transit takes them everywhere.
As for living in a house vs apartment, I had a house here in NYC, sold it, THANK GOD, never doing anything like that again. It's condos or bust for me from now on.
There are many things I won't miss about life in the US, the fact that I have no health insurance (I'd be able to pay for it if my move weren't imminent but it would put a serious hurt on me), the crappy food, the fact that you can't do anything but breathe here without paying money to do it, also I consider Bogota's transport system better than the subway here now, the subway COULD be better but it's just not well run at all. Also I love my bicycle and Bogota is full of bicycle lanes.
One thing I will miss about NYC is the way people are so in-your-face and direct, in other words HONEST. I don't think there's anywhere else in the world like it. Here politeness and social convention take a back seat and people just tell it like it is with no regard for protocol or people's feelings. It can be jarring at times but I've gotten used to it and I just love knowing where I stand at all times, not to mention being able to let others know where THEY stand.
The big problem is that I have always seen NYC as this kind of island of anti-consumerism and in many ways it was just that for the longest, it was really the last holdout against the big corporations, they notoriously fell flat on their faces when they tried to make inroads here through the 70s and 80s (except McDonalds, they did well). Now that's all changed, everytime I see another Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts or another fucking Red Lobster go in I just wanna puke. :(
What does this have to do with AW? I think the REAL problem is exactly this, the absolute imbalance of over-the-top materialism and consumerism that fuels the attitudes of both women AND men here and encourage ridiculously selfish behavior to the point where two people can no longer stay together anymore or even GET together. Modern society here is designed and built to make everybody desire things they don't REALLY want, and we end up losing up on what we REALLY want to satisfy our shallowest of whims.
I hang on a lot of other forums and I see the same song sung over and over again by waves and waves of expats and potential expats. Everybody is crying over what they are missing or what they might be missing, but in the same breath they are bitching about the materialism in America. They see the materialism on the outside but seem to be unaware of just how much of it has been INTERNALIZED. They don't see the blatant irony in the fact that they 'can't stand the rat race' etc etc but apparently it's worse than being crucified if they can't import everly last scrap of shit they've collected over their whole lives, have to give up driving their precious cars, or can't find their favorite fucking brand of peanut butter anymore.
Those are the type of expat who are heading for a severe case of culture shock. They will wake up in a year or two to find that they have been played by the local women and beaten at their own game. They moved because they were smart enough to realize how fucked up their culture was and recognized something they liked in another culture, but then ended up taking their fucked up culture with them and never really had a deep enough respect for their "new" culture to REALLY steep themselves in it and learn it deeply.
Guys like this invariably attract all the gold-diggers from scores of miles around. They complain about shallow women, but they themselves don't have much depth to them. They want their women in tip-top shape but wouldn't see tip-top staring back at them if they looked in a mirror. They make a minimal effort at best to learn the local language, yet are mystified why nobody seems to be able to understand them.
Bogota as a town is a perfect example of this. Although I'm totally looking forward to building a new life there, I would NOT recommend anybody else try it in that particular town, unless they are willing to REALLY understand the language, the culture, the history etc. Bogota is a place where 50% of the people are the most on-point intelligent upright generally cool people you could ever meet and the other 50% are the biggest fuckups and scammers you've ever seen. The locals are constantly playing a sifting game with each other, and if you aren't able to participate in the local culture you haven't got a chance, ESPECIALLY not in relationships, you will end up with the bottom of the barrel inevitably, time and time again.
And then of course you'll go on forums like these and say "MAN MY CITY SUCKS EVERY LAST WOMAN HERE IS A BACKSTABBING *****!" etc. :P
Many Australian and other Western men are going to Asia these days. Great return on investment in these places. A friend of mine showed me a video he made of a shopping district in Shanghai and I was amazed, the average Chinese woman(at least in that part of the country) looks like Lucy Lui.
In the long run, its going to become a Chinese Asian dominated world, one of the largest Investment Banks in the world is predicting that it will have the biggest economy by 2040 and that is making very conservative assumptions, another former World Bank head says 2025. Guess which country keeps the dollar from collapsing? China. China is also the reason for the rise of the Euro as they have been "diversifying".
There is probably another two decades of economic robustness for the US and Europe.
[QUOTE=George90]@Obepo, "While the Forces of Social Control do their violence against prostitutes in an attempt to prevent we men from having sex, their War on Drugs has an even greater eunichization effect."
I hope you aren't advocating the use of illlegal drugs so that strung out women will engage in unsafe sex!?!?!?!? That would be just plain sick![/QUOTE]
I'm not advocating the use, I'm trying to suggest a reason why the State expends so much effort in deterring many drugs. Certainly I am pleased that women use them, but my advocacy can hardly have any effect - I'm sure the appeal is in the drugs themselves. They must be quite wonderful, though I cannot say having never sampled any. Or at any rate they will seem, relatively speaking, wonderful to poor people who have little if any enjoyment in life.
By the by, what does 'strung out' mean? Seems to me if the individual prefers consuming the drug to abstaining, then everything is great and there's no need to make any judgements or use pejorative terms about their condition.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Notice how it all comes back to the car.
That's the biggest stumbling block for an American living abroad. They don't wanna give up the fucking car, no matter how impractical it is where they are going to live. They feel it's an outrage that gas prices are high, costs of cars are high, and there's no parking. That's done ON PURPOSE guys. Too many cars in a city make it miserable for people.
The town I'm moving to (Bogota) by 2015 won't even allow private vehicle traffic during rush hours. I say good for them. And you are NEVER going to get me to drive down there, I'll leave it to the pros.
That's also one of the biggest causes of culture shock for immigrants here, if not THE big cause. The car culture makes us very isolated and anti-social. Not to mention they can't FATHOM a place where you couldn't just walk to the store and pick up a few things.[/QUOTE]
You always bang on cars, your a New Yorker you wouldn't understand...
There are 300 of us in a Kmart parking lot every Thurs. Young and Old.
We love cars, cars are fun, they are fast they make great noises.
There 30,000 people on the SRT Forums, 55,000 on Corral.net (Mustangs) and about 15,000 on the Benz forum, it doesn't isolate us from anything. Hardly any of us know our neighbors next door, I find that more troubling than owning a car.
wheat and women
[QUOTE=Rubber Nursey]
Wheat: In total wheat production, America is rated number 3, Australia number 5. But per capita, Australia is number 1, producing almost twice the amount of its nearest competitor and nearly 6 times more wheat than America, who comes in at number 7. FYI, Australia accounts for more organic cropland then the next 36 countries on the list combined. We're number 1 in gross amount of land devoted to agriculture and America is at number 4. Per capita, we're still number 1 and the US drops down to number 23.
For sheer numbers of women aged 20-24, for example, the top three countries are China, India and Indonesia. But guess what...America is at number 4! Don't bother coming to Australia to find 20-24 year old women, though. We're rated number 61!!
Do a lot of Australians leave Australia? I know in sweeping around the web I came across a number that suggested half a million Australians visit the United States every year. It seemed like a very large number; as you may know, a lot of people "visiting" the United States are trying to find work here, or working here under-the-table. I know a lot of girls get captured by the idea of Hollywood. But this 61 number seems low...is Australia exporting it's 20-24 year olds? Are they all partying in Indonesia?
At any rate, the thing about wheat - it's a commodity. The per cap number may say more about Australia, than about the global supply of wheat. Whenever someone "corners the market" on a commodity something is wrong with the marketplace. Something political or even corrupt is taking place that is keeping customers from getting the real (lower) price. I won't labor over this further. The last thing I want is to argue with the farmers daughter.
The UK Canada Aus and New Zealand ALL have about 10% of their populations living as expats at any given time. That's a pretty normal number for small to mid sized countries actually. Bigger countries like the USA and Brazil and China only have around 1-2% of their population living abroad.
Immigration is a very cyclical thing though, the majority of expats tend to repatriate over time, in general half of them go back home within 5 years.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]
I hang on a lot of other forums and I see the same song sung over and over again by waves and waves of expats and potential expats. Everybody is crying over what they are missing or what they might be missing, but in the same breath they are bitching about the materialism in America. They see the materialism on the outside but seem to be unaware of just how much of it has been INTERNALIZED. They don't see the blatant irony in the fact that they 'can't stand the rat race' etc etc but apparently it's worse than being crucified if they can't import everly last scrap of shit they've collected over their whole lives, have to give up driving their precious cars, or can't find their favorite fucking brand of peanut butter anymore.
Fantastic post, Bango. This reminds me of an American expat I met while I was living in Brasil. This guy had essentially liquidated all his assets and moved to Rio, living the good life, and fucking many beautiful women. We were eating dinner one night at a restaurant in front of Copacabana beach, and what was the topic of discussion? The women? The beautiful weather? The beach? Nope. He was complaining about his ketchup. Apparently, he was unhappy that he was not able to get Heinz ketchup at this restaurant for his fries, and that the local brand was inferior. If guys on here aren't familiar, the ketchup in South America is not as thick as American-made ketchup, and a tad bit sweeter. Apparently, this bothered him so much that he had to complain to the waiter, even going as far as describing, in detail, why the American made ketchup is superior, the thickness, the flavor, etc. Granted, he was a good termas wingman, but that was the last time I ever went out to a restaurant with him.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]
We love cars, cars are fun, they are fast they make great noises.
That's funny, that's the same way I feel about Latinas!
Seriously though, I think you're missing the point. We're not complaining about cars. I love cars too. What we're complaining about is the fact that you HAVE to DRIVE a car in this fucking country if you want to get anywhere! There are no other means of transportation! So esentially, you are dependant on your car, and if you don't have one, you're fucked. No job, no social life, nothing.
What's funny is that a lot of Americans actually justify having to drive by saying that it's "liberating". The "freedom" to drive is just so great because you can "get anywhere you want or need to go", when in fact, it's the exact opposite, you are BOUND by your car, you have NO choice! In addition, it's another form of debt for Americans, with car payments, maintenance, gas, insurance, etc.
You like driving back and forth to work every day in rush hour traffic, averaging 25 mph on the highway because of congestion and traffic jams? Fine with me, knock yourself out. But give me the option of being able to take a bus or metro to get where I need to go, that's all I ask!
Anyways, my point is there is a difference in owning a car as a hobby, which I think is awesome, and ownng a car because you HAVE to, because there is no alternative mode of transportation. That is what we're complainign about on here.
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]Do a lot of Australians leave Australia? I know in sweeping around the web I came across a number that suggested half a million Australians visit the United States every year. It seemed like a very large number; as you may know, a lot of people "visiting" the United States are trying to find work here, or working here under-the-table. I know a lot of girls get captured by the idea of Hollywood. But this 61 number seems low...is Australia exporting it's 20-24 year olds? Are they all partying in Indonesia?
I won't labor over this further. The last thing I want is to argue with the farmers daughter.[/QUOTE]
National pride is a dangerous thing sometimes. I'll lay off the patriotism. :)
Our young women aren't going anywhere - we simply don't have any. There's no young men, either. A significant percentage of our population is well over fifty years old. Our ageing population is actually reaching crisis point, with the Government frantically trying to put things in place to cope with the massive skills shortages and pension claims that will occur when all the baby boomers start dropping out of the workforce, en masse. Our Government is even paying out thousands of dollars in 'baby bonuses' to everyone who gives birth (regardless of their income) to encourage us to 'go forth and procreate'.
I don't know that America is a primary destination for Aussies to look for work - although, I'm sure plenty do. But the US isn't very agreeable when it comes to giving out work visas to Australians. (We're not too keen on giving them to American's, either. Not sure where all this hostility is coming from!)Traditionally, Aussies head to the UK and Ireland, where work visas are much easier for us to obtain and the pound is worth so much more than our dollar. We can go to NZ without visas at all, which some people take advantage of for a change of scenery, but their dollar is worth less than ours, so it's not much of a money spinner.
It would be interesting to find out the age bracket that those half a million Aussies visiting the US fit into. With the first stages of the baby boomers' retirements already well underway, we've seen the rise of what we call the 'Grey Nomads' - retirees who sell up, buy a caravan or mobile home and just travel around Australia, indefinitely. Literally thousands of them. A significant number are also travelling overseas. I wouldn't be surprised if they account for a very large percentage of your Aussie visitors.
I love my Lotus Elise. How does the song go? Older whiskey, faster cars, younger women. I live in Queens. The drive home at 80mph on the Long island Expressway clears my head. What's wrong with that?
South American Ketchup
[QUOTE=Ezinho]Fantastic post, Bango. This reminds me of an American expat I met while I was in living in Brasil. This guy had essentially liquidated all his assets and moved to Rio, living the good life, and fucking many beautiful women. We were eating dinner one night at a restaurant in front of Copacabana beach, and what was the topic of discussion? The women? The beautiful weather? The beach? Nope. He was complaining about his ketchup. Apparently, he was unhappy that he was not able to get Heinz ketchup at this restaurant for his fries, and that the local brand was inferior. If guys on here aren't familiar, the ketchup in South America is not as thick as American-made ketchup, and a tad bit sweeter. Apparently, this bothered him so much that he had to complain to the waiter, even going as far as describing, in detail, why the American made ketchup is superior, the thickness, the flavor, etc. Granted, he was a good termas wingman, but that was the last time I ever went out to a restaurant with him.[/QUOTE]
Who was that guy?
I check out the mail-order-bride sites from time to time. Last year there was an American guy who complained about the very same thing, the ketchup!
He says lives abroad in various countries; Korea, Panama, Colombia, Brazil, and comes to the US only once in a while. His rant was triggered when he was in Colombia, I forget which city, and a restaurant didn't give him ketchup with his French fries. He had to ask for it. He thought that the ketchup should be given automatically the way it is in US restaurants. He continued with the low quality of ketchup in Colombia compared to the US.
He came across like an idiot because the men were on the forum to discuss foreign women as potenital wives, not the state of ketchup in Colombia.
He apparently also likes to talk about the 'casas' in Colombia and the women working in them, even though that is not a legitmate topic of those forums.
It is a small world!
P.S. I happen to like Brazilian ketchup. The sweeter taste suits me, though I would prefer it to be slightly thicker.
[QUOTE=George90] Last year there was an American guy who complained about the very same thing, the ketchup!
He says lives abroad in various countries; Korea, Panama, Colombia, Brazil, and comes to the US only once in a while. His rant was triggered when he was in Colombia, I forget which city, and a restaurant didn't give him ketchup with his French fries. He had to ask for it. He thought that the ketchup should be given automatically the way it is in US restaurants. He continued with the low quality of ketchup in Colombia compared to the US.
He came across like an idiot because the men were on the forum to discuss foreign women as potenital wives, not the state of ketchup in Colombia.
This idioT should have taken a shipping container load of Ketchup with him to Columbia.......with guys like this, it's no wonder American Women are so fucked up.
[QUOTE=StudioCat]I love my Lotus Elise. How does the song go? Older whiskey, faster cars, younger women. I live in Queens. The drive home at 80mph on the Long island Expressway clears my head. What's wrong with that?[/QUOTE]
Great Car! Love those things....
I agree with Ezinho, in a place like Los Angeles area setup you have to have a car basically. Its socially unacceptable to not have a car...
I love cars, it is very much a hobby. Back in the early 90's I didn't have a car for around 3 years and honestly I got tired of depending on people to go out, borrowing the gf's car to meet other women (not my gf my homies), etc, etc.
I would buy car magazines still and help people on their projects. I mean I still buy Hot Wheels for crying out loud...
I do find it liberating, its my gas I burn it, it cost $3.50 a gallon but my range is around 350 miles on one tank mainly city driving and a little bit of boost under acceleration.
That's why I would move to a car lover's paradise like Germany and tho its very expensive to be a car nut in Germany, I could make it work... I would give up the super nice condo and live in the boonies to own a car if that's what it took.
Gissen didn't look so bad...
Plus I would use public transportation because its affordable and its the best. My friend Ine didn't buy a car, not because she didn't want too, she wanted to invest it instead. So she makes do with the Bahn, ICE and her bike.
I believe both options together are best. Sometimes public transport is better like going to a ball game, a concert, a show, a night on the town, etc. I like the option of walking around talking, especially wuth my girl (when I have one).
Road trips are fun.... I am not a backpacker this is the next best option
[QUOTE=Astor Bryan]This idioT should have taken a shipping container load of Ketchup with him to Columbia.......with guys like this, it's no wonder American Women are so fucked up.[/QUOTE]
That's what I told my friend in Norway about Dr Pepper, that shhh is $5US a can in Norway...
Yeah on his next trip home, go to Smart & Final and stock up, what an idiot...
[QUOTE=StudioCat]I love my Lotus Elise. How does the song go? Older whiskey, faster cars, younger women. I live in Queens. The drive home at 80mph on the Long island Expressway clears my head. What's wrong with that?[/QUOTE]
Most probably very little is wrong with that if you're driving at a time where you can hit 80mph on that road, as long as you're not running over anybody who isn't a waste of oxygen ;)
The ketchup guy, the funny thing is I know EXACTLY what he's talking about. Heinz REALLY is the best ketchup. But in the end, either give up the ketchup, or move where the ketchup is good and cheap if its so goddamn important to you. I decided a long time ago ketchup is just unhealthy anyways. :P
RN, Aus immigration is hard on Yanks AND Canucks. The reall good thing is that you guys have anmesty every 5 years or so I believe. I had some Canadian friends who were just beach bums until the next amnesty came along and then got legit jobs and settled.
Besides someone has to be really naïve if she/he thinks that US is paradise where one can find a great job because in US everything is possible. It doesn’t matter where you live if you want to make good money you have to 1) know local language (fluently) 2) graduate university ( best a local one) 3) have an idea for your own business 4) to be a specialist for example in cardiosurgery (= university + years of work experience)
Gentlemen, you look for a women who’s beautiful, intelligent, feminine, who will take care of your children and who will work at an office making extra money.[/QUOTE]
These are good points concerning generating wealth, but only about 20 percent of the millionaires in the United States have masters degrees or better. Around 8 percent have law degrees and 6 percent have medical degrees. I know a few (relatively) young cardiologists - it's true they will soon be earning a lot of money - but they have spent a lot of years not working and have significant debt. They also have lifestyles that may discourage savings/investing in favor of consuming. They are not rich, but they can generate a lot of income, generating income is not the same thing as building wealth.
You don't need to be book smart (obviously, it helps) in order to make money in the United States, you can make money the old way - work hard and be tight with your money. It's easier in the USA than many other countries, because our tax system encourages it more than a lot of other countries. However, it's not much fun. If you go down that path, more often than not, you need a wife that is more frugal than you. Certainly, if you marry someone who enjoys spending money and can not constrain themselves, you are not going to generate a lot of wealth. At least not as much as you could.
So, I think, if you are looking for a "good" wife you probably are better off finding someone who understands how hard it is to earn and keep money. I know a few American women like this. Interestingly, the most frugal woman I know of - after my grandmother - lives on the Upper East Side NYC. She's an old Yankee. Tight with a dollar. I know a couple of sweet AW's that are [i]kind of [/i] like this, but they certainly would enjoy a trip to Paris or Bali if they had the opportunity. Of course, as an American guy, I know a lot of AWs who could blow [i] any [/i] amount of money in short order. In contrast, I know a Colombiana who actually keeps me from spending money on things or activites that don't generate income or meet basic needs.
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]These are good points concerning generating wealth, but only about 20 percent of the millionaires in the United States have masters degrees or better. Around 8 percent have law degrees and 6 percent have medical degrees. I know a few (relatively) young cardiologists - it's true they will soon be earning a lot of money - but they have spent a lot of years not working and have significant debt. They also have lifestyles that may discourage savings/investing in favor of consuming. They are not rich, but they can generate a lot of income, generating income is not the same thing as building wealth.
You don't need to be book smart (obviously, it helps) in order to make money in the United States, you can make money the old way - work hard and be tight with your money. It's easier in the USA than many other countries, because our tax system encourages it more than a lot of other countries. However, it's not much fun. If you go down that path, more often than not, you need a wife that is more frugal than you. Certainly, if you marry someone who enjoys spending money and can not constrain themselves, you are not going to generate a lot of wealth. At least not as much as you could.
I cannot express just how 'spot on' (as they say in England) what JD has written. Anyone who wants to get rich in the US need to print his post and frame it!
I think 2 economists wrote a book on millionaires in the US about 5 years ago. They found that getting rich is much more related to how much one [i]saves[/i] than about how much one [i]earns[/i]. Every financial advisor I have every come accross has emphasized that if a person starts saving [b]regularly[/b] at a young age (say 21), he or she can accumulate [i]millions[/i] of dollars by retirement age. The magic is something called compounding; earning interest on previously earned interest.
Of course, staying on a long-term saving regimen takes discipline and an aversion to the wanton materialism of US society. It also means focusing away from the earnings rat-race in which one's self worth is measured by one's salary.
I have not met many women in the US who have such discipline and lifestyle. I had childhood friends whose parents grew up in the shadow of the Great Depression. [i]They[/i], the parents, had financial discipline. I think most people these days living in wealthy, stable countries with generous safety nets have no idea of the terror and horror of financial ruin in the 1930's. It wasn't for nothing that many committed suicide. I have not met many men who don't put a great deal of their self-worth into making more money than the next guy, and showing it by [i]spending[/i] more money than the next guy.
The current housing correction may bring back some discipline but I think the correction would have to last many years for it to sink into thick skulls.
If a man, who is so inclined, wants to live a more frugal lifestyle and save more of his hard-earned money, he will have difficulty finding a suitable mate in the US. From what I see, US women are even more consumerist and materialistic than US men becuase they use consumer items to show how well they have beaten sexism and become financially successful. I still recommend looking abroad for wives.
You have a point there George. My neighbors here in the Bronx were both born in 1927, and so grew up in the Depression and they say that the 30s were the WORST years NYC ever saw, much worse than all the mayhem of the 60s 70s and 80s. They DID have some form of help in those days, called 'home relief' but it was basically just enough to keep families from outright starving to death.
NYC is probably one of the only places in this country where you even have a ghost's chance in hell of getting a date without a car. But even then, if you live too simply you are GONE, completely off the radar.
Let me tell you about the night I separated from my now ex-wife. We had been fighting for weeks on end straight and decided to go out together for a night on the town to try and reconcile and let some steam off. So she wanted to go see a Broadway play and I wanted to try out this new Argentinian restuarant. We went and say the play, it sucked, but I didn't say anything not wanting to ruin the evening. Now it was 10:30pm, and to get to the restaurant, all we had to do is hop on the #1 train, we were right at an entrance to the station and it was a block away on the other end. Fucking ***** REFUSES to go into the subway despite the fact that it's next to impossible to get a cab in the theater district right after the shows let out. So we stand there for 25 minutes trying to get a cab, finally she relents, fuming, and we take the fucking train. Needless to say we had another blowout, but it didn't even matter to me anymore. I knew that was my last straw.
I don't EVER think of a girls' race background or nationality as far as relationships are concerned but I knew that as far as the two of us human beings were concerned we were not meant to be together.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Let me tell you about the night I separated from my now ex-wife. We had been fighting for weeks on end straight and decided to go out together for a night on the town to try and reconcile and let some steam off. So she wanted to go see a Broadway play and I wanted to try out this new Argentinian restuarant. We went and say the play, it sucked, but I didn't say anything not wanting to ruin the evening. Now it was 10:30pm, and to get to the restaurant, all we had to do is hop on the #1 train, we were right at an entrance to the station and it was a block away on the other end. Fucking ***** REFUSES to go into the subway despite the fact that it's next to impossible to get a cab in the theater district right after the shows let out. So we stand there for 25 minutes trying to get a cab, finally she relents, fuming, and we take the fucking train. Needless to say we had another blowout, but it didn't even matter to me anymore. I knew that was my last straw.
I don't EVER think of a girls' race background or nationality as far as relationships are concerned but I knew that as far as the two of us human beings were concerned we were not meant to be together.[/QUOTE]
In my case I concluded that my ex was just not meant to live with other human beings. She was from NYC and had the attitude typical of the women who grow up there. I got tired of watching her treat waiters, cashiers and anyone else who was forced to deal with her like shit. I don't think she'd fare well in her old age if she ends up needing caretakers to feed her and wipe her ass!
[QUOTE=Rubber Nursey]National pride is a dangerous thing sometimes. I'll lay off the patriotism. :)
Our young women aren't going anywhere - we simply don't have any. There's no young men, either. A significant percentage of our population is well over fifty years old. Our ageing population is actually reaching crisis point, with the Government frantically trying to put things in place to cope with the massive skills shortages and pension claims that will occur when all the baby boomers start dropping out of the workforce, en masse. Our Government is even paying out thousands of dollars in 'baby bonuses' to everyone who gives birth (regardless of their income) to encourage us to 'go forth and procreate'.
I don't know that America is a primary destination for Aussies to look for work - although, I'm sure plenty do. But the US isn't very agreeable when it comes to giving out work visas to Australians. (We're not too keen on giving them to American's, either. Not sure where all this hostility is coming from!)Traditionally, Aussies head to the UK and Ireland, where work visas are much easier for us to obtain and the pound is worth so much more than our dollar. We can go to NZ without visas at all, which some people take advantage of for a change of scenery, but their dollar is worth less than ours, so it's not much of a money spinner.
It would be interesting to find out the age bracket that those half a million Aussies visiting the US fit into. With the first stages of the baby boomers' retirements already well underway, we've seen the rise of what we call the 'Grey Nomads' - retirees who sell up, buy a caravan or mobile home and just travel around Australia, indefinitely. Literally thousands of them. A significant number are also travelling overseas. I wouldn't be surprised if they account for a very large percentage of your Aussie visitors.[/QUOTE]
Nationalism and Patriotism are two different things thinking you are better than someone because you come from country a and being proud of country a are two different things. There was some nationalistic feeling in the USA post 911, a lot of that has disappeared with the Iraq debacle.
I had a friend in Melbourne who was offered a job in Northern England, he turned it down flat, why? Despite the pound being worth more, the cost of living in the UK is absolutely expensive. He found its better just to visit Europe than to live there forever.
As far as Americans having trouble getting permits for Australia, this is true, because the education systems are somewhat different, for example a medical degree in Australia is a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery degree whereas in the USA it is a Doctor of Medicine. Americans usually have few problems immigrating to Canada. I immigrated to Australia seven years ago and back then it was not difficult. Now a US citizen would probably need to have an Australian qualification or be a Nurse, Doctor to get in.
DJ FourMoney,
I’m sorry I answer you so late but I think that slowly I become workaholic and I have no time for anything else.
My post was a little ironical too. I know that Ukrainian girls are pretty and it’s easy to fall in love with them but I’m sure you wouldn’t discriminate any nationality ;-)
The problem is you won’t find your princess picking up girls who admire only Benjamin Franklin or Ulysses Grant from among all Americans. Anyway as I wrote before don’t lose your faith :-)
From time to time I read your posts and I’m really interested if European women will be “better” for you then American ones. I guess that time will show everything.
Now I can tell you that Polish (and not only Polish) girls aren’t “giving up for free”.
You are daydreaming if you think that way :-)
But seriously DJ, I was thinking about problems you have to face ( hmm as a typical? AM) and I got to a conclusion that you look for nonexistent ideal. We wrote here about all the changes which took place in the modern culture etc and nobody can’t turn back time but sometimes I think that people are simply selfish and that’s the main problem here. The more I talk to people the more I see this attitude (that what’s the most important in the world is me, me and one more time me and my problems).
It’s interesting what you wrote in the thread about Kiev that
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney] “ I wouldn't be surprised if this venture costed you several thousands of dollars. For an amount like that I would seriously consider staying home or using FKK services in Germany where you can find Ukrainian, Russian, Romainan and Polish girls already working in these places for 50 Euro for 30 mins[/QUOTE]
To tell the truth before I read ISG I didn’t even know that something like these German clubs exist but it’s not the point. What’s interesting that in these clubs you can buy sex with beautiful, young women who would do everything what you dream about for 100 euro. It’s not a lot of money. I’m a little surprised that you still want to look for your princess. Ideal people don’t exist and maybe she won’t be so “easygoing” as the girls in the clubs. I mean that going to these places you just pay and you don’t care about anything. You can kiss with a blond Czech girl and after to have sex with brunette from Brazil. Do you know what I mean? You haven’t to strive for anything, you just pay. When you have a wife you have to reckon with her problems. If you quarrel with her, next day you will have to buy flowers and to assure that she’s the love of your life. If you go to the club and you don’t like the girl you just take another one.
The relationships are expensive and demanding. I don’t talk only about money. I also buy my boyfriend different presents e.g. a golden cross. But buying it I was thinking about a charm which could protect him not about how much money it costs. I invest not only dollars but also feelings in my relationship. I really don’t care of all the stuff I gave him. They were presents which showed him my care and love and I won’t take them to the grave with myself so why should I care about these things? It really hurts when you trusted/ loved someone and this person will treat you as a disposable thing.
Well, once I asked you to describe what you understand under the word “love” but any of you didn’t do this. So DJ, what are you looking for? You go to all these places and I’m sure it gives you new, exciting experience but do you really want to find love in Kiev during weekly holidays? In FKK I think you won’t find your princess too.
BTW, I can tell you that online sucks. If you have no choice it’s better then nothing but it won’t replace daily contact. I tried it and I’m disappointed. I didn’t stop to love this person but internet it’s a solution only for a short period of time.
Maybe if I can help you somehow I’ll write what I think writing about love.
It’s when
- the beloved person is also your best-friend who will support you even if you’re poor, ill, unemployed etc.
-someone cares about your problems and tries to solve them with you
-someone isn’t selfish and thinks: our problems, family, money, work etc, not MY…..
- someone works on the relationship, thinks how to improve it, not only during the first year of it
- people also enjoy sex in their relationship. Sex is normal and very important part of relationship but it isn’t its basis
- people show each other tenderness, care etc
Generally theory about plants-people is still actual.
I know that it’s not perfect description if such description exists at all. It’s similar to the situation when you want to describe colors to a blind person.
DJ, I want to say that if you decide for serious relationship you have to realize that the phase of passion will pass soon. I mean that one day your beautiful wife can fart at bed and you will leave your dirty socks at a chair. Sorry if it’s not romantic but this is normal life. Any woman can’t be Barbie doll forever even if she’s a beautiful Ukrainian girl. I’m also sure that even handsome Pierce Brosnan belches from time to time and he doesn’t look so elegant at these moments.
If you think that somewhere there is a woman who will be so hot and kinky as the girls in FKK but on the other hand she would be innocent, young, a little submissive and a little independent, who would love to have children and to prepare food for the family all day long (did I forget something? :-)), you can be disappointed not only of Ukraine but also of Poland, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, China and so on.
Jelly Donut,
You write about millionaires and it’s only small % of society. You are right that one hasn’t to be well-educated in order to make money in the United States. It’s one of the wealthiest country in the world and working physically you still can buy a lot of goods but we can’t know what will be in the future. Maybe when eg Chinese people get rich (= they also want to have big cars, air condition at home etc) the prices of oil, gas, energy will increase. Will an average construction worker be able to maintain the same standard of living? Someone with knowledge and practical skills will demand more money for their service then unqualified worker. A propos doctors, once I went to a public hospital in Poland because I had to see a general practitioner. They said that I can go to the only one doctor or to wait about 2 weeks for a visit to a doctor I saw last time. I said that I need to see a doctor now so I can go to see this guy. It doesn’t matter for me, I won’t wait 2 weeks. It turned out that the doctor was Tunisian and even if he was nice and he tried to help me I had impression that he didn’t understand to the end what I said to him in Polish. So I said to myself that I won’t use public health service but the private sector is expensive. On the other hand I prefer to pay more money and be sure that diagnosis is proper then to spend much more money later for the reason of complications. Unluckily not all Polish people have access and possibility to use private health service.
You wrote
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]
They are not rich, but they can generate a lot of income, generating income is not the same thing as building wealth[/QUOTE]
Yes, it’s not the same though how do you want to build wealth if you can’t generate income? Besides if the cardiologist you know have lifestyles that may discourage savings/investing in favor of consuming it’s a question of their character. I don’t see the connection between the education and the snobbery. Maybe snobbery isn’t the best word here. It’s a question of priority. Some people prefer to have a big, expensive wedding, the others would prefer to have a modest ceremony and to go to Brazil for honeymoon. Is it wrong if you have money for it? I think that money isn’t the aim of life, it’s only the mean which let to realize the life’s aims.
Of course there is a problem if you haven’t any discipline but it’s still about someone’s character and I don’t see the connection with the education.
Writing the points in my last thread I meant that a hard working, intelligent person with university degree always has better chances to achieve success then unskilled immigrant who doesn’t speak the local language.
If you have a girlfriend who keeps you from spending money it’s great but I don’t think she could do anything if you hadn’t the financial discipline. And if we talk about the wives who like spending too much money we had another saying in Poland “You saw what you took so don’t complain now” ;-)
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]...they say that the 30s were the WORST years NYC ever saw, much worse than all the mayhem of the 60s 70s and 80s.[/QUOTE]
NYC of the 60s, 70s, and 80s was far better than present day NYC, Bango. It had more, better, and cheaper hookers. Gulianai ruined the city (in fairness every american city was ruined between 1980 and 2000).
It is hard to have a good quality of life in a large US city, in fact.... unless you are ultra rich, forget about it. Most American cities have went downhill for a number of reasons, mainly the fact that the gap between haves and have nots has become too wide. The same scenario is playing itself out around the world.
There are still many places in America where one could have a good life, I have a cousin who grew up in the South and seems to live quite well on a moderate income, gets plenty of women, even banged a Miss America contestant. There are fewer distractions in smaller places, so women behave differently. I traveled a few times to a small town in Georgia, and saw a huge difference in how women behave compared to the big cities.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]There are still many places in America where one could have a good life, I have a cousin who grew up in the South and seems to live quite well on a moderate income, gets plenty of women, even banged a Miss America contestant. There are fewer distractions in smaller places, so women behave differently. I traveled a few times to a small town in Georgia, and saw a huge difference in how women behave compared to the big cities.[/QUOTE]
While that is very true, I am not convinced one is able to regularly bang women of the caliber of Miss America contestants. I have read the posts of men who live in rural counties. They are farmers. They say that if a man doesn't marry by 18 or 19, he may [i]never[/i] get married at all! The women who are marriage material either leave town and go to college in big city or marry right out of high school. The rest aren't marriage material. They are either obese, crazy, dumb, or all three. One guy said that an average looking women from a large city could be the prettiest women in 4 or 5 rural counties. What he described made it understandable why a man's sister or cousin would start to look good if he was drunk.
Well you can always import if you know what I mean. I think keeping a woman from a foreign country in a small town would be better than a big city, she would always feel a bit foreign.
Keep her in a small town?
Well that would partly depend on what she was used to back home. My wife lived in a city where there are about 6 million people. Now we live in a Canadian city with maybe 700,000 tops. She went with me to visit my old home town (pop 40,000) and told me she was glad we didn't have to live there.
Why? Because it would have been totally boring. Even where we are right now, the night life doesn't compare. Sure the roads are better and people drive nicer cars. But there's a lot more to living and being happy than these material things.
Something to think about for those planning to "import".
I have spent the last 4 months moving from Christchurch New Zealand, pop 300,000 to a little town in Australia pop 60,000. Between moving country I took a tour (work related) through the mid west of America. Now I have to say I think women are the same the world over. I think quality of life is not achieved in either a big city or a small city but in a inner peace and happiness. Theres just more to do in a big city, not a bad thing either. Smaller cities offer a different entertainment and it will mainly be around your friendship circle more than clubs and pubs.
They want Money, security etc. Its the same things our mothers wanted (although granted they didn't have the job opportunities we have now) its the same thing our grandmothers wanted.
Sadly for you men I can't see this changing for a while. When it does and you men can openly date only wealthy women you will know that equality has been reached.
This basic need women have for financial security is based on the fact that we might have to give up our career to have children and stay at home for a few years (choices ofcourse). While we are staying at home, doing the taxi duty to school and sports etc we want to know that the man that we have given up our career for can support us. I know it might be wrong to think like that but if a woman is honest that is how they think. Who knows why I doubt we even know ourselves.
As for the car issue. Cars are a sign of wealth, generally you can sum up how much a man or woman earns by the car they drive. Women are not the only ones to do this, men do it to each other as well. Its just a pity that we all forget that most people don't own the car they drive but are working their backsides off to make the payments and insurance.
Really wealth is health and not financial. Its happiness and honesty and dating someone that you are comfortable with. In the end if you don't want the cost of the date and divorce find a good hooker. It will probably be cheaper to see her once a week than pay for the divorce.
CB I think your theory is half-baked.
You know what would most likely happen in that situation? The woman would have a breakdown and pack her bags and head straight fucking back where she came from!
Most women who come here for marriage SEVERELY miss their own countries, and it's a huge sacrifice for them to come here. People have this motherfucking arrogant attitude that they are doing these girls a FAVOR by taking them away.
Well it is better that she likes you for you and not that she is in a desperate situation and looking to escape. The lady I met is not desperate, she seems to live well but not luxuriously, has an ok job and her own apartment, but gets bored and thinks I entertain her well. Lets see how long this lasts, regardless, in this new century women are all going to be the same. If you really want loyal company, get a puppy.
Girls in other countries have lower standards, but they have a similar logic as AWs, they want a guy that can take care of them. The girl I met, her father is a drunk alcholic and she says most of the men in her country are like that. So me who is not a drunk and a wife beater, I am a something different to her.
Who knows if you are doing them a favor, in some circumstances, if you take them in, and take care of them, yes. If you plan to make them your servant, no.
Men Are Not Women
Mmbmmb -
That is the typical double standard...
If I use Sex Services where it is legal, I must not be serious about a long term relationship.
So as I am searching for my beloved, I need to go without any???
That just doesn't make any sense...
I went to Kiev to meet the previously mentioned and didn't use any services though I thought about it seriously when I was at River Palace. I don't believe I'll be able to ever pull a woman that looked like the one I pulled under normal circumstances and I didn't "take out" I left her there.
I had a feeling the "Professional Clubber" was a Part-timer and when she confirmed what I had thought was the case, I declined her offer.
So no I wasn't a Sex Tourist in Kiev... Neither was I in Germany, even though I used it, its because it was:
a) Local (Frankfurt RLD)
b) inexpensive by American standards
And I only used it when my German contacts all went sour.
So I spent the last 15 days of my trip to build a new roster, get laid and go with my last trump card, which was Kiev oddly enough.
Success after 3 days and I have it on video if your curious... ;)
What I want is not unreasonable at all and very possible. Without knowing me on a personal level maybe I have a hard time trying to convince you that my reasons are sincere.
I like the Kiev woman, I just feel I can do a bit better, so my search continues.
You must like replying to my post, I thought you had a boyfriend???
Yes, it’s not the same though how do you want to build wealth if you can’t generate income? Besides if the cardiologist you know have lifestyles that may discourage savings/investing in favor of consuming it’s a question of their character.[/QUOTE]
You need to be able to generate [i]some[/i] income. The main problem for people in the United States is that they tend to spend all (or even more) than what they earn. So, if you earn a lot you spend a lot. If you earn more, you spend more. There's no savings to fall back on; no investments generating income.
I'm not sure exactly what you are thinking when you are talking about the "character" of these buddy doctors. These folks are good people. If they don't have much financial discipline, well, not a lot of Americans do. Most people adopt financial discipline because circumstances demand it and give it up when it's not required.
Its not easy to make money anywhere on the planet, everywhere you go its the same. The girl I met thought she was going to live real well in Germany and found out the hard truth. She just squeaks by, anything she earns gets spent very quickly.
Doctors in the US earn big money, if I am not mistaken the average PCP can make over 200K a year, several times the average salary of an American worker. Of course it would be easy for them to save with their high earnings, but for the average person, this does not work.
Anybody can end up with lot's of money if they really want it. It's a matter of the choices they make in life and what kind of plans they have. Get rich quick is simply not realistic for 98% of all people.
But if you were 20 yrs old (male or female) and you wanted to be well-off by sometime in your 40's..... that's not impossible at all. Go get educated, work steady, leave off on expensive houses and cars, and don't get married. You'll be 45 years old and able to consider retirement in the country of your choice.
Wanna drive a fancy newer car all the time? OK fine, but is it worth having if it means you're putting off your retirement for an extra 5 years? Maybe not... but it's a choice. Wanna get a big show home? Go for it..... cost 10 years minimum. Wanna get married and have kids? You'll be paying for that one way or another until the day you die.
People are always bitching and whining about how they "can't get ahead". Maybe they could get ahead if they didn't keep putting themselves in the hole all the time with the choices they make.
Oh, and please don't anybody try telling me how home ownership is such a great investment. It's not. Property taxes, interest charges on the mortgage, utilities and insurance will (over the long run) cost you way more than you'll ever make from increased property value.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]Doctors in the US earn big money, if I am not mistaken the average PCP can make over 200K a year, several times the average salary of an American worker. Of course it would be easy for them to save with their high earnings, but for the average person, this does not work.[/QUOTE]
It's getting more difficult for Doctors to make the big $$$$$ because their Medical malpractice insurance rates are so high and also having to deal with the insurance paper work of their patients. It's not a life I envy at all. In the old days it was pretty easy for them to make the big $$$$ but not any more.
It's even worse
Astor Bryan,
Yes, you are correct in reference to malpractice insurance. It's a killer.
What's even worse are the HMO's and their networks. If you want to be in the HMO network, you have to take their "lowball" fees and write everything else off. A doc in America could make great money prior to the HMO movement but those were the good old days.
So, if you factor in malpractice insurance, HMO lowballing, student loans, overhead, federal tax, state tax and private employment tax, etc., these guys are facing major league issues.
Rock, you gotta remember, you live in one of the WORST places on the globe to invest in real estate.
My parents just barely broke even three times in the past couple decades on houses, not even counting for inflation :P
On the other hand, here in the Bronx I just about doubled the money I put into a house in just over 3 years!
And the place we are buying in Colombia has gone up 25% just in 6 months!
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]Its not easy to make money anywhere on the planet, everywhere you go its the same. The girl I met thought she was going to live real well in Germany and found out the hard truth. She just squeaks by, anything she earns gets spent very quickly.[/QUOTE]
Ok, so you meet (obviously) poor [u]immigrants[/u] in Germany and then keep posting about German girls not being able to afford a car, among others?
Your pseudo analysis is a joke. Dude, you know nothing about Germany and Germans, so save the bandwidth, ok?
[QUOTE=Leeuwen]Ok, so you meet (obviously) poor [u]immigrants[/u] in Germany and then keep posting about German girls not being able to afford a car, among others?
Your pseudo analysis is a joke. Dude, you know nothing about Germany and Germans, so save the bandwidth, ok?[/QUOTE]
It depends upon the type of the car, most European cars tend to be small economy sized models. I did not think the girl I met was poor she seemed to live
ok. 200K plus a year is a pretty good physician income a lot more than most European countries, including Germany, oh fyi the lady who rented me my apartment just happens to be a German physician, she rents places to make extra cash. Oh and another thing, I actually have several doctors in my family, and I really don't think they are suffering financially, of course HMOs and malpractice costs are hitting them but they are still earning well.
There is a flood of EE women in Western Europe, no big surprise, people go where they perceive there is money but Europe is still anti immigrant and even a blonde EE has difficulty integrating into Western European countries. I have seen EE women in Hong Kong and Dubai as well, it won't surprise me to see more white faces in Asia in the coming years.
Leeuwen, I do know that Germans tend to be among the most miserable people on Earth. Having spent an extended period of time there I would not want to live in Germany.
Alright, just don't assume I ever questioned income of American MDs, because I didn't.
Investing in properties and renting apartments is quite a big business over here. You still own your apartment, its value increases every year, plus you make money out of it.
Also our EE cousins noticed this business can provide a well needed income. What is really annoying, is that they charge more or less WE rates for a rat hole you wouldn't pay even fraction of what they ask for.
For instance, an apartment in Minsk (Belorus) costs on average 50 euro a day. Say the owner gets 7 booked nights. That makes 350 euro. Compare it to average monthly salary there, which is 200-250 euro. Not bad, huh?
Regarding Germans - Yes, not the most beloved people on planet Earth, but who cares? Certainly not Germans.
Dj FourMoney,
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]That is the typical double standard.
If I use Sex Services where it is legal, I must not be serious about a long term relationship.
So as I am searching for my beloved, I need to go without any?
That just doesn't make any sense. [/QUOTE]Double standard? Hmmm, I only asked how do you want to find love going to FFK or River Palace?
Any what? Sex? Of course you can go and look for it. And it doesn’t matter if it’s legal or not. I think you could do the same in Kiev, Poland, USA or Norway. In my country it isn’t legal but I didn’t hear that someone went to jail because he slept with a prostitute
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]So no I wasn't a Sex Tourist in Kiev. Neither was I in Germany, even though I used it, its because it was:
A) Local (Frankfurt RLD)
Be) inexpensive by American standards
And I only used it when my German contacts all went sour.
So I spent the last 15 days of my trip to build a new roster, get laid and go with my last trump card, which was Kiev oddly enough.
Success after 3 days and I have it on video if your curious. [/QUOTE]DJ, imagine that an American guy is going to Thailand. He wants to relax on the beach and to meet pretty girls what doesn’t mean that he came there as a sex tourist. During his stay he meets only hookers or hhmm let’s say "damaged" women. He sees that the local girls are hot and so inexpensive by American standard and because he’s already in Thailand why shouldn’t he have some fun? How do you think, how local people would call such holidays if not sex tourism?
But the name you call it isn't really important. [QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]So I spent the last 15 days of my trip to build a new roster, get laid and go with my last trump card, which was Kiev oddly enough.
Success after 3 days and I have it on video if your curious.
What I want is not unreasonable at all and very possible. Without knowing me on a personal level maybe I have a hard time trying to convince you that my reasons are sincere.
I like the Kiev woman, I just feel I can do a bit better, so my search continues. You must like replying to my post, I thought you had a boyfriend? [/QUOTE]No DJ, I’m not so curious though I’m sure the video is interesting:.)
And yes, I have a boyfriend, a wonderful man, but it doesn’t change the fact that I can like you. And I like you because I really believe that, even without knowing you on personal level, your reasons are sincere. And as the only one man you decided to stop complaining and to check by yourself if Europe is a paradise full of decent women.
I should apologize you for my post from 6th July. It was not only ironical but also malicious. I shouldn’t write it. I did it maybe because lately, more and more, I become cynical. I’m sorry.
You know DJ, I write what I think because I know we’ll never meet in the real life and nobody will sue me, you, Jelly Donut or anyone else on this forum for what we write. I think it’s sick if a man approaches woman, he tells her that she’s beautiful and after he’s arrested and accused of harassment. And as we know it can happen, thanks the post of Super Brko. If people can’t talk to each other anymore we’ll come one day to a situation that we’ll be afraid to answer the question "what time is it? " because the personal dignity of someone can be destroyed by the tone of our voice or the face expression. Nobody would like to pay 10 000 $ for it. Do you know what I mean?
And if we can talk sincerely and because men aren't women I’ll write you why young women (not only American) don’t want to have family nowadays. The answer is simple: because it’s fucking unprofitable.
We live in a world where money is nearly a deity and people care only of themselves. I live in Poland so let my country be an example but I don’t think that the situation in USA is so much different.
1)When a girl graduate university she‘ll look for a good job. The employers don’t look for a young girl who can have babies soon (= who will go to a maternity leave, take days-off because the children are I'll, can’t stay longer at work etc)
2)The cost of raising a child is very high. The state doesn’t help. The public health service and schools are mostly shitty. The people I know pay a lot of money not only for private pediatricians but also private tutors, sport classes and so on. Why should you spend your money on child if you could go for holidays in Brazil or to buy a new Lexus? 3)Family needs time. How will you find it if you work 10-12h a day? If you want to earn decent money 10-12 h day of work is normal. In Poland additionally the society is still conservative. Women should take care of house and children. Young girls don’t want anymore to have 2 jobs, at home and outside it.
4)When you have a child, for at least the first 3 years of its life it needs intense care of mother. It’s 3 years when you shouldn’t work and if you don’t work you have no income. Often you don’t pay a fee for your retirement and you depend on the husband’s income. It isn’t comfortable situation when you ask someone else for money. You also waste years which you could use to gain more work experiences, additional education etc
5)Raising children and caring about the house a lot of women don’t work. What will happen if a husband dies or wants a divorce. Suddenly you’re in situation when you have not only to take care of children and house but you think where to find good job, having no work experiences and qualifications because through 10 years you was only a cleaning lady, a cook and a nanny.
6)Being pregnant means often to put on weight, stretch marks, cellulite and other things which won’t help you to feel like Pam Andreson. In the world where appearance is as much important as money you prefer to adopt a child from Africa, Asia or South America. You not only will save you silhouette but also you’ll show your friends how wonderful heart you have. And what’s more important you can adopt a child even when you’re 40, giving birth to your own one is risky at this age.
7)Having family you have to agree for compromises. If you’re single you can do what you want. Besides being a single isn’t a social stigma anymore. It’s even in fashion. There are holidays for singles, clubs for singles, cafés for singles and soon there will be bank accounts, credits, cars, stores etc for singles. When you have no family it doesn’t mean that you’re sitting at home alone watching TV.
Now family is expensive and demanding duty for the rest of your life, especially for a woman. Who would like to decide for it? The argument that you’ll have care at old age is a bullshit. When you are 70 your children have their own family, problems and jobs. Now people have no opportunities to take care of their parents because they work and sometimes live in the other part of the country. And nobody won’t decide to give up a job because he/she won’t be able to pay for eg mother’s medicines. Child is an luxury good now, not a cheap worker and help at home as it was in the past when we talk about developed countries.
And does one really need a husband now? When you have a husband you have to take care about him, support him, help him with his problems etc. Isn’t it unnecessary problem? Especially if in 15-20 years he will want to replace you by "a new model". You can have sex with your acquaintance, eventually to simply pay for it. I’ve heard that Egypt or Tunisia are perfect places for sex tourism for women. You can find there cheap, exotic, handsome boys and nobody will know what you were doing during holidays. And the boys don’t care if you’re 50 or 60 and how you look.
I started to think that we live in unfair world where people are disposable thing and all discussion here is "art for art" as we say in Poland. But maybe I became really cynical.
It’s interesting what Jelly Donut wrote:
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]You need to be able to generate some income. The main problem for people in the United States is that they tend to spend all (or even more) than what they earn. So, if you earn a lot you spend a lot. If you earn more, you spend more. There's no savings to fall back on; no investments generating income. I'm not sure exactly what you are thinking when you are talking about the "character" of these buddy doctors. These folks are good people. If they don't have much financial discipline, well, not a lot of Americans do. Most people adopt financial discipline because circumstances demand it and give it up when it's not required[/QUOTE]Writing about character I meant that it doesn’t matter if you’re a doctor, a worker constructor or a lawyer. The amount of money you spend has nothing to do with someone’s education. It depends how strong is someone’s character, if this person can say to oneself " I can live without it. I prefer to drive old Ford but to save money and to invest it at home or something else". I was writing about a character which help you to bear hardships of life. JD is right. A lot of people in developed countries have so good conditions of life that they can’t imagine their grandparents lived in the other way. I remember how my grandparent told me about his childhood during the II World War and when he was finding dead bodies in the forest. He also told me that even before the war education was so expensive that most people finished only primary school and they hadn’t washing machines, cars or microwaves. Will the tough circumstances force people to the discipline (not only financial)? I remember the Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana and the news that someone killed his sister because she didn’t want to share the last box of cereals with him so I wouldn’t want to convince myself about it.
I never said the girl I met was poor or unemployed, she happens to work six days a week, and has been doing so for the last few years in various jobs, she is disappointed because she has university degree but is not employed in her field of interest, nothing glamorous but enough to live reasonably well. Still she feels very much isolated as a foreigner in Germany, she finds it hard to make friends, despite the fact that she could pass for a German with a white face and blonde hair blue eyes.
Bango, I wasn't going to take her back to the US, I was thinking Australia where I have been a permanent resident for the last seven years, a country with the best beaches on the planet, 300 days of sunshine, a lower cost of living than Western Europe or the US, etc..
I don't recall saying that German girls were poor or could not afford a car.
[QUOTE=CBGBConnisur]Leeuwen, I do know that Germans tend to be among the most miserable people on Earth. Having spent an extended period of time there I would not want to live in Germany.[/QUOTE]
How so CBGB?? Please explain.
[quote=astor bryan]how so cbgb?? please explain.[/quote]
talk to them, the vast majority are unhappy. it is very well known that germans
are among the most unhappy people in the world along with the french. i have met unhappy americans and australians but they tend to be far fewer. the ukrainian girl i met has lived there for five years and can tell you some stories. southern europeans tend to be more upbeat about life.
on another front, idea the european union as we know it today was actually planned by adolf hitler and the nazis. really scary shit. as expected there will be more political chaos around the world speeding up the asian century that is coming.
[quote=cbgbconnisur]talk to them, the vast majority are unhappy. it is very well known that germans
are among the most unhappy people in the world along with the french. i have met unhappy americans and australians but they tend to be far fewer. the ukrainian girl i met has lived there for five years and can tell you some stories. southern europeans tend to be more upbeat about life.[/quote]
germans along with french among the most unhappy people in the world? "it is very well known"? says who? foxnews? quick search on the net and guess what i found.
out if 178 countries in [url=http://www.neweconomics.org/gen/uploads/dl44k145g5scuy453044gqbu11072006194758.pdf]world happiness index[/url] (quite ambitious document) following contenders are positioned as:
2. colombia
5. panama
6. cuba
81. germany
129. france
139. australia
150. united states of america
174. ukraine
so you were wrong again, but let's agree on you having [u]highly subjective[/u] views and opinions.
life of an immigrant involves many hurdles, and germany is no exception. however everybody is free to leave.
[quote=cbgbconnisur]on another front, idea the european union as we know it today was actually planned by adolf hitler and the nazis. really scary shit. as expected there will be more political chaos around the world speeding up the asian century that is coming.[/quote]
right-wing fanatics "over there" would jump for joy if eu suddently was hit by a metorite or worse, but to trace birth of eu to adolf hitler...? man, you must know something rest of the world obviously has missed. it seems far too late to give you history lessons, but if there is [u]any[/u] reliable source supporting your statement, maybe you can be so kind and provide a link, ok?
where does this fear of nazis, asia (china, india?) come from? weakness?
This is kind of a silly discussion.
The #1 country in that survey, for some reason you didn't include it, is NIGERIA!
Now Nigeria is DEFINITELY a place people miss when they move away and want to go back there, and there is definitely a lot people like about that place (believe it or not it's true), but there's also a great deal of suffering mixed in with that happiness...
One could formulate the theory that both extremes tend to complement each other, that is in places where there is a lot of suffering there tends to be a lot of exuberance on the other end of things to make up for it, whereas places in the middle tend to be just 'grey' but at the bottom of that list are many EE countries where there is definitely lots of mass suffering as well, and people are miserable according to the survey and suicide rates are high.
In the end it's a meaningless statistic at best IMO. You'll be EXTREMELY happy in Colombia if you are an immigrant who bought a house, rode the real estate wave up and sold at a healthy profit and are repatriating with all that money, you'll be in the depths of misery if you get embroiled with organized crime down there or if you are one of the few million displaced people. Most people are going to be somewhere in the middle obviously.
What should matter is where and how YOU are going to be happy YOURSELF.
Edit: I was thinking of a different survey with different criteria, where Colombia IS still #2 and Nigeria is #1. I just went through the whole pdf. Interesting but it still doesn't sell to me :P
[QUOTE=Leeuwen]Germans along with French among the most unhappy people in the world? "It is very well known"? Says who? FoxNews? Quick search on the net and guess what I found.
Out if 178 countries in [url=http://www.neweconomics.org/gen/uploads/dl44k145g5scuy453044gqbu11072006194758.pdf]world happiness index[/url] (quite ambitious document) following contenders are positioned as:
2. Colombia
5. Panama
6. Cuba
81. Germany
129. France
139. Australia
150. United States of America
174. Ukraine
So you were wrong again, but let's agree on you having [u]highly subjective[/u] views and opinions.
Life of an immigrant involves many hurdles, and Germany is no exception. However everybody is free to leave.
Right-wing fanatics "over there" would jump for joy if EU suddently was hit by a metorite or worse, but to trace birth of EU to Adolf Hitler...? Man, you must know something rest of the world obviously has missed. It seems far too late to give you history lessons, but if there is [u]any[/u] reliable source supporting your statement, maybe you can be so kind and provide a link, ok?
Where does this fear of Nazis, Asia (China, India?) come from? Weakness?[/QUOTE]
Kind of strange that a Dutchman would be offended by myself insulting Germans. Europe being linked by